The Oxford Dictionary of Current English

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10.000 new entries
75,000 definitions
— — The

of Current English

Edited by


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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

The Oxford dictionary of current English / edited by Delia Thompson. — 2nd ed.
p. cm.
1. English language — 20th century —
Dictionaries. 2. English

language New words— Dictionaries. I. Thompson, Delia F.

PE1628.0867 1993
ISBN 0-19-283127-5

3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4

Printed in Denmark
by Norhaven Rotation

Guide to the Use of the Dictionary vii

Abbreviations used in the Dictionary xii

Pronunciation Symbols used in the Dictionary xiv


Appendix: Punctuation Marks 1072

Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Dr Delia Thompson
General Editors Mr Andrew Hodgson
Mr Chris Stewart
Science Editor Dr Alexandra Clayton
Freelance Editors Mrs Barbara Burge
Mrs Anna Howes
Ms Louise Jones
Critical Readers Dr Grafe

Mr M. W. Grose
Keyboarding Manager Mrs Anne Whear
Keyboarding Assistants Mrs Pam Marjara
Mrs Kay Pepler
Miss Doreen Stanbury
Proofreaders and Mrs Deirdre Arnold
General Contributors Mr Keith Harrison
Mr Richard Lindsay
Ms Elizabeth Mcllvanney
Dr Bernadette Paton
Ms Lucy Reford
Dr Anne St John-Hall
Ms Joanna Thompson
Mr F. Roland Whear

This edition owes much in its content and style to the eighth edition of
the Concise Oxford Dictionary edited by Dr Robert Allen, who also
revised the etymologies for this dictionary.
Guide to the Use of the Dictionary
1. Headword
1.1 The headword is printed in bold type, or in bold italic type if
the word is not naturalized in English and is usually found in
italics in printed matter.

1.2 Variant spellings are given before the definition (e.g. cabby n.
such cases the form given as the headword is
(also cabbie)); in all
the preferred form. When the variant form is alphabetically
remote from the main form it is given at its proper place in the
dictionary (e.g. caiman var. of cayman).

1.3 Words that are different but spelt the same way (homographs)
are distinguished by superior figures (e.g. bat and bat 2 ). 1

1.4 Words
that are normally spelt with a capital initial are given
in thisform as the headword; when they are in some senses spelt
with a small initial and in others with a capital initial this is
indicated by repetition of the full word in the appropriate form
within the entry (as at carboniferous).

1.5 Variant American spellings are indicated by the designation

US (e.g. favour. . . US favor).

2. Pronunciation
Guidance on pronunciation follows the system of the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IP A). Only the pronunciation standard in
southern England is given. A key to the symbols used appears on
page xiv.

3. Part-of-speech label
3.1 This is given for all main entries and derivatives.

3.2 Different parts of speech of a single word are listed separately.

3.3 Verbs, whether transitive, intransitive, or both, are given the

simple designation v. The designation absol. (absolute) denotes use
with an implied object (as at abdicate).

4. Inflexion

4.1 Plurals of Nouns:

Nouns that form their plural regularly by adding -s (or -es when
they end in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or soft -ch), receive no comment. Plural
forms of those ending in -o (preceded by any letter other than
another o) are always given. Other irregular forms are also given,
except when the word is a compound of obvious formation (e.g.
footman, schoolchild).

4.2 Forms of Verbs:

4.2.1 The following regular forms receive no comment:
(i) third person singular present forms adding -s to the stem (or
-es to stems ending in -s, -x, -z, -sh, or soft -ch).
(ii) past tenses and past participles adding -ed to the stem.
4.2.2 A doubled consonant in verbal inflexions (e.g. rubbed,
rubbing, sinned, sinning) shown in the form (-bb-, -nn-, etc.).
Where practice differs in American usage this is noted (as at cavil).
4.3 Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs:
The following regular forms receive no comment:
4.3.1 Words of one syllable adding -er and -est (e.g. greater,

4.3.2 Words of one syllable ending in silent e, which drop the e

and add -er and -est (e.g. braver, bravest).

5. Definition

5.1 Definitions are listed in order of comparative familiarity and

importance, with the most current and important senses first.

5.2 They are separated by a number, or by a letter when the two

senses are more closely related.
5.3 Round brackets enclose letters or words that are optional (as
at v. where '(cause to) make a loud smashing noise' can
mean either 'make a loud smashing noise' or 'cause to make a loud
smashing noise'), and indicate typical objects of transitive verbs
(such as 'milk' and 'the skin' in two senses of cream v.).

6. Subject and Usage labels

6.1 These are used to clarify the particular context in which a
word or phrase is normally used.

6.2 Words and phrases more common in informal spoken English

than in formal written English are labelled colloq. (colloquial) or
slang as appropriate.

6.3 Some
subject labels are used to indicate the particular
relevance of a term or subject with which it is associated (e.g. Mus.,
Law, Physics). They are not used when this is sufficiently clear
from the definition itself.

6.4 Two categories of deprecated usage are indicated by special

markings: coarse slang indicates a word that, although widely
found, is still unacceptable to many people; offens. (offensive)
indicates a use that is regarded as offensive by members of a
particular ethnic, religious, or other group.

6.5 Usage notes found at the end of entries give guidance on the
current norms of standard English. Some of the rules given may
legitimately be broken in less formal English, and especially in

7. Phrases
Phrases are listed in alphabetical order after the treatment of the
main word. The words a, the, one, and person do not count for
purposes of alphabetical order.

8. Compounds
8.1 Compound terms forming one word (e.g. bathroom,
main entries, as are those consisting of
jellyfish) are listed as
two or more words (e.g. chain reaction) or joined by a hyphen
(e.g. chain-gang).

8.2 When a hyphened compound in bold type is divided at the end

of a line the hyphen is repeated at the beginning of the next line to
show that a permanent feature of the spelling and not just an
it is

end-of-line hyphen.

9. Derivatives
9.1 Words formed by adding a suffix to another word are in many
cases listed at the end of the entry for the main word (e.g.
chalkiness and chalky at chalk). In this position they are not
defined since they can be understood from the sense of the main
word and that given at the suffix concerned; when further
definition is called for they are given main entries in their own
right (e.g. changeable).

9.2 For reasons of space words formed by certain suffixes are not
always included except when some special feature of spelling or
pronunciation or meaning is involved. These suffixes are -able,
-er (in the sense
.that does'), -er 2 and -est (see also 4.3), -ish,
'. .

-LESS, -LIKE, -LY 2 , and -NESS.

10. Etymology
10.1 given in square brackets [ ] at the end of the entry. In
This is

the space available it can only give the direct line of derivation in

outline. Forms in other languages are not given if they are exactly
or nearly the same as the English form.

10.2 'Old English' is used for words that are known to have been
used before ad 1150.

10.3 'Anglo-French' denotes the variety of French current in

England in the Middle Ages after the Norman Conquest.

10.4 'Latin' denotes classical and Late Latin up to about ad 600;

'medieval Latin' that of the period about 600-1500; 'Anglo-Latin'
denotes Latin as used in medieval England.

10.5 Where the origin of a word cannot be reliably ascertained,

the form 'origin uncertain' or 'origin unknown' is used.

10.6 Names of the rarer languages that have contributed to

English (such as Balti at polo, and Cree at wapiti) are given in full
without explanation; they may be found explained in larger
dictionaries or in encyclopedias.

10.7 An etymology is not given when it is identical in essentials

with that of a neighbouring entry, when the word is an abbrevi-
ation or compound of obvious formation (such as bathroom), or
when the derivation is clear from the definition (as at burgundy).

11. Prefixes and Suffixes

11.1 A large selection of these is given in the main body of the text;
form ex-, re-, etc., and suffixes in the form
prefixes are given in the
These entries should be consulted to explain the
-ion, -ness, etc.
many derivatives given at the end of entries (see 9.1).
11.2 Prefixes and suffixes are not normally given a pronunciation
since this can change considerably when they form part of a word.

12. Cross-Reference
12.1 Cross-reference to main entries is indicated by small capitals
(e.g. calk US var. of caulk; put a person wise see wise).

12.2 Cross-reference in italics to a defined phrase or compound

refers to the entry for the first word unless another is specified.

12.3 A homograph (see 1.3) is indicated by a superior figure (e.g.

calves pL of calf 1
, calf2 ).

Note on Proprietary Status

This dictionary includes some words which are, or are asserted to
be, proprietary names or trade marks. Their inclusion does not
imply that they have acquired for legal purposes a non-proprietary
or general significance, nor is any other judgement implied
concerning their legal status. In cases where the editor has some
evidence that a word is used as a proprietary name or trade mark
this is indicated by the designation propr., but no judgement
concerning the legal status of such words is made or implied
Abbreviations used in the Dictionary
Abbreviations in general use (such as etc., i.e.) are explained in the
Dictionary itself.

abbr. abbreviation JliCCl. Ecclesiastical

absol. dUijUlUlc^iy ) Econ. ILL-UilUIIllLb

adj. dUJcCllVt; ILltJULl Electricity

adv. adverb ollirvf
eiiipi. elliptical(ly)
prri Y\\~\ o
rA.Cl Ull. rYc! UlldUUUo Cl Yiyi IqL. cilipildLlL
Anat. Anatomy esp. especially
r\IlglU-lIlU. .rYllglU-lllUldil euphemism
Antiq. Antiquity JCjXOQ. Exodus
r\L L-lldtJUlUgy

r\L L111L. r\L LlllLcL/LUI c tern. leminine

assim. assimilated 1U11. followed
Astrol rAoLl UlUgy
r\i>ll Ull. r\aLi Uiiumy Gen. vjrcllcblb

Astronaut. Astronautics vjcUI. Geology

attrib. attributive(ly) Geom. Geometry
dlH 1U. dUJ dill lUUllVt; V_ri\ Greek
du.J ct Live Gram. V_Ti dlllllldl
An cf t'qI
/AUoll dl. An otTol
r\Ubli ion
3.U.X. anviliarv
dtiAiiidi y nibi. nibiui y
nisi. with historical
D1U1. Rihliral
OlUllUdl 1 clcl cllUc
DlUdlclll. olUCiltrllllbll y

Biol. DiuiUgy l m
UllUtJl impel dti vc
J3UL. Duidiiy 111U. Ul Lllc
^llclll. C/nemistry comprising India
Cinematog. Cinematography Pakistan, and
collsct. collective(ly) Bangladesh
CU11ULJ. Luiiuquidiviy ) innn. lllillllllvc

comb. combination; int. inter] ection

combining interrog. interrogative
L/UlllUd.1 comparative llllciiUg. dUJ llllcl 1 UgdLlvc
compl. complement adjective
conj. conjunction interrog. adv. interrogative
contr. contraction adverb
interrog. pron. interrogative
demons, adj. demonstrative pronoun
adjective Ir. Irish
demons, pron. demonstrative iron. ironical
derog. derogatory joc. jocular
dial. dialect Judg. Judges
, .


Lev. Leviticus pi cUlL. dtlj predicative

masc. masculine pi cp. pi CpUolllUil
iVldlll. IVldlllcIIldllCb pres pi COCllL
lVldll. Matthew pi C3. pdl L. present participle
Mech IVlcLIldlllUb pron. pronoun
lviea. Medicine pronunc. pronunciation
Meteorol. Meteorology propr. proprietary term
Mil. Military Psychol. Psychology
Mineral. Mineralogy
Mus. Music cn. Roman Catholic
iviy moi. Mythology Church
ret. reference
n. noun ren. reflexive
Naut. Nautical rel. adj. relative adjective
neg. negative rel. adv. relative adverb
N.Engl. INUi lllci 11 Hillgllol rel. pron. relative pronoun
I1UUI1 piUIdl Relig. Religion
NZ Mow ^palanH Rev. Revelation
rhet. rhetorical
obj. objective (case) Rom. Roman
Ullclla. Ullcllblvc
upp. p c nnnncprl
da uppuocll tn
LU S.Afr. South African
ong. originally Sc. Scottish
Sci. Science
rdi I. r dl lldlllcIlL^dl y / sing. singular
part. pdl LICipic Stock Exch. Stock Exchange
past part. past participle superl. superlative
PV» ortn
i Ildl III. rlldl IIldLy symb. symbol
L Ildl IIldLUlUgy
r IlllUb. Philosophy Theatr. Theatre
1 IlUIlcI. r IlUIlcllLb Theol. Theology
Photog. Photography
phr. phrase US American, in
Phv<;inl PVi v<;i nl npv American use
pi. plural usu. usually
poet. nnoti r»al
JrOlll. r UlILlCb V. verb
poss. var. variant(s)
poss. pron. possessive v.aux. auxiliary verb
pronoun v.refl. reflexive verb
prec. preceded
predic. predicative(ly) Zool. Zoology
Pronunciation Symbols
b but n 710 I she
d dog P pen 3 vision
f few r red e ^hin

9 get s sit 5 this

h he t fop ring
j .yes V uoice X loch
k cat w we tj chip
1 leg z zoo d3 7*ar

m man

ae cat A rim no
a: arm pz/t ea hair
e bed u: too 19 near
3: her 8 ago 01 bo>>

I Sit ai my UQ poor
i: see au how 319 fire

d hot ei daj> aue sour

0: saw

(a) signifies the indeterminate sound as in garden, carnal, and


(r) at the end of a word indicates an r that is sounded when a word

beginning with a vowel follows, as in clutter up and an acre of land.

The mark ~
indicates a nasalized sound, as in the following sounds
that are not natural in English:
ae (trnibre)

d (elan)
5 (bon voyage)

The main or primary stress of a word is shown by preceding the


relevant syllable; any secondary stress in words or phrases of

three or more syllables is shown by preceding the relevant

A 1
/ei/ n. (pi. As or A's) 1 (also a) first abate /a'beit/ v. (-ting) make or become
letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. sixth note less strong etc.; diminish, z abatement
of the diatonic scale of C major.
3 first n. [French abatre from Latin batt(u)o
hypothetical person or example. 4 high- beat]
est category (of roads, marks, etc.). 5 abattoir /'aeba,twa:(r)/ slaughter-
(usu. a) Algebra first known quantity. house. [French abatre as abate]
Al lei 'war/ colloq. first-rate, excellent, abbacy /'aebasi/ n. (pi. -ies) office or
from to B from one place to another, jurisdiction of an abbot or abbess.
from to Z from beginning to end. [Latin: related to abbot]
A 2
abbr. (also A.) 1 ampere(s). 2 answer. abbe /'aebei/ n. (in France) abbot or
a /a, ei/ adj. (also an /sen, an/ before a
priest. [French from Latin: related to
vowel sound) (called the indefinite art- abbot]
icle) 1 one, some, any. 2 one like (a abbess /'aebis/ n. head of a community
Judas). 3 one single (not a chance). 4 the of nuns.
same (all of a size). 5 per (twice a year, abbey /'aebi/ n. (pi. -s) 1 building(s)
seven a side). [Old English an one] occupied by a community of monks or
a 2 /a/ prep. (usu. as prefix) 1 to, towards nuns. 2 the community itself. 3 building
(ashore; aside). 2 (with verb in pres. that was once an abbey.
part, or infin.) doing or being abbot /'aebat/n. head of a community of
(a-hunting; abuzz). 3 on (afire). monks. [Old English from Latin abbas]
4 in (nowadays). [Old English an, on, on] abbreviate /a'bri:vi,eit/ v. (-ting)
A abbr. angstrom(s). shorten, esp. represent (a word etc.) by a
a- prefix (also an- before a vowel sound) part of it. z abbreviation /-'eij(a)n/
not, without (amoral). [Greek] n. [Latin: related to brief]
AA abbr. 1 Automobile Association. 2 ABC /,eibi:'si:/ n. 1 the alphabet. 2 rudi-

Alcoholics Anonymous. 3 anti-aircraft. ments of a subject. 3 alphabetical guide.

aardvark /'a:dva:k/ n. mammal with a abdicate /'aebdi.keit/ v. (-ting) 1 (usu.
tubular snout and a long tongue, feeding absol.) give up or renounce (the throne).
on termites. [Afrikaans] 2 renounce (a duty, right, etc.). z ab-
ab- prefix off, away, from (abduct). dication /-'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin dico de-
[Latin] clare]
aback /a'baek/ adv. take aback sur- abdomen /'aebdaman/ n. 1 the belly,
prise, disconcert. [Old English: related including the stomach, bowels, etc. 2 the
to a 2] hinder part of an insect etc. z abdom-
abacus /'aebakas/ n. (pi. -cuses) 1 frame inal /aeb'dDmm(a)l/ adj. [Latin]
with wires along which beads are slid abduct /ab'dAkt/ v. carry off or kidnap
for calculating. lArchit. flat slab on top illegally, z abduction n. abductor n.
of a capital. [Latin from Greek from [Latin duco lead]
Hebrew] abeam /a'bi:m/ adv. at right angles to a
abaft /a'ba:ft/ Naut. -adv. in the stern ship's or an aircraft's length.
half of a ship. -prep, nearer the stern Aberdeen Angus /,aebadi:n aengas/ n.
than, [from a -baft: see aft]
animal of a Scottish breed of hornless
abandon /a'baend(a)n/ -v. 1 give up. 2 black cattle. [Aberdeen in Scotland]
forsake, desert. 3 (often foil by to; often Aberdonian /.aeba'daunian/ -adj. of
refl.) yield to a passion, another's con-
Aberdeen, -n. native or citizen of Aber-
trol, etc. -n. freedom from inhibitions. deen, [medieval Latin]
abandonment n. [French: related to aberrant /a'berant/ adj. deviating from

ad-, ban] what is normal or accepted. [Latin:

abandoned adj. 1 deserted, forsaken. 2 related to err]

unrestrained, profligate. aberration /,aeba'reij(a)n/ n. 1 aber-

abase /a'beis/ v. (-sing) (also refl.) hu- rant behaviour; moral or mental lapse.
miliate, degrade. abasement n. 2 Biol, deviation from a normal type. 3
[French: related to ad-, base ] distortion of an image because of a
abashed /a'baejt/ predic. adj. embar- defect in a lens or mirror. 4 Astron.
rassed, disconcerted. [French es- ex-

apparent displacement of a celestial
bair astound] body.
abet 2 abort
abet /a'bet/ v. (usu. in aid and abet)
(-tt-) bodily washing, b place for this. [Latin
encourage or assist (an offender or ablutio from luo lut- wash]
offence). [French: related to ad-, bait] -ably suffix forming adverbs corres-
abeyance /a'beians/ n. (usu. prec. by in, ponding to adjectives in -able.
into) temporary disuse. [French: related ABM abbr. anti-ballistic missile.
to ad-, beer gape] abnegate /'aebni.geit/ v. (-ting) give up
abhor /ab'ho:(r)/ v. regard
(-rr-) detest; or renounce (a pleasure or right etc.).
with disgust. [Latin: related to horror] [Latin nego deny]
abhorrence /ab'hDrans/ n. disgust; abnegation /,aebni'geiJXa)n/ n. denial;
detestation. renunciation of a doctrine.
abhorrent /ab'tmrant/ adj. (often foil, abnormal /aeb'n3:m(a)l/ adj. deviating
by to) disgusting or hateful. from the norm; exceptional. abnor-
abide /a'baid/ v. (-ding; past abided or mality /-'maeliti/ n. (pi. -ies). abnor-
rarely abode /a'baud/) 1 (usu. in neg.) mally adv. [French: related to anom-
tolerate, endure (can't abide him). 2 alous]
(foil, by by) a act in accordance with Abo /'aBbau/ (also abo) Austral slang
(abide by the rules), b keep (a promise). usu. offens. -n. (pi. -s) Aboriginal, -adj.
3 archaic remain, continue. [Old Eng- Aboriginal, [abbreviation]
lish a- intensive prefix, bide] aboard /a'bo:d/ adv. & prep, on or into (a
abiding adj. enduring, permanent. ship, aircraft, etc.). [from a ]
ability /a'biliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (often foil, abode 1
/a'baud/ n. dwelling-place.
by to + infin.) capacity or power. 2 [related to abide]
cleverness, talent. [French: related to abode 2 see abide.
able] abolish /a'DDliJV v. put an end to (esp. a
-ability suffix forming nouns of quality custom or institution). [Latin aboleo
from, or corresponding to, adjectives in destroy]
able. abolition /,a?ba'lij(a)n/ n. abolishing or
ab initio /.asb I'nijiau/ adv. from the being abolished, z abolitionist n.
beginning. [Latin] A-bomb /'eibDm/ n. = atomic bomb. [A
abject /'aebd3ekt/ adj. miserable, for atomic]
wretched; degraded; despicable. abominable /a'bDmmab(a)l/ adj. 1 de-
abjection /aeb'd3ek.f(9)n/ n. [Latin jacio testable, loathsome. 2 colloq. very un-
ject- throw] pleasant (abominable weather).
abjure /ab'd3ua(r)/ v. (-ring) renounce abominably adv. [Latin abominor
on oath (an opinion, cause, etc.). deprecate]
abjuration /,aebd3u'reij\a)n/ n. [Latin Abominable Snowman supposed n.
juro swear] manlike or bearlike Himalayan animal;
ablative /'aeblativ/ Gram. -n. case (in yeti.
Latin) of nouns and pronouns indica- abominate /a'bnmi.neit/ v. (-ting) de-
ting an agent, instrument, or location. test, loathe, z abomination /-'neij(a)n/
-adj. of or in the ablative. [Latin n. [Latin: related to abominable]
ablatus taken away] aboriginal / a3ba'nd3in(9)l/ -adj. 1 in-

ablaze /a'bleiz/ predic. adj. & adv. 1 on digenous, inhabiting a land from the
fire. 2 glittering, glowing. 3 greatly earliest times, esp. before the arrival of
excited. colonists. 2 (usu. Aboriginal) of
able /eib(a)l/ adj. (abler, ablest) 1 Australian Aborigines, -rc. 1 aboriginal
(often foil, by to + infin.; used esp. in is inhabitant. 2 (usu. Aboriginal)
able, will be able, etc., replacing tenses aboriginal inhabitant of Australia.
of can) having the capacity or power [Latin: related to origin]
(not able to come). 2 talented, clever, aborigine /,aeba'nd3ini/ n. (usu. in pi.) 1
z ably adv. [Latin habilis] aboriginal inhabitant. 2 (usu. Abori-
-able suffix forming adjectives meaning: gine) aboriginal inhabitant of Aus-
1 that may or must be (eatable; pay- tralia.
able). 2 that can be made the subject of
Usage When referring to the people,
(dutiable; objectionable). 3 relevant to
Aboriginal is preferred for the singular
or in accordance with (fashionable;
form and Aborigines for the plural,
seasonable). [Latin -abilis]
although Aboriginals is also acceptable.
able-bodied adj. fit, healthy.
able-bodied seaman n. ordinary abort /a'bo:t/ v. 1 miscarry. 2 a effect
trained seaman. abortion of (a foetus), b effect abortion
ablution /a'blu:J(a)n/ n. (usu. in pi.) 1 in (a mother). 3 end or cause (a project
ceremonial washing of the hands, etc.) to end before completion. [Latin
sacred vessels, etc. 2 colloq. a ordinary orior be born]
abortion 3 absinth
abortion /a'bo:J(a)n/ n. 1 natural or abrasion /a'brei3(a)n/ n. 1 scraping or
induced expulsion of a foetus from
(esp.) wearing away (of skin, rock, etc.). 2
the womb before it is able to survive resulting damaged area.
independently. 2 stunted or deformed abrasive /a'breisiv/ -adj. a tending to 1
creature or thing. 3 failed project or rub or graze, b capable of polishing by
action, abortionist n. rubbing or grinding. 2 harsh or hurtful
abortive /a'boitiv/ adj. fruitless, in manner, —n. abrasive substance.
unsuccessful. abreast /a'brest/ adv. 1 side by side and
abound /a'baund/ v. 1 be plentiful. 2 facing the same way. 2 (foil, by of) up to
(foil, by in, with) be rich; teem. [Latin date with.
unda wave] abridge /a'bnd3/ v. (-ging) shorten (a
about /a'baut/ -prep. 1 a on the subject book, film, etc.). abridgement n.
of (a book about birds), b relating to [Latin: related to abbreviate]
(glad about it), c in relation to (sym-
abroad /a'bro:d/ adv. 1 in or to a foreign
metry about a plane). 2 at a time near to country or countries. 2 widely (scatter
(about six). 3 a in, round (walked about abroad). 3 in circulation (rumour
the town; a scarf about her neck), b all abroad).
round from a centre (look about you). 4 abrogate /'aebra.geit/ v. (-ting) repeal,
at points in (strewn about the house). 5
abolish (a law etc.). p abrogation
carried with (no money about me). 6
/-'geij(a)n/ n. [Latin rogo propose a law]
occupied with (about her business), abrupt /a'brApt/ adj. 1 sudden, hasty
-adv. 1 a approximately (about ten (abrupt end). 2 (of manner etc.) curt. 3
miles), b colloq. in an understatement
steep, precipitous. abruptly adv.
(justabout had enough). 2 nearby (a lot abruptness n. [Latin: related to
offlu about). 3 in every direction (look RUPTURE]
about). 4 on the move; in action (out and
abscess /'aebsis/ n. (pi abscesses)
about). 5 in rotation or succession (turn
swelling containing pus. [Latin: related
and turn about). be about (or all to AB-, cede]
about) colloq. have as its essential
abscissa abscissae /-si:/
/ab'sisa/ n. (pi.
nature (life is all about having fun), be
or -s) Math, system of coordinates)
(in a
about to be on the point of (was about
shortest distance from a point to the
to laugh). [Old English]
vertical or v-axis. [Latin abscindo cut
about-face n. & int. = about-turn,
about-turn -n. 1 turn made so as to
abscond /ab'skDnd/ v. depart hurriedly
and furtively, esp. to avoid arrest;
face the opposite direction. 2 change of
escape. [Latin abscondo secrete]
opinion or policy etc. -int. (about turn)
abseil /'aebseil/ - v. descend by using a
Mil. command to make an about-turn.
doubled rope coiled round the body and
above /a'bAv/ -prep. 1 over; on the top
fixed at a higher point. -n. descent made
of; higher than; over the surface of
(head above water, above the din). 2 by abseiling. [German ab down, Seil
more than (above twenty people). 3
higher in rank, importance, etc., than. 4
absence /'aebs(a)ns/ n. 1 being away.
2 time of this. 3 (foil, by of) lack of.
a too great or good for (not above
cheating), b beyond the reach of (above
absence of mind inattentiveness.
[Latin absentia]
my understanding', above suspicion),
-adv. 1 at or to a higher point; overhead absent -adj. /'aebs(a)nt/ 1 not present.
2 not existing; lacking. 3 inattentive.
(thefloor above; the sky above). 2 earlier
-v.refl. /aeb'sent/ go, or stay, away.
on a page or in a book (as noted above),
-adj. preceding (the above argument),
absently adv. (insense 3 of adj.).
-n. (prec. by the) preceding text (the absentee /.aebsan'ti:/ n. person not
above shows), above all most of all, present.
more than anything else, above oneself absenteeism /,aebsan'ti:iz(8)m/ n.

conceited, arrogant. [Old English: absenting oneself from work or school

2 etc., esp. frequently or illicitly.
related to a ]
above-board adj. & adv. without con- absentee landlord n. one who lets a

cealment; open or openly. property while living elsewhere.

abracadabra /.aebraka'daebra/ -int. absent-minded adj. forgetful or in-
supposedly magic word used in conjur- attentive, absent-mindedly adv.
ing, -n. spell or charm. [Latin fromv
absent-mindedness n.
Greek] absinth /'aebsinG/ n. 1 wormwood. 2
abrade /a'breid/ v. (-ding) scrape or (usu. absinthe) aniseed-flavoured
wear away (skin, rock, etc.) by rubbing. liqueur based on this. [French from
[Latin rado scrape] Latin]
absolute 4 a/c
absolute /'aebsa.luit/ -adj. 1 complete, abstract -adj. /'aebstraekt/ 1 a of or
utter (absolute bliss). 2 unconditional existing in thought or theory rather
(absolute authority). 3 despotic (abso- than matter or practice; not concrete, b
lute monarch). 4 not relative or compar- (of a word, esp. a noun) denoting a
ative (absolute standard). 5 Gram, a (of quality, condition, etc., not a concrete
a construction) syntactically inde- object. 2 (of art) achieving its effect by
pendent of the rest of the sentence, as in form and colour rather than by realism.
dinner being over, we left the table, b (of -v. /ab'straekt/ 1 (often foil, by from)
an adjective or transitive verb) without extract, remove. 2 summarize, -n.
an expressed noun or object (e.g. the /'aebstraekt/ 1 summary. 2 abstract work
deaf, guns kill). 6 (of a legal decree etc.) of art. 3 abstraction or abstract term.
final, -n. Philos. (prec. by the) that [Latin: related to tract ]
which can exist independently of any- abstracted /ab'straektid/ adj. inat-
thing else. [Latin: related to absolve] tentive, distracted. abstractedly
absolutely adv. 1 completely, utterly. adv.
2 in an absolute sense (God exists abstraction /ab'straekf(a)n/ n. 1

absolutely). 3 /-'lu:tli/ colloq. (used in abstracting or taking away. 2 abstract

reply) quite so; yes. or visionary idea. 3 abstract qualities
absolute majority n. majority over (esp. in art). 4 absent-mindedness.
all rivals combined. abstruse /ab'stru:s/ adj. hard to under-
absolute pitch n. ability to recognize stand, profound. abstruseness n.
or sound any given note, [Latin abstrudo -trus- conceal]
absolute temperature n. one absurd /ab's3:d/ adj. wildly illogical or
measured from absolute zero, inappropriate; ridiculous. absurdity
absolute zero n. theoretical lowest n. (pi. -ies). absurdly adv. [Latin:
related to surd]
possible temperature calculated as
-273.15° C (or 0° K). ABTA /'aebta/ abbr. Association of
British Travel Agents.
absolution /,aebs9'lu:JXa)n/ n. formal
forgiveness of sins.
abundance /a'bAnd(a)ns/ n. 1 plenty;

absolutism /'aebsalu:,tiz(8)m/ n. prin-

more than enough; a lot. 2 wealth.
[Latin: related to abound]
ciple or practice of absolute govern-
ment. absolutist n.
abundant adj. 1 plentiful. 2 (foil, by in)
rich (abundant in fruit). abund-
absolve /ab'zDlv/ v. (-ving) (often foil,
antly adv.
by from, of) set or pronounce free from
abuse —v. /a'bju:z/ (-sing) 1 use im-
blame or obligation etc. [Latin: related
properly, misuse. 2 insult verbally. 3
to solve]
maltreat. -n. /a'bju:s/ 1 misuse. 2 insult-
absorb /ab'so:b/ v. 1 incorporate as part
ing language. 3 unjust or corrupt prac-
of itself or oneself. 2 take in, suck up
tice. 4 maltreatment (child abuse).
(liquid, heat, knowledge, etc.). 3 reduce
abuser /a'bju:za(r)/ n. [Latin: related to
the effect or intensity of; deal easily with use]
(an impact, sound, difficulty, etc.). 4 abusive /a'bju:siv/ adj. insulting, of-
consume (resources etc.). 5 (often as fensive. abusively adv.
absorbing adj.) engross the attention abut /a'bAt/ v. (-tt-) 1 (foil, by on) (of
of. [Latin sorbeo suck in] land) border on. 2 (foil, by on, against)
absorbent -adj. tending to absorb, -n. (of a building) touch or lean upon
absorbent substance or organ. (another). [Anglo-Latin butta strip of
absorption /ab'sa:pJXa)n/ n. 1 absorb- land: related to butt ]

ing or being absorbed. 2 mental engross- abutment n. lateral supporting struc-

ment. absorptive adj. ture of a bridge, arch, etc.
abstain /ab'stem/ v. 1 (usu. foil, by from) abuzz /a'bAz/ adv. & adj. in a state of
refrain from indulging (abstained from excitement or activity.
smoking). 2 decline to vote. [Latin teneo abysmal /a'bizm(a)l/ adj. 1 colloq.
tent- hold] extremely bad (abysmal food). 2
abstemious /ab'sti:mias/ad/. moderate profound, utter (abysmal ignorance).
or ascetic, esp. in eating and drinking. abysmally adv. [Latin: related to
abstemiously adv. [Latin: related ABYSS]
to ab-, temetum strong drink] abyss /a'bis/ n. 1 deep chasm. 2 immeas-
abstention /ab'stenf(a)n/' n. abstain- urable depth (abyss of despair). [Latin
ing, esp. from voting. [Latin: related to from Greek, = bottomless]
abstain] AC abbr. 1 (also ac) alternating current.
abstinence /'aebstinans/ n. abstaining, 2 aircraftman.
esp. from food or alcohol. abstinent Ac symb. actinium.
adj. [French: related to abstain] a/c abbr. account, [account current]
-ac 5 acclimatize
-ac suffix forming adjectives often (or (an opinion, explanation, etc.) as ad-
only) used as nouns (cardiac; maniac). equate or valid. 5 take as suitable (does
[Latin -acus, Greek
-akos] accept cheques). 6 undertake (an office
acacia /a'keija/ n. tree with yellow or or duty). {Latin capio take]
white flowers, esp. one yielding gum acceptable adj. 1 worth accepting, wel-
arabic. [Latin from Greek] come. 2 tolerable. acceptability
academia /,aeka'di:mia/ n. the academic /-'biliti/ n. acceptably adv. [French:
world; scholastic life. related to accept]
academic /.aeka'demik/ -adj. 1 acceptance n. 1 willingness to accept. 2
scholarly, of learning. 2 of no practical affirmative answer to an invitation etc.
relevance; theoretical, -n. teacher or 3 approval, belief (fqund wide accept-
scholar in a university etc. academ- ance).
ically adv. access /'aekses/ -n. 1 way of approach or
academician /a.kaeda'miJXa^/ n. mem- entry (shop with rear access). 2 a right
ber of an Academy. [French academi- or opportunity to reach or use or visit;
cien). admittance (access to secret files, to
academy /a'kaedami/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 place the prisoner), b accessibility. 3 archaic
of specialized training (military acad- outburst (an access of anger), -v. 1
emy). 2 (usu. Academy) society or insti- Computing gain access to (data etc.). 2
tution of distinguished scholars, artists, accession. [French: related to accede]
scientists, etc. (Royal Academy). 3 Scot. accessible /ak'sesib(a)l/ adj. (often
secondary school. [Greek akademeia foil, by to) 1 reachable or obtainable;
the place in Athens where Plato taught] readily available. 2 easy to understand,
acanthus /a'kaenBas/ n. (pi -thuses) 1 accessibility /-'biliti/ n.
herbaceous plant with spiny leaves. 2 accession /ak'sej(a)n/ -n. 1 taking
Archil representation of its leaf. [Latin office, esp. as monarch. 2 thing added.
from Greek] -v. record the addition of (a new item) to
a cappella /,a: ka'pela, ,ae-/ adj. & adv. a library etc.
(of choral music) unaccompanied. [It- accessory /ak'sesan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 addi-
alian, = in church style] tional or extra thing. 2 (usu. in pi) small
ACAS /'eikaes/ abbr. Advisory, Con- attachment, fitting, or subsidiary item
ciliation, and Arbitration Service. of dress (e.g. shoes, gloves). 3 (often foil,
accede /ak'si:d/ v. (-ding) (foil, by to) 1 by to) person who abets or is privy to an
take office, esp. as monarch. 2 assent or (esp. illegal) act. [medieval Latin:
agree. [Latin: related to cede] related to accede]
accelerate /ak' v. (-ting) move access road n. road giving access only
or cause to move or happen more to the properties along it.
quickly. acceleration /-'reij(a)n/ n. access time n. Computing time taken to
[Latin: related to celerity] retrieve data from storage.
accelerator n. 1 device for increasing accident /'aeksid(a)nt/ n. 1 unfortunate
speed, esp. the pedal controlling the esp. harmful event, caused unintention-
speed of a vehicle's engine. 2 Physics ally. 2 event that is unexpected or with-
apparatus for imparting high speeds to out apparent cause, c by accident un-
charged particles. intentionally. [Latin cado fall]
accent -n. /'aeks(a)nt/ 1 particular (esp. accidental /,aeksi'dent(a)l/ -adj. hap-
local or national) mode of pronunci- pening by chance or accident, -n. Mus.
ation. 2 distinctive feature or emphasis sign indicating a note's momentary de-
(accent on speed). 3 prominence given parture from the key signature, acci-
to a syllable by stress or pitch. 4 mark dentally adv.
on a letter or word to indicate pitch, accident-prone adj. clumsy.
stress, or vowel quality, -v. /aek'sent/ acclaim /a'kleim/ -v. 1 welcome or
1 emphasize (a word or syllable etc.). applaud enthusiastically. 2 hail as
2 write or print accents on (words etc.). (acclaimed him king), -n. applause,
3 accentuate. [Latin cantus song] welcome, public praise. [Latin acclamo:
accentuate /ak'sentfu.eit/ v. (-ting) em- related to claim]
phasize, make prominent. accen- acclamation /,aekla'meij(a)n/ n. 1 loud
tuation ;-'eiJ(a)n/ n. [medieval Latin: and eager assent. 2 (usu. in pi) shouting
related to accent] in a person's honour.
accept /ak'sept/ v. 1 (also absol.) will- acclimatize /a'klaima.taiz/ v. (also -ise)

ingly receive (a thing offered). 2 (also (-zing or -sing) adapt to a new climate
absol.) answer affirmatively (an offer or conditions. acclimatization
etc.). 3 regard favourably; treat as wel-
/-'zeij(a)n/ n. [French acclimater.
come (felt accepted). 4 believe, receive related to climate]
accolade 6 accretion
accolade /'aeka.leid/ n. 1 praise given. 2 accost /a'kDst/ v. 1 approach and ad-
touch made with a sword at the con- dress (a person), esp. boldly. 2 (of a
ferring of a knighthood. [Latin collum prostitute) solicit. [Latin costa rib]
neck] account /a'kaunt/ -n. 1 narration, de-
accommodate /a'kDma.deit/ v. (-ting) 1 scription (an account of his trip). 2
provide lodging or room for {flat accom- arrangement at a bank etc. for deposit-
modates two). 2 adapt, harmonize, re- ing and withdrawing money, credit, etc.
concile (must accommodate himself to (open an account). 3 record or state-
new ideas). 3 a do favour to, oblige (a ment of financial transactions with the
person), b (foil, by with) supply (a per- balance (kept detailed accounts), -v.
son) with. [Latin: related to commode] consider as (account him wise, a fool).
accommodating adj. obliging, com- account for 1 serve as or provide an
pliant. explanation for (that accounts for his
accommodation /a,kDma'deiJXa)n/ n. 1 mood). 2 answer for (money etc.
lodgings. 2 adjustment, adaptation. 3 entrusted, one's conduct, etc.). 3 kill,
convenient arrangement; settlement, destroy, defeat. 4 make up a specified
compromise. amount of (rent accounts for 50% of
accommodation address n. postal expenditure), by all accounts in every-
address used by a person unable or one's opinion, call to account require
unwilling to give a permanent address. an explanation from, give a good (or
accompaniment /a'kAmpanimant/ n. bad) account of oneself impress (or
1 instrumental or orchestral support for
fail toimpress); be successful (or unsuc-
a solo instrument, voice, or group. 2 cessful), keep account of keep a record
accompanying thing. accompanist of; follow closely, of no account unim-
n. (in sense 1).
portant, of some account important,
accompany /a'kAmpani/ v. (-ies, -ied) on account 1 (of goods) to be paid for
1 go with; escort. 2 (usu. in passive; later. 2 (of money) in part payment, on
foil,by with, by) be done or found one's account on one's behalf (not on
with; supplement. 3 Mus. partner
my account), on account of because of.
with accompaniment. [French: related
on no account under no circum-
to companion]
stances, take account of (or take into
accomplice /a'kAmplis/ n. partner in a
account) consider (took their age into
crime etc. [Latin: related to complex]
account), turn to account (or good
accomplish /a'kAmpliJV v. succeed in
account) turn to one's advantage.
doing; achieve, complete. [Latin: related 1
[French: related to count ]
to complete]
accomplished adj. clever, skilled, accountable adj. 1 responsible;
required to account for one's conduct. 2
accomplishment n. 1 completion (of a
explicable, understandable. account-
task etc.). 2 acquired, esp. social, skill. 3
ability /-'biliti/ n.
thing achieved.
accord /a'ko:d/-i;. 1 (often foil, by with) accountant n. professional keeper or
be consistent or in harmony. 2 grant verifier of accounts. accountancy n.
(permission, a request, etc.); give (a accounting n.

welcome etc.). -n. 1 agreement, con- accoutrements /a'ku:tramants/

sent. 2 Mus. & Art etc. harmony. of (t/Saccouterments /-tamants/) 1 equip-
one's own accord on one's own initi- ment, trappings. 2 soldier's equipment
ative; voluntarily, with one accord excluding weapons and clothes.
unanimously. [Latin cor cord- heart] [French]
accordance n. n in accordance with accredit /a'kredit/ v. (-t-) 1 (foil, by to)

in conformity to. accordant adj. attribute (a saying etc.) to (a person).

according adv. 1 (foil, by to) a as stated 2 (foil, by with) credit (a person) with
by (according to Mary), b in proportion (a saying etc.). 3 (usu. foil, by to or at)
to (lives according to his means). 2 (foil, send (an ambassador etc.) with creden-

by as + clause) in a manner or to a tials. 4 gain influence for or make

degree that varies as (pays according credible (an adviser, a statement, etc.).
as he is able). [French: related to credit]
accordingly adv. 1 as circumstances accredited adj. 1 officially recognized.
suggest or require (please act accord- 2 generally accepted.
ingly). 2 consequently (accordingly, he accretion /a'kri:J(a)n/ n. 1 growth or
left the room). increase by accumulation, addition, or
accordion /a'ka:dian/ n. musical reed organic enlargement. 2 the resulting
instrument with concertina-like bel- whole. 3 a matter so added, b adhesion
lows, keys, and buttons. accordi- of this to the core matter. [Latin cresco
onist n. [Italian accordare to tune] cret- grow]
accrue acknowledge
accrue a'kru. v. (-ues. -ued. -uing) acetic a'si:tik adj. of or like vinegar.
(often foil, by to) come as a natural [Latin acetum vinegar]
increase or advantage, esp. financial. acetic acid n. clear liquid acid giving
[Latin: related to accretion} vinegar its characteristic taste.
accumulate a'kju:mju,leit v. (-ting) 1 acetone aesi.taon n. colourless vol-
acquire an increasing number or quant- atile liquid that dissolvesorganic com-
ity of; amass, collect. 2 grow numerous; pounds, esp. paints, varnishes, etc.
increase. [Latin: related to cumulus] acetylene a'seti,li:n n. hydrocarbon
accumulation a,kju:mju'leij(a)n n. 1 gas burning with a bright flame, used
accumulating or being accumulated. 2 esp. in welding.
accumulated mass. 3 growth of capital ache eik -n. 1 continuous dull pain. 2
by continued interest, accumulative mental distress, —v. (-ching) suffer from
a'kju:mjulativ adj. or be the source of an ache. [Old Eng-
accumulator n. 1 rechargeable elec- lish]
tric cell. 2 bet placed on a sequence of achieve a'tjuv v. (-ving) 1 reach or
events, with the winnings and stake attain, esp. by effort (achieved victory:
from each placed on the next. achieved notoriety). 2 accomplish (a feat
accuracy 'aekjurasi n. exactness or or task). [French achever: related to
careful precision. [Latin cura carel chief]
accurate aekjurat adj. careful, pre- achievement n. 1 something achieved.
cise; conforming exactly with the truth 2 act of achieving.
or a standard, accurately adv. Achilles' heel a'kili:z n. person's
accursed ak3:sid adj. 1 under a curse. weak vulnerable point.
or [Achilles.
2 colloq. detestable, annoying. [Old Eng- Greek hero in the Iliad]
lish a- intensive prefix, curse] Achilles' tendon n. tendon connec-
accusation ,aekju:'zeij(a)n n. accus- ting the heel with the calf muscles.
ing or being accused. [French: related to achromatic aekrau'maetik adj. Op-
ACCUSE] tics 1transmitting light without
accusative a'kju:zativ Gram. -n. case separation into constituent colours
expressing the object of an action, -adj. (achromatic lens). 2 without colour.
of or in this case. achromatically* adv. [French:
accusatory akju:zatan adj. of or related to a-, chrome]
implying accusation. achy 'eiki adj. (-ier. -iest) full of or
accuse akju:z v. ( -sing) (often foil, by suffering from aches.
of) charge with a fault or crime; blame. acid aesid-n. 1 a any of a class of
[Latin accusare: related to cause] substances that liberate hydrogen ions
accustom a'kAStam v. (foil, by to) in water, are usu. sour and corrosive,
make used to (accustomed him to hard- turn litmus red. and have a pH of less
ship). [French: related to custom] than 7. b any compound or atom donat-
accustomed adj. 1 (usu. foil, by to) used ing protons. 2 any sour substance. 3
to a thing. 2 customary, usual. slang the drug LSD. -adj. 1 sour. 2
ace -n. 1 playing-card etc. with a single biting, sharp (an acid wit). 3 Chem.
spof and generally signifying 'one'. 2 a having the essential properties of an
person who excels in some activity, b acid. acidic a'sidik acidify

pilot who has shot down many enemy asidifai v. (-ies. acidity

aircraft. 3 (in tennis) unreturnable a siditi n. acidly adv. [Latin aceo be

stroke (esp. a service), -adj. slang ex- sour]
cellent, within an ace of on the verge acid house n. a type of synthesized
of. [Latin as unity] music with a simple repetitive beat,
acellular ei'seljula(r) adj. having no often associated with hallucinogenic
cells; not consisting of cells, drugs.
forming adjectives in the acid rain acid, esp. from industrial
-aceous suffix
sense 'of the nature of. esp. in the waste gases, falling with rain.
natural sciences (herbaceous). [Latin acid test n. severe or conclusive test.

-aceus] acidulous a'sidjulas adj. somewhat

acerbic a's3:bik adj. harsh and sharp, acid.

esp. in speech or manner, acerbity n. ack-ack ae'kaek colloq. -adj. anti-

(pi. -ies). [Latin acerbus sour]

aircraft, -n.
anti-aircraft gun etc.
acetaldehyde ^si'taelduhaid n. col- [formerly signallers' term for AA)
ourless volatile liquid aldehyde, [from acknowledge ak nDlid3 v. ( ging) 1
recognize; accept the truth of (acknow-
acetate 'aesi.teit n. 1 salt or ester of
ledged its failure). 2 confirm the receipt
acetic acid. esp. the cellulose ester. 2 of (a letter etc.). 3 a show that one has
noticed (acknowledged my arrival with
fabric made from this.
acknowledgement 8 act
a grunt), b express appreciation of (a duty or responsibility). acquittal n.
service etc.). 4 recognize the validity of, [Latin: related to ad-, quit]
own acknowledged king), [from
(the acre /'eika(r)/ n. measure of land, 4,840
AD-, KNOWLEDGE] sq. yds., 0.405 ha. [Old English]
acknowledgement n. 1 act of acknow- acreage /'eikarid3/ n. a number of
ledging. 2 a thing given or done in acres; extent of land,
gratitude, b letter confirming receipt of acrid /"aekrid/ adj. (-er, -est) bitterly
something. 3 (usu. in pi.) author's state- pungent. acridity /a'knditi/ n. [Latin
ment of gratitude, prefacing a book. acer keen, pungent]
acme /'aeknu/ n. highest point (of achieve- acrimonious /.aekn'maunias/ adj. bit-
ment etc.). [Greek] ter in manner or temper. acrimony
acne /'aekni/ n. skin condition with red /'aekrimani/ n.
pimples. [Latin] acrobat /'aekra.baet/ n. entertainer per-
acolyte person assisting
/'aeka.lait/ n. 1 forming gymnastic feats. acrobatic
a priest. 2 assistant; beginner. [Greek /.aekra'baetik/ acrobatically
akolouthos follower] [Greek akrobates
/.aekra'baetikali/ adv.

aconite /'aeka.nait/ n. 1 any of various from akron summit, baino walk]

poisonous plants, esp. monkshood. 2 acrobatics /.aekra'baetiks/ 1 acro-

drug from these. [Greek akoniton] batic feats. 2 (as sing.) art of performing
acorn /'eiko:n/ n. fruit of the oak, with a these.
smooth nut in a cuplike base. [Old Eng- acronym /'aekranim/ n. word formed
from the initial letters of other words
(e.g. laser, Nato). [Greek akron end,
acoustic /8'ku:stik/ adj. 1 of sound or
the sense of hearing. 2 (of a musical
onoma name]
instrument etc.) without electrical
acropolis /a'kropahs/ n. citadel of an
{acoustic guitar).
ancient Greek city. [Greek akron sum-
mit, polis city]
acoustically adv. [Greek akouo hear]
acoustics properties or qualities 1
across /a'krns/ -prep. 1 to or on the
other side of (across the river). 2 from
(of a room etc.) in transmitting sound. 2
one side to another side of (spread
(usu. as sing.) science of sound.
across the floor). 3 at or forming an
acquaint /a'kwemt/ v. (usu. foil, by
angle with (a stripe across the flag),
with) make aware of or familiar with
-adv. 1 to or on the other side (ran
(acquaintme with the facts). be
across). 2 from one side to another
acquainted with have personal know- across the board
(stretched across).
ledge of; know slightly. [Latin: related
applying to all. [French a, en, croix:
tO AD-, COGNIZANCE] related to cross]
acquaintance n. 1 being acquainted. 2
acrostic /a'kmstik/ n. poem etc. in
person one knows slightly. acquaint- which certain letters (usu. the first and
anceship n. last in each line) form a word or words.
acquiesce /.aekwi'es/ v. (-cing) 1 agree,
[Greek akron end, stikhos row] default. 2 (foil, by in) accept (an acrylic /a'knlik/ -adj. of synthetic
arrangement etc.). acquiescence n. material made from acrylic acid. -n.
acquiescent adj. [Latin: related to ad-, acrylic fibre or fabric. [Latin acer pun-
quiet] gent, oleo to smell]
acquire /9'kwaia(r)/ v. (-ring) gain for acrylic acid n. a pungent liquid or-
oneself; come into possession of. [Latin: ganic acid.
related to ad-, quaero quisit- seek] act -n. 1 something done; a deed. 2
acquired immune deficiency syn- process of doing (caught in the act). 3
drome see Aids. item of entertainment. 4 pretence (all
acquired taste n. 1 liking developed by an act). 5 main division of a play etc. 6 a
experience. 2 object of this, decree of a legislative body, b document
acquirement n. thing acquired, esp. a attesting a legal transaction, -v. 1 be-
mental attainment. have (acted wisely). 2 perform an action
acquisition /,aekwi'zij(a)n/ n. 1 thing or function; take action (act as referee;
acquired, esp. when useful. 2 acquiring brakes failed to act; he acted quickly). 3
or being acquired. [Latin: related to (also foil, by on) have an effect (alcohol
acquire] acts on the brain). 4 a perform a part in
acquisitive /a'kwizitiv/ adj. keen to a play, film, etc. b pretend. 5 a play the
acquire things. part of (acted Othello; acts the foot), b
acquit /a'kwit/ v. (-tt-) 1 (often foil, by of) perform (a play etc.). c portray (an
declare not guilty. 2 refl. a behave or incident) by actions. act for be the
perform in a specified way (acquitted (esp. legal) representative of. act of God
herself well), b (foil, by of) discharge (a natural event, e.g. an earthquake, act
acting 9 adapt
up colloq.misbehave; give trouble (car actual aektjuel adj. (\xsu. attrib.) 1
is acting up), get one's act together existing in fact; real. 2 current. [Latin:
slang become properly organized; pre- related to act]
pare, put on an act colloq. make a actuality n. [pi -ies) 1
pretence. [Latin ago act- do] reality. 2 un pi)
existing conditions
acting -n. art or occupation of an actor. actually aektjueli adv. 1 as a fact,
-attrib. adj. serving temporarily or as a really (not actually amy rich). 2 strange
substitute (acting manager). as it may seem (he actually refused.').
actinism 'aekti,niz(a)m n. property of actuary a?ktjuan n. (pi. -ies) statisti-
short-wave radiation that produces cian, esp. one calculating insurance
chemical changes, as in photography. risks and premiums.. actuarial
[Greek aktis ray] /-'eanal adj. [Latin actuarius book-
actinium aek'tmiam n. Chem. radio- keeper]
active metallic element found in pitch- actuate 'aektju.eit v. (-ting) 1 cause (a
blende, [as actinism] machine etc.) to move or function. 2
action /'aekJXa)n n. 1process of doing or cause (a person) to act. [Latin]
acting (demanded action). 2 forceful- acuity a'kju:iti n. sharpness, acute-

ness or energy. 3 exertion of energy or ness. [medieval Latin: related to acute]

influence (action of acid on metal). 4 acumen 'aekjuman n. keen insight or
deed, act (not aware of his actions). 5 discernment. [Latin. = acute thing]
(the action) a series of events in a story, acupuncture '3?kiu:,pAr]ktJa(r) n.

play, etc. b slang exciting activity medical treatment using needles in

(missed the action). 6 battle, fighting parts of the body, acupuncturist n.
(killed in action). 7 a mechanism of an [Latin acu with needle]
instrument, b style of movement of an acute a'kju:t -adj. (acuter. acutest) 1
serious, severe (acute hardship). 2 (of
animal or human. 8 lawsuit. out of
senses etc.) keen, penetrating. 3 shrewd.
action not working. [Latin: related to
4 (of a disease) coming quickly to a
act] c
crisis. 5 (of an angle) less than 90 6 (of a
actionable adj. giving cause for legal .

sound) high, shrill. -n. = acute accent.

acutely adv. [Latin acutus pointed]
action-packed adj. full of action or
acute accent n. diacritical mark (
placed over certain letters in French
action point n. proposal for action,
etc., esp. to show pronunciation.
action replay n. playback of part of a -acy forming nouns of state
television broadcast, esp. a sporting
or quality (accuracy; piracy), or an
event, often in slow motion,
instance of it (conspiracy; fallacy).
action stations positions taken [French -acie, Latin -acia. -atia. Greek
up by troops etc. ready for battle, -ateia]
activate /'aekti.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 make
ad abbr. of the Christian era. [Anno
active. 2 Chem. cause reaction in. 3 Domini]
make radioactive. ad n. colloq. advertisement, [abbrevi-
active /'aektiv/ -adj. 1 marked by ation]
action; energetic; diligent (an active ad- prefix (altered or assimilated before
life). 2 working, operative (active vol- some letters) implying motion or direc-
cano). 3 not merely passive or inert; tion to, reduction or change into, addi-
positive (active support; active ingredi- tion, adherence, increase, or intensi-
ents). 4 radioactive. 5 Gram, designat- fication. [Latin]
ing the form of a verb whose subject adage /'aedid3/ n. traditional maxim,
performs the action (e.g. saw in he saw a proverb. [French from Latin]
film). -n. Gram, active form or voice of a adagio /a'da:3iao7 Mus. -adv. & adj. in
verb. actively adv. [Latin: related to slow time. -n. (pi. -s) such a movement
act] or passage. [Italian]
active service n. military service in Adam /'aedam/ n. the first man. not
wartime. know a person from Adam be unable
activism n. policy of vigorous action, to recognize a person. [Hebrew, = man]
esp. for a political cause. activist n. adamant /'aBdamant/ adj. stubbornly
activity /aek'tiviti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 being resolute; unyielding. adamantly
active; busy or energetic action. 2 (often adv. [Greek adamas adamant- untame-
in pi.) occupation or pursuit (outdoor able]
activities). 3 = radioactivity. Adam's apple n. projection of cartil-
actor n. person who acts in a play, film, age at the front of the neck.
etc. [Latin: related to act] adapt /a'daept/ v. 1 a (foil, by to) fit,
actress n. female actor. adjust (one thing to another), b (foil, by
adaptor 10 adjunct
to, for) makesuitable for a purpose, c breathing in the young. adenoidal
modify (esp. a text for broadcasting /-'noid(a)l/ adj. [Greek aden gland]
etc.). 2 (also reft., usu. foil, by to) adjust adept /'aedept/ -adj. (foil, by at, in)
to new conditions. adaptable adj.
1 1 skilful, -n. adept person. [Latin adipis-
adaptation /,aedaep'teij\a)n/ n. [Latin: cor adept- attain]
related to ad-, apt] adequate /'aedikwat/ adj. sufficient,
adaptor n. 1 device for making equip- satisfactory, n adequacy n. ad-
ment compatible. 2 device for connect- equately adv. [Latin: related to ad-,
ing several electrical plugs to one equate]
socket. d deux /a: 'd3:/ adv. & adj. for or between
add v. join (one thing to another) as an
1 two. [French]
increase or supplement. 2 put together adhere /ad'hia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (usu. foil.
(numbers) to find their total. 3 say by to) stick fast to a substance etc. 2 (foil.
further. add in include, add up 1 find by to) behave according to (a rule,
the total of. 2 (foil, by to) amount to. 3 undertaking, etc.). 3 (foil, by to) give
colloq. make sense. [Latin addo] allegiance. [Latin haereo stick]
addendum /a'dendam/ n. (pi. -da) 1 adherent -rc. supporter, -adj. sticking,
thing to be added. 2 material added at adhering. adherence n.
the end of a book. adhesion /ad'hi:3(a)n/ n. 1 adhering. 2
adder n. small venomous snake, esp. unnatural union of body tissues due to
the common viper. [Old English, ori-
ginally nadder] adhesive /ad'hi:siv/ -adj. sticky, caus-
addict /'aedikt/ n. 1 person addicted, esp.
ing adhesion, -n. adhesive substance.
to a drug. 2 colloq. devotee (film addict).
adhesiveness n.
[Latin: related to ad-, dico say]
ad hoc /aed 'hDk/ adv. & adj. for one
addicted /a'diktid/ adj. 1 (usu. foil, by particular occasion or use. [Latin]
to) dependent on a drug etc. as a habit. 2
adieu /a'dju:/ int. goodbye. [French, =
devoted to an interest. addiction to God]
/a'dikj(9)n/ n.
ad infinitum /aed .infi'naitam/ adv.
addictive adj. causing addiction.
without limit; for ever. [Latin]
addition /a'dij*(a)n/ n. 1 adding. 2 per-
adipose /'aedi.pauz/ adj. of fat; fatty
son or thing added. in addition (often
(adipose tissue). adiposity /-'p'ositi/
foil, by to) also, as well (as). [Latin:
n. [Latin adeps fat]
related to add]
adjacent /a'd3eis(a)nt/ adj. (often foil,
additional adj. added, extra, supple-
by to) lying near; adjoining. adja-
mentary. additionally adv.
additive /'aeditrv/ n. substance added to cency n. [Latin jaceo lie]
improve another, esp. to colour, fla- adjective /'aed3iktiv/ n. word used to
describe or modify a noun or pronoun.
vour, or preserve food. [Latin: related to
adjectival /,aed3ik'taiv(a)l/ adj.
[Latin jaceo lie]
addle /'aed(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 muddle, con-
fuse. 2 (usu. as addled adj.) (of an egg)
adjoin /a'd3om/ v. be next to and joined
become rotten. [Old English, = filth] with. [Latin jungo join]
address /a'dres/ -n. 1 a place where a adjourn /a'd33:n/ v. 1 put off, postpone;
person lives or an organization is situ- break meeting etc.) temporarily. 2
off (a

ated, b particulars of this, esp. for postal (of a meeting) break and disperse or
(foil, by to) transfer to another place
purposes, c Computing location of an
item of stored information. 2 discourse (adjourned to the pub). adjourn-
to an audience, —v. 1 write postal direc- ment n. [Latin: related to ad-, diurnum
tions on (an envelope etc.). 2 direct day]
(remarks etc.). 3 speak or write to, esp. adjudge /a'd3Ad3/ v. (-ging) 1 pro-
formally. 4 direct one's attention to. 5 nounce judgement on (a matter). 2 pro-
Golf take aim at (the ball). address nounce or award judicially. adjudge-
oneself to 1 speak or write to. 2 attend ment n. (also adjudgment). [Latin
to. [French: related to ad-, direct] judex judge]
addressee /.aedre'si:/ n. person to whom adjudicate /a'd3u:di,keit/ v. (-ting) 1 act
a letter etc. is addressed. as judge in a competition, court, etc. 2
adduce /a'dju:s/ v. (-cing) cite as an adjudge. adjudication /-'keij(a)n/ n.
instance or as proof or evidence. adjudicative adj. adjudicator n.
adducible adj. [Latin: related to ad-, adjunct /'aed3Ankt/ n. 1 (foil, by to, of)
duco lead] subordinate or incidental thing. 2
adenoids /'aedi.noidz/ area of Gram, word or phrase used to explain or
enlarged lymphatic tissue between the amplify the predicate, subject, etc.
nose and the throat, often hindering [Latin: related to adjoin]
adjure adrenalin
adjure /a'd3ua(r)/ v. (-ring) (usu. foil,by admit /ad'mit/ (often foil, by to
v. (-tt-) 1
to + infin.) beg or command. ad- be, or that + clause) acknowledge;
juration /,aed3ua'rei.f(a)n/ n. [Latin recognize as true. 2 (foil, by to) confess
adjuro put to oath: related to jury] to (a deed, fault, etc.). 3 allow (a person)
adjust /a'd3Ast/ v. 1 order or position; entrance, access, etc. 4 take (a patient)
regulate; arrange. 2 (usu. foil, by to) into hospital. 5 (of an enclosed space)
become or make suited; adapt. 3 har- accommodate. 6 (foil, by of) allow as
monize (discrepancies). 4 assess (loss possible. [Latin mitto miss- send]
or damages). adjustable adj. ad- admittance n. admitting or being ad-
justment n. [Latin juxta near] mitted, usu. to a place.
adjutant /'aed3ut(a)nt/ n. 1 a army of- admittedly adv. as must be admitted.
ficer assisting a superior in adminis- admixture /aed'mikstja(r)/ n. 1 thing
trative duties, b assistant. 2 (in full added, esp. a minor ingredient. 2 adding
adjutant bird) giant Indian stork. of this.
[Latin: related to ad-Juvo jut- help] admonish /ad'monij"/ v. 1 reprove. 2
ad lib /aed 'lib/ -v. (-bb-) improvise. urge, advise. 3 (foil, by of) warn.
-adj. improvised, -adv. as one pleases, admonishment n. admonition
to any desired extent, [abbreviation of /,aedma'mJXa)n/ n. admonitory adj.
Latin ad libitum according to pleasure] [Latin moneo warn]
admin /'aedmm/ n. colloq. administra- ad nauseam /aed 'no^i.aem/ adv. exces-
tion, [abbreviation] sively; disgustingly. [Latin, = to sick-
administer /ad'mmista(r)/ v. 1 manage ness]
(business affairs etc.). 2 a deliver or ado /a'du:/ n. fuss, busy activity; trouble,
dispense, esp. formally (a punishment, [from at, do 1
: originally in much ado =
sacrament, etc.). b (usu. foil, by to) much to do]
direct the taking of (an oath). [Latin: adobe /a'daubi/ n. 1 sun-dried brick. 2
related to ad-, minister] clay for making these. [Spanish]
administrate /ad'mmi.streit/ v. (-ting) adolescent /,aeda'les(a)nt/ -adj.
administer (esp. business affairs); act as between childhood and adulthood, -n.
an administrator. adolescent person. adolescence n.
administration /ad,mini'streij(a)n/ n. [Latin adolesco grow up]
1 administering, esp. public affairs. 2 Adonis /a'daunis/ n. handsome young
government in power, man. [Latin, name of a youth loved by
administrative /ad'ministrativ/ adj. Venus]
of the management of affairs, adopt /a'dDpt/ v. 1 legally take (a person)

administrator /9d'mmi,streita(r)/ n. into a relationship, esp. another's child

manager of a business, public affairs, or as one's own. 2 choose (a course of
a person's estate. action etc.). 3 take over (another's idea
admirable /'aedmarab(a)l/ adj. deserv- etc.). 4 choose as a candidate for office. 5
ing admiration; excellent. admir- accept responsibility for the mainten-
ably adv. [Latin: related to admire] ance of (a road etc.). 6 accept or approve
admiral /'aBdmar(a)l/ n.1a commander- (a report, accounts, etc.). adoption n.
in-chief of a b high-ranking
navy, [Latin: related to ad-, opt]
naval officer, commander. 2 any of vari- adoptive adj. because of adoption
ous butterflies. [Arabic: related to amir] (adoptive son). [Latin: related to adopt]
Admiralty n. (pi. -ies) (in full Admir- adorable /8'do:rab(a)l/ adj. 1 deserving
alty Board) hist, committee superin- adoration. 2 colloq. delightful, charm-
tending the Royal Navy. ing.
admiration /.aedma'reiJXaW n. 1 re- adore /a'do:(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 love intense-
spect; warm approval or pleasure. 2 ly. worship as divine. 3 colloq. like
object of this. very much, adoration /.aeda'reiJXaJn/
admire /ad'maia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 regard n. adorer n. [Latin adoro worship]

with approval, respect, or satisfaction. 2 adorn /a'do:n/ v. add beauty to;

express admiration of. admirer n. decorate. adornment n. [Latin:
admiring adj. admiringly adv. related to ad-, orno decorate]
[Latin: related to ad-, miror wonder at] adrenal /a'dri:n(a)l/ -adj. 1 at or near
admissible /9d'misib(9)l/ adj. 1 (of an the kidneys. 2 of the adrenal glands. -n.
idea etc.) worth accepting or consider- (in full adrenal gland) either of two
ing. 2 Law allowable as evidence. [Latin: ductless glands above the kidneys, se-
related to admit] creting adrenalin, [from ad-, renal]
admission /ad'miJXa)n/ n. 1 acknow- adrenalin /a'drenalin/ n. (also adren-
ledgement (admission of error). 2 a aline) 1 stimulative hormone secreted
process or right of entering, b charge for by the adrenal glands. 2 this extracted
this (admission is £5). or synthesized for medicinal use.
adrift 12 adviser
adrift a'dnft adv. & predic.adj. 1 drift- Adventist n. member of a Christian
ing. 2 powerless; aimless. 3 colloq. a sect believing in the imminent second
unfastened, b out of order, wrong coming of Christ.
{plans went adrift). adventitious /.aedven'tijas/ adj. 1 acci-
adroit /a'drort/ adj. dexterous, skilful. dental, casual. 2added from outside. 3
[French a droit according to right] Biol, formed accidentally or under
adsorb ad'sa:b/ v. (usu. of a solid) hold unusual conditions. [Latin: related to
(molecules of a gas or liquid etc.) to its Advent]
surface, forming a thin film, adsorb- adventure /ad'ventja(r)/ -n. 1 unusual
ent adj. & n. adsorption n. [from ad-, and exciting experience. 2 enterprise
absorb] (spiritof adventure), -v. (-ring) dare,
adulation /,aedjo'leiJXa)n/ n. obsequi- venture; engage in adventure. [Latin:
ous adulor fawn on]
flattery. [Latin related to Advent]
adult /'aedAlt/-ad/'. 1 mature, grown-up. adventure playground n. play-
2 {attrib.) of or for adults {adult educa- ground with climbing-frames, building
tion),-n. adult person, adulthood n. blocks, etc.
[Latin adolesco adultus grow up] adventurer n. (fern, adventuress) 1
adulterate /a' v. (-ting) de- person who seeks adventure, esp. for
base (esp. foods) by adding other sub- personal gain or enjoyment. 2 financial
stances, adulterant adj. & n. adul- speculator.
teration /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin adultero adventurous adj. venturesome,
corrupt] enterprising.
adulterer /a'dAltara(r)/ n. (fern, adul- adverb /'aedv3:b/ n. word indicating
teress) person who commits adultery. manner, degree, circumstance, etc.,
adultery n. voluntary sexual inter-
used to modify an adjective, verb, or
course between a married person and other adverb (e.g. gently, quite, then).
a person other than his or her spouse,
adverbial /ad'v3:bial/ adj. [Latin:
related to ad-, verbum word, verb]
adulterous adj.
adumbrate /'aedAm.breit/ v. ( ting) 1
adversary /'aedvasan/ n. (pi. -ies) en-
emy, opponent, adversarial /-'seanal/
indicate faintly or in outline. 2 fore-
shadow. 3 overshadow. adumbra-
adverse /'a3dv3:s/ adj. unfavourable;
tion /-'breij\a)n/ n. [Latin: related to
harmful, z adversely adv. [Latin:
ad-, umbra shade]
related to ad-, verto vers- turn]
advance /ad'va:ns/ -v. (-cing) 1 move
adversity /ad'v3:siti/ n. misfortune,
or put forward; progress. 2 pay or lend
(money) beforehand. 3 promote (a per-
advert /'aedv3:t/ n. colloq. advertise-
son, cause, etc.). 4 present (a suggestion
ment, [abbreviation]
etc.). 5 (as advanced adj.) a well ahead,
advertise /'aedva.taiz/ v. (-sing) 1
b socially progressive, -n. 1 going for- promote (goods or services) publicly to
ward; progress. 2 prepayment; loan. 3 increase sales. 2 make generally known.
(in pi.) amorous approaches. 4 rise in
3 (oftenfoil, by for) seek by a notice in a
price, -attrib. adj. done or supplied
newspaper etc. to buy, employ, sell, etc.
beforehand (advance warning). ad- [French avertir: related to adverse]
vance on approach threateningly, in advertisement /ad'v3:tismant/ n. 1
advance ahead in place or time. [Latin: public announcement, esp. of goods etc.
related to ab-, ante before] for sale or wanted, vacancies, etc. 2
advanced level n. high level of GCE advertising. [French avertissement:
examination. related to adverse]
advancement n. promotion of a per- advice /ad'vais/ n. 1 recommendation
son, cause, or plan. on how to act. 2 information given;
advantage /ad'va:ntid3/ -n. 1 bene- news. 3 formal notice of a transaction.
ficial feature. 2 benefit, profit. 3 (often advisable /ad'vaizab(a)l/ adj. to be
foil, by over) superiority. 4 (in tennis) recommended, expedient. advisab-
the next point after deuce, -v. (-ging) ility /- biliti/ n.
benefit, favour, take advantage of 1 advise /ad'vaiz/ v. (-sing) 1 (also absol.)
make good use of. 2 exploit, esp. give advice to. 2 recommend (advised
unfairly. 3 euphem. seduce. advant- me to rest). 3 (usu. foil,or that + by of,
ageous /,aedvan'teid3as/ adj. [French: clause) inform. [Latin: related to ad-,
related to advance] video vis- see]
Advent /'aedvent/ n. 1 season before advisedly /ad'vaizidli/ adv. after due
Christmas. 2 coming of Christ. 3 consideration; deliberately,
(advent) important arrival. [Latin adviser n. (also advisor) person who
advent us from venio come] advises, esp. officially.
advisory 13 affiliate

Usage The variant advisor is fairly aeroplane 'eara.plem n. powered

heavier-than-air flying vehicle with
common, but is considered incorrect by
fixed wings. [French: related to aero-.
many people. 1

advisory adj. giving advice (advisory aerosol 'eara.sDl n. 1 pressurized con-

body). tainer releasing a substance as a fine
advocaat liqueur of
/,aedva'ka:t/ n. spray. 2 system of minute particles sus-
eggs, sugar, and brandy. [Dutch, = ad- pended in gas (e.g. fog or smoke), [from
vocate] AERO-, sol]
advocacy 'aedvakasi/ n. support or ar- aerospace 'earau.speis n. 1 earth's
gument for a cause, policy, etc. atmosphere and outer space. 2 aviation
advocate -n. /'aedvakat/ 1 (foil, by of) in this.
person who supports or speaks in aesthete /'i:s0i:t/ n. person who has or

favour. 2 person who pleads for professes a special appreciation of

another, esp. in a lawcourt. -v. beauty. [Greek aisthanomai perceive]
recommend by argu-
/'aedva.keit/ (-ting) aesthetic i:s'9etik —adj. 1 of or sens-
ment. [Latin: related to ad-, voco call] itive to beauty. 2 artistic, tasteful, -n.
adze aedz/ n. (US adz) tool like an axe, (in pi.) philosophy of beauty, esp. in an.
with an arched blade at right angles to z aesthetically adv. aestheticism
the handle. [Old English] -,siz(a)m/ n.
aegis i:d3is/ n. protection; support. aetiology ,i:ti Dlad3i n. (US etiology )

[Greek aigis shield of Zeus or Athene] study of causation or of the causes of

aeolian harp /i:'aulian/ n. stringed disease, z aetiological -a'lod3ik(a)l
instrument or toy sounding when the adj. [Greek aitia cause]

wind passes through it. [Latin Aeolus AF abbr. audio frequency.

wind-god, from Greek] afar a'fa:(r), adv. at or to a distance.
aeon /'imn/ n. (also eon) 1 long or affable 'aefab(a)l adj. 1 friendly. 2 cour-

indefinite period. 2 an age. [Latin from

teous, z affability - biliti n. affably
adv. [Latin affabilis]
aerate 'eareit (-ting) 1 charge (a
affair a'fea(r)matter, concern, or
n. 1
thing to be attended to (that is my
liquid) with carbon dioxide. 2 expose to
affair). 2 a celebrated or notorious hap-
air. aeration -'reij(8)n/ n. [Latin aer
pening, b colloq. thing or event (puz-
zling affair). 3 = love affair. 4 (in pi.)
aerial /'eanal/ -n. device for transmit-
public or private business. [French a
ting or receiving radio waves, -adj. 1 by
faire to do]
or from the air; involving aircraft
affect a'fekt v. 1 a produce an effect on.
(aerial attack). 2 existing in the air. 3
b (of disease etc.) attack. 2 move emo-
of or like air. [Greek: related to air]
tionally. 3 pretend (affected ignorance).
aero- comb, form air; aircraft. [Greek 4 pose as or use for effect (affects the
aero- from aer air]
aesthete; affects fancy hats). affect-
aerobatics .eara'baetiks/ 1 spec- ing adj. affectingly adv. [Latin officio
tacular flying of aircraft, esp. to enter- affect- influence]
tain. 2 (as sing.) performance of these,
[from aero-, after acrobatics] Usage Affect should not be confused
aerobics ea'raubiks/ vigorous with effect, meaning 'to bring about'.
exercises designed to increase oxygen Note also that effect is used as a noun as
aerobic adj. [from aero-, well as a verb.
Greek bios life] affectation ,3Bfek'teiJ(a)n n. 1 artifi-
aerodrome eara.draum/ n. small air- cial manner. 2 (foil, by of) studied dis-
port or airfield, [from aero-, Greek play. 3 pretence.
dromos course] affected a'fektid adj. 1 pretended, arti-
aerodynamics .earaudai'naemiks ficial. 2 full of affectation. treated as sing.) dynamics affection a'fekj(a)n n. 1 goodwill, fond
of solid bodies moving through air. feeling. 2 disease; diseased condition.
aerodynamic adj. affectionate a'fekjanat adj. loving,
aerofoil eara.foil/ n. structure with fond, affectionately adv.
curved surfaces (e.g. a wing, fin, or affidavit .aefi'deivit n. written state-
tailplane) designed to give lift in flight. ment confirmed by oath. [Latin, - has
aeronautics ,earau'no:tiks/ (usu. stated on oath]
treated as sing.) science or practice of affiliate a'fili.eit -i\ (-ting) (foil, by to,
motion in the air. aeronautic adj. with) attach, adopt, or connect as a
aeronautical adj. [from aero-, naut- member or branch. -n. affiliated person
ical] etc. [Latin: related to filial]
affiliation 14 after-effect
affiliation /a.fili'eiJXa)^' n. affiliating or afore prep. & adv. archaic
being affiliated. before; previously; in front (of). [Old
affiliation order n. legal order against English: related to a 2 ]
the supposed father of an illegitimate afore- comb, form before, previously
child for support. (aforementioned; aforesaid).
affinity a'fmiti n. (pi. -ies) 1 liking or aforethought adj. premeditated (fol-
attraction; feeling of kinship. 2 relation- lowing a noun: malice aforethought).
ship, esp. by marriage. 3 similarity of afraid /a'freid/ predic. adj. alarmed,
structure or character suggesting a frightened, be afraid colloq. politely
relationship. 4 Chem. the tendency of regret (I'm afraid we're late), [ori-
certain substances to combine with ginally past part, of affray]
others. [Latin finis border] afresh /a'freJV adv. anew; with a fresh
affirm /a'f3:m/ v. 1 assert, state as a beginning, [earlier offresh]
fact. 2 Law make a solemn declaration African /'aefnkan/ —n. 1 native (esp.
in place of an oath. affirmation dark-skinned) of Africa. 2 person of
/,aefa'meij\a)n/ n. [Latin: related to African descent, -adj. of Africa. [Latin]

] African elephant n. the elephant of

affirmative /a'f3:mativ/ -adj. affirm- Africa, larger than that of India.
ing; expressing approval, -n. affirm- African violet n. house-plant with
ative statement or word etc. velvety leaves and blue, purple, or pink
affix -v. /a'fiks/ 1 attach, fasten. 2 add in flowers.
writing, -n. /'aefiks/ 1 addition. 2 Gram. Afrikaans /,aefri'ka:ns/ n. language de-
prefix or suffix. [Latin: related to fix] rived from Dutch, used in S. Africa.
afflict /a'flikt/ v. distress physically or [Dutch, = 'African']
mentally. [Latin fligo flict- strike down] Afrikaner aefn'ka:na(r)/ n. Afrikaans-
/ 1

affliction /a'flikj(a)n/ n. 1 distress, suf- speaking White person in S. Africa, esp.

fering. 2 cause of this. of Dutch descent.
affluent /'aefluant/ adj. wealthy, rich, Afro /'aefrau/ -adj. (of hair) tightly-
affluence n. [Latin: related to fluent] curled and bushy, —n. (pi. -s) Afro hair-
afford /a'fo:d/ v. 1 (prec. by can or be able style.
to) a have enough money, time, etc., for; Afro- comb, form African.
be able to spare, b be in a position (can 't Afro-American /.aefraua'menkan/
afford to be critical). 2 provide (affords -adj. of American Blacks or their cul-
a view of the sea). [Old English ge- prefix ture, -n. American Black.
implying completeness, forth] Afro-Caribbean /.aefrau.kaeri'bran/
afforest /a'fonst/ v. 1 convert into forest. -n. Caribbean person of African des-
2 plant with trees. afforestation cent, -adj. of Afro-Caribbeans.
/-'steij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to forest] aft /a:ft/ adv. Naut. & Aeron. at or to-
affray /a'frei/ n. breach of the peace by wards the stern or tail, [earlier baft]
fighting or rioting in public. [Anglo- after /'a:fta(r)/ -prep. 1 following in
French = 'remove from peace'] time; later than (after a week). 2 in view
affront /a'frAnt/ -n. open insult, -v. of, in spite of (after what you did what
insult openly; offend, embarrass. [Latin: do you expect?; after all my efforts I still
related to front] lost). 3 behind (shut the door after you).
Afghan /'aefgaen/ -n. 1 a native or 4 in pursuit or quest of (run after them).
national of Afghanistan, b person of 5 about, concerning (asked after her).
Afghan descent. 2 official language of 6 in allusion to (named after the prince).
Afghanistan, -adj. of Afghanistan. 7 in imitation of (a painting after
[Pashto] Rubens). 8 next in importance to (best
Afghan hound n. tall hunting dog with one after mine), -conj. later than (left
long silky hair. after they arrived), -adv. 1 later (soon
aficionado /a,fisja'na:dau/ n. (pi. -s) after). 2 behind (followed on after),
devotee of a sport or pastime. [Spanish] -adj. 1 later, following (in after years). 2
afield /a'fr.ld/ adv. to or at a distance Naut. nearer the stern (after cabins).
(esp. far afield). [Old English: related to after all in spite of everything (after all,
A2] what does it matter?), after one's own
aflame /a'fleim/ adv. & predic.adj. 1 in heart to one's taste. [Old English]
flames. 2 very excited. afterbirth n. placenta etc. discharged
afloat /a'flaot/ adv. & predic.adj. 1 float- from the womb after childbirth.
ing. 2 at sea. 3 out of debt or difficulty. 4 after-care n. attention after leaving
current. [Old English: related to a 2 ] hospital etc.
afoot /a'fut/ adv. & predic.adj. in opera- after-effect n. delayed effect following
tion; progressing. an accident, trauma, etc.
afterglow 15 aggregate
afterglow n. glow remaining after its -age suffix forming nouns denoting: 1
source has disappeared. action (breakage). 2 condition (bond-
afterlife n. life after death. age). 3 aggregate or number (coverage;
aftermath /'a:fta,maee/ n. 1 con- acreage). 4 cost (postage). 5 result
sequences, esp. unpleasant {aftermath (wreckage). 6 place or abode (anchor-
of war). 2 new grass growing after age; orphanage). [Latin -aticus]
mowing, [from after, math mowing] aged adj. 1 /eid3d/ (predic.) of the age of
afternoon /,a:fta'nu:n/ n. time from (aged 3). 2 /'eid3id/ old.
noon or lunch-time to evening. ageism n. prejudice or discrimination
afterpains pains caused by con- on grounds of age. ageist adj. & n.
traction of the womb after childbirth. ageless adj. 1 never growing or appear-
afters colloq. = dessert 1. ing old. 2 eternal.
aftershave n. lotion used after
agelong adj. existing for a very long

shaving. time.
aftertaste n. taste after eating or
agency /'eid3ansi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 business
or premises of an agent. 2 action; inter-
vention (free agency; by the agency of
afterthought n. thing thought of or
God). [Latin: related to act]
added later.
agenda /agenda/ n. (pi. -s) 1 list of
/'a:ftawadz/ adv. (US after-
items to be considered at a meeting. 2
ward) later, subsequently. [Old Eng-
things to be done.
lish: related to after, -ward]
agent /'eid3(a)nt/ n. 1 a person who acts
Ag symb. silver. [Latin argentum] for another in business etc. b spy. 2
again a'gen adv. 1 another time; once person or thing that exerts power or
more. 2 as previously (home again; well produces an effect.
again). 3 in addition (as much again). agent provocateur /.a^d pra.vDka
4 further, besides (again, what about 't3:(r)/ n. agents provocateurs
you?). 5 on the other hand (/ might, and pronunc. same) person used to tempt
again I might not), again and again suspected offenders to self-incriminat-
repeatedly. [Old English] ing action. [French, = provocative
against /a'genst/ prep. 1 in opposition to agent]
(fight against crime). 2 into collision or age of consent n. age at which consent
in contact with (lean against the wall). to sexual intercourse is valid in law.
3 to the disadvantage of (my age is age-old adj. very long-standing.
against me). 4 in contrast to (against a agglomerate -v. ( ting) /a'
dark background). 5 in anticipation of collect into a mass. -n. /a'glDmarat/
(against his coming; against the cold). mass, esp. of fused volcanic fragments.
6 as a compensating factor to (income -adj. /a'glomarat/ collected into a mass.
against expenditure). 7 in return for agglomeration /-'reij"(a)n/ n. [Latin
(issued against payment of the fee). glomus -meris ball]

against the grain see grain, against agglutinate /a'glu:ti,neit/ v. ( ting)

time see time, [from again, with in- stick as with glue. agglutination
flectional -s]
/-'neij*(a)n/ n. agglutinative /-nativ/
adj. [Latin: related to gluten]
agape /a'geip/ predic. adj. gaping, open-
mouthed, [from a
2 aggrandize /a'graendaiz/ v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) 1 increase the power,
agaric /'aegarik/ n. fungus with a cap
rank, or wealth of. 2 make seem greater.
and stalk, e.g. the common mushroom. aggrandizement /-dizmant/ n.
[Greek agarikon]
[French: related to grand]
agate 'aegat/ n. hard usu. streaked chal-
aggravate /'aegra.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 make
cedony. [Greek akhates] worse or more serious. 2 annoy, ag-
agave /a'geivi/ n. plant with rosettes of gravation /-'veij(a)n/ n. [Latin gravis
narrow spiny leaves and flowers on tall heavy]
stem. [Agave, name of a woman in
Greek mythology] Usage The use of aggravate in sense
length of time that a person or 2 is regarded by some people as incor-
age -n. 1

thing has existed. 2 a colloq. (often in pi.)

rect, but it is common in informal use.

a long time (waited for ages), b distinct aggregate -n. /'aegrigat/ 1 sum total,
historical period (Bronze Age). 3 old amount assembled. 2 crushed stone etc.
age. -v. (ageing) 1 show or cause to used in making concrete. 3 rock formed
show signs of advancing age. 2 grow of a mass of different particles or min-
old. 3 mature. come of age reach erals, -adj. /'aegrigat/ combined, col-

adult status (esp. Law at 18, formerly lective, total, -v. /'aegn.geit/ (-ting) 1

21). [Latin aetas)

collect, combine into one mass. 2 colloq.
aggression 16 aide
amount to. 3 unite. 1

in the aggregate agoraphobic adj. & n. [Greek agora

as a whole. aggregation /-'geij(9)n/ market-place]
n. aggregative /'aegri.geitiv/ adj. [Latin agrarian /a'grearian/-ad/'. 1 of the land
grex greg- flock] or its cultivation. 2 of landed property.
aggression /a'grej\a)n/ n. 1 unpro- -n. advocate of the redistribution of
voked attacking or attack. 2 hostile or land. [Latin ager field]
destructive behaviour. [Latin gradior agree /a'gri:/ v. (-ees, -eed, -eeing) 1
gress- walk] hold the same opinion (J agree with
aggressive /a'gresiv/ adj. 1 given to you). 2 consent (agreed to go). 3 (often
aggression; hostile. 2 forceful, self- foil, by with) a become or be in har-

assertive,n aggressively adv. mony, b suit (fish didn't agree with

aggressor n. person or party that him), c Gram, have the same number,
attacks without provocation. gender, case, or person as. 4 reach
aggrieved /a'gri:vd/ adj. having a agreement about (agreed a price). 5
grievance. [French: related to grief] (foil, by on) decide mutually on (agreed

aggro /'aegrau/ n. slang 1 aggressive on a compromise). be agreed be

hostility. 2 trouble, difficulty, [abbrevi- of one opinion. [Latin: related to ad-,
ation of aggravation or aggression] gratus pleasing]
aghast /a'ga:st/ predic. adj. filled with agreeable adj. 1 pleasing, pleasant. 2

dismay or consternation, [past part, of willing to agree. agreeably adv.

obsolete (a)gast frighten] agreement n. act or state of agreeing.

agile /'aed3ail/ quick-moving,

2 arrangement or contract.
nimble, active. agility /a'd3iliti/ n. agriculture /'a3gn,kAltJa(r)/ n. cultiva-
tion of the soil and rearing of animals.
[Latin agilis: related to act]
agitate /'aed3i,teit/ v. (-ting) 1 disturb or agricultural /-'kAltJar(a)l/ adj.
agriculturalist /-kAltJaralist/ n.
excite (a person or feelings). 2 (often foil,
[Latin ager field]
by for, against) campaign, esp. polit-
ically (agitated for tax reform). 3 shake
agrimony /'aegnmani/ n. (pi. -ies) per-
ennial plant with small yellow flowers.
briskly. agitation /-'teij(a)n/ n. agit-
[Greek argemone poppy]
ator n. [Latin agito: related to act]
aglow /a'glau/ predic. adj. agronomy /a'grnnami/ n. science of
management and crop production.
AGM abbr. annual general meeting.
agronomist n. [Greek agros land]
agnail /'aegneil/ n. piece of torn skin at /a'graund/ predic. adj. & adv.
the root of a fingernail; resulting sore-
on or on to thebottom of shallow water
ness. [Old English, = tight (metal) nail,
(run aground).
hard excrescence in flesh] ague /'eigju:/ n. 1 hist, malarial fever. 2
agnostic /aeg'nDstik/ -n. person who shivering fit. [Latin: related to acute]
believes that the existence of God is
ah abbr. in the year of the Hegira (ad
not provable, -adj. of agnosticism. 622); of the Muslim era. [Latin anno
agnosticism /-,siz(a)m/ n. [from a-, Hegirae]
gnostic] ah int. expressing surprise, pleas-
I a: I
ago /a'gau/ adv. (prec. by duration) ure, realization, etc. [French a]
earlier, in the past, [originally agone = aha /a:'ha:/ int. expressing surprise, tri-
gone by] umph, mockery, etc. [from ah, ha 1
agog /a'gog/ predic. adj. eager, expect- ahead /a'hed/ adv. 1 further forward in
ant. [French gogue fun] space or time. 2 in the lead (ahead on
agonize /'aega.naiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing points).
or -sing) 1 undergo (esp. mental) ahem /a'ham/ int. used to attract atten-
anguish; suffer or cause to suffer agony. tion, gain time, [from hem 2 ]
2 (as agonized adj.) expressing agony ahoy Naut. call used in hail-
/a'hoi/ int.
(an agonized look). ing, [from ah, hoy]
agony /'aegani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 extreme AI abbr. 1 artificial insemination. 2 arti-
mental or physical suffering. 2 severe ficial intelligence.
struggle. [Greek agon struggle] AID abbr. artificial insemination by
agony aunt n. colloq. person (esp. a donor.
woman) who answers letters in an aid -n. 1 help. 2 person or thing that
agony column. helps, -v. 1 help. 2 promote (sleep will
agony column n. colloq. 1 column in a aid recovery). in aid of 1 in support of.
magazine etc. offering personal advice 2 colloq. for the purpose of (what's it all
to correspondents. 2 = personal in aid of?). [Latin: related to ad-, juvo
column. help]
agoraphobia /.aegara'faubia/ n. abnor- aide /eid/ n. 1 aide-de-camp. 2 esp. US
mal fear of open spaces or public places. assistant. [French]
aide-de-camp 17 air terminal
aide-de-camp /,eid da ka/ n. (pi. aides- aircraft-carrier n. warship carrying
-de-camp pronunc. same) officer assist- and used as a base for aircraft.
ing a senior officer. [French] aircraftman n. lowest rank in the
Aids n. (also AIDS) acquired immune RAF.
deficiency syndrome, an often fatal aircraftwoman n. lowest rank in the
viral syndrome marked by severe loss WRAF.
of resistance to infection, [abbreviation] aircrew n. crew of an aircraft.
ail v. 1 archaic (only in 3rd person air-cushion n. 1 inflatable cushion. 2
interrog. or indefinite constructions) layer of air supporting a hovercraft etc.
trouble or afflict (what ails him?). 2 Airedale /'eadeil/ n. large terrier of a
(usu. be ailing) be ill. [Old English] rough-coated breed. [Airedale in York-
aileron /'eila.ron/ n. hinged flap on an shire]
aeroplane wing. [French aile wing] airer n. stand for airing or drying
ailing adj. 1 ill. 2 in poor condition. clothes etc.
ailment n. minor illness or disorder. airfield n. area with runway(s) for air-
aim -v. 1 intend or try; attempt (aim at craft.
winning; aim to win). 2 (usu. foil, by at) air force n. branch of the armed forces
direct or point (a weapon, remark, etc.). fighting in the air.
3 take aim. -n. 1 purpose or object. 2 the airgun n. gun using compressed air to
directing of a weapon etc. at an object. fire pellets.

take aim direct a weapon etc. at airhead n. slang stupid or foolish per-
a target. [Latin aestimare reckon] son.
aimless adj. without aim or purpose. air hostess n. stewardess in a pas-
aimlessly adv. senger aircraft.
ain't /emt/ contr. colloq. am, airless adj. stuffy; still, calm.
1 is, or are
air letter n. sheet of light paper form-
not. 2 have or has not.
ing a letter for sending by airmail.
Usage The use of ain't is usually airlift -n. emergency transport of sup-
regarded as unacceptable in spoken and plies etc. by air. - v. transport thus.
written English. airline n. public air transport system or
air /ea(r)/ -n. 1 mixture mainly of
airliner n. large passenger aircraft.
oxygen and nitrogen surrounding the
airlock n. 1 stoppage of the flow by an
earth. 2 earth's atmosphere; open space
air bubble in a pump or pipe. 2 compart-
in it; this as a place for flying aircraft. 3
ment permitting movement between
a distinctive impression or manner (air
areas at different pressures.
of mystery), b (esp. in pi.) pretentious- airmail n. 1 system of transporting
ness (gave himself airs). 4 tune. 5 light mail by air. 2 mail carried by air.
wind. -v. 1 expose (clothes, a room, etc.) airman n. pilot or member of an air-
to fresh air or warmth to remove damp.
craft crew, esp. in an air force.
2 express and discuss publicly (an opin- Air Marshal n. RAF officer of high
ion, question, grievance, etc.). by air rank, above Air Vice-Marshal.
by or in an aircraft, in the air 1 (of airplane n. US = aeroplane.
opinions etc.) prevalent. 2 (of plans etc.) air pocket n. apparent vacuum causing
uncertain, on (or off) the air being (or an aircraft to drop suddenly.
not being) broadcast. [Greek aer] airport n. airfieldwith facilities for
airbase n. base for military aircraft. passengers and goods.
air-bed n. inflatable mattress, air raidn. attack by aircraft on ground
airborne adj. 1 transported by air. 2 (of targets.
aircraft) in the air after taking off. air rifle n. rifle using compressed air to
air-brick n. perforated brick used for fire pellets.
ventilation. airs and graces affected manner,
Airbus n. propr. short-haul passenger airscrew aircraft propeller,
aircraft. airship n. power-driven aircraft lighter
Air Chief Marshal n. RAF officer of than air.
high rank, above Air Marshal. airsick adj. nauseous from air travel,
Air Commodore n. RAF officer next airspace n. air above a country and
above Group Captain. subject to its jurisdiction,
air-conditioning n. 1 system for regu air speed n. aircraft's speed relative to
lating the humidity, ventilation, and the air.
temperature in a building. 2 apparatus airstrip n. strip of ground for the take-
for this. air-conditioned adj. off and landing of aircraft.
aircraft same) machine capable
n. (pi. air terminal n. building with trans-
of flight, esp. an aeroplane or helicopter. port to and from an airport.
airtight 18 alder
airtight adj. impermeable to air. alas expressing grief, pity, or
/a'laes/ int.
air traffic controller n. official who concern. [French: related to ah, Latin
controls air traffic by radio. lassus weary]
Air Vice-Marshal n. RAF officer of alb n. long white vestment worn by
high rank, just below Air Marshal, Christian priests. [Latin albus white]
airwaves colloq. radio waves used albatross /'aelba.tros/ n. 1 a long-
in broadcasting. winged, stout-bodied bird related to the
airway recognized route of aircraft.
n. petrel, b encumbrance. 2 Golf score of
airwoman n. woman pilot or member three strokes under par at any hole,
of an aircraft crew, esp. in an air force. [alteration of alcatras, from Spanish
airworthy adj. (of an aircraft) fit to fly. and Portuguese alcatraz from Arabic,
airy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 well-ventilated, = the jug]
breezy. 2 flippant, superficial. 3 light as albeit /o:l'bi:it/ conj. literary though, [all
air. 4 ethereal, airily adv. be it]

airy-fairy adj. colloq. unrealistic, im- albino /ael'bmau/ n. (pi -s) 1 person or
practical. animal lacking pigment in the skin and
aisle /ail/ n. 1 the part of a church on hair (which are white), and the eyes
either side of the nave, divided from it (usu. pink). 2 plant lacking normal col-
by pillars. 2 passage between rows of ouring. albinism /'aelbi,niz(a)m/ n.
pews, seats, etc. [Latin ala wing] [Spanish and Portuguese: related to
aitch /eitJV n. the letter H. [French ache] alb]
aitchbone n. 1 rump bone of an animal. album /'aelbam/ n. 1 book for photo-
2 cut of beef over this, [originally nache- graphs, stamps, etc. 2 a long-playing
bone from Latin natis buttock] gramophone record, b set of these.
ajar /a'd3a:(r)/ adv. & predic.adj. (of a [Latin, = blank tablet, from albus
door) slightly open, [from a 2 obsolete , white]
char from Old English cerr a turn] albumen /'aelbjumm/ n. 1 egg-white. 2
Akela /a:'keila/ n. adult leader of Cub substance found between the skin and
Scouts, [name of the leader of the wolf- germ of many seeds, usu. the edible
pack in Kipling's Jungle Book] part. [Latin: related to album]
akimbo /a'kimbau/ adv. (of the arms) albumin /'aelbjumm/ n. water-soluble
with hands on the hips and elbows protein found in egg-white, milk, blood,
turned outwards, [originally in kene- etc. albuminous /aerbju:mmas/ adj.
bowe, probably from Old Norse] alchemy /'aeikami/ n. medieval
akin /a'km/ predic. adj. 1 related by chemistry, esp. seeking to turn base
blood. 2 similar. metals into gold. alchemist n. [Ar-
Al symb. aluminium. abic]
-al suffix (also -ial) forming adjectives
1 alcohol /'aelka.hnl/ n. 1 (in full ethyl
meaning 'relating to, of the kind of alcohol) colourless volatile inflam-
(central; tidal; dictatorial). 2 forming mable liquid, esp. as the intoxicant in
nouns, esp. of verbal action (removal). wine, beer, spirits, etc., and as a solvent,
[Latin -alis] fuel, etc. 2 liquor containing this. 3
a la I'se la:/ prep, in the manner of (a la Chem. any of many organic compounds
russe). [French from A la mode] containing one or more hydroxyl
alabaster /'aela,ba:sta(r)/ -n. translu- groups attached to carbon atoms. [Ar-
cent usu. white form of gypsum, used abic: related to kohl]
for carving etc. -adj.1 of alabaster. 2 alcoholic /.aelka'hDlik/ -adj. of, like,
white or smooth. [Greek alabastros] containing, or caused by alcohol, -n.
a la carte /,ae la: 'ka:t/ adv. & adj. with person suffering from alcoholism.
individually priced dishes. [French] alcoholism /'aelkahD,liz(a)m/ n. con-
alacrity /a'laeknti/ n. briskness; cheer- dition resulting from addiction to alco-
ful readiness. [Latin alacer brisk] hol.
a la mode /,ae la: 'maud/ adv. & adj. in alcove /'aelkauv/ n. recess, esp. in the
fashion; fashionable. [French] wall of a room. [Arabic, = the vault]
alarm /a'la:m/ -n. 1 warning of danger aldehyde /'aeldi.haid/ n. Chem. any of a
etc. 2 a warning sound or device, b = class of compounds formed by the oxida-
alarm clock. 3 apprehension (filled tion of alcohols, [from alcohol, de-,
with alarm), -v. A frighten or disturb. 2 hydrogen]
warn. alarming adj. alarmingly al dente /ael 'denti, -tei/ adj. (of pasta
adv. [Italian alVarme! to arms] etc.) cooked so as to be still firm when
alarm clock n. clock that rings at a set bitten. [Italian, = 'to the tooth']
time. alder /'o:lda(r)/ n. tree related to the
alarmist n. person stirring up alarm. birch. [Old English]
alderman 19 alkene
alderman /'o.ldaman/ n. esp. hist, co- naturalized. 2 a being from another
opted member of an English county or world. [Latin alius other]
borough council, next in dignity to the alienable adj. Law able to be trans-
mayor. [Old English aldor chief, man] ferred to new ownership,
ale n. beer. [Old English] alienate v. (-ting) 1 estrange, make
aleatory /'eiliatari/ adj. depending on hostile. 2 transfer ownership of.
chance. [Latin alea die 2 ] alienation /-'neij(a)n/ n.
alehouse n hist, tavern. 1
alight /a'lait/ predic. adj. 1 on fire. 2 lit
alembic /a'lembik/ n. 1 hist, apparatus up; excited, [on a light ( = lighted) fire]
formerly used in distilling. 2 means of alight 2 /a'lait/ v. 1 (often foil, by from)
refining or extracting. [Greek ambix, descend from a vehicle. 2 come to earth,
-ikos cap of a still] settle.[Old English]
alert /a'l3:t/ -adj. 1 watchful, vigilant. 2 align v. 1 put or bring into line. 2
nimble, attentive, -n. 1 warning call or (usu. foil, by with) ally (oneself etc.)
alarm. 2 state or period of special vigil- with (a cause, party, etc.). alignment
ance, -v. (often foil, by to) warn. n. [French a ligne into line]
[French alerte from Italian alVerta to alike /a'laik/-ad/'. (usu. predic.) similar,
the watch-tower] like. -adv. in a similar way.
A level n. = advanced level. alimentary /.aeli'mentari/ adj. of or
Alexander technique /,aelig'za:n providing food or nourishment. [Latin
da(r)/ n. technique for controlling alo nourish]
posture as an aid to well-being. [Alexan- alimentary canal n. passage along
der,name of a physiotherapist] which food passes during digestion.
alexandrine /,aelig'zaendram/-aG(/. (of alimony /'aelimani/ n. money payable
a line of verse) having six iambic feet. to a spouse or former spouse after sep-
-n. alexandrine line. [French Alex- aration or divorce.
andre, title of a romance using this
Usage In UK usage this term has
metre] been replaced by maintenance.
alfalfa /ael'faelfa/ n. clover-like plant
used for fodder. [Arabic, = a green aliphatic /.aeli'faetik/ adj. Chem. of or-

fodder] ganic compounds in which carbon

alfresco /ael'freskau/ adv. & adj. in the atoms form open chains, not aromatic
open air. [Italian] rings. [Greek aleiphar -phat- fat]
alga /'aelga/ n. (pi. algae /-d3i:/) (usu. in aliquot /'aeli.kwnt/ -adj. (of a part or
pi.) non-flowering stemless water-plant, portion) contained by the whole an in-
esp. seaweed and plankton. [Latin] tegral number of times (4 is an aliquot
algebra /'aeld3ibra/ n. branch of part of 12). -n. 1 aliquot part. 2 (in

mathematics that uses letters etc. to general use) any known fraction of a
represent numbers and quantities, whole; sample. [Latin, = several]
algebraic /-'brenk/ adj. [ultimately alive /a'laiv/ adj. (usu. predic.) 1 living. 2
from Arabic al-jabr, = reunion of lively, active. 3 (foil, by to) aware of;

broken parts] alert. 4 (foil, by with) swarming or

Algol /'aelgDl/ n. high-level computer teeming with. [Old English: related to

programming language, [from algo- a 2 life]

alkali /'aelka.lai/n. (pi. -s) 1 a any of a

rithm), l(anguage)]
algorithm /'^m/ n. process or class of substances that liberate hy-
set of rules used for calculation etc., esp. droxide ions in water, usu. form caustic
with a computer. algorithmic or corrosive solutions, turn litmus blue,
/-'ridmik/ adj. [Persian, name of a 9th-c. and have a pH of more than 7, e.g.
mathematician al-Kuwarizml] caustic soda, b similar but weaker sub-
stance, e.g. sodium carbonate. 2 Chem.
alias /'eilias/ -adv. also named or
known as. -n. assumed name. [Latin, = any substance that reacts with or neut-
ralizes hydrogen ions, alkaline adj.
at another time]
alibi /'aeli.bai/ n. (pi. -s) 1 claim or proof alkalinity /-'lmiti/ n. [Arabic, - the
was elsewhere when a crime calcined ashes]
that one
etc. was committed. 2 informal excuse. alkaloid /' n. nitrogenous or-
= elsewhere] ganic compound of plant origin, e.g.
[L atin,
morphine, quinine.
Usage The use of alibi in sense 2 is
alkane Chem. saturated
/'aelkem/ n.
considered i ncorrect by some people. aliphatic hydrocarbon having the
alien /'eilian/ -adj. 1 (often foil, by to) general formula C n H 2n 2 including , ,

unfamiliar; unacceptable or repugnant. methane and ethane.

2 foreign. 3 of beings from other worlds. alkene /'aelki:n/ n. Chem. unsaturated
-n. 1 foreign-born resident who is not aliphatic hydrocarbon containing a
alkyne 20 all-in
double bond and having the general all-clear n. signal that danger etc. is
formula C„H 2 „, including ethylene. over.
alkyne /'aelkam/ n. Chem. unsaturated all comers anyone who applies,
aliphatic hydrocarbon containing a takes up a challenge, etc.
triple bond and having the general allegation /.aeli'geiJXaJn/ n. 1 assertion,
formula C n H 2 „ 2 including acetylene.
esp.unproved. 2 alleging. [Latin allego
all /o:l/ —adj. 1 whole amount, quantity, adduce]
or extent of {all day; all his life; take it allege /a'led3/ v. (-ging) 1 declare, esp.
all). 2 any whatever (beyond all doubt). without proof. 2 advance as an argu-
3 greatest possible (with all speed), -n. ment or excuse. [Latin lis lit- lawsuit]
1 all persons or things concerned; every- allegedly /9'led3idli/ adv. as is alleged.
thing (all were present; all is lost). 2 allegiance /9'li:d3(a)ns/ n. 1 loyalty (to
(foil, by of) a the whole of (take all of it). a person or cause etc.). 2 the duty of a
b every one of (all of us), c colloq. as subject. [French: related to liege]
much as (all of six feet), d colloq. in a allegory /'aeligari/ n. (pi. -ies) story
state of (all of a dither). 3 one's whole whose moral is represented symbol-
strength or resources (prec. by my, ically. allegorical /,aeli'gDrik(9)l/ adj.
your, etc.). 4 (in games) each (two goals allegorize /'aeliga.raiz/ v. (also -ise)
all), -adv. 1 a entirely, quite (was all in (-zing or -sing). [Greek allegoria other
black), b as an intensifier (stop all this speaking]
crying). 2 colloq. very (went all shy). 3 allegretto /.aeli'gretau/ Mus. -adv. &
(foil, by the + compar.) to that, or the adj. in a fairly brisk tempo, -n. (pi. -s)
utmost, extent (if they go, all the better; such a passage or movement. [Italian,
made it all the worse). all along from diminutive of allegro]
the beginning, all and sundry every- allegro /a'legrau/ Mus. -adv. & adj. in a
one, all but very nearly, all for colloq. brisk tempo, -n. (pi. -s) such a passage
strongly in favour of. all found with or movement. [Italian, = lively]
board and lodging provided free, all in alleluia /,aeli'lu:ja/ (also hallelujah
colloq. exhausted, all in all everything I, heel- 1) -int. God be praised.-/!, song or
considered, all manner of every kind shout of praise to God. [Hebrew]
of. all of a sudden suddenly, all one (or Allen key /'aelan/ n. propr. spanner
the same) (usu. foil, by to) a matter of designed to turn an Allen screw. [Allen,
indifference, all out using all one's name of the US manufacturer]
strength (also (with hyphen) attrib. all-: Allen screw /'aelan/ n. propr. screw
out effort), allover 1 completely fin- with a hexagonal socket in the head.
ished. 2 in or on all parts of (mud all allergic /a'l3:d3ik/ adj. 1 (foil, by to) a
over the car). 3 colloq. typically (you all having an allergy to. b colloq. having a
over). 4 slang effusively attentive to (a strong dislike for. 2 caused by an
person), all right (predic.) 1 satisfac- allergy.
tory; safe and sound; in good condition. allergy /'aelad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 adverse
2 satisfactorily (it worked out all right). reaction to certain substances, esp. par-
3 a expressing consent, b as an intensi- ticular foods, pollen, fur, or dust. 2
fier (that's the one all right), all round colloq. antipathy. [Greek alios other]
1 in all respects. 2 for each person, all alleviate /a'li:vi,eit/ v. (-ting) make
the same nevertheless, all there colloq. (pain etc.) less severe. alleviation
mentally alert or normal, all the time /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin levo raise]
throughout (despite some contrary alley /'aeli/ n. (pi. -s) 1 narrow street or
expectation etc.). all together all at passageway. 2 enclosure for skittles,
once; all in one place or in a group (came bowling, etc. 3 walk or lane in a park etc.
all together) (cf. altogether), all up [French aller go]
with hopeless for (a person), at all alliance 1 union or agree-
/a'laians/ n.
(with neg. or interrog.) in any way; to ment cooperate, esp. of States
any extent (did not swim at all; did you by treaty or families by marriage.
like it at all?), in all in total; altogether. 2 (Alliance) political coalition party.
[Old English] 3 relationship; friendship. [French:
related to ally]
Usage Note the differences in mean- allied /'aelaid/ adj. 1 (also Allied) associ-
ing between all together and altogether:
ated in an alliance. 2 connected or
see note at altogether.
Allah /'aela/ n. the Muslim and Arab alligator /'aeli,geita(r)/ n. large reptile
name of God. [Arabic] of the crocodile family with a head
allay /a'lei/ v. 1 diminish (fear, suspi- broader and shorter than a crocodile's.
cion, etc.). 2 alleviate (pain etc.). [Old [Spanish el lagarto the lizard]
English a- intensive prefix, lay 1 ] all-in attrib. adj. inclusive of all.
all-in wrestling 21 along
all-in wrestling n. wrestling with few allude /9'lu:d/ v. (-ding) (foil, by to) refer
or no restrictions. to, esp. indirectly or briefly. [Latin:
alliteration /8,lit8'reiJ(a)n/ n. repeti- related to ad-, ludo play]
tion of the same letter or sound at the allure /a'ljo^r)/ -v. (-ring) attract,
beginning of adjacent or closely con- charm, or entice, -n. attractiveness,
nected words (e.g. cool, calm, and col- personal charm, fascination, z allure-
lected), alliterate /a' v. ment n. [French: related to ad-, lure]
(-ting), alliterative /a'litarativ/ adj. allusion /a'lu:3(a)n/ n. (often foil, by to)
[Latin: related to letter] passing or indirect reference, z allus-
allocate /'aela.keit/ v. (-ting) (usu. foil, ive /a'luisiv/ adj. [Latin: related to al-
by to) assign or devote to (a purpose, lude]
person, or place). allocation alluvial /a'huvial/ -adj. of alluvium.
keij(3)n [Latin: related to local]
n. -n. alluvium, esp. containing a precious
allot ,/a'lDt/ v. (-tt-) apportion or distrib- metal.
ute to (a person), esp. as a share or task alluvium /a'huviam/ n. (pi -via) de-
{they were allotted equal sums). posit of usu. fine fertile soil left behind
[French a to, lot] by a flood, esp. in a river valley. [Latin
allotment n. 1 small piece of land luo wash]
rented by a local authority for cultiva- ally -n. (pi. -ies) State, person,
tion. 2 share. 3 allotting. etc., formally cooperating or united
allotropy a'lotrapi n. existence of two with another, esp. (also Ally) in war. -v.
or more different physical forms of also /a'lai/ (-ies, -ied) (often refl. and foil,
a chemical element, z allotropic by with) combine in alliance. [Latin
/.aele'tmpik adj. [Greek alios different, alligo bind]
tropos manner] Alma Mater /.aelma 'ma:ta(r)/ n. one's
allow /a'lao/ v. 1 (often foil, by to + university, school, or college. [Latin, =
infin.) permit. 2 assign a limited amount bounteous mother]
etc. £500). 3 (usu. foil, by
(was allowed almanac /' D:lma, naek/ n. (also al-
for) provide or set aside for a purpose; manack) calendar, usu. with astronom-
add or deduct in consideration (allow ical data, [medieval Latin from Greek]
£50 for expenses; allow for wastage). almighty /o:l'maiti/ adj. 1 having com-
[originally = commend, from French: plete power. 2 (the Almighty) God. 3
related to ad-, Latin laudo praise, loco slang very great (almighty crash). [Old
place] English: related to all, mighty]
allowance n. 1 amount or sum allowed, almond /'a:mand/ n. 1 nutlike kernel of
esp. regularly for a stated purpose. 2 a fruit allied to the peach and plum. 2
amount allowed in reckoning. 3 deduc- tree bearing this. [Greek amugdale]
tion or discount, z make allowances almoner ,"a:man8(r)/ n. social worker
(often foil, by for) 1 consider (mitigating attached to a hospital. [French: related
circumstances). 2 make excuses for (a to ALMS]
person, bad behaviour, etc.). Usage The usual term now is medical
alloy /'aeloi/ -n. 1 mixture of two or
social worker. *

more metals. 2 inferior metal mixed esp.

with gold or silver, -v. 1 mix (metals). almost /'o:lmaust/ adv. all but; very
2 debase by admixture. 3 moderate nearly. [Old English: related to all,
(pleasure alloyed with pain). [French: most]
related to ally] alms /a:mz/ hist, donation
all-purpose attrib. adj. having many of money or food to the poor. [Greek
uses. eleemosune pity]
all-right attrib. adj. colloq. acceptable almshouse n. hist, charitable institu-
(an all-right guy). tion for the poor.
all-round attrib. adj. (of a person) ver- aloe /'aelau/ n. 1 plant of the lily family
with toothed fleshy leaves. 2 (in pi.) (in
all-rounder n. versatile person. full bitter aloes) strong laxative from

All Saints' Day n. 1 Nov., Christian aloe juice. [Old English from Greek]
festival in honour of saints. aloft a'loft predic. adj. &adv. 1 high up,
All Souls' Day n. 2 Nov., Roman Cath- overhead. 2 upwards. [Old Norse a lopti
olic festival with prayers for the souls of
in air]

the dead. alone /a'laun/ —predic. adj. 1 without the

allspice n. 1 aromatic spice obtained presence or help of others. 2 lonely (felt

alone), -adv. only, exclusively, [earlier
from the berry of the pimento plant. 2
al one: related to all, one]
the berry-
all-time attrib. adj. (of a record etc.) along /a'lDn/ -prep, beside or through
unsurpassed. (part of) the length of. -adv. 1 onward,
alongside 22 altruism
into a more advanced state (come along; altercate /'o^ta.keit/ v. (-ting) (often
getting along nicely). 2 with oneself or foil, by with) dispute, wrangle. alter-
others (bring a book along). 3 beside or cation /-'keij(9)n/ n. [Latin]
through part or the whole length of a alter ego /,D:ltar 'i:gau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 one's
thing. along with in addition to; hidden or second self. 2 intimate friend.
together with. [Old English, originally [Latin, = other self]
adj. = facing against] alternate-u. /'o:lt9,neit/ (-ting) 1 (often
alongside /alon'said/ -acfo. at or to the foil, by with) occur or cause to occur by
side. -prep, close to the side of. turns. 2 (foil, by between) go repeatedly
aloof ,/a'lu:f/ -adj. distant, unsympath- from one to another (alternated be-
etic, -adv. away, apart (he kept aloof). tween hope and fear), -adj. /D:l't3:nat/
[originally Naut, from a 2 + luff] 1 (with noun in pi.) every other (on
aloud /a'laud/ adv. audibly. alternate days). 2 (of things of two
alp n. 1 a high mountain, b (the Alps) kinds) alternating (alternate joy and
high range of mountains in Switzerland misery). alternately /-'t3:natli/ adv.
and adjoining countries. 2 pasture land alternation /-'neij(a)n/ n. [Latin al-
on a Swiss mountainside, [originally ter no do by turns: related to alter]
from Greek alpeis]
alpaca /ael'paeka/ n. 1 shaggy S. Amer- Usage £ee no te at alternative.
ican mammal related to the llama. 2 its alternate angles two angles
wool; fabric made from this. [Spanish formed alternately on two sides of a line.
from Quechua] alternating current n. electric cur-
alpha /'aelfa/ n. 1 first letter of the Greek
rent reversing its direction at regular
alphabet (A, a). 2 first-class mark for a
piece of work alpha and omega
alternative /o:l't3:natrv/ -adj. 1 avail-
beginning and end. [Latin from Greek]
able another choice (alternative
alphabet /' n. 1 set of letters
route). 2 unconventional (alternative
used in writing a language. 2 symbols
medicine), -h. 1 any of two or more
or signs for these. alphabetical
possibilities. 2 choice (had no alternat-
/-'betik(9)l/ adj. [Greek alpha, beta]
ive but to go)\. alternatively adv.
alphanumeric /.aelfanjui'merik/ adj.
containing both letters and numbers. Usage The adjective alternative
alpha particle n. helium nucleus emit- should not be confused with alternate,
ted by a radioactive substance. as in 'there will be a dance on alternate
alpine /'aelpam/ -adj. of mountainous Saturdays'.
regions or (Alpine) the Alps. -n. 1 plant
alternator /'o:lta,neita(r)/ n. dynamo
growing in mountainous regions. 2 =
that generates an alternating current.
rock-plant. [Latin: related to alp]
already /o:l'redi/ adv. 1 before the time although Ixl'ddu/ conj. = though.
[from all, though]
in question (/ knew that already). 2 as
early or as soon as this (is back
altimeter /'aelti,mi:t8(r)/ n. instrument
indicating altitude reached.
already), [from all, ready]
alright /ol'rait/ adv. = all right (see altitude /'aelti tju:d/ n. height, esp. of an

object above sea level or above the

horizon. [Latin altus high]
Usage Although widely used, alright alto /'aeltau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 = contralto. 2
is still non-standard and is considered a highestadult male singing- voice,
incorrect by many people. above tenor, b singer with this voice. 3
Alsatian /ael'seiJXa)n/ n. large dog of instrument pitched second- or third-
a breed of wolfhound (also called highest in its family. [Italian alto (canto)
German shepherd). [Latin Alsatia high (singing)]
Alsace] altogether /,o:lt9'geoa(r)/ adv. 1 totally,
also adv. in addition, besides.
/'oilsao/ completely. 2 on the whole. 3 in total.
[Old English: related to all, so 1 ] in the altogether colloq. naked.
also-ran n. 1 loser in a race. 2 undis- [from ALL, TOGETHER]
tinguished person.
Usage Note that altogether means 'in
altar /'o:lta(r)/ n. 1 table or flat block for
whereas all together means 'all at
sacrifice or offering to a deity. 2 Commu-
once' or'all in one place'. The phrases
nion table. [Latin altus high]
sixrooms altogether (in total) and six
altarpiece n. painting etc. above or
rooms all together (in one place) illus-
behind an altar.
trate the difference.
alter /'o:lta(r)/ v. make or become dif-
ferent; change. alteration /-'reij(a)n/ altruism /'aeltru:,iz(8)m/ n. unselfish-
n. [Latin alter other] ness as a principle of action. altruist
alum 23 ambulatory
n. altruistic /,aeltru:'istik/ adj. [Italian amatory /'aematari/ adj. of sexual love.
altrui somebody else] [Latin amo love]
alum /'aelam/ n. double sulphate of alu- amaze /a'meiz/ v. (-zing) surprise
minium and potassium. [Latin alumen greatly, fill with wonder, z amaze-
-min-] ment n. amazing adj. [earlier amase
alumina /a'lu:mma/ n. aluminium ox- from Old English amasod]
ide occurring naturally as corundum Amazon /'aemaz(a)n/ n. 1 female war-
and emery. rior of a mythical race in the Black Sea
aluminium /.aelju'mmiam/ n. (US alu- area. 2 (amazon) large, strong, or ath-
minum /a'lu:minam/) silvery light and letic woman. Amazonian /-'zaunian/
malleable metallic element resistant to adj. [Latin from Greek]
tarnishing by air. ambassador /aem'bsesada(r)/ n. 1 diplo-
aluminize /a'lu:mi,naiz/ v. (also -ise) mat sent to live abroad to represent his
(-zing or -sing) coat with aluminium. or her country's interests. 2 promoter
alumnus /a'lAmnas/ n. (pi. alumni (ambassador of peace). ambassad-
/-nai/;/em. alumna, pi alumnae /-ni:/) orial /-'da:nal/ adj. [Latin ambactus
former pupil or student. [Latin, = nurs- servant]
ling, pupil] amber -n. 1 a yellow translucent fossil-
always /'a:lweiz/ adv. 1 at all times; on ized resin used in jewellery, b colour of
all occasions. 2 whatever the circum- this. 2 yellow traffic-light meaning cau-
stances. 3 repeatedly, often, [from all, tion, —adj. of or like amber. [French
way] from Arabic]
alyssum /'aelisam/ n. plant with small
ambergris /'aembagns/ n. waxlike se-
usu. yellow or white flowers. [Greek, = cretion of the sperm whale, found float-
curing madness] ing in tropical seas and used in per-
Alzheimer's disease /'aelts.haimaz/
fumes. [French, = grey amber]
n.brain disorder causing senility. [Alz- ambidextrous /.aembi'dekstras/ adj.
heimer, name of a neurologist] able to use either hand equally well.
AM abbr. amplitude modulation.
[Latin ambi- on both sides, dexter]
Am symb. americium. ambience /'aembians/ n. surroundings
am 1st person sing, present of be. or atmosphere. [Latin ambio go round]
a.m. abbr. before noon. [Latin ante meri-
ambient adj. surrounding.
ambiguous /aem'bigjuas/ adj. 1 having
amalgam /a'maelgam/ n. 1 mixture or
an obscure or double meaning. 2 diffi-
blend. 2 alloy of mercury and another
cult to classify. ambiguity /-'gju:iti/
metal, used esp. in dentistry. [Greek
n. (pi. -ies). [Latin ambi- both ways, ago
malagma an emollient] drive]
amalgamate /a'maelga.meit/ v. (-ting)
ambit /'aembit/ n. scope, extent, or
1 mix, unite. 2 (of metals) alloy
bounds. [Latin: related to ambience]
with mercury. amalgamation
ambition /aem'biJXa)n/ n. 1 deter-
/-'meij(a)n/ n. [medieval Latin: related
mination to succeed. 2 object of this.
tO AMALGAM] = canvassing: related to
amanuensis /a.maenjui'ensis/ n. (pi.
-enses /-si:z/) literary assistant, esp.
ambitious adj. 1 full of ambition or
writing from dictation. [Latin a manu
high aims. 2 (foil, by of, or to + infin.)
'at hand']
strongly determined.
amaranth /'aema.raenG/ n. 1 plant with ambivalence /aem'bivalans/ n. coexist-
small green, red, or purple tinted
ence of opposing feelings, ambival-
flowers. 2 imaginary unfading flower.
amaranthine ent adj. [Latin ambo both, equival-
3 purple colour.
adj. [Greek amarantos ence]
amble /'aemb(a)l/ -v. move at an
easy pace. -n. such a pace. [Latin
amaryllis /.aema'rilis/ n. bulbous plant
with lily-like flowers. [Greek, a girl's
ambulo walk]
name] ambrosia /aem'brauzia/ n. 1 (in clas-
sicalmythology) the food of the gods. 2
amass /a'maes/ v. heap together; ac-
[French: related to ad-, sublimely delicious food etc. [Greek, =
1 elixir of life]

amateur person who en-

/'aemata(r)/ n.
ambulance /'aembjulans/ n. 1 vehicle
gages in a pursuit as a pastime rather equipped for conveying patients to hos-
pital. 2 mobile hospital serving an army.
than a profession, or performs with
airiateurish adj. ama- [Latin: related to amble]
limited skill.
teurism n. [Latin amator lover: related ambulatory /'aembjulatari/ -adj. 1 of

to amatory]
or for walking. 2 movable, -n. (pi. -ies)
ambuscade 24 amoeba
arcade or cloister. [Latin: related to amiable (esp. of a
/'eimiab(a)l/ adj.
amble] person) friendly and pleasant, likeable.
ambuscade /.aemba'skeid/ n. & v. amiably adv. [Latin: related to
ambush /'aembuJV —n. 1 surprise attack amicable /'aemikab(a)l/ adj. (esp. of an
by persons hiding. 2 hiding-place for arrangement, relations, etc.) friendly.
this. -v. attack from an ambush; way- amicably adv. [Latin amicus friend]
lay. [French: related to in- bush ]
amid /a'mid/ prep, in the middle of,
ameliorate /a'mi:lia,reit/ v. (-ting) among. [Old English: related to on, mid]
make or become better. ameliora- amidships adv. in or into the middle of
tion /a mi:lia'reij\a)n/ n.
ameliorative a ship, [from amid, alternative form
adj. [from ad-, Latin melior better] midships]
amen /a:'men/ int. (esp. at the end of a amidst var. of amid.
prayer etc.) so be it. [Church Latin from amine /'eimi:n/ n. compound formed
Hebrew, = certainly] from ammonia by replacement of one or
amenable /a'mi:nab(a)l/ adj. 1 respons- more hydrogen atoms by an organic
ive, docile. 2 (often foil, by to) answer- radical or radicals.
able to law etc. [French: related to ad-, amino acid /a'mi:nau/ n. Biochem. any
Latin mino drive animals] of a group of nitrogenous organic acids
amend /a'mend/ v. 1 make minor altera- occurring naturally in plant and animal
tions in to improve. 2 correct an error in tissues and forming the basic con-
(a document etc.). [Latin: related to stituents of proteins, [from amine, acid]
EMEND] amir var. of emir.
amiss /a'mis/ —predic. adj. wrong, out of
Usage Amend is often confused with
order, -adv. wrong(ly), inappropriately
emend, a more technical word used in
(everything went amiss). take amiss
the context of textual correction.
be offended by. [Old Norse a mis so as to
amendment n. minor alteration or ad- miss]
dition in a document, resolution, etc. amity /'aemiti/ n. friendship. [Latin ami-
amends n. make amends (often foil, cus friend]
by for) compensate (for). ammeter /'aemita(r)/ n. instrument for
amenity /a'mi:niti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 measuring electric current in amperes.
pleasant or useful feature or facility. 2 [from AMPERE, -METER]
pleasantness (of a place etc.). [Latin ammo /'aemau/ n. slang ammunition,
amoenus pleasant] [abbreviation]
American /a'merikan/ -adj. of Amer- ammonia /a'maunia/ n. 1 pungent
ica, esp. the United States, -n. 1 native, strongly alkaline gas. 2 (in general use)
citizen, or inhabitant of America, esp. solution of ammonia in water, [as sal
the US. 2 English as used in the US. ammoniac]
Americanize v. (also -ise) (-zing or ammonite /'aema.nait/ n. coil-shaped
-sing), [name of navigator Amerigo Ves- fossil shell. [Latin, = horn of Jupiter
pucci] Ammon]
American dream n. ideal of demo- ammunition /,a3mju'nij(a)n/ n. 1 sup-
cracy and prosperity. ply of bullets, shells, grenades, etc. 2
American football n. football evolved information usable in an argument.
from Rugby. [French la munition taken as I'ammu-]
American Indian see Indian. amnesia /aem'ni:zia/ n. loss of memory.
Americanism n. word etc. of US origin amnesiac /-zi.aek/ n. [Latin from
or usage. Greek]
americium /.aema'nsiam/ n. artificial amnesty /'aemnisti/ -n. (pi. -ies)
radioactive metallic element. [America, general pardon, esp. for political
where first made] offences, -v, (-ies, -ied) grant an am-
Amerind & n. (also
/'aemarmd/ adj. nesty to. [Greek amnestia oblivion]
Amerindian /-'rmdian/) = American amniocentesis /,aemniausen'ti:sis/ n.
Indian (see Indian). (pi. -teses /-si:z/) sampling of amniotic
amethyst /'aemaBist/ n. semiprecious fluid to detect foetal abnormality, [from
stone of a violet or purple variety of amnion, Greek kentesis pricking]
quartz. [Greek, = preventing drunken- amnion /'aemman/ n. (pi. amnia) inner-
ness] most membrane enclosing an embryo.
Amharic /aem'haerik/ -n. official and amniotic /-'Dtik/ adj. [Greek, = caul]
commercial language of Ethiopia, -adj. amoeba /a'mi:ba/ n.(pi. -s) microscopic

of this language. [Amhara, region of aquatic amorphous one-celled organ-

Ethiopia] ism. amoebic adj. [Greek, = change]
amok 25 anabolism
amok /a'mDk/ adv. run amok (or amphora /'aemfara/ n. (pi. -phorae
amuck) run wild. [Malay] narrow-necked Greek or Roman
among /a'mAn/ prep, (also amongst) 1 vessel with two handles. [Greek
surrounded by, with (lived among the amphoreus]
trees; be among friends). 2 included in ample /'a3mp(a)l/ adj. (ampler,
(among us were dissidents). 3 in the amplest) 1 a plentiful, abundant, exten-
category of (among his best works). 4 a sive, b euphem. large, stout. 2 more than
between; shared by (divide it among enough. amply adv. [Latin amplus]
you), b from the joint resources of amplifier /'aempli,faia(r)/ n. electronic
(among us we can manage it). 5 with device for increasing the strength of
one another (talked among them- electrical signals, esp. for conversion
selves). [Old English, = in a crowd] into sound.
amoral /ei'mDr(a)l/ adj. 1 beyond amplify /'aempli.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1

morality. 2 without moral principles. increase the strength of (sound, elec-

amorous /'aemaras/ adj. of, showing, or trical signals, etc.). 2 add detail to, ex-
feeling sexual love. [Latin amor love] pand (a story etc.). amplification

amorphous /a'moifas/ adj. 1 of no def- /-fi'keij (9)n/ n. [Latin: related to ample]

inite shape. 2 vague. 3 Mineral. & Chem. amplitude /'aempli,rju:d/ n. 1 max-
non-crystalline. [Greek a- not, morphe imum departure from average of an
form] oscillation, alternating current, etc.
amortize /a'moitaiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing
2 spaciousness; abundance^ [Latin:
or -sing) gradually extinguish (a debt) related to ample]
by regular instalments. [Latin ad mor- amplitude modulation n. modula-
tem to death] tion of a wave by variation of its ampli-
amount /a'maunt/ -n. quantity, esp. a
total in number, size, value, extent, etc.
ampoule /'aempu:l/ n. small sealed cap-
sule holding a solution for injection.
-v. (foil, by to) be equivalent to in
[French: related to ampulla]
number, significance, etc. [Latin ad
montem upward]
ampulla /aem'pula/ n. (pi. -pullae /-li:/)
1 Roman globular flask with two
amour /8'mua(r)/ n. (esp. secret) love
handles. 2 ecclesiastical vessel. [Latin]
affair. [French, = love]
amputate /'aempju.teit/ v. (-ting) cut off
amour propre /ae.mua 'propr/ n. self- surgically (a limb etc.). amputation
respect. [French]
/-'teij(a)n/ n. amputee /-'ti:/ n. [Latin
amp 1
n. ampere, [abbreviation]
amb- about, puto prune]
amp 2
n. colloq. amplifier, [abbreviation]
amuck var. of amok.
ampelopsis /.aempi'lopsis/ n. (pi same)
amulet /'aemjulit/ n. charm worn
climbing plant related to the vine. against evil. [Latin]
[Greek ampelos vine, opsis appearance] amuse /a'mju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 cause to
amperage /'aemp8nd3/ n. strength of laugh or smile. 2 interest or occupy.
an electric current in amperes, amusing adj. [French a cause to,
ampere /'aempe8(r)/ n. SI base unit of muser stare]
electric current. [Ampere, name of a amusement n. 1 thing that amuses. 2
physicist] being amused. 3 mechanical device (e.g.
ampersand /'aempa.saend/ n. the sign a roundabout) for entertainment at a
'&' (= and), [corruption of and per se fairground etc.
and] amusement arcade n. indoor area
amphetamine /aem'feta.miin/ n. syn- with slot-machines,
thetic drug used esp. as a stimulant, an see a

[abbreviation of chemical name] an- see a-.

amphibian /aem'fibian/ -adj. of a class -an suffix (also -ian) forming adjectives
of vertebrates (e.g. frogs) with an aqua- and nouns, esp. from names of places,
tic larval stage followed by a terrestrial systems, classes, etc. (Mexican; An-
adult stage, -n. 1 vertebrate of this glican; crustacean). [French -ain, Latin
both on
class. 2 vehicle able to operate anus]
land and in water. [Greek amphi- both, Anabaptist /.aena'baeptist/ n. member
bios life] of a religious group believing in baptism
amphibious adj. 1 living or operating only of adults. [Greek ana again]
on land and in water. 2 involving mil- anabolic steroid /.aena'bDhk/ n. syn-
itary forces landed from the sea. thetic steroid hormone used to increase
amphitheatre /'aemft.eiatafr)/ n. esp. muscle size.

circular unroofed building with tiers of anabolism /8'naeb8,liz(9)m/ n. syn-

seats surrounding a central space. thesis ofcomplex molecules in living
[Greek amphi- round] organisms from simpler ones together
anachronism 26 anchovy
with the storage of energy. [Greek ana- this.2 Chem. determination of the con-
bole ascent] stituent parts of a mixture or com-
anachronism /a'naekra,niz(a)m/ n. 1 a pound. 3 psychoanalysis. [Greek ana
attribution of a custom, event, etc., to up, luo loose]
the wrong period, b thing thus attri- analyst /'aenalist/ n. 1 person skilled in
buted. 2 out-of-date person or thing, n (esp. chemical or computer) analysis.
anachronistic /-'nistik/ adj. [Greek 2 psychoanalyst.
ana- against, khronos time] analytical /,aena'litik(a)l/ adj. (also
anaconda /.aena'konda/ n. large non- analytic) of or using analysis.
poisonous snake killing its prey by con- analyze US var. of analyse.
striction. [Sinhalese] anapaest /'aena,pi:st/ n. metrical foot
anaemia /a'ni:mia/ n. (US anemia) defi- consisting of two short syllables fol-
ciency of red blood cells or their haemo- lowed by one long syllable (uu-).
globin, causing pallor and weariness. [Greek anapaistos reversed (dactyl)]
[Greek, = want of blood] anarchism /'aena,kiz(a)m/ n. political
anaemic /a'ni:mik/ adj. (US anemic) theory that all government and laws
1 of or suffering from anaemia. 2 pale, should be abolished. [French: related to
listless. ANARCHY]
anaesthesia / (
asnis'8i:zia/ n. (t/5anes-) anarchist /'aenakist/ n. advocate of an-
absence of sensation, esp. artificially archism. anarchistic /-'kistik/ adj.

induced before surgery. [Greek] anarchy /'aenaki/ n. disorder, esp. polit-

anaesthetic /.aenis'Getik/ (US anes-) ical. anarchic /a'na:kik/ adj. [Greek

-n. substance producing anaesthesia. an- without, arkhe rule]
-adj. producing anaesthesia. anathema /a'naeeama/ n. (pi. -s) 1
detested thing (is anathema to me).
anaesthetist /a'ni:s0atist/ n. (US anes-)
2 ecclesiastical curse. [Greek, = thing
specialist in the administration of an-
devoted (i.e. to evil)]
anaesthetize (US
/a'ni:s8a,taiz/ v.
anathematize v. (also -ise) (-zing or

-sing) curse.
anes-) (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) admin-
ister an anaesthetic to.
anatomy /a'naetami/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 sci-
ence of animal or plant structure. 2 such
anagram /'aena.graem/
n. word or
a structure. 3 analysis. anatomical
phrase formed by
transposing the
/,aena'tDmik(a)l/ adj. anatomist n.
letters of another. [Greek ana again,
[Greek ana- up, temno cut]
gramma letter]
anatto var. of annatto.
anal /'ein(a)l/ adj. of the anus. ANC abbr. African National Congress.
analgesia /,aenard3i:zia/ n. absence or
-ance suffix forming nouns expressing:
relief of pain. [Greek]
1 quality or state or an instance of one
analgesic -adj. relieving pain. -n. an-
(arrogance; resemblance). 2 action (as-
algesic drug.
sistance). [French -ance, Latin -antia]
analog US var. of analogue. ancestor /'aensesta(r)/ n. 1 person, an-
analogize /a'naela,d3aiz/ v. (also -ise) imal, or plant from which another has
(-zing or -sing) use, or represent or descended or evolved. 2 prototype or
explain by, analogy. forerunner. [Latin ante- before, cedo go]
analogous /a'naelagas/ adj. (usu. foil, ancestral /aen'sestr(a)l/ adj. belonging
by to) partially similar or parallel. to or inherited from one's ancestors.
[Greek analogos proportionate] ancestry /'aensestri/ n. (pi. -ies)
analogue / ' n. (US analog) 1
1 family descent, lineage. 2 ancestors
analogous thing. 2 (attrib.) (usu. ana- collectively.
log) (of a computer etc.) using physical anchor /'aerjka(r)/ -n. 1 heavy metal
variables, e.g. voltage, to represent weight used to moor a ship or a balloon.
numbers (cf. digital). 2 stabilizing thing, -v. 1 secure with an
analogy /a'naelad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 corres- anchor. 2 fix firmly. 3 cast anchor. 4 be
pondence; partial similarity. 2 arguing moored by an anchor. [Greek agkura]
or reasoning from parallel cases. anchorage n. 1 place for anchoring. 2
analogical /,aena'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. anchoring or lying at anchor.
[Greek analogia proportion] anchorite /'aerjka.rait/ n. hermit; reli-
analyse /'aena.laiz/ v. (US analyze) gious recluse. [Greek anakhoreo retire]
(-sing or -zing) 1 examine in detail; anchorman n. coordinator, esp. as
ascertain the constituents of (a sub- compere in a broadcast.
stance, sentence, etc.). 2 psychoanalyse. anchovy /'aentjavi/ n. (pi -ies) small
analysis /a'naelisis/ n. (pi. -lyses /-,si:z/) strong-flavoured fish of the herring
1 a detailed examination of elements or family. [Spanish and Portuguese
structure, b statement of the result of anchova]
ancien regime 27 Anglicize
ancien regime /a.sjse re'3i:m/ n. {pi anesthesia etc. US var. of anaesthesia
anciens regimes pronunc. same) 1 polit- etc.
ical and social system of pre-Revolu- aneurysm /'^m/ n. (also
tionary (before 1787) France. 2 any aneurism) excessive localized enlarge-
superseded regime. [French, = old rulel ment of an artery. [Greek aneuruno
ancient /'emj(a)nt/ adj. 1 of long ago, widen]
esp. before the fall of the Roman Empire anew /a'nju:/ adv. 1 again. 2 in a dif-
in the West. 2 having lived or existed ferent way. [earlier of newe]
long. the ancients people of ancient angel /'emd3(a)l/ n. a attendant or

times, esp. the Greeks and Romans. messenger of God. b representation of

[Latin ante before] this in human form .with wings. 2 vir-
ancillary /aen'silari/ -adj. 1 (esp. of tuous or obliging person. 3 slang finan-
health workers) providing essential cial backer of a play etc. [Greek aggelos
support. 2 (often foil, by to) subordinate, messenger]
subservient, -n. {pi -ies) 1 ancillary angel cake n. light sponge cake,
worker. 2 auxiliary or accessory. [Latin angel-fish n. fish with winglike fins,

ancilla handmaid] angelic /aen'd3elik/ adj. of or like an

-ancy suffix forming nouns denoting a angel. angelically adv.
quality {constancy) or state {infancy). angelica /aen'd3elika/ n. aromatic plant
[Latin -antia] or its candied stalks, [medieval Latin, =
and /send, and/ conj. 1 a connecting angelic (herb)]
words, clauses, or sentences, to be taken angelus /'aend3ilas/ n. 1 Roman Cath-

jointly {you and I). b implying progres- olic prayers commemorating the In-
sion {better and better), c implying carnation, said at morning, noon, and
causation {she hit him and he cried), d sunset. 2 bell announcing this. [Latin
implying great duration {cried and Angelus domini (= the angel of the
Lord), opening words]
cried), e implying a great number
{miles and miles), f implying addition
anger /'aerjga(r)/ -n. extreme or
{two and two), g implying variety {there
passionate displeasure, -v. make
angry. [Old Norse angr grief]
are books and books). 2 colloq. to {try
angina /aen'd3ama/ n. (in full angina
and come). 3 in relation to {Britain and
pectoris /'pektans/) chest pain brought
the EC). and/or either or both of two
on by exertion, caused by an inadequate
stated alternatives. [Old English]
blood supply to the heart. [Greek agk-
andante /aen'daenti/ Mus. -adv. & adj.
hone strangling]
in a moderately slow tempo, -n. such a
angiosperm /'aend3ia,sp3:m/ n. plant
passage or movement. [Italian, = going] producing flowers and reproducing by
andiron /'aend.aian/ n. metal stand
seeds enclosed within a carpel, includ-
(usu. one of a pair) for supporting logs in ing herbaceous plants, grasses, and
a fireplace. [French andier] most trees. [Greek aggeion vessel]
androgynous /aen'drDd3inas/ adj.
Angle /'aerjg(a)l/ n. (usu. in pi) member
1 hermaphrodite. 2 Bot. with stamens of a N. German tribe that settled in E.
and pistils in the same flower. [Greek Britain in the 5th c. [Latin Anglus, from
aner andr- man, gune woman] the name Angul in Germany]
android /'aendraid/ n. robot with a angle 1 /'aeng(a)l/ -n. 1 space between
human appearance. [Greek aner andr- two meeting lines or surfaces, esp. as
man, -oid] measured in degrees. 2 corner. 3 point of
anecdote /'aenik.daut/ n short, esp.
view. -v. (-ling) 1 move or place ob-
true, account or story. anecdotal liquely. 2 present (information) in a
/-'daut(a)l/ adj. [Greek anekdota things biased way. [Latin angulus]
unpublished] angle 2 /'aerig(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 fish with
anemia US var. of anaemia.

hook and line. 2 (foil, by for) seek an

anemic US var. of anaemic. objective indirectly {angled for a loan).
anemometer /,aeni'mDmita(r)/ n. angler n. [Old English]
instrument for measuring wind force. Anglican /'aenglikan/ -adj. of the
[Greek anemos wind] Church of England, -n. member of the
anemone /a'nemani/ n. plant of the Anglican Church. Anglicanism n.

buttercup family, with vividly-coloured [Latin Anglicanus: related to Angle]

flowers. [Greek, = wind-flower] Anglicism /'aerjgli,siz(a)m/ n. pecu-
aneroid /'aena.roid/ -adj; (of a baro- liarly English word or custom. [Latin
meter) measuring air-pressure by its Anglicus: related to Angle]
action on the lid of a box containing Anglicize /'aengli.saiz/ v. (also -ise)
a vacuum, -n. aneroid barometer. (-zing or -sing) make English in char-
[Greek a- not, neros water] acter etc.
Anglo- 28 annex
Anglo- comb, form English. 2 of Eng-
1 animal /'aenim(a)l/ -n. 1 living organ-
lish origin. 3 English or British and. ism, esp. other than man, which feeds
[Latin: related to Angle] and usu. has sense-organs and a ner-
Anglo-Catholic /.aenglau'kaeealik/ vous system and can move quickly. 2
-adj. of a High Church Anglican wing brutish person, -adj. 1 of or like an
emphasizing its Catholic tradition, -n. animal. 2 bestial; carnal. [Latin animal-
member of this group. is having breath]
Anglo-French /.aenglau'frentJV -adj. animalism n. 1 nature and activity of
English (or British) and French, -n. animals. 2 belief that humans are mere
French language as developed in Eng- animals.
land after the Norman Conquest. animality /.aeni'maeliti/ n. 1 the animal
Anglo-Indian /.aenglau'mdian/ -adj. 1 world. 2 animal behaviour,
of England and India. 2 of British des- animalize /'aenima.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
cent but Indian residence, —n. Anglo- (-zing or -sing) make (a person) bestial,
Indian person. sensualize.
Anglo-Norman /.aenglautoman/ animate -adj. /'aenimat/ 1 having life.
-adj. English and Norman, -n. Norman 2 lively, -v. /'aeni.meit/ (-ting) 1 enliven.
dialect used in England after the Nor- 2 give life to. [Latin anima breath]
man Conquest. animated /'aeni.meitid/ adj. 1 lively,
Anglophile /' n. person vigorous. 2 having life. 3 (of a film etc.)
who greatly admires England or the using animation.
English. animation /,aeni'meiKa)n/ n. 1 viva-
Anglo-Saxon /,aerjglau'saeks(a)n/ -adj. city, ardour. 2 being alive. 3 technique

1 of the English Saxons before the of producing a moving picture from a

Norman Conquest. 2 of English descent. sequence of drawings or puppet poses
-n. Anglo-Saxon person. 2 Old Eng-

3 colloq. plain (esp. crude) English.

animism /'aeni miz(a)m/ n. belief that

angora /aen'go:ra/ n. 1 fabric or wool inanimate and natural phenomena

from the hair of the angora goat or
have souls. animist n. animistic
/-'mistik/ adj.
rabbit. 2 long-haired variety of cat, goat,
or rabbit. [Angora ( = Ankara) in Tur-
animosity /.aeni'mDsiti/ n. (pi. -ies)
spirit or feeling of hostility. [Latin:
related to animus]
angostura /.aenga'srjuara/ n. aromatic
bitter bark used as a flavouring. [Angos-
animus /'aenimas/ n. animosity, ill feel-
ing. [Latin, = spirit, mind]
tura ( = Ciudad Bolivar) in Venezuela] anion /'aen.aian/ n. negatively charged
angry /'aengri/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 feeling,
ion. anionic /-'nnik/ adj. [Greek ana
showing, or suggesting anger (angry
up, ion]
sky). 2 (of a wound etc.) inflamed, pain-
anise /'aenis/ n. plant with aromatic
ful. angrily adv. seeds. [Greek anison]
angst /aenst/ n. anxiety, neurotic fear;
aniseed /'aeni,si:d/ n. seed of the anise,
guilt, remorse. [German] used for flavouring.
angstrom /'aenstram/ n. unit of length ankle /'aenk(a)l/ n. 1 joint connecting
equal to 10" 10 metre. [Angstrom, name the foot with the leg. 2 this part of the
of a physicist] leg. [Old Norse]
anguish /'aengwiJV n. 1 severe mental anklet /'aenklit/ n. ornament or fetter
suffering. 2 pain, agony. anguished worn round the ankle,
adj. [Latin angustia tightness] ankylosis /.aepki'lausis/ n. stiffening of
angular /'aengjula(r)/ adj. 1 having a joint by fusion of the bones. [Greek
sharp corners or (of a person) features. agkulos crooked]
2 forming an angle. 3 measured by angle annals /'aen(a)lz/ 1 narrative of
(angular distance). angularity events year by year. 2 historical re-
/-'laenti/ n. [Latin: related to angle ] cords. annalist n. [Latin annus year]
anhydrous /aen'haidras/ adj. Chem. annatto /a'naetau/ n. (also anatto)
without water, esp. water of crystalliza- orange-red dye from the pulp of a trop-
tion. [Greek an- without, hudor water] ical fruit, used for colouring foods.
aniline /'aeni,li:n/ n. colourless oily [Carib name of the fruit-tree]
liquid used in making dyes, drugs, and anneal /a'ni:l/ v. heat (metal or glass)
plastics. [German Anil indigo, former and cool slowly, esp. to toughen it. [Old
source] English selan bake]
animadvert /,aenimaed'v3:t/ v. (foil, by annelid segmented worm,
/'aenalid/ n.
on) literary criticize, censure. anim- e.g. the earthworm. [Latin anulus ring]
adversion n. [Latin animus mind, ad- annex /ae'neks/ v. 1 (often foil, by to) add
verse] as a subordinate part. 2 incorporate
annexe 29 antacid
(territory) into one's own. 3 add as anodyne -adj. 1 pain-
a condition or consequence. 4 colloq. relieving. 2 mentally soothing, -n.
take without right. annexation anodyne drug etc. [Greek an- without,
/-'seij(a)n/ n. [Latin necto bind] odune pain]
annexe /'aeneks/ n. 1 separate or added anoint /a'namt/ v. 1 apply oil or oint-
building. 2 addition to a document. ment to, esp. ritually. 2 (usu. foil, by
annihilate /a'naia.leit/ v. (-ting) com- with) smear. [Latin inungo anoint]
pletely destroy or defeat. annihila- anomalous /a'nomalas/ adj. irregular,
tion /-'leij(9)n/ n. [Latin nihil nothing] deviant, abnormal. [Greek an- not,
anniversary /.aeni'vaisari/ n. (pi. -ies) homalos even]
1 date of an event in a previous year. anomaly /a'nmnali/ n. (pi -ies) anomal-
2 celebration of this. [Latin annus ous thing; irregularity.
year, verto vers- turn] anon /a'nmi/ adv. archaic soon, shortly.
Anno Domini /.aenau 'dDmi.nai/ adv. [Old English on an into one]
years after Christ's birth. [Latin, = in anon, /a'non/ abbr. anonymous.
the year of the Lord] anonymous /a'nmiimas/ adj. 1 of
annotate /'aena.teit/ v. (-ting) add unknown name or authorship. 2 with-
explanatory notes to. annotation out character; featureless. an-
/-'teij(9)n/ n.[Latin nota mark] onymity /.aena'nimiti/ n. [Greek an-
announce /a'nauns/ v. (-cing) 1 make without, onoma name]
publicly known. 2 make known the anorak /'aena.raek/ n. waterproof usu.
arrival or imminence of (a guest, din- hooded jacket. [Eskimo]
ner, etc.). 3 be a sign of. announce- anorexia /.aena'reksia/ n. lack of ap-
ment n. [Latin nuntius messenger] petite, esp. (in full anorexia nervosa
announcer n. person who announces, /n3:'vausa/) an obsessive desire to lose
esp. in broadcasting.
weight by refusing to eat. anorexic
adj. & n. [Greek an- without, orexis
annoy /a'noi/ v. 1 (often in passive)
anger or distress slightly (am annoyed
with you). 2 molest, harass.
another /a'nAoa(r)/ -adj. 1 an addi-
tional; one more (another cake). 2 per-
annoyance [Latin in odio hateful]
son like (another Hitler). 3 a different
annual /'aenjual/ -adj. 1 reckoned by (another matter). 4 some other (another
the year. 2 occurring yearly. 3 living or
man's work), -pron. additional, other,
lasting (only) a year. -n. 1 book etc.
or different person or thing, [earlier an
published yearly. 2 plant that lives only
a year. annually adv. [Latin annus answer /'a:nsa(r)/ -n. 1 something said
or done in reaction to a question, state-
annualized adj. (of rates of interest ment, or circumstance. 2 solution to a
etc.) calculated on an annual basis, as a
problem, -v. 1 make an answer or re-
projection from figures obtained for a sponse (to) (answer the door). 2 suit (a
shorter period. purpose or need). 3 (foil, by to, for) be
annuity /a'nju:iti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 yearly responsible (you will answer to me for
grant or allowance. 2 investment yield- your conduct). 4 (foil, by to) correspond,
ing a fixed annual sum. esp. to a description. answer back
annul /a'nAl/ v. (-11-) 1 declare invalid. 2 answer insolently. [Old English, =
cancel, abolish. annulment n. [Latin swear against (a charge)]
nullus none] answerable adj. 1 (usu. foil, by to, for)
annular /'aenjula(r)/ adj. ring-shaped. responsible (answerable to them for
[Latin anulus ring] any accident). 2 that can be answered.
annular eclipse n. solar eclipse in answering machine n. tape recorder
which a ring of light remains visible. which answers telephone calls and
annulate /'aenjulat/ adj. marked with takes messages.
or formed of rings. answerphone n. = answering ma-
annunciation /a.nAnsi'eiJXa)!*/ n. 1 chine.
announcement, esp. (Annunciation) ant n. small usu. wingless insect living
that made by the angel Gabriel to Mary. in complex social colonies and prover-
2 festival of this. [Latin: related to an- bial for industry. [Old English]
nounce] -ant suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting

anode /'aenaud/ n. positive electrode in attribution of an action (repentant) or

an electrolytic cell etc. [Greek anodos state (arrogant). 2 forming agent nouns
way up] (assistant). [Latin -ant-, present parti-
anodize /'aena.daiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing cipial stem of verbs]
or -sing) coat (metal) with a protective antacid /aent'aesid/ -adj. preventing or
layer by electrolysis. correcting acidity, -n. antacid agent.
antagonism 30 anticipate
antagonism /aen'taega.niz^m/ n. ac- anthill n. moundlike nest built by ants
tive hostility. [French: related to agony] or termites.
antagonist n. opponent or adversary, anthology /aen'6Dlad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) col-
antagonistic /-'nistik/ adj. lection of poems, essays, stories, etc.
antagonize /asn'taega.naiz/ v. (also -ise) anthologist n. [Greek anthos flower,
(-zing or -sing) make hostile; provoke. -logia collection]
Antarctic /aenfa:ktik/ -adj. of the anthracite hard type of
/'aenGra.sait/ n.
south polar regions, -n. this region. coal burning with little flame and
[Latin: related to Arctic] smoke. [Greek: related to anthrax]
Antarctic Circle n. parallel of latitude anthrax /'aenGraeks/ n. disease of sheep
66° 32' S., forming an imaginary line and cattle transmissible to humans.
round the Antarctic region. [Greek, = coal, carbuncle]
ante /'aenti/ stake put up by a
-n. 1
anthropocentric /.aenGrapau'sentnk/
player in poker etc. before receiving
adj. regarding mankind as the centre of
cards. 2 amount payable in advance.
existence. [Greek anthropos man]
-v. (-tes, -ted) 1 put up as an ante.
anthropoid /'aenGra.paid/ -adj. human
2 US a bet, stake, b (foil, by up) pay.
in form. -n. anthropoid ape.
ante- prefix before, preceding. [Latin, =
anthropology /,aenGra'pDlad3i/ n.
study of mankind, esp. its societies
anteater n. any of various mammals
feeding on ants and termites.
and customs. anthropological
antecedent /,aenti'si:d(a)nt/ -n. 1 pre- /-pa'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. anthropologist n.
ceding thing or circumstance. 2 Gram. anthropomorphism /.aenGrapa
word or phrase etc. to which another 'mo:fiz(a)m/ n. attribution of human
word (esp. a relative pronoun) refers. 3 characteristics to a god, animal, or
(in pi.) person's past history or an- thing. anthropomorphic adj.
cestors, —adj. previous. [Latin cedo go] [Greek morphe form]
antechamber /'aenti,tjeimba(r)/ n. anthropomorphous /.aenGrapa
ante-room. 'mo:fas/ adj. human in form.
antedate /.aenti'deit/ v. (-ting) 1 precede anti lentil -prep, opposed to. -n. (pi. -s)

in time. 2 assign an earlier than actual person opposed to a policy etc.

date to. anti- prefix 1 opposed to (anticlerical).
antediluvian /,39ntidi'lu:vian/ adj. 1 of 2 preventing (antifreeze). 3 opposite of
the time before the Flood. 2 colloq. very (anticlimax). 4 unconventional (anti-
old or out of date, [from ante-, Latin hero). [Greek]
diluvium deluge] anti-abortion /,aentia'b3:J(a)n/ adj.
antelope /'aenti.laup/ n. (pi. same or -s) opposing abortion. anti-abortionist
swift-moving deerlike ruminant, e.g. n.
the gazelle and gnu. [Greek antholops] anti-aircraft /,aenti'eakra:ft/ adj. (of a
antenatal /,aenti'neit(a)l/ adj. 1 before gun or missile) used to attack enemy
birth. 2 of pregnancy, aircraft.
antenna /aen'tena/ n. 1 (pi. -tennae antibiotic /.aentibai'otik/ -n. sub-
/-ni:/) each of a pair of feelers on the stance that can inhibit or
(e.g. penicillin)
heads of insects, crustaceans, etc. 2 (pi.
destroy susceptible micro-organisms.
-s) = aerial n. [Latin, = sail-yard]
-adj. functioning as an antibiotic.
antepenultimate /.aentipi'nAltimat/
[Greek bios life]
adj. last but two.
antibody /'aenti.bDdi/ n. (pi -ies) a
ante-post /.aenti'paust/ adj. (of betting)
blood protein produced in response to
done at odds determined at the time of
and then counteracting antigens,
betting, in advance of the event con-
1 [translation of German Antikdrper]
cerned, [from ANTE-, POST ]
antic /'aentik/ n. (usu. in pi.) foolish
anterior /aen'tiaria(r)/ adj.1 nearer the
front. 2 (often foil, by to) prior. [Latin
behaviour or action. [Italian antico an-
from ante before]
ante-room /'aenti,ru:m/ n. small room Antichrist /'aenti.kraist/ n. enemy of
leading to a main one. Christ. antichristian /-'knstj(a)n/
anthem /'aen6am/ n. 1 elaborate choral adj.
composition usu. based on a passage of anticipate /aen'tisi.peit/ v. (-ting) 1 deal
scripture. 2 solemn hymn of praise etc., with or use before the proper time. 2
esp. = national anthem. [Latin: expect, foresee (did not anticipate a
related to antiphon] problem). 3 forestall (a person or thing).
anther /'aenGa(r)/ n. part of a stamen 4 look forward to. anticipation
containing pollen. [Greek anthos /-'peij(a)n/ n. anticipatory adj. [Latin
flower] anti- before, capio take]
anticlerical 31 antisocial
Usage The use of anticipate in sense antinovel novel

2, 'expect', 'foresee', is well-established avoiding the conventions of the form.

in informal use, but is regarded as anti-nuclear /,aenti'nju:klia(r)/ adj.
incorrect by some people. opposed to the development of nuclear
weapons or power.
anticlerical /,aenti'klenk(a)l/ adj. antiparticle /'denti.paitikte)!/ n. ele-
opposed to clerical influence, esp. in mentary particle with the same mass
politics. but opposite charge etc. to another par-
anticlimax /.aenti'klaimaeks/ n. dis- ticle.
appointingly trivial conclusion to antipathy /aen'tipaGi/ n. (pi. -ies) (often
something significant. foil,by to, for, between) strong aversion
anticlockwise /.aenti'klokwaiz/ adj. & or dislike. antipathetic /-'9etik/ adj.
adv. moving in a curve opposite in [Greek: related to pathetic]
direction to the hands of a clock. antiperspirant /,aenti'p3:sparant/ n.
anticyclone /.aenti'saiklaun/ n. system substance preventing or reducing per-
of winds rotating outwards from an spiration.
area of high pressure, producing fine antiphon /'aentif(a)n/ n. 1 hymn sung
weather. alternately by two groups. 2 versicle or
antidepressant /,aentidi'pres(a)nt/ -n. phrase from this. antiphonal
drug etc. that alleviates depression. /-'tifan(a)l/ adj. [Greek phone sound]
-adj. alleviating depression. antipodes /aen'tipa,di:z/ places
antidote medicine etc.
/'aenti.daut/ n. 1 diametrically opposite to one another
used to counteract poison. 2 anything on the earth, esp. (also Antipodes) Aus-
counteracting something unpleasant. tralasia in relation to Europe. antipo-
[Greek antidotos given against] dean /
-'di:an/ adj. & n. [Greek, = having
antifreeze /'aenti,fri:z/ n. substance the feet opposite]
added to water to lower its freezing- antipope /'aenti.paup/ n. pope set up in
point, esp. in a vehicle's radiator. opposition to one chosen by canon law.
antigen /'aentid3(a)n/ n. foreign sub- antipyretic /.aentipaia'retik/ -adj. pre-
stance (e.g. toxin) which causes the venting or reducing fever, -n. anti-
body to produce antibodies. [Greek pyretic drug.
-genes of a kind] antiquarian /.aenti'kwearian/ -adj. of
anti-hero /'agnti.hiarau/ n. (pi -es) or dealing in antiques or rare books. -n.
central character in a story, lacking antiquary. antiquarianism n.
conventional heroic qualities. antiquary /'aentikwari/ n. (pi. -ies) stu-
antihistamine /,aenti'hista,mi:n/ n. dent or collector of antiques etc. [Latin:
drug that counteracts the effects of his- related to antique]
tamine, used esp. in treating allergies. antiquated /'aenti.kweitid/ adj. old-
antiknock substance
/'aenti.nnk/ n. fashioned.
added to motor fuel to prevent prema- antique /aen'ti:k/ -n. old object, esp. a
ture combustion. piece of furniture, of high value, —adj. 1
anti-lock /'aenti.lDk/ attrib. adj. (of of or from an early date. 2 old-fashioned.
brakes) set up so as to prevent locking [Latin antiquus]
and skidding when applied suddenly. antiquity /aen'tikwati/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

antilog /'aenti.log/ n. colloq. = anti- ancient times, esp. before the Middle
logarithm, [abbreviation] Ages. 2 great age. 3 (usu. in pi.) relics
antilogarithm /.aenti'^m/ n. from ancient times. [Latin: related to
number to which a logarithm belongs. antique]
antimacassar /,aentima'kaesa(r)/ n. antirrhinum /.aenti'ramam/ n. plant
detachable protective cloth for the back with two-lipped flowers, esp. the snap-
of a chair etc. dragon. [Greek, = snout]
antimatter /'aenti,maeta(r)/ n. matter anti-Semite /,aenti'si:mait/ n. person
composed solely of antiparticles. who is prejudiced against Jews, anti-
antimony /'aentimani/ n. brittle silvery -Semitic /-si mitik/ adj. anti-Semitism
metallic element used esp. in alloys, /-'semi,tiz(a)m/ n.
[medieval Latin] antiseptic /.aenti'septik/ -adj. 1 coun-
antinomian /.aenti'naumian/ -adj. teracting sepsis, esp. by destroying
believing that Christians need not obey germs. 2 sterile, uncontaminated. 3
the moral law. -n. (Antinomian) hist. lacking character, -n. antiseptic agent.
person believing this. [Greek nomos antiserum /'aenti.siaram/ n. serum
law] with a high antibody content.
antinomy /aen'tinami/ n. (pi. -ies) antisocial /,aenti'sauj(a)l/ adj. 1

contradiction between two reasonable opposed or harmful to society. 2 not

beliefs or conclusions. sociable.
antistatic 32 aphasia
Usage Antisocial is sometimes used anyhow adv. 1 anyway. 2
in a disor-
mistakenly instead of unsocial in the derly manner or state (does his work
phrase unsocial hours. This should be
anyone pron. anybody.
antistatic a?nu sta?tik adj. counter-
Usage Anyone is written as two
acting the effects of static electricity.
words to emphasize a numerical sense,
as in any one of us can do it.
anti-tank ,aenu'ta?nk attrib. aa[i. used
against tanks. anything pron. any thing; thing of any
antitetanus a?nti tetanes adj. effect- sort anything but not at all.
ive against tetanus. anyway adv. 1 in any way or manner.
antithesis a?n 'tittesis n. (pi -theses 2 at any rate. 3 to resume (anyway, as ) 1 (foil, by of. to) direct opposite. 2 1 was saying).
contrast. 3 rhetorical use of strongly anywhere -adv. in or to any place.
contrasted words. antithetical -pron. any place (anywhere will do).
-'Getik^H adj. [Greek antitithemi set AOB abbr. any other business.
against] aorta ei'orta n. (pi -s) main artery,
antitoxin aenti'toksrn n. antibody giving rise to the arterial network"" ear-
counteracting a toxin, antitoxic adj. ning oxygenated blood to the body
antitrades a?nti treidz n,pl. winds from the heart. aortic adj. [Greek
blowing in the opposite direction to ^and aeiro raise]
usu. above trade winds,

) apace a'peis adv. literary swiftly.

antiviral aena'vaianaH adj. effective [French a pas]
against viruses. Apache e'paptji n. member of a
antler n. branched horn of a stag or N. American Indian tribe. [Mexican
other deer, antlered adj. [French] Spanish]
antonym 'a?ntanrm n. word opposite apart a'pci:t adv. 1 separately, not
in meaning to another. [Greek onoma together (keep your feet apart). 2 into
name] pieces (came apart). 3 to or on one side.
antrum a?ntram n, (pi antral natural 4 ta or ifl a distance apart from 1
cavity in the body. esp. in a bone. excepting, not considering. 2 in addition
[Greek. = cave] to (apart from roses we grow irises).
anus 'ernes n, (pi anuses) excretory [French a part to one side]
opening at the end of the alimentary apartheid ^;v.:ei: n esp S. m
canal. [Latin] Africa) racial segregation or discrim-
anvil 'a?n\il n. iron block on which ination. [.Afrikaans]
metals are worked. [Old English] apartment apo:tmant n. 1 (in pi)
anxiety a?rj zaiati n. (pi -ies) 1 being suite of rooms. 2 single room. 3 US flat.
anxious. 2 worry or concern. 3 eager- [Italian a parte, apart]
ness, troubled desire. [Latin anxietas apathy n. lack of interest; in-
from ango choke: difference, z apathetic -'flenk adj.
anxious senkjas adj. 1 mentally [Greek without, pathos]
troubled. 2 causing or marked by ape - n. 1 tailless monkey-like primate,
anxiety (anxious moment). 3 eager, un- e.g. the gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-
easily wanting ^anxious
:o please). utan, or gibbon. 2 imitator, -v. (-ping)
anxiously adv. [Latin anxius] miitate. mimic. [Old English]
any em -adj. 1 a one. no matter which, apeman n. extinct primate held to be
of several (cannot find any answer), b the forerunner of present-day man.
some, no matter how much or many or aperient apianant -adj. laxative. -n.
of what son (if any books arrive; have laxative medicine. [Latin aperio open]
you any sugar?). 2 a minimal amount of aperitif a, pen ti:f n. alcoholic drink
(hardly any difference). 3 whichever is taken before a meal. [Latin aperio open]
chosen yany fool knows). 4 an appre- aperture 'a^pe.tja^ n. opening or
ciable or significant (did not stay for gap. esp. a variable opening in a camera
any length of time: has any amount of for admining light. [Latin aperio open]
mcney"i. -p-on. 1 any one (did not know Apex eipeks n. (also APEX) (often
any of themv 2 any number or amount artrib.) system of reduced fares for
CY any of yours/*), -adv. (usu. scheduled flights. [.Advance Purchase
with neg. or interrog.) at all (is :ha: any- £.vcursion]
good? [Old English ftnfc related to apex "eipeks n. (pi -es) 1 highest point.
ONE. -Y ]
2 tip or pointed end. [Latin]
anybody n. Sc r*v r :. 1 any person. 2 aphasia a'feizie n. loss of verbal
person of importance (fl he anybody?). understanding or expression, owing to
aphelion 33 appal
brain damage. [Greek aphatos apologize /a'pola^aiz/ v. (also -ise)
speechless] (-zing or -sing) make an apology, ex-
aphelion a'frlian/ n. (pi. -lia) point in a press regret.
where it is furthest
celestial body's orbit apology /9'pDl8d3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 state-
from the sun. [Greek aph'heliou from ment of regret for an offence or failure. 2
the sun] explanation or defence. 3 (foil, by for)
aphid /'eifid/ n. small insect infesting poor specimen of. [Greek apologia from
and damaging plants, e.g. the greenfly. apologeomai speak in defence]
aphis /'eifis/ n. (pi aphides /-,di:z/) apophthegm /'aepa.Gem/ n. = aphor-
aphid, [invented by Linnaeus: perhaps a ism. [Latin from Greek]
misreading of Greek koris bug] apoplectic /.a^pa'plektik/ adj. 1 of or
aphorism / aefa,nz(a)m/ n. short pithy

causing apoplexy. 2 colloq. enraged.

maxim. aphoristic /-'nstik/ adj. apoplexy sudden para-
/'aepa.pleksi/ n.
[Greek aphorismos definition] lysiscaused by blockage or rupture of a
aphrodisiac /.aefra'dizi.aek/ -adj. brain artery; stroke. [Greek apoplesso
arousing sexual desire, -n. aphrodisiac disable by stroke]
substance. [Greek Aphrodite goddess of apostasy /a'pDstasi/ n. (pi. -ies) renun-
love] ciation of a belief or faith, abandoning of
apiary /'eipiari/ n. (pi -ies) place where principles, etc. [Greek, = defection]
bees are kept. apiarist n. [Latin apis
apostate /a'pDsteit/ n. person who
bee] renounces a belief etc. z apostatize v.
apical /'eipik(a)l/ adj. of, at, or forming (also -ise) (-zing or -sing).
an apex. a posteriori /,ei po,steri'o:rai/ -adj. (of

apiculture /'eipi.kAltJaO*)/ n. bee- reasoning) proceeding from effects to

causes; inductive, -adv. inductively.
keeping, apiculturist /-'kAltJanst/
[Latin, = from what comes after]
n. [Latin apis bee, culture]
apiece /a'pi:s/ adv. for each one; sever- apostle (Apostle) any of
/a'pDs(a)l/ n. 1
the twelve men sent out by Christ to
ally (five pounds apiece), [originally a
preach the gospel. 2 leader, esp. of a
new movement. [Greek apostolos
apish /'eipiJV adj. 1 of or like an ape. 2
foolishly imitating.
apostolate /a'pDstalat/ n. 1 position or
aplomb /a'pmm/ n. skilful self-assur-
authority of an Apostle. 2 leadership in
ance. [French, = straight as a plummet]
apocalypse /a'pokalips/ n. 1 violent or apostolic /.aepa'stDlik/ adj. 1 of the
destructive event. 2 (the Apocalypse) Apostles or their teaching. 2 of the Pope.
Revelation, the last book of the New apostolic succession n. supposed
Testament. 3 revelation, esp. about the uninterrupted transmission of spiritual
end of the world. apocalyptic authority from the Apostles through
/-'liptik/ adj. [Greek apokalupto reveal] popes and bishops.
Apocrypha /a'poknfa/ 1 books apostrophe /a'pDstrafi/ n. 1 punctu-
included in the Septuagint and Vulgate ation mark (') indicating: a omission of
versions of the Old Testament but not letters or numbers (e.g. can't; May '92).
in the Hebrew Bible. 2 (apocrypha) b possessive case (e.g. Harry's book;
writings etc. not considered genuine. boys' coats). 2 exclamatory passage ad-
[Greek apokrupto hide away] dressed to (an often absent) person or
apocryphal adj. of doubtful thing. apostrophize v. (also -ise)
authenticity. (-zing or -sing) (in sense 2). [Greek, =
apogee /'aepa,d3i:/ highest point;
n. 1 turning away]
climax. 2 point in a celestial body's orbit apothecaries' measure n. (also
where it is furthest from the earth. apothecaries' weight) units formerly
[Greek apogeion] used in pharmacy.
apolitical /,eipa'litik(a)l/ adj. not inter- apothecary /a'pDGakan/ n (pi. -ies)
ested in or concerned with politics. archaic dispensing chemist. [Greek
apologetic /a.pola'dsetik/ -adj. 1 show- apotheke storehouse]
ing or expressing regret. 2 of apolo- apotheosis /a.pDGi'ausis/ n. (pi.

getics, -n. (usu. in pi.) reasoned -theoses /-si:z/) 1 elevation to divine

defence, esp. of Christianity. apolo- status, deification. 2 glorification of a

getically adv. thing; sublime example (apotheosis of
apologia /,aepa'laud3ia/ n. formal chivalry). [Greek theos god]
defence of opinions or conduct. [Greek: appal /a'po.l/ v. (-11-) 1 greatly dismay or

see apology] horrify. 2 (as appalling adj.) colloq.

apologist /8'pDlad3ist/ n. person who very bad, shocking. [French apalir

defends something by argument. grow pale: related to pale ]

apparatus 34 appoint
apparatus /.aepe'reitas/ n. 1 equipment appendix /a'pendiks/ n. (pi. -dices
for a particular function, esp. scientific /-,si:z/) 1 tissue forming a tube-shaped
or technical. 2 political or other com- sac attached to the large intestine. 2
plex organization. [Latin paro prepare] addition to a book etc. [Latin: related to
apparel /a'paer(a)l/ n. formal clothing, append]
dress. apparelled adj. [Romanic, = appertain /.aepa'tem/ v. (foil, by to)
make fit, from Latin par equal] relate, belong, or be appropriate. [Latin:
apparent /a'paerant/ adj. 1 readily related to pertain]
visible; obvious. 2 seeming. appar- appetite /'aepi.tait/ n. 1 natural craving,
ently adv. [Latin: related appear]
to esp. for food or sexual activity. 2 (usu.
apparition /,a3pa'nj(a)n/ n. remark- foil, by for) inclination or desire. [Latin

able or unexpected thing that appears; peto seek]

ghost or phantom. appetizer /'aepi,taiz9(r)/ n. (also -iser)
appeal /a'pi:l/-i;. 1 request earnestly or small amount, esp. of food or drink, to
formally; plead. 2 (usu. foil, by to) at- stimulate the appetite.
tract, be of interest. 3 (foil, by to) resort appetizing adj. (also -ising) stimu-
to for support. 4 Law a (often foil, by to) lating the appetite, esp. for food; tasty.
apply (to a higher court) for reconsid- applaud /a'pb:d/ v. 1 express strong
eration of a legal decision, b refer (a approval (of), esp. by clapping. 2 com-
case) to a higher court. 5 Cricket call on mend, approve (a person or action).
the umpire to declare whether a bats- [Latin applaudo clap hands]
man is out. -n. 1 act of appealing. 2 applause /a'pk>:z/ n. 1 approval shown
request for public support, esp. finan- by clapping the hands. 2 warm ap-
cial. 3 Law referral of a case to a higher
court. 4 attractiveness. [Latin appello
apple /'aep(a)l/ n. 1 roundish firm fruit

with crisp flesh. 2 tree bearing this.
appear /a'pia(r)/ v. 1 become or be apple of one's eye cherished person or
thing. [Old English]
visible. 2 seem (appeared unwell). 3
apple-pie bed n. bed made (as a joke)
present oneself publicly or formally. 4
with sheets folded so as to prevent a
be published. [Latin appareo]
person lying flat.
appearance /a'piarans/ n. 1 act of apple-pie order n. extreme neatness,
appearing. 2 outward form as perceived
appliance /a'plaians/ n. device etc. for a
(appearance of prosperity). 3 semb-
specific task, [related to apply]
lance. keep up appearances main- applicable /'aeplikab(a)l/ adj. (often
tain an impression or pretence of virtue,
by to) that may
foil, be applied; relevant;
affluence, etc. make (or put in) an
appropriate. applicability /-'biliti/ n.
appearance be present, esp. briefly. [medieval Latin: related to apply]
appease /a'pi:z/ v. (-sing) 1 make calm
applicant person who
/'aeplikant/ n.
or quiet, esp. conciliate (a potential
applies for something, esp. a job.
aggressor) by making concessions. 2 application /,aepli'keij(a)n/ n. 1 formal
satisfy (an appetite, scruples). ap- request. 2 act of applying. 3 substance
peasement n. [French a to, pais peace] applied. 4 a relevance, b use (has many
appellant /a'pelant/ n. person who ap- applications). 5 diligence,
peals to a higher court. [Latin appello applicator /'a3pli,keita(r)/ n. device for
address] applying ointment etc.
appellate /a'pelat/ attrib. adj. (esp. of a applied /a'plaid/ adj. practical, not
court) concerned with appeals, merely theoretical (applied science).
appellation /.aepa'leiJXa^n/ n. formal applique -n. cutting out
name or title; nomenclature, of fabric patterns and attaching them
appellative /a'pelativ/ adj. 1 naming. 2 to another fabric, -v. (-ques, -qued,
Gram, (of a noun) designating a class, -queing) decorate with applique.
common. [French, = applied]
append /a'pend/ v. (usu. foil, by to) apply /a'plai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foil,
attach, affix, add, esp. to a written docu- by for, to, or to + infin.) formally re-
ment. [Latin appendo hang] quest. 2 (often foil, by to) be relevant. 3
appendage /a'pendid3/ n. thing a make use of; employ (apply the rules;
attached; addition. apply common sense), b operate (apply
appendectomy /.aepen'dektami/ n. the brakes). 4 (often foil, by to) put or
(also appendicectomy /-di sektami/) spread on. 5 refl. (often foil, by to) devote
(pi. -ies) surgical removal of the ap- oneself. [Latin applico fasten to]
pendix, [from appendix, -ectomy] appoint /a'point/ v. 1 assign a job or
appendicitis /a.pendi'saitis/ n. inflam- office to. 2 (often foil, by for) fix (a time,
mation of the appendix. place, etc.). 3 (as appointed adj.)
appointment 35 apron
equipped, furnished {well-appointed). approximate to (approaching 5 mil-
appointee ti: n. [French a point
lion). 4 set about (a task etc.). -n. 1 act or
to a pointjappointment n. 1 appoint- means of approaching. 2 approxima-
ing or being appointed. 2 arrangement tion. 3 technique (try a new approach).
for meeting or consultation. 3 a post or 4 Golf stroke from the fairway to the
office open to applicants, b person green. 5 Aeron. part of a flight before
appointed. 4 (usu. in pi.) furniture, fit- landing. [Latin prope near]
tings; equipment. approachable adj. 1 friendly, easy to
apportion a'po:J(a)n/ v.(often foil, by talk to. 2 able to be approached.
to) share out; assign as a share. approbation /,aepra'beiJXa)n/ n. ap-
apportionment n. [medieval Latin: proval, consent. [Latin probo test]
related to portion] appropriate -adj. /a'praupriat/ suit-
apposite able, proper, - v. /a'praupn.eit/ (-ting) 1
'sepazit/ adj. (often foil, by to)
take, esp. without authority. 2 devote
apt, appropriate; well expressed. [Latin
appono apply] (money etc.) to special purposes.
appropriately adv. appropriation
apposition /,aepa'ziJXa)n/ n. juxtaposi-
/-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin. proprius own]
tion, esp. Gram, of elements sharing a
approval /a'pru:v(a)l/ n. 1 approving.
syntactic function (e.g. William the
2 consent; favourable opinion, z on
Conqueror, my friend Sue).
approval (of goods supplied) return-
appraisal /a'preiz(a)l/ n. appraising or able if not satisfactory.
being appraised. approve /a'pru:v/ v. (-ving) 1 confirm;
appraise ,'a'preiz/ v. (-sing) 1 estimate sanction. 2 (often foil, by of) regard with
the value or quality of. 2 set a price on favour. [Latin probo test]
(esp. officially), [earlier apprize, assimil- approx. abbr. approximately).
ated to praise] approximate -adj. /a'prnksimat/
appreciable /a'pri:Jab(a)l/ adj. signific- fairly correct, near to the actual (ap-
ant, considerable. [French: related to proximate price), -v. /a'pmksi.meit/
appreciate] (-ting) (often foil, by to) bring or come
appreciate /a'pri:Ji,eit/ v. (-ting) 1 a near (esp. in quality, number, etc.).
esteem highly; value, b be grateful for. 2 approximately adv. approximation
understand, recognize (appreciate the /-'meij(a)n/ n. [Latin proximus nearest]
danger). 3 rise or raise in value, z appurtenance /a'p3:tmans n. (usu. in /

appreciative Jativ adj. appreciat- pi.) belonging; accessory. [Latin perti-

ory /-Jjatan adj. [Latin pretium price] neo belong to]

appreciation 9,pri:Ji'eir(a)n/ n. 1 APR abbr. annual or annualized per-

favourable or grateful recognition. centage rate (esp. of interest on loans or
2 sensitive estimation or judgement.
3 rise in value. [French: related to
Apr. abbr. April.
apres-ski /.aeprei'ski:/ -n. social activ-
ities following a day's skiing, -attrib.
apprehend /.aepri'hend/ v. 1 seize,
adj. (of clothes, drinks, etc.) suitable for
arrest. 2 understand, perceive. [Latin
these. [French]
prehendo grasp] apricot /'eipri.kDt/ -n. 1 a small juicy
apprehension /,aepri'henJXa)n/ n. 1
soft orange-yellow peachlike fruit,
uneasiness, dread. 2 understanding. 3 b tree bearing it. 2 its colour, -adj.
arrest, capture. orange-yellow. [Portuguese and Span-
apprehensive /.aepn'hensiv, adj.
ish from Arabic, ultimately from Latin
uneasily fearful, z apprehensively praecox early-ripe]
adv. April /'eipr(a)l/ n. fourth month of the
apprentice /a'prentis/ -n. 1 person year. [Latin]
learning a trade by working in it for an April Fool n. person successfully
agreed period at low wages. 2 novice, -v. tricked on 1 April.
(-cing) (usu. foil, engage as an
by to) a priori ,ei prai'a:rar -adj. 1 (of reas-
apprentice (apprenticed to a builder). oning) from causes to effects; deductive.
apprenticeship n. [French apprendre 2 (of concepts etc.) logically indepen-
learn] dent of experience; not derived from
apprise /a'praiz/ v. (-sing) formal in- experience. 3 assumed without invest-
form. [French appris(e) learnt, taught] igation (an a priori conjecture), -adv. 1
appro "asprau n. colloq. on appro = deductively. 2 as far as one knows.
on approval (see approval), [abbrevi- [Latin, = from what is before]
ation] apron /eipran/ n. 1 garment for cover-
approach /a'prautJV -v. 1 come near or ing and protecting the front of the
nearer (to) in space or time. 2 tentat- clothes. 2 Theatr. part of a stage in front
ively make a proposal to. 3 be similar or of the curtain. 3 area on an airfield for
apropos 36 arbiter
manoeuvring or loading, z tied to a aqua vitae /, aekwa Vi:tai n. strong
person's apron-strings dominated by alcoholic spirit, esp. brandy. [Latin, =
or dependent on that person (usu. a water of life]
woman), [originally napron, from aqueduct 'aekwi.dAkt/ n. water chan-
French nape table-cloth] nel, esp. a bridge on columns across a
apropos .aepra'pau —adj. 1 appropri- valley. [Latin aquae ductus conduit]
ate. 2 colloq. (often foil, by of) in respect aqueous 'eikwias / adj. of or like water.
of.-adv. 1 appropriately. 2 (absol.) in- [Latin aqua water]
cidentally. [French a propos] aqueous humour n. clear fluid in the

apse aeps n. large arched or domed eye between the lens and the cornea.
recess, esp. at the end of a church, aquilegia ,aekwi'li:d3a/ n. (usu. blue-
[related to apsis] flowered) columbine. [Latin]
apsis 'sepsisn. {pi. apsides -,di:z )
aquiline 'aekwi.lain adj. 1 of or like an
eagle. 2 (of a nose) curved. [Latin aquila
either of two points on the orbit of a
planet etc. nearest to or furthest from
the body round which it moves. [Greek
Ar symb. argon.
-ar suffix forming adjectives (angular;
(h)apsis arch, vault]
linear). [Latin -aris]
apt adj. 1 appropriate, suitable. 2 tend-
ing (apt to break down). 3 clever; quick
Arab 'aerab -n. 1 member of a Semitic
people originating in Saudi Arabia and
to learn. [Latin aptus fitted]
neighbouring countries, now wide-
aptitude 'aepti,tju:d n. 1 natural spread throughout the Middle East. 2
talent. 2 ability or fitness, esp. specified.
horse of a breed orig. native to Arabia.
[French: related to apt] -adj. of Arabia or the Arabs (esp. with
aqua 'aekwa n. the colour aquamarine, ethnic reference). [Arabic araps]
[abbreviation] arabesque .aera'besk n. 1 Ballet pos-
aqua fortis ,aekwa 'fo:tis/ n. nitric acid. ture with one leg extended horizontally
[Latin, = strong water] backwards and arms outstretched. 2
aqualung 'aekwa.lArj n. portable design of intertwined leaves, scrolls,
breathing-apparatus for divers. [Latin etc. 3 Mus. florid piece. [French from
aqua water] Italian from arabo Arab]
aquamarine .aekwama'run/ -n. 1 Arabian a'reibian -adj. of or relating
bluish-green beryl. 2 its colour, —adj. to Arabia (esp. in geographical con-
bluish-green. [Latin aqua marina sea texts) (Arabian desert), -n. native of
water] Arabia.
aquaplane 'aekwa.plem/ -n. board for Usage In the sense 'native of Arabia',
riding on water, pulled by a speedboat. the usual term is now Arab.
-v. (-ning) 1 ride on this. 2 (of a vehicle)
glide uncontrollably on a wet surface. Arabic 'aerabik -n. Semitic language
[Latin aqua water, plane ]
1 of the Arabs, -adj. of the Arabs (esp.
aqua regia ,sekwa 'ri:d3ia n. highly their language or literature).
corrosive mixture of acids, attacking arabic numeral n. any of the
many substances unaffected by other numerals 0-9.

reagents. [Latin, = royal water]

arable 'aerab(a)l' adj. (of land) suitable
for crop production. [Latin aro to
aquarelle .aekwa'rel n. painting in
thin usu. transparent water-colours.
arachnid a'raeknid n. arthropod of a
[French from Italian]
class comprising spiders, scorpions, etc.
aquarium /a'kweariam' n. (pi -s) tank
[Greek arakhne spider]
of water for keeping and showing fish
arak var. of arrack.
etc. [Latin aquarius of water]
Araldite 'aeral.dait' n. propr. epoxy
Aquarius a'kwearias, n. (pi. -es) 1 resin for mending china etc. [origin
constellation and eleventh sign of the unknown]
zodiac (the Water-carrier). 2 person Aramaic .asra'menk -n. branch of the
born when the sun is in this sign. [Latin: Semitic family of languages, esp. the
related to aquarium] language of Syria used as a lingua
aquatic a'kwaetik -adj. 1 growing or franca in the Near East from the sixth
living in water. 2 (of a sport) played in or century bc. -adj. of or in Aramaic.
on water, -n. 1 aquatic plant or animal. [Greek Aramaios of Aram (Hebrew
2 (in pi.) aquatic sports. [Latin aqua name of Syria)]
water] arbiter 'a:brta<r) n. 1 arbitrator in a
aquatint 'aekwatint n. etched print dispute. 2 person influential in a specific
resembling a water-colour. [Italian field (arbiter of taste). [Latin from arbit-
acqua tinta coloured water] ror to judge]
arbitrary 37 architect
arbitrary 'a:bitran adj. 1 random. esp. by the excavation and analysis of
2 capricious; despotic. arbitrarily physical remains, z archaeological
adv. -'lud3ik(a)l adj. archaeologist n.
arbitrate 'a:bi,treit r. (-ting) decide [Greek arkhaiologia ancient history]
by arbitration. archaeopteryx ,a:ki'uptanks rc.* fos-
arbitration ,a:bi'treij\a)n n. settle- sil bird with teeth, feathers, and a rep-
ment of a dispute by an impartial third tilian tail. [Greek arkhaios ancient.
party. pterux wing]
arbitrator n. person appointed to archaic a:'kenk adj. 1 a antiquated, b
arbitrate. (of a word etc.) no longer in ordinary-
arbor 1
'a:ba(r)' n. axle or spindle. use. 2 of an early period of culture, z
[Latin, = tree] archaically adv. [Greek arkhe begin-
arbor2 US var. of arbour. ning]
arboreal a:'b:>:nal adj. of or living in archaism a:kei,iz(a)m n. 1 use of the
trees. [Latin arbor tree] archaic esp. in language or an. 2
arborescent ,a:ba'res(a)nt adj. tree- archaic word or expression, z archa-
like in growth or form. istic -'isuk adj.
arboretum ,a:ba'ri:tam n. (pi. -ta) archangel 'a:k,emd3(a)l n. angel of
place cultivating and displaying rare the highest rank.
trees. archbishop a:tj'bijap n. chief bishop
arboriculture 'a:bari,kAltJa(r) n. cul- of a province.
tivation of trees and shrubs. [Latin archbishopric n. office or diocese of an
arbor tree, after agriculture] archbishop.
arbor vitae ,a:ba '\i:tai n. any of archdeacon a:tj'di:kan n. church
various evergreen conifers. [Latin. = dignitary next below a bishop, z arch-
tree of life] deaconry n. (pi. -ies).
arbour 'a:ba(r) n. (US arbor) shady archdiocese a:tj"daiasis n. diocese
garden alcove enclosed by trees etc. of an archbishop, z archdiocesan
[Latin herba herb: assimilated to Latin -dai'usis(a)n adj.
arbor tree] archduke a:tj'dju:k n. hist, chief duke
arbutus a:'bju:tas n. tree or shrub (esp. as the title of a son of the Emperor
with clusters of flowers and strawberry- of Austria), z archduchy -'dAtJi n. {pi.
like berries. [Latin] -ies). [medieval Latin archidux]
arc -n. 1 part of the circumference of a Archean US var. of Archaean.
circle or other curve. 2 Electr. luminous arch-enemy a:tj'enami n. (pi. -ies)
discharge between two electrodes, -r. 1chief enemy. 2 the Devil.
(arced: arcing 'a:kirj ) form an arc: archeology C/Svar. of archaeology.
move in a curve. [Latin arcus bow] archer n. 1 person who shoots with a
arcade a:'keid n. 1 covered walk. esp. bow and arrows. 2 (the Archer) zodi-
lined with shops. 2 series of arches acal sign or constellation Sagittarius.
supporting or set along a wall. [Ro- [Latin arcus bow]
manic: related to arc] archery n. shooting with a bow and
Arcadian a:'keidian -n. idealized arrows, esp. as a sport,
country dweller, -adj. poetically rural. archetype 'a:ki,taip n. 1 original
[Greek Arkadia in the Peloponnese] model; prototype. 2 typical specimen.
arcane a:'kem adj. mysterious, secret. z archetypal -'taip(a)l adj. [Greek
[Latin arceo shut up] tupon stamp]
arch —n. 1 curved structure as an open-
archidiaconal ,a:kidai'aekan(a)l adj.
ing, as a support for a bridge, floor, etc.. of an archdeacon, [medieval Latin]
or as an ornament. 2 any arch-shaped archiepiscopal ,a:kn'piskap(a)l adj.
curve, -v. 1 provide with or form into an of an archbishop. [Church Latin from
arch. 2 span like an arch. 3 form an arch. Greek]
[Latin arcus arc] archimandrite ,a:krma?ndrait n. 1
arch 2 adj. self-consciously or affectedly superior of a large monastery in the
playful. archly adv. [from arch-. Orthodox Church. 2 honorary title of a
originally in arch rogue etc.] monastic priest. [Greek arkhi- chief,
arch- comb, form 1 chief, superior (arch- mandrites monk]
bishop). 2 pre-eminent, esp. unfavour- archipelago ,a:ki'pela,gau n. (pi. -s)

ably (arch-enemy). [Greek arkhos chief] 1 group of islands. 2 sea with many
Archaean a: ki an (US Archean) islands. [Greek arkhi- chief, pelagos
-adj. of the earliest geological era. -n. sea]
this time. [Greek arkhaios ancient] architect a:ki,tekt n. 1 designer of

archaeology ,a:ki'Dlad3i n. (US buildings etc., supervising their con-

archeology study of ancient
cultures. struction. 2 (foil, by of) person who
architectonic 38 Aristotelian
brings about a specified thing (architect arete /ae'reit/ n. sharp mountain ridge.
of peace). [Greek ark hi- chief, tekton [French from Latin arista spine]
builder] argent /'a:d3(a)nt/ n. & adj. Heraldry
architectonic /,a:kitek'tDnik/ adj. 1 of silver; silvery-white. [Latin argentum]
architecture. 2 of the systematization of argon /'a:gon/ n. inert gaseous element.
knowledge. [Greek argos idle]
architecture /'a:ki,tektja(r)/ n. 1 de- argosy /'a:gasi/ n. (pi. -ies) poet, large
sign and construction of buildings. merchant ship. [Italian Ragusea nave
2 style of a building. 3 buildings etc. ship of Ragusa (in Dalmatia)]
collectively. architectural /-'tek argot /'a:gau/ n. jargon of a group or
tjar(a)l/ adj. class. [French]
architrave /'a:ki,treiv/ n. 1 (in classical argue / a:gju:/ v. (-ues, -ued, -uing) 1
architecture) main beam resting across (often foil, by with, about, etc.) exchange
the tops of columns. 2 moulded frame views forcefully or contentiously. 2
around a doorway or window. [Italian (often foil, by that) maintain by reason-
archi- arch-, Latin trabs beam] ing; indicate. 3 (foil, by for, against)
archive /'a:kaiv/ -n. (usu. in pi.) 1 reason. 4 treat (a matter) by reasoning. 5
collection of documents or records. 2 (foil, by into, out of) persuade. argue
store for these, -v. (-ving) 1 place or the toss colloq. dispute a choice already
store in an archive. 2 Computing made, z arguable adj. arguably adv.
transfer (data) to a less frequently used [Latin arguo make clear, prove]
file. [Greek arkheia public records] argument /'a:gjumant/ n. 1 (esp. con-
archivist /'a:kivist/ n. keeper of tentious) exchange of views; dispute. 2
archives. (often foil, by for, against) reason given;
archway n. arched entrance or pas- reasoning process. 3 summary of a book
arc lamp n. (also arc light) light using argumentation /.aigjumen'teiJXaW n.
an electric arc.
methodical reasoning; arguing,
Arctic /'a:ktik/ —adj. 1 of the north polar
argumentative /,a:gju'mentativ/ adj.
regions. 2 (arctic) colloq. very cold. —n.
given to arguing.
Arctic regions. [Greek arktos Great
Argus /'a:gas/ n. watchful guardian.
[Greek Argos mythical giant with 100
Arctic Circle parallel of latitude 66°
33' N, forming an imaginary line round
argy-bargy /,a:d3i'ba:d3i/ n. (pi. -ies)
the Arctic region.
joc. dispute, wrangle, [originally Scots]
arc welding n. use of an electric arc to
melt metals to be welded,
aria /'a:ria/ n. long accompanied solo
song in an opera etc. [Italian]
ardent /'a:d(a)nt/ adj. 1 eager, fervent,
passionate. 2 burning, z ardently adv.
arid /'aerid/ adj. 1 dry, parched. 2 unin-
teresting, z aridity /a'nditi/ n. [Latin
[Latin ardeo burn]
areo be dry]
ardour /'a:da(r)/ n. (US ardor) zeal,
enthusiasm, passion. Aries /'eari:z/ n. (pi. same) 1 constella-

arduous /'a:dju:as/ adj. to accom-

hard tion and first sign of the zodiac (the
plish; laborious, strenuous. [Latin, =
Ram). 2 person born when the sun is in
this sign. [Latin, = ram]
are 1 2nd sing, present & 1st, 2nd, 3rd pi. aright /a'rait/ adv. rightly.
present of be. arise /a'raiz/ v. (-sing; past arose; past
are 2 /a:(r)/ n. metric unit of measure, 100 part, arisen /a'nz(a)n/) 1 originate. 2
square metres. [Latin: related to area] (usu. foil, by from, out of) result. 3 come
area /'eana/ n. 1 extent or measure of a to one's notice; emerge. 4 rise, esp. from
surface (over a large area). 2 region the dead or from kneeling. [Old English
(southern area). 3 space for a specific a- intensive prefix]
purpose (dining area). 4 scope or range. aristocracy /.aen'stokrasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

5 space in front of the basement of a ruling class or elite; nobility. 2 a govern-

building. [Latin, = vacant space] ment by an elite, b State so governed. 3

arena /a'rima/ n. 1 central part of an (often foil, by of) best representatives.

amphitheatre etc. 2 scene of conflict; [Greek aristokratia rule by the best]
sphere of action. [Latin, = sand] aristocrat /'aerista.kraBt/ n. member of
aren't /a:nt/ contr. 1 are not. 2 (in the aristocracy.
interrog.) am not (aren 't I coming too?). aristocratic /.aerista'kraetik/ adj. 1 of
areola /ae'ri:ala/ n. (pi. -lae /-li:/) circu- or like the aristocracy. 2 a dis-
lar pigmented area, esp. around a nip- tinguished, b grand, stylish.
ple. areolar adj. [Latin diminutive of Aristotelian /,aerista'ti:lian/ -n. dis-
AREA] ciple or student of Aristotle, -adj. of
arithmetic 39 around
Aristotle or his ideas. [Greek Aristoteles armchair n. chair with arm supports.
(4th c. bc), name of a Greek philosopher] 2 (attrib.) theoretical rather than active
arithmetic -n. a'riGmatik 1 science of (armchair critic).
numbers. 2 use of numbers; computa- armhole each of two holes for arms
tion, -adj. ,aeri8'metik/ (also arith- in a garment.
metical) of arithmetic. [Greek arith- armistice 'a:mistis n. truce, esp. per-
mos number] manent. [Latin arma arms, sisto make
arithmetic mean n. = average 2. stand]
arithmetic progression n. sequence Armistice Day n. anniversary of.the
of numbers with constant intervals (e.g. armistice of 11 Nov. 1918.
9. 7. 5. 3, etc.). armlet n. ornamental band worn round
ark n. ship in which Noah escaped the the arm.
Flood with his family and animals. [Old armor US var. of armour etc.
English from Latin area] armorial a:'mo:rial adj. of heraldry or
Ark of the Covenant n. chest or coats of arms, [related to armour]
cupboard containing the tables of armour 'a:ma(r) -n. 1 protective usu.
Jewish Law. metal covering formerly worn in fight-
arm n. 1 upper limb of the human body
ing. 2 a (in full armour-plate) protec-
from shoulder to hand. 2 forelimb or tive metal covering for an armed
tentacle of an animal. 3 a sleeve of a vehicle, ship, etc. b armed vehicles col-
garment, b arm support of a chair etc. c lectively. 3 protective covering or shell

thing branching from a main stem (an of an animal or plant. 4 heraldic devices.
arm -v. (usu. as armoured adj.) provide
of the sea), d control, means of
reaching (arm of the law). arm in with protective covering, and often
arm with arms linked, at arm's length guns (armoured car; armoured train).
[Latin armatura: related to arm ]
at a distance, with open arms cor-
dially, armful n. (pi. -s). [Old English]
armourer n. 1 maker of arms or ar-
mour. 2 official in charge of arms.
arm 2
-n. 1 (usu. in pi) weapon. 2 (in pi.)
armoury n. (pi -ies) arsenal.
military profession. 3 branch of the
armpit n. hollow under the arm at the
military (e.g. infantry, cavalry). 4 (in
pi) heraldic devices (coat of arms), -v. 1 = arm
armrest n.
supply, or equip oneself, with weapons
arms race n. competitive accumulation
etc.. esp. in preparation for war. 2 make
of weapons by nations,
(a bomb etc.) ready, take up arms go
arm-wrestling n. trial of strength in
to war. under arms equipped for war.
which each party tries to force the
up in arms (usu. foil, by against, about) other's arm down.
actively resisting, highly indignant. army n. (pi -ies) 1 organized armed
[Latin arma arms] land force. 2 (prec. by the) the military
armada a:'ma:da n. fleet of warships, profession. 3 (often foil, by of) very large
esp. (Armada) that sent by Spain number (army of locusts). 4 organized
against England in 1588. [Spanish from civilian body (Salvation Army).
Romanic] [French: related to arm

armadillo ,a:ma'dilau n. (pi -s) S.

arnica 'cunika' n. 1 plant of the daisy
American mammal with a plated body family with yellow flowers. 2 medicine
and large claws. [Spanish armado prepared from this, [origin unknown]
armed man] aroma a'rauma/ n. 1 esp. pleasing
Armageddon ,a:m9'ged(a)n n. huge smell, often of food. 2 subtle pervasive
battle or struggle, esp. marking the end quality. [Greek, = spice]
of the world. [Rev. 16:16] aromatherapy n. use of aromatic
armament <'a:m8mant/ n. 1 (often in plant extracts and oils in massage,
pi) military equipment. 2 equipping for aromatherapist n.

war. 3 force equipped. [Latin: related to aromatic -adj. 1 fra-

grant, spicy. 2 of organic compounds
armature 'a:matja(r) n. 1 rotating coil having an unsaturated ring, esp. con-
or coils of a dynamo or electric motor. 2 taining a benzene ring. -n. aromatic
iron bar placed across the poles of a substance. [Latin: related to aroma]
horseshoe magnet to preserve its arose past of arise.
power. 3 metal framework on which a around a'raund/ -adv. 1 on every side;
sculpture is moulded. [Latin armatura, all round; round about. 2 colloq. a in
= armour] existence; available, b near at hand. 3
armband n. band worn around the here and there (shop around), -prep. 1
upper arm to hold up a shirtsleeve, or as on or along the circuit of. 2 on every side
of. 3 here and there in or near (chairs
identification, or to aid swimming.
arouse 40 art
around the room). 4 a round (church arrival arriving; appear-
a'rarv(a)l n. 1
around the corner), b at a time near to ance on the scene. 2 person or thing that
{came around four o'clock). have has arrived.
been around colioq. be widely experi- arrive a raiv v. (-ving) 1 (often foil, by
enced. at. in) reach a destination. 2 (foil, by at)
arouse arauz v. (-sing) 1 induce (esp. reach (a conclusion etc.). 3 colloq.
an emotion). 2 awake from sleep. 3 stir become successful. 4 colloq. (of a child)
into activity. 4 stimulate sexually, z be born. 5 (of a time) come. [Latin ripa
arousal n. [a- intensive prefix] shore]
arpeggio G^pedjiau n. (pi -s) Mus. arriviste ,aeri:'vi:st n. ambitious or
notes of a chord played in succession. ruthless person. [French: related to
[Italian arpa harp] ARRIVE]
arrack aerak n. (also arak) alcoholic arrogant aeragant adj. aggressively
spirit, esp. made from coco sap or rice. assertive or presumptuous, z arrog-
[Arabic] ance n, arrogantly adv. [related to
arraign arem v. 1 indict, accuse. 2 arrogate]
find fault with: call into question (an arrogate aera.geit v. (-ting) 1 (often
action or statement z arraignment foil, by to oneself) claim (power etc.)
n. [Latin ratio reason] without right. 2 (often foil, by to) attri-
arrange a remd3 v. (-ging) 1 put into bute unjustly (to a person), z arroga-
order: classify-. 2 plan or provide for. tion geiJVam n. [Latin rogo ask]

take measures (arranged a meeting: arrow aerao n. 1 pointed slender mis-

sile shot from a bow. 2 representation of
arrange to see him: arranged for a
this, esp. indicating direction. [Old Eng-
taxi). 3 agree (arranged it with her).
4 Mus. adapt (a composition) for a
particular manner of performance.
arrowhead n. 1 tip of an arrow.
[French: related to range]
2 water-plant with arrow-shaped leaves,
arrangement n. 1 arranging or arrowroot n. 1 nutritious starch. 2
plant yielding this.
arranged. 2 manner of this. 3 something
arranged. 4 (in pi) plans, measures
arse q:s n. (US ass aes ) coarse slang
buttocks. [Old English]
(made my own arrangements). 5 Mus.
arsehole n. US asshole coarse slang 1
composition adapted for performance

anus. 2 offens. contemptible person.

in a particular way.
arsenal a:san(a)l n. 1 store, esp. of
arrant aerant adj. literary' downright, weapons. 2 place for the storage and
utter (arrant liar), [var. of errant.
manufacture of weapons and ammuni-
originally in arrant (= outlawed,
tion. [Arabic. = workshop]
roving) thief etc.]
arsenic -n. 'a:sanik 1 non-scientific
arras aeras n. hist, rich tapestry or name for arsenic trioxide. a highly pois-
wall-hanging. [Arras in France]
onous white powder used in weed-
array a'rei -n. 1 imposing or well- killers etc. 2 Chem. brittle semi-metallic
ordered series or display. 2 ordered element, -adj. a:'senik of or contain-
arrangement, esp. of troops (battle ar- ing arsenic. [French, ultimately from
ray), -v. 1 deck, adorn. 2 set in order: Persian zar gold]
marshal (forces). [Latin ad-, ready] arson 'a:s<a)n n. crime of deliberately
arrears a'naz n,pi amount (esp. of setting fire to property, z arsonist n.
work, rent, etc.) still outstanding or [Latin ardeo ars- burn]
uncompleted, z in arrears behind, esp. art n. 1 a human creative skill or its
in payment, [medieval Latin adretro application, b work showing this. 2 a (in
behindhand] pi: prec. by the) branches of creative
arrest ares: -v. 1 lawfully seize (a activity concerned with the production
suspect etc.). 2 stop or check the pro- of imaginative designs, sounds, or ideas,
gress of. 3 attract (a person's attention), e.g. painting, music, writing, b any one
-rc. 1 arresting or being arrested. 2 of these. 3 creative activity resulting in
stoppage (cardiac arrest). [Latin resto visual representation (good at music
remain] but not art). 4 human skill as opposed to
arrester n. device for slowing an air- nature (art and nature combined). 5
craft after landing. (often foil, by of) a skill, knack, b cun-
arriere-pensee aerjerpdsei n, 1 ning: trick, stratagem. 6 (in pi: usu.
secret motive. 2 mental reservation. prec. by the) supposedly creative sub-
[French] jects (esp. languages, literature, and
arris 'aens n. Archit. sharp edge at the history) as opposed to scientific, tech-
junction of two surfaces. [French areste, nical, or vocational subjects. [Latin ars
= ARirrE] art-]
art deco 41 as
art deco 'dekau/ n. decorative art
/a:t artifice /'a:tifis/ n. 1 trick or clever
style of 1910-30. with geometric motifs device. 2 cunning. 3 skill, ingenuity.
and strong colours. [Latin ars art- art. facio make]
artefact /'a:ti,faekt/ n. (also artifact) artificer /a:'tifisa(r) n. 1 craftsman. 2
man-made object, esp. a tool or vessel as skilled military mechanic.
an archaeological item. [Latin arte by artificial ,a:ti'fiJo)l adj. 1 not natural
art, facio make] {artificial lake). 2 imitating nature
arterial /a:'tianal/ adj. 1 of or like an {artificial flowers). 3 affected, insin-
artery. 2 (esp. of a road) main, import- cere, z artificiality -Ji'aeliti n. arti-
ant. [French: related to artery] ficially adv. [Latin: related to artifice]
arteriosclerosis /ai.tianausklia artificial insemination n. non-sexual
'rausis/ loss
n. of elasticity and injection of semen into the uterus.
thickening of artery- walls, esp. in old artificial intelligence n. use of com-
age. [from artery, sclerosis] puters for tasks normally regarded as
artery /'a:tan/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 any of the needing human intelligence.
blood-vessels carrying blood from the artificial respiration n. manual or
heart. 2 main road or railway line. mechanical stimulation of breathing.
[Greek, probably from airo raise] artillery /a:'tilari/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 heavy
artesian well /a:'ti:zian/ n. well in guns used in land warfare. 2 branch of
which water rises to the surface by the army using these, z artilleryman
natural pressure through a vertically n. [French artiller equip]
drilled hole. [Artois, old French prov- artisan /,a:ti'zaen/ n. skilled manual
ince] worker or craftsman. [Latin artio in-
artful adj. crafty, deceitful, z artfully struct in the arts]
adv. artist /'a:tist/ n. 1 practitioner of any of
arthritis inflammation of
/a:'9raitis/ n. the arts, esp. painting. 2 artiste. 3 person
a joint or joints, z arthritic /-'Bntik/ using skill or taste, z artistry n.
adj. & n. [Greek arthron joint] [French artiste from Italian]
arthropod /'a:9ra,pDd/ n. invertebrate artiste /a:'ti:st/ n. professional per-
with a segmented body and jointed former, esp. a singer or dancer.
limbs, e.g. an insect, spider, or crusta- artistic /a:'tistik adj. 1 having natural
cean. [Greek arthron joint, pous pod- skill in art. 2 skilfully or tastefully done.
foot] 3 of art or artists, z artistically adv.
artichoke /'aiti.tjauk/ n. 1 plant allied artless adj. 1 guileless, ingenuous. 2
to the thistle. 2 (in full globe artichoke) natural. 3 clumsy, z artlessly adv.
its partly edible flower-head (see also art nouveau /,a: nu.Vau/ n. art style of
Jerusalem artichoke). [Italian from the late 19th century, with flowing lines.
Arabic] artwork n. 1 illustrative material
article ,"a:tik(a)l/ -n. 1 item or thing. 2 in printed matter. 2 works of art
non-fictional journalistic essay. 3 clause collectively {exhibition of children's
or item in an agreement or contract. 4 artwork).
definite or indefinite article, -v. (-ling) arty adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. preten-
employ under contract as a trainee. tiously or affectedly artistic.
[Latin articulus from artus joint] arum 'earam n. plant with arrow-
articled clerk n. trainee solicitor. shaped leaves. [Greek aron]
articular /a:'tikjola(r)/ adj. of a joint or -ary suffix forming adjectives {contrary,
joints. [Latin: related to article] primary). [French -aire, Latin -ari{u)s]
articulate -adj. /a:'tikjulat/ 1 fluent Aryan /'eanan/ -n. 1 speaker of any of
and clear in speech. 2 (of sound or the languages of the Indo-European
speech) having clearly distinguishable family. 2 improperly (in Nazi ideology)
parts. 3 having joints, -v. /a:'tikju,leit/ non-Jewish Caucasian, -adj. of Aryans.
(-ting) 1 a pronounce distinctly, b speak [Sanskrit]
or express clearly. 2 (usu. in passive) As symb. arsenic.
/aez, az/ -adv. & conj. {adv. as ante-
connect by joints. 3 mark with apparent as
joints. 4 (often foil, by with) form a joint, cedent in main sentence; conj. in relat-
z articulately adv. ive clause expressed or implied) to the
articulated lorry n. one with sections extent to which ... is or does etc. {am as
connected by a flexible joint. tall as he: am as tall as he is; {colloq.)
articulation /a:,tikjo'leiJ(a)n/ n. 1 a am as tall as him; as recently as last
speaking or being spoken, b articulate week), -conj. (with relative clause
utterance; speech. 2 a act or mode of expressed or implied) 1 (with ante-
jointing, b joint. [Latin: related to ar- cedent 50) expressing result or purpose
ticulate] {came early so as to meet us). 2 (with
artifact var. of artefact. antecedent adverb omitted) although
as 42 asinine
{good as it is = although it is good). 3 ascetic /a'setik/ -adj. severely ab-
(without antecedent adverb) a in the stinent; self-denying, -n. ascetic, esp.
manner in which (do as you like; rose religious, person, n asceticism
as one man), b in the capacity or form of /-ti,siz(9)m/ n. [Greek asked exercise]
(/ speak as your friend; Olivier as ASCII /'aeski/ abbr. Computing Amer-
Hamlet), c while (arrived as I was ican Standard Code for Information
eating), d since, seeing that (as you are Interchange.
here, we can talk), e for instance (ca- ascorbic acid /9'sko:bik/ n. vitamin C,
thedral cities, as York), -rel. pron. which prevents scurvy, [from a-, scor-
(with verb of relative clause expressed butic]
or implied) 1 that, who, which (I had the ascribe v. (-bing) (usu. foil,
same trouble as you; he is a writer, as by to) 1 attribute (ascribes his health
is his wife; such countries as France). 2 to exercise). 2 regard as belonging.
(with a sentence as antecedent) a fact ascription /9'sknpJ(9)n/ n. [Latin
that (he lost, as you know). as for scribo write]
with regard to (as for you, I think you asepsis /ei'sepsis/ n. 1 absence of sepsis
are wrong), as from on and after (a or harmful micro-organisms. 2 method
specified date), as if (or though) as of achieving asepsis in surgery.
would be the case if (acts as if he were in aseptic adj.
charge), as it were in a way; to some asexual /ei'sekjugl/ adj. 1 without sex,
extent (he is, as it were, infatuated), as sexual organs, or sexuality. 2 (of repro-
long as see long 1 as much see much, as
, duction) not involving the fusion of
of 1 = as from. 2 as at (a specified time), gametes. asexually adv.
as per see per. as regards see regard. ash 1 n. 1 (often in pi.) powdery residue
as soon as see soon, as such see such. left after burning. 2 (pi.) human re-
as though see as if as to with regard to. mains after cremation. 3 (the Ashes)
as well 1 in addition. 2 advisable, desir- Cricket trophy competed for by Aus-
able, reasonably, as well as in addition tralia and England. [Old English]
to. as yet until now or up to a particular ash 2 n. 1 tree with silver-grey bark. 2 its
time (have received no news as yet). hard, pale wood. [Old English]
[Old English, = also] ashamed /9'Jeimd/ adj. (usu. predic.) 1
as 2 /aes/ n.
(pi. asses) Roman copper coin. embarrassed by shame (ashamed of
[Latin] myself). 2 (foil, by to + infin.) hesitant,
asafoetida /,aes9'fetid9/ n. (US asafet- reluctant out of shame (am ashamed to
ida) resinous pungent plant gum used say). [Old English a- intensive prefix]
in cooking and formerly in medicine. ashcan n. US dustbin.
[Persian aza mastic: related to fetid] ashen adj. like ashes, esp. grey or pale.
a.s.a.p. abbr. as soon as possible. Ashkenazi /,aejk9'na:zi/ n. (pi. -zim)
asbestos /aes'bestns/ n. 1 fibrous silicate East European Jew. [Hebrew]
mineral. 2 this as a heat-resistant ashlar /'aejl9(r)/ n. 1 large square-cut
or insulating material. [Greek, = stone used in building; masonry made of
unquenchable] these. 2 thin slabs of masonry used for
ascend /9'send/ v. 1 move or slope facing walls. [Latin axis board]
upwards, rise. 2 climb; go up. ascend ashore /9'jD:(r)/ adv. towards or on the
the throne become king or queen. shore or land.
[Latin scando climb] ashram /'aejrgm/ n. place of religious
ascendancy n. (often foil, by over) dom- retreat for Hindus. [Sanskrit]
inant power or control. ashtray n. small receptacle for cigar-
ascendant -adj. 1 rising. 2 Astron. ette ash, stubs, etc.
rising towards the zenith. 3 Astrol. just ashy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 = ashen. 2
above the eastern horizon. 4 predom- covered with ashes.
inant, -n. Astrol. ascendant point of Asian /'eij(9)n/ -n. 1 native of Asia. 2
the sun's apparent path. in the person of Asian descent, —adj. of Asia.
ascendant gaining or having power [Latin from Greek]
or authority. Asiatic /.eiJYaetik/ -n. offens. Asian.
ascension ascent.
/a'senj(a)n/ n. 1 -adj. Asian. [Latin from Greek]
2 (Ascension) ascent of Christ into aside /9'said/ -adv. to or on one side;
heaven. away, apart, —n. words spoken aside,
ascent /a'sent/ n. 1 ascending, rising, or esp. confidentially to the audience by an
progressing. 2 upward slope or path etc. actor.
ascertain find out for
v. asinine /'aesi.nam/ adj. like an ass, esp.
certain, ascertainment n. [French: stupid or stubborn. asininity
related to certain] /-'nmiti/ n. [Latin asinus ass]
ask 43 assembler
ask a:sk v. 1 call for an answer to or aspidistra aespi distra n, house-plant
about (ask her about it; ask him his with broad tapering leaves. [Greek
name). 2 seek to obtain from someone aspis shield]
(ask a favour of). 3 (usu. foil, by out. in. aspirant aespirant -adj. aspiring, -n.
or over, or to <a function etc.)) invite person who aspires. [Latin: related to
(must ask them over, asked her to ASFI3Z]
dinner). 4 (foil, by for) seek to obtain, aspirate a?sparat -adj. pronounced
meet, or be directed to (ask for help: with an exhalation of breath: blended
asking for you: ask for the bar), ask with the sound of h. -n. sound of h\
after inquire about (esp. a person), ask consonant pronounced in this way. — v.
for it slang invite trouble. [Old English] -reit -ting) 1 pronounce with breath
askance a skaens adv. sideways or or with initial h. 2 draw (fluid) by
squinting. look askance at regard suction from a cavity etc.
suspiciously, [origin unknown] aspiration sespi reijiam n. 1 am-
bition or desire. 2 drawing breath or
askew a skju: -adv. awry, crookedly.
Phonet. aspirating.
-predic. adj. oblique: awry*.
aspirator aespi reita<r) n. apparatus
aslant a sla:nt -adv. obliquely or at a
for aspirating fluid. [Latin: related to
slant, -prep, obliquely across.
asleep a slip predic. adj. & adv. 1 a in aspire 9 spaia<r) v. (-ring) (usu. foil, by
or into a state of sleep, b inactive, to or after, or to - inhn. have ambition |

inattentive. 2 (of a limb etc.) numb. 3 or a strong desire. [Latin aspiro breathe
euphem. dead. upon]
asp n. small venomous snake of North aspirin aespnn n. (pi same or -s> 1
Africa or Southern Europe. [Greek white powder, acetylsalicylic acid, used
aspis) to reduce pain and fever. 2 tablet of this.
asparagus a spseragas n. 1 plant of the [German]
lily family. 2 edible shoots of this. [Latin ass PL 1 a four-legged long-eared mam-

from Greek] mal related to the horse, b donkey. 2

aspect sespek: n. 1 viewpoint, feature, stupid person. [Old English from Latin]
etc. to be considered (one aspect of the ass 1 US var. of arse.
problem). 2 appearance or look (cheer- assagai var. of assegai.
ful aspect). 3 side of a building or loca- assail v. 1 attack physically or
a seil
tion facing a particular direction verbally. 2 tackle (a task) resolutely,
(southern aspect). [Latin adspicio look z assailant n. [Latin salio leap]
at] assassin a sa?sm n. killer, esp. of a
aspen sespan n. poplar with very political or religious leader. [Arabic. =

tremulous leaves. [Old English: origin- hashish-eater]

ally adj.]
assassinate ^sa?sinei: 1 1 -ting) kill I

for political or religious motives, z

asperity a sperm n. \pi -ies) 1 sharp-
assassination -neij(a)n n.
ness of temper or tone. 2 roughness,
assault a so:lt -n. 1 violent physical or
rough excrescence. [Latin asper rough]
verbal attack. 2 Law threat or display of
aspersion asp3:J(a>n n. z cast asper- violence against a person, —v. make an
sions on attack the reputation of. [Latin
assault on. z assault and battery Law
aspergo besprinkle]
threatening act resulting in physical
asphalt a?s:ael: dark bituminous
harm to a person. [Latin: related to
pitch. 2 mixture of with sand,
gravel, etc.. for surfacing roads etc. assay asei -n. testing of a metal or ore
-v. surface with asphalt. [Latin from todetermine its ingredients and quality.
Greek] -v. make an assay of (a metal or ore).
asphodel aesfa del n. 1 plant of the lily [French, var. of essai essay]
family. 2 poet, immortal flower growing assegai aesi gai n. (also assagai) light
in Elysium. [Latin from GreekJ iron-tipped S. African spear. [Arabic, =
asphyxia aes'nksia n. lack of oxygen the spear]
in the blood, causing unconsciousness assemblage a sembhds n. 1 assem-
or death: suffocation. asphyxiant bling. 2 assembled group.
adj. & Pi [Greek a- not. sphuxis pulse] assemble asemb<a)l D. (-ling) gather

asphyxiate ~- :.->: n: -ting suf- together: collect. 2 esp. Mech, fit

focate asphyxiation -eij<a)n n. together (components, a whole). [Latin
aspic savoury jelly used esp.
'aespik n. ad to. simul together]

to contain game, eggs. etc. [French.

= assembler asemblam n. 1 person
asp. suggested bv the colours of the who assembles a machine etc. 2 Com-
puting a program for converting

assembly 44 assume
instructions written in low-level sym- assimilate /a'simi.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 ab-
bolic code into machine code, b the low- sorb or be absorbed, either physically or
level symbolic code itself, mentally. 2 (usu. foil, by to, with) make
assembly /a'sembli/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 like; cause to resemble, z assimilable
assembling. 2 assembled group, esp. as a adj. assimilation assim-
/-'leij(a)n/ n.
deliberative body. 3 assembling of com- ilative /-lativ/ adj. assimilator n.
ponents. [Latin similis like]
assembly line n. machinery arranged assist /a'sist/ v. (often foil, by in +
so that a product can be progressively verbal noun) help, z assistance n.
assembled. [Latin assisto stand by]
assent /a'sent/ -v. (usu. foil, by to) 1
assistants 1 (often attrib.) person who
express agreement. 2 consent, -n. helps, esp. as a subordinate. 2 = shop
consent or approval,esp. official,
z assenter n. [Latin sentio think]
assizes /a'saiziz/ hist, court peri-
assert /a's3:t/ v. 1 declare, state clearly.
odically administering the civil and
2 reft, insist on one's rights. 3 enforce a
criminal law. [French: related to assess]
claim to (assert one's rights). [Latin
assero -sert-] Usage In 1972 the civil jurisdiction of
assertion /a's3:J(a)n/ n. declaration, assizes in England and Wales was trans-
forthright statement. ferred to the High Court and the crim-
assertive /a's3:trv/ adj. tending to inal jurisdiction to the Crown Court.
assert oneself; forthright, positive,
z assertively adv. assertiveness n.
Assoc. abbr. Association.
assess /a'ses/ v. 1 estimate the size or associate -v. /a'sauji.eit/ (-ting) 1 con-

quality of. 2 estimate the value of (prop- nect mentally (associate holly with
erty etc.) for taxation, z assessment n. Christmas). 2 join or combine, esp. for a
[Latin assideo -sess- by] sit common purpose. 3 reft, declare oneself
assessor n. 1 person who
assesses (esp. or be in agreement. 4 (usu. foil, by with)
for tax or insurance). 2 legal adviser on meet frequently or deal. -n. /a'saujiat/
technical questions. partner, colleague. 2 friend, companion.
asset /'aeset/ n. 1 useful or valuable 3 subordinate member of a society
person or thing. 2 (usu. in pi.) property etc. -adj. /a'saujiat/ 1 joined or allied.
and possessions, esp. that can be set 2 of lower status (associate member).
against debts etc. [French asez from z associative /-Jiativ/ adj. [Latin
Latin ad satis to enough] socius allied]
asset-stripping n. the taking over of a association /a,sausi'eij\3)n/ n. 1 group
company and selling off of its assets to organized for a joint purpose; society. 2
make a profit. associating or being associated. 3 com-
asseverate /a' v. (-ting) panionship. 4 mental connection of
declare solemnly, z asseveration ideas, [medieval Latin: related to associ-
/-'reij(9)n/ n. [Latin severus serious] ate]
asshole US var. of arsehole. Association Football n. football
assiduous /a'sidjuas/ adj. 1 persever- played with a round ball which may not
ing, hard-working. 2 attending closely, be handled except by the goalkeepers.
z assiduity /.aesi'djuiiti/ n. assidu- assonance /'aesanans/ n. partial
ously adv. [Latin: related to assess] resemblance of sound between two syl-
assign /a'sam/ -v. 1 (usu. foil, by to) a lables e.g. sonnet, porridge, and killed,
allot as a share or responsibility, b ap-
cold, culled, z assonant adj. [Latin
point to a position, task, etc. 2 fix (a time,
sonus sound]
place, etc.). 3 (foil, by to) ascribe to (a
assort /a'so:t/ v. 1 classify or arrange in
reason, date, etc.) (assigned the manu-
sorts. 2 (usu. foil, by with) suit or har-
script to 1832). 4 (foil, by to) Law
monize with. [French: related to sort]
transfer formally (esp. property) to
assorted adj. 1 of various sorts, mixed.
(another), -n. assignee, z assigner n.
assignor n. Law. [Latin assigno mark 2 classified. 3 matched (ill-assorted
assignation /,aesig'neiJXa)n/ n. 1 ap-
assortment n. diverse group or mix-
pointment to meet, esp. by lovers in ture.
secret. 2 assigning or being assigned. assuage /a'sweid3/ v. (-ging) 1 calm or
assignee Law person to
/.aesai'ni:/ n. soothe. 2 appease (an appetite), z
whom a right or property is assigned. assuagement n. [Latin suavis sweet]

assignment /a'sammant/ n. 1 task or assume /a'sju:m/ v. (-ming) 1 (usu. foil,

mission. 2 assigning or being assigned. 3 by that) take to be true. 2 simulate
legal transfer. (ignorance etc.). 3 undertake (an office
assuming 45 at
etc.).4 take or put on (an aspect, attri- missing. [Latin extra away, vagor
bute, etc.) (assumed immense import- wander]
ance). [Latin sumo take] astride /a'straid/ -adv. 1 (often foil, by
assuming adj. arrogant, of) with a leg on each side. 2 with legs
presumptuous. apart, -prep, astride of; extending
assumption /a'sAmpJ"(a)n/ n. 1 assum- across.
ing. 2 thing assumed. 3 (Assumption) astringent /a'stnnd3(a)nt/ -adj.
reception of the Virgin Mary bodily into 1 checking bleeding by contracting
heaven. body tissues. 2 severe, austere, -n.
assurance /a'Juarans/ n. 1 emphatic astringent substance, z astringency
declaration; guarantee. 2 insurance, n. [Latin astringo draw tight]
esp. life insurance. 3 certainty. 4 self- astrolabe /'aestra.leib/ n. instrument
confidence; assertiveness. formerly used to measure the altitude of
assure /a'Jua(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (often foil, stars etc. [Greek, = star-taking]
by a convince, b tell (a person)
of) astrology study of sup-
/a'stn)lad3i/ n.
confidently (assured him all was well). posed planetary influence on human
2 ensure; guarantee (a result etc.). 3 affairs. astrologer n. astrological
insure (esp. a life). 4 (as assured adj.) a /,aestr8'lDd3ik(9)l/ adj. astrologist n.
guaranteed, b self-confident. [Latin [Greek astron star]
securus safe] astronaut /'aestra.nait/ n. crew member
assuredly /a'Juaridli/' adv. certainly. of a spacecraft. [Greek astron star,
AST abbr. Atlantic Standard Time. nautes sailor]
astatine /'aesta,ti:n/ n. radioactive ele- astronautics /,aestra'no:tiks/

ment, the heaviest of the halogens. (treated as sing.) science of space travel.
[Greek astatos unstable] astronautical adj.

aster n. plant with bright daisy-like astronomical /,aestra'nDmik(a)l/ adj.

(also astronomic) 1 of astronomy. 2
flowers. [Greek, = star]
vast, gigantic, z astronomically adv.
asterisk /'aestansk/-n. symbol (*) used
to mark words or to indicate omission
astronomy /a'stronami/ n. the sci-
study of celestial bodies, z astro-
etc. -v. mark with an asterisk. [Greek,
= little star]
nomer n. [Greek astron star, nemo
astern /e'st3:n adv. (often foil, by of) 1
astrophysics /.sestrau'fiziks/
in or to the rear of a ship or aircraft. 2
(treated as sing. ) the study of the phys-
ics and chemistry of celestial bodies,
asteroid /'aesta.roid/ n. 1 any of the z astrophysical adj. astrophysicist
minor planets orbiting the sun, mainly [Greek astron star]
/-sist/ n.
between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. astute /a'stju:t/ adj. shrewd, z astutely
2 starfish. [Greek: related to aster]
adv. astuteness n. [Latin astus craft]
asthma /'sesma/ n. respiratory con- asunder /a'sAnda(r)/ adv. literary apart.
dition marked by wheezing. [Greek azo asylum /a'sailam/ n. 1 sanctuary; pro-
breathe hard] tection, esp. for fugitives from the law
asthmatic /aes'maetik/ -adj. of or suf- (seek asylum). 2 hist, institution for the
fering from asthma, -n. asthmatic mentally ill or destitute. [Greek a- not,
person. sulon right of seizure]
astigmatism /a'stigma tiz(a)m/ n. eye
asymmetry /ae'simitri/ n. lack of
or lens defect resulting in distorted symmetry. asymmetric /-'metnk/
images. astigmatic /.aestig'maetik/ adj. asymmetrical /-'metnk(a)l adj. '

adj. [from a-, stigma] [Greek]

astir /a'st3:(r)/ predic. adj. & adv. 1 in At symb. astatine.
motion. 2 out of bed. at /aet, at/ prep. 1 expressing position
astonish /a'stDniJV v. surprise greatly, (wait at the corner, at school). 2
amaze. astonishment n. [Latin ex- expressing a point in time (at dawn). 3
forth, tono thunder] expressing a point in a scale (at his
astound /a'staund/ v. astonish greatly, best). 4 expressing engagement in an
astraddle /a'strsed(a)l/ adv. astride, activity etc. (at war). 5 expressing a
astrakhan /.aestra'kaen/ n. 1 dark value or rate (sell at £10 each). 6 a with
curly fleece of young Astrakhan lambs. or with reference to (annoyed at losing;
2 cloth imitating this. [Astrakhan in came at a run), b in response to (starts
Russia] at a touch). 7 expressing motion or aim
astral /'aestr(a)l/ adj. of the stars; starry. towards (aim at the target; laughed at
[Latin astrum star] us), at all see all. at hand see hand.
astray /a'strei/ adv. & predic.adj. out of at home see home, at it engaged in an
the right way, erring. go astray be activity; working hard, at once see
atavism 46 atropine
once, at that 1 moreover (a good one at atmospherics /.aetmas'fenks' 1
that). 2 then (at that he left), at times electrical atmospheric disturbance, esp.
see time. [Old English] caused by lightning. 2 interference with
atavism 'aeta,viz(a)m/ n. 1 reappear- telecommunications caused by this.
ance of a remote ancestral character- atoll /'aetDl/ n. ring-shaped coral reef
istic, throwback. 2 reversion to an enclosing a lagoon. [Maldive]
earlier type. atavistic /-'vistik/ adj.
. atom /'aetam/ n.1a smallest particle of a
[Latin atavus ancestor] chemical element that can take part in a
ataxia ,'a'taeksia/ n. Med. imperfect chemical reaction, b this as a source of
control of bodily movements. [Greek nuclear energy. 2 minute portion or
a- without, taxis order] thing (atom of pity). [Greek atomos
ate past of eat. indivisible]
-ate suffix forming nouns denoting sta- atom bomb n. bomb in which energy is
tus, function, or office (doctorate; con- released by nuclear fission.
sulate). [Latin] atomic /a'tDmik/ adj.1 of or using atomic
-ate suffix forming adjectives with the energy or atomic bombs. 2 of atoms.
sense 'having, full of (foliate; passion- atomic bomb n. = atom bomb.
ate). [Latin participial ending -atus] atomic energy n. nuclear energy.
atelier /a'teli.ei/ n. workshop or artist's atomic mass n. mass of an atom
studio. [French] measured in atomic mass units.
atheism /'eiGi,iz(a)m/ n. belief that atomic mass unit n. unit of mass used
there is no God. z atheist n. atheistic to express atomic and molecular
/-'istik/ adj. [Greek a- not, theos god] weights, equal to one-twelfth of the
atherosclerosis /.aeGarauskla'rausis/ mass of an atom of carbon-12.
n. degeneration of the arteries caused atomic number n. number of protons
by a build-up of fatty deposits. [Greek in the nucleus of an atom.
at here groats] atomic theory n. theory that all mat-
athirst /a'63:st/ predic. adj. poet. 1 (usu. ter consists of atoms.
foil, by for) eager. 2 thirsty, atomic weight n. = relative atomic
athlete /'ae81i:t/ n. person who engages MASS.
in athletics, exercise, etc. [Greek athlon atomize .aeta'maiz v. (also -ise) (-zing
prize] or -sing) reduce to atoms or fine
athlete's foot n. fungal foot condition, particles.
athletic /aeG'letik' adj. 1 of athletes or atomizer n. (also -iser) = aerosol 1.
athletics. 2 physically strong or agile. atonal /ei'taon(a)l' adj. Mus. not writ-
z athletically adv. athleticism ten in any key or mode, z atonality
/-,siz(a)m/ n. [Latin: related to athlete] '-'naeliti n.
athletics (usu. treated as sing.) atone /a'taun/ v. (-ning) (usu. foil, by
physical exercises, esp. track and field for) make amends (for a wrong), [from
events. ATONEMENT]
at-home n. social reception in a atonement n. 1 atoning. 2 (the Atone-
person's home. ment) expiation by Christ of mankind's
-ation suffix 1 forming nouns denoting sins, [at one + -ment]
an action or an instance of it (flirtation; atrium /'eitriam/ n. (pi. -s or atria) 1 a
hesitation). 2 forming nouns denoting a central court of an ancient Roman
result or product of action (plantation; house, b (usu. skylit) central court
starvation). [Latin -atio] rising through several storeys. 2 each
Atlantic at'laentik/ adj. of or adjoining of the two upper cavities of the heart.
the ocean between Europe and Africa to [Latin]
the east and America to the west. atrocious 1 very bad or
/a'traujas/ adj.
[Greek: related to atlas] unpleasant (atrocious manners). 2
atlas /'aetlas/ n. book of maps or charts. wicked (atrocious cruelty), z atro-
[Greek Atlas, the Titan who held up the ciously adv. [Latin atrox cruel]
universe] atrocity /a'trDsiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 wicked
atmosphere 'aetmasfia(r)/ n a gases .
"\ or cruel act. 2 extreme wickedness.
enveloping the earth, any other planet, [Latin: related to atrocious]
etc. b air in a room etc., esp. if fetid. 2 atrophy /'aetrafi/ -n. wasting away,
pervading tone or mood of a place, esp. through disuse; emaciation, -v.
situation, or work of art. 3 unit of (-ies, -ied) suffer atrophy or cause at-
pressure equal to mean atmospheric rophy in. [Greek a- without, trophe food]
pressure at sea level, 101,325 pascals. atropine 'aetra,pi:n n. poisonous alkal-
atmospheric /-'fenk/ adj. [Greek oid in deadly nightshade. [Greek Atro-
atmos vapour, sphere] pos, the Fate who cut the thread of life]
attach 47 attribute
attach /a'taetJV v. 1 fasten, affix, join. 2 attentive /a'tentiv/ adj. 1 concentrat-
(in passive; foil, by to) be very fond of. 3 ing; paying attention. 2 assiduously
attribute or be attributable; assign polite. attentively adv. attentive-
(can't attach a name to it; no blame ness n.
attaches to us). 4 accompany; form part attenuate /a'tenju.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 make
of (no conditions are attached). 5 refl. thin. 2 reduce in force, value, etc.
(usu. foil, by to) take part in; join attenuation /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin
(attached himself to the team). 6 seize tenuis thin]
by legal authority. [French from Ger- attest /a'test/ v. 1 certify the validity of. 2
manic] (foil, by to) bear witness to. attesta-
attache a'taejei/ n. specialist member tion /,aete'steij(a)n/ n. [Latin testis wit-
of an ambassador's staff, ness]
attache case n. small rectangular Attic /'aetik/ —adj. of ancient Athens or
document case. Attica, or the form of Greek used there.
attachment thing attached, esp.
n. 1 -n. Greek as used by the ancient Athe-
for a purpose. 2 affection, devotion. 3 nians. [Greek Attikos]
attaching or being attached. 4 legal seiz- attic /'aetik/ n. space or room at the top of
ure. 5 temporary position in an organ- a house, usu. under the roof, [from
ization. Attic, with ref. to an architectural
attack /a'taek/ -v. 1 try to hurt or defeat feature]
using force. 2 criticize adversely. 3 act attire /a'taia(r)/ formal -n. clothes, esp.
harmfully upon (rust attacks metal). 4 formal, -v. (-ring) (usu. as attired adj.)
vigorously apply oneself to. 5 Sport try dress, esp. formally. [French d tire in
to gain ground or score (against), -n. 1 order]
act of attacking. 2 offensive operation. 3 attitude /'aeti,tju:d/ n. 1 opinion or way
sudden onset of an illness. attacker of thinking; behaviour reflecting this
n. [French from Italian] (don't like his attitude). 2 bodily pos-
attain /a'tem/ v. 1 reach, gain, accom- ture; pose. 3 position of an aircraft etc.
plish (a goal etc.). 2 (foil, by to) arrive at relative to given points. [Latin aptus
by effort or development. [Latin attingo fitted]
reach] attitudinize /.aeti'rjuidi.naiz/ v. (also
attainment (often in pi) accom-
n. 1 -ise) (-zing or -sing) adopt (esp. affec-
plishment or achievement. 2 attaining. ted) attitudes; pose.
attar /'aeta:(r)/ n. perfume made from attorney /a't3:ni/ n. (pi. -s) 1 lawyer etc.
rose-petals. [Persian] appointed to act for another in business
attempt /a'tempt/ -v. 1 (often foil, by to or legal matters. 2 US qualified lawyer.
+ infin.) try to do or achieve (attempted [French atorner assign]
to explain). 2 try to conquer (a moun- Attorney-General n. (pi. Attorneys-
tain etc.). -n. (often foil, by at, on, or to General) chief legal officer in some
+ infin.) attempting; endeavour (at- countries.
tempt at winning; attempt on his life). attract (also absol.) (of a
,'a'traekt,/ v. 1

[Latin tempto try] magnet etc.) draw to itself or oneself. 2

attend /a'tend/ v. 1 a be present (at) arouse interest or admiration in. [Latin
(attended the meeting), b go regularly to traho draw]
(attends church). 2 escort. 3 a (often foil, attraction /a'traekJXa)n/ n. 1 a attract-
by to) turn or apply one's mind, b (foil, ing or being attracted, b attractive qual-
by to) deal with (attend to the matter). ity (can't see the attraction in it), c
[Latin tendo stretch] person or thing that attracts. 2 Physics
attendance n. 1 attending or being tendency of bodies to attract each other.
present. 2 number present (high attend- attractive /a'traektiv/ adj. 1 attract-
ance). ing (esp. interest or admiration). 2
attendant -n. person escorting or pro- aesthetically pleasing; good-looking,
viding a service (cloakroom attendant), attractively adv.
-adj. 1 accompanying (attendant attribute -v. /a'tnbju:t/ (-ting) (usu.
costs). 2 (often foil, by on) waiting foil, by to) 1 regard as belonging to,
(attendant on the queen). written or said by, etc. (a poem attrib-
attendee /.aeten'di:/ n. person who at- uted to Milton). 2 ascribe to (a cause)
tends (a meeting etc.). (delays attributed to snow), -n.

attention /a'tenJXa)n/ n. 1 act or faculty /'aetn,bju:t/ 1 esp. characteristic quality

of applying one's mind; notiee (atten- ascribed to a person or thing. 2 object

tion wandered; attract his attention). 2 symbolizing or appropriate to a person,
consideration, care. 3 (in pi.) a cour- office, or status. attributable
tesies, b sexual advances. 4 erect /a'tnbjutab(a)l/ adj. attribution /.aetn

esp. military attitude of readiness. 'bju:JXa)n/ n. [Latin tribuo allot]

attributive 48 aural
attributive /a'tribjutiv/ adj. Gram, (of auditorium /^di'toTiam/ n. (pi. -s)
an adjective or noun) preceding the part of a theatre etc. for the audience.
word described, as old in the old dog. [Latin]
attrition /a'tnJXa)n/ n. 1 gradual wear- auditory /'o:ditan/ adj. of hearing.
ing down (war of attrition). 2 abrasion, aufait /au 'fei/ predic. adj. (usu. foil, by
friction. [Latin tero trit- rub] with) conversant (au fait with the
attune /a'tju:n/ (-ning) 1 (usu. foil, by
v. rules). [French]
to) adjust to a situation etc. 2 Mus. tune, Aug. abbr. August.
[related to tune] Augean /o:'d3i:an/ adj. filthy. [Greek
atypical /ei'tipik(a)l/ adj. not typical. Augeas, a mythical king: his filthy
atypically adv. stables were cleaned by Hercules di-
Au symb. gold. [Latin aurum] verting a river through them]
aubergine /'auba,3i:n/ n. plant with auger /'o:ga(r)/ n. tool with a screw point
white or purple egg-shaped fruit used as for boring in wood. [Old English]
a vegetable; eggplant. [French, ulti- aught /o:t/ n. archaic anything. [Old
mately from Sanskrit] English]
aubrietia /a:'bri:J*a/ n. (also aubretia) augment /o:g'ment/ v. make or become
dwarf perennial rock-plant with purple greater; increase. augmentation
or pink flowers. [Aubriet, name of an /-'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to auction]
artist] augmentative /o:g'mentativ/ adj. aug-
auburn /'o:ban/ adj. reddish-brown menting.
(usu. of hair), [originally = yellowish au gratin /au 'graetae/ adj. cooked with
white: from Latin albus white] a crust of breadcrumbs or melted
auction /'o:kJ(a)n/ -n. sale in which cheese. [French]
articles are sold to the highest bidder. augur /'o:ga(r)/ -v. portend, serve as an
-v. sell by auction. [Latin augeo auct- omen (augur well or ill), -n. hist
increase] Roman religious official interpreting
auction bridge n. game in which natural phenomena in order to pro-
players bid , for the right to name nounce on proposed actions. [Latin]
trumps. augury /'o:gjan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 omen.
auctioneer /,o:kJa'nia(r)/ n. person 2 interpretation of omens.
who conducts auctions, esp. for a living. August /'o:gast/ n. eighth month of the
audacious /o:'deiJas/ adj. 1 daring, year. [Latin Augustus, first Roman
bold. 2 impudent. audacity /o:'daesiti/ emperor]
n. [Latin audax bold] august /o:'gASt/ adj. venerable, impos-
audible /'o:dib(a)l/ adj. able to be heard. ing. [Latin]
audibility /-'biliti/ n. audibly adv. Augustan adj. 1 of the
[Latin audio hear] reign of Augustus, esp. as a flourishing
audience /'o:dians/ n. 1 a assembled literary period. 2 (of literature) refined
listeners or spectators, esp. at a play, and classical in style. [Latin: see
concert, etc. b people addressed by a August]
film, book, etc. 2 formal interview with a auk /o:k/ n. black and white sea bird
superior. [Latin: related to audible] with short wings, e.g. the guillemot,
audio /'o:diau/ n. (usu. attrib.) sound or puffin, etc. [Old Norse]
its reproduction. [Latin audio hear] auld lang syne /,o:ld lserj 'sain/ n. times
audio- comb, form hearing or sound. long past. [Scots, = old long since]
audio frequency n. frequency able to aunt /a:nt/ n. 1 sister of one's father or
be perceived by the human ear. mother. 2 uncle's wife. 3 colloq. (form of
audiotape n. (also audio tape) 1 a mag- address by a child to) parent's female
netic tape for recording sound, b a length friend. [Latin amita]
of this. 2 a sound recording on tape. auntie /'a:nti/ n. (also aunty) (pi. -ies)
audio typist n. person who types from colloq. = AUNT.
a tape-recording. Aunt Sally n. 1 game in which sticks or
audiovisual /,o:diau'vi3ual/ adj. (of balls are thrown at a wooden dummy. 2
teaching methods etc.) using both sight target of general abuse.
and sound. au pair /au 'pea(r)/ n. young foreigner,
audit /'o:dit/ -n. official scrutiny of ac- esp. a woman, helping with housework
counts, -v. (-t-) conduct an audit of. etc. in exchange for board and lodging.
audition /o:'diJ(3)n/ -n. test of a per- [French]
former's suitability or ability, -v. assess aura /'a:ra/ n. (pi. -s) 1 distinctive atmo-
or be assessed at an audition. [Latin sphere. 2 subtle emanation. [Greek, =
audio hear] breeze]
auditor n. person who audits accounts. aural /'o:r(a)l/ adj. of the ear or hearing.
[French from Latin] aurally adv. [Latin auris ear]
aureate 49 auto-da-fe
aureate f'o:nat/ adj. literary 1 golden. 2 authenticate v. ( ting)
resplendent. [Latin aurum gold] establish as true, genuine, or valid.
aureole /'oxi.aul/ n. (also aureola authentication /- keij(8)n/ n.
/oi'riiala/) 1 halo or circle of light, esp. in author /'o:9a(r)/ n. (fern, authoress
a religious painting. 2 corona round the /'o:0ns/) 1 writer, esp. of books. 2 origin-
sun or moon. [Latin, = golden (crown)] ator of an idea, event, etc. [Latin auctor]
au revoir /,au r8'vwa:(r)/ int. & n. good- authoritarian /oi.eori'tearian/ -adj.
bye (until we meet again). [French] favouring or enforcing strict obedience
auricle /'o:nk(a)l/ n. 1 each atrium of to authority, -n. authoritarian person.
the heart. 2 external ear of animals. authoritative /o-.'GDntativ/ adj. 1 reli-
auricular /-'rik-/ adj. [related to able, esp. having authority. 2 official.
auricula] authority /3:'0Driti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
auricula /oi'nkjula/ n. (pi. -s) primula power or right to enforce obedience, b
with ear-shaped leaves. [Latin, dimin- (often foil, by for, or to + infin.) deleg-
utive of a ur is ear] ated power. 2 (esp. in pi.) body having
auriferous /oi'nfaras/ adj. yielding authority. 3 influence based on recog-
gold. [Latin aurifer from aurum gold] nized knowledge or expertise. 4 expert.
aurochs /'o:roks/ n. (pi. same) extinct [Latin auctoritas]
wild ox. [German] authorize /'D:0a,raiz/ v. (also -ise)

aurora or aurorae
/o:'ro:ra/ n. (pi. -s (-zing or -sing) 1 officially approve,
/-ri:/) luminous phenomenon, usu. of
sanction. 2 (foil, by to + infin.) give

streamers of light in the night sky above authority to (a person to do a thing).

the northern (aurora borealis authorization /- zeij(9)n/ n.

/.bmr'eilis/) or southern (aurora aus-

Authorized Version n. English
translation of the Bible made in 1611.
tralis /o:'streihs/) magnetic pole. [Latin,
= dawn, goddess of dawn] authorship n. 1 origin of a book etc. 2
profession of an author.
auscultation /,D:sk8rteiJ(a)n/ n. listen-
ing, esp. to sounds from the heart, lungs,
autism /'o:tiz(a)m/ n. condition charac-
terized by self-absorption and social
etc., for purposes of diagnosis. [Latin
withdrawal. autistic /o:'tistik/ adj.
ausculto listen]
[related to auto-]

auspice /'o:spis/ n. 1 (in pi) patronage

auto /'o:tau/ n. (pi. -s) US colloq. car.
(esp. under the auspices of). 2 omen,
[abbreviation of automobile]
premonition, [originally 'observation of
auto- comb, form 1 self. 2 one's own. 3 of
bird-flight': Latin avis bird]
or by oneself or itself. [Greek autos]
auspicious /o:'spiJas/ adj. promising autobahn /'oitau.bain/ n. (pi. -s) Ger-
well; favourable.
man, Austrian, or Swiss motorway.

Aussie /'dzi/ slang -n. 1 Australian. 2

Australia, -adj. Australian, [abbrevi- autobiography /,D:taubaiDgr9fi/ n.
ation] (pi. -ies) 1 written account of one's own
austere /D'stia(r)/ adj. (-terer, -terest) 1
life. 2 this as a literary genre. auto-
severely simple. 2 morally strict. 3 biographer n. autobiographical
stern, grim. [Greek austeros] ,

/-,bai8 graefik(a)l/ adj.

austerity /D'stenti/ n. (pi. -ies) being autoclave /'oita.kleiv/ n. sterilizer
austere; hardship. using high-pressure steam. [Latin cla-
austral /'o:str(8)l/ southern. 2
adj. 1 vus nail or clavis key]
(Austral) of Australia or Australasia. autocracy /o:'tDkrasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 rule
[Latin auster south] by an autocrat. 2 dictatorship. [Greek
Australasian /,Dstr9'lei3(3)n/ adj. of kratos power]
Australasia, including Australia and autocrat /'3:ta,kraet/ n. 1 absolute ruler.
the islands of the SW Pacific. 2 dictatorial person. autocratic
Australian /o'streilian/ -n. 1 native or /-'kraetik/ adj. autocratically

national of Australia. 2 person of Aus- /-'kraetikali/ adv.

tralian descent, -adj. of Australia. autocross /'Ditau.krDS/ n. motor racing
autarchy /'o:ta:ki/ n. absolute rule; des- across country or on unmade roads.
potism. [Greek autos self, arkhe rule] Autocue /'oitau.kju:/ n. propr. screen
autarky /'o:ta:ki/ n. self-sufficiency, etc. from which a speaker reads a tele-

esp. economic. [Greek autos self, arkeo vision script.
suffice] auto-da-fe autos-
/,D:tauda:'fei/ n. (pi.

authentic /3:'9entik/ adj. 1 of undis- -da-fe /,o:tauz-/) ceremonial

1 hist,

puted origin; genuine. 2 reliable, trust- judgement of heretics by the Spanish

worthy, z authentically adv. authen- Inquisition. 2 public burning of
ticity /-'tisiti/ n. [Greek authentikos] heretics. [Portuguese, = act of the faith]
autograph 50 average
autograph —n. signature,
/'o:ta,gra:f/ autumn equinox n. (also autumnal
esp. that of a celebrity, -v. sign or write equinox) equinox about 22 Sept.
on in one's own hand. [Greek grapho auxiliary /o:g'ziljan/ -adj. 1 subsi-
write] diary, additional. 2 giving help. -n. (pi.
autoimmune /,o:taui'mju:n/ adj. (of a -ies) 1 auxiliary person or thing. 2 (in
disease) caused by antibodies produced pi.) foreign or allied troops in the ser-
against substances naturally present in vice of a nation at war. 3 verb used to
the body. form tenses or moods of other verbs (e.g.
automat /'oita.maet/ n. US 1 slot- have in / have seen). [Latin auxilium
machine. 2 cafeteria dispensing food help]
and drink from slot-machines. [French: auxin /'D:ksm/ n. plant hormone that
related to automaton] regulates growth.
automate /'o:t9,meit/ v. (-ting) convert AV abbr. Authorized Version,
to or operate by automation. avail be of use. 2 refl.
/a'veil/ -v. 1 help;

automatic /,o:t9'maetik/ -adj. 1 work- (foil, by of) make use of, profit by. —n.

ing by itself, without direct human use, profit (of no avail). [Latin valeo be
intervention. 2 a done spontaneously strong]
(automatic reaction), b following inev- available adj. 1 at one's disposal,
itably (automatic penalty). 3 (of a fire obtainable. 2 a (of a person) free, not
arm) able to be loaded and fired con- committed, b able to be contacted.
tinuously. 4 (of a vehicle or its availability /-'biliti/ n.

transmission) using gears that change avalanche /'seva.lamtj*/ n. 1 rapidly

sliding mass of snow and ice on a moun-
automatically. -n. 1 automatic
tain. 2 sudden abundance (avalanche of
machine, firearm, or tool. 2 vehicle with
work). [French]
automatic transmission. auto-
matically adv. [related to automaton] avant-garde /.aevd'gcud/ -n. pioneers
or (esp. artistic) innovators, -adj. new;
automatic pilot device for keeping
pioneering. [French, = vanguard]
an aircraft or ship on a
set course.
avarice /'aevaris/ n. extreme greed for
automation /,o:t9'meiJX9)n/ n. use or wealth. avaricious /-'njas/ adj.
introduction of automatic methods
[Latin avarus greedy]
or equipment in place of manual
avatar /'aeva ta:(r)/ n. (in
Hindu mytho-
logy) descent of a deity etc. to earth in
automatism /o:'tDm8 tiz(9)m/ n. 1 1

bodily form. [Sanskrit, = descent]

involuntary action. 2 unthinking rou-
Ave /'a:vei/ n. (in fullAve Maria)
tine. [French: related to automaton]
prayer to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:28).
automaton /o:'tDm9t(9)n/ n. (pi -mata [Latin]
or -s) 1 machine controlled auto- Ave. abbr. Avenue.
matically; robot. 2 person acting like a avenge /a'vend3/ v. (-ging) 1 inflict retri-
robot. [Greek, = acting of itself] bution on behalf of. 2 take vengeance for
automobile /'o^!/ n. US motor (an injury). be avenged avenge one-
car. [French] self. [Latin vindico]
automotive /,o:ta'mautiv/ adj. of motor avenue /'aeva.nju:/ «.1a broad esp. tree-
vehicles. lined road or street, b tree-lined path
autonomous /o^tonamas/ adj. 1 having etc. 2 approach (explored every avenue).
self-government. 2 acting or free to act [French avenir come to]
independently. [Greek nomos law] aver /a'v3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) formal assert,
autonomy n. 1 self-government. 2 per- affirm, z averment n. [Latin verus
sonal freedom. true]
autopilot n. = automatic pilot. average /'aev9nd3/ -n. 1 usual amount,
autopsy /'o:tDpsi/ n. (pi. -ies) post- extent, or rate. 2 amount obtained by
mortem. [Greek autoptes eye-witness] adding two or more numbers and divid-
autoroute /'o:tau,ru:t/
n. French motor- ing by how many there are. 3 (with ref.
way. [French] to speed etc.) ratio obtained by subtract-
autostrada /'9:t9u,stra:d9/ n. (pi. -s or ing the inital from the final value of each
-strode /-dei/) Italian motorway. [It- element of the ratio (average of 50 miles
alian] per hour). 4 Law damage to or loss of a
auto-suggestion /,o:t9os9'd3estj(9)n/ ship or cargo, -adj. 1 a usual, ordinary,
n. hypnotic or subconscious suggestion b mediocre. 2 constituting an average
made to oneself. (the average age is 72). -v. (-ging) 1
autumn /'o-.tam/ n. 1 (often attrib.) sea- amount on average to. 2 do on average. 3
son between summer and winter. 2 time estimate the average of. average out
of incipient decline. autumnal (at) result in an average (of), law of
/o:'tAmn(a)l/ adj. [Latin autumnus] averages principle that if one of two
averse 51 awoken
extremes occurs the other will also, on
(or on an) average as an average rate or
Usage Awake and awaken are inter-
changeable but awaken is much rarer
estimate. [Arabic, = damaged goods]
than awake as an intransitive verb.
averse /a'v3:s/ predic. adj. (usu. foil, by
to) opposed, disinclined. [Latin verto award /a'wD:d/ —v. give or order to be
vers- turn] given as a payment or prize, -n. 1 thing
aversion /a'v3:J(a)n/ n. 1 (usu. foil, by or amount awarded. 2 judicial decision.
to, for) dislike or unwillingness. 2 object [French]
of this. aware /9'wea(r)/ predic. adj. 1 (often foil,
avert /a'vsrt/ v. (often foil, by from) 1 by of or that) conscious; having know-
turn away (one's eyes or thoughts). 2 ledge. 2 well-informed. awareness n.

prevent or ward off (esp. danger). [Old English]

Avesta ,/a'vesta/ n. (usu. prec. by the) Usage Aware is also found used
sacred writings of Zoroastrianism (cf. attributively in sense 2, as in 'a very
Zend). [Persian] aware person", but this should be
aviary /'eiviari/ n. (pi. -ies) large cage or avoided in formal contexts.
building for keeping birds. [Latin avis
awash /a' wo J/ predic. adj. 1 level with
the surface of, and just covered by,
aviation /.eivi'eiJXaJn/ n. science or
water. 2 (foil, by with) overflowing,
practice of flying aircraft. [Latin:
related to aviary]
aviator /'eivi,eit9(r)/ n. person who flies
away /a'wei/ -adv. 1 to or at a distance
from the place, person, or thing in ques-
tion (go, give, look, away; 5 miles
avid /"aevid/ adj. eager, greedy. avid-
away). 2 into non-existence (explain,
ity /a'viditi/ n. avidly adv. [Latin aveo
fade, away). 3 constantly, persistently
(work away). 4 without delay (ask
avionics /.eivi'Dniks/ (usu. treated
away), -attrib. adj. Sport not played on
as sing.) electronics as applied to avi- one's own ground (away match), -n.
ation, [from AVIATION, ELECTRONICS] Sport away match or win. [Old English:
avocado /,aev8'ka:dau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 (in
related to a 2 way]

full avocado pear) dark green edible awe -n. reverential fear or wonder.
pear-shaped fruit with yellowish-green -v. (awing) inspire with awe. [Old
creamy flesh. 2 tree bearing it. [Spanish Norse]
from Aztec] aweigh /a'wei/ predic. adj. (of an
avocet /'aeva.set/ n. long-legged wading anchor) clear of the bottom.
bird with an upward-curved bill. awe-inspiring adj. awesome; magnifi-
[French from Italian] cent.
avoid /a'void/ v. 1 keep away or refrain awesome /'o:s8m/ adj. inspiring awe;
from. 2 escape; evade. 3 Law quash, dreaded.
annul, avoidable adj. avoidance n. awful /'o:ful/ adj. 1 colloq. very bad or
[French] unpleasant (has awful writing; awful
avoirdupois /.aevada'poiz/ n. (in full weather). 2 (attrib.) as an intensifier
avoirdupois weight) system of (awful lot of money). 3 poet, inspiring
weights based on a pound of 16 ounces awe.
or 7,000 grains. [French, = goods of awfully adv. 1 badly; unpleasantly
weight] (played awfully). 2 colloq. very (awfully
avow /a'vau/ v. formal declare, confess. pleased).
avowal n. avowedly /a'vauidh/ adv. awhile /a'wail/ adv. for a short time, [a
[Latin voco call] while]
avuncular /a'vArjkjula(r)/ adj. like or of awkward /"o:kwad/ adj. 1 difficult to
an uncle, esp. in manner. [Latin avuncu- use or deal with. 2 clumsy, ungainly. 3 a
lus uncle] embarrassed, b embarrassing, [obsolete
await /a'weit/ v. 1 wait for. 2 be in store awk perverse]
[French: related to wait]
for. awl n. small tool for piercing holes, esp.
awake /a'weik/ -v. (-king; past awoke, in leather. [Old English]
past part, awoken) 1 cease to sleep or awn n. bristly head of a sheath of barley

arouse from sleep. 2 (often foil, by to) and other grasses. [Old Norse]
become or make alert, aware, or active. awning n. sheet of canvas etc. stretched
-predic. adj. 1 not asleep. 2 (often foil, by on a frame as a shelter against the sun
to) alert, aware. [Old English: related to or rain, [origin uncertain]
a2] awoke past of awake.
awaken v. = awake v. awoken past part, of awake.
AWOL 52 azure
AWOL /'eiwol/ abbr. colloq. absent axolotl /'aeks8,lDt(8)l/ n. newtlike sala-
without leave. mander, which in natural conditions
awry /a'rai/ -adv.
1 crookedly, askew. 2 retains its larval form of life. [Nahuatl,
amiss, wrong, -predic. adj. crooked; = water-servant]
unsound. ayatollah /.aia'tDla/ n. Shiite religious
axe (US ax) -n. 1 chopping-tool
/aeks/ leader in Iran. [Persian from Arabic, =
with a handle and heavy blade. 2 (the token of God]
axe) dismissal (of employees); abandon- aye /ai/ -adv. archaic or dial. yes. -n.
ment of a project etc. -v. (axing) cut affirmative answer or vote, [probably
(esp. costs or staff) drastically; abandon from J, expressing assent]
(a project). an axe to grind private azalea /a'zeilia/ n. a kind of rhododen-
ends to serve. [Old English] dron. [Greek azaleos dry]
axial /'aeksial/ adj. of, forming, or placed azimuth /'aezimae/ n. angular distance
round an axis. from a north or south point of the
axil /'aeksil/ n. upper angle between a horizon to the intersection with the
leaf and stem. [Latin
axilla armpit] horizon of a vertical circle passing
axiom /'aeksiam/ n. 1 established or through a given celestial body. azi-
accepted principle. 2 self-evident truth. muthal /-'mA8(8)l/ adj. [French from
axiomatic /-'maetik/ adj. [Greek Arabic]
axios worthy] AZT abbr. drug intended for use against
axis /'aeksis/ n. (pi. axes /-si:z/) 1 a the Aids virus, [from the chemical
imaginary line about which a body ro- name]
tates,b line which divides a regular Aztec /'aeztek/-n. 1 member of the
figure symmetrically. 2 fixed reference native Mexican people overthrown by
line for the measurement of coordinates the Spanish in 1519. 2 language of this
etc.3 (the Axis) alliance of Germany, people, -adj. of the Aztecs or their
Italy, and later Japan, in the war of language. [Nahuatl, = men of the north]
1939-45. [Latin, = axle] azure /'8839(r)/ -n. 1 deep sky-blue col-
axle /'aeks(a)l/ n. spindle on which a our. 2 poet, clear sky. -adj. deep sky-
wheel is fixed or turns. [Old Norse] blue. [Arabic]
B /bi:/ n. (pi. Bs or B's) 1 (also b) second

bacchanal /'ba3kan(9)l/ -n. 1 drunken

letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. seventh revelry or reveller. 2 priest or follower
note of the diatonic scale of C major. 3 of Bacchus, -adj. 1 of or like Bacchus. 2
second hypothetical person or example. drunkenly riotous. [Latin Bacchus from
4 second highest category (of roads, Greek, god of wine]
academic marks, etc.). 5 (usu. b) Al- Bacchanalia /.baeka'neilia/ 1
gebra second known quantity. Roman festival of Bacchus. 2 (bacchan-
symb. boron. alia) drunken revelry.
B 3
abbr. (also B.) black (pencil-lead), bacchant /'baekant/ -n. (Jem. bac-
b. abbr. 1 born. 2 Cricket a bowled by. b chante /ba'kaenti/) priest or follower
bye. of Bacchus. 2 drunken reveller, -adj. 1
BA abbr. 1 Bachelor of Arts. 2 British of or like Bacchus or his rites. 2 drunk-
Airways. enly riotous, roistering.
Ba symb. barium. Bacchic /'baekik/ adj. = bacchanal
baa (baas, baaed or baa'd)
/ba:/ -v. adj.
bleat, -n. sheep's cry. [imitative] baccy /'baeki/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. tobacco,
babble /'baib(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 a talk, [abbreviation]
chatter, or say incoherently or excess- bachelor 'baetj8l9(r)/ n. 1 unmarried

ively, b (of a stream etc.) murmur. 2 man. 2 person with a university first
repeat or divulge foolishly, -n. 1 bab- degree. bachelorhood n. [related to
bling. 2 murmur of voices, water, etc. BACCALAUREATE]
[imitativel bachelor girl n. independent young
babe n. 1 literary baby. 2 innocent or single woman.
helpless person. 3- US slang young bacillus /ba'sites/ n. (pi bacilli /-lai/)
woman, [as baby] rod-shaped bacterium, esp. one causing
babel /'beib(a)l/ n. 1 confused noise, esp. disease. bacillary adj. [Latin, di-
of voices. 2 scene of confusion. [Hebrew, minutive of baculus stick]
= Babylon (Gen. 11)] back -n. 1 a rear surface of the human
baboon /D8'bu:n/ n. large long-nosed body from shoulder to hip. b upper
African and Arabian monkey. [French surface of an animal's body, c spine
or medieval Latin] (broke his back), d keel of a ship. 2
baby /'beibi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 very young backlike surface (back of the head,
child. 2 childish person. 3 youngest chair, shirt). 3 reverse or more distant
member of a family etc. 4 (often attrib.) part (back of the room; sat in the back;
a very young animal, b small specimen. write it on the back). 4 defensive player
5 slang sweetheart. 6 one's special con- in football etc. -adv. 1 to the rear (go
cern etc. —v. (-ies, -ied) treat like a baby; back a bit; looked back). 2 in or into a
pamper. babyhood n. babyish adj. previous state, place, or time (came
[imitative of child's ba ba] back; put it back; back in June). 3 at a
baby boom n. colloq. temporary in- distance (stand back). 4 in return (pay
crease in the birthrate. back). 5 in check (hold him back), -v. 1
Baby Buggy n. propr. a kind of child's a give moral or financial support to. b
pushchair. bet on (a horse etc.). 2 (often foil, by up)
baby carriage n. US pram, move backwards. 3 a put or serve as a
baby grand n. small grand piano. back, background, or support to. b Mus.
Babygro n. (pi -s) propr. stretchy all- accompany. 4 lie at the back of (beach
in-one baby suit. backed by cliff's). 5 (of the wind) move
babysit past and past part, -sat)
v. (-tt-;
anticlockwise, -adj. 1 situated to the
look after a child while its parents are rear; remote, subsidiary (back teeth). 2
out. babysitter n. past; not current (back pay; back issue).
baccalaureate /.baeka'bTiat/ n. final 3 reversed (back flow). back and
1 1

secondary school examination in forth to and fro. back down withdraw

France and many international schools, from confrontation, the back of bey-
[medieval Latin baccalaureus bachelor] ond very remote place, back off 1 draw
baccarat /'baeka.ra:/ n. gambling card- back, retreat. 2 back down, back on
game. [French] to have its back adjoining (backs on to a
backache 54 backup
field),back out (often foil, by of) with- backhander n. a backhand stroke, b
draw from a commitment, back-pedal backhanded blow. 2 slang bribe.
reverse one's action or opinion, back to backing «.1a support, esp. financial or
back with backs adjacent and facing moral, b material used for a thing's back
each other (stood back to back), back or support. 2 musical accompaniment,
up 1 give (esp. moral) support to. 2 esp. to a pop singer.
Computing make a backup of (data, a backing track n. recorded musical
disk, etc.). get (or put) a person's back accompaniment.
up annoy a person, get off a person's backlash n. 1 violent, usu. hostile, reac-
back stop troubling a person, turn sudden recoil in a mechanism.
tion. 2
one's back on abandon; ignore. backlist n. publisher's list of books still
backer n. (in sense 1 of v.). backless in print.
adj. [Old English] backlog n. arrears of work.
backache n. ache in the back. back number n. 1 out-of-date issue of a
back-bencher n. MP not holding a periodical. 2 slang out-of-date person or
senior office. thing.
backbiting n. malicious talk, backpack -n. rucksack, -v. travel or
back-boiler n. boiler behind a domestic hike with this. backpacker n.

back passage rectum.
n. colloq.

backbone n. 1 spine. 2 chief support. 3 backrest n. support for the back.

firmness of character, back room n. (often, with hyphen,
attrib.) place where secret work is done.
back-breaking adj. (esp. of manual
work) extremely hard, back seat n. less prominent or import-
back-burner n. on the back-burner ant position.
receiving little attention,
back-seat driver n. person eager to
advise without taking responsibility,
backchat n. colloq. verbal insolence,
backcloth n. 1 painted cloth at the back backside n. colloq. buttocks,
of a stage. 2 background to a scene or
back slang n. slang using words spelt
backwards (e.g. yob).
backslide v. (-ding; past -slid; past
backcomb v. comb (the hair) towards
part, -slid or -slidden) return to bad
the scalp to give it fullness.
habits etc.
back-crawl n. = backstroke.
backspace v. (-cing) move a typewriter
backdate v. (-ting) 1 make retrospect-
carriage etc. back one or more spaces.
ively valid. 2 put an earlier date to than
backspin n. backward spin making a
the actual one.
ball bounce erratically.
back door n. secret or ingenious
backstage adv. & adj. behind the
means. scenes.
backdrop n. = backcloth.
backstairs rear or side stairs of a
backfire v. (-ring) 1 (of an engine or
building, -attrib. adj. (also backstair)
vehicle) ignite or explode too early in underhand; secret.
the cylinder or exhaust. 2 (of a plan etc.) backstitch n. sewing with each stitch
rebound adversely on its originator, starting behind the end of the previous
back-formation n. 1 formation of a one.
word from its seeming derivative (e.g. back-stop n. 1 Cricket etc. a position
laze from lazy). 2 word so formed, directly behind the wicket-keeper, b
backgammon n. board-game with fielder in this position. 2 last resort.
pieces moved according to throws of the backstreet -n. side-street, alley.
dice, [from back + obsolete form of -attrib. adj. illicit; illegal (backstreet
] abortion).
background n. 1 part of a scene or backstroke n. swimming stroke done
picture furthest from the observer. 2 on the back.
(often attrib.) inconspicuous position back-to-back adj. (of houses) with a
(kept in the background', background party wall at the rear,
music). 3 person's education, social cir- back to front adj. 1 with back and
cumstances, etc. 4 explanatory or con- front reversed. 2 in disorder,
tributory information or events. back-to-nature attrib. adj. seeking a
backhand -attrib. adj. (of a stroke) simpler way of life.
made with the hand across one's body. backtrack v. 1 retrace one's steps. 2
-n. such a stroke. reverse one's policy or opinion.
backhanded /baek'haendid/ adj. 1 backup n. (often attrib.) 1 support; re-
made with the back of the hand. 2 serve (back-up team). 2 Computing a
indirect; ambiguous (backhanded com- making of spare copies of data for
pliment). safety, b copy so made.
backward 55 bah
backward /'baekwad/ -adv. = back- badge n. 1 small flat emblem worn to
wards, —adj. 1 towards the rear or, signify office, membership, or as etc.,
starting-point (backward look). 2 decoration. 2 thing that reveals a con-
reversed (backward roll). 3 slow to dition or quality, [origin unknown]
develop or progress. 4 hesitant, shy. badger -n. nocturnal burrowing mam-
backwards adv. 1 away from one's mal with a black and white striped head.
front (lean backwards). 2 a with the
-v. pester, harass, [origin uncertain]
back foremost (walk backwards), b in badinage /'baedi,na:3/ n. playful ridi-
reverse of the usual way (count back-
cule. [French]
wards). 3 a into a worse state, b into the
past, c (of motion) back towards the
bad lot n. person of bad character.
starting-point (roll backwards).
badly adv. (worse, worst) 1 in a bad
backwards and forwards to and fro. manner. 2 colloq. very much (wants it

badly). 3 severely (badly defeated).

bend (or fall or lean) over backwards
colloq. make every effort, esp. to be fair
badminton /'baedmmt(a)n/ n. game
or helpful. with rackets and a shuttlecock. [Bad-
backwash n. 1 receding waves made by
minton in S. England]
a ship repercussions,
etc. 2 bad-mouth v. esp. US slang abuse
backwater n. 1 peaceful, secluded, or verbally, put down.
dull place. 2 stagnant water fed from a bad news n. colloq. unpleasant or
stream. troublesome person or thing.
backwoods 1 remote uncleared bad-tempered adj. irritable.
forest land. 2 remote region. back- baffle -v. (-ling) 1 perplex. 2
woodsman n. frustrate, hinder, -n. device that checks
backyard n. yard behind a house etc. flow esp. of fluid or sound waves. »
bacon /'beikan/ n. cured meat from the bafflement n. [origin uncertain]
back or sides of a pig. [French from BAFTA /'baefta/ abbr. British Associ-
Germanic] ation of Film and Television Arts.
bacteriology /.baektian'nladsi/ n. the bag -n. 1 soft open-topped receptacle. 2
study of bacteria. a piece of luggage, b woman's handbag.
bacterium /baek'tiariam/ n. (pi. -ria) 3 (in pi.', usu. foil, by of) colloq. large
unicellular micro-organism lacking an
amount (bags of time). 4 slang derog.
organized nucleus, esp. of a kind caus-
woman. 5 animal's sac. 6 amount of
ing disease. bacterial adj. [Greek, =
game shot by one person. 7 (usu. in pi.)
little stick]
baggy skin under the eyes. 8 slang
Usage A common mistake is the particular interest (folk music is not my
use of the plural form bacteria as the bag), -v. (-gg-) 1 colloq. a secure
singular. This should be avoided. (bagged the best seat), b (often in phr.
bad -adj. (worse, worst) 1 inadequate, bags I) colloq. claim as being the first
defective (bad work, light). 2 un- (bags I go next). 2 put in a bag. 3 (cause
pleasant (bad weather). 3 harmful (is to) hang loosely; bulge. in the bag
bad for you). 4 (of food) decayed. 5 colloq. achieved, secured. bagful n.
colloq.ill, injured (feeling bad today; a (pi -s). [origin unknown]
bad leg). 6 colloq. regretful, guilty (feels bagatelle /.baega'tel/ n. 1 game in which
bad about it). 7 serious, severe (a bad small balls are struck into holes on a
headache, mistake). 8 a morally unac- board. 2 mere trifle. 3 short piece of esp.
ceptable (bad man; bad language), b piano music. [French from Italian]
naughty. 9 not valid (a bad cheque). 10 bagel /'beig(a)l/ n. ring-shaped bread
(badder, baddest) esp. US slang excel- roll.[Yiddish]
lent, -n. ill fortune; ruin. -adv. US baggage /'baegid3/ n. 1 luggage. 2 port-
colloq. badly. not (or not so) bad able army equipment. 3joc. or derog. girl
colloq. fairly good, too bad colloq.
or woman. 4 mental encumbrances.
regrettable. [Old English] [French]
bad blood n. ill feeling. baggy adj. (-ier, -iest) hanging loosely,
bad books see book. baggily adv. bagginess n.
bad breath n. unpleasant-smelling bagpipe (usu. in pi.) musical instru-
ment consisting of a windbag connected
bad debt n. debt that is not recoverable, to reeded pipes.
baddy n. (pi -ies) colloq. villain in a /bae'get/ n. long thin French
story, film, etc.
loaf. [French]
bade see bid.
bad egg see egg 1
bah int. expressing contempt or dis-
belief. [French]
bad faith n. intent to deceive.
Baha'i 56 balance of power
Baha'i /ba'hai/ n. (pi. -s) member of a Baker day n. colloq. day set aside for in-
monotheistic religion emphasizing re- service training of teachers. [Baker,
ligious unity and world peace. [Persian name of the Education Secretary re-
bahd splendour] sponsible for introducing them]
bail -n. 1 money etc. pledged against
baker's dozen n. thirteen.
the temporary release of an untried bakery n. (pi. -ies) place where bread
prisoner. 2 person(s) giving this. -v. and cakes are made or sold.
(usu. foil, by out) 1 release or secure the Bakewell tart /'beikwel/ n. open
release of (a prisoner) on payment of pastry case lined with jam and filled
bail. 2 release from a difficulty; rescue. with almond paste. [Bakewell in Derby-
on bail released after payment of bail. shire]
[Latin bajulus carrier] baking-powder n. mixture of sodium
bail 2 n. 1 Cricket either of two cross- bicarbonate, cream of tartar, etc., as a
pieces bridging the stumps. 2 bar hold- raising agent.
ing the paper against a typewriter baking-soda n. sodium bicarbonate.
platen. 3 bar separating horses in an baklava /'baeklava/ n. rich sweetmeat
open stable. [French] of flaky pastry, honey, and nuts. [Turk-
bail 3 v. (also bale) 1 (usu. foil, by out) ish]
scoop water out of (a boat etc.). 2 scoop baksheesh /'baBkJi:J/ n. gratuity, tip.
(water etc.) out. bail out var. of bale [Persian]
out 1 (see bale 1 ). [French] Balaclava /,baela'kla:va/ n. (in full
bailey /'beili/ n. (pi. -s) 1 outer wall of a Balaclava helmet) usu. woollen cover-
castle. 2 court enclosed by it. [French: ing for the whole head and neck, except
related to bail ] for the face. [Balaclava in the Crimea,
Bailey bridge /'beili/ n. prefabricated the site of a battle in 1854]
military bridge for rapid assembly. [Sir balalaika /.balalaika/ n. guitar-like
D. Bailey, name of its designer] stringed instrument with a triangular
bailiff /'beilif/ n. 1 sheriffs officer who body. [Russian]
executes writs and carries out dis- balance /'baelans/ — n.1 a even distribu-
traints. 2 landlord's agent or steward. tion of weight or amount, b stability of
[French: related to bail 1 ] body or mind. 2 apparatus for weighing,
bailiwick /'beiliwik/ n. 1 Law district of esp. one with a central pivot, beam, and
a bailiff. 270c. person's particular inter- two scales. 3 a counteracting weight or
est, [as bailiff, obsolete wick district] force, b (in full balance-wheel) regu-
bain-marie /.baenma'ri:/ n. (pi bains- lating device in a clock etc. 4 decisive
marie pronunc. same) pan of hot water weight or amount (balance of opinion).
holding a pan containing sauce etc. for 5 a agreement or difference between
slow heating. [French, translation of credits and debits in an account, b
medieval Latin balneum Mariae bath of amount still owing or outstanding (will
Maria (a supposed alchemist)] pay the balance), c amount left over. 6 a
bairn n. Scot. & N.Engl, child. [Old Art harmony and proportion, b Mus.
English: related to bear ] relative volume of sources of sound. 7
bait -n. 1 food used to entice prey. 2 (the Balance) zodiacal sign or constel-
allurement, -v. 1 harass, torment, or lation Libra, -v. (-cing) 1 bring into,
annoy (a person or chained animal). 2 keep, or be in equilibrium (balanced a
put bait on (a hook, trap, etc.). [Old book on her head', balanced on one leg).
Norse] 2 (often foil, by with, against) offset or
baize n. green woollen felted
usu. compare (one thing) with another
material, used for coverings. [French pi. (balance the pros and cons). 3 counter-
baies chestnut-coloured] act, equal, or neutralize the weight or
bake v. (-king) 1 cook or become cooked importance of. 4 (usu. as balanced adj.)
by dry heat, esp. in an oven. 2 colloq. make well-proportioned and harmo-
(usu. as be baking) (of weather, a per- nious (balanced diet, balanced opin-
son, etc.) be very hot. 3 harden by heat. ion). 5 a compare and esp. equalize the
[Old English] debits and credits of (an account), b (of
baked beans baked haricot beans, an account) have credits and debits
usu. tinned in tomato sauce. equal. in the balance uncertain; at a
Bakelite /'beika.lait/ n. propr. plastic critical stage, on balance all things
made from formaldehyde and phenol, considered. [Latin bilanx scales]
used formerly for buttons, plates, etc. balance of payments n. difference in
[German from Baekeland, name of its value between payments into and out of
inventor] a country.
baker n. person who bakes and sells balance of power n. 1 situation of
bread, cakes, etc., esp. for a living. roughly equal power among the chief
balance of trade 57 ballroom dancing
States of the world. 2 power held by a railway track or road. 3 mixture of
small group when larger groups are of coarse and fine aggregate for making
equal strength. concrete, -v. provide with ballast. [Low
balance of trade n. difference in value German or Scandinavian]
between imports and exports. ball-bearing n. 1 bearing in which the
balance sheet n. statement giving the two halves are separated by a ring of
balance of an account. small balls. 2 one of these balls.
balcony /'baelkani/ n. (pi -ies) 1 usu. ballboy n. (fern, ballgirl) (in tennis) boy
balustraded platform on the outside of a or girl who retrieves balls.
building with access from an upper ballcock n. floating ball on a hinged
floor. 2 upper tier of seats in a theatre arm controlling the water level in a
etc. balconied adj. [Italian] cistern.
bald 'bo:ld/ adj. 1 lacking some or all ballerina /,baela'ri:na/ n. female ballet-
hair on the scalp. 2 lacking the usual dancer. [Italian: related to ball2 ]
hair, feathers, leaves, etc. 3 colloq. with ballet /'baelei/ n. 1 dramatic or
a worn surface (bald tyre). 4 plain, representational style of dancing to
direct (bald statement, style). bald- music. 2 particular piece or perform-
ing adj. (in senses 1-3). baldly adv. (in ance of ballet, z balletic /ba'letik/ adj.
sense 4). baldness n. [Old English] [French: related to ball 2 ]
balderdash /'bo:ld8,daeJ7 n. nonsense, ballet-dancer n. dancer of ballet.
[origin unknown] ball game 1 a game played with a
bale —n. tightly bound bundle of mer-
ball, b baseball game. 2 esp. US
chandise or hay. -v. (-ling) make up colloq. affair; matter (a whole new ball
into bales, bale out 1 (also bail out) game).
(of an airman) make an emergency ballista /ba'lista/ n. (pi. -stae /-sti:/) (in
parachute descent. 2 var. of bail? v. 2. ancient warfare) catapult for hurling
[Dutch: related to ball ]
large stones etc. [Latin from Greek ballo
bale 2 var. of bail . throw]
baleen /ba'li.n/ n. whalebone. [Latin ballistic /ba'listik/ adj. of projectiles.
balaena whale] ballistic missile n. missile that is
baleful /'beilful, adj. 1 menacing in powered and guided but falls by gravity.
look, manner, etc.
2 malignant, destruc- ballistics (usu. treated as sing.)
tive. balefully adv. [archaic bale evil] science of projectiles and firearms.
balk var. of baulk. ballocking var. of bollocking.
Balkan /'bo:lkan/ adj. 1 of the region of ballocks var. of bollocks.
SE Europe bounded by the Adriatic, balloon /ba'lu:n/ -n. 1 small inflatable
Aegean, and Black Sea. 2 of its peoples rubber toy or decoration. 2 large usu.
or countries. [Turkish] round inflatable flying bag, often carry-
ball ,/bo:l/ -n. 1 sphere, esp. for use in a
ing a basket for passengers. 3 colloq.
game. 2 a ball-shaped object; material in balloon shape enclosing dialogue etc. in
the shape of a ball (ball of snow, wool). a comic strip or cartoon, -v. A (cause to)
b rounded part of the body (ball of the swell out like a balloon. 2 travel by
foot). 3 cannon-ball. 4 single delivery or balloon. balloonist n. [French or
pass of a ball in cricket, baseball, foot- Italian, = large ball]
ball, etc. 5 (in pi.) coarse slang a test- ballot /'baelat/ -n. 1 occasion or system
icles, b (usu. as int.) nonsense, c = of voting, in writing and usu. secret. 2
balls-up. d courage, 'guts', -v. form total of such votes. 3 paper etc. used in
into a ball, z balls up coarse slang voting. -v. (-t-) 1 (usu. foil, by for) a hold
bungle; make a mess of. on the ball a ballot; give a vote, b draw lots for
colloq. alert. [Old Norse] precedence etc. 2 take a ballot of (bal-
ball 2 /bo:l/ n. 1 formal social gathering loted the members). [Italian ballotta:
for dancing. 2 slang enjoyable time (esp. related to balloon]
have a bait). [Greek ballo throw] ballot-box n. sealed box for completed
ballad /'baelad/ n. 1 poem or song nar- ballot-papers.
ballot-paper n. = ballot n. 3.
rating a popular story. 2 slow senti-
mental song. [Provencal: related to ballpark n. US
baseball ground. 2

BALL 2 ] colloq. sphere of activity, etc. 3 (attrib.)

balladry n. ballad poetry, colloq. approximate. in the right
ball-and-socket joint n. joint in ballpark colloq. approximately correct,
which a rounded end lies in a concave ball-point n. (in full ball-point pen)
socket. pen with a tiny ball as its writing point,
ballast /'baelast/ -n. 1 heavy material ballroom n. large room for dancing,
stabilizing a ship, the car of a balloon, ballroom dancing n. formal social
etc. 2 coarse stone etc. as the bed of a
balls-up 58 bane
balls-up n. coarse slang bungle, mess, of esp. non-classical musicians. 4 organ-
bally /'baeh/ adj. & adv. slang mild form ized group of criminals etc. 5 range of
of bloody (see bloody adj. 3). [alteration frequencies, wavelengths, or values. 6
of bloody] belt connecting wheels or pulleys, -v. 1
ballyhoo /.baeli'hu:/ n. 1 loud noise or (usu. foil, by together) unite. 2 put a band
fuss. 2 noisy publicity, [origin unknown] on. 3 mark with stripes. [Old Norse
balm /ba:m/ n. 1 aromatic ointment. 2 (related to bind) and French]
fragrant oil or resin exuded from certain bandage /'baendid3/ -n. strip of material
trees and plants. 3 thing that heals or used to bind a wound etc. —v. (-ging) bind
soothes. 4 aromatic herb. [Latin: related with a bandage. [French: related to
to balsam] band]
balmy /'ba:mi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 mild bandanna /baen'daena/ n. large pat-
and fragrant; soothing. 2 slang = terned handkerchief or neckerchief.
barmy, balmily adv. balminess n. [Portuguese from Hindi]
baloney var. of boloney. b. & b. abbr. bed and breakfast.
balsa balsa-wood)
/'bo:lsa/ n. 1 (in full bandbox n. hatbox.
tough lightweight wood used for making bandeau /'baendau/ n. (pi. -x /-dauz/)
models etc. 2 tropical American tree narrow headband. [French]
yielding it. [Spanish, = raft] banderole /.baenda'raul/ n. 1 long nar-
balsam /'bo:lsam/ n. 1 resin exuded from row flag with a cleft end. 2 ribbon-like
various trees and shrubs. 2 ointment, inscribed scroll. [Italian: related to ban-
esp. containing oil or turpentine. 3 tree ner]
or shrub yielding balsam. 4 any of bandicoot /'baendi,ku:t/ n. 1 catlike
several flowering plants. balsamic Australian marsupial. 2 (in full bandi-
/-'ssemik/ adj. [Latin balsamum] coot rat) destructive rat in India.
baluster /'baelasta(r)/ n. short post or [Telugu, = pig-rat]
pillar supporting a rail. [Greek balaus- bandit /'baendit/ n. robber or outlaw,
tion wild-pomegranate flower] attacking travellers etc. ban-
ditry n. [Italian]
Usage Baluster is often confused bandmaster n. conductor of a band,
with banister. A baluster is usually part
of a balustrade whereas a banister sup-
bandog /'baendDg/ n. fighting-dog bred
for its strength and ferocity, [from
ports a stair handrail.
band, dog]
balustrade /.baete'streid/ n. railing sup- bandolier /,baend8'li8(r)/ n. (also ban-
ported by balusters, esp. on a balcony. doleer) shoulder belt with loops or
bamboo /baem'bu:/ n. 1 tropical giant pockets for cartridges. [Dutch or
woody grass. 2 its stem, used for canes, French]
furniture, etc. [Dutch from Malay] band-saw n. mechanical saw with a
bamboo-shoot n. young shoot of bam- blade formed by an endless toothed
boo, eaten as a vegetable. band.
bamboozle /baem'bu:z(a)l/ v. (-ling) col- bandsman n. player in a band,
loq. cheat; mystify. bamboozlement bandstand n. outdoor platform for
n. [origin unknown] musicians.
ban -v. (-nn-) forbid, prohibit, esp. form- bandwagon n. climb (or jump) on
ally, -n. formal prohibition (ban on the bandwagon join a popular or suc-
smoking). [Old English, = summon] cessful cause etc.
banal /ba'na:l/ adj. trite, commonplace. bandwidth n. range of frequencies
banality /-'naeliti/ n. (pi. -ies). within a given band.
banally adv. [French, related to ban: bandy 1
adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of the legs)
originally = compulsory, hence = com- curved so as be wide apart at the
mon] knees. 2 (also bandy-legged) having
banana /ba'na:na/ n. 1 long curved soft bandy legs, [perhaps from obsolete
fruitwith a yellow skin. 2 treelike plant bandy curved stick]
bearing it. go bananas slang go mad. bandy 2 v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foil, by
[Portuguese or Spanish, from an African about) a pass (a story, rumour, etc.) to
name] and fro. b discuss disparagingly (ban-
banana republic n. derog. small State, died her name about). 2 (often foil, by
esp. in Central America, dependent on with) exchange (blows, insults, etc.).

foreign capital. [perhaps from French]

band -n. 1 flat, thin strip or loop of paper, bane n. 1 cause of ruin or trouble. 2 poet.
metal, cloth, etc., put round something ruin. 3 archaic (except in comb.) poison
esp. to hold or decorate it. 2 a strip of (ratsbane). baneful adj. [Old Eng-
material on a garment, b stripe. 3 group lish]
bang 59 bap
bang -n. 1 loud short sound. 2 sharp bankrupt /'baenkrApt/ -adj. 1 legally
blow. 3 coarse slang act of sexual inter- declared insolvent. 2 (often foil, by of)
course. 4 US fringe cut straight across exhausted or drained (of emotion etc.).
the forehead, -k. 1 strike or shut noisily -n. insolvent person, esp. one whose
(banged the door shut). 2 (cause to) assets are used to repay creditors, -v.
make a bang. 3 coarse slang have sexual make bankrupt. bankruptcy n. (pi.
intercourse (with), -adv. 1 with a bang. -ies). [Italian banca rotta broken bench:
2 colloq. exactly (bang in the middle). related to bank 2 ]
bang on colloq. exactly right, go bang 1 banksia Australian ever-
/'baerjksia/ n.
shut noisily. 2 explode. 3 (as bang goes green flowering shrub. [Banks, name of
etc.) colloq. be suddenly lost (bang go a naturalist]
my hopes), [imitative] banner n. 1 large sign bearing a slogan
banger n. 1 slang sausage. 2 slang or design, esp. in a demonstration or
noisy old car. 3 firework designed to go procession; flag. 2 slogan, esp. political.
bang. [Latin bandum standard]
bangle /'baeng(a)l/ n. rigid bracelet or banner headline n. large, esp. front-
anklet. [Hindi bangri] page, newspaper headline.
banian var. of banyan. bannister var. of banister.
banish /'baeniJV v. 1 condemn to exile. bannock /'baenak/ n. Scot. & N.Engl.
2 dismiss (esp. from one's mind), round flat loaf, usu. unleavened. [Old
banishment n. [Germanic: related English]
to ban] banns notice announcing an
banister /'baenista(r)/rc. (also bannister) intended marriage, read out in a parish
(usu. in pi) uprights and handrail be- church, [pi. of ban]
side a staircase, [corruption of balus- banquet 'baenkwit/ -n. sumptuous,
ter] esp. formal, feast or dinner, -v. (-t-)
Usage See note at baluster. attend, or entertain with, a banquet;
feast. [French diminutive of banc
banjo /'baend38o7 n. (pi -s or -es) guitar-
instrument with a circular
like stringed
body, banjoist n. [US southern cor-
banquette /baen'ket/ n. upholstered
bench, esp. in a restaurant or bar.
ruption of bandore from Greek pan-
[French from Italian]
doura lute]
bank 1
-n. 1 sloping ground beside a
banshee /'baenji:/ n. Ir. & Scot, wailing
female spirit warning of death in a
river. 2 raised area, esp. in the sea;
house. [Irish, = fairy woman]
slope. 3 mass of cloud, fog, snow, etc. -v.
1 (often foil, by up) heap or rise into
bantam /'baentam/ n. 1 a kind of small
domestic fowl. 2 small but aggressive
banks. 2 pack (a fire) tightly for slow
person, [apparently from Bantan in
burning. 3 a (of a vehicle, aircraft, etc.)
round a curve with one side higher than
the other, b cause to do this. [Old Norse:
bantamweight n. 1 weight in certain
sports between flyweight and feather-
related to bench]
weight, in amateur boxing 51-^4 kg.
bank 2
-n. 1 establishment for de-
sportsman of this weight.
positing, withdrawing, and borrowing
money. 2 kitty in some gambling games. banter -rc. good-humoured teasing. -v.
1 tease. 2 exchange banter, [origin
3 storage place (blood bank), -v. 1
deposit (money etc.) in a bank. 2 (often
foil, by at, with) keep money (at a bank).
Bantu /baen'tu:/ -n. (pi. same or -s) 1
often offens. member of a large group of
bank on colloq. rely on (I'm banking
central and southern African Blacks. 2
on you). [French banque or Italian
banca: related to bank ]
1 group of languages spoken by them.
-adj. of these peoples or languages.
bank 3 n. row of similar objects, e.g.
lights, switches, oars. [French banc
[Bantu, = people]
from Germanic: related to bank ]
1 Bantustan /,baentu:'sta:n/ n. S.Afr.

bankable adj. certain to bring profit often offens. = homeland 2.

bank card n. (also banker's card) = banyan /'baenjan/ n. (also banian)

Indian fig tree with self-rooting
banker n. 1 owner or manager of a
branches. [Portuguese from Sanskrit,
= trader]
bank. 2 keeper of the bank in some
gambling games. baobab /'beiau.baeb/ n. African tree

bank holiday n. public holiday, when with a massive trunk and large pulpy
banks are officially closed, fruit, [probably African dial.]

banking n. business of running a bank, bap n. soft flattish bread roll, [origin
banknote n. piece of paper money. unknown]
baptism 60 barefaced
baptism /'baeptiz(a)m/ n. symbolic ad- barbarism /'ba:b8,nz(a)m/ n. 1 bar-
mission to the Christian Church, with baric state or act. 2 non-standard word
water and usu. name-giving. baptis- or expression.
mal /-'tizm(a)l/ adj. [Greek baptizo bap- barbarity /ba:'baenti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
tize] savage cruelty. 2 brutal act.
baptism of fire n. 1 initiation into barbarous /'baibaras/ adj. = bar-
battle. 2 painful initiation into an ac- baric 1.
tivity. barbecue /'ba:bi,kju:/ -n. 1 a meal
baptist n. 1 person who baptizes, esp. cooked over charcoal etc. out of doors,
John the Baptist. 2 (Baptist) Christian b party for this. 2 grill etc. used for this.
advocating baptism by total immersion. -v. (-ues, -ued, -uing) cook on a barbe-
baptistery /'baeptistari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a cue. [Spanish from Haitian]
part of a church used for baptism, b hist. barbed wire n. wire with interwoven
separate building used for baptism. 2 (in sharp spikes, used in fences and bar-
a Baptist chapel) receptacle used for riers.
immersion. barbel /'ba:b(a)l/ n. 1 freshwater fish
baptize /baep'taiz/ (also -ise) (-zing or
v. with barbs. 2 = barb n. 3. [Latin:
-sing) 1 administer baptism to. 2 give a related to barb]
name or nickname to. barbell iron bar with removable
bar -n. 1 long piece of
rigid material, weights at each end, used for weightlift-
esp. used to confine or obstruct. 2 a ing.
something of similar form (bar of soap ;
barber n. person who cuts men's hair
bar of chocolate), b band of colour or etc. by profession, [medieval Latin
light, c heating element of an electric barba beard]
fire, d metal strip below the clasp of a barberry /'ba:ban/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 shrub
medal, awarded as an extra distinction, with yellow flowers and red berries. 2 its
e Heraldry narrow horizontal stripe berry. [French berberis]
across a shield. 3 a counter for serving barber-shop n. colloq. close harmony
alcohol etc. on. b room or building singing for four male voices.
containing it. c small shop or stall serv- barber's pole n. pole with spiral red
ing refreshments (snack bar), d counter and white stripes as a barber's sign.
for a special service (heel bar). 4 a barbican /'baibikan/ n. outer defence,
barrier, b restriction (colour bar; bar to esp. a double tower above a gate or
promotion). 5 prisoner's enclosure in a drawbridge. [French]
lawcourt. 6 any of the sections into barbie /'ba:bi/ n. Austral, slang barbe-
which a piece of music is divided by cue, [abbreviation]
vertical lines. 7 (the Bar) Law a barris 1
bar billiards form of billiards
ters collectively, b profession of barris- with holes in the table.
ter, -v. (-rr-) 1 a fasten with a bar or barbiturate /bai'bitjurat/ n. soporific
bars, b (usu. foil, by in, out) shut or keep or sedative drug from barbituric acid.
in or out. 2 obstruct, prevent. 3 (usu. foil, [German, from the name Barbara]
by from) prohibit, exclude. 4 mark with barbituric acid /.barbi'tjuarik/ n. or-
stripes, -prep, except. be called to ganic acid from which barbiturates are
the Bar be admitted as barrister, be- derived.
hind bars in prison. [French] Barbour /'ba:ba(r)/ n. propr. type of
bar2 n. esp. Meteorol. unit of pressure, green waxed jacket. [Barbour, name of a
10 newtons per square metre, approx. draper]
one atmosphere. [Greek baros weight] barcarole /.baika'raul/ n. 1 gondoliers'
barathea /.baera'Oiia/ n. fine wool cloth, song. 2 music imitating this. [Italian
[origin unknown] barca boat]
barb -n. 1 secondary backward-facing bar-code n. machine-readable striped
projection from an arrow, fish-hook, code on packaging etc.
etc. 2 hurtful remark. 3 fleshy filament bard n. 1 poet. poet. 2 a hist. Celtic
at the mouth of some fish. -v. 1 fit with a minstrel, b prizewinner at an Eistedd-
barb. 2 (as barbed adj.) (of a remark fod, c bardic adj. [Celtic]
etc.) deliberately hurtful. [Latin barba bare -adj. 1 unclothed or uncovered. 2
beard] leafless; unfurnished; empty. 3 plain,
barbarian /bai'bearian/ -n. 1 uncul- unadorned (the bare truth; bare facts).
tured or brutish person. 2 member of a 4 (attrib.) scanty, just sufficient (a bare
primitive tribe etc. -adj. 1 rough and majority; bare necessities), -v. (-ring)
uncultured. 2 uncivilized. [Greek bar- uncover, reveal (bared his teeth; bared
baros foreign] his soul). [Old English]
barbaric /ba:'baenk/ adj. 1 uncultured; bareback adj. & adv. without a saddle.
brutal, cruel. 2 primitive. barefaced adj. shameless, impudent.
barefoot 61 barrack
barefoot adj. &
adv. (also barefooted barman n. man serving in a pub etc.
/-'futid/) wearing nothing on the feet. bar mitzvah /ba: 'mitsva/ n. 1 religious
bareheaded /bea'hedid/ adj. & adv. initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy at
wearing nothing on the head. 13. 2 boy undergoing this. [Hebrew, =
barely adv. 1 scarcely (barely escaped). son of the commandment]
2 scantily (barely furnished). barmy /'ba:mi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) slang
bargain /'ba:gm/ -n. 1 a agreement on crazy, stupid, [from barm: earlier, =
the terms of a sale etc. b this from the frothy]
buyer's viewpoint (a bad bargain). 2 barn n. large farm building for storing
cheap thing, -v. (often foil, by with, for) grain etc. [Old English, = barley house]
discuss the terms of a sale etc. (bar- barnacle /'ba:nak(9)l/ n. 1 marine crus-
gained with me; bargain for the table). tacean clinging to rocks, ships' bottoms,
bargain for (or colloq. on) be pre- etc. 2 tenacious attendant or follower.
pared for; expect, bargain on rely on. [French or medieval Latin]
into the bargain moreover. [French barnacle goose n. Arctic goose.
from Germanic] barn dance n. 1 informal gathering for
barge -n. 1 long flat-bottomed cargo country dancing. 2 a kind of country
boat on a canal or river. 2 long orna- dance.
mental pleasure boat. -v. (-ging) 1 (foil, barney /'ba:ni/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. noisy
by in, into) a intrude rudely or awk- quarrel, [perhaps dial.]
wardly (barged in on him), b collide barn-owl n. a kind of owl frequenting
with (barged into her). 2 (often foil, by barns.
around) move clumsily about. [French: barnstorm v. tour rural areas as an
related to barque] actor or political campaigner. barn-
bargeboard n. board fixed to the gable- stormer n.
end of a roof to hide the ends of the roof barnyard n. area around a barn,
timbers, [perhaps from medieval Latin barograph /'baera.graif/ n. barometer
barg us gallows] equipped to record its readings. [Greek
bargee /ba:'d3i:/ n. person sailing a baros weight]
barge. barometer /b9'rDmita(r)/ n. 1 instru-
bargepole n. would not touch with ment measuring atmospheric pressure,
a bargepole refuse to be associated or used in meteorology. 2 anything which
concerned with. reflects change. barometric
baritone 1 a second-
/'baen.taun/ n. /.baera'metnk/ adj. [related to baro-
lowest adult male singing voice, b graph]
singer with this voice. 2 instrument baron /'baeran/ n. 1 member of the
pitched second-lowest in its family. lowest order of the British or foreign
[Greek barus heavy, tonos tone] nobility. 2 powerful businessman,
barium /'beanam/ n. white soft metallic entrepreneur, etc. 3 hist, person hold-
element, [from baryta] ing lands from the sovereign. baro-
barium meal n. mixture swallowed to nial /ba'raunial/ adj. [medieval Latin, -
reveal the abdomen in X-rays. man]
bark 1 -n. 1 sharp explosive cry of a dog, baroness /'baeranis/ n. 1 woman hold-
fox, etc. 2 sound like this. -v. 1 (of a dog ing the rank of baron. 2 baron's wife or
etc.) give a bark. 2 speak or utter widow.
sharply or brusquely. 3 colloq. cough baronet /'baBranit/ n. member of the
harshly. bark up the wrong tree lowest hereditary titled British order.
make false assumptions. [Old English] baronetcy n. (pi. -ies).

bark 2 -n. tough outer skin of tree- baron of beef n. double sirloin.
trunks, branches, etc. -v. 1 graze (one's barony /'baerani/ n. (pi. -ies) domain or
shin etc.). 2 strip bark from. [Scandin- rank of a baron.
avian] baroque /ba'rok/ -adj. 1 highly ornate
barker n. tout at an auction, sideshow, and extravagant in style, esp. of Euro-
[from bark ] pean art etc. of the 17th and 18th c. 2 of
barley /'ba:h/ n. 1 cereal used as food this period, -n. baroque style or art.
and in spirits. 2 (also barleycorn) its [Portuguese, originally = misshapen
grain. [Old English] pearl]
barley sugar n. sweet made from bar person n. barmaid or barman.
sugar, usu. in twisted sticks, barque /ba:k/ n. 1 sailing-ship with the
barley water drink made from a
n. rear mast fore-and-aft rigged and other
boiled barley mixture, masts square-rigged. 2 poet. boat. [Pro-
barm n. froth on fermenting malt vencal from Latin barca]
liquor. [Old English] barrack /'baerak/-rc. (usu. in pi, often

barmaid n. woman serving in a pub etc. treated as sing.) 1 housing for soldiers. 2
barrack 62 BASIC
large bleak building, -v. lodge (soldiers barrow 2 /'baerau/ n. ancient grave-
etc.) in barracks. [Italian or Spanish] mound. [Old English]
barrack 2 /'baerak/ v. 1 shout or jeer at bar sinister n. = bend sinister.
(players, a speaker, etc.). 2 (foil, by for) bartender n. person serving in a pub
cheer encourage (a team etc.). [per-
for, etc.
haps from Australian slang borak barter -v. 1 trade in goods without
banter] using money. 2 exchange (goods), -n.
barracouta /.baera'kurta/ n. (pi. same trade by bartering, [perhaps from
or -s) long slender fish of southern French]
oceans, [var. of barracuda] baryon /'baen.on/ n. heavy elementary
barracuda /,baera'ku:da/ n. (pi. same or particle (i.e. a nucleon or a hyperon).
-s) large tropical marine fish. [Spanish] [Greek barus heavy]
barrage /'baera:3/ n. 1 concentrated ar- baryta /ba'raita/ n. barium oxide or
tillery bombardment. 2 rapid succes- hydroxide, [from barytes]
sion of questions or criticisms. 3 artifi- barytes /ba'raiti:z/ n. mineral form of
cial barrier in a river etc. [French barium sulphate. [Greek barus heavy]
barrer bar 1 ] basal /'beis(a)l/ adj. of, at, or forming a
barrage balloon n. large anchored base.
balloon used as a defence against low- basalt /'bseso:lt/ n. a dark volcanic rock.
flying aircraft. basaltic /ba'sa:ltik/ adj. [Latin
barratry fraud or gross
/'baeratri/ n. basaltes from Greek]
negligence by a ship's master or crew. base 1
-n. 1 a part supporting from
[French barat deceit] beneath or serving as a foundation, b
barre /ba:(r)/ n. horizontal bar at waist notional support or foundation (power
level, used in dance exercises. [French] base). 2 principle or starting-point. 3
barre /'baerei/ n. method of playing a esp. Mil. headquarters. 4 main or im-
chord on the guitar etc. with a finger portant ingredient. 5 number in terms
laid across the strings at a particular of which other numbers or logarithms
fret. [French barrer bar] are expressed. 6 substance capable of
barrel /'baer(a)l/ -n. 1 cylindrical usu. combining with an acid to form a salt. 7
convex container. 2 its contents. 3 Baseball etc. each of the four stations on
measure of capacity (30 to 40 gallons). 4 a pitch, -v. (-sing) 1 (usu. foil, by on,
cylindrical tube forming part of an ob- upon) found or establish (a theory, hope,
ject, e.g.a gun or a pen. -v. (-11-; US -1-) etc.). 2 station (troops based in Malta).
put into a barrel or barrels. over a [Greek basis stepping]
barrel colloq. helpless, at a person's base 2 adj. 1 cowardly, despicable. 2
mercy. [French] menial. 3 alloyed (base coin). 4 (of a
barrel-organ n. mechanical musical metal) low in value. [Latin bassus]
instrument with a rotating pin-studded baseball n. 1 game played esp. in the US
cylinder. with a circuit of four bases which bats-
barren /'baeran/ adj. (-er, -est) 1 a men must complete. 2 ball used in this.
unable to bear young, b (of land, a tree, baseless adj. unfounded, groundless.
etc.) unproductive. 2 unprofitable, dull. baseline n. 1 line used as a base or
barrenness n. [French] starting-point. 2 line marking each end
barricade /,baen'keid/-rc. barrier, esp. of a tennis-court.
improvised, -v. (-ding) block or defend basement /'beismant/ n. floor of a build-
with this. [French barrique cask] ing below ground level.
barrier /'baena(r)/ n. 1 fence etc. that base rate n. interest rate set by the
bars advance or access. 2 obstacle Bank of England, used as the basis for
(class barriers). [Romanic: related to other banks' rates.
bases pi. of base basis.

barrier cream n. protective skin bash -D.1a strike bluntly or heavily, b

cream. (often foil, by up) colloq. attack viol-
barrier reef coral reef separated
n. ently, c (often foil, by down, in, etc.)
from the shore by a channel, damage or break by striking forcibly. 2
barring /'bainn/ prep, except, not (foil, by into) collide with. -rc. 1 heavy
including. blow. 2 slang attempt, [imitative]
barrister /'baensta(r)/ n. advocate enti- bashful /'baejful/ adj. shy, diffident.
tled to practise in the higher courts, bashfully adv. [as abashed]
[from bar 1
: cf. minister] BASIC /'beisik/ n. computer program-
barrow 1
two- wheeled
/'baerau/ n. 1 ming language using familiar English
handcart. 2 = wheelbarrow. [Old Eng- words. [Beginner's All-purpose Sym-
lish: related to bear ] bolic instruction Code]
basic 63 batch
basic serving as a base;
/'beisik/ -adj. 1 sense 3). [from base 2 altered after Ital-
fundamental. 2 a simplest or lowest in ian basso]
level (basic pay, needs), b vulgar (basic bass 2 /bass/ n. (pi. same or -es) 1 common
humour), -n. (usu. in pi.) fundamental perch. 2 other spiny-finned fish of the
facts or principles. basically adv. perch family. [Old English]
basic slag n. fertilizer containing phos- bass clef n. clef placing F below middle
phates formed as a by-product in steel C on the second highest line of the staff.
manufacture. basset /'baesit/ n. (in full basset-hound)
basil /'baez(9)l/ n. aromatic herb used as sturdy hunting-dog with a long body
flavouring. [Greek basilikos royal] and short legs. [French diminutive of
basilica /ba'zilika/ n. 1 ancient Roman bas low]
hall with an apse and colonnades, used bass guitar n. electric guitar tuned as a
as a lawcourt etc. 2 similar building as a double-bass.
Christian church. [Greek basilike (stoa) bassinet /.baesi'net/ n. child's wicker
royal (portico)] cradle, usu. hooded. [French diminutive
basilisk /'baezilisk/ n. 1 mythical reptile of bassin basin]
with lethal breath and glance. 2 small basso /'baesau/ n. (pi -s) singer with a
American crested lizard. [Greek, di- bass voice. [Italian, = bass 1 ]
minutive of basileus king] bassoon /ba'su:n/ n. bass instrument of
basin /'beis(a)n/ n. 1 round open vessel the oboe family, c bassoonist n. [Ital-
for holding liquids or preparing food in. ian: related to bass ]
2 = wash-basin. 3 hollow depression. 4 bast /baest/ n. fibre from the inner bark
sheltered mooring area. 5 round valley. of a tree (esp. the lime). [Old English]
6 area drained by a river. basinful n. bastard /'bcustad/ often offens. -n. 1

(pi. -s). [medieval Latin ba(s)cinus]

person born of an unmarried mother. 2
slang a unpleasant or despicable per-
basis /'beisis/ n. (pi. bases /-si:z/) 1
son, b person of a specified kind (poor,
foundation or support. 2 main principle
lucky, bastard). 3 slang difficult or
or ingredient (on a friendly basis). 3
awkward thing, -attrib. adj. 1 illegit-
starting-point for a discussion etc.
1 imate by birth. 2 unauthorized, counter-
[Greek: related to base ]
feit, hybrid. bastardy n. (in sense 1 of
bask /ba:sk/ v. 1 relax in warmth and
n.). [French from medieval Latin]
light. 2 (foil, by in) revel in (basking in
bastardize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
glory). [Old Norse: related to bathe]
1 corrupt, debase. 2 declare (a person)
basket /'ba:skit/ n. 1 container
of made illegitimate.
interwoven cane, reed, wire, etc. 2 baste 1
/beist/ v.(-ting) 1 moisten (meat)
amount held by this. 3 the goal in with fat etc. during cooking. 2 beat,
basketball, or a goal scored. 4 Econ. thrash, [origin unknown]
group or range (of currencies). [French] baste 2 /beist/ v. (-ting) sew with
basketball n. 1 game in which goals are loose stitches, tack. [French from Ger-
scored by putting the ball through high manic]
nets. 2 ball used in this. bastinado /.baesti'neidau/ -n. beating
basketry n. 1 art of weaving cane etc. 2 with a stick on the soles of the feet. - v.
work so produced. (-es, -ed) punish in this way. [Spanish
basket weave n. weave like wicker- baston stick]
work. bastion /'baestian/ n. 1 projecting part of
basketwork n. = basketry. a fortification. 2 thing regarded as pro-
basking shark n. large shark which tecting (bastion of freedom). [Italian
lies near the surface of the sea. bastire build]
Basque /baesk/ -n. 1 member of a bat -n.
1 implement with a handle, used
people of the Western Pyrenees. 2 their for hitting balls in games. 2 turn with
language, -adj. of the Basques or their this. 3 batsman. -v. (-«-) 1 hit with or as
language. [Latin Vasco] with a bat. 2 take a turn at batting, off
bas-relief /'baesn,li:f/ n. sculpture or one's own bat unprompted, unaided.
carving with figures projecting slightly [Old English from French]
from the background. [French and Ital- bat 2 n. mouselike nocturnal flying mam-
ian] mal. [Scandinavian]
bass 1
/beis/ -n.1a lowest adult male bat 3
v. (-tt-) not (or never) bat an
singing voice, b singer with this voice. 2 eyelid colloq. show no reaction or emo-
instrument pitched lowest in its family. tion, [var. of obsolete bate flutter]
3 colloq. bass guitar or double-bass. 4 batch -n. 1 group of things or persons
low-frequency output of a radio, record- considered or dealt with together;
player, etc. -adj. 1 lowest in musical instalment. 2 loaves produced at one
pitch. 2 deep-sounding. bassist n. (in baking. 3 Computing group of records
bated 61 battlebus
processed as one unit. -v. arrange or batrachian ba'treikian -n. am
deal with in batches, [related to bake] phibian that discards its gills and tail
bated beind adj. with bated breath esp. a frog or toad. -adj. of barrachians
very anxiously, [as abate] [Greek batrakhos frog]
bath ba:9 -n. {pi. -s ba:6z ) 1 a (usu. bats predic.adj. slang crazy, [originalh
plumbed-in) container for sitting in and pi. of BAT

washing the body, b its contents. 2 act batsman n. person who bats. esp. ir
of washing in it {have a bath). 3 (usu. cricket.
in pi.) public building with baths or a battalion ba'taeljan n. 1 army uni
swimming-pool. 4 a vessel containing usu. of 300-1000 men. 2 large group with
liquid for immersing something, e.g.
a common aim. [Italian battaglia bat
a film for developing, b its contents.
-i\ 1 wash (esp. a babv) in a bath.
batten 1 'ba?t(a)n -n. 1 a long flat strii
2 take a bath. [Old English]
of squared timber, b horizontal strip o
Bath bun ba:0 n. round spiced bun
wood to which laths, tiles, etc.. art
with currants, often iced. [Bath in S.
fastened. 2 strip for securing tarpaulii
over a ship's hatchway, -r. strengthei
Bath chair ba:0 n. wheelchair for
or (often foil, by down) fasten witl
battens. [French: related to batter]
bath cube n. cube of soluble substance
for scenting or softening bath-water.
batten 2 'baet(a)n dl (foil, by on) thri\>
bathe beid -r. (-thing) 1 immerse at the expense of (another). [Old Norse

oneself in water, esp. to swim or wash Battenberg 'baet(a)n,b3:g n. oblong

oneself. 2 immerse in. wash, or treat sponge cake. usu. of two colours anc
with liquid. 3 (of sunlight etc.) envelop. covered with marzipan. [Battenberg h
-n. swim. [Old English] Germany]
bathhouse n. public building with batter dl 1
1 a strike hard and repeat

baths. edly. b (often foil, by against, at. etc.

bathing-costume n. (also bathing- pound insistently {batter at the door). 2

suit) garment worn for swimming. (often in passive) a subject to long-term
bathos lapse in mood from
'bei0Ds n. violence {battered baby. wife), b criti-
the sublime to the absurd or trivial: cize severely, z batterer n. [French
anticlimax, z bathetic ba'Getik adj. battre beat: related to battle]
bathotic be'Gotik adj. [Greek. = batter2 n. mixture of flour, egg. and
depth] milk or water, used for pancakes etc
bathrobe n. esp. US dressing-gown, [French: related to batter ]

esp. of towelling. battered adj. coated in batter and deep-

bathroom n. 1 room with a bath, wash- fried.
basin, etc. 2 US room with a lavatory. battering-ram n. hist, beam used in
bath salts powder or crys- breaching fortifications.
tals for scenting or softening bath- battery 'bsetan (pi -ies) 1 usu.
water. portable container of an electrically
bathyscaphe 'baeGi.sksef n. manned charged cell or cells as a source of
vessel for deep-sea diving. [Greek bath- current. 2 (often attrib.) series of cages
us deep, skaphos ship] for the intensive breeding and rearing
bathysphere 'baeei,sna(r) n. vessel of poultry or cattle. 3 set of similar
for deep-sea observation. [Greek bathus
units of equipment; series, sequence.
deep. sphere]
4 emplacement for heavy guns. 5 Law
batik ba'trk n. 1 method of dyeing
unlawful physical violence against a
textiles by applying wax to parts to be
person. [Latin: related to battle]
left uncoloured. 2 cloth so treated.
battle 'bset(a)l -n. 1 prolonged figh
[Javanese. = painted]
batiste ba?'ti:st n. fine linen or cotton between armed forces. 2 difficult strug
gle: contest {battle for supremacy: batth
cloth. [French from Baptiste, name of
the first maker] of wits), -v. (-ling) engage in battle
batman 'ba?tman n. army officer's ser- fight. half the battle key to On
vant, [bat pack-saddle, from French] success of an undertaking. [Latin battu
baton 'baet(a)n n. 1 thin stick for con- beat]
ducting an orchestra etc. 2 short stick battleaxe n. 1 large axe used in ancien
passed on in a relay race. 3 stick carried warfare. 2 colloq. formidable olde
by a drum major. 4 staff of office. woman.
[French from Latin] battlebus n. colloq. bus used by a polin

baton round n. rubber or plastic cian during an election campaign as I

bullet. mobile centre of operations.

battle-cruiser 65 be-
battle-cruiser n. hist, warship of bay-leaf rc. leaf of the bay -tree, used for
higher speed and lighter armour than a flavouring.
battleship. bayonet /'bei9,net/-Ai. 1 stabbing blade
battle-cry n. cry or slogan used in a attachable to the muzzle of a rifle. 2
battle or contest. electrical fitting pushed into a socket
battledore /'baet(a)l,do:(r)/ n. hist. 1 (in and twisted. -v. (-t-) stab with bayonet.
fullbattledore and shuttlecock) game [French, perhaps from Bayonne in SW
played with a shuttlecock and rackets. 2 France]
racket used in this, [perhaps from Pro- bay rum n. perfume distilled orig. from
vencal batedor beater] bay berry leaves in rum.
battledress n. everyday uniform of a bay window n. window projecting
soldier. outwards from a wall,
battlefield n. (also battleground) bazaar /ba'za:(r)/ n. 1oriental market. 2
scene of a battle. fund-raising sale of goods, esp. for
battlement /'baet(8)lmant/ n. (usu. in charity. [Persian]
pi.) recessed parapet along the top of a bazooka /ba'zuika/ n. anti-tank rocket-
wall, as part of a fortification. [French launcher, [origin unknown]
batailler fortify] BB abbr. double-black (pencil-lead).
battle royal battle of
n. 1 many com- BBC abbr. British Broadcasting Cor-
batants; free fight. 2 heated argument. poration.
battleship n. heavily armoured war- BC abbr. British Columbia.
ship. bc abbr. before Christ.
batty /'baeti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) slang BCG abbr. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin, an
crazy, [from bat 2 anti-tuberculosis vaccine.

attrib. adj. (esp. of a sleeve) BD abbr. Bachelor of Divinity.

shaped like a bat's wing.
bdellium /'deliam/ n. 1 tree yielding
resin. 2 this used in perfumes. [Latin
bauble /"bo:b(a)l/ n. showy worthless
trinket or toy. [French ba(u)bel toy]
from Greek]
baulk /bo:lk, bo:k/ (also balk) -v. 1
Be symb. beryllium.
(often foil, by at) jib, hesitate. 2 a thwart,
be /bi:, bi/ v. {sing, present am; are
/a:(r)/; is /iz/; past was /wdz/; were
hinder, b disappoint. 3 miss, let slip (a
/W3:(r)/; pres. part, being; past part
chance etc.). -n. 1 hindrance; stum-
been) 1 exist, live (/ think, therefore I
bling-block. 2 roughly-squared timber
am; there no God). 2 a occur; take
beam. [Old English]
place {dinner is at eight), b occupy a
bauxite /'boiksait/ n. claylike mineral,
position {he in the garden). 3 remain,
the chief source of aluminium. [French continue 4 linking subject and
(let it be).
from Les Baux in S. France] predicate, expressing: a identity (she is
bawdy /'bD:di/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) humor- the person), b condition (he is ill today).
ously indecent, -n. such talk or writing. c state or quality (he is kind; they are
[bawd brothel-keeper from French bau- my friends), d opinion (/ against am
detrot] hanging), e total (two and two are
bawdy-house n. brothel. four), f cost or significance (it is £5 to
bawl /bo:l/ v. 1 speak or shout noisily. 2 enter; it is nothing to me). 5 v.aux. a
weep loudly. bawl out colloq. reprim- with a past participle to form the pas-
and angrily, [imitative] sive (it was done; it is said), b with a
bay 1
n. broad curving inlet of the sea. present participle to form continuous
[Spanish bahia] tenses (we are coming; it is being
bay n. 1 laurel with deep green leaves. 2
cleaned), c with an infinitive to express
(in pi.) bay wreath, for a victor or poet. duty or commitment, intention, possib-
[Latin baca berry] ility, destiny, or hypothesis (lam to tell
bay 3 n. 1 recess; alcove in a wall. 2 you; we are to wait here; he is to come at
compartment {bomb bay). 3 area spe- four; it was not to be found; they were
cially allocated {loading bay). [French never to meet again; if I were to die).
baer gape] be at occupy oneself with (what is he
bay 4 -adj. (esp. of a horse) dark reddish- at?; mice have been at the food), be off
brown, -n. bay horse. [Latin badius] colloq. go away; leave, -to-be of the
bay 5 -v. bark or howl loudly and plaint- future (in comb.: bride-to-be). [Old Eng-
ively, -n. sound of this, esp. of hounds in lish]
close pursuit. at bay cornered, unable be- prefix forming verbs: 1 (from transit-
to escape, keep at bay hold off (a pur- ive verbs) a all over; all round (beset).

suer). [French bayer to bark] b thoroughly, excessively (begrudge).

bay berry n. {pi. -ies) fragrant N. Amer- 2 (from intransitive verbs) expressing
ican tree. transitive action (bemoan; bestride). 3
beach 66 bearing
(from adjectives and nouns) expressing radiantly. off (or off the) beam colloq.
transitive action (becalm). 4 (from mistaken, on the beam colloq. on the
nouns) a affect with (befog), b treat as right track. [Old English, = tree]
(befriend), c (forming adjectives in -ed) bean n.1a climber with edible seeds in
having (bejewelled). [Old English, = by] long pods, b seed or pod of this. 2 similar
beach -n. pebbly or sandy shore esp. of seed of coffee etc. full of beans colloq.
the sea. -i>. run or haul (a boat etc.) on to lively, exuberant, not a bean slang no
a beach, [origin unknown] money. [Old English]
beachcomber n. person who searches beanbag n. 1 small bag filled with dried
beaches for articles of value. beans and used as a ball. 2 large bag
beachhead position set up
n. fortified filled usu. with polystyrene pieces and
on a beach by landing forces. used as a chair.
beacon /'bi:kan/ n. 1 fire or light set up beanfeast n. 1 colloq. celebration. 2
high as a warning etc. 2 visible warning workers' annual dinner.
or guiding device (e.g. a lighthouse, beano /'bi:nau/ n. (pi. -s) slang celeb-
navigation buoy, etc.). 3 radio transmit- ration, party.
ter whose signal helps fix the position of beanpole n. 1 support for bean plants. 2
a ship or aircraft. 4 = Belisha beacon. colloq. tall thin person,
[Old English] bean sprout n. sprout of a bean seed as
bead -n. 1 a small usu. rounded piece of food.
glass, stone, etc., for threading to make beanstalk n. stem of a bean plant.
necklaces etc., or sewing on to fabric, bear /bea(r)/ v. (past bore; past part.

etc. b (in pi.) bead necklace; rosary. 2 borne or born) 1 carry, bring, or take
drop of liquid. 3 small knob in the (esp. visibly) (bear gifts). 2 show; have,
foresight of a gun. 4 inner edge of a esp. characteristically (bear marks of
pneumatic tyre gripping the rim of the violence; bears no relation to the case;
wheel, -v. adorn with or as with beads. bore no name). 3 a produce, yield (fruit
draw a bead on take aim at. [Old etc.). b give birth to (has borne a son;
English, = prayer] was born last week). 4 a sustain (a
beading n. 1 moulding or carving like a weight, responsibility, cost, etc.). b en-
series of beads. 2 bead of a tyre, dure (an ordeal, difficulty, etc.). 5 (usu.
beadle /'bi:d(a)l/ n. 1 ceremonial officer with neg. or interrog.) a tolerate (can't
of a church, college, etc. 2 Scot, church bear him), b admit of (does not bear
officer serving the minister. 3 hist. thinking about). 6 carry mentally (bear
minor parish disciplinary officer. a grudge). 7 veer in a given direction
[French from Germanic] (bear left). 8 bring or provide (some-
beady adj. (-ier, -iest) (esp. of the eyes) thing needed) (bear him company).
small, round, and bright, bear down press downwards, bear
beady-eyed adj. 1 with beady eyes. 2 down on approach inexorably, bear on
observant. (or upon) be relevant to. bear out
beagle /'bi:g(9)l/ n. small short-haired support or confirm as evidence, bear up
hound used for hunting hares. [French] not despair, bear with tolerate
beak 1
n. 1 a bird's horny projecting patiently, bear witness testify. [Old
jaws, b similar jaw of a turtle etc. 2 English]
slang hooked nose. 3 hist, pointed prow bear /bea(r)/ n. 1 any of several large
of a warship. 4 spout. [French from heavy mammals with thick fur. 2 rough
Celtic] or uncouth person. 3 person who sells
beak 2 n. slang 1 magistrate. 2 school- shares hoping to repurchase them more
master, [probably thieves' cant] cheaply. the Great Bear, the Little
beaker n. 1 tall cup or tumbler. 2 lipped Bear constellations near the North
glass vessel for scientific experiments. Pole. [Old English]
[Old Norse] bearable adj. endurable.
be-all and end-all n. colloq. (often foil, beard -n. 1 on the chin etc. 2
facial hair
by of) whole being, essence. similar tuft etc. on an animal, -v. op-
beam -n. 1 long sturdy piece of squared pose; defy. bearded adj. beardless
timber or metal used in house-building adj. [Old English]
etc. 2 ray or shaft of light or radiation. 3 bearer n. 1 person or thing that bears,
bright look or smile. 4 series of radio or carries, or brings. 2 person who pre-
radar signals as a guide to a ship or sents a cheque etc,
aircraft. 5 crossbar of a balance. 6 a beargarden n. rowdy scene.
ship's breadth, b width of a person's bear-hug n. tight embrace.
hips. 7 (in pi.) horizontal cross- timbers bearing n. 1 bodily attitude; general
of a ship. -v. 1 emit or direct (light, manner. 2 (foil, by on, upon) relevance
approval, etc.). 2 a shine, b look or smile to (has no bearing on it). 3 endurability
Bearnaise sauce 67 beaver lamb
(beyond bearing). 4 part of a machine often as a step towards canonization.
supporting a rotating part. 5 a direction 2 make happy. beatification /-ft
or position relative to a fixed point, b (in *keij(a)n/ n.
pi. ) knowledge of one's relative position.
beatitude /bi:'aeti,rju:d/ n. 1 perfect
6 Heraldry device or charge. bliss or happiness. 2 (in pi.) blessings in
Bearnaise sauce /.beia'neiz/ n. rich Matt. 5:3-11.
thick sauce with egg-yolks. [French] beatnik /'birtnik/ n. member of a move-
bearskin n. 1 skin of a bear, esp. as a
ment of socially unconventional young
wrap etc. 2 tall furry hat worn by some
people in the 1950s.
beat-up adj. colloq. dilapidated.
beast n. 1 animal, esp. a wild mammal. 2 beau
a brutal person, b colloq. objectionable
/bau/ h. (pi. -x /bauz/) 1 esp. US
admirer; boyfriend. 2 fop; dandy. [Latin
person or thing. 3 (prec. by the) the
bellus pretty]
animal nature in man. [Latin bestia]
beastly -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. objec-
Beaufort scale scale of
/'baufat/ n.
wind speed ranging from (calm) to 12
tionable, unpleasant. 2 like a beast;
(hurricane). [Sir F. Beaufort, name of an
brutal, -adv. colloq. very, extremely.
beast of prey admiral]
n. animal which hunts
animals for food. Beaujolais /'bao^a.lei/ n. red or white
beat -v.(past beat; past part, beaten) 1
wine from the Beaujolais district of
a strike persistently and violently, b France.
strike (a carpet, drum, etc.) repeatedly. Beaujolais Nouveau /nu:'vau/ n.

2 (foil, by against, at, on, etc.) pound or Beaujolais wine sold in the first year of a
knock repeatedly. 3 a overcome; sur- vintage.
pass, b be too hard for; perplex. 4 (often beauteous /'bju:tias/ adj. poet, beauti-
foil, by up) whisk (eggs etc.) vigorously. ful.

