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Extortion (International dynamics) : Extortion is offense 

which occurs when a

person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person(s),
entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes
euphemistically called protection. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the
unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force, but additionally, in
its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and
suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant. We use this word for
particularly for the international dynamics and internal issues faced by our country.

a. Terrorism

Word terror or terrorism is not new for the world, some words when put under
certain circumstances and with an ideology behind; can gain unprecedented status.
Like the word “Freedom” gained special status when it was being used by US &
Co during cold war. There have been oft-repeated calls at international level to
define terrorism comprehensively. Rebels, insurgents, paramilitaries, separatists,
militants, guerrillas, insurrectionists, fundamentalists….. are these all terrorists? Or
does terrorism claim its own exclusive niche? The exasperating inability to define
terrorism is betrayed in the UN 2006 Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy – “we, the
States Members of the United Nations….strongly condemn terrorism in all its
forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever
purposes”. To put it in easier words, terrorism are any Acts committed with the
aim of seriously intimidating a population, forcing a government or international
organization to abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilizing or
destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures
of country or an international organization.
There have been instances in history when terrorists for a certain group were
incontrovertible heroes. Moreover, in absence of such definition, activities
conflicting interests of nations have been often termed terrorism. In whatever way
we define the word terrorism, ironically it is an undeniable fact that the word has
become a synonym with Pakistan and Islam. It is most unfortunate that a religion
whose literal meaning is “Peace” and a nation state not known for violent
behaviors have been linked with terrorism.
Before embarking upon an exercise to list the remedial action to
rid the society and world at large of this menace, it is more prudent
to highlight the causes of terrorism. Some of the main reasons put
forwards for terrorism in Pakistan are:
 Political Instability

The territorial issues and border conflicts with India, the socio-economic
differences within the country, the struggle for a share of power between the
provinces and the early death of the founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah,
are some of those realities which not only politicized the policy making elites
and their willingness in introducing the fair democratic procedures but also
encouraged the non-democratic elements including the army. Even after 63
years, as a corollary, the country could not get cleaned from feudal, tribal,
punchayt system and sectarian segregation. In this grim situation the public has
been left untutored in the kind of vigilance usually needed to hold political
leaders accountable.
Pakistan failed to establish a stable democratic government due to constitutional
conflict. Due to political instability, Pakistan’s economic and social growth has
been curtailed.
The root cause of Pakistan political woes lies in its feudal and the winner-take-
all approach to governing that has been practiced by successive civilian and
military leaders. The Muslim League that brought independence to Pakistan,
lacked internal democracy. Once partition and statehood had been achieved,
provincial and local political parties confined Muslim League just a paper-
party. There were no opposition party to counter Muslim League initially, but
latter on, Muslim league itself was disappeared. Coupled with the political
legacy of Muslim League, the civil and military bureaucracy, that was of much
importance due to its scarce number, gained so much power that they depressed
the political institution. The constitution-less 10 years-history from 1947 to
1956-was an ill exercise of the political actors, which invoked the military to
interfere in the politics.
Absence of a complete constitution, allowed the peoples with power to
manipulate the political and constitutional institution, as they wanted. Different
powerful civil and military bureaucrats played blasphemy of constitution,
parliament and political parties.
Political parties in Pakistan are not working fairly. The intra-party election is no
to be seen. The leaders, consequently, are autocrats. Political parties are famous
in the name of leader of the parties. Personification has harmed extremely the
true essence of democracy.
The third pitter of the state, the judiciary has also dual strategies all over the
history. Mostly the role of the judiciary has been vulnerable. It has always
provided a so-called legal way to the dictators to assume the power. The
constitution has been abrogated many a time with the help of the judiciary.
Beside the judiciary and Army’s role in politics, the intelligence agencies have
become a major actor on the national political scene. Military intelligence and
Inter-Services-Intelligence (ISI) are widely believed to have had a major hand
in shaping the candidates and the choices available to voters at least since
General Zia’s general election of 1985. In these situation how a true democratic
government would be formed to realized the dreams of the great Quaid?
In addition to all above given anti-democracy factors, the dynamic structure of
the state is also not in the favour of democratic values to be flourished. For
most of its history Pakistan has been divided into provinces drawn basically on
ethnic lines. Political loyalties and attitude have a strong ethnic dimension to
them, and the central government’s desires to manage Pakistan’s ethnic
diversity can have a major impact on resource allocation foreign policy
decision, and the game of politics.
Another elements which has vitiated the democracy in Pakistan is violance in
politics. The patience require for a democratic system is highly tacking in
almost all the parties and theirs drivers. Democracy accommodate the presence
of dissent party. Democracy is the product of wishes of the people and not of
the desires of an elite few. But political prayer of Pakistan could not do so.
Illiterate voters, family ties a among politicians and feudalism has constrained
democracy in Pakistan.
Democracy can be revived in Pakistan by taking following steps.
1.    Reform the judiciary
2.    Creation of an independent election commission
3.    Internal party elections
4.    Strengthen the free press
5.    Division of provinces
6.    Don’t neglect provincial and local government
7.    Implementation of the constitutions
8.    Continuity of fair elections
9.    Protection of minorities and civil liberties
The nation political parties should embrace a new spirit of co-operation and
constructive opposition, moving beyond out dated confrontational and self-
defeating street action and walk-outs and boycott politics to engage in vigorous
political debates free of violence.

