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Unit 3 综合水平测试

(时间:90 分钟 分值:100 分)
卷Ⅰ (选择题 60 分)
一、听力(本题有 15 小题,第一、二节每小题 1 分,第三节每小题 2 分;共计 20 分)
第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。每
( )1.What color is Jane's schoolbag?
A.Red.     B.Green.     C.Yellow.
( )2.Who lost a blue watch?
A.Sonia. B.Tim. C.Mary.
( )3.What's this in English?
A.An eraser.     B.A ruler.
C.A pencil.
( )4.What's Alan's telephone number?
A.609-5425.     B.960-2545.
( )5.What's in the bag?
A.A watch and a key.
B.A key and a notebook.
C.A watch and a notebook.
第二节:听较长对话,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,回答问题。
听下面一段较长对话,回答第 6~7 两个小题。
( )6.What color is the pen?
A.Blue. B.Black. C.Red.
( )7.What is Lucy's phone number?
A.321-5648.     B.321-5463.
听下面一段较长对话,回答第 8~10 三个小题。
( )8.What color is the watch?
A.Blue. B.Purple. C.Green.
( )9.Where is Mike's watch?
A.In his schoolbag.     B.In the library.
C.In the classroom.
( )10.Who lost a watch?
A.Mike.     B.The girl.
第三节:听独白,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,回答问题。独白
( )11.Whose computer is it?
A.Joe's cousin's.     B.Joe's brother's.
C.Joe's sister's.
( )12.What color is the eraser?
A.Yellow. B.Red. C.Brown.
( )13.Whose eraser is it?
A.Mary's.     B.Maria's.
( )14.What is on the computer?
A.A ruler.     B.A pencil.
C.A pen.
( )15.Which (哪一个) of the following (下列) is TRUE (正确的)?
A.Joe has a brother and a sister.
B.Joe has a brother and two sisters.
C.Joe has two brothers and a sister.
二、完形填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分;共计 10 分)
阅读下面对话,掌握大意,然后从每题所 给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Hello, boys and girls! I'm Paul. I'm 11. Frank is my friend. __16__ is 11, too. Frank and I
__17__ a schoolbag this afternoon. __18__ schoolbag is blue and white. A pencil box, a book and a
watch __19__ in it. What's in the __20__? Oh, there are (有) __21__ pens. One is black. The
other (另外) two are red. The book is __22__ UFOs. What color is the __23__? It's yellow. Is the
schoolbag __24__ ? If ( 如 果 ) you lost your schoolbag, please __25__ Frank or me. My phone
number is 227-8043. Frank's is 227-8046.
( )16.A.She    B.He    C.I     D.You
( )17.A.lost B.see C.found D.spell
( )18.A.A B.An C.The D./
( ) D.are
( )20.A.pencil box B.classroom
( )21.A.two B.three C.four D.five
( ) B.for C.about
( ) C.eraser D.ruler
( ) B.your C.mine D.yours
( )25.A.e-mail C.thank D.say
三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分;共计 30 分)
阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Found:A pencil box

It's blue and white. In it, I find two pencils and a green ruler.
Is it yours? Please call Mary at 498-0752.
Found:Two English books
Are these your books?
My name is John.
My phone number is 498-5241.
Lost:A watch
I'm Jenny. I lost my watch in the library. I must find it.
It's brown and white.
Please call me at 498-5149.
( )26.Mary found ________.
A.a schoolbag B.a pencil box
C.two books D.a watch
( )27.John's phone number is ________.
A.498-5241 B.498-5149
C.498-0752 D.498-7258
( )28.The watch is ________.
A.purple and green and black
C.brown and white and white
( )29.Jenny lost her ________ in the library.