5 (often foil, by out) shape (metal etc.) by beautician /bju:'tiJXa)n/ n. specialist in

blows. 6 (of the heart etc.) pulsate rhyth- beauty treatment.
mically. 7 (often foil, by out) a indicate beautiful /'bjuiti.ful/ adj. 1 having
(a tempo etc.) by tapping etc. b sound (a beauty, pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind
signal etc.) by striking a drum etc. (beat etc. (beautiful voice). 2 pleasant, enjoy-
a tattoo). 8 move or cause (wings) to able (had a beautiful time). 3 excellent
move up and down. 9 make (a path etc.) (beautiful specimen). beautifully
by trampling. 10 strike (bushes etc.) to adv.
rouse game. -n. 1 a main accent in beautify /'bju:ti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) make
music or verse, b rhythm indicated by a beautiful; adorn. beautification
conductor (watch the beat), c (in pop- /-ft'keij(a)n/ n.
ular music) strong rhythm. 2 a stroke or beauty /'bju:ti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 com-
blow or measured sequence of strokes, bination of shape, colour, sound, etc.,
b throbbing movement or sound. 3 a that pleases the senses. 2 colloq. a excel-
police officer's route or area, b person's lent specimen (what a beauty!), b at-
habitual round, -predic. adj. slang tractive feature; advantage (that's the
exhausted, tired out. beat about the beauty of it!). 3 beautiful woman. [Latin
bush not come to the point, beat the bellus pretty]
bounds mark parish boundaries by beauty parlour n. (also beauty salon)
striking certain points with rods, beat establishment for cosmetic treatment.
down 1 cause (a seller) to lower the beauty queen n. woman judged most
price by bargaining. 2 strike to the beautiful in a contest.
ground (beat the door down). 3 (of the beauty spot n. 1 place of scenic beauty.
sun, rain, etc.) shine or fall relentlessly,
2 small facial mark considered to en-
beat it slang go away, beat off drive hance the appearance.
back (an attack etc.). beat a person to it
beaux pi. of beau.
arrive or do something before another
beaver -n. 1 a amphibious broad-

person, beat up beat, esp. with punches

tailed rodent which cuts down trees
and kicks. beatable adj. [Old Eng
with its teeth and dams rivers, b its fur.
for beating (esp. c hat of this. 2 (Beaver) boy aged six or
beater n. 1 implement
person who rouses game at a seven affiliated to the Scouts. -v. colloq.
eggs). 2
(usu. foil, by away) work hard. [Old
beatific /,bi:a'tiftk/ adj. 1 colloq. blissful
(beatific smile). 2 making blessed. beaver 2 n. hist, lower face-guard of a
[Latin beatus blessed] helmet. [French, = bib]
beatify /bi:'aeti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 RC beaver lamb n. lamb's wool made to
Ch. declare (a person) to be 'blessed', look like beaver fur.
bebop 68 beef
bebop /'bi:bDp/ n. type of 1940s jazz with bedew /bi'dju:/ v. cover or sprinkle (as)
complex harmony and rhythms, [imit- with dew.
ative] bedfellow n. 1 person who shares a
becalm /bi'ka:m/ v. (usu. in passive) bed. 2 associate.
deprive (a ship) of wind, bedizen /bi'daiz(a)n/ v. deck out
became past of become. gaudily, [from be-, obsolete dizen deck
because /bi'knz/ conj. for the reason out]
that; since. because of on account of; bedjacket n. jacket worn when sitting
by reason of. [from by, cause] up in bed.
bechamel /'beja.mel/ n. a kind of thick bedlam /'bedlam/ n. uproar and confu-
white sauce. [Marquis de Bechamel, sion. [St Mary of Bethlehem, name of a
name of a courtier] hospital in London]
beck 1
n. N.Engl brook; mountain bedlinen n. sheets and pillowcases.
stream. [Old Norse] Bedlington terrier /'bedim t(a)n/ n.
beck n. at a person's beck and call terrier with a narrow head, long legs,
subject to a person's constant orders, and curly grey hair. [Bedlington in
[from beckon] Northumberland]
beckon /'bekan/ v. 1 (often foil, by to) Bedouin /'beduin/ n. (also Beduin) {pi.
summon by gesture. 2 entice. [Old Eng- same) 1 nomadic desert Arab. 2 wander-
lish] ing person. [Arabic, = dwellers in the
become /bi'kAm/ v. (-ming; past desert]
became; past part, become) 1 begin to bedpan n. portable toilet for use in bed.
be {became king, famous). 2 (often as bedpost n. each of four upright sup-
becoming adj. ) a look well on; suit {blue ports of a bed.
becomes him), b befit (it ill becomes bedraggled /bi'draeg(a)ld/ adj. dishev-
you to complain; becoming modesty). elled, untidy.
become of happen to {what became bedrest n. recuperation in bed.
of her?). [Old English: related to be-] bedridden adj. confined to bed by in-
becquerel /'beka.rel/ n. SI unit of firmity.
radioactivity. [Becquerel, name of a bedrock n. 1 solid rock underlying
physicist] alluvial deposits etc. 2 basic principles.
bed -n. piece of furniture for sleeping
1 bedroom n. room for sleeping in.
on. 2 any place used for sleep or rest. 3 bedside n. space beside esp. a patient's
garden plot, esp. for flowers. 4 a bottom bed. bedside manner (esp. doctor's)
of the sea, a river, etc. b foundations of a way with patients.
road or railway. 5 stratum, layer, -u. bedsit n. (also bedsitter, bedsitting
(-dd-) 1 (usu. foil, by down) put or go to room) combined bedroom and sitting-
bed. 2 colloq. have sexual intercourse room with cooking facilities.
with. 3 (usu. foil, by out) plant in a bedsock n. warm sock worn in bed.
garden bed. 4 cover up or fix firmly. 5 bedsore n. sore developed by lying in
arrange as a layer. bed of roses life of bed.
ease, go to bed 1 retire to sleep. 2 (often bedspread n. cover for a bed.
foil, by with) have sexual intercourse. bedstead n. framework of a bed.
[Old English] bedstraw n. small herbaceous plant,
B.Ed. abbr. Bachelor of Education, bedtime n. (often attrib.) usual time for
bed and board n. lodging and food, going to bed {bedtime drink).
bed and breakfast n. 1 room and Beduin var. of Bedouin.
breakfast in a hotel etc. 2 establishment bedwetting n. involuntary urination
providing this. when asleep in bed.
bedaub /bi'doib/ v. smear or daub, bee n. 1 four- winged stinging insect,
bedazzle /bi'daez(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 dazzle. collecting nectar and pollen and produc-
2 confuse. ing wax and honey. 2 (usu. busy bee)
bedbug n. wingless parasite infesting busy person. 3 esp. US meeting for work
beds etc. or amusement. a bee in one's bonnet
bedclothes sheets, blankets, etc., obsession. [Old English]
for a bed. Beeb n. (prec. by the) colloq. BBC.
bedding n. mattress and bedclothes. 2
1 [abbreviation]
Utter for animals. 3 geological strata. beech n. 1 large smooth grey tree with
bedding plant n. plant suitable for a glossy leaves. 2 its hard wood. [Old
garden bed. English]
bedeck /bi'dek/ v. adorn. beechmast n. {pi. same) fruit of the
bedevil /bi'dev(a)l/ v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 beech.
trouble, vex. 2 confound, confuse. 3 beef-rc. 1 flesh of the ox, bull, or cow for
torment, abuse. bedevilment n. eating. 2 colloq. male muscle. 3 {pi.
beefburger 69 begin
beeves or US -s) ox
bred for beef. 4
etc. befall /bi'fo:l/ v. (past befell; past part.
(pi. -s) slang complaint, -v. slang com- befallen) poet, happen; happen to. [Old
plain, beef up slang strengthen, re- English: related to be-]
inforce. [Latin bos bovis ox] befit /bi'fit/ v. (-tt-) be appropriate for; be
beefburger n. hamburger. incumbent on.
beefcake n. esp. US slang male muscle. befog /bi'fbg/ v. (-gg-) 1 confuse, ob-
beefeater n. 1 warder at the Tower of scure. 2 envelop in fog.
London. 2 Yeoman of the Guard. before /bi'fo:(r)/ -con/. 1 earlier than
beefsteak n. thick slice of beef for the time when (see me before you go). 2
grilling or frying. rather than that (would die before he
beef tea n. stewed beef extract for stole), -prep. 1 earlier than (before
invalids. noon). 2 a in front of, ahead of (before
beef tomato n. large tomato. her in the queue), b in the face of (recoil
beefy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like beef. 2 solid, before the attack), c awaiting (thefuture
muscular. ; beefiness n. before them). 3 rather than (death
beehive n. 1 artificial shelter for a before dishonour). 4 a in the presence of
colony of bees. 2 busy place, (appear before the judge), b for the
bee-keeper n. keeper of bees. bee- attention of (put before the committee),
-keeping n. -adv. 1 previously; already (happened
beeline n. make a beeline for go long before; done it before). 2 ahead (go
directly to. before). 3 on the front (hit before and
Beelzebub /bi:'elzi,bAb/ n. the Devil. behind). [Old English: related to by,
[Hebrew, = lord of the flies] fore]
been past part, of be. Before Christ adv. (of a date) reckoned
beep -n. sound of a (esp. motor-car) backwards from the birth of Christ.
horn. -v. emit a beep, [imitative] beforehand adv. in advance, in readi-
beer n. 1 alcoholic drink made from
fermented malt etc., flavoured with befriend /bi'frend/ v. act as a friend to;
hops. 2 glass of this. beer and skittles
amusement. [Old English] befuddle /bi'fAd(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 make
drunk. 2 confuse.
beer-cellar n. cellar for storing, or
selling and drinking, beer,
beg v. (-gg-) 1 a (usu. foil, by for) ask for
(food, money, etc.). b live by begging. 2
beer garden n. (also beer hall) garden
ask earnestly, humbly, or formally (for)
(or large room) where beer is sold and
(beggedfor mercy beg your indulgence;
beg leave). 3 (of a dog etc.) sit up with the
beer-mat n. small mat for a beer-glass.
front paws raised expectantly. 4 (foil, by
beery adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 affected by beer-
to + infin.) take leave (I beg to differ).
drinking. 2 like beer. beg off 1 ask to be excused from some-
beeswax -n. 1 wax secreted by bees to thing. 2 get (a person) excused a penalty
make honeycombs. 2 this used to polish etc. beg pardon see pardon, beg the
wood. -v. polish with beeswax. question assume the truth of a proposi-
beeswing n. filmy second crust on old tion needing proof go begging be
port. unwanted or refused, [related to bid]
beet n. plant with an edible root (see
beetroot, sugar beet). [Old English] Usage The expression beg the ques-
1 tion is often used incorrectly to mean (1)
beetle /'bi:t(a)l/ -n. insect, esp. black,
to avoid giving a straight answer, or (2)
with hard protective outer wings, -v.
to invite the obvious question (that ).
(-ling) colloq. (foil, by about, off, etc.)
. .

hurry, scurry. [Old English: related to

These uses should be avoided.
began past of begin.
beetle 2 /'bi:t(p)l/ -adj. projecting, beget /bi'get/ v. (-tt-; past begot; archaic

shaggy, scowling {beetle brows), begat; past part, begotten) literary 1

-v. (usu. as beetling adj.) (of brows, father, procreate. 2 cause (anger begets
cliffs, etc.) project, overhang, [origin violence). [Old English: related to be ]
unknown] beggar /'bega(r)/ -n. 1 person who lives
beetle 3 /'bi:t(a)l/ n. heavy tool for ram- by begging. 2 colloq. person (cheeky
ming, crushing, etc. [Old English: beggar), -v. 1 make poor. 2 be too
related to beat] extraordinary for (beggar description).
beetle-browed adj. with shaggy, pro- beggarly adj.
jecting, or scowling eyebrows. begin /bi'gm/ v. (-nn-; past began; past
beetroot n. beet with an edible dark-red part, begun) 1 perform the first part of;
root. start (begin work; begin crying; begin to
beeves pi. of beef. understand). 2 come into being (war
beginner 70 belch
began Wales begins here). 3
in 1939; behemoth /bi'hi:mD0/ n. huge creature
(usu. foil, by to + infin.) start at a or thing. [Hebrew (Job 40:15)]
certain time (soon began to feel ill). 4 be behest /bi'hest/ n. literary command;
begun (meeting began at 7). 5 a start request. [Old English]
speaking ('No,' he began), b take the behind /bi'haind/ -prep. 1 a in or to the
be the first (shall I begin?). 6
first step, rear of. b on the far side of (behind the
(usu. with neg.) colloq. show any likeli- bush), c hidden or implied by (some-
hood (can 't begin to compete). [Old Eng- thing behind that remark). 2 a in the
lish] past in relation to (trouble is behind me
beginner n. trainee, learner. begin- now), b late regarding (behind sched-
ner's luck supposed good luck of a ule). 3 inferior to; weaker than (behind
beginner. the others in maths). 4 a in support of
beginning n. 1 time or place at which (she's behind us), b responsible for (the
anything begins. 2 source or origin. 3 man behind the project). 5 in the tracks
first part. of; following, -adv. 1 a in or to the rear;
begone /bi'gon/ int. poet, go away at further back (the street behind; glance
once! [be gone] behind), b on the further side (wall with
begonia /bi'gaunia/ n. garden plant a field behind). 2 remaining after
with bright flowers and leaves. [Begon, others' departure (stay behind). 3 (usu.
name of a patron of science] foil, by with) a in arrears, b late in
begot past of BEGET. finishing a task etc. (getting behind). 4
begotten past part, of beget. in a weak position; backward (behind in
begrudge /bi'grAd3/ v. (-ging) 1 resent; Latin). 5 following (dog running be-
be dissatisfied at. 2 envy (a person) the hind), -n. colloq. buttocks. behind
possession of. begrudgingly adv. the scenes see scene, behind time late,
beguile /bi'gail/ v. (-ling) 1 charm; behind the times old-fashioned, anti-
amuse. 2 wilfully divert, seduce. 3 (usu. quated. [Old English]
foil, by of, out of or into + verbal noun) behindhand adv. & predic.adj. 1 (usu.
delude; cheat. beguilement n. foil, by with, in) late; in arrears. 2 out of
beguiling adj. ,
beguine /bi'giin/ popular dance of W.
n. behold /bi'haold/ v. (past &
past part.
Indian origin. [French beguin infatu- beheld) (esp. in imper.) literary see,
ation] observe. [Old English: related to be-]
begum /'beigam/ n. in India or Pakistan: beholden predic. adj. (usu. foil, by to)
1 Muslim woman of high rank. 2 (Be- under obligation.
gum) title of a married Muslim woman. behove /bi'hauv/ v. (-ving) formal 1 be
[Turkish blgam princess] incumbent on. 2 befit (it ill behoves him
begun past part, of begin. to protest). [Old English: related to be,
behalf /bi ha:f/ n. z on behalf of (or on heave]
a person's behalf) in the interests of; as beige /bei3/ -n. pale sandy fawn colour.
representative of. [earlier bihalve on the —adj. of this colour. [French]
part of] being /'bi:in/ n. 1 existence. 2 nature or
behave /bi'heiv/ v. (-ving) 1 act or react essence (of a person etc.) (his whole
(ina specified way) (behaved well). 2 being revolted). 3 person or creature.
(oftenrefl.) conduct oneself properly bejewelled /bi'd3u:ald/ adj. (US bejew-
(behave yourself!). 3 (of a machine etc.) eled) adorned with jewels.
work well (or in a specified way), [from bel n. unit of relative power level, esp. of
be-, have] sound, corresponding to an intensity
behaviour /bi'heivja(r)/ n. (US beha- ratio of 10 to 1 (cf. decibel). [Bell, name
vior) way of behaving or acting. of the inventor of the telephone]
behavioural adj. belabour /bi'leiba(r)/ v. (US belabor) 1

behavioural science n. (US beha- attack physically or verbally. 2 labour

vioral) the study of human behaviour, (a subject).
behaviourism n. (US behaviorism) belated /bi'leitid/ adj. late or too late,
Psychol, theory that human behaviour belatedly adv.
is determined by conditioned response belay /bi'lei/ secure (a rope) by
to stimuli, and that psychological dis- winding it round a peg etc. -n. act of
orders are best treated by altering be- belaying. [Dutch beleggen]
haviour. behaviourist n. bel canto /bel 'kaentau/ n. lyrical rich-
behead /bi'hed/ v. cut the head off (a toned style of operatic singing. [Italian,
person), esp. as execution. [Old English: = fine song]
related to be-] belch —v. 1 emit wind noisily through
beheld past and past part, of behold. the mouth. 2 (of a chimney, gun, etc.)
beleaguer 7i belt
Bend (smoke out or up. -n. act of
etc.) belligerent -adj. 1 engaged in war or
belching. (Old English] conflict. 2 pugnacious, -n. belligerent
beleaguer /bi'li:ga(r)/ v. 1 besiege. 2 nation or person. [Latin belligero wage
vex; harass. [Dutch leger camp] war]
belfry /'belfri/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 bell tower. 2 bell-jar n. bell-shaped glass cover or
space for bells in a church tower. [Ger- container for use in a laboratory,
manic, probably = peace-protector] bellow /'belau/ -v. A emit a deep loud
Belial /'bi:lial/ n. the Devil. [Hebrew, = roar. 2 utter loudly, -n. loud roar, [ori-
worthless] gin uncertain]
belie /bi'lai/ v. (belying) 1 give a false bellows (also treated as sing.) 1
impression of (its appearance belies its device for driving air into or through
age). 2 fail to fulfil or justify. [Old something. 2 expandable part, e.g. of a
English: related to be-] camera, [related to belly]
belief /bi'lizf/ n. 1 firm opinion; accept- bell-pull n. handle etc. sounding a bell
ance (that is my belief). 2 religious when pulled.
conviction (belief in the afterlife; has no bell-push n. button operating an elec-
belief). 3 (usu. foil, by in) trust or confid- tric bell.

ence, [related to believe] bell-ringer n. ringer of church bells or

believe /bi'li:v/ v. (-ving) 1 accept as handbells. bell-ringing n.

true or as conveying the truth (/ believe bell-wether n. 1 leading sheep of a

flock. 2 ringleader.
it; don 't believe him). 2 think, suppose. 3

(foil, by in) a have faith in the existence

belly /'beli/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 trunk below

of (believes in God), b have confidence the chest, containing the stomach and
bowels. 2 stomach. 3 front of the body
in (believes in homoeopathy), c have
trust in as a policy (believes in telling
from waist to groin. 4 underside of an
animal. 5 cavity or bulging part. -v.
the truth). 4 have (esp. religious) faith.
(-ies,-ied) (often foil, by out) swell;
believable adj. believer n. [Old
bulge. [Old English, = bag]
bellyache -n. colloq. stomach pain.-u.
Belisha beacon /ba'liija/ n. flashing
(-ching) slang complain noisily or per-
orange ball on a striped post, marking
some pedestrian crossings. [Hore- belly button n. colloq. navel,
Belisha, who introduced it]
belly-dance n. oriental dance per-
belittle /bi'lit(a)l/ v. (-ling) disparage, formed by a woman, with voluptuous
make appear insignificant. belittle-
belly movements. belly-dancer n.
ment n.
belly-dancing n.
bell -n. 1 hollow esp. cup-shaped usu.

bellyflop n. colloq. dive with the belly

metal object sounding a note when landing flat on the water,
struck. 2 such a sound, esp. as a signal. 3 bellyful n. (pi -s) 1 enough to eat. 2
thing resembling a bell, esp. in sound or colloq. more than one can tolerate,
shape, - v. provide with a bell. give a belly-laugh n. loud unrestrained
person a bell colloq. telephone a per- laugh.
son. [Old English] belong /bi'lDn/ v. 1 (foil, by to) a be the
bell 2 -n. cry of a stag. -v. make this cry. property of. b be correctly assigned to.
[Old English] c be a member of. 2 fit socially (just
belladonna /.bela'dona/ n. 1 deadly doesn't belong). 3 (foil, by in, under) be
nightshade. 2 drug from this. [Italian, = correctly placed or classified, [from be-,
fair lady] obsolete long belong]
bell-bottom n. 1 marked flare below belongings possessions or lug-
the knee (of a trouser-leg). 2 (in pi) gage.
trousers with these. bell-bottomed Belorussian var. of Byelorussian.
adj. beloved /bi'Lvvid/ -adj. much loved.
bellboy n. esp. US page in a hotel or -n. much loved person,
club. below /bi'ldu -prep. 1 lower in position,

belle /bel/ n. beautiful or most beautiful amount, beneath the

status, etc., than. 2
woman. [French, feminine of beau] surface (head below water). 3
belles-lettres /bel 'letr/ (also unworthy of. -adv. 1 at or to a lower
treated as sing.) literary writings or point or level. 2 downstream. 3 further
studies. [French, = fine letters] forward on a page or in a book (as noted
bellicose /'beli.kaus/ adj. eager to fight; below), [be- by, low 1

warlike. [Latin bellum war] belt -n. 1 strip of leather etc. worn esp.
belligerence /bi'lid3arans/ n. 1 ag- round the waist. 2 circular band in
gressive behaviour. 2 status of a bel- machinery; conveyor belt. 3 distinct
ligerent. strip of colour etc. 4 region or extent
beluga 72 bent
(cotton belt). 5 slang heavy blow. -v. 1 made by Benedictines, -adj. of St Bene-
put a belt round; fasten with a belt. dict or the Benedictines. [Latin Benedic-
2 s/arcg hit hard. 3 slang rush, hurry, tus Benedict]
n below the belt unfair(ly). belt out benediction /,beni'dikj(a)n/ n. bless-
slang sing or play (music) loudly or ing, esp. at the end of a religious service
vigorously, belt up 1 slang be quiet. 2 or as a special Roman Catholic service.
colloq. put on a seat belt, tighten one's benedictory adj. [Latin benedico
belt economize, under one's belt bless]
securely acquired. [Old English] benefaction /,beni'faek.f(a)n/ n. 1 dona-
beluga /bi'luiga/ n. (pi. same or -s) 1 a tion, gift. 2 giving or doing good. [Latin:
large kind of sturgeon, b caviare from it. related to benefit]
2 white whale. [Russian! benefactor /

bem faekta(r)/
n. (fern.
belvedere /'belvi.diaCr)/ n. raised benefactress) person giving (esp.
summer-house or gallery for viewing financial) support.
scenery. [Italian, = beautiful view] benefice /'benifis/ n. a living from a
BEM abbr. British Empire Medal. church office.
bemoan /bi'maon/ v. lament; complain beneficent /bi'nefis(a)nt/ adj. doing
about. good; generous, kind. beneficence n.
bemuse /bi'mjuiz/ v. (-sing) puzzle, be- beneficial /,bem'fij(9)l/ adj. advant-
wilder, [from BE-, MUSE ] ageous; having benefits. beneficially
bench n. 1 long seat of wood or stone. 2 adv.
strong work-table. 3 (prec. by the) a beneficiary /.beni'fijari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
judge's seat, b lawcourt. c judges and person who benefits, esp. from a will. 2
magistrates collectively. [Old English] holder of a benefice.
bencher n. senior member of an Inn of benefit /'benifit/ -n. 1 favourable or
Court. helpful factor etc. 2 (often in pi.) insur-
benchmark n. 1 surveyor's mark cut ance or social security payment (sick-
in a wall etc. as a reference point in ness benefit). 3 public performance or
measuring altitudes. 2 standard or point game in aid of a charitable cause etc. -v.
of reference. (-t-; £75 -tt-) 1 help; bring advantage to. 2

bend 1 -v. (past and past part, bent (often foil, byfrom, by) receive benefit.
except in bended knee) 1 a force or the benefit of the doubt concession
adapt (something straight) into a curve that a person is innocent, correct, etc.,
or angle, b (of an object) be so altered. although doubt exists. [Latin bene}ac-
2 (often foil, by down, over, etc.) curve, tum from bene well, facio do]
incline, or stoop (road bends; bent down benevolent /bi'nevalant/ adj. 1 well-
bent her head). 3 interpret
to pick it up-, wishing; actively friendly and helpful. 2
or modify (a rule) to suit oneself. 4 turn charitable (benevolent fund). bene-
(one's steps, eyes, or energies) in a new volence n. [French from Latin bene
direction. 5 be flexible, submit, or force volens well wishing]
to submit, -n. 1 curve; departure from a Bengali /berj'go:h/-w. (pi. -s) 1 native of
straight course. 2 bent part. 3 (in pl.\ Bengal. 2 language of Bengal, -adj. of
prec. by the) colloq. decompression sick- Bengal, its people, or language. [Bengal,
ness. bend over backwards see former Indian province]
backwards, round the bend colloq. benighted /bi'naitid/ adj. intellectually
crazy, insane. bendy adj. (-ier, -iest). or morally ignorant.
[Old English] benign gentle, mild,
/bi'nain/ adj. 1

bend 2 any of various knots. 2 Her-

n. 1 kindly. 2 fortunate, salutary. 3 (of a
aldry diagonal stripe from top right to tumour etc.) not malignant. benignly
bottom left of a shield (from its wearer's adv. [Latin benignus]
position). [Old English: related to bind] benignant /bi'nignant/ adj. 1 kindly,
bender n. slang wild drinking-spree. esp. to inferiors. 2 salutary, beneficial.
[from bend 1 ] benignancy n.
bend sinister n. Heraldry diagonal benignity /bi'nignrti/ n. (pi. -ies) kindli-
stripe from top left to bottom right of a ness.
shield, as a sign of bastardy, bent past and past part, of bend v.

beneath /bi'ni:9/ -prep. 1 unworthy of -adj. 1 curved, angular. 2 slang dis-

(beneath him to reply). 2 below, under. honest, illicit. 3 slang sexually deviant.
-adv. below, underneath. [Old English: 4 by on) set on doing or having, -n.
related to be-, nether] 1 inclination or bias. 2 (foil, by for)
Benedictine /.beni'diktin/ -n. 1 monk talent.
or nun of an order following the rule of bent 2 n. 1 reedy grass with stiff stems. 2
St Benedict. 2 /-,ti:n/ propr. liqueur orig. stiff flower stalk of a grass. [Old English]
bentwood 73 best
bentwood n. wood artificially shaped seeds enclosed in pulp (e.g. a banana or
for making
furniture. tomato). [Old English]
benumb /bi'nAm/ v. 1 make numb; berserk go ber-
/ba'z3:k/ adj. (esp. in
deaden. 2 paralyse (the mind or feel- serk) wild, frenzied; in a rage, [ori-
ings). ginally = Norse warrior: Icelandic, =
benzene /'benzi:n/ n. colourless liquid bear-coat]
found in coal tar and used as a volatile berth -n. 1 bunk on a ship, train, etc. 2
solvent etc. [as benzoin] place for a ship to moor or be at anchor.
benzine /'benzi:n/ n. mixture of liquid 3 adequate room for a ship. 4 colloq. job.
hydrocarbons obtained from petro- -v. 1 moor (a ship); be moored. 2 provide
leum. a sleeping place for. n'give a wide
benzoin /'benzaum/ n. fragrant gum berth to stay away from, [probably
resin from an E. Asian benzoic
tree. from a special use of bear 1 ]
/-'zauik/ adj. [ultimately from Arabic beryl /'benl/ n. 1 transparent precious
lubdn jawl incense of Java] stone, esp. pale green. 2 mineral species
benzol /'benzol/ n. benzene, esp. unre- including this, emerald, and aquamar-
fined. ine. [Greek berullos]
bequeath /bi'kwi:67 v. 1 leave to a per- beryllium /ba'nliam/ n. hard white
son in a will. 2 hand down to posterity, metallic element.
[from be-: related to quoth] beseech /bi'si:tJ7 v. (past and past part.

bequest /bi'kwest/ n. 1 bequeathing; besought /-'so'.t/ or beseeched) 1 (foil,

bestowal by will. 2 thing bequeathed, by for, or to + infin.) entreat. 2 ask
[from be-, obsolete quisle saying] earnestly for. [from be-, seek]
berate /bi'reit/ v. (-ting) scold, rebuke. beset /bi'set/ v. (-tt-; past and past part.
beset) 1 attack or harass persistently
Berber /'b3:ba(r)/ -n. 1 member of the
(beset by worries). 2 surround (a person
indigenous mainly Muslim Caucasian
etc.). [Old English: related to be-]
peoples of N. Africa. 2 language of these
beside /bi'said/ prep. 1 at the side of;
peoples, -adj. of the Berbers or their
near. 2 compared with. 3 irrelevant to
language. [Arabic]
(beside the point). beside oneself
berceuse /bea's3:z/ n. (pi. -s pronunc. frantic with worry etc. [Old English:
same) 1 lullaby. 2 instrumental piece in related to by, side]
this style. [French]
besides -prep, in addition to; apart
bereave (-ving) (esp. as be-
/bi'riiv/ v.
from. -adv. also; moreover,
reaved adj.) (often foil, by of) deprive of
besiege /bi'si:d3/ v. (-ging) 1 lay siege to.
a relation, friend, etc., esp. by death. 2 crowd round eagerly. 3 harass with
bereavement n. [Old English, from requests.
reave deprive of] besmirch /bi'sm3:tj/ v. 1 soil, discolour.
bereft /bi'reft/ adj. (foil, by of) deprived 2 dishonour.
(bereft of hope), [past part, of bereave] besom /'bi:z(8)m/ n. broom of twigs. [Old
beret /'berei/ n. round flattish brimless English]
cap of felt etc. [French: related to bir- besotted /bi'sntid/ adj. 1 infatuated. 2
etta] intoxicated, stupefied,
berg n. = iceberg, [abbreviation] besought past and past part, of
bergamot 1
/'b3:ga,mDt/ n. 1 perfume BESEECH.
from the fruit of a dwarf orange tree. 2 bespangle /bi'spaeng(8)l/ v. (-ling)
aromatic herb. [Bergamo in Italy] adorn with spangles,
bergamot 2 /'b3:g8 mDt/ n. variety of( bespatter /bi'spaeta(r)/ v. 1 spatter all
fine pear. [Turkish, = prince's pear] over. 2 slander, defame,
beriberi /.beri'beri/ n. nervous disease bespeak /bi'spi:k/ v. (past bespoke;
caused by a deficiency of vitamin B r past part, bespoken or as adj. bespoke)
[Sinhalese] 1 engage in advance. 2 order (goods). 3

berk n. (also burk) slang stupid person. suggest; be evidence of.

[Berkshire Hunl, rhyming slang for bespectacled /bi'spekt9k(a)ld/ adj.
cunl] wearing spectacles.
berkelium /b3:'ki:liam/ n. artificial bespoke past and past part, of bespeak.
radioactive metallic element. [Berkeley adj. 1 made to order. 2 making goods to
in US, where first made] order.
Bermuda shorts /ba'mju:da/ bespoken past part, of bespeak.
best -adj. (super I. of good) of the most
(also Bermudas) close-fitting knee-
length shorts. [Bermuda in the W. excellent or desirable kind. -adv.
(superl. of well ). 1 in the best manner.

berry any small roundish
n. (pi. -ies) 1
2 to the greatest degree. 3 most usefully
(is best ignored). -n. 1 that which is best
juicy stoneless fruit. 2 Bot fruit with its

bestial 74 between
(the best is yet to come). 2 chief merit or betatron /'bi:t9,trDn/ n. apparatus for
advantage (brings out the best in him). accelerating electrons in a circular
3 (foil, by of) winning majority of (games path, [from beta, electron]
played etc.) (the best offive). 4 one's best betel /'bi:t(a)l/ n. leaf chewed in the East
clothes, -t?. colloq. defeat, outwit, out- with the betel-nut. [Portuguese from
bid, etc. at best on the most optimistic Malayalam]
view, best bib and tucker one's best betel-nut n. seed of a tropical palm.
clothes, the best part of most of. do bete noire /beit 'nwa:(r)/ n. (pi. betes
one's best do all one can. get the best of noires pronunc. same) person or thing
defeat, outwit, had best would find it one hates or fears. [French, literally =
wisest to. make the best of derive what 'black beast']
limited advantage one can from. [Old bethink /bi'Biqk/ v.refl. (past and past
English] part, bethought) formal 1 reflect; stop
bestial /'bestial/ adj. 1 brutish, cruel. 2 to think. 2 be reminded by reflection.
of or like a beast. [Latin: related to [Old English: related to be-]
beast] betide /bi'taid/ v. woe betide a per-
bestiality /.besti'aeliti/ n. 1 bestial be- son used as a warning (woe betide us if
haviour. 2 sexual intercourse between a we fail), [from be-, tide befall]
person and an animal. betimes /bi'taimz/ adv. literary early, in
bestiary /'bestiari/ n. (pi. -ies) medieval good time, [related to by]
treatise on beasts, [medieval Latin: betoken /bi'taukan/ v. be a sign of.
related to beast] indicate. [Old English: related to be-]
bestir /bi'st3:(r)/ v.refl. (-rr-) exert or betony /'betani/ n. (pi. -ies) purple-
rouse oneself. flowered plant. [French from Latin]
best man n. bridegroom's chief attend- betook past of betake.
betray /bi'trei/ v. 1 be disloyal or treach-
erous to (a friend, one's country, a
bestow /bi'stau/ v. (foil, by on, upon)
person's trust, etc.). 2 reveal involuntar-
confer (a gift, right, etc.). n bestowal n.
ily or treacherously; be evidence of. 3
[Old English stow a place]
lead astray, z betrayal n. [from be-,
bestrew /bi'stru:/ v. (past part, be-
obsolete tray from Latin trado hand
strewed or bestrewn) 1 (usu. foil, by
with) strew (a surface). 2 lie scattered
betroth /bi'trauo/ v. (usu. as betrothed
adj.) engage to marry. betrothal n.
bestride /bi'straid/ v. (-ding; past
[from BE-, TRUTH]
-strode; past part, -stridden) 1 sit
better -adj. (compar. of good). of a1
astride on. 2 stand astride over.
more excellent or desirable kind. 2
best seller n. 1 book etc. sold in large partly or fully recovered from illness
numbers. 2 author of such a book. (feeling better), -adv. (compar. of
bet -v. (-tt-; past and past part, bet or well 1
). 1 in a better manner. 2 to a
betted) 1 risk a sum of money on the greater degree. 3 more usefully (is
result of a race, contest, etc. (I don't bet better forgotten), -n. 1 better thing etc.
on horses). 2 risk (a sum) thus, or risk (a (the better of the two). 2 (in pi.) one's
sum) against (a person) (bet £10 on a superiors, -v. 1 improve on; surpass. 2
horse; he bet me £10 I'd lose). 3 colloq. improve. 3 refl. improve one's position
feel sure. -n. 1 act of betting (make a etc. the better part of most of. get the
bet). 2 money etc. staked (put a bet on). 3 better of defeat, outwit, had better
colloq. opinion (that's my bet). 4 colloq. would find it prudent to. [Old English]
choice or possibility (she's our best bet). better half n. colloq. one's spouse.
you bet colloq. you may be sure, betterment n. improvement.
[origin uncertain] better off adj. 1 in a better situation. 2
beta /'bi:ta/ n. 1 second letter of the having more money.
Greek alphabet (B, £). 2 second-class betting n. 1 gambling by risking mone>
mark for a piece of work etc. [Latin from on an unpredictable outcome. 2 odd
Greek] offered on this. what's the betting'
beta-blocker n. drug preventing colloq. it is likely or to be expectec
unwanted stimulation of the heart, used (what's the betting he'll be late?).
to treat angina and high blood pressure. betting-shop n. bookmaker's shop or
betake /bi'teik/ v.refl. (-king; past be- office.
took; past part, betaken) (foil, by to) go between /bi'twiin/ -prep. a at a poin

to (a place or person). in the area bounded by two or more

beta particle n. fast-moving electron other points in space, time, etc. (between
emitted by the radioactive decay of sub- London and Dover, between now anc
stances. Friday), b along the extent of such ar
betwixt 75 bicarbonate
area (no shops between here and the (bi-weekly), b lasting for two (biennial).
centre: numbers between 10 and 20). 2 3 Chem. substance having a double pro-
separating (difference between right portion of what is indicated by the
, and wrong). 3 a shared by (£5 between simple word (bicarbonate). 4 Bot. &
us), b by joint action (agreement Zool. having divided parts which are
between us). 4 to and from (runs themselves similarly divided (bipin-
between London and Oxford). 5 taking nate). [Latin]
one of (choose between them), -adv. biannual /bai'aenjual/ adj. occurring
(also in between) at a point or in the
etc. twice a year.
area bounded by two or more other bias /'baias/ -nA (often foil, by towards,
points (not fat or thin but in between).
against) predisposition or prejudice. 2
between ourselves (or you and me) Statistics distortion of a statistical re-
in confidence. [Old English: related to

sult due to a neglected factor. 3 edge cut

BY. two]
obliquely across the weave of a fabric. 4
betwixt bi'twikst adv. betwixt and
Sport a irregular shape given to a bowl,
between colloq. neither one thing nor
b oblique course this causes it to run.
r the other. [Old English]
-v. (-s- or -ss-) 1 (esp. as biased adj.)
bevel 'bev(9)l -n. 1 slope from the

influence (usu. unfairly); prejudice. 2

horizontal or vertical in carpentry etc.;
sloping surface or edge. 2 tool for mark-
give a bias to. on the bias obliquely,
diagonally. [French]
ing angles, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 reduce (a
square edge) to a sloping edge. 2 slope at bias binding n. strip of fabric cut
an angle. [French] obliquely and used to bind edges.
bevel gear n. gear working another at biathlon /bai'aeBlan/ n. athletic contest
an angle to it.
in skiing and shooting or cycling and
beverage bevarid3 n. formal drink. running, [from bi-, after pentathlon]
[Latin bibo drink] bib n. 1 piece of cloth etc. fastened round

bevy /'bevi n. (pi -ies) company (of a child's neck while eating. 2 top front
I quails, larks, women, etc.). [origin part of an apron, dungarees, etc. [origin
unknown] uncertain]
i bewail bi'weil v. lament; wail over, bib-cock n. tap with a bent nozzle,
beware bi'wea(r) v. (only in imper. or [perhaps from bib]
I infin.; often foil, by of) be cautious (of) Bible /'baib(a)l/ n. 1 a (prec. by the)
(beware of the dog; beware the Ides of Christian scriptures of Old and New
March), [from be, ware cautious] Testaments, b (bible) copy of these. 2
. bewilder bi'wilda(r)/ v. perplex, con- (bible) colloq. authoritative book,
fuse. bewildering adj. bewilder- biblical /'biblik(a)l/ adj. [Greek biblia
ment n. [from be-, obsolete wilder lose books]
r one's way] Bible-bashing n. (also Bible-thump-
bewitch bi'witj/ v. 1 enchant. 2 cast a ing) slang aggressive fundamentalist
spell on. preaching. Bible-basher n. (also
beyond bi'jond- -prep. 1 at or to the -thumper).
further side of. 2 outside the scope or bibliography /.bibli'Dgrafi/ n. (pi. -ies)
understanding of (beyond repair, it is of books on a specific subject, by a
1 list
beyond me). 3 more than. -adv. 1 at or to particular author, etc.; book containing
the further side. 2 further on. -n. (prec. this. 2 the study of books, their author-
by the) the unknown after death. [Old ship, editions, etc. bibliographer n.
English: related to by, yon] bibliographical /-8'graefik(a)l/ adj.
bezel 'bez(a)l n. 1 sloped edge of a [Greek: related to Bible]
chisel. 2 oblique faces of a cut gem. 3 lover or col-
bibliophile /' n.
groove holding a watch-glass or gem. lector of books.
bibulous /'bibjulas/ tending to
bezique bi'zi:k n. card-game for two.
drink alcohol. [Latin bibo drink]
bloody fool. 2 brought bicameral /bai'kaemar(9)l/ adj. (of a
b.f. abbr. 1 colloq.

legislative body) having two chambers,

[from bi-, Latin camera chamber]

bhang baen n. Indian hemp used as a

bicarb /'baika:b/ n. colloq. = bicarbon-
narcotic. [Portuguese from Sanskrit]
ate 2. [abbreviation]
b.h.p. abbr. brake horsepower.
Bi symb. bismuth. bicarbonate /bai'ka:b8nit/ n. 1 any
acid salt of carbonic acid. 2 (in full
bi- comb, form forming nouns, adject-
bicarbonate of soda) sodium bicarbon-

ives,and verbs, meaning: 1 division into

ate used as an antacid or in baking-

two (biplane; bisect). 2 a occurring

twice in every one or once in every two powder.
bicentenary 76 bilge
bicentenary (pi
/,baisen'ti:nari/ n. (big sister). 4 colloq. a boastful (big
-ies) 1 two-hundredth anniversary. 2 words), b often iron, generous (big of
celebration of this. him), c ambitious (big ideas). 5 (usu.
bicentennial /.baisen'tenial/ esp. US foil, by with) advanced in pregnancy
—n. bicentenary, —adj. occurring every (big with child), -adv. colloq. impress-
two hundred years. ively or grandly (think big). in a big
biceps /'baiseps/ n. (pi. same) muscle way colloq. with great enthusiasm, dis-
with two heads or attachments, esp. that play, etc. biggish adj. [origin
bending the elbow. [Latin caput head] unknown]
bicker v. argue pettily, [origin bigamy /'bigami/ n. (pi. -ies) crime of
unknown] marrying while still married to another
bicuspid /bai'kAspid/ -adj. having two person. bigamist n. bigamous adj.
cusps, -n. the premolar tooth in [Greek gamos marriage]
humans, [from bi-, cusp] Big Apple n. US slang New York City.
bicycle /'baisik(a)l/ -n. pedal-driven big bang theory n. theory that the
two-wheeled vehicle, -v. (-ling) ride a universe began with the explosion of
bicycle. [Greek kuklos wheel] dense matter.
bid -v. (-dd-; past bid, archaic bade Big Brother n. supposedly benevolent
/beid, baed/; past part, bid, archaic bid- watchful dictator.
den) 1 (past and past part, bid) a (esp. at big end n. (in a vehicle) end of the
an auction) make an offer (of) (bid for connecting-rod, encircling the crank-
the vase; bid £20). b offer a service for a pin.
stated price. 2 literary command; invite big-head n. colloq. conceited person.
(bid the soldiers shoot; bade her start). big-headed adj.
3 literary utter (a greeting or farewell) to big-hearted adj. generous,
(/ bade him welcome). 4 (past and past
bight /bait/ n. 1 bay, inlet, etc. 2 loop of
part, bid) Cards state before play how
rope. [Old English]
many tricks one intends to make. — n. 1 big money n. large amounts of money,
act of bidding. 2 amount bid. 3 colloq.
big noise n. (also big shot)colloq. =
attempt; effort (bid for power). bid-
der n. [Old English]
bigot /'bigat/ n. obstinate believer who
biddable adj. obedient.
is intolerant of others. bigoted adj.
bidding n. 1 command, request, or
bigotry n. [French]
invitation. 2 bids at an auction or in a
big stick n. colloq. display of force,
biddy n. woman (esp. old big time n. (prec. by the) slang success,
(pi. -ies) slang
esp. in show business. big-timer n.
biddy), [a form of the name Bridget]
bide v. (-ding) bide one's time wait
big top n. main tent in a circus,
for a good opportunity. [Old English]
big wheel n. Ferris wheel,
bidet /'bi:dei/ n. low basin for sitting on bigwig n. colloq. important person.
to wash the genital area. [French, =
bijou /'bi:3u:/ -n. (pi. -x pronunc. same)
jewel; trinket. -attrib. adj. (bijou) small
biennial /bai'enial/ -adj. lasting, or
and elegant. [French]
recurring every, two years, -n. plant bike colloq. -n. bicycle or motor cycle.
that grows from seed one year and -v. (-king) ride a bike. biker n.
flowers and dies the following. [Latin [abbreviation]
annus year] bikini /bi'kiini/ n. (pi. -s) two-piece
bier n. movable frame on which a coffin swimsuit for women. [Bikini, Pacific
or corpse rests. [Old English] atoll]

biff slang -n. sharp blow. -v. strike (a bilateral /bai'laetar(a)l/ adj. 1 of, on, or
person), [imitative] with two sides. 2 affecting or between
bifid /'baifid/ adj. divided by a deep cleft two parties, countries, etc. bilater-
into two parts. [Latin findo cleave] ally adv.
bifocal /bai'f8ok(8)l/ -adj. having two bilberry /'bilban/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 hardy N.
focuses, esp. of a lens with a part for European shrub of heaths and moun-
distant and a part for near vision, -n. (in tains. 2 its small dark-blue edible berry.
pi.) bifocal spectacles. [Scandinavian]
bifurcate /'baifa.keit/ -v. (-ting) fork. bile n. 1 bitter digestive fluid secreted by
-adj. forked; branched. bifurcation the liver. 2 bad temper; peevish anger.
/-'keij"(8)n/ n. [Latin furca fork] [Latin bilis]
big -adj. (bigger, biggest) 1 a of con- bilge /bild3/ «.1a the almost flat part of
siderable size, amount, intensity, etc. b a ship's bottom, b (in full bilge-water)
of a large or the largest size (big toe). 2 filthy water that collects there. 2 slang
important (my big day). 3 adult, elder nonsense, [probably var. of bulge]
bilharzia 77 bindweed
bilharzia /bil'haitsia/ n. chronic trop- bill of exchange n. written order to
ical disease caused by a parasitic flat- pay a sum of money on a given date to
worm \liilharz, name of a physician] the drawer or to a named payee.
biliary /'bilian/ adj. of the bile. [French: bill of fare n. menu.
related to bile] bill of lading n. detailed list of a ship's
bilingual /bai'lirjgw(9)l/ -ad/. 1 able to cargo.
speak two languages. 2 spoken or writ- billow 1 wave. 2 any large
/'bilau/ -n.
ten in two languages, -n. bilingual per- mass. -v. or surge in billows.
rise, fill,
son, bilingualism n. [Latin lingua billowy adj. [Old Norse]
tongue] billposter n. (also billsticker) person
bilious /'bilias/ adj. 1 affected by a who pastes up advertisements on hoard-
disorder of the bile. 2 bad-tempered. ings.
[Latin: related to bile] billy /'bill/ n. (pi. -ies)(in full billycan)
bilk v. slang
cheat. 2 elude. 3 avoid
1 Austral, tin or enamel outdoor cooking-
paying (a creditor or debt), [origin un- pot, [perhaps from Aboriginal billa
certain] water]
Bill n. = Old Bill, [diminutive of Wil- billy 2 /'bill/ n. (pi -ies) (in full billy-
liam] -goat) male goat, [from the name Billy]
bill -n. 1 statement of charges for goods bimbo /'bimbau/ n. (pi. -s or -es) slang
or services. 2 draft of a proposed law. 3 usu. derog. attractive but unintelligent
poster, placard. 4 programme of enter- young woman. [Italian, = little child]
tainment. 5 US banknote, -v. 1 send bimetallic /.baimi'taelik/ adj. using or
a statement of charges to. 2 put in the made of two metals. [French]
programme; announce. 3 (foil, by as) bin n. large receptacle for rubbish or
advertise as. [medieval Latin bulla seal] storage. [Old English]
bill 2 -rc. 1 bird's beak. 2 narrow promon- binary /'bainan/ -adj. 1 of two parts,
tory, -v. (of doves etc.) stroke bills. dual. 2 of the binary system, -n. (pi.
bill and coo exchange caresses. [Old -ies) 1 something having two parts. 2
English] binary number. [Latin bini two
bill 3 n. 1 hist, weapon with a hooked together]
blade. 2 = billhook. [Old English] binary star n. system of two stars
billabong /'bila.bDn/ n. (in Australia) orbiting each other.
backwater of a river. [Aboriginal] binary system n. system using the
billboard n. large outdoor advertising digits and 1 to code information, esp. in
hoarding. computing.
billet /'bilit/-rc. 1 a place where troops
binaural /bai'no:r(8)l/ adj. 1 of or used
etc. are lodged, b order to provide this. 2 with both ears. 2 (of sound) recorded
colloq. job. -v. (-t-) (usu. foil, by on, in, using two microphones and usu. trans-
at) quarter (soldiers etc.). [Anglo- mitted separately to the two ears, [from
French diminutive of bill 1 ] BI-, AURAL]

billet 2 /'biht/ n. 1 thick piece of firewood. bind /bamd/ -u. (past and past part.
2 small metal bar. [French diminutive of bound) 1 tie or fasten tightly. 2 restrain
bille tree-trunk] forcibly. 3 (cause to) cohere. 4 compel;
billet-doux /.bih'du:/ n. (pi. billets- impose a duty on. 5 a edge with braid
doux often joc.
/-'du:z/) love-letter. etc. b fasten (the pages of a book) in a

[French, = sweet note] cover. 6 constipate. 7 ratify (a bargain,

billhook n. pruning tool with a hooked agreement, etc.). 8 (often foil, by up)
blade. bandage, -n. colloq. nuisance; restric-
billiards /'biljadz/ n. 1 game played on a tion. bind over Law order (a person)
table, with three balls struck with cues. to do something, esp. keep the peace.
2 (billiard) (in comb.) used in billiards [Old English]
(billiard-ball). [French: related to bil- binder n. 1 cover for loose papers etc. 2

let 2
substance that binds things together. 3
billion & n. (pi. same or (in
/'biljan/ adj. hist, reaping-machine that binds grain
sense a thousand million (10 ). 2
3) -s) 1 into sheaves. 4 bookbinder.
(now less often) a million million (10 ). bindery n. (pi -ies) bookbinder's work-
3 (in pi.) colloq. a very large number shop.
(billions ofyears). billionth adj. &n. binding -n. thing that binds, esp. the
[French] covers, glue, etc., of a book. -adj. oblig-
billionaire /.bilja'nea(r)/ n. person who atory.
has over a billion pounds, dollars, etc. bindweed n. 1 convolvulus. 2 honey-
[after millionaire] suckle or other climber.
bine 78 bird
bine n. twisting stem of a climbing
1 biological clock n. innate mechanism
plant, esp. the hop. 2 flexible shoot, [dial, controlling an organism's rhythmic
form of bind] physiological activities.
bin end n. one of the last bottles from a biological warfare % use of toxins or
bin of wine, usu. sold at a reduced price. micro-organisms against an enemy.
binge /bmd3/ slang —n. bout of excess- biology /bai'Dlad3i/ n. the study of
ive eating, drinking, etc.; spree, -v. living organisms. biologist n. [Ger-
(-ging) indulge in a binge, [probably man: related to bio-]
dial., = soak] bionic /bai'Dmk/ adj. having electronic-
bingo /'bingau/ n. gambling game in ally operated body parts or the resulting
which each player has a card with superhuman powers, [from bio- after
numbers to be marked off as they are electronic]
called, [origin uncertain]
bionics (treated as sing.) the study
of mechanical systems that function
bin-liner n. bag for lining a rubbish
like living organisms.
binman n. colloq. dustman,
biophysics /.baiau'fiziks/ (treated
as sing.) science of the application of the
binnacle /'bmak(a)l/ n. case for a ship's
laws of physics to biological phenom-
compass. [Latin habitaculum dwelling]
ena. biophysical adj. biophysicist
binocular /bai'nDkjula(r)/ adj. for both n.
eyes. [Latin bini two together, oculus
biopsy /'baiopsi/ n. (pi. -ies) examina-
tion of severed tissue for diagnosis.
binoculars /bi'nDkjulaz/ instru- [Greek bios life, opsis sight]
ment with a lens for each eye, for view- biorhythm / bai9u rio(a)m/ n. any

ing distant objects. recurring biological cycle thought to

binomial /bai'naumial/ -n. algebraic affect one's physical or mental state.
expression of the sum or the difference biosphere /'baiau,sfia(r)/ n. regions of
of two terms, -adj. of two terms. [Greek the earth's crust and atmosphere occu-
nomos part] pied by living things. [German: related
binomial theorem n. formula for to BIO-]
finding any power of a binomial. biosynthesis /.baiau'smGisis/ n. pro-
bint n. slang, usu. offens. girl or woman. duction of organic molecules by living
[Arabic] organisms. biosynthetic /-'Getik/ adj.
bio- comb, form 1 life {biography). 2 biotechnology /,baiaotek'nDlad3i/ n.
biological; of living things. [Greek bios branch of technology exploiting biolo-
life] gical processes, esp. using micro-
biochemistry /.baiau'kemistri/ n. the organisms, in industry, medicine, etc.
study of the chemistry of living organ- biotin /'baiatm/ n. vitamin of the B
isms. biochemical adj. biochemist complex, found in egg-yolk, liver, and
n. yeast. [Greek bios life]
biodegradable /,baiaudi'greidab(a)l/ bipartisan /,baipa:ti'zaen/ adj. of or
adj. capable of being decomposed by involving two parties.
bacteria or other living organisms. bipartite /bai'pa:tait/ adj. 1 of two
parts. 2 shared by or involving two
bioengineering /.baiau.end^i'mariri /
parties. [Latin bipartio divide in two]
n. 1 the application of engineering tech-
niques to biological processes. 2 the use
biped /'baiped/ -n. two-footed animal.
-adj. two-footed. bipedal /-'pi:d(a)l/
of artificial tissues, organs, etc. to re-
adj. [Latin bipes -edis]
place parts of the body, e.g. artificial
biplane /'baiplem/ n. aeroplane with
limbs, pacemakers, etc.
two sets of wings, one above the other.
biogenesis /,baiau'd3enisis/ n. 1
bipolar /bai'paula(r)/ adj. having two
hypothesis that a living organism arises poles or extremities.
only from a similar living organism. 2 birch -n. 1 tree with pale hard wood and
synthesis of substances by living organ- thin peeling bark, bearing catkins. 2
isms. bundle of birch twigs used for flogging.
biography /bai'Dgrafi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 -v. beat with a birch. [Old English]
account of a person's life, written bird n. 1 two-legged feathered winged
usu. by another. 2 these as a literary vertebrate, egg-laying and usu. able to
genre. biographer n. biographical fly. 2 slang young woman. 3 slang
/,baia'graefik(a)l/ adj. [French: related to person. 4 slang prison; prison sentence.
BIO-] a bird in the hand something
biological /,baia'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. of bio- secured or certain, the birds and the
logy or living organisms. biolo- bees euphem. sexual activity and repro-
gically adv. duction, birds of a feather similar
bird-bath 79 bite
people, for the birds colloq. trivial, bisect /bai'sekt/ v. divide into two
uninteresting, get the bird slang be (strictly, equal) parts. bisection n.
rejected, esp. by an audience. [Old Eng- bisector n. [from bi-, Latin seco sect-
lish] cut]
bird-bath n. basin with water for birds bisexual /bai'sekjual/-ac(/. 1 feeling or
to bathe in. involving sexual attraction to people of
birdbrain colloq. stupid or flighty
n. both sexes. 2 hermaphrodite, -n. bisex-
person, birdbrained adj. ual person. bisexuality /-'aeliti/ n.
birdcage n. cage for birds, bishop /'bijap/ n. 1 senior clergyman in
birdie n. 1 colloq. little bird. 2 Golf hole charge of a diocese. 2 mitre-shaped
played in one under par. chess piece. [Greek episkopos overseer]
birdlime n. sticky substance spread to bishopric /'bijaprik/ n. office or diocese
trap birds. of a bishop.
bird-nesting n. hunting for birds' eggs, bismuth /'bizmaG/ n: 1 reddish-white
bird of paradise n. bird, the male of metallic element used in alloys etc. 2
which has brilliant plumage, compound of it used medicinally. [Ger-
bird of passage n. 1 migrant. 2 habit man]
ual traveller. bison /'bais(a)n/ n. (pi same) wild
bird of prey n. bird which hunts an- hump-backed ox of Europe or N. Amer-
imals for food. ica. [Latin from Germanic]
birdseed n. blend of seeds for caged bisque 1
/bisk/ n. rich soup, esp. of lob-
birds. ster. [French]
bird's-eye view n. detached view from bisque 2
/bisk/ n. advantage of one free
above. point or stroke in certain games.
birdsong musical cry of birds,
n. [French]
bird table n. platform on which food for bisque 3 /bisk/ n. = biscuit 2.
birds is placed. bistre /'bista(r)/ n. (US bister) brownish
bird-watcher n. person who observes pigment from wood soot. [French]
wild birds as a hobby. bird- bistro /'bi:strao7 n. (pi. -s) small in-
-watching n. formal restaurant. [French]
biretta /bi'reta/ n. square usu. black cap bit 1
n. 1 small piece or quantity. 2 (prec.
worn by Roman Catholic priests. [Latin by a) amount (sold quite a bit). 3
birrus cape] often colloq. short or small time, dis-
Biro /'baiarau/ n. (pi. -s) propr. a kind tance, or amount (wait a bit; move up a
of ball-point pen. [Biro, name of its bit; a bit tired; a bit of an idiot). bit by
inventor] bit gradually, do one's bit colloq. make
birth n. 1 emergence of a baby or young a useful contribution. [Old English]
from its mother's body. 2 beginning bit 2 past of bite.
(birth of civilization). 3 a ancestry (of bit 3 n. 1 metal mouthpiece of a bridle.
noble birth), b high or noble birth; 2 tool or piece for boring or drilling.
inherited position. give birth to 1 3 cutting or gripping part of a plane,
produce (young). 2 be the cause of. [Old pincers, etc. [Old English]
Norse] bit 4 n. Computing unit of information
birth certificate n. official document expressed as a choice between two pos-
detailing a person's birth, sibilities, [binary digit]
birth control n. contraception, bitch -n. 1 female dog or other canine
birthday n. 1 day on which one was animal. 2 slang offens. spiteful woman.
born. 2 anniversary of this, 3 slang unpleasant or difficult thing, -u.
birthing pool n. large bath for giving 1 speak scathingly or spitefully. 2 com-
birth in. plain. [Old English]
birthmark n. unusual coloured mark bitchy adj. (-ier, -iest) slang spiteful.
on one's body at orfrom birth. bitchily adv. bitchiness n.
birthplace n. place where one was bite -v. (-ting; past bit; past part, bit-
born. ten) 1 cut or puncture with the teeth. 2
birth rate n. number of live births per (foil, by off, away, etc.) detach thus. 3 (of

thousand of population per year. an insect etc.) sting. 4 (of a wheel etc.)
birthright n. inherited, esp. property, grip, penetrate. 5 accept bait or an
rights. inducement. 6 be harsh in effect, esp.
birthstone n. gem popularly associ- intentionally. 7 (in passive) a swindle,
ated with the month of one's birth. b (foil, by by, with, etc.) be infected by
biscuit /'biskit/ n. 1 flat thin unleavened (enthusiasm etc.). 8 colloq. worry, per-
cake, usu. crisp and sweet. 2 fired turb. 9 cause smarting pain (biting
unglazed pottery. 3 light brown colour. wind). 10 be sharp or effective (biting
[Latin bis twice, coquo cook] wit). 11 (foil, by at) snap at. -n. 1 act of
bit on the side 80 blackhead
biting. 2 wound etc. made by biting. 3 a black books). 6 wicked, sinister, deadly.
mouthful of food, b snack. 4 taking of 7 portending trouble {things look
bait by a fish. 5 pungency (esp. of fla- black). 8 comic but sinister {black com-
vour). 6 incisiveness, sharpness. 7 posi- edy). 9 (of tea or coffee) without milk. 10
tion of the teeth when the jaws are (of industrial labour or its products)
closed. bite the dust slang die. bite a boycotted, esp. by a trade union, in a
person's head off colloq. respond strike etc. — n. 1 black colour or pigment.
angrily, bite one's lip repress emotion 2 black clothes or material {dressed in
etc.[Old English] black). 3 a (in a game) black piece, ball,
biton the side n. slang sexual rela- etc. b player of this. 4 credit side of an
tionship involving infidelity. account {in the black). 5 (Black) mem-
bit part n. minor role.
ber of a dark-skinned race, esp. an
bitter —adj. having a sharp pungent
African. — v. 1 make black {blacked his
taste; not sweet. 2 causing, showing, or
boots). 2 declare (goods etc.) 'black'.
feeling mental pain or resentment {bit-
black out 1 effect a blackout on. 2
ter memories). 3 a harsh; virulent {bit-
undergo a blackout. [Old English]
ter animosity), b piercingly cold. -n. 1
beer flavoured with hops and tasting
black and blue adj. bruised.
slightly bitter. 2 (in pi.) liquor flavoured
black and white -n. writing or print-
ing {in black and white), -adj. 1 (of a
esp. with wormwood, used in cocktails.
to the bitter end to the very end in
film etc.) monochrome. 2 consisting of
spite of difficulties. bitterly adv. extremes only, oversimplified.
bitterness n. [Old English] black art n. = black magic.
bittern /'bit(a)n/ n. wading bird of the blackball v. reject (a candidate) in a
heron family. [French butor from Latin ballot.
butio] black beetle n. the commbn cock-
bitter-sweet -adj. sweet with a bitter roach.
aftertaste, -n. 1 such sweetness. 2 = black belt highest grade of profi-
n. 1

WOODY NIGHTSHADE. ciency in judo, karate, etc. 2 holder of

bitty adj. (-ier, -iest) made up of bits; this grade, entitled to wear a black belt.
scrappy. blackberry n. {pi. -ies) black fleshy
bitumen /'bitjumin/ n. tarlike mixture edible fruit of the bramble.
of hydrocarbons derived from petro- blackbird n. common thrush of which
leum. [Latin] the male is black with an orange beak.
bituminous /bi'tju:mmas/ adj. of or blackboard n. board with a smooth
like bitumen. dark surface for writing on with chalk.
bituminous coal n. coal burning with black box n. flight-recorder.
a smoky flame. blackcap n. small warbler, the male of
bivalve /'baivaelv/ —n. aquatic mollusc which has a black-topped head.
with a hinged double shell, e.g. the Black Country n. (prec. by the) indus-
oyster and mussel, -adj. with such a trial area of the Midlands.
shell. blackcurrant n. 1 cultivated flowering
bivouac /'bivu.aek/ -n. temporary open shrub. 2 its small dark edible berry.
encampment without tents, -v. (-ck-) Black Death n. (prec. by the) I4th-c.
make, or camp in, a bivouac. [French, plague in Europe.
probably from German] black economy n. unofficial and
biz business, [abbreviation]
n. colloq.
untaxed trade.
bizarre strange; eccent-
/bi'za:(r)/ adj.
blacken v. 1 make or become black or
ric; grotesque. [French]
dark. 2 defame, slander,
Bk symb. berkelium. black eye n. bruised skin around the
BL abbr. British Library. eye.
blab v. (-bb-) 1 talk foolishly or indis-
creetly. 2 reveal (a secret etc.); confess,
black flag n. flag of piracy,
blackfly n. 1 dark coloured thrips or
blabber -n. (also blabbermouth) per- aphid. 2 these collectively.
son who blabs. -v. (often foil, by on) talk Black Forest gateau n. chocolate
foolishly or inconsequentially. sponge with cherries and whipped
black -adj. 1 reflecting no light, colour- cream.
less from lack of light (like coal or soot); Black Friar n. Dominican friar.
completely (Black) of the
dark. 2 blackguard /'blaega:d/rc. villain, scoun-
human group with dark-coloured skin, drel. blackguardly adj. [originally
esp. African. 3 (of the sky etc.) heavily = menial]
overcast. 4 angry; gloomy {black look, blackhead n. black-topped pimple on
mood). 5 implying disgrace etc. {in his the skin.
black hole 81 blanket
black hole region of space from
n. Black Watch n. (prec. by the) Royal
which matter and radiation cannot Highland Regiment.
escape. black widow n. venomous spider of
black ice n. thin hard transparent ice which the female devours the male.
on a road etc. bladder n.A a sac in some animals, esp.
blacking n. black polish, esp. for shoes, that holding urine, b this adapted for
blackjack n. = pontoon 1
. various uses. 2 inflated blister in sea-
blacklead n. graphite, weed etc. [Old English]
blackleg -n. derog. person refusing to bladderwrack n. brown seaweed with
join a strike etc. -v. (-gg-) act as a air bladders.
blackleg. blade n. 1 cutting part of a knife etc.
blacklist -n. list of people in disfavour 2 flattened part of an oar, propeller,
etc. -v. put on a blacklist, etc. 3 a flat narrow leaf of grass etc.
black magic n. magic supposed to b broad thin part of a leaf. 4 flat bone,
invoke evil spirits. e.g. in the shoulder. [Old English]

blackmail -rc. 1 a extortion of payment blame -v. (-ming) 1 assign fault or

in return for silence, b payment so responsibility to. 2 (foil, by on) fix re-
extorted. 2 use of threats or moral pres- sponsibility for (an error etc.) on
sure, -v. 1 (try to) extort money etc. (blamed it on his brother), -n. 1 re-
from by blackmail. 2 threaten, coerce, sponsibility for an error etc. 2 blaming
blackmailer n. [obsolete mail rent] or attributing of responsibility (got all
Black Maria /ma'raia/ n. slang police the blame). be to blame be respons-
van. ible; deserve censure. blameable
black mark n. mark of discredit. adj. blameless adj. blameworthy adj.
black market n. illicit trade in
[French: related to blaspheme]
rationed, prohibited, or scarce commod- blanch /bla:ntJ7 v. 1 make or become
white or pale. 2 a peel (almonds etc.) by
ities, black marketeer n.
scalding, b immerse (vegetables etc.)
Black Mass n. travesty of the Mass, in
briefly in boiling water. 3 whiten (a
worship of Satan.
plant) by depriving it of light. [French:
blackout n. 1 temporary loss of con-
related to blank]
sciousness or memory. 2 loss of electric
power, radio reception, etc. 3 compuls-
blancmange /bla'mDnd3/ n. sweet
opaque jelly of flavoured cornflour
ory darkness as a precaution against air
and milk. [French, = white food]
raids. 4 temporary suppression of news.
bland adj. 1 a mild, not irritating, b
5 sudden darkening of a theatre stage.
tasteless; insipid. 2 gentle in manner;
black pepper n. pepper made by grind- suave. blandly adv. blandness n.
ing the whole dried pepper berry includ- [Latin blandus smooth]
ing the outer husk. blandish /'blaendij/ v. flatter; coax.
Black Power n. movement for Black blandishment n. (usu. in pi). [Latin:
rights and political power, related to bland]
black pudding n. sausage of pork,
blank -adj. 1 a (of paper) not written or
dried pig's blood, suet, etc. printed on. b (of a document) with
Black Rod n. principal usher of the spaces left for a signature or details. 2 a
House of Lords etc. empty (blank space), b unrelieved
black sheep n. colloq. member of a (blank wall). 3 a without interest, re-
family, group, etc. regarded as a dis- sult, or expression (blank face), b hav-
grace or failure. ing (temporarily) no knowledge etc.
blackshirt n. hist. member of a Fascist (mind went blank). 4 complete (a blank
organization. refusal; blank despair), -n. 1 a unfilled
blacksmith n. smith who works in space, esp. in a document, b document
iron. having blank spaces. 2 (in full blank
black spot n. 1 place of danger or cartridge) cartridge containing gun-
trouble. 2 plant disease producing black powder but no bullet. 3 dash written
spots. instead of a word or letter, -i>. (usu. foil,
black tea n. tea that is fully fermented by off, out) screen, obscure. draw a
before drying. blank get no response; fail. blankly
blackthorn n. thorny shrub bearing adv. blankness n. [French blanc white,
white blossom and sloes, from Germanic]
black tie n. 1 black bow-tie worn with a blank cheque n. 1 cheque left for the

dinner jacket. 2 colloq. man's formal payee to fill in. 2 colloq. unlimited free-
evening dress. dom of action.
black velvet n. mixture of stout and blanket /'blaenkit/-rc.1 large esp. wool-

champagne. len sheet used as a bed-covering etc. 2

blanket bath 82 bless
thick covering mass or layer, -attrib. blazer n. jacket without matching
adj. covering everything; inclusive. — v. trousers, esp. lightweight and often part
(-t-) 1 cover. 2 stifle, suppress. [French: of a uniform, [from blaze 1 ]
related to blank] blazon /'bleiz(a)n/ -v. 1 proclaim (esp.
blanket bath n. body wash given to a blazon abroad). 2 Heraldry describe or
bedridden patient. paint (arms). -n. Heraldry shield or coat
blanket stitch n. stitch used to finish of arms. blazonment n. blazonry n.
the edges of a blanket etc. [French, originally = shield]
blank verse n. unrhymed verse, esp. bleach -v. whiten in sunlight or by a
iambic pentameters, chemical process, -n. bleaching sub-
blare -v. (-ring)1 sound or utter loudly. stance or process. [Old English]
2 make the sound of a trumpet, -n. bleak adj. 1 exposed, windswept. 2
blaring sound. [Low German or Dutch, dreary, grim. [Old Norse]
imitative] bleary /'blian/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 dim;
blarney -n. cajoling talk; flat-
/'bla:ni/ blurred. 2 indistinct. [Low German]
tery, -v. (-eys, -eyed) flatter, cajole. bleary-eyed adj. having dim sight.
[Blarney, castle near Cork] bleat -v. 1 (of a sheep, goat, or calf)
blase /'bla:zei/ adj. bored or indifferent make a wavering cry. 2 (often foil, by
through over-familiarity. [French] out) speak or say plaintively, -n. bleat-
blaspheme /blaes'fi:m/ v. (-ming) 1 use ing cry. [Old English]
religious names irreverently; treat a bleed -v. (past and past part, bled) 1
religious or sacred subject irreverently. emit blood. 2 draw blood from surgic-
2 talk irreverently about; use blas-
ally. 3 colloq. extort money from. 4
phemy against. [Greek blasphemed] (often foil, by for) suffer wounds or
blasphemy /'blaesfami/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
violent death. 5 a emit sap. b (of dye)
irreverent talk or treatment of a re-
come out in water. 6 empty (a system) of
ligious or sacred thing. 2 instance of
excess air or fluid. — n. act of bleeding.
this. blasphemous adj.
one's heart bleeds usu. iron, one
blast -n. 1 strong gust of air. 2 a
isvery sorrowful. [Old English]
explosion, b destructive wave of air
bleeder n. coarse slang unpleasant or
from this. 3 loud note from a wind
contemptible person.
instrument, car horn, etc. 4 colloq.
bleeding adj. & adv. coarse slang
severe reprimand, —v. 1 blow up with
expressing annoyance or antipathy.
explosives. 2 wither, blight (blasted
bleep -n. intermittent high-pitched
oak; blasted her hopes). 3 (cause to)
electronic sound, - v. 1 make a bleep. 2
make a loud noise, —int. expressing
annoyance. at full blast colloq. at
summon with a bleeper. [imitative]
maximum volume, speed, etc. blast off bleeper n. small electronic device
bleeping to contact the carrier.
take off from a launching site. [Old
blemish /'blemiJV -n. flaw, defect, or

blasted colloq. -attrib. adj. damned; mark, or stain. [French]

stain, -v. spoil,

annoying, -adv. damned; extremely. blench v. flinch, quail. [Old English]

blast-furnace n. smelting furnace into blend -v. 1 mix together as required. 2
which hot air is driven. become one. 3 (often foil, by with, in)
blast-off n. launching of a rocket etc.
mingle; mix thoroughly. 4 (esp. of col-
blatant /'bleit(8)nt/ adj. 1 flagrant, ours) merge imperceptibly; harmonize.
unashamed. 2 loudly obtrusive. bla- -n. mixture. [Old Norse]
tantly adv. [coined by Spenser] blender n. machine for liquidizing,
blather /'blaeda(r)/ -n. (also blether) chopping, or pureeing food.
foolish talk. -v. talk foolishly. [Old blenny /'bleni/ n. (pi. -ies) small spiny-

Norse] finned scaleless marine fish. [Greek

blaze 1
-n. 1 bright flame or fire. 2 blennos mucus]
violent outburst (of passion etc.). 3 bril- bless v. (past and past part, blessed,
liant display (blaze of scarlet, of glory), poet, blest) 1 ask God to look favourably
-v. (-zing) 1 burn or shine brightly or on, esp. by making the sign of the cross
fiercely. 2 be consumed with anger, over. 2 consecrate (food etc.). 3 glorify
excitement, etc. blaze away (often (God). 4 attribute one's good luck to
foil, by at) 1 shoot continuously. 2 work (stars etc.); thank. 5 (usu. in passive)
vigorously. [Old English, = torch] make happy or successful (blessed with
blaze 2 -n. 1 white mark on an animal's children). bless me(or my soul)
face. 2 mark cut on a tree, esp. to show a exclamation of surprise etc. bless you!
route, -v. (-zing) mark (a tree or a path) exclamation of endearment, gratitude,
with blazes. blaze a trail show the etc., or to a person who has just sneezed.
way for others, [origin uncertain] [Old English]
blessed B3 block
blessed blesid. blest adj. (also poet. flicker,-n. 1 act of blinking. 2 moment-
blest) 1 holy. 2 euphem. cursed (blessed ary gleam or glimpse. blink at 1 look
nuisance!). 3 RC Ch. beatified. bles- at while blinking. 2 ignore, shirk, on the
sedness n. blink slang not working properly; out
blessing n. invocation of (esp. divine)
1 of order. [Dutch, var. of blench]
favour. 2 grace said at a meal. 3 benefit, blinker —it 1 (usu. in pi.) each of two

blether var. of blather. screens on a bridle preventing lateral

blew past of blow 1
. vision. 2 device that blinks, -r. 1 ob-
blight blait -n. 1 plant disease caused scure with blinkers. 2 (as blinkered
by insects etc. 2 such an insect etc. 3 adj.) having narrow and prejudiced
harmful or destructive force. 4 ugly views.
urban area, -o, 1 affect with blight. 2 blinking adj. & adv. slang expressing
harm, destroy. 3 spoil, [origin annoyance etc. (it's blinking stupid).
unknown] blip — n. 1 minor deviation or error. 2
blighter n. colloq. contemptible or an- quick popping sound. 3 small image on a
noying person. radar screen, -v. (-pp-) make a blip,
Blighty blaiti n. Mil. slang England: [imitative]
home. [Hindustani. = foreign] bliss n. 1 perfect joy. 2 being in heaven.
blimey 'blaimi int. coarse slang blissful adj. blissfully adv. [Old
expression of surprise, contempt, etc. English]
[(God) blind me!) blister -n 1 small bubble on the skin
blimp n. 1 (also (Colonel) Blimp) reac-
filled with watery fluid and caused by

tionary person. 2 small non-rigid air- heat or friction. 2 similar swelling on

plastic, wood. etc. — 1\ 1 come up in
ship. 3 soundproof cover for a cine-
blisters. 2 raise a blister on. 3 attack
camera, [origin uncertain]
sharply, [origin uncertain]
blind blaind -adj. 1 lacking the power
of sight. 2 a without adequate foresight,
blithe Maid adj. 1 cheerful, happy. 2
careless, casual, blithely adv. [Old
discernment, or information (blind ef-
fort), b (often foil, by to) unwilling or
blithering blioarrn attrib. adj. colloq.
unable to appreciate a factor etc. (blind
hopeless; contemptible (esp. in blither-
to argument). 3 not governed bV pur-
ing idiot), [blither, var. of blather]
pose or reason (blind forces). 4 reckless
BLitt. abbr. Bachelor of Letters. [Latin
(blind hitting). 5 a concealed (blind
Baccalaureus Litterarum]
ditch), b closed at one end. 6 (of flying)
blitz bins colloq. -n. 1 a intensive or
using instruments only. 7 Cookery (of a sudden (esp. aerial) attack, b intensive
flan case etc.) baked without a filling.
period of work etc. (must have a blitz on
— i\ 1 deprive of sight. 2 rob of judge- this room). 2 (the Blitz) German air
ment; deceive; overawe. 3 slang go reck- raids on London in 1940. -r. inflict a
lessly, -n. 1 screen for a window; awn- blitz on. [abbreviation of blitzkrieg]
ing. 2 thing used to hide the truth. 3 blitzkrieg blitskri:g n. intense mil-
obstruction to sight or light, -adv. itary campaign intended to bring about
blindlv. blindlv adv. blindness n a swift victory. [German. = lightning
[Old English] war]
blind alley n. 1 alley closed at one end. blizzard blizad n. severe snowstorm,
2 futile course. [origin unknown]
blind date n. colloq. date between two bloat v. 1 inflate, swell. 2 (as bloated
people who have not previously met. adj. ) inflated with pride, wealth, or food.
blind drunk adj. colloq. extremely 3 cure (a herring) by salting and smok-
drunk. ing lightly. [Old Norse]
blindfold -r. cover the eyes of (a per- bloater n. bloated herring,
son) with a tied cloth etc. -n. cloth etc. blob ft small drop or spot, [imitative]
so used. -adj. & adv. 1 with eyes bloc n. group of governments etc. shar-
covered. 2 without due care, [originally ing a common purpose. [French: related
blindfelled = struck blind] to block]
blind man's buff n. game in which a block -n. 1 solid piece of hard material,
blindfold player tries to catch others. esp. stone or wood. 2 this as a base for
blind spot n. 1 point on the retina chopping etc.. as a stand, or for mount-
insensitive to light. 2 area where vision ing a horse from. 3 a large building, esp.
or understanding is lacking. when subdivided, b group of buildings
blindworm = slow worm.
n. between streets. 4 obstruction. 5 two or
blink -v. 1 shut and open the eyes more pulleys mounted in a case. 6 piece
quickly. 2 (often foil, by back) prevent of wood or metal engraved for printing.
(tears) by blinking. 3 shine unsteadily. 7 slang head. 8 (often attrib. number of
blockade 84 blooming
things as a unit, e.g. shares, theatre blood-letting n. surgical removal of
seats {block booking). 9 sheets of paper blood.
glued along one edge. -d. 1 a (often foil, blood-money n. 1 money paid as com-
by up) obstruct, b impede. 2 restrict the pensation for a death. 2 money paid to a
use of. 3 Cricket stop (a ball) with a bat killer.
defensively. block in 1 sketch blood orange n. red-fleshed orange.
roughly; plan. 2 confine, block out 1 blood-poisoning n. diseased con-
shut out (light, noise, a memory, view, dition caused by micro-organisms in the
etc.). 2 sketch roughly; plan, block up blood.
confine; enclose. [Low German or blood pressure n. pressure of the
Dutch] blood in the arteries etc., measured for
blockade /blD'keid/-rc. surrounding or diagnosis.
blocking of a place by an enemy to blood relation (also
n. blood relat-
prevent entry and exit. -v. (-ding) sub- ive) relative by birth.
ject to a blockade. bloodshed n. killing.
blockage n. obstruction. bloodshot adj. (of an eyeball) inflamed.
block and tackle n. system of pulleys blood sport n. sport involving the kill-
and ropes, esp. for lifting. ing or wounding of animals.
blockbuster slang 1 thing of great
n. bloodstain n. stain caused by blood.
power, esp. a very successful film, book, bloodstained adj.
etc. 2 highly destructive bomb. bloodstream n. blood in circulation,
block capitals (also block let- bloodsucker n. 1 leech. 2 extortioner.
ters) letters printed without serifs, or bloodsucking adj.
written with each letter separate and in blood sugar n. amount of glucose in
capitals. the blood.
blockhead n. stupid person. blood test n. examination of blood, esp.
blockhouse n. 1 reinforced concrete for diagnosis.
shelter. 2 hist, small fort of timber. bloodthirsty adj. (-ier, -iest) eager for
block vote vote proportional in
n. bloodshed.
power to the number of people a del- blood-vessel n. vein, artery, or capil-
egate represents. lary carrying blood.
bloke n. slang man, fellow. [Shelta] bloody —adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like,
blond (of a woman usu. blonde) -adj. running with, or smeared with blood. 2
(of a person, hair, or complexion) light- a involving bloodshed, b bloodthirsty,
coloured, fair. —n. blond person. [Latin cruel. 3 coarse slang expressing
blondus yellow] annoyance or antipathy, or as an intens-
blood /bUd/ -n. 1 usu. red fluid circulat- ifier (bloody fool; a bloody sight better).
ing in the arteries and veins of animals. 4 red. -adv. coarse slang as an intens-
2 bloodshed, esp. killing. 3 passion, tem- ifier (bloody awful). -v. (-ies, -ied) stain
perament. 4 race, descent, parentage (of with blood.
the same blood). 5 relationship; re- Bloody Mary n. mixture of vodka and
lations (blood is thicker than water). 6 tomato juice.
dandy, -v. 1 give (a hound) a first taste bloody-minded adj. colloq. deliber-
of blood. 2 initiate (a person). in one's ately uncooperative.
blood inherent in one's character. [Old bloom -n. 1 a flower, esp. cultivated, b

English] state of flowering (in bloom). 2 one's

blood bank n. store of blood for trans- prime (in full bloom). 3 a healthy glow
fusion. of the complexion, b fine powder on
blood bath n. massacre. fresh fruit and leaves, -v. 1 bear
blood count n. number of corpuscles in flowers; be in flower. 2 be in one's prime;
a specific amount of blood, flourish. [Old Norse]
blood-curdling adj. horrifying, bloomer 1 n. 1 slang blunder. 2 plant
blood donor n. person giving blood for that blooms in a specified way.
transfusion. bloomer2 n. long loaf with diagonal
blood group n. any of the types of marks, [origin uncertain]
human blood. bloomers 1 women's long loose
blood-heat n. normal human temper- knickers. 2 hist, women's loose knee-
ature, about 37 °C or 98.4 °F. length trousers. [Mrs A. Bloomer, name
bloodhound n. large keen-scented dog of the originator]
used in tracking. blooming -adj. 1 flourishing; healthy.
bloodless adj. 1 without blood or 2 slang an intensifier (blooming mir-
bloodshed. 2 unemotional. 3 pale. 4 acle), -adv. slang an intensifier (bloom-
feeble. ing difficult).
blossom 85 Blue Book
blossom /'blDsam/ -n. 1 flower or mass b exaggerate. 5 happen. 6
colloq. arise,
of flowers, esp. of a fruit-tree. 2 promis- colloq. lose one's temper. [Old English]
ing stage (blossom of youth). -v. 1 open blow2 /blau/ n.hard stroke with a hand
into flower. 2 mature, thrive. [Old Eng- or weapon. 2 sudden shock or misfor-
lish] tune, [origin unknown]
blot -n. 1spot or stain of ink etc. 2 blow-by-blow attrib. adj. (of a nar-
disgraceful act or quality. 3 blemish, -v. rative etc.) detailed.
(-tt-) 1 make a blot on, stain. 2 dry with blow-dry -v. arrange (the hair) while
blotting-paper. blot one's copybook drying it. -n. act of doing this.
damage one's reputation, blot out 1 blower n. 1 device for blowing. 2 colloq.
obliterate. 2 obscure (a view, sound, telephone.
etc.). [probably Scandinavian] blowfly n. bluebottle.
blotch -rc. 1 discoloured or inflamed blow-hole n. 1 nostril of a whale. 2 hole
patch on the skin. 2 irregular patch (esp. in ice) for breathing or fishing
of colour, —v. cover with blotches. through. 3 vent for air, smoke, etc.
blotchy adj. (-ier, -iest). [obsolete blow-job n. coarse slang instance of
plotch, blot] or cunnilingus.
blotter n. pad of blotting-paper, blowlamp n. device with a very hot
blotting-paper n. absorbent paper for flame for burning off paint, plumbing,
drying wet ink. etc.
blotto /'blDtau/ adj. slang very drunk, blown past part, of blow 1

[origin uncertain] blow-out n. burst tyre. 2

colloq. 1
blouse /blauz/ -n. 1 woman's garment melted fuse. 3 huge meal,
like a shirt. 2 upper part of a military blowpipe n. 1 tube for blowing air
uniform, —v. (-sing) make (a bodice etc.) through, esp. to intensify a flame or
full like a blouse. [French] to blow glass. 2 tube for propelling
blouson /'blu:zDn/ n. short blouse- poisoned darts etc. by blowing,
shaped jacket. [French] blowtorch n. US = blowlamp.
blow 1 /blau/ -i>. (past blew; past part. blow-up n. 1 colloq. enlargement (of a
blown) 1 direct a current of air (at) esp. photograph etc.). 2 explosion,
from the mouth. 2 drive or be driven by blowy /'blaui/ adj. (-ier, -iest) windy,
blowing (blew the door open). 3 (esp. of blowzy /'blauzi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1

the wind) move rapidly. 4 expel by coarse-looking; red-faced. 2 slovenly.

breathing (blew smoke). 5 sound or be [obsolete blowze beggar's wench]
sounded by blowing. 6 (past part. blub v. (-bb-) slang sob. [shortening of
blowed) slang (esp. in imper.) curse, blubber]
confound (I'm blowed if I know; blow blubber -n. whale fat. -v. 1 sob loudly.

it!). 7 clear (the nose) by blowing. 8 puff, 2 sob out (words), -adj. swollen, thick,
pant. 9 slang depart suddenly (from). 10 [probably imitative]
shatter etc. by an explosion. 11 make or bludgeon /'bL\d3(a)n/ -n. heavy club.
shape (glass or a bubble) by blowing. 12 -v. 1 beat with this. 2 coerce, [origin
a melt from overloading (the fuse has unknown]
blown), b break or burst suddenly. 13 (of blue /blu:/ -adj. (bluer, bluest) 1 hav-
a whale) eject air and water. 14 break ing the colour of a clear sky. 2 sad,
into with explosives. 15 slang a depressed. 3 pornographic (a blue film).
squander (blew £20). b bungle (an op- 4 politically conservative, -n. 1 blue
portunity etc.). c reveal (a secret etc.). colour or pigment. 2 blue clothes or
-n. 1 act of blowing. 2 a gust of wind or material (dressed in blue). 3 person
air. b exposure to fresh air. be blowed who represents a university in a sport,
if one will colloq. be unwilling to. blow esp. Oxford or Cambridge. 4 Conservat-
a gasket slang lose one's temper, blow ive party supporter, -v. (blues, blued,
hot and cold colloq. vacillate, blow in 1 bluing or blueing) 1 make blue. 2 slang
break inwards by an explosion. 2 colloq. squander. once in a blue moon very
arrive unexpectedly, blow a person's rarely, out of the blue unexpectedly.
mind slang cause to have hallucina- [French from Germanic]
tions etc.; astound, blow ofT1 escape or blue baby n. baby with a blue com-

allow (steam etc.) to escape forcibly. 2 plexion due to a congenital heart defect.
slang break wind noisily, blow out 1 bluebell n. woodland plant with bell-
extinguish by blowing. 2 send outwards shaped blue flowers.
by an explosion, blow over (of trouble blueberry n. (pi. -ies) small blue-black
etc.) fade away, blow one's top colloq. edible fruit of various plants.
explode in rage, blow up 1 explode. 2 blue blood n. noble birth.
colloq. rebuke strongly. 3 inflate (a tyre Blue Book n. report issued by Parlia-
etc.). 4 colloq. a enlarge (a photograph). ment or the Privy Council.
bluebottle 86 boater
bluebottle n. large buzzing fly; blowfly, bluster -v. 1 behave pompously or
blue cheese n. cheese with veins of boisterously. 2 (of the wind etc.) blow
blue mould. fiercely, -n. bombastic talk; empty
blue-collar attrib. adj. (of a worker or threats, blustery adj. [imitative]
work) manual; industrial. BM abbr. British Museum. 2 Bachelor
blue-eyed boy n. colloq. favourite. of Medicine.
blue funk n. colloq. terror or panic. BMA abbr. British Medical Association.
bluegrass n. a kind of instrumental B.Mus. abbr. Bachelor of Music.
country-and-western music. BMX ,bi:em'eks organized bicycle-
n. 1
blue-pencil v. censor or cut (a manu- racing on a dirt-track. 2 bicycle used for
script, film. etc.). this, [abbreviation of bicycle moto-
Blue Peter n. blue flag with a white cross]
square flown by a ship about to leave BO abbr. colloq. body odour.
port. boa 'baua large snake which kills
n. 1
blueprint photographic print of
n. 1 by crushing and suffocating. 2 long stole
plans in white on a blue background. 2 of feathers or fur. [Latin]
detailed plan. boa constrictor n. species of boa.
blue rinse n. bluish dye for grey hair. boar n. 1 male wild pig. 2 uncastrated
blues 1 (prec. by the) bout of de-
male pig. [Old English]
pression. 2 a (prec. by the; often treated board -n. 1 a flat thin piece of sawn
as sing.) melancholic music of Black timber, usu. long and narrow, b mater-
American origin, usu. in a twelve-bar ial resembling this, of compressed
sequence, b (pi. same) (as sing.) piece of fibres, c thin slab of wood etc. d thick
such music (played a blues). stiff card used in bookbinding. 2 provi-
bluestocking n. usu. derog. intellec-
sion of regular meals, usu. with accom-
tual or literary woman. [18th-c. Blue
modation, for payment. 3 directors of a
Stocking Society! company; official administrative body. 4
blue tit n. common tit with a blue crest, (in pi. ) stage of a theatre. 5 side of a ship.
blue whale n. rorqual, the largest -v. 1 go on board (a ship, train, etc.). 2
known living mammal, receive, or provide with, meals and usu.
bluff —17. pretend strength, confidence. lodging. 3 (usu. foil, by up) cover with
etc. -n. act of bluffing, z call a person's
boards; seal or close, z go by the board
bluff challenge a person to prove a
be neglected or discarded, on board
claim. [Dutch bluffen brag]
on or on to a ship, aircraft, oil rig, etc.
bluff -adj. 1 blunt, frank, hearty. 2

take on board consider, take notice of;

vertical or steep and broad in front, -n.
accept. [Old English]
steep cliff or headland, [origin
boarder n. 1 person who boards, esp. at
a boarding-school. 2 person who boards
bluish 'blu:ij adj. fairly blue,
a ship, esp. an enemy.
blunder -n. serious or foolish mistake.
—r 1 make a blunder. 2 move clumsily: board-game n. game played on a
stumble, [probably Scandinavian]
blunderbuss 'bL\nd9,bAS n. hist.
boarding-house n. unlicensed estab-
lishment providing board and lodging,
short large-bored gun. [Dutch donder-
esp. to holiday-makers.
bus thunder gun]
boarding-school n. school in which
blunt -adj. 1 not sharp or pointed. 2
direct, outspoken, -v. make blunt or
pupils live in term-time.
less sharp, z bluntly adv. (in sense 2 of
boardroom n. room in which a board of
adj.). bluntness n. {probably Scandin-
directors etc. meets regularly.
avian] boast -v. 1 declare one's virtues,
blur -v. (-rr-) make or become unclear wealth, etc. with excessive pride. 2 own
or less distinct; smear, -n. blurred or have with pride (hotel boasts a ball-
object, sound, memory, etc. [perhaps room), -n. 1 act of boasting. 2 thing one
related to bleary] is proud of. [Anglo-French]
blurb promotional description, esp.
n. boastful adj. given to boasting, c

of a book, [coined by G. Burgess 1907] boastfully adv.

blurt v. (usu. foil, by out) utter abruptly, boat -n. 1 small vessel propelled on
thoughtlessly, or tactlessly, [imitative] water by an engine, oars, or sails. 2 any
blush -v. 1 a become pink in the face ship. 3 long low jug for sauce etc. -v. go
from embarrassment or shame, b (of the in a boat, esp. for pleasure, z in the
face) redden thus. 2 feel embarrassed or same boat having the same problems.
ashamed. 3 redden, -n. 1 act of blush- [Old English]
ing. 2 pink tinge. [Old English] boater n. flat-topped straw hat with a
blusher n. rouge. brim.
boat-hook 87 Bohemian
boat-hook n. long hooked pole for mov- whether dead or alive. 2 = trunk 2. 3
ing boats. main or central part; bulk or majority
boat-house n. waterside shed for hous- (body of opinion). 4 a group regarded as
ing boats. a unit, b (usu. foil, by of) collection (body
boating n. rowing or sailing as recre- of facts). 5 quantity (body of water). 6
ation. piece of matter (heavenly body). 7 colloq.
boatman n. person who hires out boats person. 8 full or substantial quality of
or provides transport by boat. flavour, tone, etc. in a body all
boat people refugees travelling by together. [Old English]
sea. body-blow n. severe setback.
boatswain /'baus(9)n/ n. (also bosun, body-building n. exercises to enlarge
bo'sun) ship's officer in charge of equip- and strengthen the muscles.
ment and crew. bodyguard n. person or group escort-
boat-train n. train scheduled to meet ing and protecting another.
or go on a boat. body language n. communication
bob -v. (-bb-) 1 move quickly up and

through gestures and poses.

down. 2 (usu. foil, by back, up) bounce or body odour n. smell of the human
emerge buoyantly or suddenly. 3 cut body, esp. when unpleasant.
(the hair) in a bob. 4 curtsy. -n. 1 jerking body politic n. nation or State as a
or bouncing movement, esp. upward. 2 corporate body.
hairstyle with the hair hanging evenly body shop n. workshop where body-
above the shoulders. 3 weight on a work is repaired.
pendulum etc. 4 horse's docked tail. 5 body stocking n. woman's under-
curtsy, [imitative] garment covering the torso.
bob 2
n. (pi. same) hist, slang shilling bodysuit n. close-fitting all-in-one gar-
(now = 5 pence), [origin unknown] ment for women, worn esp. for sport.
bob 3n. bob's your uncle slang bodywork n. outer shell of a vehicle.
expression of completion or success,
Boer lbo:(v)l-n. South African of Dutch
[pet form of Robert] descent, -adj. of the Boers. [Dutch, =
bobbin /'bDbm/ n. spool or reel for
thread [French]
boffin /'bofin/ n. colloq. research scient-
bobble /'bDb(a)l/ n. small woolly ball on ist, [origin unknown]
a hat etc. [diminutive of bob ]
bog-rc. a wet spongy ground, b stretch
bobby n. (pi -ies) colloq. police officer.
of this. 2 slang lavatory, -v. (-gg-) (foil,
[Sir Robert Peel, 19th-c. statesman]
by down; usu. in passive) impede
bob-sled n. US = bob-sleigh.
(bogged down by snow). boggy adj.
bob-sleigh -n. mechanically-steered
(-ier, -iest). [Irish or Gaelic bogach]
and -braked racing sledge, -v. race in a
bogey 1 1'bdugil n. (pi. -eys) Golf 1 score
of one stroke more than par at any hole.
bobtail n. 1 docked tail. 2 horse or dog
2 (formerly) par. [perhaps from Bogey,
with this.
as an imaginary player]
Boche /bDjV n. slang derog. German,
esp. a soldier. [French]
bogey 2 /'baugi/ n. (also bogy) (pi. -eys or
-ies) 1 evil or mischievous spirit; devil. 2
bod n. colloq. person, [shortening of
awkward thing. 3 slang piece of dried
nasal mucus, [originally (Old) Bogey the
bode v. (-ding) be a sign of, portend.
good (or bad) Devil]
bode well (or ill) be a
sign. [Old English]
bogeyman n. (also bogyman) frighten-
ing person etc.
bodega /bau'di:ga/ n. cellar or shop
selling wine. [Spanish]
boggle /'bDg(9)l/ v. (-ling) colloq. be
bodge var. of botch. startled or baffled (esp. the mind bog-
gles), [probably boggle bogey
bodice /'bDdis/ n. 1 part of a woman's ]

dress above the waist. 2 woman's vest- bogie /'baugi/ n. wheeled undercarriage
below a locomotive etc. [origin
like undergarment, [originally pair of
bodies] unknown]
bodily /'bDdili/ -adj. of the body. -adv. bogus /'baugas/ adj. sham, spurious,
1 as a whole body (threw them bodily). 2 [origin unknown]
in the flesh, in person, bogy var. of bogey 2 .

bodkin /'bDdkm/ n. blunt thick needle bogyman var. of bogeyman.

for drawing tape etc. through a hem. Bohemian /b8u'hi:mi8n/-rc. 1 native of
[origin uncertain] Bohemia, a Czech. 2 (also bohemian)
body /'bDdi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 whole physical socially unconventional person, esp. an
artist or writer. -adj. 1 of Bohemia or its
structure, including the bones, flesh,
and organs, of a person or an animal, people. 2 (also bohemian) socially
boil 38 bomber jacket
unconventional. bohemianism n. Communist. Bolshevism n. Bol-
[Bohemia, part of Czechoslovakia] shevist n. [Russian, = member of the
boil -v. 1 a (of a liquid) start to bubble majority]
up and turn into vapour on reaching a Bolshie /'bDlJi/ (also Bolshy) slang
certain temperature, b (of a vessel) -adj. (usu. bolshie) 1 uncooperative;
contain boiling liquid (kettle is boiling). bad-tempered. 2 left-wing. -n. (pi. -ies)
2 a bring to boiling-point, b cook in Bolshevik, [abbreviation]
boiling liquid, c subject to boiling water, bolster /'b3ulsta(r)/ -n. long cylindrical
e.g. to clean. 3 a move or seethe like pillow, -v. (usu. foil, by up) encourage,
boiling water, b be very angry, -n. act support, prop up. [Old English]
or process of boiling; boiling-point (on bolt 1 /bault/ -n. 1 sliding bar and socket
the boil; bring to the boil). boil down used to fasten a door etc. 2 large metal
1 reduce in volume by boiling. 2 reduce pin with a thread, usu. used with a nut,
to essentials. 3 (foil, by to) amount to. to hold things together. 3 discharge of
boil over 1 spill over in boiling. 2 lose lightning. 4 act of bolting, -v. 1 fasten
one's temper. [Latin bullio to bubble] with a bolt. 2 (foil, by in, out) keep (a
boil 2 n. inflamed pus-filled swelling person etc.) in or out by bolting a door. 3
under the skin. [Old English] fasten together with bolts. 4 a dash off
boiler n. 1 apparatus for heating a hot- suddenly, b (of a horse) suddenly gallop
water supply. 2 tank for heating water out of control. 5 gulp down (food)
or turning it to steam. 3 tub for boiling unchewed. 6 (of a plant) run to seed.
laundry etc. 4 fowl etc. for boiling. -adv. (usu. in bolt upright) rigidly,
boiler-room n. room with a boiler and stiffly. bolt from the blue complete
other heating equipment, esp. in a base-
surprise. [Old English]
bolt 2 /bault/ v. (also boult) sift (flour
boiler suit n. protective outer garment etc.). [French]
of trousers and jacket in one.
bolt-hole n. means of escape.
boiling adj. colloq. very hot. bomb /bDm/ -n. container filled with
boiling-point n. 1 temperature at
explosive, incendiary material, etc.,
which a liquid begins to boil. 2 great
designed to explode and cause damage.
2 (prec. by the) the atomic or hydrogen
boisterous /'boistaras/ adj. 1 noisily
bomb. 3 slang large sum of money (cost
exuberant, rough. 2 (of the sea etc.)
a bomb). -v. 1 attack with bombs; drop
stormy, [origin unknown]
bold /t>9uld/ adj. 1 confidently assertive; bombs on. 2 (usu. foil, by along, off)
colloq. go very quickly. like a bomb
adventurous, brave. 2 impudent. 3 vivid
colloq. 1 very successfully. 2 very fast.
(bold colours). make (or be) so bold
[Greek bombos hum]
as to presume to; venture to. boldly
adv. boldness n. [Old English]
bombard /bDm'baid/ v. 1 attack with
bole n. trunk of a tree. [Old Norse] heavy guns or bombs etc. 2 (often foil, by
with) question or abuse persistently. 3
bolero n. (pi. -s) 1 /ba'learau/ Spanish
dance, or the music for it, in triple time. Physics direct a stream of high-speed
2 /'bnterau/ woman's short open jacket. particles at. bombardment n. [Latin:
[Spanish] related to bomb]
boll /baul/ n. round seed-vessel of cotton, bombardier /,bDmba'di8(r)/ n. 1 non-
flax, etc. [Dutch]
commissioned officer in the artillery.
bollard /'bolaid/ n. 1 short post in the 2 US crew member in an aircraft who
road, esp. on a traffic island. 2 short post aims and releases bombs.
on a quay or ship for securing a rope, bombast /'bmnbaest/ n. pompous lan-
[perhaps related to bole] guage; hyperbole. bombastic
bollocking /'bolakin/ n. (also ballock- /-'baestik/ adj. [earlier bombace cotton
ing) coarse slang severe reprimand. wool]
bollocks /'bnlaks/ n. (also ballocks) Bombay duck /bDm'bei/ n. dried fish
coarse slang 1 (usu. as int.) nonsense. 2 as a relish, esp. with curry, [corruption
testicles. [Old English: related to ball ]
of bombil, native name of fish]
boloney /balauni/ n. (also baloney) bombazine /'bDmb8,zi:n/ n. twilled
slang nonsense, [origin uncertain] worsted dress-material. [Greek bombux
Bolshevik /'boljavik/ -n. 1 hist, mem- silk]
ber of the radical faction of the Russian bomber /'bDma(r)/ n. 1 aircraft
Social Democratic Party becoming the equipped to drop bombs. 2 person using
Communist Party in 1918. 2 Russian bombs, esp. illegally.
Communist. 3 any revolutionary social- bomber jacket n. jacket gathered at
ist, -adj. 1 of the Bolsheviks. 2 the waist and cuffs.
bombshell 89 boogie
bombshell overwhelming surprise
n. 1 bonfire n. large open-air fire, esp. for
or disappointment. 2 artillery bomb. 3 burning rubbish, [from bone (because
slang very attractive woman. bones were once used), fire]
bomb-site n. area where bombs have bongo /'bDngau/ n. (pi -s or -es) either of
caused destruction. a pair of small drums usu. held between
bona fide /.bauna "faidi/ -adj. genuine; the knees and played with the fingers.
sincere, -adv. genuinely; sincerely. [American Spanish]
[Latin] bonhomie /.bonn'mi:/ n. good-natured
bonanza /ba'naenza/ n. 1 source of friendliness. [French]
wealth or prosperity. 2 large output bonk -v. 1 bang, bump. 2 coarse slang
(esp. of a mine). [Spanish, = fair have sexual intercourse (with), -n.
weather] instance of bonking (bonk on the head).
bon-bon sweet. [French bon good]
n. [imitative]
bond -n. 1 thing or force that unites or bonkers /'bunkaz/ predic. adj. slang
(usu. in pi.) restrains. 2 binding agree- crazy, [origin unknown]
ment. 3 Commerce certificate issued by a bon mot /bo 'mau/ n. (pi bons mots
government or a company promising to /-mauz/) witty saying. [French]
repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of bonnet /'burnt/ n. 1a hat tied under the
interest. 4 adhesiveness. 5 Law deed
chin, worn esp. by babies, b Scotsman's
binding a person to make payment to floppy beret. 2 hinged cover over a
another. 6 Chem. linkage between vehicle's engine. [French]
atoms in a molecule, -v. 1 hold or tie bonny /'bom/ adj. (-ier, -iest) esp. Scot.
together. 2 connect or reinforce with a
& N.Engl. 1 a physically attractive, b
bond. 3 place (goods) in bond. in bond
healthy-looking. 2 good, pleasant, [per-
stored by Customs until duty is paid,
haps from French bon good]
[var. of band]
bonsai /'bonsai/ n. (pi. same) 1 dwarfed
bondage n. 1 slavery. 2 subjection to tree or shrub. 2 art of growing these.
constraint etc. 3 sexual practices involv-
ing constraint. [Anglo-Latin: related to
bonus /'baunas/ n. extra benefit or pay-
bondsman] ment. [Latin, = good]
bonded adj. stored in or for storing in
bon vivant /,b5 vi:'vd/ n. (pi. bon or
bond {bonded whisky, warehouse). 2 (of
bons vivants pronunc. same) person
a debt) secured by bonds.
fond of good food and drink. [French]
bond paper n. high-quality writing- bon voyage /,b5 vwa:'ja:3/ int. expres-
sion of good wishes to a departing trav-
bondsman n. serf, slave. [Old English eller. [French]
bonda husbandman]
bone -n. 1 any piece of hard tissue
bony /'bauni/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 thin with
prominent bones. 2 having many bones.
making up the skeleton in vertebrates. 2
3 of or like bone. boniness n.
(in pi.) a skeleton, esp. as remains, b
body. 3 material of bones or similar
boo -int. 1 expression of disapproval
etc. 2 sound intended to surprise, -n.
material, e.g. ivory. 4 thing made of
utterance of boo, esp. to a performer etc.
bone. 5 (in pi) essentials (the bones of
-v. (boos, booed) 1 utter boos. 2 jeer at
an agreement). 6 strip of stiffening in a
corset etc. -v. (-ning) 1 remove the
by booing, [imitative]
bones from. 2 stiffen with bone etc. boob 1 colloq. -n. 1 silly mistake. 2 fool-
ish person, -v. make a silly mistake,
bone up (often foil, by on) colloq. study
intensively, have a bone to pick (usu.
[shortening of booby]
foil, by with) have cause for dispute
boob 2 n. slang woman's breast, [origin

(with a person), make no bones about uncertain]

1 be frank about. 2 not hesitate or booby n. (pi. -ies) stupid or childish

scruple. boneless adj. [Old English] person. [Spanish bobo]

bone china n. fine china made of clay booby prize n. prize given for coming
mixed with bone ash.
bone-dry adj. completely dry. booby trap n. 1 practical joke in the
bone-idle adj. utterly idle. form of a trap. 2 disguised explosive
bone-marrow n. = marrow 2. device triggered by the unknowing vic-

bone-meal n. crushed bones, esp. as a tim.

fertilizer. boodle slang money, esp.
/'bu:d(a)l/ n.

bone of contention n. source of dis- gained or used dishonestly. [Dutch boe-

pute. del possessions]
boneshaker n. decrepit or uncomfort- boogie /buigi/ v. (-ies, -ied, -ieing)
able old vehicle. slang dance to pop music.
boogie-woogie 90 booty
boogie-woogie /,bu:gi'wu:gi/ n. style of Boolean logic use of 'and', 'or', and
playing blues or jazz on the piano, [ori- 'not' in retrieving information from a
gin unknown] database.
book /buk/ -n. a written or printed
1 boom 1
-n. deep resonant sound. — v.
work with pages bound along one side, make or speak with a boom, [imitative]
b work intended for publication. 2 boom 2
—n. period of economic prosper-
bound blank sheets for notes, records, ity or activity, -v. be suddenly prosper-
etc. 3 bound set of tickets, stamps, ous, [perhaps from boom 1 ]
matches, 4 (in pi.) set of records or
etc. boom 3 n. 1 pivoted spar to which a sail is
accounts. 5 main
division of a large attached. 2 long pole carrying a micro-
literary work. 6 telephone directory. 7 phone, camera, etc. 3 barrier across a
colloq. magazine. 8 libretto, script, etc. 9
harbour etc. [Dutch, = beam]
record of bets. -v. 1 a (also absol.)
boomerang /'buima.raerj/ -n. 1 flat V-
reserve (a seat etc.) in advance, b engage
shaped hardwood missile used esp. by
(an entertainer etc.). 2 a take the per-
Australian Aboriginals, able to return
sonal details of (an offender or rule-
to its thrower. 2 plan that recoils on its
breaker), b enter in a book or list.
originator, -v. (of a plan etc.) backfire.
book in register at a hotel etc. book up
1 buy tickets in advance. 2 (as booked
up) with all places reserved, bring to boon 1 n. advantage; blessing. [Old
book call to account, go by the book
proceed by the rules, in a person's boon 2 adj. intimate, favourite (usu.
good (or bad) books in (or out of) boon companion). [French bon from
favour with a person. [Old English] Latin bonus good]
bookbinder n. person who binds books boor n. ill-mannered person, z boorish
for a living, z bookbinding n. adj. [Low German or Dutch]
bookcase n. cabinet of shelves for boost colloq. -v. 1 promote or encour-
books. age. 2 increase, assist. 3 push from
book club n. society in which selected below, -n. act or result of boosting,
books are available cheaply, [origin unknown]
book end n. prop used to keep books booster n. 1 device for increasing power
upright. or voltage. 2 auxiliary engine or rocket
bookie /'buki/ n. colloq. = bookmaker. for initial speed. 3 dose, injection, etc.
[abbreviation] renewing the effect of an earlier one.
booking n. reservation or engagement, boot 1
-^. 1 outer foot-covering reaching
booking-hall booking-office)
n. (also above the ankle. 2 luggage compart-
ticket office at a railway station etc. ment of a car. 3 colloq. a firm kick, b
bookish adj. 1 studious; fond of read- (prec. by the) dismissal (got the boot),
ing. 2 having knowledge mainly from -v. kick. 2 (often foil, by out) eject
books. forcefully. 3 (usu. foil, by up) make (a
bookkeeper n. person who keeps ac- computer) ready. put the boot in 1
counts, esp. for a living. bookkeep- kick brutally. 2 harm a person. [Old
ing n. Norse]
booklet /'buklit/ n. small book usu. with boot 2 n. to boot as well, in addition.
a paper cover. [Old English]
bookmaker n. professional taker of
bootblack n. US person who polishes
bets. bookmaking n.
boots and shoes.
bookmark n. thing used to mark a
bootee /bu:'ti:/ n. baby's soft shoe.
reader's place.
booth /bu:67 n. 1 small temporary struc-
book-plate n. decorative personalized
ture used esp. as a market stall. 2 enclos-
label stuck in a book.
ure for telephoning, voting, etc. 3 cu-
bookseller dealer in books.
bicle in a restaurant etc. [Old Norse]
bookshop n. shop selling books.
bookstall n. stand selling books, news- bootleg -adj. (esp. of alcohol) smug-
gled, illicit, -v. (-gg-) illicitly make or
papers, etc.
book token n. voucher exchangeable deal in (alcohol etc.). bootlegger n.
for books. bootlicker n. colloq. toady.
bookworm n. 1 colloq. devoted reader. boots n. hotel servant who cleans shoes
2 larva feeding on the paper and glue in etc.

books. bootstrap n. loop used to pull a boot on.

Boolean denoting a sys-
/'bu:lian/ adj. pull oneself up by one's bootstraps
tem of algebraic notation to represent better oneself.
logical propositions. [Boole, name of a booty /'bu:ti/ n. 1 loot, spoil. 2 colloq.
mathematician] prize or gain. [German]
booze 91 bossy
booze colloq. -n.
alcoholic drink, -v. boredom n. state of being bored, [from
(-zing) drink alcohol, esp. to excess. BORE 2 ]

boozyadj. (-ier, -iest). [Dutch] boric acid /'bo:nk/ n. acid derived from
boozer n. colloq. 1 habitual drinker. 2 borax, used as an antiseptic.
public house. born adj. 1 existing as a result of birth. 2
booze-up ri. slang drinking bout. a of natural ability or quality (a born
bop' colloq. -n. 1 a spell of dancing, esp. leader), b (usu. foil, by to + infin.)
to pop music, b social occasion for this. 2 destined (born lucky, born to be king). 3
= bebop. -v. (-pp-) dance, esp. to pop (in comb.) of a certain status by birth
music, bopperrc. [abbreviation] (French-born; well-born), [past part, of
bop- punch, esp.
colloq. -v. (-pp-) hit or BEAR ]

lightly. -n. esp. light blow or hit. [imitat- born-again attrib. adj. converted (esp.
ive] to fundamentalist Christianity),
boracic /ba'raesik/ adj. of borax, borne /bo:n/ past part, of bear 1 -adj. ,

boracic acid n. = boric acid. (in comb.) carried by (airborne).

borage /'bDnd3/ it plant with leaves boron /'borrnn/
non-metallic usu.
used as flavouring. [French ultimately crystalline element, [from borax, after
from Arabic] carbon]
borax /'ba:raeks/ n. salt used in making borough /'bAra/ n. 1 a town represented
glass and china, and as an antiseptic. in the House of Commons, b town or
[French ultimately from Persian] district granted the status of a borough.
Bordeaux /bo:'dau/ n. (pi. same /-'dauz/) 2 hist, town with a municipal corpora-
wine from the Bordeaux dis-
(esp. red) tion conferred by a royal charter. [Old
trict in SW
France. English]
border -n. 1 edge or boundary, or the borrow /'bDrau/ v. 1 a acquire tempor-
part near it. 2 a line or region separating arily, promising or intending to return,

two countries, b (the Border) boundary b obtain money thus. 2 use (another's
between Scotland and England (usu. idea, invention, etc.); plagiarize. bor-
the Borders), or N. Ireland and the rower n. [Old English]
Irish Republic. 3 esp. ornamental strip
Borstal /'bo:st(a)l/ n. hist, residential
round an edge. 4 long narrow flower-bed institution for youth custody. [Borstal
in Kent]
(herbaceous border), -v. 1 be a border
to. 2 provide with a border. 3 (usu. foil, Usage This term has now been
by on, upon) a adjoin; come close to replaced by detention centre and youth
being, b resemble. [French from Ger- custody centre.
manic: related to board] bortsch Russian soup of beet-
/bo:tJ7 n.
Border collie n. sheepdog of the North root, cabbage, etc. [Russian]
Country. borzoi /'bo:zoi/ n. large silky-coated dog.
borderer n. person living near a bor- [Russian, = swift]
der. bosh n. & int. slang nonsense. [Turkish,
borderland n. 1 district near a border. = empty]
2 condition between two extremes. 3 bosom /'buz(a)m/ n. 1 a person's (esp.
area for debate. woman's) breast, b colloq. each of a
borderline —n. 1 line dividing two con- woman's breasts, c enclosure formed by
ditions. 2 line marking a boundary. the breast and arms. 2 emotional centre
-adj. 1 on the borderline. 2 barely ac- (bosom of one's family). [Old English]
ceptable. bosom friend n. intimate friend.
Border terrier n. small rough-haired boss colloq. -n. employer, manager, or

terrier. supervisor, -v. (usu. foil, by about,

bore 1
-v. (-ring) 1 make (a hole), esp. around) give orders to; order about.
with a revolving tool. 2 make a hole in, [Dutch baas]
hollow out. -n. 1 hollow of a firearm boss 2 n.1 round knob, stud, etc., esp. on
barrel or of a cylinder in an internal- the centre of a shield. 2 Archit. orna-
combustion engine. 2 diameter of this. 3 mental carving etc. at the junction of the
deep hole made esp. to find water. [Old ribs in a vault. [French]
English] bossa nova /.DDsa 'nauva/ n. 1 dance
bore 2 -n. tiresome or dull person or like the samba. 2 music for this. [Portu-
thing, -v. (-ring) weary by tedious talk guese, = new flair]
or dullness. bored adj. boring adj. boss-eyed adj. colloq. 1 cross-eyed;
[origin unknown] blind in one eye. 2 crooked, [boss = bad
bore 3 n. high tidal wave in an estuary. shot, origin unknown]
[Scandinavian] bossy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. domineer-
bore 4 past of bear 1
. ing. bossiness n.
bosun 92 bound
bosun (also bo'sun) var. of boatswain. bottomless adj. 1 without a bottom. 2
botany /'botani/ n. the study of plants. inexhaustible.
botanic /ba'taenik/ adj. botanical bottom line n. colloq. underlying
/ba't2emk(a)l/ adj. botanist n. [Greek truth; ultimate, esp. financial, criterion,
botane plant] botulism ,

/ bDtju liz(a)m/ n. poisoning


botch (also bodge) -v. 1 bungle; do caused by a bacillus in badly preserved

badly. 2 patch clumsily, -n. bungled or food. [Latin botulus sausage]
spoilt work, [origin unknown] boucle /'bu:klei/ n. 1 looped or curled
both /bauG/ -adj. & pron. the two, not yarn (esp. wool). 2 fabric made of this.
only one (both boys; both the boys; both [French, = curled]
of the boys; I like both), -adv. with boudoir /'bu:dwa:(r)/ n. woman's pri-
equal truth in two cases (is both hot and vate room. [French bouder sulk]
dry). [Old Norse] bouffant /'bu:fd/ adj. (of a dress, hair,
bother /'bDd8(r)/ -v. A trouble; worry, etc.) puffed out. [French]
disturb. 2 (often foil, by about, with, or to bougainvillaea /,bu:gan'vili9/ n. trop-
+ infin.) take the time or trouble (didn *t ical plant with large coloured bracts.
bother to tell me; shan't bother with [Bougainville, name of a navigator]
dessert), -n. 1 a person or thing that bough /bau/ n. main branch of a tree.
bothers, b minor nuisance. 2 trouble, [Old English]
worry. -int. expressing irritation. [Irish bought past and past part, of buy.
bodhraim deafen] bouillon /'bu:jon/ n. clear broth.
botheration / bDda reiJ(9)n/

n. & int.
[French bouillir to boil]
= bother n., int.
boulder /'baolda(r)/ n. large smooth
bothersome /'bDdasam/ adj. causing rock. [Scandinavian]
bother boule /bu:l/ n. (also boules pronunc.
bottle /'bDt(a)l/ -n. 1 container, esp.
same) French form of bowls played on
glass or plastic, for storing liquid. 2
rough ground. [French]
amount filling it. 3 baby's feeding-bottle. boulevard /'bu:la,va:d/ n. 1 broad tree-
4 = hot-water bottle. 5 metal cylinder
lined avenue. 2 esp. US broad main
for liquefied gas. 6 slang courage, -v.
road. [French from German]
(-ling) 1 put into, or preserve in, bottles
boult var. of bolt 2 .

or jars. 2 (foil, by up) conceal or restrain

(esp. a feeling). hit the bottle slang
bounce -v. (-cing) 1 (cause to) rebound.
2 slang (of a cheque) be returned by a
drink heavily, [medieval Latin: related
4 bank when there are no funds to meet it.
to BUTT ]
3 (foil, by about, up, in, out, etc.) jump,
bottle bank n. place for depositing
move, or rush boisterously, -n. 1 a
bottles for recycling,
rebound, b power of rebounding. 2 col-
bottle-feed v. feed (a baby) from a
loq. a swagger, self-confidence, b liveli-
bottle as opposed to the breast,
bottle green adj. & n. (as adj. often ness. bounce back recover well after
hyphenated) dark green, a setback. bouncy adj. (-ier, -iest).
bottleneck n. 1 narrow congested area,
esp. on a road. 2 impeding thing,
bouncer n. 1 slang doorman ejecting

bottlenose dolphin n. dolphin with a

troublemakers from a dancehall, club,
bottle-shaped snout. etc. 2 = bumper 3.

bottle party n. party to which guests bouncing adj. (esp. of a baby) big and
bring bottles of drink. healthy.
bottom /'bntam/ -n. 1 a lowest point or bound 1
-v. 1 spring, leap. 2 (of a ball
part, b base, c underneath part, d fur- etc.) bounce, -n. 1 springy leap. 2
thest or inmost part. 2 colloq. a but- bounce. [French bondir from Latin bom-
tocks, b seat of a chair etc. 3 a less bus hum]
honourable end of a table, class, etc. b bound 2 -n. (usu. in pi.) 1 limitation;
person occupying this (he's bottom of restriction. 2 border, boundary, -v. 1
the class). 4 ground below water. 5 basis limit. 2 be the boundary of. out of
or origin. 6 essential character, -adj. bounds outside a permitted area.
lowest, last. —v. 1 put a bottom to (a [French from medieval Latin]
chair etc.). 2 find the extent of. 3 touch bound 3 adj. 1 (usu. foil, by for) starting
the bottom or lowest point (of). at or having started (bound for stardom).
bottom basically, be at the bottom of 2 (in comb.) in a specified direction
have caused, bottom out reach the (northbound). [Old Norse, = ready]
lowest level, get to the bottom of fully bound 4 past and past part, of bind.
investigate and explain. [Old English] bound to certain to (he's bound to
bottom drawer n. linen etc. stored by come), bound up with closely associ-
a woman for marriage. ated with.
boundary 83 bowman
boundary /'baondari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 line toady, bow down 1 bend or kneel esp. in
marking the limits of an area etc. 2 submission or reverence. 2 make stoop;
Cricket hit crossing the limits of the crush (bowed down by care), bow out 1
held, scoring 4 or 6 runs, [related to exit (esp. formally). 2 withdraw; retire,
bound 2 ! take a bow acknowledge applause. [Old
bounden duty /'baund(a)n/ n. formal English]
solemn responsibility, [archaic past bow 3 /bau/ n. 1 (often in pi.) front end of a
part, of bind] boat. 2 rower nearest this. [Low German
bounder n. colloq. cad. or Dutch: related to bough]
boundless adj. unlimited, bowdlerize /'baudla.raiz/ v. (also -ise)
bounteous /'bauntias/ adj. poet. = book etc.).
(-zing or -sing) expurgate (a
bountiful. [French: related to bounty] bowdlerization /-'zeiJX9)n/ n.
bountiful /'baunti.ful/ adj. 1 generous. [Bowdler, name of an expurgator of
2 ample. Shakespeare]
bounty /'baunti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 gener- bowel /'baual/ n. 1 (often in pi.) =
osity. 2 reward, esp. from the State. 3 intestine. 2 (in pi.) innermost parts.
gift. [French from Latin bonus good] [Latin botulus sausage]
bouquet /bu:'kei/ n. 1 bunch of flowers, bower /'baua(r)/ n. 1 arbour; summer-
esp. professionally arranged. 2 scent of house. 2 poet, inner room. [Old English,
wine etc. 3 compliment. [French bois = dwelling]
wood] bowerbird n. Australasian bird, the
bouquet garni /,bu:'kei 'ga:ni/ n. {pi.
male of which constructs elaborate
bouquets garnis /,bu:keiz 'ga:ni/) runs.
bunch or bag of herbs for seasoning. bowie /'baui/ n. (in full bowie knife) a
bourbon /'b3:ban/ n. US whisky from kind of long hunting-knife. [Bowie,
maize and rye. [Bourbon County, Ken- name of an American soldier]
bowl /baul/ n.1a usu. round deep basin

bourgeois /'bua3wa:/ often derog. -adj.

for food or liquid, b contents of a bowl. 2
1 a middle-class, b
hollow part of a tobacco-pipe, spoon, etc.
materialistic. 2 capitalist, -n. (pi. same)
bowlful n. (pi. -s). [Old English]
bourgeois person. [French]
bourgeoisie capit-
bowl2 /baul/ -rc. 1 hard heavy ball, made
/,bua3wa:'zi:/ n. 1
with a bias to run in a curve. 2 (in pi.
alist class. 2 middle class. [French] ;

usu. treated as sing.) game played with

bourn /bo:n/ n. small stream, [var. of
these on grass. 3 spell or turn of bowling
in cricket. -u.1a roll (a ball etc.). b play

bourse /buas/ n. 1 (Bourse) Paris Stock

bowls. 2 (also absol.) Cricket etc. a de-
Exchange. 2 money-market. [French:
liver (a ball, over, etc.). b (often foil, by
related to purse]
out) dismiss (a batsman) by knocking
bout n. 1 (often foil, by of) a spell (of
work or activity), b attack (bout offlu). 2 down the wicket with a ball. 3 (often foil,
wrestling- or boxing-match, [obsolete
by along) go along rapidly. bowl out
Cricket etc. dismiss (a batsman or a
bought bending]
side), bowl over 1 knock down. 2 colloq.
boutique /bu:'ti:k/ n. small shop selling
impress greatly, overwhelm. [Latin
esp. fashionable clothes. [French]
bulla bubble]
bouzouki /bu:'zu:ki/ n. (pi. -s) Greek
form of mandolin, [modern Greek] bow-legs bandy legs. bow-
bovine /'bauvain/ adj. 1 of cattle. 2
legged adj.

stupid, dull. [Latin bos ox]

bowler 1
Cricket etc. player
n. 1 who
bovine spongiform encephal- bowls. 2 bowls-player.
opathy see BSE. bowler n. (in full bowler hat) man's
bow /bau/ -n. 1 a slip-knot with a
1 hard round felt hat. [Bowler, name of a
double loop, b ribbon etc. so tied. 2 hatter]
curved piece of wood etc. with a string bowline /'baulin/ n. 1 rope from a ship's
stretched across its ends, for shooting bow keeping the sail taut against the
arrows. 3 rod with horsehair stretched wind. 2 knot forming a non-slipping
along its length, for playing the violin loop at the end of a rope.
etc. 4 shallow curve or bend; thing of bowling n. the game of skittles, tenpin
this form. -v. (also absol.) use a bow on bowling, or bowls.
(a violin etc.). [Old English] bowling-alley n. 1 long enclosure for
bow 2 /bau/ -p. 1 incline the head or skittles or tenpin bowling. 2 building
body, esp. in greeting or acknowledge- with these.
ment. 2 submit (bowed to the inevit- bowling-green n. lawn for playing
able). 3 cause (the head etc.) to incline. bowls.
-n. act of bowing. bow and scrape bowman n. archer.
bowsprit 94 brad
bowsprit /'bauspnt/ n. spar running boy -rc. 1 male child, son. 2 young man. 3
forward from a ship's bow. male servant etc. -int. expressing pleas-
bowstring n. string of an archer's bow. ure, surprise, etc. boyhood n. boyish
bow-tie n. necktie in the form of a bow. adj. [origin uncertain]
bow-window n. curved bay window, boycott 1 refuse to have
/'boikDt/ -v.
bow-wow -int. /bau'wau/ imitation of a social or commercial relations with (a
dog's bark. -n. /'bauwau/ colloq. dog. person, country, etc.). 2 refuse to handle
[imitative] (goods), -n. such a refusal. [Capt. Boy-
box 1
container, usu. flat-sided and
-n. 1 cott, so treated from 1880]
firm. 2 amount contained
in a box. 3 boyfriend n. person's regular male
compartment, e.g. in a theatre or law- companion or lover.
court. 4 receptacle or kiosk for a special boyo /'boiau/ n. (pi. -s) Welsh & Ir. colloq.
purpose (often in comb.: money box; (esp. as a form of address) boy, mate.
telephone box). 5 facility at a newspaper boy scout n. = scout n. 4.
office for receiving replies to an advert- BP abbr. 1 boiling-point. 2 blood pres-
isement. 6 (prec. by the) colloq. tele- sure. 3 before the present (era). 4 British
vision. 7 enclosed area or space. 8 area Petroleum. 5 British Pharmacopoeia.
of print enclosed by a border. 9 light Bq abbr. becquerel.
shield for the genitals in cricket etc. 10 BR abbr. British Rail.
(prec. by the) Football colloq. penalty Br symb. bromine.
area. - v. 1 put in or provide with a box. 2 bra /bra:/ n. undergarment worn by
(foil, by in, up) confine. [Latin buxis:
women to support the breasts, [abbre-
related to box ] viation]
box 2 -a1atake part in boxing, b fight brace -n. device that clamps or fastens
(an opponent) at boxing. 2 slap (esp. a tightly. 2timber etc. strengthening a
person's ears). -n. hard slap, esp. on the framework. 3 (in pi.) straps supporting
ears, [origin unknown] trousers from the shoulders. 4 wire
box3 n. 1 small evergreen tree with dark
device for straightening the teeth. 5 (pi.
green leaves. 2 its fine hard wood. [Latin
same) pair (esp. of game). 6 rope for
buxus, Greek puxos]
trimming a sail. 7 connecting mark { or }
Box and Cox n. two people sharing in printing, -v. (-cing) 1 make steady by
accommodation etc. in shifts, [names of
supporting. 2 fasten tightly to make
characters in a play (1847)]
firm. 3 (esp. as bracing adj.) invigorate,
box camera n. simple box-shaped
refresh. 4 (often refl.) prepare for a
difficulty, shock, etc. [Latin bracchia
boxer n. 1 person who boxes, esp. as a
sport. 2 medium-size short-haired dog
with a puglike face.
brace and bit n. revolving tool for
boring, with a D-shaped central handle.
boxer shorts men's loose under-
pants like shorts.
bracelet /'breislit/ n. 1 ornamental
box girder n. hollow girder square in band or chain worn on the wrist or arm.
2 slang handcuff.
boxing n. fighting with the fists, esp. as
brachiosaurus /.breikia'soiras, .braek-/
n. (pi. -ruses) plant-eating dinosaur
a sport.
Boxing Day weekday after
n. first
with forelegs longer than its hind
1 legs. [Latin from Greek brakhion arm,
Christmas, [from box from the custom ,

of giving Christmas-boxes] sauros lizard]

boxing glove n. each of a pair of bracken /'braekan/ n. 1 large coarse
heavily padded gloves worn in boxing, fern. 2 mass of these. [Old Norse]
box junction n. road area marked with bracket /'braekit/ -n. 1 (esp. angled)

a yellow grid, which a vehicle should support projecting from a vertical sur-
enter only if its exit is clear, face. 2 shelf fixed to a wall with this. 3
box number n. number for replies to a each of a pair of marks () [] {} enclosing
private advertisement in a newspaper, words or figures. 4 group or classi-
box office n. ticket-office at a theatre fication (income bracket), -v. (-t-) 1
etc. enclose in brackets. 2 group or classify
box pleat n. arrangement of parallel together. [Latin bracae breeches]
pleats folding in alternate directions. brackish /'braekiJV adj. (of water etc.)
boxroom n. small room for storing slightly salty. [Low German or Dutch]
boxes, cases, etc. bract n. leaf-like and often brightly
box spring n. each of a set of vertical coloured part of a plant, growing before
springs in a frame, e.g. in a mattress, the flower. [Latin bractea thin sheet]
boxwood n. = box 3 2. brad n. thin flat nail with a head on only
boxy adj. (-ier, -iest) cramped. one side. [Old Norse]
bradawl 95 brandy butter
bradawl braedo:l/ n. small pointed tool braise /breiz/ v.(-sing) stew slowly with
for boring holes by hand. a little liquid in a closed container.
brae brei/ n. Scot, hillside. [Old Norse] [French braise live coals]
brag -r (-gg-) talk boastfully, -n. 1 brake 1 -n. 1 (often in pi) device for
Card-game like poker. 2 boastful state- stopping or slowing a wheel, vehicle,
ment or talk, [origin unknown] etc. 2 thing that impedes, -v. (-king) 1
braggart /'braeg3t/-/z. boastful person. apply a brake. 2 slow or stop with a
-adj. boastful. brake, [probably obsolete brake = curb]
Brahma /'bra:ma/ n.1 Hindu Creator. 2 brake 2 n. large estate car. [var. of
supreme divine Hindu reality. [Sans- break]
krit, creator] brake 3 -n. 1 toothed instrument for
Brahman /'bra:man/ n. (also brah- crushing flax and hemp. 2 (in full brake
man) (pi. -s) 1 (also Brahmin) member harrow) heavy harrow, -v. (-king)
of the highest or priestly Hindu caste. 2 crush (flax or hemp). [Low German or
= Brahma 2. Brahmanic /-'maenik/ Dutch: related to break]
adj. Brahmanism n. brake 4 n. thicket or clump of brush-
braid -n. 1 woven band as edging or
wood. [Old English]
trimming. 2 US plait of hair. -v. 1 US brake drum n. cylinder attached to a
plait. 2 trim with braid. braiding n. wheel, on which the brake shoes press
[Old English]
to brake.
Braille /breil/ -n. system of writing and brake horsepower n. power of an
printing for the blind, with patterns of engine measured by the force needed to
raised dots. -v. (-ling) print or tran-
brake it.
scribe in Braille. [Braille, name of its
brake lining n. strip of fabric increas-
ing the friction of a brake shoe.
brain -n. 1 organ of soft nervous tissue brake shoe n. long curved block which
in the skull of vertebrates, the centre of
presses on a brake drum to brake.
sensation and of intellectual and nerv-
bramble /'braemb(a)l/ n. wild thorny
ous activity. 2 a colloq. intelligent per-
son, b (often in pi.) intelligence. 3 (usu.
shrub, esp. the blackberry. brambly
adj. [Old English]
in pi; prec. by the) colloq. cleverest
person in a group; mastermind. 4 elec-
brambling /'braemblin/ n. the speckled
finch. [German: related to bramble]
tronic device functioning like a brain.
1 dash out the brains of. 2 colloq.
bran n. grain husks separated from
flour. [French]
strike hard on the head. on the brain
colloq. obsessively in one's thoughts.
branch /bra:ntJ7 -n. 1 limb of a tree or
bough. 2 lateral extension or subdivi-
[Old English]
sion, esp. of a river, road, or railway. 3
brainchild n. colloq. person's clever
subdivision of a family, knowledge, etc.
idea or invention.
4 local office etc. of a large business, -y.
brain death n. irreversible brain
(often foil, by off) 1 diverge. 2 divide into
damage causing the end of independent
respiration, regarded as indicative of
branches. branch out extend one's
death. brain-dead adj. field of interest. [Latin branca paw]
brain drain n. colloq. loss of skilled brand -n.1a particular make of goods,
personnel by emigration. b identifying trade mark, label, etc. 2
brainless adj. foolish.
(usu. foil, by of) characteristic kind
brainpower n. mental ability or intelli- (brand of humour). 3 identifying mark
gence. burned esp. on livestock. 4 iron used for
this. 5 piece of burning or charred wood.
brainstorm n. 1 sudden mental dis-
turbance. 2 colloq. mental lapse. 3 US 6 stigma; mark of disgrace. 7 poet, torch,
brainwave. 4 pooling of spontaneous -u. 1 mark with a hot iron. 2 stigmatize
ideas about a problem etc. brain- (branded him a liar). 3 impress unfor-
storming n. (in sense 4). gettably. 4 assign a trademark etc. to.
brains trust n. group of experts an- [Old English]
swering questions, usu. publicly and brandish /'braendiJV v. wave or flourish
impromptu. as a threat or display. [French from
brainwash v. implant ideas or esp.
ideology into (a person) by repetition brand-new adj. completely new.
etc. brainwashing n. brandy /'braendi/ n. (pi. -ies) strong
brainwave n. 1 (usu. in pi.) electrical alcoholic spirit distilled from wine or
impulse in the brain. 2 colloq. sudden fermented fruit juice. [Dutch brandew-
bright idea. ijn]

brainy adj. (-ier, -iest) intellectually brandy butter n. mixture of brandy,

clever. butter, and sugar.
brandy-snap 96 break
brandy-snap n. crisp rolled ginger- brazen /'breiz(a)n/ -adj. 1 shameless;
bread wafer usu. filled with cream. insolent. 2 of or like brass. 3 harsh in
bran-tub n. lucky dip with prizes hid- sound, -v. (foil, by out) face or undergo
den in bran. defiantly (brazen it out). brazenly
brash adj. vulgarly self-assertive; adv. [Old English]
impudent. brashly adv. brashness brazier 1
/'breizia(r)/ n. metal pan or
n. [dial.] stand holding burning coals etc.
brass /bra:s/-rc. 1 yellow alloy of copper [French: related to braise]
and zinc. 2 brass objects collectively. 3 brazier2 /'breizia(r)/ n. worker in brass,
brass wind instruments. 4 slang money. [probably from brass]
5 brass memorial tablet. 6 colloq. Brazil /bra'zil/ n. 1 tall S. American tree.
effrontery, -adj. made of brass. 2 (in full Brazil nut) its large three-
brassed off slang fed up. [Old English] sided nut. [Brazil in S. America]
brass band n. band of brass instru- breach -n. 1 (often foil, by of) breaking
ments. or non-observation of a law, contract,
brasserie /'braesari/ n. restaurant, orig. etc. 2 breaking of relations; quarrel. 3
one serving beer with food. [French opening, gap. -v. 1 break through; make
brasser brew] a gap in. 2 break (a law, contract, etc.).
brassica /'braesika/ n. plant of the cab- step into the breach help in a crisis,
bage family. [Latin, = cabbage] esp. as a replacement. [Germanic:
brassiere /'braezia(r)/ n. = bra. related to break]
[French] breach of promise n. breaking of a
brass monkey n. coarse slang used in promise, esp. to marry.
various phrases to indicate extreme breach of the peace n. crime of caus-
cold. ing a public disturbance.
brass-rubbing n. 1 practice of taking bread /bred/ —n. 1 baked dough of flour
impressions by rubbing heelball etc. and water, usu. leavened with yeast. 2
over paper laid on engraved brasses. 2 necessary food. 3 slang money, -v. coat
impression obtained by this. with breadcrumbs for cooking. [Old
brass tacks slang essential de- English]
tails. bread and butter -rc. one's livelihood.
brassy /'brarsi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or -attrib. adj. (bread-and-butter) done
like brass. 2 impudent. 3 vulgarly or produced to earn a basic living.
showy. 4 loud and blaring. breadboard n. 1 board for cutting
brat n. usu. derog. child, esp. an ill- bread on. 2 board for making an experi-
behaved one. [origin unknown] mental model of an electric circuit.
bravado 7bra'va:dao7 n. show of bold- breadcrumb n. small fragment of
ness. [Spanish] bread, esp. (in pi) for use in cooking.
brave -adj. 1 able or ready to face and breadfruit n. 1 fruit which resembles
endure danger, disgrace, or pain. 2/or- new bread when roasted. 2 tropical
mal splendid, spectacular, -n. Amer- evergreen tree bearing it.

ican Indian warrior, -v. (-ving) face breadline n. subsistence level (esp. on
bravely or defiantly. bravely adv. the breadline).
braveness n. bravery n. [ultimately bread sauce n. white sauce thickened
Latin barbarus barbarian] with breadcrumbs.
bravo /bra:'vau/ -int. expressing ap- breadth /bredG/ n. 1 distance or
proval, -n. {pi. -s) cry of 'bravo'. measurement from side to side of a
[French from Italian] thing. 2 freedom from prejudice or intol-
bravura /bra'vjuara/ n. 1 brilliance of erance. [Old English: related to broad]
execution. 2 (often attrib.) passage of breadwinner n. person who works to
(esp. vocal) music requiring brilliant support a family.
technique. [Italian] break /breik/ -v. (past broke; past
brawl -n. noisy quarrel or fight, -v. 1 part, broken /'braukan/) 1 a separate
engage in a brawl. 2 (of a stream) run into pieces under a blow or strain;
noisily. [Provencal] shatter, b make or become inoperative,
brawn n. 1 muscular strength. 2 c break a bone in or dislocate (part of the
muscle; lean flesh. 3 jellied meat made body). 2 a interrupt (broke our journey).
from a pig's head. brawny adj. (-ier, b have an interval (broke for tea). 3 fail
-iest). [French from Germanic] to keep (a law, promise, etc.). 4 a make
bray -n. 1 cry of a donkey. 2 harsh or become subdued or weak; (cause to)
sound like this. -v. 1 make a bray. 2 yield; destroy, b weaken the effect of (a
utter harshly. [French braire] fall, blow, etc.). c = break in 3c. 5
braze v. (-zing) solder with an alloy of surpass (a record). 6 (foil, by with) end a
brass and zinc. [French braser] friendship with (a person etc.). 7 a be no
break 97 breath
longer subject to (a habit), b (foil, by of) disband, break wind release gas from
free (a person) from a habit (broke them the anus. [Old English]
of their addiction). 8 reveal or be breakable -adj. easily broken, -n.
revealed (broke the news; story broke). breakable thing,
(esp. in pi.)
9 a (of fine weather) change suddenly, b breakage n. 1 a broken thing, b damage
(of waves) curl over and foam, c (of the caused by breaking. 2 act or instance of
day) dawn, d (of clouds) move apart, e breaking.
(of a storm) begin violently. 10 Electr. breakaway n. (often attrib.) breaking
disconnect (a circuit). 11a (of the voice) away; secession (breakaway group).
change with emotion, b (of a boy's voice) break-dancing n. acrobatic style of
change at puberty. 12 a (often foil, by street-dancing.
up) divide (a set etc.). b change (a breakdown n. 1 a mechanical failure.
banknote etc.) for coins. 13 ruin finan- b loss of (esp. mental) health. 2 collapse
cially (see also broke adj.). 14 penetrate (breakdown of communication). 3
(e.g. a safe) by force. 15 decipher (a analysis (of statistics etc.).
code). 16 make (a way, path, etc.) by breaker n. 1 heavy breaking wave. 2
force. 17 burst forth (sun broke person or thing that breaks something,
through). 18 a (of troops) disperse in esp. disused machinery,
confusion, b rupture (ranks). 19 a (usu. breakfast /'brekfast/ -n. first meal of
foil, by free, loose, out, etc.) escape by a the day. -v. have breakfast,
sudden effort, b escape or emerge from break-in n. illegal forced entry, esp.
(prison, bounds, cover, etc.). 20 Tennis with criminal intent,
etc. win a game against (an opponent's breaking and entering n. (formerly)
service). 21 (of boxers etc.) come out of a the illegal entering of a building with
clinch. 22 Billiards etc. disperse the intent to commit a felony,
balls at the start of a game. -n. 1 a act or breaking-point n. point of greatest
instance of breaking, b point of break- strain.
ing; gap. 2 interval, interruption; pause. breakneck attrib. adj. (of speed) dan-
3 sudden dash (esp. to escape). 4 colloq. gerously fast.
piece of luck; fair chance. 5 Cricket break-out n. forcible escape,
deflection of a bowled ball on bouncing. breakthrough n. 1 major advance or
6 Billiards etc. a series of points scored discovery. 2 act of breaking through an
during one turn, b opening shot dispers- obstacle etc.
ing the balls. break away make or breakup n. 1 disintegration or collapse.
become free or separate, break the 2 dispersal.
back of do the hardest or greatest part breakwater n. barrier breaking the
of. break down 1 a fail mechanically; force of waves.
cease to function, b (of human relation- bream n. (pi same) 1 yellowish arch-
ships etc.) fail, collapse, c fail in (esp. backed freshwater fish. 2 (in full sea
mental) health, d collapse in tears or bream) similar marine fish. [French
emotion. 2 a demolish, destroy, b sup- from Germanic]
press (resistance), c force to yield. 3 breast /brest/ -n.1a either of two milk-
analyse into components, break even secreting organs on a woman's chest, b
make neither profit nor loss, break a corresponding part of a man's body. 2 a
person's heart see heart, break the chest, b corresponding part of an ani-
ice begin to overcome formality or shy- mal. 3 part of a garment that covers the
ness, break in 1 enter by force, esp. breast. 4 breast as a source of nourish-
with criminal intent. 2 interrupt. 3 a ment or emotion, -v. 1 contend with. 2
accustom to a habit etc. b wear etc. until reach the top of (a hill). make a clean
comfortable, c tame (an animal); accus- breast of confess fully. [Old English]
tom (a horse) to a saddle etc. break in breastbone n. thin flat vertical bone in
on disturb; interrupt, break into 1 the chest between the ribs.
enter forcibly. 2 a burst forth with (a breast-feed v. feed (a baby) from the
song, laughter, etc.). b change pace for breast.
(a faster one) (broke into a gallop). 3 breastplate n. armour covering the
interrupt, break off 1 detach by break- breast.
ing. 2 bring to an end. 3 cease talking etc. breast-stroke n. swimming stroke
break open open break out 1
forcibly, made by extending both arms forward
escape by force, esp. from prison. 2 and sweeping them back.
begin suddenly. 3 (foil, by in) become breastwork n. low temporary defence

covered in (a rash etc.). 4 exclaim, or parapet.

break up 1 break into small pieces. 2 breath /breG/ n. 1 a air drawn into or
disperse; disband. 3 end the school term. expelled from the lungs, b one res-
4 (cause to) terminate a relationship; piration of air. c breath as perceived by
Breathalyser 98 brickbat
the senses. 2 a slight movement of air. b (-zing) (foil, by along, etc.) col-
in, out,
whiff (of perfume etc.). 3 whisper, loq. saunter casually, [probably Span-
murmur (esp. of scandal). catch one's ish and Portuguese briza]
breath 1 cease breathing momentarily breeze 2 n. small cinders. [French:
in surprise etc. 2 rest to restore normal related to braise]
breathing, hold one's breath cease breeze-block n. lightweight building
breathing temporarily, out of breath block, esp. of breeze mixed with sand
gasping for air, esp. after exercise, take and cement.
one's breath away surprise, delight, breezy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 slightly windy.

etc. under one's breath in a whisper. 2 colloq. cheerful, light-hearted, casual.

[Old English] Bren n. (in full Bren gun) lightweight
Breathalyser /'breGa.laizafr)/ n. (also
quick-firing machine-gun. [Brno in
-lyzer) propr. instrument for measur-
Czechoslovakia, Ercfield in England]
ing alcohol levels in the breath exhaled
brent n. (in full brent-goose) small
breathalyse v. (also -lyze) migratory goose, [origin unknown]
into it.
(-sing or -zing), [from breath, ana-
brethren see brother.
Breton /'bret(a)n/ -n. 1 native of Brit-
tany. 2 Celtic language of Brittany.
breathe /bri:o/ v. (-thing) 1 draw air —adj. of Brittany, its people, or lan-
into and expel it from the lungs. 2 be or
guage. [French, = Briton]
seem alive. 3 a utter or sound (esp. breve n. 1 Mus. note twice the length of
quietly), b express (breathed defiance).
a semibreve. 2 mark C) indicating a
4 pause. 5 send out or take in (as if) with short or unstressed vowel, [var. of
the breath (breathed new life into them; BRIEF]
breathed whisky). 6 (of wine etc.) be breviary /'briivian/ n. (pi. -ies) book
exposed to the air. breathe again (or containing the Roman Catholic daily
freely) feel relief. office. [Latin:related to brief]
breather /'bri:6a(r)/ n. 1 colloq. brief brevity /'breviti/ n. 1 economy of
pause for rest. 2 brief period in the fresh expression; conciseness. 2 shortness (of
air. time etc.). [Anglo-French: related to
breathing-space n. time to recover; brief]
pause. brew /bru:/ - v. 1 a make (beer etc.) by
breathless adj. 1 panting, out of infusion, boiling, and fermentation, b
breath. 2 holding the breath. 3 still, make (tea etc.) by infusion. 2 undergo
windless. breathlessly adv. these processes. 3 gather force; threaten
breathtaking adj. astounding; awe- (storm is brewing). 4 concoct (a plan
inspiring. breathtakingly adv. etc.). -n. 1 liquid or amount brewed;

breath test n. test with a Breathalyser. concoction. 2 process of brewing.

bred past and past part, of breed. brew up make tea. brewer n. [Old
breech n. back part of a rifle or gun English]
barrel. [Old English] brewery /'bru:an/ n. (pi. -ies) factory
breech birth n. (also breech delivery) for brewing beer etc.
delivery of a baby with the buttocks or brew-up n. instance of making tea.
feet foremost.
briar 1 var. of brier 1 .

breeches short trousers,

briar2 var. of brier 2 .

bribe -v. (-bing) (often foil, by to +

esp. fastened below the knee.
infin.)persuade to act improperly in
breeches buoy n. lifebuoy with canvas
one's favour by a gift of money etc. -n.
breeches for the user's legs.
money or services offered in bribing.
breed -v. (past and past part, bred) 1 bribery n. [French briber beg]
(of animals) produce young. 2 propag- bric-a-brac /'bnka.braek/ n. (also bric-
ate; raise (animals). 3 yield; result in. 4
a-brac) cheap ornaments, trinkets, etc.
arise; spread. 5 bring up; train. 6 create [French]
(fissile material) by nuclear reaction. brick -n. 1 a small usu. rectangular
-n. 1 stock of similar animals or plants block of fired or sun-dried clay used in
within a species, usu. developed by building, b material of this. 2 child's toy
deliberate selection. 2 race; lineage. 3 block. 3 brick-shaped thing. 4 slang
sort, kind. breeder n. [Old English] generous or loyal person, -v. (foil, by in,
breeder reactor n. nuclear reactor up) close or block with brickwork, -adj.
creating surplus fissile material. 1 built of brick (brick wall). 2 (also
breeding n. 1 raising of offspring; pro- brick-red) dull red. [Low German or
pagation. 2 social behaviour; ancestry. Dutch]
breeze 1 -n. 1 gentle wind. 2 colloq. brickbat n. 1 piece of brick, esp. as a
quarrel. 3 esp. US colloq. easy task. -v. missile. 2 insult.
brickie 99 bring
brickie n. slang bricklayer, brier 2
/'braia(r)/ n. (also briar) 1 white
bricklayer n. person who builds with heath of S. Europe. 2 tobacco pipe made
bricks. Mp. for a living, bricklaying i from its root. [French bruyere]
n. Brig. abbr. Brigadier.
brickwork n. building or work in brig n. two-masted square-rigged
brick. [abbreviation of brigantine]
brickyard n. place where bricks are brig 2 n. Scot. & N.Engl, bridge, [var. of
made. bridge 1 ]
bridal /'braid(a)l/ adj. of a bride or brigade /bri'geid/ n. 1 military unit,
wedding. [Old English] usu. three battalions, as part of a divi-
bride n. woman on her wedding day and sion. 2 group organized for a special
during the period just before and after purpose. [Italian briga strife]
it. [Old English] brigadier /,bnga'di3(r)/ n. 1 officer
bridegroom n. man on his wedding commanding a brigade. 2 staff officer of
day and during the period just before similar standing.
and after it. [Old English] brigand /'brigand/ n. member of a rob-
bridesmaid n. girl or unmarried ber band; bandit. brigandage n. [It-
woman attending a bride at her wed- alian brigante: related to brigade]
ding. brigantine /'bngan.tiin/ n. two-masted
bridge -n. 1 a structure providing a
ship with a square-rigged foremast and
way across a river, road, railway, etc. b a fore-and-aft rigged mainmast. [French
thing joining or connecting. 2 opera- or Italian: related to brigand]
tional superstructure on a ship. 3 upper bright /braitl-adj. 1 emitting or reflect-
bony part of the nose. 4 piece of wood on ing much light; shining. 2 intense, vivid.
a violin etc. over which the strings are 3 clever. 4 cheerful, -adv. esp. poet.
stretched. 5 = bridgework. -v. (-ging) brightly. brightly adv. brightness
1 be or make a bridge over. 2 reduce (a n. [Old English]
gap, deficiency, etc.). [Old English] brighten v. make or become brighter.
bridge 2 n. card-game derived from Bright's disease /braits/ n. kidney
whist, [origin unknown] disease. [Bright, name of a physician]
bridgehead n. fortified position held brill 1
n. (pi. same) European flat-fish.
on the enemy's side of a river etc. [origin unknown]
bridge roll n. small soft bread roll. brill 2 adj. colloq. = brilliant adj. 4.
bridgework n. Dentistry dental struc- [abbreviation]
ture covering a gap, joined to the teeth brilliant /'bnliant/ -adj. 1 very bright;
on either side. sparkling. 2 outstandingly talented. 3
bridging loan n. loan to cover the showy. 4 colloq. excellent, -n. diamond
interval between buying a house etc. of the finest cut with many facets.
and selling another. brilliance n. brilliantly adv. [French
bridle /'braid(a)l/ -n. 1 headgear for briller shine, from Italian]
controlling a horse, including reins and brilliantine /'briljan.tim/ n. dressing
bit. 2 restraining thing. -v. (-ling) 1 put for making the hair glossy. [French:
a bridle on. 2 curb, restrain. 3 (often foil, related to brilliant]
by up) express anger, offence, etc., esp. brim -n. 1 edge or lip of a vessel. 2
by throwing up the head and drawing in projecting edge of a hat. -v. (-mm-) fill
the chin. [Old English] or be full to the brim. brim over
bridle-path n. (also bridle-way) rough overflow, [origin unknown]
path for riders or walkers. brim-full adj. (also brimful) filled to
Brie /bri:/ n. a kind of soft cheese. [Brie the brim.
in N. France] brimstone n. archaic sulphur, [from
brief -adj. of short duration. 2 con-
1 burn stone] ,

cise; abrupt, brusque. 3 scanty (brief brindled /'bnnd(a)ld/ adj. (esp. of

skirt), -n. 1 (in pi.) short pants. 2 a domestic animals) brown or tawny with
summary of a case drawn up for coun- streaks of another colour. [Scandin-
sel, b piece of work for a barrister. 3 avian]
instructions for a task. 4 papal letter on brine n. 1 water saturated or strongly
discipline, -v. 1 instruct (a barrister) by impregnated with salt. 2 sea water. [Old
brief. 2 inform or instruct in advance. English]
hold a brief for argue in favour of. bring v. (past and past part, brought
in brief to sum up. briefly adv. /bro:t/) 1 come carrying; lead, accom-
briefness n. [Latin brevis short] pany; convey. 2 cause or result in (war
briefcase n. flat document case. brings misery). 3 be sold for; produce as
brier /'braia(r)/ n. (also briar) wild rose
1 income. 4 a prefer (a charge), b initiate
or other prickly bush. [Old English] (legal action). 5 cause to become or to
bring-and-buy sale 100 broad-leaved
reach a state (brings me alive; cannot Britannia metal n. silvery alloy of tin,
bring myself to agree). 6 adduce (evid- antimony, and copper.
ence, an argument, etc.). bring about Britannic /bri'taenik/ adj. (esp. in His
cause to happen, bring back call to or Her Britannic Majesty) of Britain.
mind, bring down 1 cause to fall. 2 Briticism /'briti,siz(9)m/ n. idiom used
lower (a price), bring forth 1 give birth only in Britain, [after Gallicism]
to. 2 cause, bring forward 1 move to an British /'britiJV -adj. of Great Britain,
earlier time. 2 transfer from the pre- the British Commonwealth, or their
vious page or account. 3 draw attention people, -n. (prec. by the; treated as pi.)
to. bring home to cause to realize fully, the British people. [Old English]
bring the house down receive raptur- British English n. English as used in
ous applause, bring in 1 introduce. 2 Great Britain.
yield as income or profit, bring off British Legion n. = Royal British
achieve successfully, bring on cause to Legion.
happen, appear, or make progress, British summer time n. = summer
bring out 1 emphasize; make evident. 2 TIME.
publish, bring over convert to one's British thermal unit n. amount of
own side, bring round 1 restore to heat needed to raise 1 lb of water
consciousness. 2 persuade, bring through one degree Fahrenheit, equi-
through aid (a person) through ad- valent to 1.055 x io 3 joules.
versity, esp. illness, bring to restore to Briton /'bnt(9)n/ n. 1 inhabitant of S.
consciousness (brought him to), bring Britain before the Roman conquest. 2
up 1 rear (a child). 2 vomit. 3 call native or inhabitant of Great Britain.
attention to. 4 (absol.) stop suddenly. [Latin Britto -onis]
[Old English] brittle /'bnt(a)l/ adj. hard and fragile;
bring-and-buy sale n. charity sale at apt to break. brittlely adv. (also
which people bring items for sale and brittly). [Old English]
buy those brought by others. brittle-bone disease n. = osteoporo-
brink n.1 extreme edge of land before a sis.
precipice, river, etc. 2 furthest point broach -v. 1 raise for discussion. 2
before danger, discovery, etc. on the pierce (a cask) to draw liquor. 3 open
brink of about to experience or suffer; and start using, -n. 1 bit for boring. 2
in imminent danger of. [Old Norse] roasting-spit. [Latin broccus projecting]
brinkmanship n. pursuit (esp. hab- broad /bro:d/ -adj. 1 large in extent
itual) of danger etc. to the brink of from one side to the other; wide. 2 in
catastrophe. breadth (two metres broad). 3 extensive
briny -adj. (-ier, -iest) of brine or the (broad acres). 4 full and clear (broad
sea; salty, -n. (prec. by the) slang the daylight). 5 explicit (broad hint). 6
sea. general (broad intentions, facts). 7
briquette /bn'ket/ n. block of com- tolerant, liberal (broad view). 8 coarse
pressed coal-dust as fuel. [French di- (broad humour). 9 markedly regional
minutive: related to brick] (broad Scots), -n. 1 broad part (broad of
brisk -adj. 1 quick, lively, keen (brisk the back). 2 US slang woman. 3 (the
pace, trade). 2 enlivening (brisk wind), Broads) large areas of water in E.
-v. (often foil, by up) make or grow Anglia, formed where rivers widen.
brisk. briskly adv. briskness n. broadly adv. broadness n. [Old
[probably French brusque] English]
brisket /'bnskit/ n. animal's breast, broad bean n. 1 bean with large edible
esp. as a joint of meat. [French] flat seeds. 2 one such seed.
brisling /'brizlin/ n. small herring or broadcast -v. (past and past part.
sprat. [Norwegian and Danish] broadcast) 1 transmit by radio or tele-
bristle /'bris(a)l/ -n. short stiff hair, vision. 2 take part in such a transmis-
esp. one on an animal's back, used in sion. 3 scatter (seed etc.). 4 disseminate
brushes, -v. (-ling) 1 a (of hair) stand (information) widely, -n. radio or tele-
upright, b make (hair) do this. 2 show vision programme or transmission.
irritation. 3 (usu. foil, by with) be broadcaster n. broadcasting n.
covered or abundant (in). bristly adj. broadcloth n. fine cloth of wool, cotton,
(-ier, -iest). [Old English] or silk.
Brit n. colloq. British person, [abbrevi- broaden v. make or become broader,
ation] broad gauge n. railway track with a
Britannia /bri'taenja/ n. personifica- wider than standard gauge,
tion of Britain, esp. as a helmeted broad-leaved adj. (of a tree) deciduous
woman with shield and trident. [Latin] and hard-timbered.
broadloom 101 brother
broadlOOm adj. (esp. of carpet) woven bromide /'braumaid/ n. 1 any binary
in broad widths. compound of bromine. 2 trite remark. 3
broad-minded adj. tolerant, liberal, reproduction or proof on paper coated
broadsheet n. 1 large-sized newspaper. with silver bromide emulsion.
2 large sheet of paper printed on one bromine /'braumi:n/ n. poisonous
side only. liquid element with a choking smell.
broadside n. 1 vigorous verbal attack. 2 [Greek bromos stink]
simultaneous firing of all guns from one bronchial /'bronkial/ adj. of the bron-
side of a ship. 3 side of a ship above the chi (see bronchus) or of the smaller
water between the bow and quarter. tubes into which they divide.
broadside on sideways on. bronchitis /bmn'kaitis/ n. inflam-
broadsword n. broad-bladed sword, mation of the mucous membrane in the
for cutting rather than thrusting. bronchial tubes.
brocade /bra'keid/ -n. rich fabric bronchus /'bronkas/ n. (pi. -chi /-kai/)
woven with a raised pattern, -v. (-ding) either of the two main divisions of the
weave in this way. [Italian brocco windpipe. [Latin from Greek]
twisted thread] bronco /'bronkau/ n. (pi -s) wild or half-
broccoli /'brokali/ n. brassica with tamed horse of the western US. [Span-
greenish flower-heads. [Italian] ish, = rough]
brochure /'brauja(r)/ n. pamphlet or brontosaurus /.bronta'sairas/ n. (pi
booklet, esp. with descriptive informa- -ruses) large plant-eating dinosaur with
tion. [French brocher stitch] a long whiplike tail. [Greek bronte
broderie anglaise /.braudari d'gleiz/ thunder, sauros lizard]
n. open embroidery on white linen etc. bronze -n. 1 alloy of copper and tin. 2
[French, = English embroidery] its brownish colour. 3 thing of bronze,
brogue /braug/ n. 1 strong outdoor
esp. a sculpture, —adj. made of or col-
shoe with ornamental perforations. 2 oured like bronze, -v. (-zing) make or
rough shoe of untanned leather. [Gaelic become brown; tan. [French from It-

and Irish brog from Old Norse] alian]

brogue 2 /braug/ n. marked accent, esp. Bronze Age Archaeol period when
Irish, [perhaps related to brogue ]
weapons and tools were usu. made of
broil v. esp. US 1 grill (meat). 2 make or bronze.
become very hot, esp. from the sun. bronze medal n. medal, usu. awarded
[French bruler burn] as third prize.
broiler n. young chicken for broiling or brooch /brautJV n. ornamental hinged
roasting. pin. [French broche: related to broach]
broke past of break, predic. adj. colloq. brood -rc. 1 young of esp. a bird born or
having no money. hatched at one time. 2 colloq. children in
broken past part, of break, adj. 1 a family, -v. 1 worry or ponder (esp.
having been broken. 2 reduced to des- resentfully). 2 (of a bird) sit on eggs to
pair; beaten. 3 (of language) badly hatch them. [Old English]
spoken, esp. by a foreigner. 4 inter- broody adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of a hen)
rupted {broken sleep). wanting to brood. 2 sullenly thoughtful.
broken-down adj. 1 worn out by age, 3 colloq. (of a woman) wanting preg-
use, etc. 2 not functioning. nancy.
broken-hearted adj. overwhelmed brook 1
/bruk/ n. small stream. [Old
with grief. English]
broken home n. family disrupted by brook 2 /bruk/ v. (usu. with neg.) literary
divorce or separation. tolerate, allow. [Old English]
broker n. 1 agent; middleman. 2 mem- broom n. 1 long-handled brush for

ber of the Stock Exchange dealing in sweeping. 2 shrub with bright yellow
stocks and shares. 3 official appointed to flowers. [Old English]
sell or appraise distrained goods. broomstick n. handle of a broom.
brokin g n. [Anglo-French] Bros. abbr. Brothers (esp. in the name
of a firm).
Usage In sense 2, brokers have broth n. thin soup of meat or fish stock.
officially been called broker-dealers in [Old English]
the UK since Oct. 1986, and entitled to brothel /'brD6(a)l/ n. premises for pros-
act as agents and principals in share titution, [originally = worthless fellow,
dealings. from Old English]
brokerage n. broker's fee or commis- brother /'brAoa(r)/ n. 1 man or boy in
sion. relation to his siblings. 2 close male
brolly /'broli/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. um- friend or associate. 3 (pi also brethren
brella, [abbreviation] /'breorm/) a member of a male religious
brother german 102
order, esp. a monk, b fellow Christian brunch n. combined breakfast and
etc. 4 fellow human being, brotherly lunch, [portmanteau word]
adj. [Old English] brunette bru:'net n. woman with dark
brother german see german. brown hair. [French diminutive]
brotherhood n. 1 relationship between brunt n. chief impact of an attack, task,
brothers. 2 association of people with a etc. (esp. bear the brunt of), [origin
common interest. 3 community of feel- unknown]
ing between human beings. brush -n. 1 implement with bristles,
brother-in-law n. {pi. brothers- hair. wire. etc. set into a block, for
-in-law) 1 one's wife's or husband's cleaning, painting, arranging the hair,
brother. 2 one's sister's or sister-in- etc. 2 act of brushing. 3 (usu. foil, by
law's husband. with) short esp. unpleasant encounter. 4
brought past and past part, of bring. fox's bushy tail. 5 piece of carbon or
brouhaha 'bru:ha:,ha: n. commotion; metal as an electrical contact esp. with a
sensation. [French] moving part. 6 = brushwood 2. -u. 1
brow brau n. 1 forehead. 2 eyebrow. 3 sweep, scrub, treat, or tidy with a brush.
summit of a hill etc. 4 edge of a cliff etc. 2 remove or apply with a brush. 3 graze
[Old English] in passing, z brush aside dismiss
browbeat v. {past -beat; past part. curtly or lightly, brush off dismiss
-beaten) intimidate, bully. abruptly, brush up 1 clean up or smar-
brown braun -adj. 1 having the col- ten. 2 revise (a subject). [French]
our of dark wood or rich soil. 2 dark- brush-off n. abrupt dismissal.
skinned or suntanned. 3 (of bread) made brush-up n. act of brushing up.
from wholemeal or wheatmeal flour, brushwood n. 1 undergrowth, thicket.
—it. 1 brown colour or pigment. 2 brown 2 cut or broken twigs etc.
clothes or material, -v. make or become brushwork n. 1 use of the brush in
brown. : browned off colloq. fed up. painting. 2 painter's style in this.
disheartened. brownish adj. [Old brusque brosk adj. abrupt or offhand.
English] brusquely adv. brusqueness n. [It-
brown bear n. large N. American alian brusco sour]
brown bear. Brussels sprout 'brAs(a)lz n. 1 bras-
brown coal n. = lignite sica with small cabbage-like buds on a
Brownie n. 1 (in full Brownie Guide) stem. 2 such a bud. [Brussels in Bel-
junior Guide. 2 (brownie) small square gium]
of chocolate cake with nuts. 3 (brow- brutal 'bru:t(a)l 1 savagely cruel.
nie) benevolent elf. 2 harsh, merciless, z brutality -'taeliti
Brownie point n. colloq. notional n. (pi. -ies). brutally adv. [French:
mark awarded for good conduct etc. related to brute]
browning n. additive to colour gravy. brutalize 'bru:ta,laiz v. (also -ise)
brown owl n. 1 any of various owls, (-zing or -sing) 1 make brutal. 2 treat
esp. the tawny owl. 2 (Brown Owl) brutally.
adult leader of Brownie Guides. brute bru:t; -n. 1 a brutal or violent
brown rice n. unpolished rice. person, b colloq. unpleasant person or
brow n sugar
n.unrefined or partially difficult thing. 2 animal, -attrib. adj. 1
refined sugar. unthinking {.bruteforce). 2 cruel; stupid;
browse brauz -v. (-sing) 1 read desul- sensual, z brutish adj. brutishly adv.
torily or look over goods for sale. 2 brutishness n. [Latin brutus stupid]
(often foil, by on) feed on leaves, twigs, bryony 'braiani n. {pi. -ies) climbing
etc. -n. 1 twigs, shoots, etc. as fodder. 2 plant with red berries. [Latin from
act of browsing. [French brost bud] Greek]
brucellosis ,bru:si'laosis n. bacterial BS abbr. 1 Bachelor of Surgery. 2 British
disease, esp. of cattle. [Sir D. Bruce. Standard(s).
name of a physician] B.Sc. abbr. Bachelor of Science.
bruise bru:z -n. 1 discolouration of BSE abbr. bovine spongiform enceph-
the skin caused esp. by a blow. 2 similar alopathy, a usu. fatal cattle disease.
damage on a fruit etc. -v. (-sing) 1 a BSI abbr. British Standards Institution.
inflict a bruise on. b hurt mentally. 2 be BST abbr. 1 British Summer Time.
susceptible to bruising, [originally = 2 bovine somatotrophin. a growth
crush, from Old English] hormone added to cattle-feed to boost
bruiser n. colloq. 1 large tough-looking milk production.
person. 2 professional boxer. BT abbr. British Telecom.
bruit bru:t v. (often foil, by abroad, Bt. abbr. Baronet.
about) spread (a report or rumour). abbr. (also B.t.u., BTU.
[French. = noise] B.Th.U.) British thermal unit(s).
bubble 103 buff
bubble bAb(a)l -n. 1 a thin sphere of Buck's Fizz n. cocktail of champagne
liquid enclosing air etc. b air-filled and orange juice. [Buck's Club in
cavity in a liquid or solidified liquid. 2 London]
transparent domed canopy. 3 visionary buckshee /bAk'Ji:/ adj. & adv. slang
or unrealistic project, -u. (-ling) 1 rise free of charge, [corruption of bak-
in or send up bubbles. 2 make the sound sheesh]
of boiling, bubble over (often foil, by buckshot n. coarse lead shot,
with) be exuberant, [imitative] buckskin n. 1 leather from a buck's
bubble and squeak n. cooked cab- skin. 2 thick smooth cotton or woollen
bage etc. fried with cooked potatoes. cloth.
bubble bath n. foaming preparation buckthorn n. thorny shrub with
for adding to bath water. berries formerly used as a purgative.
bubble car n. small domed car. buck-tooth n. upper projecting tooth.
bubble gum n. chewing-gum that can buckwheat n. seed of a plant related
be blown into bubbles. to rhubarb, used to make flour, or as
bubbly -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having or an alternative to rice. [Dutch, = beech-
like bubbles. 2 exuberant, -n. colloq. wheat]
champagne. bucolic /bjui'kDlik/ -adj. of shepherds;
bubo 'bju:bau n. (pi. -es) inflamed rustic, pastoral. -n. (usu. in pi. ) pastoral
swelling in the armpit or groin. [Greek poem or poetry. [Greek boukolos herds-
boubon groin] man]
bubonic plague bjui'bonik/ n. conta- bud -n.
1 a knoblike shoot from which a
gious disease with buboes. stem, leaf, or flower develops, b flower
buccaneer ,bAka'nia(r)/ n. 1 pirate. 2 or leaf not fully open. 2 asexual out-
unscrupulous adventurer. buccan- growth from an organism separating to
eering n. & adj. [French] form a new individual, -v. (-dd-) 1 form
buck -n. 1 male deer, hare, rabbit, etc.
buds. 2 begin to grow or develop (bud-
2 archaic dandy. 3 (attrib.) slang male. ding artist). 3 graft a bud of (a plant) on
-v. 1 (of a horse) jump upwards with its to another, [origin unknown]
back arched. 2 (usu. foil, by off) throw (a Buddha /'buda/ n. 1 title of the Indian
rider) in this way. 3 (usu. foil, by up) philosopher Gautama (5th c. bc) and his
colloq. a cheer up. b hurry up; make an successors. 2 sculpture etc. of Buddha.
effort. [Old English] [Sanskrit, = enlightened]
buck 2 n. US slang dollar, [origin Buddhism /"budiz(a)m/ n. Asian reli-
unknown] gion or philosophy founded by Gautama
buck 3
n. slang (in poker) article placed Buddha, z Buddhist n. & adj.
before the next dealer, z pass the buck buddleia /'bAdlia/ n. shrub with fra-
colloq. shift responsibility (to another), grant flowers attractive to butterflies.
[origin unknown] [Buddie, name of a botanist]
bucket 'b.\kit -n. 1 a round open buddy /'bAdi/ n. (pi. -ies) esp. US colloq.
container with a handle, for carrying or friend or mate, [perhaps from
drawing water etc. b amount contained brother]
in this. 2 (in pi.) colloq. large quantities, budge v. (-ging) (usu. with neg.) 1 move
esp. of rain or tears. 3 scoop in a water change an opinion,
slightly. 2 (cause to)
wheel, dredger, etc. -v. (-t-) colloq. 1 z budge up (or over) make room for
(often foil, by down) (esp. of rain) pour another person by moving. [French
heavily. 2 (often foil, by along) move or bouger]
drive fast or bumpily. [Anglo-French] budgerigar /'bAd3ari,ga:(r)/ n. small
bucket seat n. seat with a rounded parrot, often kept as a cage-bird. [Abori-
back for one person, esp. in a car. ginal]
bucket-shop n. 1 unregistered broking budget /'bAd3it/ -n. 1 amount of money
agency. 2 colloq. travel agency specializ- needed or available. 2 a (the Budget)
ing in cheap air tickets. Government's annual estimate or plan
buckle 'bAk(a)l, -n. clasp with a hinged of revenue and expenditure, b similar
pin for securing a belt, strap, etc. -v. estimate by a company etc. 3 (attrib.)
(-ling) 1 by up, on, etc.) fasten
(often foil, inexpensive, -v. (-t-) (often foil, by for)
foil, by up) (cause
with a buckle. 2 (often allow or arrange for in a budget.
to) crumple under pressure, z buckie budgetary adj. [Latin bulga bag]
down make a determined effort. [Latin budgie /'bAd3i/ n. colloq. = budger-
buccula cheek-strap] igar, [abbreviation]
buckler n. hist, small round shield. buff -adj. of a yellowish beige colour
buckram /'bAkram/ n. coarse linen etc. (buff envelope), -n. 1 this colour. 2 (in
stiffened with paste etc. [French boquer- comb.) colloq. enthusiast (railway buff).
ant] 3 velvety dull-yellow ox-leather, -u. 1
buffalo 104 bulk buying
polish (metal etc.). 2 make (leather) (-ling) sound a bugle. 2 sound (a call
velvety, z in the buff colloq. naked, etc.) on a bugle, z bugler n. [Latin
[originally = buffalo, from French buculus young bull]
buffle) bugloss /'bjuiglDs/ n. plant with bright
buffalo /'DAfa.lau/ n. (pi. same or -es) 1 blue tubular flowers, related to borage.
wild ox of Africa or Asia. 2 N. American [French buglosse from Greek, = ox-
bison. [Greek boubalos ox] tongued]
buffer 1
n. 1 thing that deadens impact, build /bild/ -v. (past and past part.
esp. a device on a train or at the end of a built /bilt/) 1 construct or cause to be
track. 2 substance that maintains the constructed. 2 a (often foil, by up) estab-
constant acidity of a solution. 3 Comput- lish or develop (built the business up).
ing temporary memory area or queue b (often foil, by on) base (hopes, theor-
for data, [imitative] ies, etc.). 3 (as built adj.) of specified
buffer2 n. slang silly or incompetent old build (sturdily built), -n. 1 physical
man. [perhaps from buffer ] proportions (slim build). 2 style of con-
buffer State n. small State between two struction; make, z build in incorpor-
larger ones, regarded as reducing fric- ate, build on add (an extension etc.).
tion. build up 1 increase in size or strength. 2
buffet 1 /'bufei/ n. 1 room or counter praise; boost. 3 gradually become estab-
where refreshments are sold. 2 self- lished. [Old English]
service meal of several dishes set out at builder n. person who builds, esp. a
once. 3 also /bAfit/ sideboard or recessed building contractor.
cupboard. [French, = stool] building n. 1 permanent fixed struc-
buffet 2 /'bAfit/ -v. (-t-) 1 strike repeat- ture e.g. a house, factory, or stable. 2
edly. 2 contend with (waves etc.). -n. 1 constructing of these.
blow, esp. of the hand. 2 shock. [French building society n. public finance
diminutive of bufe blow] company paying interest to investors
buffet car n. railway coach serving and lending capital for mortgages etc.
refreshments. build-up n. 1 favourable advance publi-
buffoon /ba'fuin/ n. clownish or stupid city. 2gradual approach to a climax. 3
person, z buffoonery n. [Latin buffo accumulation or increase.
clown] built past and past part, of build.
bug -n. 1 a any of various insects with built-in adj. integral.
mouthparts modified for piercing and built-up adj. 1 (of a locality) densely
sucking, b esp. US small insect. 2 slang developed. 2 increased in height etc. by
virus; infection. 3 slang concealed addition. 3 made of prefabricated parts.
microphone. 4 slang error in a com- bulb n. 1 a globular base of the stem of
puter program or system etc. 5 slang some plants, sending roots downwards
obsession, enthusiasm, etc. — v. (-gg-) 1 and leaves upwards, b plant grown from
slang conceal a microphone in. 2 slang this, e.g. a daffodil. 2 = light-bulb. 3
annoy, [origin unknown] object or part shaped like a bulb. [Latin
bugbear n. 1 cause of annoyance. 2 bulbus from Greek, = onion]
object of baseless fear, [bug = bogey] bulbous adj. bulb-shaped; fat or bulg-
bugger coarse slang (except in sense 2 ing.
of n. and 3 of v.) -n. 1 a unpleasant or bulge -n. 1 irregular swelling. 2 colloq.
awkward person or thing, b person of a temporary increase (baby bulge), -v.
specified kind (clever bugger!). 2 person (ging) swell outwards, z bulgy adj.
who commits buggery, -v. 1 as an ex- [Latin bulga bag]
clamation of annoyance (bugger it!). 2 bulimia /bju:'limia/ n. (in full bulimia
(often foil, by up) a ruin; spoil, b nervosa) disorder in which overeating
exhaust. 3 commit buggery with. -int. alternates with self-induced vomiting,
expressing annoyance, z bugger-all fasting, etc. [Greek bous ox, limos
nothing, bugger about (or around) hunger]
(often foil, by with) mess about, bugger bulk-rc. 1 a size; magnitude (esp. large),
off (often in imper.) go away. [Latin b large mass, body, etc. c large quantity.
Bulgarus Bulgarian heretic] 2 (treated as pi. & usu. prec. by the)
buggery n. 1 anal intercourse. 2 = greater part or number (the bulk of the
BESTIALITY 2. applicants are women). 3 roughage. -v.
buggy /'bAgi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 small, sturdy, 1 seem (in size or importance) (bulks

esp. open, motor vehicle. 2 lightweight large). 2 make (a book etc;) thicker etc.
push-chair. 3 light, horse-drawn vehicle z in bulk in large quantities. [Old
for one or two people, [origin unknown] Norse]
bugle /'bju:a(8)l/ -n. brass military bulk buying n. buying in quantity at a
instrument like a small trumpet, -v. discount.
bulkhead LOS bumpkin
bulkhead n. upright partition in a ship, bully 1
/'bull/ -n. (pi. -ies) person coerc-
aircraft, etc. ing others by fear. —v. (-ies, -ied) per-
bulky adj. (-ier, -iest) awkwardly large, secute or oppress by force or threats.
bulkiness n. -int. (foil, by for) often iron, expressing
bull bul n. 1 a uncastrated male bov-

approval (bully for you). [Dutch]

ine animal, b male of the whale, ele- bully 2 /'bull/ (in full bully off) -n. (pi.
phant, etc. 2 (the Bull) zodiacal sign or -ies) start of play in hockey in which two
constellation Taurus. 3 bull's-eye of a opponents strike each other's sticks
target. 4 person who buys shares hoping three times and then go for the ball. -v.
to sell them at a profit, take the bull (-ies, -ied) start play in this way. [origin
by the horns face danger or a challenge unknown]
boldly, bullish adj. [Old Norse] bully 3 /'bull/ n. (in full bully beef)
bull 2 /bul/ n. papal edict. [Latin bulla corned beef. [French: related to boil 1 ]
seal] bulrush /'bulrAj7 n. 1 a kind of tall rush.
bull 3 /bul/ n. 1 slang a nonsense, b 2 Bibl. papyrus, [perhaps from bull = 1

unnecessary routine tasks. 2 absurdly coarse + rush 2 ]

illogical statement, [origin unknown] bulwark /'bulwak/ n. 1 defensive wall,
bulldog n. 1 short-haired heavy-jowled
esp. of earth. 2 protecting person or
sturdy dog. 2 tenacious and courageous thing. 3 (usu. in pi.) ship's side above
person. deck. [Low German or Dutch]
bulldog clip n. strong sprung clip for bum 1
n. slang buttocks, [origin uncer-
bulldoze v. (-zing) 1 clear with a bull-
bum 2
US slang -n. loafer or tramp;
dozer. 2 colloq. a intimidate, b make
dissolute person, -v. (-mm-) 1 (often
(one's way) forcibly.
foil, by around) loaf or wander around. 2
bulldozer n. powerful tractor with a cadge, -attrib. adj. of poor quality. [Ger-
broad vertical blade at the front for
man Bummler loafer]
clearing ground.
bum-bag n. slang small pouch worn on
bullet /'bulit/ n. small pointed missile
a belt round the waist or hips.
fired from a rifle, revolver, etc. [French
diminutive of boule ball]
bumble /'DAmb(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 (foil, by
on) speak in a rambling way. 2 (often as
bulletin /'bulitm/ n. 1 short official
bumbling adj.) be inept; blunder, [from
news report. 2 society's regular list of
information etc. [Italian diminutive:
2 bumble-bee n. large bee with a loud
related to bull ]
bulletproof adj. designed to protect
from bullets.
bumf n. colloq.usu. derog. papers, docu-
ments, [abbreviation of bum-fodder =
bullfight n. public baiting, and usu.
killing, of bulls, bullfighter n. bull-
fighting n.
bump -n. 1 dull-sounding blow or colli-
sion. 2 swelling or dent so caused. 3
bullfinch n. pink and black finch,
bullfrog n. large N. American frog with uneven patch on a road etc. 4 prom-
inence on the skull thought to indicate
a booming croak.
bull-headed n. obstinate, blundering. a mental faculty, -v. 1 a hit or come
against with a bump, b (often foil, by
bullion 'bulian/ n. gold or silver in bulk
against, into) collide. 2 (often foil, by
before coining, or valued by weight.
1 against, on) hurt or damage by striking
[French: related to boil ]
bullock /'bulak/ n. castrated male of (bumped my head, the car). 3 (usu. foil,
domestic cattle. [Old English dimin- by along) move along with jolts, -adv.
utive of BULL ] with a bump; suddenly; violently. :
bullring n. arena for bullfights.
bump into colloq. meet by chance,
bull's-eye n. 1 centre of a target. 2 hard bump off slang murder, bump up col-
minty sweet. 3 hemispherical ship's loq. increase (prices etc.). bumpy adj.
window. 4 small circular window. 5 a (-ier, -iest). [imitative]

hemispherical lens, b lantern with this. bumper n. 1 horizontal bar at the front

6 boss of glass in a blown glass sheet. or back of a motor vehicle, reducing

bullshit coarse slang -n. (often as int.) damage in a collision. 2 (usu. attrib.)
nonsense; pretended knowledge, -v. unusually large or fine example
(-tt-) talk nonsense or as if one has
(bumper crop). 3 Cricket ball rising high
specialist knowledge (to). bullshit- after pitching. 4 brim-full glass.
ter n. [from bull
bumper car n. = dodgem.
bull-terrier n. cross between a bulldog bumpkin /'bAmpkm/ n. rustic or
and a terrier. socially inept person. [Dutch]
bumptious 106 burgher
bumptious /'bAmpJas/ adj. offensively bunting 1
/'bAntin/ n. small bird related
self-assertive or conceited, [from bump, to the finches, [origin unknown]
after fractious] bunting 2 "bAntin n. 1 flags and other

bun n. 1 small sweet bread roll or cake, decorations. 2 loosely-woven fabric for
often with dried fruit. 2 hair coiled and these, [origin unknown]
pinned to the head, [origin unknown] buoy /boi/ 1 anchored float as a
bunch -n. 1 things gathered together. 2 navigation mark
etc. 2 lifebuoy, -v. 1
collection; lot (best of the bunch). 3 (usu. foil, by up) a keep afloat, b encour-
colloq. group; gang. -v. 1 make into a age, uplift. 2 (often foil, by out) mark
bunch; gather into close folds. 2 form with a buoy. [Dutch, perhaps from Latin
into a group or crowd, [origin unknown] boia collar]
bundle /'bAnd(a)l/ -n. 1 things tied or buoyant /'boiant/ adj. 1 able or apt to
fastened together. 2 set of nerve fibres keep afloat. 2 resilient; exuberant, z
etc. 3 slang large amount of money, -v. buoyancy n. [French or Spanish:
(-ling) 1 (usu. foil, by up) tie or make related to buoy]
into a bundle. 2 (usu. foil, by into) throw BUPA /'bu:pa/ abbr. British United
or move carelessly. 3 (usu. foil, by out, Provident Association, a private
off, away, etc.) send away hurriedly.
health insurance organization.
be a bundle of nerves (or fun etc.) be bur n. 1 a prickly clinging seed-case or

extremely nervous (or amusing etc.). go flower-head, b any plant having these. 2
a bundle on slang admire; like. [Low clinging person. 3 var. of burr n. 2.
German or Dutch] [Scandinavian]
bun fight n. slang tea party. burble /'b3:b(a)l' v. 1 talk ramblingly. 2

bung -n. stopper, esp. for a cask. -v. 1

make a bubbling sound, [imitative]
stop with a bung. 2 slang throw, z
burbot /'b3:bat/ n. (pi. same) eel-like
freshwater fish. [French]
bunged up blocked up. [Dutch]
bungalow /'bAnga.lau/ n. one-storeyed burden "b3:d(a)n/ -n. 1 load, esp. a
heavy one. 2 oppressive duty, expense,
house. [Gujarati, = of Bengal]
emotion, etc. 3 bearing of loads (beast of
bungee /"t>And3i/ n. (in full bungee
burden). 4 a refrain of a song, b chief
cord, rope) elasticated cord or rope
theme of a speech, book, etc. -v. load
used for securing baggage or in bungee
with a burden; oppress, burdensome
adj. [Old English: related to birth]
bungee jumping n.jumping
sport of
burden of proof n. obligation to prove
from a height while secured by a bungee
one's case.
from the ankles or a harness. burdock plant with prickly
"b3:dDk/ n.
bungle /'bAng(a)l/-i>. (-ling) 1 misman- flowers and docklike leaves, [from bur,
age or fail at (a task). 2 work badly or dock 3 ]
clumsily, -n. bungled attempt or work, bureau 'bjuarau n. (pi. -x or -s /-z/) 1 a
desk with drawers and usu. an angled
bunion /'bAnjan/ n. swelling on the foot, hinged top. b US chest of drawers. 2
esp. on the big toe. [French] a office or department for specific
bunk 1
shelflike bed against a wall,
business, b government depart-
esp. in a ship, [origin unknown] ment. [French, originally = baize]
bunk 2
slang -v. (often foil, by off) play bureaucracy bjua'rukrasi/ n. (pi. -ies)

truant (from), -n. (in do a bunk) leave 1 a government by central administra-

or abscond hurriedly, [origin unknown] tion, b State etc. so governed. 2 govern-
bunk 3
n. slang nonsense, humbug, ment officials, esp. regarded as oppres-
[shortening of bunkum] sive and inflexible. 3 conduct typical of
bunk-bed n. each of two or more tiered these.
beds forming a unit. bureaucrat 'bjuara.kraet n. 1 official
bunker n. 1 container for fuel. 2 rein- in a bureaucracy. 2 inflexible adminis-
forced underground shelter. 3 sandy trator. bureaucratic kraetik/ adj. -

hollow in a golf-course, [origin bureaucratically -'kraetikali' adv.

unknown] burette 'bjua'ret n. (US buret) gradu-
bunkum "bAnkam' n. nonsense, hum- ated glass tube with an end-tap for
bug. [Buncombe in US] measuring liquid in chemical analysis.
bunny /'bAni/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 child's name [French]
for a rabbit. 2 (in full bunny girl) club burgeon 'b3:d3(a)n v. literary grow
hostess, waitress, etc., wearing rabbit rapidly; flourish. [Latin burra wool]
ears and tail. [dial, bun rabbit] burger 'b3:ga(T) n. colloq. hamburger,
Bunsen burner "bAns(a)n/ n. small [abbreviation]
adjustable gas burner used in a laborat- burgher /'b3:ga(r)/ n. citizen of a
ory. [Bunsen, name of a chemist] Continental town. [German or Dutch]
burglar 107 bury
burglar person who com-
/D3:flla(r)/ n. burner part of a gas cooker, lamp,
mits burglary. [Anglo-French] etc. that emits the flame,
burglary n. (pi. -ies) 1 illegal entry with burning adj. 1 ardent, intense. 2 hotly
intenl to c ommit theft, do bodily harm, discussed, vital, urgent,
or do damage. 2 instance of this. burning-glass n. lens for concentrat-
Usage Before 1968 in English law, ing the sun's rays to produce a flame,
burglary was a crime under statute and burnish /'D3:niJ7 v. polish by rubbing.
common law; since 1968 it has been a [French brunir from brun brown]
statutory crime only; cf. housebreak- burnous /b3:'nu:s/ n. Arab or Moorish
ing. hooded cloak. [Arabic from Greek]
burn-out n. exhaustion. burnt-out
burgle /'b3:g(a)l/ v. (-ling) commit adj.
burglary (on).
burnt see burn 1

burgomaster /'baiga.maistaOr)/ n.
burnt ochre n.

(also burnt sienna or

mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
umber) pigment darkened by burning,
burnt offering n. offering burnt on an
burgundy /'b3:gandi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (also
altar as a sacrifice.
Burgundy) a red or white wine from burp colloq. -v. 1 belch. 2 make (a baby)
Burgundy in E. France, b hist, similar
belch, -n. belch, [imitative]
wine from elsewhere. 2 dark red colour
burr -n. 1 a whirring sound, b rough
of this.
sounding of the letter r. 2 (also bur) a
burial /'benal/ n. 1 a burying of a
rough edge on metal or paper, b sur-
corpse, b funeral. 2 Archaeol. grave or
geon's or dentist's small drill. 3 var. of
its remains.
bur 1, 2. —v. make a burr, [imitative]
burin /'bjuarm/ n. 1 tool for engraving
copper or wood. 2 Archaeol. chisel-
burrow /'bArau/ -n. hole or tunnel dug
by a rabbit etc. as a dwelling or shelter.
pointed flint tool. [French]
-v. 1 make a burrow. 2 make (a hole,
burk var. of berk.
one's way, etc.) (as) by digging. 3 (foil, by
burlesque /b3:'lesk/ -n. 1 a comic im-
into) investigate, search, [apparently
itation, parody, b this as a genre. 2 US
var. of borough]
variety show, esp. with striptease, -adj.
of or using burlesque, -u. (-ques, -qued,
bursar /'b3:sa(r)/ n. 1 treasurer, esp. of a
college. 2 holder of a bursary, [medieval
-quing) parody. [Italian burla mockery]
burly /'b3:h/ adj. (-ier, -iest) large and Latin bursarius from bursa purse]
sturdy. [Old English]
bursary n. (pi. -ies) grant, esp. a

burn —v. (past and past part, burnt or

1 scholarship, [medieval Latin: related to
burned) 1 (cause to) be consumed or bursar]
destroyed by fire. 2 blaze or glow with burst -v. (past and past part, burst) 1
fire. 3 (cause to) be injured or damaged
(cause to) break violently apart; open
by fire, heat, radiation, acid, etc. 4 use or forcibly from within. 2 a (usu. foil, by in,
be used as fuel etc. 5 char in cooking. 6 out) make one's way suddenly or by
produce (a hole, mark, etc.) by fire or force, b break away from or through
heat. 7 a heat (clay, chalk, etc.). b har- (river burst its banks). 3 be full to
den (bricks) by fire. 8 colour, tan, or overflowing. 4 appear or come suddenly
parch with heat or light. 9 (be) put to (burst into flame). 5 (foil, by into) sud-
death by fire. 10 cauterize, brand. 11 denly begin to shed (tears) or utter. 6
make, be, or feel hot, esp. painfully. 12 seem about to burst from effort, excite-
(often foil, by with) (cause to) feel great ment, etc. -n. 1 act of bursting. 2 sudden
emotion or passion (burn with shame). issue or outbreak (burst offlame; burst
13 slang drive fast. -n. mark or injury of applause). 3 sudden effort, spurt.
caused by burning. burn one's boats burst out 1 suddenly begin (burst out
(or bridges) commit oneself irrevoc- laughing). 2 exclaim. [Old English]
ably, burn the candle at both ends burton /'b3:t(a)n/ n. a go for a burton
work etc. excessively, burn down des- slang be lost, destroyed, or killed, [ori-
troy or be destroyed by burning, burn gin uncertain]
one's fingers suffer for meddling or bury /'ben/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 place (a
rashness, burn the midnight oil read corpse) in the earth, a tomb, or the sea. 2
or work late, burn out 1 be reduced to lose by death (buried two sons). 3 a put
nothing by burning. 2 (cause to) fail by or hide under ground, b cover up; con-
burning. 3 (usu. refl.) suffer exhaustion, ceal. 4 consign to obscurity; forget. 5
burn up 1 get rid of by fire. 2 begin to (refl. or passive) involve deeply (buried

blaze. [Old English] in a book). bury the hatchet cease to

burn 2 n. Scot, brook. [Old English] quarrel. [Old English]
bus 108 but
bus -n. (pi. buses or US busses) 1 large bus-stop n. 1 regular stopping-place of a
esp. public passenger vehicle, usu. trav- bus. 2 sign marking this.
elling a fixed route. 2 colloq. car, aero- bust 1
n. 1 human chest, esp. of a woman;
plane, etc. -v. (buses or busses, bosom. 2 sculpture of a person's head,
bussed, bussing) 1 go by bus. 2 US shoulders, and chest. busty adj. (-ier,
transport by bus, esp. to aid racial integ- -iest). [French from Italian]
ration, [abbreviation of omnibus] bust 2 -v. (past and past part, busted or
busby /'bAzbi/ n. (pi -ies) tall fur hat bust) colloq. 1 break, burst. 2 a raid,
worn by hussars etc. [origin unknown] search, b arrest, —adj. (also busted)
bush 1
/buJ7 n. 1 shrub or clump of 1 broken, burst. 2 bankrupt. bust up
shrubs. 2 thing like a bush, esp. a clump 1 collapse. 2 (esp. of a married couple)
of hair. 3 (esp. in Australia and Africa) separate, [var. of burst]
uncultivated area; woodland or forest. bustard /'bAstad/ n. large land bird that
[Old English and Old Norse] can run very fast. [Latin avis tarda slow
bush 2 /buJV -rz. 1 metal lining for a hole bird ('slow' unexplained)]
enclosing a revolving shaft etc. 2 sleeve buster n. esp. US slang mate; fellow,
giving electrical insulation, -v. fit with [from bust 2 ]
a bush. [Dutch busse box] bustier /'bAsti.ei/ n. strapless close-
bush-baby n. {pi. -ies) small African fitting bodice. [French]
lemur. bustle /'bAs(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 (often foil,

bushed adj. colloq. tired out. by about) (cause to) move busily and
bushel /'bo.T(a)l/ n. measure of capacity energetically. 2 (as bustling adj.) ac-
for corn, fruit, etc. (8 gallons or 36.4
tive, lively, -n. excited or energetic
litres). [French] activity, [perhaps from obsolete busk
bushfire n. forest or scrub fire often
spreading widely.
bustle 2 /'bAs(a)l/ n. hist, padding worn
bushman traveller or dweller in
n. 1
under a skirt to puff it out behind,
the Australian bush. 2 (Bushman)
[origin unknown]
member or language of a S.African ab- bust-up n. 1 quarrel. 2 collapse.
original people.
busy /'bizi/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 occupied
bush telegraph n. rapid spreading of or engaged in work etc. 2 full of activity;
information, rumour, etc.
fussy (busy evening, street, busy de-
bushy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 growing thickly sign). 3 esp. US (of a telephone line)
like a bush. 2 having many bushes.
engaged, -v. (-ies, -ied) (often reft.) keep
business /'biznis/ n. 1 one's regular
busy; occupy. busily adv. [Old Eng-
occupation or profession. 2 one's own
concern. 3 task or duty. 4 serious work
or activity. 5 (difficult or unpleasant)
busybody n. (pi. -ies) meddlesome per-
matter or affair. 6 thing(s) needing at-
tention or discussion. 7 buying and
busy Lizzie n. plant with abundant esp.
red, pink, or white flowers.
selling; trade. 8 commercial firm.
mind one's own business not meddle. but /bAt, bat/ -conj. 1 a nevertheless,

[Old English: related to busy] however (tried but failed), b on the

businesslike adj. efficient, systematic.
other hand; on the contrary (/ am old
businessman n. (fern, business- but you are young). 2 except, otherwise
woman) man or woman engaged in than (cannot choose but do it; what
trade or commerce. could we do but run?). 3 without the
business park n. area designed for result that (it never rains but it pours),
commerce and light industry. -prep, except; apart from; other than
business person n. businessman or (all cried but me; nothing but trouble),
businesswoman. -adv. 1 only; no more than; only just (we
busk v. perform esp. music in the street can but try; is but a child; had but
etc. for tips. busker n. [obsolete busk arrived). 2 in emphatic repetition; defin-
peddle] itely (would see nobody, but nobody),
bus lane n. part of a road mainly for use -rel. pron. who not; that not (not a man
by buses. but feels pity), -n. objection (ifs and
busman n. bus driver. buts). but for without the help or
busman's holiday n. holiday spent in hindrance etc. of (but for you I'd be
an activity similar to one's regular rich), but one (or two etc.) excluding
work. one (or two etc.) from the number (next
bus shelter n. shelter beside a bus-stop, door but one; last but one), but then
bus station n. centre where buses de- however (/ won, but then I am older).
part and arrive. [Old English]
butane 109 buzz
butane bju:tem/ n. gaseous alkane buttock /'bAtak/ n. 1 each of the two
hydrocarbon, used in liquefied form as fleshy protuberances at the rear of the
fuel, [from butyl] human trunk. 2 corresponding part of
butch botJ7 adj. slang masculine; an animal, [butt ridge]
tough looking, [origin uncertain] button /'bAt(a)n/ -n. 1 small disc etc.
butcher 'butja(r)/ -n. 1 a person who sewn to a garment as a fastener or worn
deals in meat, b slaughterer. 2 brutal as an ornament. 2 small round knob etc.
murderer, -v. 1 slaughter or cut up pressed to operate electronic equip-
(an animal) for food. 2 kill wantonly ment, -v. = button up 1. z button up 1
or cruelly. 3 colloq. ruin through fasten with buttons. 2 colloq. complete
incompetence. [French boc buck ] 1
satisfactorily. 3 colloq. be silent.
butchery n. (pi. -ies) 1 needless or cruel [French from Germanic]
slaughter (of people). 2 butcher's trade. buttonhole -n. 1 slit, in cloth for a
butler n. principal manservant of a button. 2 flower etc. worn in a lapel
household. [French bouteille bottle] buttonhole, -v. (-ling) colloq. accost and
butt -v. 1 push or strike with the head

detain (a reluctant listener).

or horns. 2 (cause to) meet edge to edge. button mushroom n. young
-n. 1 push with the head. 2 join of two unopened mushroom.
edges. butt in interrupt, meddle. buttress /'bAtris/ -rc. 1 projecting sup-
[French from Germanic] port built against a wall. 2 source of help
butt 2 (often foil, by of) object of
n. 1 etc. -v. (often foil, by up) 1 support with
ridicule etc. 2 a mound behind a target, a buttress. 2 support by argument etc.
b (in pi.) shooting-range. [French but (buttressed by facts), [related to butt 1 ]
goal] butty /'bAti/ n. (pi -ies) N.Engl, sand-
butr thicker end, esp. of a tool or
n. 1 wich, [from butter]
weapon. 2 stub of a cigarette etc. 3 esp. butyl /'bju:tail/ n. the univalent alkyl
US slang buttocks. [Dutch] radical C 4 H 9 [Latin butyrum butter]

butt n. cask. [Latin buttis] buxom /'bAksam/ adj. (esp. of a woman)
butter -n. 1 solidified churned cream, plump and rosy; busty, [earlier = pli-
used as a spread and in cooking. 2 ant: related to bow ]
substance of similar texture (peanut buy /bai/ -v. (buys, buying; past and
butter), —v. spread, cook, or serve with past part, bought /bo:t/) 1 a obtain for
butter butter up colloq. flatter. money etc. b serve to obtain (money
[Greek bouturon] can't buy happiness; the best that
butter-bean n. 1 flat, dried, white lima money can buy). 2 a procure by bribery
bean. 2 yellow-podded bean, etc. b bribe. 3 get by sacrifice etc. 4 slang
butter-cream n. mixture of butter, believe in, accept. 5 be a buyer for a
icing sugar, etc., as a filling etc. for a store etc. —n. colloq. purchase. buy in
cake. buy a stock of. buy into pay for a share
buttercup n. wild plant with yellow in (an enterprise), buy off pay to get rid
cup-shaped flowers. of. buy oneself out obtain one's release
butterfat n. essential fats of pure (esp. from the armed services) by pay-
butter. ment, buy out pay (a person) for owner-
butter-fingers n. colloq. person prone ship, an interest, etc. buy up 1 buy as
to drop things. much as possible of. 2 absorb (a firm
butterfly n. insect with four
(pi. -flies) 1 etc.) by purchase. [Old English]
usu. brightly coloured wings. 2 (in pi.) buyer n. 1 person employed to purchase
colloq. nervous sensation in the stock for a large store etc. 2 purchaser,
stomach. customer.
butterfly nut n. a kind of wing-nut. buyer's market n. (also buyers'
butterfly stroke n. stroke in swim- market) trading conditions favourable
ming, with arms raised and lifted for- to buyers.
wards together. buyout n. purchase of a controlling
butter-icing n. = butter-cream. share in a company etc.
buttermilk n. liquid left after churn- buzz -n. 1 hum of a bee etc. 2 sound of a

ing butter. buzzer. 3 a low murmur as of conversa-

butter muslin n. thin loosely-woven tion, b stir; hurried activity (buzz of
cloth, orig. for wrapping butter. excitement). 4 slang telephone call. 5
butterscotch n. brittle toffee made slang thrill, -v. 1 hum. 2 a summon
from butter, brown sugar, etc. with a buzzer, b slang telephone. 3 a
buttery /'bAtan/ n. (pi. -ies) food store,
(often foil, by about) move busily, b (of a
esp. in a college; snack-bar etc. [related place) appear busy or full of excitement.
to BUTT ] buzz off slang go or hurry away,
buttery 2 adj. like or containing butter. [imitative]
buzzard no Byzantine
buzzard /'bAzad/ n. large bird of the -adj. of Byelorussia, its people, or lan-
hawk family. [Latin buteo falcon] guage. [Russian from belyi white, Rus-
buzzer n. electrical buzzing device as a siya Russia]
signal. bygone -adj. past, antiquated, -n. (in
buzz-word n. colloq. fashionable tech- phr. let bygones be bygones) forgive
nical or specialist word; catchword. and forget past quarrels,
by /bai/ -prep. 1 near, beside (sit by me; by-law n. regulation made by a local
path by the river). 2 through the agency authority or corporation, [obsolete by
or means of (by proxy poem by Donne;
; town]
by bus; by cheating; divide by two; byline n. 1 line naming the writer of a
killed by robbers). 3 not later than (by newspaper article etc. 2 secondary line
next week). 4 a past, beyond (drove by of work. 3 goal-line or touch-line.
the church), b through; via (went by bypass -n. 1 main road passing round a
Paris). 5 during (by day; by daylight). 6 town or centre. 2 a secondary chan-
to the extent of (missed by a foot; better nel or pipe etc. used in emergencies, b
by far). 7 according to; using as a stand- alternative passage for the circulation
ard or unit (judge by appearances; paid of blood through the heart, -v. avoid, go
by the hour). 8 with the succession of round (a town, difficulty, etc.).
(worse by the minute; day by day). 9 byplay n. secondary action, esp. in a
concerning; in respect of (did our duty play.
by them; Smith by name). 10 used in by-product n. 1 incidental product
mild oaths (by God). 11 expressing made in the manufacture of something
dimensions of an area etc. (threefeet by else. 2 secondary result,
two). 12 avoiding, ignoring (passed us byre /'baia(r)/ n. cowshed. [Old English]
by). 13 inclining to (north by north- byroad minor road,

west), -adv. 1 near (sat by). 2 aside; in byssinosis /.bisi'nausis/ n. lung disease
reserve (put £5 by). 3 past (marched by), caused by textile fibre dust. [Greek bus-
-n. (pi. byes) = bye 1
by and by
. sinos made of linen]
before long; eventually, by and large bystander n. person present but not
on the whole, by the by (or bye) incid- taking part; onlooker,
entally, by oneself 1 a unaided, b byte Computing group of eight
/bait/ n.
unprompted. 2 alone. [Old English] binary digits, often representing one
by- prefix subordinate, incidental (by- character, [origin uncertain]
effect; byroad). byway n. 1 byroad or secluded path. 2
bye 1 /bai/ n. 1 Cricket run scored from a minor activity.
ball that passes the batsman without byword n. 1 person or thing as a notable
being hit. 2 status of an unpaired example (is a byword for luxury). 2
competitor in a sport, who proceeds to familiar saying.
the next round by default, [from by as a Byzantine /bi'zaentam, bai-/ -adj. 1 of
noun] Byzantium or the E. Roman Empire. 2 of
bye 2/bai/ int. (also bye-bye) colloq. = its highly decorated style of architec-
goodbye, [abbreviation] ture. 3 (of a political situation etc.)
by-election n. election to fill a vacancy complex, inflexible, or underhand, -n.
arising between general elections. citizen of Byzantium or the E. Roman
Byelorussian /,byela'rAjXa)n/ (also Empire. Byzantinism n. Byzan-
Belorussian /.bela-/) -n. native or lan- tinist n. [Latin Byzantium, now Istan-
guage of Byelorussia in eastern Europe. bul]
C 1
/si:/ n. (pi. Cs or C's) 1 (also c) third cable-car n. small cabin suspended on a
letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. first note of looped cable, for carrying passengers
the diatonic scale of C major. 3 third up and down a mountain etc.
hypothetical person or example. 4 third cablegram n. telegraph message sent
highest category etc. 5 Algebra (usu. c) by undersea cable.
third known quantity. 6 (as a roman cable television n. television trans-
numeral) 100. 7 (also ©) copyright. mission by cable to subscribers.
C 2 symb. carbon. cabman n. driver of a cab.
C 3 abbr. (also C.) 1 Celsius, centigrade. 2 caboodle /ka'bu:d(a)l/ n. the whole
coulomb(s), capacitance, caboodle slang the whole lot. [origin
c. abbr. 1 century. 2 cent(s).
c. abbr. circa.
caboose /ka'bu:s/ n. 1 kitchen on a
ship's deck. 2 US guard's van on a train
Ca symb. calcium.
etc. [Dutch]
ca. abbr. circa.
cabriole /'kaebri.aul/ n. a kind of esp.
CAA abbr. Civil Aviation Authority,
18th-c. curved or chair leg.
cab n. 1 taxi. 2 driver's compartment in a [French: related to capriole]
lorry, train, or crane etc. [abbreviation
cabriolet /.kasbriau'lei/ n. 1 car with a
of cabriolet]
folding top. 2 light two-wheeled one-
cabal /ka'bael/ n. 1 secret intrigue. 2 horse carriage with a hood. [French:
political clique. [French from Latin] related to capriole]
cabaret /'kaeba.rei/ n. entertainment in cacao /ka'kau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 seed from
a nightclub or restaurant. [French, = which cocoa and chocolate are made.
tavern] 2 tree bearing these. [Spanish from
cabbage /'kaebid3/ n. 1 vegetable with a Nahuatl]
round head and green or purple leaves. cache /kaeJV -n. 1 hiding-place for
2 = vegetable 2. [French caboche head] treasure, stores, guns, etc. 2 things so
cabbage white n. butterfly whose hidden, -v. (-ching) put in a cache.
caterpillars feed on cabbage leaves, [French cacher hide]
cabby n. (also cabbie) (pi. -ies) colloq. cachet /'kaejei/ n. 1 prestige. 2 dis-
taxi-driver. tinguishing mark or seal. 3 flat capsule
caber /'keiba(r)/ n. trimmed tree-trunk of medicine. [French cacher press]
tossed as a sport in the Scottish High- cachou /'kaeju:/ n. lozenge to sweeten
lands. [Gaelic] the breath. [Portuguese cachu from
cabin /'kaebm/ n. 1 small shelter or Malay kachu]
house, esp. of wood. 2 room or compart- cack-handed /kaek'haendid/ adj. col-
loq. 1 clumsy. 2 left-handed, [dial, cack
ment in an aircraft or ship for pas-
sengers or crew. 3 driver's cab. [French
cackle /'kaek(a)l/ -n. 1 clucking of a hen
from Latin]
etc. 2 raucous laugh. 3 noisy chatter. -v.
cabin-boy n. boy steward on a ship, (-ling) 1 emit a cackle. 2 chatter noisily,
cabin cruiser n. large motor boat with [imitative]
accommodation. cacophony /ka'kDfani/ n. (pi. -ies)
cabinet a cupboard or
/'kaebmit/ n. 1
harsh discordant sound.
case for storing or displaying things, b ous adj. [Greek kakos bad, phone
casing of a radio, television, etc. 2 (Cab- sound]
inet) committee of senior ministers in a cactus 'kaektas/ n. (pi. -ti /-tai/ or cac-
government, [diminutive of cabin] tuses) plant with a thick fleshy stem
cabinet-maker n. skilled joiner. and usu. spines but no leaves. [Latin
cable /'keib(a)l/ -n. 1 encased group of from Greek]
insulated wires for transmitting electri CAD abbr. computer aided design.
city etc. 2 thick rope of wire or hemp. 3 cad n. man who behaves dishonourably,
cablegram. 4 (in full cable stitch) knit- caddish adj. [abbreviation of caddie]
ting stitch resembling twisted rope. -v. cadaver /ka'daeva(r)/ n. esp. Med.
(-ling) transmit (a message) or inform (a corpse. [Latin cado fall]
person) by cablegram. [Latin caplum cadaverous /ka'daevaras/ adj. corpse-
halter, from Arabic] like; very pale and thin.
caddie 112 calabrese
caddie /'kaedi/ (also caddy) -rc. (pi. -ies) cafeteria /.kaefi'tiaria/ n. self-service
person who carries a golfer's clubs dur- restaurant. [American Spanish, = cof-
ing play. -v. (-ies, -ied, caddying) act as fee-shop]
a caddie. [French cadet] caffeine /'kaefi:n/ n. alkaloid stimulant
caddis-fly /'kaedis/ n. small nocturnal in tea-leaves and coffee beans. [French
insect living near water, [origin cafe coffee]
unknown] caftan /'kaeftaen/ n. (also kaftan) 1 long
caddis-worm /'kaedis/ n. (also caddis) tunic worn by men in the Near East. 2
larva of the caddis fly. [origin long loose dress or shirt. [Turkish]
unknown] cage -n. 1 structure of bars or wires,
caddy 1
/'ksedi/ n. (pi. -ies) small con- esp. for confining animals or birds. 2
tainer for tea. [Malay] similar open framework, esp. a lift in
caddy 2 var. of caddie. mine etc. -k (-ging) place or keep in a
cage. [Latin caved]
cadence /'keid(a)ns/ n. 1 rhythm; the
measure or beat of a sound or move- cagey /'keid3i/ adj. (also cagy) (-ier,

ment. 2 in pitch of the voice. 3 tonal

-iest) colloq. cautious and non-
committal. cagily adv. caginess n.
inflection. 4 close of a musical phrase.
[origin unknown]
[Latin cado fall]
cagoule /ka'gu:l/ n. thin hooded wind-
cadenza /ka'denza/ n. virtuoso passage proof jacket. [French]
for a soloist. [Italian: related to
cahoots /ka'hu:ts/ in cahoots
cadence] slang in collusion, [origin uncertain]
cadet /ka'det/ n. young trainee for the caiman var. of cayman.
armed services or police force. cadet- Cain n. raise Cain colloq. = raise the
ship [French, ultimately from Latin
roof. [Cain, eldest son of Adam
(Gen. 4)]
caput head] Cainozoic var. of Cenozoic
cadge v. (-ging) colloq. get or seek by cairn n. 1 mound of stones as a monu-
begging, [origin unknown] ment or landmark. 2 (in full cairn
cadi /'ka:di/ n. (pi -s) judge in a Muslim terrier) small shaggy short-legged ter-
country. [Arabic] rier. [Gaelic]
cadmium /'kaedmiam/ n. soft bluish- cairngorm /'keango.m/ n. semipre-
white metallic element. [Greek kadmia cious form of quartz. [Cairngorms, in
Cadmean (earth)] Scotland]
cadre /'ka:da(r)/ n. 1 basic unit, esp. of caisson /'keis(a)n/ n. watertight
servicemen. 2 group of esp. Communist chamber for underwater construction
activists. [French from Latin quadrus work. [Italian cassone]
square] cajole /ka'd3aul/ v. (-ling) persuade by
caecum /'si:kam/ n. (US cecum) (pi -ca) flattery, deceit, etc. cajolery n.
blind-ended pouch at the junction of the [French]
small and large intestines. [Latin caecus cake-rc. 1 mixture of flour, butter, eggs,

blind] sugar, etc., baked in the oven and often

Caenozoic var. of Cenozoic iced and decorated. 2 other food in a flat
Caerphilly /kea'fili/ n. a kind of mild round shape (fish cake). 3 flatfish com-
pact mass (cake of soap), -v. (-king) 1
white cheese. [Caerphilly in Wales]
Caesar /'si:za(r)/ n. 1 title of Roman form into a compact mass. 2 (usu. foil,
by with) cover (with a hard or sticky
emperors. 2 autocrat. [Latin (C. Julius)
mass). have one's cake and eat it
colloq. enjoy both of two mutually
Caesarean /si'zearian/ (US Cesarean,
exclusive alternatives, a piece of cake
Cesarian) -adj. (of birth) effected by
colloq. something easily achieved, sell
Caesarean section, -n. Caesarean sec- (or go) like hot cakes colloq. be sold (or
tion, [from Caesar: Julius Caesar was
go) quickly; be popular. [Old Norse]
supposedly born this way] Cakewalk n. 1 obsolete American
Caesarean section n. delivery of a Black dance. 2 colloq. easy task. 3 fair-
childby cutting through the mother's ground entertainment consisting of a
abdomen. promenade moved by machinery.
caesium /'si:ziam/ n. (US cesium) soft Cal abbr. large calorie(s).
silver-white element. [Latin caesius cal abbr. small calorie(s).
blue-grey] calabash /'kaela.baeJV n. 1 gourd-
caesura /si'zjuara/ n. (pi. -s) pause in a bearing tree of tropical America. 2 such
line of verse. caesural adj. [Latin a gourd, esp. as a vessel for water, etc.
caedo cut] [French from Spanish]
cafe /'kaefei/ n. small coffee-house or calabrese /,kaela'bri:s/ n. variety of
restaurant. [French] broccoli. [Italian, = Calabrian]
calamine 113 calk
calamine /'kaela.main/ n. powdered or mineral mass in the body. [Latin, =
form of zinc carbonate and
ferric oxide small stone (used on an abacus)]
used as a skin lotion. [French from caldron var. of cauldron.
Latin] Caledonian /.kaeli'daunian/ literary
calamity /ka'laemiti/ n. (pi. -ies) disas- -adj. of Scotland, -n. Scotsman. [Latin
ter, great misfortune. calamitous Caledonia N. Britain]
adj. [French from Latin] calendar /'kaelmd8(r)/ -n. 1 system fix-
calcareous /kael'keanas/ adj. of or con- ing the year's beginning, length, and
taining calcium carbonate, [related to subdivision. 2 chart etc. showing such
calx] subdivisions. 3 timetable of dates,
calceolaria /.kaelsia'learia/ n. plant events, etc. —v. enter in a calendar;
with slipper-shaped flowers. [Latin cal- register (documents). [Latin: related to
ceus shoe] CALENDS]
calces pi. of calx. calendar year n. period from l Jan. to
calciferol /kael'srfa.rDl/ n. vitamin (D 2 ) 31 Dec. inclusive.
promoting calcium deposition in the calender /'kaelind9(r)/ -n. machine in
bones, [related to calx] which cloth, paper, etc. is rolled to glaze
calciferous /kael'sifaras/ adj. yielding or smooth it. -v. press in a calender.
calcium salts, esp. calcium carbonate.
calcify /'kaelsi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 calends /'kaelendz/ (also kalends)
harden by the depositing of calcium of the month in the ancient Roman
salts. 2 convert or be converted to cal-
calendar. [Latin Kalendae]
cium carbonate. calcification /-ft
calendula /ka'lendjula/ n. plant with
'keij(8)n/ n.
large yellow or orange flowers, esp. the
calcine /'kaelsam/ v. (-ning) decompose marigold. [Latin diminutive of Kalen-
or be decomposed by strong heat.
calcination /-'neij(9)n/ n. [French or
calf /ka:f/ n. (pi. calves /ka:vz/) 1 young
medieval Latin: related to calx]
cow or bull. 2 young of other animals,
calcite /'kaelsait/ n. natural crystalline
e.g. the elephant, deer, and whale. 3
calcium carbonate. [Latin: related to
calfskin. [Old English]
calf2 /ka:f/ n. (pi. calves) fleshy hind
calcium /'kaelsiam/ n. soft grey metal-
part of the human leg below the knee.
lic element occurring in limestone,
[Old Norse]
marble, chalk, etc. [related to calx]
calf-love n. romantic adolescent love.
calcium carbide n. greyish solid used
calfskin n. calf-leather.
in the production of acetylene.
calcium carbonate n. white insoluble calibrate /'kaeli.breit/ v. (-ting) 1 mark
gauge) with a scale of readings. 2
solid occurring as chalk, marble, etc.
correlate the readings of (an instrument
calcium hydroxide n. white crystal-
or system of measurement) with a
line powder used in the manufacture of
standard. 3 determine the calibre of (a
gun). calibration /-'breij(8)n/ n.
calcium oxide n. white crystalline
solid from which many calcium com- calibre /'kaehb9(r)/ n. (US caliber) 1 a
internal diameter of a gun or tube, b
pounds are manufactured.
calculate /'kaelkju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 diameter of a bullet or shell. 2 strength
ascertain or forecast esp. by mathemat- or quality of character; ability, import-
ance. [French from Italian from Arabic,
ics or reckoning. 2 plan deliberately. 3
by on) rely on; reckon on.
= mould]
calculable adj. [Latin: related to cal- calices pi. of calix.
culus] calico /'kaeli.kau/ -n. (pi. -es or US -s) 1

an action) done cotton cloth, plain white or

calculated adj. 1 (of
deliberately or with foreknowledge. 2 unbleached. 2 US printed cotton fabric.
(foil, by to + infin.) designed or suitable;
-adj. 1 of calico. 2 US multicoloured.
intended. [Calicut in India]
calculating adj. scheming, mercenary. californium /,kaeli'fo:ni9m/ n. artifi-

calculation /.kaelkju'leij^n/ n. act, cial radioactive metallic element. [Cali-

process, or result of calculating. [Latin: fornia in US, where first made]
related to calculus] caliper var. of calliper.
calculator n. device (esp. a small elec- caliph /'keilif/ n. esp. hist, chief Muslim
tronic one) for making mathematical civil and religious ruler. caliphate n.
calculations. [Arabic, = successor (of Muhammad)]
calculus /'kaelkjulas/ n. (pi -luses or -li calisthenics var. of callisthenics.
/-,lai/) 1 particular method of mathem- calix var. of calyx.
atical calculation or reasoning. 2 stone calk US var. of caulk.
call 114 camaraderie
call /ko:l/ a (often foil, by out) cry,
-v. 1 callus /'kaelas/ n. (pi. calluses) 1 area of
shout; speak loudly, b (of a bird etc.) hard thick skin or tissue. 2 hard tissue
emit its characteristic sound. 2 com- formed round bone ends after a frac-
municate with by telephone or radio. 3 ture. [Latin]
summon. 4 (often foil, by at, in, on) pay a calm /ka:m/ -adj. 1 tranquil, quiet,
brief visit. 5 order to take place (called a windless. 2 serene; not agitated, -n.
meeting). 6 name; describe as. 7 regard calm condition or period. (often foil,
as (I call that silly). 8 rouse from sleep. 9 by down) make or become calm.
(foil, by for) demand. 10 (foil, by on, calmly adv. calmness n. [Greek
upon) appeal to (called on us to be kauma heat]
quiet). 11 name (a suit) in bidding at calomel /'kaete.mel/ n. compound of
cards. 12 guess the outcome of tossing a mercury used as a cathartic. [Greek
coin etc. -n. 1 shout, cry. 2 a character- kalos beautiful, melas black]
istic cry of a bird etc. b instrument for Calor gas /'kaela/ n. propr. liquefied
imitating it. 3 brief visit. 4 a act of butane gas stored under pressure in
telephoning, b telephone conversation. containers for domestic use. [Latin
5 a invitation, summons, b vocation. 6 calor heat]
need, occasion (no call for rudeness). 7 caloric /'kaeterik/ adj. of heat or cal-
demand (a call on one's time). 8 signal ories.
on a bugle etc. 9 option of buying stock calorie /'kaelari/ n. (pi. -ies) unit of
at a fixed price at a given date. 10 Cards quantity of heat, the amount needed to
a player's right or turn to make a bid. b raise the temperature of one gram
bid made. call in 1 withdraw from (small calorie) or one kilogram (large
circulation. 2 seek the advice or services
calorie) of water by 1 °C. [Latin calor
of. call off 1 cancel (an arrangement). 2
order (an attacker or pursuer) to desist, calorific

/.kaela'nfik/ adj. producing

call out 1 summon to action. 2 order
(workers) to strike, call the shots (or
calorimeter /,kael9'rimit8(r)/ n. instru-
tune) colloq. be in control; take the
ment for measuring quantity of heat.
initiative, call up 1 telephone. 2 recall. 3
calumniate /ka'lAmni.eit/ v. (-ting)
summon to military service, on call slander. [Latin]
ready or available if required. [Old Eng-
lish from Old Norse]
calumny /'kaelamm/ n. (pi. -ies)
slander; malicious representation.
call-box n. telephone box.
calumnious /ka'lAmnias/ adj. [Latin]
caller n. person who calls, esp. one who
pays a visit or makes a telephone call.
calvados /'kaelva.dos/ n. apple brandy.
[Calvados in France]
call-girl n. prostitute accepting ap-
pointments by telephone.
calve /ka:v/ v. (-ving) give birth to a calf.
[Old English: related to calf ]
calligraphy /ka'ligrafi/ n. 1 hand-
writing, esp. when fine. 2 art of this.
calves pi of calf 1 calf 2 , .

calligrapher n. calligraphic Calvinism /'kaelvi niz(a)m/ n. theology


of Calvin or his followers, stressing

/-'graefik/ adj. calligraphist n. [Greek
kallos beauty]
predestination and divine grace. Cal-
calling n. 1 profession or occupation. 2 vinist n. & adj. Calvinistic /- nistik/
adj. [Calvin, name of a theologian]
calliper /'ka?lipa(r)/ n. (also caliper) 1 calx n. (pi. calces /'kaelsi:z/) powdery
(in pi.) compasses for measuring dia- substance formed when an ore or
meters. 2 metal splint to support the leg. mineral has been heated. [Latin calx
[var. of CALIBRE] calc- lime]
callisthenics /.kaelis'Gemks/ (also calypso /ka'lipsau/ n. (pi. -s) W. Indian
calisthenics) exercises for fitness and song with improvised usu. topical
grace. callisthenic adj. [Greek kal- words and a syncopated rhythm, [origin
los beauty, sthenos strength] unknown]
callosity /ka'lositi/ n. (pi. -ies) area of calyx /'keiliks/ n. calyces /-li,si:z/ or

hard thick skin. [Latin: related to cal- -es) (also calix) sepals forming the

lous] protective case of a flower in bud. 2

callous /'kaelas/ adj. 1 unfeeling, insens- cuplike cavity or structure. [Greek, =
itive. 2 (also calloused) (of skin) har- husk]
dened. callously adv. callousness cam n. projection on a wheel etc.,

n. [Latin: related to callus] shaped to convert circular into recip-

callow /'kaelau/ adj. inexperienced, im- rocal or variable motion. [Dutch kam
mature. [Old English, = bald] comb]
call-up n. summons to do military camaraderie /,kaemara:dari/ n.

service. friendly comradeship. [French]

camber 115 can
camber -n. convex surface of a road, camp 1
-n. 1 place where troops are
deck, etc. -v. build with a camber. lodged or trained. 2 temporary accom-
[Latin camurus curved] modation of huts, tents, etc., for de-
Cambrian /'kaembrian/ -adj. 1 Welsh. tainees, holiday-makers, etc. 3 ancient
2 Geol. of the first period in the Palaeo- fortified site. 4 party supporters etc.
zoic era. -n. this period. [Welsh: related regarded collectively, —v. set up or
to Cymric] spend time in a camp. [Latin campus
cambric /'keimbnk/ n. fine linen or level ground]
cotton fabric. [Cambrai in France] camp^ colloq. -adj. 1 affected, effem-
Cambridge blue /'keimbnd3/ adj. & n. inate, theatrically exaggerated. 2 homo-
(as adj. often hyphenated) pale blue. sexual, -n. camp manner or style, -v.
[Cambridge in England] behave or do in a camp way. camp it
camcorder /"kaem,ko:da(r)/ n. com- up overact; behave affectedly, q campy
bined video camera and sound recorder. adj. (-ier, -iest). [origin uncertain]
[from CAMERA, RECORDER] campaign /kaem'pem/ -n. 1 organized
came past of come. course of action, esp. to gain publicity. 2
camel /'kaem(9)l/ n. 1 long-legged military operations towards a particu-
ruminant with one hump (Arabian lar objective, -v. take part in a cam-
camel) or two humps (Bactrian paign. campaigner n. [Latin: related
camel). 2 fawn colour. [Greek] tO CAMP 1

camel-hair n. fine soft hair used in campanile /.kaempa'ni^/

n. bell-tower

artists' brushes or for fabric. (usu. free-standing), esp. in Italy. [It-

camellia /ka'miilia/ n. evergreen shrub alian campana 'bell', from Latin]
with shiny leaves and showy flowers. campanology /,kaempa'nDlad3i/ n. 1
[Camellus, name of a botanist] the study of bells. 2 bell-ringing,
Camembert /'kaemam.beaO")/ n. a kind campanologist n. [Latin campana
of soft creamy pungent cheese. [Camem-
bert in France]
campanula /kaem'paenjula/ n. plant
with bell-shaped usu. blue, purple, or
cameo /'kaemiau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 small piece
white flowers, [diminutive: related to
of hard stone carved in relief with a
background of a different colour. 2 a
short descriptive literary sketch or
camp-bed n. portable folding bed.
acted scene, b small character part in a
camper n. person who camps. 2 large
motor vehicle with beds etc.
play or film, usu. brief and played by a
camp-follower n. 1 civilian worker in
distinguished actor. [French and medi-
a military camp. 2 disciple or adherent,
eval Latin]
camphor /'kaemfa(r)/ n. pungent white
camera /'kaemra/ n. 1 apparatus for
crystalline substance used in making
taking photographs or moving film. 2 celluloid, medicine, and mothballs.
equipment for converting images into [French ultimately from Sanskrit]
electrical signals. in camera Law in camphorate v. (-ting) impregnate or
private. [Latin: related to chamber] treat with camphor.
cameraman n. person who operates a campion /'kaBmpian/ n. wild plant with
camera professionally, esp. in film- usu. pink or white notched flowers.
making or television. [origin uncertain]
camiknickers /'kaemi.nikaz/ campsite n. place for camping,
women's knickers and vest combined. campus /'kaempas/ n. (pi. -es) 1 grounds
[from CAMISOLE, KNICKERS] of a university or college. 2 esp. US a
camisole /'kaemi.saul/ n. women's light- university. [Latin, = field]
weight vest. [Italian or Spanish: related CAMRA /'kaemra/ abbr. Campaign for
to chemise] Real Ale.
camomile /'kaema.mail/ n. (also cha- camshaft n. shaft with one or more
momile) aromatic plant with daisy-like cams.
flowers used esp. to make tea. [Greek, = can 1
/kaen, kon/ v.aux. (3rd sing, present
earth-apple] can; past could /kud/) 1 a be able to;
camouflage /'kaema.fla^/ -n. 1 a dis- know how to. b be potentially capable of
guising of soldiers, tanks, etc. so that (these storms can last for hours). 2 be
they blend into the background, b such permitted to. [Old English, = know]
a disguise. 2 the natural blending col- can 2 -n. 1 metal vessel for liquid. 2
ouring of an animal. 3 misleading or sealed tin container for the preser-
evasive behaviour etc. - v. (-ging) hide vation of food or drink. 3 (in pi.) slang
by camouflage. [French camoufler dis- headphones. 4 (prec. by the) slang a
guise] prison, b US lavatory. — v. (-nn-) put or
Canada goose 116 canker
preserve in a can. z in the can colloq. candidate ./'kaendidat/ n. 1 person
completed, ready. [Old English] nominated for or seeking office, an
Canada goose /'kaenada/ n. wild N. award, etc. 2 person or thing likely to
American goose with a brownish-grey gain some distinction or position.
body and white neck and breast. 3 person entered for an examination,
canaille /ka'na.i/ n. rabble; populace. z candidacy n. candidature n. [Latin,
[French from Italian] = white-robed]
canal /ka'nael/ n. 1 artificial inland candle /'kaend(a)l/ n. cylinder or block
waterway. 2 tubular duct in a plant or of wax or tallow with a central wick
animal. [Latin canalis] which gives light when burning, z can-
canalize /'kaena.laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing not hold a candle to is much inferior
or -sing) 1 provide with or convert into a to. not worth the candle not justifying

canal or canals. 2 channel, z canaliza- cost or trouble. [Latin candela]

tion /-'zeij(8)n/ n. [French: related to candlelight n. light from candles, z

canal] candlelit adj.

canape 'ksena.pei/ n. small piece of Candlemas /'kaendteH.maes/ n. feast of
bread or pastry with a savoury topping. the Purification of the Virgin Mary (2
[French] Feb.). [Old English: related to mass 2 ]

canard "kaena:d/ n. unfounded rumour candlepower n. unit of luminous

or story. [French, = duck] intensity.
canary /ka'nean/ n. (pi -ies) small candlestick n. holder for one or more
songbird with yellow feathers. [Canary candles.
candlewick n. 1 thick soft cotton yarn.
2 tufted material from this,
canasta card-game using
/ka'naesta/ n.
two packs and resembling rummy. candour /'kaenda(r)/ n. (US candor)
frankness; openness. [Latin candor]
[Spanish, = basket]
cancan /'kaenkaen/ n. lively stage-dance
C. & W. abbr. country-and-western
with high kicking. [French]
cancel /'kaens(a)l/ v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 re-
candy /'kaendi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 (in full
sugar-candy) sugar crystallized by
voke or discontinue (an arrangement). 2
repeated boiling and slow evaporation.
delete (writing 3 mark (a ticket,
2 US sweets; a sweet, -v. (-ies, -ied)
stamp, etc.) to invalidate it. 4 annul;
(usu. as candied adj.) preserve (fruit
make void. 5 (often foil, by out) neut- etc.) in candy. [French from Arabic]
ralize or counterbalance. 6 Math, strike
candyfloss n. fluffy mass of spun sugar
out (an equal factor) on each side of an round a stick.
equation etc. z cancellation /-'leij(a)n/
candystripe n. alternate stripes of
n. [Latin: related to chancel] white and a colour, z candystriped
cancer n. 1 a malignant tumour of body adj.
cells, b disease caused by this. 2 evil candytuft /' kaendi ,t Aft/ n. plant with
influence or corruption. 3 (Cancer) a white, pink, or purple flowers in tufts.
constellation and fourth sign of the [Candia Crete, tuft]
zodiac (the Crab), b person born when cane-rc. 1 a hollow jointed stem of giant
the sun is in this sign, z cancerous adj. reeds or grasses, b solid stem of slender
cancroid adj. [Latin, = crab] palms. 2 = sugar cane. 3 cane used for
candela /kaen'di:la/ n. SI unit of lumin- wickerwork etc. 4 cane used as a walk-
ous intensity. [Latin, = candle] ing-stick, plant support, for punish-
candelabrum /.kaendi'krbram/ n. ment, etc. -v. (-ning) 1 beat with a cane.
(also -bra) (pi -bra, US -brums, -bras) 2 weave cane into (a chair etc.). [Greek
large branched candlestick or lamp- kanna reed]
holder. [Latin: related to candela] cane-sugar n. sugar from sugar-cane.
Usage The form candelabra is,
canine "kemam/ -adj. of a dog or dogs.
strictly speaking, the plural. However, -n. 1 dog. 2 (in full canine tooth)
pointed tooth between incisors and pre-
candelabra (singular) and candelabras
molars. [Latin canis dog]
(plural) are often found in informal use.
canister /'kaenista(r)/ n. 1 small con-
candid /'kaendid/ adj. 1 frank; open. 2 tainer for tea etc. 2 cylinder of shot, tear-
photograph) taken informally, usu.
(of a gas, etc., exploding on impact. [Greek
without subject's knowledge, z can- kanastron wicker basket]
didly adv. candidness n. [Latin candi- canker -n. 1 destructive disease of
dus white] trees and plants. 2 ulcerous ear disease
Candida /'kaendida/ n. fungus causing of animals. 3 corrupting influence, -v. 1
thrush. [Latin candidus: related to can- infect with canker. 2 corrupt. 3 (as
did] cankered adj.) soured, malignant, z
canna 117 canter
cankerous adj. [Latin: related to canonical dress of clergy, [medieval
cancer] Latin: related to canon]
canna /'kaena/ n. tropical plant with canonist /'kaenanist/ n. expert in canon
bright flowers and ornamental leaves. law.
[Latin: related to cane] canonize /'kaena.naiz/ v. (also -ise)
cannabis /'kaenabis/ n. 1 hemp plant. 2 (-zing or -sing) 1 a declare officially to
parts of it used as a narcotic. [Latin from be a saint, usu. with a ceremony, b
Greek] regard as a saint. 2 admit to the canon of
canned adj. 1 pre-recorded {canned Scripture. 3 sanction by Church au-
music). 2 sold in a can (canned beer). 3 thority, c canonization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
slang drunk. [medieval Latin: related to canon]
cannelloni /.kaena'launi/ n.pi. tubes of canon law n. ecclesiastical law.
pasta stuffed with a savoury mixture. canoodle /ka'nu:d(a)l/*t;. (-ling) colloq.
[Italian] kiss and cuddle, [origin unknown]
cannery /'kaenan/ n. (pi -ies) canning- canopy /'kaenapi/-rc. a cover-
(pi. -ies) 1
factory. ing suspended over a throne, bed, etc. b
cannibal /'kaemb(a)l/ n. person or ani- sky. c overhanging shelter. 2 Archit.
mal that eats its own species. canni- rooflike projection over a niche etc. 3
balism /2. cannibalistic /-ba'listik/ expanding part of a parachute, -v. (-ies,
adj. [Spanish from Carib] -ied) supply or be a canopy to. [Greek, =
cannibalize /'kaeniba.laiz/ v. (also -ise) mosquito-net]
(-zing or -sing) use (a machine etc.) as a
canst archaic 2nd person sing, of can 1 .

source of spare parts. cannibaliz- cant -n. 1 insincere pious or moral


ation /-'zeiJXa)n/ n.
talk. 2 language peculiar to a class,
cannon /'kaenan/ -n. 1 hist. (pi. usu. profession, etc.; jargon, -v. use cant,
same) large heavy esp. mounted gun. 2
[probably from Latin: related to chant]
Billiards hitting of two balls success-
cant 2 -n. 1 slanting surface, bevel. 2
ively by the player's ball. -v. (usu. foil,
oblique push or jerk. 3 tilted position.
by against, into) collide. [Italian: related
-v. push or pitch out of level; tilt. [Low
to cane]
German or Dutch, = edge]
cannonade /.kaena'neid/ -n. period of
can't /ka:nt/ contr. can not.
continuous heavy gunfire, -v. (-ding)
Cantab, /'kaentaeb/ abbr. of Cambridge
bombard with a cannonade. [Italian:
University. [Latin Cantabrigiensis]
related to cannon]
cantabile /kaen'ta:bi,lei/ Mus. -adv. &
cannon-ball n. hist, large ball fired by
adj. in smooth flowing style, -n. canta-
a cannon.
bile passage or movement. [Italian, =
cannon-fodder n. soldiers regarded as
cannot /'kaenot/ v.aux. can not.
Cantabrigian /.kaenta'bridsian/ -adj.

canny /'kaeni/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 shrewd,

of Cambridge or its university, -n. per-
son from Cambridge or its university.
worldly-wise; thrifty. 2 Scot. N.Engl. &
pleasant, agreeable. cannily adv. [Cantabrigia, Latinized name of Cam-
canniness n. [from can 1 ]
canoe /ka'nu:/ -n. smallnarrow boat cantaloup /'kaenta,lu:p/ n. (also canta-

with pointed ends, usu. paddled, -v. loupe) small round ribbed melon. [Can-
(-noes, -noed, -noeing) travel in a
taluppi near Rome, where it was first
canoe. canoeist n. [Spanish and Hai- grown in Europe]
cantankerous /kaen'taenkaras/ adj.

canon /'kaenan/ n.1a general law, rule, bad-tempered, quarrelsome, cantan-

principle, or criterion, b church decree kerously adv. cantankerousness n.

or law. 2 {fern, canoness) member of a [origin uncertain]

cathedral chapter. 3 body of (esp. cantata Mus. composi-
/kaen'ta:ta/ n.

sacred) writings accepted as genuine. 4 tion with vocal solos and usu. choral
the part of the Roman Catholic Mass and orchestral accompaniment. [It-
containing the words of consecration. 5 alian: related to chant]
Mus. piece with different parts taking canteen /kaen'ti:n/ n. 1 a restaurant for
up the same theme successively. [Greek employees in an office, factory, etc. b
kanon rule] shop for provisions in a barracks or
canon var. of canyon. camp. 2 case of cutlery. 3 soldier's or
canonical /ka'nDmk(a)l/ -adj. (also camper's water-flask. [Italian, = cellar]
canonic) 1 a according to canon law. b canter -n. horse's pace between a trot
included in the canon of Scripture. 2 and a gallop, -v. go or make go at a
authoritative, accepted. 3 of a cathedral canter. [Canterbury gallop of medieval
chapter or a member of it. -n. (in pi.) pilgrims]
canticle 118 capital
canticle kaentik(a)l. n. song or chant of (explanation, improvement, etc.).
with a biblical text. [Latin canticum capably adv. [Latin capio hold]
CHANT] capacious ka'peijas, adj. roomy,
cantilever 'kaenti,li:v8(r), n. 1 bracket capaciousness n. [Latin capax: related
or beam etc. projecting from a wall to to capable]
support a balcony etc. 2 beam or girder capacitance ka'paesit(a)ns n. 1 ability
fixed at one end only. cantilevered to store electric charge. 2 ratio of change
adj. [originunknown] in the electric charge in a system to the
cantilever bridge n. bridge made of corresponding change in its potential.
cantilevers projecting from piers and capacitor ka'paesita(r) n. device able
connected by girders. to store electric charge.
canto kaentau n. (pi. -s) division of a capacity ka'paesiti n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
long poem. [Latin cantus: related to power to contain, receive, experience,
chant] or produce (capacity for heat, pain, etc.).
canton -n. kaentDn subdivision of a b maximum amount that can be con-
country, esp. of Switzerland, -v. tained or produced etc. c (attrib.) fully
kaen'tu:n put (troops) into quarters. occupying the available space etc.
[French, = corner: related to cant ] (capacity crowd). 2 mental power. 3
cantonment kaen'tu:nmant n. 1 lodg- position or function. 4 legal com-
ing assigned to troops. 2 hist, perman- petence, z to capacity fully. [Latin:
ent military station in India. [French: related to capacious]
related to canton] caparison ka'paens(a)n' literary -n. 1
cantor 'kaenta:(r) n. 1 church choir
(usu. in pi.) horse's trappings. 2 equip-
leader. 2 precentor in a synagogue. ment, finery, -v. adorn. [Spanish, =
[Latin, = singer]
canvas kasnvas -n. 1 strong coarse
cape n. 1 sleeveless cloak. 2 this worn

cloth used for sails and tents etc. and for

over or as part of a longer cloak or coat.
oil-painting. 2 a painting on canvas, esp.
[Latin cappa cap]
in oils. —v. (-ss-; US -s-) cover with
cape- n. 1 headland, promontory. 2 (the
canvas. under canvas 1 in tents. 2
Cape) the Cape of Good Hope. [Latin
with sails spread. [Latin: related to can-
caput head]
canvass kaenvas -v. 1 solicit votes, caper - v. jump
or run playfully, -n. 1
playful leap. 2 a prank, b slang illicit
esp. from a constituency electorate. 2 a
activity, z cut a caper frolic, [abbrevi-
ascertain the opinions of. b seek custom
ation of capriole]
from. 3 propose (an idea or plan etc.).
-n. canvassing, esp. of electors. can-
caper 2 n. 1 bramble-like shrub. 2 (in pi.)
its pickled buds used esp. in a sauce.
vasser n. [originally = toss in sheet,
[Greek kapparis]
from canvas]
canyon kaenjan n. (also canon) deep capercaillie .kaepa'keili, n. (also
capercailzie -lzi ) large European
gorge. [Spanish canon tube]
CAP abbr. Common Agricultural Policy
grouse. [Gaelic, = horse of the forest]
(of the EC).
capillarity .kaepi'laeriti n. the rise or
cap -n. 1 a soft brimless hat, usu. with a
depression of a liquid in a narrow tube.
peak, b head-covering worn in a particu- [French: related to capillary]
lar profession, c cap as a sign of mem- capillary ka pilari -attrib. adj. 1 of or
bership of a sports team, d mortar- like a hair, esp. (of a tube) of very small

board. 2 a cover like a cap (kneecap), b diameter. 2 of the branching blood-

top for a bottle, jar, pen, camera lens, vessels connecting arteries and veins.
etc. 3 = Dutch cap. 4 = percussion cap. -n. (pi. -ies) 1 capillary tube. 2 capil-
5 dental crown. — n, f-pp-) 1 a put a cap lary blood vessel. [Latin capillus hair]
on. b cover the top or end of. c set a limit capillary action n. = capillarity.
to (charge-capping). 2 award a sports capital kaepit(a)l -n. 1 chief town or
cap to. 3 form the top of. 4 surpass, excel. city of a country or region. 2 a money
cap in hand humbly, if the cap fits etc. with which a company starts in
(of aremark) if it applies to you, so be it. business, b accumulated wealth. 3 cap-
to cap it all after everything else. [Latin italists collectively. 4 capital letter. 5
cappa] head of a column or pillar, -adj. 1 a
capability .kerpa'biliti n. (pi. -ies) 1 principal, most important, b colloq. ex-
ability, power. 2 undeveloped or unused cellent. 2 a involving punishment by
faculty. death, b (of an error etc.) vitally harm-
capable keipab(a)l adj. 1 competent, ful, fatal. 3 (of letters of the alphabet)
able, gifted. 2 (foil, by of) a having the large in size, used to begin sentences
ability, fitness, etc. for. b admitting and names etc. make capital out of
capital gain 119 car
use to one's advantage. [Latin caput -itis capsicum /'kaepsikam/
n. 1 plant with
head] edible fruits, esp. any of several vari-
capital gain n. profit from the sale of eties of pepper. 2 red, green, or yellow
investments or property, fruit of these. [Latin capsa case]
capital goods machinery, plant, capsize /kaep'saiz/ v. (-zing) (of a boat
etc. etc.) be overturned; overturn. [Spanish
capitalism economic and political
n. capuzar sink]
system dependent on private capital capstan /'kaepst(a)n/ n. 1 thick revolv-
and profit-making. ing cylinder for winding a cable etc. 2
capitalist -n. 1 person investing or revolving spindle carrying the spool on
possessing capital. 2 advocate of capital- a tape recorder. [Provencal]
ism, -adj. of or favouring capitalism. capstan lathe n. lathe with a revolving
capitalistic /- hstik/ adj. tool-holder.
capitalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) capsule /'kaepsju:l/ n. 1 small edible
1 (foil, by on) use to one's advantage. 2 soluble case enclosing medicine. 2
convert into or provide with capital. 3 a detachable compartment of a spacecraft
write (a letter of the alphabet) as a or nose of a rocket. 3 enclosing mem-
capital, b begin (a word) with a capital brane in the body. 4 dry fruit that
letter. capitalization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. releases its seeds when ripe. 5 (attrib.)
[French: related to capital] concise; condensed. capsular adj.
capital levy n. tax on wealth or prop- [Latin capsa case]
capsulize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
capital sum n. lump sum, esp. payable put (information etc.) in compact form.
to an insured person,
Capt. abbr. Captain.
capital transfer tax n. hist, tax levied captain /'kaeptm/ -n. 1 a chief, leader,
b leader of a team. 2 a commander of a
on the transfer of capital by gift or
ship, b pilot of a civil aircraft. 3 army
bequest etc.
officer next above lieutenant, -v. be
Usage This tax was replaced in 1986 captain of; lead. captaincy n. (pi.
by inheritance tax. -ies). [Latin caput head]

capitation or fee
/,kaepi'teij(8)n/ n. tax
caption /'kaepj(a)n/ -n. 1 wording
appended to an illustration, cartoon,
paid per person. [Latin: related to cap-
etc. 2 wording on a cinema or television
screen. 3 heading of a chapter, article,
capitular /ka'pitjul8(r)/ adj. of a cathed-
etc. -v. provide with a caption. [Latin
ral chapter. [Latin capitulum chapter]
capio take]
capitulate /ka'pitjo.leit/ v. (-ting) sur-
captious /'kaepjas/ adj. fault-finding.
render. capitulation /-'leij(a)n/ n.
[Latin: related to caption]
[medieval Latin, = put under headings]
captivate /'kaepti.veit/ v. (-ting) fascin-
capo /'kaepau/ n. (pi. -s) device fitted ate; charm. captivation /-'veij\a)n/ n.
across the strings of a guitar etc. to raise [Latin: related to captive]
their pitch equally. [Italian capo tasto captive /'kaeptiv/ -n. confined or im-
head stop] prisoned person or animal, —adj. 1
capon /'keipan/ n. castrated cock fat- taken prisoner; restrained. 2 unable to
tened for eating. [Latin capo] escape (captive audience), n captivity
cappuccino /.kaepu'tjrnau/ n. (pi. -s) /-'tiviti/ n. [Latin capio capt- take]
frothy milky coffee. [Italian, = Capu- captor /'kaepta(r)/ n. person who cap-
chin] tures. [Latin: related to captive]
caprice /ka'pri:s/ n. 1 a whim, b tend- capture /'kaeptja(r)/-i;. (-ring) 1 a take
ency to this. 2 lively or fanciful work of prisoner; seize, b obtain by force or
art, music, etc. [Italian capriccio sudden trickery. 2 portray; record on film etc. 3
start] absorb (a subatomic particle). 4 record
capricious /ka'prijas/ adj. subject to (data) for use in a computer. -n. 1 act of
whims; unpredictable. capriciously capturing. 2 thing or person captured.
adv. capriciousness n. [Latin: related to captive]
Capricorn /'kaepn.kom/ n. 1 constella- Capuchin /'kaepjutjin/ n. 1 Franciscan
tion and tenth sign of the zodiac (the friar. 2 (capuchin) a monkey with cowl-
Goat). 2 person born when the sun is in like head hair, b pigeon with a cowl-like
this sign. [Latin caper -pri goat, cornu head and neck. [Italian cappuccio cowl]
horn] capybara /,kaepi'ba:r8/ n. large semi-
capriole /'kaepri.aul/ -n. leap, caper, aquatic S. American rodent. [Tupi]
esp. of a trained horse, -v. <-ling) per- car n. 1 (in full motor car) motor vehicle
form this. [Italian: related to Capri- for a driver and small number of pas-
corn] sengers. 2 (in comb.) road vehicle or
caracul 120 carcinogen
railway carriage esp. of a specified kind carbonate /' -n. Chem. salt
(tramcar, dining-car). 3 US any railway of carbonic acid. — v. (-ting) fill with
carriage or van. 4 passenger compart- carbon dioxide. [French: related to car-
ment of a lift, balloon, etc. [French from bon]
Latin] carbon copy n. 1 copy made with
caracul var. of karakul. carbon paper. 2 exact copy,
carafe /ka'raef/ n. glass container for carbon dating n. determination of the
water or wine. [French from Arabic] age of an organic object from the ratio of
caramel /'kaera.mel/ n. 1 a burnt sugar isotopes, which changes as carbon-14
or syrup as a flavouring or colouring, b decays.
a kind of soft toffee. 2 light-brown col- carbon dioxide n. gas occurring
our. caramelize /-ma.laiz/ v. (also
naturally in the atmosphere and formed
-ise) (-zing or -sing). [French from by respiration.
carbon fibre n. thin strong crystalline
carapace /'kaera.peis/ n. upper shell of a filament of carbon used as a strengthen-
tortoise or crustacean. [French from
ing material.
carat /'kaerat/ n. 1 unit of weight for
carbon-14 n. radioisotope of mass 14,
precious stones (200 mg). 2 measure of
used in carbon dating,
purity of gold (pure gold = 24 carats). carbonic /ka:'DDnik/ adj. containing
[French ultimately from Greek keras carbon.
horn] carbonic acid n. weak acid formed
caravan /'kaera.vaen/ -n. 1 vehicle from carbon dioxide in water.
equipped for living in and usu. towed by carboniferous -adj.
a car. 2 people travelling together, esp. 1 producing 2 (Carboniferous)
across a desert, - v. (-nn-) travel or live of the fifth period in the Palaeozoic
in a caravan. caravanner n. [French era, with extensive formation of coal.
from Persian] -n. (Carboniferous) this period.
caravanserai /.kaera'vaensa.rai/ n. carbonize /'ka:ba,naiz/ v. (also -ise)
Eastern inn with a central court. [Per- (-zing or -sing) 1 convert into carbon. 2
sian, = caravan place] reduce to charcoal or coke. 3 coat with
caravel /'kasra.vel/ n. (also carvel carbon, z carbonization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
/'ka:v(a)l/) hist, small light fast ship. carbon monoxide n. toxic gas formed
[Greek karabos, literally 'horned by the incomplete burning of carbon.
beetle'] carbon paper n. thin carbon-coated
caraway /'kaera.wei/ n. plant with tiny paper used for making copies.
white flowers. [Spanish from Arabic] carbon tetrachloride n. colourless
caraway seed of the caraway
n. fruit liquid used as a solvent.
as flavouring and a source of oil. carbon- 12 n. stable isotope of carbon,
carb n. colloq. carburettor, [abbrevi- used as a standard.
ation] car-boot sale n. sale of goods from
carbide /'ka:baid/ n. 1 binary com- (tables stocked from) the boots of cars.
pound of carbon. 2 = calcium carbide. carborundum /,ka:ba'rAndam/ n. com-
carbine /'ka:bam/ n. short rifle orig. for pound of carbon and silicon used esp. as
cavalry use. [French] an abrasive, [from carbon, corundum]
carbohydrate /.karba'haidreit/ n.
carboy /'ka:boi/ n. large globular glass
energy-producing organic compound of
bottle usu. in a frame. [Persian]
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (e.g.
carbuncle /'ka:bArjk(a)l/ n. 1 severe
starch, sugar).
skin abscess. 2 bright-red gem. [Latin:
carbolic /ka:'bolik/ n. (in full carbolic
related to carbon]
acid) phenol, [from carbon]
carbolic soap n. soap containing car-
carburettor /,ka:ba'reta(r)/ n. {US car-
buretor) apparatus in an internal-
car bomb n. terrorist bomb placed in or
combustion engine for mixing petrol
under a parked car.
and air to make an explosive mixture.
carbon /'ka:ban/ n. 1 non-metallic ele- carcass /'ka:kas/ n. (also carcase) 1

ment occurring naturally as diamond, dead body of an animal, esp. as meat. 2

graphite, and charcoal, and in all or- bones of a cooked bird. 3 colloq. human
ganic compounds. 2 a = carbon copy. body; corpse. 4 framework. 5 worthless
b = carbon paper. 3 rod of carbon in remains. [French]
an arc lamp. [Latin carbo charcoal] carcinogen ,

/ka: smad3(a)n/ n. sub-

carbonaceous /,ka:ba'neijas/ adj. 1 stance producing cancer, c carcino-
consisting of or containing carbon. 2 of genic /-'d3enik/ adj. [related to
or like coal or charcoal. carcinoma]
carcinoma 121 carer
carcinoma ,ka:si'nauma n. (pi. -s or cardiology ,ka:di'Dlad3i n. branch of
-mat a cancerous tumour. [Greek kar- medicine concerned with the heart.
kinos crab] cardiologist n.
card' n. 1 thick stiff paper or thin paste- cardiovascular ,ka:diau'vaeskjula(r)/
board. 2 a piece of this for writing or adj. of the heart and blood-vessels,
printing on. esp. to send greetings, to cardoon ka:'du:n n. thistle-like plant
identify a person, or to record informa- with leaves used as a vegetable. [French
tion, b small rectangular piece of plastic from Latin]
used for identity etc. 3 a = playing- cardphone n. public telephone oper-
card, b (in pi.) card-playing. 4 (in pi) ated by a machine-readable card instead
colloq. tax and national insurance docu- of money.
ments etc.. held by an employer. 5 pro- card-sharp n. (also card-sharper)
gramme of events at a race-meeting etc. swindler at card-games,
6 colloq. odd or amusing person, card card-table n. (esp. folding) table for
up one's sleeve plan or secret weapon card-playing.
in reserve, get one's cards colloq. be card vote n. = block vote.
dismissed from one's employment, on care -n. 1 worry, anxiety. 2 cause of
the cards possible or likely, put (or lay) this. 3 serious attention; caution. 4 a
one's cards on the table reveal one's protection, looking after, charge, b =
resources, intentions, etc. [Greek child care. 5 thing to be done or seen to.
khartes papyrus-leaf] —v. (-ring) 1 (usu. foil, by about, for,
card -n. wire brush etc. for raising a whether) feel concern or interest. 2 (usu.
nap on cloth etc. - v. brush or comb with foil, by for) like, be fond of (don 1 carefor
a card. [Latin caro card (v.)] jazz). 3 (foil, by to + infin.) wish or be
cardamom 'ka:damam n. seeds of an willing (would you care to try?), z care
aromatic SE Asian plant used as a spice. for provide for; look after, care of at the
[Latin from Greek] address of. in care (of a child) in local
cardboard n. pasteboard or stiff paper, authority care, not care a damn etc. =

esp. for making boxes. not give a damn etc. (see give), take
cardboard city n. area where home- care 1 be careful. 2 (foil, by to + infin.)
less people make shelters from card- not fail or neglect, take care of 1 look
board boxes etc. after. 2 deal with, dispose of. [Old Eng-
card-carrying adj. registered as a lish, = sorrow]
member (esp. of a political party or careen ka'ri:n v. 1 turn (a ship) on one
trade union). side for repair etc. 2 tilt, lean over. 3
card-game n. game using playing- swerve about. [Latin carina keel]
Usage Sense 3 of careen is influenced
cardiac 'ka:di,aek adj. of the heart.
by the verb career.
[Greek kardia heart]
cardigan ka:digan n. knitted jacket. career ka'ria(r) -n. 1 one's profes-
[Earl of Cardigan] sional etc. progress through life. 2 pro-
cardinal ka:dm(a)l -adj. 1 chief, fun- fession or occupation, esp. as offering
damental. 2 deep scarlet. -n. 1 (as a title advancement. 3 (attrib.) a pursuing or
Cardinal) leading Roman Catholic dig- wishing to pursue a career (career
nitary, one of the college electing the woman), b working permanently in a
Pope. 2 small scarlet American song- specified profession (career diplomat). 4
bird. [Latin car do -din- hinge] swift course (in full career), -v. 1 move
cardinal number n. number denoting or swerve about wildly. 2 go swiftly.
quantity (1, 2, 3, etc.), as opposed to an [Latin: related to car]
ordinal number. careerist n. person predominantly con-
cardinal points four main points cerned with personal advancement.
of thecompass (N., S., E., W.). carefree adj. light-hearted; joyous.
cardinal virtues justice, pru- careful adj. 1 painstaking, thorough. 2
dence, temperance, and fortitude. cautious. 3 taking care; not neglecting
card index n. index with a card for (careful to remind them), carefully
each entry. adv. carefulness n.
cardiogram ka:di8u,grasm n. record careless adj. 1 lacking care or atten-
of heart movements. [Greek kardia tion. 2 unthinking, insensitive. 3 light-
heart] hearted. 4 (foil, by of) not concerned
cardiograph ka:diau,gra:f n. instru- about, carelessly adv. carelessness
ment recording heart movements, z n.

cardiographer -'Dgrafa(r) n. cardio- carer n. person who cares for a sick or

graphy Dgrafi/ n.
- elderly person, esp. a relative at home.
caress 122 carpet
caress /ka'res/ -i>. touch or stroke rosy-pink. [Italian: related to carnal
gently or lovingly, -n. loving or gentle because of the flesh-colour]
touch. [Latin cams dear] carnelian var. of cornelian.
caret /'kaerat/ n. mark ( a A ) indicating
, carnet /'ka:nei/ n. permit to drive
a proposed insertion in printing or writ- across a frontier, use a camp-site, etc.
ing. [Latin, = is lacking! [French, = notebook]
caretaker n. 1 person employed to look carnival /'ka:niv(a)l/ n. 1 a annual
after a house, building, etc. 2 (attrib.) festivities including a parade through
exercising temporary authority {care- the streets in fancy dress, b festival
taker government). preceding Lent. 2 merrymaking. 3 US
careworn adj. showing the effects of funfair or circus. [Latin carnem leva put
prolonged worry. away meat]
cargo /'kargau/ n. (pi. -es or -s) goods carnivore /'ka:ni,vo:(r)/ n. carnivorous
carried on a ship or aircraft. [Spanish: animal or plant, esp. a mammal of the
related to charge] order including cats, dogs, and bears.
Carib /'kaerib/ -n. 1 aboriginal inhabit- carnivorous /ka:'nivaras/ adj. (of an
ant of the southern W. Indies or adja- animal or plant) feeding on flesh. [Latin:
cent coasts. 2 their language, -adj. of related to carnal, voro devour]
the Caribs. [Spanish from Haitian] carob /'kaerab/ n. seed pod of a Mediter-
Caribbean /,kaer9'bi:an/ adj. of the ranean tree used as a chocolate substi-
tute. [Arabic karruba]
Caribs or the W. Indies generally.
caribou /'kaeri.bu:/ n. (pi. same) N. Am- carol /'kaer(a)l/ -n. joyous song, esp. a
erican reindeer. [French from Amer- Christmas hymn. -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 sing
carols. 2 sing joyfully. [French]
ican Indian]
caricature /"kaenkatjua(r)/ -n. 1 grot- Carolingian /.kaera'lmdsian/ -adj. of
esque usu. comically exaggerated rep- the Frankish dynasty founded by
Charlemagne, -n. member of this
resentation esp. of a person. 2 ridicu-
dynasty. [Latin Carolus Charles]
lously poor imitation or version, -v.
(-ring) make or give a caricature of.
carotene /'kaera.trn/ n. orange-
coloured pigment found in carrots,
caricaturist n. [Italian caricare
tomatoes, etc., acting as a source of
vitamin A. [Latin: related to carrot]
caries /'keariiz/ n. (pi. same) decay of a
carotid /ka'rotid/ -n. each of the two
tooth or bone. [Latin]
main arteries carrying blood to the head
carillon /ka'nljan/ n. 1 set of bells
and neck. -adj. of these arteries. [Latin
sounded either from a keyboard or from Greek]
mechanically. 2 tune played on bells.
carouse /ka'raoz/ -v. (-sing) have a
[French] lively drinking-party. -n. such a party.
caring adj. 1 kind, humane. 2 (attrib.) carousal n. carouser n. [German
concerned with looking after people gar aus (drink) right out]
(caring professions). carousel /.kaera'sel/ n. 1 US merry-
carioca /.kaeri'auka/ n. 1 Brazilian go-round. 2 rotating luggage delivery
dance like the samba. 2 music for this. system at an airport etc. [French from
[Portuguese] Italian]
Carmelite /'ka:ma,lait/-n. 1 friar of the carp n. (pi. same) freshwater fish often

order of Our Lady of Carmel. 2 nun of a bred for food. [Provencal or Latin]
similar order, -adj. of the Carmelites. carp 2 v. find fault; complain pettily,
[Mt. Carmel in Palestine, where the carper n. [Old Norse, = brag]
order was founded] carpal /'ka:p(a)l/ -adj. of the bones in
carminative /'kaimmativ/ -adj. the wrist, —n. wrist-bone, [from carpus]
relieving flatulence, -n. carminative car park n. area for parking cars.
drug. [Latin carmino heai by charm] carpel /'ka:p(a)l/ n. female reproductive
carmine /'ka:main/ -adj. of vivid crim- organ of a flower. [Greek karpos fruit]
son colour, —n. 1 this colour. 2 carmine carpenter /'ka:pmta(r)/ -n. person
pigment made from cochineal, [prob- skilled in woodwork, -v. 1 make or
ably from Latin carmesinum crimson] construct in wood. 2 construct; fit
carnage /'ka:nid3/ n. great slaughter, together, carpentry n. [Latin carpen-
esp. in battle. [Latin: related to carnal] tum wagon]
carnal /'ka:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of the body or carpet /"karpit/ -rc. 1 a thick fabric for
flesh; worldly. 2 sensual, sexual, car- covering floor or stairs, b piece of this. 2
nality /-'naeliti/ n. [Latin caro earn- thing resembling this etc. (carpet of
flesh] snow), -v. (-t-) 1 cover with or as with
carnation /ka:'neij(a)n/ -n. 1 clove- carpet. 2 colloq. reprimand. on the
scented pink. 2 rosy-pink colour, -adj. carpet colloq. 1 being reprimanded. 2
carpet-bag 123 cartel
under consideration, sweep under the conduct or transmit (pipe carries
carpet conceal (a problem or difficulty). water). 4 (often foil, by to) take (a pro-
[Latin carpo pluck] cess etc.) to a specified point; continue;
carpet-bag n. travelling-bag, orig. prolong (carry into effect; carry a joke
made of carpet-like material. too far). 5 involve, imply (carries 6%
carpet-bagger esp. US po-
n. colloq. 1 interest). 6 Math, transfer (a figure) to a
litical candidate etc. without local con- column of higher value. 7 hold in a
nections. 2 unscrupulous opportunist. specified way (carry oneself erect). 8 a
carpeting n. 1 material for carpets. 2 (of a newspaper etc.) publish, b (of a
carpets collectively. radio or television station) broadcast. 9
carpet slipper n. soft slipper. keep a regular stock of. 10 a (of sound)
carpet-sweeper n. household imple- be audible at a distance, b (of a missile
ment for sweeping carpets. or gun etc.) travel or propel to a speci-
car phone n. radio-telephone for use in fied distance. 11a win victory or accept-
a car etc. ance for (a proposal etc.). b win accept-
carport n. roofed open-sided shelter for ance from (carried the audience with
a car. her), c win, capture (a prize, fortress,
carpus /'ka:pas/ n. (pi. -pi /-pai/) small etc.).12 a endure the weight of; support,
bones forming the wrist in humans and b be the driving force in (you carry the
similar parts in other mammals. [Latin department). 13 be pregnant with. -n.
from Greek] (pi. -ies) 1 act of carrying. 2 Golf dis-
carrageen carra-
/'kaera,gi:n/ n. (also tance a ball travels before reaching the
gheen) edible red seaweed, [origin un- ground. carry away 1 remove. 2
certain] inspire. 3 deprive of self-control (got
carrel /'kaer(a)l/ n. small cubicle for a carried away), carry the can colloq.
reader in a library. [French from medi- bear the responsibility or blame, carry
eval Latin] the day be victorious or successful,
carriage / kaend3/ n. 1 railway pas- carry forward transfer to a new page
senger vehicle. 2 wheeled horse-drawn or account, carry it off do well under
passenger vehicle. 3 a conveying of difficulties, carry off 1 take away, esp.
goods, b cost of this. 4 carrying part of a by force. 2 win (a prize). 3 (esp. of a
machine (e.g. a typewriter). 5 gun- disease) kill, carry on 1 continue. 2
carriage. 6 bearing, deportment. engage in (conversation or business).
[French: related to carry] 3 colloq. behave strangely or excitedly.
carriage clock n. portable clock with a 4 (often foil, by with) colloq. flirt or have
handle. a love affair, carry out put (an idea
carriageway n. the part of a road etc.) into practice, carry over 1 = carry
intended for vehicles. forward. 2 postpone, carry through 1
carrier /'kaena(r)/ n. 1 person or thing complete successfully. 2 bring safely
that carries. 2 transport or freight com- out of difficulties, carry weight be
pany. 3 = carrier bag. 4 framework influential or important. [Anglo-
on a bicycle for luggage or a passenger. 5 French: related to car]
person or animal that may transmit carry -cot n. portable cot for a baby,
disease etc. without suffering from it. 6 carryings-on = carry-on.
= AIRCRAFT-CARRIER. carry-on n. slang 1 fuss, excitement. 2
carrier bag n. plastic or paper bag with questionable behaviour. 3 flirtation or
handles. love affair.
carrier pigeon n. pigeon trained to carry -out attrib. adj. & n. esp. Scot. &
carry messages. US = TAKE-AWAY.
carrier wave high-frequency elec-
n. carsick adj. nauseous from car travel.
tromagnetic wave modulated in ampli- carsickness n.
tude or frequency to convey a signal. cart -n. 1 open usu. horse-drawn
carrion /'ka?nan/ n. 1 dead putrefying vehicle for carrying loads. 2 light
flesh. 2 something vile or filthy. [Latin vehicle for pulling by hand. -v. 1 convey
caro flesh] in a cart. 2 slang carry or convey with
carrion crow n. crow feeding on effort. put the cart before the horse
carrion. reverse the proper order or procedure.
carrot /'kaerat/ n. 1 a plant with a [Old English and Old Norse]
tapering orange-coloured root, b this as carte blanche /ka:t 'bldJV n. full dis-
a vegetable. 2 incentive. carroty adj. cretionary power. [French, = blank
[Greek kardton] paper]
carry /'kseri/ -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 support or cartel /ka:'tel/ n. union of suppliers etc.
hold up, esp. while moving. 2 convey to control prices. [Italian diminutive:
with one or have on one's person. 3 related to card ]
Cartesian 124 casement
Cartesian /ka:'ti:zian/ -adj. of Des- carvery n. (pi. -ies) buffet or restaurant
cartes or his philosophy, —n. follower of with joints displayed for carving.
Descartes. [Latin Cartesius Descartes] carve-up n. slang sharing-out, esp. of
Cartesian coordinates system spoils.
for locating a point by reference to its carving n. carved object, esp. as a work
distance from axes intersecting at right of art.
angles. carving knife n. knife for carving
cart-horse n. thickset horse. meat.
Carthusian /ka:'8ju:zian/ -n. monk of Casanova /.kaesa'nauva/ n. notorious
a contemplative order founded by St womanizer. [Italian adventurer]
Bruno, -adj. of this order. [Latin: cascade /kaes'keid/ -n. 1 small water-
related to chartreuse] fall, esp. one of series. 2 thing falling or
cartilage /'ka:tilid3/ n. firm flexible
arranged like a cascade, -v. (-ding) fall
connective tissue, mainly replaced by
in or like a cascade. [Latin: related to
bone in adulthood, z cartilaginous
CASE 1 ]
/-'laed3inas/ adj. [French from Latin]
cartography cascara /kaes'ka:ra/ n. bark of a Califor-
/kai'tografi/ n. map-
nian buckthorn, used as a laxative.
drawing. cartographer carto-
graphic /-ta'graefik/ adj. [French carte
map] case 1
n. 1 instance of something occur-
ring. 2 hypothetical or actual situation.
carton /'ka:t(a)n/ n. light esp. cardboard
box or container. [French: related to 3 a person's illness, circumstances, etc.,
CARTOON] as regarded by a doctor, social worker,
cartoon /ka:'tu:n/ n. 1 humorous, esp. etc. b such a person. 4 matter under esp.

topical, drawing in a newspaper etc. police investigation. 5 suit at law. 6 a

2 sequence of drawings telling a story. sum of the arguments on one side, esp.
3 animated sequence of these on film. in a lawsuit, b set of arguments (have a
4 full-size preliminary design for a good case), c valid set of arguments
tapestry etc. cartoonist n. [Italian: (have no case). 7 Gram, a relation of a
related to card ] word to other words in a sentence, b
cartouche /ka:'tu:J7 n. 1 scroll-like or- form of a noun, adjective, or pronoun
namentation. 2 oval ring enclosing the expressing this. 8 colloq. comical per-
name and title of a pharaoh. [French: son, z in any case whatever the truth
related to cartoon] is; whatever may happen, in case 1 in
cartridge /'ka:tnd3/ n. 1 case contain- the event that; if. 2 lest; in provision
ing an explosive charge or bullet for against a possibility (took it in case), in
firearms or blasting. 2 sealed container case of in the event of. is (or is not) the
of film etc. 3 component carrying the case is (or is not) so. [Latin casus from
stylus on a record-player. 4 ink- cado fall]
container for insertion in a pen. case 2 -rc. 1 container or enclosing cover-
[French: related to cartoon] ing. 2 this with its contents. 3 protective
cartridge-belt n. belt with pockets or outer covering. 4 item of luggage, esp. a
loops for cartridges. suitcase. -v. (-sing) 1 enclose in a case. 2
cartridge paper n. thick paper for (foil, by with) surround. 3 slang recon-
drawing etc. noitre (a house etc.) before burgling it.
cartwheel n. 1 wheel of a cart. 2 circu- [Latin capsa box]
lar sideways handspring with arms and
case-harden v. 1 harden the surface of
legs extended.
(esp. iron by carbonizing). 2 make cal-
cart-wright n. maker of carts.
carve v. (-ving) 1 produce or shape by
cutting. 2 a cut patterns etc. in. b (foil,
case history n. record of a person's life
or medical history for use in profes-
by into) form a pattern etc. from (carved
sional treatment.
itinto a bust). 3 (absol.) cut (meat etc.)
into slices, z carve out 1 take from a casein /'keisim/ n. the main protein in
larger whole. 2 establish (a career etc.) milk and cheese. [Latin caseus cheese]
purposefully, carve up 1 subdivide. 2 case-law n. law as established by the
drive aggressively into the path of outcome of former cases.
(another vehicle). [Old English] casemate /'keismeit/ n. 1 embrasured
carvel var. of caravel. room in a fortress wall. 2 armoured
carvel-built adj. (of a boat) made with enclosure for guns on a warship.
planks flush, not overlapping. [French and Italian]
carver n. 1 person who carves. 2 carv- casement /'keismant/ n. window or
ing knife. 3 chair with arms, for a person part of a window hinged to open like a
carving. door. [Anglo-Latin: related to case ]
casework 125 caste
casework work concerned
n. social cooked in this. -v. (-ling) cook in a
with studying a person's family and casserole. [Greek kuathion little cup]
background. caseworker n. cassette /ka'set/ n. sealed case contain-
cash -n. 1 money in coins or notes. 2 ing magnetic tape, film etc., ready for
(also cash down) full payment at the insertion in a tape recorder, camera,
time of purchase. 3 colloq. wealth, —v. etc. [French diminutive: related to
give or obtain cash for (a note, cheque, case 2 ]
etc.). cash in 1 obtain cash for. 2 cassia /'kaesia/ n. 1 tree from the
by on) profit (from);
colloq. (usu. foil, leaves of which senna is extracted.
take advantage (of), cash up count and 2 cinnamon-like bark of this used as
check the day's takings. [Latin: related a spice. [Greek kasia from Hebrew]
tO CASE 2 ] cassis /kae'si:s/ n. blackcurrant flavour-
cash and carry n. 1 system (esp. in ing for drinks etc. [French]
wholesaling) of cash payment for goods cassock /'kaesak/ n. long usu. black or
taken away by the purchaser. 2 store red clerical garment. cassocked adj.
where this operates. [French from Italian]
cash-book n. book for recording cassoulet /'kaesu.lei/ n. ragout of meat
receipts and cash payments. and beans. [French]
cashcard n. plastic card for withdraw- cassowary /'kaesa.weari/ n. (pi. -ies)
ing money from a cash dispenser. large flightless Australasian bird.
cash crop n. crop produced for sale. [Malay]
cash desk n. counter etc. where pay- cast /ka:st/ -v. (past and past part, cast)
ment is made in a shop. 1 throw, esp. deliberately or forcefully.
cash dispenser n. automatic machine 2 (often foil, by on, over) a direct or
for the withdrawal of cash, esp. with a cause (one's eyes, a glance, light, a
shadow, a spell, etc.) to fall, b express
cashew /'kaeju:/ n. 1 evergreen tree
(doubts, aspersions, etc.). 3 throw out (a
bearing kidney-shaped nuts. 2 this
fishing-line etc.) into the water. 4 let
edible nut. [Portuguese from Tupi] down (an anchor etc.). 5 a throw off, get
cash flow n. movement of money into
rid of. b shed or lose (horns, skin, a
and out of a business.
horseshoe, etc.). 6 register (a vote). 7 a
cashier 1
/kae'Jra(r)/ n. person dealing
shape (molten metal etc.) in a mould, b
with cash transactions in a shop, bank,
make thus. 8 a (usu. foil, by as) assign
(an actor) to a role, b allocate roles in (a
cashier2 /kae'.fia(r)/ v. dismiss from
play etc.). 9 (foil, by in, into) arrange
service, esp. with disgrace. [French:
(facts etc.) in a specified form. 10
related to quash]
reckon, add up (accounts or figures). 11
cashmere /'kaejrma(r)/ n. 1 fine soft calculate (a horoscope), -n. 1 throwing
wool, esp. that of a Kashmir goat. 2
of a missile, dice, line, net, etc. 2 a object
material made from this. [Kashmir in
made in a mould, b moulded mass of
solidified material, esp. plaster for a
cash on delivery n. payment for goods
when they are delivered. broken limb. 3 actors in a play etc. 4
form, type, or quality. 5 tinge or shade of
cashpoint n. = cash dispenser.
colour. 6 slight squint. 7 worm-cast,
cash register n. till recording sales,
cast about (or around) search, cast
totalling receipts, etc.
adrift leave to drift, cast aside aban-
casing /'keisin/ n. protective or enclos-
don, cast loose detach (oneself), cast
ing cover or material.
lots see lot. cast off 1 abandon. 2 finish
casino /ka'si:nau/ n. (pi -s) public room
or building for gambling. [Italian di- a piece of knitting. 3 set a ship free from
minutive of casa house] a quay etc. cast on make the first row of
cask /ka:sk/ n. 1 barrel, esp. for alcohol. a piece of knitting, cast up 1 deposit on
2 its contents. [French casque or Span- the shore. 2 add up (figures etc.). [Old
ish casco helmet]
casket /'ka:skit/ n. 1 small often orna- Castanet /.kaesta'net/ n. (usu. in pi)

mental box for jewels etc. 2 US coffin. each of a pair of hand-held pieces of
[Latin: related to case ]
2 wood etc., clicked together as an accom-
cassata /ka'sa:ta/ n. ice-cream contain- paniment, esp. by Spanish dancers.
ing fruit and nuts. [Italian] [Latin: related to chestnut]
cassava /ka'sa:va/ n. 1 plant with castaway /'ka:sta,wei/ -n. ship-
starchy roots. 2 starch or flour from wrecked person, -adj. shipwrecked.
these, used e.g. in tapioca, [f aino] caste /ka:st/ n. 1 any of the Hindu
casserole /'kaesa.raul/ -n. 1 covered hereditary classes whose members
dish for cooking food in the oven. 2 food have no social contact with other
casteism 126 catalysis
classes. 2 exclusive social class or sys- casualty department n. part of a
tem of classes. lose caste descend in hospital where casualties are dealt
social order. [Spanish and Portuguese: with.
related to chaste] casuist /'kae3uist/ n. 1 person who uses
casteism /'ka:stiz(a)m/ n. caste system. clever but false reasoning in matters
castellated /'kaesta.leitid/ adj. 1 having of conscience etc. 2 sophist, quibbler.
battlements. 2 castle-like. castella- casuistic /-'istik/ adj. casuistry n.
tion /-'leij(a)n/ n. [medieval Latin: [Latin: related to case 1 ]
related to castle] cat n. 1 small soft-furred four-legged

caster var. of castor. domesticated animal. 2 wild animal of

castigate /'kaesti.geit/ v. (-ting) rebuke the same family, e.g. lion, tiger. 3 colloq.
or punish severely. castigation malicious or spiteful woman. 4 = cat-o'-
/-'geiJXa)n/ n. castigator n. [Latin cas-
nine-tails. the cat's whiskers colloq.
excellent person or thing, let the cat
tus pure]
casting /'ka:stirj/ n. cast, esp. of molten
out of the bag reveal a secret, like a cat
on hot bricks very agitated, put (or
set) the cat among the pigeons cause
casting vote n. deciding vote when the
trouble, rain cats and dogs rain hard.
votes on two sides are equal, [from an
[Latin cattus]
obsolete sense of cast, = turn the scale]
cata- prefix 1 down. 2 wrongly. [Greek]
cast iron n. hard alloy of iron, carbon, catabolism /ka'taeba.liz^m/ n. break-
and silicon cast in a mould. down of complex molecules in living
cast-iron adj. 1 of cast iron. 2 very organisms to release energy; de-
strong; rigid; unchallengeable. structive metabolism. catabolic
castle /'ka:s(8)l/ -n. 1 large fortified /.kaeta'bDhk/ adj. [Greek katabole
building with towers and battlements. 2 throwing down]
Chess = rook 2 -v. (-ling) Chess move
catachresis /.kaeta'krLsis/ n. (pi.
a rook next to the king and the king to -chreses /-si:z/) incorrect use of words.
the other side of the rook. castles in catachrestic /-'kri:stik/ adj. [Greek
the air day-dream; impractical scheme. khraomai use]
[Latin castellum] cataclysm /'kaeta,kliz(8)m/ n. 1 a vio-
cast-off —adj. abandoned, discarded. upheaval or disaster, b great
-n. cast-off thing, esp. a garment. change. 2 great flood. cataclysmic
castor /'ka:sta(r)/ n. (also caster) 1 /-'klizmik/ adj. [Greek kluzo wash]
small swivelled wheel on the leg or catacomb /'kaeta.k^m/ n. (often in pi.)
underside of a piece of furniture. 2 small underground cemetery, esp. Roman.
perforated container for sprinkling [French from Latin]
sugar, flour, etc. [from cast] catafalque /'kaeta.faelk/ n. decorated
castor oil /'ka:sta(r)/ n. oil from the bier, used esp. in State funerals or for
seeds of a tropical plant, used as a lying in state. [French from Italian]
purgative and lubricant, [origin un- Catalan /'kaeta.laen/ -n. native or lan-
certain] guage of Catalonia in Spain, -adj. of
castor sugar n. finely granulated Catalonia. [French from Spanish]
white sugar. catalepsy /'kaeta.lepsi/ n. trance or seiz-
castrate remove ure with unconsciousness and rigidity
/kae'streit/ v. (-ting) 1
of the body. cataleptic /-'leptik/ adj.
the testicles of; geld. 2 deprive of vigour.
castration n. [Latin castro]
& n. [Greek lepsis seizure]
catalogue /'kaeta.log/ (US catalog) -n.
castrato /kae'stra:tao7 n. (pi. -ti /-ti/)
1 complete alphabetical or otherwise
hist, castrated male soprano or alto
ordered list of items, often with a de-
singer. [Italian: related to castrate]
scription of each. 2 extensive list (cata-
casual /'kae3ual/ -adj. 1 accidental; logue of disasters), -v. (-logues,
chance. 2 not regular or permanent -logued, -loguing; US -logs, -loged,
(casual work). 3 a unconcerned, b care- -loging) 1 make a catalogue of. 2 enter
less; unthinking. 4 (of clothes) informal. in a catalogue. [Greek lego choose]
-n. 1 casual worker. 2 (usu. in pi.) catalpa /ka'taelpa/ n. tree with long pods
casual clothes or shoes. casually adv. and showy flowers. [N. American
casualness n. [French and Latin: Indian]
related to case ] catalyse /'kaeta.laiz/ v. (US -yze) (-sing
casualty /'kae3ualti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 per- or -zing) produce (a reaction) by cata-
son killed or injured in a war or acci- lysis.
dent. 2 thing lost or destroyed. 3 = catalysis /ka'taelisis/ n. (pi. -lyses
casualty department. 4 accident, mis- acceleration of a chemical reac-
hap, [medieval Latin: related to casual] tion by a catalyst. [Greek lub set free]
catalyst 127 catechism
catalyst substance that
kaetalist/ n. 1 entangled, or checked, b (often foil, by
does not itself change, but speeds up a on) hit, deal a blow to (caught his elbow
chemical reaction. 2 person or thing on the table). 9 draw the attention of;
that precipitates change. captivate (caught his eye: caught her
catalytic .kaetalitik/ adj. of or involv- fancy). 10 begin to burn. 11 reach or
ing catalysis. overtake (a person etc. ahead). 12 (foil,
catalytic converter n. device incorp by at) try to grasp, -n. 1 a act of
orated in a vehicle's exhaust system, catching, b Cricket etc. chance or act of
with a catalyst for converting pollutant catching the ball. 2 a amount of a thing
gases into harmless products. caught, esp. of fish, b thing or person
catamaran .kaetama'raen, n. 1 boat caught or worth catching, esp. in mar-
with parallel twin hulls. 2 raft of yoked riage. 3 a question, trick, etc., intended
logs or boats. [Tamil] to deceive, incriminate, etc. b unexpec-
catamite 'kaeta.mait' n. passive ted or hidden difficulty or disadvantage.
partner (esp. a boy) in homosexual prac- 4 device for fastening a door or window
tices. [Latin, = Ganymede] etc. 5 Mus. round, esp. with words
cat-and-dog adj. (of a relationship etc.) arranged to produce a humorous effect,
quarrelsome. z catch fire see fire, catch hold of
catapult kaeta.pAlt/ -n. 1 forked stick grasp, seize, catch it slang be punished,
etc. with elastic for shooting stones. 2 catch on colloq. 1 become popular. 2
Mil hist, machine for hurling large
understand what is meant, catch out 1
stones etc. 3 device for launching a detect in a mistake etc. 2 take unawares.
glider etc. -v. 1 a hurl from or launch
3 = sense 3b of a catch up 1 a (often foil,
with a catapult, b fling forcibly. 2 leap or by with) reach a person etc. ahead
be hurled forcibly. [Latin from Greek] (caught us up; caught up with us), b
cataract 'kaeta.raekt n. 1 a large water- (often fofl. by with, on) make up arrears.
fall, b downpour; rush of water. 2 eye
2 pick up hurriedly. 3 (often in passive)
condition in which the lens becomes
a involve; entangle (caught up in
progressively opaque. [Greek katarr-
crime), b fasten up (hair caught up in a
haktes, = down-rushing]
ribbon). [Latin capto try to catch]
catarrh ka'ta:(r)/ n. 1 inflammation of catch-all n. (often attrib.) thing
the mucous membrane of the nose, air-
designed to be all-inclusive.
passages, etc. 2 mucus caused by this,
catch-as-catch-can n. wrestling with
catarrhal adj. [Greek rhed flow]
few holds barred.
catastrophe ka'taestrafi/ n. 1 great and
catching adj. (of a disease, practice,
usu. sudden disaster. 2 denouement of a
etc.) infectious.
drama. catastrophic /-'strofik adj.
catchline n. short line of type, esp. at
catastrophically /-'strnfikali/ adv.
the head of copy or as a running head-
[Greek strepho turn]
catatonia .kaeta'taunia/ n. 1 schizo-
phrenia with intervals of catalepsy
catchment n. collection of rainfall,
and sometimes violence. 2 catalepsy.
catchment area n. 1 area served by a
school, hospital, etc. 2 area from which
catatonic -tDnik adj. & n. [Greek:
rainfall flows into a river etc.
related to cata-, tone]
cat burglar n. burglar who enters by
catchpenny attrib. adj. intended
merely to sell quickly; superficially
climbing to an upper storey.
catcall -n. shrill whistle of disap-
proval, -v. make a catcall.
catch-phrase n. phrase in frequent
catch -v. (past and past part, caught
/ko:t/) 1 capture in a trap, one's hands,
catch-22 n. (often attrib.) colloq. unre-

etc. 2 detect or surprise (esp. a guilty

solvable situation containing conflict-
person). 3 a intercept and hold (a mov- ing or mutually dependent conditions.
ing thing) in the hands etc. b Cricket catchweight -adj. unrestricted as re-
dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball gards weight, -n. unrestricted weight
before it reaches the ground. 4 a con- category in sports.
tract (a disease) from an infected per- catchword n. 1 phrase, word, or slogan

son, b acquire (a quality etc.) from in frequent current use. 2 word so

another. 5 a reach in time and board (a placed as to draw attention.
train, bus, etc.). b be in time to see etc. (a catchy adj. (-ier, -iest) (of a tune) easy
person or thing about to leave or finish). to remember, attractive.
6 apprehend with the senses or mind cat door var. of cat flap.
(esp. a thing occurring quickly or catechism 'kaeti,kiz(a)m/ n. 1 a prin-
briefly). 7 (of an artist etc.) reproduce ciples of a religion in the form of ques-
faithfully. 8 a (cause to) become fixed, tions and answers, b book containing
catechist 128 Caucasoid
this. 2 series of questions. [Church removing fluid. [Greek kathiemi send
Latin: related to catechize] down]
catechist /'kaetikist/ n. religious cathode /'kaeGaud/ n. Electr. 1 negative
teacher, esp. one using a catechism, electrode in an electrolytic cell. 2 posit-
catechize /'kaeti.kaiz/ v. (also -ise) ive terminal of a battery etc. [Greek
(-zing or -sing) instruct by using a kathodos way down]
catechism. [Greek katekheo cause to cathode ray n. beam of electrons from
hear] the cathode of a vacuum tube.
catechumen /,kaeti'kju:man/ n. Chris- cathode-ray tube n. vacuum tube in
tian convert under instruction before which cathode rays produce a luminous
baptism. [Church Latin catechumenus] image on a fluorescent screen.
categorical /,k£eti'gDnk(9)l/ adj. un- catholic /'kaeGlik/ -adj. 1 all-embrac-
conditional, absolute; explicit. cat- ing; of wide sympathies or interests. 2 of
egorically adv. [related to category] interest or use to all; universal. 3 (Cath-
categorize /'kaetiga.raiz/ v. (also -ise) olic) a Roman Catholic, b including all
(-zing or -sing) place in a category. Christians, or all of the Western
categorization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. Church, —n. (Catholic) Roman Cath-
category /'kaetigari/ n. (pi. -ies) class or olic. Catholicism /ka'9Dli,siz(a)m/ n.
division (of things, ideas, etc.). [Greek, catholicity /.kaeGa'lisiti/ n. [Greek
statement] holos whole]
cater /'keita(r)/ v. 1 supply food. 2 (foil, cation /'kaet.aian/ n. positively charged
by for) provide what is needed or ion. cationic /-'Dnik/ adj. [from cata-,
desired (caters for all tastes). 3 (foil, by ion]
to) pander to (esp. low tastes). [Anglo- catkin n. small spike of usu. hanging
French acatour buyer, from Latin capto: flowers on a willow, hazel, etc. [Dutch,
related to catch] = kitten]
caterer n. professional supplier of food catlick n. colloq.perfunctory wash,
for social events. catmint n. pungent plant attractive to
caterpillar /'kaet8,pila(r)/ n. 1 larva of a cats.
butterfly or moth. 2 (Caterpillar) a (in catnap -n. short sleep, -v. (-pp-) have
full Caterpillar track or tread) propr. a catnap.
steel band passing round the wheels of a catnip n. = catmint, [from cat, dial.
tractor etc. for travel on rough ground, nip catmint]
b vehicle with these. [Anglo-French, = cat-o'-nine-tails n. hist, whip with
hairy cat] nine knotted lashes.
caterwaul /'kaeta,wo:l/ -v. make the cat's cradle n. child's game of forming
shrill howl of a cat. -n. this noise, [from patterns from a loop of string.
cat, -waul imitative] Cat's-eye n. propr. reflector stud set
catfish n. (pi. same) freshwater fish into a road.
with whisker-like barbels round the cat's-eye n. precious stone,
mouth. cat's-paw n. 1 person used as a tool by
cat flap n. (also cat door) small swing- another. 2 slight breeze,
ing flap in an outer door, for a cat to pass catsuit n. garment with
inand out. trouser legs, covering the whole body,
catgut n. material used for the strings of catsup US var. of ketchup.
musical instruments and surgical su- cattery n. (pi. -ies) place where cats are
tures, made of intestines of the sheep, boarded or bred.
horse, etc. (but not cat). cattle /'kaet(a)l/ large ruminant
catharsis /ka'0a:sis/ n. (pi. catharses animals with horns and cloven hoofs,
/-si:z/) 1 emotional release in drama or esp. bred for milk or meat. [Anglo-
art. 2 Psychol, freeing and elimination French catel: related to capital]
of repressed emotion. 3 emptying of the cattle-grid n. grid over a ditch, allow-
bowels. [Greek katharos clean] ing people and vehicles but not live-
cathartic /ka'8a:tik/ -adj. 1 effecting stock to pass over.
catharsis. 2 laxative, -n. laxative. catty adj. (-ier, -iest) spiteful. cattily
cathedral /ka'0i:dr(9)l/ n. principal adv. cattiness n.
church of a diocese. [Greek kathedra catwalk n. narrow footway or plat-
seat] form.
Catherine wheel /'kaeBrm/ n. flat Caucasian /ko:'kei3(8)n/ -adj. 1 of the
coiled firework spinning when lit. [St White or light-skinned race. 2 of the
Catherine, who was martyred on a Caucasus, -n. Caucasian person. [Cau-
spiked wheel] casus in Georgia]
catheter tube inserted
/'kaeeita(r)/ n. Caucasoid /'koika.soid/ adj. of Cauca-
into a body cavity for introducing or sians.
caucus 129 cayman
caucus / ko:k8s/ n. (pi. -es) 1 US meeting warning, esp. a formal one. b warning
of party members, esp. in the Senate and reprimand. 3 colloq. amusing or
etc., to decide policy. 2 often derog. a surprising person or thing, -v. 1 warn
meeting of a group within a larger or admonish. 2 issue a caution to. [Latin
organization or party, b such a group, caveo take heed]
[perhaps from Algonquian] cautionary adj. giving or serving as a
caudal /'kD:d(a)l/ adj. 1 of or like a tail. 2 warning.
of the posterior part of the body. [Latin cautious adj. having or showing cau-
cauda tail] tion, z cautiously adv. cautiousness
caudate /'ko:deit/ adj. tailed, n.
caught past and past part, of catch. cavalcade /.kaeval'keid/ n. procession
caul /ko:l/ n. 1 membrane enclosing a or assembly of riders, vehicles, etc.
foetus. 2 part of this occasionally found [Italian: related to chevalier]
on a child's head at birth. [French] cavalier /,kaeva'li8(r)/-n. 1 hist (Cava-
cauldron / koildran/ n. (also caldron) lier) supporter of Charles I in the Civil
large deep vessel used for boiling. [Latin War. 2 courtly gentleman. 3 archaic
caldarium hot bath] horseman, -adj. offhand, supercilious,
cauliflower /'kDli,flau9(r)/ n. cabbage curt, [related to cavalcade]
with a large white flower-head. [French cavalry /'kaevalri/ n. (pi. -ies) (usu.
chou fleuri flowered cabbage] treated as pi.) soldiers on horseback or
cauliflower ear n. ear thickened by in armoured vehicles, [related to caval-
repeated blows. cade]
caulk /ko:k/ v. (also calk) 1 stop up (the cave -n. large hollow in the side of a
seams of a boat etc.). 2 make (esp. a boat) cliff, hill, etc., or underground, -v.
watertight. [Latin calco tread]
(-ving) explore caves, z cave in 1 (cause
causal /'ko:z(9)l/ adj. 1 of or forming a
to) subside or collapse. 2 yield, give up.
cause. 2 relating to cause and effect.
[Latin cavus hollow]
causally adv.
caveat /'kaevi.aet/ n. 1 warning, proviso.
causality /ko:'zaeliti/ n. 1 relation of
2 Law process in court to suspend pro-
cause and effect. 2 principle that every-
ceedings. [Latin, = let him beware]
thing has a cause.
caveat emptor /'empto:(r)/ n. principle
causation /koi'zeiJXa)^ n. 1 act of caus-
that the buyer alone is responsible if
ing. 2 = CAUSALITY.
dissatisfied. [Latin, = let the buyer be-
causative /'ko.zatrv/ adj. acting as or
expressing a cause.
cause /ko:z/ -n. 1 a thing that produces
caveman n. 1 prehistoric person living

in caves. 2 crude person,

an effect, b person or thing that occa-
sions or produces something, c reason
cavern /'kaev(a)n/ n. cave, esp. a large or
dark one. z cavernous adj. [Latin
or motive. 2 adequate reason (show
caver na: related to cave]
cause). 3 principle, belief, or purpose.
4 a matter to be settled at law. b case
caviare /'kaevi,a:(r)/ n. (US caviar)
pickled roe of sturgeon or other large
offered at law (plead a cause), -v.
fish. [Italian from Turkish]
(-sing) be the cause of, produce, make
happen. [Latin causa]
cavil /'kaevil/ -v. (-11-, US -1-) (usu. foil.
cause celebre /,ko:z se'lebr/ n. (pi.
by at, about) make petty objections;
carp. -n. trivial objection. [Latin cavil-
causes celebres pronunc. same) lawsuit
that attracts much interest. [French]
causerie /'kauzari/ n. (pi. -s pronunc.
cavity /'kaeviti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 hollow

same) informal article or talk. [French] within a solid body. 2 decayed part of a
causeway /'koizwei/ n. 1 raised road tooth. [Latin: related to cave]
across low ground or water. 2 raised cavity wall n. double wall with a space
path by a road. [Anglo-French caucee between.
from Latin calx] cavort /ka'voit/ v. caper excitedly, [or-
caustic /'ko:stik/ -adj. 1 corrosive; igin uncertain]
burning. 2 sarcastic, biting, -n. caustic cavy /'keivi/ n. (pi. -ies) small S. Amer-
substance, z caustically adv. causti- ican rodent, esp. the guinea pig. [Latin
city /-'tisiti/ n. [Greek kaio burn] from Galibi]
caustic soda n. sodium hydroxide. caw -n. harsh cry of a rook, crow, etc.
cauterize /'koita.raiz/ (also -ise)
v. -v. utter this cry. [imitative]
(-zing or -sing) burn (tissue), esp. to cayenne /kei'en/ n. (in full cayenne
stop bleeding. [French: related to caus- pepper) powdered red pepper. [Tupi]
tic] cayman /'keiman/ n. (also caiman) (pi.
caution -n, 1 attention to
/'ko:JXa)n/ -s) S. American alligator-like reptile.
safety; prudence, carefulness. 2 a Law [Spanish and Portuguese from Carib]
CB 130 celluloid
CB abbr. 1 citizens' band. 2 Companion celeriac /si'leri.aek/ n. variety of celery,
of the Order of the Bath. [from celery]
CBE abbr. Commander of the Order of celerity /si'lenti/ n. archaic or literary
the British Empire. swiftness. [Latin celer swift]
CBI abbr. Confederation of British In- celery /'selan/ n. plant with crisp long
dustry. whitish leaf-stalks used as a vegetable.
cc abbr. (also c.c.) 1 cubic centimetre(s). [Greek selinon parsley]
2 copy or copies (to). celesta /si'lesta/ n. small keyboard
CD abbr. 1 compact disc. 2 Civil Defence. instrument with steel plates struck to
3 Corps Diplomatique. give a bell-like sound. [French: related
Cd symb. cadmium, to celestial]
cd abbr. candela. celestial /si'lestial/ adj. 1 of the sky or
CD-ROM /,si:di:'rDm/ abbr. compact heavenly bodies. 2 heavenly; divinely
disc read-only memory (for the retrieval good; sublime. [Latin caelum sky]
of text or data on a VDU
screen). celestial equator n. the great circle of
CDT abbr. craft, design, and technology. the sky in the plane perpendicular to the
CD-video / si:di:'vidiau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 sys-
earth's axis.
tem of simultaneously reproducing celestial sphere n. imaginary sphere,
high-quality sound and video pictures of any radius, of which the observer is
from a compact disc. 2 such a compact the centre and in which celestial bodies
disc. are represented as lying.
Ce symb. cerium. celibate /'selibat/ —adj. 1 unmarried or
cease formal -v. (-sing) stop; bring or committed to sexual abstention, esp. for
come to an end. -n. (in without cease) religious reasons. 2 having no sexual
unending. [Latin cesso] relations, -n. celibate person. celib-
cease-fire n. 1 period of truce. 2 order to acy n. [Latin caelebs unmarried]
stop firing. cell n. 1 small room, esp. in a prison or
ceaseless adj. without end. cease- monastery. 2 small compartment, e.g. in
lessly adv. a honeycomb. 3 small, active, esp. sub-
cecum US var. of caecum. versive, political group. 4 a smallest
cedar /'si:da(r)/ n. 1 spreading ever- structural and functional unit of living
green conifer. 2 its hard fragrant wood. matter, consisting of cytoplasm and
[Greek kedros] a nucleus enclosed in a membrane,
cede (-ding) formal give up one's
v. b enclosed cavity in an organism etc.
rights to or possession of. [Latin cedo 5 vessel containing electrodes for
cess- yield] current-generation or electrolysis.
cedilla /si'dila/ n. 1 mark written under [Latin cella]
c,esp. in French, to show it is sibilant (as cellar /'sela(r)/ —n. 1 storage room be-
in faqade). 2 similar mark under s in low ground level in a house. 2 stock of
Turkish etc. [Spanish diminutive of wine in a cellar, -v. store in a cellar.
zeda Z] [Latin cellarium: related to cell]
Ceefax /'srfaeks/ n. propr. teletext ser- cello /'tjelau/ n. (pi. -s) bass instrument
vice provided by the BSC. [representing of the violin family, held between the
a pronunciation of seeing + facsimile] legs of the seated player. cellist n.
ceilidh /'keili/ n. informal gathering for [abbreviation of violoncello]
music, dancing, etc. [Gaelic] Cellophane /'sela.fem/ n. propr. thin
ceiling /'si:lin/ n. 1 upper interior sur- transparent viscose wrapping material,
face of a room or other compartment. 2 [from cellulose: cf. diaphanous]
upper limit. 3 maximum altitude a given cellphone n. small portable radio-
aircraft can reach, [origin uncertain] telephone.
celandine /'selan.dam/ n. yellow-flow- cellular /'seljula(r)/ adj. consisting of
ered plant. [Greek khelidon a swallow] cells, of open texture; porous. cellu-
celebrant /'selibrant/ n. person who larity /-'laeriti/ n. [French: related to
performs a rite, esp. the priest at the cell]
Eucharist. cellular radio system of mobile
celebrate /'seli.breit/ v. (-ting) 1 mark radio-telephone transmission with an
with or engage in festivities. 2 perform area divided into 'cells', each served by
(a rite or ceremony). 3 praise publicly. a small transmitter.
celebration /- breij(a)n/ n. celebrator cellulite /'selju.lait/ n. lumpy fat, esp.
n. celebratory /-'breitan/ adj. [Latin on the hips and thighs of women.
celeber renowned] [French: related to cell]
celebrity /si'lebnti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 well- celluloid /'seljo.loid/ n. 1 plastic made
known person. 2 fame. [Latin: related to from camphor and cellulose nitrate.
celebrate] 2 cinema film.
cellulose 131 centralism
cellulose /'selju.laus/ n. 1 carbohydrate
forming plant-cell walls, used in textile
Usage As a verb, censure is often
confused with censor.
general use) paint or lacquer
fibres. 2 (in
consisting of esp. cellulose acetate or census /'sensas/ n. (pi -suses) official
nitrate in solution. [Latin: related to count of population etc. [Latin: related
cell] to censor]
Celsius /'selsias/ adj. of a scale of tem- cent n. 1 a one-hundredth of a dollar or
perature on which water freezes at 0° other decimal currency unit, b coin of
and boils at 100°. [name of an astro- this value. 2 colloq. very small amount.
nomer] [Latin centum 100]
centaur /'sento:(r)/ n.
creature in Greek
Usage See note at centigrade. mythology with the upper half of a man
Celt /kelt/ n. (also Kelt) member of an and the lower half of a horse. [Latin
ethnic group, including the inhabitants from Greek]
of Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall, centenarian /.senti'nearian/ -n. per-
and Brittany. [Latin from Greek] son a hundred or more years old. -adj. a
Celtic /'keltik/ -adj. of the Celts, -n. hundred or more years old.
group of Celtic languages, including centenary /sen'ti:nan/ -n. (pi -ies) 1
Gaelic and Irish, Welsh, Cornish, and hundredth anniversary. 2 celebration
Breton. of this. —adj. 1 of a centenary. 2 occur-
cement /si'ment/ —n. 1 powdery sub- ring every hundred years. [Latin centeni
stance of calcined lime and clay, mixed 100 each]
with water to form mortar or used in centennial /sen'tenial/ -adj. 1 lasting
for a hundred years. 2 occurring every
concrete. 2 similar substance. 3 uniting
factor or principle. 4 substance used in
hundred years, -n. US = centenary n.
[Latin centum 100: cf. biennial]
filling teeth, doing hip replacements,
etc. -y.1a unite with or as with cement,
center US var. of centre.
b establish or strengthen (a friendship
centerboard US var. of centreboard.
centerfold US var. of centrefold.
etc.). 2 apply cement to. 3 line or
cover with cement. cementation centesimal /sen'tesim(a)l/ adj. reckon-
ing or reckoned by hundredths. [Latin
/,si:men'teij(8)n/ n. [Latin caedo cut]
centum 100] •

cemetery /'semitn/ n. (pi. -ies) burial

centi- comb, form 1 one-hundredth. 2
ground, esp. one not in a churchyard.
hundred. [Latin centum 100]
[Greek koimad put to sleep] = Cel-
centigrade /'senti.greid/ adj. 1
cenobite US var. of coenobite. sius. 2 having a scale of a hundred
cenotaph /'sena,ta:f/ n. tomblike monu- degrees. [Latin gradus step]
ment to a person whose body is else-
where. [Greek kenos empty, taphos Usage In sense 1, Celsius is usually
tomb] preferred in technical contexts.
Cenozoic /.siina zaoik/ (also Cainozoic centigram /'senti.graem/ n. (also centi-
/.kama-/, Caenozoic /,si:n-/) -adj. of the gramme) metric unit of mass, equal to
most recent geological era, marked by 0.01 gram.
the evolution and development of mam- centilitre /'senti,li:ta(r)/ n. (US centi-
mals etc. -n. this era. [Greek kainos liter) 0.01 litre.
new, zoion animal] centime /'sati:m/ n. 1 one-hundredth of
censer /'sensa(r)/ n. vessel for burning a franc. 2 coin of this value. [Latin
incense. [Anglo-French: related to in- centum 100]
cense 1
] centimetre /'senti,mi:ta(r)/ n. (US cen-
censor /'sens9(r)/-rc. authorized
official timeter) 0.01 metre.
to suppress or expurgate books, films, centipede /'senti,pi:d/ n. arthropod
news, etc., on grounds of obscenity, with a segmented wormlike body and
threat to security, etc. -v. 1 act as a many legs. [Latin pes ped- foot]
censor of. 2 make deletions or changes central /'sentr(a)l/ adj. 1 of, at, or form-
in. censorial /- so.nal/ adj. censor- ing the centre. 2 from the centre. 3 chief,
ship n. [Latin censeo assess] essential, most important. centrality
/-'traeliti/ n. centrally adv.
Usage As a verb, censor is often
central bank n. national bank issuing
confused with censure. currency etc.
censorious /sen'so:nas/ adj. severely central heating n. method of heating

critical, censoriously adv. a building by pipes, radiators, etc.,

censure /'senja(r)/ -v. (-ring) criticize fed from a central source.
harshly; reprove, -n. hostile criticism; centralism n. system that centralizes
disapproval. [Latin: related to censor] (esp. administration). centralist n.
centralize 132 cerebrum
centralize (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
v. centripetal /sen'tripit(a)l/ adj. moving
1 concentrate (esp. administration) at a or tending to move towards a centre.
single centre. 2 subject (a State) to this centripetally adv. [Latin peto seek]
system. centralization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. centripetal force n. force acting on a
central nervous system n. brain and body causing it to move towards a
spinal cord. centre.
central processor n. (also central centrist n. Polit. often derog. person
processing unit) principal operating holding moderate views. centrism n.
part of a computer. centurion /sen'tjuarian/ n. commander
centre /'senta(r)/ (US center) -n. 1 mid- of a century in the ancient Roman army.
dle point. 2 pivot or axis of rotation. 3 a [Latin: related to century]
place or buildings forming a central century /'sentjan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a 100
point or a main area for an activity years, b any century reckoned from the
(shopping centre-, town centre), b (with birth of Christ (twentieth century =
a preceding word) equipment for a I90l-2000',fifth century bc = 500-^01 bc).
number of connected functions (music 2 score etc. of 100 esp. by one batsman in
centre). 4 point of concentration or dis- cricket. 3 company in the ancient
persion; nucleus, source. 5 political Roman army, orig. of 100 men. [Latin
party or group holding moderate opin- centuria: related to cent]
ions. 6 filling in chocolate etc. 7 Sport a Usage Strictly speaking, since the
middle player in a line in some field first century ran from the year 1-100,
games, b kick or hit from the side to the the first year of a given century should
centre of a pitch. 8 (attrib.) of or at the be that ending in 01. However, in pop-
centre, -v. (-ring) 1 (foil, by in, on, ular use this has been moved back a
round) have as its main centre. 2 place year, and so the twenty-first century
in the centre. 3 (foil, by in etc.) concen- will commonly be regarded as running
trate. [Greek kentron sharp point] from 2000-2099.
Usage The use of the verb in sense 1 cephalic /sa'faelik/ adj. of or in the head.
with round is common and used by good [Greek kephale head]
writers, but is still considered incorrect cephalopod /'sefala.pod/
n. mollusc
by some people. with a distinct tentacled head, e.g. the
octopus, [from cephalic, Greek pous
centre back n. Sport middle player or
pod- foot]
position in a half-back line,
ceramic /si'raBmik/ -adj. 1 made of
centreboard (US centerboard)
(esp.)baked clay. 2 of ceramics, -n.
board lowered through a boat's keel to ceramic article or product. [Greek kera-
prevent leeway. mos pottery]
centrefold n. (US centerfold) centre ceramics 1 ceramic products col-
spread of a magazine etc., esp. with nude lectively. 2 (usu. treated as sing.) art of
photographs. making ceramic articles.
centre forward n. Sport middle player cereal /'siarial/ -n. 1 a grain used for
or position in a forward line, food, b wheat, maize, rye, etc. producing
centre half n. = centre back. this. 2 breakfast food made from a cer-
centre of gravity n. (also centre of eal, -adj. of edible grain. [Latin Ceres
mass) point at which the weight of a goddess of agriculture]
body may be considered to act. cerebellum /.sen'belam/ n. (pi. -s or
centre-piece n. 1 ornament for the -bella) part of the brain at the back of
middle of a table. 2 principal item, the skull. [Latin diminutive of cereb-
centre spread n. two facing middle rum]
pages of a newspaper etc. cerebral /'senbr(a)l/ adj. 1 of the brain.
centric adj. 1 at or near the centre. 2 2 intellectual; unemotional, [related to
from a centre. centrical adj. cent- cerebrum]
rically adv. cerebral palsy n. paralysis resulting
centrifugal sentn'f3u:g(a)l/ adj. mov-
/ 1 from brain damage before or at birth,
ing or tending to move from a centre. involving spasm of the muscles and
centrifugally adv. [from centre, involuntary movements.
Latin fugio flee] cerebration / (
seri'breiJX9)n/ n. work-
centrifugal force apparent force
n. ing of the brain.
that acts outwards on a body moving cerebrospinal / senbr9u'spam(8)l/

about a centre. adj. of the brain and spine.

centrifuge /'sentri,fju:d3/ n. rapidly cerebrum /'senbram/ n. (pi. -bra) prin-
rotating machine designed to separate cipal part of the brain in vertebrates, at
liquids from solids etc. the front of the skull. [Latin]
ceremonial 133 chaff
ceremonial /.sen'maunial/ -adj. of or certify -ied) 1 attest;
/'s3:ti,fai/ v. (-ies,
with ceremony; formal, -n. system of attest to, esp. formally. 2 declare by
rites or ceremonies. ceremonially certificate. 3 officially declare insane.
adv. [Latin certus]
ceremonious /.sen'maunias/ adj. fond certitude /'ss^i.rjutf/ n. feeling of cer-
of or characterized by ceremony; for- tainty. [Latin: related to certain]
mal ceremoniously adv. cerulean /S9'ru:li9n/ adj. &
n. literary
ceremony /'senmani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 deep sky-blue. [Latin caeruleus]
formal procedure, esp. at a public event cervical /sa'vaik(a)l, 'S3:vik(a)l/ adj. of
or anniversary. 2 formalities, esp. ritu- the neck or the cervix (cervical ver-
alistic. 3 excessively polite behaviour. tebrae), [related to cervix]
stand on ceremony insist on formality. cervical screening n. mass routine
[Latin caerimonia worship] examination for cervical cancer.
cerise /sa'ri:z/ n. light clear red. cervical smear n. specimen from the
[French: related to cherry] neck of the womb for examination.
cerium /'siariam/ n. silvery metallic cervix /'S3:viks/ n. (pi. cervices /-,si:z/)
element of the lanthanide series. [Ceres, 1 necklike structure, esp. the neck of
name of an asteroid] the womb. 2 the neck. [Latin]
CERN /S3:n/ abbr. European Organ- Cesarean (also Cesarian) US var. of
ization for Nuclear Research. [French Caesarean.
Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche cesium US var. of caesium.
Nucleaire, former title] cessation /se'seij(9)n/ n. ceasing or
cert n. (esp. dead cert) slang a cer- pause. [Latin: related to cease]
tainty, [abbreviation]
cession /'sej(a)n/ n. 1 ceding. 2 territory
cert. abbr. 1 certificate. 2 certified. etc. ceded. [Latin: related to cede]
certain /'s3it(8)n/ -adj. 1 a confident, cesspit /'sespit/ n. (also cesspool)
convinced, b indisputable (it is certain covered pit for the temporary storage of
that he is guilty). 2 (often foil, by to +
liquid waste or sewage, [origin
infin.) sure; destined (it is certain to
rain; certain to win). 3 unerring, reli-
cetacean -n. marine mam-
able. 4 that need not be specified or may
mal, e.g. the whale, -adj. of cetaceans.
not be known to the reader or hearer (of
[Greek ketos whale]
a certain age; a certain John Smith). 5 cetane /'si:tein/ n. liquid hydrocarbon
some but not much (a certain reluct- used in standardizing ratings of diesel
ance), -pron. (as pi.) some but not all
fuel,[from spermaceti]
(certain of them knew). for certain
Cfsymb. californium.
without doubt. [Latin certus]
cf. abbr. compare. [Latin confer]
certainly adv. 1 undoubtedly. 2 (in
answer) yes; by all means.
CFC abbr. chlorofluorocarbon, a usu.
gaseous compound of carbon, hydro-
certainty n. (pi. -ies) 1 a undoubted
gen, chlorine, and fluorine, used in
fact,b indubitable prospect. 2 absolute
refrigerants, aerosol propellants, etc.,
conviction. 3 reliable thing or person.
and thought to harm the ozone layer.
Cert. Ed. abbr. Certificate in
CFE abbr. College of Further Education.
able or
eg abbr. centigram(s).
certifiable /'S3:ti fai8b(8)l/ adj. 1

needing to be certified. 2 colloq. insane.

CH abbr. Companion of Honour.
certificate /sa'tifikat/ -n. formal docu-
Chablis /'Jaebli:/ n.
(pi. same /-li:z/) very
dry white wine from Chablis in E.
ment attesting a fact, esp. birth, mar-
riage, or death, a medical condition, or a
qualification, - v. /-.keit/ (-ting) (esp. as cha-cha /'tjcutja:/ n. (also cha-cha-cha
/,tja:tja:'tja:/) 1 Latin American dance.
certificated adj.) provide with, license,
certifica- 2 music for this. [American Spanish]
or attest by a certificate.
tion /,s3:tifi'keij(9)n/ n. [Latin: related
chaconne /Ja'kDn/ n. 1 musical vari-
ations over a ground bass. 2 dance
to certify]
performed to this. [French from Span-
Certificate of Secondary Educa-
tion n. hist, secondary-school leaving
examination in England, Wales, and chafe -v. (-fing) 1 make or become sore
or damaged by rubbing. 2 make or
N orthern Ireland.
become annoyed; fret. 3 rub (esp. the
Usage This examination was re- skin to restore warmth or sensation).
placed in 1988 by the General Certificate -n. sore caused by rubbing. [Latin cale-
of Secon dary Education (GCSE). facio make warm]
certified cheque n. cheque guaran- chaff /tja:f/ -n. 1 separated husks of

teed by a bank. corn etc. 2 chopped hay or straw. 3 light-

chaffinch 134 chamois
hearted teasing. 4 worthless things, -v. house in a similar style. 3 small cabin in
tease, banter. [Old English] a holiday camp etc. [Swiss French]
chaffinch /'tjaefintJV n. a common chalice /'tjaelis/ n. 1 goblet. 2 Euchar-
European finch. [Old English: related to istic cup. [Latin calix]
CHAFF, FINCH] chalk -n. 1 white soft limestone.
chafing-dish n. vessel in which food is 2 a similar substance, sometimes col-
cooked or kept warm at table. oured, for writing or drawing, b piece of
chagrin /'Jaegrm/ -n. acute annoyance this. -v. 1 rub, mark, draw, or write
or disappointment, -v. affect with chag- with chalk. 2 (foil, by up) a write or
rin. [French] record with chalk, b register or gain
chain —n. 1 a connected flexible series (success etc.). by a long chalk by far.
of esp. metal links, b thing resembling chalky adj. (-ier, -iest). chalkiness
this. 2 (in pi.) fetters; restraining force. 3 n. [Latin calx]
sequence, series, or set. 4 group of asso- challenge /'tjaelmd3/-rc. 1 summons to
ciated hotels, shops, etc. 5 badge of office take part in a contest etc. or to prove or
in the form of a chain worn round the justify something. 2 demanding or diffi-
neck. 6 unit of length (66 ft), -v. (often cult task. 3 objection made to a jury
foil, by up) secure or confine with a
member. 4 respond, -v. (-ging)
call to
chain. [Latin catena] 1 issue a challenge
to. 2 dispute, deny.
chain-gang n. hist, team of convicts 3 (as challenging adj.) stimulatingly
chained together to work out of doors. difficult. 4 object to (a jury member,
chain-mail n. armour made of inter- evidence, etc.). challenger n. [Latin
laced rings. calumnia calumny]
chain reaction chemical or nuc-
n. 1
chalybeate /ka'libiat/ adj. (of water
lear reaction forming products which
impregnated with iron
etc.) salts. [Latin
initiate further reactions. 2 series of
chalybs steel, from Greek]
events, each caused by the previous
chamber /'tfeimb9(r)/ n. 1 a hall used
by a legislative or judicial body, b body
chain-saw n. motor-driven saw with
that meets in it, esp. any of the houses of
teeth on an endless chain,
a parliament. 2 (in pi. ) a rooms used by a
chain-smoke v. smoke continually,
barrister or barristers, esp. in Inns of lighting the next cigarette etc.
Court, b judge's room for hearing cases
from the previous one. : chain-
not needing to be taken in court. 3
-smoker n.
archaic room, esp. a bedroom. 4 Mus.
chain store n. one of a series of similar
a small group of instru-
(attrib.) of or for
shops owned by one firm.
ments. 5 cavity or compartment in the
chair -n. 1seat for one person usu. with
body, machinery, etc. (esp. the part of a
a back. 2 professorship. 3 a chairperson,
gun-bore that contains the charge).
b seat or office of a chairperson. 4 US =
[Greek kamara vault]
electric chair, -v. 1 preside over (a
meeting). 2 carry (a person) aloft in
chamberlain /'tjeimbalm/ n. 1 officer

triumph. take the chair preside over managing a royal or noble household. 2
a meeting. [Greek kathedra] treasurer of a corporation etc. [Ger-
chair-lift n. series of chairs on a looped manic: related to chamber]
cable, for carrying passengers up and
chambermaid n. woman who cleans
down a mountain etc. hotel bedrooms.
chairman n. ifem. also chairwoman) 1 Chamber of Commerce n. associ-
person chosen to preside over a meet- ation to promote local commercial
ing. 2 permanent president of a commit- interests.
tee, board of directors, etc. chamber-pot n. receptacle for urine
chairperson n. chairman or chair- etc., used in the bedroom.
woman. chameleon /ka'mi:lian/ n. 1 small
chaise horse-drawn
/Jeiz/ n. esp. hist, lizard able to change colour for camou-
usu. open carriage for one or two per- flage. 2 variable or inconstant person.
sons. [French] [Greek, = ground-lion]
chaise longue chaise
/Jeiz Ion/ n. (pi. chamfer /'tjaemfa(r)/ -v. bevel sym-
tongues or chaises tongues pronunc. metrically (a right-angled edge or cor-
same) sofa with only one arm rest. ner), -n. bevelled surface at an edge or
[French, = long chair] corner. [French chant edge, fraint
chalcedony /kael'sedani/ n. (pi. -ies) broken]
type of quartz with many varieties, e.g. chamois n. (pi. same /-wa:z/, /-miz/) 1

onyx. [Latin from Greek] /'Jaemwa:/ agile European and Asian

chalet /'Jaelei/ n. 1 Swiss mountain hut mountain antelope. 2 /'Jaemi/ (in full
or cottage with overhanging eaves. 2 chamois leather) a soft leather from
chamomile 135 channel
sheep, goats, deer, etc. b piece of this. office. 3 chancellery, [contraction of
[French] chancellery]
chamomile var. of camomile. chancy /'tja:nsi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) uncer-
champ -v. munch or chew noisily, -n.

tain; risky. chancily adv.

chewing noise. champ at the bit be chandelier /,Jaend9'li8(r)/ n. ornamen-
restlessly impatient, [imitative] tal branched hanging support for light-
champ n. slang champion, [abbrevi-
ing. [French: related to candle]
ation] chandler /'tja:ndla(r)/ n. dealer in
champagne /Jaem'pem/ n. 1 a white candles, oil, soap, paint, etc. [French:
sparkling wine from Champagne, b related to candle]
similar wine from elsewhere. 2 pale change /tjemd3/ 1 a making or
cream colour. [Champagne, former becoming different, b alteration or
province in E. France] modification. 2 a money "exchanged for
Usage The use of this word in sense
money in larger units or a different
strictly speaking, incorrect.
currency, b money returned as the
lb is,
balance of that given in payment. 3 new
champers /"Jaempaz/ n. slang cham- experience; variety (need a change). 4
! pagne. substitution of one thing for another
champion /'tjaempian/ -n. 1 (often (change of scene). 5 (in full change of
attrib.) person or thing that has life) colloq. menopause. 6 (usu. in pi)
defeated or surpassed all rivals. 2 per- one of the different orders in which bells
son who fights or argues for a cause or can be rung. -v. (-ging) 1 undergo,
another person, -v. support the cause show, or subject to change; make or
of, defend, -adj. colloq. splendid, -adv. become different. 2 a take or use
colloq. splendidly, [medieval Latin cam- another instead of; go from one to
pio fighter] another (change one's socks; changed
championship n. 1 (often in pi.) con- trains), b (usu. foil, by for) give up or get
test to decide the champion in a sport rid of in exchange (changed the carfor a
etc. 2 position of champion. van). 3 give or get money in exchange
chance /tja:ns/ -n. 1 possibility. 2 for. 4 put fresh clothes or coverings on. 5
(often in pi.) probability. 3 unplanned (often foil, by with) give and receive,
occurrence. 4 opportunity. 5 fortune; exchange. 6 change trains etc. 7 (of the
luck. 6 (often Chance) course of events moon) arrive at a fresh phase. change
regarded as a power; fate, -attrib. adj. down engage a lower gear, change
fortuitous, accidental, -v. (-cing) 1 col- gear engage a different gear, change
loq. risk. 2 happen (I chanced to find it). hands 1 pass to a different owner. 2
by any chance perhaps, by chance substitute one hand for the other,
fortuitously, chance one's arm try change one's mind adopt a different
though unlikely to succeed, chance on opinion or plan, change over change
(or upon) happen to find, meet, etc. from one system or situation to another,
game of chance one decided by luck, change one's tune 1 voice a different
not skill, on the off chance just in case opinion from before. 2 become more
(the unlikely occurs), stand a chance respectful, change up engage a higher
nave a prospect of success etc. take a gear, get no change out of slang 1 get
chance (or chances) risk failure; be- no information or help from. 2 fail to
have riskily, take a (or one's) chance outwit (in business etc.). changeful
I on (or with) risk the consequences of. adj. changeless adj. [Latin cambio
[Latin cado fall] barter]
chancel /'tja:ns(a)l/ n. part of a church changeable adj. 1 inconstant. 2 that
near the altar. [Latin cancelli grating] can change or be changed.
chancellery /'tjamsalari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 changeling n. child believed to be sub-
I chancellor's department, staff, or resid- stituted for another.
ence. 2 US office attached to an embassy change of clothes n. second outfit in

or consulate. reserve.
chancellor /'tja:nsala(r)/ n. 1 State or change of heart n. conversion to a
legal official. 2 head of government in different view.
I some European countries. 3 non- change-over n. change from one sys-
resident honorary head of a university. tem to another.
[Latin cancellarius secretary] channel /'tjaen(a)l/ -n. 1 a piece of
Chancellor of the Exchequer n. UK water wider than a strait, joining esp.
finance minister. two seas, b (the Channel) the English
* chancery /'tjamsari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 Channel. 2 medium of communication;
(Chancery) Lord Chancellor's division agency. 3 band of frequencies used in
of the High Court of Justice. 2 records radio and television transmission, esp.
chant 136 charge
by a particular station. 4 course in chaplet /'tjaeplit/ n. 1 garland or circlet
which anything moves. 5 a hollow bed for the head. 2 short string of beads;
of water, b navigable part of a water- rosary. [Latin: related to cap]
way. 6 passage for liquid. 7 lengthwise chapman /'tjaepman/ n. hist, pedlar.
strip on recording tape etc. -u. (-11-; US [Old English: related to cheap, man]
-1-) 1 guide, direct. 2 form channel(s) in. chappie n. colloq. = chap 1

[Latin: related to canal] chapter n. 1 main division

of a book.
chant /tja:nt/ -n. 1 spoken singsong 2 period of time (in a person's life etc.).
phrase. 2 a simple tune used for singing 3 a canons of a cathedral or members of
unmetrical words, e.g. psalms, b song, a religious community, b meeting of
esp.monotonous or repetitive, -v. 1 talk these. [Latin diminutive of caput head]
or repeat monotonously. 2 sing or in- chapter and verse n. exact reference
tone (a psalm etc.). [Latin canto from or details.
cano sing] chapter of accidents n. series of mis-
chanter n. melody-pipe of bagpipes. fortunes.
chanticleer /,tjaenti'klia(r)/ n. name char 1 v. (-rr-) 1 make or become black by
given to a domestic cock in stories. burning; scorch. 2 burn to charcoal,
[French: related to chant, clear] [from charcoal]
chantry /'tja:ntn/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 endow- char 2 colloq. -n. = charwoman, -v.
ment for the singing of masses. 2 priests, work as a charwoman. [Old Eng-
chapel, etc., so endowed. [French: lish, = turn]
related to chant] char3 n. slang tea. [Chinese cha]
chaos /'keios/ n. 1 utter confusion. 2 char 4 n. (pi. same) a kind of small trout,
formless matter supposed to have [origin unknown]
existed before the creation of the charabanc /'Jaera.baen/ n. hist, early
universe. chaotic /kei'Dtik/ adj. form of motor coach. [French char a
chaotically /-'Dtikali/ adv. [Latin from bancs seated carriage]
Greek] character /'kaenkt8(r)/ n. 1 collective
chap 1
man, boy, fellow,
n. colloq. [abbre- qualities or characteristics that distin-
viation of CHAPMAN] guish a person or thing. 2 a moral
chap2 -v. (-pp-) 1 (esp. of the skin) strength, b reputation, esp. good repu-
develop cracks or soreness. 2 (of the tation. 3 a person in a novel, play, etc. b
wind, cold, etc.) cause to chap. -n. (usu. part played by an actor; role. 4 colloq.
in pi.) crack in the skin etc. [origin person, esp. an eccentric one. 5 printed
uncertain] or written letter, symbol, etc. 6 written
chaparral /.Jaepo'rael/ n. US dense tan- description of a person's qualities. 7
gled brushwood. [Spanish] characteristic (esp. of a biological spe-
chapatti /tJVpa:ti/ n. (also chapati, cies), n in (or out of) character consis-
chupatty) (pi.chapat(t)is or chupat- tent (or inconsistent) with a person's
ties) flat thin cake of unleavened bread. character. characterless adj. [Greek
[Hindi] kharakter]
chapel /'tja3p(a)l/ n.1a place for private characteristic /.kaerikta'nstik/ -adj.
Christian worship in a Cathedral or typical, distinctive, -n. characteristic
large church, with its own altar, b this feature or quality. characterist-
attached to a private house etc. 2 a place ically adv.
of worship for Nonconformists, b characterize /'kaenkta.raiz/ v. (also
chapel service. 3 members or branch of -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 a describe the
a printers' trade union at a place of character of. b (foil, by as) describe as. 2
work, [medieval Latin cappa cloak: the be characteristic of. 3 impart character
first chapel was a sanctuary in which St to. characterization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n.
Martin's cloak (cappella) was pre- charade /JVra:d/ n. 1 (usu. in pi.,
served] treated as sing.) game of guessing a
chaperon /'Jaepa.raun/ —n. person, esp. word from acted clues. 2 absurd pre-
an older woman, ensuring propriety by tence. [Provencal charra chatter]
accompanying a young unmarried charcoal /'tja:kaul/ n.1a form of car-
woman on social occasions, —v. act as bon consisting of black residue from
chaperon to. chaperonage /-ranid3/ partially burnt wood etc. b piece of this
n. [French from chape cope: related to for drawing, c a drawing in charcoal. 2
CAPE 1 ] (in full charcoal grey) dark grey, [or-
chaplain /'tjaeplin/ n. member of the igin unknown]
clergy attached to a private chapel, charge -v. (-ging) 1 a ask (an amount)
institution, ship, regiment, etc. chap- as a price, b ask (a person) for an
laincy n. (pi. -ies). [Latin: related to amount as a price. 2 a (foil, by to, up to)
chapel] debit the cost of to (a person or account).
charge-capping 137 chase
b debit (a person or account). 3 a (often charlady n. = charwoman.
toll by with) accuse (of an offence), b charlatan /'Ja:lat(a)n/ n. person falsely
(foil, by that + clause) make an accusa- claiming knowledge or skill. char-
tion that. 4 (foil, by to + infin.) instruct latanism n. [Italian, = babbler]
or urge. 5 (foil, by with) entrust with. 6 Charleston /'tja:lst(a)n/ n. (also
make a rushing attack (on). 7 (often foil, Charleston) lively dance of the 1920s
by up) a give an electric charge to. b with side-kicks from the knee. [Charles-
store energy in (a battery). 8 (often foil, ton in S. Carolina]
by with) load or fill (a vessel, gun, etc.) to charlotte /'Ja:lDt/ n. pudding of stewed
the full or proper extent. 9 (usu. as fruit covered with bread etc. [French]
charged adj.) a (foil, by with) saturated charm -n. 1 power or quality of delight-
with, b (usu. foil, by with) pervaded ing, arousing admiration, or influenc-
(with strong feelings etc.). -n. 1 a price ing; fascination, attractiveness. 2 trin-
asked for services or goods, b financial ket on a bracelet etc. 3 object, act, or
liability or commitment. 2 accusation. 3 word(s) supposedly having magic
a task, duty, commission, b care, cus- power, -v. 1 delight, captivate. 2
tody, c person or thing entrusted. 4 a influence or protect as if by magic (a
impetuous rush or attack, esp. in battle, charmed life). 3 obtain or gain by charm
b signal for this. 5 appropriate amount (charmed his way into the BBC), z
of material to be put into a receptacle, charmer n. [Latin carmen songj
mechanism, etc. at one time, esp. of charming adj. delightful. charm-
explosive for a gun. 6 a property of ingly adv.
matter causing electrical phenomena, b charnel-house /'tfa:n(a)l,haus/ n.
quantity of this carried by the body, c repository of corpses or bones. [Latin:
energy stored chemically for conver- related to carnal]
sion into electricity. 7 exhortation; chart -72. 1 geographical map or plan,
directions, orders. 8 heraldic device or esp. for navigation. 2 sheet of informa-
bearing, in charge having command, tion in the form of a table, graph, or
take charge (often foil, by of) assume diagram. 3 (usu. in pi.) colloq. listing of
control, chargeable adj. [Latin car- the currently best-selling pop records.
rus car] -v. make a chart of, map. [Latin charta:
charge-capping n. imposition of an related to card ]
upper limit on the community charge charter -n. a document granting
leviable by a local authority. rights, issued esp. by a sovereign or
charge card n. = credit card. legislature, b written constitution or
charge d'affaires /Ja:3ei dae'fea(r)/ n. description of an organization's func-
(pi. charges pronunc. same) 1 ambas- tions etc. 2 contract to hire an aircraft,
sador's deputy. 2 envoy to a minor ship, etc., for a special purpose, -v. 1
country. [French] grant a charter to. 2 hire (an aircraft,
charger n. 1 cavalry horse. 2 apparatus ship, etc.). [Latin chartula: related to
for charging a battery, chart]
chariot /'tjaeriat/ n. hist, two-wheeled chartered attrib. adj. (of an account-
vehicle drawn by horses, used in ant, engineer, librarian, etc.) qualified
ancient warfare and racing. [French: as a member of a professional body that
related to car] has a royal charter.
charioteer /.tjaena'tiafr)/ n. charter flight n. flight by chartered
chariot-driver. aircraft.
charisma /ka'nzma/ n. 1 power to in- Chartism n. hist. UK Parliamentary

spire or attract exceptional

others; reform movement of 1837-48. Chart-
charm. 2 divinely conferred power or ist n. [from charter: name taken from
talent. charismatic /-'maetik/ adj. 'People's Charter']
[Greek kharis grace] chartreuse /Ja:'tr3:z/ n. pale green or
charitable gener-
/'tjaeritab(a)l/ adj. 1 yellow brandy-based liqueur. [Char-
ous in giving to those in need. 2 of or treuse, monastery in S. France]
relating to a charity or charities. 3 charwoman n. woman employed as a
generous in judging others. charit- cleaner in a house.
ably adv. chary /'tjeari/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 cau-

charity /'tjaeriti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 giving tious, wary. 2 sparing; ungenerous. [Old
voluntarily to those in need. 2 organiza- English: related to care]
tion set up to help those in need or for Charybdis see Scylla and Charybdis.
the common good. 3 a kindness, bene- chase - v. (-sing) 1 run after; pursue. 2

volence, b tolerance in judging others, c (foil, by from, out of to, etc.) force to run

love of fellow men. [Latin caritas from away or flee. 3 a (foil, by after) hurry in
carus dear] pursuit of. b (foil, by round etc.) colloq.
chase in check
act or move about hurriedly. 4 (usu. foil, chatty adj. (-ier. -iest) 1 fond of chat-
by up) colloq. pursue
thing overdue
(a >. resembling chat.
ting. 2 ) chattily adv.
5 colloq. a try to attain, b court persist- chattiness i
ently, -n. 1 pursuit. 2 unenclosed hunt- chauffeur Jeuf^n -n. {fern, chauf-
ing-land. 3 (prec. by the) hunting, esp. as feuse - person employed to drive a
f3:z >

a sport. [Latin capto: related to catch] car. -v. drive (a car or person) as a
chase- v. (-sing) emboss or engrave chauffeur. [French, m stoker]
(metal). [French: related to case ] chauvinism Jauvi.nizo^m n. 1 exag-
chaser n. 1 horse for steeplechasing. 2 gerated or aggressive patriotism. 2 ex-
colloq. drink taken after another of a cessive or prejudiced support or loyal ty
different kind. for one's cause or group. [Chauvin.
chasm kaezo)m n. 1 deep cleft or name of a character in a French plav
opening in the earth, rock. etc. 2 wide
difference of feeling, interests, etc. chauvinist n. 1 person exhibiting chau-
[Latin from Greek] vinism. 2 in ( full male chauvinist) man
chassis Jaesi n. (pi. same -siz )1 base- who shows prejudice against women.
frame of a motor vehicle, carriage, etc. 2 chauvinistic nistik adj. chauvin-

frame to carry radio etc. components. istically nistikali adv.


