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ID April 2021

This research will be examined the overall service quality on student satisfaction
of salale university libraries from users, perspective as well as identifies the
dimension that determine the customers evaluation of service quality on student
satisfaction. The general objective of this study is to assess the level of service
quality delivery in salale university libraries. Our proposal focusses all service
quality of Salale university libraries. The data collection process will be using
both primary and secondary data source. Among primary data, the study is
applying questionnaires to obtain relevant information pertain to the study.
Regarding with secondary data will be collected from different documents and
website and also use descriptive research design. Finally, the study will be also
use tabulation and percentage for analyzing of the collect data.
Table of Contents

Chapter One................................................................................................................................................4


1.1 Back ground of the study................................................................................................................4

2.3 Student Satisfaction.........................................................................................................................5

1.2. Statement of the Problem...................................................................................................................6

1.2.1 Research question.............................................................................................................................7

1.3 Objective of the study............................................................................................................................7

1.3.1. General objective.............................................................................................................................7

1.3.2. Specific objective..............................................................................................................................8

1.4. Significance of study...........................................................................................................................8

1.5. Scope of the study...............................................................................................................................8

1.6 limitation of the study..........................................................................................................................9

Chapter Two................................................................................................................................................9

Literature Review......................................................................................................................................9

2. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................9

2.1 Concept of Quality............................................................................................................................10

2.1.1 Meaning of Quality.........................................................................................................................10

2.1.2 Categories of Quality Definition Approaches...............................................................................10

2.2 Description in Service.....................................................................................................................11

2.2.1 Types of Services.............................................................................................................................12

2.2.2 Characteristics of Service...............................................................................................................13

2.3 Measuring Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model.................................................................14

2.4 Library service...................................................................................................................................16

2.5 Assessing Service Quality.................................................................................................................16

2.6 Empirical framework related research............................................................................................17

2.7Conceptual frame work......................................................................................................................18

Chapter Three............................................................................................................................................20

Research Methodology............................................................................................................................20

3.1. Description of the study area..............................................................................................................20

3.2. Research Design................................................................................................................................20

3.3. Target Population.............................................................................................................................21

3.4. Sampling size and technique............................................................................................................21

3.4.1. Sample Size.....................................................................................................................................21

3.6. Data collection technique.................................................................................................................23

3.7 data analysis.......................................................................................................................................23

3.6.1. TIME SCHEDULE..........................................................................................................................24

Table 3.1 TIME SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................25

Chapter One
1.1 Back ground of the study

Now a day’s one of the big issues in recent year has been growth of phenomenal at
a service in the world. Service is growing even faster in the world economy
making up quarter of the value of international trade. (Kottler 2006, pp.234).

Service quality as a form of attitude representing long run overall evaluation of the
service received. Rising from the perspective that the service quality perceived by
the customer may be different from the quality of service actually delivered to
customer. (McDaniel 2002, pp, 102).

Generally, service can be paraphrased in terms of their key characteristic,

sometimes called five I.s of service. These are Intangibility, Inventory (perish
ability), inseparability, inconsistency (variability) and involvement. McDanial,
(2001, pp.346)
A library is an organized collection of sources of information and similar resource
made accessible to defined community for reference. It provides physical access to
material that may be building or room.

A library collection include book, any magazine, chair, table computer employee
students Etc. many libraries in the process of thinking the effectiveness of the
automation tool they are using to provide library service, both within and outside
of their library building internally the care component driving many of this service
has been the integrated library system. Library service offered to the library user
that includes reference and circulation. Measuring service quality is more difficult
often there are no physical attribute to measure or they don’t nearly affect the
essential nature of the service. Although measuring service quality is difficult there
is own measurement such as customer satisfaction, Expectations and perception
and How to measure service quality is by getting customer feedback, follow up
with customer after service evaluating your service, identify your weakness, assess
the competition consider service provider and user and consider customer
compliant (Morgan, 1996)

Among prominent frame work, SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman, (1985; 1988) to examined the library service quality of salale university
academic library and explore how the service factor derived from the factor
analysis were related to user expectation.

