WOD - Vampire - The Masquerade - Guide To The Sabbat

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A SOURCEBOOK. FORFVAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADC* Fait AccOMpLI ByJusrin R. AcHILL, wit W.FL.BOURNE, ANN SULLIVAN BRAIN WOOD, JOANNE FIZROY AND Jess HEINIG Crerrs Original Concept, Design and Development: Steven C. Brown and Andrew Greenberg Updated Concept, Designand Development: Justin Achill Authors: Justin R. Achill, W.H. Bourne, Anne S Braidwood, Joanne FitzRoy, Jess Heinig Addtional Material: Clayton Oliver Editor: Carl Bowen Art Director: Richard Thomas and Lawrence Snelly Layout & Typesetting: Matt Milberger Interior Art: Andrew Ritchie, Fred Hooper, Greg Loudon, Jason Felix, Leif Jones, Michael Gaydos, Mike Danza, Ron Spencer, Rebecea Guay, Richard Kane Ferguson, John Estes, GuyDavis, Vince Locke, Mike Huddleston along with Adam Res, Lary Maedowal rian LeBlan, Daren Frdenal, Roach, John Cobb, Andy Bennett, Paul Lee pat Pipe fal ae Front Cover Art: Bill Sienkiewicz Front & Back Cover Design: Matt Milberger (© 1999 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Allright reserved. 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Gave 0m Sasa 1 Tasieor Contents Iinopucron: Swany Mosty'sonVecas Cuspren One: THeSwoRDoFCARS Cuuapren Thnee:Sossanp Daucirtets Cuuxpren Foun: Tur Garson Caine Chapren Five: Conesor tie Nox Cuapren Sevesc Inte Fenn Lam Sect History: Tur AnanenRevors ‘TucCoweesiowoeTHONNS Tite Cope or Mu ax “Annex roti ConroPMit As Te CLANs OFTHE SABRAT "ORGANIZATION INTHE SWORDOF Caine ‘See, eter ple relow her, the regent stages must exercise caution and restraint, as turning their cities smplishment with much into hellhole Galbraith has been inst Most Sabb pomp and observance of vit mental, however, in provid the Sabbar in their cities and direct them in the Great Jyh power as thee nfl Cardinals wild immense amoun e dizances Yet, even if they have no dec sof the cardinals are vast ippease their ers, proving their worth, iinishes their worth their cardinals no more than once pet ‘year fat all, as the duties ofthe office keep them in constant communication with bishops, archbishops, prisci and of ‘course, the regent herself. When the lower echelons of the inal, itisoften during varioussect rituals seetdoseetheire ‘or honorific festival. ary widely in style — some are bel Jesat the front of thecolumns them with frightening do. The by those beneath ‘must remain, lest ‘one meet Final Death, THe Driscr Pr great age ot power, selecte Pris require lice or noemporal power; they are mnsble for maintaining Sabbat influence in a city or other war efforts, Rather Jinals nor must they coordinace Great Jyhad. On the other end, they (Guoe on Sana 3 the prise offer their unique ins sect, particularly the regent, co other members of the dina and archbishops. Often, however, prisci do achieve some degree of politi cal influence, usualy at the expense of those who have failed 1em, Most prise’ belong to Clans Lasombra, Toreador antebus though no formal rulesexist as to whether or not a member of a given clan may belong, OF course, becoming a priscus requires that one prove oneself to be of inestimable value tothesect —no vampire younger than 200 has ever attained a priscus’ position, ‘Toyyoung vampires, prise epitomize the hypocrisy ofthe Sabbat. Sure, they've proven themselves, but they don’e do it consistently. Maybe in some long-forgotten night over a century ago, Priscus So-and-so did something memorable, but what has he done lately? Natulally, young vampires ately have a chance to see the prise in action. Devoted as they are to the te support, much ofthe pri hallowed catacombs of power. Young vampires have not en: tirely mised the mark, however. The consistory (which also includes afew cardinals) greatly resembles the upper layers of the Camailla,aselder vampiresstab each otherin thebackand usurp each other's influence in endless Cainice games of su- premacy. The priscus role isto ensure the Sabbar’s long-term success through good advice and careful planning. This role seaves the interest of all Sabbat, since it lets the younger ampites se® actual results for their efforts as it lets the sects ‘elders enjoy the luxuries acquired from unlives of treacheryand double-dealing along with the occasional important effort. affairs take place inthe Most pris, having reached