[Latin: related to case ] cheap -adj. 1 low in price: worth more
chaste tjeist adj. 1 abstaining from than its cost. 2 charging low prices:
extramarital, or from all. sexual inter- offering good value. 3 of poor quality:
course. 2 pure, virtuous. 3 simple, inferior. 4 costing little effort and hence
unadorned, z chastely adv. chaste- of little worth, -adv. cheaply, on the
ness n. [Latin castus) cheap cheaply. cheaply adv. cheap-
chasten tjeis(a)n i\ 1 (esp. as ness n. [Old English. = price, bargain]
chastening, chastened adjs.) subdue, cheapen dl make or become cheap:
restrain. 2 discipline, punish. depreciate, degrade.
chastise tjaes'taiz v. i-sing)1 rebuke cheapjack —n. seller of inferior goods
severely. 2 punish, esp. by beating, at low prices, -adj. inferior, shoddy.
chastisement n. cheapskate n. esp. US colloq. stingy
chastity tjaestra n. being chaste. person.
chasuble tja?zjub(a)l n. loose sleeve- cheat - v. 1 a (often foil, by into, out oft

less usu.ornate outer vestment worn by deceive or trick, b (foil, by of) deprive of.
a celebrant at Mass or the Eucharist. 2 gain an unfair advantage by deception
[Latin casubla] or breaking rules, -tl 1 person who
chat -r. (-tt-) talk in a light familiar cheats. 2 trick, deception. cheat on
way. -n. 1 pleasant informal talk. 2 any colloq. be sexually unfaithful to. [from
of various songbirds, chat up colloq. escheat]
chat to. esp. flirtatiously or with an check - 1 a examine the accuracy or

ulterior motive. [shortening of quality of. b make sure, verify. 2 a stop

chatter] or slow the motion of: curb, b colloq.
chateau Jaetau n. (pi. -x -teuz ) large rebuke. 3 Chess directly threaten (the
French country house or castle. opposing king). 4 US agree on compar-
[French: related to castle] ison. 5 US mark with a tick etc. 6 US
chatelaine Jaeta.lem n. 1 mistress of a deposit (luggage etc.V -n. 1 means or act
large house. 2 hist, set of short chains of testing or ensuring accuracy, quality,
attached to a woman's belt, for carrying etc. 2 a stopping or slowing of motion, b
keys etc. [medieval Latin castellanus: rebuff or rebuke, c person or thing that
related to castle] restrains. 3 a pattern of small squares,
chatline n. telephone service which b fabric so patterned, c (attrib.^ so
sets up a social conference call among patterned. 4 (also as int.) Chess expo-
youngsters. sure of a king to direct attack. 5 US
chat show n. television or radio broad- restaurant bill. 6 US = cheque. 7 esp.
cast in which celebrities are inter- US token of identification for left lug-
viewed informally. gage etc. 8 US Cords counter used in
chattel traet(a)l n. (usu. in pi) mov- games. 9 temporary loss of the scent in
able possession. [French: related to hunting. check in 1 arrive or register
cattle] at a hotel, airport, etc. 2 record the
chatter -v. 1 talk quickly, incessantly. arrival of. check into register one's
trivially, or indiscreetly. 2 (of a bird. arrival at (a hotel etc.V check off mark
monkey, emit short quick sounds. 3
etc.) on a list etc. as having been examined,
(of teeth) click repeatedly together, -n. check on examine, verify, keep watch
chattering talk or sounds, [imitative] on. check out 1 (often foil, by of) leave a
chatterbox n. talkative person. hotel etc. with due formalities. 2 esp. US
checked 139 chequer
Investigate, check up make sure, ver- women in a sexually stimulating
ity check up on = check on. [Persian, manner.
= king) cheesecloth n. thin loosely-woven
checked adj. having a check pattern. cloth.
checker 1

n. person etc. that examines, cheesed /tji:zd/ adj. slang (often foil, by
esp. in a factory etc. off) bored, fed up. [origin unknown]
checker 2
n. 1 var. of chequer. 2 US a (in cheese-paring adj. stingy.
pi. usu. treated as sing.) draughts, b cheese plant n. climbing plant with
piece used in this game. holes in its leaves.
check-in /?. act or place of checking in. cheetah /'tji:t9/ n. swift-running spot-
checkmate -n. (also as int.) Chess ted leopard-like feline. [Hindi]
check from which a king cannot escape. chef /Jef/ n. (usu. male)- cook, esp. the
-v. (-ting) 1 Chess put into checkmate. 2 chief cook in a restaurant. [French]
frustrate. [French: related to check, Chelsea bun /'tjelsi/ n. currant bun in
Persian mat is deadl the form of a flat spiral. [Chelsea in
checkout n. 1 act of checking out. 2 pay- London]
desk in a supermarket etc. Chelsea pensioner n. inmate of the

checkpoint n. place, esp. a barrier or Chelsea Royal Hospital for old or dis-
entrance, where documents, vehicles, abled soldiers.
etc., are inspected. chemical /'kemik(a)l/ —adj. of, made
check-up n. thorough (esp. medical) by, or employing chemistry or chem-
examination. icals, -n. substance obtained or used in
Cheddar /'tjeda(r)/ n. a kind of firm chemistry. chemically adv. [French
smooth cheese. [Cheddar in Somerset] or medieval Latin: related to alchemy]
cheek - 1 a side of the face below the chemical engineering n. creation
eye. b side-wall of the mouth. 2 a imper-
and operation of industrial chemical
tinence: cool confidence, b impertinent
plants. chemical engineer n.

speech. 3 slang buttock, —v. be imper-

chemical warfare n. warfare using
poison gas and other chemicals.
tinent to. cheek by jowl close
together; intimate. [Old English]
chemise /Ja'miiz/ n. hist, woman's
loose-fitting undergarment or dress.
cheek-bone n. bone below the eye. [Latin camisia shirt]
cheeky adj. (-ier, -iest) impertinent,
chemist /'kemist/ n. 1 dealer in medi-
cheekily adv. cheekiness n.
cinal drugs etc. 2 expert in chemistry.
cheep -n. weak shrill cry of a young
[French: related to alchemy]
bird. -v. make such a cry. [imitative]
chemistry /'kemistn/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
cheer -n. 1 shout of encouragement or branch of science dealing with the ele-
applause. 2 mood, disposition (full of ments and the compounds they form
good cheer). 3 (in pi; as int.) colloq. a and the reactions they undergo. 2 chem-
expressing good wishes on parting or ical composition and properties of a
before drinking, b expressing gratitude. substance. 3 colloq. sexual attraction.
-v. 1 a applaud with shouts, b (usu. foil, chemotherapy /,ki:m9u'0erapi/ n.
by on) urge with shouts. 2 shout for joy. treatment of disease, esp. cancer, by
3 gladden; comfort, cheer up make or chemical substances.
become less depressed. [Latin cara face, chenille /JVniil/ n. 1 tufty velvety cord
from Greek] or yarn. 2 fabric of this. [French, =
cheerful adj. 1in good spirits, notice- caterpillar, from Latin canicula little
ably happy. 2 bright, pleasant. cheer- dog]
fully adv. cheerfulness n. cheque /tjek/ n. 1 written order to a
cheerio /.tjin'ao/ int. colloq. expressing bank to pay the stated sum from the
good wishes on parting. drawer's account. 2 printed form on
cheer-leader n. person who leads which this is written, [from check]
cheers of applause etc. cheque-book n. book of forms for writ-
cheerless adj. gloomy, dreary. ing cheques.
cheery adj. (-ier, -iest) cheerful, cheque card n. card issued by a bank to
cheerily adv. cheeriness n. guarantee the honouring of cheques up
cheese /tji:z/ n. 1 a food made from to a stated amount.
curds of milk, b cake of this with rind. 2 chequer /'tj"ek8(r)/ -n. 1 (often in pi.)
conserve with the consistency of soft pattern of squares often alternately col-
cheese, cheesy adj. [Latin caseus] oured. 2 var. of checker 2. -v. 1 mark
cheeseburger n. hamburger with with chequers. 2 variegate; break the
cheese in or on it. uniformity of. 3 (as chequered adj.)
cheesecake n. 1 tart filled with sweet- with varied fortunes (chequered
ened curds etc. 2 slang portrayal of career), [from exchequer]
cherish 140 chief
cherish /'tJeriJV protect or tend
v. 1 chew -v. work (food etc.) between the
lovingly. 2 hold dear, cling to (hopes, teeth, —n. 1 act of chewing. 2 chewy
feelings, etc.). [French cher dear, from sweet, z chew on 1 work continuously
Latin car us] between the teeth. 2 think about, chew
cheroot /JVru:t/ n. cigar with both ends over 1 discuss, talk over. 2 think about.
open. [French from Tamil] [Old English]
cherry /'tjeri/-rc. (pi. -ies) 1 a small soft chewing-gum n. flavoured gum for
round stone-fruit, b tree bearing this or chewing.
grown for its ornamental flowers, c its chewy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 needing much
wood. 2 light red colour, -adj. of light chewing. 2 suitable for chewing, z
red colour. [Greek kerasos] chewiness n.
cherub /'tjerab/ n. 1 (pi. -im) angelic chez /Jei/ prep, at the home of. [Latin
being of the second order of the celestial casa cottage]
hierarchy. 2 a representation of a chi /kai/ n. twenty-second letter of the
winged child or its head, b beautiful or Greek alphabet (X, [Greek]
innocent child. cherubic /tji'ru:bik/ Chianti /ki'aenti/ n. (pi. -s) red wine
adj. [ultimately from Hebrew] from the Chianti area in Italy.
chervil /'tj3:vil/ n. herb used for fla- chiaroscuro /ki.airg'skoarao/ n. 1
vouring. [Greek khairephullon] treatment of light and shade in drawing
Cheshire /'tjej8(r)/ n. a kind of firm and painting. 2 use of contrast in liter-
crumbly cheese. like a Cheshire cat ature etc. [Italian, = clear dark]
with a broad fixed grin. [Cheshire in chic /Ji:k/ -adj. (chic-er, chic-est) styl-
England] ish, elegant, -n. stylishness, elegance.
chess n. game for two with 16 men each, [French]
played on a chessboard. [French: chicane /Ji'kem/ -n. 1 artificial barrier
related to check] or obstacle on a motor racecourse. 2
chessboard n. chequered board of 64 chicanery, -v. (-ning) archaic 1 use
squares on which chess and draughts chicanery. 2 (usu. foil, by into, out of,
are played. etc.) cheat (a person). [French]
chessman n. any of the 32 pieces and chicanery /Ji'keman/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
pawns with which chess is played. clever but misleading talk. 2 trickery,
chest n. 1 large strong box. 2 a part of deception. [French]
the body enclosed by the ribs, b front chick n. 1 young bird. 2 slang young
surface of the body from the neck to the woman. [Old English: related to
bottom of the ribs. 3 small cabinet for chicken]
medicines etc. z get a thing off one's chicken /'tjikm/ -n. 1 a domestic fowl.
chest colloq. disclose a secret etc. to b its flesh as food. 2 young bird of a
relieve one's anxiety about it. [Latin domestic fowl. 3 youthful person (is no
cista] chicken), -adj. colloq. cowardly, -v.
chesterfield /'tjesta.fiild/ n. sofa with (foil, by out) colloq. withdraw through
arms and back of the same height and cowardice. [Old English]
curved outwards at the top. [Earl of chicken-feed n. 1 food for poultry. 2
Chesterfield] colloq. trivial amount, esp. of money,
chestnut /'tJesnAt/ -n. 1 a glossy hard chickenpox n. infectious disease, esp.
brown edible nut. b tree bearing it. 2 = of children, with a rash of small blisters,
horse chestnut. 3 wood of any chest- chicken-wire n. light wire netting
nut. 4 horse of a reddish-brown colour. 5 with a hexagonal mesh,
colloq. stale joke etc. 6 reddish-brown. chick-pea n. yellow pea-like seed used
-adj. reddish-brown. [Greek kastanea as a vegetable. [Latin cicer]
nut] chickweed n. small weed with tiny
chest of drawers n. piece of furniture white flowers.
consisting of a set of drawers in a frame, chicle milky juice of a trop-
/'tjik(a)l/ n.
chesty adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. inclined used in chewing-gum. [Span-
ical tree,
to or symptomatic of chest disease, z ish from Nahuatl]
chestily adv. chestiness n. chicory /'tjikari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 plant
cheval-glass /JVvael/ n. tall mirror with leaves used in salads. 2 its root,
swung on an upright frame. [Latin roasted and ground and used with or
cabal las horse] instead of coffee. 3 esp. US = endive.
chevalier /Jeva'liatr)/ n. member of [Greek kikhorion]
certain orders of knighthood, or of the chide v. (past chided or chid; past part.
French Legion of Honour etc. [medieval chided or chidden) archaic scold,
Latin caballarius horseman] rebuke. [Old English]
chevron /'Jevran/ n. V-shaped line or chief -n. 1 a leader or ruler, b head of a
stripe. [Latin caper goat] tribe, clan, etc. 2 head of a department;
Chief Constable 141 chinchilla
highest -adj. 1 first in position,
official, chilli con carne /knn 'ka:m/ n. dish of
Importance, influence, etc. 2 prominent, chilli-flavoured mince and beans,
leading. [Latin caput head] chilly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 somewhat
Chief Constable n. head of the police 2 sensitive to the cold. 3 unfriendly;
force of a county etc. unemotional.
chiefly adv. above all; mainly but not Chiltern Hundreds /'t;ilt(a)n/
exclusively. Crown manor, whose administration is
Chief of Staff n. senior staff officer of a a nominal office for which an MP
service or command, applies as a way of resigning from the
chieftain /'tji:ft(9)n/ n. leader of a tribe, House of Commons. [Chiltern Hills in S.
clan, etc. chieftaincy n. (pi. -ies). England]
[Latin: related to chief] chime -n. 1 set of attuned bells. 2

chiffchaff /'tjiftjaef/ n. small European sounds made by (-ming) 1 (of

this. -v'.
warbler, [imitative] bells) ring. 2 show
(the time) by chim-
chiffon /' JifDn/ n. light diaphanous fab- by together, with) be in
ing. 3 (usu. foil,
; ric of silk, nylon, etc. [French chiffe rag] agreement. chime in 1 interject a
chignon /'Ji:nj5/ n. coil of hair at the remark. 2 join in harmoniously. 3 (foil,

back of a woman's head. [French] by with) agree with. [Old English:

chihuahua /tJYwa:wa/ n. dog of a very related to cymbal]
! small smooth-haired breed. [Chihuahua chimera /kai'miara/ n. 1 (in Greek
in Mexico]
mythology) monster with a lion's head,
chilblain /'tjilblem/ n. painful itching goat's body, and serpent's tail. 2 bogey.
I' swelling on a hand, foot, etc., caused by 3 wild or fantastic conception, z chi-
exposure to cold, [from chill, blain merical /-'menk(8)l/ adj. [Latin from
inflamed sore, blister] Greek]
child ./tjaild./ n. (pi. children /'tjildran/) chimney /'tjimni/ n. (pi -s) 1 channel
1 a young human being below the age of
conducting smoke etc. up and away
puberty, b unborn or newborn human

from a fire, engine, etc. 2 part of this

being. 2 one's son or daughter. 3 (foil, by
above a roof. 3 glass tube protecting the
of) descendant, follower, or product of. 4
flame of a lamp. 4 narrow vertical crack

childish person. childless adj. [Old

in a rock-face. [Latin caminus oven,
from Greek]
child abuse n. maltreatment of a child,
chimney-breast n. projecting wall
esp. by physical violence or sexual
surrounding a chimney.
n. regular payment by
chimney-pot n. earthenware or metal
Ichild benefit
pipe at the top of a chimney.
I the State to the parents of a child up to a
chimney-stack n. number of chim-
certain age.

neys grouped in one structure.

childbirth n. giving birth to a child,
ichild care n. the care of children, esp.
chimney-sweep n. person who re-
by a local authority,
moves soot from inside chimneys.

childhood n. state or period of being a chimp n. colloq. = chimpanzee.


childish adj. 1 of, like, or proper to a

chimpanzee /.tjimpan'zi:/ n. small
childishly African manlike ape. [French from
immature, silly.
child. 2
adv. childishness n.

good chin n. front of the lower jaw. keep

childlike adj. having the qualities
of a child, such as innocence, frankness,
one's chin up colloq. remain cheerful,
take on the chin suffer a severe blow
n. person looking after
from; endure courageously. [Old
children for payment. English]
jchild's play n. easy task. china /'tjaina/ -n. 1 fine white or trans-

[chili var. of chilli. lucent ceramic ware, porcelain, etc. 2

[chill -n. 1 a unpleasant cold sensation; things made of this. -adj. made of china.
i lowered body temperature, b feverish [China in Asia]
I cold. 2 unpleasant coldness (of air, china clay n. kaolin.
water, etc.). 3 depressing influence. 4 Chinaman /'tjainaman/ n. archaic or 1

coldness of manner, -v. 1 make or

derog. (now usu. native of

become cold. 2 depress; horrify. 3 pre- China. 2 Cricket ball bowled by a left-
serve (food or drink) by cooling, -adj. handed bowler that spins from off to leg.
literary chilly. [Old English] .
chinchilla /tjm'tjila/ n. 1 a small S.
milli /'tjili/ n. (also chili) (pi -es) hot- American rodent, b its soft grey fur. 2
tasting dried red capsicum pod. [Span- breed of cat or rabbit. [Spanish chinche
ish from Aztec] bug]
chine 142 chlorinate
chine —n. a backbone, b joint of meat
1 Chippendale /'tjipan.deil/ adj. (of fur-
containing all or part of this. 2 ridge, -v. niture) ofan elegantly ornate 18th-c.
(-ning) cut (meat) through the back- [name of a cabinet-maker]
bone. [Latin spina spine] chiro- comb, form hand. [Greek kheir]
Chinese /tjai'ni:z/ -adj. of China, -n. 1 chiromancy /'kaiarau.maensi/ n.
Chinese language. 2 (pi. same) a native palmistry. [Greek mantis seer]
or national of China, b person of Chi- chiropody /ki'ropadi/ n. treatment of
nese descent. the feet and their ailments. chiro-
Chinese lantern n. 1 collapsible paper podist n. [Greek pous podos foot]
lantern. 2 plant with an orange-red chiropractic /.kaiarau'praektik/ n.
papery calyx. treatment of disease by manipulation of
Chinese leaf n. lettuce-like cabbage. esp. the spinal column, z chiropractor
Chink n. slang offens. a Chinese, /'kaiarau-/ n. [Greek pratto do]
[abbreviation] chirp —v. 1 (of small birds, grass-
chink 1
n.narrow opening; slit, [related hoppers, etc.) utter a short sharp note.
to chine narrow ravine] 2 speak or utter merrily, -n. chirping
chink -v. (cause to) make a sound like sound, [imitative]
glasses or coins striking together, -n. chirpy adj. colloq. (-ier, -iest) cheerful,
this sound, [imitative] lively, z chirpily adv. chirpiness n.
chinless adj. colloq. weak or feeble in chirrup /'tjirap/ -v. (-p-) chirp, esp.
character. repeatedly, -n. chirruping sound,
chinless wonder n. ineffectual esp. [imitative]
upper-class person. chisel /'tjiz(9)l/ -n. hand tool with a
chinoiserie /Jin'wa:zan/ n. 1 imitation squared bevelled blade for shaping
of Chinese motifs in painting and in wood, stone, or metal, -v. 1 (-11-; US -1-)
decorating furniture. 2 object(s) in this cut or shape with a chisel. 2 (as chis-
style. [French] elled adj.) (of facial features) clear-cut,
chintz /tjints/ n. printed multicoloured fine. 3 slang cheat. [Latin caedo cut]
usu. glazed cotton fabric. [Hindi from chit n. 1 derog. or joc. young small

Sanskrit] woman (esp. a chit of a girl). 2 young

chintzy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like chintz. 2 child, [originally = whelp, cub]
gaudy, cheap. 3 characteristic of decor chit n. 1 note of requisition, of a sum
associated with chintz soft furnishings. owed, etc. 2 note or memorandum.
chin-wag slang -n. talk or chat. -v. [Hindi from Sanskrit]
(-gg-) chat. chit-chat n. colloq. light conversation;
chip -n. 1 small piece removed by chop- gossip, [reduplication of chat]
ping etc. 2 place or mark where a piece chivalrous /'Jivalras/ adj. 1 gallant,
has been broken off. 3 a strip of potato, honourable. 2 of or showing chivalry.
usu. deep-fried, b US potato crisp. 4 chivalrously adv. [Latin: related
counter used in some games to repres- to CHEVALIER]
ent money. 5 = microchip, -v. (-pp-) 1 chivalry /'Jivalri/ n. 1 medieval
(often foil, by off, away) cut or break (a knightly system with its religious,
piece) from a hard material. 2 (often foil, moral, and social code. 2 honour, cour-
by at, away at) cut pieces off (a hard tesy, and readiness to help the weak.
material) to alter its shape etc. 3 be apt chivalric adj.
to break at the edge. 4 (usu. as chipped chive n. small plant with long onion-
adj.) make (potatoes) into chips. chip flavoured leaves. [Latin cepa onion]
in colloq. 1 interrupt. 2 contribute chivvy /'tjivi/ v.(-ies, -ied) urge persist-
(money etc.). a chip off the old block ently, nag. [probably from ballad of
child resembling its parent, esp. in Chevy Chase]
character, a chip on one's shoulder chloral /'klo:r(a)l/ n. 1 colourless liquid
colloq. inclination to feel resentful or aldehyde used in making DDT. 2 (in full
aggrieved, when the chips are down chloral hydrate) Pharm. crystalline
colloq. when it comes to the point. [Old solid made from this and used as a
English] sedative. [French: related to chlorine,
chipboard n. board made from com- alcohol]
pressed wood chips. chloride /'klo:raid/ n. 1 compound of
chipmunk /'tJipmAnk/ striped N.
n. chlorine and another element or group.
American ground squirrel. [Algon- 2 bleaching agent containing this.
quian] chlorinate /'klo:ri,neit/ v. (-ting)
chipolata /.tjipa'laita/ n. small thin impregnate or treat with chlorine.
sausage. [French from Italian] chlorination /-'neij(a)n/ n.
chlorine 143 chord
chlorine /'kb:ri:n/ n. poisonous choler /'kDla(r)/ n. 1 hist one of the four
gaseous element used for purifying humours, bile. 2 poet, or archaic anger,
water etc. [Greek khloros green] irascibility. [Greek khole bile]
chlorotluorocarbon see CFC. cholera infectious often
/'kDlara/ n.
chloroform "klDra,fa:m/ -n. colour- fatal bacterial disease of the small
less volatile liquidformerly used as a intestine, [related to choler]
general anaesthetic, -v. render uncon- choleric 'kDlarik adj. irascible, angry.
scious with this, [from chlorine, for- cholesterol /ka'lestajDl/ n. sterol
mic acid] found in most body tissues, including
chlorophyll klDrafil/ n. green pig- the blood where high concentrations
ment found in most plants. [Greek promote arteriosclerosis. [from
khloros green, phullon leaf] choler, Greek stereos stiff]
choc n. colloq. chocolate, [abbreviation] chomp v. = champ 1
, [imitative]
choc-ice n. bar of ice-cream covered choose /tju:z/ u.chose (-sing; past
with chocolate. chosen) 1 select out of
/tjauz/; past part,
chock -n. block or wedge to check the a greater number. 2 (usu. foil, by
motion of a wheel etc. -v. make fast with between, from) take or select one or
chocks. [French] another. 3 (usu. foil, by to + infin.)
chock-a-block predic. adj. (often foil. decide, be determined. 4 select as (was
by with) crammed together or full, chosen leader), z nothing (or little) to
chock-full predic. adj. (often foil, by of) choose between them they are very
crammed full. similar. [Old English]
chocolate -n. 1 a food pre-
/'tjoklat/ choosy /'tju:zi/ adj. (-ier. -iest) colloq.
paration in the form of a paste or solid fastidious, z choosiness n.
block made from ground cacao seeds chop 1 -v. (-pp-) 1 (usu. foil, by off, down,
and usu. sweetened, b sweet made of or etc.) cut or fell by the blow of an axe etc.
coated with this, c drink containing 2 (often foil, by up) cut into small pieces.
this. 2 deep brown, -adj. 1 made from 3 strike (esp. a ball) with a short heavy
chocolate. 2 deep brown. [Aztec choco- edgewise blow. -n. 1 cutting blow. 2
late thick slice of meat (esp. pork or lamb)
choice -n.1 a act of choosing, b thing or usu. including a rib. 3 short chopping
person chosen. 2 range from which to stroke in cricket etc. 4 (prec. by the)
choose. 3 power or opportunity to slang a = sack 1 n. 2. b killing or being
choose, -adj. of superior quality. [Ger- killed, [related to chap ]
manic: related to choose] chop 2 n. (usu. in pi) jaw. [origin
choir /'kwaia(r)/ n. 1 regular group of unknown]
singers, esp. in a church. 2 part of a chop v. (-pp-) chop and change
cathedral or large church between the vacillate; change direction frequently,
altar and nave. [Latin: related to chop logic argue pedantically, [per-
chorus] haps related to cheap]
choirboy n. (fern, choirgirl) boy singer chopper n. 1 a short axe with a large

in a church choir. blade, b butcher's cleaver. 2 colloq. heli-

choke -v. (-king)1 stop the breathing of copter. 3 colloq. type of bicycle or motor
(a person or animal), esp. by constrict- cycle with high handlebars.
ing the windpipe or (of gas, smoke, etc.) choppy adj. (-ier, -iest) (of the sea etc.)
by being unbreathable. 2 suffer a stop- fairly rough, choppily adv. choppi-
page of breath. 3 make or become ness n. [from chop ]
speechless from emotion. 4 retard the chopstick n. each of a pair of sticks

growth of or kill (esp. plants) by depriv- held in one hand as eating utensils by
ing of light etc. 5 (often foil, by back) the Chinese, Japanese, etc. [pidgin Eng-
suppress (feelings) with difficulty. 6 lish from Chinese, = nimble ones]
block or clog (a passage, tube, etc.). 7 (as chopsuey /tjDp'su:i/ n. (pi. -s) Chinese-
choked disgusted, disap-
adj.) colloq. style dish of meat fried with vegetables
pointed, -n. 1 valve in a carburettor and rice. [Chinese, = mixed bits]
controlling the intake of air. 2 device for choral /'ko:r(a)l/ adj. of, for, or sung by a
smoothing the variations of an alternat- choir or chorus, [medieval Latin:
ing current. choke up block (a chan- related to chorus]
nel etc.). [Old English] chorale /kn'ra:l/ n. 1 simple stately
3hoker n. close-fitting necklace, hymn tune; harmonized form of this. 2
cholecalciferol /.kDlikael'sifa.rol/ n. a esp. US choir. [German: related to
vitamin (D 3 ) produced by the action of choral]
sunlight on a steroid in the skin, [from chord /ko:d/ n. group of notes sounded

CHOLER, CALCIFEROL] together, [originally cord from accord]

chord 144 chronic
chord 2 /ko:d/ n. 1straight line joining the associated qualities. 4 colloq. kind.
the ends of an arc or curve. 2 poet, string -n. adherent of Christianity. [Latin
of a harp etc. strike a chord elicit Christianus of Christ]
sympathy, cord]
[var. of Christian era n. era reckoned from
chordate /'ko:deit/ -n. animal having a Christ's birth.
cartilaginous skeletal rod at some stage Christianity /.kristi'amiti/ n. 1 Chris-
of its development, -adj. of chordates. tian religion. 2 being a Christian; Chris-
[Latin chorda chord 2 after Vertebrata tian quality or character.
etc.] Christian name n. forename, esp. as
chore n. tedious or routine task, esp. given at baptism.
domestic, [from char ] Christian Science n. Christian sect
choreograph /'kona.graif/ v. compose believing in the power of healing by
choreography for (a ballet etc.). chor- prayer alone. Christian Scientist n.
eographer /-i'Dgrafa(r)/ n. Christmas /'knsmas/ n. 1 (also Christ-
choreography /.kori'Dgrafi/ n. design mas Day) annual festival of Christ's
or arrangement of a ballet etc. cho- birth, celebrated on 25 Dec. 2 period
reographic /-a'graefik/ adj. [Greek around this. Christmassy adj. [Old
khoreia dance] English: related to Christ, mass 2 ]
chorister /'kDrista(r)/ n. member of a Christmas-box n. present or gratuity
choir, esp. a choirboy. [French: related given at Christmas.
to choir] Christmas Eve n. 24 Dec.
chortle /'tJo:t(9)l/ -n. gleeful chuckle. Christmas pudding n. rich boiled
-v. (-ling) utter or express with a pudding of flour, suet, dried fruit, etc.
chortle, [probably from chuckle, Christmas rose n. white-flowered
snort] winter-blooming hellebore.
chorus /'ko:ras/ -n. (pi. -es) 1 group of Christmas tree n. evergreen tree or
singers; choir. 2 music composed for a imitation of this set up and decorated at
choir. 3 refrain or main part of a song. Christmas.
4 simultaneous utterance. 5 group chromatic /kra'maetik/ adj. 1 of colour;
of singers and dancers performing in colours. 2 Mus. a of or having notes
together. 6Gk Antiq. a group of per- not belonging to a particular diatonic
formers who comment on the action in a scale, b (of a scale) ascending or des-
Greek play, b utterance made by it. 7 cending by semitones. chromat-
character speaking the prologue in a ically adv. [Greek khrdma -mat- colour]
play. -v. (-S-) speak or utter simultan- chromatin /'kreumatm/ n. chromo-
eously. [Latin from Greek] some material in a cell nucleus which
chose past of choose. stains with basic dyes. [Greek: related to
chosen past part, of choose. chrome]
chough /tjAf/ n. bird with glossy blue- chromatography /.krauma'tDgrafi/ n.
black plumage and red legs, [imitative] separation of the components of a mix-
choux pastry /Ju:/ n. very light pastry ture by slow passage through or over
enriched with eggs. [French] material which adsorbs them differ-
chow n. 1 slang food. 2 dog of a Chinese ently. [Greek: related to chrome]
breed with long woolly hair. [Chinese chrome /kraum/ n. 1 chromium, esp. as
chow-chow] plating. 2 (in full chrome yellow) yel-
chow mein /tjau 'mem/ n. Chinese- low pigment got from a certain com-
style dish of fried noodles with shredded pound of chromium. [Greek khrdma
meat or shrimps etc. and vegetables. colour]
[Chinese chao mian fried flour] chromite /'kraumait/ n. mineral of
Christ /kraist/ -n. 1 title, also now chromium and iron oxides.
treated as a name, given to Jesus. 2 chromium /'kraumiam/ n. metallic ele-
Messiah as prophesied in the Old Testa- ment used as a shiny decorative or
ment, -int. slang expressing surprise, protective coating.
anger, etc. [Greek, = anointed] chromium plate n. protective coating
christen /'kns(a)n/ v. 1 baptize as a sign of chromium.
of admission to the Christian Church. 2 chromosome /'krauma.saum/ n.
give a name to. 3 colloq. use for the first threadlike structure, usu. found in
time. christening n. [Latin: related the cell nucleus of animals and plants,
to Christian] carrying genes. [Greek: related to
Christendom /'kns9nd9m/ n. Chris- chrome, soma body]
tians worldwide. chronic /'krnmk/ adj. 1 (esp. of an
Christian /'knstj(9)n/ -adj. 1 of illness) long-lasting. 2 having a chronic
Christ's teaching. 2 believing in or fol- complaint. 3 colloq. very bad; intense,
lowing the religion of Christ. 3 showing severe. 4 colloq. habitual, inveterate (a
chronicle 145 chutney
chronic liar). chronically adv. chug -v. emit a regular muffled
(-gg-) 1
[Greek khronos time] explosive sound, as of an engine run-
ning slowly. 2 move with this sound. -n.
Usage The use of chronic in sense 3 is chugging sound, [imitative]
very informal, and its use in sense 4 is
considered incorrect by some people.
chukka boot n. ankle-high leather
chronicle /'krDnik(a)l/ -n. register of chukker n. (also chukka) period of
events order of occurrence, —v.
in play in polo. [Sanskrit cakra wheel]
(-ling) record (events) thus. [Greek chum n. colloq. close friend. chum up
khronika: related to chronic] (-mm-) (often foil, by with) become a
chronological /,krDn9'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. close friend (of). chummy adj. (-ier,
1 according to order of occurrence. 2 of -iest). chummily adv. chumminess n.
chronology. chronologically adv. [abbreviation of chamber-fellow]
chronology /kra'nDlad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) chump n. 1 colloq. foolish person. 2
1 science of determining dates. 2 a thick end of a loin of lamb or mutton
arrangement of events etc. in order (chump chop). 3 short thick block of
of occurrence, b table or document wood, n off one's chump slang crazy,
displaying this. [Greek khronos [blend of chunk, lump 1 ]
time, -logy] chunk n. 1 thick piece cut or broken off.
chronometer /kra'nDmita(r)/ n. time- 2 substantial amount, [var. of chuck ]
measuring instrument, esp. one used in chunky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 consisting of
navigation, [from chronology, -meter] or resembling chunks; thick, substan-
chrysalis /'krisalis/ n. (pi. -lises) 1 pupa tial. 2 small and sturdy. chunkiness
of a butterfly or moth. 2 case enclosing
it.[Greek khrusos gold] chunter v. colloq. mutter, grumble,

chrysanthemum /kri'saenGamam/ n. [probably imitative]

garden plant of the daisy family bloom- chupatty var. of chapatti.
ing in autumn. [Greek, = gold flower]
church n. 1 building for public Chris-
tian worship. 2 public worship (met
chrysoberyl /'krisa.benl/ n. yellowish-
after church). 3 (Church) a body of all
green gem. [Greek khrusos gold, beryl]
Christians, b clergy or clerical profes-
chrysolite /'knsa.lait/ n. precious vari-
sion, c organized Christian society (the
ety of olivine. [Greek khrusos gold,
early Church). [Greek kuriakon Lord's
lithos stone]
chrysoprase /'knsa.preiz/ n. apple-
churchgoer n. person attending
green variety of chalcedony. [Greek
church regularly.
khrusos gold, prason leek]
chub same) thick-bodied river
churchman n. member of the clergy or
n. (pi.
of a Church.
fish, [origin unknown] Church of England n. English Prot-
Chubb n. (in full Chubb
lock) propr.
estant Church.
lock with a device for fixing the bolt churchwarden n. either of two elected
immovably should someone try to pick lay representatives of an Anglican par-
it. [Chubb, name of a locksmith]
chubby adj. (-ier, -iest) plump and churchyard n. enclosed ground
rounded, [from chub] around a church used for burials.
chuck 1
-p. 1 colloq. fling or throw care- churl n. 1 ill-bred person. 2 archaic
lessly or casually. 2 (often foil, by in, up) peasant. [Old English, = man]
colloq. give up; reject. 3 touch playfully, churlish adj. surly; mean, n chur-
esp. under the chin. -n. 1 playful touch lishly adv. churlishness n. [from
under the chin. 2 toss.n the chuck churl]
slang dismissal; rejection, chuck out churn -n. 1 large milk-can. 2 butter-
colloq. 1 expel (a person) from a gather- making machine, -v. 1 agitate (milk or
ing etc. 2 get rid of, discard, [perhaps cream) in a churn. 2 produce (butter) in
from French chuquer knock] a churn. 3 (usu. foil, by up) upset,
chuck 2 -n. 1 cut of beef from neck to agitate, d churn out produce in large
ribs. 2 device for holding a workpiece or quantities. [Old English]
bit.-u. fix to a chuck, [var. of chock] chute /Ju:t/ n. sloping channel or slide

chuckle /'tfAk(a)l/ -v. (-ling) laugh for sending things to a lower level.
quietly or inwardly, -n. quiet or sup- [Latin cado fall]
pressed laugh, [chuck cluck] chute 2 /Ju:t/ n. colloq. parachute,
chuff v. an engine etc.) work with a
(of [abbreviation]
regular sharp puffing sound, [imitative] chutney /'tjAtni/ n. (pi. -s) pungent
chuffed adj. slang delighted, [dial. condiment of fruits, vinegar, spices, etc.
chuff] [Hindi]
chutzpah 146 circuit
chutzpah /'xutspa/ n. slang shameless cinematography /.sinima'tDgrafi/ n.
audacity. [Yiddish] art of making films. cinema-
chyle /kail/ n. milky fluid of food mater- tographer n. cinematographic
ials formed
in the intestine after diges- /-.maeta'graefik/ adj.
tion. [Greek khulos juice] cineraria /.sina'rearia/ n. composite
chyme /kaim/ n. acid pulp formed from plant with bright flowers and ash-
partly-digested food. [Greek khumos coloured down on its leaves. [Latin cinis
juice] ner- ashes]
CIA abbr. (in the US) Central Intelli- cinnabar /'^r)/ n. 1 bright red
gence Agency. mercuric sulphide. 2 vermilion. 3 moth
ciao /tjau/ int. colloq. 1 goodbye. 2 hello. with reddish-marked wings. [Latin
[Italian] from Greek]
cicada /si'ka:da/ n. large transparent-
cinnamon /'sinaman/ n. 1 aromatic
spice from the bark of a SE Asian tree. 2
winged insect making a rhythmic chirp-
this tree. 3 yellowish-brown. [Greek kin-
ing sound. [Latin]
cicatrice /'sikatris/ n. scar left by a
wound. [Latin]
cinque /sink/ n. the five on dice. [Latin
quinque five]
cicely /'sisali/ n. (pi. -ies) flowering
cinquefoil /'sinkfoil/ n. 1 plant with
plant related to parsley and chervil.
compound leaves of five leaflets. 2
[Greek seselis]
Archit. five-cusped ornament in a circle
cicerone /.tjitja'rauni/ n. (pi. -roni pro- or arch. [Latin: related to ciNQUE,/o/iwm
nunc. same) person who guides sight- leaf]
seers. [Latin Cicero, name of a Roman Cinque Ports group of (orig. five)
statesman] ports in SE England with ancient priv-
CID abbr. Criminal Investigation De- ileges. [Latin quinque portus five ports]
partment. cipher /'saifa(r)/ (also cypher) 1 a
-cide suffix 1 person or substance that secret or disguised writing, b thing so
kills (regicide; insecticide). 2 killing of written, c key to it. 2 arithmetical sym-
(infanticide). [Latin caedo kill] bol (0) used to occupy a vacant place in
cider n. drink of fermented apple juice. decimal etc. numeration. 3 person or
[Hebrew, = strong drink] thing of no importance, -v. write in
cigar /si'ga:(r)/ n. tight roll of tobacco- cipher. [Arabic sifr]
leaves for smoking. [French or Spanish] circa /'S3:ka/ prep, (preceding a date)
cigarette /.siga'ret/ n. finely-cut about. [Latin]
tobacco rolled in paper for smoking. circadian /s3:'keidian/ adj. Physiol.
[French diminutive] occurring about once per day. [from
cilium /'siliam/ n. (pi. cilia) 1 minute circa, Latin dies day]
hairlike structure on the surface of circle /'S3:k(a)l/-n. 1 round plane figure
many animal cells. 2 eyelash. ciliary whose circumference is everywhere
adj. ciliate adj. [Latin, = eyelash] equidistant from its centre. 2 circular or
cinch n. colloq. 1 sure thing; certainty. 2 roundish enclosure or structure. 3
easy task. [Spanish cincha saddle-girth] curved upper tier of seats in a theatre
etc. 4 circular route. 5 persons grouped
cinchona /sin'kauna/ n. 1 a S. Amer-
ican evergreen tree or shrub, b its bark,
round a centre of interest. 6 set or
restricted group (literary circles), -v.
containing quinine. 2 drug from this.
(-ling) 1 (often foil, by round, about)
[Countess of Chinchon]
move in a circle. 2 a revolve round, b
cincture /'sirjktj9(r)/ n. literary girdle,
form a circle round. come full circle
belt,or border. [Latin cingo gird]
return to the starting-point. [Latin di-
cinder n. 1 residue of coal or wood etc. minutive: related to circus]
after burning. 2 (in pi.) ashes. [Old
circlet /'S3:klit/ n. 1 small circle. 2 circu-
English sinder = slag] lar band, esp. as an ornament.
Cinderella /.smda'rela/ n. person or circuit /'S3:kit/ n. 1 line or course
thing of unrecognized or disregarded enclosing an area; the distance round. 2
merit or beauty, [name of a girl in a fairy a path of an electric current, b appar-
tale] atus through which a current passes. 3
cine- comb, form cinematographic (cine- a judge's itinerary through a district to
camera), [abbreviation] hold courts, b such a district, c lawyers
cinema /'smama/ n. 1 theatre where following a circuit. 4 chain of theatres,
films are shown. 2 a films collectively, b cinemas, etc. under a single manage-
art or industry of producing films. ment. 5 motor-racing track. 6 itinerary
cinematic /-'maetik/ adj. [French: or specific sphere of operation (election
related to kinematic] circuit; cabaret circuit). 7 sequence of
circuit-breaker 147 cite
sporting events or athletic exercises. circumspect /'S3:kam,spekt/ adj. cau-
[Latin: related to circum-, eo it- go] tious; taking everything into account.
circuit-breaker n. automatic device circumspection /-'spekJXa)n/ n. cir-
for interrupting an electric circuit, cumspectly adv. [Latin specio spect-
circuitous /S3:'kju:itas/ adj. 1 indirect. look]
2 going a long way round, circumstance /'s3:kamst(a)ns/ n. 1
circuitry system
/'S3:kitri/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 fact, occurrence, or condition, esp. (in
of electric circuits. 2 equipment forming pi) connected with or influencing an
this. event; (bad) luck (victim of circum-
circular /'S3:kjula(r)/ -adj. 1 a having stances)). 2 (in pi) one's financial con-
the form of a circle, b moving (roughly) dition. 3 ceremony, fuss. in (or
in a circle, finishing at the starting-point under) the circumstances the state of
(circular walk). 2 (of reasoning) using affairs being what it is. in (or under)
the point it is trying to prove as evidence no circumstances not at all; never.
for its conclusion, hence invalid. 3 (of a circumstanced adj. [Latin sto stand]
letter etc.) distributed to a number of circumstantial /,s3:kam'staenJXa)l/
people. -n. circular letter, leaflet, etc. p adj. 1 giving full details (circumstantial
circularity /-'laenti/ n. [Latin: related account). 2 (of evidence etc.) indicating
to circle] a conclusion by inference from known
circularize v. (also -ise) (-zing or facts hard to explain otherwise. cir-
-sing) distribute circulars to. cumstantiality /-JYaeliti/ n.
circular saw n. power saw with a circumvent /,s3:kam'vent/ v. 1 evade,
rapidly rotating toothed disc. find a way round. 2 baffle, outwit.
circulate /'s3:kju,leit/ v. (-ting) 1 be in circumvention n. [Latin venio vent-
circulation; spread. 2 a put into circula- come]
tion, b send circulars to. 3 move about circus /'S3:kas/ n. (pi. -es) 1 travelling
among guests etc. [Latin: related to show of performing acrobats, clowns,
circle] animals, etc. 2 colloq. a scene of lively
circulation /.S3:kju'leij(a)n/ n. 1 move- action,b group of people in a common
ment to and fro, or from and back to a activity, esp. sport. 3 open space in a
starting-point, esp. that of the blood town, where several streets converge. 4
from and to the heart. 2 a transmission Rom. Antiq. arena for sports and games.
or distribution, b number of copies sold. [Latin, = ring]
in (or out of) circulation active (or cirrhosis /si'rausis/ n. chronic liver
not active) socially. disease, as a result of alcoholism etc.
circulatory /^kju'leitan/ adj. of cir- [Greek kirrhos tawny]
culation, esp. of the blood. cirrus /'siras/ n. (pi. cirri /-rai/) 1 white
circum- comb, form round, about. wispy cloud at high altitude. 2 tendril or
[Latin] appendage of a plant or animal. [Latin,
circumcise /'S3:kam,saiz/ v. (-sing) cut - curl]
off the foreskin or clitoris of. circum- CIS abbr. Commonwealth of Indepen-
cision /-'si3(a)n/ n. [Latin caedo cut] dent States.
circumference /sa'kAmfarans/ n. 1 cisalpine /sis'aelpam/ adj. on the south
enclosing boundary, esp. of a circle. side of the Alps. [Latin cis- on this side
2 distance round. circumferential of]
/-'renj*(a)l/ adj. [Latin fero carry] cissy var. of sissy.
circumflex /'S3:kam,fleks/ n. (in full Cistercian /si'st3:.f(9)n/ -n. monk or
circumflex accent) mark (~) placed nun of the order founded as a stricter
over a vowel to show contraction, branch of the Benedictines, -adj. of the
length, etc. [Latin: related to flex ]
Cistercians. [French Citeaux in France]
circumlocution /,s3:kamla'kju:JXa)n/ cistern /'sist(a)n/ n. 1 tank for storing
n.1a roundabout expression, b evasive water. 2 underground reservoir. [Latin
talk. 2 verbosity. circumlocutory cista box, from Greek]
/-'lDkjutan/ adj. cistus /'sistas/ n. shrub with large white
circumnavigate /.ss^am'naevi.geit/ v. or red flowers. [Latin from Greek]
(-ting) sail round (esp. the world). citadel /'sitad(a)l/ n. fortress, usu. on
circumnavigation /-'geij(a)n/ n. high ground, protecting or dominating a
circumscribe /'s3:kam,skraib/ v. city. [French citadelle)
(-bing) 1 (of a line etc.) enclose or citation /sai'teij(a)n/ n. 1 citing; pas-
outline. 2 lay down the limits of; confine, sage cited. 2 Mil. mention in dispatches.
restrict. 3 Geom. draw (a figure) round 3 description of reasons for an award.
another, touching it at points but cite v. (-ting) 1 mention as an example
not cutting it. circumscription etc. 2 quote (a book etc.) in support. 3
/-'sknpj(a)n/ n. [Latin scribo write] Mil. mention in dispatches. 4 summon
citizen 148 claim
to appear in court. [Latin cieo set in civilian /si'vilian/ -rc. person not in the
motion] armed services or police force, -adj. of
citizen /'sitiz(a)n/ n. 1 member
of a or for civilians.
State, either native or naturalized. 2 civility /si'viliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 polite-
inhabitant of a city. 3 US civilian. ness. 2 act of politeness. [Latin: related
citizenry n. citizenship n. [Anglo- to civil]
French: related to city] civilization /,sivilai'zeiJXa)n/ n. (also
citizen's band n. system of local inter- -isation) 1 advanced stage or system of
communication by individuals on social development. 2 peoples of the
special radio frequencies. world that are regarded as having this. 3
citrate /'sitreit/ n. a salt of citric acid. a people or nation (esp. of the past)
citric /'sitnk/ adj. derived from citrus regarded as an element of social evolu-
fruit. tion (Inca civilization).
citric acid n. sharp-tasting acid in civilize /'sivi.laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing or
citrus fruits. -sing) 1 bring out of a barbarous or
citron /'sitran/ n. 1 tree with large primitive stage of society. 2 enlighten;
lemon-like fruits. 2 this fruit. [French refine and educate. [French: related to
from Latin citrus] civil]
citronella a fragrant
/.sitra'nela/ n. 1 civil liberty n. (often in pi.) freedom of
oil. 2 grass from S. Asia yielding it.
action subject to the law.
citrus /'sitras/ n. (pi. -es) 1 tree of a civil list n. annual allowance voted by
group including the lemon, orange, and Parliament for the royal family's house-
grapefruit. 2 (in full citrus fruit) fruit hold expenses.
of such a tree. [Latin]
civil marriage n. one solemnized
city /'siti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 large town, without religious ceremony,
civil rights rights of citizens to
strictly one created by charter and con-
taining a cathedral. 2 (the City) a part
freedom and equality,
of London governed by the Lord Mayor
civil servant n. member of the civil
and Corporation, b business part of this,
civil service n. branches of State ad-
c commercial circles. [Latin civitas:
ministration, excluding military and
related to civic]
judicial branches and elected politi-
city-state n. esp. hist, city that with its
surrounding territory forms an inde-
civilwar n. war between citizens of the
pendent State.
same country.
civet /"sivit/ n. 1 (in full civet-cat) cat- civvies slang civilian clothes,
like animal of Central Africa. 2 strong
musky perfume obtained from it. Civvy Street n. slang civilian life,
[French ultimately from Arabic] [abbreviation]
civic /'sivik/ adj. 1 of a city. 2 of citizens CI symb. chlorine.
or citizenship. civically adv. [Latin cl abbr. centilitre(s).
civis citizen] clack -v. 1 make a sharp sound as of
civic centre n. 1 area where municipal boards struck together. 2 chatter, -n.
offices etc. are situated. 2 the offices clacking noise or talk, [imitative]
themselves. clad adj. 1 clothed. 2 provided with
civics (usu. treated as sing.) the cladding, [past part, of clothe]
study of the rights and duties of citizen- cladding n. covering or coating on a
ship. structure or material etc.
civil of or belonging to
/'siv(a)l/ adj. 1 cladistics /kla'distiks/ (usu.
citizens. 2 of ordinary citizens; non- treated as sing.) Biol, method of classi-
military. 3 polite, obliging, not rude. 4 fying animals and plants on the basis of
Law concerning private rights and not shared characteristics. [Greek klados
criminal offences. 5 (of the length of a branch]
day, year, etc.) fixed by custom or law, claim -v. 1 state, declare, assert. 2
not natural or astronomical. civilly demand as one's due or property. 3
adv. [Latin civilis: related to civic] represent oneself as having or achiev-
civil defence n. organizing of civilians ing (claim victory). 4 (foil, by to + infin.)
for protection during wartime attacks. profess. 5 have as an achievement or
civil disobedience n. refusal to com- consequence (fire claimed two victims).
ply with certain laws as a peaceful 6 (of a thing) deserve (attention etc.). -n.
protest. 1 demand or request for a thing con-
civil engineer n. one who designs or sidered one's due (lay claim to; put in a
maintains roads, bridges, dams, etc. claim). 2 (foil, by to, on) right or title to a
claimant 149 class
thing. 3 assertion. 4 thing claimed. whisky). 4 (foil, by on) give a friendlv
[Latin clamo call out] slap (clapped him on the back).-n. 1 act
claimant n. person making a claim, of clapping, esp. as applause. 2 explosive
esp. in a lawsuit, or claiming State sound, esp. of thunder. 3 slap. pat. z
benefit. clap eyes on colloq. see. [Old English]
clairvoyance /klea'voians, n. sup- clap 2 n. coarse slang venereal disease,
posed faculty of perceiving the future or esp. gonorrhoea. [French]
things beyond normal sensory percep- clapped out adj. slang worn out;
tion. clairvoyant n. & adj. [French: exhausted.
related to clear, voir see] clapper n. tongue or striker of a bell.
clam -n. edible bivalve mollusc, -v. Like the clappers slang very fast
(-mm-) (foil, by up) colloq. refuse to talk, or hard.
[related to clamp ]
clapperboard n. device in film-making
clamber -v. climb laboriously using of hinged boards struck together to
hands and feet. -n. difficult climb, [from synchronize the starting of picture and
climb] sound machinery.
clammy 'klaemi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) claptrap n. insincere or pretentious
unpleasantly damp and sticky. clam- talk, nonsense.
mily adv. clamminess n. [clam to claque klsek n. group of people hired
daub] to applaud. [French]
clamour 'klaema(r)/ (US clamor) -n. 1 claret 'klaerat n. 1 red wine. esp. from
loud or vehement shouting or noise. 2 Bordeaux. 2 purplish-red. [French:
protest, demand, —v. 1 make a clamour. related to clarify]
2 utter with a clamour, z clamorous clarify klaen.fai v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make
adj. [Latin: related to claim] or become clearer. 2 a free (liquid etc.)
clamp -n. 1 device, esp. a brace or band
from impurities, b make transparent,
of iron etc., for strengthening or holding z clarification -fi'keij(a)n n. [Latin:
things together. 2 device for immobiliz- related to clear]
ing an illegally parked vehicle, —v. 1 clarinet .klaen'net n. woodwind
strengthen or fasten with a clamp; fix instrument with a single reed, z clari-
firmly. 2 immobilize (a vehicle) with a nettist n. (US clarinetist). [French
clamp. clamp down (usu. foil, by on) diminutive of clarine, a kind of bell]
become stricter (about); suppress. [Low clarion 'klaenan n. 1 clear rousing
German or Dutch] sound. 2 hist, shrill war-trumpet.
clamp 2 n. potatoes etc. stored under [Latin: related to clear]
straw or earth. [Dutch: related to clarity 'klaeriti n. clearness.
CLUMP] clash -n. a loud jarring sound as of

clamp-down n. sudden policy of sup- metal objects struck together, b colli-

pression. sion. 2 a conflict, b discord of colours
clan n. 1 group of people with a common etc. -v. 1 (cause to) make a clashing
ancestor, esp. in the Scottish Highlands. sound. 2 collide; coincide awkwardly. 3
2 large family as a social group. 3 group (often foil, by with) a come into conflict
with a strong common interest. [Gaelic] or be at variance, b (of colours) be
clandestine klaen'destm adj. surrep- discordant, [imitative]
titious, secret. [Latin] clasp kla:sp -n. 1 device with
clang -n. loud resonant metallic sound. interlocking parts for fastening. 2 a
-v. (cause to) make a clang, [imitative: embrace, b grasp, handshake. 3 bar on
cf. Latin clango resound] a medal-ribbon, - v. 1 fasten with or as
clanger n. slang mistake, blunder. with a clasp. 2 a grasp, hold closely, b
clangour ,"klaenga(r) n. (US clangor) embrace. [Old English]
prolonged clanging. clangorous adj. clasp-knife n. folding knife, usu. with a
clank -n. sound as of metal on metal. catch to hold the blade open.
—v. (cause to) make a clank, [imitative] class /kla.s/ -n. 1 any set of persons or
clannish adj. often derog. (of a family things grouped together, or graded or
or group) associating closely with each differentiated from others esp. by qual-
other; inward-looking. ity(first class: economy class). 2 di-
clansman n. (fern, clanswoman) mem vision or order of society (upper class).
ber or fellow-member of a clan. 3 colloq. distinction, high quality. 4 a
clap -v. (-pp-) 1 a strike the palms of
group of students taught together, b
one's hands together, esp. repeatedly as occasion when they meet, c their course
applause, b strike (the hands) together of instruction. 5 division of candidates
in this way. 2 applaud thus. 3 put or by merit in an examination. 6 Biol, next
place quickly or with determination grouping of organisms below a division
(clapped him in prison: clap a tax on or phylum, -v. assign to a class or
class-conscious 150 clear
category, in a class of (or on) its (or holding, etc. -v. scratch, maul, or pull
one's) own unequalled. classless with claws or fingernails. [Old English]
adj. [Latin classis assembly] claw back v. regain laboriously or
class-conscious adj. aware of social gradually.
divisions or one's place in them. claw-hammer n. hammer with one
class-consciousness n. side of the head forked for extracting
classic /'klaesik/ -adj. 1 first-class; of nails.
lasting value and importance. 2 very clay n. 1 stiff sticky earth, used for
typical (a classic case). 3 a of ancient making bricks, pottery, etc. 2 poet, sub-
Greek and Latin literature, art, etc. b (of stance of the human body. clayey adj.
style) simple, harmonious. 4 famous [Old English]
because long-established, -n. 1 classic claymore /'kleimo:(r)/ n. hist. Scottish
writer, artist, work, or example. 2 (in two-edged broadsword. [Gaelic, = great
pi.) ancient Greek and Latin. [Latin sword]
classicus: related to class] clay pigeon n. breakable disc thrown
classical adj. 1 a of ancient Greek or up from a trap as a target for shooting.
Roman literature or art. b (of a lan- clean —adj. 1 free from dirt or impur-
guage) having the form used by ancient ities, unsoiled. 2 clear; unused; pristine

standard authors. 2 (of music) serious {clean air, clean page). 3 not obscene or
or conventional, or of the period from indecent. 4 attentive to personal hy-
c. 1750-1800. 3 restrained in style. clas- giene and cleanliness. 5 complete, clear-
sicality /-'kaeliti/ n. classically adv. cut. 6 showing no record of crime, dis-
classicism /'klaesi,siz(a)m/ n. 1 follow- ease, etc. 7 fair (a clean fight). 8 stream-
ing of a classic style. 2 classical scholar- lined; well-formed. 9 adroit, skilful. 10
(of a nuclear weapon) producing relat-
ship. 3 ancient Greek or Latin idiom.
ively little fallout, -adv. 1 completely,
classicist n.
outright, simply. 2 in a clean manner.
classify /'klaesi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 a
—v. make or become clean, —n. act or
arrange in classes or categories, b as-
process of cleaning. clean out 1 clean
sign to a class or category. 2 designate as
thoroughly. 2 slang empty or deprive
officially secret or not for general dis-
(esp. of money), clean up 1 a clear away
closure. classifiable adj. classi-
(a mess), b (also absol.) put (things) tidy,
fication /-fi keij(a)n/ n. classificatory
c make (oneself) clean. 2 restore order
/-'keitan/ adj. [French: related to class]
or morality to. 3 slang acquire as or
classmate n. person in the same class
make a profit, come clean colloq. con-
at school.
fess fully, make a clean breast of see
classroom n. room where a class of
breast. [Old English]
students is taught.
clean bill of health n. declaration
classy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. superior,
that there is no disease or defect.
stylish. classily adv. classiness n. clean-cut adj. 1 sharply outlined or
clatter -n. sound as of hard objects defined. 2 (of a person) clean and tidy.
struck together, -v. (cause to) make a cleaner n. 1 person employed to clean
clatter. [Old English]
rooms etc. 2 establishment for cleaning
clause /kLo:z/ n. 1Gram, part of a sen- clothes etc. 3 device or substance for
tence, including a subject and predicate. cleaning. take a person to the
2 single statement in a treaty, law, cleaners slang 1 defraud or rob a per-
contract, etc. clausal adj. [Latin clau- son. 2 criticize severely.
sula: related to close] cleanly 1
adv. in a clean way.
Clause 28 clause in the Local
n. cleanly 2 /'klenli/ adj. (-ier, -iest)
Government Bill (and later Act) ban- habitually clean; with clean habits.
ning local authorities from promoting cleanliness n.
homosexuality. cleanse /klenz/ p. (-sing) make clean or
claustrophobia /.kloistra'faubia/ n. ab- pure. cleanser n.
normal fear of confined places, p claus- clean-shaven adj. without beard or
trophobic adj. [Latin claustrum clois- moustache.
ter, -phobia] clean sheet n. (also clean slate) free-
clavichord /'klaevi,ko:d/ n. small key- dom from commitments or imputations;
board instrument with a very soft tone, removal of these from one's record.
[medieval Latin: related to clavicle] clean-up n.did of cleaning up.
clavicle /'klaevik(a)l/ n. collar-bone. clear -adj. free from dirt or contam-
[Latin clavis key] ination. 2 (of weather, the sky, etc.) not
claw -n. 1 a pointed nail on an animal's dull. 3 transparent. 4 a easily perceived;
foot,b foot armed with claws. 2 pincers distinct; evident (a clear voice; it is clear
of a shellfish. 3 device for grappling, that), b easily understood. 5 discerning
clearance 151 clever
readily and accurately (clear mind). 6 cleavage 'kli:vid3 n. 1 hollow between
confident, convinced. 7 (of a conscience) a woman's breasts. 2 division, splitting.
free from guilt. 8 (of a road etc.) unob- 3 line along which rocks etc. split.
structed. 9 a net, without deduction, b cleave 1
v. (-ving, past clove or cleft or

complete (three clear days). 10 (often cleaved; past part, cloven or cleft or
foil, by of) free, unhampered; unen- cleaved) literary 1 chop or break apart;
cumbered, -adv. 1 clearly. 2 completely split, esp. along the grain or line of
(got clear away). 3 apart, out of contact cleavage. 2 make one's way through (air
(keep clear). -v. 1 make or become clear. or water). [Old English]
2 (often foil, by of) make or become free cleave 2 v. (-ving) (foil, by to) literary'
from obstruction etc. 3 (often foil, by of) stick fast; adhere. [Old English]
show person) to be innocent. 4 ap-
(a cleaver n. butcher's heavy chopping
prove (a person etc.) for a special duty, tool.
access, etc. 5 pass over or by, safely or clef n. Mus. symbol indicating the pitch
without touching. 6 make (an amount of of notes on a staff. [Latin clavis key]
money) as a net gain or to balance cleft 1
adj. split, partly divided, [past
expenses. 7 pass (a cheque) through a part, of CLEAVE ]
clearing-house. 8 pass through (cus- cleft n. split, fissure. [Old English:
toms etc.). 9 disappear (mist cleared). : related to cleave ]

clear the air remove suspicion, ten- cleft lip n. congenital cleft in the upper
sion, etc. clear away 1 remove (esp. lip.
dishes etc.). 2 disappear, clear the cleft palate n. congenital split in the
decks prepare for action, clear off col- roof of the mouth.
loq. go away, clear out 1 empty, tidy by clematis 'klematis/ n. climbing plant
emptying. 2 remove. 3 colloq. go away, with white, pink, or purple flowers.
clear up 1 tidy up. 2 solve. 3 (of weather) [Greek]
become fine. 4 disappear (acne has clement 'klemant' adj. 1 (of weather)
cleared up), clear a thing with get mild. 2 merciful, clemency n. [Latin
approval or authorization for it from (a clemens]
person), in the clear free from suspi- Clementine 'kleman.tiin/ n. small tan-
cion or difficulty, z clearly adj. clear- gerine-like citrus fruit. [French]
ness n. [Latin clams] clench —v. 1 close (the teeth, fingers,
clearance n. 1 removal of obstructions etc.) tightly. 2 grasp firmly, -n. clench-
etc. 2 space allowed for the passing of ing action; clenched state. [Old English]
two objects or parts in machinery etc. 3 clerestory /'klia.stoiri/ n. (pi. -ies) up-
special authorization. 4 a clearing by per row of windows in a cathedral or
customs, b certificate showing this. 5 large church, above the level of the aisle
clearing of cheques. 6 clearing out. roofs, [clear storey]
clear-cut adj. sharply defined. clergy /'kl3:d3i/ n. (pi. -ies) (usu. treated
clear-headed adj. thinking clearly, as pi.) those ordained for religious
sensible. duties. [French (related to cleric) and
clearing n. open area in a forest. Church Latin]
clearing bank n. bank which is a clergyman n. member of the clergy.
member of a clearing-house. cleric /'klerik/ n. member of the clergy.
clearing-house n. 1 bankers' estab- [Greek klerikos from kleros lot, her-
lishment where cheques and bills are itage]
exchanged, only the balances being paid clerical adj. 1 of clergy or clergymen. 2
in cash. 2 agency for collecting and of or done by clerks,
distributing information etc. clerical collar n. stiff upright white
clear-out n. tidying by emptying and collar fastening at the back,
sorting. clerihew 'klen.hju: n. short comic

clear-sighted adj. seeing, thinking, or biographical verse in two rhyming

understanding clearly, couplets. [E. Clerihew Bentley, name of
clear-up n. 1 tidying up. 2 (usu. attrib.) its inventor]
solving of crimes (clear-up rates). clerk /kla:k/ -n. 1 person employed to
clearway n. main road (other than a keep records etc. 2 secretary or agent of

motorway) on which vehicles may not a local council, court, etc. 3 lay officer of
normally stop. a church, -v. work as clerk. [Old Eng-
cleat n. 1 piece of metal, wood, etc., lish and French: related to cleric]
bolted on for fastening ropes to, or to clever /'klev9(r)/ adj. (-er, -est) 1 skilful,

strengthen woodwork etc. 2 projecting talented; quick to understand and learn.

piece on a spar, gangway, etc. to prevent 2 adroit, dexterous. 3 ingenious, clev-
slipping. [Old English] erly adv. cleverness n. [Old English]
cliche 152 Cllr.
cliche /'kli:Jei/ n. 1 hackneyed phrase or hold; resist separation. clingy adj.
opinion. 2 metal casting of a stereotype (ier, -iest). [Old English]
or electrotype. cliched adj. (also cling film n. thin transparent plastic
cliche'd). [French] covering for food.
click -n. slight sharp sound. -t>. 1 clinic /'khnik/ n. 1 private or specialized
(cause to) make a click. 2 colloq. a hospital. 2 place or occasion for giving
become clear or understood, b be pop- medical treatment or specialist advice.
ular, c (foil, by with) strike up a rapport, 3 gathering at a hospital bedside for
[imitative] medical teaching. [Greek Kline bed]
client /'klaiant/ n. 1 person using the clinical adj. 1 of or for the treatment of
services of a lawyer, architect, or other patients. 2 dispassionate, coolly
professional person. 2 customer. [Latin detached. 3 (of a room, building, etc.)
c liens] bare, functional. clinically adv.
clientele /,kli:on'tel/ n. 1 clients collect- [Greek: related to clinic]
ively. 2 customers. [French and Latin: clinical death n. death judged by pro-
related to client] fessional observation of a person's con-
cliff n. steep rock-face, esp. on a coast. dition.
[Old English] clink -n.1
sharp ringing sound, -u.
cliff-hanger n. story etc. with a strong (cause to) make a clink. [Dutch: imit-
element of suspense, ative]
climacteric /klai'maektarik/ n. period clink n. slang prison, [origin
of life when fertility and sexual activity unknown]
are in decline. [Greek: related to clinker n. 1 mass of slag or lava. 2 stony
climax] residue from burnt coal. [Dutch: related
climate /'klaimit/ n. 1 prevailing to CLINK 1 ]
weather conditions of an area. 2 region clinker-built adj. (of a boat) having
with particular weather conditions. 3 external planks overlapping down-
prevailing trend of opinion or feeling. wards and secured with clinched nails.
climatic /-'maetik/ adj. climatically [clink, Northern English var. of clinch]
/-^maetikali/ adv. [Greek klima] clip -n. 1 device for holding things
climax /'klaimaeks/ -n. 1 event or point together or for attaching something. 2
of greatest intensity or interest; cul- piece of jewellery fastened by a clip. 3
mination. 2 orgasm, -y. colloq. reach set of attached cartridges for a firearm.
or bring to a climax. climactic -v. (-pp-) fix with a clip. [Old English]
/-'maektik/ adj. [Greek, = ladder] clip 2 -y. (-pp-) 1 cut (hair, wool, etc.)
climb /klaim/ -v. 1 (often foil, by up) short with shears or scissors. 2 trim or
ascend, mount, go or come up. 2 grow up remove the hair or wool of. 3 colloq. hit
a wall etc. by clinging or twining. 3 smartly. 4 a omit (a letter etc.) from a
progress, esp. in social rank. -rc. 1 as- word, b omit letters or syllables of
cent by climbing. 2 hill etc. climbed or to (words uttered). 5 punch a hole in (a
be climbed, b climb down 1 descend, ticket) to show it has been used. 6 cut
esp. using hands. 2 withdraw from from a newspaper etc. 7 slang swindle,
a stance taken up in an argument etc. rob. -n. 1 act of clipping. 2 colloq. smart
climber n. [Old English] blow. 3 sequence from a motion picture.
climb-down n. withdrawal from a 4 yield of wool etc. 5 colloq. speed, esp.
stance taken up. rapid. [Old Norse]
climbing-frame structure of joined
n. clipboard n. small board with a spring
bars children to climb on.
etc. for clip for holding papers etc.
clime n. literary 1 region. 2 climate. clip-joint n. slang club etc. charging
[Latin: related to climate] exorbitant prices.
clinch -v. 1 confirm or settle (an argu- clip-on adj. attached by a clip.
ment, bargain, etc.) conclusively. 2 (of clipper n. 1 (usu. in pi) instrument for
boxers etc.) become too closely engaged. clipping hair etc. 2 hist, fast sailing-
3 secure (a nail or rivet) by driving the ship.
point sideways when through, -n. 1 a clipping n. piece clipped, esp. from a
clinching action, b clinched state. 2 newspaper.
colloq. embrace, [var. of clench] clique /kli:k/ n. small exclusive group
clincher n. colloq. point or remark that of people. cliquey adj. (cliquier,
settles an argument etc. cliquiest). cliquish adj. [French]
cling v. (past and past part, clung) 1 clitoris /'klitans/ n. small erectile part
(often foil, by to) adhere. 2 (foil, by to) be of the female genitals at the upper end of
unwilling to give up; be emotionally the vulva. clitoral adj. [Latin from
dependent on (a habit, idea, friend, etc.). Greek]
3 (often foil, by to) maintain grasp; keep Cllr. abbr. Councillor.
cloak 153 close-up
cloak -n. outdoor usu. long and
1 another, -v. (-ning) propagate as a
sleeveless over-garment. 2 covering clone, z clonal adj. [Greek klon twig]
{cloak of snow), -v. 1 cover with a cloak. clonk -n. abrupt heavy sound of
2 conceal, disguise. under the cloak impact, -u. 1 make this sound. 2 colloq.
of using as pretext, [ultimately from hit. [imitative]
medieval Latin clocca bell] close 1
klaus/ -adj. 1 (often foil, by to)
cloak-and-dagger adj. involving situated at a short distance or interval. 2
intrigue and espionage, a having a strong or immediate relation
cloakroom n. 1 room where outdoor or connection (close friend), b in intim-
clothes or luggage may be left. 2 ate friendship or association, c corres-
euphem. lavatory. ponding almost exactly (close resemb-
clobber v. slang 1 hit; beat up. 2 defeat.
lance). 3 in or almost in contact (close
3 criticize severely, [origin unknown] combat). 4 dense, compact, with no or
clobber2 n. slang clothing, belongings. only slight intervals. 5 (of a contest etc.)
[origin unknown] in which competitors are almost equal.
cloche /kk)J7 n. 1 small translucent 6 leaving no gaps or weaknesses, rigor-
cover for protecting outdoor plants. 2 ous (close reasoning). 7 concentrated,
(in full cloche hat) woman's close- searching. 8 (of air etc.) stuffy, humid. 9
fitting bell-shaped hat. [French, = bell, closed, shut. 10 limited to certain per-
medieval Latin clocca] sons etc. (close corporation). 11 hidden,
clock -n. 1 instrument for measuring

secret; secretive. 12 niggardly, -adv. at

and showing time. 2 a measuring device only a short distance or interval, -n. 1
resembling this, b colloq. speedometer, street closed at one end. 2 precinct of a
taximeter, or stopwatch. 3 slang per- cathedral, at close quarters very
son's face. 4 seed-head of the dandelion. close together, z closely adv. close-
-v. 1 colloq. a (often foil, by up) attain or ness n. [Latin clausus from claudo
register (a stated time, distance, or shut]
speed), b time (a race) with a stopwatch. close 2 ,/klauz/ -v. (-sing) 1 a shut, b
2 slang hit. clock in (or on) register block up. 2 bring or come to an end. 3
one's arrival at work, clock off (or out) end the day's business. 4 bring or come
register one's departure from work,
closer or into contact. 5 make (an elec-
round the clock all day and (usu.) tric circuit etc.) continuous, -n. conclu-
night, [medieval Latin clocca bell]
sion, end. z close down (of a shop etc.)
clock 2 n. ornamental pattern on the side discontinue business, close in 1 en-
of a stocking or sock near the ankle,
close. 2 come nearer. 3 (of days) get
[origin unknown]
successively shorter, close up 1 (often
clockwise adj. & adv. in a curve corres-
foil, by to) move closer. 2 shut. 3 block
ponding in direction to that of the hands
up. 4 (of an aperture) grow smaller.
of a clock. 1
[Latin: related to close ]
clockwork n. 1 mechanism like that of
closed book n. subject one does not
a clock, with a spring and gears. 2
(attrib.) driven by clockwork, z like
closed-circuit adj. (of television)
clockwork smoothly, regularly, auto-
transmitted by wires to a restricted set
of receivers.
clod n. lump of earth, clay, etc. [var. of
closed shop n. business etc. where
employees must belong to a specified
cloddish adj. loutish, foolish, clumsy,
trade union.
clodhopper n. (usu. in pi) colloq. large
heavy shoe. close harmony n. harmony in which
the notes of a chord are close together,
clog -n. shoe with a thick wooden sole.
-v. (-gg-) 1 (often foil, by up) obstruct or
close-knit adj. tightly interlocked;
closely united in friendship,
become obstructed; choke. 2 impede,
[origin unknown] close season n. season when the killing
cloister -n. 1 covered walk round a
of game etc. is illegal,

quadrangle, esp. in a college or eccle- close shave n. (also close thing) colloq.
siastical building. 2 monastic life or
narrow escape.
seclusion, -v. seclude. cloistered closet "klozit -n. 1 small room. 2 cup-
adj. cloistral adj. [Latin claustrum: board. 3 = water-closet. 4 (attrib.)
related to close ] secret (closet homosexual), -v. (-t-)
clomp var. of clump v. 2. shut away. esp. in private conference or
clone -n. a group of organisms pro-
study. [French diminutive: related to
duced asexually from one stock or an- close2 ]
cestor, b one such organism. 2 colloq. close-up n. photograph etc. taken at
person or thing regarded as identical to close range.
closure 154 clue
closure /'klau3a(r)/ n. 1 closing. 2 closed clove 1
dried bud of a tropical plant
state. 3 procedure for ending a debate used as a spice. [Latin clavus nail (from
and taking a vote. [Latin: related to its shape)]
CLOSE ] clove 2 n. small segment of a compound
clot -n. thick mass of coagulated
1 bulb, esp. of garlic. [Old English: related
liquid etc., esp. of blood. 2 colloq. foolish to CLEAVE 1

person, -i;. (-tt-) form into clots. [Old clove 3 past of cleave 1

English] clove hitch n. knot by which a rope is

cloth n. 1 woven or felted material. 2 secured to a spar etc. [clove, old past
piece of this, esp. for a particular pur- part, of CLEAVE ]
pose; tablecloth, dishcloth, etc. 3 fabric cloven /'kl9uv(a)n/ adj. split, partly
for clothes. 4 a status, esp. of the clergy, divided, [past part, of cleave 1 ]
as shown by clothes, b (prec. by the) the cloven hoof n. (also cloven foot)
clergy. [Old English] divided hoof, esp. of oxen, sheep, or
clothe /klauo/ v. (-thing; past and past goats, or of the Devil.
part, clothed or formal clad) 1 put clover n. trefoil fodder plant. in
clothes on; provide with clothes. 2 cover clover in ease and luxury. [Old English]
as with clothes. [Old English] clown -n. 1 comic entertainer, esp. in a
clothes /klauoz/ 1 garments worn circus. 2 foolish or playful person, -v.
to cover the body and limbs. 2 bed- (often foil, by about, around) behave
clothes. [Old English] like a clown, [origin uncertain]
clothes-horse n. frame for airing cloy v. satiate or sicken with sweetness,
washed clothes. richness, etc. [obsolete acloy from
clothes-line n. rope etc. on which Anglo-French: related to enclave]
clothes are hung to dry. club -rc. 1 heavy stick with a thick end,
clothes-peg n. clip etc. for securing esp. as a weapon. 2 stick with a head
clothes to a clothes-line, used in golf. 3 association of persons
clothier /'klauoia(r)/ n. seller of men's meeting periodically for a shared ac-
clothes. tivity. 4 organization or premises offer-
clothing /'klaudin/ n. clothes collect- ing members social amenities, meals,
ively. temporary residence, etc. 5 a playing-
clotted cream n. thick cream obtained card of the suit denoted by a black
by slow scalding. trefoil, b (in pi) this suit. 6 commercial
cloud -n. 1 visible mass of condensed organization offering subscribers
watery vapour floating high above the special deals {book club), -v. (-bb-) 1
ground. 2 mass of smoke or dust. 3 (foil, beat with or as with a club. 2 (foil, by
by of) mass of insects etc. moving together, with) combine, esp. to raise a
together. 4 state of gloom, trouble, or sum of money for a purpose. [Old Norse]
suspicion, -v. cover or darken with
"\ clubbable adj. sociable; fit for club
clouds or gloom or trouble. 2 (often foil, membership.
by become overcast or gloomy.
over, up) club class n. class of fare on an aircraft
3 make unclear, n on cloud nine colloq. etc. designed for business travellers.
extremely happy, under a cloud out of club-foot n. congenitally deformed
favour, under suspicion, with one's foot.
head in the clouds day-dreaming. clubhouse n. premises of a (usu. sport-
cloudless adj. [Old English] ing) club.
cloudburst n. sudden violent rain- clubland n. area where there are many
storm. nightclubs.
cloud chamber device containing
n. club-root n. disease of cabbages etc.
vapour for tracking the paths of with swelling at the base of the stem,
charged particles, X-rays, and gamma club sandwich n. sandwich with two
rays. layers of filling between three slices of
cloud-cuckoo-land n. fanciful or toast or bread.
ideal place, [translation of Greek Nephe- cluck -n. guttural cry like that of a hen.
lokokkugia in Aristophanes' Birds] -v. emit cluck(s). [imitative]
cloudy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of the sky, clue /klu:/ -n. 1 fact or idea that serves
weather) covered with clouds, overcast. as a guide, or suggests a line of inquiry,
2 not transparent; unclear. cloudily in a problem or investigation. 2 piece of
adv. cloudiness n. evidence etc. in the detection of a crime.
clout -n. 1 heavy blow. 2 colloq. 3 verbal formula as a hint to what is to
influence, power of effective action. 3 be inserted in a crossword, -v. (clues,
dial, piece of cloth or clothing, -u. hit clued, cluing or clueing) provide a
hard. [Old English] clue to. clue in (or up) slang inform.
clueless 155 coastguard
not have a clue be ignorant or
colloq. coachman n. driver of a horse-drawn
incompetent, [var. of Old English clew] carriage.
clueless adj. colloq. ignorant, stupid. coachwork n. bodywork of a road or
clump -n. (foil, by of)cluster or mass, rail vehicle.
esp. of trees, -v. 1 a form a clump, b coagulate /kau'aegju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1
heap or plant together. 2 (also clomp) change from a fluid to a semisolid. 2 clot,
walk with a heavy tread. [Low German curdle. coagulant n. coagulation
or Dutch] /-'leij(a)n/ n. [Latin coagulum rennet]
clumsy /'klAmzi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 awk- coal n. 1 hard black rock, mainly
ward in movement or shape; ungainly. 2 carbonized plant matter, found under-
difficult to handle or use. 3 tactless. ground and used as a fuel. 2 piece of this,
clumsily adv. clumsiness n. [obsolete esp. one that is burning. coals to
clumse be numb with cold] Newcastle something brought to a
clung past and past part, of cling. place where it is already plentiful, haul
clunk -n. dull sound as of thick pieces (or call) over the coals reprimand. [Old
of metal meeting. —v. make such a English]
sound, [imitative] coalesce /.kaua'les/ v. (-cing) come
cluster -n. close group or bunch of together and form a whole. coales-
similar people or things growing or cence n. coalescent adj. [Latin alo
occurring together, -v. 1 bring into, nourish]
come into, or be in cluster(s). 2 (foil, by coalface
n. exposed working surface of

round, around) gather. [Old English] coal in a mine.

clutch -v. 1 seize eagerly; grasp
1 coalfield n. extensive area yielding
tightly. 2 (foil, by at) try desperately to
seize, -n. 1 tight grasp. 2 (in pi.) grasp-
coal gas n. mixed gases formerly
extracted from coal and used for light-
ing hands; cruel or relentless grasp or
ing and heating.
control. 3 a (in a vehicle) device for
connecting and disconnecting the en-
coalition ,

/,kaua lij(9)n/ n. 1 temporary

alliance, esp. of political parties. 2
gine and the transmission, b pedal oper-
fusion into one whole, [medieval Latin:
ating this. [Old English]
related to coalesce]
clutch 2 n. 1 set of eggs for hatching. 2
brood of chickens. [Old Norse, = hatch]
coalman n. man who carries or de-
livers coal.
clutch bag n. slim flat handbag without
coalmine n. mine in which coal is dug.
coalminer n.
clutter -rc. 1 crowded and untidy collec-
coal-scuttle n. container for coal for a
tion of things. 2 untidy state, —v. (often
domestic fire.
foil, by up, with) crowd untidily, fill with
coal tar n. thick black oily liquid dis-
clutter, [related to clot]
tilled from coal and used as a source of
Cm symb. curium. benzene.
cm abbr. centimetre(s). coal-tit n. small greyish bird with a
CMG abbr. Companion (of the Order) of black head.
St Michael and St George. coaming /'kaumirj/ n. raised border
CND abbr. Campaign for Nuclear Dis- round a ship's hatches etc. to keep out
armament. water, [origin unknown]
CO abbr. Commanding Officer. coarse adj. 1 rough or loose in texture;
Co symb. cobalt. made of large particles. 2 lacking refine-
Co. abbr. 1 company. 2 county. ment; crude, obscene. coarsely adv.
CO- prefix added to: 1 nouns, with the coarseness n. [origin unknown]
sense 'joint, mutual, common' (co- coarse fish n. freshwater fish other
author; coequality). 2 adjectives and than salmon and trout.
adverbs, with the sense 'jointly, coarsen v. make or become coarse.
mutually' (coequal). 3 verbs, with the coast -n. border of land near the sea;
sense 'together with another or others' seashore. -v. 1 ride or move, usu. down-
(cooperate), [var. of com-] hill, without the use of power. 2 make
c/o abbr. care of. progress without much effort. 3 sail
coach -rc. single-decker bus, usu. com-
1 along the coast. the coast is clear
fortably equipped for long journeys. 2 there is no danger of being observed or
railway carriage. 3 closed horse-drawn caught, coastal adj. [Latin costa side]
carriage. 4 a instructor or trainer in a coaster n. 1 ship that travels along the
sport, b private tutor, -v. train or teach coast. 2 small tray or mat for a bottle or
as a coach. [French from Magyar] glass.
coachload n. group of tourists etc. coastguard n. 1 member of a group of
taken by coach. people employed to keep watch on
coastline 156 cockle
coasts to save life, prevent smuggling, this. cobwebby adj. [obsolete coppe
etc. 2 such a group. spider]
coastline n. line of the seashore, esp. coca /'kauka/ n. American shrub. 2
1 S.
with regard to its shape. chewed as a stimulant.
its dried leaves,
coat -n. 1 outer garment with sleeves, [Spanish from Quechua]
usu. extending below the hips; overcoat cocaine /kau'kem/ n. drug from coca,
or jacket. 2 animal's fur or hair. 3 used as a local anaesthetic and as a
covering of paint etc. laid on a surface at stimulant.
one time. -v. 1 (usu. foil, by with, in) coccyx /'koksiks/ n. (pi. coccyges
cover with a coat or layer. 2 (of paint small triangular bone at the
etc.) form a covering to. [French from base of the spinal column. [Greek, =
Germanic] cuckoo (from shape of its bill)]
coat-hanger see hanger 2. cochineal /.kDtJYnirl/ n. 1 scarlet dye
coating n. 1 layer of paint etc. 2 mater- used esp. for colouring food. 2 insects
ial for coats. whose dried bodies yield this. [Latin
coat of arms n. heraldic bearings or coccinus scarlet, from Greek]
shield of a person, family, or cock 1 -n. 1 male bird, esp. of the do-
corporation. mestic fowl. 2 slang (as a form of ad-
coat of mail n. jacket covered with dress) friend; fellow. 3 coarse slang
mail. penis. 4 slang nonsense. 5 a firing lever
coat-tail n. each of the flaps formed by in a gun, raised to be released by the
the back of a tailcoat. trigger, b cocked position of this. 6 tap
coax v. 1 persuade gradually or by or valve controlling flow. — v. 1 raise or
flattery. 2 (foil, by out of) obtain (a thing make upright or erect. 2 turn or move
from a person) thus. 3 manipulate (a (the eye or ear) attentively or know-
thing) carefully or slowly, [obsolete ingly. 3 set aslant; turn up the brim of (a
cokes a fooll hat). 4 raise the cock of (a gun). at half
coaxial /kau'aeksial/ adj. 1 having a cock only partly ready, cock a snook
common axis. 2 Electr. (of a cable or see snook cock up slang bungle; make

by means of two con-

line) transmitting a mess of. [Old English and French]
centric conductors separated by an cock 2 n. conical heap of hay or straw,
insulator. [perhaps from Scandinavian]
cob n. 1 roundish lump. 2 domed loaf. 3 cockade /kn'keid/ n. rosette etc. worn in
= corn-cob. 4 large hazelnut. 5 sturdy the hat as a badge. [French: related to
riding-horse with short legs. 6 male COCK ]

swan, [origin unknown] cock-a-doodle-doo n. cock's crow,

cobalt /'kaubo:lt/ n. 1 silvery-white cock-a-hoop adj. exultant,
metallic element. 2 a pigment made cock-a-leekie n. Scottish soup of boil-
from this, b its deep-blue colour. [Ger- ing fowl and leeks.
man, probably = Kobold demon in cock-and-bull story n. absurd or
mines] incredible account.
cobber n. Austral. & NZ colloq. com- cockatoo /.kDka'tu:/ n. crested parrot.
panion, friend, [origin uncertain] [Dutch from Malay]
cobble /'kDb(a)l/ -n. (in full cobble-
cockchafer /'kDk.tJeifa(r)/ n. large
stone) small rounded stone used for pale-brown beetle, [from cock 1 ]
paving, -v. (-ling) pave with cobbles, cock crow n. dawn.
[from cob] cocker n. (in full cocker spaniel) small
cobble 2 /'kDb(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 mend or spaniel with a silky coat, [related to
patch up (esp. shoes). 2 (often foil, by COCK ]

together) join or assemble roughly, cockerel /'kDkar(a)l/ n. young cock.

[from cobbler] [diminutive of cock ]

cobbler n. 1 person who mends shoes cock-eyed adj. colloq. 1 crooked,

professionally. 2 stewed fruit or meat askew. 2 absurd, not practical, [from
topped with scones. 3 (in pi.) slang cock ]
nonsense, [origin unknown] cock-fight n. fight between cocks as
COBOL /'kaubol/ n. computer language sport.
for use in commerce, [common business cockle 1 a edible bivalve
/'kDk(a)l/ n.
oriented /anguage] shellfish,b its shell. 2 (in full cockle-
cobra /'kaubra/ n. venomous hooded -shell) small shallow boat. 3 pucker or
snake of Africa and Asia. [Latin colubra wrinkle in paper, glass, etc. warm the
snake] cockles of one's heart make one con-
cobweb n. 1 fine network spun by a tented. [French coquille from Greek:
spider from liquid it secretes. 2 thread of related to conch]
cockney 157 coelacanth
cockney /'kDkni/ -n. (pi. -s) 1 native of coda /'kauda/ n. 1 Mus. final additional
London, esp. of the East End. 2 dialect or passage of a piece or movement. 2 con-
accent used there, -adj. of cockneys or cluding section of a ballet. [Latin cauda
their dialect, [cokeney 'cock's egg'] tail]
cockpit n. 1 a compartment for the pilot coddle /'kDd(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 treat as an
(and crew) of an aircraft or spacecraft, invalid; protect attentively; pamper. 2
b driver's seat in a racing car. c space cook (an egg) in water below boiling
for the helmsman in some yachts. 2 point, z coddler n. [a dialect form of
arena of war or other conflict. 3 place for caudle invalids' gruel]
cock-fights. code -n. 1 system of words, letters,
cockroach /'kDkrautJV n. flat dark- symbols, etc., used to represent others
brown beetle-like insect infesting kit- for secrecy or brevity. 2 system of pre-
chens, bathrooms, etc. [Spanish cucara- arranged signals used to ensure secrecy
cha] in transmitting messages. 3 Computing
cockscomb /'kDkskaum/ n. crest of a piece of program text. 4 systematic set of
cock. laws etc. 5 prevailing standard of moral
cocksure /,kDk'Jo:(r)/ adj. arrogantly behaviour, -v. (-ding) put into code.
confident, [from cock 1 [Latin codex]

cocktail /'kDkteil/ n. 1 drink made of codeine /'kaudi:n/ n. alkaloid derived

various spirits, fruit juices, etc. 2 appet- from morphine, used to relieve pain.

izer containing shellfish or fruit. 3 any [Greek kodeia poppy-head]

hybrid mixture, [origin unknown] codependency /.kaudi'pendansi/ n.
cocktail dress n. short evening dress addiction to a supportive role in a rela-
worn at a drinks party. tionship. codependent adj. & n.
cocktail stick n. small pointed stick codex /'kaudeks/ n. (pi. codices /-di,si:z/)
1 ancient manuscript text in book form.
for serving an olive, cherry, etc.
2 collection of descriptions of drugs etc.
cock-up n. slang muddle or mistake. =
[Latin, tablet, book]
cocky adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. conceited,
= cod 1
codfish n. (pi same) .

arrogant. cockily adv. cockiness n.

codger /'kDd3a(r)/ n. (usu. in old
[from cock ] 1

codger) colloq. person, esp. a strange

coco /'kaukau/ n. (pi -s) coconut palm. one. [origin uncertain]
[Portuguese and Spanish, = grimace]
codicil /'kaodisil/ n. addition to a will.
cocoa /'kaukau/ n. 1 powder made from [Latin diminutive of codex]
crushed cacao seeds, often with other codify /'kaudi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) arrange
ingredients. 2 drink made from this.
(laws etc.) systematically into a code.
[altered from cacao] codification /-fi keij(a)n/ n. codifier n.
cocoa bean n. cacao seed,
codling 1
/'kDdlin/ n. (also codlin) 1 a
cocoa butter n. substance fatty
kind of cooking apple. 2 moth whose
obtained from the cocoa bean, larva feeds on apples. [Anglo-French
coconut /'kauka.nAt/ n. large brown quer de lion lion-heart]
seed of the coco, with a hard shell and codling2 n. small codfish.
edible white lining enclosing milky cod-liver oil n. oil from cod livers, rich
juice. in vitamins D and A.
coconut matting n. matting made of codpiece n. hist, bag or flap at the front
fibre from coconut husks. of a man's breeches, [cod scrotum]
coconut shy n. fairground sideshow codswallop /'kodz.wDlap/ n. slang non-
where balls are thrown to dislodge coco- sense, [origin unknown]
nuts. coed /kau'ed/ colloq. -n. 1 school for
cocoon /ka'ku:n/ -n. 1 silky case spun both sexes. 2 esp. US female pupil of a
by insect larvae for protection as pupae. coed school, -adj. coeducational,
2 protective covering, -v. wrap or coat [abbreviation]
in a cocoon. [Provencal coca shell] coeducation /,kauedju:'keij(a)n/ n.
cocotte /ka'kDt/ n. small fireproof dish education of pupils of both sexes
for cooking and serving an individual together, coeducational adj.
portion. [French] coefficient /,kaui'fij(a)nt/ n. 1 Math.
COD abbr. cash (US collect) on delivery. quantity placed before and multiplying
cod 1 n. (pi. same) large sea fish, [origin an algebraic expression. 2 Physics mul-
unknown] tiplier or factor by which a property is
cod 2 slang -n. 1 parody. 2 hoax. -v. measured (coefficient of expansion).
(-dd-) 1 perform a hoax. 2 parody, [or- [related to co-, efficient]
igin unknown] coelacanth /'si:la,kaen8/ n. large sea
cod 3
n. slang nonsense, [abbreviation of fish formerly thought to be extinct.
codswallop] [Greek koilos hollow, akantha spine]
coelenterate 158 cohort
coelenterate /si:'lenta,reit/ n. marine cogent /'kaud3(a)nt/ adj. (of an argu-
animal with a simple tube-shaped or ment etc.) convincing, compelling.
cup-shaped body, e.g. jellyfish, corals, cogency n. cogently adv. [Latin cogo
and sea anemones. [Greek koilos hol- drive]
low, enteron intestine] cogitate /'kDdsi.teit/ v. (-ting) ponder,
coeliac disease disease of
/'si:li,aek/ n. meditate. cogitation /-'teij"(a)n/ n.
the small intestine, brought on by con- cogitative [Latin cogito]
/-tativ/ adj.
tact with dietary gluten. [Latin coelia- cognac /'kDnjaek/ n. high-quality
cus from Greek koilia belly] brandy, properly that distilled in Cog-
coenobite /'si:na,bait/ n. ( US cenobite) nac in W. France.
member of a monastic community. cognate /'kDgneit/ -adj. 1 related to or
[Greek koinos bios common life] descended from a common ancestor. 2
coequal /kau'i:kw(a)l/ adj. & n. archaic (of aword) having the same linguistic
or literary equal. family or derivation, -n. 1 relative. 2
coerce /kau'3:s/ v. (-cing) persuade or cognate word. [Latin cognatus]
restrain by force. coercible adj. cognate object n. Gram, object related
coercion /-'3:JXa)n/ n. coercive adj. in origin and sense to its verb (as in live
[Latin coerceo restrain] a good life).
coeval /kau'i:v(a)l/ formal -adj. of the cognition /kDg'niJ(a)n/ n. 1 knowing,
same age; existing at the same time; perceiving, or conceiving as an act or
contemporary, -n. coeval person or faculty distinct from emotion and voli-
thing. coevally adv. [Latin aevum tion. 2 result of this. cognitional adj.
age] cognitive /'kDg-/ adj. [Latin cognitio:
coexist /.kauig'zist/ v. (often foil, by
related to cognizance]
with) exist together. 2 (esp. of nations)
cognizance /'kDgniz(a)ns/ n. formal 1
exist in mutual tolerance of each other's
knowledge or awareness; perception.
ideologies etc. coexistence n. coex- 2 sphere of observation or concern. 3
istent adj.
Heraldry distinctive device or mark.
coextensive /.kauik'stensiv/ adj.
[Latin cognosco get to know]
extending over the same space or time.
cognizant adj. (foil, by of) formal hav-
C. of E. abbr. Church of England.
ing knowledge or being aware of.
coffee /'kDfi/ n. 1 a drink made from
roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a
cognomen /kog'naumen/ n. 1 nick-
name. 2 ancient Roman's third or fourth
tropical shrub, b cup of this. 2 a the
shrub, b its seeds. 3 pale brown. [Turk-
name designating a branch of a family,
as in Marcus Tullius Cicero, or as an
ish from Arabic]
epithet, as in P. Cornelius Scipio Africa-
coffee bar n. bar or cafe serving coffee
nus. [Latin]
and light refreshments from a counter.
coffee-mill n. small machine for grind-
cognoscente /.konja'Jenti/ n. (pi. -ti
I -hi) connoisseur. [Italian]
ing roasted coffee beans.
coffee morning n. morning gathering, cog-wheel n. wheel with cogs.
esp. for charity, at which coffee is
cohabit /kau'haebit/ v. (-t-) (esp. of an
unmarried couple) live together as
coffee shop n. small informal restaur- husband and wife. cohabitation
/-'teij(a)n/ n. cohabitee /-'ti:/ n. [Latin
ant, esp. in a hotel or department store.
coffee-table n. small low table. habito dwell]
coffee-table book n. large lavishly cohere /kau'hia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (of parts
illustrated book. or a whole) stick together, remain
coffer n. 1 large strong box for valu-
united. 2 (of reasoning etc.) be logical or
ables. 2 (in pi. ) treasury, funds. 3 sunken consistent. [Latin haereo haes- stick]
panel in a ceiling etc. [Latin cophinus coherent adj. 1 intelligible and articu-
basket] late. 2 (of an argument etc.) consistent;

coffer-dam n. watertight enclosure easily followed. 3 cohering. 4 Physics (of

pumped dry to permit work below the waves) having a constant phase rela-
waterline, e.g. building bridges etc. or tionship. coherence n. coherently
repairing a ship. adv.
coffin /'kDfm/ n. box in which a corpse is cohesion /kao'hi:3(a)n/ n.1a sticking
buried or cremated. [Latin: related to together, b tendency to cohere. 2 Chem.
coffer] force with which molecules cohere.
cog n. 1 each of a series of projections on cohesive adj.
the edge of a wheel or bar transferring cohort 1 ancient Roman
/'kaohoit/ n.
motion by engaging with another series. military unit, one-tenth of a legion. 2
2 unimportant member of an organiza- band of warriors. 3 a persons banded
tion etc. [probably Scandinavian] together, b group of persons with a
coif 159 cold turkey
common statistical characteristic. cola kola) 1 W. African
/'kaula/ n. (also
[Latin] tree bearing seeds containing caffeine. 2
coif n. hist, close-fitting cap. [Latin cofia carbonated drink usu. flavoured with
helmet] these. [West African]
coiff /kwa:f/ v. (usu. as coiffed adj.) colander /'kAlanda(r)/ n. perforated
dress or arrange (the hair). [French vessel used to strain off liquid in cook-
coiffer] ery. [Latin colo strain]
coiffeur /kwa:'f3:(r)/ n. (fern, coiffeuse cold /kauld/ -adj. 1 of or at a low
/-*f3:z/) hairdresser. [French] temperature. 2 not heated; cooled after
coiffure /kwa:'fjua(r)/ n. hairstyle. heat. 3 feeling cold. 4 lacking ardour,
[French] friendliness, or affection. 5 a depress-
coil -v. 1 arrange or be arranged in ing, uninteresting, b (of colour) sugges-
spirals or concentric rings. 2 move tive of cold. 6 a dead, b colloq. uncon-
sinuously, -n. 1 coiled arrangement. 2 scious. 7 (of a scent in hunting) grown
coiled length of rope etc. 3 single turn of faint. 8 (in games) far from finding what
something coiled. 4 flexible loop as a is sought, -n. 1 a prevalence of low
contraceptive device in the womb. 5 temperature, b cold weather or environ-
coiled wire for the passage of an electric ment. 2 infection of the nose or throat
current and acting as an inductor. with sneezing, catarrh, etc. -adv. unre-
[Latin: related to collect ] hearsed. in cold blood without emo-
coin -n. 1 stamped disc of metal as tion, deliberately, out in the cold
official money. 2 (collect.) metal money. ignored, neglected, throw (or pour)
-v. 1 make (coins) by stamping. 2 make cold water on be discouraging about.
(metal) into coins. 3 invent (esp. a new coldly adv. coldness n. [Old English]
word or phrase), n coin money make cold-blooded adj. 1 having a body
much money quickly. [Latin cuneus temperature varying with that of the
wedge] environment. 2 callous; deliberately
coinage n. 1 coining. 2 a coins, b system
cruel. cold-bloodedly adv. cold-
of coins in use. 3 invention, esp. of a bloodedness n.
word. cold call -n. marketing call on a person
coin-box n. 1 telephone operated by
who has previously not shown interest
inserting coins. 2 receptacle for these.
in the product, -v. visit or telephone (a
coincide /.kaum'said/ v. (-ding) 1 occur person) in this way.
at the same time. 2 occupy the same
cold chisel n. chisel for cutting metal,
portion of space. 3 (often foil, by with)
stone, or brick.
agree or be identical. [Latin: related to
cold comfort n. poor consolation,
. incident]
cold cream n. ointment for cleansing
coincidence /k8u'msid(a)ns/ n. 1 coin-
and softening the skin,
ciding. 2 remarkable concurrence of
cold feet colloq. loss of nerve,
events etc. apparently by chance.
cold frame n. unheated glass-topped
coincident adj.
frame for growing small plants,
coincidental /kau.msi'denUa)!/ adj. in
cold fusion n. nuclear fusion at room
the nature of or resulting from a
temperature, esp. as a possible energy
coincidence. coincidentally adv.
coir /'koi9(r)/ n. coconut fibre used for
[Malayalam kayar cold-hearted adj. lacking sympathy or
ropes, matting, etc.
kindness. cold-heartedly adv. cold-
coition /k8u'ij(9)n/ n. = coitus. [Latin
heartedness n.
coitio from eo go]
cold shoulder -n. (prec. by the) in-
tentional unfriendliness, -v. (cold-
coitus /'kauitas/ n. sexual intercourse.
coital adj. [Latin: related to coition]
-shoulder) be deliberately unfriendly
coitus interruptus /.mta'rAptas/ n. towards.
sexual intercourse with withdrawal of cold sore n. inflammation and blisters
in and around the mouth, caused by a
the penis before ejaculation.
coke 1 -n. solid substance left after gases virus infection.
have been extracted from coal. -v. cold storage n. 1 storage in a refriger-
ator. 2 temporary putting aside (of an
(-king) convert (coal) into coke. [dial.
idea etc.), postponement.
co Ik core]
coke 2 n. slang cocaine, [abbreviation] cold sweat n. sweating induced by fear

Col. abbr. Colonel. or illness.

col n. depression in a chain of moun- cold table n. selection of dishes of cold
tains. [Latin collum neck] food.
col. abbr. column, cold turkey n. slang abrupt with-
col- see com-. drawal from addictive drugs.
cold war 160 college
cold war n. hostility between nations n collaterally adv. [Latin: related
without actual fighting, to lateral]
cole n. (usu. in comb.) cabbage. [Latin collation /ka'leij(a)n/ n. 1 collating. 2
caul is] thing collated. 3 light meal. [Latin:
coleopteron /.kDli'Dpta.ron/ n. insect related to confer]
with front wings serving as sheaths, e.g. colleague /'kDli:g/ n. fellow worker,
the beetle and weevil, c coleopterous
esp. in a profession or business. [Latin
adj. [Greek koleon sheath, pteron wing] collega]
coleslaw /'kaulslo:/ n. dressed salad of collect /ka'lekt/ -v. 1 bring or come
sliced raw cabbage etc. [from cole, together; assemble, accumulate. 2 sys-
Dutch sla salad] tematically seek and acquire, esp. as a
coleus plant with varie-
/'kaulias/ n. hobby. 3 obtain (contributions etc.)
gated leaves. [Greek koleon sheath] from a number of people. 4 call for;
coley /'kauli/ n. (pi. -s) any of several fetch. 5 a refl. regain control of oneself,
fish used as food, e.g. the rock-salmon, b concentrate (one's thoughts etc.). c (as
[origin uncertain] collected adj.) not perturbed or dis-
colic /'kDlik/ n. severe spasmodic ab- tracted, -adj. & adv. US (of a telephone
dominal pain. colicky adj. [Latin: call, parcel, etc.) to be paid for by the

related to colon ]
2 receiver. [Latin lego lect- pick]
colitis /ka'laitis/ n. inflammation of the collect 2 /'kDlekt/ n. short prayer of the
lining of the colon. Anglican or Roman Catholic Church.
collaborate /ka' v. (-ting) [Latin collecta: related to collect ]
(often foil, by with) 1 work together. collectable /ka'lektib(a)l/ (also collect-
ible) —adj. worth collecting, -n. item
2 cooperate with an enemy. collab-
oration n. collaborative
sought by collectors.
/-rativ/ collaborator n. [Latin:
collection /ka'lekj*(a)n/ n. 1 collecting
or being collected. 2 things collected,
related to labour]
esp. systematically. 3 money collected,
collage /'kDla:3/ n. form or work of art
esp. at a meeting or church service.
in which various materials are fixed to a
collective /ka'lektiv/ -adj. of, by, or
backing. [French, = gluing]
relating to a group or society as a whole;
collagen /'kDlad3(a)n/ n. protein found
joint; shared, -n. 1 cooperative enter-
in animal connective tissue, yielding
prise; its members. 2 = collective
gelatin on boiling. [Greek holla glue]
noun. collectively adv.
collapse /ka'laeps/ -n. 1 falling down or
collective bargaining n. negotiation
in of a structure; folding up; giving way.
of wages etc. by an organized body of
2 sudden failure of a plan etc. 3 physical
or mental breakdown; exhaustion, -v.
collective farm n. jointly-operated
(-sing) 1 (cause to) undergo collapse. 2
esp. State-owned amalgamation of
colloq. lie or sit down and relax, esp.
several smallholdings.
after prolonged effort. 3 fold up. col-
collective noun n. singular noun
lapsible adj. [Latin labor laps- slip] denoting a collection or number of indi-
collar /'kDla(r)/-rc. 1 neckband, upright viduals (e.g. assembly, family, troop).
or turned over. 2 band of leather etc. collective ownership n. ownership
round an animal's neck. 3 band or ring of land etc., by all for the benefit of all.
or pipe in machinery. 4 piece of meat collectivism n. theory and practice of
rolled up and tied. -v. 1 capture, seize. 2 collective ownership of land and the
colloq. accost. 3 slang appropriate. means of production. collectivist n.
[Latin collum neck] & adj.
collar-bone n. bone joining the breast- collectivize v. (also (-zing or
bone and shoulder-blade. -sing) organize on the basis of collect-
collate /ka'leit/ v. (-ting) 1 assemble and ive ownership. collectivization
arrange systematically. 2 compare /-'zeiX(a)n/ n.
(texts, statements, etc.). n collator n. collector n. 1 person who collects
[Latin: related to confer] things of interest. 2 person who collects
collateral /ka'laetar(a)l/ -n. 1 security money etc. due.
pledged as a guarantee for the repay- collector's item n. (also collector's
ment of a loan. 2 person having the same piece) thing of interest to collectors,
ancestor as another but by a different colleen /kD'li:n/ n. Ir. girl. [Irish cailin]
line. -adj. 1 descended from the same college /'kDlid3/ n. 1 establishment for
ancestor but by a different line. 2 side by further, higher, or professional educa-
a additional but subordin-
side; parallel. 3 tion. 2 college premises (lived in col-
ate, b contributory, c connected but lege). 3 students and teachers in a col-
aside from the main subject, course, etc. lege. 4 school. 5 organized body of
collegiate 161 colour
persons with shared functions and priv- colonial ka'launial -adj. 1 of a colony
ileges. [Latin: related to colleague] or colonies. 2 of colonialism, -n. inhab-
collegiate ka'li:d3iat adj. 1 of. or con- itant of a colony.
stituted as. a college; corporate. 2 (of a colonialism n. 1 policy of acquiring or
university) consisting of different col- maintaining colonies. 2 derog. exploita-
leges. tion of colonies, z colonialist n. & adj.
collegiate church n. church endowed colonist kolanist n. settler in or in-
for a chapter of canons but without a habitant of a colony.
bishop's see, colonize kDla naiz v. (also -ise) (-zing
collide ka'laid v. (-ding) (often foil, by or -sing) 1 establish a colony in. 2 join a
with) come into collision or conflict. colony, z colonization -'zeij(a)n n.
[Latin collido -lis- clash] colonnade .kolaneid n. row of col-
collie 'koli n. sheepdog of an orig. umns, esp. supporting an entablature or
Scottish breed, [perhaps from coll coal] roof, z colonnaded adj. [French:
collier 'kolia(r) n. 1 coalminer. 2 a coal related to column]
ship, b member of its crew, [from coal] colony kDlam n. (pi. -ies) 1 a settle-
colliery n. (pi. -ies) coalmine and its ment or settlers in a new country, fully
buildings. or partly subject to the mother country,
collision ka'li3(a)n n. 1 violent impact b their territory. 2 a people of one
of a moving body with another or with a nationality, occupation, etc.. esp. form-
fixed object. 2 clashing of interests etc. ing a community in a city, b separate or
[Latin: related to collide] segregated group (nudist colony). 3
collocate 'kDla.keit v. (-ting) juxta- group of animals, plants, etc.. living
close together. [Latin colonia farm]
pose (a word etc.) with another, z col-
location -'keij(a)n n. [Latin: related to
colophon kDla,f(a)n n. 1 publisher's
imprint, esp. on the title-page. 2 tail-
piece in a manuscript or book, giving
colloid 'kDbid n. 1 substance consist-
the writer's or printer's name. date. etc.
ing of ultramicroscopic particles. 2
[Greek. = summit]
mixture of such particles dispersed
coloretc. US var. of colour etc.
in another substance, z colloidal
Colorado beetle ,kula 'ra.dau n. yel-
ka'bid(a)l adj. [Greek holla glue]
low and black beetle, with larva de-
colloquial ka'laukwial adj. of ordin-
structive to the potato plant. [Colorado
ary or familiar conversation, informal,
in US]
z colloquially adv. [Latin: related to
coloration k vla reij(a)n n. (also col-
colloquy] ouration) 1 appearance as regards col-
colloquialism n. 1 colloquial word or
our. 2 act or mode of colouring. [Latin:
phrase. 2 use of these. related to colour]
colloquium ka'laukwiam n. (pi. -s or
coloratura ,kDlara toara rc. 1
-quia) academic conference or seminar. elaborate ornamentation of a vocal
[Latin: related to colloquy] melody. 2 soprano skilled in this. [It-
colloquy 'kDlakwi n. (pi. -quies) liter- alian: related to colour]
ary conversation, talk. [Latin loquor colossal ka'lDs(a)l adj. 1 huge. 2 colloq.
speak] splendid, z colossally adv. [related to
collude ka'lu:d v. (-ding) conspire COLOSSUS]
together, z collusion n. collusive adj. colossus ka'lDsas n. (pi. -ssi -sai or
[Latin ludo lus- play] -ssuses) 1 statue much bigger than life
collywobbles 'koli,wDb(a)lz npl. col- size. 2 gigantic or remarkable person
loq. 1 rumbling or pain in the stomach. etc. 3 imperial power personified. [Latin
2 apprehensive feeling, [from colic from Greek]
wobble] colostomy kalDstami n. (pi. -ies)
cologne ka'laon n. eau-de-Cologne or operation on the colon to make an open-
similar toilet water, [abbreviation] ing in the abdominal wall to provide an
colon 1
kaulan n. punctuation mark (:). artificial anus, [from colon

used esp. to mark illustration or anti- colour k.\la(r) {US color) -n 1 sensa
thesis. [Greek, = clause] tion produced on the eye by rays of light
colon 2 'kaulan n. lower and greater when resolved as by a prism into dif-
part of the large intestine. [Latin from ferent wavelengths. 2 one. or any mix-
Greek] ture, of the constituents into which light
colonel "k3:n(a)l n. army officer in can be separated as in a spectrum or
command of a regiment, ranking next rainbow, sometimes including (loosely)
below brigadier. colonelcy n. (pi. black and white. 3 colouring substance,
-ies). [Italian colonnello: related to esp. paint. 4 use of all colours in photo-
column] graphy etc. 5 a pigmentation of the skin.
colouration 162 combine
esp. when dark, b this as ground for column /'kDlam/ n. 1 pillar, usu. of
discrimination. 6 ruddiness of com- circular section and with a base and
plexion. 7 (in pi) appearance or aspect capital. 2 column-shaped object. 3 ver-
(saw them in their true colours). 8 (in tical cylindrical mass of liquid or
pi) a coloured ribbon or uniform etc vapour. 4 vertical division of a printed
worn to signify membership of a school, page. 5 part of a newspaper etc. regu-
club, team, etc. b flag of a regiment or larly devoted to a particular subject. 6
ship. 9 quality, mood, or variety in vertical row of figures in accounts etc. 7
music, literature, etc. 10 show of reason; narrow-fronted arrangement of troops
pretext (lend colour to; under colour of), or armoured vehicles in successive
-v. 1 apply colour to, esp. by painting, lines. columnar /ka'L\mna(r)/ adj.
dyeing, etc. 2 influence. 3 misrepresent, columned adj. [French and Latin]
exaggerate. 4 take on colour; blush. columnist /'kDlammst/ n. journalist
show one's true colours reveal one's contributing regularly to a newspaper
true character or intentions. [Latin etc.
color] com- prefix (also co-, col-, con-, cor-)
colouration var. of coloration. with, together, jointly, altogether.
colour bar n. racial discrimination [Latin com-, cum with]
against non-White people. Usage Com- is used before b, m, p,
colour-blind adj. unable to distinguish and occasionally before vowels and/; co-
certain colours. colour-blindness n. esp. before vowels, h, andgn; col- before
colour code -n. use of colours as a /, cor- before r, and con- before other
means of identification. — v. (colour- consonants.
code) identify by means of a colour
coma /'kauma/ n. (pi -s) prolonged deep
unconsciousness. [Latin from Greek]
coloured (US colored) -adj. 1 having
comatose /'kauma.taus/ adj. 1 in a
colour. 2 (Coloured) a wholly or partly
coma. 2 drowsy, sleepy.
of non-White descent, b S.Afr. of mixed
White and non-White descent, -n. 1
comb /kaom/ -n. 1 a toothed strip of
rigid material for tidying the hair, b
(Coloured) a Coloured person, b S.Afr. similar curved decorative strip worn in
person of mixed descent speaking Afri- the hair. 2 thing like a comb, esp. a
kaans or English as his or her mother device for tidying and straightening
tongue. 2 (in pi.) coloured clothing etc.
wool etc. 3 red fleshy crest of a fowl, esp.
for washing.
a cock. 4 honeycomb, -v. 1 draw a comb
colourful adj. (US color ) 1 full of through (the hair). 2 dress (wool etc.)
colour; bright. 2 full of interest; vivid. with a comb. 3 colloq. search (a place)
colourfully adv. thoroughly. comb out 1 arrange (the
colouring n. (US color-) 1 appearance hair) loosely by combing. 2 remove with
as regards colour, esp. facial com- a comb. 3 search out and get rid of. [Old
plexion. 2 use or application of colour. 3 English]
substance giving colour. combat /'kmnbaet/ -n. fight, struggle,
colourless adj. (US color-) 1 without contest, -v. (-t-) 1 engage in combat
colour. 2 lacking character or interest. (with). 2 oppose; strive against. [Latin:
colour scheme n. arrangement of col- related to battle]
ours, esp. in interior design. combatant /'kDmbat(a)nt/ -n. person
colour-sergeant n. senior sergeant of engaged in fighting, -adj. 1 fighting. 2
an infantry company. for fighting.
colour supplement n. magazine with combative /'kmnbatrv/ adj. pugna-
colour printing, as a supplement to a cious.
newspaper. combe var. of coomb.
colposcopy /kDl'pDskapi/ n. examina- combination /,kDmbi'neiJ(a)n/ n. 1
tion of the vagina and neck of the womb. combining or being combined. 2 com-
colposcope /'kDlpa.skaup/ n. [Greek bined set of things or people. 3 sequence
kolpos womb] of numbers or letters used to open a
colt /kault/ n. 1 young male horse. 2 combination lock. 4 motor cycle with a
Sport inexperienced player. coltish side-car attached. 5 (in pi) single under-
adj. [Old English] garment for the body and legs. [Latin:
colter US var. of coulter. related to combine]
coltsfoot n. (pi -s) wild plant with large combination lock n. lock that can be
leaves and yellow flowers. opened only by a specific sequence of
columbine /'kDlam.bain/ n. garden movements.
plant with purple-blue flowers like a combine - v. /kam'bain/ (-ning) 1 join
cluster of doves. [Latin columba dove] together; unite for a common purpose. 2
combine harvester 163 come
possess (qualities usually distinct; come by 1 call on a visit. 2 come
together. 3 form or cause to form a clean see clean, come down 1 lose
chemical compound. 4 kDmbam har- position or wealth. 2 be handed down by
vest with a combine harvester, -n. tradition. 3 be reduced. 4 (foil, by
'kDmbam combination of esp. com- against, in favour of) reach a decision. 5
mercial interests. [Latin bini a pair] (foil, by to) amount basically. 6 (foil, by
combine harvester n. machine that on) criticize harshly; rebuke, punish. 7
reaps and threshes in one operation. (foil, by with) begin to suffer from (a
combings 'kaominz hairs disease), come for 1 come to collect. 2
combed off. attack, come forward 1 advance. 2 offer
combining form n. element
linguistic oneself for a task, post, etc. come in 1
used in combination with another to enter. 2 take a specified position in a
form a word (e.g. Anglo- = English). race etc. (came in third). 3 become
combo 'kDmbau n. (pi. -s) slang small fashionable or seasonable. 4 (with
jazz or dance band, [abbreviation of compl.) prove to be (useful etc.) (came in
COMBINATION] handy). 5 have a part to play (where do I
combustible kam'bAstib(a)l -adj. come in?). 6 be received (news has just
capable of or used for burning, -n. come in). 7 begin speaking, interrupt. 8
combustible substance. combustib- return to base (come in, number 9). 9
ility -'biliti n. [Latin comburo -bust-
(foil, by for) receive, come into 1 enter,
bum, up] be brought into (collision, prominence,
combustion kam'bAstJ"(a)n n. 1 burn- etc.). 2 receive, esp. as an heir, come of
ing. 2development of light and heat age see age. come off 1 (of an action)
from the chemical combination of a succeed, occur. 2 fare (badly, well, etc.).
substance with oxygen. 3 be detached or detachable (from),
come /kAm -v. (-ming; past came; past
come it colloq. expression of dis-
part, come) 1 move, be brought to-
belief,disapproval, etc. come on 1 ad-
wards, or reach a place. 2 reach a speci-
vance. 2 make progress. 3 begin (came
fied situation or result (came to no
on to rain). 4 appear on a stage, field of
harm). 3 reach or extend to a specified
play, etc. 5 (as imper.) expressing
point. 4 traverse or accomplish (with
encouragement or disbelief. 6 = come
compl.: have come a long way). 5 occur,
upon, come out 1 emerge; become
happen; (of time) arrive in due course
known. 2 be published. 3 a declare
(how did you come to break your leg?;
oneself, b openly declare that one is a
the day soon came). 6 take or occupy a
homosexual. 4 go on strike. 5 (of a
specified position in space or time (Xero
photograph or thing photographed) be
came after Claudius). 7become percept-
produced satisfactorily and clearly. 6
ible or known will
(it come to me). 8 be
attain a specified result in an examina-
available (comes in three sizes). 9
tion etc. 7 (of a stain etc.) be removed. 8
become (come loose). 10 (foil, by from,
of) a be descended from, b be the result
make one's debut in society etc. 9 (foil,
of (that comes of complaining). 11 col-
by in) become covered with (came out in
spots). 10 be solved. 11 (foil, by with)
loq. play the part of; behave like (don *t
declare openly; disclose, come over 1 a
come the bully with me). 12 slang have
an orgasm. 13 (in subjunctive) colloq. come from some distance to visit etc. b
when a specified time is reached (come come nearer. 2 change sides or one's
next month). 1 4 (as int. ) expressing mild opinion. 3 a (of a feeling etc.) overtake or
affect (a person), b colloq. feel suddenly
protest or encouragement (come, it can-
not be that bad). -n. slang semen ejacu- (came over faint). 4 appear or sound in a
lated, come about happen, come specified way. come round 1 pay an
across 1 meet or find by chance. 2 informal visit. 2 recover consciousness.
colloq. be effective or understood; give a 3 be converted to another person's opin-
specified impression, come again col- ion. 4 (of a date) recur, come through
loq. 1 make a further effort. 2 (as imper. ) survive, come to 1 recover conscious-
what did you say 9 come along 1 make ness. 2 amount to. come to one's senses
progress. 2 (as imper.) hurry up. come see sense, come up 1 arise; present
apart disintegrate, come at 1 attack. 2 itself; be mentioned or discussed. 2 at-

reach, get access to. come away 1 tain position or wealth. 3 (often foil, by
become detached. 2 (foil, by with) be left to) approach. 4 (foil, by to) match (a

with (an impression etc.). come back 1 standard etc.). 5 (foil, by with) produce
return. 2 recur to one's memory. 3 (often (an idea etc.). 6 (of a plant etc.) spring up
foil, by in) become fashionable or pop- out of the ground. 7 become brighter
ular again, come between 1 interfere (e.g.with polishing), come up against
with the relationship of. 2 separate. be faced with or opposed by. come upon
comeback 164 commandment
1 meet or find by chance. 2 attack by comfort station n. US euphem. public
surprise. [Old English] lavatory.
comeback n. 1 return to a previous comfrey /'kAmfn/ n. (pi. -s) tall bell-
(esp. successful) state. 2 slang retali- flowered plant growing in damp, shady
ation or retort. places. [French from Latin]
Comecon /'kDmi.kDn/ n. economic asso- comfy /'kAmfi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq.
ciation of Socialist countries in E. Eur- comfortable, [abbreviation]
ope, [abbreviation of Council for Mutual comic /'komik/ -adj. 1 of or like com-
Economic Assistance] edy. 2 funny, -n. 1 comedian. 2 period-
comedian /ka'mirdian/ n. 1 humorous ical in the form of comic strips. com-
entertainer. 2 comedy actor. 3 slang ical adj. comically adv. [Greek komos
buffoon. [French] revel]
comedienne /ka.mrdi'en/ n. female comic strip n. sequence of drawings
comedian. [French feminine] telling a story.
comedown n. 1 loss of status. 2 disap- coming /'kAmin/ -attrib. adj. 1
pointment. approaching, next (the coming week). 2
comedy /'komadi/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 a play, of potential importance (coming man),
film, etc., of amusing character, usu. -n. arrival.
with a happy ending, b such works as a comity /'knmiti/ n. (pi. -ies) formal 1
dramatic genre. 2 humour; amusing courtesy, friendship. 2 a association
aspects. comedic /ka'mi:dik/ adj. of nations etc. b (in full comity of
[Greek: related to comic] nations) mutual recognition by nations
comedy of manners n. satirical play
of the laws and customs of others. [Latin
portraying the social behaviour of the comis courteous]
upper classes.
comma /'kDma/ n. punctuation mark (,)
come-hither attrib. adj. colloq. flir-
indicating a pause or break between
tatious, inviting.
parts of a sentence etc. [Greek, =
comely /'kAmli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) literary clause]
handsome, good-looking. come- command /ka'ma:nd/ -v. 1 (often foil,
liness n. [Old English]
by to + infin., or that + clause) give a
come-on n. slang enticement.
formal order or instruction to. 2 (also
comer /'kAma(r)^. person who comes
absol.) have authority or control over. 3
as an applicant etc. (offered it to the first
have at one's disposal or within reach (a
skill, resources, etc.). 4 deserve and get
comestibles /ka'mestib(8)lz/ for-
(sympathy, respect, etc.). 5 dominate (a
mal or joc. food. [French from Latin]
strategic position) from a superior
comet /'knmit/ n. hazy object moving in
height; look down over. -n. 1 order,
a path about the sun, usu. with a nuc-
instruction. 2 mastery, control, posses-
leus of ice surrounded by gas and with a
sion. 3 exercise or tenure of authority,
tail pointing away from the sun. [Greek
esp. naval or military. 4 a body of troops
etc. b district under a commander.
comeuppance /kAm'Apans/ n. colloq.
[Latin: related to mandate]
deserved punishment, [come up, -ance]
comfit /'kAmfit/ n. archaic sweet con- commandant /'kDman.daent/ n. com-
sisting of a nut etc. in sugar. [Latin: manding officer, esp. of a military acad-
related to confection] emy. [French or Italian or Spanish:
comfort /'kAmfat/ -n. 1 a state of phys- related to command]
ical well-being, b (usu. in pi.) things that commandeer /,kDman'dia(r)/ v. 1 seize
make life easy or pleasant. 2 relief of (esp. goods) for military use. 2 take
suffering or grief, consolation. 3 person arbitrary possession of. [Afrikaans
or thing giving consolation, -v. soothe kommanderen]
in grief; console. [Latin fortis strong] commander /ka'ma:nda(r)/ n. 1 person
comfortable adj. 1 giving ease. 2 free who commands, esp. a naval officer next
from discomfort; at ease. 3 having an below captain. 2 (in full knight com-
easy conscience. 4 a having an adequate mander) member of a higher class in
standard of living; free from financial some orders of knighthood.
worry, b sufficient (comfortable in- commander-in-chief n. (pi. com-
come). 5 a with a wide margin (comfort- manders-in-chief) supreme com-
able win), b appreciable (comfortable mander, esp. of a nation's forces.
margin), comfortably adv. commanding adj. 1 exalted, impres-
comforter n. 1 person who comforts. 2 sive. 2 (of a position) giving a wide view.
baby's dummy. 3 archaic woollen scarf. 3 (of an advantage etc.) substantial
comfortless adj. 1 dreary, cheerless. 2 (commanding lead).
without comfort. commandment n. divine command.
command module 165 commission-agent
command module n. control com- commercialism n. 1 commercial prac-
partment in a spacecraft. tices.2 emphasis on financial profit.
commando /ka'ma:ndau/ n. {pi. -s) 1 commercialize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
unit of shock troops. 2 member of this. -sing) 1 exploit or spoil for profit. 2
[Portuguese: related to command] make commercial, z commercializa-
Command Paper n. paper laid before tion /-'zeij\a)n/ n.
Parliament by royal command. commercial traveller n. firm's rep-
command performance n. theatrical resentative visiting shops etc. to get
or film performance given at royal re- orders.
Commie /'kDmi/ n. slang derog. Com-
commemorate /ka'mema.rert/ v.
munist, [abbreviation]
(-ting) preserve in memory by a celeb-
commination /.komf'neiJXa)^ n. liter-
ration or ceremony. 2 be a memorial
ary threatening of divine vengeance.
of commemoration /-'reiJXa)n/ n. comminatory /'kDmmatan/ adj.
commemorative /-rativ/ adj. [Latin: [Latin: related to menace]
related to memory]
commence /ka'mens/ v. (-cing) formal
commingle /ka'mirjg(a)]/ v. (-ling)

begin. [Latin: related to com-, initiate]

literary mingle together.
commencement n. formal beginning. comminute /'kmm.njuit/ v. (-ting) 1

commend /ka'mend/ v. 1 praise. 2 reduce to small fragments. 2 divide

entrust, commit. 3 recommend. com- (property) into small portions. com-
mendation /,komen'deiJ(a)n/ n. [Latin: minution /-'nju:J(a)n/ n. [Latin: related

related to mandate] to MINUTE 2 ]

commendable adj. praiseworthy, z comminuted fracture n. fracture
commendably adv. producing multiple bone splinters.
commensurable /ka'menjarab(a)l/ commiserate /ka' v. (-ting)
adj. 1 (often foil, measurable
by with, to) (usu. foil, by with) express or
by the same standard. 2 (foil, by to) feel sympathy, z commiseration
proportionate to. 3 Math, (of numbers) /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to miser]
in a ratio equal to the ratio of integers. commissar /'kDmi,sa:(r)/ n. hist. 1 offi-

commensurability /- biliti/ n. [Latin: cial of the Soviet Communist Party re-

related to measure] sponsible for political education and
commensurate /ka'menjarat/ adj. 1 organization. 2 head of a government
(usu. foil, by with) coextensive. 2 (often department in the USSR. [Latin: related
foil, by with) proportionate.
to, to commit]
comment /'kDment/ -n. 1 brief critical commissariat /.kDmi'seariat/ n. 1 esp.
or explanatory remark or note; opinion. Mil. a department for the supply of food
2 commenting; criticism {aroused much etc. b food supplied. 2 hist, government
comment; his art is a comment on department of the USSR, [related to
society), -v. (often foil, by on or that) commissary]
make (esp. critical) remarks, z no com- commissary /'kDmisan/ n. {pi. -ies) 1
ment colloq. I decline to answer your deputy, delegate. 2 US Mil. store for
question. [Latin] supplies of food etc. [Latin: related to
commentary /'kDmantan/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 commit]
descriptive spoken esp. broadcast ac- commission /ka'mij(a)n/ -n. 1 a au-
count of an event or performance as it thority to perform a task etc. b person(s)
happens. 2 set of explanatory notes on a entrusted with such authority, c task
text etc. [Latin]
etc. given to such person(s). 2 order for
commentate /'kmnan.teit/ v. (-ting) act something to be produced specially. 3 a
as a commentator.
warrant conferring the rank of officer in
commentator n. 1 person who pro-
the armed forces, b rank so conferred. 4
vides a commentary. 2 person who com-
pay or percentage paid to an agent. 5 act
ments on current events. [Latin]
of committing (a crime etc.). -v. 1
commerce /'kDm3:s/ n. financial trans- empower by commission. 2 a give (an
actions, esp. buying and selling; trad-
artist etc.) a commission for a piece of
ing. [Latin: related to mercer]
work, b order (a work) to be written etc.
commercial /ka'm3: J(a)l/ -adj. 1 of or
engaged in commerce. 2 having finan- 3 a give (an officer) command of a ship,
cial profit as its primary aim. 3 (of
b prepare (a ship) for active service. 4
chemicals) for industrial use. -n. tele- bring (a machine etc.) into operation.
vision or radio advertisement. com- in (or out of) commission ready (or not
mercially adv. ready) for service. [Latin: related to
commercial broadcasting n. broad commit]
casting financed by advertising. commission-agent n. bookmaker.
commissionaire L66 communal
commissionaire /k8,mija'nea(r)/ n. common with in the same way as.
uniformed door-attendant. [French: [Latin communis]
related to commissioner] commonality /.koma'naeliti/ n. (pi.
commissioner n. 1 person appointed -ies) 1 sharing of an attribute. 2 common
by a commission to perform a specific occurrence. 3 = commonalty, [var. of
task, e.g. the head of the London police commonalty]
etc. 2 member of a government commis- commonalty /'kDmanalti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
sion. 3 representative of government in the commonpeople. 2 the general body
a district, department, etc. [medieval (esp. of mankind), [medieval Latin:
Latin: related to commission] related to common]
Commissioner for Oaths n. solicitor commoner n. 1 one of the common
authorized to administer an oath in an people (below the rank of peer). 2
affidavit etc. university student without a scholar-
commit /ka'mit/ v. (-tt-) 1 do or make (a ship, [medieval Latin: related to com-
crime, blunder, etc.). 2 (usu. foil, by to) mon]
entrust or consign for safe keeping or common ground n. point or argument
treatment. 3 send (a person) to prison. 4 accepted by both sides in a dispute.
pledge or bind (esp. oneself) to a certain common law n. unwritten law based
course or policy. 5 (as committed adj.) on custom and precedent.
(often foil, by to) a dedicated, b obliged. common-law husband n. (also com-
commit to memory memorize, com- mon-law wife) partner recognized by
mit to paper write down. [Latin com- common law without formal marriage.
mitto -miss-] commonly adv. usually, frequently;
commitment n. 1 engagement or obliga- ordinarily.
tion. 2 committing or being commit- Common Market n. European Com-
ted. 3 dedication; committing oneself. munity.
committal n. act of committing, esp. to common noun n. Gram, name denot-
prison. ing a class of objects or a concept, not a
committee /ka'miti/ n. 1 body of per- particular individual.
sons appointed for a special function by common or garden adj. colloq. ordin-
(and usu. out of) a larger body. 2 (Com- ary.
mittee) House of Commons sitting as a commonplace -adj. lacking origin-
committee, [from commit, -ee] ordinary, -n. 1 event, topic,
ality; trite;
committee stage n. third of five stages etc. that is ordinary or usual. 2 trite
of a progress through Parliament.
bill's remark, [translation of Latin locus com-
commode /ka'maod/ n. 1 chamber-pot munis]
in a chair with a cover. 2 chest of common-room n. room for the social
drawers. [Latin commodus convenient] use of students or teachers at a college
commodious /ka'maudias/ adj. roomy. etc.
commodity /ka'moditi/ n. (pi. -ies) art- commons 1 (the Commons) =
icle of trade, esp. a raw material or House of Commons. 2 the common
product as opposed to a service. [Latin: people.
related to commode] common sense n. sound practical
commodore /'kDma,do:(r)/ n. 1 naval sense.
officerabove captain and below rear- commonsensical /,kDman'sensik(8)l/
admiral. 2 commander of a squadron or adj. having or marked by common
other division of a fleet. 3 president of a sense.
yacht-club. [French: related to com- common time n. Mus. four crotchets
mander] in a bar.
common /'knman/ -adj. (-er, -est) 1 a commonwealth n. 1 independent
occurring often, b ordinary; without State or community, esp. a democratic
special rank or position. 2 a shared by, republic. 2 (the Commonwealth) a
coming from, more than one (common association of the UK with States
knowledge), b belonging to the whole that were previously part of the British
community; public. 3 derog. low-class; Empire, b republican government of
vulgar; inferior. 4 of the most familiar Britain 1649-60. 3 federation of States.
type (common cold). 5 Math, belonging commotion /ka'm8uj(a)n/ n. confused
to two or more quantities (common and noisy disturbance, uproar. [Latin:
denominator). 6 Gram, (of gender) related to com-]
referring to individuals of either sex. communal /'kDmjun(a)l/ adj. 1 shared
—n. 1 piece of open public land. 2 slang between members of a group or com-
= common sense. in common 1 in munity; for common use. 2 (of conflict
joint use; shared. 2 of joint interest, in etc.) between esp. ethnic or religious
commune 167 compact disc
communities. communally adv. communist /'komjunist -n.
1 person
[Latin: related to commune 1
] advocating communism. 2 (usu. Com-
commune 1
/'kDmju:n/ n. 1 group of munist) supporter of Communism or
people sharing accommodation, goods, member of a Communist Party, -adj. 1
etc. 2 small district of local government of or relating to communism. 2 (usu.
in France etc. [medieval Latin: related Communist) of Communists or a Com-
to common] munist Party. communistic nistik/ -

commune 2
/ka'mjum/ v. (-ning) (usu. adj.
foil, by with) 1 speak intimately. 2 feel in Communist Party n. political party
close touch (with nature etc.). [French: advocating communism or Commun-
related to common] ism.
communicable /ka'mju:nikab(9)l/ adj. community /k9'mju:niti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
(esp. of a disease) able to be passed on. body of people living in one place, dis-
[Latin: related to communicate] trict, or country. 2 body of people hav-
communicant /ka'mju:nikant/ n. 1 ing religion, ethnic origin, profession,
person who receives Holy Communion. etc., in common. 3 fellowship (com-

2 person who imparts information, munity of interest). 4 commune. 5 joint

[related to communicate] ownership or liability. [Latin: related to
communicate /kamju:ni,keit/ v.
(-ting) 1 impart, transmit (news, heat, community centre n. place providing
motion, feelings, disease, ideas, etc.). 2 social facilities for a neighbourhood.
succeed in conveying information. 3 community charge n. tax levied
(often foil, by with) relate socially; have locally on every adult.
dealings. 4 be connected (they have Usage The community charge, or poll
communicating rooms). communic- tax, replaced household rates in 1989-90
ator n. communicatory adj. [Latin: and is itself to be replaced by a council
related to common] tax in 1993.
communication /k8,mju:ni'keij(8)n/
community home n. centre housing
/i.1a communicating or being commun-
young offenders and other juveniles,
icated, information etc. commun-
community service n. unpaid work
icated, c letter, message, etc. 2 connec-
in the community, esp. by an offender,
tion or means
of access. 3 social deal-
community singing n. singing by a
ings. 4 (in pi.) science and practice of large group, esp. of old popular songs or
transmitting information. hymns.
communication cord n. cord or community spirit n. feeling of be-
chain pulled to stop a train in an emer- longing to a community, expressed
gency. in mutual support etc.
communication(s) satellite n. arti-
commute /ka'mju:t/ v. (-ting) 1 travel
ficial satelliteused to relay telephone some distance to and
from work. 2 (usu.
circuits or broadcast programmes. foil, by to) change (a punishment) to one
communicative /ka'mju:nikativ/ adj. less severe. 3 (often foil, by into, for)
ready to talk and impart information. change (one kind of payment or ob-
communion /ka'mjumian/ n. 1 shar- ligation) for another. 4 exchange.
ing, esp. of thoughts etc.; fellowship. 2 commutable adj. commutation
participation; sharing in common (com- /,kDmju'teiJ(8)n/ n. [Latin muto change]
munion of interests). 3 (Communion commuter n. person who commutes to
or Holy Communion) Eucharist. 4 and from work.
body or group within the Christian faith compact -adj. /kam'paekt/ 1 closely or

(the Methodist communion). [Latin: neatly packed together. 2 small and

related to common] economically designed. 3 concise. 4 (of a
communique /ka'mjumi.kei/ n. official person) small but well-proportioned.
communication, esp. a news report. -v. /kam'paekt/ make compact, -n.
[French, = communicated] /'kDmpaekt/ (in full powder compact)
communism /'kDmiu,niz(a)m/ n. 1 a small flat case for face-powder, com-
socialsystem in which most property is pactly adv. compactness n. [Latin
publicly owned and each person works pango fasten]
for the common benefit, b political compact 2 /'kDmpaekt/ n. agreement,
theory advocating this. 2 (usu. Commun- contract. [Latin: related to pact]
ism) the form of socialist society estab- compact disc /'kDmpaekt/ n. disc on
lished in Cuba, China, etc., and pre- which information or sound is recorded
viously, the USSR. [French: related to digitally and reproduced by reflection of
common] laser light.
companion 168 compensate
companion /kam'paenjan/ n. 1 a person comparison /kam'paens(a)n/ n. 1 com-
who accompanies or associates with paring. 2 illustration or example of sim-
another, b (foil, by in, of) partner, ilarity. 3 capacity for being likened
sharer, c person employed to live with (there's no comparison). 4 (in full de-
and assist another. 2 handbook or refer- grees of comparison) Gram, positive,
ence book. 3 thing that matches comparative, and superlative forms of
another. 4 (Companion) member of adjectives and adverbs. bear (or
some orders of knighthood. [Latin panis stand) comparison (often foil, by with)
bread] be able to be compared favourably, be-
companionable adj. sociable, yond comparison 1 totally different in

friendly. companionably adv. quality. 2 greatly superior; excellent.

companionship n. friendship; being compartment /kam'pa:tmant/ n. 1
together. space within a larger space, separated
companion-way n. staircase from a by partitions. 2 watertight division of a
ship's deck to the saloon or cabins. ship. 3 area of activity etc. kept apart
company /'kAmpani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a from others in a person's mind. [Latin:
number of people assembled, b guest(s). related to part]
2 person's associate(s). 3 a commercial compartmental /,kDmpa:t'ment(a)l/
business, b partners in this. 4 actors etc. adj. of or divided into compartments or
working together. 5 subdivision of an
infantry battalion. 6 body of people
compartmentalize v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) divide into compart-
combined for a common purpose (the
ship's company). 7 being with another
ments or categories.
or others. in company with together
compass /'kAmpas/ n. 1 instrument
showing the direction of magnetic north
with, keep a person company remain
and bearings from it. 2 (usu. in pi.)
with a person to be sociable, part com-
instrument for taking measurements
pany (often foil, by with) cease to associ- and describing circles, with two arms
ate; separate; disagree. [French: related
connected at one end by a hinge. 3
to companion]
circumference or boundary. 4 area,
comparable /'kDmparab(a)l/ adj. (often extent; scope; range. [Latin passus
foil, by with, to) able or fit to be com- pace]
pared. comparability /- biliti/ n.
compassion /kam'paeJXa)n/ n. pity
comparably adv. [Latin: related to inclining one to help or be merciful.
compare] [Church Latin: related to passion]
Usage Use of comparable with to and compassionate /kam'paejanat/ adj.
with corresponds to the senses of showing compassion, sympathetic.
compare: to is more common. compassionately adv.
compassionate leave n. leave
comparative /kam'paerativ/ -adj. 1
granted on grounds of bereavement etc.
perceptible or estimated by compar- compatible /kam'paetab(a)l/ adj. 1 a
ison; relative (in comparative comfort). able to coexist; well-suited, b (often foil,
2 of or involving comparison (a compar- by with) consistent. 2 (of equipment etc.)
ative study). 3 Gram, (of an adjective or able to be used in combination. com-
adverb) expressing a higher degree of a patibility /-'biliti/ n. [medieval Latin:
quality (e.g. braver, more quickly), -n. related to passion]
Gram, comparative expression or word. compatriot /kam'paetriat/ n. fellow-
comparatively adv. [Latin: related countryman. [Latin compatriota]
to compare] compel /kam'pel/ v. (-11-) 1 force, con-
compare /kam'pea(r)/ -v. (-ring) 1 strain. 2 arouse irresistibly (compels
(usu. foil, by to) express similarities in; admiration). 3 (as compelling adj.)
liken. 2 (often foil, by to, with) estimate rousing strong interest, conviction, or
the similarity of. 3 (often foil, by with) admiration. compellingly adv.
bear comparison. 4 Gram, form compar- [Latin pello puis- drive]
ative and superlative degrees of (an compendious /kam'pendias/ adj. com-
adjective or adverb), -n. literary com- prehensive but brief. [Latin: related to
parison (beyond compare). compare compendium]
notes exchange ideas or opinions. compendium /kam'pendiam/ n. (pi. -s
[Latin compar equal] or -dia) 1 concise summary or abridge-
ment. 2 collection of table-games etc.
Usage In current use, to and with are [Latin]
generally interchangeable, but with
compensate /'kDmpen.seit/ v. (-ting) 1
often implies a greater element of for-
a (often foil, by for) recompense (a
mal analysis.
person), b recompense (loss, damage,
compensation 169 complication
etc.). 2 (usu. foil, by for a thing) make complaisant /kam'pleiz(a)nt adj. for-
amends. 3 counterbalance. 4 offset dis- mal 1 deferential. 2 willing to please;
ability or frustration by development in acquiescent, z complaisance n.
another direction. compensatory [French: related to complacent]
/-'seitari/ adj. [Latin pendo pens- weigh]
compensation /,kDmpen'seiJX3)n/ n. 1 Usage Complaisant is often confused
with complacent.
compensating or being compensated. 2
money etc. given as recompense. complement -n. /'kDmplimant/ 1 thing
compere /'kDmpea(r)/ -n. person who that completes;
counterpart. 2 full
introduces a variety show etc. -v. number needed. 3 word(s) added to a
(-ring) act as compere (to). [French, = verb to complete the predicate of a
godfather] sentence. 4 amount by which an angle is
compete /kam'pi:t/ v. (-ting) 1 take part less than 90°. -v. /'kDmpli.ment/ 1 com-
in a contest etc. 2 (often foil, by with, plete. 2 form a complement to. [Latin
against a person, for a thing) strive. compleo fill up]
[Latin peto seek] complementary /.kompli'mentari/
competence /'kDmpit(a)ns/ n. (also adj. completing; forming a comple-
competency) 1 ability; being compet- ment. 2 (of two or more things) comple-
ent. 2 income large enough to live on. 3 menting each other.
legal capacity. complementary medicine n. altern-
competent adj. 1 adequately qualified ative medicine.
or capable. 2 effective. competently complete /kam'plirt/ -adj. 1 having all
adv. [Latin: related to compete] its parts; entire. 2 finished. 3 total, in
competition /.kDmpa'tiJXa)^/ n. 1 every way. -v. (-ting) 1 finish. 2 make
(often foil, by for) competing. 2 event in complete. 3 fill in (a form etc.). 4 con-
which people compete. 3 the other clude the sale or purchase of property, z
people or trade competing; opposition. complete with having (as an important
[Latin: related to compete] feature) (comes complete with instruc-
competitive /kam'petitiv/ adj. 1 of or tions), z completely adv. complete-
involving competition. 2 (of prices etc.) ness n. completion n. [Latin: related to
comparing favourably with those of complement]
rivals. 3 having a strong urge to win. complex /'kDmpleks/ -n. 1 building,
competitiveness n. series of rooms, etc., made up of related
competitor /kam'petita(r)/ n. person parts (shopping complex). 2 Psychol.
who competes; rival, esp. in business. group of usu. repressed feelings or
compile /kam'pail/ v. (-ling) 1 a collect thoughts which cause abnormal be-
and arrange (material) into a list, book, haviour or mental states. 3 preoccupa-
etc. b produce (a book etc.) thus. 2 tion; feeling of inadequacy, -adj. 1
Computing translate (a programming complicated. 2 consisting of related
language) into machine code. com- parts; composite. complexity
pilation /,kDmpi'leiJ(a)n/ n. [Latin /kam'pleksiti/ n. (pi. -ies). [Latin com-
compilo plunder] plexus]
compiler n. 1 person who compiles. 2 complexion /kam'plekJXa)n/ n. 1 nat-
Computing program for translating a ural colour, texture, and appearance of
programming language into machine the skin, esp. of the face. 2 aspect,
code. character (puts a different complexion
complacent /kam'pleis(a)nt/ adj. on the matter). [Latin: related to com-
smugly self-satisfied or contented, g plex]
complacence n. complacency n. compliance /kam'plaians/ n. 1 obedi-
complacently adv. [Latin placeo ence to a request, command, etc. 2
please] capacity to yield, in compliance with
according to.
Usage Complacent is often confused compliant obedient; yielding
with complaisant. compliantly
complain /kam'plem/ v. 1 express dis- complicate /'komph.keit/ v. (-ting) 1
satisfaction. 2 (foil, by of) a say that one make difficult or complex. 2 (as
is suffering from (an ailment), b state a complicated adj.) complex; intricate.
grievance concerning 3 creak under [Latin plico to fold]
strain. [Latin plango lament] complication /,kDmpirkeiJ(a)n/ n.1a
complainant n. plaintiff in certain involved or confused condition or state,
lawsuits. b complicating circumstance; difficulty.
complaint n. 1 complaining. 2 griev- 2 (often in pi.) disease or condition
ance, cause of dissatisfaction. 3 ailment. aggravating or arising out of a previous
4 formal accusation. one. [Latin: related to complicate]
complicity 170 comprise
complicity /kam'plisiti/ n. partnership composure /k9m'p8U3a(r)/ n. tranquil
in wrongdoing. [French: related to com- manner, [from compose]
plex] compote /'kDmpaut/ n. fruit preserved
compliment -n. /'kDmplimant/ 1 a po- or cooked in syrup. [French: related to
expression of praise, b act implying
lite compose]
praise. 2 (in pi.) a formal greetings compound 1
/'kompaund/ -n. 1 mixture
accompanying a present etc. b praise. of two or more things. 2 word made up of
-v. /'kDmpli.ment/ (often foil, by on) two or more existing words. 3 substance
congratulate; praise. [Latin: related to formed from two or more elements chem-
COMPLEMENT] ically united in fixed proportions.
complimentary /.kompli'mentari/ —adj. 1 made up of two or more ingredi-
adj. 1 expressing a compliment. 2 given ents or parts. 2 combined; collective, -v.
free of charge.
/kam'paund/ 1 mix or combine (ingredi-
compline /'kDmplm/ n. 1 last of the
ents or elements). 2 increase or complic-
canonical hours of prayer. 2 service
ate (difficulties etc.). 3 make up (a com-
during this. [Latin: related to comply]
posite whole). 4 settle (a matter) by
comply /kam'plai/ v. (-ies, -ied) (often
mutual agreement. 5 Law condone or
by with) act in accordance (with a
conceal (a liability or offence) for per-
request or command). [Latin compleo
sonal gain. 6 (usu. foil, by with) Law
fill up]
component /kam'paunant/ -n. part of a come to terms with a person. [Latin
larger whole, —adj. being part of a larger compono -pos- put together]
whole. [Latin: related to compound 1 ] compound 2
/'kompaund/ n. 1 enclosure
comport /kam'po:t/ v.refl. literary con- or fenced-in space. 2 enclosure, esp. in
duct oneself; behave. comport with India, China, etc., in which a factory or
suit, befit. comportment n. [Latin house stands. [Malay kampong]
porto carry] compound fracture n. fracture com-
compose /kam'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1 create plicated by a wound.
in music or writing. 2 constitute; make compound interest n. interest pay-
up. 3 arrange artistically, neatly, or for able on capital and its accumulated
a specified purpose. 4 a (often reft.) interest.
calm; settle, b (as composed adj.) calm, comprehend /.kompn'hend/ v. 1 grasp

self-possessed. 5 Printing a set up (type), mentally; understand. 2 include. [Latin

b arrange (an article etc.) in type. comprehendo seize]
composed of made up of, consisting of. comprehensible adj. that can be
composedly /-zidli/ adv. [French: understood. [Latin: related to compre-
related to pose] hend]
Usage See note at comprise. comprehension n.1a understanding,
b text set as a test of understanding. 2
composer n. person who composes inclusion.
(esp. music). comprehensive -adj. 1 including all
composite /'kompazit/ -adj. 1 made up or nearly all, inclusive. 2 (of motor
of parts. 2 of mixed Ionic and Corinthian insurance) providing protection against
style. 3 (of a plant) having a head of
most risks, -n. (in full comprehensive
many flowers forming one bloom, —n. school) secondary school for children
composite thing or plant. [Latin: related
of all abilities. comprehensively
to compose]
adv. comprehensiveness n.
composition /,kDmpa'ziJ(a)n/ n.1a act
or method of putting together; compos-
compress -v. /kam'pres/ 1 squeeze
together. 2 bring into a smaller space or
ing, b thing composed, esp. music. 2
shorter time. -n. /'kDmpres/ pad of lint
constitution of a substance. 3 school
etc. pressed on to part of the body to
essay. 4 arrangement of the parts of a
relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, etc.
picture etc. 5 compound artificial sub-
stance. compositional adj.
compressible /kam'presib(a)l/ adj.

compositor /kam'pDzita(r)/ n. person [Latin: related to press ]

who sets up type for printing. [Latin: compression /kam'prej(a)n/ n. 1 com-
related to compose] pressing. 2 reduction in volume of the
compos mentis /.kmnpDs 'mentis/ adj. fuel mixture in an internal-combustion
sane. [Latin] engine before ignition.
compost /'kDmpDst/ -n. 1 mixture of compressor /kam'presaOr)/ n. machine
decayed organic matter. 2 loam soil for compressing air or other gases.
with growing plants, - v. t
fertilizer for comprise /kam'praiz/ v. (-sing) 1 in-
treat with compost. 2 make into com- clude. 2 consist of. 3 make up, compose.
post. [Latin: related to compose] [French: related to comprehend]
compromise 171 conceptual
Usage The use of this word in sense 3 con 3 n. slang convict, [abbreviation]
isconsidered incorrect and compose is
con 4v. {US conn) (-nn-) direct the steer-

generally preferred. ing of (a ship), [originally cond from

French: related to conduct]
compromise /'kDmpra.maiz/ -n. 1 set- con- see com-.
tlement of a dispute by mutual conces- concatenation / 1
kDnkaeti'neiJ"te)n/ n.
sion. 2 (often foil, by between) inter-
series of linked things or events. [Latin
mediate state between conflicting catena chain]
opinions, actions, etc. -v. (-sing) 1 a
concave /'konkeiv/ adj. curved like the
settle a dispute by mutual concession, b
interior of a circle or sphere, z con-
modify one's opinions, demands, etc. 2
cavity /-'kaeviti/ n. [Latin: related to
bring into disrepute or danger by indis-
cretion. [Latin: related to promise]
comptroller /kan'traula(r)/ n. con- conceal /kan'si:l/ v. 1 keep secret. 2

troller (used in the title of some finan-

hide. concealment n. [Latin celo
cial officers), [var. of controller]
compulsion /kam'pAlJXa)n/ n. 1 com-
concede /kan'si:d/ v. (-ding) 1 admit to

pelling or being compelled; obligation. 2 be true. 2 admit defeat 3 grant (a


irresistible urge. [Latin: related to com- right, privilege, etc.). [Latin: related to
pel] cede]
compulsive /kam'pAlsiv/ adj. 1 com- conceit /kan'si:t/ n. 1 personal vanity;
pelling. 2 resulting or acting (as if) from pride. 2 literary a far-fetched compar-
compulsion {compulsive gambler). 3 ison, b fanciful notion, [from conceive]
irresistible {compulsive entertain- conceited adj. vain. conceitedly
ment). compulsively adv. [medieval adv.
Latin: related to compel] conceivable /kan'si:vab(a)l/ adj. cap-
compulsory /kam'pAlsari/ adj. 1 able of being grasped or imagined.
required by law or a rule. 2 essential, conceivably adv.
compulsorily adv. conceive /kan'si:v/ v. (-ving) 1 become
compulsory purchase n. enforced pregnant (with). 2 a (often foil, by of)
sale of land or property to a local au- imagine, think, b (usu. in passive) for-
thority etc. mulate (a belief, plan, etc.). [Latin conci-
compunction /kam'pAr)kJXa)n/ n. 1 pio -cept-]
pricking of conscience. 2 slight regret; concentrate /'kDnsan.treit/ -v. (-ting)
scruple. [Church Latin: related to point] 1 (often by on) focus one's attention
compute /kam'pju:t/ ». (-ting) 1 reckon or thought. 2 bring together to one
or calculate. 2 use a computer, com- point. 3 increase the strength of (a liquid
putation /,kDmpju:'teiJ(a)n/ n. [Latin etc.)by removing water etc. 4 (as con-
puto reckon] centrated adj.) intense, strong. -n. con-
computer n. electronic device for stor- centrated substance. [Latin: related to
ing and processing data, making calcu- centre]
lations, or controlling machinery. concentration /.kDnsan'treiJXaW n. 1
computerize v. (also -ise) (-zing or concentrating or being concentrated. 2
-sing) 1 equip with a computer. 2 store,
mental attention. 3 something concen-
perform, or produce by computer, trated. 4 weight of a substance in a given
computerization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n. amount of material.
computer-literate adj. able to use
concentration camp n. camp where
political prisoners etc. are detained,
computer science n. the study of the
concentric /kan'sentrik/ adj. having a
principles and use of computers.
computer virus n. self-replicating
common centre, concentrically adv.
[French or medieval Latin: related to
code maliciously introduced into a com-
puter program and intended to corrupt
the system or destroy data.
concept /'konsept/ n. general notion;
abstract idea. [Latin: related to con-
comrade /'knmreid/ n. 1 associate or
companion some activity. 2 fellow
socialist or Communist. comradely conception /kan'sepJXa)n/ n. 1 conceiv-
adj. comradeship n. [Spanish: related ing or being conceived. 2 idea, plan. 3
tO CHAMBER] understanding {has no conception).
con 1
confidence trick, -v. conceptional adj. [French from Latin:
slang -n.
(-nn-) swindle; deceive, [abbreviation] related to concept]
con 2 -rc. (usu. in pi.) reason against. conceptual /kan'septjual/ adj. of men-
-prep. & adv. against (cf. pro ). [Latin tal conceptions or concepts. concep-
contra against] tually adv.
conceptualize 172 concubine
conceptualize v. (also -ise) (-zing or the goodwill of. 2 reconcile. concili-
form a concept or idea
-sing) of. ation /- eij(a)n/ n. conciliator n. con-
conceptualization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n. ciliatory /-'siliatan/ adj. [Latin: related
concern /kan's3:n/-u. 1 a be relevant or to council]
important to. b relate to; be about. 2 concise /kan'sais/ adj. brief but compre-
(re/7.; often foil, by with, about, in) inter- hensive in expression. concisely adv.
[ i

est or involve oneself. 3 worry, affect. conciseness n. concision /-'si3(a)n/ n.

-n. 1 anxiety, worry. 2 a matter of [Latin caedo cut]

interest or importance to one. b inter-
conclave /'kDnkleiv/ n. 1 private meet-

est, connection (has a concern in pol-

ing. 2RCCh.a assembly of cardinals for
the election of a pope, b meeting-place
itics). 3 business, firm. 4 colloq. complic-
for this. [Latin clavis key]
ated thing, contrivance. [Latin cerno
conclude /kan'klu:d/ v. (-ding) 1 bring
or come to an end. 2 (often foil, by from
concerned adj. 1 involved, interested. 2
or that) infer. 3 settle (a treaty etc.).
troubled, anxious. be concerned [Latin concludo: related to close 1 ]
(often foil, by in) take part. con- conclusion /kan'klu:3(8)n/ n. 1 ending,
cernedly /-idli/ adv. concernedness end. 2 judgement reached by reasoning.
/-idnis/ n. 3 summing-up. 4 settling (of peace etc.).
concerning prep, about, regarding. 5 Logic proposition reached from given
concert 1 musical perform-
/'kmisat/ n. premisses. in conclusion lastly, to
ance of usu. several separate composi- conclude. [Latin: related to conclude]
tions. 2 agreement. 3 combination of conclusive /kan'klu:siv/ adj. decisive,
voices or sounds. [Italian: related to convincing. conclusively adv.
concerto] [Latin: related to conclude]
concerted /kan's3:tid/ adj. 1 jointly concoct /kan'kokt/ v. 1 make by mixing
arranged or planned. 2 Mus. arranged ingredients. 2 invent (a story, lie, etc.).
in parts for voices or instruments. concoction /-'kDkJ(a)n/ n. [Latin coquo
concertina -n. musical
coct- cook]
instrument like an accordion but
concomitant /kan'komit^nt/ -adj.
(often by with) accompanying; oc-
smaller. -v. (-nas, -naed /-nad/ or -na'd,
curring together, -n. accompanying
-naing) compress or collapse in folds
thing. concomitance n. [Latin comes
like those of a concertina.
comit- companion]
concerto /kan'tjeatau/ n. (pi -s or -ti concord /'kDrjko:d/ n. agreement, har-
/-ti/) composition for solo instrument(s)
mony. concordant /kan'ko:d(a)nt/
and orchestra. [Italian] adj. [Latin cor cord- heart]
concert pitch n. pitch internationally concordance /k8n'ko:d(a)ns/ n. 1
agreed whereby the A above middle C = agreement. 2 alphabetical index of
440 Hz. words used in a book or by an author,
concession /kan'sej(8)n/ n.1a conced- [medieval Latin: related to concord]
ing, b thing conceded. 2 reduction in concordat /k9n'ko:daet/ n. agreement,
price for a certain category of persons. 3 esp. between the Church and a State.
a right to use land etc. b right to sell [Latin: related to concord]
goods in a particular territory. con- concourse /'kDnko:s/ n. 1 crowd, gath-
cessionary adj. [Latin: related to ering. 2 large open area in a railway
concede] station etc. [Latin: related to concur]
concessive /kan'sesiv/ adj. Gram, (of a concrete /'konkrut/ -adj. 1 a existing in
preposition or conjunction) introducing a material form; real, b specific, definite
a phrase or clause which contrasts with
(concrete a concrete pro-
posal). 2 Gram, noun) denoting a
(of a
the main clause (e.g. in spite of, al-
material object as opposed to a quality,
though). [Latin: related to concede]
state, etc. -n. (often attrib.) mixture of
conch /kontJ7 n. 1 thick heavy spiral gravel, sand, cement, and water, used
shell of various marine gastropod mol-
for building, -v. (-ting) cover with or
luscs. 2 any such gastropod. [Latin embed in concrete. [Latin cresco cret-
concha) grow]
conchology /knn'kDladsi/ n. the study concretion /k9n'kri:JX9)n/ n. 1 hard
of shells, [from conch] solid mass. 2 forming of this by coales-
concierge France)
/,k5si'e93/ n. (esp. in cence. [Latin: related to concrete]
door-keeper or porter of a block of flats concubine /'konkju.bain/ n. 1 literary
etc. [French] or joc. mistress. 2 (among polygamous
conciliate /kansili.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 peoples) secondary wife. concubin-
make calm and amenable; pacify; gain age /kan'kju:bmid3/ n. [Latin cubo lie]
concupiscence 173 conductive
concupiscence /kan'kju:pis(a)ns/ n. affecting the functioning or existence of
formal lust. concupiscent adj. [Latin something (good working conditions).
cupio desire] 1 a bring into a good or desired state,
concur /kan'k3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) 1 (often foil, b make fit (esp. dogs or horses). 2 teach
by with) have the same opinion. 2 coin- or accustom. 3 a impose conditions on.
cide. [Latin curro run] b be essential to. in (or out of)
concurrent /kan'kArant/ adj. 1 (often condition in good (or bad) condition,
foil, by with) existing or in operation at on condition that with the stipulation
thesame time or together. 2 (of three or that. [Latin dico say]
more lines) meeting at or tending to- conditional adj. 1 (often foil, by on)
wards one point. 3 agreeing, harmo- dependent; not absolute; containing a
nious. concurrence n. concur- condition. 2 Gram. (of<a clause, mood,
rently adv. etc.) expressing a condition. :: condi-
concuss /kan'kAs/ v. subject to concus- tionally adv. [Latin: related to con-
sion. [Latin quatio shake] dition]
concussion /kan'kAj(a)n/ n. 1 tempor- conditioned reflex n. reflex response
ary unconsciousness or incapacity due to a non-natural stimulus, established
to a blow to the head, a fall, etc. 2 violent by training.
shaking. conditioner n. agent that conditions,
condemn /kan'dem/ v. 1 express utter esp. the hair.
disapproval of. 2 a find guilty; convict, condole /kan'daul/ v. (-ling) (foil, by

b (usu. foil, by to) sentence to (a punish- with) express sympathy with (a person)
ment). 3 pronounce (a building etc.) over a loss etc. [Latin condoleo grieve
unfit for use. 4 (usu. foil, by to) doom or with another]
assign (to something unpleasant).
Usage Condole is often confused with
condemnation / 1
kDndem neiJ(a)n/

condemnatory /-'demnatari/ adj.
[Latin: related to damn] condolence n. (often in pi.) expression
condensation /,kDnden'seiJ(a)n/ n. 1 of sympathy.
condensing or being condensed. 2 con- condom /'kDndDm/ n. contraceptive
densed liquid (esp. water on a cold sheath worn by men. [origin unknown]
surface). 3 abridgement. [Latin: related condominium /.kDnda'mmiam/ n. 1
to condense] joint rule or sovereignty. 2 US building
condense /kan'dens/ v. (-sing) 1 make containing individually owned flats.
denser or more concentrated. 2 express [Latin dominiumlordship]
in fewer words. 3 reduce or be reduced condone /kan'daun/ i?. (-ning) forgive
from a gas or vapour to a liquid. [Latin: or overlook (an offence or wrongdoing).
related to dense] [Latin dono give]
condensed milk n. milk thickened by condor /'kDndD:(r)/ n. large S. American
evaporation and sweetened. vulture. [Spanish from Quechua]
condenser n. 1 apparatus or vessel for conduce /kan'dju:s/ v. (-cing) (foil, by
condensing vapour. 2 Electr. - capa- to) contribute to (a result).
citor. 3 lens or system of lenses for related to conduct]
concentrating light. conducive adj. (often foil, by to)

condescend /.kDndi'send/ v. 1 be gra- contributing or helping (towards some-

cious enough (to do a thing) esp. while thing).
showing one's sense of dignity or conduct —n. /'kDndAkt/ 1 behaviour. 2
superiority (condescended to attend). 2 activity or manner of directing or
(foil, by to) pretend to be on equal terms managing (a business, war, etc.). -v.
with (an inferior). 3 (as condescending /kan'dAkt/ 1 lead or guide. 2 direct or
adj.) patronizing. condescendingly manage (a business etc.). 3 (also absol.)
adv. condescension /-'senJXa)n/ n. be the conductor of (an orchestra etc.). 4
[Latin: related to descend] transmit (heat, electricity, etc.) by con-
condign /kan'dam/ adj. (of a punish- duction. 5 refl. behave. [Latin duco duct-
ment etc.) severe and well-deserved. lead]
[Latin dignus worthy] conductance /kan'dAkt(a)ns/ n. power
condiment /'kDndimant/ n. seasoning of a specified material to conduct elec-
or relish for food. [Latin condio pickle] tricity.

condition /kan'diJXa)n/ -n. 1 stipu- conduction /kan'dAkJ(a)n/ n. trans-

lation; thing upon the fulfilment of mission of heat, electricity, etc. through
which something else depends. 2 a state a substance. [Latin: related to conduct]
of being or fitness of a person or thing, b conductive /kan dAktiv/ adj. transmit-
ailment, abnormality (heart condition). ting (esp. heat, electricity, etc.). con-
1 1

3 (in pi.) circumstances, esp. those ductivity /.kDndAk'tiviti/ n.

conductor 174 confirmation
conductor person who directs an
n. 1 confession kan'fej(8)n/ n. 1 a act of
orchestra etc. 2 (fern, conductress) per- confessing, b thing confessed. 2 (in full
son who collects fares in a bus etc. 3 confession of faith) declaration of
thing that conducts heat or electricity. one's beliefs or principles.
[Latin: related to conduct] confessional -n. enclosed stall in a
conduit 'kDndit. -djuit n. 1 channel or church in which the priest hears confes-
pipe conveying liquids. 2 tube or trough sions. -adj. of confession.
protecting insulated electric wires, confessor n. priest who hears confes-
[medieval Latin: related to conduct] sions and gives spiritual counsel.
cone n. 1 solid figure with a circular (or confetti kan'feti n. small pieces of
other curved) plane base, tapering to a coloured paper thrown by wedding
point. 2 thing of similar shape. 3 dry guests at the bride and groom. [Italian]
fruit of a conifer. 4 ice-cream cornet. confidant 'konfi.daent n. (fern, confid-
[Latin from Greek] ante pronunc. same) person trusted
coney var. of cony. with knowledge of one's private affairs,
confab 'konfaeb colloq. —n. = confabu- [related to confide]
lation (see confabulate), —v. (-bb-) = confide kan'faid i\ (-ding) 1 (foil, by
confabulate, [abbreviation] in) talk confidentially to. 2 (usu. foil, by
confabulate kan'faebju.leit' v. (-ting) to) tell (a secret etc.) in confidence. 3
converse, chat, z confabulation (foil, by to) entrust (an object of care, a
/-'leij(a)n [Latin: related to fable]
task, etc.) to. [Latin confido trust]
confection kan'fekj(8)n/ n. dish or confidence 'kDnfid(8)ns n. 1 firm
delicacy made with sweet ingredients. trust. 2 a feeling of reliance or certainty,
[Latin conficio prepare]
b sense of self-reliance; boldness. 3
confectioner n. maker or retailer of something told as a secret, in confid-
ence as a secret, in a person's confid-
confectionery n. confections, esp.
ence trusted with a person's secrets,
take into one's confidence confide in.
confederacy kan'fedarasi n. (pi. -ies)
[Latin: related to confide]
league or alliance, esp. of confederate
confidence trick n. swindle in which
States. [French: related to
the victim is persuaded to trust the
swindler. confidence trickster n.
confederate kan'fedarat -adj. esp.
confident adj. feeling or showing
Polit. allied, -n. 1 ally, esp. (in a bad
confidence; bold, z confidently adv.
sense) accomplice. 2 (Confederate)
[Italian: related to confide]
supporter of the Confederate States. -v.
confidential ,kDnfi'denJ(a)l adj. 1
-,reit (-ting) (often foil, by with) bring
or come into alliance. [Latin: related to
spoken or written in confidence. 2
entrusted with secrets (confidential sec-
retary). 3 confiding, z confidentiality
Confederate States States
which seceded from the US in 1860-1. -JYaeliti n. confidentially adv.
confederation kan.feda'reij^n n. 1
configuration k9n,figju'reij\a)n/ n. 1

union or alliance, of States. 2

arrangement in a particular form. 2
confederating or being confederated. form or figure resulting from this. 3
confer kan'f3:(r) v. (-rr-) 1 (often foil, Computing hardware and its arrange-
by on, upon) grant or bestow. 2 (often ment of connections etc. z configure v.
foil, by with) converse, consult, z con-
(-ring). [Latin: related to figure]
ferrable adj. [Latin confero collat- confine - v. kan'fam (-ning) 1 keep or
bring together] restrict (within certain limits). 2 im-
conference 'knnfarans n. 1 consul- prison, -n. 'knnfam (usu. in pi.) limit,
tation. 2 meeting for discussion. boundary. [Latin finis limit]
[French or medieval Latin: related to confinement n. 1 confining or being

confer] confined. 2 time of childbirth.

conferment kan'f3:mant n. confer- confirm k8n'f3:m v. 1 provide support
ring of a degree, honour, etc. for the truth or correctness of. 2 (foil, by
confess kan'fes v. 1 a (also absol.) in) encourage (a person) in (an opinion
acknowledge or admit (a fault, crime, etc.). 3 establish more firmly (power,

etc.). b (foil, by to) admit to. 2 admit possession, etc.). 4 make formally valid.
reluctantly. 3 a (also absol.) declare 5 administer the religious rite of con-
(one s sins) to a priest, b (of a priest) firmation related to firm ]
to. [Latin:

hear the confession of. [Latin confiteor confirmation ,konfa'meiJ(9)n n. 1

-fess-] confirming or being confirmed. 2 rite
confessedly kan'fesidh adv. by one's confirming a baptized person as a
own or general admission. member of the Christian Church.
confirmed 175 congratulate
confirmed adj. firmly settled in some (confuse the issue). 4 (often as con-
habit or condition (confirmed bachelor). fused adj.) throw into disorder. con- :

confiscate /'konfi.skeit/ v. (-ting) take fusedly /-zidli/ adv. confusing adj.

or seize by authority. confiscation [related to confound]
/-'skeij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to fiscal] confusion n. confusing or being con-
conflagration /,kDnfia'greiJ(a)n/ n. fused.
great and destructive fire. [Latin: confute /kan'fju:t/ v. (-ting) prove (a
related to flagrant] person or argument) to be in error.
conflate /kan'fleit/ v. (-ting) blend or confutation /,kDnfju:'teiJ(a)n/ n.
fuse together (esp. two variant texts into [Latin]
one). conflation /-'fleiJXa)n/ n. [Latin conga /'kDnga/ -n. 1 Latin-American
flo flat- blow] dance, with a line of dancers one behind
conflict -n. /'konflikt/ 1 a state of op- the other. 2 tall narrow drum beaten
position, b fight, struggle. 2 (often foil, with the hands, -v. (congas, congaed
by of) clashing of opposed interests etc. /-gad/ or conga'd, congaing /-gain/) per-
-v. /kan'flikt/ clash; be incompatible. form the conga. [Spanish conga (femin-
[Latin fligo flict- strike] ine), = of the Congo]
confluence /'kDnfluans/ n. 1 place congeal /kan'd3i:l/ v. 1 make or become
where two rivers meet. 2 a coming semi-solid by cooling. 2 (of blood etc.)
together, b crowd of people. [Latin fluo
coagulate. congelation /,kDnd3i
'leij(a)n/ n. [French from Latin gelo
confluent -adj. flowing together, unit-
ing, -n. stream joining another.
congenial /kan'd3i:nial/ adj. 1 (often
conform comply with
/kan'fo.m/ v. 1
foil, by with, to) pleasant because like-
rules or general custom. 2 (foil, by to,
minded. 2 (often foil, by to) suited or
with) comply with; be in accordance
agreeable. congeniality /-'asliti/ n.
with. 3 (often foil, by to) be or make
congenially adv. [from com-, genial]
suitable. [Latin: related to form]
congenital /kan'd3enit(a)l/ adj. 1 (esp.
conformable adj. 1 (often foil, by to)
of disease) existing from birth. 2 as such
similar. 2 (often foil, by with) consistent.
from birth (congenital liar), congen-
3 (often foil, by to) adaptable.
itally adv. [Latin: related to com-]
conformation /,kDnfD:'meiJX3)n/ n.
way a thing is formed; shape. conger /'kDnga(r)/ n. (in full conger eel)
large marine eel. [Greek goggros]
conformist /kan'fa:mist/ -n. person
who conforms to an established prac- congeries /kan'd3iari:z/ n. (pi. same)
disorderly collection; mass, heap. [Latin
tice, —adj. conforming, conventional.
congero heap together]
conformism n.
conformity n. 1 accordance with estab- Usage The form congery, formed
lished practice. 2 agreement, suit- under the misapprehension that conger-
ability. ies is plural only, is incorrect.
confound /kan'faund/ -v. 1 perplex,
baffle. confuse (in one's mind). 3
congest /kan'd3est/
v. (esp. as con-

archaic defeat, overthrow, -int.

gested adj.) affect with congestion.
[Latin congero -gest- heap together]
expressing annoyance (confound you!).
[Latin confundo -fus- mix up]
congestion /kan'd3estj'(a)n/ n. ab-

confounded attrib. adj. colloq.

normal accumulation or obstruction,
damned. esp. of traffic etc. or of blood or mucus in
confront /kan'frAnt/ v. 1 a face in hos- part of the body.
tility or defiance, b face up to and deal
conglomerate /kan'glDmarat/ -adj.
with. 2 (of a difficulty etc.) present itself gathered into a rounded mass. -n. 1
to. 3 (foil, by with) bring (a person) face
heterogeneous mass. 2 group or cor-
to face with (an accusation etc.). 4 meet poration of merged firms, -v.
or stand facing. confrontation /kan' (-ting) collect into a
kDnfrAn teiJ(a)n/ n. confrontational
coherent mass. conglomeration

/,kDnfrAn'teiJan(a)l/ adj. [French from /kan,glDma'reiJ(a)n/ n. [Latin glomus

medieval Latin] -eris ball]

Confucian /kan'fju:JX9)n/ adj. of Confu- congratulate /kan'graetju.leit/ v.

I cius or his philosophy. Confucian- (-ting) (often by on) 1 express pleas-


ism n. [Confucius, name of a Chinese ure at the happiness, good fortune, or
philosopher] excellence of (a person). 2 re/7, think
confuse /kan'fju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 perplex, oneself fortunate or clever. con-
bewilder. 2 mix up in the mind; mistake gratulatory /-latan/ adj. [Latin gratus
(one for another). 3 make indistinct pleasing]
congratulation 176 connective
congratulation /kan.graetJu'leiJXaM conjunction /kan'd3ArjkJ(8)n/ n. 1 join-
n. 1 congratulating. 2 (usu. in pi.) ing; connection. 2 Gram, word used to
expression of this. connect clauses or sentences or words
congregate /'knrjgn.geit/ v. (-ting) col- in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if). 3
lect or gather into a crowd. [Latin grex combination (of events or circum-
greg- flock] stances). 4 apparent proximity to each
congregation /.kDrjgri'geiJXaW n. 1 other of two bodies in the solar system.
gathering of people, esp. for religious conjunctiva / kDnd3Ank'taiva/ n. (pi.

worship. 2 body of persons regularly -s) mucous membrane covering the

attending a particular church etc. front of the eye and the lining inside the
[Latin: related to congregate] eyelids.
congregational of a congrega-
adj. 1 conjunctive /kan'd3Anktiv/ adj. 1 serv-
tion. 2 (Congregational) of or adhering ing to join. 2 Gram, of the nature of a
to Congregationalism. conjunction.
Congregationalism n. system where- conjunctivitis /kan,d3Arjkti'vaitis/ n.
by individual churches are largely self- inflammation of the conjunctiva.
governing. Congregationalist n. conjure /'kAnd3a(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 per-
congress /'kDngres/ n. 1 formal meeting form tricks which are seemingly ma-
of delegates for discussion. 2 (Con- gical, movements of the hands. 2
gress) national legislative body, esp. summon (a spirit or demon) to appear. 3
of the US. congressional /kan /kan'd3ua(r)/ formal appeal solemnly to.
'grejan(a)l/ adj. [Latin gradior gress- conjure up 1 produce as if by magic. 2
walk] evoke. [Latin juro swear]
congressman n. (fern, congress- conjuror n. (also conjurer) performer
woman) member of the US Congress. of conjuring tricks.
congruent /'kongruant/ adj. 1 (often conk 1 v. (usu. foil, by out) colloq. 1 (of a
foil, by with) suitable, agreeing. 2 Geom. machine etc.) break down. 2 (of a per-
(of figures) coinciding exactly when son) become exhausted and give up; fall
superimposed. congruence n. con- asleep; faint; die. [origin unknown]
gruency n. [Latin congruo agree] conk 2 slang -n. 1 nose or head. 2 punch
congruous /'kDngruas/ adj. suitable, on the nose or head. -v. hit on the nose
agreeing; fitting. congruity or head, [perhaps = conch]
/kan'grunti/ n. [Latin: related to conker n. 1 fruit of the horse chestnut. 2
congruent] (in pi.) children's game played with
conic /'konik/ adj. of a cone. [Greek: conkers on strings, [dial, conker snail-
related to cone] shell]
conical adj. cone-shaped, con man n. confidence trickster.
conifer /'kDmfa(r)/ tree usu. bearing
n. conn US var. of con 4 .

cones. coniferous /ka'nifaras/ adj. connect /ka'nekt/ v. 1 (often foil, by to,

[Latin: related to cone] with) join (two things, or one thing with
conjectural /kan'd3ektjar(a)l/ adj. another). 2 be joined or joinable. 3 (often
based on conjecture, foil, by with) associate mentally or prac-
conjecture /kan'd3ektja(r)/ -rc. 1 tically. 4 (foil, by with) (of a train etc.)
formation of an opinion on incomplete be timed to arrive with another, so
information; guessing. 2 guess. -i>. passengers can transfer. 5 put into
(-ring) guess. [Latin conjectura from communication by telephone. 6 a (usu.
jacio throw] in passive; foil, by with) associate with
conjoin /kan'd3Din/ v. formal join, com- others in relationships etc. b be mean-
bine. ingful or relevant. 7 colloq. hit or strike
conjoint /kan'd3oint/ adj. formal asso- effectively. [Latin necto nex- bind]
ciated, conjoined. connecting-rod n. rod between the
conjugal /'kDnd3ug(a)l/ adj. of mar- piston and crankpin etc. in an internal
riage or the relationship of husband and combustion engine.
wife. [Latin conjux consort] connection /ka'nekj(a)n/ n. (also con-
conjugate -v. /'kDnd3u,geit/ (-ting) 1 nexion) 1 connecting or being con-
Gram, list the different forms of (a nected. 2 point at which two things are
verb). 2 a unite, b become fused, -adj. connected. 3 link, esp. by telephone. 4
/'kDnd3ugat/ 1 joined together, paired. 2 connecting train etc. 5 (often in pi.)
fused. [Latin jugum yoke] relative or associate, esp. one with
conjugation /t kDnd3u'geiJ(a)n/ n. influence. 6 relation of ideas. in con-
Gram, system of verbal inflection. nection with with reference to.
conjunct /kan'd3Ankt/ adj. joined connective adj. connecting, esp. of
together; combined; associated. [Latin body tissue connecting, separating, etc.,
from juntus joined] organs etc.
connector 177 conservative
connector n. thing that connects. consciously adv. consciousness n.
conning tower 1 superstructure of a
rc. [Latin scio know]
submarine containing the periscope. 2 conscript -v. /kan'skript/ summon for
armoured wheel-house of a warship, compulsory State (esp. military) ser-
[from con ] vice, -n. /'knnskript/ conscripted per-
connive /ka'naiv/ v. (-ving) 1 (foil, by son, z conscription /kan'sknpJXa)n n.
at) disregard or tacitly consent to (a [Latin scribo write]
wrongdoing). 2 (usu. foil, by with) con- consecrate /'knnsi.kreit/ v. (-ting) 1
spire, connivance n. [Latin conniveo make or declare sacred; dedicate form-
shut the eyes] ally to religious or divine purpose. 2
connoisseur /,kDna's3:(r)/ n. (often foil, (foil, by to) devote to (a purpose), z
by of expert judge in matters of
in) consecration /-'kreiJXatn/ n. [Latin:
taste. [French connaitre know] related to sacred]
connote /ka'naut/ v. (-ting) 1 (of a word consecutive /kan'sekjutiv/ adj. 1 a fol-
etc.) imply in addition to the literal or lowing continuously, b in an unbroken
primary meaning. 2 mean, signify. or logical order. 2 Gram, expressing a
connotation /,kDna'teiJXa)n/ n. con- consequence, z consecutively adv.
notative /'knna.teitiv/ adj. [medieval [Latin sequor secut- follow]
Latin: related to note] consensus /kan'sensas/ n. (often foil,
connubial /ka'nju:bial/ adj. of mar- by of; often attrib.) general agreement
riage or the relationship of husband and or opinion. [Latin: related to consent]
wife. [Latin nubo marry] consent /kan'sent/ -v. (often foil, by to)
conquer /'kDrjka(r)/ v. 1 a overcome express willingness, give permission,
and control militarily, b be victorious. 2 agree, -n. voluntary agreement, per-
overcome by effort. conqueror n. mission. [Latin sentio feel]
[Latin conquiro win] consequence /'kDnsikwans/ n. 1 result
conquest /'kDnkwest/ n. 1 conquering or effect of what has gone before. 2
or being conquered. 2 a conquered ter- importance, z in consequence as a
ritory, b something won. 3 person result, take the consequences accept
whose affection has been won. the results of one's choice or action.
consanguineous /.konsaer/gwinias/ [Latin: related to consecutive]
adj. descended from the same ancestor; consequent adj. 1 (often foil, by on,
akin. consanguinity n. [Latin san- upon) following as a result or con-
guis blood] sequence. 2 logically consistent.
conscience /'kDnJ\a)ns/ n. moral sense consequential /.kDnsi'kwenJXa)!/ adj.
of right and wrong, esp. as affecting 1 consequent; resulting indirectly. 2
behaviour, z in all conscience colloq. important.
by any reasonable standard, on one's consequently adv. & conj. as a result;
conscience causing one feelings of therefore.
prisoner of conscience person
guilt, conservancy /kan's3:vansi/ n. (pi. -ies)
imprisoned by the State for his or her 1 body controlling a port, river, etc., or
political or religious views. [Latin: preserving the environment. 2 official
related to science] environmental conservation. [Latin:
conscience money n. sum paid to related to conserve]
relieve one's conscience, esp. regarding conservation /,kDnsa'veiJ(a)n/ n. pre-
a payment previously evaded. servation, esp. of the natural environ-
conscience-stricken adj. (also con- ment. [Latin: related to conserve]
science-struck) made uneasy by a bad conservationist n. supporter of
conscience. environmental conservation.
conscientious /.konji'enjas/ adj. dili- conservation of energy n. principle
gent and scrupulous, z conscien- that the total quantity of energy in any
tiously adv. conscientiousness n. system that is not subject to external
[medieval Latin: related to conscience] action remains constant.
conscientious objector n. person conservative /kan's3:vativ' -adj. 1 a
who for reasons of conscience objects to averse to rapid change, b (of views,
military service etc. taste, etc.) moderate, avoiding

conscious /'konjas/ -adj. 1 awake and extremes. 2 (of an estimate etc.) pur-
aware of one's surroundings and iden- posely low. 3 (usu. Conservative) of
tity. 2 (usu. foil, by of or that) aware, Conservatives or the Conservative
knowing. 3 (of actions, emotions, etc.) Party. 4 tending to conserve, -n. 1
realized or recognized by the doer; conservative person. 2 (usu. Conser-
intentional. 4 (in comb.) aware of; con- vative) supporter or member of the
cerned with (fashion-conscious), -n. Conservative Party. conservatism
(prec. by the) the conscious mind. n. [Latin: related to conserve]
Conservative Party ns conspirator
Conservative Party n. political party consistently adv. [Latin: related to
promoting free enterprise and private consist]
ownership. consistory /kan'sistari/ n. (pi. -ies) RC
conservatoire /kan's3:va,twa:(r)/ n. Ch. council of cardinals (with or with-
(usu. European) school of music or out the pope). [Latin: related to consist]
other arts. [French from Italian] consolation /,kDns9'leiJ(a)n/ n. 1 con-
conservatory /kan's3:vatari/ n. (pi. soling or being consoled. 2 consoling
-ies) 1 greenhouse for tender plants, thing or person. consolatory
esp. attached to a house. 2 esp. US = /kan'solatan/ adj.
conservatoire. [Latin and Italian: consolation prize n. prize given to a
related to conserve] competitor who just fails to win a main
conserve -d. /kan's3:v/ (-ving) keep prize.
from harm or damage, esp. for later use. console 1
/kan'saul/ v. (-ling) comfort,
-n. /'kons3:v/ fresh fruit jam. [Latin esp. in grief or disappointment. [Latin:
servo keep] related to solace]
consider /kan'sida(r)/ v. 1 contemplate
mentally, esp. in order to reach a con-
Usage Console is often confused with
condole, which is different in that it is
clusion. 2 examine the merits of. 3 look
always followed by with.
attentively at. 4 take into account; show
consideration or regard for. 5 (foil, by console 2 /'konsaul/ n. 1 panel for
that) have the opinion. 6 regard as. 7 (as switches, controls, etc. 2 cabinet for a
considered adj.) formed after careful television etc. 3 cabinet with the key-
thought (a considered opinion). all boards and stops of an organ. 4 bracket
things considered taking everything supporting a shelf etc. [French]
into account. [French from Latin] consolidate /kan'sDli.deit/ v. ( ting) 1
considerable adj. 1 much; a lot of make or become strong or secure. 2
(considerable pain). 2 notable, import- combine companies, debts,
ant, considerably adv. etc.) into one whole. consolidation
considerate /kan'sidarat/ adj. thought- /-'deij(a)n/ n. consolidator n. [Latin:
ful towards others; careful not to cause related to solid]
hurt or inconvenience. consider- consomme /kan'somei/ n. clear soup
ately adv. [Latin: related to consider] from meat stock. [French]
consideration /kan.sida'reil^n/ n. 1 consonance /'kDnsanans/ n. agree-
careful thought. 2 thoughtfulness for ment, harmony. [Latin sono sound ] 1

others; being considerate. 3 fact or thing consonant -rc. 1 speech sound in which
taken into account. 4 compensation; the breath is at least partly obstructed,
payment or reward. in considera- and which forms a syllable by combin-
tion of in return for; on account of. take ing with a vowel. 2 letter(s) representing
into consideration make allowance -adj. (foil, by with, to) consistent;
for. under consideration being con- agreement or harmony.
in conson-
sidered. antal /-'naent(a)l/ adj.
considering -prep. & conj. in view of; consort -n. /'kunsD:t/ wife or husband,

taking into consideration, -adv. colloq. esp. of royalty. -v. /kan'so:t/ 1 (usu. foil,
taking everything into account (not so by with, together) keep company. 2 har-
bad, considering). monize. [Latin: related to sort]
consign /kan'sain/ v. (often foil, by to) 1 consort 2 /'kDnso:t/ n. Mus. small group
hand over; deliver. 2 assign; commit. 3 of players, singers, or instruments, [var.
transmit or send (goods). consignee of concert]
/.kDnsai'ni:/ n. consignor n. [Latin: consortium /kan'sa:tiam/ n. (pi. -tia or
related to sign] association, esp. of several business
consignment n. 1 consigning or being companies. [Latin: related to consort ] 1

consigned. 2 goods consigned. conspicuous /kan'spikjuas/ adj. 1

consist /kan'sist/ v. 1 (foil, by of) be clearly visible; attracting notice. 2 note-
composed; have as ingredients. 2 (foil, worthy. conspicuously adv. [Latin
by in, of) have its essential features as specio look]
specified. [Latin sisto stop] conspiracy /kan'spirasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
consistency /kan'sistansi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2
degree of density, firmness, or viscosity, conspiring. [Latin: related to conspire]
esp. of thick liquids. 2 being consistent. conspiracy of silence n. agreement
[Latin: related to consist] to say nothing.
consistent adj. 1 (usu. foil, by with) conspirator /kan'spirata(r)/ n. person
compatible or in harmony. 2 (of a per- who takes part in a conspiracy. con-
son) constant to the same principles. spiratorial /-'to:rial/ adj.
conspire 179 consultant
conspire /kan'spaia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 com- constrain /kan'strem/ compel. 2 av. 1
bine secretly for an unlawful or harmful confine forcibly; imprison, b restrict
act. 2 (of events) seem to be working severely. 3 (as constrained ad/'.) forced,
together. [Latin spiro breathe] embarrassed. [Latin stringo strict- tie]
constable /'kAnstab(a)l/ n. 1 (also po- constraint /kan'stremt/ n. 1 constrain-
lice constable) police officer of the ing or being constrained. 2 restriction. 3
lowest rank. 2 governor of a royal castle. self-control.
[Latin comes stabuli count of the stable] constrict /kan'strikt/ v. make narrow
constabulary /kan'staebjulari/ n. (pi. or tight; compress. constriction n.
-ies) police force, [medieval Latin: constrictive adj. [Latin: related to con-
related to constable] strain]
constancy /'konstansi/ n. being constrictor n. 1 snake that kills by
unchanging and dependable; faithful- compressing. 2 muscle that contracts an
ness. [Latin: related to constant] organ or part of the body.
constant -adj. 1 continuous (constant construct -v. /kan'strAkt/ 1 make by
attention). 2 occurring frequently (con- fitting parts together; build, form.
stant complaints). 3 unchanging, faith- 2 Geom. delineate (a figure).
ful, dependable, -n. 1 anything that -n. /'kDnstrAkt/ thing constructed,
does not vary. 2 Math. & Physics quant- esp. by the mind. constructor
ity or number that remains the same. /kan'strAkta(r)/ n. [Latin struo struct-
constantly adv. [Latin sto stand] build]
constellation /.kDnsta'leiJXaW n. 1 construction /kan'strAkJXa)n/ n. 1 con-
group of fixed stars. 2 group of associ- structing or being constructed. 2 thing
ated persons etc. [Latin Stella star]
constructed. 3 interpretation or ex-
consternation /,kDnsta'neiJXa)n/ n.
planation. 4 syntactical arrangement of
anxiety, dismay. [Latin sterno throw
words. constructional adj.
down] constructive /kan'strAktiv/ adj. 1 a
constipate (-ting) (esp.
/'knnsti.peit/ v.
tending to form a basis for ideas, b
as constipated adj.) affect with con-
helpful, positive. 2 derived by inference.
stipation. [Latin stipo cram]
constructively adv.
constipation /,kDnsti'peiJXa)n/ n. diffi-
construe /kan'stru:/ v. (-strues,
culty in emptying the bowels.
-strued, -struing) 1 interpret. 2 (often
constituency /kan'stitjuansi/ n. (pi
foil, by with) combine (words) grammat-
-ies) 1 body of voters who elect a repres-
ically. 3 analyse the syntax of (a sen-
entative. 2 area so represented.
tence). 4 translate literally. [Latin:
constituent /kan'stirjuant/ -adj. 1
related to construct]
composing or helping to make a whole. 2
consubstantial /.konsab'staenKaH/
able to make or change a constitution
adj. Theol. of one substance. [Church
(constituent assembly). 3 electing, -n. 1
Latin: related to substance]
member of a constituency. 2 component
part. [Latin: related to constitute]
consubstantiation /.konsab.staenji
eij(a)n/ n. Theol. presence of Christ's

constitute /'kDnsti,rju:t/ v. (-ting) 1 be

the components or essence of; compose.
body and blood together with the bread
2 a amount to (this constitutes a warn- and wine in the Eucharist.
ing), b formally establish (constitutes a
consul /'kDns(a)l/ n. 1 official appointed
by a State to protect its citizens and
precedent). 3 give legal or constitutional
interests in a foreign city. 2 hist, either
form to. [Latin constituo establish]
constitution /,kDnsti'tju:JXa)n/ n. 1 act of two chief magistrates in ancient
Rome. consular /-sjula(r)/ adj. con-
or method of constituting; composition.
2 body of fundamental principles by sulship n. [Latin]
which a State or other body is governed. consulate /'kDnsjulat/ n. 1 official build-

3 person's inherent state of health, ing of a consul. 2 position of consul.

strength, etc. [Latin: related to consti- consult /kan'sAlt/ v. 1 seek information
tute] or advice from. 2 (often foil, by with)
constitutional -adj. 1 of or in line refer to a person for advice etc. 3 take
with the constitution. 2 inherent (con- into account (feelings, interests, etc.).
stitutional weakness), -n. walk taken consultative adj. [Latin consulo con-
regularly as healthy exercise. consti- sult- take counsel]
tutionality /-'naeliti/ n. constitution- consultancy n. (pi. -ies) practice or
ally adv. position of a consultant.
constitutive /'kDnsti,tju:tiv/ adj. 1 able consultant n. 1 person providing pro-

to form or appoint. 2 component. 3 fessional advice etc. 2 senior medical

essential. specialist in a hospital.
consultation 180 content
consultation /,kDnsal'teiJ\a)n/ n. 1 this way. 2 (of emotions etc.) likely to
meeting arranged to consult. 2 act or spread (contagious enthusiasm).
process of consulting. contain /kan'tein/ v. 1 hold or be cap-
consume /kan'sju:m/ v. (-ming) 1 eat or able of holding within itself; include,
drink. 2 destroy. 3 preoccupy, possess comprise. 2 (of measures) be equal to (a
(consumed with rage). 4 use up. gallon contains eight pints). 3 prevent
consumable adj. & n. [Latin consumo from moving or extending. 4 control or
sumpt-] restrain (feelings etc.). 5 (of a number)
consumer person who consumes,
n. 1 be divisible by (a factor) without a
esp. one who uses a product. 2 pur- remainder. [Latin teneo hold]
chaser of goods or services. container n. 1 box, jar, etc., for holding
consumer durable n. durable house- things. 2 large metal box for transport-
hold product (e.g. a radio or washing- ing goods.
machine). containerize v. (also -ise) (-zing or

consumer goods goods for con- -sing) pack in or transport by container.
sumers, not for producing other goods. containerization /-'zeij*(a)n/ n.

consumerism protection of con-

n. 1 containment n. action or policy of
sumers' interests. 2 (often derog.) con- preventing the expansion of a hostile
tinual increase in the consumption of country or influence.
goods. consumerist adj. contaminate /kan'taemi.neit/ v. (-ting)
consummate -v. / knnsa.meit/ (-ting) 1 pollute, esp. with radioactivity. 2 in-
1 complete; make perfect. 2 complete (a
fect. contaminant n. contamina-
marriage) by sexual intercourse, -adj. tion contaminator n.
/-'neij(a)n/ n.

/kan'sAmit/ complete, perfect; fully [Latin tamen- related to tango touch]

skilled. consummation /-'meiJXa)n/ contemplate /'kontam.pleit/ v. (-ting)
1 survey visually or mentally. 2 regard
n. [Latin summus utmost]
(an event) as possible. 3 intend (he is not
consumption /kan'sAmpJXa)n/ n. 1
contemplating retiring). 4 meditate.
consuming or being consumed. 2
amount consumed. 3 use by a particular contemplation /-'pleij(a)n/ n. [Latin]

group (a film unsuitable for children's

contemplative /kan'templativ/ -adj.
of or given to (esp. religious) contempla-
consumption). 4 archaic tuberculosis of
tion; thoughtful, -n. person devoted to
the lungs. 5 purchase and use of goods
religious contemplation. [Latin: related
etc. [French: related to consume]
to contemplate]
consumptive /kan'sAmptiv/ archaic
contemporaneous /kan.tempa
-adj. suffering or tending to suffer from
'reinias/ adj. (usu. foil, by with)
consumption, -n. consumptive person, same
existing or occurring at the time,
[medieval Latin: related to consump-
z contemporaneity /-'ni:iti/ n. [Latin:
tion] related to com-, tempus time]
cont. abbr. 1 contents. 2 continued. contemporary /kan'temparan/ -adj. 1
contact /'kontaekt/ -n. 1 state or con- living or occurring at the same time. 2 of
dition of touching, meeting, or commun- approximately the same age. 3 modern
icating. 2 person who is or may be in style or design, -n. (pi. -ies) contem-
communicated with for information, as- porary person or thing, [medieval Latin:
sistance, etc. 3 connection for the pas- related to contemporaneous]
sage of an electric current. 4 person contempt /kan'tempt/ n. 1 feeling that a
likely to carry a contagious disease person or thing deserves scorn or
through being near an infected person. extreme reproach. 2 condition of being
-v. 1 get in touch with (a person). 2 held in contempt. 3 (in full contempt of
begin correspondence or personal deal- court) disobedience to or disrespect for
ings with. [Latin tango tact- touch] a court of law. [Latin temno tempt- des-
contact lens n. small lens placed dir- pise]
ectly on the eyeball to correct vision. contemptible adj. deserving con-
contact print photographic print tempt, z contemptibly adv.
made by placing a negative directly on contemptuous by of)
adj. (often foil,
to printing paper and exposing it to feeling or showing contempt, z con-
light. temptuously adv.
contagion /kan'teid3(a)n/ n. 1 a spread- contend /kan'tend/ v. 1 (usu. foil, by
ing of disease by bodily contact, b conta- with) fight, argue. 2 compete. 3 assert,
gious disease. 2 moral corruption, maintain, z contender n. [Latin:
[related to contact] related to tend ]

contagious /kan'teid3as/ adj. 1 a (of a content 1

/kan'tent/ -predic. adj. 1 satis-

person) likely to transmit a disease by fied; adequately happy. 2 (foil, by to +

contact, b (of a disease) transmitted in infin.) willing, -v. make content;
content 181 contort
satisfy,-n. contented state; satisfac- contingency /kan'tmd3ansi/ n. (pi
tion. to one's heart's content as -ies) 1 event that may or may not occur.
much as one wishes. [Latin: related to 2 something dependent on another un-
contain] certain event. [Latin: related to con-
content 2 /'kDntent/ n. 1 (usu. in pi.) tingent]
what is contained, esp. in a vessel, book, contingent -adj. 1 (usu. foil, by on,
or house. 2 amount (of a constituent) upon) conditional, dependent (on an
contained {high fat content). 3 sub- uncertain event or circumstance). 2 a
stance (of a speech etc.) as distinct from that may or may not occur, b fortuitous.
form. 4 capacity or volume, [medieval -n. 1 body (of troops, ships, etc.) form-
Latin: related to contain] ing part of a larger group. 2 group of
contented /kan'tentid/ adj. showing or people sharing an interest, origin, etc.
feeling content; happy, satisfied. con- (the Oxford contingent). [Latin: related
tentedly adv. contentedness n. to contact]
contention /kan'ten.T(a)n/ n. 1 dispute continual /kan'tmjual/ adj. constantly
or argument; rivalry. 2 point contended or frequently recurring; always hap-
for in an argument. [Latin: related to pening. continually adv. [French:
contend] related to continue]
contentious /kan'tenjas/ adj. 1 quar-
relsome. 2 likely to cause an argument.
Usage Continual is often confused
with continuous. Continual is used of
contentment n. satisfied state; tran-
something that happens very fre-
quil happiness.
quently (e.g. there were continual inter-
contest -rc. /'kDntest/ 1 contending;
ruptions), while continuous is used of
strife. 2 a competition, -v. /kan'test/ 1
dispute (a decision etc.). 2 contend or
something that happens without a
compete for; compete in (an election). pause (e.g. continuous rain all day).
[Latin testis witness] continuance ,/kan'tmjuans/ n. 1 con-
contestant /kan'test(a)nt/ n. person tinuing in existence or operation. 2
taking part in a contest. duration.
context /'knntekst/ n. 1 parts that sur- continuation /kan tinju'eij(a)n/ n. 1

round a word or passage and clarify its continuing or being continued. 2 part
meaning. 2 relevant circumstances. that continues something else.
in (or out of) context with (or without) continue /kan'tinju:/ v. (-ues, -ued,
the surrounding words or circum- -uing) 1 maintain, not stop (an action
stances. contextual /kan'tekstjual/ etc.) (continued to read, reading). 2
adj. contextualize /kan'tekstjua.laiz/ (also absol.) resume or prolong (a
v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing). [Latin: narrative, journey, etc.). 3 be a sequel
related to text] to. 4 remain, stay (will continue as
contiguous /kan'tigjuas/ adj. (usu. foil, manager, weather continued fine).
by with, to) touching; in contact. [Latin: related to contain]
contiguity /,konti'gju:iti/ n. [Latin: continuity /,kDnti'nju:iti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

related to contact] state of being continuous. 2 a logical

continent /'knntmant/ n. 1 any of the
sequence. 3 detailed scenario of a film or
main continuous expanses of land (Eur- broadcast. 4 linking of broadcast items.
ope, Asia, Africa, N. and S. America, continuo /kan'tinjuau/ n. (pi. -s) Mus.
Australia, Antarctica). 2 (the Conti- accompaniment providing a bass line,
nent) mainland of Europe as distinct played usu. on a keyboard instrument.
from the British Isles. [Latin: related to [Italian]
contain] continuous /kan'tinjuas/ adj. uninter-
continent /'kontmant/ able to
adj. 1 rupted, connected throughout in space
control one's bowels and bladder. 2 or time. continuously adv. [Latin:
exercising self-restraint, esp. sexually. related to contain]
continence n. [Latin: related to con- Usage See note at continual
continental /,kDnti'nent(a)l/ adj. 1 of or continuous assessment n. evalu-
characteristic of a continent. 2 (Conti- ation of a pupil's progress throughout a
nental) of or characteristic of mainland course of study.
Europe. continuum /kan'tinjuam/ n. (pi. -nua)
continental breakfast n. light break- thing having a continuous structure.
fast of coffee, rolls, etc. [Latin: related to continuous]
continental quilt n. duvet. contort /kan'to:t/ v. twist or force out of
continental shelf n. area of shallow its normal shape. contortion n.
seabed bordering a continent. [Latin torqueo tort- twist]

contortionist 1:_ contribution

contortionist tcjanist ru enter- contradistinction Jrontradi
tainer who adopts contorted postures. snrjkj(am n. distinction made by
contour kontua/n -tl 1 outline. 2 (in : cr.rrasccr.g
full contour Line) line on a map joining contraflow fkontra^lao n. transfer of
points of equal altitude. — r. mark with trafficfrom its usual half of the road to
contour lines. [Italian coniomare draw the other half by oorrowing one or more
in outline) of the other half s lanes.
contra kontra -s> member of a
n. ipL contralto kan traeltao n. (pL -*) 1 low-
counter-revolutionary force in Nica- est female singing-voice. 2 singer with
ragua, [abbreviation of Spanish contra- this voice. [Italian: related to contra-.
revolucionario counter-revolutionaryl altoJ
contra- comb, form against, opposite. contraption kantraepjram n.
.'La nr.; machine or device, esp. a strange or
contraband krrrre oaenc: -z. 1 cumbersome one. [origin unknown]
smuggler goods 2 illegal contrapuntal kDnrrapAntfa)l adj.
trade, —adj. forbidden to be imported or Mus. of or in counterpoint. contra -

exr-crted ^Spanish :rcm Italian. I

pun tally zdc. [Italian]
contraception Contra sepj(a)ni n. contrariwise trean waiz ode. 1
prevention of pregnancy; use of contra- cr. the ether hand 2 ir. the cppcsr.e way
ceptives, [from CONTRA-. CONCEPTION]
contraceptive kontra'septrv -adj. contn (usu. folL
preventing pregnancy. —n. contracept- 2
ive device cr drug
C—irarl —n. Trontraekt 1 written or wmd»
spoken agreement, esp. one enforceable
by law. 2 document recording this. -c.
kan trsekt 1 make or become smaller. 2
a (usu. foil, by with) make a contract, b
(often folL by out) arrange (work) to be
done by contract. 3 become affected by
(a disease;. 4 enter into (marriage). 5
incur (a debt etc). • draw together (the
muscles, brow, etc.), or be drawn
together, z contract in or out choose contrast -z
to enter (or withdraw from or not enter)
a scheme or commirment. [Latin con-
tractus: related to tract ]
contractable zdj. (of a disease) that

contract bridge z cndge in which

only tricks bid and won count towards
Lit 2
contractible zz; rar. ce sh rz r. .-: : fr : rr.

contractile - -cv .-a> vim/ 17. (-fling) 1

etchings icnflicc
Dn ver.." e n

nratra to n. (pL
rate 2 cm.- ex ne-: tec rr. Trer.ih;
of a word or words contribute l'tnbjurL Tronm.bjurt.
c. (-ting) (o 6U. by ro) 1 give (time,
contractor raektair) n. person etc errs i rrr-
ract, esp. to conduct rise 2 r.e'.r ngaotoit a result ett 3
alsc sisc."
crael'it.'jel zz; c: cr ttrirlirancn others : contributor
:cr.rract contrac-
tually ode.
contradict scresse-d c:
statement). 2 ( cy
sidered inc IZ.r
(a person). 3 :c cr in
r con- contribut F'am n. 1
contributory 183 converge
contributory kan'tribjutari adj. 1 several towns and merging suburbs.
that contributes. 2 using contributions. [Latin urbs city]
contrite kDntrait adj. penitent, feel- convalesce .kDnva'les v. (cing) re-
ing great guilt, contritely adv. con- cover health after illness [Latin valeo
trition /kan'trij\a)n/ n. [Latin: related be well]
to trite] convalescent -adj. recovering from
contrivance kan'traiv(a)ns/ n. 1 some- an illness, -n. convalescent person,
thing contrived, esp. a plan or mechan- convalescence n.
ical device. 2 act of contriving. convection kan'vekj(a)n n. heat
contrive kan'traiv/ v. (-ving) 1 devise; transfer by upward movement of a
plan or make resourcefully or with heated and less dense medium. [Latin
skill. 2(often foil, by to + infin.) man- veho vect- carry]
age. [French from Latin] convector kan'vekta(r) n. heating
contrived adj. artificial, forced. appliance that circulates warm air by
control kan'traul/ -n. 1 power of dir- convection.
ecting. 2 power of restraining, esp. self- convene kan'vi:n v. (-ning) 1 summon
restraint. 3 means of restraint. 4 (usu. in or arrange (a meeting etc.). 2 assemble.
pi.) means of regulating. 5 (usu. in pi.) [Latin venio vent- come]
switches and other devices by which a convener n. (also convenor) 1 person
machine is controlled. 6 place where who convenes a meeting. 2 senior trade
something is controlled or verified. 7 union official ata workplace.
standard of comparison for checking convenience kan'vi:nians n. 1 state of
the results of an experiment, -v. (-11-) 1 being convenient; suitability. 2 useful
have control of, regulate. 2 hold in thing. 3 advantage. 4 lavatory, esp. a
check. 3 check, verify. in control public one at one's convenience at a
(oftenfoil, by of) directing an activity, time or place that suits one. [Latin:
out of control no longer manageable, related to convene]
under control being controlled; in convenience food n. food requiring
order. controllable adj. [medieval little preparation.
Latin, = keep copy of accounts: related convenient adj. 1 a serving one's com-
tO CONTRA-, ROLL] fort or interests, b suitable, c free of
controller n. 1 person or thing that trouble or difficulty. 2 available or oc-
controls. 2 person in charge of expend- curring at a suitable time or place. 3
iture. well situated (convenient for the shops),
control tower n. tall building at an z conveniently adv.
airport etc. from which air traffic is convent 'konv(a)nt n. 1 religious com-
controlled. munity, esp. of nuns, under vows 2
controversial ,kDntra'v3:J\a)l adj. premises occupied by this. [Latin:
causing or subject to controversy. related to convene]
[Latin: related to controvert] conventicle kan'ventik(a)l n. esp.
controversy 'kDntra,v3:si, kan hist, secret or unlawful religious meet-
'trovasi/ n. (pi. -ies) prolonged argu- ing, esp. of dissenters. [Latin: related to
ment or dispute. [Latin: related to con- convene]
trovert] convention kan venf(a)n n. 1 a
general agreement on social behaviour
Usage The second pronunciation,
etc. by implicit majority consent, b a
stressed on the second syllable, is con-
custom or customary practice. 2 confer-
sidered incorrect by some people.
ence of people with a common interest. 3
controvert ''kDntra.vs:!' v. dispute, a formal agreement, esp. between
deny. [Latin verto vers- turn] States. [Latin: related to convene]
contumacious ,kDntju:'meiJas/ adj. conventional adj. 1 depending on or
stubbornly or wilfully disobedient. according with convention. 2 (of a per-
contumacy 'kontjomasi n. (pi. -ies). son) bound by social conventions. 3
[Latin tumeo swell] usual; of agreed significance. 4 not spon-
contumely 'kDnrju:mli n. 1 insolent taneous or sincere or original. 5 (of
language or treatment. 2 disgrace. weapons etc.) non nuclear. con-
[Latin: related to contumacious] ventionalism n. conventionality
contuse kan'tju:z v. (-sing) bruise. /-naeliti/ n. (pi -ies). conventionally
contusion n. [Latin tundo tus- thump] adv.
conundrum ka'nAndram/ n. 1 riddle, converge kan'v3:d3/ v. (-ging) 1 come
esp. one with a pun in its answer. 2 hard together or towards the same point. 2
question, [origin unknown] (foil,by on. upon) approach from dif-
conurbation /,kDn3:'beiJ(a)n/ n. ferent directions. convergence n.
extended urban area, esp. consisting of convergent adj. [Latin vergo incline]
conversant 184 cook-chill
conversant kan'v3:s(a)nt/ adj. (foil, by conviction kan'vikj(a)n/ n. 1 convict-
with) well acquainted with. [French: ing or being convicted. 2 a being con-
related to converse 1 ] vinced, b firm belief. [Latin: related to
conversation ,kDnv9'seiJ(a)n/ n. 1 in- convict]
formal spoken communication. 2 in- convince /kan'vms/ v. (-cing) firmly
stance of this. [Latin: related to con- persuade, z con vincible adj. convinc-
verse ] ing adj. convincingly adv. [Latin:
conversational adj. 1 of or in conver- related to convict]
sation. 2 colloquial. conversation- convivial /kan'vivial/ adj. fond of good
ally adv. company; sociable and lively, z con-
conversationalist n. person good at viviality /-'aeliti/ n. [Latin vivo live]
or fond of conversation. convocation .konva'keiJXa)^ n. 1 con-
converse 1
kan'v3:s/ v. (-sing) (often voking or being convoked. 2 large for-
foil,by with) talk. [Latin: related to mal gathering. [Latin: related to con-
convert] voke]
converse 2 /'kDnv3:s/ -adj. opposite, convoke kan'vauk/ v. (-king) formal
contrary, reversed, -n. something, esp. call together; summon to assemble.
a statement or proposition, that is op- [Latin voco call]
posite or reversed, z conversely adv. convoluted "kDnva,lu:tid aa[/. 1 coiled, ;

[Latin: related to convert] twisted. 2 complex. [Latin volvo volut-

conversion /kan'v3:.f(a)n/ n. 1 convert- roll]
ing or being converted. 2 converted convolution / kDnva'lu:J(a)n/ n. 1 coil-

building or part of this. [Latin: related to ing. 2 coil or twist. 3 complexity. 4

convert] sinuous fold in the surface of the brain.
convert -v. /kan'v3:t/ 1 (usu. foil, by convolvulus /kan'vDlvjolas/ n. (pi
change in form or function. 2 cause
-luses) twining plant, esp. bindweed.
(aperson) to change belief etc. 3 change
(moneys etc.) into others of a different convoy /'kDnvai -n. group of ships,
kind. 4 make structural alterations in (a
vehicles, etc., travelling together or
building) for a new purpose. 5 (also
under escort, -o. escort, esp. with
absol.) Rugby score extra points from (a
armed force, z in convoy as a group.
try) by a successful kick at the goal, -n.
[French: related to convey]
/'knnv3:t/ (often foil, by to) person con-
convulse /kan'vAls/ v. (-sing) 1 (usu. in
verted to a different belief etc. [Latin
passive) affect with convulsions. 2
verto vers- turn]
cause to laugh uncontrollably, z con-
convertible /kan'v3:nb(a)l/ -adj. able
vulsive adj. convulsively adv. [Latin
to be converted, -n. car with a folding or
vello vuls- pull]
detachable roof, z convertibility
[Latin: related to convert]
/-'biliti/ n.
convulsion /kan'vAlJ(a)n/ n. 1 (usu. in

convex /'konveks/ adj. curved like the pi) violent irregular motion of the limbs
or body caused by involuntary contrac-
exterior of a circle or sphere, z con-
tion of muscles. 2 violent disturbance. 3
vexity /-'veksiti/ n. [Latin]
(in pi) uncontrollable laughter.
convey /kan'vei/ v. 1 transport or carry
(goods, passengers, etc.). 2 commun-
cony /'kauni/ n. (also coney) rabbit fur.
icate (an idea, meaning, etc.). 3 transfer
[Latin cuniculus]
the title to (a property). 4 transmit coo -n. soft murmuring sound as of a
(sound etc.). z conveyable adj. [Latin dove. -v. (coos, cooed) 1 emit a coo. 2
via way] talk or say in a soft or amorous voice.
conveyance n. 1 conveying or being -int. slang expressing surprise or dis-
conveyed. 2 means of transport; vehicle. belief, [imitative]

3 Law a transfer of property, b docu- cooee 'ku:i:/ n. & int. colloq. call used to
ment effecting this, z conveyancer n. attract attention, [imitative]
(in sense 3). conveyancing n. (in sense cook /kuk/ -v. 1 prepare (food) by heat-
3). ing it. 2 (of food) undergo cooking. 3
conveyor n. (also conveyer) person or colloq. falsify (accounts etc.). 4 (as be
thing that conveys. cooking) colloq. be happening or about
conveyor belt endless moving belt
n. to happen, -n. person who cooks, esp.
for conveying articles, esp. in a factory. professionally or in a specified way (a
convict -v. /kan'vikt/ 1 (often foil, by of) good cook), z cook up colloq. concoct (a
prove to be guilty (of a crime etc.). 2 story, excuse, etc.). [Latin coquus]
declare guilty by a legal process, -n. cookbook n. US cookery book.
/'kDnvikt/ chiefly hist, person serving a cook-chill attrib. adj. (of food, meals,
prison sentence. [Latin vinco vict- con- etc.) sold in pre-cooked and refrigerated
quer] form.
cooker 185 copper
cooker n. 1 appliance or vessel for optive adj. [Latin coopto from opto
cooking food. 2 fruit (esp. an apple) choose]
suitable for cooking. coordinate (also co-ordinate) -v.
cookery n. art or practice of cooking. /kau'oidi.neit/ (-ting) 1 cause (parts,
cookery book n. book containing movements, etc.) to function together
recipes. efficiently. 2 work or act together effect-
cookie /'kuki/ n. US 1 sweet biscuit. 2 ively, -adj. /kau'oidmat/ equal in rank
colloq. person (a tough cookie). [Dutch or importance, -n. /kau'o:dinat/ 1 Math.
koekje] each of a system of values used to fix the
cool -adj. of or at a fairly low temper-
1 position of a point, line, or plane. 2 (in
ature, cold. 2 suggesting or
fairly pi) matching items of clothing, z co-
achieving coolness. 3 calm, unexcited. 4 ordination / - neij(a)n, n. coordinator
lacking enthusiasm. 5 unfriendly (a cool /-.neita(r)/ n. [Latin ordino: related to
reception). 6 calmly audacious. 7 (prec. order]
by a) colloq. at least (cost a cool thou- coot n. 1 black aquatic bird with a white

sand). 8 slang esp. US marvellous, -n. 1 horny plate on its forehead. 2 colloq.
coolness. 2 cool air or place. 3 slang stupid person, [probably Low German]
calmness, composure. -v. (often foil, by cop slang —n. 1 police officer. 2 capture
or arrest (it's a fair cop), -v. (-pp-) 1
down, off) make or become cool. cool
it slang relax, calm down. coolly catch or arrest (an offender). 2 receive,
adv. coolness n. [Old English] suffer. 3 take, seize, z cop it get into
coolant n. cooling agent, esp. fluid. trouble; be punished, cop out 1 with-
cool-bag n. (also cool-box) insulated draw; give up. 2 go back on a promise,
container for keeping food cool. not much cop of little value or use.
[French caper seize]
cooler n. 1 vessel in which a thing is
cooled. 2 US refrigerator. 3 slang prison
copal /'kaup(a)l/ n. resin of a tropical
tree, used for varnish. [Spanish from
coolie /'ku:li/ n. unskilled native
copartner /kau'pa:tna(r)/ n. partner or
labourer in Eastern countries, [perhaps
associate, z copartnership n.
from Kuli, tribe in India]
cope 1 v. (-ping) (often foil, by with) deal
cooling-ofF period n. interval to allow or contend; manage.
for a change of mind,
[French: related to coup]
cooling tower n. tall structure for 2
cope -n. priest's long cloaklike vest-
cooling hot water before reuse, esp. in
ment, -v. (-ping) cover with a cope or
industry. coping. [Latin cappa cap]
coomb /ku:m/ n. (also combe) 1 valley copeck /'kaupek/ n. (also kopek,
on the side of a hill. 2 short valley kopeck) Russian coin worth one-
running up from the coast. [Old Eng- hundredth of a rouble. [Russian
lish] kopeika]
coon n. 1 US racoon. 2 slang offens. Copernican system /ka'p3:nikan/ n.
Black, [abbreviation] theory that the planets (including the
coop -n. cage for keeping poultry, -v. earth) move round the sun. [Coperni-
(often foil, by up, in) confine (a person). cus, name of an astronomer]
[Latin cupa cask] copier /'kDpia(r)/ n. machine that copies
co-op /'kauDp/ n. colloq. cooperative (esp. documents).
society or shop, [abbreviation] copilot /'kao.pailat/ n. second pilot in an
cooper n. maker or repairer of casks, aircraft.
barrels, etc. [Low German or Dutch: coping n. top (usu. sloping) course of
related to coop] masonry in a wall, [from cope ]
cooperate /kau' v. (also co- coping saw n. D-shaped saw for cutting
-operate) (-ting) 1 (often foil, by with) curves in wood, [from cope ]

work or act together. 2 be helpful and coping-stone n. stone used in coping,

do as one is asked. cooperation copious /'kaupias/ adj. 1 abundant. 2
/-'reij(8)n/ n. [related to co-] producing much. copiously adv.
cooperative /kau'Dparativ/ (also co- [Latin copia plenty]
-operative) -adj. 1 willing to cooperate. cop-out n. cowardly evasion.
2 of or characterized by cooperation. 3 copper 1
-n. 1 malleable red-brown
(of a business) owned and run jointly by metallic element. 2 bronze coin. 3 large
its members, with profits shared, -n. metal vessel for boiling esp. laundry.
cooperative farm, society, or business. -adj. made of or coloured like copper.
co-opt /kau'Dpt/ v. appoint to member- -v. cover with copper. [Latin cuprum]
ship of a body by invitation of the copper 2 n. slang police officer, [from
existing members. co-option n. co- cop]
copper beech 186 core
copper beech n. variety of beech with coracle /'kDrak(a)l/ n. small boat of
copper-coloured leaves. wickerwork covered with watertight
copper-bottomed adj. 1 having a bot- material. [Welsh]
tom sheathed with copper. 2 genuine or coral /'kDr(a)l/ -n. hard red, pink, or
reliable. white calcareous substance secreted by
copperhead n. venomous N. American marine polyps for support and hab-
or Australian snake. itation, -adj. 1 red or pink, like coral. 2
copperplate 1 a polished copper made of coral. [Greek korallion]
plate for engraving or etching, b print coral island n. (also coral reef) island
made from this. 2 ornate style of hand- (or reef) formed by the growth of coral.
writing. coralline /'kDra.lam/ -n. seaweed with
coppice /'kDpis/ n. area of undergrowth a hard jointed stem. -adj. of or like
and small trees, [medieval Latin: coral. [French and Italian: related to
related to coup] coral]
copra /'kopra/ n. dried coconut-kernels. cor anglais /ko:r 'onglei/ n. (pi. cors
[Portuguese from Malayalam] anglais /ko:z/) alto woodwind instru-
copse n. = coppice, [shortened forml ment of the oboe family. [French]
Copt n. 1 native Egyptian in the Hellen- corbel /'ko:b(a)l/ n. projection of stone,
istic and Roman periods. 2 native timber, jutting out from a wall to
Christian of the independent Egyptian support a weight, c corbelled adj.
Church. [French from Arabic] [Latin corvus crow]
Coptic -n. language of the Copts, -adj. cord -n. 1 a flexible material like thick
of the Copts. string, made from twisted strands, b
copula /'kopjula/ n. (pi. -s) connecting piece of this. 2 similar structure in the
word, esp. part of the verb be connecting body. 3 a ribbed fabric, esp. corduroy, b
subject and predicate. [Latin] (in pi.) corduroy trousers. 4 electric flex.
copulate /'kDpju.leit/ v. (-ting) (often -v. 1 fasten or bind with cord. 2 (as
foil, by with) (esp. of animals) have corded adj.) (of cloth) ribbed. [Greek
sexual intercourse. copulation khorde string]
/-'leiJXaW n. cordial /'ko:dial/ -adj. 1 heartfelt. 2
copy /'kDpi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 thing made to friendly, -n. fruit-flavoured drink.
imitate another. 2 single specimen of a cordiality /-'aeliti/ n. cordially adv.
publication or issue. 3 material to be [Latin cor cord- heart]
printed, esp. regarded as good etc. read- cordite /'ko:dait/ n. smokeless explos-
ing matter (the crisis will make excit- ive, [from cord, because of its appear-
ing copy), -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make a copy ance]
of. 2 imitate, do the same as. [Latin copia cordless adj. (of a hand-held electrical
transcript] device) usable without a power cable
copybook n. 1 book containing models because working from an internal
of handwriting for learners to imitate. 2 source of energy or battery.
(attrib.)a tritely conventional, b cordon /'ko:d(a)n/ -n. 1 line or circle of
exemplary. police, soldiers, guards, etc., esp. pre-
copycat n. colloq. person who copies venting access. 2 ornamental cord or
another, esp. slavishly. braid. 3 fruit-tree trained to grow as a
copyist n. person who makes (esp. writ- single stem. -v. (often foil, by off) en-
ten) copies. close or separate with a cordon of police
copyright -n. exclusive legal right to etc. [Italian and French: related to
print, publish, perform, film, or record cord]
material, -adj. protected by copyright. cordon bleu /,ko:dDn 'bl3:/ Cookery
-v. secure copyright for (material). -adj. of the highest class, -n. cook of
copy-typist n. typist who types from this class. [French]
documents rather than dictation. cordon sanitaire /,ko:d5 ,saeni'tea(r)/
copywriter n. person who writes or n. 1 guarded line between infected and
prepares advertising copy for publica- uninfected districts. 2 measure
tion. designed to prevent the spread of un-
coq au vin /,knk au 'vae/ n. casserole of desirable influences.
chicken pieces in wine. [French] corduroy /'kotfa.roi/ n. 1 thick cotton
coquette /kD'ket/ n. woman who flirts. fabric with velvety ribs. 2 (in pi.) cor-
coquetry /'kDkitn/ n. (pi. -ies). duroy trousers, [cord = ribbed fabric]
coquettish adj. [French diminutive: core -n. 1 horny central part of certain
fruits, containing the seeds. 2 central or
related to cock ]
cor slang expressing surprise
int. etc. most important part of anything (also
[corruption of God] attrib.: core curriculum). 3 inner cent-
cor- see com-. ral region of the earth. 4 part of a
co-respondent 187 corollary
nuclear reactor containing fissile cornelian /ko:'ni:li8n/ n. (also car-
material. 5 hist, structural unit in a nelian /ka:-/) dull red variety of chal-
computer, storing one bit of data (see cedony. [French]
bit ). 6 inner strand of an electric cable. corner -n. 1 place where converging
7 piece of soft iron forming the centre of sides or edges meet. 2 projecting angle,
an electromagnet or induction coil. —v. esp. where two streets meet. 3 internal
(-ring) remove the core from. corer n. space or recess formed by the meeting of
[origin unknown] two sides, esp. of a room. 4 difficult
co-respondent /,k8uri'spDnd(8)nt/ n. position, esp. one with no escape. 5
person cited in a divorce case as having secluded place. 6 region or quarter, esp.
committed adultery with the respond- a remote one. 7 action or result of
ent. buying or controlling the whole stock of
corgi /'ko:gi/ n. (pi. -s) dog of a short- a commodity. 8 Boxing & Wrestling
legged breed with a foxlike head. corner of the ring where a contestant
[Welsh] rests between rounds. 9 Football &
coriander / kDn'aend8(r)/ n. 1 aromatic
Hockey free kick or hit from the corner
plant. 2 its seeds used for flavouring. of a pitch, -v. 1 force into a difficult or
[Greek koriannon] inescapable position. 2 establish a cor-
Corinthian /ka'rmGian/ adj. 1 of ner in (a commodity). 3 (esp. of or in a
ancient Corinth in southern Greece. 2 vehicle) go round a corner. [Latin:
Archit. of the order characterized by related to corn 2 ]
ornate decoration and acanthus leaves. cornerstone n. 1 a stone in the project-

[Latinfrom Greek] ing angle of a wall, b foundation-stone. 2

cork-rc. 1 buoyant light-brown bark of a indispensable part or basis.
S. European oak. 2 bottle-stopper of
cornet /'ko nit/ n. 1 brass instrument
resembling a trumpet but shorter and
cork etc. 3 float of cork. 4 (attrib.) made
wider. 2 conical wafer for holding ice-
of cork. -v. (often foil, by up) 1 stop or
cream. cornetist /ko:'netist/ n. (also
confine. 2 restrain (feelings etc.). [Span-
cornettist). [Latin cornu: related to
ish alcorque] 2
corkage n. charge made by a restaurant cornflake

n. 1 (in pi.) breakfast cereal

etc. for serving a customer's own wine
of toasted maize flakes. 2 flake of this
corked adj. 1 stopped with a cork. 2 (of
cornflour n. fine-ground flour, esp. of
wine) spoilt by a decayed cork.
maize or rice.
corker n. slang excellent person or cornflower n. plant with deep-blue
flowers originally growing among corn.
corkscrew -n. 1 spiral device for cornice ornamental mould-
/'ko:nis/ n.
extracting corks from bottles. 2 (often ing, esp.round a room just below the
attrib.) thing with a spiral shape, -i>.
ceiling or as the topmost part of an
move spirally; twist. entablature. [French from Italian]
corm n. underground swollen stem base Cornish /'ko:niJ7 -adj. of Cornwall, -n.
of some plants. [Greek kormos lopped Celtic language of Cornwall.
tree-trunk] Cornish pasty n. pastry envelope con-
cormorant /'koimarant/ n. diving sea taining meat and vegetables.
bird with black plumage. [Latin corvus corn on the cob n. maize cooked and
marinus sea-raven] eaten from the corn-cob.
corn 1 /*. 1 a cereal before or after har- cornucopia /.komju'kaupia/ n. 1 horn
vesting, esp. the chief crop of a region, b overflowing with flowers, fruit, and
grain or seed of a cereal plant. 2 colloq. corn, as a symbol of plenty. 2 abundant
something corny or trite. [Old English] supply. [Latin: related to corn copi- ,

corn 2 n. small tender area of horny skin, ous]

esp. on the toe. [Latin cornu horn] corny adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 banal. 2
corn-cob n. cylindrical centre of a feebly humorous. 3 sentimental,
maize ear on which the grains grow. cornily adv. corniness n. [from
corncrake n. rail inhabiting grassland CORN 1

and nesting on the ground. corolla /ka'rnla/ n. whorl of petals form-

corn dolly n. figure of plaited straw. ing the inner envelope of a flower.
cornea /'ko:nia/ n. transparent circular [Latin diminutive of corona]
part of the front of the eyeball. cor- corollary /ka'mlan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 pro-

neal adj. [medieval Latin: related to position that follows from one already
CORN 2 ] proved. 2 (often foil, by of) natural
corned adj. (esp. of beef) preserved in consequence. [Latin, = gratuity:
salt or brine, [from corn
related to corolla]
corona 188 correspondence
corona ka'rauna it (pi. -nae -ni: ) 1 a corps de ballet ,ko: da 'ba^lei n. group
halo round the sun or moon, b gaseous of ensemble dancers in a ballet.
envelope of the sun. seen as an area of [French]
light around the moon during a total corpse n. dead body. [Latin: related to
solar eclipse. 2 Anat. crownlike struc- corpus]
ture. 3 crownlike outgrowth from the corpulent 'ka.pjulant adj. physically
inner side of a corolla. 4 glow around bulky; fat. z corpulence n. [Latin:
an electric conductor. coronal adj. related to corpus]
[Latin. = crown] corpus 'ka:pas n. (pi. -pora) body or
coronary 'kuranari -adj. Anat. collection of writings, texts, etc. [Latin,
resembling or encircling like a crown. = body]
-71. (pi. -ieS) = CORONARY THROMBOSIS. corpuscle 'ko:pAS(a)l n. minute body
[Latin: related to corona] or cell in an organism, esp. (in pi.) the
coronary artery n. artery supplying red or white cells in the blood of ver-
blood to the heart. tebrates, z corpuscular -'pAskjola(r)/
coronary thrombosis n. blockage adj. [Latin diminutive of corpus]
caused by a blood clot in a coronary corral ka'ra:l -n. 1 US pen for cattle,
artery. horses, etc. 2 enclosure for capturing
coronation ,kDra'neiJ(a)n n. cere- wild animals, -u. (-11-) put or keep in a
mony of crowning a sovereign or con- corral. [Spanish and Portuguese:
sort, [medieval Latin: related to co- related to kraal]
rona] correct ka'rekt -adj. 1 true, accurate.
coroner 'kDrana(r) n. official holding 2 proper, in accordance with taste or a
inquests on deaths thought to be violent standard, -v. 1 set right; amend. 2 mark
or accidental. [Anglo-French: related to errors in. 3 substitute a right thing for (a
crown] wrong one). 4 a admonish (a person), b
coronet 'kuranit n. 1 small crown. 2 punish (a person or fault). 5 counteract
circlet of precious materials, esp. as a (a harmful quality). 6 adjust (an instru-
headdress. [French diminutive: related ment etc.). z correctly adv. correct-
to crown] ness n. corrector n. [Latin rego rect-
corpora pi of corpus. guide]
corporal 'ko:pr(a)l n. non-commis-
correction ka'rekj(a)n n. 1 correcting
sioned army or air-force officer ranking or being corrected. 2 thing substituted
next below sergeant. [French from It- for what is wrong. 3 archaic punish-
alian] ment, z correctional adj. [Latin:
corporal 2 'ko:par(a)l adj. of the related to correct]
human body, z corporality -'rseliti n. correctitude ka'rekti,tju:d n. con-
[Latin corpus body] sciously correct behaviour, [from cor-
corporal punishment n. physical rect, rectitude]
punishment. corrective -adj. serving to correct or
corporate 'ko:parat adj. 1 forming a counteract something harmful, -n. cor-
corporation. 2 of. belonging to, or united rective measure or thing. [Latin: related
in a group. [Latin: related to cor- to correct]
poral 2 ]
correlate 'kora.leit/ -v. (-ting) (usu.
corporation ,ka:pa'reijXa)n n. 1 group foil, by with, to) have or bring into a
of people authorized to act as an indi- mutual relation or dependence, -n.
vidual, esp. in business. 2 municipal each of two related or complementary
authorities of a borough, town, or city. 3 things, z correlation -'leij(a)n/ n.

joc. large stomach. [medieval Latin correlation

corporative 'ka:paratrv/ adj. 1 of a correlative /ka'relativ, -adj. 1 (often
corporation. 2 governed by or organized foil, by with, to) having a mutual re-
in corporations. lation. 2 (ofwords) corresponding to
corporeal ko:'po:rial adj. bodily, each other and used together (as neither
physical, material, z corporeality and nor), -n. correlative word or thing.
-'aeliti n. corporeally adv. [Latin: correspond .kori'spond/ v. 1 a (usu.
related to corporal ]
foil, by to) be similar or equivalent, b
corps ka:(r) n. (pi. corps ka:z ) 1 a (usu. foil, by with, to) be in agreement,
body of troops with special duties (intel- not contradict. 2 (usu. foil, by with)
ligence corps), b main subdivision of an exchange letters, z correspondingly
army in the field. 2 body of people adv. [French from medieval Latin]
engaged in a special activity (diplo- correspondence n. 1 agreement or

matic corps). [French: related to similarity. 2 a exchange of letters, b

corpse] letters.
correspondence course 189 cosmonaut
correspondence course n. course of cortex /'ko:teks/ n. (pi. -tices /-ti,si:z )

study conducted by post. outer part of an organ, esp. of the brain

correspondent n. 1 person who writes or kidneys. cortical /-tik(a)l/ adj.
letters. 2 person employed to write or [Latin, = bark]
report for a newspaper or for broadcast- cortisone /'ko:ti,zaun/ n. hormone used
ing etc. esp. in treating inflammation and
corridor /'kDn.dotfr)/ n. 1 passage giv- allergy, [abbreviation of chemical
ing access into rooms. 2 passage in a name]
train giving access into compartments. corundum /ka'rAndam/ n. extremely
3 strip of territory of one State passing hard crystallized alumina, used esp. as
through that of another. 4 route which an abrasive. [Tamil from Sanskrit]
an aircraft must follow, esp. over a coruscate /'kDra.skeit/ v. (-ting)
foreign country. [French from Italian] sparkle. coruscation /-'skeij(a)n/ n.
corridors of power places where [Latin]
covert influence is said to be exerted in corvette /ko:'vet/ 1n.small naval
government. escort-vessel. 2 hist, warship with one
corrigendum /.kDri'gendam/ n. (pi. tier of guns. [French from Dutch]
-da) error to be corrected. [Latin cor- corymb /'konmb/ n. flat-topped cluster
rigo: related to correct] of flowers with the outer flower-stalks
corrigible /'kDnd3ib(a)l/ adj. 1 able to proportionally longer. [Latin from
be corrected. 2 submissive. cor- Greek]
rigibly adv. [medieval Latin: related to cos n. lettuce with crisp narrow leaves.
corrigendum] [Kos, Greek island]
corroborate /ka' v. (-ting) COS 2/kDZ/ abbr. cosine.
confirm or give support to (a statement cos 3 /kaz/ conj. colloq. because, [abbre-
or belief etc.). corroboration viation]
/-'reij(a)n/ n. corroborative /-rativ/ cosec /'kausek/ abbr. cosecant.
adj. corroborator n. [Latin robur cosecant /kau'si:kant/ n. Math, ratio of
strength] the hypotenuse (in a right-angled tri-
corrode /ka'raud/ v. (-ding) 1 a wear angle) to the side opposite an acute
away, esp. by chemical action, b decay. angle.
2 destroy gradually. [Latin rodo ros- cosh 1
colloq. -n. heavy blunt weapon.
gnaw] -v. hit with a cosh, [origin unknown]
corrosion /ka'rau3(a)n/ n. 1 corroding cosh /kDj, kDs'eitJV abbr. hyperbolic
or being corroded. 2 corroded area. cosine.
corrosive adj. & n. co-signatory /kao'signatan/ n. (pi.
corrugate /'kDra.geit/ v. (-ting) (esp. as -ies) person or State signing a treaty etc.
corrugated adj.) form into alternate jointly with others.
ridges and grooves, esp. to strengthen cosine /'kausain/ n. ratio of the side
(corrugated iron). corrugation adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-
/-'geij(9)n/ n. [Latin ruga wrinkle] angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
corrupt /ka'rApt/ -ac(/. 1 dishonest, esp. cosmetic /kDz'metik/ -adj. 1 beautify-
using bribery. 2 immoral; wicked. 3 (of a ing, enhancing. 2 superficially improv-
text etc.) made unreliable by errors or ing or beneficial. 3 (of surgery or a
alterations, -u. make or become cor- prosthesis) imitating, restoring, or
rupt. corruptible adj. corrupt- enhancing normal appearance, -n. cos-
ibility /- corruption n. cor-
biliti/ n. metic preparation, esp. for the face,
ruptive adj. corruptly adv. cosmetically adv. [Greek, = orna-
corruptness n. [Latin rumpo rupt- ment]
cosmic /'kozmik/ adj. 1 of the cosmos or
corsage /ko:'sa:3/ n. small bouquet its scale:universal (of cosmic signific-
worn by women. [French: related to ance). 2 of or for space travel.
CORPSE] cosmic rays high-energy radi-
corsair /'ko:sea(r)/ n. 1 pirate ship. 2 ations from space etc.
pirate. [French: related to course] cosmogony /kDz'mogani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
corselette /'ka:slit/ n. combined corset origin of the universe. 2 theory about
and bra. [French corslet armour cover- this. [Greek -gonia -begetting]
ing trunk] cosmology /kDz'mDlad3i/ n. science or
corset /'ko:sit/ n. closely-fitting under- theory of the universe. cosmological
1 1

garment worn to shape the body or to /-malDd3ik(a)l/ adj. cosmologist n.

support it after injury. corsetry n. [from cosmos, -logy]
[French diminutive: related to corpse] cosmonaut /'kDzma,no:t/ n. Soviet
cortege /ko:'tei3/ n. procession, esp. for astronaut, [from cosmos, Greek nautes
a funeral. [French] sailor]
cosmopolitan 190 cough
cosmopolitan .kuzma'puhuem — adj. right-angled triangle) to the opposite
1 of. from, or knowing many parts of the side.
world. 2 free from national limitations cot-death rt unexplained death of a
or prejudices, -n. cosmopolitan person. sleeping baby.
cosmopolitanism n. [Greek polites cote rt shelter for animals or birds. [Old
citizen] English]
cosmos kozmos n. the universe as a coterie 'keuton n. exclusive group of
well-ordered whole. [Greek] people sharing interests. [French]
Cossack kusa?k rt member of a people cotoneaster ka,taoni*sesta(r) n. shrub
of southern Russia. [Turki quzzaq) bearing usu. bright red berries. [Latin
cosset 'kDsit r. (-t-) pamper, [dialect cotoneum quince]
cosset = pet lamb, probably from Old cottage 'kutidj n. small simple house,
English. = cottager] esp. in the country. [Anglo-French:
cost -i'. {past and past part, cost) 1 be related to cot ]

obtainable for (a sum of money): have as cottage cheese rt soft white lumpy
a price. 2 involve as a loss or sacrifice (it cheese made from skimmed milk curds.
cost him his life). 3 {past and past part. cottage industry rt business activity
costed) fix or estimate the cost of. -n. 1 carried on at home.
what a thing costs; price. 2 loss or cottage pie rt dish of minced meat
sacrifice. 3 (in pi) legal expenses, z at topped with mashed potato.
all costs (or at any cost) whatever the cottager ft person who lives in a cot-
cost or risk may be. [Latin consto stand tage.
at a price] cotter it 1 bolt or wedge for securing
costal 'kust(e)l adj. of the ribs. [Latin parts of machinery etc. 2 (in full cotter
costa rib] pin) split pin that can be opened after
cost-effective adj. effective in relation passing through a hole, [origin
to its cost. unknown]
costermonger ,

kDste mArjga(r) 1
rt cotton 'kotom rt 1 soft white fibrous
person who sells produce from a bar- substance covering the seeds of certain
row, [costard large apple: related to plants. 2 such a plant. 3 thread or cloth
COSTAL] from this, z cotton on (often foil, by to)
costing rt estimation of cost(s). colloq. begin to understand. [French
costive kDstiv adj. constipated. from Arabic]
[Latin: related to constipate] cotton wool n. fluffy wadding of a kind
costly adj. (-ier. -iest) costing much: orig. made from raw cotton,
expensive, z costliness rt cotyledon koti li:d(a)n rt embryonic
cost of living rt level of prices esp. of leaf in seed-bearing plants. [Greek
basic necessities. kotule cup]
cost price rt price paid for a thing by couch 1
-n. 1 upholstered piece of furni-
one who later sells it. ture for several people: sofa. 2 long
costume 'kostjium -n. 1 style of dress, padded seat with a headrest at one end.
esp. of a particular place or time. 2 set of -v. 1 (foil, by in) express in (certain
clothes. 3 clothing for a particular ac- terms). 2 archaic (of an animal) lie. esp.
tivity (swimming-costume). 4 actor's in its lair. [Latin colloco lay in place]
clothes for a part. -i\ (-ming) provide couch : kautj. ku:tj rt (in full couch
with a costume. [Latin: related to cus- grass) a grass with long creeping roots,
tom] [var. of quitch]
costume jewellery it artificial jewel couchette ku:'Jet n. 1 railway car-
lery. riage with seats convertible into sleep-
costumier kD'stju:mi8(r) n. person ing-berths. 2 berth in this. [French. =
who makes or deals in costumes. little bed]
[French: related to costume] couch potato rt US slang person who
cosy kauzi (US cozy)- adj. (-ier. -iest) likes lazing at home,
comfortable and warm: snug. -n. (pL cougar 'ku:ga(r) rt US puma. [French
-ies) cover to keep a teapot etc. hot. from Guarani]
cosily adv. cosiness rt [origin cough kuf -v. 1 expel air etc. from the
unknown] lungs with a sudden sharp sound. 2 (off
cot 1
ii small bed with high sides for a
1 an engine etc.) make a similar sound. 3
baby. 2 small light bed. [Hindi] slang confess, -n. 1 act of coughing. 2
cot n. 1 small shelter; cote. 2 poet. condition of respiratory organs causing
cottage. [Old English] coughing. cough up 1 eject with
cot J abbr. cotangent. coughs. 2 slang bring out or give
cotangent kau'ta?nd3(a)nt rt ratio of (money or information) reluctantly,
the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a [imitative, related to Dutch kuchen]
cough mixture 191 countermeasure
cough mixture n. liquid medicine to count 1 defeated. 2 unconscious; asleep.
relieve a cough. [Latin: related to compute]
could past of can 1 v. colloq. feel
, count n. foreign noble corresponding
inclined to (/ could murder him). to an earl. [Latin comes companion]
couldn't /'kud(a)nt/ contr. could not. countable adj. 1 that can be counted. 2
coulomb /'kuilom/ n. SI unit of electric Gram, (of a noun) that can form a plural
charge. [Coulomb, name of a physicist] or be used with the indefinite article.
coulter /'kaulta(r)/ n. (US colter) ver- countdown n. 1 act of counting back-
tical blade in front of a ploughshare. wards to zero, esp. at the launching of a
[Latin culter knife] rocket etc. 2 period immediately before
council /'kaons(a)l/ n. 1 a advisory, an event.
deliberative, or administrative body, b countenance /'kauntmans/ -n. 1 the
meeting of such a body. 2 a local admin- face or facial expression. 2 composure. 3
istrative body of a parish, district, town, moral support, -v. (-cing) support, ap-
etc. b (attrib.) provided by a local coun- prove. [French: related to contain]
cil (council flat). [Latin concilium] counter 1 n. 1 long flat-topped fitment in
councillor n. member of a (esp. local) a shop etc., across which business is
council. conducted. 2 a small disc for playing or
council tax n. proposed new local tax scoring in board-games etc. b token
based on the value of a property and the representing a coin. 3 apparatus for
number of people living in it, to replace counting. under the counter surrep-
titiously, esp. illegally, [related to
the community charge. 1

counsel /'kaons(a)l/ -n. advice, esp.


formally given. 2 consultation for ad- counter2 a oppose, contradict, b

-d. 1

vice. 3 (pi. same) legal adviser, esp. a

meet by countermove. 2 Boxing give a
return blow while parrying, -adv. in
barrister; body of these, -v. (-11-; US -1-)
the opposite direction or manner, -adj.
1 advise (a person). 2 give esp. profes-
opposite, -n. parry; countermove.
sional advice to (a person) on personal
[related to counter-]
problems. 3 recommend (a course of
counter- comb, form denoting: 1 retali-
action). keep one's own counsel not
ation, opposition, or rivalry (counter-
confide in others, take counsel (usu.
threat). 2 opposite direction (counter-
foil, by with) consult. counselling n.
clockwise). 3 correspondence (counter-
[Latin consilium] contra
part; countersign). [Latin
counsellor n. (US counselor) 1 ad-
person giving professional guid-
viser. 2
counteract /.kaunta'raekt/ v. hinder or
ance on personal problems. 3 US barris- neutralize by contrary action, coun-
ter. counteractive
teraction n. adj.
counsel of perfection n. ideal but counter-attack -n. attack in reply to a
impracticable advice. preceding attack, -v. attack in reply.
count 1
-v. 1 determine the total number counterbalance -n. weight or
of, esp. by assigning successive influence balancing another, -v. (-cing)
'numbers. 2 repeat numbers in ascend- act as a counterbalance to.
ing order. 3 (often foil, by in) include or counter-clockwise /.kaunta
be included in one's reckoning or plan. 4 'klokwaiz/ adv. & adj. US = anti-
consider or regard to be (lucky etc.). 5 clockwise.
(often foil, by for) have value; matter counter-espionage /.kauntar
(my opinion counts for little). 1 a 'espia,na:3/ n. action taken against
counting or being counted, b total of enemy spying.
reckoning. 2 Law each charge in an counterfeit /'kauntafit/ -adj. made in
indictment. count against be reck- imitation; not genuine; forged, -n. a
oned to the disadvantage of. count forgery or imitation. -v. imitate fraudu-
one's blessings be grateful for what lently; forge. [French]
one has. count on (or upon) rely on; counterfoil n. part of a cheque, receipt,
expect, count out 1 count while taking etc., retained by the payer as a record,
from a stock. 2 complete a count of ten [from foil ]

seconds over (a fallen boxer etc.). 3 counter-intelligence /.kauntann

colloq. exclude, disregard. 4 Polit. pro- 'tehd3(a)ns/ n. « counter-espionage.
cure the adjournment of (the House of countermand /,kaonta'ma:nd/ -v. 1
Commons) when fewer than 40 mem- revoke (a command). 2 recall by a con-
bers are present, count up find the sum trary order, -n. order revoking a pre-
of. keep count take note of how many vious one. [Latin: related to mandate]
there have been etc. lose count forget countermeasure n. action taken to
the number etc. counted, out for the counteract a danger, threat, etc.
countermove 192 courageous
countermove n. move or action in country club n. sporting and social
opposition to another. club in a rural setting,
counterpane 'kaunta.pem n. bed- country dance n. traditional dance.
spread, [medieval Latin culcita puncta esp. English, usu. with couples facing
quilted mattress] each other in lines.
counterpart n. 1 person or thing like countryman n. (Jem. countrywoman)
another or forming the complement or 1 person living in a rural area. 2 (also
equivalent to another. 2 duplicate. fellow-countryman) person of one's
counterpoint 'kaanta.point n. 1 a art own country.
or practice of combining melodies country music n. = country and
according to fixed rules, b melody com- WESTERN.
bined with another. 2 contrasting argu- countryside n. rural areas.
ment, plot, literary theme, etc. [medi- country-wide adj. & adv. extending
eval Latin contrapunctum marked throughout a nation.
opposite] county 'kaunti -n. (pi. -ies) 1 territor-
counterpoise 'kaonta.poiz -rc. 1
ial division in some countries, forming
counterbalance. 2 state of equilibrium. the chief unit of local administration. 2
-v. (-sing) counterbalance. [Latin pen- US political and administrative division
sum weight] of a State, -adj. of or like the gentry.
counter-productive .kaontapra [Latin comitatus: related to count ]

'cL\ktiv adj. having the opposite of the

county council n. elected governing
desired effect. body of an administrative county.
counter-revolution ,kaunta,reva county court n. judicial court for civil
'lu:J\a)n n.revolution opposing a cases.
former one or reversing its results. county town n. administrative capital
countersign — n add a signature to (a of a county.
document already signed by another). coup ku: n. (pi. -s ku:z ) 1 successful
-n. 1 password spoken to a person on
stroke or move. 2 = coup d'etat.
guard. 2 mark used for identification
[medieval Latin colpus blow]
etc. [Italian: related to sign]
coup de grace ,ku: da 'grcus n. finish-
countersink r. (past and past part.
ing stroke. [French]
-sunk) 1 shape (the rim of a hole) so that
coup d'etat ,ku: dei'ta:/ n. (pi. coups
a screw or bolt can be inserted flush
d'etat pronunc. same) violent or illegal
with the surface. 2 sink (a screw etc.) in
seizure of power. [French]
such a hole.
counter-tenor n. 1 male alto singing-
coupe 'ku.pei n. (US coupe ku:p')car
with a hard roof, two doors, and usu. a
voice. 2 singer with this voice. [Italian:
sloping rear. [French couper cut]
related to contra-]
countervail 'kaonta.veil v. literary couple 'kAp(a)l -n. 1 a two (a couple of
girls), b about two (a couple of hours). 2
1 counterbalance. 2 (often foil, by
a two people who are married to. or in a
against) oppose, usu. successfully.
sexual relationship with, each other, b
[Latin valeo have worth]
pair of partners in a dance etc. — v.
counterweight n. counterbalancing
(-ling) 1 link together. 2 associate in
countess 'kaontis wife or widow
n. 1
thought or speech. 3 copulate. [Latin
of a count or earl. 2 woman holding the copula]
rank of count or earl. [Latin comitissa: couplet 'kApht n. two successive lines
related to count ]
2 of verse, usu. rhyming and of the same
countless adj. too many to be counted. length. [French diminutive: related to
countrified 'kAntn.faid adj. rustic in couple]
manner or appearance. coupling 'kAplirj n. 1 link connecting

country 'k\ntn n. {pi. -ies) 1 territory railway carriages etc. 2 device for con-
of a nation; State. 2 (often attrib.) rural necting parts of machinery.
districts as opposed to towns or the coupon 'ku:pDn n. 1 form etc. as an
capital. 3 land of a person's birth or application for a purchase etc. 2 entry
citizenship. 4 region with regard to its form for a football pool or other
aspect, associations, etc. {mountainous competition. 3 discount voucher given
country; Hardy country). 5 national with a purchase. [French couper cut]
population, esp. as voters, [medieval courage 'kAnds n. ability to disregard
Latin contrata (terra) (land) lying op- fear, bravery, courage of one's con-
posite] victions courage to act on one*s beliefs.
country-and-western n. type of folk [Latin cor heart]
music originated by Whites in the courageous ka'reid3as adj. brave, z
southern US. courageously adv.
courgette 193 cover
courgette /kua'3et/ n. small vegetable court martial /,ko:t 'ma:J(a)l/ -tl (pi.
marrow. [French] courts martial) judicial court trying
courier /'kuri8(r)/ n. 1 person employed members of the armed services, -u.
to guide and assist tourists. 2 special (court-martial) (-11-; US -1-) try by this,

messenger. [Latin curro curs- run] court order n. direction issued by a

course /ko:s/ -n. 1 onward movement court or judge.
or progression. 2 direction taken courtroom n. room in which a court of
(changed course). 3 stretch of land or law meets.
water for races; golf-course. 4 series of courtship n. 1 courting, wooing. 2
lessons etc. in a particular subject. 5 courting behaviour of animals, birds,
each successive part of a meal. 6 se- etc.
quence of medical treatment etc. 7 line court shoe n. woman's light, usu. high-
of conduct. 8 continuous horizontal heeled, shoe with a low-cut upper.
layer of masonry, brick, etc. 9 channel courtyard n. area enclosed by walls or
in which water flows, -v. (-sing) 1 (esp. buildings.
of liquid) run, esp. fast. 2 (also absol.) couscous /'ku:sku:s/ n. N. African dish
use hounds to hunt (esp. hares). in of crushed wheat or coarse flour
course of in the process of. in the steamed over broth, often with meat or
course of during, of course naturally; fruit added. [French from Arabic]
as is or was to be expected; admittedly. cousin /'kAz(8)n/ n. 1 (also first cousin)
[Latin cursus: related to courier] child of one's uncle or aunt. 2 person of a
courser n. poet, swift horse, kindred race or nation. [Latin consobri-
court /ko:t/ -n. 1 (in full court of law) a nus]
judicialbody hearing legal cases, b = Usage There is often some confusion
courtroom. 2 quadrangular area for as to the difference between cousin, first
games (tennis-court; squash-court). 3 a cousin, second cousin, first cousin once
yard surrounded by houses with entry removed, etc. For definitions see cousin,
from the street, b = courtyard. 4 a the second cousin and remove v. 5.
residence, retinue, and courtiers of a
sovereign, b sovereign and councillors, couture /ku:'tjoa(r)/ n. design and
constituting the ruling power, c as- manufacture of fashionable clothes.
sembly held by a sovereign; State recep- [French]
tion. 5 attention paid to a person whose couturier /ku:'tju8ri,ei/ n. fashion
favour etc. is sought (paid court to her), designer.
-v. 1 a try to win affection or favour of. cove 1
-n. 1 small bay or creek. 2 shel-
b pay amorous attention to. 2 seek to tered recess. 3 moulding, esp. at the
win (applause, fame, etc.). 3 invite (mis- junction of a wall and a ceiling, -v.
fortune) by one's actions. go to court (-ving) 1 provide (a room etc.) with a
take legal action, out of court 1 without cove. 2 slope (the sides of a fireplace)
reaching trial. 2 not worthy of con- inwards. [Old English]
sideration. [Latin: related to cohort] cove 2 n. slang fellow, chap, [cant: origin
court-card n. playing-card that is a unknown]
king, queen, or jack, coven /'kAv(a)n/ n. assembly of witches,
courteous /'k3:ti8s/ adj. polite, consid- [related to convent]
erate. courteously adv. courteous- covenant /'kAvanant/ -n. 1 agreement;
ness n. [French: related to court] contract. 2 Law sealed contract, esp. a
courtesan /.koiti'zaen/ n. prostitute, deed of covenant. 3 (Covenant) Bibl.
esp. one with wealthy or upper-class agreement between God and the Israel-
clients. [Italian: related to court] ites, -v. agree, esp. by legal covenant.

courtesy /'k3:tasi/ n. (pi. -ies) courteous [French: related to convene]

behaviour or act. by courtesy of with Coventry / kovantn/ n. send a per-
the formal permission of. [French: son to Coventry refuse to associate
related to courteous] with or speak to a person. [Coventry in
courtesy light n. light in a car England]
cover /'kAva(r)/-i;. 1 (often foil, by with)
switched on by opening a door,
court-house building in which a
n. 1 protect or conceal with a cloth, lid, etc. 2
judicial court is held. 2 US building a extend over; occupy the whole surface
containing the administrative offices of of. b (often foil, by with) strew thickly or

a county. thoroughly, c lie over. 3 a protect;

courtier /'ko:ti8(r)/ n. person who at- clothe, b (as covered adj.) wearing a
tends a sovereign's court. [Anglo- hat; having a roof. 4 include; comprise;
French: related to court] deal with. 5 travel (a specified distance).
courtly adj. (-ier, -iest) dignified, re- 6 describe as a reporter. 7 be enough to
fined. courtliness n. defray (£20 should cover it). 8 a refl. take
coverage 194 coypu
measures to protect oneself, b (absol.; other large animals, esp. the elephant,
foil, by for) stand in for. 9 a aim a gun whale, and seal. 3 derog. slang woman.
etc. at. b (of a fortress, guns, etc.) com- [Old English]
mand exposed
(territory), c protect (an cow 2 v. intimidate or dispirit. [Old
person by being able to return fire.
etc.) Norse]
10 a esp. Cricket stand behind (another coward /'kauad/ n. person who is easily
player) to stop any missed balls, b mark frightened. [Latin cauda tail]
(an opposing player). 11 (of a stallion cowardice /'kauadis/ n. lack of
etc.) copulate with. -n. 1 thing that bravery.
covers, esp.: a lid. b book's binding, c cowardly of or like a coward;
adj. 1
either board of this, d envelope or wrap- lacking courage. 2 (of an action) done
ping (under separate cover). 2 shelter. 3 against one who cannot retaliate.
a pretence; screen, b pretended identity, cowbell n. bell worn round a cow's
c Mil. supporting force protecting an neck.
advance party from attack. 4 a funds, cowboy n. cowgirl) person who
1 (fern,
esp. obtainable from insurance to meet tends the western US. 2
cattle, esp. in
a liability or secure against loss, b insur- colloq. unscrupulous or incompetent
ance protection (third-party cover). 5 person in business.
person acting as a substitute. 6 place- cower v. crouch or shrink back in fear
setting at table. 7 Cricket = cover- or distress. [Low German]
point. cover up completely cover or cowherd n. person who tends cattle,
conceal, take cover find shelter. [Latin cowhide n. 1 cow's hide. 2 leather or
cooperio] whip made from this,
coverage n. 1 area or amount covered. 2 cowl n. 1 monk's cloak. 2 hood-shaped
amount of publicity received by an covering of a chimney or ventilating
event etc.
shaft. [Latin cucullus]
coverall n. esp. US 1 thing that covers
cow-lick n. projecting lock of hair,
entirely. 2 (usu. in pi.) full-length pro-
cowling n. removable cover of a vehicle
tective garment.
or aircraft engine.
cover charge n. service charge per
co-worker /kau'w3:ka(r)/ n. person
head in a restaurant, nightclub, etc.
who works with another.
cover girl n. female model appearing cow-parsley n. hedgerow plant with
on magazine covers etc.
lacelikeumbels of flowers.
covering letter n. (also covering cow-pat n. flat round piece of cow-dung.
note) explanatory letter sent with an
cowpox n. disease of cows, whose virus
was formerly used in smallpox vaccina-
coverlet /'kAvalit/ n. bedspread. [Anglo-
French: related to cover, lit bed]
cover note n. temporary certificate of
cowrie /'kauri/ n. 1 tropical mollusc

with a bright shell. 2 its shell as money
cover-point Cricket 1 fielding posi-
in parts of Africa and S. Asia. [Urdu and
tion covering point. 2 fielder at this
co-write /kau'rait/ v. write with
cover story n. news story in a maga- another person. co-writer n.

zine that is advertised etc. on the front

cowslip /'kauslip/ n. primula with small
cover. yellow flowers, [obsolete slyppe dung]
covert /'kAvat/ -adj. secret or disguised cox -n. coxswain, esp. of a racing-boat.
(covert glance), -n. 1 shelter, esp. a -v. act as cox (of), [abbreviation]
thicket hiding game. 2 feather covering coxcomb /'kDkskaum/ n. ostentatiously
the base of a bird's flight-feather. conceited man. coxcombry n. (pi.

covertly adv. [French: related to -ies). [= cock's comb]

cover] coxswain /'koks(a)n/ -n. 1 person who
cover-up n. concealment of facts. steers, esp. a rowing-boat. 2 senior petty
covet /'kAvit/ v. (-t-) desire greatly (esp. officer in a small ship. -v. act as cox-
a thing belonging to another person). swain [cock ship's boat, swain]

[French: related to Cupid] coy adj. affectedly shy. 2 irritatingly


covetous /'kA vitas/ adj. (usu. foil, by of) reticent. coyly adv. coyness n.
coveting; grasping, n covetously adv. [French: related to quiet]
covey /'kAvi/ n. (pi. -s) 1 brood of part- coyote /kai'auti/ n. (pi. same or -s) N.
ridges. 2 small group of people. [Latin American wolflike wild dog. [Mexican
cubo lie] Spanish]
cow n. 1 fully grown female of any esp.
coypu /'koipu:progress towards a cli-
domestic bovine animal, used as a max, -adv. & adj. increasing in loud-
source of milk and beef. 2 female of ness. [Italian: related to crescent]
cozen 195 cramp
cozen /'kAz(9)n/ v. literary 1 cheat, de- loud firework. 3 (usu. in pi.) instrument
fraud. 2 beguile. 3 act deceitfully. for cracking. 4 thin dry savoury biscuit.
cozenage n. [cant] 5 slang attractive or admirable person.
cozy US var. of cosy. 6 US biscuit.
c.p. abbr. candlepower. crackers predic. adj. slang crazy.
Cpl. abbr. Corporal. cracking slang -adj. 1 excellent. 2
cps abbr. (also c.p.s.) 1 Computing (attrib.) fast and exciting, -adv. out-
characters per second. 2 Set cycles per standingly.
second. crackle /'kraek(a)l/ -v. (-ling) make
CPU abbr. Computing central process- repeated slight cracking sound (radio
ing unit. crackled; fire was crackling). -n. such a
Cr symb. chromium. sound. crackly adj. [from crack]
crab 1
n. 1 a ten-footed crustacean, with crackling /'kraeklin/ n. crisp skin of
the first pair of legs as pincers, b crab as roast pork.
food. 2 (Crab) sign or constellation cracknel /'kra?kn(a)l/ n. light crisp bis-
Cancer. 3 (in full crab-louse) (often in cuit. [Dutch: related to crack]
pi.) parasitic louse transmitted sexually crackpot slang -n. eccentric person.
to esp. pubic hair. 4 machine for hoist- -adj. mad, unworkable.
ing heavy weights. catch a crab crack-up n. colloq. mental breakdown.
Rowing jam an oar or miss the water. -cracy comb, form denoting a particular
crablike adj. [Old English] form of government etc. (bureaucracy).
crab 2 n. 1 (in full crab-apple) small sour [Latin -cratia]
apple. 2 (in full crab tree or crab-apple cradle -n.1a baby's bed or
tree) tree (esp. uncultivated) bearing on rockers, b place in which
cot, esp.
this. 3 sour person, [origin unknown] something begins, esp. civilization
crab 3 v. (-bb-) colloq. 1 criticize; (cradle of democracy). 2 supporting
grumble. 2 [Low German krabben]
spoil. framework or structure, -v. (-ling) 1
crabbed /'kraebid/ adj. 1 = crabby. 2 contain or shelter as in a cradle. 2 place
(of handwriting) ill-formed; illegible, in a cradle. [Old English]
[from crab 2 ] cradle-snatcher n. slang admirer or
crabby mor-
adj. (-ier, -iest) irritable, lover of a much younger person.
ose. crabbily adv. crabbiness n. cradle-song n. lullaby.
crab wise adv. & attrib.adj. sideways or craft /kra:ft/ -n. 1 special skill or tech-

backwards. nique. 2 occupation needing this. 3 (pi.

crack -n. 1 a sharp explosive noise, b craft) a boat or vessel, b aircraft or
sudden harshness or change in vocal spacecraft. 4 cunning or deceit, -v.
pitch. 2 sharp blow. 3 a narrow opening; make in a skilful way. [Old English]
break or split, b chink. 4 colloq. joke or craftsman n. (fern, craftswoman) 1

malicious remark. 5 colloq. attempt. 6 skilled worker. 2 person who practises a

slang crystalline form of cocaine craft. craftsmanship n.

broken into small pieces, -v. 1 break crafty cunning, artful,

adj. (-ier, -iest)
without separating the parts. 2 make or wily. craftily adv. craftiness n.
cause to make a sharp explosive sound. crag n. steep or rugged rock. [Celtic]
3 break with a sharp sound. 4 give way craggy adj. (-ier, -iest) (of facial
or cause to give way (under torture etc.). features, landscape, etc.) rugged; rough-
5 (of the voice) change pitch sharply; textured, cragginess n.
break. 6 colloq. find the solution to. 7 tell crake n. bird of the rail family, esp. the
(a joke etc.). 8 colloq. hit sharply. 9 (as corncrake. [Old Norse, imitative of cry]
cracked adj.) crazy. 10 break (wheat) cram v. (-mm-) 1 a fill to bursting; stuff,
into coarse pieces, -attrib. adj. colloq. b (foil, by in, into; also absol.) force (a
excellent; first-rate (crack shot). thing) in or into. 2 prepare intensively
crack a bottle open a bottle, esp. of for an examination. 3 (often foil, by
wine, and drink it. crack down on with) feed to excess. [Old English]
colloq.take severe measures against, crammer n. person or institution that

crack of dawn daybreak, crack up crams pupils for examinations.

colloq. 1 collapse under strain. 2 praise, cramp -n. 1 painful involuntary mus-
get cracking colloq. begin promptly cular contraction. 2 (also cramp-iron)
i and vigorously. [Old English] metal bar with bent ends for holding
crack-brained adj. crazy. masonry etc. together, -v. 1 affect with

crack-down n. colloq. severe measures cramp. 2 (often foil, by up) confine

(esp. against law-breakers). narrowly. 3 restrict. 4 fasten with a
cracker n. 1 paper cylinder pulled cramp, cramp a person's style pre-
apart, esp. at Christmas, with a sharp vent a person from acting freely or
noise and releasing a hat, joke, etc. 2 naturally. [Low German or Dutch]
cramped 196 crawl
cramped adj. 1 (of a space) too small. 2 floor etc. -n. 1 loud and sudden smash-
(of handwriting) small and with the ing noise. 2 violent collision or fall, esp.
letters close together. of a vehicle. 3 ruin, esp. financial. 4
crampon /'kraempan/ n. (f/Scrampoon Computing sudden failure of a machine
/-'pu:n/) (usu. in pi.) spiked iron plate or system. 5 (attrib.) done rapidly or
fixed to a boot for climbing on ice. urgently (crash course in first aid),
[French: related to cramp] -adv. with a crash (go crash), [imit-
cranberry /'kraenbari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 ative]
shrub with small red acid berries. 2 this crash 2 n. coarse plain fabric of linen,
berry used in cookery. [German Kran- cotton, etc. [Russian]
beere crane-berry] crash barrier n. barrier at the side or
crane —n. 1 machine with a long project- centre of a road etc.
ing arm for moving heavy objects. 2 tall crash-dive - v. 1 a (of a submarine or

wading bird with long legs, neck, and its pilot)dive hastily in an emergency,
bill.-v. (-ning) (also absol.) stretch out b (of an aircraft or airman) dive and
(one's neck) in order to see something. crash. 2 cause to crash-dive. -n. such a
[Old English] dive.
crane-fly n. two-winged long-legged fly: crash-helmet n. helmet worn esp. by
also called daddy-long-legs. motor cyclists.
cranesbill n. wild geranium. crashing adj. colloq. overwhelming
cranium /'kremiam/ n. or -nia) 1
(pi. -s
(crashing bore).
skull. 2 part of the skeleton enclosing crash-land v. land or cause (an aircraft
etc.) to land hurriedly with a crash.
the brain. cranial adj. craniology
/-'Dlad3i/ n. [medieval Latin from Greek]
crash landing n.
crank -n. 1 part of an axle or shaft bent crass adj. gross; grossly stupid.
at right angles for converting reciprocal
crassly adv. crassness n. [Latin cras-
sus thick]
into circular motion or vice versa. 2
-crat comb, form member or supporter
eccentric person, -v. cause to move by
of a type of government etc.
means of a crank. crank up start (a
car engine) with a crank. [Old English]
crate -n. 1 slatted wooden case etc. for
conveying esp. fragile goods. 2 slang old
crankcase n. case enclosing a crank-
aircraft or other vehicle, -v. (-ting)
pack in a crate, [perhaps from Dutch]
crankpin n. pin by which a connecting-
crater -n. 1 mouth of a volcano. 2 bowl-
rod is attached to a crank.
shaped cavity, esp. that made by a shell
crankshaft n. shaft driven by a crank. or bomb. 3 hollow on the surface of a
cranky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. eccent-
planet or moon, caused by impact, -v.
ric. working badly; shaky. 3 esp. US
form a crater in. [Greek, = mixing-
crotchety. crankily adv. cranki- bowl]
ness n. -cratic comb, form (also -cratical)
cranny /'kraeni/ n. chink, crev-
(pi. -ies)
denoting a type of government etc.
ice. crannied adj. [French] (autocratic). -cratically comb, form
crap coarse slang -n. 1 (often as int. or forming adverbs, [forming adverbs]
attrib.) nonsense, rubbish. 2 faeces, —v. cravat /kra'vaet/ n. man's scarf worn
(-pp-) defecate. crappy adj. (-ier,
inside an open-necked shirt. [Serbo-
-iest). [Dutch] Croatian, = Croat]
crape n. crepe, usu. of black silk, for- crave v. (-ving) (often foil, by for) long
merly used for mourning, [from crepe] or beg for. [Old English]
craps (also crap game) US gam- craven /'kreiv(a)n/ adj. cowardly,
bling dice game, [origin uncertain] abject, [probably French cravante
crapulent /'kraepjulant/ adj. suffering defeated]
the effects of drunkenness. crapu- craving n. strong desire or longing,
lence n. crapulous adj. [Latin crapula craw n. crop of a bird or insect. stick
inebriation] in one's craw be unacceptable. [Low
crash 1 -v. 1 (cause to) make a loud German or Dutch]
smashing noise. 2 throw, drive, move, crawfish /'krD:fiJ7 n. (pi. same) large
or fall with a loud smash. 3 (often foil, by marine spiny lobster,[var. of crayfish]
into) collide or fall, or cause (a vehicle crawl -v. 1 move slowly, esp. on hands
etc.) to collide or fall, violently; over- and knees or with the body close to the
turn at high speed. 4 collapse finan- ground etc. 2 walk or move slowly. 3
cially. 5 colloq. gatecrash. 6 Computing colloq. behave obsequiously. 4 (often
(of a machine or system) fail suddenly. 7 foil, by with) be or appear to be covered
colloq. pass (a red traffic-light etc.). 8 or filled with crawling or moving things
(often foil, by out) slang sleep, esp. on a or people. 5 (esp. of the skin) creep, -n. 1
crayfish 197 credit
crawling. 2 slow rate of movement. 3 create /krii'eit/ v. (-ting) 1 bring into
high-speed overarm swimming stroke, existence; cause. 2 originate (actor
[origin creates a part). 3 invest with rank
crayfish /'kreifij/ n. (pi. same) 1 small (created him a lord). 4 slang make a
lobster-like freshwater crustacean. 2 fuss. [Latin creo]
crawfish. [French crevice] creation /kri:'eiJXa)n/ n. 1 creating or
crayon /'kreian/ -n. stick or pencil of being created. 2 a (usu. the Creation)
coloured chalk, wax, etc. -v. draw with God's creating of the universe, b (usu.
crayons. [French craie chalk] Creation) all created things, the
craze -v. (-zing) 1 (usu. as crazed adj.) universe. 3 product of the imagination,
make insane (crazed with grief). 2 pro- art, fashion, etc.
duce fine surface crackson (pottery creative adj. 1 inventive, imaginative. 2
glaze etc.); develop such cracks, -n. 1 able to create. creatively adv. cre-
usu. temporary enthusiasm (craze for ativeness n. creativity /- tiviti/ n.
skateboarding). 2 object of this, [per- creative accounting n. exploitation
haps from Old Norse] of loopholes in financial legislation to
crazy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. insane or gain maximum advantage or present
mad; foolish. 2 (usu. foil, by about) figures in a misleadingly favourable
colloq. extremely enthusiastic. 3 light.
(attrib.) (of paving etc.) made up of creator n. 1 person who creates. 2 (as
irregular pieces. crazily adv. crazi- the Creator) God. .

ness n. creature 1 any living

/'kri:tj9(r)/ n.

creak -n. harsh scraping or squeaking being, esp. an animal. 2 person of a

sound, -u. 1 make a creak. 2 a move specified kind (poor creature). 3 sub-
stiffly or with a creaking noise, b be
servient person. creaturely adj.
poorly constructed (plot creaks), [imit- [French from Latin: related to create]
creature comforts good food,
creaky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 liable to creak.
warmth, etc.

2a stiff or frail, b decrepit, outmoded. creche /kreJV n. day nursery. [French]

creakiness n.
credence /'kri:d(9)ns/ n. belief. give
cream -n. 1 fatty part of milk. 2 its
credence to believe, [medieval Latin:
related to credo]
yellowish-white colour. 3 creamlike cos-
credential /kn'denJX8)l/ n. (usu. in pi.)
metic etc. 4 food or drink like or contain-
1 certificates, references, etc., attesting
ing cream. 5 (usu. prec. by the) best part
to a person's education, character, etc. 2
of something, -u. 1 take cream from
letter(s) of introduction, [medieval
(milk). 2 make creamy. 3 treat (the skin
Latin: related to credence]
etc.) with cosmetic cream. 4 form a
credibility /.kredi'biliti/ n. 1 being
cream or scum. -adj. pale yellowish credible. 2 reputation, status,
white. cream off take (esp. the best credibility gap n. apparent difference
part) from a whole. [Latin cramum and
between what is said and what is true,
Church Latin chrisma oil for anointing] credible /'kredib(a)l/ adj. believable or
cream cheese n. soft rich cheese made worthy of belief. [Latin: related to
from cream and unskimmed milk. credo]
creamer n. 1 cream-substitute for
adding to coffee. 2 jug for cream. Usage Credible is sometimes con-
creamery n. (pi. -ies) 1 factory produc- fused with credulous.
ing butter and cheese. 2 dairy. credit /'kredit/ -n. 1 source of honour,
cream of tartar n. purified tartar, a credit to the school). 2
pride, etc. (is
used in medicine, baking powder, etc. acknowledgement of merit. 3 good repu-
cream soda n. carbonated vanilla- tation. 4 belief or trust. 5 a person's
flavoured soft drink. financial standing, esp. as regards
cream tea n. afternoon tea with scones, money in the bank etc. b power to obtain
jam, and cream. goods etc. before payment. 6 (usu. in pi. )
creamy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like cream. 2 acknowledgement of a contributor's
rich in cream. creamily adv. services to a film etc. 7 grade above pass
creaminess n. in an examination. 8 reputation for
crease -n. 1 line caused by folding or solvency and honesty in business. 9 a
crushing. 2 Cricket line marking the entry in an account of a sum paid into it.
position of a bowler or batsman, -v. b sum entered, c side of an account
(-sing) 1 make creases in. 2 develop recording such entries. 10 educational
creases. 3 slang (often foil, by up) make course counting towards a degree, -v.
or become incapable through laughter, (-t-) 1 believe (cannot credit it). 2 (usu.

[from crest] foil, by to, with) enter on the credit side

creditable 198 crescendo
of an account, credit a person with creepy-crawly ,kri:pi'kro:li, n. {pi.
ascribe (a good quality) to a person, do -ies) colloq. small crawling insect etc.
credit to (or do a person credit) en- cremate kn'meit v. (-ting) burn (a
hance the reputation of. on credit with corpse etc.) to ashes. cremation n.
an arrangement to pay later, to one's [Latin cremo burn]
credit in one's favour. [Italian or Latin: crematorium ,krema'to:riam n. (pi.
related to credo] -ria or -s) place where corpses are cre-
creditable adj. bringing credit or mated.
honour, creditably adv. creme krem/ n. 1 = cream n. 4. 2
credit card n. plastic card from a bank liqueur (creme de cassis). [French, =
etc. authorizing the purchase of goods cream]
on credit. creme brulee bru:'lei n. baked cream
credit note n. note with a specific or custard pudding coated with cara-
monetary value given by a shop etc. for mel.
goods returned. creme caramel n. custard coated with
creditor n. person to whom a debt is caramel.
owing. [Latin: related to credit] creme de cassis da kse'si:s n. black-
credit rating n. estimate of a person's currant liqueur.
suitability for commercial credit. creme de la creme da la: 'krem n. best
creditworthy considered suitable part: elite.
to receive commercial credit. credit- creme de menthe da mat, 'mont n.

worthiness n. peppermint liqueur.

credo 'kri:dau. 'krei- n. (pi. -s) creed.
crenellate 'krenaleit/ v. (US cren-
= elate) (-ting) provide (a tower etc.) with
[Latin. I believe]
credulous 'kredjulas adj. too ready
battlements. crenellation -'leij(a)n
n. [French crenel embrasure]
to believe; gullible. credulity /kn
'dju:liti n. credulously adv. [Latin:
Creole 'kri:aul -n. 1 a descendant of
European settlers in the W. Indies or
related to credo]
Central or S. America, b White descend-
Usage Credulous is sometimes con- ant of French settlers in the southern
fused with credible. US. c person of mixed European and
Black descent. 2 language formed from
creed n. 1 set of principles or beliefs. 2
a European language and another (esp.
system of religious belief. 3 (often the
African) language, -adj. 1 of Creoles. 2
creed) formal summary of Christian
(usu. Creole) of Creole origin etc. (Creole
doctrine. [Latin: related to credo]
cooking). [French from Spanish]
creek n. 1 a inlet on a sea-coast, b short
creosote 'kri:a,saut -n. 1 dark-brown
arm of a river. 2 esp. US, Austral.. & NZ oil distilled from coal tar, used as a
tributary of a river: stream, z up the
wood-preservative. 2 oily fluid distilled
creek slang 1 in difficulties. 2 crazy.
from wood tar. used as an antiseptic, —v.
[Old Norse and Dutch]
(-ting) treat with creosote. [Greek kreas
creel n. fisherman's large wicker flesh, soter preserver, because of its
basket, [origin unknown]
antiseptic properties]
creep —v. (pasr and past part, crept) 1 crepe kreipn. 1 fine gauzy wrinkled
move with the body prone and close to fabric. 2 thinpancake with a savoury or
the ground. 2 move stealthily or timidly. sweet 3 hard-wearing wrinkled
3 advance very gradually (a feeling sheet rubber used for the soles of shoes
crept over her). 4 colloq. act obsequi- etc. crepey adj. crepy adj. [Latin:
ously in the hope of advancement. 5 (of a related to crisp]
plant) grow along the ground or up a crepe de Chine da 'Ji:n n. fine silk
wall etc. 6 (as creeping adj.) developing crepe.
slowly and steadily. 7 (of flesh) shiver or crepe paper n. thin crinkled paper,
shudder from fear, horror, etc. -n. 1 act crepe Suzette small dessert
su:'zet n.
or spell of creeping. 2 (in pL\ prec. by pancake flamed in alcohol,
the) colloq. feeling of revulsion or fear. 3 crept past and past part, of creep.
slang unpleasant person. 4 (of metals crepuscular kri'pAskjola(r) adj. 1 a of
etc.) gradual change of shape under twilight, b dim. 2 Zool. appearing or
stress. [Old English] active in twilight. [Latin crepusculum
creepers. 1 climbing or creeping plant. twilight]
2 bird that climbs, esp. the treecreeper. Cres. abbr. Crescent,
3 slang soft-soled shoe. cresc. abbr. (also cres.) Mus. = cres-
creepy adj. (-ier. -iest) colloq. feeling or cendo.
causing horror or fear, creepily adv. crescendo kri'Jendao -n. (pi. -s) 1

creepiness n. Mus. gradual increase in loudness. 2

crescent 199 crinoline
progress towards a climax, —adv. & adj. cribbage. -v. (-bb-) (also absol.) 1 colloq.
increasing in loudness. [Italian: related copy unfairly. 2 confine in a small space.
to crescent] 3 colloq. pilfer. [Old English]
Usage Crescendo is sometimes cribbage /'knbid3/ n. card-game for up
to four players, [origin unknown]
wrongly used to mean the climax itself
rather than progress towards it. crick -n. sudden painful stiffness, esp.
in the neck. -v. cause this in. [origin
crescent /'krez(9)nt/-rc. 1 curved sickle unknown]
shape as of the waxing or waning moon. cricket /'knkit/ n. team game played

2 thing of this shape, esp. a street form- on a grass pitch, with bowling at a
ing an arc. -adj. crescent-shaped. [Latin wicket defended by a batting player of
cresco grow] the other team, z not cricket colloq.
cress n. any of various plants with unfair behaviour. cricketer n. [or-
pungent edible leaves. [Old English] igin uncertain]
crest -n. 1 a comb or tuft etc. on a bird's cricket 2
/'knkit/ n. grasshopper-like
or animal's head, b plume etc. on a chirping insect. [French, imitative]
helmet etc. 2 top of a mountain, wave,
cri de cceur /,kri: da 'k3:(r)/ n. (pi. cris
roof, etc. 3 Heraldry a device above a
de coeur pronunc. same) passionate ap-
coat of arms, b such a device on writing-
peal, protest, etc. [French, = cry from
paper etc. -v. 1 reach the crest of. 2
the heart]
provide with a crest or serve as a crest
cried past and past part, of cry.
to. 3 (of a wave) form a crest. crested
crier /'krai9(r)/ n. (also cryer) 1 person
adj. [Latin crista]
who cries. 2 official making public
crestfallen adj. dejected, dispirited.
announcements in a lawcourt or street,
cretaceous /kri'teijas/ -adj. 1 of or like
[related to cry]
chalk. 2 (Cretaceous) Geol. of the last
crikey /'kraiki/ int. slang expression of
period of the Mesozoic era, with de-
astonishment, [from Christ]
posits of chalk, -n. (Cretaceous) Geol.
crime n.1a offence punishable by law.
this era or system. [Latin creta chalk]
b illegal acts (resorted to crime). 2 evil
cretin /'kretin/ n. 1 deformed and men-
act (crime against humanity). 3 colloq.
tallyretarded person, esp. as the result
shameful act. [Latin crimen)
of thyroid, deficiency. 2 colloq. stupid
person. cretinism n. cretinous adj. criminal /'knmm(a)l/-n. person guilty
of a crime, -adj. 1 of, involving, or
[French cretin: related to Christian]
concerning crime. 2 guilty of crime. 3
cretonne /kre'ton/ n. (often attrib.)
heavy cotton upholstery fabric, usu.
Law of or concerning criminal offences
Nor- (criminal code; criminal lawyer). 4 col-
with a floral pattern. [Creton in
loq. scandalous, deplorable, crimin-
crevasse /kra'vaes/ n. deep open crack,
ality /-'naeliti/ n. criminally adv.
[Latin: related to crime]
esp. in a glacier. [Latin crepo crack]
crevice /'krevis/ n. narrow opening or criminology /,knmi'nDlad3i/ n. the
fissure, esp. in rock etc. [French: related study of crime. 3 criminologist n.

to crevasse] crimp - v. press into small folds; cor-


crew 1 /kru:/ -n. (often treated as pl.)1 a rugate. 2 make waves in (hair), -n.

people manning a ship, aircraft, train, crimped thing or form. [Low German or
etc. b these as distinct from the captain Dutch]
or officers, c people working together; Crimplene /'knmpli:n/ n. propr. syn-
team. 2 colloq. gang. -v. 1 supply or act thetic crease-resistant fabric.
as a crew or crew member for. 2 act as a crimson /'krimz(a)n/ -adj. of a rich
crew. [Latin cresco increase] deep red. -n. this colour, [ultimately
crew 2 past of crow 2 .
from Arabic: related to kermes]
cringe /knnd3/ v. (ging) 1 shrink in
crew cut n. close-cropped hairstyle.
crewel /'kru:al/ n. thin worsted yarn for fear; cower. 2 (often foil, by to) behave
tapestry and embroidery, [origin obsequiously, [related to crank]
unknown] crinkle /'knnk(9)l/ -n. wrinkle or
crewel- work in crewel, crease, -v. (-ling) form crinkles (in).
crew neck n. round close-fitting neck- crinkly adj. [related to cringe]
line. crinkle-cut adj. (of vegetables) with
crib -n. 1 a baby's small bed or cot. b wavy edges.
model of the Nativity with a manger. 2 crinoline /'krinahn/ n. 1 hist, stiffened
rack for animal fodder. 3 colloq. a trans- or hooped petticoat. 2 stiff fabric of
lation of a text used by students, b horsehair etc. used for linings, hats, etc.
plagiarized work etc. 4 colloq. a crib- [French from Latin crinis hair, linum
bage. b set of cards given to the dealer at thread]
cripple 200 crooked
cripple / knp(a)l/ -n. permanently critique /kn'ti:k/ n. critical analysis.
lame person, -v. (-ling) 1 make a cripple [French: related to critic]
of; lame. 2 disable, weaken, or damage croak -n. deep hoarse sound, esp. of a
seriously (crippled by strikes). [Old frog. -v. 1 utter or speak with a croak. 2
English] slang die. [imitative]
crisis /'kraisis/ n. (pi. crises /-si:z/) 1 croaky adj. (-ier, -iest) croaking;
time of danger or great difficulty. hoarse. croakily adv. croakiness n.
2 decisive moment; turning-point. Croat /'krauaet/ (also Croatian
[Greek, - decision] /krau'eij(a)n/) -n.1a native of Croatia
crisp -ac(/. 1 hard but brittle. 2 a (of air) in SE Europe, b person of Croatian
bracing, b (of style or manner) lively, descent. 2 Slavonic dialect of the Croats.
brisk and decisive, c (of features etc.) -adj. of the Croats or their dialect.
neat, clear-cut. d (of paper) stiff and [Serbo-Croatian Hrvat]
crackling, e (of hair) closely curling, —n. crochet /'kraujei/ -n. needlework in
(in full potato crisp) potato sliced which yarn is hooked to make a lacy
thinly, fried, and sold in packets, -v. patterned fabric, -v. (crocheted /-Jeid/;
make or become crisp. crisply adv. crocheting /-Jenn/) (also absol.) make
crispness n. [Latin crispus curled] using crochet. [French: related to crot-
crispbread n. 1 thin crisp biscuit of chet]
crushed rye etc. 2 these collectively crock 1 n. colloq. old or worn-out person
(packet of crispbread). or vehicle, [originally Scots]
crispy adj. (-ier, -iest) crisp. crispi- crock 2 n. 1 earthenware pot or jar. 2
ness n. broken piece of this. [Old English]
criss-cross —n. pattern of crossing crockery n. earthenware or china
lines, -adj. crossing; in cross lines. dishes, plates, etc. [related to crock 2 ]
-adv. crosswise; at cross purposes, -v. 1 crocodile /'kmka.dail/ n.1a large trop-
a intersect repeatedly, b move cross- ical amphibious reptile with thick scaly
wise. 2 mark or make with a criss-cross skin, a long tail, and long jaws, b (often
pattern. [Christ's cross] attrib.) its skin. 2 colloq. line of school-
criterion /krai'tiarian/ n. (pi. -ria) prin- children etc. walking in pairs. [Greek
ciple or standard of judgement. [Greek, krokodilos]
= means of judging] crocodile tears insincere grief.
crocus /'kraukas/ n. (pi. -cuses) small
Usage The plural form of criterion,
plant with white, yellow, or purple
used incorrectly as the
criteria, is often
flowers, growing from a corm. [Latin
singular. In the singular criterion
from Greek]
should always be used.
Croesus /'kri:sas/ n. person of great
critic /'kntik/ n. 1 person who criticizes. wealth, [name of a king of ancient
2 person who reviews literary, artistic, Lydia]
etc. works. [Latin criticus from Greek croft -n. 1 enclosed piece of (usu. ar-
krites judge] able) land. 2 small rented farm in Scot-
critical adj. 1 a fault-finding, censori- land or N. England, -v. farm a croft; live
ous, b expressing or involving criticism. as a crofter. [Old English]
2 skilful at or engaged in criticism. 3 crofter n. person who farms a croft.
providing textual criticism (critical edi- Crohn's disease /kraunz/ n. chronic
tion of Milton). 4 a of or at a crisis; inflammatory disease of the alimentary
dangerous, risky (in a critical con- tract. [E. Crohn, name of a US patholo-
dition), b decisive, crucial (at the crit- gist]
ical moment). 5 a Math. & Physics mark- croissant /'krwAsd/ n. crescent-shaped
ing a transition from one state etc. to breakfast roll. [French: related to cres-
another (critical angle), b (of a nuclear cent]
reactor) maintaining a self-sustaining cromlech /'kromlek/ n. 1 dolmen. 2
chain reaction. critically adv. crit- prehistoric stone circle. [Welsh]
icalness n. crone n. withered old woman. [Dutch
critical path n. sequence of stages croonje carcass]
determining the minimum time needed crony /'krauni/ n. (pi. -ies) friend, com-
foran operation. panion. [Greek khronios long-lasting]
criticism /'kriti,siz(a)m/ n. 1 a fault- crook /kruk/ -n. 1 hooked staff of a
finding; censure, b critical remark etc. 2 shepherd or bishop. 2 a bend, curve, or
a work of a critic, b analytical article, hook, b hooked or curved thing. 3 colloq.
essay, etc. rogue; swindler; criminal, -v. bend,
criticize /'knti.saiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing curve. [Old Norse]
or -sing) (also absol.) 1 find fault with; crooked /'krukid/ adj. (-er, -est) 1 not
censure. 2 discuss critically. straight or level; bent. 2 colloq. not
croon 201 cross-grain
straightforward; dishonest, criminal. unwanted conversation. 7 a cause to
crookedly adv. crookedness n. interbreed, b cross-fertilize (plants). 8
croon -v. sing, hum, or say in a low oppose or thwart (crossed in love), -adj.
sentimental voice, —n. such singing etc. 1 (often foil, by with) peevish, angry. 2
[ crooner n. [Low German or Dutch]
i (usu. attrib.) transverse; reaching from
crop -n. 1 a produce of cultivated side to side. 3 (usu. attrib.) intersecting.
plants, esp. cereals, b season's yield. 2 4 (usu. attrib.) contrary, opposed, recip-
group, yield, etc., of one time or place (a rocal. at cross purposes misunder-
new crop of students). 3 handle of a standing; conflicting, cross one's
whip. 4 a very short haircut, b cropping fingers (or keep one's fingers
of hair. 5 pouch in a bird's gullet where crossed) 1 put one finger across another
food is prepared for digestion, -v. (-pp-) to ward off bad luck. 2 trust in good luck,
1 a cut off. b bite off. 2 cut (hair etc.) cross one's heart make a solemn
short. 3 (foil, by with) sow or plant (land) pledge, esp. by crossing one's front,
with a crop. 4 (of land) bear a crop. cross one's mind occur to one, esp.
crop up occur unexpectedly. [Old Eng- transiently, cross swords (often foil, by
lish] with) argue or dispute, cross wires (or
crop circle n. circle of crops that has get one's wires crossed) 1 become
been inexplicably flattened. wrongly connected by telephone. 2 have
crop-eared adj. with the ears (esp. of a misunderstanding, on the cross diag-
animals) or hair cut short. onally. crossly adv. crossness n.
cropper n. crop-producing plant of a
[Latin crux]
specified quality. come a cropper crossbar n. horizontal bar, esp. that on
slang fall heavily; fail badly.
a man's bicycle.
croquet /'kraukei/ -n. 1 lawn game in cross-bench n. seat in the House of
which wooden balls are driven through Lords for non-party members. cross-
hoops with mallets. 2 act of croqueting a -bencher n.
ball. -v. (croqueted /-keid/; croqueting
crossbill n. finch with a bill with
/-kenn/) drive away (an opponent's ball)
crossed mandibles for opening pine
by placing and then striking one's own cones.
against it. [perhaps a dial, form of
crossbones see skull and crossbones.
French crochet hook] crossbow n. bow fixed on a wooden
croquette /kra'ket/ n. ball of breaded stock, with a groove for an arrow.
and fried mashed potato etc. [French cross-breed -n. 1 hybrid breed of an-
croquer crunch]
imals or plants. 2 individual hybrid, -v.
crosier /'krauzia(r)/ n. (also crozier)
produce by crossing.
bishop's ceremonial hooked staff.
cross-check -v. check by alternative
[French croisier cross-bearer and cros-
method(s). -n. such a check.
sier crook-bearer]
cross-country -adj. & adv. 1 across
cross —/I. 1 upright post with a trans-
open country. 2 not keeping to main
verse bar, as used in antiquity for cruci-
roads, -n. (pi. -ies) cross-country race.
fixion. 2 a (the Cross) cross on which
cross-cut -adj. cut across the main
Christ was crucified, b representation
grain, -n. diagonal cut, path, etc.
of this as an emblem of Christianity, c =
cross-cut saw n. saw for cross-cutting.
sign of the cross. 3 staff surmounted
cross-dressing n. practice of dressing
by a cross, carried in a religious proces-
in the clothes of the opposite sex
sion. 4 thing or mark like a cross, esp.
cross-dress v.
two short intersecting lines ( + or x). 5
cross-shaped military etc. decoration. 6
crosse lacrosse stick. [French]

a hybrid, b crossing of breeds etc. 7 (foil,

cross-examine v. question (esp. an
by between) mixture of two things. 8 opposing witness in a lawcourt).
crosswise movement, pass in football,
cross-examination n.
etc. 9 trial or affliction, -v. 1 (often foil,
cross-eyed /'kmsaid/ adj. having one
by over) go across. 2 intersect; (cause to) or both eyes turned inwards,
be across (roads cross; cross one's cross-fertilize v. (also -ise) 1 fertilize
legs). 3 a draw line(s) across, b mark (a
(an animal or plant) from one of a
cheque) with two parallel lines to indic- different species. 2 interchange ideas
etc. cross-fertilization n.
ate that it cannot be cashed. 4 (foil, by
crossfire n. 1 firing in two crossing
off, out, through) cancel etc. by drawing
lines across. 5 (often refl.) make the sign directions simultaneously. 2 a attack or
of the cross on or over. 6 a pass in criticism from all sides, b combative
opposite or different directions, b (of exchange of views etc.
letters etc.) be sent at the same time, c cross-grain n. grain in timber, running
(of telephone lines) be connected to an across the regular gr ain.
cross-grained 202 Crown prince
cross-grained adj. 1 having a cross- croupier n. person run-
grain. 2 perverse, intractable. ning a gaming-table, raking in and pay-
cross-hatch v, shade with crossing par- ing out money etc. [French: related to
allel lines. CROUP 2 ]
crossing place where things (esp.
n. 1 crouton /'kru:tmi/ n. small cube of fried
roads) cross. 2 place for crossing a street or toasted bread served with soup etc.
etc. 3 journey across water. [French: related to crust]
cross-legged /kms'legd/ adj. (sitting) crow 1 /krau/ n. 1 large black bird with a
with legs folded one across the other. powerful black beak. 2 similar bird, e.g.
crossover -rc. 1 point or place of cross- the raven, rook, and jackdaw. as the
ing. 2 process of crossing over, esp. from crow flies in a straight line. [Old Eng-
one style or genre to another, -attrib. lish]
adj. that crosses over, esp. from one crow 2 /krau/ -v. 1 (past crowed or crew
style or genre to another. /kru:/) (of a cock) utter a loud cry. 2 (of a
crosspatch n. collog. bad-tempered baby) utter happy cries. 3 (usu. foil, by
person. over) gloat; show glee. -n. cry of a cock
crosspiece n. transverse beam etc. or baby. [Old English]
cross-ply adj. (of a tyre) having fabric crowbar n. iron bar with a flattened

layers with crosswise cords, end, used as a lever.

cross-question v. = cross-examine.
crowd -n. 1 large gathering of people. 2
cross-refer v. (-rr-) refer from one part spectators; audience. 3 collog. particu-
of a book etc. to another, lar set of people. 4 (prec. by the) major-
ity, -y. 1 a (cause to) come together in a
cross-reference -n. reference from
one part of a book etc. to another, -v. crowd, b force one's way (crowded into
the cinema). 2 a (foil, by into) force or
provide with cross-references,
crossroad n. (usu. in pi.) intersection of compress into a confined space, b (often
foil, by with; usu. in passive) fill or make
two or more roads. at the crossroads
full of. 3 colloq. come aggressively close
at the critical point.
cross-section n.1aa cutting across a
to. crowd out exclude by crowding.
crowdedness n. [Old English]
solid, b plane surface so produced, c
drawing etc. of this. 2 representative
crown -n. 1 monarch's jewelled head-
dress. 2 (the Crown) a monarch as head
sample. cross-sectional adj.
of State, b power or authority of the
cross-stitch n. cross-shaped stitch.
monarchy. 3 a wreath for the head as an
crosstalk n. 1 unwanted signals
emblem of victory, b award or distinc-
between communication channels. 2
tion, esp. in sport. 4 crown-shaped orna-
witty repartee.
ment etc. 5 top part of the head, a hat,
crossways adv. = crosswise.
etc.6 a highest or central part (crown of
crosswind n. wind blowing across the road), b thing that completes or
one's path etc. forms a summit. 7 a part of a tooth
crosswise adj. & adv. 1 in the form of a
visible outside the gum. b artificial re-
cross; intersecting. 2 diagonal or diag- placement for this. 8 former British coin
onally. worth five shillings, -v. 1 put a crown on
crossword n. (also crossword puzzle) (a person or head). 2 invest with a royal
printed grid of squares and blanks for crown or authority. 3 be a crown to; rest
vertical and horizontal words to be on top of. 4 a (often as crowning adj.)
filled in from clues. (cause to) be the reward, summit, or
crotch n. fork, esp. between legs (of a finishing touch to (crowning glory), b
person, trousers, etc.). [related to bring to a happy outcome. 5 fit a crown
crook] to (a tooth). 6 slang hit on the head. 7
crotchet /'krntjit/ n. Mus. note equal to promote (a piece in draughts) to king.
a quarter of a semibreve and usu. one [Latin corona]
beat. [French diminutive of croc, related Crown Colony n. British colony con-
to crook] trolled by the Crown.
crotchety adj. peevish, irritable. Crown Court n. court of criminal jur-
crouch -v. lower the body with limbs isdiction in England and Wales.
close to the chest; be in this position. -n. Crown Derby n. porcelain made at
crouching; crouching position. [Old Derby and often marked with a crown.
Norse: related to crook] crown glass n. glass without lead or
croup /kru:p/ n. childhood inflamma- iron used formerly in windows, now as

tion of the larynx etc., with a hard optical glass of low refractive index.
cough, [imitative] crown jewels sovereign's State
croup 2 /kru:p/ n. rump, esp. of a horse. regalia etc.
[French: related to crop] Crown prince n. male heir to a throne.
Crown princess 203 cruse
Crown princess wife of a Crown
n. 1 about. 2 travel at a relaxed or econom-
prince. 2 female heir to a throne. ical speed. 3 achieve an objective, esp.
crown wheel n. wheel with teeth at win a race etc. with ease. 4 slang search
right angles to its plane. for a sexual (esp. homosexual) partner
crow's-foot n. wrinkle near the eye. in bars, streets, etc. -n. cruising voyage.
crow's-nest n. shelter at a sailing- [Dutch: related to cross]
ship's masthead for a lookout man. cruise missile n. one able to fly low
crozier var. of crosier. and guide itself.
CRT abbr. cathode-ray tube. cruiser n. 1 high-speed warship. 2 =
cru /kru:/ n. 1 French vineyard or wine CABIN CRUISER.
region. 2 grade of wine. [French cru cruiserweight n. = light heavy
grown] WEIGHT.
cruces pi. of crux. crumb /krAm/ -n. 1 a small fragment,
crucial /'kru:J*(a)l/ adj. 1 decisive, crit- esp. of bread, b small particle {crumb of
ical. 2 very important. crucially adv. comfort). 2 bread without crusts. 3
[Latin crux cruris cross] slang objectionable person, -v. cover
with or break into breadcrumbs. [Old
Usage The use of crucial in sense 2 English]
should be restricted to informal con- crumble /'krAmb(a)l/-u. (-ling) 1 break
texts. or fall into small fragments. 2 (of power
crucible /'kru:sib(a)l/ n. 1 melting-pot etc.) gradually disintegrate, -n. dish of

for metals etc. 2 severe test, [medieval stewed fruit with a crumbly topping.
Latin: related to crucial] crumbly adj. (-ier, -iest) consisting of,
cruciferous /kru:'sifaras/ adj. having or apt to fall into, crumbs or fragments.
flowers with four petals arranged in a crumbliness n.

cross. [Latin: related to crucial] crumbs /krAmz/ int. slang expressing

crucifix /'kru:sifiks/ n. model of a cross dismay or surprise, [euphemism for
with the figure of Christ on it. [Latin
crucifixus fixed to a cross]
crumby /'krAmi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like
or covered in crumbs. 2 = crummy.
crucifixion /,kru:si'fikj(9)n/ n. 1 cruci-
fying or being crucified. 2 (Crucifixion)
crumhorn var. of krummhorn.
crucifixion of Christ. [Church Latin:
crummy adj. (-ier, -iest) slang dirty,
squalid; inferior, worthless. crum-
related to crucifix]
miness n. [var. of crumby]
cruciform /'kru:si,fo:m/ adj. cross-
crumpet /'krAmpit/ n. 1 soft flat yeasty
shaped. [Latin crux cruris cross]
cake toasted and buttered. 2 joc. or
crucify /'kru:si,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 put to
offens. sexually attractive woman or
death by fastening to a cross. 2 per- women, [origin uncertain]
secute, torment. 3 slang defeat thor- - v.
crumple /'krAmp(a)l/ (-ling) (often
oughly; humiliate. [French: related to foil,by up) 1 crush or become crushed
crucifix] into creases or wrinkles. 2 collapse, give
crud n. slang 1 deposit of grease etc. 2 way. -n. crease or wrinkle, [obsolete
unpleasant person. cruddy adj. (-ier, crump curl up]
-iest). [var. of curd] crunch -v. 1 a crush noisily with the
crude /kru:d/ -adj. 1 a in the natural teeth, b grind under foot, wheels, etc. 2
state; not refined, b unpolished; lacking (often foil, by up, through) make a
finish. 2 a rude, blunt, b offensive, crunching sound, -n. 1 crunching;
indecent. 3 inexact, -n. natural mineral crunching sound. 2 colloq. decisive
oil. crudely adv. crudeness n. cru- event or moment, [imitative]
dity n. [Latin crudus raw] crunchy adj. (-ier, -iest) hard and
crudites /,kru:di'tei/ hors d'ceuvre crisp, crunchiness n.
of mixed raw vegetables. [French] crupper n.strap looped under a
cruel kru:al/ adj. (crueller, cruellest
/ horse's hold the harness back. 2
tail to
or crueler, cruelest) 1 causing pain or hindquarters of a horse. [French:
suffering, esp. deliberately. 2 harsh, related to croup ]

severe (a cruel blow). cruelly adv. crusade 1 hist any of

/kru:'seid/ -n.
cruelness n. cruelty n. {pi. -ies). several medieval military expeditions
[Latin: related to crude] made by Europeans to recover the Holy
cruet /'kru:it/ n. 1 set of small salt, Land from the Muslims. 2 vigorous
pepper, etc. containers for use at table. 2 campaign for a cause. -v. (-ding) engage
such a* container. [Anglo-French di- in a crusade. crusader n. [French:
minutive: related to crock ] related to cross]
cruise /kru:z/ - v. (-sing) 1 a travel by cruse /kru:z/ n. archaic earthenware
sea for pleasure, calling at ports, b sail pot. [Old English]
crush 204 cubby-hole
crush -r. 1 compress with force or cryptogam /'knpta.gaem/ n. plant with
violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2 no true flowers or seeds, e.g. ferns,
reduce to powder by pressure. 3 crease mosses, and fungi, c cryptogamous
or crumple. 4 defeat or subdue com- tugemas/ adj. [as crypt, Greek gamos
pletely, -rc. 1 act of crushing. 2 crowded marriage]
mass of people. 3 drink from the juice of cryptogram /'kripta.graem/ n. text
crushed fruit. 4 (usu. foil, by on) colloq. written in cipher, [related to crypt]
infatuation. [French] cryptography /krip'tngrafi/ n. art of
crust -n. 1 a hard outer part of bread, b writing or solving ciphers. crypto-
hard dry scrap of bread, c slang liveli- grapher n. cryptographic ta grsefik/
hood. 2 pastry covering of a pie. 3 hard adj.
casing over a soft thing. 4 outer portion crystal /'krist(a)l/ -n. 1 a transparent
of the earth. 5 deposit, esp. from wine on colourless mineral, esp. rock crystal, b
a bottle, -v. cover or become covered piece of this. 2 a highly transparent
with or form into a crust. [Latin crusta glass; flint glass, b articles of this. 3
rind, shell] crystalline piece of semiconductor. 4
crustacean /krA'steiJ\a)n/ -n. esp. aggregation of molecules with a definite
aquatic arthropod with a hard shell, e.g. internal structure and the external
the crab, lobster, and shrimp, -adj. of form of a solid enclosed by symmetric-
crustaceans. ally arranged plane faces, —adj. (usu.
crusty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having a crisp attrib.) made of, like, or clear as crystal.
crust. 2 irritable, curt, crustily adv. [Greek krustallos]
crustiness n. crystal ball n. glass globe used in
crutch usu. T-shaped support for a
n. 1 crystal-gazing.
lame person fitting under the armpit. 2 crystal-gazing n. supposed foretelling
support, prop. 3 crotch. [Old English] of the future by gazing into a crystal
crux n. (pi cruxes or cruces /'kru:si:z/) ball.
decisive point at issue. [Latin, = cross] crystalline /'knsta.lam/ adj. 1 of, like,
cruzado kru:'za:dau/ n. (pi -s) chief or clear as crystal. 2 having the struc-
monetary unit of Brazil. [Portuguese] ture and form of a crystal. crystal-
cruzeiro /kru:'zearao7 n. (pi -s) one- Unity /-'liniti/ n.
thousandth of a cruzado. [Portuguese] crystallize /'krista.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
cry krai/ -v. (cries, cried) 1 (often foil, (-zing or -sing) 1 form into crystals. 2
by out) make a loud or shrill sound, esp. (often foil, by out) (of ideas or plans)
to express pain, grief, etc., or to appeal make or become definite. 3 make or
for help. 2 shed tears; weep. 3 (often foil, become coated or impregnated with
by out) say or exclaim loudly or exci- sugar (crystallized fruit). crystal-
tedly. 4 (foil, by for) appeal, demand, or lization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
show a need for. 5 (of an animal, esp. a crystallography /.kristalografi/ n.
bird) make a loud call. -n. {pi. cries) 1 science of crystal formation and struc-
loud shout or scream of grief, pain, etc. 2 ture crystallographer n.
spell of weeping. 3 loud excited utter- crystalloid /'knsta.loid/ n. substance
ance. 4 urgent appeal. 5 a public de- that in solution is able to pass through a
mand or opinion, b rallying call. 6 call of semipermeable membrane.
an animal, cry down disparage, cry Cs symb. caesium.
off withdraw from an undertaking, cry c/s abbr. cycles per second.
out for need as an obvious requirement CSE abbr. hist. Certificate of Secondary
or solution, cry wolf see wolf. [Latin Education.
Usage The CSE examination was
cry-baby n. person who weeps fre-
replaced in 1988 by GCSE.
cryer var. of crier. CS gas n. tear-gas used to control riots
crying attrib. adj. (of injustice etc.) etc.[Corson and Stoughton, names of
flagrant, demanding redress. chemists]
cryogenics .kraiau^eniks/ n. branch CTC abbr. City Technology College.
of physics dealing with very low tem- Cu symb. copper. [Latin cuprum]
peratures, cryogenic adj. [Greek cu. abbr. cubic.
kruos frost, -genes born] cub -n. 1 young of a fox, bear, lion, etc. 2
crypt /knpt/ n. vault, esp. beneath a (Cub) (in full Cub Scout) junior Scout. 3
church, used usu. as a burial-place. colloq. young newspaper reporter, -v.
[Latin crypta from Greek kruptos hid- (-bb-) (also absol) give birth to (cubs),
den] unknown]
cryptic adj. obscure in meaning; secret, cubby-hole /'kAbi.haul/ n. 1 very small

mysterious, cryptically adv. room. 2 snug space. [Low German]

cube 205 cultivate
cube -n. 1 solid contained by six equal cuing) 1 give a cue to. 2 put (audio
squares. 2 cube-shaped block. 3 product equipment) in readiness to play a par-
of a number multiplied by its square, ticular section, eg cue in 1 insert a cue
-y. (-bing) 1 find the cube of (a number). for. 2 give information to. on cue at the
2 cut (food etc.) into small cubes. [Latin correct moment, [origin unknown]
from Greek] cue 2 Billiards etc. -n.long rod for strik-
cube root n. number which produces a ing a ball. -v. (cues,cued, cueing or
given number when cubed, cuing) strike (a ball) with or use a cue.
cubic adj. 1 cube-shaped. 2 of three [var. of queue]
dimensions. 3 involving the cube (and cue-ball n. ball to be struck with a cue.
no higher power) of a number {cubic cufF n. 1 end part of a sleeve. 2 US
equation). trouser turn-up. 3 (in pi.) colloq.
cubical adj. cube-shaped. handcuffs. off the cuff colloq.
cubicle /'kju:bik(a)l/ n. 1 small screened without preparation, extempore, [ori-
space. 2 small separate sleeping- gin unknown]
compartment. [Latin cubo lie] cuff2 -v. strike with an open hand. -n.
cubic metre etc. n. volume of a cube such a blow, [perhaps imitative]
whose edge is one metre etc. cuff-link n. two joined studs etc. for
cubism /'kju:biz(a)m/ n. style in art, esp. fastening a cuff.
painting, in which objects are repres- Cufic var. of Kufic.
ented geometrically. cubist n. & adj. cuirass /kwi'raes/ n. armour breast-
cubit /'kjuibit/ n. ancient measure of plate and back-plate fastened together.
length, approximating to the length of a [Latin corium leather]
forearm. [Latin cubitum elbow] cuisine /kwi'zi:n/ n. style or method of
cuboid /'kju:boid/ -adj. cube-shaped; cooking. [French]
like a cube. -n. Geom. rectangular par- cul-de-sac /'kAlda.saek/ n. (pi. culs-de-
allelepiped. sac pronunc. same, or cul-de-sacs) 1
cuckold /'kAkauld/ -n. husband of an road etc. with a dead end. 2 futile course.
adulteress, -i>. make a cuckold of. [French, = sack-bottom]
cuckoldry n. [French] -cule suffix forming (orig. diminutive)
cuckoo /'kuku:/ -n. bird having a char- nouns (molecule). [Latin -cuius]
acteristic cry, and laying its eggs in the culinary /'kAlmari/ adj. of or for cook-
nests of small birds, -predic. adj. slang ing. [Latin culina kitchen]
crazy. [French, imitative] cull -v. 1 select or gather (knowledge
cuckoo clock n. clock with the figure culled from books). 2 gather (flowers
of a cuckoo emerging to make a call on etc.). 3 a select (animals), esp. for kill-
the hour. ing, b reduce the population of (an
cuckoo-pint n. wild arum, animal) by selective slaughter, -n. 1
cuckoo-spit n. froth exuded by insect culling or being culled. 2 animal(s)

larvae on leaves, stems, etc. culled. [French: related to collect ]

cucumber /'kju:kAmba(r)/ n. 1 long culminate (-ting) (usu.
/'kAlmi.neit/ v.

green fleshy fruit, used in salads. 2 foil, by in) reach its highest or final

climbing plant yielding this. [French point (culminate in war), culmina-

from Latin] tion /-'neij(8)n/ n. [Latin culmen top]
cud n. half-digested food returned to the culottes /Kju:'lDts/ women's
mouth of ruminants for further chew- trousers cut like a skirt. [French, =
ing. [Old English] knee-breeches]
cuddle /'kAd(9)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 hug, culpable /'kAlpab(8)l/ adj. deserving
fondle. 2 nestle together, lie close and blame, culpability /-'biliti/ n. [Latin
snug. —n. prolonged and fond hug. culpo blame]
cuddlesome adj. [origin uncertain] culprit /'kAlpnt/ n. guilty person, [per-
cuddly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of a person, haps from Anglo-French culpable: see
toy, etc.) soft and yielding. 2 given to culpable]
cuddling. cult n. 1 religious system, sect, etc.. esp.

cudgel /'kAd3(a)l/ -n. short thick stick ritualistic. 2a devotion to a person or

used as a weapon, - v. (-11-; US -1-) beat thing (cult of aestheticism). b fashion, c
with a cudgel. [Old English] (attrib.) fashionable (cult film). [Latin:
cue -n. 1 a last words of an actor's
related to cultivate]
speech as a signal to another to enter or cultivar /'kAlti,va:(r)/ n. plant variety
speak, b similar signal to a musician etc. produced by cultivation, [from cul-
2 a stimulus to perception etc. b signal tivate, variety]
for action, c hint on appropriate be- cultivate /'kAlti.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 pre-
haviour. 3 cueing audio equipment (see pare and use (soil etc.) for crops or
sense 2 of v.). -v. (cues, cued, cueing or gardening. 2 a raise (crops), b culture
cultivator 206 curable
(bacteria 3 a (often as cultivated
etc.)- cunnilingus /.kAni'lingas/ n. oral
adj.) improve (the mind, manners, etc.). stimulation of the female genitals.
b nurture (a person, friendship, etc.). [Latin cunnus vulva, lingo lick]
cultivable adj. cultivation / veij(3)n/ - cunning -adj. (-er, -est) 1 deceitful,
n. [Latin colo cult- till, worship] clever, or crafty. 2 ingenious (cunning
cultivator mechanical implement
n. 1 device). 3 US attractive, quaint, -n. 1
for breaking up the ground etc. 2 person craftiness; deception. 2 skill, ingenuity.
or thing that cultivates. cunningly adv. [Old Norse: related to
cultural /'kAltJar(a)l/ adj. of or relating CAN ]

to intellectual or artistic matters, or to a cunt n. coarse slang 1 female genitals. 2

specific culture, culturally adv. offens. unpleasant person, [origin un-
culture /'kAltJa(r)/ -n. 1 a intellectual certain]
and achievement or expression
cup -n. 1 small bowl-shaped container
for drinking from. 2 a its contents, b =
(city lacking in culture), b refined
appreciation of the arts etc. (person of cupful. 3 cup-shaped thing. 4 flavoured
wine, cider, etc., usu. chilled. 5 cup-
culture). 2 customs, achievements, etc.
shaped trophy as a prize. 6 one's fate or
of a particular civilization or group
fortune (a bitter cup), -v. (-pp-) 1 form
(Chinese culture). 3 improvement by
(esp. the hands) into the shape of a cup. 2
mental or physical training. 4 cultiva-
take or hold as in a cup. one's cup of
tion of plants; rearing of bees etc. 5
tea colloq. what interests or suits one.
quantity of micro-organisms and nutri-
[medieval Latin cuppa]
ent material supporting their growth. cupboard /'kAbad/ n. recess or piece of
-v. (-ring) maintain (bacteria etc.) in furniture with a door and (usu.) shelves.
suitable growth conditions. [Latin: cupboard love n. false affection for
related to cultivate] gain.
cultured adj. having refined taste etc. Cup Final n. final match in a (esp.
cultured pearl n. pearl formed by an football) competition,
oyster after the insertion of a foreign cupful n. (pi. -s) 1 amount held by a cup,
body into its shell. esp. US a half-pint or 8-ounce measure. 2
culture shock n. disorientation felt by full cup.
a person subjected to an unfamiliar way
of life.
Usage A cupful is a measure, and so
three cupfuls is a quantity regarded in
culture vulture n. colloq. person
terms of a cup; three cups full denotes
eager for cultural pursuits.
the actual cups as in brought us three
culvert /'kAlvat/ n. underground chan- cups full of water.
nel carrying water under a road etc.
[origin unknown] Cupid /'kju:pid/ n. 1 Roman god of love,
cum prep. (usu. in comb.) with, com- represented as a naked winged boy
bined with, also used as (bedroom-cum- archer. 2 (also cupid) representation of
study). [Latin] Cupid. [Latin cupio desire]
cumbersome /'kAmbasam/ adj. (also
cupidity /kju:'piditi/ n. greed; avarice.
[Latin: related to Cupid]
cumbrous /'kAmbras/) inconveniently
bulky etc.; unwieldy, [cumber hinder]
Cupid's bow n. upper lip etc. shaped
like an archery bow.
cumin / kAmm/
(also cummin) 1
cupola /'kju:pala/ n. dome forming or
plant with aromatic seeds. 2 these as
adorning a roof. 2 revolving dome pro-
flavouring. [Greek kuminon]
tecting mounted guns. 3 furnace for
cummerbund /'kAma.bAnd/ n. waist
melting metals. cupolaed /-lad/ adj.
sash. [Hindustani and Persian]
[Italian from Latin cupa cask]
cumquat var. of kumquat. cuppa /'kApa/ n. colloq. 1 cup of. 2 cup of
cumulative /'kjuimjulativ/ adj. 1
tea. [corruption]
increasing or increased progressively cupreous /'kju:pnas/ adj. of or like
in amount, force, etc. (cumulative evid- 1
copper. [Latin: related to copper ]
ence). 2 formed by successive additions cupric /'kju:pnk/ adj. of copper.
(learning is a cumulative process). cupro-nickel /,kju:prau'nik(a)l/ n.
cumulatively adv. alloy of copper and nickel.
cumulus /'kju:mjulas/ n. (pi. -11 /-,lai/) cup-tie n. match in a competition for a
cloud formation of rounded masses cup.
heaped up on a flat base. [Latin, = heap] cur n. 1 mangy
ill-tempered dog. 2 con-
cuneiform /'kju:ni,fo:m/ -adj. 1 wedge- temptible person, [perhaps from Old
shaped. 2 of or using wedge-shaped Norse kurr grumbling]
writing, -n. cuneiform writing. [Latin curable /'kjuarab(a)l/ adj. able to be
cuneus wedge] cured. curability /-'biliti/ n.
Curasao 207 curriculum
Curasao /'kjuara.sau/ n. (pi. -s) orange- curiosity /.kjuari'Dsiti/ n. (pi -ies> 1
llavoured liqueur. [Curasao, Caribbean eager desire to know; inquisitiveness. 2
island] strange, rare, etc. object. [Latin: related
curacy /'kjuarasi/ n. (pi. -ies) curate's to curious]
office or tenure of it. curious /'kjoanas/ adj. 1 eager to learn;
curare /kjua'ra:n/ n. extract of various inquisitive. 2 strange, surprising, odd
plants, used by American Indians to curiously adv. [Latin: related to cure]
poison arrows. [Carib] curium /'kjuariam/ n. artificial radio-
curate /'kjuarat/ n. assistant to a parish active metallic element. [M. and P.
priest, [medieval Latin curatus: related Curie, name of scientists]
to cure] curl -v. 1 (often foil, by up) bend or coil
curate's egg n. thing that is good in into a spiral. 2 move in a spiral form. 3 a
parts. (of the upper lip) be raised contemp-
curative /'kjoarativ/ -adj. tending or tuously, b cause (the lip) to do this. 4
able to cure. —n. curative agent, [medi- play curling, -n. 1 lock of curled hair. 2
eval Latin: related to curate] anything spiral or curved inwards. 3 a
curator /kjua'reita(r)/ n. keeper or cus- curling movement, b being curled,
todian of a museum etc. r curatorship curl one's lip express scorn, curl up 1
n. [Anglo-Latin: related to cure] lie or sit with the knees drawn up. 2

curb -n. 1 check, restraint. 2 strap etc. colloq. writhe in embarrassment etc.
passing under a horse's lower jaw, used [Dutch]
as a check. 3 enclosing border, e.g. the curler n. pin or roller etc. for curling
frame round a well or a fender round a the hair.
hearth. 4 = kerb. -v. 1 restrain. 2 put a curlew /'k3:lju:/ n. wading
bird, usu.
curb on (a horse). [French: related to with a long slender [French]bill.

curve] curlicue decorative curl

/'k3:li kju:/ n.

curd (often in pi.) coagulated acidic

or twist, [from curly, cue 2 or q ] 1

milk product made into cheese or eaten
curling n. game resembling bowls,
played on ice with round flat stones,
as food, [origin unknown]
curd cheese n. soft smooth cheese curly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having or
arranged in curls. 2 moving in curves.
made from skimmed milk curds.
curliness n.
curdle /'k3:d(a)l/ v. (-ling) form into
curly kalen. = kale.
curds; congeal. make one's blood curmudgeon /ka'mAd3(a)n/ n. bad-
curdle horrify one. [from curd]
tempered person. curmudgeonly
cure -v. (-ring) 1 (often foil, by of) adj. [origin unknown]
restore to health; relieve {cured of
currant /'kArant/ n. 1 small seedless
pleurisy). 2 eliminate (disease, evil,
dried grape. 2 a any of various shrubs
etc.). 3 preserve (meat, fruit, etc.) by
producing red, white, or black berries.
salting, drying, etc. 4 vulcanize (rub-
b such a berry. [Anglo-French from
ber); harden (plastic etc.). -n. 1 res-
Corinth in Greece]
toration to health. 2 thing effecting a currency /'kAransi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
cure. 3 course of treatment. 4 curacy. money in use in a country, b other
[Latin cura care] commodity used as money. 2 being cur-
cure /'kjuarei/ n. parish priest in France rent; prevalence (e.g. of words or ideas).
etc. [French] current -adj. 1 belonging to the pre-
cure-all n. panacea, sent; happening now (current events). 2
curette /kjua'ret/ -n. surgeon's small (of money, opinion, rumour, etc.) in
scraping-instrument, -v. (-tting) clean general circulation or use. -n. 1 body of
or scrape with this. curettage moving water, air, etc., esp. passing
/-'retid3/ n. [French: related to cure] through water etc. 2 a ordered
curfew /'k3:fju:/ n. 1 signal or time after movement of electrically charged par-
which people must remain indoors. 2 ticles, b quantity representing the
hist, signal for extinction of fires at a intensity of this. 3 (usu. foil, by of)
fixed hour. [French: related to cover, general tendency or course (of events,
Latin focus] opinions, etc.). currentness n. [Latin
Curia /'kjuaria/ n. (also curia) papal curro curs- run]
court; government departments of the current account n. instantly access-
Vatican. [Latin] ible bank account.
:urie /'kjoari/ n. unit of radioactivity. currently adv. at the present time;
[P. Curie, name of a scientist]

:urio /'kjoariau/ n. (pi. -s) rare or curriculum /ka'nkjulam/ n. (pi. -la)
unusual object, [abbreviation of curi- subjects included in a course of study.
osity] [Latin, = course]
curriculum vitae 208 custom
curriculum vitae / vi:tai/ n. brief ac- lowering of the body made by a girl or
count of one's education, career, etc. woman in acknowledgement of ap-
curry /'kAn/ -n. {pi. -ies) meat, veget-
plause or as a respectful greeting etc.
ables, etc., cooked in a spicy sauce, usu. -v. (-ies, -ied or -eys, -eyed) make a
served with rice. -u. (-ies, -ied) prepare curtsy, [var. of courtesy]
or flavour with a curry sauce. [Tamil] curvaceous /k3:'veijas/ adj. colloq.
curry 2 /'kAn/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 groom (a (esp. of a woman) having a shapely
horse) with a curry-comb. 2 treat figure.
(tanned leather) to improve it. curry t
curvature /'k3:vatja(r)/ n. 1 curving. 2
favour ingratiate oneself. [Germanic: curved form. 3 deviation of a curve or
related to ready] curved surface from a plane. [French
curry-comb n. metal serrated device from Latin: related to curve]
forgrooming horses. curve -rc. 1 line or surface of which no
curry-powder n. mixture of turmeric, part is straight or flat. 2 curved form or
cumin, etc. for making curry. thing. 3 curved line on a graph, -v.
curse —n. 1 solemn invocation of divine (-ving) bend or shape to form a curve.
wrath on a person or thing. 2 supposed curved adj. [Latin curvus curved]
resulting evil. 3 violent or profane ex- curvet -n. horse's frisky leap.
clamation or oath. 4 thing causing evil -v. or -t-) perform a curvet. [Italian
or harm. 5 (prec. by the) colloq. menstru- diminutive: related to curve]
ation, -v. (-sing) 1 a utter a curse curvilinear ,

/ k3:vi lmia(r)/ adj. con-

against, b (in imper.) may God curse. 2

tained by or consisting of curved lines.

(usu. in passive; foil, by with) afflict curvilinearly adv. [from curve
with. 3 swear profanely. [Old English] after rectilinear]
cursed /"k3:sid/ attrib. adj. damned. curvy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having many
cursive /'kaisiv/ -adj. (of writing) with curves. 2 (of a woman's figure) shapely.
joined characters, -n. cursive writing, curviness n.
[medieval Latin, = running: related to
cushion /'kuj(9)n/ -n. 1 bag stuffed
with soft material, for sitting or leaning
cursor /'k3:sa(r)/ n. 1 Math. etc. trans-
on etc. 2 protection against shock;
parent slide with a hairline, forming
measure to soften a blow. 3 padded rim
part of a slide-rule. 2 Computing indic-
of a billiard-table etc. 4 air supporting a
ator on a VDU screen identifying esp.
hovercraft etc. -i>. 1 provide or protect
the position that the program will oper-
with cushion(s). 2 mitigate the adverse
ate on with the next keystroke. [Latin,
effects of. [Latin culcita mattress]
= runner: related to cursive]
cursory /'k3:san/ adj. hasty, hurried. cushy /'kuji/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. (of a

cursorily adv. cursoriness n. [Latin: job etc.) easy and pleasant. [Hindi
related to cursor]
khush pleasant]
curt adj. noticeably or rudely brief. cusp n. point at which two curves meet,
e.g.the horn of a crescent moon etc.
curtly adv. curtness n. [Latin curtus
[Latin cuspis -id- point, apex]
curtail /k3:'teil/ v. cut short; reduce. cuss colloq. —n. 1 curse. 2 usu. derog.
curtailment n. [corruption of obsolete person; creature, -v. curse, [var. of
adj. curtal. related to curt] curse]
curtain /'k3:t(a)n/ -n. 1 piece of cloth cussed /'kAsid/ adj. colloq. stubborn.
etc. hung as a screen, esp. at a window. 2
cussedness n.

a rise or fall of a stage curtain between custard /'kAstad/ n. pudding or sweet

acts or scenes, b = curtain-call. 3 sauce of eggs or flavoured cornflour and
partition or cover. 4 (in pi.) slang the milk, [obsolete crustade: related to

end. -v. 1 provide or cover with cur- crust]

tain(s). 2 (foil, by off) shut off with custodian /kA'staudian/ n. guardian or
curtain(s). [Latin cortina] keeper. custodianship n.

curtain-call n. audience's applause custody /'kAstadi/ n. 1 guardianship;

summoning actors to take a bow. protective care. 2 imprisonment. take
curtain-raiser n. 1 short play before into custody arrest. custodial
the main performance. 2 preliminary /kA'staodial/ adj. [Latin custos -od-

event. guard]
curtilage /'k3:tilid3/ n. esp. Law area custom /'kAStam/ n. 1 a usual be-
attached to a house and forming one haviour, b particular established way of
enclosure with it. [French: related to behaving. 2 Law established usage hav-
court] ing the force of law. 3 regular business
curtsy /'k3:tsi/ (also curtsey) -n. (pi. dealings or customers. 4 (in pi.; also
-ies or -eys) bending of the knees and treated as sing.) a duty on imports and
customary 209 cutler
exports, b official department adminis- corner go across it. cut corners do
tering this, c area at a port, frontier, etc., perfunctorily or incompletely, esp. to
dealing with customs etc. [Latin consue- save time, cut a dash make a brilliant
tudo] show, cut a person dead deliberately
customary adj. in accordance with ignore (a person one knows), cut down
custom, usual. customarily adv. 1 a bring or throw down by cutting, b
customariness n. [medieval Latin: kill by sword or disease. 2 see sense 6 of
related to custom] v. 3 reduce the length of (cut down

custom-built adj. (also custom-made) trousers to make shorts). 4 (often foil,

made to order. by on) reduce consumption (cut down
customer n. 1 person who buys goods on beer), cut a person down to size
or services from a shop or business. 2 colloq. deflate a person's pretensions,
colloq. person of a specified kind cut in 1 interrupt. 2 pull in too closely in
(awkward customer). [Anglo-French: front of another vehicle, cut it fine
related to custom] allow very little margin of time etc. cut
custom-house n. customs office at a it out (usu. in imper.) slang stop doing
port or frontier etc. that, cut one's losses abandon an
customize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) unprofitable scheme, cut no ice slang
make or modify to order; personalize. have no influence, cut off 1 remove by
cut -v. (-tt-; past and past part, cut) 1 cutting. 2 a (often in passive) bring to an
(also absol.) penetrate or wound with a abrupt end or (esp. early) death, b inter-
sharp-edged instrument. 2 (often foil, by cept, interrupt, c disconnect (a person
into) divide or be divided with a knife on the telephone). 3 a prevent from
etc. 3 trim or detach by cutting. 4 (foil, travelling, b (as cut off ad/.) isolated or
by loose, open, etc.) loosen etc. by cut- remote. 4 disinherit, cut out 1 remove
ting. 5 (esp. as cutting adj.) wound from inside by cutting. 2 make by cut-
(cutting remark). 6 (often foil, by down) ting from a larger whole. 3 omit. 4 colloq.
reduce (wages, time, etc.) or cease (ser- stop doing or using (something) (cut out
vices etc.). 7 a make (a coat, gem, key, chocolate). 5 (cause to) cease function-
record, etc.) by cutting, b make (a path, ing (engine cut out). 6 outdo or supplant
tunnel, etc.) by removing material. 8 (a rival), cut short interrupt; termin-
perform, make (cut a caper, cut a sorry ate, cut one's teeth on acquire ex-
figure). 9 (also absol.) cross, intersect. perience from, cut a tooth have it ap-
10 (foil, by across, through, etc.) tra- pear through the gum. cut up 1 cut into
verse, esp. as a shorter way (cut across pieces. 2 (usu. in passive) distress
the grass). 11a deliberately ignore (a greatly, cut up rough slang show anger
person one knows), b renounce (a con- or resentment. [Old English]
nection). 12 esp. US deliberately miss (a cut and dried adj. 1 completely de-

class etc.). 13 Cards a divide (a pack) cided; inflexible. 2 (of opinions etc.)
into two parts, b do this to select a dealer ready-made, lacking freshness.
etc. 14 a edit (film or tape), b (often in cut and thrust n. lively argument etc.

imper.) stop filming or recording, c (foil, cutaneous /kju:'temi8s/ adj. of the

by to) go quickly to (another shot). 15 skin. [Latin: related to cuticle]
switch off (an engine etc.). 16 chop (a cutaway attrib. adj. (of a diagram etc )
ball), -n. 1 cutting. 2 division or wound with parts of the exterior left out to
made by cutting. 3 stroke with a knife, reveal the interior.
sword, whip, etc. 4 a reduction (in wages cut-back n. cutting back, esp. a reduc-
etc.). b cessation (of power supply etc.). tion in expenditure.
5 removal of lines etc. from a play, film, cute adj. colloq. 1 esp. US attractive,
etc. 6 wounding remark or act. 7 style of quaint. 2 clever, ingenious. cutely
hair, garment, etc. achieved by cutting. adv. cuteness n. [shortening of ACUTE]
8 particular piece of butchered meat. 9 cut glass n. (often hypenated when
colloq. commission; share of profits. 10 attrib.) glass with patterns cut on it.
stroke made by cutting. 11 deliberate cuticle /'kju:tik(o)l/ n. dead skin at the
ignoring of a person. 12 = woodcut, a base of a fingernail or toenail. [Latin
cut above colloq. noticeably superior diminutive of cutis skin]
to. be cut out (foil, by for, or to + infin.) cutis /'kju:tis/ n. true skin, beneath the
be suited, cut across 1 transcend (nor- epidermis. [Latin]
mal limitations etc.). 2 see sense 10 of v. cutlass /'kAtlas/ n. hist, short sword

cut and run slang run away, cut back with a slightly curved blade. [Latin
1 reduce (expenditure etc.). 2 prune (a
cultellus: related to cutler]
tree etc.). cut both ways 1 serve both cutler n. person who makes or deals in
sides of an argument etc. 2 (of an action) knives etc. [Latin cultellus diminutive:
have both good and bad effects, cut a related to coulter]
cutlery 210 cynic
cutlery /'kAtlan/ n. knives, forks, and with unconventional or nihilistic social
spoons for use at table. [Anglo-French: values, [from cybernetics, punk]
related to cutler] cycad /'saikaed/ n. palmlike plant often
cutlet /'kAtlit/ n. 1 neck-chop of mutton growing to a great height. [Greek koix
or lamb. 2 small piece of veal etc. for Egyptian palm]
frying. 3 flat cake of minced meat or cyclamate /'saikla.meit/ n. former arti-
nuts and breadcrumbs etc. [French di- ficial sweetener, [chemical name]
minutive from Latin costa rib] cyclamen /'siklaman/ n. 1 plant with
cut-off n. 1 (often attrib.) point at which pink, red, or white flowers with back-
something is cut off. 2 device for stop- ward-turned petals. 2 cyclamen red or
ping a flow. pink. [Latin from Greek]
cut-out n. 1 figure cut out of paper etc. 2 cycle /'saik(a)l/ -n. 1 a recurrent round
device for automatic disconnection, the or period (of events, phenomena, etc.).
release of exhaust gases, etc. b time needed for this. 2 a Physics etc.
cut-price adj. (also cut-rate) at a recurrent series of operations or states,
reduced price. b Electr. = hertz. 3 series of related
cutter n.1a person or thing that cuts, b songs, poems, etc. 4 bicycle, tricycle, etc.
a small fast sailing-
(in pi. ) cutting tool. 2 -v. (-ling) 1 ride a bicycle etc. 2 move in
ship, b small boat carried by a large cycles. [Greek kuklos circle]
ship. cycle-track n. (also cycle-way) path or
cutthroat -n. 1 murderer. 2 (in full
road for bicycles.
cutthroat razor) razor with a long cyclic /'saiklik/ adj. (also cyclical
unguarded blade set in a handle, -adj. 1
/'siklik(a)l/) 1 a recurring in cycles, b
(of competition) ruthless and intense. 2
belonging to a chronological cycle. 2
(of a card-game) three-handed.
with constituent atoms forming a ring.
cutting -n. 1 piece cut from a news-
cyclically adv.
paper etc. 2 piece cut from a plant for
cyclist /'saiklist/ n. rider of a bicycle.
propagation. 3 excavated channel in a
cyclo- comb, form circle, cycle, or cyclic.
hillside etc. for a railway or road. -adj.
cyclone /'saiklaun/ n. 1 winds rotating
see cut v. 5. cuttingly adv.
inwards to an area of low barometric
cuttlefish /'kAt(8)lftJ7 n. (pi. same or
pressure; depression. 2 violent hur-
-es) mollusc with ten arms and ejecting
ricane of limited diameter. cyclonic
a black fluid when threatened. [Old
[Greek kukloma wheel]
/-'klonik/ adj.
cyclotron n. apparatus
cutwater n. 1 forward edge of a ship's
for the acceleration of charged atomic
prow. 2 wedge-shaped projection from a
and subatomic particles revolving in a
pier or bridge.
cuvee /kju:'vei/ n. blend or batch of magnetic field.
wine. [French, = vatful]
cygnet /'signit/ n. young swan. [Latin
c.v. abbr. (also CV) curriculum vitae.
cygnus swan from Greek]
cwm /ku:m/ n. (in Wales) = coomb.
cylinder /'silmda(r)/ n. 1 uniform solid
[Welsh] or hollow body with straight sides and a
cwt abbr. hundredweight. circular section. 2 thing of this shape,
e.g. a container for liquefied gas, a
-cy suffix denoting state, condition, or
status (idiocy, captaincy). [Latin -cia, piston-chamber in an engine. cylin-
Greek -kia]
drical /-'lmdnk(a)l/ adj. [Latin cylin-
cyanic acid /sai'aenik/ n. unstable col- drus from Greek]
ourless pungent acid gas. [Greek kua- cymbal /'simb(a)l/ n. concave disc,

nos a blue mineral] struck usu. with another to make a

cyanide /'saia.naid/ n. highly poisonous ringing sound. cymbalist n. [Latin
substance used in the extraction of gold from Greek]
and silver. cyme /saim/ n. flower cluster with a
cyanogen /sai'aenad3(a)n/ n. highly single terminal flower that develops
poisonous gas used in fertilizers. first. cymose adj. [Greek kuma wave]
cyanosis bluish skin
/.saia'nausis/ n. Cymric /'kimnk/ adj. Welsh. [Welsh
due to oxygen-deficient blood. Cymru Wales]
cybernetics /.saiba'netiks/ (usu. cynic /'smik/ n. 1 person with a pes-
treated as sing.) science of communica- simistic view of human nature. 2
tions and control systems in machines (Cynic) one of a school of ancient Greek
and living things. cybernetic adj. philosophers showing contempt for
[Greek kubernetes steersman] ease and pleasure. cynical adj. cyn-
cyberpunk /'saiba.pAnk/ n. science fic- ically adv. cynicism /-,siz(a)m/ n.
tion writing combining high-tech plots [Greek kuon dog]
cynosure 211 Czechoslovak
cynosure /'sama.zjuafr)/ n. centre of cystitis /si'staitis/ n. inflammation of
attraction or admiration. [Greek, = the bladder usu. causing frequent pain-
dog's tail (name for Ursa Minor)] ful urination.
cypher var. of cipher. -cyte comb, form mature cell {leucocyte).
cypress /'saipras/ n. conifer with hard [Greek kutos vessel]
wood and dark foliage. [Greek kuparis- cytology /sai'tDlad3i/ n. the study of

sos] cells. cytological /-ta'lDd3ik(9)l/ adj.

cytologist n. [Greek kutos vessel]
Cypriot /'sipnat/ (also Cypriote /-aut/)
-n. native or national of Cyprus, -adj.
cytoplasm /'saitau plaez(9)m/ n. proto-

plasmic content of a cell apart from its

of Cyprus. [Cyprus in E. Mediter-
nucleus. cytoplasmic /-'plaezmik/
Cyrillic /si'nlik/ -adj. of the alphabet czar var. of tsar
used by the Slavonic peoples of the Czech /tjek/ -n. 1 native or national of
Orthodox Church, now used esp. for Czechoslovakia. 2 one of the two official
Russian and Bulgarian, -n. this alpha- languages of Czechoslovakia, -adj. of
bet. [St Cyril, d. 869]
Czechoslovakia, its people, or language.
cyst /sist/ n. sac formed in the body, [Bohemian Cech]
containing liquid matter. [Greek kustis Czechoslovak /.tjeka'slguvaek/ (also
bladder] Czechoslovakian /-sla'vaekian/) -n.
cystic adj. 1 of the bladder. 2 like a cyst, native or national of Czechoslovakia.
cystic fibrosis n. hereditary disease -adj. of Czechoslovakia, [from Czech,
usu. with respiratory infections. Slovak]
D 1
di: n. (also d) (pi Ds or D's) 1 fourth dado 'deidao/ n. (pi -s) 1 lower, differ-
letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. second ently decorated, part of an interior wall.
note of the diatonic scale of C major. 3 2 plinth of a column. 3 cube of a pedestal
(as a roman numeral) 500. 4 = dee. 5 between the base and the cornice. [It-
fourth highest class or category (of aca- alian: related to die ]
demic marks etc.). daemon var. of demon 4.
D 2
symb. deuterium. daff n. colloq. = daffodil, [abbrevi-
d. abbr. 1 died. 2 departs. 3 daughter. 4 ation]
hist (pre-decimal) penny, [sense 4 from daffodil /'daefadil/ n. spring bulb with a
Latin denarius] yellow trumpet-shaped flower, [related
'd v. pronouns) had,
collog. (usu. after to asphodel]
would [abbreviation]
(I'd; he'd), daft /da:ft/ adj. colloq. silly, foolish,
dab -v. (-bb-) 1 (often foil, by at) repeat-
crazy. [Old English, = meek]
edly press briefly and lightly with a dagger n. 1 short pointed knife used as a
cloth etc. (dabbed at her eyes). 2 press (a weapon. 2 Printing = obelus, z at
cloth etc.) thus. 3 (foil, by on) apply by daggers drawn in bitter enmity, look
dabbing. 4 (often foil, by at) aim a feeble daggers at glare angrily at. [origin
blow; strike lightly, -n. 1 dabbing. 2 uncertain]
small amount thus applied (dab of dago /'deigau/ n. (pi -s) slang offens.
paint). 3 light blow. 4 (in pi) slang foreigner, esp. a Spaniard, Portuguese,
fingerprints, [imitative] or Italian. [Spanish Diego = James]
dab 2 n. (pi same) a kind of marine flat- daguerreotype /da'gerau.taip/ n. early
fish, [origin unknown] photograph using a silvered plate and
dabble v. (-ling) 1 (usu. foil,
'daeb(a)L mercury vapour. [Daguerre, name of its
by in, (in an activity etc.)
at) engage inventor]
superficially. 2 move the feet, hands, dahlia /'deilia/ n. large-flowered showy
etc. in esp. shallow liquid. 3 wet partly; garden plant. [Dahl, name of a botanist]
stain, splash, z dabbler n. [from dab 1
] Dail dail/ n. (in full Dail Eireann
dabchick = little grebe.
'dasbtjik, n. /'eiran/) lower house of parliament in
[Old English] the Republic of Ireland. [Irish, = as-
dab hand n. (usu. foil, by at) colloq. sembly (of Ireland)]
expert, [dab adept, origin unknown] daily /'deili -adj. done, produced, or
da capo da: 'ka:pao7 adv. Mus. repeat occurring every day or every weekday.
from the beginning. [Italian] -adv. 1 every day. 2 constantly, -n. (pi
dace n. (pi same) small freshwater fish -ies) colloq. 1 daily newspaper. 2 clean-
related to the carp. [French dars: ing woman.
related to dart] daily bread n. necessary food;
dacha "daetja n. Russian country cot- livelihood.
tage. [Russian] dainty i'demtil -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 delic-
dachshund 'daekshund/ n. dog of a ately pretty. 2 delicate or small. 3 (of
short-legged long-bodied breed. [Ger- food) choice. 4 fastidious; discriminat-
man, = badger-dog] ing, -n. (pi -ies) choice delicacy, z
dactyl 'daektil n. metrical foot consist- daintily adv. daintiness n. [Latin dig-
ing of one long syllable followed by nitas dignity]
two short syllables (-u u). z dactylic daiquiri /'daikari/ n. (pi -s) cocktail of
tilik adj. [Greek, = finger]
- rum, lime juice, etc. [Daiquiri in Cuba]
dad n. colloq. father, [imitative of a dairy /'dean/ n. (pi -ies) 1 place for
child's da da] processing, distributing, or selling milk
Dada /'daida:/ n. early 20th-c. artistic and its products. 2 (attrib.) of, contain-
and literary movement repudiating con- ing, orused for, dairy products (and
ventions, z Dadaism -da,iz(a)m n. sometimes eggs) (dairy cow). [Old
Dadaist -daist/ n. & adj. Dadaistic English]
- istik adj. [French dada hobby-horse] dairying n. dairy farming and
daddy daedi/ n. (pi -ies) colloq. father. distribution.
[from dad] dairymaid n. woman employed in a
daddy-long-legs n. (pi same) dairy.
crane-fly. dairyman n. dealer in dairy products.
dais 213 dance
dais /'dens/ n. low platform, usu. at the circumstance, evidence, etc.) show or
upper end of a hall. [Latin discus disc, prove to be guilty, b be the ruin of. -n. 1
(later) table] uttered curse. 2 slang negligible
daisy /'deizi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 small wild amount, -adj. &adv. colloq. = damned.
plant with white-petalled flowers. 2 damn all slang nothing at all. damn
plant with similar flowers. [Old English, well colloq. (for emphasis) simply
= day 's eye] (damn well do as I say), damn with
daisy wheel n. spoked disc bearing faint praise commend feebly, and so
printing characters, used in word pro- imply disapproval. I'm (or I'll be)
cessors and typewriters. damned if colloq. I certainly do not. will
dal var. of dhal. not, etc. not give a damn see give, well
Dalai Lama /.daelai 'la:ma/ n. spiritual I'm (or I'll be) damned colloq. exclama-
head of Tibetan Buddhism. [Mongolian tion of surprise etc. [Latin damnum
dalai ocean] loss]
dale n. valley. [Old English] damnable /'daemnab(a)l/ adj. hateful,
dally /'daeli/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 delay; waste annoying. damnably adv.
time. 2 (often foil, by with) flirt, trifle. damnation /daem'neij(a)n/ -n. eternal
dalliance n. [French] punishment in hell. -int. expressing
Dalmatian /dael'meij\9)n/ n. large anger.
white spotted short-haired dog. [Dalma- damned /daemd/ colloq. -attrib. adj.
tia in Croatia] damnable, -adv. extremely (damned
dal segno /dael 'seinjau/ adv. Mus. re- hot), damned well = damn well, do
peat from the point marked by a sign. one's damnedest do one's utmost.
[Italian, = from the sign] damp -adj. slightly wet. -n. slight dif-
dam 1
-n. 1 barrier across river etc., fused or condensed moisture, esp. when
forming a reservoir or preventing flood- unwelcome. -v. 1 make damp; moisten.
ing. 2 barrier made by beaver, -v. 2 (often foil, by down) a temper; mute
(-mm-) 1 provide or confine with a dam. (damps my enthusiasm), b make (a
2 (often foil, by up) block up; obstruct. fire) burn less strongly by reducing the
[Low German or Dutch] flow of air to it. 3 reduce or stop the
dam 2 n. mother, esp. of a four-footed vibration of (esp. strings of a musical
animal, [var. of dame] instrument). damply adv. damp-
damage /'daemid3/-«. 1 harm or injury. ness n. [Low German]
2 (in pi. ) Law financial compensation for damp course n. (also damp-proof
loss or injury. 3 (prec. by the) slang cost. course) layer of waterproof material in
-v. (-ging) inflict damage on. [Latin a wall near the ground, to prevent rising
damnum] damp.
damascene /'daema,si:n/ -v. (-ning) dampen v. 1 make or become damp. 2
decorate (metal) by etching or inlaying (often foil, by down) = damp v. 2a.
esp. with gold or silver, -n. design or damper n.discouraging person or

article produced in this way. -adj. of thing. 2 device that reduces shock or
this process, [Damascus in Syria] noise. 3 metal plate in a flue to control
damask /'daemask/ -n. reversible the draught. 4 Mus. pad silencing a
figured woven fabric, esp. white table piano string. put a damper on take
linen, -adj. 1 made of damask. 2 velvety the vigour or enjoyment out of.
pink. -v. weave with figured designs. damp squib n. unsuccessful attempt to
[as DAMASCENE] impress etc.
damask rose n. old sweet-scented rose damsel /'daemz(e)l/ n. archaic or liter-
used to make attar. ary young unmarried woman. [French
dame n. 1 (Dame) a title given to a diminutive: related to dame]
woman holding any of several orders of damselfly n. insect like a dragonfly but
chivalry, b woman holding this title. 2 with wings folded when resting.
comic middle-aged female pantomime damson /'daemz(a)n/ n. 1 (in full dam-
character, usu. played by a man. 3 US son plum) small dark-purple plum. 2
slang woman. [Latin domina lady] dark-purple colour. [Latin: related to
dame-school n. hist, primary school damascene]
kept by an elderly woman. dan n. 1 grade of proficiency in judo. 2

dammit /'daemit/ int. colloq. damn it. holder of such a grade. [Japanese]
damn /daem/ -v. 1 (often absol. or as int. dance /da:ns/ -v. (-cing) 1 move rhyth
of anger or annoyance, = may God mically, usu. to music. 2 skip or jump
damn) curse (a person or thing). 2 doom about. 3 perform (a specified dance,
to hell; cause the damnation of. 3 con- role, etc.). 4 bob up and down. 5 dandle
demn, censure (review damning the (a child). -n. 1 a dancing as an art form,
book). 4 a (often as damning adj.) (of b style or form of this. 2 social gathering
dancehall 2U darkroom
for dancing. 3 single round or turn of a daphne /'daefni/ n. any of various
dance. 4 music for dancing to. 5 lively flowering shrubs. [Greek]
motion, dance attendance on serve dapper adj. 1 neat and precise, esp. in
obsequiously, lead a person a dance dress. 2 sprightly. [Low German or
(or merry dance) cause a person much Dutch dapper strong]
trouble. danceable adj. dancer n. dapple /'daep(9)l/ -v. (-ling) mark or
[French] become marked with spots of colour or
dancehall n. public hall for dancing, shade, -n. dappled effect, [origin
d. and c. n.
dilatation (of the cervix) and unknown]
curettage (of the uterus), dapple-grey adj. (of an animal's coat)
dandelion /'daendi.laian/ n. wild plant grey or white with darker spots,
with jagged leaves, a yellow flower, and dapple grey n. dapple-grey horse.

a fluffy seed-head. [French dent-de-lion, Darby and Joan /,da:bi and 'd3aun/ n.
= lion's tooth] devoted old married couple, [names of a
dander n. colloq. temper, indignation. couple in an 18th-c. poem]
get one's dander up become angry. Darby and Joan club n. club for

[origin uncertain] pensioners.

dandify /'daendi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) make dare -v. (-ring; 3rd sing, present usu.
a dandy. dare before an expressed or implied
dandle /'daend(a)l/ v. (-ling) bounce (a
infinitive without to) 1 (foil, by infin.
child) one's knees etc. [origin
with or without to) have the courage or
unknown] impudence (to) (dare he do it?; if they
dandruff /'daendrAf/ n. 1 flakes of dead
dare to come; how dare you?). 2 (usu.
foil, by to + infin.) defy or challenge (/
skin in the hair. 2 this as a condition,
[origin uncertain]
dare you to own up), -n. 1 act of daring.
2 challenge, esp. to prove courage, p I
dandy /'daendi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 man
dare say 1 (often foil, by that) it is
greatly devoted to style and fashion. 2
probable. 2 probably; I grant that much.
colloq. excellent thing, -adj. (-ier, -iest)
[Old English]
US colloq. splendid, [perhaps from
daredevil -n. recklessly daring per-
thename Andrew]
son, -adj. recklessly daring, z dare-
dandy-brush n. brush for grooming a devilry n.
daring -n. adventurous courage, -adj.
Dane native or national of Den-
n. 1
adventurous, bold; prepared to take
mark. 2 hist. Viking invader of England
risks, p daringly adv.
in the 9th-llth c. [Old Norse]
dariole /'daeri.aul/ n. dish cooked and
danger /'demd39(r)/ n. 1 liability or served in a small mould. [French]
exposure to harm. 2 thing that causes or dark -adj. 1 with little or no light. 2 of
may cause harm, p in danger of likely deep or sombre colour. 3 (of a person)
to incur or to suffer from, [earlier = with dark colouring. 4 gloomy, dismal. 5
'power', from Latin dominus lord] evil, sinister. 6 sullen, angry. 7 secret,
danger list n. list of those dangerously mysterious. 8 ignorant, unenlightened.
-n. 1 absence of light. 2 lack of know-
danger money n. extra payment for ledge. 3 dark area or colour, esp. in
dangerous work. painting. after dark after nightfall,
dangerous adj. involving or causing the Dark Ages (or Age) 1 period of
danger, z dangerously adv. European history from the 5th-10th c.
dangle /'daeng(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 be loosely 2 period of supposed unenlightenment.
suspended and able to sway. 2 hold or in the dark 1 lacking information.
carry thus. 3 hold out (hope, temptation, 2 with no light, z darkish adj. darkly
etc.) enticingly, [imitative] adv. darkness n. [Old English]
Danish /'demiJV -adj. of Denmark or darken v. make or become dark or
the Danes, -n. 1 Danish language. 2 darker, z never darken a person's
(prec. by the; treated as pi.) the Danish door keep away permanently, z dark-
people. [Latin: related to Dane] ener n.
Danish blue n. white blue-veined dark glasses spectacles with
cheese. dark-tinted lenses.
Danish pastry n. yeast cake topped dark horse n. little-known person who
with icing, fruit, nuts, etc. is unexpectedly successful.
dank adj. disagreeably damp and cold, darkie var. of darky.
dankly adv. dankness n. [probably darkroom n. darkened room for photo-
Scandinavian] graphic work.
darky 215 dative
darky n. (also darkie) (pi. -ies) slang
Usage (1) In scientific, philosophical,
offens. Black person.
and general use, this word is usually
darling /'dailin/ -n.
beloved, lovable,1
considered to denote a number of items
or endearing person or thing. 2 favour- and is thus treated as plural with datum
ite, -ad/. 1 beloved, lovable. 2 colloq.
as the singular. (2) In computing and
charming or pretty. [Old English: allied subjects (and sometimes in
related to dear] general use), it is mass (or
treated as a
darn -v. mend (cloth etc.) by filling a
collective) noun and used with words
hole with stitching, -n. darned area, like this, that, and much, with singular
[origin uncertain] verbs, e.g. useful data has been collected.
darn 2 v., int., adj., &adv. colloq. = damn Some people consider use (2) to be incor-
(in imprecatory senses), [corruption] rect but it is more common than use (1).
darned &
adv. colloq. = damned.
adj. However, data is not a singular count-
darnel grass growing in
/'da:n(a)l/ n. able noun and cannot be preceded by a.
cereal crops, [origin unknown] every, each, either, or neither, or be given
darner n. needle for darning. a plural form datas.
darning n. 1 act of darning. 2 things to data bank n. store or source of data,
be darned. database n. structured set of data held
dart -n. 1 small pointed missile. 2 (in pi. ;
in a computer.
usu. treated as sing.) indoor game of datable /'deit8b(8)l/ adj. (often foil, by
throwing darts at a dartboard to score to)capable of being dated,
points. 3 sudden rapid movement. 4 data capture n. entering of data into a
dartlike structure, e.g. an insect's sting. computer.
5 tapering tuck in a garment, -v. (often data processing n. series of opera-
foil,by out, in, past, etc.) move, send, or tions on data, esp. by a computer,
go suddenly or rapidly. [French from data processor n.
Germanic] date -n. 1 day of the month, esp. as a

dartboard circular target in darts.

number. 2 particular, esp. historical,
day or year. 3 day, month, and year of
Darwinian /darwinian/ -adj. of Dar- writing etc., at the head of a document
win's theory of evolution, -n. adherent
etc. 4 period to which a work of art etc.
of this. Darwinism / da: / n. Darwin- belongs. 5 time when an event takes
ist /'da:-/ n. [Darwin, name of a natur-
place. 6 colloq. a appointment, esp.
alist] social with a person of the opposite sex.
dash rush. 2 strike or fling force-
-u. 1 b US person to be met at this. -v. (-ting)
fully, esp. so as to shatter (dashed it to 1 mark with a date. 2 a assign a date to
the ground). 3 frustrate, dispirit (an object, event, etc.). b (foil, by to)
(dashed their hopes). 4 colloq. (esp. assign to a particular time, period, etc. 3
dash it or dash it all) = damn v. 1. -n. 1 (often foil, by from, back to, etc.) have its
rush or onset; sudden advance. 2 hori- origins at a particular time. 4 appear or
zontal stroke (-) in writing or printing to expose as old-fashioned (design that
mark a pause etc. 3 impetuous vigour; does not date: that hat dates you). 5 US
capacity for or appearance of this. 4 US colloq. a make a date with, b go out
sprinting-race. 5 longer signal of two in together as sexual partners. out of
Morse code (cf. dot n. 2). 6 slight admix- date (attrib. out-of-date) old-fashioned,
obsolete, to date until now. up to date
ture, esp. of a liquid. 7 = dashboard.
(attrib. up-to-date) modern; fashion-
dash off write or draw hurriedly,
able; current. [French: related to data]
date 2 n. 1 dark oval single-stoned fruit. 2
dashboard n. instrument panel of a
(in full date-palm) tree bearing it.
vehicle or aircraft.
[Greek: related to dactyl, from the
dashing adj. 1 spirited, lively. 2 showy.
shape of the leaf]
dashingly adv. dashingness n. date-line n. 1 north south line partly
dastardly /'daestadh/ adj. cowardly, along the meridian 180 from Green-
despicable. dastardliness n. [origin wich, to the east of which the date is a
uncertain] day earlier than to the west. 2 date and
DAT /daet/ abbr. digital audio tape. place of writing at the head of a news-
data /'deita/ (also treated as sing., paper article etc.
although the singular form is strictly date-stamp adjustable rubber
datum) 1 known facts used for inference stamp etc. usedrecord a date. -v.
or in reckoning. 2 quantities or charac- mark with a date-stamp.
ters operated on by a computer etc. dative /'deitiv/ Gram. -n. case express-
[Latin data from do give] ing the indirect object or recipient.
datum 216 DD
-adj. of or in this case. [Latin: related to when all is said and done, call it a day
data] end a period of day after day
datum deitam see data. without respite, day and night all the
daub do:t>/ -v. 1 spread (paint etc.) time, day by day gradually, day in, day
crudely or roughly. 2 coat or smear (a out routinely, constantly, not one's
surface) with paint etc. 3 paint crudely day day when things go badly (for a
or unskilfully, -n. 1 paint etc. daubed on person), one of these days soon, one of
a surface. 2 plaster, clay, etc., esp. coat- those days day when things go badly,
ing laths or wattles to form a wall. 3 that will be the day colloq. that will
crude painting. [Latin: related to de-, never happen. [Old English]
alb] day-bed n. bed for daytime rest.
daughter ,/'do:ta(r)/ n. 1 girl or woman day-boy n. (also day-girl) non-board-
in relation to her parent(s). 2 female ing pupil, esp. at a boarding school.
descendant. 3 (foil, by of) female mem- daybreak n. first light in the morning.
ber of a family etc. 4 (foil, by of) female day care n. care of young children, the
descendant or inheritor of a quality etc. elderly, the handicapped, etc. during
z daughterly adj. [Old English] the working day.
daughter-in-law n. (pi. daughters- day centre n. place for care of the
in-law) son's wife. elderly or handicapped during the day.
daunt /do:nt/ v. discourage, intimidate, day-dream -n. pleasant fantasy or
z daunting adj. [Latin domito from reverie, -u. indulge in this, z day-
domo tame] -dreamer n.
dauntless adj. intrepid, persevering. daylight n. 1 light of day. 2 dawn. 3
dauphin 'doifm/ n. hist, eldest son of visible gap, e.g. between boats in a race.
the King of France. [French from Latin 4 (usu. in pi.) slang life or consciousness
delphinus dolphin, as a family name] (scared the daylights out of me; beat the
Davenport /'daevan.po^/ n. 1 small living daylights out of them).
writing-desk with a sloping top. 2 US daylight robbery n. colloq. blatantly
large sofa, [name of the maker] excessive charge.
davit small crane on board
/'daevit/ n. daylight saving n. longer summer
ship, esp. for moving or holding a life- evening daylight, achieved by putting
boat. [French diminutive of David] clocks forward.
Davy /'deivi/ n. (pi. -ies) (in full Davy day nursery n. nursery for children of
lamp) miner's safety lamp, [name of its working parents.
inventor] day off n. day's holiday.
Davy Jones /.deivi 'd3aunz/ n. slang (in day of reckoning n. time when some-
full Davy Jones's locker) bottom of the thing must be atoned for or avenged.
sea, esp. as the sailors' graveyard, [ori- day release n. part-time education for
gin unknown] employees.
daw n. = jackdaw. [Old English] day return n. reduced fare or ticket for
dawdle /'do:d(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 walk a return journey in one day.
slowly and idly. 2 waste time; pro- day-room n. room, esp. in an institu-
crastinate, [origin unknown] tion, used during the day.
dawn -n. 1 daybreak. 2 beginning or day-school n. school for pupils living at
birth of something, -v. 1 (of a day) home.
begin; grow light. 2 (often foil, by on, daytime n. part of the day when there is
upon) begin to become obvious (to). [Old natural light.
English] day-to-day adj. mundane, routine,
dawn chorus n. bird-song at daybreak. day-trip n. trip completed in one day. z
day n. 1 time between sunrise and sun- day-tripper n.
set. 2 a 24 hours as a unit of time, b daze -v. (-zing) stupefy, bewilder, -n.
corresponding period on other planets state of bewilderment. [Old Norse]
(Martian day). 3 daylight (clear as day). dazzle /'daez(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 blind or
4 time during which work is normally confuse temporarily with a sudden
done (eight-hour day). 5 a (also pi.) bright light. 2 impress or overpower
historical period (in those days), b with knowledge, ability, etc. -n. bright
(prec. by the) present time (issues of the confusing light, z dazzling adj. daz-
day). 6 prime of a person's life (have had zlingly adv. [from daze]
my day; in my day). 7 a future time (will dB abbr. decibel(s).
do it one day). 8 date of a specific festival DBS abbr. 1 direct-broadcast satellite. 2

or event etc. (graduation day, Christ- direct broadcasting by satellite.

mas day). 9 battle or contest (win the DC abbr. 1 (also dc) direct current. 2
day), z all in a day's work part of the District of Columbia. 3 da capo.
normal routine, at the end of the day DD abbr. Doctor of Divinity.
D-Day 217 deal
D-Day day (6 June 1944) on
/'di:dei/ n. 1 or close it. -v. bring or come to a .

which Allied forces invaded N. France. standstill.