Since coming into being, in Pakistan people’s interests have never been concerns
of ruling elite, except for brief early years. As a result different institutions could
not be built on solid footing and competent individuals were gradually replaced by
incompetent and corrupt ones. Resultantly, nations’ interests were thrown to back
stage and individuals/elite groups’ interests took prominence. It is also a fact that
during British rule the Muslims either themselves remained away from modern
education or they were kept away by British-Hindu nexus. So, whereas India’s
populace was already following a correct path w.r.t education and they just had to
put in place a system which suited them. On the other hand problem faced by
Pakistan was a misdirected population and off course no good education system.
With loss of capable and sincere leadership very early, we transcended into a long
never ending period of intrigues. No system could be devised and we had to wait
for long 26 years to have our first comprehensive constitution. Since masses’ voice
were not hard and were misrepresented, they found other avenues to vent their
anger. Unfortunately, most the time such a\venues were non-state entities. This
self-amputation resulted in loss of one arm, but we did not learn our lessons.
Resultantly sense of deprivation amongst wider populace kept growing.

 Socio-Economic deprivation

Natural outcome of instability discussed in preceding paragraph was absence

of any system to address peoples’ problems. Consequently economic problems of
common man have been on the rise since 1947, each coming day brings more
problems than solutions. Resulting poverty and deprivation is having a toll on their
social structure, causing nothing but total frustration.

 Lack of quality education

The biggest cause of our today’s problems is lack of quality education for common
man. Since we have not been able to configure best education system for the
nation, we have reached a stage where no body wants to send his child in Govt
schools and good private schools are out of reach. So a common man has been
deprived of his birth right to get education. We are at the lowest levels in the world
for Human development index. Once our PM said that there are jobs in
industry but no body to claim it. He was absolutely right, because unfortunately
labor with the requisite skills is not available. We are neither doing any
value addition to our raw export products nor we doing it for human capital. We
are exporting raw materials and others after doing value addition are earning much
more than us. The gap left by govt in the field of education is then filled by
charity organization. This is where the whole problem starts.

 Role of religious Medressas

Religious Medressa is not something new for the Islam or this particular region.
This education is being imparted since last 1400 years, and even in most tumulus
periods of history medressas were not blamed for inciting violence. The picture in
our country changed when in 1979 Russia, then USSR attacked Afghanistan.
World in large and Pakistan in particular were made to believe that Russia was
vying for direct access to warm waters of Indian Ocean. We had much more at
stake in the presumed scenario than any body else in the world. So we decided to
play the role of frontline state in efforts to push Russia back for Afghanistan.

 Outside influences

The Afghan people had risen in rebellion as it was their natural instinct. World
superpowers led by USA and aided by Arab countries decided to pour in a lot of
money needed fund such a resistance, called Jihad against to Russia. A large
portion of money received went into already functioning and to establish new
medressas. The number of medressas grew enormously in this period as we had
plenty of poor population who could not send their children to schools; in this case
they were also promised paradise in life hereafter. US and Allies got able,
committed and cheap recruits and heads of religious seminaries got their kitties
overflowing with dollars-who was worried.

 “Jihad”
A large number of students went for Jihad to Afghanistan and by grace of Allah
defeated the godless people. But after Russia’s eviction, US and allies left them in
lurch and moved away quickly. Whatever happened in Afghanistan after that is a
long story, but there were two remarkable changes in our society. First religious
leaders were no more poor and secondly we had large population of people with
just religious education. Such people with religious education had been taught to
view life from one angle and any other angle was not acceptable to them. Religious
leaders had become part of elite and had vested interests. From here the story takes
a new turn when these people started looking inwards for non-conformities to true
Islam. This was perhaps an end to our long established pluralistic culture and
values. Result was a wave of vicious cycle of Sectarian and Inter-sect and
Interfaith violence/terrorism.

 Geo-political settings

Pakistan is located in a region which world powers cannot afford to ignore and is
surrounded by an enemy always looking for an opportunity. Unfortunately we have
been very generous in providing them with ample of opportunities to damage us.
We had a longstanding Kashmir issue with India fueling our desire for Jihad and
then everything changed after 9/11. After the fateful incident we had to abandon
our support for Taliban and support US policies against very people nurtured for
Jihad by US and Allies. Pakistan’s position became precarious on three accounts;
we had to ditch staunch Pakistan supporter Taliban regime and the new regime was
extremely hostile to us, the people we turned against new our systems very well so
they knew how and where to hit, new regime and Afghanistan allowed India to
fulfill their malicious agenda against Pakistan form our backyard.

 War on terror
The war on terror which we subsequently joined resulted in collateral damage on
many instances within our territory and in Afghanistan. The collateral damage
resulted in hatred for Pak-Gov and a cycle of revenge against state started. These
people filled with such hatred and sense of revenge’ were ready made recipe for
suicide bombers. They just needed the someone to provide them right kind of
training and material. This requirement was fulfilled by various sources, including
our enemies operating from Afghanistan. But again the finger is only pointed
towards local religious extremist. It is true they ma have their own share of
responsibility, but again someone in guise of religious motivator could have been

 Use of Army/Law enforcement agencies

No other issue require so much attention I this struggle as the use of force requires.
Use of force in such issues is not very effective as a multifaceted problem requires
a comprehensive and well thought out multi pronged solution. Since this problem
is deeply rooted and even dates back to decades, use of force would be of little
help. We would first have to address underlying causes; we are rather
concentrating on acute symptoms. We should first attempt to address the basic
issues to convert the problem from limit this endemic. Finally we can carry out
accurately planned surgical attacks to finish off the real culprits.

