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Website link: tmorganramirez.

Journal: (try to fill in the entire box with your writing)
Date 2/1
Growing up I had a group of friends, together there were about 8 of us or so. We
started growing older but during our teenage years a deadly pandemic hit that was killing
people left and right. One after another each of my friends got sick and went through a long
painful death, after each one the remaining helped bury them. Soon I found it to just be me,
the only one, with a shovel burying my last friend. I didn’t even know who to mourn over, one
after another was just too much for me. Too much for anyone. The feeling in my heart like it
had been stabbed with a knife over and over again and then twisted with no mercy filled me
everyday. I would often sleep long hours hoping to wake up from this nightmare but the only
thing I woke up to was the recurring pain of my reality. They say that time heals pain but
they’re wrong, it only teaches us to live with it. I quickly became mentally ill and I dealt with
severe depression, those who I had left tried to talk to me but that is not what I wanted. I hate
talking to people when I’m down, the last thing I want is people around me asking that I
express my feelings. To this day I still have the hole in my heart, the feeling of emptiness, like
if I am incomplete. Throughout this battle with the world I have been able to get through the
mourning, depression, and suicidal thoughts that once haunted me.

Word of the day:

Word: Susceptible Definition: To be vulnerable to something

Image: Sentence: Kids are usually seen as very

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Journal: (try to fill in the entire box with your writing)
Date 2/2
We had all been deployed for the summer to go to Palestine to help aid after the most recent
bombing by the taliban. We have been at war with them for over a decade now and
sometimes seeing part of what the American military caused hurts. In our months there we
had seen many things hard to bear, people crying at our feet begging for food. Others with
missing limbs or dead family members, either from bombings or starving due to lack of
resources provided by the government. This day in specific really stuck with me the hardest
for some reason, maybe it was the innocence of the little girl after what had happened to her.
Anyways we had gotten on the plane on our way to make a landing to provide aid and
resources once again but in a different location. We had heard that the Taliban had come over
with an airstrike over a school that was now no longer. They believed it was against their
religion for girls to go to school, so they would do anything to prevent them even if it meant
killing. There were 13 people killed that night and 76 injured, after landing we all spread out
with materials and medical aid. The nearest person I saw was a little girl, I did not know how
old she was but it looked to be about 3 or 4 years old. She was completely in shock and
clearly did not know to react as I had seen what I believed to be her parents next to her both

Word of the day:

Word: Subordinate Definition: Someone lower in rank.

Sentence: There are subordinate ranks

to the chief.

Website link:
Journal: (try to fill in the entire box with your writing)
Date 2/3
I had recently just started working as a security for Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, it was about
my third week or so there. Everything had gone pretty normal, nothing out of the blue, but still
like others when beginning a new job I was extra alert. So each and every night I kept my
eyes peeled onto the camera and watched each and every prisoner through the night, at
times I would even forget to blink. But after days and weeks went by I stopped caring so much
as I realized nothing was going to happen. I mean after all we were in the world's highest
security prison right? No one had ever escaped Alcatraz anyways so who could possibly do it
now? Usually when I am not working I sleep during the day since I work through the night, I
am basically nocturnal by now. But today was different. I went home late and went to sleep
like I usually do. I had heard some issues with my car started and realized I needed to take it
to the auto shop. Waiting for the car took about 3-4 hours so that was my sleep I was throwing
out the window just being there. I took it home after getting fixed and tried to sleep but I
couldn't. It was already time for me to go to work, so I forced myself up and went. I lasted
maybe about 2 hours before slowly dozing off, thinking eh what could happen? Then I woke
up and the most notorious inmate there was gone, my heart dropped.

Word of the day:

Word: Demur Definition: to object to

Image: Sentence: In court the lawyer demurred

against the felons claim.
Website link:
Journal: (try to fill in the entire box with your writing)
Date 2/4
Today was one of the days I looked forward to all year, my three friends and I had an annual
tradition where we went to the fair every summer. We would go multiple times through but this
day in particular was very special to us because it was the fourth of july. We had been going
together since we could all remember since all our parents are friends. Now that we are older
we choose to go on our own now. We were all 17 at the time and Terry had just turned 18 so
we were the one that was supposed to be in control. Even though we all knew he was the
most immature out of the four so none of us really took it seriously. Together we had so much
fun throughout the hot day, I mean you could only imagine all the rides and carnival foods we
had. Everything from corndogs to ice cream to funnel cake was all so delicious, on top of that
we were looking forward to the sunset by the beach. After all we were on the Santa Cruz
boardwalk so you know we had to go take a walk on the beach. But as the light began to
slowly fade away we all wanted to finally try the house of mirrors. We were never able to go
when we were younger because of various rumors of what had happened to people there. So
we entered and immediately what I saw made my heart sink instantly, what was a split of a
second felt so long yet so quick at the same time. You know how they speak of the grim
reaper and how he comes when your life is coming to an end. That is what I saw, everything
felt like in slow motion and at the moment I knew exactly who it was. I tried to look inside that
dark hood he was wearing but there was no face, he stood there with his staff. He reached out
at me vigorously and pulled me into the mirror, from there on out it went pitch black.

Word of the day:

Word: Deference Definition: respect; regard

Sentence: It is a custom in most cultures

to have deference for your elders.


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Journal: (try to fill in the entire box with your writing)
Date 2/5
Recently my grandfather passed, sadly he did not live such a long life. He only lived till the
age of 154 and on March 28th 2324 we had gotten the news from my great great
grandmother. She had sent us a message through brain telekinesis, after hearing the news I
could not believe it so I called her through hologram and she said yes in fact it was true. We
went over to visit the space ship he owned, it was an older one and I always loved going over
just because it was so vintage! I remember he would take me on rides back to the place our
people used to live at which was called Earth. I only learned briefly about the planet in school
but it seemed kinda cool but I was never super interested in it. Anyways after arriving we
hugged our family and took off our space suits. We had to plan his funeral together and we
came to an agreement that we wanted him to be buried on the moon like the rest of the family.
We then went through some of his old stuff and spoke about all the memories we had of him, I
found one of his journals. I remember him saying he used to be a typer and I always thought it
was so crazy how they used to have to type to show what they were saying! We went more
into depth with his stories about his own personal life and all the rides and experiences he
used to once feel when he was on Earth. I do not know why he missed it so much but who
knows I just know I like it better up here!
Word of the day:
Word: Abet Definition: To aid, help or encourage.

Sentence: He offered to us abet as we

were trying to take the couch up.


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