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A Note To Our Supporters

For many people, 2008 was the beginning of some signifi- To make known the gifts of people with
cantly challenging times economically. Return on invest- intellectual disabilities revealed through
ments declined, having a direct and immediate impact on mutually transforming relationships.
spending habits. As L’Arche Toronto was preparing the
annual appeal, we were quite aware that our fundraising L’Arche Toronto Homes Inc.
efforts might fall short. I am pleased to say that we did, in To foster an environment in communities
fact, meet the projected goal. We were especially grateful that responds to the changing needs of our
that many of our long term, committed supporters were so members while being faithful to the core
faithful despite personal financial shifts. Many donations values of our founding story.
were accompanied with notes of regret acknowledging

Create A World Where

that the gift could not be as generous as in previous years.
To engage in our diverse cultures working

Everyone Belongs
We appreciated all of the donations that we received. We
together towards a more human society.

Annual Report
remain grateful that the desire to support L’Arche and its
mission is still recognized as a priority in the thoughts and
Sol Express - Compositions June 2008 gestures of so many.
Board of Directors

In April 2008, we received the second portion of the seed L’Arche Toronto Homes Inc.
money for the Sol Express Creative Arts project. In June
2008, the core group presented a sold out original work Dorothy Brophy
Brian Dawkins
entitled Compositions. They were also key presenters at
Kathleen Duncan
the Ontario Down Syndrome Association conference in Brian Halferty
October 2008. The response from the high school retreats, Brian Hogan
the creative encounter groups, as well as from community Edward Hyland
based art groups, teachers and professionals has been Adrienne Leahey
extremely encouraging. Tanya Lewis
Dianne Marshall
Alley Oop! the annual bowl-a-thon, brought in just under Lee Ann Stewart
$28,000. In the six years we have been holding this event,
we have seen an increase of about $5,000 each year. L’Arche toronto is extremely grateful to have
such a dedicated and faithful volunteer Board.
In March 2009, the L’Arche Toronto web page was Their ongoing comittment to the community
launched. The new site gives an overview of our com- and its members does not go unnoticed.
Prince Edward County - Summer 2008 munity and has links to L’Arche Canada and other points
of interest. It provides an additional way for us to encour- THANK YOU
age people to donate directly to the community and spe-
cial events or projects that are happening. There is also
a comprehensive page that walks through the basics of
planned giving. This is a new focus for us as our circle of We can be reached at:
supporters changes.
L’Arche Toronto:
With change comes challenge, and knowing that you are 186 Floyd Avenue
joining us in this ‘journey of L’Arche’ gives us a strong Toronto, ON M4J 2J1
sense of hope for our future. Phone: 416-406-2869
Fax: 416-406-2539
With much appreciation from all of us at L’Arche Toronto,
Photo Credits: Verena Trautwein-Maranger, Sara MacMillan,
Michael J.P MacKenzie Mike MacKenzie and Matt Rawlins.
Development Officer
Community Celebrations
from the President Finance Report
As I write this report to our community and its support- L’Arche Toronto Homes Inc. has now completed four
ing members, I am reminded of how rich our experi- full years as a separate legal entity and continues to
ence together has been and continues to be. During flourish as a community.
this past year our community with the assistance of our
Regional Coordinator, Tammy Bartel, has conceived From an operational and financial perspective, the year
and given birth to the mandate for the next four years. began with the move of core members and assistants
What a tremendous accomplishment! We have also from Wolverleigh House into the recently acquired and
confirmed the leadership of Amy DeMoulin as she renovated Gamble House. The renovations were com-
accepted the challenge of leading our community pleted within budget and provide a much-improved level
through the execution of this mandate. of living conditions for the core members and assistants.

Many exciting things happen every day in our commu- During the year, the sale of Wolverleigh House was
nity and they are the result of the committed staff, vol- Making the most of winter in the city completed with a gain of over $400,000. The proceeds
unteers, and friends we have been blessed to attract. from the sale were used to reduce the mortgage debt on
Gamble House as well as to pay off the mortgages on
Here are some highlights of the past year: Wolverleigh House.

* Welcoming a new core member, Robert The Development Office once again surpassed expecta-
Gray, to Mortimer House tions, thus helping us to achieve a balanced budget for
* Partnering with an area church in ongoing the year.
* Expanding Sol Express Creative Arts to three For your information, the following is an extract from our
full days financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2009.
* Planning for the first Alumni Gathering Items that are capital in nature have not been included in
the numbers. The financial statements were audited by
There is much to celebrate as we meet to review the Nethercott and Company and were given a clean unquali-
results of the 2008-2009 fiscal year. We are very fied audit report. Copies of the audited statements are
grateful for the terrific and talented leadership team led available for review by contacting Odette Foronda at
by Amy. We have been blessed financially, and as a 416-406-2869 ext. 33.
result find ourselves in a strong position with relatively Year Ended % of Year Ended % of
low long-term debt. We have comfortable homes for Welcoming Robert (middle) to Mortimer House 3/31/2009 Total 3/31/2008 Total
________________ ________________
our core members and assistants, and a very functional
($000’s) ($000’s)
centre for our community at the Gathering Place. REVENUE
Provincial Government 1,641 63% 1,588 75%
It has been a joy for me to have served in L’Arche for Donations 366 14% 353 17%
many years. I have been impressed over the years Other 599 * 23% 167 8%
with the quality and commitment of the people to whom David J. McCausland
L’Arche is home. I have been humbled by the oppor- Finance Director TOTAL REVENUE 2,606 2,108
tunity that has been afforded me to work with so many
talented leaders, both on staff and on the Board, during
this time. I want to thank each of you for the confi- Staffing 1,381 66% 1,365 65%
dence you have shown me and wish you God’s richest Housing 307 14% 365 18%
blessings in the future. Programs/Other 416 20% 355 17%

Edward M. Hyland TOTAL EXPENSES 2,104 2,085

Brian Dawkins Treasurer
President * This amount includes $ 384,000 received from the sale of
Wolverleigh House.
Volunteer Appreciation

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