SR Riktha

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Class: IX
Duration: 40 minutes
Objective - Being grateful to Mother Veronica for founding the Apostolic Carmel for the
mission of India.
Starter: Hymn- Listen let you heart keep seeking
Listen to his constant speaking
Listen to the Spirit calling you
Listen to his inspiration
Listen to his invitation
Listen to his Spirit calling you.

Sr. Veronica heard an inner voice:

An inner voice frequently saying to Sr. Veronica, ‘I want you in Carmel’ when
she was working in India. She had experienced personal fulfillment in her life and work
as a sister of St. Joseph of the Apparition. She was loved in her congregation and she also
loved her sisters. She could not understand what this interior call meant. Little by little
the light seemed to enter her heart. She surrendered her will to God without knowing
how it was to be accomplished. Obedience is my only infallible guide she said.
Meanwhile she sought the guidance of prudent director Fr. Marie Ephrem spoke
to her of the felt need of the Carmelite mission for the establishment of a congregation of
Carmelite sisters who would devote themselves to the education of girls in India.
The next event in the unfolding of His plan seemed to be in direct
contradiction to her call. She received a transfer order to take charge of the convent at
Rangoon in 1864. After a year and half at Rangoon Sr. Veronica had a very serious fall,
which injured her foot very badly. The doctor said an operation was necessary but her
health needed her return to Europe as she was not able to undergo surgery in Rangoon.
Sr. Veronica as a novice in Great Carmel:
With her motherly concern Mrs. Leeves asked her daughter to come to
London to be treated by the best surgeon there. Sr. Veronica accordingly returned to
England for a time until her health was restored. The Superior General asked her to
returned to Rome. Her mission to India seemed to be over but her call to Carmel and to
the task of founding congregation of Carmelite sisters for the education of girls in India
remained in her heart. She waited the unfolding of God’s plan in whatever lay ahead. The
discernment process took time. Meanwhile Fr. Marie Ephrem had arranged with the
prioress of the Carmel of Pau in France to receive Sr. Veronica as a novice there, if she
were called to Carmel. However she could leave her congregation with the approval of
her Superior General.

Meanwhile, the Father General of the Discalced Carmelites wrote to

mother Elias of Prioress of the Carmel of Pau that Sr. Veronica was to make her
profession in the third order Regular which she was to found for India. After her
Profession she set about drawing up the constitutions for the new Third order which
would include the active life together with a modified version of the Carmelite rule. As
soon as the work was done, mother Elias bade Sr. Veronica begin the work of starting the
new foundation. Mother Veronica went from place to place in search of a place but no
place seemed to be available for such a beginning anywhere. Her search took her to
Montpellier, Anncy, La Roche, Lyons, Nimes, Carcassonne, Agen and Bordeaux in
The new little Apostolic Carmel:
In this situation, without hope of making a foundation in the place
suggested by Father General, after five months Mother Veronica returned to Pau, utterly
tired and dejected, hoping to be received again into the community. But Mother Elias had
other views on the subject. She directed Mother Veronica to go to Bayonne, to talk over
the matter with the Bishop Monsignor La Croix. The Carmel there had a little house that
was abandoned and that might be free for her purpose. As she approached the place, an
inexplicable lightness of heart filled her with hope. She was received very affectionately
by the Prioress, Mother Dosithea and the community. She could certainly have the
adjacent house at 500 francs a year as soon as the present tenants vacated it in a month’s
time. Joy and peace flooded her soul and a new courage to work for the establishment of
a Third order Carmel for the missions of India. The Bishop La Croix of Bayonne
welcomed her with paternal kindness giving her all the necessary permissions to establish
the new congregation and allowing her to enter the Carmel of Pau while waiting for the
house at Bayonne to be vacated.
After about a month at Pau Mother Veronica left her dear community to
begin the new foundation of the little Carmel at Bayonne in France on the 16 th of July
1868 the Feast of Blessed Mother of Carmel. Mother Veronica and her two little
postulants celebrated the Eucharistic sacrifice in the chapel of the Bayonne Carmel and
they made a complete offering of themselves to divine love. The Apostolic Carmel was
born in the new little community.

