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The Birthright Compendium

Being a modest collection of no great pretense.

Hello! What you’re looking at is pretty straightforward: a bunch of fan-made birthrights,

as submitted in this thread on the White Wolf forums, no polish or balancing. The name
of the game is giving you ideas for your own birthrights. Scion’s birthright system is by
far the most flexible part of character creation, so I always find it a shame when players
don’t take advantage of this.

Anyway, a few notes on the rules:

1) Other than formatting, and maybe a little spelling and grammar, everything is included exactly as it
was presented by its creator, so core rules, I'll mention them if they're mentioned.

2) I'm ordering things by increasing number of dots, but related relics will be posted together based on
the highest dot rating of the group (secondary relics will be marked with an asterisk immediately
before their title).

3) For citations: I’m just listing the names of contributors at the bottom, for simplicity.

On to the birthrights!

● Relics
○ Level 1
○ Level 2
○ Level 3
○ Level 4
○ Level 5
● Creatures
● GuidesSanctums

1-dot Relics

Coatl-Barrel Musket (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

If there’s one really unpopular guy among the Aztecs, it’d have to be Hernan Cortez. But not
many present day Scions are aware that the architect of the Aztec genocide was in fact a Scion
of their Gods.
Quetzalcoatl had hoped that his son via a Spanish noblewoman would overthrow the brutality of
Tenochtitlan’s rule and create a new, kinder Aztec empire. But, the best laid plans of gods and
men oft go awry, and Cortez was a brutal dictator and the Spanish eradicated most of
Mesoamerica’s knowledge and writing as heretical.
Still, one of the Plumed Serpents’ gifts to his son remains, a flintlock musket, its barrel welded in
the shape of a coatl. The musket never need reloading and will never run out of ammunition.
However, if the rumors are true, and Cortez is still alive… well, a Scion may find the man
demanding his weapon back…
The Coatl-Barrel Musket never runs out of ammunition and never needs to be reloaded.

Coin Purse (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

This coin purse always contains two Greek coins to be used in death rites.

Death Watch (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

This gold pocket watch tells time perfectly, as well as never needing to be wound.
In addition, when the button opening the watch is held down, the face of the watch converts to
that of a stopwatch with a red hand counting down to zero. The timer indicates when the next
death in the general region will occur. (The Scion has yet to determine what the parameters of
"general region" are, and has been unwilling to perform the necessary empirical test to
determine the Range.)

Embrace Villette, "Fondest Embrace" (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

A small compass in appearance, it is nothing remarkable. It functions unerringly as a compass
and will always point north. While holding the compass, should the Scion focus on a desire for
great challenge, the needle shall cease pointing north and instead point towards a worthy
adversary (i.e. one that is within the power tier of the Scion. The adversary will be one who is
actively opposed to the Scion or their goals).

Olympian Express Credit Card (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique )

Often given to young Scions when they first go away to college, if this special piece of plastic
has a bottom, no Scion has yet to reach it.
This credit card grants its owner immunity from financial problems. They could charter a last-
minute private jet from Paris to Beijing, rent out a villa suite in a 5 star hotel for a month, and
take their friends out for a lavish dinner at the most expensive restaurant in New York City, but
they couldn’t feed a continent nor buy Google.

Preservation Salve (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

This small jar could easily be mistaken for facial cream, as the only identifying marks on it is an
Ankh. The cream itself would likely make an excellent moisturizer; however, that is not its
intended purpose. Instead it acts as a perfect preservative of dead flesh, halting all decay. The
jar is always full each time it is opened, regardless of previous use.
Sunshades (Relic 1: 1-dot Boon)
These sunglasses are pure shadow, drawn from the darkness on the edge of Tartarus by Hades
himself. They help see through the dark places of the Underworld.
Wearing these sunglasses grants the use of the Night Eyes (Darkness 1) Boon.

Valkyrie’s Secret (Relic 1: 1-dot Unique)

This matching set of indestructible bra and panties is sold from a shop in Valhalla that mostly
serves Valkyries.
They’re lacy, very becoming, and less uncomfortable than one might think.

2-dot Relics
Aphrodite’s Claddagh Ring (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Emotion (Love))
In the late 1800s during the Irish Literary Renaissance, Aphrodite met a dashing scion of Lugh
while schmoozing in Dublin. Early into their twenty-year-long on-and-off affair, he gave her a
simple gold Claddagh ring which she wore on her finger nearly every day. He eventually settled
down with a nice shopgirl from Galway and lived a long and happy life with her, but he and
Aphrodite parted on good terms, so she continued to wear the ring from time to time, heart
pointed out.
This ring grants access to the Emotion (Love) Purview.
If the wearer places it on her left-hand ring finger point facing outward, and spends a point of
Legend while glancing at a crowd, she can make a (Perception + Empathy) roll to instantly learn
who in the crowd would make good romantic matches, as well as roughly how good together
they would be. A greater number of successes reveals more couples, couplings that would be
trickier to call, and/or better information about their compatibility level, at the Storyteller’s
discretion. This power only works on couples physically present; if the Scion wants to
matchmake for someone and can’t find a match right away, she might need to do some legwork.

Aviator Goggles (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Sky)

These World War 1-era aviator goggles are in excellent shape if well worn. When the Scion
received the goggles, the attached note from Thor explained that he had found that frequently
while flying he would get bugs in his eyes and that he has found these goggles to have been a
great help in deflecting unwanted insects.
The goggles grant access to the Sky Purview, and give 2 automatic success on perception
when worn over the eyes, as well as insuring that no bugs pester the Scion.

Blue Rose Infuser (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Magic)

Baba Yaga, the Little Grandmother, ages one year every time she is asked a question. In order
to restore her youth, she brews a tea from blue roses.
This sterling silver tea infuser once belonged to the Slavic witch-woman and the blue rose tea
inside it can be used forever without going stale or wearing out. When the owner of the infuser
drinks the blue rose tea it makes, he or she is restored to the prime of life. For as long as the
Scion owns the infuser, they are considered to have the Eternal Youth Knack. Further, drinking
the tea provides access to the Magic Purview for one day per cup of tea drunk.

Divine Wedding Ring (Relic 2: two 1-dot Uniques; see text)

A simple gold band or modest diamond solitaire, these rings are made to order based on an
ancient design going back further than anyone can remember.
In addition to being exceptionally well-made and timelessly elegant, all divine wedding rings are
completely unbreakable for as long as the parties remain married; when the parties are in love,
even Ultimate Strength or the full blast of a Greater Titan could not destroy it. The ring also pays
the Legend cost of My Eyes Are Up Here.
Most divine wedding rings also come with extra powers. Granting the use of Vigil Brand for one
extra dot is a particularly common one, as is allowing the wearer to channel a purview (in which
case the ring will have some sort of appropriate engraving or different gemstone), but many
powers are possible.

Ever-Blooming Poinsettia (Relic 2: Fertility, Health)

The poinsettia flower, or cuetlaxochitl (a much more pejorative name), was used by the Aztecs
as a red dye and as a medicine to reduce fever. Nowadays, it is used as a symbol of Jesus
Christ, the flower's red color symbolizing the blood spilt at Jesus' crucifixion. Quetzalcoatl, a god
often conflated with Jesus Christ, likes to use the flower as a symbol of the syncretism between
the two religions and as a symbol of life. A poinsettia flower plucked from the Plumed Serpent's
garden will never wilt, as the god's blood fills it with the tenacity of life.
An Ever-Blooming Poinsettia grants its owner access to the Fertility and Health purviews.

