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Controlled Ref No: W1000SM102 Revision: 1

Name Date

Prepared by: Garry Ralls 17/12/08

Approved by: Mike Hamblin 24/12/08

Custodian: Rick Macente 23/12/08

Concurrence (Agreement that must be obtained if an item is prepared external to, but impacts, a department or division. If
concurrence is required, it must be noted within the body of the item).


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Revision Description Date Prepared by Approved by

0 Supersedes A3000SM002 Theo Nijholt Mary Hackett

1 Revised to allow use on external website. 12/2008 G Ralls M Hamblin


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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps


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03 Gilbert Habets(10063)

04 Peter Nalepa(3019)

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) has developed a suite of Engineering and Technical Standards
and Guidelines. It is intended that these reflect the most suitable engineering practices for
use on all new WEL facilities as well as the modification of existing facilities. The application
of the Standards is mandatory. The application of Guidelines is to support the implementation
of the Standards, and are considered best practice, but are not mandatory.

The Standards are based on the experience acquired by WEL personnel and contractors
during WEL’s involvement with the design, construction, operation and maintenance of WEL
processing units and facilities. Where appropriate, the Standards are based on or make
reference to national and international standards and codes of practice.

The objective of this publication is to ensure the overall integrity of engineering design and to
achieve maximum technical and economic benefits through the standardisation of
engineering and technical practices.

The use by WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers of the Engineering and Technical

Standards contained in this publication does not relieve them of any responsibility
whatsoever for the quality of design, materials and workmanship that they have been
engaged to provide.

Where the standards to be used for a certain application are not provided for in this
publication, WEL expects that the standards that are used will achieve the same level of
integrity as reflected in this publication. If WEL contractors or manufacturers/suppliers have
any doubt as to the relevant standard to use, then they must consult WEL, however they will
remain responsible at all times for the use of the most appropriate standard. Specific
requirements may be added as an addendum to these Standards and Guidelines for various
projects. Project specific requirements must not depart from the requirements of the
Engineering and Technical Standards contained in this publication. Where changes or
additions to these Standards are required, they must be raised as a deviation and presented
to the WEL Technical Authority for consideration.

WEL grants the right to use these Standards and Guidelines to WEL’s consultants,
contractors and suppliers who are contractually authorised to do so and to any tier of
contractor to its consultants, contractors and suppliers who are contractually required to
comply with them.


WEL and its joint venture partners disclaim any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage
(including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or
in connection with the use, application or implementation of any standard, combination of
standards or any part thereof contained in this publication.

This document is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be reproduced, adapted, transmitted, or stored in any form by
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps


1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................6
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Regulatory Considerations .............................................................................. 6
1.3 Definitions ......................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Compliance with this standard ........................................................................ 7
1.6 Conflict............................................................................................................... 8
2 OPERATING PHILOSOPHY ..............................................................8
2.1 Normal Standby Status..................................................................................... 8
2.2 Normal Start ...................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Start-up with flammable gas present .............................................................. 8
2.4 Shutdown........................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General WEL requirements .............................................................................. 9
3.2 Scope and Responsibility ................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Diesel driven pumps ..................................................................................................... 9
3.2.2 Diesel-Electric Pumps................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Pump Package ................................................................................................ 10
3.3.1 Configuration .............................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Specifications.............................................................................................................. 11
3.3.3 Performance requirements ......................................................................................... 11
3.4 Horizontal Pumps ........................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Construction................................................................................................................ 12
3.4.2 Dynamics .................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.3 Pump Materials........................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Vertical Pumps ................................................................................................ 15
3.5.1 Bearings and Bushings............................................................................................... 15
3.5.2 Rising Main/ Discharge Head ..................................................................................... 15
3.5.3 Stuffing Box/ Packing.................................................................................................. 15
3.5.4 Base frame arrangement ............................................................................................ 16
3.6 Diesel Engine .................................................................................................. 16
3.7 Power Transmission ....................................................................................... 17
3.7.1 Engine Coupling ......................................................................................................... 17
3.7.2 Gearbox ...................................................................................................................... 17
3.7.3 Hydraulically Driven Pumps........................................................................................ 17
3.7.4 Transmission Lines..................................................................................................... 18
3.8 Anti-Marine Fouling System........................................................................... 18
3.9 Foam Pump ..................................................................................................... 18
3.10 Piping, Valves and Ancillaries ....................................................................... 18
3.11 Firewater Pump Controller ............................................................................. 19
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

3.12 Room Cooler ................................................................................................... 20

3.13 Inspection ........................................................................................................ 21
3.14 Testing ............................................................................................................. 21
3.14.1 Hydrostatic Test.......................................................................................................... 21
3.14.2 Performance Test ....................................................................................................... 21
3.14.3 NPSH Test.................................................................................................................. 22
3.14.4 Prime Mover ............................................................................................................... 22
3.14.5 Controller .................................................................................................................... 22
3.14.6 Complete Firewater Pump Set Works Performance Test........................................... 23
3.15 Nameplate........................................................................................................ 24
4 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................25
5 APPENDICES ...................................................................................26
FIREWATER PUMPS ....................................................................................... 27

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

1.1 Scope
This Standard is intended to be used as a purchasing standard for all Firewater
Pump Packages to be supplied to Woodside Energy Ltd (WEL) for service on
offshore installations. It covers the minimum technical requirements for the design,
manufacture and testing of vertical or horizontal centrifugal Firewater Pump
packages. The Standard also includes data on Firewater Pump operating
philosophy, which will be used by design contractors as a basis for facility fire
fighting system design.

