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T-loop position and anchorage control

Andrew J. Kuhlberg, DMD, MDS, a and Charles J. Burstone, DDS, MS b
Farmington, Conn.

The effect of off-center positioning on the force system produced by segmented 0.017 × 0.025-inch
TMA T-loops was measured. A T-loop was designed to produce equal and opposite moments in
the centered position. The spring was tested in seven positions, centered, 1, 2, and 3 mm toward
the anterior attachment, and 1, 2, and 3 mm toward the posterior attachments. The horizontal
force, vertical force, and alpha and beta moments were measured over 6 mm of spring activation.
The results showed that the alpha/beta moment ratio was dependent only on the spring position,
and independent of spring activation. Eccentric positioning of T-loop springs effectively produces a
consistent moment differential through the range of spring activation. (Am J Orthod Dentofac
Orthop 1997;112:12-8.)

T h e application of differential moments loops, including the composite T-loop (a 0.018-inch

between teeth is recognized as an effective means titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA) T-loop welded
for achieving desired tooth movement. These mo- to a 0.017 × 0.025-inch TMA base segment), chang-
ments are termed alpha and beta moments for the ing the angulation of the preactivation (gable)
anterior and posterior teeth, respectively. Differen- bends, and placing the spring off center? 5,11,~2
tial moments are used for obtaining differential The segmented T-loop has been extensively
anchorage, intrusive or extrusive forces, and root studied for its mechanism of action. The force
movement. ~-4 system produced by a segmented T-loop spring
Precise control of tooth movement during clo- consists of several components--the alpha moment,
sure of extraction spaces in three dimensions is of the beta moment, horizontal forces, and vertical
paramount importance in meeting treatment goals. forces. These forces have three-dimensional effects,
This includes control of the anchorage units, vertical however, the second order (the buccal aspect) is
forces, root positions, and rotations. Many methods most frequently considered in the analysis of space
for controlling the posterior anchorage movement closure mechanics. Command of the second-order
in extraction space closure have been described. 5-12 force system is a key to effective management of the
Regulation of the space closure is ultimately deter- movement of the anterior and posterior teeth.
mined by the biomechanical forces applied to the The purpose of this study is to examine the
teeth. Variation in the force and moment magnitude effects of off-center positioning on the force system
and the moment-to-force ratio are important deter- produced by symmetric T-loop springs. It is hypoth-
minants of the resulting tooth movement. Tweed esized that the moment differential (represented by
tip-back bends, Begg or Tip-edge mechanics, inter- a ratio of the moments) is dependent on the spring
maxillary elastics, and headgear can produce differ- position and spring activation. Also, each compo-
ences in the moment-to-force ratios (and the mo- nent of the entire force system (the alpha moments,
ment differential) between the anterior teeth and beta moments, horizontal forces, and vertical
posterior teeth. This difference in the moment-to- forces) is dependent on two variables, spring activa-
force ratio acting on the anterior versus the poste- tion and spring position.
rior teeth is produced by either applying unequal
moments (a moment differential) or unequal forces MATERIALS and METHODS
(i.e., use of a headgear or intermaxillary elastics). Prefabricated 0.017 × 0.025-inch TMA segmented
Previously, other methods were described to pro- T-loop springs (Ormco Corp.) were used in this study. The
duce the differential moments with segmented T- initial and preactivation shapes are shown in Fig. 1,A and
From the Department of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut School
B. This design was based on the segmented T-spring for
of Dental Medicine. symmetric space closure as described by Burstone? ,4
~Assistant professor. Specific design criteria were (1) production of equal and
bprofessor. opposite alpha and beta moments at full activation (6
Reprint requests to: Dr. Andrew J. Kuhlberg, University of Connecticut mm), (2) moment-to-force ratio of 6 to 7 at full activation,
Health Center, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Orthodontics,
MC 1725, 263 Farmington Ave., Farmington, CT 06030. (3) smooth gradual curvature for the preactivation bends,
Copyright © 1997 by the American Association of Orthodontists. and (4) a neutral position with the vertical legs of the
0889-5406/97/$5.00 + 0 8/1/72484 spring touching.4 Preliminary testing was completed to
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kuhlberg and Burstone 13
Volume 112,No. 1


10 mm

4mrn! 115mm


Standard Form With Preactivation Bends

(without preactivation bends) for Equal and Opposite Moments

Fig. 1. A, Standard form and dimensions of 0.017 × 0.025-inch TMA T-loop described by
Burstone 4,5,11 before placement of preactivation bends. B, T-loop with preactivation bends
placed, note that angulation of alpha and beta sides is produced by gradual curvature
placed in wire.