advanced age, spend a good deal of time in toepor,rsing only when needed or when a masterstroke demands their attention. Prsci are responsible for much of the upper-level advancement in the Sabbat —a priseus’ patronage is required co become an archbishop, for ‘example, and the consistory selects its own members from lesser ranks of the sect. Beinga priscus not all Blood Feastsand Epicureanism, as, should be duly noted. Many prisei were lords or military stra sand theie vast experi- ence (tempered with the caginess required to attain the position inthe fist place) servesthe sect wel. Often siege’ success or failure rests on a bit of information, such as what ists before becoming ¥ defenses a given prince can muster, oe which sympathetic vampires may be convinced to look the other way as the Sabbat roars into town. Such is the role of the priscus: to e the flaws of the others through proven strategies. ome cities even have prisei on hand to advise the arch- bishop or bishop's council on matters of Cainite relevance. As kingmakers, they are often the true power bel ‘obvious figurehead, THe ARCHBISHOPS Archbishops officiate the nightly affairs of individual cities, often as the most powerful vampite in the locale. Appointed by the cardinal oa given region, archbishops bear the responsibil ity forall vampires undemeath them, and they must se tothe ‘maintenance of the city in the Sabbat’s best interests, Ofcourse, abbat’s best interests are not always (and in fact, are rely... the best interests of the mortals of a given city. As ‘mentioned before, Sabbat-held cities are urban wastelands or ‘weming dens of violence — which suits th the hat reasonably Most archbishops support “nondisclosure” policies similar to the Masquerade. Les strict than the Masquerade, however the Sabkat attitude toward mortals bears more dis secrecy. Such is dhe reason erime rates in Sabbat cities sky- rocket; its often easier to kill a mortal who has observed a ‘vampire in action than it is to clean up afterward. Given the general feeling toward mortals that most «spouse, most archhishops ae ine with this than bat warpites agement The archbishop, as his title suggests i the foremost spiritual authority ofa given cit. Most archbishops were pack priests before attainingtheirpositions. (Thisfactevealsmuch about the ttle, as few archbishops are over 200 years in age Those who are, however, are often vastly more than 200 years old, and have become de faco archbishops as they are the oldest and most influential vampires in their cities as is the case with Archbishop Mongada in Madrid and the former Archbishop of Milan, Giangaleazo. Truly old Sabbat Cainites tend toward the ranks ofthe prsci and cardinal, or beat no titles ata, allowing their potency to speak fr itsel.) Arch: bishops take active rolesin many ofthe auctritasrae of their city'sCainites, and they may havea hand in determining local or regional nabs rita as well. Inthe end, the archbishop balances temporal power with skilled administration: Citiesin which the packs run wild become barren, and cities that become barren cannot support the race of vampires, TueBisnops Ifa city has no archbishop, i generally hosts 2 council of three rofive bishops depending onthe city’s archbishops, bishopskeartheresponsibiltyefmaintainingSabbat influence in their cities, as wel as the spiritual growth of the ‘vampires therein ‘Sabbat bishops often hail from the ranks of the pack pres bbut many originate among the duct as well. Because bishops are general youngerandjorlesscapable than archbishops, the Sabbat installs the councils. inthis manner, no bishop needs to function ina capacity to which heisillsuited. For example, a charismatic and ironsted administrator may not know the fis thing about presiding over the mystical ize sothesectmakessureitcoversall its bases with the bishops. Mos bishops, promoted directly from the packs in which they serve, are 200 years old or younger This division of power among multiple figureheads often ‘onflict. Sabbat priests are rarely known for chit even tempers, and a couneil of headstrong leaders often hamstrings itself. For this eason, bishops answer directly to candinals, who Ihave no qualms about beating o twisting problematic bishops into their proper places. In some ways, the pesition of bishop similar tothe (Care Oe Trt Snow oF Cane 3 Factions OFTHE Sanat eospnsr ies