Goblet of Truth (Relic 2: two 1-dot Uniques)

A goblet owned by Manannan mac Lir that was given as a gift to Lugh. It is said that if a lie was
spoken with the goblet near, it would crack. If three lies were spoken then the Goblet would
shatter. If three truths were spoken near the shattered Goblet, it would piece itself back together
and be like new.
*The Goblet cracks whenever a lie is told. Functions like the knack Takes One to Know One, but
if the Scion has that knack, then the Goblet amplifies their perceptions and will crack even if the
liar is using God’s Honest. Once three lies are told, the Goblet shatters and remains broken until
the truth is spoken three times in the Goblet’s presence.
Whoever causes the Goblet to break is automatically Fatebound to the owner of the Goblet with
a Strength of 1.

Golden Harmonica (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Sun)

Apollo's love of music sometimes veers onto unexpected paths.
The Golden Harmonica allows its owner to use Boons of the Sun Purview. In addition, they may
add their Legend in bonus dice to a Charisma + Art roll to play the Harmonica.

Hospital Tag (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Health)

This tag changes so that it always states that the wearer is a patient at the nearest hospital. It
also grants the wearer access to the Health purview.
The King’s Amphora (Relic 2: 2-dot Unique)
A thin, lily-white amphora, this vessel is without adornment of any kind except for a single
hairline crack down its body. Twelve inches from top to bottom and four inches across at the
shoulder, it is small as amphorae go.
Back when Greece was composed of city-states, it was the custom of the Underworld of Hades
to allow dead Kings to be given water from the river Lethe from an amphora fired by
Hephaestus himself, so they would not have to stoop to drink like their subjects. For most kings,
this was honor enough, but when King Leonidas of Sparta was handed the amphora, he hurled
it into the river where it struck a rock and cracked, swearing not to drink the forgetting waters
until either his city or the Persian Empire fell. The amphora was retrieved, but as it was marred it
was no longer suitable for this task.Thenceforth, kings were made to stoop like everyone else.
This amphora met the demise of its function in the River Lethe, and it has never really left. The
thin crack in its side consequently works backwards: each day, it lets seep into the vessel a
mouthful of waters from the River Lethe, up to seven total mouthfuls. Drinking at least a
mouthful of the water causes the drinker to completely and irrevocably forget everything from
the past 24 hours; only a use of Ultimate Intelligence or a draught from the River Mnemosyne
can restore the drinker’s memory of the day (other methods may also be available, but the
target will not regain his or her memories without the intervention of extraordinary means).
The water quickly loses its potency after being removed from the amphora. It can be slipped into
someone's drink, but it cannot be stored. The vessel cannot erase memories more than 24
hours in the past, no matter how many mouthfuls are drunk.
The amphora once held eight mouthfuls of water, and it is said eight is the number required to
induce complete forgetfulness.

Leica Instant Camera (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique ability, Illusion)

A birthday present to help take travel pictures, this high-quality instant camera is always ready
to go. If you look at it too long, though, you’ll notice the light doesn’t quite bend around its edges
like it should.
This camera never runs out of film or battery power and allows the use of Boons from the
Illusion Purview.

Ptah's Toy Boat (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Psychopomp)

A seemingly simple child's toy at first glance, this carved wooden boat shows increasingly
intricate details the closer one looks, right down to truly impossible filigree at the microscopic
The Boat’s’ connection to Iteru allows its owner to channel the Psychopomp Purview. By tossing
the Boat onto the water, the Scion can turn it into a working vessel the size of a moderate yacht.
(The 3-Dot version of this item can also transform into a large land-based vehicle, such as a
freight truck or a bus.)

Star-River-Bed Jewel (Relic 2: 1-dot Unique, Stars)

Grants access to the Stars purview. A jewel taken from the riverbed of the Milky Way in Tian,
this Relic grant the Stars Purview. When in use, it also causes any nearby birds to sing in
orchestral symphony like the birds of Tian. This may add a +1 equipment bonus to certain rolls,
such as adding to a Stealth roll by providing a distraction.
The second effect is also available by taking one of Tian's birds as a 1-Dot Creature.

The Titanium Stallion (Relic 2: Psychopomp, 1-Dot Unique)

Designed by Manannan mac Lir himself, this midnight-blue mountain bike is the epitome of
muscle-powered technology. Ok, so it looks a little beat-up and shabby, but every single part of
this thing is totally indestructible, even the rubber wheels. You may not always know where
you're going, but when on the Titanium Stallion, you'll always knows how to get there: the bike
allows access to the Psychopomp Purview.

*Banshee Bell (Relic 1: Connection [Titanium Stallion])

A normal-looking silver bike bell, the Banshee Bell is detachable and will summon the Titanium
Stallion when rung to the left if the ringer also spends a point of Legend. The Banshee Bell
cannot summon the Titanium Stallion while stolen, nor can it summon the Titanium Stallion if the
owner gives the bike to someone until they get it back the old fashioned way. It can summon a
stolen Titanium Stallion, however.
The Banshee Bell is also quite loud when rung to the right, though this is merely cosmetic.

Toga Trabea (Relic 2: 2-dot Unique)

This length of cloth is dyed solid purple to announce the divine heritage of the wearer and to
give fair warning to those who would cross the Gods.
In deference to the change in styles since the height of the Roman Empire, its wearer can
change its style on a whim, but it will always remain some shade of purple (or even several
shades of purple, if that's your thing).
Attacking the wearer of the Toga Trabea is unwise, as divine retribution follows swiftly. If
attacked, the wearer rolls Stamina + Fortitude, the successes gained are immediately applied
as damage (subject to soak etc) against the attacker. The type of damage (bashing, lethal,
aggravated) matches that which would be dealt by the triggering attack.

3-dot Relics
Charon’s Lantern (Relic 3: 1 Knack enhancement, Death, Psychopomp)
An ornate black-iron lantern once used by Charon to help ferry the dead across the waters of
the River Styx, its light is mixed with the blackened shadows of dead men.If the wielder wills it,
the dark ghosts will pour out and surround his body like a wailing breeze.
While in possession of this lantern, the scion's Body Armor knack has a mobility penalty of 0.
The Lantern also allows the use of Boons from the Death and Psychopomp Purviews.

Christophe, Lucinda, Jean Robert, Tatiana, Francklyn & Odette (Relic 3: 2-dot Unique,
These firearms are two matched sets of thee dual shot derringers, each is shining silver with
intricate etchings along the metal and bone grips.
Erzulie commissioned the pistols from Ogoun and then set about sacrificing and stuffing Erzulie
Je Wouj's only remaining friends, half a dozen large doves named Christophe, Lucinda, Jean
Robert, Tatiana, Francklyn and Odette. Erzulie fashioned the grips from the skulls of the birds,
etching deep into their surface prayers of resurrection and obedience inked in their own blood.
Erzulie blessed the derringers with a tearful whispered mourning as Ogoun assembled the final
The set of six uses the template for a pair of Peacemakers and allows access to the Guardian
Purview. Erzulie knows the value of a secret shared between friends and each pistol can be
transformed into a dove that will listen and take a message or small item, such as a key or rolled
up piece of paper, to any designated person the scion instructs as long as they are on the same
plane of existence.
Upon close inspection, the bird are very obviously taxidermy dummies that have been
reanimated into a zombie semblance of their former selves. When speaking their message, they
will do so in a raspy whisper and can take a short message back to their master, but can not
form messages of their own.
Each derringer can be transformed into one bird by speaking its name and expending one
Legend, that's six separate birds with the expenditure of six Legend, and while it is in this form
the Scion does not have access to that weapon. If a bird is destroyed it's companion weapon is
gone as well unless the corpse can be retrieved, in which case a simple ritual involving more
fresh avian blood will restore it to full unlife. Treat a dove as a small zombie with no attacks, but
due to the magic powering them, they can fly at speeds of up to Mach One.