This standard may be used by WEL directly or by Agents, Consultants or

Contractors acting on behalf of Woodside Energy Ltd, and may be issued to

The Standard shall be used as it stands and shall not be re-issued under a different
cover or modified in any other way. When it is necessary to supplement or modify
the Standard, this shall be done by suitable notes contained in the order (or
enquiry), or the data sheets attached thereto, and not by making any change to the
Standard itself.

Significant modifications or any intent to use a different standard or specification in

addition to or instead of this Standard shall be agreed with the WEL Principal
Rotating Equipment Engineer.

Compliance with the requirements of this Standard does not relieve the user of the
responsibility to follow safe and good engineering practice throughout.

This Standard has been developed merely for diesel engine driven Firewater Pump
Packages. Alternative drives can be considered but must be approved by WEL.

1.2 Regulatory Considerations

If international and/or regional regulations exist in which some of the requirements
may be more stringent than in this Standard an assessment shall be made to
determine which of the requirements are the more stringent and which combination
of requirements will be acceptable as regards safety, environmental, economic and
legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the WEL Technical Authority.

1.3 Definitions
The definitions below shall apply:
• The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design,
engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a
project, or operation or maintenance of a facility. The Principal may undertake
all or part of the duties of the contractor.
• The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies
equipment and services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
• The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its
design and construction. The Principal will generally specify the technical

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or consultant

authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal.
• The words shall / must / will indicate a mandatory requirement.
• The word should indicates a recommended course of action.
• The words may / can indicate one acceptable course of action.
• WEL Technical Authority (TA) in this document refers to the Mechanical TA.
Authority to deviate from these standards is delegated to the custodian(s)
indicated on the document details page of this document.

1.4 Abbreviations

AGMA American Gear Manufacturers Association

LAT Lowest astronomical tide
NDT Non-destructive testing
NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available
NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required
PLC Process logic controller
RMS Root mean square
SIEP Shell International Exploration and Petroleum
WEL Woodside Energy Ltd.

1.5 Compliance with this standard

A potential Supplier is expected to fully comply with this Standard and other
documentation forming a requisition for Firewater Pump Packages. Any proposed
deviations shall be stated by the Supplier during the tendering phase of a project,
and may be for the following reasons.

• The deviation is technically equal to (or better than) the requirement of

this Standard (or other documentation forming a requisition) and would
reduce costs;
• A requirement of this Standard (or other documentation forming a
requisition) is, in the opinion of the Supplier, not in accordance with good
engineering practice or is otherwise not suitable for the application.

Apart from exceptions approved by the Purchaser, it shall be assumed that the
Supplier agrees to, and will abide by the requirements of this Standard completely.

At the enquiry stage, a potential Supplier is free to offer alternative equipment, in

addition to offering equipment conforming to this Standard, where such equipment
has been proven to give satisfactory service in closely similar applications. A
potential Supplier shall clearly explain in a proposal the extent to which such an
alternative offer deviates from this Standard.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

1.6 Conflict
In the case of any conflict between documents relating to an inquiry or purchase
order, the following hierarchy of documents shall apply:

Upper level: purchase order and variations thereto

Second level: requisition including the data/requisition sheets and drawings
Third level: this standard

The following operating philosophy for Firewater Pumps is generalised for a typical
offshore installation and, if necessary, will be tailored for specific applications by
notes in the requisition.

2.1 Normal Standby Status

The Firewater Pump(s) will normally be held at rest but available for instant start-up
on receipt of a remote signal or under local manual control. When at rest, those
parameters, which affect the Firewater Pump readiness to operate, shall be
continuously monitored and any fault shall be annunciated at the local and remote
control stations. The local control station shall be the main Firewater Pump unit
control panel situated within its enclosed area. Remote control stations will not
normally be within the Supplier's scope of supply.

2.2 Normal Start

When a fire or hazardous situation occurs, the Firewater Pumps shall start as

Automatically on detection of low pressure in the firewater ring main.

Automatically on detection of a fire or other hazardous situation.
Manually by operator intervention locally or (provided the pump is in
‘automatic mode’) from one of the remote control stations or push button
emergency points (e.g. near the helideck).

On unmanned installations, dry ring mains may be used, in which case alternative
starting methods will be considered.

2.3 Start-up with flammable gas present

When flammable gas is detected by coincident operation of two gas detectors in the
Firewater Pump room, the following shall happen:

Normal and emergency power supplies shall be interrupted;

Electrically driven pumps shall be inhibited from starting;
Diesel driven pumps shall be inhibited from starting automatically, but still be
capable of being started manually using the back-up (air/ hydraulic/
mechanical) start facility;
Pumps that are already running shall continue to do so. The governor system
or electronic controller of an engine driven pump shall be the only power
required by the package.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

2.4 Shutdown
Shutdown of the Firewater Pump shall normally be effected manually from the local
controller. When specified, shutdown may also be initiated from a remote control
station, through a ‘key protected’ switch. In normal operation (ie when the pump is in
the ‘automatic’ or ‘manual’ modes) an engine driven Firewater Pump shall only shut
down automatically if it overspeeds, the low-low lube oil pressure shall be an alarm
requiring Operator’s interference. With the controller in test mode, a low- low lube oil
pressure shall initiate a shut-down. With the standardised relay-based type of
Firewater Pump controller specified in this document all other malfunctions shall
annunciate an alarm only.

If it is proposed to effect system control by a more sophisticated arrangement (eg

local or facility PLC) the option for other protective functions set to shut down the
pump when in ‘test’ mode shall be evaluated. The objective would be minimise the
consequences of a system or component failure during a Firewater Pump test.

It shall also be possible to shut down an engine driven Firewater Pump manually
without the requirement for an external power supply.


The Firewater Pump Package shall be UL Listed and FM approved.

