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Space Closure and Anchorage Control

Andrew J. Kuhlberg and Derek N. Priebe

The ability to close extraction spaces preferentially is an essential skill

required during orthodontic treatment. Although many approaches to space
closure and anchorage control have been described, the biomechanical
principles defining the nature of the force systems applied show many
similarities between otherwise diverse techniques. The core concept of
anchorage control is the delivery of a differential force system to the anchor
teeth relative to the active teeth. Specifically, anchorage is determined by
applying unequal moment-to-force ratios (M/F ratios) to each unit. This
implies the use of orthodontic appliances that provide either unequal forces
or unequal moments. Unequal moment force systems or differential mo-
ment force systems are an excellent means of achieving anchorage control.
The fundamental concepts and clinical methods of anchorage control are
described. (Semin Orthod 2001;7:42-49.) Copyright© 2001 by W.B. Saunders

o a n c h o r is to secure firmly, to hold an T h e p r o b l e m of a n c h o r a g e control is rooted

T object against m o v e m e n t ; anchorage is that in Newton's third law of motion, for every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus,
which provides the secure hold. Specifically,
orthodontic anchorage is the ability to prevent the distal forces acting to retract anterior teeth
tooth m o v e m e n t of one g r o u p of teeth while must be o p p o s e d by equal forces acting on the
moving a n o t h e r tooth or teeth. Controlling an- anchorage units in the mesial direction. The
chorage is one of the most critical elements of mesial forces must be accounted for to avoid
orthodontic treatment. anchorage loss. In light of this, orthodontists
O r t h o d o n t i c tooth m o v e m e n t is the result of have developed a variety o f strategies and tech-
the controlled application of mechanical forces niques to maintain a n c h o r a g e by applying m a n y
to the teeth and periodontium. T h e stimulus m e t h o d s to inhibit or prevent m o v e m e n t of the
that provokes the biologic activity leading to a n c h o r teeth. Historically, most techniques for
tooth m o v e m e n t is the mechanical forces ex- a n c h o r a g e control were developed empirically,
erted by orthodontic appliances. The response is yet their efficacy reflects the ingenuity of their
b o n e r e m o d e l i n g and repositioning of teeth. inventors.
From this perspective, orthodontic t r e a t m e n t Several anchorage control m e t h o d s have
can be conceived of as a stimulus-response b e e n developed over the last century. TM T h e con-
model. Anchorage control involves the ability to tributions of such icons as Angle, Case, Tweed,
create appropriate force systems (stimulus) that Begg, and others have provided a f o u n d a t i o n for
will provide the desired t r e a t m e n t effects (re- modern orthodontic m e c h a n o t h e r a p y . Al-
sponse). t h o u g h each of t h e m espoused different meth-
ods and philosophies, a review of their individ-
ual works shows m o r e similarities than
From the Department of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, differences.
School of Dental Medicine, Fa*mington, CT. By 1907, E.H. Angle advocated 5 types of
Address corresponden~ to An&vw J. Kuhlberg, DMD, MDS, anchorage control. Occipital a n c h o r a g e de-
Department of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, School of p e n d e d on the use of extraoral headgear. Inter-
Dental Medicine, l~}*~raington, CT 06030.
maxillary a n c h o r a g e included the use of elas-
Copyright © 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company
1073-8746/01/0701-0006535.00/0 tics. 1 T h e 3 r e m a i n i n g m e t h o d s were dental
doi:l O.1053/sodo. 200 l. 21073 a n c h o r a g e techniques. Angle decribed simple,

42 Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 7, No 1 (March), 2001: pp 42-49