Posterior Anterior

Fig. 2. Checking neutral position. Equal and opposite moments are applied to spring, no
horizontal forces are applied so that horizontal arms become parallel, position of vertical
arms are checked. In this study, vertical arms just touch in neutral position.

adjust the spring template design to meet these specifica- moments were measured, as well as the horizontal (attrac-
tions. All preactivations bends were "overbent" to remove tive) and vertical forces (intrusive/extrusive). The force
residual stresses in the wire, and trial activations were system as measured by the spring tester is shown in Fig. 4.
done to evaluate the stability of the spring shape. Figs. 2 Angular moment transducers measure the moments and
and 3 show the neutral position and the trial activation. linear displacement transducers measure the forces. The
The tests were performed on the spring tester appa- spring is activated by a computer controlled motorized
ratus in the biomechanics laboratory of the University of carriage. Output voltages were recorded by the computer
Connecticut School of Dental Medicine Orthodontics and transformed into force and moment values. The
Department. The design of this tester has been described accuracy of the spring tester was approximately +4 gm for
previously.13 This apparatus measures uniplanar forces the forces and _+25 gm/mm for the moments. Calibration
and moments acting on each end of the spring attachment. was performed by the application of known forces and
Specifically, the alpha (anterior) and beta (posterior) moments with dead weights and cantilevers.
14 Kuhlberg and Burstone American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

]l||lr _-

Fig. 3, Trial activation. Horizontal arms are kept parallel by applying force and moment.
Trial activation adds to stability of spring shape.

A standard interbracket distance of 23 mm was used The table lists the activation, alpha moment, beta
(at full spring activation), this distance represents an moment, horizontal force, vertical force, moment-
approximate average interbracket distance between a first to-force ratio (alpha), moment-to-force ratio
molar and canine before extraction of a premolar. The
(beta), and the ratio of the alpha moment/beta
force system was measured during activation from 17 to 23
mm at 0.5 mm intervals. moment. For convention, moments that would
The springs were placed in seven positions: center, and move the roots of teeth mesially are r e p o r t e d as
1, 2, or 3 mm off center toward each of the alpha and beta positive ( + ) , moments that would move the roots
attachments. Three springs were tested at each position and distally are negative (-). Horizontal forces that
each spring was used for three trials. The springs were would move the teeth mesially are reported as
compared with the templates before and after each trial to negative (-), horizontal forces that would move
evaluate for deformation. Any springs exhibiting deforma- the teeth distally are positive (+). Also, vertical
tion during testing were discarded and replaced. forces that are intrusive are negative (-), extrusive
The output measurements included the alpha mo- vertical forces are positive (+). The ratio of the
ment, the beta moment, the horizontal force, and the
moments is r e p o r t e d as negative because the
vertical force. From these values moment-to-force ratios,
alpha/beta moments ratios, and the force/deflection alpha m o m e n t is negative.
rate(s) were calculated. To test for accuracy, the sum of For the symmetric (centered) spring, the alpha
the moments was calculated. and beta moments were found to be nearly equal
and the ratio of the moments was close to 1.0
Statistical Analysis throughout the range of activation. At full activation
(6 mm), the spring delivered nearly equal and
The mean and standard deviations for the alpha mo-
ment, beta moment, horizontal force, and vertical force were opposite moments (alpha = 2079 + 73 gm/mm,
calculated. A linear regression model was used to calculate beta = 2126 + 177 gm/mm). The alpha moment
the effect of spring position and activation (independent decreased to 1234 (+89) gm/mm at 0 activation. The
variables) on the alpha/beta moment ratio. Also, multivari- beta moment decreased to 1194 (_+92) gm/mm at 0
able linear regression equations were determined to predict activation. The moment/deactivation rate approxi-
the magnitude of each the alpha moment, beta moment, mated 95 gram/ram for both the alpha and beta
horizontal force, and vertical force for anteriorly and poste- moments.
riorly positioned springs. The horizontal force measured 344 _+ 20 gm at
6 mm activation with a force/deactivation rate of
RESULTS approximately 60 gm/mm. The centered spring
The measured force system for the centered also delivered small vertical forces (intrusive to
spring (the control spring) is shown in Table I. the anterior attachment) despite the equal alpha
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kuhlberg and Burstone 15
Volume 112, No. 1

and beta moments. These forces balance the Beta Moment

moment of the horizontal force produced because
of the 1 mm offset (posterior more inferior or
gingivally positioned) incorporated into the spring
-Iorizontal Force
The Effect of Positioning on the Moment BETA --(
Differential With a Standard Spring Shape POSITION ~Vertical Force (Extrusive)