2 important or decisive day. [D for day] dead loss n. colloq. useless person or
DDT abbr. colourless chlorinated hy- thing.
drocarbon used as insecticide, [from the deadly -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 causing or
chemical name] able to cause fatal injury or serious
de- prefix 1 forming verbs and their damage. 2 intense, extreme (deadly-
derivatives: a down, away (descend; dullness). 3 (of aim etc.) true; effective.
deduct), b completely (denude). 2 added 4 deathlike (deadly pale). 5 colloq.
to verbs and their derivatives to form dreary, dull. -adv. 1 like death; as if
verbs and nouns implying removal dead (deadly faint). 2 extremely (deadly
or reversal (de-ice; decentralization). serious).
[Latin] deadly nightshade n. poisonous
deacon /'di:kan/ n. senses 2 and
(fern, (in plant with purple-black berries.
3) deaconess /-'nes/) 1 (in Episcopal dead man's handle n. (also dead
churches) minister below bishop and man's pedal) device on an electric train
priest. 2 (in Nonconformist churches) disconnecting the power supply if
lay officer. 3 (in the early Church) minis- released.
ter of charity. [Greek diakonos servant] dead march n. funeral march,
deactivate /di:'aekti,veit/ v. (-ting) dead on adj. exactly right,
make inactive or less reactive. deadpan adj. & adv. lacking expression
dead /ded/ -adj. 1 no longer alive. 2 or emotion.
colloq. extremely tired or unwell. 3 dead reckoning n. calculation of a
numb (fingers are dead). 4 (foil, by to) ship's position from the log, compass,
insensitive to. 5 no longer effective or in etc., when visibility is bad.
use; extinct. 6 (of a match, coal, etc.) dead set n. determined attack. be
extinguished. 7 inanimate. 8 a lacking dead set against strongly oppose, be
force or vigour, b (of sound) not reson- dead set on be determined to do or get.
ant. 9 quiet; lacking activity (dead dead shot n. person who shoots ex-
season). 10 (of a microphone, telephone, tremely accurately.
etc.) not transmitting sounds. 11 (of a dead weight n. (also dead-weight) 1 a
ball in a game) out of play. 12 abrupt, inert mass, b heavy burden. 2 debt not
complete (come to a dead stop; a dead covered by assets. 3 total weight carried
calm; dead certainty), -adv. 1 abso- on a ship.
lutely, completely (dead on target; dead dead wood n. colloq. useless person(s)
tired). 2 colloq. very, extremely (dead or thing(s).
easy), -n. time of silence or inactivity deaf /def/ wholly or partly unable
adj. 1

(dead of night). as dead as the (or a) by to) refusing to listen or

to hear. 2 (foil,
dodo entirely obsolete, dead to the comply. turn a deaf ear (usu. foil, by
world colloq. fast asleep; unconscious. to) be unresponsive, deafness n. [Old
[Old English] English]
dead beat adj. colloq. exhausted. deaf-aid n. hearing-aid.
dead-beat n. colloq. derelict, tramp. deaf-and-dumb alphabet n. (also
dead duck slang unsuccessful or
n. deaf-and-dumb language) = sign lan-
useless person or thing. guage.
deaden v. 1 deprive of or lose vitality, Usage Sign language is the preferred
force, brightness, sound, feeling, etc. 2 term in officia l use.
(foil, by to) make insensitive.
dead end n. 1 closed end of road, pas- deafen v. (often as deafening adj. over- )

sage, etc. 2 (often, with hyphen, attrib.) power with noise or make deaf by noise,
hopeless situation, job, etc. esp. temporarily, deafeningly adv.
deadhead -n. 1 faded flower-head. 2 deaf mute n. deaf and dumb person.
non-paying passenger or spectator. 3 deal 1
-v. (past and past part, dealt
useless person, -v. remove deadheads /delt/) 1 (foil, by with) a take measures to

from (a plant). resolve, placate, etc. b do business with;

dead heat race in which compet-
n. 1 associate with, c discuss or treat (a
itors tie. 2 result of such a race. subject). 2 (often foil, by by, with) be-
dead language n. language no longer have in specified way (dealt honourably
spoken, e.g. Latin. by them). 3 (foil, by in) sell (deals in
dead letter n. law or practice no longer insurance). 4 (often foil, by out, round)
observed or recognized, distribute to several people etc. 5 (also
deadline n. time-limit, absol.) distribute (cards) to players. 6
deadlock -n. 1 state of unresolved administer (was dealt a blow). 7 assign,
conflict. 2 lock requiring a key to open esp. providentially (were dealt much
deal 218 debate
happiness), -n. 1 (usu. a good or great utmost, extremely (bored to death).
deal) colloq. a large amount (good deal deathlike adj. [Old English]
of trouble), b considerably (great deal deathbed n. bed where a person dies.
better). 2 colloq. business arrangement; deathblow n. 1 blow etc. causing death.
transaction. 3 specified treatment (a 2 event etc. that destroys or ends some-
rough deal). 4 a dealing of cards, b thing.
player's turn to do this. [Old English] death certificate n. official statement
deal 2 n. 1 fir or pine timber, esp. as of a person's death.
boards of a standard size. 2 board of this. death duty n. hist, property tax levied
[Low German] after death.
dealer n. 1 trader in (esp. retail) goods Usage This term was replaced in
(car-dealer; dealer in tobacco). 2 player 1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986
dealing at cards. 3 jobber on the Stock by inheritance tax.
deathly -adj. (-ier, -iest) suggestive of
Usage In sense 3, this name has been death (deathly silence), -adv. in a
merged with broker since Oct. 1986 (see deathly way (deathly pale).
BROKER 2, JOBBER 2). death-mask n. cast taken of a dead
dealings contacts, conduct, or person's face.
transactions. death penalty n. punishment by
dealt past and past part, of deal 1
dean n. 1 a head of the chapter of a
1 death rate n. number of deaths per
cathedral or collegiate church, b (usu. thousand of population per year,
rural dean) clergyman supervising death-rattle n. gurgling in the throat
parochial clergy. 2 a college or univer-
sometimes heard at death,
sity official with disciplinary and advis-
death row n. US part of a prison for
those sentenced to death,
ory functions, b head of a university
faculty or department or of a medical
death squad n. armed paramilitary
school. [Latin decanus]
death-trap n. colloq. dangerous build-
dean 2 var. of dene. ing, vehicle, etc.
deanery n. (pi. -ies) 1 dean's house or death-warrant n. order of execution. 1
position. 2 parishes presided over by a
2 anything that causes the end of an
rural dean.
established practice etc.
dear -adj. 1 a beloved or much death-watch n. (in full death-watch
esteemed, b as a merely polite or ironic beetle) small beetle which makes a
form (my dear man). 2 as a formula of ticking sound, said to portend death.
address, esp. beginning a letter (Dear death-wish n. Psychol, alleged usu.
Sir). 3 (often foil, by to) precious; cher-
unconscious desire for death.
ished. 4 (usu. in super I.) earnest (my deb n. colloq. debutante, [abbreviation]
dearest wish). 5 a expensive, b having debacle /dei'ba:k(a)l/ n. (US debacle) 1
high prices, -n. (esp. as a form of ad- a utter defeat or failure, b sudden col-
dress) dear person, -adv. at great cost lapse. 2 confused rush or rout. [French]
(will pay dear), -int. expressing sur- debag /di:'baeg/ v. (-gg-) slang remove
prise, dismay, pity, etc. (dear me!; oh the trousers of (a person), esp. as a joke.
dear!). for dear life desperately, z debar /di'ba:(r)/ v. (-rr-) (foil, by from)
dearly adv. [Old English] exclude; prohibit (debarred from the
dearie n. my dear, z dearie me! int. club). debarment n. [French: related
expressing surprise, dismay, etc. to BAR 1

dearth /d3:6/ n. scarcity, lack. debark /di:'ba:k/ v. land from a ship.

death /de8/ n. 1 irreversible ending of debarkation /-'keij (e)n/

n. [French
life; dying or being killed. 2 instance of debarquer]
this. 3 destruction; ending (death of our debase /di'beis/ v. (-sing) 1 lower in
hopes). 4 being dead (eyes closed in quality, value, or character. 2 depreci-
death). 5 (usu. Death) personification of ate (a coin) by alloying etc. debase-
death, esp. as a skeleton. 6 lack of ment n. [from de-, (a)base]
spiritual life. at death's door close to debatable /di'beitab(a)l/ adj. question-
death, be the death of 1 cause the death able; disputable, [related to debate]
of. 2 be annoying or harmful to. catch debate /di'beit/-u. (-ting) 1 (also absol.)
one's death colloq. catch a serious chill discuss or dispute, esp. formally. 2 con-
etc. do to death 1 kill. 2 overdo, fate sider aspects of (a question); ponder. -n.
worse than death colloq. very un- 1 formal discussion on a particular mat-

pleasant experience, put to death kill ter. 2 discussion (open to debate).

or cause to be killed, to death to the [French: related to battle]
debauch 219 decathlon
debauch /di'bo:tJ7 -v. 1 (as debauched debutante /'debjui.taint/ n. (US debut-
adj.) dissolute. 2 corrupt, deprave. 3 ante) (usu. wealthy) young woman
debase (taste or judgement), -n. bout of making her social debut.
sensual indulgence. [French] Dec. abbr. December.
debauchee /.diboi'tjl:/ n. debauched deca- comb, form ten. [Greek deka ten]
person. decade /'dekeid, di'keid/ n. 1 period of
debauchery n. excessive sensual in- ten years. 2 series or group of ten.
dulgence. [Greek: related to deca-]
debenture /di'bentja(r)/ n. acknowledge- Usage The second pronunciation
ment of indebtedness, esp. a company given, with the stress on the second
bond providing for payment of interest syllable, is considered incorrect by
at fixed intervals. [Latin debentur are some people, even though it is much
owed] used in broadcasting.
debilitate /di'bih.teit/ v. (-ting) en-
decadence /'dekad(9)ns/ n. 1 moral or
feeble, enervate. debilitation
cultural decline. 2 immoral behaviour.
[Latin debilis weak]
/-'teij(a)n/ n.
decadent adj. & n. decadently adv.
debility /di'biliti/ n. feebleness, esp. of [Latin: related to decay]
health. decaffeinated /di:'kaefi,neitid/ adj.
debit /'debit/ -n. 1 entry in an account with caffeine removed or reduced,
recording a sum owed. 2 sum recorded. decagon /'dekagan/ n.
plane figure with
3 total of such sums. 4 debit side of an ten sides and angles, z decagonal
account, -v. (-t-) 1 (foil, by against, to) /di'kaegan(9)l/ adj. [Greek: related to
enter on the debit side of an account deca-, -gonos -angled]
(debit £50 to my account). 2 (foil, by decahedron /.deka'hrdran/ n. solid
with) charge (a person) with a debt figure with ten faces. : decahedral
(debited me with £500). [Latin debitum adj. [after polyhedron]
debt] decalitre /'dek8,li:ta(r)/ n. (US -liter)
debonair /.deba'nea(r)/ adj. 1 cheerful, metric unit of capacity, equal to 10
self-assured. 2 pleasant-mannered. litres.
[French] Decalogue /' n. Ten Com-
debouch /di'baotJV v. 1 (of troops or a mandments. [Greek: related to deca-,
stream) come out into open ground. 2 logos word, reason]
(oftenfoil, by into) (of a river, road, etc.) decametre /'deka,mi:t8(r)/ n. (US
merge into a larger body or area. -meter) metric unit of length, equal to

debouchment n. [French bouche 10 metres.

mouth] decamp /di'kaemp/ v. 1 depart suddenly;

debrief question (a
/di:'bri:f/ u. colloq.
abscond. 2 break up or leave camp.
diplomat, pilot, etc.) about a completed decampment n. [French: related to
mission or undertaking. debriefing CAMP 1

decanal /di'kem(a)l/ adj. 1 of a dean. 2 of

the south side of a choir (where the dean

debris /'debri:/ n. 1 scattered fragments,
sits). [Latin: related to dean ]

esp. of wreckage. 2 accumulation of

decant /di'kaent/ v. 1 gradually pour off
loose rock etc. [French briser break]
(esp. wine), esp. leaving the sediment
debt /det/ n. 1 money etc. owed (debt of behind. 2 transfer as if by pouring.
gratitude). 2 state of owing (in debt; get
[Greek kanthos lip of jug]
into debt). in a person's debt under decanter n. stoppered glass container
obligation to a person. [Latin debeo for decanted wine or spirit.
debit- owe] decapitate /di'ksepi.teit/ v. (-ting) be-
debt of honour n. debt not legally head. decapitation /-'teij(a)n/ n.
recoverable, esp. a sum lost in gamb- [Latin: related to capital]
ling. decapod /'deka.pDd/ n. 1 crustacean
debtor n. person owing money etc. with ten limbs for walking, e.g. the
debug /di:'bAg/ v. (-gg-) colloq. 1 remove shrimp. 2 ten-tentacled mollusc, e.g. the
concealed microphones from (a room squid. [Greek: related to deca-, pous
etc.). 2 remove defects from (a computer pod- foot]
program etc.). 3 = delouse. decarbonize /di:'ka:ba,naiz/ v. (also
debunk /di:'bAnk/ v. expose (a
colloq. -ise) (-zing or -sing) remove the carbon
person, claim, etc.) as spurious or false. etc. from (an internal-combustion
debunker n. engine etc.). decarbonization
debut /'deibju:/ n. (US debut) first pub- /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
he appearance (as a performer etc.). decathlon /di'kaeGlan/ n. athletic con-
[French] test of ten events for all competitors.
decay 220 decisive
decathlete /-li:t/ n. [from deca-, quickly weather decided me; decided on

Greek athlon contest] a blue hat). 2 resolve or settle (an issue

decay /di'kei/ -v. (cause to) rot or
1 etc.). 3 (usu. foil, by between, for,
decompose. 2 decline or cause to decline against, in favour of, or that) give a
in quality, power, etc. 3 (usu. foil, by to) judgement. decidable adj. [Latin
(of a substance) undergo change by caedo cut]
radioactivity. -n. 1 rotten state; wasting decided adj. (usu. attrib.) definite,
away. 2 decline in health, quality, etc. 3 unquestionable (decided tilt). 2 positive,
radioactive change. [Latin cado fall] wilful, resolute.
decease /di'siis/ formal esp. Law -n. decidedly adv. undoubtedly, undeni-
death, -v. (-sing) die. [Latin cedo go] ably.
deceased formal -adj. dead. -n. (usu. decider n. 1 game, race, etc., as a tie-
prec. by the) person who has died, esp. break. 2 person or thing that decides.
recently. deciduous /di'sidjuas/ adj. 1 (of a tree)
deceit /di'si:t/ n. 1 deception, esp. by shedding leaves annually. 2 (of leaves,
concealing the truth. 2 dishonest trick. horns, teeth, etc.) shed periodically.
[Latin capio take] [Latin cado fall]
deceitful adj. using deceit. deceit- decigram /'desi.graem/ n. (also deci-
fully adv. deceitfulness n. gramme) metric unit of mass, equal to
deceive /di'si:v/ v. (-ving) 1 make (a 0.1 gram.
person) believe what is false; purposely decilitre /'desi,li:t8(r)/ n. (US -liter)
mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sex- metric unit of capacity, equal to 0.1 litre.
ually. 3 use deceit. deceive oneself decimal /'desim(a)l/ -adj. system
1 (of a
persist in a mistaken belief. deceiver of numbers, weights, measures, etc.)
n. based on the number ten. 2 of tenths or
decelerate /di:'sel9,reit/ v. (-ting) ten; reckoning or proceeding by tens.
(cause to) reduce speed. decel- -n. decimal fraction. [Latin decern ten]
eration /-'reij(8)n/ n. [from de-, ac- decimal fraction n. fraction
celerate] expressed in tenths, hundredths, etc.,
December /di'semba(r)/ n. twelfth esp. by units to the right of the decimal
month of the year. [Latin decern ten, point (e.g. 0.61).
originally 10th month of Roman year] decimalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
decency /'di:sansi//z. (pi. -ies) 1 correct, 1 express as a decimal. 2 convert to
honourable, or modest behaviour. 2 (in a decimal system (esp. of coinage).
pi.) proprieties; manners. [Latin: decimalization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
related to decent] decimal point dot placed before the
decennial /di'semal/ adj. lasting, recur- fraction in a decimal fraction.
ring every, ten years. [Latin decern ten, decimate /'desi.meit/ v. (-ting) 1 des-
annus year] troy a large proportion of. 2 orig. Rom.
decent a conforming
/'di:s(a)nt/ adj. 1 remove one in every ten of.
Hist, kill or
with standards of decency, b avoiding decimation /-'meij(8)n/ n.
obscenity. 2 respectable. 3 acceptable,
Usage Sense 1 is now the usual
good enough. 4 kind, obliging.
sense, but it is considered inappropriate
decently adv. [Latin decet is fitting]
by some people. This word should not be
decentralize /di:'sentr9,laiz/ v. (also
used to mean 'defeat utterly'.
-ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 transfer (power
etc.) from central to local authority. 2 decimetre /'desi,mi:t9(r)/ n. (US
reorganize to give greater local auto- -meter) metric unit of length, equal to
nomy. decentralization /-zeij(9)n/ 0.1 metre.
n. decipher /di'saifa(r)/ v. 1 convert

deception /di'sepj (a)n/ n. 1 deceiving (coded information) into intelligible lan-

or being deceived. 2 thing that deceives. guage. 2 determine the meaning of
[Latin: related to deceive] (unclear handwriting etc.). de-
deceptive /di'septiv/ adj. likely to de- cipherable adj.
ceive; misleading. deceptively adv. decision /di'si3(a)n/ n. 1 act or process

deceptiveness n. of deciding. 2 resolution made after

deci- comb, form one-tenth. [Latin deci- consideration (made my decision). 3
mus tenth] (often foil, by of) a settlement of a
decibel /'desi.bel/ n. unit used in the question, b formal judgement. 4
comparison of sound levels or power resoluteness. [Latin: related to decide]
levels of electrical signals. decisive /di'saisiv/ adj. 1 conclusive,
decide /di'said/ v. (-ding) 1 (usu. foil, by settling an issue. 2 quick to decide.
to, that, or on, about) resolve after con- decisively adv. decisiveness n.
sideration {decided to stay; decided [medieval Latin: related to decide]
deck 221 decorous
deck -n. a platform in a ship serving
-n. gradual loss of vigour or excel-
as a floor, b the accommodation on a lence. 2 deterioration. [Latin clino bend]
particular deck of a ship. 2 floor or declining years old age.
compartment of a bus etc. 3 section for declivity /di'kliviti/ n. (pi. -ies) down-
playing discs or tapes etc. in a sound ward slope. [Latin clivus slope]
system. 4 esp. US pack of cards. 5 slang declutch /di:'klAtJ7 v. disengage the
ground, -v. 1 (often foil, by out) clutch of a motor vehicle.
decorate. 2 provide with or cover as a decoction /di kDkJ (a)n, n. 1 boiling

deck. below deck(s) in or into the down to extract an essence. 2 the result-
space below the main deck. [Dutch, - ing liquid. [Latin coquo boil]
cover] decode /di:'kaud/ v. (-ding) decipher,
deck-chair n. folding garden chair of decoder n.
wood and canvas. decoke colloq. -v. /di:'kauk/ (-king)
-decker comb, form having a specified decarbonize, -n. ,'di:kauk/ process of
number of decks or layers {double- this.
decker). decolletage /.deikol'ta^/ n. low neck-
deck-hand n. cleaner on a ship's deck. line of a woman's dress etc. [French
declaim /di'kleim/ v. 1 speak or say as if collet collar]
addressing an audience. 2 (foil, by decollete /dei'kDltei/ adj. (also decolle-
against) protest forcefully.
declama- a dress, woman,
tee) (of etc.) having or
tion /,dekla'meij (9)n/ n. declamatory wearing a low neckline,
/di'klaematari/ adj. [Latin: related to decompose /,di:kam'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1
claim] rot. 2 separate (a substance, light, etc.)
declaration /.dekla'reiJXaW de-
n. 1 into its elements. decomposition
claring. 2 formal, emphatic, or deliber- /,di:kDmp9'ziJ(a)n/ n.
ate statement. [Latin: related to de- decompress /,di:kam'pres/ v. subject to
clare] decompression.
declare /di'kle9(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 an- decompression /.drkam'preJXaJn/ n. 1
nounce openly or formally (declare release from compression. 2 gradual
war). 2 pronounce (declared it invalid). reduction of high pressure on a deep-sea
3 (usu. foil, by that) assert emphatically. diver etc.
4 acknowledge possession of (dutiable decompression chamber n. en-
goods, income, etc.). 5 (as declared closed space for decompression.
adj.) admitting to be such (declared decompression sickness n. con-
atheist). 6 (also absol.) Cricket close dition caused by the sudden lowering of
(an innings) voluntarily before the air pressure.
team isout. 7 (also absol.) Cards decongestant /,di:kan'd3est(a)nt/ n.
name (the trump suit). declare medicine etc. that relieves nasal con-
oneself reveal one's intentions or gestion.
identity. declarative /-'klaerativ/ decontaminate /.drkan'taemi.neit/ v.

adj. declaratory /-'klaeratan/ adj. (-ting)remove contamination from,

declarer n. [Latin clarus clear] decontamination /-'neij(a)n/ n.
declassify /di:'klaesi,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) decor /'deika:(r)/ n. furnishing and
declare (information etc.) to be no decoration of a room, stage set, etc.
longer secret. declassification [French: related to decorate]
/-fi'keij\a)n/ n. decorate /' v. (-ting) 1 beau-
declension /di'klenJXa)n/ n. 1 Gram, a tify, adorn. 2 paint, wallpaper, etc. (a
variation of the form of a noun, pro- room or building). 3 give a medal or
noun, or adjective to show its grammati- award to. [Latin decus -oris beauty]
cal case etc. b class of nouns with the Decorated style n. Archit. highly
same inflexions. 2 deterioration, declin- ornamented late English Gothic style
ing. [Latin: related to decline] (14th c).
declination /,dekli'neij(8)n/ n. 1 down- decoration /,deka'reij(a)n/ n. 1 decor-
ward bend or turn. 2 angular distance of ating. 2 thing that decorates. 3 medal
a star etc. north or south of the celestial etc. worn
as an honour. 4 (in pi) flags,
equator. 3 deviation of a compass need!e put up on a festive occasion.
tinsel, etc.,
from true north. declinational adj. decorative /'dekarativ/ adj. pleasing in
[Latin: related to decline] appearance, decoratively adv.
decline /di'klam/ -v. (-ning) 1 deteri- decorator n. person who decorates for
orate; lose strength or vigour; decrease. a living.
2 (also absol.) politely refuse (an in- decorous /'dekaras/ adj. having or
vitation, challenge, etc.). 3 slope or bend showing decorum, decorously adv.
downwards, droop. 4 Gram, state the decorousness n. [Latin decorus
forms of (a noun, pronoun, or adjective). seemly]
decorum 222 deerstalker
decorum di'ko:ram n. polite dignified deductive adj. of or reasoning by
behaviour, [as decorous] deduction. deductively adv. [medi-
decoy -n. di:koi person or thing used eval Latin: related to deduce]
as a lure; bait, enticement. — v. di'koi dee n. 1 letter D. 2 thing shaped like this,
lure. esp. using a decoy. [Dutch] [name of the letter D]
decrease —v. di'kri:s (-sing) make or deed n. 1 thing done intentionally or
become smaller or fewer, -n. 'di:kri:s 1 consciously. 2 brave, skilful, or con-
decreasing. 2 amount of this. de- spicuous act. 3 action (kind in word and
creasingiy adv. [Latin: related to de-. deed). 4 legal document used esp. for
cresco grow] transferring ownership of property.
decree di'kri: —n. 1 official legal order. [Old English: related to do ] 1

2 legal judgement or decision, esp. in deed-box n. strong box for deeds etc.
divorce cases, —v. (-ees. -eed. -eeing) deed of covenant n. agreement to pay
ordain by decree. [Latin decretum from a regular sum, esp. to charity.
cerno sift] deed poll n.deed made by one party
decree absolute n. final order for only, esp. to change one's name.
completion of a divorce, deem v. formal consider, judge (deem it
decree nisi 'naisai n. provisional my duty). [Old English]
order for divorce, made absolute after deemster n. judge in the Isle of Man.
a fixed period. [Latin nisi unless] [from deem]
decrepit di'krepit adj. 1 weakened deep -adj. 1 extending far down or in
by age or infirmity. 2 dilapidated. (deep water; deep wound: deep shelf). 2
decrepitude n. [Latin crepo creak] (predic.) a to or at a specified depth
decrescendo .dirkn'Jendau adv.. adj., (water 6 feet deep), b in a specified
& n. (pi. -s) = diminuendo. [Italian: number of ranks (soldiers drawn up
related to decrease]
six deep). 3 situated or coming from far
decretal di'kri:t(a)l n. papal decree.
down, back, or in (deep in his pockets;
[Latin: related to decree]
deep sigh). 4 low-pitched, full-toned
decriminalize di:'knmm9,laiz v.
(deep voice). 5 intense, extreme (deep
(also -ise) (-zing or -sing) cease to treat
sleep: deep colour; deep interest). 6 (pre-
as criminal, z decriminalization
dic.) fully absorbed or overwhelmed
-'zeij(a)n n.
(deep in a book; deep in debt). 7 pro-
decry di'krai v. (-ies. -ied) disparage.
found: difficult to understand (too deep
for me).-n. 1 (prec. by the) poet, sea, esp.
dedicate 'dedi.keit r. (-ting) (often
foil, by devote (esp. oneself) to a
to) 1
when deep. 2 abyss, pit, cavity. 3 (prec.
by the) Cricket position of a fielder
special task or purpose. 2 address (a
distant from the batsman. 4 deep state
book etc.) to a friend, patron, etc. 3
(deep of the night), -adv. deeply: far
devote (a building etc.) to a deity, saint,
etc. 4 (as dedicated adj.) a (of a person)
down or in (dig deep), z go off the deep
single-mindedly loyal to an aim. end colloa. give way to anger or emo-
tion, in deep water in trouble or dif-
vocation, etc. b (of equipment, esp. a
ficulty, z deeply adv. [Old English]
computer) designed for or assigned to
a specific task. dedicator n. dedic- deep breathing n. breathing with long
atory adj. [Latin dico declare]
breaths, esp. as exercise.
dedication ,dedi'kerj(a)n n. 1 dedicat- deepen v. make or become deep or
ing or being dedicated. 2 words with deeper.
which a book etc. is dedicated. [Latin: deep-freeze -n. cabinet for freezing
related to dedicate] and keeping food for long periods, -v.
deduce di'dju:s v. (-cing) (often foil, by freeze or store in a deep-freeze.
from) infer logically. deducible adj. deep-fry v. immerse in boiling fat to
[Latin duco duct- lead] cook.
deduct di'dAkt v. (often foil, by from) deep-laid adj. (of a scheme) secret and
subtract, take away, or withhold (an elaborate.
amount, portion, etc.). [related to de- deep-rooted adj. (also deep-seated)
duce] firmly established, profound,
deductible adj. that may be deducted, deer n. (pi. same) four-hoofed grazing
esp. from tax or taxable income. animal, the male of which usu. has
deduction di'dAkJ(a)n n. 1 a deduct- antlers. [Old English]
ing, b amount deducted. 2 a inferring of deerskin n. (often attrib.) leather from
particular instances from a general law a deer's skin.
or principle, b conclusion deduced. deerstalker n. soft cloth peaked cap
[Latin: related to deduce] with ear-flaps.
de-escalate 223 define
de-escalate /di:'eska,leit/ v. make or compete to retain (a title in a
become less intense. de-escalation contest, z defender n. [Latin defendo
/-'leiJXa)n/ n. -fens-]
def adj. slang excellent, [perhaps from defendant n. person etc. sued or
DEFINITE Or DEFINITIVE] accused in a lawcourt. [French: related
deface /di'feis/ v. (-cing) disfigure, z to defend]
defacement n. [French: related to defense US var. of defence.
face] defensible /di'fensib(a)l adj. 1 justifi-
de facto /dei 'faektau/ -adv. in fact able; supportable by argument. 2 able to
(whether by right or not). -adj. existing be defended militarily. : defensibility
or so in fact (a de facto ruler). [Latin] /-'biliti/ defensibly adv. [Latin:
defalcate /'di:fael,keit/ v. (-ting) formal related to defend]
misappropriate, esp. money. defalc- defensive adj. 1 done or intended for
ator n. [Latin defalcare lop, from falx defence. 2 over-reacting to criticism, z
sickle] on the defensive 1 expecting criticism.
defalcation formal
/,di:fael'keiJXa)n/ n. 2 Mil ready to defend, z defensively
1 a misappropriation of money, b adv. defensiveness n. [medieval Latin:
amount misappropriated. 2 short- related to defend]
coming. defer /di'f3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) postpone, z

defame /di'feim/ v. (-ming) libel; deferment n. deferral n. [originally

slander; speak ill of. defamation the same as differ]
/,defa'meiJXa)n/ n. defamatory /di defer2 /di'f3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) (foil, by to) yield
'faematari/ adj. [Latin fama report] or make concessions to. [Latin defero
default /di'foiltj -n. 1 failure to appear,
carry away]
pay, or act as one should. 2 preselected deference 'defarans n. 1 courteous
option adopted by a computer program regard, respect. 2 compliance with
when no alternative is specified, -v. fail another's wishes, z in deference to out
to fulfil (esp. a legal) obligation. by of respect for.
default because of lack of an altern- deferential /,defa'renf(a)l/ adj. re-
ative or opposition, in default of spectful, z deferentially adv.
because of the absence of. defaulter deferred payment n. payment by in-
n. [French: related to fail] stalments.
defeat /di'fiit/— u. 1 overcome in battle, a defiance /di'faians/ n. open disobedi-
contest, etc. 2 frustrate, baffle. 3 reject (a ence; bold resistance. [French: related
motion etc.) by voting, -n. defeating or to defy]
being defeated. [Latin: related to dis-, defiant adj. showing defiance; dis-
fact] obedient. : defiantly adv.
defeatism excessive readiness to
n. deficiency /di'fijansi n. (pi. -ies) 1

accept defeat. defeatist n. & adj. being deficient. 2 (usu. foil, by of) lack or
defecate /'defi.keit/ v. (-ting) evacuate shortage. 3 thing lacking. 4 deficit, esp.
the bowels. defecation /-'keiJXa)n/ n. financial.
[Latin faex faecis dregs] deficiency disease n. disease caused
defect -n. /'di:fekt/ fault, imperfection, by the lack of an essential element of
shortcoming, -v. /di'fekt/ leave one's diet.
country or cause for another. defec- deficient adj. (often foil, by in) incom-
tion n. defector n. [Latin deficio -feet- plete or insufficient in quantity, quality,
fail] etc. [Latin: related to defect]
defective /di'fektiv/ adj. having de- deficit /'defisit/ n. 1 amount by which a
fects); imperfect. defectiveness n. thing (esp. money) is too small. 2 excess
[Latin: related to defect] of liabilities over assets. [French from
defence /di'fens/ n. (US defense) 1 Latin: related to defect]
defending, protection. 2 means of this. 3 defile di'fail/ v. (-ling) 1 make dirty;

(in pi.) fortifications. 4 justification, vin- pollute. 2 desecrate, profane, defile-

dication. 5 defendant's case or counsel ment n. [earlier defoul, from French
in a lawsuit. 6 defending play or players. defouler trample down]
defenceless adj. defencelessly adv. defile 2 /di'fail/ -n. narrow gorge or pass.
defencelessness n. [related to defend] -v. (-ling) march in file. [French:
defence mechanism n.

1 body's resis- related to file ]

tance to disease. 2 usu. unconscious define /di'fam/ v. (-ning) 1 give the
mental process to avoid anxiety. meaning of (a word etc.). 2 describe or
defend /di'fend/ v. (also absol.) 1 (often explain the scope of (define one's posi-
by against, from) resist an attack
foil, tion). 3 outline clearly (well-defined
made on; protect. 2 uphold by argu- image). 4 mark out the boundary of.
ment. 3 conduct a defence in a lawsuit. 4 definable adj. [Latin finis end]
definite 224 dehydrate
definite /'defmit/ adj. 1 certain, sure. 2 defrock /di:'frDk/ deprive (esp. a
clearly denned; not vague; precise. priest) of office. [French: related to de-,
definitely adv. [Latin: related to de- frock]
fine] defrost /di:'frost/ v. 1 remove frost or ice
Usage See note at definitive.
from (a refrigerator, windscreen, etc.). 2
unfreeze (frozen food). 3 become un-
definite article n. the word {the in frozen.
English) preceding a noun and implying deft adj. neat; dexterous; adroit.
a specific instance. deftly adv. deftness n. [var. of daft =
definition a defining,
./.defi'niJXaJn/ n. 1 'meek']
b statement of the meaning of a word defunct /di'fAnkt/ adj. 1 no longer
etc. 2 distinctness in outline, esp. of a existing or used. 2 dead or extinct.
photographic image. [Latin; related to defunctness n. [Latin fungor perform]
define] defuse /di:'fju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 remove the
definitive /di'finitiv/ adj. 1 (of an fuse from (a bomb etc.). 2 reduce tension
answer, verdict, etc.) decisive, uncon- etc. in (a crisis, difficulty, etc.).
ditional, final. 2 (of a book etc.) most defy /di'fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 resist openly;
authoritative. refuse to obey. 2 (of a thing) present
Usage In sense 1, this word is often insuperable obstacles to (defies solu-
tion). 3 (foil, by to + infin.) challenge (a
confused with definite, which does not
imply authority and conclusiveness. A person) to do or prove something. [Latin
fides faith]
definite no is a firm refusal, while a
definitive no is an authoritative judge-
degenerate -adj. /di'd3enarat/ 1
ment or decision that something is not having lost its usual or good qualities;
the case.
immoral, degraded. 2 Biol, having
changed to a lower type. -n.
deflate /di'fleit/ v. (-ting) 1 empty (a /di'd3enarat/ degenerate person or an-
tyre, balloon, etc.) of air, gas, etc.; be so imal, -i?. /di'd3ena,reit/ (-ting) become
emptied. 2 (cause to) lose confidence or degenerate. degeneracy n. [Latin
conceit. 3 a subject (a currency or eco- genus race]
nomy) to deflation, b pursue this as a degeneration /di d3ena'reij(a)n/
n. 1
policy, [from de-, inflate] becoming degenerate. 2 Med. morbid
deflation /di'fleij(a)n/ n. 1 deflating or deterioration of body tissue etc. [Latin:
being deflated. 2 reduction of money in related to degenerate]
circulation, intended to combat infla- degrade /di'greid/ v. (-ding) 1 humili-
tion. deflationary adj. ate,dishonour. 2 reduce to a lower rank.
deflect /di'flekt/ v. 1 bend or turn aside 3 Chem. reduce to a simpler molecular
from a course or purpose. 2 (often foil, structure. degradation /.degra
by from) (cause to) deviate. deflec- 'deij(a)n/ n. degrading adj. [Latin:
tion n. (also deflexion), deflector n. related to grade]
[Latin flecto bend] degree /di'gri:/ n. 1 stage in a scale,
deflower /di'flaua(r)/ v. literary 1 de- series, or process. 2 stage in intensity or
prive of virginity. 2 ravage, spoil. [Latin: amount (in some degree). 3 unit of
related to flower] measurement of an angle or arc. 4 unit
defoliate /di:'f9uli,eit/ v. (-ting) destroy in a scale of temperature, hardness, etc.
the leaves of (trees or plants). defo- 5 extent of burns. 6 academic rank

liant n. defoliation /-'eij (a)n/ n. [Latin: conferred by a polytechnic, university,

related to foil ] etc. 7 grade of crime (first-degree
deforest /di:'fbnst/ v. clear of forests or murder). 8 step in direct genealogical
trees, z deforestation /-'steij(a)n/ n. descent. 9 social rank. by degrees
deform /di'fo:m/ v. make ugly or mis- gradually. [Latin gradus step]
shapen, disfigure. deformation degrees of comparison see compar-
/,di:fD:'meiJX9)n/ n. [Latin: related to ison 4.
form] dehisce /di:'his/ v. (-cing) (esp. of a pod,
deformed adj. (of a person or limb) cut, etc.) gape or burst open, z de-
misshapen. hiscence n. dehiscent adj. [Latin hio
deformity n. (pi. -ies) 1 being gape]
deformed. 2 malformation, esp. of a dehumanize /di:'hju:ma,naiz/ v. (also
body or limb. -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 take human
defraud (often foil, by of)
/di'fro:d/ v. qualities away from. 2 make imper-
cheat by fraud. [Latin: related to fraud] sonal. dehumanization /-'zeiJXa)n/
defray /di'frei/ v. provide money for (a n.
cost or expense). defrayal n. defray- dehydrate /,di:hai'dreit/ v. (-ting) 1 re-
ment n. [medieval Latin fredum fine] move water from (esp. foods). 2 make or
de-ice 225 deliquesce
become dry, esp. too dry. dehyd- delft n. (also delftware) glazed, usu.
ration /-'dreij(8)n/ n. [Greek hudor blue and white, earthenware. [Delft in
water] Holland]
de-ice /di:'ais/ v. 1 remove ice from. 2 deli /'deli/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. delicatessen
prevent the formation of ice on. de- shop, [abbreviation]
icer n. deliberate -adj. di'libarat 1 a inten-
deify /'di:i,fai, 'den-/ v. (-ies, -ied) make a tional,b considered; careful. 2 (of move-
god or idol of. n deification ment, thought, etc.) unhurried; cau-
/-fi'keiJXa)n/ n. [Latin deus god] tious, -v. /di' (-ting) 1 think
deign /dem/ to + infin.) think
v. (foil, by carefully; consider. 2 discuss (jury delib-
fit, condescend. [Latin dignus worthy] erated). deliberately /di'libaretli
deinstitutionalize /.di.msti
adv. [Latin libra balande]
'tju:Jana,laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing or
deliberation / 1

diliba reiJ(a)n/ n. 1 care-

-sing) deinstitutionalized
(usu. as
ful consideration; discussion. 2 careful
adj.) remove from an institution or
help recover from the effects of institu-
deliberative /di'libarativ/ adj. (esp. of
tional life. deinstitutionalization
an assembly etc.) of or for deliberation
/-'zeij(a)n/ n.
or debate.
deism /'di:iz(a)m, 'dei-/ n. reasoned
delicacy /'delikasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 being
belief in the existence of a god.
delicate (in all senses). 2 a choice food,
n. deistic [Latin deus god]
/-'istik/ adj.
[from delicate]
deity /'dinti, 'den-/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 god or
goddess. 2 divine status or nature. 3 (the
delicate /'delikat/ adj. 1 a fine in tex-

[French from Church ture, quality, etc.; slender, slight, b (of a

Deity) God.
Latin] colour, flavour, etc.) subtle, hard to
dejd vu /,dei3a: 'vu:/ n. 1 feeling of discern. 2 susceptible; weak, tender. 3 a
having already experienced the present requiring tact; tricky (delicate situ-
situation. 2 something tediously famil- ation), b (of an instrument) highly sens-
iar. [French, = already seen] itive. 4 deft (delicate touch). 5 modest. 6

deject /di'd3ekt/ v. (usu. as dejected (esp. of actions) considerate. delic-

adj.) make sad; depress. dejectedly ately adv. [Latin]
adv. dejection n. [Latin jacio throw] delicatessen /,delika'tes(a)n/ n. 1 shop
de jure /dei 'juan/ -adj. rightful, -adv. selling exotic
esp. cooked meats,
rightfully; by right. [Latin] cheeses, etc. 2 (often attrib.) such foods.
dekko /'dekau/ n. (pi -s) slang look, [French: related to delicate]
glance. [Hindi] delicious /di'hjas/ adj. highly enjoy-
delay /di'lei/ -v. 1 postpone; defer. 2 able, esp. to taste or smell. deli-
make or be late; loiter, -n.
1 delaying or ciously adv. [Latin deliciae delights]
being delayed. 2 time lost by this. 3 delight /di'lait/ -v. 1 (often as
hindrance. [French] delighted adj.) please greatly (her sing-
delayed-action attrib. adj. (esp. of a ing delighted us; delighted to help). 2
bomb, camera, etc.) operating after a set (foil,by in) take great pleasure in (de-
interval. lights in surprising everyone), -n. 1
delectable /di'lektab(a)l/ adj. esp. liter- great pleasure. 2 thing that delights,
ary delightful, delicious. delectably delighted adj. delightful adj.
adv. [Latin: related to delight] delightfully adv. [Latin delecto]
delectation /,di:lek'teij(a)n/ n. literary delimit /di'limit/ v. (-t-) fix the limits or
pleasure, enjoyment. boundary of. delimitation /-'teij(a)n/
delegate -n. elected repres-
/'dehgat/ 1
related to limit]
n. [Latin:
entative sent to a conference. 2 member delineate /di'lmi.eit/ v. (-ting) portray
of a committee or delegation, -v. delin-
by drawing etc. or in words.
/'deh.geit/ (-ting) (often foil, by to) a
[Latin: related to
eation /-'eij(a)n/ n.
commit (power to an agent or
etc.) 1
deputy, b entrust (a task) to another. 2
delinquent /di'hnkwant/ -n. offender
send or authorize (a person) as a repres- (juvenile delinquent), -adj. 1 guilty of a
entative. [Latin: related to legate]
minor crime or misdeed. 2 failing in
delegation /.deli'geiJXaW n. 1 group delinquency n. [Latin
one's duty.
representing others. 2 delegating or
delinquo offend]
being delegated.
remove (a letter, deliquesce /.deh kwes/ v. (-cing) 1
delete /di li:t/ v. (-ting)
word, etc.), esp. by striking out. dele- i
become liquid, melt. 2 dissolve in water
absorbed from the air. deliques- I

tion n. [Latin deleo]

deleterious /.deh'tianas/ adj. harmful. cence n. deliquescent adj. [Latin:
related to liquid]
[Latin from Greek]
delirious 226 demesne
delirious /di'lirias/ adj. 1 affected with delve v. (-ving) 1 (often foil, by in, into)
delirium. 2 wildly excited, ecstatic, search or research energetically or
deliriously adv. deeply (delved into his pocket, his
delirium /di'liriam/ n. 1 disorder family history). 2 poet. dig. [Old Eng-
involving incoherent speech, hallucina- lish]
tions, etc., caused by intoxication, fever, demagnetize /di:'maegni,taiz/ v. (also
etc. 2 great excitement, ecstasy. [Latin -ise) (-zing or -sing) remove the mag-
lira ridge between furrows] netic properties of. demagnetiza-
delirium tremens /'triimenz/ n. tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
psychosis of chronic alcoholism involv- demagogue /'dema.gDg/ n. (US -gog)
ing tremors and hallucinations. political agitator appealing to mob in-
deliver /di'liva(r)/ v a distribute (let-
stincts, z demagogic /-'gDgik/ adj.
ters, goods, etc.) to their destination(s). demagogy n. [Greek, = leader of the
b (often foil, by to) hand over. 2 (often people]
foil, by from) save, rescue, or set free. 3 demand /di'ma:nd/ -n. 1 insistent and
a give birth to (delivered a girl), b assist peremptory request. 2 desire for a com-
at the birth of or in giving birth (de- modity (no demand for fur coats). 3
livered six babies). 4 utter (an opinion, urgent claim (makes demands on her),
speech, etc.). 5 (often foil, by up, over) -v. 1 (often foil, by of, from, or to +
abandon; resign (delivered his soul up). infin., or that + clause) ask for insist-
6 launch or aim (a blow etc.). be ently (demanded to know). 2 require
delivered of give birth to. deliver the (task demanding skill). 3 insist on
goods colloq. carry out an undertaking. being told (demanded her age). 4 (as
[Latin liber free] demanding adj.) requiring skill, effort,
deliverance n. rescuing or being res- attention, etc. (demanding job;
cued. demanding child), z in demand sought
delivery (pi -ies) 1 delivering or
after, on demand as soon as requested
being delivered. 2 regular distribution (payable on demand). [French from
of letters etc. (two deliveries a day). 3
Latin: related to mandate]
thing delivered. 4 childbirth. 5 deliver-
ance. 6 style of throwing a ball, deliver-
demand feeding n. feeding a baby
when it cries.
ing a speech, etc. [Anglo-French: related
demarcation /,di:ma:'keij(a)n/ n. 1
marking of a boundary or limits. 2
dell small usu. wooded valley. [Old
trade-union practice of restricting a spe-
cific job to one union. demarcate
delouse (-sing) rid of lice.
/di:'laus/ v.
/'di:-/ v. (-ting). [Spanish marcar mark ]

Delphic / (also Delphian

delfik/ adj.
dematerialize /.drma'tiaria.laiz/ v.
/-fian/) 1 obscure, ambiguous, or enig-
(also -ise) (-zing or -sing) make or
matic. 2 of the ancient Greek oracle at
become non-material; vanish, z de-
delphinium /del'fmiam/ n. (pi -s) gar-
materialization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.

den plant with tall spikes of usu. blue

demean /di'mi:n/ v. (usu. refl.) lower the
flowers. [Greek: related to dolphin]
dignity of (would not demean myself).

delta /'delta/ n. 1 triangular area of [from mean 2 ]

earth, alluvium etc. at the mouth of a

demeanour /di'mi:na(r)/ n. (US
river, formed by its diverging outlets. 2
demeanor) outward behaviour or bear-
a fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (A, ing. [Latin minor threaten]
8). b fourth-class mark for work etc.
demented /di'mentid/ adj. mad.
[Greek] dementedly adv. [Latin mens mind]
delta wing n. triangular swept-back dementia /di'menja/ n. chronic in-

wing of an aircraft. sanity. [Latin: related to demented]

delude /di'lu:d/ v. (-ding) deceive, mis- dementia praecox /'pri:kDks/ n.

lead. [Latin ludo mock] formal schizophrenia.

deluge /'delju:d3/ -n. 1 great flood. 2 demerara /.dema'reara/ n. light-brown
(the Deluge) biblical Flood (Gen. 6-8). 3 cane sugar. [Demerara in Guyana]
overwhelming rush. 4 heavy fall of rain, demerger /di:'m3:d3a(r)/ n. dissolution
-u. (-ging) flood or inundate (deluged of a commercial merger. demerge v.

with complaints). [Latin diluvium] (-ging).

delusion /di'lu:3(a)n/ n. 1 false belief, demerit /di:'ment/ n. fault; blemish.
hope, hallucination.
etc. 2 delusive demesne /di'mi:n, -'mem/ n. 1 a ter-
adj. delusory adj. [related to delude] ritory; domain, b land attached to a
de luxe /da 'L\ks/ adj. luxurious; mansion etc. c landed property. 2 (usu.
superior; sumptuous. [French, = of lux- foil, by of) region or sphere. 3 Law hist.

ury] possession (of real property) as one's

demi- 227 demonstrator
own. [Latin dominicus from dominus demolish /di'mDliJV v. 1 a pull down (a
lord] building), b destroy. 2 overthrow (an
demi- prefix half; partly. [Latin dimi- institution). 3 refute (an argument,
dius half] theory, etc.). Ajoc. eat up voraciously,
demigod /'demi.gDd/ n. 1 a partly divine demolition /,dema'liJXa)n/ n. [Latin
being, b child of a god or goddess and a moles mass]
mortal. 2 colloq. godlike person. demon /'di:man/ n. 1 a evil spirit or
demijohn /'demi,d3on/ n. large bottle devil,b personification of evil passion. 2
usu. in a wicker cover. [French] (often attrib.) forceful or skilful per-
demilitarize /dr.'milita.raiz/ v. (also former {demon player). 3 cruel person. 4
-ise) (-zing or -sing) remove an army (also daemon) supernatural being in
etc. from (a frontier, zone, etc.). demi- ancient Greece. demonic /di'mDnik/
litarization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n. adj.[Greek daimon deity]
demi-monde /'demi.mDnd/ n. 1 class of demonetize /di:'mAni,taiz/ v. (also -ise)
women considered to be of doubtful (-zing or -sing) withdraw (a coin
morality. 2 any semi-respectable group. etc.) from use. demonetization
[French, = half- world] /-'zeij(a)n/ n. [French: related to de-,
demise /di'maiz/ -n. 1 death; termina- money]
tion. 2 Law transfer of an estate, title,
demoniac /di'maom.aek/ -adj. 1 fierce-
etc. by demising, -v. (-sing) Law ly energetic or frenzied. 2 supposedly
transfer (an estate, title, etc.) by will, possessed by an evil spirit. 3 of or like
lease, or death. [Anglo-French: related
demons, -n. demoniac person. demo-
to dismiss]
niacal /,di:ni9 nai8k(a)l/ adj. demoni-

demisemiquaver /.demi'semi acally /,di:ma'naiak9li/ adv. [Church

.kweiva(r)/ n. Mus. note equal to half
Latin: related to demon]
a semiquaver.
demonism /'di:ma,niz(a)m/ n. belief in
demist /di:'mist/ v. clear mist from (a
windscreen etc.). demister n.
demonolatry /.drma'nDlatn/ n. wor-
demo /'demau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. = de-
ship of demons, [from demon, Greek
monstration [abbreviation]
2, 3.
latreuo worship]
demob /di:'mDb/ colloq. -v. (-bb-) de- demonology /,di:ma'nDl8d3i/ n. the
mobilize, -n. demobilization, [abbrevi-
study of demons etc.
demonstrable /'demDnstrab(a)l,
demobilize /dL'maubi.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
di'mDnstrab(a)l/ adj. able to be shown
(-zing or -sing) disband (troops, ships,
or proved. demonstrably adv.
etc.). demobilization /- zeij(a)n/ n.
democracy /di'mDkrasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
demonstrate /'deman.streit/ v. (-ting)
1 show (feelings etc.). 2 describe and
government by the whole population,
explain by experiment, practical use,
usu. through elected representatives, b
etc. 3 logically prove or be proof of the
State so governed. 2 classless and toler-
truth or existence of. 4 take part in a
ant society. [Greek demokratia rule of
public demonstration. 5 act as a demon-
the people]
strator. [Latin monstro show]
democrat /'dema.krset/ n. 1 advocate of
democracy. 2 (Democrat) (in the US) demonstration /.deman'streiftajn/ n.
1 (foil, by of) show of feeling etc. 2 (esp.
member of the Democratic Party.
political) public meeting, march, etc. 3
democratic /.dema'kraetik/ adj. 1 of,
like, practising, or being a democracy. 2
the exhibiting etc. of specimens or ex-
favouring social equality. demo- periments in esp. scientific teaching. 4
cratically adv. proof by logic, argument, etc. 5 Mil.
Democratic Party n. more liberal of display of military force.
the two main US political parties. demonstrative /di'mDnstrativ/ adj. 1
democratize /di'mDkra.taiz/ v. (also showing feelings readily; affectionate. 2
-ise) (-zing or -sing) make democratic. (usu. foil, by of) logically conclusive;
democratization /-'zeij*(a)n/ n. giving proof (demonstrative of their
demodulate /di:'mDdju,leit/ v. (-ting) skill). 3 Gram, (of an adjective or pro-

extract (a modulating signal) from its noun) indicating the person or thing
referred to (e.g. this, that, those).
carrier. demodulation /.drmndju
'leiJXa)n/ n. demonstratively adv. demonstrat-
demography /di'mografi/ n. the study iveness n.

of the statistics of births,, deaths, demonstrator n. 1 person who demon-

disease, etc. demographic strates politically. 2 person who demon-
/.dema'graefik/ adj. demographically strates machines etc. to prospective cus-
/.dema'graefikali/ adv. [Greek demos the tomers. 3 person who teaches by esp.
people, -GRAPHY] scientific demonstration.
demoralize 228 dent
demoralize /di'mora.laiz/ v. (also -ise) denial /di'naial/ n. 1 denying the truth
(-zing or -sing) destroy the morale or existence of a thing. 2 refusal of a
of; dishearten. demoralization request or wish. 3 disavowal of a leader
/-'zeij"(a)n/ n. [French] etc.
demote ,/di'maut/ v. (-ting) reduce to a denier /'denja(r)/ n.
unit of weight meas-
lower rank or class. demotion uring the fineness of silk, nylon, etc.
-'mauJXaJn/ n. [from de-, promote] [originally the name of a small coin,
demotic /di'mDtik/ -n. 1 colloquial from Latin denarius]
form of a language. 2 simplified form of denigrate /'deni.greit/ v. (-ting)
ancient Egyptian writing (cf. hieratic). blacken the reputation of. denig-
-adj. 1 (esp. of language) colloquial or ration /-greij(a)n/ n. denigrator n.
vulgar. 2 of ancient Egyptian or modern denigratory /-'greitan/ adj. [Latin
Greek demotic. [Greek demos the niger black]
people] denim /'denim/ n. 1 (often attrib.) hard-
demotivate /.dii'mauti.veit/ v. (-ting) wearing usu. blue cotton twill used
(also absol.) cause to lose motivation or for jeans, overalls, etc. 2 (in pi.) colloq:
incentive. demotivation /-'veiJXa)n/ jeans made of this. [French de of,

n. Nimes in France]
demur /di'm3:(r)/ -v. (-rr-) 1 (often foil, denizen /'deniz(a)n/ n. 1 (usu. foil, by of)

by to, at) raise objections. 2 Law put in a inhabitant or occupant. 2 foreigner hav-
demurrer, -n. (usu. in neg.) objection; ing certain rights in an adopted
objecting (agreed without demur). country. 3 naturalized foreign word,
[Latin moror delay] animal, or plant. [Latin de intus from
demure /di'mjua(r)/ adj. (demurer, within]
demurest) 1 quiet, reserved; modest. 2
denominate /di nDmi.neit/ v. (-ting)
give a name to, call, describe as. [Latin:
coy. demurely adv. demureness n.
related to nominate]
[French: related to demur]
demurrer /di'mAra(r)/ n. Law objection denomination /di,nDmi neiJ(a)n/ n. 1
raised or exception taken.
Church or religious sect. 2 class of
demystify measurement or money. 3 name, esp. a
/di:'misti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied)
characteristic or class name, z de-
remove the mystery from; clarify.
nominational adj. [Latin: related to
demystification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n.
den n. 1 wild animal's lair. 2 place of
denominator /di'nDmi,neita(r)/ n.
crime or vice (opium den). 3 small
number below the line in a vulgar frac-
private room. [Old English]
tion; divisor. [Latin nomen name]
denarius /di'neanas/ n. (pi. denarii denote /di'naut/ v. (-ting) 1 (often foil,
/ ancient Roman silver coin.
by that) be a sign of; indicate; mean. 2
[Latin deni by tens]
stand as a name for; signify, z deno-
denary /'di:nan/ adj. often; decimal.
tation /,di:na'teiJXa)n/ n. [Latin: related
denationalize /di:'naejana,laiz/ v. (also
to note]
-ise) (-zing or -sing) transfer (an indus-
denouement /dei'nu:md/ n. (also
try etc.) from public to private owner- denouement) 1 final unravelling of a
ship, z denationalization /- zeij(a)n/ plot or complicated situation. 2 final
scene in a play, novel, etc. [French, from
denature /di:'neitja(r)/ v. (-ring) 1
Latin nodus knot]
change the properties of (a protein etc.) denounce /di'nauns/ v. (-cing) 1 accuse
by heat, acidity, etc. 2 make (alcohol) condemn. 2 inform against. 3
undrinkable. [French] announce withdrawal from (an armis-
dendrochronology /.dendraukra tice, treaty, etc.). z denouncement n.
'nDlad3i/ n. dating of trees by their
1 [Latin nuntius messenger]
annual growth rings. 2 the study of de novo /di: 'naovau/ adv. starting again;
these. [Greek dendron tree] anew. [Latin]
dendrology /den'drDlad3i/ n. the study dense adj. 1 closely compacted;
of trees, z dendrological /-dra crowded together; thick. 2 colloq. i

'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. dendrologist n. [Greek stupid, z densely adv. denseness n.

dendron tree] [Latin densus]
dene n. (also dean) narrow wooded density n. (pi. -ies) 1 denseness of I

valley. [Old English] thing(s) or a substance. 2 Physics de- (

dengue /'derjgi/ n. infectious tropical gree of consistency measured by the

viral fever. [W. Indian Spanish from quantity of mass per unit volume. 3
Swahili] opacity of a photographic image.
deniable /di'naiab(a)l/ adj. that may be dent -n. 1 slight hollow as made by a
denied. blow or pressure. 2 noticeable adverse
dental 229 deplorable
effect (dent in our funds), -v. 1 mark departed -adj. bygone, -n. (prec. by
with a dent. 2 adversely affect, [from the) euphem. dead person or people.
indent] department n. 1 separate part of a
dental /'dent(a)l/ adj. 1 of the teeth or complex whole, esp.: a a branch of
dentistry. 2 (of a consonant) produced administration (Housing Department).
with the tongue-tip against the upper b a division of a school, college, etc., by
front teeth (as th) or the ridge of the subject (physics department), c a sec-
teeth (as n,s,t). [Latin dens dent- tooth] tion of a large store (hardware depart-
dental floss n. thread used to clean ment). 2 colloq. area of special expertise.
between the teeth. 3 administrative district, esp. in France.
dental surgeon n. dentist. [French: related to depart]
dentate /'denteit/ adj. Bot. & Zool. departmental /,di:pa:t

ment(a)l/ adj.
toothed; with toothlike notches. of a department. departmentally
dentifrice /'dentifns/ n. toothpaste or adv.
tooth powder. [Latin: related to dental, department store n. large shop with
frico rub] many departments.
dentine /'dentirn/ n. (US dentin /-tin/)
departure /di'pa:tja(r)/ n. 1 departing.
hard dense tissue forming the bulk of a 2 (often foil, by from) deviation (from
tooth. the truth, a standard, etc.). 3 (often
dentist /'dentist/ n. person qualified to attrib.) departing of a train, aircraft, etc.
treat, extract, etc., teeth. dentistry n. (departure lounge). A new course of
dentition /den'tij(a)n/ n. 1 type, action or thought (driving is rather a
number, and arrangement of teeth in a departure for him).
species etc. 2 teething.
depend /di'pend/ v. 1 (often foil, by on,
denture /'dentj8(r)/ n. removable artifi- upon) be controlled or determined by (it
cial tooth or teeth.
depends on luck). 2 (foil, by on, upon) a
denuclearize /dir'njuikliaTaiz/ v. (also
need (depends on his car), b rely on (I'm
-ise) (-zing or -sing) remove nuclear
depending on good weather). [Latin
weapons from (a country etc.).
pendeo hang]
denuclearization /-'zeij(9)n/ n.
dependable adj. reliable. depend-
denude /di'nju:d/ v. (-ding) 1 make ability /- biliti/ n. dependableness n.
naked or bare. 2 (foil, by of) strip of
dependably adv.
(covering, property, etc.). denuda-
dependant n. (US dependent) person
tion /.diinjur'deiJXaM n. [Latin nudus
supported, esp. financially, by another.
[French: related to depend]
denunciation /di.nAnsi'eiJXaW n.
denouncing; public condemnation.
dependence n. 1 depending or being
dependent, esp. financially. 2 reliance;
[Latin: related to denounce]
deny /di'nai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 declare
dependency n. (pi. -ies) country or
untrue or non-existent. 2 repudiate or
province controlled by another.
disclaim. 3 (often foil, by to) withhold (a
thing) from (denied him the satisfac-
dependent -adj. 1 (usu. foil, by on,
deny oneself be upon) depending, conditional. 2 unable
tion; denied it to me).
to do without (esp. a drug). 3 maintained
abstinent. [Latin: related to negate]
at another's cost. 4 (of a clause etc.)
deodar /'di:a,dcu(r)/ n. Himalayan
= divine subordinate to a sentence or word. -n.
cedar. [Sanskrit, tree]
deodorant /di:'audarant/ n. (often US var. of dependant.
depict /di'pikt/ v. 1 represent in drawing
attrib.)substance applied to the body or
or painting etc. 2 portray in words;
sprayed into the air to conceal smells,
[related to odour]
describe. depicter n. (also -tor), de-
piction n. [Latin: related to picture]
deodorize /di:'9od8,raiz/ v. (also -ise)
remove or destroy the
(•zing or -sing) depilate /'depi.leit/ v. (-ting) remove
deodorization /-'zeij(8)n/ n.
smell of. hair from. depilation
I ; /-'leij(9)n/ n.

deoxyribonucleic acid /,di:oksi [Latin pilus hair]

.raibaunju'klenk/ see DNA. [from de-, depilatory /di'pilatan/-ad/. removing
OXYGEN, RIBONUCLEIC ACID] unwanted hair. -n. (pi. -ies) depilatory
dep. abbr. 1departs. 2 deputy. substance.
depart /di'pa:t/ v. 1 a (often foil, by from) deplete /di'plirt/ v. (-ting) (esp. in pas-

go away; leave, b (usu. foil, by for) start; sive) reduce numbers, force, or
set out. 2 (usu. foil, by from) deviate quantity; exhaust. depletion n.

(departs from good taste). 3 esp. formal [Latin pleo fill]

or literary leave by death; die (departed deplorable /di'pb:rab(8)l/ adj. exceed-

this life). [Latin dispertio divide] ingly bad. deplorably adv.
deplore 230 deprive
deplore (-ring) 1 regret
di'pb:(r)/ v. depository n. (pi. -ies) 1 a storehouse,
deeply. 2 find exceedingly bad. [Latin b store (of wisdom, knowledge, etc.). 2 =
ploro wail] depositary. [Latin: related to deposit]
deploy di'pbi spread out (troops)
v. 1 depot /'depau/ n. 1 a storehouse, esp. for
into a line ready for action. 2 use (argu- military supplies, b headquarters of a
ments, forces, etc.) effectively, z de- regiment. 2 a place where vehicles, e.g.
ployment n. [Latin plico fold] buses, are kept, b US railway or bus
depoliticize /.drpa'lrti.saiz/ v . (also station. [French: related to deposit]
-ise) (-zing or -sing) make non-political, deprave ,/di'preiv/ v. (-ving) corrupt,
depoliticization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. esp. morally. [Latin pravus crooked]
deponent /di'paunant/ —adj. (of esp. a depravity /di'praeviti/ n. (pi. -ies)
Latin or Greek verb) passive in form but moral corruption; wickedness.
active in meaning. -n. 1 deponent verb. deprecate /'depri.keit/ v. (-ting) ex-
2 person making deposition under oath. press disapproval of; deplore, z depre-
[Latin depono put down, lay aside] cation /-'keij(9)n/ n. deprecatory
depopulate 'dii'popju.leit/ v. (-ting) re- /-'keitan/ adj. [Latin: related to pray]
duce the population of. z depopula- Usage Deprecate is often confused
tion leij(8)n/ n.
with depreciate.
deport /di'po:t/ v. 1 remove
forcibly or
exile to another country; banish. 2 re/7, depreciate /di'prrji.eit/ v. (-ting) 1

behave (in a specified manner) diminish in value. 2 belittle, z depre-

(deported himself well), z deportation ciatory /di'pri:Ji9t9n/ adj. [Latin:
related to price]
/,di'P3:'teiJ(a)n/ n. (in sense 1). [Latin
porto carry] Usage Depreciate is often confused
deportee /,di:po:'ti:/ n. deported person, with deprecate.
deportment /di'po:tmant/ n. bearing,
depreciation /di,pri:ji'eij\a)n/ n. 1 a
demeanour. [French: related to deport]
decline in value, esp. due to wear and
depose /di'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1 remove tear, b allowance made for this. 2 be-
from office, esp. dethrone. 2 Law (usu. littlement.
foil, by to, or that + clause) testify, esp.
depredation /,depri'deij\8)n/ n. (usu.
on oath. [French from Latin: related to in pi.) despoiling, ravaging. [Latin:
related to prey] i

deposit /di'pDzit/ -n. 1 a money in a depress /di'pres/ v. 1 make dispirited or

bank account, b anything stored for safe sad. 2 push down; lower. 3 reduce the
keeping. 2 a payment made as a pledge activity of (esp. trade). 4 (as depressed i

for a contract or as an initial part adj.) a miserable, b suffering from de-

payment for a thing bought, b return- pression, z depressing adj. depress-
able sum paid on the hire of an item. 3 a ingly adv. [Latin: related to press 1 ] |

natural layer of sand, rock, coal, etc. b depressant -adj. reducing activity,
layer of accumulated matter on a sur- esp. of a body function, -n. depressant
face, -v. (-t-) 1 a put or lay down substance.
(deposited the book on the shelf), b (of depressed area n. area of economic
water etc.) leave (matter etc.) lying. 2 a depression. c

store or entrust for keeping, b pay (a depression 1 extreme

/di'prej(a)n/ n.
sum of money) into a bank account. 3 melancholy, often with a reduction in
pay (a sum) as part of a larger sum or as vitality and physical symptoms. 2 Econ.
a pledge for a contract. [Latin pono long period of slump. 3 lowering of i

posit- put] atmospheric pressure; winds etc.

deposit account n. bank account that caused by this. 4 hollow on a surface. 5 i

pays interest but is not usu. immedi- pressing down. )d

ately accessible. depressive -adj. 1 tending to depress ]

depositary n. (pi. -ies) person to whom (depressive drug, influence). 2 of or i

a thing is entrusted. [Latin: related to tending towards depression (depressive \

deposit] illness; depressive father), -n. person i

deposition /.depa'ziJXaJn/ n. 1 deposing, suffering from depression.

esp. dethronement. 2 sworn evidence; deprivation /,depn'veij(a)n/ n. depriv- (

giving of this. 3 (the Deposition) taking ing or being deprived (suffered many j

down of Christ from the Cross. 4 depos- deprivations). i

iting or being deposited. [Latin: related deprive /di'praiv/ v. (-ving) 1 (usu. foil, s

to deposit] by of) prevent from having or enjoying. i

depositor n. person- who deposits 2 (as deprived adj.) lacking what is A

money, property, etc. needed for well-being; underprivileged. r

Dept. 231 descale
1 1
deprival n. [Latin: related to priva- de rigueur /da n'g3:(r)/ predic. adj.
tion] required by fashion or etiquette (drugs
Dept. abbr. Department. were de rigueur). [French]
depth n.1a deepness, b measurement derisive /di'raisiv/ adj. =, derisory.
from the top down, from the surface derisively adv. [from deride]
inwards, or from front to back. 2 diffi- derisory /di'raisan/ adj. 1 scoffing,
culty; abstruseness. 3 a wisdom, b ironical (derisory cheers).2 ridicu-
intensity of emotion etc. 4 intensity of lously small (derisory offer).
colour, darkness, etc. 5 (usu. in pi.) a derivation /,den'veij(a)n/ n. 1 deriving
deep water or place; abyss, b low, de- or being derived. 2 a formation of a word
pressed state, c lowest, central, or in- from another or from a root, b tracing of
most part {depths of the country depth ;
the origin of a word, c statement of this.
of winter). in depth thoroughly, out derivative /di'nvativ/ -adj. derived;
of one's depth 1 in water over one's not original (his music is derivative),
head. 2 engaged in a task etc. too diffi- -n. 1 derived word or thing. 2 Math.
cult for one. [related to deep] quantity measuring the rate of change
jdepth-charge n. bomb exploding of another.
under water. derive /di'raiv/ v. (-ving) 1 (usu. foil, by

^deputation depjo'teiJ(8)n/ n. delega-

/ 1
from) get or trace from a source (derived
depute] satisfaction from work). 2 (foil, by

tion. [Latin: related to

depute /di'pju:t/ v. (-ting) (often foil, by from) arise from, originate in (happi-
delegate (a task, authority, etc.). 2 ness derives from many things). 3 (usu.
i to) 1
foil, by from) show or state the origin or
authorize as representative. [Latin puto
formation of (a word etc.). [Latin rivus
deputize /'depju.taiz/ v. (also -ise)
by for) act as
dermatitis /,d3:ma'taitis/ n. inflamma-
(-zing or -sing) (usu. foil,
tion of the skin. [Greek derma skin, -itis]


dermatology /,d3:ma'tDlad3i/ n. the

deputy /'depjoti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 person
study of skin diseases. dermatolo-
appointed to act for another (also
gical /-ta'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. dermato-
attrib.: deputy manager). 2 parliament-
logist [from dermatitis, -logy]
ary representative in some countries, dermis /'d3:mis/ n. 1 (in general use) the
[var. of depute]
skin. 2 layer of living tissue below the
derail /di:'reil/ v. (usu. in passive) cause epidermis, [from epidermis]
(a train etc.) to leave the rails. derail- by
derogate /'dera.geit/ v. (-ting) (foil,
ment n. [French: related to rail 1 ] from) formal detract from (merit, right,
ierange /di'remd3/ v. (-ging) 1 make etc.). derogation /-'geij(a)n/ n. [Latin
insane. 2 disorder, disturb. derange- rogo ask]
ment n. [French: related to rank 1 ] derogatory /di'mgatan/ adj. disparag-
Derby /'da:bi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a annual flat ing; insulting (derogatory remark).
horse-race at Epsom, b similar race derogatorily adv.
elsewhere. 2 important sporting con- derrick /'denk/ n. 1 crane for heavy
test. 3 (derby) US bowler hat. [Earl of weights, with a movable pivoted arm. 2
Derby] framework over an oil well etc., holding
lerecognize /di:'rekag,naiz/ v. (also the drilling machinery. [Derrick, name
-ise) (-zing or -sing) cease to recognize of a hangman]
the status of (esp. a trade union). derring-do /.denn'du:/ n. literary Joe
derecognition /-'niJXa)n/ n. heroic courage or actions, [daring to do]
leregulate /di:'regju,leit/ v. (-ting) re- derris /'dens/ n. 1 tropical climbing
regulations from. deregula- plant. 2 insecticide made from its root.
tion /-'leiJXa)n/ n. [Latin from Greek]
ierelict /'deralikt/ -adj. 1 (esp. of a derv n. diesel oil for road vehicles,
property) dilapidated. 2 abandoned, [diesel-engined road-uehicle]
dervish /'d3:viJ7 n. member of a Muslim

ownerless, -n. 1 vagrant. 2 abandoned
: property. [Latin: related to relinquish] fraternity vowed to poverty and auster-
iereliction /,dera'likj(a)n/ n. 1 (usu. ity. [Turkish from Persian, - poor]
foil, by of) neglect; failure to carry out DES abbr. Department of Education and
obligations. 2 abandoning or being Science.
abandoned. desalinate /di:'saeh,neit/ v. (-ting) re-
derestrict /,di:ri'stnkt/ v. remove re- move the salt from (esp. sea water), r i

strictions (esp. speed limits) from. desalination /-'neij(a)n/ n. [from
!derestriction n. saline]
ieride /di'raid/ v. (-ding) mock. de- 1
descale /di:'skeil/ v. (-ling) remove
rision /-'ri3(a)n/ n. [Latin rideo laugh] scale from.
descant 232 designing
descant -n. deskaBnt 1 harmonizing desert 2 dezet -n. dry barren, esp.
treble melody above the basic melody, sandy, tract, -adj. uninhabited, desol-
esp. of a hymn tune. 2 poet, melody; ate, barren. [Latin desertus: related to
song. — r. dis'kaent (foil, by on. upon)

talk prosily, esp. in praise of. [Latin desert 3

diz3:t n. 1 (in pi) deserved
cantus song: related to chant] reward or punishment (got his deserts).
descend di'send v. 1 go or come down. 2 being worthy of reward or punish-
2 sink. fall. 3 slope downwards. 4 (usu. ment. [French: related to deserve]
foil, by on) make a sudden attack or
desert boot n. suede etc. ankle-high
visit. 5 (of property etc.) be passed on by
desertification di Z3:tifi 'keijom n.
inheritance. 6 a sink in rank, quality,
making or becoming a desert.
etc. b (foil, by to) stoop to (an unworthy
desert island n. (usu. tropical) unin-
act), be descended from have as an
habited island.
ancestor, z descendent adj. [Latin
deserve drz3:v r. (-ving) (often foil, by
scondo climb] to - infin.) be worthy of (a reward,
descendant n. person or thing descend- punishment, etc.) (deserves a prize), z
ed from another. [French: related to deservedly -vidli adv. [Latin servio
DESCEND] serve]
descent di'sent n. 1 act or way of deserving adj. (often foil, by of) worthy
descending. 2 downward slope. 3 (esp. of help, praise, etc.).
lineage, family origin. 4 decline: fall. 5 deshabille ,deza?'bi:ei n. (also des-
sudden attack. habille deizae biJ dishabille dise

describe di'skraib v. (-bing) 1 a state bi:l ) state of partial undress. [French.

the characteristics, appearance, etc. of. = undressed]
b (foil, by as) assert to be: call {described desiccate desi keit v. (-ting) remove
him as a liar). 2 a draw (esp. a geomet- moisture from (esp. food) (desiccated
rical figure), b move in (a specified way. coconut), z desiccation -keijom a
esp. a curve) (described a parabola [Latin siccus dry]
through the air). [Latin scribo write] desideratum di zida ra:tam n. (pi
-ta) something lacking but desirable.
description drskripjom n. 1 a de-
[Latin: related to desire]
scribing or being described, b repres-
design di'zain -n, 1 a preliminary-
entation, esp. in words. 2 sort, kind (no
plan or sketch for making something, b
food of any description). [Latin: related art of producing these. 2 lines or shapes
forming a pattern or decoration. 3 plan,
descriptive di'sknpnv adj. describ- purpose, or intention. 4 a arrangement
ing, esp. vividly. [Latin: related to de- or layout of a product, b established
scribe] version of a product, -v. 1 produce a
descry di skrai v. (-ies. -ied) literary' design for (a building, machine, etc.). 2
catch sight of: discern. [French: related intend or plan (designed for beginners).
to cry] 3 be a designer, z by design on pur" ?se
desecrate 'desi.kreit v. (-ting) violate have designs on plan to appropriate,
(a sacred place etc.) with violence, pro- seduce, etc. [Latin signum mark]
fanity, etc. zdesecration kreij(a)n - designate -v. dezig nert (-ting) 1
n. desecrator n. [from de-. consec- (often foil, by as) appoint to an office or
rate] function. 2 specify (designated timesy 3
desegregate di:segn geit v. (-ting^ (often foil, by as) describe as: style. 4
abolish racial segregation in. z de- serve as the name or symbol of. -adj.
'dezignat (after the noun) appointed to
segregation -geij(8)n n,
office but not yet installed. [Latin:
deselect ,di:si lekt v. reject (a selected
related to design]
candidate, esp. a sitting MP) in favour of
designation dezig'neijom n, 1
another, z deselection it
name, description, or title. 2 designat-
desensitize di: sensi.taiz v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) reduce or destroy the designedly di zamidli adv. on pur-
sensitivity of. z desensitization pose.
- zeil(8)n n. designer person who designs e.g.
n. 1
desert- di'z3:t v. 1 leave without clothing, machines, theatre sets;
intending to return. 2 (esp. as deserted draughtsman. 2 (attrib.) bearing the
adj.) forsake, abandon. 3 run away (esp. label of a famous designer: prestigious,
from military service), z deserter n. designer drug n. synthetic analogue of
(in sense 3). desertion n. [Latin desero an illegal drug.
sen- leave] designing adj. crafts-, scheming.
desirable 283 destruct
desirable di'zaiarab(a)l adj. 1 worth despicable despikab(a)l. di'spik- adj.
having or doing. 2 sexually attractive. vile: contemptible, esp. morally. de-
desirability biliti n. desirableness
- spicably adv. [Latin specio spect- look
n. desirably adv. at]
desire -n. 1 a unsatisfied
di'zaiafr) despise di spaiz v. <-sing) regard as
longing or wish, b expression of this: inferior, worthless, or contemptible.
request. 2 sexual appetite. 3 something [Latin: related to despicable]
desired (achieved his heart's desire), despite di'spait prep, in spite of.
[Latin: related to despicable]
-v. (-ring) 1 (often foil, by to - infin.. or
that - clause; long for: wish. 2 request
despoil di spoil r. literary' (often
foil, by of) plunder: rob: deprive.
(desires a rest). [Latin desidero long fori - despoliation di spauli eij(a)n n.
desirous predic. adj. 1 (usu. foil, by of)
[Latin: related to spoil]
desiring, wanting (desirous of star-
despondent dispDnd(a)nt adj. in low
dom). 2 wanting: hoping (desirous to do spirits, dejected, z despondence n.
the right thing). despondency n. despondently adv.
desist (often foil, by
di'zist v. from) [Latin: related to sponsor]
abstain: cease. [Latin desisto] despot despDt n. 1 absolute ruler. 2
desk n. piece of furniture with a
1 tyrant. despotic -spDak adj.
surface for writing on. and often despotically spDtikali adv. [Greek

drawers. 2 counter in a hoteL bank. etc. despotes master]

3 specialized section of a newspaper despotism despa,tiz(a)m a. 1 rule by a
office (sports desk). 4 unit of two orches- despot: tyranny. 2 country ruled by a
tral players sharing a stand. [Latin: despot.
related to discus] des res dez rez n. slang desirable
desktop n. 1 working surface of a desk. residence, [abbreviation]
2 (attrib.) (esp. of a microcomputer) for dessert di Z3:t n. 1 sweet course of a
use on an ordinary desk, meal. 2 fruit, nuts. etc.. served at the end
of a meal. [French: related to dis-.
desktop publishing n. printing with
a desktop computer and high-quality
dessertspoon n. 1 medium-sized spoon
for dessert. 2 amount held by this.
desolate -adj. desalat 1 left alone:
dessertspoonful n. (pi. -s).
solitary. 2 uninhabited, ruined,

destabilize di:'steibi,laiz v. (also -ise)

(desolate moor). 3 forlorn: wretched.
(-zing or -sing) 1 make unstable. 2
— v. 'desa.leit (-ting) 1 depopulate, dev- subvert (esp. a foreign government).
astate: lay waste. 2 (esp. as desolated destabilization -zeij(a)n n.
adj.) make wretched, r desolately destination ,desti'neij(a)n n. place a
-lath adv. desolateness -latnis n. person or thing is bound for. [Latin:
[Latin solus alone] related to destine]
! desolation desa'leijVam n. 1 desolat- destine destm v. -ning) (often foil, by

ing or being desolated. 2 loneliness, to. for, or to - infin.) appoint; preordain;

grief, etc.. esp. caused by desertion. 3 intend (destined him for the naiy). be
neglected, ruined, or empty state, destined to be fated or preordained to.
lespair di spea(r) -n. 1 complete loss [French from Latin]
or absence of hope. 2 cause of this. -v. destiny destmi n. (pi. -ies) 1 a fate, b
(often foil, by of) lose or be without hope this regarded as a power. 2 particular

(despaired of ever winning). [Latin person's fate etc. [French from Latin]
destitute desti,tju:t adj. 1 without
spero hope]
food, shelter, etc. 2 (usu. foil, by of)
despatch var. of dispatch. desti-
lacking (destitute of friends).
lesperado ,despa'ra:dau n. (pi. -es or tution rju:J(a)n n. [Latin]

US -s) desperate or reckless criminal destroy di stroi V. 1 pull or break

etC. [as DESPERATE] down: demolish. 2 kill (esp. an animal). 3
lesperate "desparat adj. 1 reckless
make useless; spoil. 4 ruin. esp. finan-
from despair: violent and lawless. 2 a ciallv. 5 defeat. [Latin struo struct-
extremely dangerous, serious, or bad build]
(desperate situation), b staking all on a destroyer n. 1 person or thing that
small chance (desperate remedy). 3 destroys. 2 fast armed warship escort-
(usu. foil, by for) needing or desiring ing other ships.
very much (desperate for recognition) destruct di str.\kt US esp. Astronaut,
i desperately adv. desperateness n. -v. destroy (one's own rocket etc.) or be
desperation -*reij(am n. [Latin: destroyed deliberately, esp. for safety.
related to despair] -n. destructing.
destructible 234 detract
destructible adj. able to be destroyed. detention centre n. short-term prison
[Latin: related to destroy] for young offenders,
destruction /di'strAkJ"(a)n/ n. 1 des- deter /di't3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) (often foil, by
troying or being destroyed. 2 cause of from) discourage or prevent, esp.
this. [Latin: related to destroy] through fear. determent n. [Latin
destructive (often foil, by to, of)
adj. 1 terreo frighten]
destroying or tending to destroy. 2 neg- detergent /di't3:d3(a)nt/ -n. synthetic
atively critical. destructively adv. cleansing agent used with water, -adj.
destructiveness n. cleansing. [Latin tergeo wipe]
desuetude /di'sju:i,rju:d/ n. formal deteriorate /di' v. (-ting)
state of disuse (fell into desuetude). become worse. deterioration
[Latin suesco be accustomed] /-'reiJXa)n/ n. [Latin deter ior worse]
desultory constantly
/'dezaltari/ adj. 1 determinant /di't3:mm9nt/ -adj.
turning from one subject to another. 2 determining, -n. 1 determining factor
disconnected; unmethodical. desul- etc. 2 quantity obtained by the addition
torily adv. [Latin desultorius super- of products of the elements of a square
ficial] matrix according to a given rule. [Latin:
detach /di'taetJV v. 1 (often foil, by from) related to determine]
unfasten or disengage and remove. 2 determinate /di't3:mmat/ adj. limited,
send (troops etc.) on a separate mission. of definite scope or nature.
3 (as detached adj.) a impartial; unemo- determination /di,t3:mi'neiJXa)n/ n. 1
tional, b (esp. of a house) standing firmness of purpose; resoluteness. 2
separate. detachable adj. [French: process of deciding or determining.
related to attach] determine /di't3:mm/ v. (-ning) 1 find
detachment n. 1 a aloofness; indiffer- out or establish precisely. 2 decide or
ence, b impartiality. 2 detaching or settle; resolve. 3 be the decisive factor in
being detached. 3 troops etc. detached regard to (demand determines supply).
for a specific purpose. [French: related be determined be resolved. [Latin
to detach] terminus boundary]
detail /'di.teil/ -n. 1 small particular; determined adj. showing determi-
item. 2 a these collectively (eye for nation; resolute, unflinching. deter-
detail),b treatment of them (detail was minedly adv.
unconvincing). 3 a minor decoration on determinism n. doctrine that human
a building etc. b small part of a picture actions, events, etc. are determined by
etc. shown alone. 4 small military de- causes external to the will. determin-
tachment, -v. 1 give particulars of. 2 ist n. & adj. deterministic /-'nistik/
relate circumstantially. 3 assign for adj. deterministically /-'nistikali/
special duty. 4 (as detailed adj.) a (of a adv.
picture, story, etc.) containing many deterrent /di'terant/ -adj. deterring.
details, b itemized (detailed list). in -n. deterrent thing or factor (esp.
detail item by item, minutely. [French: nuclear weapons). deterrence n.
related to tail ] detest /di'test/ v. hate violently, loathe.
detain /di'tein/ v. 1 keep waiting; delay. detestation /,di:te'stei r(a)n/ n. [Latin
2 keep in custody, lock up. detain- detestor from testis witness]
ment n. [Latin teneo hold] detestable adj. intensely disliked;
detainee /,di:tei'ni:/ n. person kept in hateful.
custody, esp. for political reasons. dethrone /di:'9r9un/ v. (-ning) remove
detect /di'tekt/ discover or perceive
v. 1 from a throne, depose. dethrone-
(detected a note of sarcasm). 2 (often ment n.
foil, by in) discover (a criminal); solve (a detonate /'deta.neit/ v. (-ting) set off (an
crime). detectable adj. detector n. explosive charge); be set off. detona-
[Latin tego tect- cover] tion /-'neij(a)n/ n. [Latin tono thunder]
detection /di'tekj(a)n/ n. 1 detecting or detonator n. device for detonating
being detected. 2 work of a detective. explosives.
detective person, esp. a
/di'tektiv/ n. detour /'di:tua(r)/ n. divergence from a
police officer, investigating crimes. usual route; roundabout course.
detente /dei'tdt/ n. easing of strained, [French: related to turn]
esp. international, relations. [French, = detoxify /di:'tDksi,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) re-
relaxation] move poison or harmful substances
detention /di'tenJXa)n/ n. detaining or
1 from. detoxification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n.
being detained. 2 being kept late in [Latin toxicum poison]
school as a punishment. [Latin: related detract /di'traekt/ v. (foil, by from) take
to detain] away (a part); diminish; make seem less
detractor 235 devoid
valuable or important. [Latin traho development area area where new
tract- draw] industries are encouraged by the State.
detractor n. person who criticizes deviant di:viant -ad/, deviating from
unfairly, detraction n. what is normal, esp. sexually, -n. devi-
i detriment 'detriment n. 1 harm, ant person or thing. deviance n,
damage. 2 cause of this, z detrimental deviancy n.
/-'ment(a)l' adj. [Latin: related to trite] deviate di:vi,eit v. (-ting) (often foil,
detritus di'traitas n. gravel, sand, etc. by from) turn aside or diverge (from a
produced by erosion; debris. [Latin: course of action, rule. etc.). deviation
related to detriment] '-'eij\a)n n. [Latin via way]
I de trop da 'trao predic. adj. not wanted, device di'vais n. 1 thing made or
in the way. [French, = excessive] adapted for a special purpose. 2 plan,
I deuce dju:s n. 1 two on dice or playing-
scheme, or trick. 3 design, esp. heraldic,
cards. 2 Tennis score of 40 all. [Latin duo z leave a person to his or her own
duos two] devices leave a person to do as he or she
i deuce 2 /dju:s/ n. the Devil, esp. as an wishes. [French: related to devise]

exclamation of surprise or annoyance devil 'dev(a)l -n. 1 (usu. the Devil) (in
(who the deuce are you?). [Low German Christian and Jewish belief) supreme
duus two (being the worst throw at spirit of evil; Satan. 2 a evil spirit;
dice)] demon, b personified evil. 3 a wicked
deus ex machina deius eks maekma person, b mischievously clever person.
unlikely agent resolving a seemingly 4 colloq. person of a specified kind

hopeless situation, esp. in a play or (lucky devil). 5 fighting spirit, mischiev-
novel. [Latin, = god from the ousness (devil is in him tonight). 6
machinery, i.e. in a theatre] colloq. awkward thing. 7 (the devil or
deuterium /dju:'tianam n. stable iso- the Devil) colloq. used as an exclama-
tope of hydrogen with a mass about tion of surprise or annoyance (who the
double that of the usual isotope. [Greek devil are you?). 8 literary hack. 9 junior
deuteros second] legal counsel, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 cook
Deutschmark 'doitjma:k n. (also (food) with hot seasoning. 2 act as devil
Deutsche Mark "doitja ma:k ) chief for an author or barrister. 3 US harass,
monetary unit of Germany. [German: worry. between the devil and the
; related to mark ] deep blue sea in a dilemma, a devil of
devalue di:'vaelju: v. (-ues. -ued. colloq. considerable, difficult, or re-
-uing) 1 reduce the value of. 2 reduce markable, devil's own colloq. very diffi-
the value of (a currency) in relation to cult or unusual (the devil's own job).
others or to gold, z devaluation the devil to pay trouble to be expected,
speak (or talk) of the devil said when

/-'eij(a)n/ n.
devastate 'deva.steit v. (-ting) 1 lay person appears just after being men-
waste; cause great destruction to. 2 tioned. [Greek diabolos accuser, slan-
(often in passive) overwhelm with derer]
shock or grief, z devastation devilish -adj. 1 of or like a devil;
/-'steij(a)n/ n. [Latin vasto lay waste] wicked. 2 mischievous, -adv. colloq.
devastating adj. crushingly effective; very. devilishly adv.
overwhelming, z devastatingly adv. devil-may-care adj. cheerful and
develop di'velap v. (-p-) 1 a make or reckless.
become bigger, fuller, more elaborate, devilment n. mischief, wild spirits.
etc. b bring or come to an active, visible, devilry n. (pi. -ies) 1 wickedness; reck
or mature state. 2 begin to exhibit or less mischief. 2 black magic.
suffer from (developed a rattle). 3 a devil's advocate n. person who ar-
build on (land), b convert (land) to new gues against a proposition to test it.
use. 4 treat (photographic film etc.) to devils-on-horseback savoury of
make the image visible. developer n. prunes or plums wrapped in bacon.
[French] devious di:vias adj. 1 not straight-
developing country n. poor or prim forward, underhand. 2 winding, circuit-
itive country. ous, deviously adv. deviousness n.
ievelopment n. 1 developing or being [Latin via way]
developed. 2 a stage of growth or ad- devise di'vaiz n (-sing) 1 carefully
vancement, b thing that has developed; plan or invent. 2 Law leave (real estate)
new event or circumstance etc. (latest by will. [Latin: related to divide]
developments). 3 full-grown state. 4 devoid di'void predic. adj. (foil, by of)
developed land; group of buildings, lacking or free from. [French: related to
z developmental -'ment(a)l adj. void]
devolution 236 diagnose
devolution delega-
/,di:va'lu:J\a)n/ n. dextrose /'dekstraus/ n. form of gluc-
tion of power, esp. to local or regional ose. [Latin dextra on or to the right]
administration. devolutionist n. &
1 1 DFC abbr. Distinguished Flying Cross.
adj. [Latin: related to devolve] DFM abbr. Distinguished Flying Medal.
devolve /di'volv/ v. (-ving) 1 (foil, by on, dhal /da:l/ n. (also dal) 1 a kind of split
upon, etc.) pass (work or duties) or be pulse common in India. 2 dish made
passed to (a deputy etc.). 2 (foil, by on, to, with this. [Hindi]
upon) (of property etc.) descend to. dharma /'da:ma/ n. Ind. 1 social custom;
devolvement n. [Latin volvovolut- roll] correct behaviour. 2 the Buddhist truth.
Devonian /di'vaunian/ -adj. of the 3 the Hindu moral law. [Sanskrit, =
fourth period of the Palaeozoic era. -n. decree, custom]
this period. [Devon in England] dhoti /'daoti/ n. {pi. -s) loincloth worn by
devote /di'vaut/ v. (-ting) (often refl.\ male Hindus. [Hindi]
foil, by to) apply or give over to (a di- comb, form two-, double. [Greek dis
particular activity etc.). [Latin voveo twice]
vot- vow] di- prefix = dis-.
devoted adj. loving; loyal. devotedly di- prefix form of dia- before a vowel.
adv. dia. abbr. diameter.
devotee /.deva'ti:/ n. 1 (usu. foil, by of) dia- prefix (also di- before a vowel) 1
zealous enthusiast or supporter. 2 pious through {diaphanous). 2 apart {dia-
person. critical). 3 across {diameter). [Greek dia
devotion /di'vao\f(a)n/ n. 1 (usu. foil, by through]
to) great love or loyalty. 2 a religious diabetes /,daia'bi:ti:z/ n. disease in
worship, b (in pi.) prayers. devo- which sugar and starch are not properly
tional adj. [Latin: related to devote] absorbed by the body. [Latin from
devour /di'vaua(r)/ v. eat voraciously.
1 Greek]
2 (of fire etc.) engulf, destroy. 3 take in diabetic /.daia'betik/ -adj. 1 of or hav-
eagerly {devoured the play). 4 pre- ing diabetes. 2 for diabetics, -n. person
occupy {devoured by fear). [Latin voro suffering from diabetes.
swallow] diabolical /,daia'bDlik(a)l/ adj. (also
devout /di'vaut/ adj. earnestly religious diabolic) 1of the Devil. 2 devilish;
or sincere. devoutly adv. devout- inhumanly cruel or wicked. 3 extremely
ness n. [Latin: related to devote] bad, clever, or annoying. diabol-
dew n. 1 condensed water vapour form- ically adv. [Latin: related to devil]
ing on cool surfaces at night. 2 similar diabolism /dai'aeba,liz(a)m/ n. 1 wor-
glistening moisture. dewy adj. (-ier, ship of the Devil. 2 sorcery. [Greek:
-iest). [Old English] related to devil]
dewberry n. {pi. -ies) bluish fruit like diachronic /.daia'kronik/ adj. of a
the blackberry. thing's historical development.
dew-claw n. rudimentary inner toe on diachronically adv. [Greek khronos
some dogs. time]
dewdrop n. drop of dew. diaconal /dai'aekan(a)l/ adj. of a dea-
Dewey system /'dju:i/ n. decimal sys- con. [Church Latin: related to deacon]
tem of library classification. [Dewey, diaconate /dai'aekanat/ n. 1 position of
name of a librarian] deacon. 2 body of deacons.
dewlap n. loose fold of skin hanging diacritic /.daia'kritik/ n. sign (e.g. an (

from the throat of cattle, dogs, etc. [from accent or cedilla) indicating different
DEW, LAP 1 ] sounds or values of a letter. [Greek:
dew point n. temperature at which dew related to critic]
forms. diacritical -adj. distinguishing, dis- }

dexter adj. esp. Heraldry on or of the tinctive. -n. (in full diacritical mark j

right-hand side (observer's left) of a or sign) = diacritic

shield etc. [Latin, = on the right] diadem /'daia.dem/ n. 1 crown or head- d

dexterity /dek'steriti/ n. 1 skill in using band as a sign of sovereignty. 2 sover- j

one's hands. 2 mental adroitness. eignty. 3 crowning distinction. [Greek d

[Latin: related to dexter] ded bind] t

dexterous /'dekstras/ adj. (also dex- diaeresis /dai'iarasis/ n. {pi. diaereses e

trous) having or showing dexterity. /-,si:z/) {US dieresis) mark (as in naive) f

dexterously adv. dexterousness n. over a vowel to indicate that it is ij

dextrin /'dekstrm/ n. soluble gummy sounded separately. [Greek, = sep- di

substance used as a thickening agent, aration] d

adhesive, etc. [Latin dextra on or to the diagnose /'daiag ,nauz/ v. (-sing) make a di

right] diagnosis of (a disease, fault, etc.). a

diagnosis 237 diarrhoea
diagnosis /.daiag'nausis/ n. (pi. dia- dialogue /'daia.lDg/ n. (US dialog)
1 a
gnoses /-,si:z/) 1 a identification of a conversation, b this in written form. 2
disease from its symptoms, b formal discussion between people with dif-
statement of this. 2 identification of the ferent opinions. [Greek lego speak]
cause of a mechanical fault etc. [Greek dialysis /dai'aelisis/ n. (pi. dialyses
gignosko recognize] /-,si:z/) 1 separation of particles in a
diagnostic /.daiag'nDstik/ -adj. of or liquid by differences in their ability to
assisting diagnosis, -n. symptom, pass through a membrane into another
diagnostically adv. diagnostician liquid. 2 purification of the blood by this
/-nD'stiJ(a)n/ n. [Greek: related to dia- technique. [Greek luo set free]
gnosis] diamante /dia'matei/ adj. decorated
diagnostics n. 1 (treated as pi.) Com- with synthetic diamonds or another
puting programs etc. used to identify sparkling substance. [French diamant
faults in hardware or software. 2 diamond]
i (treated as sing.) science of diagnosing diameter /dai'aemita(r)/ n. 1 straight
disease. line passing through the centre of a
diagonal /dai'aegan(a)l/ -ad/'. 1 cross- circle or sphere to its edges; length of
ing a straight-sided figure from corner this. 2 transverse measurement; width,
, to corner. 2 slanting, oblique, -n. thickness. 3 unit of linear magnifying
straight line joining two opposite power. [Greek: related to -meter]
corners. diagonally adv. [Greek diametrical /,daia metrik(a)l/ adj.

gonia angle] (also diametric) 1 of or along a dia-

diagram /'daia.graem/ n. outline draw- meter. 2 (of opposites etc.) absolute.
ing, plan, or graphic representation of a diametrically adv. [Greek: related to
machine, structure, process, etc. dia- diameter]
grammatic /-gra'maetik/ adj. dia- diamond /'daiamand/ n. 1 very hard
grammatically /-gra'mastikali/ adv. transparent precious stone of pure crys-
[Greek: related to -gram] tallized carbon. 2 rhombus. 3 a playing-
dial /'dai(a)l/ -n. 1 plate with a scale for card of the suit denoted by a red rhom-
measuring weight, volume, etc., indic- bus, b (in pi.) this suit. [Greek: related to
ated by a pointer. 2 movable numbered adamant]

disc on a telephone for making connec- diamond wedding n. 60th (or 75th)
tion. 3 face of a clock or watch, marking wedding anniversary,
the hours etc. 4 a plate or disc etc. on a dianthus /dai'aenBas/ n. flowering plant
radio or television for selecting a wave- of the genus including the carnation.
length or channel, b similar device on [Greek, = flower of Zeus]
other equipment, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 (also diapason /,daia'peiz(a)n/ n. 1 compass
absol.) select (a telephone number) with of a voice or musical instrument. 2 fixed
a dial. 2 measure, indicate, or regulate standard of musical pitch. 3 either of
with a dial, [medieval Latin diale from two main organ-stops. [Greek, =
dies day] through all (notes)]
{dialect /'daia.lekt/ n. 1 regional form of diaper /'daiapa(r)/ n. US baby's nappy.
speech. 2 variety of language with non- [Greek aspros white]
diaphanous /dai'aefanas

standard vocabulary, pronunciation, or ' adj. (of fabric

grammar. dialectal /-'lekt(a)l/ adj. etc.) light, delicate, and almost trans-
[Greek lego speak] parent. [Greek phaino show]
dialectic /.daia'lektik/ n. 1 art of invest- diaphragm /'daia.fraem/ n. 1 muscular
igating the truth by discussion and lo- partition between the thorax and abdo-
gical argument. 2 process whereby con- men in mammals. 2 = Dutch cap. 3 a
tradictions merge to form a higher Photog. plate or disc pierced with a
truth. 3 any situation or discussion circular hole to cut off marginal beams
involving the juxtaposition or conflict of of light, b vibrating disc in a micro-
opposites. [Greek: related to dialect] phone, telephone, loudspeaker, etc. 4
dialectical adj. of dialectic, dialect- device for varying the lens aperture in a
ically adv. camera etc. 5 thin sheet as a partition
iialectical materialism n. Marxist etc. [Greek phragma fence]

theory that political and historical diapositive /.daia'pozitiv/ n. positive

events are due to the conflict of social photographic slide or transparency.
forces arising from economic con- diarist 'daianst/ n. person who keeps a
ditions. diary.
iialectics n. (treated as sing, or pi.) = diarrhoea /.daia'na/ n. (esp. US
dialectic n. 1. diarrhea) condition of excessively
iialling tone n. sound indicating that frequent and loose bowel movements.
a telephone caller may dial. [Greek rheo flow]
diary 238 didn't
diary daiari n. (pi -ies) 1 daily record resembling situations in Dickens's I

of events or thoughts. 2 book for this or work. esp. poverty.

for noting future engagements. [Latin dickhead n. coarse slang idiot, [from
dies day] DICK1]
Diaspora dai'a?spara n. 1 the disper- dicky 'diki -n. (pi. -ies) colloq. false i

sion of the Jews after their exile in 538 shirt-front, -adj. (-ier. -iest) slang I

bc. 2 the dispersed Jews. [Greek] unsound: unhealthy. [Dicky, pet form of
diastase 'daia.steiz n. enzyme convert- Richard]
ing starch to sugar. [Greek diastasis dicky-bird n. 1 child's word for a little
separation] bird. 2 word (didn Y say a dicky-bird), *

diatom daiatam n. one-cell alga found dicky bow n. colloq. bow-tie.

as plankton and forming fossil deposits. dicotyledon ,daikuti'li:d(a)n n.

[Greek. = cut in half] flowering plant having two cotyledons, i

diatomic daia'tumik adj. consisting dicotyledonous adj.

of two atoms. dicta pi of dictum.
diatonic daia tunik Mus. (of a
adj. Dictaphone 'dikta.faun n. propr. i

scale, interval, involving only

etc.) machine for recording and playing back
notes belonging to the prevailing key. dictated words, [from dictate, phone] I

[Greek: related to tonic] dictate-r. dik teit (-ting) 1 say or read !

diatribe 'daie,traib n. forceful verbal aloud (material to be written down or

recorded). 2 state or order authoritat-
attack or criticism; invective. [Greek
ively or peremptorily.-??, 'dik-/ (usu. in
tribo rub] I

diazepam dai'a?zi,pa?m n. a tranquil- pi) authoritative instruction or re-

lizing drug, [benzodiazepine - am]
quirement (dictates of conscience, i

fashion). dictation dik'teij(a)n/ n.

dibble dib(a)] -n. (also dibber |

[Latin dicto from dico say]

'dibe(r) ) hand tool for making holes for
dictator dik'teita(r) n. 1 usu. .

planting, -v. (-ling) sow. plant, or pre-

unelected omnipotent ruler. 2 omni-
pare (soil) with a dibble, [origin un- ]

potent person in any sphere. 3 domin-

eering person. dictatorship n.
dice 1 a small cubes with faces
[Latin: related to dictate]
bearing 1-6 spots, used in games or dictatorial .diktatornal adj. 1 of or :

gambling, b (treated as sing.) one of

like a dictator. 2 overbearing, dictat-
these cubes (see die 2 ). 2 game played orially adv. [Latin: related to dic-
with dice. -v. (-cing) 1 take great risks, tator]
gamble (dicing with death). 2 cut into diction 'dikJXem n. manner of enun-
small cubes, [pi. of die 2 ] eiation in speaking or singing. [Latin
Usage See note at die :
dictio from dico diet- say]
dictionary 'dikfanan n. (pi -ies) 1
dicey adj. (dicier, diciest) slang risky, book listing (usu. alphabetically) and
explaining the words of a language or
dichotomy dai'kutemi n. (pi -ies) di- giving corresponding words in another
vision into two. esp. a sharply defined language. 2 reference book explaining
one. [Greek dikho- apart: related to the terms of a particular subject. I

tome] [medieval Latin: related to diction]

Usage The use of dichotomy to mean dictum 'diktam n. (pi dicta or -s) 1
dilemma or ambivalence is considered formal expression of opinion. 2 a saying, i

incorrect in standard English. [Latin, neuter past part, of dico say]

did past of do 1

dichromatic .daikrau'ma?nk adj. 1 didactic dai'da?ktik adj. 1 meant to j

two-coloured. 2 having vision sensitive instruct. 2 (of a person) tediously pe- j

to only two of the three primary colours. dantic. didactically adv. didacti-
dick n. 1 colloq. (in certain set phrases)

cism -ti,siz(a)m n. [Greek didasko f

person (clever dick). 2 coarse slang teach]

penis. [Dick, pet form of Richard] diddle 'did(a)l v. (-ling) colloq. <i

dick : n. slang detective, [perhaps an swindle, [probably from Diddler. name i

abbreviation] of a character in a 19th-c. play]

dickens dikinz n. (usu. prec. by how. diddums didamz int. often iron, i

what. why. etc.. the) colloq. (esp. in expressing commiseration. [= did 'em. %

exclamations) deuce: the Devil {what i.e. did they (tease you etc.)?]
the dickens is it), [probably the name didgeridoo .didsan'du: n. long tubu- i;

Dwkens] lar Australian Aboriginal musical |


Dickensian di'kenzian adj. 1 of the instrument, [imitative] I

19th-c. novelist Dickens or his work. 2 didn't "didomt contr. did not. b
ie 239 diffident
ie /dai/ v. (dies, died, dying /'dann/) 1
dietetic /.daia'tetik/ of diet and
pease to live; expire, lose vital force. 2 a nutrition. [Greek: related to diet ] 1

:ome to an end, fade away (his interest dietetics (usu. treated as sing.) the
iied). b cease to function, c (of a flame) study of diet and nutrition.
;o out. 3 (foil, by on) die or cease to dietitian /.daia'tiJXaJn/ n. (also dieti-
unction while in the presence or charge cian) expert in dietetics.
)f (a person). 4 (usu. foil, by of, from, dif- prefix = dis-.
vith) be exhausted or tormented differ v. 1 (often foil, by from) be unlike
nearly died of boredom). be dying or distinguishable. 2 (often foil, by with)
[foil, by for, or to + infin.) wish for disagree. [Latin differo, dilat- bring
ongingly or intently (was dying for a apart]
irink). die away fade to the point of difference /'difrans/ n.
1 being different
jxtinction. die back (of a plant) decay or unlike. 2 degree of this. 3 way in
rom the tip towards the root, die down which things differ. 4 a quantity by
become fainter or weaker, die hard die which amounts differ, b remainder left
eluctantly (old habits die hard), die after subtraction. 5 disagreement, dis-
pff die one after another, die out pute. make a (or all the, no, etc.)
oecome extinct, cease to exist. [Old difference have a significant (or a very
^orse] significant, or no) effect, with a dif-
ie /dai/ n. 1 = dice lb. 2 (pi. dies) a ference having a new or unusual
ngraved device for stamping coins, feature.
nedals, etc. b device for stamping, cut- different adj. 1 (often foil, by from or to)
ing, or moulding material. the die is unlike, of another nature. 2 distinct,
:ast an irrevocable step has been taken.
separate. 3 unusual. differently adv.
.Latin datum from do give]
Usage In sense 1, different from is
i Usage Dice, rather than die, is now more widely acceptable than different
he standard singular as well as plural
to, which is common in less formal use.
orm in the games sense (one dice, two
lice). differential /,difa'renj\a)l/ - a dj. 1 of,
exhibiting, or depending on a dif-
ie-casting n. process or product of
ference. 2 Math, relating to infinites-
asting from metal moulds,
imal differences. 3 constituting or relat-
ie-hard n. conservative or stubborn
ing to a specific difference, -n. 1
difference between things of the same
ielectric /.daii'lektrik/ -adj. not con-
kind. 2 difference in wages between
ucting electricity, -n. dielectric sub-
industries or categories of employees in
the same industry. 3 difference between
ieresis US var. of diaeresis.
rates of interest etc.
lesel diesel en-
/'di:z(a)l/ n. 1 (in full
differential calculus n. method of
ine) internal-combustion engine in
calculating rates of change, maximum
vhich heat produced by the compres-
or minimum values, etc.
ion of air in the cylinder ignites the
ael. 2 vehicle driven by a diesel engine,
differential gear n. gear enabling a
vehicle's rear wheels to revolve at dif-
fuel for a diesel engine. [Diesel, name
ferent speeds on corners.
f an engineer]
iesel-electric adj. (of a locomotive differentiate /.difa'renji.eit/ v. ( ting)
1 constitute a difference between or in. 2
tc.) driven by an electric current from
diesel-engined generator. recognize as different; distinguish. 3
iesel oil n. heavy petroleum fraction become different during development. 4
sed in diesel engines. Math, calculate the derivative of
Le-sinker n. engraver of dies, differentiation /-'eij\a)n/ n.
le-stamping n. embossing paper etc. difficult /'difikalt/ adj. 1 a needing
/ith die. much effort or skill, b troublesome
Let /'daiat/ -n. 1 range of foods habitu- perplexing. 2 (of a person) demanding. 3
lly eaten by a person or animal. 2 problematic.
mited range of food to which a person difficulty n. (pi. -ies) 1 being difficult 2
restricted. 3 thing regularly offered
a difficult thing; problem, hindrance, b
iiet of half-truths), -v. (-t-) restrict (often in pi.) distress, esp. financial (in
neself to a special diet, esp. to slim, difficulties). [Latin difficultas: related to
ietary adj. dieter n. [Greek diaita faculty]
ay of life] diffident /'difid(a)nt/ adj. shy, lacking
et 2 /'daiat/ n. 1 legislative assembly in self-confidence; excessively reticent,
ertain countries. 2 hist, congress, diffidence n. diffidently adv. [Latin
^atin dieta] diffido distrust]

diffract 240

diffract /di'fraekt/ v. break up (a beam of more reliable transmission. digital

light) into a series of dark and light adv. [Latin: related to digit]
bands or coloured spectra, or (a beam of digital audio tape n. magnetic tape I <

radiation or particles) into a series of which sound is recorded digitally, i il

high and low intensities. diffraction digitalis /,did3i'teilis/ n. drug prepar*

n. diflfractive adj. [Latin diffringo: from foxgloves, used to stimulate tl
related to fraction] heart, [related to digit, from the form I

diffuse -adj. spread out, not

/di'fju:s/ 1 the flowers]
concentrated. 2 not concise, wordy. — v. digitize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sini
/di'fju.z/ (-sing) 1 disperse or spread convert (data etc.) into digital form, es
widely. 2 intermingle by diffusion. for a computer, c digitizath
diffusible /di'fju:zib(a)l/ adj. diffusive /;'zeiJX9)n/ n.
/di'fluisiv/ adj. [Latin: related to found 3 ! dignified /'digni.faid/ adj. having 1

diffusion /di'f]u:3(a)n/ n. 1 diffusing or showing dignity.

being diffused. 2 interpenetration of dignify /'digm.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 conf
substances by natural movement of dignity on; ennoble. 2 give a fine nar
their particles. [Latin: related to dif- to. [Latin dignus worthy]
fuse] dignitary /'dignitari/ n. (pi. -ies) pi
dig — v. (-gg-; past and past part, dug) 1 son of high rank or office, [from dignit
(also absol.) break up and remove or
dignity /'digniti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 compos-
turn over (ground etc.). 2 (foil, by up) and serious manner. 2 worthine
break up the soil of (fallow land). 3 make nobleness (dignity of work). 3 high rai
(a hole, tunnel, etc.) by digging. 4 (often
or position. beneath one's digni
foil, by up, out) a obtain by digging, b
not worthy enough for one. stand c 1

(foil, by up, out) find or discover, c (foil,

one's dignity insist on being treat*
by into) search for information in (a
with respect. [Latin dignus worthy]
book etc.). 5 (also absol) excavate (an
digraph /'daigra:f/ n. two letters repre
archaeological site). 6 slang like; under-
enting one sound,, ey as in phon
stand. 7 (foil. -by in, into) thrust (a sharp
key. [from di-\ -graph]
object); prod or nudge. 8 (foil, by into,
through, under) make one's way by Usage Digraph is sometimes co
digging, -n. 1 piece of digging. 2 thrust fused with ligature, which means two <

or poke. 3 colloq. pointed remark. 4 more letters joined together.

archaeological excavation. 5 (in pi.) col-
digress /dai'gres/ v. depart from tl
loq. lodgings. dig one's heels in be
main subject in speech or writing,
obstinate, dig in colloq. begin eating,
digression n. [Latin digredior -gress-
dig oneself in 1 prepare a defensive
digs see dig n. 5.
trench or pit. 2 establish one's position.
[Old English]
dike var. of dyke
1 1

digest -v. /dai'd3est/ 1 assimilate (food)

dike 2 var. of dyke 2 .

in the stomach and bowels. 2 under-

diktat /'diktaet/ n. categorical statemei
or decree. [German, = dictate]
stand and assimilate mentally. 3 sum-
marize, -n. /'daid3est/ 1 periodical syn-
dilapidated /di'laepi.deitid/ adj. i
disrepair or ruin. dilapidatio,
opsis of current literature or news. 2 2
/-'deij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to di- lap
methodical summary, esp. of laws. ,

digestible adj. [Latin digero -gest-} stone]

digestion /dai'd3estj(a)n/ n. 1 process dilatation /,daila'teij(a)n/ n. 1 dilatir

of digesting. 2 capacity to digest food. of the cervix, e.g. for surgical curettag
digestive -adj. of or aiding digestion. 2 dilation, [from dilate]
-n. 1 substance aiding digestion. 2 (in dilate /dai'leit/ v. (-ting) 1 make (

full digestive biscuit) wholemeal bis- become wider or larger. 2 speak or wrr
cuit. at length. dilation n. [Latin latr
digger n. person or machine that digs,
1 wide]
esp. a mechanical excavator. 2 colloq. dilatory /'dilatari/ adj. given to or cau

Australian or New Zealander. ing delay. [Latin dilatorius: related

digit /'did3it/ n. 1 any numeral from to differ]
9. 2 finger or toe. [Latin, = finger, toe] dildo /'dildau/ n. (pi. -s) artificial ere
digital adj. 1 of digits. 2 (of a clock, penis for sexual stimulation, [orig
watch, etc.) giving a reading by dis- unknown]
played digits. 3 (of a computer) operat- dilemma /dai'lema/ n. 1 situation
ing on data represented by a series of which a difficult choice has to be made
digits. 4 (of a recording) with sound- difficult situation, predicament. [Gree
information represented by digits for lemma premiss]
lilettante 241 dinner V

Usage The use of dilemma in sense 2

parking lights on a vehicle, b headlight

considered incorrect by some people.

on low beam.
dimple dimp(a)l/ -n. small hollow.
lettante /.dili'taenti/ n. (pi. dilettanti esp. in the cheek or chin. -v. (-Ling)
iti/ dabbler in a subject, z dilet-
or -s) form dimples (in). dimply adj.
antism n. [Italian dilettare delight] [probably Old English]
ligent /'dilid3(9)nt/ adj. 1 hard- dim-wit n. colloq. stupid person dim- .

working. 2 showing care and effort, z -witted adj.

jjiligence n. diligently adv. [French DIN n. any of a series of
tech- German
pm Latin diligo love] nical standards designating electrical
h.11 n. herb with aromatic leaves and connections, film speeds, and paper
feeds. [Old English] sizes. [German, from Deutsche /ndus-
[lly-dally .dili'daeli/ v. (-ies, -ied) col- trie-iVorm]
jq. 1 dawdle. 2 vacillate, [reduplication din -n. prolonged loud confused noise.
[f DALLY] —v. (-nn-) (foil, by into) force (informa-
[lute /dai'lju:t/ -v. (-ting) 1 reduce the tion) into a person by constant repeti-
trength of (a fluid) by adding water etc. tion; make a din. [Old English]
weaken or reduce in effect, -adj. dinar 'di:na:(r) n. chief monetary unit
Eiluted. dilution n. [Latin diluo -lut- of Yugoslavia and several countries of
j^ash away] the Middle East and N. Africa. [Arabic
luvial dai'lu:vial/adj. of a flood, esp. and Persian from Latin denarius]
jf the Flood in Genesis. [Latin: related dine v. (-ning) 1 a eat dinner, b (foil, by
,) deluge] on, upon) eat for dinner. 2 (esp. in phr.
Lm -adj. (dimmer, dimmest) 1 a wine and dine) entertain with food,
iiintly luminous or visible; not bright. dine out dine away from home. [French
indistinct. 2 not clearly perceived or diner as dis-, Latin jejunus fasting]
ismembered. 3 colloq. stupid. 4 (of the diner n. 1 person who dines. 2 dining-
lyes) not seeing clearly, -v. (-mm-) car. 3 US small restaurant. 4 small
iiake or become dim. take a dim dining-room.
uew of colloq. disapprove of. z dimly dinette dai'net n. small room or alcove
idv. dimness n. [Old English] for eating meals.
ime n. US ten-cent coin. [Latin decima ding —v. make a ringing sound, -n.
pnth (part)] ringing sound, [imitative]
imension 'dai'menJXaJn/ -n. 1 meas- dingbat 'dirjbaet it slang US & Aus-
urable extent, as length, breadth, depth, tral, stupid or eccentric person, [per-
haps from ding to beat - bat

jtc. 2 (in pi.) size (of huge dimensions). 3 ]

Aspect, facet (gained a new dimension). ding-dong 'dirjdDrj n. 1 sound of two

\v. (usu. as dimensioned adj.) mark chimes, esp. as a doorbell. 2 colloq.
iimensionson (a diagram etc.). z heated argument or fight, [imitative]
limensional adj. [Latin metior mens- dinghy 'dini n. (pi. -ies) 1 small boat
^leasure] carried by a ship. 2 small pleasure-boat.
iminish /di'mmiJV v. 1 make or 3 small inflatable rubber boat. [Hindi]
'jecome smaller or less. 2 (often as dingle /'dirjg(a)l n. deep wooded valley
'nminished adj.) lessen the reputa- or dell, [origin unknown]
on of (a person); humiliate, z law of dingo 'dingau n. (pi. -es) wild Austra-
[iminishing returns fact that expend lian dog. [Aboriginal]
We etc. beyond a certain point ceases dingy /'dmd3i adj. (-ier. -iest) dirty-
dingily adv. dingi-
5p produce a proportionate yield, looking, drab.
^atin: related to minute
ness n. [origin uncertain]
minuendo /di.mmju'endao/ Mus. dining-car n. restaurant on a train.
*'n. (pi -s) gradual decrease in loudness. dining-room n. room in which meals
*adv. & adj. decreasing in loudness. are eaten.
talian: related to diminish] dinkum dinkam adj. Austral. & SZ
^minution ,dimi'nju:J(9)n/ n. 1 colloq. genuine, honest, true, dinkum
diminishing or being diminished. 2 oil the honest truth, fair dinkum 1 fair
jscrease. [Latin: related to diminish] play. 2 genuine(ly). honest(ly), true,

minutive /di'mmjutiv -adj. 1 tiny. 2 ;

truly, [origin unknown]
! >f a word or suffix) implying smallness dinky /'dinki/ adj. (-ier. -iest) colloq.

I" affection, -n. diminutive word or neat and attractive; small, dainty. [Scots
iffix. dink]
i mmer n. 1 (in full dimmer
switch) dinner n. 1 main meal of the day. either

3vice for varying the brightness of an at midday or in the evening. 2 (in full
ectric light. 2 US a (in pi) small dinner-party) formal evening meal.
dinner-dance 242 dip-switch
esp. with guests. [French: related to diphtheria /difGiana, dip-/ n. acute
DINE] infectious bacterial disease with inflam-
dinner-dance n. formal dinner fol- mation of a mucous membrane esp. of
lowed by dancing. the throat. [Greek diphthera skin, hide]
dinner-jacket n. man's short usu.
black formal jacket for evening wear,
Usage The second pronunciation is
considered incorrect by some people.
dinner lady n. woman who supervises
school dinners. diphthong /'difBon/ n. two written or
dinner service n. set of matching spoken vowels pronounced in one syl-
crockery for dinner. lable (as in com, loud, toy). [Greek
dinosaur /'dama,so:(r)/ n. 1 extinct, phthoggos voice]
often enormous, reptile of the Mesozoic diplodocus /di'plodakas/ n. (pi. -cuses)
era. 2 unwieldy or unchanging system giant plant-eating dinosaur with a long
or organization. [Greek deinos terrible, neck and tail. [Greek diplous double,
saurian] dokos wooden beam]
dint -n. dent. -i>. mark with dints. by diploma /di'plauma/ n. 1 certificate of
dint of by force or means of. [Old qualification awarded by a college etc. 2
English and Old Norse] document conferring an honour or priv-
diocese /'daiasis/ n. district under the [Greek, = folded paper, from dip-
pastoral care of a bishop. diocesan lous double]
/dai'Dsis(e)n/ adj. [Greek dioikesis ad- diplomacy /di'plaumasi/ n. 1 a manage-
ministration] ment of international relations, b skill
diode /'daiaud/ n. 1 semiconductor in this. 2 tact. [French: related to diplo-
allowing the flow of current in one matic]
direction only and having two ter- diplomat /'dipla.maet/ n. 1 member of a
minals. 2 thermionic valve having two diplomatic service. 2 tactful person.
electrodes, [from m- 1 electrode]
diplomatic /.dipla'maetik/ adj. 1 of or
Dionysian /.daia'nizian/ adj. wildly involved in diplomacy. 2 tactful. dip-
sensual; unrestrained. [Greek Dionusos lomatically adv. [French: related to
god of wine] diploma]
dioptre /dai'Dpta(r)/ n. (US diopter) diplomatic bag container for dis-
unit of refractive power of a lens. patching official mail etc. to or from an
[Greek: related to dia-, opsis sight] embassy, usu. exempt from customs
diorama /.daia' n. 1 scenic paint- inspection.
ing lit to simulate sunrise etc. 2 small diplomatic immunity n. exemption
scene with three-dimensional figures, of diplomatic staff abroad from arrest,
viewed through a window etc. 3 small- taxation, etc.
scale model or film-set. [from dia-, diplomatic service n. branch of the
Greek horao see] civil service concerned with the rep-
dioxide /dai'oksaid/ n. oxide containing resentation of a country abroad.
two atoms of oxygen (carbon dioxide). diplomatist /di'plaumatist/ n. diplo-
dip -y. (-pp-) 1 put or lower briefly into mat.
liquid etc.; immerse. 2 a go below a dipole /'daipaul/ n. 1 two equal and
surface or level, b (of income, activity, oppositely charged or magnetized poles
etc.) decline slightly, esp. briefly. 3 slope separated by a distance. 2 molecule in
or extend downwards (road dips). 4 go which a concentration of positive
under water and emerge quickly. 5 (foil, charges is separated from a concentra-
by into) look cursorily into (a book, tion of negative charges. 3 aerial con-
subject, etc.). 6 a (foil, by into) put a sisting of a horizontal metal rod with a
hand, ladle, etc., into (a container) to connecting wire at its core.
take something out. b use part of (one's dipper n. 1 diving bird, esp. the water
resources) (dipped into our savings). 7 ouzel. 2 ladle.
lower or be lowered, esp. in salute. 8 dippy /'dipi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) slang
lower the beam of (headlights) to reduce crazy, silly,[origin uncertain]
dazzle. 9 colour (a fabric) by immersing dipso /'dipsau/ n. (pi -s) colloq. alco-
it in dye. 10 wash (sheep) in disinfectant. holic, [abbreviation]
-n. 1 dipping or being dipped. 2 liquid dipsomania /.dipsa'memia/ n. alco-
for dipping. 3 brief bathe in the sea etc. 4 holism. dipsomaniac /-ni.aek/ n.
downward slope or hollow in a road, [Greek dipsa thirst]
skyline, etc. 5 sauce into which food is dipstick n. rod for measuring the depth j

dipped. 6 candle made by dipping the of esp. oil in a vehicle's engine.

wick in tallow. [Old English] dip-switch n. switch for dipping a
Dip. Ed. abbr. Diploma in Education. vehicle's headlights.
dipterous 243 dirty word
dipterous /'diptaras/ adj. (of an insect) company. 2 person who directs a film,
having two wings. [Greek pteron wing] play, etc. directorial /-'to:nal adj.
diptych painting, esp. an
/'diptik/ n. directorship n.
altarpiece, on two hinged panels closing directorate /dai'rektarat, di-/ n. 1
like a book. [Greek, = pair of writing- board of directors. 2 office of director.
tablets, from ptukhe fold] director-general n. chief executive of
dire adj. 1 a calamitous, dreadful, b a large organization.
ominous, c (predic.) colloq. very bad. 2 directory /dai'rektarj, di-/ n. (pi. -ies)
urgent (in dire need). [Latin] book with a list of telephone sub-
/dai'rekt, di-l-adj. 1 extending or scribers, inhabitants of a district, or
moving in a straight line or by the members of a profession etc. [Latin:
shortest route; not crooked or circuit- related to direct]
ous. 2 straightforward; frank. 3 with directory enquiries telephone
nothing or no-one in between; personal service providing a subscriber's
(direct line). 4 (of descent) lineal, not number on request,
collateral. 5 complete, greatest possible directress n. woman director,
(the direct opposite), -adv. 1 in a direct direct speech n. words actually
way or manner (dealt with them direct). spoken, not reported,
2 by the direct route (sent direct to direct tax n. tax that one pays directly
London), -v. 1 control; govern or guide to the Government, esp. on income,
(duty directs me). 2 (foil, by to + infin., dirge n. 1 lament for the dead. 2 any
or that + clause) order (a person) to. 3 dreary piece of music. [Latin imperative
(foil, by to) a address (a letter etc.). b tell dirige= direct, used in the Office for the
or show (a person) the way to (a place). 4 Dead]
(foil, by at, to, towards) point, aim, or dirham /'diaraem/ n. principal mon-
turn (a blow, attention, or remark). 5 etary unit of Morocco and the United
(also absol.) supervise the performing, Arab Emirates. [Arabic]
staging, etc., of (a film, play, etc.). dirigible /'dirid3ib(a)l/ -adj. capable of
directness n. [Latin dirigo from rego being guided, -n. dirigible balloon or
rect- guide] airship, [related to direct]
direct access n. facility of retrieving dirk n. short dagger, [origin unknown]
data immediately from any part of a dirndl /'d3:nd(a)l/ n. 1 dress with a
computer file. close-fitting bodice and full skirt. 2 full
direct current n. electric current flow- skirt of this kind. [German]
ing in one direction only. dirt n. 1 unclean matter that soils. 2 a
direct debit n. regular debiting of a earth, soil, b earth, cinders, etc., used to
bank account at the request of the make the surface for a road etc. (usu.
payee. or malicious
attrib.: dirt track). 3 foul
direct-grant school n. school funded words or talk. 4 excrement, treat like
by the Government and not a local dirt treat with contempt. [Old Norse
authority. drit excrement]
direction /dai'rekj(a)n, di-/ n. 1 direct- dirt cheap adj. & adv. colloq. extremely
ing; supervision. 2 (usu. in pi.) order or cheap.
instruction. 3 line along which, or point dirty -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 soiled, unclean.
to or from which, a person or thing 2 causing dirtiness (dirty job). 3 sordid,
moves or looks. 4 tendency or scope of a lewd, obscene. 4 unpleasant, dishonour
theme, subject, etc. able, unfair (dirty trick). 5 (of weather)
directional adj. 1 of or indicating rough, squally. 6 (of colour) muddied,
direction. 2 sending or receiving radio dingy, -adv. slang 1 very (a dirty great
or sound waves in one particular diamond). 2 in a dirty manner (falk
direction. dirty; act dirty) (esp. in senses 3 and 4 of
directive /dai'rektiv, di-/ -n. order adj.). -v. (-ies, -ied) make or become
from an authority, -adj. serving to dirty, do the dirty on colloq. play a
direct. mean trick on. dirtily adv. dirtiness
directly -adv. 1 a at once; without n.

delay, immediately (directly after dirty look n. colloq. look of disapproval

lunch), b presently, shortly. 2 exactly or disgust.
(directly opposite). 3 in a direct manner. dirty old man n. colloq. lecherous
-conj. colloq. as soon as (will tell you man.
directly they come). dirty weekend n. colloq. weekend
direct object n. primary object of the spent with a lover.
action of a transitive verb, dirty word n. 1 offensive or indecent
director n. 1 person who directs or word. 2 word for something disap-
controls, esp. a member of the board of a proved of (profit is a dirty word).
dirty work 244 discharge
dirty work n. dishonourable or illegal win over. disarming adj. (esp. in
activity. sense 4). disarmingly adv.
dis- prefix forming nouns, adjectives, disarmament /dis'cumamant/ n.
and verbs implying: 1 negation or direct reduction by a State of its armaments.
opposite (dishonest; discourteous). 2 disarrange /,dis8'remd3/ v. (-ging)
reversal (disengage; disorientate). 3 re- bring into disorder. disarrange-
moval of a thing or quality (dismember, ment n.
disable). 4 separation (distinguish). 5 disarray /.disa'rei/ -n. disorder, -v.
completeness or intensification (dis- throw into disorder,
gruntled). 6 expulsion from (disbar). disassociate /.disa'sauJXeit/ v. (-ting)
[French des- or Latin dis-] = dissociate. disassociation
disability /.disa'biliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 /-'eij(9)n/ n.
permanent physical or mental incapa- disaster /di'za:sta(r)/ n. 1 great or sud-
city. 2 lack of some capacity etc., pre- den misfortune; catastrophe. 2 colloq.
venting action. complete failure, disastrous adj. dis-
disable /dis'eib(9)l/ v. (-ling) 1 deprive astrously adv. [Latin astrum star]
of an ability or function. 2 (often as disavow /.disa'vau/ v. disclaim know-
disabled adj.) physically incapacitate. ledge of or responsibility for. dis-
disablement n. avowal n.
disabuse /,disa'bju:z/ v. (-sing) (usu. disband /dis'baend/ v. break up; dis-
foil, by of) free from a mistaken idea; perse. disbandment n.
disillusion. disbar /dis'ba:(r)/ v. (-rr-) deprive (a
disadvantage /,dis8d'va:ntid3/ -n. 1 barrister) of the right to practise.
unfavourable circumstance or con- disbarment n.
dition. 2 damage; loss. -v. (-ging) cause disbelieve /,disbi'li:v/ v. (-ving) be
disadvantage to. at a disadvantage unable or unwilling to believe; be scep-
in an unfavourable position or aspect. tical. disbelief n. disbelievingly
disadvantageous /-.aedvon'teidsas/ adv.
adj. disburse /dis'b3:s/ v. (-sing) pay out
disadvantaged lacking normal
adj. (money). disbursal n. disburse-
opportunities through poverty, disabil- ment n. [French: related to dis-,
ity, etc. bourse]
disaffected /.disa'fektid/ adj. discon- disc n. (also disk esp. US and in sense
tented (esp. politically); no longer loyal, 4a) a flat thin circular object, b round
c disaffection n. or apparently flat surface or mark. 2
disagree /.disa'gri:/ v. (-ees, -eed, layer of cartilage between vertebrae. 3
-eeing) (often foil, by with) 1 hold a gramophone record. 4 a (usu. disk; in
different opinion. 2 (of factors) not cor- full magnetic disk) flat circular com-
respond. 3 upset (onions disagree with puter storage device, b (in full optical
me). disagreement n. disc) disc for data recorded and read by
disagreeable adj. 1 unpleasant. 2 bad- laser. [Latin discus]
tempered. disagreeably adv. discard /dis'ka:d/ v. 1 reject as
disallow /.disa'lau/ v. refuse to allow or unwanted. 2 remove or put aside, [from
accept; prohibit. dis-, card ]
disappear /.disa'piaO")/ v. 1 cease to be disc brake n. brake employing the
visible. 2 cease to exist or be in circula- friction of pads against a disc.
tion or use. 3 (of a person) go missing. discern /di's3:n/ v. 1 perceive clearly
disappearance n. with the mind or senses. 2 make out
disappoint /.disa'pomt/ v. 1 fail to fulfil with effort. discernible adj. [Latin
the desire or expectation of. 2 frustrate cerno cret- separate]
(ahope etc.). disappointed adj. dis- discerning adj. having good judge-
appointing adj. ment. discerningly adv. discern-
disappointment n. 1 person or thing ment n.
that disappoints. 2 being disappointed. discharge - v. /dis'tja:d3/ (-ging) 1 re-
disapprobation /dis,aepra'beiJXa)n/ n. lease (a prisoner); allow (a patient, jury)
formal disapproval. to leave. 2 dismiss from office or employ-
disapprove /,disa'pru:v/ v. (-ving) ment. 3 fire (a gun etc.). 4 throw; eject. 5
(usu. by of) have or express an
foil, emit, pour out (pus etc.). 6 (foil, by into)
unfavourable opinion. disapproval (of a river etc.) flow into (esp. the sea). 7
n. a carry out (a duty or obligation), b
disarm /dis'a:m/ v. 1 take weapons etc. relieve oneself of (a debt etc.). c relieve
away from. 2 reduce or give up one's (a bankrupt) of residual liability. 8 Law
own weapons. 3 defuse (a bomb etc.). 4 cancel (an order of court X 9 release an
make less angry, hostile, etc; charm, electrical charge from. 10 a relieve (a
disciple 245 discovery
ship etc.) of cargo, b unload (cargo), -rc. disconsolate /dis'kDnsalat adj. for-
/'distja:d3/ 1 discharging or being dis- lorn, unhappy, disappointed. discon-
charged. 2 certificate of release, dismis- solately adv. [Latin: related to dis-.
sal, etc. 3 matter discharged; pus etc. 4 solace]
release of an electric charge, esp. with a discontent /.diskan'tent/ -n. lack of
spark. contentment; dissatisfaction, griev-
disciple /di'saip(a)l/ n. follower of a ance. — u. (esp. as discontented adj.)
leader, teacher, etc., esp. of Christ. make dissatisfied. discontentment
[Latin disco learn] n.
disciplinarian /.disrpli'nearian/ n. discontinue /.diskan'tmju:/ v. ( ues,
enforcer of or believer in firm dis- 1 come or bring to an end (a
-ued, -uing)
cipline. discontinued line). 2 give up, cease from
disciplinary /'disiplman/ adj. of or (doing something). : discontinuance
enforcing discipline. n.

discipline -n. 1 a control or

/'disiplin/ discontinuous adj. lacking con-
order exercised over people or animals, tinuity; intermittent. discontinuity
e.g. over members of an organization, b
7;,kDnti'nju:ra7 n.
system of rules for this. 2 training or discord /'diskD:d/ n. 1 disagreement;
strife. 2 harsh noise; clashing sounds. 3
way of life aimed at self-control and
lack of harmony in a chord. [Latin:
conformity. 3 branch of learning. 4 pun-
related to dis-, cor cord- heart]
ishment, -v. (-ning) 1 punish. 2 control
by training in obedience. [Latin discip-
discordant /di'sk3:d(a)nt/ adj. 1 dis-
agreeing. 2 not in harmony; dissonant.
line! from disco learn]
discordance n. discordantly adv.
disc jockey n. presenter of recorded
discotheque /'diska.tek/ n. 1 nightclub
pop music.
etc. for dancing to pop records. 2 profes-
disclaim /dis'kleim/ v. 1 deny or dis-
sional lighting and sound equipment
own. 2 renounce legal claim to.
used for this. 3 party with such equip-
disclaimer n. renunciation; statement
ment. [French, = record-library]
disclaiming something.
discount -n. /'diskaunt, amount
disclose /dis'klauz/ v. (-sing) make deducted from a full or normal price,
known; expose. disclosure n. esp. for prompt or advance payment, -v.
disco /'diskau/ colloq. -n. (pi. -s) = /dis'kaunt/ 1 disregard as unreliable or
discotheque, —v. (-es, -ed) dance to unimportant. 2 deduct an amount from
disco music, [abbreviation] (a price etc.). 3 give or get the present
discolour /dis'kAla(r)/ v. (US discolor) worth of (an investment certificate
cause to change from its normal colour; which has yet to mature). at a dis-
stain; tarnish. discoloration count below the usual price or true
/-'reij(a)n/ n. value.
discomfit /dis'kAmfit/ v. (-t-) discon- discountenance /di'skauntmans/ v.
cert, baffle, frustrate. discomfiture (-cing) 1 disconcert. 2 refuse to approve
n. [French: related to dis-, confection] of.
discourage /di skAnd3/ v. (ging) 1 de
Usage Discomfit is sometimes con-
prive of courage or confidence. 2 dis-
fused with discomfort.
suade, deter. 3 show disapproval of.
discomfort /dis'kAmfat/ -n. 1 lack of discouragement n.
comfort; slight pain or unease. 2 cause discourse -n. /'diskD:s/1 conversation.
of this. -v. make uncomfortable. 2 lengthy treatment of a subject. 3 lec-
ture, speech. -v. /di'ska:s/ (-sing) 1 con-
Usage As a verb, discomfort is some-
verse. 2 speak or write at length on a
times confused with discomfit. subject. [Latin curro curs- run]
discompose /.diskam'pauz/ v. (-sing) discourteous /dis k3:tias/ adj. lacking
disturb the composure of. discom- courtesy. discourteously adv. dis-
posure n. courtesy n. (pi. -ies).
disco music n. popular dance music discover /di'skAva(r)/ v. 1 a find out or
with a heavy bass rhythm. become aware of, by intention or
disconcert /.diskan'sa^/ v. disturb the chance, b be first to find or find out (who
composure of; fluster. discovered America?). 2 find and
disconnect /.diska'nekt/ break the
v. 1 promote as a new performer. dis-
connection of. 2 put out of action by coverer n. [Latin discooperio: related to
disconnecting the parts. disconnec- dis-, cover]
tion n. discovery n. (pi. -ies) 1 discovering or

disconnected adj. incoherent and illo- being discovered. 2 person or thing

gical. discovered.
discredit 246 disgust
discredit /dis'kredit/ -n. 1 harm to from embarrassment. disembar-
reputation. 2 person or thing causing rassment n.
this. 3 lack of credibility. -i>. (-t-) 1 harm disembodied /.disim'bodid/ adj. 1 (of
the good reputation of. 2 cause to be the soul etc.) freed from the body or
disbelieved. 3 refuse to believe. concrete form. 2 lacking a body. dis-
discreditable adj. bringing discredit; embodiment n.
shameful, discreditably adv. disembowel /.disim'baual/ v. (-J1-; US
discreet ,/di'skri:t/ adj. a
(-er, -est) 1 -1-) remove the bowels or entrails of.
circumspect, b tactful; judicious, pru- disembowelment n.
dent. 2 unobtrusive, discreetly adv. disenchant /,dism'tja:nt/ v. disillu-
discreetness n. [Latin: related to dis- sion. disenchantment n.
cern] disencumber /.dism'kAmbafr)/ v free .

discrepancy /dis'krepansi/ n. (pi. -ies) from encumbrance.

difference; inconsistency. discrep- disenfranchise /.dism'fraentjaiz/ v.
ant adj. [Latin discrepo be discordant] (also disfranchise) (-sing) 1 deprive of
discrete /di'skri:t/ adj. individually dis- the right to vote or to be represented.
tinct; separate, discontinuous. dis- 2 deprive of rights as a citizen or of
creteness n. [Latin: related to discern] a franchise held. disenfranchise-
discretion /di'skreJXa)n/ n. 1 being dis- ment n.

prudence; good judgement. 3

creet. 2 disengage /,disin'geid3/ v. (-ging) 1 de-
freedom or authority to act according to tach, loosen, release. 2 remove (troops)
one's judgement. use one's dis- from battle etc. 3 become detached. 4 (as
cretion act according to one's own disengaged adj.) a at leisure, b uncom-
judgement. discretionary adj. mitted. disengagement n.
[Latin: related to discern]
disentangle / dism taerig(8)l/ v. (-ling)

free or become free of tangles or com-

discriminate /di'sknmi.neit/ v. (-ting)
1 (often foil, by between) make or see a
plications. disentanglement n.
distinction. 2 (usu. foil, by against or in
disestablish /.disi'staebhJV v. 1 deprive
(a Church) of State support. 2 terminate
favour of) treat unfavourably or favour-
the establishment of. disestablish-
ably, esp. on the basis of race, gender,
etc. discriminatory /-natan/ adj.
ment n.
disfavour /dis'feiva(r)/ (US disfavor)
[Latin discrimino: related to discern]
-n. 1 disapproval or dislike. 2 being
discriminating adj. showing good
disliked, -v. regard or treat with dis-
judgement or taste.
discrimination /di.skrimi'neiJXaW n.
disfigure /dis'figa(r)/ v. (-ring) spoil the
1 unfavourable treatment based on
appearance of. disfigurement n.
racial, sexual, etc. prejudice. 2 good
disfranchise var. of disenfranchise.
taste or judgement.
disgorge /dis'go:d3/ v. (-ging) 1 eject
discursive /di'sk3:siv/ adj. tending to from the throat. 2 pour forth, c dis-
digress, rambling. [Latin curro curs- gorgement n.
run] disgrace /dis'greis/ -n. 1 shame; igno-
discus /'diskas/ n. (pi. -cuses) heavy miny. 2 shameful or very bad person or
thick-centred disc thrown in athletic thing (bus service is a disgrace), -v.
events. [Latin from Greek] (-cing) 1 bring shame or discredit on. 2
discuss /di'skAs/ v. 1 talk about (dis- dismiss from a position of honour or
cussed their holidays). 2 talk or write favour. in disgrace out of favour.
about (a subject) in detail. discussion [Latin: related to dis-, grace]
n. [Latin discutio -cuss- disperse] disgraceful adj. shameful; causing dis-
disdain /dis'dem/ -n. scorn, contempt. grace. disgracefully adv.
-v. 1 regard with disdain. 2 refrain or disgruntled /dis'grAnt(9)id/ adj. dis-
refuse out of disdain. disdainful adj. contented; sulky. disgruntlement n.
disdainfully adv. [Latin: related to de-, [from dis-, grunt]
deign] disguise /dis'gaiz/-i;. (-sing) 1 conceal
disease /di'zi:z/ unhealthy con-
n. 1 the identity of; make unrecognizable. 2
dition of the body or mind, plants, conceal (disguised my anger), -n. 1 a
society, etc. 2 particular kind of disease. costume, make-up, etc., used to dis-
diseased adj. [French: related to dis-, guise, b action, manner, etc., used to
ease] deceive. 2 disguised state. 3 practice of
disembark /,disim'ba:k/ v. put or go disguising. [French: related to dis-]
ashore; get off an aircraft, bus, etc. disgust /dis'gAst/ -n. strong aversion;
disembarkation /-'keiJX8)n/ n. repugnance, -v. cause disgust in.
disembarrass /.disim'baeras/ v. 1 (usu. disgusting adj. disgustingly adv.
foil, by of) relieve (of a load etc.). 2 free [French or Italian: related to dis-, gusto]
dish 247 dismember
dish -fi.1a shallow flat-bottomed con- esp. mentally. 3 (of an atomic nucleus)
tainer for food, b its contents, c particu- emit particles or divide into smaller
lar kind of food or food prepared to a nuclei. disintegration -'greijo)n n.
particular recipe (meat dish). 2 (in pi.) disinter /,dism't3:(r) dl (-rr-) dig up
crockery, pans, etc. after a meal (wash (esp. a corpse), disinterment n.
the dishes). 3 a dish-shaped object or disinterested /dis'mtristid adj. 1 im-
cavity, b = satellite dish. 4 colloq. partial. 2 uninterested. : disinterest n.
sexually attractive person, —v. 1 colloq. disinterestedly adv.<
outmanoeuvre, frustrate. 2 make dish-
shaped. dish out colloq. distribute,
Usage Use of disinterested in sense 2
dish up 1 put (food) in dishes for serv-
is common in informal use, but is widely
regarded as incorrect. The use of the
ing. 2 colloq. present as a fact or argu-
ment. [Old English from Latin discus]
noun disinterest to mean 'lack of inter-
est' is also objected to but it is rarely
dishabille var. of deshabille.
disharmony /dis'ha:mani/ n. lack of used in any other sense and the alternat-
disharmonious ive uninterest is rare.
harmony; discord.
/-'maunias/ adj. disinvest /.dism'vest/ v. reduce or dis-
dishcloth n. cloth for washing dishes. pose of one's investment, disinvest-
dishearten /dis'ha:t(a)n/ v. cause to ment n.
lose courage, hope, or confidence, disjoint /disjoint/ v. 1 take apart at
disheartenment n. the joints. 2 (as disjointed adj.) incoher-
dishevelled /di'Jev(a)ld/ adj. (US dish- ent; disconnected. 3 disturb the working
eveled) untidy; ruffled. dishevel- of; disrupt.
ment n. [from dis-, chevel 'hair', from disjunction /dis'd3ArikJ\a)n/ n. sep-
Latin capillus] aration.
dishonest /dis'omst/ adj. fraudulent or disjunctive /dis'd3Arjktiv adj. 1

insincere. dishonestly adv. dis- involving separation. 2 (of a conjunc-

honesty n. tion) expressing an alternative, e.g. or in
dishonour /dis'ona(r)/ (US dishonor) is it wet or dry?
-n. 1 loss of honour or respect; disgrace. disk var. of disc (esp. US & Computing).
2 thing causing this. -v. 1 disgrace disk drive n. Computing mechanism
(dishonoured his name). 2 refuse to for rotating a disk and reading or writ-
accept or pay (a cheque etc.). ing data from or to it.
dishonourable adj. (US dishonor- diskette /di'sket/ n. Computing =
able) 1 causing disgrace; ignominious. 2 floppy n.
unprincipled. dishonourably adv. dislike /dis'laik/ -v. (-king) have an
dishwasher n. machine or person that aversion to; not like. -n. 1 feeling of
washes dishes. repugnance or not liking. 2 object of
dishy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. sexually
attractive. dislocate /'disla.keit/ v. (-ting) 1 disturb
disillusion /,disi'lu:3(a)n/ -v. free from the normal connection of (esp. a joint in
an illusion or mistaken belief, -n. disil- the body). 2 disrupt. dislocation
lusioned state. disillusionment n.
/-'keij(a)n/ n.
disincentive /.dism'sentiv/ n. thing
dislodge /dis'lDd3/ V. (ging) disturb or
discouraging action, effort, etc. dislodgement n.
disincline /.dism'klam/ v. (-ning)
disloyal dis'bial/ adj. not loyal;
make unwilling or reluctant. disin- dis
unfaithful. disloyally adv.
clination /-kli'neij(a)n/ n.
loyalty n.
disinfect /.dism'fekt/ v. cleanse of infec-
dismal /'dizm(o)l adj. 1 gloomy; miser
tion, esp. with disinfectant. disinfec-
able. 2 dreary; sombre. 3 colloq. feeble,
tion n. dismally
inept (dismal attempt).
disinfectant -n. substance that des-
adv. [medieval Latin dies mali unlucky
troys germs etc. -adj. disinfecting.
disinformation /.dismfa'meiftajn/ n.
dismantle /dis'maent(a)l/ v. ling) 1 (

false information, propaganda.

take to pieces; pull down. 2 deprive of
disingenuous /,dism'd3enjuas/ adj. in-
disingenuously defences or equipment.
sincere, not candid.
dismay dis'mei/ -n. intense disap-
pointment or despair, -v. fill with dis-
disinherit /.dism'hent/ v. (-t-) reject as
one's heir; deprive of the right of in-
may. [French from Germanic: related to
disinheritance n. dis-, may]
disintegrate /dis'mti.greit/ v. ( ting) 1 dismember /dis'memba(r)/ v. 1 remove
the limbs from. 2 partition or divide up.
separate into component parts or frag-
ments, break up. 2 colloq. break down, dismemberment n.
dismiss 248 disposable income
dismiss /dis'mis/ v. 1 send away, esp. dispatch-box n. case for esp. parlia-
from one's presence; disperse. 2 termin- mentary documents.
ate the employment of, esp. dishonour- dispatch-rider n. messenger on a
ably; sack. 3 put from one's mind or motor cycle.
emotions. 4 consider not worth talking dispel /di'spel/ v. (-11-) drive away; scat-
or thinking about; treat summarily. 5 ter (fears etc.). [Latin pello drive]
Law refuse further hearing to (a case). 6 dispensable /di'spensab(a)l/ adj. that
Cricket put (a batsman or side) out (usu. can be dispensed with.
for a stated score). dismissal n. dispensary /di'spensan/ n. (pi. -ies)
[Latin mitto miss- send] where medicines are dispensed.
dismissive adj. dismissing rudely or dispensation /,dispen'seij(a)n/ n. 1 dis-
casually; disdainful. dismissively pensing or distributing. 2 exemption
adv. dismissiveness n. from penalty, rule, etc. 3 ordering or
dismount /dis'maunt/ v. 1 a alight from management of the world by Provid-
a horse, bicycle, etc. b unseat. 2 remove ence.
(a thing) from its mounting. dispense /di'spens/ v. (-sing) 1 distrib-
disobedient /,disa'bi:diant/ adj. dis- ute; deal out. 2 administer. 3 make up
obeying; rebellious. disobedience n. and give out (medicine 4 (foil, by

disobediently adv. with) do without; make unnecessary.

disobey /.disa'bei/ v. refuse or fail to
[French from Latin pendo pens- weigh]
obey. dispenser n. 1 person or thing that
disoblige /,disa'blaid3/ v. (-ging) refuse dispenses e.g. medicine, good advice. 2
to help or cooperate with (a person). automatic machine dispensing a spe-
disorder /dis'o:da(r)/ n. 1 lack of order;
cific amount.
confusion. 2 public disturbance; riot. 3 disperse /di'sp3:s/ v. (-sing) 1 go, send,
drive, or scatter widely or in different
ailment or disease. disordered adj.
directions. 2 send to or station at dif-
disorderly adj. 1 untidy; confused. 2
ferent points. 3 disseminate. 4 Chem.
riotous, unruly. disorderliness n.
distribute (small particles) in a medium.
disorganize /dis'D:ga,naiz/ v. (also -ise)
5 divide (white light) into its coloured
(-zing or -sing) 1 throw into confusion
constituents. dispersal n. dispers-
or disorder. 2 (as disorganized adj.)
ive adj. [Latin: related to dis-, sparse]
badly organized; untidy. disorgan-
dispersion /di'sp3:J(a)n/ n. 1 dispersing
ization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n.
or being dispersed. 2 (the Dispersion)
disorient /dis'oinont/ v. = disorient-
= Diaspora.
dispirit /di'spirit/ v. (esp. as dispirit-
disorientate /dis'o:nan,teit/ v. (also
ing, dispirited adjs.) make despond-
disorient) (-ting) confuse (a person),
ent, deject.
esp. as to his or her bearings. disori-
displace /dis'pleis/ v. (-cing) 1 move
entation /-'teij(a)n/ n.
from its place. 2 remove from office. 3
disown /dis'aun/ v. deny or give up any take the place of; oust.
connection with; repudiate. displaced person n. refugee in war
disparage /di'spaend3/ v.
(-ging) 1 criti- etc.,or from persecution.
cize; 2 bring discredit on.
belittle. displacement n. 1 displacing or being
disparagement n. [French: related to displaced. 2 amount of fluid displaced
dis-, parage rank] by an object floating or immersed in it.
disparate /'disparat/ adj. essentially display /di'splei/ -v. 1 exhibit; show. 2
different; not comparable. disparate- reveal; betray, -n. 1 displaying. 2 a
ness n. [Latin disparo separate] exhibition or show, b thing(s) displayed.
disparity /di'spaenti/ n. (pi. -ies) 3 ostentation. 4 mating rituals of some
inequality; difference; incongruity. birds etc. 5 what is shown on a visual
dispassionate /di'spaej\a)nat/ adj. free display unit etc. [Latin plico fold]
from emotion; impartial. dispassion- displease /dis'pli:z/ v. (-sing) make up-
ately adv. set or angry; annoy. displeasure
dispatch /di'spaetJV (also despatch) -v. /-'ple3(a)r/ n.
1 send off to a destination or for a disport /di'spo:t/ v. (often refl.) play,
purpose. 2 perform (a task etc.) frolic, enjoy oneself. [Anglo-French
promptly; finish off. 3 kill, execute. 4 porter carry, from Latin]
colloq. eat quickly, -n. 1 dispatching or disposable /di'spauzab(a)l/ -adj. 1
being dispatched. 2 a official written intended to be used once and discarded.
message, esp. military, b news report to 2 able to be disposed of. ~n. disposable
a newspaper etc. 3 promptness, ef- article.
ficiency. [Italian dispacciare or Spanish disposable income rc., income after
despachar] tax and other fixed payments.
disposal 249 dissident
disposal /di'spauz(a)l/ n. disposing of, disquiet /dis'kwaiat -v. make anxious.
e.g. waste. at one's disposal avail- -n. anxiety; uneasiness.
able. disquietude n. disquiet.

Usage Disposal is the noun corres-

disquisition / 1

diskwi ziJ(8)n n. dis-

cursive treatise or discourse. [Latin
ponding to the verb dispose of (get rid of.
quaero quaesit- seek]
deal with, etc.). Disposition is the noun
from dispose (arrange, incline).
disregard /.disn'ga.d/ -v. 1 ignore. 2
treat as unimportant.—^, indifference;
dispose /di'spauz/ v. (usu. foil,
(-sing) 1 neglect.
by to, or to + infin.) a make willing; disrepair /,disn'pea(r) n. poor con-
incline (was disposed to agree), b tend dition due to lack of repairs.
(wheel was disposed to buckle). 2 ar- disreputable /dis'repjotab(a)lac(/. 1 of
range suitably. 3 (as disposed adj.) bad reputation. 2 not respectable in
have a specified inclination (ill- character or appearance. disreput-
disposed; well-disposed). 4 determine ably adv.
events (man proposes, God disposes). disrepute /,disn'pju:t/ n. lack of good
dispose of 1 a deal with, b get rid of. c reputation; discredit.
finish, d kill. 2 sell. 3 prove (an argu- disrespect /.disri'spekt/ n. lack of re-
ment etc.) incorrect. [French: related to spect; discourtesy. disrespectful
pose] adj. disrespectfully adv.
disposition /,disp9'zij(9)n/ n. 1 natural disrobe /dis'raob/ v. (-bing) literary
tendency; temperament. 2 a ordering; undress.
arrangement (of parts etc.). b arrange- disrupt /dis'rApt/ v. 1 interrupt the
ment. 3 (usu. in pi.) preparations; plans. continuity of; to. 2 break
bring disorder
apart. disruption n. disruptive adj.
Usage See note at disposal.
disruptively adv. [Latin: related to
dispossess /.dispa'zes/ v. 1 (usu. foil, by rupture]
of) (esp. as dispossessed adj.) deprive (a dissatisfy /di'saetis.fai/ v. (-ies. -ied)
person) of. 2 dislodge; oust. dispos- make discontented; fail to satisfy,
session /-'zej(9)n/ n. dissatisfaction /-'faekJX8)n/ n.
disproof /dis'pru:f/ n. refutation. dissect /di'sekt/ v. 1 cut into pieces, esp.
disproportion /.dispra'po^^n/ n. for examination or post mortem. 2 ana-
lack of proportion; being out of propor- lyse or criticize in detail, dissection
tion. disproportional adj. dispro- n. [Latin: related to section]
portionate adv. dissemble /di'semb(a)l' v. (-ling) 1 be
disproportionate adj. 1 out of propor- hypocritical or insincere. 2 disguise or
tion. 2 relatively too large or small etc. conceal (a feeling, intention, etc.). [Latin
disproportionately adv. simulo simulate]
disprove /dis'pru:v/ v. (-ving) prove disseminate /di'semi.neit v. ( ting)

false. scatter about, spread (esp. ideas)

disputable /di'spju:tab(a)l/ adj. open to widely, dissemination nei.f(o)n n.
question; uncertain. disputably adv. [Latin: related to dis-, semen]
disputant !

/di spju:t(a)nt/ n. person in a dissension /di'senj*(8)n n. angry dia

dispute. agreement. [Latin: related to dissent]
disputation /.dispjui'teiJXaW n. 1 de- dissent /di'sent/-i;. (often foil, by from)
bate, esp. formal. 2 argument; con- 1 disagree, esp. openly. 2 differ, esp.
troversy. from the established or official opinion.
disputatious adj. argumentative. -n. 1 such difference. 2 expression of
dispute /di'spju:t/ -v. (-ting) 1 debate, this. [Latin: related to dis-, sentio feel)
argue. 2 discuss, esp. heatedly; quarrel. dissenter n. 1 person who dissents. 2

3 question the truth or validity of (a (Dissenter) Protestant dissenting from

statement etc.). 4 contend for (disputed the Church of England.
territory). 5 resist, oppose, -n. 1 con- dissentient /di'senj(.))nt -adj. dia

troversy; debate. 2 quarrel. 3 disagree- agreeing with the established or official

ment leading to industrial action, in view. -n. person who dissents.
dispute 1 being argued about. 2 (of a dissertation /.disa'teiJO on n. detailed
workforce) involved in industrial discourse, esp. one submitted towards
action. [Latin puto reckon] an academic degree. [Latin disserto dis-

disqualify /dis'kwDli.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 cuss]

debar from a competition or pronounce disservice /dis's3:vis/ n. harmful
ineligible as a winner. 2 make or pro- action, harm.
nounce ineligible, unsuitable, or unqua- dissident /'disid(a)nt/ -adj. disagree-
lified (disqualified from driving). ing, esp.with the established govern-
disqualification /-fi'keiJX^n/ n. ment, system, etc. -n. dissident person.
dissimilar 250 distinguish
c dissidence n. [Latin: related to dis-, distance remain aloof. [Latin: related to
sedeo sit] dis-, sto stand]
dissimilar /di'simila(r)/ adj. unlike, distant adj. 1 far away; at a specified
not similar, dissimilarity /-'laeriti/ n. distance (three miles distant). 2 remote
(pi. -ies). in time, relationship, etc. (distant pro-
dissimulate /di'simju.leit/ v. ( ting) spect; distant relation). 3 aloof. 4
dissemble. dissimulation /-'leij(a)n/ abstracted (distant stare). 5 faint (dis-
n. [Latin: related to dissemble] tant memory). distantly adv.
dissipate /'disi.peit/ v. (-ting) 1 dis- distaste /dis'teist/ n. (usu. foil, by for)
perse, disappear, dispel. 2 squander. 3 dislike; aversion. distasteful adj.
(as dissipated adj.) dissolute. [Latin distastefully adv. distastefulness n.
dissipare -pat-] distemper /di'stempa(r)/ hist-n. paint

dissipation / 1
disi'peiJ(a)n/ n. 1 dis- using glue or size as a base, for use on
solute way of life. 2 dissipating or being walls, -v. paint with this. [Latin, =
dissipated. soak: see distemper 2 ]
dissociate /di'sauji.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 dis- distemper 2 /di'stempa(r)/ n. disease of
connect or separate. 2 become discon- esp. dogs, with coughing and weakness.
nected. dissociate oneself from [Latin: related to dis-, tempero mingle]
declare oneself unconnected with. distend /di'stend/ v. swell out by pres-
dissociation /- eij(9)n/ n. dissociative sure from within (distended stomach),
/-ativ/ adj. [Latin: related to dis-, associ- a distensible /-'stensib(a)l/ adj. dis-
ate] tension /-'stenj(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to
dissoluble /di'sDljub(a)l/ adj. that can TEND ] 1

be disintegrated, loosened, or discon- distich /'distik/ n. verse couplet. [Greek

nected. stikhos line]
dissolute /'disa,lu:t/ adj. lax in morals; distil /di'stil/ v. (US distill) (-11-) 1 purify
licentious. [Latin: related to dissolve] or extract the essence from (a sub-
dissolution /,disa'lu:J(9)n/ n. 1 dissolv- stance) by vaporizing and condensing it
ing or being dissolved, esp. of a partner- and collecting the resulting liquid. 2
ship or of parliament for a new election. extract the essential meaning of (an idea
2 breaking up, abolition (of an institu- etc.). 3 make (whisky, essence, etc.) by
tion). 3 death. distilling raw materials. 4 fall or cause
dissolve /di'zDlv/ v. (-ving) 1 make or to fall in drops, n distillation
become liquid, esp. by immersion or /-'leij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to de-, stillo
dispersion in a liquid. 2 (cause to) disap- drip]
pear gradually. 3 dismiss (an assembly, distiller n. person who distils, esp.
esp. Parliament). 4 annul or put an end alcoholic liquor.
to (a partnership, marriage, etc.). 5 distillery n. (pi -ies) place where alco-
(often foil, by into) be overcome (by holic liquor is distilled,
tears, laughter, etc.). [Latin: related to distinct /di'stinkt/ adj. 1 (often foil, by
dis-, solvo solut- loosen] from) not identical; separate; different. 2
dissonant /'disanant/ adj. 1 harsh- clearly perceptible. 3 unmistakable,
toned; unharmonious. 2 incongruous. decided (distinct advantage).
dissonance n. [Latin: related to dis-, distinctly adv. [Latin: related to dis-
sono SOUND ] tinguish]
dissuade (-ding) (often
/di'sweid/ v. distinction /di'stirjkj(a)n/ n. 1 discrim-
foil, by from) discourage (a person); inating or distinguishing. 2 difference
persuade against. dissuasion between two things. 3 thing that differ-
/-'swei3(a)n/ n. dissuasive adj. [Latin: entiates or distinguishes. 4 special con-
related to dis-, suadeo advise] sideration or honour (treat with dis-
dissyllable var. of disyllable. tinction). 5 excellence (person of
distaff /'dista:f/ n. cleft stick holding distinction). 6 title or mark of honour.
wool or flax for spinning by hand. [Old [Latin: related to distinguish]
English] distinctive adj. distinguishing, charac-
distaff side n. female branch of a teristic. distinctively adv. distinct-
family. iveness n.
distance /'dist(a)ns/ -n. 1 being far off; distingue /di'staengei/ adj. dis-
remoteness. 2 space between two points. tinguished in appearance, manner, etc.
3 distant point or place. 4 aloofness; [French]
reserve. 5 remoter field of vision (in the distinguish /di'stingwiJV v. 1 (often
distance). 6 interval of time. -v. (-cing) foil, by from, between)differentiate; see
(often reft.) 1 place or cause to seem far or draw distinctions. 2 be a mark or
off; be aloof. 2 leave far behind in a race property of; characterize.. 3 discover by
etc. c at a distance far off. keep one's listening, looking, etc. 4 (usu. refl.\ often
distinguished 251 ditto marks
foil, by by) make prominent (dis- each, either), -n. Gram, distributive
tinguished himself by winning). dis- word.
tinguishable adj. [Latin: related to dis-, distributor n. 1 person or thing that
stinguo stinct- extinguish] distributes, esp. goods. 2 device in an
distinguished adj. 1 eminent; famous. internal-combustion engine for passing
2 dignified. current to each spark-plug in turn.
distort /di'sto:t/ v. 1 pull or twist out of district /'distnkt/ n. 1 (often attrib.)
shape. 2 misrepresent (facts etc.). 3 area regarded as a geographical or ad-
transmit (sound etc.) inaccurately. ministrative unit (the Peak District;
distortion n. [Latin torqueo tort- twist] postal district; wine-growing district).
distract /di'strsekt/ v. 1 (often foil, by 2 administrative division of a county
from) draw away the attention of. 2 etc. [Latin: related to distrain]
bewilder, perplex. 3 (as distracted adj.) district attorney n. (in the US) prosec-
confused, mad, or angry. 4 amuse, esp. uting officer of a district.
to divert from pain etc. [Latin: related to district nurse n. nurse who makes
dis-, traho tract- draw] home visits in an area.
distraction /di'straek.f(8)n/ n.1a dis- distrust /dis'trAst/ -n. lack of trust;
tracting or being distracted, b thing that suspicion, -v. have no trust in. dis-
distracts. 2 relaxation; amusement. 3 trustful adj. distrustfully adv.
confusion; frenzy, madness. disturb /di'st3:b/ v. 1 break the rest,
distrain /di'strem/ v. (usu. foil, by calm, or quiet of. 2 agitate; worry. 3
upon) impose distraint (on a person, move from a settled position (disturbed
goods, etc.). [Latin: related to dis-, my papers). 4 (as disturbed adj.) emo-
tionally or mentally unstable. [Latin:
stringo strict- draw tight]
distraint /di'streint/ n. seizure of goods related to dis-, turba tumult]
to enforce payment. disturbance n. 1 disturbing or being
disturbed. 2 tumult; uproar; agitation.
distrait /di'strei/ adj. (fern, distraite
/-'streit/) inattentive; distraught.
disunion /dis'ju:nian/ n. lack of union;
separation; dissension.
[French: related to distract]
disunite /,disju:'nait/ v. (-ting) 1 re-
distraught /di'stro:t/ adj. distracted
move the unity from. 2 separate.
with worry, fear, etc.; extremely agit-
disunity /-'ju:niti/ n.
ated, [related to distrait]
disuse -n. /dis'ju.s/ disused state, -v.
distress /di'stres/ —n. 1 anguish or suf-
/-'ju:z/ (-sing) cease to use.
fering caused by pain, sorrow, worry,
disyllable /dai'silab(a)l/ n. (also dis-
etc. 2 poverty. 3 Law = distraint, -v.
syllable) Prosody word or metrical foot
cause distress to, make unhappy. in disyllabic /-'laebik/
of two syllables.
distress suffering or in danger. dis-
tressful adj. [Romanic: related to dis- ditch -n. long narrow excavation esp.
train] for drainage or as a boundary, -v. 1
distressed adj. 1 suffering from dis- make or repair ditches (hedging and
tress. 2 impoverished. 3 (of furniture,
ditching). 2 slang abandon; discard,
clothing, etc.) aged, torn, etc. artifi- dull as ditch-water extremely dull.
cially. [Old English]
distressed area n. region of high dither /'dioa(r)/ -u. 1 hesitate; be inde-
unemployment and poverty, cisive. 2 tremble; quiver, -n. COllOQ.
distribute /di'stnbju:t, 'dis-/ v. (-ting) 1 state of agitation or hesitation, dith-
give shares of; deal out. 2 scatter; put at erer n. dithery adj. [var. of didder
different points. 3 arrange; classify. DODDER 1

[Latin tribuo -but- assign] dithyramb /'di9i,raem/ n. 1 wild choral

Usage The second pronunciation hymn in ancient Greece. 2 passionate or
inflated poem etc. dithyrambic
given, with the stress on the first syl-
/-'raembik/ adj. [Latin from Greek]
lable, isconsidered incorrect by some
ditto /'ditau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 (in accounts,
inventories, etc.) the aforesaid, the
distribution ,

/,distn bju:J(8)n/ n. 1 dis- same. 2 colloq. (used to avoid repetition)

tributing or being distributed'. 2 a com- the same (came late today and ditto
mercial dispersal of goods etc. b extent yeste rday). [Latin dictum]
to which different classes etc. share in a
nation's total wealth etc.
Usage In sense 1, the word ditto is
often replaced by * under the word or
distributive /di'stnbjutiv/-ad/. 1 of or
produced by distribution. 2 Logic &
sum to be repeated.
Gram, referring to each individual of a ditto marks inverted commas etc.
class, not to the class collectively (e.g. representing 'ditto'.
ditty 252 divisive
ditty diti n. short simple
(pi. -ies) divest dai'vest v. (usu. foil, by of) 1
song. [Latin: related to dictate] unclothe; strip. 2 deprive, rid. [Latin:
diuretic .daiju'retik -adj. causing related to vest]
increased output of urine, -n. diuretic divide di'vaid -v. (-ding) 1 (often foil,
drug. [Greek: related to dia-, oureo urin- by in, into) separate into parts; break
ate] up; split. 2 (often foil, by out) distribute;
diurnal dai'3:n(a)l adj. 1 of the day or deal; share. 3 a separate (one thing)
daytime. 2 daily. 3 occupying one day. from another, b classify into parts or
diurnally adv. [Latin diurnalis from groups. 4 cause to disagree. 5 a find how
dies day] many times (a number) contains or is
diva dirva n. (pi. -s) great woman opera contained in another (divide 20 by 4;
singer; prima donna. [Italian from divide 4 into 20). b (of a number) be
Latin. = goddess]
contained in (a number) without re-
divalent dai'veilant adj. Chem. hav- mainder (4 divides into 20). 6 Pari, vote
(by members entering either of two
ing a valency of two.
divan di'vaen n. low couch or bed lobbies) (the House divided). -n. 1 divid-
ing line. 2 watershed. [Latin divido -vis-]
without a back or ends, [ultimately from
dividend 'dividend n. 1 share of pro-
Persian divan bench]
fits paid to shareholders or to winners
dive -v. (-ving) 1 plunge head first into
in a football pool etc. 2 number to be
water. 2 a (of an aircraft, person, etc.)
divided. 3 benefit from an action.
plunge steeply downwards, b (of a sub- [Anglo-French: related to divide]
marine) submerge; go deeper. 3 (foil, by divider n. 1 screen etc. dividing a room.
into) colloq. a put one's hand into (a measuring-compasses.
2 (in pi.)
pocket, handbag, etc.). b become en- divination

,divi'neij (a)n n. supposed

thusiastic about (a subject, meal. etc.). 4 supernatural insight into the future etc.
move suddenly (dived into a shop), -n. [Latin: related to divine]
1 act of diving; plunge. 2 steep descent or divine di'vam -adj. (diviner, di-
fall. 3 colloq. disreputable nightclub, vinest) 1 a of. from, or like God or a god.
bar, etc. [Old English] b sacred. 2 colloq. excellent; delightful.
dive-bomb v. bomb (a target) from a — v. (-ning) 1 discover by intuition or
diving aircraft. z dive-bomber n. guessing. 2 foresee. 3 practise divina-
diver n. 1 person who dives, esp. work- tion, -n. theologian or clergyman, z
ing under water. 2 diving bird. divinely adv. [Latin divinus]
diverge dai'v3:d3 v. (-ging) 1 a spread diviner n. person who practises divina-

out from a central point, become dis- tion.

persed, b take different courses (their diving-bell n. open-bottomed enclos-

interests diverged). 2 a (often foil, by ure, supplied with air, for descent into
from) depart from a set course, b (of deep water.
opinions etc.) differ, z divergence n. diving-board n. elevated board for
divergent adj. [Latin: related to di- 2 diving from.

vergo incline] diving-suit n. watertight suit, usu.

divers 'daiv3:z archaic various;
with helmet and air-supply, for work
under water.
several. [Latin: related to diverse]
diverse dai'v3:s varied.
adj. [Latin:
divining-rod n. = dowsing-rod.
2 divinity di'vmiti n. (pi. -ies) 1 being
related to di- , verto vers- turn]
divine. 2 god; godhead. 3 theology.
diversify dai'v3:si,fai v. (-ies, -ied)
divisible di'vizib(a)l adj. capable of
1 make vary.
diverse; 2 spread
being divided, z divisibility -'biliti n.
(investment) over several enterprises.
division di'vi3(9)n n. 1 dividing or
3 (often foil, by into) expand one's
being divided. 2 dividing one number by
range of products, z diversification another. 3 disagreement (division of
-fi'keiKa)n n.
opinion). 4 Pari, separation of members
diversion dai'v3:J(a)n n. 1 diverting for counting votes. 5 one of two or more
or being diverted. 2 a diverting of atten- parts into which a thing is divided. 6
tion, b stratagem for this. 3 recreation, unit of administration, esp. a group of
pastime. 4 alternative route when a army brigades, regiments, or teams in a
road is temporarily closed, z diver- sporting league, z divisional adj.
sionary adj. division sign n. sign (-) indicating
diversity dai'v3:siti n. variety. that one quantity is to be divided by
divert dai'v3:t v. 1 a turn aside; deflect, another.
b distract (attention). 2 (often as divert- divisive di'vaisrv adj. causing dis-
ing adj.) entertain; amuse. [Latin: agreement. divisivelycdi;. divisive-
related to diverse] ness n. [Latin: related to divide]
divisor 253 do
divisor /di'vaiza(r)/ n. number by proceed (do as I do; would do well to
which another is divided. wait). 5 work at (do carpentry; do
divorce -n. 1 legal dissolution
/di'vois/ chemistry). 6 be suitable or acceptable;
of a marriage. 2 separation {divorce satisfy (will never do; will do me nicely).
between thought and feeling), -v. 7 deal with; attend to (do one's hair). 8
(-cing) a (usu. as divorced adj.) (often
1 fare; get on (did badly in the test). 9
foil, by from) legally dissolve the mar- solve; work out (did the sum). 10 a
riage of. b separate by divorce, c end traverse (a certain distance) (did 50
one's marriage with. 2 separate miles today), b travel at a specified
(divorced from reality). [Latin: related speed (was doing eighty). 11 colloq. act
to diverse] or behave like; play the part of. 12
divorcee /,divo:'si:/ n. divorced person, produce (a play, opera, etc.) (will do
divot /'divat/ n. piece of turf cut out by a Shakespeare). 13 a colloq. finish (I've
blow, esp. by the head of a golf club. done in the garden), b (as done adj.) be
[origin finished (day is done). 14 cook, esp.
divulge /dai'vAld3/ v. (-ging) disclose, completely (do it in the oven; potatoes
reveal (a secret etc.). divulgence n. aren't done). 15 be in progress (what's
[Latin divulgo publish] doing?). 16 colloq. visit (did the
divvy /'divi/ colloq. -n. (pi. -ies) divi- museums). 17 colloq. a (often as done
dend, -v. (-ies, -ied) (often foil, by up) adj.) exhaust; tire out. b defeat, kill,
share out. [abbreviation] ruin. 18 (foil, by into) translate or trans-
Diwali /di:'wa:li/ n. Hindu and Jainist form. 19 colloq. cater for (they do one
festival with illuminations, held very well here). 20 slang a rob (did a big
between September and November. bank), b swindle. 21 slang prosecute,
[Sanskrit dlpa lamp]
convict (done for shoplifting). 22 slang
Dixie /'diksi/ n. southern States of the
undergo (a term of imprisonment). 23
US. [origin uncertain] slang take (an illegal drug), -v.aux. 1 in
dixie /'diksi/ n. large iron cooking-pot questions and negative statements or
used by campers etc. [Hindustani from commands (do you understand?; I don 't
smoke; don't be silly). 2 ellipt. or in
Dixieland n. 1 = Dixie. 2 traditional
place of a verb (you know her better
kind of jazz.
than I do; I wanted to go and I did; tell
DIY abbr. do-it-yourself.
me, do!). 3 for emphasis (I do want to; do
dizzy /'dizi/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a giddy,
tell me; they did go). 4 in inversion
b feeling confused. 2 causing giddiness.
(rarely does it happen), -n. (pi. dos or
-v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make dizzy. 2 bewilder.
do's) colloq. elaborate party, operation,
dizzily adv. dizziness n. [Old Eng-
etc. be done with see done, be
nothing to do with 1 be no business of.
DJ abbr. 1 dinner-jacket. 2 disc jockey.
2 be unconnected with, be to do with be
djellaba /'d3elaba/ n. (also jellaba)
concerned or connected with, do away
loose hooded cloak (as) worn by Arab
men. [Arabic] with colloq. 1 get rid of; abolish. 2 kill,
dl abbr. decilitre(s).
do down colloq. 1 cheat, swindle. 2
overcome, do for 1 be satisfactory or
D-layer n. lowest layer of the iono-
sufficient for. 2 colloq. (esp. as done for
sphere. [D arbitrary]
adj.) destroy, ruin, kill. 3 colloq. act as
D.Litt. abbr. Doctor of Letters. [Latin
Doctor Litterarum] cleaner etc. for. do in 1 slang a kill, b
2 colloq. exhaust, tire out. do
DM abbr. Deutschmark. ruin.
justice to see justice, do nothing for
dm abbr. decimetre(s).
D.Mus. abbr. Doctor of Music. (or to) colloq. not flatter or enhance, do
DNA abbr. deoxyribonucleic acid, esp. or die persist recklessly, do out colloq.
carrying genetic information in chro- clean or redecorate (a room), do a per-
mosomes. son out of colloq. cheat of. do over 1
D-notice n. government notice to news slang attack; beat up. 2 colloq. redecor-
editors not to publish certain items for ate, refurbish, do proud see proud, dos

security reasons, [defence, notice] and don'ts rules of behaviour, do

do 1 /du:/ -y. (3 sing. pres. does /dAz/; something for (or to) colloq. enhance
past did; past part, done /(Lin/; pres. the appearance or quality of. do up 1
part, doing) 1 perform, carry out, fasten. 2 colloq. a refurbish, renovate, b
achieve, complete (work etc.) (did his adorn, dress up. do with (prec. by could)
homework; a lot to do). 2 produce, make, would be glad of; would profit by (could
provide (doing a painting; we do do with a rest), do without manage
lunches). 3 grant; impart (does you without; forgo, to do with in connection
good; do me a favour). 4 act, behave, with, related to (what has that to do

do 254 dog
with it?; something to do with the etc.-v. /'dokju.ment/ 1 prove by or
weather), doable adj. [Old English] support with documents. 2 record in a
do 2var. of doh. document. [Latin: related to doctor]
do. ahbr. ditto. documentary /.dDkju'mentari/ -adj. 1
Dobermann pinscher /.daubaman consisting of documents (documentary
'pmja(r)/ large dog of a smooth-coated
n. evidence). 2 providing a factual record
German breed with a docked tail. [Ger- or report, -n. (pi. -ies) documentary
man] film etc.
doc n. colloq. doctor, [abbreviation] documentation /,dDkjumen'teiJX9)n/
docile /'dausail/ adj. submissive, easily n. 1 collection and classification of infor-
managed. docilely adv. docility mation. 2 material so collected. 3 Com-
/-'siliti/ n. [Latin doceo teach] puting etc. material explaining a sys-
dock 1
1 enclosed harbour for the
-rc. tem.
loading, unloading, and repair of ships. dodder 1 v. tremble or totter, esp. from
2 (in pi.) docks with wharves and offices. age. dodderer n. doddery adj. [ob-
-v. 1 bring or come into dock. 2 a join solete dial, dadder]
(spacecraft) together in space, b be dodder 2
n. threadlike climbing para-
joined thus. [Dutch docke] sitic plant, [origin uncertain]
dock 2 n. enclosure in a criminal court doddle /'dDd(a)l/ n. colloq. easy task,
for the accused. [Flemish dok cage] [perhaps from doddle = toddle]
dock 3 n. weed with broad leaves. [Old dodecagon /dau'dekagan/ n. plane
English] figure with twelve sides. [Greek dodeka
dock 4 v. 1 cut short (an animal's tail). 2 twelve, -gonos angled]
take away part of, reduce (wages, sup- dodecahedron /,daudeka'hi:dran/ n.
plies, etc.). [Old English]
solid figure with twelve faces, [from
docker n. person employed to load and dodecagon, Greek hedra base]
unload ships. dodge -v. (-ging) 1 (often foil, by about,
docket -n. document or label
behind, round) move quickly to elude a
listing goods delivered, jobs done, con-
pursuer, blow, etc. 2 evade by cunning
tents of a package, etc. -v. (-t-) label
or trickery, -n. 1 quick movement to
with, or enter on, a docket, [origin
avoid something. 2 clever trick or expe-
dient. dodger n. [origin unknown]
dockland n. district near docks or for-
dodgem /'dod3am/ n. small electrically-
mer docks.
driven car in an enclosure at a funfair,
dockyard n. area with docks and equip-
ment for building and repairing ships. bumped into others for fun. [from
dodge, 'em]
doctor /'dokta(r)/ -rc. 1 qualified practi-
tioner of medicine; physician. 2 person
dodgy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. unreli-
able, risky.
who holds a doctorate, -v. colloq. 1 treat
medically. 2 castrate or spay. 3 patch up
dodo /'daudau/ n. (pi. -s) large extinct
bird of Mauritius etc. [Portuguese
(machinery etc.). 4 adulterate. 5 tamper
with, falsify. what the doctor doudo simpleton]
ordered colloq. something welcome. DoE abbr. Department of the Environ-
[Latin doceo teach] ment.
doctoral adj. of or for the degree of
doe n.(pi. same or -s) female fallow deer,

doctor. reindeer, hare, or rabbit. [Old English]

doctorate /'dDktarat/ n. highest univer- doer /'du:a(r)/ n. 1 person who does
sity degree in any faculty, often honor- something. 2 person who acts rather
ary. than theorizing.
doctrinaire /,dDktn'nea(r)/ adj. apply- does see do

ing theory or doctrine dogmatically. doesn't /'dAz(a)nt/ contr. does not.

[French: related to doctrine] doff v. remove (a hat or clothes), [from
doctrine /'doktrm/ n. 1 what is taught; do off]

body of instruction. 2 a principle of dog -n. 1 four-legged flesh-eating an-

religious or political etc. belief, b set imal akin to the fox and wolf, and of
of such principles. doctrinal many breeds. 2 male of this, or of the fox
/-'tram(a)l/ adj. [Latin: related to doc- or wolf. 3 colloq. a despicable person, b
tor] person of a specified kind (lucky dog). 4
docudrama /'dDkju dra:ma/ n. tele-(
mechanical device for gripping. 5 (in pi.
vision drama based on real events. prec. by the) colloq. greyhound-racing.
[from DOCUMENTARY, DRAMA] -v. (-gg-) follow closely; pursue, track,
document -rc. /'dokjumant/ thing pro- n go to the dogs slang deteriorate, be
viding a record or evidence of events, ruined, like a dog's dinner colloq.
agreement, ownership, identification, smartly or flashily (dressed etc.). not a
dogcart 255 dolly-bird
dog's chance no chance at all. [Old dog-star chief star of the constella-
English] tion Canis Major or Minor, esp. Sirius.
dogcart n. two-wheeled driving-cart dog-tired adj. tired out.
with cross seats back to back. dog-tooth n. V-shaped pattern or
dog-collar n. 1 collar for a dog. 2 colloq. moulding; chevron.
clerical collar. dogtrot n. gentle easy trot.
dog days hottest period of the dogwatch n. either of two short
year. watches on a ship (4-6 or &-8 p.m.).
doge /daud3/ chief magistrate of
n. hist, dogwood n. shrub with dark-red
Venice or Genoa. [Italian from Latin branches, greenish-white flowers, and
dux leader] purple berries.
dog-eared adj. (of a book etc.) with bent DoH abbr. Department of Health,
or worn corners. doh /dau/ n. (also do) Mus. first note of a
dog-eat-dog adj. colloq. ruthlessly major scale. [Italian do]
competitive. doily /'doih/ n. (also doyley) (pi. -ies or
dog-end n. slang cigarette-end. -eys) small lacey usu. paper mat used on
dogfight n. 1 close combat between a plate for cakes etc. [Doiley, name of a
fighter aircraft. 2 rough fight, draper]
dogfish n. (pi. same or -es) a kind of doing
/'du:in/ pres. part, of do n. 1 a

small shark. action (famous for his doings), b effort

dogged /'dogid/ adj. tenacious; grimly (takes a lot of doing). 2 (in pi.) slang
persistent. doggedly adv. dogged- unspecified things (have we got all the
ness n. doings?).
doggerel /'dogar(a)l/ n. poor or trivial doing-over n. slang attack, beating-up.
verse, [apparently from dog] do-it-yourself -adj. (of work) done or
doggo /'dDgau/ adv. z lie doggo slang to be done by a householder etc. -n.
lie motionless or hidden, such work.
doggy -adj. 1 of or like a dog. 2 devoted Dolby /'dDlbi/ n. propr. electronic noise-
to dogs. -n. (also doggie) (pi. -ies) pet reduction system used esp. in tape-
name for a dog. recording to reduce hiss, [name of its
doggy bag n. bag for leftovers given to a inventor]
customer in a restaurant etc. doldrums /'dDldramz (usu. prec.
doggy -paddle n. (also dog-paddle) ele- by the) 1 low spirits. 2 period of inactiv-
mentary swimming stroke like that of a ity. 3 equatorial ocean region with little
dog. or no wind, [perhaps after dull, tan-
doghouse n. US & Austral, dog's ken- trum]
nel. in the doghouse slang in dis- dole -n. 1 (usu. prec. by the) colloq.
grace. unemployment benefit. 2 a charitable
dog in the manger n. person who distribution, b thing given sparingly or
stops others using a thing for which he reluctantly. -v. (-ling) (usu. foil, by out)
or she has no use. distribute sparingly. on the dole
dogma /'dogma/ n. 1 principle, tenet, or colloq. receiving unemployment bene-
system of these, esp. of a Church or fit. [Old English]
political party. 2 arrogant declaration of doleful /'daulful/ adj. 1 mournful, sad. 2
opinion. [Greek, = opinion] dreary, dismal, dolefully adv. dole
dogmatic /dog'maetik/ adj. asserting or fulness n. [Latin doleo grieve]
imposing personal opinions; intoler- doll -n. 1 small model of esp. a baby or
antly authoritative; arrogant. dog- child as a child's toy. 2 colloq. a pretty
matically adv. but silly young woman, b attractive
dogmatism /'dogm8 tiz(a)m/ n. tend-
woman. 3 ventriloquist's dummy, -v.
ency to be dogmatic, dogmatist n. (foil, by up) colloq. dress smartly, [pet

dogmatize /'dDgma.taiz/ v. (also -ise) form of Dorothy]

(-zing or -sing) 1 speak dogmatically. 2 dollar /'dDla(r)/ n. chief monetary unit
express (a principle etc.) as dogma. in the US. Australia, etc. [Low German
do-gooder n. well-meaning but unreal- daler from German Taler]
istic or patronizing philanthropist or dollop /'dDlap/ -n. shapeless lump of
reformer. food etc. -v. (-p-) (usu. foil, by out) serve
dog-paddle var. of doggy-paddle. in dollops, [perhaps from Scandinavian]
dog-rose n. wild hedge-rose, dolly n. (pi. -ies) 1child's name for a
dogsbody n. (pi. -ies) colloq. drudge, doll. 2 movable platform for a cine-
dog's breakfast n. (also dog's dinner) camera etc. 3 easy catch in cricket.
colloq. mess. dolly-bird n. colloq. attractive and

dog's life n. life of misery etc. stylish young woman.

dolma 256 Don Juan
dolma /'dDlma/ or dolmades
n. (pi. -s person's home, [medieval Latin: related
/-'ma:oez/) E. European delicacy of to domicile]
spiced rice or meat etc. wrapped in vine dominant / dominant/ -adj. 1 dominat-
or cabbage leaves, [modern Greek] ing, prevailing. 2 (of an inherited char-
dolman sleeve /'dolman/ n. loose acteristic) appearing in offspring even
sleeve cut in one piece with a bodice. when the opposite characteristic is also
[Turkish] inherited, -n. Mus. fifth note of the
dolmen /'dolman/ n. megalithic tomb diatonic scale of any key. dominance
with a large flat stone laid on upright n. dominantly adv.
ones. [French] dominate /'dDmi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 com-
dolomite / dola.mait/ n. mineral or rock mand, control. 2 be the most influential
of calcium magnesium carbonate, [de or obvious. 3 (of a high place) overlook.
Dolomieu, name of a French geologist] domination /-'neij(a)n/ n. [Latin
dolour /'dDla(r)/ n. (US dolor) literary dominor from dominus lord]
sorrow, distress. dolorous adj. [Latin domineer /.donu'maOr)/ v. (often as
dolor pain] domineering behave arrogantly
dolphin /'dolfin/ n. large porpoise-like or tyrannically. [French: related to dom-
sea mammal with a slender pointed inate]
snout. [Greek delphis -in-] Dominican /da'mmikan/ -adj. of St
dolphinarium /.dDlfi'neanam/ n. (pi. Dominic or his order, -n. Dominican
-s) public aquarium for dolphins,
friar or nun. [Latin Dominicus Dominic]
dolt /dault/ n. stupid person. doltish dominion /da'minjan/ n. 1 sovereignty,
adj. [apparently related to obsolete dol
control. 2 realm; domain. 3 hist, self-
= dull] governing territory of the British Com-
Dom n. title of some Roman Catholic
monwealth. [Latin dominus lord]
dignitaries, and Benedictine and Car-
domino /'domi.nau/ n. (pi. -es) 1 any of
thusian monks. [Latin dominus master]
28 small oblong pieces marked with 0-6
-dom suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 pips in each half. 2 (in pi.) game played
condition (freedom). 2 rank, domain
with these. 3 loose cloak with a mask.
(earldom; kingdom). 3 class of people
[French, probably as dominion]
(or associated attitudes etc.) regarded
collectively (officialdom). [Old English]
domino effect n. (also domino
theory) effect whereby (or theory that)
domain /da'mem/ n. 1 area under one one event precipitates others in causal
rule; realm. 2 estate etc. under one
control. 3 sphere of control or influence.
[French: related to demesne]
don n. 1 university teacher, esp. a

senior member of a college at Oxford or

dome -n. 1 rounded (usu. hemispher-
ical) vault forming a roof. 2 dome-
Cambridge. 2 (Don) Spanish title pre-
fixed to a forename. [Spanish from Latin
shaped thing, -v. (-ming) (usu. as
domed adj.) cover with or shape as a dominus lord]

dome. [Latin domus house] don 2 v. (-nn-) put on (clothing). [ = do on]

domestic /da'mestik/ -adj. 1 of the donate /dau'neit/ v. (-ting) give (money

etc.), esp. to charity, [from donation]
home, household, or family affairs. 2 of
one's own country. 3 (of an animal) donation /dau'neij(a)n/ n. 1 donating or
tamed, not wild. 4 fond of home life. -n. being donated. 2 thing, esp. money,
household servant. domestically donated. [Latin donum gift]
adv. [Latin domus home] done /cL\n/ adj. 1 completed. 2 cooked. 3

domesticate /da'mesti.keit/ v. (-ting) 1

colloq. socially acceptable (the done

tame (an animal) to live with humans. 2 thing). 4 (often with in) colloq. tired out.
accustom to housework etc. domest- 5 (esp. as int. in reply to an offer etc.)
ication /-'keij(a)n/ n. [medieval Latin: accepted, z be done with have or be
related to domestic] finished with, done for colloq. in ser-
domesticity /.doma'stisiti/ n. 1 being ious trouble, have done with be rid of;
domestic. 2 domestic or home life. finish dealing with, [past part, of do ]
domestic science n. = home eco- doner kebab /'dDna, 'dau-/ n. spiced
nomics. lamb cooked on a spit and served in
domicile /'domi.sail/ -n. 1 dwelling- slices, often with pitta bread. [Turkish:
place. 2 Law a place of permanent res- related to kebab]
idence, b residing, -u. (-ling) (usu. as donjon /'dDnd3(a)n/ n. great tower or
domiciled adj.) (usu. foil, by at, in) innermost keep of a castle, [archaic
settle in a place. [Latin domus home] spelling of dungeon]
domiciliary /.domi'silian/ adj. formal Don Juan /'d3u:an, 'wa:nArc. seducer of
(esp. of a doctor's etc. visit) to, at, or of a women.
donkey 257 dose
donkey 'donki' n. domestic
(pi -s) 1 doorstop device for keeping a door
ass. 2 colloq. stupid person, [perhaps open or to prevent it from striking the
from Duncan: cf. Neddy] wall.
donkey jacket thick weatherproof
n. door-to-door adj. (of selling etc.) done
workman's jacket or fashion garment, at each house in turn.
donkey's years colloq. very long doorway n. opening filled by a door.

time. dope -n. 1 a slang narcotic, b drug etc.

donkey-work n. laborious part of a given to ahorse, athlete, etc.. to improve
job. performance. 2 thick liquid used as a
Donna /'dona/ n. title of an Italian, lubricant etc. 3 varnish. 4 slang stupid
Spanish, or Portuguese lady. [Latin person. 5 slang information, -i?. (-ping)
1 give or add a drug to. 2 apply dope to.
domina mistress]
donnish adj. like a college don; pe- [Dutch, = sauce]
dopey adj. (also dopy) (dopier,
dopiest) colloq. 1 half asleep or stu-
donor <'dauna(r), n. 1 person who
pefied as if by a drug. 2 stupid, dopily
donates (e.g. to charity). 2 person who
adv. dopiness n.
provides blood, semen, or an organ or
doppelgdnger ,

dopO)l gena(r) n.
tissue for medical use.

apparition of a living person. [Ger-

donor card n. official card authorizing man, = double-goer]
the use of organs, carried by a donor.
Doppler effect n. increase (or de-
don't /daunt/ -contr. do not. -n. prohibi- crease) in the frequency of sound, light,
tion (dos and don 'ts). etc. waves caused by moving nearer to
donut US var. of doughnut. (or further from) the source. [Doppler,
doodle "du:d(a)l -u. (-ling) scribble or name of a physicist]
draw, esp. absent-mindedly, -n. such a dorado da'raidau n. (pi. same or -s)
scribble or drawing, [originally = fool- sea-fish showing brilliant colours when
ish person] dying out of water. [Spanish, = gilded]
doom -n. 1 a grim fate or destiny, b Doric /'dDnk -adj. 1 Archit. of the
death or ruin. 2 condemnation, -v. 1 oldest and simplest of the Greek orders.
(usu. foil, by to) condemn or destine. 2 2 (of a dialect) broad, rustic, -n. rustic
(esp. as doomed adj.) consign to misfor- English or esp. Scots, [from Doris in
tune or destruction. [Old English, = Greece]
statute] dormant 'do:mant adj. 1 lying in-
doomsday n. day of the Last Judge- active; sleeping. 2 temporarily inactive.
ment, z till doomsday for ever. 3 (of plants) alive but not growing,
door «. 1 a esp. hinged barrier for dormancy n. [Latin dormio sleep]
closing and opening the entrance to a dormer n. (in full dormer window)
building, room, cupboard, etc. b this as projecting upright window in a sloping
representing a house etc. (lives two roof. [French: related to dormant]

doors away). 2 a entrance or exit; door- dormitory /'dD:mitari n. (pi. -ies) 1

way, b means of access. close (or sleeping-room with several beds, esp. in
a school or institution. 2 (in full dorm-
open) the door to exclude (or create) an
itory town etc.) small commuter town
opportunity for. [Old English]
or suburb. [Latin: related to dormer]
doorbell n. bell on a door rung by
Dormobile rdb:ma,bi:l/ n. propr. motor
visitors to signal arrival. auto-
caravan, [from dormitory,
door-keeper n.= doorman.
doorknob n. knob turned to open a dormouse 'do:maus/ n. (pi. -mice)
door. small mouselike hibernating rodent,
doorman n. person on duty at the door [origin unknown]
to a large building. dorsal /'do:s(a)l/ adj. of or on the back
doormat n. 1 mat at an entrance, for (dorsal fin). [Latin dorsum back]
wiping shoes. 2 colloq. submissive per- dory /'do:n/ n. (pi. same or -ies) any of
son. various edible marine fish. esp. the
doorpost n. upright of a door-frame, on John Dory. [French doree - gilded]
which the door is hung. dosage 'dausid.3/ n. 1 size of a dose. 2
doorstep step or area in front of
-n. 1 giving of a dose.
the outer door of a house etc. 2 slang dose -n. 1 single portion of medicine. 2
thick slice of bread, -v. colloq. 1 go from experience of something (dose of flu,
door to door canvassing, selling, etc. 2 laughter). 3 amount of radiation
call upon or wait on the doorstep for (a received. 4 slang venereal infection, -v.
person) in order to interview etc. on (-sing) treat with or give doses of medi-
one's doorstep very near. cine to. [Greek dosis gift]
do-se-do 258 double entry
do-se-do /.dausi'dau/ n. (also do-si-do) to the second. 6 doubling of an oppon-
(pi. -s) figure in which two dancers pass ent's bid in bridge. 7 hit on the narrow
round each other back to back. [French ring between the two outer circles in
dos-d-dos, = back to back] darts, -v. (-ling) 1 make or become
dosh n. slang money, [origin unknown] double; increase twofold; multiply by
doss v. 1 (often foil, by down) slang sleep two. 2 amount to twice as much as. 3 fold
roughly or in a doss-house. 2 (often foil, or bend over on itself; become folded. 4
by about, around) spend time idly, a act (two parts) in the same play etc. b
[probably originally = 'seat-back (often foil, by for) be understudy etc. 5
cover': from Latin dorsum back] (usu. foil, by as) play a twofold role. 6
dosser n. slang 1 person who dosses. 2 turn sharply in flight or pursuit. 7 sail
= DOSS-HOUSE. round (a headland). 8 make a call in
doss-house n. cheap lodging-house for bridge increasing the value of the points
vagrants. to be won or lost on (an opponent's bid).
dossier /'dDSi.ei, -sia(r)/ n. file contain- at the double running, hurrying,
ing information about a person, event, bent double stooping, double back
etc. [French]
turn back in the opposite direction,
DoT abbr. Department of Transport. double or quits gamble to decide
dot -n. 1 a small spot or mark, b this as whether a player's loss or debt be doub-
part of I or j, or as a decimal point etc. 2 led or cancelled, double up 1 (cause to)
shorter signal of the two in Morse code. bend or curl up with pain or laughter. 2
-v. (-tt-) 1 a mark with dot(s). b place a share or assign to a shared room,
dot over (a letter). 2 (often foil, by about) quarters, etc. doubly adv. [Latin
scatter like dots. 3 partly cover as with duplus]
dots (sea dotted Bith ships). 4 slang hit.
double act n. comedy act by a duo.
dot the i's and cross the t's colloq. 1 double agent n. spy working for rival
be minutely accurate. 2 add the final
touches to a task etc. on the dot exactly double-barrelled adj. 1 (of a gun)

on time, the year dot colloq. far in the having two barrels. 2 (of a surname)

past. [Old English]

dotage n. feeble-minded senility (in his double-bass n. largest instrument of
the violin family.
dotard /'dautad/ n. senile person. double bluff n. genuine action or state-
dote v. (-ting) (foil, by on) be excessively ment disguised as a bluff.

fond of. dotingly adv. [origin uncer-

double-book v. reserve (the same seat,
room, etc.) for two people at once.
dotted line n. line of dots on a docu-
double-breasted adj. (of a coat etc.)
overlapping across the body.
ment etc., esp. for writing a signature
double-check v. verify twice.
dotterel /'dDtar(a)l/ n. small migrant double chin n. chin with a fold of loose
plover, [from dote]
flesh below it.

dottle /'dDt(a)l/ n. remnant of unburnt double cream n. thick cream with a

tobacco in a pipe, [from dot]
high fat-content.
dotty adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 crazy;
double-cross - v. deceive or betray (a

eccentric. 2(foll. by about) infatuated

supposed ally), -n. act of doing this.

with. dottiness n. double-crosser n.

double /'dAb(a)l/ -adj. 1 consisting of
double-dealing -n. deceit, esp. in
two parts or things; twofold. 2 twice as business, -adj. practising deceit.
much or many (double thickness). 3 double-decker n. 1 bus having an

having twice the usual size, quantity, upper and lower deck. 2 colloq. sand-
strength, etc. (double bed). 4 a being wich with two layers of filling.
double in part, b (of a flower) with two double Dutch n. colloq. gibberish.
or more circles of petals. 5 ambiguous* double eagle n. figure of a two-headed
deceitful (double meaning; a double eagle.
life), -adv. 1 at or to twice the amount double-edged adj. 1 presenting both a
etc. (counts double). 2 two together danger and an advantage. 2 (of a knife
(sleep double), -n. 1 double quantity (of etc.) having two cutting-edges.
spirits etc.) or thing; twice as much or double entendre /,du:b(a)l a:n'ta:ndra/
many. 2 counterpart; person who looks n. ambiguous phrase open to usu. in-
exactly like another. 3 (in pi.) game decent interpretation, [obsolete French]
between two pairs of players. 4 pair of double entry n. system of bookkeeping
victories. 5 bet in which winnings and with entries debited in ona account and
stake from the first bet are transferred credited in another.
double feature 259 down
double feature n. cinema programme doughnut (US donut) small
n. fried
with two full-length films, cake of sweetened dough.
double figures numbers from 10 doughnutting n. the clustering of poli-
to 99. ticians round a speaker during a tele-
double glazing n. two layers of glass in vised debate to make him or her appear
a window. well supported.
double helix n. pair of parallel helices doughty /dauti/ adj. (ier, -iest)
with a common axis, esp. in the struc- archaic valiant, z doughtily adv.
ture of a DNA molecule. doughtiness n. [Old English]
double-jointed adj. having joints that dour /dua(r)/ adj. severe, stern, obstin-
allow unusual bending. ate, [probably Gaelic dur dull, obstin-
double negative n. Gram, negative ate]
statement containing two negative ele- douse v. (also dowse) ( sing) 1 a throw
ments (e.g. he didn't say nothing). water over, b plunge into water. 2 ex-
tinguish (a light), [origin uncertain]
u Usage The double negative is con-
sidered incorrect in standard English.
dove /dAv/ n. 1 bird with short legs, a
small head, and a large breast. 2 gentle
double-park v. (also absol.) park (a or innocent person. 3 advocate of peace
vehicle) alongside one already parked or peaceful policies. [Old Norse]
at the roadside. dovecote/'cLwkDt/ n. (also dovecot)
double pneumonia n. pneumonia shelter with nesting-holes for domest-
affecting both lungs, icated pigeons.
double-quick adj. & adv. colloq. very dovetail -rc. mortise and tenon joint
quick or quickly. shaped like a dove's spread tail. -v. 1
double standard n. rule or principle join with dovetails. 2 fit together; com-
not impartially applied, bine neatly.
doublet /'dAblit/ n. 1 hist, man's short dowager /'dauad38(r)/ n. 1 widow with a
close-fitting jacket. 2 one of a pair of or property from her late husband
similar things. [French: related to (dowager duchess). 2 colloq. dignified
double] elderly woman. [French: related to
double take n. delayed reaction to a dower]
situation etc. dowdy /'daudi' adj. (-ier. -iest) 1 (of
double-talk n. (usu. deliberately) am- clothes) unattractively dull. 2 dressed
biguous or misleading speech. dowdily. dowdily adv. dowdinessn.
double-think n. capacity to accept con- [origin unknown]
trary opinions at the same time. dowel /'daual/ -n. cylindrical peg for
double time n. wages paid at twice the holding structural components
normal rate. together, -ft (-11-; US -1-) fasten with a
doubloon /dA'blum/ n. hist. Spanish dowel. [Low German]
gold coin. [French or Spanish: related to dowelling n. rods for cutting into
double] dowels.
doubt /daut/ -n. 1 uncertainty; un- dower n. 1 widow's share for life of a
decided state of mind. 2 cynicism. 3 un- husband's estate. 2 archaic dowry.
certain state. 4 lack of full proof or clear [Latin dos dowry]
indication, -i>. 1 feel uncertain or un- dower house n. smaller house near I
decided about. 2 hesitate to believe. big one, as part of a widow's dower.
3 call in question, z in doubt open Dow-Jones index /dau'd3aunz/ n. (also
to question, no doubt certainly; prob- Dow-Jones average) a figure indie
ably; admittedly, without doubt (or a ating the relative price of shares on the
doubt) certainly. [Latin dubito hesitate] New York Stock Exchange. [Dow and
doubtful adj. 1 feeling doubt. 2 causing Jones, of American economists]
doubt. 3 unreliable. doubtfully adv down -adv. 1 into or towards a lower

doubtfulness n. place, esp. to the ground (fall down). 2 in

doubtless adv. certainly; probably. a lower place or position (blinds were
douche ,'du:J7 -n. 1 jet of liquid applied down). 3 to or in a place regarded as
to part of the for cleansing or
body lower, esp.: a southwards, b away from
medicinal purposes. 2 device for pro- a major city or a university. 4 a in or
ducing such a jet. -u. (-ching) 1 treat into a low or weaker position or con-
with a douche. 2 use a douche. [Latin: dition (hit a man when he's down, down
related to duct] with a cold), b losing by (three goals
dough /dao7 n. 1 thick mixture of flour down; £5 down), c (of a computer sys-
etc. and liquid for baking. 2 slang tem) out of action. 5 from an earlier to a
money, c doughy adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old later time (down to 1600). 6 to a finer or
English] thinner consistency or smaller amount
down 260 doze
or size (grind down; water down; boil down-market adj. & adv. colloq. of or
down). 7 cheaper (bread is down; to the cheaper sector of the market.
shares are down). 8 into a more settled down payment n. partial initial pay-
state (calm down). 9 in writing or ment.
recorded form (copy it down; down on downpipe n. pipe to carry rainwater
tape; down to speak next). 10 paid or from a roof.
dealt with as a deposit or part (£5 down, downpour n. heavy fall of rain.
£20 to pay; three down, six to go). 11 downright -adj. 1 plain, straight-
with the current or wind. 12 (of a cross- forward. 2 utter (downright nonsense),
word clue or answer) read vertically -adv. thoroughly (downright rude).
(five down), -prep. 1 downwards along, Down's syndrome n. congenital dis-
through, or into. 2 from the top to the order with mental retardation and
bottom of. 3 along (walk down the road). physical abnormalities. [Down, name of
4 at or in a lower part of (lives down the a physician]
road), —attrib. adj. 1 directed down- downstage adj. & adv. nearer the front
wards (a down draught). 2 from a cap- of a theatre stage.
ital or centre (down train; down plat- downstairs -adv. 1 down the stairs. 2
form), -v. colloq. 1 knock or bring down. to or on a lower floor, -attrib. adj.
2 swallow, -n. 1 act of putting down. 2 situated downstairs, -n. lower floor.
reverse of fortune (ups and downs). 3 downstream adv. & adj. in the direc-
colloq. period of depression. be down tion in which a stream etc. flows.
to 1 be the responsibility of. 2 have down-to-earth adj. practical, realistic.
nothing left but (down to my last downtown esp. US -attrib. adj. of the
penny). 3 be attributable to. down on lower or more central part of a town or
one's luck colloq. temporarily unfortu- city. -n. downtown area. -adv. in or
nate, down to the ground colloq. com- into the downtown area.
pletely, down tools colloq. cease work, downtrodden adj. oppressed; badly
go on strike, down with expressing treated.
rejection of a specified person or thing, downturn n. decline, esp. in economic
have a down on colloq. show hostility activity.
towards, [earlier adown: related to down under adv. colloq. in the anti-
DOWN 3 ] podes, esp. Australia.
down 2 n. 1 a first covering of young downward /'daunwad/ -adv. (also
birds, b bird's under-plumage. c fine downwards) towards what is lower,
soft feathers or hairs. 2 fluffy substance. inferior, less important, or later, -adj.
[Old Norse] moving or extending downwards.
down 3 n. 1 open rolling land. 2 (in pi.) downwind adj. & adv. in the direction
chalk uplands, esp. in S. England. [Old in which the wind isblowing.
English] downy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like, or
down-and-out n. destitute person. covered with down. 2 soft and fluffy.
down and out predic. adj. dowry /'dauari/ n. (pi. -ies) property or
downbeat-/!. Mus. accented beat, usu. money brought by a bride to her hus-
the of the bar. -adj. 1 pessimistic,
first band. [Anglo-French, = French douaire
gloomy. 2 relaxed. DOWER]
downcast adj. 1 dejected. 2 (of eyes) dowse 1
/daus/ v. (-sing) search for
looking downwards. underground water or minerals by
downer n. slang 1 depressant or tran- holding a stick or rod which dips
quillizing drug. 2 depressing person or abruptly when over the right spot.
experience; failure. 3 = downturn. dowser n. [origin unknown]
downfall n. 1 fall from prosperity or dowse 2
var. of douse.
power. 2 cause of this. dowsing-rod n. rod for dowsing.
downgrade v. (-ding) reduce in rank or doxology /dDk'sDlad3i/ n. (pi -ies) li-

status. turgical hymn etc. of praise to God.

downhearted adj. dejected. down- doxological /-sa'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. [Greek
heartedly adv. downheartedness n. doxa glory]
downhill -adv. in a descending direc- doyen /doian/ n. (fern, doyenne
tion, -adj. sloping down, declining, —n. /doi'en/) senior member of a group.
1 downhill race in skiing. 2 downward [French: related to dean ]
slope. go downhill colloq. deteri- doyley var. of doily.
orate. doz. abbr. dozen.
down in the mouth adj. looking doze -v. (-zing) sleep lightly; be half
unhappy. asleep, -n. short light sieep. doze off
downland n. = down 3 . fall lightly asleep, [origin unknown]
dozen 261 dramatis personae
dozen /'dAz(8)n/ n. 1 by a or a
(prec. draggle /'draeg(8)l/ v. (-ling) 1 make
number) (pi. dozen) twelve (a dozen dirty, wet, or limp by trailing. 2 hang
eggs; two dozen eggs). 2 set of twelve trailing, [from drag]
(sold in dozens). 3 (in pi. usu. foil, by of)
; drag-net n. 1 net drawn through a river
colloq.very many (dozens of errors). or across the ground to trap fish or
talk nineteen to the dozen talk incess- game. 2 systematic hunt for criminals
antly. [Latin duodecim twelve] etc.
dozy adj. drowsy. 2
(-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. dragon /'draegan/ n. 1 mythical usu.
stupid or lazy. winged monster like a reptile, able to
D.Phil, abbr. Doctor of Philosophy. breathe fire. 2 fierce woman. [Greek, =
DPP abbr. Director of Public Prosecu- serpent]
tions. dragonfly n. large insect with a long
Dr abbr. Doctor. body and two pairs of transparent
drab adj. (drabber, drabbest) 1 dull, wings.
uninteresting. 2 of a dull brownish col- dragoon /dra'gum/ -n. 1 cavalryman. 2
our, n drably adv. drabness n. [obsol- fierce fellow, -v. (foil, by into) coerce or
ete drap cloth] bully into. [French dragon: related to
drachm /draem/ n. weight formerly dragon]
used by apothecaries, = V 8 ounce. drag queen n. slang derog. male homo-
[Latin from Greek] sexual transvestite.
drachma /'draekma/ n. (pi. -s) 1 chief drain -f. 1 draw off liquid from. 2 draw
monetary unit of Greece. 2 silver coin of off (liquid). 3 flow or trickle away. 4 dry
ancient Greece. [Greek drakhme] or become dry as liquid flows away. 5
Draconian /dra'keunian/ adj. (of laws) exhaust of strength or resources. 6 a
very harsh, cruel. [Drakon, name of an drink to the dregs, b empty (a glass etc.)
Athenian lawgiver] by drinking the contents, -n. 1 a chan-
draft /dra:ft/ -n. 1 preliminary written nel, conduit, or pipe carrying off liquid,
version of a speech, document, etc., or sewage, etc. b tube for drawing off
outline of a scheme. 2 a written order discharge etc. 2 constant outflow or
for payment of money by a bank, b expenditure, down the drain colloq.
drawing of money by this. 3 a detach- lost, wasted. [Old English: related to
ment from a larger group, b selection of dry]
this. 4 US conscription. 5 US = drainage n. 1 draining. 2 system of
draught, -v. 1 prepare a draft of (a drains. 3 what is drained off.
document, scheme, etc.). 2 select for a draining-board n. sloping grooved
special duty or purpose. 3 US conscript, surface beside a sink for draining
[phonetic spelling of draught] washed dishes.
draftsman n. 1 person who drafts docu- drainpipe n. 1 pipe for carrying off
ments. 2 = draughtsman 1. [phonetic water etc. 2 (attrib.) (of trousers) very
spelling of draughtsman] narrow. 3 (in pi.) very narrow trousers.
drafty US var. of draughty. drake n. male duck, [origin uncertain]
drag -v. (-gg-) 1 pull along with effort. 2 Dralon /'dreilDn/ n. propr. 1 synthetic
a trail or allow to trail along the ground, acrylic fibre. 2 fabric made from this,
b (often foil, by on) (of time, a meeting, [invented word, after nylon]
etc.) go or pass slowly or tediously. 3 a dram n. 1 small drink of spirits. sp t

use a grapnel, b search the bottom of (a whisky. 2 = drachm. [Latin drama:

river etc.) with grapnels, nets, etc. 4 related to drachm]
(often foil, by to) colloq. take (an esp. drama /'dra:ma/ n. 1 play for stage or
unwilling person) with one. 5 (foil, by broadcasting. 2 art of writing, acting,
on, at) draw on (a cigarette etc.). -n. 1 a or presenting plays. 3 dramatic event
obstruction to progress, b retarding or quality (the drama of the situation).
force or motion. 2 colloq. boring or [Latin from Greek drao do]
tiresome person, duty, etc. 3 a lure dramatic /dra'maetik/ad/'. 1 of drama. 2
before hounds as a substitute for a fox. sudden and exciting or unexpected. 3
b hunt using this. 4 apparatus for dredg- vividly striking. 4 (of a gesture etc.)
ing. 5 = drag-net. 6 slang inhalation. 7 theatrical. dramatically adv.
slang women's clothes worn by men. [Greek: related to drama]
drag one's feet be deliberately slow or dramatics (often treated as sing.)
reluctant to act. drag in introduce (an 1 performance of plays. 2 exaggerated

irrelevant subject), drag out protract, behaviour.

drag up colloq. introduce or revive (an dramatis personae /.draematis p3:
unwelcome subject). [Old English or "saunai/ 1 characters in a play. 2 list
Old Norse] of these. [Latin, persons of the drama]
dramatist 262 drawstring
dramatist /'draematist/ n. writer of evoke (draw criticism),b induce (a
dramas. person) to reveal facts etc. 14 haul up
dramatize 'draema.taiz/ v. (also -ise) (water) from a well. 15 bring out (liquid
(-zing or -sing) 1 turn (a novel etc.) into from a tap etc. or blood from a wound).
a play. 2 make a dramatic scene of. 3 16 extract a liquid essence from. 17 (of a
behave dramatically. dramatiza- chimney etc.) promote or allow a
tion /-'zeij(9)n/ n. draught. 1 8 (of tea) infuse. 19a obtain by
drank past of drink. lot (drew the winner), b absol. draw lots.
drape (-ping) 1 hang or cover
-v. 20 (foil, by on) call on (a person or a
loosely, adorn with cloth etc. 2 arrange person's skill etc.). 21 write out or com-
(hangings etc.) esp. in folds, —n. (in pi.) pose (a cheque, document, etc.). 22 for-
US curtains. [Latin drappus cloth] mulate or perceive (a comparison or
draper n. dealer in textile fabrics. distinction). 23 disembowel. 24 search
drapery n. (pi. -ies) 1 clothing or hang- (cover) for game. 25 drag (a badger or
ings arranged in folds. 2 draper's trade
fox) from a hole. -n. 1 act of drawing. 2
or fabrics.
person or thing attracting custom, at-
drastic /'draestik/ adj. far-reaching in
tention, etc. 3 drawing of lots, raffle. 4
effect; severe, z drastically adv.
[Greek drastikos: related to drama]
drawn game. 5 inhalation of smoke etc.
drat colloq. -v. (-tt-) (usu. as int.) curse z draw back withdraw from an under-
taking, draw a bead on see bead, draw
(drat the thing!). -int. expressing anger
or annoyance, z dratted adj. [(Go)drot] a blank see blank, draw in 1 (of days)
draught /dra.ft/ n. (US draft) 1 current become shorter. 2 persuade to join. 3 (of
of air in a room or chimney etc. 2 a train) arrive at a station, draw in
pulling, traction. 3 depth of water one's horns become less assertive or
needed to float a ship. 4 drawing of ambitious, draw the line at set a limit
liquor from a cask etc. 5 a single act of of tolerance etc. at. draw lots see lot.
drinking or inhaling, b amount drunk draw on 1 approach, come near. 2 lead
thus. 6 (in pi.) game for two with 12 to. 3 allure. 4 put (gloves, boots, etc.) on.

pieces each on a draughtboard. 7 a draw out 1 prolong. 2 elicit. 3 induce to

drawing in of a fishing-net. b fish so talk. 4 (of days) become longer. 5 (of a
caught, z feel the draught colloq. train) leave a station, draw up 1 draft (a
suffer from esp. financial hardship, document etc.). 2 bring into order. 3
[related to draw] come to a halt. 4 make (oneself) erect,
draught beer n. beer from the cask, quick on the draw quick to react. [Old
not bottled or canned, English]
draughtboard n. = chessboard. drawback n. disadvantage.
draught-horse n. horse for heavy drawbridge n. hinged retractable
work. bridge, esp. over a moat.
draughtsman n. 1 person who makes drawer /'dro:a(r)/ n. 1 person or thing
drawings, plans, or sketches. 2 piece in that draws, esp. a cheque etc. 2 also
draughts, draughtsmanship n. /dro:(r)/ lidless boxlike storage compart-
draughty adj. (US drafty) (-ier, -iest) ment, sliding in and out of a table etc.
(of a room etc.) letting in sharp currents (chest of drawers). 3 (in pi.) knickers,
of air. z draughtiness n. underpants.
draw -v. (past drew /dru:/; past part. drawing n. 1 art of representing by line
drawn) 1 pull or cause to move towards with a pencil etc. 2 picture etc. made
or after one. 2 pull (a thing) up, over, or
across. 3 pull (curtains etc.) open or
drawing-board n. board on which
shut. 4 take (a person) aside. 5 attract;
paper is fixed for drawing on.
bring; take in (drew a deep breath; felt
drawn to her; drew my attention; drew drawing-pin n. flat-headed pin for
fastening paper etc. to a surface.
a crowd). 6 (foil, by at, on) inhale from (a
cigarette, pipe, etc.). 7 (also absol.) take
drawing-room n. 1 room in a private
out; remove (a tooth, gun, cork, card,
house for sitting or entertaining in. 2
(attrib.) restrained, polite (drawing-
etc.).8 obtain or take from a source
(draw a salary; draw inspiration; room manners), [earlier withdrawing-
drew £100 out). 9 a (also absol.) make (a room]
line or mark), b produce (a picture) drawl -v. speak with drawn-out vowel
thus, c represent (something) thus. 10 sounds, -n. drawling utterance or way
(also absol.) finish (a contest or game) of speaking. [Low German or Dutch]
with equal scores. 11 proceed (drew drawn adj. looking strained and tense.
near the bridge; draw to a close; drew drawstring n. string or cord threaded
level). 12 infer (a conclusion). 13 a elicit, through a waistband, bag opening, etc. {
dray 263 dribble
dray n. low cart without sides for heavy (fabric, leather, stone, etc.). 8 correct
loads, esp. beer-barrels, [related to the alignment of (troops). 9 make (an
draw] artificial fly) for fishing, -n. 1 woman's
dread /dred/ -v. fear greatly, esp. in garment of a bodice and skirt. 2 cloth-
advance. — n. great fear or apprehen- ing, esp. a whole outfit. 3 formal or
sion, -adj. 1 dreaded. 2 archaic awe- ceremonial costume. 4 external cover-
inspiring, dreadful. [Old English] ing;outward form, r dress down col-
dreadful adj. 1 terrible. 2 colloq. very loq. 1 reprimand or scold. 2 dress
annoying, very bad. dreadfully adv. informally, dress up 1 put on special
dreaidlocks Rastafarian hairstyle clothes. 2 make (a thing) more attract-
with hair hanging in tight braids on all ive or interesting. [French dresser, ulti-
sides. mately related to direct]
dream -n. 1 series of scenes or feelings dressage /'dresa:3/ n. training of a
mind of a sleeping person. 2 day-
in the horse in obedience and deportment; dis-
dream or fantasy. 3 ideal, aspiration. 4 play of this. [French]
beautiful or ideal person or thing, -v. dress circle n. first gallery in a theatre.
(past and past part, dreamt /dremt/ or dress coat n. man's swallow-tailed
dreamed) 1 experience a dream. 2 evening coat.
imagine as in a dream. 3 (with neg.) dresser 1
n. kitchen sideboard with
consider possible (never dreamt that he shelves for plates etc. [French dresser
would come; would not dream of it). 4 prepare]
(foil, by away) waste (time). 5 be in-
dresser 2 n. 1 person who helps to dress
active or unpractical. dream up actors or actresses. 2 surgeon's assist-
imagine, invent, like a dream colloq. ant in operations. 3 person who dresses
easily, effortlessly. dreamer n. [Old in a specified way (snappy dresser).
English] dressing n. 1 putting one's clothes on. 2
dreamboat n. colloq. sexually attract- a sauce, esp. of oil and vinegar etc., for
ive or ideal person.
salads (French dressing), b sauce or
dreamland n. ideal or imaginary land. stuffing etc. for food. 3 bandage, oint-
dreamy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 given to day- ment, etc., for a wound. 4 size or stiffen-
dreaming or fantasy. 2 dreamlike;
ing used to coat fabrics. 5 compost etc.
vague. 3 colloq. delightful. dreamily
spread over land.
adv. dreaminess n.
dressing-down n. colloq. scolding.
dreary adj. (-ier, -iest) dismal, dull, dressing-gown n. loose robe worn
gloomy. drearily adv. dreariness n.
when one is not fully dressed.
[Old English]
dressing-room n. room for changing
dredge -n. apparatus used to scoop up

one's clothes, esp. in a theatre, or

oysters etc., or to clear mud etc., from a
attached to a bedroom.
river or sea bed. -v. (-ging) 1 (often foil,
dressing-table n. table with a Qa1 top,
by up) a bring up or clear (mud etc.)
mirror, and drawers, used while apply-
with a dredge, b bring up (something
ing make-up etc.
forgotten) (dredged it all up). 2 clean
with or use a dredge, [origin uncertain]
dressmaker n. person who makes
dredge 2 v. (-ging) sprinkle with flour, women's clothes, esp. for a living,
sugar, etc. [earlier = sweetmeat, from
dressmaking n.

dress rehearsal n. final rehearsal In
full costume.
dredger 1
n. 1 boat with a dredge. 2
dress-shield n. waterproof materia] Ln
the armpit of a dress to protect it from
dredger 2 n. container with a perforated
lid, for sprinkling flour, sugar, etc.
dress-shirt n. man's shirt worn with
dregs 1 sediment; grounds, lees. 2
= scum n. 2 (dregs of humanity). [Old evening dress, usu. whito with con-
Norse] cealed buttons or studs.
drench -v. 1 wet thoroughly. 2 force (an dressy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. (of

animal) to take medicine, -n. dose of clothes or a person) smart, elaborate,

elegant, dressiness n.
medicine for an animal. [Old English]
dress -v. 1 a (also absol.) put clothes on. drew past of draw.
b have and wear clothes (dresses welt). drey /drei/ n. squirrel's nest, [origin
2 put on evening dress. 3 arrange or unknown]
adorn (hair, a shop window, etc.). 4 treat dribble /dnb(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 allow
(a wound) esp. with a dressing. 5 a saliva to flow from the mouth. 2 flow or
prepare (poultry, crab, etc.) for cooking allow to flow in drops. 3 (also absol. ) esp.
or eating, b add dressing to (a salad etc.). Football & Hockey move (the ball) for-
6 apply manure to. 7 finish the surface of ward with slight touches of the feet or
driblet 264 driven
stick, -n.
act of dribbling. 2 dribbling
1 toast; wish success to. drink up (also
flow, [obsolete drib = drip] absol.) drink all or the remainder of.
driblet /'dnblit/ n. small quantity. drinkable adj. drinker n. [Old Eng-
dribs and drabs colloq. small lish]
scattered amounts. drink-driver n. person who drives
dried past and past part, of dry. with excess alcohol in the blood.
drier compar. of dry.
drink-driving n.
drier2 /'draia(r)/ n. (also dryer) device drip -u. (-pp-) 1 fall or let fall in drops. 2
for drying hair, laundry, etc. (often foil, by with) be so wet as to shed
driest super I. of dry. drops, -n. 1 a liquid falling in drops
drift -n. 1 a slow movement or vari- (steady drip of rain), b drop of liquid, c
ation, b this caused by a current. 2 sound of dripping. 2 colloq. dull or in-
intention, meaning, etc. of what is said effectual person. 3 = drip-feed. be
etc. 3 mass of snow etc. heaped up by the dripping with be full of or covered
wind. 4 esp. derog. state of inaction. 5 with. [Danish: cf. drop]
slow deviation of a ship, aircraft, etc., drip-dry -v. dry or leave to dry crease-
from its course. 6 fragments of rock free when hung up. — adj. able to be drip-
heaped up (glacial drift). 7 S.Afr. ford. dried.
-v. 1 be carried by or as if by a current of drip-feed -v. feed intravenously in
air or water. 2 progress casually or drops, -n. 1 feeding thus. 2 apparatus
aimlessly (drifted into teaching). 3 pile for doing this.
or be piled into drifts. 4 (of a current) dripping n. fat melted from roasted
carry, cause to drift. [Old Norse and meat.
Germanic trift movement of cattle] drippy adj. (-ier, -iest) slang ineffec-
drifter n. 1 aimless person. 2 boat used tual; sloppily sentimental.
for drift-net fishing. drive -v. (-ving; past drove; past part.
drift-net n. net for sea fishing, allowed driven /'dnv(a)n/) 1 urge forward, esp.
to drift. forcibly. 2 a compel (was driven to
driftwood n. wood floating on moving complain), b force into a specified state
water or washed ashore. (drove him mad), c (often refl.) urge to
drill 1
or machine for boring
-rc. 1 tool overwork. 3 a operate and direct (a
holes, sinking wells, etc. 2 instruction in vehicle, locomotive, etc.). b convey or be
military exercises. 3 routine procedure conveyed in a vehicle, c be competent to
in an emergency (fire-drill). 4 thorough drive (a vehicle) (does he drive?), d
training, esp. by repetition. 5 colloq. travel in a private vehicle. 4 (of wind
recognized procedure (what's the etc.) carry along, propel, esp. rapidly
drill?), -v. 1 a make a hole in or through (driven snow, driving rain). 5 a (often
with a drill, b make (a hole) with a drill. foil, by into) force (a stake, nail, etc.) into
2 train or be trained by drill. [Dutch] place by blows, b bore (a tunnel etc.). 6
drill 2 -n. 1 machine for making fur- effect or conclude forcibly (drove a hard
rows, sowing, and covering seed. 2 bargain; drove his point home). 7 (of
small furrow. 3 row of seeds sown by a power) operate (machinery). 8 (usu. foil,
drill, -v. plant in drills, [origin by at) work hard; dash, rush. 9 hit (a
unknown] ball) forcibly, -n. 1 journey or excur-
drill 3 n. coarse twilled cotton or linen sion in a vehicle. 2 a (esp. scenic) street
fabric. [Latin trilix having three or road, b private road through a garden
threads] to a house. 3 a motivation and energy, b
drill 4 n. W. African baboon related to inner urge (sex-drive). 4 forcible stroke
the mandrill, [probably native] of a bat etc. 5 organized effort (member-
drily adv. (also dryly) in a dry manner. ship drive). 6 a transmission of power to
drink -u. (past drank; past part. machinery, wheels, etc. b position of the
drunk) 1 a (also absol.) swallow steering-wheel in a vehicle (left-hand
(liquid), b swallow the contents of (a drive), c Computing = disk drive. 7
vessel). 2 take alcohol, esp. to excess. 3 organized whist, bingo, etc. competi-
(of a plant, sponge, etc.) absorb (mois- tion. drive at seek, intend, or mean
ture). 4 bring (oneself etc.) to a specified (what is he driving at?). [Old English]
condition by drinking. 5 wish (a person drive-in -attrib. adj. (of a bank, cin-
good health etc.) by drinking (drank his ema, etc.) used while sitting in one's car.
health), -n. 1 a liquid for drinking, b -ft. such a bank, cinema, etc.
draught or specified amount of this. 2 a drivel /'dnv(a)l/ -n. silly talk; non-
alcoholic liquor, b portion, glass, etc. of sense, -v. (-11-; t/S-l-, -ling) 1 talk drivel.
this, c excessive use of alcohol (took to 2 run at the mouth or nose. [Old Eng-
drink). 3 (the drink) colloq. the sea. lish]
drink in listen eagerly to. drink to driven past part, of drive.
drive-on 265 drub
drive-on adj. (of a ship) on to which speech (drop one's h's). 10 (as dropped
vehicles may be driven. adj.) in a lower position than usual
driver n. 1 person who drives a vehicle. (dropped handlebars; dropped waist).
2 golf-club for driving from a tee. 11 give birth to (esp. a lamb). 12 lose (a
driveway n. = drive n. 2b. game, point, etc.). 13 deliver by para-
driving-licence n. licence permitting chute etc. 14 Football send (a ball), or
one to drive a vehicle. score (a goal), by a drop-kick. 15 colloq.
driving test n. official test of com- dismiss or omit (dropped from the
petence to drive. team). at the drop of a hat promptly,
driving-wheel n. wheel communicat- instantly, drop back (or behind) fall
ing motive power in machinery. back; get left behind, drop a brick
drizzle /'dnz(a)l/ ~n. very fine rain. -v. colloq. make an indiscreet or embar-
(-ling) (of rain) fall in very fine drops. rassing remark, drop a curtsy curtsy,
drizzly adj. [Old English] drop in (or by) colloq. visit casually,
droll /draul/ adj. quaintly amusing; drop off 1 fall asleep. 2 drop (a pas-
strange, odd. drollery n. (pi. -ies). senger), drop out colloq. cease to par-
drolly [French]
/'draulli/ adv. ticipate. droplet n. [Old English]
dromedary /'dromidan/ n. (pi. -ies) drop-curtain n. painted curtain low-
one-humped (esp. Arabian) camel bred ered on to a stage.
for riding. [Greek dromas -ados runner] drop-kick n. Football kick as the ball
drone -rc.non-working male of the
1 touches the ground having been
honey-bee. 2 idler. 3 deep humming dropped.
sound. 4 monotonous speaking tone. 5 drop-out n. colloq. person who has
bass-pipe of bagpipes or its continuous dropped out of conventional society, a
note. -v. (-ning) 1 make a deep hum- course of study etc. ,

ming sound. 2 speak or utter monoton- dropper n. device for releasing liquid in
ously. [Old English] drops.
drool v. 1 slobber, dribble. 2 (often foil, droppings 1 dung of animals or
by over) admire extravagantly, [from birds. 2 thing that falls or has fallen in
drivel] drops.
droop -v. 1 bend or hang down, esp. drop scone n. scone made by dropping
from weariness; flag. 2 (of the eyes) look a spoonful of mixture into the pan etc.
downwards, -n. 1 drooping attitude. 2 drop-shot n. (in tennis) shot dropping
loss of spirit. droopy adj. [Old Norse: abruptly over the net.
related to drop] dropsy /'dropsi/ n. = oedema, drop-
drop -n.1a globule of liquid that hangs, sical adj. [earlier hydropsy from Greek
falls, or adheres to a surface, b very hudrops: related to hydro ]
small amount of liquid (just a drop left). drosophila /dra'sDftla/ n. fruit fly used
c glass etc. of alcohol. 2 a abrupt fall or in genetic research. [Greek, = dew-
slope, b amount of this (drop of fifteen loving]
feet), c act of dropping, d fall in prices, dross n. 1 rubbish. 2 a scum from melted
temperature, etc. e deterioration (drop metals, b impurities. [Old English]
in status). 3 drop-shaped thing, esp. a drought /draot/ n. prolonged absence of
pendant or sweet. 4 curtain or scenery rain. [Old English]
let down on to a stage. 5 (in pi.) liquid drove past of drive.

medicine used in drops (eye drops). 6 drove 2 n. 1 a moving crowd, b (in /;/.

minute quantity. 7 slang hiding-place colloq. great number

(people arrived in
for stolen goods etc. 8 slang bribe, -v. droves). 2 herd or flock driven or mov-
(-pp-) 1 fall or let fall in drops, shed ing together. [Old English: related to
(tears, blood). 2 fall or allow to fall; let drive]
go. 3 a sink down from exhaustion or drover n. herder of cattle.

injury, b die. c fall naturally (drop drown v. 1 kill or die by submersion m

asleep; drop into the habit). 4 a (cause liquid. 2 submerge; flood; drench. 3
to) cease or lapse; abandon, b colloq. deaden (grief etc.) by drinking. 4 (often
cease to associate with or discuss. 5 set foil, by out) overpower (sound) with

down (a passenger etc.) (drop me here). louder sound, [probably Old English]
6 utter or be uttered casually (dropped a drowse /drauz/ v. (-sing) be lightly
hint). 7 send casually (drop a line). 8 a asleep, [from drowsy]
fall or allow to fall in direction, amount, drowsy /'drauzi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) very
condition, degree, pitch, etc. (voice sleepy, almost asleep, drowsily adv.
dropped; wind dropped; we dropped the drowsiness n. [probably Old English]
price), b (of a person) jump down lightly; drub v. (-bb-) 1 beat, thrash. 2 defeat
let oneself fall, c allow (trousers etc.) to thoroughly, drubbings. [Arabic dar-
fall to the ground. 9 omit (a letter) in aba beat]
drudge 266 DSS
drudge -n. person who does dull, drupe /dru:p/ n. fleshy stone-fruit, e.g.
laborious, or menial work. -v. (-ging) the olive and plum. [Latin from Greek]
work laboriously, toil, p drudgery n. dry /drai/ -adj. (drier; driest) 1 free
[origin uncertain] from moisture, esp.: a with moisture
drug -n. 1 medicinal substance. 2 (esp. having evaporated, drained away, etc.
addictive) narcotic, hallucinogen, or (clothes are not dry yet), b (of eyes) free
stimulant, -v. (-gg-) 1 add a drug to (food from tears, c (of a climate etc.) with
or drink). 2 a give a drug to. b stupefy. insufficient rain; not rainy (dry spell), d
[French] (of a river, well, etc.) dried up. e using or
drugget /'drAgit/ n. coarse woven fabric producing no moisture (dry shampoo;
used for floor coverings etc. [French] dry cough), f (of a shave) with an electric
druggist n. pharmacist, [related to razor. 2 (of wine) not sweet (dry sherry).
drug] 3 a plain, unelaborated (dry facts), b
drugstore n. US combined chemist's uninteresting (dry book). 4 (of a sense of
shop and cafe. humour) subtle, ironic, understated. 5
Druid /'dru:id/ n. 1 priest of an ancient prohibiting the sale of alcohol (a dry
Celtic religion. 2 member of a modern State). 6 (of bread) without butter etc. 7
Druidic order, esp. the Gorsedd. (of provisions etc.) solid, not liquid. 8
Druidic /-'idik/ adj. Druidism n. impassive. 9 (of a cow) not yielding milk.
[Latin from Celtic] 10 colloq. thirsty (feel dry), -v. (dries,
drum -n. 1 hollow esp. cylindrical per-
dried) 1 make or become dry. 2 (usu. as
cussion instrument covered at the dried adj.) preserve (food etc.) by
end(s) with plastic etc. 2 (often in pi.) removing moisture. 3 (often foil, by up)
colloq. forget one's lines. -n. (pi. dries) 1
percussion section of an orchestra etc. 3
act of drying. 2 dry ginger ale. 3 dry
sound made by a drum. 4 thing resem-
bling a drum, esp. a container, etc. 5
place (come into the dry). dry out 1
segment of a pillar. 6 eardrum, -v. make or become fully dry. 2 treat or be
treated for alcoholism, dry up 1 make
(-mm-) 1 play a drum. 2 beat or tap
or become utterly dry. 2 dry dishes. 3
continuously with the fingers etc. 3 (of a
colloq. (esp. in imper.) cease talking. 4
bird or insect) make a loud noise with
become unproductive. 5 (of supplies)
the wings, d drum into drive (a lesson
run out. dryness n. [Old English]
or facts) into (a person) by persistence,
drum out dismiss with ignominy, dryad /'draiaed/ n. wood nymph. [Greek
drus tree]
drum up summon or get by vigorous dry battery n. (also dry cell) electric
effort (drum up support). [Low Ger-
battery or cell in which electrolyte is
man] absorbed in a solid.
drumbeat n. stroke or sound of a stroke dry-clean v. clean (clothes etc.) with
on a drum. solvents without water. dry-cleaner
drum brake n. brake in which brake n.
shoes on a vehicle press against the dry dock n. dock that can be pumped
brake drum on a wheel, dry for building or repairing ships.
drumhead n. part of a drum that is hit. dryer var. of drier 2 .

drum kit n. set of drums in a band etc. dry-fly attrib. adj. (of fishing) with a
drum machine n. electronic device floating artificial fly.
that simulates percussion, dry ice n.
solid carbon dioxide used as a
drum major n. leader of a marching refrigerant.
band. dry land n. land as distinct from sea etc.
drum majorette n. female baton- dryly var. of drily.
twirling member of a parading group. dry measure n. measure for dry goods,
drummer n. player of drums. dry rot n. decayed state of unventilated i

drumstick n. 1 stick for beating drums. wood; fungi causing this,

2 lower leg of a dressed fowl. dry run n. colloq. rehearsal,
drunk -adj. 1 lacking control from dry-shod adj. & adv. without wetting
drinking alcohol. 2 (often foil, by with) one's shoes.
overcome with joy, success, power, etc. drystone attrib. adj. (of a wall etc.)
-n. person who is drunk, esp. habitu- built without mortar.
ally, [past part, of drink] DSC abbr. Distinguished Service Cross.
drunkard /'drAnkad/ n. person who is D.Sc. abbr. Doctor of Science.
habitually drunk. DSM abbr. Distinguished Service
drunken = drunk
adj. (usu. attrib.) 1 Medal.
1. 2 caused by or involving drunkenness DSO abbr. Distinguished Service Order.
(drunken brawl). 3 often drunk. DSS abbr. Department of Social Secur- <j

drunkenly adv. drunkenness n. ity (formerly DHSS).

DT 267 duel
DT abhr. (also DT's /di:'ti:z/) delirium duckbill n. (also duck-billed platy-
tremens. pus) = PLATYPUS.
DTI abbr. Department of Trade and duckboard n. (usu. in pi.) path of
Industry. wooden slats over muddy ground, in
dual /'dju:al/ -adj. 1 in two parts; two- a trench, etc.
fold. 2 double (dual ownership), -n. duckling n. young duck.
Gram, dual number or form. duality ducks and drakes (usu treated
/-'aeliti/ n. [Latin duo two!
as sing.) game of making a flat stone
dual carriageway n. road with a
skim the surface of water, play ducks
dividing strip between traffic flowing in and drakes with colloq. squander.
opposite directions.
duckweed n. any of various plants
dual control n. two linked sets of growing on the surface of still water.
controls, enabling operation by either of
two persons.
ducky n. (pi. -ies) colloq. (esp. as a form
of address) dear.
dub 1 v. (-bb-) 1 make (a person) a knight duct - n. channel or tube for conveying a
by touching his shoulders with a sword.
fluid, cable, bodily secretions, etc. (tear
2 give (a person) a name, nickname, etc.
ducts), -v. convey through a duct.
3 smear (leather) with grease. [French]
[Latin ductus from duco duct- lead]
dub 2 v. (-bb-) 1 provide (a film etc.) with
an, esp. translated, alternative sound-
ductile /'dAktail/ adj. 1 (of metal) cap-
track. 2 add (sound effects or music) to a
able of being drawn into wire; pliable. 2
film or broadcast. 3 transfer or make a easily moulded. 3 docile. ductility
/-'tiliti/ n. [Latin: related to duct]
copy of (recorded sound or images),
[abbreviation of double] ductless gland n. gland secreting
dubbin /'dAbm/ n. (also dubbing) thick directly into the bloodstream.
grease for softening and waterproofing dud slang -n. 1 useless or broken thing.
leather, [see dub 1
3] 2 counterfeit article. 3 (in pi.) clothes,
dubiety /dju:*baiati/ n. literary doubt. rags. —adj. useless, defective, [origin
[Latin: related to dubious] unknown]
dubious /'dju:bias/ adj. 1 hesitating, dude /du:d/ n. slang 1 fellow. 2 US
doubtful. 2 questionable; suspicious. 3 dandy. 3 US city-dweller staying on a
unreliable. dubiously adv. dubious- ranch. [German dial, dude fool]
ness n. [Latin dubium doubt] dudgeon /'dAd3(a)n/ n. resentment, in-
ducal /'dju:k(a)l/ adj. of or like a duke. dignation, in high dudgeon very
[French: related to duke] angry, [origin unknown]
ducat /'dAkat/ n. gold coin, formerly due -adj. owing or payable. 2 (often
current in most of Europe, [medieval foil, by merited; appropriate. 3 (foil,
Latin ducatus duchy] by to) that ought to be given or ascribed
duchess 1 duke's wife or
/'dAtJis/ n. to (a person, cause, etc.) (first place is
widow. 2 woman
holding the rank of due to Milton; difficulty due to ignor-
duke, [medieval Latin ducissa: related ance). 4 (often foil, by to + infin.)
to duke] expected or under an obligation at a
duchesse potatoes /du:'Jes/ certain time (due to speak tonight, train
mashed potatoes mixed with egg, baked due at 7.30). 5 suitable, right, proper (in
or fried, and served as small cakes or
due time), -n. 1 what one owes or is
used as piping. [French] him his due). 2 (usu. in pi.)
owed (give
duchy /'dAtJi/ n. (pi. -ies) territory of a
fee or amount payable, -adv. (of a com-
duke or duchess; royal dukedom of
pass point) exactly, directly (went due
Cornwall or Lancaster, [medieval Latin
east), due to because of (he was late
ducatus: related to duke]
due to an accident). [French from Latin
duck 1 -n. (pi. same or -s) 1 a swimming-
debeo owe]
bird, esp. the domesticated form of th°.
mallard or wild duck, b female of this, c Usage The use of due to to mean
its flesh as food. 2 score of in cricket. 3 'because of as in the example given is
(also ducks) colloq. (esp. as a form of regarded as unacceptable by some
address) dear. -v. 1 bob down, esp. to people and could be avoided by substi-
avoid being seen or hit. 2 a dip one's tuting his lateness was due to an ac-
head briefly' under water, b plunge (a cident. Alternatively, owing to could
person) briefly in water. 3 colloq. dodge be used\
(a task etc.). like water off a duck's
back colloq. producing no effect. [Old duel /"dju:al/ -n. 1 armed contest
between two people, usu. to the death. 2
duck 2 n. 1 strong linen or cotton fabric. 2 two-sided contest. -v. (-11-; US fight a -1-)

(in pi.) trousers made of this. [Dutch] duel, duellist n. [Latin duellum war]
duenna 268 dune
duenna /dju:'ena/ n. older womanact- dumb-bell short bar with a weight
n. 1
ing as a chaperon to girls, esp. in Spain. at each end, for muscle-building etc. 2
[Spanish from Latin domina don ] 1
slang stupid person, esp. a woman.
duet /dju:'et/ n. musical composition for dumbfound /dAm'faund/ v. nonplus,
two performers. duettist n. [Latin make speechless with surprise, [from
duo two] DUMB, CONFOUND]
dufF -n. boiled pudding, -adj. slang dumbo /'dombao/ n. (pi. -s) slang stupid
worthless, counterfeit, useless, [var. of person, [from dumb, -o]

dough] dumb show n. gestures; mime.

duff2 v. duff up slang beat; thrash, dumbstruck adj. speechless with sur-
[perhaps from duffer] prise.
duffer n. colloq. inefficient or stupid
dumb waiter n. small hand-operated
person; dunce, [origin uncertain] lift for conveying food from kitchen to
duffle /'dAf(a)l/ n. (also duffel) heavy dining-room.
woollen cloth. [Duffel in Belgium] dumdum /'dAmdAm/ n. (in full dum-
duffle bag n. cylindrical canvas bag
dum bullet) soft-nosed bullet that
expands on impact. [Dum-Dum in India]
closed by a drawstring.
duffle-coat n. hooded overcoat of duf-
dummy /'dAmi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 model of
a human figure, esp. as used to display
fle, fastened with toggles.
clothes or by a ventriloquist or as a
dug past and past part, of dig.

target. 2 (often attrib.) imitation object

dug 2 n. udder, teat, [origin unknown] used to replace a real or normal one. 3
dugong /'duignn/ n. (pi. same or -s) baby's rubber or plastic teat. 4 colloq.
Asian sea-mammal. [Malay] stupid person. 5 figurehead. 6 imagin-
dugout n. a roofed shelter, esp. for
ary player in bridge etc., whose cards
troops in trenches, b underground shel- are exposed and played by a partner.
ter. 2 canoe made from a tree-trunk. -attrib. adj. sham; imitation, -v. (-ies,
duke /dju:k/ n. 1 person holding the -ied) make a pretended pass or swerve
highest hereditary title of the nobility. 2 in football etc. [from dumb]
sovereign prince ruling a duchy or dummy run n. trial attempt; rehearsal.
small State. dukedom n. [Latin dux dump —/i. 1 place or heap for depositing
leader] rubbish. 2 colloq. unpleasant or dreary
dulcet /'dAlsit/ adj. sweet-sounding. place. 3 temporary store of ammunition
[Latin dulcis sweet] etc. -v. 1 put down firmly or clumsily. 2
dulcimer /'dAlsima(r)/ n. metal string- deposit as rubbish. 3 colloq. abandon or
ed instrument struck with two hand- get rid of. 4 sell (excess goods) to a
held hammers. [Latin: related to dul- foreign market at a low price. 5 copy
cet, melos song] (the contents of a computer memory
dull -adj. 1 tedious; not interesting. 2 (of etc.) as a diagnostic aid or for security.

the weather) overcast. 3 (of colour, dump on esp. US criticize or abuse; get
light, sound, etc.) not bright, vivid, or the better of. [origin uncertain]
clear. 4 (of a pain) indistinct; not acute dumpling /'dAmplin/ n. 1 ball of dough
(a dull ache). 5 slow-witted; stupid. 6 (of
boiled in stew or containing apple etc. 2
small fat person, [dump small round
a knife-edge etc.) blunt. 7 a (of trade etc.)
sluggish, slow, b listless; depressed. 8
(of the ears, eyes, etc.) lacking keenness.
dumps (usu. in down in the
dumps) colloq. low spirits. [Low Ger-
-v. make or become dull. dullness n.
dully /'dAlli/ adv. [Low German or
man or Dutch: related to damp]
dump truck n. truck that tilts or opens
at the back for unloading.
dullard /'dAlad/ n. stupid person. dumpy adj. (-ier, -iest) short and stout.
duly /'dju:li/ adv. 1 in due time or man- dumpily adv. dumpiness n. [related
ner. 2 rightly, properly. to DUMPLING]
dumb /dAm/ adj. a unable to speak, b
dun -adj. greyish-brown, -n. 1 dun
(of an animal) naturally dumb. 2 colour. 2 dun horse. [Old English]
silenced by surprise, shyness, etc. 3 dunce n. person slow at learning; dul-
taciturn, reticent (dumb insolence). 4 lard. [Duns Scotus, name of a philo-
suffered or done in silence (dumb sopher]
agony). 5 colloq. stupid; ignorant. 6 dis- dunce's cap n. paper cone worn by a
enfranchised; inarticulate (dumb dunce.
masses). 7 (of a computer terminal etc.) dunderhead /'dAnda.hed/ n. stupid per-
able to transmit or receive but unable to son, [origin unknown]
process data. 8 giving no sound. [Old dune of sand etc. formed by the
n. drift
English] wind. [Dutch: related to down ]
dung 269 dusty answer
dung -n. excrement animals; of durable /'djuarab(9)l -adj. 1 lasting;
manure, -v. apply dung to (land). [Old hard-wearing. 2 (of goods) with a relat-
English] ively long useful life. -n. (in pi.) durable
dungaree /.dAnga'ri:/ n. 1 coarse cotton goods, z durability /-'biliti/ n. [Latin
cloth. 2 (in pi.) overalls or trousers of durus hard]
this. [Hindi] dura mater /.djuara 'meit9(r)/ n. tough
dung-beetle n. beetle whose larvae outermost membrane enveloping the
develop in dung. brain and spinal cord, (medieval Latin
dungeon /'dAnd3(a)n/ n. underground = hard mother, translation of Arabic]
prison cell, [earlier donjon keep of a duration /djoa'reiJ(a)n/ n. 1 time taken
castle; ultimately from Latin dominus by an event. 2 specified length of time
lord] (duration of a minute), z for the
dunghill n.heap of dung or refuse. duration 1 until the end of an event. 2
dunk v. 1 dip (food) into liquid before for a very long time, [medieval Latin:
eating. 2 immerse. [German tunken dip] related to durable]
dunlin /'dAnlm/ n. red-backed sand- duress /djoa'res/ n. 1 compulsion, esp.
piper, [probably from dun] illegal use of threats or violence (under
dunnock /'dAnak/ n. hedge sparrow, duress). 2 imprisonment. [Latin durus
[apparently from dun] hard]
duo /'dju:ao7 n. (pi. -s) 1 pair of per- Durex /'djuareks/ n. propr. condom,
formers. 2 duet. [Italian from Latin, = [origin uncertain]
two] during /'djuenn/ prep, throughout or at
duodecimal /,dju:8u'desim(a)l/ adj. 1 of some point in. [Latin: related to dur-
twelfths or twelve. 2 in or by twelves. able]
[Latin duodecim twelve]
dusk n. darker stage of twilight. [Old
duodenum / dju:9u'di:nam/ n. (pi. -s) English]

first part of the small intestine immedi-

dusky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 shadowy; dim. 2
ately below the stomach. duodenal dark-coloured; dark-skinned. dusk-
ily adv. duskiness n.
adj. [medieval Latin: related to duo-
dust -n. 1 finely powdered earth or
other material etc. (pollen dust). 2 dead
duologue dialogue
/'dju.a.log/ n.
person's remains. 3 confusion, turmoil.
between two people, [from duo, mono-
-v. 1 wipe the dust from (furniture etc.).
2 a sprinkle with powder, sugar, etc. b
dupe-rc. victim of deception.-!;, (-ping) dust
sprinkle (sugar, powder, etc.).
deceive, trick. [French]
down 1 dust the clothes of. 2 colloq.
duple /'dju:p(8)l/ adj. of two parts.
reprimand. 3 = dust off. dust off 1
[Latin duplus]
remove the dust from. 2 use again after
duple time n. Mus. rhythm with two a long period, when the dust settles
beats to the bar. when things quieten down. [Old Eng-
duplex /'dju:pleks/ -n. (often attrib.) lish]
esp. US 1 flat on two floors. 2 house dustbin n. container for household
subdivided for two
families; semi- refuse.
detached house, -adj. 1 of two parts. 2 dust bowl n. desert made by drought or
Computing (of a circuit) allowing simul- erosion.
taneous two-way transmission of sig- dustcart n. vehicle collecting house-
nals. [Latin, = double] hold refuse.
duplicate -adj. /'dju:plik8t/ 1 identical. dust cover n. 1 = dust-sheet. 2 - dust-
2 a having two identical parts, b dou- jacket.
card-games) with the same
bled. 3 (of duster n.cloth for dusting furniture etc.
hands played by different players, -n. dust-jacket n. paper cover on a hard
/'djuipkkat/ 1 identical thing, esp. a back book.
copy. 2 copy of a letter etc. -v. dustman n. person employed to collect
/'dju:pli,keit/ (-ting) 1 multiply by two; household refuse.
double. 2 make or be an exact copy of. 3 dustpan n. pan into which dust is
repeat (an action etc.), esp. unnecessar- brushed from the floor.
ily. in duplicate in two exact copies. dust-sheet n. protective cloth over fur-
duplication /-'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin: niture.
related to duplex] dust-up n. colloq. disturbance.
duplicator n. machine for making dusty adj. (-ier, 1 full of or
multiple copies of a text etc. covered with dust. 2 (of a colour) dull or
duplicity /dju:'plisiti/ n. double- muted. not so dusty slang fairly
dealing; deceitfulness. duplicitous good, dustily adv. dustiness n.
adj. [Latin: related to duplex] dusty answer n colloq. curt refusal.
Dutch 270 dys-
Dutch -adj. of the Netherlands or its on. z dweller n. [Old English, = lead
people or language, -n. 1 the Dutch astray]
language. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pi.) dwelling n. house, residence.
the people of the Netherlands. go dwindle /'dwmd(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 become
Dutch share expenses on an outing etc. gradually less or smaller. 2 lose import-
[Dutch] ance. [Old English]
dutch n. slang wife, [abbreviation of Dy symb. dysprosium.
duchess] dye /dai/ -n. 1 substance used to change
Dutch auction n. one in which the the colour of hair, fabric, etc. 2 colour so
price is progressively reduced. produced, -v. (dyeing, dyed) 1 colour
Dutch barn n. roof for hay etc., set on
with dye. 2 dye a specified colour (dyed
it yellow), z dyer n. [Old English]
Dutch cap n. dome-shaped contracept- dyed-in-the-wool adj. (usu. attrib.)
ive device fitting over the cervix.
out and out; unchangeable.
Dutch courage n. courage induced by
dying /'dann/ attrib. adj. of, or at the
time of, death (dying words).
Dutch elm disease n. fungus disease
of elms.
dyke 1
/daik/ (also dike) -n. 1 embank-

Dutchman n. (fern. Dutchwoman) per- ment built to prevent flooding. 2 low

wall of turf or stone. — v. (-king) provide
son of Dutch birth or nationality.
Dutch oven n. 1 metal box with the or protect with dyke(s). [related to
open side facing a fire. 2 covered cook- ditch]
ing-pot for braising etc. dyke 2 /daik/ n. (also dike) slang lesbian,
Dutch treat n. party, outing, etc., at
[origin unknown]
which people pay for themselves. dynamic /dai'naemik/ adj. 1 energetic;
Dutch uncle n. kind but firm adviser. active. 2 Physics a ofmotive force, b of
duteous /'dju:tias/ adj. literary dutiful, force in actual operation. 3 of dynamics.
z duteously adv. dynamically adv. [Greek dunamis
dutiable /'dju:tiab(a)l/ adj. requiring power]
the payment of duty. dynamics 1 (usu. treated as sing.)
dutiful /'dju:ti,ful/ adj. doing one's duty; a mathematical study of motion and the
obedient, z dutifully adv. forces causing it. b branch of any sci-

duty /'dju:ti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a moral or ence concerned with forces or changes.
legal obligation; responsibility, b bind- 2 motive forces in any sphere. 3 Mus.
ing force of what is right. 2 tax on variation in loudness.
certain goods, imports, etc. 3 job or dynamism /'daina,miz(9)m/ n. energy;
function arising from a business or dynamic power.
office (playground duty). 4 deference; dynamite /'dama^ait/ -n. 1 high
respect due to a superior, z do duty for explosive mixture containing nitro-
serve as or pass for (something else), on glycerine. 2 potentially dangerous per-
(or off) duty working (or not working). son etc. -v. (-ting) charge or blow up
[Anglo-French: related to due] with dynamite.
duty-bound adj. obliged by duty. dynamo /'dama.mau/ n. (pi. -s) 1
duty-free adj. (of goods) on which duty machine converting mechanical into
is not payable.
electrical energy, esp. by rotating coils
duty-free shop n. shop at an airport
of copper wire in a magnetic field. 2
etc. sellingduty-free goods.
colloq. energetic person, [abbreviation
duvet /'du:vei/ n. thick soft quilt used of dynamo-electric machine]
instead of sheets and blankets. [French]
dwarf /dwo:f/ -n. (pi. -s or dwarves
dynamometer /,dama'mDmita(r)/ n.
instrument measuring energy
/dwo:vz/) 1 person, animal, or plant
expended. [Greek: related to dynamic]
much below normal size. 2 small mytho- member of a
logical being with magical powers. 3
dynast /'dmast/ n. 1 ruler. 2
dynasty. [Latin from Greek]
small usu. dense star. -v. 1 stunt in
growth. 2 make seem small, z dwarf- dynasty /'dmasti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 line of
ish adj. [Old English] hereditary rulers. 2 succession of
leaders in any field, z dynastic
Usage In sense 1, with regard to /-'naestik/ adj. [Latin from Greek]
people, the term person of restricted dyne
/dam/ n. Physics force required to
growth is now often preferred. give a mass of one gram an acceleration
dwell v.(past and past part, dwelt or of one centimetre per second per
dwelled) live, reside. dwell on (or second. [Greek dunamis force]
upon) think, write, or speak at length dys- prefix bad, difficult. [Greek]
dysentery 271 dystrophy
dysentery /'disantn/ n. inflammation dyspepsia /dis'pepsia ; n. indigestion,
of the intestines, causing severe dia- dyspeptic adj. & n. [Greek peptos
rrhoea. [Greek entera bowels] digested]
dysfunction /dis'fAnkJXaJn/ n. ab- dysphasia /.dis'feizia; n. lack of coord-
normality or impairment of function- ination in speech, owing to brain
ing. damage. [Greek duspkatos hard to
dyslexia /dis'leksia/ n. abnormal diffi- utter]
culty in reading and spelling. dyslec- dysprosium /dis'prauziam n. metallic
tic /-'lektik/ adj. & n. dyslexic adj. & n. element of the lanthanide series. [Greek
[Greek lexis speech] dusprositos hard to get at]
dysmenorrhoea /.dismena'ria/ n. dystrophy ,'distrafi/ n. defective nutri-
painful or difficult menstruation. tion. [Greek -trophe nourishment]
E 1
fill n. (also e) (pi. Es or E's) 1 fifth appreciated). 3 not far on in a period,
letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. third note development, or process of evolution;
of the diatonic scale of C major. being the first stage (Early English
E 2 abbr. (also E.) 1 east, eastern. 2 see E- architecture; early spring). 4 forward
NUMBER. in flowering, ripening, etc. (early
e- prefix see ex- before some consonants.
peaches), -n. (pi -ies) (usu. in pi.) early
each -adj. every one of two or more fruit or vegetable. earliness n. [Old
persons or things, regarded separately English: related to ere]
(five in each class), -pron. each person early bird n. colloq. person who ar-
or thing {each of us). [Old English] rives, gets up, etc. early.
each other pron. one another. early days too soon to expect
each way adj. (of a bet) backing a horse results etc.
etc. to win or to come second or third. early on adv. at an early stage,
eager /*i:g9(r)/ adj. keen, enthusiastic earmark -v. set aside for a special
(eager to learn; eager for news). purpose, -n. identifying mark,
eagerly adv. eagerness n. [Latin acer earn /3:n/ v. 1 bring in as income or
keen] interest. 2 be entitled to or obtain as the
eager beaver n. colloq. very diligent reward for work or merit. earner n.
person. [Old English]
eagle a large bird of prey
/'i:g(a)l/ n. 1
earnest /'3:nist/ adj. intensely serious.
with keen vision and powerful flight, b in earnest serious, seriously, with
this as a symbol, esp. of the US. 2 score of
determination. earnestly adv. earn-
estness [Old English]
two strokes under par at any hole in
golf. [Latin aquila]
earnings money earned.

eagle eye n. keen sight, watchfulness.

earphone n. device applied to the ear to
receive a radio etc. communication.
eagle-eyed adj.
earpiece n. part of a telephone etc.
eaglet /'i.glit/ n. young eagle.
applied to the ear.
E. & O. E. abbr. errors and omissions
ear-piercing -adj. shrill, -n. piercing
of the ears for wearing earrings.
n. 1 organ of hearing, esp. its ex-
earplug n. piece of wax etc. placed in
ternal part. 2 faculty for discriminating
the ear to protect against water, noise,
sounds (an ear for music). 3 attention, etc.
esp. sympathetic (give ear to; have a
earring n. jewellery worn on the ear.
person's ear). all ears listening at-
earshot n. hearing-range (within ear-
tentively, have (or keep) an ear to the
ground be alert to rumours or trends, ear-splitting adj. excessively loud.
up to one's ears (often foil, by in) colloq. earth /3:8/ 1 a (also Earth) the
deeply involved or occupied. [Old Eng- planet on which we live, b land and sea,
lish] as distinct from sky. 2 a the ground (fell
ear2 n. seed-bearing head of a cereal to earth), b soil, mould. 3 Relig. this
plant. [Old English] world, as distinct from heaVen or hell. 4
earache n. pain in the inner ear. connection to the earth as the comple-
eardrum n. membrane of the middle tion of an electrical circuit. 5 hole of a
ear. fox etc. 6 (prec. by the) colloq. huge sum;
earful n. (pi. -s) colloq. 1 prolonged everything (cost the earth; want the
amount of talking. 2 strong reprimand. earth), -v. 1 cover (plant-roots) with
earl /3:1/ n. British nobleman ranking earth. 2 connect (an electrical circuit) to
between marquis and viscount. earl- the earth. come back (or down) to
dom n. [Old Englisty] earth return to realities, gone to earth
Earl Marshal n. president of the Col- in hiding, on earth colloq. existing any-
lege of Heralds, with ceremonial duties. where; emphatically (the happiest man
early /'3:li/ -adj. & adv. (-ier, -iest) 1 on earth; looked like nothing on earth;
before the due, usual, or expected time. what on earth have you done?), run to
2 a not far on in the day or night, or in earth find after a long search. earth-
time (early evening; at the earliest op- ward adj. &adv. earthwards adv. [Old
portunity), b prompt (early payment English]
earthbound 273 eat
earthbound adj. 1 attached to the b States of eastern Europe. 3 eastern
earth or earthly things. 2 moving to- part of a country, town, etc. -adj. 1
wards the earth. towards, at, near, or facing the east. 2
earthen adj. made of earth or baked from the east (east wind), -adv. 1 to-
clay. wards, at, or near the east. 2 (foil, by of)
earthenware n. pottery made of fired further east than, z to the east (often
clay. foil, by of) in an easterly direction. [Old
earthling n. inhabitant of the earth, English]
esp. in science fiction, eastbound adj. travelling or leading
earthly adj. 1 of the earth or human life eastwards.
on it; terrestrial. 2 (usu. with neg.) East End n. part of London east of the
colloq.remotely possible (is no earthly City. East Ender n.
use; there wasn't an earthly reason). Easter n. festival (held on a variable
not an earthly colloq. no chance or Sunday in March or April) commemor-
idea whatever. ating Christ's resurrection. [Old Eng-
earth mother n. sensual and maternal lish]
woman. Easter egg n. artificial usu. chocolate
earthquake n. convulsion of the egg given at Easter.
earth's surface as a result of faults in easterly -adj. &
adv. 1 in an eastern
strata or volcanic action, position or direction. 2 (of a wind) from
earth sciences those concerned the east. -n. (pi. -ies) such a wind.
with the earth or part of it. eastern adj. of or in the east, east-
earth-shattering adj. colloq. trauma- ernmost adj.
tic,devastating. earth-shatteringly Eastern Church n. Orthodox Church,
adv. easterner n. native or inhabitant of the
earthwork n. artificial bank of earth in east.
fortification or road-building etc. east-north-east n. point or direction
earthworm n. common worm living in midway between east and north-east.
the ground. east-south-east n. point or direction
earthy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like earth midway between east and south-east.
or soil. 2 coarse, crude (earthy humour). eastward -adj. & adv. (also east-
earthiness n. wards) towards the east. -n. eastward
ear-trumpet n. trumpet-shaped device direction or region.
formerly used as a hearing-aid. easy /'i:zi/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 not diffi-

earwig n. small insect with pincers at cult; not requiring great effort. 2 free
its rear end. [from ear because they
, from pain, trouble, or anxiety. 3 free
were once thought to enter the head from constraint; relaxed and pleasant. 4
through the ear] compliant, -adv. with ease; in an effort-
ease /i:z/ -n. 1 facility, effortlessness. 2 less or relaxed manner, -int. go or move
a freedom from pain or trouble, b free- carefully. easy on the eye (or ear
dom from constraint, -u. (-sing) 1 re- etc.) colloq.pleasant to look at (or listen
lieve from pain or anxiety. 2 (often foil, to etc.). go easy (foil, by with, on) be
by off, up) a become less burdensome or sparing or cautious. I'm easy colloq, I

severe, b begin to take it easy, c slow have no preference, take it easy 1

down; moderate one's behaviour etc. 3 proceed gently. 2 relax; work less.
a relax; slacken; make a less tight fit. b easiness n. [French: related to ease]
move or be moved carefully into place easy chair n. large comfortable arm
(eased it into position). at ease 1 free chair.
from anxiety or constraint. 2 Mil. in a easygoing adj. placid and tolerant
. relaxed attitude, with the feet apart. Easy Street n. colloq. affluence,

[Latin: related to adjacent] eat -v. (past ate eit/; past part.

easel /'i:z(a)l/ n. stand for an artist's eaten) 1 a take into the mouth, chew,
work, a blackboard, etc. [Dutch ezel ass] and swallow (food), b consume food;
j easement legal right of way or sim-
n. take a meal, c devour (eaten by a lion). 2
ilar right over another's land. [French: (foil, by away, at, into) a destroy gradu-
' related to ease] ally, esp. by corrosion, disease, etc. b
easily /'i:zili/ adv. 1 without difficulty. 2 begin to consume or diminish (re-

(easily the best). 3 very probably
by far sources etc.). 3 colloq. trouble, vex
could easily snow).
(it (what's eating you?), -n. (in pi.) colloq.
1 a point of the horizon where
east -n. food, eat one's heart out suffer from
8 rises at the equinoxes, b com-
1 the sun excessive longing or envy, eat out have
A pass point corresponding to this, c a meal away from home, esp. in a res-
d| direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. the taurant, eat up 1 eat completely. 2 use
East) a countries to the east of Europe. or deal with rapidly or wastefully (eats
eatable 274 economic
up petrol; eats up the miles). 3 pre- the starfish and sea urchin. [Greek ekhi-
occupy (eaten up with envy), eat one's nos sea-urchin, derma skin]
words retract them abjectly. [Old Eng- echo /'ekau/ -n. (pi. -es) 1 a repetition of
lish] a sound by the reflection of sound
eatable -adj. fit to be eaten. -n. (usu. in waves, b sound so produced. 2 reflected
pi.) food. radio or radar beam. 3 close imitation or
eater n. 1 person who eats (a big eater). imitator. 4 circumstance or event
2 eating apple etc. reminiscent of an earlier one. -v. (-es,
eating apple etc. n. apple etc. suitable -ed) 1 a (of a place) resound with an
for eating raw. echo, b (of a sound) be repeated; re-
eau-de-Cologne /.audaka'laun/ n. toi- sound. 2 repeat (a sound) thus. 3 a
let water orig. from Cologne. [French, = repeat (another's words), b imitate the
water of Cologne] opinions etc. of. [Latin from Greek]
eaves /i:vz/ underside of a project- echo chamber n. enclosure with
ing roof. [Old English] sound-reflecting walls.
eavesdrop v. (-pp-) listen to a private echoic /e'kauik/ adj. (of a word) onoma-
conversation. eavesdropper n. topoeic.
ebb -n. movement of the tide out to sea. echolocation n. location of objects by
-v. (often foil, by away) 1 flow out to sea; reflected sound.
recede. 2 decline (life was ebbing echo-sounder n. depth-sounding
away). [Old English] device using timed echoes.
ebonite /'eba.nait/ n. vulcanite, [from echt Jext/ adj. genuine. [German]
EBONY] eclair /i'klea(r)/ n. small elongated iced
ebony /'ebani/ —n. heavy hard dark cake of choux pastry filled with cream.
wood of a tropical tree. —adj. 1 made of [French, «= lightning]
ebony. 2 black like ebony. [Greek ebenos eclampsia /I'klaempsia/ n. convulsive
ebony tree] condition occurring esp. in pregnant
ebullient /I'bAliant/ adj. exuberant. women, [ultimately from Greek]
ebullience n. ebulliency n. ebul- eclat /ei'kla:/ n. 1 brilliant display. 2
liently adv. [Latin: related to boil ] social distinction; conspicuous success.
EC abbr. 1 East Central. 2 European [French]
Community. eclectic /I'klektik/ -adj. selecting ideas,
eccentric /ik'sentnk/ -adj. 1 odd or style, etc., from various sources, -n.
capricious in behaviour or appearance. eclectic person or philosopher. :: eclect-
2 (also excentric) a not placed, not ically adv. eclecticism /-,siz(a)m/ n.
having its axis placed, centrally, b [Greek eklego pick out]
(often foil, by to) (of a circle) not eclipse /I'klips/ -n. 1 obscuring of light
concentric (to another), c (of an orbit) from one heavenly body by another. 2
not circular, -n. 1 eccentric person. 2 loss of light, importance, or promin-
disc at the end of a shaft for changing ence, -v. (-sing) 1 (of a heavenly body)
rotatory into backward-and-forward cause the eclipse of (another). 2 inter-
motion. eccentrically adv. eccent- cept (light). 3 outshine, surpass. [Greek
ricity /.eksen'trisati/ n. [Greek: related ekleipsis]
to centre] ecliptic /I'kliptik/ n. sun's apparent
Eccles cake /'ek(a)lz/ n. round cake of path among the stars during the year.
pastry filled with currants etc. [Eccles in eclogue /'eking/ n. short pastoral poem.
N. England] [Greek: related to eclectic]
ecclesiastic /i,kli:zi'aestik/ -n. clergy- eco- comb, form ecology, ecological
man, -adj. = ecclesiastical. [Greek (ecoclimate).
ekklesia church] ecology /i'kDl9d3i/ n. 1 the study of the
ecclesiastical adj. of the Church or relations of organisms to one another
clergy. and to their surroundings. 2 the study of
ECG abbr. electrocardiogram. the interaction of people with their
echelon /'eja.lon/ n. 1 level in an organ- environment. ecological /,i:ka
ization, in society, etc.; thoseoccupying 'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. ecologically /,i:ka
it (often in pi. upper echelons). 2 wedge-
: 'lDd3ikaii/ adv. ecologist n. [Greek
shaped formation of troops, aircraft, oikos house]
etc. [French, = ladder, from Latin economic /,i:ka'nDmik/ adj. 1 of eco-
scala] nomics. 2 profitable (not economic to
echidna Australian egg-
/I'kidna/ n. run buses on a Sunday). 3 connected
laying spiny [Greek, = viper]
mammal. with trade and industry (economic geo-
echinoderm /i'kam8,d3:m/ n. (usu. graphy). economically adv. [Greek:
spiny) sea animal of the group including related to economy]
economical 275 edit
economical sparing:
adj. avoiding (talented: trousered). 2 from phrases of
waste, economically adv. adjective and noun (good-humoured).
economics (as sing.) 1 science of [Old English]
the production and distribution of -ed : suffix forming:
1 past tense and past
wealth. 2 application of this to a particu- participle of weak verbs (needed). 2
lar subject (the economics of participial adjectives (escaped pri-
publishing). soner). [Old English]
economist I'kDnamist n. expert on or Edam 'i:daem n. round Dutch cheese
student of economics. with a red rind. [Edam'm Holland]
economize I'kDna.maiz v. (also -ise) eddy edi -n. (pi. -ies) 1 circular move-
(-zing or -sing) 1 be economical: make ment of water causing a small whirl-
economies: reduce expenditure. 2 (foil, pool. 2 movement of wind, smoke, etc.
by on) use sparingly. resembling this. -r. (-ies. -ied) whirl
economy I'kunemi n. (pi. -ies) 1 a round in eddies. [Old English ed- again,
community's system of wealth creation, back]
b particular kind of this (a capitalist edelweiss eidie)lvais n. Alpine plant
economy), c administration or condition with white bracts. [German. = noble-
of this. 2 a careful management of (esp. white]
financial) resources: frugality, b in- edema US var. of oedema.
stance of this (made many economies). 3 Eden i:d(a)n n. place or state of great
sparing or careful use (economy of lan- happiness, with reference to the abode
guage). [Greek oikonomia household of Adam and Eve at the Creation.
management] [Hebrew, originally = delight]
economy class n. cheapest class of air edentate i denteit -adj. having no or
travel. few teeth, -n. such a mammal. [Latin
economy-size adj. (of goods) con- dens dent- tooth]
sisting of a larger quantity for a edge -n. 1 boundary-line or margin of
proportionally lower cost. an area or surface. 2 narrow surface of a
ecosystem i:kau,sistam n. biological thin object. 3 meeting-line of surfaces. 4
community of interacting organisms a sharpened side of a blade, b sharp-
and their physical environment. ness. 5 brink of a precipice. 6 edge-like
ecstasy ekstasi n. (pi. -ies) 1 over- thing, esp. the crest of a ridge. 7 effect-
whelming joy or rapture. 2 slang type iveness, incisiveness: excitement, -r.
of hallucinogenic drug. ecstatic i-glng) 1 advance, esp. gradually or
-'stastik adj. ecstatically -'staetikali furtively. 2 a provide with an edge or
adv. [Greek ekstasis standing outside border, b form a border to. 3 sharpen (a
oneself] tool etc.). have the edge on <or over)
ECT abbr. electroconvulsive therapy. have a slight advantage over, on edge
ecto- comb, form outside. [Greek ektos] tense and irritable, set a person's teeth
ectomorph ektao mo:f n. person with on edge (of taste or sound) cause an
a lean body. [Greek morphe form] unpleasant nervous sensation, take the
-ectomy comb, form denoting the sur- edge off make less intense. [Old Eng-
gical removal of part of the body (ap- lish]
pendectomy). [Greek ektome excision] edgeways adv. (also edgewise) with
ectoplasm ektao,plaez(a)m n. sup- edge uppermost or foremost. get a
posed viscous substance exuding from word in edgeways contribute to a con-
the body of a spiritualistic medium dur- versation when the dominant speaker
ing a trance, [from ecto-. plasma] pauses.
ecu 'eikju:. -ku: n. (also Ecu) (pi. -s> edging n. thing forming an edge or
European Currency Unit, [abbrevi- border.
ation] edgy adj. (-ier. -iest) irritable: anxious,
ecumenical of
,i:kju:'menik(a)l adj. 1 edgily adv. edginess n.

edible editxe)l adj. fit to be eaten,

or representing the whole Christian
world. 2 seeking worldwide Christian edibility biliti n. [Latin edo eat]
unity, ecumenically adv. ecumen- edict dikt n. order proclaimed by

ism i:'kju:ma,niz(8)m n. [Greek oikou- authority. [Latin edico proclaim]

menikos of the inhabited earth] edifice edifi> n. building, esp. an
eczema 'eksima n. inflammation of the imposing one. [Latin aedis dwelling]
skin, with itching and discharge. [Latin edify edifai v. (-ies. -ied) improve
from Greek] morally or intellectually, edification
ed. abbr. 1 edited by. 2 edition. 3 editor. 4 •fi'keiJo)n n. [Latin aedifico build]
educated. edit edit v. (-t-) 1 assemble, prepare, or
-ed suffix forming adjectives: 1 from
modify (written material for publica-
nouns, meaning "having, wearing, etc.* tion) 2 be editor of (a newspaper etc.). 3
edition 276 efficient
take extracts from and collate (a film eel n. snakelike fish. [Old English]
etc.) to form a unified sequence. 4 a -eer suffix forming: 1 nouns meaning
prepare (data) for processing by a com- 'person concerned with' (auctioneer). 2
puter, b alter (a text entered in a word verbs meaning 'be concerned with'
processor etc.). 5 a reword in order to (electioneer). [French -ier from Latin
correct, or to alter the emphasis, b (foil, -arius]
by out) remove (a part) from a text etc. eerie /'iari/ adj. (eerier, eeriest)
[Latin edo edit- give out] gloomy and strange; weird (eerie
edition /i'dij(9)n/ n. 1 edited or pub- silence). eerily adv. eeriness n. [Old
lished form of a book etc. 2 copies of a English]
book, newspaper, etc. issued at one ef- see ex- .

time. 3 instance of a regular broadcast. 4 efface /I'feis/ v. (-cing) 1 rub or wipe out
person or thing similar to another (a (a mark, recollection, etc.). 2 surpass,
miniature edition of her mother). eclipse. 3 refl. (usu. as self-effacing
editor n. 1 person who edits. 2 person adj.) treat oneself as unimportant.
who directs the preparation of a news- effacement n. [French: related to face]
paper or broadcast news programme or effect /iTekt/ -n. 1 result or con-
a particular section of one (sports ed- sequence of an action etc. 2 efficacy (had
itor). 3 person who selects or commis- little effect). 3 impression produced on a
sions material for publication. 4 com- spectator, hearer, etc. (lights gave a
puter program for entering and pretty effect; said it just for effect). 4 (in
modifying textual data. editorship n. pi.) property. 5 (in pi.) lighting, sound,
editorial /.edi'toinal/ -adj. 1 of editing etc., giving realism to a play, film, etc. 6
or editors. 2 written or approved by an physical phenomenon (Doppler effect;
editor, -n. article giving a newspaper's greenhouse effect), -v. bring about (a
views on a current topic. editorially change, cure, etc.). bring (or carry)
adv. into effect accomplish, give effect to
EDP abbr. electronic data processing. make operative, in effect for practical
educate (-ting) 1 give
v. purposes, take effect become oper-
intellectual, moral, and social instruc- ative, to the effect that the gist being
tion to. 2 provide education for. edu- that, to that effect having that result or
cable /-k9b(a)l/ adj. educability implication, with effect from coming
/-ka'biliti/ n. educative /-kativ/ adj. into operation at (a stated time). [Latin:
educator n. [Latin educo -are rear] related to fact]
educated adj. having had an (esp.
Usage should not be confused
good) education. 2 resulting from this with which, as a verb, has more
(educated accent). 3 based on experience
meanings and is more common, but
or study (educated guess).
which does not exist as a noun.
education /,edjo-'kei.f(a)n/ n. 1 system-
atic instruction. 2 particularkind of or effective adj. 1 producing the intended
stage in education (a classical educa- result. 2 impressive, striking. 3 actual,
tion; further education). 3 development existing. 4 operative. effectively adv.
of character or mental powers. edu- effectiveness n.
cational adj. educationally adv. effectual /I'fektjual/ adj. 1 producing
educationist educationalist)
n. (also the required effect. 2 valid. effec-
expert in educational methods. tually adv.
educe /i'dju:s/ v. (-cing) literary bring effeminate /I'femmat/ adj. (of a man)
out or develop from latency. educ- womanish in appearance or manner.
tion /i'dAkK9)n/ n. [Latin educo -ere effeminacy n. effeminately adv.
draw out] [Latin femina woman]
Edwardian /ed'woidian/ -adj. of or effervesce /.efa'ves/ v. (-cing) 1 give off
characteristic of the reign of Edward bubbles of gas. 2 be lively. efferves-
VII (1901-10). -n. person of this period. cence 72. effervescent adj. [Latin:
-ee suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 related to fervent]
person affected by the verbal action effete /i'fi:t/ adj. feeble, lanquid; effem-
(employee; payee). 2 person concerned inate. effeteness n. [Latin]
with or described as (absentee; refugee). efficacious /.efi'keijas/ adj. producing
3 object of smaller size (bootee). [French the desired effect. efficacy /'efikasi/ n.
-e in past part.] [Latin efficax: related to efficient]
EEC abbr. European Economic Com- efficient /i'fij(8)nt/ adj. 1 productive
munity. with minimum waste or effort. 2 (of a
person) capable; acting effectively.
Usage EC is the more correct term. efficiency n. efficients adv. [Latin
EEG abbr. electroencephalogram. facio make]
effigy 277 eight
effigy sculpture or
/'efid3i/ n. (pi. -ies) eggcup n. cup
for holding a boiled egg.
model of a person. burn in effigy egg-flip n. (also egg-nog) drink of alco-
burn a model of a person. [Latin effigies holic spirit with beaten egg, milk, etc.
from Jingo fashion] egghead n. colloq. intellectual; expert.
effloresce /,eflo:'res/ v. (-cing) 1 burst eggplant n. = aubergine.
into flower. 2 a (of a substance) turn to a eggshell -n. shell of an egg. -adj. 1 (of
fine powder on exposure to air. b (of china) thin and fragile. 2 (of paint) with
salts) come to the surface and crystal- a slight gloss.
lize, c (of a surface) become covered egg-white n. white partround the yolk
with salt particles. efflorescence n. of an egg.
efflorescent adj. [Latin flos flor- eglantine /'eglan.tain/ n. sweet-brier.
flower] [Latin acus needle]
effluence /'efluans/ n. 1 flowing out of ego /'i:g9o7 n.
(pi. -s) 1 the self; the part of
light, electricity, etc. 2 that which flows the mind that reacts to reality and has a
out. [Latin fluo flux- flow] sense of individuality. 2 self-esteem;
effluent -adj. flowing out.-rc. 1 sewage self-conceit. [Latin, = I]
or industrial waste discharged into a egocentric /,i:gau'sentnk/ adj. self-
river etc. 2 stream or lake flowing from centred.
a larger body of water. egoism /'i:gau,iz(a)m/ n. 1 self-interest
effluvium /i'flu:viam/ n. (pi. -via) un- as the moral basis of behaviour. 2 sys-
pleasant or noxious outflow. [Latin: tematic selfishness. 3 = egotism.
related to effluence] egoist n. egoistic /-'istik/ adj. egoist-
effort /'efat/ n. 1 use of physical or ical /-'istik(a)l/ adj. egoistically
mental energy. 2 determined attempt. 3 /-'istikali/ adv.
force exerted. 4 colloq. something ac-
complished. [Latin fortis strong]
Usage The senses of egoism and
egotism overlap, but egoism alone is
effortless adj. easily done, requiring no
used as a term in philosophy and psy-
effort. effortlessly adv. effortless-
chology to mean self-interest (often con-
ness n.
trasted with altruism).
effrontery /I'frAntari/ n. (pi. -ies)
impudent audacity. [Latin frons front- egotism /'i:ga,tiz(8)m/ n. 1 self-conceit. 2
forehead] selfishness. egotist n. egotistic
effulgent /i'fAld3(a)nt/ adj. literary /-'tistik/ egotistical /-'tistik(a)l/
radiant. effulgence n. [Latin fulgeo adj. egotistically /-'tistikali/ adv.
Usage See note at egoism.
effuse /i'fju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 pour forth
(liquid, light, etc.). 2 give out (ideas etc.). ego-trip activity to boost one's
n. colloq.

[Latin fundo fus- pour] own self-esteem or self-conceit.

effusion /i'fju:3(a)n/ n. 1 outpouring. 2 egregious /i'gri:d3as/ adj. 1 extremely
derog. unrestrained flow of words. bad. 2 archaic remarkable. [Latin grex
[Latin: related to effuse] greg- flock]
effusive /i'fju:siv/ adj. gushing, demon- egress /'i:gres/ n. formal 1 exit. 2 right of
strative. effusively adv. effusive- going out. [Latin egredior -gress- walk
ness n. out]
EFL abbr. English as a foreign language. egret /'i:gnt/ n. a kind of heron with long
eft n. newt. [Old English] white feathers. [French aigrette]
Efta /'efta/ n. (also EFTA) European Egyptian /i'd3ipj(a)n/ -adj. of Egypt.
Free Trade Association, [abbreviation] -n. 1 native of Egypt. 2 language of the
e.g. abbr. for example. [Latin exempli ancient Egyptians.
gratia] Egyptology /,i:d3ip'tolad3i/ n. the
egalitarian /i.gaeli'tearian/ -adj. of or study of the language, history, and cul-
advocating equal rights for all. -n. egal- ture of ancient Egypt. Egyptologist
itarian person. egalitarianism n. n.

[French egal equal] eh lei! int. colloq. 1 expressing enquiry or

egg 1 n. 1 a body produced by females of surprise. 2 inviting assent. 3 asking for
birds, insects, etc. and capable of devel- repetition or explanation, [instinctive
oping into a new individual, b egg of the exclamation]
domestic hen, used for food. 2 Biol. eider /'aida(r)/ n. any of various large

ovum. 3 colloq. person or thing of a northern ducks. [Icelandic]

specified kind (good egg). with egg on eiderdown n. quilt stuffed with soft

one's face colloq. looking foolish. material, esp. down.

eggy adj. [Old Norse] eight /eit/ adj. & n. 1 one more than
egg2 v. (foil, by on) urge. [Old Norse: seven. 2 symbol for this (8, viii, VIII). 3
related to edge] size etc. denoted by eight. 4 eight-oared
eighteen 278 elecampane
rowing-boat or its crew. 5 eight o'clock. elaborateness /-ratnis/ n. elab-
[Old English] oration /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to
eighteen /ei'ti:n/ adj. & n. 1 one more labour]
than seventeen. 2 symbol for this (18, elan /ei'ld/ n. vivacity, dash. [French]
xviii, XVIII). 3 size etc. denoted by eight- eland /'i:land/ n. (pi. same or -s) large
een. 4 (18) (of films) suitable only for African antelope. [Dutch]
persons of 18 years and over. eight- elapse /ilaeps/ v. (-sing) (of time) pass
eenth adj. & n. [Old English] by. [Latin elabor elaps- slip away]
eightfold adj. & adv. 1 eight times as elastic /ilaestik/ -adj. 1 able to resume
much or as many. 2 consisting of eight its normal bulk or shape after contrac-
parts. tion, dilation, or distortion. 2 springy.
eighth adj. & n. 1 next after seventh. 2 3 flexible, adaptable, -n. elastic cord
one of eight equal parts of a thing. or fabric, usu. woven with strips of rub-
eighthly adv. ber. elastically adv. elasticity
eightsome n. (in full eightsome reel) /,i:lae'stisati/ n. [Greek elastikos pro-
lively Scottish dance for eight people, pulsive]
eighty /'eiti/ adj. & eight
n. (pi. -ies) 1 elasticated /I'laesti.keitid/ adj. (of
times ten. 2 symbol for this (80, lxxx, fabric)made elastic by weaving with
LXXX). 3 (in pi.) numbers from 80 to 89, rubber thread.
esp. the years of a century or of a elastic band n. = rubber band.
person's life. eightieth adj. & n. [Old elastomer /i'laestama(r)/ n. natural or
English] synthetic rubber or rubber-like plastic.

einsteinium /ain'stamiam/ n. artificial

[from elastic, after isomer]
radioactive metallic element. [Einstein, elate /I'leit/ v. (-ting) (esp. as elated
adj.) make delighted or proud.
name of a physicist]
eisteddfod /ai'stedfad/ n. congress of elatedly adv. elation n. [Latin effero
elat- raise]
Welsh poets and musicians; festival for
musical competitions etc. [Welsh]
elbow /'elbao/ -n. 1 a joint between the

either /'aida(r), 'i:da(r)/ -adj. & pron. 1 forearm and the upper arm. b part of a
sleeve covering the elbow. 2 elbow-
one or the other of two (either ofyou can
shaped bend etc. -v. (foil, by in, out,
go; you may have either book). 2 each of
aside, etc.) 1 jostle or thrust (a person or
two (houses on either side of the road),
oneself)- 2 make (one's way) thus.
-adv. & conj. 1 as one possibility (is
give a person the elbow colloq. dismiss
either right or wrong). 2 as one choice
or reject a person. [Old English: related
or alternative; which way you will
(either come in or go out). 3 (with neg.)
elbow-grease n. colloq. vigorous
a any more than the other (ifyou do not
polishing; hard work,
go, I shall not either), b moreover (there
elbow-room n. sufficient room to move
is no time to lose, either). [Old English]
orwork in.
ejaculate /i'd3aekjo\leit/ (-ting) (also
elder -attrib. adj. (of persons, esp.

absol.) 1 exclaim. 2 emit (semen) in when related) senior; of greater age. —n.
orgasm. ejaculation /-'leij\a)n/ n. 1 older of two persons (is my elder by ten
ejaculatory adj. [Latin ejaculor dart years). 2 (in pi.) persons of greater age
out] or venerable because of age. 3 official in
eject /i'd3ekt/ v. 1 expel, compel to leave. the early Christian Church and some
2 (of a pilot etc.) cause oneself to be modern Churches. [Old English: related
propelled from an aircraft as an emer- to old]
gency measure. 3 cause to be removed, elder 2 n. tree with white flowers and
drop out, or pop up automatically from a dark berries. [Old English]
gun, cassette-player, etc. 4 dispossess (a elderberry n. (pi. -ies) berry of the
tenant). 5 emit, send out. ejection n. elder tree.
[Latin ejicio eject- throw out] elderly adj. rather old; past middle age.
ejector n. device for ejecting. elder statesman n. influential experi-
ejector seat n. device in an aircraft for enced older person, esp. a politician.
the emergency ejection of a pilot etc. eldest adj. first-born; oldest surviving.
eke v. (eking) eke out 1 supplement eldorado /,elda'ra:dao/ n. (pi -s) 1
(income etc.). 2 make (a living) or sup- imaginary land of great wealth. 2 place
port (an existence) with difficulty. [Old of abundance or opportunity. [Spanish
English] el dorado the gilded]
elaborate -adj. /I'laebarat/ 1 minutely elecampane /.ehkaem'pem/ n. plant
worked out. 2 complicated, -v. with bitter aromatic leaves and roots.
/I' (-ting) work out or explain [Latin enula this plant, campana of the
in detail. elaborately /-rath/ adv. fields]
elect 279 electron
elect /i'lekt/-u. (usu. foil, by to + infin.) electrocardiograph. [German: related to
1 choose. 2 choose by voting, -adj. 1 ELECTRO-]
chosen. 2 select, choice. 3 (after the electrocardiograph i.lektrau
noun) chosen but not yet in office (pres- 'ka:di8,gra:f/ instrument recording
ident elect). [Latin eligo elect- pick out] the electric currents generated by a
election /i'lekj(a)n/ n. 1 electing or heartbeat.
being elected. 2 occasion of this. electroconvulsive ilektraukan
electioneer /i.lekJVnia(r)/ v. take part VaIsiv/ adj. (of therapy) using convuls-
in an election campaign. ive response to electric shocks.
elective /ilektiv/ adj. 1 chosen by or electrocute i lektrakju t v. ( ting)
derived from election. 2 (of a body) kill by electric shock, electrocution
having the power to elect. 3 optional, not /-'kju:J(a)n/ n. [from electro-, after ex-
urgently necessary. ecute]
elector n. 1 person who has the right to electrode /I'lektraud/ n. conductor
vote in an election. 2 (Elector) hist, (in through which electricity enters or
the Holy Roman Empire) any of the leaves an electrolyte, gas, vacuum, etc.
German princes entitled to elect the [from electric, Greek hodos way]
Emperor. electoral adj. electrodynamics ilektraodai
electorate /I'lektarat/ n. 1 body of all 'naemiks/ (usu. treated as sing.)
electors. 2 hist, office or territories of a the study of electricity in motion.
German Elector. electrodynamic adj.
electric /i'lektrik/-aaj. 1 of, worked by, electroencephalogram i.lektraoin
or charged with electricity; producing 'sefala.graem/ n.record traced by an
or capable of generating electricity. 2 electroencephalograph. [German: re-
causing or charged with excitement, -n. lated to ELECTRO-]
(in pi.) colloq. electrical equipment.
electroencephalograph i.lektraum
[Greek elektron amber] 'sef9la,gra:f/ n. instrument that records
electrical adj. of electricity.
the electrical activity of the brain.
electrically adv.
electrolyse /I'lektra.laiz/ v. (US -yze)
electric blanket n. blanket heated by
(-sing, US -zing) subject to or treat by
an internal electric element, electrolysis.
electric chair n. electrified chair used
electrolysis /.ilek'trolisis n. 1 chem-
for capital punishment,
ical decomposition by electric action. 2
electric eel n. eel-like fish able to give
destruction of tumours, hair-roots, etc..
an electric shock. electrolytic
by this process.
electric eye n. colloq. photoelectric cell
/i.lektrau'litik/ adj.
operating a relay when a beam of light is
electrolyte /I'lektra.lait n 1 solution
able to conduct electricity, esp. in an
electric fire n. electrically operated
electric cell or battery. 2 substance that
portable domestic heater,
can dissolve to produce this.
electric guitar n. guitar with a solid
electromagnet /i.lektrau'ma^jnit n
body and built-in pick-up rather than a
soft metal core made into a magnet by
passing an electric current through a
electrician / ilek'triJ(8)n/ n. person

coil surrounding it.

who installs or maintains electrical
electromagnetic i,lektraumaBg
equipment for a living.
'netik/ adj. having both electrical
electricity /.ilek'trisiti/ n. 1 form of electro-
energy occurring in elementary par-
and magnetic properties.
magnetically adv.
ticles (electrons, protons, etc.) and
hence in larger bodies containing them.
electromagnetism ijektrau
maBgni tiz(9)m n. 1 magnetic forces

2 science of electricity. 3 supply of 1

produced by electricity. 2 the study

electricity. 4 excitement.
sudden of these.
electric shock n. effect of a
discharge of electricity through the
electromotive /i.lektrau'mduuv/ adj.
producing or tending to produce an
body of a person etc.
electric current.
electrify /ilektri.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1
electromotive force n. force set up in
charge with electricity. 2 convert to the
an electric circuit by a difference in
use of electric power. 3 cause sudden
excitement (news was electrifying).
electron /i lektron/ n. stable element-
electrification /-fi'keij(9)n/ n.
electro- comb, form of, by, or caused by ary particle with a charge of negative
found in all atoms and acting

electrocardiogram /i.lektrau as the primary carrier of electricity in

'ka:di9,graem/ n. record traced by an solids.
electronic 280 elicit
electronic ilek'trunik/ adj. 1 a pro- natural abode or environment. 4 Electr.
duced by or involving the flow of elec- wire that heats up in an electric heater,
trons, b of electrons or electronics. 2 (of kettle, etc. 5 (in pi) atmospheric agen-
music) produced by electronic means. cies, esp. wind and storm. 6 (in pi.)
electronically adv. rudiments of learning or of an art etc. 7
electronic mail n. the sending of (in pi.) bread and wine of the Eucharist,
messages by a computer system; such z in one's element in one's preferred
messages. situation, doing what one does well and
electronics (treated as sing.) sci- enjoys. [French from Latin]
ence of the movement cf electrons in a elemental /.eli'mentte)!/ adj. 1 of or like
vacuum, gas, semiconductor, etc., esp. the elements or the forces of nature;
in devices in which the flow is con-
powerful. 2 essential, basic.
trolled and utilized.
elementary /.eli'mentari/ adj. 1 deal-
electronic tagging n. the attaching of ing with the simplest facts of a subject. 2
electronic markers to people or goods,
enabling them to be tracked down.
elementary particle n. Physics suba-
electron lens n. device for focusing a
tomic particle, esp. one not known to
stream of electrons by means of electric
consist of simpler ones.
or magnetic fields.
electron microscope n. microscope
elephant /'ehf(a)nt/ n. (pi. same or -s)
largest living land animal, with a trunk
with high magnification and resolution,
using electron beams instead of light. and ivory tusks. [Greek elephas]
electronvolt /I'lektnm, vault/ n. a unit elephantiasis /.elifan'taiasis/ n. skin
of energy, the amount gained by an disease causing gross enlargement of
electron when accelerated through a limbs etc.

potential difference of one volt. elephantine /.eli'faentam/ adj. 1 of ele-

electroplate /I'lektrau.plertV-i;. (-ting) phants. 2 a huge, b clumsy.
coat with a thin layer of chromium, elevate /'eli.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 raise, lift

silver, etc., by electrolysis, -n. electro- up. 2 exalt in rank etc. 3 (usu. as elev-
plated articles. ated adj.) raise morally or intellec-
electroscope /I'lektra.skaup/ n. instru- tually. [Latin levo lift]
ment for detecting and measuring elec- elevation /,eli'vei.f(a)n/ n. 1 a elevating
tricity, esp. as an indication of the or being elevated, b angle with the
ionization of air by radioactivity, z horizontal, c height above sea level etc.
electroscopic /- sknpik/ adj. d high position. 2 drawing or diagram
electro-shock /i.lektrau'Jok/ attrib. showing one side of a building.
adj. (of therapy) by means of electric elevator n. 1 US lift. 2 movable part of a
shocks. tailplane for changing an aircraft's alti-
electrostatics /i.lektrau'staetiks/ tude. 3 hoisting machine.
(treated as sing.) the study of electricity eleven & n. 1 one more
/i'lev(a)n/ adj.
at rest. than ten. 2 symbol for this (11, xi, XI). 3
electrotechnology /i.lektrautek size etc. denoted by eleven. 4 team of
'nDlad3i/ n. science of the application eleven players at cricket, football, etc. 5
of electricity in technology, eleven o'clock. [Old English]
electrotherapy /i.lektrau'eerapi/ n.
elevenfold adj. & adv. 1 eleven times as
treatment of diseases by use of
much or as many. 2 consisting of eleven
elegant /'eligant/ adj. 1 tasteful, re-
eleven-plus n. esp. hist examination
fined, graceful. 2 ingeniously simple, z
taken at age 11-12 to determine the type
elegance n. elegantly adv. [Latin:
of secondary school a child would enter.
related to elect]
elegiac /.eli'd^aiak/ -adj.1 used for
elevenses /I'levanziz/ n. colloq. light
refreshment taken about 11 a.m.
elegies. 2mournful, -n. (in pi) elegiac
verses, z elegiacally adv.
eleventh adj. & n. 1 next after tenth. 2
elegy /'elid3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 sorrowful each of eleven equal parts of a thing, z
poem or song, esp. for the dead. 2 poem eleventh hour last possible moment.
in elegiac metre. [Latin from Greek] elf n. (pi. elves /elvz/) mythological
element /'elimant/ n. 1 component part; being, esp. one that is small and mis-
contributing factor. 2 any of the sub- chievous, z elfish adj. elvish adj. [Old
stances that cannot be resolved by English]
chemical means simpler sub-
into elfin adj. of elves; elflike.
stances. 3 a any of the four substances elicit /I'lisit/ v. (-t-) draw out (facts, a
(earth, water, air, and fire) in ancient response, etc.), esp. with difficulty.
and medieval philosophy, b a being's [Latin elicio]
elide 231 emasculate
elide (-ding) omit (a vowel or
/I'laid/ v. eloquence /'elakwans n. fluent and
syllable) in pronunciation. [Latin elido effective use of language. [Latin loquor
elis- crush out] speak]
eligible /'elid3ib(a)l/ adj. 1 (often foil, by eloquent adj. 1 having eloquence. 2
for) fit or entitled to be chosen (eligible (often foil, by of) expressive. elo-
for a rebate). 2 desirable or suitable, esp. quently adv.
for marriage. eligibility /-'biliti/ n. else adv. 1by indefinite or
[Latin: related to elect] interrog. pron.) besides (someone else;
eliminate /I'limi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 re- nowhere else; who else?). 2 instead
move, get rid of. 2 exclude from con- (what else could I say?). 3 otherwise;
sideration. 3 exclude from a further if not (run, (or) else you will be late).
stage of a competition through defeat or else see or 1
[Old English]

etc. elimination /-'neij(a)n/ n. elim- elsewhere adv. in or to some other

inator n. [Latin limen limin- threshold] place.
elision /i'li3(a)n/ n. omission of a vowel elucidate /i'lu:si,deit/ v. (-ting) throw
or syllable in pronunciation (e.g. in light on; explain. elucidation
we'll). [Latin: related to elide] /-'deij(a)n/ n. elucidatory adj. [Latin:
elite /i'li:t/ n. 1 (prec. by the) the best (of a related to lucid]
group). 2 select group or class. 3 a size elude /i'lu:d/ v. (-ding) 1 escape adroitly
of letters in typewriting (12 per inch). from (danger, pursuit, etc.). 2 avoid
[French: related to elect] compliance with (a law etc.) or fulfil-
elitism n. recourse to or advocacy of ment of (an obligation). 3 baffle (a per-
leadership or dominance by a select son or memory etc.). z elusion /-3(a)n/
group. elitist n. & adj.
n. [Latin ludo play]
elixir /i'liksia(r)/ n. a alchemist's pre-

elusive /i'1u:siv/ adj. 1 difficult to find or

paration supposedly able to change
catch. 2 difficult to remember. 3 avoid-
metals into gold or (in full elixir of life) elusiveness n.
ing the point raised.
toprolong life indefinitely, b remedy for young
elver /'elva(r)/ n. eel. [from eel.
all ills. 2 aromatic medicinal drug.
[Latin from Arabic]
elves pi. of elf.
Elizabethan /i liza'bi:9(a)n/ 1
-adj. of
elvish see elf.
the time of Queen Elizabeth I or II. -n.
Elysium /I'liziam/ n. 1 (also Elysian
person of this time.
Fields) (in Greek mythology) abode of
elk n. (pi. same or
large deer of
the blessed after death. 2 place of ideal
northern parts of Europe, N. America,
happiness. Elysian adj. [Latin from
and Asia. [Old English]
elln. hist, measure = 45 in. [Old English,
= forearm] em n. Printing unit of measurement
equal to the width of an M. [name of the
ellipse ,/i'lips/ n. regular oval, resulting
letter M]
when a cone is cut obliquely by a plane.
[Greek elleipsis deficit]
em- 12 see en- 2 1 -

ellipsis /I'hpsis/ n. (pi. ellipses /-si:z/) 1

'em /am/ pron. colloq. them.
omission of words needed to complete a
emaciate /I'meisi.eit/ v. (-ting) (esp. as

construction or sense. 2 set of three dots

emaciated adj.) make abnormally thin
or feeble. emaciation
/-'eij(a)n/ n.
etc. indicating omission,
[Latin macies leanness]
ellipsoid /ilipsoid/ n. solid of which all
the plane sections through one axis are
email /'i:meil/ n. (also e-mail) = elec-
circles and all the other plane sections
tronic MAIL.
are ellipses.
emanate /'ema.neit/ v. (-ting) (usu. foil,

elliptic /I'liptik/ adj. (also elliptical) of bv from) issue or originate (from a

or in the form of an ellipse. ellipt- source). emanation -neij(a)n/ n.

ically adv. [Latin mano flow]

elm n. 1 :ree with rough serrated leaves. emancipate imaensi.peit/ v. ( ting) 1

2 its wood. [Old English] free from social or political restraint. 2

elocution /,ela'kju:J(a)n/ n. art of clear (usu. as emancipated adj.) free from
and expressive speech. [Latin loquor the inhibitions of moral or social con-
speak] ventions. 3 free from slavery, eman-
elongate /'i:lDrj,geit/ v. (-ting) lengthen, cipation /- peil(a)n/ n. emancipatory
/-patari/ adj. [Latin, free from posses-
extend. : elongation /-'geij(a)n/ n.
[Latin longus long] sion, from manus hand, capio take]
elope /I'laup/ v. (-ping) run away to emasculate -v. /I'maeskju.leit/ (ting) 1

marry secretly, elopement n. [Anglo- deprive of force or vigour. 2 castrate.

French] -adj. /I'maeskjolat/ 1 deprived of force. 2
embalm 282 emerald
castrated. 3 effeminate. emascula- embody /im'bDdi/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make
tion /-'leij\a)n/ n. [Latin: related to (an idea etc.) actual or discernible. 2 (of
male] a thing) be a tangible expression of. 3
embalm /im'brfcm/ v. 1 preserve (a include, comprise, embodiment n.
corpse) from decay. 2 preserve from embolden /im'baold(a)n/ v. make bold;
oblivion. 3 make fragrant, embalm- i
ment n. [French: related to balm] embolism /'emba,liz(a)m/ n. obstruc-
embankment /im'baenkmant/ n. bank tion of an artery by a clot, air-bubble,
constructed to keep back water or carry etc. [Latin from Greek]
a road, railway, etc. embolus /'embalas/ n. (pi. -li /-,lai/)
embargo /im'ba:gau/ -n. (pi. -es) 1 object causing an embolism.
order forbidding foreign ships to enter, emboss /im'bDs/ v. carve or decorate
or any ships to leave, a country's ports. with a design in relief, embossment

2 official suspension of an activity. n. [related to boss ]
-v. (-es, -ed) place under embargo. embouchure /'Dmbu,Jua(r)/ n. way of
[Spanish: related to bar ] 1
applying the mouth to the mouthpiece
embark /im'ba:k/ v. 1 (often foil, by for) of a musical instrument. [French:
related to en- bouche mouth]

put or go on board a ship or aircraft (to a ,

destination). 2 (foil, by on, in) begin an embrace /im'breis/ -v. (-cing) 1 a hold
enterprise. embarkation /.emba: closely in the arms, b (absol., of two
"keij(a)n/ n. (in sense 1). [French: related people) embrace each other. 2 clasp,
to barque] enclose. 3 accept eagerly (an offer etc.). 4
embarrass /im'baeras/ v. 1 make (a adopt (a cause, idea, etc.). 5 include,
person) feelawkward or ashamed. 2 (as comprise. 6 take in with the eye or mind.
embarrassed adj.) encumbered with -n. act of embracing, clasp, embrace-
debts. 3 encumber. embarrassment able adj. [Latin: related to brace]
n. [Italian imbarrare bar in]
embrasure /im'brei3a(r)/ n. 1 bevelling

embassy /'embasi/ a resid-

n. (pi. -ies) 1
of a wall at the sides of a window etc. 2
ence or offices of an ambassador, b opening in a parapet for a gun etc.
ambassador and staff. 2 deputation to a embrasured adj. [French embraser
foreign government. [French: related to
ambassador] embrocation /,embra'keiJXa)n/ n.
liquid for rubbing on the body to relieve
embattled /im'baet(a)ld/ adj. 1 pre-
pared or arrayed for battle. 2 fortified
muscular pain. [Greek embrokhe lotion]
with battlements. 3 under heavy attack
embroider /im'braida(r)/ v. 1 decorate
(cloth etc.) with needlework. 2 embel-
or in trying circumstances.
lish (a narrative). embroiderer n.
embed /im'bed/ v. (also imbed) (-dd-)
[Anglo-French from Germanic]
(esp. as embedded adj.) fix firmly in a
embroidery n. (pi. -ies) 1 art of embroid-
surrounding mass.
ering. 2 embroidered work. 3 inessential
embellish /im'beliJV u. 1 beautify,
ornament. 4 fictitious additions (to a
adorn. 2 enhance with fictitious addi-
story etc.).
tions, embellishment n. [French bel, embroil /im'broil/ v. (often foil, by with)
involve (a person etc.) in a conflict or
ember (usu. in pi.) small piece of
difficulties, embroilment n. [French
glowing coal etc. in a dying fire. [Old brouiller mix]
English] embryo /'embnau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 a unborn
ember days days of fasting and
or unhatched offspring, b human off-
prayer in the Christian Church, associ- spring in the first eight weeks from
ated with ordinations. [Old English] conception. 2 rudimentary plant in a
embezzle /im'bez(a)l/ v. (-ling) divert seed. 3 thing in a rudimentary stage. 4
(money etc.) fraudulently to one's own (attrib.) undeveloped, immature. in
use. embezzlement n. embezzler n. embryo undeveloped. embryonic
[Anglo-French] /.embn'Dnik/ adj. [Greek bruo grow]
embitter /im'bita(r)/ v. arouse bitter embryology /,embri'Dlad3i/ n. the
feelings in. embitterment n. study of embryos.
emblazon /im'bleiz(a)n/ v. 1 portray or emend /I'mend/ v. edit (a text etc.) to
adorn conspicuously. 2 adorn (a her- make corrections. emendation
aldic shield), emblazonment n. /,i:men'deij(a)n/ n. [Latin menda fault]
emblem /'emblam/ n. 1 symbol. 2 (foil,
by of) type, embodiment very {the
Usage See note at amend.
emblem of courage). 3 heraldic or emerald /'emar(a)ld/ -n. 1 bright-green
representative device. emblematic gem. 2 colour of this. -adj. bright green.
/-'maetik/ adj. [Greek, - insertion] [Greek smaragdos]
emerald green 283 empire
emerald green adj. & n. (as adj. often emollient /I'mDliant/ -adj. that softens
hyphenated) bright green. or soothes the skin, feelings, etc. -n.
Emerald Isle n. Ireland. emollient substance. [Latin mollis soft]
emerge /i'ni3:d3/ v. (-ging) 1 come up or emolument /I'mDljumant/ n. fee from
out into view. 2 (of facts etc.) become employment, salary. [Latin]
known, be revealed. 3 become recog- emote /I'maut/ v. (-ting) show excessive
nized or prominent. 4 (of a question, emotion.
difficulty, etc.) become apparent. emotion /i'mauj(9)n/ ji. 1 strong in-
emergence n. emergent adj. [Latin: stinctive feeling such as love or fear. 2
related to merge] emotional intensity or sensibility
emergency /i'm3:d3ansi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (spoke with emotion). [French: related
sudden state of danger etc., requiring to motion]
immediate action. 2 a condition requir- emotional adj. 1 of or expressing emo-
ing immediate treatment, b patient with tions. 2 especially liable to emotion. 3
this. 3 (attrib.) for use in an emergency, arousing emotion. emotionalism n.
[medieval Latin: related to emerge] emotionally adv.
emeritus /I'meritas/ adj. retired but Usage See note at emotive.
retaining one's title as an honour (emer-
itus professor). [Latin mereor earn]
emotive /I'mautiv/ adj. 1 arousing emo-
tion. 2 of emotion. [Latin: related to
emery /'eman/ n. coarse corundum for
polishing metal etc. [Greek smeris
polishing powder] Usage Although the senses of emo-
emery -board n. emery-coated nail-file, tive and emotional overlap, emotive is
emetic -adj. that causes
,/i'metik/ more common in the sense 'arousing
vomiting, -n. emetic medicine. [Greek emotion', as in an emotive issue, and is
emeo vomit] not used at all in sense 2 of emotional.
emf abbr. (also e.m.f.) electromotive empanel /im'paen(8)l/ v. (also impanel)
force. (-11-; US -1-) enter (a jury) on a panel.
emigrant /'emigrant/ -n. person who empathize /'empa.Oaiz/ v. (also -ise)
emigrates, -adj. emigrating, (-zing or -sing) (usu. foil, by with) exer-
emigrate /'emi.greit/ v. (-ting) leave cise empathy.
one's own country to settle in another. empathy /'empaGi/ n. ability to identify
emigration /-'greij(a)n/ n. [Latin:
with a person or object, empathetic
related to migrate] /-'Getik/ adj. [as pathos]
emigre /'emi.grei/ n. emigrant, esp. a emperor /'empar9(r)/ n. sovereign of an
political exile. [French] command]
empire. [Latin impero
eminence /'emmans/ n. distinction;1 emperor penguin n. largest known
recognized superiority. 2 piece of rising penguin.
ground. 3 title used in addressing or emphasis /'emfasis/ n. (pi. emphases
referring to a cardinal (Your Eminence; /-,si:z/) importance or prominence
His Eminence). [Latin: related to em- attached to a thing (emphasis on
inent] economy). 2 stress laid on a word or
eminence grise /.eimmds 'gri:z/ n. (pi. syllable to make the meaning clear or
eminences grises pronunc. same) per- show importance. 3 vigour or intensity
son who exercises power or influence of expression, feeling, etc. [Latin from
without holding office. [French, = grey Greek]
cardinal (orig. of Richelieu's secretary)] emphasize /'emfa.saiz/ v. (also -ise)
eminent /'eminent/ adj. distinguished, (-zing or -sing) put emphasis on Stress
notable, outstanding. [Latin emineo jut emphatic /im'faetik/ aaj. 1 forcibly
out] expressive. 2 of words: a bearing the
emir /e'mia(r)/ n. (also amir /a'mi9(r)/) stress, b used to give emphasis.
titleof various Muslim rulers. [French: emphatically adv.
from Arabic 'amir] emphysema /,emfi'si:ma/ n. disease of
emirate /'emirat/ n. rank, domain, or the lungs causing breathlessness.
reign of an emir. [Greek emphusao puff up]
emissary /'emisan/ n. (pi. -ies) person empire /'empaia(r)/ n. 1 large group of
sent on a diplomatic mission. [Latin: States or countries under a single au-
related to emit] thority. 2 supreme dominion. 3 large
emit /I'mit/ v. (-tt-) give or send out commercial organization etc. owned
(heat, light, a smell, sound, etc.); dis- or directed by one person. 4 (the
charge. emission /-JXa)n/ n -
[Latin Empire) hist, the British Empire.
emitto emiss-] [Latin imperium dominion]
empire-building 284 encase
empire-building n. purposeful ac- /-'leij\a)n/ n. emulative /-lativ/ adj.
cumulation of territory, authority, etc. emulator n. [Latin aemulus rival]
empirical /im'pink(a)l/ adj. (also emulsify /I'mAlsi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) con-
empiric) based on observation, experi- vert into an emulsion. emulsifica-
ence, or experiment, not on theory, tion /-fi'keiJXa)n/ n. emulsifier n.
empirically adv. empiricism emulsion /i'mAlJ(a)n/ n. 1 fine disper-
/-,siz(a)m/ n. empiricist /-sist/ n. [Greek sion of one liquid in another, esp. as
empeiria experience] paint, medicine, etc. 2 mixture of a
emplacement /im'pieismant/ n. 1 put- silver compound in gelatin etc. for coat-
ting in position. 2 platform for guns. ing photographic plate or film. 3 emul-
[French: related to place] sion paint. [Latin mulgeo milk]
employ /im'ploi/ - v. 1 use the services emulsion paint n. water-thinned
of (a person) in return for payment. 2 paint.
use (a thing, time, energy, etc.) to good en Printing unit of measurement
effect. 3 keep (a person) occupied, -n. equal to half an em. [name of the letter
(in phr. in the employ of) employed by. N]
employable adj. employer n. [Latin
en- prefix (also em- before b, p) forming
implicor be involved] verbs, = in- 2 1 from nouns, meaning

employee /.emploi'i:, -'plan/ n. person 'put into or on' (engulf; entrust; embed).
employed for wages. 2 from nouns or adjectives, meaning
employment n. 1 employing or being 'bring into the condition of (enslave);
employed. 2 person's trade or often with the suffix -en (enlighten). 3
profession. from verbs: a in the sense 'in, into, on'
employment office n. (formerly em- (enfold), b as an intensifier (entangle).
ployment exchange) State-run em- [French en-, Latin in-]
ployment agency. en- 2 prefix (also em- before b, p) in,
emporium /em'paxiam/ n. {pi. -s or inside (energy; enthusiasm). [Greek]
-ria) 1 large shop or store. 2 centre of -en suffix forming verbs: 1 from adject-
commerce, market. [Greek emporos ives, usu. meaning 'make or become so
merchant] or more so' (deepen; moisten). 2 from
empower /im'paua(r)/ v. give authority nouns (happen; strengthen). [Old
to. English]
empress /'empns/ n. 1 wife or widow of enable /i'neib(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 (foil, by to
an emperor. 2 woman emperor. + infin.) give (a person etc.) the means
[French: related to emperor] or authority. 2 make possible. 3 esp.
empty /'empti/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 con- Computing make (a device) operational;
taining nothing. 2 (of a house etc.) unoc- switch on.
cupied or unfurnished. 3 (of a vehicle enact /I'naekt/ v. 1 a ordain, decree, b
etc.)without passengers etc. 4 a hollow, make (a bill etc.) law. 2 play (a part on
insincere (empty threats), b without stage or in life), z enactive adj.
purpose (an empty existence), c vacu- enactment n. 1 law enacted. 2 process
ous (an empty head). 5 colloq. hungry. of enacting.
—v. (-ies, -ied) 1 remove the contents of. enamel /i'naem(a)l/ -n. 1 glasslike opa-
2 (often foil, by into) transfer (contents). que ornamental or preservative coating
3 become empty. 4 (of a river) discharge on metal etc. 2 a smooth hard coating, b
itself, -n. (pi. -ies) colloq. empty bottle a kind of hard gloss paint, c cosmetic
etc. emptiness n. [Old English] simulating this, esp. nail varnish. 3
empty-handed adj. (usu. predic.) 1 hard coating of a tooth. 4 painting done
bringing or taking nothing. 2 having in enamel, -v. (-11-; US -1-) inlay, coat, or
achieved nothing. portray with enamel. [Anglo-French
empty-headed adj. foolish; lacking from Germanic]
sense. enamour /i'naema(r)/ v. (US enamor)
empyrean /,empai'ri:an/ -n. the high- (usu. in passive; foil, by of) inspire with
est heaven, as the sphere of fire or abode love or delight. [French amour love]
of God. -adj. of the empyrean. en bloc /d 'blnk/ adv. in a block; all at the
empyreal adj. [Greek pur fire] same time. [French]
EMS abbr. European Monetary System. encamp /m'kaemp/ v. settle in a (esp.
EMU /,i:em'ju:, 'i:mju:/ abbr. economic military) camp. encampment n.
and monetary union; European mon- encapsulate /m'kaspsju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1

etary union. enclose in or as in a capsule. 2 express

emu /'i:mju:/ n. (pi. -s) large flightless briefly, summarize. encapsulation
Australian bird. [Portuguese] /-'leij(a)n/ n. [related to capsule]
emulate /'emju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 try to encase /m'keis/ v. (-sing) enclose in or
equal or excel. 2 imitate. emulation as in a case. encasement n.
encaustic 285 endear
encaustic /m'koistik/ -adj. (of painting 2 advance gradually beyond due limits.
etc.) using pigments mixed with hot encroachment n. [French croc
wax, which are burned in as an inlay. CROOK]
-n. 1 art of encaustic painting. 2 product encrust /m'krAst/ v. 1 cover with or
of this. [Greek: related to caustic] form a crust. 2 coat with a hard casing or
-ence suffix forming nouns expressing: deposit, sometimes for decoration.
1 a quality or state or an instance of this
[French: related to en- ]
(patience; an impertinence). 2 an action encumber /m'kAmba(r)/ v. 1 be a
(reference). [French -ence, Latin -erie] burden to. 2 hamper. [French from
encephalitis /en.sefa'laitis/ n. inflam- Romanic]
mation of the brain. [Greek egkephalos encumbrance /in'kAmbrans/ n. 1 bur-
brain] den. 2 impediment.
encephalogram /en'sefalau.graem/ n. -ency suffix forming nouns denoting
= ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM. quality or state (efficiency-, fluency;
encephalograph /en'sef8lau,gra:f/ n. presidency). [Latin -entia]
= ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH. encyclical /m'siklik(9)l/ -adj. for wide
enchant /m'tja:nt/ v. 1 charm, delight. circulation, -n. papal encyclical letter.
2 bewitch. enchantedly adv. [Greek: related to cycle]
enchanting adj. enchantingly adv. encyclopedia /m,saikla'pi:dia/ n. (also
enchantment n. -paedia) book, often in a number of
enchanter n. (fern, enchantress) per- volumes, giving information on many
son who enchants, esp. by using magic. subjects, or on many aspects of one
encircle /m's3:k(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 sur- subject. [Greek egkuklios all-round, pai-
round. 2 form a circle round. en- deia education]
circlement n.
encyclopedic adj. (also -paedic) (of
enclave /'enkleiv/ n. territory of one
knowledge or information) compre-
State surrounded by that of another.
[Latin clavis key]
end -n. 1 a extreme limit, b extremity
enclose /m'klauz/ v. (-sing) 1 a sur- (to the ends of the earth). 2 extreme part
round with a wall, fence, etc. b shut in. 2
or surface of a thing (strip of wood with
put in a receptacle (esp. in an envelope
a nail in one end). 3 a finish (no end to
with a letter). 3 (usu. as enclosed adj.)
his misery), b latter part, c death,
seclude (a religious community) from
destruction (met an untimely end), d
the outside world. [Latin: related to
result. 4 goal (will do anything to
achieve his ends). 5 remnant (cigarette-
enclosure /m'klau38(r)/ n. 1 act of
end). 6 (prec. by the) colloq. the limit of
enclosing. 2 enclosed space or area, esp.
endurability. 7 half of a sports pitch etc.
at a sporting event. 3 thing enclosed
occupied by one team or player. 8 part
with a letter. [French: related to en-
with which a person is concerned (no
encode /m'kaud/ v. (-ding) put into problem at my end), -v. 1 bring or come
to an end, finish. 2 (foil, by in) result.
encomium /m'kaumiam/ n. (pi. -s) for- end it all (or end it) colloq. commit
mal or high-flown praise. [Greek komos suicide, end on with the end facing one,
revelry] or adjoining the end of the next object,
encompass /m'kAmpas/ v. 1 contain; end to end with the end of one adjoining
include. 2 surround. the end of the next in a series, end up
encore /'Dnko:(r)/ -n. 1 audience's de- reach a specified state or action even-
mand for the repetition of an item, or for tually (ended up a drunkard; ended up
a further item. 2 such an item. -v. making a fortune), in the end finally,
(-ring) 1 call for the repetition of (an keep one's end up do one's part despite
item). 2 call back (a performer) for this. difficulties, make ends meet live
-int. /also -'ko:(r)/ again, once more. within one's income, no end colloq. to a
[French, = once again] great extent, no end of colloq. much or
encounter /m'kaunta(r)/ -v. 1 meet many of. on end 1 upright (hair stood
unexpectedly. 2 meet as an adversary. on end). 2 continuously (for three weeks
-n. meeting by chance or in conflict. on end), put an end to stop, abolish,
[Latin contra against] destroy. [Old English]
encourage /m'kAnd3/ v. (-ging) 1 give endanger /m'demd38(r)/ v. place in
courage or confidence to. 2 urge. 3 danger.
promote. encouragement n. endangered species n. species in
[French: related to en- 1 ] danger of extinction,
encroach /m'krautj/ v. 1 (foil, by on, endear /m'di9(r)/ v. (usu. foil, by to)
upon) intrude on another's territory etc. make dear. endearing adj.
endearment 286 engage
endearment n. 1 an expression of person) with (qualities etc.). [Latin
affection. 2 liking, affection, induo put on clothes]
endeavour /in'deva(r)/ (US endeavor) endurance /m'djuarans/ n. 1 power of
-v. (foil, by to + infin.) try earnestly. enduring. 2 ability to withstand pro-
-n. earnest attempt, [from en- French , longed strain. [French: related to en-
devoir owe] dure]
endemic /en'demik/ adj. (often foil, by endure /m'djua(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 undergo
to) regularly or only found among a (a difficulty etc.). 2 tolerate. 3 last. .

particular people or in a particular re- endurable adj. [Latin durus hard]

gion, endemically adv. [Greek en- in, endways adv. (also endwise) 1 with
demos the people] end uppermost or foremost. 2 end to
ending n. 1 end or final part, esp. of a end.
story. 2 inflected final part of a word. enema /'enima/ n. 1 introduction of
endive /'endaiv/ n. curly-leaved plant fluid etc. into the rectum, esp. to flush
used in salads. [Greek entubon] out its contents. 2 fluid etc. used for this.
endless adj. 1 infinite; without end. 2 [Greek hiemi send]
continual (endless complaints). 3 col- enemy /'enami/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 person
loq. innumerable. 4 (of a belt, chain, etc.) actively hostile to another. 2 a (often
having the ends joined for continuous attrib.) hostile nation or army, b mem-

action over wheels etc. endlessly ber of this. 3 adversary or opponent

adv. [Old English: related to end] (enemy of progress). [Latin: related to
endmost adj. nearest the end. in- amicus friend]

endo- comb, form internal. [Greek endon energetic /,ena'd3etik/ adj. full of
within] energy, vigorous. energetically adv.
endocrine /'endau.kram/ adj. (of a [Greek: related to energy]
gland) secreting directly into the blood.
energize /'en8,d3aiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing
or -sing) 1 give energy to. 2 provide (a
[Greek krino sift]
device) with energy for operation.
endogenous /en'dDd3inas/ adj. grow-
ing or originating from within.
energy /'enad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 capacity
for activity, force, vigour. 2 capacity of
endometrium /.endau'mrtriam/ n. matter or radiation to do work. [Greek
membrane lining the womb. [Greek ergon work]
metra womb]
enervate /'ena.veit/ v. (-ting) deprive of
endomorph /'endau.moif/ n. person
vigour or vitality. enervation
with a soft round body. [Greek morphe
/-'veij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to nerve]
en famille /,d fae'mi:/ adv. in or with
endorse /m'do:s/ v. (also indorse) one's family. [French, = in family]
(-sing) 1 approve. 2 sign or write on (a
enfant terrible /,dfd te'ri:bl/ n. (pi.
document), esp. sign the back of (a enfants terribles pronunc. same) indis-
cheque). 3 enter details of a conviction creet or unruly person. [French, = ter-
for an offence on (a driving-licence).
rible child]
endorsement n. [Latin dorsum back] enfeeble /m'fi:b(a)l/ v. (-ling) make
endoscope /'endau.skaup/ n. instru- feeble. enfeeblement n.
ment for viewing internal parts of the enfilade /,enfi'leid/-rc. gunfire directed
body. along a line from end to end. -v. (-ding)
endow /m'dau/ v. 1 bequeath or give a direct an enfilade at. [French: related to
permanent income to (a person, institu- 1
tion, etc.). 2 (esp. as endowed adj.) enfold /m'fauld/ v. 1 (usu. foil, by in,
provide with talent, ability, etc. [Anglo- with) wrap; envelop. 2 clasp, embrace.
French: related to dower] enforce /m'fo:s/ v. (-cing) 1 compel ob-
endowment n. 1 endowing. 2 endowed servance of (a law etc.). 2 (foil, by on)
income. 3 (attrib.) denoting forms of life impose (an action or one's will, etc.) on.
insurance with payment of a fixed sum enforceable adj. enforcement n.
on a specified date, or on the death of the enforcer n. [Latin: related to force ]

insured person if earlier. enfranchise /in'fraentfaiz/ v. (-sing) 1

endowment mortgage n. mortgage give (a person) the right to vote. 2 give (a
linked to endowment insurance. town) municipal rights, esp. repres-
endpaper n. either of the blank leaves entation in parliament. 3 hist, free
of paper at the beginning and end of a (a slave etc.). enfranchisement
book. /-izmant/ n. [French: related to frank]
end-product n. final product of manu- engage /m'geid3/ v. (-ging) 1 employ or
facture etc. hire (a person). 2 a (usu. in passive)
endue /m'dju:/ v. (also indue) (-dues, occupy (are you engaged tomorrow?), b
-dued, -duing) (foil, by with) provide (a hold fast (a person's attention). 3 (usu.
engaged 287 ennoble
in passive) bind by a promise, esp. of engross /m'graus/ v. 1 absorb the atten-
marriage. 4 arrange beforehand to tion of; occupy fully. 2 write out in
occupy room, seat, etc.). 5 a interlock
(a larger letters or in legal form. en-
(parts of a gear etc.). b (of a gear etc.) grossment n. [Anglo-French: related to
become interlocked. 6 a come into battle 1
EN- ]

with, b bring (troops) into battle with, c engulf /m'gAlf/ v. flow over and swamp;
come into battle with (an enemy etc.). 7 overwhelm. engulfment n.
take part (engage in politics). 8 (foil, by enhance /m'ha:ns/ v. (-cing) intensify
that + clause or to + infin.) undertake. powers, etc.); improve (some-
[French: related to gage !
thing already good). enhancement
engaged adj. 1 pledged to marry. 2 (of a n. Anglo-French from Latin altus high]
person) occupied, busy. 3 (of a telephone enigma /I'nigma/ n. 1 puzzling thing or
line, toilet, etc.) in use. person. 2 riddle or paradox. enig-
engagement n. 1 engaging or being matic /.enig'maetik/arf/". enigmatically
engaged. 2 appointment with another /.enig'maetikali/ adv. [Latin from Greek]
person. 3 betrothal. 4 battle. enjoin /m'd3Din/ v. 1 command or order.
engaging adj. attractive, charming. 2 (often foil, by on) impose (an action). 3
engagingly adv. (usu. foil, by from) Law prohibit by
engender /m'd3end8(r)/ v. give rise to; injunction (from doing a thing). [Latin
produce (a feeling etc.). [related to injungo attach]
genus] enjoy /in'd33i/ v. 1 take pleasure in. 2
engine /'end^n/ n. 1 mechanical contriv- have the use or benefit of. 3 experience
ance of parts working together, esp. as a (enjoy good health). enjoy oneself
source of power (steam engine). 2 a experience pleasure. enjoyment n.
railway locomotive, b = fire-engine. [French]
[Latin ingenium device] enjoyable adj. pleasant. enjoyably
engineer /,end3i'ni3(r)/ -n. 1 person adv.
skilled in a branch of engineering. 2 enkephalin /en'kefalm/ n. either of two
person who makes or is in charge of morphine-like peptides in the brain
engines etc. (ship's engineer). 3 person thought to control levels of pain. [Greek
who designs and constructs military egkephalos brain]
works; soldier so trained. 4 contriver. enkindle /m'kmd(a)l/ v. (-ling) cause to
-v. 1 contrive, bring about. 2 act as an flare up, arouse.
engineer. 3 construct or manage as an enlarge /m'la:d3/ v. (-ging) 1 make or
engineer, [medieval Latin: related to become larger or wider. 2 (often foil, by
ENGINE] on, upon) describe in greater detail. 3
engineering application of science
n. reproduce a photograph on a larger
to the design, building, and use of scale. enlargement n. [French:
machines etc. (civil engineering). related to large]
English /'ingliJV -adj. of England or its enlarger n. apparatus for enlarging
people or language, —n. 1 language of photographs.
England, now used in the UK, US, and enlighten /m'lait(a)n/ v. 1 (often foil, by
most Commonwealth countries. 2 (prec. on) inform (about a subject). 2 (as
by the; treated as pi.) the people of enlightened adj.) progressive.
England. [Old English] enlightenment n. 1 enlightening or
Englishman n. (fern. Englishwoman) being enlightened. 2 (the Enlighten-
person who is English by birth or des- ment) 18th-c. philosophy of reason and
cent. individualism.
engorged /m'go:d3d/ adj. 1 crammed enlist /m'list/ v. 1 enrol in the armed
full.2 congested with fluid, esp. blood. services. 2 secure as a means of help or
[French: related to en- 1 gorge] , support. enlistment n.
engraft /in'gra:ft/ v. (also ingraft) 1 enliven /m'laiv(a)n/ v. make lively or
Bot. (usu. foil, by into, on) graft. 2 cheerful; brighten (a picture etc.); in-
implant. 3 (usu. foil, by into) incorpor- spirit. enlivenment n.
ate. en masse /d 'maes/ adv. all together.
engrave /m'greiv/ v. (-ving) 1 (often [French]
foil, by on) carve (a text or design) on a enmesh /m'meJV v. entangle in or as in a
hard surface. 2 inscribe (a surface) thus. net.
3 (often foil, by on) impress deeply (on a enmity /'enmiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 state of
person's memory). engraver n. [from being an enemy. 2 hostility. [Romanic:
grave ] related to enemy]
engraving n. print made from an ennoble /i'naub(8)l/ v. (-ling) 1 make
engraved plate. noble. 2 make (a person) a noble.
ennui 288 enter
ennoblement n. [French: related to foran ensemble. [Latin simul at the

] same time]
ennill /D'nwi:/ mental weariness from
n. enshrine /m'Jram/ v. (-ning) 1 enclose
idleness or lack of interest; boredom. in a shrine. 2 protect, make inviolable.
[French: related to annoy] enshrinement n.
enormity /i'no:miti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 mon- enshroud /m'Jraod/ v. literary 1 cover
strous wickedness; monstrous crime. 2 with or as with a shroud. 2 obscure,
serious error. 3 great size. [Latin enor- ensign /'ensam, -s(a)n/ n. 1 banner or
mitas] flag, esp.the military or naval flag of a
nation. 2 standard-bearer. 3 a hist.
Usage Sense 3 is commonly found,
lowest commissioned infantry officer, b
but is regarded as incorrect by some
US lowest commissioned naval officer.
[French: related to insignia]
enormous /i'no:mas/ adj. extremely ensilage /'ensilid3/ -n. = silage, -v.
large. enormously adv. [Latin enor- (-ging) preserve (fodder) by ensilage.
mis: related to norm] [French: related to silo]
enough /I'nAf/ -adj. as much or as enslave /m'sleiv/ v. (-ving) make (a
many as required (enough apples), -n. person) a slave. enslavement n.
sufficient amount or quantity (we have ensnare /m'snea(r)/ v. (-ring) catch in
enough), -adv. 1 adequately (warm or as in a snare. ensnarement n.
enough). 2 fairly (sings well enough). 3 ensue /in'sju:/ v. (-sues, -sued, -suing)
quite (you know well enough what I happen later or as a result. [Latin
mean). have had enough of want no sequor follow]
more of; be satiated with or tired of. en suite /d 'swi:t/ -adv. forming a single
sure enough as expected. [Old English] unit (bedroom with bathroom en suite),
-adj. 1 forming a single unit (en suite
en passant I, a pae'sd/ adv. in passing;
casually (mentioned it en passant). bathroom). 2 with a bathroom attached
[French, = in passing] (seven en suite bedrooms). [French, =
in sequence]
enprint /'enpnnt/ n. standard-sized
photograph, [enlarged print] ensure /m'Juad*)/ v. (-ring) 1 make
certain. 2 (usu. foil, by against) make
enquire /m'kwaia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 seek
information; ask; ask a question. 2 =
safe (ensure against risks). ensurer
n. [Anglo-French: related to assure]
inquire. 3 (foil, by after, for) ask about
(a person, a person's health, etc.).
ENT abbr. ear, nose, and throat.
-ent suffix 1 forming adjectives denoting
enquirer n. [Latin quaero quaesit-
attribution of an action (consequent) or
state (existent). 2 forming agent nouns
enquiry n. (pi. -ies) 1 act of asking or
(president). [Latin -ent- present parti-
seeking information. 2 = inquiry.
cipial stem of verbs]
enrage /m'reid3/ v. (-ging) make furi-
entablature /m'taeblatj9(r)/ n. upper
ous. [French: related to en- ]
part of a classical building supported by
enrapture /m'raeptja(r)/ v. (-ring) de- columns including an architrave,
light intensely.
frieze, and cornice. [Italian: related to
enrich /m'ritJV v. 1 make rich or richer. table]
2 make more nutritive. 3 increase the entail /in'teil/ -v. 1 necessitate or
strength, wealth, value, or contents of. involve unavoidably (entails much ef-
enrichment n. [French: related to fort). 2 Law bequeath (an estate) to a
EN- ] specified line of beneficiaries so that it
enrol /m'raul/ v. (US enroll) (-11-) 1 cannot be sold or given away. -n. Law 1
enlist. 2 a write the name of (a person) entailed estate. 2 succession to such an
on a list, b incorporate as a member, c 2
estate, [related to tail ]
enrol oneself, esp. for a course of study, entangle /m'taeng(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 catch
c enrolment n. [French: related to or hold fast in a snare, tangle, etc. 2
EN- ] involve in difficulties. 3 complicate.
en route la 'ru:t/ adv. on the way. entanglement n.
[French] entente /on'tont/ n. friendly under-
ensconce /m'skons/ v. (-cing) (usu. refl. standing between States. [French]
or in passive) establish or settle comfort- entente cordiale n. entente, esp.
ably, [from sconce small fortification] between Britain and France from 1904.
ensemble /Dn'sDmb(9)l/ n. 1 a thing enter v. 1 go or come in or into. 2 come
viewed as the sum of its parts, b general on stage (also as a direction: enter Mac-
effect of this. 2 set of clothes worn beth). 3 penetrate (bullet entered his
together. 3 group of performers work- arm). 4 write (name, details, etc.) in a
ing together. 4 Mus. concerted passage list, book, etc. 5 register, record the
enteric 289 entrepreneur
name of as a competitor {entered for the entirely adv. 1 wholly. 2 solely.
long jump). 6 a become a member of (a entirety /in'taiarati/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 com-
society or profession), b enrol in a pleteness. 2 (usu. foil, by of) sum total.
school etc. 7 make known; present for in its entirety in its complete form.
consideration {enter a protest). 8 record entitle /m'tait(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 (usu. foil,
formally (before a court of law etc.). 9 by to) give (a person) a just claim or
(foil, by into) a engage in (conversation right. 2 give a title to. entitlement n. 1 1

etc.). b subscribe to; bind oneself by (an [Latin: related to title]

agreement, contract, etc.). c form part of entity /'entiti/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 thing with
(a calculation, plan, etc.). d sympathize distinct existence. 2 thing's existence in
with (feelings). 10 (foil, by on, upon) a itself. [Latin ens ent- being]
begin; begin to deal with, b assume the entomb /m'tu:m/ v. 1 place in a tomb. 2
functions of (an office) or possession of serve as a tomb for. entombment n. \

(property). [Latin intra within] [French: related to tomb]

enteric /en'terik/ adj. of the intestines. entomology /,enta'mDlad3i/ n. the
enteritis /.enta'raitis/ n. [Greek
study of insects. entomological
enteron intestine]
/-ma'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. entomologist n.
enterprise /'enta.praiz/ n. 1 under-
[Greek entomon insect]
taking, esp. a challenging one. 2 readi-
ness to engage in such undertakings. 3
entourage /'ontua.ra^/ n. people
attending an important person.
business firm or venture. [Latin pre-
hendo grasp]
enterprising adj. showing enterprise; entr'acte /'nntraekt/ n. 1 interval
resourceful, energetic. enterpris- between acts of a play. 2 music or dance
ingly adv. performed during this. [French]
entertain /.enta'tem/ v. 1 occupy entrails /'entreilz/ 1 bowels, intest-
agreeably. 2 a receive as a guest, b ines. 2 innermost parts of a thing. [Latin
receive guests. 3 cherish, consider (an inter among]
idea etc.). [Latin teneo hold] entrance 1
/'entrans/ n. 1 place for enter-
entertainer n. person who entertains, ing. 2 going or coming in. 3 right of
esp. professionally. admission. 4 coming of an actor on
entertaining adj. amusing, diverting. stage. 5 (in full entrance fee) admission
entertainingly adv. fee. [French: related to enter]
entertainment n. 1 entertaining or entrance 2 /m'tra:ns/ v. (-cing) 1
being entertained. 2 thing that enter- enchant, delight. 2 put into a trance. I

tains; performance. entrancement n. entrancing adj.

enthral Im'QvoAl v. {US enthrall) (-11) entrancingly adv.
captivate, please greatly. enthral- entrant /'entrant/ n. person who enters
ment n. [from en- thrall] 1

, (an examination, profession, etc.).

enthrone /m'Graun/ v. (-ning) place [French: related to enter]
on a throne, esp. ceremonially. entrap /in'traep/ v. (-pp-) 1 catch in or as
enthronement n. in a trap. 2 beguile. entrapment n. [ ]

enthuse /m'9ju:z/ V. (-sing) colloq. be or [related to en-

make enthusiastic. entreat /m'tri:t/ v. ask earnestly, beg.
enthusiasm /m'eju:zi aez(a)m/ n. 1 (
[related to en-
(oftenfoil, by for, about) strong interest
entreaty n. {pi. -ies) earnest request.
or admiration, great eagerness. 2 object
entrecote /'nntra.kaut/ n. boned steak
of enthusiasm. [Greek entheos inspired
oft" the sirloin. [French, = between-rib]
by a god]
enthusiast n. person full of enthusi- entree /'nntrei/ n. 1 dish served between
the fish and meat courses. 2 US main
asm. [Church Latin: related to enthusi-
dish. 3 right of admission. [French]
enthusiastic /m.Bjuizi'aestik/ adj. hav-
entrench /m'trentJV v. 1 a establish
ing enthusiasm. enthusiastically firmly (in a position, office, etc.). b (as
adv. entrenched an attitude etc.)
adj.) (of
entice /in'tais/ v. (-cing) attract by the not easily modified. 2 surround with a
offer of pleasure or reward. entice- 1 1
trench as a fortification. entrench- 1 1

ment n. enticing adj. enticingly adv. ment n.

