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10, 125-132 (1986)

Toxicity and Incapacitation due to

Hydrogen Chloride
Merritt M. Birky
Birky Associates, Inc., R t #3 Box 270, Boonsboro, Md 21713, USA

Hydrogen chloride is the principal product released during the combustion of poly(vinylch1oride). It is classified as a
sensory and pulmonary irritant. The toxicity of hydrogen chloride (HCI) has been the subject of numerous acute
toxicological studies on rodents to determine the effect of HCI exposure on humans during fires. The lethality studies
show that HCI destroys the upper respiratory tract and the eyes of rodents. A few of the rodent studies measured the
HCI concentration required to produce incapacitation within a given shortexposure period. These concentrations were
higher than the lethal concentrations due to the fact that most deaths occur postexposure. The findings from rodent
studies were basically confirmed by exposing non-human primates (baboons) to high HCI concentrations for 5 min and
measuring escape potential. I n the baboon study, no statistical significance could be found between the time-to-effect
parameters, failure modes and the HCI concentrations. The relevance of the baboon behavioral model and physiological
response to human escape-potential in a fire environment that contains HCI is questionable. In terms of the behavioral
model, the baboons were able to carry out the escape routine with their eyes closed during the exposure. Inability to see
was not considered incapacitating. Humans would have great difficulty escaping from a fire with their eyes closed.
Furthermore, the baboons escaped by one simple action; jumping out. Most humans could not escape from a fire by one
simple, instantaneous act. Based on the review of HCI toxicity and basic toxicological principles, elements required for
the development of an appropriate animal incapacitation model for irritants are proposed. Exposure of animals to
irritants, such as HCI, will only provide information on human escape impairment from fire when the animal models
address the direct result of irritant effects on vision and respiratory function. Most of the present studies measure the
delayed, secondary systemic effects that produce asphyxia. Clearly, the measurement of vision or the lack of vision
should be of primary importance in any irritant smoke incapacitation model.

such as carbon monoxide (CO) or hydrogen cyanide

(HCN). Irritants are toxicants, and are lethal. Studies
show that irritants have a full range of potency just as
Various studies have demonstrated that approximately asphyxiants. The accidental release of methyl isocyanate
802, of fire fatalities are due to smoke inhalati~n.'-~ and exposure of humans in Bhopal, India, in 1985
Efforts to quantify the cause of death, that is, to pinpoint tragically demonstrated both one extreme of the potency
the specific toxic products responsible for deaths, have range of an irritant and its toxic nature. Methyl isocyanate
identified carlbon monoxide as being in the lethal range in is characterized as an irritant, but it is obviously lethal, as
at least 50% of the victim^.^.^ While 50% of the victims about 2000 people perished in Bhopal. Both natural and
had lethal levels of carbon monoxide, it is not clear from synthetic materials produce irritant products, such as
these studies whether other toxic products contributed to acrolein and other aldehydes, when exposed to thermal
the inability of the victims to escape the fire and what overload as in a fire.
other toxic products contributed to the deaths. Stated The irritant HCl has received a great deal of attention in
another way, fatality studies cannot determine if in- the last few years. The primary source of HCl in fire is
capacitating concentrations of other toxic products pre- synthetic chlorinated materials such as poly(viny1-
vented escape. chloride), or PVC. The role of PVC in incapacitation and
Since all fires produce irritant gases, a great deal of death during smoke exposure has remained unresolved
speculation tias centered around the role of these gases in for some time due to the difficulty in measuring inhaled
leading to early incapacitation that prevents escape. One chloride in fire victims against a large reservoir of
hypothesis is that an individual is first incapacitated by naturally occurring chloride in the human system. This
irritants, unable to escape and then exposed to lethal difficulty in determining the degree of exposure and
concentrations of carbon monoxide. The irritant gases in incapacitatingeffects of HCl is compounded by the lack of
question include hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen an animal model that approximates the human re-
fluoride (HF), acrolein and other aldehydes, and other spiratory system and models human incapacitation. Most
combustion products. The pathology resulting from the of the information on the toxicity of HCl relies on rodent
inhalation of irritants is fairly well established in animal lethality studies that neither approximate the human
studies and (accidentalhuman exposures. This, however, respiratory tract physiology nor model human escape
does not address the incapacitating effects. capabilities or incapacitation. Admittedly, little inform-
There is a tendency in the disciplineof fire toxicology to ation exists on the nature of human incapacitation,so it is
treat irritants as lesser hazards than systemic toxicants difficult to sort out the factors that contribute to it and to