Space Closure and Anchorage Control 43

reciprocal, and stationary m e t h o d s for dental each aimed at controlling the type of tooth
anchorage. Both simple and reciprocal anchor- m o v e m e n t that occurred, ie, tipping versus
age methods relied on c o m p e t i n g support of the translation.
dentition to effect tooth displacement. In con- Fundamentally, advocates of m a n y of the con-
trast, Angle's stationary a n c h o r a g e m e t h o d s t e m p o r a r y orthodontic techniques have a d a p t e d
were based on his view that firm support of the their a p p r o a c h e s to different hardware designs.
a n c h o r a g e units, t h r o u g h handing multiple U n d e r s t a n d i n g the conceptual basis of biome-
teeth, acted to resist tipping and thus p r o m o t e chanics in a n c h o r a g e control permits greater
anchorage. latitude in t r e a t m e n t delivery and transcends the
Calvin S. Case also advocated stationary an- limits of any specific technique. Additionally, the
chorage m e t h o d s despite his ideological depar- c o n t e m p o r a r y shift toward compliance-indepen-
ture f r o m Angle's "New School. ''9 Although he d e n t orthodontic t r e a t m e n t further requires a
described the use of extraoral a n d intermaxillary grasp of f u n d a m e n t a l biomechanical principles.
forces, he too recognized that resistance to tip-
ping movements was requisite for intraarch an-
chorage control. With a singular approach, Case
Anchorage from a Biomechanical
advocated the use of firm, soldered a t t a c h m e n t
of the anchorage teeth to one a n o t h e r to main- The basic techniques for a n c h o r a g e control gen-
tain their upright positions. Case stated that, erally rely on 3 essential similarities: (1) ex-
with this strategy, "the applied force will be traoral forces on the anchorage unit (headgear),
equally distributed over the entire mesial or dis- (2) intermaxillary elastics, (3) tipping move-
tal surfaces of the alveoli for all the roots, in- ments of the active teeth while simultaneously
creasing the stability of the anchorage to an discouraging tipping of the anchorage teeth.
incalculable degree. ''2 Patient compliance is a m a n d a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t
Approximately 20 years later, Charles Tweed for h e a d g e a r and elastic wear. Without cooper-
advocated similar techniques. His m e t h o d of an- ation, control of tooth m o v e m e n t is lost and
chorage p r e p a r a t i o n was a i m e d at maintaining t r e a t m e n t o u t c o m e may be c o m p r o m i s e d .
the anchorage teeth against unwanted tipping T h e a t t e m p t to maintain anchorage by pro-
and extrusive side effects. ~,5,6 A series of tip back moting different types of tooth m o v e m e n t for
bends acted to a n c h o r the teeth like tent stakes the active teeth versus the a n c h o r units shows
to resist vertical and anteroposterior displace- the biomechanical essence of a n c h o r a g e con-
m e n t during intermaxillary elastic traction. Al- trol. U n d e r s t a n d i n g how this strategy works re-
though Tweed r e p o r t e d that his m e t h o d s were quires an analysis of how the applied force sys-
m o r e mechanical in nature than biologic, the tip tems d e t e r m i n e the resulting type of tooth
back bends were generally a further r e f i n e m e n t m o v e m e n t . T h e relationship between mechani-
of Angle's and Case's stationary anchorage cal force systems and tooth m o v e m e n t has b e e n
methods. well described and illustrates that the nature of a
Despite his a d h e r e n c e to the differential tooth's m o v e m e n t depends on the ratio of the
force theory, P.R. Begg also used a similar pro- applied m o m e n t relative to the applied force
cedure for anchorage control. 7-9 With the use of ( M / F ratio) at the orthodontic bracket, n
his light wire technique, Begg regularly used tip T h e way a tooth moves is d e p e n d e n t on the
back bends to help maintain the anteroposterior nature of the forces (ie, the force system) im-
position of the anchorage teeth to effect prefer- posed on it. T h e force system includes the ap-
ential tooth movement. 4,m Additionally, he pro- plied force and m o m e n t s at the bracket (via
posed tipping the anterior teeth during initial elastic, coil, loop, etc), and the actual force dis-
retraction, followed by an uprighting phase. tribution a b o u t the p e r i o d o n t i u m (stress-strain
All of these m e t h o d s have proven to be gen- relationship). T h e force distribution is a func-
erally effective and well-accepted a p p r o a c h e s to tion of the tooth's center of rotation. 11-21 Con-
orthodontic m e c h a n o t h e r a p y . Further advance- trolled tipping is tooth m o v e m e n t with the cen-
ments in these techniques have b e e n evolutions ter of rotation of the tooth at the root apex. T h e
rather than revolutions. The c o m m o n denomi- resultant forces tend to be distributed at the
nator of these and subsequent techniques is that marginal portion of the periodontal ligament
44 Kuhlberg and Priebe

