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Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 588-3 Filed 05/04/21 Page 2 of 10

From: Matt Fischer (

To: Pete Distad (
CC: Sheryline (, Christopher Campbell (, Carson Oliver
(, Peter Stern (, Eric Gray (
Subject: Re: Netflix Update
Sent: 04/18/2018 07:44:13 PM 0000 (GMT)

Thanks for the updates, Pete and Sher.

Looking forward to our meeting with them on the 30th.

On Apr 18, 2018, at 11:11 AM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Thanks for the update, Matt, myself, and Peter are meeting with Greg and Bill on the 30th.

On a positive note,, Rob Caruso from what we can tell is likely going to be running our relationship with Netflix and he is
very well respected by Bill and Greg and I don’t think it has been finalized yet, but we are hearing Manrique may even
report to him at some point. Rob is a neighborhood friend of mine and a great guy. Peter and I spent some time with
Rob and he basically told us that he highly doubts that based on what he has seen on the data side that the tests would
result in anything that would cause them to pull IAP. He clearly understands the implications of making that decision.
Obviously we should keep that to ourselves and not say that to Manrique or even directly to Greg and Bill. But I think we
have a good guy in there that will help us work through this and end in the right place. Even if the results weren’t
conclusive, I don’t think he would immediately jump to conclusoins.

On a side note he facilitated a good meeting over there yesterday with their engineering team and ours to see if we can
come up with a potential middle-ground solution for the TV app. Still early, but progress is being made.


On Apr 18, 2018, at 10:39 AM, Sheryline <> wrote:

Hi all,

Chris and I had lunch with Manrique yesterday and wanted to update you all on the latest plans for their IAP test. They
are planning to begin the test on 5/14. Given the fraud issue we are still working through with them in LatAm, they are
adjusting the test markets to replace Columbia vs. Peru with Germany / Italy vs. France / Spain. We’re concerned with
the fact these four markets are larger than the two LatAm markets being replaced, and Carson is addressing this with
Manrique to see if they’d consider adjusting markets. We’ll report back after that discussion. We’re also syncing with
the international team on featuring plans and will circle back.

Please reach out with any questions.


Sheryline Chapman | App Store Business Management | | O: +1.408.862.0231

On Apr 5, 2018, at 3:18 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Mtg is currently scheduled for April 30th in person with both Greg and Bill. Trying to pull in. Their schedules have

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been the blockers. I am pinging Bill to see if we can pull in.

On Apr 5, 2018, at 11:34 AM, Christopher Campbell <> wrote:

Hey Pete,

Just checking in to see if this meeting has happened. If so, anything to share?

Also, I shared with Eric, but for others who may have been working with her, Netflix shared that Roma De is no longer with the


Chris Campbell
App Store l One Apple Park Way l MS: 923-4APP l Cupertino, CA 95014 I 408.974.7176

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On Mar 15, 2018, at 8:02 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Looks like it is scheduled for the 26th. That was the soonest they were available.

On Mar 14, 2018, at 8:56 PM, Carson Oliver <> wrote:

Hi all,

Following up on Chris’ email, I wanted to check in to see if we’ve been able to schedule the executive meeting
with Netflix. Also, given the close attention they’re paying to the proposed test markets, it seems like it may be
advisable to avoid any editorial boosting in the upcoming weeks - it’s likely to be pretty obvious to them. Let
me know your thoughts.


On Mar 9, 2018, at 3:52 PM, Christopher Campbell <> wrote:

Hi All,

I just met Manrique for lunch and wanted to share some key points from our discussion. I should caveat this
by noting that Manrique and I have a solid relationship so he rarely holds back in terms of being
forthcoming and direct. With that said, here are my notes:

Their IAP Test:

Overall: He made it very clear that this decision has been made and they’ve already started