3.1 General WEL requirements

Installation and operation in a tropical offshore environment require specific attention
to equipment and material, therefore WEL have adopted specific requirements.
These specific WEL requirements apply to all equipment and/or packages and are
specified in section 3 of W1000MM101.

3.2 Scope and Responsibility

3.2.1 Diesel driven pumps

The pump Supplier shall have overall technical responsibility for the complete
Firewater Pump Package scope of supply, including design, manufacture and
testing activities.

The Firewater Pump Package shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the
following equipment:

Pump unit (or bowl assembly)

Rising main with lineshaft (vertical pumps)
Anti-marine fouling system (when specified)
Diesel engine complete with starting and support systems
Power transmission (direct mechanical or indirect hydraulic)
Foam pump (when specified)
Booster (Jockey) pump (when specified)
Piping, valves and ancillaries
Baseframe (skid)
Diesel day tank (when specified)

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

Foam tank (when specified)

Firewater Pump controller
Room cooler
Special tools (for assembly and installation)

The Firewater Pump Package will normally be located in an enclosed room,

supplied by others. The room cooler shall be shipped loose for fitting within the
enclosure wall. For some applications the Firewater Pump Supplier may be required
to supply a prefabricated single lift enclosure to the Firewater Pump Package.

3.2.2 Diesel-Electric Pumps

As an option diesel-electric firewater pumps may be used. In that case the generator
shall be purchased as an emergency generator and the pump purchased as an
electric motor driven fire water pump. The Technical Prime can be either party.

3.3 Pump Package

3.3.1 Configuration
This standard covers diesel engine driven pumps with the following drive

i) Vertical pumps directly driven through a right angle gearbox.

ii) Horizontal pumps directly driven.

iii) Vertical pumps directly driven (through a right angle gearbox) together
with a directly driven horizontal pump connected in series.

iv) Horizontal or vertical pumps driven remotely with power transmission by a

hydraulic system.

v) Vertical lift pumps driven remotely (via a hydraulic system) together with a
directly driven horizontal pump connected in series.

Other options for supplying firewater include electric motor driven pumps powered
from either a dedicated generator package or an integrated plant power system.
Under certain conditions firewater and cooling water duty requirements could be
combined in a single pump. The Operating Philosophy section of this Standard may
be used as part of a specification defining a complete system for such an

Horizontal pumps and hydraulic power systems shall be mounted on a common

baseframe with their driver.

For vertical pumps the complete Firewater Pump Package shall be either mounted
on a common base frame, or mounted on two base frames, one for the pump
discharge head/ gearbox and the other for the diesel engine and auxiliaries. The
required base frame arrangement will be specified in the requisition.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

To reduce torsional oscillations in either base frame arrangement a segmental

rubber block-type (or equivalent) coupling shall be specified between the engine and
double universal-joint coupling or gearbox, as appropriate.

3.3.2 Specifications
Firewater Pump Packages shall comply with NFPA20.

Horizontal pumps shall comply with a recognised international standard customarily

used by the Supplier for similar service and the requirements of this document. The
Supplier shall state the proposed international standard at the time of tendering.

Unless stated otherwise in the requisition horizontal pumps shall have horizontally-
split casings and double-suction impellers. Pumps shall be complete with packed
glands and oil-lubricated bearings.

Vertical pumps shall be in accordance with WEL standard W1000SM103, Seawater

Lift Pumps.

3.3.3 Performance requirements

Pump capacity shall include for the cooling water requirements of the diesel engine
and transmission, and if required any additional equipment for limiting surface
temperature and driving the enclosure vent fan.

Pumps shall have a stable head/capacity curve rising continuously to shut-off. The
head at shut-off for the optional pump configurations shall be as follows:

Pump Configuration Head at shut-off as a % of the head at the rated

Vertical mixed flow pump Between 110 and 140
Horizontally mounted Between 110 and 120

Pumps shall be selected to provide more than 65% of the head at the rated capacity
at 150% (or more) of the rated capacity. Refer to para 6.2.1 of NFPA.20.
In applying these criteria to an offshore platform, due cognisance must be taken of
NFPA 20’s origins for situations where there is no substantial static lift for the
pumps. For offshore applications there may be a substantial static lift and it is
necessary to ensure that the intent of the NFPA 20 will still be me, e.g. ability for the
pump to still operate at a suitable discharge pressure with increased flow rate due to
addition of futures.

For offshore facilities, it may be more appropriate to base the curve runout on the
maximum possible future firewater demands considering the possibility of
cantilevered decks, etc.

Pumps shall be capable of at least a 5% head increase at rated conditions by

installing a new impeller or impellers. Pumps with a non-overloading power/capacity
characteristic are preferred. Driver rating shall allow for this 5% head increase.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

If it is determined to handle possible future duty increases by restaging or changing

the speed of the pump, then the power train must be capable of handling this
increased power and/or speed.

Pumps for parallel operation shall have a similar percentage head rise to shut-off
over their entire curves (including the inflection typically present in mixed flow
characteristic curves). Parallel operation shall be assumed whenever two or more
identical pumps are ordered or enquired for at the same time, or when so stated on
the data/requisition sheet.

The best efficiency point (BEP) should be close to the normal operating point, and
shall in no case be outside the limits of 80%-115% of the rated flow.

Engine driven Firewater Pumps (whether directly or indirectly driven) shall be

designed to operate continuously at 105% of rated speed, and briefly at 2% above
the engine overspeed trip setting.