Crown of Every Victory (Relic 3: 2-dot Unique, War)

A seemingly delicate crown of golden laurel leaves meant to adorn the head of a triumphant
conqueror; this circlet grants access to the War Purview and doubles the wearer's attack
successes for the purposes of determining damage dice.

Eisenhände (Relic 3: 2 Item Enhancements, 1-dot Unique)

Thor is famed for using a weapon so mighty that without Megingjord and Jarngreipr, his belt of
strength and gauntlets of iron, that even he would be unable to wield it. Stormbringer, a new
weapon comparable to Mjolnir, is of similar potency. These hand wraps were made to be less
obtrusive in the modern world, but still allow a worthy Scion to wield the weapon. They were
crafted by the dwarves, who fashioned it as they fashioned Gleipnir, the mighty fetter that binds
the Fenris wolf.
The Eisenhände have the following properties: Any melee attack made with them has +2
Accuracy. Furthermore, any weapon thrown from hands that are wrapped in the Eisenhände will
automatically return to the thrower's hand immediately.

Fenrir Cloak (Relic 3: 1-Dot Item Enhancement, Animal, Moon)

A young Scion once saved a small child from a large wolf. The wolf was one of the Fenrir, the
child a dwarf. Her father made this cloak for his daughter's rescuer, from the hide of the one
who tried to harm her.
The cloak provides access to the Purviews of Animal and Moon. It also counts as heavy leather
clothing with +1 to its Soak values.

Firestorm (Relic 3: 2-dot Unique, Fire)

The wood grip for Firestorm has been carved from the blackened wood of what used to be an
ash spear carved from Yggdrasil and used during the original capture and imprisonment of the
avatars of fire. Originally thought to be burned beyond all use the dwarfs of Asgard have been
able to strip away the outer wood and use the scorched center to forge a birthright capable of
channeling the heat and raw aggression of a blazing inferno.
This large, belt fed machine pistol has a blackened wooden pistol grip angled backwards to
accommodate long pulls of the trigger while maximizing accuracy, it's about a foot long with
most of that being the iron barrel inlaid with runic carvings that slowly etch themselves into the
gun to chronicle the scions greatest triumphs.
Firestorm uses the FN P90 template and doubles the ammunition capacity as well as granting
access to the Fire purview. The belts and casings for the ammunition it uses are the reforged
remnants of the iron chains previously destroyed while trying to bind Fenris, they understand
their new purpose and will sway and loosely bind around the scions arms, legs and neck to
keep from getting in the way while they fight.
The raw power embodied by the raging flames locked deep within Firestorm's form can be
coaxed to the surface by a scion with the will to do so. By spending one legend and
concentrating on the ever present heat radiating from the grip of the weapon; the scion wielding
Firestorm can cause the barrel to become white hot for the duration of the scene. While in this
state the weapon clearly radiates heat waves and it's touch will burn flesh, dealing 1L to anyone
without magical or mundane protection against fire, turn small quantities of water to roiling
steam and set alight combus tible material it is touched to; but, more importantly, the scion is
considered to be in physical contact with a campfire sized conflagration for any boon that so
requires it. Firestorm's previous form begs to be released once more and anytime the Blazing
Weapon boon is used with Firestorm as its originating source it will produce a one handed

General Winter's Rifle (Relic 3: two 1-dot Uniques, Frost)

The weapon appears by default as a Mosin–Nagant rifle fashioned of unmelting black ice.
It never runs out of ammunition and leaves no casings behind because the rifle pulls water from
the air and freezes it into bullets. The bullets will melt away in an hour or two, leaving no trace. If
its owner spends one point of Legend, the Rifle will melt and refreeze into the shape of any
other hand-held firearm. It also provides access to the Frost Purview.

iDeath (Relic 3: five ?-dot Uniques)

Given by Hades and Persephone, this black iPhone has a Cerberus on it's case. The phone can
shift into a laptop and allows her to call any of the dead at anytime. It does not run out of power
and always works anywhere.
Incoming (app): tells the scion when and how someone is going to die in the near future.

The Nimbus Skateboard (Relic 3: 1-dot Unique, 2-dot Boon)

Legend says that Sun Wukong took the skateboard of one of his more mischievous Scions and
imbued within it a fragment of the power of his own Nimbus. To anyone looking at it, the Nimbus
Skateboard looks like any normal skateboard with a Cloud pattern on it's underside that is
similar to the art of ancient China.
This skateboard has two unique powers. First, the Nimbus Skateboard's owner can summon the
board at any time. The user must simply reach out his hand and call for it. The skateboard will
immediately rush from it's starting place to it's owner, avoiding (or breaking) any obstacles in it's
The second unique power is that by doing an ollie on the skateboard and spending a point of
Legend and Willpower, the skateboard's wheels transform into small yellow clouds. The user
can now ride the skateboard through the sky as if he were using the Wind's Freedom Boon.

Orion's Belt (Relic 3: two 1-dot Uniques, Stars)

Orion was an adopted Scion of Artemis, an amazing hunter and the only man Artemis ever
considered for a consort. Apollo disapproved of Orion's closeness to his sister, so when Gaia
sent a typhonian scorpion to slay Orion, he shone light in Artemis' eyes, making her strike Orion
instead of the scorpion. In grief, Artemis beseeched her father Zeus to take Orion's body into
the sky, turning him into one of the most recognizable constellations in the world.
Orion's Belt is a simple leather strap adorned with three silver disks across its front, which some
mortals insist shine with their own light. The belt aids the hunter, adding the wearer's Legend to
Perception + Survival rolls. Additionally, the belt grants unlimited ammunition for any ranged
weapon he favors, so the Scion is never at a loss when facing even the most dangerous quarry.
Lastly, the belt, hung so famously in the night sky, grants the wearer access to the Stars

Orna (Relic 3: 1-dot Enhancement, Birthright Connection, War) (Guide 4)

A sword seized from Tethra, a Fomorian king, during the Battle of Mag Tuired by the god Ogma.
Once drawn from its sheath, Orna began to recount the deeds performed with it. Uses spatha
*War purview
*+1 Damage
*When unsheathed for a reason other than battle (and it always knows) the sword can speak.
Orna can be treated as a (Guide.4).
The sword has seen many battles and can recount its owners’ deeds from any of them. As the
weapon of a Fomorian king, the sword is quite knowledgeable about the Titans, particularly
Crom Cruach. Be cautious as the sword will prefer the side of the Fomorians until its owner
proves herself.