(PDL). The M / F ratio for controlled tipping is & i

reported at approximately 7/1 for most teeth

with normal periodontal support. Translation or
bodily movement, on the other hand, maintains
the axial inclination of the tooth with the center
of rotation at an infinite distance from the apex.
The resultant force distribution tends to be
more equally distributed along the pressure side
of the alveolar structures. Translation requires a
M / F ratio of about 10/1. Lastly, root move-
m e r i t - - o r displacement of the root apex while
holding the crown stationary--occurs with a
M / F ratio of 12/1. Here, the applied forces tend
to be concentrated along the apical ½ of the

root (Fig 1).
Why does this analysis show the biomechani-

M/F -7:1 Figure 2. The effect of a large M/F ratio on tooth
movement. A large M/F ratio produces root move-
ment (A). A pure moment would produce only rota-
tion, which would result in distal crown movement

cal essence of anchorage control? First, let us

Translation look at the effect of a high M / F ratio applied to
the a n c h o r teeth. An applied force at the crown
M/F -10:1
produces uncontrolled tipping as a result of the
m o m e n t of the force. The applied m o m e n t (mo-
m e n t of the couple) counteracts the tipping ef-
fect of the force. The applied m o m e n t acts in
the opposite direction of the m o m e n t of the
force. It moves the root(s) toward the extraction
space. In addition, as the magnitude of the ap-
plied couple increases, the rotation of the tooth
would move the crown away from the space
Root (Fig 2).
Conversely, a low M / F ratio produces tipping.
M/F -12:1 With the apex remaining stationary, the crown
tips toward the extraction space. Geometrically,
the result is greater tooth m o v e m e n t at the oc-
clusal plane relative to a tooth u n d e r g o i n g trans-
lation. Figure 3 shows a comparison of tipping
versus translation, the center of resistance of the
tooth for each example is displaced equally. The
crown movement, however, is noticeably greater
Direction of Movement
for the tipped tooth. This shows how tipping
Figure 1. Tipping, translation, and root movement. movements can result in greater movements of
The type of tooth movement depends on the M/F teeth from a clinical perspective.
ratio. The theoretical effectiveness of differential
Space Closure and Anchorage Control 4-5

example, increase the retraction force on the

anterior teeth (M/Fposterio r > M/Fanterior ) (Fig
4B). A n o t h e r means of increasing the retraction
force is the use of J - h o o k headgear applied to
the anterior teeth.
The applied m o m e n t is determined by the
wire-bracket relationship. In the case of a
straight wire, the magnitude of the moments on
the anterior and posterior teeth may be pre-
sumed to be equal (see Schlegel 2u for a discus-
sion on the effect of bracket width on the mo-
ment expressed as frictional force). For both
headgear and elastics, the biomechanical effec-
tiveness is largely a result of the generation of
unequal forces applied to posterior and anterior
teeth. Unfortunately, this approach depends on
patient compliance for success. W h e n this is the
Figure 3. Tipping produces more movement at the only means of anchorage control, treatment re-
crown or occlusal plane compared with translation. mains at the mercy of motivational tactics and
For both teeth in this illustration, the center of resis- cooperative patients.
tance of the tooth is displaced the same distance.

M / F ratios is readily apparent. The question is,

how can these force systems be p r o d u c e d clini-
cally? For the purpose of discussion, consider
the correction of a Class II malocclusion in
which m a x i m u m posterior anchorage is needed.
The objective is unequal applied M / F ratios:
high M / F for posterior teeth, low for anterior
teeth. If M/Fposterio r > M/Fante,_ior, then there
must be either unequal forces or unequal mo-
Unequal forces cannot be simply p r o d u c e d by Force
a spring, loop, or chain elastic, because for every
action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The retraction force a spring applies to the an-
terior teeth is reciprocally applied to the poste- B
rior teeth. To deliver unequal forces, external or
extra-arch mechanisms must be included. Head-
gear and intermaxillary elastics are probably the
2 most c o m m o n means of generating these ad-
ditional forces.
In its simplest form, headgear acts to p r o d u c e
a distal force on the anchorage teeth. By acting
in opposition to the traction force from a spring
or chain elastic, the headgear reduces the net
force on the posterior teeth (M/Fposterio r > Force
M/Fanterior ). Although there may be additional
headgear effects, the aim conceptually is to re- Figure 4. The effect of changing the force magnitude
on the M/F ratio. Headgear is a means of decreasing
tard the mesial forces on the posterior teeth (Fig the mesial force to the posterior teeth (A). Intermax-
4A). illary elastics (Class II elastics) increase the distal force
Intermaxillary elastics, Class II elastics in this to the anterior teeth (B).
46 Kuhlberg and Priebe

