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Tell the days in a week in the right order.


Topic: Telling the Days in a Week in the Right Order
References: Padila, Danilo, S. (2017). Mathematics Teacher’s Guide. Pp.
168-169. FILCOS Inc.
Materials: Calendar of the current year, manila paper, double sided tape,
lap top, printer,
Skills Integration: Identifying and Counting


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Song
d. Checking of Attendance

1. Review of Previous topic

Before we start our lesson for today, let
us review your past lesson yesterday.
What have you studied yesterday?
 We have studied about the months
of the year.
How many months are there in a year?
 There are 12 months in a year.
Can you tell me what the months of in a
 The months of the year are January,
year are?
February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October,
(Write the months of the year in order
November and December.
and let the pupils read it twice.)

2. Motivation
Ask students what they have observed in
(The pupils observed and share their
the picture.
B. Developmental Activities
 Showing Calendar Chart

1. Lesson Proper
Display a calendar that shows the current

Our lesson for today is all about “The

Days in a Week.

What do you see in the calendar?

Very good, there are months, days, and

(The pupils observed and answer the
numbers in the calendar.
question and share their opinions)
What does the upper part of the calendar
show? Point on the days of the week.
(The upper part shows the days of the
(Pupils read aloud)
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,  Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
All together read the days. Saturday.

Count the days by pointing it.

How many days are there in a week? (count together)
There are seven days.  There are seven days in a week.

What is the first day in a week?

How about the seventh day?  The first day is Sunday.

Very good!  The seventh day is Saturday.

How many weeks in 1 (one) month?

Let’s count, there are (4) four weeks in
(1) one month.  There are (4) four weeks in (1) one
C. Group Activity
 Divide the class into 2 groups
 Play “Put the days in order”
Give each group a set of mixed up
cards. Then the group put the days in
order on the floor or table. Then ask
the group to touch/hold each cards and
repeat after you say the days of the
week paying special attention to the
first letter of each word. Finally, tell (let children observed the cards and answer)
them they are going to race to see
which group can put their cards in
order first. The winner group finished
first with the correct order. (ask
students to say something about their
daily routines)

 Divide the class into 3 groups

 Give each group a task, give them
enough time to answer and check
the work of each group (Let them
work quietly and cooperatively with
their group.)
Read and follow the directions carefully.
Write all the date under the days of the
week in the month of November.

(Each member should cooperate with their

respective groups)

(let the group read their work in front of the


D. Generalization

Remember these:
 There are seven days in a week.
 The days follow this order:
1st Sunday
2nd Monday
3rd Tuesday
4th Wednesday (Guide the class in enumerating the days of
5th Thursday the week without looking at the calendar or
6th Friday chart.)
7th Saturday
 The first day of the week is Sunday
and the seventh day is Saturday.
(Pupils will cooperate actively)

IV. Application
 Show a calendar. Ask pupils to point out on the board the day of Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday that being in the calendar.

V. Evaluation
 Post a calendar showing the month of December.
 Matching Type. Match the date of the days in Column A with its corresponding day
in Column B.

Column A Column B Answer

1. What day is next to Monday? A. Saturday Tuesday
2. What day is the seventh day of the week? B. Sunday Saturday
3. What day is December 13? C. Wednesday Friday
4. What day is December 25? D. Friday Wednesday
5. If today is Saturday, what day is E. Tuesday Sunday

VI. Assignment
Read the in advance the next topic.

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