The reference point to be used for specifying the required pump delivery pressure
shall be at the horizontal centre-line of the discharge flange (which is typically
slightly above deck level) and shall be referred to as the ‘deck level reference point’.
Given the pressure required at this point, and details of elevations, the Supplier shall
estimate losses in the riser pipe and determine the total differential head required for
vertical pumps, assuming the pumped fluid is at the minimum operating level and
allowing for ‘draw-down’ in the caisson. For pumps taking suction from the sea, the
minimum mean operating sea level outside the pump caisson is the Lowest
Astronomical Tide (LAT) level. Corrections for drawdown and the effects of waves
depressing the water level inside the caisson must be applied to this LAT. Guidance
is given in W1000MM101 for calculating the wave effects inside the caisson.

3.4 Horizontal Pumps

3.4.1 Construction
All equipment shall be designed to permit rapid and economical maintenance. Major
parts such as casing components and bearing housings shall be designed
(shouldered, spigoted or doweled) to ensure accurate alignment on re-assembly.

The thickness of the pressure casing shall be suitable for the maximum discharge
pressure plus an allowance for head increase (see Section 3.3.3) with a 3 mm
minimum corrosion allowance. The stress used in design for any given material shall
not be in excess of the values given in Section VIII, division 1, of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code for the material. For cast materials, the factor specified in
the code shall be applied. Where it is intended to meet future conditions be a
restage or a speed increase, the likely pressure under these conditions shall be

Openings for nominal pipe sizes 1 1/4, 21/2, 31/2, 5, 7 and 9 inches shall not be
used for pump suction, discharge and auxiliary connections.

Flanges shall conform to ASME B16.1 or ASME 16.5 for Ni-resist cast iron and
bronze discharge heads except as specified in 1, 2 and 3 below.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

1. Ni-resist cast iron flanges and bronze flanges shall be flat-faced and shall be
ANSI B16.1 Class 250 minimum thickness for sizes 8 inches and smaller.

2. Flanges that are thicker and have a larger outside diameter than required by
ANSI are acceptable. 1

3. Flat-faced flanges with full raised face thickness on heads other than cast iron
or bronze are not acceptable.

3.4.2 Dynamics
Lateral critical speeds shall not encroach upon any specified operating speed
ranges. The separation margin from all lateral modes (including rigid and bending)
shall be at least:

i) 20 percent over the maximum speed for rigid rotor systems,

ii) 15 percent below any operating speed and 20 percent above the maximum
continuous speed for flexible rotor systems.

The amplification factor shall not exceed 8 while going through critical speeds on
start-up or run-down. Values of amplification factors less than 5 are preferred. It
shall be ensured that slow roll, start-up, and shutdown of the pump shall not cause
any damage as critical speeds are passed.

Torsional critical speeds of the complete unit shall be at least 10 percent below any
operating speed or at least 10 percent above the trip speed.

The Supplier shall conduct the following analyses:

A lateral critical speed analysis to determine that the critical speeds of the driver and
gear box (if applicable) are compatible with the critical speeds of the pump and that
the combination is suitable for any specified operating speed range.

A torsional analysis of the pump-driver system, including all components that are
mechanically (hard) connected. A hydraulic coupling would be considered a soft

The pump package shall not exceed the following vibration levels, as measured
during the works test.

Description Measurement location Maximum allowable

vibration (mm/s RMS)
Gear boxes Gear box 5.0
Horizontal pumps DE and NDE bearings 3.0

Provided the thickness is clearly communicated and noted on drawings to permit purchase by other
parties of any longer studs which are not in the Pump Vendor’s scope of supply.
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

The Supplier shall be required to review the structural drawings of the pump support
arrangement and confirm that these vibration limits will not be exceeded during
3.4.3 Pump Materials
The pump shall be constructed of materials as specified in the requisition (data
sheets). The Supplier may propose alternative materials provided they can be
demonstrated to have a record of satisfactory service in similar offshore

The principle of selecting materials for Seawater Pumps is to ensure that galvanic
action with the associated structure, caissons and piping is not detrimental over the
intended life of the facility, and that adequate corrosion protection can readily be
incorporated. It is not anticipated that corrosion protection systems will be included
in the scope of supply of the Firewater Pump Package Supplier.

Unless otherwise specified in a Project Specification the pump shall be constructed

using as a minimum the following materials:

- Pump casing and stainer: Nickel Aluminium Bronze.

- Pump shafts and shaft sleeves: Duplex SS, type UNS32760 or equal.
- Impellers: Duplex SS, type A890 Gr 5A/6A or equal.
- Wear-rings: Duplex SS, type A890 Gr 5A/6A or equal preferably overlaid with
a special wear resistant coating.

The material hardness combination of wear rings or wear ring/impeller (as

appropriate) shall always be ‘non-galling’.

Adequate consideration shall be given to the selection of materials for fasteners and
fittings. The material of these fasteners and fittings shall be equal to or have a
corrosion resistance of at least equal to that of the specified parts in the same

The repair of leaks and defects in pressure casing castings by peening or burning-
in, or by the use of plastic or cement compounds is prohibited. Repair by welding or
plugging shall be undertaken only when permitted by the material specification.

Weld repair shall only be permitted if the total quantity of weld metal deposited will
be less than 10% of the mass of the casting. The Purchaser shall agree all weld
repair procedures prior to commencing a repair. If specified in the material
specification castings shall be suitably heat treated after the weld repair. Details of
all weld repairs and any subsequent heat treatment shall be recorded.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

3.5 Vertical Pumps

Vertical lineshaft Firewater Pumps shall be in accordance with chapter 2.2 (sections
3.2 - 3.7) of WEL Standard W1000SM103.

The following additional requirements shall apply.

3.5.1 Bearings and Bushings

An oil-lubricated thrust bearing shall be included in the pump or gearbox design,
designed to carry double the maximum thrust in either direction that may develop
while starting, stopping or operating at any capacity. The bearing shall preferably be
the tilting pad type. Angular contact ball bearings are acceptable provided they are a
part of the gearbox standard design. The maximum thrust load shall be determined
using double the pump internal clearances.