The reason for assessing service quality with in libraries, based on other related
research the researcher in the field of library and information science used a
modification of SERVQUAL as an alternative instrument for shifting the way of
assessing library service quality. The study used simple random sampling
techniques (Surithong Srisa.ards) but present study would be used to convinance
technique. The researcher also studies only three library service that is reference,
circulation and computer information service and their target population were
include all libraries user such as facility, lecturer, ph. degree and etc. So, the study
is focus on this research supportive, but modified something that is focused on
assess all service in salale university library for only undergraduate and post
graduate school of business students because the researcher would think that most
of the time libraries users were degree and masters’ students and how to get the
result used for those method and investigate salale university library service based
on service quality dimension

2.3 Student Satisfaction

Satisfaction is a feeling of happiness and joy that individuals obtain when they
have fulfilled their human needs and desires. Educational institutions use certain
methodologies to determine the level of their students’ satisfaction regarding the
services and programs they offer to better fulfill student needs and satisfy student
aspirations (Qureshi et al., 2011). Identifying the factors of student satisfaction
entails answering questions related to students’ satisfaction with educational
services, how much students trust those services, and whether current students
would advise prospective students to attend the institution.
Student satisfaction measurement is considered a strategic issue for educational
institutions because satisfaction is similar to profit-and-loss accounting in business
organizations. If satisfaction is high, then the university is making sizeable profits
as a result of having provided students with knowledge, skills and targeted
Student will be pleased with their academic achievement and their university life
and will speak positively about the college because satisfaction is the ultimate goal,
and the ultimate goal is a reflection of high levels of service quality (Majeed et al.,

1.2. Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted in Salale university. In order to achieve the objective
the quality assurance policy have proclaimed for institution to implement for better
productivity the policy have proclaimed all public university to improved and
enhance their effort for quality of instruction and academic learning environment
(ministry of university affairs). Salale university library service includes students’
staff and faculty as its first priority member, faculty of other academic institution
major portion of the collection cover the subject area of social science, natural
science libraries.
Based on my experience salale university library different complains such as
SERVE QUAL dimension like, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, tangibility
and assurance. indirectly, not fulfilling books for all libraries sometimes the library
service is close before time end, lack of good accommodation shortage of chairs,
tables and computers, some students have not switch mobile, using air phone. So,
the study will have to understood these problems that assess service quality for
the user’s dissatisfaction.

Although some problems to see students, most problem displays with in library
management and employees. Because the student’s problem includes the problem
of employees and library management that is any students controlled by

The Research gap is presented (explained) at the below;

(srisa_ard, 1997), Used the modification of Service Quality to assess the user expectations and
perceptions in three service areas (circulation, Reference and computer information service) at
the Academic Resource Center (AREC) library at Maharakham University (MSU) in the fall of
1996 and the spring of 1997. This study is the only one Service Quality replication applied with
Academic library service quality assessment in Salale University so the findings are useful for
being an intellectual background for the present study but there are some differences between the
two research projects in detail as shown in the following:

Surithong srisa ard”s study showed that in the service covered only circulation, reference
computer information service, using random sampling technique. But the present studies
will be assessing all kinds of library services, reference, internet service, journal etc. Also
in Salale University by using connivance sampling technique.
From past researcher finding results were to assess service quality within library focused
on three kinds of services dimensions and these services affected by three dimension that
is tangibility, reliability and service efficiency but in present study the researchers will be
to assess service quality within libraries based on Five Service Quality dimension for all
library service and the users affected by to serve the service by five Service Quality
dimension and also mostly to serve circulation and reading service.
Surithong srisa ard also studied that which get results user expectation of service is
greater than perception of service, but present study users will be have medium
expectation and perception of library service.

From past researcher study result to showed that visual appearance of library materials ,neatness
of employees, operating hours and personal attention staff give to users were not meet so these
results would be the same to present study.

1.2.1 Research question

• What is the major service dimension in salale university library libraries?

• What is the relation b/n service quality and customer satisfaction?

• Is there relation b/n service quality and customer satisfaction?

• What are the methods used by salale university library to measure customer

1.3 Objective of the study

1.3.1. General objective

The main objective of this study is to assess the service quality on

student satisfaction of salale university library system.
1.3.2. Specific objective
• To examine service provided by salale university libraries

• To assess effect of service quality dimension on customer satisfaction

• To describe the relation between service quality and customer satisfaction

• To assess the level of satisfaction of salale university library users.