[French enticier probably from Ro- entrepot /'ontra.pau/ n. warehouse for

manic] goods in transit. [French]
entire /in'taia(r)/adj. 1 whole, com- entrepreneur /,Dntrapra'n3:(r)/ n. 1
plete. 2 unbroken. 3 unqualified, abso- person who undertakes a commercial
lute. 4 in one piece; continuous. [Latin: venture. 2 contractor acting as an inter-
related to integer] mediary. entrepreneurial adj.
entropy 290 epic
entrepreneurialism n. (also entre- environmentally /-'mentali/ adv.
preneurism). [French: related to [French environ surroundings]
enterprise] environmentalist /m.vaiaran
entropy /'entrapi/ n. 1 Physics measure 'mentalist/ n. person concerned
of the disorganization or degradation of with the protection of the natural
the universe, resulting in a decrease in environment. environmental-
available energy. 2 Physics measure of ism n.
the unavailability of a system's thermal environs /m'vaiaranz/ district
energy for conversion into mechanical round a town etc.
work. [Greek: related to en- 2 trope , envisage /m'vizid3/ v. (-ging) 1 have a
transformation] mental picture of (a thing not yet exist-
entrust /m'trASt/v. (also intrust) 1 ing). 2 imagine as possible or desirable.
(foil, by to) give (a person or thing) into [French: related to visage]
the care of a person. 2 (foil, by with) envoy messenger or repres-
/'envoi/ n. 1
assign responsibility for (a person or entative. 2 (in fullenvoy extraord-
thing) to (a person) (entrusted him with inary) diplomatic agent ranking below
my camera). ambassador. [French envoyer send,
entry /'entn/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a going or from Latin via way]
coming in. b liberty to do this. 2 place of envy /'envi/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 discontent
entrance; door, gate, etc. 3 passage aroused by another's better fortune etc.
between buildings. 4 a item entered in a 2 object of this feeling, -v. (-ies, -ied)
diary, list, etc. b recording of this. 5 a feel envy of (a person etc.). [Latin invi-
person or thing competing in a race etc. dia, from video see]
b list of competitors. [Romanic: related enwrap /m'rasp/ v. (-pp-) (often foil, by
to enter] in) literary wrap, enfold,
Entryphone n. propr. intercom at the enzyme /'enzaim/ n. protein catalyst of
entrance of a building or flat for callers a specific biochemical reaction. [Greek
to identify themselves. enzumos leavened]
entwine /in'twam/ v. (-ning) twine Eocene /'i:au,si:n/ Geol. -adj. of the
round, interweave. second epoch of the Tertiary period, -n.
E-number /'i:,nAmba(r)/ n. E plus a this epoch. [Greek eos dawn, kainos
number, the EC designation for food new]
additives. eolian harp US var. of aeouan harp.
enumerate /I'nj^ v. (-ting) 1 eolithic /,i:a'li9ik/ adj. of the period
specify (items). 2 count. enu- preceding the palaeolithic age. [Greek
meration /-'reiJXa)n/ n. enumerative eos dawn, lithos stone]
/-rativ/ adj. [Latin: related to number] eon var. of aeon.
enumerator n. person employed in EP abbr. extended-play (gramophone re-
census-taking. cord).
enunciate /I'nAnsi.eit/ v. pro-
(-ting) 1 epaulette /'epa.let/ n. (US epaulet) or-
nounce (words) clearly. 2 express in namental shoulder-piece on a coat etc.,
definite terms. enunciation esp. on a uniform. [French epaule
/-'eij\a)n/ n. [Latin nuntio announce] shoulder]
enuresis involuntary
/,enjua'ri:sis/ n. epee /ei'pei/ n. sharp-pointed sword,
urination. [Greek enoureo urinate in] used (with the end blunted) in fencing.
envelop /m'velap/ v. (-p-) 1 wrap up or [French: related to spathe]
cover completely. 2 completely sur- ephedrine /'efadnn/ n. alkaloid drug
round. envelopment n. [French] used to relieve asthma, etc. [Ephedra,
envelope /'enva.laup/ n. 1 folded paper genus of plants yielding it]
container for a letter etc. 2 wrapper, ephemera /iTemara/ things of
covering. 3 gas container of a balloon or only short-lived relevance. [Latin:
airship. related to ephemeral]
enviable /'enviab(a)l/ adj. likely to ephemeral /i'femar(a)l/ adj. lasting or
excite envy, desirable. enviably adv. of use for only a short time; transitory.
envious /'envias/ adj. feeling or show- [Greek: related to epi-, hemera day]
ing envy. enviously adv. [Anglo- epi- prefix 1 upon. 2 above. 3 in addition.
French: related to envy] [Greek]
environment /m'vaiaranmant/ n. 1 epic /'epik/ -n. 1 long poem narrating
surroundings, esp. as affecting lives. 2 the adventures or deeds of one or more
circumstances of living. 3 Computing heroic or legendary figures. 2 book or
overall structure within which a user, film based on an epic narrative, -adj. 1
computer, or program operates. of or like an epic. 2 grand, heroic. [Greek
environmental /-'ment(a)l/ adj. epos song]
epicene 291 EPNS
epicene /'epi,si:n/ -adj. 1 of, for, denot- Magi, b festival of this on 6 January. 2
ing, or used by both sexes. 2 having manifestation of a god or demigod.
characteristics of both sexes or of [Greek phaino show]
neither sex. -n. epicene person. [Greek episcopacy /I'piskapasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

koinos government by bishops. 2 (prec. by the)
epicentre /'epi,senta(r)/ n. (US epi- the bishops.
center) 1 point at which an earthquake episcopal /i'piskap(a)l/ adj. 1 of a
reaches the earth's surface. 2 central bishop or bishops. 2 (of<a Church) gov-
point of a difficulty. [Greek: related to erned by bishops. episcopally adv.
centre] [Church Latin: related to bishop]
epicure /'epi,kju9(r)/ n. person with re- episcopalian /i,piska'peilian/-ad/. 1 of
fined tastes, esp. in food and drink. episcopacy. 2 of an episcopal Church or
epicurism n. [medieval Latin: related (Episcopalian) the Episcopal Church.
to Epicurean] -n. 1 adherent of episcopacy. 2 (Episco-
Epicurean /.epilgua'ruan/ -n. 1 palian) member of the Episcopal
disciple or student of the Greek philo- Church. episcopalianism n.
sopher Epicurus. 2 (epicurean) devotee episcopate /I'piskapat/ n. 1 the office or
of (esp. sensual) enjoyment, -adj. 1 of tenure of a bishop. 2 (prec. by the) the
Epicurus or his ideas. 2 (epicurean) bishops collectively. [Church Latin:
characteristic of an epicurean. related to bishop]
Epicureanism n. [Latin from Greek] episiotomy /i.pizi'Dtami/ n. (pi. -ies)
epidemic /.epi'demik/ -n. widespread surgical cut made at the vaginal open-
occurrence of a disease in a community ing during childbirth, to aid delivery.
at a particular time. -adj. in the nature
[Greek epision pubic region]
of an epidemic. [Greek epi against, episode /'epi.saud/ n. 1 event or group of
demos the people] events as part of a sequence. 2 each of
epidemiology /,epidi:mi'Dlad3i/ n. the
the parts of a serial story or broadcast. 3
study of epidemic diseases and their
incident or set of incidents in a nar-
control. epidemiologist n.
rative. [Greek eisodos entry]
epidermis /,epi'd3:mis/ n. outer layer of episodic /.epi'sDdik/ adj. 1 consisting of
the skin. epidermal adj. [Greek
separate episodes. 2 irregular, spor-
derma skin]
adic. episodically adv.
epidiascope /.epi'daia.skaup/ n. optical
epistemology /i.pisti'mmadsi/ n. philo-
projector capable of giving images of
sophy of knowledge. epistemolo-
both opaque and transparent objects,
gical /-ma'lnd3ik(a)l/ adj. [Greek epis-
[from epi-, dia-, -scope]
teme knowledge]
epidural /.epi'djuarte)!/ -adj. (of an an-
epistle /i'pis(a)l/ n. 1 joc. letter. 2
aesthetic) introduced into the space
(Epistle) any of the apostles' letters in
around the dura mater of the spinal
cord. -n. epidural anaesthetic, [from
the New Testament. 3 poem etc. in the
EPI-, DURA MATER] form of a letter. [Greek epistole from
stello send]
epiglottis /.epi'glDtis/ n. flap of car-
tilage at the root of the tongue, epistolary /I'pistalan/ adj. of or in the
depressed during swallowing to cover form of a letter or letters. [Latin: related
the windpipe. epiglottal adj. to epistle]
[Greek glotta tongue] epitaph /'epi,ta:f/ n. words written in
epigram /'epi.graem/ n. 1 short poem memory of a dead person, esp. as a tomb
with a witty ending. 2 pointed saying. inscription. [Greek taphos tomb]
epigrammatic /-gra'maetik/ adj. epithelium / (
epi'8i:li9m/ n. (pi. -s or -lia
[Greek: related to -gram] forming the outer layer of
/-ha/) tissue
epigraph /'epi,gra:f/ n. inscription. the body and lining many hollow struc-
[Greek: related to -graph] tures. epithelial adj. [Greek thele
epilepsy /'epi.lepsi/ n. nervous disorder teat]
with convulsions and often loss of con- epithet /'epi.Get/ n. 1 adjective etc.
sciousness. [Greek lambano take] expressing a quality or attribute. 2 this
epileptic /.epi'leptik/ -adj. of epilepsy. as a term of abuse. [Greek tithemi place]
-n. person with epilepsy. [French: epitome /I'pitami/ n. 1 person or thing
related to epilepsy] embodying a quality etc. 2 thing repres-
epilogue /'epi.lng/ n. 1 short piece end- enting another in miniature. [Greek
ing a literary work. 2 speech addressed temno cut]
to the audience by an actor at the end of epitomize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
a play. [Greek logos speech] make or be a perfect example of (a
epiphany /I'pifani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (Epi- quality etc.).
phany) a manifestation of Christ to the EPNS abbr. electroplated nickel silver.
epoch 292 equipoise
epoch period of history etc.
/'iipok/ n. 1 adversity. [Latin aequus even, animus
marked by notable events. 2 beginning mind]
of an era. 3 Geol. division of a period, equate /I'kweit/ v. (-ting) 1 (usu. foil, by
corresponding to a set of strata. to,with) regard as equal or equivalent. 2
epochal /'epak(a)l/ adj. [Greek, = by with) be equal or equivalent to.
pause] z equatable adj. [Latin aequo aequat-:
epoch-making adj. remarkable; very related to equal]
important. equation /i'kwei3(a)n/ n. 1 equating or
eponym /'epanim/ n. 1 word, place- making equal; being equal. 2 statement
name, etc., derived from a person's that two mathematical expressions are
name. 2 person whose name is used in equal (indicated by the sign = ). 3 for-
this way. z eponymous /I'pnnimas/ mula indicating a chemical reaction by
adj. [Greek onoma name] means of symbols.
EPOS /'i:pns/ abbr. electronic point-of- equator n. 1 imaginary line round the
sale (equipment recording stock, sales, earth or other body, equidistant from
etc. in shops). the poles. 2 = celestial equator.
epoxy /I'pDksi/ adj. relating to or de- [medieval Latin: related to equate]
rived from a compound with one oxygen equatorial /.ekwa'taTial/ adj. of or
atom and two carbon atoms bonded in a near the equator.
triangle, [from epi-, oxygen] equerry /'ekwan/ n. (pi. -ies) officer
epoxy resin n. synthetic thermosetting attending the British royal family.
resin. [French esquierie stable]
epsilon /'epsi.lDn/ of the
n. fifth letter
equestrian /I'kwestnan/ -adj. 1 of
Greek alphabet (E,[Greek] <r).
horse-riding. 2on horseback, -n. rider
Epsom salts /'epsam/ n. magnesium or performer on horseback, z eques-
sulphate used as a purgative etc. trianism n. [Latin equestris from
[Epsom in S. England] equus horse]
equable /'ekwab(a)l/ adj. 1 not varying.
equi- comb, form equal. [Latin: related
2 moderate (equable climate). 3 (of a
to equal]
person) not easily disturbed. equably
equiangular /,i:kwi'aerjgjula(r)/ adj.
adv. [related to equal]
having equal angles,
equal /'i:kw(a)l/ -adj. 1 (often foil, by to, equidistant /,i:kwi'dist(a)nt/ adj. at
with) the same in quantity, quality, size,
equal distances.
degree, level, etc. 2 evenly balanced (an
equilateral /,i:kwi'laetar(a)l/ adj. hav-
equal contest). 3 having the same rights
ing all its sides equal in length.
or status (human beings are essen-
equilibrium /,i:kwi'libnam/ n. -ria
tially equal). 4 uniform in application or
/-na/ or -s) 1 state of physical balance. 2
effect, -n. person or thing equal to
state of composure. [Latin libra
another, esp. in rank or quality, -v. (-11-;
US -1-) 1 be equal to. 2 achieve some-
thing that is equal to. z be equal to
equine /'ekwain/ adj. of or like a horse.
[Latin equus horse]
have the ability or resources for. [Latin
equinoctial /,i:kwi'nDkJ(a)l/ -adj. hap-
pening at or near the time of an equinox.
equality /I'kwDliti/ n. being equal.
-n. (in full equinoctial line) = celes-
[Latin: related to equal]
tial equator. [Latin: related to equi-
equalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
1 make or become equal. 2 reach
one's opponent's score, z equalization
equinox /'i:kwi,nDks/ n. time or date
(twice each year) at which the sun
/-'zeij\a)n/ n.
crosses the celestial equator, when day
equalizer n. (also -iser) equalizing
score or goal etc.
and night are of equal length. [Latin nox
noctis night]
equally adv. 1 in an equal manner
(treated them equally). 2 to an equal equip /I'kwip/ v. (-pp-) supply with what

degree (equally important). is needed. [Old Norse skipa to man a

Usage In sense 2, construction with equipage /'ekwipid3/ n. 1 archaic a
as (e.g. equally as important) is often requisites, b outfit. 2 hist, carriage and
found, but is considered incorrect by horses with attendants. [French:
some people. related to equip]
equal opportunity n. (often in pi.) equipment n. 1 necessary articles,
opportunity to compete on equal terms, clothing, etc. 2 equipping or being
regardless of sex, race, etc. equipped. [French: related to equip]
equanimity /.ekwa'nimiti/ n. com- equipoise /'ekwi.paiz/ n. 1 equilibrium.
posure, evenness of temper, esp. in 2 counterbalancing thing.
equitable 293 errand of mercy
equitable /'ekwitab(a)l/ adj. 1 fair, just. eraser thing that erases, esp. a piece

2 Law valid in equity as distinct from of rubber etc. for removing pencil etc.
law. equitably adv. [French: related marks.
to equity} erasure /i'rei3a(r)/ n. 1 erasing. 2 erased
equitation /,ekwi'teiJXa)n/ n. horse- word etc.
manship; horse-riding. [Latin equito erbium /'3:biam/ n. metallic element
ride a horse] of the lanthanide series. [Ytterby in
equity /'ekwiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 fairness. 2 Sweden]
principles of justice used to correct or & conj. poet, or archaic
ere /ea(r)/ prep.
supplement the law. 3 a value of the before (of time) (ere noon; ere they
shares issued by a company, b (in pi.) come). [Old English]
stocks and shares not bearing fixed erect /I'rekt/ -adj. 1 upright, vertical. 2
interest. [Latin aequitas: related to (of the penis etc.) enlarged and rigid,
EQUAL] esp. in sexual excitement. 3 (of hair)
equivalent /I'kwivalant/ -adj. 1 (often bristling, -v. 1 set up; build. 2 establish.
foil, by equal in value, amount,
to) erection n. erectly adv. erectness
importance, etc. 2 corresponding. 3 hav- n. [Latin erigere erect- set up]

ing the same meaning or result, —n. erectile adj. that can become erect (esp.
equivalent thing, amount, etc. equi- of body tissue in sexual excitement).
valence n. [Latin: related to value] [French: related to erect]
equivocal /i'kwivak(a)l/ adj. 1 of dou- erg n. unit of work or energy. [Greek
ble or doubtful meaning. 2 of uncertain ergon work]
nature. 3 (of a person etc.) questionable. ergo /'3:gau/ adv. therefore. [Latin]
equivocally adv. [Latin voco call] ergonomics /,3:ga'nDmiks/ n. the study
equivocate /I'kwiva.keit/ v. (-ting) use of the relationship between people and
ambiguity to conceal the truth. equi- their working environment. ergo-
vocation /-'keiJXa)n/ n. equivocator n. nomic adj. [Greek ergon work]
[Latin: related to equivocal] ergot /'3:gat/ n. disease of rye etc. caused
ER abbr. Queen Elizabeth. [Latin Eliza- by a fungus. [French]
betha Regina] Erin /'iann/ n. poet. Ireland. [Irish]
Er symb. erbium. ERM abbr. Exchange Rate Mechanism,
er /3:(r)/ int. expressing hesitation, ermine /'3:mm/ n. (pi. same or -s) 1
[imitative] stoat, esp. when white in winter. 2 its
-er suffix forming nouns from nouns, white fur, used to trim robes etc.
adjectives, and verbs, denoting: 1 per- [French]
son, animal, or thing that does (cobbler; Ernie /'3:ni/ n. device for drawing prize-
poker). 2 person or thing that is (for- winning numbers of Premium Bonds,
eigner; four-wheeler). 3 person con- [electronic random number mdicator
cerned with (hatter; geographer). 4 per- equipment]
son from (villager; sixth-former). [Old erode /I'raud/ v. (-ding) wear away,
English] destroy gradually. erosion n. ero-
-er 2 suffix forming the comparative of sive adj. [Latin rodo ros- gnaw]
adjectives (wider) and adverbs (faster). erogenous /i'rDd3inas/ adj. (of a part of
[Old English] the body) particularly sensitive to sex-
-er3 suffix used in a slang distortion of ual stimulation. [Greek (as erotic),
the word (rugger), [probably an exten- -genous]
sion of -ER 1 ] erotic /I'rntik/ adj. of or causing sexual
era /'iara/ n. 1 system of chronology love, esp. tending to arouse sexual de-
reckoning from a noteworthy event sire or excitement. erotically adv.
(Christian era). 2 large period, esp. [Greek eros sexual love]
regarded historically. 3 date at which an erotica erotic literature or art.
it era begins. 4 major division of geolo- eroticism /i'rDti,siz(a)m/ n. 1 erotic
J gical time. [Latin, = number (pi. of aes character. 2 use of or response to erotic
money)] images or stimulation.
• eradicate /I'raedi.keit/ v. (-ting) root err /3:(r)/ v. 1 be mistaken or incorrect. 2
i out; destroy completely. eradicable do wrong; sin. [Latin erro stray]
:b adj. eradication /-'keiJXa)n/ n. eradic- errand /'erand/ n. 1 short journey, esp.
ator n. [Latin radix -icis root] on another's behalf, to take a message,
$ erase /I'reiz/ v. (-sing) 1 rub out; obliter- collect goods, etc. 2 object of such a
ati ate. 2 remove all traces of. 3 remove journey. [Old English]
recorded material from (magnetic tape errand of mercy n. journey to relieve
JJ or disk). [Latin rado ras- scrape] suffering etc.
errant 294 escutcheon
errant /'erant/ adj. erring. 2 literary or
1 escape /I'skeip/ -v. (-ping) 1 (often foil,
archaic travelling in search of adven- by from) get free of restriction or con-
ture (knight errant). errantry n. (in trol. 2 (ofgas etc.) leak. 3 succeed in
sense 2). [from err: sense 2 ultimately avoiding punishment etc. 4 get free of (a
from Latin iter journey] person, grasp, etc.). 5 avoid (a commit-
erratic /I'raetik/ adj. 1 inconsistent in ment, danger, etc.). 6 elude the notice or
conduct, opinions, etc. 2 uncertain in memory of (nothing escapes you; name
movement. erratically adv. [Latin: escaped me). 7 (of words etc.) issue
related to err] unawares from (a person etc.). -n. 1 act
erratum /i'ra:tam/ n. (pi. errata) error or instance of escaping. 2 means of
in printing or writing. [Latin: related to escaping (often attrib.: escape hatch). 3
err] leakage of gas etc. 4 temporary relief
erroneous /I'raunias/ adj. incorrect. from unpleasant reality. [Latin cappa
erroneously adv. [Latin: related to cloak]
err] escape clause n. Law clause specifying
error /'era(r)/ n. 1 mistake. 2 condition conditions under which a contracting
of being morally wrong (led into error). party is free from an obligation.
3 degree of inaccuracy in a calculation escapee /iskei'pi:/ n. person who has
etc. (2% error). [Latin: related to err] escaped.
ersatz /'eazaets/ adj. & n. substitute, escapement n. part of a clock etc. that
imitation. [German] connects and regulates the motive
Erse /3:s/ -adj. Irish or Highland Gaelic. power. [French: related to escape]
-n. the Gaelic language, [early Scots escape velocity n. minimum velocity
form of Irish] to escape from the gravitational
erstwhile /'3:stwail/ -adj. former, pre- a body.
field of
vious, -adv. archaic formerly, [related
escapism n. pursuit of distraction and
to ere]
relief from reality. escapist n. & adj.
eructation / 1
i:rAk'teiJ(9)n/ n. formal escapology /,eska'pDlad3i/ n. tech-
belching. [Latin ructo belch]
niques of escaping from confinement,
erudite /'eru:,dait/ adj. learned. eru-
esp. as entertainment. escapologist
dition /-'diJXa)n/ n. [Latin eruditus
instructed: related to rude]
erupt /I'rApt/ v. 1 break out suddenly or
escarpment /i'ska:pmant/ n. long steep
slope at the edge of a plateau etc.
dramatically. 2 (of a volcano) eject lava
[French from Italian: related to scarp]
etc. 3 (of a rash etc.) appear on the skin.
eruption n. eruptive adj. [Latin
eschatology /,eska'tDlad3i/ n. theology

erumpo erupt- break out] of death and final destiny. eschatolo-

gical /-t8'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. [Greek eskha-
-ery (also -ry) forming nouns
tos last]
denoting: 1 class or kind (greenery;
machinery, citizenry). 2 employment; escheat /is'tji:t/ hist -n. 1 reversion of
property to the State etc. in the absence
state or condition (dentistry; slavery). 3
of legal heirs. 2 property so affected, -v.
place of work or cultivation or breeding
1 hand over (property) as an escheat. 2
(brewery; rookery). 4 behaviour
(mimicry). 5 often derog. all that has to confiscate. 3 revert by escheat. [Latin
do with (popery). [French -erie]
cado fall]

erysipelas /.eri'sipilas/ n. disease caus- eschew /is'tju:/ v. formal avoid; abstain

ing fever and a deep red inflammation of from. eschewal n. [Germanic: related
the skin. [Latin from Greek] to SHY 1 ]
erythrocyte /I'nGrau.sait/ n. red blood escort -n. /'eska:t/ 1 one or more per-

[Greek eruthros red, -cyte]

cell. sons, vehicles, etc., accompanying a
Es symb. einsteinium. person, vehicle, etc., for protection or as
escalate /'eska.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 increase a mark of status. 2 person accompany
or develop (usu. rapidly) by stages. 2 ing a person of the opposite sex socially
make or become more intense. es- -v. /i'ska:t/ act as an escort to. [French
calation /-'leiJXa)n/ n. [from escalator] from Italian]
escalator n. moving staircase consist- escritoire /,eskri'twa:(r)/ n. writing
ing of a circulating belt forming steps. desk with drawers etc. [French from
[Latin scala ladder] Latin scriptorium writing-room]
escalope /' n. thin slice of bone- escudo /e'skju:dao/ n. (pi. -s) chief mon
less meat, esp. veal. [French, originally etary unit of Portugal. [Spanish and
= shell] Portuguese from Latin scutum shield]
escapade /'eska.peid/ n. piece of reck- escutcheon /i'skAtJXa)n/ n. shield or
less behaviour. [French from Provencal emblem bearing a coat of arms. [Latin
or Spanish: related to escape] scutum shield]
Eskimo 295 estate
Eskimo /'eski.mau/ -n. (pi. same or -s) 1 when no other title is used, esp. as a
member of a people inhabiting N. form of address for letters. 2 archaic =
Canada, Alaska, Greenland, and E. squire. [French from Latin scutum
Siberia. 2 language of this people, -adj. shield]
of Eskimos or their language. [Algon- -ess suffix forming nouns denoting
quian] females (actress; lioness). [Greek -issa]
essay -n. /'esei/ 1 short piece of writing
Usage The Eskimos of N. America
on a given subject. 2 (often foil, by at, in)
name Inuit.
prefer the
formal attempt, —v. /e'sei/ attempt.
ESN abbr. educationally subnormal. essayist n. [Latin exigo weigh: cf.
esophagus US var. of oesophagus. assay]
esoteric /.esau'tenk/ adj. intelligible essence /'es(9)ns/ n. 1 fundamental
only to those with special knowledge. nature; inherent characteristics. 2 a
esoterically adv. [Greek eso within] extract got by distillation etc. b per-
ESP abbr. extrasensory perception. fume. of the essence indispensable,
espadrille /.espa'dril/ n. light canvas in essence fundamentally. [Latin esse
shoe with a plaited fibre sole. [Proven- be]
cal: related to esparto] essential /i'senj(a)l/ -adj. 1 necessary;
espalier /i'spaelia(r)/ n. 1 lattice-work indispensable. 2 of or constituting the
along which the branches of a tree or essence of a person or thing. -n. (esp. in
shrub are trained. 2 tree or shrub so pi.) basic or indispensable element or
trained. [French from Italian] thing. essentially adv. [Latin:
esparto /e'spa:tau/ n. (pi. -s) (in full related to essence]
esparto grass) coarse grass of Spain essential oil n. volatile oil derived
and N. Africa, used to make good- from a plant etc. with its characteristic
, quality paper etc. [Greek spar ton rope] odour.

especial /i'spej(a)l/ adj. notable. [Latin: -est suffix forming the superlative of
related to special] adjectives (widest; nicest; happiest)
especially adv. 1 in particular. 2 much and adverbs (soonest). [Old English]
more than in other cases 3 particularly
. establish /I'staebliJV v. 1 set up (a busi-
Esperanto /.espa'raentau/ n. an artifi- ness, system, etc.) on a permanent basis.
cial language designed for universal 2 (foil, by in) settle (a person or oneself)
use. [Latin spero hope] in some capacity. 3 (esp. as established
espionage /'^/ n. spying or use adj.) a achieve permanent acceptance
of spies. [French: related to spy] for (a custom, belief, etc.). b place (a fact
I esplanade /.espla'neid/ n. 1 long open etc.) beyond dispute. [Latin stabilio
I level area for walking on, esp. beside the make firm]
1 sea. 2 level space separating a fortress Established Church n. the Church
from a town. [Latin planus level] recognized by the State.
espousal /i'spauz(9)l/ n. 1 (foil, by of) establishment n. 1 establishing or
* espousing of (a cause etc.). 2 archaic being established. 2 a business organ-
j I marriage, betrothal. ization or public institution, b place of
2 espouse /I'spauz/ v. (-sing) 1 adopt or business, c residence. 3 a staff of an
1 support (a cause, doctrine, etc.). 2 organization, b household. 4 organized
archaic a (usu. of a man) marry, b (usu. body permanently maintained. 5
in foil, by to) give (a woman) in marriage. Church system organized by law. 6 (the
[Latin spondeo betroth] Establishment) social group with
espresso /e'spresau/ n. (also expresso authority or influence and resisting
er- /ek'spresau/) (pi. -s) strong black coffee change.
a made under steam pressure. [Italian, = estate /I'steit/ n. 1 property consisting of
as pressed out] much land and usu. a large house. 2
,v esprit /e'spri:/ n. sprightliness, wit. modern residential or industrial area
!y esprit de corps /da 'ko:(r)/ devotion to with an integrated design or purpose. 3
i and pride in one's group. [French: person's assets and liabilities, esp. at
related to spirit] death. 4 property where rubber, tea,
J espy /I'spai/ v. (-ies, -led) catch sight of. grapes, etc., are cultivated. 5 order or
u [French: related to spy] class forming (or regarded as) part of
Esq. abbr. Esquire. the body politic. 6 archaic or literary
J -esque suffix forming adjectives mean- state or position in life (the estate of holy
J ing 'in the style of or 'resembling' matrimony). the Three Estates
(Kafkaesque). [French from Latin Lords Spiritual (the heads of the
\ -iscus] Church), Lords Temporal (the peerage),
esquire /i'skwaia(r)/ n. 1 (usu. as abbr. and the Commons. [French estat, from
Esq.) title added to a man's surname Latin sto stat- stand]
estate agent 296 ethos
estate agent n. person whose business by on, upon) impress deeply (esp. on the
is the sale or lease of buildings and land mind). etcher n. [Dutch etsen]
on behalf of others. etching n. 1 print made from an etched
estate car n. car with a continuous area plate. 2 art of producing these plates.
for rear passengers and luggage, eternal /i't3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 existing
estate duty n. hist, death duty. always; without an end or (usu.) begin-
ning. 2 unchanging. 3 colloq. constant;
Usage Estate duty was replaced in
too frequent (eternal nagging). eter-
1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986 nally adv. [Latin aeternus]
by inheritance tax.
eternal triangle n. two people of one
esteem /i'sti:m/ -v. 1 (usu. in passive) sex and one person of the other involved
have a high regard for. 2 formal con- in a complex emotional relationship.
sider (esteemed it an honour), -n. high eternity /i't3:mn/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 infinite
regard; favour. [Latin: related to es- (esp. future) time. 2 endless life after
timate] death. 3 being eternal. 4 colloq. (often
ester /'esta(r)/ n. Chem. a compound prec. by an) a very long time. [Latin:
produced by replacing the hydrogen of related to eternal]
an acid by an organic radical. [German] eternity ring n. finger-ring esp. set
estimable /'estim9b(9)l/ adj. worthy of with gems all round,
esteem; admirable. [Latin: related to -eth var. of -th.
esteem] ethanal /'eGa.nael/ n. = acetaldehyde.
estimate -n. /'estimat/ 1 approximate ethane /'i:0em/ n. gaseous hydrocarbon
judgement, esp. of cost, value, size, etc. 2 of the alkane series, [from ether]
statement of approximate charge for ether /'i:6a(r)/ n. 1 Chem. colourless

work to be undertaken, -v. /'esti.meit/ volatile organic liquid used as an anaes-

(-ting) (also absol.) 1 form an estimate thetic or solvent. 2 clear sky; upper
or opinion of. 2 (foil, by that) make a regions of the air. 3 hist, a medium
rough calculation. 3 (often foil, by at) formerly assumed to permeate all
space, b medium through which electro-
form an estimate; adjudge. estimator
/-.meita(r)/ n. [Latin aestimo fix the price magnetic waves were formerly thought
to be transmitted. [Greek aitho burn]
estimation /.esti'meiJXaM n. 1 estimat-
ethereal /I'Gianal/ adj. 1 light, airy. 2
highly delicate, esp. in appearance. 3
ing. 2 judgement of worth. [Latin:
heavenly. ethereally adv. [Greek:
related to estimate]
related to ether]
Estonian /e'staonian/ -n. 1 a native
ethic /'eGik/ -n. set of moral principles
or national of Estonia in eastern
(the Quaker ethic), -adj. = ethical.
Europe, b person of Estonian descent.
[Greek: related to ethos]
2 language of Estonia, —adj. of Estonia,
ethical adj. 1 relating to morals, esp. as
its people, or language.
concerning human conduct. 2 morally
estrange /i'stremd3/ v. (-ging) 1 (usu. in correct. 3 (of a drug etc.) not advertised
passive; often foil, by from) alienate;
to the general public, and usu. available
make hostile or indifferent. 2 (as only on prescription. ethically adv.
estranged adj.) (of a husband or wife) ethics (also treated as sing.) 1
no longer living with his or her spouse. moral philosophy. 2 a moral principles,
estrangement n. [Latin: related to b set of these.
strange] Ethiopian /.LGi'aupian/ -n. 1 native or
estrogen US var. of oestrogen. national of Ethiopia in NE Africa. 2
estrus US var. of oestrus. person of Ethiopian descent, -adj. of
estuary /'estjuan/ n. (pi. -ies) wide tidal Ethiopia.
river mouth. [Latin aestus tide] ethnic /'eGnik/ adj. 1a (of a social group)
ETA abbr. estimated time of arrival, having a common national or cultural
eta /'i:ta/ n. seventh letter of the Greek tradition, b (of music, clothing, etc.)
alphabet (H, v ). [Greek] inspired by or resembling those of an
et al. /et 'sell abbr. and others. [Latin et exotic people. 2 denoting origin by birth
alii] or descent rather than nationality (eth-
etc. abbr. = et cetera. nic Turks). ethnically adv. [Greek
et cetera /et 'setra/ (also etcetera) ethnos nation]
-adv. 1 and the rest. 2 and so on. -n. (in ethnology /eG'nDlad3i/ n. the compara-
pi.) the usual extras. [Latin] tive study of peoples. ethnological
etch v. 1 a reproduce (a picture etc.) by /-na'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. ethnologist n.
engraving it on a metal plate with acid ethos /'i:GDs/ n. characteristic spirit or
(esp. to print copies), b engrave (a plate) attitudes of a community etc. [Greek
in this way. 2 practise this craft. 3 (foil. ethos character]
ethyl 297 evade
ethyl /'eGil/ n. (attrib.) a radical derived harem or court. [Greek, = bedchamber
from ethane, present in alcohol and attendant]
ether. [German: related to ether] euphemism /'ju:fi,miz(8)m/ n. 1 mild or
ethylene /'e8i,li:n/ n. a hydrocarbon of vague expression substituted for a
the alkene series. harsher or more direct one (e.g. pass
etiolate /'i:tia,leit/ v. (-ting) 1 make (a over for die). 2 use of such expressions.
plant) pale by excluding light. 2 give a euphemistic /- mistik/ adj. euphem-
sickly colour to (a person). etiolation istically /-'mistikali/ adv. [Greek
/-'leij*(a)n/ n. [Latin stipula straw] pheme speaking]
etiology US var. of aetiology. euphonium /ju:'f8uni8m/ n. brass
etiquette /'eti.ket/
n. conventional instrument of the tuba family, [related
rules of social behaviour or professional to euphony]
conduct. [French: related to ticket] euphony /'ju:fani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 pleas-
Etruscan /I'trAskan/ —adj. of ancient antness of sound, esp. of a word or
Etruria in Italy, -n. 1 native of Etruria. phrase. 2 pleasant sound. euphoni-
2 language of Etruria. [Latin Etruscus] ous /-'faonias/ adj. [Greek phone sound]
et seq. abbr. (also et seqq.) and the euphoria /ju:'fo:na/ n. intense feeling
following (pages etc.). [Latin et sequen- of well-being and excitement.
tial euphoric /-'fonk/ adj. [Greek pherd
-ette suffix forming nouns meaning: 1 bear]
small {kitchenette). 2 imitation or sub- Eurasian /jua'rei3(8)n/-arf/.1 of mixed
stitute (flannelette). 3 female (usher- European and Asian parentage. 2 of
ette). [French]
Europe and Asia. -n. Eurasian person.
etude /'eitju:d/ n. = study n. 6. [French, eureka /jua'rrka/ int. I have found it!
= study]
(announcing a discovery etc.). [Greek
etymology /,eti'mDl8d3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a heureka]
derivation and development of a word
Euro- comb, form Europe, European,
in form and meaning, b account of
these. 2 the study of word origins.
Eurodollar /'ju9rau,dDla(r)/ n. dollar
etymological /-ma'k)d3ik(8)l/ adj. ety-
held in a bank outside the US.
mologist [Greek etumos true]
Eu symb. europium. European / juara'pian/ -adj. 1 of or in

Europe. 2 originating in, native to, or

eu- comb, form well, easily. [Greek]
characteristic of Europe, -n. 1 a native
eucalyptus /ju:ka'lipt9s/ n. (pi. -tuses
or inhabitant of Europe, b person de-
or -ti /-tai/) (also eucalypt pi. -s) 1 tall
evergreen Australasian tree. 2 its
scended from natives of Europe. 2 per-
son favouring European integration.
used as an antiseptic etc. [from eu-,
Greek kaluptos covered] [Greek Europe Europe]
Eucharist /'ju:kanst/ n. 1 Christian
europium /ju'raupiam/ n. metallic ele-
sacrament in which consecrated bread ment of the lanthanide series, [from the
and wine are consumed. 2 consecrated name Europe]
elements, esp. the bread. Euchar- Eustachian tube /ju:'steij(a)n/ n. tube
istic /-'nstik/ adj. [Greek, = thanks- from the pharynx to the cavity of the
giving] middle ear. [Eustachio, name of an
eugenics /ju:'d3emks/ (also anatomist]
treated as sing.) improvement of the euthanasia /ju:0a'neizia/ n. bringing
qualities of a race by control of inher- about of a gentle death in the case of
ited characteristics. eugenic adj. incurable and painful disease. [Greek
eugenically adv. [from eu-, Greek gen- thanatos death]
produce] eV abbr. electronvolt.
eukaryote /ju.'kaen.aot/ n. organism evacuate /I'vaekju.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 a re-
consisting of a cell or cells in which the move (people) from a place of danger, b
genetic material is contained within a empty (a place) in this way. 2 make
distinct nucleus. eukaryotic /-'ntik/ empty. 3 (of troops) withdraw from (a
adj. [from eu-, karyo- from Greek kar- place). 4 empty (the bowels etc.).
uon kernel, -ote as in zygote] evacuation /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin vacuus
eulogize /'ju:l9,d3aiz/ v. (also -ise) empty]
(-zing or -sing) praise in speech or evacuee /i.vagkju:!:/ n. person evacu-
writing. eulogistic /-'d3istik/ adj. ated.
eulogy /'ju:lad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 speech or evade /I'veid/ v. (-ding) 1 a escape from,
writing in praise of a person. 2 expres- avoid, esp. by guile or trickery, b avoid
sion of praise. [Latin from Greek] doing (one's duty etc.). c avoid answer-
eunuch /'ju:nak/ n. castrated man, esp. ing (a question). 2 avoid paying (tax).
one formerly employed at an oriental [Latin evado escape]
evaluate 298 ever
evaluate /I'vaeljo.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 assess, on. evenly adv. evenness n. [Old
appraise. 2 find or state the number or English]
amount of. evaluation /-'eij(9)n/ n. even 2 /'i:v(9)n/ n. poet, evening. [Old
[French: related to value] English]
evanesce /.eva'nes/ v. (-cing) literary even chance n. equal chance of success
fade from sight. [Latin vanus empty] or failure.
evanescent /,ev9'nes(9)nt/ adj. quickly eVen-handed adj. impartial,
fading. evanescence n. evening /'i:vnirj/ n. end part of the day,
evangelical /,i:vaen'd3elik(9)l/ -adj. 1 esp. from about 6 p.m. to bedtime. [Old
of or according to the teaching of the English: related to even 2 ]
gospel. 2 of the Protestant school main- evening dress n. formal dress for
taining the doctrine of salvation by evening wear.
faith, -n. member of this. evangel- evening primrose n. plant with pale-
icalism n. evangelically adv. [Greek: yellow flowers that open in the evening.
related to eu-, angel] evening star n. planet, esp. Venus,
evangelism /i'vaend39,liz(a)m/ n. conspicuous in the west after sunset.
preaching or spreading of the gospel. even money n. betting odds offering
evangelist n. 1 writer of one of the four the gambler the chance of winning the
Gospels. 2 preacher of the gospel. amount staked.
evangelistic /-'listik/ adj. evens = even money.
evangelize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
evensong n. service of evening prayer
1 (also absol.) preach the gospel to. 2
in the Church of England, [from even 2 ]
convert to Christianity. evangeliza- event thing that happens. 2
/I'vent/ n. 1
tion /-'zeij(9)n/ n.
fact of a thing's occurring. 3 item in a
evaporate turn
/I' v. (-ting) 1
(esp. sports) programme. at all
from solid or liquid into vapour. 2
events (or in any event) whatever
(cause to) lose moisture as vapour. 3
happens, in the event as it turns (or
(cause to) disappear. evaporable adj.
turned) out. in the event of if (a speci-
evaporation /-'reij*(9)n/ n. [Latin:
fied thing) happens, in the event that if
related to vapour]
it happens that. [Latin venio vent- come]
evaporated milk n. unsweetened
milk concentrated by evaporation. Usage The phrase in the event that is
evasion /i'vei3(9)n/ n. evading. 2 evas-
1 considered awkward by some people. It
ive answer. [Latin: related to evade] can usually be avoided by rephrasing,
evasive /I'veisiv/ adj. 1 seeking to e.g. in the event that it rains can be
evade. 2 not direct in one's answers etc. replaced by in the event of rain.
evasively adv. evasiveness n.
eventful adj. marked by noteworthy
eve n. 1 evening or day before a festival
events. eventfully adv.
etc. {Christmas Eve; eve of the funeral).
2 time just before an event (eve of the
eventide /'i:v(9)n,taid/ n. archaic or
2 poet. = evening, [related to even 2 ]
election). 3 archaic evening. [ = even ]
even 1 /'i:v(9)n/ -adj. (evener, evenest) eventing n. participation in equestrian
competitions, esp. dressage and show-
1 level; smooth. 2 a uniform in quality;
constant, b equal in amount or value jumping, [see event 3]

etc. c equally balanced. 3 (of a person's

eventual /I'ventjugl/ adj. occurring in

temper etc.) equable, calm. 4 a (of a due course, ultimate. eventually

number) divisible by two without a adv. [from event]
remainder, b bearing such a number eventuality /i.ventju'aeliti/ n. (pi. -ies)

(no parking on even dates), c not involv- possible event or outcome,

ing fractions; exact (in even dozens), eventuate /I'ventju.eit/ v. (-ting) (often

-adv. 1 inviting comparison of the as- foil, by in) result.

sertion, negation, etc., with an implied ever /'ev9(r)/ adv. 1 at all times; always

one that is less strong or remarkable (ever hopeful; ever after). 2 at any time
(never even opened [let alone read] the (have you ever smoked?; nothing ever
letter, ran even faster [not just as fast as happens). 3 (used for emphasis) in any
before]). 2 introducing an extreme case way; at all (how ever did you do it?). 4 (in
(even you must realize it), -v. (often foil, comb.) constantly (ever-present). 5 (foil,
by up) make or become even. even by so, such) colloq. very; very much
now 1 now as well as before. 2 at this (ever so easy; thanks ever so). did
very moment, even so nevertheless, you ever? colloq. did you ever hear or
even though despite the fact that, get see the like? ever since throughout the
(or be) even with have one's revenge period since. [Old English]
evergreen 299 exaction
Usage When ever is used with a evildoer n. sinner. evildoing n.

question word for emphasis it is written

evil eye n. gaze that is superstitiously
believed to cause harm.
separately (see sense 2). When used
with a relative pronoun or adverb to evince /I'vms/ v. (-cing) indicate, dis-
play (a quality, feeling, etc.). [Latin:
give it indefinite or general force, ever is
related to evict]
written as one word with the relative
pronoun or adverb, e.g. however it's eviscerate /I' v. (-ting) disem-
done, it's difficult.
bowel. evisceration /-'reij(a)n/ n.
[Latin: related to viscera]
evergreen -adj. retaining green leaves evocative /I'vDkatrv/ adj. evoking (esp.
all year round, —n. evergreen plant. feelings or memories). evocatively
everlasting -adj. 1 lasting for ever or adv. evocativeness n.
for a long time. 2 (of flowers) keeping evoke /I'vauk/ v.
(-king) inspire or draw
their shape and colour when dried. -n. 1 forth (memories, a response, etc.).
eternity. 2 everlasting flower. evocation / eva'keiX(a)n/ n. [Latin yoco

evermore adv. for ever; always. call]

every /'evn/ adj. 1 each single {heard evolution /,i:va'lu:JXa)n/ n. 1 gradual
every word). 2 each at a specified inter- development. 2 development of species
val in a series (comes every four days). 3 from earlier forms, as an explanation of
all possible (every prospect of success). their origins. 3 unfolding of events etc.
every bit as colloq. (in comparisons) (evolution of the plot). 4 change in the
quite as. every now and again (or disposition of troops or ships. evolu-
then) from time to time, every other tionary adj. [Latin: related to evolve]
each second in a series (every other evolutionist n. person who regards
day), every so often occasionally. [Old evolution as explaining the origin of
English: related to ever, each] species.
everybody pron. every person. evolve /i'vdIv/ v. (-ving) 1 develop
everyday attrib. occurring every
adj. 1 gradually and naturally. 2 devise (a
day. 2 used on ordinary days. 3 com- theory, plan, etc.). 3 unfold. 4 give off
monplace. (gas, heat, etc.). [Latin volvo volut- roll]
Everyman n. ordinary or typical ewe /ju:/ n. female sheep. [Old English]
human being, [name of a character in a ewer /'ju:a(r)/ n. water-jug with a wide
15th-c. morality playl mouth. [Latin aqua water]
everyone pron. everybody. ex 1 prep, (of goods) sold from (ex-works).
every one n. each one. [Latin, = out of]
everything pron. 1 all things. 2 most ex 2 n. colloq. former husband or wife,
important thing (speed is everything). [see ex- 2]

everywhere adv. 1 in every place. 2 ex- 1 prefix (also before some consonants
colloq. in many places. e-, ef- before f) 1 forming verbs mean-
evict /I'vikt/ v. expel (a tenant etc.) by ing: a out, forth (exclude; exit), b
legal process. eviction n. [Latin upward (extol), c thoroughly (excru-
evinco evict- conquer] ciate),d bring into a state (exasperate).
evidence /'evid(a)ns/ -n. 1 (often foil, e remove or free from (expatriate; ex-
by for, of) available facts, circum- onerate). 2 forming nouns from titles of
stances, etc. indicating whether or not a meaning 'formerly'
office, status, etc.,
thing is true or valid. 2 Law a informa- (ex-president, ex-wife). [Latin from ex
tion tending to prove a fact or proposi- out of]
tion, b statements or proofs admissible ex- 2 prefix out (exodus). [Greek]
as testimony in a lawcourt. -v. (-cing) exacerbate /ek'saesa.beit/ v. ( ting) 1

be evidence of. in evidence con- make (pain etc.) worse. 2 irritate (a

spicuous. Queen's (or King's or person). exacerbation /-'beij(a)n/ n.
State's) evidence Law evidence for the [Latin acerbus bitter]
prosecution given by a participant in exact /ig'zaekt/ -adj. 1 accurate; correct
the crime at issue. [Latin video see] in all details (exact description). 2 pre-
evident adj. plain or obvious; manifest. — v. 1 demand and enforce payment
[Latin: related to evidence] of (money etc.). 2 demand; insist on;
evidential /.evi'denJXa)!/ adj. of or pro- require. exactness n. [Latin exigo
viding evidence. exact- require]
evidently adv. 1 seemingly; as it ap- exacting adj. 1 making great demands.
pears. 2 as shown by evidence. 2 requiring much effort,
evil /'i:v(a)l/ -adj. 1 morally bad; exaction /ig'zaek.T(a)n/ n. 1 exacting or
wicked. 2 harmful. 3 disagreeable (evil being exacted. 2 a illegal or exorbitant
temper), -n. 1 evil thing. 2 wickedness. demand; extortion, b sum or thing
evilly adv. [Old English] exacted.
exactitude 300 exchange
exactitude n. exactness, precision, excellence /'eksalans/ n. outstanding
exactly adv. 1 precisely. 2 (said in reply) merit or quality. [Latin: related to
I quite agree. excel]
exact science n. a science in which Excellency n. (pi. -ies) (usu. prec. by
absolute precision is possible. Your, His, Her, Their) title used in
exaggerate /ig' v. (-ting) 1 addressing or referring to certain high
(also absoi)make (a thing) seem larger officials.
or greater etc. than it really is. 2 in- excellent adj. extremely good,
crease beyond normal or due propor- excentric var. of eccentric (in tech-
tions (exaggerated politeness). exag- I nical senses).
geration /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin agger except /ik'sept/ -v. exclude from a
heap] general statement, condition, etc.
exalt /ig'zoilt/ raise in rank or power
v. 1 -prep, (often foil, by for) not including;
etc. 2 praise highly. 3 (usu. as exalted other than (all failed except him; is all
adj.) make lofty or noble (exalted aims; right except that it is too long), -conj.
exalted style). exaltation /,egzo:l archaic unless (except he be born
'teij(8)n/ n. [Latin altus high] again).^ [Latin excipio -cept- take out]
exam ig'zaem/ n. = examination 3. excepting prep. = except prep.
examination /ig.zaemi'neiJXaHi/ n. 1

examining or being examined. 2

Usage Excepting should be used only
after not and always; otherwise, except
detailed inspection. 3 test of proficiency
should be used.
or knowledge by questions. 4 formal
questioning of a witness etc. in court. exception /ik'sepJXa)n/ n. 1 excepting
examine /ig'zaemm/ v. (-ning) 1 inquire or being excepted. 2 thing that has been
into the nature or condition etc. of. 2 or will be excepted. 3 instance that does
look closely at. 3 test the proficiency of. not follow a rule. take exception

4 check the health of (a patient). 5 (often foil, by to) object, with the excep-
formally question in court. exam- tion of except.
inee /-'ni:/ n. examiner n. [Latin ex- exceptionable adj. open to objection.
amen tongue of a balance] Usage Exceptionable is sometimes
example /ig'za:mp(a)l/ n. 1 thing char- confused with exceptional.
acteristic of its kind or illustrating a
general rule. 2 person, thing, or piece of exceptional adj. 1 forming an excep-
conduct, in terms of its fitness to be tion:unusual. 2 outstanding, b excep-
imitated. 3 circumstance or treatment tionally adv.
seen as a warning to others. 4 problem Usage See note at exceptionable.
or exercise designed to illustrate a rule.
for example by way of illustration. excerpt -n. /'eks3:pt/ short extract
[Latin exemplum; related to exempt] from a book, film, etc. —v. /ik's3:pt/ (also
exasperate /ig'za:spa,reit/ v. (-ting) absol.) take excerpts from. excerp-
irritate intensely. exasperation tion /-'S3:pj(9)n/ n. [Latin carpo pluck]
/-'reiJXa)n/ n. [Latin asper rough] excess /ik'ses, "ekses/-rc. exceeding. 2 1

ex cathedra /,eks ka'0i:dra/ adj. & adv. amount by which one thing exceeds
with full authority (esp. of a papal pro- another. 3 a overstepping of accepted
nouncement). [Latin, = from the chair] limits of moderation, esp. in eating or
excavate /'ekska.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 a drinking, b (in pi.) immoderate be-
make (a hole or channel) by digging, b haviour. 4 part of an insurance claim to
dig out material from (the ground). 2 be paid by the insured, -attrib. adj. usu.
reveal or extract by digging. 3 (also /'ekses/ 1 that exceeds a limited or pre-
absol.) Archaeol. dig systematically scribed amount. 2 required as extra
to explore (a site). excavation payment (excess postage). in (or to)
/-'veij(a)n/ n. excavator n. [Latin excess exceeding the proper amount or
excavo: related to cave] degree, in excess of more than; exceed-
exceed /ik'si:d/ v. 1 (often foil, by by an ing. [Latin: related to exceed]
amount) be more or greater than. 2 go excess baggage n. (also excess lug-
beyond or do more than is warranted by gage) baggage exceeding a weight
(a set limit, esp. of one's authority, allowance and liable to an extra charge.
instructions, or rights). 3 surpass. excessive /ik'sesiv/ adj. too much or
[Latin excedo -cess- go beyond] too great, excessively adv.

exceedingly /ik'si:dinli/ adv. ex- exchange /iks'tjeind3/ -n. 1 giving of

tremely. one thing and receiving of another in its
excel /ik'sel/ v. (-11-) 1 surpass. 2 be pre- place. 2 giving of money for its equiva-
eminent. [Latin excello be eminent] lent in the money of the same or another
exchange rate 301 excuse
country. 3 centre where telephone con- privilege, etc. 2 remove from considera-
nections are made. 4 place where mer- tion (no theory can be excluded). 3 make
chants, bankers, etc. transact business. impossible, preclude (excluded all
5 a office where information is given or doubt). exclusion n. [Latin excludo
a service provided, b employment -clus- shut out]
office. 6 system of settling debts without exclusive /ik'sklu:siv/ -adj. 1 exclud-
the use of money, by bills of exchange. 7 ing other things. 2 (predic; foil, by of)
short conversation, -v. (-ging) 1 (often not including; except for. 3 tending to
foil, by for) give or receive (one thing) in exclude others, esp. socially. 4 high-
place of another. 2 give and receive as class. 5 not obtainable elsewhere or not
equivalents. 3 (often foil, by with) make published elsewhere, -n. article etc.
an exchange, in exchange (often foil, published by only one newspaper etc.
by for) as a thing exchanged (for). exclusively adv. exclusiveness n.
exchangeable adj. [French: related to exclusivity /-'siviti/ n. [medieval Latin:
change] related to exclude]
exchange rate n. value of one cur- excommunicate -v. /.ekska
rency in terms of another. 'mju:ni,keit/ (-ting) officially exclude
exchequer /iks'tjeka(r)/ n. 1 former (a person) from membership and
government department in charge of esp.sacraments of the Church, -adj.
national revenue. 2 royal or national /.ekska'mjumikat/ excommunicated.
treasury. 3 money of a private indi- -n. /.ekska'mjumikat/ excommunic-
vidual or group, [medieval Latin scac- ated person. excommunication
carium chessboard] /-'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to common]
excoriate /eks'kD:ri,eit/ v. (-ting) 1 a
Usage With reference to sense 1, the
remove skin from (a person etc.) by
functions of this department in the UK
abrasion, b strip off (skin). 2 censure
now belong to the Treasury, although
severely, z excoriation /-'eij(8)n/ n.
the name formally survives, esp. in the
[Latin corium hide]
title Chancellor of the Exchequer.
excrement /'ekskrimant/ n. faeces, z
excise /'eksaiz/ -n. 1 tax on goods
excremental /-'ment(a)l/ adj. [Latin:
produced or sold within the country of related to excrete]
origin. 2 tax on certain licences, -v. excrescence /ik'skres(a)ns/ n. 1 abnor-
(-sing) 1 charge excise on. 2 force (a mal or morbid outgrowth on the body or
person) to pay excise. [Dutch excijs from a plant. 2 ugly addition. excrescent
Romanic: related to Latin census tax] adj. [Latin cresco grow]
excise 2 /ik'saiz/ v. (-sing) 1 remove (a excreta /ik'skri:t9/ faeces and
passage from a book etc.). 2 cut out (an urine. [Latin: related to excrete]
organ etc.) by surgery. excision excrete /ik'skri:t/ v. (-ting) (of an an-
/ik'si3(a)n/ n. [Latin excido cut out] imal or plant) expel (waste matter),
excitable /ik'saitab(a)l/ adj. easily excretion n. excretory adj. [Latin
excited. excitability /-'biliti/ n. cerno cret- sift]
excitably adv. excruciating /ik'skruji.eitin/ adj.
excite /ik'sait/ v. (-ting) 1 a rouse the causing acute mental or physical pain.
emotions of (a person), b arouse (feel- excruciatingly adv. [Latin crucio
ings etc.). c arouse sexually. 2 provoke torment]
(an action etc.). 3 stimulate (an organ- exculpate /'ekskAl.peit/ v. (-ting) for-
ism, tissue, etc.) to activity. [Latin cieo mal (often foil, by from) free from
stir up] blame; clear of a charge, exculpation
excitement n. 1 excited state of mind. 2 /-'peij(a)n/ n. exculpatory /-'kAlpatan/
exciting thing. adj. [Latin culpa blame]
exciting adj. arousing great interest or excursion /ik'sk3:JXa)n/ n. journey
enthusiasm. excitingly adv. (usu. a day-trip) to a place and back,
exclaim /ik'skleim/ v. 1 cry out sud- made for pleasure. [Latin excurro run
denly. 2 (foil, by that) utter by exclaim- out]
ing. [Latin: related to claim] excursive /ik'sk3:siv/ adj. literary
exclamation /.ekskla'meij^n/ n. 1 digressive.
exclaiming. 2 word(s) exclaimed. [Latin: excuse -v. /ik'skju:z/ (-sing) 1 try to
related to exclaim] lessen the blame attaching to (a person,
exclamation mark n. punctuation act, or fault). 2 (of a fact) serve as a
mark (!) indicating exclamation. reason to judge (a person or act) less
exclamatory /ik'sklaematari/ adj. of or severely. 3 (often foil, by from) release (a
serving as an exclamation. person) from a duty etc. 4 forgive (a fault
exclude /ik'sklu:d/ v. (-ding) 1 keep out or offence). 5 (foil, by for) forgive (a
(a person or thing) from a place, group, person) for (a fault). 6 refl. leave with
ex-directory 302 exhibition
apologies, -n. /ik'skju:s/ 1 reason put exercise /'eksa.saiz/ -n. 1 activity
forward to mitigate or justify an requiring physical effort, done to sus-
offence. 2 apology {made my excuses). tain or improve health. 2 mental or
be excused be allowed to leave the spiritual activity, esp. as practice to
room etc. or be absent, excuse polite me develop a faculty. 3 task devised as
preface to an interruption etc., or to exercise. 4 a use or application of a
disagreeing, z excusable /-'kju:zab(a)l/ mental faculty, right, etc. b practice of
adj. [Latin causa accusation] an ability, quality, etc. 5 (often in pi.)
ex-directory /.eksda'rektari/ adj. not military drill or manoeuvres, -v. (-sing)
listed in a telephone directory, at one's 1 use or apply (a faculty, right, etc.). 2

own request. perform (a function). 3 a take (esp.

execrable abomin-
/'eksikrab(a)l/ adj. physical) exercise, b provide (an an-
able. [Latin: related to execrate] imal) with exercise. 4 a tax the powers
execrate /'eksi.kreit/ v. (-ting) 1 ex- of. b perplex, worry. [Latin exerceo

press or feel abhorrence for. 2 (also keep busy]

absol.) curse (a person or thing), z exert /ig'z3:t/ v. 1 bring to bear, use (a

execration /-'kreij"(a)n/ n. [Latin exsec- quality, force, influence, etc.). 2 refl.

ror curse: related to sacred] (often foil, by /or, or to + infin.) use
execute /'eksi,kju:t/ v. (-ting) 1 carry one's efforts or endeavours; strive, z
out, perform (a plan, duty etc.). 2 carry exertion n. [Latin exsero exsert- put
out a design for (a product of art or forth]
skill). 3 carry out a death sentence on. 4
exeunt /'eksi.Ant/ v. (as a stage direc-
make (a legal instrument) valid by sign- tion) (actors) leave the stage. [Latin:
seguor follow] related to exit]
ing, sealing, etc. [Latin
execution ,

',eksi kju:J(8)n/ n. 1 carrying

exfoliate eks'fauli.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 come
off in scales or layers. 2 throw off layers

out; performance. 2 technique or style

of bark, z exfoliation /-'eij(9)n/ n.
of performance in the arts, esp. music. 3
[Latin folium leaf]
carrying out of a death sentence. [Latin:
related to execute]
ex gratia /eks 'greija/ -adv. as a
favour; not from (esp. legal) obligation.
executioner n. official who carries out
-attrib. adj. granted on this basis.
a death sentence.
[Latin, = from favour]
executive ,'ig'zekjutiv/ -n. 1 person or
exhale /eks'heil/ v. (-ling) 1 breathe out.
body with managerial or administrative
2 give off or be given off in vapour, z
responsibility. 2 branch of a govern-
exhalation /,eksha leij(a)n/ n. [French

ment etc. concerned with executing from Latin halo breathe]

laws, agreements, etc. —adj. concerned
exhaust ,/ig'zo:st/ -v. 1 consume or use
with executing laws, agreements, etc., up the whole of. 2 (often as exhausted
or with other administration or adj. or exhausting adj. ) tire out. 3 study
management, [medieval Latin: related or expound (a subject) completely. 4
to execute]
(often foil, by of) empty (a vessel etc.) of
executor /ig*zekjuta(r)/ n. ifem. execu- its contents, —n. 1 waste gases etc.
trix /-triks/) person appointed by a expelled from an engine after combus-
testator to administer his or her will, tion. 2 (also exhaust-pipe) pipe or sys-
z executorial /-'to:rial/ adj. tem by which these are expelled. 3
exegesis /,eksi'd3i:sis/ n. (pi. exegeses process of expulsion of these gases, z
/-si:z ) critical explanation of a text, esp. exhaustible adj. [Latin haurio haust-
of Scripture, z exegetic /-'d3etik/ adj. drain]
[Greek hegeomai lead] exhaustion /ig'zo:stJ"(8)n/ n. 1 exhaust-
exemplar ig'zempla(r)/ n. 1 model. 2 ing or being exhausted. 2 total loss of
typical or parallel instance. [Latin: strength.
related to example] exhaustive /ig'zo:stiv/ adj. thorough,
exemplary adj. 1 fit to be imitated; comprehensive, z exhaustively adv.
outstandingly good. 2 serving as a warn- exhaustiveness n.
ing. 3 illustrative. [Latin: related to exhibit ig'zibit/ -v. (-t-) 1 show or
example] reveal, esp. publicly. 2 display (a quality
exemplify ig'zempli.fai/ v. ( ies, -ied) 1 etc.). -n. item displayed, esp. in an
illustrate by example. 2 be an example exhibition or as evidence in a lawcourt.
of. z exemplification -fi'keij(9)n/ n. z exhibitor n. [Latin exhibeo -hibit-]
exempt ag'zempt/ -adj. (often foil, by exhibition /.eksi'biJXaW n. 1 display
from) free from an obligation or liability (esp. public) of works of art etc. 2 exhib-
etc. imposed on others, —v. (foil, by iting or being exhibited. 3 scholarship,
from) make exempt, z exemption n. esp. from the funds of a school, college,
[Latin eximo -empt- take out] etc.
exhibitioner 303 expect
exhibitioner n. student who has been Israelites from Egypt. [Greek hodos
awarded an exhibition, way]
exhibitionism n. 1 tendency towards ex officio /,eks a'fijiau/ adv. & attrib.
attention-seeking behaviour. 2 Psychol. adj. by virtue of one's office. [Latin]
compulsion to display one's genitals in exonerate /ig' v. (-ting) (often
public. exhibitionist n. foil, by from) free or declare free from
exhilarate /ig' v. (often as blame etc. exoneration /-'reij\a)n/ n.
exhilarating adj. or exhilarated adj.) [Latin onus oner- burden]
enliven, gladden; raise the spirits exorbitant /ig'zo:bit(a)nt/ adj. (of a
of. exhilaration /-'reiJXa)n/ n. [Latin price, demand, etc.) grossly excessive.
hilar is cheerful] [Latin: related to orbit]
exhort /ig'zo:t/ v. (often foil, by to + exorcize /'ekso:,saiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing
infin.) urge strongly or earnestly, or -sing) 1 expel (a supposed evil spirit)
exhortation /,egzo:'teiJ(a)n/ n. ex- by prayers etc. 2 (often foil, by of) free (a
hortative /-tativ/ adj. exhortatory person or place) in this way. : exor-
/-tatan/ adj. [Latin exhortor encourage] cism n. exorcist n. [Greek horkos oath]
exhume /eks'hju:m/ v. (-ming) dig up exordium /ek'so:diam/ n. (pi. -s or -dia)
(esp. a buried corpse). exhumation introductory part, esp. of a discourse or
/-'meij(9)n/ n. [Latin humus ground] treatise. [Latin exordior begin]
exigency /'eksid3ansi/ n. {pi. -ies) (also exotic /ig'zotik/ -adj. 1 introduced from
exigence) 1 urgent need or demand. 2 a foreign country; not native. 2 strange
emergency. exigent adj. [Latin exigo or unusual, -n. exotic person or thing.
exact] exotically adv. [Greek exo outside]
exiguous /eg'zigjuas/ adj. scanty, exotica strange or rare objects,
small. exiguity /-'gju:iti/ n. [Latin] expand /ik'spaend/ v. 1 increase in size
exile /'eksail/-n. 1 expulsion from one's or importance. 2 (often foil, by on) give a
native land or (internal exile) native fuller account. 3 become more genial. 4
town etc. 2 long absence abroad. 3 exiled set or write out in full. 5 spread out flat.
person, -v. (-ling) send into exile. expandable adj. [Latin pando pans-
[French from Latin] spread]
exist /ig'zist/ v. 1 have a place in objec- expanse /ik'spaens/ n. wide continuous
tive reality. 2 (of circumstances etc.) area of land, space, etc.
occur; be found. 3 live with no pleasure. expansible can be expanded.
adj. that
4 continue in being. 5 live. [Latin existo] expansion 1 expand-
/ik'spaenj\9)n/ n.
existence n. 1 fact or manner of being ing or being expanded. 2 enlargement of
or existing. 2 continuance in life or the scale or scope of a business.
being. 3 all that exists. existent adj. expansionism n. advocacy of expan-
existential /.egzi'stenJXaH/ adj. 1 of or sion, esp. of a State's territory,
relating to existence. 2 Philos. con- expansionist n. & adj.
cerned with existence, esp. with human expansive /ik'spaensiv/ adj. 1 able or
existence as viewed by existentialism. tending to expand. 2 extensive. 3 (of a
existentially adv. person etc.) effusive, open. expans-
existentialism n. philosophical ively adv. expansiveness n.
theory emphasizing the existence of the expat /eks'paet/ n. & adj. colloq. expat-
individual as a free and self-determin- riate, [abbreviation]
ing agent. existentialist n. & adj. expatiate /ik'speiji.eit/ v. (-ting) (usu.
exit /'eksit/ -n. 1 passage or door by foil,by on, upon) speak or write at
which to leave a room etc. 2 act or right length. expatiation /-'eij(a)n/ n.
of going out. 3 place where vehicles can expatiatory /-Jiatan/ adj. [Latin spa-
leave a motorway etc. 4 actor's depar- tium space]
ture from the stage, -v. (-t-) 1 go out of a expatriate -adj. /eks'paetriat/ 1 living
room etc. 2 leave the stage (also as a abroad. 2 exiled, -n. /eks'paetriat,
direction: exit Macbeth). [Latin exeo -'peitnat/ person,
expatriate -v.
exit- go out] /eks'paetri.eit/ (-ting) expel (a person)

exit poll n. poll of people leaving a from his or her native country. 2 refl.
polling-station, asking how they voted. renounce one's citizenship. ex- I

exo- comb, form external. [Greek exo patriation /-'eiJXa)n/ n. [Latin patria
outside] native land]
exocrine /'eksau.kram/ adj. (of a gland) expect /ik'spekt/ regard as likely,
secreting through a duct. [Greek krino b look for as appropriate or one's due (/
sift] expect cooperation). 2 colloq. think, sup-
exodus /'eksadas/ n. 1 mass departure. 2 pose, be expecting colloq. be preg-
(Exodus) Biblical departure of the nant (with). [Latin specto look]
expectancy 304 explanatory
expectancy /ik'spektansi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 experience /ik'spianans/ -n. 1 obser-
state of expectation. 2 prospect. 3 (foil, vation of or practical acquaintance with
by of) prospective chance. facts or events. 2 knowledge or skill
expectant /ik'spekt(a)nt/ adj. 1 hope- resulting from this. 3 event or activity
ful,expecting. 2 having an expectation. participated in or observed (a rare ex-
3 pregnant. expectantly adv. perience), -v. (-cing) 1 have experience
expectation /,ekspek'teiJXa)n/ n. 1 of; undergo. 2 feel. [Latin experior -pert-
expecting or anticipation. 2 thing try]
expected. 3 (foil, by of) probability of an experienced adj. 1 having had much
event. 4 (in pi.) one's prospects of in- experience. 2 skilled from experience
heritance. (experienced driver).
expectorant /ek'spektarant/ -adj. experiential /ik,spiari'enj(a)l/ adj.
causing expectoration, -n. expectorant involving or based on experience.
medicine. experientially adv.
expectorate /ek' v. (-ting) experiment /ik'spenmant/ -n. proced-
(also absol.) cough or spit out (phlegm ure adopted in the hope of success, or for
etc.). expectoration /-'reij(a)n/ n. testing a hypothesis etc., or to demon-
[Latin pectus pector- breast] strate a known fact. -v. /also -,ment/
expedient /ik'spi:diant/ -adj. advant- (often foil, by on, with) make an
ageous; advisable on practical rather experiment. experimentation
than moral grounds, -n. means of /-men'teij(a)n/ n. experimenter n.
attaining an end; resource. expedi- [Latin: related to experience]
ence n. expediency n. [related to ex- experimental /ik spen'ment(a)l/ adj.
pedite] based on or making use of experiment. 2
expedite /'ekspi.dait/ v. (-ting) 1 assist used in experiments. experiment-
the progress of. 2 accomplish (business) alism n. experimentally adv.
quickly. [Latin expedio from pes ped- expert /'eksp3:t/ -adj. 1 (often foil, by
foot] at, in) having special knowledge of or
expedition /rekspi'diJXa)n/ n. 1 journey skill in a subject. 2 (attrib.) involving or
or voyage for a particular purpose, esp. resulting from this (expert advice), -n.
exploration. 2 people etc. undertaking (often foil, by at, in) person with special
this. 3 speed. [Latin: related to expedite] knowledge or skill. expertly adv.
expeditionary adj. of or used in an [Latin: related to experience]
expedition. expertise /,eksp3:'ti:z/ n. expert skill,
expeditious /.ekspi'dijas/ adj. acting knowledge, or judgement. [French]
or done with speed and efficiency. expiate /'ekspi.eit/ v. (-ting) pay the
expel /ik'spel/ v. (-11-) (often foil, by penalty for or make amends for (wrong-
from) deprive (a person) of member-
1 doing). expiable /'ekspiab(a)l/ adj.
ship etc. of a school, society, etc. 2 force expiation /-'eij(a)n/ n. expiatory adj.
out, eject. 3 order or force to leave a [Latin expio: related to pious]
building etc. [Latin pello puis- drive] expire /ik'spaia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (of a
expend /ik'spend/ v. spend or use up period of time, validity, etc.) come to an
(money, time, etc.). [Latin pendo pens- end. 2 cease to be valid. 3 die. 4 (also
weigh] absol.) breathe out (air etc.). ex-
expendable adj. that may be sacrificed piration /,ekspi'reij(a)n/ n. expirat-
or dispensed with; not worth preserving ory adj. (in sense 4). [Latin spirare
or saving. breathe]
expenditure /ik'spenditja(r)/ n. 1 expiry n. end of validity or duration.
spending or using up. 2 thing (esp. explain /ik'splein/ v. 1 a make clear or
money) expended. intelligible (also absol. : let me explain).
expense /ik'spens/ n. 1 cost incurred; b make known in detail. 2 (foil, by that)
payment of money. 2 (usu. in pi.) a costs say by way of explanation. 3 account for
incurred in doing a job etc. b amount (one's conduct etc.). explain away
paid to reimburse this. 3 thing on which minimize the significance of by explana-
money is spent. at the expense of so tion, explain oneself 1 make one's
as to cause loss or harm to; costing. meaning clear. 2 give an account of
[Latin expensa: related to expend] one's motives or conduct. [Latin
expense account n. list of an explano from planus flat]
employee's expenses payable by the explanation /,ekspla'neij(a)n/ n. 1

employer. explaining. 2 statement or circum-

expensive adj. costing or charging stance that explains something.
much. expensively adv. expensive- explanatory /ik'splaenatan/ adj. serv-
ness n. ing or designed to explain.
expletive 305 express
expletive /ik'spli:tiv/ n. swear-word or exponential /,ekspa'nenj(a)l/ adj. 1 of
exclamation. [Latin expleo fill out] or indicated by a mathematical expo-
explicable /ik'splikab(a)l/ adj. that can nent. 2 (of an increase etc.) more and
be explained. more rapid.
explicate /'ekspli.keit/ v. (-ting)
de- 1 export -v. /ik'spo:t, 'ek-/ sell or send
velop the meaning of (an idea etc.). 2 (goods or services) to another country.
explain (esp. a literary text). explica- -n. /'ekspo:t/ 1 exporting. 2 a exported
tion /-'keij\a)n/ n. [Latin explico -plicat- article or service, b (in pi.) amount
unfold] exported. exportation /-'teij(a)n/ n.
explicit /ik'splisit/ adj. 1 expressly exporter /ik'spo:ta(r)/ n. [Latin porto
stated, not merely implied; stated in carry]
detail. 2 definite. 3 expli- expose /ik'spaoz/ v. (-sing) (esp. as
citly adv. explicitness n. [Latin: exposed adj.) 1 leave uncovered or
related to explicate] unprotected, esp. from the weather. 2
explode /ik'splaod/ v. (-ding) 1 a expand (foil, by to) a put at risk of. b subject to

suddenly with a loud noise owing to a (an influence etc.). 3 Photog. subject (a
release of internal energy, b cause (a film) to light, esp. by operation of a
bomb etc.) to explode. 2 give vent sud- camera. 4 reveal the identity or fact of. 5
denly to emotion, esp. anger. 3 (of a exhibit, display. expose oneself dis-

population etc.) increase suddenly or play one's body, esp. one's genitals,
rapidly. 4 show (a theory etc.) to be false indecently in public. [Latin pono put]
or baseless. 5 (as exploded adj.) (of a expose /ek'spauzei/ n. 1 orderly state-
drawing etc.) showing the components ment of facts. 2 revelation of something
discreditable. [French]
of a mechanism somewhat separated
but in the normal relative positions.
exposition /,ekspa'ziJXa)n/ n. 1

[Latin explodo -plos- hiss off the stage]

explanatory account. 2 explanation
or commentary. 3 Mus. part of a
exploit -n. /'ekspbit/ daring feat. -v.
/ik'spbit/ 1 make use of (a resource etc.).
movement in which the principal
themes are presented. 4 large public
2 usu. derog. utilize or take advantage of
exhibition. [Latin: related to expound]
(esp. a person) for one's own ends.
ex post facto /,eks paust 'faektau/ adj. &
exploitation /,ekspbi'teiJXa)n/ n.
adv. with retrospective action or force.
exploitative /ik'spbitativ/ adj.
[Latin, = in the light of subsequent
exploiter n. [Latin: related to explic-
expostulate /ik'spDstju.leit/ v. (-ting)
explore /ik'spb:(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 travel
(often foil, by with a person) make a
through (a country etc.) to learn about
protest; remonstrate, expostulation
it. 2 inquire into. 3 Surgery examine (a /-'leij(a)n/ n. expostulatory /-latan/
part of the body) in detail. explora- adj. [Latin: related to postulate]
tion /,ekspla'reiJXa)n/ n. exploratory exposure /ik'spau3a(r)/ n. (foil, by to) 1
/-'sploratri/ adj. explorer n. [Latin exposed. 2 physical
exposing or being
exploro search out] condition resulting from being exposed
explosion /ik'splau3(a)n/ n. 1 explod- to the elements. 3 Photog. a exposing a
ing. 2loud noise caused by this. 3 sud- film etc. to the light, b duration of this, c
den outbreak of feeling. 4 rapid or sud- section of film etc. affected by it.
den increase. [Latin: related to explode] expound /ik'spaund/ v. 1 set out in
explosive /ik'splaosrv/ -adj. 1 able, detail. 2 explain or interpret. [Latin
tending, likely to explode. 2 likely to pono posit- place]
cause a violent outburst etc.; danger- express /ik'spres/ -v. 1 represent or
ously tense, -n. explosive substance, make known in words or by gestures,
explosiveness n. conduct, etc. 2 refl. communicate what
Expo /'ekspau/ n. (also expo) (pi. -s) one thinks, feels, or means. 3 esp. Math.
large international exhibition, [abbre- represent by symbols. 4 squeeze out
viation of exposition 4] (liquid or air). 5 send by express service.
exponent /ik'spaunant/ n. 1 person who -adj. 1 operating at high speed. 2 also
promotes an idea etc. 2 practitioner of /'ekspres/ definitely stated. 3 delivered
an activity, profession, etc. 3 person by a specially fast service, -adv. 1 at
who explains or interprets something. 4 high speed. 2 by express messenger or
type or representative. 5 raised symbol train, -n. 1 express train etc. 2 US
beside a numeral indicating how many service for the rapid transport of par-
of the number are to be multiplied cels etc. expressible adj. expressly
together (e.g. 2 3 = 2 x 2 x 2). [Latin adv. (in sense 2 of adj.). [Latin exprimo
expono expound] -press- squeeze out]
expression 306 extinct
expression /ik'sprej(9)n/ n. 1express- specified area. 4 (foil, by to) have a
ing or being expressed. 2 word or phrase specified scope (permit does not extend
expressed. 3 person's facial appearance, to camping). 5 offer or accord (an in-
indicating feeling. 4 conveying of feel- vitation, hospitality, kindness, etc.). 6
ing in music, speaking, dance, etc. 5 (usu. refl. or in passive) tax the powers
depiction of feeling etc. in art. 6 Math. of (an athlete, horse, etc.). extendible
collection of symbols expressing a adj. (also extensible). [Latin extendo
quantity. expressionless adj. 1
•tens-: related to tend ]
[French: related to express] extended family n. family including
expressionism n. style of painting, relatives living near.
music, drama, etc., seeking to express extended-play adj. (of a gramophone
emotion rather than the external world. record) playing for somewhat longer
expressionist n. & adj. than most singles.
expressive /ik'spresiv/ adj. 1 full of extension /ik'stenj(a)n/ n. 1 extending
expression (expressive look). 2 (foil, by or being extended. 2 part enlarging or
of)serving to express. expressively added on to a main building etc. 3
adv. expressiveness n. additional part. 4 a subsidiary tele-
expresso var. of espresso. phone on the same line as the main one.
expressway n. US motorway. b its number. 5 additional period of
expropriate /ik'spraupn.eit/ v. (-ting) time. 6 extramural instruction by a
1 take away (property) from its owner. 2
university or college.
by from) dispossess.
(foil, expropri- extensive /ik'stensiv/ adj. 1 covering a
ation /-'eij(a)n/ n. expropriator n. large area. 2 far-reaching, n extens-
[Latin proprium property]
ively adv. extensiveness n. [Latin:
expulsion /ik'spAlJ(a)n/ n. expelling or
related to extend]
being expelled. expulsive adj. [Latin:
extent /ik'stent/ n. 1 space over which a
related to expel]
thing extends. 2 range, scope, degree.
expunge /ik'spAnd3/ v. (-ging) erase,
[Anglo-French: related to extend]
remove (objectionable matter) from a
extenuate /ik'stenju.eit/ v. (often as
book etc. [Latin expungo prick out (for
extenuating adj.) make (guilt or an
offence) seem less serious by reference
expurgate /'ekspa.geit/ v. (-ting) 1 re- to another factor. extenuation
move objectionable matter from (a book
[Latin tenuis thin]
/-'eij(8)n/ n.
etc.). remove (such
2 matter). ex-
exterior -adj. 1 of or on
purgation /-geij(8)n/ n. expurgator
the outer side. 2 coming from outside.
n. [Latin: related to purge]
—n. 1 outward aspect or surface of a
exquisite /'ekskwizit/ adj. 1 extremely
building etc. 2 outward demeanour. 3
beautiful or delicate. 2 keenly felt (ex-
outdoor scene in filming. [Latin]
quisite pleasure). 3 highly sensitive
(exquisite taste). exquisitely adv. exterminate /ik'st3:mi,neit/ v. (-ting)

[Latin exquiro -quisit- seek out]

destroy utterly (esp. a living thing).
ex-serviceman /eks's3:visman/ n. man extermination /-'neiJXa)n/ n. exterm-
formerly a member of the armed forces. inator related to terminal]
n. [Latin:

ex-servicewoman /eks's3:vis,wum8n/ external /ik'st3:n(a)l/ -adj. 1 a of or on

n. woman formerly a member of the
the outside or visible part, b coming
armed forces. from the outside or an outside source. 2
extant /ek'staent/ adj. still existing. relating to a country's foreign affairs. 3
[Latin ex(s)to exist] outside the conscious subject (the ex-
extemporaneous /ik.stempa'reinias/ ternal world). 4 (of medicine etc.) for
adj. spoken or done without prepara- use on the outside of the body. 5 for
tion. extemporaneously adv. [from students taking the examinations of a
EXTEMPORE] university without attending it. -n.
extemporary /ik'stemparari/ adj. = (in pi.) 1 outward features or aspect. 2
extemporaneous. extemporarily external circumstances. 3 inessentials.
adv. externality /,ekst3:'naeliti/ n. ex-
extempore /ik'stempan/ adj. & adv. ternally adv. [Latin externus outer]
without preparation. [Latin] externalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
extemporize /ik'stempa.raiz/ v. (also -sing) give or attribute external exist-

-ise) (-zing or -sing) improvise. ence to. n externalization /-'zeij (9)n/

extemporization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. n.
extend /ik'stend/ v. 1 lengthen or make extinct /ik'stinkt/ adj. 1 that has died
larger in space or time. 2 stretch or lay out. 2 a no longer burning, b (of a
out at full length. 3 (foil, by to, over) volcano) that no longererupts. 3 obsol-
reach or be or make continuous over a ete. [Latin ex(s)tinguo -stinct- quench]
extinction 307 extreme unction
extinction ik'stinkJYajn n. 1 making extraditable ekstra,dait9b(a)l adj. 1
or becoming extinct. 2 extinguishing or liable to extradition. 2 (of a crime) war-
being extinguished. 3 total destruction ranting extradition.
or annihilation. extradite 'ekstra.dait dl (-ting) hand
extinguish ik sting wi J, p. 1 cause (a over (a person accused or convicted of a
flame, light, etc.) to die out. 2 destroy. crime) to the foreign State etc. in which
3 terminate. 4 wipe out (a debt), the crime was committed. extradi-
extinguishable adj. tion -'dij(a)n/ n. [French: related to
extinguishers. = fire extinguisher. tradition]
extirpate ekstapeit v. (-ting) root extramarital ,ekstr9maent(9)l/ adj.
out: destroy completely, extirpation (esp. of sexual relations) occurring out-
-'peij(8)n n. [Latin ex(s)tirpo from side marriage.
stirps stem of tree] extramural ,ekstr9'mju9r(9)l adj. ad-
extol ik staul dl (-11-) praise enthusi- ditional to normal teaching or studies,
astically. [Latin tollo raise] esp. for non-resident students.
extort ik'sto:t v. obtain by coercion. extraneous ik'streinias adj. 1 of
[Latin torqueo tort- twist] external origin. 2 (often foil, by to) a
extortion iksto:J(8)n n. 1 act of extort- separate from the object to which it is
ing, esp. money. 2 illegal exaction, z attached etc. b irrelevant, unrelated.
extortioner n. extortionist n.
[Latin extraneus]
extortionate ik'sto:Janat adj. (of a extraordinary ik'str3:Qin9n adj. 1
price etc.) exorbitant. extortion- unusual or remarkable. 2 unusually
ately adv. great. 3 (of a meeting, official, etc.)
extra ekstra, —adj. additional; more additional; specially employed,
than usual or necessary or expected. extraordinarily adv. [Latin]
-adv. 1 more than usually. 2 addition- extrapolate ik'straepa.leit v. (-ting)
ally (was charged extra), -n. 1 extra
(also calculate approximately
thing. 2 thing for which an extra charge
from known data etc. (others which lie
is made. 3 person engaged temporarily
outside the range of those known).
for a minor pan in a film. 4 special issue
extrapolation -leij(9)n n. [from
of a newspaper etc. 5 Cricket run scored
other than from a hit with the bat.
extrasensory .ekstrasensan adj. de-
[probably from extraordinary]
rived by means other than the known
extra- comb, form 1 outside, beyond. 2
senses, e.g. by telepathy.
beyond the scope of. [Latin extra out-
extraterrestrial .ekstrati'restnal
-adj. outside the earth or its atmos-
extra cover n. Cricket 1 fielding posi-
phere, -n. (in science fiction) being
tion on a line between cover-point and
from outer space.
mid-off. but beyond these. 2 fielder at
this position.
extravagant ik'straevagant adj. 1
spending money excessively. 2 excess-
extract -v. ik'straekt 1 remove or take
ive; absurd. 3 costing much, extrava-
out. esp. by effort or force. 2 obtain
(money, an admission, etc.) against a
gance n. extravagantly adv. [Latin
person's will. 3 obtain (a natural re-
vagor wander]
source) from the earth. 4 select or repro-
extravaganza ik.straeva'gaenza n. 1

spectacular theatrical or television pro-

duce for quotation or performance. 5
duction. 2 fanciful literary, musical, or
obtain (juice etc.) by pressure, distilla-
tion, etc. 6 derive (pleasure etc.). 7 find
dramatic composition. [Italian]
(the root of a number). -n. 'ekstraekt 1
extreme ik'stri:m -adj. 1 of a high, or
short passage from a book etc. 2 pre- the highest, degree (extreme danger). 2
paration containing a concentrated severe (extreme measures). 3 outer-
constituent of a substance (malt ex- most. 4 on the far left or right of a
tract). [Latin traho tract- draw] political party. 5 utmost; last. -n. 1
extraction ik'straekj"(a)n n. 1 extract- (often in pi) either of two things as
ing or being extracted. 2 removal of a remote or as different as possible. 2
tooth. 3 lineage, descent (of Indian thing at either end. 3 highest degree. 4
extraction). [Latin: related to extract] Math, first or last term of a ratio or
extractive ik'straektiv adj. of or series. go to extremes take an
involving extraction. extreme course of action, in the
extractor ik'straekta(r) n. 1 person or extreme to an extreme degree. ex-
machine that extracts. 2 (attrib.) (of a tremely adv. [French from Latin]
device) that extracts bad air etc. extreme unction n. last rites in the
extracurricular ,ekstrak8'nkjula(r) Roman Catholic and Orthodox
adj. not part of the normal curriculum. Churches.
extremist 308 eyrie
extremist n. (also attrib.) person with (foil, by look amorously or flirta-
extreme views. extremism n. tiously at. one in the eye (foil, by for)
extremity ik'stremiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 disappointment or setback, see eye to
extreme point; very end. 2 (in pi.) the eye (often by with) agree, set eyes
hands and feet. 3 condition of extreme on see. up
to the (or one's) eyes in
adversity. [Latin: related to extreme] deeply engaged or involved in. with
extricate /'ekstri.keit/ v. (-ting) (often one's eyes shut (or closed) with little
foil, by from) free or disentangle from effort, with an eye to with a view to.
a difficulty etc. z extricable adj. ex- [Old English]
trication /-'keiJXa)n/ n. [Latin tricae eyeball -n. ball of the eye within the
perplexities] lids and socket, -v. US slang look or
extrinsic /ek'strmsik/ adj. 1 not inher- stare (at).
ent or intrinsic. 2 (often foil, by eyeball to eyeball adv. colloq. con
to) extraneous; not belonging, z ex- fronting closely.
trinsically adv. [Latin extrinsecus eyebath n. small vessel for applying
outwardly] lotion etc. to the eye.
extrovert /'ekstra,v3:t/ -n. 1 outgoing eyebright n. plant used as a remedy for
person. 2 person mainly concerned with weak eyes.
external things, -adj. typical of or with eyebrow n. line of hair on the ridge
the nature of an extrovert, z extrover- above the eye-socket, z raise one's
sion / 'V3:j(a)n/ n. extroverted adj. eyebrows show surprise, disbelief, or
[Latin verto turn] disapproval.
extrude /ik'stru:d/ v. (-ding) 1 (foil, by eye-catching adj. colloq. striking.
from) thrust or force out. 2 shape metal, eyeful n. (pi. -s) colloq. 1 (esp. in phr. get
plastics, etc. by forcing them through a an eyeful (of)) good look; as much as
die. z extrusion n. extrusive adj. the eye can take in. 2 visually striking
[Latin extrudo -trus- thrust out] person or thing. 3 thing thrown or
exuberant /ig'zju:barant/ adj. 1 lively, blown into the eye.
high-spirited. 2 (of a plant etc.) prolific. 3 eyeglass n. lens to assist defective
(of feelings etc.) abounding, z exuber- sight.
ance n. exuberantly adv. [Latin uber eyehole n. hole to look through,
fertile] eyelash n. each of the hairs growing on
exude /ig'zju:d/ v. (-ding) 1 ooze out. 2 the edges of the eyelids,
emit (a smell). 3 display (an emotion eyelet /'ailit/ n.
1 small hole for string or

etc.) freely,z exudation /-'deij\a)n/ n. rope etc. to pass through. 2 metal ring
[Latin sudo sweat] strengthening this. [French oillet from
exult /ig'zAlt/ v. be joyful, z exultation Latin oculus]
/-'teiJXa)n/ n. exultant adj. exultantly eyelid n. either of the folds of skin
adv. [Latin ex(s)ulto from salio salt- closing to cover the eye.
leap] eye-liner n. cosmetic applied as a line
-ey var. of -y 2 . round the eye.
eye /ail -n. 1 organ of sight. 2 eye eye-opener n. colloq. enlightening ex-
characterized by the colour of the iris perience; unexpected revelation.
(has blue eyes). 3 region round the eye eyepiece n. lens or lenses to which the
(eyes swollen from weeping). 4 (in sing. eye is applied at the end of an optical
or pi.) sight. 5 particular visual ability instrument.
(a straight eye). 6 thing like an eye, esp.: eye-shade n. device to protect the eyes,
a a spot on a peacock's tail, b a leaf bud esp. from strong light.
of a potato. 7 calm region at the centre of eye-shadow n. coloured cosmetic ap-
a hurricane etc. 8 hole of a needle, -v. plied to the eyelids.
(eyes eyed, eyeing or eying) (often
eyesight n. faculty or power of seeing,
foil, by up) watch or observe closely, eyesore n. ugly thing,
esp. admiringly or with suspicion, z all eye strain n. fatigue of the eye muscles,
eyes watching intently, an eye for an eye-tooth n. canine tooth in the upper
eye retaliation in kind, have an eye for jaw just under the eye.
be discerning about, have one's eye on eyewash n. 1 lotion for the eyes. 2 slang
wish or plan to procure, have eyes for nonsense; insincere talk,
be interested in; wish to acquire, keep eyewitness n. person who saw a thing
an eye on 1 watch. 2 look after, keep an happen and can tell of it.
eye open (or out) (often foil, by for) eyrie /'ian/ n. 1 nest of a bird of prey,
watch carefully, keep one's eyes open esp. an eagle, built high up. 2 house etc.
(or peeled or skinned) watch out; be on perched high up. [French aire lair, from
the alert, make eyes (or sheep's eyes) Latin agrum piece of ground]
F 1
ef n. (also f) (pi Fs or F's> 1 sixth cheerfully. save face avoid humili-
letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. fourth note ation, set one's face against oppose
of the diatonic scale of C major. stubbornly, to a person's face openly
F ;
abbr. (also F.) 1 Fahrenheit. 2 farad(s). in a person's presence. [Latin fades]
3 fine (pencil-lead). face-cloth n. cloth for washing one's
F 3
symb. fluorine. face.
f abbr. (also f.) 1 female. 2 feminine. 3 face-flannel n. = face-cloth.
following page etc. 4 Mus. forte. 5 folio. 6 faceless adj. 1 without identity: charac-
focal length. terless. 2 purposely not identifiable.
FA abbr. Football Association, face-lift n. 1 (also face-lifting) cos-
fa var. of fah. metic surgery to remove wrinkles etc.
fab adj. colloq. fabulous, marvellous, 2 improvement to appearance, effi-
[abbreviation! ciency, etc.
fable 'feib<a)l n. 1 a fictional, esp. face-pack n. skin preparation for the
supernatural, story, b moral tale. esp. face.
with animals as characters. 2 legendary facer n. colloq. sudden difficulty.
tales collectively (in fable). 3 a lie. b facet 'faBsit aspect. 2 side of a cut
n. 1
thing only supposed to exist. [Latin gem etc. [French: related to fact]
fabula discourse] facetious adj. intending or
fabled adj. celebrated: legendary. intended to be amusing, esp. inappro-
fabric faebnk n. 1 woven material; priately, z facetiously adv. [Latin
cloth. 2 walls, floor, and roof of a build- facet ia jest]
ing. 3 essential structure. [Latin faber face to face adv. & adj. (also face-to-
metal-worker] face when attrib.) (often foil, by with)
fabricate faebn keit r. (-ting) 1 con- facing: confronting each other.
struct, esp. from components. 2 invent face value n. 1 nominal value of money.
(a story etc.). 3 forge (a document), z 2 superficial appearance or implication.
fabrication -keijom n. fabricator facia var. of fascia.
n. [Latin: related to fabric] facial feij(a)l -adj. of or for the face.
fabulous faebjulas adj. 1 incredible. 2 -n. beauty treatment for the face,
colloq.marvellous. 3 legendary. : fab- facially adv.
ulously adv. [Latin: related to fable] facile 'fsesail adj. usu. derog. 1 easily-
facade fa'sa:d n. 1 face or front of a achieved but of little value. 2 glib, flu-
building. 2 outward appearance, esp. a ent. [Latin facio do]
deceptive one. [French: related to face] facilitate fa'sili.teit v. (-ting) ease (a
face -n. 1 front of the head from fore- process etc.). facilitation -'teij(a)n
head to chin. 2 facial expression. 3 77. [Italian: related to facile]
coolness, effrontery. 4 surface, esp.: a facility fa siliti n. (pi. -ies) 1 ease;
the side of a mountain etc. (north face). absence of difficulty. 2 fluency, dexter-
b = coalface, c Geom. each surface of a ity. 3 (esp. in pi.) opportunity or equip-
solid, d the facade of a building, e the ment for doing something. [Latin:
dial of a clock etc. 5 functional side of a related to facile]
tool etc. 6 = typeface. 7 aspect {unac- facing n. 1 layer of material covering
ceptable face of capitalism), -v. (-cing) part of a garment etc. for contrast or
1 look or be positioned towards or in a strength. 2 outer covering on a wall etc.
certain direction. 2 be opposite. 3 meet facsimile faek'simili n. exact copy,
resolutely. 4 confront (faces us with a esp. of writing, printing, a picture, etc.
problem). 5 a coat the surface of (a [Latin. = make like]
thing), b put a facing on (a garment), z fact n. 1 thing that is known to exist or to
face the music colloq. take unpleasant be true. 2 (usu. in pi) item of verified
consequences without flinching, face information. 3 truth, reality. 4 thing
up to accept bravely, have the face be assumed as the basis for argument,
shameless enough, in face (or the face) before (or after) the fact before (or
of despite, lose face be humiliated, on after) the committing of a crime, in (or
the face of it apparently put a bold (or in point of) fact 1 in reality. 2 in short.
brave) face on it accept difficulty etc- [Latin factum from facio do]
faction 310 fair
faction small organized
/'faekJXa)n/ n. languish, grow thin. 2 die away; disap-
dissentient group within a larger one, pear. [French fade dull]
esp. in politics, factional adj. [Latin: faeces /'fi:si:z/ (US feces) waste
related to fact] matter discharged from the bowels, c
-faction comb, form forming nouns of faecal /'fi:k(a)l/ adj. [Latin]
action from verbs in -fy (satisfaction). faff v. colloq. (often foil, by about,
[Latin -factio] around) fuss, dither, [imitative]
factious /'faekjas/ adj. of, characterized fag -n.
1 colloq. tedious task. 2 slang
by, or inclined to faction. [Latin: related cigarette. 3 (at public schools) junior
to faction] boy who runs errands for a senior, -v.
factitious /faek'tijas/ adj. 1 specially (-gg-) 1 (often foil, by out) colloq.
contrived. 2 artificial. [Latin: related to exhaust. 2 (at public schools) act as a
fact] fag. [origin unknown]
fact of life n. something that must be fag 2 n. US slang offens. male homo-
accepted. sexual, [abbreviation of faggot]
factor /'faekta(r)/ n. 1 circumstance etc. fag-end n. slang cigarette-end.
contributing to a result. 2 whole faggot /'faegat/ n. (US fagot) 1 ball of
number etc. that when
multiplied with seasoned chopped liver etc., baked or
another produces a given number. 3 a fried. 2 bundle of sticks etc. 3 slang
business agent, b Scot, land-agent, stew- offens. a unpleasant woman, b US male
ard, c agent, deputy. [Latin: related to homosexual. [French from Italian]
fact] fah /fa:/ n. (also fa) Mus. fourth note of a
factorial /faek'tD:nal/ —n. product of a major scale. [Latin famuli: see gamut]
number and all the whole numbers Fahrenheit /'faeran.hait/ adj. of a scale
below it. —adj. of a factor or factorial. of temperature on which water freezes
factorize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) at 32° and boils at 212°. [Fahrenheit,
resolve into factors. factorization name of a physicist]
/-'zeij(9)n/ n. faience /'faids/ n. decorated and glazed
factory /'faektan/ n. (pi. -ies) building(s) earthenware and porcelain. [French
in which goods are manufactured, [ulti- from Faenza in Italy]
mately from Latin factorium] fail-f. 1 not succeed (failed to qualify).
factory farm n. farm using intensive 2 be or judge to be unsuccessful in (an
or industrial methods of livestock rear- examination etc.). 3 be unable; neglect
ing. factory farming n. (failed to appear). 4 disappoint. 5 be
factotum /faek'tautam/ n. (pi. -s) absent or insufficient. 6 become weaker-
employee who does kinds of work,
all cease functioning (health is failing;
[medieval Latin: related to fact, total] engine failed). 7 become bankrupt, -n.
facts and figures precise details. failure in an examination. without
factsheet n. information leaflet, esp. fail for certain, whatever happens.
accompanying a television programme. [Latin fallo deceive]
facts of life (prec. by the) informa- failed adj. unsuccessful (failed actor).
tion about sexual functions and prac- failing -n. fault, weakness, -prep, in
tices. default of.
factual /'faektjual/ adj. based on or con- fail-safe adj. reverting to a safe con-
cerned with fact. factually adv. dition when faulty etc.
faculty aptitude
/'faekalti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 failure lack of success;
/'feilja(r)/ n. 1
for a particular activity. 2 inherent failing. 2unsuccessful person or thing. 3
mental or physical power. 3 a group of non-performance. 4 breaking down or
related university departments, b US ceasing to function (heart failure). 5
teaching staff of a university or college. running short of supply etc. [Anglo-
4 authorization, esp. by a Church au- French: related to fail]
thority. [Latin: related to facile] fain archaic -predic. adj. (foil, by to +
fad n. 1 craze. 2 peculiar notion. infin.) willing or obliged to. -adv. gladly
faddish adj. [probably from fiddle- (esp. would fain). [Old English]
faddle) faint -adj. 1 indistinct, pale, dim. 2
faddy adj. (-ier, -iest) having petty likes weak or giddy. 3 slight. 4 feeble; timid. 5
and dislikes. faddiness n. (also feint) (of paper) with inconspicu-
fade -v. (-ding) 1 lose or cause to lose ous ruled lines, -v. 1 lose conscious-
colour, light, or sound; slowly diminish. ness. 2 become faint, -n. act or state of
2 lose freshness or strength. 3 (foil, by fainting. faintly adv. faintness n.
in, out) Cinematog. etc. cause (a picture [French: related to feign]
or sound) to appear or disappear, in- faint-hearted adj. cowardly, timid.
crease or decrease, gradually, -n. fair 1 -adj. 1 just, equitable; in accord-
action of fading. fade away 1 colloq. ance with the rules. 2 blond; light or
fair 311 fall
pale. 3 a moderate in quality or amount, formal letter when it begins 'Dear Sir' or
b satisfactory. 4 (of weather) fine; (of the 'Dear Madam'.
wind) favourable. 5 clean, clear (fair faithless adj. 1 false, unreliable, dis-
copy). 6 archaic beautiful, -adv. 1 in a loyal. 2 without religious faith.
just manner. 2 exactly, completely. in fake -n. false or counterfeit thing or
a fair way to likely to. fairness n. person, -adj. counterfeit; not genuine.
[Old English] -v. (-king) 1 make a fake or imitation of
fair 2 n. 1 stalls, amusements, etc., for (faked my signature). 2 feign (a feeling,
public entertainment. 2 periodic mar- illness, etc.). [German fegen sweep]
ket, often with entertainments. 3 exhibi- fakir /'feikia(r)/ n. Muslim or (rarely)
tion, esp. commercial. [Latin feriae holi- Hindu religious beggar or ascetic. [Ara-
day] bic, = poor man]
fair and square adv. exactly; straight- falcon /'forlkan/ n. small hawk some-
forwardly. times trained to hunt. [Latin falco]
fair dinkum see dinkum. falconry n. breeding and training of
fair dos (esp. as int.) colloq. fair hawks.
shares; fair treatment, fall -v. (past fell; past part, fallen)
fair game n. legitimate target or object, 1 go or come down freely; descend. 2
fairground n. outdoor area where a (often by over) come suddenly to the
fair is held.
ground from loss of balance etc. 3 a
fairing n. streamlining structure added hang or slope down, b (foil, by into) (of a
to a ship, aircraft, vehicle, etc.
river etc.) discharge into. 4 a sink lower;
Fair Isle n. (also attrib.) multicoloured
decline, esp. in power, status, etc. b
knitwear design characteristic of Fair subside. 5 occur (falls on a Monday). 6
Isle.[Fair Isle in the Shetlands]
(of the face) show dismay or disappoint-
fairly adv. 1 in a fair manner. 2 moder-
ment. 7 yield to temptation. 8 take or
ately (fairly good). 3 quite, rather
have a particular direction or place (his
(fairly narrow).
eye fell on me; accent falls on the first
fair play n. just treatment or be-
syllable). 9 a find a place; be naturally
divisible, b (foil, by under, within) be
fair sex n. (prec. by the) women.
classed among. 10 come by chance or
fairway navigable channel. 2 part
n. 1
of a golf-course between a tee and its
duty (it fell to me to answer). 11a pass
into a specified condition (fell ill)- b
green, kept free of rough grass.
fair-weather friend n. unreliable become (fall asleep). 12 be defeated or
captured. 13 die. 14 (foil, by on, upon) a
friend or ally.
attack, b meet with, c embrace or
fairy n. (pi. -ies) 1 (often attrib.) small
winged legendary being. 2 slang offens. embark on avidly. 15 (foil, by to +
male homosexual. [French: related to verbal noun) begin (fell to wondering),
fay, -ery] -n. 1 act of falling. 2 that which falls or
fairy cake n. small iced sponge cake, has fallen, e.g. snow. 3 recorded amount
fairy godmother n. benefactress, of rainfall etc. 4 overthrow (fall of
fairyland n. 1 home of fairies. 2 Rome). 5 a succumbing to temptation, b
enchanted region. (the Fall) Adam's sin and its results. 6
fairy lights small decorative col- (also Fall) US autumn. 7 (esp. in pi.)
oured lights. waterfall etc. 8 wrestling-bout; throw in
fairy ring n. ring of darker grass wrestling, fall about colloq. be help-
caused by fungi. less with laughter, fall away 1 (of a
fairy story n. (also fairy tale) 1 tale surface) incline abruptly. 2 become few
about fairies. 2 incredible story; lie. or thin; gradually vanish. 3 desert, fall
fait accompli /.feit a'kompli:/ n. thing back retreat, fall back on have
that has been done and is not capable of recourse to in difficulty, fall behind 1
alteration. [French] be outstripped; lag. 2 be in arrears, fall
faith n. 1 complete trust or confidence. 2 down (often foil, by on) colloq. fail, fall
firm, esp. religious, belief. 3 religion or for colloq. be captivated or deceived by.
creed (Christian faith). 4 loyalty, trust- fall foul of come into conflict with, fall
worthiness. [Latin fides] in 1 take one's place in military forma-
faithful adj. 1 showing faith. 2 (often tion. 2 collapse inwards, fall in with 1
foil, by to) loyal, trustworthy. 3 accurate meet by chance. 2 agree with. 3 coincide
(faithful account). 4 (the Faithful) the with, fall off 1 become detached. 2
believers in a religion. faithfulness decrease, deteriorate, fall out 1 quar-
n. rel. 2 (of the hair, teeth, etc.) become
faithfully adv. in a faithful manner. detached. 3 Mil. come out of formation.
Yours faithfully formula for ending a 4 result; occur, fall over backwards
fallacy 312 fan club
see backwards, fall over oneself col- esp. presumptuously so. -n. 1 close
loq. 1 be eager. 2 stumble through haste, friend. 2 (in full familiar spirit) sup-
confusion, etc. fall short be deficient, posed attendant of a witch etc. fa-
fall short of fail to reach or obtain, fall miliarity /- aenti n. familiarly adv.
through fail; miscarry, fall to begin, [Latin: related to family]
e.g. eating or working. [Old English] familiarize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
fallacy /'faelasi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 mistaken -sing) (usu. foil, by with) make
belief. 2 faulty reasoning; misleading (a person or oneself) conversant or
argument, fallacious /fa'leijas/ adj. well acquainted. familiarization
[Latin /alio deceive] /-'zeij(8)n/ n.
fall guy n. slang easy victim; scapegoat. family /'faemili/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 set of
fallible 'faelib(a)l/ adj. capable of relations, esp. parents and children. 2 a
making mistakes. fallibility /-'biliti/ members of a household, b person's
n. fallibly adv. [medieval Latin: related children. 3 all the descendants of a
to fallacy] common ancestor. 4 group of similar
falling star n. meteor. objects, people, etc. 5 group of related
Fallopian tube /fa'laupian/ n. either of genera of animals or plants. :: in the
two tubes along which ova travel from family way colloq. pregnant. [Latin
the ovaries to the womb. [Fallopius, familia]
name of an anatomist] family allowance n. former name for
fallout n. radioactive nuclear debris. CHILD BENEFIT.
fallow /'faelau/ -adj. 1 (of land) family creditn. (also family income
ploughed but left unsown. 2 uncul- supplement) regular State payment to
tivated, -n. fallow land. [Old English] a low-income family.
fallow deer n. small deer with a white- family man n. man who has a wife and
spotted reddish-brown summer coat. children, esp. one fond of family life.
[Old English fallow pale brownish or family name n. surname.
reddish yellow] family planning n. birth control.
false /foils/ adj. 1 wrong, incorrect. 2 family tree n. genealogical chart.
spurious, artificial. 3 improperly so famine /'faemm/ n. extreme scarcity,
called (false acacia). 4 deceptive. 5 (foil, esp. of food. [Latin fames hunger]
by to) deceitful, treacherous, or unfaith- famish "faemiJV v. (usu. in passive)
ful. falsely adv. falseness n. [Latin make or become extremely hungry.
falsus: related to fail] be famished (or famishing) colloq. be
false alarm n. alarm given needlessly. very hungry. [Romanic: related to
falsehood n. 1 untrue thing. 2 a act of FAMINE]
lying, b lie. famous /'feimas/ adj. 1 (often foil, by
false pretences misrepresenta- for) celebrated; well-known. 2 colloq.
tions made with intent to deceive (esp. excellent, z famously adv. [Latin:
under false pretences). related to fame]
falsetto /fo:l'set8o7 n. male singing fan -n. 1 apparatus, usu. with rotating

voice above the normal range. [Italian blades, for ventilation etc. 2 folding
diminutive: related to false] semicircular device waved to cool one-
falsies pads worn to
/'fo:lsiz/ colloq. self. 3 thing spread out like a fan (fan
make the breasts seem
larger. tracery), -v. (-nn-) 1 blow air on, with or
falsify /'fo^si.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 fraudu- as with a fan. 2 (of a breeze) blow gently
lently alter. 2 misrepresent, z falsifica- on. 3 (usu. foil, by out) spread out like a
-fi keij(8)n/ n. [French or medi- fan. [Latin vannus winnowing-basket]

tion /

eval Latin: related to false] fan 2 n. devotee of a particular activity,

falsity n. being false. performer, etc. (film fan), [abbreviation
falter /'fo:lt8(r)/ v. 1 stumble; go unstead- of fanatic]
ily. 2 lose courage. 3 speak hesitatingly, fanatic /fa'naetik/ -n. person obsess-
[origin uncertain] ively devoted to a belief, activity, etc.
fame renown; being famous. 2
n. 1 -adj. excessively enthusiastic, c fan-
archaic reputation. [Latin fama] atical adj. fanatically adv. fanat-
famed adj. (foil, by for) famous; much icism /-ti,siz(a)m/ n. [Latin fanum
spoken of. temple]
familial /fa'milial/ adj. of a family or its fan belt n. belt driving a fan to cool the
members. radiator in a vehicle.
familiar 1 a (often
/fa'mili9(r)/ -adj. fancier /'faensia(r)/ n. connoisseur (dog-
foil, by well known, b often met
to) fancier).
(with). 2 by with) knowing a thing
(foil, fanciful /'faensi.ful- adj. 1 imaginary. 2
well. 3(often foil, by with) well indulging in fancies. fancifully adv.
acquainted (with a person). 4 informal, fan club n. club of devotees.
fancy 313 farmyard
fancy -n. (pi. -ies)1 inclination.
'faensi early), -adj. 1 remote; distant (far
2 whim. 3 supposition. 4 a faculty of country). 2 more distant (far end of the
imagination, b mental image, -adj. halt). 3 extreme (far left), z as far as 1
(-ier. -iest) 1 ornamental. 2 extravag- right up to (a place). 2 to the extent that,
ant. — v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (foil, by that) be by far by a great amount, a far cry a
inclined to suppose. 2 colloq. feel a long way. far from very different from
desire for (fancy a drink?). 3 colloq. find being; almost the opposite of (far from
sexually attractive. 4 colloq. value (one- being fat), go far 1 achieve much. 2
self, one's ability, etc.) unduly highly. 5 contribute greatly, go'too far overstep
(in imper.) exclamation of surprise. 6 the limit (of propriety etc.). so far 1 to
imagine, take a fancy to become (esp. such an extent; to this point. 2 until now.
inexplicably) fond of. take a person's so (or in so) far as (or that) to the extent
fancy suddenly attract or please, that, so far so good satisfactory up to
fanciable adj. (in sense 3 of v. ). fancily now. [Old English]
adv. fanciness n. [contraction of fant- farad 'Taerad/ n. SI unit of capacitance.
asy] [Faraday, name of a physicist]
fancy dress n. costume for masquerad- far and away adv. by a very large
ing at a party. amount.
fancy-free adj. without (esp. emotion- far and wide adv. over a large area.
al) commitments. far-away adj. 1 remote. 2 (of a look or
fancy man n. slang derog. 1 woman's voice) dreamy, distant.
lover. 2 pimp. farce n. 1 comedy with a ludic-
a 1ow t

fancy woman n. slang derog. mistress, rously improbable plot, b this branch of
fandango faBn'dasngau n. (pi. -es or -s) drama. 2 absurdly futile proceedings;
1 lively Spanish dance for tw o. 2 music pretence. farcical adj. [Latin/arrioto

for this. [Spanish] stuff, used metaphorically of interludes

fanfare 'faenfea(r) n. short showy or etc.]
ceremonious sounding of trumpets etc. fare -n. 1 a price of a journey on public

[French] transport, b fare-paying passenger. 2

fang n. 1 canine tooth, esp. of a dog or range of food. —v. (-ring) progress; get
wolf. 2 tooth of a venomous snake. 3 root on (how did you fare?). [Old English]
of a tooth or its prong. [Old English] Far East n. (prec. by the) China, Japan,
fan-jet n. = turbofan. and other countries of E. Asia.
fanlight n. small, orig. semicircular, fare-stage n. 1 section of bus etc. route
window over a door or another window. for which a fixed fare is charged. 2 stop
fan mail n. letters from fans. marking this.
fanny n. (pi. -ies) 1 coarse slang the farewell /fea'wel/ -int. goodbye, -n.
female genitals. 2 US slang the but- leave-taking.
tocks, [origin unknown] far-fetched adj. unconvincing, incred-
fantail pigeon with a broad tail.
n. ible.
fantasia fasn'teizia n. free or impro- far-flung adj. 1 widely scattered. 2 re-
visatory musical or other composition, mote.
or one based on familiar tunes. far gone adj. colloq. very ill, drunk, etc.

[Italian: related to fantasy] farina fa'ri:n8 n. 1 flour or meal of

fantasize 'faenta.saiz/ v. (also -ise) cereal, nuts, or starchy roots. 2 starch,
(-zing or -sing) 1 day-dream. 2 imagine; farinaceous .faen'neijas' adj. [Latin]
create a fantasy about. farm -n. 1 land and its buildings under

fantastic faen taestik/ adj. 1 colloq. ex- one management for growing crops,
cellent, extraordinary. 2 extravagantly rearing animals, etc. 2 such land etc. for
fanciful. 3 grotesque, quaint. fant- a specified purpose (trout-farm). 3 =
astically adv. [Greek: related to fant- farmhouse. -v. 1 a use (land) for grow-
asy] ing crops, rearing animals, etc. b be a
fantasy 'faentasi n. (pi. -ies) 1 imagina- farmer; work on a farm. 2 breed (fish
tion, esp. when unrelated to reality etc.)commercially. 3 (often foil, by out)
realm offantasy). 2 mental
(lives in the delegate or subcontract (work) to
image, day-dream. 3 fantastic invention others. farming n. [French ferme
or composition. [Greek phantasia from Latin firma fixed payment]
appearance] farmer n. owner or manager of a farm.
far (further, furthest or farther, farm-hand n. worker on a farm.
farthest) -adv. 1 at, to, or by a great farmhouse n. house attached to a farm.
distance (far away; far off; far out). 2 a farmstead fa:msted/ n. farm and its

long way (off) in space or time (are you buildings.

travelling far?). 3 to a great extent or farmyard n. yard attached to a farm-
degree; by much (far better; far too house.
far-off 314 fat
far-off adj. remote. fashion /'faej\a)n/-/z. 1 current popular
far-out adj. 1 distant. 2 slang avant- custom or style, esp. in dress. 2 manner
garde, unconventional. 3 slang excel- of doing something, -v. (often foil, by
lent. into) make or form. after (or in) a
farrago /fa'ra:gau/ n. (pi -s or US -es) fashion to some extent, barely accept-
medley, hotchpotch. [Latin, = mixed ably, in (or out of) fashion fashionable
fodder, from far corn] (or not fashionable). [Latin factio:
far-reaching adj. widely influential or related to fact]
applicable. fashionable adj. 1 following or suited
farrier /'faena(r)/ n. smith who shoes to current fashion. 2 of or favoured by
horses. [Latin ferrum iron, horseshoe] high society. fashionableness n.
farrow /'faerau/ -n. 1 litter of pigs. 2 fashionably adv.
birth of a litter, -v. (also absol.) (of a fast /fa:st/ -adj. 1 rapid, quick-moving.
sow) produce (pigs). [Old English] 2 capable of or intended for high speed
far-seeing adj. showing foresight; (fast car; fast road). 3 (of a clock etc.)
wise. ahead of the correct time. 4 (of a pitch
Farsi /' n. modern Persian lan- etc.)causing the ball to bounce quickly.
guage. [Persian] 5 firm; firmly fixed or attached (fast
far-sighted adj. 1 having foresight, knot; fast friendship). 6 (of a colour) not
prudent. 2 esp. US = long-sighted. fading. 7 pleasure seeking, dissolute. 8
fart coarse slang -f. 1 emit wind from (of photographic film etc.) needing only
the anus. 2 (foil, by about, around) short exposure, -adv. 1 quickly; in
behave foolishly, -n. 1 an emission of quick succession. 2 firmly, tightly
wind from the anus. 2 unpleasant or (stand fast). 3 soundly, completely (fast
foolish person. [Old English] asleep). pull a fast one colloq. per-
farther var. of further (esp. of phys- petrate deceit. [Old English]
ical distance). fast 2 /fa:st/ -v. abstain from food, or
farthest var. of furthest (esp. of phys- certain food, for a time. —n. act or period
ical distance). of fasting. [Old English]
farthing /'fa:6in/ n. hist, coin and mon- fastback n. 1 car with a sloping rear. 2
etary unit worth a quarter of an old such a rear.
penny. [Old English: related to fourth] fast breeder n. (also fast breeder
reactor) reactor using fast neutrons.
Usage The farthing was withdrawn
fasten /'fa:s(8)n/ v. 1 make or become
from circulation in 1961.
fixed or secure. 2 (foil, by in, up) lock
farthingale /'fa:oin,geil/ n. hist. securely; shut in. 3 (foil, by on, upon)
hooped petticoat. [Spanish verdugo rod] direct (a look, thoughts, etc.) towards. 4
fasces /'faesiiz/ 1 Rom. Hist, bundle (foil, by on, upon) a take hold of. b single
of rods with a projecting axe-blade, as a out. 5 (foil, by off) fix with a knot or
magistrate's symbol of power. 2 em- stitches. : fastener n. [Old English:
blems of authority. [Latin, pi. of fascis related to fast ]

bundle] fastening /'fa:snin/ n. device that

fascia /'feija/ n. (also facia) (pi -s) 1 a fastens something; fastener.
instrument panel of a vehicle, b similar fast food n. restaurant food that is
panel etc. for operating machinery. 2 quickly produced and served.
strip with a name etc. over a shop-front. fastidious /fae'stidias/ adj. 1 excess-
3 a long flat surface in classical architec- ively discriminatory; fussy. 2 easily
ture, b flat surface, usu. of wood, cover- disgusted; squeamish. fastidiously :

ing the ends of rafters. 4 stripe or band. adv. fastidiousness n. [Latin fastidium
[Latin,= band, door-frame] loathing]
fascicle /'faesik(a)l/ n. section of a book fastness /'fa:stnis/ n. stronghold. [Old
that is published in instalments. [Latin English]
diminutive: related to fasces] fast neutron n. neutron with high
fascinate /'faesi.neit/v. (-ting) 1 capture kinetic energy.
the interest of; attract. 2 paralyse (a fast worker n. colloq. person who
victim) with fear. fascination rapidly makes esp. sexual advances.
/-'neij(9)n/ n. [Latin fascinum spell] fat -n. 1 natural oily or greasy sub-
Fascism /'faejiz(9)m/ n. 1 extreme total- stance found esp. in animal bodies. 2
itarian right-wing nationalist move- part of meat etc. containing this. -adj.
ment in Italy (1922-43). 2 (also fascism) (fatter, fattest) 1 corpulent; plump. 2
any similar movement. Fascist n. & containing much fat. 3 fertile. 4 a thick
adj. (also fascist). Fascistic /-'Jistik/ (fat book), b substantial (fat cheque). 5
adj. (also fascistic). [Italian fascio colloq. iron, very little; not much (a fat
bundle, organized group] chance; a fat lot), -v. (-It-) make or
fatal 315 favourable
become fat. the fat is in the fire fatstock n. livestock fattened for
trouble is imminent, kill the fatted slaughter.
calf celebrate, esp. at a prodigal's re- fatten v. make or become fat.
turn (Luke 15). live off (or on) the fat of fatty adj. (-ier, -iest) like or containing
the land live luxuriously. fatless adj. fat.
fatness n. fattish adj. [Old English] fatty acid n. organic compound consist-
I fatal /'feit(a)l/ adj. 1 causing or ending in ing of a hydrocarbon chain and a ter-
death (fatal accident). 2 (often foil, by to) minal carboxyl group.
ruinous (fatal mistake). 3 fateful, z fatuous /'faetjuas, adj. vacantly silly;
fatally adv. [Latin: related to fate] purposeless, idiotic. z fatuity
fatalism n. 1 belief in predetermina- /fa'tju:iti/ n. (pi. -ies). fatuously adv.
tion. 2 submissive acceptance, fatal- fatuousness [Latin fatuus]n.
ist n. fatalistic - listik adj. fatalistic- fatwa n. legal decision or
ally -'listikah, adv. ruling by an Islamic religious leader.
fatality fa'taelati / n. (pi. -ies) 1 death by [Arabic]
accident or in war etc. 2 fatal influence. faucet /'fo:sit/ n. esp. US tap. [French
3 predestined liability to disaster. fausset vent-peg]
fate -n. 1 supposed power predetermin- fault /fo:lt/ -n. 1 defect or imperfection
ing events. 2 a the future so determined, of character, structure, appearance, etc.
b individual's destiny or fortune. 3 2 responsibility for wrongdoing, error,
death, destruction, -v. (-ting) 1 (usu. in etc. (your own fault). 3 break in an
passive) preordain (fated to win). 2 (as electric circuit. 4 transgression,
fated adj.) doomed. fate worse than offence. 5 a Tennis etc. incorrect ser-
death see death. [Italian and Latin vice, b (in showjumping) penalty for
fatum] error. 6 break in rock strata, —v. 1 find
fateful adj. 1 important, decisive. 2 fault with; blame. 2 Geol. a break the
controlled by fate. fatefully adv. continuity of (strata), b show a fault, z
fat-head n. colloq. stupid person. at fault guilty; to blame, find fault
fat-headed adj. stupid. (often foil, by with) criticize; complain,
father 'fa:oa(r) -n. 1 male parent. 2 to a fault excessively (generous to a
(usu. in pi) forefather. 3 originator, fault). [Latin fallo deceive]
early leader. 4 (Fathers or Fathers of fault-finder n. complaining person.
the Church) early Christian theo- fault-finding n. continual criticism.
logians. 5 (also Father) (often as a title faultless adj. perfect, z faultlessly
or form of address) priest. 6 (the adv.
Father) (in Christian belief) first per- faulty adj. (-ier, -iest) having faults;
son of the Trinity. 7 (Father) venerable imperfect, z faultily adv. faultiness
person, esp. as a title in personifications n.
{Father Time). 8 (usu. in pi.) elders (city faun /fo:n/ n. Latin rural deity with
fathers), -v. 1 beget. 2 originate (a goat's horns, legs, and tail. [Latin Fau-
scheme z fatherhood n. father-
etc.). nus]
less adj. [Old English] fauna /'foma/ n. (pi. -s or -nae /-ni:/)

father-figure n. older man respected animal life of a region or period. [Latin

and trusted like a father. Fauna, name of a rural goddess]
father-in-law n. (pi. fathers-in-law) faux pas /fau 'pa:/ n. (pi. same pa:z )

father of one's husband or wife. tactless mistake; blunder. [French, =

fatherland n. one's native country. false step]
fatherly adj. like or of a father. favour (US favor) -n. 1 kind
Father's Day n. day on which cards act {did as a favour). 2 approval,

and presents are given to fathers. goodwill; friendly regard (gained their
fathom /'faeo(8)m/-rc.
(pi. often fathom favour). 3 partiality. 4 badge, ribbon,
when prec. by a number) measure of six etc., as an emblem of support. —v. 1
feet, in depth soundings, -v. 1
esp. regard or treat with favour or partiality.
comprehend. 2 measure the depth of 2 support, promote, prefer. 3 be to the
(water), z fathomable adj. [Old Eng- advantage of; facilitate. 4 tend to con-
lish] firm (an idea etc.). 5 (foil, by with)
fathomless adj. too deep to fathom. oblige. 6 (as favoured adj.) having
fatigue fa'ti:g -n. 1 extreme tiredness.
: special advantages. in favour 1
2 weakness in metals etc. caused by approved of. 2 (foil, by of) a in support
repeated stress. 3 a non-military army of.b to the advantage of. out of favour
duty, b (in pi ) clothing worn for this. -v. disapproved of. [Latin faveo be kind to]
(-gues, -gued, -guing) cause fatigue in. favourable /'feivarab(a)l/ adj. (US
[Latin fatigo exhaust] favorable) 1 well-disposed; propitious;
favourite 316 fecal
approving. 2 promising, auspicious. 3 feasible /'fi:zib(9)l/ adj. practicable,
helpful, suitable, z favourably adv. possible, z feasibility /-'biliti/ n. feas-
favourite /'feivant/ (US favorite) ibly adv. [Latin facio do]
-adj. preferred to all others (favourite
Usage Feasible should not be used to
book), -n. 1 favourite person or thing. 2 mean 'possible' or 'probable' in the
Sport competitor thought most likely to sense 'likely'. 'Possible' or 'probable'
win. [Italian: related to favour] should be used instead.
favouritism n. (US favoritism) unfair
favouring of one person etc. at the feast -n. 1 large or sumptuous meal. 2

expense of another. sensual or mental pleasure. 3 religious

fawn -rc. 1 deer in its first year. 2 light
1 annual village festival, - v. 1
festival. 4

yellowish brown, -adj. fawn-coloured.

(often by on) partake of a feast; eat
and drink sumptuously. 2 regale, z
-v. (also absol.) give birth to (a fawn).
feast one's eyes on look with pleasure
[Latin: related to foetus]
at. [Latin festus joy]
fawn 2 v. 1 (often foil, by on, upon) feat n. remarkable act or achievement.
behave servilely, cringe. 2 (of esp. a dog)
[Latin: related to fact]
show extreme affection. [Old English] feather /'feo8(r)/ -n. 1 one of the struc-
fax -n. 1 transmission of an exact copy tures forming a bird's plumage, with a
of a document etc. electronically. 2 copy horny stem and fine strands. 2 (collect.)
produced by this. -v. transmit in this a plumage, b game-birds. -v. 1 cover or
way. [abbreviation of facsimile] line with feathers. 2 turn (an oar)
fay n. literary fairy. [Latin fata pi., = god- edgeways through the air. z feather in
desses of destiny] one's cap a personal achievement,
faze v. (-zing) (often as fazed adj.) col- feather one's nest enrich oneself, in
loq. disconcert, disorientate, [origin fine (or high) feather colloq. in good
unknown] spirits, z feathery adj. [Old English]
FBA abbr. Fellow of the British Acad- feather bed n. bed with a feather-
emy. stuffed mattress.
FBI abbr. Federal Bureau of Investiga- feather-bed v. (-dd-) cushion, esp.
tion. financially.
FC abbr. Football Club. feather-brain n. (also feather-head)
FCO abbr. Foreign and Commonwealth silly or absent-minded person, z
Office. feather-brained adj. (also feather-
FE abbr. further education. headed).
Fe symb. iron. [Latin ferrum] feathering n. 1 bird's plumage. 2
fealty / (pi -ies) 1 hist, fidelity
fiialti/ n. feathers of an arrow. 3 feather-like
to a feudal lord. 2 allegiance. [Latin: structure or marking.
related to fidelity] featherweight n. 1 a weight in certain
fear-rt. 1 a panic or distress caused by a sports between bantamweight and
sense of impending danger, pain, etc. b lightweight, in amateur boxing 54-7kg.
cause of this, c state of alarm (in fear). 2 b sportsman of this weight. 2 very
light person or thing. 3 (usu. attrib.)
(often foil, by of) dread, awe (towards)
unimportant thing.
(fear of heights). 3 danger (little fear of ,

feature ,

/ fi:tj a(r)/ -n. 1 distinctive or

failure). -v. 1 feel fear about or towards.
characteristic part of a thing. 2 (usu. in
2 (foil, by for) feel anxiety about (feared
pi) part of the face. 3 (esp. specialized)
for my life). 3 (often foil, by that) foresee
article in a newspaper etc. 4 (in full
or expect with unease, fear, or regret
feature film) main film in a cinema
(fear the worst; I fear that you are
programme, -v. (-ring) 1 make a special
wrong). 4 (foil, by verbal noun) shrink display of; emphasize. 2 have as or be a
from (feared meeting his ex-wife). 5 central participant or topic in a film,
revere (esp. God), z for fear of (or that) broadcast, etc. z featureless adj.
to avoid the risk of (or that), no fear [Latin factura formation: related to
colloq. certainly not! [Old English] fact]
fearful adj. 1 (usu. foil, by of or that) Feb. abbr. February.
afraid. 2 terrible, awful. 3 colloq. febrifuge /'febn,fju:d3/ n. medicine or
extreme, esp. unpleasant (fearful row). treatment for fever. [Latin febris fever]
fearfully adv. fearfulness n. febrile /'fi:brail/ adj. of fever: feverish.
fearless adj. (often foil, by of) not [Latin febris fever]
afraid, brave. fearlessly adv. fear- February /'februari/ n. (pi. -ies) second
lessness n. month of the year. [Latin februa puri-
fearsome adj. frightening, z fear- fication feast]
somely adv. fecal US var. of faecal.
feces 317 feint
feces US var. of faeces. (vanity 9 provide (advice, informa-
feckless /'feklis/ adj. 1 feeble, inef- tion, etc.) to. -n. 1 food, esp. for animals
fective. 2 unthinking, irresponsible. or infants. 2 feeding; giving of food. 3
[Scots feck from effeck var. of effect] colloq. meal. 4 a raw material for a
fecund /'fekand/ adj. 1 prolific, fertile. 2 machine etc. b provision of or device for
fertilizing. fecundity /fi'kAndati/ n. this. feed back produce feedback,
[Latin] feedup fatten. [Old English]
fecundate /'fekan.deit/ v. (-ting) 1 make feedback n. 1 public response to an
fruitful. 2 fertilize. fecundation event, experiment, etc. 2 Electronics a
/-'deij(8)n/ n. return of a fraction of an output signal
fed past and pas/, part, of feed. fed up to the input, b signal so returned.
(often foil, by with) discontented or feeder n. 1 person or thing that feeds,
bored. esp. in specified manner. 2 baby's feed-
federal /'fedar(a)l/ adj. 1 of a system of ing-bottle. 3 bib. 4 tributary stream. 5
government in which self-governing branch road, railway line, etc. linking
States unite for certain functions etc. 2 with a main system. 6 main carrying
of such a federation (federal laws). 3 of electricity to a distribution point. 7 feed-
or favouring centralized government. 4 ing apparatus in a machine.
(Federal) US of the Northern States in feel -v. (past and past part, felt) 1 a
the Civil War. 5 comprising an associ- examine or search by touch, b (absol.)
ation of largely independent units, have the sensation of touch (unable to
federalism n. federalist n. feder- feel). 2 perceive or ascertain by touch
alize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing), (feel the warmth). 3 experience, exhibit,
federalization /- zeij(a)n/ n. federally or be affected by (an emotion, convic-
adv. [Latin foedus covenant] tion, etc.) (felt strongly about it; felt the
federal reserve n. (in the US) reserve rebuke). 4 (foil, by that) have an impres-
cash available to banks. sion (I feel that I am right). 5 consider,
federate — v. /' (-ting) unite on think (I feel it useful). 6 seem (air feels
a federal basis, -adj. /'fedarat/ federally chilly). 7 be consciously; consider one-
organized. federative /'fedarativ/ self (7 feel happy). 8 (foil, by for, with)
adj. have sympathy or pity. 9 (often foil, by
federation /,feda'reiJXa)n/ n. 1 federal up) slang fondle sexually, -n. 1 feeling;
group. 2 act of federating. [Latin: related testing by touch. 2 sensation character-
to federal] izing a material, situation, etc. 3 sense of
fee n. 1 payment made for professional touch. feel like have a wish or in-
advice or services etc. 2 a charge for a clination for. feel up to be ready to face
privilege, examination, admission to a or deal with, feel one's way proceed
society, etc. (enrolment fee), b money cautiously, get the feel of become ac-
paid for the transfer to another customed to using. [Old English]
employer of a footballer etc. 3 (in pi.) feeler n. 1 organ in certain animals for
regular payments (esp. to a school). 4 touching or searching for food. 2 tent-
Law inherited estate, unlimited (fee ative proposal (put out feelers).
simple) or limited (fee tail) as to cat- feeling -n. 1 a capacity to feel; sense of
egory of heir, [medieval Latin feudum] touch (lost allfeeling), b physical sensa-
feeble /'fi:b(a)l/ adj. (feebler, feeblest) tion. 2 a (often foil, by of) emotional
1 weak, infirm. 2 lacking strength, reaction {feeling of despair), b (in pi)
energy, or effectiveness. feebly adv. emotional susceptibilities (hurt my feel-
[Latin flebilis lamentable] ings). 3 particular sensitivity (feeling
feeble-minded adj. mentally deficient. for literature). 4 a opinion or notion
feed -i?. (past and past part, fed) 1 a (had a feeling she would), b general
supply with food, b put food into the sentiment. 5 sympathy or compassion. 6
mouth of. 2 give as food, esp. to animals. emotional sensibility or intensity
3 (usu. foil, by on) (esp. of animals, or (played with feeling), -adj. sensitive,
colloq. of people) eat. 4 (often foil, by on) sympathetic; heartfelt. feelingly
nourish or be nourished py; benefit adv.
from. 5 a keep (a fire, machine, etc.) feet pi. of foot.
supplied with fuel etc. b (foil, by into) feign /fern/ v. simulate; pretend (feign
supply (material) to a machine etc. c madness). [Latin fingofict- mould, con-
(often foil, by into) (of a river etc.) flow trive]
into a lake etc. d keep (a meter) supplied feint /feint/ -n. 1 sham' attack or diver-
with coins to ensure continuity. 6 slang sionary blow. 2 pretence, -v. make a
supply (an actor etc.) with cues. 7 Sport feint, -adj. = faint adj. 5. [French:
send passes to (a player). 8 gratify related to feign]
feldspar 318 ferment
feldspar /Teldspa:(r)/ n. (also felspar) felt-tipped pen n. (also felt-tip pen)
common aluminium silicate of potas- pen with a fibre point,
sium, sodium, or calcium. felds- felucca /fi'lAka/ n. small Mediterranean
pathic /-'spaeGik/ adj. [German Feld coasting vessel with oars and/or sails.
Spat(h) spar 3 ]
field, [Arabic fulk]
felicitate /fa'hsi.teit/ v. (-ting) formal female /'fi:meil/ -adj. 1 of the sex that
congratulate. felicitation /-'teij(a)n/ can give birth or produce eggs. 2 (of
n. (usu. in pi.). [Latin felix happy] plants) fruit-bearing. 3 of women or
felicitous /fa'lisites/ adj. formal apt; female animals or plants. 4 (of a screw,
pleasantly ingenious; well-chosen. socket, etc.) hollow to receive an
felicity /fe'lisiti/ n. (pi -ies) formal 1 inserted part. -n. female person, ani-
intense happiness. 2 a capacity for apt mal, or plant. [Latin diminutive of
expression, b well-chosen phrase. femina woman, assimilated to male]
[Latin felix happy] feminine femmin/ -adj. 1 of women. 2

feline /'fi:lam/ -adj. of the cat family. 2

1 having womanly qualities. 3 of or denot-
catlike, -n. animal of the cat family. ing the female gender, -n. feminine
felinity /fi'lmiti/ n. [Latin feles cat] gender or word. femininity /-'nmiti/
fell past of fall v. n. [Latin: related to female]
fell v. 1 cut down (esp. a tree). 2 strike or feminism /'femi,niz(8)m/ n. advocacy
knock down. 3 stitch down (the edge of a of women's rights and sexual equality,
seam). [Old English] n feminist n. & adj.
fell n. N.Engl. 1 hill. 2 stretch of hills or
femme fatale /.faem fae'ta:l/ n. (pi.
moorland. [Old Norse] femmesfatales pronunc. same) danger-
fell adj. poet, or rhet. ruthless, destruc-
ously seductive woman. [French]
tive. at (or in) one fell swoop in a femur /'fi:m8(r)/ n. (pi. -s or femora
single (orig. deadly) action. [French:
/'femara/) thigh-bone, n femoral
related to felon]
/'fem9r(8)l/ adj. [Latin]
fell 5 n. animal's hide or skin with its
fen n. 1 low marshy land. 2 (the Fens)
hair. [Old English]
low-lying areas in Cambridgeshire etc.
fellatio /fi'leijiau/ n. oral stimulation of
[Old English]
the penis. [Latin fello suck]
fence —n. 1 barrier, railing, etc., enclos-
feller n. = fellow l.
ing a garden, etc. 2 large upright
felloe /'felaoV n. (also felly /Teh/) (pi. -s
jump for horses. 3 slang receiver of
or -ies) outer circle (or a section of it) of
stolen goods. 4 guard or guide in
a wheel. [Old English]
machinery, -v. (-cing) 1 surround with
fellow /'felao/ n. 1 colloq. man or boy
or as with a fence. 2 (foil, by in, off, up)
(poor fellow!). 2 (usu. in pi.) person in a
enclose, separate, or seal, with or as
group etc.; comrade (separated from
with a fence. 3 practise fencing with a
their fellows). 3 counterpart; one of a
sword. 4 be evasive. 5 slang deal in
pair. 4 equal; peer. 5 a incorporated
senior member of a college, b elected
(stolen goods). fencer n. [from
graduate paid to do research. 6 member DEFENCE]
of a learned society. 7 (attrib.) of the
fencing n. 1 set of, or material for,
fences. 2 sword-fighting, esp. as a sport.
same group etc. (fellow-countryman).
[Old English from Old Norse] fend v. 1 (foil, by for) look after (esp.

oneself). 2 (usu. foil, by off) ward off.

fellow-feeling n. sympathy.
fellowship n. 1 friendly association [from defend]
with others, companionship. 2 body of fender n. 1 low frame bordering a fire-
associates. 3 status or income of a fellow place. 2 Naut. padding protecting a ship
of a college or society. against impact. 3 US vehicle's bumper.
fellow-traveller n. 1 person who fennel /'fen(a)l/ n. yellow-flowered fra-

travels with another. 2 sympathizer grant herb used for flavouring. [Latin
with the Communist Party. fenum hay]
felly var. of felloe. fenugreek /'fenju:,gri:k/ n. leguminous
felon /'felan/ person who has commit-
n. plant with aromatic seeds used for fla-
ted a felony, [medieval Latin fello] vouring. [Latin, = Greek hay]
felony n. (pi. -ies) serious, usu. violent, feral /'fer(a)l/ adj. 1 wild; uncultivated. 2
crime. felonious /fi'launias/ adj. (of an animal) escaped and living wild. 3
felspar var. of feldspar. brutal. [Latin ferus wild]
felr -n. cloth of matted and pressed ferial /'fianal/ adj. Eccl. (of a day) not a
fibres of wool etc. —v. 1 make into felt; festival or fast. [Latin feria fair ]
mat. 2 cover with felt. 3 become matted. ferment -n. /'f3:ment/ 1 excitement,
[Old English] unrest. 2 a fermentation, b fermenting-
felt past and past part, of feel. agent. -v. /fa'ment/ 1 undergo or subject
fermentation 319 fetish
to fermentation. 2 excite; stir up. [Latin fertilizer n. (also -iser) substance
fermentum: related to fervent] added to soil to make it more fertile.
fermentation /,f3:men'teiJXa)n/ n. 1 fervent /'f3:v(a)nt/ adj. ardent, intense
breakdown of a substance by yeasts and (fervent admirer). fervency n. fer-
bacteria etc., esp. of sugar in making vently adv. [Latin ferveo boil]
alcohol. 2 agitation, excitement. fer- fervid /'f3:vid/ adj. ardent, intense.
mentative /-'mentativ/ adj. [Latin: fervidly adv. [Latin: related to fer-
related to ferment] vent]
fermium /'f3:miam/ n. transuranic arti- fervour /'f3:va(r)/ n. (US fervor) pas-
ficial radioactive metallic element. sion, zeal. [Latin: related to fervent]
[Fermi, name of a physicist] fescue /'feskju:/ n. a pasture and fodder
fern n. (pi. same or -s) flowerless plant grass. [Latin festuca stalk, straw]
usu. having feathery fronds, n ferny festal /'fest(a)l/ adj. 1 joyous, merry. 2 of
adj. [Old English] a feast or festival. festally adv.
ferocious /fa'raujas/ adj. fierce, savage. [Latin: related to feast]
ferociously adv. ferocity /fa'rositi/ fester v. 1 make or become septic. 2
n. [Latin ferox]
cause continuing anger or bitterness. 3
-ferous comb, form (usu. -iferous) form- rot, stagnate. [Latin fistula]
ing adjectives with the sense 'bearing', festival /'festiv(a)l/ n. 1 day or period of
'having' (odoriferous). [Latin fero bear]
celebration. 2 series of cultural events
ferrel var. of ferrule. in a town etc. (Bath Festival). [French:
ferret /Tent/ -n. small polecat used in related to festive]
catching rabbits, rats, etc. -v. A hunt
festive /'festiv/ adj. 1 of or character-
with ferrets. 2 (often foil, by out, about,
istic of a festival. 2 joyous. festively
etc.) rummage; search out (secrets,
adv. festiveness n. [Latin: related to
criminals, etc.). [Latin fur thief]
ferric /'fenk/ adj. 1 of iron. 2 containing
festivity /fe'stiviti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 gaiety,
iron in a trivalent form. [Latin ferrum
rejoicing. 2 (in pi.) celebration; party.
festoon /fe'stu:n/ -n. curved hanging
Ferris wheel /'fens/ n. tall revolving
chain of flowers, leaves, ribbons, etc. -v.
vertical wheel with passenger cars in
(often foil, by with) adorn with or form
fairgrounds etc. [Ferris, name of its
into festoons; decorate elaborately. [It-
alian: related to festive]
ferro- comb, form iron. 2 (of alloys)
Festschrift /'festjrift/ n. (also festsch-
containing iron, [related to ferric]
-en or -s) collection of writings
rift) (pi
ferroconcrete /.ferau'korjkriit/ -n.
published in honour of a scholar. [Ger-
reinforced concrete, -adj. made of this.
ferrous /'feras/ adj. 1 containing iron. 2
man, = festival-writing]
feta /'feta/ n. soft white esp. ewe's-milk
containing iron in a divalent form.
cheese made esp. in Greece. [Greek
ferrule /'feru:l/ n. (also ferrel /Ter(a)l/)
1 ring or cap on the lower end of a stick,
umbrella, etc. 2 band strengthening or fetal US var. of foetal.
fetch -v. 1 go for and bring back (fetch a
forming a joint. [Latin viriae bracelet]
ferry -n. (pi -ies) 1 boat or aircraft etc. doctor). 2 be sold for (a price) (fetched
for esp. regular transport, esp. across £10). 3 cause (blood, tears, etc.) to flow. 4

water. 2 place or service of ferrying, -v. draw (breath), heave (a sigh). 5 colloq.
(-ies, -ied) 1 convey or go in a ferry. 2 (of
give (a blow etc.) (fetched him a slap),
a boat etc.) cross water regularly. 3 -n. 1 act of fetching. 2 dodge, trick,
transport, esp. regularly, from place to fetch and carry do menial tasks, fetch
place. ferryman n. [Old Norse] up colloq. 1 arrive, come to rest. 2 vomit.
fertile /'f3:tail/ adj. 1 a (of soil) abund- [Old English]
antly productive, b fruitful. 2 a (of a fetching adj. attractive. 1 1 fetchingly
seed, egg, etc.) capable of growth, b (of adv.
animals and plants) able to reproduce. 3 fete /feit/ -n. 1 outdoor fund-raising
(of the mind) inventive. 4, (of nuclear event with stalls and amusements etc. 2
material) able to become fissile by the festival. 3 saint's day. -v. (-ting) honour
capture of neutrons. fertility /-'tiliti/ or entertain lavishly. [French: related to
n. [French from Latin] FEAST]
fertilize /'f3:ti,laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing fetid / fetid/ adj. (also foetid) stinking.
or -sing) 1 make (soil etc.) fertile. 2 [Latin feteo stink]
cause (an egg, female animal, etc.) to fetish /'fetiJV n. 1 Psychol, abnormal

develop by mating etc. fertilization object of sexual desire. 2 a object wor-

/-'zeij(a)n/ n. shipped by primitive peoples, b obses-
fetlock 320 fiddle
sional cause (makes a fetish of punctu- fiance /fi'Dnsei/ (fern, fiancee pro-
ality). : fetishism n. fetishist n. nunc. same) person one is engaged to.
fetishistic /-'Jistik/ adj. [Portuguese [French]
feitico charm] fiasco /fi'aeskau/ n. (pi. -s) ludicrous or
fetlock /'fetlDk/ n. back of a horse's leg humiliating failure or breakdown. [It-
above the hoof with a tuft of hair, [ulti- alian, = bottle]
mately related to foot] fiat /'faiaet/ n. 1 authorization. 2 decree.
fetter -n. 1 shackle for the ankles. 2 (in [Latin, = let it be done]
pi.) captivity. 3 restraint. -0.1 put into fib -n. trivial lie. -v. (-bb-) tell a fib.

fetters. 2 restrict. [Old English] fibber n. [perhaps from fiblefable, a

fettle /'fet(a)l/ n. condition or trim (in reduplication of fable]
fine fettle). [Old English] fibre /'faibe(r)/ n. (US fiber) 1 thread or
fetus US var. of foetus. filament forming tissue or textile. 2 piece
feu /fju:/ Scot. -n. 1 perpetual lease at a of threadlike glass. 3 substance formed
fixed rent. 2 land so held. -v. (feus, of fibres, or able to be spun, woven, etc. 4
feued, feuing) grant (land) on feu. structure; character (moral fibre). 5
[French: related to fee] roughage. [French from Latin fibra]
feud 1
/fju:d/ -/i. prolonged hostility, esp. fibreboard n. (US fiberboard) board of
between families, tribes, etc. -v. conduct compressed wood or other plant fibres.
a feud. [Germanic: related to foe] fibreglass n. (US fiberglass) 1 fabric
feud 2 /fju:d/ n. = fief, [medieval Latin made from woven glass fibres. 2 plastic
feudum fee] reinforced by glass fibres.
feudal /'fju:d(a)l/ adj.
1 of, like, or accord-
fibre optics optics using thin glass
fibres, usu. for the transmission of modu-
ing to the feudal system. 2 reactionary
lated light to carry signals.
(feudal attitude). feudalisms, feuda-
fibril /'faibnl/ n. small fibre, [diminutive
lists /-'listik/ adj.
of fibre]
feudal system n. medieval system of
fibroid /'faibroid/ -adj. of, like, or con-
land tenure with allegiance and service
taining fibrous tissue or fibres, -n.
due to the landowner.
benign fibrous tumour growing in the
fever -n. a abnormally high temper-

ature, often with delirium etc. b
fibrosis /fai'brausis/ n. thickening and
disease characterized by this (scarlet
scarring of connective tissue, [from
fever). 2 nervous excitement; agitation.
fibre, -osis]
-v. (esp. as fevered adj.) affect with
fibrositis /.faibra'saitis/ n. rheumatic
fever or excitement. [Latin febris]
inflammation of fibrous tissue, [from
feverfew /'fiiva.fiu:/ n. aromatic bushy fibre, -rns]
plant, used formerly to reduce fever,
fibrous /'faibras/ adj. of or like fibres.
now to cure migraine. [Latin febrifuga: fibula /'fibjula/ n. (pi. fibulae /-,li:/ or -s)
related to fever, fugo drive away] small outer bone between the knee and
feverish adj. 1 having symptoms of fibular adj. [Latin, =
the ankle.
fever. 2 excited, restless, z feverishly brooch]
adv. feverishness n.
-fie suffix (usu. as -ific) forming adject-
fever pitch n. state of extreme excite- ives meaning 'producing', 'making' (pro-
ment. lific; pacific). [Latin facio make]
few -adj. not many (few doctors smoke), -fication suffix (usu. as -ification) form-
-n. (as pi.) 1 (prec. by a) some but not ing nouns of action from verbs in -fy
many (a few of his friends were there). 2 (purification; simplification).
not many (few are chosen). 3 (prec. by fiche /fr.JV n. (pi. same or -s) microfiche,
the) a the minority, b the elect. a good [abbreviation]
few colloq. fairly large number, no fickle /'fik(a)l/ adj. inconstant, change-
fewer than as many as (a specified able, disloyal. fickleness n. fickly
number), not a few a considerable adv. [Old English]
number. [Old English] fiction /TikJXa)n/ n. 1 non-factual
few and far between predic. adj. literature, esp. novels. 2 invented idea,
scarce. thing, etc. 3 generally accepted false-
fey /fei/ adj. 1 a strange, other-worldly; hood (polite fiction), a fictional adj.
whimsical, b clairvoyant. 2 Scot, fated to fictionalize v. (also -ise) ( zing or
die soon. [Old English, = doomed to die] -sing). [Latin: related to feign]
fez n. (pi. fezzes) man's flat-topped con- fictitious /fik'tijas/ adj. imaginary,
ical red cap worn by some Muslims. unreal; not genuine.
[Turkish] fiddle /'ftd(a)l/ -n. 1 colloq. or derog.
ff abbr. Mus. fortissimo. stringed instrument played with a bow,
fF. abbr. following pages etc. esp. a violin. 2 colloq. cheat or fraud. 3
fiddle-faddle 321 fifteen
fiddly task. -v. (-ling) 1 a (often foil, by cricket etc. 2 select to play in a game. 3
with, at) play restlessly, b (often foil, by deal with (questions, an argument, etc.).
about) move aimlessly; waste time, c hold the field not be superseded,
(usu. foil, by with) adjust, tinker; tam- play the field colloq. date many
per. 2 slang a cheat, swindle, b falsify, c partners, take the field begin a cam-
get by cheating. 3 play (a tune) on the paign. [Old English]
fiddle, as fit as a fiddle in very good
i ]
field-day n. 1 exciting or successful
health, play second (or first) fiddle time. 2 military exercise or review.
take a subordinate (or leading) role. fielder n. = fieldsman.
[Old English] field events athletic events other
fiddle-faddle -n. trivial matters, -v. than races.
(-ling) fuss, trifle, —ink nonsense! fieldfare n. thrush with grey plumage,
[reduplication of fiddle] field-glasses outdoor binoculars,
fiddler n. 1 fiddle-player. 2 slang field marshal n. army officer of the
swindler, cheat. 3 small N. American highest rank.
crab. field mouse n. small long-tailed rodent,
fiddlesticks int. nonsense, field officer n. army officer of field
fiddling adj. 1 petty, trivial. 2 colloq. = rank.
FIDDLY. field of honour n. battlefield,
fiddly adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. awkward field rank n. army rank above captain
or tiresome to do or use. and below general.
fidelity /fi'deliti/ n. 1 faithfulness, fieldsman n. Cricket, Baseball, etc.
loyalty. 2 strict accuracy. 3 precision in
member (other than the bowler or
sound reproduction (high fidelity). pitcher) of the fielding side,
[Latin fides faith]
field sports outdoor sports, esp.
fidget /'fid3it/ -v. (-t-) 1 move or act
hunting, shooting, and fishing,
restlessly or nervously. 2 be or make
field telegraph n. movable military
uneasy. — n. 1 person who fidgets. 2 (usu.
in pi.) restless movements or mood.
fieldwork n. 1 practical surveying, sci-
fidgety adj. [obsolete or dial, fidge
ence, sociology, etc. conducted in the
natural environment. 2 temporary forti-
fiduciary /fi'dju: Jan/ -adj. 1 a of a
fication. fieldworker n.
trust, trustee, or trusteeship, b held or
fiend n. 1 evil spirit, demon. 2 a wicked
given in trust. 2 (of paper currency)
or cruel person, b mischievous or an-
dependent on public confidence or
noying person. 3 slang devotee (fitness
securities, -rc. (pi. -ies) trustee. [Latin
fiend). 4 difficult or unpleasant thing,
fiducia trust]
fiendish adj. fiendishly adv. [Old
fie /fai/ int. archaic expressing disgust,
shame, etc. [French from Latin]
fief n. 1 land held under the feudal fierce adj. (fiercer, fiercest) 1 violently
aggressive or frightening. 2 eager, in-
system or in fee. 2 person's sphere of
tense. 3 unpleasantly strong or intense
operation. [French: related to fee]
field -n. 1 area of esp. cultivated (fierce heat). fiercely adv. fierceness
n. [Latin ferus savage]
enclosed land. 2 area rich in some nat-
ural product (gasfield). 3 land for a game fiery /'faian/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 consist-
etc. (football field). 4 participants in a
ing of or flaming with fire. 2 bright red. 3
contest, race, or sport, or all except hot; burning. 4 a flashing, ardent (fiery
those specified. 5 Cricket a the side eyes), b pugnacious; spirited (fiery tem-

fielding, b fielder. 6 expanse of ice, per), i fierily adv. fieriness n.

snow, sea, sky, etc. 7 a battlefield, b fiesta /fi'esta/ n. holiday, festivity, or
(attrib.) (of artillery etc.) light and mo- religious festival. [Spanish]
bile. 8 area of activity or study (in his FIFA /'fi:fa/ abbr. International Football
own field). 9 Physics a region in which a Federation. [French Federation Inter-
force is effective (gravitational field), b nationale de Football Association]
force exerted in this. 10 range of percep- fife n. small shrill flute used in military
tion (field of view). 11 (attrib.) a (of an music. fifer n. [German Pfeife pipe or
( i

animal or plant) wild (field mouse), b in French fifre]

the natural environment, not in a labor- fifteen /fif ti:n/ adj. & n. 1 one more than
atory etc. (field test). 12 a background of fourteen. 2 symbol for this (15, xv, XV). 3
a picture, coin, flag, etc. b Heraldry size etc. denoted by fifteen. 4 team of
surface of an escutcheon. 13 Computing fifteen players, esp. in Rugby. 5 (15) (of a
part of a record representing an item of film) for persons of 15 and over.
data. -v. 1 a act as a fieldsman in cricket fifteenth adj. &
n. [Old English: related
etc. b stop and return (the ball) in tO FIVE, -TEEN]
fifth 322 file

fifth adj.& next after fourth. 2 any of

n. 1 figures of speech. 3 of pictorial or sculp-
five equal parts of a thing. 3 Mus. tural representation. figuratively
interval or chord spanning five con- adv. [Latin: related to figure]
secutive notes in a diatonic scale (e.g. C figure /'figa(r)/ -n. 1 external form or
to G). fifthly adv. [Old English: bodily shape. 2 a silhouette, human
related to five] form (figure on the lawn), b person of a
fifth column n. traitorous group specified kind or appearance (public
within a country at war etc. fifth- figure; cut a poor figure). 3 a human
-columnist n. form in drawing, sculpture, etc. b image
fifty /'fifti/ adj. & n. (pi. -ies) 1 five times or likeness. 4 two- or three-dimensional
ten. 2 symbol for this (50, 1, L). 3 (in pi.) space enclosed by lines or surface(s),
numbers from 50 to 59, esp. the years of a e.g. a triangle or sphere. 5 a numerical
century or of a person's life. fiftieth symbol or number, esp. 0-9. b amount;
adj. & [Old English]
n. estimated value (cannot put a figure on
fifty-fifty -adj. equal, -adv. equally, it), c (in pi.) arithmetical calculations. 6

half and half. diagram or illustration. 7 decorative

fig n. 1 soft pulpy fruit with many seeds.
pattern. 8 movement or sequence in a
2 (in full fig-tree) tree bearing figs. set dance etc. 9 Mus. succession of notes
not care (or give) a fig not care at all. from which longer passages are de-
[Latin ficus] veloped. 10 (in full figure of speech)
fig n. 1 dress or equipment (in fullfig). 2 metaphor, hyperbole, etc. -v. (-ring) 1
condition or form (in goodfig), [obsolete appear or be mentioned, esp. prom-
feague: related to fake] inently. 2 represent pictorially. 3
fig. abbr. figure. imagine; picture mentally. 4 embellish
fight /fait/ —v. (past and past part. with a pattern etc. (figured satin). 5
fought /fo:t/) 1 (often foil, by against, calculate; do arithmetic. 6 symbolize. 7
with) contend or contend with in war, esp. US a understand, consider, b colloq.
battle, single combat, etc. 2 engage in (a make sense; be likely (that figures).
battle, duel, etc.). 3 contend (an elec- figure on US count on, expect, figure
tion); maintain (a lawsuit, cause, etc.) out work out by arithmetic or logic.
against an opponent. 4 strive to achieve [Latin figura: related to feign]
something or to overcome (disease, fire, figured bass n. Mus. = continuo.
etc.). 5 make (one's way) by fighting. -n. figurehead n. 1 nominal leader. 2
1 a combat, b boxing-match, c battle. 2 wooden bust or figure at a ship's prow.
conflict, struggle, or effort. 3 power or figure-skating n. skating in pre-
inclination to fight (no fight left). scribed patterns. : figure-skater n.
fight back 1 counter-attack. 2 suppress figurine /.figja'rim/ n. statuette. [It-

(tears etc.). fight for 1 fight on behalf of. alian: related to figure]
2 fight to secure, fight a losing battle filament /'filamant/ n. 1 threadlike
struggle without hope of success, fight body or fibre. 2 conducting wire or
off repel with effort, fight out (usu. thread in an electric bulb etc. z fila-
fight it out) settle by fighting, fight shy mentous /-'mentas/ adj. [Latin filum
of avoid, put up a fight offer resistance. thread]
[Old English] filbert /'filbat/ n. 1 the cultivated hazel
fighter n. 1 person or animal that fights. with edible nuts. 2 this nut. [Anglo-
2 fast military aircraft designed for French, because ripe about St Phili-
attacking other aircraft, bert 's day]
fighting chance n. slight chance of filch v. pilfer, steal, [origin unknown]
success if an effort is made, file -n. 1 folder, box, etc., for holding
fighting fit n. fit and ready; at the peak loose papers. 2 papers kept in this. 3
of fitness. Computing collection of (usu. related)
fig-leaf n. 1 leaf of a fig-tree. 2 conceal- data stored under one name. 4 line of
ing device, esp. for the genitals (Gen. people or things one behind another, -v.
3:7). (-ling) 1 place (papers) in a file or among
figment /'figmant/ n. invented or (esp. public) records. 2 submit (a peti-
imaginary thing. [Latin: related to tion for divorce, a patent application,
feign] etc.). 3 (of a reporter) send (copy) to a
figuration /,figju'reiJXa)n/ n. 1 a act or newspaper. 4 walk in a line. [Latinfilum
mode of formation; form, b shape or thread]
outline. 2 ornamentation. [Latin: file -n. tool with a roughened surface
related to figure] for smoothing or shaping wood, metal,
figurative /'figarativ/ adj. 1 metaphor- fingernails, etc. -v. (-ling) smooth or
ical, not literal. 2 characterized by shape with a file. [Old English]
filial 323 filthy lucre
filial /'filial/ adj. of or due from a son or fillip /'filip/ -n.
stimulus, incentive. 2
daughter. filially adv. [Latin filius, -a flick with a finger or thumb, -v. (-p-) 1
son, daughter] stimulate. 2 flick, [imitative]
filibuster /'fih,bAst8(r)/ -n. 1 obstruc- filly /'fill/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 young female
tion of progress in a legislative as- horse. 2 colloq. girl or young woman.
sembly, esp. by prolonged speaking. 2 [Old Norse]
esp. US person who engages in this. -v. film —n. 1 thin coating or covering layer.
act as a filibuster (against), filibus- i j
2 strip or sheet of plastic etc. coated with
terer n. [Dutch: related to freebooter] light-sensitive emulsion for exposure in
filigree /'fili.gri:/ n. 1 fine ornamental a camera. 3 a story, episode, etc., on
I work in gold etc. wire. 2 similar delicate film, with the illusion of movement, b
work. !filigreed adj. [Latin filum (in pi) the cinema industry. 4 slight veil
thread, granum seed] or haze etc. 5 dimness or morbid growth
filing n. (usu. in pi.) particle rubbed off affecting the eyes. -v. 1 make a photo-
by a file. graphic film of (a scene, story, etc.). 2
filing cabinet n. cabinet with drawers cover or become covered with or as with
for storing files. a film. [Old English]
Filipino /,fili'pi:nau/ -n. (pi. -s) native film-goer n. person who frequents the
or national of the Philippines, -adj. of cinema.
the Philippines or Filipinos. [Spanish, filmsettingn. typesetting by project-
= Philippine]
ing characters on to photographic film.
fill -v. 1 (often foil, by with) make or film-set v. film-setter n.
become full. 2 occupy completely; film star n. celebrated film actor or
spread over or through. 3 block up (a actress.
cavity in a tooth); drill and put a filling
film-strip n. series of transparencies in
into (a decayed tooth). 4 appoint a per-
a strip for projection.
son to hold or (of a person) hold (a post).
filmy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 thin and translu-
5 hold (an office). 6 carry out or supply
cent. 2 covered with or as with a film.
(an order, commission, etc.). 7 occupy
Filofax /'failau.faeks/ n. propr. a type of
(vacant time). 8 (of a sail) be distended
loose-leaf personal organizer, [from
by wind. 9 (usu. as filling adj.) (esp. of 1
food) satisfy, satiate, -n. 1 as much as

filo pastry /'fi:lau, fai-/ n. (also phyllo

one wants or can bear (eat your fill). 2
pastry)leaved pastry like strudel
enough to something.
fill fill the bill
pastry. [Greek phullon leaf]
be suitable or adequate, fill in 1 com-
filter -n. 1 porous device for removing
plete (a form, document, etc.). 2 a com-
impurities etc. from a liquid or gas
plete (a drawing etc.) within an outline,
passed through it. 2 = filter tip. 3
b fill (an outline) in this way. 3 fill (a hole
screen or attachment for absorbing or
etc.) completely. 4 (often foil, by for) act
as a substitute. 5 occupy oneself during
modifying light, X-rays, etc. 4 device for
suppressing unwanted electrical or
(spare time). 6 colloq. inform (a person)
more fully. 7 slang thrash, beat, fill out sound waves. 5 arrangement for filter-
1 enlarge to the required size. 2 become
ing traffic, -v. 1 (cause to) pass through
enlarged or plump. 3 US fill in (a docu- a filter. 2 (foil, by through, into, etc.)
ment etc.). fill up 1 make or become make way gradually. 3 (foil, by out)
completely full. 2 fill in (a document (cause to) leak. 4 allow (traffic) or (of
traffic) be allowed to pass to the left or
etc.). 3 fill the petrol tank of (a car etc.).
[Old English] right at a junction. [Germanic: related

filler n. 1 material used to fill a cavity or to FELT ]

. increase bulk. 2 small item filling space filter-paper n. porous paper for filter-

in a newspaper etc. ing.

fillet /'filit/ -n. 1 a boneless piece of filter tip n. 1 filter on a cigarette remov-
meat or fish, b (in full fillet steak) ing some impurities. 2 cigarette with
undercut of a sirloin. 2 ribbon etc. bind- this, filter-tipped adj.
ing the hair. 3 thin narrow strip or filth n. 1 repugnant or extreme dirt. 2
ridge. 4 narrow flat band between obscenity. [Old English: related to foul]
mouldings, -v. (-t-) 1 remove bones filthy -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 extremely or
from (fish or meat) or divide into fillets. disgustingly dirty. 2 obscene. 3 colloq.
2 bind or provide with fillet(s). [Latin (of weather) very unpleasant, -adv. 1
filum thread] extremely
filthily (filthy dirty). 2 colloq.
filling n. material that fills a tooth, (filthy rich). filthily adv. filthiness
sandwich, pie, etc. n.
filling-station n. garage selling petrol filthy lucre n. 1 dishonourable gain. 2
etc. joc. money.
filtrate 324 finesse
filtrate /'filtreit/ -v. (-ting) filter, -n. passive) discover to be present (not
filtered liquid. nitration /-'treij(a)n/ found in Shakespeare), c discover from
n. [related to filter] experience (finds England too cold). 6
fin n. 1 (usu. thin) flat external organ of Law (of a jury, judge, etc.) decide and
esp. fish, for propelling, steering, etc. declare (found him guilty). 7 reach by a
(dorsal fin). 2 similar stabilizing projec- natural process (water finds its own
tion on an aircraft, car, etc. 3 under- level), -n. 1 discovery of treasure etc. 2
water swimmer's flipper. finned adj. valued thing or person newly dis-
[Old English] covered. all found (of wages) with
finagle /fi'neig(a)l/ v. (-ling) colloq. act board and lodging provided free, find
or obtain dishonestly. finagler n. fault see fault, find favour prove ac-
[dial.fainaigue cheat] ceptable, find one's feet 1 become able
final /'fain(a)l/ -adj. 1 situated at the to walk. 2 develop independence, find
end, coming last. 2 conclusive, decisive. oneself 1 discover that one is {found
-n. 1 last or deciding heat or game in herself agreeing). 2 discover one's vo-
sports etc. (Cup Final). 2 last daily cation, find out 1 discover or detect (a
edition of a newspaper. 3 (usu. in pi.) wrongdoer etc.). 2 (often foil, by about)
examinations at the end of a degree get information. 3 discover (find out
course. finally adv. [Latin finis end] where we are). 4 (often foil, by about)
final cause n. Philos. ultimate purpose. discover the truth, a fact, etc. (he never
final clause n. Gram, clause express- found out). [Old English]
ing purpose. finder n. 1 person who finds. 2 small
finale /fi'na:li/ n. last movement or sec- telescope attached to a large one to
tion of a piece of music or drama etc. locate an object. 3 viewfinder.
[Italian: related to final] finding n. (often in pi.) conclusion
finalist n. competitor in the final of a reached by an inquiry etc.
competition etc. fine -adj. 1 a of high quality; excellent
finality /fai'naeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 fact of (fine painting), b good, satisfactory
being final. 2 final act etc. [Latin: related (that will be fine). 2 a pure, refined, b (of
to final] gold or silver) containing a specified
finalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) put proportion of pure metal. 3 imposing,
into final form; complete. finaliza- dignified (fine buildings). 4 in good
tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n. health (I'm fine). 5 (of weather etc.)
final solution n. Nazi policy (1941-5) of bright and clear. 6 a thin; sharp, b in
exterminating European Jews. small particles, c worked in slender
finance /'famaens/-rc. 1 management of thread. 7 euphemistic; flattering (fine
(esp. public) money. 2 monetary sup- words). 8 ornate, showy. 9 fastidious,
port for an enterprise. 3 (in pi.) money affectedly refined, -adv. 1 finely. 2 col-
resources of a State, company, or per- loq. very well (suits me fine). -v. (-ning)
son, -v. (-cing) provide capital for. 1 (often foil, by away, down, off) make or
[French: related to fine ] become finer, thinner, more tapering,
finance company n. (also finance or less coarse. 2 (often foil, by down)
house) company providing money, esp. make or become clear (esp. of beer etc.).
for hire-purchase transactions. not to put too fine a point on it to
financial /fai'naenJXa)l/ adj. of finance. speak bluntly. finely adv. fineness n.
financially adv. [French fin from Latin finio finish]
financial year n. year as reckoned for fine 2 -n. money to be paid as a penalty.
taxing or accounting, esp. from 6 April. -v. (-ning) punish by a fine (fined him
financier /fai'naensia(r)/ n. capitalist; £5). in fine in short. [French fin
entrepreneur. [French: related to settlement of a dispute, from Latin finis
finance] end]
finch n. small seed-eating bird, esp. a fine arts poetry, music, and the
crossbill, canary, or chaffinch. [Old visual arts, esp. painting, sculpture, and
English] architecture.
find /famd/ -v. (past and past part. finery /'faman/ n. showy dress or dec-
found) 1 a discover or get by chance or oration, [from fine ]

effort (found a key), b become aware of. fines herbes /fi:nz 'eab/ mixed
2 a obtain, succeed in obtaining; receive herbs used in cooking. [French, = fine
(idea found acceptance), b summon up herbs]
(found courage). 3 seek out and provide fine-spun adj. 1 delicate. 2 (of theory
or supply (will find you a book; finds etc.)too subtle, unpractical.
his own meals). 4 discover by study etc. finesse /fi'nes/ -n. 1 refinement. 2
(find the answer). 5 a perceive or ex- subtle manipulation. 3 artfulness; tact. 4
perience (find no sense in it), b (often in Cards attempt to win a trick with a card
fine-tooth comb 325 fire
that not the highest held. -v. ( ssing)
is do with, complete using etc. [Latin finis
1 use or achieve by finesse. 2 Cards a end]
make a finesse, b play (a card) as a finishing-school n. private college
finesse. [French: related to fine ] preparing girls for fashionable society.
fine-tooth comb n. comb with close- finishing touch n. (also finishing
set teeth. go over with a fine-tooth touches) final enhancing details.
comb check or search thoroughly. finite /'famait/ adj. 1 limited; not in-
fine-tune v. make small adjustments to finite. 2 (of a part of a verb) having a
(a mechanism etc.). specific number and person. [Latin:
finger /'finga(r)/ -n. 1 any of the termi- related to finish]
nal projections of the hand (usu. exclud- Finn n. native or national of Finland;
ing the thumb). 2 part of a glove etc. for a person of Finnish descent. [Old English]
finger. 3 finger-like object or structure finnan /'fman/ n. (in full finnan had-
(fish finger). 4 colloq. small measure of dock) smoke-cured haddock. [Find-
liquor, -v. touch, feel, or turn about horn, Findon, in Scotland]
with the fingers. get (or pull) one's Finnic adj. of the group of peoples
finger out slang start to act. lay a or languages related to the Finns or
finger on touch, however slightly, put Finnish.
one's finger on locate or identify Finnish -adj. of the Finns or their
exactly, fingerless adj. [Old English] language, -n. language of the Finns.
finger-board n. part of the neck of a fino /'fi:nao7 n. (pi. -s) light-coloured dry
stringed instrument on which the sherry. [Spanish, = fine]
fingers press to vary the pitch. fiord /fjo:d/ n. (also fjord) long narrow
finger-bowl n. (also finger-glass) sea inlet, as in Norway. [Norwegian]
small bowl for rinsing the fingers dur- fipple /'fip(a)l/ n. plug at the mouth-end
ing a meal. of a wind instrument, [origin unknown]
finger-dry v. dry and style (the hair) by fipple flute n. flute played by blowing
running one's fingers through it. endwise, e.g. a recorder.
fingering n. 1 technique etc. of using fir n. 1 (in full fir-tree) evergreen con-
the fingers, esp. in playing music. 2 iferous tree with needles growing singly
indication of this in a musical score. on the stems. 2 its wood. firry adj.
finger-mark n. mark left by a finger. [Old Norse]
fingernail n. nail of each finger. fir-cone n. fruit of the fir.
finger-plate n. plate fixed to a door to fire -/I. 1 a combustion of substances
prevent finger-marks. with oxygen, giving out light and heat,
fingerprint -n. impression of a finger- b flame or incandescence. 2 destructive
tip on a surface, used in detecting crime. burning (forest fire). 3 a burning fuel in
-v. record the fingerprints of. a grate, furnace, etc. b = electric fire.
finger-stall n. protective cover for an c = gas fire. 4 firing of guns. 5 a
injured finger. fervour, spirit, vivacity, b poetic in-
fingertip n. tip of a finger. have at spiration. 6 burning heat, fever, -v.
one's fingertips be thoroughly familiar (-ring) 1 (often foil, by at, into, on) a
with (a subject etc.). shoot (a gun, missile, etc.). b shoot a gun
finial /'fmial/ n. ornamental top or end or missile etc. 2 produce (a broadside,
of a roof, gable, etc. [Anglo-French: salute, etc.) by shooting guns etc. 3 (of a
related to fine ]
gun etc.) be discharged. 4 explode or
finicky /'fmiki/ adj. (also finical, fin- kindle (an explosive). 5 deliver or utter
icking) 1 over-particular, fastidious. rapidly (fired insults at us). 6 slang
2 detailed; fiddly. finickiness n. dismiss (an employee). 7 set fire to
! '

[perhaps from fine ] 1

intentionally. 8 catch fire. 9 (of esp. an
finis /'finis/ n. end, esp. of a book. [Latin] internal-combustion engine) undergo
finish /'fmiJV -v. 1 a (often foil, by off) ignition. 10 supply (a furnace, engine,

bring or come to an end or the end of; etc.) with fuel. 11 stimulate; enthuse. 12
complete; cease, b (usu. foil, by off) bake, dry, or cure (pottery, bricks, tea,
colloq. kill; vanquish, c (often foil, by off, tobacco, etc.). 13 become or cause to
up) consume or complete consuming become heated, excited, red, or glowing.
(food or drink). 2 treat the surface of catch fire begin to burn, fire away
(cloth, woodwork, etc.). -n. 1 a end, last colloq. begin; go ahead, on fire 1 burn-
stage, completion, b point at which a ing. 2 excited, set fire to (or set on fire)

race etc. ends. 2 method, material, etc. ignite, kindle, set the world (or
used for surface treatment of wood, Thames) on fire do something remark-
cloth, etc. (mahogany finish). \ finish able or sensational, under fire 1 being
up (often foil, by in, by) end (finished up shot at. 2 being rigorously criticized or
by crying), finish with have no more to questioned. [Old English]
fire-alarm 326 first aid
fire-alarm n. device warning of fire, fireside n. 1 area round a fireplace. 2
fire and brimstone n. supposed tor- home or home-life.
ments of hell. fire station n. headquarters of a fire
firearm n. (usu. in pi.) gun, pistol, or brigade.
rifle. fire-storm n. high wind or storm fol-
fire-ball n. 1 large meteor. 2 ball of lowing a fire caused by bombs.
flame or lightning. 3 energetic person, fire-trap n. building without fire-
fire-bomb n. incendiary bomb, escapes etc.
firebox n. place where fuel is burned in fire-watcher n. person keeping watch
a steam engine or boiler, for fires, esp. those caused by bombs.
firebrand n. 1 piece of burning wood. 2 fire-water n. colloq. strong alcoholic
person causing trouble or unrest, liquor.
fire-break n. obstacle to the spread of firewood n. wood
as fuel.
fire ina forest etc., esp. an open space, firework n. 1 device that burns or
fire-brick n. fireproof brick in a grate, explodes spectacularly when lit. 2 (in
fire brigade n. body of professional pi.) outburst of passion, esp. anger.
firefighters. firing n. 1 discharge of guns. 2 fuel.
fireclay n. clay used to make fire- firing-line n. 1 front line in a battle. 2
bricks. centre of activity etc.
firecracker n. US explosive firework, firing-squad n. 1 soldiers ordered to
firedamp n. miners' name for methane, shoot a condemned person. 2 group
which is explosive when mixed with air. firing the salute at a military funeral.
firedog n. andiron. firm 1 -adj. 1 a solid or compact, b fixed,
fire door n. fire-resistant door prevent- stable, steady. 2 a resolute, determined,
ing the spread of fire. b steadfast, constant (firm belief; firm
fire-drill n. rehearsal of the procedures friend). 3 (of an offer etc.) definite; not
to be used in case of fire. conditional, -adv. firmly (stand firm),
fire-eater n. 1 conjuror who appears to -v. (often foil, by up) make or become
swallow fire. 2 quarrelsome person. firm, secure, compact, or solid, z
fire-engine n. vehicle carrying hoses, firmly adv. firmness n. [Latin firmus]
firefighters, etc. firm 2 n. business concern or its
fire-escape n. emergency staircase etc. partners. [Latin firma: cf. firm 1 ]
for use in a fire. firmament /'f3:mamant/ n. literary the
fire extinguisher n. apparatus dis- sky regarded as a vault or arch. [Latin:
charging foam etc. to extinguish a fire. related to firm ]
firefighter n. = fireman 1. firmware n. Computing permanent
firefly n. beetle emitting phosphores- kind of software,
cent light, e.g. the glow-worm. firry see fir.
fire-guard n. protective screen placed first -adj. 1 earliest in time or order
in front of a fireplace. (took the first bus). 2 foremost in rank
fire-irons tongs, poker, and shovel or importance (First Lord of the Treas-
for a domestic fire. ury). 3 most willing or likely (the first to
firelight n. light from a fire in a fire- admit it). 4 basic or evident (first prin-
place. ciples), -n. 1 (prec. by the) person or
fire-lighter n. inflammable material thing first mentioned or occurring. 2
used to start a fire in a grate, first occurrence of something notable. 3
fireman n. 1 member of a fire brigade. 2 place in the first class in an examina-
person who tends a steam engine or tion. 4 first gear. 5 a first place in a race,
steamship furnace. b winner of this. -adv. 1 before any
fireplace n. 1 place for a domestic fire, other person or thing (first of all; first
esp. a recess in a wall. 2 structure and foremost). 2 before someone or
surrounding this. something else (get this done first). 3 for
fire-power n. destructive capacity of the first time (when did you first see
guns etc. her?). 4 in preference; rather (will see
fire-practice n. fire-drill, him damned first), z at first at the
fireproof -adj. able to resist fire or beginning, at first hand directly from
great heat. -v. make fireproof, the original source, first past the post
fire-raiser n. arsonist, fire-raising (of an electoral system) selecting a can-
n. didate or party by simple majority,
fire-screen n. 1 ornamental screen for from the first from the beginning, in
a fireplace. 2 screen against the direct the first place as first consideration.
heat of a fire. 3 fire-guard. [Old English]
fire-ship n. hist, ship set on fire and first aid n. emergency medical treat-
directed against an enemy's ships etc. ment.
first-born 327 fission bomb
first-born -adj. eldest, -n. person's indirectly (fishing for compliments). 4
eldest child. (foil, by up, out, etc.) retrieve with effort.
first class —n. 1 best group or category. drink like a fish drink alcohol exces-
2 best accommodation in a train, ship, sively, fish out of water person out of
etc. 3 mail given priority. 4 highest his or her element, other fish to fry
division in an examination, -adj. & adv. other matters to attend to. [Old English]
(first-class) 1 of or by the first class. 2 fish 2 n. flat or curved plate of iron, wood,
excellent. etc., used to strengthen a beam, joint, or
first cousin see cousin. mast. [French ficher fix, from Latin
first-day cover n. envelope with figere fix]
stamps postmarked on their first day of fish-bowl n. (usu. round) glass bowl for
issue. pet fish.
first-degree adj. denoting non-serious fish cake n. breaded cake of fish and
surface burns. mashed potato, usu. fried,
first finger n. finger next to the thumb, fisher n. 1 animal that catches fish. 2
first floor n. (US second floor) floor archaic fisherman. [Old English]
above the ground floor, fisherman n. man who catches fish as a
first-foot Scot. -n. first person to cross livelihood or for sport,
a threshold in the New Year. -v. be a fishery n. (pi. -ies) 1 place where fish
are caught or reared. 2 industry of
first-fruit n. (usu. in pi.) 1 first agricul-
fishing or breeding fish,
tural produce of a season, esp. as offered fish-eye lens n. very wide-angle lens
to God. 2 first results of work etc.
with a highly-curved front,
firsthand adj. & adv. from the original fish farm n. place where fish are bred
source; direct.
for food.
First Lady n. (in the US) wife of the fish finger n. small oblong piece of fish
in batter or breadcrumbs,
first light n. dawn,
fish-hook n. barbed hook for catching
firstly adv. in the first place, first (cf.
first adv.).
fishing n. catching fish,
first mate n. (on a merchant ship)
fishing-line n. thread with a baited
second in command,
hook etc. for catching fish,
first name n. personal or Christian
fishing-rod n. tapering usu. jointed rod
for fishing.
first night n. first public performance
fish-kettle n. oval pan for boiling fish,
of a play etc.
fish-knife n. knife for eating or serving
first offender n. criminal without pre-
vious convictions.
first officer n. = first mate.
fish-meal n. ground dried fish as fert-
ilizer or animal feed.
first person see person.
first post n. (also last post) bugle-call
fishmonger n. dealer in fish.
fishnet n. (often attrib.) open-meshed
as a signal to retire for the night.
first-rate adj. 1 excellent. 2 colloq. very fabric (fishnet stockings).
well (feeling first-rate). fish-plate n. flat piece of iron etc. con-
first thing adv. colloq. before anything necting railway rails or positioning
else; very early. masonry.
firth n. (also frith) 1 narrow inlet of sea. fish-slice n. flat slotted cooking utensil,
2 estuary. [Old Norse: related to fiord] fishtail n. device etc. shaped like a fish's
fiscal /'fisk(a)l/ -adj. of public revenue.
-n. 1 legal official in some countries. 2 fishwife n. 1 coarse-mannered or noisy
Scot. = procurator fiscal. [Latin fis-
woman. 2 woman who sells fish.

cus treasury] fishy of or like fish. 2

adj. (-ier, -iest) 1

fiscal year n. = financial year. slang dubious, suspect. fishily adv.

fish -n. (pi. same or -es) 1 vertebrate
1 fishiness n.
cold-blooded animal with gills and fins fissile /'fisail/ adj. 1 capable of under-
living wholly in water. 2 any of various going nuclear fission. 2 tending to split.
non- vertebrate animals living wholly in [Latin: related to fissure]
water, e.g. the cuttlefish, shellfish, and fission /'fij(a)n/ -n. 1 splitting of a
jellyfish. 3 fish as food. 4 colloq. person heavy atomic nucleus, with a release of
of a specified, usu. unpleasant, kind (an energy. 2 cell division as a mode of
odd fish). 5 (the Fish or Fishes) sign or reproduction, -v. (cause to) undergo
constellation Pisces, -v. try to catch
"\ fission. fissionable adj. [Latin:
fish. 2 fish in (a certain river, pool, etc.). related to fissure]
3 (foil, by for) a search for. b seek fission bomb n. atomic bomb.
fissure 328 fixed star
fissure 'frja(r) —it, crack or split, usu. five adj. & n. 1 one more than four. 2
long and narrow. - v. (-ring) split, crack. symbol for this V). 3 size etc.
(5, v.
[Latin findo fiss- cleave] denoted by or team of five. 5
five. 4 set
fist n. tightly closed hand. fistful n. five o'clock (is it five yet?). 6 Cricket hit
(pi -s). [Old English] scoring five runs. [Old English]
fisticuffs 'fistrkAfs fighting with fivefold adj. & adv. 1 five times as much
the fists, [probably from obsolete fisty or as many. 2 consisting of five parts.
(from FIST). CUFF"] five o'clock shadow n. beard-growth
fistula fistjula n. (pi -s or -lae /-,li:/) visible in the latter part of the day.
abnormal or artificial passage between fiver n. colloq. five-pound note.
an organ and the body surface or fives n. game in which a ball is hit with a
between two organs. fistular adj. gloved hand or bat against the walls of a
fistulous adj. [Latin. = pipe] court.
fit -adj. (fitter, fittest) 1 a well suited, five-star adj. of the highest class.
b qualified, competent, worthy, c in fives tones n. jacks played with five
suitable condition, ready, d (foil, by for) pieces of metal etc. and usu. no ball.
good enough (fit for a king). 2 in good fix -v. 1 make firm or stable; fasten,
health or condition. 3 proper, becoming, secure. 2 decide, settle, specify (a price,
right (it is fit that), -v. (-tt-) 1 a (also date. etc.). 3 mend, repair. 4 implant in
absol. ) be of the right shape and size for
the mind. 5 a (foil, by on. upon) direct
(dress fits her; key doesn 't fit), b (often (the eyes etc.) steadily, set. b attract and
foll. by in, into) be correctly positioned
hold (the attention, eyes. etc.). c (foil, by
(that bit fits here), c find room for (fit with) single out with one's look etc. 6
another on here). 2 make suitable or place definitely, establish. 7 determine
competent; adapt (fitted for battle). 3 the exact nature, position, etc.. of; refer
(usu. foll. by with) supply. 4 fix in place
(a thing) to a definite place or time:
(fit a lock on the door). 5 = fit on. 6 befit,
identify, locate. 8 a make (the eyes,
become (it fits the occasion), -n. way in features, etc.) rigid, b (of eyes, features,
which a garment, component, etc.. fits
etc.) become rigid. 9 US colloq. prepare
(tight fit), -adv. (foll. by to - infin.)
(food or drink). 10 congeal or become
colloq. so that; likelv (laughing fit to
congealed. 11 colloq. punish, kill, deal
bust), z fitthe bill = fill the bill, fit in 1
with (a person). 12 colloq. a bribe or
(often foll. by with) be compatible: ac-
threaten into supporting, b gain a
commodate (tried to fit in with their
fraudulent result of (a race etc.). 13
plans). 2 find space or time for (dentist
slang inject a narcotic. 14 make (a
fitted me in), fit on try on (a garment),
colour, photographic image, etc.) fast
fit out (or up) (often foll. by with) equip,
or permanent. 15 (of a plant etc.)
see (or think) fit (often foil, by to +
assimilate (nitrogen or carbon dioxide).
infin.) decide or choose (a specified
-n. 1 colloq. dilemma, predicament.
action), z fitly adv. fitness n. [origin
2 a finding one's position by bearings
2 etc. b position found in this way. 3
fit n. 1sudden esp. epileptic seizure with
unconsciousness or convulsions. 2 sud- slang dose of an addictive drug, z be
den brief bout or burst (fit of giggles: fit fixed (usu. foil, by for) colloq. be
situated (regarding) (how is he fixed
of coughing), z by (or in) fits and
starts spasmodically, have a fit colloq. for money T). fix on (or upon) choose,
be greatly surprised or outraged, in fits decide on. fix up 1 arrange, organize.
laughing uncontrollably. [Old English] 2 accommodate. 3 (often foil, by with)
fitful adj. spasmodic or intermittent. provide (a person) (fixed me up with a
fitfully adv. job), z fixable adj. [Latin figofix-]
fitment n. (usu. in pi) fixed item of fixate fik sen v. (-ting) 1 direct one's
furniture. gaze on. 2 Psychol, (usu. in passive:
fitted adj. 1 made to fit closely or exactly often foil, by on. upon) cause (a person)

(fitted carpet). 2 provided with built-in to become abnormally attached to a

fittings etc. (fitted kitchen). 3 built-in person or thing. [Latin: related to fix]
(fitted cupboards). fixation fik seijom n. 1 state of being
fitter n. 1 mechanic who fits together fixated. 2 obsession, monomania. 3 co-
and adjusts machinery'- 2 supervisor of agulation. 4 process of assimilating a gas
the cutting, fitting, etc. of garments. to form a solid compound.
fitting -n. 1 trying-on of a garment etc. fixative fiksatrv -adj. tending to fix
for adjustment before completion. 2 (in or secure, -n. fixative substance.
pi) fixtures and fitments of a building. fixedly frksidli adv. intently.
-adj. proper, becoming, right, z fit- fixed star n. Astron. seemingly motion-
tingly adv. less star.
fixer 329 flam be
fixer person or thing that fixes. 2
n. 1 flagellate "flaedsa.leit v. (-ting)
Photog. substance for fixing a photo- scourge, flog, z flagellation -'leij(a)n
graphic image etc. 3 colloq. person who n.
makes esp. illicit deals. flagellum fla^elam n. (pi. -gella) 1

fixings n.pL US 1 apparatus or equip- long lashlike appendage on some micro-

ment. 2 trimmings for a dish, dress, etc. scopic organisms. 2 runner: creeping
fixity n. fixed state; stability; perman- shoot. [Latin. = whip]
ence. flageolet ,flaed3a'let. n. small flute
fixture /'fikstJaCr)/ n. 1 a something blown at the end. [French from Proven-
fixed in position, b colloq. seemingly cal]
immovable person or thing (seems to be flag of convenience n. foreign flag
a fixture). 2 a sporting event, esp. a under which a ship registered, usu. to
match, race, etc. b date agreed for this. 3 avoid regulations or financial charges.
(in pi.) articles attached to a house or flag-officer n. admiral, vice admiral, or
land and regarded as legally part of it. rear admiral, or the commodore of a
fizz— 1\ 1 make a hissing or spluttering yacht-club.
sound. 2 (of a drink) effervesce, -n. 1 flag of truce n. white flag requesting a
effervescence. 2 colloq. effervescent truce.
drink, esp. champagne, [imitative] flagon 'flaegan n. 1 large bottle, usu.
fizzle /'fiz(a)l/ -v. (-ling) make a feeble holding a quart (1.13 litres), esp. of wine,
hiss. -n. such a sound, z fizzle out end cider, etc. 2 large vessel for wine etc.,
feebly, [imitative] usu. with a handle, spout, and lid. [Latin
fizzy adj. (-ier, -iest) effervescent, z fiasco flask]
fizziness n. flag-pole n. = flagstaff.
fjord var. of fiord. flagrant 'fleigrant adj. blatant: notori-
fl. abbr. 1 floruit. 2 fluid, ous: scandalous. flagrancy n. flag-
flab n. colloq. fat; flabbiness. [imitative, rantly adv. [Latin flagro blaze]
or from flabby] flagship n. 1 ship with an admiral on
flabbergast as
'flaeba,ga:st v. (esp. board. 2 leader in a category etc.: ex-
flabbergasted adj.) colloq. astonish; emplar.
dumbfound, [origin uncertain] flagstaff n. pole on which a flag may be
flabby 'flaebi adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of flesh hoisted.
etc.) limp; flaccid. 2 feeble, z flabbi- flagstone n. = flag 2 .

ness n. [alteration of flappy: related to flag-waving n. populist agitation,

flap] chauvinism.
flaccid /'flaeksid/ adj. limp, flabby, flail -n. wooden staff with a short heavy
drooping, z flaccidity -'siditi/ n. [Latin stick swinging from it, used for thresh-
flaccus limp] ing, —v. 1 wave or swing wildly. 2 beat
flag 1 -n. 1 a usu. oblong or square piece with or as with a flail. [Latin flagellum
of cloth, attachable by one edge to a pole whip]
or rope as a country's emblem or stand- flair natural talent in a specific area
n. 1

ard, a signal, etc. b small toy etc. resem- (flair for languages). 2 style, finesse.
bling a flag. 2 adjustable strip of metal [French flairer to smell]
etc. indicating a taxi's availability for flak n. 1 anti-aircraft fire. 2 adverse
hire. - v. (-gg-) 1 a grow tired; lag (was criticism; abuse. [German. F/iegerab-
soon flagging), b hang down; droop. 2 wehr/ranone. 'aviator-defence-gun'l
mark out with or as if with a flag or flake -n. 1 small thin light piece n snow
flags. 3 (often foil, by that) inform or etc. 2 thin broad piece peeled or split off.
communicate by flag-signals, z flag 3 dogfish etc. as food. -r. (-king) (often
down signal to stop, [origin unknown] foil,by away, off) 1 take off or come
flag 2 -n. (also flagstone) 1 flat usu. awav in flakes. 2 sprinkle with or fall in
rectangular paving stone. 2 (inp/.) pave- flakes, flake out colloq. fall asleep or
ment of these, -v. (-gg-) pave with flags, drop from exhaustion; faint, [origin
[probably Scandinavian] unknown]
flag3 n. plant with a bladed leaf (esp. the flak jacket n. protective reinforced
iris), [origin unknown] militarv jacket.
fund-raising day for a flaky adj. (-ier. -iest) 1 of, like, or in
flag-day n.
charity, esp. with the sale of small paper US slang crazy, eccentric.
flakes. 2 esp.
flags etc. in the street. flaky pastry n. crumblier version of
flagellant "flaed3alant, -n. person who puff pastry.

scourges himself, herself, or others as a flambe 'flombei adj. (of food) covered
religious discipline or as a sexual stimu- with alcohol and set alight briefly (fol-
lus, -adj. of flagellation. [Latin flagel- lowing a noun: pancakes flambe).
lum whip] [French: related to flame]
flamboyant 330 flash in the pan
flamboyant /flaem'boiant/ adj. 1 osten- intently, -n. 1 piece of cloth, wood, etc.
tatious; showy. 2 floridly decorated or attached by one side esp. to cover a gap,
coloured. flamboyance n. flam- e.g. a pocket-cover, the folded part of an
boyantly adv. [French: related to envelope, a table-leaf. 2 motion of a
flambe] wing, arm, etc. 3 colloq. agitation; panic
flame -n. 1 a ignited gas. b portion of (in a flap). 4 aileron. 5 light blow with
this (flame flickered; burst into flames). something flat, flappy adj. [probably
2 a bright light or colouring, b brilliant imitative]
orange-red colour. 3 a strong passion, flapdoodle /flaep'du:d(9)l/ n. colloq.
esp. love (fan the flame), b colloq. nonsense, [origin unknown]
sweetheart. -v. (-ming) 1 (often foil, by flapjack n. 1 sweet oatcake. 2 esp. US
away, forth, out, up) burn; blaze. 2 (often pancake.
foil, by out, up) a (of passion) break out. flapper n. 1 person apt to panic. 2 slang
b (of a person) become angry. 3 shine or (in the 1920s) young unconventional
glow like flame. [Latin flamma] woman.
flamenco /fla'menkau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 style flare -v. (-ring) 1 widen gradually
of Spanish Gypsy guitar music with (flared trousers). 2 (cause to) blaze
singing. 2 dance performed to this. brightly and unsteadily. 3 burst out,
[Spanish, = Flemish] esp. angrily, -n. 1 a dazzling irregular
flame-thrower n. weapon for throw- flame or light, b sudden outburst of
ing a spray of flame. flame. 2 flame or bright light used as a
flaming adj. 1 emitting flames. 2 very signal or to illuminate a target etc. 3 a
hot (flaming June). 3 colloq. a pas- gradual widening, esp. of a skirt or
sionate (flaming row), b expressing trousers, b (in pi.) wide-bottomed
annoyance (that flaming dog). 4 bright- trousers, flare up burst into a sudden
coloured. blaze, anger, activity, etc. [origin
flamingo /fla'mingau/ n. (pi. -s or -es) unknown]
tall long-necked wading bird with flare-path n. line of lights on a runway
mainly pink plumage. [Provencal: to guide aircraft.
related to flame] flare-up n. sudden outburst.
flammable /'flaemab(a)l/ adj. inflam- flash — v. 1 (cause to) emit a brief or
mable, flammability /- biliti/ n. sudden light; (cause to) gleam. 2 send or
[Latin: related to flame] reflect like a sudden flame (eyes flashed
fire). 3 a burst suddenly into view or
Usage Flammable is often used perception (answer flashed upon me).
because inflammable can be mistaken
b move swiftly (train flashed past). 4 a
for a negative (the true negative being
send (news etc.) by radio, telegraph, etc.
b signal to (a person) with lights. 5
flan n. 1 pastry case with a savoury or colloq. show ostentatiously (flashed her
sweet filling. 2 sponge base with a sweet ring). 6 slang indecently expose oneself.
topping, [medieval Latin flado -onis] -n. 1 sudden bright light or flame, e.g. of
flange /fla?nd3/ n. projecting flat rim lightning. 2 an instant (in a flash). 3
etc., for strengthening or attachment, sudden brief feeling, display of wit, etc.
[origin uncertain] (flash of hope). 4 = newsflash. 5 Pho-
flank -n. 1 side of the body between ribs tog. = flashlight 1. 6 Mil. coloured
and hip. 2 side of a mountain, building, cloth patch on a uniform. 7 bright patch
etc. 3 right or left side of an army etc. -f. of colour, -adj. colloq. gaudy; showy;
(often in passive) be at or move along vulgar (flash car), [imitative]
the side of (road flanked by moun- flashback n. scene set in an earlier time
tains). [French from Germanic] than the main action.
flannel /'flaen(8)l/ -n. 1 a woven wool- flash bulb n. Photog. bulb for a flash-
len usu. napless fabric, b (in pi.) flannel light.
garments, esp. trousers. 2 face-cloth, flash-cube n. Photog. set of four flash
esp. towelling. 3 slang nonsense; flat- bulbs in a cube, operated in turn.
tery, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 slang flatter. 2 flasher n. 1 slang man who indecently
wash with a flannel. [Welsh gwlanen exposes himself. 2 automatic device for
from gwldn wool] switching lights rapidly on and off.
flannelette /.flaena'let/ n. napped cot- flash-gun n. device operating a camera
ton fabric like flannel. flashlight.
flap -v. (-pp-) 1 move or be moved up flashing n. (usu. metal) strip used to
and down; beat. 2 colloq. be agitated or prevent water penetration at a roof joint
panicky. 3 sway; flutter. 4 (usu. foil, by etc. [dial.]
away, off) strike (flies etc.) with flat flash in the pan n. promising start
object; drive. 5 colloq. (of ears) listen followed by failure.
flash-lamp 331 flea-bitten
flash-lamp n. portable flashing electric flatter v. 1 compliment unduly, esp. for
lamp. gain or advantage. 2 (usu. re/7.; usu. foil,
flashlight n. 1 light giving an intense by that) congratulate or delude (oneself
flash, used for night or indoor photo- etc.) (he flatters himself that he can
graphy. 2 US electric torch. sing). 3 (of colour, style, portrait,
flashpoint n. 1 temperature at which painter etc.) enhance the appearance of
vapour from oil etc. will ignite in air. 2 (that blouse flatters you). 4 cause to feel
point at which anger etc. is expressed. honoured, z flatterer^, flattering
flashy adj. (-ier, -iest) showy; gaudy; adj. flatteringly adv. [French]
cheaply attractive. flashily adv. flattery n. exaggerated or insincere
flashiness n. praise.
flask /fla:sk/ n. 1 narrow-necked bulb- flatulent /'flaetjulant/ adj. 1 a causing
ous bottle for wine etc. or used in intestinal wind, b caused by or suffering
chemistry. 2 = hip-flask. 3 = vacuum from this. 2 (of speech etc.) inflated,
flask. [Latin flasca, fiasco: cf. flagon] pretentious. flatulence n. [Latin fla-
flat —adj. (flatter, flattest) 1 a horizont- tus blowing]
ally level, b even; smooth; unbroken, c flatworm n. worm with a flattened
level and shallow {flat cap). 2 unquali- body, e.g. flukes.
fied; downright (flat refusal). 3 a dull; flaunt v. (often refl.) display proudly;
lifeless; monotonous (in a flat tone), b show off; parade, [origin unknown]
dejected. 4 (of a fizzy drink) having lost
Usage Flaunt is often confused with
its effervescence. 5 (of an accumulator,
flout which means 'to disobey contemp-
battery, etc.) having exhausted its
charge. 6 Mus. a below true or normal
pitch (violins are flat), b (of a key) flautist /'fto:tist/ n. flute-player. [It-

having a flat or flats in the signature, c alian: related to flute]

(as B, E, etc. flat) semitone lower than flavour /'fleiva(r)/ (US flavor) -n. 1

B, E, etc. 7 (of a tyre) punctured; de- mingled sensation of smell and taste
flated, -adv. 1 at full length; spread out (cheesy flavour). 2 characteristic qual-
(lay flat; flat against the wall). 2 colloq. ity (romantic flavour). 3 (usu. foil, by of)
a completely, absolutely (flat broke), b slight admixture (flavour of failure),
exactly (in five minutes flat). 3 Mus. -v. give flavour to; season, flavour-
below the true or normal pitch (sings less adj. flavoursome adj. [French]
flat), -n. 1 flat part or thing (flat of the flavouring n. (US flavoring) sub-
hand). 2 level ground, esp. a plain or stance used to flavour food or drink.
swamp. 3 Mus. a note lowered a semi- flavour of the month n. (also flavour
tone below natural pitch, b sign (?) of the week) temporary trend or
indicating this. 4 (as the flat) flat racing fashion.
or its season. 5 Theatr. flat scenery on a flaw -n. 1 imperfection; blemish. 2

frame. 6 esp. US colloq. flat tyre, flat crack, chip, etc. 3 invalidating defect.
out 1 at top speed. 2 using all one's -v. crack; damage; spoil. flawless
strength etc. that's flat colloq. that is adj. flawlessly adv. [Old Norse]
definite, flatly adv. flatness n. flat- flaw 2 n. squall of wind. [Low German or
tish adj. [Old Norse] Dutch]
flat n. set of rooms, usu. on one floor, as flax n. 1 blue-flowered plant cultivated
a residence. flatlet n. [obsolete flet for its textile fibre and its seeds. 2 flax
floor, dwelling, from Germanic: related fibres. [Old English]
to FLAT 1
flaxen adj. 1 of flax. 2 (of hair) pale

flat-fish n. sole, plaice, etc. with both yellow.

eyes on one side of a flattened body. flax-seed n. linseed.

flat foot n. foot with a flattened arch. flay strip the skin or hide off, esp. by
v. 1

flat-footed n. 1 having flat feet. 2 colloq. beating. 2 criticize severely. 3 peel off
a uninspired, b unprepared, c resolute. (skin, bark, peel, etc.). 4 extort money
flat-iron n. hist, domestic iron heated etc. from. [Old English]
on a fire etc. flea n. small wingless jumping parasitic
flatmate n. person sharing a flat, insect. a flea in one's ear sharp
flat race n. horse race without jumps, reproof. [Old English]
over level ground. flat racing n. fleabag n. slang shabby or unattractive
flat rate n. unvarying rate or charge, person or thing.
flat spin n. 1 Aeron. a nearly horizontal flea-bite n. 1 bite of a flea. 2 trivial
spin. 2 colloq. state of panic, injury or inconvenience,
flatten v. 1 make or become flat. 2 colloq. flea-bitten adj. 1 bitten by or infested
a humiliate, b knock down. with fleas. 2 shabby.
flea market 332 flight
flea market n. street market selling fleur-de-lis /,fl3:d9'li:/ n. (also fleur-de-
second-hand goods etc. lys) (pi. fleurs- pronunc. same) 1 iris
flea-pit n. dingy dirty cinema etc. flower. 2 Heraldry a lily of three petals,
fleck -n. 1 small patch of colour or light. b former royal arms of France. [French,
2 particle, speck, -v. mark with flecks. flower of lily]

[Old Norse, or Low German or Dutch] flew past of fly 1

flection US var. of flexion. flews hanging lips of a bloodhound

fled past and past part, of flee. etc. [origin unknown]
fledge v. (-ging) 1 provide or deck (an flex v. 1 bend (a joint, limb, etc.) or be

arrow etc.) with feathers. 2 bring up (a bent. 2 move (a muscle) or (of a muscle)
young bird) until it can fly. 3 (as fledged be moved to bend a joint. [Latin flecto
adj.) a able to fly. b independent; ma- flex- bend]
ture, [obsolete adj. fledge fit to fly] flex 2 n. flexible insulated electric cable,
fledgling / 'fled3lin/ n. (also fledgeling) [abbreviation of flexible]
1 young bird. 2 inexperienced person, flexible /'fleksib(a)l/ adj. 1 capable of
flee v. (past and past part, fled) 1 (often bending without breaking; pliable. 2
foil, by from, before) a run away (from); manageable. 3 adaptable; variable
leave abruptly (fled the room), b seek (works flexible hours). flexibility
safety by fleeing. 2 vanish. [Old English] flexibly adv. [Latin flexibilis:
/-'biliti/ n.
fleece -n. 1 a woolly coa t of a sheep etc. related to flex

b wool sheared from a sheep at one time. flexion flekj(a)n/ n. (US flection) 1
2 thing resembling a fleece, esp. soft bending or being bent, esp. of a limb or
fabric for lining etc. -v. (-cing) 1 (often joint. 2 bent part; curve. [Latin flexio:
foil, by of) strip of money, valuables, 1
related to flex ]
etc.; swindle. 2 shear (sheep etc.). 3
flexitime /'fleksi.taim/ n. system of flex-
cover as if with a fleece (sky fleeced with ible working hours, [from flexible]
clouds), fleecy adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old
flibbertigibbet /.flibati'dsibit/ n. gos-
siping, frivolous, or restless person,
fleet -n. 1 a warships under one
commander-in-chief, b (prec. by the)
flick -n. 1 a light sharp blow with a
nation's warships etc.; navy. 2 number
whip etc. b sudden release of a bent
of vehicles in one company etc. -adj.
digit, esp. to propel a small object. 2
poet, literary swift, nimble. [Old Eng-
sudden movement or jerk, esp. of the
wrist in throwing etc. 3 colloq. a cinema
fleeting adj. transitory; brief. ] fleet-
film, b (in pi; prec. by the) the cinema.
ingly adv.
-v. 1 (often foil, by away, off) strike or
Fleming /'flemirj/ n. 1 native of medi-
eval Flanders. 2 member of a Flemish-
move with a flick (flicked the ash off). 2
give a flick with (a whip etc.). flick
speaking people of N. and W. Belgium.
[Old English]
through 1 turn over (cards, pages, etc.).

Flemish /'flemij/ -adj. of Flanders, -n. 2 a turnover the pages etc. of, by a rapid
language of the Flemings. [Dutch] movement of the fingers, b glance
flesh n. 1 a soft, esp. muscular, sub- through (a book etc.). [imitative]
stance between the skin and bones of an flicker -v. 1 (of light or flame) shine or
burn unsteadily. 2 flutter. 3 (of hope
animal or a human, b plumpness; fat. 2
etc.) flickering movement
waver, -n. 1
the body, esp. as sinful. 3 pulpy sub-
stance of a fruit etc. 4 a visible surface of or light. 2 brief spell (of hope etc.).
the human body, b (also flesh-colour) flicker out die away. [Old English]
yellowish pink colour. 5 animal or flick-knife n. knife with a blade that
human life. all flesh all animate springs out when a button is pressed.
creation, flesh out make or become flier var. of flyer.
/flait/ n. 1 a act or manner of

substantial, in the flesh in person, flight

one's own flesh and blood near rel- flying, b movement or passage through
atives. [Old English] the air. 2 a journey through the air or in
flesh and blood -n. 1 the body or its space, b timetabled airline journey. 3
substance. 2 humankind. 3 human flock of birds, insects, etc. 4 (usu. foil, by
nature, esp. as fallible, -adj. real, not of) series, esp. of stairs. 5 imaginative
imaginary. excursion or sally (flight of fancy). 6
fleshly adj. (-lier, -liest) 1 bodily; sen- (usu. foil, by of) volley (flight of ar-
sual. 2 mortal. 3 worldly. rows). 7 tail of a dart. [Old English:
fleshpots luxurious living. related to fly ]
flesh-wound n. superficial wound. flight 2 /flait/ n. fleeing, hasty retreat,
fleshy adj. (-ier, -iest) of flesh; plump, put to flight cause to flee, take (or take
pulpy, fleshiness n. to) flight flee. [Old English]
flight bag 333 floaty
flight bag n. small zipped shoulder bag ilarrubber foot attachment for under-
for air travel. water swimming. 3 slang hand.
flight-deck n. 1 deck of an aircraft- flipping adj. & adv. slang expressing
carrier. 2 control room of a large air- annoyance, or as an intensifies
craft. flip side n. colloq. 1 reverse side of a
flightless adj. (of a bird etc.) unable to gramophone record. 2 reverse or less
fly. important side of something.
flight lieutenant n. RAF officer next flirt -v. 1 (usu. foil, by with) try to
below squadron leader, attract sexually but without serious in-
flight path n. planned course of an tent. 2 (usu. foil, by with) superficially
aircraft etc. engage in; trifle. -n. person who flirts, z
flight-recorder n. device in an aircraft flirtation / flirtatious
recording technical details of a flight. /-'teijas/ flirtatiously /-'teijask/
flight sergeant n. RAF rank next adv. flirtatiousness /-'teijasnis/ n.
above sergeant. [imitative]
flighty adj. (-ier, -iest) (usu. of a girl) flit -v. (-tt-) 1 move lightly, softly, or
frivolous, fickle, changeable. flighti- rapidly. 2 make short flights. 3 colloq.
ness n. disappear secretly to escape creditors
flimsy /'flimzi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 insub- etc. -n. act of flitting. [Old Norse:
stantial, rickety (flimsy structure). 2 (of
related to fleet]
an excuse etc.) unconvincing. 3 (of
flitch n. side of bacon. [Old English]
clothing) thin. flimsily adv. flimsi-
flitter v. flit about; flutter, [from flit]
ness n. [origin uncertainl flitter-mouse n. = bat2 .

flinch v. draw back in fear etc.; wince.

float -u. 1 a (cause to) rest or move on
[French from Germanic]
the surface of a liquid, b set (a stranded
fling -v. (past and past part, flung) 1
ship) afloat. 2 colloq. a move in a leisure-
throw or hurl forcefully or hurriedly. 2
ly way. b (often foil, by before) hover
(foil, by on, off) put on or take off
before the eye or mind. 3 (often foil, by
(clothes) carelessly or rapidly. 3 put or
in) move or be suspended freely in a
send suddenly or violently (was flung
liquid or gas. 4 a start or launch (a
into jail). 4 rush, esp. angrily (flung out
company, scheme, etc.). b offer (stock,
of the room). 5 (foil, by away) discard
shares, etc.) on the stock market. 5
rashly, -n. 1 act of flinging; throw. 2
Commerce cause or allow to have a
bout of wild behaviour. 3 whirling Scot-
fluctuating exchange rate. 6 circulate or
tish dance, esp. the Highland fling. [Old
cause (a rumour or idea) to circulate.
-n. 1 thing that floats, esp.: a a raft, b a
flint n. 1 a hard grey siliceous stone, b
piece of this, esp. as a primitive tool or
light object as an indicator of a fish
biting or supporting a fishing-net. c a
weapon. 2 piece of hard alloy used to
hollow structure enabling an aircraft to
give a spark. 3 anything hard and
float on water, d a floating device on
unyielding. flinty adj. (-ier, -iest).
[Old English] water, petrol, etc., controlling the
level. 2 small esp. electrically-powered
flintlock n. hist, old type of gun fired by
a spark from a flint. vehicle or cart (milk float). 3 decorated
flip 1 -v. (-pp-) 1 flick or toss (a coin, platform or tableau on a lorry in a
pellet, etc.) so that it spins in the air. 2 procession etc. 4 a supply of loose
turn (a small object) over; flick. 3 slang change in a shop, at a fete, etc. b petty
= flip one's lid. -n. 1 act of flipping. 2 cash. 5 Theatr. (in sing, or pi.) foot-
colloq. short trip. -adj. colloq. glib; flip- lights. 6 tool for smoothing plaster,

pant, c flip one's lid slang lose self- floatable adj. [Old English]
control; go mad. flip through = flick floatation var. of flotation.
through, [probably from fillip] floating adj. not settled; variable (float-
flip 2 n. 1 = egg-flip. 2 drink of heated ing population).
beer and spirit, [perhaps from flip ]
floating dock n. floating structure
flip chart n. large pad of paper on a usable as a dry dock.
stand. floating kidney n. abnormally mov-
flip-flop (usu. rubber) sandal with a
n. able kidney.
thong between the toes, [imitative] floating rib n. lower rib not attached to
flippant /'flipant/ adj. frivolous; dis- the breastbone.
respectful; offhand. flippancy n. floating voter n. voter without fixed
flippantly adv. [from flip 1 ] allegiance.
flipper n. 1 broad flat limb of a turtle, floaty adj. (esp. of fabric) light and airy,
penguin, etc., used in swimming. 2 sim- [from float]
flocculent 334 floss
flocculent /'frnKjulant/ adj. like or in audience, take the floor 1 begin to
tufts of wool etc.; downy. flocculence dance. 2 speak in a debate. [Old English]
n. [related to flock ] floorboard n. long wooden board used
flock -n. 1 animals of one kind as a
for flooring.
group or unit. 2 large crowd of people. 3 floorcloth n. cloth for washing the
people in the care of a priest or teacher floor.
etc. —v. (usu. foil, by to, in, out, together) flooring n. material of which a floor is
congregate; mass; troop. [Old English] made.
flock 2 n. 1 lock or tuft of wool, cotton, floor manager n. stage-manager of a
etc. 2 (also in pi.; often attrib.) wool- television production,
refuse etc. used for quilting and stuff- floor plan n. diagram of the rooms etc.
ing. [Latin floccus] on one storey.
flock-paper n. (also flock-wallpaper) floor show n. nightclub entertainment,
wallpaper with a raised flock pattern, floozie /'flu:zi/ n. (also floozy) {pi. -ies)
floe n. sheet of floating ice. [Norwegian] colloq. esp. disreputable girl or woman.
flog v. (-gg-) 1 a beat with a whip, stick, [origin unknown]
etc. b make work through violent effort flop -v. (-pp-) 1 sway about heavily or

{flogged the engine). 2 (often foil, by off) loosely. 2 (often foil, by down, on, into)
slang sell. flog a dead horse waste fall or sit etc. awkwardly or suddenly. 3
one's efforts, flog to death colloq. talk slang fail; collapse {play flopped). 4

about or promote at tedious length, make a dull soft thud or splash, -n. 1
[origin unknown] flopping movement or sound. 2 slang
flood failure, -adv. with a flop. [var. of flap]
/flAd/ -n. 1 a overflowing or influx
of water, esp. over land; inundation, b
floppy -adj. (-ier, -iest) tending to flop;
flaccid. -n. {pi. -ies) (in full floppy disk)
the water that overflows. 2 outpouring;
torrent {flood of tears). 3 inflow of the
Computing flexible disc for the storage
of data, z floppiness n.
tide (also in comb.: flood-tide). 4 colloq.
flora /'flDira/ n. {pi. -s or florae -ri:/) 1
floodlight. 5 (the Flood) the flood de-
plant life of a region or period. 2 list or
scribed in Genesis, -v. 1 overflow,
book of these. [Latin Flora, name of the
cover, or be covered with or as if with a
goddess of flowers]
flood {bathroom flooded; flooded with
floral adj. of, decorated with, or depict-
enquiries). 2 irrigate. 3 deluge (a mine
ing flowers, z florally adv. [Latin]
etc.) with water. 4 (often foil, by in,
Florentine /'flDran.tam/ -adj. of
through) come in great quantities {com-
Florence in Italy, -n. native or citizen
plaints flooded in). 5 overfill (a car-
of Florence. [Latin]
burettor) with petrol. 6 have a uterine
floret /'flDnt/ n. 1 each of the small
haemorrhage. flood out drive out (of
flowers making up a composite flower-
one's home etc.) with a flood. [Old Eng-
head. 2 each stem of a head of cauli-
flower, broccoli, etc. 3 small flower.
floodgate n. 1 gate for admitting or
[Latin flos flower]
excluding water, esp. in a lock. 2 (usu. in floribunda /.flDn'bAnda/ n. plant, esp. a
pi.) last restraint against tears, rain, rose, bearing dense clusters of flowers,
anger, etc. [related to floret: cf. moribund]
floodlight -n. large powerful light florid /'flDnd/ adj. 1 ruddy {florid com-
(usu. one of several) to illuminate a plexion). 2 elaborately ornate; showy, z
building, sports ground, etc. -v. illu- floridly adv. floridness n. [Latin:
minate with floodlights. floodlit adj. related to flower]
flood-tide n. exceptionally high tide florin /'florin/ n. hist. 1 British two-
caused esp. by the moon. shilling coin now worth 10 pence. 2
floor /flo:(r)/ -n. 1 lower supporting English or foreign gold or silver coin.
surface of a room. 2 a bottom of the sea, [Italian fiorino: related to florist]
a cave, etc. b any level area. 3 all the florist /'florist/ n. person who deals in or
rooms etc. on one level of a building; grows flowers. [Latin flos flower]
storey. 4 a (in a legislative assembly) floruit /'floruit/-u. flourished; lived and
place where members sit and speak, b worked (of a painter, writer, etc., whose
right to speak next in a debate {gave him exact dates are unknown), -n. period or
the floor). 5 minimum of prices, wages, date of working etc. [Latin, = he or she
etc. 6 colloq. ground, -v. 1 provide with a flourished]
floor; pave. 2 knock or bring (a person) floss -n. 1 rough silk of a silkworm's
down. 3 colloq. confound, baffle. 4 colloq. cocoon. 2 silk thread used in embroidery.
overcome. 5 serve as the floor of {lino 3 = dental floss, -v. (also absol.) clean
floored the hall), z from the floor (of a (teeth) with dental floss, z flossy adj.
speech etc.) given by a member of the [French floche]
flotation 335 fluke
flotation /flau'teiJX8)n/ n. (also floata- blossom. 2 reach a peak, r the flower
tion) launching or financing of a com- of the best of. in flower blooming, z
mercial enterprise etc. [from float] flowered adj. [Latin flos flor-]
flotilla /fla'tila/ n. 1 small fleet. 2 fleet of flower-bed n. garden bed for flowers.
small ships. [Spanish] flower-head n. = head n. 3 c.
flotsam /'flotsam/ n. wreckage found flower people n. hippies with flowers
floating. [Anglo-French: related to as symbols of peace and love.
float] flowerpot n. pot for growing a plant in.
flotsam and jetsam n. 1 odds and flower power n. peace and love, esp. as
ends. 2 vagrants. a political idea.
flounce 1
-v. (-cing) (often foil, by away, flowers of sulphur n. fine powder
about, off, out) go or move angrily or produced when sulphur evaporates and
impatiently (flounced out in a huff), -n.
flouncing movement, [origin unknown]
flowery adj. 1 flor ally decorated. 2 (of
flounce 2 -n. frill on a dress, skirt, etc. style, speech, etc.) high-flown; ornate. 3
-v. (-cing) trim with flounces, [al-
fullof flowers. flower iness n.
teration of frounce pleat, from French]
flowing adj. 1 (of style etc.) fluent; easy.
flounder -v. 1 struggle helplessly as if

2 (of a line, curve, etc.) smoothly con-

wading in mud. 2 do a task clumsily. -n.
tinuous. 3 (of hair etc.) unconfined.
act of floundering, [imitative]
flounder 2 n. (pi. same) 1 edible Euro- flowingly adv.
pean flat-fish. 2 N. American flat-fish. flown past part, of fly 1 .

[Anglo-French, probably Scandinavian] flu /flu:/ n. colloq. influenza, [abbrevia-

flour —n. 1 meal or powder from ground tion]

wheat etc. 2 any fine powder, -v. fluctuate /'flAktJu.eit/ v. (-ting) vary
sprinkle with flour. floury adj. (-ier, irregularly; rise and fall, z fluctuation
-iest). flouriness n. [different spelling /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin fluctus wave]

offlower 'best part'] flue /flu:/ n. 1 smoke-duct in a chimney. 2

flourish /'flAriJV -v. 1 a grow vigor- channel for conveying heat, [origin
ously; thrive, b prosper, c be in one's unknown]
prime. 2 wave, brandish, -n. 1 showy fluent 1 (of speech, style,
/'fluent/ adj.
gesture. 2 ornamental curve in hand- natural. 2 verbally facile,
etc.) flowing,
writing. 3 Mus. ornate passage or fan- esp. in a foreign language (fluent in
fare. [Latin floreo from flos flower] German). fluency n. fluently adv.
flout -u. disobey (the law etc.) contemp- [Latin fluo flow]
tuously; mock; insult, -n. flouting fluff -n. 1 soft fur, feathers, or fabric
speech or act. [Dutch fluiten whistle: particles etc. 2 slang mistake in a per-
related to flute] formance etc. -v. 1 (often foil, by up)
Usage Flout is often confused with shake into or become a soft mass. 2
colloq. make a fluff; bungle. bit of
flaunt which means 'to display proudly,
show off. fluff slang offens. attractive woman.
fluffy adj. (-ier, -iest). fluffiness n.
flow /flau/ -v. 1 glide along as a stream. 2
[probably dial, alteration of flue fluff]
(of liquid, blood, etc.) gush out; be spilt.
flugelhorn /'flu:g(a)l,ho:n/ n. valved
3 (of blood, money, electric current, etc.)
brass wind instrument like a cornet.
circulate. 4 move smoothly or steadily. 5
[German Fliigel wing, Horn horn]
(of a garment, hair, etc.) hang grace-
fluid /'flu:id/ -n. 1 substance, esp. a gas
fully. 6 (often foil,by from) be caused by.
or liquid, whose shape is determined by
7 (esp. of the tide) be in flood. 8 (of wine)
its confines. 2 fluid part or secretion.
be plentiful. 9 (foil, by with) archaic be
-adj. 1 able to flow and alter shape
plentifully supplied with (flowing with
freely. 2 constantly changing (situation
milk and honey), -n. 1 a flowing move-
is fluid). fluidity /- iditi/ n. fluidly
ment or mass, b flowing liquid (stop the
adv. fluidness n. [Latin: related to flu-
flow), c outpouring; stream (flow of
complaints). 2 rise of a tide or river (ebb ent]
and flow). [Old English] fluid ounce n. one-twentieth, or US
flow chart n. (also flow diagram or one-sixteenth, of a pint.
flow sheet) diagram of the movement fluke /flu:k/-rc. lucky accident (won by

or action in a complex activity. a fluke), -v. (-king) achieve by a fluke.

flower /'flaua(r)/ -n. 1 part of a plant fluky adj. (-ier, -iest). [origin uncer-
from which the fruit or seed is de- tain]
veloped. 2 blossom, esp. used for decora- fluke 2 /flu:k/ n. 1 parasitic flatworm, e.g.
tion. 3 plant cultivated for its flowers. the liver fluke. 2 flat-fish, esp. a
-v. 1 bloom or cause (a plant) to bloom; flounder. [Old English]
fluke 386 fly
fluke /flu:k/ n. 1 broad triangular plate a drain, lavatory, etc. thus. 3 rush of esp.
on an anchor arm. 2 lobe of a whale's elation or triumph. 4 freshness; vigour.
tail, [perhaps rom fluke f
] 5 a (also hot flush) sudden feeling of
flummery /'fUmon/ n. (pi -ies) 1 flat- heat during menopause, b feverish red-
tery;nonsense. 2 sweet dish made with ness or temperature etc. -adj. 1 level, in
beaten eggs, sugar, etc. [Welsh llymru] the same plane. 2 colloq. having plenty
flummox /'flAmaks/ v. colloq. bewilder, of money, [perhaps « flush 3 ]
disconcert, [origin unknown] flush 2 n. hand of cards all of one suit,
flung past and past part, of fling. esp. in poker. [Latin fluxus flux]
flunk v. US colloq. fail (esp. an exam), flush 3 v. 1 cause (esp. a game-bird) to fly
[origin unknown] up. 2 (of a bird) fly up and away, flush

flunkey /'fUnki/ n. (also flunky) (pi. out 1 reveal. 2 drive out. [imitative]
-eys or -ies) usu. derog. 1 liveried foot- fluster — v, 1 make or become nervous
man. 2 toady; snob. 3 US cook, waiter, or confused (he flusters easily). 2
etc. [origin uncertainl bustle, -n. confused or agitated state,
fluoresce /flua'res/ v. (-scing) be or [origin unknown]
become fluorescent, [from fluor- flute -n. 1 a high-pitched wood-
escent] wind instrument held sideways, b any
fluorescence n. 1 light radiation from similar wind instrument. 2 ornamental
certain substances. 2 property of vertical groove in a column, -y. (-ting) 1
absorbing invisible light and emitting play, or play (a tune etc.) on, the flute. 2
visible light, [from fluorspar, after speak or sing etc. in a high voice. 3 make
opalescence] grooves in. fluting n. fluty adj. (in
1 1

fluorescent adj. of, having, or showing sense la of n.). [French]

fluorescence. flutter —v. 1 flap (the wings) in flying or
fluorescent lamp n. (also fluorescent trying to fly. 2 fall quiveringly (fluttered
bulb) esp. tubular lamp or bulb radiat- to the ground). 3 wave or flap quickly. 4
ing largely by fluorescence. move about restlessly. 5 (of a pulse etc.)
fluoridate /'fluari.deit/ v. (-ting) add beat feebly or irregularly, -n. 1 act of
fluoride to (drinking-water etc.), esp. to fluttering. 2 tremulous excitement
prevent tooth decay. fluoridation 1 1 (caused a flutter). 3 slang small bet, esp.
/-'deij(a)n/ n. on a horse. 4 abnormally rapid heart-
fluoride /'fluaraid/ n. binary compound beat. 5 rapid variation of pitch, esp. of
of fluorine. recorded sound. [Old English]
fluorinate (-ting) 1 =
/'fluari.neit/ v. fluvial /'flu:vial/ adj. of or found in
fluoridate. 2 introduce fluorine into (a rivers. [Latin fluvius river]
compound). I i
fluorination /-'neij*(a)n/ flux n. 1 process of flowing or flowing
n. out. 2 discharge. 3 continuous change
fluorine poisonous pale-
/'fluari:n/ n. (state offlux). 4 substance mixed with a
yellow gaseous element. [French: metal etc. to aid fusion. [Latin fluxus
related to fluorspar] from fluo flux- flow]
fluorite /'fluarait/ n. mineral form of /flai/ -v. (flies; past flew /flu:/; past
calcium fluoride. [Italian: related to part, flown /flaun/) 1 a (of an aircraft,
fluorspar] bird, etc.) move through the air or space
fluorocarbon /.fluarau'ka^an/ n. com- under control, esp. with wings, b travel
pound of a hydrocarbon with fluorine through the air or space. 2 control the
atoms. flight of or transport in (esp. an air-
fluorspar /'fluaspa:(r)/ n. = fluorite. craft). 3 a cause to fly or remain aloft, b
[fluor a mineral used as flux, from Latin (of a flag, hair, etc.) wave or flutter. 4
fluo flow] pass, move, or rise quickly. 5 a flee; flee
flurry /'fUri/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 gust or from, b colloq. depart hastily. 6 be
squall (of snow, rain, etc.). 2 sudden driven, forced, or scattered (sent me
burst of activity, excitement, etc.; com- flying). 7 (foil, by at, upon) a hasten or
motion, -v. (-ies, -led) confuse; agitate, spring violently, b attack or criticize
[imitative] fiercely, -n. (pi. -ies) 1 (usu. in pi.) a
flush -v. 1 blush, redden, glow warmly concealing flap, esp. over a trouser-

(he flushed with embarrassment). 2 fastening. b this fastening. 2 flap at a

(usu. as flushed adj.) cause to glow or tent entrance. 3 (in pi) space above a
blush (often foil, by with: he was stage where scenery and lighting are
flushed with pride). 3 a cleanse (a drain, suspended. 4 act of flying, fly high be

lavatory, etc.) by a flow of water, b ambitious; prosper, fly in the face of

(often foil, by away, down) dispose of in disregard or disobey, fly a kite test
this way. 4 rush out, spurt, -n. 1 blush opinion, fly off the handle colloq. lose
or glow. 2 a rush of water, b cleansing of one's temper. [Old English]
fly 337 focus
fly I flail n. (pi. flies) 1 insect with two fly-post v. fix (posters etc.) illegally on
usu. transparent wings. 2 other winged walls etc. [fly

insect, e.g. a firefly. 3 disease of plants or flysheet n. 1 canvas cover over a tent
animals caused by flies. 4 (esp. artifi- for extra protection. 2 short tract or
cial) fly as bait in fishing, like flies in circular, [fly 1 ]
large numbers (usu. of people dying fly-tip v. illegally dump (waste), fly-
etc.). no flies on (him etc.) colloq. (he is)
-tipper n. [fly ]
very astute. [Old English] fly-trap n. plant that catches flies.
fly /flai/ adj. slang knowing, clever, flyweight n. 1 weight in certain sports
alert, [origin unknown] between light flyweight and bantam-
fly-away adj. (of hair) fine and difficult weight, in amateur boxing 48-51 kg. 2
to control. sportsman of this weight.
fly-blown adj. tainted, esp. by flies, flywheel n. heavy wheel on a revolving
fly-by-night -adj. unreliable, -n. shaft to regulate machinery or accumu-
unreliable person. late power.
flycatcher n. bird catching insects dur- FM abbr. 1 field marshal. 2 frequency
ing short flights from a chosen perch. modulation.
flyer n. (also flier) colloq. 1 airman or Fm symb. fermium.
airwoman. 2 thing that flies in a speci- f-number /'ef,nAmb8(r)/ n. ratio of the
fied way {poor flyer). 3 fast-moving an- focal length to the effective diameter of a
imal or vehicle. 4 ambitious or outstand- camera lens, [from /ocal]
ing person. 5 small handbill. FO abbr. Flying Officer.
fly-fish v. fish with a fly. foal -n. young of a horse or related
fly-half rc. Rugby stand-off half. animal, -v. give birth to (a foal). in (or
flying -adj. 1 fluttering, waving, or with) foal (of a mare etc.) pregnant.
hanging loose. 2 hasty, brief (flying [Old English]
visit). 3 designed for rapid movement. 4 foam -n. 1 mass of small bubbles
(of an animal) leaping with winglike formed on or in liquid by agitation,
membranes etc. -n. flight, esp. in an fermentation, etc. 2 froth of saliva or
aircraft. with flying colours with sweat. 3 substance resembling these,
distinction. e.g. spongy rubber or plastic, -v. emit or
flying boat n. boatlike seaplane. run with foam; froth. foam at the
flying buttress n. (usu. arched) but- mouth be very angry. foamy adj.
tress running from the upper part of a (ier, -iest). [Old English]
wall to an outer support and transmit- fob n. 1 chain of a pocket-watch. 2 small

ting the thrust of the roof or vault. pocket for a watch etc. 3 tab on a key-
flying doctor n. doctor who uses an ring. [German]
aircraft to visit patients. fob r t;. (-bb-) fob off 1 (often foil, by
flying fish n. tropical fish with winglike with a thing) deceive into accepting
fins for gliding through the air. something inferior. 2 (often foil, by on or
flying fox n. fruit-eating bat with a on to a person) offload (an unwanted
foxlike head. thing), [cf. obsolete fop dupe]
flying officer n. RAF rank next below focal /'f9uk(a)l/ adj. of or at a focus.
flight lieutenant. [Latin: related to focus]
flying picket n. mobile industrial focal distance n. (also focal length)
strike picket. distance between the centre of a mirror
flying saucer n. supposed alien space- or lens and its focus.
ship. focal point n. 1 = focus rc. 1. 2 centre of
flying squad n. rapidly mobile police interest or activity.
detachment etc. fo'c's'le var. of forecastle.
flying start n. 1 start (of a race etc.) in focus /'faukas/ -n. (pi. focuses or foci
which the starting-point is crossed at /'faosai/) 1 a point at which rays or
full speed. 2 vigorous start (of an enter- waves meet after reflection or refrac-
prise etc.). tion, b point from which rays etc. ap-
fly in the ointment n. minor ir pear to proceed. 2 a point at which an
ritation or setback. object must be situated for a lens or
flyleaf n. blank leaf at the beginning or mirror to give a well-defined image, b
end of a book. adjustment of the eye or a lens to give a
fly on the wall n. unnoticed observer, clear image, c state of clear definition
flyover n. bridge carrying one road or (OUt OffOCUS). 3 = FOCAL POINT 2. -V. (-S-
railway over another, or -ss-) 1 bring into focus. 2 adjust the
fly-paper n. sticky treated paper for focus of (a lens or eye). 3 concentrate or
catching flies. be concentrated on. 4 converge or make
fly-past n. ceremonial flight of aircraft. converge to a focus. [Latin, = hearth]
fodder 338 follow
fodder dried hay or straw etc. as
n. fold 2 -n. 1
/fauld/ = sheepfold. 2
animal food. [Old English] religious group or congregation, -u.
FOE lcolloq. fau/ abbr. Friends of the enclose (sheep) in a fold. [Old English]
Earth. -fold suffix forming adjectives and ad-
foe n. esp. poet, enemy. [Old English] verbs from cardinal numbers, meaning:
foetid var. of fetid. 1 in an amount multiplied by (repaid
foetus /'fi:t9s/ n. (US fetus) (pi. -tuses) tenfold). 2 with so many parts (threefold
unborn mammalian offspring, esp. a blessing), [originally = 'folded in so
human embryo of eight weeks or more, many layers']
foetal adj. [Latin fetus offspring] foldern. folding cover or holder for
fog-rc. 1 thick cloud of water droplets or loose papers.
smoke suspended at or near the earth's foliaceous /.fauli'eijas/ adj. 1 of or like
surface. 2 cloudiness on a photographic leaves. 2 laminated. [Latin: related to
negative etc. 3 uncertain or confused 2
position or state, -v. (-gg-) 1 cover or foliage /'faulnd3/ n. leaves, leafage.
become covered with or as with fog. 2 [French feuillage from feuille leaf]
perplex, [perhaps a back-formation foliar /'faulia(r)/ adj. of leaves, [as foli-
from foggy] ate]
fog-bank n. mass of fog at sea. foliar feed n. fertilizer supplied to the
fog-bound adj. unable to travel leaves of plants.
because of fog. foliate -adj. /'fauliat/ 1 leaflike. 2 hav-
fogey var. of fogy. ing leaves, - f. /'fauli.eit/ (-ting) split or
foggy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of fog. 2 of or
beat into thin layers. : foliation
like fog. 3 vague, indistinct.not have /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin folium leaf]
the foggiest colloq. have no idea at all. folio /'fauliau/ -n. (pi. -s) 1 leaf of paper
fogginess n. [perhaps from fog long etc., esp. numbered only on the front. 2
sheet of paper folded once making two
foghorn n. 1 horn warning ships in fog.
leaves of a book. 3 book of such sheets.
2 colloq. loud penetrating voice,
-adj. (of a book) made of folios, of the
fog-lamp n. powerful lamp for use in
largest size. in folio made of folios.
[Latin, ablative of folium leaf]
f°gy /'faugi/ n. (also fogey) (pi. -ies or
folk /fauk/ n. (pi. same or -s) 1 (treated as
-eys) dull old-fashioned person (esp. old
pi.) people in general or of a specified
fogy), [origin unknown]
class (few folk about; townsfolk). 2 (in
foible /'foib(a)l/ n. minor weakness
pi.) (usu. folks) one's parents or rel-
or idiosyncrasy. [French: related to
atives. 3 (treated as sing.) a people or
1 nation. 4 (in full folk-music) (treated as
foil v. frustrate, baffle, defeat, [perhaps
sing.) colloq. traditional music or
from French fouler trample]
foil 2 n. 1 metal rolled into a very thin
modern music in this style. 5 (attrib.) of
sheet. 2 person or thing setting off
popular origin (folk art). [Old English]
another to advantage. [Latin folium folk-dance n. dance of popular origin.
folklore n. traditional beliefs and stor-
ies of a people; the study of these.
foil 3 n. light blunt fencing sword, [origin
unknown] folk-singer n. singer of folk-songs.
foist v. (foil, by on) force (a thing or
folk-song n. song of popular or tradi-
oneself) on to an unwilling person. tional origin or style.
[Dutch vuisten take in the hand] folksy /'fauksi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or
fold 1 /fauld/ —v. 1 a bend or close (a like folk art, culture, etc. 2 friendly,
flexible thing) over upon itself, b (foil, unpretentious. folksiness n.
by back, over, down) bend part of (a folk-tale n. traditional story.
thing) (fold down the flap). 2 become or folkweave n. rough loosely woven
be able to be folded. 3 (foil, by away, up) fabric.
make compact by folding. 4 (often foil, follicle /'fDlik(a)l/ n. small sac or vesicle
by up) colloq. collapse, cease to function. in the body, esp. one containing a hair-
5 enfold (esp. fold in the arms or to the root. follicular /fD'likjul8(r)/ adj.
breast). 6 (foil, by about, round) clasp [Latin diminutive of follis bellows]
(the arms). 7 (foil, by in) mix (an ingredi- follow /'fblau/ v. 1 (often foil, by after) go
ent with others) gently, -n. 1 folding. 2 or come after (a person or thing ahead).
line made by folding. 3 folded part. 4 2 go along (a road etc.). 3 come after in
hollow among hills. 5 curvature of geo- order or time (dessert followed; proceed
logical strata. fold one's arms place as follows). 4 take as a guide or leader. 5
or entwine them across the chest, fold conform to. 6 practise (a trade or profes-
one's hands clasp them. [Old English] sion). 7 undertake (a course of study
follower 339 foot-and-mouth disease
etc.).8 understand (a speaker, argu- food-chain n. series of organisms each
ment, etc.). 9 take an interest in (current dependent on the next for food.
affairs etc.). 10 (foil, by with) provide foodie /'fu:di/ n. colloq. person who
with a sequel or successor. 11 happen makes a cult of food; gourmet.
after something else; ensue. 12 a be food poisoning n. illness due to bac-
necessarily true as a consequence, b teria etc. in food.
(foil, by from) result. follow on 1 food processor n. machine for chop-
continue. 2 (of a cricket team) have to ping and mixing food. *

bat twice in succession, follow out foodstuff n. substance used as food.

carry out (instructions etc.). follow food value n. nourishing power of a
suit 1 play a card of the suit led. 2 food.
conform to another's actions, follow fool -n. 1 rash, unwise, or stupid per-
through 1 continue to a conclusion. 2 son. 2 hist jester; clown. 3 dupe. -v. 1
continue the movement of a stroke after deceive. 2 (foil, by into or out of) trick;
hitting the ball, follow up (foil, by with) cheat. 3 joke or tease. 4 (foil, by about,
1 develop, supplement. 2 investigate around) play or trifle. act (or play)
further. [Old English] the fool behave in a silly way. be no (or
follower n. 1 supporter or devotee. 2 nobody's) fool be shrewd or prudent,
person who follows. make a fool of make (a person or
following -prep, after in time; as a oneself) look foolish; trick, deceive.
sequel to. —n. supporters or devotees. [Latin follis bellows]
—adj. that follows or comes after. the fool 2 n. dessert of fruit puree with cream
following 1 what follows. 2 now to be or custard, [perhaps from fool ]

given or named {answer the following). foolery n. foolish behaviour.

follow-on n. Cricket instance of follow- foolhardy adj. (-ier, -iest) rashly or
ing on. foolishly bold; reckless. foolhardily
follow-through n. action of following adv. foolhardiness n.
through. foolish adj. lacking good sense or
follow-up n. subsequent or continued judgement; unwise. foolishly adv.
action. foolishness n.
folly n. (pi -ies) 1 foolishness. 2 foolish foolproof adj. (of a procedure, mechan-
act, behaviour, idea, etc. 3 fanciful orna- ism, etc.) incapable of misuse or mis-
mental building created for display. take.
[French folie from fol mad, fool ] 1
foolscap /'fu:lskaep/ n. large size of
foment /fa'ment/ v. instigate or stir up paper, about 330 x 200 (or 400) mm. [from
(trouble, discontent, etc.). fomen- a watermark of a fool 's cap]
tation /,f8umen'teij(9)n/ n. [Latin foveo fool's paradise n. illusory happiness.
heat, cherish] foot-rc. (pi. feet) 1 a part of the leg below
fond adj. 1 (foil, by of) liking. 2 a affec- the ankle, b part of a sock etc. covering
tionate, b doting. 3 (of beliefs etc.) fool- this. 2 a lowest part of a page, stairs, etc.
ishly optimistic or credulous. fondly b end of a bed where the feet rest, c part
adv. fondness n. [obsolete fon fool, be of a chair, appliance, etc. on which it
foolish] rests. 3 step, pace, or tread (fleet offoot).
fondant /'fDnd(8)nt/ n. soft sugary 4 (pi. feet or foot) linear measure of 12
sweet. [French = melting: related to inches (30.48 cm). 5 metrical unit of
verse forming part of a line. 6 hist
fondle /'fond(8)l/ v. (-ling) caress, infantry, -v. 1 pay (a bill). 2 (usu. as foot
[related to fond] it) go or traverse on foot. feet of clay

fondue /'fondju:/ n. dish of melted fundamental weakness in a respected

cheese. [French, = melted: related to person, have one's (or both) feet on
the ground be practical, have one foot
font n. receptacle in a church for baptis-
in the grave be near death or very old.
mal water. [Latin fons font- fountain] my foot! int. expressing strong contra-
font 2 var. of fount2 .
diction, on foot walking, put one's feet
fontanelle /.fbnta'nel/ n. (US fontanel) up colloq. take a rest, put one's foot
membranous space in an infant's skull down colloq. 1 insist firmly. 2 accelerate
at the angles of the parietal bones. a vehicle, put one's foot in it colloq.
[Latin fontanella little fountain] make a tactless blunder, under one's
food n.1a substance taken in to main- feet in the way. under foot on the
tain life and growth, b solid food (food ground. [ footless adj. [Old English]
and drink). 2 mental stimulus (food for footage n. 1 a length of TV or cinema
thought). [Old English] film etc. 2 length in feet.
food additive n. substance added to foot-and-mouth disease n. conta-
food to colour or flavour it etc. gious viral disease of cattle etc.
football 340 forbid
football large inflated ball of
n. 1 3 suitable or appropriate to (a dance
leather or plastic. 2 outdoor team game for beginners: not for me to say). 4 in
played with this footballer n. respect of or with reference to: regard-
football pool n. (also football pools ing {usual for ties to be worn: ready for
pi) large-scale organized gambling on bed). 5 representing or in place of (MP
the results of football matches, for Lincoln: here for my uncle). 6 in
footbrake n. foot-operated brake on a exchange with, at the price of. corres-
vehicle. ponding to (swapped it for a cake: give
footbridge n. bridge for pedestrians. me £5 for it: bought it for £5: word for
footfall n. sound of a footstep. word). 7 as a consequence of (fined for
foot-fault n. (in tennis) placing of the speeding: decorated for bravery: here's
foot over the baseline while serving. £5 for your trouble). 8 a with a view to:
foothill n. any of the low hills at the in the hope or quest of: in order to get (go
base of a mountain or range. for a walk: send for a doctor: did it for
foothold n. 1 secure place for a foot the money), b on account of (could not
when climbing etc. 2 secure initial posi- speak for laughing). 9 to reach: towards
tion. (leftfor Rome). 10 so as to start promptly
footing n. 1 foothold: secure position
at (meet at seven for eight). 11 through
{lost his footing). 2 operational basis. 3 or over (a distance or period): during
relative position or status (on an equal (walked for miles). 12 as being for the
footing). 4 (often in pi) foundations of a last time: Ifor one refuse). 13 in spite of:
wall. notwithstanding for all your fine
footle fu:t(a)l dl (-ling) (usu. foil, by words). 14 considering or making due
about) colloq. potter or fiddle about. allowance in respect of (good for a
[origin uncertain]
beginner), -conj. because, since, seeing
footlights n.pi row of floor-level lights that, z be for it colloq. be about to be
at the front of a stage,
punished etc. for all ahat) in spite of.
footling fu:tlirj adj. colloq. trivial.
although, for ever for all time (cf. for-
ever). [Old Enghsh reduced form of
footloose adj. free to act as one pleases,
footman n. liveried servant, for- prefix forming verbs etc. meaning: 1
footmark n. footprint, away, off forget: forgive). 2 prohibition
footnote n. note printed at the foot of a
(forbid). 3 abstention or neglect (forgo:
forsake). [Old English]
footpad n. hist, unmounted highway-
forage fbridj -n. 1 food for horses and
cattle. 2 searching for food. -v. 1 search
footpath n. path for pedestrians: pave-
for food: rummage. 2 collect food from. 3
get by foraging. [Germanic: related to
footplate n. platform for the crew in a
footprint n. impression left by a foot or forage cap n. infantry undress cap.
forasmuch as forazmAtJ conj.

footrest it stool, rail. etc. for the feet.

archaic because, since, [from for as
Footsie fists n. = FT-SE. [respelling much]
of FT-SE]
foray fbrei -n. sudden attack: raid.
footsie Tutsi n. colloq. amorous play —v. make a foray. [French: related to
with the feet.
footsore adj. with sore feet. esp. from forbade also forbad past of forbid.

walking. forbear- fo: bea(r) v. (past forbore:

footstep n. 1 step taken in walking. 2
past part, forborne^ formal abstain or
sound of this, z follow in a person's desist (from) (could not forbear (from)
footsteps do as another did before. speaking out: forbore to mention it).

footstool n. stool for resting the feet on [Old Enghsh: related to bear ]

when sitting. forbear- var. of forebear.

footway n. path for pedestrians, forbearance n. patient self-control:
footwear n. shoes, socks, etc. tolerance.
footwork n. use or agility of the feet in forbid fa'bid dl forbidding; pes: for-
sports, dancing, etc. bade -ba?d or forbad: past pan. for-
fop n. dandy foppery n. foppish adj. bidden) 1 (foil, by to - infin.) order not
[perhaps from obsolete fop fool] (/ forbid you to go). 2 refuse to allow (a
for fe(r). fo:(r) -prep. 1 in the interest thing, or a person to have a thing). 3
or to the benefit of; intended to go to (did refuse a person entry to. z God forbid!
it all for my country these flowers are
: may it not happen! [Old English: related
for you 2 in defence, support, or favour
). to bid]
forbidden degrees 341 foreign
forbidden degrees (also prohib- fore -adj. situated in front, -n. front
ited degrees) family relationship too part; bow of a ship. -int. (in golf) warn-
close for marriage to be permitted. ing to a person in the path of a ball, to
forbidden fruit n. something desired the fore in or into a conspicuous posi-
esp. because not allowed. tion. [Old English]
forbidding adj. stern, threatening. fore- prefix forming: 1 verbs meaning: a
forbiddingly adv. in front (foreshorten), b beforehand
forbore past of forbear 1
. (forewarn). 2 nouns meaning: a situated
forborne past part, of forbear 1 . in front of (forecourt), b front part of
force -n. 1 power; strength, impetus; (forehead), c of or near the bow of a ship
intense effort. 2 coercion, compulsion. 3 (forecastle), d preceding (forerunner).
a military strength, b organized body of fore and aft -adv. at bow and stern; all
soldiers, police, etc. 4 a moral, intellec- over the ship. -adj. (fore-and-aft) (of a
tual, or legal power, influence, or valid- sail or rigging) lengthwise.
ity, b person etc. with such power (force forearm /'fo:ra:m/ n. the arm from the

for good). 5 effect; precise significance. 6 elbow to the wrist or fingertips.

a influence tending to cause a change in forearm 2 /fo:r'a:m/ v. arm beforehand,
the motion of a body, b intensity of this. prepare.
(-cing) 1 compel or coerce (a person) forebear /'fo:bea(r)/ n. (also forbear)
by force. 2 make a forcible entry into; (usu. in pi.) ancestor, [from fore, obsol-
break open by force. 3 drive or propel ete beer: related to be]
violently or against resistance. 4 make forebode /fo:'baud/ v. (-ding) 1 be an
(a way) by force. 5 (foil, by on, upon)
advance sign of, portend. 2 (often foil, by
that) have a presentiment of (usu. evil).
impose or press on (a person). 6 cause,
produce, or attain by effort (forced a
foreboding n. expectation of trouble.
smile; forced an entry). 7 strain or
forecast -v. (past and past part, -cast
or -casted) predict; estimate before-
increase to the utmost. 8 artificially
hand. -rc. prediction, esp. of weather,
hasten the growth of (a plant). 9 seek
forecaster n.
quick results from; accelerate (force the
forecastle /'fauks(a)l/ n. (also fo'c's'le)
pace). force a person's hand make a
forward part of a snip, formerly the
person act prematurely or unwillingly,
living quarters.
force the issue make an immediate
foreclose /fo:'klauz/ v. (-sing) 1 stop (a
decision necessary, in force 1 valid
mortgage) from being redeemable. 2
(laws now in force). 2 in great strength
repossess the mortgaged property of (a
or numbers (attacked in force). [Latin
person) when a loan is not duly repaid. 3
fortis strong] foreclosure n.
exclude, prevent.
force 2 n. N.Engl, waterfall. [Old Norse] 2
[Latin foris outside, close ]
forced labour n. compulsory labour, forecourt n. 1 part of a filling-station
esp. in prison. with petrol pumps. 2 enclosed space in
forced landing n. emergency landing front of a building.
of an aircraft. forefather n. (usu. in pi.) ancestor of a
forced march long and vigorous
n. family or people.
march, esp. by troops, forefinger n. finger next to the thumb,
force-feed v. force (esp. a prisoner) to forefoot n. front foot of an animal,
take food. forefront n. 1 leading position. 2 fore-
forceful adj. vigorous, powerful, most part.
impressive. forcefully adv. force- forego var. of forgo.
fulness n. foregoing /fo^gauin/ adj. preceding;
force majeure /,fo:s mae'33:(r)/ n. 1 previously mentioned,
irresistible force. 2 unforeseeable cir- foregone conclusion /'fo:gon/ n.
cumstances excusing a person from the easily predictable result,
fulfilment of a contract. [French] foreground n. 1 part of a view or
forcemeat n. minced seasoned meat for picture nearest the observer. 2 most
stuffing or garnish, [related to farce] conspicuous position. [Dutch: related to
forceps /'fo:seps/ n. (pi. same) surgical FORE-, GROUND 1

pincers. [Latin] forehand n.(in tennis etc.) stroke


forcible adj. done by or involving force; played with the palm of the hand facing
forceful. : forcibly adv. [French: forward. 2 (attrib.)(a\so forehanded) of
related to force
or made with a forehand.
ford -n. shallow place where a river or forehead /'fond/ n. the part of the face
stream may be crossed by wading, in a above the eyebrows.
vehicle, etc. —v. cross (water) at a ford, foreign /'fbran/ adj. 1 of, from, in, or

fordable adj. [Old English] characteristic of, a country or language

Foreign 342 forget
other than one's own. 2 dealing with foreshorten /fo:'jD:t(a)n/ v. show or
other countries {foreign service). 3 of portray (an object) with the apparent
another district, society, etc. 4 (often shortening due to visual perspective.
foil, by to) unfamiliar, alien. 5 coming foresight n. 1 regard or provision for
from outside {foreign body), i foreign- the future. 2 foreseeing. 3 front sight of a
ness n. [Latin foris outside] gun.
Foreign and Commonwealth foreskin n. fold of skin covering the end
Office British government depart-
n. of the penis.
ment dealing with foreign affairs. forest -n. 1 (often attrib.) large area of
foreigner n. person born in or coming trees and undergrowth. 2 trees in this. 3
from another country. large number or dense mass. -u. 1 plant
foreign legion n. body of foreign with convert into a forest. [Latin
trees. 2
volunteers in the (esp. French) army. forestis: related to foreign]
foreign minister n. (also foreign sec- forestall /foi'stDil/ v. 1 prevent by ad-
retary) government minister in charge vance action. 2 deal with beforehand.

of foreign affairs. [from FORE-, STALL ]

Foreign Office n. hist, or informal = forester n. 1 person managing a forest

Foreign and Commonwealth Office. or skilled in forestry. 2 dweller in a
foreknow /foi'nau/ v. {past -knew, pas£ forest.

part, -known) literary know before- forestry n. science cr management of

hand, z foreknowledge /fo:'nDlid3/ n.
foreland n. cape, promontory. foretaste n. small preliminary ex-
perience of something.
foreleg n. front leg of an animal.
foretell /foi'tel/ v. (past and past part.
forelimb n. front limb of an animal.
-told) 1 predict, prophesy. 2 indicate the
forelock n. lock of hair just above the
approach of.
forehead. touch one's forelock defer
forethought n. 1 care or provision for
to a person of higher social rank.
the future. 2 deliberate intention.
foreman n. 1 worker supervising
forever /fa'reva(r)/ adv. continually,
others. 2 president and spokesman of a
persistently (is forever complaining)
(ci.for ever).
foremast n. mast nearest the bow of a forewarn /fo:'wo:n/ v. warn before-
foremost -adj. 1 most notable, best. 2 forewoman n. 1 female worker with
first, front, -adv. most importantly supervisory responsibilities. 2 pres-
(first and foremost). [Old English] ident and spokeswoman of a jury.
forename n. first or Christian name. foreword n. introductory remarks at
forenoon n. morning. the beginning of a book, often not by the
forensic /fa'rensik/ adj. 1 of or used in author.
courts of law (forensic science; forensic forfeit /'fo:fit/ -n. 1 penalty. 2 thing
medicine). 2 of or involving forensic surrendered as a penalty, -adj. lost or
science (sent for forensic examina- surrendered as a penalty, -v. (-t-) lose
tion).:: forensically adv. [Latin foren- the right to, surrender as a penalty.
sis: related to forum] forfeiture n. [French forfaire trans-
Usage Use of forensic in sense 2 is gress, from Latin foris outside,/ado do]
common but considered an illogical forgather /fo:'gaeda(r)/ v. assemble; as-
sociate. [Dutch]
extension of sense 1 by some people.
forgave past of forgive.
foreordain /,f3:ro:'dem/ v. destine forge -v. (-ging) 1 make
or write in
beforehand. fraudulent imitation. 2 shape (metal) by
forepaw n. front paw of an animal, heating and hammering, -n. 1 furnace
foreplay n. stimulation preceding sex- or workshop etc. for melting or refining
ual intercourse. metal. 2 blacksmith's workshop;
forerunner n. 1 predecessor. 2 herald, smithy. forger n. [Latin fabrica:
foresail 'fD:seil/ n. principal sail on a related to fabric]
foremast. forge 2 v. (-ging) move forward gradu-
foresee /fo:'si:/ v. (past -saw; past part. ally or steadily, z forge ahead 1 take
-seen) see or be aware of beforehand. the lead. 2 progress rapidly, [perhaps an
foreseeable adj. alteration of force ]

foreshadow /foi'Jaedau/ v. be a warning forgery /'fo:d3ari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 act of

or indication of (a future event). forging. 2 forged document etc.
foreshore n. shore between high- and forget /fa'get/ v. (forgetting; past for-
low-water marks. got; past part, forgotten or US forgot)
forgetful 343 former
1 (often foil, by about) lose remem- develop or establish as a concept, insti-
brance of: not remember. 2 neglect or tution, or practice (form an idea; form a
overlook. 3 cease to think of. forget habit). 4 (foil, by into) mould or organize
oneself 1 act without dignity. 2 act to become (formed ourselves into a
selflesslv. forgettable adj. [Old Eng- circle). 5 (often foil, by up) (of troops
lish] etc.) bring or move into formation. 6
forgetful adj. 1 apt to forget, absent- train or instruct, z off form not playing
minded. 2 (often foil, by of) neglectful, or performing well, on form playing or
forgetfully adj. forgetfulness n. performing well, out of form not fit for
forget-me-not n. plant with small blue racing etc. [Latin forma]
flowers. -form comb, form (usu. as -ifonn) form-
forgive fa'grv' v. (-ving; pas? forgave; ing adjectives meaning: 1 having the
past part, forgiven) 1 cease to feel form of (cruciform). 2 having so many
angry or resentful towards; pardon. 2 forms (multiform).
remit (a debt), c forgivable adj. [Old formal /'fo:m(9)l/ adj. 1 in accordance
English] with rules, convention, or ceremony
forgiveness n. forgiving or being for- (formal dress; formal occasion). 2 pre-
given. cise or symmetrical (formal garden). 3
forgiving adj. inclined to forgive. prim or stiff. 4 perfunctory, in form
forgo foi'gau v. (also forego) (-goes; only. 5 drawn up etc. correctly; explicit
past -went; past part, -gone) go with- (formal agreement). 6 of or concerned
out; relinquish. [Old English] with (outward) form, not content or
forgot past of forget. matter, z formally adv. [Latin: related
forgotten past part, of forget. to form]
fork -rc. 1 pronged item of cutlery. 2 formaldehyde fo:'maeldi,haid n. col-
similar large tool used for digging, lift- ourless pungent gas used as a disin-
ing, etc. 3 forked support for a bicycle fectant and preservative, [from formic
wheel. 4 a divergence of a branch, road, acid, aldehyde]
etc. into two parts, b place of this, c formalin /'formalin/ n. solution of form-
either part. - v. 1 form a fork or branch aldehyde in water.
by separating into two parts. 2 take one formalism n. strict adherence to exter-
road at a fork. 3 dig, lift, etc., with a fork. nal form without regard to content, esp.
fork out slang pay, esp. reluctantly. in art. z formalist n.
[Latin furca pitchfork] formality for'maeliti n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
fork-lift truck n. vehicle with a fork formal, esp. meaningless, act, regula-
for lifting and carrying loads. tion, or custom, b thing done simply to
forlorn fa'b:n adj. 1 sad and aban- comply with a rule. 2 rigid observance
doned. 2 in a pitiful state. forlornly of rules or convention.
adv. [lorn = past part, of obsolete leese formalize v. (also -ise) ( zing or -sing) 1
lose] give definite (esp. legal) form to. 2 make
forlorn hope n. faint remaining hope formal, formalization zeij(a)n n.
or chance. [Dutch verloren hoop lost format /'fo:maet -n. 1 shape and size (of
troop] a book, etc.). 2 style or manner of pro-
form-rz. 1 shape; arrangement of parts; cedure etc. 3 Computing arrangement of
visible aspect. 2 person or animal as data etc. -v. (-tt-) 1 arrange or put into a
visible or tangible. 3 mode of existence format. 2 Computing prepare (a storage
or manifestation. 4 kind or variety (a medium) to receive data. [Latin forma-
form of art).5 printed document with tus shaped: related to form]
blank spaces for information to be formation /for'meiJXaJn/ n. 1 forming. 2
inserted. 6 class in a school. 7 customary thing formed. 3 particular arrangement
method. 8 set order of words. 9 etiquette (e.g. of troops). 4 rocks or strata with a
or specified adherence to it {good or bad common characteristic. [Latin: related
form). 10 (prec. by the) correct proced- to form]
ure (knows the form). 11a (of an athlete, formative 'fo:m9tiv adj. serving to
horse, etc.) condition of health and form or fashion; of formation (form-
training, b racing history of a horse etc. ative years).
12 state or disposition (in great form). forme n. Printing body of type secured
13 any of the spellings, inflections, etc. in a chase ready for printing, [var. of
of a word. 14 arrangement and style in a form]
literary or musical composition. 15 long former 1 of the past, earlier,
attrib. adj.
low bench. 16 hare's lair. -k 1 make or previous (in former times). 2 (the for-
be made (formed a straight line; pud- mer) (often absol.) the first or first-
dles formed). 2 make up or constitute. 3 mentioned of two. [related to foremost]
-former 34-4 forty
-former comb, form pupil in a specified forte 2 /'fo:tei/ Mus. -adj. loud. -adv.
form (fourth-former). loudly, -n. loud playing or passage.
formerly adv. in former times. [Italian: related to fort]
Formica /fo:'maika/ n. propr. hard dur- forth adv. archaic except in set phrases
able plastic laminate used for surfaces, 1 forward; into view (bring forth; come
[origin uncertain] forth). 2 onwards in time (from this time
formic acid /'fo:mik/ n. colourless ir- forth). 3 forwards (back and forth). 4
ritant volatile acid contained in fluid out from a starting-point (set forth).
emitted by ants; methanoic acid. [Latin and so forth see so [Old English] 1

formica ant] forthcoming /fo:G'kAmirj, 'fo:0-/ adj. 1

formidable /'fo:midab(a)l, foi'mid-/ coming or available soon. 2 produced

adj. 1inspiring dread, awe, or respect. when wanted. 3 (of a person) inform-
2 hard to overcome or deal with, ative, responsive.
formidably adv. [Latin/ormicfofear] forthright adj. 1 outspoken; straight-
forward. 2 decisive. [Old English]
Usage The second pronunciation
forthwith /fo:e'wi8/ adv. at once; with-
given, with the stress on the second
out delay, [from forth]
syllable, is common but considered
fortification /,fo:tifi'kei J(a)n/ n. 1 act of
incorrect by some people.
fortifying. 2 (usu. in pi.) defensive
formless adj. without definite or regu- works, walls, etc.
lar form, formlessness n. fortify /'fD:ti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 provide
formula /'fo:mjula/ n. (pi. -s or (esp. in with fortifications. 2 strengthen phys-
senses 1, 2) -lae /-,li:/) 1 chemical sym- ically,mentally, or morally. 3 streng-
bols showing the constituents of a sub- then (wine) with alcohol. 4 increase the
stance. 2 mathematical rule expressed nutritive value of (food, esp. with vit-
in symbols. 3 a fixed form of esp. cere- amins). [Latin fortis strong]
monial or polite words, b words used to fortissimo /fD:'tisi,mao7 Mus. -adj.
formulate a treaty etc. 4 a list of ingredi- very loud. -adv. very loudly, -n. (pi. -s
ents, b US infant's food. 5 classification or -mi /-,mi:/) very loud playing or pas-
of a racing car, esp. by engine capacity. sage. [Italian, superlative of forte ]
formulaic /-'lenk/ adj. [Latin, di- fortitude /'fo:ti,tju:d/ n. courage in pain
minutive of forma form] or adversity. [Latin fortis strong]
formulary /'foimjulan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 fortnight n. two weeks. [Old English, =
collection of esp. religious formulas or fourteen nights]
set forms. 2 Pharm. compendium of fortnightly -adj. done, produced, or
drug formulae. [French or medieval occurring once a fortnight, -adv. every
Latin: related to formula] fortnight, -n. (pi. -ies) fortnightly
formulate /'foimju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 ex- magazine etc.
press in a formula. 2 express clearly and Fortran /'fo:tra?n/ n. (also FORTRAN)
precisely, formulation /-'leij\a)n/ n. computer language used esp. for sci-
fornicate /'foim.keit/ v. (-ting) archaic entific calculations, [from formula
or joc. (of people not married to each translation]
other) have sexual intercourse. for- fortress /'fo:tns/ n. fortified building or
nication /-'keiJXa)n/ n. fornicator n. town. [Latin fortis strong]
[Latin fornix brothel] fortuitous /fo:'tju:itas/ adj. happening
forsake (-king; past for-
/fa:'seik/ v. by esp. lucky chance; accidental. for-
sook /-'suk/; past part, forsaken) liter- tuitously adv. fortuitousness n. for-
ary 1 give up; renounce. 2 desert, aban- tuity n. (pi. -ies). [Latin forte by chance]
don. [Old English] fortunate /'f3:tjanat/ adj. 1 lucky. 2
forsooth /fa'su:8/ adv. archaic or joc. auspicious. fortunately adv. [Latin
truly; no doubt. [Old English: related to fortunatus: related to fortune]
FOR, SOOTH] fortune /'fo:tJXa)n, -tju:n/ n. 1 a chance
forswear /fo:'swea(r)/ v. (past for- or luck in human affairs, b person's
swore; past part, forsworn) 1 abjure; destiny. 2 (in sing, or pi.) luck that
renounce. 2 (as forsworn adj.) per- befalls a person or enterprise. 3 good
jured, forswear oneself perjure one- luck. 4 prosperity. 5 colloq. great wealth.
self. [Old English] : make a (or one's) fortune become

forsythia /fo:'sai0i8/ n. shrub with very rich. [Latin fortuna]

bright yellow flowers in early spring. fortune-teller n. person who claims to
[Forsyth, name of a botanist] foretell one's destiny. fortune-
fort n. fortified military building or telling n.
position. [Latin fortis strong] forty /'fo:ti/ adj. & n. four
(pi -ies) 1

forte /'fo:tei/ n. person's strong point or

times ten. 2 symbol for this XL). 3
(40, xl,
speciality, [feminine of French fort] (in pi.) numbers from 40 to 49, esp. the
forty winks 345 four
years of a century or of a person's life. collision, entanglement, -adv. unfairly.
fortieth adj. & n. [Old English: related -v. 1 make or become foul. 2 (of an
to four] animal) foul with excrement. 3 Sport
forty winks n. colloq. short sleep. commit a foul against (a player). 4 (often
forum /'fDiram/ n. 1 place of or meeting foil, by up) a (cause to) become entang-
for public discussion. 2 court or tribu- led or blocked, b bungle. 5 collide with.
nal. 3 hist, public square in an ancient foully adv. foulness n. [Old English]
Roman city used for judicial and other foul-mouthed adj. using obscene or
business. [Latin] offensive language.
forward /'fo:w8d/ -adj. 1 onward; to- foul play n. 1 unfair play in games. 2
wards the front. 2 lying in the direction treacherous or violent act, esp. murder.
in which one is moving. 3 precocious; foul-up n. muddle, bungle.
bold; presumptuous. 4 relating to the found* past and past part, of find.
future (forward contract). 5 a approach- found 2 v. 1 establish (an institution
ing maturity or completion, b (of a plant etc.); initiate, originate. 2 be the original
etc.) early, — rt. attacking player near the builder of (a town etc.). 3 lay the base of
front in football, hockey, etc. -adv. 1 to (a building). 4 (foil, by on, upon) con-
the front; into prominence {come for- struct or base (a story, theory, rule, etc.)
ward; move forward). 2 in advance; on. c founder n. [Latin fundus bottom]
ahead (sent them forward). 3 onward so found 3 v. 1 a melt and mould (metal), b
as to make progress (no further for- fuse (materials for glass). 2 make by
ward). 4 towards the future (from this founding. founder n. [Latin fundo
time forward). 5 (also forwards) a to- fus- pour]
wards the front in the direction one is foundation /faun'deij(9)n/ n. 1 a solid
facing, b in the normal direction of ground or base beneath a building, b
motion, c with continuous forward (usu. in pi.) lowest part of a building,
motion (rushing forward). -v. 1 a send usu. below ground level. 2 material
(a letter etc.) on to a further destination, base. 3 basis, underlying principle. 4 a
b dispatch (goods etc.). 2 help to ad- establishing (esp. an endowed institu-
vance; promote. [Old English: related to tion), b college, hospital, etc. so founded;
forth, -ward] its revenues. 5 (in full foundation gar-
forwent past of forgo. ment) woman's supporting under-
fosse /fbs/ n. long ditch or trench, esp. in garment, e.g. a corset. [Latin: related
a fortification. [Latin fossa] to FOUND ]

fossil /'fDs(a)l/ -n. 1 remains or impres- foundation-stone n. 1 stone laid cere-

sion of a (usu. prehistoric) plant or monially at the founding of a building. 2
animal hardened in rock. 2 colloq. anti- basis.
quated or unchanging person or thing. founder v. 1 (of a ship) fill with water

-attrib. adj. of or like a fossil; anti- and sink. 2 (of a plan etc.) fail. 3 (of a
quated. fossilize v. (also -ise) (-zing horse or its rider) stumble, fall lame,
or -sing), fossilization /-'zeiJXa^n/ n. stick in mud etc. [related to found ]
[Latin fodio foss- dig] founding father n. American states-
fossil fuel n. natural fuel extracted man at the time of the Revolution.
from the ground. foundling /'faundlin/ n. abandoned in-
foster -u. 1 a promote the growth or fant of unknown parentage, [related to
development of. b encourage or harbour find]
(a feeling). 2 a bring up (another's foundry /'faundn/ n. (pi. -ies) work-
child), b (of a local authority etc.) assign shop for or business of casting metal.
(a child) to be fostered. 3 (of circum- fount 1
n. poet, spring or fountain;
stances) be favourable to. -attrib. adj. 1 source, [back-formation from foun-
having a family connection by fostering tain]
(foster-brother; foster -parent). 2 con- fount 2 /font/ n. (also font) set of print-
cerned with fostering a child (foster ing-type of same face and size. [French:
care; foster home). [Old English: related related to found ]
to food] fountain /'fauntm/ n. 1 a spouting jet or
fought past and past part, of fight. jets of water as an ornament or for
foul -adj. 1 offensive; loathsome, stink- drinking, b structure for this. 2 spring. 3
ing. 2 soiled, filthy. 3 colloq. disgusting, (often foil, by of) source. [Latin fontana
awful. 4 a noxious (foul air), b clogged, from fons font- spring]
choked. 5 obscenely abusive (foul lan- fountain-head n. source.
guage). 6 unfair; against the rules (by fountain-pen n. pen with a reservoir
fair means or foul). 7 (of the weather) or cartridge for ink.
rough, stormy. 8 (of a rope etc.) entang- four /fo:(r)/ adj. & n. 1 one more than
led, -n. 1 Sport foul stroke or play. 2 three. 2 symbol for this (4, iv, IV). 3 size
fourfold 346 frame
etc. denoted by four. 4 team or crew of FPA abbr. Family Planning Associ-
four; four-oared rowing-boat. 5 four ation.
o'clock. on all fours on hands and Fr symb. francium.
knees. [Old English} Fr. abbr. 1 Father. 2 French.
fourfold adj. & adv. 1 four times as fr. abbr. franc(s).
much or as many. 2 of four parts. fracas /'fraeka:/ n. (pi. same /-ka:z/)
four-in-hand n. four-horse carriage noisy disturbance or quarrel. [French
with one driver. from Italian]
four-letter word n. short obscene fraction /'fraekJXa)n/ n. 1 part of a whole
word. number (e.g. V2 0.5). 2 small part, piece,

four-poster n. bed with four posts sup- or amount. 3 portion of a mixture

porting a canopy. obtained by distillation etc. frac-
foursome n. 1 group of four people. 2 tional adj. fractionally adv. [Latin
match between two pairs.
golf frango fract- break]
four-square -adj. 1 solidly based. 2 fractious /'fraekjas/ adj. irritable, peev-
steady, resolute, -adv. steadily, resol- ish, [from fraction in obsolete sense
utely. 'brawling']
four-stroke an internal-
adj. (of fracture /'fraektja(r)/ -n. breakage,
combustion engine) having a cycle esp. of a bone or cartilage, -v. (-ring)
of four strokes of the piston with the cause a fracture in; suffer fracture.
cylinder firing once. [Latin: related to fraction]
fourteen /fo:'ti:n/ adj. & n. 1 one more
fragile /'fraed3ail/ adj. 1 easily broken;
than thirteen. 2 symbol for this (14, xiv, weak. 2 delicate; not strong. fragility
XIV). 3 size etc. denoted by fourteen. /fra'd3iliti/ n. [Latin: related to frac-
fourteenth adj. & n. [Old English: ture]
related to four, -teen]
fragment -n. /'fraegmant/ 1 part
fourth adj. &n.A next after third. 2 any
broken off. 2 extant remains or un-
finished portion (of a book etc.). —v.
of four equal parts of a thing.
/fraeg'ment/ break or separate into frag-
fourthly adv. [Old English: related to
ments. fragmental /-'ment(a)l/ adj.
fourth estate n. the
fragmentary /'fraegmantari/ adj. frag-
mentation /-'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related
four-wheel drive n. drive acting on all
to fraction]
four wheels of a vehicle.
fragrance /'freigrans/ n. 1 sweetness of
fowl —n. (pi. same or -s) 1 chicken kept smell. 2 sweet scent. [Latin fragro smell
for eggs and meat. 2 poultry as food. 3
archaic (except in comb.) bird (guinea-
fragrant adj. sweet-smelling.
fowl] wildfowl), - v. catch or hunt wild- frail adj. 1 fragile, delicate. 2 morally
fowl. [Old English]
weak. frailly adv. frailness n.
fox 1 a wild canine animal with a
[Latin: related to fragile]
bushy tail and red or grey fur. b its fur. 2 frailty n. (pi. -ies) 1 frail quality. 2
cunning person, -v. 1 deceive, baffle, weakness, foible.
trick. 2 (usu. as foxed adj.) discolour frame -n. case or border enclosing a
(leaves of a book etc.) with brownish picture, window, door, etc. 2 basic rigid
marks. foxlike adj. [Old English] supporting structure of a building,
foxglove n. tall plant with purple or vehicle, etc. 3 (in pi.) structure of spec-
white flowers like glove-fingers. tacles holding the lenses. 4 human or
foxhole n. hole in the ground used as a animal body, esp. as large or small. 5 a
shelter etc. in battle. established order or system (the frame
foxhound n. a kind of hound bred and of society), b construction, build, struc-
trained to hunt foxes. ture. 6 temporary state (esp. in frame of
fox-hunting n. hunting foxes with mind). 7 single complete image on a
hounds. cinema film or transmitted in a series of
fox-terrier n. a kind of short-haired lines by television. 8 a triangular struc-
terrier. ture for positioning balls in snooker
foxtrot -n. 1 ballroom dance with slow etc. b round of play in snooker etc. 9
and quick steps. 2 music for this. -v. boxlike structure of glass etc. for pro-
(-tt-) perform this. tecting plants. 10 US slang = frame-up.
foxy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 foxlike. 2 sly or -v. (-ming) 1 a set in a frame, b serve as
cunning. 3 reddish-brown. foxily a frame for. 2 construct, put together,
adv. foxiness n. devise. 3 (foil, by to, into) adapt or fit. 4
foyer /'foiei/ n. entrance-hall in a hotel, slang concoct a false charge or evidence
theatre, etc. [French, = hearth, home, against; devise a plot against. 5 articu-
from Latin focus] late (words). [Old English, = be helpful]
frame of reference 347 free
frame of reference n. 1 set of stand- fraternity /fra't3:niti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
ards or principles governing behaviour, religious brotherhood. 2 group with
thought, etc. 2 system of geometrical common interests, or of the same pro-
axes for defining position. fessional class. 3 US male students'
frame-up n. slang conspiracy to con- society. 4 brotherliness. [Latin: related
vict an innocent person. tO FRATERNAL]
framework n. 1 essential supporting fraternize /'fraeta.naiz/ v. (also -ise)
structure. 2 basic system. (-zing or -sing) (often foil, by with) 1
franc n. unit of currency of France, associate; make friends. 2 enter into
Belgium, Switzerland, etc. [French: friendly relations with enemies etc.
related to Frank] fraternization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. [French
franchise /'fraentjaiz/ -n. 1 right to and Latin: related to fraternal]
vote in State elections. 2 full member- fratricide /'fraetn.said/ n. 1 killing of
ship of a corporation or State; citizen- one's brother or sister. 2 person who
ship. 3 authorization to sell a company's does this. fratricidal /-'said(a)l/ adj.
goods etc. in a particular area. 4 right or [Latin frater brother]
privilege granted to a person or corpora- Frau /frau/ n. (pi. Frauen /'frauan/)
tion, -v. (-sing) grant a franchise to. married or widowed
(often as a title)
[French franc frank] German-speaking woman. [German]
Franciscan /fraen'siskan/ -adj. of St fraud /fro:d/ n. 1 criminal deception. 2
Francis or his order, -n. Franciscan dishonest artifice or trick. 3 person or
friar ornun. [Latin Franciscus Francis] thing that is not what it claims to be.
francium /'fraerjkiam/ n. radioactive [Latin fraus fraud-]
metallic element. [France, the dis- fraudulent /'fro:djulant/ adj. of, involv-
coverer's country] ing, or guilty of fraud. fraudulence
Franco- comb, form French and n. fraudulently adv. [Latin: related to
(Franco- German). [Latin: related to fraud]
Frank] fraught /fro:t/ adj. 1 (foil, by with) filled
franglais corrupt version
/'frdglei/ n. or charged with (danger etc.). 2 colloq.
of French using many English words distressing; tense. [Dutch vracht
and idioms. [French franqais French, freight]
anglais English] Fraulein /'frDilam/ n. (often as a title or
Frank n. member of the Germanic form of address) unmarried German-
people that conquered Gaul in the 6th c. speaking woman. [German]
Frankish adj. [Old English] fray v. 1 wear through or become worn;

frank -adj. 1 candid, outspoken. 2 esp. (of woven material) unravel at the
undisguised. 3 open. -v. mark (a letter) edge. 2 (of nerves, temper, etc.) become
to record the payment of postage, -n. strained. [Latin frico rub]
franking signature or mark. frankly fray 2 n. 1 conflict, fight. 2 brawl, [related
adv. frankness n. [Latin francus free: to affray]
related to Frank] frazzle /'fraez(a)l/ colloq. -n. worn,
Frankenstein /'fraenkan.stam/ n. (in exhausted, or shrivelled state (burnt to
full Frankenstein's monster) thing a frazzle), -v. (-ling) (usu. as frazzled
that becomes terrifying to its maker. adj.) wear out; exhaust, [origin uncer-
[Frankenstein, name of a character in tain]
and title of a novel by Mary Shelley] freak -n. (often attrib.) monstrosity;

frankfurter / fraenk f3:t8(r)/ n. sea-


abnormal or thing (freak
soned smoked sausage. [German from storm). 2 colloq. a unconventional per-
Frankfurt in Germany] son, b fanatic of a specified kind (health
frankincense /'fraenkin.sens/ n. aro- freak), c drug addict, -v. (often foil, by
matic gum resin burnt as incense. out) colloq. 1 become or make very
[French: related to frank in obsolete angry. 2 (cause to) undergo hallucina-
sense 'high quality', incense ]
tions etc., esp. as a result of drug abuse.
frantic /'fraentik/ adj. 1 wildly excited; 3 adopt an unconventional lifestyle. 1

frenzied. 2 hurried, anxious; desperate, freakish freaky adj. (-ier, -iest).

violent. 3 colloq. extreme. frantically [probably from dial.]
adv. [Latin: related to frenetic] freckle /'frek(a)l/ -n. small light brown
frappe /'fraepei/ adj. iced, cooled. spot on the skin. -v. (-ling) (usu. as
[French] freckled adj.) spot or be spotted with
fraternal /fr9't3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of freckles. freckly adj. [Old Norse]
brothers, brotherly; comradely. 2 (of free -adj. (freer /'frr.a(r)/; freest
twins) developed from separate ova and /'fri:ist/) 1 not a slave or under another's
not necessarily similar. fraternally
1 3
control; having personal rights and
adv. [Latin frater brother] social and political liberty. 2 (of a State,
-free 348 free vote
its citizens, etc.) autonomous; demo- freehand -adj. (of a drawing etc.) done
cratic. 3 a unrestricted; not confined or without special instruments, -adv. in a
fixed, b not imprisoned, c released from freehand manner.
duties etc. d independent (free agent). 4 free hand n. freedom to act at one's own
(foil, by of, from) a exempt from (tax discretion.
etc.). b not containing or subject to (free free-handed generous.
of preservatives', free from disease). 5 freehold -n. complete ownership of
(foil, by to + infin.) permitted; at liberty property for an unlimited period. 2 such
to. 6 costing nothing. 7 a clear of duties land or property, -adj. owned thus, n
etc. (am free tomorrow), b not in use freeholder n.
(bathroom is free). 8 spontaneous, free house n. public house not con-
unforced (free offer). 9 available to all. trolled by a brewery.
10 lavish (free with their money). 11 free kick n. kick granted in football as a
frank, unreserved. 12 (of literary style) minor penalty.
informal, unmetrical. 13 (of translation) freelance -n. 1 (also freelancer) per-
not literal. 14 familiar, impudent. 15 (of son, usu. self-employed, working for
stories etc.) slightly indecent. 16 Chem. several employers on particular assign-
not combined (free oxygen). 17 (of power ments. 2 (attrib.) (freelance editor), -v.
or energy) disengaged, available, —adv. (-cing) act as a freelance, —adv. as a
1 freely. 2 without cost or payment. -v. freelance, [free lance, a medieval
(frees, freed) 1 make free; liberate. 2 mercenary]
(foil, by of from) relieve from. 3 disen- freeloader n. slang sponger. free-
tangle, clear. for free colloq. free of load /-'laud/ v.
charge, gratis, free on board (or rail) free love n. sexual freedom.
without charge for delivery to a ship or freeman n. 1 person who has the free-
railway wagon. freely adv. [Old dom of a city etc. 2 person who is not a
English] slave or serf.
-free comb, form free of or from (worry- free market n. market governed by
free; duty-free). unrestricted competition.
free and easy adj. informal, relaxed, Freemason /'fri:,meis(a)n/ n. member
freebie /'fri:bi/ n. colloq. thing given of an international fraternity for
free of charge. mutual help, having elaborate secret
freeboard n. part of a ship's side rituals. Freemasonry n.
between the water-line and deck. freephone var. of freefone.
freebooter n. pirate. [Dutch vrijbuiter: free port 1 port without customs
related to free, booty] open to all traders,
duties. 2 port
free-born adj. not born a slave. freepost n. system of business post
Free Church n. Nonconformist where postage is paid by the addressee,
Church. free radical n. Chem. atom or group of
freedman n. emancipated slave. atoms with one or more unpaired
freedom /'fri:dam/ n. 1 condition of electrons.
being free or unrestricted. 2 personal or free-range adj. 1 (of hens etc.) roaming
civic liberty. 3 liberty of action (freedom freely; notkept in a battery. 2 (of eggs)
to leave). 4 (foil, by from) exemption produced by such hens,
from. 5 (foil, by of) a honorary member- freesia /'fri:zja/ n. African bulb with
ship or citizenship (freedom of the city). fragrant flowers. [Freese, name of a
b unrestricted use of (a house etc.). [Old physician]
English] free speech n. right of expression.
freedom fighter n. terrorist or rebel free spirit n. independent or unin-
claiming to fight for freedom, hibited person.
free enterprise n. freedom of private free-spoken adj. forthright.
business from State control, free-standing adj. not supported by
free fall n. movement under the force of another structure.
gravity only. freestyle n. 1 swimming race in which
free fight n. general fight in which all any stroke may be used. 2 wrestling
present join. allowing almost any hold.
freefone n. (also Freefone, -phone) freethinker /fri:'9ir)ka(r)/ n. person
system whereby certain telephone calls, who rejects dogma or authority, esp. in
esp. on business, can be made without religious belief. freethinking n. &
cost to the caller. adj.
free-for-all n. free fight, unrestricted free trade n. trade without import
discussion, etc. restrictions etc.
free-form attrib. adj. of irregular shape free vote n. parliamentary vote not
or structure. subject to party discipline.
freeway 349 fresh
freeway n. US motorway. French fried potatoes (also
free wheel n. driving wheel of a bi- French fries) US potato chips.
cycle, able to revolve with the pedals at French horn n. coiled brass wind
rest. instrument with a wide bell.
free-wheel ride a bicycle with the
v. 1 Frenchify /'frentji.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied)
pedals at rest. 2 act without constraint. (usu. as Frenchified adj.) colloq. make
free will n. 1 power of acting independ- French in form, manners, etc.
ently of necessity or fate. 2 ability to act French kiss n. open-mouthed kiss.
without coercion (did it of my own free French leave n. absence without
wilt). permission.
free world n. hist. non-Communist French letter n. colloq. condom.
countries' collective name for Frenchman n. man of French birth or
themselves. nationality.
freeze — w. (-zing; past froze; past part. French polish n. shellac polish for
frozen) 1 a turn into ice or another solid wood. French-polish v.
by cold, b make or become rigid from French window n. glazed door in an
the cold. 2 be or feel very cold. 3 cover or outside wall.
become covered with ice. 4 (foil, by to, Frenchwoman n. woman of French
together) adhere by frost. 5 refrigerate birth or nationality.
(food) below freezing point. 6 a make or frenetic /fra'netik/ adj. (also phren-
become motionless through fear, sur- etic) 1 frantic, frenzied. 2 fanatic.
prise, etc. b (as frozen adj) devoid of frenetically adv. [Greek phren mind]
emotion {frozen smile). 7 make (assets frenzy /'frenzi/ -n. (pi. -ies) wild or
etc.) unrealizable. 8 fix (prices, wages, delirious excitement, agitation, or fury.
etc.) at a certain level. 9 stop (the move- -v. (-ies, -ied) (usu. as frenzied adj.)
ment in a film), -n. 1 period or state of drive to frenzy. frenziedly adv.
frost. 2 fixing or stabilization of prices, [medieval Latin: related to frenetic]
wages, etc. 3 (in full freeze-frame) still frequency /'frtkwansi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
film-shot. freeze up obstruct or be commonness of occurrence. 2 frequent
obstructed by ice. [Old English] occurrence. 3 rate of recurrence (of a
freeze-dry v. preserve (food) by freez- vibration etc.); number of repetitions in
ing and then drying in a vacuum. a given time, esp. per second, [related to
freezer n. refrigerated cabinet etc. for FREQUENT]
preserving frozen food at very low frequency modulation n. Elec-
temperatures. tronics modulation by varying carrier-
freeze-up n. period or state of extreme wave frequency.
cold. frequent —adj. /'fri:kwant/ 1 occurring
freezing point n. temperature at often or in close succession. 2 habitual,
which a liquid, esp. water, freezes. constant, -v. /fn'kwent/ attend or go to
freight /freit/— /i. 1 transport of goods in habitually. frequently /'fri:kwantli/
containers or by water or air, or (US) by adv. [Latin frequens -ent- crowded]
land. 2 goods transported; cargo, load. 3 frequentative /fri'kwentativ/ Gram,
charge for the transport of goods, -v. -adj. (of a verb etc.) expressing fre-
transport as or load with freight. [Low quent repetition or intensity, -n. fre-
German or Dutch vrecht] quentative verb etc.
freighter n. 1 ship or aircraft for carry- fresco /'freskau/ n. (pi. -s) painting done
ing freight. 2 US freight- wagon. in water-colour on a wall or ceiling
freightliner n. train carrying goods in before the plaster is dry. [Italian, =
containers. fresh]
French -adj. 1 of France, its people, or fresh -adj.1 newly made or obtained. 2

language. 2 having French character- a other, different; new (start a fresh

istics, -n. 1 the French language. 2 (the page; fresh ideas), b additional (fresh
French) (pi.) the people of France. 3 supplies). 3 (foil, by from) lately
colloq. dry vermouth. Frenchness n. arrived. 4 not stale, musty, or faded. 5
[Old English: related to Frank] (of food) not preserved; newly caught,
French bean n. kidney or haricot bean grown, etc. 6 not salty (fresh water). 7 a
as unripe sliced pods or ripe seeds. pure, untainted, refreshing (fresh air).
French bread n. long crisp loaf. b bright and pure in colour (fresh com-
French Canadian n. Canadian whose plexion). 8 (of wind) brisk. 9 colloq.
principal language is French. cheeky; amorously impudent. 10 in-
French chalk n. a kind of talc used for experienced, -adv. newly, recently
marking cloth, as a dry lubricant, etc. (esp. in comb.: fresh-baked). freshly
French dressing n. salad dressing of adv. freshness n. [Old English fersc
seasoned vinegar and oil. and French freis]
freshen 350 fringe
freshen v. 1 make
or become fresh. 2 fridge-freezer n. combined refriger-
(foil, by up) a wash, tidy oneself, etc. b ator and freezer.
revive. friend /frend/ n. 1 person one likes and
fresher n. colloq. first-year student at chooses to spend time with (usu. with-
university or (US) high school. out sexual or family bonds). 2 sympath-
freshet /'frejit/ n. 1 rush of fresh water izer, helper. 3 ally or neutral person
flowing into the sea. 2 flood of a river. (friend or foe?). 4 person already men-
freshman n. = fresher. tioned (ourfriend at the bank). 5 regular
freshwater attrib. adj. (offish etc.) not supporter of an institution. 6 (Friend)
of the sea. Quaker. [Old English]
fret -v. (-tt-) 1 be worried or distressed. friendly -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 outgoing,
2 worry, vex. 3 wear or consume by well-disposed, kindly. 2 a (often
gnawing or rubbing, -n. worry, vexa- foil, by with) on amicable terms, b not
tion. [Old English: related to for, eat] hostile. 3 (in comb.) not harming;
fret 2 -n. ornamental pattern of straight helping (ozone-friendly; user-friendly).
lines joined usu. at right angles. — v. 4 = user-friendly, -n. (pi. -ies) =
(-tt-) embellish with a fret or with friendly match, —adv. in a friendly
carved or embossed work. [French manner, c friendliness n.

freter] friendly match n. match played for

fret n. each of a series of bars or ridges enjoyment rather than competition.
on the finger-board of a guitar etc. to Friendly Society n. insurance society
guide fingering, [origin unknown] insuring against illness etc.
fretful adj. anxious, irritable. fret- friendship n. friendly relationship or
fully adv. feeling.
fretsaw n. narrow saw on a frame for frier var. of fryer.
cutting thin wood in patterns. Friesian /'fri:zian/ n. one of a breed of
fretwork n. ornamental work in wood black and white dairy cattle orig. from
done with a fretsaw. Friesland. [var. of Frisian]
Freudian /'froidian/ -adj. of Freud, his frieze /fri:z/ n. 1 part of an entablature
theories, or his method of psychoana- between the architrave and cornice. 2
lysis,—n. follower of Freud. horizontal band of sculpture filling this.
Freudian slip n. unintentional verbal 3 band of decoration, esp. at the top of a
error revealing subconscious feelings. wall. [Latin Phrygium (opus) Phrygian
Fri. abbr. Friday. (work)]
friable /'fraiab(8)l/ adj. easily crum- frig v. (-gg-) coarse slang 1 = fuck v. 2
bled. friability /-'biliti/ n. [Latin frio masturbate, [perhaps imitative]
crumble] frigate /'fngit/ n. 1 naval escort-vessel.
friar /'fraia(r)/ n. member of a male non- 2 hist, warship. [Frenchfrom Italian]
enclosed Roman Catholic order, e.g. fright /frait/ n.1a sudden or extreme
Carmelites and Franciscans. [Latin fear, b instance of this (gave me a
frater brother] fright). 2 grotesque-looking person or
friar's balsam n. tincture of benzoin thing. take fright become frightened.
etc. used esp. as an inhalant, [Old English]
friary /'fraian/ n. (pi. -ies) monastery frighten v. 1 fill with fright (the bang

for friars. frightened me\ frightened of dogs). 2

fricassee /'fnka.sei/ -n. pieces of meat (foil, by away, off, out of, into) drive by
served in a thick sauce, —v. (fricassees, fright. frightening adj. fright en-
fricasseed) make a fricassee of. ingly adv.
[French] frightful adj. 1 a dreadful, shocking, b
fricative /'fnkativ/ -adj. (of a conson- ugly. 2 colloq. extremely bad. 3 colloq.
ant) sounded by friction of the breath in extreme (frightful rush). frightfully
a narrow opening, —n. such a consonant adv.
(e.g./, th). [Latin frico rub] frigid /'fnd3id/ adj. 1 unfriendly, cold
friction /'frikJXajin/ n. 1 rubbing of one (frigid stare). 2 (of a woman) sexually
object against another. 2 the resistance unresponsive. 3 (esp. of a climate or air)
encountered in so moving. 3 clash of cold. frigidity /-'d3iditi/ n. [Latin
wills, opinions, etc. frictional adj. frigus (n.) cold]
[Latin: related to fricative] frill -n. 1 strip of gathered or pleated
Friday /'fraidei/ -n. day of the week material as an ornamental edging. 2 (in
following Thursday, -adv. colloq. 1 on pi.) unnecessary embellishments, -v.
Friday. 2 (Fridays) on Fridays; each decorate with a frill. frilly adj. (-ier,
Friday. [Old English] -iest). [origin unknown] .
fridge n. colloq. = refrigerator. fringe -n. 1 border of tassels or loose
[abbreviation] threads. 2 front hair hanging over the
fringe benefit 351 front
forehead. 3 outer limit of an area, popu- frog 2 n. horny substance in the sole of a
lation, etc. (often attrib. :
fringe theatre). horse's foot, [origin uncertain: perhaps
4 unimportant area or part. -v. (-ging) 1 a use of frog 1 ]
adorn with a fringe. 2 serve as a fringe frog3 n. ornamental coat-fastening of a
to. [Latin fimbria] button and loop, [origin unknown]
fringe benefit n. employee's benefit frogman n. person with a rubber suit,
additional to salary. flippers, and an oxygen supply for
frippery /'fnpan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 showy underwater swimming.*
finery, esp. in dress. 2 empty display in frogmarch v. hustle forward with the

speech, literary style, etc. 3 (usu. in pi.) arms pinned behind,

knick-knacks. [French friperie] frog-spawn frog's eggs,
Frisbee /'fnzbi/ n. propr. concave plas- frolic -v. (-ck-) play about
tic disc for skimming through the air as cheerfully, -n. 1 cheerful play. 2 prank.
an outdoor game, [perhaps from Frisbie 3 merry party. [Dutch vrolijk (adj .) from
bakery pie-tins] vro glad]
Frisian /'fnzian/ -adj. of Friesland. -n. frolicsome adj. merry, playful.
native or language of Friesland. [Latin from /fram, from/ prep, expressing sep-
Frisii (n. pi.) from Old Frisian Frisa] aration or origin, followed by: 1 person,
frisk -v. 1 leap or skip playfully. 2 slang place, time, etc., that is the starting-
search (a person) for a weapon etc. by point (dinner is served from 8; from
feeling, -n. 1 playful leap or skip. 2 start to finish). 2 place, object, etc. at a
slang frisking of a person. [French/m- specified distance etc. (10 miles from
que lively] Rome; far from sure). 3 a source (gravel
frisky adj. (-ier, -iest) lively, playful. from a pit; quotations from Shaw), b

friskily adv. friskiness n. giver or sender (not heard from her). 4

frisson /'fri:sDn/ n. emotional thing or person avoided, deprived, etc.
(released him from prison; took his
frith var. of firth. gun from him). 5 reason, cause, motive
(died from fatigue; did it from jeal-
fritillary /fri'tilari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 plant
ousy). 6 thing distinguished or unlike
with bell-like flowers. 2 butterfly with
(know black from white). 7 lower limit
red-brown wings chequered with black.
(from 10 to 20 boats). 8 state changed for
[Latin fritillus dice-box]
1 another (from being poor he became
fritter v. (usu. foil, by away) waste
rich). 9 adverb or preposition of time or
(money, time, etc.) triflingly. [obsolete
place (from long ago; from abroad;
fritter(s) fragments]
from under the bed). from time to
fritter 2 n. fruit, meat, etc. coated in
time occasionally. [Old English]
batter and fried. [French friture from
fromage frais /,froma:3 frei/ n.
Latin frigo fry 1 ]
smooth low-fat soft cheese.
frivolous /'fnvalas/ adj. 1 not serious, frond n. leaflike part of a fern or palm.
silly, shallow. 2 paltry, trifling. fri-
[Latin frons frond- leaf]
volity /-'voliti/ n. (pi. -ies). frivolously front /frAnt/ -n. 1 side or part most
adv. frivolousness n. [Latin] prominent or important, or nearer the
frizz -v. form (hair) into tight curls, -n. spectator or direction of motion (front
frizzed hair or state. [French friser]
of the house). 2 a line of battle, b ground
frizzle 1 /'fnz(8)l/ v. (-ling) 1 fry or cook towards an enemy, c scene of actual
with a sizzling noise. 2 (often foil, by up) fighting. 3 a activity compared to a
burn or shrivel, [obsolete frizz: related military front, b organized political
to fry with imitative ending]
group. 4 demeanour, bearing. 5 forward
frizzle 2 /'fnz(a)l/ -v. (-ling) form into or conspicuous position. 6 a bluff, b
tight curls, -n. frizzled hair, [perhaps pretext. 7 person etc. as a cover for
related to frizz] subversive or illegal activities. 8 prome-
frizzy adj. (-ier, -iest) in tight curls, nade. 9 forward edge of advancing cold
fro adv. back (now only in to and fro: see or warm air. 10 auditorium of a theatre.
to). [Old Norse: related to from] 11 breast of a garment (spilt food down
frock n. 1 woman's or girl's dress. 2 his front), -attrib. adj. 1 of the front. 2
monk's or priest's gown. 3 smock. situated in front, -v. 1 (foil, by on, to,
[French from Germanic] towards, upon) have the front facing or
frock-coat n. man's long-skirted coat. directed towards. 2 (foil, by for) slang
frog n. 1 small smooth tailless leaping
act as a front or cover for. 3 provide with
amphibian. 2 (Frog) slang offens. or have a front (fronted with stone). 4
Frenchman. frog in one's throat lead (a band, organization, etc.). in
colloq. hoarseness. [Old English] front in an advanced or facing position.
frontage 352 FT-SE
in front of 1 ahead of, in advance of. 2 in frugal /'fru:g(a)l/ sparing or
adj. 1
the presence of. [Latin frons front- face] thrifty, esp. as regards food. 2 meagre,
frontage n. 1 front of a building. 2 land cheap. frugality /-'gaeliti/ n. fru-
next to a street or water etc. 3 extent of a gally adv. [Latin]
front. 4 a the way a thing faces, b fruit /fru:t/-rc. 1 a seed-bearing part of a
outlook. plant or tree; this as food, b these
frontal adj. 1 of or on the front (frontal collectively. 2 (usu. in pi.) vegetables,
view; frontal attack). 2 of the forehead grains, etc. as food (fruits of the earth). 3
(frontal bone). (usu. in pi.) profits, rewards, -v. (cause
front bench n. seats in Parliament to) bear fruit. [Latin fructus from fruor
occupied by leading members of the enjpy]
government and opposition. fruit cake n. cake containing dried
front-bencher n. MP occupying the fruit.
front bench. fruit cocktail n. diced fruit salad.
frontier /'frAntia(r)/ n. 1 a border fruiterer n. dealer in fruit.
between two countries, b district on fruitful adj. 1 producing much fruit. 2
each side of this. 2 limits of attainment successful, profitable. fruitfully adv.
or knowledge in a subject. 3 US borders fruition /fru:'ij(9)n/ n. 1 bearing of
between settled and unsettled country. fruit. 2 realization of aims or hopes.
frontiersman n. [Latin: related to fruit]
frontispiece /'frAntis,pi:s/ n. illustra- fruit juice n. juice of fruit, esp. as a
tion facing the title-page of a book. drink.
[Latin: related to front, specio look] fruitless adj. 1 not bearing fruit. 2
front line n. foremost part of an army useless, unsuccessful. fruitlessly
or group under attack.
front runner n. favourite in a race etc. fruit machine n. coin-operated gam-
frost -n. 1 a frozen dew or vapour, b
ing machine using symbols represent-
consistent temperature below freezing
ing fruit.
point. 2 cold dispiriting atmosphere, -v.
fruit sugar n. fructose.
1 (usu. foil, by over, up) become covered
fruity adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a of fruit, b
with frost. 2 a cover with or as with
tasting or smelling like fruit. 2 (of a
frost, b injure (a plant etc.) with frost. 3
voice etc.) deep and rich. 3 colloq.
make (glass) non-transparent by rough- slightly indecent or suggestive. fruit-
ening its surface. [Old English: related
ily adv. fruitiness n.
to freeze]
frostbite n. injury to body tissues due
frump n. dowdy unattractive woman.
to freezing. frostbitten adj.
frumpish adj. frumpy adj. (-ier,
-iest). [perhaps dial, frumple wrinkle]
frosting n. icing.
frosty adj. (-ier, -iest)
1 cold with frost.
frustrate /frA'streit/ v. (-ting) 1 make
(efforts) ineffective. 2prevent (a person)
2 covered with or as with frost. 3
unfriendly in manner. frostily adv. from achieving a purpose. 3 (as frus-
frostiness n.
trated adj.) a discontented because
froth -n. foam. 2 idle or amusing talk
unable to achieve one's aims, b sexually
etc. -v. 1 emit or gather froth. 2 cause
unfulfilled. frustrating adj. frus-
(beer etc.) to foam. frothy adj. (-ier, trating^ adv. frustration n. [Latin
-iest). [Old Norse]
frustra in vain]
frown -u. 1 wrinkle one's brows, esp. in frustum /'frAStam/ n. (pi. -ta or -s)
displeasure or concentration. 2 (foil, by Geom. remaining part of a decapitated
at, on) disapprove of. -n. 1 act of frown-
cone or pyramid. [Latin, = piece cut off]
ing. 2 look of displeasure or concentra- fry -v. (fries, fried) cook or be cooked

tion. [French] in hot fat. -n. (pi. fries) 1 offal, usu.

frowsty /'frausti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) fusty, eaten fried (lamb's fry). 2 fried food,
stuffy, [var. of frowzy] esp. meat. [Latin frigo]
frowzy /'frauzi/ adj. (also frowsy) (-ier, fry 2 young or newly hatched fishes.
-iest) 1 fusty. 2 slatternly, dingy, [origin [Old Norse, = seed]
unknown] fryer n. (also frier) 1 person who fries. 2
froze past of freeze. vessel for frying esp. fish.
frozen past part, of freeze. frying-pan n. shallow pan used in fry-

FRS abbr. Fellow of the Royal Society, ing. out of the frying-pan into the
fructify /'frAkti.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 bear fire from a bad situation to a worse one.
fruit. 2 make fruitful. [Latin: related to fry-up n. colloq. fried bacon, eggs, etc.
FRUIT] ft abbr. foot, feet.
fructose /'frAktauz/ n. sugar in honey, FT-SE abbr. Financial Times Stock Ex-
fruits, etc. [Latin: related to fruit] change 100 share index (based on the
fuchsia 353 full stop
share values of Britain's largest public to' (forgetful). 2 nouns (pi -fuls) mean-
companies). ing 'amount that fills' (handful,
fuchsia /'fju:j8/ n. shrub with drooping spoonful).
red, purple, or white flowers. [Fuchs, fulcrum /'fAlkram/ n. (pi. -s or -era)
name of a botanist] point on which a lever is supported.
fuck coarse slang —v. 1 have sexual [Latin fulcio to prop]
intercourse (with). 2 (often absol or as fulfil /fol'fil/ v. (US fulfill) (-11-) 1 carry
int. expressing annoyance) curse (a per- out (a task, prophecy, promise, etc.). 2 a
son or thing). 3 (foil, by about, around) satisfy (conditions, a desire, prayer,
mess about; fool around. 4 (as fucking etc.).b (as fulfilled adj.) completely
adj., adv.) expressing annoyance etc. happy. 3 answer (a purpose). fulfil
—n. 1 a act of sexual intercourse, b oneself realize one's potential. fulfil-
partner in this. 2 slightest amount ment n. [Old English: related to full 1

{don 't give a fuck). fuck-all nothing, fill]


fuck off go away, fuck up 1 bungle. 2 full /ful/ -adj. 1 holding all it can
disturb emotionally, r fucker n. (often (bucket is full; full of water). 2 having
as a term of abuse), [origin unknown] eaten all one can or wants. 3 abundant,
copious, satisfying (a full life; full de-
Usage Although widely used, fuck is tails). 4 (foil, by of) having an abund-
stillconsidered to be the most offensive ance of (full of vitality). 5 (foil, by of)
word in the English language by many engrossed in (full of himself). 6 com-
people. In discussions about bad lan- plete, perfect (full membership; in full
guage it is frequently referred to as the bloom). 7 (of tone) deep and clear. 8
T word. plump, rounded (full figure). 9 (of
fuck-up n. coarse slang bungle or clothes) ample, hanging in folds, -adv. 1
muddle. very (knows full well). 2 quite, fully
(full six miles). 3 exactly (full on the
fuddle /'fAd(a)l/ -v. (-ling) confuse or
nose). full up colloq. completely full,
stupefy, esp. with alcohol, -n. 1 confu-
sion. 2 intoxication, [origin unknown]
in full 1 without abridgement. 2 to or
for the full amount, in full view entire-
fuddy-duddy /'fAdi.dAdi/ slang -adj.
ly visible, to the full to the utmost
old-fashioned or quaintly fussy, -n. (pi.
extent. [Old English]
-ies) such a person, [origin unknown]
full 2 /ful/ v. clean and thicken (cloth),
fudge-/?. 1 soft toffee-like sweet made of
[from fuller]
milk, sugar, butter, etc. 2 piece of dis-
full back n. defensive player near the
honesty or faking, —v. (-ging) make or
goal in football, hockey, etc.
do clumsily or dishonestly; fake (fudge
full-blooded adj. 1 vigorous, hearty,
the results), [origin uncertain]
sensual. 2 not hybrid,
fuehrer var. of fuhrer. full-blown adj. fully developed,
fuel /'fjuial/ -n. 1 material for burning full board n. provision of bed and all
or as a source of heat, power, or nuclear
meals at a hotel etc.
energy. 2 food as a source of energy. 3 full-bodied adj. rich in quality, tone,
thing that sustains or inflames passion etc.
etc. - v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 supply with, take person who
fuller n. fulls cloth,
in, or get, fuel. 2 inflame (feeling etc.). fuller's earth type of clay used in
[French from Latin] fulling. [Latin fullo]
fuel cell n. cell producing electricity full-frontal adj. 1 (of a nude figure)
direct from a chemical reaction. fully exposed at the front. 2 explicit,
fug n. colloq. close stuffy atmosphere. unrestrained.
fuggy adj. [origin unknown] full house n. 1 maximum attendance at
fugitive /'fju:d3itiv/ -n. (often foil! by a theatre etc. 2 hand in poker with three
from) person who flees, e.g. from justice of a kind and a pair.
or an enemy, -adj. 1 fleeing. 2 transient, full-length adj. 1 not shortened. 2 (of a
fleeting. [Latin fugio flee] mirror, portrait, etc.) showing the
fugue /fju:g/ n.piece of music in which a whole figure.
short melody or phrase is introduced by full moon n. 1 moon with its whole disc
one part and taken up and developed by illuminated. 2 time of this,
others. fugal adj. [Latin fuga flight] fullness n. being full, the fullness of
fuhrer /'fjuara(r)/ n. (also fuehrer) tyr- time the appropriate or destined time,
annical leader. [German] full-scale adj. not reduced in size,
-ful comb, form forming: 1 adjectives complete.
from a nouns, meaning full of or having full stop n. 1 punctuation mark (.) at the
qualities of (beautiful, masterful), b ad- end of a sentence or an abbreviation. 2
jectives (direful), c verbs, meaning 'apt complete cessation.
full term 354 funicular
full term n. completion of a normal others, -v. fulfil a function, operate.
pregnancy. [Latin fungor fund- perform]
full-time -adj. for or during the whole functional adj. 1 of or serving a func-
of the working week (full-time job), tion. 2 practical rather than attractive. 3
-adv. on a full-time basis (work affecting the function of a bodily organ
full-time). but not its structure. functionally
full-timer n. person who does a full- adv.
time job. functionalism n. belief that a thing's
fully adv. 1 completely, entirely (am function should determine its design.
fully aware). 2 at least (fully 60). functionalist n. & adj.
fully-fashioned adj. (of clothing) functionary n. (pi. -ies) official per-
shaped to fit closely, forming certain duties.
fulmar /'fulma(r)/ n.Arctic sea bird fund -rc. 1 permanently available stock
related to the petrel. [Old Norse: related (fund of knowledge). 2 sum of money,
to foul, mar gull] esp. set apart for a purpose. 3 (in pi.)
fulminant /'fulminant/ adj. 1 fulminat- money resources, -v. 1 provide with
ing. 2 (of a disease etc.) developing money. 2 make (a debt) permanent at
suddenly. [Latin: related to fulminate] fixed interest. in funds colloq. having
fulminate /'fulmi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 criti- money to spend. [Latin fundus bottom]
cize loudly and forcefully. 2 explode fundamental /,fAnd8'ment(a)l/-arf/. of
violently; flash. fulmination or being a base or foundation; essential,
/-'neij(8)n/ n. [Latin fulmen -min- primary, -n. 1 (usu. in pi.) fundamental
lightning] principle. 2 Mus. fundamental note,
fulsome /'fulsam/ adj. excessive, cloy- fundamentally adv. [Latin: related to
ing, insincere (fulsome praise). ful- FOUND 2 ]

somely adv. [from full 1 ] fundamentalism n. strict adherence

to traditional religious beliefs or doc-
Usage The phrase fulsome praise is trines. fundamentalist n. & adj.
sometimes wrongly used to mean gener-
fundamental note n. Mus. lowest
ous praise rather than excessive praise.
note of a chord.
fumble /'fAmb(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 use the fundamental particle n. elementary
hands awkwardly, grope about. 2 particle.
handle clumsily or nervously (fumbled fund-raiser n. person raising money
the ball), -n. act of fumbling. [Low Ger- for a cause, enterprise, etc. fund-
man fummeln] raising n.
fume -n. (usu. in pi.) exuded gas, funeral -n. 1 ceremonial
smoke, or vapour, esp. when harmful or burial or cremation of a corpse. 2 slang
unpleasant, -v. (-ming) 1 emit fumes or one's (usu. unpleasant) concern (that's
as fumes. 2 be very angry. 3 subject your funeral), -attrib. adj. of or used at
(oak, film, etc.) to fumes to darken. funerals. [Latin funus funer-]
[Latin fumus smoke] funeral director n. undertaker.
fumigate /'fju:mi,geit/ v. (-ting) disin- funeral parlour n. establishment
fect or purify with fumes. fumiga- where corpses are prepared for
tion /-'geij(a)n/ n. fumigator n. [Latin: funerals.
related to fume] funerary /'fju:narari/ adj. of or used at
fun —n. 1 lively or playful amusement. 2 funerals.
source of this. 3 mockery, ridicule funereal /fju:'ni9ri8l/ adj. 1 of or appro-

(figure of fun), -attrib. adj. colloq. priate to a funeral. 2 dismal, dark.

amusing, enjoyable (a fun thing to do). funereally adv.
for fun (or for the fun of it) not for a funfair n. fair with amusements and
serious purpose, in fun as a joke, not sideshows.
seriously, make fun of (or poke fun at) fungicide /'fAnd3i,said/ n. substance
ridicule, tease, [obsolete fun, fon: that kills fungus. fungicidal
related to fond] /-'said(8)l/ adj.
fungoid /'fAngoid/ -adj. fungus-like.
Usage The use of fun as an attrib-
-n. fungoid plant.
utive adjective is common in informal
fungus /'fAngas/ n. (pi. -gi /-gai/ or
use, but is considered incorrect by some
-guses) 1 mushroom, toadstool, or allied
plant, including moulds, feeding on or-
function /'fAnkJ(8)n/ -n. 1 a proper or ganic matter. 2 Med. spongy morbid
necessary role, activity, or purpose, b growth. fungal adj. fungous adj.
officialor professional duty. 2 public or [Latin]
social occasion. 3 Math, quantity whose funicular /fju:'nikjul8(r)/ -adj. (of a
value depends on the varying values of mountain railway) operating by cable
funk 355 fury
with ascending and descending cars furnish /'f3:niJ7 v. 1 provide (a house,
counterbalanced, -n. funicular rail- room, etc.) with furniture. 2 (often foil,
way. [Latin funiculus diminutive of by with) supply. [French from Ger-
funis rope] manic]
funk slang -n. 1 fear, panic. 2 coward.

furnished adj. (of a house etc.) let with

-v. 1 evade through fear. 2 be afraid (of), furniture.
[origin uncertain]
furnisher n. 1 person who sells furni-
funk 2 n. slang funky music, [origin
ture. 2 person who furnishes.
furnishings furniture and fit-
funky adj. (-ier, -iest) slang (esp. ofjazz ments in a house, room, etc.
or rock music) earthy, bluesy, with a
furniture /T3:nitja(r)/ n. 1 movable
heavy rhythm.
equipment of a house, room, etc., e.g.
funnel /'fAn(a)l/ tube widening at
-n. 1
tables, beds. 2 Naut. ship's equipment. 3
the top, for pouring liquid etc. into a
accessories, e.g. the handles and lock on
small opening. 2 metal chimney on a
steam engine or steamship, -v. (-11-; US a door. [French: related to furnish]
-1-) guide or move through or as through
furore /fjua'ro:n/ n. (US furor
a funnel. [Provencal fonilh from Latin /'fjuaro:(r)/) 1 uproar; fury. 2 enthusi-
(inWundibulum) astic admiration. [Latin: related to
funny /'fAni/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 amusing, fury]
comical. 2 strange, peculiar. 3 colloq. a furrier /'fAria(r)/ n. dealer in or dresser
slightly unwell, b eccentric. funnily of furs. [French]
adv. funniness n. [from fun] furrow /'fArau/ -n. 1 narrow trench
funny-bone n. part of the elbow over made by a plough. 2 rut, groove,
which a very sensitive nerve passes. wrinkle. 3 ship's track, - v. 1 plough. 2
fun run n. colloq. uncompetitive spon- make furrows in. [Old English]
sored run for charity. furry /T3:n/ adj. (-ier, -iest) like or
fur -n.1a short fine soft animal hair, b covered with fur.
hide with fur on it, used esp. for cloth- further /'f3:aa(r)/ -adv. (also farther
ing. 2 garment of or lined with fur. 3 /'fa:cte(r)/) 1 more distant in space or
{collect.) animals with fur. 4 fur-like time. 2 to a greater extent, more (will
coating on the tongue, in a kettle, etc. enquire further). 3 in addition (/ may
-v. (-rr-) 1 (esp. as furred adj.) line or add further), -adj. (also farther
trim with fur. 2 (often foil, by up) (of a /Ta:oa(r)/) 1 more distant or advanced. 2
kettle etc.) become coated with fur. more, additional (further details), -v.
make the fur fly colloq. cause a disturb- promote or favour (a scheme etc.). [Old
ance, stir up trouble. [French from Ger- English: related to forth]
furbelow /'f3:bi,lau/ n. 1 (in pi.) showy Usage The form farther is used esp.
ornaments. 2 archaic gathered strip or with reference to physical distance, al-
border of a skirt or petticoat. [French though further is preferred by many
falbala] people even in this sense.
furbish /'f3:biJ7 v. (often foil, by up) =
furtherance n. furthering of a scheme
refurbish. [French from Germanic]
furcate /'f3:keit/ -adj. forked,
further education n. education for
branched, -v. (-ting) fork, divide.
those above school age.
furcation /f3:'keiJXa)n/ n. [Latin:
related to fork]
furthermore /.fs.da'mo^r)/ adv. in ad-
dition, besides.
furious /'fjoanas/ adj. 1 very angry. 2
raging, frantic. furiously adv. [Latin: furthest /'f3:oist/ (also farthest
related to fury]
-adj. most distant, -adv. to or

furl v. 1 roll up and secure (a sail etc.). 2 at the greatest distance.

become furled. [French ferler] Usage The form farthest is used esp.
furlong /'f3:lDn/ n. eighth of a mile. [Old with reference to physical distance, al-
English: related to furrow, long 1 ] though furthest is preferred by many
furlough /'f3:lau/ -n. leave of absence, people even in this sense.
esp. military. -v.USl grant furlough to.
2 spend furlough. [Dutch: related to furtive /'f3:tiv/ adj. sly, stealthy, fur-
i ]

tively adv. furtiveness n. [Latin fur
furnace /'f3:nis/ n. 1 enclosed structure thief]
for intense heating by fire, esp. of metals fury /'fjuari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a wild and
or water. 2 very hot place. [Latin fornax passionate anger, b fit of rage. 2 violence
from fornus oven] of a storm, disease, etc. 3 (Fury) (usu. in
furze 356! -fy
pi. ) (in Greek mythology) avenging god- \ fusty /'fASti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 musty,
dess. 4 avenging spirit. 5 angry or malig- stuffy. 2 antiquated. fustiness n.
nant woman. like fury colloq. with [French fust cask, from Latin fustis
great force or effort. [Latin furia] cudgel]
furze n. = gorse. furzy adj. [Old ) futile /'fju:tail/ adj. 1 useless, ineffec-
English] tual. 2 frivolous. futility /-'tiliti/ n.
fuse 1 /f]u:z/ -v. (-sing) 1 melt with in- [Latin futilis leaky, futile]
tense heat. 2 blend into one whole by
j /'fu:tDn/ n. Japanese quilted mat-
melting. 3 provide (an electric circuit)
tress used as a bed; this sold with a
with a fuse. 4 a (of an appliance) fail
low wooden frame, often convertible
owing to the melting of a fuse, b cause to
into a couch. [Japanese]
do this. - n. device with a strip or wire of
easily melted metal placed in an electric future
1 /'fju:tf8(r)/ -adj. 1 about to hap-

circuit so as to interrupt an excessive pen, be, or become. 2 a of time to come,

current by melting. [Latin fundo fus- b Gram, (of a tense) describing an event
melt] yet to happen, -n. 1 time to come. 2
fuse 2 /fju:z/ (also fuze) -n. 1 device of future events. 3 future condition of a
combustible matter for igniting a bomb person, country, etc. 4 prospect of suc-
or explosive charge. 2 component made cess etc. (no future in it). 5 Gram, future
of this in a shell, mine, etc. -v. (-sing) fit tense. 6 (in pi.) Stock Exch. goods etc.
a fuse to. [Latin fusus spindle] sold for future delivery. in future
fuselage /'^/ n. body of an aero- from now onwards. [Latin futurus
plane. [French from fuseau spindle] future part, of sum be]
fusible /'f]u:zib(a)l/ adj. that can be future perfect
j n. Gram, tense giving
melted. fusibility /- biliti/ n. [Latin:
the sense 'will have done',
related to fuse ]
futurism n. 20th-century artistic move-

fusil /'fju:zil/ n. hist, light musket.

ment departing from traditional forms
[Latin focus fire]
and celebrating technology and
fusilier /,fju:zi'li9(r)/ n. member of any
of several British regiments formerly
dynamism. futurist n. & adj.
armed with fusils. [French: related to futuristic
] /,fju:tja'ristik/ adj. 1 suitable
for the future; ultra-modern. 2 of futur-
fusillade /,fju:zi'leid/ n. 1 period of con- ism.
tinuous discharge of firearms. 2 sus- futurity
] /fju:'tju8riti/ n. (pi. -ies) liter-

tained outburst of criticism etc. ary future time. 2 (in sing, or pi.)

fusion /'fju:3(o)n/ n. 1 fusing or melting. future events.

2 blending. 3 coalition. 4 = nuclear futurology /.fju^Ja'rotedsi/ n.
\ forecast-
fusion. [Latin: related to fuse ] ing of the future, esp. from present
fuss -n. 1 excited commotion, bustle. 2 trends.
excessive concern about a trivial thing. fuze
] var. of fuse

3 sustained protest or dispute, -v. 1 fuzz

] n. 1 fluff. 2 fluffy or frizzed hair. 3
behave with nervous concern. 2 agitate, slang a (prec. by the) the police, b police
worry. make a fuss complain vigor- officer, [probably Low German or
ously, make a fuss of (or over) treat (a
person or animal) affectionately. ,

fuzzy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like fuzz, fluffy. 2

fusser n. [origin unknown]
blurred, indistinct. fuzzily adv.
fusspot n. colloq. person given to fuss-
fuzziness n.
fussy -fy suffix forming: verbs from nouns,
adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 inclined to fuss.
2 over-elaborate. 3 fastidious. fussily meaning: a make, produce (pacify), b
adv. fussiness n. make into (deify; petrify). 2 verbs from
fustian /'fAstian/ -n. 1 thick usu. dark adjectives, meaning 'bring or come into
twilled cotton cloth. 2 bombast, -adj. 1 a state' (Frenchify, solidify). 3 verbs
made of fustian. 2 bombastic. 3 worth- in a causative sense (horrify, stupefy).
less. [French] [French -fier from Latin facio make]
G 1
/d3i:/ n. (also g) (pi. Gs or G's) 1 crying out. 2 joke or comic scene. 3
seventh letter of the alphabet. 2 Mus. parliamentary closure. 4 thing restrict-
fifth note of the diatonic scale of C ing free speech, -v. (-gg-) 1 apply a gag
major. to. 2 silence; deprive of free speech. 3
G 2
abbr. (also G.) 1 gauss. 2 giga-. 3 choke, retch. 4 make gags as a comedian
gravitational constant, etc. [origin uncertain]
g abbr. (also g.) 1 gram(s). 2 a gravity, b gaga /'ga:ga:/ adj. slang 1 senile. 2
acceleration due to gravity. slightly crazy. [French]
Ga symb. gallium. gage n. 1 pledge; thing deposited as

gab n. colloq. talk, chatter, [var. of gob ] 1

security. 2 symbol of a challenge to

gabardine /,gaeb9'di:n/ n. (also gaber- fight, esp. a glove thrown down. [Ger-
dine) 1 twill-woven cloth, esp. of
manic: related to wed, wage]
worsted. 2 raincoat etc. made of this.
gage 2 US var. of gauge.
[French gauvardine]
gaggle /'gaeg(a)l/ n. 1 flock of geese. 2
gabble /'gaeb(a)l/ -v. (-ling) talk or utter
colloq. disorganized group of people,
unintelligibly or too fast. —n. fast unin-
telligible talk. [Dutch, imitative]
gaberdine var. of gabardine. gaiety /'geiati/ n. (US gayety) 1 being
gay; mirth. 2 merrymaking. 3 bright
gable /'geib(a)l/ n. 1 triangular upper
part of a wall at the end of a ridged roof.
appearance. [French: related to gay]
2 gable-topped wall. gabled adj. [Old gaily adv. in a gay or careless manner
Norse and French] (gaily decorated; gaily announced their
gad v. (-dd-) (foil, by about) go about idly departure).
or in search of pleasure, [obsolete gain -v. 1 obtain or win (gain advan-
gadling companion] tage, gain recognition). 2 acquire as
gadabout n. person who gads about, profits etc., earn. 3 (often foil, by in) get
gadfly n. 1 fly that bites cattle and more of, improve (gain momentum;
horses. 2 irritating person, [obsolete gain in experience). 4 benefit, profit. 5
gad spike] (of a clock etc.) become fast; become fast
gadget /'gaed3it/ n. small mechanical by (a specified amount of time). 6 (often
device or tool. gadgetry n. [origin foil, by on, upon) come closer to a person
unknown] or thing pursued. 7 a reclaim (land from
gadolinium /.gaeda'lmiam/ n. metallic the sea), b win (a battle). 8 reach (a
element of the lanthanide series. [Gado- desired place), —n. 1 increase of wealth
lin, name of a mineralogist] etc.; profit, improvement. 2 (in pi.) sums
gadwall /'gaedwo:l/ n. brownish-grey of money got by trade etc. 3 increase in
freshwater duck, [origin unknown] amount. gain ground 1 advance. 2
Gael /geil/ n. 1 Scottish Celt. 2 Gaelic- (foil, by on) catch up (a person pursued).
speaking Celt. [Gaelic GaidheaJ] [French from Germanic]
Gaelic /'geilik, 'gae-/ -n. Celtic language gainful adj. 1 (of employment) paid. 2
of Ireland and Scotland, -adj. of the lucrative. gainfully adv.
Celts or the Celtic languages. gainsay /gem'sei/ v. deny, contradict.
gaff -n. 1 a stick with an iron hook for

[Old Norse: related to against, say]

landing large fish, b barbed fishing-
gait n. manner of walking or forward
spear. 2 spar to which the head of a fore-
motion. [Old Norse]
and-aft sail is bent. -v. seize (a fish) with
gaiter n. covering of cloth, leather, etc.,
a gaff. [Provencal gaf hook]
for the lower leg. [French guetre)
gafP n. slang blow the gaff reveal a
unknown] gal n. slang girl, [representing a variant
plot or secret, [origin
gaffe /gaef/ n. blunder; indiscreet act or
gal. abbr. (also gall.) gallon(s).
remark. [French]
gaffer /'gaefa(r)/ n. 1 old fellow. 2 colloq. gala /'ga:la/ n. festive occasion or gath-
foreman, boss. 3 chief electrician in a ering (swimming gala), [ultimately
film or television production unit. from French gale rejoicing from Ger-
[probably from godfather] manic]
gag-rc. 1 thing thrust into or tied across galactic /ga'laektik/ adj. of a galaxy or
the mouth, esp. to prevent speaking or galaxies.
galantine 358 gamble
galantine /'gaelan.tiin/ n. white meat gallinaceous /.gseli'neijas/ adj. of the
boned, stuffed, spiced, etc., and served order including domestic poultry,
cold.[French from Latin] pheasants, etc. [Latin gallina hen]
galaxy /'gaelaksi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 independ- gallium /'gaeliam/ n. soft bluish-white
ent system of stars, gas, dust, etc., in metallic element. [Latin Gallia France:
space. 2 (the Galaxy) Milky Way. 3 (foil, so named patriotically by its discoverer
by of) brilliant company {galaxy of Lecoq]
talent). [Greek gala milk] gallivant /'gaeli.vaent/ v. colloq. gad
gale n. 1 very strong wind or storm. 2 about, [origin uncertain]
outburst, esp. of laughter, [origin Gallo- comb, form French. [Latin]
unknown] gallon /'gaelan/ n. 1 measure of capacity
gall 1
/go:l/ n. 1 slang impudence. 2 ran- equal to eight pints (4.5 litres; for wine,
cour. 3 bitterness. 4 bile. [Old Norse] or US, 3.8 litres). 2 (in pi.) colloq. large
gall 2 /go:l/ -n. 1 sore made by chafing. 2 amount. [French]
mental soreness or its cause. 3 place gallop /'gaelap/ -n. 1 fastest pace of a
rubbed bare. -v. 1 rub sore. 2 vex, horse etc., with all the feet off the
humiliate. [Low German or Dutch galle] ground together in each stride. 2 ride at
gall 3 /go:l/ n. growth produced by insects this pace. —v. (-p-) 1 a (of a horse etc. or
etc. on plants and trees, esp. on oak. its rider) go at a gallop, b make (a horse

[Latin galla] etc.) gallop. 2 read, talk, etc., fast. 3

gall. abbr. var. of gal. progress rapidly (galloping inflation).
gallant -adj. /'gaelant/ 1 brave. 2 fine, [French: related to wallop]
stately. 3 /ga'laent/ very attentive to
gallows /'gaelauz/ (usu. treated as
sing.) structure, usu. of two uprights
women, -n. /ga'laent/ ladies' man.
gallantly /'gaelantli/ adv. [French galer and a crosspiece, for hanging criminals.
make merry] [Old Norse]
gallantry /'gaelantri/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 bra-
gallstone n. small hard mass forming
in the gall-bladder.
very. 2 devotion to women. 3 polite act
or speech.
Gallup poll /'gaelap/ n. = opinion poll.
[Gallup, name of a statistician]
gall bladder organ storing bile,
galore /ga'b:(r)/ adv. in plenty (whisky
galleon /'gaelian/ n. hist, warship (usu.
galore). [Irish goleor enough]
Spanish). [French or Spanish: related to
galosh /ga'lDjV n. (also golosh) (usu. in
pi.) overshoe, usu. of rubber. [French]
galleria /,gaela'ri:a/ n. collection of
small shops under a single roof. [Italian]
galumph /ga'Lvmf/ v. (esp. as galumph-
ing move noisily or clum-
adj.) colloq.
gallery /'gaelari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 room or
sily, [coined by Lewis Carroll, perhaps
building for showing works of art. 2
balcony, esp. in a church, hall, etc.
galvanic /gael'vasnik/ adj. 1 a produc-
(minstrels' gallery). 3 highest balcony
ing an electric current by chemical
in a theatre. 4 a covered walk partly
action, b (of electricity) produced by
open at the side; colonnade, b narrow chemical action. 2 a sudden and re-
passage in the thickness of a wall or on markable (had a galvanic b
corbels, open towards the interior of the stimulating; full of energy. galvan-
building. 5 long narrow room or passage ically adv.
(shooting-gallery). 6 horizontal under- galvanize /'gaelva.naiz/ v. (also -ise)
ground passage in a mine etc. 7 group of (-zing or -sing) 1 (often foil, by into)
spectators at a golf-match etc. play to rouse forcefully, esp. by shock or excite-
the gallery seek to win approval by ment (was galvanized into action). 2
appealing to popular taste. [French stimulate by or as by electricity. 3 coat
galer ie] (iron) with zinc to protect against rust.
galley /'gaeli/ n. (pi. -s) 1 hist, a long flat galvanization /-'zeij(a)n/ n. [Gal-
single-decked vessel usu. rowed by name of a physiologist]
slaves or criminals, b ancient Greek or galvanometer /,gaelva'nDmita(r)/ n.
Roman warship. 2 ship's or aircraft's instrument for detecting and measuring
kitchen. 3 Printing (in full galley small electric currents. galvano-
proof) proof in continuous form before metric /-na'metnk/ adj.
division into pages. [Latin galea] gambit /'gaembit/ n. 1 chess opening in
galley-slave n. drudge. which a player sacrifices a piece or
Gallic /'gaelik/ adj. 1 French or typically pawn to secure an advantage. 2 opening
French. 2 of Gaul or the Gauls. [Latin move in a discussion etc. 3 trick or
Gallicus] device. [Italian gambetto tripping up]
Gallicism /'gaeli,siz(a)m/ n. French gamble /'gaemb(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 play
idiom, [related to Gallic] games of chance for money. 2 a bet (a
gamboge 359 gape
sum of money) in gambling, b (often foil, gammy /'gaemi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) slang
by away) lose by gambling. 3 risk much = game 2 , [dial, form of game 2 ]

in the hope of great gain. 4 (foil, by on) gamut /'gaemat/ n. entire range or
act in the hope of. -n. 1 risky undertak- scope. run the gamut of experience
ing. 2 spell of gambling. gambler n. or perform the complete range of. [Latin
gamboge /gaem'baud3/ n. gum resin gamma ut, words arbitrarily taken as
used as a yellow pigment and as a names of notes]
purgative. [Cambodia in SE Asia] gamy adj. (-ier, -iest) smelling or tast-
gambol /'gasmb(a)l/ -v. (-11-; US -1-) skip ing like high game.
or jump about playfully, -n. frolic, gander n. 1 male goose. 2 slang look,
caper. [French gambade leap, from It- glance (take a gander). [Old English]
alian gamba leg] gang n. 1 band of persons associating for
game 1
-n. 1 form of play or sport, esp. a some (usu. antisocial or criminal) pur-
competitive one with rules. 2 portion of pose. 2 set of workers, slaves, or
play forming a scoring unit, e.g. in prisoners, c gang up colloq. 1 (often foil,
bridge or tennis. 3 (in pi.) series of by with) act together. 2 (foil, by on)
athletic etc. contests (Olympic Games). combine against. [Old Norse]
4 a piece of fun, jest (didn't mean to ganger n. foreman of a gang of workers.
upset you; it was only a game), b (in pi.) gangling /'gaenglirj/ adj. (of a person)
dodges, tricks (none of your games!). 5 loosely built; lanky, [frequentative of
colloq. a scheme (so that's your game).
Old English gang go]
b type of activity or business (have been ganglion /'gaenglian/ n. (pi. -lia or -s)
in the antiques game a long time). 6 a
structure containing an assemblage of
wild animals or birds hunted for sport nerve cells. ganglionic /-'Dnik/ adj.
or food, b their flesh as food. -adj. [Greek]
spirited; eager and willing (are you =
gangly /'gaengh/ adj. (-ier, -iest)
game for a walk?), -v. (-ming) gamble GANGLING.
for money stakes. the game is up gangplank n. movable plank for board-
scheme is revealed or foiled, on the ing or disembarking from a ship etc.
game slang working as a prostitute. gangrene /'gaengriin/ n. death of body
gamely adv. [Old English] tissue, usu. resulting from obstructed
game 2
adj. colloq. (of a leg, arm, etc.)
circulation. gangrenous /-grmas/
crippled, [origin unknown]
adj. [Greek gaggraina]
gamecock n. cock bred and trained for
gangster n. member of a gang of violent
gamekeeper n. person employed to
gangue /gaen/ n. valueless earth etc. in
breed and protect game.
which ore is found. [German: related to
gamelan /'gaema.laen/ n. 1 SE Asian
orchestra mainly of percussion instru-
ments. 2 type of xylophone used in this.
gangway n.passage, esp. between

rows of seats. 2 a opening in a ship's

bulwarks, b bridge from ship to shore.
gamesmanship n. art of winning
games by gaining psychological gannet /'gaenit/ n. 1 large diving sea

bird. 2 slang greedy person. [Old

gamester /'geimsta(r)/ n. gambler. English]
gamete /'gaemiit/ n. mature germ cell
gantry /'gaentn/ n. (pi. -ies) structure
able to unite with another in sexual supporting a travelling crane, railway
reproduction. gametic /ga'metik/ or road signals, rocket-launching equip-
adj. [Greek, = wife] ment, etc. [probably gawn, a dial, form
gamin /'gaemm/ n. 1 street urchin. 2 of gallon, + tree]
impudent child. [French] gaol var. of jail.
gamine /gae'mi:n/ n. 1 girl gamin. 2 girl gaolbird var. of jailbird.
with mischievous charm. [French] gaolbreak var. of jailbreak.
gamma /'gaema/ n. 1 third letter of the gaoler var. of jailer.
I Greek alphabet (r, y). 2 third-class mark gap n. 1 empty space, interval; defi-
for a piece of work etc. [Greek] ciency. 2 breach in a hedge, fence, etc. 3
gamma radiation n. (also gamma wide divergence in views etc. gappy
i rays) electromagnetic radiation of adj. [Old Norse]
shorter wavelength than X-rays, gape -v. (-ping) 1 a open one's mouth
gammon /'gaeman/ n. bottom piece of
1 wide, b be or become wide open; split. 2
a flitch of bacon including a hind leg. 2 (foil, by at) stare at. -n. 1 open-mouthed

ham of a pig cured like bacon. [French: stare; open mouth. 2 rent, opening. [Old
related to jamb] Norse]
garage 360 gaslight
garage /'gaera:3, -ndsl-n. building for
1 garner /'ga:na(r)/ -v. 1 collect. 2 store.
housing a vehicle. 2 establishment sell- -n. literary storehouse or granary.
ing petrol etc., or repairing and selling [Latin: related to granary]
vehicles, -u. (-ging) put or keep in a garnet /'ga:nit/
n. glassy silicate
garage. [French] mineral, esp. a red kind used as a gem.
garb -rc. clothing, esp. of a distinctive [medieval Latin granatum pome-
kind. -u. (usu. in passive or re/7.) dress. granate]
[Germanic: related to gear] garnish /'ga:niJ7 -v. decorate (esp.
garbage /'ga:bid3/ n. 1 esp. US refuse. 2 food), -n. decoration, esp. to food.
colloq. nonsense. [Anglo-French] [French garnir from Germanic]
garble /'ga:b(a)l/v. (-ling) 1 (esp. as garotte var. of garrotte.
garbled adj.) unintentionally distort or garret /'gaent/ n. attic or room in a roof.
confuse (facts, messages, etc.). 2 make a [French, = watch-tower: related to gar-
(usu. unfair) selectionfrom (facts, state- rison]
ments, from Arabic]
etc.). [Italian garrison /'gaens(a)n/ -n. troops sta-
garden /'ga:d(a)n/ -n. 1 piece of ground tioned in a town etc. to defend it. -v. (-n-)
for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables, 1 provide with or occupy as a garrison. 2
and as a place of recreation. 2 (esp. in place on garrison duty. [French garir
pi.) grounds laid out for public enjoy- defend, from Germanic]
ment. 3 (attrib.) cultivated (garden garrotte /ga'rot/ (also garotte; US gar-
plants), -v. cultivate or tend a garden. rote) -v. (-ting) execute or kill by stran-
gardening n. [Germanic: related to gulation, esp. with a wire collar, -n. de-
YARD 2 ]
vice used for this. [French or Span-
garden centre n. place where plants
and garden equipment are sold. garrulous /'gaerulas/ adj. talkative.
garden city n. town spaciously laid out garrulity /garu:liti/ n. garrulous-

with parks etc.

ness n. [Latin]
gardener n. person who gardens, esp.
garter n. 1 band worn to keep a sock or

for a living.
stocking up. 2 (the Garter) a highest
gardenia /ga:'di:ma/ n. tree or shrub order of English knighthood, b badge or

with large fragrant flowers. [Garden,

membership of this. [French]
name of a naturalist] garter stitch n. plain knitting stitch.
| \

garden party n. party held on a lawn

gas -n. (pi. -es) 1 any airlike substance
or in a garden.
(i.e. not solid or liquid) moving freely to
garfish /'ga:fiJ7 n. (pi. same or -es) fish
fill any space available. 2 such a sub-
with a long spearlike snout. [Old Eng-
= stance (esp. found naturally or
lish, spear-fish] |

extracted from coal) used as fuel (also

gargantuan /ga:'gaentjuan/ adj. gi-

attrib.: gas cooker, gas industry). 3

gantic, [from the name Gargantua, a |

nitrous oxide or other gas as an anaes-

giant in Rabelais] ]

thetic. 4 poisonous gas used in war. 5 US

gargle /'ga:g(a)l/ -v. (-ling) wash (the (

colloq. petrol, gasoline. 6 slang idle talk;

throat) with a liquid kept in motion (

boasting. 7 slang enjoyable or amusing

by breathing through it. -rc. liquid for j

gargling. [French: related to gargoyle]

thing or person. -u. (gases, gassed, (

gargoyle grotesque carved

/'ga:goil/ n.
gassing) 1 expose to gas, esp. to kill. 2 c

colloq. talk idly or boastfully. IDutch

face or figure, esp. as a spout from the j

gutter of a building. [French, = throat] invented word based on Greek khaos = \


garibaldi /.gaeri'bo.ldi/ n. biscuit

(pi. -s)
containing a layer of currants. [Gari- gasbag n. slang idle talker. g

baldi, name of an Italian patriot] gas chamber n. room filled with pois $

garish /'geariJV adj. obtrusively bright; onous gas to kill people or animals. I

showy; gaudy. garishly adv. garish- gaseous /'gaesias/ adj. of or like gas. q

ness n. [obsolete gaure stare] gas fire n. domestic heater burning gas. D

garland -n. wreath of

/'ga:land/ gas-fired adj. using gas as fuel,

flowers etc., worn on the head or hung gash -rc. long deep slash, cut, or wound. s

as a decoration, -v. adorn or crown with -v. make a gash in; cut. [French]
a garland or garlands. [French] gasholder n. large receptacle for stor #
garlic /'ga:lik/ n. plant of the onion ing gas; gasometer.
family with a pungent bulb used in gasify convert
/'gaesi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) ^
cookery. garlicky adj. [Old English, into gas. gasification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. $
= spear-leek] gasket /'gaeskit/ n. sheet or ring ol g
garment /'ga:mant/ n. 1 article of dress. rubber etc., shaped to seal the junction ^
2 outward covering. [French: related to of metal surfaces. [French garcette] %
garnish] gaslight n. light from burning gas. t;
gasman 361 Gaulish
gasman n. man who installs or services gateau /'gaetau/ n. (pi. -s or -x /-tauz/)
gas appliances, or reads gas meters, large rich cake filled with cream etc.
gas mask n. respirator as a protection [French]
against poison gas. gatecrasher n. uninvited guest at a
gasoline /'gaesa.lim/ n. (also gasolene) party etc. gatecrash v.
US petrol. gatehouse n. house standing by or over
gasometer /gae'sDmita(r)/ n. large tank a gateway, esp. to a large house or park,
from which gas is distributed by pipes. gateleg n. (in full gateleg table) table
[French gazometre: related to gas, with folding flaps supported by legs
-meter] swung open like a gate, z gatelegged
gasp /ga:sp/ -v. 1 catch one's breath adj.
with an open mouth as in exhaustion or gatepost n. post at either side of a gate.
astonishment. 2 utter with gasps, —n. gateway n. 1 opening which can be
convulsive catching of breath. [Old closed with a gate. 2 means of access
Norse] {gateway to the South; gateway to suc-
gas ring n. hollow ring perforated with cess).
gas jets, for cooking etc. gather /'gaeSa(r)/ -v. 1 bring or come
gassy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a of or like gas. together; accumulate. 2 pick or collect
b full of gas. 2 colloq. verbose, as harvest. 3 infer or deduce. 4 a in-
gasteropod var. of gastropod. crease {gather speed), b collect {gather
gastric /'gaestrik/ adj. of the stomach. dust). 5 summon up (energy etc.). 6
[French: related to gastro-] draw together in folds or wrinkles. 7
gastric flu n. colloq. intestinal disorder'
(often as gathering adj.) come to a head
of unknown cause. {gathering storm). 8 develop a purulent
gastric juice n. digestive fluid secreted swelling, -n. fold or pleat. gather up

by the stomach glands. bring together; pick up from the ground;
gastritis /gae'straitis/ n. inflammation
draw into a small compass. [Old Eng-
r of the stomach.
gastro- comb, form stomach. [Greek gathering n. 1 assembly. 2 purulent
r gaster stomach]
swelling. 3 group of leaves taken
gastro-enteritis /.gaestrau.enta'raitis/
together in bookbinding.
n. inflammation of the stomach and
* intestines.
GATT /gaet/ abbr. General Agreement
on Tariffs and Trade,
gastronome gour-
/'gaestra.naum/ n.
gauche /gauJV adj. 1 socially awkward.
> met. [Greek gaster stomach, nomos law]
2 tactless. gauchely adv. gauche-
1 'astronomy /gae'strDnami/ n. science
ness n. [French]
I or art of good eating and drinking.
gaucherie /'gauja.ri:/ n. gauche man-
J gastronomic /.gaestra'nomik/ adj. gast-
ners or act. [French: related to gauche]
i ronomical /,gaestra'nDmik(a)l/ adj.
3 gastronomically /.gaestra'nDmikali/
gaucho /'gautjau/ n. {pi. -s) cowboy

1 adv.
from the S. American pampas. [Spanish
gastropod /'gaestra.pod/ n. (also gast-
from Quechua]

d eropod) mollusc that moves by means gaudy /'goidi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) taste-
lessly showy. gaudily adv. gaudi-
2 of a ventral muscular organ, e.g. a snail.
:h [from gastro-, Greek pous pod- foot] ness n. [obsolete gaud ornament, from
gasworks n. place where gas is manu- Latin gaudeo rejoice]
[factured for lighting and heating. gauge /geid3/ (US gage: see also sense 6)
l;ate -n. 1 barrier, usu. hinged, used to -n. 1 standard measure, esp. of the
m close an opening made for entrance and capacity or contents of a barrel, fine-
I exit through a wall, fence, etc. 2 such an ness of a textile, diameter of a bullet, or
opening. 3 means of entrance or exit. 4 thickness of sheet metal. 2 instrument
ail numbered place of access to aircraft at for measuring pressure, width, length,
an airport. 5 device regulating the pas- thickness, etc. 3 distance between rails
ri sage of water in a lock etc. 6 a number of or opposite wheels. 4 capacity, extent. 5
people entering by payment at the gates criterion, test. 6 (usu. gage) Naut. posi-
i of a sports ground etc. b amount of tion relative to the wind. -v. (-ging) 1
money taken thus. 7 a electrical signal measure exactly. 2 measure the capa-

ertthat causes or controls the passage of city or content of. 3 estimate (a person,
other signals, b electrical circuit with
situation, etc.). [French]
i an output that depends on the corn- Gaul /go:l/ n. inhabitant of ancient Gaul.
el bination of several inputs, -v. (-ting) [French from Germanic]
confine to college or school as a punish- Gaulish -adj. of the Gauls, -n. their
i ment. gated adj. [Old English] language.
gaunt 362 gel
gaunt /go:nt/ adj. lean, haggard. 2
1 gazump /ga'zAmp/ v. colloq. 1 raise the
grim, desolate. gauntness n. [origin price of a property after accepting an
unknown] offer from (a buyer). 2 swindle, [origin
gauntlet /'gomtlit/ n.
1 stout glove with unknown]
a long loose wrist. 2 hist, armoured gazunder /ga'zAnda(r)/ v. colloq. lower
glove. pick up (or take up) the anoffer made to (a seller) for a property
gauntlet accept a challenge, throw just before the exchange of contracts,
down the gauntlet issue a challenge. [from gazump, under]
[French diminutive oigant glove] GB abbr. Great Britain.
gauntlet 2 / go.ntlit/ n. run the gaunt- GBH abbr. grievous bodily harm.
let 1 undergo harsh criticism. 2 pass GC abbr. George Cross.
between two rows of people and receive GCE abbr. General Certificate of Edu-
blows from them, as a punishment or cation.
ordeal. [Swedish gatlopp from gata GCHQ abbr. Government Communica-
lane, lopp course] tions Headquarters.
gauss /gaus/ n. (pi. same) unit of mag- GCSE abbr. General Certificate of I

netic flux density. [Gauss, name of a Secondary Education.

mathematician] Gd symb. gadolinium.
gauze transparent fabric
/go:z/ n. 1 thin GDP abbr. gross domestic product.
of silk, cotton, etc. 2 fine mesh of wire GDR abbr. hist. German Democratic
etc. gauzy adj. (-ier, -iest). [French Republic.
from Gaza in Palestine] Ge symb. germanium.
gave past of give. gear -n. 1 (often in pi.) a set of toothed
gavel /'gaev(a)l/ n. hammer used for wheels that work together, esp. those
calling attention by an auctioneer,
connecting the engine of a vehicle to the
road wheels, b particular setting of
chairman, or judge, [origin unknown]
these (first gear). 2 equipment, appar-
gavotte /ga'vot/ n. 1 old French dance. 2
atus, or tackle. 3 colloq. clothing, -v. 1
music for this. [French from Provencal]
(foil, by to) adjust or adapt to. 2 (often
gawk -v. colloq. gawp. -n. awkward or
foil, by up) equip with gears. 3 (foil, by
bashful person, [obsolete gaw gaze]
up) make ready or prepared. 4 put in
gawky adj. (-ier, awkward or
gear. in gear with a gear engaged, out
ungainly. gawkily adv. gawkiness of gear with no gear engaged. [Old
gawp v. colloq. stare stupidly or obtrus-
gearbox n.1 set of gears with its casing,
ively, [related to yelp]
esp. in a vehicle. 2 the casing itself.
gay -adj. 1 light-hearted, cheerful. 2 gearing n. set or arrangement of gears.
brightly coloured. 3 colloq. homosexual. gear lever n. (also gear shift) lever
4 colloq. careless, thoughtless {gay used to engage or change gear.
abandon), -n. colloq. (esp. male) homo- gearwheel n. toothed wheel in a set of
sexual. gayness n. [French] gears.
Usage Sense 3 is generally informal gecko /'gekau/ n. (pi. -s) tropical house- •

in tone, but is favoured by homosexual lizard. [Malay]

groups. gee 1
int. (also gee whiz /wiz/) esp. US .

expression of surprise etc. [per-
gayety US var. of gaiety. haps an abbreviation of Jesus]
gaze -v. (-zing) (foil, by at, into, on, etc.) gee 2 int. (usu. foil, by up) command to a
look fixedly, -n. intent look, [origin horse etc. to start or go faster, [origin i

unknown] unknown]
gazebo /ga'zi:bao7 n. (pi. -s) summer- gee-gee /'d3i:d3i:/ n. colloq. (a child's .

house, turret, etc., with a wide view, word for) a horse,

[perhaps a fanciful formation from geese pi. of goose.
gaze] geezer /'gi:za(r)/ n. slang person, esp. an i

gazelle /ga'zel/ n. (pi. same or -s) small old man. [dial, guiser mummer]
graceful antelope. [Arabic £azal] Geiger counter /'gaiga(r)/ n. device j

gazette /ga'zet/ -n. 1 newspaper (used for detecting and measuring radio J
in the title). 2 official publication with activity. [Geiger, name of a physicist]
announcements etc. -v. (-tting) an- geisha /'geija/ n. (pi. same or -s) Japan
nounce or name in an official gazette. ese woman
trained to entertain men. .