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work on the test, which is currently slated to start the first week of May. He reiterated that it will
be nine of the eleven original countries; UK and Australia will not be part of the test. He was
pleased with our efforts re: the test thus far, but noted that we should not do anything to try
and upend or play any tricks with their test. In his words, “not doing the test is not an option.”
Apple Escalation: We discussed escalation from the Apple side and he discouraged such a
move, but knowing that it will likely still happen, asked that we give him a heads up prior to
any calls/meetings with Reed, Bill, Greg or any other Netflix execs. Please let me know if
you’re okay with giving a heads up to Carson, Sher and me prior to those conversations so we
can let Manrique know.
Global IAP: We talked about IAP from a broader standpoint and he noted that removing IAP
across-the-board is a “real possibility.” That said, if the test nets positive, they likely will not
test elsewhere and we’ll proceed as we are now. If it’s flat, we will discuss. If it’s negative, they
will likely test in other regions.
Other platforms: Confidentially, he shared that they’ve tested other platforms and most
(perhaps all) have come back negative. They are looking at billing across those platforms.
They do think that the App Store is a different beast and they’re hopeful that they’ll see
positive results.
Fraud in LatAm: They are currently seeing a large spike in fraudulent accounts per month across
Costa Rica, Panama, Honduras, Chile, Peru and Colombia. They’re working with Aji and team on
this, but they're also addressing and exploring fixes from their side via Chris Fry @ Netflix. If they
don’t have a fix by the time Manrique returns from vacation, which I believe is on 3/19 (we’re
confirming), they might pull IAP in all six countries. Again, Aji is engaged here and he’s going to
update us as soon as possible.
Un-grandfathering: He seemed pleased with the results here. Manrique and team are coming here
on Tuesday to meet with Aji and team to share the results. He did note that he was planning to ask
Eric for an updated timeline on un-grandfathering from a platform standpoint.
Business and Marketing: He repeatedly praised the editorial and marketing support from our side,
calling out Sher, Jason and our editorial team for their support.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Chris Campbell
App Store l One Apple Park Way l MS: 923-4APP l Cupertino, CA 95014 I 408.974.7176

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responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or
copying of this communication is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this communication in error, please
immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or telephone.

On Mar 6, 2018, at 8:13 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Jolie (not Jodi, I don’t think my wife is gonna make it) :-)

On Mar 6, 2018, at 8:09 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Your not, they are, I may be the issue the week of the 19th in if we need to have it fast, you
guys should do it without me too. I will tell Jodi to have it as fast as possible

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On Mar 6, 2018, at 8:01 PM, Peter Stern <> wrote:

If I am the issue go without me

On Mar 6, 2018, at 5:51 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Due to travel may be a couple of weeks before we get the mtg with Bill and Greg. But we are

On Mar 6, 2018, at 5:44 PM, Carson Oliver <> wrote:

A quick update from Manrique: Based on the concerns with the IAP test we expressed to Netflix
in our last meeting, they’re now planning to start in “smaller markets.” They anticipate starting
the test in "4-8 weeks,” which is earlier than the May to June timeframe they initially proposed.
I’ve asked for clarification on both the specific markets and the exact timing for those markets.
Will follow up on this thread when I know more.


On Mar 5, 2018, at 8:04 PM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Sounds good, working on setting up meeting. Rob called me because he heard I was trying
to setup from Bill and Greg and was concerned it was about the other stuff. I told him it was
a different discussion around our broader relationship status.

On Mar 5, 2018, at 7:42 PM, Peter Stern <> wrote:

Eddy has asked that before we agree to the A/B test (i.e., if Matt, Pete & I fail with Greg
Peters and Bill Holmes), he wants to meet with Reed. I’ve let Eddy know how they feel,
but he rightly points out that if we can’t get it done, then we have less to lose….

On Mar 5, 2018, at 4:02 PM, Carson Oliver <> wrote:

Hi all,

Following up on our conversation this morning, here are the next steps from my notes:

Pete will set up time with Greg Peters, Bill Holmes, Matt and Peter to discuss
Netflix's proposed IAP test. In the meantime, my team will pause any discussions
on that topic with Manrique and the Netflix partnerships team.
We will work on boosting featuring in the 11 proposed IAP test markets.
We will continue with the planned store featuring A/B test from 3/8-3/14 in
Germany and Mexico. We will exclude Australia.
We will continue to work with Manrique and his team on investigating the
differences in voluntary churn.

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Please let me know if I’ve missed anything.


On Feb 23, 2018, at 12:29 AM, Matt Fischer <> wrote:

Looking forward to getting us all in a room next week. Much to discuss.

On Feb 21, 2018, at 6:45 PM, Carson Oliver <> wrote:

Thanks all. Comments in line below.

On Feb 21, 2018, at 10:44 AM, Peter Stern <> wrote:

Thanks Carson. I still do not see how we are accounting for the issue of Apple
IAP customers getting NFLX gift cards and churning out to browser. We need to
track a group of such customers over time. That could explain the remaining
difference, as well as why there are variances between countries.

According to Netflix, they've looked into this issue and said it accounted for
of the difference in voluntary churn. They did not present their
analysis, however. I agree with Eric that we should continue pushing on them to
share more in this area.

And I agree with Pete we should get in a room on the IAP toggle test.

Agreed. Will book some time for next week.

On Feb 21, 2018, at 12:05 AM, Pete Distad <> wrote:

Maybe we should all get into a room (or a call) next week to discuss
strategy/next steps?

