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Lesson Plan 26


Teacher(s) Name(s): Courtnie Poti,

Where the Lesson is Taught: Kaimuki Middle School

Grade Level: 6th,7th,8th

Unit: Volleyball (online and in person)

Day: 49 & 50

Title of Lesson: Setting

Total Time Planned: 90 mins

Engaging and Supporting Diverse Learning: Applying Principles of Universal Design

for Learning

Sociocultural Details: The class of 6th, 7th, 8th graders I will be teaching
this semester. They all speak and understand
english, the students are on a blended schedule so
I have both students online and in person to teach.
It is my responsibility to address both the students
online and in class. The students that come to
school follow directions well and are able to
complete tasks that are given without question;
sometimes they complete it without being asked.
Everyday when the students attend class they must
complete either a bellwork or an exit pass that will
be grade for them. Students are asked to share
their answers if they want to share it privately they

Students Strengths and Needs ● Follow direction well

Relevant to this Lesson: ● Work well with online content
● Keeps practicing if can’t complete the skill
● Will ask if they need help with getting the
skill right

Materials and Digital Tools Needed

Equipment and Set-Up for Lesson: Computer, yoga mats, 7 cones,13 volleyballs
Risk Management Concerns: Students running into things at home, being in a
safe area, being able to stay in front of the camera,
making sure there are no distractions with food,
pets, and etc.

Safety reminders:
● Safe environment
● Not running into things while following the
● Making sure the students in person 6ft apart
at all times


National Standards Addressed: ● Standard 1: The physically literate individual

demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.

● Standard 2: The physically literate individual

applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement
and performance.

● Standard 4: The physically literate individual

exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.

State Standards Addressed: ● Standard 1 MOVEMENT FORMS: Use motor skills

and movement patterns to perform a variety of
physical activities,Benchmark PE.6-8.1.1

● Standard 2: COGNITIVE CONCEPTS: Understand

movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities, Benchmark
PE.6-8.2.2, PE.6-8.2.3

Hawaii General Learner Outcomes: ● Self-directed Learner (The ability to be

responsible for one's own learning)
● Community Contributor (The understanding
that it is essential for human beings to work
● Quality Producer (The ability to recognize
and produce quality performance and quality
● Effective Communicator (The ability to
communicate effectively)

Lesson Objectives: 1. Students will be able to list the 4 to 5

cues on how to set a volleyball
that's tossed to them on their exit
pass on the google form before they
leave for class.
2. Students will be able to set a
volleyball that is tossed to them
underhand by their partner; they will
be able to pass the ball using the
cues listed below, this will be
measured by watching 3 to 5
students set the volleyball back to
their partner. The cues: Elbows
high., Make a diamond shape with
your hands using your thumb and
index fingers., Bend knees., Quick
"catch" and push with your fingers.,
Extend your arms and wrist.,
Pretend you are catching a water
balloon to help you get the feel of not
"stabbing" at the ball

Objectives for Differentiated Instruction

Lesson Assessments: 1. Students will be assessed on how they are

able to use the setting cues to set the ball to
their partner by using the cues listed above
to complete their task 10 times to a partner
across from them.
2. Students will be assessed on how well they
are able to set the volleyball to their partner
about 5 to 10 times , by using the cues
listed above. This will be measured by
having the students partner up and have
their partner count for them to see how
many they get back to their partner.
3. At the end of class students will be able to
list the cues for setting on their exit pass
before they leave for class.

Assessments for Differentiated Instruction


Lesson Preview: (Introduction) Hello, 6th,7th, 8th graders today we

will be doing a lesson on volleyball. Today we will
touch on setting in volleyball. We will learn how to
set off a toss and how to set back and forth to each
other. We will play a pick up game to keep up
before we end class for the day. During the 15
minutes of break at the end make sure to update
week 4 of your Fitt principle log. (sequence of the

Students will be able to set a volleyball by following
the cues:
Elbows high.
Make a diamond shape with your hands using your
thumb and index fingers.
Bend knees.
Quick "catch" and push with your fingers.
Extend your arms and wrist.
Pretend you are catching a water balloon to help
you get the feel of not "stabbing" at the ball

(Assessment) Today you'll be assessed on how

many setting passes you can get between you and
your partner by following all the cues to be
successful at setting the ball. (Hook) When looking
at fitness and how the exercises and activities that
we do can be used to help with sports that we play
outside of school and it can also help us to lead an
active and healthy lifestyle.
These DO NOT have to be in this exact order
but need to be labeled and clearly identified
Lesson Differentiated
Developme Start a meeting on Webex Instruction
10 mins Attendance/ Bellwork Demonstrate,
Take students attendance making sure that all students Cues: Warm up:
are present and in class or on webex depending if they are
supposed to be at school or online that week. As for the Neck- tilt head
Bellwork once about half the class has finished and turned to the side, and
in the bellwork on google classroom quickly go over it hold
asking the students to present what they put for their
answers. Arm stretches:
Bellwork: Google form
Hold both arms
above your head
5-7 Minutes warm up
Behind your
The warm up is being led by the students. The list of what head:
we are doing for the warm ups are listed here to the right in Bend one arm
the boxes it starts off with stretching from the head down to behind your
the calves so each student will be getting a full body head and hold it
stretch. Neck, arm, behind your head, across your chest, with the other.
45 degrees, flamingo, touch your toes, butterfly, half
butterfly, pretzel, lunges, and calf stretch. Across your
5 Min Flexibility Arm goes
Video: across your
chest and the
In this 5 minute video that I will be showing the students is other holds it in
a meditation video to help them to do more stretching out place by the
before we go on to the volleyball activities for the day. elbow.