TueBeact Hann as [aaa UNuireIn THE SABBAT Canstres Ex Tension Havens: Pasusirs annOases ASanpat Lexicon ASSAMITE ANTITRIBU BLoop BROTHERS. AWonnon Boop Bros E BRUJAH ANTITRIBU GANGREL ANTITRIBU ge NosFeRATU ANTITRIBU Paxpers RAVNOS ANTITRIBU 2s & c Eu 5 go < ai 23 We Serpents oF tHe Licnt “cement a TOREADOR ANTITRIBU = Ne oG| VENTRUE ANTITRIBU Tar Sreptwo: Choosive Arsene SuepTuee Chroosive Ana rns Spanior Lite New Anmrries Sanat BackGrounns Ezusriva BacKonOUNDS Soctst Menrrsanp Paws scarlet and black wounds burst upon the splendid flesh — Arthur Rimbaud ‘The Sabbat practices several of the standard Disciplines, and a few that are unique to the sect. Of these, some are derivatives of other Disciplines (like which borrowsheavily from the Vieisstude used in the Bl6od Brothers’ creation) while others scem to havetbeenyrtu, rected after long periods of disuse (like Valene, which is thought to have been practi8edihy ancien¢ Salih watts long before the birth of Christ) Sell fies have a more nefarious cast —only demons afd thee faalevolen spits teach the paths and rituals that belag exelaively 9 Dark ‘Thaumacurgy In practice, the Sabbat encoufages thé teaching of Disciplines among its ranks. As thelinheteat Rosters “rhe, Blood bestowved by the Curse of Caine, Disciplines répreséne the pinnacle of vampiric evolution, according to” Sabbae doctrine, As such, many Sabbat focus more Diseiplines than they do on other aspects of theit learnings Sabbat are frequently proven to have broader of more accomplished ranges ofthese undead gifts than their Gama llabhindepen= dent rivals. Elle wn their chillies, however, that skill in Disciplines is no match for the abiif.co*use'thefa effectively. All the Potence in the world won't help Youifia cagey coterie of Camarilla neonates influences the police co rid your haven at high noon. Storytellers are encouraged to exercise a bit more le niency when their Sabbat players express interest in out-of-clan Disciplines. It’snot unreasonable for a Serpent of the Light to teach a packmate Serpentis in exchange for abit ‘of inseruction with Obtenebration. OF course, some bit of restfaint should exist — despite al their preps GrearJyliad, Sabbat are still very fractious, and they have their own agetidas. Most Cainites teach Disciplines to others lanly on a quid quo basis. incomplete! ‘entries inthis chapter signify that the Sainpites ho prrctite aiven Discipline do not have clan meriheeiofigufficientygenération to wield the higher-level owes For evample’theSalubri ancinibu are known tohave iNo.members lower‘than the Seventh Generation. As such, ‘theteDiscipline 6f Valeren is known only to the sixth level of Taster. ation for the HomeBRew “The piters covered in this chapter ae the mose well Hégowm Cot Roto so«) variations of the vampitie Dieeiplines--But ey po means the only ones. Once a aampirehas-sulftcight sill and power (and generation) t0 raster Disciple LeyEl Six plus, she aso gains sufficient nderstandhingoferDiscpine'sessential ature toallowher ‘@creace het ow powers. That does not mean that a sixth- Generation prscus can do whatever the hell he wanes with shadows by using Obtenebration, but rather that he may conceive and develop a new Level Six power and purchase it with experience instead of the power presented herein New powers thatacharactercreates musthe cleared with the Storyteller before it maybe used during the game. Power gh-lev Gores Four Tt Gers o Cae 7 ane Tacsaaruncicar Rusts level of Thaumaturgy before atcempting to use the Fels Neg ritual Also like che rituals of Thaumaturgy, these rituals mast be learned before they can be used. Generally, the higher ch level ofthe ritual, the longer ir takes to learn, though the aid of demons does speed up the process. Dark Thaumatuegical rituals require a successful In- telligence + Occult roll for which the difficulty equals the level of the ritual + 3 (to a maximum of 9). Only one suceess is requited fora ritual to work, bt some spells may require more successes or have variable effects based on how well the player rolled. Should this roll fail, the spell imay simply have no effet, or the Storyteller may come up wwithan interesting side effect. Should the player botch the roll, he’s managed to anger some denizen of the Abyss, which can’t be good for the character's long-term well- being. Unless mentioned otherwise, rituals require