T h e inequality, M/Fposterio r > M/Fanterior, in- closure frequently results in occlusal plane dis-
dicates the n e e d for an alternative approach. crepancies between the anterior a n d posterior
Rather than varying the forces, unequal mo- teeth. T h e posterior teeth may be positioned
ments may be applied. Increasing the m o m e n t with the crowns distally tipped a n d the roots
on the posterior teeth a n d / o r decreasing the mesially oriented. T h e canines c o m m o n l y have a
m o m e n t on the anterior teeth serves as a n o t h e r root-mesial axial inclination and the incisors are
option toward creating differential M / F ratios. excessively upright. This situation is a natural
The horizontal force on the anterior teeth consequence of the force system used but may
equals the horizontal force on the posterior also be an advantage given a p p r o p r i a t e maloc-
teeth. T h e m o m e n t s or couples created by the clusions (ie, anterior protrusion with excessive
bracket/wire-spring combination generate a dentoalveolar height and gingival display). An
greater m o m e n t to the a n c h o r a g e teeth. Simul- a p p r o p r i a t e stage of root correction after space
taneously, a lower m o m e n t acts on the anterior closure prepares the occlusion for orthodontic
teeth. finishing details.
For the Class I I / u p p e r anterior retraction In comparison with the use of elastics or
challenge, the M / F ratio on the posterior teeth headgear, a differential m o m e n t a p p r o a c h to
will p r o d u c e translation or root m o v e m e n t , a n c h o r a g e control reduces the influence of
while the low M / F ratio on the anterior teeth compliance on t r e a t m e n t outcome. Because the
will show controlled tipping. T h e large posterior force system is g e n e r a t e d by the intraoral appli-
m o m e n t s encourage anchorage preservation as ance, elastics or h e a d g e a r b e c o m e less critical.
they resist tipping. Also, a very large posterior In extremely difficult cases, h e a d g e a r or elastics
m o m e n t would actually cause distal crown move- may be used to further s u p p l e m e n t anchorage.
ment, effectively increasing the size of the ex- Several orthodontic springs, loops, and de-
traction space! vices have b e e n designed using this a p p r o a c h to
T h e application of unequal m o m e n t s must anchorage control. 23-26 T h e wide variety of de-
also satisfy Newton's laws. Because the m o m e n t s signs reflects the b r e a d t h of the options available
on each end of the spring are unequal, the total to the clinician for i m p l e m e n t i n g this strategy
force system must have additional effects. Verti- for anchorage control in patient care. The im-
cal forces, intrusive to the anterior and extrusive p o r t a n t issue is not the specific spring, it is the
to the posterior, are also acting. T h e vertical force system the spring applies to the dentition.
force m a g n i t u d e d e p e n d s on the difference in
the 2 m o m e n t s and the distance between ante-
rior and posterior a t t a c h m e n t points (Fig 5).
Biologic Considerations
In addition to the potential side effects cre- A n o t h e r factor in a n c h o r a g e control is the rela-
ated by the vertical forces, this a p p r o a c h to space tive rates of tooth m o v e m e n t for tipping, trans-
lation, and root m o v e m e n t . T h e stress distribu-
tion within the periodontal support is different
for each type of tooth m o v e m e n t . T h e stresses
on the PDL are greatest at the cervix of the tooth
for controlled tipping and a p p r o a c h zero at the
apex. Conversely, the greatest stresses are at the
apex for root m o v e m e n t . Translation applies a
u n i f o r m stress along the root surface. The rates
of tooth m o v e m e n t for each of these stress-strain
relationships may also affect a n c h o r a g e control.
T o o t h displacement rates have often b e e n
evaluated on the basis o f force magnitude. Smith
and Storey 7 r e p o r t e d that the m a n i p u l a t i o n of
J force magnitudes has an impact on relative rates
of tooth displacement and thus anchorage con-
Figure 5. The force system from differential moment trol. Unfortunately their conclusions have not
orthodontic appliance designs for space closure. b e e n s u p p o r t e d by others. 27-s2 It is suggested,
Space Closure and Anchorage Control 47