Raven Hair Feather (Relic 3: 1-dot unique, Psychopomp, Illusion)

A single feather, from either Hugin or Munin, is gifted to the Scion. The ravens are often sent by
the All-Father to perform visitations not only for his Scions, but for the Scions of other Aesir. To
Odin's Scions, however, they sometimes part with one of their feathers; always at the All-
Father’s request.
This relic allows a Scion to channel the Psychopomp and Illusion purviews. It also has a second
use: when it is threaded into someone's hair (a popular fashion trend these days), as long as
the relic is not manipulated in an obvious fashion, others remain unaware of it's existence. This
functions identically to The Subtle Knife power from Illusion but costs no Legend to activate.
Rosie's Wrench (Relic 3: two 1-dot Uniques, Industry)[/b]
First appearing during World War 2 in the hands of a young daughter of Hephaestus, this Relic
has been replicated or passed around until the basic design is fairly common for mechanically-
minded Scions.
The Wrench can transform itself into any simple tool if its owner spends a point of Legend. If the
owner spends 3 points instead, the Wrench can become any sort of hand-held industrial tool.
Rosie’s Wrench confers upon its owner the benefits of the Tireless Worker Knack and grants
access to the Industry Purview.
(Note: This Relic uses Industry/Scire/Forge as an All-Purpose Purview.)

Trickster's Mask (Relic 2: 2-dot Boon, Illusion)

This Mask was a favorite during some Native American tribes when retelling the stories of their
This particular mask depicts Coyote and allows access to the Illusion purview as well as the use
of the 2 dot Illusion Boon “Stolen Face.”

Tree of Life Amulet (Relic 3: Fertility, Water, a1-Dot Unique)

This amulet appears to have been carved from a small piece of oak. It has a burnt-in image of a
river wrapped around the roots of a big stylized tree, but is otherwise unremarkable.
In fact, bearing this amulet is quite the responsibility! In the mid 2010s, the Tree of Life, a huge
oak tree connecting everything to everything (which was itself a touchstone), was utterly
destroyed by the Titans. Some say it was this event that forced the gods to hole up inside their
Overworlds, but this could easily be mere watercooler gossip.
In any case, the amulet contains a single seed from the Tree of Life floating in a dash of the
primordial waters. This may even be the last seed of the Tree of Life, but this, too, is hearsay. It
is said that some day, the seed shall awaken and crack open the amulet, and when that
happens it will be planted right there to grow into a new Tree of Life.
The amulet also allows access to the Fertility and Water purviews.

Sacrificial Chalice (Relic 3: 3-dot Unique)

This intricately carved silver chalice was used during thousands of human sacrifices. It caught
the sacrificial blood as it poured from the altars so that a direct offering could be made to the
This object doubles the Legend award given by an Itzli Boon if the blood resulting from the ritual
is placed within. The chalice was always used by the priests often hundreds times a day, and
because of this it requires at least one sacrifice through the use of Itzli every day, or else it
absorbs as a sacrifice a piece of the soul of the last person that used it. That person loses 1
Willpower point for every day it remains unused. If his Willpower ever reaches 0 because of this,
his soul is completely absorbed as an offering to the Gods.

Winged Shield (Relic 3: 1-dot Enhancement, 1-dot Boon Enhancement,

While it ordinarily resembles a mundane Aztec Shield made of wicker and adorned with
beautiful feathers, this shield, when activated, sprouts four emerald-green quetzal wings. The
shield is circular and one meter in diameter and can be strapped easily to the Scion's arm or
back. The shield's pattern resembles a coatl curled in upon itself.
The wings are extended for the cost of 1L. They add +1 to the Aztec Shield template, and
double the movement rate of a Scion when using the Sky Boon Wind's Freedom. For another
1L, it may summon a coatl.

4-dot Relics
The Club Olympus Saxophone (Relic 4: 1-dot Item Enhancement, Mystery, Emotion
(Hope), Emotion (Despair))
This beautiful brass saxophone is an exceptionally well-made instrument, though it shows a
surprising economy of style for such a masterpiece, and much loving wear. Forged by
Hephaestus and blessed by Apollo and Dionysus, it was played by nearly every famous
saxophonist in the mortal world (and rather a few gods) from the 20s to the 60s in Olympus
when jazz and the blues were all the rage.
The Olympus Sax allows the use of boons from the Emotion (Hope), Emotion (Despair), and
Mystery purviews. Additionally, it adds the player's Legend rating to all (Charisma+Art
(Saxophone)) rolls she makes with it as the instrument attunes itself to the user's style.

*Sax Case (Relic 2: two 1-dot Uniques)

Aphrodite had Hephaestus whip this up for her to give the Olympus Sax a decent way to travel
the world. Made from the wood of a tree in Hades that has no name and iron taken from the
broken chains of Prometheus and reforged to be unbreakable, this case is a perfect fit for the
Sax and has enough extra space inside to neatly hold all the instrument accessories you could
This sax case is invulnerable to harm, and it extends this property to all objects it contains.
Additionally, it can only be opened by its rightful owner.

Fenris Arms Collapsible Baton (Relic 3: 2-dot Unique, Guardian)

Other than a distinctive wolf head logo, the baton appears like any other collapsible metal baton.
However when wielded in defense of another (as described in a stunt) the Scion counts as
having Epic Strength of one dot higher than they currently possess.

Greek Fire Cloth (Relic 4: 2-dot Unique, Fire, War)

This was one of Ares favorite inventions of the old times, the new variants have not failed to
impress either. The original Greek fire was simply a flammable cloth wrapped around a stone
and hurled at the enemy, Ares has fashioned two fragmentation grenade pouches out of some
of the original fabric. Bronze fasteners hold the pouches shut and allow them to be attached to a
belt or PALS webbing.
The pouches allow access to both the Fire and War purviews. In addition, a Scion may spend
one or two points of legend to fill one or both closed pouches with one grenade each. A pouch
may not be refilled via supernatural means prior to the previous grenade being used.
An alternate version of the same birthright is a small shoulder bag with bronze clasps and
enough room for two Molotov cocktails. The same legend expenditure can be used to create up
to two cocktails within the pouch with the same limitation on how many may exist at one time.
When not housing its intended cargo the bag may be used to carry any number of other small
items, just as any other bag could. One interesting feature is that the bag always has a lighter
within, however often it will not be the same lighter that was there previously.

'Happy' Heels (Relic 4: 3-dot Unique, 1-dot Enhancement)

Dance in the shoes and roll Charisma + Art (Dance) to incite lust in targets within (Legend x 5
yards). You can also change the shoes’ appearance at will, because no one wants to be stuck
with the same shoes.

Rose Whip/Bloom of Glory (Relic 3: 1-dot Unique, Ranged, Fertility) OR (Creature 1/Relic
4: 1-dot Unique, Ranged, Connection [Creature], Fertility)
The Bloom of Glory looks like a typical blue rose, a mystical and truly rare breed indeed. It is
capable of becoming a long thorny whip
This flower is able to strike at far away targets (up to Legend*5 yards away) as the rose petals
curl around the hand for a tighter grip.
But once Demigod status is gained, the Scion is given an option: to keep the flower in its natural
state of eternal budding, or to be implanted into the Scion, becoming a part of them; to grow and
flourish as it was truly intended. To this effect the viney stem will grow down the length of the
Scion’s arm to continue acting as a tool in combat, or just as an extra hand when needed -- a
natural state of symbiosis. When not needed the flower shall simply return to its resting perch
upon their shoulder as a mark of true beauty.
Due to the flower power that the Rose naturally upholds, it also gives the Scion access to the
Fertility purview.