Great data on voluntary churn, you mention the engagement is slightly lower
on iOS, how much lower?

I don’t have specifics differences in my notes, and Netflix didn’t share this data.
Chris/Sher/Eric - Do you remember the difference in time spent between app and

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Also, curious if we see as substantial of a difference for churn on Debit card

customers in iTunes vs. other forms of payments? Wondering if there is
anything Netflix is doing differently in terms of retry’s etc with their debit card

We were primarily talking about voluntary churn during this meeting so we didn’t
discuss billing retry. Eric may have more information on general iTunes trends in
churn for debit cards versus other payment methods.

We should run this same CC/debit analysis on Hulu to see if we see the same

Chris and Sher are going to reach out to Hulu to start the voluntary churn
discussion with them.

Also, I noticed (if I understand the math correctly) that of Netflix

customers are CC + Debit customers ( ) and you mentioned are
Gift Card. What are the other ?

According to my notes, are prepaid and are PayPal.

On Feb 20, 2018, at 10:52 PM, Carson Oliver <>


Hi Matt, Peter,

We wanted to provide an update on a few important topics related to

Netflix: First, we met with the Netflix team last Thursday to continue digging
into the voluntary churn issue and made some good progress on that front.
Second, during that meeting, Netflix proposed a test to turn off IAP in a
select number of markets to measure the incrementally of IAP as a
subscription acquisition channel. Third, we’re currently planning an App
Store A/B test for early March to help evaluate the incremental impact of
featuring on Netflix’s app business.

Below are the detailed updates for all three topics, along with proposed
next steps and outstanding questions for you.

Voluntary Churn

Update: As previously discussed, Netflix has raised concerns that

the blended average voluntary churn rate for in-app subscribers on
iOS is approximately the voluntary churn rate for web-based
subscribers on iOS. In response to this concern, our analytics team
worked with Netflix’s analytics team to compare the behavior of

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customers that subscribe via the app versus browser. We divided up

the customer base into cohorts by payment method on file,
geographic region, tenure and engagement (i.e. time spent). We
found notable differences in voluntary churn based on PMOF,
geographic region and tenure, which helps to explain the difference
we’re seeing in the overall blended churn rate.
Payment Method on File:
We found that Netflix was including 2 PMOF segments
(Netflix gift cards and “other”) that had close to
voluntary churn and which accounted for of total
subscribers via browser. This inclusion is significantly
their blended browser voluntary churn
rate relative to in-app churn. We will need to remove
these segments to create an apples-to-apples
We found that, for comparable PMOFs, in-app
voluntary churn was generally than
browser churn.
Debit cards is the PMOF for the largest share of
customers and is also the PMOF with the largest delta
between the in-app vs browser churn rate. of
Netflix app subscribers pay with debit cards with a
voluntary churn rate (blended average for periods
1-20) versus of browser subscribers with a
churn rate.
Credit cards account for of Netflix in-app
subscribers with a voluntary churn rate (blended
average for periods 1-20) versus of browser
customers with a churn rate.
Geographic region: We compared the voluntary churn rates
for the top 20 countries by billings. In the US and UK, the two
largest markets by billings, in-app subscribers saw higher
voluntary churn than browser subscribers. However, in some
other markets, including Australia, Norway and Sweden,
in-app voluntary churn was equal to or lower than in browser.
This may be related to the PMOF issue identified above, or it
may be due to other unrelated factors.
Tenure: We found that the in-app subscriber group had an
average lower subscription tenure than the browser group.
Since churn is naturally higher in earlier periods of a
subscription tenure, this is also a contributing factor to the
higher blended in-app voluntary churn rate.
Engagement: We looked at the relationship between
voluntary churn and engagement to see if higher voluntary
churn rates were correlated with lower engagement. As
expected, we found a inverse relationship between
engagement and voluntary churn. In-app subscribers skewed
slightly lower in engagement than browser-base customers.

Next Steps:
Calculate the contribution of the Netflix-only PMOF segments
on the difference in voluntary churn rates.
Calculate the contribution of tenure differences on the
difference in voluntary churn rates.
Look into explanations for differences in in-app versus

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browser voluntary churn for different markets.