0308 0501/86/030125-08$05.00 Received 24 December 1985

0 1986 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 14 April 1986
126 M. M. BIRKY

recognize when one has an appropriate model. limited to a carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation of
Recent studies on non-human primates were an effort 25%. The post-exposure observation period was 7 days.
to correct the rodent deficiencies and incapacitation For rats the LC,, concentration for HCl alone was
factor^.^ It is instructive, however, to review the rodent 40989ppm and 39010ppm with 25% COHb. For mice
studies on HC1, HCl aerosols and smoke from burning the LC50 concentration for HC1 alone was 13 745 ppm
PVC before reviewing the effects of HCl gas on non- and 10663 ppm with 25% COHb. The authors concluded
human primate behavior. that carbon monoxide concentrations that are not hazar-
dous to life do not enhance the toxicity of HCl. However,
as noted by the authors, the CO exposure superimposed
RODENT STUDIES ON HYDROGEN CHLORIDE on the individual contaminant exposures (HCl) might
have resulted in more rapid deaths.
In one study, rabbits and guinea pigs were exposed In an effort to study the effects of inert particulates on
simultaneously to HCl at various concentrations and HCl toxicity, rats and mice were exposed to HCl alone and
exposure periods ranging from 5 to 7200min.6 Post- in combination with inert aluminum oxide particles (1.4~)
exposure observation period was for 50 days and above. for 60mir1.~Lethality data were determined for a post-
Statistical analysis of the mortality data was not done. exposure period of 14 days. The LC,, for rats and mice
Deaths were tabulated according to probable cause and exposed to HCl alone were 3124ppm and 1108ppm.
time. Exposure of rabbits and guinea pigs to 4416 ppm for respectively. The addition of the alumina dust to HCl
30 min resulted in 100%mortality. Most of the deaths that exposures was reported to have no net effect on the
occurred during or shortly after the exposure were mortality as compared with the HCl alone for either the
attributed to respiratory tract damage. The deaths of some rats or mice, although no statistical analysis of the data
of the animals of both species were attributed to liver was presented.
damage. Acute toxic changes in the liver and lungs were Rats and guinea pigs were exposed to the combined
tabulated as a single category, so the percentage of the effectsof HCl and CO in smoke from burning PVC and
lethalities due to respiratory tract damage cannot be wood." In these experiments, HCl and CO were
obtained from the data. The finding of embolic and generated from the combustion of a vinyl-covered hard-
thrombotic lesions with infarctions in the heart, liver, board in a fire room. Gaseous HCl was added to the tire
kidney and spleen suggested vascular damage. Fatty products to attain the desired level of this gas. The
metamorphosis of the liver was present in both species. exposures were for 30 rnin with the time of delayed deaths
High concentrations of HCl produced necrosis of the reported. Initially,the protocol was to expose the animals
tracheal, bronchial and alveolar epithelium. for 30min and determine the death rate over 7 days.
In another study, rats and mice were exposed to HC1 However, due to gross damage to eyes, noses, mouths and