Remedial Measures

A cursory look at the root causes of terrorism indicates that in Pakistan his
phenomenon has not come to fore overnight. It has taken decades to flourish and
involves many factors. Since terrorism is a multifaceted, the solution has to be
multi pronged. In view of the root causes described in above paragraphs, the
possible remedies could include:

a. Strengthening state institutions and devise system whereby peoples’ interests are
safeguarded and not of elite’s.
b. Revamp the whole education system with a view to have common system of
education through out the country. The standard of education imparted in Gov
schools be improved to level comparable with developing countries. Right kind of
technical and vocational training should be provided to youth, which is compatible
with requirements of today’s industry needs. This would also add value to our
human capital.
c. Poverty is said to act like “Magnifying Glass”. It magnifies every thing, poor’s’
happiness and also sorrows. The sense of deprivation when increases manifold, it
drives masses towards violent ways. It may be manifested in our changing social
behaviors and extreme cases can be people resorting to terrorist activities to satiate
the sense of deprivation. Govt must make concerted efforts towards poverty
alleviation. In presence of poorly educated masses stricken by abject poverty,
people with heinous desires would keep getting recruits for terrorist activities.

d. We should resort to aggressive diplomatic campaign to expose regional and

international players who by creating problems for us, are actually hampering our
efforts for war against terror. Despite making most of the sacrifices and
contribution in this war, we are only being posed as part of problem rather than

e. We should also advocate the solution of long standing political issue involving
Muslims, eg. Palestine and Kashmir issue. Because these issue are part of
motivational strategy for hiring recruits. However, if sincere efforts are not made
in this regard, in all likelihood, the conflict will go on.

f. All efforts must be made through different means to isolate innocent people
lured by malicious elements. The use of force against such elements will then
prove to be of tremendous help.

g. The war against terrorism is going to be a long drawn war and not a battle. And
winning wars involves wisdom to make politic choices, meticulous planning and
execution, character to learn lessons, strategic retreats and even shaking hands with
arch adversaries. Our first aim should be to move this battle ground away from our
motherland and ensure peace and security. Then we should make a sincere effort to
remedy the underlying causes which beget conducive environment for voilent
attitidues to flourish. Only then we can fulfill our dream of providing decent living
to our populace and at the same time, serve as a good neighbour.

Rank   Countries   Amount  

#1  Afghanistan: 13 
#2  Pakistan: 12 
#3  Lebanon: 10 
#4  India: 9 
#5  Ireland: 8 
#6  United Kingdom: 7 
=7  Israel: 6 
=7  Iraq: 6 
=9  Philippines: 5 
=9  Turkey: 5 
= 11   Russia: 4 
= 11   Syria: 4 
= 13   Colombia: 3 
= 13   Yemen: 3 
= 13   Peru: 3 
= 13   Italy: 3 
= 17   Kyrgyzstan: 2 
= 17   Spain: 2 
= 17   Canada: 2 
= 17   Mauritania: 2 
= 17   Egypt: 2 
= 17   Algeria: 2 
= 17   Greece: 2 
= 17   Mali: 2 
= 17   Indonesia: 2 
= 17   Malaysia: 2 
= 17   Iran: 2 
= 17   Venezuela: 2 
= 17   Uzbekistan: 2 
= 30   Morocco: 1 
= 30   Bangladesh: 1 
= 30   Tajikistan: 1 
= 30   Brazil: 1 
= 30   Rwanda: 1 
= 30   Bhutan: 1 
= 30   Azerbaijan: 1 
= 30   Cambodia: 1 
= 30   Nepal: 1 
= 30   Sri Lanka: 1 
= 30   Somalia: 1 
= 30   Congo, Democratic Republic of the: 1 
= 30   Uganda: 1 
= 30   China: 1 
= 30   Libya: 1 
= 30   Ecuador: 1 
= 30   Niger: 1 
= 30   Ethiopia: 1 
= 30   Panama: 1 
= 30   France: 1 
= 30   South Africa: 1 
= 30   Japan: 1 
= 30   Sudan: 1 
= 30   Kenya: 1 
= 30   Tunisia: 1 
= 30   Kazakhstan: 1 
= 30   United States: 1 


  Civilians Terrorists Total
Forces (SFs)

2003 140 24 25 189

2004 435 184 244 863

2005 430 81 137 648

2006 608 325 538 1471

2007 1523 597 1479 3599

2008 2155 654 3906 6715

2009 2307 1011 8267 11585

Total 7598 2876 14596 25070

Source: SATP Database
Year Incidents Killed Injured

2009 106 190 398

2008 97 306 505

2007 341 441 630

2006 38 201 349

2005 62 160 354

2004 19 187 619

2003 22 102 103

2002 63 121 257

Source: SATP

b. Illegal smuggling

c. Smuggling severely harms the economyof a country in multidimensional ways. It undermines the

