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Maaisraturya qabul 2g, nL i Bi iyVaSiNi YOXLAYAN piui BiLMe Sev’ ‘ nee TAPSIRIGI NUMUNOLORI a correct equivalents to the given semag~ ingilis dili 7. Seen ee root repaired ater bua Ow ar opr the Foot etre he og Listen to the diatogue and answer questions 3 ~ 5. QEYD: Mavafig audiofay! DIM-in internet saytinds ‘yerlasdirilmisdir a ttn taduens/487asphse id=038419) 1. Which of the following questions does the dislegte answer? A) Mow many days dose Ted plan to stay at his parents? - B) Which famous paintings is Kate planning. to see? C} What does Kate want to buy in the shops? §} Which part of Oklahoma do Ted's parents live in? ) Who is Kate planning to go to Paris with? xt the sentence according to the dialogue. the city because .g French food there ss in the college 2. Complet Kate wants to see old parts of A) there are restaurants servin B) she used to go there when she wa: C} she wants to du some shopping 1D} they look beautiful in the photos EJ she has a lot of time to go there 3. Choose the correct statement according « the dialogue. 'A) Ted is going to visit art galleries in Oklahoma. B) Kate's parente live in Paris next to the art gallery. C) Kate plans to go to the Rodin Museum to see the statue. D) Kate is going to spend two days in Paris. E) Ted has the same plans with Kate. 4, Complete the sentence according to the dialogue. Kate derided to ao to D’Orsay to see ‘hy some modern paintings B) the famous statues ©) old parts of the city D) her parents Ej traditional kinds of art ‘5. What is Kate's first plan in Paris? ‘A) to go round the Louvre B) to take a boat along the River Seine ¢} to try traditional French food 1D} to see the famous statue B) to visit art galleries 6. Match the words to their definitions, 1. to criticize 2; to propose 3, to disguise 2. to suggest an idea for people to think about b. to bring back to a former state or position @. ta ask somebody to marry you 4. to point out the faults of someone or somethin, oto change your appearance 20 that people cannot recognize you Ay ioe) 2B, 8d ©) 1-e, 2c, 3a, b E) 1-b, 2-c, d, Sa B) 1-4, 2-4, 38,6 D) 1-4 2-4, ¢, See use. 2, Te toot had been repaired ater the landlarg ‘bought the house. : a. Rit tandlord bought te house with the rep oot. 2 gr pele he hg house. - 5. Tht oat was repaired after the house was bough, N13 BAS 4s 2a BL tense forms. Choose the correct He ... me that he .- house. A) was told, had offered By told, had been offered C}was told, had been offered 5) told, hud offered E) had told, was offered "a well-paid job at a publishing correct negative sentences. costher of the students of the class were ready for ihe lesson, so the teacher punished them, 9, anybody doesn't know how to behave in publ, fry to teach them good manners. 3, The girl didn't agree to the given proposals wu! ia others were submitted to her, 4, Some boys couldn't open the door as they dida't ‘mow that it had been locked with a key. 5.1 have been to London before and neither was 9. Choose the i B35 245 Bas 10. Choose the correct prepositions. itis necessary to make relations ... the countries which take interest ... oll projects. A) from, in B) with, in ©) with, on D)in, for Bat, with 11, Choose the correct variant. we were waiting at the bus stop, a few buses v= by, all of which were full of passengers. 4) While B} Because C) Despit D) Therefore ) Since 12.Choose the antonym of the underlined word. Teas ey ning. hoe a would never betray anyone. A dependable B) loyal 6) reliable D) unreliable B) uncouregeous 18. Choose the correct sentences. + T saw the girl to do the washing UP was tired 2. The boss let his e: oe 2 8s let his employees to have @ $. Mother fet Fred Thaving high temperature pilot heard the engine making nolst Fee erg Themes et though ae 24,5 B)1,2,3 13,4 D885 BLAS lad Scanned with CamScanner tapgngi ndmunatary is 3 i tn tent of ~ Rsotution did the depniiog et the Year? 2." Me old NEWSPAPETS tied yen ke? ce 3B) WE 8 ) When ches B] What ©} Where te the dialogue. 