and HCl with water aerosols (mist) for 5 and 30 rnin hairless parts of the feet, surviving animals were killed
periods.' The post-exposure observation period was 7 prior to 7 days for humanitarian reasons. Exposure of rats
days. In the exposures with HCl/water aerosols, 64% of for 30min to 3298ppm to HCl and 3925ppm of CO
the water droplets were 1pm or less in diameter. produced 100% mortality in 24 h. The same experimental
In this study the LC,, values for 5 rnin exposures of rats conditions produced an 80% mortality rate in guinea pigs.
and mice to HCl gas were 40 989 ppm and 13 745 ppm, In a second set of experimental conditions 4555 ppm of
respectively. The 5 rnin exposures to the HCl/water HCl alone produced 100%mortality in rats and guinea
aerosol decreased the LC,, slightly for the 5 rnin expo- pigs in 24h. Similarly, exposure to 2380ppm HCl for
sures to 31008 ppm for rats and 11238 ppm for mice. For 30 rnin produced a 67% mortality rate in rats in 5 h and an
rats this is a slight increase in toxicity due to the moisture, 87% mortality rate in guinea pigs in the same time. In the
although the 95% confidence limits for the two types of combustion studies, carboxyhemoglobinvalues were pro-
exposure data overlap. Exposure of rats and mice for vided on fatalities at the end of the 30 rnin exposures. No
30min to HCl resulted in an LC50 of 4701ppm and statistical analysis of the data, such as calculation of LCs,,
2644 ppm, respectively. The water mist/HCl exposures for values, was reported in this study. The mortality rate was
30min produced an LC,, of 5666ppm for rats and simply listed as a function of concentration.
2142 ppm for mice. In the 30-min exposures, the toxicity of The authors of this combustion study concluded that for
HCl and HCl aerosol are nearly identical. rats and guinea pigs HCl enhances the toxicity of carbon
Gross pathological examination of the rats and mice in monoxide. The enhancement occurred mainly at con-
this study showed severe irritation of the upper re- centrations of HCl which could be lethal when present
spiratory tract and moderate-to-severe alveolar emphy- alone. This enhancement was attributed by the authors to
sema and edema of the lungs. The death pattern was excitement and overbreathing, and was most significant
about the same for the animals exposed to HCl and HCl for the guinea pigs. (Note: High levels of carbon dioxide
aerosol. Rats were considerably more tolerant of HC1 were also present which will increase the respiratory rate.)
than were mice and the rabbits and guinea pigs of the While deaths were generally associated with high levels 01
previous study. Corneal erosion and clouding were noted carboxyhemoglobin,the mortality rate would have been
in both species for both dry HCl and HCl aerosol. similar without the CO.
Respiratory tract pathology was similar to that reported The most extensive toxicological research on fire
in the earlier study. The pathology (hepatic lesions) of products was based on the change in respiratory function,
other organs reported earlier was not confirmed. respiratory rate and tidal volume of mice.'' In these
In a third study, rats and mice were exposed for 5 rnin to studies a furnace was connected to a whole body ple-
HCl gas with and without pre-exposure to carbon thysmograph. The plethysmograph is a small chamber in
monoxide.* Pre-exposure to carbon monoxide was which the body of a mouse is placed with the head