1.4. Significance of study

The result of study will be expected to be help full improving service quality in
salale university libraries. The study will have the following importance

• This study will argue the new culture of assessment library service quality
among salale university academic libraries

• It will be chance to implement the study related to library service quality in

salale university library community by using the adaptation of SERVQUAL.

• It will help identify what user expect a perceive to be quality, salale university

• The result obtained from this study is help the libraries manager in
understanding institutional and user device similarities, finding the user
problem and reducing the gap b/n user perception and expectation so the
libraries Manager must look better way to measure and describe.

1.5. Scope of the study

In General perspective, the study will be focused on assessing service quality of
Adama Science and Technology University particularly, peda library, because the
study will be focus on this library is easily to get access information, with in all
libraries given to the same service, it represents all libraries service and difficult to
assess all libraries service quality and also conceptually, the study would also
depend on service variables that are assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness
and tangibility.

1.6 limitation of the study

The researcher expects different constraints that will influence the accuracy and
reliability of the outcome. The following are some information was presented. It is
difficult to make generalize the libraries service quality due to subjective
assessment and response. The researcher will be used open ended question, but
some respondents were not volunteering to writing for their suggestion. additional
constraint also shortage of time and since I am a student, I face financial
constraints to conduct the study.
Chapter Two
Literature Review
2. Introduction
The review focuses on the overview of concept of quality, concept of service,
service quality, service quality measurements and models, customer satisfaction,
and the role of service quality in ensuring customer satisfaction and retention. This
chapter will further present service quality concept adopted in this study and
explain in detail the constructs of the study.

2.1 Concept of Quality

The word „quality‟ is frequently used to describe products and/or services. It
cannot differently mean to different people and organizations, and therefore lacks
universal definition. As a result, there have been numerous definitions of quality
from literature in an attempt to establish a common understanding. Until recently,
the concept of quality was heavily associated with product. Thus, quality issues
became prominence in the manufacturing era and that majority of the quality
definitions possess product characteristics. Quality was initially seen as a defensive
mechanism but it is seen as a competitive weapon for developing new markets as
well as increasing market share (Davis et al, 2003).
2.1.1 Meaning of Quality

Product or Service Features

Defines quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or
service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need (Wile, 1992). An organization
identifies a need in the market and produce with the mind to fulfill that need. When
the need is satisfied, such organization is deemed quality organization. However, it
is argued that who describes the need limiting the need rather than generalizing it.

2.1.2 Categories of Quality Definition Approaches

Garvin (1980 cited in Rao et al, 1996) in an attempt to establish a common
understanding of quality from the numerous definition’s categories the definition
into five approaches: transcendent, product-based, user-based, manufacturing-
based and value-based. The transcendent approach defines quality as achieving or
reaching for the highest standard as against being satisfied with mediocrity. Such
quality is seen in artwork and literature. Product of this quality description may not
appear quality to everyone. The product-based approach identifies specific
measurable features or attributes to indicate high quality. With the user-based
approach, the user is the determiner of quality of a product or service. The
approach links customers‟ satisfaction to quality; when the product or service
satisfies the user, it is described as high quality. The manufacturing-based
approach describes quality much the same as Crosby as “conformance to
requirement”. Thus, quality depends on the closeness of the product or service to
the specified requirement. The specification provides standards (control limits) for
tolerance (Rao.A et al, 1996).
2.2 Description in Service
Bateson and Hoffman (1999) define services as deeds, efforts or performance
whilst Regan (1963) sees services as activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for
sale or provided in connection with the sale of goods. Heizer and Render (1999)
describe services as “those economic activities that typically produce an intangible
product such as education, entertainment, food and lodging, transportation,
insurance, trade, government, financial, real estate, medical repair and maintenance
like occupations”. Johns (1999) adds that service could mean an industry, a
performance, an output or offering or a process. As compared to manufactured
products, services are less tangible and less measurable. Service organizations have
a significant proportion of their employees in direct contact with their external
customers. According to customers‟ perception of the company is often
determined by the behavior of these employees.

Service providers perceive service as a process which contains elements of core

delivery, service operation, personal attentiveness and interpersonal performance
which are managed differently various industries. Customers on the other hand
view service as an experience of life which consists of elements of core need,
choice, and emotional content (Johns, 1999). These service elements are present in
different service outputs and encounters and affect each individual’s experience
differently. The factors critical to services include value (benefit at the expense of
cost), service quality and interaction.