Sands of Agrabah (Creature 1/Relic 4: 1-dot Unique, 2-dot Unique, Earth)

From the outside this seems like an ornate, but rather average canteen. The designs showing
scenes from 1001 Nights, but not of any story that's ever been told before. It depicts the
downfall of a great city long lost, and its reacquisition by the desert upon which it rests.
The Canteen itself allows power over the Earth Purview, & when the canteen is uncorked the
sands shown upon the outside, seemingly flow from the canteen as if endlessly. This creates a
near infinite flow that would threaten to engulf an area if not stopped by reclosing the receptacle.
Once it is, however, the sands seem to flow and swirl as if blown by an unseen force. This
unseen force being the Spirit of the Sands itself, a descendant of the Spirit of the Desert that
consumed the ancient city of Agrabah.
If the wielder focuses on its control over the Spirit however, dictated by a roll of (Manipulation +
Presence), they can cause an amount of sand, in cubic feet equal to the successes, to move to
their whims. This sand is capable of bunching itself together to form a weak shield being able to
block attacks at a soak of equal to the wielder's own & with a Hardness of merely 4. The Spirit
also has the finite motion needed to grip small needed items, or hit buttons of a control board
while being able to flow through cracks.
Through the power of the Canteen, and with the expenditure of a point of Legend, the Scion can
reach out and touch the sand, making an extended (Dexterity + Presence) roll in order to
forcibly take control from said Spirit, giving them tricks of their own to try. This is equivalent to
the Control Water boon, but only acts upon the sand. They can stiffen the sand beneath their
feet in order to walk upon it without penalty, even forcing it to take the shape of momentary
aides such as the rungs of a ladder, or a bridge. They are also capable of forming the same
shield as the Spirit, though this doesn't give them the ability to know when an attack might be
coming, which the Spirit might have foreseen. They are even capable of moving through the
sand increasing Dodge DV by an amount equal to Legend as long as they do nothing but
dodge. Going this route however, causes the net successes to affect the number of actions that
allow control in such a manner, rather than the amount of sand. The amount in turn is in cubic
yards, based upon how many dots of Legend the Scion has. Also they unfortunately can not
exert command enough to restrain or inflict direct physical damage against an opponent.

Seven of Hearts (Relic 4: 2-dot Unique, Death, Magic)

Once upon a time, Hermes, Baron Samedi, JFK, Odin, and Legba were playing a game of cards
with Death himself. It was supposed to be a friendly game between guys, but Death was playing
for keeps (as always) and hand after hand beat the others silly. During a bathroom break, the
gods hatched a plan for how to beat Death at his own game. None of the players have ever
spoken of the details of the plan and it is rumored that even the Moirae themselves would be
hard-pressed to see through the powerful ward they wrought, but the one thing known is that the
river card was the Jack of Hearts, and it allowed JFK to win. Death declared that only a powerful
magic would allow his skill at cards to be overcome, and so the card became mighty. It was
passed around the divine community for many years until Aphrodite acquired it as thank-you gift
from an Aesir demigod she helped find love.
This card is indestructible and allows the bearer to channel the Death and Magic purviews. The
rightful owner can also cheat death while the card is in her possession (up to once per scene),
an ability that previous owners have used a total of four times so far. Any time something
happens that would’ve killed the bearer, they remain alive (and conscious if they so choose),
though any damage the event caused them otherwise remains.
However, each time the card so saves its bearer, it goes down a number (from 7 to 6, from 6 to
5, and so on) until it becomes an Ace of Spades, after which point it changes to just a picture of
a scythe and loses its “cheat death” ability. In the case of a continuous effect (such as falling
into boiling lava), the number drops by one and protects the bearer for a single action. This
effect usually manifests as improbable circumstances conspiring to save the bearer, but can
sometimes more blatantly thumb its nose at Death.

Tisis (Relic 4: three 1-dot Uniques, Justice)

Tisis is a sword made a very long time ago, no one knows by whom, forgotten by most. That is
because few are worthy enough to wield it. The sword is made of solid quicksilver, forged in
dragon’s breath and cooled in the waters of Cocytus, one of the five rivers of Hades. Etched in
the blade is the word Tisis -- the name of the sword in ancient Greek, which means
Tisis resembles a spatha and grants access to Justice purview.
In order to wield Tisis, one must have a Vengeance score value of 4 or higher. If the wielder's
vengeance is lower than that, he loses 1 Willpower each turn he holds it, as the weight of past
transgressions come to mind, until his Willpower score reaches 0 when he drops it, deeply
shocked as past guilts fill his mind. It can create the emotion of guilt within a target struck by it.
This Requires a (Charisma + Presence + Legend) roll, opposed by target’s (Willpower +Integrity
+ Legend), and lasts for a number of hours equal to the number of successes over the
opponent’s roll. For as long as this lasts, the victim tries to make amends for past
transgressions (from the most serious to the least serious) according to what he knows to be
right and wrong.
Tisis can transform into a mundane item of equal size.

5-dot Relics
The Screaming Dark (Relic 5: 1-dot Enhancement, 1-dot Unique, 2-dot Unique, Chaos)
The Screaming Dark is the first arquebus fired against the Aztec people by the conquistadors.
Stolen from a museum exhibit after centuries long decay all that remains of it's original structure
is it's magically restored wooden frame and stock, the long corroded metal has been replaced
with expertly beaten gold and held together with obsidian pins. A smooth stone ramrod rests
beneath the barrel. Where once a match would have been held for igniting the powder a glowing
sliver of volcanic hot obsidian rests to ensure proper ignition with each pull of the trigger.
The Screaming Dark adds +1L to the Remington template and allows access to the Chaos
Producing a thick gout of smoke each time it's fired the scion wielding the weapon may spend a
point of legend and cause the smoky cloud to linger, obscuring from view her and her allies to
enemy attack. The smoke parts just enough in the proper places when needed to prevent from
inhibiting their own strikes and shots while still providing +1 DV to all allies within a 15 foot
radius of the originating shot, if another obscuring cloud is created the original dissipates
immediately. The Screaming Dark is much louder than any firearm around today and will
actually let out a screeching thunderous roar when it's obscuring smoke power is activated.
It's original owner, who had been captured and sacrificed to the gods shortly after turning his
weapon on their people, has been bound the the weapon as a ghostly servant to reload and
clean the device for his Scion master, effectively granting unlimited ammunition for the weapon
as long as the Scion is willing to let the ghost handle reloading after each shot. In addition, if his
services are used on a daily basis to clean and realign the weapon, it will retain it's standard +3
Accuracy bonus and 200 Range; otherwise it, while still remaining the pinnacle of it's design for
the time period, will drop to a 60 Range with no Accuracy bonus. The ghost goes where the
weapon goes, and as long the Scion remains within the same dimension as the weapon, the
ghost can and will get it to them before their next shot.
Rendered mute when his tongue was cut out during his last moments alive, the ghost can only
communicate in gestures. If he harbors any resentment for his new duties and/or long-ago
death at the tip of a knife, he shows no outward signs of it to the Scion, but others may notice a
note of sadness in his eyes, or a remorseful touch to the still gaping hole where his heart used
to beat, when the Scion is not looking. Having been held in captivity for several centuries, he
knows nothing of the modern world, and indeed does not even seem to notice or care about
anything other than his assigned duties as weapon keeper. He has actually been driven quite
mad by his ordeal and does not have the mental faculties to in any way warn or inform his
master of any situation other than the weapon needing maintenance of some sort. At the ghost's
discretion, he may manifest in armor or clothing appropriate to his original station and time
period; any Atzlanti Scion or god may also force his manifestation to resemble the garb he was
sacrificed in. No matter what he wears, he still bears the horrific wounds signifying the form of
his death which will occasionally still bleed a vaporous red tinted ichor which quickly seeps
through his clothing only to vanish on the winds. No matter his dress he will always have the
tools ready in combat to attend to his assigned duties.
Note: With the varied magic at their disposal, a powerful Scion or God may be able to restore a
sense of humanity to the ghostly servant bound to the weapon. By allocating Birthright dots as a
Guide, the ghost may in fact have much more to contribute than just ammunition and