protruding through a perforated latex dam/which provides destruction of upper respiratory tract from pharynx to
an airtight seal between the body and the head. A pressure nares and little damage to airways below the trachea.
transducer measures the change in air pressure surround- Table 1 summarizes the HCI toxicological findings by
ing the body due to respiration. During exposure to various investigators on different animal species and
irritants the frequency and depth of respiration changes. exposure times. Dose (concentration x exposure time) is
This is reflected as changes in air pressure surrounding the calculated and listed in the table in an effort to compare
body of the rodent and recorded. Based on the change in the results of various studies. However, due to the fact that
respiratory function, a 50% decrease in respiratory rate some investigators observed the animals for different
was defined as the RD,, (respiratory decrease of 50%). periods of time post-exposure, the comparisons must be
Based on this methodology, the RD,, was reported for made with caution. It is interesting to note that the LC,,
irritants including chlorine, HCI and PVC smoke.lZFor for 5-min exposures for rats and mice as reported by
HCI the RD,, was determined to be 309ppm or Darmer et a/.’ and Higgins et ~ 1are. identical.
~ It must be
0.454mg1.-’ The RD,, for a plasticized PVC was deter- concluded that these are not independent measurements.
mined to be 0.19mg1-’. Smoke from PVC was some-
what more toxic than the equivalent HCI concentration.
This R D , , value obtained in mice was interpreted as being NON-HUMAN PRIMATE STUDY
incapacitating to man in a few minute^.'^
In order to determine the effect of nasal filtration in mice
the acute toxicities of HCl and thermal decomposition Objective and protocol
products from PVC were compared between mice with
and without tracheal ~annu1ation.l~ Severe pulmonary Non-human primates (juvenile African savannah
damage was noted in the cannulated animals. The LC,, baboons) and rats were exposed to various toxicants
for HCI of the cannulated animals was 1095ppm and including acrolein, HCI and CO.’ The primary objective
10 137ppm for the uncannulated ones. Extensive destruc- of this study was to determine the ability of irritant gases
tion of the eyes and nasal passages with no involvement of to impair human escape from an aircraft-fire environ-
the lower respiiratory tract was noted in the uncannulated ment. A secondary objective was to evaluate the relevance
animals. and validity of the rodent laboratory toxicity test results
In a recent study, time to incapacitation and time to to predict effects on humans. Both objectives were to be
death of rats were determined for anhydrous HCl gas.” accomplished by measuring performance-decrement dur-
Hydrogen chloride concentrations ranged from 2000 ppm ing exposure of non-human primates to selected irritant
to lOoOOOpp~n.Time to incapacitation (ti) was defined gases.
when the animals could no longer walk in a driven Both non-human primate and rodent measurements
rotating cage. Time to death ( t d )was defined when visible were proposed using the same experimental protocol in
signs of respiration ceased. Based on this experimental order to correlate rodent incapacitation model results
protocol, incapacitation occurred in 5.5 min when the with primate results. Since previous studies on irritants
HCl concentration was 94000 ppm. The shortest time to had been limited to rodents, the program was designed to
death was slightly more than 6min from exposure to evaluate the adequacy of these rodent models in predict-
96 OOO ppm. Basically, the incapacitating concentration ing human toxicity and the impairment of human escape
was equivalent to lethal concentrations. Gross post- capabilities in the fire environment. Carbon monoxide,
mortem pathological examination showed almost total a non-irritant product, was evaluated in the study
since extensive data using rats and various behavioral/
incapacitation models have been used to study fire
toxicity and develop animal models.
Table 1. Summary of HCI toxicity on rodents
The experimental protocol proposed for this study was
Species i‘(rnin) LC,. LC x T Ref. Comments to train non-human primates and rats to escape from an
Rabbits 30 4 452 1 33 500 6 Est. LC,, exposure chamber by pressing one of two levers. The
50 days post correct lever that allowed escape from the toxic gas was
Guinea pigs 30 4 452 1 33 500 6 Est. LC,, identified by a colored light which was turned on simulta-
50 days post neously with a tone. After a 5 min exposure to selected
Rats 5 40 989 204 945 8 toxic gases, the start of a trial was identified with an audio
Mice 5 13 745 68 725 8
7 7 days post
tone (cue) with simultaneous lighting above the levers.
Rats 5 40 989 204 945
Mice 5 13 745 68 725 7 7 days post
Ten seconds after the cue the bars of the cage were
Rats 30 4 701 141 030 7 7 days post electrified. ‘Avoidance’ was defined as a correct response
Mice 30 2 644 79 320 7 7 days post and exit from the chamber within 10s after the cue.
Rats 5 31 008 155 040 7 +Aerosol ‘Escape’ was defined as a correct response and exiting the
Mice 5 11 238 56 190 7 +Aerosol chamber after 10 s, that is, after a shock but within 30 s.
Rats 30 5 660 1 69 800 7 +Aerosol Changes in response times were to be determined as a
Mice 30 2142 64 260 7 +Aerosol function of toxic gas concentration. Performance or
Rats 60 3124 187 440 9 14 days post impairment was to be determined as changes in time to
Mice 60 1108 66 480 9 14 days post ‘avoid‘ and ‘escape’ as a result of the toxic effects of the
Rats 5 39010 195 050 8 + 25% COHb
gases. Correlation of the results from the two animal
6 days post
Mice 5 10 663 53 305 8 + 25% COHb species would serve to determine the relevance of rodent
7 days post toxicity data to primates which, in principle, should more
closely approximate human effects and response.
128 M. M.BIRKY