Service quality is a concept that has aroused considerable interest and debate in
research. There are difficulties defining and measuring it with no overall consensus
emerging on either (Wisniewski, 2001). While Eshghi et al. (2008) define service
quality as the overall assessment of a service by the customers; Wisniewski and
Donnelly (1996) define it as the extent to which a service meets customer’s needs
or expectations. Lewis and Booms (1983) describe service quality “as a measure of
how well the service level delivered matches customer expectations. Service is said
to be quality when it consistently conforms to customer expectations. Parasuraman
et al. (1985) argues that service quality is the measure of service delivered as
against expected service performance.

2.2.1 Types of Services

(Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2001) develops a service process matrix and
categories service along two dimensions that significantly affect the character of
the service delivery process. The vertical dimension measures the degree of lab our
intensity, which is defined as the ratio of labor cost to capital cost while the
horizontal dimension measures the degree of customer interaction and
customization, which is a marketing variable that describes the ability of the
customer to affect personally the nature of the service delivered. The matrix
indicates four types of services labeled as service factory, mass service, service
shop and professional service.

Gronroos (2000) perceives services to be either high-touch or high-tech. High-

touch services are mostly dependent on people in the service process producing the
service, whereas high-tech services are predominantly based on the use of
automated systems, information technology and other types of physical resources.
Gronroos maintains that high-touch also includes physical resources and
technology-based systems that have to be managed and integrated into the service
process in a customer-oriented fashion (Gronroos,

2000). In this case, library services include both high-tech and high-touch services.
For example, high-tech services include Internet/Telephone/Short Messaging
Service (SMS) whereas high-touch services consist of instructions and personnel
assistance in using the services.

2.2.2 Characteristics of Service

Johns (1999) argues that services are mostly described as „intangible‟ and their
output viewed as an activity rather than a tangible object, but also admits that some
service outputs have some substantial tangible components like physical facilities,
equipment’s and personnel. Gummesson (1994) posits that, a service design which
consists of a service, service system and the service delivery process considers
customers, staff, technology, the physical environment, and the consumption
goods. The physical aspects are important for high quality service delivery.
Outlines four unique characteristics of a service to be intangibility, heterogeneity,
inseparability and perishability. Unlike a product where tangible cues exist to
enable consumers to evaluate the quality of the product, the quality of the service is
ascertained by parameters that largely come under the domain of „experience‟ and
„credence‟ properties and are as such difficult to measure and evaluate
(Parasuramanet al 1985; Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003).

2.3 Measuring Service Quality using SERVQUAL Model

An array of factors or determinants has been identified in the literature for
measuring service quality. For instance, Sachev and Verma (2004) measure service
quality in terms of customer perception, customer expectation, customer
satisfaction, and customer attitude. Despite the numerous models for measuring
service quality, Nyeck et al. (2002) admit that the SERVQUAL model remains as
the most complete attempt to conceptualize and measure service quality. The
model is extensive and widely used to measure service quality in the literature.
Therefore, this study adopts the SERVQUAL dimensions to measure service
quality in SALALE library Limited. The SERVQUAL dimensions: tangibles,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy are the basis for service quality
measurement (Parasuramanet al., 1988; Zeithamlet al., 1990).


The tangibles encompass the appearance of the company representatives,

facilities, materials, and equipment as well as communication materials.
The condition of the physical surroundings is seen as tangible evidence
of care and attention to detail exhibited by the service provider
(Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2001). Davis et al. (2003) summarize
tangibles as the physical evidence of the service.

The reliability and consistency of performance of service facilities,
goods and staff is seen as important (Johnston, 1999). This includes
punctual service delivery and ability to keep to agreements made with
the customer. According to Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons (2001),
reliability is the ability to perform the promised service both dependably
and accurately with error free.

Johnston (1999) describes responsiveness as the speed and timeliness of service
delivery. This includes the speed of throughput and the ability of the service to
respond promptly to customer service requests, with minimal waiting and queuing
time. Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons (2001) argue that when the customer is kept
waiting for no apparent reason creates unnecessary negative perceptions of quality.
Conversely, the ability for the library to recover quickly when service fails and
exhibit professionalism will also create very positive perceptions of quality.