15. rd you met Gat Peard OI HY 10 days ogo, Sm for a long time. How ig ‘ne where een vs mt + fie has got a high scientific 1 Hees Bae most of hs haar oe 2 Te hasn't been able 0 pass the e Lian ne br shee £. He hae been accepted to the football t ous BLAS Qa Hes 234 : ead the passage and answer questions 16 . 29, joseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 inMaké, getmarated to te United States when he aes Hume. wea, and wa8 naturalized on his went Geoees Ye was not born in the US. He spent his care day s alsin worksng, in the mid weot and New Yorie tron Fart he was also the owner ot part-owner of gucy newspapers. His most famous newspaper was the ee we World. The World campaigned against roription, and exposed many scandals. Tt was also a strong supporter of the rights of the working men Patines, figeelf soon became the basis for attacks from competing hiaspapers who Were jealous of his success. In one sch ee. Charles Anderson, publisher of The Sun, painted falter ag a man who hed abandoned his religion in favor et weals and fare. ih later life, Joseph Pulitzer collapsed from overwork, and lst his sight. He became dedicated to improving ihe quvliy of journalism in America, and donated $1 tillon to Columbia University to found a school ot joumaliem. However, his most significant contribution tres the establishment of the Pulitzer prizes in his wil “These prizes lor excellence ins journaliam have been given every year since 1917 by Columbia University. Bur currently Pulitzer Prize winners are announced in tpt Since 1042 there have heen extra categories for pyess photography, and later still for criticism, fearare triing and’ commentary. The prize was orginally ff $500, but today the winners of the prize receive a gold medal, The prizes have varied in number and oaiegh ‘over the years but currently there are 14 prizes in ee feld of journalism, 6 prizes in letters, and } PIE tt tusle, However, the Teal value of the prize 18 Confirms that the journalist who has received "eT isthe best American journalist of the year =o 01 21, isworth much more than $500 to the journalist # the newspaper that employs him or her. sions does the Passage 16, Which of the following ques answer? : A} How many prizes er tere inthe eld oF 8B" writing? . By WEE wspaper oupported the sights of ME working men? a Which Gurmatiste were the winners of7™ wee the USA? D) Why di Pulitzer emigrate (0 TS iq. west? E] Why did Pulitzer choose t0 Wort” S ge the correct variant for fn ee sh Chee ne most remarkable eyed Semen, wn 1. ch 086 the anon comet statement according tothe + No New catego Prine,” “ateRorics have been added to the Pulitzer 2. Currently ae . The journalist receiv The journalist receiving the rie in the best ure wniting journalist ofthe Year. 4. The World reat worked in an atv way towards he the winners ofthe prize receive gold 5. Pulitzer Prize ; poi Prize winners are currently announced in he D5 ane OLS 38, Complete the -poTmplte te sntence according to the passage. ' donstes milion tothe improvement ofthe tality of journalism B) was the best Americar i merican paper supporting the Gy people? Sigh Se as one ofthe envious newspa with The World poitiere | Dyas the paper whose pubisher abandoned is religion E) was the newspaper which employed the best ‘American journalists 19. Answer the question according to the passage. ‘What was Pulitzer’ s most remarkable contribution to the journalism? ‘| the donation of $1 million to the working men By the improvement of te quality ofouraliss C) the collaboration with the University of Coturabia 1) the governance of the newspapers campaigning against corruption 1) the establishment of the Prize for excellence in. journalism 20. What does the word " tonaturalise” mean in the ppaccage? 