local industry, discourages legal imports and reduces the volume of revenues collected from
duties and levies by the state. Unfortunately a parallel undergroundeconomy has taken roots
in Pakistan. A major proportion of the revenue to be collected by the Government is being lost,
over and above the adverse impact that the smuggled items cause to our industry. Obviously
this can not be done without connivance of the corrupt officials including those in the law
enforcement agencies and every one is aware of it but no action is being taken.
d. Markets and Shops across the country are flooded with smuggled goods of any and all
descriptions. Smuggled items through the borders of Iran, Afghanistan, China, and the Afghan
Transit Trade form a major part of the informal economy volume of which ranges between 50 to
60 per cent of the formal economy. Smuggling has assumed an alarming proportion and turned
out to be a parallel economy, which is depriving the country of its rightful levies including excise
and customs duty worth hundreds of billions of Rupees. Thousands of industrial units have been
rendered sick, due to the availability of smuggled goods in open markets. Afghan Transit Trade
is the main source of smuggling into Pakistan and its annual volume has been estimated about
five to six billion dollars, about 70% of the total smuggling causing a revenue loss of about 2.5 to
3 billion dollars annually (which has been almost tripled during 2008-2010)  to the national
exchequer. Afghan imports under Afghan Transit Trade are actually arranged for back smuggling
into Pakistan with the help of Afghan traders. It is not possible to determine the precise amount
of revenue loss and size of black money or shifting of money abroad. Revenue loss on account
of smuggling of Afghan transit trade alone, as estimated by the World Bank, amounted to US$
35 billion during nine years from 2001 to 2009. Smuggling has now become a routine part of all
economic activities in Pakistan which hardly raises any eye brows nor stirs the slightest fear of
the law. Pakistan is facing the challenge of measuring and countering enormous revenue
leakages and black money — its size estimated to be three time the regulareconomy. People are
bringing in Pakistan petroleum products from Iran which is cheaper than in Pakistan. The volume
of this trade is estimated to about rupees two billions. Even improvised explosive devices are
being smuggled via Afghanistan are contributing to a climate of fear. Smuggled materials help
militants prepare suicide jackets, explosive-laden vehicles and other sorts of explosive bombs.
Involvement of Pakistan customs officials in this smuggling racket cannot be ruled out. With their
connivance the containers registered in the name of NATO containing alcohol, expensive spices
and other contraband items are also offloaded inPakistan.
e. Another gateway for smuggling i.e. Afghan Transit Trade through Wahga Border has been
opened by the present regime which would result in a big chunk of Indian goods destined for
Afghanistan would ultimately land in our domestic market, which would damage the
nationaleconomy of Pakistan which is already dwindling because of the impact of the war on
terror and Afghan transit trade.
f. It is no secret that Pakistani tax evaders have been transferring to Swiss banks huge amounts of
money generated through illegal activities by some politicians, bureaucrats, terrorist networks
and businessmen to Swiss banks. White-collar crimes are also responsible for facilitating
transfer of capital towards informal economy either from the black market or the
formal economy with the connivance of FRB’s officials. Due to Pakistan’s low productivity
resulting from massive exemptions, poor administration, low threshold, and lack of transparency
and enforcement, the country faces a massive challenge of balancing low revenues and the
avaricious politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, and greedy businessmen, who are mostly crook,
corrupt and tax evaders, succeed to remit this black money to their hidden accounts in
Switzerland and other European countries.
g. On the one hand parallel economy in Pakistan is growing at an alarming rate of 20 percent
per annum and on the other hand, according to an estimate, the money lying in Swiss banks
of Pakistanis has reached to the tune of US $200 billion. The volume of black money
generated in the year 2008-09 alone has been measured by the independent sources which is
not less than $ 40 billion. The rent-seekers and beneficiaries of loan write-offs in Pakistan have
also shifted funds worth billions of dollars to Switzerland.
h. To curtail the existing high volume of smuggling through Afghan Transit Trade Pakistan needs to
revise the transit agreement. Both the countries should also reach on a uniform taxation
mechanism on imports. Anti-smuggling and anti-corruption laws need to be strengthened and
their implementation in letter and spirit through a dedicated staff should be ensured. Pakistani
policy-makers must realize that a sound development strategy seeks to reduce the size of the
informal economy and bring into the open resources that lie in the form of black money. FBR
should remove distortions from the economy, bring all the sectors and taxpayers in the tax net,
curtail smuggling, curb parallel economy, and take all the stakeholders into confidence and
make it business friendly. At the same time, it should rationalize the taxation system to attract
the influential industrialists to pay taxes. Measures should also be taken to discourage under-
invoicing and proper documentation of economy should take place to bring the
informaleconomy under the tax net. According to an estimate, presently tax evaders
in Pakistanannually deprive the country of revenue of over US $20 billion in aggregate but the
government, instead of putting them behind bars, encourages their unlawful activities.
i. After signing Avoidance of Double Taxation Treaty with Switzerland, it is now possible to retrieve
the looted funds if the government under its Article 25(1), Pakistan should also seek information
regarding Pakistanis maintaining accounts in Switzerland as has been done by many other
countries in recent past. A good thing in fresh legislation of Switzerland is that now burden of
proving that the money came from legal sources would lie with the allegedly corrupt
official, rather than the Swiss state. If the official could not prove a legitimate origin of
his or her Swiss assets, they would be confiscated by the Swiss state. The Government
should take immediate steps to retrieve this black money which will surely discourage
the smuggling tendency also.


By Ghani Kakar Vehicles
For burn after
2010-08-20 an IED
to Liaqat
QUETTA - Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) smuggled via the Pakistani-Afghan border are contributing Park
to a climate of fear and have become the deadliest insurgent weapon against civilians in Pakistan. Quetta,
27, 2008,
three and
“We have collected data showing that most IED explosions took place in populated areas, causing the wounded
largest number of civilian casualties,” human rights activist Niamat Khan told Central Asia Online. 15 others.
are on the
rise in
IED attacks on business and population clusters disrupt economic life and have caused millions in damage Balochist
to water, electrical and security infrastructure, he added. an.
“Insurgents operating in the country use those IEDs and suicide jackets mostly made from smuggled, unexploded
Soviet ordnance”, intelligence sources said.

The IED threat keeps growing in Pakistan, as insurgents have begun preferring them to guns.