This considers the knowledge and courtesy of employees as well as their ability to
convey trust and confidence. The assurance dimension includes the
following features: competence to perform the service, politeness and respect for
the customer, effective communication with the customer and the general attitude
that the server has the customers best interest at heart (Fitzsimmons &
Fitzsimmons, 2001).

According to Chase et al. (2001), empathy is the provision of caring,
individualized attention to customers. Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons (2001) posit
that empathy includes approachability, sensitivity, and effort to understand the
customer’s needs. Johnston (1997) describes empathy as the ability to make the
customer feel welcome, particularly by the contact staff.

The SERVQUAL model identify a gap which maintains that satisfaction is related
to the size and direction of disconfirmation of a person’s experience vis-à-vis
his/her initial expectations (Churchill &Surprenant, 1982; Parasuraman, Zeithaml&
Berry, 1985; Smith & Houston, 1982).

2.4 Library service

The term library service quality is now frequently used in the library and
information science literature. However, there is no consensus on its definition .it
is an elusive, ambiguous, subjective and multifaceted concept. Library service
quality is basically defined in terms of gap analysis specifically the gap between
customers, minimum acceptable or desired level of service and perception of actual
service received. (Harmon and Whitman).
2.5 Assessing Service Quality
Implementing and evaluating service quality is a very complex process, because of
the intangible nature of service and the difficulty in measuring customers‟
expectations and perception. Zeithaml and Bitner (1996) believe that content and
delivery of a service are essential factors for evaluating service quality. While
customers evaluate the quality of delivery, service providers determine the content
of the service. Edvardsson (1998) contends that the concept of service should be
approached from the customer’s perspective. Because the customer’s total
perception of the outcome is the „service‟ and the customer outcome is created in a
process where service is generated through that process. Customers‟ involvement
in the service process is necessary, since they are co-producer of service. The
service process can be a delivery of service, interpersonal interaction, performance
or customer’s experience of service.

2.6 Empirical framework related research

According to literature review of Surithong Srisa-ard’s doctoral dissertation, the
article “Measuring Service Quality at Yale University’s Libraries” written by
Danuta. The researchers in the field of library and information science used a
modification of SERVQUAL as an alternative instrument for shifting the way of
assessing library service quality. Surithong Srisa-ard mentioned that:
“Library researchers have begun to use the SERVQUAL in their own studies.
Reviewing the literature on the SERVQUAL, Nitecki (1995) found that by 1994 it
had been introduced explicitly to the library field through at least four empirical
studies undertaken in public, special, and academic libraries and through three
descriptive articles about service quality”
The former research results revealed the useful findings that provide the
intellectual background for the present study as the followings:
SERVQUAL Dimensions in Library setting
The research results from Danuta A. Nitecki’s doctoral dissertation (1995) were
shown that among the 5 dimensions of SERVQUAL, the users rated reliability was
most important and tangibles was least important. This finding is parallel to those
of Surithong Srisa-ard’s (1997), Fawz S. Abdallah’s (2002) as well as Ford’s
(1994) which found that the users reported the high expectation on reliability. On
the contrary, the findings from the research project of Seay, Seaman and Cohen
(1996) were shown that tangibles and reliability were the key concerns of library
patrons. Anyway, most findings reflected that reliability is the most important
quality in evaluating library services that is similar to the result which the
designers of SERVQUAL proposed.
For the number of SERVQUAL dimensions, there are empirical research which
examined dimensions of SERVQUAL instrument. To test the data of user
expectations by factor analysis, Nitecki’s data, however, suggest a three-factor
relationship among the 22 SERVQUAL items rather than the five collapsed
dimensions which the scale’s designers identify from other applications. As
literature review of Nitecki and Hernon in the article “Measuring Service Quality
at Yale University’s Libraries”, the point of view of researchers cited in the review
can be conclude that “there may be three dimensions in libraries, tangibles,
reliability or service efficiency, and effect of service, and that there is a need for
further research to explore the dimensions “that may underlie quality service as a
construct in the research library setting.” (Niteck& Hernon, 2000)
2.7Conceptual frame work

Service quality




Figure1. Conceptual frame work of service quality

Chapter Three
Research Methodology
3.1. Description of the study area
Salale university library college library established in 1993 E.C. The
major objective of the library was to play role in teaching learning and
research process through acquisition organization and dissemination of
information resource with minimum cost and timely and the library is
giving more emphasis to the acquisition and provision of information
source and service with the support of ICT development these includes
development of digital libraries, access to e-journal data base,
multimedia service and Automation of library system. Salale university
library workers are reach about 260 to administrative employees but 7
employees are worked additional other related job and also female and
male employees are proportional. Salale university library are given
many services to users such as reading service, internet service
periodical section service, digital library service, disable service,. This
information obtained from salale university library manager.
3.2. Research Design
The researcher will use descriptive research design method; because this
type of study design help to the researcher to deeply examine the
positive and negative aspect of service quality and goodness and badness
in salale university peda library and also manipulation of variable and
define the characteristics of variable as they neutrally occur.