Mother Veronica founded the Apostolic Carmel at Bayonne France in 1868,after
many hardships in her relentless search for God’s will. The first group of Apostolic
Carmelites arrived in India in 1870. Mother Veronica’s heroic obedience to the will of
God, her life of profound faith and prayer, her whole hearted commitment to the cross,
her outstanding humility and zeal for the missions remain an inspiration to all those who
following the of Christ, seek to offer lives in loving service of God.

Activity: song – I have brought you into the land of Carmel,

That you may eat of the fruit and the good things thereof
1. Her roots thrust deep into faith’s rich earth,
Her stem garland and knotted with years
Reaches strong brown arms up lifted in prayer,
Dropping myrrh of her sweat and her tears.
I gather fresh branches of thick verdant foliage
To strew on your path as you walk the rough street.
Let vibrant hosannas now shatter the silence
And stir the green richness that waits for your feet.

Points to remember:
- Mother Veronica heard an inner voice of God, “I want you in Carmel”.
- On the Feast of our Lady of Carmel the 16th July, the Apostolic Carmel was found
in 1868.
- The Apostolic Carmel was established in India in 19th November 1870.
Find out how many Provinces, communities, schools, colleges, and sisters and teachers
work in the Apostolic Carmel in India.

Draw an A.C. tree and write Provinces on the branches.


I. a. Who was Mary’s father? ( Joachim )

b. Who was Mary’s husband? ( Joseph }
c. Who was Mary’s mother? (Ann)
d. Who was Mary’s Cousin? (Elizabeth )

II. 1. Which day is the Feast of the annunciation celebrated? (25th March )
2. When is Mary’s Birthday celebrated ? ( 8th September )
3. Which day is the Feast of Mary the Mother of God celebrated ? (1st
4. When is the Feast of our Lady’s Presentation celebrated? (21st
November )

III. 1. What is the meaning of Visitation ? ( Elizabeth meets Mary )

2. What is the meaning of Magnificat ?( Mary’s song )
3. What is the meaning of Assumption ?
4. What is the meaning of Coronation ? (Mary was given crown in
heaven )

IV. 1. Where did Mary appeared to Bernadette ? (Lourdes )

2. Where did Mary appeared to three children ? ( At Fatima )
3. Where did Mary appeared to Simon Stock and gave scapular ?
V. 1. Why did Joseph want to send away Mary quietly ? ( Because she was
conceived by the Holy Spirit)
2. What was Mary’s reply to the angel when he saluted her Hail Mary?
(Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord)
3. Which is the first miracle which Jesus worked in the presence of Mary?
(changing water into wine at Cana wedding)
4. What word did Jesus address to Mary at the foot of the cross? (Mother
Behold your Son)

VI. 1. Which Litany of Mary invoked for Christians? (Help of Christian

2. Which title in the litany of Mary invoked for the sick ? (health
of the sick )
3. Which title in the litany of Mary invoked for the family? (Queen
of the Family)
4. Which litany of Mary invoked for Carmel ? (Queen Beauty of
Carmel )

VII. See the symbol and say the title in the litany of Mary
1. Church- Mother of the church
2. Rosary-Queen of the most Holy Rosary
3. Angels – Queen of Angels
4. Star - Morning Star

VIII. 1. Which day is Mary’s Day? (Saturday)

2. Which month is dedicated to the Rosary? (October)
3. Which month is Mary’s month? (May)
4. Which month is dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel? (July)
IX. 1. Where is a shrine of Our Lady in the South India? (At Velankani)
2. Where is a shrine of Our Lady in the North India? (At Bandel )
3. In which country Lourdes is? (France)
4. In which country Fatima is? (Portugal)

X. 1. Yesterday we had high holy mass for Carmel Feast.

2. Which song we sang for our psalm (after 1st . reading )
3. Which song we sang for acclamation
4. Which song we sang for Recessional
5. Which song we sang during power Point.