"Apparently in Balochistan, South Waziristan and in other tribal areas, militants are frequently using IEDs against
military or government targets, but often carried out in crowded areas with obvious heed for the wide injury and death
they cause to civilians," said intelligence sources.

Though there is no exact official or non official data of casualties caused from the explosions of IEDs in Pakistan, the
Ikhlas Social Trust (IST) collected some data showing that casualties caused from IEDs is on the rise.

“The growth in casualties caused by improvised explosive devices worries Pakistan and the data we collected from
media and some other sources shows that the IEDs explosions caused 70% of casualties from the year 2002 to
2010,” M. Hanif, an IST official, said.

Most of the IEDs were planted and used by militants and 907 IEDs events were reported in Baluchistan in the past
eight years, he said.

A lack of border security has enabled explosives smugglers to operate “without any fear or hindrance both in Pakistan
and Afghanistan,” senior political and defence analyst Dr. Hassan Askari Rizvi told Central Asia Online.

"It is a joint responsibility of both Pakistan and Afghanistan to ensure prompt security measures on the border,”
Askari said.

“Without cutting off the miscreants’ IED route, no (security) goal can be achieved.”

“The country is more insecure than it’s been for a long time,” he said. “These internal weaknesses expose Pakistan to
external intervention.”

“Political violence and terrorism are the other most serious threats to Pakistan’s internal harmony and external role,”
he continued.

“These factors have bent dangerous circumstances for national security than the threats coming from outside

Pakistan is responsible for its domestic instability, defence analyst and former Pakistani ambassador to Afghanistan
Rustam Shah Mohmand told Central Asia Online.
“Pakistan must do more to disrupt and dismantle terrorist and other criminal organisations involved in making IEDs.
This should involve multilateral engagement, regulatory measures, training and technological efforts and building
border control capacity,” Mohmand said.

Intelligence sources said outside countries are sending some explosives and weapons to Pakistani militants, too.

“We have foiled several bids to smuggle explosives to Pakistan through the Pak-Afghan border and seized several
tons of high explosive in different parts of Balochistan,” Deputy Inspector General of Police Balochistan Investigation
Qazi Abdul Wahid told Central Asia Online.

Smuggled materials help militants “prepare suicide jackets, explosive-laden vehicles and other sorts of bomb,” he
added. The same “anti-peace elements are also training insurgents,” he added, not just supplying hardware.

As a result, insurgents have shown technological sophistication.

“The IEDs used by rebels in Balochistan are mostly detonated by a transmitter like a Nokia phone or a hand-held
radio, while others are ignited by … washing machine timers,” said Imtiaz Ahmed, a former official of bomb disposal
Squad Balochistan.

“Security forces lack the equipment to locate IEDs and so far have been unable to halt such attacks,” he added.

“There is an immense need for Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asian countries to scrutinise and regulate the
production, sale, transport and use of ammonium nitrate fertiliser as well … since most militants use it to build IEDs
and other bombs,” he said.
The Afghan side pleads poverty.

“Our government banned ammonium nitrate’s use as a fertiliser, and we all have orders to crack down on its
production, supply and sale,” said Ahad Khan Adozai, a senior Afghan border guard officer at Spin-Boldak, but he
said Afghanistan lacks the resources to cope with IEDs.

“Pakistan should do its part to cut off its smugglers from the supply of ammonium nitrate,” he said.

“IEDs have become the main weapon used by insurgents on the Afghan border. … We need the latest counter-IED

Most of the people just can’t get over bomb blasts  that keep happening
‘randomly’ in civilian areas of our country. The assailants are always labeled
as ‘suicide terrorists’  to help reduce the paperwork, and further investigation by
our incompetent law enforcement agencies. So, let’s get to the much  un-debated
question –who’s behind this ?

The Taliban  – the extremists, the guys with the Muslim attire   – they do it. Do
we even stop to think about asking for evidence, ever? To date, NONE   of   these so
called militant groups have taken responsibility   for civilian based
attacks   on mosques and other civilian areas. Then who the f**k does it?

To understand who does it, it is imperative to identify the ‘motive’ behind any
action. What does the assailant get out of it ? The truth is, the only thing
created out of these assaults is a negative sentiment for Islam,   and those
following it. It also creates a sense of isolation between the cultures of our north
western, and south-eastern areas, and makes it easier for us to say that the north
western people are not one of us, and that the military should wipe the area clean.

So, making the conlusion, it helps divide our nation into two groups , which are
not supposed to be there to begin with -

1. The mediocre ‘Muslims’ , moderate ones (those who have little to do with

Islam, people like me n you, mostly submerged into western culture)

2. The ‘Extremists’, People still following prevalent Islamic cultures,

without the ideology behind them   (north westerners). Neither of the two parties
is completely right, but the error lies in identifying the latter as terrorists on the
I’ve had the opportunity to interact with a lot of pathans/afghans/north
westerners   in my lifetime, and I’ve found them to be quite better than most
people   living in the rural areas. They just tend to be a bit more united, brave,
hard working and self-respective   than all the other ‘sold-out’ creeds   of
Pakistan. N that is probably why they are being targeted in the first place, as they
are the most motivated in terms of the self defense of our nation.

Ok, so now we know that external forces are doing this, to divide us, and justify
their intrusion into our territory. How can this be stopped ?

