Presentation Rubric: Description Below Standard Approaching Standard at Standard Above Standard Overall Argument

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Name: ___________________________________ Date:___________

Presentation Rubric

Description  Below Standard  Approaching Standard  At Standard  Above Standard 

Argument lacks logic and is  Presents argument somewhat  Presents argument somewhat  Presents argument extremely 
Overall  unclear.  unclearly.  clearly.  clearly. 
Argument  Argument lacks supporting  Uses at least one supporting piece  Some supporting evidence is  Gives supporting evidence for all 
evidence.  of evidence.  provided.  points made. 

Presents information, arguments, 

Does not present  ideas, or findings in ways that are  Does an exceptional job presenting 
information, arguments,  not always clear, concise, or  information, arguments, ideas, or 
Presents information, arguments, 
ideas, or findings clearly,  logical.  findings clearly, concisely, and 
ideas, or findings clearly, concisely, 
concisely, or logically.    logically. 
or logically. 
  Argument is supported by only   
Argument lacks robust  some robust evidence.  Argument is well supported with 
Argument is well supported. 
supporting evidence.    robust, relevant, and interesting 
  The line of reasoning is sometimes  evidence. 
The line of reasoning is logical and 
of Ideas and  It’s difficult to follow the  difficult to follow.   
easy to follow and uses information 
Information  line of reasoning.    The line of reasoning is logical, easy 
that is appropriate for the purpose 
  Uses information that is only  to follow, well crafted, and uses 
and audience. 
Uses information that is not  sometimes in line with the overall  information that is appropriate for 
in line with the overall  purpose.  the purpose and audience. 
Clearly and completely addresses 
alternative or opposing 
  Attempts to consider and address  Clearly and completely addresses 
Does not consider opposing  opposing or alternative  relevant alternative or opposing 
or alternative perspectives.  perspectives but does not do so  perspectives. 
clearly or completely. 

Makes one or two points in 

Makes some logical points as  Makes an abundance of logical 
rebuttal, but the logic is somewhat 
No rebuttal offered.  rebuttals, but doesn’t support all  points as rebuttals, and all points 
questionable or not supported by 
  points with evidence.  are supported with evidence. 
Makes no arguments     
Rebuttal and  Makes one or two points against 
against points the other  Makes some logical arguments  Makes an abundance of logical 
the points the other side made, 
Closing  side made.  against the points the other side  points against the points of the 
but the logic is somewhat 
Statement    made.  other side. 
Does not explain why their     
side has the strongest  Explains why their side has the  s thorough and logical in the 
Explains why their side had the 
argument.  strongest argument, but could give  explanation for why their side has 
strongest argument, but the logic 
more reasons.  the strongest argument. 
is flawed. 

Name: ___________________________________ Date:___________

Presentation Rubric
Eyes, Body, Does not look at the  Makes infrequent eye contact with  Keeps eye contact with the  Keeps eye contact with the 
and Voice audience or make eye  the audience.  audience most of the time—only  audience throughout. 
contact.    glances at notes or slides.   
  Shows some poise (limited    Shows exceptional poise and 
Lacks poise (appears  fidgeting or nervousness).  Shows poise and confidence.  confidence. 
nervous, fidgety, slouchy).       
  Speaks clearly most of the time,  Speaks clearly and is easy to  Speaks clearly and in an engaging 
Speaks in a way that is  but may be difficult to understand  understand.  way that is interesting to listen to. 
hard to understand.  or hear at times. 

Description  Below Standard  Approaching Standard  At Standard  Above Standard 


of Ideas and         

Rebuttal and 

Eyes, Body,        
and Voice

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