3.3. Target Population

The populations of salale university library users were 1600
undergraduate students, 1100 post graduate students and 260 employees,
totally 2960. Not included other users like ph. degree, lecturer, staff and
etc. The main reason is lack of information that is difficult to get those
users. so the researcher focused on 177post graduate and undergraduate
school of business and economics library users, because the researcher
assumed that most of the time library users were these students and
represents all school users and also 40 employees of salale university
Libraries. This data obtained from registrar office in salale university.

3.4. Sampling size and technique

In this study the researcher will be use non probability sampling that is
convenience sampling technique because this technique will be used,
when the researcher got a target population to any suitable situation or
area and also used to rule of thumb sample determination method for
employees. This rule said that from target population taken to 10% as a
sample (Nunnally, 1978).

3.4.1. Sample Size

Salale library have their own system to record the daily user of library
service. The recent system like the digital record and manual report are
major system used by them. But this system is difficult to know number
of users. Because one students enter more than twice a day the system
can records the entrance so, the research will be taken as a target
population all salale university graduate and under graduate students,
but would take as a sample size school of business and economics post
graduate and under graduate peda library users because the researcher
assumed that school of business students represented as the whole
school, the target population was very large and also within all libraries
given to the same services, Because of those reason not taken all target
population. Thus the researcher by using (Taro Yamane 1967, cited by
Israel) sample size formula that is: -

= 6053/1+6053 (0.1)2
=6053/1+6053 (0.01)
= 6053/1+60.53
= 98
Where: - n= means sample size

N= means total population

e= means precision

The researcher used for this formula to distributed 98 questionnaires

selected from total population of 6053that is 5876 undergraduate and
177 postgraduate school of business and economics students but from
this 8(8%) uncollected for customer and 26 samples from 260
employees of libraries based on thumb rule method or take 10%

3.5. Source of data

The study will be used both primary and secondary data source help to
gain reliable, credible and accurate information to the study. Among
primary data include questionnaires and regarding secondary data the
researcher would be used different document, research paper and
website which express about service quality.

3.6. Data collection technique.

In the course of this study the major data collection tool would be
questionnaires that are open ended and close ended questionnaires.

3.7 data analysis

interpretation. On the other hand, the study was used quantitative type of data
analysis regarding in service the study will be used mixed type of data analysis to
analyze on assessing service quality of salale university degree library users were
applied qualitative analysis method on service variables that are not expressed in
quantified way, it’s used for their variable that expressed in number and quantified
way. Finally, the study would be used percentage and tabulation forms to present
and analyzed the data that collected from target respondents.


The following time schedule is a schedule which the researcher will use while
conducting his/her studies in the future.

NO Activity Month
April May June July Augus September
1 Topic selection
2 Identification of
3 Definition of the
4 Developing the
5 Preparation of the plan
6 Preparing
7 Data collection
8 Discussion & analysis
9 Conclusion &
10 Editing & finalizing
the paper submission
11 Presentation



Table 3.2 Buget plan

Items Unit of measurement quantity Cost
NO Cost per unit Total cost
Birr Cent Birr Cent
1 Pen Number 7 1o .00 70 .00
2 Paper Ream 1 packet 200 s.00 200 .00
3 Typing Page 45 1:50 .00 67.5 .00
4 Binding Per bind 1time 15 .00 15 .00
5 internet Per minute 2hr 20 .00 20 .00
6 miscellanies 60 .00
7 Total cost 432.5
(1) Akal Amal, (2008). Development of excellence standards of in higher
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(5)Frazer, M. (1992). `Quality assurance in higher education’, in
CRAFT, A. (1991) Quality Assessment in Higher Education:
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Of Students’ Perception of Service Quality in High-Ranking Business Schools in
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