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Modal verbs

Passive voice

Countable/uncountable nouns


Complete the sentences using the given words (sometimes you should change their form) and add
any other words you might need:

1. _______________________________________________ people at the concert last night. (few)

2. If the weather ______________ good, we __________________ the park. (to be, go)

3. These shoes _________________________ in Italy last year. (make)

4. _______________________ some pens on the table yesterday. Where are they now? (to be)

5. How ____________________________ these phones cost? (much or many? do/ does?)

6. Where _________________ you __________________? I was born in Kraków. (to be/ born)

7. There _______________________________ information about this event in media. (to be +


8. What ____________she _______________ do today? Nothing, it’s her day off. (have to)

9. They have as ________________ water as we have (little or few?).

10. This book _______________________________ in the 19th century (write).


CONDITIONALS 0, I - Modal verbs - Passive voice - Countable/uncountable nouns etc.

Complete the sentences using the given words (sometimes you should change their form) and add
any other words you might need:

1. _______________________________________________ people at the concert last night. (few)

2. If the weather ______________ good, we __________________ the park. (to be, go)

3. These shoes _________________________ in Italy last year. (make)

4. _______________________ some pens on the table yesterday. Where are they now? (to be)

5. How ____________________________ these phones cost? (much or many? do/ does?)

6. Where _________________ you __________________? I was born in Kraków. (to be/ born)

7. There _______________________________ information about this event in media. (to be +


8. What ____________she _______________ do today? Nothing, it’s her day off. (have to)

9. They have as ________________ water as we have (little or few?).

10. This book _______________________________ in the 19th century (write).

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