Guide bushings that are suitably corrosion and abrasion resistant shall be furnished
at all steady bearing points in the pump unit (bowl assembly) and lineshaft.
Bushings that are suitable for short periods of dry running are preferred for the start-
up period (before water reaches the upper sleeve bearings). Alternatively
precautions shall be taken to guarantee lubrication of the upper bearings during
pump start-up.

3.5.2 Rising Main/ Discharge Head

Addition to W1000SM103:
The pump discharge shall terminate at a flange orientated as specified in the
requisition. The discharge shall be incorporated with the caisson-mating flange and
gearbox support into a discharge head, and may be cast or fabricated.

3.5.3 Stuffing Box/ Packing

The discharge head on vertical lineshaft pumps shall be provided with a stuffing box
to seal against the pump discharge pressure. This shall be of either Ni-Alu-Bronze,
a steel construction with a ‘non-galling’ bushing or alternatively, solid Monel type

Seal cages (lantern rings) shall be provided for the introduction of sea water directly
into the packing, together with inlet and outlet connections. Stuffing boxes shall have
not less than six rings of packing plus the seal cage. The minimum packing size
permitted shall be 9.5mm (3/8 inch) square, however a packing size of not less than
12.7mm (1/2 inch) square is preferred.

Ample space shall be provided for replacement of the packing without removing or
dismantling any part other than the gland and the seal cage (if split). The thrust
bearing/gearbox support piece shall be provided with ample drainage so that no
liquid can collect around the stuffing box.

The gland plate shall be held in place by studs screwed into the discharge head; the
use of eyebolts is not acceptable. Gland plates shall be designed so that the
securing nuts/ bolts cannot slip if the packing becomes loose and where split glands
are used, the halves shall be bolted together.
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

3.5.4 Base frame arrangement

For Firewater Pumps directly driven by a diesel engine the pump and discharge
head may either be mounted on an extension to the base frame under the engine or
directly on the deck. The latter arrangement has the advantage of minimising the
engine centre-line height (and consequently overall height). However, a double
universal-joint coupling (Cardan shaft) must be used to drive across the non-aligned
shafts. The disadvantage is that the shafts must be maintained parallel at all times
to eliminate torsional oscillations on the joints. A double universal-joint coupling is
also necessary where the pump drive is through a bulkhead. A combined base
frame provides the advantage of minimising footprint, as the engine to pump
coupling spacer can be shorter.

3.6 Diesel Engine

The continuous rating of the diesel engine shall not be less than the following:
Power absorbed by the pump at pump shaft end at the operating point requiring
maximum power, plus the 4% pump test tolerance (refer to 3.14.2 of this Standard),
plus gearbox losses and auxiliary power take-off losses.

The intermittent rating of the engine shall not be less than 105% of the pump
maximum absorbed power.

Diesel engines shall conform to DEP31.29.80.30-Gen and NFPA20.

The start system shall be by dual sets of batteries with an additional back-up
system. This back-up system shall preferably be a pneumatic system with air
distributed via a header directly fed into the engines cylinders. Alternative systems,
like the use of an air or nitrogen starting system or a hydraulic system including an
electric motor driven charging pump can be considered to facilitate starting under
total ‘black’ conditions.

Means shall be provided to charge to the backup start system without requiring
electricity (e.g. during facility blackout situations).

The exhaust system shall include a spark-arrester silencer. The engine governor
and control system shall be the only source of power to the package.

Diesel fuel will be gravity fed from a day tank. This diesel day tank shall be either
supplied by others or be within the Supplier's scope of supply, as specified in the
requisition. Where part of Supplier’s scope it shall be mounted to one side of the
pump package, as it should not be located directly over the engine (hazardous) or
the pump/ transmission (restricts maintenance access).
The Supplier shall state the maximum elevation of the diesel day tank such that the
maximum permissible static pressure head at the engine is not exceeded. A
minimum static head will be maintained to ensure a full flow rate through partially
blocked fuel filters.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

3.7 Power Transmission

3.7.1 Engine Coupling

The coupling between diesel engine and gearbox (or pump) shall satisfy the
following requirements:

The coupling shall not require continuous lubrication,

It shall be possible to dismantle and remove the coupling without the necessity to
move either gearbox, pump or engine,
It shall be possible to run the engine disconnected, and an idling adaptor shall be
provided for this purpose if necessary,
A non-sparking, removable coupling guard shall be supplied in accordance with PD

The coupling shall be selected to minimise the transmission of torsional oscillations

(e.g. segmental rubber blocks or equivalent).

If required, a centrifugal clutch shall be provided between the diesel engine and the
right-angle gearbox of a vertical pump if necessary to allow the engine to accelerate
whilst disconnected from the pump. This clutch shall be fully automatic in operation
and shall not require any form of cooling.

3.7.2 Gearbox
Horizontal pumps shall be directly driven. Vertical pumps shall be driven through a
right-angle gearbox.

This gearbox shall be totally enclosed and comply with AGMA standard 420.04.
Gearboxes shall be rated for the driver rated power with a service factor of not less
than 1.8. Where a thrust bearing is incorporated in the gearbox, the appropriate
requirements of Section 3.5.1. of this Standard shall apply. Where the pump,
gearbox or engine can be damaged by reverse rotation a non-reverse ratchet shall
be incorporated into the gearbox.