Off-center positioning produced a moment dif-

ferential. The higher moment was associated with
the attachment closer to the center of the spring
(i.e., a spring positioned more anteriorly produced a
higher alpha moment, whereas a spring positioned
more posteriorly produced a higher beta moment).
The alpha/beta moment ratio was found to be ALPHA Vertical Force (Intrusive)
determined by the spring position, independent of POSITION ~ -
spring activation. The ratio of the moments was -torizontal Force
analyzed with a multivariable linear regression. Sep-
arate models for springs positioned more anteriorly
and for springs positioned more posteriorly were
analyzed. Regression analysis revealed that the Alpha Moment
spring position was the only statistically significant
determinant of the alpha/beta moment ratio for Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of force system measured
springs positioned off center. The slope parameters by spring tester. Vertical forces shown as intrusive or
(position) were 0.58 (p < 0.000) for the anteriorly extrusive are labeled to indicate direction. However,
positioned springs, and 0.21 (p < 0.000) for poste- actual measured forces could be intrusive or extrusive
riorly positioned springs. on either position depending on alpha/beta moment
difference. Spring is oriented vertical in this diagram as
it was in tested in spring tester, for clinical usage spring
Effect of Spring Positioning on the Force System
would be directed horizontally.
The components of the force system produced
by a T-loop are the alpha moment, the beta mo-
ment, the horizontal force, and the vertical force. anterior (extrusive to the anterior teeth). The verti-
For off-centered positioning, the magnitude of the cal forces produced by posteriorly positioned springs
alpha moment, the beta moment, and the horizontal (intrusive forces to the anterior teeth) were depen-
force was dependent on both the activation and the dent on the spring position and activation. The
position. The horizontal force ranged from approx- vertical forces increased approximately 24 gin/ram
imately 340 gm at full activation to 0 gm at zero of off-center positioning (intrusive to the anterior
activation. Eccentricity had a small but statistically teeth).
significant effect on the horizontal force magnitude. Table II summarizes the multivariable regres-
The horizontal force increased with increased ec- sion coetticients determined for predicting the mag-
centric positioning by approximately 6 to 8 gm/mm nitude of these force system components.
off centering. The alpha and beta moment magni- Table III lists the moment-to-force ratios for
tudes also increased with activation. The moments off-center springs for both the alpha and beta mo-
were also dependent on the spring position, with the ments. The greater the eccentricity of the spring, the
moment increasing for the side closer to the T-loop greater the difference in the moment-to-force ratios
and decreasing for the further side. for the alpha and beta moments. The moment-to-
The vertical forces (extrusive or intrusive forces) force ratios increase with decreasing activation of
increased with greater off centering. The vertical the springs.
forces on anteriorly positioned springs (extrusive
forces on the anterior teeth) were dependent on the DISCUSSION
spring position and independent (statistically) of the The force system produced by T-loop springs
springs activation. The vertical forces increased ap- depends on many variables, including, wire size and
proximately 26 gm/mm off centering toward the material, spring shape (preactivation shape), spring
16 Kuhlberg a n d Burstone American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

Table I. Force system produce by symmetric T-loop spring in centered position

Alpha Moment Beta Moment Horizontal Force Vertical Force *

(turn) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD M/F Alpha M/F Beta Ratio Alpha~Beta