Look into explanations for differences in in-app versus
browser voluntary churn for debit and credit cards.
Outstanding Questions: None

Nexflix’s Proposed IAP Test

Update: Outside of the voluntary churn issue, Netflix is concerned

with understanding the incremental value of offering subscription via
IAP on iOS. To measure this, they proposed a test that would
remove the ability to purchase the subscription via in-app purchase
in a select number of markets for a two-month period (see list of
markets below). They would like to run the test in May and June, and
estimate this test would impact 1.9% of annual in-app signups. We
expressed our concern that running this test would create a bad
customer experience for app users in those markets and limit
co-marketing opportunities, including on-store featuring.
The countries they are planning to test include:
Australia vs Great Britain (Note: These are 2 of the top
3 markets by active in-app subscriptions.)
Austria vs Belgium
Columbia vs Peru
Japan vs Korea & Taiwan
Philippines vs Indonesia
(Note: They are using pairs of similar countries to
create control groups for the test. Each country in the
pair will have IAP turned off for one month during the
two-month period.)
Next Steps:
Forecast the business impact of turning off IAP in the above
test markets.
Provide a formal response to Netflix about the proposed test.
Outstanding Questions:
Do we want to take any punitive measures in response to the
test (for examples, pulling all global featuring during the test
period)? If so, how should those punitive measures be
communicated to Netflix?
Do we want to ask Netflix to modify its test plan to limit the
business impact? (They told us they would potentially be open
to modifying the selected markets or test period at our
Do either of you want to escalate our concerns about this test
to your executive contacts at Netflix?

App Store Featuring A/B Test

Update: We are planning an App Store A/B test for Netflix’s next
global featuring commitment, which is the Jessica Jones season 2
release on March 8. Our current plan is to turn off featuring for a
limited number of customers in 3 markets outside of the US. During
this one-week test, approximately 5-10% of App Store visitors in
each market will not see the Netflix promotion on the Today and

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Apps tabs. The remaining 90-95% of visitors will see the promotion.
We are not planning on notifying Netflix of this test, but it is possible
that they will see it on their own.
Next Steps:
Finalize the 3 markets for testing.
Confirm the alternative editorial placements for the test
Outstanding Question:
We know that Netflix is playing close attention to featuring on
the App Store to try to evaluate the impact of featuring. We’re
concerned that Netflix may notice our test and will either want
to see the test results or will use the test to justify their own
proposed IAP test. Given these concerns, do you think that
we should proceed with our test as planned?

Apologies for the length of this email, but we wanted to make sure it
covered all the important points. Please let me know if you have any


Carson Oliver
App Store | Apple Inc. | 408.783.1131 (office) | 860.559.8611 (mobile)

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Case 4:20-cv-05640-YGR Document 588-5 Filed 05/04/21 Page 2 of 30

From: Sheryline Chapman (

To: Matt Fischer (, Peter Stern (, Pete Distad
(, Carson Oliver (, Steve McGuigan (
CC: Chris Campbell (, Jason Enriquez (, Aji Mathai
(, Michael Barnes (, Ryan Olson (
Subject: Netflix Presentation
Attachments: NetflixUpdate_July2018.pdf;
Sent: 07/21/2018 03:53:27 AM 0000 (GMT)

Hi all,

The presentation we shared yesterday is attached below. I want to reiterate that the 'What we could do' section is inclusive of
pie in the sky ideas for completeness, and these ideas have not yet been approved.

Michael is building out the voluntary churn analysis further following our meeting with Netflix today and will update the group
on Monday. We’ll also be incorporating LTV and updating the breakeven analysis.

Please reach out with any questions.



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July 2018

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IAP test
Netflix areas of concern
What we’re doing & what we could do
App Store commerce platform
Business and Editorial

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IAP test

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IAP test
What we know

Free trial starts lost on App Store

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IAP test
What we know

Lost trial starts during IAP test (App Store)



8K 16K 16K
2K 1K 1K
United Kingdom France Germany Australia Italy Malaysia Spain Indonesia Austria Belgium

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IAP test
What we don’t know
Breakeven analysis

117K x TBD x 85%

# of trials lost on App Store LTV Margin

100K x TBD x 97.5%

# of trials gained on Web LTV Margin

App Store Web

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Netflix areas of concern

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Netflix areas of concern

Voluntary churn
Free trial abuse
Enabling promotions
Cancellation API

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Voluntary churn delta drivers

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Voluntary churn rate delta


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Free trial abuse

• Trial activation spike began in Dec 2017 in select LatAm territories, primarily CO and later
PY - peak counts reached 5-7K trials activated/day
• Trial account credentials supported a fraudulent re-seller market

• Device Check feature was socialized, met with some initial concerns from Netflix

• Primary impact expressed was the artificial boost of Netflix’s reported subscriber counts

• Netflix have implemented Device Check, and we have collectively disabled/suspended

service for ~600K accounts
• New ongoing free trial activation rates have stabilized at 250-350/day