The Bosshank (Relic 5: Connection [Ghosts], 1-dot Unique, 2-dot Unique, Death)
The Bosshank is an improvised knife made out of a metal spoon with a sharpened tang hidden
in its wooden handle. This weapon was used to kill a particularly brutal slave owner during a
mass escape.
It grants access to the Death Purview, and can be used to summon one or more of the ghosts of
the people killed by the slave owner during the years before the escape, provided that they have
been taken as a Guide or Followers. The Bosshank may be wielded by one of these ghosts, or
indeed any immaterial being.
The Bosshank is unnaturally deadly and counts as haedsax in combat, despite its size.

The Chains of Fate (Relic 5: four 1-dot Uniques, Magic)

These chains of pure platinum wrap the wrists of the Scion (Or wherever else he/she might wish
to adorn). No matter how much is unwrapped, there doesn't seem to be any less. The links can
be as fine as gossamer or thick as an anchor chain if the the Scion desires, in whatever style
best pleases him. The length in unbreakable though, no matter the pressure applied to it, save
that it's owner may break it and rejoin it at will. At his whim the chains will uncurl and stretch out
to manipulate objects and take actions with as much strength and dexterity as the Scion himself
can apply (out to a distance of Legend x 5 yards).
Should a length of the chain be willingly donned by another, it allows the Scion to add his
Legend to all Command Rolls made to affect that person or creature (or in one case, avatar). It
also means that the recipient is Fatebound to the Scion until the chain is removed.
Lastly, the Chains are literal threads of Fate, granting the Scion access to the Magic Purview.

Double sword/dual Desert Eagles (Relic 5: three 1-dot Uniques, ?-dot Unique)
~Returns to the s\Scion's hand
~It’s owner is tied to it~no ammo
and gets 1 xp per kill made with this weapon set
~shifts from black desert eagles to a double bladed scimitar that can be separated into two

Brann av Hevn, “Fire of Vengeance” (Relic 5: 1-dot Unique, 4-dot Unique)

A 5ft long spear of fire hardened ash with a gleaming silver triangular spear head, carved into
the wood are Norse runes invoking destruction. Two words are inlaid in silver, one "Hate" and
the other "Discretion.
"When the Scion focuses their Legend with the burning fire of “Hate” (spends 2 Legend points
duration one action), the spear crackles and green flames lick across the surface. (+4 Damage
and converts to Aggravated) When the Scion focus on “Discretion,” the spear shrinks down to a
mere 1ft in length for ease of transportation.

The Heart of Ymir (Relic 5: 1-dot Unique, 3-dot Unique, Frost)

What can be done if a man's heart is poisoned by the jealous rage of a scorned step mother?
Get a new heart of course!
The Titan Ymir is dead, but what little remains of him may still be of use to a crafty (and
desperate) Scion. Taking the form of a fist sized chunk of cold, jagged diamond, the Heart looks
nothing like a human organ, but it can be made to serve as such.
Implanted in a Scion's chest in place (or alongside) of a heart, it will circulate and oxygenate his
blood as well as could be hoped. He may access the Frost Purview. The heart chills his blood,
meaning he cannot be made to frenzy or lose control of his emotions. The children of Ymir are
easy to control for the Scion as well, whenever he uses a Social Knack against a frost giant or
Jotunn, he can waive the Willpower cost (if any).

Heavenly Blossom Cannon (Relic 5: two 2-dot Uniques, Animal)

This elegant jade staff is etched to mimic the pattern and texture of dragon scales, it has been
capped at either end with silver resembling a dragon’s head and coiled hindquarters.
An expenditure of two Legend will draw in ambient light, during which time the shaft will
shimmer in an iridescent light, the gathered energy may then be expelled via the dragon’s
mouth. This attack has the same stats as a bazooka however looks exactly like an ancient
Chinese missile ending in a colorful explosion to rival any modern fireworks finale.
Unbeknownst to most this staff does not just resemble a dragon but is in fact a real Chinese
serpent, bound into this form by Nezha and Sun Wukong. He unfortunately had the "audacity" to
try and teach them some manners several hundred years ago after a particularly obnoxious
bender one New Year’s Eve. He has retained his massive intellect and is more than happy to
add a bit of brainpower to any situation. The dragon will allow the use of any one Epic
Intelligence Knack per day to its Scion owner. Once the Knack is chosen it may not be changed
for another 24 hours, but the Scion will have full access, free of charge, for the day.

Jaguar T-Type (Relic 5: three 1-dot Uniques, one 2-dot Unique)

Fun fact about Scions of Tezcatlipoca in this day and age; Every single one drives a Jaguar.
It helps that, through differing identities and some mortal proxies, Tezcatlipoca essentially
controls that automobile manufacturer. Most of his Scions' cars are mundane, some are Relics,
some are even enhanced by the tinkering of his more mechanically-inclined children, but for
those children that prove themselves to Tezcatlipoca, who go above and beyond the call of
duty, he gives them one of the cars he personally designed, and he's commissioned a very
limited number...
A Jaguar T-Type, like its namesake, can prowl a variety of habitats. The car can travel over any
terrain, even across water or in the sky, as easily as a freshly-paved road. Also like the jaguar,
this car can avoid detection until it's too late. By spending 1 Willpower and 1 Legend, the car
vanishes from mortal senses for the scene, unable to be tracked by sight, sound, radar, or even
the smell of exhaust fumes. Attempts to detect it through Epic Perception are rolled against the
driver's Wits + Control.
Additionally, the car no longer needs fuel, and the car is restored to perfect condition each night,
no matter what damage it takes, as long as each individual part is gathered together.

Knuckles Of Truth (Relic 5: 2-dot Unique, 2-dot Enhancement, Death)

By punching someone with these knuckles on and asking them a question, they will be forced to
answer truthfully.
These knuckles also grant the wearer access to the Death Purview, and deal +2 Damage more
than standard brass knuckles.

The Lictor's Mantle (Relic 5: 4 Item Enhancements, Guardian)

Just a simple sash of dark red silk, this cloth marks the bearer as a protector of Jupiter himself,
granting access to the Guardian Purview while providing excellent armour (+7L/+10B, no
mobility, no fatigue)
The mantle is an upgrade of the UHMWPE Armour in the Companion that has +7L/+10B soak
with a -2 Mobility and 2 Fatigue, the four item enhancements just remove the Mobility and
Fatigue penalties.