0 -1234.1 89.2 1194.7 92.0 -16.0 18.3 -6.1 7.3 -- -- 1.03

0,5 -1329.1 88.1 1303.8 95.5 24.7 19.3 -8.8 7.4 -53.9 52.9 1.03
1 -1428.1 80.1 1406.7 104.8 54.1 19,1 -11.1 9.4 -26.4 26.0 1.02
1.5 -1518.9 86.1 1496.4 113.7 82.1 14.2 -11.4 9.4 -18.5 18.2 1.02
2 -1605.1 79,0 1588.9 122.7 115.2 17.8 -13.4 6.1 -13.9 13.8 1.01
2.5 -1687.1 76.5 1672.8 130.4 140.3 16.9 -12.9 7.0 -12.0 11.9 1.01
3 -1766.1 87.0 1750.9 136.3 170.9 19.8 - 14.6 7.4 - 10.3 10.2 1.01
3.5 -1841.1 87.0 1829.9 143.1 20•.7 17.7 -14.7 9.2 -9.1 9.1 1.01
4 -1901.9 82.6 1894.7 155.5 229.9 21.0 -16.4 8.2 -8.3 8.2 1.01
4.5 -1950.1 74.3 1956.1 159.6 254.6 16.9 -17.6 5.1 -7.7 7.7 1.00
5 -1986.2 71.4 2018.0 168.2 283.4 18.8 -19.6 5.5 -7.0 7.1 1.00
5.5 -2033.7 72.0 2072.8 176.3 316.3 20.5 -21,1 6.8 -6.4 6.6 0.98
6 -2079.2 73.2 2126.8 176.8 344.3 20.6 -21.4 9.8 -6.0 6,2 0.98

*( - ) Value for vertical force indicates intrusive force acting on anterior.

Table II. Multivariable regression coefficients for determining Magnitudes of forces and m o m e n t s produced by off-centered T-loops

Variable of Activation Position Constant Mean Squares

force system (IV) (Slope 1) (Slope 2) (Intercept) (Variance, 0-2) S.D. (Error) (or) R2

Anteriorly positioned springs

Alpha moment - 194.56 227.41 - 1149.41 8816.75 93.90 0.96
Beta moment 115.59 286.25 1348.41 4883.14 69.88 0.97
Horizontal force 60.45 -6.55 -13.11 35.04 5.92 1.00
Vertical force 0.01" 26.04 12.30 25.86 5.09 0.97
Posteriorly positioned springs
Alpha moment -90.26 303.04 - 1349.89 14306.73 119.61 0.91
Beta moment 209.65 169.11 1165.04 12815.46 113.21 0.94
Horizontal force 62.16 8.15 - 11.32 60.25 7.76 1.00
Vertical force -5.27 -24.95 -6.70 82.86 9.10 0.92

Model Equation:
IV = (Slope 1) x Activation + (Slope 2) × Position + Intercept -+ Error
p. < 0.000 that all other slopes 4:0.00 except*.
*p > 0.05 that slope parameter = 0.00
Activation range = 0 to 6 millimeters
Position range = - 3 mm (closer to anterior) to + 3 mm (closer to posterior)

position, and activation. Controlling the force sys- findings of this study where only eccentric position-
tem produced by an orthodontic appliance or spring ing with a symmetric shape was used to achieve a
is essential to precise tooth movement. Force mag- moment differential, not spring shape. Off-center
nitude, direction, moment-to-force ratio, and force positioning maintains the constancy of the moment
constancy are important variables determined bythe differential throughout the range of spring deactiva-
orthodontist during treatment? tion (space closure). This concurs with Burstone and
This study demonstrates another method that Koenig 5 who demonstrated a moment differential
may be used for controlling the forces and moments and vertical forces with off-center vertical loops.
produced by segmented 0.017 × 0.025-inch TMA Faulkner et al. 14 evaluated the effects of spring
T-loop springs or closing loops in general. Previ- height, preactivation angulation, spring position,
ously, the approach described for achieving differ- and the addition of helices on the force/moment
ential alpha/beta moments with segmented T-loops systems produced by segmented T-loops. The T-
used asymmetric angulation of the preactivation loops were symmetric in shape (without the 1 mm
bends. 3-5 However, with this method the moment offset in height between the anterior and posterior
differential does not remain constant with spring sides of the T) but otherwise similarly designed to
activation, i.e., the moment differential is dependent the present T-loops. They also found that off-center
on both spring activation and the differences in the positioning had a significant impact on the moments
preactivation angulations. This is in contrast to the produced with the higher moment occurring at the
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kuhlberg and Burstone 17
Volume 112, No. 1


(1 ram)

~t~at~n IdTsten~e]- ~I ~ d i ~
Inteforackel Distance

Interbracket Distance 4 Interbraeket Distance

Fig. 5. Illustration of placement of T-loop. A, Spring in passive form after insertion into
molar auxiliary tube. B, Spring in neutral position, activation is horizontal distance spring
must be pulled for insertion into canine vertical tube. C, Spring activated and inserted into
canine tube.