however, that the stress distribution a b o u t the has a similar effect. Because wire stiffness is in-
periodontal ligament, rather than the absolute versely related to the third power of the length,
magnitude of the force, has a greater impact on an off-centered or asymmetrically positioned
rates of displacement. ~S Histologic studies have spring will deliver greater m o m e n t s to the teeth
shown that tipping produces localized regions of that it approximates (Fig 6). 39
high stress, whereas translation results in a m o r e A n o t h e r m e t h o d of anterior retraction that
diffuse stress distribution. 34-36 Thus, a simple uses a differential m o m e n t strategy for anchor-
force applied at the bracket will be concentrated age control is c o m b i n e d incisor intrusion and
at the apical and marginal regions of the PDL retraction. This simple yet effective appliance
and effectively increase the stress in these areas. uses the tip back m o m e n t of the intrusion arch
If force magnitude, specifically the stress magni- for creating the large posterior M / F ratio. 42A3
tude within the PDL, determines the rate of The retraction force is applied with either coil
displacement, m,29,:~1 then tipping m o v e m e n t s oc- springs or elastic chain (Fig 7). By carefully con-
cur faster because of the higher localized trolling the intrusive and retraction forces, the
stresses. Storey r e p o r t e d that tipping m o v e m e n t s overbite and overjet can be simultaneously cor-
occurred m o r e rapidly than translational move- rected.
m e n t s Y Although there is still some question Careful m o n i t o r i n g is crucial for successful
regarding the effects of force magnitude on anchorage control during space closure. A sys-
rates o f tooth displacement, the c o m b i n a t i o n o f
these biologic concepts with the geometric ad-
vantage of tipping m o v e m e n t s over translation
(Fig 3) may help explain the effectiveness of
differential m o m e n t strategies for a n c h o r a g e

Clinical Techniques Using Differential

Moments for Anchorage Control
A n u m b e r of springs have b e e n designed that
use the differential m o m e n t strategy for anchor-
age control. 2-~-u6,:~s,:~-~T h e selection of one spring J
or a n o t h e r depends largely on individual pref-
erences. T h e T-loop spring described by Burst-
one and subsequently refined or modified is a
simple yet effective device for controlled space
closure. 23,ss-4° Although most frequently pre-
sented as a s e g m e n t e d spring, it can also be
effective within a continuous wire. 41 With cor- I
rect application, however, most retraction
springs may be effective at closing spaces while
simultaneously providing anchorage control.
The core principle of loop design for all of
these springs is increased stiffness of the wire on
the anchorage side of the spring. All other fac-
tors being equal, an increase in wire stiffness has
the effect of establishing greater m o m e n t s at the Figure 6. Anchorage control with a differential mo-
engaged teeth. Increases in stiffness may be ac- ment strategy through the use of a T-loop spring. A
complished by using composite springs with the T-loop positioned toward the posterior attachment
incorporation of wires showing different moduli increases the moment to the posterior teeth and de-
creases the moment to the anterior teeth (A). The
of elasticity, with the stiffer section engaging the expected tooth movements, the anterior teeth are
anchorage units. Conversely, asymmetric posi- expected to tip distally while the posterior teeth show
tioning of the loop toward the anchorage teeth root correction (B).
48 Kuhlberg and Priebe

tion. A transpalatal arch provides an excellent

means for preventing this side effect or actively
correcting it. 44,45
Few studies have investigated effectiveness of
differential m o m e n t strategies for anchorage
control. H a r t et a146 f o u n d adequate anchorage
control with differential torque mechanics for
extraction space closure in 18 Class I malocclu-
sions a n d 12 Class II, Division 1 malocclusions. 46
Rajcich and Sadowsky47 showed minimal anchor-
age loss with a differential m o m e n t a p p r o a c h for
a n c h o r a g e control using intra-arch mechanics.
B Well-controlled clinical studies of explicit orth-
odontic t r e a t m e n t strategies are difficult be-
cause of the great n u m b e r of c o n f o u n d i n g vari-
ables associated with orthodontic treatment.
The differences a m o n g patients and the specific
objectives of their treatments complicate the
analysis of the effectiveness of particular treat-
m e n t mechanisms. However, the studies that
have b e e n c o m p l e t e d provide support for a dif-
ferential m o m e n t strategy for anchorage con-
Figure 7. C o m b i n e d anterior retraction and d e e p trol.
overbite correction with posterior a n c h o r a g e control.
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