Megingjord (Relic 5: 2-dot Enhancement, 3-dot Unique)

Thor's belt, Megingjord, is legendary for its ability to increase the god's already awesome
strength, enabling him to use Mjolnir, a massive weapon, with no difficulty. This item, given the
same name, was forged by Wayland the Smith, who created many famous and powerful items.
This belt allows a Scion to draw on the power of his nascent divinity to perform feats of might
beyond even other Scions with Epic Strength.
This Megingjord allows the user to add his Legend rating to any task involving his Strength
attribute. For Feat of Strength, the Legend score is added to the (Strength + Athletics) total. If
the roll is to determine damage, the Legend score must be rolled as bonus dice. Megingjord
also adds a further 2 dice to Strength-related tasks.

Ocelotlantli (Relic 5: 4-dots Enhancements, Animal(Jaguar))

This black machete, whose name means "Jaguar Tooth," is made of high-carbon steel, and the
carbon comes from an odd source… namely a fang from Tepeyollotl, Tezcatlipoca’s jaguar
nagual. The handle of this machete is similarly carved to resemble a jaguar (in fact, it’s a dead
ringer for a Jaguar hood ornament, though Tezcatlipoca insists that the machete was made
first). The machete has traded hands for centuries, though surprisingly, has never been held by
a Scion of Tezcatlipoca. The Scions who held this Relic were never aware of who forged this
blade. They were equally unaware that each previous wielder was killed as a sacrifice to the
Aztec gods.
Ocelotlantli grants its wielder access to the Animal (Jaguar) purview. It also adds +1 to
Accuracy, Damage, and Defense, along with -1 Speed, to the Machete template.
Sacred Tecpatl (Relic 5: 3-dot Unique, two 1-dot Uniques)
Finding a traditional Aztec sacrificial flint knife among their Scions is like finding hay in a barn.
But, a knife of this caliber, one tied into the very act of Itztli itself... THAT is a rare find indeed.
It looks quite ordinary, a knapped flint blade in a hilt made of a carved human femur. But
wielding this knife grants a Scion greater insights into the Aztec's way of the world, and that
sacred power, and the rush that it gives, can transform even the most pacifistic of Scions into a
killer of epic proportions...
Blood sacrifices made with a Sacred Tecpatl yields twice the normal amount of Legend a Scion
would normally gain from Itztli Boons. Additionally, while Itztli normally requires a sacred ritual
on the part of the Scion, any blood spilt from this knife is considered a sacred ritual, allowing the
Scion to use Itztli as a single action, or even as a melee attack. Lastly, any blood spilt by this
knife immediately becomes a gift to the Gods. Blood released by a Sacred Tecpatl is
immediately burnt and offered to the gods, and plunging the knife into a still-beating heart burns
it completely. Once burnt, the blood completely disappears, leaving not even ashes or scorch-
marks to tell that it was there, making clean-up unbelievably easy. (Note, the fire of these burnt
offerings do not harm either the user or the victim, so it cannot be used as an attack.)

“Sentence” (Relic 5: 3-dot Item Enhancements, 1-dot Unique, War, 2-dot Unique, 2-dot
This protean blade is shapeshifting, turning itself (for 1 Legend) into a sword, claws, gun or axe
(use respectively spatha, brass knuckles, Desert Eagle, or skeggox stats). It can also grant the
War Purview and take off 2 Speed points from the original weapon, but every time this weapon
is used, it needs to kill someone, or it would turn in an useless blade.
Also, Damage rolls succeeds on a 6, and multiply the numbers of taken damages by 1.5
(rounded up).

Skiftende Farvann, “Shifting Waters” (Relic 5: 3-dot Item Enhancements, 2-dot Unique)
When one focuses on this otherwise unremarkable steel dagger, the metals seems to flow
slowly across the blade. The blade can shift with but a thought (and one Legend) into any other
basic weapon the wielder desires, and in each form it grants a +1 to Accuracy, +1 Defense, and
+1 Damage. (When in the form of a ranged weapon, increase Range by 50 ft, or 15ft if thrown).

Stormbringer (Relic 5: 2 Item Enhancements, 3-dot Unique)

The Aesir know that most of them will not survive Ragnarok. Most of them have prophesied
ends in glorious battle, but some few of them will survive. What is not known is what will happen
to their mightiest weapons. The Prose Edda mentions nothing of the fate of Gungnir or Mjolnir.
The Gods are loathe to part with their own weapons, of course, but have made preparations.
Stormbringer is a weapon in the Aesir's arsenal to rival Mjolnir. Brokkr, the dwarf who made
Mjolnir, Draupnir and many other relics used by the Gods, was commissioned to create
Stormbringer. This time, however, it was done at the behest of the All-Father, leaving Loki out of
the loop and unable to mar the creation of the mighty weapon, as he had done with Mjolnir.
Because of it's size and power, treat Stormbringer as a giant skeggox (Accuracy +0, Damage
+12L, Defense -1, Speed 5; -2 Accuracy unless used by someone giant-sized) with an
additional +1 Defense and -1 Speed. Change the damage from Lethal to Aggravated.

Theseus' Sword (Relic 5: 3-Dot Item Enhancement, War, Justice)

Theseus was a great warrior who fought injustice throughout Greece, famously paying back in
kind a giant innkeeper for his murderous inhospitality. Theseus eventually became a mighty king
who ruled justly, for a time... His sword still remembers the glories of days passed.
Theseus' Sword uses the spatha template, adds +3 to Accuracy and allows access to Boons of
the War and Justice Purviews.

[Relics courtesy of damsel, Salout_Risin, griffinguy24, BlaineTog, Telgar, Dracona, guardian.19,

Charlemagne, Blakery, Ale Golem, Jovias, Orison, Tien, Ravenwing001, and dreamking89.]

The Adeptus Bellum (Followers 5)
Born of exposure to a strange concoction of divine ichor and giant's blood, these humans have
been granted the Nemean template and serve their Scion with a zeal bordering on religious
mania. Five dots of Followers grant the services of five of the Adeptus with Legend ratings
equal to (Scion's Legend -3 [Minimum 2]).

Cuachicqueh / Sacrificial Hearts (Followers 3 / Relic 2: Connection [Cuachicqueh])

The "Shorn Ones" were the elite of Aztec warrior society, swearing oaths to never take a step
backward in combat or be slain by their own kin. Heads completely shaven, with the exception
of one braid along their left ear, they entered combat with faces painted blue and yellow.

Traits: Experienced Soldier (No firearms or vehicle training)

Replace Academics with Occult
Replace Control with Animal Ken
Possessions: Maquahuitl/Tepoztopilli/Quauhololli (Choose one per follower)
Bow (20 Arrows) or Atlatl (5 Javelins)
Flint or Obsidian Knife
Hide Armor

The Scion granted a personal contingent of these warriors will also be given the hearts of the
warriors he/she is bestowed. Spending a Legend point will summon the warriors to his/her
side, who will then take their heart and place it back in their chest through the gaping hole still
raw and fresh with blood. If a Cuachicqueh falls in battle, or if their new master does not
believe they are acting honorably and cuts them down, the connection to their soul may be
reestablished via a ritual involving a fresh blood sacrifice and the hearts.
[Followers courtesy of Jovias and Ale Golem]


A thread by griffinguy24 aimed at overhauling the birthright.