The gearbox oil shall be cooled by seawater taken from the Firewater Pump
discharge. The cooling system shall be designed such that the maximum
temperature of the oil to the bearings, under the most adverse environmental
conditions, does not exceed 80 °C (gearbox oil temperature indication shall be
provided). The cooler may be either an external shell and tube type or an internal
cooling coil situated in the gearbox sump, in accordance with manufacturer standard

3.7.3 Hydraulically Driven Pumps.

Open loop hydraulic systems shall be used for Firewater Pump duty. An open loop
hydraulic system typically comprises a pump, hydraulic motor, filter, cooler,
expansion tank, interconnecting pipework, hoses, valves, coffer-dam tank header (if
applicable) and Booster Pump. The Booster Pump shall be electric motor driven and
is intended to maintain a small continuous flow of hydraulic fluid through the system
while the Firewater Pump is shut down.

The preferred arrangement is for a system operating at moderate pressure,

employing simple, rugged motors and pumps with a minimum of working parts (eg
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

screw type). All tubing and al items in contact with hydraulic fluid shall be fabricated
from grade 316L stainless steel. The hydraulic pump/motor cases may be
manufactured from other materials if 316L stainless steel units are not available.
Hydraulic oil pipes and hoses shall be arranged to avoid damage during installation,
prevent the ingress of contaminants and to facilitate disassembly.

An electric, thermostatically controlled heater shall be located in the expansion tank

if necessary to ensure the rapid transmission of power on start-up. The surface heat
flux shall not exceed 2.3 W/cm2. The hydraulic system shall be cooled by seawater
taken from the Firewater Pump discharge.

3.7.4 Transmission Lines

Where a Firewater Pump is driven either electrically or hydraulically, the
transmission lines or cables shall be protected against the same fire and physical
damage criteria as the power source (eg: diesel engine-driven generators). The
protection shall also cover the area around the discharge head or discharge elbow.

3.8 Anti-Marine Fouling System

When specified in the requisition vertical pumps shall be fitted with an anti-marine
fouling system in line with the § 3.10 of DEP
In case of hypochlorite injection the Pump Supplier may not be responsible for the
injection system, but the titanium distribution ring and supply hose shall be part
Supplier’s scope.

3.9 Foam Pump

If specified in the requisition each Firewater Pump Package shall be supplied with a
foam pump, which may be either the centrifugal or positive displacement type. The
pump shall comply with a recognised international standard customarily used by the
Supplier for similar service.

The foam pump shall be mounted together with the Firewater Pump driver on the
common skid and shall be directly coupled either driven to the engine (e.g. through
an auxiliary Power Take Off) or driven by a (common) hydraulic system. Where an
engine power-table-off is not available belt drive may be considered.

Unless otherwise specified in the requisition the foam pump shall be rated as
The discharge pressure shall be a minimum of 2 barg above the Firewater Pump
discharge pressure at all points on the Firewater Pump discharge curve.
The flow rate shall be sufficient to provide a nominal 1% AFFF (Aqueous Film
Forming Foam) concentrate by volume into the fire water stream at all points on the
Firewater Pump discharge curve.

3.10 Piping, Valves and Ancillaries

An integral cooling system shall be provided for the engine, gearbox and hydraulic
system (as appropriate) in accordance with NFPA20, using seawater from pump
discharge as the cooling medium. Unless otherwise specified, all seawater pipe
work shall be of 90/10 Copper Nickel Iron. GRE pipe work may be acceptable
subject to specific agreement by the Principal. This agreement by Principal will
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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

include agreement to the GRE manufacturer, piping sizes and jointing systems to
ensure commonality with the rest of the facility.

For vertical pumps an air vent valve shall be installed at the top of the rising main,
sized to vent air sufficiently fast from the riser on pump start-up to prevent water
hammer in the downstream piping system, and to allow air into the riser on pump
shutdown. The frictional heat due to the air releases shall be considered in
specifying the air vent valve internals.

All interfaces shall terminate with ANSI flanges at the skid edge.

3.11 Firewater Pump Controller

Controllers shall be of an approved type in accordance with NFPA 20, enclosed in
an 316 stainless steel cabinet to IEC 60529, IP65 standard, and fitted with an anti-
condensation heater. The controller shall be designed to effect the operating
philosophy described in Section 2 of this Standard. The controller shall be free-
standing on anti-vibration mounts.

All relays shall be hermetically sealed and suitable for 15 to 40Vd.c. (nominal
24Vd.c.) to ensure operation in the case of voltage dips during engine cranking. In
designing the controller, due consideration should be given to access for operation
and maintenance, both internally and externally.

A relay-based controller has engine overspeed as the only shutdown parameter. If

a more sophisticated control system is to be used (e.g. local or facility PLC) an
option for other protective functions to shutdown the pump when in ‘test’ mode
should be considered. The objective is to minimise the consequences of a system or
component failure during a firewater pump test.

The controller shall have the following features:

• Annunciator panel with "first-up fault" features,

• Isolators ac./dc,
• Battery selector - manual start,
• Start/stop button,
• Automatic/manual test mode selector,
• Battery chargers and controls,
• Device to provide the start attempts (as specified) powered from each battery
set in turn,
• Lamp test,
• Two ammeters and selectable voltmeter, for the battery sets,
• Semaphore indicator to indicate that the panel is electrically isolated.

Control and starter circuit isolators shall be provided. These may be located in the
controller and should be suitable for use in a Zone 1 area.

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The controller design shall be such that when the engine is started manually with the
hydraulic starter, all engine monitoring channels function and the overspeed
protection device is operative.

Malfunctions to be monitored and annunciated as alarms (or shutdowns) on the

controller shall include (but not necessarily be limited to) the parameters listed in the
table in Appendix 1: ‘Instrumentation for Diesel Engine Driven Firewater Pumps’.