45 mins Throwing 45 degrees:

Both arms
10mins behind your
Activity 1 back and lift up
Toss and setting and hold.

Students will get a partner and one ball, they will take turns Flamingo:
switching off the tosser and the passer. One person will Right hand hold
have the ball and toss it high above their partner's head right leg while
who will then set the ball back to the tosser who will then balancing on
repeat to toss again. your left foot
and then switch.
Cues: Touch your toes:
● Elbows high. Bend your body
● Make a diamond shape with your hands using in half an try to
your thumb and index fingers. touch your toes
● Bend knees.
● Quick "catch" and push with your fingers. Sitting down
● Extend your arms and wrist. with both feet
● Pretend you are catching a water balloon to touching each
help you get the feel of not "stabbing" at the other and
ball pulling it in as
close as you can
Transition and water break 5 mins
to hold.
10 mins
Half Butterfly:
Back and forth setting
Sitting down
with one leg out
Each student will have a partner once they learn how to
to the side and
set with a toss now they will attempts to keep the setting
other in the
going back and forth their objective of this activity is to get
middle and
at least 15 to 20 sets between the two
trying to touch
your toes. Do on
both sides.
● Elbows high.
● Make a diamond shape with your hands using Pretzel:
your thumb and index fingers. Place one leg
● Bend knees. straight in front
● Quick "catch" and push with your fingers. while the other
● Extend your arms and wrist. crosses over
● Pretend you are catching a water balloon to and you're
looking in the
help you get the feel of not "stabbing" at the
ball direction.

Transition and water break 5 mins Lunges:

Step forward
10 mins with one leg
that's bent at 45
Activity 3 degrees and
Keep up USing both bumping and setting hold.

In this activity each student will have their own volleyball. Calf stretch:
What each student needs to do is try their best to keep the
volleyball in the air. Each student has 3 lives every time the Pointing your
volleyball touches the ground they lose a life they have to toes up to the
try and make it to the end of 2 mins without dropping the sky and bending
ball and losing a life. The objective for this activity is to be over trying to
the longest person standing in the end without dropping or touch your toes
losing a life. We will do 3 different types of ways from one to calf stretch.
forearm to the full bump pass with both forearms to a full
setting with both hands. Plank:

Cues: Push up
● Elbows high. position, body
● Make a diamond shape with your hands using flat across, and
your thumb and index fingers. hold
● Bend knees.
Squat hold:
● Quick "catch" and push with your fingers. Legs shoulder
● Extend your arms and wrist. width apart,
● Pretend you are catching a water balloon to squat down,
help you get the feel of not "stabbing" at the back straight,
ball. chest up, arms
out in front for

Students online:
They will have a powerpoint that is posted on class notes
and to make sure that the students did the work they will
have to answer the same exit pass as the students in class
but theirs might be slightly different and also ask them
about the videos that they watched on volleyball.

5 mins
Plank and squat hold activity to help prep the students for
the intramural sports we are competing in.

Plank is for 2mins

Squat hold is for 150 seconds

Next class: juggling

15 min break
This will also be a reminder for the students to do and
make sure they log in their times on the google form given
to them.

Inter schools intramural

This will take place throughout the whole 4th quarter
between kaimuki middle school and waiakea and hilo
middle school on the big island. What's happening is that
the students will have a competition between schools and
there will also be a spirit type of activity where the students
can showcase their spirit for their school. They can also
challenge the other school in ways that they are staying
physically active through this pandemic.

This will give the students a chance to have some type of

fun competing without having to physically be there at
those schools to do it.

Explanation of the projects:

FITT principle log

Every week the students have to log their 4 days of
physical activity and depending on how many days they do
it gets the points for each day. Students have to update
their log once down with class because they are able to
use PE class for 2 days on their log for the week.

Sports project

This project the students will have the whole 4th quarter to
work on it and in May students will turn it in as well as
present it to the class. What is this project about? In this
project the students have to research about the sport they
play. If they do not play a sport it’s okay they can pick
something that they are interested in like for example
dance, a certain event like pole vaulting, etc. The students
will be given the template for the online notebook that they
are going to use to make their sports project. Within the
project the students have to answer 5 questions about the
sport that they have chosen. They have to look up the
rules and how the sport is played, They also have to look
up the history of the sport that they play, Than the students
have to talk about their favorite player in this sport it can be
at any level of play, also with this question they have to
find either another player that gives back like does good
deeds outside of the sports they play or they can choose
the same as their favorite player, lastly the students have
to talk about why they choose the sport and why do you
like and what are some steps you can do to play this sport

Lesson Review: 1. Ask the students to recall the cues for

2. Have students demonstrate the skill in front
of the class.

References and Resources Used: 1.



Teacher 1. Describe the portions of the lesson that worked well and why.
Reflection: 2. Describe the portions/aspects of the lesson that did not go as
planned and why.
3. Discuss what you would do differently next time to better support
your students’ learning.
4. Provide evidence from the lesson that allows you to determine
whether or not each of the outcomes for the lesson were met.
5. Describe how you will use data from the assessment portion of
your lesson to inform future lessons. For example, consider what you
would do if a significant portion of the student did not do as well as
expected in one or more of the assessments.
Diagram of the classroom set up 6ft distance for each student
Activity 1 and 2
Activity 3

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