Pandora-Fox (Creature 3, made with Griff's creature rules)

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5/1, Stamina 4; Charisma 1, Manipulation 2/1, Appearance 1;

Perception 3/1, Intelligence 2/1, Wits 3/1
Abilities: Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 1, Investigation 2, Presence 1, Fortitude 1, Stealth 3,
Survival 2
Virtues: Expression 3, Intellect 3, Valor 1, Vengeance 2
DEX: Lightning Sprinter
MAN: Advantageous Circumstances
PER: Telescopic Senses
INT: Language Mastery
WIT: Eternal Vigilance

Other Supernatural Info:

-Telepathy with her Scion
-Purview Channel (Illusion)

Join Battle: 6 (+1)

Claw: Accuracy 6/1, Damage 4L, Parry DV —, Speed 5
Soak: 2L/4B
Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/Incap
Dodge DV: 6
Legend: 2
Willpower: 6

Russian Wolf-Hound (Creature 4)

These “tame” Titanspawn can appear as any large dog breed; the most common being
Caucasian Shepherds, Borzoi, Samoyeds or Huskies, but there have been Alsatians and Saint
Bernards that share the blood of the Grey Wolf. These dogs are the result of the Grey Wolf, a
powerful Titanspawn partially tamed by the Slavic Gods, breeding with mortal canines. Such
puppies swiftly grow to great size and have human-level intelligence to compliment their
strength and power.
Wolfhounds can innately speak Russian and easily learn other human languages. Russian
Wolfhounds have the Virtues of Courage, Endurance, Malice and Rapacity.
Russian Wolfhounds use the Young Fenrir Template, but they do not have Ettir, the Sense
Legend power and they do not grow in power by eating the hearts of Scions. Instead, they
devour the bodies of Titanspawn who have a higher Legend than they themselves.

Heracles's "Pegasus" (Creature 4/ Relic 1: Connection [Pegasus], Psychopomp)

Hercules got the idea of gifting a pegasi to his offspring from a very loose animated adaptation
of his life but never liked the idea of them having to share with their more petty brethren,
assuming at some point down the road it may simply not be available for use. Thus he
commissioned Hephaestus's workshop to combine the life essence of a newborn colt with the
form of a large muscle bike. This shining white motorcycle is self aware, self mobile and actually
has its own Legend rating -- the same as a traditional Pegasus -- as well as intricately inlaid
gold wings sweeping along its rear section.
With the expenditure of one Legend, the motorcycle may cause these decorations to spring to
mechanical life and bear the bike and it's rider aloft just as surey and swiftly as a real Pegasus.
A small clay pot of oil, extracted from deep in The warrens within Soku-No-Kumi, has been used
as lubricant for Pegasus. This oil allows access to the Psychopomp purview.

Armor: 4
Mass: 1
Maneuverability: +2
Health Levels: 10
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity (Use maneuverability instead), Stamina 0
Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 5, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Awareness 2, Brawl 1, Integrity 1, Investigation 1, Presence 1
Join Battle: 5
Attack: Ram/Wheel Slam: Accuracy 3, Damage 6B, Parry DV —, Speed 2
Dodge DV: 3
Willpower: 3
Legend: 3
Virtues: Expression 1, Intellect 1, Valor 4 and Vengeance 4

Hephaestus has also forged an odd looking key of gold, attached is a small horse leather key
chain with a golden horseshoe emblem on it. The scion may simply spend a point of Legend to
summon their "Pegasus" to their side.

Note: Pegasus still needs to consume gasoline to continue running, although she has heard
rumors around Mt. Olympus of centaurs with fuel-injected hearts and pure super unleaded+
running through their veins. What's more, rumors say their power may be harvested and used
for one’s own purposes. Needless to say, Pegasus is eager to put these rumors to the test.

[Creatures courtesy of griffinguy24, Telgar, Ale Golem, and Salout_Risin.]

Carlos, Elder Coatl (Guide 4)
The coatls under the service of the Aztec gods are many, but a few are older, and thus more
advanced than their brethren. One such coatl, who, over the years has taken the name "Carlos",
is one of them.
He has lived since the creation of the Fifth Sun, and he has taught many, many Scions in the
ways of the Pantheon, among other things. While no slouch in a fight, he often prefers to simply
aid his Scions from the shadows. When not called upon by his pupils, he takes the form of a
human (Some have even called him The Most Interesting Man in the World).
For those students he finds most intriguing, he takes a job as their butler.

Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 6, Stamina 8, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3,

Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Academics 5, Animal Ken 2, Athletics 4, Awareness 4, Brawl 5, Command 2,
Empathy 5, Fortitude 3, Integrity 3, Investigation 2, Medicine 2, Occult 5, Politics 2, Presence 4,
Stealth 3, Survival 2

Virtues: Conviction 2, Courage 3, Duty 3, Loyalty 3

Supernatural Powers:
Epic Attributes: Epic Strength 3 [Uplifting Might, Crushing Grip, Divine Wrath], Epic Dexterity 3
[Lightning Flyer, Perfect Partner, Untouchable Opponent], Epic Stamina 3 [Skin-Shedding, Holy
Fortitude, Body Armor], Epic Appearance 3 [Serpent's Gaze, Blinding Visage, Visage Great and
Terrible], Epic Intelligence 3 [Telepathy, Perfect Memory, Teaching Prodigy], Epic Wits 2 [Social
Chameleon, Cobra Reflexes]

Flight: Carlos can fly up to 200 miles per hour outside of combat, or 15 yards per tick in combat
(Lightning Flyer doubles this speed)

Boons: Storm Augmentation

Mortal Form: Carlos may turn into a human for 1 Legend and maintain draconic powers

Wind Breath: Carlos can unleash a gust of wind from his mouth at a target. The attack roll is
(Perception + Athletics), adding a number of automatic successes equal to the dragon’s
Legend. The impact point explodes in a miniature tornado 10 yards across, so multiple targets
can be struck by the attack if they are bunched together. The razor wind inflicts (Legend + 10)
dice of lethal damage. Once the dragon has deployed its breath weapon, it must recharge for 15
ticks before it can be used again. The range of the attack is (Legend x 25) yards.

Tough Hide: All dragons are incredibly tough and resilient, doubling the bashing and lethal
soak values obtained from Stamina before Epic Stamina is applied.

Join Battle: 8

Bite: Accuracy 10 (+4), Damage +11L (+4), Parry DV ---, Speed 5
Clinch: Accuracy 13 (+4), Damage +8L (+4), Parry DV ---, Speed 6, P
Wind Breath: Accuracy 8 (+4), Damage + 14L, Range 100, Speed 5

Soak: 3A/14L/22B (3A/18L/26B w/ Body Armor)

Armor: 2L/2B (coatl scales)

Dodge DV: 11 (14 with UO)

Move: 10
Dash: 32

Willpower: 8
Legend: 4
Legend Points: 16/16

Health Levels: 0x19, Incap

Hector (Guide 5)
So this weapon came about from watching Soul Eater for 3 hours straight and also belongs to
my Scion of Persephone.
Hector (yes, THE Hector) is tied to it and gives the Scion tactical advice and has trained her in
swordplay since she hit demigod (when she was gifted with this.)

[Guides courtesy of griffinguy24 and Salout_Risin.]

The Oedipus Complex (Sanctum 3)
This massive underground laboratory has been built within Olympus.
Here a new, and somewhat twisted, god conducts experiments on both legendary creatures and
titanspawn alike. A cross between an "interrogation" facility and an asylum this facility is a
testing ground for everything from torture techniques to psychological warfare tactics.

[Sanctum courtesy of Ale Golem.]

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