DURATION: 40 minutes.
OBJECTIVES: Deepen our faith in God as mother Veronica did and
STARTER: An Interview
1. When do we receive our faith?
We receive our faith at our Baptism and we confess our faith in
the creed, I believe in God……….
2. When do we proclaim our faith during Mass?
We proclaim our faith during Mass when we say Christ has died,
Christ has risen and Christ will come again.
3. How do we live our faith?
We live our faith by reading the Holy Scripture, praying, going to
the church and sharing God experiences.

Sophie’s childhood and education:

Sophie Leaves was born in 1823 and brought up in a pious,
culture, English Anglican family. She developed sound principles and
education from her childhood. Sophie loved the company of her playmate
Mary Anne, who was just two years younger than her. Sometimes Sophie
and Mary Anne joined the hymn singing when the whole family gathered in
drawing room. Both were given religious instruction by her father. One day
he called them into his room and taught them the seventh commandment.
“Thou shall not steal”. After the explanation he sent them to play. Sophie
went to dining room and saw the jug of milk cream so tempting she took a
teaspoon of it. Mary Anne caught her and said, papa has just told us not to
steal. She reported the incident to her father. Being a strict father he
punished her, which filled her with shame rather than pain. Sophie resolved
never to steal or lie again and she kept this resolution all her life.
Sophie loved teaching:
Both of them loved teaching to little children. Sophie enjoyed
teaching and looking after the sick. Both of them made sacrifices by giving
up sugar in their tea to help the poor. They were given money to spend for
the needs of the poor. Sophie learnt sign language to teach Emily her dumb
sister. She communicated better with sign language. Sophie took care of her
and she was a second mother to the child as well as her teacher. A group of
ladies collected at the house to sew garments for the poor. Sophie and Mary
Anne found part of the group to help the poor. They spent their time and
energy for the poor and needy.
Baptism of Sophie:
Sophie and Mary Anne frequently went to pray in the Catholic
Church. One day a priest spoke the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Suddenly her heart was deeply moved. However the were going to take the
step of turning to Catholicism without causing a painful division in their
own family. With all their anguish of heart a deep peace possessed their
souls. They found the truth, so the two girls decided to receive conditional
baptism into the Catholic Church and their first communion on 2nd Feb.
1850, the feast of purification of the Blessed Virgin.
Mamma, said Sophie kneeling beside her. I am afraid we are going
to cause you pain but it is better that you know all. “We have just been
received into the catholic church”. Mamma rose aguishly from her seat. “So
now you are papists”. She cried out in anguish, pushing away Sophie who
was trying to kiss her. Mary Anne was weeping uncontrollably, unable to
bear the painful scene. Just then Henry came for breakfast was laid. She
poured out Henry’s tea and he began to eat. Then he heard Mamma weeping
aloud and he asked, what is the matter with Mamma? Henry, Sophie said
gently. Mamma is crying because Mary Anne and I have just been received
into the Catholic Church. He was very sad that his sisters became catholic.
Sophie and Mary Anne were happy and at peace in spite of domestic storms.
In spite her mother’s strong opposition Sophie embraced the catholic faith
and God took possession of her heart so powerfully that she was ready to
face any challenges. She experienced God’s presence in her life.

Reflection: Faith is one’s respond to God. Catholic faith is a gift of God.

Let us deepen our faith in God so that we may be strong and have full
confidence in God. Our faith in God will save us, heal us and help us to
know His will. Deep faith will change our lives. Faith will lead us to prayer
and seek God in everything.

Points to remember:
- Sophie was born in 1823 in a pious English Anglican
- She developed sound principles from her childhood.
- Sophie frequently went to pray in the church.
- She was baptized in 1850 in Catholic Church in spite of
her mother’s strong opposition. Her strong faith in God
made her to face the challenge.
Something to do:
Write them;
Date of my Baptism……………………………………………………
My Baptismal name…………………………………………………….
Name of my God father…………………………………………………
Name of my God mother……………………………………………….

At Baptism God has planted three seeds of love, faith and hope in my heart.
Draw a big heart and small three seeds as symbols and color them.