Table III. M o m e n t - t o - f o r c e r a t i o s f o r o f f - c e n t e r T - l o o p s r e t r a c t i o n s p r i n g s

Springs off-center to anterior (alpha) Springs off-center to posterior (beta)

- 1 mm* - 2 mm* - 3 ram* 1 mm 2 mm 3 mm

Activation M/F Alpha M/F Beta M/F Alpha M/F Beta M/F Alpha M/F Beta M/F Alpha M/F Beta M/F Alpha M/F Beta M/F Alpha M/F Beta

0.5 53.3 38.2 59.7 29.2 58.3 22.3 24.6 41.9 24.1 48.7 18.9 46.6
1.0 26.8 19.1 30.7 14.8 26.7 10.1 14.6 25.1 12.8 26.5 9.6 24.3
1.5 19.4 13.8 20.8 10.0 20.5 7.7 10.4 17.8 9.0 18.7 6.9 18.2
2.0 15.3 10.9 16.9 8.0 16.3 6.0 8.4 14.4 7.1 15.1 5.5 15.0
2.5 13.2 9.5 14.3 6.8 14.1 5.1 7.2 12.4 6.1 13.2 4.5 12.7
3.0 11.4 8.1 12.9 6.1 12.6 4.6 6.3 10.9 5.3 11.4 4.1 11.5
3.5 10.4 7.4 11.4 5.4 11.6 4.3 5.7 9.9 4.8 10.4 3.6 10.5
4.0 9.2 6.6 10.4 4.9 10.5 3.8 5.1 9.0 4.3 9.6 3.2 9.6
4.5 8.5 6.2 9.8 4.7 9.8 3.5 4.6 8.2 4.0 9.0 2.9 9.0
5.0 7.8 5.7 8.9 4.2 9.2 3.3 4.4 7.8 3.6 8.3 2.6 8.5
5.5 7.3 5.3 8.3 3.9 8.5 3.1 4.0 7.2 3.3 7.8 2.4 8.1
6.0 6.9 5.0 7.8 3.7 8.1 2.9 3.7 6.8 3.1 7.4 2.2 7.6

*Negative indicates spring positioned closer to the anterior attachment.

bracket closer to the T-loop. They did not evaluate greater moment acts on the tooth closest to the
the moment differential. V-bend. Analogous results were found here because
The constancy of the ratio of the moments the angulation bends and the angulation of the
independent of the spring activation for a particular curves behaved similar to V-bends.
spring position is an important finding. Maintenance The variance of the measurements of the alpha
of the moment differential as the spaces close im- and beta moments (different variations as demon-
proves the opportunities for anchorage control and strated by the standard deviations) indicates the
force system predictability. The moment differential variation of the spring tester rather than the spring
remains approximately the same as the spring deac- itself. Newer spring tester improvements demon-
tivates and the space closes which ensures that the strate markedly lower variance for the same springs.
moment-to-force ratio acting on the anchorage The alpha/beta moment differential obtained by
unit(s) will always be greater, reducing the likeli- eccentric positioning underscores the importance of
hood of anchorage loss. careful clinical placement of the position of loop
These results are consistent with the effect of the placement. Even 1 mm of eccentricity produced
placement of V-bend activations in arch wires for marked difference in the alpha and beta moments.
obtaining differential moments. 15 The position of With the vertical forces, positioning a loop off center
the V-bend determines the magnitude (and direc- for convenience may result in undesirable results. If
tion) of the moments produced. Positioning a V- these moment differentials were found with a 17 to
bend off center results in differential moments. The 23 mm interbracket distances, positioning may be
18 Kuhlberg and Burstone American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
July 1997

even more critical with smaller interbracket dis- CONCLUSIONS

tances, which is typical in closing loops in continu- This study examined the effect of off-centerplacement
ous arch wires. of T-loops with a standard shape at a standardized
Spring positioning can be readily used as an activation and interbracket distance.
effective means of obtaining differential moments.
1. A centered T-loop produces equal and opposite
Fig. 5 depicts the placement of an off-center
moments with negligible vertical forces.
T-loop spring for space closure. This technique of 2. Off-center positioning of a T-loop produces dif-
obtaining a desired force system may be useful in ferential moments. More posterior positioning
selected clinical situations, especially in the con- produces an increased beta moment. More ante-
trol of anchorage. The force system produced by a rior positioning produces an increased alpha
spring placed 2 mm closer to the beta (distal) moment.
attachment with 3.5 to 4.0 mm of activation is 3. A standard shaped T-loop can be used for dif-
very similar to that produced by a composite ferential anchorage requirements by altering the
T-loop. 3'4,12 A significant advantage of this spring activation and mesial-distal position of the
over previous types is that the use of spring spring.
position creates a more universal template for use
in a variety of clinical applications. REFERENCES
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