• Internally, commerce-based device/payment method limit checks on trial sign-up to

prevent abuse have been scoped

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• Legacy IAP skus/price points Netflix desires to move to higher price points

• Have historically created new skus to increase prices for new subscribers to avoid
customer churn
• Piloted a notice-only flow for a set of 28 territories in January, moving ~3M
customers to higher price points, 3 additional beginning early July affecting
• Measured pilot churn rates were less than 1% higher than on-going rates

• 6 remaining countries Netflix have raised to us: 1 is clearly consent (CA),

remaining 5 (BR, BE, CO, CL, PO) we have a green light
• Notice-only flow targeted for Nov 2018 for countries cleared by Legal

• Still open on approach for handling countries requiring consent

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Enabling promotions

• With promotions Netflix have run with partners (ex: T-Mobile in Fall 2017) there is
currently no redemption functionality for existing App Store subscribers
• Netflix wish to utilize these promotions to offer mid-subscription discounts/free
• Fairly complex to build out, especially where Apple collects commission

• Listed priority feature in subscriptions pitch, not roadmapped/scheduled

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Cancellation API

• Originally extended to Netflix in context of several custom APIs for original ATV
• Netflix still have access to the API, though have expressed wanting access as a
customer support tool to cancel subscriptions for customers who reach out
through Netflix support channels to complain
• Possible confusion at Netflix around access

• Have reached out to us and expressed intent to use as recently as Fall 2017

• Spot check shows limited use currently

• Will need to monitor closely to see if usage spikes to disable access

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What we’re doing & what we could


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App Store commerce platform

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What we’re doing

• Access to custom APIs:
- Only select partners currently have access to APIs such as Modify Subscription
Payment Request (Cancellation), Free Trial Preference, Extend Auto-Renew Date, etc.
• Un-grandfathering workflow:
- Though manual, currently the lowest friction approach to increasing subscription price
• Platform enhancements:
- Updating functionality on our platform based directly on feedback from Netflix (i.e. -
building commerce checks to limit free trial activation per payment method, device, etc).

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What we could do

• Continued build out & piloting of new commerce/platform features:

- Grace period + snapback
- Price consent improvements
- Subscriber discounts (early readiness to improve winback/save offers)
- Publish account information for Netflix decisioning (fraud signals, etc.)

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Business and Editorial

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What we’re doing

• More featuring than any other partner (35+ stories WW)

• 12 coordinated WW stories for the year (7 to date)

• 16.5M readers WW to date

- Estimated 330K downloads (2% conversation rate)
• They review and approve all stories ahead of go-live

• We deliver a list of participating countries and featuring

dates for all global tentpoles
• Weekly, monthly, and as-needed meetings

• Direct relationship with all our regional teams

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Most read

3.73M WW readers 2.06M WW readers 1.4M WW readers

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A/B testing
Featuring vs. no featuring
• Two tests to date
- Jessica Jones (March): Germany and Mexico
- Lost in Space (April): France, Italy and Canada
• Results
- Featuring yielded a 6-7% increase in download
conversion rate
- No significant variance in 30-day LTV across the two
groups for Lost in Space

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What we could do
• Continue coordinated featuring across iOS and Apple TV

• Provide featuring performance data: impressions, story engagement, conversion

rate, installs, etc.
• Coordinated A/B testing on iOS

• Personalization override for a set number of tentpoles yearly

• Give them the power to determine what shows we feature

• Apple TV bundle

• Video partner program benefits including:

- Ability to up-sell non-IAP customers, taking 0% commission
- Billing flexibility to easily un-grandfather and cancel subscription charges
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What we’re doing

• Consistent marketing support to date via email and social media campaigns

• 103 regional App Store email newsletters (since Oct. 2017)

• 24 posts across Facebook and Twitter (since Oct. 2017)

Newsletters promote multiple apps; Netflix app placement has varied

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What we could do
• Co-funded marketing to drive customer acquisition at scale.
- Paid digital ads promoting the Netflix app
- A percentage of the App Store’s commission could be committed to
reinvestment via Netflix Search Ads and paid digital acquisition
• App Store email campaigns
- Dedicated emails promoting only the Netflix app
- Support in key international growth markets
• Partnerships
- Carrier & payment partners for co-funded subscription offers
- Bundle offers (Netflix + Apple service)
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What we could do
• Apple Retail:
- Today @ Apple: US in-store events supporting IP launches
- Partner with retail marketing for placement of Netflix on appropriate Apple TV,
iPad and iPhone demo devices
- Train retail employees on availability of Netflix for Apple TV, iPad and iPhone
through internal communications platform
- Work with product marketing to message Netflix where appropriate

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TM and © 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.


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