Class: IX
Duration: 40 minutes
Objective: Learn to listen the inner voice of God and draw inspiration from
the life of Mother Veronica.
Starter: A story from the Bible (God called Samuel)
Dramatize the call of Samuel. (I Samuel 3: 1-18)

Sophie’s ‘Yes’ to God and ‘No’ to her fiancé:

When Sophie was twenty-two years old she met a young naval officer.
She was engaged to be married. Since most of mamma’s relations were also
marine officers, she was in favour of the marriage, which was to take place
two years later.
Once more Sophie met her fiancé on leave in his parents home and
she had fallen in love more deeply with him. At the same time Jesus had
somehow taken possession of her heart. She felt inner void, which could
only be filled by God Himself. So which she was looking forward to
marriage, She also felt drawn to give herself completely to God as a nun. In
this turmoil she wanted to be freed from her engagement. Finally she wrote a
letter to her fiancé exposing to him her desire to be a sister. The naval officer
freed her from her engagement to the utter disappointment, with great
respect for the inner promptings of her soul.
Sophie joined the sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition:
The sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition at Syros received Sophie
and Mary Anne with great affection and cordiality. The two young converts
could now practice their faith in peace. Sophie began to devote herself to
prayers and meditation with great ardour. One day, as she was praying in the
church she begged our Lord to show her where He wanted her to be a sister.
Suddenly she heard clearly in her heart the word ‘Tomorrow’. She asked the
Blessed Virgin to tell her the meaning of that strange voice. Again she heard
in her heart the words “Tomorrow I will tell you what I wish”. She wanted
after communion the next day, in the deepest silence of her heart the voice
came again, “ I want you here”. She understood that she was called to be a
sister of St. Joseph of Apparition. She and Mary Anne were accepted as
postulants on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross the 14th of September
1851 and in 1852 she made her profession with great joy and a sense of
Sophie as Sr. Veronica:
Sophie was called Sr. Veronica after her profession. The next year she
was sent to a new convent of the sister of St. Joseph in Athens as member of
that community. She could visit her mother from time to time she was alone
after the death her brother Henry. Once her Superior General Mother Emilie
Julien fell and broke her leg. Sr. Veronica was taking care and nursing her
with devotion. Beside her nursing skill she loved the children in her care as
well the people of the village when she took in charge of the Parish Primary
School. In 1860 she was appointed Superior of a new foundation at Piraeus.
As superior she did many good deeds and gave detail account of her life to
her Superior General. She always obeyed the will of God. In June 1860 a
summons from Rome took Sr. Veronica to the eternal city. She had the
happiness of assisting at the Holy Father ‘s mass and she was introduced as
an English convert. The Holy Father looked at her, held out his hand said ‘be
good and holy’. She was filled with delight and a deep sense of belonging to
the church. From Rome Sr. Veronica was called to go to a distant land with
an alien culture. Sr. Veronica was to be the Superior as well as take charge of
the school and the boarding house. She among people who were utter
strangers, journeying in difficult circumstances to unknown horizons. Sr.
Veronica set out for India, ready to face all the hardships that lay ahead. She
was full of zeal to begin work on her new mission, she was received by the
Carmelite priest on the shore at Mangalore. As soon as she stepped the shore
she knelt and kissed the earth with great devotion and faith. The priest had
brought a small bullock cart to take travelers to the Convent of the sisters of
St. Joseph already established there. The sisters very affectionately received
Sr. Veronica and her companions and they were very happy to be there. Sr.
Veronica accepted the challenges with great enthusiasm to educate the girls
of India. Her prayer life was intensified. She received special favours in
prayer and these helped her to face painful challenges that came on her way.
She learnt to read and write as well as to speak in Malayalam to give quality
education to the girls.
Activity: Reflect and write down when you can hear the inner voice of god.
- What do you want to be and why?
- What inspiration do you derive from the life of Mother

Song - Make God your Guru

Let Him tell you what to do
Listen He’s calling calling you
Take time to listen
Have courage to obey
The inner voice is calling calling you.
Recall and write down the voice of God heard by others from the Bible.

First Day
8.30 – 9.00 : Introduction and Meditation - Sr. Riktha
9.00 – 9.30 : Nature Walk
9.30 – 10.30 : My Value System – Sr. Riktha
10.30 – 10.45 : Break
10.45 – 11.45 : How do I relate – Sr. Riktha
11.45 – 12.30 : Who is God to me – Sr. Riktha
12.30 – 1.00 : Lunch
1.00 – 2.00 : Self – knowledge: Key to Change – Sr. Mary Theresia
2.00 – 3.00 : My world: Reflection and Prayer
3.00 – 3.15 : Diary and Evaluation.

