Chapter 1 Microbial Taxonomy, pg2

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Textbook: Diagnostic Microbiology, 12th edition.

Chapter 1 Microbial Taxonomy, pg2

- Classification
- Nomenclature
- Identification
- Identification Methods:
- Table 1-1, pg4

Chapter 2 Host-Microorganism Interactions, pg26

- Figure 3-1 pg27
- Figure 3-2 pg27
- Body surface associated with colonization, pg28
Skin and skin structure
Mucous membranes
- Box 3-1 pg29
- Box 3-2 pg30
- Box 3-3 pg32
- Box 3-4 pg32
- Host responses to microbial invasion:
Specific (the immune system)
- Figure 3-6 pg33
- Box 3-5 pg34
- Figure 3-7 pg34
- Box 3-6 pg35
- Figure 3-9 pg 36
- Figure 3-10 pg37
- The microorganism perspective, pg37-42 (included figures and boxes between these pages)

Chapter 16 Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, and similar organisms, pg254

Focus on s.aureus and s.epidermidis for this chapter
- General characteristics
- Pathogenesis and spectrum of disease
- Table 16-1 epidermilogy
- Table 16-2 pathogenesis and spectrum of diseases
- Laboratory diagnosis:
Direct detection methods
- figure 16-2
- figure 16-3
- Coagulase test, pg259
- See figure 13-11 pg223
- About antibiotic resistance
Chapter 6 Microscopy
- Bright field (light) microscope
- Box 6-1(focus on the first 4 bullet points)
- Table 6-1
- Figure 6-1
- Staining Techniques for light microscope
Smear preparation
Gram Stain
- Figure 6-2
- Figure 6-3
- Acid-Fast Stain
- Figure 6-4
- Figure 6-5
- Figure 6-6
- Figure 6-7
- Figure 6-9
- Fluorescent Microscopy
Principle of fluorescent microscopy
- Figure 6-10
- Figure 6-11
- Figure 6-12
- Figure 6-13
- Figure 6-15
- Figure 6-16
- Figure 6-17
- immunofluorescence pg90
Key terms: acid fast stain, acridine orange, auramine rhodamine, bright-field microscopy, calcufluor white,
dark-field microscopy, electron microscopy, fluorescene microscopy, fluorochroming, gram stain,
immunofluorescence, resolution , resolving power.

Chapter 17 Streptococcus, enterococcus, and similar organisms, pg265

Focus on s.pyrogenes, s.agalactae, s.pneumoniae and enterococcus.spp
- Table 17-1
- Beta-hemolytic streptococci
- Table 17-2
- Laboratory diagnosis:
Direct detection methods:
Antigen detection
Gram stain
- Figure 17-1
Media of choice
Incubation conditions and duration
Beta-hemolysis increase by anaerobic conditions
-streptolysin o is O2 sensitive
- anaerobic conditions provided by sub-surface stabbing of BA
S.pyogenes Tests:
-susceptible to bacitracin (taxo A)
-PYR (+)

S.agalactiae Tests:
-CAMP test
-extracellular protein enhances S.aureus hemolysis
-hippurate (+)

S.pneumoniae tests:
- bile solubility test(+)
- susceptible to optochin (taxo P)
- commercial DNA probe

Emterococci tests
- PYR (+)
- group D antigen
- grows in 6.5% NaCl @ 45 Celsius

ID of beta-hemolytic species-Lance field grouping

- commercial latex agglutination kit
- uses antigen properties of cell wall carbs to differentiate between species

Chapter 7 Traditional Cultivation and Identification, pg 93

This chapter is kind of a reviewing chapter for the last 2 years that you had done in the labs
Focus on:
- Media classification
- Environment requirements and pH
- Colony characteristics
- Purposes of bacterial ID
- Phenotypic criteria for bacterial id

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