The complex avoidance/escape paradigm was modified 2780 ppm for 5 min. Statistical analysis of the data showed
for the rats due to the inability to train them. First, the that there was no correlation between escape time and
same color light was used above both levers and pressing acrolein concentration. No statistically significant correl-
of either lever opened the cage. Second, even with this ation could be obtained between acrolein concentrations
change, the rats could not be trained at a satisfactory level and the other performance parameters. In these expo-
of ‘avoidance’. Consequently, only the ‘escape’ paradigm sures, two of the animals died. One died approximately 1
(electric shock) was used. The rats were exposed only to day post-exposure to 1025ppm and one died about 1 h
CO and HCl. Primates were exposed to all three toxi- post-exposure to 2780 ppm.
cants. All toxicant exposures were done singly, that is, no
combination of toxic products was studied.
Carbon monoxide results
The above review of rodent and primate studies on
Dose-response data were determined for rats and irritants demonstrates the difficulties with developing
primates exposed to carbon monoxide. Using the modi- short exposure dose response effects that are amenable to
fied paradigm, the rat data showed that the percentage of statistical analysis. Part of the difficulty in obtaining valid
animals failing to escape increased with increasing CO statistics on acute-short time exposures to irritants is due
concentrations. Statistical analysis of this data shows that to the fact that the predominate tissue effects that lead to
half of the rats will fail to escape if exposed to about death are delayed. This is especially true since most of the
6660 ppm for 5 min. Statistical analysis of the escape time injury pathology has been limited to the observations on
data show that escape time increased as the average CO the respiratory tract. As a consequence, a number of the
concentration increased. The slope of this relationship investigators simply reported approximate dose required
was 0.001 min ppm-’. to kill or reported time of deaths after exposure. In one
For the primates, no statistically significant relation- study, the animals were killed for humanitarian reasons
ship was observed between the average CO exposure before the post-exposure period was completed.
concentration and escape time. However, decrease in time In the rodent studies and on the limited primate
to incapacitation (incapacitation is defined as inability to exposures post-exposure deaths occur at much lower
escape, i.e. failure as defined above) did correlate with concentrations than the concentrations that produce
average increase in CO concentration. About one-half of incapacitation within the exposure period. This occurs
the primates failed to escape at 6850 ppm as a result of the since incapacitation is measured only during exposure.
5 min exposure. Of those baboons that failed to escape, The post-exposure effect is vividly demonstrated in the
became unconscious and in which blood samples were rats exposed to high concentrations of HC1 where the
obtained, the carboxyhemoglobin saturation ranged from post-mortem pathological observation noted ‘surpris-
60% to 71%. No carboxyhemoglobin data were reported ingly little damage to the airways below the trachea but
for those baboons that escaped under the same test
almost total destruction from pharynx to nares’.15 This
conditions. However, it was noted that there was con- phenomenon is most likely to be more acute in rodents
siderable variability among animals in their sensitivity to
because of the complex upper respiratory tract physiology
carbon monoxide. where much of the HCl is trapped. This is clearly
demonstrated by the results on cannulated animal^.'^ In
HCI exposure results the case of humans and non-human primates, severe lung
damage will most likely occur prior to total destruction of
Rats were exposed for 5 min to HCl concentrations from the upper respiratory tract.
11 800 ppm to 87 660 ppm. At all concentrations except The relationship or translation/extrapolation of the
the 87660 ppm, the animals were able to perform the effects of pure HCl gas on rodents and on non-human
escape task. No statistical correlation between time to primates to the fire environment and to human escape-
escape and HC1 concentrations was noted. Delayed potential from a fire must be carried out with extreme
mortality occurred in all but the lowest two concentra- caution with full knowledge of the limitations. There are
tions. A statistical analysis of the mortality data showed two very important questions that must be considered
a correlation between the time of post-exposure deaths before this extrapolation can be made with confidence:
with HCl concentration.
The non-human primates were exposed to HC1 con- (1) What is the relationship of rodent and non-human
centrations from 190ppm to 17290ppm for 5min. No primate HC1 results to smoke from PVC; and
statistical significance could be found between escape (2) What is the relationship of the animal incapacitation
time and HCl concentration. Furthermore, no statisti- models to human escape potential?
cally significantdose related effects on performance could
be found. The two highest HCl concentrations Relationship of pure gas study to the fire environment
(16 570 ppm and 17 290 ppm) resulted in the death of the
animals. Rodent results summarized above on the effects of pure
HCI gas and HCl gas in combination with moisture,
Acrolein results carbon monoxide, inert particulates and actual smoke
from the combustion of PVC suggest that the results of
As noted earlier, rats were not exposed to acrolein. The pure HCl exposures provide reasonable approximations
primates were exposed to acrolein concentrations of 12 to to the combined effects of HCl and some of the factors

