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Uploading files to Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an online platform used for easy

and accessible online learning. It allows students to
turn in assignments and do their work from home.
Follow the instructions below to learn how to upload
files for any assignment for Google Classroom on a
desktop browser.

Required equipment: Working laptop with internet.

Step 1: Open up Google classroom on the browser by typing in “”

NOTE: if you aren’t already signed in, go ahead and click the sign-in button to retrieve
your classes, it should look like this after signing in.
Step 2: Select the class that you are turning in the assignment for, or go to the “To-do”
tab on the left for a quicker find.
Step 3: Click on the assignment, once there your screen should look like this.

Step 4: Go to the “Your work” section and click on “Add or create”.

Step 5: Select file, since we are uploading a document from our computer.

Step 6: Once selected, click on the “Browse” option, it will automatically open up your
computer’s files.
Step 7: Once the file tab is open, find the file you are looking for by searching it by
name in the search bar.
TIP: Click on the “Quick access” button to find the file a bit faster

Step 8: After you find the file, you click on it then select “Open” it will automatically
upload the file to the section titled “your work” on the assignment.

Step 9: Lastly you click “Turn in” and you have now successfully uploaded your file for
your assignment.
And just like that, you were able to upload a file for your assignment! Super easy to do and the
process is the same for uploading files from google drive as well.

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