[French from Italian] [Japanese] '

gazetteer /,gaezi'tia(r)/ n. geographical ®

gel -n. 1 semi-solid jelly-like colloid. 2
index. [Italian: related to gazette] substance used for setting the
gazpacho /gae'spaBtJau/ n. (pi. -s) cold hair. -v.(-11-) 1 form a gel. 2 = jell 2.
Spanish soup. [Spanish] [from gelatin]
gelatin 363 general strike
gelatin /'c^elatm/ (also gelatine
n. feeling). 3 not partial or particular or
/-,ti:n/) transparent tasteless substance local. 4 not limited in application, true of
from skin, tendons, etc., used in cook- all or nearly all cases (as a general
ery, photography, etc. gelatinize rule). 5 not restricted or specialized
/d3i'laeti,naiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing or (general knowledge; general hospital).
-sing). [Italian: related to jelly] 6 not detailed (general idea). 7 vague
gelatinous /d3i'laetmas/ adj. of a jelly- (spoke only in general terms). 8 chief,
like consistency. head; having overall authority (general
geld /geld/ v. castrate. [Old Norse] manager; Secretary-General), -n. 1 a
gelding n. gelded animal, esp. a horse, army officer next below Field Marshal,
gelignite /'d3elig,nait/ n. explosive b = lieutenant general (see lieutenant
made from nitroglycerine, [from gelat- colonel), major-general. 2 com-
in,igneous] mander of an army. 3 strategist (a great
gem -n. 1 precious stone, esp. cut and general). 4 head of a religious order, e.g.
polished or engraved. 2 thing or person of Jesuits etc. in general 1 as a
of great beauty or worth. -v. (-mm-) normal rule; usually. 2 for the most
adorn with or as with gems. [Latin part. [Latin genera lis]
gemma bud, jewel] general anaesthetic n. anaesthetic
geminate -adj. /'d3eminat/ combined affecting the whole body, usu. with loss
in pairs, —a /'d3emi,neit/ (-ting) 1 of consciousness.
double, repeat. 2 arrange in pairs. General Certificate of Education
gemination/-'neiJ\a)n/rc.[Latin:related n. examination set esp. for secondary-
to Gemini] school pupils at advanced level (and,
Gemini /'d3emi,nai/ constel-
n. (pi. -s) 1 formerly, ordinary level) in England,
lation and third sign of the zodiac (the Wales and Northern Ireland.
Twins). 2 person born when the sun is in General Certificate of Secondary
this sign. [Latin, = twins] Education n. examination replacing
gemma n. (pi. gemmae /-mi:/) small and combining the GCE ordinary level
cellular body in plants such as mosses, and CSE examinations.
that separates from the mother-plant general election n. national parlia-
and starts a new one. gemmation mentary election.
/-'meij(a)n/ n. [Latin, see gem] generalissimo /.dsenara'lisi.mau/ n.
gemstone n. precious stone used as a (pi. -s) commander of a combined mil-
gem. itary and naval and air force, or of
Gen. abbr. General. combined armies. [Italian superlative]
gen slang -n. information, -v. (-nn-) generality /.dsena'raeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
(foil, by up) gain or give information, general statement or rule. 2 general
[probably general information] applicability. 3 lack of detail. 4 (foil, by
-gen comb, form Chem. that which pro- of)main body or majority.
duces (hydrogen; antigen). [Greek generalize /'dsenara.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
-genes born] (-zing or -sing) 1 a speak in general or
gendarme /'3nnda:m/ n. (in French- indefinite terms, b form general no-
speaking countries) police officer. tions. 2 reduce to a general statement. 3
[French gens d'armes men of arms] infer (a rule etc.) from particular cases.
gender n. 1 a classification roughly 4 bring into general use. generaliza-
corresponding to the two sexes and tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
sexlessness. b class of noun according to generally adv. 1 usually; in most re-
this classification (see masculine, fem- spects or cases (generally get up early;
inine, neuter). 2 a person's sex. [Latin was generally well-behaved). 2 in a
genus] general sense; without regard to par-
gene /d3i:n/ n. unit in a chromosome ticulars or exceptions (generally speak-
determining heredity. [German] ing). 3 for the most part (not generally
genealogy / (
d3i:ni'aelad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 known).
descent traced continuously from an general meeting n. meeting open to
ancestor, pedigree. 2 study of pedigrees. all the members of a society etc.
3 organism's line of development general practice n. work of a general
from earlier forms: genealogical practitioner.
/-a'k)d3ik(a)l/ adj. genealogically general practitioner n. community
/-a'lDd3ikali/adv. genealogist n. doctor treating cases of all kinds in the
[Greek genea race] first instance.
genera pi. of genus. general staff n. staff assisting a mil-
general /'d3enar(a)l/ -adj. 1 including itary commander at headquarters.
or affecting all or most parts or cases of general strike n. simultaneous strike
things. 2 prevalent, usual (the general of workers in all or most trades.
generate 364 gentleman
generate (-ting) bring
/'d3ena,reit/ v. magical powers. [French genie genius:
into existence; produce. [Latin: related cf. jinnee]
to genus] genital /'d3emt(a)l/ -adj. of animal
generation / d3en9'reij(a)n/ n. 1 all the
reproduction or the reproductive or-
people born at about the same time. 2 gans, -n. (in pi.) external reproductive
single stage in a family history {three organs. [Latin gigno genit- beget]
generations were present in the photo- genitalia /,d3eni'teilia/ genitals.
graph). 3 stage in (esp. technological) [Latin, neuter pi. of genitalis: see gen-
development (fourth generation com- ital]
puters). 4 average time in which chil- genitive /'d3enitiv/ Gram. -n. case
dren are ready to take the place of their expressing possession or close associ-
parents (about 30 years). 5 production, ation, corresponding to of, from, etc.
esp. of electricity. 6 procreation. first- —adj. of or in this case. [Latin: related to
far second-, third-, etc.) generation GENITAL]
attrib.designating a person who emig- genius ,/'d3i:nias/ n. (pi. geniuses) 1 a
rated to a place ( or whose parents or exceptional intellectual or creative
grandparents etc. emigrated). [Latin: power or other natural ability or tend-
related to generate] ency, b person with this. 2 tutelary
generation gap n. differences of out- spirit of a person, place, etc. 3 person or
look between different generations. spirit powerfully influencing a person
generative /'d3enarativ/ adj. 1 of pro- for good or evil. 4 prevalent feeling or
creation. 2 productive. association etc. of a people or place.
generator n. 1 machine for converting [Latin]
mechanical into electrical energy. 2 genocide /'dsena.said/ n. deliberate ex-
apparatus for producing gas, steam, etc. termination of a people or nation.
generic /d3i'nenk/ characteristic
adj. 1 genocidal /-'said(a)l/ adj. [Greek genos
of or relating to a class; general, not race, -cide]
specific or special. 2 Biol, characteristic genome /'d3i:naom/ n. 1 the haploid set
of or belonging to a genus. gener- of chromosomes of an organism. 2 the
ically adv. [Latin: related to genus] genetic material of an organism.
generous /'d3enaras/ adj. 1 giving or -genous comb, form forming adjectives
given freely. 2 magnanimous, unpreju- meaning 'produced' (endogenous).
diced. 3 abundant, copious. gener- genre /'3dra/ n. 1 kind or style of art etc.

osity /-'rositi/ n. generously adv. 2 painting of scenes from ordinary life.

[Latin: related to genus] [French: related to gender]
genesis /'d3enisis/ n. 1 origin; mode of gent n. colloq. 1 gentleman. 2 (the
formation. 2 (Genesis) first book of Gents) colloq. men's public lavatory,
the Old Testament, with an account of [shortening of gentleman]
the Creation. [Greek gen- be produced] genteel /d3en'ti:l/ adj. 1 affectedly re-
gene therapy n. introduction of nor- fined or stylish. 2 upper-class. gen-
mal genes into cells in place of defective teelly adv. [French gentil: related to
or missing ones in order to correct gentle]

genetic disorders. gentian /'d3enj (a)n/ n. mountain plant

genetic /d3i'netik/ adj. 1 of genetics or usu. with blue flowers. [Latin gentiana
genes. 2 of or in origin. genetically from Gentius, king of Illyria]
adv. [from genesis] Gentile /'d3entail/ -adj. not Jewish;
genetic code n. arrangement of genetic heathen, -n. person who is not Jewish.
information in chromosomes. [Latin gentilis from gens family]
genetic engineering n. manipulation gentility /d3en'tihti/ n. 1 social superi-
of DNA to modify hereditary features. ority. 2 genteel manners or behaviour.
genetic fingerprinting n. (also gen- [French: related to gentle]
etic profiling) identifying individuals gentle /'d3ent(a)l/ adj. (gentler, gent-
by DNA patterns. lest) 1 not rough or severe; mild, kind (a

genetics (treated as sing.) the gentle nature). 2 moderate (gentle

study of heredity and the variation of breeze). 3 (of birth, pursuits, etc.)
inherited characteristics. geneticist honourable, of or fit for gentlefolk. 4
/-tisist/ n. quiet; requiring patience (gentle art).
genial /'d3i:ni9l/ adj. 1 jovial, sociable, gentleness n. gently adv. [Latin,
kindly. 2 (of the climate) mild and related to gentile]
warm; conducive to growth. 3 cheering. gentlefolk people of good family.
geniality /- aeliti/ n. genially adv. gentleman n. 1 man (in polite or formal
[Latin: related to genius] use). 2 chivalrous well-bred man. 3 man
genie genii / (in
/'d3i:ni/ n. (pi. of good social position (country gentle-
Arabian tales) spirit or goblin with man). 4 man of gentle birth attached to a
gentlemanly 365 german
royal household (gentleman in wait- geological /,d3i:9'h>d3ik(8)l/ adj. geo-
ing). 5 (in pi.) (as a form of address) male logically /,d3i:8'lDd3ikali/ adv. geolo-
audience or part of this, gist n.
gentlemanly adj. like or befitting a geometric /.dsi^'metnk/ adj. (also geo-
gentleman. metrical) 1 of geometry. 2 (of a design
gentleman's agreement n. (also etc.) with regular lines and shapes.
gentlemen's agreement) agreement geometrically adv.
binding in honour but not enforceable. geometric progression n. progres-
gentlewoman archaic
n. woman of sion with a constant ratio between suc-
good birth or breeding. cessive quantities (as 1, 3, 9, 27).
gentrification /,d3entnfi'keij(8)n/ n. geometry /d3i'Dmatn/ n. science of the
upgrading of a working-class urban properties and relations of lines, sur-
area by the arrival of more affluent faces, and solids. geometrician
residents. gentrify /-,fai/ v. (-ies, /-'tnj(a)n/ n. [from geo-, -metry]
-ied). geophysics /,d3i:au'fiziks/
gentry /'d3entn/ 1 people next as sing.) physics of the earth.
below the nobility. 2 derog. people Geordie /'d3o:di/ n. native of Tyneside.
(these gentry). [French: related to [name George]
gentle] George Cross /d3o:d3/ n. decoration for
genuflect /'d3enju:,flekt/ v.bend one's bravery awarded esp. to civilians. [King
knee, esp. in worship. [ ] genuflection George VI]
/-'flekj\a)n/ n. (also genuflexion). georgette /d3o:'d3et/ n. thin dress-
[Latin genu knee, flecto bend] material similar to crepe. [Georgette de
genuine really com-
/'d3enju:m/ adj. 1 name of a dressmaker]
la Plante,
ing from its reputed source etc. 2 pro- Georgian /'d3o:d3(a)n/ adj. of the time

perly so called; not sham; sincere, of Kings George I-IV or of George V and
genuinely adv. genuineness n. VI.
[Latin] Georgian 2 /'d3o:d3(a)n/ -adj. of Geor-
genus /'d3i:nas/ n. (pi. genera gia in eastern Europe or the US. -n. 1
/'d3enara/) taxonomic category of an-
1 native or language of Georgia in eastern
imals or plants with common structural Europe. 2 native of Georgia in the US.
characteristics, usu. containing several geranium /d3a'remiam/ n. (pi. -s) 1 (in
species. 2 (in logic) kind of things includ- general use) cultivated pelargonium. 2
ing subordinate kinds or species. 3 col- herb or shrub bearing fruit shaped like
loq. kind, class. [Latin genus -ens] a crane's bill. [Greek geranos crane]
geo- comb, form earth. [Greek ge] gerbil /'d33:bil/ n. (also jerbil) mouse-
geocentric /,d3i:ao'sentnk/ adj. 1 con- like desert rodent with long hind legs.
sidered as viewed from the earth's [French: related to jerboa]
centre. 2 having the earth as the centre, geriatric /,d3eri'aetrik/ -adj. 1 of old
geocentrically adv. people. 2 colloq. old, outdated, -n. old
geode /'d3i:aud/ n. 1 cavity lined with person. [Greek geras old age, iatros
crystals. 2 rock containing this. [Greek doctor]
geodes earthy] geriatrics (usu. treated as sing.)
geodesic /,d3i:au'di:zik/ adj. (also geo- branch of medicine or social science
detic of geodesy.
/-'detik/) dealing with the health and care of old
geodesic line n. shortest possible line people. geriatrician /-a'tnj(a)n/ n.
between two points on a curved surface. germ n. 1 micro-organism, esp. one
geodesy /d3i:'odisi/ n. the study of the causing disease. 2 portion of an organ-
shape and area of the earth. [Greek ism capable of developing into a new
geodaisia] one; rudiment of an animal or plant in
geographical /,d3i:a'graefik(9)l/ adj. seed (wheat germ). 3 thing that may
geographic) of geography.
(also geo- develop; elementary principle.
graphically adv. germy adj. (-ier, -iest). [Latin germen
geographical mile distance of one
n. sprout]
minute of longitude or latitude at the German /'d33:man/ -n. 1 a native or
equator (about 1.85 km). national of Germany, b person of Ger-
geography /d3i'Dgrafi/ n. 1 science of man descent. 2 language of Germany.
the earth's physical features, resources, -adj. of Germany or its people or lan-
climate, population, etc. 2 features or guage. [Latin Germanus)
arrangement of an area, rooms, etc. german /'d33:man/ adj. (placed after
geographer n. [Latin from Greek] brother, sister, or cousin) having both
geology /d3i'Dlad3i/ n. 1 science of the parents the same, or both grandparents
earth's crust, strata, origin of its rocks, the same on one side (brother german;
etc. 2 geological features of a district. cousin german). [Latin germanus]
germander 366 get
germander /d33:'maencte(r)/ n. plant of speech. 2 express thus, gesticulation \

the mint family. [Greek, = ground-oak] /-'leij\3)n/ n. [Latin: related to gesture] i

germane /d33:'mem/ adj. (usu. foil, by gesture /'d3estja(r)/ -rc. 1 significant l

to) relevant (to a subject), [var. of Ger- movement of a limb or the body. 2 use of <

man] such movements, esp. as a rhetorical i

Germanic /d33:'maenik/-adj. 1 having device. 3 action to evoke a response or <

German characteristics. 2 hist, of the convey intention, usu. friendly, -v. i

Germans. 3 of the Scandinavians, (-ring) gesticulate. [Latin gestura from

Anglo-Saxons, or Germans, -n. 1 the gero wield]
branch of Indo-European languages get /get/ v. (getting; past got; past part, i

which includes English, German, got or US gotten) (and in comb.) 1 come !

Dutch, and the Scandinavian lan- into possession of; receive or earn (get a |

guages. 2 the primitive language of Ger- job; got £200 a week; got first prize). 2 !

manic peoples. fetch or procure (get my book for me; got \


germanium /d33:'meiniam/ n. brittle a new car). 3 go to reach or catch (a bus, , i

greyish-white semi-metallic element, train, etc.). 4 prepare (a meal etc.). 5 I

[related to German] (cause to) reach some state or become 2

German measles disease like (get rich; get married; get to be famous; ; I

mild measles; rubella. got them ready; got him into trouble). 6 i t

Germano- comb, form German. obtain as a result of calculation. 7 con- f

German shepherd n. (also German tract (a disease etc.). 8 establish contact \ (

shepherd dog) = Alsatian. by telephone etc. with; receive (a broad- t

German silver n. white alloy of nickel, cast signal). 9 experience or suffer; have t

inflicted on one; receive as one's lot or

zinc, and copper. I

germicide /'d33:mi,said/ n. substance

penalty (got four years in prison). 10 a i

that destroys germs. germicidal succeed in bringing, placing, etc. (get it \

/-'said(a)l/ adj.
round the corner; get it on to the I

agenda), b (cause to) succeed in coming

germinal /'d33:mm(8)l/ adj. 1 of germs.

or going (will get you there somehow; i

2 in the earliest stage of development. 3
got absolutely nowhere; got home). 1 1
productive of new ideas. germinally \

(prec. by have) a possess (have not got a s

adv. [related to germ]
penny), b (foil, by to + infin.) be bound

(-ting) 1
/'d33:mi,neit/ v.
or obliged (have got to see you). 12 (foil,
sprout, bud, or develop. 2 cause to do
by to + infin.) induce; prevail upon (got
this. germination /- neij(a)n/ n. ger- them to help me). 13 colloq. understand

minative adj. [Latin: related to germ] (a person or an argument) (have you got
germ warfare n. use of germs to that?; I get your point; do you get me?),

spread disease in war. 14 colloq. harm, injure, kill, esp. in e

gerontology /,d3erDn'tDlad3i/ the n.

retaliation (I'll get you for that). 15 j
study of old age and the process of colloq. a annoy, b affect emotionally, c

ageing. [Greek geron geront- old man] attract. 16 (foil, by to + infin.) develop o

gerrymander /'d3en,maenda(r)/ -v. an inclination (am getting to like it). 17 a

manipulate the boundaries of (a con- (foil, by verbal noun) begin (get going), i
stituency etc.) so as to give undue 1 8 establish (an idea etc.) in one's mind. I

influence to some party or class. -n. this 19 archaic beget. get about 1 travel igc

practice. [Governor Gerry of Massachu- extensively or fast; go from place to a

setts] place. 2 begin walking etc. (esp. after :ge

gerund /'d3erand/ n. verbal noun, in illness), get across 1 communicate (an j f

English ending in -ing (e.g. do you mind idea etc.). 2 (of an idea etc.) be commun- 8

my asking you?). [Latin] icated. get ahead make progress (esp. | ge

gesso /'d3esao/ n. (pi. -es) gypsum as in a career etc.). get along (or on) (foil, it

used in painting or sculpture. [Italian: by together, with) live harmoniously. ?e

related to gypsum] get around = get about, get at 1 reach; 4

Gestapo /ge'sta:pau/ n. hist. Nazi secret get hold of. 2 colloq. imply. 3 colloq. nag, |

police. [German, from Geheime Stoats- criticize, get away 1 escape, start. 2 (as t

polizeij int.) colloq. expressing disbelief or seep- |ge

gestation /d3e'steij(a)n/ n.1a process ticism. 3 (foil, by with) escape blame or |

of carrying or being carried in the uter- punishment for. get back at colloq. H

us between conception and birth, b this retaliate against, get by colloq. manage, |

period. 2 development of a plan, idea, even if with difficulty, get cracking see I

etc. gestate v. (-ting). [Latin gesto crack, get down 1 alight, descend k

carry] (from a vehicle, ladder, etc.). 2 record in I

gesticulate /d3e'stikju,leit/ (-ting) 1

v. writing, get a person down depress or j

use gestures instead of, or to reinforce, deject him or her. get down to begin $
*et-at-able 367 gibe
i working on. get hold of grasp, secure, gherkin /'g3:km/ n. small pickled
acquire, obtain; make contact with (a cucumber. [Dutch]
: person), get in 1 arrive, obtain a place in ghetto /'getau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 part of a city
I a college etc. 2 be elected, get it slang be occupied by a minority group. 2 hist.
J punished, get off 1 colloq. (cause to) be Jewish quarter in a city. 3 segregated
I acquitted; escape with little or no pun- group or area. [Italian]
ishment. 2 start. 3 alight from (a bus ghetto-blaster n. slang large portable
I etc.). 4 (foil, by with, together) colloq. radio, esp. for playing loud pop music.
form an amorous or sexual relation- ghillie var. of gillie.
ship, esp. quickly, get on 1 make pro- ghost /gaust/ -n. 1 supposed apparition
I gress; manage. 2 enter (a bus etc.). 3 = of a dead person or animal; disembodied
1 get along. 4 (usu. as getting on adj.) spirit. 2 shadow or semblance (not a
2 grow old. get on to colloq. 1 make ghost of a chance). 3 secondary image in
t contact with. 2 understand; become a defective telescope or television pic-
\ aware of. get out 1 leave or escape or ture, —v. (often foil, by for) act as ghost-
5 help to do this. 2 manage to go outdoors, writer of (a work), z ghostliness n.
e 3 alight from a vehicle. 4 transpire; ghostly adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old English]
j; become known, get out of avoid or ghosting n. appearance of a 'ghost'
S escape (a duty etc.). get over 1 recover image in a television picture.
> from (an illness, upset, etc.). 2 overcome ghost town n. town with few or no
i (a difficulty). 3 = get across, get a thing remaining inhabitants.
over (or over with) complete (a tedious ghost train n. (at a funfair) open-
e task) quickly, get one's own back col- topped miniature railway in which the
t loq. have one's revenge, get rid of see rider experiences ghoulish sights,
a rid. get round 1 coax or cajole (a sounds, etc.
'i person) esp. to secure a favour. 2 evade ghost-writer n. person who writes on
I (a law etc.). get round to deal with (a behalf of the credited author.
ig task etc.) in due course, get somewhere ghoul /gu:l/ n. 1 person morbidly
.: make progress; be initially successful. interested in death etc. 2 evil spirit or
II get there colloq. 1 succeed. 2 under- phantom. 3 spirit in Muslim folklore
a stand what is meant, get through 1 pass preying on corpses, z ghoulish adj.
d (an examination etc.). 2 finish or use up ghoulishly adv. [Arabic]
L (esp. resources). 3 make contact by tele- GHQ abbr. General Headquarters.
i phone. 4 (foil, by to) succeed in making ghyll var. of gill .

A (a person) understand, get together GI /d3i:'ai/ n. (often attrib.) soldier in the

i gather, assemble, get up 1 rise from US army, [abbreviation of government
\ sitting etc., or from bed after sleeping (or general) issue]
I etc. 2 (of wind etc.) begin to be strong. 3 giant /'d3aiant/ -n. 1 (fern, giantess)
15 prepare or organize. 4 produce or stimu- imaginary or mythical being of human
c late {get up steam). 5 (often refl.) dress form but superhuman size. 2 person or
? or arrange elaborately; arrange the thing of great size, ability, courage, etc.
II appearance of. 6 (foil, by to) colloq. -attrib. adj. 1 gigantic. 2 of a very large
indulge or be involved in (always get- kind. [Greek gigas gigant-]
: ting up to mischief). [Old Norse] gibber v. jabber inarticulately, [imit-
:et-at-able /get'aetab(9)l/ adj. colloq. ac- ative]
[0 cessible. gibberish n. unintelligible or meaning-
:etaway n. escape, esp. after a crime. less speech; nonsense.
:et-out n. means of avoiding some- gibbet /'d3ibit/ -n. hist. 1 a gallows, b

thing. post with an arm on which an executed
!;et-together n. colloq. social gather- criminal was hung. 2 (prec. by the)
ing. death by hanging. -v. (-t-) 1 put to death
;et-up n. colloq. style or arrangement of by hanging. 2 expose or hang up on a
1 dress etc. gibbet. [French gibet]
energy, en- gibbon /'giban/ n. long-armed SE Asian
U :et-up-and-go n. colloq.
j thusiasm. anthropoid ape. [French]
gibbous convex. 2 (of a
/'gibas/ adj.
p ;eyser /'gi:za(r)/ n. 1 intermittent hot

heating water. moon or planet) having the bright part

t spring. 2 apparatus for
[Icelandic Gey sir from geysa to gush] greater than a semicircle and less than a
^lastly /'gaistli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 hor- circle. 3 humpbacked. [Latin gibbus
e ,

rible, frightful. 2 colloq. unpleasant. 3 hump]
ghastliness n. gibe (also jibe) -v. (-bing) (often foil, by
4 deathlike, pallid.
[obsolete gast terrify] at) jeer, mock. -n. jeering remark,

;hee /gi:/ n. Indian clarified butter, taunt, [perhaps from French giber
[Hindi from Sanskrit] handle roughly]
giblets 368 gingham
giblets organs etc.
/'d3iblits/ edible gilt 1 /gilt/-adj. 1 thinly covered with
of a bird, removed and usu. cooked gold. 2 gold-coloured, -n. 1 gilding. 2
separately. [French gibelet game stew] gilt-edged security, [from gild 1 ]
giddy /'gidi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 dizzy, gilt 2 /gilt/ n. young sow. [Old Norse]
tending to or stagger. 2 a mentally
fall gilt-edged adj. (of securities, stocks,
intoxicated {giddy with success), b excit- etc.) having a high degree of reliability,
able, frivolous, flighty. 3 making dizzy gimbals /'d3imb(9)lz/ ntpl. contrivance
(giddy heights). giddily adv. giddi- of rings and pivots for keeping instru-
ness n. [Old English] ments horizontal in ships, aircraft, etc.
gift /gift/ n. 1 thing given; present. 2 [var. of gimmal from French gemel
natural ability or talent. 3 the power to double finger-ring]
give (in his gift). 4 giving. 5 colloq. easy gimcrack /'d3imkraek/ -adj. showy but
task. [Old Norse: related to give] flimsy and worthless, -n. showy orna-
gifted adj. talented; intelligent. ment; knick-knack, [origin unknown]
gift of the gab n. colloq. eloquence, gimlet /'gimlit/ n. small tool with a
loquacity. screw-tip for boring holes. [French]
gift token n. (also gift voucher) gimlet eye n. eye with a piercing
voucher used as a gift and exchangeable glance.
for goods. gimmick /'gimik/ n. trick or device,
gift-wrap v. wrap attractively as a gift. esp. to attract attention or publicity.
gig /Qig/ n. 1 light two-wheeled one- gimmickry n. gimmicky adj. [origin
horse carriage. 2 light ship's boat for unknown]
rowing or sailing. 3 rowing-boat esp. for gimp /gimp/ n. (also gymp) 1 twist of
racing, [probably imitative]
silk etc. with cord or wire running
gig2 /gig/ colloq. -n. engagement to play through it. 2 fishing-line of silk etc.
music etc., usu. for one night, -v. (-gg-) bound with wire. [Dutch]
perform a gig. [origin unknown]
gin n. spirit made from grain or malt

giga- comb, form one thousand million

9 and flavoured with juniper berries.
(10 ). [Greek: -related to giant]
[Dutch geneva: related to juniper]
gigantic /d3ai'gaentik/ adj. huge, giant-
gin 2 -n.

1 snare, trap. 2 machine sep-

like. gigantically adv. [Latin: related
arating cotton from its seeds. 3 a kind oi,
to giant]
crane and windlass, -v. (-nn-) 1 treat
giggle /'gig(a)l/ -v. (-ling) laugh in half-
(cotton) in a gin. 2 trap. [French: related
suppressed spasms, -n. 1 such a laugh.
to engine]
2 colloq. amusing person or thing; joke
(did it for a giggle). giggly adj. (-ier,
ginger /'d3ind3a(r)/ -n. 1 a hot spicy
root usu. powdered for use in cooking
-iest). [imitative]
or preserved in syrup, or candied
gigolo /'d3ig8,lau/ n. (pi. -s) young man
plant having this root. 2 light reddish
paid by an older woman to be her escort
yellow. 3 spirit, mettle, -adj. of a gingei
or lover. [French]
1 colour, -v. 1 flavour with ginger. 2 (foil
gild /gild/ v. (past part, gilded or as adj.
in sense 1 gilt) 1 cover thinly with gold.
by up) enliven. gingery adj. [Olci
2 tinge with a golden colour. 3 give a English and French, ultimately fron
false brilliance to. gild the lily try to Sanskrit]
improve what is already satisfactory. ginger ale n. ginger -flavoured n
[Old English: related to gold] alcoholic drink.
gild 2 var. of guild. ginger beer n. mildly alcoholic or non
gill /gil/ n. (usu. in pi.) 1 respiratory alcoholic cloudy drink made from fer
organ in a fish etc. 2 vertical radial plate mented ginger and syrup,
on the underside of a mushroom etc. 3 gingerbread -n. ginger-flavour e
flesh below a person's jaws and ears. treacle cake, -attrib. adj. gaud>
[Old Norse] tawdry.
gill /d3il/ n. unit of liquid measure equal ginger group n. group urging a part
toV 4 pint. [French] or movement to stronger policy o
gilP I gill n. (also ghyll) 1 deep usu. action.
wooded ravine. 2 narrow mountain tor- gingerly -adv. in a careful or cautiou
rent. [Old Norse] manner, -adj. showing great care c
gillie /'gili/ n. (also ghillie) Scot, man or caution, [perhaps from French gensc
boy attending a person hunting or fish- delicate]
ing. [Gaelic] ginger-nut n. ginger-flavoured biscuii
gillyflower /'d3ili,flau9(r)/ n. clove- gingham /'ginam/ n. plain-woven co
scented flower, e.g. a wallflower or the ton cloth, esp. striped or checkec
clove-scented pink. [French gilofre] [Dutch from Malay]
gingivitis 369 give
gingivitis /,d3ind3i'vaitis/ n. inflamma- gite /3i:t/ n. furnished holiday house in
tion of the gums. [Latin gingiva gum , the French countryside. [French]
-itis] give /giv/ -v. (-ving; past gave; past
[inkgo /'girjkgau/ n. (pi. -s) tree with part, given /'giv(a)n/) 1 transfer the
fan-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. possession of freely; hand over as a
[Chinese, = silver apricot] present; donate. 2 a transfer temporar-
Enormous /d3ai'no:mas/ adj. slang ily; provide with (gave him the dog to
enormous, [from giant, enormous] hold; gave her a new hip), b administer
;in rummy n. a form of the card-game (medicine), c deliver (a message). 3 (usu.
rummy. foil, by for) make over in exchange or
;inseng /'d3inserj/ n. 1 plant found in E. payment. 4 a confer; grant (a benefit,
Asia and N. America. 2 root of this used honour, etc.). b accord; bestow (love,
as a medicinal tonic. [Chinese] time, etc.). c pledge (gave his word). 5 a
tppy tummy /'d3ipi/ n. colloq. dia- perform (an action etc.) (gave a jump;
\ rrhoea affecting visitors to hot coun- gave a performance; gave an inter-
tries, [from Egyptian] view), b utter; declare (gave a shriek;
yipsy var. of Gypsy. gave the batsman out). 6 (in passive;
iraffe /d3i'ra:f/ n. (pi. same or -s) large foil, by to) be inclined to or fond of (is

four-legged African animal with a long given to boasting; is given to strong
I neck and forelegs. [French, ultimately drink). 7 yield to pressure; collapse. 8
j from
Arabic] yield as a product or result (gives an
ird /g3:d/ v. (past and past part, girded average of 7). 9 a consign, put (gave him
or girt) 1 encircle, attach, or secure, into custody), b sanction the marriage

with a belt or band. 2 enclose or en- of (a daughter etc.). 10 devote; dedicate

; circle. 3 (foil, by round) place (a cord (gave his life to the cause). 11 present;
3tc.) round. gird (or gird up) one's offer; show; hold out (gives no sign of
. loins prepare for action. [Old English] life; gave her his arm; give me an

irder n. iron or steel beam or com- example). 12 impart; be a source of;

pound structure for bridge-building etc. cause (gave me a cold; gave me trouble;
irdle /'g3:d(a)l/ -n. 1 belt or cord worn
gave much pain). 13 concede (I give you
round the waist. 2 corset. 3 thing that the benefit of the doubt). 14 deliver (a
Surrounds. 4 bony support for the limbs judgement etc.) authoritatively. 15 pro-
4'pelvic girdle), -v. (-ling) surround vide (a party, meal, etc.) as host. 16 (in
'4mth a girdle. [Old English] past part.) assume or grant or specify
[irdle /'g3:d(a)l/ n. Scot. & N.Engl, var.
(given the circumstances; in a given
tfpfGRIDDLE. situation; given that we earn so little).
dirl /g3:l/ n. 1 female child, daughter. 2 17 (absol.) colloq. tell what one knows.
wolloq. young woman. 3 colloq. girl- -n. capacity to yield or comply; elasti-
friend. 4 female servant. girlhood n. city. give and take 1 exchange of
:e: adj. girly adj. [origin words, ideas, blows, etc. 2 ability to
I uncertain] compromise, give away 1 transfer as a
irl Friday n. female helper or gift. 2 hand over (a bride) to a bride-

follower. groom. 3 reveal (a secret etc.). give the

irlfriend n. 1 person's regular female game (or show) away reveal a secret or
Companion or lover. 2 female friend. intention, give in 1 yield; acknowledge
irlie adj. colloq. (of a magazine etc.) defeat. 2 hand in (a document etc.) to an
Jlepicting young women in erotic poses, official etc. give it to a person colloq,
•fljlirl scout n. = scout n. 4. scold or punish, give me I prefer (give
-rc. (pi. -s) 1 system of
iro /'d3airau/ me Greece any day), give off emit
J transfer between banks, Post
credit (fumes etc.). give oneself up to 1 aban-
ipmces, etc. 2 cheque or payment by don oneself to (despair etc.). 2 addict
hiro. -v. (-es, -ed) pay by giro. [German oneself to. give on to (or into) (of a
^ rom Italian] window, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead
"jirt see gird. into, give or take colloq. accepting as a
lirth /g3:9/ n. 1 distance round a thing. 2 margin of error in estimating, give out
band round the body of a horse to secure 1 announce; emit; distribute. 2 be

ihe saddle etc. [Old Norse: related to exhausted. 3 run short, give over 1
iIRD] colloq. stop or desist. 2 hand over. 3

qismo /'gizmau/ n. (also gizmo) (pi. -s) devote, give rise to cause, give a per-
lang gadget, [origin unknown] son to understand inform or assure,
^list n. substance or essence of a matter. give up 1 resign; surrender. 2 part with.
Latin jaceo lie ] 1
3 deliver (a wanted person etc.). 4
Wit /git/ n. slang silly or contemptible pronounce incurable or insoluble;
)erson. [get (n.), = fool] renounce hope of. 5 renounce or cease
give-away 870 glasshouse
(an activity), give way yield under pres- glamorize /'glaema.raiz/ v. (also -ise)
sure, give precedence, not give a damn (-zing or -sing) make glamorous or
(or monkey's or toss etc.) colloq. not attractive.
care at all. giver n. [Old English]
glamour / glaema(r)/ n. (US glamor) 1

give-away n. colloq. 1 unintentional physical, esp. cosmetic, attractiveness.

revelation. 2 thing given as a gift or at a 2 alluring or exciting beauty or charm.
low price. glamorous adj. glamorously adv.
gizmo var. of gismo. [var. of grammar in obsolete sense
gizzard /'gizad/ n. 1 second part of a 'magic']
bird's stomach, for grinding food. 2 glance /gla:ns/ - v. (-cing) 1 (often foil,
muscular stomach of some fish etc. by down, up, over, etc.) look briefly,
[French] direct one's eye. 2 strike at an angle and
glace cher-
/'glaesei/ adj. 1 (of fruit, esp. glide off an object (glancing blow; ball
ries) preserved in sugar. 2 (of cloth etc.) glanced off his bat). 3 (usu. foil, by over)
smooth; polished. [French] refer briefly or indirectly to a subject or
glace icing n. icing made with icing subjects. 4 (of light etc.) flash or dart.
sugar and water. -n. 1 brief look. 2 flash or gleam. 3
glacial /'gleij(a)l/ adj. 1 of ice. 2 Geol. glancing stroke in cricket. at a glance
characterized or produced by ice. [Latin immediately upon looking, [origin un-
glacies ice] certain]
glacial period n. period when an ex- gland n. 1 organ or similar structure
ceptionally large area was covered by secreting substances for use in the body
or for ejection. 2 Bot. similar organ in a
plant. [Latin glandulae pi.]
glaciated /'gleisi.eitid/ adj. 1 marked or
polished by the action of ice. 2 covered
glanders /'glaendaz/ contagious
disease of horses. [French glandre:
by glaciers or ice sheets. glaciation
related to gland]
/-'eij(a)n/ n. [glaciate freeze, from Latin:
related to glacial]
glandular /'glaendjul9(r)/ adj. of a
gland or glands.
glacier /'glaesia(r)/ n. mass of land ice
formed by the accumulation of snow on
glandular fever n. infectious disease
with swelling of the lymph glands.
high ground. [French: related to gla-
glare -v. (-ring) 1 look fiercely or fix-
edly. 2 shine dazzlingly or oppressively.
glad adj. (gladder, gladdest) 1 (predic.)
-n. 1 a strong fierce light, esp. sunshine,
pleased. 2 expressing or causing pleas-
b oppressive public attention (glare of
ure (glad cry; glad news). 3 ready and publicity). 2 fierce or fixed look. 3
willing (am glad to help). be glad of tawdry brilliance. [Low German or
find useful. gladly adv. gladness n. Dutch]
[Old English] glaring adj. 1 obvious, conspicuous
gladden /'glaed(a)n/ v. make or become (glaring error). 2 shining oppressively.
glad. glaringly adv.
glade n. open space in a forest, [origin glasnost /'glaeznDst/ n. (in the former
unknown] Soviet Union) policy of more open
glad eye n. (prec. by the) colloq. amor- government and access to information.
ous glance. [Russian, = openness]
glad hand n. colloq. hearty welcome, glass /gla:s/ -n. 1 a (often attrib.) hard,
gladiator /'glaedi,eit9(r)/ n. hist. brittle, usu. transparent substance,
trained fighter in ancient Roman shows. made by fusing sand with soda and lime
gladiatorial /-ia'tD:nal/ adj. [Latin etc.b substance of similar properties. 2
gladius sword] glass objects collectively. 3 a glass
gladiolus /.glaedi'aulas/ n. (pi. -li /-lai/) drinking vessel, b its contents. 4 mirror.
plant of the lily family with sword- 5 glazed frame for plants. 6 barometer. 7
shaped leaves and flower-spikes. [Latin, covering of a watch-face. 8 lens. 9 (in pi.)
diminutive of gladius sword] a spectacles, b binoculars, -v. (usu. as
glad rags colloq. best clothes. glassed adj.) fit with glass. glassful
gladsome adj. poet, cheerful, joyous. n. (pi. -s). [Old English]
Gladstone bag /'glaedst(a)n/ n. bag glass-blowing n. blowing semi-molten
with two compartments joined by a glass to make glassware.
hinge. [Gladstone, name of a statesman] glass fibre n. filaments of glass made
glair n. 1 white of egg. 2 adhesive pre- into fabric or embedded in plastic as
paration made from this. [French] reinforcement.
glam adj. colloq. glamorous, [abbrevia- glasshouse n. 1 greenhouse. 2 slang
tion] military prison.
glass-paper 371 globule
glass-paper paper coated with glass
n. glimmer - v. shine faintly or intermit-
particles, for smoothing and polishing, tently, -n. 1 feeble or wavering light. 2
glassware n. made
of glass,
articles (also glimmering) (usu. foil, by of)
glass wool n. mass of fine glass fibres small sign (of hope etc), [probably Scan-
for packing and insulation, dinavian]
glassy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like glass. 2 (of glimpse -n. (often foil, by of, at) 1 brief
the eye, expression, etc.) abstracted; view or look. 2 faint transient appear-
dull; fixed. ance (glimpses of the truth), - v. (-sing)
Glaswegian /glaez'wi:d3(a)n/ -adj. of have a brief view of {glimpsed his face
Glasgow, -n. native of Glasgow, [after in the crowd), [related to glimmer]
Norwegian] glint -y. flash, glitter. -n. flash, sparkle,
glaucoma /gbi'kauma/ n. eye-condition [probably Scandinavian]
with increased pressure in the eyeball glissade /gli'sa:d/ -n. 1 controlled slide
and gradual loss of sight. glaucomat- down a snow slope in mountaineering.
ous adj. [Greek glaukos greyish blue] 2 gliding step in ballet, -v. (-ding)
glaze -v. (-zing) 1 fit (a window etc.) perform a glissade. [French]
with glass or (a building) with windows. glissando /gli'saendau/ n. (pi. -di /-di/ or
2 a cover (pottery etc.) with a glaze, b fix -s) Mus. continuous slide of adjacent
(paint) on pottery thus. 3 cover (pastry, notes. [French glissant sliding: related
cloth, etc.) with a glaze. 4 (often foil, by to glissade]
over) (of the eyes) become glassy. 5 give glisten /'glis(8)n/ -v. shine like a wet or
a glassy surface to. -n. 1 vitreous sub- polished surface, -n. glitter; sparkle.
stance for glazing pottery. 2 smooth [Old English]
shiny coating on food etc. 3 thin coat of glitch n. colloq. sudden irregularity or
transparent paint to modify underlying malfunction (of equipment etc.). [origin
tone. 4 surface formed by glazing, [from unknown]
glass] glitter -v. 1 shine with a bright re-
glazier /'gleizja(r)/ n. person whose flected light; sparkle. 2 (usu. foil, by
trade glazing windows etc.
is with) be showy or splendid, -n. 1
gleam -n. faint or brief light or show. sparkle. 2 showiness. 3 tiny pieces of
-v. emit gleams, shine. [Old English] sparkling material as decoration etc.
glean v. 1 acquire (facts etc.) in small glittery adj. [Old Norse]
amounts. 2 gather (corn left by reapers). glitterati /,glita'ra:ti/ slang rich
[French] fashionable people, [from glitter,
gleanings things gleaned, esp. literati]
facts. glitz slang showy glamour.
n. glitzy
glebe piece of land as part of a
n. [from glitter, ritzy]
adj. (-ier, -iest).
clergyman's benefice and providing in- gloaming /'glaumin/ n. Scot, or poet.
come. [Latin gl(a)eba clod, soil] twilight. [Old English]
glee n. 1 mirth; delight. 2 part-song for gloat -v. (often foil, by over etc.) look or
three or more (esp. male) voices. [Old consider with greed, malice, etc. -n. act
English] of gloating, [origin unknown]
gleeful adj. joyful. gleefully adv. glob n. colloq. mass or lump of semi-
gleefulness n. liquid substance, e.g. mud. [perhaps
glen n. narrow valley. [Gaelic] from BLOB, GOB 2 ]

glengarry /glen'gaeri/ n. (pi. -ies) brim- global /'glaub(a)l/ adj. 1 worldwide (glo-
less Scottish hat cleft down
the centre bal conflict). 2 all-embracing. glo-
and with ribbons at the back. [Glen- bally adv. [French: related to globe]
garry in Scotland] global warming n. increase in the
glib adj. (glibber, glibbest) speaking or temperature of the earth's atmosphere
spoken quickly or fluently but without caused by the greenhouse effect.
sincerity. glibly adv. glibness n. globe n. 1 a (prec. by the) the earth, b
[obsolete glibbery slippery, perhaps spherical representation of it with a
imitative] map on the surface. 2 spherical object,
glide -v. (-ding) 1 move smoothly and e.g. a fish-bowl, lamp, etc. [Latin globus]
continuously. 2 (of an aircraft or pilot) globe artichoke n. the partly edible
fly without engine-power. 3 pass gradu- head of the artichoke plant.
ally or imperceptibly. 4 go stealthily. 5 globe-trotter n. colloq. person who
cause to glide, -n. gliding movement. travels widely. globe-trotting n. &
[Old English] attrib. adj.
glide path n. aircraft's line of descent globular /'glDbjula(r)/ adj. 1 globe-
to land. shaped. 2 composed of globules.
glider n. light aircraft without an globule /'glDbju:l/ n. small globe or
engine. round particle or drop. [Latin globulus]
globulin 372 glutamate
globulin /'glDbjulin/ n. molecule-trans- Gloucester /'glDsta(r)/ n. (usu. double
porting protein in plant and animal Gloucester, orig. a richer kind) cheese
tissues. made in Gloucestershire. [Gloucester in
glockenspiel musical
/'glokan.spiil/ n. England]
instrument with bells or metal bars or glove /gUv/ -n. 1 hand-covering for
tubes struck by hammers. [German, = protection, warmth, etc., usu. with sep-
bell-play] arate fingers. 2 boxing glove, -v. (-ving)
gloom n. 1 darkness; obscurity. 2 cover or provide with gloves. [Old Eng-
melancholy; despondency. [origin lish]
unknown] glove compartment n. recess for
gloomy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 dark; unlit. 2 small articles in the dashboard of a car
depressed or depressing. gloomily etc.
adv. gloominess n.
glove puppet n. small puppet fitted on
glorify /'gb:ri,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make the hand and worked by the fingers.
glorious. 2 make seem better or more
glover n. glove-maker.
splendid than it is. 3 (as glorified adj.)
invested with more attractiveness, im-
glow /glau/ - v. 1 a emit light and heat
without flame, b shine as if heated in
portance, etc. than it has in reality
this way. 2 (often foil, by with) a (of the
(glorified waitress). 4 extol. glori-
fication /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related body) be heated, b show or feel strong
to glory] emotion (glowed with pride). 3 show a
glorious /'gloinas/ adj. 1 possessing or
warm colour. 4 (as glowing adj.)

conferring glory; illustrious. 2 colloq. expressing pride or satisfaction (glow-

often iron, splendid, excellent {glorious ing report), -n. 1 glowing state. 2 bright
day; glorious muddle). gloriously warm colour. 3 feeling of satisfaction or
adv. well-being. [Old English]
glory /'glo:ri/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 renown, glower /'glaua(r)/ -v. 1 (often foil, by at)
fame; honour. 2 adoring praise. 3 re- look angrily. 2 look dark or threatening.
splendent majesty, beauty, etc. 4 thing —n. glowering look, [origin uncertain]
that brings renown, distinction, or glow-worm n. beetle whose wingless
pride. 5 heavenly bliss and splendour. 6 female emits light from the end of the
colloq. state of exaltation, prosperity, abdomen.
etc. 7halo of a saint etc. -v. (-ies, -ied) gloxinia /glok'smia/ n. American
(often foil, by in) pride oneself. [Latin tropical plant with large bell-shaped
gloria] flowers. [Gloxin, name of a botanist]
glory-hole n. colloq. untidy room, cup- glucose /'glu:kauz/ n. sugar found in the
board, etc. blood or in fruit juice etc., and as a
gloss —n. 1 surface shine or lustre. 2 constituent of starch, cellulose, etc.
deceptively attractive appearance. 3 (in [Greek gleukos sweet wine]
full gloss paint) paint giving a glossy glue /glu:/ -n. adhesive substance, -v.
finish, -v. make glossy. gloss over (glues, glued, gluing or glueing) 1
seek to conceal, esp. by mentioning only fasten or join with glue. 2 keep or put
briefly, [origin unknown] very close (eye glued to the keyhole).
gloss* -n. 1 explanatory comment gluey /'glu:i/ adj. (gluier, gluiest).
added to a the margin. 2
text, e.g. in
[Latin glus: related to gluten]
interpretation or paraphrase, - v. add a
glue ear n. blocking of the Eustachian
gloss to (a text, word, etc.). [Latin glossa
tube, esp. in children.
glue-sniffing n. inhalation of fumes
glossary /'glosan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 list or
from adhesives as an intoxicant.
dictionary of technical or special words.
glue-sniffer n.
2 collection of glosses. [Latin: related to
glum adj. (glummer, glummest) de-
glossy -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 smooth and jected; sullen. glumly adv. glum-
shiny (glossy paper). 2 printed on such ness n. [var. of gloom]
paper, —n. (pi. -ies) colloq. glossy maga-
glut -v. (-U-) 1 feed (a person, one's
zine or photograph. glossily adv. stomach, etc.) or indulge (a desire etc.)

glossiness n. to the full; satiate. 2 fill to excess. 3

glottal /'glDt(a)l/ adj. of the glottis, overstock (a market), -n. 1 supply
glottal stop n. sound produced by the exceeding demand. 2 full indulgence;
sudden opening or shutting of the surfeit. [French gloutir swallow: related
glottis. to glutton]
glottis /'glotis/ n. opening at the upper glutamate /'glu:ta,meit/ n. salt or ester
end of the windpipe and between the of glutamic acid, esp. a sodium salt used
vocal cords. [Greek] to enhance the flavour of food.
glutamic acid 373 go
glutamic acid /glu:'taemik/ n. amino gnomon /'naumDn/ n. rod or pin etc. on
acid normally found in proteins, [from a sundial, showing the time by its
GLUTEN, AMINE] shadow. [Greek, = indicator]
gluten /'glu:t(a)n/ n. mixture of proteins gnostic /'nDstik/ -adj. 1 of knowledge;
present in cereal grains; sticky protein having special mystical knowledge. 2
substance left when starch is washed (Gnostic) concerning the Gnostics, -n.
out of flour. [Latin gluten -tin- glue] (Gnostic) (usu. in pi.) early Christian
glutinous /'glu:tmas/ adj. sticky; like heretic claiming mystical knowledge.
glue. [Latin: related to Gnosticism /-,siz(a)m/ n. [Greek gnosis
glutton greedy eater. 2
/'glAt(a)n/ n. 1
(often foil, by for) person insati-
colloq. GNP abbr. gross national product,
ably eager (glutton for work). 3 vora- gnu /nu:/ n. (pi. same or -s) oxlike
antelope. [Bushman nqu]
cious animal of the weasel family.
gluttonous adj. gluttonously adv. go 1 /gau/ -v. (3rd sing, present goes
/gauz/; past went; past part, gone /gun/)
[Latin gluttio swallow 1
1 a start moving or be moving from one
glutton for punishment n. person
place or point in time to another; travel,
eager to take on hard or unpleasant
proceed, b (foil, by and + verb) colloq.
expressing annoyance (you went and
gluttony /'glAtani/ n. greed or excess in
told him). 2 (foil, by verbal noun) make
eating. [French: related to glutton]
a special trip for; participate in (went
glycerine /'glis9,ri:n/ n. (also glycerol, skiing; goes running). 3 lie or extend in
US glycerin /-rm/) thick sweet colour- a certain direction (the road goes to
less liquid used as medicine, ointment, London). 4 leave; depart (they had to
etc., and in explosives. [Greek glukeros go). 5 move, act, work, etc. (clock
sweet] doesn 't go). 6 a make a specified move-
glycerol /'glisa.rnl/ n. = glycerine. ment (go like this with your foot), b
glycogen /'glaikad3(9)n/ n. polysac- make a sound (often of a specified kind)
charide serving as a store of carbo- (gun went bang; door bell went), c (of an
hydrates, esp. in animal tissues. animal) make (its characteristic cry)
glycolysis /glai'knlisis/ n. breakdown (the cow went 'moo *). d colloq. say (so he
of glucose by enzymes with the release goes to me 'Why didn 'tyou like it?\ 7 be
of energy. in a specified state (go hungry; went in
GM abbr. George Medal, fear of his life). 8 a pass into a specified
gm abbr. gram(s). condition (gone bad; went to sleep), b
G-man /'d3i:maen/ n. US colloq. federal colloq. die. c proceed or escape in a
criminal-investigation officer, [from specified condition (poet went unrecog-
Government] nized). 9 (of time or distance) pass,
GMS abbr. grant maintained status. elapse; be traversed (ten days to go
GMT abbr. Greenwich Mean Time, before Easter; the last mile went
gnarled /na:ld/ adj. (of a tree, hands, quickly). 10 a (of a document, verse,
etc.) knobbly, twisted, rugged, [var. of song, etc.) have a specified content or
knar led: related to knurl] wording (the tune goes like this), b be
gnash grind (the teeth). 2 (of current or accepted (so the story goes).
/naeJV v. 1
the teeth) strike together. [Old Norse]
c be suitable; fit; match (the shoes don *t
gnat /naet/ n. small two-winged biting go with the hat; those pinks don 'tgo). d
be regularly kept or put (the forks go
fly. [Old English]
here), e find room; fit (this won 'tgo into
gnaw /no:/ D.1a (usu. foil, by away etc.) the cupboard). 11a turn out, proceed;
wear away by b (often foil, by at,
take a course or view (things went well;
into) bite persistently. 2 a corrode; wear
Liverpool went Labour), b be successful
away, b (of pain, fear, etc.) torment. [Old (make the party go). 12 a be sold (went
for £1; went cheap), b (of money) be
gneiss /nais/ n. coarse-grained meta- spent. 13 a be relinquished or abolished
morphic rock of feldspar, quartz, and (the car will have to go), b fail, decline;
mica. [German] give way, collapse (his sight is going;
gnome /naum/ n. 1 a dwarfish legend- the bulb has gone). 14 be acceptable or
ary spirit or goblin living underground, permitted; be accepted without question
b figure of this as a garden ornament. 2 (anything goes; what I say goes). 15
(esp. in pi.) colloq. person with sinister (often foil, by by, with, on, upon) be
influence, esp. financial (gnomes of guided by judge or act on or in harmony

Zurich). gnomish adj. [French] with (have nothing to go on; a good rule
gnomic /'naomik/ adj. of aphorisms; to go by). 16 attend regularly (goes to
sententious. [Greek gnome opinion] school). 17 (foil, by pres. part.) colloq.
go 374 gob
proceed (often foolishly) to do (went by to + infhi.) proceed (went on to
running to the police; don 't go making become a go upon) colloq.
star). 4 (also
him angry). 18 act or proceed to a use as evidence, go out 1 leave a room,
certain point (will go so far and no house, etc. 2 be extinguished. 3 be broad-
further; went as high as £100). 19 (of a cast. 4 (often foil, by with) be courting. 5
number) be capable of being contained cease to be fashionable. 6 colloq. lose
in another (6 into 5 won 't go). 20 (usu. consciousness. 7 (usu. foil, by to) (of the
foil, by to) be allotted or awarded; pass heart etc.) expand with sympathy etc.
(first prize went to the girl). 21 (foil, by towards (my heart goes out to them). 8
to, towards) amount to; contribute to (12 (of a tide) ebb to low tide, go over 1
inches go to make a foot; this will go inspect the details of; rehearse; retouch.
towards your holiday). 22 (in imper.) 2 (of a play etc.) be received, esp. favour-
begin motion (a starter's order in a race) ably, go round 1 spin, revolve. 2 (of food
(ready, steady, go!). 23 (usu. foil, by by, etc.) suffice for everybody. 3 (usu. foil,
under) be known or called (goes by the by to) visit informally, go slow work
name of Droopy). 24 colloq. proceed to slowly, as a form of industrial action, go
(gojump in the lake). 25 (foil, by for) through 1 be dealt with or completed. 2
apply to (that goes for me too), -n. (pi. discuss or scrutinize in detail. 3 per-
goes) 1 mettle; animation (has a lot of form. 4 undergo. 5 colloq. use up; spend
go in her). 2 vigorous activity (it's all (money etc.). go through with com-
go). 3 colloq. success (made a go of it). 4 plete, go to blazes (or hell) slang ex-
colloq. attempt; turn (I'll have a go; it's clamation of dismissal, contempt, etc.
my go), -adj. colloq. functioning pro- go too far see far. go under sink; fail;
perly (all systems are go). go about 1 succumb, go up 1 rise in price. 2 colloq.
set to work at. 2 be socially active. 3 (foil, enter university. 3 be consumed (in
by pres. part.) make a habit of doing, go flames etc.); explode, go with 1 be har-
ahead proceed without hesitation, go monious with; match. 2 be courting, go
along with agree to or with, go back on without manage without; forgo (also
keep (a promise etc.). go begging
fail to absol). have a go at 1 attack. 2 attempt,
see beg. go down 1 a (of an amount) on the go colloq. 1 in constant motion. 2
become less through use (coffee has constantly working. [Old English: went
gone down), b subside (the flood went is originally a past of wend]
down), c decrease in price. 2 a (of a ship) go 2 /gao/ n. Japanese board-game.
sink, b (of the sun) set. c (of a curtain) [Japanese]
fall. 3 deteriorate; (of a computer system goad -v. 1 urge on with a goad. 2 (usu.
etc.) cease to function. 4 be recorded in foil,by on, into) irritate; stimulate. -n. 1
writing. 5 be swallowed. 6 (often foil, by spiked stick used for urging cattle for-
with) find acceptance. 7 colloq. leave ward. 2 anything that torments or
university. 8 colloq. be sent to prison, go incites. [Old English]
down with become ill with (a disease), go-ahead -n. permission to proceed.
go far see far. go for 1 go to fetch. 2 -adj. enterprising.
pass or be accounted as (went for goal n. 1 object of ambition or effort;
nothing). 3 prefer; choose. 4 colloq. destination. 2 a structure into or
strive to attain (go for it!). 5 colloq. through which the ball has to be sent to
attack (the dog wentfor him), go halves score in certain games, b point won. 3
(often foil, by with) share equally, go in point marking the finish of a race, [ori-
1 enter a room, house, etc. 2 (of the sun gin unknown]
etc.) become obscured by cloud, go in goalie n. colloq. = goalkeeper.
for 1 enter as a competitor. 2 take as goalkeeper n. player defending a goal,
one's style, pursuit, etc. go into 1 enter goalpost n. either of the two upright
(a profession, hospital, etc.). 2 investig- posts of a goal.
ate, go a long way 1 (often foil. by goat n. 1 hardy domesticated mammal,
towards) have a great effect. 2 (of food, with horns and (in the male) a beard. 2
money, etc.) last a long time, buy much, lecherous man. 3 colloq. foolish person.
3 = go far. go off 1 explode. 2 leave the 4 (the Goat) zodiacal sign or constella-
stage. 3 wear off. 4 (esp. of foodstuffs) tion Capricorn. get a person's goat
deteriorate. 5 go to sleep. 6 colloq. begin colloq. irritate a person. [Old English]
to dislike (I've gone off him), go off well goatee /gau'ti:/ n. small pointed beard.
(or badly etc.) (of an enterprise etc.) be goatherd n. person who tends goats.
received or accomplished well (or badly goatskin n. 1 skin of a goat. 2 garment
etc.). go on 1 (often foil, by pres. part.) or bottle made of goatskin.
continue, persevere (decided to go on gob n. slang mouth, [origin unknown]

with it; went on trying). 2 colloq. a talk gob 2 slang -n. clot of slimy matter, - v.
at great length, b (foil, by at) nag. 3 (foil. (bb-) spit. [French go(u)be mouthful]
gobbet 375 gold-dust
gobbet /'gDbit/ n. piece or lump of
1 godsend n. unexpected but welcome
flesh, food, etc. 2 extract from a text, esp. event or acquisition.
one set for translation or comment. godson n. male godchild.
[French diminutive oigobe gob 2 ] Godspeed /god'spi:d/ int. expression of
gobble / gDb(a)l/ v. (-ling) eat hurriedly
good wishes to a person starting a jour-
and noisily, [from gob 2 ] ney.
gobble 2 /'gDb(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 (of a tur- goer n. 1 person or thing that goes (slow
keycock) make a characteristic guttural goer). 2 (often in comb.) person who
sound. 2 make such a sound when attends, esp. regularly (churchgoer). 3
speaking, [imitative] colloq. a lively or persevering person, b
gobbledegook /'gDb(a)ldi,gu:k/ n. (also sexually promiscuous person.
gobbledygook) colloq. pompous or go-getter n. colloq. aggressively enter-
unintelligible jargon, [probably imit- prising person.
ative of a turkeycock] goggle /'gog(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 a (often
go-between intermediary.
n. foil, by at) look with wide-open eyes, b
goblet /'goblit/ n. drinking-vessel with a (of the eyes) be rolled about; protrude. 2
foot and stem. [French diminutive of roll (the eyes), -adj. (usu. attrib.) (of the
gobel cup] eyes) protuberant or rolling, -n. (in pi.)
goblin /'goblin/ n. mischievous ugly spectacles for protecting the eyes,
dwarflike creature of folklore. [Anglo- [probably imitative]
French] goggle-box n. colloq. television set.
gobsmacked adj. slang flabbergasted. go-go adj. colloq. (of a dancer, music,
gob-stopper n. large hard sweet. etc.) in modern style; lively, erotic, and
goby /'gaobi/ n. (pi. -ies) small fish with rhythmic.
ventral fins joined to form a disc or going /'gaoin/ -n. 1 act or process of
sucker. [Greek kobios gudgeon ] 1
going. 2 a condition of the ground for
go-cart n. var. of go-kart. walking, riding, etc. b progress affected
god n. 1 a (in many religions) super- by this. -adj. 1 in or into action (set the
human being or spirit worshipped as clock going). 2 existing, available
having power over nature, human for- (there's cold beef going). 3 current,
tunes, etc. b image, idol, etc., symboliz- prevalent (the going rate), get going
ing a god. 2 (God) (in Christian and start steadily talking, working, etc.
other monotheistic religions) creator going on fifteen etc. esp. US approach-
and ruler of the universe. 3 adored or ing one's fifteenth etc. birthday, going
greatly admired person. 4 (in pi.) on for approaching (a time, age, etc.).
Theatr. gallery. God forbid may it not going strong continuing vigorously,
happen! God knows 1 it is beyond all going to intending to; about to. to be
knowledge. 2 I call God to witness that. going on with to start with; for the time
God willing if Providence allows. [Old being, while the going is good while
English] conditions are favourable.
godchild n. person in relation to his or going concern n. thriving business.
her godparent. going-over n. (pi. goings-over) 1 col-
god-daughter n. female godchild, loq. inspection or overhaul. 2 slang
goddess /'godis/ n. 1 female deity. 2 thrashing.
adored woman. goings-on (esp. morally suspect)
godfather n. 1 male godparent. 2 esp. behaviour.
US person directing an illegal organiza- goitre /'gDita(r)/ n. (US goiter) morbid
tion, esp. the Mafia. enlargement of the thyroid gland. [Latin
God-fearing adj. earnestly religious. guttur throat]
God-forsaken adj. dismal. go-kart n. (also go-cart) miniature rac-
godhead n. (also Godhead) 1 a state of ing car with a skeleton body.
being God or a god. b divine nature. 2 gold /gaoldZ-n. 1 precious yellow metal-
deity. 3 (the Godhead) God. lic element. 2 colour of gold. 3 a coins or
godless adj. 1 impious; wicked. 2 with- articles made of gold, b wealth. 4 some-
out a god. 3 not recognizing God. thing precious or beautiful. 5 = gold
godlessness n. medal, -adj. 1 made wholly or chiefly of
godlike adj. resembling God or a god. gold. 2 coloured like gold. [Old English]
godly adj. (-ier, -iest) pious, devout, goldcrest n. tiny bird with a golden
godliness n. crest.
godmother female godparent,
n. gold-digger n. slang woman who cul-
godparent n. person who presents a tivates men to obtain money from them.
child at baptism and responds on the gold-dust n. gold in fine particles as
child's behalf. often found naturally.
golden 376 good
golden adj.a 1 made
or consisting of gonad /'gaonsed/ n. animal organ pro-
gold, b yielding gold. 2 coloured or ducing gametes, esp. the testis or ovary.
shining like gold {golden hair). 3 pre- [Greek gone seed]
cious; excellent. gondola /'gDndala/ n. 1 light flat-
golden age n. period of a nation's bottomed boat used on Venetian canals.
greatest prosperity, cultural merit, etc. 2 car suspended from an airship or
golden eagle n. large eagle with yel- balloon, or attached to a ski-lift. [Italian]
low-tipped head-feathers. gondolier /,gDnda'li8(r)/ n. oarsman on
golden handshake n. colloq. payment a gondola. [Italian: related to gondola]
given on redundancy or early retire- gone /gDn/ adj. 1 (of time) past (not until
ment. gone nine). 2 a lost; hopeless, b dead. 3
golden jubilee n. fiftieth anniversary, colloq. pregnant for a specified time
golden mean n. the principle of mod- (already three months gone). 4 slang
eration. completely enthralled or entranced,
golden retriever n. retriever with a esp. by rhythmic music, drugs, etc. z be
thick golden-coloured coat, gone depart; leave temporarily (cf.
golden rod n. plant with a spike of begone), gone on slang infatuated
yellow flowers. with, [past part, of go ]

golden rule n. basic principle of action, goner /'gDna(r)/ n.slang person or thing
esp. 'do as you would be done by'. that is doomed or irrevocably lost.
golden wedding n. fiftieth annivers- gong n. 1 metal disc with a turned rim,
ary of a wedding. giving a resonant note when struck. 2
gold-field n. district in which gold oc- saucer-shaped bell. 3 slang medal.
curs naturally. [Malay]
goldfinch n. songbird with a yellow gonorrhoea /.gDna'ria/ n. (US gonor-
band across each wing, rhea) venereal disease with inflam-
goldfish n. (pi. same or -es) small matory discharge from the urethra or
reddish-golden Chinese carp, vagina. [Greek, = semen-flux]
gold foil n. gold beaten into a thin sheet, goo n. colloq. 1 sticky or slimy sub-
gold leaf n. gold beaten into a very thin stance. 2 sickly sentiment, [origin
sheet. unknown]
gold medal n. medal of gold, usu. good /god/ -adj. (better, best) 1 having
awarded as first prize. the right or desired qualities; adequate.
gold-mine n. 1 place where gold is 2 a (of a person) efficient, competent
mined. 2 colloq. source of great wealth. (good at French; good driver), b effec-
gold plate vessels made of gold. 2
n. 1 tive, reliable (good brakes). 3 a kind, b
material plated with gold. morally excellent; virtuous (good deed).
gold-plate v. plate with gold. c well-behaved (good child). 4 enjoy-
gold-rush n. rush to a newly-dis- able, agreeable (good party; good
covered gold-field. news). 5 thorough, considerable (a good
goldsmith n. worker in gold. wash). 6 a not less than (waited a good
gold standard n. system by which the hour), b considerable in number, qual-
value of a currency is defined in terms of ity, etc. (a good many people). 7 bene-
gold. ficial (milk is good for you). 8 a valid,
golf -n. game in which a small hard ball sound (good reason), b financially
is driven with clubs into a series of 18 or sound (his credit is good). 9 in exclama-
9 holes with the fewest possible strokes. tions of surprise (good heavens!). 10
-v. play golf. golfer n. [origin (sometimes patronizing) commendable,
unknown] worthy (good old George; my good
golf ball n. 1 ball used in golf. 2 colloq. man). 11 in courteous greetings and
small ball used in some electric type- farewells (good morning), -n. 1 (only in
writers to carry the type. sing.) that which is good; what is bene-
golf club n. 1 club used in golf. 2 ficial or morally right (only good can
association for playing golf. 3 premises come of it; what good will it do?). 2 (in
of this. pi.) a movable property or mer-
golf-course n. (also golf-links) course chandise, b things to be transported, c
on which golf is played. ( the) colloq. what one has
golliwog /'gDli.wDg/ n. black-faced soft undertaken to supply (esp. deliver the
doll with fuzzy hair, [origin uncertain] goods), -adv. US colloq. well (doing
golly /'gDh/ int. expressing surprise, pretty good), z as good as practically,
[euphemism for God] be (a certain amount) to the good
golly 2 /'gDh/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. = gol- have as net profit or advantage, for
liwog, [abbreviation] good (and all) finally, permanently,
golosh var. of galosh. good for 1 beneficial to; having a good
good book 377 Gorgonzola
effect on. 2 able to perform. 3 able to be goof slang -n. 1 foolish or stupid per-
trusted to pay. good riddance see rid- son. 2 mistake, -v. 1 bungle. 2 blunder.
dance, have the goods on a person [Latin gufus coarse]
slang have information about a person goofy adj. (-ier. -iest) slang 1 stupid. 2
giving one an advantage over him or having protruding or crooked front
her. in good faith with honest or sin- teeth.
cere intentions, in good time 1 with no googly 'gu:gli n. (pi -ies) Cricket ball
risk of being late. 2 (also all in good bowled so as to bounce in an unexpected
time) in due course but without haste, direction, [origin unknown]
to the good having as profit or benefit. goon n. slang 1 stupid person. 2 esp. US
[Old English] ruffian hired by racketeers etc. [origin

good book n. (prec. by the) the Bible. uncertain]

goodbye {US goodby) -int.
goose n. (pi. geese) 1 a large water-bird
with webbed feet and a broad bill, b
expressing good wishes on parting, end-
female of this (opp. gander 1). c flesh of
ing a telephone conversation, etc. -n.
a goose as food. 2 colloq. simpleton. [Old
(pi. -byes or US -bys) parting; farewell,
[from God be with you.']
gooseberry gozban n, (pi. -ies)
good faith n. sincerity of intention. 1yellowish-green berry with juicy flesh.
good-for-nothing -adj. worthless. 2 thorny shrub bearing this, z play
-n. worthless person.
gooseberry colloq. be an unwanted
Good Friday n. Friday before Easter extra person, [origin uncertain]
Sunday, commemorating the Crucifix- goose-flesh n. (also goose-pimples: US
ion. goose-bumps) bristling state of the skin
good-hearted adj. kindly, well-mean- produced by cold, fright, etc.
ing. goose-step n. military marching step in
good humour n. genial mood which the knees are kept stiff.
good-humoured cheerful, ami-
adj. gopher 'gaofa(r) n. American burrow-
able, good-humouredly adv. ing rodent, ground-squirrel, or burrow-
goodie var. of goody n. ing tortoise, [origin uncertain]
good job n. fortunate state of affairs. Gordian go:dian adj. z cut the Gor-
good-looking adj. handsome. dian knot solve a problem by force or
goodly 'gudli adj. (-ier. -iest) 1 hand- by evasion. [Gordius king of Phrygia.
some. 2 of imposing size etc. goodli- who tied a knot later cut by Alexander
ness n. [Old English] the Great]
good nature n. friendly disposition. gore n. blood shed and clotted. [Old

good-natured adj. kind, patient: easy- English. = dirt]

going. good-naturedly adv. gore : v. (-ring) pierce with a horn. tusk,
goodness -n. 1 virtue; excellence. 2 etc. [origin unknown]
kindness (had the goodness to wait). 3 gore 3-n. 1 wedge-shaped piece in a
what is beneficial in a thing, -int. (esp. garment. 2 triangular or tapering piece
as a substitution for 'God') expressing in an umbrella etc. - v. (-ring) shape (a
surprise, anger, etc. (goodness me!', garment) with a gore. [Old English. =
triangle of land]
goodness knows). [Old English]
good-tempered having a good
gorge -n. 1 narrow opening between
hills. 2 act of gorging. 3 contents of the
temper; not easily annoyed.
stomach. —V. (-ging) 1 feed greedily. 2 a
goodwill n. 1 kindly feeling. 2 estab-
(often refl.) satiate, b devour greedily,
lished reputation of a business etc. as
one's gorge rises at one is sickened by.
enhancing its value. 3 willingness to
[French. = throat]
undertake unpaid duties. gorgeous 'go:d3as adj. 1 richly col-
good will n. intention that good will oured, sumptuous. 2 colloq. very
result (see also goodwill). pleasant, splendid (gorgeous weather).
good works charitable acts. 3 colloq. strikingly beautiful, z gor-
goody —n. (also goodie) (pi. -ies) 1 geously adv. [French]
colloq. good or favoured person. 2 (usu. gorgon 'go:gan n. 1 (in Greek mytho-
in pi. ) something good or attractive, esp. logy) each of three snake-haired sisters
to eat. -int.expressing childish delight. (esp. Medusa) with the power to turn
goody-goody colloq. -n. (pi. -ies) smug anyone who looked at them to stone. 2
or obtrusively virtuous person, -adj. frightening or repulsive woman. [Greek
obtrusively or smugly virtuous. gorgos terrible]
gooey adj. (gooier. gooiest) slang 1 Gorgonzola ,go:gan'zaola n. type of
viscous, sticky. 2 sentimental, [from rich cheese with bluish-green veins.
goo] [Gorgonzola in Italy]
gorilla 378 government
gorilla /ga'nla/ largest anthropoid
n. Europe in the 12th-16th c, character-
ape, native to Africa. [Greek, perhaps ized by pointed arches. 3 (of a novel etc.)
from African = wild man] in a style popular in the 18th-19th c,
gormless /'go:mlis/ adj. colloq. foolish, with supernatural or horrifying events.
lacking sense, gormlessly adv. [ori- 4 barbarous, uncouth, -n. 1 Gothic lan-
ginally gaumless from dial, gaum guage. 2 Gothic architecture. [Latin:
understanding] related to Goth]
gorse n. spiny yellow-flowered shrub; gotten US past part, of get.
furze, gorsy adj. [Old English] gouache /gu'a:J7 n. 1 method of painting
Gorsedd /'ga:seo/ n. Druidic order, in opaque pigments ground in water
meeting before the eisteddfod. [Welsh, and thickened with a gluelike sub-
literally 'throne'] stance. 2 these pigments. [French from
gory adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 involving Italian]
bloodshed; bloodthirsty. 2 covered in Gouda /'gauda/ n. flat round usu. Dutch
gore. gorily adv. goriness n.
cheese. [Gouda in Holland]
gosh int. expressing surprise, [euphem- gouge /gaud3/ -n. chisel with a concave
ism for God] blade, -v. (-ging) 1 cut with or as with a
goshawk /'gnshoik/ n. large short- gouge. 2 (foil, by out) force out (esp. an
winged hawk. [Old English: related to
eye with the thumb) with or as with a
gouge. [Latin gubia]
gosling /'gnzlin/ n. young goose. [Old goulash /'gu:laeJ7 n. highly-seasoned
Norse: related to goose] Hungarian stew of meat and vegetables.
go-slow n. working slowly, as a form of [Magyar gulyds-hus, = herdsman's
industrial action.
gospel /'gDsp(a)l/ n. 1 teaching or revela-
gourd /goad/ n. 1 a fleshy usu. large
tion of Christ. 2 (Gospel) a record of
fruit with a hard skin, b climbing or
Christ's life in the first four books of the
trailing plant of the cucumber family
New Testament, b each of these books, bearing this. 2 dried skin of the gourd-
c portion from one of them read at a
fruit, used as a drinking-vessel etc.
service. 3 (also gospel truth) thing
[Latin cucurbita]
regarded as absolutely true. 4 (in full
gospel music) Black American re-
gourmand /'guamand/ n. 1 glutton. 2
gourmet. [French]
ligious singing. [Old English: related to
good, spell 1
= news] Usage The use of gourmand in sense
gossamer /'gDsama(r)/ -n. 1 filmy sub- 2 is considered incorrect by some
stance of small spiders' webs. 2 delicate people.
filmy material, -adj. light and flimsy as
gossamer, [origin uncertain]
gourmandise /"guamd,di:z/ n. glut-
gossip a unconstrained
/'gDsip/ —n. 1

talk or writing, esp. about persons or

gourmet /'guamei/ n. connoisseur of
good food. [French]
social incidents, b idle talk. 2 person
who indulges in gossip, - v. (-p-) talk or gout n. disease with inflammation of the
smaller joints, esp. of the toe. z gouty
write gossip. gossipy adj. [Old Eng-
adj. [Latin gutta drop]
lish, originally 'godparent', hence 'famil-
iar acquaintance']
govern /'gAv(a)n/ v. 1 rule or control
gossip column section of a news-
with authority; conduct the policy and
affairs of. 2 influence or determine (a
paper devoted to gossip about well-
known people, z gossip columnist n. person or course of action). 3 be a
got past and past part, of get. standard or principle for. 4 check or
Goth n. 1 member of a Germanic tribe control (esp. passions). 5 Gram. (esp. of
that invaded the Roman Empire in the a verb or preposition) have (a noun or
3rd-5th c. 2 uncivilized or ignorant per- pronoun or its case) depending on it.
son. [Old English Gota and Greek [Greek kubernao steer]
Gothoi] governance /'gAvanans/ n. 1 act or
goth n. 1 style of rock music with an manner of governing. 2 function of gov-
intense or droning blend of guitars, erning. [French: related to govern]
bass, and drums, often with apocalyptic governess /'gAvanis/ n. woman
or mystical lyrics. 2 performer or devo- employed to teach children in a private
tee of this music, or member of the household.
subculture favouring black clothing government /'gAvanmant/ n. 1 act or
and white-painted faces with black manner of governing. 2 system by
make-up. which a State is governed. 3 a body of
Gothic -adj. 1 of the Goths. 2 in the persons governing a State, b (usu.
style of architecture prevalent in W. Government) particular ministry in
governor 379 graft
office. 4 the State as an agent. : govern- surprise. graciously adv. gracious-
mental /-'ment(9)l/ adj. ness n. [Latin: related to grace]
governor n. 1 ruler. 2 a official govern- gracious living n. elegant way of life.
ing a province, town, etc. b represent- gradate /gra'deit/ v. (-ting) 1 (cause to)
ative of the Crown in a colony. 3 exec- pass gradually from one shade to
utive head of each State of the US. 4 another. 2 arrange in steps or grades of
officer commanding a fortress etc. 5 size etc.
head or member of the governing body gradation /gra'deiJXaJn/ n. (usu. in pi.)
of an institution. 6 official in charge of a 1 stage of transition or advance. 2 a
prison. 7 a slang one's employer, b certain degree in rank, intensity, etc. b
slang one's father. 8 Mech. automatic arrangement in such degrees. grada-
regulator controlling the speed of an tional adj. [Latin: related to grade]
engine etc. governorship n. grade -n. 1 a certain degree in rank,
Governor-General n. representative merit, proficiency, etc. b class of per-
of the Crown in a Commonwealth sons or things of the same grade. 2 mark
country that regards the Queen as Head indicating the quality of a student's
of State. work. 3 US class in school. 4 gradient,
gown n. loose flowing garment, esp. a
slope, -v. (-ding) 1 arrange in grades. 2
woman's long dress. 2 official robe of an
(foil, by up, down, off, into, etc.) pass
alderman, judge, cleric, academic, etc. 3 gradually between grades, or into a
surgeon's overall. [Latin gunna fur]
grade. 3 give a grade to (a student). 4
goy n. (pi. -im or -s) Jewish name for a reduce (a road etc.) to easy gradients.
non-Jew. [Hebrew, = people]
[Latin gradus step]
GP abbr. general practitioner.
gradient /'greidiant/ n. 1 stretch of
GPO abbr. General Post Office.
road, railway, etc., that slopes. 2
gr abbr. (also gr.) 1 gram(s). 2 grains. 3 amount of such a slope, [probably from
grade after salient]
grab -v. (-bb-) 1 seize suddenly. 2 take
gradual /'gradual/ adj. 1 progressing
greedily or unfairly. 3 slang attract the
by degrees. 2 not rapid, steep, or abrupt.
attention impress. 4 (foil, by at)
gradually adv. [Latin: related to
snatch at. 5 (of brakes) act harshly or
jerkily, -n. 1 sudden clutch or attempt
to seize. 2 mechanical device for clutch-
gradualism /

graed3ua liz(a)m/
policy of gradual reform.
ing. [Low German or Dutch]
grace -n. 1 attractiveness, esp. in ele- graduate -n. /'graed3uat/ person hold-
gance of proportion or manner or move- ing an academic degree. -v.
/'graed3u,eit/ (-ting) 1 obtain an aca-
ment. 2 courteous good will (had the
grace to apologize). 3 attractive feature; demic degree. 2 (foil, by to) move up to (a
accomplishment (social graces). 4 a (in higher grade of activity etc.). 3 mark out
Christian belief) the unmerited favour in degrees or parts. 4 arrange in grada-
of God. b state of receiving this. 5 tions; apportion (e.g. tax) according to a
goodwill, favour. 6 delay granted as a scale. graduation /.graedsu'eiJXaM
favour (a year's grace). 7 short thanks- n. [medieval Latin graduor take a de-

giving before or after a meal. 8 (Grace) gree: related to grade]

(in Greek mythology) each of three Graeco-Roman /,gri:k8u'rauman/ adj.
beautiful sister goddesses, bestowers of of the Greeks and Romans.
beauty and charm. 9 (Grace) (prec. by graffiti /gra'fi:ti/ (sing, graffito)
His, Her, Your) forms of description or writing or drawing scribbled,
address for a duke, duchess, or arch- scratched, or sprayed on a surface. [It-
bishop, -v. (-cing) (often foil, by with) alian graffio a scratch]
add grace to; confer honour on (graced Usage The singular or collective use
us with his presence). with good (or of the form graffiti is considered incor-
bad) grace as if willingly (or reluc- rect by some people, but it is frequently
tantly). [Latin gratia]
found, e.g. graffiti has appeared.
graceful adj. having or showing grace 1
or elegance. gracefully adv. grace- graft /gra:ft/ -n. 1 Bot. a shoot or scion
fulness n. inserted into a slit of stock, from which
graceless adj. lacking grace, elegance, it receives sap. b place where a graft is

or charm. inserted. 2 Surgery piece of living tissue,

grace-note n. Mus. extra note as an organ, etc., transplanted surgically. 3
embellishment. slang hard work. -v. 1 (often foil, by
gracious 1 kind; indul-
/'greijas/ -adj. into, on, together, etc.) insert (a scion) as
gent and beneficent to inferiors. 2 (of a graft. 2 transplant (living tissue). 3
God) merciful, benign, - int. expressing (foil, by in, on) insert or fix (a thing)
graft an grandpa
permanently to another. 4 slang work granadilla .graena'dila n. passion-
hard. [Greek graphion stylus] fruit. [Spanish, diminutive of granada
graft- gra:ft colloq. -n. 1 practices, esp. pomegranate]
bribery, used to secure illicit gains in granary graenan n. (pi. -ies) 1 store-
politics or business. 2 such gains, -v. house for threshed grain. 2 region pro-
seek or make such gains, [origin ducing, and esp. exporting, much corn.
unknown] [Latin: related to grain]
Grail n. (in full Holy Grail) (in medi- grand -adj. 1 splendid, magnificent,
eval legend) cup or planer used by imposing, dignified. 2 main: of chief
Christ at the Last Supper, [medieval importance. 3 (Grand) of the highest
Latin gradalis dish] rank (Grand Duke). 4 colloq. excellent,
grain -n. 1 fruit or seed of a cereal. 2 enjoyable. 5 belonging to high society. 6
{collea. wheat or any allied grass used
(in comb. (in names of family relation-

as food: corn. 3 small hard particle of ships) denoting the second degree of
salt. sand. etc. 4 unit of weight. 0.0648 ascent or descent (granddaughter). -n.
1 = grand piano. 2 (pi. same) (usu. in
gram. 5 smallest possible quantity (not
a grain of truth in it). 6 roughness of pi) esp. E7S slang a thousand dollars or
surface. 7 texture of skin. wood, stone, pounds, z grandly adv. grandness n.
etc. 8 a pattern of lines of fibre in wood [Latin grandis full-grown]
or paper, b lamination in stone etc. -r. 1 grandad n. (also grand-dad) colloq. 1
paint in imitation of the grain of wood grandfather. 2 elderly man.
etc. 2 give a granular surface to. 3 form
grandchild n. child of one's son or

into grains, z against the grain con-

trary to one's natural inclination or
granddaughter n. female grandchild.
feeling, z grainy adj. (-ier. -iest>.
grandee graen'di: n. 1 Spanish or Por-
tuguese nobleman of the highest rank. 2
[Latin granum]
person of high rank. [Spanish and Por-
gram n. (also gramme) metric unit of
tuguese grande: related to grand]
mass equal to one-thousandth of a kilo-
gram. [Greek gramma small weight]
grandeur graend3a(r) n. 1 majesty,
splendour: dignity* of appearance or
-gram comb, form forming nouns denot-
bearing. 2 high rank, eminence. 3 no-
ing a thing written or recorded (often in
bility of character. [French: related to
a certain way) (anagram: epigram: tele-
gram). [Greek gramma thing written]
grandfather n. male grandparent.
graminaceous graemi'neijas adj. of grandfather clock n. clock in a tall
or like grass. (Latin gramen grass]
wooden case, driven by weights.
graminivorous graemi'nrvaras adj. grandiloquent ,graen dilakwant adj.
feeding on grass, cereals, etc. pompous or inflated in language, z
grammar 'graema(r) n. 1 the study or grandiloquence n. [Latin: related to
rules of a language's inflections or other grand, -loquus from loquor speak]
means of showing the relation between grandiose graendi.aus adj. 1 produc-
words. 2 observance or application of ing or meant to produce an imposing
the rules of grammar (bad grammar). 3 effect. 2 planned on an ambitious scale,
book on grammar. [Greek gramma let-
z grandiosity -Dsiti n. [Italian:
ter] related to grand]
grammarian gra'meanan n. expert grand jury n. esp. DS jury selected to
grammar or linguistics,
in examine the validity of an accusation
grammar school n. esp. hist, selective prior to trial.
State secondary school with a mainly grandma 'graenma: n. colloq. grand-
academic curriculum, mother.
grammatical gramaetikO)l adj. of or grand mal grd 'mael n. serious form of
conforming to the roles of grammar, z epilepsy with loss of consciousness.
grammatically adv. [French. = great sickness]
gramme var. of gram. grand master n. chess-player of the
gramophone graema.faun n. = re- highest class.
cord-player, [inversion of phonogram : grandmother n. female grandparent.
as phono-, -gram] Grand National n. steeplechase held
gramophone record = record n. 3. annually at Aintree, Liverpool.
grampus graempas n. (pi. -puses) a grand opera n. opera on a serious
kind of dolphin with a blunt snout. theme, or in which the entire libretto
[Latin crassus piscis fat fish] (including dialogue) is sung.
gran n. colloq. grandmother, [abbrevia- grandpa graenpa: n. colloq. grand-
tion] father.
grandparent 381 grapnel
grandparent n. parent of one's father grape n. berry (usu. green, purple, or
or mother. black) growing in clusters on a vine.
grand piano n. large full-toned piano used as fruit and in making wine.
with horizontal strings. [French, probably from grappe hook]
Grand Prix grd 'pri: n. any of several grapefruit n. (pi same) large round
important international motor or usu. yellow citrus fruit,
motor-cycle racing events. [French, = grape hyacinth n. plant of the lily
great or chief prize] family with clusters of usu. blue
grandsire n. archaic grandfather. flowers.
grand slam n. 1Sport winning of all of grapeshot n. hist, small balls used as
a group of matches etc. 2 Bridge win- charge in a cannon and scattering when
ning of 13 tricks. fired.
grandson n. male grandchild. grapevine n. 1 vine. 2 colloq. the means
grandstand n. main stand for spec- of transmission of a rumour.
tators at a racecourse etc. graph gra:f -n. diagram showing the
grand total n. sum of other totals. relation between variable quantities,
grand tour n. hist, cultural tour of usu. of two variables, each measured
Europe. along one of a pair of axes. —v. plot or
grange gremd3 n. country house with trace on a graph, [abbreviation of
farm-buildings. [Latin granica: related graphic formula]
to grain! -graph comb, form forming nouns and
graniferous gra'nifaras adj. produc- verbs meaning:
1 thing written or
ing grain or a grainlike seed. [Latin: drawn a specified way (photo-
etc. in
related to grain] graph). 2 instrument that records (seis-
granite 'graenit n. granular crystal- mograph).
line rock of quartz, mica, etc., used for -grapher comb, form forming nouns
building. [Italian granito: related to denoting a person concerned with a
grain] subject (geographer: radiographer).
granivorous gre'nivaras adj. feeding [Greek -grapho write]
on grain. [Latin: related to grain] graphic 'graefik ad;'. 1 of or relating to
granny 'graeni n. (also grannie) (pi. the visual or descriptive arts. esp. writ-
-ies) colloq. grandmother, [diminutive ing and drawing. 2 vividly descriptive.
of grannam from archaic grandam: graphically adv. [Greek graphe writ-
related to grand, dame] ing]
granny flat n. part of a house made into -graphic comb, form (also -graphical)
self-contained accommodation for an forming adjectives corresponding to
elderly relative. nouns in -graphy.
granny knot n. reef-knot crossed the graphic arts visual and technical
wrong way and therefore insecure. arts involving design or the use of letter-
grant gra:nt -v. 1 a consent to fulfil (a ing.
request etc.). b allow (a person) to have graphic novel n. novel in comic-strip
(a thing). 2 give formally; transfer format.
legally. 3 (often foil, by that) admit as graphics (usu. treated as sing.) 1

true: concede. -n. 1 process of granting. products of the graphic arts. 2 use of
2 sum of money given by the State. 3 diagrams in calculation and design.
legal conveyance by written instru- graphite 'graefait n. crystalline allo-
ment, z take for granted 1 assume tropic form of carbon used as a lub-
something to be true or valid. 2 cease ricant, in pencils, etc. graphitic
to appreciate through familiarity, -'fitik adj. [German Graphit from
grantor -'to:(r) n. (esp. in sense 2 Greek grapho write]
of v.). [French grie)anter var. of creanter graphology gra'fDl9d3i n. the study of
from Latin credo entrust] handwriting, esp. as a supposed guide to
grant-maintained adj. (of a school) character. graphologist n. [Greek:
funded by central rather than local related to graphic]
government. graph paper n. paper printed with a
granular 'graenjulafr) adj. of or like network of lines as a basis for drawing
grains or granules. granularity graphs.
/-'laenti,' n. [Latin: related to granule] -graphy comb, form forming nouns
granulate graenjuleit v. ( ting) 1 denoting: 1 descriptive science (geo-
form into grains. 2 roughen the surface graphy). 2 technique of producing
of. granulation -'leij(9)n n. images (photography). 3 style or method
granule 'graenju:l/ n. small grain. of writing etc. (calligraphy).
[Latin diminutive ofgranum: related to grapnel 'graepn(a)l n. 1 device with
grain] iron claws, for dragging or grasping. 2
grapple 382 gravitate
small anchor with several flukes. 2 yield to (a feeling or desire), z grati-
[French grapon: related to grape] fication /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin; related
grapple /'graep(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 (often to grateful]
foil,by with) fight in close combat. 2 grating n. 1 framework of parallel or
by with) try to manage (a difficult
(foil, crossed metal bars. 2 Optics set of paral-
problem etc.). 3 a grip with the hands; lel wires, lines ruled on glass, etc.
come to close quarters with, b seize with gratis /'gra;tis/ adv. & adj. free; without
or as with a grapnel. -n. 1 a hold or grip charge. [Latin]
in or as in wrestling, b contest at close gratitude /'graeti,tju:d/ n. being thank-
quarters. 2 clutching-instrument; grap- ful; readiness to return kindness.
nel. [French grapil: related to grapnel] [Latin: related to grateful]
grappling-iron n. (also grappling- gratuitous /gra'tjuiitas/ adj. 1 given or
-hOOk) = GRAPNEL. done free of charge. 2 uncalled-for; lack-
grasp /grarsp/ -v. 1 a clutch at; seize ing good reason, z gratuitously adv.
greedily, b hold firmly. 2 (foil, by at) try gratuitousness n. [Latin, = spon-
to seize; accept avidly. 3 understand or taneous]
realize (a fact or meaning), -n. 1 firm gratuity (pi -ies) = tip 3
/gra'tju:iti/ n.
hold; grip. 2 (foil, by of) a mastery (a n. 1. [Latin: related to grateful]
grasp of the situation), b mental hold. grave n. 1 trench dug in the ground for

grasp the nettle tackle a difficulty the burial of a corpse; mound or me-
boldly, [earlier grapse: related to morial stone placed over this. 2 (prec. by
grope] the) death. [Old English]
grasping adj. avaricious. grave 2 -adj. 1 a serious, weighty, im-
grass /gra:s/ -n.1 a any of a group of portant, b dignified, solemn, sombre. 2
wild plants with green blades that are extremely serious or threatening, -n.
eaten by ruminants, b plant of the /gra:v/ = grave accent, z gravely
family which includes cereals, reeds, adv. [Latin gravis heavy]
and bamboos. 2 pasture land. 3 grass- grave 3 v. (-ving; past part, graven or
covered ground, lawn. 4 grazing (out to graved) 1 (foil, by in, on) fix indelibly
grass). 5 slang marijuana. 6 slang (on one's memory). 2 archaic engrave,
informer. — v. 1 cover with turf. 2 US carve. [Old English]
provide with pasture. 3 slang a betray, grave accent /gra:v/ n. a mark C)
esp. to the police, b inform the police, z placed over a vowel to denote pronun-
grassy adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old English] ciation, length, etc.
grasshopper n. jumping and chirping gravedigger n. person who digs
insect. graves.
grassland n. large open area covered gravel /'graev(8)l/ -n. 1 mixture of
with grass, esp. used for grazing. coarse sand and small stones, used for
grass roots 1 fundamental level or paths etc. 2 Med. aggregations of crys-
source. 2 ordinary people; rank and file tals formed in the urinary tract, —v. (-11-;
of an organization, esp. a political party. US -1-) lay or strew with gravel. [French
grass snake n. common harmless diminutive, perhaps of grave shore]
European snake. gravelly adj. 1 of or like gravel. 2 (of a
grass widow n. (also grass widower) voice) deep and rough-sounding.
person whose husband (or wife) is away graven past part, of grave3 .

for a prolonged period. graven image n. idol.

grate 1 v. (-ting) 1 reduce to small par- Graves /gra:v/ n. light usu. white wine
ticles by rubbing on a serrated surface. from Graves in France.
2 (often foil, by against, on) rub with gravestone stone (usu. inscribed)
a harsh scraping sound. 3 utter in a marking a grave.
harsh tone. 4 (often foil, by on) a graveyard n. burial ground.
sound harshly, b have an irritating gravid /'graevid/ adj. pregnant. [Latin
effect. 5 grind (one's teeth). 6 creak, gravidus: related to grave ]
grater n. [French from Germanic] gravimeter instru-
/gr9'vimit9(r)/ n.
grate 2 n. 1fireplace or furnace. 2 metal ment measuring the difference in the
frame confining fuel in this. [Latin force of gravity between two places.
cratis hurdle] [Latin: related to grave ]
grateful /'greitfol/ adj. 1 thankful; feel- gravimetry /gra'vimitn/ n. measure-
ing or showing gratitude. 2 pleasant, ment of weight. gravimetric
acceptable, gratefully adv. [obsolete /.graevi'metnk/ adj.
grate from Latin gratus] gravitate /'graevi.teit/ v. (-ting) 1 (foil,
gratify /'graeti.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 a by to, towards) move or be attracted to. 2
please, delight, b please by compliance. a move or tend by force of gravity
gravitation 383 green
towards, b sink by or as if by gravity, reinforcing other words denoting size,
[related to grave ] quantity, etc. (great big hole). 2 import-
gravitation /.graevi'teij^n/ n. Phys- ant, pre-eminent (the great thing is not
ics 1 force of attraction between any to get caught). 3 grand, imposing (great
particle of matter in the universe and occasion). 4 distinguished. 5 remark-
any other. 2 effect of this, esp. the falling able in ability, character, etc. (great
of bodies to the earth, gravitational men; great thinker). 6 (foil, by at, on)
adj. competent, well-informed. 7 fully
gravity /'graeviti/ n. 1 a force that at- deserving the name of; doing a thing
tracts a body to the centre of the earth extensively (great reader; great
etc.b degree of intensity of this, c grav- believer in tolerance). 8 (also greater)
itational force. 2 property of having the larger of the name, species, etc.
weight. 3 a importance, seriousness, b (great auk; greater celandine). 9 colloq.
solemnity. [Latin: related to grave ] very enjoyable or satisfactory (had a
gravy /'greivi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 juices exud- great time). 10 (in comb.) (in names of
ing from meat during and after cooking. family relationships) denoting one de-
2 sauce for food, made from these etc. gree further removed upwards or down-
[perhaps from a misreading of French wards (great-uncle; great-great-grand-
grane from grain spice, grain] mother), -n. 1 great or outstanding
gravy-boat n. boat-shaped vessel for person or thing. 2 (in pi.) (Greats) col-
serving gravy. loq. (at Oxford University) honours
gravy train n. slang source of easy course or final examinations in classics
financial benefit. and philosophy. greatness n. [Old
gray US var. of grey. English]
grayling n. (pi. same) silver-grey fresh- Great Bear see bear 2 .

water [from grey, -ling]

fish, great circle n. circle on the surface of a
graze v. (-zing) 1 (of cattle, sheep, etc.)

sphere whose plane passes through the

eat growing grass. 2 a feed (cattle etc.) sphere's centre.
on growing grass, b feed on (grass). 3 greatcoat n. heavy overcoat.
pasture cattle. [Old English: related to Great Dane n. dog of a large short-
grass] haired breed.
graze -i>. (-zing) 1 rub or scrape (part of great deal n. = deal n. l.

the body, esp. the skin). 2 a touch lightly greatly adv. much; by a considerable
in passing, b (foil, by against, along, amount (greatly admired; greatly
etc.) move with a light passing contact. superior).
-n. abrasion, [perhaps from graze as
, great tit n. Eurasian songbird with
if 'take off the grass close to the ground'] black and white head markings.
grazier /'greizia(r)/ n. 1 person who Great War n. world war of 1914-18.
feeds cattle for market. 2 Austral, large- greave n. (usu. in pi.) armour for the
scale sheep-farmer etc. [from grass] shin. [French, = shin]
grazing n. grassland suitable for pas- grebe n. a kind of diving bird. [French]
turage. Grecian /'gri:J(8)n/ adj. (of architecture
grease /gri:s/ -n. 1 oily or fatty matter, or facial outline) Greek. [Latin Graecia
esp. as a lubricant. 2 melted fat of a dead Greece]
animal, -v. (-sing) smear or lubricate Grecian nose n. straight nose that
with grease. grease the palm of continues the line of the forehead with-
colloq. bribe. [Latin crassus (adj.) fat] out a dip.
greasepaint n. make-up used by greed n. excessive desire, esp. for food
actors. or wealth, [from greedy]
greaseproof adj. impervious to grease. greedy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having or
greaser n. slang member of a gang of showing greed. 2 (foil, by for, or to +
youths with long hair and motor cycles. infin.) very eager. greedily adv.
greasy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a of or like greediness n. [Old English]
grease, b smeared or covered with Greek -n. 1 a native or national of
grease, c containing or having too much Greece, b person of Greek descent. 2
grease. 2 a slippery, b (of a person or language of Greece, -adj. of Greece or
manner) unpleasantly unctuous, its people or language; Hellenic.
greasily adv. greasiness n. Greek to me colloq. incomprehensible
great /greit/ -adj. 1 a of a size, amount, to me. [Old English ultimately from
extent, or intensity considerably above Greek Graikoi]
the normal or average (a great hole; Greek cross n. cross with four equal
great fun), b also with implied admira- arms.
tion, contempt, etc., esp. in exclama- green -adj. 1of the colour between blue
tions (you great idiot!; great stuff!), c and yellow in the spectrum; coloured
green belt 384 Grey Friar
like grass. 2 covered with leaves or green-room n. room
in a theatre for
wood) unripe or
grass. 3 (of fruit etc. or actors and actresses who are off stage.
unseasoned. 4 not dried, smoked, or green-stick fracture n. bone-frac-
tanned. 5 inexperienced, gullible. 6 a (of ture, esp. in children, in which one side
the complexion) pale, sickly-hued. b jeal- of the bone is broken and one only bent.
ous, envious. 7 young, flourishing. 8 not greenstuff n. vegetation; green ve-
withered or worn out (a green old age). getables.
9 (also Green) concerned with protec- greensward n. expanse of grassy turf,
tion of the environment as a political green tea n. tea made from steam-dried
principle; not harmful to the environ- leaves.
ment, -n. 1 green colour or pigment. 2 Greenwich Mean Time /'grenitJV n.
green clothes or material. 3 a piece of local time on the meridian of Green-
public grassy land (village green), b wich, used as an international basis of
grassy area used for a special purpose time-reckoning.
(putting-green). 4 (in pi.) green veget- greenwood n. a wood in summer.
ables. 5 (also Green) supporter of an greeny adj. greenish.
environmentalist group or party, -v. greet v. 1 address politely or welcom-

make or become green. greenish adj. ingly on meeting or arrival. 2 receive or

greenly adv. greenness n. [Old Eng- acknowledge in a specified way. 3 (of a
lish] sight, sound, etc.) become apparent to or
green belt n. area of open land round a noticed by. [Old English]
city, designated for preservation. greet* v. Scot. weep. [Old English]
green card n. international insurance
greeting n. 1 act or instance of welcom-
document for motorists. ing etc. 2 words, gestures, etc., used to
greet a person 3 (often in pi. ) expression
greenery n. green foliage or growing .

of goodwill.
green-eyed adj. colloq. jealous,
greetings card n. decorative card sent
greenfinch to convey greetings.
n. finch with green and
yellow plumage.
gregarious /gri'gearias/ adj. 1 fond of
company. 2 living in flocks or commu-
green ringers n. colloq. skill in grow-
nities. gregariousness n. [Latin grex
ing plants.
gregis flock]
greenfly n. 1 green aphid. 2 these
Gregorian calendar /gri'gornan/ n.
calendar introduced in 1582 by Pope
greengage n. roundish green variety of Gregory XIII.
plum. [Sir W. Gage, name of a botanist]
Gregorian chant /gngoinan/ n.
greengrocer n. retailer of fruit and plainsong ritual music, named after
Pope Gregory I.
greengrocery n. (pi. -ies) 1 green-
gremlin /'gremlin/ n. colloq. imaginary
grocer's business. 2 goods sold by a mischievous sprite regarded as respons-
greengrocer. ible for mechanical faults etc. [origin
greenhorn n. inexperienced person; unknown]
new recruit. grenade /gn'neid/ n. small bomb
greenhouse n. light structure with the thrown by hand (hand-grenade) or
sides and roof mainly of glass, for rear- shot from a rifle. [French: related to
ing plants. pomegranate]
greenhouse effect n. trapping of the grenadier /,grena'di9(r)/ n. 1 (Grena-
sun's warmth in the lower atmosphere diers or Grenadier Guards) first regi-
of the earth, caused by an increase in ment of the royal household infantry. 2
carbon dioxide, methane, etc. hist, soldier armed with grenades.
greenhouse gas n. any of the gases, grew past of grow.
esp. carbon dioxide and methane, that grey /grei/ (US gray) -adj. 1 of a colour
contribute to the greenhouse effect. intermediate between black and white.
green light signal to proceed on a
n. 1 2 dull, dismal. 3 a (of hair) turning white
road, railway, etc. 2 colloq. permission with age etc. b having grey hair. 4
to proceed with a project. anonymous, unidentifiable. -n. 1 a grey
Green Paper n. preliminary report of colour or pigment, b grey clothes or
Government proposals, for discussion. material (dressed in grey). 2 grey or
green pound exchange rate for the
n. white horse, - v. make or become grey.
pound for payments for agricultural greyish adj. greyness n. [Old Eng-
produce in the EC. lish]
green revolution n. greatly increased grey area n. situation or topic not
crop production in underdeveloped clearly defined.
countries. Grey Friar n. Franciscan friar.
greyhound 385 grist
greyhound dog of a tall slender
n. grim adj. (grimmer, grimmest) 1 of
breed capable of high speed. [Old Eng- stern or forbidding appearance. 2
lish, = bitch-hound] harsh, merciless. 3 ghastly, joyless (has
greylag n. (in full greylag goose) Euro- a grim truth in it). 4 unpleasant, un-
pean wild goose, [from grey] attractive. grimly adv. grimness
grey matter n. 1 the darker tissues of n. [Old English]
the brain and spinal cord. 2 colloq. grimace /'gnmas, -'meis/ —n. distortion
intelligence. of the face made in disgust etc. or to
grey squirrel n. American squirrel amuse, -v. (-cing) make a grimace.
brought to Europe in the 19th c. [French from Spanish]
grid n. 1 grating. 2 system of numbered grime -n. soot or dirt ingrained in a
squares printed on a map and forming surface, -v. (-ming) blacken with
the basis of map references. 3 network grime; befoul. griminess n. grimy
of lines, electric-power connections, adj. (-ier, -iest). [Low German or Dutch]
gas-supply lines, etc. 4 pattern of lines grin -v. (-nn-) 1a smile broadly, show-
marking the starting-places on a motor- ing the teeth, b make a forced, unres-
racing track. 5 perforated electrode con- trained, or stupid smile. 2 express by
trolling the flow of electrons in a ther- grinning, -n. act of grinning. grin
mionic valve etc. 6 arrangement of town and bear it take pain etc. stoically. [Old
streets in a rectangular pattern, [from English]
gridiron] grind /gramd/ -v. (past and past part.
griddle /'gnd(a)l/ n. circular iron plate ground) 1 reduce to small particles or
placed over a source of heat for baking powder by crushing. 2 a sharpen or
etc. [Latin cratis hurdle]
smooth by friction, b rub or rub
gridiron /'grid.aian/ n. cooking utensil together gratingly. 3 (often foil, by
of metal bars for broiling or grilling.
down) oppress; harass with exactions. 4
[related to griddle]
a (often foil, by away) work or study
grief n. 1 intense sorrow. 2 cause of this. hard, b (foil, by out) produce with effort.
come to grief meet with disaster. -n. 1 act or instance of grinding. 2
[French: related to grieve]
colloq. hard dull work (the daily grind).
grievance /'gri:v(a)ns/ n. real or fan- 3 size of ground particles. grind to a
cied cause for complaint. [French:
halt stop laboriously. [Old English]
related to grief]
grieve v. (-ving) 1 cause grief to. 2 suffer
grinder n. 1 person or thing that grinds,
2 esp. a machine. 2 molar tooth.
grief. [Latin: related to grave ]
grievous adj. 1 (of pain etc.) severe. 2 grindstone n. 1 thick revolving disc
used for grinding, sharpening, and
causing grief. 3 injurious. 4 flagrant,
polishing. 2 a kind of stone used for this.
heinous. grievously adv. [French:
related to grieve]
keep one's nose to the grindstone
grievous bodily harm
n. Law serious
work hard and continuously.
injury inflicted intentionally.
grip - t>. (-pp-) 1 a grasp tightly, b take a
griffin /'gnfm/ n. (also gryphon /-f(a)n/) firm hold, esp. by friction. 2 compel the
attention of. -n. 1 a firm hold; tight
fabulous creature with an eagle's head
grasp, b manner of grasping or holding.
and wings and a lion's body. [Latin
gryphus from Greek] 2 power of holding attention. 3 a intel-
griffon /'gnf(8)n/ n. 1 dog of a small lectual mastery, b effective control of
terrier-like breed. 2 large vulture. 3 = one's behaviour etc. (lose one's grip). 4
griffin. [French, = griffin] a part of a machine that grips, b part by
grill -n. 1 a device on a cooker for which a weapon etc. is held. 5 = hair-
radiating heat downwards, b = grid- grip. 6 travelling bag. come (or get)
iron. 2 food cooked on a grill. 3 (in full to grips with approach purposefully;
grill room) restaurant specializing in begin to deal with. [Old English]
grilled food. -v. 1 cook or be cooked gripe -v. (-ping) 1 colloq. complain. 2
under a grill or on a gridiron. 2 subject affect with gastric pain. -n. 1 (usu. in
or be subjected to extreme heat. 3 sub- pi.) colic. 2 colloq. complaint. 3 grip,
ject to severe questioning. [French: clutch. [Old English]
related to griddle] Gripe Water n. propr. preparation to
grille n. (also grill) 1 grating or latticed relieve colic in infants.
screen, used as a partition etc. 2 metal grisly /'gnzli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) causing
grid protecting the radiator of a vehicle. horror, disgust, or fear. grisliness n.
grilse n. (pi. same or -s) young salmon [Old English]
that has returned to fresh water from grist n. corn to grind, n grist to the (or a
the sea for the first time, [origin person's) mill source of profit or ad-
unknown] vantage. [Old English: related to grind]
gristle 386 ground
gristle ,"gns(9)l/ n. tough flexible an- person etc.). 2 (of an ape clean and
imal tissue; cartilage. gristly /-sli/ comb the fur of (its fellow). 3 prepare or
adj. [Old English] train (a person) for a particular purpose
grit -rc. 1 particles of stone or sand, esp. or job. [origin unknown]
as irritating or hindering. 2 coarse sand- groove -n. 1 channel or elongated hol-
stone. 3 colloq. pluck, endurance, -v. low, esp. one made to guide motion or
(-tt-) 1 spread grit on (icy roads etc.). 2 receive a corresponding ridge. 2 spiral
clench (the teeth). 3 make a grating track cut in a gramophone record, -v.
sound. gritter n. gritty adj. (-ier, (-ving) 1 make a groove or grooves in. 2
-iest).[Old English] slang enjoy oneself. [Dutch]
grits 1 coarsely ground grain, esp. groovy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 slang excel-
oatmeal. 2 oats that have been husked lent. 2 of or like a groove.
but not ground. [Old English] grope -v. (-ping) 1 (usu. foil, by for) feel
grizzle /'griz(a)l/ v. (-ling) colloq. 1 (esp. about or search blindly. 2 (foil, by for,
of a child) cry fretfully. 2 complain after) search mentally. 3 feel (one's way)
whiningly. grizzly adj. [origin towards something. 4 slang fondle
unknown] clumsily for sexual pleasure, -n. act of
grizzled /'gnz(a)ld/ adj. 1 (of hair) grey groping. [Old English]
or streaked with grey. 2 having grizzled grosgrain /'graugrem/ n. corded fabric
hair, [grizzle grey from French grisel] of silk etc. [French, = coarse grain:
grizzly /'gnzli/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) grey, related to gross, grain]
grey-haired. -n. (pi. -ies) (in full grizzly gros point /grao "pwse/ n. cross-stitch
bear) large variety of brown bear, embroidery on canvas. [French: related
found in N. America. to gross, point]
groan -v. 1 a make a deep sound gross /graus/ -adj. 1 overfed, bloated. 2
expressing pain, grief, or disapproval, b (of a person, manners, or morals)
utter with groans. 2 (usu. foil, by under,
coarse, unrefined, or indecent. 3 fla-
beneath, with) be loaded or oppressed.
grant (gross negligence). 4 total; not net
-n. sound made in groaning. [Old
(gross tonnage). 5 (of the senses etc.)
dull. -v. produce as gross profit, -n. (pi.
groat n. hist, silver coin worth four old
same) amount equal to twelve dozen, z
pence. [Low German or Dutch: related
grossly adv. grossness n. [Latin
to great]
groats hulled or crushed grain,
gross domestic product n. total
esp. oats. [Old English]
value of goods produced and services
grocer n. dealer in food and household
provided in a country in one year.
provisions. [Anglo-French grosser from
Latin grossus gross]
gross national product n. gross
domestic product plus the total of net
grocery grocer's trade or
n. (pi. -ies) 1
shop. 2 (in pi.) goods, esp. food, sold by a
income from abroad.
grotesque /grau'tesk/-ad/. 1 comically
or repulsively distorted. 2 incongruous,
grog n. drink of spirit (orig. rum) and
water, [origin uncertain] absurd, -n. 1 decorative form inter-
groggy adj. (-ier, -iest) incapable or weaving human and animal features. 2
unsteady. groggily adv. grogginess comically distorted figure or design, z
grotesquely adv. grotesqueness n.

groin -n.
depression between the
[Italian: related to grotto]
belly and the thigh. 2 Archit. a edge grotto /'gmtau/ n. (pi. -es or
pictur--s) 1

formed by intersecting vaults, b arch esque cave. 2 artificial ornamental cave.

supporting a vault, -v. Archit. build [Italian grotta from Greek krupte
with groins, [origin uncertain] crypt]
grofrr US var. of groyne. grotty /'gmti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) slang
grommet /'grumit/ n. (also grummet unpleasant, dirty, shabby, unattractive,
/'grAmit/) 1 metal, plastic, or rubber [shortening of grotesque]
eyelet placed in a hole to protect or grouch colloq. -v. grumble, -n. 1 dis-
insulate a rope or cable etc. passed contented person. 2 fit of grumbling or
through it. 2 tube passed through the the sulks, z grouchy adj. (-ier, -iest).
eardrum to make a communication [related to grudge]
with the middle ear. [French] ground 1
-n. 1 a surface of the earth,
groom —n. 1 person employed to take esp. as contrasted with the air around it.
care of horses. 2 = bridegroom. 3 Mil. b part of this specified in some way (low
any of certain officers of the Royal ground). 2 a position, area, or distance
Household, -v. 1 a curry or tend (a on the earth's surface, b extent of a
horse), b give a neat appearance to (a subject dealt with (the book covers a lot
ground 387 growing pains
of ground). 3 (often in pi.) reason, justi- ground speed n. aircraft's speed rel-
fication. 4 area of a special kind or use ative to the ground.
(often in comb. cricket-ground; fishing-
: ground swell n. heavy sea caused by a
grounds). 5 (in pi.) enclosed land distant or past storm or an earthquake.
attached to a house etc. 6 area or basis groundwater n. water found in soil or
for agreement etc. (common ground). 7 in pores, crevices, etc., in rock.
(in painting etc.) the surface giving the groundwork n. preliminary or basic
predominant colour. 8 (in pi.) solid par- work.
ticles, esp. of coffee, forming a residue. 9 group /gru:p/ -n. 1 number of persons
USElectr. - earth n. 4. 10 bottom of the or things located close together, or con-
room etc. 12 (in full
sea. 11 floor of a sidered or classed together. 2 number of
ground bass) Mus. short theme in the people working together etc. 3 number
bass constantly repeated with the upper of commercial companies under com-
parts of the music varied. 13 (attrib.) (of mon ownership. 4 ensemble playing
animals) living on or in the ground; (of popular music. 5 division of an air force
plants) dwarfish or trailing, -u. 1 refuse etc. -v. 1 form or be formed into a group.
authority for (a pilot or an aircraft) to 2 (often foil, by with) place in a group or
fly. 2 a run (a ship) aground; strand, b groups. [Italian gruppo]
(of a ship) run aground. 3 (foil, by in) group captain n. RAF officer next
instruct thoroughly (in a subject). 4 below air commodore.
(often as grounded adj.) (foil, by on) groupie n. slang ardent follower of
base (a principle, conclusion, etc.) on. 5 touring pop groups, esp. a young
US Electr. = earth v. break new (or woman seeking sexual relations with
fresh) ground treat a subject pre- their members.
viously not dealt with, get off the group therapy n. therapy in which
people are brought together to assist
ground colloq. make a successful start,
give (or lose) ground retreat, decline, one another psychologically.
go to ground 1 (of a fox etc.) enter its
grouse 1
n. (pi same) 1 game-bird with a

earth etc. 2 (of a person) become inac-

plump body and feathered legs. 2 its
flesh as food, [origin uncertain]
cessible for a prolonged period, hold
one's ground not retreat, on
grouse 2 colloq. -v. (-sing) grumble or
complain, -n. complaint, [origin
grounds of because of. [Old English]
ground 2 past and past part, of grind. grout —n. thin fluid mortar, -v. provide
ground control n. personnel directing or fill with grout, [origin uncertain]
the landing etc. of aircraft etc.
grove n. small wood or group of trees.
ground cover n. low-growing plants
[Old English]
covering the surface of the earth.
grovel ,/'grDv(8)l/ v. (-11-; US-1-) 1 behave
ground elder n. garden weed spread- obsequiously. 2 lie prone in abject
ing by means of underground stems. humility, z grovelling adj. [obsolete
ground floor n. floor of a building at grovelling (adv.) from Old Norse a
ground level.
grufu face down]
ground frost n. frost on the surface of grow /grau/ v. (past grew; past part.
the ground or in the top layer of soil. grown) 1 increase in size, height, quant-
ground glass n. 1 glass made non- ity, degree, etc. 2 develop or exist as a
transparent by grinding etc. 2 glass living plant or natural product. 3 a
ground to a powder. produce (plants etc.) by cultivation, b
grounding n. basic training or allow (a beard etc.) to develop. 4 become
instruction. gradually (grow rich). 5 (foil, by on)
groundless adj. without motive or become gradually more favoured by. 6
foundation. (in passive; foil, by over etc.) be covered
groundnut n. = peanut 1, 2. with a growth, grow out of 1 become
ground-plan plan of a building at
n. 1 too large to wear. 2 become too mature
ground level. 2 general outline of a to retain (a habit etc.). 3 develop from,
scheme. grow up 1 advance to maturity. 2 (of a
ground-rent n. rent for land leased for custom) arise. [Old English]
building. grower n. 1 (often in comb.) person
groundsel /'grauns(8)l/ n. wild plant growing produce (fruit-grower). 2 plant
with small yellow flowers, used as a food that grows in a specified way (fast
for cage-birds etc. [Old English] grower).
groundsheet n. waterproof sheet for growing pains 1 early difficulties

spreading on the ground. in the development of a project etc. 2

groundsman n. person who maintains neuralgic pain in children's legs due to
a sports ground. fatigue etc.
growl 388 guardian
growl -v. 1 foil, by an make a
a (often cloth etc. covering only the genitals and
low guttural sound, usu. of anger, b attached to a string round the waist.
murmur angrily. 2 rumble. 3 (often foil, G-Suit d3i:su:t. -sju:t n. garment with
by out) utter with a growl, -n. 1 growl- inflatable pressurized pouches, worn by
ing sound. 2 angry murmur. 3 rumble, pilots and astronauts to enable them to
[probably imitative] withstand high acceleration, [g = gra-
grown past part, of grow. vity. SUIT]
grown-up -adj. adult, -n. adult per- GT n. high-performance saloon car. [It-
son. alian gran turismo great touring]
growth grauB n. 1 act or process of guano 'gwa:n8u n. (pi. -s) 1 excrement
growing. 2 increase in size or value. 3 of sea birds, used as manure. 2 artificial
something that has grown or is growing. manure, esp. that made from fish.
4 Med. morbid formation. [Spanish from Quechua]
growth industry n. industry that is guarantee gaeranti: -n. 1 a formal
developing rapidly. promise or assurance, esp. that some-
groyne n. US groin) timber, stone, or
thing is and dur-
of a specified quality
concrete wall built at right angles to the ability, b document giving such an
coast to check beach erosion, [dial. undertaking. 2 = guaranty. 3 person
groin snout, from French] making a guaranty or giving a security.
grub -it 1 larva of an insect. 2 colloq. -v. (-tees, -teed) 1 a give or serve as a
food. -i'. <-bb-)1 dig superficially. 2 (foil,
guarantee for. b provide with a guaran-
by up. out) a extract by digging, b tee. 2 give a promise or assurance. 3
extract (information etc.) "by searching (foil, by to) secure the possession of (a
in books etc. 3 rummage. [Old English]
thing) for a person, [related to war-
grubby adj. <-ier. -iestj 1 dirty. 2 of or
infested with grubs, z grubbily adv.
guarantor gaeranto:(r) n. person
grubbiness it
who gives a guarantee or guaranty.
grudge -n. persistent feeling of ill will
guaranty gaerann n. (pi. -ies) 1 writ-
or resentment, -v. (-ging) 1 be resent-
ten or other undertaking to answer for
fully unwilling to give or allow. 2 (foil,
the payment of a debt or for the perform-
by verbal noun or to - infin.) be reluct-
ance of an obligation by another person
ant to do. [French]
liable in the first instance. 2 thing serv-
gruel gru:al n. liquid food of oatmeal
ing as security.
etc. boiled in milk or water. [French
from Germanic]
guard ga:d -v. 1 (often foil, by from,
against) watch over and defend or pro-
gruelling adj. (US grueling) ex-
tect. 2 keep watch by (a door etc.) to
tremely demanding or tiring.
control entry or exit. 3 supervise (pri-
gruesome gru:s9m horrible,
soners etc.) and prevent from escaping.
grisly, disgusting, z gruesomely adv.
4 keep (thoughts or speech) in check. 5
gruff adj. 1 a (of a voice) low and harsh,
(foil,by against) take precautions. -n. 1
state of vigilance. 2 person who protects
b (of a person) having a gruff voice. 2
surly, z gruffly adv. gruffness n. [Low
or keeps watch. 3 soldiers etc. protect-
German or Dutch grof coarse] ing a place or person: escort. 4 official in
grumble grAmb(a)l -v. (-ling)1 com- general charge of a train. 5 part of an
plain peevishly. 2 rumble, -n. 1 com- army detached for some purpose (ad-
plaint. 2 rumble, z grumbler n. [obsol- vance guard). 6 (in pi) (usu. Guards)
ete grumme] body of troops nominally employed to
grummet var. of grommet. guard a monarch. 7 thing that protects
grumpy gr.\mpi adj. (-ier. -iest) (fire-guard). 8 US prison warder. 9 de-
morosely irritable, z grumpily adv. fensive posture or motion in boxing etc.
grumpiness n. [imitative] be on 'or keep or stand) guard keep
grunt -n. 1 low guttural sound made by watch, off (or off one's) guard unpre-
a pig. 2 similar sound. -i\ 1 make a pared for some surprise or difficulty, on
grunt. 2 make a similar sound, esp. to •
or on one's) guard prepared for all
express discontent. 3 utter with a grunt. contingencies. [Germanic: related to
[Old English, imitative] ward]
Gruyere 'gru:jeafr) n. a firm pale guarded adj. (of a remark etc.) cau-
cheese. [Gruyere in Switzerland] tious, z guardedly adv.
gryphon var. of griffin. guardhouse n. building used to accom-
G7 attrib. adj. designating the world's modate a military guard or to detain
seven richest nations. [Group of Seven] prisoners.
G-string d5i:stnn n. 1 Mus. string guardian ga:dian n. 1 protector,
sounding the note G. 2 narrow strip of keeper. 2 person having legal custody of
guardroom 389 guinea-pig
another, esp. a minor. guardianship book with essential information on a
n. [French: related to ward, warden] subject, esp. = guidebook. 6 thing
guardroom n. room serving the same marking a position or guiding the eye. 7
purpose as a guardhouse, bar etc. directing the motion of some-
guardsman n. soldier belonging to a thing. 8 (Guide) member of a girls'
body of guards or regiment of Guards, organization similar to the Scouts, -v.
guava /'gwa:va/ n. 1 edible pale orange (-ding) 1 act as guide to. 2 be the prin-
fruit with pink flesh. 2 tree bearing this. ciple or motive of. [French from Ger-
[Spanish] manic]
gubernatorial /,gju:ban9'to:ri8l/ adj. guidebook n. book of information
esp. US of or relating to a governor. about a place for tourists etc.
[Latin gubernator governor] guided missile missile under re-
gudgeon 1
/'gAd3(a)n/ small fresh-
n. mote control or directed by equipment
water fish often used as bait. [French within itself.
goujon from Latin gobio goby] guide-dog n. dog trained to guide a
gudgeon 2 /'gAd3(o)n/ «.1a kind of pivot. blind person.
2 tubular part of a hinge. 3 socket for a guideline n. principle directing action.
rudder. 4 pin holding two blocks of Guider n. adult leader of Guides.
stone etc. together. [French diminutive: guild /gild/ n. (also gild) 1 association of
related to gouge] people for mutual aid or the pursuit of a
guelder rose /'gelda(r)/ n. shrub with common goal. 2 medieval association of
round bunches of creamy-white craftsmen or merchants. [Low German
flowers. [Dutch from Gelderland in the or Dutch gilde]
Netherlands] guilder /'gilda(r)/ n. chief monetary
Guernsey one of a
/'g3:nzi/ n. (pi. -s) 1
unit of the Netherlands, [alteration of
breed of dairy cattle from Guernsey in Dutch gulden golden]
the Channel Islands. 2 (guernsey) type
guildhall n. meeting-place of a medi-
of thick woollen sweater.
eval guild; town hall.
guerrilla /ga nla/ n. (also guerilla) guile /gail/ n. cunning or sly behaviour;
member of a small independently acting treachery, deceit. guileful adj. guile-
(usu. political) group taking part in
less adj. [French from Scandinavian]
irregular fighting. [Spanish diminutive:
guillemot /'gili.mot/ n. fast-flying sea
related to war]
bird nesting on cliffs etc. [French]
guess /ges/ -i>. 1 (often absol.) estimate guillotine /'gila.tim/ -n. 1 machine
without calculation or measurement. 2
with a blade sliding vertically in
form a hypothesis or opinion about;
grooves, used for beheading. 2 device
conjecture; think likely. 3 conjecture or
for cutting paper etc. 3 method of pre-
estimate correctly. 4 (foil, by at) make a
venting delay in the discussion of a
conjecture about, -n. estimate, conjec-
legislative bill by fixing times at which
ture. I guess colloq. I think it likely; I
various parts of it must be voted on. —v.
suppose, [origin uncertain]
(-ning) use a guillotine on. [Guillotin,
guesswork n. process of or results got
by guessing. name of a physician]
guilt /gilt/ n. 1 fact of having committed
guest /gest/ n. 1 person invited to visit
another's house or to have a meal etc. at a specified or implied offence. 2 feeling
another's expense. 2 person lodging at a of having done wrong. [Old English]
hotel etc. 3 outside performer invited to guiltless adj. (often foil, by of an
take part with a regular body of per- offence) innocent.
formers. [Old Norse] guilty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 culpable of or
guest-house n. private house offering responsible for a wrong. 2 conscious of
paid accommodation. or affected by guilt. 3 causing a feeling of
guestimate /'gestimat/ n. (also guess- guilt (a guilty secret). 4 (often foil, by of)
timate) colloq. estimate based on a mix- having committed a (specified) offence.
ture of guesswork and calculation, guiltily adv. guiltiness n. [Old Eng-
[from guess, estimate] lish: related to guilt]
guff n. slang empty talk, [imitative] guinea /'gmi/ n. 1 hist, sum of 21 old
guffaw /gA'fo:/ -n. boisterous laugh. -v. shillings (£1.05). 2 hist, former British
utter a guffaw, [imitative] gold coin first coined for the African
guidance /'gaid(a)ns/ n. 1 advice or trade. [Guinea in W. Africa]
direction for solving a problem etc. 2 guinea-fowl n. African fowl with slate-
guiding or being guided. coloured white-spotted plumage.
guide /gaid/ -H. 1 person who leads or guinea-pig n. 1 domesticated S. Amer-
shows the way. 2 person who conducts ican cavy. 2 person used in an experi-
tours. 3 adviser. 4 directing principle. 5 ment.
guipure 390 gunny
guipure 'gi:pjua(r) n. heavy lace of gumdrop n. hard translucent sweet
linen pieces joined by embroidery. made with gelatin etc.
[French] gummy adj. (-ier. -iest) 1 sticky. 2
guise gaiz n. 1 assumed appearance; exuding gum.
pretence. 2 external appearance. [Ger- gummy 2
adj. (-ier. -iest) toothless,
manic: related to wise-] gumption 'g.unpJVam n. colloq. 1

guitar gi'ta:(r) n. usu. six-stringed resourcefulness, initiative. 2 common

musical instrument played with the sense, [origin unknown]
fingers or a plectrum. guitarist n. gum-tree n. tree exuding gum. esp. a

[Greek kithara harp] eucalyptus, z up a gum-tree colloq. in

Gujarati ,gud3a'ra:ti (also Gujerati) great difficulties.
-n. (pi. native of Gujarat. 2 lan-
-s) 1 gun -n. 1 weapon consisting of a metal
guage of Gujarat, -adj. of Gujarat, its tube from which bullets or other mis-
people, or language. [Gujarat. State in siles are propelled with great force, esp.
India] by a contained explosion. 2 starting
gulch n. US ravine, esp. one in which a pistol. 3 device for discharging insect-

torrent flows, [origin uncertain] icide, grease etc.. in the required direc-
gulf n. 1 stretch of sea consisting of a tion. 4 member of a shooting-party. 5 US

deep inlet with a narrow mouth. 2 deep gunman, -v. f-nn-) 1 a (usu. foil, by
hollow: chasm. 3 wide difference of feel- down) shoot (a person) with a gun. b
ings, opinion, etc. [Greek kolpos] shoot at with a gun. 2 go shooting. 3 (foil,
Gulf Stream n. warm current flowing by for) seek out determinedly to attack
from the Gulf of Mexico to Newfound- or rebuke, z go great guns colloq.
land where it is deflected across the proceed vigorously or successfully,
Atlantic Ocean. stick to one's guns colloq. maintain
one's position under attack, [perhaps an
gull' n. long-winged web-footed sea bird,
abbreviation of the Scandinavian
[probably Welsh guy lan]
gull 2 v. dupe, fool, [perhaps from obsol-
woman's name Gunnhildr. applied to
cannon etc.]
ete gull yellow from Old Norse]
gullet QAlit n. food-passage extending
gunboat n. small vessel with heavy
from the mouth to the stomach. [Latin
gula throat]
gunboat diplomacy n. political nego-
backed by the threat of force.
gullible adj. easily persuaded or
gun-carriage n. wheeled support for a
deceived, c gullibility biliti n. [from -

GULL 2 ]
gun-cotton n. explosive made by steep-
gully 'g.vh n. (pi. -ies) 1 water-worn
ing cotton in acids.
ravine. 2 gutter or drain. 3 Cricket field-
gun dog n. dog trained to retrieve game
ing position between point and slips. shot by sportsmen.
[French goulet: related to gullet] gunfight n. US fight with firearms, z
gulp — v. 1 Coften foil, by down) swallow- gunfighter n.
hastily, greedily, or with effort. 2 swal- gunfire n. firing of a gun or guns.
low gaspingly or with difficulty: choke. 3 gunge g.\nd3 colloq. -n. sticky or vis-
(foil, by down, back) suppress (esp.
cous matter, -v. (-ging) (usu. foil, by up)
tears), -n. 1 act of gulping. 2 large clog with gunge, z gungy adj. [origin
mouthful of a drink. [Dutch gulpen. uncertain]
imitative] gung-ho gArj'hao adj. zealous, arrog-
gum 1
a viscous secretion of some
-n. 1 antly eager. [Chinese gonghe work
trees and shrubs, b adhesive substance together]
made from this. 2 US chewing gum. 3 = gunman n. man armed with a gun. esp.
GUMDROP. 4 = GUM ARABIC. 5 = GUM- when committing a crime.
TREE, -v. (-mm-) 1 (usu. foil, by down, gun-metal n. 1 a dull bluish-grey col-
together, etc.) fasten with gum. 2 apply our. 2 alloy formerly used for guns.
gum to. g gum up colloq. interfere with gunnel var. of gunwale.
the smooth running of. [Greek kommi gunner n. 1 artillery soldier (esp. as an
from Egyprian kemai] official term for a private). 2 Naut
gum- n. (usu. in pi) firm flesh around warrant-officer in charge of a battery,
the roots of the teeth. [Old English] magazine, etc. 3 member of an aircraft
gum" n. by gum! colloq. by God! crew who operates a gun.
[corruption of God] gunnery n. 1 construction and manage-
gum arabic n. gum exuded by some ment of large guns. 2 firing of guns.
kinds of acacia. gunny 'gAni n. (pi. -ies) 1 coarse sack-
gumboil n. small abscess on the gum. ing, usu. of jute fibre. 2 sack made of
gumboot n. rubber boot. this. [Hindi and Marathi]
gunpoint 391 gymnast
gunpoint n. gunpoint threatened
at person's guts colloq. dislike a person
with a gun or an ultimatum etc. intensely. [Old English]
gunpowder explosive made of
n. salt- gutless adj. colloq. lacking courage or
petre, sulphur, and charcoal. energy.
gunrunner n. person engaged in the
gutsy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 cour-
illegal sale or importing of firearms. ageous. 2 greedy.
gunrunning n.
gutta-percha /,gAt8'p3:tfa/ n. tough
gunshot n. 1 shot fired from a gun. 2
rubbery substance obtained from latex.
range of a gun (within gunshot).
gunslinger n. esp. US slang gunman.
gunsmith n. maker and repairer of
gutted adj. slang utterly exhausted or
small firearms. fed-up.
gunwale /'gAn(a)l/ n. (also gunnel) gutter -n. 1 shallow trough below the

upper edge of the side of a boat or eaves of a house, or a channel at the side
ship, [from gun, wale, because it was of a street, to carry off rainwater. 2
formerly used to support guns] (prec. by the) poor or degraded back-
guppy /'gApi/ n. (pi. -ies) freshwater fish ground or environment. 3 open conduit.
of the W. Indies and S. America fre- 4 groove, -v. (of a candle) burn unstead-
quently kept in aquariums. [Guppy, ily and melt away rapidly. [Latin gutta
name of a clergyman] drop]
gurgle /'g3:g(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 make a guttering n. 1 gutters of a building etc.
bubbling sound as of water from a 2 material for gutters.
bottle. 2 utter with such a sound, -n.
gutter press n. sensational news-
gurgling sound, [probably imitative]
Gurkha /'g3:k9/ n. of the
1 member
guttersnipe n. street urchin.
dominant Hindu race in Nepal. 2 Nep-
alese soldier serving in the British
guttural /'gAtar(a)l/ -adj. 1 throaty,
army. [Sanskrit] harsh-sounding. 2 Phonet. (of a conson-
gurnard /'g3:nad/ n. (pi. same or -s) ant) produced in the throat or by the
marine fish with a large spiny head and back of the tongue and palate. 3 of the
finger-like pectoral rays. [French] throat, -n. Phonet. guttural consonant
guru /'guru:/ n. (pi. -s) 1 Hindu spiritual (e.g. k, g). gutturally adv. [Latin
teacher or head of a religious sect. 2 guttur throat]
influential or revered teacher. [Hindi] guv n. slang = governor 7. [abbrevia-
gush -f. 1 emit or flow in a sudden and tion]
copious stream. 2 speak or behave ef- guy 1
/gai/ -rc. 1 colloq. man; fellow. 2
fusively, -n. 1 sudden or copious effigy of Guy Fawkes burnt on 5 Nov. —v.
stream. 2 effusive manner, [probably ridicule. [Guy Fawkes, name of a con-
gusher n. 1 oil well from which oil flows
guy 2 /gai/ -n. rope or chain to secure a
without being pumped. 2 effusive per-
tent or steady a crane-load etc. -v.
gusset /'gASit/ n. 1 piece let into a gar- secure with a guy or guys, [probably
ment etc. to strengthen or enlarge it. 2 Low German]
bracket strengthening an angle of a guzzle /'gAz(a)l/ v. (-ling) eat or drink
structure. [French] greedily, [probably French gosiller
gust-rc. 1 sudden strong rush of wind. 2 from gosier throat]
burst of rain, smoke, emotion, etc. -v. gybe /d3aib/ v. (US jibe) (-bing) 1 (of a
blow in gusts. gusty adj. (-ier, -iest). fore-and-aft sail or boom) swing across.
[Old Norse] 2 cause (a sail) to do this. 3 (of a ship or
gusto /'gAStau/ n. zest; enjoyment. its crew) change course so that this
[Latin gustus taste] happens. [Dutch]
gut -n. 1 the intestine. 2 (in pi.) the gym /d3im/ n. colloq. 1 gymnasium. 2
bowel or entrails. 3 (in pi.) colloq. per- gymnastics, [abbreviation]
sonal courage and determination; per-
gymkhana /d3im'ka:na/ n. horse-
severance. 4 slang stomach, belly. 5 (in
riding competition. [Hindustani
pi.) a contents, b essence. 6 a material
gendkhdna ball-house, assimilated to
for violin strings etc. b material for
fishing-lines made from the silk-glands
of silkworms. 7 (attrib.) a instinctive (a gymnasium /d3im'neiziam/ n. (pi. -s or

gut reaction), b fundamental (a gut -sia) room or building equipped for

issue), -v. (-tt-) 1 remove or destroy the gymnastics. [Greek gumnos naked]
internal fittings of (a house etc.). 2 gymnast person
/'d3imnaest/ n. who
remove the guts of (a fish). hate a does gymnastics, esp. an expert.
gymnastic 392 gyroscope
gymnastic d3im'naestik adj. of or N. America, of Hindu origin with dark
involving gymnastics. gymnast- skin and hair. 2 (gypsy) person resem-
ically adv. bling or living like a Gypsy, [from
gymnastics (also treated as sing.) Egyptian]
1 exercises performed in order to de-
gyrate ,d3aia'reit v. (-ting) move in a
velop or display physical agility. 2 other
circle or spiral; revolve, whirl, z
forms of physical or mental agility.
gymnosperm 'd3imnau,sp3:m n. any gyration -'reij(a)n n. gyratory adj.

of a group of plants having seeds unpro-

[Greek: related to gyro-]
tected by an ovary, including conifers, gyrfalcon 'd33:,f3:lken n. large falcon
cycads, and ginkgos. [Greek gumnos of the northern hemisphere. [French
naked] from Old Norse]
gymp var. of gimp. gyro 'd3ai9rau n. (pi -s) colloq. =
gymslip n. sleeveless tunic worn by gyroscope, [abbreviation]
gynae 'gaini n. (also gynie) colloq. gyro- comb, form rotation. [Greek guros
gynaecology, [abbreviation]. ring]
gynaecology ,gami'kDl9d3i n. (US gyrocompass ^aiarau.kAmpes n.
gynecology) science of the physiolo- compass giving true north and bearings
gical functions and diseases of women, from it by means of a gyroscope.
z gynaecological -k8'lod3ik(a)l adj.
gynaecologist n. [Greek gune gunaik- gyroscope 'dsaiara.skaop n. rotating
woman, -logy] wheel whose axis is free to turn but
gypsum 'd3ipsam n. mineral used esp. maintains a fixed direction unless per-
make plaster of Paris. [Greek gupsos]
to turbed, esp. used for stabilization or
Gypsy n. (also Gipsy) (pi. -ies) 1 mem- with the compass in an aircraft, ship,
ber of a nomadic people of Europe and etc.
H /eitJV n. (also h) (pi. Hs or H's) 1 eighth
hachures /hae'Jjua(r)/ parallel
letter of the alphabet (see aitch). 2 lines on a map indicating the degree of
anything having the form of an H (esp. steepness of hills. [French: related to
in comb. H-girder). : HATCH 3 ]

H 2
abbr. (also H.) 1 (of a pencil-lead) hacienda /,haesi'enda/<rt. (in Spanish-
hard. 2 (water) hydrant. 3 slang heroin. speaking countries) estate with a dwell-
4 henry(s). ing-house. [Spanish, from Latin
H 3
symb. hydrogen. facienda things to be done]
h. abbr. (also h) 1 hecto-. 2 (also h) hack -v. 1 cut or chop roughly. 2

height. 3 hot. 4 hour(s). Football etc. kick the shin of (an oppon-
Ha symb. hahnium. ent). 3 (often foil, by at) deliver cutting
ha 1
/ha:/ (also hah) -int. expressing blows. 4 cut (one's way) through foliage
surprise, derision, triumph, etc. (cf. ha etc. 5 colloq. gain unauthorized access to
ha), -v. in hum
and ha: see hum. (data in a computer). 6 slang manage,
[imitative] cope with; tolerate. 7 (as hacking adj.)
ha 2 abbr. hectare(s). (of a cough) short, dry, and frequent. - n.
habeas corpus /.heibias 'ko:pas/ n.
1 kick with the toe of a boot. 2 gash or
writ requiring a person to be brought wound, esp. from a kick. 3 a mattock, b
before a judge or into court, esp. to miner's pick. [Old English]
investigate the lawfulness of his or her hack 2 -/*. 1 a = hackney, b horse let out
detention. [Latin, = you must have the
for hire. 2 person hired to do dull rou-
body] tine work, esp. writing, -attrib. adj. 1
haberdasher /'haeba.daejatr)/ n. dealer used as a hack. 2 typical of a hack;
in dress accessories and sewing-goods.
commonplace (hack work), -v. ride on
haberdashery n. (pi. -ies). [probably horseback on a road at an ordinary
pace, [abbreviation of hackney]
habiliment /ha'bilimant/ n. (usu. in pi.)
hacker n. 1 person or thing that hacks
archaic clothes. [French from habiller
or cuts roughly. 2 colloq. a person whose
fit out]
hobby is computing or computer pro-
habit /'haebit/ n. 1 settled or regular
gramming, b person who uses a com-
tendency or practice (often foil, by of +
puter to gain unauthorized access to a
verbal noun: has a habit of ignoring
computer network.
me). 2 practice that is hard to give up. 3
mental constitution or attitude. 4 dress,
hackle /'haek(a)l/ n. 1 a (in pi.) erectile
hairs on an animal's neck, rising when
esp. of a religious order. [Latin habeo
it is angry or alarmed, b feather(s) on
habit- have]
habitable adj. suitable for living in.
the neck of a domestic cock etc. 2 steel
habitability /-'biliti/ n. [Latin habito
comb for dressing flax. make one's
hackles rise cause one to be angry or
habitat /'haebi.taet/ n.of natural home indignant. [Old English]
an animal or plant. dwells]
[Latin, = it
hackney /'haekni/ n. (pi. -s) horse for

habitation /,haebi'teij(a)n/ n. 1 inhabit- ordinary riding. [Hackney in London]

ing (fitfor habitation). 2 house or home. hackney carriage n. taxi.
habit-forming adj. causing addiction. hackneyed /'haeknid/ adj. (of a phrase
habitual /ha'bitjual/ adj. 1 done con- etc.) made trite by overuse.
stantly or as a habit. 2 regular, usual. 3 hacksaw n. saw with a narrow blade
given to a (specified) habit (habitual set in a frame, for cutting metal.
smoker). habitually adv. had past and past part, of have.
habituate /ha'bitju.eit/ v. (-ting) (often haddock /'haedak/ n. (pi. same) N.
foil, by to) accustom, n habituation Atlantic marine fish used as food,
/-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to habit] [probably French]
habitue /ha'bitju.ei/ n. habitual visitor Hades /'heidi:z/ n. (in Greek mythology)
or resident. [French] the underworld. [Greek, originally a
hdcek /'haetjek/ n. diacritic O placed name of Pluto]
hadj var. of hajj.
over a letter to modify its sound in some
languages. [Czech, diminutive of hdk hadji var. of hajji.
hook] hadn't ,/'haed(a)nt/ contr. had not.
haemal 394 hairpin bend
haemal /'hi:m(a)l/ adj. (US hem-) of the haiku same) very short
/'haiku:/ n. (pi.
blood. [Greek haima blood] Japanese three-part poem of usu. 17
haematite /'hi:ma,tait/ n. (US hem-) a syllables. [Japanese]
ferric oxide ore. [Latin: related to hail -n. 1 pellets of frozen rain. 2 (foil,
haemal] by of) barrage or onslaught, -v. 1 a
haematology /,hi:ma'tDl8d3i/ n. (US (prec. by it as subject) hail falls, b come
hem-) the study of the blood. haem- down forcefully. 2 pour down (blows,
atologist n. words, [Old English]
haemoglobin /.hiima'glaubm/ n. (US hail 2 -v. signal to (a taxi etc.) to stop. 2
hem-) oxygen-carrying substance in the greet enthusiastically. 3 acclaim (hailed
red blood cells of vertebrates, [from him king). 4 (foil, by from) originate or
globulin] come (hails from Leeds), -int. archaic
haemophilia /.hiima'filia/ n. (US hem-) or joc. expressing greeting, -n. act of
hereditary failure of the blood to clot hailing. [Old Norse heill: related to
normally with the tendency to bleed wassail]
severely from even a slight injury. hail-fellow-well-met adj. friendly,
[Greek haima blood, philia loving] esp. too friendly towards strangers.
haemophiliac n. (US hem-) person Hail Mary n. the Ave Maria (see Ave).
with haemophilia. hailstone n. pellet of hail.
haemorrhage hemand3/ (US hem-)
/ hailstorm n. period of heavy hail.
-n. 1 profuse loss of blood from a rup- hair n. 1 a any of the fine threadlike
tured blood-vessel. 2 damaging loss, esp. strands growing from the skin of mam-
of people or assets, -v. (-ging) suffer a mals, esp. from the human head, b these
haemorrhage. [Greek haima blood, collectively (has long hair). 2 thing
rhegnumi burst] resembling a hair. 3 elongated cell grow-
haemorrhoids /'hema.roidz/ (US ing from a plant. 4 very small quantity
hem-) swollen veins in the wall of the or extent (also attrib. hair crack).
: get
anus; piles. [Greek haima blood, -rhoos in a person's hair colloq. annoy a
-flowing] person, keep one's hair on colloq. keep
hafnium /'haefniam/ n. silvery lustrous calm; not get angry, let one's hair
metallic element. [Latin Hafnia down colloq. enjoy oneself by abandon-
Copenhagen] ing restraint, make one's hair stand
haft /ha:ft/ n. handle of a dagger, knife, on end colloq. horrify one. not turn a
etc. [Old English] hair remain unmoved or unaffected,
hag n. 1 ugly old woman. 2 witch. [Old hairless adj. [Old English]
English] hairbrush n. brush for tidying the
haggard /'haegad/ adj. looking hair.
exhausted and distraught. [French haircloth n. stiff cloth woven from
hagard] hair.
haggis /'haegis/ n. Scottish dish of offal haircut n.act of cutting the hair

boiled in a sheep's stomach with suet, (needs a haircut). 2 style in which the
oatmeal, etc. [origin unknown] hair is cut.
haggle /'haeg(8)l/ -v. (-ling) (often foil, hairdo n. (pi. -s) style of or act of styling
by about, over) bargain persistently, -n. the hair.
haggling. [Old Norse] hairdresser n. 1 person who cuts and
hagio- comb, form of saints. [Greek styles the hair, esp. for a living. 2 hair-
hagios holy] dresser's shop. hairdressing n.
hagiography /.haegi'Dgrafi/ n. writing hair-drier n. (also hair-dryer) device
about saints' lives. hagiographer n. for drying the hair with warm air.
hagiology /,haegi'Dl8d3i/ n. literature hairgrip n. flat hairpin with the ends
dealing with the lives and legends of close together.
saints. hairline n. 1 edge of a person's hair,
hagridden adj. afflicted by nightmares esp. on the forehead. 2 very narrow line,
or anxieties, crack (usu. hairline crack), etc.
hah var. of ha
. hairnet n. piece of netting for confining
ha ha /ha:'ha:/ int. representing the hair.
laughter (iron, when spoken). [Old hair of the dog n. further alcoholic
English] drink taken to cure the effects of drink.
ha-ha /'ha:ha:/ n. ditch with a wall in it, hairpiece n. quantity of hair augment-
forming a boundary or fence without ing a person's natural hair.
interrupting the view. [French] hairpin n. U-shaped pin for fastening
hahnium /'hainiam/ n. artificially pro- the hair.
duced radioactive element. [Hahn, hairpin bend n. sharp U-shaped bend
name of a chemist] in a road.
hair-raising 395 half-sister
hair-raising adj. terrifying, half long enough). 3 colloq. not at all
hair's breadth n. a tiny amount or (not half bad). [Old English]
hair shirt
Usage In sense 3 of the adverb, the
n. shirt of haircloth, worn word 'past' is often omitted in colloquial
formerly by penitents and ascetics.
usage, e.g. came at half two. In some
hair-slide n. clip for keeping the hair in
parts of Scotland and Ireland this
means 'half past one'.
hair-splitting adj. & n. quibbling,
hairspray n. liquid sprayed on the hair half-and-half adj. being half one thing
to keep in place.
it and half another.
hairspring n. fine spring regulating half-back n. Sport player between the
the balance-wheel in a watch. forwards and full backs.
hairstyle n. way of arrang-
particular half-baked adj. colloq. 1 not tho-
ing the hair. hairstylist n. roughly thought out; foolish. 2 (of en-
hair-trigger trigger of a firearm set
n. thusiasm etc.) only partly committed.
for release at the slightest pressure. half board n. provision of bed, break-
hairy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 covered with fast, and one main meal at a hotel etc.
hair. 2 slang frightening, dangerous, half-breed n. offens. = half-caste.
hairiness n. half-brother n. brother with whom
hajj /haed3/ n. (also hadj) Islamic pilgrim- one has only one parent in common.
age to Mecca. [Arabic] half-caste n. offens. person of mixed
hajji /'haed3i/ n. (also hadji) (pi. -s) race.
Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to half-crown n. (also half a crown) for-
Mecca. [Persian from Arabic] mer coin and monetary unit worth 2s.
haka /'ha:ka/ n. NZ 1 Maori ceremonial 6d. (12VoP).
war dance with chanting. 2 imitation of half-cut adj. slang fairly drunk.
this by a sports team before a match. half-dozen n. (also half a dozen) col-
[Maori] loq. six, or about six.
hake n. (pi. same) marine fish resem- half-duplex n. Computing (of a circuit)
bling the cod, used as food, [origin un- allowing the two-way transmission of
certain] signals but not simultaneously.
halal /ha:'la:l/ n. (also hallal) (often half-hardy adj. (of a plant) able to grow
attrib.) meat from an animal killed in the open except in severe frost.
according to Muslim law. [Arabic] half-hearted adj. lacking enthusiasm.
halberd /'haelbad/ n. hist, combined half-heartedly adv. half-hearted-
spear and battleaxe. [French from Ger- ness n.
man] half hitch n. knot formed by passing
halcyon calm, peaceful,
/'haelsian/ adj. the end of a rope round its standing part
happy (halcyon days). [Greek, = and then through the loop.
kingfisher, because it was reputed to half holiday n. half a day as holiday.
calm the sea at midwinter] half-hour n. 1 (also half an hour)
hale adj. strong and healthy (esp. in period of 30 minutes. 2 point of time 30
hale and hearty), [var. of whole] minutes after any hour o'clock, half-
half /ha:f/ -n. (pi. halves /ha:vz/) 1 -hourly adj. & adv.
either of two (esp. equal) parts into half-life n. time taken for radioactivity
which a thing is divided. 2 colloq. half a etc. to fall to half its original value.
pint, esp. of beer. 3 Sport either of two half-light n. dim imperfect light.
equal periods of play. 4 colloq. half-price half-mast n. position of a flag halfway
fare or ticket, esp. for a child. 5 colloq. = down a mast, as a mark of respect for a
half-back. -adj. 1 amounting to half deceased person.
(half the men). 2 forming a half (a half half measures unsatisfactory
share), -adv. 1 (often in comb.) to the compromise or inadequate policy,
extent of half; partly (half cooked). 2 to half moonn. 1 moon when only half its
some extent (esp. in idiomatic phrases: surface is illuminated. 2 time when this
half dead; am half convinced). 3 (in occurs. 3 semicircular object,
reckoning time) by the amount of half half nelson see nelson.
(an hour etc.) (half past two), at half halfpenny /'heipni/ n. (pi. -pennies or
cock see cock by half (prec. by too +
, -pence /'heipans/) former coin worth
adj.) excessively (too clever by half), by half a penny.
halves imperfectly or incompletely
(does nothing by halves), half a mind
Usage The halfpenny was with-
drawn from circulation in 1984.
see mind, half the time see time, not
half 1 slang extremely, violently (he half-sister n. sister with whom one has
didn't half swear). 2 not nearly (not only one parent in common.
half-term 396 ham
half-term n. short holiday halfway hallucination ha,lu:si'neiJO)n n. il-
through a school term, lusion of seeing or hearing something
half-timbered adj. having walls with a not actually present, hallucinatory
timber frame and a brick or plaster ha'lu:smatan adj.
filling. hallucinogen hahusmadsom n.
half-time mid-point of a game or
n. 1 drug causing hallucinations, z hallu-
contest. 2 short break occurring at this cinogenic djenik adj.

time. hallway n. entrance-hall or corridor.

half-title n. title or short title of a book halm var. of haulm.
printed on the front of the leaf preceding halo heilau -n. (pi -es) 1 disc or circle
the title-page. of light shown surrounding the head of a
halftone n. photographic illustration in sacred person. 2 glory associated with
which various tones of grey are pro- an idealized person etc. 3 circle of white
duced from small and large black dots.
or coloured light round a luminous
half-truth n. statement that (esp. de-
body. esp. the sun or moon. -v. (-es. -edj
liberately) conveys only part of the truth.
surround with a halo. [Greek ha Ids
half-volley n. in ball games) playing of

threshing-floor, disc of the sun or moon]

the ball as soon as it bounces off the
halogen haeladstam n. any of the non-
metallic elements (fluorine, chlorine,
halfway -adv. 1 at a point midway
between two others {halfway to Rome). bromine, iodine, and astatine) which
2 to some extent, more or less (is half- form a salt (e.g. sodium chloride) when
way acceptable), -adj. situated halfway combined with a metal. [Greek ha Is
(reached a halfway point). halos salt, -gen]
halfway house compromise. 2
n. 1 halon heilDn n. any of various
halfway point in a progression. 3 centre gaseous compounds of carbon, bro-
for rehabilitating ex-prisoners etc. 4 inn mine, and other halogens, used to ex-
midway between two towns. tinguish fires, [related to halogen]
halfwit n. foolish or stupid person. halt ho:lt -n. 1 stop (usu. temporary)

halfwitted adj. (come to a halt). 2 minor stopping-place

halibut 'haelibat n. (pi. same) large on a local railway line. —v. stop: come or
marine flat-fish used as food, [from holy bring to a halt, z call a halt (to) decide
(perhaps because eaten on holy days). to stop. [German: related to hold]
butt flat-fish] halt- ho:lt -v. (esp. as halting adj. I

halitosis haeli'taosis n. = bad proceed hesitantly, -adj. archaic lame,

breath. [Latin halitus breath] z haltingly adv. [Old English]
hall ho:l n. 1 area into which the front halter ho:lta(r) n. 1 headstall and rope
entrance of a house etc. opens. 2 large for leading or tying up a horse etc. 2 a
room or building for meetings, concerts, strap round the neck holding a dress
etc. 3large country house or estate. 4 (in etc. up and leaving the shoulders and
full hall of residence) residence for back bare, b (also halterneck) dress
students. 5 (in a college etc.) dining- etc. held by this. [Old English]
room. 6 premises of a guild (Fish- halva 'haelva n. confection of sesame
mongers' Hall). 7 large public room in a flour and honey etc. [Yiddish from Turk-
palace etc. [Old English] ish helva from Arabic halwa]
hallal var. of halal. halve ha:v v. (-ving) 1 divide into two
hallelujah var. of alleluia. halves or parts; share equally between
halliard var. of halyard.
two. 2 reduce by half. 3 Golf use the
hallmark -n. 1 mark indicating the
same number of strokes as one's oppon-
standard of gold, silver, and platinum. 2
ent in (a hole or match).
distinctive feature, -v. stamp with a
halves pi. of half.
hallo var. of hello. halyard haeljad n. (also halliard)
halloo ha'lu: int. inciting dogs to the
rope or tackle for raising or lowering a
sail, vard. etc. [archaic hale drag for-
chase or calling attention, [perhaps
from hallow pursue with shouts] cibly]
hallow 'haelau p. 1 make holy, con- ham 1 a upper part of a pig's leg
secrate. 2 honour as holy. [Old English: and dried or smoked for food b
related to holy] meat from this. 2 back of the thigh: thigh
Hallowe'en ,haelau'i:n n. eve of All and buttock. 3 colloq. (often attrib.)
Saints' Day, 31 Oct. inexpert or unsubtle actor or piece of
hallucinate ha'lu:si,neit v. (-ting) ex- acting. 4 colloq. operator of an amateur
perience hallucinations. hallucin- radio station. -v. (-mm-) (usu. in ham it
ant adj. & n. [Greek alusso be uneasy] up) colloq. overact. [Old English]
hamburger 397 handbag
hamburger /'haem,b3:ga(r)/ n. cake of (past and past part, -strung or
minced beef, usu. eaten in a soft bread -stringed) 1 cripple by cutting the
roll. [Hamburg in Germany] hamstrings of (a person or animal). 2
ham-fisted adj. (also ham-handed) col- impair the activity or efficiency of.
loq. clumsy. hand -n.1a end part of the human arm
Hamitic /ha'mitik/-^. group of African beyond the wrist, b (in other primates)
languages including ancient Egyptian end part of a forelimb. 2 a (often in pi.)
and Berber, -adj. of this group, [from control, management, custody, disposal
name Ham (Gen. 10:6 ff.)]
the (is in good hands), b agency or
hamlet /'haemlit/ n. small village, esp. influence (suffered at their hands), c
without a church. [French hamelet di- share in an action; active support (had a
minutive] hand in it; give me a hand). 3 thing like
hammer-/!. 1 a tool with a heavy metal a hand, esp. the pointer of a clock. 4
head at right angles to its handle, used right or left side or direction relative to
for driving nails etc. b similar device, as a person or thing. 5 a skill (has a hand
for exploding the charge in a gun, strik- for making pastry), b person skilful in
ing the strings of a piano, etc. 2 auc- some respect. 6 person who does or
tioneer's mallet. 3 metal ball attached to makes something, esp. distinctively
a wire for throwing in an athletic con- (picture by the same hand). 7 person's
test, -u. 1 a hit or beat with or as with a writing or its style. 8 person etc. as a
hammer, b strike loudly. 2 a drive in source (at first hand). 9 pledge of mar-
(nails) with a hammer, b fasten or riage. 10 manual worker, esp. at a fac-
secure by hammering {hammered the tory or farm; member of a ship's crew.
lid down). 3 (usu. foil, by in) inculcate 11a playing-cards dealt to a player, b
(ideas, knowledge, etc.) forcefully or round of play. 12 colloq. burst of ap-
repeatedly. 4 colloq. defeat utterly; beat plause. 13 unit of measure of a horse's
up. 5 (foil, by at, away at) work hard or height, 4 inches (10.16 cm). 14 forehock
persistently at. come under the ham- of pork. 1 5 (attrib.) a operated by or held
mer be sold at auction, hammer out 1 in the hand (hand-drill), b done by
make flat or smooth by hammering. 2 hand, not machine (hand-knitted), -v. 1
work out details of (a plan etc.) labori- (foil, by in, to, over, etc.) deliver; transfer
ously. 3 play (a tune, esp. on the piano) by hand or otherwise. 2 colloq. give
loudly or clumsily. hammering n. away too readily (handed them the ad-
(esp. in sense 4 of v.). [Old English] vantage). all hands entire crew or
hammer and sickle n. symbols of the workforce, at hand 1 close by. 2 about to
industrial worker and peasant used as happen, by hand 1 by a person, not a
an emblem of the former USSR and machine. 2 delivered privately, not by
international communism. post, from hand to mouth satisfying
hammer and tongs adv. colloq. with only one's immediate needs, get (or
great vigour and commotion. have or keep) one's hand in become
hammerhead n. shark with a flattened (or be or remain) in practice, hand
head and with eyes in lateral extensions down 1 pass ownership or use of to a
of it. later generation etc. 2 a transmit (a
hammerlock n. Wrestling hold in decision) from a higher court etc. b US
which the arm is twisted and bent be- express (an opinion or verdict), hand it
hind the back. to colloq. award deserved praise to.
hammer-toe n. toe bent permanently hand on pass (a thing) to the next in a
downwards. series, hand out 1 serve, distribute. 2
hammock /'haemak/ n. bed of canvas or award, allocate (handed out stiff penal-
rope network suspended by cords at the ties), hand round serve, distribute,
ends. [Spanish from Carib] hands down with no difficulty; com-
hammy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. over- pletely, in hand 1 receiving attention. 2
theatrical. in reserve. 3 under control, on hand
hamper 1
n. large basket, usu. with a available, on the one (or the other)
hinged lid and containing food. [French hand from one (or another) point of
hanap goblet] view, out of hand 1 out of control. 2
hamper2 v. prevent the free movement peremptorily (refused out of hand), put
of; hinder, [origin unknown] (or set) one's hand to start work on;
hamster mouselike rodent with a
n. engage in. to hand within easy reach;
short tail and large cheek-pouches for available, turn one's hand to under-
storing food. [German] take (as a new activity). -handed adj.
hamstring 1 each of five tendons at (in comb.). [Old English]
the back of the knee. 2 great tendon at handbag n. small bag carried esp. by a
the back of the hock in quadrupeds. -v. woman.
handball 898 handyman
handball n. 1 game with a ball thrown 3 deal in (goods). 4 treat (a subject). [Old
by hand among players or against a English: related to hand]
wall. 2 Football intentional touching of handlebar n. (usu. in pi.) steering-bar
the ball, constituting a foul. of a bicycle etc.
handbell n. small bell for ringing by handlebar moustache n. thick mous-
hand, esp. one of a set. tache with curved ends.
handbill n. printed notice distributed handler n. 1 person who handles or
by hand. deals in something. 2 person who trains
handbook n. short manual or guide- and looks after an animal (esp. a police
book. dog).
handbrake n. brake operated by hand, handmade adj. made by hand (as
h. & c. abbr.
hot and cold (water), opposed to machine). .

handcart n. small cart pushed or handmaid n. (also handmaiden)

drawn by hand. archaic female servant,
handclap n. clapping of the hands. hand-me-down n. article of clothing
handcraft -n. = handicraft, -v. etc.passed on from another person,
make by handicraft. hand-out n. 1 thing given free to a

handcuff -n. each of a pair of linked needy person. 2 statement given to the
metal rings for securing a prisoner's press etc.; notes given out in a class etc.
wrist(s). - v. put handcuffs on. hand-over n. handing over,

handful n. (pi. -s) 1 quantity that fills hand-over-fist adv. colloq. with rapid
the hand. 2 small number or amount. 3 progress.
colloq. troublesome person or task.
hand-pick v. choose carefully or per-
hand-grenade see grenade. sonally.

handgun n. small firearm held in and handrail n. narrow rail for holding as a
fired with one hand.
handhold n. something for the hand to handsaw n. saw worked by one hand.
grip on (in climbing etc.).
handset n. telephone mouthpiece and
earpiece as one unit.
handicap /'haendi.kaep/ -n. 1 physical
or mental disability. 2 thing that makes
handshake n. clasping of a person's
hand as a greeting etc.
progress or success difficult. 3 a disad-
vantage imposed on a superior compet-
hands off— int. warning not to touch or
interfere with something, -adj. & adv.
itor to make chances more equal, b race
(also hands-ofl) not requiring the
etc. in which this is imposed. 4 number
manual use of controls.
of strokes by which a golfer normally
exceeds par for a course, —v. (-pp-) 1
handsome /'haensam/ adj. (hand-
somer, handsomest) 1 (usu. of a man)
impose a handicap on. 2 place at a good-looking. 2 (of an object) imposing,
disadvantage, [hand V (= in) cap de- attractive. 3 a generous, liberal (hand-
scribing a kind of sporting lottery]
some present), b (of a price, fortune,
handicapped adj. suffering from a
etc.) considerable. handsomely adv.
physical or mental disability. hands on (also hands-on) -adj. & adv.
handicraft /'haendi,kra:ft/ n. work of or requiring personal operation at a
requiring manual and artistic skill, keyboard, -attrib. adj. practical rather
[from earlier handcraft] than theoretical (lacks hands-on ex-
hand in glove adj. in collusion or perience).
association. handspring n. gymnastic feat consist-
hand in hand adv. 1 in close associ- ing of a handstand, somersaulting, and
ation (power and money go hand in landing in a standing position.
hand). 2 (hand-in-hand) holding handstand n. supporting oneself on
hands. one's hands with one's feet in the air.
handiwork /'haendi w3:k/ n. work done
( hand-to-hand adj. (of fighting) at close
or a thing made by hand, or by a particu- quarters.
lar person. [Old English] handwork n. work done with the
handkerchief /'haenkatjif/ n. (pi. -s or hands. handworked adj.
-chieves /-.tjiivz/) square of cloth for handwriting n. 1 writing done with a
wiping one's nose etc. pen, pencil, etc. 2 person's particular
handle /'haend(a)l/ -n. 1 part by which a style of this. handwritten adj.
thing is held, carried, or controlled. 2 handy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 convenient to
fact that may be taken advantage of handle or use; useful. 2 ready to hand. 3
(gave a handle to his critics). 3 colloq. clever with the hands. handily adv.
personal title, -v. (-ling) 1 touch, feel, handiness n.
operate, or move with the hands. 2 handyman n. person able to do occa-
manage, deal with (can handle people). sional repairs etc.; odd-job man.
hang 399 happen
hang — r. {past and past part, hung hanger-on n. hangers-on) follower
except in sense 7) 1 a secure or cause to or dependant, esp. an unwelcome one.
be supported from above, esp. with the hang-glider n. glider with a fabric
lower part free, b (foil, by up, on, on to, wing on a light frame, from which the
etc.) attach by suspending from the top. operator is suspended, z hang-glide n.
2 set up (a door etc.) on hinges. 3 place (a hang-gliding n.
picture) on a wall or in an exhibition. 4 hanging n. 1 execution by suspending
attach (wallpaper) to a wall. 5 (foil, by by the neck. 2 (usu. in pi.) draperies
on) colloq. blame (a thing) on (a person) hung on a wall etc.
(can 't hang that on me). 6 (foil, by with) hangman n. 1 executioner who hangs
decorate by suspending pictures etc. condemned persons. 2 word-game for
(hall hung with tapestries). 7 (past and two players, with failed guesses
past part, hanged) a suspend or be recorded by drawing a representation of
suspended by the neck with a noosed a gallows.
rope until dead, esp. as a form of capital hangnail n. = agnail.
punishment, b as a mild oath (hang the hang-out n. slang place frequented by a
expense). 8 let droop (hang one's head). person; haunt.
9 suspend (meat or game) from a hook hangover n. 1 severe headache etc.
and leave until dry, tender, or high. 10 from drinking too much alcohol. 2 sur-
be or remain hung (in various senses). vival from the past.
11 remain static in the air. 12 (often foil, hang-up n. slang emotional problem or
by over) be present or imminent, esp. inhibition.
oppressively or threateningly (a hush hankn. coil or skein of wool or thread
hung over the room). 13 (foil, by on) a be [Old Norse]
contingent or dependent on (everything hanker v. (foil, by for, after, or to +
hangs on his reply), b listen closely to infin.) long for; crave, z hankering n.
(hangs on my every word), -n. way a [from obsolete hank]
thing hangs or falls, z get the hang of hanky 'hcenki n. (also hankie) (pi
colloq. understand the technique or -ies) colloq. handkerchief, [abbrevia-
meaning of. hang about (or around) 1 tion]
a stand about or spend time aimlessly; hanky-panky .haenki'pasrjki n. slang
not move away, b linger near (a person naughtiness, esp. sexual. 2 double-
or place). 2 (often foil, by with) colloq. dealing; trickery, [origin unknown]
associate with, hang back show reluct- Hanoverian ,ha?na'viarian adj. of
ance to act or move, hang fire be slow in British sovereigns from George I to
taking action or in progressing, hang Victoria. [Hanover in Germany]
heavily (or heavy) (of time) seem to Hansard haensa:d n. official verbatim
pass slowly, hang in US colloq. 1 per- record of debates in the British Parlia-
sist, persevere. 2 linger, hang on 1 ment. [Hansard, name of its first
(often foil, by to) continue to hold or printer]
grasp. 2 (foil, by to) retain; fail to give Hansen's disease ha?ns(a)nz n.
back. 3 colloq. a wait for a short time, b leprosy. [Hansen, name of a physician]
(in telephoning) not ring off during a hansom 'ha?nsam n. (in full hansom
pause in the conversation. 4 colloq. con- cab) hist two-wheeled horse-drawn
tinue; persevere, hang out 1 suspend cab. [Hansom, name of an architect]
from a window, clothes-line, etc. 2 a Hanukkah 'ha:naka n. Jewish fes-
protrude downwards (shirt hanging of lights, commemorating the
out), b (foil, by of) lean out of (a window purification of the Temple in 165 bc.
etc.). 3 slang frequent or live in a place, [Hebrew hanukkah consecration]
hang together 1 make sense. 2 remain haphazard ha?p'ha?zad adj. done etc.
associated, hang up 1 hang from a hook by chance; random. haphazardly
etc. 2 (often foil, by on) end a telephone adv. [archaic hap chance, luck, from
conversation by replacing the receiver Old Norse happ]
(he hung up on me). 3 (usu. in passive, hapless adj. unlucky.
foil, by on) slang be a psychological haploid 'haepbid adj. (of an organism
problem or obsession for (is hung up on or cell) with a single set of chromo-
her father), not care (or give) a hang somes. [Greek haplous single, eidos
colloq. not care at all. [Old English] form]
hangar 'haena(r) n. building for hous- happen hcepan v. 1 occur (by chance
ing aircraft etc. [French] or otherwise). 2 (foil, by to + infin.) have
hangdog adj. shamefaced. the (good or bad) fortune to (/ happened
hanger n. 1 person or thing that hangs. to meet her). 3 (foil, by to) be the (esp.
2 (in full coat-hanger) shaped piece of unwelcome) fate or experience of (what
wood etc. for hanging clothes on. happened to you?). 4 (foil, by on)
happening 400 hardly
encounter or discover by chance, n as it 11 (of currency, prices, etc.) high; not
happens in fact; in reality, [related to likely to fall in value. 12 (of a consonant)
haphazard] guttural (as c in cat, g in go), -adv.
happening n. 1 event. 2 improvised or strenuously, intensely, copiously (try
spontaneous theatrical etc. hard\ raining hard). be hard on 1 be
performance. difficult for. 2 be severe in one's treat-
happy /'haepi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 feeling ment or criticism of. 3 be unpleasant to
or showing pleasure or contentment. 2 (the senses), be hard put to it (usu. foil,
a fortunate; characterized by happi- by to + infin.) find it difficult, hard by
ness, b (of words, behaviour, etc.) apt, close by. hard on (or upon) close to in
pleasing. happily adv. happiness n. pursuit etc. hardish adj. hardness
happy-go-lucky adj. cheerfully n. [Old English]
casual. hard and fast adj. (of a rule or distinc-
happy hour n. time of the day when tion) definite, unalterable, strict.
goods, esp. drinks, are sold at reduced hardback -adj. bound in boards
prices. covered with cloth etc. -n. hardback
happy medium n. compromise; avoid- book.
ance of extremes. hardbitten adj. colloq. tough and cyn-
hara-kiri /.haera'kin/ n. ritual suicide ical; hard-headed.
by disembowelment with a sword, for- hardboard n. stiff board made of com-
merly practised by samurai to avoid pressed and treated wood pulp.
dishonour. [Japanese hara belly, kiri hard-boiled adj. 1 (of an egg) boiled
cutting] until the white and yolk are solid. 2
harangue /ho'raen/ -n. lengthy and colloq. (of a person) tough, shrewd.
earnest speech. -v. (-guing) make a hard cash n. negotiable coins and
harangue to; lecture. [French arenge banknotes.
from medieval Latin] hard copy n. material printed by a
harass trouble and
/'haeras, ha'raes/ v. 1 computer on paper.
annoy continually. 2 make repeated at- hardcore n. solid material, esp. rubble,
tacks on. harassment n. [French] as road-foundation.
Usage The second pronunciation
hard core n. 1 irreducible nucleus. 2
colloq. a the most committed members
given, with the stress on the second
of a society etc. b conservative or reac-
syllable, is common, but is considered
tionary minority (see also hardcore).
incorrect by some people.
hard-core adj. 1 forming a nucleus. 2
harbinger /'ha:bmd3o(r)/ n. 1 person or blatant, uncompromising. 3 (of porno-
thing that announces or signals the graphy) explicit, obscene.
approach of another. 2 forerunner. hard disk n. Computing large-capacity
[Germanic: related to harbour] rigid usu. magnetic storage disk.
harbour /'ha:ba(r)/ (US harbor) -n. 1 hard-done-by adj. unfairly treated.
place of shelter for ships. 2 shelter; harden v. 1 make or become hard or
refuge, -v. 1 give shelter to (esp. a harder. 2 become, or make (one's atti-
criminal). 2 keep in one's mind (esp. tude etc.), less sympathetic. 3 (of prices
resentment etc.). [Old English, = army etc.) cease to fall or fluctuate. harden
shelter] off inure (a plant) to the cold by gradu-
harbour-master n. official in charge ally increasing its exposure.
of a harbour. hardening of the arteries n. =
hard —adj. 1 (of a substance etc.) firm ARTERIOSCLEROSIS.
and solid. 2 a difficult to understand, hard-headed adj. practical; not senti-
explain, or accomplish, b (foil, by to + mental. hard-headedness n.
infin.) not easy to (hard to please). 3 hard-hearted adj. unfeeling, n hard-
difficult to bear (a hard life). 4 unfeel- heartedness n.
ing; severely critical. 5 (of a season or hardihood /'ha:di,hud/ n. boldness,
the weather) severe. 6 unpleasant to the daring.
senses, harsh (hard colours). 7 a hard labour n. heavy manual work as
strenuous, enthusiastic, intense (a hard a punishment, esp. in a prison.
worker), b severe, uncompromising (a hard line n. unyielding adherence to a
hard bargain), c Polit. extreme; most policy. hard-liner n.
radical (the hard right). 8 a (of liquor) hard luck n. worse fortune than one
strongly alcoholic, b (of drugs) potent deserves.
and addictive, c (of pornography) highly hardly adv. 1 scarcely; only just
obscene. 9 (of water) containing mineral (hardly knew me). 2 only with difficulty
salts that make lathering difficult. 10 (can hardly see). 3 surely not (can
established; not disputable (hard facts). hardly have realised). hardly any
hard-nosed 401 harp
almost no; almost none, hardly ever harlequinade /,ha:hkwineid/ n. 1 part
very seldom. of a pantomime featuring Harlequin. 2
hard-nosed adj. colloq. realistic, piece of buffoonery,
uncompromising. harlot /'ha:lat/ n. archaic prostitute.
hard of hearing adj. somewhat deaf, harlotry n. [French, = knave]
hard-on n. coarse slang erection of the harm —n. hurt, damage, —v. cause harm
penis. to. out of harm's way in safety. [Old
hard pad n. form of distemper in dogs English]
etc. harmful adj. causing or likely to cause
hard palate front part of the palate,
n. harm. harmfully adv. harmfulness
hard-pressed 1 closely pursued. 2
adj. n.

burdened with urgent business, harmless adj. 1 not able or likely to

hard roe see roe
cause harm. 2 inoffensive. harm-
hard sell n. aggressive salesmanship. lessly adv. harmlessness n.
hardship n. severe suffering or priva-
1 harmonic /ha:'mDnik/-ad/. of or relat-
tion. 2 circumstance causing this. ing to harmony; harmonious, -n. Mus.
hard shoulder n. hard surface along- overtone accompanying (and forming a
side a motorway for stopping on in an note with) a fundamental at a fixed
emergency. interval. harmonically adv.
hard tack n.Naut. ship's biscuit, harmonica n. small rectangular mu-
hardtop n. car with a rigid (usu. detach- sicalinstrument played by blowing and
able) roof. sucking air through it.
hard up adj. short of money. harmonious /hai'maunias/ adj. 1

hardware n. 1 tools and household sweet-sounding; tuneful. 2 forming a

pleasing or consistent whole. 3 free
articles of metal etc. 2 heavy machinery
or armaments. 3 mechanical and elec- from disagreement or dissent. har-
tronic components of a computer etc.
moniously adv.
hard-wearing adj. able to stand much harmonium /hai'meuniam/ n. key-
board instrument in which the notes are
produced by air driven through metal
hardwood n. wood from a deciduous
reeds by foot-operated bellows. [Latin:
broad-leaved tree,
related to harmony]
hard-working adj. diligent,
hardy /'ha:di/ adj. (-ier, -iest) harmonize /'ha:ma,naiz/ v. (also -ise)
robust; 1
(-zing or -sing) 1 add notes to (a melody)
capable of enduring difficult conditions.
to produce harmony. 2 bring into or be
2 (of a plant) able to grow in the open air
in harmony. 3 make or form a pleasing
all year. hardiness n. [French hardi harmonization
or consistent whole.
made bold] /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
hardy annual n. annual plant that harmony /'ha:mani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 com-
may be sown in the open, bination of simultaneously sounded
hare -n. mammal like a large rabbit, musical notes to produce chords and
with long ears, short tail, and long hind chord progressions, esp. as creating a
legs. -v. (-ring) run rapidly. [Old pleasing effect. 2 a apt or aesthetic
English] arrangement of parts, b pleasing effect
harebell n. plant with pale-blue bell- of this. 3 agreement, concord, in i

shaped flowers. harmony 1 in agreement. 2 (of singing

hare-brained adj. rash, wild. etc.) producing chords; not discordant.
harelip n. often offens. = cleft lip. [Greek harmonia joining]
harem /'ha:ri:m/ n. 1 women of a Mus- harness /'ha:nis/ -n. 1 equipment of
lim household. 2 their quarters. [Ar- straps etc. by which a horse is fastened
abic, = sanctuary] to a cart etc. and controlled. 2 similar
haricot /'haeri.kau/ n. (in full haricot arrangement for fastening a thing to a
bean) variety of French bean with small person's body. -v. 1 a put a harness on.
white seeds dried and used as a veget- b (foil, by to) attach by harness to. 2
able. [French] make use of (natural resources), esp. to

hark v. (usu. in imper.) archaic listen produce energy. in harness in the


I attentively. hark back revert to earl- routine of daily work. [French harneis
ier topic. [Old English] military equipment]
harlequin /ha:likwm/ -n. (Harle- harp -rc. large upright stringed instru-
quin) name of a mute character in ment plucked with the fingers, —v. (foil,
pantomime, usu. masked and dressed in by on, on about) talk repeatedly and
a diamond-patterned costume, -attrib. tediously about. harpist n. [Old
adj. invaried colours. [French] English]
harpoon 402 hatchet
harpoon /ha:'pu:n/ -n. barbed spear- of; bungle, settle a person's hash col-
like missilewith a rope attached, for loq. deal with and subdue a person.
catching whales etc. -v. spear with a [French hacher cut up]
harpoon. [Greek harpe sickle] hash 2 n. colloq. hashish, [abbreviation]
harpsichord /'ha:psi,ko:d/ n. keyboard hashish /'haeJiJV n. resinous product of
instrument with horizontal strings hemp, smoked or chewed as a narcotic.
plucked mechanically. harpsi- [Arabic]
chordist n. [Latin harpa harp, chorda haslet /'haezlit/ n. pieces of (esp. pig's)
string] offal cooked together, usu. as a meat
harpy /'ha:pi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 mythological loaf. [French hastelet]
monster with a woman's head and body hasn't /'haez(a)nt/ contr. has not.
and a bird's wings and claws. 2 grasping hasp /ha:sp/ n. hinged metal clasp fit-
unscrupulous person. [Greek harpuiai ting over a staple and secured by a
snatchers] padlock. [Old English]
harridan /'haend(a)n/ n. bad-tempered hassle /'haes(a)l/ colloq. -n. trouble;
old woman, [origin uncertain] problem; argument, -v. (-ling) harass,
harrier /'haena(r)/ n. 1 hound used for annoy, [originally a dial, word]
hunting hares. 2 group of cross-country hassock /'haesak/ n. thick firm cushion
runners. 3 hawklike bird of prey, [from for kneeling on. [Old English]
HARE, HARRY] haste /heist/ -n. urgency of movement
harrow /'haerau/ -n. heavy frame with or action; excessive hurry, -v. (-ting)
iron teeth dragged over ploughed land archaic = hasten 1. in haste quickly,
to break up clods etc. -u. 1 draw a
hurriedly, make haste hurry; be quick.
harrow over (land). 2 (usu. as harrow- [French from Germanic]
ing adj.) distress greatly. [Old Norse hasten /'heis(a)n/ v. 1 make haste;
hurry. 2 cause to occur or be ready or be
harry /'haen/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 ravage or
done sooner.
despoil. 2 harass. [Old English]
hasty /'heisti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 hurried;
harsh adj. 1 unpleasantly rough or acting too quickly. 2 said, made, or done
sharp, esp. to the senses. 2 severe, cruel.
too quickly or too soon; rash. hastily
harshen v. harshly adv. harshness
adv. hastiness n.
n. [Low German]
hat outdoor) covering for the
n. 1 (esp.
hart n. (pi. same or -s) male of the (esp.
head. 2 colloq. person's present capacity
red) deer, esp. after its 5th year. [Old
(wearing his managerial hat). keep
hartebeest /'ha:ti,bi:st/ n. large African
itunder one's hat colloq. keep it secret,
pass the hat round collect contribu-
antelope with curving horns. [Afri-
tions of money, take one's hat off to
colloq. acknowledge admiration for.
harum-scarum /.hearam'skearam/
[Old English]
colloq. -adj.wild and reckless, -rc. such
a person, [rhyming formation on hare, hatband n. band of ribbon etc. round a
hat above the brim.
harvest /'ha.vist/ -n. 1 a process of hatbox n. box to hold a hat, esp. for
gathering in crops etc. b season of this. 2
season's yield. 3 product of any action. hatch 1
n. 1 opening in a wall between a

-v. gather as harvest, reap. [Old Eng- kitchen and dining-room for serving
lish] food. 2 opening or door in an aircraft etc.
harvester n. 1 reaper. 2 reaping- 3 a = hatchway, b cover for this. [Old
machine, esp. with sheaf-binding. English]
harvest festival n. Christian thanks- hatch 2 -i>. 1 a (often foil, by out) (of a
giving service for the harvest. young bird or fish etc.) emerge from the
harvest moon n. full moon nearest to egg. b (of an egg) produce a young
the autumn equinox (22 or 23 Sept.). animal. 2 incubate (an egg). 3 (also foil,
harvest mouse n. small mouse nesting by up) devise (a plot etc.). -n. 1 act of
in the stalks of growing grain. hatching. 2 brood hatched, [earlier
has 3rd sing, present of have. hacche, from Germanic]
has-been n. colloq. person or thing of hatch 3 v. mark with close parallel lines.
declined importance. hatching n. [French hacher. related
hash -n. 1 dish of cooked meat cut into
to HASH 1

small pieces and reheated. 2 a mixture; hatchback n. car with a sloping back
jumble, b mess. 3 recycled material. -v. hinged at the top to form a door.
(often foil, by up) recycle (old material), hatchet /'haetjit/ n. light short-handled
n make a hash of colloq. make a mess axe. [French hachette]
hatchet man 403 haver
hatchet man n. colloq.person hired to part, or ellipt., to form the
perfect, plu-
kill, dismiss, or otherwise harm perfect, and future perfect tenses, and
another. the conditional mood (has, had, will
hatchway n. opening in a ship's deck have, seen; had I known, I would have
for raising and lowering cargo. gone; yes, I have). 2 own or be able to
hate -v. (-ting) 1 dislike intensely. 2 use; be provided with (has a car; had no
colloq.a dislike, b be reluctant (to do time). 3 hold in a certain relationship
something) (/ hate to disturb you I hate
(has a sister; had no equals). 4 contain
fighting), -n. 1 hatred. 2 colloq. hated as a part or quality (box has a lid; has
person or thing. [Old English] big eyes). 5 a experience (had a good
hateful adj. arousing hatred. time, a shock, a pain), b be subjected to
hatpin n. long pin for securing a hat to a specified state (had< my car stolen;
the hair. book has a page missing), c cause (a
hatred /'heitnd/ n. extreme dislike or ill person or thing) to be in a particular
will. state or take particular action (had him
hatstand n. stand with hooks for hang- sacked; had us worried; had my hair
ing hats etc. on. cut; had a copy made; had them to stay).
hatter n. maker or seller of hats. 6 a engage in (an activity) (have an
hat trick n. 1 Cricket taking of three argument, sex), b hold (a meeting,
wickets by the same bowler with three party, etc.). 7 eat or drink (had a beer). 8
successive balls. 2 three consecutive (usu. in neg.) accept or tolerate; permit
successes etc. to (/ won 't have it; won *t have you say
haughty /'ho:ti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) arrog- that). 9 a feel (have no doubt; has
ant and disdainful, n haughtily adv. nothing against me), b show (mercy,
pity, etc.). c (foil, by to + infin.) show by
haughtiness n. [haught, haut from
French, = high] action that one is influenced by (a feel-
ing, quality, etc.) (have the sense to
haul /ho:l/ 1 pull or drag forcibly. 2
stop). 10 a give birth to (offspring), b
transport by lorry, cart, etc. 3 turn a
conceive mentally (an idea etc.). 11
ship's course. 4 colloq. (usu. foil, by up)
receive, obtain (had a letter from him;
bring for reprimand or trial, -n. 1 haul-
not a ticket to be had). 12 be burdened
ing. 2 amount gained or acquired. 3
with or committed to (has a job to do).
distance to be traversed (a short haul).
13 a have obtained (a qualification) (has
haul over the coals see coal.
six O levels), b know (a language) (has
[French haler from Old Norse hala]
no Latin). 14 slang a get the better of (/
haulage n. 1 commercial transport of
had him there), b (usu. in passive)
goods. 2 charge for this.
cheat, deceive (you were had). 15 coarse
haulier /'ho:lia(r)/ n. person or firm slang have sexual intercourse with. -rc.
engaged in the transport of goods.
1 (usu. in pi.) colloq. person with wealth
haulm /ho:m/ n. (also halm) 1 stalk or or resources. 2 slang swindle. had
stem. 2 stalks or stems of peas, beans,
best see best, had better see better.
etc., collectively. [Old English]
have got to colloq. = have to. have had
haunch /ho:ntJ7 n. 1 fleshy part of the it colloq. 1 have missed one's chance. 2
buttock with the thigh. 2 leg and loin of a have passed one's prime. 3 have been
deer etc. as food. [French from Ger- killed, defeated, etc. have it 1 (foil, by
manic] that) maintain that. 2 win a decision in a
haunt /ho:nt/ -v.(of a ghost) visit (a
vote etc. 3 colloq. have found the answer
place) regularly. 2 frequent (a place). 3 etc. have it away (or off) coarse slang
linger in the mind of. -n. place fre- have sexual intercourse, have it in for
quented by a person or animal. [French colloq. be hostile or ill-disposed towards,
from Germanic] have it out (often foil, by with) colloq.
haunting adj. (of a memory, melody, attempt to settle a dispute by argument,
etc.)tending to linger in the mind; poign- have on 1 wear (clothes). 2 have (an
ant, evocative. engagement). 3 colloq. tease, hoax, have
haute couture /,aut ku:'tjua(r)/ n. high to be obliged to, must, have up colloq.
fashion; leading fashion houses or their bring (a person) before a judge, inter-
products. [French] viewer, [Old English]
haute cuisine /.aut kwi'ziin/ n. high- haven /'heiv(a)n/ n. 1 refuge. 2 harbour,
class cookery. [French] port. [Old English]
hauteur /au't3:(r)/ n. haughtiness. have-not n. (usu. in pi.) colloq. person
[French] lacking wealth or resources,
have /haev, hav/ -v. (-ving; 3rd sing, haven't /'haev(a)nt/ contr. have not.
present has /haez/; past and past part. haver /'heiva(r)/ v. 1 vacillate, hesitate.

had) 1 as an auxiliary verb with past 2 dial, talk foolishly, [origin unknown]
haversack 404 head
haversack /'haeva.saek/ n. stout canvas he /hi:/ -pron. (obj. him; poss. his; pi.
bag carried on the back or over the they) 1 the man, boy, or male animal
shoulder. [German Habersack, = oats- previously named or in question. 2 per-
sack] son etc. of unspecified sex (if anyone
havoc /'haevak/ n. widespread destruc- comes he will have to wait; he who
tion; great disorder. [French havo(t)] hesitates), -n. 1 male; man. 2 (in comb.)
haw 1
n. hawthorn berry. [Old English] male (he-goat). [Old English]
haw 2
see hum. head /hed/ -n. 1 upper part of the
hawfinch n. large finch with a thick human body, or foremost or upper part
beak for cracking seeds, [from haw 1
of an animal's body, containing the
finch] brain, mouth, and sense-organs. 2 a seat
hawk 1
—n. 1 bird of prey with a curved of intellect (use your head), b mental
beak, rounded short wings, and a long aptitude or tolerance (a good head for
tail. 2 Polit. person who advocates ag- business; no head for heights). 3 thing
gressive policies, -v. hunt with a hawk. like a head in form or position, esp.: a
hawkish adj. [Old English] the operative part of a tool, b the top of a
hawk 2
v. carry about or offer (goods) for nail, c the leaves or flowers at the top of
sale, [back-formation from hawker] a stem, d foam on the top of a glass of
hawk 3
v. 1 clear the throat noisily. 2 beer etc. 4 a person in charge, esp. the
(foil, by up) bring (phlegm etc.) up from principal teacher of a school, b position
the throat, [imitative] of command. 5 front part of a queue etc.
hawker n. person who travels about 6 upper end of a table or bed etc. 7 top or
selling goods. [Low German or Dutch] highest part of a page, stairs, etc. 8 a
hawk-eyed adj. keen-sighted, individual person as a unit (£10 per
hawser /'ho:za(r)/ n. thick rope or cable head), b (pi. same) individual animal as
for mooring or towing a ship. [French, a unit (20 head). 9 a side of a coin
haucier hoist, from Latin altus high] bearing the image of a head, b (usu. in
hawthorn n. thorny shrub with small pi.) this as a choice when tossing a coin.
dark-red berries, [related to haw 1 ] 10 a source of a river etc. b end of a lake
hay n. grass mown and dried for fodder. at which a river enters it. 11 height or
make hay (while the sun shines) length of a head as a measure. 12 part of
seize opportunities. [Old English] a machine in contact with or very close
haycock n. conical heap of hay. to what is being worked on, esp.: a the
hay fever n. allergy with asthmatic part of a tape recorder that touches the
symptoms etc., caused by pollen or dust. moving tape and converts signals, b the
haymaking n. mowing grass and part of a record-player that holds the
spreading it to dry. n haymaker n. playing cartridge and stylus. 13 (usu. in
haystack n. (also hayrick) packed pile phr. come to a head) climax, crisis. 14 a
of hay with a pointed or ridged top. confined body of water or steam in an
haywire adj. colloq. badly disorgan- engine etc. b pressure exerted by this.
ized, out of control. 15 promontory (esp. in place-names)
hazard /'haezad/ -n. 1 danger or risk. 2 (Beachy Head). 16 heading or headline.
source of this. 3 Golf obstacle, e.g. a 17 fully developed top of a boil etc. 18
bunker. -v. 1 venture (hazard a guess). colloq. headache. A9(attrib.) chief, prin-
2 risk. [Arabic az-zahr chance, luck] cipal, -v. 1 be at the head or front of. 2 be
hazardous adj. risky. in charge of. 3 provide with a head or
haze n. 1 thin atmospheric vapour. 2 heading. 4 (often foil, by for) face, move,
mental obscurity or confusion, [back- or direct in a specified direction (is
formation from hazy] heading for trouble). 5 hit (a ball etc.)
hazel /'heiz(a)l/ n. 1 hedgerow shrub with the head, n above (or over) one's
bearing round brown edible nuts. 2 head beyond one's understanding,
greenish-brown. [Old English] come to a head reach a crisis, get it
hazelnut n. nut of the hazel. into one's head (foil, by that) 1 adopt a
hazy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 misty. 2 vague, mistaken idea. 2 form a definite plan,
indistinct. 3 confused, uncertain. give a person his (or her) head allow a
hazily adv. haziness n. [origin person to act freely, go to one's head 1
unknown] make one slightly drunk. 2 make one
HB abbr. (of pencil-lead) hard black. conceited, head off 1 get ahead of so as
H-bomb /'eitJbDm/ n. = hydrogen to intercept and turn aside. 2 forestall,
bomb, [from H3 ]
keep (or lose) one's head remain (or
HCF abbr. highest common factor. fail to remain) calm, off one's head
HE abbr. 1 His or Her Excellency. 2 His slang crazy, off the top of one's head
Eminence. 3 high explosive. colloq. impromptu, on one's (or one's
He symb. helium. own) head as one's own responsibility.
headache 405 health food
out of one's head slang crazy, over headmaster n. ifem. headmistress) =
one's head 1 beyond one's understand- HEAD TEACHER.
ing. 2 without one's rightful knowledge head-on adj. & adv. 1 with the front
or involvement, esp. of action taken by a foremost (head-on crash). 2 in direct
subordinate consulting one's own confrontation.
superior. 3 with disregard for one's own head over heels -n. turning over
(stronger) claim (was promoted over completely in forward motion as in a
my head), put heads together consult somersault etc. -adv. utterly (head over
together, take it into one's head (foil, heels in love).
by that + clause or to + infin.) decide, headphones set of earphones fit-
esp. impetuously, turn a person's head ting over the head, for listening to audio
make a person conceited. [Old English] equipment etc.
headache n. 1 continuous pain in the headquarters n. (as sing, or pi) ad-
head. 2 colloq. worrying problem. ministrative centre of an organization.
headachy adj. headrest n. support for the head, esp.
headband n. band worn round the head on a seat.
as decoration or to confine the hair. headroom n. space or clearance above
headbanger n. slang 1 person who a vehicle, person's head, etc.
shakes his or her head violently to the headscarf n. scarf worn round the head
rhythm of music; fan of loud music. 2 and tied under the chin,
crazy or eccentric person. headset n. headphones, often with a
headboard n. upright panel at the head microphone attached,
of a bed. headship n. position of head or chief,
head-butt -n. thrust with the head into esp. in a school.
the chin or body of another person, -v. headshrinker n. slang psychiatrist,
attack with a head-butt,
headstall n. part of a halter or bridle
headcount n. 1 counting of individual fitting round a horse's head,
people. 2 total number of people, esp.
head start n. advantage granted or
gained at an early stage,
headdress n. covering for the head. headstone n. stone set up at the head of
header n. 1 Football shot or pass made a grave.
with the head. 2 colloq. headlong fall or
dive. 3 brick etc. laid at right angles to
headstrong adj. self-willed,

the face of a wall. 4 (in full header-

head teacher n. teacher in charge of a
-tank) tank of water etc. maintaining
pressure in a plumbing system.
headwaters streams flowing from
the sources of a river.
head first adv. 1 with the head fore-
most. 2 precipitately.
headway n. 1 progress. 2 ship's rate of
progress. 3 headroom.
headgear n. hat or headdress.
head-hunting n. 1 collecting of the head wind n. wind blowing from dir-
ectly in front.
heads of dead enemies as trophies. 2
seeking of (esp. senior) staff by headword n. word forming a heading.
approaching people employed else- heady adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of liquor)
potent. 2 intoxicating, exciting. 3 impuls-
where. head-hunt v. head-hunter n.
heading n.1a title at the head of a page ive, rash. 4 headachy. headily adv.
or section of a book etc. b section of a headiness n.
subject of discourse etc. 2 horizontal heal v. 1 (often foil, by up) become sound
passage made in preparation for build- or healthy again. 2 cause to heal. 3 put
ing a tunnel, or in a mine. right (differences etc.). 4 alleviate (sor-
head in the sand n. refusal to acknow- row etc.). healer n. [Old English:
ledge danger or difficulty. related to whole]
headlamp n. = headlight. health /helG/ n. 1 state of being well in
headland n. promontory. body or mind. 2 person's mental or
headlight n. 1 strong light at the front physical condition. 3 soundness, esp.
of a vehicle. 2 beam from this. financial or moral. [Old English: related
headline heading at the top of an
n. 1 to whole]
newspaper. 2 (in
article or page, esp. in a health centre n. building containing

pi) summary of the most important various local medical services and doc-
items in a news bulletin. tors' practices.
headlock n. Wrestling hold with an health farm n. establishment offering
arm round the opponent's head. improved health by a regime of dieting,
headlong adv. & adj. 1 with the head exercise, etc.
foremost. 2 in a rush. health food n. natural food, thought to
headman n. chief man of a tribe etc. promote good health.
healthful 406 heat
healthful adj. conducive to good by a red figure of a heart, b (in pi.) this
health; beneficial. suit, at heart 1 in one's inmost feel-
health service n. public service pro- ings. 2 basically, break a person's
viding medical care. heart overwhelm a person with sorrow,
health visitor n. trained nurse who by heart from memory, give (or lose)
visits mothers and babies, or the sick or one's heart (often foil, by to) fall in love
elderly, at home. (with), have the heart (usu. with neg.;
healthy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having, show- foil, by to + infin.) be insensitive or
ing, or promoting good health. 2 indic- hard-hearted enough (didn't have the
ative of (esp. moral or financial) health heart to ask him), take to heart be
(a healthy sign). 3 substantial (won by much affected by. to one's heart's con-
a healthy 40 seconds). healthily adv. tent see content with all one's heart

healthiness n. sincerely; with all goodwill. [Old Eng-

heap-rc. 1 disorderly pile. 2 (esp. in pi.) lish]
colloq. large number or amount. 3 slang heartache n. mental anguish.
dilapidated vehicle, -v. 1 (foil, by up, heart attack n. sudden occurrence of
together, etc.) collect or be collected in a coronary thrombosis,
heap. 2 (foil, by with) load copiously heartbeat n. pulsation of the heart,
with. 3 (foil, by on, upon) give or offer heartbreak n. overwhelming distress.
copiously (heaped insults on them). z heartbreaking adj. heartbroken
[Old English] adj.
hear v. (past and past part, heard heartburn n. burning sensation in the
/h3:d/) 1 (also absol.) perceive with the chest from indigestion.
ear. 2 listen to (heard them on the hearten v. make or become more cheer-
radio). 3 listen judicially to (a case etc.). ful, z heartening adj.
4 be told or informed. 5 (foil, by from) be heart failure n. failure of the heart to
contacted by, esp. by letter or telephone. function properly, esp. as a cause of
6 be ready to obey (an order). 7 grant (a death.
prayer), z have heard of be aware of heartfelt adj. sincere; deeply felt.
the existence of. hear! hear! int. hearth ;ha:9 / n. 1 floor of a fireplace. 2
expressing agreement, hear a person the home. [Old English]
out listen to all a person says, will not hearthrug n. rug laid before a fire-
hear of will not allow, z hearer n. [Old place.
English] heartily adv. 1 in a hearty manner. 2
hearing n. 1 faculty of perceiving very (am heartily sick of it).
sounds. 2 range within which sounds heartland n. central part of an area,
may be heard (within hearing). 3 oppor- heartless adj. unfeeling, pitiless, z
tunity to state one's case (a fair hear- heartlessly adv.
ing). 4 trial of a case before a court. heart-lung machine n. machine that
hearing-aid n. small device to amplify temporarily takes over the functions of
sound, worn by a partially deaf person. the heart and lungs.
hearken /'ha:kan v. archaic (often foil, heart-rending adj. very distressing.
by to) listen. [Old English: related to heart-searching n. examination of
hark] one's own feelings and motives.
hearsay n. rumour, gossip. heartsick adj. despondent.
hearse /h3:s/ n. vehicle for conveying heartstrings one's deepest feel-
the coffin at a funeral. [French herse ings.
harrow, from Latin hirpex large rake] heartthrob person for whom
n. colloq.
heart /ha:t/ n.hollow muscular organ
1 one has (esp. immature) romantic feel-
maintaining the circulation of blood by ings.
rhythmic contraction and dilation. 2 heart-to-heart -attrib. adj. (of a con-
region of the heart; the breast. 3 a centre versation etc.) candid, intimate, -n.
of thought, feeling, and emotion (esp. candid or personal conversation.
love), b capacity for feeling emotion heart-warming adj. emotionally re-
(has no heart). 4 a courage or enthusi- warding or uplifting.
asm (take heart), b mood or feeling heartwood n. dense inner part of a
(change of heart). 5 a central or inner- tree-trunk, yielding the hardest timber.
most part of something, b essence (heart hearty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 strong, vigor-
of the matter). 6 compact tender inner ous. 2 (of a meal or appetite) large. 3
part of a lettuce etc. 7 a heart-shaped warm, friendly, z heartiness n.
thing, b conventional representation of heat -n. 1 condition of being hot. 2
a heart with two equal curves meeting Physics form of energy arising from the
at a point at the bottom and a cusp at the motion of bodies' molecules. 3 hot
top. 8 a playing-card of the suit denoted weather. 4 warmth of feeling; anger or
heated 407 Hebraic
excitement. 5 (foil, by of) most intense heavy /'hevi/ -adj. of great
(-ier, -iest) 1
part or period of activity {heat of battle). or unusually high weight; difficult to
6 (usu. preliminary or trial) round in a lift. 2 of great density (heavy metal). 3

race etc. -v. A make or become hot or abundant, considerable (heavy crop;
warm. 2 inflame. on heat (of mam- heavy traffic). 4 severe, intense, extens-
mals, esp. females) sexually receptive. ive (heavy fighting; a heavy sleep). 5
[Old English] doing a thing to excess (heavy drinker).
heated adj. angry; impassioned. heat- 6 striking or falling with force; causing
edly adv. strong impact (heavy blows; heavy
heater n. stove or other heating device. rain; heavy sea; a heavy fall). 7 (of
heath n. 1 area of flattish uncultivated machinery, artillery, etc.) very large of
land with low shrubs. 2 plant growing itskind; large in calibre etc. 8 needing
on a heath, esp. heather. [Old English] much physical effort (heavy work). 9
heathen /'hi:5(a)n/ -n. 1 person not carrying heavy weapons (the heavy bri-
belonging to a predominant religion, gade). 10 serious or sombre in tone or
esp. not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. 2 attitude; dull, tedious. 11 a hard to
person regarded as lacking culture or digest, b hard to read or understand. 12
moral principles, -adj. 1 of heathens. 2 (of bread etc.) too dense from not having
having no religion. [Old English] risen. 13 (of ground) difficult to traverse
heather /'he58(r)/ n. any of various or work. 14 oppressive; hard to endure
shrubs growing esp. on moors and (heavy demands). 15 a coarse, ungrace-
heaths, [origin unknown] ful (heavy features), b unwieldy. -n. (pi.
Heath Robinson /hi:8 'robins(8)n/ adj. -ies) 1 colloq. large violent person; thug
absurdly ingenious and impracticable, (esp. hired). 2 villainous or tragic role or
[name of a cartoonist] actor. 3 (usu. in pi.) colloq. serious news-
heating n. 1 imparting or generation of paper. 4 anything large or heavy of its
heat. 2 equipment used to heat a build- kind, e.g. a vehicle, -adv. heavily (esp.
ing etc. in comb.: heavy-laden). heavy on
heatproof -adj. able to resist great using a lot of (heavy on petrol), make
heat. -v. make heatproof, heavy weather of see weather.
heat shield n. device to protect (esp. a heavily adv. heaviness n. heavyish
spacecraft) from excessive heat, adj. [Old English]
heatwave n. period of unusually hot heavy-duty adj. intended to withstand
weather. hard use.
heave -v. (-ving; past and past part. heavy going n. slow or difficult pro-
heaved or esp. Naut. hove /houv/) 1 lift gress.
or haul with great effort. 2 utter with heavy-handed adj. 1 clumsy. 2 over-
effort (heaved a sigh). 3 colloq. throw. 4 bearing, oppressive. heavy-
rise and fall rhythmically or spasmod- -handedly adv. heavy-handedness n.
ically. 5 Naut. haul by rope. 6 retch, -n. heavy-hearted adj. sad, doleful.
heaving, c heave in sight come into heavy hydrogen n. = deuterium.
view, heave to esp. Naut. bring or be heavy industry n. industry producing
brought to a standstill. [Old English] metal, machinery, etc.
heaven /'hev(8)n/ n. 1 place regarded in heavy metal n. 1 heavy guns. 2 metal of
some religions as the abode of God and high density. 3 colloq. loud kind of rock
the angels, and of the blessed after music with a pounding rhythm.
death. 2 place or state of supreme bliss. 3 heavy petting n. erotic fondling that
colloq. delightful thing. 4 (usu. Heaven) stops short of intercourse.
God, Providence (often as an exclama- heavy water n. water composed of

tion or mild oath: Heavens). 5 (the deuterium and oxygen.

heavens) esp. poet, the sky as seen from heavyweight n. 1 a weight in certain
the earth, in which the sun, moon, and sports, in amateur boxing over 81 kg. b
stars appear, z heavenward adv. (also sportsman of this weight. 2 person etc.
heavenwards). [Old English] of above average weight. 3 colloq. per-
heavenly adj. 1 of heaven; divine. 2 of son of influence or importance.
the heavens or sky. 3 colloq. very pleas- hebdomadal /heb'dDmad(a)l/ adj.
ing; wonderful. formal weekly, esp. meeting weekly.
heavenly bodies the sun, stars, [Greek hepta seven]
planets, etc. hebe /'hi:bi/ n. evergreen flowering
heaven-sent adj. providential, shrub from New Zealand. [Greek god-
heavier-than-air attrib. adj. (of an dess Hebe]
aircraft) weighing more than the air it Hebraic /hi:'brenk/ adj. of Hebrew or
displaces. the Hebrews.
Hebrew 408 heirloom
Hebrew -n. 1 member of a
'hi:bru:/ to walk close to its owner's heel. -v. 1 fit
Semitic people orig. centred in ancient or renew a heel on (a shoe etc.). 2 touch
Palestine. 2 a their language, b modern the ground with the heel as in dancing. 3
form of this, used esp. in Israel, -adj. 1 (foil, by out) Rugby pass the ball with the
of or in Hebrew. 2 of the Hebrews or the heel, z at heel 1 (of a dog) close behind.
Jews. [Hebrew, = one from the other 2 (of a person etc.) under control, at (or
side of the river] on) the heels of following closely after
heck int. mild exclamation of
colloq. (a person or event), cool (or kick) one's
surprise or dismay, [a form of hell] heels be kept waiting, down at heel 1
heckle /"hek(a)l/ -v. (-ling) interrupt (of a shoe) with the heel worn down. 2 (of
and harass (a public speaker). -n. act of
a person) shabby, take to one's heels
heckling. heckler n. [var. of hackle] run away, to heel 1 (of a dog) close
hectare /"hektea(r)/ n. metric unit of
behind. 2 (of a person etc.) under con-
square measure, 100 ares (2.471 acres or
trol, turn on one's heel turn sharply
10,000 square metres). [French: related
round. [Old English]
tO HECTO-, ARE 2 ]
heel 2 —v. (often foil, by over) 1 (of a ship
hectic adj. 1 busy and con-
etc.) lean over. 2 cause (a ship etc.) to do
fused; excited. 2 feverish, z hectically
this. -n. act or amount of heeling, [ob-
adv. [Greek hektikos habitual]
solete heeld, from Germanic]
hecto- comb, form hundred. [Greek hek-
heel 3 var. of hele.
hectogram 'hekta.graem/ n. (also heelball n. 1 mixture of hard wax and
hectogramme) metric unit of mass lampblack used by shoemakers for
equal to 100 grams. polishing. 2 this or a similar mixture
hector 'hekta(r)/ -v. bully, intimidate. used in brass-rubbing.
-7L bully, [from the name Hector in the hefty /'hefti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of a

Iliad] person) big and strong. 2 (of a thing)

he'd 1 he had. 2 he would.
hi:d contr. large, heavy, powerful, z heftily adv.
hedge -n. fence or boundary of dense
1 heftiness n. [heft weight: related to
bushes or shrubs. 2 protection against HEAVE]
possible loss. -v. (-ging) 1 surround or hegemony /hi'gemani' n. leadership,
bound with a hedge. 2 (foil, by in) esp. by one State of a confederacy.
enclose. 3 a reduce one's risk of loss on [Greek hegemon leader]
(a bet or speculation) by compensating Hegira 'hed3ira n. (also Hejira) 1
transactions on the other side, b avoid Muhammad's flight from Mecca in ad
committing oneself. [Old English] 622. 2 Muslim era reckoned from this
hedgehog n. small insect-eating mam- date. [Arabic hijra departure]
mal with a piglike snout and a coat of heifer /'hefa(r)/ n. young cow, esp. one
spines, rolling itself up into a ball when that has not had more than one calf.
attacked. [Old English]
hedge-hop v. fly at a very low altitude, height hait n. 1 measurement from
hedgerow n. row of bushes etc. forming base to top or head to foot. 2 elevation
a hedge. above the ground or a recognized level.
hedge sparrow n. common grey and 3 considerable elevation (situated at a
brown dunnock.
bird; the
height). 4 high place or area. 5 top. 6 a
hedonism hi:d9 mz(a)m/ n. 1 belief in

most intense part or period (battle was

pleasure as mankind's proper aim. 2
at its height), b extreme example (the
behaviour based on this, z hedonist n.
height offashion). [Old English]
hedonistic /-'nistik/ adj. [Greek hedone
heighten v. make or become higher or
heebie-jeebies ,hi:bi'ji:biz/ (prec. more intense.
by the) slang nervous anxiety, tension,
heinous 'hemas adj. utterly odious or
wicked. [French hair hate]
[origin unknown]
heed attend to; take notice of. -n. heir /ea(r)/ n. (fern, heiress) person
careful attention, z heedful adj. heed- entitled to property or rank as the legal
less adj. heedlessly adv. [Old English] successor of its former holder. [Latin
hee-haw "hi:ho:/ -n. bray of a donkey. heres hered-]
—v. make a braying sound, [imitative] heir apparent n. heir whose claim

heel -n. 1 back of the foot below the

cannot be set aside by the birth of
ankle. 2 a part of a sock etc. covering another heir.
this, b part of a shoe etc. supporting this. heirloom n. 1 piece of personal prop-
3 thing like a heel in form or position. 4 erty that has been in a family for several
crust end of a loaf of bread. 5 colloq. generations. 2 piece of property as part
scoundrel. 6 (as int.) command to a dog of an inheritance.
heir presumptive 409 helping
heir presumptive n. heir whose claim Hellene /'heli:n/ n. 1 native of modern
may be set aside by the birth of another Greece. 2 ancient Greek, z Hellenic
heir. /he'lenik, -'li:nik/ adj. [Greek]
Hejira var. of Hegira. Hellenism /'heli,niz(a)m/ n. (esp.
held past and past part, of hold 1
ancient) Greek character or culture, z
hele /hi:l/ v. (-ling) (also heel) (foil, by Hellenist n.
in) set (a plant) in the ground temporar- Hellenistic Greek
/.heli'nistik/ adj. of
ily and cover its roots. [Old English] history, language, and culture of the
helical /'hi:lik(a)l/ adj. having the form late 4th to the late 1st c. bc.
of a helix. hell-fire n. fire(s) regarded as existing
helices pi. of helix. in hell.
helicopter /'heli,kDpta(r)/ n. wingless hell for leather adv. at full speed,
aircraft obtaining lift and propulsion hell-hole n. oppressive or unbearable
from horizontally revolving overhead place.
blades. [Greek: related to helix, pteron hellish -adj. 1 of or like hell. 2 colloq.
wing] extremely difficult or unpleasant, -adv.
helio- comb, form sun. [Greek helios colloq.extremely (hellish expensive), z
sun] hellishly adv.
heliocentric /,hi:lia'sentnk/ adj. 1
hello /ha'lau/ (also hallo, hullo) -int.
regarding the sun as centre. 2 con- expression of informal greeting, or of
sidered as viewed from the sun's centre. surprise, or to call attention, -n. (pi. -s)
heliograph /'hi:lia,gra:f/ -n. 1 signal- cry of 'hello', [var. of earlier hollo]
ling apparatus reflecting sunlight in
Hell's Angel n. member of a gang of
flashes. 2 message sent by means of this.
male motor-cycle enthusiasts notorious
-v. send (a message) by heliograph.
for outrageous and violent behaviour.
heliotrope /'hi:lia,traup/ n. plant with helm n. tiller or wheel for controlling a
fragrant purple flowers. [Greek: related
ship's rudder, z at the helm in control;
to helio-, trepo turn]
at the head of an organization etc. [Old
heliport /'heli,pa:t/ n. place where heli-
copters take off and land.
helmet /'helmit/ n. protective head-
helium /'hi:liam/ n. light inert gaseous
covering worn by a policeman, motor
element used in airships and as a refri-
cyclist, etc. [French from Germanic]
gerant, [related to helio-]
helix /'hi:liks/ n. (pi. helices /'hi:li,si:z/)
helmsman /'helmzman/ n. person who
steers a ship.
spiral curve (like a corkscrew) or coiled
helot /'helat/ n. serf, esp. (Helot) of a
curve (like a watch spring). [Latin from
class in ancient Sparta. [Latin from
hell -n. 1 place regarded in some reli-

gions as the abode of the dead, or of

help -v. 1 provide with the means to-
devils and condemned sinners. 2 place
wards what is needed or sought (helped
or state of misery or wickedness, -int.
me with my work; helped me (to) pay my
debts; helped him on with his coat). 2
expressing anger, surprise, etc. z the
(often absol.) be of use or service to
hell (usu. prec. by what, where, who,
etc.) expressing anger, disbelief, etc.
(does that help?). 3 contribute to alle-
(who the hell is this?; the hell you are!). viating (a pain or difficulty). 4 prevent
beat etc. the hell out of colloq. beat etc. or remedy (it can't be helped). 5 (usu.
without restraint, come hell or high with neg.) a refrain from (can't help it;
water no matter what the difficulties, could not help laughing), b refl. refrain
for the hell of it colloq. just for fun. get from acting (couldn't help himself). 6
hell colloq. be severely scolded or (often foil, by to) serve (a person with
punished, give a person hell colloq. food), -n. 1 helping or being helped
scold or punish a person, a (or one) hell (need your help; came to our help). 2
of a colloq. outstanding example of (a person or thing that helps. 3 colloq.
hell of a mess; one hell of a party), like domestic assistant or assistance. 4 rem-
hell colloq. 1 not at all. 2 recklessly, edy or escape (there is no help for it).
exceedingly. [Old English] help oneself (often foil, by to) 1 serve
he'll /hi:l/ contr. he will; he shall. oneself (with food etc.). 2 take without
hell-bent adj. (foil, by on) recklessly permission, help a person out give a
determined. person help, esp. in difficulty, z helper
hellebore /'heli,bo:(r)/ n. evergreen n. [Old English]
plant with usu. white, purple, or green helpful adj. giving help; useful, z help-
flowers, e.g. the Christmas rose. [Greek fully adv. helpfulness n.
(h)elleborus) helping n. portion of food at a meal.
helpless 410 herbicide
helpless adj. 1 lacking help or protec- henge /hend3/ n. prehistoric monument
tion; defenceless. 2 unable to act with- consisting of a circle of stone or wood
out help. helplessly adv. helpless- uprights. [Stonehenge in S. England]
ness n. henna /'hena/ -n. 1 tropical shrub. 2
helpline n. telephone service providing reddish dye made from it and used to
help with problems. colour hair. -v. (hennaed, hennaing)
helpmate n. helpful companion or dye with henna. [Arabic]
partner. hen-party n. colloq. social gathering of
helter-skelter /.helta'skeltafr)/ -adv. women only.
& adj. in disorderly haste, -n. (at a henpeck v. (usu. in passive) (of a wife)
fairground) external spiral slide round constantly nag her husband,
a tower, [imitative] henry /'henn/ n. (pi. -s or -ies) Electr. SI
hem -n. border of cloth where the edge

unit of inductance. [Henry, name of a

is turned under and sewn down. —v. physicist]
(-mm-) turn down and sew in the edge of hep var. of hip

(cloth etc.). hem

in confine; restrict hepatic /hi'paetik/ adj. of the liver.
the movement [Old English]
of. [Greek hepar -atos liver]
hem 2
-int. calling attention or express- hepatitis /.hepa'taitis/ n. inflammation
ing hesitation by a slight cough, -n. of the liver, [related to hepatic]
utterance of this. -v. (-mm-) say hem; hepta- comb, form seven. [Greek]
hesitate in speech. hem and haw = heptagon /'heptagan/ n. plane figure
hum and haw (see hum [imitative]1
with seven sides and angles. hepta-
hemal etc. US var. of haemal etc. gonal /-'taegan(a)l/ adj. [Greek: related
he-man n. masterful or virile man. to hepta- -gonos angled]

hemi- comb, form half. [Greek, = Latin

her -pron. 1 objective case of she (/ like
her). 2 colloq. she (it's her all right; am
hemipterous /he'miptaras/ adj. of the
older than her), -poss. pron. (attrib.) of
insect order including aphids, bugs, and
or belonging to her or herself (her
cicadas, with piercing or sucking
house; her own business). [Old English
mouthparts. [Greek pteron wing]
dative and genitive of she]
hemisphere /'hemi,sfia(r)/ n. 1 half a
herald /'her(a)ld/ -n. 1 official mes-
sphere. 2 half of the earth, esp. as
senger bringing news. 2 forerunner,
divided by the equator (into northern
harbinger. 3 a hist, officer responsible
and southern hemisphere) or by a line
for State ceremonial and etiquette, b
passing through the poles (into eastern
official concerned with pedigrees and
and western hemisphere), a hemi-
coats of arms. -v. proclaim the ap-
spherical /-'sfenk(a)l/ adj. [Greek:
proach usher in.
of; heraldic
related to hemi-, sphere]
[French from Germanic]
/-'raeldik/ adj.
hemline n. lower edge of a skirt etc.
hemlock /'hemlDk/ n. 1 poisonous plant heraldry n. 1 art or knowledge of a
herald. 2 coats of arms.
with fernlike leaves and small white
flowers. 2 poison made from this. [Old
herb n. 1 any non-woody seed-bearing
plant. 2 plant with leaves, seeds, or
hemp n. 1 (in full Indian hemp) Asian
flowers used for flavouring, food, medi-
herbaceous plant. 2 its fibre used to cine, scent, etc. herby adj. (-ier,
make rope and stout fabrics. 3 narcotic -iest). [Latin herba]
drug made from the hemp plant. [Old herbaceous /h3:'beijas/ adj. of or like
English] herbs.
hempen adj. made of hemp, herbaceous border n. garden border
hemstitch -n. decorative stitch, -v. containing esp. perennial flowering
hem with this stitch, plants.
hen n. female bird, esp. of a domestic herbage n. vegetation collectively, esp.

fowl. [Old English] as pasture.

henbane n. poisonous hairy plant with herbal -adj. of herbs in medicinal and
an unpleasant smell, culinary use. -n. book describing the
hence adv. 1 from this time {two years medicinal and culinary uses of herbs.
hence). 2 for this reason (hence we seem herbalist n. 1 dealer in medicinal
to be wrong). 3 archaic from here. [Old herbs. 2 writer on herbs.
English] herbarium /h3:'beanam/ n. (pi. -ria) 1
henceforth adv. (also henceforward) systematically arranged collection of
from this time onwards, dried plants. 2 book, room, etc. for these.
henchman usu. derog. trusted sup-
n. herbicide /'h3:bi,said/ n. poison used to
porter. [Old English hengst horse, man] destroy unwanted vegetation.
herbivore 411 hero
herbivore /'h3:bi,vo:(r)/ n. animal that Hereford /'henfad/ n. animal of a breed
feeds on plants. herbivorous of red and white beef cattle. [Hereford in
/-'bivaras/ adj. [Latin voro devour] England]
Herculean /,h3:kju'li:an/ adj. having or herein /hia'nn/ adv. formal in this mat-
requiring great strength or effort, [from ter, book, etc.
the name Hercules, Latin alteration of hereinafter /,hiarm'a:ft9(r)/ adv. esp.
Greek Herakles] Law formal 1 from this point on. 2 in a

herd -n. 1 a number of animals, esp. later part of this document etc.
cattle, feeding or travelling or kept hereof /hiar'nv/ adv. formal of this.
together. 2 (prec. by the) derog. large heresy /'herasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 esp. Ch. RC
number of people; mob {tends to follow religious belief or practice contrary to
the herd), -v. 1 (cause to) go in a herd orthodox doctrine. 2 opinion contrary to
(herded together for warmth; herded what is normally accepted or main-
the cattle into the field). 2 look after tained. [Greek hairesis choice]
(sheep, cattle, etc.). [Old English] heretic /'heratik/ n. 1 person believing
herd instinct n. (prec. by the) tendency in or practising religious heresy. 2
to think and act as a crowd. holder of an unorthodox opinion.
herdsman n. man who owns or tends a heretical /hi'retik(a)l/ adj.

herd. hereto /hia'tu:/ adv. formal to this mat-

here -adv. in or at or to this place or

position (come here; sit here). 2 indicat- heretofore /,hiatu'fo:(r)/ adv. formal
ing a person's presence or a thing before this time.
offered (my son here will show you;
hereupon /.hiara'pDn/ adv. after this; in
here is your coat). 3 at this point in the consequence of this.
argument, situation, etc. (here I have a
herewith /hia'wid/ adv. with this (esp.

question), -n. this place (get out of here;

ofan enclosure in a letter etc.).
lives near here;fill it up to here). -int. 1
heritable /'hentab(a)l/ adj. 1 Law cap-
able of being inherited or of inheriting. 2
calling attention: short for come here,
Biol, genetically transmissible from
look here, etc. (here, where are you
parent to offspring. [French: related to
going with that?). 2 indicating one's
presence in a roll-call: short for I am
heritage /'hentid3/ n. 1 what is or may
here. here goes! colloq. expression
be inherited. 2 inherited circumstances,
indicating the start of a bold act. here's
benefits, etc. 3 a nation's historic build-
to I drink to the health of. here we are
ings, monuments, countryside, etc., esp.
colloq. said on arrival at one's destina-
when regarded as worthy of preserva-
tion, here we go again colloq. the same,
usu. undesirable, events are recurring, -n
hermaphrodite /h3:'maefra,dait/ .

here you are said on handing some- person, animal, or plant having both
thing to somebody, neither here nor
male and female reproductive organs.
there of no importance. [Old English] -adj. combining both sexes. herm-
hereabouts /.hiara'bauts/ adv. (also aphroditic /-'ditik/ adj. [from Her-
hereabout) near this place. maphroditus, son of Hermes and Aphro-
hereafter /hiar'a:fta(r)/ -adv. from dite who became joined in one body to a
now on; in the future. -n. 1 the future. 2 nymph]
life after death. hermetic /h3:'metik/ adj. with an air-
here and now adv. at this very mo- tight closure, n hermetically adv.
ment; immediately. [from the Greek god Hermes, regarded
here and there adv. in various places, as the founder of alchemy]
hereby /hia'bai/ adv. by this means; as a hermit /'h3:mit/ n. person (esp. an early
result of this. Christian) living in solitude and auster-
hereditable /hi'reditab(a)l/ adj. that ity. hermitic /-'mitik/ adj. [Greek
can be inherited. [Latin: related to heir] eremos solitary]
hereditary /hi'reditari/ adj. 1 (of a hermitage n. 1 hermit's dwelling. 2
disease, instinct, etc.) able to be passed secluded dwelling.
down genetically from one generation hermit-crab n. crab that lives in a
to another. 2 a descending by inherit- mollusc's cast-off shell.
ance, b holding a position by inherit- hernia /'h3:nia/ n. protrusion of part of
ance. [Latin: related to heir] an organ through the wall of the body
heredity /hi'rediti/ n. 1 a passing on of cavity containing it. [Latin]
physical or mental characteristics gen- hero /'hiarau/ n. (pi. -es) 1 person noted
etically, b these characteristics. 2 gen- or admired for nobility, courage, out-
etic constitution. standing achievements, etc. 2 chief male
heroic 412
! hg
character in a play, story, etc. [Greek hetero- comb, form
I other, different.
herds] [Greek heteros other]
heroic /hi'rauik/ -adj. of, or like
fit for, heterodox
] /'hetarau.doks adj. not
a hero; very brave. — n. (in pi.) 1 high- orthodox. heterodoxy n. [from
flown language or sentiments. 2 unduly hetero-, Greek doxa opinion]
bold behaviour, z heroically adv. heterodyne /'hetarao.dam/ adj. Radio

heroin /'heraum/ rc. addictive analgesic relating to the production of a lower

drug derived from morphine, often used frequency from the combination of two
as a narcotic. [German: related to hero, almost equal high frequencies, [from
from the effect on the user's self-esteem] hetero-, Greek dunamis force]
heroine /'heraum/ n. 1 woman noted or heterogeneous /.hetarau'dsmias/ adj.

admired for nobility, courage, outstand- 1 diverse in character. 2 varied in con-

ing achievements, etc. 2 chief female tent, z heterogeneity -d3i'ni:iti n.

character in a play, story, etc. [Greek: [Latin from Greek genos kind]
related to hero] heteromorphic
^ /.hetarau mo fik/ adj.
heroism /'herau,iz(a)m/ n. heroic con- (also heteromorphous /-'mD:fas/) Biol.
duct or qualities. [French heroisme: of dissimilar forms, z hetero-
related to hero] morphism n.

heron /'heran/ n. long-legged w ading r heterosexual

1 .hetarau'sekjual -adj.
bird with a long S-shaped neck. [French feeling or involving sexual attraction to
from Germanic] the opposite sex. -n. heterosexual per-
hero-worship -n. idealization of an son, z heterosexuality /-'a?liti/ n.
admired person, -v. idolize.
het up predic. adj. colloq. overwrought.

herpes virus disease caus-

/'h3:pi:z/ n. .
[het, a dial, word = heated]
ing skin blisters. [Greek herpo creep] heuristic /hjua'ristik adj. 1 allowing or
assisting to discover. 2 proceeding to a
Herr Herren
/hea(r)/ n. (pi. /'heran/) 1
solution by trial and error. [Greek heur-
title of a German man; Mr. 2 German
isko find]
man. [German]
herring /'henn/ n. (pi. same
or -s) N.

v. (past part, hewn /hju:n or

hewed) 1 chop or cut with an axe,
Atlantic fish used as food. [Old English]
sword, etc. 2 cut into shape. [Old
herring-bone n. stitch or weave con-
sisting of a series of small 'V shapes
hex -v. 1 practise witchcraft. 2 bewitch.
making a zigzag pattern. — n. magic spell. [German]
herring-gull n. large gull with dark
hexa- comb, form six. [Greek]
hexadecimal .heksa'desimCa)!, adj.
hers /h3:z/ poss. pron. the one or ones esp. Computing of a system of numer-
belonging to or associated with her (it is notation that has 16 (the figures to
hers; hers are over there), z of hers of
9 and the letters A
to F) rather than 10 as
or belonging to her (friend of hers). a base.
herself /ha 'self/ pro n. 1 a emp hat. form hexagon 'heksagan n. plane figure
of she or her (she herself will do it), b with six sides and angles, z hexagonal
refl. form of her (she has hurt herself).
/-'saegan(a)l/ [Greek: related to
2 in her normal state of body or mind hexa-, -gonos angled]
(does not feel quite herself today), z be hexagram 'heksa.graem/ n. figure
herself see oneself, by herself see by formed by two intersecting equilateral
oneself. [Old English: related to her, triangles.
self] hexameter
] hek'saemita(r), n. line of
hertz n. (pi. same) SI unit of frequency, verse with six metrical feet,
equal to one cycle per second. [Hertz, hey
] /hei/ calling attention or
name of a physicist] expressing joy, surprise, inquiry, etc.
he's /hi:z, hiz/ contr. 1 he is. 2 he has. [imitative]
hesitant /'hezit(a)nt/ adj. hesitating; ir- heyday 'heidei/ n. time of greatest suc-

resolute, z hesitance n. hesitancy n. cess or prosperity. [Low German]

hesitantly adv. hey presto!
] int. conjuror's phrase on
hesitate /'hezi.teit/ v. (-ting) 1 show or completing a trick.
feel indecision or uncertainty; pause Hezbollah .hezba'la: n. (also Hiz-)
in doubt (hesitated over her choice). extreme Shiite Muslim group,
2 be reluctant (/ hesitate to say so). active esp. in Lebanon. [Arabic hizbul-
hesitation /-'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin lah Party of God]
haereo haes- stick fast] HF abbr. high frequency.

hessian /'hesian/ n. strong coarse sack- Hf symb. hafnium.

ing made of hemp or jute. [Hesse in Hgsymb. mercury. [Latin hydrargyrum]
Germany] hg abbr.
] hectogram(s).
HGV 413 high and mighty
HGV abbr. heavy goods vehicle. hiding-place n. place of concealment.
HH abbr. 1 Her or His Highness. 2 His hierarchy /'haia,ra:ki/ n. (pi. -ies) sys-
Holiness. 3 (of pencil-lead) double-hard, tem of grades of status or authority
hi /hai/ int. calling attention or as a ranked one above the other. hier-
greeting. archical /-'ra:kik(9)l/ adj. [Greek hier-
hiatus break
/hai'eitas/ n. (pi. -tuses) 1 05 sacred, arkho rule]
or gap in a series or sequence. 2 break hieratic /.haia'raetik/ adj. 1 of priests. 2
between two vowels coming together of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic
but not in the same
as in syllable, writing as used by priests. [Greek hier-
though oft the ear. [Latin hio gape] eus priest]
hibernate /'haiba.neit/ v. (-ting) (of an hieroglyph /'haiaragrhf/ n. picture
animal) spend the winter in a dormant representing a word, syllable, or sound,
state. hibernation /-'neij(9)n/ n. as used in ancient Egyptian etc. [Greek
[Latin hibernus wintry] hieros sacred, glupho carve]
Hibernian /hai'b3:nian/ archaic poet, hieroglyphic /.haiara'glifik/ -adj. of
-adj. of Ireland, -n. native of Ireland. or written in hieroglyphs, -n. (in pi.)
[Latin Hibernia Ireland] hieroglyphs; hieroglyphic writing.
hibiscus /hi'biskas/ n. (pi. -cuses) cultiv- hi-fi /'haifai/ colloq. -adj. of high fidel-
ated shrub with large bright-coloured ity, -n. (pi. -s) set of high-fidelity equip-
flowers. [Greek hibiskos marsh mallow] ment, [abbreviation]
hiccup /'hikAp/ (also hiccough) -n. 1 higgledy-piggledy /.higaldi'pigaldi/
involuntary spasm of the diaphragm adv. & adj. in confusion or disorder,
causing a characteristic sound 'hie'. 2 [origin uncertain]
temporary or minor stoppage or diffi- high /hai/ -adj. 1 a of great vertical
culty. -17. (-p-) make a hiccup, [imitative] extent (high building), b (predic; often
hick n. (often attrib.) esp. US colloq. in comb.) of a specified height (one inch
country bumpkin, provincial, [familiar high; waist-high). 2 a far above ground
form of Richard] or sea level etc. (high altitude), b inland,
hickory /'hikan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 N. Amer- esp. when raised (High Asia). 3 extend-
ican tree yielding wood and nutlike ing above the normal level (jersey with
edible fruits. 2 the tough heavy wood of a high neck). 4 a of exalted quality (high
this. [Virginian pohickery] minds), b lavish; superior (high living;
hid past of hide 1 . high fashion). 5 of exalted rank (high
hidden past part, of hide 1
. society; is high in the Government). 6 a
hidden agenda n. secret motivation great; intense; extreme; powerful (high
behind a policy, statement, etc.; ulterior praise; high temperature), b greater
motive. than normal (high prices), c extreme or
hide 1 -v. (-ding; past hid; past part. very traditional in religious or political
hidden) 1 put or keep out of sight. 2 opinion (high Tory). 7 performed at, to,
conceal oneself. 3 (usu. foil, by from) or from a considerable height (high
keep (a fact) secret. 4 conceal, -n. diving; high flying). 8 (often foil, by on)
camouflaged shelter used for observing colloq. intoxicated by alcohol or esp.
wildlife. hider
n. [Old English] drugs. 9 (of a sound etc.) of high fre-
hide 2 n. animal's skin, esp. when
1 quency; shrill. 10 (of a period, age, time,
tanned or dressed. 2 colloq. the human etc.) at itspeak (high noon; high sum-
skin, esp. the backside. [Old English] mer; High Renaissance). 11 a (of meat
hide-and-seek n. game in which etc.) beginning to go bad; off. b (of game)
players hide and another searches for well-hung and slightly decomposed, -n.
them. 1 high, or the highest, level or figure. 2

hideaway n. hiding-place or place of area of high pressure; anticyclone. 3

retreat. slang euphoric state, esp. drug-induced
hidebound adj. 1 narrow-minded. 2 (am on a high), -adv. 1 far up; aloft
constricted by tradition, (flew the flag high). 2 in or to a high
hideous /'hidias/ adj. 1 very ugly, degree. 3 at a high price. 4 (of a sound) at
revolting. 2 colloq. unpleasant. hid- or to a high pitch, n high opinion of
eosity /-'dsiu/ n. (pi. -ies). hideously favourable opinion of. on high in or to
adv. [Anglo-French hidous] heaven or a high place, on one's high
hide-out n. colloq. hiding-place. horse colloq. acting arrogantly. [Old
hiding n. colloq. a thrashing.
on a English]
hiding to nothing with no chance of high altar n. chief altar in a church,
succeeding, [from hide ]
high and dry adj. stranded; aground,
hiding2 n. 1 act of hiding. 2 state of high and low adv. everywhere
remaining hidden (go into hiding). (searched high and low).
[from hide 1 ] high and mighty adj. colloq. arrogant.

highball 414 high street

highball n. US drink of spirits and soda Computing (of a programming lan-
etc.. served with ice in a tall glass. guage) not machine-dependent and usu.
highbrow colloq. -adj. intellectual; at a level of abstraction close to natural
cultural, -n. intellectual or cultured language.
person. highlight -n. 1 moment or detail of
high chair n.infant's chair with long vivid interest; outstanding feature. 2 (in
legs and a trayfor meals. a painting etc.) bright area. 3 (usu. in pi
High Church it section of the Church light streak in the hair produced by
of England emphasizing ritual, priestly bleaching, —v. 1 bring into prominence;
authority, and sacraments, draw attention to. 2 mark with a
high-class adj. of high quality, highlighter.
high colour n. flushed complexion, highlighter n. marker pen for emphas-
high command n. army commander- izing a printed word etc. by overlaying it
in-chief and associated staff. with colour.
High Commission n. embassy from highly 'haili adv. 1 in a high degree
one Commonwealth country to another. {highly amusing: commend it highly). 2
High Commissioner n. favourably (think highly of him).
High Court n. (also in England High highly-strung adj. very sensitive or
Court of Justice) supreme court of nervous.
justice for civil cases, high-minded adj. having high moral
high day n. festal day. principles, high-mindedly
z adv.
higher animal n. (also higher plant) high-mindedness n.
animal or plant evolved to a high highness state of being high (high-
n. 1
degree. ness of taxation). 2 (Highness) title
higher education n. education at used when addressing or referring to a
university etc.
prince or princess (Her Highness; Your
high explosive n. extremely explosive
Royal Highness).
substance used in shells, bombs, etc.
high-octane adj. (of fuel used in
highfalutin ,haifa'lu:nn adj. (also
internal-combustion engines) not deton-
highfaluting -tin ) colloq. pompous,
ating readily during the power stroke.
pretentious, [origin unknown] high-pitched adj. 1 (of a sound) high. 2
high fidelity' n. high-quality sound
(of a roof) steep.
reproduction with little distortion.
high-flown language
adj. (of etc.) ex-
high point n. the maximum or best
state reached.
travagant, bombastic.
high-flyer n. (also high-flier) 1 ambi-
high-powered adj. 1 having great
power or energy. 2 important or
tious person. 2 person or thing of great
potential. high-flying adj.
high frequency n. frequency, esp. in
high pressure n. 1 high degree of
activity or exertion. 2 atmospheric con-
radio, of 3-30 megahertz.
dition with the pressure above average.
high gear n. gear such that the driven
end of a transmission revolves faster high priest n. (fern, high priestess) 1
chief priest, esp. Jewish. 2 head of a cult.
than the driving end.
high-handed adj. disregarding others' high-ranking adj. of high rank,
overbearing. z high- senior.
-handedly adv. high-handedness n. high-rise -attrib. adj. (of a building)
high heels women's shoes with having many storeys, -n. such a
high heels. building.
high jinks boisterous fun. high-risk attrib. adj. involving or
high jump n. 1 athletic event consist- exposed to danger (high-risk sports).
ing of jumping over a high bar. 2 colloq. high road n. main road,
drastic punishment (he's for the high high school n. 1 grammar school. 2 US
jump). & Scot, secondary school,
highland -n. (usu. in pi. ) 1 area of high high sea n. (also high seas) open seas
land. 2 (the Highlands) mountainous not under any country's jurisdiction,
part of Scotland, -adj. of or in a high- high season n. busiest period at a
land or the Highlands. highlander n. resort etc.
(also Highlander). [Old English. = pro- high-speed attrib. adj. operating at
montory: related to high] great speed.
Highland cattle n. cattle of a shaggy- high-spirited adj. vivacious; cheerful;
haired breed with long curved horns. lively.
Highland fling see fling n. 3. high spot n. important place or feature,
high-level adj. 1 (of negotiations etc.) high street n. principal shopping street
conducted by high-ranking people. 2 of a town.
high table 415 hip
high table dining-table for the most
n. him pron. 1 objective case of he (/ saw
important guests or members. him). 2 colloq. he (it's him again; taller
high tea n. evening meal usu. consist- than him). [Old English, dative of he]
ing of a cooked dish, bread and butter, himself /him'self/ pron. 1 a emphat.
tea, etc. form of he or him (he himself will do it).
high-tech adj. 1 employing, requiring, b refl.form of him (he has hurt himself).
or involved in high technology. 2 imitat- 2 in his normal state of body or mind
ing styles more usual in industry etc. (does not feel quite himself today). be
high technology n. advanced techno- himself see oneself, by himself see by
logical development, esp. in electronics. oneself. [Old English: related to him,
high tension n. = high voltage. self]
high tide n. time or level of the tide at hind /hamd/ adj.
at the back (hind leg).
its peak. [Old English hindan from behind]
high time n. time that is overdue (it is hind 2 /hamd/ n. female (esp. red) deer,
high time they arrived). esp. in and after the third year. [Old
high treason n. = treason. English]
high-up n. colloq. person of high rank, hinder 1 /'hmd9(r)/ v. impede; delay.
high voltage n. electrical potential [Old English]
large enough to injure or damage, hinder 2 /'hainda(r)/ adj. rear, hind (the
high water n. - high tide. hinder part). [Old English]
high-water mark n. level reached at Hindi /'hindi/ n. 1 group of spoken
high water. dialects of N. India. 2 literary form of
highway n. 1 a public road, b main Hindustani, an official language of
route. 2 direct course of action (on the India. [Urdu Hind India]
highway to success). hindmost adj. furthest behind,
Highway Code n. official booklet of hindquarters hind legs and rump
guidance for road-users. of a quadruped.
highwayman n. hist, robber of travel- hindrance /'hmdrans/ n. 1 hindering;
lers etc., usu. mounted. being hindered. 2 thing that hinders.
high wire n. high tightrope. hindsight n. wisdom after the event.
hijack /'haid3aek/ -v. 1 seize control of Hindu /'hmdu:/ -n. (pi. -s) follower of
(a vehicle etc.), esp. to force it to a Hinduism, -adj. of Hindus or Hin-
different destination. 2 seize (goods) in duism. [Urdu Hind India]
transit. 3 take control of (talks etc.) by Hinduism /'hindu:,iz(a)m/ n. main re-
force or subterfuge, -n. a hijacking. ligious and
social system of India,
hijacker n. [origin unknown] including the belief in reincarnation,
hike -n. 1 long walk, esp. in the country several gods, and a caste system.
for pleasure. 2 rise in prices etc. -v. Hindustani /,hindu'sta:ni/ n. language
(-king) 1 go for a hike. 2 walk labori- based on Hindi, used as a lingua franca
ously. 3 (usu. foil, by up) hitch up in much of India, [from Hindu, stan
(clothing etc.); become hitched up. 4 country]
(usu. foil, by up) raise (prices etc.). hinge /hind3/ -n. 1 movable joint on
hiker n. [origin unknown] which a door, lid, etc., turns or swings. 2
hilarious exceedingly
/hi'learias/ adj. 1 principle on which all depends, -v.
funny. 2 boisterously merry. hilari- (-ging) 1 (foil, by on) depend (on a
ously adv. hilarity /-laenti/ n. [Greek principle, an event, etc.). 2 attach or be
hilaros cheerful] attached by a hinge, [related to hang]
hill n. 1 naturally raised area of land, hinny /'hmi/ n. (pi. -ies) offspring of a
lower than a mountain. 2 (often in female donkey and a male horse. [Greek
comb.) heap, mound (anthill). 3 sloping hinnos]
piece of road. over the hill colloq. hint -n. 1 slight or indirect indication or

past the prime of life. [Old English] suggestion. 2 small piece of practical
hill-billy n. US colloq., often derog. information. 3 very small trace; sugges-
person from a remote rural area in a tion (a hint of perfume), -v. suggest
southern State. slightly or indirectly. hint at give a
hillock /'hilak/ n. small hill, mound, hint of; refer indirectly to. take a hint
hillside n. sloping side of a hill, heed a hint, [obsolete hent grasp]
hilltop n. top of a hill, hinterland /'hinta.laend/ n. 1 district
hillwalking n. hiking in hilly country. beyond a coast or river's banks. 2 area
hillwalker n. served by a port or other centre. [Ger-
hilly adj. (-ier, -iest) having many hills. man]
hilliness n. hip n. projection of the pelvis and the

hilt n. handle of a sword, dagger, etc. upper part of the thigh-bone. [Old Eng-
up to the hilt completely. [Old English] lish]
hip 416 hit
hip 2 n. fruit of a rose, esp. wild. [Old Spanish-speaking person living in the
English] US. [Latin Hispania Spain]
hip^ int. introducing a united cheer {hip, hiss -v. A make a sharp sibilant sound,
hip, hooray), [origin unknown] as of the letter s. 2 express disapproval
hip 4 adj.(also hep) (-pper, -ppest) slang of by hisses. 3 whisper urgently or
trendy, stylish, [origin unknown] angrily, -n. 1 sharp sibilant sound as of
hip-bath n. portable bath in which one the letter s. 2 Electronics interference at
sits immersed to the hips. audio frequencies, [imitative]
hip-bone n. bone forming the hip. histamine /'hista.mim/ n. chemical
hip-flask n. small flask for spirits. compound in body tissues etc., associ-
hip hop n. (also hip-hop) subculture ated with allergic reactions, [from his-
combining rap music, graffiti art, and tology, amine]
break-dancing, [from hip 4 ] histogram /'hista.graem/ n. statistical
hippie hippy) (pi. -ies)
/'hipi/ n. (also diagram of rectangles with areas pro-
colloq. (esp. in the 1960s)person reject- portional to the value of a number of
ing convention, typically with long hair, variables. [Greek histos mast]
jeans, beads, etc., and taking hallucin- histology /hi'stDlad3i/ n. the study of
ogenic drugs, [from hip 4 ] tissue structure. [Greek histos web]
hippo /'hipeu/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. hippopot- historian /hi'stD:nan/ n. 1 writer of
amus, [abbreviation] history. 2 person learned in history.
hip-pocket n. trouser-pocket just be- historic /hi'stDnk/ adj. 1 famous or
hind the hip. important in history or potentially so
Hippocratic oath /.hipa'kraetik/ n. (historic moment). 2 Gram, (of a tense)
statement of ethics of the medical pro- used to narrate past events.
fession. [Hippocrates, name of a Greek historical adj. 1 of or concerning his-
physician] tory (historical evidence). 2 (of the
hippodrome /'hipa.draum/ n mus i c .-j
study of a subject) showing its develop-
hall or dancehall. 2 (in classical anti- ment over a period. 3 factual, not fic-
quity) course for chariot races etc. tional or legendary- 4 belonging to the
[Greek hippos horse, dromos race] past, not the present. 5 (of a novel etc.)
hippopotamus /.hipa'pDtamas/ n. (pi. dealing with historical events. histor-
-muses or -mi /-,mai/) large African ically adv.
mammal with short legs and thick skin, historicism /hi'stDn siz(a)m/
n. 1
living by rivers, lakes, etc. [Greek hip- theory that social and cultural phe-
pos horse, potamos river] nomena are determined by history.
hippy 1
var. of hippie. 2 belief that historical events are gov-
hippy 2 having large hips.
adj. erned by laws.
hipster 1 -attrib. adj. (of a garment) historicity /.hista'nsiti/ n. historical
hanging from the hips rather than the truth or authenticity.
waist, —n. (in pi.) such trousers. historiography /hi.stoiri'Dgrafi n. 1

hipster 2 n. slang hip person. the writing of history. 2 the study of this,
hire -v. (-ring) 1 purchase the tempor- z historiographer n.
ary use of (a thing) (hired a van). 2 esp. history /'histari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 continu-
US employ (a person), -n. 1 hiring or ous record of (esp. public) events. 2 a the
being hired. 2 payment for this. for (or study of past events, esp. human affairs,
on) hire ready to be hired, hire out b total accumulation of past events, esp.
grant the temporary use of (a thing) for relating to human affairs or a particular
payment. hireable adj. hirer n. [Old nation, person, thing, etc. 3 eventful
English] past (this house has a history). 4 (foil,
hireling n. usu. derog. person who by of) past record (had a history of
works (only) for money. illness). 5 a systematic or critical ac-
hire purchase n. system of purchase count of or research into past events etc.
by paying in instalments. b similar record or account of natural
hirsute /'h3:sju:t/ adj. hairy. [Latin] phenomena. 6 historical play, z make
his pron. 1 (attrib.) of or
/hiz/ poss. history do something memorable.
belonging to him or himself (his house; [Greek historia inquiry]
his own business). 2 the one or ones histrionic /.histn'unik/ -adj. (of be-
belonging to or associated with him (it haviour) theatrical, dramatic, -n. (in
is his; his are over there). of his of or pi.) insincere and dramatic behaviour
belonging to him (friend of his). [Old designed to impress. [Latin histrio
English, genitive of he] actor]
Hispanic /hi'spaenik/ -adj. 1 of Spain hit -v. (-tt-; past and past part, hit) 1 a
or Spain and Portugal. 2 of Spain and strike with a blow or missile, b (of a
other Spanish-speaking countries, -n. moving body) strike with force (the
hit-and-run 417 hobgoblin
plane hit the ground), c reach (a target HIV abbr. human immunodeficiency
etc.) with a directed missile {hit the virus, either of two viruses causing
wicket). 2 cause to suffer; affect adverse- Aids.
ly. 3 (often foil, by at, against) direct a hive n. beehive. hive off (-ving) separ-
blow. 4 (often foil,by against, on) knock ate from a larger group. [Old English]
(a part of the body) (hit his head). 5 hives skin-eruption, esp. nettle-
achieve, reach (hit the right tone; can 't rash, [origin unknown]
hit the high notes). 6 colloq. a encounter Hizbollah var. of Hezbollah.
(hit a snag), b arrive at (hit town), c HM abbr. Her (or His) Majesty('s).
indulge heavily in, esp. liquor etc. (hit HMG abbr. Her (or His) Majesty's
the bottle). 7 esp. US slang rob or kill. 8 Government.
occur forcefully to (it only hit him HMI abbr. Her (or His) Majesty's In-
later). 9 a propel (a ball etc.) with a bat spector (of Schools).
etc. to score runs or points, b score in HMS abbr. Her (or His) Majesty's Ship.
this way (hit a six). -n. 1 a blow, stroke, HMSO abbr. Her (or His) Majesty's
b collision. 2 shot etc. that hits its target. Stationery Office.
3 colloq. popular success, z hit back HNC abbr. Higher National Certificate.
retaliate, hit below the belt 1 esp. HND abbr. Higher National Diploma.
Boxing give a foul blow. 2 treat or Ho symb. holmium.
behave unfairly, hit the hay (or sack) ho /hau/ int. expressing triumph, de-
colloq. go to bed. hit it off (often foil, by rision, etc., or calling attention, [natural
with, together) colloq. get on well (with a exclamation]
person), hit the nail on the head state hoard -n. stock or store (esp. of money
the truth exactly, hit on (or upon) find or food). amass and store.
by chance, hit out deal vigorous phys- hoarder n. [Old English]
ical or verbal blows, hit the road slang hoarding n. 1 large, usu. wooden, struc-

depart, hit the roof see roof. [Old ture used to carry advertisements etc. 2
English from Old Norse] temporary fence round a building site
hit-and-run attrib. adj. 1 (of a driver, etc. [obsolete hoard from French:
raider, etc.) causing damage or injury hourd]
and leaving the scene immediately. 2 (of hoar-frost n. frozen water vapour on
an accident, attack, etc.) perpetrated by vegetation etc. [Old English]
such a person or people. hoarse adj. 1 (of the voice) rough and
hitch -v. 1 fasten or be fastened with a deep; husky, croaking. 2 having such a
loop, hook, etc.; tether. 2 move (a thing) voice. hoarsely adv. hoarseness n.
slightly or with a jerk. 3 colloq. a = [Old Norse]
hitchhike, b obtain (a lift) by hitch- hoary adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a (of hair) grey
hiking, -n. 1 temporary obstacle or or white with age. b having such hair;
snag. 2 abrupt pull or push. 3 noose or aged. 2 old and trite (hoary joke). [Old
knot of various kinds. 4 colloq. free ride English]
in a vehicle. get hitched colloq. hoax -n. humorous or malicious decep-
marry, hitch up lift (esp. clothing) with tion, -v. deceive (a person) with a hoax,
a jerk, [origin uncertain] [probably a shortening of hocus in
hitchhike v. (-king) travel by seeking hocus-pocus]
free lifts in passing vehicles. hitch- hob n. 1 flat heating surface with hot-
hiker n. plates or burners, on a cooker or as a
hi-tech /'haitek/ adj. = high-tech. separate unit. 2 flat metal shelf at the
[abbreviation] side of a fireplace for heating a pan etc.
hither /'hida(r)/ adv. formal to or to- [perhaps var. of hub]
wards this place. [Old English] hobble /'hob(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 walk
hither and thither adv. to and fro. lamely; limp. 2 tie together the legs of (a
hitherto /.hida'tu:/ adv. until this time, horse etc.) to prevent it from straying.
up to now. -n. 1 uneven or infirm gait. 2 rope etc.

hit list n. slang list of prospective vic- for hobbling a horse etc. [probably Low
tims. German]
hit man n. slang hired assassin, hobby /'hobi/ n. (pi. -ies) leisure-time
hit-or-miss adj. liable to error, ran- activity pursued for pleasure, [from the
dom. name Robin]
hit parade n. colloq. list of the current hobby-horse n. 1 child's toy consisting

best-selling pop records. of a stick with a horse's head. 2 favour-

Hittite /'hitait/ -n. member or language ite subject or idea.
of an ancient people of Asia Minor and hobgoblin /'hob.gDblm/ n. mischiev-
Syria, -adj. of the Hittites. [Hebrew] ous imp; bogy, [from hobby, goblin]
hobnail 418 hold
hobnail n. heavy-headed nail for boot- hoist -v. 1 raise or haul up. 2 raise by
soles, [from hob] means of ropes and pulleys etc. -n. 1 act
hobnob /'hobnob/ v. (-bb-) (usu. foil, by of hoisting, lift. 2 apparatus for hoisting.
with) mix socially or informally, [hab hoist with one's own petard caught
nab have or not have] by one's own trick etc. [earlier hoise,
hobo /'haubau/ n. (pi -es or -s) US probably from Low German]
wandering worker; tramp, [origin hoity-toity /.hoiti'toiti/ adj. haughty,
unknown] [obsolete hoit romp]
Hobson's choice /'hDbs(a)nz/ n. choice hokum /'haukam/ n. esp. US slang 1
of taking the thing offered or nothing. sentimental, sensational, or unreal
[Hobson, name of a carrier who let out material in a film or play etc. 2 bunkum;
horses thus] rubbish, [origin unknown]
hock n. joint of a quadruped's hind leg
hold 1 /hauld/ — 0. (past and past part.
between the knee and the fetlock. [Old held) 1 a keep fast; grasp (esp. in the
English] hands or arms), b (also re/7.) keep or
hock 2 n. German white wine from the sustain (a thing, oneself, one's head,
Rhineland. [Hochheim in Germany] etc.) in a particular position, c grip so as
hock 3 v. esp. US colloq. pawn; pledge. to control (hold the reins). 2 have the
in hock 1 in pawn. 2 in debt. 3 in prison. capacity for, contain (holds two pints).
[Dutch] 3 possess, gain, or have, esp.: a be the
hockey /'hoki/ n. team game with owner or tenant of (land, property,
hooked sticks and a small hard ball, stocks, etc.). b gain or have gained (a
[origin unknown] qualification, record, etc.). c have the
hocus-pocus /.haokas'paukas/ n. de- position of (a job or office), d keep
ception; trickery, [sham Latin] possession of (a place etc.), esp. against
hod n. 1 V-shaped trough on a pole used attack. 4 remain unbroken; not give way
for carrying bricks etc. 2 portable recept- (roof held under the storm). 5 celebrate
acle for coal. [French hotte pannier] or conduct (a meeting, festival, conver-
hodgepodge var. of hotchpotch. sation, etc.). 6 a keep (a person etc.) in a
Hodgkin's disease /'hod^kinz/ n. place or condition (held him in sus-
malignant disease of lymphatic tissues, pense), b detain, esp. in custody. 7 a
usu. characterized by enlargement of engross (book held him for hours), b
the lymph nodes. [Hodgkin, name of a dominate (held the stage). 8 (foil, by to)
physician] keep (a person etc.) to (a promise etc.). 9
hoe -n. long-handled tool with a blade, (of weather) continue fine. 10 think,
used for weeding etc. -v. (hoes, hoed, believe; assert (held it to be plain; held
hoeing) weed (crops); loosen (earth); that the earth was flat). 1 1 regard with a
dig up with a hoe. [French from Ger- specified feeling (held him in contempt).
manic] 12 cease; restrain (hold your fire). 13
hog -n. 1 castrated male pig. 2 colloq. keep or reserve (please hold our seats).
greedy person, -v. (-gg-) colloq. take 14 be able to drink (alcohol) without
greedily; hoard selfishly; monopolize. effect (can't hold his drink). 15 (of a
go the whole hog colloq. do something court etc.) lay down; decide. 16 Mus.
completely or thoroughly. hoggish sustain (a note). 17 = hold the line. -n. 1
adj. [Old English] (foil, by on, over) influence or power

hogmanay /'hogma.nei/ n. Scot. New over (has a strange hold over me). 2
Year's Eve. [probably French] manner of holding in wrestling etc. 3
hogshead n. 1 large cask. 2 liquid or dry grasp (take hold of him). 4 (often in
measure (about 50 gallons), [from hog: comb. ) thing to hold by (seized the hand-
the reason for the name is unknown] hold). hold (a thing) against (a
hogwash n. colloq. nonsense, rubbish. person) resent or regard it as discredit-
ho-ho /hau'hau/ int. 1 representing a able to (a person), hold back 1 impede
deep jolly laugh. 2 expressing surprise, the progress of; restrain. 2 keep for
triumph, or derision, [reduplication of oneself. 3 (often foil, by from) hesitate;
ho] refrain, hold one's breath see breath.
hoick v. colloq. (often foil, by out) lift or hold down 1 repress. 2 colloq. be compet-
pull, esp. with a jerk, [perhaps var. of ent enough to keep (one's job etc.). hold
hike] the fort 1 act as a temporary substitute.
hoipolloi /,hai pa'lai/ n. the masses; the 2 cope in an emergency, hold forth
common people. [Greek, = the many] speak at length or tediously, hold one's
ground see ground hold hands grasp

Usage often preceded

This phrase is
one another by the hand as a sign of
by the, which is, strictly speaking, un- affection or for support or guidance,
necessary, since hoi means 'the'.
hold it cease action or movement, hold
hold 419 holy
the line not ring off (in a telephone holier-than-thou adj. colloq. self-
connection), hold one's nose compress righteous.
the nostrils to avoid a bad smell, hold holiness /'haulinis/ n.being holy or
off 1 delay, not begin. 2 keep one's sacred. 2 (Holiness) title used when
distance, hold on 1 keep one's grasp on addressing or referring to the Pope. [Old
something. 2 wait a moment. 3 = hold English: related to holy]
the line, hold out 1 stretch forth (a hand holism /'h8oliz(8)m/ n. (also wholism)
2 offer (an inducement etc.). 3
etc.). 1 Philos. theory that certain wholes are
maintain resistance. 4 persist or last, greater than the sum of their parts. 2
hold out for continue to demand, hold Med. treating of the whole person rather
out on colloq. refuse something to (a than the symptoms of a disease, z
person), hold over postpone, hold holistic /-'listik/ adj. [Greek holos
one's own maintain one's position; not whole]
be beaten, hold one's tongue colloq. hollandaise sauce /.hDten'deiz/ n.
remain silent, hold to ransom 1 keep creamy sauce of melted butter, egg-
prisoner until a ransom is paid. 2 de- yolks, vinegar, etc. [French]
mand concessions from by threats, hold holler v. & n. US colloq. shout. [French

up 1 support, sustain. 2 exhibit, display. hold hello!]

3 hinder, obstruct. 4 stop and rob by hollow /'hDlaoV -adj. 1 a having a
force, hold water (of reasoning) be cavity; not solid, b sunken (hollow
sound, bear examination, hold with cheeks). 2 (of a sound) echoing. 3 empty;
(usu. with neg.) colloq.approve of. on hungry. 4 meaningless (hollow victory).
hold holding the telephone line, take 5 insincere (hollow laugh). -n. 1 hollow
hold (of a custom or habit) become place; hole. 2 valley; basin, -v. (often
foil, by out) make hollow; excavate.
established, with no holds barred with
no restrictions of method, holder n. -adv. colloq. completely (beaten hol-
[Old English]
low), hollowly adv. hollowness n.
[Old English]
hold 2 haold/ n. cavity in the lower part
of a ship or aircraft for cargo. [Old
holly /'hDli/ n. (pi. -ies) evergreen shrub
with prickly leaves and red berries. [Old
English: related to hollow]
holdall n. large soft travelling bag.
holding n. 1 tenure of land. 2 stocks,
hollyhock "holi.hDk/ n. tall plant with
showy flowers, [from holy, obsolete
property, etc. held.
hock mallow]
holding company n. company created
to hold the shares of other companies,
holm Ihduml n. (in full holm-oak) ever-
green oak with holly-like young leaves,
which it then controls.
[dial, holm holly]
hold-up n. 1 stoppage or delay. 2 rob-
holmium /'haolmiam/ n. metallic ele-
bery by force.
ment of the lanthanide series. [Latin
hole n. I a empty space in a solid body, Holmia Stockholm]
b opening in or through something. 2 holocaust /'hDl8,ko:st/ n. 1 large-scale
animal's burrow. 3 (in games) cavity or destruction, esp. by fire or nuclear war.
receptacle for a ball. 4 colloq. small or 2 (the Holocaust) mass murder of the
dingy place. 5 colloq. awkward situa- Jews by the Nazis 1939-45. [Greek holos
tion. 6 Golf a point scored by a player whole, kaustos burnt]
who gets the ball from tee to hole with hologram /'hDla.graem/ n. photo-
the fewest strokes, b terrain or distance graphic pattern that gives a three-
from tee to hole. hole up US colloq. dimensional image when illuminated
hide oneself, make a hole in use a large by coherent light. [Greek holos whole,
amount of. holey adj. [Old English] gram]
hole-and-corner adj. secret; holograph /'hDla,gra:f/ -adj. wholly
underhand. written by hand by the person named as
hole in the heart n. colloq. congenital the author, -n. holograph document.
defect in the heart membrane. [Greek holos whole, -graph]
holiday 'holi.dei/ 1 (often in pi)
-n. holography /ha'lDgrafi/ n. the study or
extended period recreation, esp.
of production of holograms.
spent away from home or travelling; hols /hDlz/ colloq. holidays,
break from work. 2 day of festivity or [abbreviation]
recreation when no work is done, esp. a holster /'h8ulsta(r)/ n. leather case for a
religious festival etc. -v. spend a holi- pistol or revolver, worn on a belt etc.
day. [Old English: related to holy, day] [Dutch]
holiday camp n. place for holiday- holy /'haoli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 morally
makers with facilities on site. and spiritually excellent or perfect, and
holiday-maker n. person on holiday. to be revered. 2 belonging to or devoted
Holy Communion 420 hominid
to God. 3 consecrated, sacred. [Old Eng- home farm n.principal farm on an
lish: related to whole] estate, providing produce for the owner.
Holy Communion see communion. home-grown adj. grown or produced
Holy Ghost n. = Holy Spirit. at home.
Holy Grail see Grail. Home Guard n. hist. British citizen
Holy Land n. area between the River army organized for defence in 1940.
Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. home help n. person helping with
holy of holies n. 1 sacred inner housework etc., esp. one provided by a
chamber of the Jewish temple. 2 thing local authority.
regarded as most sacred. homeland n. one's native land. 2 any
holy orders the status of a bishop, of several partially self-governing areas
priest, or deacon. in S. Africa reserved for Black South
Holy Roman Empire n. hist. Western Africans (the official name for a Bantu-
part of the Roman Empire as revived by stan).
Charlemagne in 800 ad. homeless adj. lacking a home.
Holy See n. papacy or papal court. homelessness n.
Holy Spirit n. Third Person of the homely adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 simple, plain,
Trinity, God as spiritually acting. unpretentious. 2 US (of facial appear-
Holy Weekn. week before Easter. ance) plain, unattractive. 3 comfortable,
Holy Writ n. holy writings, esp. the cosy, z homeliness n.
Bible. home-made adj. made at home.
homage /'hDmid3/ n. tribute, expres- Home Office n. British government
sion of reverence (pay homage to). department dealing with law and order,
[Latin homo man] immigration, etc., in England and
Homburg /'hDmb3:g/ n. man's felt hat Wales.
with a narrow curled brim and a length- homeopathy US var. of homoeopathy.
wise dent in the crown. [Homburg in Homeric /hau'menk/ adj. 1 of, or in the
Germany] style of, Homer. 2 of Bronze Age Greece
home -n. 1 a place where one lives; as described in Homer's poems,
fixed residence, b dwelling-house. 2 home rule n. government of a country
family circumstances (comes from a or region by its own citizens.
good home). 3 native land. 4 institution Home Secretary n. Secretary of State
caring for people or animals. 5 place in charge of the Home Office,
where a thing originates, is kept, or is homesick adj. depressed by absence
native or most common. 6 a finishing- from home, z homesickness n.
point in a race, b (in games) place where homespun -adj. 1 made of yarn spun
one is safe; goal. 7 Sport home match or at home. 2 plain, simple, -n. homespun
win. -attrib. adj. 1 a of or connected cloth.
with one's home, b carried on, done, or homestead /'haomsted/ n. house, esp. a
made, at home. 2 in one's own country farmhouse, and outbuildings.
(home industries; the home market). 3 home truth n. basic but unwelcome
Sport played on one's own ground etc. information about oneself.
(home match), -adv. 1 to, at, or in one's homeward /'haumwad/ -adv. (also
home or country (go home; is he home homewards) towards home. -adj.
yet?). 2 to the point aimed at; completely going towards home.
(drove the nail home), -v. (-ming) 1 homework n. 1 work to be done at
(esp. of a trained pigeon) return home. 2 home, esp. by a school pupil. 2 prepar-
(often foil, by on, in on) (of a vessel, atory work or study.
missile, etc.) be guided towards a des- homey adj. (also homy) (-mier, -miest)
tination or target. 3 send or guide home- suggesting home; cosy.
wards. at home 1 in one's house or homicide /'hDmi.said/ n. 1 killing of a
native land. 2 at ease (make yourself at human being by another. 2 person who
home). 3 (usu. foil, by in, on, with) kills a human being, z homicidal
familiar or well informed. 4 available to /-'said(8)l/ adj. [Latin homo man]
callers. [Old English] homily /'hDmili/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 sermon. 2
home and dry predic. adj. having tedious moralizing discourse, z homi-
achieved one's aim. letic /-'letik/ adj. [Greek homilia]
home-brew n. beer or other alcoholic homing attrib. adj. 1 (of a pigeon)
drink brewed at home. trained to fly home. 2 (of a device) for
home-coming n. arrival at home. guiding to a target etc.
Home Counties the counties clos- hominid /'hDminid/ -adj. of the pri-
est to London. mate family including humans and
home economics the study of their fossil ancestors, -n. member of
household management. this family. [Latin homo homin- man]
hominoid 421 honour
hominoid /'hDmi.noid/ -adj. like a hone —n. whetstone, esp. for razors, —v.
human, -n. animal resembling a (-ning) sharpen on or as on a hone. [Old
human. English]
homo /'haumau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. offens. honest /'must/ -adj. 1 fair and just; not
homosexual, [abbreviation] cheating or stealing. 2 free of deceit and
homo- comb, form same. [Greek homos untruthfulness; sincere. 3 fairly earned
same] (an honest living). 4 blameless but
homoeopathy /.haumi'DpaGi/ n. (US undistinguished, -adv. colloq. genuine-
homeopathy) treatment of disease by ly, really. [Latin honestus]
minute doses of drugs that in a healthy honestly adv. 1 in an honest way. 2
person would produce symptoms of really (/ don honestly know).

the disease. homoeopath /'haumiau honesty n. 1 being honest. 2 truthful-

,paeG/ n. homoeopathic /-'paeGik/ adj. ness. 3 plant with purple or white
[Greek homoios like: related to flowers and flat round semi-transparent
pathos] seed-pods.
homogeneous /,haumau'd3i:nias/ adj. honey /'hAni/ n. (pi. -s) 1 sweet sticky
1of the same kind. 2 consisting of parts yellowish fluid made by bees from nec-
all of the same kind; uniform. homo- tar. 2 colour of this. 3 a sweetness, b

geneity /-d3i ni:iti/ n. homogeneously sweet thing. 4 esp. US (usu. as a form of

adv. [from homo-, Greek genos kind] address) darling. [Old English]
honey-bee n. common hive-bee.
Usage Homogeneous is often con- honeycomb -n. 1 bees' wax structure
fused with homogenous which is a term of hexagonal cells for honey and eggs. 2
in biology meaning 'similar owing to pattern arranged hexagonally. —v. 1 fill
common descent'. with cavities or tunnels, undermine. 2
homogenize /ha'mDd3i,naiz/ v. (also mark with a honeycomb pattern. [Old
-ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 make homo- English]
geneous. 2 treat (milk) so that the fat honeydew n. 1 sweet sticky substance
droplets are emulsified and the cream
excreted by aphids on leaves and stems.
2 variety of melon.
does not separate.
homograph /'hnma.graif/ n. word spelt honeyed adj. (of words, flattery, etc.)
sweet, sweet-sounding,
like another but of different meaning or
1 2
origin (e.g. pole pole ).
honeymoon -n. 1 holiday taken by a
newly married couple. 2 initial period of
homologous /ha'molagas/ adj. 1 a hav- enthusiasm or goodwill, -v. spend a
ing the same relation, relative position,
honeymoon. honeymooner n.
etc. b corresponding. 2 Biol, (of organs
honeysuckle n. climbing shrub with
etc.) similar in position and structure
fragrant yellow or pink flowers,
but not necessarily in function, [from
honk -n. 1 sound of a car horn. 2 cry of a
homo-, Greek logos ratio]
wild goose, - v. (cause to) make a honk.
homology /ha'mDlad3i/ n. homologous [imitative]
state or relation; correspondence.
honky-tonk /'hDnki.tDnk/ n. colloq. 1
homonym /'hnmanim/ n. 1 word spelt ragtime piano music. 2 cheap or disrep-
or pronounced like another but of dif- utable nightclub etc. [origin unknown]
ferent meaning; homograph or homo- honor US var. of honour.
phone. 2 namesake, [from homo-, onoma honorable US var. of honourable.
name] honorarium /.ona'reanam/ n. (pi. -s or
homophobia /.hauma'faobia/ n. hatred a voluntary payment for
-ria) fee, esp.
or fear of homosexuals. homophobe professional services rendered without
/'haom-/ n. homophobic adj. the normal fee. [Latin: related to
homophone /'hnma.faun/ n. word pro- HONOUR]
nounced like another but of different honorary /'Dnaran/ adj. 1 conferred as
meaning or origin (e.g. pair, pear). an honour (honorary degree). 2 (of an
[from homo-, Greek phone sound] office or its holder) unpaid.
Homo sapiens /.haumau "saepienz/ n. honorific /.Dna'nfik/ adj. 1 conferring
modern humans regarded as a species. honour. 2 implying respect.
[Latin, = wise man] honour /'Dna(r)/ (US honor) -n. 1 high
homosexual /.haomao'sekjual/ -adj. respect, public regard. 2 adherence to
feeling or involving sexual attraction what is right or an accepted standard of
only to people of the same sex. -n. conduct. 3 nobleness of mind, magnan-
homosexual person. homosexuality imity (honour among thieves). 4 thing
/-'aeliti/ n. [from homo-, sexual] conferred as a distinction, esp. an offi-
homy var. of homey. cial award for bravery or achievement.
Hon, abbr. 1 Honorary. 2 Honourable. 5 privilege, special right (had the
honourable 422 Hoover
honour of being invited). 6 a exalted with a hook. 3 slang steal. 4 (in sports)
position, b (Honour) (prec. by your, his, send (the ball) in a curve or deviating
etc.) titleof a circuit judge etc. 7 (foil, by path. 5 Rugby secure (the ball) and pass
to) person or thing that brings honour it backward with the foot in the scrum.
(an honour to her profession). 8 a chast- by hook or by crook by one means or
ity (of a woman), b reputation for this. 9 another, off the hook 1 colloq. out of
(in pi.) specialized degree course or difficulty or trouble. 2 (of a telephone
special distinction in an examination. receiver) not on its rest. [Old English]
10 (in card-games) the four or five high- hookah /'huka/ n. oriental tobacco-pipe
est-ranking cards. 11 Golf the right of with a long tube passing through water
driving off first, -v. 1 respect highly. 2 for cooling the smoke as it is drawn
confer honour on. 3 accept or pay (a bill through. [Urdu from Arabic, = casket]
or cheque) when due. do the honours hook and eye n. small metal hook and
perform the duties of a host to guests loop as a fastener on a garment.
etc. in honour of as a celebration of. on hooked adj. 1 hook-shaped. 2 (often foil,
one's honour (usu. foil, by to + infin.) by on) slang addicted or captivated.
under a moral obligation. [Latin honor hooker n. 1 Rugby player in the front
repute] row of the scrum who tries to hook the
honourable (US honorable) 1
adj. ball. 2 slang prostitute.
deserving, or
bringing, showing hookey /'huki/ n. US play hookey
honour. 2 (Honourable) title indicating slang play truant, [origin unknown]
distinction, given to certain high offi- hook, line, and sinker adv. entirely.
cials,the children of certain ranks of the hook-up n. connection, esp. of broad-
nobility, and (in the House of Commons) casting equipment.
to MPs. honourably adv. hookworm n. worm with hooklike
hooch n. UScolloq. alcoholic liquor, esp. mouthparts, infesting humans and an-
inferior or illicit whisky. [Alaskan] imals.
hood 1 /hud/ -n. 1 a covering for the head hooligan /'hu:ligan/ n. young ruffian.
and neck, esp. as part of a garment, b hooliganism n. [origin unknown]
separate hoodlike garment. 2 folding hoop -rc. circular band of metal, wood,
top of a car etc. 3 US bonnet of a car etc. 4 etc., part of a framework. 2 ring
protective cover, -v. cover with or as bowled along by a child, or for circus
with a hood. [Old English] performers to jump through. 3 arch
hood 2 /hud/ n. US slang gangster, gun- through which balls are hit in croquet.
man, [abbreviation of hoodlum] -v. bind or encircle with hoop(s). be
-hood suffix forming nouns: 1 of con- put (or go) through the hoop (or
dition or state (childhood; falsehood). 2 hoops) undergo rigorous testing. [Old
designating a group (sisterhood; neigh- English]
bourhood). [Old English] hoop-la n. fairground game with rings
hooded adj. 1 having a hood. 2 (of an thrown to encircle a prize,
animal) having a hoodlike part (hooded hoopoe /'hu:pu:/ n. salmon-pink bird
crow). with black and white wings and a large
hoodlum /'hu:dlam/ n. 1 street hooli- erectile crest. [Latin upupa (imitative of
gan, young thug. 2 gangster, [origin its cry)]
unknown] hooray /hu'rei/ int. = hurrah.
hoodoo /'hu:du:/ n. esp. US 1 a bad luck, Hooray Henry /'hu:rei/ n. slang loud
b thing or person that brings this. 2 upper-class young man.
voodoo, [alteration of voodoo] hoot -n. 1 owl's cry. 2 sound made by a
hoodwink v. deceive, delude, [from car's horn etc. 3 shout expressing scorn
hood originally = 'blindfold']
: or disapproval. 4 colloq. a laughter, b
hoof /hu:f/ n. (pi -s or hooves /-vz/) cause of this. 5 (also two hoots) slang
horny part of the foot of a horse etc. anything at all, in the slightest degree
hoof it slang go on foot. [Old English] (don 't care a hoot; doesn 't matter two
hoo-ha /'hu:ha:/ n. slang commotion, hoots), -v. 1 utter or make hoot(s). 2
[origin unknown] greet or drive away with scornful hoots.
hook /huk/ -n. 1 a bent or curved piece 3 sound (a car horn etc.). [imitative]
of metal etc. for catching hold or for hooter n. 1 thing that hoots, esp. a car's
hanging things on. b (in full fish-hook) horn or a siren. 2 slang nose.
bent piece of wire for catching fish. 2 Hoover -n. propr. vacuum cleaner. -v.
curved cutting instrument (reaping- (hoover) 1 (also absol.) clean with a
hook). 3 bend in a river, curved strip of vacuum cleaner. 2 (foil, by up) a suck up
land, etc. 4 a hooking stroke, b Boxing with a vacuum cleaner, b clean a room
short swinging blow. -v. 1 grasp or etc. with a vacuum cleaner, [name of the
secure with hook(s). 2 catch with or as manufacturer]
hooves 423 horrendous
hooves pi. of hoof. horizontality /- taeliti/ n. horizont-
hop 1
-v. (-pp-) 1 (of a bird, frog, etc.) ally adv.
spring with two or all feet at once. 2 (of a hormone /'hDimaun/ n. 1 regulatory
person) jump on one foot. 3 move or go substance produced in an organism and
quickly (hopped over the fence). 4 cross transported in tissue fluids to stimulate
(a ditch etc.) by hopping, -n. 1 hopping cells or tissues into action. 2 similar
movement. 2 colloq. informal dance. 3 synthetic substance, z hormonal
short journey, esp. a flight. hop in (or /-'maun(a)l/ adj. [Greek hormao impel]
out) colloq. get into (or out of) a car etc. hormone replacement therapy n.
hop it slang go away, on the hop colloq. treatment to relieve menopausal symp-
unprepared (caught on the hop). [Old toms by boosting a woman's oestrogen
English] levels.
hop 2 n. 1 climbing plant bearing cones. 2 horn n. 1 a hard outgrowth, often
(in pi.) its ripe cones, used to flavour
curved and pointed, on the head of esp.
beer. [Low German or Dutch]
hoofed animals, b each of two branched
hope -n. 1 expectation and desire for a appendages on the head of (esp. male)
thing. 2 person or thing giving cause for
deer, c hornlike projection on animals,
hope. 3 what is hoped for. -v. (-ping) 1
e.g. a snail's tentacle. 2 substance of
feel hope. 2 expect and desire. 3 feel
fairly confident. hope against hope which horns are made. 3 Mus. a =
cling to a mere possibility. [Old English] French horn, b wind instrument
hopeful -adj. 1 feeling hope. 2 causing
played by lip vibration, orig. made of
or inspiring hope. 3 likely to succeed, horn, now usu. of brass. 4 instrument
promising. -n. person likely to succeed. sounding a warning. 5 receptacle or
hopefully adv. 1 in a hopeful manner. 2 instrument made of horn. 6 horn-
it is to be hoped (hopefully, we will shaped projection. 7 extremity of the
succeed). moon or other crescent. 8 arm of a river
etc. horn in slang intrude, interfere.
Usage The use of hopefully in sense 2 horned adj. hornist n. (in sense 3
iscommon, but is considered incorrect
oin.). [Old English]
by some people.
hornbeam n. tree with a hard tough
hopeless adj. 1 feeling no hope. 2 admit- wood.
ting no hope (hopeless case). 3 incom- hornbill n. bird with a hornlike excres-
petent. hopelessly adv. hopeless- cence on large curved bill.
ness n. hornblende /'ho:nblend/ n. dark-
hopper 1
n. 1 container tapering down- brown, black, or green mineral occur-
ward to an opening for discharging its ring in many rocks. [German]
contents. 2 hopping insect. hornet /'hoinit/ n. large wasp capable of
hopper2 n. hop-picker. inflicting a serious sting. [Low German
hopping mad
predic. adj. colloq. very or Dutch]
angry. horn of plenty n. a cornucopia.
hopscotch n. children's game of hop- hornpipe n. 1 lively dance (esp. associ-
ping over squares marked on the ated with sailors). 2 music for this.
ground to retrieve a stone etc. [from
horn-rimmed adj. (esp. of spectacles)
hop scotch]
having rims made of horn or a similar
horde n. usu. derog. large group, gang.
[Turkish ordu camp]
horehound /'ho:haund/ n. herbaceous
horny adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like horn. 2
hard like horn. 3 slang sexually excited.
plant yielding a bitter aromatic juice
horniness n.
used against coughs etc. [Old English, =
hoary herb] horology /h9'rDlad3i/ n. art of measur-
horizon line at which
/ha'raiz(8)n/ n. 1
ing time or making clocks, watches, etc.

the earth and sky appear to meet. 2 limit horological /,hDra'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj.

of mental perception, experience, inter- [Greek hora time]

est, etc. on the horizon (of an event) horoscope /'hora.skaup/ n. 1 forecast of

just imminent or becoming apparent. a person's future from a diagram show-

[Greek horizo bound] ing the relative positions of the stars
horizontal /,hDri'zDnt(9)l/ -adj. 1 par- and planets at his or her birth. 2 such a
allel to the plane of the horizon, at right diagram. [Greek hora time, skopos ob-
angles to the vertical. 2 of or concerned server]
with the same work, status, etc. (it was horrendous /ha'rendas/ adj. horrify-
a horizontal move rather than pro- ing. horrendously adv. [Latin:
motion), -n. horizontal line, plane, etc. related to horrible]
horrible 424 hostage
horrible 'hurib(a)l adj. 1 causing or horse sense n. colloq. plain common
likely to cause horror. 2 un- colloq. sense.
pleasant, z horribly adv. [Latin horreo horseshoe n. 1 U-shaped iron shoe for a
bristle, shudder at] horse. 2 thing of this shape,
horrid /"hDnd/ adj. 1 horrible, revolt- horsetail n. 1 horse's tail. 2 plant
ing. 2 colloq. unpleasant {horrid resembling it.

weather). horsewhip -n. whip for driving

horrific /ha'nfik adj. horrifying. horses, -v. (-pp-) beat with a horsewhip,
horrifically adv. horsewoman n. 1 woman who rides on
horrify "hDn.fai v. (-ies, -ied) arouse horseback. 2 skilled woman rider,
horror in; shock, z horrifying adj. horsy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like a
horror /'hura(r) -n. 1 painful feeling of horse. 2 concerned with or devoted to
loathing and fear. 2 a (often foil, by of) horses.
intense dislike, b (often foil, by at) horticulture 'ho:ti,kAltja(r) n. art of
colloq. intense dismay. 3 a person or garden cultivation, z horticultural
thing causing horror, b colloq. bad or -'kAltJar(8)l adj. horticulturist
mischievous person etc. 4 (in pi; prec. /-'kAltJanst/ n. [Latin hortus garden,
by the) fit of depression, nervousness, culture]
etc. -attrib. adj. (of films etc.) designed hosanna hau'zaena/ n. & shout of
to interest by arousing feelings of adoration (Matt. 21:9, 15, etc.). [Hebrew]
horror. hose hauz -rc. 1 (also hose-pipe) flex-
hors d'oeuvre o:'d3:vr n. food served ible tube for conveying water. 2 a (col-
as an appetizer at the start of a meal. lect.; as pi.) stockings and socks, b hist.
[French, = outside the work] breeches (doublet and hose), -v. (-sing)
horse -n. 1 a large four-legged mammal (oftenfoil, by down) water, spray, or
with flowing mane and tail, used for drench with a hose. [Old English]
riding and to carry and pull loads, b hosier 'hauzi9(r) n. dealer in hosiery.
adult male horse; stallion or gelding, c hosiery n. stockings and socks.
(collect.; as sing.) cavalry. 2 vaulting- hospice 'hDspis n. 1 home for people
block. 3 supporting frame (clothes- who are ill (esp. terminally) or destitute.
horse), -v. (-sing) (foil, by around) 2 lodging for travellers, esp. one kept by
fool about, z from the horse's mouth a religious order. [Latin: related to
colloq. (of information etc.) from the HOST2 ]

original or an authoritative source. [Old hospitable hD'spitab(a)l/ adj. giving

English] hospitality, z hospitably adv. [Latin
horseback n. on horseback hospito entertain: related to host ]
mounted on a horse, hospital 'hDspit(a)l n. 1 institution
horsebox n. closed vehicle for trans- providing medical and surgical treat-
porting horse(s). ment and nursing care for ill and
horse-brass n. brass ornament orig. injured people. 2 hist, hospice. [Latin:
for a horse's harness, related to host ]

horse chestnut large tree with

n. 1 hospitality .hDspi'taeliti n. friendly
upright conical clusters of flowers. 2 and generous reception and entertain-
dark brown fruit of this, ment of guests or strangers.
horse-drawn adj. (of a vehicle) pulled hospitalize 'hDspita.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
by a horse or horses, (-zing or -sing) send or admit (a
horseflesh n. 1 flesh of a horse, esp. as patient) to hospital, z hospitalization
food. 2 horses collectively, -'zeij\a)n/ n.
horsefly n. any of various biting insects host 'haust n. (usu. foil, by of) large

troublesome esp. to horses. number of people or things. [Latin hos-

Horse Guards cavalry brigade of tis enemy, army]
the household troops, host 2 haust -rc. 1 person who receives
horsehair n. hair from the mane or tail or entertains another as a guest. 2 com-
of a horse, used for padding etc. pere. 3 Biol, animal or plant having a
horseman n. 1 rider on horseback. 2 parasite. 4 recipient of a transplanted
skilled rider, z horsemanship n. organ etc. 5 landlord of an inn. -v. be
horseplay boisterous play,
n. host to (a person) or of (an event). [Latin
horsepower n. (pi. same) imperial unit hospes hospitis host, guest]
of power (about 750 watts), esp. for host3 haust n. (usu. prec. by the, often
measuring the power of an engine, Host) bread consecrated in the Euchar-
horse-race n. race between horses with ist. [Latin hostia victim]

riders, z horse-racing n. hostage /'hDstid3/ n. person seized or

horseradish n. plant with a pungent held as security for the fulfilment of a
root used to make a sauce. condition. [Latin obses obsidis hostage]
hostel 425 hour
hostel /'hDst(a)l/ n. 1 house of residence hotelier /hau'teli8(r)/ n. hotel-keeper.
or lodging for students, nurses, etc. 2 = hot flush see flush 1

youth hostel, [medieval Latin: related hotfoot -adv. in eager haste, -v. hurry
to hospital] eagerly (esp. hotfoot it).

hostelling n. (US hosteling) practice hot gospeller n. colloq. eager preacher

of staying in youth hostels. hosteller of the gospel.
n. hothead n. impetuous person, z hot-
hostelry n. (pi. -ies) archaic inn. headed adj. hotheadedness n.
hostess /'haustis/ n. 1 woman who hothouse n. 1 heated (mainly glass)
receives or entertains a guest. 2 woman building for rearing tender plants. 2
employed to entertain customers at a environment conducive to the rapid
nightclub etc. 3 stewardess on an air- growth or development of something.
craft etc. [related to host2 ] hot line n. direct exclusive telephone
hostile /'hDstail/ adj. 1 ofan enemy. 2 etc. line, esp. for emergencies.
(often foil, by unfriendly, opposed.
to) hot money n. capital frequently trans-
hostilely adv. [Latin: related to host 1 ] ferred.
hostility /ho'stiliti/ n. (pi -ies) 1 being hotplate n. heated metal plate etc. (or a
hostile, enmity. 2 state of warfare. 3 (in set of these) for cooking food or keeping
pi.) acts of warfare. it hot.
hot -adj. (hotter, hottest) 1 having a hotpot n. casserole of meat and veget-
high temperature. 2 causing a sensation ables topped with potato.
of heat (hot flush). 3 (of pepper, spices, hot potato n. colloq. contentious mat-
etc.) pungent. 4 (of a person) feeling ter.
heat. 5 a ardent, passionate, excited, b hot rod n. vehicle modified to have
(often foil, by for, on) eager, keen (in hot extra power and speed.
pursuit), c angry or upset. 6 (of news hot seat n. slang 1 position of difficult
etc.) fresh, recent. 7 Hunting (of the responsibility. 2 electric chair.
scent) fresh, recent. 8 a (of a player, hot spot n. 1 small region that is relat-
competitor, or feat) very skilful, formid- ively hot. 2 lively or dangerous place.
able, b (foil, by on) knowledgeable hot stuff rc. colloq. 1 formidably capable

about. 9 (esp. of jazz) strongly rhyth- or important person or thing. 2 sexually

mical. AO slang (of stolen goods) difficult attractive person. 3 erotic book, film,
to dispose of because identifiable. 11 etc.
slang radioactive, -v. (-tt-) (usu. foil, hot-tempered adj. impulsively angry.
by up) colloq. 1 make or become hot. 2 Hottentot /'hotan.tDt/ n. 1 member of a
make or become more active, exciting, SW African Negroid people. 2 their lan-
or dangerous. have the hots for guage. [Afrikaans]
slang be sexually attracted to. hot hot water n. colloq. difficulty or
under the collar angry, resentful, trouble.
embarrassed, like hot cakes see cake. hot-water bottle n. (usu. rubber) con-
make it (or things) hot for a person tainer filled with hot water to warm a
persecute a person. hotly adv. bed.
hotness n. hottish adj. [Old English] houmous var. of hummus.
hot air n. slang empty or boastful talk. hound -n. 1 dog used in hunting. 2
hot-air balloon n. balloon containing colloq. despicable man. —v. harass or
air heated by burners below it, causing pursue. [Old English]
it to rise. hour /aua(r)/ n. 1 twenty-fourth part of a
hotbed n. 1 environment
(foil, by of) day and night, 60 minutes. 2 time of day,
conducive to (vice, intrigue, etc.). 2 bed point in time (a late hour, what is the
of earth heated by fermenting manure. hour?). 3 (in pi. with preceding nu-
hot-blooded adj. ardent, passionate. merals in form 18.00, 20.30, etc.) this
hotchpotch hodge-
/'hDtJpDtJV n. (also number of hours and minutes past mid-
podge /'hDd3pod3/) confused mixture or night on the 24-hour clock (will as-
jumble, esp. of ideas. [French hochepot semble at 20.00 hours). 4 a period for a
shake pot] specific purpose (lunch hour; keep regu-
hot cross bun n. bun marked with a lar hours), b (in pi.) fixed working or
cross and traditionally eaten on Good open period (office hours; opening
Friday. hours). 5 short period of time (an idle
hot dog n. colloq. hot sausage in a soft hour). 6 present time (question of the
roll. hour). 7 time for action etc. (the hour
hotel /hao'tel/ n. (usu. licensed) estab- has come). 8 expressing distance by
lishment providing accommodation travelling time (we are an hour from
and meals for payment. [French: related London). 9 RC Ch. prayers to be said at
to hostel] one of seven fixed times of day (book of
hourglass 426 housework
hours). 10 (prec. by the) each time householder n. 1 who owns or
o'clock of a whole number of hours rents a house. 2 head of a household.
(buses leave on the hour, on the half household troops troops nom-
hour; at a quarter past the hour). inally guarding the sovereign.
after hours after closing-time. [Greek household word n. (also household
hora] name) 1 familiar name or saying. 2
hourglass n. two vertically connected familiar person or thing.
glass bulbs containing sand taking an house-hunting n. seeking a house to
hour to pass from upper to lower bulb. buy or rent.
houri /'huari/ n. (pi. -s) beautiful young house-husband n. man who does a
woman of the Muslim Paradise. [Per- wife's traditional household duties.
sian from Arabic, = dark-eyed] housekeeper n. person, esp. a woman,
hourly —adj. 1 done or occurring every employed manage a household.

hour. 2 frequent. 3 per hour (hourly housekeeping n. 1 management of

wage), -adv. 1 every hour. 2 fre- household affairs. 2 money allowed for
quently. this. 3 operations of maintenance,
house -n. /haus/ (pi. /'hauziz/) 1 build- record-keeping, etc., in an organization.
ing for human habitation. 2 building for house lights lights in a theatre

a special purpose or for animals or auditorium.

goods (opera-house; summer-house; housemaid n. female servant in a
hen-house). 3 a religious community, b house.
its buildings. 4 a body of pupils living in
housemaid's knee n. inflammation of
the same building at a boarding-school, the kneecap.
b such a building, c division of a day- houseman n. resident junior doctor at
a hospital etc.
school for games, competitions, etc. 5
royal family or dynasty (House of
house-martin n. black and white bird
nesting on house walls etc.
York). 6 a firm or institution, b its
premises. 7 a legislative or deliberative
housemaster n. (Jem. housemistress)
teacher in charge of a house, esp. at a
assembly, b building for this. 8 audience
or performance in a theatre etc. 9
house music n. style of pop music,
Astrol. twelfth part of the heavens, -v.
typically using drum machines and syn-
/hauz/ (-sing) 1 provide with a house or
thesized bass lines with sparse repet-
other accommodation. 2 store (goods
itive vocals and a fast beat.
etc.). 3 enclose or encase (a part or
house of cards n. insecure scheme etc.
fitting). 4 fix in a socket, mortise, etc.
House of Commons n. elected
keep house provide for or manage a chamber of Parliament.
household, like a house on fire 1 vigor- House of Keys n. (in the Isle of Man)
ously, fast. 2 successfully, excellently, elected chamber of the Tynwald.
on the house free, put (or set) one's House of Lords n. chamber of Parlia-
house in order make necessary re- ment that is mainly hereditary.
forms. [Old English] house party n. group of guests staying
house-agent n. agent for the sale and at a country house etc.
letting of houses. house-plant plant grown indoors.
house arrest n. detention in one's own house-proud adj. attentive to the care
house, not in prison, and appearance of the home.
houseboat n. boat equipped for living houseroom n. space or accommoda-
in. tion in one's house. not give house-
housebound adj. confined to one's room to not have in any circumstances.
house through illness etc. housetop n. roof of a house. shout
housebreaking /'haus.breikin/ n. act etc. from the housetops announce
of breaking into a building, esp. in publicly.
daytime, to commit a crime, p house- house-trained adj. 1 (of animals)
breaker n. trained to be clean in the house. 2 colloq.
Usage In 1968 housebreaking was
replaced as a statutory crime in English
house-warming n. party celebrating a
law by burglary.
move to a new home.
housewife n. 1 woman who manages a
housecoat n. woman's informal indoor household and usu. does not have a full-
coat or gown. time paid job. 2 /'hAZif/ case for needles,
housefly n. common fly often entering thread, etc. housewifely adj. [from
houses. house, wife = woman]
household n. 1 occupants of a house as housework regular housekeeping
a unit. 2 house and its affairs. work, e.g. cleaning and cooking.
housey-housey 427 hug
housey-housey '.hauzi'hauzi/ n. (also howsoever /,hausau'eva(r)/ adv. for-
housie-housie) slang gambling form of mal 1 in whatsoever way. 2 to whatso-
lotto. ever extent.
housing a dwelling-
/'hauzin/ n. 1 hoy int. used to call attention, [natural
houses collectively, b
provision of cry]
these. 2 shelter, lodging. 3 rigid casing hoyden /'hoid(a)n/ n. boisterous girl.
for machinery etc. 4 hole or niche cut in [Dutch heiden: related to heathen]
one piece of wood for another to fit into. h.p. abbr. (also hp) 1 horsepower. 2 hire
housing estate n. residential area purchase.
planned as a unit. HQ abbr. headquarters,
hove past of heave. hr. abbr. hour.
hovel /'hDv(a)l/ n. small miserable HRH abbr. Her or His Royal Highness,
dwelling, [origin unknown] hrs. abbr. hours.
hover /'hova(r)/ -u. 1 (of a bird etc.) HRT abbr. hormone replacement
remain in one place in the air. 2 (often
foil, by about, round) wait close at hand,
HT abbr. high tension.
linger, -n. 1 hovering. 2 state of sus-
hub n. central part of a wheel, rotating
on or with the axle. 2 centre of interest,
pense, [obsolete hove hover]
activity, etc. [origin uncertain]
hovercraft n. (pi. same) vehicle travel- hubble-bubble / hAb(a)l,bAb(a)l/ n. 1
ling on a cushion of air provided by a
simple hookah. 2 bubbling sound. 3
downward blast. confused talk, [imitative]
hoverport n. terminal for hovercraft. hubbub /'hADAb/ n. 1 confused noise of
how -interrog. adv. 1 by what means, in talking. 2 disturbance, [perhaps of Irish
what way (how do you do it?; tell me how origin]
you do it; how could you?). 2 in what hubby /'hAbi/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. hus-
condition, esp. of health (how are you?; band, [abbreviation]
how do things stand?). 3 a to what hubris /'hju:bns/ n. arrogant pride or
extent (how far is it?; how would you presumption. hubristic /-'bnstik/
like take my place?; how we
to adj. [Greek]
laughed!), b to what extent good or well, huckleberry /'hAkalban/ n. 1 low-
what like (how was the film?; how
. . . growing N. American shrub. 2 blue or
did they play?), -rel. adv. in whatever black fruit of this, [probably an altera-
way, as (do it how you can), -conj. tion of hurtleberry, whortleberry]
colloq. that (told us how he'd been in huckster -n. aggressive salesman;
India). how about colloq. would you hawker, -v. 1 haggle. 2 hawk (goods).
like (how about a quick swim?), how do [Low German]
you do? a formal greeting, how many huddle /'hAd(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 (often foil,

what number, how much 1 what by up) crowd together; nestle closely. 2
amount. 2 what price, how's that? 1 (often foil, by up) curl one's body into a
what is your opinion or explanation of small space. 3 heap together in a mud-
dle, -n. 1 confused or crowded mass. 2
that? 2 Cricket (said to an umpire) is the
batsman out or not? [Old English] colloq. close or secret conference (esp. in
howbeit /hau'bint/ adv. archaic go into a huddle), [perhaps from Low
howdah /'hauda/ n. (usu. canopied) seat hue n. 1 colour, tint. 2 variety or shade of
colour. [Old English]
for riding on an elephant or camel.
[Urdu hawda]
hue and cry n. loud outcry. [French
huer shout]
however a in what-
/hau'eva(r)/ adv. 1
hufT-rc. colloq. of petty annoyance.
ever way (do it however you want), b to -v. 1 blow steam, etc. 2 (esp. huff
whatever extent (must go however and puff) bluster self-importantly but
inconvenient). 2 nevertheless. ineffectually. 3 Draughts remove (an
howitzer /'hauitsa(r)/ n. short gun for opponent's piece) as a forfeit, m in a
the high-angle firing of shells. [Czech huff colloq. annoyed and offended,
houfnice catapult] [imitative of blowing]
howl -n. 1 long loud doleful cry of a dog huffy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 apt to
etc. 2 prolonged wailing noise. 3 loud take offence. 2 offended. huffily adv.
cry of pain, rage, derision, or laughter. huffiness n.
-v. 1 make a howl. 2 weep loudly. 3 utter hug -i\ (-gg-) 1 squeeze tightly in one's
with a howl, howl down prevent (a arms, esp. with affection. 2 (of a bear)
speaker) from being heard by howls of squeeze (a person) between its forelegs.
derision, [imitative] 3 keep close to; fit tightly around, -rc. 1
howler n. colloq. glaring mistake. strong clasp with the arms. 2 squeezing
huge 428 humidify
grip in wrestling, [probably Scandin- humanism /'hju:m8,niz(8)m/ n. 1 non-
avian] religious philosophy based on liberal
huge adj.1 extremely large; enormous. human values. 2 (often Humanism)
2 (of an abstract thing) very great. literary culture, esp. that of the Renais-
hugeness n. [French ahuge] sance. humanist n. humanistic
hugely adv. 1 extremely (hugely suc- /-'nistik/ adj.
cessful). 2 very much (enjoyed it humanitarian /hju: maeni te8rian/-rc. 1

hugely). person who seeks to promote human

hugger-mugger /'hAga,mAg8(r)/ -adj. welfare, -adj. of humanitarians.
& adv. 1 in secret. 2 confused; in confu- humanitarianism n.
sion, -n. 1 secrecy. 2 confusion, [origin humanity /hju:'maemti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
uncertain] the human race, b human beings collec-
Huguenot /'hjuiga.nau/ n. hist. French tively, cbeing human. 2 humaneness,
Protestant. [French] benevolence. 3 (in pi.) subjects con-
huh /ha/ int. expressing disgust, sur- cerned with human culture, e.g. lan-
prise, etc. [imitative] guage, literature, and history.
hula /'hurla/ n. (also hula-hula) Poly- humanize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
nesian dance performed by women, make human or humane. humaniza-
with flowing arm movements. [Hawai- tion /-'zeij(9)n/ n. [French: related to
ian] human]
hula hoop n. large hoop spun round the humankind n. human beings collect-
body. ively.
hulk n. 1 body of a dismantled ship. 2 humanly adv. 1 by human means (if it
colloq. large clumsy-looking person or is humanly possible). 2 in a human
thing. [Old English] manner.
hulking adj. colloq. bulky; clumsy. human nature n. general character-
hull 1
n. body of a ship, airship, etc. istics and feelings of mankind.
[perhaps related to hold 2 ] human rights rights held to be
hull 2 —n. outer covering of a fruit, esp. common to all.
the pod of peas and beans, the husk of human shield n. person(s) placed in
grain, or the green calyx of a straw- the line of fire in order to discourage
berry, -v. remove the hulls from (fruit attack.
etc.). [Old English] humble /'hAmb(a)l/ -adj. 1 having or
hullabaloo /.hAlaba'lu:/ n. uproar, showing low self-esteem. 2 of low social
[reduplication of hallo, hullo, etc.] or political rank. 3 modest in size, pre-
hullo var. of hello. tensions, etc. --v. (-ling) 1 make humble;
hum —v. (-mm-) 1 make a low steady abase. 2 lower the rank or status of.
continuous sound like a bee. 2 sing with eat humble pie apologize humbly; ac-
closed lips. 3 utter a slight inarticulate cept humiliation. humbleness n.
sound. 4 colloq. be active (really made humbly adv. [Latin humilis: related to
things hum). 5 colloq. smell unpleas- humus]
antly, -n. 1 humming sound. 2 colloq. humbug /'hAmbAg/-rc. 1 lying or decep-
bad smell. hum
and haw (or ha) tion; hypocrisy. 2 impostor. 3 hard
hesitate; be indecisive, [imitative] boiled striped peppermint sweet, -v.
human /'hjuiman/ -adj. 1 of or belong- (-gg-) 1 be or behave like an impostor. 2
ing to the species Homo sapiens. 2 con- deceive, hoax, [origin unknown]
sisting of human beings (the human humdinger / hAm,dina(r)/ n. slang ex-

race). 3 of or characteristic of human- cellent or remarkable person or thing,

kind, esp. as being weak, fallible, etc. (is [origin unknown]
only human). 4 showing warmth, humdrum /'hAmdrAm/ adj. common-
sympathy, etc. (is very human), -n. place, dull, monotonous, [a reduplica-
human being. [Latin humanus] tion of hum]
human being n. man, woman, or child. humerus /'hjuimaras/ n. (pi. -ri /-,rai/)
human chain n. line of people formed the bone of the upper arm. humeral
for passing things along, as a protest, adj. [Latin,= shoulder]
etc. humid /'hju:mid/ adj. (of the air or
humane /hjui'mem/ adj. 1 benevolent, climate) warm and damp. [Latin
compassionate. 2 inflicting the mini- humidus]
mum of pain. 3 (of learning) tending to humidifier /hju:'midi,faia(r)/ n. device
civilize. humanely adv. humane- for keeping the atmosphere moist in a
ness n. room etc.
humane killer n. instrument for the humidify /hju:'midi,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied)
painless slaughter of animals. make (air etc.) humid.
humidity 429 hunt
humidity /hju:'miditi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 Hun n. 1 offens. German (esp. in military
dampness. 2 degree of moisture, esp. in contexts). 2 member of a warlike Asiatic
the atmosphere. nomadic people who ravaged Europe in
humiliate /hju:'mili,eit/ (-ting) in-
v. the 4th-5th c. 3 vandal. Hunnish adj.
jure the dignity or self-respect of. [Old English]
humiliating adj. humiliation hunch -v. bend or arch into a hump.
/-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to humble] -n. 1 intuitive feeling or idea. 2 hump,
humility humbleness,
/hjui'militi/ n. 1 [origin unknown]
meekness. 2 humble condition. [French: hunchback n. = humpback 1.
related to humiliate] hunchbacked adj.
hummingbird n. small tropical bird hundred /'hAndrad/ adj. & n. (pi.
that makes a humming sound with its hundreds or sense 1) hundred) (in
wings when ithovers. sing. prec. by a or one) 1 ten times ten. 2

hummock /'hAmak/ n. hillock or hump, symbol for this (100, c, C). 3 (in sing, or
[origin unknown] pi.) colloq. a large number. 4 (in pi.) the
hummus /'humus/ n. (also houmous) years of a specified century (the seven-
dip or appetizer made from ground teen hundreds). 5 hist, subdivision of a
chick-peas, sesame oil, lemon, and gar- county or shire, having its own court.
lic. [Turkish] adj. & adv. hundredth
humor US var. of humour. & n. [Old English]
humoresque /,hju:ma'resk/ n. short hundreds and thousands tiny
lively piece of music. [German Humor- coloured sweets for decorating cakes
eske] etc.
humorist n. humorous writer, talker, hundredweight n. (pi. same or -s) 1
or actor. unit of weight equal to 112 lb, or US
humorous /'hjuimaras/ adj. showing equal to 100 lb. 2 unit of weight equal to
humour or a sense of humour. 50 kg.
humorously adv. hung past and past part, of hang.
humour / hju:ma(r)/ (US humor) -n. 1 Hungarian /hAn'gearian/ -n. 1 a
a quality of being amusing or comic, b native or national of Hungary, b person
the expression of humour in literature, of Hungarian descent. 2 language of
speech, etc. 2 (in full sense of humour) Hungary, —adj. of Hungary or its people
ability to perceive or express humour. 3 or language, [medieval Latin]
state of mind; inclination (bad hunger /'hArjga(r)/ -n. 1 a lack of food,
humour). 4 (in full cardinal humour) b feeling of discomfort or exhaustion
hist, each of the four fluids (blood, caused by this. 2 (often foil, by for, after)
phlegm, choler, melancholy), thought to strong desire, -v. 1 (often foil, by for,
determine a person's physical and men- after) crave or desire. 2 feel hunger. [Old
tal qualities, -v. gratify or indulge (a English]
person or taste etc.). out of humour hunger strike n. refusal of food as a
displeased. humourless adj. [Latin protest.
humor moisture] hung-over adj. colloq. suffering from a
hump -n. rounded protuberance on a
1 hangover.
camel's back, or as an abnormality on a hung parliament n. parliament in
person's back. 2 rounded raised mass of which no party has a clear majority.
earth etc. 3 critical point in an under- hungry /'hAngri/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 feel-
taking. 4 (prec. by the) slang fit of ing or showing hunger; needing food. 2
depression or vexation (gave me the inducing hunger (hungry work). 3 crav-
hump). —v. 1 (often foil, by about) colloq. ing (hungry for news), hungrily adv.i ;

lift or carry (heavy objects etc.) with [Old English]

difficulty. 2 make hump-shaped, hunk n. 1 large piece cut off (hunk of
[probably Low German or Dutch] bread). 2 colloq. sexually attractive
humpback n.1a deformed back with a man. hunky adj. ( ier, -iest). [prob-
hump, b person with this. 2 whale with a ably Dutch]
dorsal fin forming a hump. hump- hunky-dory /.hAnki'doin/ adj. esp. US
backed adj. colloq. excellent, [origin unknown]
humpback bridge n. small bridge hunt-y. (also absol.) a pursue and kill

with a steep ascent and descent. (wild animals, esp. foxes, or game) for
humph /hamf/ int. & n. inarticulate sport or food, b use (a horse or hounds)
sound of doubt or dissatisfaction, for hunting, c (of an animal) chase (its
[imitative] prey). 2 (foil, by after, for) seek, search.
humus /'hju:mas/ n. organic con- 3 (of an engine etc.) run alternately too
stituent of soil formed by the decom- fast and too slow. 4 scour (a district) for
position of vegetation. [Latin, = soil] game. 5 (as hunted adj.) (of a look etc.)
hunter 430 hybrid
terrified as if being hunted, -n. 1 prac- hurtful adj. causing (esp. mental) hurt.
tice or instance of hunting. 2 a associ- hurtfully adv.
ation of people hunting with hounds, b hurtle /'h3:t(a)l/ v.(-ling) 1 move or hurl
area for hunting. hunt down pursue rapidly or noisily. 2 come with a crash,
and capture. hunting n. [Old Eng- [from hurt in the obsolete sense 'strike
lish] hard']
hunter n. 1 a (fern, huntress) person or husband /'hAzband/ —n. married man,
animal that hunts, b horse used in esp. in relation to his wife. —v. use
hunting. 2 person who seeks something. (resources) economically; eke out. [Old
3 pocket-watch with a hinged cover English, = house-dweller]
protecting the glass. husbandry n. 1 farming. 2 manage-
hunter's moon n. next full moon after ment of resources.
the harvest moon. hush —v. make or become silent or
huntsman n. 1 hunter. 2 hunt official in quiet, —int. calling for silence, —n.
charge of hounds. expectant stillness or silence. hush
hurdle /'h3:d(a)l/-rc. 1 a each of a series up suppress public mention of (an af-
of light frames to be cleared by athletes fair), [husht, an obsolete exclamation,

in a race, b (in pi.) hurdle-race. 2 obs- taken as a past part.]

tacle or difficulty. 3 portable rectangu- hush-hush adj. colloq. highly secret,
lar frame used as a temporary fence etc. confidential.
-v. (-ling) 1 run in a hurdle-race. 2 fence hush money n. slang money paid to

off etc. with hurdles. [Old English]

ensure discretion.
hurdler /'h3:dla(r)/ n. 1 athlete husk -n. 1 dry outer covering of some
fruits or seeds. 2 worthless outside part
who runs in hurdle-races. 2 maker of
of a thing, —v. remove husk(s) from,
hurdy-gurdy /,h3:di'g3:di/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
[probably Low German]
droning musical instrument played by
husky 1
/'hAski/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of a
person or voice) dry in the throat;
turning a handle. 2 colloq. barrel-organ,
hoarse. 2 of or full of husks. 3 dry as a
husk. 4 tough, strong, hefty. huskily
hurl -v. 1 throw with great force. 2 utter
adv. huskiness n.
(abuse etc.) vehemently, -n. forceful
throw, [imitative]
husky 2 /'hAski/ n. (pi. -ies) dog of a
powerful breed used in the Arctic for
hurley /'h3:li/ n. 1 (also hurling) Irish pulling sledges, [perhaps from corrup-
game resembling hockey. 2 stick used in tion of Eskimo]
huss n. dogfish as food, [origin
hurly-burly /,h3:li'b3:li/ n. boisterous
activity; commotion, [a reduplication of
hussar a light
/hu'za:(r)/ n. soldier of
hurl] cavalry regiment. [Magyar huszdr]
hurrah /hu'ra:/ int. & n. (also hurray hussy /'hAsi/ n. (pi. -ies) derog.
/hu'rei/) exclamation of joy or approval, impudent or promiscuous girl or
[earlier huzza, origin uncertain] woman, [contraction of housewife]
hurricane /'hArikan/ n. 1 storm with a hustings /'hAstinz/election cam-
violent wind, esp. a W. Indian cyclone. 2 paign or proceedings. [Old English, =
Meteorol. wind of 65 knots (75 m.p.h.) or house of assembly, from Old Norse]
more, force 12 on the Beaufort scale. hustle /'hAs(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 jostle,
[Spanish and Portuguese from Carib] bustle. 2 (foil, by into, out of, etc.) force,
hurricane-lamp n. oil-lamp designed coerce, or hurry (hustled them out of
to resist a high wind. the room; was hustled into agreeing). 3
hurry /'hAn/ -n. 1 great or eager haste. slang a solicit business, b engage in
2 (with neg. or interrog.) need for haste prostitution. 4 slang obtain by energetic
(there is no hurry; what's the hurry?), activity, -n. act or instance of hustling.
-v. (-ies, -ied) 1 move or act hastily. 2 hustler n. [Dutch]
cause to hurry. 3 (as hurried adj.) hut small simple or crude house or
hasty; done rapidly. hurry along (or shelter. [French hutte from Germanic]
up) (cause to) make haste, in a hurry 1 hutch n. box or cage for rabbits etc.
hurrying. 2 colloq. easily or readily (you [French huche]
will not beat that in a hurry). hur- hyacinth /'haiasmG/ n. 1 bulbous plant
riedly adv. [imitative] with racemes of bell-shaped (esp.
hurt -v. (past and past part, hurt) 1 purplish-blue) fragrant flowers. 2
(also absol.) cause pain or injury to. 2 purplish-blue. [Greek huakinthos]
cause mental pain or distress to. 3 suffer hyaena var. of hyena.
pain (my arm hurts), -n. 1 injury. 2 hybrid /'haibnd/ -n. 1 offspring of two
harm, wrong. [French hurter knock] plants or animals of different species or
i hybridize 431 hydroponics
varieties. 2 thing composed of diverse science of forces acting on or exerted
elements, e.g. a word with parts taken by fluids (esp. liquids). hydro-
from different languages, -adj. bred
1 dynamic adj.
l as a hybrid. 2 heterogeneous. hydroelectric /.haidraui'lektrik/ adj.
hybridism n. [Latin] 1 generating electricity by water-power.
hybridize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 2 (of electricity) so generated. hydro-
subject (a species etc.) to crossbreeding. electricity /- tnsiti/ n.
e 2 a produce hybrids, b (of an animal or hydrofoil /'haidra.foil/ n. 1 boat
i plant) interbreed. hybridization equipped with planes for lifting its hull
/-'zeij(a)n/ n. out of the water to increase its speed. 2
hydra /'haidra/ n. 1 freshwater polyp such a plane.
with a tubular body and tentacles. 2 hydrogen /'haidrad3(a)ri/ n. tasteless
r something hard to destroy. [Greek, a odourless gas, the lightest element, oc-
mythical snake with many heads that curring in water and all organic com-
l grew again when cut off] pounds, z hydrogenous /-'drDd3inas/
hydrangea /hai'dremd3a/ n. shrub adj. [French: related to hydro-, -gen]
with globular clusters of white, pink, or hydrogenate /hai'drDd3i,neit/ v.
blue flowers. [Greek hudor water, aggos (-ting) charge with or cause to combine
vessel] with hydrogen, z hydrogenation
hydrant /'haidrant/ n. outlet (esp. in a /-'neij\a)n/ n.
) street)with a nozzle for a hose, for hydrogen bomb n. immensely power-
drawing water from the main, [as ful bomb
utilizing the explosive fusion
! HYDRO-] of hydrogen nuclei.
: hydrate /'haidreit/ -n. compound in hydrogen peroxide n. viscous un
which water chemically combined
is stable liquid with strong oxidizing
with another compound or an element. properties.
-v. (-ting) 1 combine chemically with hydrogen sulphide n. poisonous un-
water. 2 cause to absorb water, z hy- pleasant-smelling gas formed by rotting
dration /-'dreiJXa)n/ n. [French: related animal matter.
to HYDRO-] hydrography /hai'drografi/ n. science
hydraulic /hai'dro:lik/ adj. 1 (of water, of surveying and charting seas, lakes,
oil. etc.) conveyed through pipes or rivers, etc. z hydrographer n. hydro-
channels. 2 (of a mechanism etc.) oper- graphic /-dra'graefik/ adj.
ated by liquid moving in this way (hy- hydrology /hai'drulad3i/ n. science of
draulic brakes). hydraulically adv. the properties of water, esp. of its move-
[Greek hudor water, aulas pipe] ment in relation to land, z hydrologist
hydraulics (usu. treated as sing.) n.
science of the conveyance of liquids hydrolyse /'haidra.laiz/ v. (US -lyze)

through pipes etc., esp. as motive (-sing or -zing) decompose by hydro-

power. lysis.
hydride /'haidraid/ n. compound of hydrolysis /hai'drohsis/ n. chemical
hydrogen with an element. reaction of a substance with water, usu.
hydro /'haidrao/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. 1 hotel resulting in decomposition. [Greek
or clinic etc., orig. providing hydro- lusis dissolving]
pathic treatment. 2 hydroelectric power hydrometer /hai'drDmita(r)/ n. instru-
plant, [abbreviation] ment for measuring the density of
hydro- comb, form 1 having to do with liquids.
water (hydroelectric). 2 combined with hydropathy /hai'dropaGi/ n. (medi-
hydrogen (hydrochloric). [Greek hudro- cally unorthodox) treatment of dis-
from hudor water] ease by water. hydropathic
hydrocarbon /,haidrau'ka:ban/ n. /,haidra'pae0ik/ adj. [related to pathos]
compound of hydrogen and carbon, hydrophilic /.haidra'filik/ adj. 1 hav-
hydrocephalus /.haidra'sefalas/ n. ing an affinity for water. 2 wettable by
! accumulated fluid in the brain, esp. in water. [Greek philos loving]
young children. hydrocephalic hydrophobia /.haidra'faubia/ n. 1 aver-
[Greek kephale head]
/-si'faelik/ adj. sion to water, esp. as a symptom of
hydrochloric acid /.haidra klonk/ n. rabies in humans. 2 rabies, esp. in
solution of the colourless gas hydrogen humans, z hydrophobic adj.
chloride in water. hydroplane /'haidra.plem/ n. 1 light
hydrocyanic acid /.haidrasai'aenik/ n. fast motor boat that skims over water.
I highly poisonous liquid smelling of bit- 2 finlike attachment enabling a sub-
j ter almonds; prussic acid, marine to rise and descend.
hydrodynamics /.haidraudai hydroponics /.haidra'pDniks/ n. grow-
'naemiks/ (usu. treated as sing.) ing plants without soil, in sand, gravel,
hydrosphere 432 hyperthyroidism
or liquid, with added nutrients. [Greek hype /haip/ slang -n. extravagant or
ponos labour] intensive promotion of a product etc.
hydrosphere /'haidra,sfi9(r)/ n. waters -v. (-ping) promote with hype, [origin
of the earth's surface, unknown]
hydrostatic /.haidra'staetik/ adj. of the hyped up adj. slang nervously excited
equilibrium of liquids and the pressure or stimulated, [shortening of hypo-
exerted by liquid at rest, [related to dermic]
static] hyper /'haipa(r)/ adj. slang hyper-
hydrostatics (usu. treated as active, highly-strung, [abbreviation of
sing.) mechanics of the hydrostatic hyperactive]
properties of liquids. hyper- prefix meaning: 1 over, beyond,
hydrotherapy /,haidra'0erapi/ n. use above (hypersonic). 2 too (hypersens-
of water, esp. swimming, in the treat- itive). [Greek huper over]
ment of arthritis, paralysis, etc. hyperactive /.haipa'raektiv/ adj. (of a
hydrous /'haidras/ adj. containing person) abnormally active.
water, [related to hydro-] hyperbola /hai'p3:b9la/ n. (pi. -s or -lae
hydroxide /hai'dmksaid/ n. compound plane curve produced when a cone
containing oxygen and hydrogen as is cut by a plane that makes a larger
either a hydroxide ion or a hydroxyl angle with the base than the side
group. of the cone makes. hyperbolic
hydroxyl /hai'droksil/ n. (attrib.)
/.haipa'bDlik/ adj. [Greek hyperbole, =
univalent group containing hydrogen excess: related to hyper-, ballo throw]
and oxygen. hyperbole /hai'p3:bali/ n. exaggera-
hyena /hai'i:na/ n. (also hyaena) dog- tion, esp. for effect. hyperbolical
like flesh-eating mammal. [Latin from
/-'bDhk(8)l/ adj.
Greek] hyperbolic function
n. function
hygiene /'haid3i:n/ n. 1 conditions or
related to a rectangular hyperbola, e.g.
practices, esp. cleanliness, conducive to
a hyperbolic cosine or sine.
maintaining health. 2 science of main-
hypercritical /,haipa'kntik(a)l/ adj.
taining health. hygienic /-'d3i:nik/
adj. hygienically /-'d3i:nikali/ adv.
cessively critical. hypercritically
hygienist n. [Greek hugies healthy]
hygrometer /hai'grDmita(r)/ n. instru-
hyperglycaemia /.haipaglai'srmia/ n.
ment for measuring the humidity of the
(US hyperglycemia) excess of glucose
air or a gas. [Greek hugros wet]
in the bloodstream, [from hyper-,
hygroscope /'haigra.skaup/ n. instru-
Greek glukus sweet, haima blood]
ment indicating but not measuring the
humidity of the air.
hypermarket /'haipa,ma:kit/ n. very
large supermarket.
hygroscopic /.haigra'skDpik/ adj. 1 of
the hygroscope. 2 (of a substance) tend-
hypermedia /'haipa,mi:di8/ n. provi-
sion of several media (e.g. audio, video,
ing to absorb moisture from the air.
hymen /'haimen/ n. membrane at the
and graphics) on one computer system,
opening of the vagina, usu. broken at with cross-references from one to
the first occurrence of sexual inter- another (often attrib.: hypermedia
course. [Greek humeri membrane] database).
hymenopterous /.haima'nDptaras/ hypersensitive /.haipa'sensitiv/ adj.
adj. of an order of insects having four excessively sensitive. hypersensit-
transparent wings, including bees, ivity /-'tiviti/ n.
wasps, and ants. [Greek, = membrane- hypersonic /.haipa'sDnik/ adj. 1 of
winged] speeds of more than five times that of
hymn /him/ -n. 1 song of esp. Christian sound. 2 of sound-frequencies above
praise. 2 crusading theme (hymn of about a thousand million hertz.
freedom), -v. praise or celebrate in hypertension /,haip9'tenj(a)n/ n. 1

hymns. [Greek humnos] abnormally high blood pressure. 2 great

hymnal /'himn(a)l/ n. book of hymns, emotional tension.
[medieval Latin: related to hymn] hypertext /'haipa.tekst/ n. provision of
hymnology /him'nDlad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 several texts on one computer system,
the composition or study of hymns. 2 with cross-references from one to
hymns collectively. hymnologist n. another.
hyoscine /'haia.sim/ n. poisonous alkal- hyperthermia /.haipaBamia/ n.

oid found in plants of the nightshade abnormally body -temperature.

family, used to prevent motion sickness [from hyper-, Greek therme heat]
etc.[Greek huoskuamos henbane from hyperthyroidism /.haipa'Gairoi
hus huos pig, kuamos bean] ,diz(a)m/ n. overactivity of the thyroid
hyperventilation 433 Hz
gland, resulting in an increased rate used to do -n. hypodermic injec-
of metabolism. tion or syringe, [from hypo-, Greek
hyperventilation /.haipa.venti derma skin]
'leiJXam/ n. abnormally rapid hypotension haip8u'tenJ(a)n/ n.
/ 1

breathing, hyperventilate v. (-ting). abnormally low blood pressure.

hyphen -n. sign (-) used to
hypotenuse /hai'pota.njuiz/ n. side op-
join words semantically or syntact-
posite the right angle of a right-angled
ically (e.g. fruit-tree, pick-me-up, rock-
triangle. [Greek, = subtending line]
forming), to indicate the division of a
word at the end of a line, or to indicate a
hypothalamus /.haipa'eaelamas/ n. (pi
missing or implied element (as in man-
-mi region of the brain control-
ling body-temperature, thirst, hunger,
and womankind), -v. = hyphenate.
[Greek huphen together] etc. hypothalamic adj. [Latin:
hyphenate /'haifa.neit/ v. (-ting) 1
related to hypo-, Greek thalamos inner
write (a compound word) with a hy- room]
phen. 2 join (words) with a hyphen. hypothermia / haipau'83:mi8/
hyphenation /-'nei.f(a)n/ n. abnormally low body-temperature,
hypnosis /hip'nausis/ n. 1 state like [from hypo-, Greek t her me heat]
sleep in which the subject acts only on hypothesis /hai'pDGisis/ n. (pi. -theses
external suggestion. 2 artificially pro- /-,si:z/) proposition or supposition made

duced sleep. [Greek hupnos sleep] as the basis for reasoning or investiga-
hypnotherapy /.hipnau'Berapi/ n. tion. [Greek, = foundation]
treat- hypothesize /hai'pnGi.saiz/ v. (also
ment of mental disorders by hypnosis. -ise) (-zing or -sing) form or assume a
hypnotic /hip'notik/ -adj. 1 of or pro- hypothesis.
ducing hypnosis. 2 inducing sleep, -n. hypothetical / haipa ,

9etik(a)l/ adj. 1 of,


hypnotic drug or influence. hypnot- based on, or serving as a hypothesis. 2

ically adv. [Greek: related to hypnosis] supposed; not necessarily true. hypo-
hypnotism /'hipna,tiz(a)m/ n. the study thetically adv.
or practice of hypnosis, n hypnotist n.
hypothyroidism /.haipau'Gairai
hypnotize /'hipna.taiz/ v. (also -ise)
,diz(a)m/ n. subnormal
activity of the
(-zing or -sing) 1 produce hypnosis in. 2
thyroid gland, resulting in cretinism.
fascinate; capture the mind of.
hypo 1 /'haipau/ n. sodium thiosulphate hypothyroid n. & adj.

