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Building an Online Quiz

VUS.5 The student will apply social science skills to understand the development of the
American political system by
a) examining founding documents to explore the development of American
constitutional government, with emphasis on the significance of the Virginia
Declaration of Rights and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom in the framing
of the Bill of Rights;
b) describing the major compromises necessary to produce the Constitution of the
United States, with emphasis on the roles of James Madison and George



1. The Virginia Declaration of Rights served as a basis for what future document?
a. Articles of Confederation
b. Declaration of Independence
c. Bill of Rights in the Constitution
d. Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom

2. Why was the Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom written?

a. To prevent the VA government from establishing a state religion
b. To create a single religion to be recognized in Virginia
c. To unify the religion in Virginia to the one in England
d. To unify all the churches in Virginia

3. True or False: The first ten amendments in the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights.

4. Which document is this?

a. Articles of Confederation
b. Constitution
c. Virginia Statue of
Religious Freedom
d. Virginia Declaration of
5. Fill in the blank: ________ Compromise proposed a two-house legislature and combined
the ideas from the Virginia and the New Jersey Plan.
a. Combined
b. Great
c. Together
d. Two- House

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