present in a fire environment. That is, the addition of pigs is that the HCl enhances the toxicity of carbon
moisture to HCl and actually burning PVC does not monoxide, although the effect appears to be minimal,
appear to produce a significantly different gross toxicity It is instructive to note the cautions put forward by the
than that of pure HCl. With the present information, this authors who have exposed rodents to PVC fire products.
judgment must be limited to the effects on rodents. They note that while deaths were generally associated
Furthermore, conclusions from these limited studies must with high levels of carboxyhemoglobin, 'it is probable,
be stated with the followingcaution. First, the rodent and however, that the most important effects of the presence of
non-human primate studies do not address the issue of hydrogen chloride will accompany sub-lethal exposures,
time-to-effectand the more complex task of escape from a firstly because the highly irritant nature of the gas may
building fire. Second, while the respiratory system is result in more people being prevented from using escape
obviously affected and is the most extensively studied routes in the early stages of fires in buildings by con-
organ system, visual impairment may be a serious uniden- centrations of fire gases and smoke which may be
tified phenomenon, especially in relationship to escape, otherwise relatively harmless at the time and, secondly,
and may be the limitation on human escape. This will be because survivors may suffer long term, even permanent,
discussed later. However, none of the studies addressed injury from high concentrations of this gas'.'O
this issue. Third, studies on other irritants suggest a much To understand the significance of this statement, one
more complex phenomenon with regard to the effects of must be aware that when PVC is burned or involved first
moisture and particulates. These effects were shown to be or early in a fire HCl is given off before lethal levels of
concentration and particle size dependent. carbon monoxide are produced. This is due to the fact that
As an example, studies on sulfur dioxide show that HCl is released at a relatively low temperature (180"C)
aerosols potentiate the effects of the irritant.I6 The compared with the combustion temperatures of common
potentiation was dependent on the concentration of the materials. Carbon monoxide is generally produced in
'inert' aerosol and particle size. The submicron particles high concentrations because of the oxygen depletion by
were more effective than the larger ones. Furthermore, the the fire.
post-exposure potentiation was dependent on aerosol
dose and was relatively slow to d e ~ e l o p . ' ~ Formalde-
hyde toxicity was also dependent on the concentration Relationship of non-human primate results to
and particle size of the inert aerosol.16 Relative humidity human escape
(RH) was found to be important in the sulfur dioxide
toxicity with a tenfold potentiation occurring at 80% 'The primary objective of the non-human primate study
RH as compared with 50% RH." At high humidity the was to assess the potential of representative combustion
potentiation occurred rapidly. atmosphere irritant gases to impair human escape from a
The studies with sulfur dioxide suggest that the potenti- postcrash aircraft fire environment.The secondary objec-
ation due to moisture is partly due to the conversion of tive was to evaluate the relevance and validity of presently
sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. This does not happen in the used rodent laboratory test methods in predicting the
case of HCl. The primate experimental protocol involved potential of combustion gases to impair human escape
dry HCl in order to maintain a fixed concentration for the ~apability.'~ The logic for attaining the secondary objec-
exposure periods. When the relative humidity was above tive goes as follows. If the non-human primate results are
500/,,, droplets appeared on the chamber walls, so one shown to be relevant to human escape potential, then
infers from this that the RH was maintained below 50%. these results can be used to validate the rodent animal
Whether or not the primate will respond differently when model. If the primate behavioral model is not relevant to
aerosols and other toxic products from PVC smoke are human escape potential, then it cannot be used to validate
present is unanswered by this study. the rodent models.
The potentiation effect of irritant gases by inert aerosols In the light of the primary objectives of the non-human
noted above is consistent with the fact that small aerosols primate study to measure impairment of human escape
will pass through the upper respiratory tract and reach the potential the second question raised earlier has two parts;
alveoli of the lungs, where the aerosol is retained. The the relevance of the non-human primate physiology and
irritant adsorbed on the particulate is then released in whether the escape/behavioralmodel used in the primate
the lungs. It is well known that when PVC is involved in a study is representative of or a measure of the ability of
fire HCl is adsorbed on the surfaces of the smoke or humans to escape from a fire involving PVC. From a
particulates. It has been reported that particulates from respiratory physiologicalperspective,the baboon is prob-
burning PVC contain up to 1 to 2% by weight HCl.I9 It ably as close to a human as one can get. However, the
has been shown in limited rodent studies that the toxicity clinical observations made in the study raise some
of smoke from PVC is slightly higher than the equivalent interesting questions. As in any toxicological experi-
HC1 concentration. This may be due to the effect of inert mental protocol, careful observations are invaluable and,
particdates and to other chemicals that are produced. in the case of the primate study, the clinical observations
As noted above, one reported study has actually burned provide some information regarding this q u e s t i ~ n .Ac-
PVC and wood in an effort to determine the combined cording to these observations the baboons blinked,
effects of HC1 and CO.'O This study involved an exposure coughed and salivated copiously. Copious salivation will
to products other than just HCl and CO. In these significantlyreduce HCl intake if respiration is occurring
experiments the HCl and CO were generated from the through the mouth. Do humans salivate copiously when
combustion of a vinyl-covered hardboard. Gaseous HCl exposed to HCl and, just as importantly, does it happen
was added to the fire products to attain the desired level of on exposure to smoke from burning PVC? This raises the
this gas. The conclusion of this study using rats and guinea question of just how representative the baboon is to
130 M. M. BIRKY