The control system shall provide volt-free changeover contacts to annunciate the
following parameters in the installation control centre and/or via telemetry to another

‘Unit Available’ Firewater Pump Package ready for automatic start and
control system not in 'manual' or 'test' mode.
‘Pump on Demand’ Engine crank sequence operating.
‘Pump Running’ Normal start achieved and engine on load.
‘Fault’ Indicates that any one of the faults listed above has been
signalled at the controller.

The controller shall accept signals (e.g. start, inhibit automatic start, isolate ac and
dc power) from remote stations which are outside the Supplier's scope of supply.
The Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring the compatibility of the pump
package control equipment with the signals received. These signals may be of a
‘fleeting’ nature. The requisition will define the external signals to be accepted.

Flammable gas detectors, supplied by others, will be fitted in the diesel engine
enclosure. Coincident high level operation of any two gas detectors shall
automatically isolate all electrical equipment that is not suitable for operation in a
hazardous atmosphere. The signal will be provided by the main platform fire and
gas panel. Engine start-up and shutdown shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Section 2 of this Standard.

The engine governor, fuel control system and over-speed protection shall be
designed such that external power sources are not required for their operation; that
is, the engine must be capable of starting, running and stopping when all platform
power supplies have failed.

3.12 Room Cooler

The Supplier shall include a room cooler, which will be installed in the Firewater
Pump room by others. This shall be air blast type with the fan driven by an hydraulic
or water turbine, depending on the pump package configuration. For hydraulically
driven Firewater Pumps the fan shall be driven from the (common) hydraulic system.
For directly driven pumps the fan may be either driven by a hydraulic system or by a
side-stream from pump discharge, which should be added to the required pump
capacity as a loss.

The room cooler unit shall comply with a recognised international standard
customarily used by the Supplier for similar service.

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3.13 Inspection
All equipment covered by this Standard shall be subject to inspection at the
Supplier's works, and at the works of any sub-supplier or sub-contractor, by the
Purchaser's engineers or by a consultant or agent acting on behalf of the Purchaser.
The Purchaser and/or his agent shall therefore be permitted access to the
equipment at all reasonable times. These requirements shall be drawn to the
attention of any sub-supplier or subcontractor and shall be made a condition of any
sub-order or sub-contract.

Certain tests and inspections shall be observed by the Purchaser and/or his agent,
or may be witnessed and considered ‘hold points’ in the manufacturing process.
These tests and inspections will be agreed by the Purchaser and will be listed in the
plan for inspection and testing included with the requisition.

The scope of testing shall include as a minimum the testing as per section 3.14.

3.14 Testing

3.14.1 Hydrostatic Test

Each pump casing (bowl), section of rising main and discharge head shall be
hydrostatically tested with water to a minimum of 1.5 times the maximum allowable
pressure. This is defined as the greatest discharge pressure at the specified
pumping temperature for which the pump casings and rising main are designed.
Hydrostatic tests shall be considered satisfactory when no material or joint seepage
or leaks are observed for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Any leakage shall be cause for rejection. Repair activities shall be subject to prior
approval by the Purchaser and shall be carried out in accordance with agreed
procedures. Repairs shall be subject to approval by the Purchaser's inspector before
commencing a second or subsequent hydrostatic test.

3.14.2 Performance Test

The manufacturer shall operate the pump in the shop for a period sufficient to
produce at least six points of complete test data, including head, capacity, and
power. The six data points shall be shutoff, minimum continuous stable flow, midway
between minimum and rated flows, rated flow, 110 percent of rated flow and 150%
of rated flow. The test speed shall be within 3 percent of the rated speed shown on
the certified outline drawing. Test results shall be converted to the rated speed.

The Purchaser shall agree the test procedure prior to the test.
For performance testing of vertical pumps reference is made to W1000SM103.

When operated at rated speed and rated capacity, pumps shall be in accordance
with the guaranteed characteristics within the tolerances defined below.

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps

Condition Guarantee point (%) Shutoff (%)

Rated 0-150 - 2/ + 5 + 10/ - 10 note 1)
151- 300 - 2/ + 3 + 8/ - 8
head (m)
Over 300 - 2/ + 2 + 5/ - 5
Rated power + 4 Under any combination of the
above; cumulative test tolerances are
not acceptable

NPSH required +0

Note 1)
-10% allowable tolerance provided the test curve still exhibits a rising characteristic,
+10% allowable tolerance provided that the maximum allowable pressure is not exceeded.

If it is necessary to dismantle any pump after the shop test for the sole purpose of
machining impellers to meet the tolerances on differential head, no retest will be
required unless the reduction in diameter exceeds 5% of the original diameter.
However a mechanical run test will be required. The diameter of the impeller at the
shop test, together with the final diameter of the impeller, shall be recorded on a
certified shop test curve sheet showing the operating characteristics on test and the
calculated characteristic after the diameter of the impeller has been reduced.

If it is necessary to dismantle the pump because of some other correction, such as

improvement of efficiency, NPSH, or mechanical operation, a further performance
test shall be run after corrections are made.

3.14.3 NPSH Test

An NPSH test is required.

Testing by vacuum suppression tank is preferred, however an arrangement where

the pump is installed above a suction pit in which the level can be lowered is also

Data shall be taken at the same points as the performance test. The NPSH test shall
be in accordance with an accepted industry test code.

A drop in head of 3% at the first-stage is acceptable as an indication of performance

impairment. The total head rise shall be divided by the number of stages to
approximate first-stage head rise.

3.14.4 Prime Mover

Diesel engines shall be tested in accordance with DEP31.29.80.30-Gen.

3.14.5 Controller
A full, simulated operational test shall be carried out at the manufacturer's works. All
remote signals shall be simulated. The details of this test shall be agreed with the
Purchaser and will be listed in the plan for inspection and testing.