C.dictionary D.ruler
( )30.Jack lost two English books. He can call ________.
A.Eric B.Mary C.Jenny D.John
Jenny is twelve years old. Today is her birthday. She gets three gifts ( 礼 物 ) from her
family.The blue box is from Jenny's brother Tom. What is in it? It's a new red watch. Jenny loves
it.Is it a cup in the red box? No, it isn't. You can see a set of CDs in the box. This gift is from Maria.
Maria is Jenny's aunt.What a beautiful yellow box! There is a red jacket in it. The gift is from
Jenny's cousin in China. Her name is Li Fei.
( )31.Jenny has three gifts from her ________. B.teachers
C.parents D.friends
( )32.There is a ____ ____ in the blue box. D.dictionary
( )33.Jenny gets the red box from ________.
A.Tom B.Tina
C.Maria D.Li Fei
( )34.A jacket is in the ________ box.
A.yellow C.white
( )35.Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)?
A.Li Fei isn't in China.
B.Tom is Jenny's cousin.
C.Jenny loves blue.
D.Jenny gets some CDs on her birthday.
My name is Sally Miller. I am a student in No. 3 Middle School. Look! This is a ruler. It's
yellow. It's not my ruler. Who lost it?“Anna, is this your ruler?” I ask my friend. “No, it isn't.
My ruler is white. And it's in my pencil box now ,” Anna answers (回答). “Excuse me, Jack. Is
this your ruler?”“No, it isn't. My ruler is black ,”Jack answers. “You can ask your cousin
Jenny. She can't find her ruler.”“Hi, Jenny! Is this your ruler ?” I ask. “Yes, it's mine. Thank you
very much,” Jenny says. She is very happy to find her ruler.
( )36.What color is the ruler?
A.White. B.Black. C.Yellow. D.Green.
( )37.Anna is Sally's ________.
A.sister B.cousin C.friend D.aunt
( )38.Anna's ruler is ________. the pencil box D.lost
( )3 9.________ lost her/his ruler.
A.Jack B.Jenny C.Anna D.John
( )40.The underlined word (画线的单词)“happy”means (意思是)“________” in Chinese.
A.伤心的 B.高兴的 C.着急的 D. 难过的卷Ⅱ (非选择题 40 分)
四、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分;共计 15 分)

41.—Is this your pen?

—No,it's ________.
42.I lost a set of ________.
43.—Here you are.
44.—What's this?
—It's a ________.
45.Tom and Sam ________ in my school.
B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式 。每空限填一词。
Hello,I'm Kate.I 46.________ (丢失) my 47.________ (字典) in the school 48.________
( 图 书 馆 ) . It's 49.________ ( 红 色 的 ) . I 50.________ ( 必 须 ) 51.________ ( 找 到 ) it.Please
52.________ ( 打电话) 53.________ ( 我) at 568 -3471. You can 54.________ ( 发邮件) me at,too. 55.________ (感谢) very much.
五、语法填空(本题有 10 小题,每小 题 1 分;共计 10 分)
Hello.My name is Tom Smith.I 56.________ (lost) my schoolbag.There are some
57.________ (book) , two 58.________ (dictionary) , 59.________ ID card 60.________ a
computer game in it.
The computer game is not 61.________ (my).It's my 62.________ (sister).She likes it very
much.So I must 63.________ (found) it.If (如果) you find it,please call me 64 .________ 8570-
9628 or e-mail me at
65.________ (thank) a lot.
六、任务型阅读(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分;共计 5 分)
阅读下面短文,回答问题。每题答案不得超过 5 个 词。
Dale, Linda, Alice, Tom and Alan are in the classroom. Linda finds a red pencil box. A ruler, a
pencil and an eraser are in it. Linda asks Dale, “Is this your pencil box?” Dale says, “No. Mine is
black.”Linda asks Alice, “Is this your pencil box?” Alice says, “No. My name is on (在……上)
my pencil box.” Linda asks Alan, “Is this your pencil box?” Alan says, “Tom lost his pencil box.
It must be his.” Linda asks Tom, “Is this your pencil box ?” Tom says, “Yes! It's mine. Thank
you, Linda!”
66.Where are they?
67.What color is the pencil box?
68.Is this pencil box Dale's?
69.What is on Alice's pencil box?
70.Is there (有) an eraser in Tom's pencil box?
七、书面表达(本题有 1 小题;共计 10 分)
失 物 招 领 启 事 : 索 尼 娅 (Sonia) 捡 到 了 一 块 手 表 , 她 的 电 子 邮 件 地 址 是。
寻物启事:戴维(David)丢了身份证,联系电话是 268-6368。


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