It’s pretty simple if you evaluate it forensically. Lets take the Peshawar market
blast as an example. 150kgs of explosives, in a car. Where exactly do you get
150 kgs of explosives?   From a street peddler? That can be a start. The
investigators (if they exist, at all) should obtain a complete record   of
arms/ammunition sales within the past 6 months , made within the vicinity of
peshawar. Raid every arms dealer in Peshawar, if you have to. The kind of
explosives used could not be sold by more than a handful of sources within
Peshawar – 150kgs worth of compact explosives is not your cup of tea. All the
existing cartel, illegal ammunitions mafia, and squealers within it, should HELP
narrow down the process, as its also an attack on the pushtoon as a whole.

Once that is done, you need to trace payments made , down to the very last
account. We live in a world of serialled currency notes, and bank account
transparency that can help you track down zardari’s assets down to the very last
cent, so tracking the payments for these explosives should not take more than 48
hours once you find the vendor.

Third, issue non-bailable warrants   for the purchasing company , the

ministry , the embassy , and anyone involved, and keep them in strict
remand   until they squeal, or die, in the process of interrogation – its pretty much
justified to kill 1 or two people whilst seeking justice for the death of 92 innocents.
N in the process, stop worrying about what happens next, the worst has already
happened in our case, we don’t have much else to lose.

But does anyone really want to do it? NO . because the media, the army, the
police, everyone is PAID NOT TO DO IT . Take an example. Benazirs
murder   – FFS – even the UN is involved. Do they investigate? NO. why? Because
the party benefiting from her death and non-pursuance of the investigation, pays a
lot better, and because the person who has most benefited from her
death   happens to be the President  of Pakistan, and her husband, Asif Ali
Zardari. You don’t need to do an investigation   to find out who is responsible,
just prosecute the guy who benefited the most, and has the biggest criminal record
in Pakistan’s history on grey cash. Proof?  Justice doesn’t need proof in this case,
plain logic is quite enough. Looking for proof for an ex-con who pays best is best
suited to sellouts, propaganda makers and cronies.

In short, people and the media should pay more attention to retribution   of such
actions, than just the news   and the death toll game , plus helping
out the victims AFTER such things happen . TWICE as much effort   should
be put into finding the guy(s) responsible , and make him pay in full, for what
he did. By whatever means necessary. That’s what the public and the media should
call out for, instead of asking for more incompetent security  that is scared of
dying   themselves.

 Human trafficking

People smuggling (also called human smuggling) is defined as "the facilitation, transportation, attempted
transportation or illegal entry of a person or persons across an international border, in violation of one or
more countries laws, either clandestinely or through deception, such as the use of fraudulent documents"
The term is understood as and often used interchangeably with migrant smuggling, which is defined by
the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime as "...the procurement, in order to
obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit, of the illegal entry of a person into a state
party of which the person is not a national" The practice of people smuggling has seen a rise over the
past few decades and today now accounts for a significant portion of illegal immigration in countries
around the world. People smuggling generally takes place with the consent of the person or persons
being smuggled, and common reasons for individuals seeking to be smuggled include employment and
economic opportunity, personal and/or familial betterment, and escape from persecution or conflict.

Not to be confused with human trafficking, people smuggling is characterized by the consent between
customer and smuggler - a contractual agreement that typically terminates upon arrival in the destination


Because of the clandestine nature of people smuggling operations,
information currently available is scattered and incomplete. As such,
verifiable or even reliable figures are difficult, if not impossible to come
by, and the data on the number of smuggled individuals is tenuous at
best. However, as of 2005, it was estimated that upwards of 350,000
illegal immigrants are smuggled across America's border from Mexico
each year, and as many as 800,000 enter the European Union. [10]
Smugglers' fees vary from destination to destination, but on the whole,
they have risen dramatically over the years. The prices paid to human
smugglers by immigrants vary depending on the geographic location.
For border crossings such as from Mexico into the United States, human
smugglers can charge up to $4,000, while trans-pacific crossings of, for
example, Chinese immigrants into the United States can cost up to
$75,000.  These prices are significantly steeper than they were a decade
ago, as demand for smuggling services continues to rise, operations
become more complex, and costs of smuggling individuals become

j. Black water and invasions

What is blackwater?
Black Water is in Pakistan, and what it stands for was first divulged by TPS back
in October 2008. It is world’s biggest, richest, deadliest and most powerful
mercenary army, which operates from United States of America and even the
world’s sole super power hasn’t got any tangible control over this army, though
Black Water always acts as sidekick for the US armies around the globe.
Black Water hires retired army-men and villains and criminals from around the
world. Especially they target the poor countries in Asia and Africa for the fodder.
They act as NGOs and welfare organization in poor countries and recruit people in
the name of sending them to the land of dreams; the USA. They also reach first to
the areas where earthquakes and floods strike, and pickup the strong helpless men
and give them “jobs.”
Black Water now operates under the name of “Xe”. After Black Water name
became so notorious with respect to the Iraq war, the company president Gary
Jackson changed the name. Black Water or Xe is based in the U.S. state of North
Carolina, Xe operates a tactical training facility  which the company claims is the
world’s largest, and at which the company trains more than 40,000 people a year,
mostly from U.S. or foreign military and police services. The training consists of
military offensive and defensive operations, as well as smaller scale personal
security. That’s only a cover, and the workings of this covert organization
comprises of all the dirty and murderous acts.
Iraq is just one example. Black Water recruited the Iraqi men and used them
against the Iraqi people. Iraqis are very well of this evil outfit and in Fluja city
they killed the Black Water personnel who were working in the garb of food
contractors and hung their corpses along with the banks of Euphrates. Now the
media in Pakistan is reporting that Black Water has well established itself in the
country, especially in the Peshawar and Islamabad.
Orya Maqbool Jan of Express News wrote in is column that University Town in
Peshawar is the headquarter of Black Water in Pakistan. He also claims that
Black Water people can been frequently seen in the area guarding vehicles and
people, clad in black suits and black glasses. He also says that the biggest
embassy of America in Islamabad having thousands of employees is just
another Black Water plan. He also says that Black Water is operating in
Pakistan under the cover of a NGO Creative Associates.
If that is true, then what exactly is the purpose and objective of Black Water in
Pakistan? What they are guarding or are they planning some kind of offensive?
Our politicos are dead silent over that. Our parliament is a rubber stamp, and our
president is as usual on foreign trips and our premier is all-time-confused. Our
opposition is luke-warm and rest of the parties are plain hopeless. The only hope
against any Black Water is our security forces and the people of this country, who
are ready to shed every last drop of their blood for the motherland.