Second Day
8.30 – 9.00 : Guided Prayer – Sr. Surekha
9.00 – 9.30 : Nature Walk
9.30 – 10.30 : Happiness – Sr. Riktha
10.30- 10.45 : Break
10.45 – 11.45 : Goal directed choices – Sr. Riktha
11.45 – 12.30 : My Personal Goal
12.30 – 1.00 : Lunch
1.00 – 2.00 : Elements of Success – Sr. Mary Theresia
2.00 – 3.00 : Healing Session – Sr. Riktha
3.00 – 3.15 : Diary and Evaluation

Third Day
8.30 – 9.00 : Meditation - Sr. Riktha
9.00 – 9.45 : Challenges – Sr. Surekha
9.45 – 10.30 : Being Special – Sr. Gertrude Rose
10.30 – 10.45 : Break
10.45 – 11.30 : Work Sheet, Helps to live a value based life –Sr. Riktha
11.30 – 12.30 : Thanks giving prayer and celebration – All the sisters.
12.30 – 1.00 : Lunch for all.
1. I love nature – God’s gift of love
2. Live a value –based life.
3. I am unique – lovable and capable
4. The key to change is in my hands.
5. My behaviour affects relationships and goals.
6. God is my Supreme Treasure.
7. Silence and Meditation lead me to God
8. I seek lasting happiness.
9. I choose that which lead me to my Goal.
10.I am a voice for the voiceless.
11.I am determined to overcome obstacles to reach my
12.I am call to be special and serve with love.

1. I love nature – God’s gift of love
2. Live a value –based life.
3. I am unique – lovable and capable
4. The key to change is in my hands.
5. My behaviour affects relationships and goals.
6. God is my Supreme Treasure.
7. Silence and Meditation lead me to God
8. I seek lasting happiness.
9. I choose that which lead me to my Goal.
10.I am a voice for the voiceless.
11.I am determined to overcome obstacles to reach my
12. I am call to be special and serve with love.

1. I love nature – God’s gift of love
2. Live a value –based life.
3. I am unique – lovable and capable
4. The key to change is in my hands.
5. My behaviour affects relationships and goals.
6. God is my Supreme Treasure.
7. Silence and Meditation lead me to God
8. I seek lasting happiness.
9. I choose that which lead me to my Goal.
10.I am a voice for the voiceless.
11.I am determined to overcome obstacles to reach my
12.I am call to be special and serve with love.
Value game

1. Openness
2. Creativity
3. fidelity
4. service
5. obedient
6. gentle
7. silence
8. prudent
9. Honesty
18.Self sacrifice
35.Self confidence

Openness cheerful Love prudent

Openness Kindness Prayerful service

Purity Peace Selfless Justice

Love forgiveness Unity Active

Thoughtful Honesty Dedication Obedient

Caring Hope Joyful Kindness

Purity Justice sincere Courage Joyful

Obedient Fidelity prayerful Prudent

helpful Service Unity Humility

Honesty fidelity silence Respect

sharing Generosity Helpful forgiveness

Self sacrifice Caring Purity Happiness

Justice Peace fidelity Service

Joyful sincere kindness prayerful

Honesty sharing caring Respect

Prayerful Fidelity Compassion Service

Peace Prayerful love Honesty

Respect Sincere justice Obedient

Arpana Arpana Arpana Arpana Arpana Arpana

Monica Monica Monica Monica Monica Monica

Deepika Deepika Deepika Deepika Deepika Deepika

Aseema Aseema Aseema Aseema Aseema Aseema

Pushpa Pushpa Pushpa Pushpa Pushpa Pushpa

Rose Mary Rose Mary Rose Mary Rose Mary Rose Mary

Anamika Anamika Anamika Anamika Anamika

Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca Rebecca

Amali Amali Amali Amali Amali Amali

Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala Kamala

Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret Margaret

Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan

Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan Jaya Pradhan

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