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3.14.6 Complete Firewater Pump Set Works Performance Test

Each complete Firewater Pump set, ie Firewater Pump, prime mover, controller,
foam pump and all ancillary items, shall be fully assembled, with all utilities
connected, and tested at load for at least 6 hours at the Supplier’s works. It is
recognised that vertical lineshaft pumps can probably only be tested with a
shortened length of rising main and drive shaft. The test procedure, including details
of all slave equipment intended for use during the test, shall be agreed by the
Purchaser prior to the test. The test schedule shall include the following activities:

• Stabilise the engine at normal operating temperature.

• Operate the pump at a minimum of four points to obtain a characteristic
curve at the rated speed. All conditions must be stable at each test point.
• Operate the pump at duty point for (at least) four hours.
• Operate the pump at 150% duty point for two hours.

As a minimum the following shall be recorded at half hourly intervals:

• Engine and pump speeds,
• Engine and gearbox lube oil temperature to and from cooler,
• Cooling medium temperatures (at inlet and outlet of all heat exchangers),
• Vibration at points defined in section 3.4.2 of this Standard for horizontal
pumps or as defined in section 3.5.3 of DEP for vertical
• Lubrication oil pressures,
• Fuel consumption,
• Engine exhaust temperature,
• Firewater Pump head and capacity.

The following measurements are for hydraulic drive pumps only:

• Hydraulic oil temperatures to and from cooler;
• Hydraulic oil pressure from each hydraulic pump;
• Cofferdam liquid level (if applicable).

Should the complete unit test reveal any faults or abnormal trends in equipment
operation, the Purchaser reserve the right to instruct the package Supplier to carry
out remedial work and repeat the extended test.

A start shall be made using the back-up starting system with the engine cold, and
with all electrical power isolated (ac and dc) prior to any other start-up. The set shall
then be stopped manually whilst the electrical power is isolated. A second start from
the back-up system shall be made with the electrical power connected. The
following controller functions shall be demonstrated with the engine running:

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• Engine run light comes on

• Engine monitoring channel activation
• Overspeed system
• Emergency shutdown buttons
• Electric start lock-out system.

The effective capacity of accumulator(s) (either pneumatic or hydraulic) shall be

checked by closing the engine fuel rack (to inhibit starting) and timing the cranking
periods available. The effectiveness of the electric start system shall also be
demonstrated during the test, along with the auto-switchover system.

3.15 Nameplate
Nameplates of 316 stainless steel or Monel type material shall be furnished,
securely attached by stainless steel pins to the pump/ discharge head and engine
baseframe. The nameplate(s) shall be stamped with the following information in the
English language with the data in SI units:

Purchaser's item number Purchaser's name

Pump serial number Casing hydrostatic test pressure
Capacity (m3/h) Revolutions per minute
Pumping head (m) Pump and driver model number
Driver rated power (kW) Manufacturer of pump and driver
Project Tag Number Year of manufacture

For vertical pumps the serial number shall be clearly stamped on the bowl assembly
in addition to being stamped on the nameplate.

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Unless otherwise stated the latest editions of the following Standards, including any
officially published amendments, supplements or revisions, and to the extent
specified, shall form a part of this Standard.

Other reference documents are listed in DEP31.29.80.30-Gen (Diesel Engines).



Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 ASME Sect.VIII Div 1

Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Class, 25,125, ASME B16.1
250 and 800
Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Class, 150, 300, 400, 600, ASME B16.5
1500 and 2500
Practice for Enclosed Speed Reducers or Increasers Using Spur, AGMA 420.04
Helical, Herringbone and Spiral Bevel Gears.


Classification of Degrees of Protection Provided by IEC 60529


Mechanical vibration. Balance quality requirements for rigid ISO 1940 - 1
rotors - Determination of permissible residual unbalance
Guidance on Safe Use of Machinery PD 5304


Installation of Stationary Fire Pumps for Fire Protection. NFPA 20

Offshore Rotating Equipment, Selections, General Requirements W1000MM101
& Interfaces
Seawater Lift Pumps W1000SM103

Diesel Engines DEP

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Title: Standard: Firewater Pumps




Speed X XHH
Lubricating Oil Pressure X XL
Coolant Temperature (f) X XL/ XH
Air Intake Filter Diff. Pressure X XH
Exhaust Gas Temperature g)
Coolant Pressure X
Fuel Pressure X XH
Fuel rack closed X
Receiver Pressure X XL
Engine Running X X
Unit Off/Manual (Duty Selected) X X
Controller Available X X
Test Program Timer X X X
Engine Fail to Start X X X
Remote Start X X
Batteries Isolated X X
Batteries low voltage X X
Batteries Re-energise X
Start initiated X
Engine On Call X
Common Fault Alarm X
Foam Tank Level X XL
Diesel Tank Level X XL
Hydraulic Tank Level X XL
Running X
Fault X
Seal Temperature XH
Oil Temperature XH
Oil Pressure XL
Released X
Lockout X
Healthy X
Oil temperature X
Oil filter diff. Pressure X
Oil level XL
Oil pressure XL


a) Local Indication: instrumentation readout shall be positioned directly on the equipment or on a local
gauge board (e.g. TI).

b) UCP Indication: Instrumentation readout shall be positioned on the Unit Control Panel (UCP), which
will be on the equipment skid.

c) Alarm: Function annunciated on the UCP to show the alarm state and cause of alarm.

d) Shutdown: Function annunciated on the UCP to show the shutdown state and cause of shutdown.

e) Status: Display only.

f) Low coolant temperature indicates heater failure.

g) Exhaust temperature from each cylinder will typically be available from modern engines and will be
useful for maintenance activities.

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