human response and whether baboons would respond in of HCl. None of the studies report what minimum
the same way to smoke from PVC. exposure and time were required to produce this phe-
It is interesting to note that the non-human primate nomenon or a dose-response for this effect. The clinical
study does not report evidence of bronchoconstriction, information on the baboons does not report whether they
laryngeal spasms and eye damage during exposure to the developed clouded corneas. This raises the question of
strong irritants, even at high concentrations. The clinical whether ability to see or keep one’s eyes open would be a
observations of the baboon exposed to 2780 ppm of HCl more realistic measure of escape potential.
indicate that the animal began to cough and choke From the above discussion the relevance of the non-
immediately, but apparently the animal recovered from human primate performance model to human effects and
this. Laryngeal spasms are reported to occur in human performance is questionable. In addition, in neither of the
exposures to strong irritants such as HCl. The cause of two irritant gases could statistically valid dose -
death in animals that succumbed rapidly during exposure response/performance relationships be obtained for in-
to sulfuric acid is reported to be bronchoconstriction and capacitation or for lethality in either animal species. In
laryngeal spasm.20g2’Is this response typical of humans, spite of this lack of statistical validity, the authors
or was it simply not observed in the baboon study because conclude that ‘laboratory tests with rodents may be used
of the limited number of animals? to predict escape impairment of humans exposed to
Eye damage was reported in various rodent s t ~ d i e s . ’ ~ HCl’.5 This conclusion is apparently based on the observ-
Did it occur in the non-human primate study or did it not ations that for a 5min exposure the ‘threshold con-
occur because the animals kept their eyes closed? What is centrations which caused severe post exposure respir-
the relevance of this phenomenon to human escape? atory effects and lethality appears to be fairly close in the
This leads directly into the second part of the question, two specie^'^ (referring to rodents and baboons). How-
i.e. what is the relevance of the non-human primate ever, the other part of the equation that must be addressed
escape paradigm to human escape potential? Based on before this conclusion is valid is the relevance of the
the clinical observations of the non-human primates and measured parameters to approximate human incapaci-
recognizing that information processing and sustained tation in a fire behavior. The inability to obtain a
actions are required to escape from a burning structure, it statistical correlation between exposure concentration
should be clear that the primate behavioral model has and performance of various animal species is due to the
limited relevance to human ability to escape from the inappropriateness of the performance model for the
environment of a fire. This is best demonstrated by the nature of the toxic response. The measured response is
baboons’ apparent ability to perform the escape task with due to delayed effects. Furthermore, no amount of
their eyes closed during the acrolein tests. At 25 ppm it is repetition or efforts to obtain statistical validity will
noted that the animal kept its eyes closed during most of resolve this issue.
the exposure and at 250ppm it was recorded that the It appears that the difficulty with most behavioral
animal’s eyes were closed during the exposure. This (incapacitation) paradigms used in fire toxicity studies is
obviously will reduce pain and protect the eyes for future that the incapacitation models have been based on and
vision. However, this response is inappropriate for escap- validated with carbon monoxide. For example, it was
ing from a fire. In spite of the observation that the animals concluded, based on the primate work and calculations
kept their eyes closed and successfully performed the on humans, that ‘these human data (referring to CO
escape task, the authors of the study conclude that while toxicity) provide support for the validity of the rat [and
the statement that ‘20ppm of acrolein is at once insuffer- the baboon] as a model for predicting human escape
able, may be accurate, such a statement should not be impairment by CO. This conclusion may be correct, but
interpreted as meaning that these exposures would in- the problem in the fire environment is not just CO;
capacitate humans or prevent their e~cape’.~ On the otherwise the non-human primate work would not be
contrary, inability to see is clearly incapacitating when necessary.
trying to escape from a fire.
In the HCl exposures, eye irritation was first reported
at 2780ppm. At 17000ppm the baboon had its eyes PRINCIPLES FOR AN INCAPACITATION
closed most of the time but was able to escape. It would MODEL
appear that in this behavioral model sight, or the absence
of it, does not constitute incapacitation. Apparently,in the Based on the above review of HCl toxicity, it is instructive
baboon study, vision was not a requirement for escape. In to go back to some basic principles to toxicology22in
contrast, most humans would have great difficulty trying order to construct a more appropriate behavioral model.
to escape from a structure and aircraft fire with their eyes Toxicants are categorized by type and general locus of
closed. action, such as immediate versus delayed, reversible
For practical reasons, there are many inherent limi- versus irreversible and local versus systemic. Local effects
tations to any animal behavioral model. For example, are those that occur at the site of first contact between the
pulling a lever on cue after extensive training does not biological system and the toxicant. Irritants fall in this
model either the complex decision-making requirements category. The counterpart to local effects is systemic
or the sustained short-term exertion required for human effects, which require adsorption and distribution of the
escape from a burning building or aircraft. However, toxicant to a site distant from the entry point. Most
ability to see or keep one’s eyes open should be required in systemic toxicants do not produce a similar degree of
any behavioral model used for escape. toxicity in all organs but usually produce the major
It was noted earlier that most of the rats developed toxicity in one or two organs. These are referred to as
clouded corneas when exposured to high concentrations target organs. Thus an exposure to a systemic toxicant