k. Super Powers

A  world  poltical  game  has being played  on  land  of  Muslims....Pakistan.Every 
counrty  has  its  own  international  boundaries which  not  only  represnt  the 
particular  area  but  also  a  culture  a  history  a  nation and  a  tradition.Modern 
world  should  respect  these  boundaries.But  unfortunately  super powers  are 
trepassing  the national  affairs  of  pakistan  since  1947.No  doubt  whole  world 
is in  satate of  poltical  war  for  resources.But many countries  are  openly 
interfering  in  Pakistan  affairs and killing  thousands  of  pakistani people  for 
sake  of  their  national  interesr.The  war  for  ones  own  national  interest 
is right.But  it  should  not  be  fought  at  cost  of  thousand innocent  people.
The geogrphical sitution of pakistan has great intersts for Wolrd Super powers.If it
was a war between two nations like America or Pakistan than  things will be solved
in much easier and different way but now its about many powers working for their
own interest.They all  are voilating international boundaries in the way they
like.They are trying to destroy a nation who  is responsible for world future.A
nation who is controling the transit trade between  west and central asia , a nation
who occupies  the  roof  of  wolrd should  be destroyed in such an immoral way?.It
will result in collapse of not only Pakistan but also one of the super power.So such
a country should be given its right in the broader intrest of world.

 China

“China has expressed concern over the rising US ‘influence’ in the region, including
Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Lou Zhaohui, while raising concerns over the presence of
US troops in the region, said the number of foreign forces was ‘too high’ across the region.
“These are issues of serious concern for China. China is concerned over the US policies and
the presence of a large number of foreign troops in the region,” the Dawn quoted Zhaohui,
as saying.
Zhaohui also said that the expanding terror threat is a matter of prime concern for his
country, and added that Beijing is lending all support to the United States and Pakistan to
tackle the issue.
“We are cooperating with the US and Pakistan in the fight against terror,” he said.
Zhaohui added that China is also concerned about the safety of its over 10,000 citizens in
Pakistan, and is closely monitoring the situation.”
i/456325/ )
Video :
 China’s      
Growing Influence on Pakistan Worries   US

A Pakistani man waves Pakistani and Chinese national flags on a street of Karachi on December 19, 2010.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao vowed to boost strategic cooperation with Pakistanas he wrapped up a three-
day visit to Islamabad that concluded deals worth around 35 billion dollars. (Credit: Asif
Hassan/AFP/Getty Images) (Source:

US influence in our politics and other things:

l. Media culture and its influence
What is media? Its role?