(incorrectly called hyposulphite) used

hypoventilation /.haipau.venti
as a photographic fixer, [abbreviation] abnormally slow breathing.
'leij(a)n/ n.

hypo 2 /'haipau/ n. (pi -s) slang = hypo- hyssop /'hisap/ n. 1 small bushy aro-
dermic n. [abbreviation] matic herb, formerly used medicinally.
hypo- prefix 1 under (hypodermic). 2 2 Bibl. plant whose twigs were used for
below normal (hypotension). 3 slightly. sprinkling in Jewish rites, [ultimately
[Greek hupo under] from Greek hyssopos, of Semitic origin]
hypocaust /'haipa.koist/ n. space for hysterectomy /.hista'rektami/ n. (pi
underfloor hot-air heating in ancient -ies)surgical removal of the womb.
Roman houses, [from hypo-, kaustos [Greek hustera womb, -ectomy]
burnt] hysteresis /,hista'ri:sis/ n. phenom-
hypochondria /.haipa'kondna/ n. ab- enon whereby changes in an effect lag
normal and ill-founded anxiety about behind changes in its cause. [Greek
one's health. [Latin from Greek, = soft husteros coming after]
parts of the body below the ribs, where hysteria /hi'stiana/ n. 1 wild uncontrol-
melancholy was thought to arise] lable emotion or excitement. 2 func-
hypochondriac /.haipa'kmidri.aek/
tional disturbance of the nervous sys-
-n. person given to hypochondria, -adj.
tem, of psychoneurotic origin. [Greek
of or affected by hypochondria.
hustera womb]
hypocrisy /hi'pokrisi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
hysteric 1 (in pi.) a fit of
/hi'stenk/ n.
false claim to virtue; insincerity, pre-
hysteria, b colloq. overwhelming
tence. 2 instance of this. [Greek, =
acting, feigning]
laughter (we were in hysterics). 2 hys-
terical person.
hypocrite /'hrpakrit/ n. person given to
hypocrisy. hypocritical /-'kntik(a)l/ hysterical adj. 1 of or affected with
adj. hypocritically /-'kritikali/ adv. hysteria. 2 uncontrollably emotional. 3
hypodermic /,haipa'd3:mik/ -adj. 1 of colloq. extremely funny. hyster-
the area beneath the skin. 2 a injected ically adv.
beneath the skin, b (of a syringe, etc.) Hz abbr. hertz.
1 /ai/ n. (also i) (pi. Is or I's) 1 ninth letter in reserve, on thin ice in a risky situ-
of the alphabet. 2 (as a roman numeral) ation. [Old English]
1. ice age n. glacial period.
1 /ai/ pron. (obj. me; poss. my, mine; pi. ice-axe n. cutting tool used by
we) used by a speaker or writer to refer mountaineers.
to himself or herself. [Old English] iceberg n. large floating mass of ice.
1 symb. iodine. the tip of the iceberg small perceptible
1 abbr. (also I.) 1 Island(s). 2 Isle(s). part of something very large or com-
-ial var. of -al. plex. [Dutch]
iambic /ai'aembik/ Prosody -adj. of or iceberg lettuce n. crisp type of round
using iambuses, -n. (usu. in pi.) iambic lettuce.
verse. ice blue adj. & n. (as adj. often hyphen-
iambus /ai'aembas/ n. (pi. -buses or -bi ated) very pale blue.
/-bai/) metrical foot consisting of one icebox compartment in a refriger-
n. 1
short followed by one long syllable (u -). ator for making or storing ice. 2 US
[Greek, = lampoon] refrigerator.
-ian var. of -an. ice-breaker n. 1 ship designed to break
IBA abbr. Independent Broadcasting through ice. 2 joke, incident, etc. that
Authority. breaks the ice.
Iberian /ai'biarian/ -adj. of Iberia, the ice bucket n. bucket holding ice, used
peninsula comprising Spain and Portu- to chill wine.
gal; of Spain and Portugal, -n. native or icecap n. permanent covering of ice,
language of Iberia. [Latin Iberia] esp. in polar regions,
ibex /'aibeks/ n. (pi. -es) wild mountain ice-cream n. sweet creamy frozen food,
goat with thick curved ridged horns. usu. flavoured.
[Latin] ice-cube n. small block of ice for drinks
ibid, /'ibid/ abbr. in the same book or etc.
passage etc. [Latin ibidem in the same ice-field n. expanse of ice, esp. in polar
place] regions.
-ibility suffix forming nouns from, or ice hockey n. form of hockey played on
corresponding to, adjectives in -ible. ice.
ibis /'aibis/ n. (pi. -es) wading bird with a Icelander /'aislanda(r)/ n. 1 native or
curved bill, long neck, and long legs. national of Iceland. 2 person of Icelandic
[Greek, from Egyptian] descent.
-ible suffix forming adjectives meaning Icelandic /ais'laendik/ -adj. of Iceland.
'that may or may be' (forcible; possible). -n. language of Iceland,
[Latin] ice lolly n. (also iced lolly) flavoured
-ibly suffix forming adverbs corres- ice on a stick.
ponding to adjectives in -ible. ice-pack n. 1 = pack ice. 2 ice applied to
Ibo /'i:bau/ n. (also Igbo) (pi. same or -s) 1 the body for medical purposes.
member of a Black people of SE Nigeria. ice-pick n. tool with a spike for splitting
2 their language, [native name] up ice.
-ic suffix 1 forming adjectives (Arabic; ice-plant n. plant with speckled leaves.
classic; public) and nouns (critic; epic; ice-rink n. = rink n. 1.
mechanic; music). 2 combined in higher ice-skate -rc. boot with a blade beneath,
valence or degree of oxidation (ferric; for skating on ice. -v. skate on ice. ice-
sulphuric). [Latin -icus, Greek -ikos] skater n.
-ical suffix forming adjectives corres- ichneumon /ik' n. 1 (in full
ponding to nouns or adjectives in -ic or ichneumon fly) small wasp depositing
-v (classical; historical). eggs in or on the larva of another as food
ice -n. 1 a frozen water, b sheet of this on for its own larva. 2 mongoose noted for
water. 2 ice-cream or water-ice (ate an destroying crocodile eggs. [Greek from
ice), -v. (icing) 1 mix with or cool in ice ikhnos footstep]
(iced drinks). 2 (often foil, by over, up) a ichthyology /,ik0i'Dl8d3i/ n. the
cover or become covered with ice. b study of fishes. ichthyological
freeze. 3 cover (a cake etc.) with icing. /-9'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. ichthyologist n.

on ice 1 performed by skaters. 2 colloq. [Greek ikhthus fish]

ichthyosaurus 435 identity
ichthyosaurus /,ikei9'so:ras/ n. (also ideas; put ideas into a person's head).
ichthyosaur /ikGia.sorr/) (pi -saur- have no idea colloq. 1 not know at all.
uses or -saurs) extinct marine reptile 2 be completely incompetent, not one's
with four flippers and usu. a large tail. idea of colloq. not what one regards as
[Greek ikhthus fish, sauros lizard] (not my idea of a holiday). [Greek, =
-ician suffix forming nouns denoting form, kind]
persons skilled in subjects having ideal /ai'di:al/-ad/. 1 answering to one's
nouns usu. ending in -ic or -ics (magi- highest conception; perfect. 2 existing
cian, politician). [French -icien] only in idea; visionary, -n. perfect type,
icicle /'aisik(9)l/ n. hanging tapering thing, concept, principle, etc., esp. as a
piece of ice, formed from dripping standard to emulate. [French: related to
water, [from ice, obsolete ickle icicle] idea]
icing n. 1 coating of sugar etc. on a cake idealism n. 1 forming or pursuing
or biscuit. 2 formation of ice on a ship or ideals, esp.
unrealistically. 2 repres-
aircraft, icing on the cake inessen- entation of things in ideal form. 3
tial though attractive addition or en- system of thought in which objects are
hancement. held to be in some way dependent on
icing sugar n. finely powdered sugar. the mind. idealist n. idealistic
icon /'aikDn/ n. (also ikon) 1 painting of /-'hstik/ adj. idealistically /-'hstikali;
Christ etc., esp. in the Eastern Church. 2 adv.
image or statue. 3 symbol on a VDU idealize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
screen of a program, option, or window, regard or represent as ideal or perfect.
esp. for selection. iconic /ai'kDnik/ idealization /- zeij(9)n/ n.
adj. [Greek eikon image] ideally adv. 1 in ideal circumstances. 2
iconoclast /ai'kDna.klaest/ n. 1 person according to an ideal.
who attacks cherished beliefs. 2 hist. idee fixe /,i:dei 'fi.ks/ n. (pi. idees fixes
person destroying religious images, pronunc. same) dominating idea; obses-
iconoclasm n. iconoclastic /-'klaestik/ sion. [French, = fixed idea]
adj. [Greek: related to icon, klao break] identical /ai'dentik(8)l/ adj. 1 (often
iconography /.aika' nog raft/ n. 1 the foil, by with) (of different things) abso-
illustration of a subject by drawings or lutely alike. 2 one and the same. 3 (of
figures. 2 the study of portraits, esp. of twins) developed from a single ovum,
an individual, or of artistic images or identically adv. [Latin identicus:
symbols. [Greek: related to icon] related to identity]
iconostasis /.aika'nDstasis/ n. (pi. identification /ai,dentin'keij\a)n/ n. 1
-stases /-,si:z/) (in the Eastern Church) identifying. 2 means of identifying (also
screen bearing icons. [Greek: related to attrib.: identification card).
icon] identification parade n. group of
icosahedron /,aikasa'hi:dran/ n. solid people from whom a suspect is to be
figure with twenty faces. [Greek eikosi identified.
twenty, hedra base] identify /ai'denti.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1
-ics suffix (treated as sing, or pi.) form- establish the identity of; recognize. 2
ing nouns denoting arts, sciences, etc. select or discover (identify the best solu-
(athletics; politics). tion). 3 (also re/7.; foil, by with) associate
icy /'aisi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 very cold. 2 inseparably or very closely (with a
covered with or abounding in ice. 3 (of a party, policy, etc.). 4 (often foil, by with)
tone or manner) unfriendly, hostile, treat as identical. 5 (foil, by with) put
icily adv. iciness n. oneself in the place of (another person).
ID abbr. identification, identity (ID identifiable adj. [medieval Latin
card). identifico: related to identity]
id person's inherited unconscious psy-
n. Identikit ,/ai'dentikit/ n. (often attrib.)
chological impulses. [Latin, = that] propr. picture of esp. a wanted suspect
I'd /aid/ contr. 1 1 had. 2 1 should; I would. assembled from standard components
-ide suffix Chem. forming nouns denot- using witnesses' descriptions, [from
ing binary compounds of an element IDENTITY, KIT]
(sodium chloride; lead sulphide; cal- identity a con-
/ai'dentiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

cium carbide), [extended from oxide] dition of being a specified person or

idea /ai'dia/ n. 1 plan etc. formed by thing, b individuality, personality (felt
mental effort (an idea for a book). 2 a he had lost his identity). 2 identification
mental impression or concept, b vague or the result of it (mistaken identity;
belief or fancy (had an idea you were identity card). 3 absolute sameness
married). 3 intention or purpose (the (identity of interests). 4 Algebra a
idea is to make money). 4 archetype or equality of two expressions for all
pattern. 5 ambition or aspiration (have values of the quantities, b equation
ideogram 436 ignominious
expressing this. [Latin identitas from idol /'aid(a)l/ n. 1 image of a deity etc. as
idem same) an object of worship. 2 object of excess-
ideogram 'idie.graem/ n. character ive or supreme adulation. [Greek eido-
symbolizing a thing without indicating lon image, phantom]
the sounds in its name (e.g. a numeral, idolater /ai'dolata(r)/ n. 1 worshipper of

Chinese characters). [Greek idea form, idols. 2 devoted admirer. idolatrous

-gram] adj. idolatry n. [related to idol, Greek
ideograph idio,gra:f/ n. - ideogram. latreuo worship]
ideographic uraefik/ adj. ideo- idolize v. (also -ise) ( zing or -sing) 1
graphy idi'Dgrafi/ n. venerate or love excessively. 2 make an
ideologue 'aidia.lDg/ n. often derog. idol of. idolization /-'zeij(9)n/ n.

adherent of an ideology. [French: idyll /'idil/ n. 1 short description, esp. in

related to idea] verse, of a peaceful or romantic, esp.
ideology ,aidi'ulad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 rural, scene or incident. 2 such a scene
ideas at the basis of an economic or or incident. [Greek eidullion]
political theory (Marxist ideology). 2 idyllic /I'dilik/ adj. 1 blissfully peaceful
characteristic thinking of a class etc. and happy. 2 of or like an idyll.
(bourgeois ideology). ideological idyllically adv.
G'lod3ik(8)l/ adj. ideologically i.e. abbr. that is to say. [Latin id est]
-o lud3ikali/ adv. ideologist n. [French: -ie see -y .

related to idea, -logy] if -conj. 1 introducing a conditional

ides aidz day of the ancient clause: a on the condition or supposi-
Roman month (the 15th day of March, tion that; in the event that (if he comes I
May, July, and October, the 13th of will tell him; if you are tired we can
other months). [Latin idus) rest), b (with past tense) implying that
idiocy idiasi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 foolishness; the condition is not fulfilled (if I knew I
foolish act. 2 extreme mental imbecility. would say). 2 even though (I'll finish it,
idiom /'idiam/ n. 1 phrase etc. estab- if it takes me all day). 3 whenever (if I
lished by usage and not immediately am not sure I ask). 4 whether (see ifyou
comprehensible from the words used can find it). 5 expressing a wish, sur-
(e.g. over the moon, see the light). 2 form prise, or request (if I could just try!; if it
of expression peculiar to a language etc. isn't my old hat!; if you wouldn't
3 language of a people or country. 4 mind?), -n. condition, supposition (too
characteristic mode of expression in art many ifs about it). if only 1 even if for
etc. [Greek idios own] no other reason than (I'll come if only to
idiomatic /.idia'maetik/ adj. 1 relating see her). 2 (often ellipt.) expression of
or conforming to idiom. 2 characteristic regret; I wish that (if only I had thought
of a particular language. idiomat- of it). [Old English]
ically adv. iffy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. uncertain;
idiosyncrasy /.idiau'sinkrasi/ n. (pi. dubious.
-ies) attitude, behaviour, or opinion Igbo var. of Ibo.
peculiar to a person; anything highly igloo /'iglu:/ n. Eskimo dome-shaped
individual or eccentric. idiosyn- dwelling, esp. of snow. [Eskimo, =
cratic /-'kraetik/ adj. idiosyncratic- house]
ally /-'kraetikali/ adv. [Greek idios igneous /'igmas/ adj. 1 of fire; fiery. 2
private, sun with, krasis mixture] (esp. of rocks) volcanic. [Latin ignis
idiot /'idiat/ n. 1 stupid person. 2 men- fire]
tally deficient person incapable of ra- ignite v. (-ting) 1 set fire to. 2
tional conduct. idiotic /-'otik/ adj. catch fire.3 provoke or excite (feelings
idiotically /-'Dtikali/ adv. [Greek etc.). [Latin ignio ignit- set on fire]
idiotes, = private citizen, ignorant per- ignition /ig'nij(8)n/ n. 1 mechanism
son] for, or the action of, starting combus-
idle 'aid(a)l/ -adj. (idler, idlest) 1 lazy, tion in an internal-combustion engine. 2
indolent. 2 not in use; not working. 3 (of igniting or being ignited.
time etc.) unoccupied. 4 purposeless; ignoble /ig'naob(a)l/ adj. (-bier, -blest)
groundless (idle rumour). 5 useless, 1 dishonourable. 2 of low birth, position,
ineffective (idle protest). -v. (-ling) 1 be or reputation. ignobly adv. [Latin:
idle. 2 run (an engine) or (of an engine) 1
related to in- noble] ,

be run slowly without doing any work. 3 ignominious /.igna'mmias/ adj.

(foil, by away) pass (time etc.) in idle- shameful, humiliating, n ignomi-
ness, idleness n. idler n. idly adv. niously adv. [Latin: related to igno-
[Old English] miny]
ignominy 437 illustrate
ignominy /'ignammi/ n. dishonour, in- illegal /i'li:g(a)l/ adj. 1 not legal. 2 crim-
famy. [Latin: related to in- Latin (g)no- , inal. illegality /-'gaeliti/ n. (pi. -ies).

men name] illegally adv.

ignoramus /.igna'reimas/ n. (pi. illegible /i'led3ib(a)l/ adj. not legible.
-muses) ignorant person. [Latin, = we illegibility /- biliti/ n. illegibly adv.
do not know: related to ignore] illegitimate /,ili'd3itim9t/aa7. 1 born of
ignorance /'ignarans/ n. lack of know- parents not married to each other. 2
ledge. [French from Latin: related to unlawful. 3 improper. 4 wrongly in-
ignore] ferred. illegitimacy n. illegitim-
ignorant adj. 1 (often foil, by of in) ately adv.
lacking knowledge (esp. of a fact or ill-fated adj. destined to or bringing
subject). 2 colloq. uncouth. ignor- bad fortune.
antly adv. ill-favoured adj. unattractive,
ignore /ig'no:(r)/ v. (-ring) refuse to take ill-founded adj. (of an idea etc.) base-
notice of; intentionally disregard. [Latin less.

ignoro not know] ill-gotten adj. gained unlawfully or

iguana /ig' n. large American, W. wickedly.
Indian, or Pacific lizard with a dorsal ill health n. poor physical or mental
crest. [Spanish from Carib iwana] condition.
iguanodon /i'gwa:na,dmi/ n. large ill humour n. irritability.

plant-eating dinosaur with small fore- illiberal /i'libar(a)l/ adj. 1 intolerant,

limbs, [from iguana, which it re-
narrow-minded. 2 without liberal cul-
ture; vulgar. 3 stingy; mean. illiber-
sembles, after mastodon etc.]
ikebana /,iki'ba:na/ n. art of Japanese ally /-'raeliti/ n. illiberally adv.
= illicit /ilisit/ adj. unlawful, forbidden.
flower arrangement. [Japanese, liv-
illicitly adv.
ing flowers]
illiterate /I'litarat/ -adj. 1 unable to
ikon var. of icon.
1 2 read. 2 uneducated, -n. illiterate per-
il- prefix assim. form of in- in- before /.
son. illiteracy n. illiterately adv.
ileum /'iliam/ n. (pi. ilea) third and last
ill-mannered adj. having bad man-
portion of the small intestine. [Latin
ners; rude.
ill-natured adj. churlish, unkind.
ilex /'aileks/ n. (pi. -es) 1 tree or shrub of
illness n. 1 disease. 2 being ill.
the genus including the common holly.
illogical /i'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. devoid of or
2 holm-oak. [Latin]
contrary to logic. illogicality
iliac /'ili.aek/ adj. of the lower body (iliac
/-'kaeliti/ n. (pi. -ies). illogically adv.
artery). [Latin ilia flanks]
ill-omened adj. doomed.
ilk n. 1 colloq., usu. derog. sort, family, ill-tempered adj. morose, irritable.
class, etc. 2 (in of that ilk) Scot, of the
ill-timed adj. done or occurring at an
ancestral estate with the same name as
inappropriate time.
the family (Guthrie of that ilk). [Old ill-treat v. treat badly; abuse.
English] illuminate /i lu:mi,neit/ v. (-ting) 1
ill -ad/', (attrib. except in sense 1) 1 (usu.
light up; make bright.
2 decorate (build-
predic.) not in good health; unwell. 2 ings etc.) with lights. 3 decorate (a
wretched, unfavourable (ill fortune, ill
manuscript etc.) with gold, colour, etc. 4
luck). 3 harmful (ill effects). 4 hostile, help to explain (a subject etc.). 5 en-
unkind (ill feeling). 5 faulty, unskilful lighten spiritually or intellectually. 6
(ill management). 6 (of manners or shed lustre on. illuminating adj.
conduct) improper, -adv. 1 badly, illumination /- neij(a)n/ n. illuminat-
wrongly, imperfectly (ill-matched; ill- ive adj. [Latin lumen light]
provided). 2 scarcely (can ill afford it). 3 illumine /i'lju:mm/ v. (-ning) literary 1
unfavourably (spoke ill of them), -n. 1 light up; make bright. 2 enlighten.
injury, harm. 2 evil. ill at ease em- ill-USe V. - ILL-TREAT.
barrassed, uneasy. [Old Norse] illusion /i'lu:3(a)n/ n. 1 false impression
I'll IsiXI contr. I shall; I will. or belief. 2 state of being deceived by
ill-advised adj. foolish; imprudent. appearances. 3 figment of the imagina-
ill-assorted adj. badly matched; tion. be under the illusion (foil, by
mixed. that) believe mistakenly. illusive
ill-bred adj. badly brought up; rude. adj. illusory adj. [Latin illudo mock]
ill-defined adj. not clearly defined. illusionist n. conjuror.
ill-disposed adj. 1 (often foil, by to- illustrate /'ila.streit/ v. ( ting) 1 a
wards) unfavourably disposed. 2 mal- provide (a book etc.) with pictures,
evolent. b elucidate by drawings, pictures,
illustration 438 immense
examples, etc 2 sen e as an example of. absorb (moisture etc.). 3 inhale (air
illustrator rt [Latin lustro light up] etc.). [Latin bibo drink]
illustration tla 8tr«J(a)n
1 draw-
: imbroglio im'braulieu/ n. {pi. -s) 1

ing or picture in a book, magazine, etc. 2 confused or complicated situation. 2

explanatory example 3 illustrating. confused heap. [Italian: related to in- 2 ,

illustrative iK>strativ adj. (often foil. broil]

b> " explanatory, exemplary. imbue im'bju: -bued.
v. ( bues.
illustrious ri.\strias adj. dis- by with) 1 inspire or
-buing) (often foil,
tinguished, renowned. ILatin illustris: permeate (with feelings, opinions, or
related to illustrateI qualities). 2 saturate. 3 dye. [Latin
ill will 1 bad feeling; animosity. imbuo]
im- prefix assim. form of in- in-- before 1
, IMF abbr. International Monetary
b, m, or p. Fund.
I'm una oofilr. I am. imitate v. (-ting) 1 follow the
image imid3 -n. 1 representation of example copy. 2 mimic. 3 make a
an object, e.g. a statue. 2 reputation or copy of. 4 be like. imitable adj.
persona of a person, company, etc. 3 imitator n. [Latin imitor -tat-}
appearance as seen in a mirror or imitation ,imi'teij\a)n n. 1 imitating
through a lens. 4 mental picture or idea. or being imitated. 2 copy. 3 counterfeit
5 simile or metaphor, -t (ging) 1 make (often attrib.: imitation leather).
an image of; portray. 2 reflect, mirror. 3 imitative imitativ adj. 1 (often foil, by
describe or imagine vividly. be the of) imitating; following a model or ex-
image of be or look exactly like. [Latin ample. 2 (of a word) reproducing a
imago imagin-] natural sound (e.g. fizz), or otherwise
imagery n. 1 figurative illustration, suggestive (e.g. blob).
esp. in literature. 2 images; statuary,
immaculate I'maekjulat- adj. 1 per-
carving. 3 mental images collectively.
fectly clean and tidy. 2 perfect (immacu-
imaginary I'msedsman adj. 1 exist-
late timing). 3 innocent, faultless,
ing only in the imagination. 2 Math.
immaculately adv. immaculateness
being the square root of a negative
related to in- macula spot]
n. [Latin: ,

quantity. [Latin: related to image]

imagination i,ma?d3i'neij\a)n/ n. 1
Immaculate Conception n. RC Ch.
doctrine that the Virgin Mary was with-
mental faculty of forming images or
out original sin from conception.
concepts of objects or situations not
existent or not directly experienced. 2
immanent 'imenant adj. 1 (often foil,
by in) naturally present, inherent. 2 (of
mental creativity or resourcefulness.
imaginative imaedsmativ adj. hav- God) omnipresent. immanence n.
ing or showing imagination, imagin- [Latin: related to in- , maneo remain]
atively adv. imaginativeness rt immaterial .ima'tiarial/ adj. 1 unim-
imagine ma?d3in v. (-ning) 1 a form a
portant; irrelevant. 2 not material; in-
mental image or concept of. b picture to corporeal, immateriality aeliti/ n. -

oneself. 2 think of as probable (can't

immature .ima'tjo^r) adj. 1 not ma-
imagine he'd be so stupid). 3 guess ture. 2 undeveloped, esp. emotionally. 3
{can't imagine what he is doing). 4 unripe, immaturely adv. immatur-
suppose (/ imagine you '11need help). ity n.
imaginable adj. [Latin imaginor) immeasurable i'me3arab(a)l/ adj. not
imago imeigau n. {pi. -s or imagines measurable; immense. immeasur-
rma?d3i,ni:z fully developed stage of
ably adv.
an insect, e.g. a butterfly. [Latin; see immediate I'mirdiat adj. 1 occurring
image] or done at once (immediate reply). 2
imam mo:m i n. 1 leader of prayers in a nearest, next; direct (immediate vicin-
mosque. 2 title of various Muslim ity: immediate future: immediate cause

leaders. [Arabic] of death). 3 most pressing or urgent (our

imbalance imbaelans n. 1 lack of immediate concern). immediacy n.
balance. 2 disproportion. immediateness n. [Latin: related to
imbecile imbi,si:l -n. 1 colloq. stupid IN-
person. 2 person with a mental age of immediately -adv. 1 without pause or
about five. -adj. mentally weak; stupid, delay. 2 without intermediary, -conj. as
idiotic imbecilic silik adj. imbe- soon as.
cility siliu n. (pi. -ies). [French from immemorial ,imi'mo:nal adj. ancient
Latin] beyond memory or record (from time
imbed var of imbed. immemorial).
imbibe tm'baib v (-Ding) 1 drink (esp. immense t'mens adj. 1 extremely
alcohol) 2 a assimilate (ideas etc.). b large; huge. 2 considerable (immense
immensely 439 impalpable
difference), i
immenseness n. im- immovable /i'mu:vab(a)l/ adj. (also
mensity n. [Latin metior mens- immoveable) 1 not able to be moved. 2
measure] steadfast, unyielding. 3 emotionless. 4
immensely adv. 1 colloq. very much not subject to change (immovable law).
{enjoyed myself immensely). 2 to an 5 motionless. 6 (of property) consisting
immense degree (immensely rich). of land, houses, etc. immovability
immerse v. (-sing) 1 a (often
/i'm3:s/ /- biliti/ n. immovably adv.

foil, by plunge, b submerge (a

in) dip, immune /i'mju:n/ adj. 1 a (often foil, by
person). 2 (often refl. or in passive; often against, from, to) protected against
foil, by in) absorb or involve deeply. 3 infection through inoculation etc. b
(often foil, by in) bury, embed. [Latin relating to immunity (immune system).
mergo mers- dip] 2 (foil, by from, to) exempt from or proof
immersion /i'm3:JXa)n/ n. 1 immersing against a charge, duty, criticism, etc.
or being immersed. 2 baptism by total [Latin immunis exempt] ,

bodily immersion. 3 mental absorption. immunity n. (pi. -ies) 1 ability of an

immersion heater n. electric device organism to resist infection by means of
immersed in a liquid to heat it, esp. in a antibodies and white blood cells. 2
hot-water tank. (often foil, by from) freedom or exemp-
immigrant /'imigrant/ -n. person who tion.

immigrates, —adj. 1 immigrating. 2 of immunize /'imju:,naiz/ v. (also -ise)

immigrants. (-zing or -sing) make immune, usu.
immigrate /'imi.greit/ v.come into a by inoculation. immunization
/-'zeij(a)n/ n.
country and settle. immigration
/-'greij(a)n/ n. [related to in-
immunodeficiency / imju:,naudi

imminent /'immant/ adj. impending; 'fijansi/ n. reduction in normal immune

about to happen (war is imminent).
imminence n. imminently adv.
immunoglobulin /,imju:nau
'globjulm/ n. any of a group of related
[Latin immineo be impending]
proteins functioning as antibodies.
immiscible /i'misib(a)l/ adj. (often foil,
by with) not able to be mixed. immis-
immunology /,imju: nDlad3i/ n. the

study of immunity. immunological

cibility /- biliti/ n.
/-na'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. immunologist n.
immobile /I'maubail/ adj. 1 not moving.
immunotherapy /,imju:nau 9erapi/ n.
2 unable to move or be moved. im-
prevention or treatment of disease with
mobility /- biliti/ n.
substances that stimulate the immune
immobilize /I'maubi.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) 1 make or keep im-
immure /i'mjua(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 im-
mobile. 2 keep (a limb or patient) still
prison. 2 refl. shut oneself away. [Latin
for healing purposes. immobiliza- mums wall]
tion /-'zeiJXa)n/ n.
immutable /i'mju:tab(a)l/ adj. unchan-
immoderate /I'modarat/ adj. excess-
geable, n immutability /-'biliti/ n.
ive;lacking moderation. immoder- immutably adv.
ately adv. imp n. 1 mischievous child. 2 small devil
immodest /I'modist/ adj. 1 lacking or sprite. [Old English, = young shoot]
modesty; conceited. 2 shameless, in- impact -n. /'impaekt/ 1 sudden
effect of
decent, immodestly adv. immod- forcible contact between two solid
esty n. bodies etc.; collision. 2 strong effect or
immolate /'ima.leit/ v. (-ting) kill or impression, -v. /im'paekt/ 1 press or fix
offer as a sacrifice. immolation firmly. 2 (as impacted adj.) (of a tooth)
/-'leiJXa)n/ n. [Latin, = sprinkle with wedged between another tooth and the
meal] jaw. 3 (often foil, by on) have an impact
immoral /i'mDr(a)l/ adj. 1 not conform- on. impaction /im'paekJXa)n/ n.
ing accepted morality; morally
to [Latin: related to impinge]
wrong. 2 sexually promiscuous or devi- impair /im'pea(r)/ v. damage, weaken.
ant. immorality /.ima'raeliti/ n. (pi. impairment n. [Latin, = make
-ies). immorally adv. worse, from pejor]
immortal /i*mo:t(a)l/ -adj. a living for 1 impala /im'pa:la/ n. (pi. same or -s)
ever; not mortal, b divine. 2 unfading. 3 small African antelope. [Zulu]
famous for all time. -n. 1 a immortal impale /im'peil/ v. (-ling) transfix or
being, b (in pi.) gods of antiquity. 2 pierce with a sharp stake etc. n impale-
person, esp. an author, remembered ment n. [Latin palus pale 2 ]
long after death, immortality i impalpable /im'paelpab(a)l/ adj. 1 not
/.imai'taeliti/ immortalize v. (also
n. easily grasped by the mind; intangible. 2
-ise) (-zing or -sing), immortally adv. imperceptible to the touch. 3 (of powder)
impanel -4-40 impermanent
very fine. impalpability /-'biliti/ n. e.g.a stammer. [Latin: related to im-
impalpably adv. pede]
impanel var. of empanel. Usage See note at impedance.
impart im'pa:t v. (often foil, by to) 1
communicate (news 2 give a share
etc.). impedimenta /im.pedi'menta/ 1

of (a thing). (Latin: related to part] encumbrances. 2 baggage, esp. of an

impartial ma pa: J(a)l/ adj. treating all army.
alike; unprejudiced, fair. imparti- impel /im'pel/ v. (-11-) 1 drive, force, or
ality JYaeliti/ n. impartially adv. urge. 2 propel. [Latin pello drive]
impassable im'pa:s8b(a)l/ adj. not impend /im'pend/ v. (often foil, by over)
able to be traversed, impassability 1 (of a danger, event, etc.) be threaten-
biliti n. impassableness n. impass- ing or imminent. 2 hang. impending
ably adv. adj. [Latin pendeo hang]
impasse 'aempaes, 'im-/ n. deadlock. impenetrable /im'penitr8b(a)l/ adj. 1
(French: related to pass ]
not able to be penetrated. 2 inscrutable.
impassible im'paesib(8)l/ adj. 1 impas-
3 inaccessible to ideas, influences, etc.
sive. 2 incapable of feeling, emotion, or
impenetrability /- biliti/ n. impen-
injury. impassibility /-biliti/ n.
etrableness n. impenetrably adv.
impassibly adv. [Latin potior pass- impenitent /im'penit(8)nt/ adj. not
sorry, unrepentant. impenitence n.
impassioned /im'paej(a)nd/ adj. filled
with passion; ardent. [Italian im-
imperative /im'perativ/-ad/. 1 urgent;
obligatory. 2 commanding, peremptory.
passionato: related to passion]
3 Gram, (of a mood) expressing a com-
impassive im'paesiv/ adj. incapable of
or not showing emotion; serene.
mand (e.g. come here!), -n. 1 Gram.

impassively adv. impassiveness n. imperative mood. 2 command. 3 essen-

impassivity /-'siviti/ n.
tial or urgent thing. [Latin impero

impasto im'paestau/ n. Art technique of command]

laying on paint thickly. [Italian] imperceptible /,impa'septib(8)l/ adj. 1

impatiens /im'peiji.enz/ n. any of not perceptible. 2 very slight, gradual,

several plants including the busy Lizzie. or subtle. imperceptibility /-'biliti/
[Latin: related to impatient] n. imperceptibly adv.
impatient /im'peij\8)nt/ adj. 1 lacking, imperfect /im'p3:fikt/ -adj. 1 not per-
or showing a lack of, patience or toler- incomplete. 2 Gram, (of a
fect; faulty,
ance. 2 restlessly eager. 3 (foil, by of) tense) denoting action in progress but
intolerant of. impatience n. im- not completed (e.g. they were singing),
patiently adv. -n. imperfect tense. imperfectly
impeach /im'pi:tJ7 v. 1 charge with a adv.
crime against the State, esp. treason. 2 imperfection /,impa'fekj;(8)n/ n. 1 state
US charge (a public official) with mis- of being imperfect. 2 fault, blemish.
conduct. 3 call in question, disparage. imperial /im'pianal/ adj. 1 of or charac-
impeachable adj. impeachment n. teristic of an empire or similar sover-
[French empecher from Latin pedica eign State. 2 a of an emperor, b majestic,
august; authoritative. 3 (of non-metric
impeccable /im'pekab(9)l/ adj. fault- weights and measures) statutory in the
less, exemplary. impeccability UK, esp. formerly (imperial gallon), z
-'biliti n. impeccably adv. [related to
imperially adv. [Latin imperium do-
in- Latin pecco sin]

impecunious /,impi'kju:ni3s/ adj. hav-
imperialism n. 1 imperial rule or sys-
ing little or no money. impecuni-
tem. 2 usu. derog. policy of dominating
osity /-'Dsiti/ n. impecuniousness n.
other nations by acquiring depend-
[related to pecuniary]
encies etc. z imperialist n. & adj.
impedance /im'pi:d(a)ns/ n. total effect-
imperialistic /-'listik/ adj.
ive resistance of an electric circuit etc.
to an alternating current, [from impede] imperil /im'penl/ v. (-11-; US -1-)

Usage Impedance is sometimes con- imperious /im'pianas/ adj. overbear-
fused with impediment, which means 'a ing, domineering. imperiously adv.
hindrance' or 'a speech defect'.
imperiousness n.
impede im'pj:d/ v. (-ding) obstruct; imperishable /im'perijab(a)l/ adj. not
hinder. [Latin impedio from pes ped- able to perish, indestructible,
foot] impermanent /im'p3:m9nant/ adj. not
impediment im'pedimant/ n. 1 hind- permanent. impermanence n.
rance or obstruction. 2 speech defect, impermanency n.
impermeable 441 impose
impermeable /im'p3:miab(a)l/ adj. not implausible /im'pb:zib(a)l/ adj. not
permeable, not allowing fluids to pass plausible. implausibility /-'biliti/ n.
through. impermeability /- biliti/ n. implausibly adv.
impermissible /,impa'misib(a)l/ adj. implement -n. /'implimant/ tool,
not allowable. instrument, utensil, -v. /'implement/
impersonal /im'p3:san(a)l/ adj. 1 with- put (a decision, plan, contract, etc.) into
out personal reference; objective, im- effect, n implementation /.implimen
partial. 2 without human attributes; 'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin impleo fulfil]
cold, unfeeling. 3 Gram, a (of a verb) implicate /'impli.keit/ v. (-ting) 1 (often
used esp. with it as a subject (e.g. it is foil, by in) show (a person) to be
snowing), b (of a pronoun) = indef- involved (in a crime etc.). 2 imply. [Latin
inite. impersonality /-'naeliti/ n. plico fold]
impersonally adv. implication /,impli'keij(a)n/ n. 1 thing
impersonate /im'p3:sa,neit/ (-ting) 1 v. implied. 2 implicating or implying.
pretend to be (another person), esp. as implicit /im'phsit/ adj. 1 implied
entertainment or fraud. 2 act (a charac- though not plainly expressed. 2 abso-
ter). impersonation /-'neij*(a)n/ n. lute, unquestioning (implicit belief).
impersonator n. [from in- 2 Latin per- , implicitly adv. [Latin: related to im-
sona] plicate]
impertinent /im'p3:tmant/ adj. 1 insol- implode /im'plaud/ v. (-ding) (cause
ent, disrespectful. 2 esp. Law irrelevant. to) burst inwards. implosion
impertinence n. impertinently /im'plau3(a)n/ n. [from in- 2 cf. explode]

adv. implore /im'plo:(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (often

imperturbable / (
impa't3:bab(a)l/ adj. foil, by to + infin.) entreat (a person). 2
not excitable; calm. imperturbab- beg earnestly for. [Latin ploro weep]
ility /-'biliti/ n. imperturbably adv. imply /im'plai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often foil,
impervious /im'p3:vias/ adj. (usu. foil, by that) strongly suggest or insinuate
by to) 1 impermeable. 2 not responsive without directly stating (what are you
(to argument etc.). implying?). 2 signify, esp. as a con-
impetigo /.impi'taigau/ n. contagious sequence (silence implies guilt). [Latin:
skin infection forming pimples and related to implicate]
sores. [Latin impeto assail] impolite /.impa lait/ adj. (impolitest)
impetuous /im'petjuas/ adj. 1 acting or ill-mannered, uncivil, rude. impol-
done rashly or with sudden energy. 2 itely adv. impoliteness n.
moving forcefully or rapidly. impolitic /im'politik/ adj. inexpedient,
impetuosity /-'ositi/ n. impetuously unwise. impoliticly adv.
adv. impetuousness n. [Latin: related imponderable /im'pDndarab(a)l/ -adj.
to impetus] 1 not able to be estimated. 2 very light;
impetus /'impitas/ n. 1 force with which weightless, -n. (usu. in pi.) imponder-
a body moves. 2 driving force or im- able thing. imponderability /-'biliti/
pulse. [Latin impeto assail] n. imponderably adv.
impiety /im'paiati/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 lack of import — y. /im'po:t, 'im-/1 bring in (esp.
piety or reverence. 2 act etc. showing foreign goods or services) to a country.
this. 2 imply, indicate, signify, -n. /'impa:t/
impinge /im'pmd3/ v. (-ging) (usu. foil, 1 (esp. in pi.) imported article or service.
by on, upon) 1 make an impact or effect. 2 importing. 3 what is implied; mean-
2 encroach. impingement n. [Latin ing. 4 importance. importation
pango pact- fix] /,impD:'teiJ(a)n/ n. importer /im
impious /'impias/ adj. 1 not pious. 2 po:ta(r)/ n. [Latin importo carry in]
wicked, profane. important /im'pa:t(a)nt/ adj. 1 (often
impish adj. of or like an imp; mischiev- foil, by to) of great effect or con-
ous. impishly adv. impishness n. sequence; momentous. 2 (of a person)
implacable /im'plaekab(a)l/ adj. unable having high rank or authority. 3 pom-
to be appeased. implacability pous. importance n. importantly
/- biliti/ n. implacably adv. adv. [Latin importo carry in, signify]
implant -v. /im'plaint/ 1 (often foil, by importunate /im'pD:tjunat/ adj. mak-
in) insert or fix. 2 (often foil, by in) instil ing persistent or pressing requests.
(an idea etc.) in a person's mind. 3 plant. importunity /.impa^tjumiti/ n. [Latin
4 a insert (tissue etc.) in a living body, b importunus inconvenient]
(in passive) (of a fertilized ovum) importune /,impa'tju:n/ v. (-ning) 1
become attached to the wall of the pester (a person) with requests. 2 solicit
womb. -n. /'impla:nt/ thing implanted, as a prostitute.
esp. a piece of tissue. implantation impose /im'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1 (often foil,
/-'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to plant] by on, upon) lay (a tax, duty, charge, or
imposing 4 12 impromptu
obligation) on. 2 enforce compliance impress -v. /im'pres/ 1 (often foil, by
with. 3 also re/7, (foil, by on, upon, or with) a affect or influence deeply, b
absol.) take advantage of (will not im- affect (a person) favourably (was most
pose on you any longer). 4 (often foil, by impressed). 2 (oftenfoil, by on) emphas-
on. upon) inflict (a thing) on. [Latin (must impress on you
ize (an idea etc.)
impono] the need to be prompt). 3 a (often foil, by
imposing adj. impressive, formidable, on) imprint or make (a mark), b mark (a
esp. in appearance. thing) with a stamp, seal, etc. -n.
imposition ,impa'zij(a)n/ n. 1 impos- /'impres/ 1 mark made by a seal, stamp,
ing or being imposed. 2 unfair demand etc. 2 characteristic mark or quality,
or burden. 3 tax, duty. impressible /im'presib(a)l/ adj.
impossible 1 not pos-
im'pDsib(a)l/ac(/. [French: related to press 1 ]
sible. 2 eolloq.not easy, convenient, or impression /im'prej(a)n/ n. 1 effect
believable. 3 colloq. (esp. of a person) (esp. on the mind or feelings). 2 notion
outrageous, intolerable. impossib- or belief (esp. vague or mistaken). 3
ility bihti n. (pi -ies). impossibly imitation of a person or sound, esp. as
adv. entertainment. 4 a impressing, b mark
impost impaust/ n. tax, duty, or tri-

impressed. 5 unaltered reprint from

bute. [Latin impono impost- impose] standing type or plates. 6 number of
impost 2 /'impaust/ n. upper course of a copies of a book etc. issued at one time. 7
pillar, carrying an arch. print taken from a wood or copper
impostor /im'posta(r)/ n. (also im- engraving.
poster) 1 person who assumes a false impressionable adj. easily influ-
character or pretends to be someone enced. impressionability /-'biliti/ n.
else. 2 swindler. impressionably adv.
imposture /im'pDstJa(r)/ n. fraudulent impressionism /im'preja,niz(9)m/ n. 1
deception. style or movement in art concerned
impotent "imp9t(a)nt/ adj. 1 powerless, with conveying the effect of natural
ineffective. 2 (of a male) unable light on objects. 2 style of music or
to achieve an erection or orgasm, writing seeking to convey esp. fleeting
impotence n. feelings or experience. impression-
impound /im'paund/ v. 1 confiscate. 2 ist n. impressionistic /- nistik/ adj.
take legal possession of. 3 shut up (an- impressive /im'presiv/ adj. arousing
imals) in a pound. respect, approval, or admiration.
impoverish /im'pDvanJ/ v. make poor, impressively adv. impressiveness n.
impoverishment n. [French: related imprimatur /,impri'ma:ta(r)/ n. 1 RC
to POVERTY] Ch. licence to print (a religious book
impracticable /im'praektikab(a)l/ adj. etc.). 2 official approval. [Latin, = let it
not practicable. impracticability be printed]
impracticably adv.
/-'bihti/ n.
impractical /im'praektik(a)l/ adj. 1 not Usage Imprimatur is sometimes con-
practical. 2 esp. US not practicable, fused with sense 2 of imprint.
impracticality /- kaeliti/ n. imprint -v. /im'prmt/ 1 (often foil, by
imprecation /,impn'keiJXa)n/ n. for- on) impress firmly, esp. on the mind. 2 a
mal oath, curse. [Latin precor pray] (often foil, by on) make a stamp or
imprecise /.impri'sais/ adj. not precise. impression of (a figure etc.) on a thing,
imprecisely adv. impreciseness n. b make an impression on (a thing) with
imprecision /-'si3(a)n/ n. a stamp etc. -n. /'imprint/ 1 impression,
impregnable /im'pregnab(a)l/ adj. stamp. 2 printer's or publisher's name
strong enough to be secure against at- etc. printed in a book.
tack, impregnability /-bihti/ n.
impregnably adv. [French: related to
Usage See note at imprimatur.
in-. Latin prehendo take] imprison /im'pnz(a)n/ v. 1 put in
impregnate /'impreg.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 prison. 2 confine. imprisonment n.
(often foil, by with) fill or saturate. 2 improbable /im'prDbab(a)l/ adj. 1 un-
(often foil, by with) imbue (with feelings likely. 2 difficult to believe, z improb-
etc.). 3 a make (a female) pregnant, b ability /- bihti/ n. improbably adv.
fertilize (an ovum). impregnation improbity /im'praubiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
/-'neij(9)n/ n. [Latin: related to preg- wickedness; dishonesty. 2 wicked or
nant) dishonest act.
impresario /,impri'sa:nau/ n. (pi. -s) impromptu /im'piDmptju:/ -adj. &
organizer of public entertainment, esp. adv. extempore, unrehearsed, -n. (pi
a theatrical etc. manager. [Italian] -s) 1 extempore performance or speech.
improper 443 in
2 short, usu. solo, instrumental com- impure /im'pjua(r)/ad/. 1 adulterated. 2
position, often improvisatory in style. dirty. 3 unchaste.
[French from Latin in promptu in impurity n. (pi. -ies) 1 being impure. 2
readiness] impure thing or part.
improper /im'propa(r)/ adj. 1 un- impute /im'pju:t/ v. (-ting) (foil, by to)
seemly; indecent. 2 inaccurate, wrong. attribute (a fault etc.) to. imputation
improperly adv. /-'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin puto reckon]
improper fraction n. fraction in In symb. indium.
which the numerator is greater than or in -prep. 1 expressing inclusion or posi-
equal to the denominator. tion within limits of space, time, circum-
impropriety /.impra'praiati/ n. (pi. stance, etc. (in England; in bed; in 1989;
-ies) 1 lack of propriety; indecency. 2 in the rain). 2 a within (a certain time)
instance of this. 3 incorrectness. (finished it in two hours), b after (a
improve /im'pru:v/ v. (-ving) 1 a make certain time) (will be leaving in an
or become better, b (foil, by on, upon) hour). 3 with respect to (blind in one
produce something better than. 2 (as eye; good in parts). 4 as a proportionate
improving adj.) giving moral benefit part of (one in three failed; gradient of
(improving literature). improvable one in six). 5 with the form or arrange-
adj. improvement n. [Anglo-French ment of (packed in tens; falling in
emprower from French prou profit] folds). 6 as a member of (in the army). 7
improvident /im'prDvid(a)nt/ adj. 1 involved with (is in banking). 8 as the
lacking foresight. 2 profligate; wasteful. content of (there is something in what
3 incautious. improvidence n. you say). 9 within the ability of (does he
improvidently adv. have it in him?). 10 having the condition
of; affected by (in bad health; in
improvise /'impra.vaiz/ v. (-sing) (also
danger). 11 having as a purpose (in
absol.) 1 compose or perform (music,
search of in reply to). 12 by means of or
verse, etc.) extempore. 2 provide or ;

using as material (drawn in pencil;

construct from materials not intended
modelled in bronze). 13 a using as the
for the purpose. improvisation
language of expression (written in
/-'zeij(a)n/ n. improvisational
French), b (of music) having as its key
/-'zeij8n(8)l/ adj. improvisatory
(symphony in Q. 14 (of a word) having
/-'zeitan/ adj. [Latin improvisus
as a beginning or ending (words in un-).
15 wearing (in blue; in a suit). 16 with
imprudent /im'pru:d(a)nt/ adj. unwise,
the identity of (found a friend in Mary).
indiscreet. imprudence n. impru- 17 (of an animal) pregnant with (in calf).
dently adv.
1 8 into (with a verb of motion or change:
impudent /'impjud(a)nt/ adj. imper-
put it in the box; cut it in two). 19
tinent. impudence n. impudently introducing an indirect object after a
adv. [Latin pudeo be ashamed] verb (believe in; engage in; share in). 20
impugn /im'pjum/ v. challenge or call in forming adverbial phrases (in any case;
question. impugnment n. [Latin in reality; in short), -adv. expressing
pugno fight]
position within limits, or motion to such
impulse /'impAls/ n. 1 sudden urge (felt a position: 1 into a room, house, etc.
an impulse to laugh). 2 tendency to (come 2 at home, in one's office, etc.
follow such urges (man of impulse). 3 (is not 3 so as to be enclosed (locked
impelling; a push. 4 impetus. 5 Physics in). 4 in a publication (is the advert in?).
a large temporary force producing a 5 in or to the inward side (rub it in). 6 a
change of momentum (e.g. a hammer- in fashion or season (long skirts are in).
blow), b change of momentum so pro- b elected or in office (Democrat got in). 7
duced. 6 wave of excitation in a nerve. favourable (their luck was in). 8 Cricket
[Latin: related to pulse ] (of a player or side) batting. 9 (of trans-
impulse buying n. purchasing goods port) at the platform etc. (the train is
on impulse. in). 10 (of a season, order, etc.) having

impulsion ,

/im pAlJ (a)n/ n. 1 impelling. arrived or been received. 11 (of a fire)

2 mental impulse. 3 impetus, continuing to burn. 12 denoting effec-
impulsive /im'pAlsiv/ adj. 1 tending to tive action (join in). 13 (of the tide) at
act on impulse. 2 done on impulse. 3 the highest point. 14 (in comb.) colloq.
tending to impel. impulsively adv. denoting prolonged concerted action,
impulsiveness n. esp. by large numbers (sit-in; teach-in),
impunity /im'pju:mti/ n. exemption -adj. 1 internal; living in; inside (in-
from punishment, bad consequences, patient). 2 fashionable (the in thing to
etc. with impunity without punish-
j do). 3 confined to a small group (in-
ment etc. [Latin poena penalty] joke). in all see all. in between see
in. 444 incandescent
betwekn adv. in lor 1 about to undergo inappropriate /.ma'praupnat/ adj. not
or get. 2 competing in or for. in on appropriate. inappropriately adv.
Sharing In; privy to. ins and outs (often inappropriateness n.
foil, by of) all the details, in so far as see inapt /m'aspt/ adj. 1 not apt or suitable. 2
far. in that because; in so far as. in unskilful, inaptitude n.
with on good terms with; favourably inarticulate /,ma:'tikjulat/ adj. 1
placed for (in with a chance). [Old unable to express oneself clearly. 2 (of
Englishl speech) not articulate; indistinct. 3
in. abbr. inch(es). dumb. 4 esp. Anat. not jointed. : inar-
in- prefix (also il-, im-, ir-) added to: 1 ticulately adv.
adjectives, meaning 'not' {inedible; in- inasmuch /.inaz'mAtJV adv. (foil, by as)
sane). 2 nouns, meaning 'without, lack- 1 since, because. 2 to the extent that,
ing' (inaction). [Latin] [from in as much]
In- prefix (also il-. im-, ir-) in, on, into, inattentive /.ma'tentiv/ adj. 1 not pay-
towards, within (induce; influx; in- ing attention. 2 neglecting to show cour-
sight; intrude), [from in, or from Latin
tesy. inattention n. inattentively
in (prep.)]
inability .ma'biliti/ n. 1 being unable. 2
inaudible /m'a:dib(a)l/ adj. unable to
lack of power or means.
be heard. inaudibly adv.
in absentia /,m aeb'sentia/ adv. in (his,
her, or their) absence. [Latin]
inaugural /i'na:gjoT(a)l/ -adj. of or for
inaccessible mak'sesib(9)l/ adj. 1 not an inauguration, -n. inaugural speech,
/ 1

lecture, etc. [French from Latin auguro

accessible. 2 (of a person) unapproach-
able, inaccessibility /-'biliti/ n.
take omens: related to augur]
inaccurate /m'aekjurat/ adj. not accur- inaugurate /i'nD:gju,reit/ v. (-ting) 1

ate, inaccuracy n. (pi. -ies). inac- admit formally to office. 2 begin (an
curately adv. undertaking) or initiate the public use
inaction /m'aekJXa^/ n. lack of action, of (a building etc.), with a ceremony. 3
inactive /m'aektiv/ adj. 1 not active. 2 begin, introduce. inauguration
not operating. 3 indolent. :: inactivity /-'reiJXa)n/ n. inaugurator n.
-'tiviti/ n. inauspicious /.ma^spijas/ adj. 1 ill-

inadequate /m'agdikwat/ adj. 1 not ad- omened, not favourable. 2 unlucky.

equate; insufficient. 2 (of a person) in- inauspiciously adv. inauspicious-
competent; weak. inadequacy n. (pi. ness n.
inadequately adv.
-ies). in-between attrib. adj. colloq. inter-
inadmissible /.mad'misibte)!/ adj. that mediate.
cannot be admitted or allowed. inboard /'inbo:d/ -adv. within the sides
inadmissibility /- biliti/ n. inadmiss- or towards the centre of a ship, aircraft,
ibly adv. or vehicle, -adj. situated inboard.
inadvertent /,inad'v3:t(8)nt/ adj. 1 un- inborn /'mbo:n, m'bo:n/ adj. existing
intentional. 2 negligent, inattentive. from birth; natural, innate.
inadvertence n. inadvertently adv. inbred /m'bred/ adj. 1 inborn. 2 pro-
[from IN- ADVERT 2
, ]
duced by inbreeding.
inadvisable /,m8d'vaiz8b(9)l/ adj. not inbreeding /m'bri:dirj/ n. breeding
advisable. inadvisability /-'biliti/ n.
from closely related animals or persons.
inalienable /m'eilian8b(9)l/ adj. that
inbreed v. (past and past part.
cannot be transferred to another or
taken away (inalienable rights).
inbuilt /m'bilt/ adj. built-in.
inamorato /m aema'ra:t8o7 n. (fern.

literary lover. [It-

(pi. -s)
Inc. abbr. US Incorporated.
alian inamorato; related to in- 2 Latin ,
Inca /'inka/ n.member of a people of
amor love] Peru before the Spanish conquest.
inane i nem/ adj. 1 silly, senseless. 2
[Quechua, =lord]
empty, void. inanely adv. inanity incalculable /in'kaelkjulab(a)l/ adj. 1

/-'aeniti/ n. (pi. -ies). [Latin inanis] too great for calculation. 2 not cal-

inanimate /m'aenimat/ adj. 1 not culable beforehand. 3 uncertain, un-

endowed with, or deprived of, animal predictable. incalculability /-'biliti/
life (an inanimate object). 2 spiritless, n. incalculably adv.
dull. incandesce /.mkaen'des/ v. (-cing)
inapplicable /,ina'plikab(8)l/ adj. (cause to) glow with heat.
(often foil, by to) not applicable or rel- incandescent adj. 1 glowing with heat.
evant, inapplicability /- biliti/ n. 2 shining. 3 (of artificial light) produced
inapposite /m'aepazit/ adj. not ap- by a glowing filament etc. incan-
posite. descence n. [Latin candeo be white]
incantation 445 inclement
incantation /
'.inkaen'teiJXaW ma-
n. inch-rc. linear measure of
1 of a foot
gical formula; spell, charm. incanta- (2.54 cm). 2 (as a unit of rainfall) 1 inch
tional adj. [Latin canto sing] depth of water. 3 (as a unit of map-scale)
incapable /m'keipab(a)l/ adj. 1 a not so many inches representing 1 mile. 4
capable, b too honest, kind, etc., to do small amount (usu. with neg. would not :

something (incapable of hurting yield an inch), -v. move gradually.

anyone). 2 not capable of rational con- every inch entirely (looked every inch
duct (drunk and incapable). incap- a queen), within an inch of almost to
ability /- biliti/ n. incapably adv. the point of. [Old English from Latin
incapacitate /.mka'paesi.teit/ v. (-ting) uncia ounce 1 ]
make incapable or unfit. inchoate /m'kaueit/ adj. 1 just begun. 2
incapacity /.inka'paesiti/ n. 1 inability; undeveloped. inchoation /-'eij(8)n/
lack of power. 2 legal disqualification. n. [Latin inchoo, incoho begin]
incarcerate /in' v. (-ting) Usage Inchoate is sometimes used
imprison. incarceration /-'reij(a)n/ incorrectly to mean 'chaotic' or 'in-
n. [medieval Latin career prison] coherent'.
incarnate -adj. /in'ka:nat/ embodied
in flesh, esp. in human form (is the devil
incidence /'msid(a)ns/ n. 1 (often foil,

incarnate), -v. /'mka: neit, -'ka:neit/

by of) range, scope, extent, or rate of

occurrence or influence (of disease, tax,

(-ting) 1 embody in flesh. 2 put (an idea
etc.). 2 falling of a line, ray, particles,
etc.) into concrete form. 3 be the living
embodiment of (a quality). [Latin incar- etc.,on a surface. 3 coming into contact
with a thing. [Latin cado fall]
nor be made flesh: related to carnage]
incarnation /,mka:'neij(9)n/ n. 1 a incident -n. 1 occurrence, esp. a minor
one. 2 public disturbance (the march
embodiment in (esp. human) flesh, b
took place without incident). 3 clash of
(the Incarnation) the embodiment of
armed forces (frontier incident). 4 dis-
God in Christ. 2 (often foil, by of) living
tinct piece of action in a play, film, etc.
type (of a quality etc.).
-adj. 1 (often foil, by to) apt to occur;
incautious /m'koijas/ adj. heedless,
naturally attaching. 2 (often foil, by on,
rash. incautiously adv.
upon) (of light etc.) falling. [Latin cado
incendiary /in'sendiari/ -adj. 1 (of a fall]
bomb) designed to cause fires. 2 a of incidental /,msi'dent(8)l/ -adj. (often
arson, b guilty of arson. 3 inflam-
foil, by small and relatively un-
to) 1
matory.-/!, (pi. -ies) 1 incendiary bomb.
important, minor; supplementary. 2 not
2 arsonist. incendiarism n. [Latin
essential, -n. (usu. in pi.) minor detail,
incendo -cens- set fire to]
expense, event, etc.
incense 1
/'msens/ n. 1 gum or spice incidentally adv. 1 by the way. 2 in an
producing a sweet smell when burned. 2 incidental way.
smoke of this, esp. in religious ceremo- incidental music n. background
nial. [Church Latin incensum]
music in a film, broadcast, etc.
incense 2 /in'sens/ v. (-sing) make incinerate /m' v. (-ting) burn
angry. [Latin: related to incendiary] to ashes. incineration /-'reij(8)n/ n.
incentive /in'sentiv/ -n. 1 motive or [medieval Latin cinis ciner- ashes]
incitement. 2 payment or concession incinerator n. furnace or device for
encouraging effort in work, -attrib. adj. incineration.
serving to motivate or incite (incentive incipient /m'sipiant/ adj. 1 beginning. 2
scheme). [Latin incentivus that sets the in an early stage. [Latin incipio begin]
tune] incise /rn'saiz/ v. (-sing) 1 make a cut in.
inception /m'sepj(a)n/ n. beginning. 2 engrave. [Latin caedo cut]
[Latin incipio -cept- begin] incision /m'si3(a)n/ n. 1 cutting, esp. by
inceptive /in'septiv/ adj. 1 a beginning. a surgeon. 2 cut made in this way.
b initial. 2 (of a verb) denoting the incisive /in'saisiv/ adj. 1 sharp. 2 clear
beginning of an action, and effective.
incessant /in'ses(a)nt/ adj. unceasing, incisor /m'saiz9(r)/ n. cutting- tooth,
continual, repeated. incessantly esp. at the front of the mouth.
adv. [Latin cesso cease] incite /m'sait/ v. (-ting) (often foil, by to)
incest /'msest/ n. sexual intercourse urge or stir up. incitement n. [Latin
between persons too closely related to cito rouse]
marry. [Latin castus chaste] incivility /.msi'viliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
incestuous /in'sesrjuas/ adj. of or 1 rudeness. 2 impolite act.
guilty of incest. 2 having relationships inclement /m'klemant/ adj. (of the
restricted to a particular group or weather) severe or stormy. in-
organization. incestuously adv. clemency n.
inclination 4-4- inconstant
inclination mklineijom n 1 dis- incommunicable mkamjumi
position or propensity 2 liking, affection. kab<a)l adj. that cannot be commun-
3 slope, slant. 4 angle between lines. icated.
5 dip of a magnetic needle. 6 slow nod incommunicado mkamju:ni
of the head. [Larin: related to incline J ka:dau adj. 1 without means of
incline -v. in klam -ning 1 DHL Id communication. 2 (of a prisoner) in
passu*) a dispose or influence (am solitary confinement. [Spanish in-
inclined to think so: does not incline me comunicado]
to agree, don t feel inclined), b have a incommunicative mka'mju:nikanv
specified tendency the door is inclined
< adj. uncommunicative,
to bang). 2 a be disposed (/ incline to incomparable m komparaboU adj.
think so), b (often foil, by to. towards) without an equal: matchless, z incom-
tend. 3 (cause to) lean. usu. from the parability biliti n. incomparably

vertical: slope. 4 bend forward or down- adv.

ward, -n inklain slope. _ incline incompatible mkam psetib<a)l adj.
one's ear listen favourably. [Latin clino .-. '••
bend] -'bilm n.
inclined plane ml sloping plane used incompetent mkompitomt -adj.
e.g. to reduce work in raising a load. lacking the necessary skill, -n. incom-
include inklu:d v. (-ding) 1 comprise petent person, z incompetence n.
or reckon in as pan of a whole. 2 (as incomplete mkam pli:t adj. not com-
including prep.) if we include six, plete.
including me). 3 put in a certain cat- incomprehensible ink:
egory- etc. inclusion -3(a)n n. [Larin 'hensib<a)l adj. that cannot be under-
include -clus- enclose, from claudo shut] stood.
inclusive mklu:srv adj. 1 (often foil, incomprehension m.kompn
by of) including. 2 including the limits henjom n. failure to understand.
stated (pages 7 to 26 inclusive). 3 includ- inconceivable mkan si:vab<a)l adj. 1

ing all or much I

inclusive terms), z that cannot be imagined. 2 colloq. most
inclusively adv. inclusiveness n. unlikely inconceivably adv.
incognito mkug ni:tao -predic. adj. inconclusive mkanklu:siv adj. (of
6 adv. name or identity kept
with one's an argument, evidence, or action) not
secret, -n (pL -s) 1 person who is decisive or convincing.
incognito. 2 pretended identity. [Italian. incongruous in'kDrjgruas adj. 1 out
= unknown: related to in- cognition] 1
, of place: absurd. 2 (often foil, by with)
incognizant mkooniziamt adj. for- out of keeping, z incongruity -'gru:itt
mal unaware, incognizance n. n. (pi -iesi. incongruously adv.
incoherent mkau hiarant adj. 1 unin- inconsequent in konsikwant adj. 1
telligible. 2 lacking logic or consistency: irrelevant. 2 lacking logical sequence. 3
not clear. incoherence n. incoher- disconnected, z inconsequence n.
ently adv. inconsequential m.konsi'kwenJW
incombustible ir.kerr. b.-.stib< a<l adj. adj. 1 unimportant. 2 = inconsequent.
that cannot be burnt. inconsequentially adv.
income mk.\m n. money received, inconsiderable mkan sidarab(a)l
esp. periodically or in a year, from one's adj. 1 of small size, value, etc. 2 not
work, investments, [from in, come]
etc. worth considering, z inconsiderably
income tax n. tax levied on income. adv.
incoming -adj. 1 coming in |
incoming inconsiderate mkan'sidarat adj. (of
telephone calls). 2 succeeding another a person or action) lacking regard for
(incoming tenant), —n. (usu. in pi rev- > ethers: thoughtless inconsider-
enue, income. ately ado. inconsiderateness n
incommensurable mkamen inconsistent mkan sist(amt adj. not
Jarab<3)l adj. (often foil, by with) 1 not consistent, z inconsistency n. (pi.
commensurable. 2 having no common -ies inconsistently adv.
factor, integral or fractional, incom- inconsolable mkan saulab(a)l adj.
mensurability -
biliti n. (of a person, grief, etc.) that cannot be
incommensurate inkamenfarat consoled, inconsolably adv.
ad) 1 (often foil, by with, to) out of inconspicuous mkan spikiuas adj.
proportion: inadequate. 2 = incommen- not conspicuous: not easily noticed, z
surable. inconspicuously adv. inconspicu-
incommode inkama<id v. -ding) for- < ousness n.
mal 1inconvenience. 2 trouble, annoy. inconstant in kDnst'amt adj. 1 fickle,
incommodious adj. formal too small changeable. 2 variable, not fixed, z
for comfort: inconvenient. inconstancy n. <pi -ies>.
incontestable 447 indecent assault
incontestable /,mkan'testab(a)l/ adj. charge with a crime. incrimination
that cannot be disputed. incontest- /-'neij(a)n/ n. incriminatory adj.
ably adv. [Latin: related to crime]
incontinent /m'kDntmant/ adj. 1 incrustation /,mkrA'steiJ(a)n/ n. 1

unable to control the bowels or bladder. encrusting. 2 crust or hard coating. 3

2 lacking self-restraint (esp. in sexual deposit on a surface. [Latin: related to
matters). incontinence n. crust]
incontrovertible /.inkDntra incubate /'inkju.beit/ v. (-ting) 1 hatch
'V3:tib(a)l/ indisputable, undeni-
adj. (eggs) by sitting on them or by artificial
able, incontrovertible adv. heat. 2 cause (micro-organisms) to de-
inconvenience /,mkan'vi:nians/ -n. 1 velop. 3 develop slowly. [Latin cubo lie]
lack of ease or comfort; trouble. 2 cause incubation /,irjkju'beij(8)n/ n. 1 in-
or instance of this. -v. (-cing) cause cubating. 2 period between infection and
inconvenience to. the appearance of the first symptoms.
inconvenient adj. causing trouble, dif- incubator n. apparatus providing arti-
ficulty, or discomfort; awkward. ficial warmth for hatching eggs, rearing
inconveniently adv. premature babies, or developing micro-
incorporate -v. /m' (-ting) 1 organisms.
include as a part or ingredient (incor- incubus /'inkjubas/ n. (pi. -buses or -bi
porated all the latest features). 2 (often /-,bai/) 1 demon formerly believed to
foil, by in, with) unite (in one body). 3 have sexual intercourse with sleeping
admit as a member of a company etc. 4 women. 2 nightmare. 3 oppressive per-
(esp. as incorporated adj.) form into a son or thing. [Latin: as incubate]
legal corporation, -adj. /m'ko:parat/ inculcate /'mkAl.keit/ v. (-ting) (often
incorporated. z incorporation foil, by upon, in) urge or impress (a habit
/-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin corpus body] or idea) persistently, z inculcation
incorporeal /.mko^poTial/ with- adj. /-'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin calco tread]
out physical or material existence, incumbency /m'kAmbansi/ n. (pi. -ies)
incorporeally adv. incorporeity or tenure of an incumbent.
/-pa'ri:iti/ n. incumbent -adj. 1 resting as a duty (it
incorrect /.mka'rekt/ adj. 1 not correct is incumbent on you to do it). 2 (often
or 2 improper, unsuitable.
true. foil,by on) lying, pressing. 3 currently
incorrectly adv. holding office (the incumbent pres-
incorrigible /m'kDnd3ib(a)l/ adj. (of a ident), -n. holder of an office or post,
person or habit) that cannot be cor- esp. a benefice. [Latin incumbo lie upon]
rected or improved. incorrigibility incunabulum /.mkju^naebjulam/ n.
/- biliti/ n. incorrigibly adv. early printed book, esp. from
(pi. -la) 1
incorruptible /,mka'rAptib(a)l/ adj. 1 before 1501. 2 (in pi.) early stages of a
that cannot be corrupted, esp. by brib- thing. [Latin, (in pi.) = swaddling-
ery. 2 that cannot decay. incorrupt- clothes]
ibility /- biliti/ n. incorruptibly adv. incur /m'k3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) bring on oneself
increase -v. /in'kri:s/ (-sing) make or (danger, blame, loss, etc.). [Latin curro
become greater or more numerous, -n. run]
/'mkri:s/ 1 growth, enlargement. 2 (of incurable /m'kjuarab(a)l/ -adj. that
people, animals, or plants) multiplica- cannot be cured, -n. incurable person.
amount or extent of an increase,
tion. 3 incurability /- biliti/ n. incurably
on the increase increasing. [Latin adv.
cresco grow] incurious /m'kjuarias/ adj. lacking
increasingly /irj'kri:sirjgli/ adv. more curiosity.
and more. incursion /m'k3:J(a)n/ n. invasion or
incredible /m'kredib(a)l/ adj. 1 that attack, esp. sudden or brief, z incurs-
cannot be believed. 2 colloq. amazing, ive adj. [Latin: related to incur]
extremely good. incredibility incurve /m'k3:v/ v. (-ving) 1 bend into a
/- biliti/ n. incredibly adv. curve. 2 (as incurved adj.) curved
incredulous /m'kredjulas/ adj. unwill- inwards. incurvation /-'veij(a)n/ n.
ing to believe; showing disbelief, indebted /m'detid/ adj. (usu. foil, by to)
incredulity /.mkri'djuiliti/ n . in- owing gratitude or money, z indebted-
credulously adv. ness n. [French endette: related to debt]
increment /'inkrimant/ n. increase or indecent /m'di:s(a)nt/ adj. 1 offending
added amount, esp. on a fixed salary against decency. 2 unbecoming; unsuit-
scale. : incremental /-'ment(a)l/ adj. able (indecent haste), z indecency n.
[Latin cresco grow] (pi. -ies). indecently adv.
incriminate /m krimi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 indecent assault n. sexual attack not
make (a person) appear to be guilty. 2 involving rape.
indecent exposure 448 index
indecent exposure n. exposing one s line of print or writing) further from the
genitals in public. margin than others. 3 draw up (a legal
indecipherable /,mdi'saifarab(a)l/ document) in duplicate. 4 a (often foil,
acij.that cannot be deciphered. by on, upon a person,/or a thing) make a
indecision ,mdi'si3(a)n/ n. inability to requisition, b order (goods) by requisi-
decide; hesitation. tion, -n. /'indent/ 1 a order (esp. from
indecisive /.mdi'saisiv/ adj. 1 (of a per- abroad) for goods, b official requisition
son) not decisive; hesitating. 2 not con- for stores. 2 indented line. 3 indentation.
clusive (an indecisive battle). inde- 4 indenture. [Latin dens dentis tooth]
cisively adv. indecisiveness n. indentation /.inden'teiJXaM n. 1
indeclinable /,mdi'klainab(a)l/ adj. indenting or being indented. 2 notch.
Gram, that cannot be declined; having indention /m'denj(a)n/ n. 1 indenting,
no inflections. esp. in printing. 2 notch.
indecorous /m'dekaras/ adj. 1 im- indenture /m'dentja(r)/ -n. 1 (usu. in
proper, undignified. 2 in bad taste. pi.) sealed agreement or contract. 2
indecorously adv. formal list, certificate, etc. -v. (-ring)
indeed indi:d/ -adv. 1 in truth; really. hist, bind by indentures, esp. as an
2 admittedly, -int. expressing irony, apprentice. [Anglo-French; related to
incredulity, etc. indent]
indefatigable /.mdi'fsetigaMa)!/ adj. independent /,indi'pend(a)nt/ -adj. 1
unwearying, unremitting. indefat- a (often foil, by of) not depending on
igably adv. authority or control, b self-governing. 2
indefeasible /,mdi'fi;zib(a)l/ adj. liter- a not depending on another person for
ary (esp. of a claim, rights, etc.) that one's opinions or livelihood, b (of in-
cannot be forfeited or annulled. inde- come or resources) making it unneces-
feasibly adv. sary to earn one's living. 3 unwilling to
indefensible /,mdi'fensib(a)l/ adj. that be under an obligation to others. 4
cannot be defended or justified. inde- acting independently of any political
fensibility /- biliti/ n. indefensibly party. 5 not depending on something
adv. else for its validity etc. (independent
indefinable /,indi'famab(a)l/ adj. that proof). 6 (of broadcasting, a school, etc.)
cannot be defined; mysterious. inde- not supported by public funds, -n. per-
finably adv. son who is politically independent.
indefinite /m'defmit/ adj. 1 vague, independence n. independently adv.
undefined. 2 unlimited. 3 (of adjectives, in-depth adj. thorough.
adverbs, and pronouns) not determin- indescribable /,mdi'skraibab(a)l/ adj.
ing the person etc. referred to (e.g. some, 1 too good or bad etc. to be described. 2
someone, anyhow). that cannot be described. indescrib-
indefinite article n. word (e.g. a, an in ably adv.
English) preceding a noun and implying indestructible /,mdi strAktib(a)l/ adj.

'any of several'. that cannot be destroyed. indes-

indefinitely adv. 1 for an unlimited tructibility /-'biliti/ n. indestruct-
time (was postponed indefinitely). 2 in ibly adv.
an indefinite manner. indeterminable /,indi't3:minab(a)l/
indelible /m'delib(a)l/ adj. that cannot adj. that cannot be ascertained or set-
be rubbed out or removed. indelibly tled. indeterminably adv.
adv. [Latin deleo efface] indeterminate /.mdi'taiminat/ adj. 1
indelicate /m'delikat/ adj. 1 coarse, not fixed in extent, character, etc. 2 left
unrefined. 2 tactless. indelicacy n. doubtful; vague. 3 Math, of no fixed
(pi. -ies). indelicately adv. value. indeterminacy n.
indemnify /m'demni.fai/ v. (-ies -ied) 1 : indeterminate vowel n. vowel /a/
(often foil, by from, against) secure (a heard in 'a moment ago'.
person) in respect of harm, a loss, etc. 2 index /'mdeks/ -n. (pi. indexes or
(often foil, by for) exempt from a indices /'indi.siiz/) 1 alphabetical list of
penalty. 3 compensate. indemni- subjects etc. with references, usu. at the
fication /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin indemnis end of a book. 2 = card index. 3
free from loss] measure of prices or wages compared
indemnity /m'demmti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a with a previous month, year, etc. (retail
compensation for damage, b sum price index). 4 Math, exponent of a
exacted by a victor in war. 2 security number. 5 pointer, sign, or indicator,
against loss. 3 exemption from penal- -u. 1 provide (a book etc.) with an index.
ties. 2 enter in an index. 3 relate (wages etc.)
indent -v. /m'dent/ 1 make or impress to a price index. indexation
marks, notches, dents, etc. in. 2 start (a /-'seij(a)n/ n. (in sense 3 pi v.). [Latin]
index finger 449 indiscriminate
index finger n. forefinger, belonging to one of the major com-
index-linked adj. related to the value panies, -n. such a group or label,
of a price index. [abbreviation of independent]
Indiaman /'mdiaman/ n. (pi. -men) indifference /m'difrans/ n. 1 lack of
hist, ship engaged in trade with India interest or attention. 2 unimportance.
or the East Indies. indifferent adj. 1 (foil, by to) showing
Indian /'Indian/ -n. 1 a native or na- indifference; unconcerned. 2 neither
tional of India, b person of Indian des- good nor bad. 3 of poor quality or ability.
cent. 2 (in full American Indian) a indifferently adv.
original inhabitant of America, b any indigenous /m'didsinas/ adj. (often
of the languages of the American foil, by to) native or belonging naturally
Indians, -adj. 1 of India or the sub- to a place. [Latin: from a root gen- be
continent comprising India, Pakistan, and born]
Bangladesh. 2 of the original peoples of indigent /'mdid3(a)nt/ adj. formal
America. needy, poor, z indigence n. [Latin egeo
Indian corn n. maize. need]
Indian elephant n. the elephant of indigestible /,mdi

d3estib(9)l/ adj. 1
India, smaller than the African or impossible to digest. 2 too
elephant. complex to read or understand, z in-
Indian file n. = single file. digestibility / - biliti/ n.
Indian hemp see hemp l. indigestion /.indigestion/ n. 1 diffi-
Indian ink n. 1 black pigment. 2 ink culty in digesting food. 2 pain caused by
made from this. this.
Indian summer n. 1 dry warm indignant /m'dignant adj. feeling or
weather in late autumn. 2 late tranquil
showing indignation, z indignantly
period of life.
adv. [Latin dignus worthy]
indiarubber n. rubber for erasing pen- indignation /,indig'neiJX8)n/ n. anger
marks etc.
at supposed injustice etc.
indicate /'mdi.kert/ v. (-ting) (often foil,
indignity /m'digniti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
by that) 1 point out; make known. 2 be
humiliating treatment or quality. 2
a sign of; show the presence of. 3 call
for; require (stronger measures are
indigo /'mdi.gau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 colour
indicated). 4 state briefly. 5 give as a
between blue and violet in the spec-
reading or measurement. 6 point by
trum. 2 dye of this colour. [Greek
hand; use a vehicle's indicator (failed
indikon Indian dye]
to indicate). indication /-'keij(a)n/ n.
indirect /.mdai'rekt/ adj. 1 not going
[Latin dico make known]
straight to the point. 2 (of a route etc.)
indicative /m'dikativ/ -adj. 1 (foil, by
not straight. 3 a not directly sought
of) suggestive; serving as an indication.
(indirect result), b not primary (in-
2 Gram, (of a mood) stating a fact. -n.
direct cause), z indirectly adv.
Gram. 1 indicative mood. 2 verb in this
mood. indirect object n. Gram, person or
indicator n. 1 flashing light on a vehicle thing affected by a verbal action but not
showing the direction in which it is primarily acted on (e.g. him in give him
about to turn. 2 person or thing that the book).
indicates. 3 device indicating the con- indirect question n. Gram, question
dition of a machine etc. 4 recording in indirect speech.
instrument. 5 board giving information, indirect speech n. = reported
esp. times of trains etc. SPEECH.
indicatory /m'dikatan/ adj. (often foil, indirect tax n. tax on goods and ser-
by of) indicative. vices, not on income or profits.
indices pi. of index. indiscernible /,indi's3:nib(a)l/ adj.
indict /m'dait/ v. accuse formally by that cannot be discerned.
legal process. [Anglo-French: related to indiscipline /m'disiplm/ n. lack of
2 discipline.
IN- ,
indictable adj. 1 (of an offence) making indiscreet /.mdi'skri^/ adj. 1 not dis-
the doer liable to be charged with a creet. 2 injudicious, unwary. in-
crime. 2 (of a person) so liable. discreetly adv.
indictment n. 1 a indicting, accusa- indiscretion /,mdi'skrej(a)n/ n. indis-
tion, b document containing this. 2 creet conduct or action.
thing that serves to condemn or censure indiscriminate /.mdi'skrimmat' adj.
(an indictment of society). making no distinctions; done or acting
indie /'mdi/ colloq. -adj. (of a pop group at random (indiscriminate shooting).
or record label) independent, not indiscriminately adv.
indispensable 450 indulgence
indispensable /,mdi'spensab(a)l/ adj. indolent /'mdalant/ adj. lazy; averse to
that cannot be dispensed with; neces- exertion. indolence n. indolently
sary indispensability /-'biliti/ n. adv. [Latin doleo suffer pain]
indispensably adv. indomitable /m'dDmitab(a)l/ adj. 1
indisposed .indi'spauzd/ adj. 1 slightly unconquerable. 2 unyielding. in-
unwell. 2 averse or unwilling, indis- domitably adv. [Latin: related to in- 1 ,

position spa'zij(a)n/ n. domito tame]

indisputable /,indi'spju:tab(a)l/ adj. indoor adj. of, done, or for use in a
that cannot be disputed. indisput- building or under cover.
ably adv. indoors /m'do:z/ adv. into or in a build-
indissoluble /,mdi'sDljub(a)l/ adj. 1 ing.
that cannot be dissolved or broken up. 2 indorse var. of endorse.
firm and lasting, indissolubly adv. indrawn /'mdro:n/ adj. (of breath etc.)
indistinct /.indi'stinkt/ adj. 1 not dis- drawn in.
tinct.2 confused, obscure. indis- indubitable /m'dju:bitab(a)l/ adj. that
tinctly adv. cannot be doubted. indubitably adv.
indistinguishable /.mdistingwij [Latin dubito doubt]
ab(a)l/ adj. (often foil, by from) not induce /m'dju:s/ v. (-cing) 1 prevail on;
distinguishable. persuade. 2 bring about. 3 a bring on
indite /m'dait/ v. (-ting) formal or joc. 1 (labour) artificially, b bring on labour in
(a mother), c speed up the birth of (a
put (a speech etc.) into words. 2 write (a
baby). 4 produce (a current) by induc-
letter etc.). [French: related to indict]
indium /'indiam/ n. soft silvery-white tion. 5 infer; deduce. inducible adj.
[Latin duco duct- lead]
metallic element occurring in zinc ores.
[Latin indicum indigo]
inducement n. attractive offer; incen-
tive; bribe.
individual /,mdi'vid3ual/ -adj. 1 of,
for, or characteristic of, a single person
induct /m'dAkt/ v. (often foil, by to, into)
1 introduce into office, install (into a
etc. 2 a single {individual words), b
benefice etc.). 2 archaic lead (to a seat,
particular; not general. 3 having a dis-
into a room, etc.); install, [related to
tinct character. 4 designed for use by
one person, -n. 1 single member of a
inductance n. property of an electric
class. 2 single human being. 3 colloq.
circuit generating an electromotive
person (a tiresome individual). 4 dis-
force by virtue of the current flowing
tinctive person, [medieval Latin:
through it.
related to divide]
induction /m'dAkJ(a)n/ n. 1 act of
individualism n. 1 social theory inducting or inducing. 2 act of bringing
favouring free action by individuals. 2
on (esp. labour) by artificial means. 3
being independent or different. indi-
inference of a general law from particu-
vidualist n. individualistic /-'listik/
lar instances. 4 (often attrib.) formal
introduction to a new job etc. (induction
individuality /,mdivid3u'aeliti/ n. 1 in-
course). 5 Electr. a production of an
dividual character, esp. when strongly electric or magnetic state by the prox-
marked. 2 separate existence. imity (without contact) of an electrified
individualize v. (also -ise) (-zing or or magnetized body, b production of an
-sing) 1 give an individual character to. electric current by a change of magnetic
2 (esp. as individualized adj.) person- field. 6 drawing of the fuel mixture into
alize (individualized notepaper). the cylinders of an internal-combustion
individually adv. 1 one by one. 2 per- engine.
sonally. 3 distinctively. inductive /m'dAktiv/ adj. 1 (of reason-
indivisible /,mdi'vizib(a)l/ adj. not ing etc.) based on induction. 2 of electric
divisible. or magnetic induction.
Indo- comb, form Indian; Indian and. inductor n. component (in an electric
indoctrinate /m'dDktn.neit/ v. (-ting) circuit) having inductance.
teach to accept a particular belief indue var. of endue.
uncritically. indoctrination indulge /m'dAld3/ v. (-ging) 1 (often foil,
neij(a)n/ n.
by take pleasure freely. 2 yield freely
Indo-European /.mdaujuara'pian/ to (a desire etc.). 3 (also refl.) gratify the
-adj. 1 of the family of languages wishes of. 4 colloq. take alcoholic liquor.
spoken over most of Europe and Asia as [Latin indulgeo give free rein to]
far as N. India. 2 of the hypothetical indulgence n. 1 indulging or being
parent language of this family, -n. 1 indulgent. 2 thing indulged in. 3 RC Ch.
Indo-European family of languages. 2 remission of punishment still due after
hypothetical parent language of these. absolution. 4 privilege granted.
indulgent 451 inexpensive
indulgent adj. 1 lenient; ready to over- ineluctable
i /,mi'lAkt9b(a)l/ adj. ines-
look faults etc. 2 indulging. indul- capable, unavoidable. [Latin luctor
gently adv. strive]
industrial /m'dAStnal/ adj. 1 of, en- inept
i /1'nept/ adj. 1 unskilful. 2 absurd,
gaged in, or for use in or serving the 3 out of place.
silly. ineptitude n.
needs of industries. 2 (of a nation etc.) ineptly adv. [Latin: related to apt]
having developed industries. indus- inequable /m'ekw8b(a)l/ adj. 1 unfair.

trially adv. 2 not uniform.

industrial action strike or other
n. inequality /.im'kwnhn/
] n. (pi. -ies) 1
disruptive action by workers as a pro- lack of equality. 2 variability. 3 uneven-
test. ness.
industrial estate n. area of land zoned inequitable
] /m'ekwit8b(9)l/ adj.
for factories etc. unfair, unjust.
industrialism n. system in which inequity
] /m'ekwiti/ n. (pi. -ies) unfair-
manufacturing industries are preva- ness, injustice.
lent, ineradicable
j /,im'ra3dikab(a)l/ adj.
industrialist n. owner or manager in that cannot be rooted out.
industry. inert Itnaitl adj. 1 without inherent

industrialize v. (also -ise) (-zing or power of action, motion, or resistance. 2

-sing) make (a nation etc.) industrial. not reacting chemically with other sub-
industrialization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
stances (inert gas). 3 sluggish, slow;
industrial relations relations lifeless. [Latin iners -ert-: related to art]
between management and workers. inertia /i'n3:Ja/ n. 1 Physics property of
industrious /m'dAstnas/ adj. hard- matter by which it continues in its
working. industriously adv. existing state of rest or motion unless an
industry /'indastri/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
external force is applied. 2 a inertness,
branch of production or manufacture; lethargy,b tendency to remain
commercial enterprise, b these collect- unchanged (inertia of the system).
ively. 2 concerted activity (a hive of
inertial adj. [Latin: related to inert]
industry). 3 diligence. [Latin industrial
inertia reel n. reel allowing a seat-belt
-ine suffix 1 forming adjectives, mean-
to unwind freely but locking on impact
ing 'belonging to, of the nature of
(Alpine; asinine). 2 forming feminine
inertia selling n. sending of unsoli-
nouns (heroine). [Latin -inus]
cited goods in the hope of making a sale,
inebriate -v. /i'ni:bri,eit/ (-ting) 1
make drunk. 2 excite, -adj. /i'ni:bnat/ inescapable /,mi'skeipab(8)l/ adj. that
cannot be escaped or avoided,
drunken, -n. /i'ni:bnat/drunkard.
inebriation inebriety inessential /.ini'senJXa)!/ -adj. not
/-eij(a)n/ n.
necessary; dispensable. — n. inessential
/-'braiati/ n. [Latin ebrius drunk]
inedible /m'edib(8)l/ adj. not suitable
for eating.
inestimable /m'estimab(9)l/ adj. too
great, precious, etc., to be estimated.
ineducable /m'ed^ukab(a)l/ adj. in-
capable of being educated. ,
inestimably adv.
ineffable /m'efab(a)l/ adj. 1 too great for inevitable /m'evitab(8)l/ -adj. 1

description in words. 2 that must not be unavoidable; sure to happen. 2 colloq.

uttered, ineffability /-'biliti/ n. inef- tiresomely familiar, -n. (prec. by the)
fably adv. [Latin effor speak out] inevitable fact, event, etc. inevitab-
ineffective /.mi'fektiv/ adj. not achiev- ility /-'biliti/ n. inevitably adv. [Latin
ing the desired effect or results. inef- evito avoid]
fectively adv. ineffectiveness n. inexact /.mig'zaekt/ adj. not exact.
ineffectual /.mi'fektjual/ adj. ineffect- inexactitude n. inexactly adv.
ive, feeble. ineffectually adv. inef- inexcusable /,mik'skju:z8b(a)l/ adj.
fectualness n. that cannot be excused or justified.
inefficient /,ini'fij(a)nt/ adj. 1 not effi- inexcusably adv.
cient or fully capable. 2 (of a machine inexhaustible /,inig'zo:stib(a)l/ adj.
etc.) wasteful. inefficiency n. ineffi- that cannot be used up, endless,
ciently adv. inexorable /m'eks9rab(a)l/ adj. relent-
inelegant /m'eligant/ adj. 1 ungraceful. less; unstoppable. inexorably adv.
2 unrefined. inelegance n. inel- [Latin exoro entreat]
egantly adv. inexpedient /.inik'spLdiant/ adj. not
ineligible /m'elid3ib(a)l/ adj. not eli- expedient.
gible or qualified. ineligibility inexpensive /.inik'spensiv/ adj. not ex-
/-'biliti/ n. pensive.
inexperience 452 infill

inexperience .mik'spianans/ n. lack infatuation /-'eij'(a)n/ n. [Latin: related

of experience, knowledge, or skill, to fatuous]
inexperienced adj. infect /m'fekt/ v. 1 affect or contaminate
inexpert in'eksp3:t/ adj. unskilful; with a germ, virus, or disease. 2 imbue,
lacking expertise. taint. [Latin inficio -feet- taint]
inexpiable m'ekspiab(a)l/ adj. that infection /m'fekj(a)n/ rc. 1 a infecting

cannot be expiated or appeased. or being infected, b instance of this;

inexplicable .mik'splikatya)!/ adj. disease. 2 communication of disease,
that cannot be explained. inexplic- esp. by air, water, etc.
ably adv. infectious adj. 1 infecting. 2 (of a dis-
inexpressible /,mik'spresib(a)l/ adj. ease) transmissible by infection. 3 (of
that cannot be expressed, inexpress-
i ]
emotions etc.) quickly affecting or
ibly adv. spreading to others. infectiously
inextinguishable /.mik'stingwij adv. infectiousness n.
ab(a)l adj. that cannot be extinguished infelicity /.mfi'lisiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 inapt
or destroyed. expression etc. 2 unhappiness. infeli-
in extremis /,m ik'stri:mis/ adj. 1 at the citous adj.
point of death. 2 in great difficulties; in infer /m'f3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) 1 deduce or
an emergency. [Latin] conclude. 2 imply. inferable adj.
inextricable /.mik'strikatya)!/ adj. 1
[Latin fero bring]
inescapable. 2 that cannot be separated, Usage The use of infer in sense 2 is
loosened, or solved. inextricably considered incorrect by some people.
INF abbr. intermediate-range nuclear inference /'mfarans/ n. 1 act of infer-
ring. 2 thing inferred. inferential
/-'renj(a)l/ adj.
infallible /m'faelib(a)l/ adj. 1 incapable
inferior /in'fiana(r)/ -adj. 1 (often foil,
of error. 2 unfailing; sure to succeed. 3
by to) lower in rank, quality, etc. 2 of
(of the Pope) incapable of doctrinal
poor quality. 3 situated below. 4 written
error. infallibility /- biliti/ n. infal-
or printed below the line. —n. person
libly adv.
inferior to another, esp. in rank. [Latin,
infamous /'mfamas/ adj. notoriously
comparative of inferus]
bad. infamously adv. infamy inferiority /m.fiari'Dnti/ n. being
/'mfami/ n. (pi. -ies).
infant /'mf(a)nt/ n. 1 a child during the
inferiority complex n. feeling of
earliest period of its life, b schoolchild
inadequacy, sometimes marked by com-
below the age of seven years. 2 (esp. pensating aggressive behaviour.
attrib.) thing in an early stage of its
infernal /m'f3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of hell; hel-
development. 3 Law person under 18. lish. 2 colloq. detestable, tiresome.
infancy n. [Latin infans unable to infernally adv. [Latin infernus low]
speak] inferno /m'f3:nau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 raging
infanta /m'faenta/ n. hist, daughter of a fire. 2 scene of horror or distress. 3 hell.
Spanish or Portuguese king. [Spanish [Italian: related to infernal]
and Portuguese: related to infant] infertile /m'f3:tail/ adj. 1 not fertile. 2
infanticide /m'faenti.said/ n. 1 killing unable to have offspring. infertility
of an infant, esp. soon after birth. 2 /-fa'tihti/ n.
person who kills an infant. infest /m'fest/ v.(esp. of vermin) over-
infantile /'mfan.tail/ adj. 1 of or like run (a place). infestation /-'steij(a)n/
infants. 2 childish, immature. infant- n. [Latin infestus hostile]
ilism /m'faenti.liz^m/ n. infidel /'mfid(a)l/ -n. unbeliever in esp.
infantile paralysis n. poliomyelitis. the supposed true religion, -adj. 1 of
infantry /'mfantn/ n. (pi. -ies) body of infidels. 2 unbelieving. [Latin fides
foot-soldiers; foot-soldiers collectively. faith]
[Italian infante youth, foot-soldier] infidelity /.mfi'deliti/ n. (pi -ies)
infantryman n. soldier of an infantry unfaithfulness, esp. adultery. [Latin:
regiment. related to infidel]
infarct /'mfa:kt/ n. small area of dead infield n. Cricket the part of the ground
tissue caused by an inadequate blood near the wicket.
supply. infarction /in'fa:kJXa)n/ n. infighting n. 1 conflict or competitive-
[Latin farcio farct- stuff] ness between colleagues. 2 boxing
infatuate /m'faetju.eit/ v. (-ting) (usu. within arm's length.
as infatuated adj.) 1 inspire with in- infill /'mfil/ -n. 1 material used to fill a
tense usu. transitory fondness or ad- hole, gap, etc. 2 filling gaps (esp. in a row
miration. 2 affect with extreme folly. of buildings), -v. fill in (a cavity etc.).
infilling 453 informal
infilling n. = infill n. cause inflation of (the currency), b raise
infiltrate /'mfil.treit/ v. (-ting) 1 a enter (prices) artificially. 4 (as inflated adj.)
(a territory, political party, etc.) gradu- (esp. of language, opinions, etc.) bom-
ally and imperceptibly, b cause to do bastic, overblown, exaggerated. [Latin
this. 2 permeate by nitration. 3 (often inflo -flat-]
foil, by into, through) introduce (fluid) inflation /in'fleij(a)n/ n. 1 inflating. 2
by filtration. infiltration /-'treij(9)n/ Econ. a general increase in prices, b
n. infiltrator n. [from in- filtrate] ,
increase in the supply of money
infinite /'mfinit/ -adj. 1 boundless, end- regarded as causing this. inflation-
less. 2 very great or many. -n. 1 (the ary adj.
Infinite) God. 2 (the infinite) infinite inflect /m'flekt/ v. 1 change the pitch of
space. infinitely adv. [Latin: related (the voice). 2 a change the form of (a
tO IN-
, FINITE] word) to express grammatical relation,
infinitesimal / 1
mfmi'tesim(9)l/ -adj. b undergo such a change. 3 bend, curve.
infinitely orvery small, -n. infinites- inflective adj. [Latin flecto flex- bend]
imal amount. infinitesimally adv. inflection /m'flekj(8)n/ n. (also inflex-
infinitive /m'fmitiv/ -n. form of a verb ion) 1 inflecting or being inflected. 2 a
expressing the verbal notion without a inflected word, b suffix etc. used to
particular subject, tense, etc. (e.g. see in inflect. 3 modulation of the voice.
we came to see, let him see), -adj. having inflectional adj. [Latin: related to in-
this form. flect]
infinitude /m'fmi.tjuid/ n. literary = inflexible /in'fleksib(8)l/ adj. 1 unbend-
INFINITY 1, 2. able. 2 unbending. inflexibility
/ 'biliti/ n. inflexibly adv.
infinity /m'fmiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 being
infinite; boundlessness. 2 infinite inflexion var. of inflection.
number or extent. 3 infinite distance inflict /m'flikt/ v. (usu. foil, by on) 1 deal
(gaze into infinity). 4 Math, infinite (a blow etc.). 2 often joc. impose (suffer-
quantity. ing, oneself, etc.) on (shall not inflict
infirm /m'f3:m/ adj. physically weak, myself on you any longer). infliction
esp. through age. n. inflictor n. [Latin fligo flict- strike]
infirmary n. (pi. -ies) 1 hospital. 2 sick- inflight attrib. adj. occurring or pro-
quarters in a school etc. vided during a flight.
infirmity being infirm. 2
n. (pi. -ies) 1 inflorescence / infl8res(a)ns/ n. 1 a

particular physical weakness. complete flower-head of a plant, b ar-

infix /m'fiks/ v. fasten or fix in. rangement of this. 2 flowering. [Latin:
in flagrante delicto /,m fla.graenti related to in- flourish]

di'liktau/ adv. in the very act of commit- inflow n. 1 flowing in. 2 something that
ting an offence. [Latin, = in blazing flows in.
crime] influence /'infloans/ -rc. 1 (usu. foil, by
inflame /m'fleim/ v. (-ming) 1 provoke on) effect a person or thing has on
to strong feeling, esp. anger. 2 cause another. 2 (usu. foil, by over, with)
inflammation in; make hot. 3 aggravate. moral ascendancy or power. 3 thing or
4 catch or set on fire. 5 light up with or as person exercising this. -v. (-cing) exert
with flames. influence on; affect. under the
inflammable /m'flaemabte)!/ adj. influence colloq. drunk. [Latin influo
easily set on fire or excited. inflam- flow in]
mability /- biliti/ n. influential /.mflu'enJXa)!/ adj. having
great influence. influentially adv.
Usage Where there is a danger of
influenza /.mflu'enza/ n. virus infec-
inflammable being understood to mean
tion causing fever, aches, and catarrh.
i.e. 'not easily set on fire',
the opposite,
[Italian: related to influence]
flammable can be used to avoid confu-
influx /'mflAks/ n. flowing in, esp. of
people or things into a place. [Latin:
inflammation /,infl8meij(a)n/ n. 1 related to flux]
inflaming. 2 bodily condition with heat, info /'mfau/ n. colloq. information,
swelling, redness, and usu. pain. [abbreviation]
inflammatory /m'flaematan/ adj. 1 inform /m'fo:m/ v. 1 tell (informed them
tending to cause anger etc. 2 of inflam- of their rights). 2 (usu. foil, by against,
mation. on) give incriminating information
inflatable /m'fleitab(a)l/ -adj. that can about a person to the authorities. [Latin:
be inflated, -n. inflatable object. related to form]
inflate /m'fleit/ v. (-ting) 1 distend with informal /in'fD:m(a)l/ adj. 1 without
air or gas. 2 (usu. foil, by with; usu. in formality. 2 not formal. informality
passive) puff up (with pride etc.). 3 a /-'maeliti/ n. (pi. -ies). informally adv.
informant 454 inhabitant
informant n. giver of information. process etc. {piping; washing). 3 occu-
information ,mfa'meiJXa)n/ n. 1 a pation or event {banking; wedding).
something told; knowledge, b items of [Old English]
knowledge; news. 2 charge or complaint -ing 2 suffix 1 forming the present parti-
lodged with a court etc. ciple of verbs {asking; fighting), often
information retrieval n. the tracing as adjectives {charming; strapping). 2
of information stored in books, com- forming adjectives from nouns {hulk-
puters, etc. ing) and verbs {balding). [Old English]
information technology n. the ingenious /m'd3i:nias/ adj. 1 clever at
study or use of processes (esp. com- inventing, organizing, etc. 2 cleverly
puters, telecommunications, etc.) for contrived. ingeniously adv. [Latin
storing, retrieving, and sending inform-
ingenium cleverness]
ation. Usage Ingenious is sometimes con-
informative /m'fo:mativ/ adj. giving fused with ingenuous.
information; instructive,
ingenue /.a^ei'nju:/ n. 1 unsophist-
informed adj. 1 knowing the facts. 2 icated young woman. 2 such a part in a
having some knowledge, play. [French: related to ingenuous]
informer n. person who informs, esp. ingenuity /,md3i'nju:iti/ n. inventive
against others. ness, cleverness.
infra 'infra/ adv. below, further on (in a ingenuous /in'd3enjoas/ adj. 1 artless.
book etc.). [Latin, = below] 2 frank. ingenuously adv. [Latin
infra- comb, form below. ingenuus free-born, frank]
infraction /m'fraekJXa)n/ n. infringe-
ment. [Latin: related to infringe] Usage Ingenuous is sometimes con-
fused with ingenious.
infra dig infra 'dig/ predic. adj. colloq.

beneath one's dignity. [Latin infra dig- ingest /m'd3est/ v. 1 take in (food etc.). 2
nitatem] absorb (knowledge etc.). ingestion
infrared /.mfra'red/ adj. of or using /m'd3estj'(a)n/ n. [Latin gero carry]
rays with a wavelength just longer than inglenook /'ing(a)l,nuk/ n. space
the red end of the visible spectrum. within the opening on either side of a
infrastructure /'mfra,strAktJa(r)/ n. 1 large fireplace, [perhaps Gaelic aingeal
a basic structural foundations of a fire, light]
society or enterprise, b roads, bridges, inglorious /m'gk>:rias/ad/'. 1 shameful.
sewers, etc., regarded as a country's 2 not famous,
economic foundation. 2 permanent in- ingoing adj. going in.

stallations as a basis for military etc. ingot /'ingat/ n. (usu. oblong) piece of
operations. cast metal, esp. gold, [origin uncertain]
infrequent /m'fri:kwant/ adj. not fre- ingraft var. of engraft.
quent, infrequently adv. ingrained /m'greind/ adj. 1 deeply
infringe /m'fnnd3/ v. (-ging) 1 break or rooted; inveterate. 2 (of dirt etc.) deeply
violate (a law, another's rights, etc.). 2
(usu. foil, by on) encroach; trespass.
ingratiate /m'greiji.eit/ v.refl. (-ting)
(usu. foil, by with) bring oneself into
infringement n. [Latin frango fract-
favour. ingratiating adj. ingratiat-
ingly adv. [Latin in gratiam into
infuriate /m'fjuan.eit/ v. make furious;
irritate greatly. infuriating adj.
ingratitude /m'graeti.tju^/ n. lack of
infuriatingly adv. [medieval Latin:
due gratitude.
related to fury]
ingredient /m'gri:diant/ n. component
infuse /m'fju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 (usu. foil, by part in a mixture. [Latin ingredior enter
with) fill (with a quality). 2 steep (tea
leaves etc.) in liquid to extract the con-
ingress /'mgres/ n. act or right of going
tent; be steeped thus. 3 (usu. foil, by into)
[Latin ingressus: related to ingredi-
instil (life etc.). [Latin infundo -fus-\
related to found 3 ] ingrowing adj. (esp. of a toenail) grow-
infusible /m'fju:zib(a)i/ adj. that can- ing into the flesh. ingrown adj.
not be melted, infusibility /-'biliti/ n. inguinal /'ingwm(a)l/ adj. of the groin.
infusion 1 a infusing, b
/m'fju:3(a)n/ n. [Latin inguen groin]
liquid extract obtained thus. 2 infused inhabit /m'haebit/ v. (-t-) dwell in;
element. occupy. inhabitable adj. [Latin:
-ing 1

suffix forming nouns from verbs related to habit]

denoting: 1 verbal action or its result inhabitant n. person etc. who inhabits
(asking). 2 material associated with a a place.
inhalant 455 inky
inhalant /m'heilant/ n. medicinal sub- initiate -v. /I'niji.eit/ (-ting) 1 begin; set
stance for inhaling. going; originate. 2 a admit (a person)
inhale /m'heil/ v. (-ling) (often absol.) into a society, office, etc., esp. with a
breathe in (air, gas, smoke, etc.). ritual, b instruct (a person) in a subject.
inhalation /-ha'leiJ(9)n/ n. [Latin halo -n. /I'mjiat/ (esp. newly) initiated per-

breathe] son. initiation /-'eij(a)n/ n. initiator

inhaler n. device for administering an n. initiatory /I'nijj atari/ adj. [Latin
inhalant, esp. to relieve asthma. initium beginning]
inhere /m'hia(r)/ v. (-ring) be inherent. initiative /I'nijativ/ n. 1 ability to
[Latin haereo haes- stick] initiate things; enterprise (lacks initia-
inherent /m'herant/ adj. (often foil, by tive). 2 first step. 3 (prec. by the) power

in) existing in something as an essential or right to begin. have the initiative

or permanent attribute. inherences, esp. Mil. be able to control the
inherently adv. enemy's movements. [French: related
inherit /m'hent/ v. (-t-) 1 receive (prop- to initiate]
erty, rank, title, etc.) by legal succes- inject /m'd3ekt/ v. A a (usu. foil, by into)
sion. 2 derive (a characteristic) from drive (a solution, medicine, etc.) by or as
if by a syringe, b (usu. foil, by with) fill (a
one's ancestors. 3 derive (a situation
etc.) from a predecessor. inheritable cavity etc.) by injecting, c administer
adj. inheritor n. [Latin heres heir]
medicine etc. to (a person) by injection.
2 place (a quality, money, etc.) into
inheritance n. 1 thing that is inherited.
2 inheriting.
something. injection n. injector n.
[Latin injicere -ject- from jacio throw]
inheritance tax n. tax levied on prop-
erty acquired by gift or inheritance.
injudicious /,md3u:'dijas/ adj. unwise;
Usage This tax was introduced in injunction /m'd3AnkJ(a)n/ n. 1 author-
1986 to replace capital transfer tax. itative order. 2 judicial order restrain-
inhibit /m'hibit/ v. (-t-) 1 hinder, re- ing a person or body from an act, or
strain, or prevent (action or progress). 2 compelling redress to an injured party.
[Latin: related to enjoin]
(as inhibited adj.) suffering from inhi-
bition. 3 (usu. foil, by from + verbal
injure /'md3a(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 harm or
damage. 2 do wrong to. [back-formation
noun) prohibit (a person etc.). inhib-
itory adj. [Latin inhibeo -hibit- hinder]
from injury]
inhibition /,inhi'bij(a)n/ n. 1 Psychol injured adj. 1 harmed or hurt. 2
restraint on the direct expression of an
injurious /m'd3uanas/ adj. 1 hurtful. 2
instinct. 2 colloq. emotional resistance
(of language) insulting. 3 wrongful.
to a thought, action, etc. 3 inhibiting or
injury /'md3an/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 physical
being inhibited.
harm or damage. 2 offence to feelings
inhospitable mhD'spitab(a)l/ adj. 1
etc. 3 esp. Law wrongful action or treat-
/ (

not hospitable. 2 (of a region etc.) not

ment. [Latin injuria]
affording shelter, favourable con-
injury time n. extra playing- time at a
ditions, etc. inhospitably adv. football etc. match to compensate for
in-house adj. & adv. within an institu- time lost in dealing with injuries.
tion, company, etc.
injustice /m'd3Astis/ n. 1 lack of fair-
inhuman /in'hju:man/ adj. brutal; ness. 2 unjust act. do a person an
unfeeling; barbarous. inhumanity injustice judge a person unfairly.
n. (pi. -ies). inhumanly adv. [French from Latin: related to in- 1 ]
inhumane /.mhjui'mem/ adj. = in- ink -n. 1 coloured fluid or paste used for
human. inhumanely adv. writing, printing, etc. 2 black liquid
inimical /i'nimik(a)l/ adj. 1 hostile. 2 ejected by a cuttlefish etc. — v. 1 (usu.
harmful. inimically adv. [Latin foil, by in, over, etc.) mark with ink. 2
Jnimicus enemy] cover (type etc.) with ink. [Greek
inimitable /i'nimit8b(a)l/ adj. impos- egkauston purple ink used by Roman
sible to imitate. inimitably adv. emperors]
iniquity /I'nikwiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 wicked- inkling /'inklin/ n. (often foil, by of)
ness. 2 gross injustice. iniquitous slight knowledge or suspicion; hint,
adj. [French from Latin aequus just] [origin unknown]
initial /i'nij\a)l/ -adj. of or at the begin- inkstand n. stand for one or more ink
ning, -n. initial letter, esp. (in pi.) those bottles.
of a person's names, -v. (-11-; US -1-) ink-well pot for ink, usu. housed in a
mark or sign with one's initials. hole in a desk.
initially adv. [Latin initium beginning] inky adj. (-ier, -iest) of, as black as, or
initial letter n. first letter of a word. stained with ink. inkiness n.
inland 456 inquiry
inland -ad;, inland 1 in the interior of innocuous i nokjues adj. harmless.
a country. 2 carried on within a country. [Latin innocuus: related to innocent]
-adv. mlaend in or towards the inter- Inn of Court n. each of the four legal
ior of a country. societies admitting people to the Eng-
Inland Revenue n. government de lish bar.
partment assessing and collecting innovate Ins. vert v. -ting) bring in (

taxes. new methods, ideas, etc.: make changes,

in-law n. 'often in pi relative by mar-
z innovation -veiJVam- n. innov-
riage. ative adj. innovator n. innovatory
inlay -r. mlei (pas: and past part. adj. [Latin novus new]
inlaid in leid 1 embed fa thing in >
innuendo iniu endeun. (pi -es or -s)

another) so that the surfaces are even. 2 allusive remark or hint. usu. disparag-
decorate (a thing with inlaid work), -n. ing or with a double meaning. [Latin. =
rnlei 1 inlaid work. 2 material inlaid. 3 by nodding at: related to in- nuo nod] ,

filling shaped to fit a tooth -cavity, [from Innuit van of bron

, LAY 1
innumerable nju:marab(9)l adj. too

inlet inlet n 1 small arm of the sea. a many to be counted, z innumerably

lake, or a river. 2 piece inserted. 3 way of adv.
entry, [from in, let ]
1 innumerate I'njurmeret adj. having
in loco parentis leukeu parentis m no knowledge of basic mathematics, z
adv. (acting) for or instead of a parent. innumeracy n.

inoculate inokjujert i \< -ting.) treat ( a

inmate n, occupant of a hospital, person or animal) with vaccine or

prison, institution, etc. [probably from serum to promote immunity' against a
disease, z inoculation -ieij(e)n n,

[Latin oculus eye. bud]

in memoriam ir. m: m: n asm prep.
in memory of ca dead person). [Latin]
inoffensive .ma 'fensrv adj. not objec-
tionable: harmless.
inmost adj. most inward. [Old English]
inn n. 1 pub. sometimes with accommo- inoperable rn opera b(a)l adj. Surgery'
that cannot successfully be operated on.
inoperative mope-ram- adj. not
working or taking effect.
lish: related to in]
innards rnedz oolloq. entrails,
inopportune in ope r'u:n adj. not ap-
propriate, esp. not timely.
[special pronunciation of inward]
inordinate rn o:drnet adj. excessive,
innate inen adj. inborn: natural, z
z inordinately adv. [Latin: related to
innately adv. [Latin natus born]
inner -adj. (usu. attrib.) 1 inside: inter- inorganic mo: gaenik adj 1 Chen

ior. 2 (of thoughts, feelings, etc.) deeper.

a compound) not organic, usu. of
-n. Archery 1 division of the target next
mineral origin. 2 without organized
to the bull's-eye. 2 shot striking this, z
physical structure. 3 extraneous.
innermost adj. [Old English, compar- in-patient n. patient who lives in hospi-
ative of in]
tal while under treatment.
inner city n, central area of a city. esp. input input -n. 1 what is put in or
regarded as having particular problems taken in. 2 place where energy, informa-
(also (with hyphen) attrib.: inner-city tion, etc.. enters a system. 3 action of
putting in or feeding in. 4 contribution
inner man n, (also inner woman ) 1
of inform a t:on e*: -i\ inputting; past
soul or mind. 2 joe stomach, and past pan. input or inputted i

inner tube n. separate inflatable tube foil, by into) 1 put in. 2 supply (data,
inside a pneumatic tyre, programs, computer etc.).
etc.. to a
innings ml (pi same) 1 esp. Cricket pan inquest mkwest n. 1 La w inquiry by a
of a game during which a side is batting. coroner's court into the cause of a
2 period during which a government. death. 2 colloq. discussion analysing the
parr/, person, etc. is in office or can outcome of a game, election, etc. [Ro-
achieve something, [obsolete in 'verb* manic: related to in quirk]
= go in] inquietude m'kwaii,rju:d n, uneasi-
innkeeper n, person who keeps an inn. ness. [Latin: related to quiet]
innocent'9>nt -adj. 1 free from inquire mkwaia/n v. (-ring) 1 seek
mora] wrong. 2 'usu. foil, by of) not information formally; make a formal
of a crime etc.). 3 simple: guile investigation. 2 = enquire. [Latin
less 4 harmless -n. innocent person. quaero quisit- seek]
esp. ayoung child innocence n. inquiry n. (pi -ies) 1 investigation, esp.
innocently mdl Latin noceo hurt] an official one. 2 = enquiry.
inquisition 457 inside
inquisition /,mkwi'zij(a)n/ intens- n. 1 insecticide /m'sekti.said/ n. substance
ive search or investigation. 2 judicial or for killing insects.
official inquiry. 3 (the Inquisition) RC insectivore /in'sekti,vo:(r)/ n. 1 animal
Ch. hist, ecclesiastical tribunal for the that feeds on insects. 2 plant which
violent suppression of heresy, esp. in captures and absorbs insects. in-
Spain. inquisitional adj. [Latin:
1 1 sectivorous /-'tivaras/ adj. [from in-
related to inquire] sect, Latin voro devour]
inquisitive /m'kwizitiv/ adj. 1 unduly insecure /,msi'kjua(r)/ adj. 1 a unsafe;
curious; prying. 2 seeking knowledge. 1 not firm, b (of a surface etc.) liable to
inquisitively adv. inquisitiveness n. give way. 2 uncertain; lacking con-
inquisitor /m'kwizita(r)/ n. 1 official fidence, i ) insecurity /-'kjonti/ n.
investigator. 2 hist, officer of the Inqui- inseminate /m'semi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1

sition. introduce semen into. 2 sow (seed etc.).

inquisitorial /m.kwizi'toirial/ adj. 1 of insemination /-'neij(a)n/ n. [Latin:
or like an inquisitor. 2 prying. 1 related to semen]
inquisitorially adv. insensate /m'senseit/ adj. 1 without
inquorate /m'kwa:reit/ adj. not consti- physical sensation. 2 without sens-
tuting a quorum. ibility. 3 stupid. [Latin: related to sense]
prep. = re [Latin] insensible /m'sensib(a)l/ adj. 1 uncon-
in re /in 'ri:/ .

INRI abbr. Jesus of Nazareth, King of scious. 2 (usu. foil, by o/, to) unaware
the Jews. [Latin Iesus Nazarenus Rex (insensible of her needs). 3 callous. 4 too
ludaeorum] small or gradual to be perceived. 1

inroad n. 1 (often in pi) encroachment; insensibility /-'biliti/ n. insensibly

using up of resources etc. 2 hostile adv.
attack. insensitive /m'sensitiv/ adj. (often foil,
inrush n. rapid influx. by unfeeling; boorish; crass. 2 not
to) 1
insalubrious /.msa'luibnas/ adj. (of a sensitive to physical stimuli.
climate or place) unhealthy. insensitively adv. insensitiveness n.
insane adj. 1 mad. 2 colloq. extremely insensitivity /-'tiviti/ n.
foolish. insanely adv. insanity insentient /in'senl(9)nt/ adj. not sen-
/-'saeniti/ n. {pi. -ies). tient; inanimate.
insanitary /m'saenitari/ adj. not san- inseparable /m'separab(a)l/ adj. (esp.
itary; dirty. of friends) unable or unwilling to be
insatiable /m'seijab(a)l/ adj. 1 unable separated. inseparability
1 1 /-'biliti/ n.
to be satisfied. 2 extremely greedy. I I
inseparably adv.
insatiability /-'biliti/ n. insatiably insert -v. /m's3:t/ place or put (a thing)
adv. into another, -n. /'ms3:t/ something
insatiate /m'seijiat/ adj. never satis- (esp. pages) inserted. [Latin sero sert-
fied. join]
inscribe /m'skraib/ v.a (usu.
(-bing) 1 insertion /m's3:J(a)n/ n. 1 inserting. 2
foil, by in, on) write or carve (words etc.) thing inserted.
on a surface, page, etc. b (usu. foil, by in-service attrib. adj. (of training) for
with) mark (a surface) with characters. those actively engaged in the profession
2 (usu. foil, by to) write an informal or activity concerned.
dedication in or on (a book etc.). 3 enter inset -rc. /'inset/ 1 a extra section
the name of (a person) on a list or in a inserted in a book etc. b small map etc.
book. 4 Geom. draw (a figure) within within the border of a larger one. 2 piece
another so that points of it lie on the let into a dress etc. -v. /in'set/ (inset-
boundary of the other. [Latin scribo ting; past and past part, inset or inset-
write] ted) 1 put in as an inset. 2 decorate with
inscription /m'sknpJXa)n/ n. 1 words an inset.
inscribed. 2
inscribing. inscrip- inshore adv. & adj. at sea but close to
tional adj. [Latin: related to inscribe] the shore.
inscrutable /m'skru:tab(a)l/ adj. mys- inside -n. /m'said/ 1 a inner side, b
terious, impenetrable. inscrutab- 1 1 inner part; interior. 2 side away from
ility /-'biliti/ n. inscrutably adv. [Latin the road. 3 (usu. in pi.) colloq. stomach
scrutor search] and bowels, -adj. /'msaid/ 1 situated on
insect /'msekt/ n. small invertebrate of or in the inside. 2 Football & Hockey
a class characteristically having a head, nearer to the centre of the field, -adv.
thorax, abdomen, two antennae, three /m'said/ 1 on, in, or to the inside. 2 slang
pairs of thoracic legs, and usu. one or in prison, -prep, /m'said/ 1 on the inner
two pairs of thoracic wings. [Latin: side of; within. 2 in less than (inside an
related to section] hour). inside out 1 with the inner
inside information 458 instance
surface turned outwards. 2 thoroughly insolvent /m'sDlv(a)nt/ -adj. unable to
(knew his subject inside out). pay one's debts; bankrupt, -/i. insolvent
inside information n. information person. insolvency n.
not normally accessible to outsiders, insomnia /m'snmnia/ n. sleeplessness,
inside job n. colloq. crime committed esp. habitual. [Latin somnus sleep]
by a person living or working on the insomniac /m'sDmni.aek/ n. person suf-
premises burgled etc. fering from insomnia.
insider m'saida(r)/ n. 1 person who is insomuch /.insau'mAtJV adv. 1 (foil, by
within an organization etc. 2 person that) to such an extent. 2 (foil, by as)
privy to a secret. inasmuch, [originally in so much]
insider dealing n. Stock Exch. illegal insouciant /m'su:siant/ adj. carefree;
practice of trading to one's own advan- unconcerned. insouciance n.
tage through having access to confiden- [French souci care]
tial information. inspect /in'spekt/ v. 1 look closely at. 2
insidious /m'sidias/ adj. 1 proceeding examine officially. inspection n.
inconspicuously but harmfully. 2 [Latin specio sped- look]
crafty. insidiously adv. insidious- inspector n. 1 person who inspects. 2
ness n. [Latin insidiae ambush] official employed to supervise. 3 police
insight n. (usu. foil, by into) 1 capacity next above sergeant in rank.
of understanding hidden truths etc. 2 inspectorate n.
instance of this. inspector of taxes n. Inland Revenue
insignia /in'signia/ n. (treated as sing. officialresponsible for assessing taxes.
signum sign]
or pi.) badge. [Latin inspiration /,msp9'reij(a)n/ n.1a cre-
insignificant /.msig'nifikant/ adj. 1
ative force or influence, b person etc.
unimportant. 2 meaningless. insig-
stimulating creativity etc. c divine
nificance n. influence, esp. on the writing of Scrip-
insincere /.msm'siaCr)/ adj. not sin-
ture etc. 2 sudden brilliant idea. in-
cere. insincerely adv. insincerity spirational adj.
/-'senti/ n. (pi. -ies).
inspire /m'spaia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 stimu-
insinuate /m'smju.eit/ (-ting) 1 hint
late (a person) to esp. creative activity. 2
obliquely, esp. unpleasantly. 2 (often
a (usu. foil, by with) animate (a person)
refl.; usu. foil, by into) a introduce (a
with a feeling, b create (a feeling) in a
person etc.) into favour etc., by subtle
person (inspires confidence). 3 prompt;
manipulation, b introduce (a thing, one-
give rise to (a poem inspired by love). 4
self, etc.) deviously into a place, o in-
(as inspired adj.) characterized by in-
sinuation /-'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin sinuo
spiration. inspiring adj. [Latin spiro
insipid /in'sipid/ adj. 1 lacking vigour

/in spirit/ v. (-t-) 1 put life into;

or character; dull. 2 tasteless. insip-
idity /-'piditi/ n. insipidly adv. [Latin animate. 2 encourage,
sapio have savour] inst. abbr. = instant adj. 4 (the 6th
insist /in'sist/ v. (usu. foil, by on or that; inst).
also absol.) maintain or demand assert- instability /.msta'biliti/ n. 1 lack of
ively (insisted on my going; insisted stability. 2 unpredictability in be-
that he was innocent). [Latin sisto haviour etc.
stand] install /m'stail/ v. (also instal) (-11-) 1
insistent adj. 1 (oftenfoil, by on) insist-
place (equipment etc.) in position ready
ing. 2 forcing itself on the attention. for use. 2 place (a person) in an office or
insistence n. insistently adv. rank with ceremony. 3 establish (one-
in situ /in 'sirju:/ adv. in its proper or self, a person, etc.). installation
original place. [Latin] /,msta'leij(9)n/ n. [Latin: related to
insobriety /.msa'braiati/ n. intemper- STALL 1 ]
ance, esp. in drinking. instalment n. (US installment) 1 any
insofar /,msau'fa:(r)/ adv. = in so far of several usu. equal payments for
(see far). something. 2 any of several parts, esp. of
insole n. fixed or removable inner sole a broadcast or published story. [Anglo-
of a boot or shoe. French estaler fix]
insolent /'insalant/ adj. impertinently instance /'mst(a)ns/ -n. 1 example or
insulting insolence n. insolently illustration of. 2 particular case (that's
adv. [Latin soleo be accustomed] not true in this instance), -v. (-cing)
insoluble /in'snljub(a)l/ adj. 1 in- cite asan instance. for instance as an
capable of being solved. 2 incapable of example, in the first (or second etc.)
being dissolved, insolubility /-'biliti/ instance in the first (or second etc.)
n. insolubly adv. place; at the first (or second etc.) stage
instant 459 insuperable
(of a proceeding). [French from Latin instruction /m'strAkJ*(a)n/ n. 1 (often
instantia contrary example] in pi.) a order, b direction (as to how a
instant -adj. 1 occurring immediately. thing works etc.). 2 teaching (course of
2 (of food etc.) processed for quick pre- instruction). instructional adj.
paration. 3 urgent; pressing. 4 Com- instructive /m'strAktiv/ adj. tending to
merce of the current month {the 6th instruct; enlightening.
instant), -n. 1 precise moment (come instrument /'mstramant/ n. 1 tool or
here this instant). 2 short space of time implement, esp. for delicate or scientific
(in an instant). [Latin insto be urgent] work. 2 (in full musical instrument)
instantaneous /.mstan'temias/ adj. device for producing musical sounds. 3
occurring or done in an instant. a thing used in performing an action, b
instantaneously adv. person made use of. 4 measuring-
instantly adv. immediately; at once. device, esp. in an aeroplane. 5 formal,
instead /in'sted/ adv. 1 (foil, by of) in esp. legal, document. [Latin instru-
place of. 2 as an alternative. mentum: related to instruct]
instep n. 1 inner arch of the foot instrumental /,mstra'ment(a)l/ adj. 1
between the toes and the ankle. 2 part of serving as an instrument or means. 2 (of
a shoe etc. over or under this, [ulti- music) performed on instruments. 3 of,
mately from in- 2 step] ,
or arising from, an instrument (instru-
instigate /'msti.geit/ v. (-ting) 1 bring mental error).
about by incitement or persuasion. 2 instrumentalist n. performer on a
urge on, incite. instigation musical instrument,
/-'geij(a)n/ n. instigator n. [Latin stigo instrumentality /.mstramen'taeliti/ n.
prick] agency or means.
instil /m'stil/ v. (US instill) (often
(-11-) instrumentation /.instramen
foil, by into) 1 introduce (a feeling, idea, 'teij(a)n/ n. 1 a provision or use of
etc.) intoa person's mind etc. gradually. instruments, b instruments collect-
2 put (a liquid) into something in drops. ively. 2 a arrangement of music for
instillation /-'leij*(a)n/ n. instil- instruments, b the particular instru-
ment n. [Latin stillo drop] ments used in a piece.
instinct -n. /'mstinkt/ 1 a innate pat- insubordinate /.msa'bordmat/ adj. dis-
tern of behaviour, esp. in animals, b obedient; rebellious. insubordina-
innate impulse. 2 intuition, -predic. adj. tion /-'neij(a)n/ n.
/m'stinkt/ (foil, by with) imbued, filled insubstantial /,msab'staBnJXa)l/ adj. 1
(with life, beauty, etc.). instinctive lacking solidity or substance. 2 not real.
/-'stinktiv/ adj. instinctively insufferable /m'sAfarab(a)l/ adj. 1 in-
/-'stinktivli/ adv. instinctual tolerable. 2 unbearably conceited etc.
[Latin stinguo prick]
/-'stirjkrjual/ adj. insufferably adv.
institute -n. 1 society or
/'msti.tjuit/ insufficient /.msa'fiJXa^t/ adj. not suf-
organization for the promotion of sci- ficient; inadequate. insufficiency n.
ence, education, etc. 2 its premises, - v. insufficiently adv.
(-ting) 1 establish; found. 2 initiate (an insular /'msjula(r)/ adj. 1 a of or like an
inquiry etc.). 3 (usu. foil, by to, into) island, b separated or remote. 2 narrow-
appoint (a person) as a cleric in a church minded. insularity /-'laenti/ n. [Latin
etc. [Latin statuo set up] insula island]
institution /.msti'rjuiJXa)!!/ n. 1 organ- insulate /'msju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 prevent
ization or society founded for a particu- the passage of electricity, heat, or sound
lar purpose. 2 established law, practice, from (a thing, room, etc.) by interposing
or custom. 3 colloq. (of a person etc.) non-conductors. 2 isolate. insulation
familiar object. 4 instituting or being /-'leij(a)n/ n. insulator n. [Latin insula
instituted. island]
institutional adj. 1 of or like an insti- insulin /'insjulm/ n. hormone regulat-
tution. 2 typical of institutions. insti- ing the amount of glucose in the blood,
tutionally adv. the lack of which causes diabetes. [Latin
institutionalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or insula island]
-sing) 1 (as institutionalized adj.) insult -v. /m'sAlt/ 1 speak to or treat
made dependent after a long period in with scornful abuse. 2 offend the self-
an institution. 2 place or keep (a person) respect or modesty of. -n. /'msAlt/
in an institution. 3 make institutional. insulting remark or action. insulting
instruct /m'strAkt/ v. 1 teach (a person) adj. insultingly adv. [Latin insulto
a subject etc.; train. 2 (usu. foil, by to + leap on, assail]
infin.) direct; command. 3 Law a employ insuperable /in'su:parab(a)l/ adj. 1 (of
(a lawyer), b inform. instructor n. a barrier) impossible to surmount. 2 (of
[Latin instruo -struct- build, teach] a difficulty etc.) impossible to overcome.
insupportable 460 intense
insuperability -bilm n insuper- integrate inn 1 a com-
greit v. (-ting)
ably adv. [Latin supero overcome] bine pans) into a whole, b complete by

insupportable msa'po:tab(a)l adj. 1 the addition of parts. 2 bring or come

unable to be endured. 2 unjustifiable. into equal membership of society, a
insurance in'Joarans n. 1 insuring. 2 school, etc. 3 desegregate, esp. racially
a sum paid for this, b sum paid out as i
a school etc.). 4 Math, calculate the
compensation for theft, damage, etc. integral of. integration -greijom n.
[French: related to ensure] integrated circuit n. Electronics
insure m'J"ua<r) dl (-ring) (often foil, small chip etc. of material replacing
by against: also absol. secure compen- ) several separate components in a con-
sation in the event of loss or damage to ventional electronic circuit.
(property, life, a person, etc.) by ad- integrity m'tegnti n. 1 moral excel-
vance regular payments, [var. of lence: honesty. 2 wholeness: soundness.
ensure] [Latin: related to integer]
Insured n. (usu. prec. by the) person etc. integument mtegjomant n. natural
covered by insurance, outer covering, as a skin, husk, rind,
insurer n. person or company selling etc. [Latin tego cover]
insurance policies. intellect mta lekt n. 1 a faculty of
insurgent m's3:d3(a)nt -adj. in active reasoning, knowing, and thinking, b
revolt, -n. rebel. insurgence n. understanding. 2 clever or knowledge-
[Latin surgo surrect- rise] able person. [Latin: related to
insurmountable msa mauntabojl intelligent]
adj. unable to be surmounted or intellectual mta'lektjoal -adj. 1 of
overcome. or appealing to the intellect. 2 possess-
insurrection 1
rnsa rekJ(a)n n. rebel- ing a highly developed intellect. 3
lion, insurrectionist n. [Latin: requiring the intellect, -n. intellectual
related to insurgent] person, c intellectuality -aeliU/ n.
insusceptible msa sepuboil ad;, not intellectualize v. (also -ise) i-zing or
susceptible. -sing) intellectually adv.
intact mtaekt adj. 1 undamaged: en- intelligence m
telidVatns n. 1 a intel-
tire. 2 untouched. intactness n. lect: understanding, b quickness of
[Latin tango tact- touch] understanding. 2 a the collecting of
intaglio in tculiau n. (pi. -s 1 gem with i information, esp. of military or political
an incised design. 2 engraved design. value, b information so collected, c
2 2
[Italian: related to in- tail ] , people employed in this.
intake n. 1 action of taking in. 2 a intelligence quotient n. number
number (of people etc.). or amount, denoting the ratio of a person's intelli-
taken in or received, b such people etc. gence to the average.
(this year's intake). 3 place where water intelligent adj. 1 having or showing
is taken into a pipe, or fuel or air enters intelligence, esp. of a high level. 2
an engine etc. clever. : intelligently adv. [Latin
intangible inta?nd3ib(a)l -adj. 1 intelligo -lect- understand]
unable to be touched. 2 unable to be intelligentsia mteli dsentsia n. class
grasped mentally, -n. thing that cannot of intellectuals regarded as possessing
be precisely assessed or defined, culture and political initiative. [Russian
intangibility bilin n.
intangibly intelligentsia a]
adv. [Latin: related to intact] intelligible m
telidsiboU adj. able to
integer 'mnd3a<r) n. whole number. be understood, intelligibility
[Latin. = untouched, whole] -'bilm n. intelligibly adv.
integral mtigr(a»l -adj. also teg- 1 - intemperate in temparat adj. 1

a of or necessary to a whole, b forming a immoderate. 2 a given to excessive

whole, c complete. 2 of or denoted by an drinking of alcohol, b excessively indul-
integer, -n. Math, quantity of which a gent in one's appetites. intemper-
given function is the derivative. ance n.
integrally adv. [Latin: related to in- intend in tend dl 1 have as one's pur-
teger] pose (we intend to go: we intend going).
2 (usu. foil, by for. as) design or destine
Usage The alternative pronunci-
<a person or a thing) (/ intend him to go:
ation given for the adjective, stressed on
I intend it as a warning). [Latin tendo
the second syllable, is considered incor-
rect by some people. stretch]
intended -adj. done on purpose, -n.
integral calculus n mathematics colloq. one's fiance or fiancee,
concerned with finding integrals, their intense in tens adj. (intenser. intens-
properties and application, etc. esti 1 existing in a high degree: violent;
intensifier 461 interdenominational
forceful; extreme (intense joy\ intense interbreed /,inta'bri:d/ v. (past and
cold). 2 very emotional. intensely past part, -bred) 1 (cause to) breed with
adv. intenseness n. [Latin intensus members of a different race or species to
stretched] produce a hybrid. 2 breed within one
family etc.
Usage Intense is sometimes confused intercalary /m't3:kalan/ attrib. adj. 1
with intensive, and wrongly used to
a (of a day or a month) inserted in the
describe a course of study etc.
calendar to harmonize it with the solar
intensifier /m'tensi.faiafr)/ n. 1 thing year, b (of a year) having such an
thatmakes something more intense. 2 addition. 2 interpolated.* [Latin calo pro-
word or prefix used to give force or claim]
emphasis, e.g. thundering in a thunder- intercede /,mta'si:d/ v. (-ding) (usu.
ing nuisance. foil, by with) intervene on behalf of
intensify v. (-ies, -ied) make or become another; plead. [Latin: related to cede]
intense or more intense. intensifica- intercept /.mta'sept/ v. 1 seize, catch, or
tion /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. stop (a person or thing) going from one
intensity n. (pi. -ies) 1 intenseness. 2 place to another. 2 (usu. foil, by from)
amount of some quality, e.g. force, cut off (light etc.). interception n.
brightness, etc. interceptive adj. interceptor n.
intensive thorough, vigorous;
adj. 1 [Latin intercipio -cept- from capio take]
directed to a single point, area, or sub- intercession /,mta'seJXa)n/ n. interced-
ject (intensive study; intensive bom- ing. intercessor n. [Latin: related to
bardment). 2 of or relating to intensity. INTERCEDE]
3 serving to increase production in re- interchange -t>. /.mta'tjemds/ (-ging)
lation to costs (intensive farming). 4 1 (of two people)
exchange (things) with
(usu. in comb.) Econ. making much use each other. 2 put each of (two things) in
of (labour-intensive). 5 (of an adjective, the other's place; alternate, —n.
adverb, etc.) expressing intensity, e.g. /'mta.tjemds/ 1 (often foil, by of) ex-
really in my feet are really cold. change between two people etc. 2 alter-
intensively adv. intensiveness n. nation. 3 road junction where traffic
streams do not cross.
Usage See note at intense.
interchangeable adj. that can be
intensive care n. 1 constant monitor- interchanged, esp. without affecting the
ing etc. of a seriously ill patient. 2 part of way a thing works. interchange-
a hospital devoted to this. ably adv.
intent /in'tent/ -rc. intention; purpose inter-city /.mta'siti/ adj. existing or
(with intent to defraud), -adj. 1 (usu. travelling between cities.
foil, by on) a resolved, determined, b intercom /'mta.kDm/ n. colloq. 1 system
attentively occupied. 2 (esp. of a look) of intercommunication by radio or tele-
earnest; eager. to all intents and phone. 2 instrument used in this,
purposes practically; virtually. [abbreviation]
intently adv. intentness n. [Latin intercommunicate / (
intentus] ,keit/ (-ting) 1 communicate recip-
intention /m'tenJXa)n/ n. 1 thing rocally. 2 (of rooms etc.) open into
intended; aim, purpose. 2 intending each other. intercommunication
(done without intention). /-'keij(a)n/ n.
intentional adj. done on purpose. intercommunion /.intaka'mjumian/
intentionally adv. n. mutual communion. 2 mutual
inter /m't3:(r)/ v. (-rr-) bury (a corpse action or relationship, esp. between
etc.). [Latin terra earth] Christian denominations.
inter- comb, form between, among
1 interconnect /.mtaka'nekt/ v. connect
(intercontinental). 2 mutually, recip- with each other. interconnection
rocally (interbreed). [Latin inter be- /-'nekj(a)n/ n.
tween, among] intercontinental /.mta.kDnti
interact /.mtar'aekt/ v. act on each 'nent(a)l/ adj. connecting or travelling
other. interaction n. between continents.
interactive adj. 1 reciprocally active. 2 intercourse /'mta,ko:s/ n. 1 commun-
(of a computer or other electronic de- ication or dealings between individuals,
vice) allowing a two-way flow of in- nations, etc. 2 = sexual intercourse.
formation between it and a user. [Latin: related to course]
interactively adv. interdenominational /.mtadi.nDmi
inter alia /.intar 'eilia/ adv. among 'neijan(a)l/ adj. concerning more than
other things. [Latin] one (religious) denomination.
interdepartmental 462 interlock
interdepartmental /,mta,di:pa:t by with) euphem. molest or assault
'menua)l adj. concerning more than sexually. 4 (of light or other waves)
one department. combine so as to cause interference.
interdependent /,mtadi'pend(a)nt/ [Latin ferio strike]
adj. dependent on each other. Iinter- interference n. 1 act of interfering. 2
dependence w fading or disturbance of received radio
interdict mtadikt/ 1 authoritative signals. 3 Physics combination of two or
prohibition. 2 RC Ch. sentence debar- more wave motions to form a resultant
ring a person, or esp. a place, from wave in which the displacement is rein-
ecclesiastical functions and privileges. forced or cancelled.
-v. .mta'dikt 1 prohibit (an action). 2 interferon /.inta'fiaron/ n. any of
forbid the use of. 3 (usu. foil, by from + various proteins inhibiting the develop-
verbal noun) restrain (a person). 4 (usu. ment of a virus in a cell etc.
foil, by to) forbid (a thing) to a person. interfuse /,mta'fju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 a (usu.
interdiction /-'dikf(a)n/ n. interdic- foil, by with) mix (a thing) with; inter-
tory -diktan/ adj. [Latin dico say] sperse, b blend (things). 2 (of two things)
interdisciplinary /.mta.disi'plmari/ blend with each other. interfusion
adj. of or between more than one branch
related to fuse ]
/-'fju:3(a)n/ n. [Latin:
of learning. intergalactic /.intaga'laektik/ adj. of or
interest /'mtrast/-rc. 1 a concern; curi- situated between galaxies.
osity {have no interest in fishing), b interim /'mtarim/ -n. intervening
quality exciting curiosity etc. {this book time. —adj. provisional, temporary.
lacks interest). 2 subject, hobby, etc., in [Latin, = in the interim]
which one is concerned. 3 advantage or interior /m'tiana(r)/ -adj. 1 inner. 2
profit (it is in my interest to go). 4 inland. 3 internal; domestic. 4 (usu. foil,
money paid for the use of money lent. 5 by to) situated further in or within. 5
a thing in which one has a stake or existing in the mind. 6 coming from
concern {business interests), b finan- inside, —n. 1 interior part; inside. 2
cial stake (in an undertaking etc.). c interior part of a region. 3 home affairs
legal concern, title, or right (in prop- of a country {Minister of the Interior). 4
erty). 6 a party or group with a common representation of the inside of a room
interest {the brewing interest), b prin- etc. [Latin]
ciple or cause with which this is con- interior decoration n. decoration of
cerned, -v. 1 excite the curiosity or the interior of a building etc. interior
attention of. 2 (usu. foil, by in) cause (a decorator n.
person) to take a personal interest. 3 (as interior design n. design of the inter-
interested adj.) having a private in- ior of a building. interior designer
terest; not impartial or disinterested. n.
[Latin, = it matters] interject /,mta'd3ekt/ v. 1 utter (words)

interesting adj. causing curiosity; abruptly or parenthetically. 2 interrupt. 1

holding the attention. interestingly [Latin jacio throw]

adv. interjection / mta'd3ekJ(a)n/ n. ex-

interface -n. 1 surface forming a clamation, esp. as a part of speech (e.g.

boundary between two regions. 2 means ah!, dear me!).
or place of interaction between two interlace /.inta'leis/ v. (-cing) 1 bind 1

systems etc.; interaction {the interface intricately together; interweave. 2 cross ,

between psychology and education). 3 each other intricately. interlace- 11

esp. Computing apparatus for connect- ment n.

ing two pieces of equipment so that they interlard /,inta'la:d/ v. (usu. foil, by I

can be operated jointly, -v. (-cing) with) mix (writing or speech) with H

(often foil, by with) 1 connect with unusual words or phrases. [French]

(another piece of equipment etc.) by an interleave /,inta'li:v/ v. (-ving) insert il

interface. 2 interact. (usu. blank) leaves between the leaves o

of (a book etc.).
Usage The use of the noun and verb
in sense 2 is
interline /.mta'lain/ v. (-ning) put an in

deplored by some people.

extra layer of material between the ci

interfacing n. stiffish material fabric of (a garment) and its lining. it

between two layers of fabric in collars interlink /.inta'link/ v. link or be linked k

etc. together. I
interfere /,mta'fia(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (usu. interlock /.mta'lnk/ - v.
1 engage with ini

foil,by with) a (of a person) meddle; each other by overlapping. 2 lock or £

obstruct a process etc. b (of a thing) be a clasp within each other, -n. 1 machine- pr

hindrance. 2 (usu. foil, by in) intervene, knitted fabric with fine stitches. 2 pr
esp. without invitation or necessity. 3 mechanism for preventing a set of j.
interlocutor 463 Interpol
operations from being performed in any Usage Internment is sometimes con-
but the prescribed sequence. fused with interment, Which means
interlocutor /,inta'lDkjut9(r)/ n. for- 'burial'.
mal person who takes part in a conver-
sation. [Latin loquor speak] internal /m't3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of or situated
interlocutory adj. formal 1 of dia- in the inside or invisible part. 2 of the
logue. 2 (of a decree etc.) given provi- inside of the body (internal injuries). 3
sionally in a legal action. of a nation's domestic affairs. 4 (of a
interloper /'int8,laupa(r)/ n. 1 intruder. student) attending a university etc. as
2 person who interferes in others' af- well as taking its examinations. 5 used
fairs, esp. for profit, [after landloper or applying within an organization. 6 a
vagabond, from Dutch loopen run] intrinsic, b of the mind or soul.
interlude /'mt8,lu:d/ n. 1 a pause internality /-'naeliti/ n. internally
between the acts of a play, b something adv. [medieval Latin internus internal]
performed during this pause. 2 contrast- internal-combustion engine n.
ing event, time, etc. in the middle of engine with its motive power generated
something {comic interlude). 3 piece of by the explosion of gases or vapour with
music played between other pieces etc. air in a cylinder.
[medieval Latin ludus play] internal evidence n. evidence de-
intermarry /.mta maeri/ v. (ies, -ied) rived from the contents of the thing
(foil, by with) (of races, castes, families, discussed.
become connected by marriage.
etc.) internalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
intermarriage /-nd3/ n. -sing) Psychol, make (attitudes, be-
intermediary /,int8'mi:diari/ -n. (pi haviour, etc.) part of one's nature by
-ies) intermediate person or thing, esp. learning or unconscious assimilation.

a mediator, -adj. acting as mediator; internalization /-'zeij (8)n/ n.

intermediate. international /,inta'na3j9n(a)l/ -adj. 1
intermediate mt9 mi:diat/-ad/. com-
/ l

existing or carried on between nations.

ing between two things in time, place, 2 agreed on or used by all or many
order, character, etc. -ft. 1 intermediate nations, -n. 1 a contest, esp. in sport,
thing. 2 chemicalcompound formed by between teams representing different
one reaction and then used in another. countries, b member of such a team. 2
[Latin intermedius] (International) any of four successive
interment /m't3:m8nt/ n. burial. associations for socialist or Communist
action. internationality /-'naeliti/ n.
Usage Interment is sometimes con-
internationally adv.
fused with internment, which means internationalism n. advocacy of a
community of interests among nations.
intermezzo /.mta'metsao/ n. (pi. internationalist n.
-mezzi /-tsi/ or -s) 1 a short connecting internationalize v. (also -ise) ( zing
instrumental movement in a musical or -sing) 1 make international. 2 bring
work, b similar independent piece. 2 under the protection or control of two or
short light dramatic or other perform- more nations.
ance inserted between the acts of a play. interne var. of intern n.
[Italian] internecine /,inta'ni:sam/ adj.
interminable /m't3:mm9b(a)l/ adj. 1 mutually destructive. [Latin interned-
endless. 2 tediously long. intermin- nus deadly]
ably adv. internee /,mt3:'ni:/ n. person interned.
intermingle /,mt8'mir)g(8)l/ v. (-ling) interpenetrate /.mta'peni.treit/ v.

mix together; mingle. (-ting) 1 penetrate each other. 2 per-

„ intermission mt9'miJ(o)n/
/ 1
n. 1 pause vade. interpenetration /-'treiJXa)n/
or cessation. 2 interval in a cinema etc. n.
[Latin: related to intermittent] interpersonal /,mta'p3:s8n(a)l/ adj.
! intermittent /.inta'mit^nt/ adj. oc- between persons, social (interpersonal
curring at intervals; not continuous. skills).
intermittently adv. [Latin mitto miss- interplanetary /.mto'plaenitan/ adj. 1
let go] between planets. 2 of travel between
intermix /.mta'miks/ v. mix together. planets.
intern -n. /'mt3:n/ (also interne) esp. interplay /'mta.plei/ n. reciprocal
US = houseman, -v. /m't3:n/ oblige (a action.
prisoner, alien, etc.) to reside within Interpol /'mta.pDl/ n. International
prescribed limits. internment n. Criminal Police Organization, [abbre-
[French: related to internal] viation]
interpolate 464 intimacy
interpolate /m't3:pa,leit/ ting) 1 a
v. ( intersection /,int8'sekj(a)n/ n. 1 inter-
insert (words) in a book etc., esp. mis- secting. 2 place where two roads inter-
leadingly. b make such insertions in (a sect. 3 point or line common to lines or
book etc.). 2 interject (a remark) in a planes that intersect.
conversation. 3 estimate (values) intersperse /,int9'sp3:s/ v. (-sing) 1

between known ones in the same range. (often foil, by between, among) scatter. 2

interpolation / -leij(a)n/ n. inter- (foil, by with) vary (a thing) by scatter-

polator n. [Latin interpolo furbish] ing other things among it. intersper-
interpose /.mta'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1 (often sion n. [Latin: related to sparse]
foil, by between) insert (a thing) between
interstate /'inta.steit/ adj. existing or
others. 2 say (words) as an interruption; carried on between States, esp. those of
interrupt. 3 exercise or advance (a veto
the US.
interstellar /,mta'stela(r)/ adj. be-
or objection) so as to interfere. 4 (foil, by
between) intervene (between parties).
tween stars.
interstice /m't3:stis/ n. 1 intervening
interposition /-pa'ziJXa)n/ n. [Latin
space. 2 chink or crevice. [Latin inter-
pono put]
stitium from sisto stand]
interpret /m't3:pnt/ v. (-t-) 1 explain
interstitial /,mta'stij(a)l/ adj. of, form-
the meaning of (words, a dream, etc.). 2
ing, or occupying interstices. inter-
make out or bring out the meaning of stitially adv.
(creative work). 3 act as an interpreter.
intertwine /.mta'twam/ v. (ning)
4 explain or understand (behaviour (often foil, by with) entwine (together).
etc.) in a specified manner. inter- interval /'mtav(a)l/ n. 1 intervening
pretation /-'teij(a)n/ n. interpret- time or space. 2 pause or break, esp.
ative adj. interpretive adj. [Latin between the parts of a performance. 3
interpres -pretis explainer] difference in pitch between two sounds.
interpreter n. person who interprets, at intervals here and there; now and
esp. one who translates foreign speech then. [Latin intervallum space between
orally. ramparts]
interracial 7,inta'reiJ(a)l/ adj. between intervene /,mta'vi:n/ v. (-ning) 1 occur
or affecting different races. in time between events. 2 interfere;
interregnum /.mta'regnam/ n. (pi. -s) 1 prevent or modify events. 3 be situated
interval when the normal government between things. 4 come in as an extrane-
or leadership is suspended, esp. ous factor. [Latin venio vent- come]
between successive reigns or regimes. 2 intervention /.mta'venJXaW n. 1 inter-
interval, pause. [Latin regnum reign] vening. 2 interference, esp. by a State. 3
interrelate /.intari'leit/ v. (-ting) 1 re- mediation.
late (two or more things) to each other. 2 interventionist n. person who
(of two or more things) relate to each favours intervention.
other. interrelation n. inter- interview /'inta.vju:/ -n. 1 oral exam-
relationship n. ination of an applicant. 2 conversation
interrogate /m'tera.geit/ v. (-ting) with a reporter, for a broadcast or pub-
question (a person), esp. closely or form- lication. 3 meeting face to face, esp. for
consultation, -v. hold an interview
ally. interrogation /-'geij(a)n/ n.
interrogator n. [Latin rogo ask] with. interviewee /-vju:'i:/ n. inter-
interrogative /.inta'rogativ/ -adj. of,
viewer n. [French entrevue: related to
inter-, vue sight]
like, or used in a question, -n. inter-
rogative word (e.g. what?).
interwar / (
mt9'wo:(r)/ attrib. adj. exist-
ing in the period between two wars.
interrogatory /.mta'rngatari/ -adj. interweave /,int8'wi:v/ v. (-ving; past
questioning (interrogatory tone), -n.
-wove; past part, -woven) 1 weave
(pi -ies) formal set of questions.
together. 2 blend intimately.
interrupt /.mta'rApt/ v. 1 break the intestate /m'testeit/ -adj. not having
continuous progress of (an action, made a will before death, -n. persor
speech, person speaking, etc.). 2 ob- who has died intestate. intestacy
struct (a person's view etc.). inter- /-tasi/ n. [Latin: related to testament]
ruption n. [Latin: related to rupture] intestine /in'testin/ n. (in sing, or pi,
interrupter n. (also interruptor) 1 lower part of the alimentary canal, c
person or thing that interrupts. 2 device intestinal adj. [Latin intus within]
for interrupting, esp. an electric circuit. intifada /,inti'fa:da/ n. Arab uprising
intersect /.mta'sekt/ v. 1 divide (a thing) [Arabic]
by crossing it. 2 (of lines, roads, etc.) intimacy /'intimasi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 state
cross each other. [Latin: related to sec- of being intimate. 2 intimate remark oi
tion] act; sexual intercourse.
intimate 465 introvert
intimate 1
/'mtimat/ -adj. 1 closely intransigent person, intransigence
acquainted; familiar {intimatefriend). 2 n. [Spanish los intransigentes ex-
private and personal. 3 (usu. foil, by tremists]
with) having sexual relations. 4 (of intransitive /m'traensitiv/ adj. (of a
knowledge) detailed, thorough. 5 (of a verb) not taking a direct object.
relationship between things) close, -n. intrauterine /.mtra'ju^a.ram/ adj.
close friend. intimately adv. [Latin within the womb.
intimus inmost] intravenous /,intra'vi:nas/ adj. in or
intimate /'mti.meit/ v. (-ting) 1 (often into a vein or veins. intravenously
foil, that) state or make known. 2
by adv.
imply, hint, n intimation /-'meiJXa)n/ in-tray n. tray for incoming documents,
n. [Latin intimo announce: related to intrepid /m'trepid/ adj. fearless; very
brave. intrepidity /-tn'piditi/ n.
intimidate /m'timi.deit/ v. ( ting) intrepidly adv. [Latin trepidus
frighten or overawe, esp. to subdue or alarmed]
influence. intimidation /-'deiJXa)n/ intricate /'mtnkat/ adj. very com-
n. [medieval Latin: related to timid] plicated; perplexingly detailed. in-
into /'into, 'mta/ prep. 1 expressing tricacy /-kasi/ n. {pi. -ies). intricately
motion or direction to a point on or adv. [Latin: related to in- tricae tricks]

within {walked into a tree; ran into the intrigue -v. /m'tri:g/ (-gues, -gued,
house). 2 expressing direction of atten- -guing) 1 (foil, by with) a carry on an
tion etc. {will look into it). 3 expressing a underhand plot, b use secret influence.
change of state {turned into a dragon; 2 arouse the curiosity of. -n. /'mtri:g/
separated into groups). 4 after the be- underhand plot or plotting. 2 secret
ginning of (five minutes into the game). arrangement {amorous intrigues).
5 colloq. interested in. [Old English: intriguing adj. esp. in sense 2 of v.
related to in, to] intriguingly adv. [French from Italian
intolerable /m'tDlarab(a)l/ adj. that intrigo]
cannot be endured. intolerably adv. intrinsic /m'trmzik/ adj. inherent, es-
intolerant /m'tolarant/ adj. not toler- sential {intrinsic value). intrins-
ant, esp. of others' beliefs or behaviour. ically adv. [Latin intrinsecus inwardly]
intolerance n. intro /'intrao/ n. {pi. -s) colloq. introduc-
intonation /.inta'neiJXaM n. 1 modula- tion, [abbreviation]
tion of the voice; accent. 2 intoning. 3 intro- comb, form into. [Latin]
accuracy of musical pitch, [medieval introduce .intra' dju:s/ v. (-cing) 1 (foil,

Latin: related to intone] by to) make (a person or oneself) known

intone /m'taun/ v. (-ning) 1 recite by name to another, esp. formally. 2
(prayers etc.) with prolonged sounds, announce or present to an audience. 3
esp. in a monotone. 2 utter with a bring (a custom etc.) into use. 4 bring
particular tone, [medieval Latin: (legislation) before Parliament etc. 5
related to in- 2 ] (foil, by to) initiate (a person) in a
in toto /in 'tautau/ adv. completely. subject. 6 insert. 7 bring in; usher in;
[Latin] bring forward. 8 occur just before the
intoxicant /m'tnksikant/ -adj. intox- start of. 9 put on sale for the first time.n
icating, -n. intoxicating substance. introducible adj. [Latin duco lead]
intoxicate /m'tDksi.keit/ v. (-ting) 1 introduction /,intra'dAkJXa)n/ n. 1

make drunk. 2 excite or elate beyond introducing or being introduced. 2
self-control. intoxication /-'keiJXa)n/ formal presentation of one person to
n. [medieval Latin: related to toxic] another. 3 explanatory section at the

I intra- prefix on the inside, within. beginning of a book etc. 4 introductory


[Latin intra inside] treatise. 5 thing introduced.


intractable /in'traektab(a)l/ adj. 1 hard introductory /.mtra'dAktari/ad/. serv-

I to control or deal with. 2 difficult, stub- ing as an introduction; preliminary.
born. intractability /-'biliti/ n. introit /'intrait/ n. psalm or antiphon
i intractably adv. sung or said as the priest approaches
intramural /,mtra'mjuar(a)l/ adj. 1 the altar for the Eucharist. [Latin introi-
\ situated or done within the walls of an tus entrance]
institution etc. 2 forming part of normal introspection /.mtra'spekJXa)!!/ n. ex-
university etc. studies. intra- amination of one's own thoughts.
murally adv. [Latin murus wall] introspective adj. [Latin specio spect-
intramuscular / 1
mtra'mAskjula(r)/ look]
I adj. in or into muscle tissue. introvert /'intra,v3:t/ —n. 1 person pre-
'J intransigent /m'traensid3(a)nt/ -adj. dominantly concerned with his or her
uncompromising, stubborn. -n. own thoughts. 2 shy thoughtful person.
intrude 466 investigate
-adj. (also introverted) characteristic surgery) involving large incisions etc. 3
of an introvert. introversion tending to encroach.
/-'V3:j(a)n/ n. invective /in'vektiv/ n. strong verbal
intrude /m'tru:d/ v. (-ding) (foil, by on, attack. [Latin: related to inveigh]
upon, into) 1 come
uninvited or inveigh /m'vei/ v. (foil, by against)
unwanted. 2 force on a person. [Latin speak or write with strong hostility.
trudo trus- thrust] [Latin invehor -vect- assail]
intruder n. person who intrudes, esp. a inveigle /m'veig(a)l/ v. (-ling) (foil, by
trespasser. into, or to + infin.) entice; persuade by
intrusion /m'tru:3(a)n/ n. 1 intruding. 2 guile. inveiglement n. [Anglo-
influx of molten rock between existing French from French aveugler to blind]
strata etc. intrusive adj. invent /m'vent/ v. 1 create by thought,
intrust var. of entrust. originate (a method, device, etc.). 2 con-
intuition /.mrjui'iKa^/ n. immediate coct (a false story etc.). inventor n.
insight or understanding without con- [Latin invenio -vent- find]
scious reasoning. intuit /m'tju:it/ v. invention /m'venJXa)n/ n. 1 inventing
intuitional adj. [Latin tueor tuit- look] or being invented. 2 thing invented. 3
intuitive /m'tjuntiv/ adj. of, possess- fictitious story. 4 inventiveness.
ing, or perceived by intuition. intuit- inventive adj. able to invent; imagin-
ively adv. intuitiveness n. [medieval ative. inventively adv. inventive-
Latin: related to intuition] ness n.
Inuit /'muit/ n. (also Innuit) (pi. same or inventory /'mvantan/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1
-s) N. American Eskimo. [Eskimo inuit complete of goods etc. 2 goods listed
people] in this. -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make an invent-
inundate /'mAn.deit/ v. (-ting) (often ory of. 2 enter (goods) in an inventory,
foil, by with) 1 flood. 2 overwhelm. [medieval Latin: related to invent]
inundation /-'deiJXa)n/ n. [Latin unda inverse /m'v3:s/ —adj. inverted in posi-
wave] tion, order, or relation, -n. 1 inverted
inure /i'njua(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 (often in state. 2 (often foil, by of) the direct
passive; foil, by to) accustom (a person) opposite. [Latin: related to invert]
to an esp. unpleasant thing. 2 Law take inverse proportion n. (also inverse
effect. inurement [Anglo-French:
n. ratio) relation between two quantities
related to in, eure work, from Latin such that one increases in proportion as
opera] the other decreases.
invade /m'veid/ v. (-ding) (often absol.) inversion /m'v3:J(a)n/ n. 1 turning
1 enter (a country etc.) under arms to upside down. 2 reversal of a normal
control or subdue it. 2 swarm into. 3 (of a order, position, or relation,
disease) attack. 4 encroach upon (a per- invert /m'v3:t/ v. 1 turn upside down. 2
son's rights, esp. privacy). invader n. reverse the position, order, or relation
[Latin vado vas- go] of. [Latin verto vers- turn]
invalid 1 /'invalid, -,li:d/ —n. person invertebrate /in'v3:tibrat/ -adj. (of an
enfeebled or disabled by illness or animal) not having a backbone, -n.
injury. -attrib. adj. 1 of or for invalids. 2 invertebrate animal,
sick, disabled, -v. (-d-) 1 (often foil, by inverted commas = quotation
out etc.) remove (an invalid) from active MARKS.
service. 2 (usu. in passive) disable invest /m'vest/ v. 1 a (often foil, by in)

(a person) by illness. invalidism apply or use (money), esp. for profit, b

n. invalidity /.mva'liditi/ n. [Latin: (foil, by in) put money for profit into
related to in- 1 ] (stocks etc.). 2 (often foil, by in) devote
invalid 2 /m'vaelid/ adj. not valid. (time etc.) to an enterprise. 3 (foil, by in)
invalidity /.mva'liditi/ n. colloq. buy (something
useful). 4 a (foil,
invalidate /m'vaeli.deit/ v. (-ting) make by with) provide or credit (a person etc.
(a claim etc.) invalid. invalidation with qualities) (invested her with
/-'deij(9)n/ n. magical importance; invested his tone
invaluable /m'vaeljuab(a)l/ adj. above with irony), b (foil, by in) attribute or en-
valuation; very valuable. invaluably trust (qualities or feelings) to (a person
adv. (power invested in the doctor). 5
invariable /m'veanab(a)l/ adj. 1 (often foil, by with, in) clothe with the
unchangeable. 2 always the same. 3 insignia of office; install in an office,
Math, constant. invariably adv. investor n. [Latin vestis clothing]
invasion /m'vei3(a)n/ n. invading or investigate /m'vesti.geit/ v. (-ting) 1
being invaded. inquire into; examine. 2 make a sys-
invasive /m'veisiv/ adj. 1 (of weeds, tematic inquiry. investigation
cancer cells, etc.) tending to spread. 2 (of /-'geij(9)n/ n. investigative /-gativ/
investiture 467 ion
adj. investigator n. investigatory atory /m'vokatari/ adj. [Latin: related
/-gatan/ adj. [Latin vestigo track] to invoke]
investiture formal
/m'vesti,tja(r)/ n. invoice /'mvois/ -n. bill for usu. item-
investing of a person with honours or ized goods or services, -v. (-cing) 1 send
rank, [medieval Latin: related to invest] an invoice to. 2 make an invoice of.
investment n. 1 investing. 2 money [earlier invoyes pi. of invoy: related to
invested.3 property etc. in which envoy]
money is invested. invoke /m'vauk/ v. (-king) 1 call on (a
investment trust n. trust that buys deity etc.) in prayer -or as a witness. 2
and sells shares in selected companies appeal to (the law, a person's authority,
to make a profit for its members. etc.). 3 summon (a spirit) by charms etc.
inveterate /m'vetarat/ adj. 1 (of a per- 4 ask earnestly for (vengeance etc.).
son) confirmed in a habit etc. 2 (of a [Latin voco call]
habit etc.) long-established. inveter- [ i involuntary /m'vDlantan/ adj. 1 done
acy n. [Latin vetus old] without exercising the will; uninten-
invidious /m'vidias/ adj. likely to cause tional. 2 (of a muscle) not under the
resentment or anger (invidious posi- control of the will. involuntarily
tion; invidious task). [Latin invidiosus: adv. involuntariness n.
related to envy] involute /'inva,lu:t/ adj. 1 involved,
invigilate /m'vid3i,leit/ v. (-ting) super- intricate. 2 curled spirally. [Latin:
vise people taking an exam. invigila- 1 1 related to involve]
tion /-'leiJXa)n/ n. invigilator n. [Latin: involuted adj. complicated, abstruse.
related to vigil] involution /,mva'lu:J(a)n/ n. 1 involv-
invigorate /m' v. (-ting) give ing. 2 intricacy. 3 curling inwards. 4
vigour or strength to. invigorating part that curls inwards.
[medieval Latin: related to vigour]
adj. involve /in'vDlv/ v. (-ving) 1 (often foil,
invincible /m'vmsib(a)l/ adj. uncon- by in) cause (a person or thing) to share
querable. invincibility /-biliti/ n. the experience or effect (of a situation,
invincibly adv. [Latin vinco conquer] activity, etc.). 2 imply, entail, make
inviolable /m'vaialab(a)l/ adj. not to be necessary. 3 (often foil, by in) implicate
violated or dishonoured. inviolab- (a person) in a charge, crime, etc. 4
ility /- biliti/ n. inviolably adv. include or affect in its operations. 5 (as
inviolate /m'vaialat/ adj. 1 not violated. involved adj.) a (often foil, by in) con-
2 safe (from violation or harm). cerned, b complicated in thought or
inviolacy n. form, c amorously associated. in-
invisible /m'vizib(a)l/ adj. not visible to volvement n. [Latin volvo roll]
the eye. invisibility /-'biliti/ n. invis- invulnerable /m'vAlnarab(a)l/ adj.
ibly adv. that cannot be wounded, damaged, or
invisible exports (also invisible hurt, physically or mentally, n invul-
imports etc.) intangible commodities, nerability /-'biliti/ n. invulnerably
esp. services, involving payment adv.
between countries. inward /'mwad/ -adj. 1 directed to-
invitation /,invi'teij(a)n/ n. 1 inviting wards the inside; going in. 2 situated
or being invited. 2 letter or card etc. within. 3 mental, spiritual, -adv. (also
used to invite. inwards) 1 towards the inside. 2 in the
invite -v. /m'vait/ (-ting) 1 (often foil, mind or soul. [Old English: related to in,
by to, or to + infin.) ask (a person) -ward]
courteously to come, or to do some- inwardly adv. 1 on the inside. 2 in the
thing. 2 make a formal courteous re- mind or soul. 3 not aloud.
quest for. 3tend to call forth uninten- inwrought /m'rD:t/ adj. 1 (often foil, by
tionally. 4 a attract, b be attractive, -n. with) (of a fabric) decorated (with a
/'invait/ colloq. invitation. [Latin invito] pattern). 2 (often foil, by in, on) (of a
inviting adj. 1 attractive. 2 tempting. pattern) wrought (in or on a fabric).
invitingly adv. iodide /'aia.daid/ n. any compound of
in vitro /in 'vi:trau/ adv. (of biological iodine with another element or group.
processes) taking place in a test-tube or iodine /'aia,di:n/ n. 1 black crystalline
other laboratory environment. [Latin, element forming a violet vapour. 2 solu-
= in glass] tion of this as an antiseptic. [French iode
invocation /,inva'keiJXa)n/ n. 1 invok- from Greek iodes violet-like]
ing or being invoked, esp. in prayer. 2 IOM abbr. Isle of Man.
summoning of supernatural beings, e.g. ion /'aian/ n. atom or group of atoms that
the Muses, for inspiration. 3 Eccl. the has lost one or more electrons ( =
words 'In the name of the Father' etc. cation), or gained one or more elec-
used to preface a sermon etc. invoc- 1 1 trons ( = anion). [Greek, = going]

-ion 468 iron in the fire

-ion suffix (usu. as -sion, -tion, -xion) iris /'aians/ circular coloured mem-
n. 1
forming nouns denoting: 1 verbal action brane behind the cornea of the eye, with
(excision). 2 instance of this (a sugges- a circular opening (pupil) in the centre.
tion). 3 resulting state or product (vexa- 2 plant of a family with bulbs or tuber-
tion: concoction). [Latin -io] ous roots, sword-shaped leaves, and
Ionic ai onik adj. of the order of Greek
showy flowers. 3 adjustable diaphragm
architecture characterized by a column for regulating the size of a central hole,
With scroll shapes on either side of the esp. for the admission of light to a lens.
capital, [from Ionia in Greek Asia [Greek iris iridos rainbow]
Minor] Irish /'aiariJV-adj. of Ireland or its
ionic ai nnik adj. of or using ions. people. -n. 1 Celtic language of Ireland.
ionically adc. 2 (prec. by the; treated as pi.) the people
ionize (also -ise) ( zing or -sing)
of Ireland. [Old English]
convert or be converted into an ion or Irish bull n. = bull 3 .

ions, ionization /-'zeiJXa)n/ n. Irish coffee n. coffee with a dash of

ionizer n. device producing ions to whiskey and a little sugar, topped with
improve the quality of the air. cream.
ionosphere ionized
/ai'Dna,sfia(r)/ n.
Irishman n. man who is Irish by birth
region of the atmosphere above the or descent.
stratosphere, reflecting radio waves. Irish stew n. stew of mutton, potato,
ionospheric /- sfenk/ adj. and onion.
iota ai'auta/ n. 1 ninth letter of the Irishwoman n. woman who is Irish by
birth or descent.
Greek alphabet (/, ). 2 (usu. with neg.) a
jot. [Greek iota]
irk v. irritate, bore, annoy, [origin
IOU signed document ac-
.aiau'ju:/ n.
knowledging a debt, [from / owe you] irksome adj. annoying, tiresome.
IOW abbr. Isle of Wight.
irksomely adv.
IPA abbr. International Phonetic iron /'aian/ -n. 1 grey metallic element
used for tools and constructions and
found in some foods, e.g. spinach. 2 this
ipecacuanha /.ipi.kaekju'ama/ n. root
as a symbol of strength or firmness
of a S. American shrub, used as an
(man of iron; iron will). 3 tool made of
emetic and purgative. [Portuguese from
iron. 4 implement with a flat base which
S. American Indian, = emetic creeper]
is heated to smooth clothes etc. 5 golf
ipso facto /.ipsau 'faektau/ adv. by that
club with an iron or steel sloping face. 6
very fact. [Latin]
(usu. in pi.) fetter. 7 (usu. in pi.) stirrup.
IQ abbr. intelligence quotient.
8 (often in pi.) iron support for a mal-
1 2
ir- prefix assim. form of in- in- before r.
formed leg. -adj. 1 made of iron. 2 very
IRA abbr. Irish Republican Army.
robust. 3 unyielding, merciless, -v.
Iranian /I'remian/ -adj. 1 of Iran (for- smooth (clothes etc.) with an iron.
merly Persia). 2 of the group of lan- iron out remove (difficulties etc.). [Old
guages including Persian, -n. 1 native English]
or national of Iran. 2 person of Iranian Iron Age n. period when iron replaced
bronze in the making of tools and
Iraqi /i'ra:ki/ -adj. of Iraq. -n. (pi. -s) 1 weapons.
a native or national of Iraq, b person of ironclad -adj. 1 clad or protected with
Iraqi descent. 2 the form of Arabic warship
iron. 2 impregnable, -n. hist,
spoken in Iraq. protected by iron plates.
irascible /i'raesib(a)l/ adj. irritable; hot- Iron Cross n. German military decora-
tempered, irascibility /-'biliti/ n. tion.
irascibly adv. [Latin irascor grow Iron Curtain n. hist, former notional
angry, from ira anger] barrier to the passage of people and
irate /ai'reit/ adj. angry, enraged. information between the Soviet bloc
irately adv. irateness n. [Latin iratus and the West.
from ira anger] ironic /ai'rnnik/ adj. (also ironical)
ire 'aia(r)/ n. literary anger. [Latin ira] using or displaying irony. ironically
iridaceous /.iri'deijas/ adj. of the iris adv.
family of plants. ironing n. clothes etc. for ironing or
iridescent /,in'des(a)nt/ adj. 1 showing just ironed.
rainbow-like luminous colours. 2 ironing-board n. narrow folding table
changing colour with position. iri- on which clothes etc. are ironed.
descence n. iron in the fire n. undertaking, oppor-
iridium I'ridiam/ n. hard white metal- tunity (usu. in pi too many irons in the

lic element of the platinum group. fire).

iron lung 469 irritable
iron lung n. rigid case fitted over a pi.) irregular troops. irregularity
patient's body for administering pro- /-'laenti/ n. (pi. -ies). irregularly adv.
longed artificial respiration. irrelevant /i'reliv(a)nt/ adj. (often foil.
ironmaster n. manufacturer of iron. by to) not relevant. irrelevance n.
ironmonger n. dealer in hardware etc. irrelevancy n. (pi. -ies).
ironmongery n. (pi. -ies). irreligious /,in'lid3as/ adj. lacking or
iron rations small emergency hostile to religion; irreverent,
supply of food. irremediable /,iri'mi:diab(a)l/ adj. that
ironstone rock containing much
n. 1 cannot be remedied, a irremediably
iron. 2 a kind of hard white pottery. adv.
ironware n. articles made of iron. irremovable /,iri'mu:vab(a)l/ adj. that
ironwork n. 1 articles made of iron. 2 cannot be removed. irremovably
work in iron. adv.
ironworks n. (as sing, or pi.) factory irreparable /i'reparab(a)l/ adj. (of an
where iron is smelted or iron goods are injury, loss, etc.) that cannot be rectified
made. or made good. irreparably adv.
irony /'airam/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 expression irreplaceable /,in'pleisab(a)l/ adj. that
of meaning, often humorous or sarcas- cannot be replaced.
tic, using language of a different or
irrepressible /,in'presib(a)l/ adj. that
opposite tendency. 2 apparent perver- cannot be repressed or restrained.
sity of an event or circumstance in irrepressibly adv.
reversing human intentions. 3 Theatr. irreproachable /,iri'praut.fab(a)l/ adj.
use of language with one meaning for a faultless, blameless. irreproach-
privileged audience and another for ably adv.
those addressed or concerned. [Greek irresistible adj.
/,iri'zistib(a)l/ too
eironeia pretended ignorance]
strong, delightful, or convincing to be
irradiate /I'reidi.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 subject resisted. irresistibly adv.
to radiation. 2 shine upon; light up. 3
irresolute /i'reza,lu:t/ adj. 1 hesitant. 2
throw light on (a subject). irradia-
lacking in resoluteness, q irresolutely
tion /i,reidi'eij(a)n/ n. [Latin irradio
adv. irresoluteness n. irresolution
shine on, from radius ray]
/-'lu:J*(a)n, -'lju:JXa)n/ n.
irrational /iTaeJan(a)l/ adj. 1 illogical;
irrespective /.iri'spektiv/ adj. (foil, by
unreasonable. endowed with
2 not
of) not taking into account; regardless
reason. 3 Math, not commensurate with
the natural numbers. irrationality
irresponsible /,in'spDnsib(a)l/ adj. 1
/-'naeliti/ n. irrationally adv.
acting or done without due sense of
irreconcilable /i'rekan,sailab(a)l/ adj.
responsibility. 2 not responsible for
1 implacably hostile. 2 (of ideas etc.)
one's conduct. irresponsibility
incompatible. irreconcilability
/-'biliti/ n. irreconcilably adv.
irresponsibly adv.
/-'biliti/ n.

irrecoverable /,in'kAvarab(a)l/ adj.

irretrievable / iri'tri:vab(a)l/ adj. that

not able to be recovered or remedied.

cannot be retrieved or restored. ir-

irrecoverably adv. retrievably adv.

irredeemable /,iri'di:mab(a)l/ adj. 1
irreverent /Trevarant/ adj. lacking
not able to be redeemed. 2 hopeless. reverence. irreverence n. irrever-
irredeemably adv. ently adv.
irredentist person
/.iri'dentist/ n.
irreversible /,in'v3:sib(a)l/ adj. not
advocating the restoration to his or her reversible or alterable. [ i irreversibly
country of any territory formerly adv.
belonging to it. irredentism n. [It- irrevocable /i'revakab(a)l/ adj. 1 un-
alian irredenta unredeemed] alterable. 2 gone beyond recall, d ir-

irreducible /,iri'dju:sib(a)l/ adj. not revocably adv.

able to be reduced or simplified. irre- irrigate /'iri.geit/ v. (-ting) 1 a water
ducibility /-'biliti/ n. irreducibly adv. (land) by means of channels etc. b (of a
irrefutable /,iri

fju:t8b(a)l/ adj. that stream etc.) supply (land) with water. 2

cannot be refuted, n irrefutably adv. supply (a wound etc.) with a constant
irregular /i'regjula(r)/-ad/. 1 not regu- flow of liquid, irrigable adj. irriga-

lar; unsymmetrical, uneven; varying in tion /-'geij(a)n/ n. irrigator n. [Latin

form. 2 not occurring at regular inter- rigo moisten]
vals. 3 contrary to a rule, principle, or irritable /'intab(a)l/ adj. 1 easily an-
custom; abnormal. 4 (of troops) not noyed. 2 (of an organ etc.) very sensitive
belonging to the regular army. 5 (of a to contact. irritability /-'biliti/ n.
verb, noun, etc.) not inflected according irritably adv. [Latin: related to ir-
to the usual rules. 6 disorderly, -n. (in ritate]
irritant 470 issue
irritant —adj. causing
'int(a)nt/ ir- isochronous /ai'sokranas/ adj. 1
ritation, -n. irritant substance. occurring at the same time. 2 occupying
irritate 'm.teit v. (-ting) 1 excite to equal time.
anger; annoy. 2 stimulate discomfort in isolate /'aisa.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 a place
the body). 3 Biol, stimulate (an
(a part ol apart or alone, b place (a contagious or
organ) to action. irritating adj. ir- infectious patient etc.) in quarantine. 2
ritation -'teij(a)n/ n. irritative adj. separate (a substance) from a mixture. 3
[Latin irrito) insulate (electrical apparatus), esp. by a
irrupt Tiwpt/ v. by into) enter
physical gap; disconnect. isolation
irruption n. /-'leij\a)n/ n. [Latin insulatus made into
forc ibly or violently.
[Latin: related to rupture] an island]
is 3rd sing, present of be.
isolationism n. policy of holding aloof
ISBN abbr. international standard book
from the affairs of other countries or
groups, isolationist n.

-ise var. of -ize.

isomer /'aisama(r)/ n. one of two or
more compounds with the same molecu-
Usage See note at -ize. lar formula but a different arrangement
of atoms. isomeric /-'menk/ adj. iso-
-ish suffix forming adjectives: 1 from
nouns, meaning: a having the qualities
merism /ai'sDma,riz(a)m/ n. [Greek iso-,
meros share]
of (boyish), b of the nationality of
isometric /.aisau'metrik/ adj. of equal
(Danish). 2 from adjectives, meaning
measure. 2 (of muscle action) develop-
'somewhat' (thickish). 3 colloq. denot-
ing tension while the muscle is pre-
ing an approximate age or time of day
vented from contracting. 3 (of a drawing
(fortyish; six-thirty ish). [Old English]
etc.) with the plane of projection at
isinglass /'aizin,gla:s/ n. 1 gelatin equal angles to the three principal axes
obtained from fish, esp. sturgeon, and of the object shown. [Greek isometria
used in making jellies, glue, etc. 2 mica. equality of measure]
[Dutch huisenblas sturgeon's bladder] isomorphic /,aisau'mo:fik/ adj. (also
Islam /'izla:m/ n. 1 the religion of the isomorphous /-fas/) exactly corres-
Muslims, proclaimed by Muhammad. 2 ponding in form and relations, [from
the Muslim world, z Islamic /iz'laemik/ iso-, Greek morphe form]
adj. [Arabic, = submission (to God)] isosceles /ai'sDsi,li:z/ adj. (of a triangle)
island /'ailand/ n. 1 piece of land sur- having two sides equal, [from iso-,
rounded by water. 2 = traffic island. Greek skelos leg]
3 detached or isolated thing. [Old Eng- isotherm /'aisau,03:m/ n. line on a map
lish Igland; first syllable influenced by connecting places with the same tem-
isle] perature. isothermal /-'03:m(a)l/ adj.
islander n. native or inhabitant of an [from iso-, Greek therme heat]
island. isotope /'aisa.taup/ n. one of two or more
isle /ail/ n. poet, (and in place-names) forms of an element differing from each
island, esp. a small one. [French He from other in relative atomic mass, and in
Latin insula] nuclear but not chemical properties.
islet /'ailit/ n. 1 small island. 2 Anat. isotopic /-'tDpik/ adj. [from iso-, Greek
structurally distinct portion of tissue. topos place]
[French diminutive of isle] isotropic /.aisau'tropik/ adj. having the

ism /'iz(a)m/ n. colloq. usu. derog. any same physical properties in all direc-

distinctive doctrine or practice, [from

tions. isotropy /ai'sntrapi/ n. [from
iso-, Greek tropos turn]
Israeli /iz'reili/ -adj. of the modern
-ism suffix forming nouns, esp. denot-
State of Israel, -n. (pi. -s) 1 native or
ing: 1 action or its result (baptism;
national of Israel. 2 person of Israeli
organism). 2 system or principle (Con-
descent. [Hebrew]
servatism; jingoism). 3 state or quality
Israelite /'izria.lait/ n. hist, native of
(heroism; barbarism). 4 basis of pre-
ancient Israel; Jew. [Hebrew]
judice or discrimination (racism; sex-
issue /'iju:/ -n. 1 a act of giving out or
ism). 5 peculiarity in language (Amer-
circulating shares, notes, stamps, etc. b
icanism). [Greek -ismos] quantity of coins, copies of a newspaper,
isn't /'iz(a)nt/ contr. is not. etc., circulated at one time, c each of a
iso- comb, form equal. [Greek isos equal] regular series of a magazine etc. (the
isobar /'aisau,ba:(r)/ n. line on a map May issue). 2 a outgoing, outflow, b way
connecting places with the same atmos- out, outlet, esp. the place of the emer-
pheric pressure. isobaric /-'baerik/ gence of a stream etc. 3 point in ques-
adj. [Greek baros weight] tion; important subject of debate or
-ist 471 -ive
litigation. 4 result;outcome. 5 Law chil- italicize /I'taeli.saiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing
dren, progeny {without male issue). -v. or -sing) print in italics.
(issues, issued, issuing) 1 literary go or itch -n. 1 irritation in the skin. 2 im-
come out. 2 a send forth; publish; put patient desire. 3 (prec. by the) (in
into circulation, b supply, esp. officially general use) scabies, -v. 1 feel an irrita-
or authoritatively (foil, by to, with: tion in the skin. 2 feel a desire to do
issued passports to them; issued them something (itching to tell you). [Old
with passports). 3 a (often foil, by from) English]
be derived or result, b (foil, by in) end, itching palm n. avarice.
result. 4 (foil, by from) emerge from a itchy adj. (-ier, -iest) having or causing
condition, at issue under discussion; an itch. have itchy feet colloq. 1 be
in dispute, join (or take) issue (foil, by restless. 2 have a strong urge to travel.
with a person etc., about, on, over a itchiness n.
subject) disagree or argue. [Latin exi- it'd /'itad/ contr. colloq. 1 it had. 2 it
tus: related to exit] would.
-ist suffix forming personal nouns denot- -ite suffix forming nouns meaning 'a
ing: 1 adherent of a system etc. in -ism: person or thing connected with' (Israel-
(Marxist; fatalist). 2 person pursuing, ite; Trotsky ite; graphite; dynamite).
using, or concerned with something as [Greek -ites]
an interest or profession (balloonist; item /'aitam/ n. 1 any of a number of
tobacconist). 3 person who does some- enumerated things. 2 separate or dis-
thing expressed by a verb in -ize (pla- tinct piece of news etc. [Latin, = in like
giarist). 4 person who subscribes to a
prejudice or practises discrimination itemize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
(racist; sexist). [Greek -istes]
state item by item. itemization
isthmus /'ismas/ n. (pi -es) narrow /-'zeij\a)n/ n.
piece of land connecting two larger
iterate /' v. (-ting) repeat; state
bodies of land. [Greek isthmos]
repeatedly, z iteration /-'reiJXa)n/ n.
IT abbr. information technology. iterative /-rativ/ adj. [Latin iterum
it pron. (poss. its; pi. they) 1 thing (or
occasionally an animal or child) pre-
-itic suffix forming adjectives and nouns
viously named or in question (took a
corresponding to nouns in -ite, -itis, etc.
stone and threw it). 2 person in question
(Semitic; arthritic). [Latin -iticus, Greek
(Who is it? It is I). 3 as the subject of an
impersonal verb (it is raining; it is
itinerant /ai'tmarant/ —adj. travelling
winter; it is two miles to Bath). 4 as a
from place to place, —n. itinerant per-
substitute for a deferred subject or ob-
son. [Latin iter itiner- journey]
ject (it is silly to talk like that; I take it
that you agree). 5 as a substitute for a
itinerary /ai'tmaran/ n. (pi -ies) 1
detailed route. 2 record of travel. 3
vague object (brazen it out). 6 as the
antecedent to a relative word or clause guidebook.
(it was an owl that I heard). 7 exactly
-itis suffix forming nouns, esp.: 1 names
what is needed. 8 extreme limit of of inflammatory diseases (appendi-
citis). 2 colloq. with ref. to conditions
achievement. 9 colloq. a sexual inter-
course, b sex appeal. 10 (in children's compared to diseases (electionitis).

games) player who has to perform a [Greek]

required feat. it'll /'it(a)l/ contr. colloq. it will; it shall.
that's it colloq. that is:
1 what isrequired. 2 the difficulty. its poss. pron. of of itself.

3 the end, enough. [Old English] it's contr. 1 it is. 2 it has.

Italian /I'taeljan/ -n. 1 a native or na- itself /it'self/ pron. emphatic and refl.
tional of Italy, b person of Italian des- form of it. be itself see oneself, by
cent. 2 Romance language of Italy, -adj. itself see by oneself, in itself viewed in
of or relating to Italy. its essential qualities (not in itself a bad

Italianate /i'taelja,neit/ adj. of Italian thing). [Old English: related to it, self]
style or appearance. ITV abbr. Independent Television.
Italian vermouth n. sweet kind of -ity suffix forming nouns denoting: 1
vermouth. quality or condition (humility; purity).
italic /I'taelik/ -adj. 1 a of the sloping 2 instance of this (monstrosity). [Latin
kind of letters now used esp. for em- -Has]
phasis and in foreign words, b (of hand- IUD abbr. intrauterine (contraceptive)
writing) compact and pointed like early device.
Italian handwriting. 2 (Italic) of ancient I've /aiv/ contr. I have,
Italy, -n. 1 letter in italic type. 2 this -ive forming adjectives meaning
type. [Latin italicus: related to Italian] 'tending to', and corresponding nouns
IVF 472 -ize

(suggestive; corrosive; palliative). way (monopolize; pasteurize). 3 a fol-

[Latin ivus] low a special practice (economize).
IVF abbr. in vitro fertilization. b have a specified feeling (sympathize).
ivory /'aivan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 hard sub- -ization /-'zeij(a)n/ suffix forming
stance of the tusks of an elephant etc. 2 nouns. [Greek -izo]
creamy-white colour of this. 3 (usu. in Usage The form -ize has been in use
pi.) a article made of ivory, b slang in English since the 16th c; it is widely
thing made of or resembling ivory, esp. used in American English, but is not an
a piano key or a tooth. [Latin ebur] Americanism. The alternative spelling
ivory tower n. seclusion or with- ise (reflecting a French influence) is in
drawal from the harsh realities of life common use, esp. in British English,
(often attrib.: ivory tower professors). and is obligatory in certain cases: (a)
ivy aivi/rc. (pi. -ies) climbing evergreen where it forms part of a larger word-
shrub with shiny five-angled leaves. element, such as -mise (= sending) in
[Old English] compromise, and -prise (= taking) in
surprise; and (b) in verbs correspond-
-ize suffix (also -ise) forming verbs,
ing to nouns with -s- in the stem, such as
meaning: 1 make or become such
advertise and televise.
(Americanize; realize). 2 treat in such a
J 1
/d3ei/ n. (also j) (pi. Js or J's) tenth Jack Frost n. frost personified.
letter of the alphabet. jack-in-the-box n. toy figure that
J 2 abbr. (also J.) joule(s). springs out of a box.
jab -v. a poke roughly, b stab. 2
(-bb-) 1 jackknife-rc. 1 large clasp-knife. 2 dive
(foil, by into) thrust (a thing) hard or in which the body is bent and then
abruptly, -n. 1 abrupt blow, thrust, or straightened, -v. (-fing) (of an articu-
stab. 2 co I log. hypodermic injection. lated vehicle) fold against itself in an
[var. of job = prod] accident.
jabber -v. 1 chatter volubly. 2 utter jack of all trades n. multi -skilled
(words) in this way. — n. chatter; gabble. person.
[imitative] jack-o'-lantern n. 1 will o'-the wisp. 2
jabot /'3aebao7 n. ornamental frill etc. on pumpkin lantern,
the front of a shirt or blouse. [French] jack plane n. medium-sized joinery
jacaranda /,d3aek9'raenda/ n. tropical plane.
American with trumpet-shaped
tree jack plug n. plug for use with a jack (see
blue flowers or hard scented wood. jack n. 4).
[Tupi] jackpot n. large prize, esp. accumulated
jacinth /'d3aesm0/ n. reddish-orange in a game, lottery,
etc. hit the jackpot
zircon used as a gem. [Latin: related to colloq. win a large prize. 2 have re-

hyacinth] markable luck or success.

jack -n. 1 device for raising heavy jackrabbit n. US large prairie hare.
objects, esp. vehicles. 2 court-card with Jack Russell /d3aek 'rAs(a)l/ n. short-
a picture of a soldier, page, etc. 3 ship's legged breed of terrier.
flag, esp. showing nationality. 4 device jackstone n. 1 metal etc. piece used in
using a single-pronged plug to connect tossing-games. 2 (in pi.) game with a ball
an electrical circuit. 5 small white tar- and jackstones.
get ball in bowls. 6 a = jackstone. b (in Jack tar n. sailor.
pi.) game of jackstones. 7 (Jack) famil- Jacobean /,d3aek8'bi:9n/ -adj. 1 of the
iar form of John, esp. typifying the reign of James I. 2 (of furniture) heavy
common man, male animal, etc. (I'm all and dark in style, -n. Jacobean person.
right, Jack). -v. (usu. foil, by up) 1 raise [Latin Jacobus James]
with or as with a jack (in sense 1). 2 Jacobite /'d3aek9,bait/ n. hist, sup-
colloq. raise (e.g. prices). every man porter of James II after his flight, or of
jack every person, jack in slang aban- the Stuarts.
don (an attempt etc.). [familiar form of Jacquard /'d3aeka:d/ n. 1 apparatus
the name John] with perforated cards, for weaving
jackal /'d3aek(a)l/ n. 1 African or Asian figured fabrics. 2 (in full Jacquard
wild animal of the dog family, scaveng- loom) loom with this. 3 fabric or article
ing in packs for food. 2 colloq. menial. so made, [name of its inventor]
[Persian] Jacuzzi /d3a'ku:zi/ n. (pi. -s)propr. large
jackanapes /'d3aek8,neips/ n. archaic bath with massaging underwater jets of
rascal, [earlier Jack Napes, supposed to water, [name ofits inventor and manu-

refer to the Duke of Suffolk] facturers]
jackass n. 1 male ass. 2 stupid person. jade n. 1 hard usu. green stone used for

jackboot military boot reaching

n. 1 ornaments etc. 2 green colour of jade.
above the knee. 2 this as a militaristic or [Spanish ijada from Latin ilia flanks
fascist symbol. (named as a cure for colic)]
jackdaw n. grey-headed bird of the jade 2 n. 1 inferior or worn-out horse. 2
crow family. derog. disreputable woman, [origin
jacket /'d3aekit/ n. 1 a short coat with unknown]
sleeves, b protective or supporting gar- jaded adj. tired out; surfeited.
ment (life-jacket). 2 casing or covering fadoube /3a:'du:b/ int. Chess declara-
round a boiler etc. 3 = dust-jacket. tion of the intention to adjust a piece
4 skin of a potato. 5 animal's coat. without moving it. [French, = I adjust]
[French] jag -n. sharp projection of rock etc. -v.

jacket potato n. potato baked in its (-gg-) 1 cut or tear unevenly. 2 make
skin. indentations in. [imitative]
jag 474 jaundice
jag 2
n. slang 1 drinking bout. 2 period of jam-packed adj. colloq. full to capacity.
indulgence in an activity, emotion, etc. Jan. abbr. January.
[originally dial.. load] jangle /'d3aeng(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 (cause
jagged d3aegid/ adj. 1 unevenly cut or to) make a (esp. harsh) metallic sound. 2
torn. 2 deeply indented. jaggedly irritate (the nerves etc.) by discord etc.
ttdv. jaggedness n. -n. harsh metallic sound. [French]
jaguar /'d3aegjua(r)/ n. large American janitor /"d3aenit9(r)/ n. 1 doorkeeper. 2
flesh-eating spotted animal of the cat caretaker. [Latin janua door]
family. [Tupi] January /'d3aenjuan/ n. (pi. -ies) first
jail (also gaol) -n. 1 place for the deten- monthof the year. [Latin Janus, guard-
tion of prisoners. 2 confinement in a jail. ian god of doors]
-v. put in jail. [French jaiole, ultimately Jap n. & adj. colloq. often offens. =
from Latin cavea cage] Japanese, [abbreviation]
jailbird n. (also gaolbird) prisoner or japan /d3a'paen/ -n. hard usu. black
habitual criminal, varnish, orig. from Japan, -v. (-nn-) 1
jailbreak n. (also gaolbreak) escape varnish with japan. 2 make black and
from jail. glossy. [Japan in E. Asia]
jailer n. (also gaoler) person in charge Japanese /,d3aepa'ni:z/ -n. (pi. same) 1
of a jail or prisoners. a native or national of Japan, b person
Jain /d3am/ -n. adherent of an Indian of Japanese descent. 2 language of
religion resembling Buddhism, —adj. of Japan, -adj. of Japan, its people, or its
this religion. Jainism n. Jainist n. & language.
adj. [Hindi]
jape -rc. practical joke. -v. (-ping) play a
jalap purgative drug from
/'d3aelap/ n.
joke, [origin unknown]
the tuberous roots of a Mexican climb-
japonica /d3a'pnnika/ n. flowering
ing plant. [Spanish Xalapa, name of a
shrub with bright red flowers and round
Mexican city, from Aztec] edible fruits. [Latinized name for
jalopy /d3a'lopi/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. di-
lapidated old vehicle, [origin unknown] jar 1
n. 1 a container, usu. of glass and
jalousie /^aelu.zi:/ n. slatted blind or
cylindrical, b contents of this. 2 colloq.
shutter to keep out rain etc. and control
glass of beer. [French from Arabic]
light.[French: related to jealousy]
jar2 -v. (-rr-) 1 (often foil, by on) (of
jam -v. (-mm-) 1 a (usu. foil, by into,

sound, manner, etc.) sound discordant,

together, etc.) squeeze, cram, or wedge
grate (on the nerves etc.). 2 a (often foil,
into a space, b become wedged. 2 cause
by against, on) (cause to) strike (esp.
(machinery etc.) to become wedged or
part of the body) with vibration or shock
(of machinery etc.) become wedged and
(jarred his neck), b vibrate with shock
unworkable. 3 a block (a passage, road,
etc. 3 (often foil, by with) be at variance
etc.)by crowding etc. b (foil, by in)
obstruct the exit of (was jammed in). 4 or in conflict, -n. 1 jarring sound or
(usu. foil, by on) apply (brakes etc.) sensation. 2 physical shock or jolt,
forcefully or abruptly. 5 make (a radio [imitative]
transmission) unintelligible by inter- jar3 n. on the jar ajar, [obsolete char
ference. 6 colloq. (in jazz etc.) im- turn: see ajar, char 2 ]

provise with other musicians. — n. 1 jardiniere orna-

/,3a:di'njea(r)/ n. 1

squeeze, crush. 2 crowded mass (traffic mental pot or stand for plants. 2 dish
jam). 3 colloq. predicament. 4 stoppage of mixed vegetables. [French]
(of a machine etc.) due to jamming. 5 (in jargon /'d3a:gan/ n. 1 words or expres-
full jam session) colloq. (in jazz etc.) im- sions used by a particular group or
provised ensemble playing, [imitative] profession (medical jargon). 2 debased
jam 2 n. 1 conserve of boiled fruit and or pretentious language. [French]
sugar. 2 colloq. easy or pleasant thing jasmine /'d3aezmin/ n. ornamental
(money for jam). jam tomorrow shrub with white or yellow flowers.
promise of future treats etc. that never [French from Arabic from Persian]
materialize, [perhaps from jam ] 1
jasper /'d3aespa(r)/ n. opaque quartz,
jamb d3aem/ n. side post or side face of a usu. red, yellow, or brown. [French
doorway, window, or fireplace. [French from Latin from Greek iaspis]
jambe leg, from Latin] jaundice /'d3o:ndis/ -n. 1 yellowing of
jamboree /.dsaemba'ri:/ n. 1 cele- the skin etc. caused by liver disease, bile
bration. 2 large rally of Scouts, [origin disorder, etc. 2 disordered (esp. mental)
unknown] vision. 3 envy. -v. (-cing) 1 affect with
jamjar n. glass jar for jam. jaundice. 2 (esp. as jaundiced adj.)
jammy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 covered with affect (a person) with envy, resentment,
jam. 2 colloq. a lucky, b profitable. etc. [French jaune yellow]
jaunt 475 jerbil
jaunt /d3o:nt/ -n. short pleasure trip. Jeep n. propr.
small sturdy esp. military
-v. take a jaunt, [origin unknown] vehicle with four-wheel drive, [ori-
jaunting car n. light horse-drawn ginally US, from the initials of general
vehicle formerly used in Ireland. purposes]
jaunty /'d3o:nti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 cheer- jeepers /'d3i:paz/ int. US slang express-
ful and self-confident. 2 sprightly. ing surprise etc. [corruption of Jesus]
jauntily adv. jauntiness n. [French: jeer -v. (often foil, by at) scoff deris-
related to gentle] ively; deride, -n. taunt. jeeringly
Javanese /,d3a:v8'ni:z/ -n. (pi. same) 1 adv. [origin unknown]
a native of Java, b person of Javanese jehad var. of jihad.
descent. 2 language of Java. -adj. (also Jehovah /d3a'hauv8/ n. Hebrew name
Javan) of Java, its people, or its lan- of God in the Old Testament. [Hebrew
guage. [Java in Indonesia] yahveh]
javelin /'dsaevalm/ n. spear
light Jehovah's Witness n. member of a

thrown in sport or, formerly, as a millenarian Christian sect rejecting the

weapon. [French] supremacy of the State and religious
jaw -n. 1 a upper or lower bony struc- institutions over personal conscience,
ture in vertebrates containing the teeth, ^
faith, etc.
b corresponding parts of certain inver- jejune /d3i'd3u:n/ adj. 1 intellectually
tebrates. 2 a (in pi.) the mouth with its unsatisfying; shallow, meagre, scanty,
bones and teeth, b narrow mouth of a dry. 2 puerile. 3 (of land) barren. [Latin
valley, channel, etc. c gripping parts of a jejunus]
tool etc. d grip (jaws of death). 3 colloq. jejunum /d3i'd3u:nam/ n. small intest-
tedious talk (hold your jaw). -v. colloq. ine between the duodenum and ileum.
[Latin: related to jejune]
speak, esp. at tedious length. [French]
jawbone n. lower jaw in most Jekyll and Hyde /,d3ekil and 'haid/ n.
mammals. person having opposing good and evil
personalities, [names of a character in a
jaw-breaker n. colloq. long or hard
story by R. L. Stevenson]
jell v. colloq. 1 set as jelly. 2 (of ideas etc.)
jay noisy European bird of the crow
take a definite form; cohere, [back-
family with vivid plumage. [Latin
formation from jelly]
gaius, gaia, perhaps from the name
jellaba var. of djellaba.
Gaius: cf. jackdaw, robin]
jellify /'d3eli,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) turn into
jaywalk v. cross a road carelessly or jelly; make or become like jelly. jel-
dangerously. jaywalker n. lification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n.
jazz — n. 1 rhythmic syncopated esp.
jelly /'d3eli/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 a (usu. fruit-
improvised music of Black US origin. 2
flavoured) translucent dessert set with
slang pretentious talk or behaviour (all
gelatin, b similar preparation as a jam,
that jazz), -v. play or dance to jazz.
condiment, or sweet (redcur rant jelly).
jazz up brighten or enliven. jazzer n. 1 1

c similar preparation from meat, bones,

[origin uncertain]
etc.,and gelatin (marrowbone jelly). 2
jazzman n. jazz-player.
any similar substance. 3 slang gelignite.
jazzy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like jazz. 2 -v. (-ies, -ied) (cause to) set as or in a
vivid, showy. jelly,congeal (jellied eels). jelly-like
JCB propr. mechanical excavator
adj. [French gelee from Latin gelo
with a shovel and a digging arm. [J. C. freeze]
Bamford, name of the makers] jelly baby n. jelly-like baby-shaped
JCR abbr. Junior Common (or Com- sweet.
bination) Room. jellyfish n. (pi. same or -es) marine
jealous /'d3elas/ adj. 1 resentful of animal with a jelly-like body and sting-
rivalry in love. 2 (often foil, by of) ing tentacles.
envious (of a person etc.). 3 (often foil, jemmy /'d3emi/ n. (pi. -ies) burglar's
by of) fiercely protective (of rights etc.). short crowbar, [from the name James]
4 (of God) intolerant of disloyalty. 5 (of jenny /'d3eni/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 hist. =
inquiry, supervision, etc.) vigilant, spinning-jenny. 2 female donkey, [from
jealously adv. [medieval Latin zelosus: the name Janet]
related to zeal] jenny- wren n. female wren.
jealousy n. (pi. -ies) 1 jealous state or jeopardize /'d3epa,daiz/ v. (also -ise)
feeling. 2 instance of this. [French: (-zing or -sing) endanger.
related to jealous] jeopardy /'d3epadi/ n. danger, esp.
jeans /d3i:nz/ casual esp. denim severe, [obsolete French iu parti
trousers, [earlier geane fustian, = divided play]
material from Genoa] jerbil var. of gerbil.
jerboa 476 Jewry
jerboa d33:'b9ua/ n. small jumping Jesus /'d3i:zas/ int. colloq. exclamation
desert rodent. [Arabic] of surprise, dismay, etc. [name of the
jeremiad ,d3eri'maiaed/ n. doleful com- founder of the Christian religion]
plaint or lamentation. [Church Latin: jet -n. 1 stream of water, gas, flame,
related to Jeremiah] etc., shot esp. from a small opening. 2
Jeremiah /,d3eri'mai8/ n. dismal spout or nozzle for this purpose. 3 jet en-
prophet, denouncer of the times. gine or jet plane, -v. (-tt-) 1 spurt out in
[Lamentations of Jeremiah, in the Old jets. 2 colloq. send or travel by jet plane.
Testament] [French jeter throw from Latin jacto]
jerk -n. 1
1 sharp sudden pull, twist, jet 2 n. (often attrib.) hard black lignite
twitch, start, etc. 2 spasmodic muscular often carved and highly polished.
twitch. 3 (in pi.) colloq. exercises (phys- [French jaiet from Gagai in Asia Minor]
ical jerks). 4 slang fool. - v. move, pull, jet black adj. & n. (as adj. often hyphen-
thrust, twist, throw, etc., with a jerk, ated) deep glossy black.
jerk off coarse slang masturbate, jet engine n. engine using jet propul-
[imitative] sion, esp. of an aircraft.
jerk 2 v. cure (beef) by cutting it in long jet lag n. exhaustion etc. felt after a long
slices and drying it in the sun. [Quechua flight across time zones.
echarqui dried fish in strips] jet plane n. plane with a jet engine.
jerkin /'d33:km/ n. 1 sleeveless jacket. 2 jet-propelled adj. 1 having jet propul-
hist, man's close-fitting, esp. leather,
sion. 2 very fast.
jacket, [origin unknown] jet propulsion n. propulsion by the
jerky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 moving sud- backward ejection of a high-speed jet of
denly or abruptly. 2 spasmodic. jerk- gas etc.
ily adv. jerkiness n. jetsam /'d3etsam/ n. objects washed
jeroboam /.dsera'bauam/ n. wine bottle ashore, esp. jettisoned from a ship, [con-
traction of jettison]
of 4-12 times the ordinary size. [Jero-
boam in the Old Testament] jet set n. wealthy people who travel
widely, esp. for pleasure. :: jet-setter n.
Jerry /'d3en/ n. (pi -ies) slang 1 Ger-
jet-setting rc. & attrib. adj.
man (esp. soldier). 2 Germans collect-
ively, [probably an alteration of
jettison /'d3etis(a)n/-i;. 1 a throw (esp.
German] heavy material) overboard to lighten a
ship etc. b drop (goods) from an aircraft.
jerry /'d3en/ n. (pi. -ies) slang chamber-
2 abandon; get rid of. -n. jettisoning.
pot, [probably an abbreviation of 1
[Anglo-French getteson: related to jet

jetty /'d3eti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 pier or break-

jerry-builder incompetent builder
water to protect or defend a harbour,
using cheap materials, z jerry-
coast, etc. 2 landing-pier. [French jetee:
building n. jerry-built adj. [origin 1
related to jet ]
jerry can n. (also jerrican) a kind of
Jew /d3u:/ n. 1 person of Hebrew descent
or whose religion is Judaism. 2 slang
(orig. German) petrol- or water-can.
offens. miserly person. [Greek ioudaios]
[from Jerry]
jersey /'d33:zi/ n. (pi. -s) 1 a knitted usu. Usage The stereotype conveyed in
woollen pullover, b plain-knitted (orig. sense 2 is deeply offensive. It arose from
woollen) fabric. 2 (Jersey) light brown historicalassociations of Jews as
dairycow from Jersey. [Jersey in the moneylenders in medieval England.
Channel Islands] jewel /'d3u:al/ -n. 1 a precious stone, b
Jerusalem artichoke /d3a'ru:salam/ used in watchmaking. 2 jewelled
n. 1a kind of sunflower with edible personal ornament. 3 precious person
tubers. 2 this as a vegetable, [corruption or thing, -v. (-11-; US -1-) (esp. as jew-
of Italian girasole sunflower] elled adj.) adorn or set with jewels.
jest -n. 1 joke; fun. 2 a raillery, banter, [French]
b object of derision, -v. joke; fool about, jeweller n. (US jeweler) maker of or
in jest in fun. [Latin gesta exploits] dealer in jewels or jewellery,
jester n. hist, professional clown at a jewellery /'d3u:aln/ n. (also jewelry)
medieval court etc. rings, brooches, necklaces, etc.,
Jesuit 'd3ezjuit/ n. member of the regarded collectively.
Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic Jewess /'d3u:es/ n. often offens. woman
order. [Latin Jesus, founder of the or girl of Hebrew descent or whose
Christian religion] religion is Judaism.
Jesuitical /,d3ezjo'itik(8)l/ adj. 1 of the Jewish adj. 1 of Jews. 2 of Judaism.
Jesuits. 2 often offens. equivocating, Jewishness n.
casuistic. Jewry /'d3uan/ n. Jews collectively.
jew's harp 477 job lot
jew's harp n. small musical instru- jingo /'d3ing8o7 n. {pi -es) supporter of
ment held between the teeth. war; blustering patriot. by jingo!
Jezebel /'d3ez8,bel/ n. shameless or im- mild oath. jingoism n. jingoist n.
moral woman. [Jezebel in the Old Testa- jingoistic /-'istik/ adj. [conjuror's
ment] word]
jib 1 n. 1 triangular staysail. 2 projecting jink -v. 1 move elusively; dodge. 2 elude
arm of a crane, [origin unknown] by dodging, -n. dodging or eluding,
jib 2 (-bb-) 1 (esp. of a horse) stop and
v. [originally Scots: imitative]
refuse to go on. 2 (foil, by at) show jinnee /d3i'ni:/ n. (also jinn, djinn
aversion to. jibber n. [origin /d3in/) (pi. jinn or djinn) (in Muslim
unknown] mythology) spirit in human or animal
jibe var. of gibe. form having power over people. [Ar-
jibe 2 US var. of gybe. abic]
jiff n. (also jiffy, pi. -ies) colloq. short jinx colloq. -n. person or thing that
time; moment {in a jiffy), [origin seems to cause bad luck. -v. (esp. as
unknown] jinxed adj.) subject to bad luck, [per-
Jiffy bag /'d3ifi/ n. propr. padded en- haps var. of jynx wryneck, charm]
velope. jitter colloq. -n. (the jitters) extreme
}ig-n. 1 a lively leaping dance, b music
nervousness, -v. be nervous; act ner-
for this. 2 device that holds a piece of vously. jittery adj. jitteriness n.
work and guides the tools operating on [origin unknown]
it. -v. (-gg-) 1 dance a jig. 2 (often foil, by
jitterbug -n. 1 nervous person. 2 hist.
about) move quickly and jerkily up and
fast popular dance, -v. (-gg-) hist, dance
down; fidget. 3 work on or equip with a the jitterbug.
jig or jigs, [origin unknown]
jiu-jitsu var. of ju-jitsu.
jigger /'d3ig8(r)/ n. 1 Billiards colloq.
jive -n. 1 lively dance popular esp. in
cue-rest. 2 a measure of spirits etc. b
the 1950s. 2 music for this. -v. (-ving)
small glass holding this, [partly from
dance to or play jive music. jiver n.
[origin uncertain]
jiggered /'d3igad/ adj. colloq. (as a mild
Jnr. abbr. Junior.
oath) confounded {I'll be jiggered).
job -n. 1 piece of work to be done; task. 2
position in, or piece of, paid employ-
jiggery-pokery /.dsigari'paukan/ n.
ment. 3 colloq. difficult task {had a job to
colloq. trickery; swindling, [origin un-
certain] find it). 4 slang crime, esp. a robbery. 5
state of affairs etc. {bad job), -v. (-bb-) 1
jiggle /'d3ig(a)l/ -v. (-ling) (often foil, by
about etc.) shake or jerk lightly; fidget.
do jobs; do piece-work. 2 deal in stocks;
-7i. light shake, [from jig] buy and sell (stocks or goods). 3 deal
jigsaw n. 1 a (in full jigsaw puzzle)
corruptly with (a matter). just the job
colloq. exactly what is wanted, make a
picture on board or wood etc. cut into
irregular interlocking pieces to be reas- job (or good job) of do well, on the job
sembled as a pastime, b problem con- colloq. 1 at work. 2 engaged in sexual

sisting of various pieces of information. intercourse, out of a job unemployed,

2 mechanical fretsaw with a fine blade. [origin unknown]
jihad /d3i'haed/ n. (also jehad) Muslim jobber n. 1 person who jobs. 2 hist.

holy war against unbelievers. [Arabic principal or wholesaler on the Stock

Jihad] Exchange.
jilt v. abruptly reject or abandon (esp. a Usage Up to Oct. 1986 jobbers were
lover), [origin unknown] permitted to deal only with brokers, not
Jim Crow /'krau/ n. US colloq. 1
directly with the public. From Oct. 1986
segregation of Blacks. 2 offens. a Black, the name ceased to be in official use (see
[nickname] broker 2).
jim-jams /'d3imd3aemz/ 1 slang =
delirium tremens. 2 colloq. nervous- jobbery n. corrupt dealing.
ness; depression, [fanciful reduplica- jobbing attrib. adj. freelance; piece-
tion] working (jobbing gardener).
jingle /'d3ing(a)l/ -n. 1 mixed ringing or jobcentre n. local government office
clinking noise. 2 a repetition of sounds advertising available jobs.
in a phrase etc. b short catchy verse or job-hunt v. colloq. seek employment.
song in advertising etc. -u. (-ling) 1 jobless adj. unemployed. jobless-
(cause to) make a jingling sound. 2 (of ness n.
writing) be full of alliteration, rhymes, job lot n. mixed lot bought at auction
etc. [imitative] etc.
Job's comforter •178 joke
Job's comforter dsaubz/ n. person joie de vivre /,3wa: da exuber-
'vi:vra/ n.
who intends to comfort but increases ance; high spirits. [French, = joy of
distress. [Job in the Old Testament] living]
jobs for the boys colloq. appoint- join —v. 1 (often foil, by to, together) put

ments for members of one's own group together; fasten, unite (with one or
etc. several things or people). 2 connect
job-sharing n. sharing of a full-time (points) by a line etc. 3 become a mem-
job by two or more people, job-share ber of (a club, organization, etc.). 4 a
n. & v. take one's place with (a person, group,
jobsheet n. sheet for recording details etc.). b (foil, by in, for, etc.) take part

of jobs done. with (others) in an activity etc. (joined

Jock n. slang Scotsman. [Scots form of them in prayer). 5 (often foil, by with, to)
the name Jack] come together; be united. 6 (of a river
jockey d3Dki/-rc. (pi. -s) rider in horse- etc.) be or become connected or con-

races, esp. professional, -v. (-eys, tinuous with. -n. point, line, or surface
-eyed) 1 trick, cheat, or outwit. 2 (foil, by at which things are joined, n join battle
away, manoeuvre (a per-
out, into, etc.) begin fighting, join forces combine ef-
son), jockey for position manoeuvre forts, join hands 1 clasp hands. 2 com-

for advantage, [diminutive of Jock] bine in an action etc. join in (also

jockstrap n. support or protection for
absol.) take part in (an activity), join up
the male genitals, worn esp. in sport, 1 enlist for military service. 2 (often foil,

[slang jock genitals] by with) unite, connect. [Latin jungo

jocose /d3a'kaus/ adj. playful; jocular.
jocosely adv. jocosity /-'kositi/ n. (pi. joiner n. 1 maker of finished wood
-ies). [Latin jocus jest]
fittings. 2 colloq. person who joins an
organization or who readilyjoins societ-
jocular /'d3Dkjola(r)/ adj. 1 fond of jok-
ing. 2 humorous. jocularity /-'laeriti/
ies etc. joinery n. (in sense 1).
joint -n. 1 place at which two or more
n. (pi. -ies). jocularly adv.
things or parts of a structure are joined;
jocund /'d3Dk3nd/ adj. literary merry,
device for joining these. 2 point at which
cheerful, jocundity /dsa'kAnditi/ n.
two bones fit together. 3 division of an
(pi. -ies). jocundly adv. [French from
animal carcass as meat. 4 slang restaur-
Latin jucundus pleasant]
ant, bar, etc. 5 slang marijuana cigar-
jodhpurs /'d3odp9z/ riding ette. 6 Geol.crack in rock. -adj. 1 held,
breeches tight below the knee. [Jodhpur
done by, or belonging to, two or more
in India]
persons (joint mortgage; joint
Joe Bloggs n. colloq. hypothetical aver- action-). 2 sharing with another (joint
age man.
author, joint favourite), -v. 1 connect
jog -y. (-gg-) 1 run slowly, esp. as ex-
joint(s). 2 divide at a joint or into
ercise. 2 push or jerk, esp. unsteadily. 3 joints. out of joint 1 (of a bone)
nudge, esp. to alert. 4
stimulate (the jointly adv.
dislocated. 2 out of order.
memory). 5 (often foil, by on, along) [French: related to join]
trudge; proceed ploddingly (must jog on joint stock n. capital held jointly; com-
somehow). 6 (of a horse) trot. -n. 1 spell mon fund.
of jogging; slow walk or trot. 2 push, joint-stock company n. company
jerk, or nudge, [probably imitative] formed on the basis of a joint stock.
jogger n. person who jogs, esp. for jointure /'d3omtj8(r)/ -n. estate settled
exercise. on a wife by her husband for use after
joggle /'d3ng(a)l/ -v. (-ling) move in his death, —v. provide with a jointure.
jerks, -n. slight shake, [Latin: related to join]
jogtrot slow regular trot,
n. joist n. supporting beam in a floor,
john /d3nn/ n. US slang lavatory, [from ceiling, etc. [French giste from Latin
the name John] jaceo lie]
John Bull /d3on/ n. England or the jojoba /hau'hauba/ n. plant with seeds
typical Englishman, [name of a charac- yielding an oily extract used in cos-
ter in an 18th-c. satire] metics etc. [Mexican Spanish]
John Dory /d3Dn 'do.n/ n. (pi same or joke -n. 1 thing said or done to cause
-ies) edible marine fish, [see dory] laughter; witticism. 2 ridiculous person
johnny /'d3oni/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 slang or thing, -v. (-king) make jokes; tease
condom. 2 colloq. fellow; man. [dimin- (only joking). no joke colloq. serious
utive of John] matter. jokingly adv. joky adj. (also
johnny-come-lately n. colloq. new- jokey), jokily adv. jokiness n. [prob-
comer; upstart. ably Latin jocus jest]
joker 479 judge
joker n. 1 person who jokes. 2 slang journalist n. person writing for or
person. 3 playing-card used in some editing newspapers etc. journalistic
games. /-'listik/ adj.
jollify /'d3Dli,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) make journey /'d33:ni/ -n. (pi. -s) 1 act of
merry. jollification /-fi'keiJX9)n/ n. going from one place to another, esp. at
jollity /'d3Dhti/ n. (pi. -ies) merry- a long distance. 2 time taken for this (a
making; festivity. [French jolivete: day's journey), -v. (-s, -ed) make a
related to jolly ]
journey. [French jornee day, day's work
jolly /'d3Dli/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 cheer- or travel, from Latin diurnus daily]
ful; merry. 2 festive, jovial. 3 colloq.
journeyman n. 1 qualified mechanic
pleasant, delightful, -adv. colloq. very. or artisan who works for another. 2
-v. (-ies, -ied) (usu. foil, by along) col- derog. reliable but not outstanding
loq. coax or humour in a friendly way.
-n. (pi. -ies) colloq. party or celebration.
joust /d3aust/ hist. -n. combat between
jollily adv. jolliness n. [French jolif
two knights on horseback with lances.
-v. engage in a joust. j ouster n.
gay, pretty: perhaps related to yule]
[French jouste from Latin juxta near]
jolly 2 /'d3Dli/ n. (pi. -ies) (in full jolly
Jove n. (in Roman mythology) Jupiter.
boat) clinker-built ship's boat smaller
by Jove! exclamation of surprise etc.
than a cutter, [origin unknown: perhaps
[Latin Jupiter Jov-]
related to yawl]
jovial /'d38uvi8l/ adj. merry, convivial,
Jolly Roger n. pirates' black flag, usu. hearty. joviality /- aeliti/ n. jovially
with skull and crossbones. adv. [Latin jovialis: related to Jove]
jolt /d3ault/ -v. 1 disturb or shake (esp. jowl n. 1 jaw or jawbone. 2 cheek (cheek

in a moving vehicle) with a jerk. 2 by jowl). [Old English]

shock; perturb. 3 move along jerkily. jowl 2 n. loose hanging skin on the throat
-n. 1 jerk. 2 surprise or shock. jolty or neck. jowly adj. [Old English]
adj. (-ier, -iest). [origin unknown] joy n. 1 (often foil, by at, in) pleasure;
Jonah /'d39una/ n. person who seems to extreme gladness. 2 thing causing joy. 3
bring bad luck. [Jonah in the Old Testa- colloq. satisfaction, success (got no joy).
ment] joyful adj. joyfully adv. joyfulness
jonquil /'d3Drjkwil/ n. narcissus with n. joyless adj. joyous adj. joyously
small fragrant yellow or white flowers, adv. [French joie from Latin gaudium]
[ultimately from Latin juncus rush joyride colloq. -n. pleasure ride in esp.
plant] a stolen car. -v. (-ding; past -rode; past
josh slang -v. tease, banter. 2 indulge
1 part -ridden) go for a joyride. joy-
in ridicule, -n. good-natured or teasing rider n.
joke, [origin unknown] joystick n. 1 colloq. control column of
joss n. Chinese idol, [ultimately from an aircraft. 2 lever controlling move-
Latin deus god] ment of an image on a VDU screen etc.
joss-stick n. incense-stick for burning. JP abbr. Justice of the Peace.
jostle /'d3Ds(a)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 (often foil, Jr. abbr. Junior.
by away, from, against, etc.) push jubilant /'d3u:bilant/ adj. exultant,
against; elbow, esp. roughly or in a
rejoicing. jubilance n. jubilantly
adv. jubilation /-'leij(a)n/ n. [Latin
crowd. 2 (foil, by with) struggle roughly.
jubilo shout]
-n. jostling, [from joust]
jubilee /'d3u:bi,li:/ n. 1 anniversary,
jot -v. (-tt-) (usu. foil, by down) write
esp. the 25th or 50th. 2 time of rejoicing.
briefly or hastily, -n. very small =
[Hebrew, ultimately, ram's-horn
amount (not one jot). [Greek iota]
jotter n. small pad or notebook. Judaic /d3u:'denk/ adj. of or character-
jotting n. (usu. in pi.) jotted note. istic of the Jews. [Greek: related to Jew]
joule /d3u:l/ n. SI unit of work or energy. Judaism /*d3u:dei,iz(8)m/ n. religion of
name of a physicist]
[Joule, the Jews.
journal /'d33:n(a)l/ n. 1 newspaper or Judas /'d3u:das/ n. traitor. [Judas Is-
periodical. 2 daily record of events; who betrayed Christ]
diary. 3 book in which transactions and judder -v. shake noisily or violently.
accounts are entered. 4 part of a shaft or -n. juddering, [imitative: cf. shudder]
axle that rests on bearings. [Latin diur- judge /d3Ad3/ -n. 1 public official
nalis diurnal] appointed to hear and try legal cases. 2
journalese /,d33:n8'li:z/ n. hackneyed person appointed to decide in a contest,
writing characteristic of newspapers. dispute, etc. 3 a person who decides a
journalism n. profession of writing for question, b person regarded as having
or editing newspapers etc. judgement of a specified type (am no
judgement 480 jump
judge; good judge of art), -v. (-ging) 1 juice /d3u:s/ n. 1 liquid part of veget-
form an opinion or judgement (about); ables or fruits. 2 animal fluid, esp. a
estimate, appraise. 2 act as a judge (of). 3 secretion (gastric juice). 3 colloq. petrol;
a try (a case) at law. b pronounce electricity. [French from Latin]
sentence on. 4 (often foil, by to + infin. juicy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of juice;
or that clause) conclude, consider.
» succulent. 2 colloq. interesting; racy,
[Latin judex judic-] scandalous. 3 colloq. profitable.
judgement n. (also judgment) 1 crit- juicily adv. juiciness n.
ical faculty; discernment (error of ju-jitsu /d3u:'d3itsu:/ n. (also jiu-jitsu,
judgement). 2 good sense. 3 opinion or ju-jutsu) Japanese system of unarmed
estimate (in my judgement). 4 sentence combat and physical training. [Japan-
of a court of justice. 5 often joc. deserved ese jujutsu gentle skill]
misfortune. against one's better ju-ju /'d3u:d3u:/ n. 1 charm or fetish of
judgement contrary to what one really some W. African peoples. 2 super-
feels to be advisable. natural power attributed to this, [per-
judgemental /d3Ad3'ment(a)l/ adj. haps French joujou toy]
(also judgmental) 1 of or by way of jujube /'d3u:d3u:b/ n. small flavoured
judgement. 2 condemning, critical. Jelly-like lozenge. [Greek zizuphon]
judgementally adv. ju-jutsu var. of ju-jitsu.
Judgement Day n. Judaism, Chris-
(in jukebox /'d3u:kbnks/ n. coin-operated
tianity, and Islam) day on which man- record-playing machine. [Black juke
kind will be judged by God. disorderly]
judicature /'d3u:dikatja(r)/ n. 1 admin- Jul. abbr. July.
istration of justice. 2 judge's position. 3 julep /'d3u:lep/ n. 1 a sweet drink, esp. as
judges collectively, [medieval Latin a vehicle for medicine, b medicated
judico judge] drink as a mild stimulant etc. 2 US iced
judicial /d3u:'dij(8)l/ adj. 1 of, done by, and flavoured spirits and water (mint
or proper to a court of law. 2 having the julep). [Persian gulab rose-water]
function of judgement (judicial as- Julian /'d3u:lian/ adj. of Julius Caesar.
sembly). 3 of or proper to a judge. 4 [Latin Julius]
impartial. judicially adv. [Latin judi- Julian calendar n. calendar intro-
cium judgement] duced by Julius Caesar, with a year of
judiciary /d3u:'dij9ri/ n. (pi. -ies) 365 days, every fourth year having 366.
judges of a State collectively. julienne /,d3u:li'en/ vegetables cut
judicious /d3u:'dijas/ adj. sensible, into short thin strips, -adj. cut into thin
prudent. judiciously adv. strips. [French from name Jules or
judo /'d3u:dao7 n. sport derived from ju- Julien]
jitsu. [Japanese, = gentle way] Juliet cap /'d3u:liat/ n. small net skull-
jug -n. 1 deep vessel for liquids, with a cap worn by brides etc. [ Juliet in Shake-
handle and a lip for pouring. 2 contents speare's Romeo & Juliet]
of this. 3 slang prison, -v. (-gg-) (usu. as July /d3u:'lai/ n. (pi. Julys) seventh
jugged adj.) stew or boil (esp. hare) in a month of the year. [Latin Julius Caesar]
casserole etc. jugful n. (pi. -s). [origin jumble /'d3Amb(a)l/ -v. (-ling) (often
uncertain] foil,by up) confuse; mix up; muddle. -n.
juggernaut /'d3Aga,no:t/ n. 1 large 1 confused state or heap; muddle. 2
heavy lorry etc. 2 overwhelming force articles in a jumble sale, [probably
or object. [Hindi Jagannath, = lord of imitative]
the world] jumble sale n. sale of second-hand
juggle /'d3Ag(8)l/ -v. (-ling) 1 a (often articles, esp. for charity.
foil, by with) keep several objects in the jumbo /'d3Amb9u/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. 1
air at once by throwing and catching, b (often attrib.) largeanimal (esp. an ele-
perform such feats with (balls etc.). 2 phant), person, or thing (jumbo packet).
deal with (several activities) at once. 3 2 (in full jumbo jet) large airliner for
(often foil, by with) misrepresent or several hundred passengers, [probably
rearrange (facts) adroitly, -n. 1 jug- from mumbo-jumbo]
gling. 2 fraud. juggler n. [French
from Latin jocus jest] Usage In sense 2, jumbo is usu.
Jugoslav var. of Yugoslav. applied specifically to the Boeing 747.
jugular /'d3Agjula(r)/ -adj. of the neck jump -v. 1 rise off the ground etc. by
or throat, -n. « jugular vein. [Latin sudden muscular effort in the legs. 2
jugulum collar-bone] (often foil, by up, from, in, out, etc.)
jugular vein n. any of several large move suddenly or hastily (jumped into
veins in the neck carrying blood from the car). 3 jerk or twitch from shock or
the head. excitement etc. 4 a change, esp. advance
jumped-up 481 Jurassic
in status or rapidly (prices
rise, June n. month of the year. [Latin
jumped), b cause to do this. 5 (often foil, Junius from Juno, name of a goddess]
by about) change the subject etc. Jungian /'junian/ -adj. of the Swiss
rapidly. 6 pass over (an obstacle etc.) by psychologist Carl Jung or his theories.
jumping. 7 skip (a passage in a book —n. supporter of Jung or of his theories.
etc.). 8 cause (a horse etc.) to jump. 9 jungle /'d3Ang(a)l/ n. 1 a land over-
(foil, by to, at) reach (a conclusion) grown with tangled vegetation, esp. in
hastily. 10 (of a train) leave (the rails). the tropics, b an area of this. 2 wild
11 pass (a red traffic-light etc.). 12 get on tangled mass. 3 place of bewildering
or off (a train etc.) quickly, esp. illegally complexity, confusion, or struggle.
or dangerously. 13 attack (a person) law of the jungle state of ruthless
unexpectedly, -n. 1 act of jumping. 2 competition, n jungly adj. [Hindi from
sudden jerk caused by shock or excite- Sanskrit]
ment. 3 abrupt rise in amount, value, junior /'d3u:nia(r)/ -adj. 1 (often foil, by

status, etc. 4 obstacle to be jumped. 5 a to) inferior in age, standing, or position.

sudden transition, b gap in a series, 2 the younger (esp. appended to the
logical sequence, etc. jump at accept name of a son for distinction from his
eagerly, jump bail fail to appear for father). 3 of the lower or lowest position
trial having been released on bail, jump (junior partner). 4 (of a school) for
down a person's throat colloq. reprim- younger pupils, usu. aged 7-11. -n. 1
and or contradict a person fiercely, junior person. 2 person at the lowest
jump the gun colloq. begin premature- level (in an office etc.). [Latin, compara-
tive of juvenis young]
ly, jump on colloq. attack or criticize
severely, jump out of one's skin colloq. junior common room n. (also junior
be extremely startled, jump the queue combination room) 1 common-room
take unfair precedence, jump ship (of a for undergraduates in a college. 2
undergraduates of a college collect-
seaman) desert, jump to it colloq. act
promptly, one jump ahead one stage
further on than a rival etc. [imitative]
juniper /'d3u:nipa(r)/ n. evergreen
shrub or tree with prickly leaves and
jumped-up adj. colloq. upstart. dark-purple berry-like cones. [Latin
jumper n. 1 knitted pullover. 2
outer jacket worn by sailors. 3 US pin-
afore dress, [probably jump short coat]
junk 1
-n. 1 discarded articles; rubbish.
2 anything regarded as of little value. 3
jumper2 n. 1 person or animal that slang narcotic drug, esp. heroin, -v.
jumps. 2 short wire used to make or
discard as junk, [origin unknown]
break an electrical circuit.
junk 2 n. flat-bottomed sailing-vessel in
jumping bean n. seed of a Mexican
the China seas. [Javanese djong]
plant that jumps with the movement of a
junk bond n. bond bearing high in-
larva inside. terest but deemed to be a risky invest-
jump-jet n. vertical take-off jet aircraft. ment.
jump-lead n. cable for conveying cur- junket /'d3Ankit/ -n. 1 pleasure outing.
rent from the battery of one vehicle to 2 official's tour at public expense. 3
that of another. sweetened and flavoured milk curds. 4
jump-off n. deciding round in show- feast, -v. (-t-) feast, picnic. [French jon-
jumping. quette rush-basket (used for junket 3
jump-start -v. start (a vehicle) by and from Latin juncus rush]
pushing or with jump-leads, -n. act of
it junk food n. food, such as sweets and
jump-starting. crisps, with low nutritional value.
jump suit n. one-piece garment for the junkie n. slang drug addict.
whole body. junk mail n. unsolicited advertising
jumpy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 nervous; easily matter sent by post.
startled. 2 making sudden movements, junk shop n. second-hand or cheap
n jumpiness n. antiques shop.
Jun. abbr. 1 June. 2 Junior. junta /'d3Anta/ n. (usu. military) clique
junction /'d3AnkJXa)n/ n. 1 joint; join- taking power in a coup d'etat. [Spanish:
ing-point. 2 place where railway lines or related to join]
roads meet. 3 joining. [Latin: related to jural /'d3uar(a)l/ adj. 1 of law. 2 of rights
join] and obligations. [Latin jus jur- law,
junction box n. box containing a junc- right]
tion of electric cables etc. Jurassic /d3ua'raesik/ Geol. -adj. of the
juncture /'d3AnktJa(r)/ n. 1 critical con- second period of the Mesozoic era. -n.
vergence of events; point of time (at this this era or system. [French from Jura
juncture). 2 joining-point. 3 joining. mountains]
juridical 482 juxtapose
juridical d3ua'ndik(a)l/ of judi-
adj. 1 magistrate; judge. do justice to 1
1 1

cial proceedings. 2 relating to the law. treat fairly. 2 appreciate properly, do

[Latin jus jur- law, dico say] oneself justice perform at one's best,
jurisdiction .dsuaris'dikJXajn/ n. 1 with justice reasonably. [Latin
(often foil, by over,
administration of
of) justitia]
justice. 2 a legal or other authority, b Justice of the Peace n. unpaid lay
extent of this; territory it extends over, magistrate appointed to hear minor
jurisdictional adj. cases.
jurisprudence /,d3uaris'pru:d(a)ns/ n. justifiable /'d3Asti,faiab(8)l/ adj. able to
science or philosophy of law. juris- ]
be justified, n justifiably adv.
prudential /-'denj(8)l/ adj.
justify /'d3Asti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 show
jurist /'d3U9rist/ n. expert in law.
the justice or correctness of (a person,
juristic /-'nstik/ adj.
act, assertion, etc.). 2 (esp. in passive)
juror /'d3uara(r)/ n. 1 member of a jury. cite or constitute adequate grounds for
2 person taking an oath. (conduct, a claim, etc.); vindicate. 3 (as
jury /'d3uan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 body of usu. justified adj.) just, right (justified in
twelve people giving a verdict in a court assuming). 4 Printing adjust (a line of
of justice. 2 body of people awarding type) to give even margins. justifica-
prizes in a competition, tion /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. justificatory
jury-box n. enclosure for the jury in a /-fi.keitari/ adj.

lawcourt. jut -v. (-tt-) (often foil, by out, forth)

jury-rigged /'d3U8nngd/ adj. Naut. protrude, project, -n. projection, [var.
having temporary makeshift rigging. of JET 1 ]
[origin uncertain]
jute n. 1 fibre from the bark of an E.
just -adj. morally right or fair. 2 (of
1 Indian plant, used esp. for sacking,
treatment etc.) deserved (just reward). mats, etc. 2 plant yielding this. [Bengali]
3 well-grounded; justified (just anger). 4
juvenile /'dsuiva.nail/ -adj. 1 a youth-
right in amount etc.; proper, —adv. 1
ful, b of or for young people. 2 often
exactly (just what I need). 2 a little time
derog. immature (juvenile behaviour),
ago; very recently (has just seen them).
-n. 1 young person. 2 actor playing a
3 colloq. simply, merely (just good
juvenile part. [Latin juvenis young]
friends; just doesn't make sense). 4
barely; no more than (just managed it). juvenile court n. court for children
5 colloq. positively; indeed (just splen- under 17.
did; won 't I just tell him!). 6 quite (not
juvenile delinquency n. offences
just yet). just about colloq. almost
committed by people below the age of
exactly; almost completely, just in case
legal responsibility. juvenile delin-
as a precaution, just now 1 at this
quent n.
moment. 2 a little time ago. just the
same = all the same, just so 1 exactly juvenilia /.dsuiva'mlia/ author's
arranged (everything just so). 2 it is or artist's youthful works.
exactly as you say. justly adv. just- juxtapose / d3Aksta'pauz/
v. (-sing) 1
ness n. [Latin justus from jus right] place (things) side by side. 2 (foil, by to,
justice /'d3Astis/ rc. 1 justness, fairness. with) place (a thing) beside another.
2 authority exercised in the mainten- juxtaposition /-pa'ziJXa)n/ n. juxta-
ance of right. 3 judicial proceedings positional /-pa'zijan(8)l/ adj. [Latin
(brought to justice; Court of Justice). 4 juxta next, pono put]
K 1
/kei/ n. (also k) (pi. Ks or K's) el- karabiner /.kaera'biinaO*)/ n. coupling
eventh letter of the alphabet. link used by mountaineers. [German,
K 2
abbr. (also K.) 1 kelvin(s). 2 King, literally 'carbine']
King's. 3 Kochel (catalogue of Mozart's karakul /'kaera.kul/ n. (also caracul) 1
works). 4 (also k) (prec. by a numeral) a Asian sheep with a dark curled fleece
Computing unit of 1,024 (i.e. 2 10 ) bytes or when young. 2 fur of or like this.
bits, or loosely 1,000. b 1,000. [sense 4 as [Russian]
abbreviation of kilo-] karaoke /.kaen'aoki/ n. entertainment
K 3
symb. potassium. [Latin Kalium] in nightclubs etc. with customers sing-
k abbr. 1 kilo-. 2 knot(s). ing to a backing track. [Japanese, =
Kaffir /'kaefa(r)/ n. 1 hist, member or empty orchestra]
language of a S. African people of the karate /ka'ra.ti/ n. Japanese system of
Bantu family. 2 S.Afr. offens. any Black unarmed combat using the hands and
African. [Arabic, = infidel]
feet as weapons. [Japanese, = empty
Kafkaesque /.kaefka'resk/ adj. impen-
etrably oppressive or nightmarish, as in
the fiction of Franz Kafka.
karma /'ka:ma/ n. Buddhism & Hindu-
ism person's actions in previous lives,
kaftan var. of caftan.
kaiser /'kaiza(r)/ n. hist, emperor, esp. believed to decide his or her fate in
of Germany, Austria, or the Holy future existences. [Sanskrit, = action,
Roman Empire. [Latin Caesar] fate]

kalashnikov /ka'laeJni.kDf/ n. type of kauri /kau'n/ n. (pi. -s) coniferous New

Soviet rifle or sub-machine-gun. Zealand tree yielding timber and resin.
[Russian] [Maori]
kale n. variety of cabbage, esp. with kayak /'kaiaek/ n. 1 Eskimo one-man
wrinkled leaves and no heart, [northern canoe of wood and sealskins. 2 small
English var. of cole] covered canoe. [Eskimo]
kaleidoscope /ka'laide.skaup/ n. 1 tube kazoo /ka'zu:/ n. toy musical instru-
containing mirrors and pieces of col- ment into which the player sings or
oured glass producing changing
etc. hums, [origin uncertain]
reflected patterns when shaken. 2 con- KBE abbr. Knight Commander of the
stantly changing pattern, group, etc. Order of the British Empire.
kaleidoscopic /-'sknpik/ adj. [Greek KC abbr. King's Counsel.
kalos beautiful, eidos form, -scope] kc/s abbr. kilocycles per second.
kalends var. of calends. kea /'ki:a, 'keia/ n. New Zealand parrot
kaleyard n. Scot, kitchen garden. with brownish-green and red plumage.
kamikaze /.kaemi'kaizi/ -n. hist. 1 [Maori, imitative]
explosive-laden Japanese aircraft de- kebab /ki'baeb/ n. pieces of meat, veget-
liberately crashed on a ship etc. during ables, cooked on a skewer (cf.
the war of 1939-45. 2 pilot of this. DONER KEBAB, SHISH KEBAB). [Urdu from
-attrib. adj. 1 of a kamikaze. 2 reckless,
esp. suicidal. [Japanese, = divine wind]
kedge -u. (-ging) 1 move (a ship) with a
kangaroo Aus-
/.kaenga'ru:/ n. (pi. -s)
hawser attached to a small anchor. 2 (of
tralian marsupial with strong hind legs
a ship) move way. -n. (in full
in this
for jumping. [Aboriginal]
kedge-anchor) small anchor for this
kangaroo court n. illegal court, e.g.
purpose, [origin uncertain]
held by strikers or mutineers.
kaolin /'keialm/ n. fine soft white clay
kedgeree /,ked3a'ri:/ n. dish offish, rice,
used esp. for porcelain and in medi- hard-boiled eggs, etc. [Hindi]
cines. [Chinese kao-ling high hill] keel - n. main lengthwise member of the
kapok /'keipnk/ n. fine fibrous cotton- base of a ship etc. -v. 1 (often foil, by
like substance from a tropical tree, used over) (cause to) fall down or over. 2 turn
for padding. [Malay] keel upwards. on an even keel
kappa /'kaepa/ n. tenth letter of the steady; balanced. [Old Norse]
Greek alphabet (K, *)• [Greek] keelhaul v. 1 drag (a person) under the
kaput /ka'pot/ predic. adj.slang broken, keel of a ship as a punishment. 2 scold or
ruined. [German] rebuke severely.
keen 484 Kenyan
ship's floor-timbers to its keel, [origin by keep out 1 keep or remain
at) nag.
uncertain] outside. 2 exclude, keep to 1 adhere to (a
keen 1

adj. 1 enthusiastic, eager. 2 (foil, course, promise, etc.). 2 confine oneself

by on) enthusiastic about, fond of. 3 (of to. keep to oneself 1 avoid contact with
the senses) sharp. 4 intellectually acute. others. 2 keep secret, keep track of see
5 (of a knife etc.) sharp. 6 (of a sound, track, keep under repress, keep up 1
light, etc.) penetrating, vivid. 7 (of a maintain (progress, morale, etc.). 2 keep
wind etc.) piercingly cold. 8 (of a pain in repair etc. 3 carry on (a correspond-
etc.) acute. 9 (of a price) competitive. ence etc.). 4 prevent from going to bed. 5
keenly adv. keenness n. [Old English] (often foil, by with) not fall behind, keep
keen 2 -n. Irish wailing funeral song. -v. up with the Joneses compete socially
(often foil, by over, for) wail mournfully, with one's neighbours. [Old English]
esp. at a funeral. [Irish caoine from
keeper n. 1 person who looks after or is
caoinim wail] in charge of animals, people, or a thing.
keep -v. (past and past part, kept) 1 2 custodian of a museum, forest, etc. 3 a
have continuous charge of; retain pos- = WICKET-KEEPER, b = GOALKEEPER. 4 a
session of. 2 (foil, by for) retain or
sleeper in a pierced ear. b ring that
reserve for (a future time) (kept it for
keeps another on the finger,
later). 3 retain or remain in a specified
keep-fit n. regular physical exercises,
condition, position, place, etc. (keep
cool; keep out; keep them happy; knives
keeping n. 1 custody, charge (in safe
keeping). 2 agreement, harmony (esp. in
are kept here). 4 (foil, by from) restrain,
hold back. 5 detain (what kept you?). 6 or out of keeping (with)).
observe, honour, or respect (a law, cus- keepsake n. souvenir, esp. of a person,
tom, commitment, secret, etc.) (keep keg n. small barrel. [Old Norse]
one's word; keep the sabbath). 7 own keg beer n. beer kept in a metal keg
and look after (animals). 8 a clothe, feed, under pressure.
maintain, etc. (a person, oneself, etc.). b kelp n. 1 large brown seaweed suitable

(foil, by in) maintain (a person) with a formanure. 2 its calcined ashes, for-
supply of. 9 carry on; manage (a busi- merly a source of sodium, potassium,
ness etc.). 10 maintain (a diary, house, etc. [origin unknown]
accounts, etc.) regularly and in proper kelpie /'kelpi/ n. Scot. 1 malevolent
order. 11 normally have on sale (do you water-spirit, usu. in the form of a
keep buttons?). 12 guard or protect (a horse. 2 Australian sheepdog, [origin
person or place). 13 preserve (keep unknown]
order). 14 (foil, by verbal noun) con- kelson var. of keelson.
tinue; repeat habitually (keeps telling Kelt var. of Celt.
me). 15 continue to follow (a way or kelt salmon or sea trout after spawn-
course). 16 a (esp. of food) remain in ing, [origin unknown]
good condition, b (of news etc.) not kelter var. of kilter.
suffer from delay in telling. 17 (often kelvin /'kelvm/ n. SI unit of thermo-
foil, by to) remain in (one's bed, room,
dynamic temperature. [Kelvin, name of
etc.). 18 maintain (a person) as one's
a physicist]
mistress etc. (kept woman), -n. 1 main-
Kelvin scale n. scale of temperature
tenance, food, etc. (hardly earn your
with zero at absolute zero.
keep). 2 hist, tower, esp. the central
ken -n. range of knowledge or sight
stronghold of a castle. for keeps
(beyond my ken), -v. (-nn-; past and
colloq.permanently, indefinitely, how
past part, kenned or kent) Scot. &
are you keeping? how are you? keep at
N.Engl. 1 recognize at sight. 2 know.
(cause to) persist with, keep away
[Old English, = make known: related to
(often by from) avoid, prevent from
foil, 1

being near, keep back 1 remain or keep CAN ]

at a distance. 2 retard the progress of. 3 kendo /'kendau/ n. Japanese fencing

conceal. 4 withhold (kept back £50). with two-handed bamboo swords.
keep down 1 hold in subjection. 2 keep [Japanese, = sword-way]
low in amount. 3 stay hidden. 4 not kennel /'ken(a)l/ -n. 1 small shelter for
vomit (food eaten), keep one's hair on a dog. 2 (in pi.) breeding or boarding
see hair, keep one's hand in see hand. place for dogs. -v. (-11-; US -1-) put into or
keep in with remain on good terms keep in a kennel. [French chenil from
with, keep off 1 (cause to) stay away Latin canis dog]
from. 2 ward off. 3 abstain from. 4 avoid kent past and past part, of ken.
(a subject) (let's keep off religion), keep Kenyan /'kenjan/ -adj. of Kenya in E.
on 1 continue; do continually (kept on Africa, -n. 1 native or* national of
laughing). 2 continue to employ. 3 (foil. Kenya. 2 person of Kenyan descent.
kepi 485 kg
kepi /'keipi/ n. (pi. -s) French military for solving a cipher or code, c explan-
cap with a horizontal peak. [French atory list of symbols used in a map,
kepi] table, etc. 8 Mus. system of notes related
kept past and past part, of keep. to each other and based on a particular
keratin /'keratin/ n. fibrous protein in note (key of C major). 9 tone or style of
hair, feathers, hooves, claws, horns, etc. thought or expression. 10 piece of wood
[Greek keras kerat- horn] or metal inserted between and securing
kerb n. stone edging to a pavement or others. 11 coat of wall plaster between
raised path. [var. of curb] the laths securing other coats. 12 rough-
kerb-crawling n. colloq. driving ness of a surface helping the adhesion of
slowly in order to engage a prostitute. plaster etc. 13 winged fruit of the syca-
kerb drill n. precautions before cross- more etc. 14 device for making or break-
ing a road. ing an electric circuit, —v. (keys, keyed)
kerbstone n. stone forming part of a 1 (foil, by in, on, etc.) fasten with a pin,
kerb. wedge, bolt, etc. 2 (often foil, by in) enter
kerchief /'k3:tjif/ n. 1 headscarf, neck- (data) by means of a keyboard. 3 rough-
erchief. 2 poet, handkerchief. [Anglo- en (a surface) to help the adhesion of
French courchef: related to cover, plaster etc. 4 (foil, by to) align or link
chief] (one thing to another). keyed up
kerfuffle /ka'fAf(a)l/ n. colloq. fuss, com- tense, nervous, excited. [Old English]
motion, [originally Scots] key /ki:/ n. low-lying island or reef, esp.

kermes /'k3:miz/ n. 1 female of an insect in the W. Indies. [Spanish cayo]

with a berry-like appearance. 2 (in full keyboard -n. 1 set of keys on a type-
kermes oak) evergreen oak on which writer, computer, piano, etc. 2 elec-
this feeds. 3 red dye made from these tronic musical instrument with keys
insects dried. [Arabic] arranged as on a piano. — v. enter (data)
kernel /'k3:n(a)l/ n. 1 (usu. soft) edible by means of a keyboard. keyboarder
centre within the hard shell of a nut, n. (insense 1 of n.). keyboardist n. (in
fruit stone, seed, etc. 2whole seed of a sense 2 of n.).
cereal. 3 essence of anything. [Old Eng- keyhole n. hole in a door etc. for a key.
lish: related to corn ] keyhole surgery n. colloq. minimally
kerosene /'kera,si:n/ n. (also kerosine) invasive surgery carried out through a
esp. US fuel oil for use in jet engines, very small incision.
boilers, etc.; paraffin oil. [Greek keros Keynesian /'keinzian/ adj. of the eco-
wax] nomic theories of J. M. Keynes, esp.
kestrel /'kestr(a)l/ n. small hovering regarding State intervention in the
falcon, [origin uncertain] economy.
ketch small two-masted sailing-boat,
n. keynote n. 1 (esp. attrib.) prevailing
[probably from catch] tone or idea, esp. in a speech, confer-
ketchup /ketjAp/ n. (US catsup ence, etc. 2 Mus. note on which a key is
/'kaetsap/) spicy esp. tomato sauce used based.
as a condiment. [Chinese] keypad n. miniature keyboard etc. for a
ketone /'ki:taun/ n. any of a class of portable electronic device, telephone,
organic compounds including propa- etc.
none (acetone). [German Keton, altera- keypunch -rc. device for recording
tion of Aketon acetone] data by means of punched holes or
kettle /'ket(a)l/ n. vessel for boiling notches on cards or paper tape. — v.
water in. a different kettle offish a record (data) thus.
different matter altogether, a fine (or key-ring n. ring for keeping keys on.
pretty) kettle offish iron, an awkward key signature n. Mus. any of several
state of affairs. [Old Norse] combinations of sharps or flats indicat-
kettledrum n. large bowl-shaped ing the key of a composition.
drum. keystone n. 1 central principle of a
key 1
/ki:/ -n. (pi. -s) 1 (usu. metal) system, policy, etc. 2 central locking
instrument for moving the bolt of a lock. stone in an arch.
2 similar implement for operating a keystroke n. single depression of a key
switch. 3 instrument for grasping on a keyboard, esp. as a measure of
screws, nuts, etc., or for winding a clock work.
etc. 4 (often in pi.) finger-operated but- keyword n. 1 key to a cipher etc. 2 a
ton or lever on a typewriter, piano, word of great significance, b significant
computer terminal, etc. 5 means of ad- word used in indexing.
vance, access, etc. (key to success). 6 KG abbr. Knight of the Order of the
(attrib.) essential (key element). 7 a solu- Garter.
tion or explanation, b word or system kg abbr. kilogram(s).
KGB 486 kiln
KGB State security police of the
n. kiddo 'kidau n. (pi. -s) slang = kid 1
former USSR. [Russian abbreviation. = 3.

committee of State security] kidnap a (-pp-; US abduct (a

-p-) 1

khaki ka:ki -adj. dull brownish- person etc.), esp. to obtain a ransom. 2
yellow, -n. (pi. -s) 1 khaki fabric or steal (a child). kidnapper n. [from
uniform. 2 dull brownish-yellow kid nap = NAB]

colour. [Urdu. = dusty] kidney kidni n. (pi. -s) 1 either of two

khan ka:n n. title of rulers and officials organs in the abdominal cavity of ver-
in Central Asia. Afghanistan, etc. tebrates which remove nitrogenous
khanate n. [Turki. = lord] wastes from the blood and excrete
kHz abbr. kilohertz. urine. 2 animal's kidney as food, [origin
kibbutz ki'buts n. (pi. kibbutzim unknown]
-'tsi:m ) communal farming settle-
esp. kidney bean n. red-skinned dried
ment in Israel. [Hebrew. = gathering] bean.
kibosh kaiboj n. slang nonsense, z kidney machine n. machine able to
put the kibosh on put an end to. [origin take over the function of a damaged
unknown] kidney.
kick -v. 1 strike, strike out. or propel kidney-shaped adj. having one side
forcibly, with the foot or hoof. 2 (often concave and the other convex.
foil, by at. against) protest at: rebel kill -i\ 1 (also absol.) deprive of life or

against. 3 slang give up (a habit). 4 vitality:cause death or the death of. 2

(often foil, by out etc.) expel or dismiss destroy (feelings etc.). 3 refl. colloq. a
forcibly. 5 refl. be annoyed with oneself. overexert oneself (don't kill yourself
6 Football score (a goal) by a kick. -n. 1 trying), b laugh heartily. 4 colloq. over-
kicking action or blow. 2 colloq. a sharp whelm with amusement. 5 switch off (a
stimulant effect, esp. of alcohol, b (often light, engine, etc.). 6 Computing colloq.
in pi. ) thrill (did it for kicks). 3 strength, delete. 7 colloq. cause pain or discomfort
resilience (no kick left). 4 colloq. speci- to (my feet are killing me). 8 pass (time,
fied temporary interest (on a jogging or a specified period) usu. while waiting
kick). 5 recoil of a gun when fired, z (an hour to kill before the interview). 9
kick about (or around) colloq. 1 a drift defeat (a bill in Parliament). 10 a Tennis
idly from place to place, b be unused or etc. hit (the ball) so that it cannot be
unwanted. 2 a treat roughly, b discuss returned, b stop (the ball) dead. 1 1 make
unsystematically. kick the bucket ineffective (taste, sound, pain, etc.) (car-
slang die. kick one's heels see heel. pet killed the sound), -n. 1 act of killing
kick off 1 a Football start or resume a (esp. in hunting). 2 animal(s) killed, esp.
match, b colloq. begin. 2 remove (shoes by a hunter. 3 colloq. destruction or
etc.) by kicking, kick over the traces disablement of an enemy aircraft etc. z
see trace kick up (or kick up a fuss,
, dressed to kill dressed showily or
dust, etc.) colloq. create a disturbance; alluringly, in at the kill present at a
object, kick a person upstairs dispose successful conclusion, kill off 1 destroy
of a person by promotion etc. [origin completely. 2 (of an author) bring about
unknown] the death of (a fictional character), kill
kickback n. colloq. 1 recoil. 2 (usu. or cure (usu. attrib.) (of a remedy etc.)
illegal) payment for help or favours, two birds with
drastic, extreme, kill
esp. in business. one stone achieve two aims at once,
kick-off n. Football start or resumption kill with kindness spoil with over-
of a match. indulgence, [perhaps related to quell]
kickstand n. rod for supporting a bi- killer n. 1 a person, animal, or thing
cycle or motor cycle when stationary. that kills, b murderer. 2 colloq. a
kick-start -n. (also kick-starter) de- impressive, formidable, or excellent
vice to start the engine of a motor cycle thing, b hilarious joke.
etc. by the downward thrust of a pedal. killer instinct n. 1 innate tendency to
—v. stan ( a motor cycle etc.) in this way. kill. 2 ruthless streak.
kid -n. 1 young goat. 2 leather from killer whale n. dolphin with a prom-
this. 3 colloq. child. -v. (-dd-) (of a goat) inent dorsal fin.
give birth. handle with kid gloves killing -n. 1 a causing of death, b
treat carefully. [Old Norse] instance of this. 2 colloq. great (esp.
kid- v. (also refl.) (dd) colloq. deceive, financial) success (make a killing).
trick, tease (don't kid yourself, only -adj. colloq. 1 very funny. 2 exhausting,
kidding), no kidding slang that is the killjoy n. gloomy or censorious person.
truth, [origin uncertain] esp. at a party etc.
kiddie kidi n. (also kiddy; (pi. -ies) kiln n. furnace or oven* for burning,
slang = kid 1
n. 3. baking, or drying, esp. for calcining
kilo 487 king
lime or firing pottery etc. [Old English kind of colloq. some extent (/ kind of
from Latin culina kitchen] expected it), a kind of loosely resem-
kilo /'ki:lao7 n. (pi. -s) kilogram. [French, bling (he's a kind of doctor). [Old Eng-
abbreviation] lish]
kilo- comb, form 1,000 (esp. in metric
units). [Greek khilioi]
Usage In sense 2 of the noun, these
kinds of is usually preferred to these
kilobyte Computing 1,024
/'kila.bait/ n.
kind of.
(i.e. 2 ) bytes as a measure of memory
size etc. kindergarten /'kmd8 ga:t(8)n/ 1
n. class
kilocalorie /'kila.kaelan/ n. = large or school for very young children. [Ger-
calorie (see calorie). man, = children's garden]
kilocycle /'kila,saik(8)l/ n. hist, kilo- kind-hearted adj. of a kind disposi-
hertz. tion. kind-heartedly adv. kind-
kilogram /'kila.graem/ n. (also heartedness n.
-gramme) SI unit of mass, approx. 2.205 kindle /'kmd(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 light, catch,
lb. or set on fire. 2 arouse or inspire. 3
kilohertz /'kil9,h3:ts/ n. 1,000 hertz, become aroused or animated. [Old
1,000 cycles per second, Norse]
kilojoule /'kila,d3u:l/ n. 1,000 joules, kindling n. small sticks etc. for lighting
esp. as a measure of the energy value of fires.
foods. kindly adv. 1 in a kind manner (spoke

kilolitre /'kil9,li:ta(r)/ n. (US -liter) kindly). 2 often iron, please (kindly go

1,000 litres (220 imperial gallons). away), z look kindly upon regard
kilometre /'kila,mi:t8(r), ki'lomita(r)/ sympathetically, take kindly to be
(US -meter) 1,000 metres (approx. 0.62
n. pleased by; like.
miles). kilometric /.kila'metrik/ adj. kindly 2 adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 kind, kind-
m Usage The second pronunciation hearted. 2 (of a climate etc.) pleasant,
given, with the stress on the second mild. kindlily adv. kindliness n.
syllable, is considered incorrect by kindness n. 1 being kind. 2 kind act.
some people. kindred /'kindnd/ -adj. related, allied,
or similar, -n. 1 one's relations collect-
kiloton / kila.tAn/ n. (also kilotonne)
ively. 2 blood relationship. 3 resemb-
unit of explosive power equivalent to
lance in character. [Old English, =
1,000 tons of TNT.
kilovolt /'kila.volt/ n. 1,000 volts.
kilowatt /'kila.wot/ n. 1,000 watts.
kindred spirit n. person like or in
kilowatt-hour n. electrical energy sympathy with oneself.

equivalent to a power consumption of

kinematics /.kini'maetiks/ (usu.
treated as sing.) branch of mechanics
1,000 watts for one hour.
concerned with the motion of objects
kilt -n. pleated knee-length usu. tartan
without reference to cause. kine-
skirt, traditionally worn by Highland
men. -v. 1 tuck up (the skirts) round the
matic adj. [Greek kinema -matos
body. 2 (esp. as kilted adj.) gather in motion]
kinetic /ki'netik/ adj. of or due to
vertical pleats. [Scandinavian]
kilter /'kilta(r)/ n. (also kelter /'kel-/) motion. kinetically adv. [Greek
good working order (esp. out of kilter). kineo move]
[origin unknown] kinetic art n. sculpture etc. designed to
kimono /ki'maunau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 long move.
sashed Japanese robe. 2 similar dress- kinetic energy n. energy of motion.
ing-gown. [Japanese] kinetics 1 = dynamics la. 2 (usu.
kin -n. one's relatives or family. treated as sing.) branch of physical
-predic. adj. related. [Old English] chemistry measuring and studying the
-kin suffix forming diminutive nouns rates of chemical reactions.
(catkin; manikin). [Dutch] king n. 1 (as a title usu. King) male

kind /kamd/ -n. 1 race, species, or sovereign, esp. a hereditary ruler. 2 pre-
natural group of animals, plants, etc. eminent person or thing (oil king). 3
(human kind). 2 class, type, sort, vari- (attrib.) large (or the largest) kind of
ety. 3 natural way, fashion, etc. (true to plant, animal, etc. (king penguin). 4
kind), -adj. (often foil, by to) friendly, Chess piece which must be checkmated
generous, or benevolent. in kind 1 in for a win. 5 crowned piece in draughts. 6
the same form, likewise (was insulted court-card depicting a king. 7 (the
and replied in kind). 2 (of payment) in King) national anthem when the sover-
goods or labour, not money. 3 character, eign is male. kingly adj. kingship n.
quality (differ in degree but not in kind). [Old English]
King Charles spaniel 488 kitten
King Charles spaniel n. small black kirby-grip 'k3:bignp/ n. (also Kirbi-
and tan spaniel. grip propr.) type of sprung hairgrip.
kingcup n marsh marigold. [Kir by, name of the manufacturer]
kingdom n. 1 territory or State ruled by kirk n. Scot. & N.Engl. 1 church. 2 (the
a king or queen. 2 spiritual reign or Kirk or the Kirk of Scotland) Church
sphere of God. 3 domain. 4 division of of Scotland. [Old Norse kirkja =
the natural world {plant kingdom). 5 CHURCH]
specified sphere {kingdom of the heart). Kirk-session n. lowest court in the
[Old English] Church of Scotland.
kingdom come n. colloq. the next kirsch /kiaJV n. brandy distilled from
world. cherries. [German, = cherry]
kingfisher n. small bird with brightly kismet /'kizmet/ n. destiny, fate. [Turk-
ish from Arabic]
coloured plumage, diving for fish etc.
kiss -v. 1 touch with the lips, esp. as a
King of Arms n. a chief herald.
sign of love, affection, greeting, or rever-
king of beasts n. lion. ence. 2 (of two people) touch each
king of birds n. eagle. others' lips in this way. 3 lightly touch.
kingpin n. 1 main, large, or vertical
-n. 1 touch with the lips. 2 light touch, z
bolt, esp. as a pivot. 2 essential person or
kiss and tell recount one's sexual
exploits, kiss a person's arse coarse
king-post n. upright post from the tie- slang toady to. kiss the dust submit
beam of a roof to the apex of a truss. abjectly. [Old English]
King's Counsel n. = Queen's Coun- kiss-curl n. small curl of hair on the
sel. forehead, nape, etc.
King's English n. = Queen's English. kisser n. 1 person who kisses. 2 slang
King's evidence see evidence. mouth; face.
King's Guide n. = Queen's Guide. kiss of death n. apparent good luck etc.
King's highway n. = Queen's high- which causes ruin.
way. kiss of life n. mouth-to-mouth resus-
king-size adj. (also -sized) very large. citation.
King's Proctor n. = Queen's Proc- kissogram /
n. (also Kissa-
tor. gram propr. novelty telegram or greet-

King's Scout n. = Queen's Scout. ing delivered with a kiss.

kink -n.1a twist or bend in wire etc. b kit -n. 1 articles, equipment, etc. for a
tight wave in hair. 2 mental twist or specific purpose (first-aid kit). 2 special-
quirk, esp. when perverse. -v. (cause to) ized, esp. sports, clothing or uniform
form a kink. [Low German or Dutch] (football kit). 3 set of parts needed to
kinky a sex-
adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. assemble furniture, a model, etc. -v.
ually perverted or unconventional, b (of (-tt-) (often foil, by out, up) equip with

clothing etc.) bizarre and sexually pro- kit. [Dutch]

vocative. 2 having kinks, z kinkily kitbag n. large usu. cylindrical bag
adv. kinkiness n. used for a soldier's or traveller's kit.

kinsfolk one's blood relations,

kitchen /'kitjm/ n. 1 place where food is
prepared and cooked. 2 kitchen fitments
kinship n. 1 blood relationship. 2 like-
(half-price kitchens). [Latin coquina]
ness: sympathy.
kitchenette /.kitji'net/ n. small kit-
kinsman n. (fern, kinswoman) 1 blood
chen or cooking area.
relation. 2 relation by marriage.
kitchen garden n. garden with veget-
Usage Use of kinsman in sense 2 is ables, fruit, herbs, etc.
considered incorrect by some people. kitchenware n. cooking utensils.
kite n. 1 light framework with a thin
kiosk ki:Dsk/ n. 1 light open-fronted
covering flown on a string in the wind. 2
booth selling food, newspapers, tickets,
soaring bird of prey. [Old English]
etc. 2 telephone box. [Turkish from
Kitemark n. official kite-shaped mark
on goods approved by the British Stand-
kip slang -n. 1 sleep; nap. 2 bed or cheap
ards Institution.
lodgings, —v. (-pp-) (often foil, by down) kith n. kith and kin friends and
sleep, [cf. Danish kippe mean hut] relations. [Old English, originally
kipper 'kip9(r) -n. fish, esp. a herring, 'knowledge': related to can ]

split, salted, dried, and usu. smoked, -u.

kitsch /kit J/ n. (often attrib.) vulgar,
cure (a herring etc.) thus, [origin uncer- pretentious, or worthless art.
tain] kitschy adj. (-ier, -iest). [German]
kir k3:(r) n. dry white wine with creme kitten /kit(a)n/ -n. youiig cat, ferret,
de cassis. etc. -v. (of a cat etc.) give birth (to).
kittenish 489 knight
have kittens be very upset or
colloq. knee-breeches close-fitting
anxious. [Anglo-French diminutive of trousers to the knee or just below.
chat cat] kneecap -n. 1 convex bone in front of
kittenish adj. playful, lively, or the knee. 2 protective covering for the
flirtatious. knee. -r. (-pp-) slang (of a terrorist)
kittiwake 'km weik n. a kind of small shoot (a person) in the knee or leg as a
seagull, [imitative of its cry] punishment.
kitty 1
/'kiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 fund of money knee-deep adj. 1 (usu. foil, by in) a
for communal use. 2 pool in some card- immersed up to the knees, b deeply
games, [origin unknown] involved. 2 so deep as to reach the
kitty 2 'kiti' n. (pi. -ies) childish name knees.
for a kitten or cat. knee-high adj. so high as to reach the
kiwi "ki:wi: n. (pi. -s) 1 flightless long- knees.
billed New Zealand bird. 2 (Kiwi) colloq. knee-jerk n. 1 sudden involuntary kick
New Zealander. [Maori] caused by a blow on the tendon just
kiwi fruit n. green-fleshed fruit of a below the knee. 2 (attrib.) predictable,
climbing plant. automatic, stereotyped.
kJ abbr. kilojoule(s). kneel v. (past and past part, knelt nelt
kl abbr. kilolitre(s). or esp. US kneeled) fall or rest on the
Klaxon 'klaeks(a)n n. propr. horn or knees or a knee. [Old English: related to
warning hooter. [name of the KNEE]
manufacturer] knee-length adj. reaching the knees,
Kleenex 'kli:neks n. (pi same or -es) kneeler n. 1 cushion for kneeling on. 2
propr. disposable paper handkerchief. person who kneels.
kleptomania ,klepta'memia n. obses- knees-up n. colloq. lively party or
sive apparently motiveless urge to steal. gathering.
kleptomaniac -ni.aek n. & adj. knell -n. 1 sound of a bell, esp. for a

[Greek kleptes thief] deathor funeral. 2 announcement,

km abbr. kilometre(s). event, etc., regarded as an ill omen. -v. 1
knack n. 1 acquired faculty or trick of ring a knell. 2 proclaim bv or as bv a
doing a thing. 2 habit (a knack of offend- knell. [Old English]
ing people), [origin unknown] knelt past and past part, of kneel.
knacker -n. buyer of useless horses knew past of know.
etc. for slaughter, or of old houses, knickerbocker 'nika,boka(r) n. (in
ships, etc. for the materials, —v. slang pi.) loose-fitting breeches gathered at
(esp. as knackered adj.) exhaust, wear the knee or calf, [the pseudonym of W.
out. [origin unknown] Irving, author of History' of New York]
knapsack 'naepsaek n. soldier's or Knickerbocker Glory n. ice cream
hiker's usu. canvas bag carried on the served with fruit etc. in a tall glass.
back. [German knappen bite, sack ] 1
knickers woman's or girl's under-
knapweed 'naepwi:d n. plant with garment for the lower torso, [abbrevia-
thistle-like purple flowers, [from knop KNICKERBOCKER]
tion Of
ornamental knob or tuft] knick-knack 'niknaek n. (also nick-
knave n. 1 rogue, scoundrel. 2 = jack n. nack) trinket or small dainty ornament
2. ~ knavery n. (pi. -ies). knavish adj. etc. [from knack in the obsolete sense
[Old English, originally = boy, servant] 'trinket']
knead v. 1 a work into a dough, paste, knife -n. (pi. knives) 1 metal blade for
etc. by pummelling, b make (bread, cutting or as a weapon, with usu. one
pottery, etc.) thus. 2 massage (muscles long sharp edge fixed in a handle. 2
etc.) as if kneading. [Old English] cutting-blade in a machine. 3 (as the
knee -n. 1 a (often attrib.) joint between knife) surgical operation. -v. (-fing> cut
the thigh and the lower leg in humans, or stab with a knife. at knife-point
b corresponding joint in other animals, threatened with a knife or an ultimatum
c area around this, d lap (sat on his etc. get (or have got) one's knife into
knee). 2 part of a garment covering the treat maliciously, persecute. [Old
knee. —v. (knees, kneed, kneeing) 1 English]
touch or strike with the knee (kneed knife-edge n. 1 edge of a knife. 2 posi-
him in the groin). 2 colloq. make tion of extreme danger or uncertainty.
(trousers) bulge at the knee, bring a knife-pleat n. narrow flat usu. overlap-
person (or thing) to his (or her or its) ping pleat on a skirt etc.
knees reduce to submission or a state of knight nait -n. 1 man awarded a non-
weakness. [Old English] hereditary title (Sir) by a sovereign. 2
knee-bend n. bending of the knee, esp. hist, a man. usu. noble, raised to
as a physical exercise. honourable military rank after service
knight commander 490 knot
as a page and squire, b military fol- knock down strike (esp. a person) to
lower, attendant, or lady's champion in the ground. 2 demolish. 3 (usu. foil, by
a war or tournament. 3 man devoted to a to) (at an auction) sell (an article) to a
cause, woman, etc. 4 Chess piece usu. bidder by a knock with a hammer. 4
shaped like a horse's head. -v. confer a colloq. lower the price of (an article). 5
knighthood on. knighthood n. US slang steal, knock off 1 strike off
knightly adj. poet. [Old English, ori- with a blow. 2 colloq. finish (work)
ginally = boyl (knocked off at 5.30; knocked off work
knight commander see commander. early). 3 colloq. produce (a work of art
knight errant n. 1 medieval knight in etc.)or do (a task) rapidly. 4 (often foil,
search of chivalrous adventures. 2 chiv- by from) deduct (a sum) from a price etc.
alrous or quixotic man. knight- 5 slang steal. 6 coarse slang offens. have
errantry n. sexual intercourse with (a woman). 7
knit v. (-tt-; past and past part, knitted slang kill, knock on the head colloq.
or (esp. in senses 2-A) knit) 1 (also put an end to (a scheme etc.). knock on
absol.) a make (a garment etc.) by inter- (or knock) wood US = touch wood.
locking loops of esp. wool with knitting- knock out 1 make unconscious by a
needles or a knitting-machine, b make blow on the head. 2 defeat (a boxer) by
(a plain stitch) in knitting {knit one, knocking him or her down for a count of
purl one). 2 momentarily wrinkle (the 10. 3 defeat, esp. in a knockout competi-
forehead) or (of the forehead) become tion. 4 slang astonish. 5 (often reft.)
momentarily wrinkled. 3 (often foil, by colloq. exhaust, knock sideways colloq.
together) make or become close or com- astonish, shock, knock spots off defeat
pact. 4 (often foil, by together) (of a easily, knock together assemble hast-
broken bone) become joined; heal. ily or roughly, knock up 1 make hast-
knit up make or repair by knitting. ily. 2 waken by a knock at the door. 3
knitter n. [Old English] esp. US slang make pregnant. 4 practise
knitting n. work being knitted. tennis etc. before formal play begins.
knitting-machine n. machine for [Old English]
knitting. knockabout attrib. adj. 1 (of comedy)
knitting-needle thin pointed rod
n. boisterous; slapstick. 2 (of clothes) hard-
used esp. in pairs for knitting by hand. wearing.
knitwear n. knitted garments. knock-down attrib. adj. 1 overwhelm-
knives pi. of knife. very low. 3 (of a price at
ing. 2 (of a price)
knob n. rounded protuberance, esp. at
1 auction) reserve. 4 (of furniture etc.)
the end or on the surface of a thing, e.g. easily dismantled and reassembled.
the handle of a door, drawer, a radio knocker hinged esp. metal instru-
n. 1
control, etc. 2 small piece (of butter etc.). ment on a door for knocking with. 2 (in
with knobs on slang that and more pi) coarse slang woman's breasts.
(same to you with knobs on). knobby knocking-shop n. slang brothel.
adj. knoblike adj. [Low German knock knees abnormal curvature
knobbe knot, knob] of the legs inwards at the knee.
knobbly /'nDbli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) hard knock-kneed adj.
and lumpy, [knobble, diminutive of knock-on effect n. secondary, in-
knob] direct, or cumulative effect.
knock 1 a strike with an audible knockout n. 1 act of making uncon-
sharp blow, b (often foil, by at) strike (a scious by a blow. 2 (usu. attrib.) Boxing
door etc.) to gain admittance. 2 make (a etc. such a blow. 3 competition in which
hole etc.) by knocking. 3 (usu. foil, by in, the loser in each round is eliminated
out, off, etc.) drive (a thing, person, etc.) (also attrib/. knockout round). 4 colloq.
by striking (knocked the ball into the outstanding or irresistible person or
hole; knocked those ideas out of him). 4 thing.
slang criticize. 5 a (of an engine) make a knock -up n. practice at tennis etc.
thumping or rattling noise, b = pink 3 6 . knoll /naul/ n. hillock, mound. [Old
coarse slang offens. = knock off 6.-n. 1 English]
act or sound of knocking. 2 knocking knot -n. 1
1 a intertwining of rope,
sound in esp. an engine. knock about string, hair, etc., so as to fasten, b set
(or around) colloq. 1 strike repeatedly; method of this (reef knot), c knotted
treat roughly. 2 a wander aimlessly or ribbon etc. as an ornament, d tangle in
adventurously, b be present, esp. by hair, knitting, etc. 2 unit of a ship's or
chance (a cup knocking about some- aircraft's speed, equivalent to one naut-
where), c (usu. foil, by with) be associ- ical mile per hour. 3 (usu. foil, by of)
ated socially, knock back 1 slang eat or cluster (knot of journatists). 4 bond,
drink, esp. quickly. 2 slang disconcert. esp. of marriage. 5 hard lump of organic
knot 491 kowtow
tissue. 6 a hard mass in a tree-trunk knowledge). : to my knowledge as far
where a branch grows out. b round as I know.
cross-grained piece in timber marking knowledgeable adj. (also knowledg-
this. 7 central point in a problem etc. -v. able) well-informed; intelligent.
in a knot. 2 entangle. 3 unite
(-tt-) 1 tie knowledgeability / 'biliti/ n. know-
closely, at a rate of knots colloq. very ledgeably adv.
fast, tiein knots colloq. baffle or con- known past part, of know.
fuse completely. [Old English] knuckle -n. 1 bone at a
knot 2 n. small sandpiper, [origin finger-joint, that connecting the
unknown] finger to the hand. 2 a knee- or ankle-
knotgrass n. wild plant with creeping
joint of a quadruped, b this as a joint of
stems and small pink flowers. meat, esp. of bacon or pork. —v. (-ling)
knot-hole n. hole in timber where a strike, press, or rub with the knuckles.
knot has fallen out.
knuckle down (often foil, by to) 1
knotty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of knots. 2
apply oneself seriously (to a task etc.). 2
puzzling {knotty problem).
(also knuckle under) submit.
give in;
know /nau/ v. (past knew; past part.
[Low German or Dutch diminutive of
known /naun/) 1 (often foil, by that,
knoke bone]
how, what, etc.) a have in the mind; have
learnt; be able to recall (knows a lot
knuckleduster n. metal guard worn

about cars), b (also absol.) be aware of over the knuckles in fighting, esp. in
(a fact) (/ think he knows), c have a good
order to inflict greater damage.
command of (knew German; knows his knuckle sandwich n. slang punch in
tables). 2 be acquainted or friendly the mouth.
with. 3 a (often foil, by to + infin.) knurl n. small projecting knob, ridge,

recognize; identify (/ knew him at once; etc. [Low German or Dutch]

knew them to be rogues), b (foil, by KO abbr. knockout,
from) be able to distinguish (did not koala /kau'a:la/ n. (in full koala bear)
know him from Adam). 4 be subject to small Australian bearlike marsupial
(joy knew no bounds). 5 have personal with thick grey fur. [Aboriginal]
experience of (fear etc.). 6 (as known kohl /kaul/ n. black powder used as eye
adj.) a publicly acknowledged (known make-up, esp. in Eastern countries.
fact), b Math, (of a quantity etc.) having [Arabic]
a value that can be stated. 7 have under- kohlrabi /kaul'raibi/ n. (pi. -bies) cab-
standing or knowledge. in the know bage with an edible turnip-like swollen
colloq. knowing inside information, stem. [German, from Italian cavolo
know of be aware of; have heard of (not rapa]
that I know of), know one's own mind kola var. of cola.
be decisive, not vacillate, know what's kolkhoz /kaI'xoiz/ n. collective farm in
what have knowledge of the world, life, the former USSR. [Russian]
etc. you know implying some-
colloq. 1 koodoo var. of kudu.
thing generally known etc. (you know, kook n. US slang crazy or eccentric
the pub on the corner). 2 expression person. kooky adj. (-ier, -iest).
used as a gap-filler in conversation, you [probably from cuckoo]
never know it is possible, knowable kookaburra /'kuka.bAra/ n. Australian
adj. [Old English]
kingfisher with a strange laughing cry.
know-all n. colloq. person who claims
or seems to know everything.
kopek (also kopeck) var. of copeck.
know-how n. practical knowledge;
koppie /'kDpi/ n. (also kopje) S.Afr.
natural skill.
small hill.[Afrikaans koppie little head]
knowing adj. suggesting that one has
Koran /k3.'ra:n/ n. Islamic sacred book.
inside information (a knowing look). 2
[Arabic, = recitation]
showing knowledge; shrewd.
knowingly adv. 1 consciously; inten- Korean /ka'rian/ -n. 1 native or na-

tionally (wouldn't knowingly hurt tional of N. or S. Korea. 2 language of

him). 2 in a knowing manner (smiled Korea, -adj. of Korea, its people, or
knowingly). language.
knowledge /'nDlid3/ n.1a (usu. foil, by kosher /'kauja(r)/ -adj. 1 (of food or a

of) awareness or familiarity (of or with a

food-shop) fulfilling the requirements of
person or thing) (have no knowledge of Jewish law. 2 colloq. correct, genuine,
that), b person's range of information. 2 legitimate, -n. kosher food or shop.
a (usu. foil, by of) understanding of a [Hebrew, = proper]
subject etc. (good knowledge of Greek). kowtow /kau'tau/ -n. hist. Chinese cus-
b sum of what is known (every branch of tom of kneeling with the forehead
k.p.h. 4\n kyle
touching the ground, esp. in submis- Kt. abbr. Knight,
sion. -t>. 1 (usu. foil, by to) act ob- kt. abbr. knot.
sequiously. 2 hist, perform the kowtow. Ku symb. kurchatovium.
[Chinese. knock the head] kudos /'kjiudus/ n. colloq. glory; re-
k.p.h. abbr. kilometres per hour. nown. [Greek]
Kr symb. krypton. kudu ,'ku:du:/ n. (also koodoo) (pi
kraal kra:l n. S.Afr. 1 village of huts same or -s) African antelope with white
enclosed by a fence. 2 enclosure for stripes and corkscrew-shaped ridged
cattle or sheep. [Afrikaans from Portu- horns. [Xhosa]
guese curral, of Hottentot origin] Kufic /'kju.fik/ (also Cufic) -n. early
Kraut /kraut/ n. slang offens. German, angular form of the Arabic alphabet
[shortening of sauerkraut] used esp. in decorative inscriptions.
kremlin /'kremlin,' n. 1 (the Kremlin)
—adj. of or in this script, [from Kufa, city
Moscow, b Russian Govern-
a citadel in in Iraq]
ment housed within it. 2 citadel within a Ku Klux Klan /.kuiklAks'klaen/ n.
Russian town. [Russian] White
racist society in the south-
krill n. tiny planktonic crustaceans.
ern US. [origin uncertain]
[Norwegian kril tiny fish]
krona /'krauna/ n. 1 (pi kronor) chief
kummel !

/ kum(a)l/ n. sweet liqueur

flavoured with caraway and cumin
monetary unit of Sweden. 2 (pi kronur)
seeds. [German: related to cumin]
chief monetary unit of Iceland.
[Swedish and Icelandic, = crown]
kumquat /'kAmkwnt/ n. (also cum-
krone /'krauna/ n. (pi kroner) chief quat) 1 small orange-like fruit. 2 shrub
monetary unit of Denmark and Nor- or small tree yielding this. [Chinese kin
= kii gold orange]
way. [Danish and Norwegian,
crown] kung fu /kAn 'fu:/ n. Chinese form of
krugerrand /'kru:ga,ra:nt/ n. S. Af- karate. [Chinese]
rican gold coin. [Kruger, name of a S. kurchatovium /,k3.tja'tauviam/ n. =
African statesman] rutherfordium. [Kurchatov, name of
krummhorn /'krAmho:n/ n. (also a Russian physicist]
crumhorn) medieval wind instrument. kV abbr. kilovolt(s).
[German] kW abbr. kilowatt(s).
krypton /'kriptnn/ n. inert gaseous ele- kWh abbr. kilowatt-hour(s).
ment used in fluorescent lamps etc. kyle /kail/ n. (in Scotland) narrow chan-
[Greek krupto hide] nel, strait. [Gaelic caol strait]
L el n. (also 1) {pi Ls or L's) 1 twelfth
labourer n. (US laborer) person doing
letter of the alphabet. 2 (as a roman unskilled, usu. manual, work for wages.
numeral) 50. Labour Exchange n. colloq. or hist.
L 2
abbr. (also L.) 1 learner driver. 2 Lake. employment exchange.
1 abbr. (also L) 1 left. 2 line. 3 litre(s). Labour Party n. formed
political party
£ abbr. pound(s) (money). [Latin libra] to represent the interests of working
LA abbr. Los Angeles. people.
La symb. lanthanum, labour-saving adj. designed to reduce
la var. of lah. or eliminate work.
Lab. abbr. Labour. Labrador /'^r)/ n. retriever of
lab n. colloq. laboratory, [abbreviation] a breed with a black or golden coat.
label leib(9)l -n. piece of paper etc.
1 [Labrador in Canada]
attached to an object to give information laburnum /la'b3:nanV n. tree with
about it. 2 short classifying phrase ap- drooping golden flowers yielding pois-
plied to a person etc. 3 logo, title, or onous seeds. [Latin]
trademark of a company, -v. (-11-; US -1-) labyrinth 'laebannG; n. 1 complicated
1 attach a label to. 2 (usu. foil, by as) network of passages etc. 2 intricate or
assign to a category. 3 replace (an atom) tangled arrangement. 3 the complex
by an atom of a usu. radioactive isotope structure of the inner ear. laby-
as a means of identification. [French] rinthine /-'rmGain/ adj. [Latin from
labial 'leibial - adj. 1 a of the lips, b of, Greek]
like, or serving as a lip. 2 (of a sound) lac n. resinous substance secreted as a
requiring partial or complete closure of protective covering by a SE Asian in-
the lips. -n. labial sound (e.g. p, m, v). sect. [Hindustani]
[Latin labia lips] lace -n. 1 fine open fabric or trimming,
labium 'leibiam n. (pi. labia) (usu. in made by weaving thread in patterns. 2
pi) each fold of skin of the two pairs cord etc. passed through holes or hooks
enclosing the vulva. [Latin. = lip] for fastening shoes etc. -v. (-cing) 1
labor etc. US & Austral, var. of labour (usu. foil, by up) fasten or tighten with a
etc. lace or laces. 2 add spirits to (a drink). 3
laboratory la'bDratarr n. (pi -ies) (often foil, by through) pass (a shoelace
room, building, or establishment for etc.) through. [Latin laqueus noose]
scientific experiments, research, chem- lacerate " v. (-ting) 1 mangle
ical manufacture, etc. [Latin: related to or tear (esp. flesh etc.). 2 cause pain to
laborious] (the feelings etc.). laceration
laborious la'boxias adj. 1 needing ,
reij(8)n/ n. [Latin lacer torn]
hard work or toil. 2 (esp. of literary lace-up -n. shoe fastened with a lace.
style) showing signs of toil. labori- -attrib. adj. (of a shoe etc.) fastened by a
ously adv. [Latin: related to labour] lace or laces.
labour 'leiba(r) (US & Austral, labor) lachrymal laekrim(9)l adj. (also la-
/, /

-n. 1 physical or mental work; exertion. crimal) of or for tears (lacrimal duct).
2 a workers, esp. manual, considered as [Latin lacrima tear]
a political and economic force, b lachrymose /'laekn.maus/ adj. formal
(Labour) Labour Party. 3 process of given to weeping; tearful.
childbirth. 4 particular task. -v. 1 work lack -n. (usu. foil, by of) want, defi-
hard; exert oneself. 2 a elaborate need- ciency, -u. be without or deficient in.
lessly (don't labour the point), b (as [Low German or Dutch]
laboured adj.) done with great effort; lackadaisical /,laek9'deizik(a)l/ adj.
not spontaneous. 3 (often foil, by under) unenthusiastic; listless; idle. lacka-
suffer under (a delusion etc.). 4 proceed daisically adv. [from archaic
with trouble or difficulty. [French from lackaday]
Latin labor, -oris] lackey /'laeki/ n. (pi -s) 1 servile fol-
labour camp n. prison camp enforcing lower; toady. 2 footman, manservant.
a regime of hard labour. [Catalan alacay]
Labour Day n. May 1 (or in the US and lacking adj. absent or deficient (money
Canada the first Monday in September), was lacking; is lacking in deter-
celebrated in honour of working people. mination).
lacklustre 494 laity
lacklustre adj. (US lackluster) 1 lack status or as having refined manners, b
tag m vitality etc. 2 dull, (Lady) title of peeresses, female rel-
laconic lo'knnik adj. terse, using few atives of peers, the wives and widows of
words laconically adv. [Greek knights, etc. 2 (often attrib.) woman;
Lakon Spartan] female (ask that lady; lady butcher). 3
lacquer 'laeka(r) -n. 1 varnish made of colloq, wife, girlfriend. 4 ruling woman
shellac or a synthetic substance. 2 sub- (lady of the house). 5 (the Ladies or
stance sprayed on the hair to keep it in Ladies') women's public lavatory. [Old
place, -v. coat with lacquer. [French English, = loaf-kneader]
lacre lac] ladybird n. small beetle, usu. red with
lacrimal var. of lachrymal. black spots.
lacrosse /la'krDs/ n. game like hockey, Lady chapel n. chapel dedicated to the
but with the ball carried in a crosse. Virgin Mary.
[French la the, crosse] Lady Day n. Feast of the Annunciation,
lactate 1
laek'teit/ v. (-ting) (of mam- 25 Mar.
mals) secrete milk, [as lactation] lady-in-waiting n. lady attending a
lactate 2 /'laekteit/ n. salt or ester of queen or princess.
lactic acid. lady-killer n. habitual seducer of
lactation /laek'teiJXa)n/ n. secretion of
1 women.
milk. 2 suckling. [Latin: related to ladylike adj. like or befitting a lady,
LACTIC] ladyship n. her (or your) ladyship
lacteal /'laektial/ -adj. 1 of milk. 2 con- respectful form of reference or address
veying chyle etc. -n. (in pi.) Anat. ves- to a Lady.
sels which absorb fats. [Latin lacteus: lady's man var. of ladies' man.
related to lactic] lady's slipper n. plant of the orchid
lactic /'laektik/ adj. of milk. [Latin lac family with a slipper-shaped lip on its
lactis milk] flowers.
lactic acid n. acid formed esp. in sour
lag —v. (-gg-) fall behind; not keep pace.
milk. -n. delay, [origin uncertain]
lactose /'laektaus/ n. sugar that occurs lag —v. (-gg-) enclose in heat-insulating
in milk. material, —n. insulating cover. [Old
lacuna /la'kjuina/ n. (pi. lacunae /-ni:/ Norse]
or -s) 1 gap. 2 missing portion etc., esp. lag3 n. slang habitual convict, [origin
in an ancient MS
etc. [Latin: related to unknown]
] lager /'la:ga(r)/n. a kind of light effer-
lacy /'leisi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) of or resem- vescent beer. [German, = store]
bling lace fabric. lager lout n. youth behaving
lad n. 1 boy, youth. 2 colloq. man. [origin badly as a result of heavy drinking.
unknown] laggard /'laegod/ n. person who lags
ladder -n. 1 set of horizontal bars fixed behind.
between two uprights and used for lagging n. material used to lag a boiler
climbing up or down. 2 vertical strip of etc. against loss of heat.
unravelled stitching in a stocking etc. 3 lagoon /la'gu:n/ n. stretch of salt water
hierarchical structure, esp. as a means separated from the sea by a sandbank,
of career advancement, -l>. 1 cause a reef, etc. [Latin lacuna pool]
ladder in (a stocking etc.). 2 develop a lah /la:/ n. (also la) Mus. sixth note of a
ladder. [Old English] major scale. [Latin labii, word arbit-
ladder-back n. upright chair with a rarily taken]
back resembling a ladder. laid past and past part, of lay 1 .

lade v. (-ding; past part, laden) 1 a load laid-back adj. relaxed; easygoing,
(a ship), b ship (goods). 2 (as laden adj.) laid paper n. paper with the surface
(usu. foil, by with) loaded, burdened. marked in fine ribs.
[Old English] laid up adj. 1 confined to bed or the
la-di-da /,la:di'da:/ adj. colloq. preten- house. 2 (of a ship) out of service.
tious or snobbish, esp. in manner or lain past part, of lie 1 .

speech, [imitative] lair n. 1 wild animal's resting-place. 2

ladies' man
n. (also lady's man) man person's hiding-place. [Old English]
fond of female company, laird n. Scot, landed proprietor, [from
ladle /'leid(9)l/ -n. deep long-handled lord]
spoon used for serving liquids, -v. laissez-faire /,lesei'fe3(r)/ n. (also
(-ling) (often foil, by out) transfer laisser-faire) policy of non-
(liquid) with a ladle. [Old English] interference. [French, = let act]
lady /'leidi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 a woman laity /'lenti/ n. lay people, as distinct
regarded as being of superior social from the clergy, [from lay 2 ]
lake 495 land
lake 1
large body of water surrounded
n. structure, esp. of layers fixed together.
by land. [Latin lacus] -adj. /'laemmat/ in the form of thin
lake 2 n. 1 reddish pigment orig. made plates. lamination /-'neij(9)n/ n.
from lac. 2 pigment obtained by combin- Lammas /'laemas/ n. (in full Lammas
ing an organic colouring matter with a Day) first day of August, formerly kept
metallic oxide, hydroxide, or salt. [var. as harvest festival. [Old English: related
of lac] tO LOAF 1
MASS 2 ]
Lake District n. the Lakes) re-
(also lamp device for producing a steady
n. 1
gion of lakes in Cumbria. light, esp.: a an electric bulb, and usu.
lakh /laek/ n. Ind. (usu. foil, by of) itsholder, b an oil-lamp, c a gas-jet and
hundred thousand (rupees etc.). [Hindu- mantle. 2 device producing esp. ultra-
stani lakh] violet or infrared radiation. [Greek lam-
lam v. (-mm-) slang thrash; hit. [per- pas torch]
haps Scandinavian] lampblack n. pigment made from soot,
lama /'la:ma/ n. Tibetan or Mongolian lamplight n. light from a lamp,
Buddhist monk. [Tibetan] lamplighter n. hist, person who lit
lamasery /'la:masan/ n. (pi. -ies) mon- street lamps.
astery of lamas. [French] lampoon /laem'pu:n/ -n. satirical at-
lamb /laem/ -n. 1 young sheep. 2 its flesh tack on a person etc. -v. satirize.
as food. 3 mild, gentle, or kind person. lampoonist n. [French lampon]
-v. give birth to lambs. The Lamb (or lamppost n. tall post supporting a
Lamb of God) name for Christ. [Old street-light.
English] lamprey /'laempn/ n. (pi. -s) eel-like
lambada /laem'ba:da/ n. fast erotic aquatic animal with a sucker mouth.
Brazilian dance in which couples [Latin lampreda]
dance with their stomachs touching lampshade n. translucent cover for a
each other. [Portuguese, = a beating] lamp.
lambaste /laem'beist/ v. (-ting) (also Lancastrian /laen'kaestnan/ -n. 1
lambast /-'baest/) colloq. thrash, beat. native of Lancashire or Lancaster. 2
hist, member or supporter of the House
[from LAM, BASTE ]

lambda /'laemda/ n. eleventh letter of of Lancaster in the Wars of the Roses.

the Greek alphabet (A,A). [Greek] -adj. of or concerning Lancashire or
lambent /'laembant/ adj. 1 (of a flame or Lancaster, or the House of Lancaster.
a light) playing on a surface. 2 (of the [Lancaster in Lancashire]
eyes, sky, wit, etc.) lightly brilliant. lance /la:ns/ -n. long spear, esp. one
lambency n. [Latin lambo lick] used by a horseman, -v. (-cing) 1 prick
lambswool n. soft fine wool from a or cut open with a lancet. 2 pierce with a
young sheep. lance. [French from Latin]
lame -adj. 1 disabled in the foot or leg. 2 lance-corporal n. lowest rank of NCO
a (of an excuse etc.) unconvincing; fee- in the Army.
ble, b (of verse etc.) halting, -v. (-ming) lanceolate /'la:nsialat/ adj. shaped like
make lame; disable. lamely adv. a lance-head, tapering at each end.
lameness n. [Old English] lancer n. 1 hist, soldier of a cavalry
lame /'la:mei/ n. fabric with gold or regiment armed with lances. 2 (in pi.) a
silver threads interwoven. [French] quadrille, b music for this.
lame duck n. helpless person or firm. lancet small broad two-
/'la:nsit/ n.
lament /la'ment/ -n. 1 passionate edged surgical knife with a sharp point.
expression of grief. 2 song etc. of mourn- lancet arch n. (also lancet light or
ing etc. -v. (also absol.) 1 express or feel window) narrow arch or window with a
grief for or about. 2 (as lamented adj.) pointed head.
used to refer to a recently dead person, land -n. 1 solid part of the earth's
z lament for (or over) mourn or regret. surface. 2 a expanse of country; ground,
[Latin lamenlor] soil, b this in relation to its use, quality,
lamentable /'laemantab(a)l/ adj. de- etc., or as a basis for agriculture. 3
plorable, regrettable. lamentably country, nation, State. 4 a landed prop-
adv. erty, b (in pi.) estates, -v. 1 a set or go
lamentation /1 laeman'teiJ(a)n/ n. 1 ashore, b (often foil, by at) disembark. 2
lamenting. 2 lament. bring (an aircraft) to the ground or
lamina /'laemma/ n. (pi. -nae /-,ni:/) thin another surface. 3 alight on the ground
plate or scale, laminar adj. [Latin] etc. 4 bring (a fish) to land. 5 (also re/7.;
laminate -v. /'laemi.neit/ (-ting) 1 beat often foil, by up) colloq. bring to, reach,
or roll into thin plates. 2 overlay with or find oneself in a certain situation or
metal plates, a plastic layer, etc. 3 split place. 6 colloq. a deal (a person etc. a
into layers, -n. /'laemmat/ laminated blow etc.). b (foil, by with) present (a
land-agent 496 Laodicean
person) with (a problem, job, etc.). 7 track etc. for a competitor in a race. 4
colloq. win or obtain (a prize, job, etc.). path regularly followed by a ship, air-
how the land lies what is the state of craft, etc. 5 gangway between crowds of
affairs, land on one's feet attain a good people. [Old English]
position, job, etc., by luck. landless language /'laengwid3/ n. 1 use of words
adj. [Old English] in an agreed way as a method of human
land-agent n. 1 steward of an estate. 2 communication. 2 system of words of a
agent for the sale of estates, particular community or country etc. 3
landau /'laendo:/ n. four-wheeled a faculty of speech, b style of expres-
enclosed carriage with a divided top. sion; use of words, etc. (poetic lan-
[Landau in Germany] guage). 4 system of symbols and rules
landed adj. 1 owning land. 2 consisting for writing computer programs. 5 any
of land. method of communication. 6 profes-
landfall n. approach to land, esp. after a sional or specialized vocabulary. [Latin
sea or air journey.
lingua tongue]
landfill n. 1 waste material etc. used to
language laboratory n. room
landscape or reclaim land. 2 process of
equipped with tape recorders etc. for
disposing of rubbish in this way.
learning a foreign language,
land-girl n. woman doing farm work,
esp. in wartime.
languid /'laengwid/ adj. lacking vigour;

landing n. 1 platform at the top of or idle; inert. languidly adv. [related to

part way up a flight of stairs. 2 coming to
land. 3 place where ships etc. land. languish /'laengwiJV v. lose or lack vi-
landing-craft n. craft designed for put- tality. languish for droop or pine for.
ting troops and equipment ashore. languish under suffer under (depres-
landing-gear n. undercarriage of an sion, confinement, etc.). [Latin langueo]
aircraft. languor /'laenga(r)/ n. 1 lack of energy;
landing-stage n. platform for disem- idleness. 2 soft or tender mood or effect.
barking goods and passengers. 3 oppressive stillness. languorous
landlady n. "1 woman who owns and adj.
letsland or premises. 2 woman who lank adj. 1 (of hair, grass, etc.) long and
keeps a public house, boarding-house, limp. 2 thin and[Old English]
etc. lanky adj. (-ier, -iest) ungracefully thin
land line n. means of telecommunica- and long or tall. lankiness n.
tion over land. lanolin /'laenalm/ n. fat found on
landlocked adj. almost or entirely sheep's wool and used in cosmetics etc.
enclosed by land. [Latin lana wool, oleum oil]
landlord n. 1 man who owns and lets lantern /'laent(a)n/ n. 1 lamp with a
land or premises. 2 man who keeps a transparent case protecting a flame etc.
public house, boarding-house, etc. 2 raised structure on a dome, room, etc.,
landlubber n. person unfamiliar with glazed to admit light. 3 light-chamber of
the sea. a lighthouse. [Greek lampter torch]
landmark n. 1 conspicuous object in a
lantern jaws long thin jaws and
district,landscape, etc. 2 prominent and
critical event etc.
lanthanide /'laenGa.naid/ n. any ele-
land mass n. large area of land. ment of the lanthanide series. [German:
land-mine n. explosive mine laid in or
related to lanthanum]
on the ground.
landowner owner
lanthanide series n. Chem. series of
n. of (esp. much)
elements from lanthanum to
15 metallic
land. landowning adj. & n.
landscape /'laendskeip/ -n. 1 scenery lutetium in the periodic table, having
as seen in a broad view. 2 (often attrib.) similar chemical properties.
picture representing this; this genre of lanthanum /'laenGanam/ n. metallic
painting, -v. (-ping) improve (a piece of element,first of the lanthanide series.

land) by landscape gardening. [Dutch [Greek lanthano escape notice]

landscap] lanyard /'laenjad/ n. 1 cord worn round
landscape gardening n. laying out of the neck or the shoulder, to which a
grounds to resemble natural scenery. knife etc. may be attached. 2 Naut. short
landslide n. 1 sliding down of a mass of rope or line used for securing, tighten-
land from a mountain, cliff, etc. 2 over- ing, etc. [French laniere, assimilated to
whelming victory in an election. yard 1

landslip n. landslide 1. Laodicean /,leiaudi'si:an/ half-hearted,

lane n. 1 narrow road. 2 division of a esp. in religion or politics. [Laodicea in
road for a stream of traffic. 3 strip of Asia Minor (Rev. 3:16)]
lap 497 larva
lap n. 1 front of the body from the waist
laptop n. (often attrib.) portable micro-
to the knees of a sitting person. 2 cloth- computer suitable for use while travel-
ing covering this. in the lap of the ling.
gods beyond human control, in the lap lapwing /'laepwin/ n. plover with a
of luxury in extremely luxurious sur- shrill cry. [Old English: related to leap,
roundings. [Old English] wink: from its mode of flight]
lap 2 -rc. 1 a one circuit of a racetrack etc. larboard & adj. archaic =
/'la:bad/ n.
b section of a journey etc. 2 a amount of port 3 , ladaoard, perhaps
overlapping, b overlapping part. 3 'side on which cargo was taken in':

single turn of thread etc. round a reel related to lade]

etc. —v. (-pp-) 1 lead or overtake (a com-
larceny /'la:s9ni/ n. (jpl. -ies) theft of

petitor in a race) by one or more laps.

personal property. larcenous adj.
2 (often foil, by about, round) fold or
[Anglo-French from Latin latrocinium]
wrap (a garment etc.) round. 3 (usu. foil, Usage In 1968 larceny was replaced
by in) enfold in wraps etc. 4 (as lap- as a statutory crime in English law by
ped adj.) (usu. foil, by in) enfolded theft.
caressingly. 5 cause to overlap, [prob- larch n. 1 deciduous coniferous tree
ably from lap ]
with bright foliage. 2 its wood. [Latin
lap 3 -v. (-pp-) a (esp. of an animal)
larix -icis]
drink with the tongue, b (usu. foil, by lard -n. pig fat used in cooking etc. -v. 1
up, down) consume (liquid) greedily, c insert strips of fat or bacon in (meat etc.)
(usu. foil, by up) consume (gossip, before cooking. 2 (foil, by with) garnish
praise, etc.) greedily. 2 (of waves etc.) (talk etc.) with strange terms. [French
ripple; make a lapping sound against = bacon, from Latin lardum]
(the shore), -n. 1 a act of lapping, b larder n. room or large cupboard for
amount of liquid taken up. 2 sound of storing food.
wavelets. [Old English] lardy adj. like lard.
lap-dog n. small pet dog. lardy-cake n. cake made with lard,
lapel /la'pel/ n. part of either side of a currants, etc.
coat-front etc., folded back against large adj. 1 of relatively great size or
itself, [from lap 1
extent. 2 of the larger kind (large intest-
lapidary concerned
/'laepidari/ -adj. 1 ine). 3 comprehensive. 4 pursuing an
with stone or stones. 2 engraved upon activity on a large scale (large farmer).
stone. 3 concise, well-expressed, epi- at large 1 at liberty. 2 as a body or
grammatic, -n. (pi. -ies) cutter, whole. 3 at full length, with all details,
polisher, or engraver, of gems. [Latin largeness n. largish adj. [Latin largus
lapis lapid- stone] copious]
lapis lazuli /.laepis "laezjuli/ n. 1 blue large as life adj. colloq. in person, esp.
mineral used as a gemstone. 2 bright prominently.
blue pigment. 3 its colour, [related to largely adv. to a great extent (largely

LAPIDARY, AZURE] my own fault).