1A) to admit to the citizenship of a country 'B) to devote time and effort to a particular task 6) tolive in a particular place 1b} to leave one? s own country in order to settle in another £) to bring into conformity with nature ‘Agig formal test tapsmiqlart (21 - 25) ‘NOMUNASE: 1. choose the correct variants 2a a, choses er eo, B foe lat 1. proved, pro Ea inetd fed in upset ed, disappointed ie © 1 ORS QQQOOOOO @QQOOOOOD. eo eo |O9OO9O908 OOHOQOOOOD Scanned with CamScanner 22. 1 ‘nto the Passive Voice? 1 24, Make up a story. 1 2. 5. Match the halver, 2. 5, “Ohhh, that’s a bit te ata ep arty .. that she was recovering from the see 3s. choose the cored it fant to tell yOu the other meny much other another IISIISISISISIOSIS} SO90S99600) SSOOOOSOOOEN S' sentences can be changed inded so beautiful ‘song sou! ne ed and that everybody ste¥" Hetened carefully: ‘they will appoint a new managing director next week itain's natural areas disappear, and it worrice the goverment. Local residents will jropused new indistrial area. People were watching the game outside the stadium on a huge resist the OOQ0OOOO00 QOOQOOGQHOOO ©Q©©8O00O09 ©O©OOOOHO09 So) ES SS “pxcuse me, how much do you charge?” “I charge £1,000 to answer three questions.” ‘A man goce into a lawyer's office and asks the lawyer: ‘The lawyer responds: OQOGOGOO expensive isn’t it?” “Yes. What's your third Q©OOQOOOOO|S ©OOQQOOHOOO O©OQOOOOOGHO} O©OOQOQOOOOO! OO©OOOQOOOGOO)|s question” 9) He received a low mark for his essay In the shop window there's a sign ich was only one rag lng lve next 1 Us have si grandchildren, teen, that say “Ten percent of which Sarah wants to organise for my birthday. Alman dili = den Dialog und antworten gy ste den 2 te ayy DIM-in inte yp: Mavafig audiofayl Internet sayty EV sediriimsir — rip /idin go.ceiness/IS7AL phrase ie pyeyy eht es hauptsdichlich im Dialog? 1 eer Haleschmer7. wahrend der Grippe A) Um Gon Aratbesuch des Patienten en fedikamenten gegen Kopfochmerzen lim den verechriehenen Medikamenten B} ima die Bauchschmerzen bei BerGhrung 2. Warun glaubt der Patient, dass es 7u Bde ger 1) ba ihm alles weh tut. 2) Da er Kopfschmeraen hat 6) Da sein Hals ihm weh tut 5) Daes keine Arzneimittel fr thn gibt, F) Da er die Grippe hat . Erganzen Sie den Satz. De poktorin glaubt, dass... « ‘Ay der Patient unheilbar ist 5) dem Patienten nur eine Sprite hill ¢} der Patient sich behandeln muss D) der Patient Zahnschmerzen hat 5} der Patient Vitamin einnehmen muss 4. Wahlen Sie die richtige Aussage zum Dialog. ‘A) Der Patient muss operiert werden. ) Der Doktor hat dem Patienten viele Armen! verschrieben. C) Der Patient ist ganz gesund und braucht keine Arzneimittel. D) Der Patient hat keine Besehwerden. E) Der Patient hat Augenschmerzen. 5. Wolche Arzneimittel hraucht der Patient? A) Spritze B) Tabletten ©) Antibiotikum ——_D) Sirup E) Salbe 6. Wahlen Sie die Satze aus, die zum Inhalt des 72° nicht passen. 1, Verschiedene Folgen der allen ‘ratigheit 4¢" Menschen sind gefalhrlich fiir die Umwelt 2. Um sich vor der gefarlichen Skologishet ys Kutastrophe schnell zu retien, maceen Me™ sich um die Umwelt kimmern. 1a 3. Die verdorbenen Produkte spielen eine 8 4, alls Bir dic menachliche Geowndhel pe + Die Fabriken bringen verechiedene chad ase in die Luft, Auch die schnellaune! Zahl an Autos fithrt zu erhihte [tfverschmutzung, j ei are sind heute 6 es Problem fiir Arzte. Das Wasser iat mit Ml, gitigen Stom” anit ay 9 Fe Fldssigkeiten verschmutst ’ B24 C12 DHS Scanned with CamScanner

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