We all know that in contemporary society, the mass media serve as a

powerful agent. We as viewers learn and internalize some of the values,
beliefs and norms presented in media products. From a sociological
perspective, the media plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of daily
life. So it is evident that media is very dominant. Media of any country is
reflection of that country. It shows that how person behave and live in their
country. The way of expressing news, way of talking of politicians in
political debates and discussion programs shows the behavior of people of
that country. Although media's responsibility is to spread true stories but
media should be careful in this regard. They have to adopt such a way in
which they could aware public without impacting negatively their mind sets
and make them able to protest in a true manner which could result oriented.
McCombs and Shaw assumed that “the mass media sets the agenda for
political campaigns, influencing public attitudes toward desired issues”.
Hence we can say that in Pakistan the responsibility of media is much more
then any media in the world, because Pakistan needs a big change and only
media is now, as much powerful. At present media is the only source which
is easily accessible by all walks of people through various electronic
appliances i.e. TV, Radio, Internet, News Papers and now mobile phones
also used by people to aware of events every time. Media affects people's
perceptions and priorities their thinking about the political contents. Media
shapes the public's behavior about the issues and plays vital role in
highlighting certain attributes of issues. Gatekeepers of the media i.e.
(editors, news editors, and other journalists) they all play central role in
shaping the media agenda which becomes public agenda after sometime.
In Pakistan media are now independent with the emergence of new century.
There are numbered of news channels that have maximum coverage
throughout the country. Media contribute a lot to develop public knowledge
but even after years of success, media could not alter public's attitude
towards issues. Media promulgate issues in a way that it raise public
immediately just after the news bulletin whereas public mostly do not know
that what should be their role and reaction in that particular issue. Media
should discourage smoothly such attitude of public. Demonstrations and
protests are good to increase pressure towards solution of any problem but
there should be a proper way to express which should result oriented.
Media has become an important part of our country and its culture. Each and every
day, people interact with media of many different forms. Every form has its own
consumption pattern but among dominant and common forms of media, the widely
used media form is Television because it can be used by both ignorant and literate
persons and it caters to all different varieties of channels including news, dramas,
sports, songs, films etc. In addition to it, Television provides us the best quality
picture with sound and music and we may do a number of household tasks while
watching Television.
With the passage of time reputation of Pakistan's media have sullied due to its
failure in thoroughly comprehending affairs. It seems that media contributes to
multiply wording over issues and crisis instead of spreading true root causes and
facts of the issues. Our media coverage of political issues is heavily episodic
instead of thematic. There are numbered of political talk shows and debates on all
news channels of Pakistan. Any issue discussed in those programs has no ending
and determining words that could help people to understand that either there is
solution to these issues or not? Every political program discuses same issue under
different names of the program. There is no difference in the information displayed
by each program even the views of politicians from different political parties give
no hope and track towards the solution of issues. If these programs demonstrate
issues successfully then it could help people to pressurize government in a right
way to solve the issue.
Media and Judiciary are two independent pillars to save the country from
sudden slippage. Judiciary put down number of good decisions in her little
age of independence which is only one year. Whereas media is older then
judiciary and it shows no positive alterations in people's attitude towards the
ridiculous change. Pakistan's media should understand that it presents the
country which is of high importance not only for Islamic world but also for
peace in whole world. Media should become highly sensitive towards its
responsibilities while presenting this country to the world and guiding the
people of Pakistan to bring out the country from the sea of issues. Pakistan's
media tell the world that what is Pakistan in fact, what think of Pakistani
people towards world issue. It depicts the culture of Pakistan. It is its
responsibility to tell the whole world that what is Islam and what are
implications of Islam in Pakistan. Most of hot channels of media are highly
politicized whereas they should cover cultural and religious norms and
values of Pakistan. Some of the media channels are totally Islamic whereas
others are highly ultra mod. This shows existence of two totally different
cultures in Pakistan whereas Pakistan was achieved on the name of Islam
which has one Book, one Prophet (P.B.U.H), one Allah and one culture.
This type of media with totally two different sectors creating a cultural gap in
Pakistan. This cultural gap is increasing hatred groups. Our media showing
world existence of two totally different cultures in Pakistan and directs people
to divide in two groups one with fundamental thoughts and other with secular
thoughts. For a peaceful environment and a democratic culture, it is important
for all media channels to preserve real culture of Pakistan which is neither
extremist and, nor ultra mod. Francis Fukuyama, (1995) says that, “A thriving
civil society depends on a people's habits, customs, and ethics- attributes that
can be shaped only indirectly through conscious political action and must
otherwise be nourished through the increased awareness and respect for
culture”. In Pakistan we have no independent and transparent political system
but luckily now we have the independent media. Access of media and power is
far more then political parties hence media can play major role to turn the fate
of society.
Pakistan's culture is Islamic which gives lesson of temperateness, moderateness,
rectitude and frugality. By dividing the nation in two groups of culture we are
creating cultural gap which underpins the true democratic codes. Media could
play a central role in streamlined the whole nation over one agenda and guide it
towards one particular destination. Already existing some of extremist groups
not only violate human rights but also spread wrong concepts about Islam and
develop false picture of Islam and Pakistan to the world. To minimize such
groups and to seldom the power of such hatred and extremist groups all
Pakistani media should display true culture of Pakistan. All the news channels
and drama channel should adopt national dress code of Pakistan which is both
Islamic and Pakistani. Unfortunately models, actors, reporter and anchors of
media channels follow such a way of speaking, negotiating and apparels which
are not true picture of Pakistan and Islam.
In the end I would like to summaries the whole discussion by recommending
the media to enhance the knowledge of public about any issue so that they
could participate shrewdly to manipulate the mess. Further media have to
develop its status in the public by touching the invisible bonds of society
means its culture. Although we have different cultures in our country but the
origin of all the cultures is Islam. Media should communicate with the people
as a part of their society. Tariqavi says, “…..Stress the importance of culture,
which may vary even within a country, in negotiating any complex deal you
need to understand the values of the people you are dealing with, even if you
do not accept their values yourself……..”. Hence our media should take care
of culture of Pakistan to integrate the people towards the prosperity and
development while living within Islamic boundaries.

This document is researched and prepared by our partners MediaTrek. The

document details all the Television Media statistics in Pakistan Including the TV
cannels the viewership, advertisers and impact on the society.

In this study data is compiled from all types of major TV Channels in Pakistan
including Terrestrial Channels Satellite Channels


Terrestrial TV Ch: PTV Home, PTV News, ATV 

Satellite TV Channel
News / Info. Channels Entertainment Ch Musical Ch Regional Ch Bu
GEO News ARY Digital M TV AVT K CN
DAWN News GEO TV THE Musik Waseeb Bu
AAJ TV     Sindh TV  
Sports Ch Food Ch Movie Ch Kids Ch Re
TEN Sports     Nick  

FM Radio FM 89 FM 91 FM 100 FM 103 FM 106.2 FM 107

TOP 15 Pakistani TV Channels (by consumed time) April 2008

Time (%
# Channel
1 AAJ TV 7.69%





6 DAWN NEWS 3.84%


8 6.63%

9 GEO NEWS 11.43%

10 HUM TV 7.44%


12 KTN 9.09%

13 PTV 4.18%

14 TV ONE 6.20%

15 WASEB TV 5.37%

There are more than 35 TV Channel in the country. But only 15 top channels have
been shown for the above analysis. The % figures are based on time consumed by
the Channels. mediatrack monitors the extra activity (Logo, Promo, Scrolls, Break
bumpers etc) along with pure commercial. A very minor extra activity was on
Express News and Dawn News. It is observed that Dawn News do not telecast
Logo and Scrolls on its Screen.

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