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Grade 7 Options—Art: Keith Haring Dance Party


You will need:

Painting paper (large)
Acrylic paint
Black thick Sharpie
For this project, we will be recreating a famous work of art called, “Dance Party” by
Keith Haring!
Keith Haring is an artist who was most active during the 1980’s and his works were
known for their movement, bright colour, and genderless animated characters. There is
a feeling of joy and celebration in Haring’s art.
Keith Haring was also known for creating a lot of public art, which means he wanted his
art to be accessible to all people. In other words, he wanted all people, especially
poorer folks who couldn’t afford to go to fancy art galleries, to enjoy his art and
understand its message.
Keith Haring’s art also contained a lot of social messages, mostly about people
respecting one another and coming together despite differences in beliefs.

We need to pick out some DANCE MOVES for this project!
We can look at pictures of dance moves, or recreate some ourselves!
On a large piece of paper, create at least 5 (five) characters that look like Keith Haring’s
characters in pencil. Here are some close-up:

After you draw it, fill them in with any colour acrylic paint you choose! Paint the
background one solid colour as well.
After your bright colours dry, outline the characters in Sharpie and add some squiggles
and wavy lines to indicate movement.

Keith Haring-Inspired Dance Party Rubric:

Project Total: Exemplary 4 Marks Competent 3 Marks Satisfactory 2 Marks Rudimentary 1 Mark
(Other Media): /30
Self-Expression/Theme Maximum effort to capture Competent effort to capture Some effort to capture No attempt made to engage
Evident the theme of the project, but the theme of the project, theme of the project, used in project theme and/or self-
created in your own used elements of your own some elements of your own expression.
Creating (VA-CR2) and style/interpretation style/interpretation style/interpretation
Making (VA-M3)

Skill Level/Effort Maximum effort and Competent effort and Some effort and attention Little effort and attention
attention were given to attention were given to the were given to the details were given to the details
Making (VA-M1) and (VA- details in working with details in working with working with media. working with the medium.
M3) media. media.

Learning Experience You made this an You made this a competent You made this a satisfactory You did the project but
exemplary learning learning experience for learning experience for didn’t try to learn anything
Making (VA-M2) and experience for yourself. yourself. yourself. from it.
Connecting (VA-M3)

Risk Taking You tried something new, Made a strong effort to try Made little effort to try new Made no effort to try new
both in techniques and new techniques and subject techniques or engage in techniques or new subject
Connecting (VA-C3) subject matter. matter. new subject matter. matter.
And Responding (VA-R4)

Project Specifics 1. You worked with 1. You mostly worked with 1. You worked with some 1. You worked with little
neatness and effort, 2. You neatness and effort, 2. You neatness and effort, 2. You neatness or effort, 2. You
Connecting (VA-C2) and created a project that created a project that created a project that created a project that is
Making (VA-M3) represents your ideas well, represents your ideas well, represents some ideas well, confusing and/or
and 3. You finished your and 3. You finished or but not others, and 3. You inappropriate, 3. You did
project on time. nearly finished your project nearly finished or did not not finish your project on
on time. finish your project on time. time.

Creativity Maximum input to create a Input several new and Attempted to try and out Completed the project with
unique and interesting piece unique parts into the one or two unique parts in no creative flair.
Making (VA-M1) and of artwork. artwork. the work.
Creating (VA-CR2)

Total Mark: /30

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