five minutes per level to cast wp THE INTERLOPER Vanianie-Lever RITUAL) Thisritualallowsa character oforceademon summoned by another thaemarange iro servitde,alloming hits com: mand the demon as if he summoned it himself. Some methods: tay inclade promising a bounty of souls o the infernal in payment, knowledge ofthe demon's Tae Name (which prob ably differs from its summoning name) of a sacrifice of a valuable object or commodity like the caste's blood ‘ystems Theritual’s level varies dependngon the potency ‘ofthe entitybeing bound (se the table for all Forth the Fost), and the ritual requires 10 minutes per level to perform. The thaumaturge must know the demon’s name and achieve more successes on the roll than the original surnmoner accumulated when calling the demon forth. Should the binding succeed, the demonservesthethaumaturgeforthe remainder oftsservitude period, without beginning a new one. Catt Fortu tHe Host (Vanuapre-Lever Riruat) “This ritual draws forth a demon or tortured spit from the Inferno. The creature appears through the power of the titual and follows the thaumaturge's instructions to the letter (but not the spirit — demons are known for warping their condets to serve their own ends). Note that most demons resent being summoned and ordered around in this way; they ‘may return later of their own volition to torment the would- bbesoreerer. The charactermust know the name of the demon she wishes to summon for this ritual to take effect. Demons. take many forms, though they may generally disguise them- selves to walk unnoticed among humankind System: This ritual requires one hour pet level to per- form (for example, summoning an akes only one hour, while summoning a shade takes three). The summoned demon serves the character for a number of hours equal t 10 minus the level ofthe ritual (again, by way ofexample, an imp ‘would serve for nine hours while ashade would serve foronly seven). During this period of servitude, the demon may not hharm the caster, and it must follow her instructions exactly. ‘When the duration of servitude expires, the demon vanished ina puff of sulfurand returns to Hell (though it may return of, its own accord later to even the score) Level Demon (One Imp (a mindless, slave demon — Physical Attributes of I, Intelligence 1) Three Shade (atormented soul —Physical Atteibutesof2, Mental Attributes of 2) Pit Lord (a demonic sergeant-at-arms — Physical Attributes of 3, Social and Mental Attributes of 2) Lesser Demon Noble (a ruler of some territory in Hell—all Atuributes of3 or greater, likely with 10. 12 points in Disciplines) Five Greater Demon (what are you thinking? — all Attributes of 5 or greater [though these may rise to godlike levels}, with adauntingatray of Disciplines) Curse or Oeprpus (Lever One Rrtuat) “This ritual completely blinds the target. Ie equires the thaumnaturgetolightastick ofheavy incense, the smoke from which is believed to mystically cloud the target's vision Systems This ital blind the target — who need not be seen, though the caster must know her name oF what she looks like — fora number of hours equal to five minus her S Vinco Neras(Lever Two Rat) The easter entteats demons to answer his questions, revealing secret knowledge or unearthing mysteries. Most demons are not omniscient, however, and this ritual’ effec ced by the demon's knowledge. This rit no visible effect, but individuals with Auspex sometimes claim to have seen imps or homuncult whispering into a thaumaturge’s eat. The caster must break adried bone in two for this ritual to take effec. System: The number of succeses accumulated on the roll determines the extent of the information the demon mast reveal. The caster may ask only one question of the demon, but he maycastthisritual as many times as he wants Yes orNo A short sentence succes Jsuccesses A descriptive synopsis (3-4 sentences) 4 successes A complete answer Sacceses An encyclopedic answer, which may incade the ropes history, interesting personages involved or ever apocryp loceneverbeforeknowintomortalsorCainites, FeuisNecrum (Lever Taree Rituat) ‘This nual cams the chaumaturge or another individual ino black cat. The thaumarurge must burn the whisker of black eator the skin of white cat and inscribe the subject's ‘name on a piece of glass in her own blood Gave 10 Star 02

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