does not have a demonstrable effect until the toxicant determine HCl toxicity. Validating a behavioral model
reaches the target organ and causes a response. The based on a systemic toxicant such as carbon monoxide
central nervous system is the target organ most frequently does not necessarily validate the model for other combus-
involved in systemic toxicity. tion toxicants. Neither does simply changing the animal
This process of reaching the target organ requires two species, since the behavioral model is in question.
steps. The first is exposure and the second is distribution With this background it is clear why there is a large
in the body to the target organ. Exposure via inhalation is discrepancy between the toxicity of HCl as determined
quite rapid, and depends on concentration of toxicant, from respiratory rate measurements on mice (RD,, of
respiratory rate and volume. The time required for the 309 ppm) and the lethality and performance results on
second step, distribution, will depend on the chemical rodents and primates (1 5 OOO to 94 000 ppm). The change in
properties of the toxicant and circulatory system. The respiratory function is a direct measure of the effect of HCl
time to observe an effect will depend on the response time on the site of first contact. These functions include
of the reaction to the chemical and what effect is being increased pulmonary flow resistance, increased tidal
measured. Some effects are immediately observable and volume and decreased respiratory frequency. The
some, such as carcinogenic effects, require years to performance changes as measured in most of the studies
develop. are the secondary or indirect result of damage to the
With this background it is instructive to review the CO respiratory system.
and HCl rodent and non-human primate models and How toxicity numbers are translated or extrapolated to
results. There are two interesting points to be made about human escape ability is still open to question and is not
the CO exposures and results. Carbon monoxide is a answered by this analysis. That is, how any toxicity or
systemic toxicant and the target organ is the central performance number is translated to humans is still open
nervous system (brain). O n inhalation, C O is rapidly to debate. It should be clear, however, that the model must
adsorbed in the blood, bound to the hemoglobin mole- measure the correct parameter before the translation is
cules and rapidly distributed throughout the circulatory made. In addition, it should be clear by this time that
system. This results in rapid brain (target organ) hypoxia producing brain hypoxia with an irritant takes some time.
and, depending on concentration, the consequence of this Furthermore, while escape from a fire environment is the
effect is immediately observable (measurable) by a num- first prerequisite, it is not a sufficient criterion. Post-
ber of performance parameters that have been used in exposure survival is also critical, as is the quality of
smoke toxicity. The result is ‘immediate’,even relative to a survival. Most of the numbers generated above do not
short exposure time of 5 mins. The same is basically true provide for survival.
for exposure to hydrogen cyanide, since it is a systemic
toxicant and results in brain hypoxia, although via a
different mechanism. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
Now, consider exposure to HCl. It is very clear from the
extensive rodent inhalation studies reviewed above that The experimental results on the effects of the irritants, HCl
HCl first produces a local effect when it contacts the and acrolein, on performance are interesting and certainly
mucosa of the respiratory tract. It also affects the eyes and further our knowledge of the effects of irritants on
may impair vision first. Apparently, no one has studied primates. It is the first step in developing information on
this as a model of incapacitation. Destruction of these toxicity of smoke from burning materials such as PVC.
tissues requires some time to develop. The time required Extrapolation of these data to human toxicity and human
is, of course, concentration dependent, but for the grossly escape potential from a burning building or aircraft could
observable respiratory tract effects it is generally longer be very misleading, if not dangerous. The relevance of
than Smin and will take as long as a few hours to a few these results to escape potential when humans are
days to reach its maximum effect unless a massive exposed to irritants in a fire environment is open to
exposure occurs. While the initial effect is irritation of the question. The studies fail to answer some basic questions
mucoba, what is being measured in most of the animal about the effects of HCl on vision and resulting eye-
performance and lethality studies above is not the irritant damage. Part of the difficulty with the results of these
effectbut a secondary, systemic effect of brain hypoxia due rodent and non-human primate studies is the lack of
to respiratory tract tissue destruction. As a consequence, definition of human incapacitation in fires. Is it lack of
the rodent ‘performs’,as does the primate, until some vital mobility due to systemic toxic effects or is it lack of ability
capacity is compromised, such as oxygen delivery to the to see due to irritant smoke, etc.?
brain. If this is the cause of human incapacitation in fire With our present limited knowledge it appears to make
then the model may be appropriate, but this seems very little scientific sense to study irritants using animal-
unlikely given the irritant nature of HCl and the fact that performance models developed for CO systemic in-
the animals must close their eyes. It simply means that the capacitation. In the case of irritants such as HCl, it appears
traditionally measured performance parameters used for to be more appropriate to explore visual or respiratory
C O toxicity are inappropriate measures of incapacitation decrement. If a task performance model is to be used, it
from irritants such as HCl. should be one based on visual acuity and not one that can
An analogy with carcinogens may be instructive. One be performed without sight or simply momentary sight.
would not expect to measure within exposure change in Furthermore, it should be some task that requires a
animal performance from a 3 0 min exposure to a carcino- performance that cannot be completed by a single,
gen that has a latency period of years. This is obviously an instantaneous action. Does this suggest that a maze
overstatement, but illustrates the inappropriateness of the rodent performance model be used to study HCl toxicity?
performance models used in the rat and primate studies to Perhaps, but before this can be answered definitively, it
132 M. M.BIRKY

must be decided how much of the rodent escape- this sensing and the relationship of this change to visual
navigation is dependent on olfactory sensing. Can a sensing in humans. These problems with a rodent maze
rodent run through a maze with its eyes closed? Before appear insurmountable. It would be considerably more
results from such a model could be interpreted it would be direct to measure the change in corneal opacity or some
necessary to know the relationship between olfactory other measure of eye irritation as it relates to ability to
sensing and directionalityin rodents, the effects of HCl on escape.


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