Laplander /'laep,laenda(r)/ n. native or large-scale adj. made or occurring on a
large scale.
inhabitant of Lapland; Lapp, [as Lapp]
largesse /la:'3es/ n. (also largess)
lap of honour n. ceremonial circuit of
money or gifts freely given. [Latin lar-
a racetrack etc. by a winner.
gus: related to large]
Lapp n. 1 member of a Mongol people of largo /'la:g9u/ Mus. -adv. & adj. in a
N. Scandinavia and NW
Russia. 2 their
slow tempo and dignified style, -n. (pi.
language. [Swedish] -s) largo passage or movement. [Italian,
lappet /'laepit/ n. 1 small flap or fold of a = broad]
garment etc. 2 hanging piece of flesh, lariat /'laenat/ n. 1 lasso. 2 tethering-
[from lap ] rope [Spanish la reata]
lapse -n. 1 slight error; slip of memory lark n. small bird with a tuneful song,

etc. 2 weak or careless decline into an esp. the skylark. [Old English]
inferior state. 3 (foil, by of) passage of lark 2
colloq. -n. 1 frolic; amusing in-
time. -v. (-sing) 1 fail to maintain a cident. 2 type of activity (fed up with
position or standard. 2 (foil, by into) fall this digging lark), -v. (foil, by about)
back into an inferior or previous state. 3 play tricks, [origin uncertain]
(of a right or privilege etc.) become larkspur n. plant with a spur-shaped
invalid through disuse, failure to re- calyx.
new, etc. 4 (as lapsed adj.) that has larva /'la:va/ n. (pi. -vae /-vi:/) stage of
lapsed. [Latin lapsus from labor laps- an insect's development between egg
slip] and pupa, larval adj. [Latin, = ghost]
laryngeal 498 lately
laryngeal la'nnd3ial adj. of the lar- specified time (match lasts an hour).
ynx. last out be strong enough or sufficient
laryngitis ,la?nn'd3aitis n. inflamma- for the whole of a given period. [Old
tion of the larynx. English]
larynx laennks n. larynges
(pi. last 3 ,la:st, n. shoemaker's model for
lc)'nnd3i:z or -xes) hollow organ in the shaping a shoe etc. stick to one's last
throat holding the vocal cords. [Latin not meddle in what one does not under-
from Greek] stand. [Old English]
lasagne pasta in the form
la'sa?nja' n. last-ditch attrib. adj. (of an attempt
of sheets. [Italian pi., from Latin lasa- etc.) final, desperate.
num cooking-pot] lasting adj. permanent; durable.
lascivious la'sivias adj. 1 lustful. 2 lastly adv. finally; in the last place.
inciting to lust. lasciviously adv. last minute n. (also last moment) the
[Latin] time just before an important event
laser 'leiza(r)/ n. device that generates (often (with hyphen) aitrib.: last-
an intense beam of coherent light, or minute panic).
other electromagnetic radiation, in one last name n. surname.
direction, [/ight amplification by stimu- last post n. bugle-call at military
lated emission of radiation] funerals or as a signal to retire for the
lash -v. 1 make a sudden whiplike night.
movement. 2 beat with a whip etc. 3 last rites rites for a person about
(often foil, by against, down, etc.) (of to die.
rain etc.) beat, strike. 4 criticize last straw n. (prec. by the) slight addi-
harshly. 5 rouse, incite. 6 (foil, by down, tion to a burden that makes it finally
together, etc.) fasten with a cord etc. -n. unbearable.
1 sharp blow made by a whip etc. 2 last trump n. (prec. by the) trumpet-
flexible end of a whip. 3 eyelash, z lash blast to wake the dead on Judgement
out 1 speak or hit out angrily. 2 colloq. Day.
spend money extravagantly, [imitative] last word n. (prec. by the) 1 final or
lashings colloq. (foil, by of) plenty. definitive statement. 2 (often foil, by in)
lass n. esp. Scot. & N.Engl, or poet. girl. latest fashion.
[Old Norse] lat. abbr. latitude.
Lassa fever acute febrile
'laesa/ n. latch -n. 1 bar with a catch and lever as
viral disease of tropical Africa. [Lassa a fastening for a gate etc. 2 spring-lock
in Nigeria] preventing a door from being opened
lassitude 'laesi.tjuid/ n. 1 languor. 2 from the outside without a key. -v.
disinclination to exert oneself. [Latin fasten with a latch, z latch on (often
lass us tired] foil, by to) colloq. 1 attach oneself (to). 2
lasso /lae'su:/ -n. (pi. -s or -es) rope with understand, on the latch fastened by
a noose at one end, esp. for catching the latch (sense 1) only. [Old English]
cattle, -v. (-es, -ed) catch with a lasso. latchkey n. (pi. -s) key of an outer door.
[Spanish lazo: related to lace] late -adj. after the due or usual time;
last la:st/ -adj. 1 after all others; com- occurring or done after the proper time.
ing at or belonging to the end. 2 most 2 a far on in the day or night or in a
recent; next before a specified time (last specified period, b far on in develop-
Christmas). 3 only remaining (last ment. 3 flowering or ripening towards
chance). 4 (prec. by the) least likely or the end of the season. 4 no longer alive;
suitable (the last person I'd want). 5 no longer having the specified status,
lowest in rank (last place), -adv. 1 after former (my late husband; the late
all others (esp. in comb.: last-men- primeminister). 5 of recent date. -adv.
tioned). 2 on the most recent occasion 1 after the due or usual time. 2 far on in
(when did you last see him?). 3 lastly, time. 3 at or till a late hour. 4 at a late
—it 1 person or thing that is last, last- stage of development. 5 formerly but not
mentioned, most recent, etc. 2 (prec. by now (late of the Scillies). late in the
the) last mention or sight etc. (shall day colloq. at a late stage in the proceed-
never hear the last of it). 3 last perform- ings, z lateness n. [Old English]
ance of certain acts (breathed his last). latecomer n. person who arrives late.
4 (prec. by the) the end; death (fighting lateen la'ti:n' adj. (of a ship) rigged
to the last), at last (or long last) in the with a lateen sail. [French voile latine
end; after much delay. [Old English, = Latin sail]
latest] lateen sail n. triangular sail on a long
last 2 la:st/ v. 1 remain unexhausted or yard at an angle of 45° to the mast.
alive for a specified or considerable time lately adv. not long ago;* recently. [Old
(food to last a week). 2 continue for a English: related to late]
latent 499 launch
latent /'leit(a)nt/ adj. existing but not
Usage The use of latter to mean 'last
developed or manifest; concealed,
mentioned of three or more' is con-
dormant. latency*^. [Latin lateo be
sidered incorrect by some people.
latent heat n. Physics heat required to latter-day attrib. adj. modern, contem-
convert a solid into a liquid or vapour, porary.
or a liquid into a vapour, without Latter-day Saints Mormons'
change of temperature. name for themselves.
lateral /'laetar(9)l/ -adj. 1 of, at, to- latterly adv. 1 recently. 2 in the latter

wards, or from the side or sides. 2 part of life or a period!

descended from the sibling of a person lattice /'laetis/ n. 1 structure of crossed
in direct line. -n. lateral shoot or laths or bars with spaces between, used
branch. laterally adv. [Latin latus as a screen, fence, etc. 2 regular periodic
later- side] arrangement of atoms, ions, or mol-
lateral thinking n. method of solving ecules, z latticed adj. [French lattis
problems other than by using conven- from latte lath]
tional logic. lattice window n. window with small
latex /'leiteks/ n. (pi. -xes) 1 milky fluid panes set in diagonally crossing strips
of esp. the rubber tree. 2 synthetic of lead.
product resembling this. [Latin, = Latvian /'laetvian/ -n. 1 a native or
liquid] national of Latvia in eastern Europe, b
lath /la:8/ n. (pi laths /la:0s, la:oz/) thin person of Latvian descent. 2 language of
flat strip of wood. [Old English] Latvia, -adj. of Latvia, its people, or
lathe /leio/ n. machine for shaping language.
wood, metal, etc., by rotating the article laud /b:d/ -v. praise or extol, -n. 1
against cutting tools, [origin uncertain] praise; hymn of praise. 2 (in pi.) the first
lather /'la:6a(r)/ -n. 1 froth produced by morning prayer of the Roman Catholic
agitating soap etc. and water. 2 frothy Church. [Latin laus laud-]
sweat. 3 state of agitation, -v. 1 (of soap laudable adj. commendable, z laud-
etc.)form a lather. 2 cover with lather. 3 ability /-'biliti/ n. laudably adv.
colloq. thrash. [Old English]
Usage Laudable is sometimes con-
Latin /'laetm/ -n. language of ancient
fused with laudatory.
Rome and its empire, -adj. 1 of or in
Latin. 2 of the countries or peoples using laudanum /'toidnam/ n. solution pre-
languages descended from Latin. 3 of pared from opium, [perhaps from
the Roman Catholic Church. [Latin medieval Latin]
Latium district around Rome] laudatory /'bidatari/ adj. praising.
Latin America n. parts of Central and Usage Laudatory is sometimes con-
S. America where Spanish or Portu-
fused with laudable.
guese is the main language.
Latinate /'laeti.neit/ adj. having the laugh /la.f/ - v. 1 make the sounds and

character of Latin. movements usual in expressing lively

Latinize /'laeti.naiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing amusement, scorn, etc. 2 express by
or -sing) give a Latin form to. Latin- laughing. 3 (foil, by at) ridicule, make
ization /-'zeij(9)n/ n. fun of. —n. 1 sound, act, or manner of
latish adj. & adv. fairly late. laughing. 2 colloq. comical thing.
latitude /'laeti,rju:d/ n.1a angular dis- laugh off get rid of (embarrassment or
tance on a meridian north or south of humiliation) by joking, laugh up one's
the equator, b (usu. in pi.) regions or sleeve laugh secretly. [Old English]
climes. 2 tolerated variety of action or laughable adj. ludicrous; amusing.
opinion, z latitudinal /-'rju:dm(8)l/ laughably adv.
adj. [Latin latus broad] laughing n. laughter. no laughing
latitudinarian /.laeti.rju.di'neanan/ matter serious matter. laughingly
-adj. liberal, esp. in religion, -n. latit- adv.
udinarian person. laughing-gas n. nitrous oxide as an
latrine /la'triin/ n. communal lavatory, anaesthetic.
esp. in a camp. [Latin latrina] laughing jackass n. = kookaburra.
latter adj. 1 a second-mentioned of two, laughing stock n. person or thing
or last-mentioned of three or more, b open to general ridicule,
(prec. by the; usu. absol.) the second- or laughter /'la:fta(r)/ n. act or sound of
last-mentioned person or thing. 2 laughing. [Old English]
nearer the end (latter part of the year). 3 launch 1
/b:ntJ7 -v. 1 set (a vessel)
recent. 4 of the end of a period, the afloat. 2 hurl or send forth (a weapon,
world, etc. [Old English, = later] rocket, etc.). 3 start or set in motion (an
launch 500 lawyer
enterprise, person, 4 formally in-
etc.). lavender-water n. light perfume
troduce (a new product) with publicity made with distilled lavender,
etc. 5 (foil, by out, into, etc.) a make a laver 'leiva(r), 'la:- n. edible seaweed.
start on (an enterprise etc.). b burst into [Latin]
(strong language etc.). -n. act of launch- lavish laevij" -adj. 1 giving or produc-
ing. [Anglo-Norman launcher: related to ing in large quantities; profuse. 2 gener-
LANCE] ous, —v. (often foil, by on) bestow or
launch :
b:ntj ft 1 large motor boat. 2 spend (money, effort, praise, etc.)
man-of-war's largest boat. [Spanish lan- abundantly. lavishly adv. [French
cha] lavasse deluge: related to lave]
launcher n. structure to hold a rocket law n.1a rule enacted or customary in a
during launching. community and recognized as com-
launch pad n. (also launching pad) manding or forbidding certain actions,
platform with a supporting structure, b body of such rules. 2 controlling
for launching rockets from, influence of laws; respect for laws. 3
launder b:nda(r) v. 1 wash and iron laws collectively as a social system or
(clothes etc.). 2 colloq. transfer (funds) subject of study. 4 binding force (her
to conceal their origin. [French: related word is law). 5 (prec. by the) a the legal
to lave]
profession, b colloq. the police. 6 (in pi)
launderette bm'dret (also laun- n.
jurisprudence. 7 a the judicial remedy,
drette) with
establishment coin- b the lawcourts as providing this (go to
law). 8 rule of action or procedure. 9
operated washing-machines and driers
for public use.
regularity in natural occurrences (laws
laundress 'b:ndris n. woman who of nature: law of gravity). 10 divine
launders, esp. professionally.
commandments. be a law unto one-
self do what one considers right; dis-
laundry 'b:ndn n. (pi. -ies) 1 a place
regard custom, lay down the law be
for washing clothes etc. b firm washing
dogmatic or authoritarian, take the
clothes etc. commercially. 2 clothes or
law into one's own hands redress a
linen for laundering or newly laun-
grievance by one's own means, esp. by
force. [Old English from Old Norse, =
laureate luriat. la:- -adj. wreathed
thing laid down]
with laurel as a mark of honour, -n. =
law-abiding adj. obedient to the laws.
Poet Laureate, z laureateship n.
lawbreaker n. person who breaks the
[related to laurel]
law. lawbreaking n. & adj.
laurel 'lur(a)l n. 1 = bay 2 2 (in sing, or

lawcourt n. court of law.

pi.) wreath of bay-leaves as an emblem
lawful conforming with or recog-
of victory or poetic merit. 3 any of
nized by law; not illegal, z lawfully
various plants with dark-green glossy
adv. lawfulness n.
leaves, look to one's laurels beware lawgiver n. person who formulates
of losing one's pre-eminence, rest on
laws; legislator.
one's laurels see rest. [Latin laurus lawless adj. 1 having no laws or law
bay] enforcement. 2 disregarding laws, z
lav n. colloq. lavatory, [abbreviation] lawlessness n.
lava 'la:v8 n. matter flowing from a Law Lord n. member of the House of
volcano and solidifying as it cools. Lords qualified to perform its legal
[Latin lavo wash] work.
lavatorial .laeva'toxial adj. of or like lawmaker n. legislator.
lavatories: (esp. of humour) relating to lawn n. piece of closely-mown
grass in
excretion. a garden etc. [French launde glade]
lavatory 'laevatan n. (pi -ies) 1 recept- lawn n. fine linen or cotton, [probably

acle for urine and faeces, usu. with a from Laon in France]
means of disposal. 2 room or compart- lawnmower n. machine for cutting
ment containing this. [Latin: related to lawns.
lava] lawn tennis n. tennis played with a
lavatory paper n. = toilet paper. soft ball on outdoor grass or a hard
lave r. (-ving) literary' 1 wash, bathe. 2 court.
(of water) wash against; flow along. lawrencium b'rensiam n. artificially
[Latin lavo wash] made transuranic metallic element.
lavender laevmde(r) n.1a evergreen [Lawrence, name of a physicist]
shrub with purple aromatic flowers, b lawsuit n. bringing of a dispute, claim,
its flowers and stalks dried and used to etc. before a lawcourt.
scent linen etc. 2 pale mauve colour. lawyer 'b:j8(r) n. legal practitioner.
[Latin lavandula] esp. a solicitor.
lax 501 lead
lax adj. lacking care or precision. 2 not
1 lay-by n. (pi. -bys) area at the side of a
strict. : laxity n. laxly adv. laxness n. road where vehicles may stop.
[Latin lax us loose] layer -n. 1 thickness of matter, esp. one
laxative /'laeksativ/ -adj. facilitating of several, covering a surface. 2 person
evacuation of the bowels, -ai. laxative or thing that lays. 3 hen that lays eggs. 4
medicine. [Latin: related to lax] shoot fastened down to take root while
lay — b. (past and past part, laid) 1 place
attached to the parent plant, -v. 1 ar-
on a surface, esp. horizontally or in the range in layers. 2 cut (Jiair) in layers. 3
proper or specified place. 2 put or bring propagate (a plant) by a layer.
into the required position or state (lay layette /lei'et/ n. set of clothing etc. for a
carpet). 3 make by laying (lay founda- newborn child. [French from Dutch]
tions). 4 (often absol.) (of a hen bird) lay figure n. 1 jointed figure of a human
produce (an egg). 5 cause to subside or body used by artists for arranging
lie flat. 6 (usu. foil, by on)\ attribute or drapery on etc. 2 unrealistic character
impute (blame etc.). 7 prepare or make in a novel etc. [Dutch led joint]
ready (a plan or trap). 8 prepare (a table) layman n. (fern, laywoman) 1 non-

for a meal. 9 arrange the material for (a ordained member of a Church. 2 person
fire). 10 put down as a wager; stake. 11
without professional or specialized
(foil, by with) coat or strew (a surface).
12 slang offens. have sexual intercourse lay-off n. temporary discharge of
with (esp. a woman). -n. 1 way, position, workers; a redundancy.
or direction in which something lies. 2 layout n. 1 way in which land, a build-
ing, printed matter, etc., is arranged or
slang offens. partner (esp. female) in, or
set out. 2 something arranged in a par-
act of, sexual intercourse. lay about
ticular way; display.
one hit out on all sides, lay aside 1 put
to one side. 2 cease to consider, lay at
lay reader n. lay person licensed to
conduct some religious services.
the door of impute to. lay bare expose,
laze -v. (-zing) 1 spend time idly. 2 (foil,
reveal, lay claim to claim as one's own.
by away) pass (time) idly. -n. spell of
lay down 1 put on a flat surface. 2 give
lazing, [back-formation from lazy]
up (an office). 3 formulate (a rule). 4
lazy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 disinclined to
store (wine) for maturing. 5 sacrifice
work, doing work. 2 of or inducing
(one's life), lay (one's) hands on obtain,
idleness. lazily adv. laziness n. [per-
locate, lay hands on seize or attack, lay
haps from Low German]
hold of seize, lay in provide oneself lazybones n. (pi. same) colloq. lazy
with a stock of. lay into colloq. punish
or scold harshly, lay it on thick (or lb abbr. pound(s) (weight). [Latin libra]
with a trowel) colloq. flatter or exag- LBC abbr. London Broadcasting Com-
gerate grossly, lay low overthrow or pany.
humble, lay off 1 discharge (unneeded l.b.w. abbr. leg before wicket.
workers) temporarily; make redund- I.e. abbr. 1 = loc. cit. 2 lower case.
ant. 2 colloq. desist, lay on 1 provide. 2 LCD abbr. 1 liquid crystal display. 2
impose. 3 inflict (blows). 4 spread on lowest (or least) common denominator.
(paint etc.). lay open 1 break the skin of. LCM abbr. lowest (or least) common
2 by to) expose (to criticism etc.).
(foil, multiple.
lay out 1 spread out, expose to view. 2 L/Cpl abbr. Lance-Corporal.
prepare (a corpse) for burial. 3 colloq. Ld. abbr. Lord.
knock unconscious. 4 arrange (grounds LEA abbr. Local Education Authority,
etc.) according to a design. 5 expend lea n. poet, meadow, field. [Old English]
(money), lay to rest bury in a grave, lay leach v. 1 make (a liquid) percolate
up store, save, lay waste ravage, de- through some material. 2 subject (bark,
stroy. [Old English] ore, ash, or soil) to the action of percolat-

Usage The intransitive use of lay,

ing fluid. 3 (foil, by away, out) remove
(soluble matter) or be removed in this
meaning as in she was laying on the
way. [Old English]
floor, is incorrect in standard English.
lead /li:d/ -v. (past and past part, led) 1

lay 2 adj. a non-clerical, b riot ordained

1 cause to go with one, esp. by guiding or
into the clergy. 2 a not professionally going in front. 2 a direct the actions or
qualified, b of or done by such persons. opinions of. b (often foil, by to, or to +
[Greek laos people] infin.) guide by persuasion or example
lay 3 n. 1 short poem meant to be sung. 2 (what led you to think that). 3 (also
song. [French] absol.) provide access to; bring to a
lay 4 past of lie 1 . certain position (gate leads you into a
layabout n. habitual loafer or idler. field; road leads to Lincoln). 4 pass or go
lead 502 lean
through (a life etc. of a specified kind). 5 leading question n. question prompt-
a have the first place in. b (absol.) go ing the answer wanted.
first; be ahead in a race etc. c (absol.) be
Usage Leading question does not
pre-eminent in some field. 6 be in charge mean a 'principal' or 'loaded' or 'search-
of (leads a team). 7 (also absol.) play (a ing' question.
card) or a card of (a particular suit) as
first player in a round. 8 (foil, by to)
lead pencil n. pencil of graphite in
result in. 9 (foil, by with) (of a news- wood.
paper or news broadcast) have as its lead-poisoning n. poisoning by
main story (led with the royal wed- absorption of lead into the body.
ding). 10 (foil, by through) make (a leaf -n. (pi. leaves) 1 each of several

liquid, strip of material, etc.) pass

flattened usu. green structures of a
plant, growing usu. on the side of a stem.
through a certain course, -n. 1 guid-
2 a foliage regarded collectively, b state
ance given by going in front; example. 2
of bearing leaves (tree in leaf). 3 single
a leading place (take the lead), b amount
thickness of paper. 4 very thin sheet of
by which a competitor is ahead of the
others. 3 clue. 4 strap etc. for leading a
metal etc. 5 hinged part, extra section,
or flap of a table etc. -v. 1 put forth
dog etc. 5 conductor (usu. a wire) con-
leaves. 2 (foil, by through) turn over the
veying electric current to an appliance.
pages of (a book etc.). leafage n. leafy
6 a chief part in a play etc. b person
adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old English]
playing this, c (attrib.) chief performer
leaflet /'liiflit/ -n. 1 sheet of paper,
or instrument of a specified type (lead
pamphlet, etc. giving information. 2
guitar). 7 Cards a act or right of playing
young leaf. 3 Bot. division of a com-
first, b card led. lead by the nose
pound leaf. -v. (-t-) distribute leaflets
cajole into compliance, lead off begin,
lead on entice dishonestly, lead up the
leaf-mould n. soil or compost consist-
garden path colloq. mislead, lead up to
ing chiefly of decayed leaves.
form a preparation for; direct conversa-
leaf-stalk n. stalk joining a leaf to a
tion towards. [Old English]
lead 2 /led/ -n. 1 heavy bluish-grey soft league /li:g/ -n. 1 people, countries,

metallic element. 2 a graphite, b thin

groups, etc., combining for a particular
length of this in a pencil. 3 lump of lead
purpose. 2 agreement to combine in this
used in sounding water. 4 (in pi. ) a strips
way. 3 group of sports clubs which
of lead covering a roof, b piece of lead-
compete for a championship. 4 class of
covered roof. 5 (in pi) lead frames hold- contestants etc. -v. (-gues, -gued,
ing the glass of a lattice etc. 6 blank -guing) (often foil, by together) join in a
space between lines of print, -u. 1 cover, league, z in league allied, conspiring.
weight, or frame with lead. 2 space [Latin ligo bind]
(printed matter) with leads. [Old Eng- league 2 /li:g/ n.
hist, varying measure of
distance, usu. about three miles. [Latin
leaden /'led(a)n/ adj. of or like lead. 2
from Celtic]
heavy or slow. 3 lead-coloured. league table n. list in ranked order of
leader «.1a person or thing that leads, success etc.
b person followed by others. 2 principal leak -/i.1a hole through which matter
player in a music group or of the first passes accidentally in or out. b matter
violins in an orchestra. 3 = leading passing through thus, c act of passing
article. 4 shoot of a plant at the apex of through thus. 2 a similar escape of
a stem or of the main branch. leader- electrical charge, b charge that escapes.
ship n. 3 disclosure of secret information, -v. 1
lead-free adj. (of petrol) without added a pass through a leak, b lose or admit
lead compounds. through a leak. 2 disclose (secret
lead-in n. introduction, opening, etc. information). 3 (often foil, by out)
leading adj. chief; most important.

become known. have (or take) a leak

leading 2 /'ledin/ n. Printing - lead 2 n. slang urinate. leaky adj. (-ier, -iest).
6. [Low German or Dutch]
leading aircraftman n. rank above leakage n. action or result of leaking.
aircraftman in the RAF. lean (past and past part, leaned or

leading article n. newspaper article leant /lent/) 1 (often foil, by across,

giving editorial opinion, back, over, etc.) be or place in a sloping
leading light n. prominent and position; incline from the perpendic-
influential person. ular. 2 (foil, by against, on, upon) (cause
leading note n. Mus. seventh note of a to) rest for support againstjetc. 3 (foil, by
diatonic scale. on, upon) rely on. 4 (foil, by to, towards)
lean 503 leaved
be inclined or partial to. -n. deviation not less than, in the least (or the least)
from the perpendicular; inclination. (usu. with neg.) at all (not in the least
lean on colloq. put pressure on (a per- offended), to say the least putting the
son) to act in a certain way. lean over case moderately. [Old English, superla-
backwards see backwards. [Old Eng- tive of less]
lish] least common denominator n. =
lean 2 -adj. person or animal)
thin; having no superfluous fat. 2 (of least common multiple n. = lowest
meat) containing little fat. 3 meagre. -n. COMMON MULTIPLE.
lean part of meat. leanness n. [Old leather /led9(r)/ -n. 1 material made
English] from the skin of an animal by tanning
leaning n. tendency or partiality,
piece of leather for polishing with.
etc. 2
lean-to n. (pi. -tos) building with its roof
3 leather part(s) of a thing. 4 slang
leaning against a larger building or a
cricket-ball or football. 5 (in pi.) leather
clothes, -v. 1 beat, thrash. 2 cover with
lean years years of scarcity.
leather. 3 polish or wipe with a leather.
leap -v. (past and past part, leaped or
[Old English]
leapt /lept/) jump or spring forcefully.
-n. forceful jump. by leaps and leatherback n. large marine turtle
with a leathery shell,
bounds with startlingly rapid progress,
leap in the dark daring step or enter- leather-bound adj. bound in leather,
prise. [Old English]
leatherette /.leda'ret/ n. imitation
leap-frog -n. game in which players leather.
vault with parted legs over others bend- leather-jacket n. crane-fly grub with a
ing down. -v. (-gg-) 1 perform such a tough skin.
vault (over). 2 overtake alternately. leathery adj. 1 like leather. 2 tough.
leap year n. year with 366 days (includ- leave v. (-ving; past and past part, left)

ing 29th Feb. as an intercalary day). 1 a go away from, b (often foil, by for)

learn /l3:n/ v. (past and past part. depart. 2 cause to or let remain; depart
learned /l3:nt, l3:nd/ or learnt) 1 gain without taking. 3 (also absol.) cease to
knowledge of or skill in. 2 commit to reside at or belong to or work for. 4
memory. 3 (foil, by of) be told about. 4 abandon; cease to live with (one's family
(foil, by that, how, etc.) become aware of. etc.). 5 have remaining after one's
5 receive instruction. 6 archaic or dial. death. 6 bequeath. 7 (foil, by to + infin.)
teach. [Old English] allow (a person or thing) to do some-
learned /'l3:nid/ adj. 1 having much thing independently. 8 (foil, by to) com-
knowledge acquired by study. 2 show- mit to another person etc. (leave that to
ing or requiring learning (a learned me). 9 a abstain from consuming or
work). 3 (of a publication) academic. dealing with, b (in passive; often foil, by
learner n. 1 person who is learning a over) remain over. 10 a deposit or
subject or skill. 2 (in full learner entrust (a thing) to be attended to in
driver) person who is learning to drive one's absence (left a message with his
and has not yet passed a driving test. secretary), b depute (a person) to per-
learning n. knowledge acquired by form a function in one's absence. 11
allow to remain or cause to be in a
lease -n. contract by which the owner specified state or position (left the door
of property allows another to use it for a
open; left me exhausted). leave alone
specified time, usu. in return for pay-
refrain from disturbing, not interfere
ment, —v. (-sing) grant or take on lease.
with, leave a person cold not impress
new lease of ( US on) life improved
or excite a person, leave off 1 come to or
prospect of living, or of use after repair.
[Anglo-French lesser let, from Latin
make an end. 2 discontinue, leave out
omit; exclude. [Old English]
laxo loosen]
leasehold n. 1 holding of property by leave 2 n. 1 (often foil, by to + infin.)
lease. 2 property held by lease. lease- :
permission. 2 a (in full leave of ab-
holder n. sence) permission to be absent from
leash -n. strap for holding a dog etc.; duty, b period for which this lasts. on
lead. -v. 1 put a leash on. 2 restrain. leave legitimately absent from duty,
straining at the leash eager to begin. take one's leave (of) bid farewell (to),
[French lesse: related to lease] take leave of one's senses go mad. [Old
least -adj. 1 smallest, slightest. 2 (of a English]
species etc.) very small, -n. the least leaved adj. having a leaf or leaves, esp.
amount, -adv. in the least degree, at (in comb.) of a specified kind or number
least 1 at any rate. 2 (also at the least) (four-leaved clover).
leaven 504 leg
leaven /'lev(a)n/ -n. 1 substance caus- from the wind. -n. leeward region or
ing dough to ferment and rise. 2 per- side.
vasive transforming influence; admix- leeway n. 1 allowable scope of action. 2
ture, -v. A ferment (dough) with leaven. sideways drift of a ship to leeward of the
2 permeate and transform; modify with desired course.
left -adj. 1 on or towards the west side
a tempering element. [Latin levo lift]
leaves pi. of leaf. of the human body, or of any object,
leave-taking n. act of taking one's when facing north. 2 (also Left) Polit. of
leave. the Left. -adv. on or to the left side. -n. 1
leavings things left over. left-hand part, region, or direction. 2
Lebanese /,leba'ni:z/ -adj. of Lebanon. Boxing a left hand, b blow with this. 3
-n. same) 1 native or national of
(pi. (often Left) group or section favouring
Lebanon. 2 person of Lebanese descent. socialism; socialists collectively. [Old
lech colloq. -v. (often foil, by after) lust. English, originally = 'weak, worthless']
-n. 1 lecherous man. 2 lust, [back- left pas* and past part, of leave 1 .

formation from lecher] left bank n. bank of a river on the left

lecher n. lecherous man. [French facing downstream.
lechier live in debauchery] left-hand attrib. adj. 1 on or towards
lecherous adj. lustful, having excess- the left side of a person or thing. 2 done
ive sexual desire. lecherously adv. with the left hand. 3 (of a screw) = left-
lechery n. excessive sexual desire. handed 4b.
lectern /'lekt(a)n/ n. 1 stand for holding left-handed adj. 1 naturally using the
left hand for writing etc. 2 (of a tool etc.)
a book in a church etc. 2 similar stand
for use by the left hand. 3 (of a blow)
for a lecturer etc. [Latin lectrum from
lego read]
struck with the left hand. 4 a turning to
the left, b (of a screw) turned anticlock-
lecture -n. 1 talk giving
wise to tighten. 5 awkward, clumsy. 6 a
specified information to a class etc. 2
(of a compliment) ambiguous, b of
long serious speech, esp. as a repri-
doubtful sincerity. left-handedly
mand, -v. (-ring) 1 (often foil, by on)
adv. left-handedness n.
deliver lecture(s). 2 talk seriously or
left-hander n. 1 left-handed person. 2
reprovingly to. lectureship n. [Latin:
left-handed blow.
related to lectern]
leftism n. socialist political principles.
lecturer n. person who lectures, esp. as
a teacher in higher education.
leftist n. & adj.
left luggage n. luggage deposited for
LED abbr. light-emitting diode.
later retrieval.
led past and past part, of lead 1 .

leftmost adj. furthest to the left,

lederhosen /'leida,hauz(a)n/
leftover -n. (usu. in pi.) surplus item
leather shorts as worn by some men (esp. of food), -attrib. adj. remaining
in Bavaria etc. [German, = leather
over, surplus.
leftward /'leftwad/ -adv. (also left-
ledge n. narrow horizontal or shelflike
wards) towards the left. -adj. going
projection, [origin uncertain] towards or facing the left.
ledger n. main record of the accounts of left wing-rc. 1 more socialist section of
a business. [Dutch] a political party or system. 2 left side of a
lee n. 1 shelter given by a close object football etc. team on the field, -adj.
(under the lee of). 2 (in full lee side) side (left-wing) socialist, radical. left-
away from the wind. [Old English] winger n.
leech n. 1 bloodsucking worm formerly lefty /'lefti/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. 1 Polit.
much used medically. 2 person who often derog. left-winger. 2 left-handed
sponges on others. [Old English] person.
leek n. 1 plant of the onion family with leg n. 1 each of the limbs on which a
flat leaves forming a cylindrical bulb, person or animal walks and stands. 2 leg
used as food. 2 this as a Welsh national of an animal or bird as food. 3 part of a
emblem. [Old English] garment covering a leg. 4 support of a
leer-u. look slyly, lasciviously, or mali- chair, table, etc. 5 Cricket the half of the
ciously, -n. leering look, [perhaps from field (divided lengthways) in which the
obsolete leer cheek] batsman's feet are placed. 6 a section of
leery adj. (-ier, -iest) slang 1 knowing, a journey, b section of a relay race, c
sly. 2 (foil, by of) wary, stage in a competition. leg it (-gg-)
lees /li:z/ 1 sediment of wine etc. 2 colloq. walk or run hard, not have a leg
dregs. [French] to stand on be unable to support one's
leeward ,"li:wad, Naut. 'lu:ad/ -adj. & argument by facts or sound reasons, on
adv. on or towards the side sheltered one's last legs near death or the end of
legacy 505 leg up
usefulness z legged /legd, 'legid/
etc. 2 stout protective outer covering for the
adj. (also in comb.). [Old Norse] lower leg.
legacy /'legasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 gift left in a leggy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 long-legged. 2
will. 2 thing handed down by a predeces- long-stemmed and weak, z legginess n.
sor. [Latin lego bequeath] legible /'led3ib(a)l/ adj. clear enough to
legal /'li:g(a)l/ adj. 1 of or based on law; read; readable, z legibility /-'biliti/ n.
concerned with law. 2 appointed or legibly adv. [Latin lego read]
required by law. 3 permitted by law. z legion /'li:d3(a)n,' -ru 1 division of
legally adv. [Latin lex leg- law] 3,000-6,000 men in the ancient Roman
legal aid n. State assistance for legal army. 2 large organized body, -predic.
advice or action. adj. great in number (his good works
legalese /,li:ga'li:z/ n. colloq. technical were legion). [Latin legio -onis]
language of legal documents, legionary -adj. of a legion or legions.
legalistic /.liiga'listik/ adj. adhering -n. (pi. -ies) member of a legion.
excessively to a law or formula, z legionnaire /,li:d3a'nea(r)/ n. member
legalism /li:g8,liz(a)m/ n. legalist of a legion. [French: related to legion]
/'legalist/ n. legionnaires' disease n. form of bac-
legality /li'gaeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 lawful- terial pneumonia.
ness. 2 (in pi.) obligations imposed by legislate /'led3is leit/ v. (-ting) make

law. laws, z legislator n. [from legis-

legalize /'li:ga,laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing lation]
or -sing) 1 make lawful. 2 bring into legislation /,led3is'leij(a)n/ n. 1 law-
harmony with the law. z legalization making. 2 laws collectively. [Latin lex
/-'zeij(a)n n.
legis law, latus past part, oifero carry]
legal separation see separation. legislative /'led3islativ/ adj. of or
legal tender n. currency that cannot empowered to make legislation.
legally be refused in payment of a debt, legislature /'led3is,leitja(r), -latja(r)/
legate /'legat/ n. ambassador of the n. legislative body of a State.
Pope. [Latin lego depute]
legit /li'd3it/ adj. colloq. legitimate (in
legatee /.lega'ti:/ n. recipient of a legacy.
sense 2). [abbreviation]
[Latin lego bequeath]
legitimate /li'd3itamat/ adj. 1 (of a
legation /h'geij(a)n/ n. 1 diplomatic
child) born of parents married to each
minister and his or her staff. 2 this
other. 2 lawful, proper, regular. 3
minister's official residence. [Latin:
logically acceptable, z legitimacy n.
related to legate]
legitimately adv. [Latin legitimo
legato /li'ga:tao7 Mus. -adv. & adj. in a
legitimize, from lex legis law]
smooth flowing manner, -n. (pi. -s) 1
legitimatize /li'd3itama,taiz/ v. (also
legato passage. 2 legato playing. [It-
-ise) (-zing or -sing) legitimize.
alian, = bound, from ligo bind]
leg before -adj. & adv. (in full leg legitimize /li'dsita.maiz/ v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) 1 make legitimate. 2
before wicket) Cricket (of a batsman)
serve as a justification for. legitim-
out because of stopping the ball, other
than with the bat or hand, which would ization /-'zeij\a)n/ n.
otherwise have hit the wicket, —n. such legless adj. 1 having no legs. 2 slang
a dismissal. very drunk.
leg-bye n. Cricket run scored from a ball Lego /'legau/ n. propr. toy consisting of

that touches the batsman. interlocking plastic building blocks.

legend /'led3(a)nd n. 1 a traditional [Danish legetoj toys]
story; myth, b these collectively. 2 col- leg-of-mutton sleeve n. sleeve which
loq. famous or remarkable event or is full and loose on the upper arm but

person. 3 inscription. 4 explanation on a close-fitting on the forearm.

map etc. of symbols used. [Latin legenda leg-pull n. colloq. hoax.

what is to be read] leg-room n. space for the legs of a

legendary adj. 1 of, based on, or de- seated person.
scribed in a legend. 2 colloq. remark- legume /'legju:m/ n. 1 leguminous
able. plant. 2 edible part of a leguminous
legerdemain led^ada'mem/ n. 1 plant. [Latin legumen -minis from lego
sleight of hand. 2 trickery, sophistry. pick, because pickable by hand]
[French, = light of hand] leguminous /li'gju:mmas/ adj. of the
leger line /'led3a(r)/ n. Mus. short line family of plants with seeds in pods (e.g.
added for notes above or below the peas and beans).
range of a staff, [var. of ledger] leg up n. help given to mount a horse
legging n. (usu. in pi.) 1 close-fitting etc., or to overcome an obstacle or prob-
knitted trousers for women or children. lem; boost.
leg warmer 506 leprechaun
leg warmer n. either of a pair of tubu- length (length of cloth). 8 Prosody
lar knitted garments covering the leg quantity of a vowel or syllable. 9 Cricket
from ankle to knee or thigh. a distance from the batsman at which
lei len: n. Polynesian garland of the ball pitches, b proper amount of this.
flowers. [Hawaiian! 10 length of a swimming-pool as a
leisure le3a(r)/ n. 1 free time. 2 enjoy- measure of distance swum.D at length
ment of free time. at leisure 1 not 1 in detail. 2 after a long time. [Old
occupied. 2 in an unhurried manner, at English: related to long ]

one's leisure when one has time. lengthen v. make or become longer,
[Anglo-French leisour from Latin licet it lengthways adv. in a direction parallel
is allowed] with a thing's length,
leisure centre n. public building with lengthwise -adv. lengthways, -adj.
sports facilities etc. lying or moving lengthways,
leisured adj. having ample leisure, lengthy adj. (-ier, -iest) of unusual
leisurely /'le3ali/ -adj. unhurried, or tedious length. lengthily adv.
relaxed, -adv. without hurry. lengthiness n.
leisureliness n. lenient /'li:niant/ adj. merciful, not
leisurewear n. informal clothes, esp. severe. lenience n. leniency n.
sportswear. leniently adv. [Latin lenis gentle]
leitmotif /'laitmau.tLf/ n. (also leit- lens /lenz/ n. 1 piece of a transparent
motiv) recurrent theme in a musical substance with one or (usu.) both sides
etc. composition representing a particu- curved for concentrating or dispersing
lar person, idea, etc.[German: related to light-rays esp. in optical instruments. 2
combination of lenses used in photo-
lemming /'lemin/ n. small Arctic graphy. 3 transparent substance behind
rodent reputed to rush into the sea and the iris of the eye. 4 = contact lens.
drown during migration. [Norwegian] [Latin lens lent- lentil (from the similar-
lemon /'leman/ /i.1a yellow oval citrus ity of shape)]
fruit with acidic juice, b tree bearing it.
Lent n. Eccl. period of fasting and penit-
2 pale yellow colour. 3 colloq. person or
ence from Ash Wednesday to Holy
thing regarded as a failure. lemony Saturday. Lenten adj. [Old English,
adj. [Arabic laimuri]
= spring]
lemonade /.lema'neid/ n. 1 drink made
lent past and past part, of lend.
from lemon juice. 2 synthetic substitute
lentil /'lentil/ n. 1 pea-like plant. 2 its
for this.
seed., esp. used as food. [Latin lens]
lemon balm n. bushy plant smelling
lento /'lentau/ Mus. -adj. slow. -adv.
and tasting of lemon,
slowly. [Italian]
lemon curd n. (also lemon cheese)
creamy conserve made from lemons, Leo constellation and
/'li:au/ n. (pi. -s) 1
fifthsign of the zodiac (the Lion). 2
lemon geranium n. lemon-scented
pelargonium. person born when the sun is in this sign.
lemon sole /'leman/ n. (pi. same or -s)
flat -fish of the plaice family. [French leonine /'lLa.nam/ adj. 1 like a lion. 2 of
limande] or relating to lions. [Latin: related to
lemur /'li:ma(r)/ n. tree-dwelling pri- Leo]
mate of Madagascar. [Latin lemures leopard /'lepad/ n. large African or
ghosts] Asian animal of the cat family with a
lend v. (past and past part, lent) 1 (usu. black-spotted yellowish or all black
foil, by to) grant (to a person) the use of coat, panther. [Greek leon lion, pardos
(a thing) on the understanding that it or panther]
itsequivalent shall be returned. 2 allow leotard /"li:a,ta:d/ n. close-fitting one-
the use of (money) at interest. 3 bestow piece garment worn by dancers etc.
or contribute (lends a certain charm). [Leotard, name of a trapeze artist]
lend an ear listen, lend a hand help, leper /'lepa(r)/ n. 1 person with leprosy.
lend itself to (of a thing) be suitable for. 2 person who is shunned. [Greek lepros
lender n. [Old English: related to scaly]
loan] lepidopterous /.lepi'dDptaras/ adj. of
lengths. 1 measurement or extent from the order of insects with four scale-
end to end. 2 extent in or of time. 3 covered wings, including butterflies
distance a thing extends. 4 length of a and moths. lepidopterist n. [Greek
horse, boat, etc., as a measure of the lead lepis -idos scale, pteron wing]
in a race. 5 long stretch or extent. 6 leprechaun /'lepra.kam/ n. small mis-
degree of thoroughness in action (went chievous sprite in Irish folklore. [Irish
to great lengths). 7 piece of a certain lu small, corp body]
leprosy 507 letter
leprosy /'leprasi/ n. contagious disease enter. 3 grant the use of (rooms, land,
that damages the skin and nerves. etc.) for rent or hire. 4 allow or cause
leprous adj. [related to leper] (liquid or air) to escape (let blood). 5
lesbian /'lezbian/ —n. homosexual aux. supplying the first and third per-
woman, —adj. of female homosexuality. sons of the imperative in exhortations
lesbianism n. [Lesbos, name of an (let us pray), commands (let it be done
island in the Aegean Sea] at once; let there be light), assumptions,
lese-majesty /li:z "maed3isti/ n. 1 etc. (letAB equal CD).*-n. act of letting a
treason. 2 insult to a sovereign or ruler. house, room, etc. let alone 1 not to
3 presumptuous conduct. [French mention, far less or more (hasn't got a
lese-majeste injured sovereignty] television, let alone a video). 2 = let be.
lesion /'li:3(a)n/ n. 1 damage. 2 injury. 3 let be not interfere with, attend to, or
morbid change in the functioning or do. let down 1 lower. 2 fail to support or
texture of an organ etc. [Latin laedo satisfy, disappoint. 3 lengthen (a gar-
laes- injure] ment). 4 deflate (a tyre), let down
less -adj. 1 smaller in extent, degree, gently reject or disappoint without
duration, number, etc. 2 of smaller humiliating, let drop (or fall) drop (esp.
quantity, not so much (less meat). 3 a word or hint) intentionally or by
colloq. fewer (less biscuits), -adv. to a accident, let go 1 release. 2 a (often foil,
smaller extent, in a lower degree, -n. by of) lose one's hold, b lose hold of. let
smaller amount, quantity, or number oneself go 1 act spontaneously. 2 neg-
(will take less; for less than £10). -prep. lect one's appearance or habits, let in 1
minus (made £1,000 less tax). [Old Eng- allow to enter (let the dog in; let in a
lish] flood of light). 2 (foil, by for) involve (a
person, often oneself) in loss or diffi-
Usage The use of less to mean
culty. 3 (foil, by on) allow (a person) to
'fewer', as in sense 3, is regarded as
share a secret, privileges, etc. let loose
incorrect in standard English.
release, unchain, let off 1 a fire (a gun),
-less suffix forming adjectives and ad- b explode (a bomb). 2 allow or cause
verbs: 1 from nouns, meaning 'not hav- (steam etc.) to escape. 3 a not punish or
ing, without, free from' (powerless). 2 compel, b (foil, by with) punish lightly,
from verbs, meaning 'not accessible to, let off steam release pent-up energy or
affected by, or performing the action of feeling, let on colloq. 1 reveal a secret. 2
the verb' (fathomless; ceaseless). [Old pretend, let out 1 release. 2 reveal (a
English] secret etc.). 3 make (a garment) looser. 4
lessee /le'si:/ n. (often foil, by of) person put out to rent or to contract, let rip 1
holding a property by lease. [French: act without restraint. 2 speak violently,
related to lease] let up colloq. 1 become less intense or
lessen /'les(a)n/ v. make or become less, severe. 2 relax one's efforts, to let avail-
diminish. able for rent. [Old English]
lesser adj. (usu. attrib.) not so great as let -n. obstruction of a ball or player in
the other(s) (lesser evil; lesser mor- tennis etc., requiring the ball to be
tals). served again, -v. (-tt-; past and past
lesson /'les(a)n/ n. 1 spell of teaching. 2 part, letted or let) archaic hinder, ob-
(in pi; foil, by in) systematic instruc- struct. without let or hindrance
tion. 3 thing learnt by a pupil. 4 ex- unimpeded. [Old English: related to
perience that serves to warn or encour- late]
age (let that be a lesson). 5 passage from -let suffix forming nouns, usu. diminu-
the Bible read aloud during a church tive (flatlet) or denoting articles of orna-
service. [French leqon from Latin lego ment or dress (anklet). [French]
lect-] let-down n. disappointment.
lessor /le'sa:(r)/ n. person who lets a lethal /'li:9(a)l/ adj. causing or sufficient
property by lease. [Anglo-French: to cause death. lethally adv. [Latin
related to lease] letum death]
lest conj. formal 1 in order that not, for lethargy /'Ie9ad3i/ n. 1 lack of energy.
fear that (lest he forget). 2 that (afraid 2 morbid drowsiness. lethargic
lest we should be late). [Old English: /Ir9a:d3ik/ adj. lethargically /li

related to less] '9a:d3ikali/ adv. [Greek lethargos forget-

Usage Lest is followed by should or let-out n. colloq. opportunity to escape a
the subjunctive (see examples above).
commitment etc.
let -v. (-tt-; past and past part, let) 1 a
letter -n. character representing one
allow to, not prevent or forbid, b cause or more of the sounds used in speech. 2
to (let me know). 2 (foil, by into) allow to a written or printed message, usu. sent
letter-bomb 508 levy
in an envelope by post, b (in pi.) ad- gun). 4 (also absol.; foil, by at, against)
dressed legal or formal document. 3 direct (an accusation etc.). do one's
precise terms of a statement, the strict level best colloq. do one's utmost, find
verbal interpretation (letter of the law). one's level reach the right social, intel-
4 (in pi.) a literature, b acquaintance lectual, etc. position, level down bring
with books, erudition, -v. 1 inscribe down to a standard, level off make or
letters on. 2 classify with letters. to become level, level out make or become
the letter with adherence to every de- level, level up bring up to a standard,
tail. [French from Latin littera] on the level 1 honestly, without decep-
letter-bomb n. terrorist explosive de- tion. 2 honest, truthful, on a level with
vice in the form of a postal packet. 1 in the same horizontal plane as. 2
letter-box n. box or slot into which equal with. [Latin diminutive of libra
letters are posted or delivered. balance]
lettered adj. well-read or educated. level crossing n. crossing of a railway
letterhead printed heading on
n. 1 and a road, or two railways, at the same
stationery. 2 stationery with this. level.
letter of credit n. letter from a bank level-headed adj. sensible, mentally
authorizing the bearer to draw money well-balanced. level-headedness
from another bank. n.
letterpress n. 1 printed words of an leveller n. 1 person who
(US leveler)
illustrated book. 2 printing from raised advocates the abolition of social distinc-
type. tions. 2 person or thing that levels.
lettuce /'letis/ n. plant with crisp leaves level pegging n. equality of scores etc.
used in salads. [Latin lactuca from lac lever /'li:va(r)/ -n. 1 bar resting on a
lact- milk] pivot,used to prise. 2 bar pivoted about
let-up n. colloq. 1 reduction in intensity. a fulcrum (fixed point) which can be
2 relaxation of effort, acted upon by a force (effort) in order to
leuco- comb, form white. [Greek leukos move a load. 3 projecting handle moved
white] to operate a mechanism. 4 means of
leucocyte /'luika.sait/ n. white blood exerting moral pressure, -v. 1 use a
cell. lever. 2 (often foil, by away, out, up, etc.)
leukaemia /lu:ki:mia/ n. (US leuk- lift, move, etc. with a lever. [Latin levo
emia) malignant disease in which the raise]
bone-marrow etc. produces too many leverage n. 1 action or power of a lever.
leucocytes. [Greek leukos white, haima 2 power to accomplish a purpose,
blood] leveraged buyout /'levand3d/ n.
Levant /li'vaent/ n.
(prec. by the) archaic buyout in which outside capital is used
eastern Mediterranean countries. management to buy up the
to enable the
[French, = point of sunrise, from Latin company.
levo lift]
Levantine , Usage The pronunciation is Amer-
/ levan tain/-ad./. of or trad-
ican because the practice takes place

ing to the Levant, -n. native or inhabit-

ant of the Levant.
mainly in the US.
levee /'levi/ n. US 1 embankment leveret /'levant/ n. young hare, esp. one
against river floods. 2 natural embank- in its first year. [Latin lepus lepor- hare]
ment built up by a river. 3 landing-place. leviathan /li'vaia6(a)n/ n. 1 Bibl. sea-
[French levee past part, of lever raise: monster. 2 very large or powerful thing.
related to levy] [Latin from Hebrew]
level /'lev(a)l/ -n. 1 horizontal line or Levis /'li:vaiz/ propr. type of (orig.
plane. 2 height or value reached; posi- blue) denim jeans or overalls reinforced
tion on a real or imaginary scale (eye with rivets. [Levi Strauss, name of the
level; sugar level; danger level). 3 social, manufacturer]
moral, or intellectual standard. 4 plane levitate /'levi.teit/ v. (-ting) 1 rise and
of rank or authority (talks at Cabinet float in the air (esp. with reference to
level). 5 instrument giving a line paral- spiritualism). 2 cause to do this. lev-
lel to the plane of the horizon. 6 level itation /-'teiJXa)n/ n. [Latin levis light,
surface. 7 flat tract of land. -adj. 1 flat after gravitate]
and even; not bumpy. 2 horizontal. 3 levity /'leviti/ n. lack of serious thought,
(often foil, by with) a on the same frivolity. [Latin levis light]
horizontal plane as something else, b levy /'levi/ -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 impose or
having equality with something else. 4 collect compulsorily (payment etc.). 2
even, uniform, equable, or well- enrol (troops etc.). 3 wage (war), -n. (pi
balanced, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 make level. 2 -ies) 1a collecting of a contribution, tax,
raze. 3 (also absol.) aim (a missile or etc.b contribution etc. levied. 2 a act of
lewd 509 library
enrolling troops etc. b (in pi.) troops general broadening of the mind (liberal
enrolled. [Latin levo raise] studies). 6 a favouring moderate polit-
lewd /lju:d/ adj. 1 lascivious. 2 obscene. ical and social reform, b (Liberal) of or
[Old English, originally = lay, vulgar] characteristic of Liberals, -n. 1 person
lexical /'leksik(a)l/ adj. 1 of the words of of liberal views. 2 (Liberal) supporter
a language. 2 of or as of a lexicon. [Greek or member of a Liberal Party, z
lexikos, lexikon: see lexicon] liberalism n. liberality /-'raeliti/ n.
lexicography /.leksi'kDgran/ n. com- liberally adv. [Latin liber free]
piling of dictionaries. lexicographer
n. [from lexicon, -graph y] Usage In the UK the name Liberal
lexicon /'leksikan/ n. 1 dictionary, esp. was discontinued in official political use
of Greek, Hebrew. Syriac, or Arabic. 2 in 1988 when the party regrouped to
vocabulary of a person etc. [Greek lexis form the Social and Liberal Democratic
word] Party. In 1989 this name was officially
Ley den jar /'laid(a)n/ n.early capacitor replaced by Liberal Democratic Party.
consisting of a glass jar with layers of
Liberal Democrat n. member of the
metal foil on the outside and inside. party formed from the Liberal Party
[Leyden (now Leiden) in Holland]
and the Social Democratic Party.
LF abbr. low frequency.
Li symb. lithium. Usage See note at liberal.
liability /.laia'biliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 being
liberalize /'libara.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
liable. 2 troublesome responsibility;
handicap. 3 (in pi.) debts etc. for which
(-zing or -sing) make or become more
liberal or less strict, z liberalization
one is liable.
/-'zeij(a)n/ n.
liable /'laiab(a)l/ predic. adj. 1 legally
bound. 2 (foil, by to) subject to. 3 (foil, by
liberate /' v. (-ting) 1 (often
foil, by from) set free. 2 free (a country
to + infin.) under an obligation. 4 (foil,
etc.) from an oppressor or enemy. 3
by to) exposed or open to (something
undesirable). 5 (foil, by to + infin.) apt, (often as liberated adj.) free (a person)
likely (it is by for)
liable to rain). 6 (foil, from rigid social conventions, z lib-
answerable. [French Her bind, from eration /-'reij(a)n/ n. liberator n.
Latin ligo] [Latin liberare liberat- from liber free]
libertine /'lib8,ti:n/ -n. licentious per-
Usage Use of liable in sense 5, though son, rake. -adj. licentious. [Latin, =
common, is considered incorrect by
freedman, from liber free]
some people.
liberty /'libati/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 freedom
liaise ,/li'eiz/ v. (-sing) (foil, by with, from captivity etc. 2 right or power to do
between) colloq. establish cooperation, as one pleases. 3 (usu. in pi.) right or
act as a link, [back-formation from li- privilege granted by authority, z at
aison] liberty 1 free. 2 (foil, by to + infin.)
liaison /li'eiznn/ n. 1 communication or permitted, take liberties (often foil, by
cooperation. 2 sexual relation-
illicit with) behave in an unduly familiar
ship. [French Her bind: see liable] manner. [Latin: related to liberal]
liana /li'a:na/ n. climbing plant of trop-
libidinous /li'bidmas/ adj. lustful.
ical forests. [French] [Latin: related to libido]
liar /'laia(r)/ n. person who tells a lie or
libido /li'bi:,dao7 n. (pi. -s) psychic drive
or energy, esp. that associated with
Lib. abbr. Liberal.
sexual desire, libidinal /li'bidm(a)l/
lib n. colloq. (in names of political move- = lust]
adj. [Latin,
ments) liberation, [abbreviation]
Libra /'li:bra/ n. 1 constellation and
libation /lai'beij*(a)n/ n. 1 pouring out of
seventh sign of the zodiac (the Scales). 2
a drink-offering to a god. 2 such a drink-
offering. [Latin]
person born when the sun is in this sign.
[Latin, = pound weight]
libel -n. 1
/'laib(a)l/ Law
a published
false statement that is damaging
to a librarian /lai'breanan/ n. person in
person's reputation, b act of publishing charge of or assisting in a library.
this. 2 false and defamatory misrep- librarianship n.
resentation or statement, -v. (-11-; US -1-) library /'laibran/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 collec-

1 defame by libellous statements. 2 Law tion of books. 2 room or building where

publish a libel against. :: libellous adj. these are kept. 3 a similar collection of
[Latin libellus diminutive of liber book] films, records, computer routines, etc.
liberal /'libar(9)l/ -adj. 1 abundant, b place where these are kept. 4 set of
ample. 2 giving freely, generous. 3 open- books issued in similar bindings. [Latin
minded. 4 not strict or rigorous. 5 for the liber book]
libretto 510 life

libretto h'bretau, n. (pi -ti /-ti/ or -s) remain, or be in a specified state or place
text nt an opera etc. librettist n. (lie hidden; lie in wait; books lay un-
[Italian.= little book] read), b (of abstract things) exist; be in a
lice pi of louse. certain position or relation (answer lies
licence lais(a)ns n. (US license) 1 in education). 5 a be situated (village
permit to own or use something,
official lay to the east), b be spread out to view.
do something, or carry on a trade. 2 -n. way, direction, or position in which
permission. 3 liberty of action, esp. a thing lies. lie down assume a lying
when excessive. 4 writer's or artist's position; have a short rest, lie down
deliberate deviation from fact, correct under accept (an insult etc.) without
grammar, etc. (poetic licence). [Latin protest, lie in stay in bed late in the
licet it is allowed] morning, lie low 1 keep quiet or unseen.
license v. (-sing) 1 grant a
'lais(a)ns/ 2 be discreet about one's intentions, lie
licence 2 authorize the use of (pre-
to. with be the responsibility of (a person)
mises) for a certain purpose. (decision lies with you), take lying
licensee .laisan'si:/ n. holder of a down (usu. with neg.) accept (an insult
licence, esp. to sell alcoholic liquor. etc.) without protest. [Old English]
licentiate lai'senjiat/ n. holder of a
certificate of professional competence,
Usage The transitive use of lie,
meaning her on the bed, is
lay, as in lie
[medieval Latin: related to licence]
incorrect in standard English.
licentious /lai'senjas/ adj. sexually
promiscuous. [Latin: related to licence] lie /lai/ -n.
intentionally false state-

lichee var. of lychee. ment (tell a

2 something that de-

lichen /'laikan, *litj(a)n/ n. plant com- ceives, -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie
posed of a fungus and an alga in associ- or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give
ation, growing on and colouring rocks, the lie to show the falsity of (a supposi-
tree-trunks, etc. [Greek leikhen] tion etc.). [Old English]
lich-gate n. (also lych-gate) roofed lied /li:d/ n. (pi lieder) German song,
gateway to a churchyard where a coffin esp. of the Romantic period. [German]
awaits the clergyman's arrival, [from lie-detector n. instrument supposedly
lich = corpse] determining whether a person is lying,
licit /'lisit/ adj. formal permitted, law- by testing for certain physiological
ful. [Latin: related to licence] changes.
lick -v. pass the tongue over. 2 bring
1 lie-down n. short rest.
into a specified condition by licking liege usu. hist. -adj. entitled to receive,
(licked it all up; licked it clean). 3 (of a or bound to give, feudal service or al-
flame etc.) play lightly over. 4 colloq. legiance. -n.\ (in full liege lord) feudal
defeat. 5 colloq. thrash, -n. 1 act of superior or sovereign. 2 (usu. in pi)
licking with the tongue. 2 colloq. fast vassal, subject, [medieval Latin laet-
pace (at a lick). 3 smart blow, lick a probably from Germanic]
person's boots be servile, lick into lie-in n. prolonged stay in bed in the
shape make presentable or efficient, morning.
lick one's lips (or chops) look forward lien /'li:an/ n. Law right to hold
with relish, lick one's wounds be in another's property until a debt on it is
retirement regaining strength etc. after paid. [Latin ligo bind]
defeat. [Old English] lie of the land n. state of affairs.
lick and a promise n. colloq. hasty lieu /lju:/ n. in lieu 1 instead. 2 (foil, by
performance of a task, esp. washing of) in the place of. [Latin locus place]
oneself. Lieut, abbr. Lieutenant.
licorice var. of liquorice. lieutenant /leftenant/ n. 1 a army
lid n. 1 hinged or removable cover, esp. officer next in rank below captain, b
for a container. 2 = eyelid, ti put the naval officer next in rank below lieu-
lid on colloq. 1 be the culmination of. 2 tenant commander. 2 deputy, p lieu-
put a stop to. lidded adj. (also in tenancy n. (pi -ies). [French: related to
comb.). [Old English] lieu place, tenant holder]
lido li:dao, "lai-/ n. (pi -s) public open- lieutenant colonel n. (also lieu-
air swimming-pool or bathing-beach. tenant commander or general) of-
[Lido, name of a beach near Venice] ranking next below colonel, com-
lie lai -v. (lies; lying; past lay; past mander, or general.
part, lain) 1 be in or assume a hori- life n. (pi lives) 1 capacity for growth,
zontal position on a surface; be at rest on functional activity, and continual
something. 2 (of a thing) rest flat on a change until death. 2 living things and
surface. 3 remain undisturbed or undis- their activity (insect life; is there life on
cussed etc. (let matters lie). 4 a be kept, Mars?). 3 a period during which life
life assurance 511 light
lasts,or the period from birth to the lifetime n. duration of a person's life.
present time or from the present time to lift -v. 1 (often foil, by up, off, out, etc.)
death {have done it all my will
life; raise or remove to a higher position. 2 go
regret it all my life), b duration of a up; be raised; yield to an upward force. 3
thing's existence or ability to function. 4 give an upward direction to (the eyes or
a person's state of existence as a living face). 4 elevate to a higher plane of
individual {sacrificed their lives), b liv- thought or feeling. 5 (of fog etc.) rise,
ing person {many lives were lost). 5 a disperse. 6 remove (a barrier or restric-
individual's actions or fortunes; man- tion). 7 transport (supplies, troops, etc.)
ner of existence {start a new life), b by air. 8 colloq. a steal, b plagiarize (a
particular aspect of this {private life). 6 passage of writing etc.). 9 dig up (esp.
business and pleasures of the world (in potatoes etc.). -n. 1 lifting or being
Paris you really see life). 7 energy, lifted. 2 ride in another person's vehicle
liveliness (full of life). 8 biography. 9 {gave them a lift). 3 a apparatus for
colloq. = life sentence. for dear (or raising and lowering persons or things
one's) life as if or in order to escape to different floors of a building etc. b
death, for life for the rest of one's life, apparatus for carrying persons up or
not on your life colloq. most certainly down a mountain etc. 4 a transport by
not. [Old English]
air. b quantity of goods transported by
life assurance n. = life insurance.
air. 5 upward pressure which air exerts
lifebelt n. buoyant belt for keeping a
on an aerofoil. 6 supporting or elevating
person afloat. influence; feeling of elation. lift down
lifeblood n. 1 blood, as being necessary pick up and bring to a lower position.
to life. 2 vital factor or influence.
[Old Norse: related to loft]
lifeboat n. 1 special boat for rescuing
lift-off rc. vertical take-off of a spacecraft
those in distress at sea. 2 ship's small
or rocket.
boat for use in emergency.
ligament /'hgamant/ n. band of tough
lifebuoy n. buoyant support for keep-
fibrous tissue linking bones. [Latin ligo
ing a person afloat.
life cycle n. series of changes in the life
of an organism, including reproduction.
ligature /'lig9tfa(r)/ -n. 1 tie or band-
age. 2 Mus. slur, tie. 3 two or more
lifeguard n. expert swimmer employed
letters joined, e.g. ae. 4 bond; thing that
to rescue bathers from drowning.
unites, - v. (-ring) bind or connect with
Life Guards regiment of the royal
household cavalry. a ligature. [Latin ligo bind]
life insurance n. insurance for a sum Usage Sense 3 of this word is some-
to be paid after a set period or on the times confused with digraph, which
death of the insured person if earlier. means 'two separate letters together
life-jacket n. buoyant jacket for keep- representing one sound'.
ing a person afloat. 1
light /lait/ -n. 1 the natural agent
lifeless adj. 1 dead. 2 unconscious. 3
(electromagnetic radiation) that stimu-
lacking movement or vitality. life-
lates sight and makes things visible. 2
lessly adv. [Old English]
lifelike adj. closely resembling life or the medium or condition of the space in
the person or thing represented. which this is present (Just enough light
to see). 3 appearance of brightness (saw
lifeline n. 1 rope etc. used for life-
saving. 2 sole means of communication a distant light). 4 source of light, e.g. the
or transport. sun, a lamp, fire, etc. 5 (often in pi.)
lifelong traffic-light. 6 a flame or spark serving
adj. lasting a lifetime,
life peer n. peer whose title lapses on to ignite, b device producing this. 7
death. aspect in which a thing is regarded
life-preserver n. 1 short stick with a (appeared in a new light). 8 a mental
heavily loaded end. 2 life-jacket etc. illumination, b spiritual illumination
lifer n. slang person serving a life sen- by divine truth. 9 vivacity etc. in a
tence. person's face, esp. in the eyes. 10 em-
life sciences biology and related inent person (leading light). 11 bright
subjects. parts of a picture etc. 12 window or
life sentence n. sentence of imprison- opening in a wall to let light in. -v. (past
ment for an indefinite period. lit; past part, lit or lighted) (attrib.) 1

life-size adj. (also -sized) of the same set burning; begin to burn. 2 (often foil,
size as the person or thing represented. by up) provide with light or lighting;
lifestyle n. way of life of a person or make prominent by means of light. 3
group. show (a person) the way or surround-
life-support machine n. respirator. ings with a light. 4 (usu. foil, by up) (of
light 512 like
the face or eyes) brighten with anima- light heavyweight weight in
n. 1
tion, pleasure, etc. —adj. 1 well provided certain sports between middleweight
with light; not dark. 2 (of a colour) pale and heavyweight, in amateur boxing
(light blue; light-blue ribbon). bring 75-81 kg: also called cruiserweight. 2
(or come) to light reveal or be revealed, sportsman of this weight.
in a good (or bad) light giving a favour- lighthouse n. tower etc. containing a
able (or unfavourable) impression, in beacon light to warn or guide ships at
the light of taking account of. light up sea.
1 colloq. begin to smoke a cigarette etc. 2 light industry n. manufacture of
= sense 2 of v. 3 = sense 4 of y. small or light articles.
lightish adj. [Old English] lighting n. 1 equipment in a room or
light 2 /lait/ -adj. 1 not heavy. 2 a rel- street etc. for producing light. 2 ar-
atively low in weight, amount, density, rangement or effect of lights.
intensity, etc. (light arms, traffic, lighting-up time n. time after which
metal, rain), b deficient in weight (light vehicles must show the prescribed
coin). 3a carrying or suitable for small lights.
loads (light railway), b (of a ship) un- light meter n. instrument for measur-
laden, c carrying only light arms, arma- ing the intensity of the light, esp. to
ments, etc. 4 (of food) easy to digest. 5 (of show the correct photographic expos-
entertainment, music, etc.) intended for ure.
amusement only; not profound. 6 (of light middleweight n. 1 weight in
sleep or a sleeper) easily disturbed. 7 amateur boxing of 67-71 kg. 2 amateur
easily borne or done (light duties). 8 boxer of this weight.
nimble; quick-moving (light step; light lightning -n. flash of bright light pro-
rhythm). 9 (of a building etc.) graceful, duced by an electric discharge between
elegant. 10 a free from sorrow; cheerful
clouds or between clouds and the
(light heart), b giddy (light in the head),
ground, -attrib. adj. very quick, [from
-adv. 1 in a light manner (tread light;
sleep light). 2 with a minimum load
lightning-conductor n. (also light-
ning-rod) metal rod or wire fixed to an
(travel light), -v. (past and past part, lit
exposed part of a building or to a mast to
or lighted) (foil, by on, upon) come upon
divert lightning into the earth or sea.
or find by chance. make light of treat lights lungs of sheep, pigs, etc.,
as unimportant. lightish adj. lightly
used as a food esp. for pets, [from light2 :

adv. lightness n. [Old English]

cf. lung]
light-bulb n. glass bulb containing an
lightship n. moored or anchored ship
inert gas and a metal filament, provid-
with a beacon light.
ing light when an electric current is
lightweight -adj. 1 of below average
passed through it. weight. 2 of little importance or
lighten v. 1 a make or become lighter

influence, -n. 1 lightweight person, an-

in weight, b reduce the weight or load of.
imal, or thing. 2 a weight in certain
2 bring relief to (the mind etc.). 3 mit-
sports between featherweight and wel-
igate (a penalty). terweight, in amateur boxing 57-60 kg.
lighten* v. 1 shed light on. 2 make or b sportsman of this weight.
grow bright. light welterweight n. 1 weight in
lighter n. device for lighting cigarettes

amateur boxing of 60-63.5 kg. 2 amateur

etc. boxer of this weight.
lighter 2 n. boat, usu. flat-bottomed, for light-year n. distance light travels in
transferring goods from a ship to a one year, nearly 6 million million miles.
wharf or another ship. [Dutch: related ligneous /'hgnias/ adj. 1 (of a plant)
to light in the sense 'unload'] woody. 2 of the nature of wood. [Latin
lighter-than-air attrib. adj. (of an air- lignum wood]
craft) weighing less than the air it dis- lignite /'lignait/ n. brown coal of woody
places. texture.
light-fingered adj. given to stealing, lignum vitae /.lignam 'vaiti/ n. a hard-
light flyweight n. 1 amateur boxing wooded tree. [Latin, = wood of life]
weight up to 48 kg. 2 amateur boxer of likable var. of likeable.
this weight. like -adj. (more like, most like) 1 a

light-footed adj. nimble, having some or all of the qualities of

light-headed adj. giddy, delirious. another, each other, or an original, b
light-headedness n. resembling in some way, such as (good
light-hearted adj. 1 cheerful. 2 writers like Dickens). 2 characteristic
(unduly) casual. :
light-heartedly of (not like them to be late). 3 in a
adv. suitable state or mood for (felt like
like 513 lime
working;/e/£ like a cup of tea), -prep, in pinkish-violet colour, -adj. of this col-
the manner of; to the same degree as our. [Persian]
(drink like a fish; acted like an idiot), liliaceous /.lili'eijas/ adj. of the lily
-adv. 1 slang so to speak (did a quick family, [related to lily]
getaway, like). 2 colloq. likely, probably lilliputian /,lili'pju:I(8)n/ -n. dimin-
(as like as not), —conj. colloq. 1 as utive person or thing, -adj. diminutive.
(cannot do it like you do). 2 as if (ate like [Lilliput in Swift's Gulliver's Travels]
they were starving), -n. 1 counterpart; Lilo /'lailau/ n. (also Li-Lo propr.)(pl. -s)
equal; similar person or thing. 2 (prec. type of inflatable mattress, [from lie
by the) thing or things of the same kind low]
(will never do the like again). and the lilt —n. light springing rhythm. 2 tune
like and similar things, like anything with this. -v. (esp. as lilting adj.) speak
colloq. very much, vigorously, the likes etc. with a lilt; have a lilt, [origin
of colloq. a person such as. more like it unknown]
colloq. nearer what is required, what is lily /'lili/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 bulbous plant with
he (or it etc.) like? what sort of person is large trumpet-shaped flowers on a tall
he (or thing is it etc.)? [Old English] stem. 2 heraldic fleur-de-lis. [Latin
Usage The use of like as a conjunc- lilium]
tion is considered incorrect by some lily-livered adj. cowardly.
people. lily of the valley n. plant with white
bell-shaped fragrant flowers.
like 2 -v. (-king) 1 find agreeable or lily white adj. & n. (as adj. often hy-
enjoyable. 2 a choose to have; prefer
phenated) pure white.
(like my tea weak), b wish for or be
limb /lim/ n. 1 arm, leg, or wing. 2 large

inclined to (would like a nap; should

branch of a tree. 3 branch of a cross.
like to come), -n. (in pi) things one likes
out on a limb isolated. [Old English]
or prefers. [Old English]
limb 2 /lim/ n. specified edge of the sun,
-like comb, form forming adjectives
moon, etc. [Latin limbus hem, border]
from nouns, meaning 'similar to, char-
limber 1 -adj. 1 lithe. 2 flexible. -v. (usu.
acteristic of (dog like; she 11- like; tor-
foil, by up) 1 make (oneself or a part of
the body etc.) supple. 2 warm up in
Usage In formations not generally preparation for athletic etc. activity,
current the hyphen should be used. It [origin uncertain]
may be omitted when the first element limber 2 -n. detachable front part of a
is of one syllable, unless it ends in -/. gun-carriage, -v. attach a limber to.
likeable adj. (also likable) pleasant; [perhaps from Latin limo -onis shaft]
easy to like. likeably adv. limbo 1
/'limbau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 (in some
likelihood /'laikli.hud/ n. probability. Christian beliefs) supposed abode of the
in all likelihood very probably. souls of unbaptized infants, and of the
likely /'laikh/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 just who died before Christ. 2 inter-
probable; such as may well happen or be mediate state or condition of awaiting a
true. 2 to be reasonably expected (not decision etc. [Latin in limbo: related to
likely to come now). 3 promising; appar- LIMB 2 ]
ently suitable (a likely spot), -adv. limbo 2 /'limbau/ n. (pi. -s) W. Indian
probably. not likely! colloq. certainly dance in which the dancer bends back-
not, I refuse. [Old Norse: related to wards to pass under a horizontal bar
LIKE ] which is progressively lowered. [W.
Indian word, perhaps = limber

like-minded adj. having the same ]

tastes, opinions, etc. lime -n. 1 (in full quicklime) white


liken v. (foil, by to) point out the resemb- substance (calcium oxide) obtained by
lance of (a person or thing to another), heating limestone. 2 (in full slaked
[from like 1 ] lime) calcium hydroxide obtained by
likeness n. 1 (usu. foil, by between, to) reacting quicklime with water, used as a
resemblance. 2 (foil, by of) semblance or fertilizer and in making mortar, -v.
guise (in the likeness of a ghost). 3 (-ming) treat with lime. limy adj.
portrait, representation. [Old English]
(-ier, -iest).
likewise adv. 1 also, moreover. 2 sim- lime n. 1 a fruit like a lemon but green,
ilarly (do likewise). rounder, smaller, and more acid, b tree
liking n. 1 what one likes; one's taste (is which produces this fruit. 2 (in full
it to your liking?). 2 (foil, by for) regard lime-green) yellowish-green colour.
or fondness; taste or fancy. [French from Arabic]
lilac /'lailak/ -n. 1 shrub with fragrant lime 3 n. (in full lime-tree) tree with
pinkish-violet or white blo'ssoms. 2 pale heart-shaped leaves and fragrant
limekiln 514 line
creamy blossom, [alteration of line = linctus /'hnktas/ n. syrupy medicine,
Old English lind = linden] esp. a soothing cough mixture. [Latin
limekiln n. kiln for heating limestone, lingo lick]
limelight n. 1 intense white light used linden /'knd(8)n/ n. lime-tree. [Old Eng-
formerly in theatres. 2 (prec. by the) the lish lind(e)]
glare of publicity.
line -n. 1 continuous mark made on a
limerick /'hmarik/ n. humorous five- surface. 2 similar mark, esp. a furrow or
line verse with a rhyme-scheme aabba. wrinkle. 3 use of lines in art. 4 a straight
[origin uncertain] or curved continuous extent of length
limestone n. rock composed mainly of without breadth, b track of a moving
calcium carbonate. point. 5 contour or outline (has a slim-
Limey /'laimi/ n. (pi. -s) US slang offens. ming line). 6 a curve connecting all
British person (orig. a sailor) or ship, points having a specified common prop-
[from lime 2 because of the former
, erty, b (the Line) the Equator. 7 a limit
enforced consumption of lime juice in or boundary, b mark limiting the area of
the British Navy] play, the starting or finishing point in a
limit /'limit/ -n. 1 point, line, or level race, etc. 8 a row of persons or things, b
beyond which something does not or direction as indicated by them, c US
may not extend or pass. 2 greatest or queue. 9 a row of printed or written
smallest amount permissible, -v. (-t-) 1 words, b portion of verse written in one
set or serve as a limit to. 2 (foil, by to) line. 10 (in pi.) a piece of poetry, b words
restrict. be the limit colloq. be intol- of an actor's part, c specified amount of
erable, within limits with some degree text etc. to be written out as a school
of freedom. limitless adj. [Latin punishment. 11 short letter or note
limes limit- boundary, frontier] (drop me a line). 12 length of cord, rope,
limitation /,limi'teij(9)n/ n. 1 limiting etc.,usu. serving a specified purpose. 13
or being limited. 2 limit (of ability etc.)
a wire or cable for a telephone or tele-
(often in pi: know one's limitations). 3
graph, b connection by means of this. 14
limiting circumstance.
a single track of a railway, b one branch
limited adj. 1 confined within limits. 2 or route of a railway system, or the
not great in scope or talents. 3 restricted
whole system under one management.
to a few examples (limited edition). 4
15 a regular succession of buses, ships,
(after a company name) being a limited
aircraft, etc., plying between certain
places, b company conducting this. 16
limited company n. (also limited
connected series of persons following
liabilitycompany) company whose
one another in time (esp. several
owners are legally responsible only to a
generations of a family); stock. 17
specified amount for its debts.
limn /km/ course or manner of procedure, con-
v.archaic paint. [French
duct, thought, etc. (along these lines;
luminer from Latin lumino illuminate]
limo /'krnao/ n. (pi. -s) US colloq. limous- don't take that line). 18 direction,
ine, [abbreviation]
course, or channel (lines of communica-
tion). 19 department of activity; branch
limousine /.kmu'zim/ n. large lux-
urious car. [French] of business. 20 type of product (new line
limp 1
-u. walk or proceed lamely or in hats). 21 a connected series of mil-
awkwardly, —n. lame walk, [perhaps itary field works, b arrangement of sol-
from obsolete limphalt: related to halt 2 ] diers or ships side by side. 22 each of the
limp 2 adj. 1 not stiff or firm. 2 without very narrow horizontal sections form-
energy or will. limply adv. limpness ing a television picture. 23 level of the
n. [perhaps from limp ]
1 base of most letters in printing and
limpet /'kmpit/ n. marine gastropod writing, -v. (-ning) 1 mark with lines. 2
with a conical shell, sticking tightly to cover with lines. 3 position or stand at
rocks. [Old English] intervals along (crowds lined the route).
limpet mine n. delayed-action mine all along the line at every point,
attached to a ship's hull, bring into line make conform, come
limpid /'limpid/ adj. clear, transparent. into line conform, get a line on colloq.
limpidity /-'piditi/ n. [Latin] get information about, in line for likely
linage lamid3/
/ n. 1 number of lines in to receive, in (or out of) line with in (or
printed or written matter. 2 payment by not in) accordance with, lay (or put) it
the line. on the line colloq. speak frankly, line
linchpin n. 1 pin passed through an up 1 arrange or be arranged in a line or
axle-end to keep a wheel in position. 2 lines. 2 have ready, out of line not in
person or thing vital to an organization alignment; inappropriate. [Latin linea
etc. [Old English lynis axle-tree]
from linum flax]
line 515 linocut
line v. (-ning) cover the inside surface
1 on) be slow in dying. [Old English len-
of (a garment, box, etc.) with a layer of gan: related to long ]

usu. different material. 2 serve as a lingerie 'la^ari n. women's under-

lining for. 3 colloq. fill, esp. plentifully, wear and nightclothes. [French linge
[obsolete line linen used for linings] linen]
lineage I'linndzl n. lineal descent; an- lingo 'lingau n. (pi. -s or -es) colloq. 1
cestry. [Latin: related to line ] foreign language. 2 vocabulary of a
lineal /'linial/ adj. 1 in the direct line of special subject or group, [probably from
descent or ancestry. 2 linear, lineally Portuguese lingoa from Latin lingua
adv. tongue]
lineament /'lmiamant/ n. (usu. in pi.) lingua franca .lingwa 'fraenka n. (pi.
distinctive feature or characteristic, lingua francas) 1 language used in
esp. of the face. [Latin: related to line ]
common by speakers with different
linear /'lmi8(r)/ adj. 1 of or in lines. 2 native languages. 2 system for mutual
long and narrow and of uniform understanding. [Italian, = Frankish
breadth. linearity /-'aenti/ n. tongue]
linearly adv. lingual /'lir)gw(8)l adj. 1 of or formed
Linear B form of Bronze Age writing
n. by the tongue. 2 of speech or languages,
found in Greece: an earlier undeci- z lingually adv. [Latin lingua tongue,
phered form (Linear A) also exists. language]
lineation ,lini'eij(a)n n. marking with /
linguist 'ling wist n. person skilled in
or drawing of lines. languages or linguistics.
line-drawing n. drawing in which linguistic lin'gwistik adj. of language
images are produced with lines. or the study of languages, z linguis-
linen /'limn/ -n. 1 cloth woven from tically adv.
flax. 2 (collect.) articles made or orig. linguistics n. the study of language
made of linen, as sheets, shirts, under- and its structure.
wear, etc. -adj. made of linen. [Old liniment "lmimant: n. embrocation.
English: related to Latin linum flax] [Latin linio smear]
linen basket n. basket for dirty wash- lining n. material which lines a surface
ing. etc.
line of fire n. expected path of gunfire link -n. 1 one loop or ring of a chain etc.
etc. 2 a connecting part; one in a series, b
line of vision n. straight line along state or means of connection. 3 cuff-
which an observer looks. link, -v. 1 (foil, by together, to, with)
line-out n. (in Rugby) parallel lines of connect or join (two things or one to
opposing forwards at right angles to the another). 2 clasp or intertwine (hands or
touchline for the throwing in of the ball. arms). 3 (foil, by on, to, in to) be joined;
line printer n. machine that prints attach oneself to (a system, company,
output from a computer a line at a time. etc.). link up (foil, by with) connect or
liner n. ship or aircraft etc. carrying combine. [Old Norse]
passengers on a regular line. linkage n. 1 linking or being linked,
liner 2 n. removable lining. esp. the linking of quite different politi-
linesman n. umpire's or referee's as- cal issues in negotiations. 2 link or
sistant who decides whether a ball has system of links.
fallen within the playing area or not. linkman n. person providing con-
line-up n. 1 line of people for inspection. tinuity in a broadcast programme.
2 arrangement of persons in a team, links (treated as sing, or pi.) golf-
band, etc. course. [Old English, = rising ground]
ling 1
same) long slender marine
n. (pi. link-up n. act or result of linking up.
fish,[probably Dutch] Linnaean adj. of Linnaeus or his sys-
ling 2 n. any of various heathers. [Old tem of classifying plants and animals.
Usage This word is spelt Linnean in
-ling suffix 1 denoting a person or thing:
Linnean Society.
a connected with (hireling), b having
the property of being (weakling) or linnet lmit n. brown-grey finch.
undergoing (starveling). 2 denoting a [French linette from lin flax, because it
diminutive (duckling), often derogatory eats flax-seed]
(lordling). [Old English] lino 'lamau n. (pi. -s) linoleum, [abbre-
linger /'linga(r)/ v. 1 stay about. 2 (foil, viation]
by over, on, etc.) dally (linger over din- linocut design carved in relief on a
n. 1

ner, lingered on the final note). 3 (esp. of block of linoleum. 2 print made from
an illness) be protracted. 4 (often foil, by this.
linoleum 516 listen
linoleum canvas-backed
/li'nauliam/ n. substance. 2 Phonet. sound of / or r.

material thickly coated with a prepara- [Latin liqueo be liquid]

tion of linseed oil and powdered cork liquidate /'hkwi.deit/ v. (-ting) 1 wind
etc., esp. as a floor covering. [Latin up the affairs of (a firm) by ascertaining
I in urn flax, oleum oil] liabilities and apportioning assets. 2 pay
linseed 'linsi:d/ n. seed of flax. [Old off (a debt). 3 wipe out, kill. liquid-
English: related to line ]
ator n. [medieval Latin: related to
linseed oil n. oil extracted from linseed liquid]
and used in paint and varnish. liquidation /,likwi'deij(a)n/ n. liqui-
linsey-woolsey /.lmzi'wulzi/ n. fabric dating, esp. of a firm. go into liquid-
of coarse wool woven on a cotton warp, ation (of a firm etc.) be wound up and
[probably from Lindsey in Suffolk + have its assets apportioned.
wool] liquid crystal n. turbid liquid with
lint n. 1 linen or cotton with a raised nap some order in its molecular arrange-
on one used for dressing wounds. 2
side, ment.
fluff, [perhaps from French linette from liquid crystal display n. visual dis
lin flax] play in electronic devices, in which the
lintel / horizontal timber,
lmt(a)l/ n. reflectivity of a matrix of liquid crystals
stone, etc., across the top of a door or changes as a signal is applied.
window. [French: related to limit] liquidity /li'kwiditi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 state
lion /'laian/ n. 1 (fern, lioness) large of being liquid. 2 availability of liquid
tawny flesh-eating wild cat of Africa and assets.
S. Asia. 2 (the Lion) zodiacal sign or liquidize /'likwi.daiz/ v. (also -ise)
constellation Leo. 3 brave or celebrated (-zing or -sing) reduce to a liquid state.
person. [Latin leo] liquidizer n. (also -iser) machine for
lion-heart n. courageous person. liquidizing foods.
lion-hearted adj. liquor alcoholic (esp. dis-
/'lika(r)/ n. 1
lionize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) tilled) drink. 2 other liquid, esp. that
treat as a celebrity. produced in cooking. [Latin: related to
lion's share n. largest or best part. liquid]
lip -n. 1 either of the two fleshy parts liquorice /'likaris, -riJ7 n. (also lico-
forming the edges of the mouth-open- rice) 1 black root extract used as a sweet
ing. 2 edge of a cup, vessel, etc., esp. the and in medicine. 2 plant from which it is
part shaped for pouring from. 3 colloq. obtained. [Greek glukus sweet, rhiza
impudent talk. -u. (-pp-) 1 touch with root]
the lips; apply the lips to. 2 touch lightly. lira /'liara/ n. (pi lire pronunc. same or
lipped adj. (also in comb.). [Old Eng- /-rei/) 1 chief monetary unit of Italy. 2
lish] chief monetary unit of Turkey. [Latin
lipid /'lipid/ n. any of a group of fatlike libra pound]
substances that are insoluble in water lisle /lail/ n. fine cotton thread for stock-
but soluble in organic solvents, includ- ings etc. [Lille in France]
ing fatty acids, oils, waxes, and steroids. lisp -n. speech defect in which s*is
[Greek lipos fat] pronounced like th in thick and z is
liposuction /'laipau,SAkJ(a)n/ n. tech- pronounced like th in this. -v. speak or
nique in cosmetic surgery for removing utter with a lisp. [Old English]
excess fat from under the skin by suc- lissom /'lisam/ adj. lithe, agile, [ulti-
tion. mately from lithe]
lip-read v. understand (speech) from
list -n. 1 number of items, names, etc.,
observing a speaker's lip-movements. written or printed together as a record
lip-service n. insincere expression of or aid to memory. 2 (in pi.) a palisades
support etc. enclosing an area for a tournament, b
lipstick n. stick of cosmetic for colour- scene of a contest, -v. 1 make a list of. 2
ing the lips. enter in a list. 3 (as listed adj.) a (of
liquefy /'hkwi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) make securities) approved for dealings on the
or become liquid. liquefaction Stock Exchange, b (of a building) of
/-'faekj(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to liquid] historical importance and officially pro-
liqueur /li'kjua(r)/ n. any of several tected. enter the lists issue or accept
strong sweet alcoholic spirits. [French] a challenge. [Old English]
liquid /'likwid/ -adj. 1 having a consist- list -v. (of a ship etc.) lean over to one
ency like that of water or oil, flowing side. -n. process or instance of listing,
freely but of constant volume. 2 having [origin unknown]
the qualities of water in appearance. 3 listen /'hs(a)n/ v. 1 a make an effort to
(of sounds) clear and pure. 4 (of assets) hear something, b attentively hear a
easily converted into cash. -n. 1 liquid 'person speaking. 2 (foil, by to) a give
listener 517 little

attention with the ear. b take notice of; lithograph /'liGa.qratf/ -n. litho-
heed. 3 (also listen out) (often foil, by graphic print, -v. print by lithography.
for) seek to hear by waiting alertly. [Greek lithos stone]
listen in 1 tap a telephonic communica- lithography /li'GDgrafi/ n. process of
tion. 2 use a radio receiving set. [Old printing from a plate so treated that ink
English] adheres only to the design to be printed.
listener n. 1 person who listens. 2 per- lithographer n. lithographic
son who listens to the radio. /.liGa'graefik/ adj. lithographically
listeria /li'stiana/ n. any of several /.liGa'graefikali/ adv.
bacteria infecting humans and animals Lithuanian /,liGju:'einian/ -n. 1 a
eating contaminated food. [Lister, name native or national of Lithuania in east-
of a surgeon] ern Europe, b person of Lithuanian
listless adj. lacking energy or enthusi- descent. 2 language of Lithuania, -adj.
asm. listlessly adv. listlessness n. of Lithuania, its people, or language.
[from obsolete list inclination] litigant /'litigant/ -n. party to a lawsuit.
list price n. price of something as -adj. engaged in a lawsuit, [related to
shown in a published list. litigate]
lit past and past part, of light light
, .
litigate /'liti.geit/ v. (-ting) 1 go to law. 2
litany /'litani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a series of contest (a point) at law. litigation
/-'geij(a)n/ n. litigator n. [Latin lis lit-
supplications to God recited by a priest
etc. with set responses by the congrega- lawsuit]
tion, b (the Litany) that in the Book of
litigious /li'tid3as/ adj. 1 fond of litiga-
tion. 2 contentious. [Latin: related to
Common Prayer. 2 tedious recital
(litany of woes). [Greek litaneia prayer]
litchi var. of lychee.
litmus /'litmas/ n. dye from lichens,

liter US var. of litre.

turned red by acid and blue by alkali.
[Old Norse, = dye-moss]
literacy /'litarasi/ n. ability to read and
write. [Latin littera letter]
litmus paper n. paper stained with
litmus, used to test for acids or alkalis,
literal /'litar(8)l/ -adj. 1 taking words in
litmus test n. colloq. real or ultimate
their basic sense without metaphor or
allegory. 2 corresponding exactly to the
litotes /lai'tauti:z/ n. (pi. same) ironic
original words (literal translation). 3
understatement, esp. using the negative
prosaic; matter-of-fact. 4 so called with-
(e.g. / shan *t be sorry for / shall be glad).
out exaggeration (literal bankruptcy). 5
[Greek litos plain, meagre]
of a letter or the letters of the alphabet.
litre /'li:ta(r)/ n. (US liter) metric unit of
-n. misprint. literally adv. [Latin
capacity equal to 1 cubic decimetre (1.76
littera letter]
pints). [Greek litrd]
literalism n. insistence on a literal
Litt.D. abbr. Doctor of Letters. [Latin
interpretation; adherence to the letter. Litterarum Doctor]
literalist n. litter -n. 1 a refuse, esp. paper, dis-
literary /'litarari/ adj. 1 of or concerned carded in a public place, b odds and ends
with books or literature etc. 2 (of a word lying about. 2 young animals brought
or idiom) used chiefly by writers; forth at one birth. 3 vehicle containing a
formal. literariness n. [Latin: related couch and carried on men's shoulders
tO LETTER] or by animals. 4 a kind of stretcher for
literate /'litarat/ -adj. able to read and the sick and wounded. 5 straw etc., as
write; educated, -n. literate person. bedding for animals. 6 granulated
literati /.lita'raiti/ the class of material for use as an animal's, esp. a
learned people. cat's, toilet indoors, -v. 1 make (a place)
literature /litar9tja(r)/ n. 1 written untidy with refuse. 2 give birth to
works, esp. those valued for form and (whelps etc.). 3 a provide (a horse etc.)
style. 2 writings of a country or period with litter as bedding, b spread straw
or on a particular subject. 3 literary etc. on (a stable-floor etc.). [Latin lectus
production. 4 colloq. printed matter, bed]
leaflets, etc. litterbug n. colloq. person who drops
lithe ,/laio/ adj. flexible, supple. [Old litter in the street etc.
English] litter-lout n. colloq. = litterbug.
lithium /'liGiam/ n. soft silver-white little /'lit(a)l/ -adj. (littler, littlest; less
metallic element. [Greek lithion from or lesser, least) 1 small in size, amount,
lithos stone] degree, etc.; often used affectionately or
litho /'laiGau/ colloq. -n. = litho- condescendingly (friendly little chap;
graphy, -v. (-oes, -oed) lithograph, silly little fool). 2 a short in stature, b of
[abbreviation] short distance or duration. 3 (prec. by a)
Little Bear 518 livery
a certain though small amount of {give not married to each other) share a home
me a little butter). 4 trivial (questions and have a sexual relationship, live up
every little thing). 5 only a small amount to fulfil, live with 1 share a home with.
(had little sleep). 6 operating on a small 2 tolerate. [Old English]
scale; humble, ordinary (the little shop- live 2 /laiv/ -adj. 1 (attrib.) that is alive;
keeper; the little man). 7 smaller or the living. 2 (of a broadcast, performance,
smallest of the name (little hand of a etc.) heard or seen at the time of its
clock; little auk). 8 young or younger performance or with an audience pre-
(little boy; my little sister), -n. 1 not sent. 3 of current interest or importance
much; only a small amount (got little (a live issue). 4 glowing, burning (live
out of it; did what little I could). 2 (usu. coals). 5 (of a match, bomb, etc.) not yet
prec. by a) a a certain but no great kindled or exploded. 6 (of a wire etc.)
amount (knows a little of everything), b charged with or carrying electricity.
short time or distance (after a little), -adv. 1 in order to make a live broadcast
-adv. (less, least) 1 to a small extent (going live now to the House of Com-
only (little-known author; little more mons). 2 as a live performance etc.
than speculation). 2 not at all; hardly (show went out live), [from alive]
(they little thought). 3 (prec. by a) some- liveable /'livab(a)l/ adj. (also livable) 1
what (is a little deaf). [Old Englishl colloq. (usu. liveable-in) (of a house
Little Bear see bear 2 .
etc.) fit to live in. 2 (of a life) worth
little by little adv. by degrees; gradu- living. 3 colloq. (usu. liveable-with) (of
ally. a person) easy to live with.
little end n. the smaller end of a lived-in adj. 1 (of a room etc.) showing
connecting-rod, attached to the piston. signs of habitation. 2 colloq. (of a face)
little grebe n. small water-bird of the
marked by experience.
grebe family. live-in attrib. adj. (of a sexual partner,
little people (prec. by the) fairies.
employee, etc.) cohabiting; resident.
little woman n. (prec'. by the) colloq.
livelihood /'laivli.hod/ n. means of liv-
often derog. one's wife.
ing; job, income. [Old English: related to
littoral /'litar(a)l/ -adj. of or on the
shore, -n. region lying along a shore.
livelong /'livlnn/ adj. in its entire
[Latin litus litor- shore]
length (the livelong day), [from obsolete
liturgy /'Iitad3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 prescribed 1
lief, assimilated to live ]
form of public worship. 2 (the Liturgy)
lively /'laivli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of
the Book of Common Prayer. litur-
life;vigorous, energetic. 2 vivid (lively
gical /-'t3:d3ik(a)l/ liturgically
imagination). 3 cheerful. 4 joc. exciting,
/-'t3:d3ikali/ adv. [Greek leitourgia pub-
lic worship]
dangerous (made things lively for him).
liveliness n. [Old English]
livable var. of liveable.
live /liv/ v. (-ving) 1 have life; be or liven /'laiv(a)n/ v. (often foil, by up)
colloq. make or become lively, cheer up.
remain alive. 2 have one's home (lives
up the road). 3 (foil, by on) subsist or liver 1 /'liva(r)/ n. 1 large glandular
feed (lives on fruit). 4 (foil, by on, off) organ in the abdomen of vertebrates. 2
liver of some animals as food. [Old
depend for subsistence (lives off the
State; lives on a pension). 5 (foil, by on, English]
by) sustain one's position (live on their liver 2 /'liva(r)/ n. person who lives in a
reputation; lives by his wits). 6 a spend specified way (a fast liver).
or pass (lived a full life), b express in liveried /'livarid/ adj. wearing livery,
one's life (lives his faith). 7 conduct liverish suffering from a
/'livanj/ adj. 1

oneself, arrange one's habits, etc., in a liver disorder. 2 peevish, glum.

specified way (live quietly). 8 (often foil, Liverpudlian /.liva'pAdlian/ -n.
by on) (of a person or thing) survive; native of Liverpool, -adj. of Liverpool.
remain (memory lived on). 9 enjoy life to [Liverpool in NW
the full (not really living). live and liver sausage n. sausage of cooked
let live condone others' failings so as to liver etc.
be similarly tolerated, live down cause liverwort n. small mosslike or leafless
(past guilt, a scandal, etc.) to be forgot- plant sometimes lobed like a liver.
ten by blameless conduct thereafter, livery /'livan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 distinctive
live for regard as one's life's purpose uniform of a member of a City Company
(livesfor her music), live in (or out) or of a servant. 2 distinctive guise or
reside on (or off) the premises of one's marking (birds in their winter livery). 3
work, live it up colloq. live gaily and distinctive colour scheme in which a
extravagantly, live a lie keep up a company's vehicles etc. are painted,
pretence, live together (esp. of a couple at livery (of a horse) kept for the owner
livery stable 519 lobby
for a fixed charge. [Anglo-French livere, by up) (of a vehicle or person) take a
past part, of livrer deliver] load aboard. 3 (often foil, by with) bur-
livery stable n. stable where horses den, strain (loaded with food). 4 (also
are kept at livery or let out for hire, load up) (foil, by with) overburden,
lives pi. of LIFE. overwhelm (loaded us with work, with
livestock n. (usu. treated as pi.) an- abuse). 5 a put ammunition in (a gun),
imals on a farm, kept for use or profit. film in (a camera), a cassette in (a tape
live wire n. spirited person. recorder), a program in (a computer),
livid /'livid/ adj. 1 colloq. furious. 2 of a etc. b put (a film, cassette, etc.) into a
bluish leaden colour (livid bruise). device. 6 give a bias to. get a load of
[Latin] slang take note of. [Old English, = way]
living /'livin/ -n. 1 being alive {that's
loaded adj. 1 slang a rich, b drunk, c US
what living is all about). 2 livelihood. 3
drugged. 2 (of dice etc.) weighted. 3 (of a
position held by a clergyman, providing
question or statement) carrying some
an income, -adj. 1 contemporary; now
hidden implication.
alive. 2 (of a likeness) exact, lifelike. 3 (of
loader n. 1 loading-machine. 2 (in
a language) still in vernacular use.
comb.) gun, machine, lorry, etc., loaded
within living memory within the
in a specified way (breech-loader,
memory of people still alive.
living-room n. room for general day front- loader). -loading adj. (in comb.)
(in sense 2).
living wage n. wage on which one can load line n. = Plimsoll line.
live without privation, loadstone var. of lodestone.
lizard /'lizad/ n. reptile with usu. a long loaf n. (pi loaves) 1 unit of baked

body and tail, four legs, and a rough or bread, usu. of a standard size or shape. 2
scaly hide. [Latin lacertus] other food made in the shape of a loaf
LJ abbr. (pi. L JJ) Lord Justice. and cooked. 3 slang head as the seat of
'11 v. (usu. after pronouns) shall, will common sense. [Old English]
(/'//; that'll), [abbreviation] loaf2 v. (often foil, by about, around)
llama /'la:ma/ n. S. American ruminant spend time idly; hang about, [back-
kept as a beast of burden and for its soft formation from loafer]
woolly fleece. [Spanish from Quechua] loafer n. 1 idle person. 2 (Loafer) propr.
LL B abbr. Bachelor of Laws. [Latin flat soft-soled leather shoe, [origin un-
legum baccalaureus] certain]
LL D abbr. Doctor of Laws. [Latin legum loam rich soil of clay, sand, and
doctor] humus, n loamy adj. [Old English]
LL Mabbr. Master of Laws. [Latin loan -n. 1 thing lent, esp. a sum of
legum magister] money. 2 lending or being lent. -v. lend
Lloyd's /bidz/ n. incorporated society (money, works of art, etc.). on loan
of underwriters in London. [Lloyd, pro- being lent. [Old English]
prietor of the coffee-house where the loan shark n. colloq. person who lends
society originally met] money at exorbitant rates of interest.
Lloyd's List n. daily publication loathpredic. adj. (also loth) disinclined,
devoted to shipping news. reluctant (loath to admit it). [Old Eng-
Lloyd's Register n. annual classified
list of all ships.
loathe v. (-thing) detest, hate.
In abbr. natural logarithm.
loathing [Old English]
lo archaic look.
/lau/ int. lo and be-
loathsome /'lauosam/ adj. arousing
hold joc. formula introducing mention
hatred or disgust; repulsive,
of a surprising fact. [Old English]
loach n. (pi same or -es) small fresh- loaves pi of loaf 1

water fish. [French]

lob -v. (-bb-) hit or throw (a ball etc.)
load -rc. 1 a what is carried or to be slowly or in a high arc. -n. such a ball.
carried, b amount usu. or actually car-
[probably Low German or Dutch]
ried (often in comb.: lorry-load of lobar /'lauba(r)/ adj. of a lobe, esp. of the
bricks). 2 burden or commitment of lung (lobar pneumonia).
work, responsibility, care, etc. 3 colloq. lobate /'laubeit/ adj. having a lobe or
a (in pi; often foil, by of) plenty, a lot lobes.
(loads of money, people), b (a load of) a lobby /'lDbi/ -n. (pi -ies) 1 porch, ante-
quantity (a load of nonsense). 4 amount room, entrance-hall, or corridor. 2 a (in
of power carried by an electric circuit or the House of Commons) large hall used
supplied by a generating station. -y.1a esp. for interviews between MPs and the
put a load on or aboard, b place (a load) public, b (also division lobby) each of
aboard a ship, on a vehicle, etc. 2 (often two corridors to which MPs retire to
lobbyist 520 lock-keeper
vote. 3 a body of lobbyists (anti-abor- local time n. time in a particular place,
tion lobby ), b organized rally of lobby- local train n. train stopping at all the
ing members of the public. 4 (prec. by stations on its route,
the) group of journalists who receive locate lau'keit v. (-ting) 1 discover the
unattributable briefings from the exact place of. 2 establish in a place;
government (lobby correspondent), -u. situate. 3 state the locality of. [Latin:
(-ies. -ied) 1 solicit the support of (an related to local]
influential person). 2 (of members of the
Usage In standard English, it is not
public) inform in order to influence
acceptable to use locate to mean merely
(legislators, an MP. etc.). 3 frequent a
'find' as in can 't locate my key.
parliamentary lobby. [Latin lobia lodge]
lobbyist n. person who lobbies an MP location lau'keij"(a)n n. 1 particular
etc.. esp. professionally. place. 2 locating. 3 natural, not studio,
lobe n. 1 lower soft pendulous pan of the setting for a film etc. {filmed on loca-
outer ear. 2 similar part of other organs, tion).
esp. the brain, liver, and lung, z lobed loc. cit. abbr. in the passage cited.
adj. [Greek lobos lobe, pod] [Latin loco citato]
lobelia la'bi:lia n. plant with bright, loch k>k. Idx n. Scot, lake or narrow
esp. blue, flowers. [Lobel, name of a inlet of the sea. [Gaelic]
botanist] loci pi of LOCUS.
lobotomy la'botami n. (pi. -ies) in- lock -n. 1 mechanism for fastening a

cision into the frontal lobe of the brain, door etc., with a bolt that requires a key
formerly used in some cases of mental of a particular shape to work it. 2 con-
disorder, [from lobe] fined section of a canal or river within
lobscouse lDbskaus n. sailor's dish of sluice-gates, for moving boats from one
meat stewed with vegetables and ship's level to another. 3 a turning of a
biscuit, [origin unknown] vehicle's front wheels, b (in full full
lobster n. 1 marine crustacean with two lock) maximum extent of this. 4 inter-
pincer-like claws. 2 its flesh as food. locked or jammed state. 5 wrestling-
[Latin locusta lobster, locust] hold that keeps an opponent's limb
lobster-pot n. basket for trapping lob- fixed. 6 (in full lock forward) player in
sters. the second row of a Rugby scrum. 7
lobworm n. large earthworm used as mechanism for exploding the charge of
fishing-bait, [from lob in obsolete sense a gun. -i". 1 a fasten with a lock, b (foil,
'pendulous object'] by up) shut (a house etc.) thus, c (of a
local lauk(a)l -adj. 1 belonging to. door etc.) be lockable. 2 a (foil, by up. in.
existing in. or peculiar to a particular into) enclose (a person or thing) by
place (local history). 2 of the neighbour- locking, b (foil, by up) colloq. imprison
hood (local paper). 3 of or affecting a (a person). 3 (often foil, by up. away)
part and not the whole (local anaes- store inaccessibly (capital locked up in
thetic). 4 ( of a telephone call) to a nearby land). 4 (foil, by in) hold fast (in sleep, an
place and charged at a lower rate. — n. 1 embrace, a struggle, etc.). 5 (usu. in
inhabitant of a particular place. 2 (often passive) (of land, hills, etc.) enclose. 6
prec. by the) colloq. local public house. 3 make or become rigidly fixed. 7 f cause
local anaesthetic, z locally adv. [Latin to) jam or catch, lock on to (of a
locus place] missile etc.) automatically find and then
local authority n. administrative track (a target), lock out 1 keep out by
body in local government, locking the door. 2 (of an employer)
local colour n. touches of detail in a subject (employees) to a lockout, under
story etc. designed to provide a realistic lock and kev locked up. lockable
background. adj. [Old English]
locale lau'ka:l n. scene or locality of an lock- n. 1 portion of hair that hangs
event or occurrence. [French local] together. 2 (in pi.) the hair of the head
local government n. system of admin- {golden locks). [Old English]
istration of a county, district, parish, locker (usu. lockable) cupboard or
etc., by the elected representatives of compartment, esp. for public use.
those who live there. locket lDkit n. small ornamental case
locality lao'kaeliti n. (pi. -ies) 1 dis- for a portrait or lock of hair, worn on a
trict. 2 siteor scene of a thing. 3 thing's chain round the neck. [French dimin-
position. [Latin: related to local] utive of loc latch, lock ]

localize 'lauka laiz v. (also -ise) (-zing lockjaw which the

n. form of tetanus in
or -sing) 1 restrict or assign to a particu- jaws become rigidly closed.
lar place. 2 invest with the characteris- lock-keeper n. person in charge of a
tics of a particular place. 3 decentralize. river or canal lock.
lockout 521 loggerhead
lockout n. employer's exclusion of become fixed or caught; stick. 4 deposit
employees from the workplace until (money etc.) for security. 5 (foil, by in,
certain terms are agreed to. with) place (power etc.) in a person.
locksmith n. maker and mender of [French loge: related to leaf]
locks. lodger n. person paying for accom-
lock, stock, and barrel adv. com- modation in another's house.
pletely. lodging n. 1 temporary accommodation
lock-up -n. 1 house or room for the (a lodging for the night). 2 (in pi.) room
temporary detention of prisoners. 2 or rooms rented for lodging in.
premises that can be locked up, esp. a loess /'lauis/ n. deposit of fine wind-
small shop, -attrib. adj. that can be blown soil, esp. in the basins of large
locked up (lock-up garage). rivers. [Swiss German, = loose]
loco 1
/'laukau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. loco- loft -rc. 1 attic. 2 room over a stable. 3
motive engine, [abbreviation] gallery in a church or hall. 4 pigeon-
loco 2 /'laukau/ predic. adj. slang crazy. house. 5 backward slope on the face of a
[Spanish] golf-club. 6 lofting stroke, -v. send (a
locomotion /,lauka'mauJX3)n/ n. ball etc.) high up. [Old English, = air,
motion or the power of motion from upper room]
place to place. [Latin locus, motion] lofty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of things) of
locomotive /.lauka'mautiv/ -n. engine imposing height. 2 naughty, aloof. 3
for pulling trains, -adj. of, having, or exalted, noble (lofty ideals), z loftily
effecting locomotion. adv. loftiness n.
locum tenens /.laukam 'ti.nenz, 'te-/ n. log -n. 1 unhewn piece of a felled tree;

(pi. locum tenentes /ti'nenti:z/) (also any large rough piece of wood, esp. cut
colloq.locum) deputy acting esp. for a for firewood. 2 hist, floating device for
doctor or clergyman. [Latin, = (one) gauging a ship's speed. 3 record of
holding a place] events occurring during the voyage of a
locus /'laukas/ n. (pi. loci /-sai/) 1 posi- ship or aircraft. 4 any systematic record
tion or locality. 2 line or curve etc. of deeds, experiences, etc. 5 = logbook.
formed by all the points satisfying cer- -v. (-gg-) 1 a enter (a ship's speed, or
tain conditions, or by the defined other transport details) in a logbook, b
motion of a point, line, or surface. enter (data etc.) in a regular record. 2
[Latin, = place] attain (a distance, speed, etc., thus
locus classicus /, laukas 'klassikas/ n. recorded) (had logged over 600 miles). 3
(pi. loci classici /.lausai 'klaesi.sai/) best cut into logs, z log in = log on. log on
known or most authoritative passage on (or off) open (or close) one's online
a subject. [Latin: related to locus] access to a computer system, sleep like
locust /'laukast/ n. African or Asian a log sleep soundly, [origin unknown]
grasshopper migrating in swarms and log 2n. logarithm, [abbreviation]
consuming all vegetation. [Latin logan /'laugan/ n. (in full logan-stone)
locusta locust, lobster] poised heavy stone rocking at a touch.
locution /la'kju:J(a)n/ n. 1 word, [= (dial.) logging, = rocking]
phrase, or idiom. 2 style of speech. loganberry /'lauganban/ n. (pi. -ies)
[Latin loquor locut- speak] dark red fruit, hybrid of a blackberry
lode n. vein of metal ore. [var. of load] and a raspberry. [Logan, name of a
lodestar n. 1 star used as a guide in horticulturalist]
navigation, esp. the pole star. 2 a guid- logarithm /'lDga,nd(a)m/ n. one of a
ing principle, b object of pursuit, [from series of arithmetic exponents tabu-
lode in obsolete sense 'way, journey'] lated to simplify computation by mak-
lodestone n. (also loadstone) 1 mag- ing it possible to use addition and sub-
netic oxide of iron. 2 a piece of this used traction instead of multiplication and
as a magnet, b thing that attracts. division. : logarithmic /-'ridmik/ adj.
lodge -n. 1 small house at the entrance logarithmically /-'riomikali/ adv.
to apark or grounds of a large house, [Greek logos reckoning, arithmos
occupied by a gatekeeper etc. 2 small number]
house used in the sporting seasons logbook n. 1 book containing a detailed
(hunting lodge). 3 porter's room at the record or log. 2 vehicle registration
gate of a college, factory, etc. 4 members document.
or meeting-place of a branch of a society log cabin n. hut built of logs.
such as the Freemasons. 5 beaver's or logger n. US lumberjack.
otter's lair. -v. (-ging) 1 a reside or live, loggerhead /'lDga.hed/ n. at logger-
esp. as a lodger, b provide with tempor- heads (often foil, by with) disagreeing
ary accommodation. 2 submit or pre- or disputing, [probably dial, from logger
sent (a complaint etc.) for attention. 3 wooden block]
loggia 522 long
loggia /'laud38, open-sided gal-
'Id-/ n. lolly /'IdIi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 colloq. lollipop. 2
lery or arcade. [Italian, = lodge] = ice lolly. 3 slang money, [abbrevia-
logging n. work of cutting and prepar- tion]
ing forest timber. Londoner /'lAndana(r)/ n. native or in-
logic /"lDd3ik/ n. 1 a science of reason- habitant of London.
ing, b particular system or method of London pride /'L\nd(a)n/ n. pink-
reasoning. 2 a chain of reasoning flowered saxifrage.
(regarded as sound or unsound), b use of lone attrib. adj. 1 solitary; without com-
or ability in argument. 3 inexorable panions. 2 isolated. 3 unmarried, single
force, compulsion, or consequence (the (lone parent), [from alone]
logic of events). 4 a principles used in lone hand n. 1 hand played or player
designing a computer etc. b circuits playing against the rest at cards. 2
using this. logician /la'd3iJXa)n/ n. person or action without allies.
[related to -logic] lonely /'launli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 with-
-logic comb, form (also -logical) form- out companions (lonely existence). 2 sad
ing adjectives corresponding esp. to because of this. 3 unfrequented, iso-
nouns in -logy (pathological; zoolo- lated, uninhabited. loneliness n.
gical). [Greek -logikos] lonely hearts people seeking
logical adj. 1 of or according to logic friendship or marriage through a news-
(the logical conclusion). 2 correctly paper column, club, etc.
reasoned. 3 defensible or explicable on loner n. person or animal that prefers to
the ground of consistency. 4 capable of be alone.
correct reasoning. logicality /-'kseliti/ lonesome /'launsam/ adj. esp. US 1
n. logically adv. [Greek logos word, lonely. 2 making one feel forlorn (a
reason] lonesome song).
-logist comb, form forming nouns mean- lone wolf n. loner.
ing 'person skilled in -logy' (geologist). long -adj. (longer
/'lDnga(r)/; longest
logistics /la'd3istiks/ 1 organiza- measuring much from end
/'lDngist/) 1
tion of (orig. military) services and sup- toend in space or time. 2 (following a
plies. 2 organization of any complex measurement) in length or duration (2
operation. logistic adj. logistical metres long; two months long). 3 a
adj. logistically adv. [French loger consisting of many items (a long list), b
lodge] seemingly more than the stated
log-jam n. deadlock. amount; tedious (ten long miles). 4 of
logo /'laugau/ n. (pi. -s) emblem of an elongated shape. 5 lasting or reaching
organization used in its display mater- far back or forward in time (long friend-
ial etc.[abbreviation of logotype from ship). 6 far-reaching; acting at a dis-
Greek logos word] tance; involving a great interval or dif-
-logy comb, form forming nouns denot- ference. 7 (of a vowel or syllable) having
ing: 1 a subject of study (biology). 2 the greater of the two recognized
speech or discourse or a characteristic durations. 8 (of odds or a chance) re-
of this (trilogy; tautology; phrase- flecting a low level of probability. 9 (of
ology). [Greek -logia from logos word] stocks) bought in large quantities in
loin n. 1 (in pi. ) side and back of the body advance, with the expectation of a rise
between the ribs and the hip-bones. 2 in price. 10 (foil, by on) colloq. well
joint of meat from this part of an animal. supplied with. -n. long interval or
[French loigne from Latin lumbus] period (will not take long; won't be
loincloth n. cloth worn round the hips, long), -adv.(longer /'lDnga(r)/; longest
esp. as a sole garment. /'lDngist/) 1by or for a long time (long
loiter v. 1 stand about idly; linger. 2 go before; long ago). 2 (following nouns of
slowly with frequent stops. loiter duration) throughout a specified time
with intent linger in order to commit a (all day long). 3 (in compar.) after an
felony. loiterer n. [Dutch] implied point of time (shall not wait
loll v. 1 stand, sit, or recline in a lazy any longer). as (or so) long as pro-
attitude. 2 hang loosely, [imitative] vided that, before long soon, in the
lollipop /'IdIi.pdp/ n. hard sweet on a long run (or term) eventually, ulti-
stick, [origin uncertain] mately, the long and the short of it 1
lollipop man n. (also lollipop lady) all that need be said. 2 the eventual
colloq.warden using a circular sign on a outcome, not by a long shot (or chalk)
pole to stop traffic for children to cross by no means. longish adj. [Old Eng-
the road. lish]
lollop /'lDlap/ v. (-p-) colloq. 1 flop about. long2 v. (foil, by for or to + infin.) have a
2 move in ungainly bounds, [probably strong wish or desire for. [Old English,
from LOLL, TROLLOP] = seem long 1
long. 523 look
long. abbr. longitude. long-sighted adj. having long sight. 2
longboat n. sailing-ship's largest boat. far-sighted, long-sightedness n.
longbow n. bow drawn by hand and long-standing adj. that has long
shooting a long feathered arrow, existed.
long-distance -attrib. adj. travelling long-suffering adj. bearing provoca-
or operating between distant places. tion patiently.
-adv. between distant places (phone long-term adj. of or for a long period of
long-distance). time (long-term plans). *
long division n. division of numbers long wave n. radio wave of frequency
with details of the calculations written less than 300 kHz.
down. longways adv. (also longwise) =
long-drawn adj. (also long-drawn- LENGTHWAYS.
-out) prolonged. long-winded adj. (of a speech or writ-
longeron /'lDnd38ran/ n. longitudinal ing) tediously lengthy,
member of a plane's fuselage. [French] loo n. colloq. lavatory, [origin uncertain]
longevity /lDn'd3eviti/ n. formal long loofah /'lu:fa/ n. rough bath-sponge
life. [Latin longus long, aevum age] made from the dried pod of a type of
long face dismal expression.
n. gourd. [Arabic]
longhand n. ordinary handwriting. look /luk/ -v. 1 a (often foil, by at, down,
long haul n. 1 transport over a long up, etc.) use one's sight; turn one's eyes
distance. 2 prolonged effort or task. in some direction, b turn one's eyes on;
longing /'lDnin/ -n. intense desire. examine (looked me in the eyes; looked
-adj. having or showing this. long- us up and down). 2 a make a visual or
ingly adv. mental search (I'll look in the morning).
long in the tooth predic. adj. colloq. b (foil, by at) consider, examine (must
old. look at the facts). 3 (foil, by for) search
longitude /'lDngi,tju:d, 'lDnd3-/ n. 1 for, seek, be on the watch for. 4 inquire
angular distance east or west from a (when one looks deeper). 5 have a speci-
standard meridian such as Greenwich fied appearance; seem (look a fool; fu-
to the meridian of any place. 2 angular ture looks bleak). 6 (foil, by to) a con-
distance of a celestial body, esp. along sider; be concerned about (look to the
the ecliptic. [Latin longitudo length, future), b rely on (look to me for sup-
from longus long] port). 7 (foil, by into) investigate. 8 (foil,
longitudinal /.lnngi'tjuidinte)!, by what, where, whether, etc.) ascertain
,lDnd3-/ adj. 1 of or in length. 2 running or observe by sight. 9 (of a thing) face
lengthwise. 3 of longitude, longitud- some direction. 10 indicate (emotion
inally adv. etc.) by one's looks. 1 1 (foil, by that) take
long johns colloq. long under- care; make sure. 12 (foil, by to + infin.)
pants. aim (am looking to finish it soon), -n. 1
long jump n. athletic contest of jump- act of looking; gaze, glance. 2 (in sing, or
ing as far as possible along the ground in pi.) appearance of a face; expression. 3
one leap. appearance of a thing (by the look of it).
long-life adj. (of milk etc.) treated to 4 style, fashion (this year's look; the wet
prolong its period of usability. look), -int. (also look here!) calling
long-lived adj. having a long life; dur- attention, expressing a protest, etc.
able. look after attend to; take care of. look
long-lost attrib. adj. that has been lost one's age appear as old as one really is.
for a long time. look back 1 (foil, by on, to) turn one's
long-playing adj. (of a gramophone thoughts to (something past). 2 (usu.
record) playing for about 20-30 minutes with neg.) cease to progress (he's never
on each side. looked back), look down on (or look
long-range adj. 1 having a long range. down one's nose at) regard with con-
2 relating to a period of time far into the tempt or superiority, look forward to
future (long-range weather forecast). await (an expected event) eagerly or
long-running adj. continuing for a with specified feelings, look in make a
long time (a long-running musical). short visit or call, look on 1 (often foil,
longshore attrib. adj. 1 existing on or by as) regard. 2 be a spectator, look
frequenting the shore. 2 directed along oneself appear well (esp. after illness
the shore, [from along shore] etc.). look out 1 direct one's sight or put
longshoreman n. US docker, one's head out of a window etc. 2 (often
long shot wild guess or venture. 2
n. 1 foil, by for) be vigilant or prepared. 3
bet at long odds. (foil, by on, over, etc.) have or afford an
long sight n. ability to see clearly only outlook. 4 search for and produce. 5 (as
what is comparatively distant. imper.) warning of immediate danger
look-alike 524 Lord Lieutenant
etc. look over inspect, look smart indiscreet. 8 tending to diarrhoea. 9 (in
make haste, look up 1 search for (esp. comb.) loosely (loose-fitting), -v. (-sing)
information in a book). 2 colloq. visit (a 1 free; untie or detach; release. 2 relax
person). 3 improve in prospect, look up (loosed my hold). 3 discharge (a mis-
to respect or admire, not like the look sile). at a loose end unoccupied, on
of find alarming or suspicious. [Old the loose 1 escaped from captivity. 2
English] enjoying oneself freely, loosely adv.
look-alike n. person or thing closely looseness n. loosish adj. [Old Norse]
resembling another. loose cover n. removable cover for an
looker n. 1 person of a specified appear- armchair etc.
ance {good- looker). 2 colloq. attractive loose-leaf adj. (of a notebook etc.) with
woman. pages that can be removed and re-
looker-on n. (pi. lookers-on) spec- placed.
loosen v. make or become loose or
look-in n. colloq. chance of participa-
looser, loosen a person's tongue
tion or success (never gets a look-in).
looking-glass n. mirror.
make a person talk freely, loosen up 1
relax. 2 limber up.
lookout n. 1 watch or looking out (on
loot -n. 1 spoil, booty. 2 slang money.
the lookout). 2 a observation-post, b
-v. 1 rob or steal, esp. after rioting etc. 2
person etc. stationed to keep w atch. 3

prospect (it's a bad lookout). 4 colloq. plunder. looter n. [Hindi]

person's own concern (that's your look- lop v. (-pp-) 1 a (often foil, by off, away)

out). cut or remove (a part or parts) from a

loom 1
n. apparatus for weaving. [Old whole, esp. branches from a tree, b
English] remove branches from (a tree). 2 (often
loom 2
v. 1 appear dimly, esp. as a vague foil,by off) remove (items) as super-
and often threatening shape. 2 (of an fluous. [Old English]
event) be ominously close, [probably lope — v. (-ping) run with a long bound-
Low German or Dutch] ing stride, -n. long bounding stride.
loon n. 1 a kind of diving bird. 2 colloq. [Old Norse: related to leap]
crazy person (cf. loony). [Old Norse] lop-eared adj. having drooping ears,
loony slang -n. (pi -ies) lunatic, -adj. [related to lob]
(-ier, -iest) crazy, z looniness n. lopsided unevenly balanced, z
[abbreviation] lopsidedness n. [related to lob]
loony-bin n. slang offens. mental home loquacious la'kweijas adj. talkative,
or hospital. z loquacity /-'kwaesiti, n. [Latin loquor
loop -n. 1 a figure produced by a curve, speak]
or a doubled thread etc., that crosses loquat /'laukwDt, n. 1 small yellow egg-
itself, b thing, path, etc., forming this shaped fruit. 2 tree bearing it. [Chinese]
figure. 2 similarly shaped attachment lord —/2. master or ruler. 2 hist, feudal
used as a fastening. 3 ring etc. as a superior, esp. of a manor. 3 peer of the
handle etc. 4 contraceptive coil. 5 (in full realm or person with the title Lord. 4
loop-line) railway or telegraph line (Lord) (often prec. by the) God or Christ.
that diverges from a main line and joins
5 (Lord) a prefixed as the designation of
it again. 6 skating or aerobatic man-
a marquis, earl, viscount, or baron, or
oeuvre describing a loop. 7 complete
(to the Christian name) of the younger
circuit for an electric current. 8 endless
son of a duke or marquis, b (the Lords)
band of tape or film allowing continuous = House of Lords, -int. (Lord, good
repetition. 9 sequence of computer
Lord, etc.) expressing surprise, dismay,
operations repeated until some con-
etc. z lord it over domineer. [Old Eng-
dition is satisfied, -v. 1 form or bend
lish, = bread-keeper: related to loaf

into a loop. 2 fasten with a loop or loops.


3 form a loop. 4 (also loop the loop) fly

in a circle vertically, [origin unknown] Lord Chamberlain n. official in

loophole n. 1 means of evading a rule charge of the Royal Household.

etc. without infringing it. 2 narrow ver- Lord Chancellor n. (also Lord High
tical slit in the wall of a fort etc. Chancellor) highest officer of the
loopy adj. (-ier, -iest) slang crazy, daft. Crown, presiding in the House of Lords
loose -adj. 1 not tightly held, fixed, etc. etc.
(loose handle; loose stones). 2 free from Lord Chief Justice n. president of the
bonds or restraint. 3 not held together Queen's Bench Division.
(loose papers). 4 not compact or dense Lord Lieutenant n. 1 chief executive
(loose soil). 5 inexact (loose trans- authority and head of Magistrates in
lation). 6 morally lax. 7 (of the tongue) each county. 2 hist, viceroy of Ireland.
lordly 525 loud
lordly adj. (-ier, haughty,
-iest) 1 loser n. person or thing that loses, esp.
imperious. 2 suitable for a lord. lord- a contest (is a bad loser). 2 colloq.
liness n. person who regularly fails.
Lord Mayor n. title of the mayor in loss n. 1 losing or being lost. 2 thing or
some large cities. amount lost. 3 detriment resulting from
Lord Privy Seal n. senior Cabinet losing. at a loss (sold etc.) for less
minister without official duties. than was paid for it. be at a loss be
lords and ladies n. wild arum. puzzled or uncertain, [probably back-
Lord's Day n. Sunday. formation from lost]
lordship n. 1 (usu. Lordship) title used loss-leader n. item sold at a loss to
in addressing or referring to a man with attract customers.
the rank of Lord (Your Lordship; His lost past and past part, of lose.
Lordship). 2 (foil, by over) dominion, lost cause n. hopeless undertaking.
rule. lot n. 1 colloq. (prec. by a or in pi.) a a
Lord's Prayer n. the Our Father. large number or amount (a lot ofpeople;
Lords spiritual bishops in the lots of milk), b colloq. much (a lot
House of Lords. warmer; smiles a lot). 2 a each of a set of
Lord's Supper n. Eucharist. objects used to make a chance selection,
Lords temporal members of the b this method of deciding (chosen by
House of Lords other than bishops, lot). 3 share or responsibility resulting

lore n. body of traditions and knowledge from it. 4 person's destiny, fortune, or
on a subject or held by a particular condition. 5 (esp. US) plot; allotment of
group (bird lore; Gypsy lore). [Old Eng- land (parking lot). 6 article or set of
lish:related to learn] articles for sale at an auction etc. 7
lorgnette /loi'njet/ n. pair of eyeglasses
group of associated persons or things.
or opera-glasses on a long handle. cast (or draw) lots decide by lots,
[French lorgner to squint] throw in one's lot with decide to share
lorn adj. archaic desolate, forlorn. [Old the fortunes of. the (or the whole) lot
English, past part, of lose] the total number or quantity, a whole
lot colloq. very much (is a whole lot
lorry /'Ion/ n. (pi. -ies) large vehicle for
better). [Old English]
transporting goods etc. [origin
uncertain] Usage In sense la, a lot of is some-
lose past and past part.
/lu:z/ v. (-sing; what informal, but acceptable in
lost) 1 be deprived of or cease to have, serious writing, whereas lots of is
esp. by negligence. 2 be deprived of (a not acceptable.
person) by death. 3 become unable to
loth var. of loath.
find, follow, or understand (lose one's
Lothario /la'9a:riau, -'Geanau/ n. (pi. -s)
way). 4 let or have pass from one's libertine, [name of a character in a play]
control or reach (lost my chance; lost lotion medicinal or cos-
/'lauJXa)n/ n.
his composure). 5 be defeated in (a metic liquid preparation applied ex-
game, lawsuit, battle, etc.). 6 get rid of ternally. [Latin lavo lot- wash]
(lost our pursuers; lose weight). 7 for- lottery /'lDtari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 means of
feit (a right to a thing). 8 spend (time, money by selling numbered
efforts, etc.) to no purpose. 9 a suffer tickets and giving prizes to the holders
loss or detriment, b be worse off. 10 of numbers drawn at random. 2 thing
cause (a person) the loss oi(will lose you whose success is governed by chance.
your job). 11 (of a clock etc.) become [Dutch: related to lot]
slow; become slow by (a specified time). lotto /'lDtau/ n. game of chance like
12 (in passive) disappear, perish; be bingo, but with numbers drawn by
dead (lost at sea; is a lost art). be lost 1 1
players instead of called. [Italian]
(or lose oneself) in be engrossed in. be lotus /'lautas/ n. 1 legendary plant in-
lost on be wasted on, or not noticed or ducing luxurious languor when eaten.
appreciated by. be lost to be no longer 2 a kind of water lily etc., esp. used
affected by or accessible to (is lost to symbolically in Hinduism and Bud-
pity; is lost to the world), be lost with- dhism. [Greek lotos]
out be dependent on (am lost without lotus-eater n. person given to indolent
my diary), get lost slang (usu. in enjoyment.
imper.) go away, lose face see face, lose lotus position n. cross-legged position
out 1 (often foil, by on) colloq. be unsuc- of meditation with the feet resting on
cessful; not get a full chance or advan- the thighs.
tage (in). 2 (foil, by to) be beaten in loud -adj. 1 strongly audible, noisy. 2
competition or replaced by. [Old (of colours etc.) gaudy, obtrusive, -adv.
English] loudly, out loud aloud, n loudish
loud hailer 526 low
adj. loudly adv. loudness n. [Old Eng- enamoured (of), make love (often foil,
lish] by to) 1 have sexual intercourse (with). 2
loud hailer n. electronic device for archaic pay amorous attention (to), not
amplifying the voice. for love or money colloq. not in any
loudspeaker n. apparatus that con- circumstances. [Old English]
verts electrical signals into sound. loveable var. of lovable.
lough /Ink, Idx/ n. Ir. lake, arm of the love affair n. romantic or sexual rela-
sea. [Irish: related to loch] tionship between two people.
lounge —v. (-ging) 1 recline comfort- love-bird n. parrot, esp. one seeming to
ably; loll. 2 stand or move about idly. show great affection for its mate.
-n. 1 place for lounging, esp.: a a love bite n. bruise made by a partner's
sitting-room in a house, b a public room biting etc. during lovemaking.
(e.g. in a hotel), c a place in an airport love-child n. child of unmarried
etc. with seats for waiting passengers. parents.
2 spell of lounging, [origin uncertain] love-hate relationship n. intense re-
lounge bar n. more comfortable bar in lationship involving ambivalent emo-
a pub etc. tions.
lounge suit n. man's
suit for ordinary love-in-a-mist n. blue-flowered cul-
day wear.
(esp. business) tivated plant.
lour v. (also lower) 1 frown; look sullen. loveless adj. unloving or unloved or
2 (of the sky etc.) look dark and both.
threatening, [origin unknown] love-lies-bleeding n. cultivated plant
louse -n. 1 (pi. lice) parasitic insect. 2 with drooping spikes of purple-red
(pi. louses) slang contemptible person.
-v. (-sing) delouse. louse up slang lovelorn adj. pining from unrequited
make a mess of. [Old English] love.
lousy /'lauzi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq.
lovely -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. pleas-
very bad; disgusting; ill (feel lousy). 2
ing, delightful. 2 beautiful, -n. (pi. -ies)
(often foil, by with) colloq. well supplied, woman. lovely and
colloq. pretty
teeming. 3 infested with lice. lousily
colloq. delightfully (lovely and warm).
adv. lousiness n.
loveliness n. [Old English]
lout n. rough-mannered person. lout-
ish adj. [origin uncertain]
lovemaking n. 1 sexual play, esp.
intercourse. 2 archaic courtship.
louvre /'lu:v8(r)/ n. (also louver) 1 each
love-nest n. colloq. secluded retreat for
of a set of overlapping slats designed to
(esp. illicit) lovers.
admit air and some light and exclude
rain. 2 domed structure on a roof with
lover n.
1 person in love with another. 2

person with whom another is having

side openings for ventilation etc.
sexual relations. 3 (in pi.) unmarried
louvred adj. [French lover skylight]
lovable /'lAV9b(a)l/ adj. (also loveable) couple in love or having sexual re-
lations. 4 person who likes or enjoys a
inspiring love or affection.
specified thing (music lover).
lovage /'L\vid3/ n. herb used for flavour-
ing etc. [French levesche from Latin love-seat n. small sofa in the shape of
ligusticum Ligurian] an S, with two seats facing in opposite
lovat /'lAvat/ n. & adj. muted green.
[Lovat in Scotland] lovesick adj. languishing with love,
love /1a v/ -n. 1 deep affection or fond- lovey-dovey /.Lwi'dAvi/ adj. colloq.

ness. 2 sexual passion. 3 sexual re- fondly affectionate, sentimental,

lations. 4 a beloved one; sweetheart loving —adj. feeling or showing love;
(often as a form of address), b colloq. affectionate, -n. affection; love.
form of address regardless of affection. lovingly adv.
5 colloq. person of whom one is fond. 6 loving-cup n. two-handled drinking-
affectionate greetings (give him my cup.
love). 7 (in games) no score; nil. -v. low 1
/lau/ -adj. 1 not high or tall (low
(-ving) 1 feel love or a deep fondness for. wall). 2 a not elevated in position (low
2 delight in; admire; greatly cherish. 3 altitude), b (of the sun) near the hori-
colloq. like very much (loves books). 4 zon. 3 of or in humble rank or position
(foil, by verbal noun, or to + infin.) be (of low birth). 4 of small or less than
inclined, esp. as a habit; greatly enjoy normal amount, extent, or intensity
(children love dressing up; loves to (low temperature; low in calories). 5
run), fall in love (often foil, by with) small or reduced in quantity (stocks are
suddenly begin to love, for love for low). 6 coming below the normal level
pleasure not profit, for the love of for (low neck). 7 dejected; lacking vigour
the sake of. in love (often foil, by with) (feeling low). 8 (of a sound) not shrill or
low 527 lubricious
loud. 9 not exalted or sublime; common- lowland -n. (usu. in pi.) low-lying
place. 1 unfavourable (low opinion). 11 country, -adj. of or in lowland, low-
abject, mean, vulgar (low cunning; low lander n.
slang). 12 (of a geological period) earl- low-level adj. (of a computer language)
ier, —n. 1 low or the lowest level or close in form to machine code.
number (pound reached a new low). 2 lowly adj. (-ier, -iest) humble; unpre-
area of low pressure, -adv. 1 in or to a tentious, lowliness n.
low position or state. 2 in a low tone low-lying adj. near to the ground or sea
(speak low). 3 (of a sound) at or to a low level.
pitch. lowish adj. lowness n. [Old low-pitched adj. 1 (of a sound) low. 2
Norse] (of a roof)having only a slight slope.
low 2 -n. sound made by cattle;
/lau/ low pressure n. 1 low degree of ac-
moo. -v. make this sound. [Old English] tivity or exertion. 2 atmospheric con-
low-born adj. of humble birth. dition with the pressure below average.
lowbrow -adj. not intellectual or cul- low-rise -adj. (of a building) having
tured, -n. lowbrow person. few storeys, -n. such a building.
Low Church n. section of the Church low season n. period of fewest visitors
of England attaching little importance at a resort etc.
to ritual, priestly authority, and the Low Sunday n. Sunday after Easter,
sacraments. low tide n. (also low water) time or
low-class adj. of low quality or social level of the tide at its ebb.
class. loyal /'loial/ adj. 1 (often foil, by to)
low comedy n. comedy bordering on faithful. 2 steadfast in allegiance etc.
farce. loyally adv. loyalty n. (pi. -ies). [Latin:
Low Countries the Netherlands, related to legal]
Belgium, and Luxembourg. loyalist n. 1 person who remains loyal
low-down -adj. mean, dishonourable. to the legitimate sovereign etc. 2 (Loyal-
—n. colloq. (prec. by the; usu. foil, by on) extremist) supporter of union
ist) (esp.
relevant information. between Great Britain and Northern
lower -adj. (compar. of low 1 ). 1 less
Ireland, loyalism n.
high in position or status. 2 situated loyal toast n. toast to the sovereign.
below another part (lower lip). 3 a situ- lozenge /"h)zmd3/ n. 1 rhombus. 2 small
ated on less high land (Lower Egypt), b sweet or medicinal tablet to be dissolved
situated to the South (Lower Califor- in the mouth. 3 lozenge-shaped object.
nia). 4 (of a mammal, plant, etc.) evolved [French]
to only a slight degree, -adv. in or to a LP abbr. long-playing (record).
lower position, status, etc. lower- L-plate sign bearing the letter L,
most adj. attached to a vehicle to show that it is
lower 2 v. 1 let or haul down. 2 make or being driven by a learner, [from plate]
become lower. 3 degrade. LPO abbr. London Philharmonic Or-
lower3 var. of lour. chestra.
lower case n. small letters, LSD abbr. lysergic acid diethylamide, a
lower class n. working class. powerful hallucinogenic drug.
Lower House n. larger and usu. l.s.d. /.eles'di:/ n. (also £.s.d.) 1 hist.
elected body in a legislature, esp. the and pence (in former
pounds, shillings,
House of Commons. British currency). 2 money, riches.
lowest adj. (super I. of low 1
) least high [Latin librae, solidi, denarii]
in position or status. LSE abbr. London School of Economics.
lowest common denominator n. 1 LSO abbr. London Symphony Orches-
Math, lowest common multiple of the tra.
denominators of several fractions. 2 the Lt. abbr. 1 Lieutenant. 2 light.
worst or most vulgar common feature of Ltd. abbr. Limited.
members of a group. Lu symb. lutetium.
lowest common multiple n. Math. lubber n. clumsy fellow, lout, [origin
least quantity that is a multiple of two or uncertain]
more given quantities. lubricant /'luibrikant/ n. substance
low frequency n. frequency, esp. in used to reduce friction,
radio, 30 to 300 kilohertz. lubricate (-ting) 1 apply
/'lu:bn,keit/ v.

low gear n. gear such that the driven oil or grease etc. to. 2 make slippery.
end of a transmission revolves slower lubrication /- keij(a)n/ n. lubricator
than the driving end. n. [Latin lubricus slippery]
low-grade adj. of low quality. lubricious /lu:'bnjas/ adj. 1 slippery,
low-key adj. lacking intensity, re- evasive. 2 lewd. lubricity n. [Latin:
strained. related to lubricate]
lucerne 528 lump sum
lucerne = alfalfa. [Pro-
/lu:'s3:n/ n. lull -0. soothe or send to sleep. 2 (usu.
vencal, = glow-worm, referring to its foil, by into) deceive (a person) into
shiny seeds] undue confidence (lulled into a false
lucid /'lu:sid/ adj. 1 expressing or sense of security). 3 allay (suspicions
expressed clearly. 2 sane, p lucidity etc.), usu. by deception. 4 (of noise, a
siditi/ n. lucidly adv. lucidness n. storm, etc.) abate or fall quiet, -n. tem-
[Latin lux luc- light] porary quiet period, [imitative]
Lucifer /'lu.sifa(r)/ n. Satan. [Latin: lullaby /'lAla.bai/ n. (pi. -ies) soothing
related to lucid, fero bring] song to send a child to sleep, [related to
luck n. 1 good or bad fortune. 2 circum- LULL]
stances of life (beneficial or not) brought lumbago /lAm'beigau/ n. rheumatic
by this. 3 good fortune; success due to pain in the muscles of the lower back.
chance (in luck; out of luck). no such [Latin lumbus loin]
luck colloq. unfortunately not. [Low lumbar /'lAmb9(r)/ adj. of the lower
German or Dutch] back area, [as lumbago]
luckless adj. unlucky; ending in lumbar puncture n. withdrawal of
failure. spinal fluid from the lower back for
lucky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having or result- diagnosis.
ing from good luck. 2 bringing good luck lumber /'lAmba(r)/ -n. 1 disused and
(lucky charm). luckily adv. cumbersome articles. 2 partly prepared
lucky dip n. tub containing articles timber, -v. 1 (usu. foil, by with) leave (a
varying in value and chosen at random. person etc.) with something unwanted
lucrative /'luikrativ/ adj. profitable. or unpleasant. 2 (usu. foil, by up) ob-
lucratively adv. lucrativeness n. struct, fill inconveniently. 3 cut and
[Latin: related to lucre] prepare forest timber. 4 move in a slow
lucre /'lu:ka(r)/ n. derog. financial gain. clumsy way. [origin uncertain]
[Latin lucrum gain] lumberjack n. person who fells and
Luddite /'lAdait/ -n. 1 person opposed transports lumber.
to industrial progress or new tech- lumber-jacket n. jacket of the kind
nology. 2 hist, member of a band of worn by lumberjacks,
English artisans who destroyed lumber-room n. room where disused
machinery (1811-16). -adj. of the Lud- things are kept.
dites. Ludditism n. [Ned Lud, name luminary /'luimmari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
of a destroyer of machinery] literary natural light-giving body. 2 wise
ludicrous /'luidikras/ adj. absurd, ri- or inspiring person. 3 celebrated mem-
diculous, laughable. ludicrously ber of a group (show- business luminar-
adv. ludicrousness n. [Latin ludicrum ies). [Latin lumen lumin- light]
stage play] luminescence /,lu:mi'nes(9)ns/ n.
ludo ,/'lu:dau/ n. simple board-game emission light without heat.
played with dice and counters. [Latin, = luminescent adj.
1 play] luminous /'luimmas/ adj. 1 shedding
luff v. (also absol.) 1 steer (a ship) nearer light. 2 phosphorescent, visible in dark-
the wind. 2 raise or lower (a crane's jib). ness (luminous paint). luminosity
[French, probably from Low German] /-'nositi/ n.
lug -v. (-gg-) 1 drag or carry with effort. lump -n. 1 compact shapeless mass. 2

2 pull hard. -n. 1 hard or rough pull. 2 tumour; swelling, bruise. 3 heavy, dull,
colloq. ear. 3 projection on an object by or ungainly person. 4 (prec. by the)
which it may be carried, fixed in place, slang casual workers in the building
etc. [probably Scandinavian] trade, -v. 1 (usu. foil, by together etc.)
luggage /'L\gid3/ n. suitcases, bags, etc., treat as all alike; put together in a lump.
for a traveller's belongings, [from lug] 2 (of sauce etc.) become lumpy. lump
lugger /'lAga(r)/ n. small ship with four- in the throat feeling of pressure there,
cornered [from lugsail]
sails, caused by emotion. [Scandinavian]
lughole slang ear.
n. lump 2 v. colloq. put up with un-
lugsail four-cornered sail on a yard,
n. graciously (like it or lump it), [imit-
[probably from lug] ative]
lugubrious /lu:'gu:bnas/ adj. doleful, lumpectomy /lAm'pektami/ n. (pi -ies)
lugubriously adv. lugubriousness surgical removal of a lump from the
n. [Latin lugeo mourn] breast.
lugworm n. large marine worm used as lumpish adj. 1 heavy and clumsy. 2
bait, [origin unknown] stupid, lethargic,
lukewarm adj. 1 moderately warm; lump sugar n. sugar in cubes,
tepid. 2 unenthusiastic, indifferent. [Old lump sum n. 1 sum covering a number
English (now dial.) luke warm, warm] of items. 2 money paid down at once.
lumpy 529 Lutheran
lumpy adj. (-ier, -iest) full of or covered lurcher /'l3:tja(r)/ n. crossbred dog,
with lumps. lumpily adv. lumpi- usu. a working dog crossed with a grey-
ness n. hound, [related to lurk]
lunacy /'lu:nasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 insanity. 2 lure -v. (-ring) 1 (usu. foil, by away,
mental unsoundness. 3 great folly. into) entice. 2 recall with a lure. -n. 1
[Latin: related to lunar] thing used to entice. 2 (usu. foil, by of)
lunar /'lu:n8(r)/ adj. of, like, concerned enticing quality (of a pursuit etc.). 3
with, or determined by the moon. [Latin falconer's apparatus for recalling a
luna moon] hawk. [French from Germanic]
lunar module small craft for tra-
Lurex /'ljuareks/ n. propr. 1 type of yarn
velling between the moon and a space- incorporating a glittering metallic
craft in orbit around it.
thread. 2 fabric made from this.

lunar month n, 1 period of the moon's

lurid /'ljoarid/ adj. 1 bright and glaring
in colour. 2 sensational, shocking (lurid
revolution, esp. the interval between
details). 3 ghastly, wan (lurid com-
new moons (about 29*/ 2 days). 2 (in
plexion). luridly adv. [Latin]
general use) four weeks.
lurk v. 1 linger furtively. 2 a lie in
lunate /'luineit/ adj. crescent-shaped.
ambush, b (usu. foil, by in, under, about,
lunatic /'lu:natik/ -n. 1 insane person. 2
etc.) hide, esp. for sinister purposes. 3
wildly foolish person, —adj. insane; ex-
(as lurking adj.) dormant (a lurking
tremely reckless or foolish, [related to suspicion), [perhaps from lour]
lunacy] luscious /'lAjas/ adj. 1 richly sweet in
lunatic asylum n. hist, mental home taste or smell. 2 (of style) over-rich.
or hospital. 3 voluptuously attractive, [perhaps
lunatic fringe n. extreme or eccentric related to delicious]
minority group. lush adj. 1 (of vegetation) luxuriant and

lunation /lu:'neij(3)n/ n. interval succulent. 2 luxurious. 3 slang excel-

between new moons, about 29 2 days. !
/ lent, [origin uncertain]
[medieval Latin: related to lunar] lush 2 n. slang alcoholic, drunkard, [ori-
lunch -n. midday meal. — v. 1 take gin uncertain]
lunch. 2 entertain to lunch, [shortening lust -n. 1 strong sexual desire. 2 (usu.
of luncheon] foil, by for, of) passionate desire for or
luncheon /'lAntJXa)n/ n. formal lunch, enjoyment of (lust for power; lust of
[origin unknown] battle). 3 sensuous appetite regarded as
luncheon meat n. tinned meat loaf of sinful (lusts of the flesh), -v. (usu. foil,
pork etc. by after, for) have a strong or excessive
luncheon voucher n. voucher issued (esp. sexual) desire. lustful adj. lust-
to employees and exchangeable for food fully adv. [Old English]
at many restaurants and shops. lustre /lAst8(r)/ n. (US luster) 1 gloss,
lung either of the pair of respiratory
n. shining surface. 2 brilliance, splendour.
organs in humans and many other ver- 3 iridescent glaze on pottery and por-
tebrates. [Old English: related to light ] celain. lustrous adj. [Latin lustro
lunge —n. illumine]
1 sudden movement forward.
lusty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 healthy and
2 the basic attacking move in fencing. 3
strong. 2 vigorous, lively, lustily adv.
long rope on which a horse is held and
lustiness n. [from lust]
made to circle round its trainer, —v.
lutanist var. of lutenist.
(-ging) (usu. foil, by at, out) deliver or
lute /lu:t/ n. guitar-like instrument

make a lunge. [French allonger from with a long neck and a pear-shaped
long long ]
body. [Arabic]
lupin /'lu:pm/ n. cultivated plant with
lute 2 /lu:t/ -n. clay or cement for making
long tapering spikes of flowers, [related
joints airtight etc. -v. (-ting) apply lute
to lupine]
to. [Latin lutum mud]
lupine /'lu:pam/ adj. of or like wolves. lutenist /'lu:t8nist/ n. (also lutanist)
[Latin lupinus from lupus wolf] lute-player, [related to lute ]

lupus autoimmune inflam-

/'lu:pas/ n. lutetium /lu:'ti:Xam/ n. silvery metallic
matory skin disease. [Latin, = wolf] element, the heaviest of the lanthanide
lurch -n. stagger; sudden unsteady

series. [Lutetia, ancient name of Paris]

movement or leaning, —v. stagger; move Lutheran /'lu:08ran/ -n. 1 follower of
or progress unsteadily, [originally Luther. 2 member of the Lutheran
Naut., of uncertain origin] Church, -adj. of Luther, or the Prot-
lurch 2 n. leave in the lurch desert (a estant Reformation and the doctrines
friend etc.) in difficulties, [obsolete associated with him. Lutheranism
French lourche a kind of backgammon] n. [Martin Luther, religious reformer]
lux 530 -lyte
lux (pi same) the SI unit of illumina-
n. lymphatic /lim'faetik/ adj. 1 of, secret-
tion. [Latin] ing, or conveying lymph. 2 (of a person)
luxuriant lAg'zjuariant/ adj. 1 grow- pale, flabby, or sluggish.
ing profusely. 2 exuberant. 3 florid, lymphatic system n. network of ves
luxuriance n. luxuriantly adv. sels conveying lymph.
[Latin: related to luxury] lymph gland n. (also lymph node)
Usage Luxuriant is sometimes con- small mass of tissue in the lymphatic
fused with luxurious. system.

luxuriate lAg'zjuan.eit/ (-ting) 1

lymphoma /lim'fauma/ n. (pi. -s or
-mata) tumour of the lymph nodes.
(foil, by take self-indulgent delight
lynch /lint J/ v. (of a mob) put (a person)
in, enjoy as a luxury. 2 relax in comfort.
to death without a legal trial, lynch-
luxurious /lAg'zjuanas/ adj. 1 supplied
with luxuries. 2 extremely comfortable.
ing n. [originally US, after Lynch, 18th-
c. Justice of the Peace in Virginia]
3 fond of luxury. luxuriously adv.
[Latin: related to luxury]
lynch law n. procedure followed when
a person is lynched.
Usage Luxurious is sometimes con- lynx /links/ n. (pi same or -es) wild cat
fused with luxuriant. with a short tail and spotted fur. [Greek
luxury /'lAkJari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 choice or lugx]
costly surroundings, possessions, etc. 2 lynx-eyed adj. keen-sighted.
thing giving comfort or enjoyment but lyre /'laia(r)/
n. ancient U-shaped
not essential. 3 (attrib.) comfortable and stringed instrument. [Greek lura]
expensive (luxury flat). [Latin luxus lyre-bird n. Australian bird, the male
abundance] of which has a lyre-shaped tail display.
LV abbr. luncheon voucher. lyric /'link/ —adj. 1 (of poetry) express-
Lw symb. lawrencium.
ing the writer's emotions, usu. briefly
-ly suffix forming adjectives, esp. from and in stanzas. 2 (of a poet) writing in
nouns, meaning: 1 having the qualities this manner. 3 meant or fit to be sung,
of (princely). 2 recurring at intervals of songlike. -n. 1 lyric poem. 2 (in pi.)
(daily). [Old English]
words of a song. [Latin: related to lyre]
-ly suffix forming adverbs from adject-
lyrical adj. 1 = lyric. 2 resembling, or
ives (boldly, happily). [Old English]
using language appropriate to, lyric
lychee /'laitji, 'h-l n. (also litchi,
poetry. 3 colloq. highly enthusiastic
lichee) 1 sweet white juicy fruit in a
(wax lyrical about). lyrically adv.
brown skin. 2 tree, orig. from China,
bearing this. [Chinese]
lyricism /'lin siz(3)m/ n. quality of

lych-gate var. of lich-gate.

being lyric.
Lycra /'laikra/ n. propr. elastic poly- lyricist /'linsist/ n. writer of (esp. pop-
urethane fabric used esp. for ular) lyrics.
sportswear. lysergic acid diethylamide /lai

lye /lai/ n. 1 water made alkaline with 'S3:d3ik, .daia'Oaila.maid/ n. = LSD.

wood ashes. 2 any alkaline solution for [from hydro/ysis, ergot, -ic]
washing. [Old English] -lysis comb, form forming nouns denot-
lying pres. part, of lie
, lie
ing disintegration or decomposition
lymph /limf/ n. 1 colourless fluid from (electrolysis). [Greek lusis loosening]
the tissues of the body, containing white -lyte suffix forming nouns denoting sub-
blood cells. 2 this fluid used as a vaccine. stances that can be decomposed (electro-
[Latin lympha] lyte). [Greek lutos loosened]
M 1
/em/ n. (pi. Ms or M's) 1 thirteenth Mach /ma:k/ n. (in full Mach number)
letter of the alphabet. 2 (as a roman ratio of the speed of a bddy to the speed
numeral) 1,000. of sound in the surrounding medium.
M abbr. (also M.) Master. 2 Monsieur.
1 [Mach, name of a physicist]
3 motorway. 4 mega-. machete /ma'Jeti/ n. broad heavy knife,
m abbr. (also m.) male. 2 masculine. 3
1 esp. of Central America. [Spanish from
married. 4 mile(s). 5 metre(s). 6 mil- Latin]
lion^). 7 minute(s). 8 milli-. machiavellian /.maekia'velian/ adj.
MA abbr. Master of Arts. elaborately cunning; scheming, un-
ma /ma:/ n. colloq. mother, [abbrevia- scrupulous, u machiavellianism n.
tion of mama] [Machiavelli, name of a political writer]
ma'am /maem, ma:m, mam/ n. madam machination /,maeki'neiJXG)n/ n. (usu.
(used esp. in addressing a royal lady), in pi.) plot, intrigue. machinate
[contraction] /'maek-/ v. (-ting). [Latin: related to
mac n. (also mack) colloq. mackintosh, machine]
[abbreviation] machine /ma'Jrn/ -rc. 1 apparatus for
macabre /ma'kaibr/ adj. grim, grue- applying mechanical power, having
some. [French] several interrelated parts. 2 particular
macadam /ma'kaedam/ n. 1 broken machine, esp. a vehicle or an electrical
stone as material for road-making. 2 = or electronic apparatus. 3 controlling
tarmac ad am. macadamize v. (also system of an organization etc. (party
-ise) (-zing or -sing). [McAdam, name of machine). 4 person who acts mechan-
a surveyor]
ically. 5 (esp. in comb.) mechanical dis-
macadamia /.maeka'deimia/ n. edible penser with slots for coins (cigarette
seed of an Australian tree. [Macadam,
machine), -v. (-ning) make or operate
name of a chemist] on with a machine. [Greek mekhane]
macaque /ma'kaek/ n. a kind of mon- machine code n. (also machine lan-
key, e.g. the rhesus monkey and Bar-
guage) computer language for a par-
bary ape, with prominent cheek-
ticular computer.
pouches. [Portuguese, = monkey]
macaroni /.maeka'rauni/ n. small pasta machine-gun -n. automatic gun giv-
ing continuous fire. -v. (-nn-) shoot at
tubes. [Italian from Greek]
with a machine-gun.
macaroon /,maeka'ru:n/ n. small machine-readable adj. in a form that
almond cake or biscuit. [Italian: related
a computer can process.
to macaroni]
macaw /ma'ko:/ n. long-tailed brightly
machinery n. (pi. -ies) 1 machines. 2
coloured American parrot. [Portuguese
mechanism. 3 (usu. foil, by of) organized
macao] system. 4 (usu. foil, by for) means
McCarthyism /m9'ka:ei,iz(8)m/ n.
hist, hunting out and sacking of Com-
machine tool n. mechanically oper-
munists in the US. [McCarthy, name of a ated tool.
machinist n. 1 person who operates a
McCoy /ma'koi/ n. the real McCoy machine, esp. a sewing-machine or a
colloq. the real thing; the genuine art- machine tool. 2 person who makes
icle, [origin uncertain] machinery.
mace n. 1 staff of office, esp. symbol of
1 machismo /ma'kizmau, -'tjizmau/ n.
the Speaker's authority in the House of being macho; masculine pride. [Span-
Commons. 2 person bearing this. ish]
[French from Romanic] macho /'maetjau/ adj. aggressively mas-
mace 2 n. dried outer covering of the culine, [from machismo]
nutmeg as a spice. [Latin macir] Mach one n. (also Mach two etc.) the
macedoine /'maesi,dwa:n/ n. mixed speed (or twice etc. the speed) of sound.
vegetables or fruit, esp. diced or jellied. macintosh var. of mackintosh.
[French] mack var. of mac.
macerate /' v. (-ting) 1 soften mackerel /'maekr(a)l/ n. (pi. same or -s)
by soaking. 2 waste away by fasting, marine fish used as food.
maceration /-'reiJXa)n/ n. [Latin] [Anglo-French]
mackerel sky 532 magenta
mackerel sky n. sky dappled with made past and past part, of make. -adj.
rows of small white fleecy clouds. 1 built or formed (well-made). 2 success-
mackintosh /'maekm.tDj/ n. (also ful (self-made man; be made). have
macintosh) waterproof coat or cloak.
1 (or have got) it made colloq. be sure of
2 cloth waterproofed with rubber. success, made for ideally suited to.
[Macintosh, name of its inventor] made of consisting of. made of money
macrame /ma'kra:mi/ n. 1 art of knot- colloq. very rich.
ting cord or string in patterns to make Madeira /ma'diara/ n. 1 fortified white
decorative articles. 2 work so made. wine from Madeira. 2 (in full Madeira
[Arabic, = bedspread] cake) a kind of sponge cake.
macro- comb, form 1 long. 2 large, large- Mademoiselle /.maedamwa'zel/ n. (pi.
scale. [Greek makros long] Mesdemoiselles) /.meidm-/ 1 Miss or
macrobiotic /.maekraubai'Dtik/ -adj. madam (used of or to an unmarried
of a diet intended to prolong life, esp. French-speaking woman). 2 (madem-
consisting of wholefoods, —n. (in pl.\ oiselle) a young Frenchwoman, b
treated as sing.) theory of such a diet. French governess. [French ma my,
[Greek bios life] demoiselle damsel]
macrocarpa /,maekrau'ka:pa/ n. ever- made to measure adj. tailor-made.
green tree, often cultivated for hedges madhouse n. 1 colloq. scene of confused
or wind-breaks. [Greek macro-, karpos uproar. 2 archaic mental home or hos-
fruit] pital.
macrocosm /'maekrau,kDz(a)m/ n. 1 madly adv. in a mad manner. 2 colloq.
universe. 2 the whole of a complex a passionately, b extremely,
structure, [from macro-, cosmos] madman n. man who is mad.
macroeconomics /,maekrao\i:ka Madonna /ma'dona/ n. 1 (prec. by the)
'nnmiks/ n. the study of the economy the Virgin Mary. 2 (madonna) picture
as a whole. macroeconomic adj. or statue of her. [Italian, = my lady]
macron /'maekron/ n. mark (-) over a madrigal /'maBdrig(a)l/ n. part-song,
long or stressed vowel. [Greek, neuter of usu. unaccompanied, for several voices.
makros longj [Italian]
macroscopic /.maekrau'skopik/ adj. 1 madwoman n. woman who is mad.
visible to the naked eye. 2 regarded in maelstrom /'meilstram/ n. 1 great
terms of large units. whirlpool. 2 state of confusion. [Dutch]
macula /'maekjula/ n. (pi -lae /-,li:/) maenad /'mi:naed/ n. 1 bacchante. 2
dark, esp. permanent, spot in the skin. frenzied woman. maenadic /-'naedik/
maculation /-'leij\a)n/ n. [Latin, = adj. [Greek mainomai rave]
spot, mesh] maestro /'maistrau/ n. (pi. maestri
mad adj. (madder, maddest) 1 insane; /-stn/ or -s) 1 distinguished musician,
frenzied. 2 wildly foolish. 3 (often foil, by esp. a conductor, composer, or teacher.
about, on) colloq. wildly excited or infa- 2 great performer in any sphere. [It-
tuated. 4 colloq. angry. 5 (of an animal) alian]
rabid. 6 wildly light-hearted. like Mae West /mei 'west/ n. slang inflat-
mad colloq. with great energy or en- able life-jacket, [name of a film actress]
thusiasm. madness n. [Old English] Mafia /'maefia/ n. 1 organized body of
madam /'maedam/ n. 1 polite or respect- criminals, orig. in Sicily, now also in
ful form of address or mode of reference Italy and the US. 2 (mafia) group
to a woman. 2 colloq. conceited or pre- regarded as exerting an intimidating
cocious girl or young woman. 3 woman and corrupt power. [Italian dial., =
brothel-keeper, [related to Madame] bragging]
Madame /ma'da:m, 'maedam/ n. 1 (pi. Mafioso /.maBfi'ausau/ n. (pi. Mafiosi
Mesdames /mei'da:m, -'daem/) Mrs or /-si/) member of the Mafia. [Italian:
madam (used of or to a French-speaking related to Mafia]
woman). 2 (madame) = madam 1. mag n. colloq. = magazine 1. [abbrevia-
[French ma dame my lady] tion]
madcap wildly impulsive, —n.
-adj. magazine /,maega'zi:n/ n. 1 illustrated
wildly impulsive person. periodical publication containing art-
mad cow disease = BSE.
n. colloq. icles,stories, etc. 2 chamber holding
madden v. 1 make or become mad. 2 cartridges to be fed automatically to the
irritate. maddening adj. madden- breech of a gun. 3 similar device in a
ingly adv. slide projector etc. 4 military store for
madder /'maeda(r)/ n. 1 herbaceous arms etc. 5 store for explosives. [Arabic
plant with yellowish flowers. 2 a red makazin]
dye from its root, b its synthetic substi- magenta /magenta/ -n. 1 shade of
tute. [Old English] crimson. 2 aniline crimson dye. -adj. of
maggot 533 magnify
or coloured with magenta. [Magenta in magnet /'maegnit/ n. 1 piece of iron,
N. Italy] steel, alloy, ore, etc., having the proper-
maggot /'maegat/ n. larva, esp. of the ties of attracting iron and of pointing
housefly or bluebottle. maggoty adj. approximately north and south when
[perhaps an alteration of maddock, from suspended. 2 lodestone. 3 person or
Old Norse] thing that attracts. [Greek magnes -etos
magi pi. of magus. of Magnesia: related to magnesia]
magic /'maed3ik/ -n. 1 a supposed art of magnetic /ma3g'netik/«ac(/. 1 a having
influencing or controlling events super- the properties of a magnet, b produced
naturally. b witchcraft. 2 conjuring or acting by magnetism. 2 capable of
tricks. 3 inexplicable influence. 4 being attracted by or acquiring the
enchanting quality or phenomenon. properties of a magnet. 3 strongly
-adj. 1 of magic. 2 producing surprising attractive {magnetic personality).
results. 3 colloq. wonderful, exciting. magnetically adv.
-v. (-ck-) change or create by or as if by magnetic field n. area of force around
magic. like magic very rapidly, a magnet.
magic away cause to disappear as if by magnetic mine n. underwater mine
magic. [Greek magikos: related to detonated by the approach of a large
magus] mass of metal, e.g. a ship.
magical adj. 1 of magic. 2 resembling, magnetic needle n. piece of magnet-
or produced as if by, magic. 3 wonderful, ized steel used as an indicator on the
enchanting. magically adv. dial of a compass etc.

magic eye n. photoelectric device used magnetic north n. point indicated by

for detection, automatic control, etc.

the north end of a magnetic needle.
magician /ma'd3ij(a)n/ n. 1 person magnetic pole n. point near the north
skilled in magic. 2 conjuror.
or south pole where a magnetic needle
dips vertically.
magic lantern n. primitive form of
slide projector.
magnetic storm n. disturbance of the
earth's magnetic field by charged par-
magisterial /,maed3i'sti9rial/ adj. 1
ticles from the sun etc.
imperious. 2 authoritative. 3 of a magis-
trate. magisterially adv. [medieval
magnetic tape n. plastic strip coated
with magnetic material for recording
Latin: related to master]
sound or pictures.
magistracy /'maed3istrasi/ n. {pi. -ies) 1
magnetism /'maegni,tiz(8)m/ n. 1 a
magisterial office. 2 magistrates collect-
magnetic phenomena and their science,
b property of producing these. 2 attrac-
magistrate /'maedsi.streit/ n. 1 civil
tion; personal charm.
administering the law. 2 official
magnetize /'maegni.taiz/ v. (also -ise)
conducting a court for minor cases and (-zing or -sing) 1 give magnetic proper-
preliminary hearings. [Latin: related to ties to. 2 make into a magnet. 3 attract as
master] a magnet does. magnetizable adj.
magma /'maegma n. {pi. -s) molten rock magnetization /-'zeij(9)n/ n.
under the earth's crust, from which magneto /maeg'ni:t9u/ n. {pi. -s) electric
igneous rock is formed by cooling. generator using permanent magnets
[Greek masso knead] (esp. for the ignition of an internal-
Magna Carta /.maegna 'ka:to/ n. (also combustion engine), [abbreviation of
Magna Charta) charter of liberty magneto-electric]
obtained from King John in 1215. Magnificat /maeg'nifi.kaet/ n. hymn of
[medieval Latin, = great charter] the Virgin Mary used as a canticle.
magnanimous /maeg'naenimas/ adj. [from its opening word]
nobly generous; not petty in feelings magnification /.maegnifi'keiJYaJn/ n. 1
or conduct. magnanimity magnifying or being magnified. 2 degree
/.maegna'nimiti/ n. magnanimously of this.
adv. [Latin magnus great, animus magnificent /maeg'nifis(a)nt/ adj. 1
mind] splendid, stately. 2 colloq. fine, excel-
magnate /'maegneit/ n. wealthy and lent. magnificence magnifi- n.
influential person, usu. in business. cently adv. [Latin magnificus from
[Latin magnus great] magnus great]
magnesia /maeg'ni:Ja, -39/ n. 1 magnes- magnify /'maegni.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1
ium oxide. 2 hydrated magnesium car- make (a thing) appear larger than it is,
bonate, used as an antacid and laxative. as with a lens. 2 exaggerate. 3 intensify.
[Magnesia in Asia Minor] 4 archaic extol. magnifiable adj.
magnesium /maeg'ni:ziam/ n. silvery magnifier n. [Latin: related to magnifi-
metallic element. cent]
magnifying glass 534 mainline
magnifying glass n. lens used to maid n. 1 female servant. 2 archaic or
magnify. poet, girl, young woman, [abbreviation
magnitude /'maegni,tju:d/ n. 1 large- of maiden]
ness. 2 size. 3 importance. 4 a degree of maiden /'meid(a)n/ n. 1 a archaic or
brightness of a star, b class of stars poet, girl; young unmarried woman, b
arranged according to this (of the third (attrib.) unmarried (maiden aunt). 2 =
magnitude), of the first magnitude maiden over. 3 (attrib.) (of a female
very important. [Latin magnus great] animal) unmated. 4 (often attrib.) a
magnolia /maeg'naulia/ n. 1 tree with horse that has never won a race, b race
dark-green foliage and waxy flowers. 2 open only to such horses. 5 (attrib. ) first
creamy-pink colour. [Magnol, name of a (maiden speech; maiden voyage).
botanist] maidenhood n. maidenly adj. [Old
magnox /'maegnDks/ n. magnesium- English]
based alloy used to enclose uranium maidenhair fern with hairlike

fuel elements in some nuclear reactors, stalks and delicate fronds,

[magnesium oxidation] maidenhead n. 1 virginity. 2 hymen,
magnum /'maegnam/ n. (pi. -s) wine maiden name n. woman's surname
bottle twice the normal size. [Latin, before marriage.
neuter of magnus great] maiden over n. over in cricket in
magnum opus /.maegnam 'aupas/ n. which no runs are scored,
great work of art, literature, etc., esp. an maid of honour n. 1 unmarried lady

artist's most important work. [Latin]

attending a queen or princess. 2 esp. US
principal bridesmaid,
magpie /'maegpai/ «. 1 a kind of crow
with a long tail and black and white maidservant n. female servant.
plumage. 2 chatterer. 3 indiscriminate
mail -n. 1 a
and parcels etc.
carried by post, b postal system, c one
collector, [from Mag, abbreviation of
complete delivery or collection of mail.
Margaret, pie 2 ]
2 email. 3 vehicle carrying mail. -v.
magus /'meigas/ n. (pi. magi /'meid3ai/)
send by post or email. [French male
1 priest of ancient Persia. 2 sorcerer. 3
(the Magi) the 'wise men' from the East
mail 2 n. armour of metal rings or plates.
(Matt. 2:1-12). [Persian magus]
[French maille from Latin macula]
Magyar /'maegja:(r)/ -n. 1 member of mailbag n. large sack for carrying mail,
the chief ethnic group in Hungary. 2
mailbox n. US letter-box.
their language, —adj. of this people,
mailing list n. list of people to whom
[native name] advertising matter etc. is posted,
maharaja /,ma:ha'ra:d3a/ n. (also
mail order n. purchase of goods by
maharajah) hist, title of some Indian
princes. [Hindi, = great rajah]
mailshot n. advertising material sent
maharanee /.maiha'raim/ n. (also to potential customers.
maharani) (pi. -s) hist, maharaja's wife maim v. cripple, disable, mutilate.
or widow. [Hindi, = great ranee] [French mahaignier]
maharishi /,ma:ha'riji/ n. (pi. -s) great main -adj. 1 chief, principal. 2 exerted
Hindu sage. [Hindi] to the full (by main force), -n. 1 prin-
mahatma /ma'hsetma/ n. 1 (in India cipal duct etc. for water, sewage, etc. 2
etc.) revered person. 2 one of a class of (usu. in pi; prec. by the) a central
persons supposed by some Buddhists to distribution network for electricity,
have preternatural powers. [Sanskrit, gas, water, etc. b domestic electricity
= great soul] supply as distinct from batteries. 3 poet.
mah-jong /ma:'d3Dn/ n. (also mah- high seas (Spanish Main). in the
-jongg) game played with 136 or 144 main mostly. [Old English]
pieces called tiles. [Chinese dial, ma- main brace n. brace attached to the
tsiang sparrows] main yard.
mahlstick var. of maulstick. main chance n. (prec. by the) one's
mahogany /ma'hogani/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 own interests.
reddish-brown tropical wood used mainframe n. 1 central processing
for furniture. 2 its colour, [origin unit of a large computer. 2 (often attrib.)
unknown] large computer system.
mahonia /ma'haunia/ n. evergreen mainland n. large continuous extent of
shrub with yellow bell-shaped flowers. land, excluding neighbouring islands.
[French or Spanish] mainline v. (-ning) slang 1 take drugs
mahout /ma'haut/ n. (in India etc.) ele- intravenously. 2 inject (drugs) intra-
phant-driver. [Hindi from Sanskrit] venously, mainliner n.
main line 535 make
main line n. railway line linking large major /'meid3a(r)/ -adj. 1 relatively
cities. great in size, intensity, scope, or import-
mainly /'memli/ adv. mostly; chiefly. ance. 2 (of surgery) serious. 3 Mus. a (of
mainmast n. principal mast of a ship. a scale) having intervals of a semitone
mainsail /'memseil, -s(a)l/ n. 1 (in a above its third and seventh notes, b (of
square-rigged vessel) lowest sail on the an interval) greater by a semitone than
mainmast. 2 (in a fore-and-aft rigged a minor interval (major third), c (of a
vessel) sail set on the after part of the key) based on a major scale. 4 of full
mainmast. legal age. -n. 1 a army officer next
mainspring n. 1 principal spring of a below lieutenant-colonel, b officer in
watch, clock, etc. 2 chief motivating charge of a band section (drum major).
force; incentive. 2 person of full legal age. 3 US a stu-
mainstay n. 1 chief support. 2 stay from
dent's main subject or course, b student
of this. -v. (foil, by in) US study or
the maintop to the foot of the foremast.
qualify in (a subject) as one's main
mainstream n. 1 (often attrib.) ulti-
subject. [Latin, comparative of magnus
mately prevailing trend in opinion,
fashion, etc. 2 type of swing jazz, esp.
with solo improvisation. 3 principal cur-
major-domo /.meidsa'daumau/ n. (pi.
-s) chief steward of a great household.
rent of a river etc.
[medieval Latin major domus highest
maintain /mem'tem/ v. 1 cause to con- official of the household]
tinue; keep up (an activity etc.). 2 sup-
majorette /,meid3a'ret/ n. = drum
port by work, expenditure, etc. 3 assert
majorette, [abbreviation]
as true. 4 preserve (a house, machine, major-general n. officer next below a
etc.) in good repair. 5 provide means for.
[Latin manus hand, teneo hold] majority /ma'dsnnti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (usu.
maintained school n. school sup- foil, by of) greater number or part. 2 a
ported from public funds, State school. number of votes by which a candidate
maintenance /'meintanans/ n. 1 main- wins, b party etc. receiving the greater
taining or being maintained. 2 a provi- number of votes. 3 full legal age. 4 rank
sion of the means to support life, b of major, [medieval Latin: related to
alimony. [French: related to maintain] major]
maintop n. platform above the head of
the lower mainmast.
Usage In sense 1, majority is strictly
used only with countable nouns, as in
maintopmast n. mast above the head the majority of people, and not (e.g.) the
of the lower mainmast.
majority of the work.
main yard n. yard on which the main-
sail is extended. majority rule n. principle that the
maiolica /ma'jDlika/ n. (also majolica) greater number should exercise the
white tin-glazed earthenware decorated greater power.
with metallic colours or enamelled. [It- make -v. (-king; past and past part.
alian, from the former name of Majorca]
made) 1 construct; create; form from

maisonette parts or other substances. 2 cause or

/.meiza'net/ n. 1 flat on
more than one floor. 2 small house.
compel (made me do it). 3 a cause to
exist; bring about (made a noise), b
[French maisonnette diminutive of
cause to become or seem (made him
maison house]
angry made a fool of me; made him a
maize n. 1 cereal plant of N. America. 2 ;

knight). 4 compose; prepare; write

cobs or grain of this. [French or Span-
(made her will; made a film). 5 consti-
tute; amount to; be reckoned as (2 and 2
Maj. abbr. Major. make 4). 6 a undertake (made a pro-
majestic /ma'd3estik/ adj. stately and mise; make an effort), b perform (an
dignified; imposing. majestically action etc.) (made a face; made a bow). 7
adv. gain, acquire, procure (money, a living,
majesty /'maed3isti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 state- a profit, etc.). 8 prepare (tea, coffee, a
liness, dignity, or authority, esp. of meal, etc.). 9 a arrange (a bed) for use. b
bearing, language, etc. 2 a royal power, arrange and light materials for (a fire).
b (Majesty) (prec. by His, Her, Your) 10 a proceed (made towards the river).
forms of description or address for a b (foil, by to + infin.) act as if with the
sovereign or a sovereign's wife or intention to (he made to go). 11 colloq. a
widow (Your Majesty; Her Majesty the arrive at (a place) or in time for (a train
Queen Mother). [Latin majestas: etc.). b manage to attend; manage to
related to major] attend on (a certain day) or at (a certain
majolica var. of maiolica. time) (couldn't make the meeting last
make 536 Malay
week; can make any day except Friday). curry favour with, make water urin-
c achieve a place in (made the first ate, make way 1 (often foil, byfor) allow
eleven). 12 establish or enact (a distinc- room to pass. 2 (foil, by for) be super-
tion, rule, law, etc.). 13 consider to be; seded by. make one's way go; prosper,
estimate as (what do you make the on the make colloq. intent on gain. [Old
total?). 14 secure the success or English]
advancement of (his second novel made make-believe -n. pretence, -attrib.
him; it made my day). 15 accomplish (a adj. pretended.
distance, speed, score, etc.). 16 a become maker n. 1 person who makes. 2
by development (made a great leader). (Maker) God.
b serve as (makes a useful seat). 17 makeshift -adj. temporary, -n. tem-
(usu. foil, by out) represent as (makes porary substitute or device.
him out a liar). 18 form in the mind make-up n. 1 cosmetics, as used
(make a decision). 19 (foil, by it + generally or by actors. 2 character,
compl.) a determine, establish, or temperament, etc. 3 composition (of a
choose (let's make it Tuesday), b bring thing).
to (a chosen value etc.) (make it a makeweight n. 1 small quantity added
dozen), -n. 1 type or brand of manufac- to make up the weight. 2 person or thing
ture. 2 way a thing is made. make supplying a deficiency.
away with 1 = make off with. 2 = do making n. (in pi) 1 earnings; profit. 2
away with, make believe pretend, essential qualities or ingredients (has
make the best of see best, make a the makings of a pilot). be the mak-
clean breast see breast, make a clean ing of ensure the success of. in the
sweep see sweep, make a day (or night making in the course of being made or
etc) of it devote a whole day (or night
formed. [Old English: related to make]
etc.) to an activity, make do 1 manage mal- comb, form 1 a bad, badly (mal-
with the inadequate means available. 2
practice; maltreat), b faulty (malfunc-
(foil, by with) manage with (something)
tion). 2 not (maladroit). [French mal
as an inferior substitute, make for 1
badly, from Latin male]
tend to result in. 2 proceed towards (a
malachite /'maela.kait/ n. green
place). 3 attack, make
good 1 repay, mineral used for ornament. [Greek
repair, or compensate for. 2 achieve (a
purpose); be successful, make the
maladjusted /.maela'dsAstid/ adj. (of a
grade succeed, make it colloq. 1 suc-
person) unable to adapt to or cope with
ceed in reaching, esp. in time. 2 succeed,
the demands of a social environment.
make it up 1 be reconciled. 2 remedy a
deficit, make it up to remedy negli-
maladjustment n.

gence, an injury, etc. to (a person),

maladminister /,maelad'mimsta(r)/ v.

make love see love, make a meal of manage badly or improperly. mal-
see meal
make merry see merry.
administration streij(9)n/ n.

make money acquire wealth, make maladroit /.maela'droit/ adj. clumsy;

the most of see most, make much (or bungling. [French: related to mal ]
little) of treat as important (or unim-
malady /'maeladi/ n. (pi. -ies) ailment,
portant), make a name for oneself see disease. [French malade sick]
name, make no bones about see bone. malaise /ma'leiz/ n. 1 general bodily
make nothing of 1 treat as trifling. 2 be discomfort or lassitude. 2 feeling of
unable to understand, use, or deal with, unease or demoralization. [French:
make of 1 construct from. 2 conclude related to ease]
from or about (can you make anything malapropism /'maelaprD,piz(a)m/ n.
of it?), make off depart hastily, make comical misuse of a word in mistake for
off with carry away; steal, make or one sounding similar, e.g. alligator for
break cause the success or ruin of. allegory. [Mrs Malaprop, name of a
make out 1 discern or understand. 2 character in Sheridan's The Rivals]
assert; pretend. 3 colloq. progress; fare. malaria /ma'learia/ n. recurrent fever
4 write out (a cheque etc.) or fill in (a caused by a parasite transmitted by a
form), make over 1 transfer the posses- mosquito bite. malarial adj. [Italian,
sion of. 2 refashion, make up 1 act to = bad air]
overcome (a deficiency). 2 complete (an malarkey /ma' n. colloq. humbug;
amount etc.). 3 (foil, by for) compensate nonsense, [origin unknown]
for. 4 be reconciled. 5 put together; Malay /ma'lei/ -n. 1 member of a people
prepare (made up the medicine). 6 con- predominating in Malaysia and Indo-
coct (a story). 7 apply cosmetics (to). 8 nesia. 2 their language, -adj. of this
prepare (a bed) with fresh linen, make people or language, n Malayan n. &
up one's mind decide, make up to adj. [Malay malayu]
malcontent 537 mammal
malcontent /'maelkan,tent/-rc. discon- mallard /'maela:d/ n. (pi. same) a kind of
tented person, -adj. discontented. wild duck. [French]
[French: related to mal-] malleable /'maeliab(a)l/ adj. 1 (of metal
male -adj. 1 of the sex that can beget etc.) that can be shaped by hammering.
offspring by fertilization. 2 of men or 2 easily influenced; pliable. malle-
male animals, plants, etc.; masculine. 3 ability / -biliti/ n. malleably adv.
(of plants or flowers) containing sta- [medieval Latin: related to mallet]
mens but no pistil. 4 (of parts of mallet /'maelit/ n. 1 hammer, usu. of
machinery etc.) designed to enter or fill wood. 2 implement for striking a
the corresponding hollow part {male croquet or polo ball. [Latin malleus
screw), -n. male person or animal. hammer]
maleness n. [Latin masculus from mas mallow /'maelau/ n. plant with hairy
a male] stems and leaves and pink or purple
male chauvinist n. - chauvinist 2. flowers. [Latin malva]
malediction /,maeli'dikJXa)n/ n. 1 malmsey /'ma:mzi/ n. a strong sweet
curse. 2 utterance of a curse. mal- wine. [Low German or Dutch from
edictory adj. [Latin maledictio: related Monemvasia in Greece]
to MAL-] malnourished /mael'nAriJt/ adj. suf-
malefactor /'maeli.faekta^)/ n. crim- fering from malnutrition. malnour-
inal; evil-doer. malefaction ishment n.
/-'faekf(a)n/ n. [Latin male badly, facio malnutrition /.maelnju^triJXaW n.
fact- do]
condition resulting from the lack of
male menopause n. colloq. crisis of
foods necessary for health.
potency, confidence, etc., supposed to
malodorous /mael'audaras/ adj. evil-
afflict some menin middle life.
malevolent /ma'levalant/ adj. wishing malpractice /mael'praektis/ n.

malevolence n. mal- improper, negligent, or criminal profes-

evil to others,
sional conduct.
evolently adv. [Latin volo wish]
malfeasance /maerfi:z(a)ns/ n. formal malt /mo:lt/ -n. 1 barley, or other grain,
steeped, germinated, and dried, for
misconduct, esp. in an official capacity.
brewing etc. 2 colloq. malt whisky; malt
[French: related to mal-]
liquor, - v. convert (grain) into malt.
malformation /.maelfoi'meiJXaW n.
malty adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old English]
faulty formation. malformed malted milk n. drink made from dried
/-' adj.
milk and extract of malt.
malfunction /mael'fAr)kf(a)n/ -n. fail-
Maltese /mo:l'ti:z/ -n. (pi. same) native
ure to function normally, —v. fail to
or language of Malta, -adj. of Malta.
function normally.
Maltese cross n. cross with the arms
malice /'maelis/ n. 1 desire to harm or
broadening outwards, often indented at
cause difficulty to others; ill-will. 2 Law the ends.
harmful intent. [Latin malus bad] Malthusian /ma?l'0ju:zian/ adj. of Mal-
malice aforethought n. Law inten thus's doctrine that the population
tion to commit a crime, esp. murder. should be restricted so as to prevent an
malicious /ma'lijas/ adj. given to or increase beyond its means of subsis-
arising from malice. maliciously tence. Malthusianism n. [Malthus,
adv. name of a clergyman]
malign /ma'lam/ -adj. 1 (of a thing) maltose /'mo:ltaoz/ n. sugar made from
injurious. 2 (of a disease) malignant. 3 starch by enzymes in malt, saliva, etc.
malevolent, —v. speak ill of; slander. [French: related to malt]
malignity /ma'ligniti/ n. [Latin malus maltreat /mael'tri:t/ v. ill-treat, mal-
bad] treatment n. [French: related to mal-]
malignant /ma'lignant/ adj. 1 a (of a malt whisky n. whisky made solely
disease) very virulent or infectious, b from malted barley.
(of a tumour) spreading or recurring; mama /ma'ma:/ n. (also mamma)
cancerous. 2 harmful; feeling or show- archaic mother, [imitative of child's ma,
ing intense ill-will. malignancy n. ma]
malignantly adv. [Latin: related to mamba /'maemba/ n. venomous African
malign] snake. [Zulu imamba]
malinger /ma'linga(r)/ v. pretend to be mambo /'maembau/ n. (pi. -s) Latin Am-
ill,esp. to escape work, malingerer erican dance like the rumba. [American
n. [French malingre sickly] Spanish]
mall /mael, mo:l/ n. 1 sheltered walk or mamma var. of mama.
promenade. 2 shopping precinct. [The mammal /'maem(a)l/ n. warm-blooded
Mall, street in London] vertebrate of the class secreting milk to
mammary 588 mandrel
teed its young. mammalian business. 2 person controlling the af-
nioilion adj. & n. [Latin mamma a person or team
fairs, training, etc. of
breast] in sports, entertainment, etc. 3 person of
mammary /'maemari/ adj. of the a specified level of skill in household or
breasts. financial affairs etc. (a good manager).
mammogram /'maema.graem/ n. image i managerial /,maeni'd3ianal/ adj.
obtained by mammography. [Latin manageress /,maenid3a'res/ n. woman
mamma breast] manager, esp. of a shop, hotel, etc.
mammography /mae'mograft/ n. X managing director n. director with
ray technique for screening the breasts executive control or authority.
for tumours etc. man ana /maen'ja:na/ -adv. tomorrow
Mammon /'maeman/ n. wealth (esp. to indicate procrastination), —n.
regarded as a god or evil influence. indefinite future. [Spanish]
[Aramaic mamon] man-at-arms n. (pi. men-at-arms)
mammoth /'maemaG/ -n. large extinct archaic soldier.
elephant with a hairy coat and curved manatee /.maena'ti:/ n. large aquatic
tusks, -adj. huge. [Russian] plant-eating mammal. [Spanish from
man -n. (pi. men) 1 adult human male. 2 Carib]
a human being; person, b the human Mancunian /maerj'kju:nian/-rc. native
race. 3 a workman (the manager spoke of Manchester, —adj. of Manchester.
to the men), b manservant, valet. 4 (usu. [Latin Mancunium]
in pi.) soldiers, sailors, etc., esp. non- mandala /'maendala/ n. circular figure
officers. 5 suitable or appropriate per- as a religious symbol of the universe.
son; expert (he is your man; the man for [Sanskrit]
the job). 6 a husband (man and wife), b mandamus /maen'deimas/ n. judicial
collcq. boyfriend, lover. 7 human being writ issued as a command to an inferior
of a specified type or historical period court, or ordering a person to perform a
(Renaissance man; Peking man). 8 public or statutory duty. [Latin, - we
piece in chess, draughts, etc. 9 colloq. as command]
a form of address. 10 person pursued; mandarin /'maendarm/ n. 1 (Man-
opponent (police caught their man), -v. darin) official language of China. 2 hist.
(-nn-) 1 supply with a person or people Chinese official. 3 powerful person, esp.
for work or defence. 2 work, service, or a top civil servant. 4 (in full mandarin
defend (man the pumps). 3 fill (a post). orange) = tangerine 1. [Hindi mantrT]
as one man in unison, be one's own mandate /'maendeit/ -n. 1 official com-
man be independent, to a man without mand or instruction. 2 authority given
exception. manlike adj. [Old Eng- by electors to a government, trade
lish] union, etc. 3 authority to act for
man about town n. fashionable social- another, -v. (-ting) instruct (a delegate)
izes how to act or vote. [Latin mandatum,
manacle /'maenak(a)l/ -n. (usu. in pi.) 1 past part, of mando command]
fetter for the hand; handcuff. 2 re- mandatory /'maendatari/ adj. 1 com-
straint, -v. (-ling) fetter with manacles. pulsory. 2 of or conveying a command.
[Latin manus handl mandatorily adv. [Latin: related to
manage /'maenid3/ v. (-ging) 1 organize; mandate]
regulate; be in charge of. 2 succeed in mandible /'maendib(a)l/ n. 1 jaw, esp.
achieving; contrive (managed to come; the lower jaw in mammals and fishes. 2
managed a smile; managed to ruin the upper or lower part of a bird's beak. 3
day). 3 (often foil, by with) succeed with either half of the crushing organ in the
limited resources etc.; be able to cope. 4 mouth-parts of an insect etc. [Latin
succeed in controlling. 5 (often prec. by mando chew]
can etc.) a cope with (couldn't manage mandolin /.maenda'lin/ n. a kind of lute
another bite), b be free to attend on or at with paired metal strings plucked with
(can manage Monday). 6 use or wield (a a plectrum. mandolinist n. [French
tool etc.). manageable adj. [Latin from Italian]
manus hand] mandrake /'maendreik/ n. poisonous
management n. 1 managing or being narcotic plant with large yellow fruit.
managed. 2 a administration of busi- [Greek mandragoras]
ness or public undertakings, b people mandrel /'maendr(a)l/ n. 1 lathe-shaft to
engaged in this, esp. those controlling a which work is fixed while being turned.
workforce. 2 cylindrical rod round which metal or
manager n. 1 person controlling or other material is forged or shaped, [ori-
administering a business or part of a gin unknown]
mandrill 539 manipulate
mandrill W. Af-
/'maendril/ n. large mania /'memia/ n. 1 mental illness
rican baboon, [probably from man, marked by excitement and violence. 2
drill ] (often foil, by for) excessive enthusiasm;
mane n. 1 long hair on the neck of a obsession. [Greek mainomai be mad]
horse, lion, etc. 2 colloq. person's long -mania comb, form 1 denoting a special
hair. [Old English] type of mental disorder (megalomania).
manege /mae'nei3/ n. (also manege) 1 2 denoting enthusiasm or admiration
riding-school. 2 movements of a trained (Beatlemania).
horse. 3 horsemanship. [Italian: related maniac /'memi.aek/ —n. 1 colloq. person
to manage] behaving wildly (too many maniacs on
maneuver US var. of manoeuvre. the road). 2 colloq. obsessive enthusiast.
man Friday n. male helper or follower, 3 person suffering from mania, -adj. of
manful adj. brave; resolute. man- or behaving like a maniac. maniacal
fully adv. /ma'naiak(a)l/ adj. maniacally /ma
manganese grey
/'maenga,ni:z/ n. 1 'naiakali/ adv.
element. 2 black mineral
brittle metallic -maniac comb, form forming adjectives
oxide of this used in glass-making etc. and nouns meaning 'affected with
[Italian: related to magnesia] -mania' or 'a person affected with
mange /meind3/ n. skin disease in hairy -mania' (nymphomaniac).
and woolly animals. [French mangeue manic /'maenik/ adj. 1 of or affected by
itch, from Latin manduco chew] mania. 2 colloq. wildly excited; frenzied;
mangel-wurzel /'maeng(a)l,w3:z(a)l/ n. excitable. manically adv.
(also mangold-
/'maeng(a)ld-/) large manic-depressive -adj. relating to a
beet used as cattle food. [German Man- mental disorder with alternating
gold beet, Wurzel root] periods of elation and depression, -n.
manger /'memd3a(r)/ n. box or trough person with such a disorder.
for horses or cattle to feed from. [Latin: manicure /'maeni,kjua(r)/ -n. cosmetic
related to mange] treatment of the hands and fingernails.
mange-tout /md3'tu:/ n. a kind of pea -v. (-ring) give a manicure to (the hands
eaten in the pod. [French, = eat-all] or a person). manicurist n. [Latin
mangle 1
/'maer)g(a)l/ -n. machine of manus hand, cura care]
two or more cylinders for squeezing manifest /'maeni.fest/ -adj. clear or
water from and pressing wet clothes. obvious to the eye or mind. -vA show (a
-v. (-ling) press (clothes etc.) in a quality or feeling) by one's acts etc. 2
mangle. [Dutch mangel] show plainly to the eye or mind. 3 be
mangle 2
/'maeng(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 hack or evidence of; prove. 4 refl. (of a thing)
mutilate by blows. 2 spoil (a text etc.) by reveal itself. 5 (of a ghost) appear, -n.
gross blunders. 3 cut roughly so as to cargo or passenger list. manifesta-
disfigure. [Anglo-French ma(ha)ngler: tion/-'steij\a)n/ n. manifestly adv.
probably related to maim] [Latin manifestus]
mango /'maengau/ n. (pi. -es or -s) 1 manifesto /.maem'festau/ n. (pi. -s) de-
tropical fruit with yellowish flesh. 2 tree claration of policies, esp. by a political
bearing this. [Tamil mankay] party. [Italian: related to manifest]
mangold-wurzel var. of mangel- manifold /'maeni.fauld/ -adj. 1 many
wurzel. and various. 2 having various forms,
mangrove /'maengrauv/ n. tropical tree parts, applications, etc. -n. 1 manifold
or shrub growing in shore-mud with thing. 2 pipe or chamber branching into
many tangled roots above ground, [ori- several openings. [Old English: related
gin unknown] to many, -fold]
mangy /'memd3i/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 manikin /'maenikm/ n. little man;
having mange. 2 squalid; shabby. dwarf. [Dutch]
manhandle v. (-ling) 1 colloq. handle (a Manila /ma'nila/ n. 1 (in full Manila
person) roughly. 2 move by human hemp) strong fibre of a kind of tree
effort. native to the Philippines. 2 (also
manhole n. covered opening in a pave- manila) strong brown paper made from
ment, sewer, etc. for workmen to gain this. [Manila in the Philippines]
access. man in the street n. ordinary person.
manhood n. 1man. 2 a
state of being a manipulate /ma'nipju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1

manliness; courage, b a man's sexual handle, esp. with skill. 2 manage (a

potency. 3 men of a country etc. person, situation, etc.) to one's own
man-hour n. work done by one person advantage, esp. unfairly. 3 move (part of
in one hour. a patient's body) by hand in order to
manhunt n. organized search for a increase flexion etc. 4 Computing edit or
person, esp. a criminal. move (text, data, etc.). manipulable
manipulative 540 mantrap
Mab(a)l/ adj. manipulation /-'leij(a)n/ [medieval Latin manu operor work with
n. manipulators. [Latin manus hand] the hand]
manipulative /ma'nipjulativ/ adj. man of letters n. scholar or author,
tending to exploit a situation, person, man of the world see world.
etc., for one's own ends, manipulat- man-of-war n. (pi. men-of-war) war-
ively adv. ship.
mankind n. 1 human species. 2 male manor /'maena(r)/ n. 1 (also manor-
people. house) large country house with lands.
manky /'maenki/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 2 hist, feudal lordship over lands. 3
1 bad, inferior, defective. 2 dirty, [obsol- slang district covered by a police
ete mank defective] station. manorial /ma'no:nal/ adj.
manly adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 having qual- [Latin maneo remain]
ities associated with a man (e.g. manpower n. number of people avail-

strength and courage). 2 befitting a able for work, service, etc.

man. manliness n. manque /"mDnkei/ adj. (placed after
man-made adj. (of textiles) artificial, noun) that might have been but is not
synthetic. (an actor manque). [French]
manna /'maena/ n. 1 substance miracu- mansard /'maensa:d/ n. roof with four
lously supplied as food to the Israelites sloping sides, each of which becomes
in the wilderness (Exod. 16). 2 unexpect- steeper halfway down. [Mansart, name
ed benefit (esp. manna from heaven). of an architect]
[Old English ultimately from Hebrew] manse /maens/ n. ecclesiastical res-
manned adj. (of a spacecraft etc.) hav-
idence, esp. a Scottish Presbyterian
ing a human crew. minister's house, [medieval Latin:
related to manor]
mannequin /'maenikin/ n. 1 fashion
model. 2 window dummy. [French, =
manservant n. (pi. menservants)
male servant.
manner /'maena(r)/ n. 1 way a thing is
mansion /'maenj(a)n/ n. 1 large grand
house. 2 (in pi.) large building divided
done or happens. 2 (in pi.) a social
into flats. [Latin: related to manor]
behaviour (good manners), b polite be-
haviour (has no manners), c modes of
manslaughter n. unintentional but
not accidental unlawful killing of a
life; social conditions. 3 outward bear-
human being.
way of speaking, etc. 4 style (in the
mantel /'maent(a)l/ n. mantelpiece or
manner of Rembrandt). 5 kind, sort (not mantelshelf, [var. of mantle]
by any manner of means). in a
mantelpiece n. 1 structure of wood,
manner of speaking in a way; so to
marble, etc. above and around a fire-
speak, to the manner born colloq. = MANTELSHELF.
place. 2
naturally at ease in a particular situa- mantelshelf n. shelf above a fireplace.
tion etc. [Latin manus hand] mantilla /masn'tila/ n. lace scarf worn
mannered adj. 1 (in comb.) having by Spanish women over the hair and
specified manners (ill-mannered). 2 esp. shoulders. [Spanish: related to mantle]
Art full of mannerisms. mantis /'maentis/ n. (pi. same or man-
mannerism n. 1 habitual gesture or tises) (in full praying mantis) pred-
way of speaking etc. 2 a stylistic trick in atory insect that holds its forelegs like
art etc. b excessive use of these. hands folded in prayer. [Greek, =
mannerist n. prophet]
mannerly adj. well-mannered, polite. mantissa /maen'tisa/ n. part of a logar-
mannish adj. 1 (of a woman) masculine ithm after the decimal point. [Latin, =
in appearance or manner. 2 character- makeweight]
istic of a man. mannishly adv. mantle /'maent(a)l/ -n. 1 loose sleeve-
manoeuvre /ma'nu:va(r)/ (US less cloak. 2 covering (mantle of snow).
maneuver) -n. 1 planned and con- 3 fragile lacelike tube fixed round a gas-
trolled movement of a vehicle or body of jet to give an incandescent light. 4 re-
troops etc. 2 (in pi.) large-scale exercise gion between the crust and the core of
of troops, ships, etc. 3 agile or skilful the earth, -v. (-ling) clothe; conceal,
movement. 4 artful plan. -v. (-ring) 1 envelop. [Latin mantellum cloak]
move (a thing, esp. a vehicle) carefully. man to manadv. candidly.
2 perform or cause (troops etc.) to per- mantra /'maentra/ n. 1 Hindu or Bud-
form manoeuvres. 3 a (usu. foil, by into, dhist devotional incantation. 2 Vedic
out of, etc.) manipulate (a person, thing, hymn. [Sanskrit, = instrument of
etc.) by scheming or adroitness, b use thought]
artifice. manoeuvrable adj. mantrap n. trap for catching tres-
manoeuvrability /-vrabiliti/ n. passers etc.
manual 541 March
manual of or done
/'maenjual/ -adj. 1 maple sugar sugar produced by
with the hands (manual labour). 2 a evaporating the sap of some kinds of
worked by hand, not automatically maple.
(manual gear-change), b (of a vehicle) maple syrup n. syrup made by evapor-
worked by manual gear-change, —n. 1 ating maple sap or dissolving maple
reference book. 2 organ keyboard sugar.
played with the hands, not the feet. 3 maquette /ma'ket/ n. preliminary
colloq. vehicle with manual transmis- model or sketch. macchia spot]
sion. manually adv. [Latin manus Maquis same) 1
/mae'ki:, 'mae-/ n. (pi.
hand] French resistance movement during
manufacture /.maenju'faektj^r)/-^. 1 the German occupation (1940-45). 2
making of articles, esp. in a factory etc. 2 member of this. [French, = brushwood]
branch of industry (woollen manufac- Mar. abbr. March.
ture), -v. (-ring) 1 make (articles), esp. mar v. (-rr-) spoil; disfigure. [Old Eng-
on an industrial scale. 2 invent or fab- lish]
ricate (evidence, a story, etc.). manu- marabou /'maera.bu:/ n. 1 large W. Af-

facturer n. [Latin manufactum made rican stork. 2 its down as trimming etc.
by hand] [French from Arabic]
manure /ma'njua(r)/ -n. fertilizer, esp. maraca /ma'raeka/ n. clublike bean-
dung. -v. (-ring) apply manure to (land filled gourd etc., shaken rhythmically in
etc.). [Anglo-French mainoverer man-
pairs in Latin American music. [Portu-
oeuvre] guese]
manuscript /'maenjuskript/ -n. 1 text maraschino /.maera'skiinau/ n. (pi. -s)

written by hand. 2 author's handwrit- sweet liqueur made from black cher-
ries. [Italian]
ten or typed text. 3 handwritten form
(produced in manuscript), -adj. writ- maraschino cherry n. cherry pre-

ten by hand, [medieval Latin manu-

served in maraschino and used in cock-
tails etc.
scriptus written by hand]
Manx /maenks/ -adj. of the Isle of Man. marathon /'maer98(a)n/ n. 1 long-
distance running race, usu. of 26 miles
—n. 1 former Celtic language of the Isle
385 yards (42.195 km). 2 long-lasting or
of Man.2 (prec. by the; treated as pi.)
difficult undertaking etc. [Marathon
Manx people. [Old Norse]
in Greece, scene of a decisive battle in
Manx cat n. tailless variety of cat.
490 bc: a messenger supposedly ran
many /'meni/ -adj. (more; most) great
with news of the outcome to Athens]
in number; numerous (many people),
-n. (as pi.) 1 many people or things. 2
maraud /ma'rord/ v. 1 make a plunder-
ing raid (on). 2 pilfer systematically.
(prec. by the) the majority of people. a marauder n. [French maraud rogue]
good (or great) many a large number, marble /'ma:b(9)l/ -n. 1 crystalline
many's the time often, many a time limestone capable of taking a polish,
many times. [Old English]
used in sculpture and architecture. 2
Maoism /'mauiz(a)m/ n. Communist (often attrib.) a anything of marble
doctrines of Mao Zedong. Maoist n. & (marble clock), b anything like marble
adj. [Mao Zedong, name of a Chinese in hardness, coldness, etc. (her features
statesman] were marble). 3 a small, esp. glass, ball
Maori /'maun/ -n. (pi. same or -s) 1 as a toy. b (in pi.; treated as sing.) game
member of the aboriginal people of New using these. 4 (in pi.) slang one's mental
Zealand. 2 their language, -adj. of this faculties (he's lost his marbles). 5 (in
people, [native name] pi) collection of sculptures (Elgin Mar-
map -n. 1 a representation of the
flat bles). -v. (-ling) 1 (esp. as marbled adj.)
earth's surface, or part of it. b diagram stain or colour (paper, soap, etc.) to look
of a route etc. 2 similar representation like variegated marble. 2 (as marbled
of the stars, sky, moon, etc. 3 diagram adj.) (of meat) striped with fat and lean.
showing the arrangement or com- [Latin marmor from Greek]
ponents of a thing, -v. (-pp-) 1 represent marble cake n. mottled cake of light
on a map. 2 Math, associate each element and dark sponge.
of (a set) with one element of another set. marbling n. 1 colouring or marking
map out plan in detail. [Latin like marble. 2 streaks of fat in lean meat.
mappa napkin] marcasite /'ma:ka,sait/ n. 1 yellowish
maple /'meip(a)l/ n. 1 any of various crystalline iron sulphide. 2 crystals of
trees or shrubs grown for shade, orna- this used in jewellery. [Arabic markas-
ment, wood, or sugar. 2 its wood. [Old hita]
English] March n. third month of the year. [Latin
maple-leaf n. emblem of Canada. Martius of Mars]
march 542 maritime
march 1
(cause to) walk in a mil-
-v. 1 marginal adj. of or written in a

itary manner with a regular tread margin. 2 a of or at the edge, b insigni-

(army marched past: marched him ficant (of merely marginal interest). 3
away). 2 a walk purposefully, b (often (of a parliamentary seat etc.) held by a
foil, by on) (of events etc.) continue small majority. 4 close to the limit, esp.
unrelentingly (time marches on). 3 (foil, of profitability. 5 (of land) difficult to
by on) advance towards (a military ob- cultivate: unprofitable. 6 barely ad-
jective), -n. 1 a act of marching, b equate, marginally adv. [medieval
uniform military step (slow march). 2 Latin: related to margin]
long difficult walk. 3 procession as a marginal cost n. cost added by making
demonstration. 4 (usu. foil, by of) pro- one extra copy etc.
gress or continuity (march of events). 5 marginalia ,ma:d3i'neilia mar-
a music to accompany a march, b simi- ginal notes.
lar musical piece. marcher n. marginalize 'ma:d3ina,laiz v. (also
[French marcher) -ise) (-zing or -sing) make or treat
march 2 -n. hist. 1 (usu. in pi.) bound- as insignificant. marginalization
ary, frontier (esp. between England and -'zeij(a)n n.

Scotland or Wales). 2 tract of land margin of error n. allowance for mis-

between two countries, esp. disputed. calculation etc.
— r. (foil, by upon, with) (of a country, an marguerite ,ma:g8'ri:t n. ox-eye
estate, etc.) border on. [French marche daisy. [Latin margarita pearl]
from medieval Latin marca] maria pL of mare 2

March hare n. hare exuberant in the

marigold 'maeri.gauld n. plant with

breeding season (mad as a March golden or bright yellow flowers. [Mary

hare). (probably the Virgin), gold (dial.)
marching orders 1 order for marigold]
troops to mobilize etc. 2 dismissal (gave
marijuana .maen'hwama n. (also
him his marching orders).
marihuana) dried leaves etc. of hemp,
marchioness ,ma:JVnes n. 1 wife or
smoked in cigarettes as a drug. [Amer-
ican Spanish]
widow of a marquess. 2 woman holding
the rank of marquess, [medieval Latin:
marimba ma'rimba n. 1 xylophone
played by natives of Africa and Central
related to march 2 ]
America. 2 modern orchestral instru-
march past -n. marching of troops ment derived from this. [Congolese]
past a saluting-point at a review, -r. (of
troops) carry out a march past.
marina ma'ri:na n. harbour for pleas-
ure-yachts etc. [Latin: related to ma-
Mardi Gras ,ma:di gra: n. 1 a Shrove rine]
Tuesday in some Catholic countries, b
marinade .msen'neid, mae- -n. 1 mix-
merrymaking on this day. 2 last day of a ture of wine, vinegar, oil. spices, etc.. for
carnival etc. [French. = fat Tuesday]
soaking meat. fish. etc. before cooking. 2
mare n. female equine animal, esp. a

meat. fish. etc.. so soaked, -v. (-ding)

horse. [Old English]
soak in a marinade. [Spanish marinar
mare - maxei n. (pi. maria 'ma:ri8 or pickle in brine: related to marine]
-s) 1 large dark flat area on the moon.
marinate "maen.neit v. (-ting) = mar-
once thought to be sea. 2 similar area on inade, marination -*neij(a)n n.
Mars. [Latin. = sea] [French: related to marine]
mare's nest n. illusory discovery, marine ma'rim -adj. 1 of. found in. or
mare's tail n. 1 tall slender marsh produced by the sea. 2 a of shipping or
plant. 2 (in pi.) long straight streaks of naval matters (marine insurance), b for
cirrus cloud. use at sea. -n. 1 soldier trained to serve
margarine ,ma:d38'ri:n n. butter- on land or sea. 2 country's shipping,
substitute made from vegetable oils or fleet, or navy (merchant marine). [Latin
animal fats with milk etc. [Greek mar- mare sea]
garon pearl] mariner 'maerma(r) n. seaman,
marge n. colloa. margarine, marionette .maena'net n. puppet
[abbreviation] worked bv strings. [French: related to
margin 'ma:d3in -n. 1 edge or border Mary-]
of a surface. 2 blank border flanking marital 'maerit(a)l adj. of marriage or
print etc. 3 amount by which a thing marriage relations. [Latin maritus
exceeds, falls short, etc. (won by a nar- husband]
row margin). 4 lower limit (his effort maritime 'maen.taim adj. 1 connected
fellbelow the margin), -v. (-n-) provide with the sea or seafaring (maritime
with a margin or marginal notes. [Latin insurance). 2 living or found near the
margo -ginis) sea. [Latin: related to marine]
marjoram 543 Marmite
marjoram /'ma:d3aram/ n. aromatic marked man n. person singled out,
herb used in cookery. [French from esp. for attack.
medieval Latin] marker thing marking a position
n. 1
mark 1
-n. 1 spot, sign, stain, scar, etc., etc. 2 person or thing that marks. 3
on a surface etc. 2 (esp. in comb.) a broad-tipped felt-tipped pen. 4 scorer in
written or printed symbol (question a game.
mark), b number or letter denoting market /'maikit/ -n. 1 gathering of
proficiency, conduct, etc. (black mark', buyers and sellers of provisions, live-
46 marks out of 50). 3 (usu. foil, by of) stock, etc. 2 space for this. 3 (often foil,
sign of quality, character, feeling, etc. by for) demand for a commodity etc. (no
(mark of respect). 4 a sign, seal, etc., of market for sheds). 4 place or group
identification, b cross etc. made as a providing such a demand. 5 conditions
signature by an illiterate person. 5 last- etc. for buying or selling; rate of pur-
ing effect (war left its mark). 6 a target chase and sale (market is sluggish). 6
etc. (missed the mark), b standard, = stock market, -v. (-t-) 1 offer for
norm (his work falls below the mark). 7 sale, advertising etc. 2 archaic
line etc. indicating a position. 8 (usu. buy or sell goods in a market. be in
Mark) (followed by a numeral) particu- the market for wish to buy. be on the
lar design, model, etc., of a car, aircraft, market be offered for sale, put on the
etc. (Mark 2 Ford Granada). 9 runner's market offer for sale. marketer n.
starting-point in a race. make a marketing n. [Latin mercor buy]
mark on. b mark with initials, name, marketable adj. able or fit to be sold.
etc. to identify etc. 2 correct and assess marketability /-'biliti/ n.
(a student's work etc.). 3 attach a price market-day n. day on which a market
to (marked the doll at £5). 4 notice or is regularly held.
observe (marked his agitation). 5 a marketeer /,ma:ki'tia(r)/rc. 1 supporter
characterize (day was marked by of the EC and British membership of it. 2
storms), b acknowledge, celebrate marketer.
(marked the occasion with a toast). 6 market garden n. farm where veget-
name or indicate on a map etc. (the pub ables and fruit are grown for sale in
isn't marked). 7 keep close to (an markets.
opponent in sport) to hinder him. 8 (as market-place n. 1 open space for a
marked adj.) have natural marks (is market. 2 commercial world.
marked with dark spots). beside (or market price n. price in current deal-
off or wide of) the mark 1 irrelevant. 2 ings.
not accurate, make one's mark attain market research n. surveying of con-
distinction; make an impression, one's sumers' needs and preferences.
mark colloq. opponent, object, etc., of market town n. town where a market
one's own size etc. (the little one's more is held.
my mark), mark down 1 reduce the market value n. value if offered for
price of (goods etc.). 2 make a written sale.
note of. 3 reduce the examination marks marking n. (usu. in pi.) 1 identification
of. mark off separate by a boundary etc. mark. 2 colouring of an animal's fur etc.
mark out 1 plan (a course of action marksman n. skilled shot, esp. with a
etc.). 2 destine (marked out for success). pistol or rifle. marksmanship n.
3 trace out (boundaries etc.). mark mark-up n. 1 amount added to a price
time 1 march on the spot without by the retailer for profit. 2 corrections in
moving forward. 2 act routinely while a text.
awaiting an opportunity to advance, marl -n. soil of clay and lime, used as
mark up 1 add a proportion to the price fertilizer, -v. apply marl to. marly
of (goods etc.) for profit. 2 mark or adj. [medieval Latin margila]
correct (text etc.). off the mark 1 hav- marlin /'ma:lin/ n. (pi. same or -s) US
ing made a start. 2 = beside the mark, on long-nosed marine fish, [from marlin-
the mark ready to start, on your mark spike]
(or marks) get ready to start (esp. a marlinspike n. pointed iron tool used
race), up to the mark normal (esp. of to separate strands of rope etc. [marling
health). [Old English] from Dutch marlen from marren bind]
mark n. = Deutschmark. [German]
marmalade /'mcuma.leid/ n. preserve
mark-down n. reduction in price. of citrus fruit, usu. oranges. [Portu-
marked adj. 1 having a visible mark. 2 guese marmelo quince]
clearly noticeable (marked difference). Marmite /'mcr.mait/ n. propr. thick
3 (of playing-cards) marked on their brown spread made from yeast and
backs to assist cheating. markedly vegetable extract. [French, = cooking-
/-kidh/ adv. pot]
marmoreal 544 marten
marmoreal /ma:'m3:rial/ adj. of or like marron glace /.maeron 'glaesei/ n. (pi.
marble. [Latin: related to marble] marrons glaces pronunc. same) chest-
marmoset /'maima.zet/ n. small mon- nut preserved in syrup. [French]
key with a long bushy tail. [French] marrow /'maerau/ n. large fleshy usu.
marmot /'ma:mat/ n. heavy-set burrow- striped gourd eaten as a vegetable. 2 soft
ing rodent with a short bushy tail. fatty substance in the cavities of bones.
[Latin mus mouse, mons mountain] 3 essential part. to the marrow right
marocain /'maera.kem/ n. fabric of through. [Old English]
ribbed crepe. [French, = Moroccan] marrowbone n. bone containing
maroon /ma'ru:n/ adj. & n. brownish-
edible marrow.
crimson. [French marron chestnut] marrowfat n. a kind of large pea.
maroon 2 /ma'ruin/ v. 1 leave (a person) marry /'maeri/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 take, join,
isolated, esp. on an island. 2 (of weather or give in marriage. 2 a enter into
etc.) cause (a person) to be forcibly marriage, b (foil, by into) become a
detained. [French marron wild person, member of (a family) by marriage. 3 a
from Spanish cimarron] unite intimately, combine, b pair (socks
marque /ma:k/ n. make of car, as dis- etc.). marry off find a spouse for.
tinct from a specific model (the Jaguar marry up link, join. [Latin maritus
marque). [French, = mark 1 ] husband]
marquee /ma.'ki:/ n. large tent for Marsala /ma:'sa:la/ n. a dark sweet
social functions etc. [French marquise] fortified dessert wine. [Marsala in
marquess /'ma:kwis/ n. British noble- Sicily]

man ranking between duke and earl,

Marseillaise /,ma:sei'jeiz/ n. French
[var. of MARQUIS] national anthem. [French Marseille in
marquetry /'ma:kitn/ n. inlaid work in France]
wood, ivory, etc. [French: related to
marsh n. (often attrib.)\ow watery land.
MARQUE] marshy adj. (-ier, -iest). marshi-
marquis /'ma:kwis/ n. (pi. -quises)
ness n. [Old English]
foreignnobleman ranking between marshal /ma:J(8)l/ -n. 1 (Marshal)
high-ranking officer of state or in
duke and count. [French: related to
2 the armed forces (Earl Marshal;
Field Marshal)- 2 officer arranging
marquise /ma:'ki:z/ n. 1 wife or widow
ceremonies, controlling racecourses,
of a marquis. 2 woman holding the rank crowds, etc. -v. (-11-) 1 arrange (soldiers,
of marquis.
one's thoughts, etc.) in due order. 2
marram /'maeram/ n. shore grass that
conduct (a person) ceremoniously.
binds sand. [Old Norse, = sea-haulm]
[French mareschal\
marriage /'maend3/ n. 1 legal union of a marshalling yard n. yard for assem-
man and a woman for cohabitation and bling goods trains etc.
often procreation. 2 act or ceremony
Marshal of the Royal Air Force n.
marking this. 3 particular such union (a highest rank in the RAF.
happy marriage). 4 intimate union, marsh gas n. methane.
combination. [French marier marry] marshland n. land consisting of
marriageable adj. free, ready, or fit
for marriage. marriageability marshmallow /maj'maslau/ n. soft
/-'biliti/ n.
sticky sweet made of sugar, albumen,
marriage bureau n. company arrang- gelatin, etc. [marsh mallow]
ing introductions with a view to marsh mallow n. shrubby herbaceous
marriage. plant.
marriage certificate n. certificate marsh marigold n. golden-flowered
verifying a legal marriage, plant.
marriage guidance n. counselling of marsupial /ma:'su:pial/ -n. mammal
people with marital problems, giving birth to underdeveloped young
marriage licence n. licence to marry, subsequently carried in a pouch, -adj.
marriage lines marriage of or like a marsupial. [Greek mar-
certificate. supion pouch]
marriage of convenience n. loveless mart n.1 trade centre. 2 auction-room. 3
marriage for gain. market. [Dutch: related to market]
marriage settlement n. legal prop- Martello /ma:'tel8u/ n. (pi. -s) (in full
erty arrangement between spouses. Martello tower) small circular coastal
married -adj. 1 united in marriage. 2 of fort.[Cape Mortella in Corsica]
marriage (married name; married life), marten /'ma:tm/ n. weasel-like carni-
—n. (usu. in pi.) married person (young vore with valuable fur. {Dutch from
marrieds). French]
martial 545 mass
martial of warfare. 2
/'ma:J(a)l/ adj. 1 masculine /'maeskjulm/ -adj. 1 of men.
warlike. [Latin martialis of Mars] 2 having manly qualities. 3 of or denot-
martial arts oriental fighting ing the male gender, -n. masculine
sports such as judo and karate, gender or word. masculinity /-'liniti/
martial law n. military government n. [Latin: related to male]
with ordinary law suspended. maser /'meiza(r)/ n. device used to
Martian /'ma:J(a)n/ -adj. of the planet amplify or generate coherent electro-
Mars. -n. hypothetical inhabitant of magnetic radiation in the microwave
Mars. [Latin] range, [microwave amplification by
martin /'ma:tm/ n. a kind of swallow, stimulated emission of radiation]
esp. the house-martin and sand-martin, mash -n. 1 soft or confused mixture. 2
[probably St Martin, name of a 4th-c. mixture of boiled grain, bran, etc., fed to
bishop] horses etc. 3 colloq. mashed potatoes. 4
martinet /,ma:ti'net/ n. strict discip- mixture of malt and hot water used in
linarian. [Martinet, name of a drill- brewing. 5 soft pulp made by crushing,
master] mixing with water, etc. -v. 1 crush
martingale /'ma:tirj,geil/ n. strap(s) (potatoes etc.) to a pulp. 2 dial, a infuse
preventing a horse from rearing etc. (tea), b (of tea) draw. masher n. [Old
[French, origin uncertain] English]
Martini /ma:'ti:ni/ n. (pi. -s) 1 propr. mask / -n. 1 covering for all or
type of vermouth. 2 cocktail of gin and part of the face as a disguise or for
French vermouth. [Martini and Rossi, protection against infection etc. 2 res-
pirator. 3 likeness of a person's face,
name of a firm selling vermouth]
esp. one from a mould (death-mask). 4
Martinmas /'ma:tmmas/ n. St Martin's
disguise, pretence (throw off the mask),
day, 11 Nov. [from mass 2 ]
-v. 1 cover with a mask. 2 conceal. 3
martyr /'ma:ta(r)/ -n. 1 a person killed
protect. [Arabic maskara buffoon]
for persisting in a belief, b person who
suffers for a cause etc. c person who
masking tape n. adhesive tape used in
decorating to protect areas where paint
suffers or pretends to suffer to get pity
is not wanted.
etc. 2 (foil, by to) colloq. constant
sufferer from (an ailment), -v. 1 put
masochism /'maes9,kiz(a)m/ n. 1 sexual
perversion involving one's own pain or
to death as a martyr. 2 torment.
humiliation. 2 colloq. enjoyment of what
martyrdom n. [Greek martur wit-
appears to be painful or tiresome.
masochist n. masochistic /-'kistik/
marvel /'ma:v(9)l/ -n. 1 wonderful
adj. masochistically /-'kistikali/ adv.
thing. 2 (foil, by of) wonderful example
[von Sacher-Masoc/z, name of a nov-
of (a quality), -u. (-11-; US -1-) (foil, by at
or that) feel surprise or wonder. [Latin
mason /'meis(a)n/ n. 1 person who
miror wonder at]
builds with stone. 2 (Mason) Free-
marvellous /'ma:valas/ adj. (US mar- mason. [French]
velous) 1 astonishing. 2 excellent. Masonic /ma'sDnik/ adj. of Free-
marvellously adv. [French: related to masons.
MARVEL] masonry n.1a stonework, b work of a
Marxism /'ma:ksiz(a)m/ n. political mason. 2 (Masonry) Freemasonry.
and economic theories of Marx, predict- masque /mcusk/ n. musical drama with
ing the overthrow of capitalism and mime, esp. in the 16th and 17th c. [var. of
common ownership of the means of mask]
production in a classless society. masquerade /.maeska'reid/ -n. 1 false
Marxist & adj.
n. show, pretence. 2 masked ball. -v.
Marxism-Leninism n. Marxism as (-ding) (often foil, by as) appear falsely
developed by Lenin. Marxist- or in disguise. [Spanish mascara mask]
-Leninist n. & adj. mass 1
-n. 1 shapeless body cf matter. 2
marzipan /'ma:zi,paen/ -n. paste of dense aggregation of objects (mass of
ground almonds, sugar, used in
etc., fibres). 3 (in sing, or pi. usu. foil, by of)

confectionery, -v. (-nn-) cover with large number or amount. 4 (usu. foil, by
marzipan. [German from Italian] of) unbroken expanse (of colour etc.). 5
mascara /mae'ska:ra/ n. cosmetic for (prec. by the) a the majority, b (in pi.)
darkening the eyelashes. [Italian, = ordinary people. 6 Physics quantity of
mask] matter a body contains. 7 (attrib.) on a
mascot /'maeskot/ n. person, animal, or large scale (mass hysteria; mass
thing supposed to bring luck. [Proven- audience), -v. assemble into a mass or
cal masco witch] as one body. [Latin massa from Greek]
mass 546 mastitis
mass- n. (often Mass) 1 Eucharist, esp. great artist. 9 Chess etc. player at inter-
in the Roman Catholic Church. 2 celeb- national level. 10 original copy of a film,
ration of this. 3 liturgy used in this. 4 recording, etc., from which others can
musical setting of parts of this. [Latin be made. 11 (Master) title for a boy not
missa dismissal] old enough to be called Mr. 12 archaic
massacre 'ma?saka(rV -n. 1 mass kill- employer, -attrib. adj. 1 commanding,
ing. 2 utter defeat or destruction, -v. superior (master hand). 2 main, prin-
(-ring) 1 kill (esp. many people) cruelly cipal (master bedroom). 3 controlling
or violently. 2 colloq. defeat heavily. others (master plan), -v. 1 overcome,
[French] defeat. 2 gain full knowledge of or skill
massage 'maesa:3 -n. rubbing and in. [Latin magister]
kneading of the muscles and joints with master-class n. class given by a
the hands, to relieve stiffness, cure famous musician etc.
strains, stimulate, etc. -v. (-ging) 1 masterful adj. 1 imperious, domineer-
apply massage to. 2 manipulate (stat- ing. 2 masterly, masterfully adv.
istics etc.) to give an acceptable result. 3 Usage Masterful is normally used of
tlatter (a person's ego etc.). [French] a person, whereas masterly is used of
massage parlour establishment
n. 1 achievements, abilities, etc.
providing massage. 2 euphem. brothel.
masseur /mae's3:(r)/ n. (fern, masseuse master-key n. key that opens several
different locks,
/ma?'s3:z/) person who
gives massage
for a living. [French: related to mas-
masterly adj. very skilful.
sage] Usage See note at masterful.
massif /'maesi:f/ n. compact group of mastermind -n. 1person with an out-
mountain heights. [French: related to
standing intellect. 2 person directing a
scheme etc. -v. plan and direct (a
massive 'maesiv/ adj. 1 large and heavy
scheme etc.).
or solid. 2 (of the features, head, etc.) Master of Ceremonies n. 1 person
relatively large or solid. 3 exceptionally
introducing speakers at a banquet or
large or severe (massive heart attack).
entertainers in a variety show. 2 person
4 substantial, impressive, massively in charge of a ceremonial or social
adv. massiveness n. [Latin: related to occasion.

Master of the Rolls n. judge who
mass media = media 2. presides over the Court of Appeal.
mass noun n. Gram, noun that is not masterpiece n. 1 outstanding piece of
normally countable and cannot be used artistry or workmanship. 2 person's
with the indefinite article (e.g. bread). best work.
mass production n. mechanical pro- master-stroke n. skilful tactic etc.
duction of large quantities of a stan- master-switch n. switch controlling
dardized article, mass-produce v. the supply of electricity etc. to an entire
mast n. 1 long upright post of

timber etc. on a ship's keel to support mastery n. 1 control, dominance. 2
sails. 2 post etc. for supporting a radio or (often foil, by of) comprehensive know-
television aerial. 3 flag-pole (half-mast). ledge or skill.
before the mast as an ordinary masthead n. 1 top of a ship's mast, esp.
seaman, masted adj. (also in comb.). as a place of observation or punishment.
master n. (also in comb.). [Old English] 2 title of a newspaper etc. at the head of
mast 2
ma:st/ n. fruit of the beech, oak, the front page or editorial page.
as food for pigs. [Old English]
etc., esp. mastic /'maestik/ n. 1 gum or resin from
mastectomy maes'tektami/ n. (pi. -ies) the mastic tree, used in making varnish.
surgical removal of a breast. [Greek 2 (in full mastic tree) evergreen tree
mastos breast] yielding this. 3 waterproof filler and
master /'ma:sta(r)/ -az. 1 person having sealant. [Greek mastikhe]
control or ownership (master of the masticate /'maesti.keit/ v. (-ting) grind
house; dog obeyed his master, master or chew (food) with one's teeth, mas-
of the hunt). 2 captain of a merchant tication keij(a)n/ n. masticatory
ship. 3 male teacher. 4 prevailing per- adj. [Latin from Greek]
son. 5 a skilled tradesman able to teach mastiff /'maestif/ n. dog of a large strong
others (often attrib.: master carpenter). breed with drooping ears. [Latin man-
b skilled practitioner (master of innu- suetus tame]
endo). 6 holder of a usu. post-graduate mastitis /mae'staitis/ n. inflammation
university degree (Master of Arts). of the breast or udder. [Greek mastos
7 revered teacher in philosophy etc. 8 breast]
mastodon 547 matey
mastodon /'maesta.don/ n. (pi same or mate 1
-n.friend or fellow worker. 2
-s) large extinct mammal resembling colloq. form of address, esp. to another
the elephant. [Greek mastos breast, man. 3 a each of a breeding pair, esp. of
odous tooth] birds, b colloq. partner in marriage, c (in
mastoid /'maestoid/ —adj. shaped like a comb.) fellow member or joint occupant
breast, -n. 1 = mastoid process. 2 (usu. of (team-mate; room-mate). 4 officer on a
in pi) colloq. inflammation of the mas- merchant ship. 5 assistant to a skilled
toid process. [Greek mastos breast] worker (plumber's mate), -v. (-ting)
mastoid process n. conical prom- (often foil, by with) 1 come or bring
inence on the temporal bone behind the together for breeding. 2 Mech. fit well.
ear. [Low German]
masturbate /'maesta.beit/ v. (-ting) mate 2 n. & v. (-ting) Chess = check-
(usu. absol.) sexually arouse (oneself or mate.
another) by manual stimulation of the mater /'meit9(r)/ n. slang mother.
genitals. masturbation /-'beij(a)n/ n. [Latin]
Usage Mater is now only found in
mat 1
—n. 1 small piece of coarse material
jocular or affected use.
on a floor, esp. for wiping one's shoes on.
2 piece of cork, rubber, etc., to protect a material 1 matter from
/ma'tiarial/ -n.
surface from a hot dish etc. placed on it. which a thing made. 2 cloth, fabric. 3
3 padded floor covering in gymnastics, (in pi.) things needed for an activity
wrestling, etc. -v. (-tt-) (esp. as matted (building materials). 4 person or thing
adj.) entangle or become entangled in a of a specified kind or suitable for a
thick mass (matted hair). on the mat purpose (officer material). 5 (in sing, or
slang being reprimanded. [Old English] pi.) information etc. for a book etc. 6 (in
mat 2 var. of matt. sing, or pi, often foil, by of) elements,
matador /'maeta,do:(r)/ n. bullfighter constituent parts, or substance, -adj. 1
whose task is to kill the bull. [Spanish of matter; corporeal; not spiritual. 2 of
from matar kill: related to mate in bodily comfort etc. (material well-
checkmate] being). 3 (often foil, by to) important,
match -n. 1 contest or game in which
significant, relevant. [Latin materia
players or teams compete. 2 a person as matter]
an equal contender (meet one's match). materialism n. 1 greater interest in
b person or thing exactly like or corres- material possessions and comfort than
ponding to another. 3 marriage. 4 per- in spiritual values. 2 Philos. theory that
son viewed as a marriage prospect, —v. 1 nothing exists but matter. material-
correspond (to); be like or alike; harmon- ist n. materialistic /-listik/ adj.
ize (with) (his socks do not match; materialistically /-'listikali/ adv.
curtains match the wallpaper). 2 equal. materialize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
3 (foil, by against, with) place in conflict -sing) 1 become actual fact; happen. 2
or competition with. 4 find material etc. appear or be present. 3 represent
that matches (another) (can you match in or assume bodily form. material- 1 1

this silk?). 5 find a person or thing ization /-'zeij(8)n/ n.

suitable for another. match up (often materially adv. substantially, signific-
foil, by with) fit to form a whole; tally, antly.
match up to be as good as or equal to. materiel /ma.tian'el/ n. means, esp.
[Old English] materials and equipment in warfare.
match 2 n. 1 short thin piece of wood etc. [French]
with a combustible tip. 2 wick or cord maternal /m8't3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of or like a
etc. for firing a cannon etc. [French mother; motherly. 2 related through the
mesche] mother (maternal uncle). 3 of the
matchboard n. tongued and grooved mother in pregnancy and childbirth,
board with similar boards.
fitting maternally adv. [Latin mater mother]
matchbox n. box for holding matches. maternity /ma't3:niti/ n. 1 mother-
matchless adj. incomparable. hood. 2 motherliness. 3 (attrib.) for
matchmaker n. person who arranges women during pregnancy and child-
marriages or schemes to bring couples birth (maternity leave; maternity
together, matchmaking n. dress). [French from medieval Latin:
match point n. Tennis etc. 1 position related to maternal]
when one side needs only one more matey (also maty) -adj. (-tier, -tiest)
point to win the match. 2 this point. sociable; familiar, friendly, -n. (pi. -s)
matchstick n. stem of a match. colloq. (as a form of address) mate.
matchwood n. 1 wood suitable for mateyness n. (also matiness). matily
matches. 2 minute splinters. adv.
math 548 maty
math n. UScolloq. mathematics, [abbre- matron of honour n. married woman
viation] attending the bride at a wedding.
mathematical /,maeGa'maetik(8)l/ adj. matt (also mat) -adj. not shiny or
1 of mathematics. 2 rigorously precise. glossy; dull. -n. (in full matt paint)
mathematically adv. paint giving a dull flat finish. [French:
mathematical tables tables of related to mate 2 ]

logarithms and trigonometric values matter -n. 1 physical substance having

etc. mass and occupying space, as distinct
mathematics /,mae09'maetiks/ 1 from mind and spirit. 2 specified sub-
(also treated as sing. ) abstract science of stance (colouring matter; reading mat-
number, quantity, and space. 2 (as pi.) ter). 3 (prec. by the; often foil, by with)

use of this in calculation etc. z mathe- (thing) amiss (something the matter
matician /-ma'tij"(a)n/ n. [Greek man- with him). 4 content as distinct from
thano learn] style, form, etc. 5 (often foil, by of, for)
maths n. colloq. mathematics, [abbre- situation etc. under consideration or as
viation] an occasion for (regret etc.) (matter for
matinee /'maeti.nei/ n. (US matinee) concern; matter of discipline). 6 pus or a
afternoon performance in the theatre, similar substance discharged from the
cinema, etc. [French from matin morn- body. -v. (often foil, by to) be of import-
ing: related to matins] ance; have significance, z as a matter
matinee coat n. (also matinee jacket) of fact in reality; actually, for that
baby's short knitted coat. matter 1 as far as that is concerned. 2
matinee idol n. handsome actor. and indeed also, a matter of approxim-
ately; amounting to (a matter of 40
matins /'maetmz/ n. (also mattins) (as
years), no matter 1 (foil, by when, how,
sing, or pi.) morning prayer, esp. in the
etc.) regardless of. 2 it is of no import-
Church of England. [Latin matutinus of
ance. [Latin materia timber, substance]
the morning]
matriarch /'meitn.aik/ n. female head
matter of course n. natural or
expected thing.
of a family or tribe. matriarchal
matter-of-fact adj. 1 unimaginative,
/-'a:k(a)l/ adj. [Latin mater mother]
prosaic. 2 unemotional, z matter-of-
matriarchy /'meitri,a:ki/ n. (pi -ies) -factly adv. matter-of-factness n.
female-dominated system of society,
matter of life and death n. matter of
with descent through the female line.
vital importance.
matrices pi. of matrix. matting n. fabric for mats.
matricide /'meitn.said, "mas-/ n. 1 kill-
mattins var. of matins.
ing of one's mother. 2 person who does mattock /'maetak/ n. agricultural tool
this. [Latin: related to mater, -cide]
like a pickaxe, with an adze and a chisel
matriculate /ma'trikju.leit/ v. (-ting) edge. [Old English]
enrol at a college or university, z mattress /'maetns/ n. stuffed, or air- or
matriculation /-'leij(a)n/ n. [medieval water-filled cushion the size of a bed.
Latin: related to matrix] [Arabic almatrah]
matrimony /'maetnmani/ n. rite or maturate /' v. (-ting) (of a
state of marriage, z matrimonial boil etc.) come to maturation. [Latin:
/-'maunial/ adj. [Latin matrimonium: related to mature]
related to mater] maturation /,maetjo-'reiJXa)n/ n. 1
matrix /'meitnks/ n. (pi. matrices maturing or being matured. 2 formation
/-,si:z/ or -es) 1 mould in which a thing is of pus. [French or medieval Latin:
cast or shaped. 2 place etc. in which a related to mature]
thing is developed. 3 rock in which mature /ma'tjua(r)/ -adj. (maturer,
gems, fossils, etc., are embedded. 4 maturest) 1 a fully developed, adult, b
Math, rectangular array of elements sensible, wise. 2 ripe; seasoned. 3 (of
treated as a single element. [Latin, = thought etc.) careful, considered. 4 (of a
womb] bill, insurance policy, etc.) due, payable.
matron /'meitran/ n. 1 woman in charge -v. (-ring) 1 develop fully; ripen. 2
of nursing in a hospital. 2 married, esp. perfect (a plan etc.). 3 (of a bill, insur-
staid, woman. 3 woman nurse and ance policy, etc.) become due or pay-
housekeeper at a school etc. [Latin able, z maturely adv. matureness n.
matrona: related to mater] maturity n. [Latin maturus timely]
Usage In sense 1, senior nursing mature student n. adult student.
matutinal /,maerju:'tam(a)l, ma'tju:
officer is now the official term.
tm(a)l/ adj. of the morning; early.
matronly adj. like a matron, esp. portly [Latin: related to matins]
or staid. maty var. of matey.
maudlin 549 maypole
maudlin /'mo:dlin/ adj. weakly or tear- maximum /'maeksimam/ -n. (pi -ma)
fully sentimental, esp. from drunken- highest possible amount, size, etc. -adj.
ness. [French Madeleine, referring to greatest in amount, size, etc. [Latin
pictures of Mary Magdalen weeping] maxim us greatest]
maul /mo:l/ -v. 1
tear the flesh of; claw. 2 May n. 1 fifth month of the year. 2 (may)
handle roughly. 3 damage by criticism. hawthorn, esp. in blossom. [Latin
-n. 1 Rugby loose scrum. 2 brawl. 3 Maius of the goddess Maia]
heavy hammer. [Latin malleus ham- may v.aux. (3rd sing, present may; past
mer] might /mait/) 1 expressing: a (often foil,
maulstick /'moilstik/ n. (also mahl- by well for emphasis) possibility (it may
stick) stick held to support the hand in be true; you may well lose your way), b
painting. [Dutch malen paint] permission (may I come in?), c a wish
maunder /'mo:nd9(r)/ v. 1 talk ram- (may he live to regret it), d uncertainty
blingly. 2 move or act listlessly or idly, or irony (who may you be?; who are you,
[origin unknown] may I ask?). 2 in purpose clauses and
Maundy /'moindi/ n. distribution of after wish, fear, etc. (hope he may suc-
Maundy money. [French mande from ceed). be that as it may (or that is as
Latin mandatum command] may be) it is possible (but) (be that as it
Maundy money specially minted
n. may, I still want to go), may as well =
silver coins distributed by the British might as well (see might 1
). [Old English]
sovereign on Maundy Thursday.
Maundy Thursday n. Thursday
before Easter. Usage In sense lb, both can and may
mausoleum /'liiam/ n. magnifi- are used to express permission; in more
cent tomb, [from Mausolos, king of formal contexts may is preferred since
Caria, whose tomb had this name] can also denotes capability (can I move?
mauve /mauv/ —adj. pale purple, -n. - am I physically able to move?; may I
this colour. mauvish adj. [Latin: move? = am I allowed to move?).
related to mallow] Maya /'ma:ja/ n. 1 (pi. same or -s) mem-
maverick /'maevarik/ n. 1 unorthodox ber of an ancient Indian people of Cen-
or independent-minded person. 2 US tral America. 2 their language.
unbranded calf or yearling. [Maverick, Mayan adj. & n. [native name]
name of an owner of unbranded cattle] maybe /'meibi:/ adv. perhaps, [from it
maw n. 1 stomach of an animal or colloq.
may be]
greedy person. 2 jaws or throat of a May Day n. 1 May as a Spring festival or
voracious animal. [Old English] honour of
international holiday in
mawkish /'mo:kiJ7 adj. feebly senti- workers.
mental; sickly. mawkishly adv. mayday /'meidei/ n. international radio
mawkishness n. [obsolete mawk mag- distress-signal, [representing pronun-
ciation of French m'aidez help me]
max. abbr. maximum. mayflower n. any of various flowers
maxi /'maeksi/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. maxi-
that bloom in May.
coat, -skirt, etc. [abbreviation]
maxi- comb, form very mayfly n. a kind of insect living briefly
large or long,
in spring.
[abbreviation of maximum; cf. mini-]
maxilla /maek'sila/ n. (pi. -llae /-li:/) jaw mayhem /'meihem/ n. destruction;
havoc. [Anglo-French mahem: related
or jawbone, esp. (in vertebrates) the
to maim]
upper jaw. maxillary adj. [Latin]

maxim /'maeksim/ n. general truth or

mayn't /'meiant/ contr. may not.
rule of conduct briefly expressed.
mayonnaise /.meia'neiz/ n. 1 thick

[French or medieval Latin: related to creamy dressing of egg-yolks, oil, vin-

egar, etc. 2 dish dressed with this (egg
maxima pi. of maximum. mayonnaise). [French]
maximal /'maeksim(a)l/ adj. of or being
mayor /mea(r)/ n. 1 head of the corpora-

tion of a city or borough. 2 head of a

a maximum.
maximize /'maeksi.maiz/ v, (also -ise) district council with the status of a
(-zing or -sing) make as large or great as borough. mayoral adj. [Latin:
possible. maximization /-'zeij(a)n/ related to major]
n. [Latin: related to maximum]
mayoralty /'mearalti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

office of mayor. 2 period of this.

Usage Maximize should not be used mayoress /'means/ n. 1 woman mayor.
in standard English to mean 'to make as 2 wife or official consort of a mayor.
good as possible' or 'to make the most maypole n. decorated pole for dancing
round on May Day.
May queen means
May queen r

it.2 labyrinth. 3 confused network,
mass. etc. [related to amaze] paa: aaaa rc.i
mazurka rnaaika n. 1 lively Polish
dance in triple time. 2 music for this.
[French or German from Polish]
MB z::~ 1 3a:-rl:7 ::' Ms-:L:-e 2
Computing megabyte, [sense ^' 1 from
laur. X~: z:.::^c; 5 zz :z'..z:.- i
MBA z::- Mas:a: :: Busuaeas Air-,
MBE -rr- Maruzer :: .r.a jrier :: uaa

MB 6 :
management buyout.
MC =ri- Masaa: 1 :: lare-arues 2 /or to me), o MBfeMiMi
" mean it r.:: :«e

MCC a a v aa~y e: a n a
: "

: C r~:
ka 5 :T- :
McCarthvism. McCov s-~ a: va":-
MD zb'rr 1 D:c::r :f Mei.ur.a 2 mean 1
1 ru warily

ME ztt* r.vir.: e~ aeahala-yalius a

no mean
meanly ;0".i r.r:g-

mea culpa rr.e:a kala-a - a: kr.:* •

ledgement of error, -int expressing

this. [Latin. = by my fault]
mead r =lc: h:l:; iruak :: :a™ aa:a:
meadow -ecaa 1 riece ::' rrass meander ~: :

meadowy-: ;o;i English; path. etc. 2 circuitous

meadowsweet fragrant raeai:* 5 a -vir.iir.g

f.t-.vars meanie mar: r. a

meagre rarc^r civ "5 meager i -ies niggardly
scant in amount or quality. 2 lean, thin. person.
; :r:~ la::- -a;-; meaning--: 1 ^'rat.a near.:
meal'- 1 >::as::r. ~» ran : :s eater. 2 ar.cs 3 una araar :e

of coUoq. treat (a task etc.) too labori- ingly ado.

ousty or fussfly. [Old English] meaningful z.z; 1 full :: rrearrng

ccwfrr 2 5::: aatrceal 3 "."5

ra aire crete-d. : meaningfully cu: mean-
floor. [Old English] ingfulne s s \
meals on wheels r." usu treatea aa meaningless z.z£ r.: rreanira
sing.) regular voluntary esp. lunch de- nr qgntfirafirr mi Jnwlj mfi
liveries to old people, invalids, etc. m e a ni n gl es s n es s *:

seal-ticket n. coUoq. person or thing if inn n npL as sing.)

1 (often treated
that is a source of maintenance or in- action, agent device, or method produc-
: : rr.a ine a result {means of quitk r**c. vl 2 a
mealtime - . . .. nana :: earr.g
mean sea level 551 medallist
means), b wealth (man of means). by measurement n. 1 measuring. 2
all means certainly, by means of by amount measured. 3 (in pi.) detailed
the agency etc. of. by no means cer- dimensions.
tainly not. [from mean 3 ] meat n. 1 animal flesh as food. 2 (often
mean sea
level n. level halfway by of) substance; chief part.
between high and low water. meatless adj. [Old English]
means test -n. inquiry into income as meatball n. small round ball of minced
a basis for eligibility for State benefit meat.
etc. -v. (means-test) subject to or base meat loaf n. minced meat etc. moulded
on a means test. and baked.
meant past and past part, of mean 1
meat safe n. ventilated cupboard for
meantime -adv. = meanwhile, -n. storing meat.
intervening period (esp. in the mean- meaty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 full of meat;
time). fleshy. 2 of or like meat. 3 substantial,
Usage As an adverb, meantime is less full of interest, satisfying. meatiness
common than meanwhile. n.
Mecca /'meka/ n. place one aspires to
meanwhile -adv. 1 in the intervening visit. [Mecca, Muslim holy city in Ara-
period of time. 2 at the same time. -n.
intervening period (esp. in the mean-
mechanic /mi'kaenik/ n. person skilled
in using or repairing machinery. [Latin:
meany var. of meanie. ,

related to machine]
measles /'mi:z(a)lz/ (also treated as mechanical adj. 1 of machines or
sing.) infectious viral disease marked
mechanisms. 2 working or produced by
by a red rash. [Low German masele or
machinery. 3 (of an action etc.) auto-
Dutch masel]
matic; repetitive. 4 (of an agency, prin-
measly /'mi:zli/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq.
ciple, etc.) belonging to mechanics. 5
meagre, contemptible.
measure /'me3a(r)/ -n. 1 size or quant-
of mechanics as a science. mechan-
ically adv. [Latin: related to mechanic]
ity found by measuring. 2 system or unit
of measuring (liquid measure; 20
mechanical engineer n. person
qualified in the design, construction,
measures of wheat). 3 rod, tape, vessel,
etc. of machines.
etc. for measuring. 4 (often foil, by of)
degree, extent, or amount (a measure of
mechanics (usu. treated as sing.)
1 branch of applied mathematics deal-
wit). 5 factor determining evaluation
etc. (sales are the measure of popular-
ing with motion etc. 2 science of
ity). 6 (usu. in pi.) suitable action to
machinery. 3 routine technical aspects
achieve some end. 7 legislative bill, act, of a thing (mechanics of local govern-
etc. 8 prescribed extent or quantity. 9
poetic metre. 10 mineral stratum (coal mechanism /'meka,niz(a)m/ n. 1 struc-
measures), -v. (-ring) 1 ascertain the ture or parts of a machine. 2 system of
extent or quantity of (a thing) by com- parts working together. 3 process;
parison with a known standard. 2 be of a method (defence mechanism; no
specified size. 3 ascertain the size of (a mechanism for complaints).
person) for clothes. 4 estimate (a quality mechanistic /-'nistik/ adj. [Greek:
etc.) by some criterion. 5 (often foil, by related to machine]
off) mark (a line etc. of a given length). 6
mechanize /'meka.naiz/ v. (also -ise)
(foil, by out) distribute in measured (-zing or -sing) 1 introduce machines in
quantities. 7 (foil, by with, against) (a factory etc.). 2 make mechanical. 3
bring (oneself or one's strength etc.) equip with tanks, armoured cars, etc.
into competition with. beyond mechanization /- zeij(a)n/ n.
measure excessively. for good Med n. colloq. Mediterranean Sea.
measure as a finishing touch, in some [abbreviation]
measure partly, measure up 1 take the medal /'med(a)l/ n. commemorative
measurements (of). 2 (often foil, by to) metal disc etc., esp. awarded for milit-
have the qualifications (for), measur- ary or sporting prowess. [Latin: related
able adj. [Latin mensura from metior to metal]
measure] medallion /mi'daeljan/ n. 1 large medal.
measured adj. 1 rhythmical; regular 2 thing so shaped, e.g. a decorative panel
(measured tread). 2 (of language) care- etc. [Italian: related to medal]
fully considered. medallist /'medalist/ n. (US medalist)
measureless adj. not measurable; winner of a (specified) medal (gold
infinite. medallist).
meddle 552 medulla
meddle /'med(a)l/ v. (-ling) (often foil, taken by mouth. take one's medi-
by with, in) interfere in others' con- cine submit to something disagreeable.
cerns, meddler n. [Latin: related to [Latin medicina]
MIX] medicine man n. tribal, esp. N. Amer-
meddlesome adj. interfering. ican Indian, witch-doctor.
media /'mi:dia/ 1 pi of medium.
2 medieval /,medi'i:v(a)l/ adj. (also
(usu. prec. by the) mass communica- mediaeval) of the Middle Ages. 2

tions (esp. newspapers and broadcast- colloq. old-fashioned. [Latin medium

ing) regarded collectively. aevum middle age]
Usage Media is commonly used with medieval history n. history of the
5th-15th c.
a singular verb (e.g. the media is
medieval Latin n. Latin of about ad
biased), but this is not generally ac-
cepted (cf. data).
mediocre /,mi:di auka(r)/ adj. 1 indif-

mediaeval var. of medieval. ferent in quality. 2 second-rate. [Latin

medial /'mi:dial/ adj. = median. mediocris]
medially adv. [Latin medius middle] mediocrity /,mi:di'Dkriti/ n. (pi -ies) 1
median /'mi:dian/ -adj. situated in the being mediocre. 2 mediocre person.
middle, -rc. 1 straight line drawn from meditate /'medi.teit/ v. (-ting) 1 (often
any vertex of a triangle to the middle of foil, by on, upon) engage in (esp. re-
the opposite side. 2 middle value of a ligious) contemplation. 2 plan mentally.
series. [Latin: related to medial] meditation / - teij(a)n/ n. meditator
mediate /'mi:di,eit/ v. (-ting) 1 (often n. [Latin meditor]
by between) intervene (between dis-
foil, meditative /'meditativ/ adj. 1 inclined
putants) to settle a quarrel etc. 2 bring to meditate. 2 indicative of meditation,
about (a result) thus. mediation thoughtful. meditatively adv. med-
/-'eij(8)n/ n. mediator n. [Latin medius itativeness n.
middle] Mediterranean /.medita'remian/ adj.
medic /'medik/ n. colloq. medical practi- of the sea bordered by S. Europe, SW
tioner or student. [Latin medicus phys- Asia, and N. Africa, or its surrounding
ician] region (Mediterranean cookery). [Latin
medical /'medik(a)l/ -adj. of medicine mediterraneus inland]
in general or as distinct from surgery medium /'mi:diam/-rc. (pi. media or -s)
{medical ward), -n. colloq. medical ex- 1 middle quality, degree, etc. between
amination. medically adv. extremes (find a happy medium). 2
medical certificate n. certificate of means of communication (medium of
fitness or unfitness for work etc. television). 3 substance, e.g. air,
medical examination n. examina- through which sense-impressions are
tion to determine a person's physical conveyed. 4 physical environment etc.
fitness. of a living organism. 5 means. 6 material
medical officer n. person in charge of or form used by an artist, composer, etc.
the health services of a local authority 7 liquid (e.g. oil or gel) used for diluting
etc. paints. 8 (pi. -s) person claiming to
medical practitioner n. physician or communicate with the dead. -adj. 1
surgeon. between two qualities, degrees, etc. 2
medicament /mi'dikamant/ n. = medi- average (of medium height). [Latin
cine 2. medius middle]
Medicare /'medi,ke8(r)/ n. US federally medium-range adj. (of an aircraft,
funded health insurance scheme for the missile, etc.) able to travel a medium
elderly, [from medical, care] distance.
medicate /'medi.keit/ v. (-ting) 1 treat medium wave n. radio wave of fre-
medically. 2 impregnate with medicine quency between 300 kHz and 3 MHz.
etc. medicative /-kativ/ adj. [Latin medlar /'medla(r)/ n. 1 tree bearing
medicare medicat-] small brown apple-like fruits, eaten
medication / medi

n. 1 = when decayed. 2 such a fruit. [French

medicine 2 treatment using drugs.
2. medler from Greek mespile]
medicinal /mi'dism(a)l/ adj. (of a sub- medley /'medli/ n. (pi. -s) 1 varied mix-
stance) healing. medicinally adv. ture. 2 collection of tunes etc. played as
medicine /'meds(a)n/ n. 1 science or one piece. [French medlee]
practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and medulla /mi'dAla/ n. 1 inner part of
prevention of disease, esp. as distinct certain organs etc., e.g. the kidney. 2
from surgery. 2 drug etc. for the treat- soft internal tissue of plants. medul-
ment or prevention of disease, esp. lary adj. [Latin]
medulla oblongata 553 meld
medulla oblongata /.Dblnn'garta/ n. megahertz /'mega,h3:ts/ n. (pi. same)
hindmost part of the brain, formed from one million hertz, esp. as a measure of
a continuation of the spinal cord, radio frequency.
medusa /mi'djuisa/ n. (pi. medusae megalith /'megaliG/ n. large stone, esp.
/-si:/ or -s) jellyfish. [Greek Medousa, as a prehistoric monument or part of
name of a Gorgon] one. megalithic /-'liGik/ adj. [Greek
meek adj. humble and submissive or lithos stone]
gentle. meekly adv. meekness n. megalomania /.megala'memia/ n. 1
[Old Norse] mental disorder producing delusions of
meerkat /'miakaet/ n. S. African mon- grandeur. 2 passion for grandiose
goose. [Dutch, = sea-cat] schemes. megalomaniac adj. & n.
meerschaum /'miajam/ n. 1 soft white [Greek megas great, mania]
clay-like substance. 2 tobacco-pipe with
megalosaurus /,megala'so:ras/ n. (pi.
its bowl made from this. [German, = -ruses) large flesh-eating dinosaur with
stout hind legs and small forelimbs.
meet 1
-v. (past and past part, met) 1
[Greek megas great, sauros lizard]
encounter (a person etc.) or (of two or
more people) come together by accident
megaphone /'mega.faun/ n. large
funnel-shaped device for amplifying the
or design; come face to face (with) (met
voice. [Greek megas great, phone sound]
on the bridge). 2 be present by design at
the arrival of (a person, train, etc.). 3
megastar /'mega.sta^r)/ n. colloq. very
come or seem to come together or into famous entertainer etc.

contact (with); join (where the sea and megaton /'mega.tAn/ n. unit of explo-
the sky meet; jacket won 't meet). 4 make sivepower equal to one million tons of
the acquaintance of (delighted to meet TNT.
you; all met at Oxford). 5 come together megavolt /'mega.vault/ n. one million
for business, worship, etc. (union met volts, esp. as a unit of electromotive
management). 6 a deal with or answer force.
(a demand, objection, etc.) (met the pro- megawatt /'mega.wot/ n. one million
posal with hostility), b satisfy or con- watts, esp. as a measure of electrical
form with (agreed to meet the new power.
terms). 7 pay (a bill etc.); honour (a megohm /'megaum/ n. one million
cheque) (meet the cost). 8 (often foil, by ohms.
with) experience, encounter, or receive meiosis /mai'ausis/ n. (pi. meioses
(met their death; met with hostility). 9 /-si:z/) 1 cell division that results in
confront in battle etc. -n. 1 assembly for gametes with half the normal chromo-
a hunt. 2 assembly for sport, esp. ath- some number. 2 = litotes. [Greek
letics. make ends meet see end. meet melon less]
the case be adequate, meet the eye be melamine /'mela,mi:n/ n. 1 white crys-
visible or evident, meet a person half talline compound producing resins. 2
way compromise with, meet up colloq. (in full melamine resin) plastic made
(often foil, by with) = sense 1 of v. meet from this and used esp. for laminated
with 1 see sense 8 of v. 2 receive (a coatings, [from arbitrary me lam,
reaction) (met with her approval). 3 esp. amine]
US = sense 1 of v. [Old English] melancholia /.melan'kaulia/ n. depres-
meet 2 adj. archaic fitting, proper, sion and anxiety. [Latin: related to
[related to mete]
meeting n. 1 coming together. 2 as-
melancholy /'melankali/ -n. 1 pensive
sembly of esp. a society, committee, etc.
sadness. 2 a mental depression, b tend-
ency to this. -adj. sad; saddening,
mega /'mega/ slang -adj. 1 excellent. 2
depressing; expressing sadness. mel-
enormous, -adv. extremely.
ancholic /-'kolik/ adj. [Greek melas
mega- comb, form 1 large. 2 one million
black, khole bile]
(l(r) in the metric system of measure-
ment. 3 slang extremely; very big melange /mei'163/ n. mixture, medley.

(mega-stupid; mega-project). [Greek [French meter mix]

megas great] melanin /'melanin/ n. dark pigment in
megabuck /'mega.bAk/ n. US slang mil- the hair, skin, etc., causing tanning in
lion dollars. sunlight. [Greek melas black]
megabyte /'mega.bait/ n. Computing melanoma /.mela'nauma/ n. malignant
20 skin tumour.
1,048,576 (i.e. 2 ) bytes as a measure of
data capacity, or loosely 1,000,000. Melba toast /'melba/ n. very thin crisp
megadeath /'mega,de6/ n death of one . toast. [Melba, name of a soprano]
million people (in war). meld v. merge, blend, [origin uncertain]
melee 554 memory
melee /'melei/ n. (US melee) 1 confused meltdown n. 1 melting of a structure,
fight, skirmish, or scuffle. 2 muddle. esp. the overheated core of a nuclear
[French: related to medley] reactor. 2 disastrous event, esp. a rapid
mellifluous /mi'lifluas/ adj. (of a voice fall in share values.
etc.) pleasing, musical, flowing. mel- I melting point n. temperature at which
lifluously adv. mellifluousness n. a solid melts.
[Latin mel honey, fluo flow] melting-pot n. place for mixing races,
mellow /'melau/ -adj. 1 (of sound, col- theories, etc.
our, light) soft and rich, free from harsh- member /'memba(r)/ n. 1 person etc.
ness. 2 (of character) gentle; mature. 3 belonging to a society, team, group, etc.
genial, jovial. 4 euphem. partly intox- 2 (Member) person elected to certain
icated. 5 (of fruit) soft, sweet, and juicy. assemblies etc. 3 part of a larger struc-
6 (of wine) well-matured, smooth. 7 (of ture, e.g. of a group of figures or a
earth) rich, loamy, -v. make or become mathematical set. 4 a part or organ of
mellow, mellowly adv. mellowness the body, esp. a limb, b = penis. [Latin
n. [origin unknown] membrum limb]
melodeon /mi'laudian/ n. (also me- membership n. 1 being a member. 2
lodion) small organ similar to the
1 number or body of members.
harmonium. 2 small German accordion, membrane /'membrem/ n. 1 pliable
[from melody, harmonium] sheetlike tissue connecting or lining
melodic /mi'lDdik/ adj. of melody; me- organs in plants and animals. 2 thin
lodious. melodically adv. [Greek: pliable sheet or skin. membranous
related to melody] /'membranas/ adj. [Latin membrana
melodious /mi'laodias/ adj. of, pro-
1 skin, parchment: related to member]
ducing, or having melody. 2 sweet- memento /mi'mentau/ n. (pi. -es or -s)
sounding. melodiously adv. me- souvenir of a person or event. [Latin,
lodiousness n. [French: related to imperative of memini remember]
melody] memento mori /mi.mentau 'ma:n/ n.
melodrama /'mela.dra^a/ n. 1 sensa- skull etc. as a reminder of death. [Latin,
tional play etc. appealing blatantly to = remember you must die]
the emotions. 2 this type of drama. 3 memo /'memau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq.
theatrical language, behaviour, etc. memorandum, [abbreviation]
melodramatic /-dra'maetik/ adj. memoir /'memwa:(r)/ n. 1 historical
melodramatically /-dra'maetikali/ account etc. written from personal
adv. [Greek melos music, drama] knowledge or special sources. 2 (in pi.)
melody /'meladi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 single autobiography, esp. partial or dealing
notes arranged to make a distinctive with specific events or people. 3 essay
recognizable pattern; tune. 2 principal on a learned subject. [French memoire\
part in harmonized music. 3 musical related to memory]
arrangement of words. 4 sweet music, memorabilia /.memara'bilia/ sou-
tunefulness. [Greek melos song: related venirs of memorable events. [Latin:
to ode] related to memorable]
melon /'melan/ n. 1 sweet fleshy fruit of memorable /'memarab(a)l/ adj. 1
various climbing plants of the gourd worth remembering. 2 easily remem-
family. 2 such a gourd. [Greek melon bered. memorably adv. [Latin
apple] memor mindful]
melt v. 1 become liquefied or change to memorandum /.mema'raendam/ n. (pi.
liquid by the action of heat; dissolve. 2 -da or -s) 1 note or record for future use.
(as molten adj.) (esp. of metals etc.) 2 informal written message, esp. in busi-
liquefied by heat (molten lava; molten ness, diplomacy, etc. [see memorable]
lead). 3 (of food) be delicious, seeming to memorial /mi'mo:nal/ -n. object etc.
dissolve in the mouth. 4 soften, or (of a established in memory of a person or
person, the heart, etc.) be softened, by event, -attrib. adj. commemorating
pity, love, etc. (a melting look). 5 (usu. (memorial service). [Latin: related to
foil, by into) merge imperceptibly; memory]
change into (night melted into dawn). 6 memorize /'mema.raiz/ v. (also -ise)
(often foil, by away) (of a person) leave (-zing or -sing) commit to memory.
or disappear unobtrusively (melted into memory /'memari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 faculty
the background). melt away disap- by which things are recalled to or kept
pear by or as if by liquefaction, melt in the mind. 2 a this in an individual (my
down 1 melt (esp. metal) for reuse. 2 memory is failing), b store of things
become liquid and lose structure. [Old remembered (deep in my memory). 3
English] recollection; remembrance, esp. of a
memory lane 555 menthol
person person or thing remem-
etc.; meninges /mi'nmd3i:z/ three
bered (memory of better times; his membranes enclosing the brain and
mother's memory). 4 storage capacity of spinal cord. [Greek menigx membrane]
a computer etc. 5 posthumous repu- meningitis /,menm'd3aitis/ n. (esp.
tation (his memory lives on; of blessed viral) infection and inflammation of the
memory). 6 length of remembered time meninges.
of a specific person, group, etc. (within meniscus /mi'niskas/ n. (pi. menisci
living memory). 7 remembering (deed curved upper surface of liquid in
/-sai/) 1
worthy of memory). from memory as
a tube. 2 lens convex on one side and
remembered (without checking), in concave on the other. [Greek meniskos
memory of to keep alive the remem- crescent, from mene moon]
brance of. [Latin memoria from memor menopause /'mena,po:z/ n. 1 ceasing of

mindful] menstruation. 2 period in a woman's life

memory lane n. (usu. prec. by down, (usu. 45-55) when this occurs. meno-
along) joc. sentimental remembering. pausal /-'pa:z(a)l/ adj. [Greek men
memsahib /'memsa:b/ n. Anglo-Ind. month, pause]
hist. Indian name for a European mar- menorah /mi'naxa/ n. seven-branched
Jewish candelabrum. [Hebrew, =
ried woman in India, [from ma'am,
sahib] candlestick]
men pi. of man.
menses /'mensi:z/ flow of men-
menace /'menis/ -n. 1 threat. 2 danger- strual blood etc. [Latin, pi. of mensis
ous thing or person. 3 joc. pest, month]
nuisance. — v. (-cing) threaten, men- mens rea /menz "ri:a/ n. Law criminal
acingly adv. [Latin minax intent. [Latin, = guilty mind]
minor threaten] menstrual /'menstrual/ adj. of men-
struation. [Latin menstruus monthly]
menage /mei'na:3/ n. household. [Latin:
related to manor] menstrual cycle n. process of ovula-
tion and menstruation.
menage a trois /mei,na:3 a: 'trwa:/ n.
menstruate /'menstru.eit/ (-ting)
(pi. menages d trois) household of
undergo menstruation.
married couple and a lover.
three, usu. a
menstruation /,menstru'eij(a)n/ n.
[French, = household of three]
process of discharging blood etc. from
menagerie /mi'naed3an/ n. small zoo. the uterus, usu. at monthly intervals
[French: related to menage]
from puberty to menopause.
mend -v. 1 restore to good condition;
mensuration /,mensjua'reiJXa)n/ n. 1
repair. 2 regain health. 3 improve (mend
measuring. 2 measuring of lengths,
matters), -n. darn or repair in material
areas, and volumes. [Latin: related to
etc. mend one's ways reform oneself, measure]
on the mend recovering, esp. in health. menswear n. clothes for men.
[Anglo-French: related to amend] -ment forming nouns express-
suffix 1
mendacious /men'deijas/ adj. lying, ing the means or result
of verbal action
untruthful. mendacity /-'daesiti/ n. (abridgement; embankment). 2 forming
(pi. -ies). [Latin mendax]
nouns from adjectives (merriment; odd-
mendelevium /,menda'li:viam/ n. arti- ment). [Latin -mentum]
ficially made transuranic radioactive mental /'ment(a)l/ adj. 1 of, in, or done
metallic element. [Mendeleev, name of a by the mind. 2 caring for mental
chemist] patients. 3 colloq. insane. mentally
Mendelian /men'di:lian/ adj. of adv. [Latin mens ment- mind]
Mendel's theory of heredity by genes. mental age n. degree of mental de-
[Mendel, name of a botanist] velopment in terms of the average age at
mendicant /'mendikant/ -adj. 1 beg- which such development is attained.
ging. 2 (of a friar) living solely on almj. mental block n. inability due to sub-
-n. 1 beggar. 2 mendicant friar. [Latin conscious mental factors.
mendicus beggar] mental deficiency n. abnormally low
mending n. 1 action of repairing. 2 intelligence.
things, esp. clothes, to be mended. mentality /men'taeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) men-
menfolk men, esp. the men of a tal character or disposition; kind or
family. degree of intelligence.
menhir /'menhia(r)/ n. usu. prehistoric mental patient n. sufferer from men-
monument of a tall upright stone. tal illness.
[Breton men stone, hir long] mental reservation n. silent quali-
menial /'mi:nial/ -adj. (of esp. work) fication made while seeming to agree.
degrading, servile, -n. domestic ser- menthol /'menGDl/ n. mint-tasting or-
vant. [Anglo-French meinie retinue] ganic alcohol found in oil of peppermint
mentholated 556 meridional
etc.,used as a flavouring and to relieve merchant bank n. bank dealing in
local pain. [Latin: related to mint ]
commercial loans and finance.
mentholated /'menGa.leitid/ adj. merchantman n. (pi. -men) merchant
treated with or containing menthol. ship.
mention /'menJXa)n/ -v. 1 refer to merchant navy n. nation's commer-
briefly or by name. 2 reveal or disclose cial shipping.
(do not mention this to anyone). 3 (usu. merchant ship n. ship carrying mer-
as mention in dispatches) award a chandise.
minor military honour to in war. -n. 1 merciful /'m3:si,ful/ adj. showing
reference, esp. by name. 2 minor mili- mercy. mercifulness n.
tary or other honour. don't mention mercifully adv. 1 in a merciful man-
it polite reply to an apology or thanks, ner. 2 fortunately (mercifully, the sun
not to mention and also. [Latin mentio] came out).
mentor /'mento:(r)/ n. experienced and merciless /'m3:silas/ adj. showing no
trusted adviser. [Mentor in Homer's mercy, n mercilessly adv.
Odyssey] mercurial /m3:'kjuanal/ adj. 1 (of a
menu /'menju:/ n. 1 list of dishes avail- person) volatile. 2 of or containing mer-
able in a restaurant etc., or to be served cury. [Latin: related to mercury]
at a meal. 2 Computing list of options mercury /'m3:kjori/ n. 1 silvery heavy
displayed on a VDU. [Latin: related to liquid metallic element used in ba-
MINUTE 2 ] rometers, thermometers, etc. 2 (Mer-
MEP abbr. Member of the European cury) planet nearest to the sun. mer-
Parliament. curic /-'kjuarik/ adj. mercurous adj.
Mephistophelean /,mefista'fi:lian/ [Latin Mercurius, Roman messenger-
adj. fiendish. [Mephistopheles, evil god]
spirit to whom Faust sold his soul in mercy /'m3:si/ -n. (pi. -ies) 1 compas-
German legend] sion or forbearance towards defeated
mercantile /'m3:kan,tail/ adj. 1 of enemies or offenders or as a quality. 2
trade, trading. 2 commercial. [Latin: act of mercy. 3 (attrib.) done out of
related to merchant] compassion (mercy killing). 4 thing to
mercantile marine n. merchant ship- be thankful for (small mercies), -int.
ping. expressing surprise or fear. at the
Mercator projection /m3:'keita/ n. mercy of 1 in the power of. 2 liable to
(also Mercator's projection) map of danger or harm from, have mercy on
the world projected on to a cylinder so (or upon) show mercy to. [Latin merces
that all the parallels of latitude have the reward, pity]
same length as the equator. [Mercator, mere 1
/mia(r)/ attrib. adj. (merest)
name of a geographer] being solely or only what is specified (a
mercenary /'m3:smari/ -adj. primar- mere boy; no mere theory). merely
ily concerned with or working for adv. [Latin merus unmixed]
money etc. -n. (pi. -ies) hired soldier in mere 2
/mia(r)/ n. dial, or poet. lake. [Old
foreign service. mercenariness n. English]
[Latin from merces reward] meretricious /.mera'trijas/ adj. show-
mercer n. dealer in textile fabrics. ily but falsely attractive. [Latin meretrix
[Latin merx mere- goods] prostitute]
mercerize /'m3:sa,raiz/ v. (also -ise) merganser /m3:'gaensa(r)/ n. (pi. same
(-zing or -sing) treat (cotton) with caus- or -s) a diving duck. [Latin mergus
tic alkali to strengthen and make lus- diver, anser goose]
trous. [Mercer, name of its alleged in- merge v. (-ging) 1 (often foil, by with) a
ventor] combine, b join or blend gradually. 2
merchandise /'m3:tJan,daiz/-72. goods (foil, by in) (cause to) lose character and
1 trade, traffic (in). 2
for sale. -v. (-sing) identity in (something else). [Latin
advertise or promote (goods, an idea, or mergo dip]
a person). [French: related to mer- merger n. combining, esp. of two com-
chant] mercial companies etc. into one.
merchant I'm3:t$(z)ntl n. 1 wholesale meridian /ma'ridian/ n. 1 a circle of
trader, esp. with foreign countries. 2 constant longitude, passing through a
esp. US & Scot, retail trader. 3 colloq. given place and the terrestrial poles, b
usu. derog. person devoted to a specified corresponding line on a map. 2 (often
activity etc. (speed merchant). [Latin attrib.) prime; full splendour. [Latin
mercor trade (v.)] mer idles midday]
merchantable adj. saleable, market- meridional adj. 1 of of in the south
able. (esp. of Europe). 2 of a meridian.
meringue 557 messy
meringue /ma'raen/ n. 1 sugar, whipped spellbind. mesmerism n. mesmer-
egg-whites, etc., baked crisp. 2 small izingly adv. [Mesmer, name of a phys-
cake of this, esp. filled with whipped ician]
cream. [French] meso- comb, form middle, intermediate.
merino /ma'ri:nau/ n. (pi -s) 1 (in full [Greek mesos middle]
merino sheep) variety of sheep with mesolithic /.mezau'liBik/ adj. of the
long fine wool. 2 soft cashmere-like part of the Stone Age between the
material, orig. of merino wool. 3 fine palaeolithic and neolithic periods.
woollen yarn. [Spanish] [Greek lithos stone]
merit /'merit/ —n. 1 quality of deserving mesomorph /'mesau,ma:f/ n. person
well. 2 excellence, worth. 3 (usu. in pi) with a compact muscular body. [Greek
a thing that entitles one to reward or morphe form]
gratitude, b intrinsic rights and wrongs meson /'mi:zDn/ n. elementary particle
(merits of a case), -v. (-t-) deserve. believed to help hold nucleons together
[Latin meritum value, from mereor de- in the atomic nucleus, [from meso-]
serve] mesosphere /'mesao,sfia(r)/ n. region
meritocracy /.men'tokrasi/ n. (pi. -ies) of the atmosphere from the top of the
1 government by those selected for stratosphere to an altitude of about 80
merit. 2 group selected in this way. 3 km.
society governed thus. Mesozoic /.mesau'zaoik/ -adj. of the
meritorious /.meri'toinas/ adj. praise- geological era marked by the develop-
worthy. ment of dinosaurs, and the first mam-
merlin /'ni3:lm/ n. small falcon. [Anglo- mals, birds, and flowering plants, -n.
French] this era. [Greek zoion animal]
mermaid n. legendary creature with a mess -n. 1 dirty or untidy state of
woman's head and trunk and a fish's
things. 2 state of confusion, embarrass-
tail, [from mere 'sea', maid]
ment, or trouble. 3 something spilt etc. 4
merry /'men/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a joy-
disagreeable concoction. 5 a soldiers
ous, b full of laughter or gaiety. 2 colloq.
etc. dining together, b army dining-hall.
slightly drunk. make merry be fes- c meal taken there. 6 domestic animal's
tive. merrily adv. merriment n.
excreta. 7 archaic portion of liquid or
merriness n. [Old English]
pulpy food. -v. 1 (often foil, by up) make
merry-go-round rc. 1 a fairground
a mess of; dirty; muddle. 2 US (foil, by
ride with revolving model horses or
with) interfere with. 3 take one's meals.
cars, b = roundabout 2a. 2 cycle of
bustling activity.
4 colloq. defecate. make a mess of
bungle, mess about (or around) 1 pot-
merrymaking n. festivity, fun. n
ter; fiddle. 2 colloq. make things awk-
merrymaker n.
mesalliance /mei'zaeli.ds/ n. marriage
ward or inconvenient for (a person).
[Latin missus course of a meal: related
with a social inferior. [French]
mescal /'meskael/ n. peyote cactus. to message]
[Spanish from Nahuatl] message /'mesid3/ n. 1 communication
mescal buttons disc-shaped sent by one person to another. 2 exalted
dried tops from the mescal, esp. as an or spiritual communication. 3 (in pi.)
intoxicant. Scot.Jr., & N.Engl, shopping. get the
I ]

mescaline /'meska.lin/ n. (also mes- message colloq. understand (a hint

calin) hallucinogenic alkaloid present etc.). [Latin mitto miss send]

in mescal buttons. Messeigneurs pi. of Monseigneur.

Mesdames pi. of Madame. messenger /'mesmd3a(r)/ n. person
Mesdemoiselles pi. of Mademoiselle. who carries a message.
mesembryanthemum /mi.zembn Messiah /mi'saia/ n. 1 a promised
'aenGimam/ n. S. African fleshy-leaved deliverer of the Jews, b Christ regarded
plant with bright daisy-like flowers as this. 2 liberator of an oppressed
that open fully in sunlight. [Greek, = people. [Hebrew, = anointed]
noon flower] Messianic /.mesi'aenik/ adj. 1 of the
mesh -n. 1 network fabric or structure. Messiah. 2 inspired by hope or belief in a
2 each of the open spaces in a net or Messiah. [French: related to Messiah]
sieve etc. 3 (in pi.) a network, b snare, Messieurs pi. of Monsieur.
-u. 1 (often foil, by with) (of the teeth of a mess kit n. soldier's cooking and eating
wheel) be engaged. 2 be harmonious. 3 utensils.
catch in a net. in mesh (of the teeth of
Messrs /'mesaz/ pi. of Mr. [abbrevia-
wheels) engaged. [Dutch] tion of Messieurs]
mesmerize /'mezma.raiz/ v. (also -ise) messy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 untidy or dirty.
(-zing or -sing) 1 hypnotize. 2 fascinate, 2 causing or accompanied by a mess. 3
met 558 meteoric
difficult to deal with; awkward, mes- metallurgy mi'taelad3i, 'meta,l3:d3i/n.
sily adv. messiness n. 1 science of metals and their applica-
met 1
past and past part, of meet 1
. tion. 2 extraction and purification of
met 2
adj. colloq. 1 meteorological. 2 metals. metallurgic /.meta'teidsik/
metropolitan. 3 (the Met) a (in full the adj. metallurgical >,meta'l3:d3ik(a)l/
Met Office) Meteorological Office, b adj.metallurgist n. [Greek metallon
Metropolitan Police in London, [abbre- metal, -ourgia working]
viation] metalwork n. 1 art of working in
meta- comb, form denoting change of
1 metal. 2 metal objects collectively, z
position or condition {metabolism). 2 metalworker n.
denoting position: a behind, after, or metamorphic /.meta'moifik/ adj. 1 of
beyond {metaphysics), b of a higher or metamorphosis. 2 (of rock) trans-
second-order kind {metalanguage). formed naturally, e.g. by heat or pres-
[Greek meta with, after] sure, z metamorphism n. [from meta-,
metabolism /mi'taeba,liz(a)m/ n. all the Greek morphe form]
chemical processes in a living organism metamorphose '.meta'ma^aoz/ v.

producing energy and growth. meta- (-sing) (often foil, by to, into) change in
bolic .meta'bolik/ adj. [Greek metabole form or nature.
change: related to meta-, Greek ballo metamorphosis ,meta'mo:fasis,
throw] -'faosis/ n. {pi. -phoses /-,si:z/) 1 change
metabolite /mi'taeba.lait/ n. substance of form, esp. from a pupa to an insect etc.
formed in or necessary for metabolism. 2 change of character, conditions, etc.
metabolize /mi'taeba.laiz/ v. (also -ise) [Greek morphe form]
(-zing or -sing) process or be processed metaphor ,
'meta,fa:(r)/ n. 1 application
by metabolism. of a name or description to something to
metacarpus /.meta'ka.pas, n. {pi. which it is not literally applicable (e.g. a
-carpi /-pai/) 1 part of the hand between glaring error). 2 instance of this, z
the wrist and the fingers. 2 set of five metaphoric /-'fbnk/ adj. metaphor-
bones in this. metacarpal adj. ical /- fDrik(a)l/ adj. metaphorically
[related to meta-, carpus] -'furikali/ adv. [Latin from Greek]
metal /'met(a)l/ -n. 1 a any of a class of metaphysic /.meta'fizik/ n. system of
workable elements such as gold, silver, metaphysics.
iron, or tin, usu. good conductors of heat metaphysical of metaphysics. 2
adj. 1

and electricity and forming basic ox- colloq. excessively abstract or theoret-
ides, b alloy of any of these. 2 molten ical. 3 (of esp. 17th-c. English poetry)
material for making glass. 3 (in pi. ) rails subtle and complex in imagery.
of a railway line. 4 = road-metal, —adj. metaphysics /.meta'fiziks/ (usu.
made of metal. r y. (-11-; US-1-) 1 make or treated as sing.) 1 branch of philosophy
mend (a road) with road-metal. 2 cover dealing with the nature of existence,
or fit with metal. [Greek metallon mine] truth, and knowledge. 2 colloq. abstract
metalanguage ,

'meta.laerjgwids/ n. 1 talk; mere theory. [Greek, as having

form of language used to discuss lan- followed physics in Aristotle's works]
guage. 2 system of propositions about metastasis me'taestasis' n. {pi. -stases
propositions. /-,si:z/) transference of a bodily function,

metal detector n. electronic device for disease, etc., from one part or organ to
locating esp. buried metal. another. [Greek, = removal]
metallic mi'taelik/ adj. 1 of or like metatarsus /.meta'tcrsas,' n. {pi. -tarsi
metal or metals {metallic taste). 2 /-sai/) part of the foot between the

sounding like struck metal. 3 shiny ankle and the toes. 2 set of five bones in
{metallic blue), metallically adv. this. metatarsal adj. [related to
metalliferous /.meta'lifaras/ adj. (of META-, TARSUS]
rocks) containing metal. mete v. (-ting) (usu. foil, by out) literary
metallize /'meta.laiz/ v. (also -ise; US apportion or allot (punishment or re-
metalize) (-zing or -sing) 1 render ward). [Old English]
metallic. 2 coat with a thin layer of meteor 'mi:tia(r)/ n. 1 small solid body

metal. from outer space that becomes

metallography /.meta'tografi/ n. de incandescent when entering the earth's
scriptive science of metals. atmosphere. 2 streak of light from a
metalloid n. element inter- meteor. [Greek metedros lofty]
mediate in properties between metals meteoric ,mi:ti'Drik/ adj. 1 rapid; daz-
and non-metals, e.g. boron, silicon, and zling {meteoric rise to* fame). 2 of
germanium. meteors, meteorically adv.
meteorite 559 metro
meteorite meteor,
/'mi:tia,rait/ n. fallen meths n. colloq. methylated spirit,
or fragment of natural rock or metal [abbreviation]
from outer space. methyl /'meGil, univalent
'mi:0ail/ n.
meteoroid /'miitia.roid/ n. small body hydrocarbon radical CH 3 present in ,

that becomes visible as it passes many organic compounds. [Greek

through the earth's atmosphere as a methu wine, hule wood]
meteor. methyl alcohol n. = methanol.
meteorology /,mi:tia'rDlad3i/ n. the methylate /'meGi.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 mix or
study of atmospheric phenomena, impregnate with methanol. 2 introduce
esp. for forecasting the weather, a methyl group into (a molecule or
meteorological /-ra'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. compound).
meteorologist n. [Greek meteor o log ia: methylated spirit n. (also methyl-
related to meteor] ated spirits alcohol treated to
meter 1
/'mi:ta(r)/ -n. 1 instrument that make it unfit for drinking and exempt
measures or records, esp. gas, elec- from duty.
used, distance travelled, etc.
tricity, etc. meticulous /ma'tikjulas/ adj. 1 giving
2 = parking-meter, -v. measure or great attention to detail. 2 very careful
record by meter, [from mete] and precise. meticulously adv.
meter 2 US var. of metre 1,2 .
meticulousness n. [Latin metus fear]
-meter comb, form 1 forming nouns metier /'metjei/ n. 1 one's trade, profes-
denoting measuring instruments (ba- sion, or field of activity. 2 one's forte.
rometer). 2 forming nouns denoting
[Latin: related to minister]
lines of poetry with a specified number
metonymy /mi'tonimi/ n. substitution
of measures (pentameter). [Greek of the name of an attribute or adjunct
metron measure] for that of the thing meant (e.g. Crown
methadone /'meGa.daon/ n. narcotic
for king, the turf for horse-racing).
analgesic drug used esp. as a substitute
[Greek: related to meta-, onuma name]
for morphine or heroin. [6-dimethy\a-
metre 1
/'mi:ta(r)/ n. (US meter) metric
mino-4, 4-diphenyl-3-heptanorce]
unit and the base SI unit of linear
methanal = formal-
/'meGa.nael/ n.
measure, equal to about 39.4 inches,
dehyde, [from METHANE, ALDEHYDE]
metreage /'mi:tand3/ n. [Greek metron
methane /'mi:0ein/ n. colourless odour-
less inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon,
the main constituent of natural gas.
metre 2 /'mi:ta(r)/ n. (US meter) 1 a
poetic rhythm, esp. as determined by
[from METHYL]
= the number and length of feet in a line,
methanoic acid /.meGa'nauik/ n.
b metrical group or measure. 2 basic
formic acid, [related to methane]
methanol /'meGa.nDl/ n. colourless
rhythm of music, [related to metre ] 1

volatile inflammable liquid hydro-

metre-kilogram-second denoting n.
a system of measure using the metre,
carbon, used as a solvent, [from meth-
ane, alcohol]
kilogram, and second.
methinks /mi'Ginks/ v. (past me- metric /'metnk/ adj. of or based on the
metre. [French: related to metre ]

thought /mi'Go:t/) archaic it seems to

me. [Old English: related me think]
1 -metric comb, form (also -metrical)

method /'meGad/ n. 1 way of doing forming adjectives corresponding to

something; systematic procedure. 2 nouns in -meter and -metry (thermo-
orderliness; regular habits. method metries geometric).
in one's madness sense in apparently metrical adj. 1 of or composed in metre

foolish or strange behaviour. [Greek: (metrical psalms). 2 of or involving

related to meta-, hodos way] measurement (metrical geometry).
methodical /mi'6Ddik(8)l/ adj. charac- metrically adv. [Greek: related to
terized by method or order, methodi- METRE 2 ]

cally adv. metricate v. (-ting) convert to a metric

Methodist /'meGadist/ -n. member of a system, metrication /-'keij(a)n/ n.
Protestant denomination originating in metric system n. decimal measuring

the 18th-c. Wesleyan evangelistic move- system with the metre, litre, and gram
ment, -adj. of Methodists or Meth- (or kilogram) as units of length, volume,
odism. Methodism n. and mass.
methodology /,me6a'dDlad3i/ n. (pi. metric ton n. (also metric tonne) 1,000
-ies) 1 body of methods used in a par- kilograms (2205 lb).
ticular activity. 2 science of method, metro /'metrau/ n. (pi. -s) underground
methodological /-da'k)d3ik(a)l/ adj. railway system, esp. in Paris. [French
methodologically /-da lDd3ikali/ adv. shortened from metropolitain metro-
methought past of methinks. politan]
metronome 560 micro-electronics
metronome metra.naum
device n. mica 'maika n. silicate mineral found
ticking at a selected rate to mark time as glittering scales in granite etc. or in
for musicians. [Greek metron measure. crystals separable into thin transparent
nomos law] plates. [Latin, = crumb]
metropolis mitropalis n. chief city, mice pi. of mouse.
capital. [Greek meter mother, polls city] Michaelmas mikalmas n. feast of St
metropolitan .metropolitan -adj. 1 Michael, 29 September, [related to
of a metropolis. 2 of or forming a mother MASS 2 ]

country as distinct from its colonies etc. Michaelmas daisy n. autumn flower
(metropolitan France), -n. 1 bishop ing aster.
having authority over the bishops of a mick n. slang offens. Irishman, [pet
province. 2 inhabitant of a metropolis. form of Michael]
-metry comb, form forming nouns mickey 'miki n. (also micky) : take
denoting procedures and systems the mickey (often foil, by out of) slang
involving measurement (geometry). tease, mock, ridicule, [origin uncertain]
mettle 'met(a)l n. 1 quality or strength Mickey Finn ,miki 'fin n. slang
of character. 2 spirit, courage, on drugged drink intended to make the
one's mettle keen to do one's best, z victim unconscious, [origin uncertain]
mettlesome adj. [from metal n.] mickle mik(a)l n. (also muckle
MeV abbr. mega-electronvolt(s). 'm.\k(a)l ) archaic or Scot, large
mew 1
-n. characteristic cry of a cat, amount. many a little makes a
gull, etc. -v. utter this sound, [imitative]
mickle (also erroneously many a
mew 2
n. gull. esp. the common gull. [Old
mickle makes a muckle) small
English] amounts accumulate. [Old Norse]
mewl v. 1 whimper. 2 mew like a cat.
micky var. of mickey.
[imitative] =
micro 'maikrau n. (pi -s) colloq. 1
mews mju:z n. (treated as sing.) sta-
microcomputer. 2
bling round a yard etc., now used esp.
for housing, [originally sing, mew 'cage
micro- comb, form 1 small (microchip).
for hawks': French from Latin muto 6
2 denoting a factor of one millionth (10" )
(microgram). [Greek mikros small]
Mexican 'meksikan -n. 1 native or
microbe maikraub n. micro-organ-
national of Mexico. 2 person of Mexican
ism (esp. a bacterium causing disease or
descent, -adj. of Mexico or its people.
fermentation). microbial -kraubial
adj. microbic kraobik - adj. [Greek
mezzanine 'metsa,ni:n, 'mez- n.
mikros small, bios life]
storey between two others (usu.
between the ground and first floors).
microbiology' ,maikraubai'Dlad3i n.
[Italian: related to median]
the study of micro-organisms. micro- :

biologist n.
mezzo metsau Mus. -adv. half,
moderately, -n. (in full mezzo- microchip 'maikrautjip n. small
piece of semiconductor (usu. silicon)
-soprano) (pi -s) 1 female singing-voice
between soprano and contralto. 2 singer used to carry integrated circuits.
with this voice. [Latin medlus middle] microcircuit 'maikrao,s3:kit n. integ-
mezzo forte adj. & adv. fairly loud(ly). rated circuit on a microchip.
mezzo piano adj. & adv. fairly soft(ly). microclimate maikrau.klaimit/ n.
mezzotint 'metsautmt method of
n. 1
small localized climate, e.g. inside a
printing or engraving in which a plate is greenhouse.
roughened by scraping to produce tones microcomputer maikraukam
and halftones. 2 print so produced. [Ita- ,pju:t8(r) n. small computer with
lian: related to mezzo, tint] a microprocessor as its central pro-
ml abbr. mezzo forte. cessor.
Mg symb. magnesium. microcosm Tnaikra,kDz(a)m n. (often
mg abbr. milligram(s). foil, by of) miniature representation,
Mgr. abbr. 1 Manager. 2 Monseigneur. 3 e.g. mankind or a community seen as a
Monsignor. small-scale model of the universe; epi-
MHz abbr. megahertz. tome, microcosmic -'kDzmik adj.
mi var. of me
[from micro-, cosmos]
mi. abbr. US mile(s). microdot ' n microphoto- .

miaow mi'au -n. characteristic cry of graph of a document etc. reduced to the
a cat. - v. make this cry. [imitative] size of a dot.
miasma mi'aezma n. (pi. -mata or -s) micro-electronics maikrauilek
archaic infectious or noxious vapour. 'troniks n. design, manufacture, and
[Greek, = defilement] use of microchips and microcircuits.
microfiche 561 MIDI
microfiche '! n. (pi. same extremities; central. 2 intermediate in
or -s) small flat piece of film bearing rank, quality, etc. 3 average (of middle
microphotographs of documents etc. height), -n. 1 (often foil, by of) middle
[from micro-, French fiche slip of paper] point, position, or part. 2 waist, in the
microfilm 'maikraufilm -n. length of middle of 1 in the process of. 2 during.
film bearing microphotographs of docu- [Old English]
ments etc.-L\ photograph on microfilm. middle age n. period between youth
microlight 'maikrau.lait n. a kind of and old age. : middle-aged adj.
motorized hang-glider. Middle Ages n. (prec. by the) period of
micromesh 'maikrau.meJV n. (often European history from c.1000 to 1453.
attrib.) fine-meshed material, esp. middle-age spread n. (also middle-
nylon. -aged spread) increased bodily girth at
micrometer mai'krumit8(r) n. gauge

middle age.
for accurate small-scale measurement. middlebrow colloq. -adj. having or
micron 'maikrDn n. one-millionth of a appealing to non-intellectual or conven-
metre. [Greek mikros small] tional tastes, -n. middlebrow person.
micro-organism maikrauoiga middle C n. C near the middle of the
,niz(a)m n. microscopic organism, e.g. piano keyboard, (in notation) the note
bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. between the treble and bass staves.
microphone 'maikra.faun n. instru- middle class n. social class between
ment for converting sound waves into the upper and the lower, including
electrical energy for reconversion into professional and business workers,
sound after transmission or recording, middle-class adj.
[from micro-, Greek phone sound] middle distance n. 1 (in a landscape)
microphotograph maikraufauta part between the foreground and the
,gra:f n. photograph reduced to a background. 2 Athletics race distance of
very small [from micro-]
esp. 400 or 800 metres.
microprocessor maikrau'prau
middle ear n. cavity behind the ear-
sesa(r)/ n. integrated circuitcontaining
all the functions of a computer's
Middle East n. (prec. by the) area
central processing unit.
covered by countries from Egypt to Iran
microscope 'maikra.skaup n. instru- inclusive. Middle Eastern adj.
ment with lenses for magnifying objects Middle English n. English language
or details invisible to the naked eye.
from c.1150 to 1500.
[from micro-, -scope]
middle game n. central phase of a
microscopic .maikra'skDpik adj. 1
chess game.
visible only with a microscope. 2 ex-
tremely small. 3 of or by means of a
middleman n. 1 trader who handles a

microscope, z microscopically adv.

commodity between producer and con-

microscopy mai'krDskapr n. use of sumer. 2 intermediary.

middle name n. 1 name between first
microsecond 'maikrau.sekand/ n.
name and surname. 2 colloq. person's
one-millionth of a second.
most characteristic quality (tact is my
microsurgery maikr8u,s3:d39n/ n. middle name).
intricate surgery using microscopes.
middle-of-the-road adj. 1 moderate;

microwave maikrao.weiv/ -n. 1 elec- avoiding extremes. 2 of general appeal.

tromagnetic wave with a wavelength in middle school n. school for children
the range 0.001-0.3m. 2 (in full micro- from about 9 to 13 years.
middle-sized adj. of medium size.
wave oven) oven using microwaves to
cook or heat food quickly, -v. (-ving) middleweight n. 1 weight in certain

cook in a microwave oven. sports between welterweight and light

micturition ,miktjo8'riJ(a)n n. heavyweight, in amateur boxing 71-5
formal urination. [Latin] kg. 2 sportsman of this weight.
mid attrib. adj. (usu. in comb.) the mid- middling -adj. moderately good. -adv.
dle of (mid-air, mid-June). [Old Eng- fairly, moderately.
lish] midfield n. Football central part of the
midday n. (often attrib.) middle of the pitch, away from the goals. mid-
day; noon. [Old English: related to mid. fielder n.

day] midge n. gnatlike insect. [Old English]

midden 'mid(a)n n. 1 dunghill. 2 midget mid3it n. 1 extremely small
refuse heap. [Scandinavian: related to person or thing. 2 (attrib.) very small.
muck] MIDI midi n. (also midi) an interface
middle mid(a)l -attrib. adj. 1 at an allowing electronic musical instru-
equal distance, time, or number from ments, synthesizers, and computers to
midi system 562 milch
be interconnected and used simultan-
Usage This term is not in official use.
eously, [abbreviation of musical instru-
ment digital mterface] might ,/mait/ past of may, used esp.: 1 in

midi system n. set of compact stacking reported speech, expressing possibility

components of hi-fi equipment. (said he might come) or permission
midland -n. 1 (the Midlands) inland (asked if I might leave) (cf. may 1, 2). 2
counties of central England. 2 middle (foil, by perfect infin.) expressing a pos-

part of a country, -adj. of or in the sibility based on a condition not fulfilled

midland or Midlands. (if you'd looked you might have found
it). 3 (foil, by present infin. or perfect
mid-life middle age.
mid-life crisis n. crisis of self- infin.) expressing complaint that an ob-

confidence in early middle age. ligation or expectation is not or has not

midnight n. middle of the night; 12 been fulfilled (they might have asked). 4
o'clock at night. [Old English] expressing a request (you might call in
midnight blue adj. & n. (as adj. often at the butcher's). 5 colloq. a = may 1 (it
hyphenated) very dark blue. might be true), b (in tentative questions)
midnight sun n. sun visible at mid- = may 2 (might I have the pleasure of
this dance?), c = may 1d (who might
night during the summer in polar re-
gions. you be?). might as well expressing
mid-off n. Cricket position of the fielder
lukewarm acquiescence (might as well
near the bowler on the off side.
mid-on Cricket position of the fielder
might 2 strength, power.
/mait/ n.
near the bowler on the on side.
with might and main with all one's

midriff n. front of the body just above power. [Old English: related to may]
the waist. [Old English, = mid-belly]
might-have-been n. colloq. 1 past pos-
sibility that no longer applies. 2 person
midshipman n. naval officer ranking
of unfulfilled promise.
next above a cadet.
mightn't /'mait(a)nt/ contr. might not.
midships adv. = amidships. mighty -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 powerful,
midst -prep. poet, amidst. -n. middle, strong. 2 massive, bulky. 3 colloq. great,
in the midst of among; in the middle of.
considerable, -adv. colloq. very (mighty
in our (or your or their) midst among
difficult), mightily adv. mightiness
us (or you or them), [related to mid] n. [Old English: related to might ]
midstream -n. middle of a stream etc. mignonette /.minja'net; n. plant with
-adv. (also in midstream) in the mid- fragrant grey-green flowers. [French,
dle of an action etc. (abandoned the diminutive oimignon small]
project midstream). migraine 'mi:grem, 'mai- n. recurrent
midsummer n. period of or near the throbbing headache often with nausea
summer solstice, about 21 June. [Old and visual disturbance. [Greek hemi-
English] krania: related to hemi-, cranium]
Midsummer Day n. (also Midsum- migrant /'maigrant/ -adj. migrating.
mer's Day) 24 June. -n. migrant person or animal, esp. a
midsummer madness n. extreme bird.
folly. migrate mai'greit v. (-ting) 1 move
midway adv. in or towards the middle from one place and settle in another,
of the distance between two points. esp. abroad. 2 (of a bird or fish) change
Midwest n. region of the US adjoining its habitation seasonally. 3 move
the northern Mississippi. under natural forces. migration
midwicket n. Cricket position of a / - greij(a)n/ n. migrator n. migratory

fielder on the leg side opposite the mid- /'maigratan/ adj. [Latin migro]
dle of the pitch. mikado /mi'ka:dau/ n. (pi. -s) hist.
midwife n. person trained to assist emperor of Japan. [Japanese, = august
at childbirth. midwifery ;-,wifri. door]
-'wifari/ n. [originally = with-woman] mike n. colloq. microphone, [abbrevia-
midwinter n. period of or near the tion]
winter solstice, about 22 Dec. [Old Eng- mil n. one-thousandth of an inch, as a
lish] unit of measure for the diameter of wire
mien n. literary person's look or bear- etc. [Latin mille thousand]
ing, [probably obsolete demean] milady mi'leidi n. (pi. -ies) (esp. as a
miff v. colloq. (usu. as miffed adj.) form of address) English noblewoman.
offend, [origin uncertain] [French from my Lady]
M.I. 5 abbr. UK
department of Military milage var. of mileage.
Intelligence concerned with State secur- milch adj. giving milk. lOld English:
ity. related to milk]
milch cow 563 mill
milch cow n. source of easy profit. militate /'mili.teit/ v. (-ting) (usu. foil,
mild /maild/ -adj. 1 (esp. of a person) by against) have force or effect; tell.
gentle and conciliatory. 2 not severe or [Latin: related to military]
harsh. 3 (of the weather) moderately
warm. 4 (of flavour etc.) not sharp or Usage Militate is often confused with
strong. 5 tame, feeble; lacking vivacity.
-n. dark mild draught beer (cf. bitter). militia /mi'lija/ n. military force, esp.
mildish adj. mildness n. [Old Eng- one conscripted in an emergency,
lish] militiaman n. [Latin, = military ser-
mildew -n. 1 destructive
/'mildju:/ vice]
growth of minute fungi on plants. 2 milk -n. 1 opaque white fluid secreted
similar growth on damp paper, leather, by female mammals for the nourish-
etc. -v. taint or be tainted with mildew, ment of their young. 2 milk of cows,
mildewy adj. [Old English] goats, or sheep as food. 3 milklike juice
mildly adv. in a mild fashion. to put it [ : of the coconut etc. -v. 1 draw milk from
mildly as an understatement. (a cow etc.). 2 exploit (a person or
mild-mannered adj. = mild l. situation) to the utmost. [Old English]
mild steel n. strong and tough steel not milk and honey n. abundance; pros-
readily tempered. perity.
mile n. 1 (also statute mile) unit of milk and water n. feeble or insipid
linear measure equal to 1,760 yards writing, speech, etc.
(approx. 1.6 kilometres). 2 (in pi.) colloq. milk chocolate n. chocolate made
great distance or amount {miles better). with milk.
3 race extending over a mile. [Latin milk float n. small usu. electric vehicle
mille thousand] used in delivering milk.
mileage n. (also milage) 1 number of milkmaid n. girl or woman who milks
miles travelled, esp. by a vehicle per cows or works in a dairy.
unit of fuel. 2 colloq. profit, advantage. milkman n. person who sells or de-
miler n. colloq. person or horse special- livers milk.
izing in races of one mile. Milk of Magnesia n. propr. white
milestone n. 1 stone beside a road suspension of magnesium hydroxide
marking a distancein miles. 2 signific- usu. in water, taken as an antacid or
ant event or point in a life, history, laxative.
project, etc. milk-powder n. dehydrated milk,
milfoil /'milfoil/ n. common yarrow milk pudding n. pudding, esp. of rice,
with small white flowers. [Latin: related baked with milk.
] milk round n. 1 fixed route for milk
milieu /mi'lj3:, 'mi:-/ n. milieux or -s
(pi. delivery. 2 regular trip with calls at
/-'lj3:z/) person's environment or social several places.
surroundings. [French] milk run n. routine expedition etc.
militant /'milit(a)nt/ -aaf/. 1 combative; milk shake n. drink of whisked milk,
aggressively active in support of a flavouring, etc.
cause. 2 engaged in warfare, -n. mili- milksop n. weak or timid man or youth,
tant person, z militancy n. militantly milk tooth n. temporary tooth in
adv. [Latin: related to militate] young mammals.
militarism /'milita,riz(a)m/ n. 1 aggres- milky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like, or
sively military policy etc. 2 military mixed with milk. 2 (of a gem or liquid)
spirit. militarist n. militaristic cloudy; not clear, milkiness n.
/-'nstik/ adj. Milky Way n. luminous band of stars;
militarize /'milita.raiz/ v. (also -ise) the Galaxy.
(-zing or -sing) 1 equip with military mill -n. 1 a building fitted with a mech-

resources. 2 make military or warlike. 3 anical device for grinding corn, b such a
imbue with militarism. militariza- device. 2 device for grinding any solid to
tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n. powder etc. (pepper-mill). 3 a building
military /'militari/ —adj. of or charac- fitted with machinery for manufactur-
teristic of soldiers or armed forces, -n. ing processes etc. (cotton-mill), b such
(as sing, or pi. prec. by the) the army.
machinery, -v. 1 grind (corn), produce
militarily adv. [Latin miles milit- sol- (flour), or hull (seeds) in a mill. 2 (esp. as
dier] milled adj. ) produce a ribbed edge on (a
military honours rites of coin). 3 cut or shape (metal) with a
a soldier, royalty, etc., performed by the rotating tool. 4 (often foil, by about,
military. around) move aimlessly, esp. in a con-
military police n. (as pi.) army police fused mass. go (or put) through the

force disciplining soldiers. mill undergo (or cause to undergo)

millefeuille mince
intensive work, pain, training, etc. millpond n. pool of water retained by a
[Latin molo grind] dam for operating a mill-wheel. like a
millefeuille /mi:l'f3:j/ n. rich cake of millpond (of water) very calm.
puff pastry split and filled with jam, mill-race n. current of water that
cream, etc. [French, = thousand-leaf] drives a mill-wheel.
millennium /mi'leniam/ n. (pi. -s or millstone n. 1 each of two circular
millennia) 1 period of 1,000 years, esp. stones for grinding corn. 2 heavy
that of Christ's prophesied reign on burden or responsibility.
earth (Rev. 20:1-5). 2 (esp. future) period mill-wheel n. wheel used to drive a
of happiness and prosperity, millen- water-mill.
nial adj. [Latin mille thousand] millworker n. factory worker,
millepede var. of millipede. millwright n. person who designs or
miller n. 1 proprietor or tenant of a mill, builds mills.
esp. a corn-mill. 2 person operating a milometer /mai'lDmita(r)/ n. instru-
milling machine, [related to mill] ment for measuring the number of
miller's thumb n. small spiny fresh- miles travelled by a vehicle.
water fish. milord /mi'b:d/ n. (esp. as a form of
millesimal /mi'lesim(a)l/ -adj. 1 thou- address) English nobleman. [French
sandth. 2 of, belonging to, or dealing from my lord]
with, a thousandth or thousandths, -n. milt n. 1 spleen in mammals. 2 sperm-
thousandth part. [Latin mille thousand] reproductive gland or the sperm of
millet /'milit/ n. 1 cereal plant bearing a male fish. [Old English]
small nutritious seeds. 2 seed of this. mime -n. 1 acting without words, using
[Latin milium] only gestures. 2 performance using
millet-grass n. tall woodland grass. mime. 3 (also mime artist) mime actor,
milli- comb, form thousand, esp. denot- -u. (-ming) 1 (also absol.) convey by
ing a factor of one thousandth. [Latin mime. 2 (often foil, by to) mouth words
mille thousand] etc. in time with a soundtrack (mime to
milliard /'miljad/ n. one thousand mil- a record). [Greek mimos]
lion. [French mille thousand] mimeograph /'mimia,gra:f/ -n. 1
machine which duplicates from a sten-
Usage Milliard is now largely super- cil. 2 copy so produced, -u. reproduce by
seded by billion.
this process. [Greek mimeomai imitate]
millibar /'mili,ba:(r)/ n. unit of atmos- mimetic /mi'metik/ adj. of or practising
pheric pressure equivalent to 100 imitation or mimicry. [Greek mimetik-
pascals. os: see mimeograph]
milligram /'mili.graem/ n. (also mimic /'mimik/ -v. (-ck-) 1 imitate (a
-gramme) one-thousandth of a gram, person, gesture, etc.) esp. to entertain or
millilitre /'mili,li:t9(r)/ n. (US -liter) ridicule. 2 copy minutely or servilely. 3
one-thousandth of a litre (0.002 pint), resemble closely, -n. person skilled in
millimetre /'mili,mi:ta(r)/ n. (US imitation. mimicry n. [Greek mimik-
-meter) one-thousandth of a metre os:related to mime]
(0.039 in.). mimosa /mi'mauza/ n. 1 shrub with
milliner /'milma(r)/ n. person who globular usu. yellow flowers. 2 acacia
makes or sells women's hats. mil- plant with showy yellow flowers. [Latin:
linery n. [Milan in Italy] related to mime]
million /'miljan/ n. & adj. (pi. same or Min. abbr. 1 Minister. 2 Ministry,
(in sense 2) -s) (in sing. prec. by a or one) min. abbr. 1 minute(s). 2 minimum. 3
1 thousand thousand. 2 (in pi.) colloq. minim (fluid measure),
very large number. 3 million pounds or mina var. of myna.
dollars. millionth adj. & n. [French,
; i minaret /.mina'ret/ n. slender turret
probably from Italian mille thousand] next to a mosque, from which the muez-
millionaire /,milja'nea(r)/ n. ifem. mil- zin calls at hours of prayer. [French or
lionairess) person who has over a mil- Spanish from Turkish from Arabic]
lion pounds, dollars, etc. [French mil- minatory /'mmatari/ adj. formal
lionnaire: related to million] threatening, menacing. [Latin minor
millipede /'mili,pi:d/ n. (also mille- threaten]
pede) small crawling invertebrate with mince -v. (-cing) 1 cut up or grind (esp.
a long segmented body with two pairs of meat) finely. 2 (usu. as mincing adj.)
legs on each segment. [Latin mille thou- speak or esp. walk effeminately or
sand, pes ped- foot] affectedly, -rc. minced meat. mince
millisecond /'mili.sekand/ n. one- matters (or one's words) (usu. with
thousandth of a second. neg.) speak evasively or unduly mildly.
mincemeat 565 miniaturize
mincer n. [Latin minutia something mine 1
poss. pron. the one(s) of or
small] belonging to me (it is mine; mine are
mincemeat n. mixture of currants, over there), z of mine of or belonging to
sugar, spices, suet, etc. make mince- me (a friend of mine). [Old English]
meat of utterly defeat. mine 2
-n. 1 excavation to extract metal,
mince pie n. pie containing mincemeat. coal, salt, etc. 2 abundant source (of
mind /mamd/-rc. 1 a seat of conscious- information etc.). 3 military explosive
ness, thought, volition, and feeling, b device placed in the ground or in the
attention, concentration (mind keeps water, -v. (-ning) 1 obtain (metal, coal,
wandering). 2 intellect. 3 memory etc.) from a mine. 2 (also absol., often
(can 't call it to mind). 4 opinion (of the foil, by for) dig in (the earth etc.) for ore

same mind). 5 way of thinking or feeling etc. or to tunnel. 3 lay explosive mines
(the Victorian mind). 6 focussed will under or in. mining n. [French]
(put one's mind to it). 7 sanity (lose minefield n. 1 area planted with explos-

one's mind). 8 person in regard to men- ive mines. 2 colloq. hazardous subject or
tal faculties (a great mind), -v. 1 object; situation.
be upset (do you mind if I smoke?; minelayer n. ship or aircraft for laying
minded terribly when she left). 2 (often explosive mines.
foil, by out) heed; take care (to) (mind
miner n. person who works in a mine.
you come on time; mind the step; mind [French: related to mine 2 ]
how you go; mind out!). 3 look after mineral mmar(a)l// (often attrib.) 1

(mind the house). 4 apply oneself to, inorganic substance. 2 substance

concern oneself with (mind my own obtained by mining. 3 (often in pi.)
artificial mineral water or similar car-
business), z be in two minds be un-
decided, do you mind! iron, expression
bonated drink. [French or medieval
Latin: related to mine 2 ]
of annoyance, have a good (or half a)
mind to feel inclined to (I've a good mineralize /'minara.laiz/ v. (also -ise)
(-zing or -sing) impregnate (water etc.)
mind to report you), have (it) in mind
with a mineral substance.
intend, in one's mind's eye in one's
imagination, mind one's Ps Qs be & mineralogy /.mma'raeladsi/ n. the
study of minerals, z mineralogies!
careful in one's behaviour, mind you
/-ra'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. mineralogist n.
used to qualify a statement (mind you, it
mineral water n. 1 natural water
wasn't easy), never mind 1 let alone;
often containing dissolved salts. 2 artifi-
not to mention. 2 used to comfort or
cial imitation of this, esp. soda water.
console. 3 (also never you mind) used
minestrone /.mmi'strauni/ n. soup
to evade a question, to my
mind in my containing vegetables and pasta, beans,
opinion. [Old English]
or rice. [Italian]
mind-blowing adj. slang 1 mind-
minesweeper n. ship for clearing
boggling; overwhelming. 2 (esp. of explosive mines from the sea.
drugs etc.) inducing hallucinations. mineworker n. miner.
mind-boggling adj. colloq. unbeliev- Ming n. (often attrib. Chinese porcelain
able, startling. made during the Ming dynasty
minded adj. 1 (in comb.) a inclined to (1368-1644).
think in some specified way, or with a mingle /'ming(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 mix,
specified interest (mathematically blend. 2 (often foil, by with) mix socially.
minded; fair-minded; car-minded), b [Old English]
having a specified kind of mind (high- mingy /'mmd3i/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq.
minded). 2 (usu. foil, by to + infin.) mean, stingy, mingily adv. [probably
disposed or inclined. from MEAN 2 STINGY] ,

minder n. 1 (often in comb.) person mini /'mini/ n. (pi. -s) 1 colloq. miniskirt.
employed to look after a person or thing 2 (Mini) propr. make of small car.
(child minder). 2 slang bodyguard. [abbreviation]
mindful adj. (often foil, by of) taking mini- comb, form miniature; small of its
heed or care; giving thought (to), kind (minibus).
mindfully adv. miniature /'mmitja(r)/ -adj. 1 much
mindless adj. 1 lacking intelligence; smaller than normal. 2 represented on a
brutish (mindless violence). 2 not small scale, -n. 1 any miniature object.
requiring thought or skill (mindless 2 detailed small-scale portrait. 3 this
work). 3 (usu. foil, by of) heedless of genre. in miniature on a small scale.
(advice etc.). mindlessly adv. mind- miniaturist n. (in senses 2 and 3 of
lessness n. n.). [Latin minium red lead]
mind-read v. discern the thoughts of miniaturize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
(another person). mind-reader n. -sing) produce in a smaller version;
minibus 566 mint
make small. miniaturization ministration /.mmi'streiJXaW n. 1

/-'zeij(a)n/ n. (usu. in pi.) help or service (kind minis-

minibus /'mmi.bAs/ n. small bus for trations). 2 ministering, esp. in re-
about twelve passengers. ligious matters. 3 (usu. foil, by of) sup-
minicab /'mmi.kaeb/ n. car used as a plying of help, justice, etc. n
taxi, hireable only by telephone.
ministrant /'mmistrant/ adj. & n.
[Latin: related to minister]
minicomputer /'mmikam.pjuitaCr)/ n. ministry /'mmistn/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a
computer of medium power. government department headed by a
minim /'minim/ n. 1 Mus. note equal to minister, b building for this. 2 a (prec.
two crotchets or half a semibreve. 2 one- by the) vocation, office, or profession of
sixtieth of a fluid drachm, about a drop. a religious minister, b period of tenure
[Latin minimus least] of this. 3 (prec. by the) body of ministers
minima pi. of minimum. of a government or religion. 4 period of
minimal /'mmim(a)l/ adj. 1 very government under one prime minister.
minute or being a minimum.
slight. 2 5 ministering, ministration. [Latin:
minimally adv. related to minister]
minimalism / minima,liz(a)m/ n. 1 Art
mink n. (pi. same or -s) 1 small semi-
use of simple or primary forms, often aquatic stoatlike animal bred for its
geometric and massive. 2 Mus. repeti- thick brown fur. 2 this fur. 3 coat of this.
tion of short phrases incorporating
changes very gradually. minimalist minnow /'minau/ n. small freshwater
carp. [Old English]
n. & adj. Minoan /mi'nauan/ -adj. of the Bronze
minimize /'mini.maiz/ v. (also -ise)
Age civilization centred on Crete
(-zing or -sing) 1 reduce to, or estimate (c.3000-1100 bc). -n. person of this civil-
at, the smallest possible amount or de- [Minos, legendary king of
gree. 2 estimate or represent at less than Crete]
true value or importance. minimiza- minor /'mama(r)/ -adj. 1 lesser or com-
tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n. paratively small in size or importance
minimum /'mini mam/ (pi. minima) (minor poet). 2 Mus. a (of a scale) having
-n. least possible or attainable amount intervals of a semitone above its second,
(reduced to a minimum), -adj. that is a fifth, and seventh notes, b (of an inter-
minimum. [Latin: related to minim] val) less by a semitone than a major
minimum wage n. lowest wage per- interval, c (of a key) based on a minor
mitted by law or agreement. scale, -n. 1 person under full legal age. 2

minion /'mmjan/ n. derog. servile US student's subsidiary subject or

course, -v. (foil, by in) US study (a
subordinate. [French mignon]
subject) as a subsidiary. [Latin, = less]
minipill /'mmipil/ n. contraceptive pill
minority /mai'nnnti/ n. (pi -ies) 1
containing a progestogen only (not oes-
(often foil, by o/) smaller number or
trogen). part, esp. in politics. 2 state of having
miniseries /'mini.sianz/ n. (pi. same) less than half the votes or support (in
short series of related television pro- the minority). 3 small group of people
grammes. differing from others in race, religion,
miniskirt /'mmi.skait/ n. very short language, etc. 4 (attrib.) of or done by
skirt. the minority (minority interests). 5 a
minister /'mmista(r)/ -n. 1 head of a being under full legal age. b period of
government department. 2 clergyman, this. [French or medieval Latin: related
esp. in the Presbyterian and Non- to minor]
conformist Churches. 3 diplomat, usu. minster n. 1 large or important church.

ranking below an ambassador. -v. (usu. 2 church of a monastery. [Old English:

related to monastery]
foil, by to) help, serve, look after (a
person, cause, etc.). ministerial minstrel /'minstr(a)l/ n. 1 medieval
= servant] singer or musician. 2 (usu. in pi.)
/-'stianal/ adj. [Latin,
entertainer with a blacked face singing
Minister of State n. government ostensibly Black songs in a group,
minister, esp. holding a rank below that [related to minister]
of Head of Department. mint n. 1 aromatic herb used in cook-

Minister of the Crown n. Pari, mem ing. 2 peppermint. 3 peppermint sweet,

ber of the Cabinet. n minty adj. (-ier, -iest). [Latin menta
Minister without Portfolio n. from Greek]
government minister not in charge of a mint -n. 1 (esp. State) establishment
specific department of State. where money is coined. 2 colloq. vast
minuet 567 miscalculate
sum {making a mint), -v. 1 make (a mirage /'mira:3/ n. 1 optical illusion
coin) by stamping metal. 2 invent, coin caused by atmospheric conditions, esp.
(a word, phrase, etc.). : in mint con- the appearance of a pool of water in a
dition as new. [Latin moneta] desert etc. from the reflection of light. 2
minuet /.mmju'et/ —n. 1 slow stately illusory thing. [Latin miro look at]
dance for two in triple time. 2 music for MIRAS /'mairaes/ abbr. mortgage in-
this, often as a movement in a suite etc. terest relief at source. <
-v. (-t-) dance a minuet. [French di- mire -n. 1 area of swampy ground. 2
minutive] mud, dirt. -v. (-ring) 1 plunge or sink in
minus /'mamas/ -prep. 1 with the sub- a mire. 2 involve in difficulties. 3 bespat-
traction of (7 minus 4 equals 3). 2 below ter; besmirch, z miry adj. [Old Norse]
zero (minus 2°). 3 colloq. lacking mirror /'mira(r)/ -a. 1 polished surface,
{returned minus their dog), -adj. 1 usu. of coated glass, reflecting an image.
Math, negative. 2 Electronics having a 2 anything reflecting or illuminating a
negative charge, -n. 1 = minus sign. 2 state of affairs etc. —v. reflect in or as in a
Math, negative quantity. 3 colloq. dis- mirror. [Latin miro look at]
advantage. [Latin, neuter of minor] mirror image n. identical image or
minuscule /'mm8,skju:l/a<i/. colloq. ex- reflection with left and right reversed.
tremely small or unimportant. [Latin mirth n. merriment, laughter, z mirth-
diminutive: related to minus] ful adj. [Old English: related to merry]
minus sign n. the symbol - indicating
mis- prefix added to verbs and verbal

subtraction or a negative value. derivatives: meaning 'amiss', 'badly',

minute 1 /'mmit/-rc. 1 sixtieth part of an 'wrongly', 'unfavourably' (mislead;
hour. 2 distance covered in one minute misshapen; mistrust). [Old English]
(ten minutes from the shops). 3 a mo- mis- prefix occurring in some verbs,
ment (expecting her any minute), b nouns, and adjectives meaning 'badly',
(prec. by the) colloq. present time (not 'wrongly', 'amiss', 'ill-', or having a
here at the minute), c (prec. by the, foil, negative force (misadventure; mis-
by a clause) as soon as (the minute you chief). [Latin minus]
get back). 4 sixtieth part of an angular misadventure /,misad'ventla(r)/ n. 1
degree. 5 (in pi.) summary of the pro- Law accident without crime or negli-
ceedings of a meeting. 6 official memor- gence (death by misadventure). 2 bad
andum authorizing or recommending a luck. 3 a misfortune.
course of action, -v. (-ting) 1 record in misalliance /.misa'laians/ n. unsuit-
minutes. 2 send the minutes of a meet- able alliance, esp. a marriage.
ing to. up to the minute completely misanthrope /'misan.eraup/ n. (also
up to date. [Latin minuo lessen] misanthropist /mi'saenBrapist/) 1 per-
minute 2 /mai'nju:t/ adj. (-est) 1 very son who hates mankind. 2 person who
small. 2 accurate, detailed. minutely avoids human society. misan-
adv. [Latin minutus: related to minute ]
thropic /-'Gmpik/ adj. misanthrop-
minute steak n. thin quickly-cooked ically /-'Gropikali/ adv. [Greek misos
slice of steak. hatred, anthropos man]
minutiae /mai'nju:Jii:/ very small, misanthropy /mi'saenBrapi/ n. con-
precise, or minor details. [Latin: related dition or habits of a misanthrope.
misapply /.misa'plai/ v. (-ies, -ied) ap-
minx /minks/ n. pert, sly, or playful girl, ply (esp. funds) wrongly. misappli-
[origin unknown] cation /mis.aepli'keiJXa)^ n.
Miocene /'mia,si:n/ Geol. -adj. of the misapprehend /.misaepri'hend/ v. mis-
fourth epoch of the Tertiary period. -n. understand (words, a person). mis-
this epoch. [Greek melon less, kainos apprehension / henj(a)n/ n.

new] misappropriate /.misa'praupri.eit/ v.

miracle extraordinary,
/'mirak(a)l/ n. 1 (-ting) take (another's money etc.) for
supposedly supernatural, event. 2 re- one's own use; embezzle, misappro-
markable occurrence or development priation /- eij(3)n/ n.
(economic miracle). 3 (usu. foil, by of) misbegotten /,misbi'gDt(a)n/adf/. 1 ille-
remarkable specimen (a miracle of gitimate, bastard. 2 contemptible, dis-
ingenuity). [Latin mirus wonderful] reputable.
miracle play n. medieval play on bib- misbehave /.misbi'heiv/ v. & refl.
lical themes. (-ving) behave badly misbehaviour
miraculous /mi'raekjulas/ adj. 1 being n.
a miracle. 2 supernatural. 3 remark- misc. abbr. miscellaneous.
able, surprising, miraculously adv. miscalculate /.mis'kaelkju.leit/ v.

[French or medieval Latin: related to (-ting) calculate wrongly. miscal-

MIRACLE] culation /-'leij(a)n/ n.
miscarriage 568 mishear
miscarriage sponta-
/'mis,kaerid3/ n. misdemeanour / misdi'mi:na(r)/
neous premature expulsion of a foetus (US misdemeanor) 1 misdeed. 2 hist
from the womb. indictable offence less serious than a
miscarriage of justice n. failure of felony, [from mis- 1 ]
the judicial system to attain justice. misdiagnose /.mis'daiag.nauz/ v.

miscarry /mis'kaeri/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (of a (-sing) diagnose incorrectly. mis-

woman) have a miscarriage. 2 (of a plan diagnosis /-'nausis/ n.
etc.) fail. misdial /mis'daial/ v. (also absol.) (-11-;
miscast /mis'ka:st/ v. (past and past US dial (a telephone number etc.)

part, -cast) allot an unsuitable part to incorrectly.

(an actor) or unsuitable actors to (a play misdirect /.misdai'rekt/ v. direct
etc.). wrongly. misdirection n.

miscegenation /,misid3i'neij (a)n/ n.

misdoing /mis'du:irj/ misdeed,

interbreeding of races, esp. of Whites miser /'maiza(r)/ n. person who


and non-Whites, [related to mix, genus] hoards wealth and lives miserably. 2
miscellaneous /.misa'lemias/ adj. 1 of avaricious person. miserly adj.
mixed composition or character. 2 (foil, [Latin, = wretched]
by a plural noun) of various kinds. miserable /'mizarab(a)l/ adj. 1 wretch-
miscellaneously adv. [Latin misceo edly unhappy or uncomfortable. 2
mix] contemptible, mean. 3 causing wretch-
miscellany /mi'selam/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 edness or discomfort (miserable
mixture, medley. 2 book containing weather). miserableness n. miser-
various literary compositions. [Latin: ably adv. [Latin: related to miser]

related to miscellaneous]
misericord /mi'zen.kotf/ n. projection
mischance /mis'tja:ns/ n. 1 bad luck.
under a choir stall seat serving (when
the seat is turned up) to support a
2 instance of this. [French: related to
2 person standing. [Latin misericordia
MIS- ]
mischief /'mistjif/ n. 1 troublesome,
but not malicious, conduct, esp. of chil-
misery /'mizan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 condition
or feeling of wretchedness. 2 cause of
dren (get into mischief). 2 playfulness;
this. 3 colloq. constantly depressed or
malice (eyes full of mischief). 3 harm,
discontented person. [Latin: related to
injury (do someone a mischief). make miser]
mischief create discord. [French: misheld
2 /mis'fi:ld/ -v. (also absol.) (in
related to mis- chever happen]
cricket, baseball, etc.) field (the ball)
mischievous /'mistjivas/ adj. 1 (of a
badly, —n. instance of this, [from mis
person) disposed to mischief. 2 (of con-
misfire /mis'faia(r)/ -v. (-ring) 1 (of a
duct) playful; malicious. 3 harmful. gun, motor engine, etc.) fail to go off or
mischievously adv. mischievous- start or function smoothly. 2 (of a plan
ness n.
have the intended effect, -n.
etc.) fail to
miscible /'misib(9)l/ adj.capable of such failure.
being mixed. miscibility /-'biliti/ n. misfit n. 1 person unsuited to an en-
[medieval Latin: related to mix] vironment, occupation, etc. 2 garment
misconceive /,miskan'si:v/ v. (-ving) 1
etc. that does not fit.
(often have a wrong idea or
foil, by of) misfortune /mis'fo:tJ(a)n/ n. 1 bad
conception. 2 (as misconceived adj.) luck. 2 instance of this.
badly planned, organized, etc. mis- misgive /mis'giv/ v. (-ving; past -gave;
conception /-'sepj\a)n/ n. [from mis- 1 ] past part, -given /-'giv(a)n/) (of a per-
misconduct /mis'kDndAkt/ n. im- son's mind, heart, etc.) fill (a person)
proper or unprofessional behaviour. with suspicion or foreboding.
misconstrue /.miskan'stru:/ v. misgiving /mis'givin/ n. (usu. in pi.)
(-strues, -strued, -struing) interpret feeling of mistrust or apprehension.
wrongly. misconstruction misgovern /mis'gAv(a)n/ v. govern
/-'strAkJ(a)n/ n. badly. misgovernment n.
miscopy /mis'kopi/ v. (-ies, -ied) copy misguided /mis'gaidid/ adj. mistaken
inaccurately. in thought or action. misguidedly
miscount /mis'kaunt/ -v. (also absol.) adv. misguidedness n.
count inaccurately, -n. inaccurate mishandle /mis'haend(8)l/ v. (-ling) 1
count. deal with incorrectly or inefficiently. 2
miscreant /'misknant/ n. vile wretch, handle roughly or rudely.
villain. [French: related to mis-
, mishap /'mishaep/ n. unlucky accident.
believer] mishear /mis'hia(r)/ v, (past and past
misdeed /mis'di:d/ n. evil deed, wrong- part, -heard /-'h3:d/) hear incorrectly or
doing, crime. [Old English] imperfectly.
mishit 569 mission
mishit -v. /mis'hit/ past and past
(-tt-; misread /mis'ri:d/ v. (past and past
part, -hit) hit (a ball etc.) badly, -n. part, -read /-'red/) read or interpret
/'mishit/ faulty or bad hit. wrongly.
mishmash n. confused mixture, misrepresent /.misrepri'zent/ v.
[reduplication of mash] represent wrongly; give a false account
misinform /.mism'foim/ v. give wrong or idea of. n misrepresentation
information to, mislead. misin- /-'teij(9)n/ n.
formation /-fa'meiJX9)n/ n. [from mis- 1
misrule /mis'ru:l/ -rc/bad government;
misinterpret /,misin't3:prit/ v. (-t-) 1 disorder, -v. (-ling) govern badly.
interpret wrongly. 2 draw a wrong miss 1
-v. 1 (also absol.) fail to hit, reach,
inference from. misinterpretation find, catch, etc. (an object or goal). 2 fail
/-'teij(a)n/ n. to catch (a bus, train, etc.) or see (an
M.I. 6 abbr. UK department of Military event) or meet (a person). 3 fail to seize
Intelligence concerned with espionage. (an opportunity etc.) (missed my
chance). 4 fail to hear or understand
Usage This term is not in official use. (missed what you said). 5 a regret the
misjudge /mis'd3Ad3/ v. (-ging) (also loss or absence of (did you miss me?), b
absol.) 1 judge wrongly. 2 have a wrong notice the loss or absence of (won *t be
opinion of. misjudgement n. (also missed until evening). 6 avoid (go early
-judgment). to miss the traffic). 7 (of an engine etc.)
miskey /mis'ki:/ v. (-keys, -keyed) key fail, misfire, -n. failure to hit, reach,

(data) wrongly. attain, connect, etc. be missing not

mislay /mis'lei/ v. (past and past part. have (am missing a page) (see also
-laid) accidentally put (a thing) where it missing), give (a thing) a miss colloq.
cannot readily be found, not attend or partake of (gave the party
mislead /mis'li:d/ v. (past and past part. a miss), miss out 1 omit, leave out. 2
(usu. foil, by on) colloq. fail to get or
-led) cause to infer what is not true;
experience. [Old English]
deceive, r misleading adj. [Old
miss 2 n. 1 (Miss) a title of an unmarried
mismanage /mis'maenid3/ v. (-ging) woman or girl, b title of a beauty queen
(Miss World). 2 title used to address a
manage badly or wrongly. misman-
female schoolteacher, shop assistant,
agement n. [from mis- 1 ]
etc. 3 girl or unmarried woman, [from
mismatch -v. /mis'maetJV match
unsuitably or incorrectly. -n.
missal /'mis(a)l/ n. RC Ch. 1 book con-
/'mismaetf/ bad match.
taining the texts for the Mass through-
misnomer /mis'nauma(r)/ n. 1 name or out the year. 2 book of prayers. [Latin
term used wrongly. 2 wrong use of a
missa mass 2 ]
name or term. [Anglo-French: related to missel thrush var. of mistle thrush.
mis- nommer to name]
misshapen /mis'Jeipan/ adj. ill-shaped,
misogyny /mi'sDd3ini/ n. hatred of deformed, distorted, [from mis- shapen

women. misogynist n. misogyn- (archaic) = shaped]

istic /-'nistik/ adj. [Greek misos missile /'misail/ n. 1 object or weapon
hatred, gune woman] suitable for throwing at a target or for
misplace /mis'pleis/ v. (-cing) 1 put in discharge from a machine. 2 weapon
the wrong place. 2 bestow (affections, directed by remote control or auto-
confidence, etc.) on an inappropriate matically. [Latin mitto miss- send]
object.misplacement n. missing adj. 1 not in its place; lost. 2 (of
misprint -n. /'misprint/ printing error. a person) not yet traced or confirmed as
-v. /mis'prmt/ print wrongly. alive but not known to be dead. 3 not
misprision /mis'pri3(a)n/ n. Law 1 (in present.
full misprision of a felony or of missing link n. 1 thing lacking to
treason) deliberate concealment of complete a series. 2 hypothetical inter-
one's knowledge of a crime or treason. mediate type, esp. between humans and
2 wrong action or omission. [Anglo- apes.
French: related to mis- prendre take]
, mission /'mij(a)n/ n. 1 a task or goal
mispronounce /.mispra'nauns/ v. assigned to a person or group, b journey
(-cing) pronounce (a word etc.) undertaken as part of this, c person's
wrongly. mispronunciation vocation. 2 military or scientific opera-
[from mis- ]
/-,nAnsi'eiJ(a)n/ n. tion or expedition. 3 body of persons
misquote /mis'kwaut/ v. (-ting) quote sent to conduct negotiations or propa-
inaccurately. misquotation gate a religious faith. 4 missionary post.
/-'teiJXa)n/ n. [Latin: related to missile]
missionary 570 mitt
missionary /'mijanari/ -adj. of or con- female owner of a pet. 3 female teacher.
cerned with religious missions, -n. (pi. 4 woman having an illicit sexual rela-
-ies) person doing missionary work. tionship with a (usu. married) man.
[Latin: related to mission] [French maistre master, -ess]
missionary position n. colloq. posi- mistrial /mis'traial/ n. trial rendered
tion for sexual intercourse with the invalid by error.
woman lying on her back and the man mistrust /mis'trAst/'-u. 1 be suspicious
lying on top and facing her. of. 2 feel no confidence in. -rc. 1 suspi-
missis /'misiz/ n. (also missus /-saz/) cion. 2 lack of confidence, mistrust-
colloq. or joc. 1 form of address to a ful adj. mistrustfully adv.
woman. 2 wife, the missis my or your misty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or covered
wife, [from mistress] with mist. 2 dim in outline. 3 obscure,
missive /'misiv/ n. 1 joc. letter. 2 official vague (misty idea). mistily adv.
letter. [Latin: related to missile] mistiness n. [Old English: related to
misspell /mis'spel/ v. (past and past mist]
part, -spelt or -spelled) spell wrongly. misunderstand /.misAnda'staend/ v.

misspend /mis'spend/ v. (past and past (past and past part, -understood
part, -spent) (esp. as misspent adj.) /-'stud/) 1 understand incorrectly. 2 mis-
spend amiss or wastefully. interpret the words or actions of (a
misstate /mis'steit/ v. (-ting) state person).
wrongly or inaccurately. misstate- misunderstanding n. 1 failure to
ment n. understand correctly. 2 slight disagree-
missus var. of missis. ment or quarrel.
mist -n. 1 a diffuse cloud of minute misusage /mis'ju:sid3/ n. 1 wrong or
water droplets near the ground, b con- improper usage. 2 ill-treatment.
densed vapour obscuring glass etc. 2 misuse -v. /mis'ju:z/ (-sing) 1 use
dimness or blurring of the sight caused wrongly; apply to the wrong purpose. 2
by tears etc. 3 cloud of particles resem- ill-treat, -n. /mis'ju:s/ wrong or
bling mist. —v. (usu. foil, by up, over) improper use or application.
cover or become covered with mist or as MIT abbr. Massachusetts Institute of
with mist. [Old English] Technology.
mistake /mi'steik/ -n. incorrect idea
1 mite 1
n. small arachnid, esp. of a kind
or opinion; thing incorrectly done or found in cheese etc. [Old English]
thought. 2 error of judgement, -v. mite 2 n. 1 any small monetary unit. 2
(-king; past mistook /-'stuk/; past part. small object or person, esp. a child. 3
mistaken) 1 misunderstand the mean- modest contribution, [probably the
ing of. 2 (foil, by for) wrongly take or same as mite 1 ]
identify (mistook me for you). 3 choose miter US var. of mitre.
wrongly (mistake one's vocation). [Old mitigate /'miti.geit/ v. (-ting) make less
Norse: related to mis- take],
intense or severe. mitigation
mistaken /mi'steikan/ adj. 1 wrong in /-'9eiJ(a)n/ n. [Latin mitis mild]
opinion or judgement. 2 based on or mitigating circumstances
resulting from this (mistaken loyalty; circumstances permitting greater
mistaken identity), z mistakenly adv. leniency.
mister /'mista(r)/ n. colloq. or joc. form mitosis /mai'tausis/ n. Biol, type of cell
of address to a man. [from master; cf. division that results in two nuclei each
Mr] having the same number and kind of
mistime /mis'taim/ v. (-ming) say or do chromosomes as the parent nucleus,
wrong time, [related to mis-
at the
mitotic /-'tDtik/ adj. [Greek mitos
mistle thrush /'mis(a)l/ n. (also missel thread]
thrush) large thrush with a spotted mitre /'maita(r)/ (US miter) -n. 1 tall
breast, feeding on mistletoe berries. deeply-cleft headdress worn by bishops
[Old English] and abbots, esp. as a symbol of office. 2
mistletoe /'mis(a)l,tau/ n. parasitic joint of two pieces of wood etc. at an
plant with white berries growing on angle of 90°, such that the line of junc-
apple and other trees. [Old English] tion bisects this angle, -v. (-ring) 1
mistook past of mistake. bestow a mitre on. 2 join with a mitre.
mistral /'mistr(a)l/ n. cold N. or NW [Greek mitra turban]
wind in S. France. [Latin: related to mitt n. 1 (also mitten) glove with only
master] two compartments, one for the thumb
mistreat /mis'tri:t/ v. treat badly, and the other for all four fingers. 2 glove
mistreatment n. leaving the fingers and\ thumb-tip
mistress /'mistns/ n. 1 female head of a exposed. 3 slang hand or fist. 4 baseball
household. 2 a woman in authority, b glove. [Latin: related to moiety]
mix 571 mobile home
mix -v. 1 combine or put together (two mixture /'mikstj9(r)/ n. 1 process or
or more substances or things) so that result of mixing. 2 combination of in-
the constituents of each are diffused gredients, qualities, characteristics, etc.
among those of the other(s). 2 prepare (a [Latin: related to mixed]
compound, cocktail, etc.) by combining mix-up n. confusion,
the ingredients. 3 combine (activities misunderstanding.
etc.) (mix business and pleasure). 4 a mizen /'miz(a)n/ n. (also mizzen) (in full
join, be mixed, or combine, esp. readily
mizen-sail) lowest fore-and-aft sail of a
fully rigged ship's mizen-mast. [Italian:
(oil and water will not mix), b be
related to mezzanine]
compatible, c be sociable (must learn to
mix). 5 a (foil, by with) (of a person) be
mizen-mast n. (also mizzen-mast)
mast next aft of the mainmast.
harmonious or sociable with; have reg-
ular dealings with, b (foil, by in) partici-
ml abbr. 1 millilitre(s). 2 mile(s).
M.Litt. abbr. Master of Letters. [Latin
pate in. 6 drink different kinds of (alco-
Magister Litterarum]
holic liquor) in close succession. 7 Mile abbr. (pi. -s) Mademoiselle.
combine (two or more sound signals)
into one. -n. 1 a mixing; mixture, b
MM abbr. 1 Messieurs. 2 Military
proportion of materials in a mixture. 2 mm abbr. millimetre(s).
ingredients prepared commercially for Mme abbr. Madame.
(pi. -s)
making a cake, concrete, etc. be Mn symb. manganese.
mixed up in (or with) be involved in or mnemonic /ni'momk/ —adj. of or
with (esp. something undesirable), mix designed to aid the memory, -n. mne-
it colloq. start fighting, mix up 1 mix monic word, verse, etc. mnemon-
thoroughly. 2 confuse, [back-formation ically adv. [Greek mnemon mindful]
from mixed] MO abbr. 1 Medical Officer. 2 money
mixed /mikst/ adj. 1 of diverse qualities order.
or elements. 2 containing persons from Mo symb. molybdenum,
various backgrounds etc. 3 for persons mo /mau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. moment,
of both sexes (mixed school). [Latin
misceo mix]
moa /'maua/ n. extinct flightless
(pi. -s)

mixed bag n. diverse assortment. New Zealand bird resembling the os-
trich. [Maori]
mixed blessing n. thing having advan- moan -n. 1 long murmur expressing
tages and disadvantages.
physical or mental suffering or pleas-
mixed doubles Tennis doubles ure. 2 low plaintive sound of wind etc. 3
game with a man and a woman on each colloq. complaint; grievance. -v. 1 make
side. a moan or moans. 2 colloq. complain,
mixed economy n. economic system grumble. 3 utter with moans. moaner
combining private and State enterprise. n. [Old English]
mixed farming n. farming of both moat n. defensive ditch round a castle
crops and livestock. etc., usu. filled with water. [French mote
mixed feelings mixture of pleas- mound]
ure and dismay about something. mob 1 disorderly crowd; rabble. 2
mixed grill n. dish of various grilled (prec.the) usu. derog. the populace. 3
meats and vegetables etc. gang; group, -v. (-bb-) crowd
mixed marriage n. marriage between round in order to attack or admire.
persons of different race or religion. [Latin mobile vulgus excitable crowd]
mixed metaphor n. combination of mob-cap n. hist, woman's large indoor
inconsistent metaphors (e.g. this tower
cap covering all the hair, [obsolete mob,
originally = slut]
of strength will forge ahead).
mobile /'maubail/ -adj. 1 movable; able
mixed-up adj. colloq. mentally or emo- to move easily or get out and about. 2 (of
tionally confused; socially ill-adjusted.
the face etc.) readily changing its
mixer n. 1 machine for mixing foods etc. expression. 3 (of a shop etc.) accom-
2 person who manages socially in a
modated in a vehicle so as to serve
specified way (a good mixer). 3 (usu. various places. 4 (of a person) able to
soft)drink to be mixed with another. 4 change his or her social status, -n.
device that receives two or more separ- decoration that may be hung so as to
from microphones etc. and
ate signals turn freely. mobility /ma'biliti/ n.
combines them in a single output. [Latin moveo move]
mixer tap n. tap through which both mobile home n. large caravan usu.
hot and cold water can be drawn permanently parked and used as a res-
together. idence.
mobilize 572 modification
mobilize 'maubi.laiz v. (also -ise) reproduced in another material. 4 par-
(-zing or -sing) esp. Mil. make or ticular design or style, esp. of a car. 5 a
become ready for service or action, exemplary person or thing, b {attrib.)
mobilization -'zeij\a)n m ideal, exemplary. 6 person employed to
Mobius strip 'm3:bias n. Math, one- pose for an artist or photographer or to
sided surface formed by joining the ends wear clothes etc. for display. 7 garment
of a narrow rectangle after twisting one etc. by a well-known designer, or a copy
end through 180°. [Mobius, name of a of this. -r. (-11-; US -1-) 1 a fashion or
mathematician] shape (a figure) in clay. wax. etc. b (foil,
mobster n. slang gangster. by after, on. etc.) form (a thing in imita-
moccasin 'mukasm n. soft flat-soled tion of). 2 a act or pose as a model, b (of a
shoe orig. worn N. American
by person acting as a model) display (a
Indians. [American Indian] garment). [Latin: related to mode]
mocha "moka n. 1 coffee of fine quality. modem 'maudem n. combined device
2 flavouring made with this. [Mocha, for modulation and demodulation, e.g.
port on the Red Sea] between a computer and a telephone
mock -v. 1 (often foil, by at) ridicule; line, [portmanteau word]
scoff (at); act with scorn or contempt for. moderate -adj. 'mudarat 1 avoiding
2 mimic contemptuously. 3 defy or de- extremes; temperate in conduct or
lude contemptuously, -attrib. adj. 1 expression. 2 fairly large or good. 3 (of
sham, imitation. 2 as a trial run {mock the wind) of medium strength. 4 (of
exam).-n. (inpl.)colloq. mock examina- prices) fairly low. -n. 'mDdarat person
tions, mockingly adv. [French who holds moderate views, esp. in pol-
itics. — v. ' (-ting) 1 make or
mocker n. person who mocks. put become less violent, intense, rigorous,
etc. 2 (also absoDact as moderator of or
the mockers on slang 1 bring bad luck
to. 2 put a stop to.
to moderately -rath adv. moder-
mockery ateness -ratnas n. [Latin]
n. {pi. -ies) 1 derision, ridi-
cule. 2counterfeit or absurdly in-
moderation ,muda'reij\a)n n. 1

moderateness. 2 moderating, z in
adequate representation. 3 ludicrously
moderation in a moderate manner or
or insultingly futile action etc.
mockingbird n. bird that mimics the moderato ,moda'ra:tau adj. & adv.
notes of other birds.
Mus. at a moderate pace. [Italian]
mock orange n. white-flowered heavy-
moderator n. 1 arbitrator, mediator. 2
scented shrub.
presiding officer. 3 Presbyterian minis-
mock turtle soup n. soup made from a ter presiding over an ecclesiastical
calf s head etc. to resemble turtle soup.
body. 4 Physics substance used in a
mock-up n. experimental model or rep- nuclear reactor to retard neutrons.
lica of a proposed structure etc.
modern 'mud(a)n -adj. 1 of present
MOD abbr. Ministry of Defence.
and recent times. 2 in current fashion:
mod colloq. -adj. modern, -n. young
not antiquated, -n. person living in
person (esp. in the 1960s) of a group modern times, modernity -'d3:niti
known for its smart modern dress, n. [Latin modo jus: now]
[abbreviation] modern English n. English from
modal 'maud(a)l adj. 1 of mode or about 1500 onwards.
form, not of substance. 2 Gram, a of the modernism n. modern ideas or meth-
mood of a verb, b (of an auxiliary verb, ods, esp. in art. modernist n. & adj.
e.g. would) used to express the mood of modernize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
another verb. 3 Mus. denoting a style of 1 make modern; adapt to modern needs
music using a particular mode. [Latin: or habits. 2 adopt modern ways or
related to mode] views, modernization 'zeij\a)n n. -

mod cons modern conveniences. modest niDdist adj. 1 having or

mode n. 1 way m which a thing is done. 2 expressing a humble or moderate es-
prevailing fashion or custom. 3 Mus. timate of one's own merits. 2 diffident,
any of several types of scale. [French bashful. 3 decorous. 4 moderate or re-
and Latin modus measure] strained m amount, extent, severity,
model 'mud(a)l -n. 1 representation in etc. 5 unpretentious, not extravagant.
three dimensions of an existing person modestly adv. modesty it [French
or thing or of a proposed structure, esp. from Latin]
on a smaller scale (often attrib. model : modicum modikam n. (foil, by of)
train). 2 simplified description of a sys- small quantity. [Latin: related to mode]
tem etc.. to assist calculations and pre- modification ,mudifi'keij\a)n n. 1
dictions. 3 figure in clay. wax. etc.. to be modifying or being modified. 2 change
modify 573 molest
made. modificatory /'mod-/ adj. moire n. (in full moire an-
[Latin: related to modify] tique) watered fabric, usu. silk.
modify /'modi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 make [French: related to mohair]
less severe or extreme. 2 make partial moire /'mwa:rei/ adj. 1 (of silk) watered.
changes in. 3 Gram, qualify or expand 2 (of metal) having a clouded appear-
the sense of (a word etc.). [Latin: related ance. [French: related to moire]
to mode] moire pattern n. pattern observed
modish /'maudiJV adj. fashionable. when one pattern of lines etc. is super-
modishly adv. imposed on another.
modiste /mo' milliner; dress-
n. moist adj. slightly wet; damp. [French]
maker. [French: related to mode] moisten /'mDis(a)n/ v. make or become
modulate v. (-ting) 1 a
/'modju.leit/ moist.
regulate or adjust, b moderate. 2 adjust moisture /'moistja(r)/ n. water or other
or vary the tone or pitch of (the speaking liquid diffused in a small quantity as
voice). 3 alter the amplitude or fre- vapour, or within a solid, or condensed
quency of (a wave) by using a wave of a on a surface.
lower frequency to convey a signal. 4 moisturize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
Mus. (cause to) change from one key to make less dry (esp. the skin by use of a
another. modulation /-'leij(a)n/ n. cosmetic). moisturizer n.

[Latin: related to module] molar /'maula(r)/ -adj. (usu. of a mam-

module /'modju:!/ n. 1 standardized mal's back teeth) serving to grind, -n.
part or independent unit in construc- molar tooth. [Latin mola millstone]
tion, esp. of furniture, a building, or an
molasses /ma'laesiz/ (treated as
sing.) 1 uncrystallized syrup extracted
electronic system. 2 independent self-
contained unit of a spacecraft. 3 unit or from raw sugar. 2 US treacle. [Portu-
period of training or education.
guese from Latin mel honey]
modular adj. [Latin: related to mod- mold US var. of mould 1
, mould 2 ,

mould 3 .

modulus /'mDdjolas/ n. (pi. moduli molder US var. of moulder.

/-,lai/) Math, constant factor or ratio.
molding US var. of moulding.
[Latin, = measure: related to mode]
moldv US var. of mouldy.
mole* n. 1 small burrowing mammal
modus operandi /.maudas .Dpa'rsendi/ with dark velvety fur and very small
n. (pi. modi operandi /.maudi/) method
eyes. 2 slang spy established in a
of working. [Latin, = way of operating]
position of trust in an organization.
modus Vivendi /.maudas vi'vendi/ n. [Low German or Dutch]
(pi modi vivendi /.maodi/) 1 way of
mole 2 n. small permanent dark spot on
living or coping. 2 arrangement the skin. [Old English]
between people who agree to differ.
mole3 n. 1 massive structure serving as
[Latin, = way of living]
a pier, breakwater, or causeway. 2 arti-
mog n. (also moggie) slang cat. [ori-
ficial harbour. [Latin moles mass]
ginally a dial, word] mole 4 n. Chem. the SI unit of amount of a
Mogadon /'mDga.don/ n. propr. hyp- substance equal to the quantity contain-
notic drug used to treat insomnia. ing as many elementary units as there
mogul /'maug(a)l/ n. 1 colloq. important are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12. [Ger-
or influential person. 2 (Mogul) hist, a man Mol from Molekul molecule]
Mongolian, b (often the Great Mogul) molecular /ma'lekjula(r)/ adj. of, relat-
emperor of Delhi in the 16th-19th c. ing to, or consisting of molecules.
[Persian and Arabic: related to Mongol] molecularity /-'laenti/ n.
mohair /'mauhea(r)/ n. 1 hair of the molecular weight n. = relative
angora goat. 2 yarn or fabric from this, MOLECULAR MASS.
[ultimately from Arabic, = choice] molecule /'mDli,kju:l/ n. 1 smallest fun-
Mohammedan var. of Muhammadan. damental unit (usu. a group of atoms) of
Mohican /mau'hi:kan/ -adj. (of a hair- a chemical compound that can take part
style) with the head shaved except for a in a chemical reaction. 2 (in general use)
strip of hair from the middle of the small particle. [Latin diminutive:
forehead to the back of the neck, often related to mole 3 ]

worn in long spikes, -n. such a hair- molehill n. small mound thrown up by
style. [Mohicans, N. American Indian a mole in burrowing. make a moun-
people] tain out of a molehill overreact to a
moiety /'moiati/ n. (pi. -ies) Law or minor difficulty.
literary 1 each of the two parts of
half. 2 molest /ma'lest/ v. 1 annoy or pester (a
a thing. [Latin medietas from medius person). 2 attack or interfere with (a
middle] person), esp. sexually. molestation

moll ,374 money-spinner

/-'steij\a)n/ n. molester n. [Latin moles- monarch /'mDnak/ n. sovereign with
tus troublesome] the title of king, queen, emperor, em-
moll n. slang 1 gangster's female com- press, or equivalent. monarchic
panion. 2 prostitute, [pet form of Mary] /ma'na:kik/ adj. monarchical /ma
mollify 'mDli.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) appease. 'na:kik(a)l/ adj. [Greek: related to mono-,
mollification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin arkho rule]
mollis soft] monarchism n. the advocacy of
mollusc mDlask/ n. (US mollusk) monarchy. monarchist n. [French:
invertebrate with a soft body and usu. a related to monarch]
hard shell, e.g. snails and oysters. [Latin monarchy n. (pi. -ies) 1 form of govern-
molluscus soft] ment with a monarch at the head.
mollycoddle /'mDli,kDd(a)l/ v. (-ling) 2 State with this, z monarchial
coddle, pamper, [related to moll, cod- /ma'na:kial/ adj. [Greek: related to mon-
dle] arch]
Molotov cocktail /'mola.tDf/ n. crude monastery /'mDnastri/ n. (pi. -ies)
incendiary device, usu. a bottle filled residence of a community of monks.
with inflammable liquid. [Molotov, [Latin monasterium from Greek
name of a Russian statesman] monazo alone]
molt US var. of moult. monastic ma'naestik adj. of or like
molten /'mault(a)n/ adj. melted, esp. monasteries or monks, nuns, etc. z
made liquid by heat, [from melt] monastically adv. monasticism
molto /'mDltau/ adv. Mus. very. [Latin /-,siz(a)m/ n. [Greek: related to monas-
multus much] tery]
molybdenum /ma'libdmam/ n. silver- Monday /'mAndei; -n. day of the week
white metallic element added to steel to following Sunday, -adv. colloq. 1 on
give strength and resistance to corro-
Monday. 2 (Mondays) on Mondays;
sion. [Greek molubdos lead]
each Monday. [Old English]
mom n. US colloq. mother, [abbrevia-
monetarism mAnita,riz(a)m/ n. con-
tion of momma] trol of the supply of money as the chief
moment /'maumant/ n. 1 very brief
method of stabilizing the economy, z
portion of time. 2 an exact point of time
came the moment you called). 3 im-
monetarist n. & adj.
portance (of no great moment). 4 pro-
monetary /'mAnitan/ adj. 1 of the cur-
rency in use. 2 of or consisting of money
duct of a force and the distance from its
[Latin: related to money]
line of action to a point. at the
moment now. in a moment very soon, money /'mAni/ n. 1 coins and banknotes

man (or woman etc.) of the moment as a mediumof exchange. 2 (pi. -eys or
-ies) (in pi.) sums of money. 3 a wealth,
the one of importance at the time in
b wealth as power (money talks), c rich
question. [Latin: related to momentum]
momentary adj. lasting only a mo- person or family (married into money).
ment; transitory, z momentarily adv. z for mymoney in my opinion; for my
preference, in the money colloq. hav-
[Latin: related to moment]
moment of truth n. time of crisis or ing or winning a lot of money, money
for jam (or old rope) colloq. profit for

momentous /ma'mentas/ adj. very im- littleor no trouble. [Latin moneta]

portant. momentously adv. moneybags (treated as sing.) col-
loq. usu. derog. wealthy person.
momentousness n.
momentum /ma'mentam/ n. (pi.
moneyed 'mAnid/ adj. wealthy.
momenta) 1 quantity of motion of a money-grubber n. colloq. person
moving body, the product of its mass greedily intent on amassing money, z
and velocity. 2 impetus gained by move- money-grubbing n. & adj.
ment. 3 strength or continuity derived moneylender n. person who lends
from an initial effort. [Latin moveo money at interest.
move] moneymaker n. 1 person who earns

momma /'mDma/ n. US colloq. mother, much money. 2 thing, idea, etc., that
[var. of mama] produces much money. money-
mommy /'momi/ n. (pi. -ies) esp. US making n. & adj.
colloq. = MUMMY 1
money market n. trade in short-term
Mon. abbr. Monday. stocks, loans, etc.
monad /'monaed, 'mao-/ n. 1 the number money order n. order for payment of a
one; unit. 2 Philos. ultimate unit of specified sum, issued by a bank or Post
being (e.g. a soul, an atom, a person, Office.
God). monadic /ma'naedik/ adj. money-spinner n. thing that brings in
[Greek monas ados unit] a profit.
money's worth 575 monolith
money's worth see one's money's monkey /'mAnki/ -n. (pi. -eys) 1 any
WORTH. of various primates, including mar-
monger /'mArjga(r)/ n. (usu. in comb.) 1 mosets, baboons etc., esp. a small
dealer, trader (fishmonger). 2 usu. long-tailed kind. 2 mischievous person,
derog. promoter, spreader (warmonger; esp. a child, -v. (-eys, -eyed) 1 (often foil,
scaremonger). [Latin mango dealer] by with) tamper or play mischievous
Mongol /'mDng(a)l/ -adj. 1 of the Asian tricks. 2 (foil, by around, about) fool
people. 2 resembling this people. 3 around, [origin unknown]
(mongol) often offens. suffering from monkey business n. colloq. mischief.
Down's syndrome, -n. 1 Mongolian. 2 monkey-nut n. peanut.
(mongol) often offens. person suffering monkey-puzzle n. tree with hanging
from Down's syndrome, [native name: prickly branches.
perhaps from mong brave] monkey tricks colloq. mischief,
Mongolian /mor/gauhan/ -n. 1 native monkey wrench n. wrench with an
or inhabitant of Mongolia. 2 language of
adjustable jaw.
Mongolia, —adj. of or relating to Mongo-
lia or its people or language.
monkshood /'mAnkshud/ n. poisonous
= plant with hood-shaped flowers.
mongolism /'mDrjga,liz(a)m/ n.
mono /'monau/ colloq. -adj. mono-
Down's syndrome.
phonic, -n. monophonic reproduction,
Usage The term Down 's syndrome is [abbreviation]
now preferred. mono- comb, form (usu. mon- before a
Mongoloid /'morjga.lDid/ -adj. 1 char- vowel) one, alone, single. [Greek monos
Mongolians, esp. in
acteristic of the alone]
having a broad flat yellowish face. 2 monochromatic /.mDnakra'maetik/
(mongoloid) often offens. having the adj. 1 (of light or other radiation) of a
characteristic symptoms of Down's syn- single colour or wavelength. 2 contain-
drome, -n. Mongoloid or mongoloid ing only one colour, monochromat-
person. ically adv.
mongoose /'monguis/ n. (pi. -s) small monochrome /'mDna.kraum/ -n.
flesh-eating civet-like mammal. [Mar- photograph or picture done in one
athi] colour or different tones of this, or in
mongrel /'mArjgr(a)l/ -n. 1 dog of no black and white only. -adj. having or
definable type or breed. 2 other animal using only one colour or in black and
or plant resulting from the crossing of white only, [from mono-, Greek khrdma
different breeds or types, -adj. of mixed colour]
origin, nature, or character, [related to monocle /'niDnak(a)l/ n. single eye-
mingle] glass. monocled adj. [Latin: related
monies see money 2. to mono-, oculus eye]
monism /'mDmz(a)m/ n. 1 doctrine that monocotyledon / 1
mDna kDti'li:d(a)n/

only one ultimate principle or being n. flowering plant with one cotyledon,
exists. 2 theory denying the duality of monocotyledonous adj.
matter and mind. monist n. monis- monocular /ma'nDkjula(r)/ adj. with or
tic /-'nistik/ adj. [Greek monos single] monocle]
for one eye. [related to
monitor /'monitor/ -n. 1 person or monody /'monadi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 ode
device for checking or warning. 2 school
sung by a single actor in a Greek tra-
pupil with disciplinary or other special
gedy. 2 poem lamenting a person's
duties. 3 a television receiver used in a
death, monodist n. [Greek: related to
studio to select or verify the picture
mono-, ode]
being broadcast, b = visual display
unit. 4 person who listens to and reports
monogamy /ma'nDgami/ n. practice or
state of being married to one person at a
on foreign broadcasts etc. 5 detector of
radioactive contamination.-?;. 1 act as a
time. monogamous adj. [Greek
monitor of. 2 maintain regular surveil-
gamos marriage]
lance over. 3 regulate the strength of (a
monogram /'mona.graem/ n. two or
recorded or transmitted signal). [Latin more a person's initials,
letters, esp.

moneo warn] interwoven as a device.

monitory /'mDnitari/ adj. literary giv- monograph /'mDna,gra:f/ n. treatise on
ing or serving as a warning. [Latin a single subject.
monitorius: related to monitor] monolingual /,mDnau'lingw(a)l/ adj.
monk /mAnk/ n. member of a religious speaking or using only one language.
community of men living under vows, monolith /'monaliG/ n. 1 single block of
monkish adj. [Greek monakhos from stone, esp. shaped into a pillar etc. 2
monos alone] person or thing like a monolith in being
monologue 576 monumental mason
massive, immovable, or solidly uni- Monsieur /ma'sj3:(r)/ n. (pi. Messieurs
form, monolithic /-'Ii8ik/ adj. [Greek used of or to a French-
/me'sj3:(r)/) title
lithos stone] speaking man, corresponding to Mr or
monologue /'mona.lDg/ «.1a scene in a sir. [French mon my, sieur lord]
drama in which a person speaks alone, Monsignor /mDn'si:nja(r)/ n. (pi. -nori
b dramatic composition for one per- /-'njo:n/) title of various Roman Cath-
former. 2 long speech by one person in a and officials. [Italian: related
olic priests
conversation etc. [French from Greek to Monseigneur]
monologos speaking alone] monsoon /mon'sum/ n. 1 wind in S.
monomania /.mDna'meinia/ n. obses- Asia, esp. in the Indian Ocean. 2 rainy
sion by a single idea or interest. season accompanying the summer mon-
monomaniac n. & adj. soon. [Arabic mawsim]
monophonic /.mDna'fnnik/ adj. (of monster n. 1 imaginary creature, usu.
sound-reproduction) using only one large and frightening, made up of incon-
channel of transmission. [Greek phone gruous elements. 2 inhumanly cruel or
sound! wicked person. 3 misshapen animal or
monoplane /'mnna.plem/ n. aeroplane plant. 4 large, usu. ugly, animal or
with one set of wings. thing. 5 (attrib.) huge. [Latin monstrum
monopolist /ma'nopalist/ n. person from moneo warn]
who has or advocates a monopoly. monstrance n. RC Ch. vessel in which
monopolistic /-'listik/ adj. the host exposed for veneration.
monopolize /ma'nnpa.laiz/ v. (also -ise) [Latin monstro show]
(-zing or -sing) 1 obtain exclusive pos- monstrosity /mDn'strnsiti/ n. (pi. -ies)
session or control of (a trade or com- 1 huge or outrageous thing. 2 mon-
modity etc.). 2 dominate or prevent strousness. 3 = monster 3. [Latin:
others from sharing in (a conversation related to monstrous]
etc.).monopolization /- zeij(a)n/ n. monstrous adj. 1 like a monster;
monopolizer n. abnormally formed. 2 huge. 3 a out-
monopoly /me'nDpali/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 a rageously wrong or absurd, b atrocious.
exclusive possession or control of the monstrously adv. monstrousness
trade in a commodity or service, b this n. [Latin: related to monster]
conferred as a privilege by the State. 2 montage /mon'ta^/ n. 1 selection, cut-
(foil, by of, US on) exclusive possession, ting, and piecing together as a consecu-
control, or exercise. [Greek poled sell] tive whole, of separate sections of
monorail /'mnnau.reil/ n. railway with cinema or television film. 2 a composite
a single-rail track. whole made from juxtaposed photo-
monosodium glutamate /.monau graphs etc. b production of this.
[French: related to mount ]
'saudiam 'gluita.meit/ n. sodium salt of
glutamic acid used to enhance the fla- month /mAnG/ n. 1 (in full calendar
vour of food. [Latin gluten glue] month) a each of twelve periods into
monosyllable /'mDn8,sil8b(8)l/ n. which a year is divided, b period of time
word of one syllable. monosyllabic between the same dates in successive
/-'laebik/ adj. calendar months. 2 period of 28 days.
monotheism /'mDn8,0i:iz(8)m/ n. doc- [Old English]
trine that there is only one god. monthly -adj. done, produced, or oc-
monotheist n. monotheistic /- istik/ curring once every month, —adv. every
adj. month. -n. (pi -ies) monthly periodical.
monotone /'mona.taun/ -n. 1 sound or month of Sundays n. colloq. very long
utterance continuing or repeated on one period.
note without change of pitch. 2 same- monument /'mnnjomant/ n. 1 anything
ness of style in writing, -adj. without enduring that serves to commemorate
change of pitch. or celebrate, esp. a structure or build-
monotonous /ma'nDtanas/ adj. lacking ing. 2 stone etc. placed over a grave or in
in variety; tedious through sameness. a church etc. in memory of the dead. 3
monotonously adv. monotony n. ancient building or site etc. that has
monovalent /.mona'veitent/ adj. been preserved. 4 lasting reminder.
univalent. [Latin moneo remind]
monoxide /ma'noksaid/ n. oxide con- monumental /,mDnju'ment(a)l/ adj. 1

taining one oxygen atom. a extremely great; stupendous (monu-

Monseigneur /,mDnsen'j3:(r)/ n. (pi. mental effort), b (of a work of art etc.)
Messeigneurs /,mesen'j3:(r)/) title massive and permanent. 2 of or serving
given to an eminent French person, esp. as a monument. monumentally adv.
a prince, cardinal, archbishop, or monumental mason n. maker of
bishop. [French mon my, seigneur] tombstones etc.
moo 577 moral
moo -n. cry of cattle. —v. (moos,
(pi. -s) moony adj. (-ier, -iest) listless; stupidly
mooed) make this sound, [imitative] dreamy.
mooch v. colloq. 1 (usu. foil, by about, Moor /mua(r), mo:(r)/ n. member of a
around) wander aimlessly around. 2 Muslim people of NWAfrica. Moor-
esp. US cadge; steal, [probably from ish adj. [Greek Mauros]
French muchier skulk] moor 1
/mua(r), mo:(r)/ n. 1 open
mood n. 1 state of mind or feeling. 2 fit
uncultivated upland, esp. when covered
of bad temper or depression. in the with heather. 2 tract of ground pre-
mood (usu. foil, by for, or to + infin.) served for shooting. [Old English]
inclined. [Old English] moor2 /moa(r), mo:(r)/ v. attach (a boat
mood 2 n. 1 Gram, form or set of forms of etc.) to a fixed object. moorage n.
a verb indicating whether it expresses a [probably Low German]
fact, command, wish, etc. {subjunctive moorhen n. small waterfowl.
mood). 2 distinction of meaning mooring n. 1 (often in pi. ) place where a
expressed by different moods, [alter- boat etc. is moored. 2 (in pi.) set of
ation of mode] permanent anchors and chains.
moody -adj. (-ier, -iest) given to moorland n. extensive area of moor.
changes of mood; gloomy, sullen, -n. moose n. (pi. same) N. American deer;
(pi. -ies) colloq. bad mood; tantrum. elk. [Narragansett]
moodily adv. moodiness n. [related to moot -adj. debatable, undecided (moot
MOOD 1 point), - v. raise (a question) for discus-

moon -n. 1 a natural satellite of the sion, -n. hist, assembly. [Old English]
earth, orbiting it monthly, illuminated
mop -n. 1 bundle of yarn or cloth or a
by the sun and reflecting some light to sponge on the end of a stick, for cleaning
floors etc. 2 similarly-shaped implement
the earth, b this regarded in terms of its
for various purposes. 3 thick mass of
waxing and waning in a particular
hair. 4 mopping or being mopped (gave
month (new moon), c the moon when
it a mop), -v. (-pp-) 1 wipe or clean with
visible (there is no moon tonight). 2
or as with a mop. 2 a wipe tears or sweat
satellite of any planet. 3 (prec. by the)
etc.from (one's face etc.). b wipe away
colloq. something desirable but un-
(tears etc.). c mop up 1 wipe up with or
attainable (promised me the moon), - v.
as with a mop. 2 colloq. absorb. 3 dis-
1 wander about aimlessly or listlessly. 2
patch; make an end of. 4 a complete the
slang expose one's buttocks. many occupation of (a district etc.) by captur-
moons ago a long time ago. moon over ing or killing enemy troops left there, b
act dreamily thinking about (a loved
capture or kill (stragglers), [origin un-
one), over the moon colloq. extremely
happy. moonless adj. [Old English]
mope -v. (-ping) 1 be depressed or
moonbeam n. ray of moonlight. listless. 2 wander about listlessly, -n.
moon boot n. thickly-padded boot for person who mopes. mopy adj. (-ier,
low temperatures. -iest). [origin unknown]
moon-face n. round face. moped two-wheeled low-
/'mauped/ n.
Moonie /'mu:ni/ n. colloq. offens. mem- powered motor vehicle with pedals.
ber of the Unification Church. [Sun [Swedish: related to motor, pedal]
Myung Moon, name of its founder] moquette /mD'ket/ n. thick pile or
moonlight -n. 1 light of the moon. 2 looped material used for upholstery etc.
(attrib.) lit by the moon. -v. (-lighted) [French]
colloq. have two paid occupations, esp. moraine /ma'rem/ n. area of debris
one by day and one by night. moon- carried down and deposited by a glacier.
lighter n. [French]
moonlight flit n. hurried departure by moral /'mDr(a)l/ -adj. 1 a concerned
night, esp. to avoid paying a debt. with goodness or badness of human
moonlit adj. lit by the moon. character or behaviour, or with the
moonscape n. 1 surface or landscape of distinction between right and wrong, b
the moon. 2 area resembling this; waste- concerned with accepted rules and
land. standards of human behaviour. 2 a vir-
moonshine n. 1 foolish or unrealistic tuous in general conduct, b capable of
talk or ideas. 2 slang illicitly distilled or moral action. 3 (of rights or duties etc.)
smuggled alcohol. founded on moral not actual law. 4
moonshot n. launching of a spacecraft associated with the psychological
to the moon. rather than the physical (moral cour-
moonstone n. feldspar of pearly age; moral support), -n. 1 moral lesson
appearance. of a fable, story, event, etc. 2 (in pi.)
moonstruck adj. slightly mad. moral behaviour, e.g. in sexual conduct.
morale 578 moron
morally adv. [Latin mos mor- moreish /'mo:nJ7 adj. (also morish)
custom] colloq. (of food) causing a desire for
morale /ma'ra:l/ n. confidence, deter- more.
mination, etc. of a person or group. morello /ma'relau/ n. (pi -s) sour kind
[French moral: related to moral] of dark cherry. [Italian, = blackish]
moralist /'moralist/ n. person who
1 moreover /mo:'rauva(r)/ adv. besides,
practises or teaches morality. 2 person in addition to what has been said.
who follows a natural system of ethics. mores /'mD:reiz/ customs or con-
moralistic /- listik/ adj. ventions of a community. [Latin, pi. of
morality /ma'raeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 de- mos custom]
gree of conformity to moral principles. 2 morganatic /,mo:ga'naetik/ adj. 1 (of a
right moral conduct. 3 science of mor- marriage) between a person of high
als. 4 particular system of morals (com- rank and one of lower rank, the spouse
mercial morality). and children having no claim to the
morality play n. hist, drama with possessions or title of the person of
personified abstract qualities and higher rank. 2 (of a spouse) married in
including a moral lesson. this way. [Latin morganaticus from
moralize /'mora.laiz/ v. (also -ise) Germanic, = 'morning gift', from a
(-zing or -sing) 1 (often foil, by on) husband to his wife on the morning
indulge in moral reflection or talk. 2 after consummation of a marriage]
make moral or more moral. moral- morgue /mo:g/ n. 1 mortuary. 2 (in a

ization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
newspaper office) room or file of miscel-
moral law n. the conditions to be satis- laneous information. [French, ori-
fied by any right course of action. ginally the name of a Paris mortuary]
moral philosophy n. branch of philo- moribund /'mon.bAnd/ adj. 1 at the
point of death. 2 lacking vitality. [Latin
sophy concerned with ethics.
morior die]
moral victory n. defeat that has some
of the satisfactory elements of victory.
morish var. of moreish.

morass /ma'raes/ n. 1 entanglement;

Mormon /'moiman/ n. member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
confusion. 2 literary bog. [French mar-
ais related to marsh]
Saints. Mormonism n. [Mormon,
name of the supposed author of the book
moratorium /.mDra'toinam/ n. (pi. -s
on which Mormonism is founded]
or -ria) 1 (often foil, by on) temporary
prohibition or suspension (of an ac-
morn n. poet, morning. [Old English]
tivity). 2 a legal authorization to debtors
mornay /'mo:nei/ n. cheese-flavoured
white sauce, [origin uncertain]
to postpone payment, b period of this
morning n. 1 early part of the day,
postponement. [Latin moror delay] ending at noon or lunch-time (this
morbid adj. 1 a (of the mind, ideas, etc.) morning; during the morning). 2 attrib.
unwholesome, b given to morbid feel- taken, occurring, or appearing during
ings. 2 colloq. melancholy. 3 Med. of the
the morning (morning coffee). in the
nature of or indicative of disease. morning colloq. tomorrow morning,
morbidity /-'biditi/ n. morbidly adv. [from morn]
[Latin morbus disease] morning after n. colloq. = hangover
mordant /'mo:d(e)nt/ -adj. 1 (of sar- 1.
casm etc.) caustic, biting. 2 pungent, morning-after pill n. contraceptive
smarting. 3 corrosive or cleansing. 4 pill taken some hours after intercourse.
serving to fix dye. -n. mordant sub- morning coat n. coat with tails, and
stance. [Latin mordeo bite] with the front cut away.
more /mo:(r)/ -adj. greater in quantity morning dress n. man's morning coat
or degree; additional (more problems and striped trousers.
than last time; bring some more water), morning glory n. twining plant with
-n. greater quantity, number, or trumpet-shaped flowers.
amount (more than three people; more morning sickness n. nausea felt in
to it than meets the eye), -adv. 1 to a esp. early pregnancy.
greater degree or extent. 2 forming the morning star n. planet, usu. Venus,
comparative of adjectives and adverbs, seen in the east before sunrise.
esp. those of more than one syllable morocco /ma'rokau/ n. (pi -s) fine flex-
(more absurd; more easily). more ible leather of goatskin tanned with
and more to an increasing degree, sumac. [Morocco in NW
more of to a greater extent, more or moron /'moimn/ n. 1 colloq. very stupid
less approximately; effectively; nearly, person. 2 adult with a mental age of 8-12.
what is more as an additional point. moronic /ma'ronik/ adj. [Greek
[Old English] moros foolish]
morose 579 mosquito
morose /ma'raus/ adj. sullen, gloomy. security for a debt (usu. one incurred by
morosely adv. moroseness n. [Latin the purchase of the property), b deed
mos mor- manner] effecting this. 2 sum of money lent by
morpheme /'mo:fi:m/ n. Linguistics this. - v. (-ging) convey (a property) by
meaningful unit of a language that can- mortgage. mortgageable adj.
not be further divided (e.g. in, come, [French, = dead pledge: related to
-ing, forming incoming). [Greek morphe GAGE 1

form] mortgagee /,mo:gi'd3i:/ n. creditor in a

morphia /'mo:fia/ n. (in general use) = mortgage.
MORPHINE. mortgager /'mD:gid3a(r)/ n. (also mort-
morphine /'mo:fi:n/ n. narcotic drug gagor /-'d3o:(r)/) debtor in a mortgage.
from opium, used to relieve pain. [Latin mortgage rate n. rate of interest
Morpheus god of sleep] charged by a mortgagee.
morphology /mo:'fDlad3i/ n. the study mortice var. of mortise.
of the forms of things, esp. of animals mortician /mo:'tiJ(a)n/ n. US under-
and plants and of words and their struc- taker. [Latin mors mort- death]
ture, morphological /-fa'lnd3ik(9)l/ mortify /'mo:ti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 a
adj.[Greek morphe form] cause (a person) to feel shamed, humi-
morris dance /'mons/ n. traditional liated, or sorry, b wound (a person's
English dance in fancy costume, with feelings). 2 bring (the body, the flesh, the
ribbons and bells. morris dancer n. passions, etc.) into subjection by self-
morris dancing n. [morys, var. of denial or discipline. 3 (of flesh) be affec-
Moorish: related to Moor] ted by gangrene or necrosis. morti-
morrow n. (usu. prec. by the) literary
fication /-fi'keiJXa)n/ n. mortifying
the following day. [related to morn] adj. [Latin: related to mortician]
Morse /mo:s/ -n. (in full Morse code)
mortise /'mo:tis/ (also mortice) -n.
code in which letters are represented by hole in a framework designed to receive
combinations of long and short light or
the end of another part, esp. a tenon. -v.
sound signals, -v. (-sing) signal by (-sing) 1 join securely, esp. by mortise
Morse code. [Morse, name of an elec-
and tenon. 2 cut a mortise in. [French
from Arabic]
morsel /'mo:s(a)l/ n. mouthful; small
mortise lock n. lock recessed in the
piece (esp. of food). [Latin morsus bite]
frame of a door etc.
mortal -adj. 1 subject to death. 2 caus- mortuary /'mo:tjuan/ -n. (pi. -ies)
ing death; fatal. 3 (of combat) fought to
room or building in which dead bodies
the death. 4 associated with death (mor-
are kept until burial or cremation.
tal agony). 5 (of an enemy) implacable. 6
-attrib. adj. of death or burial, [medi-
(of pain, fear, an affront, etc.) intense,
eval Latin mortuus dead]
very serious. 7 colloq. long and tedious
(for two mortal hours). 8 colloq. con-
Mosaic /mau'zeiik/ adj. of Moses.
[French from Moses in the Old Testa-
ceivable, imaginable (every mortal
thing; of no mortal use), -n. human
being. mortally adv. [Latin mors mosaic /mau'zenk/ n. 1 a picture or
pattern produced by arranging small
mort- death]
variously coloured pieces of glass or
mortality /moi'taeliti/ n. (pi -ies) 1
stone etc. b this as an art form. 2
being subject to death. 2 loss of life on a
diversified thing. 3 (attrib.) of or like a
large scale. 3 a number of deaths in a
given period etc. b (in full mortality mosaic. [Greek: ultimately related to
rate) death rate. MUSE 2 ]

mortal sin n. sin that deprives the soul Mosaic Law n. the laws attributed to

of divine grace. Moses andlisted in the Pentateuch.

moselle /mau'zel/ n. dry white wine
mortar /'mo:ta(r)/ -n. 1 mixture of lime
or cement, sand, and water, for bonding from the Moselle valley in Germany.
bricks or stones. 2 short large-bore can- mosey /'mauzi/ v. (-eys, -eyed) (often
foil, by along) slang go in a leisurely
non for firing shells at high angles. 3
vessel in which ingredients are manner, [origin unknown]
pounded with a pestle, -v. 1 plaster or Moslem var. of Muslim.
join with mortar. 2 bombard with mor- mosque /mosk/ n. Muslim place of wor-
tar shells. [Latin mortarium] ship. [Arabic masgid]
mortarboard n. 1 academic cap with a mosquito /mDs'ki:tau/ n. (pi. -es) biting
stiff flat square top. 2 flat board for insect, esp. one of which the female
holding mortar punctures the skin with a long pro-
mortgage /'mo:gid3/ -n. 1 a con- boscis to suck blood. [Spanish and
veyance of property to a creditor as Portuguese, diminutive of mosca fly]
mosquito-net 580 motley
mosquito-net n. net to keep off mos- Mothering Sunday n. = Mother's
quitoes. Day.
moss n. 1 small flowerless plant grow- mother-in-law n. (pi. mothers-in-
ing in dense clusters in bogs, on the -law) husband's or wife's mother,
ground, trees, stones, etc. 2 Scot. & motherland n. one's native country,
N.Engl, bog, esp. a peatbog, n mossy motherly adj. kind or tender like a
adj. (-ier, -iest). [Old English] mother. motherliness n.
most /maust/ -adj. 1 greatest in quant- mother-of-pearl n. smooth iridescent
ity or degree. 2 the majority of (most substance forming the inner layer of the
people think so), -n. 1 greatest quantity shell of oysters etc.
or number (this is the most I can do). 2 Mother's Day n. day when mothers
the majority (most of them are miss-
are honoured with presents, (in the UK)
ing), -adv. 1 in the highest degree. 2
the fourth Sunday in Lent, (in the US)
forming the superlative of adjectives
the second Sunday in May.
and adverbs, esp. those of more than
mother tongue n. native language.
syllable (most absurd; most
easily). 3 US at most
colloq. almost.
mothproof -adj. (of clothes) treated so
as to repel moths, -v. treat (clothes) in
no more or better than (this is at most a
this way.
makeshift), at the most 1 as the great-
est amount. 2 not more than, for the
motif /mau'tiif/ n. 1 theme that is

most part 1 mainly. 2 usually, make repeated and developed in an artistic

the most of employ to the best advant- work. 2 decorative design or pattern. 3
age. [Old English] ornament sewn separately on a gar-
-most suffix forming superlative adject- ment. [French: related to motive]
ives and adverbs from prepositions and motion /'m8o\f(3)n/ -n. 1 moving;
other words indicating relative position changing position. 2 gesture. 3 formal
(foremost; uttermost). [Old English] proposal put to a committee, legislature,
mostly adv. 1 mainly. 2 usually. etc. 4 application to a court for an order.
Most Reverend n. title of archbishops. 5 a an evacuation of the bowels, b (in
MOT abbr. (in full MOT
test) compuls- sing, or pi.) faeces, - v. (often foil, by to
ory annual test of vehicles of more than + infin.) 1 direct (a person) by a gesture.
a specified age. [Ministry of Transport] 2 (often foil, by to a person) make a
mot /mau/ n. (pi. mots pronunc. same) = gesture directing (motioned to me to
bon mot. [French, = word] leave). go through the motions do
mote speck of dust. [Old English]
n. something perfunctorily or super-
motel /mau'tel/ n. roadside hotel for ficially, in motion moving; not at rest,
motorists, [from motor hotel] put (or set) in motion set going or
motet /mau'tet/ n. Mus. short religious working, n motionless adj, [Latin:
choral work. [French: related to mot] related to move]
moth n. 1 nocturnal insect like a but- motion picture n. (esp. US) cinema
terfly but without clubbed antennae. 2 film.
insect of this type breeding in cloth etc., motivate /'mauti.veit/ v. (-ting) 1 sup-
on which its larva feeds. [Old English] ply a motive be the motive of. 2 cause
mothball n. ball of naphthalene etc. (a person) to act in a particular way. 3
placed in stored clothes to deter moths. stimulate the interest of (a person in an
in mothballs stored unused for a
activity). motivation /-'veij(9)n/ n.
considerable time.
motivational /-'veijan(a)l/ adj.
moth-eaten adj. 1 damaged by moths. 2 motive /'mautiv/ -n. 1 what induces a
person to act in a particular way. 2 =
mother /'mA6a(r)/ -n. 1 female parent.
motif, -adj. 1 tending to initiate move-
2 woman, quality, or condition etc. that
ment. 2 concerned with movement.
gives rise to something else (necessity is
[Latin motivus: related to move]
the mother of invention). 3 (in full
Mother Superior) head of a female motive power n. moving or impelling
religious community, —v. 1 treat as a power, esp. a source of energy used to

mother does. 2 give birth to; be the drive machinery.

mother or origin of. motherhood n. mot juste /mau'3u:st/ n. (pi. motsjustes
motherless adj. [Old English] pronunc. same) most appropriate
Mother Carey's chicken n. = storm expression.
PETREL 1. motley /'moth/ -adj. (-lier, -liest) 1
mother country n. country in relation diversified in colour. 2 of varied
to its colonies. character (a motley crew), -n. hist.
mother earth n. the earth as mother of jester's particoloured cosfume. [origin
its inhabitants. unknown]
moto-cross 581 mountain range
moto-cross /'maotau.kros/ n. cross- mould 2 /mauld/ n. (US mold) furry
country racing on motor cycles, [from growth of fungi occurring esp. in moist
motor, cross] warm conditions. [Old Norse]
motor /'maut9(r)/ -n. 1 thing that mould 3 /mauld/ n. (US mold) 1 loose
imparts motion. 2 machine (esp. one earth. 2 upper soil of cultivated land,
using electricity or internal combus- esp. when rich in organic matter. [Old
tion) supplying motive power for a English]
vehicle or other machine. 3 = car 1. 4 m
moulder v. (US older) 1 decay to
(attrib.) a giving, imparting, or produc- dust. 2 (foil, by away) rot or crumble. 3
ing motion, b driven by a motor (motor- deteriorate, [from mould 3 ]
mower), c of or for motor vehicles, d moulding n. (US molding) 1 ornamen-
Anat. relating to muscular movement tallyshaped outline of plaster etc. as an
or the nerves activating it. -u. go or architectural feature, esp. in a cornice. 2
convey in a motor vehicle. [Latin: similar feature in woodwork etc.
related to move]
mouldy adj. (US moldy) ( ier, -iest) 1
covered with mould. 2 stale; out of date.
motor bike n. colloq. = motor cycle.
motor boat n. motor-driven boat, 3 colloq. dull, miserable. mouldiness
motorcade /'mauta.keid/ n. procession moult /mault/ (US molt) -v.
of motor vehicles, [from motor, after
absol.) shed (feathers, hair, a shell etc.)
in the process of renewing plumage, a
motor car n. = car 1. coat, etc. -n. moulting. [Latin muto
motor cycle n. two-wheeled motor change]
vehicle without pedal propulsion. mound n. 1 raised mass of earth, stones,
motor cyclist n. etc. 2 heap or pile; large quantity. 3
motorist n. driver of a car. hillock, [origin unknown]
motorize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 mount 1
-v. 1 ascend; climb on to. 2 a get
equip with motor transport. 2 provide up on (a horse etc.) to ride it. b set on
with a motor. horseback, c (as mounted adj.) serving
motorman n. driver of an under- on horseback (mounted police). 3 a
ground train, tram, etc. (often foil, by up) accumulate, b (of a
motor scooter see scooter. feeling) increase. 4 (often foil, by on, in)
motor vehicle n. road vehicle powered set (an object) on a support or in a
by an internal-combustion engine. backing, frame, etc., esp. for viewing. 5
motorway n. road for fast travel, with organize, arrange, set in motion (a play,
separate carriageways and limited exhibition, attack, guard, etc.). 6 (of a
access. male animal) get on to (a female) to
Motown /'maotaun/ n. propr. music copulate, -n. 1 backing, etc. on which a
with elements of rhythm and blues, picture etc. is set for display. 2 horse for
associated with Detroit. [Motor Town, riding. 3 setting for a gem etc. [Latin:
= Detroit in US] related to mount ]
mottle v. (-ling) (esp. as mottled adj.) mount 2
n. archaic (except before a
name): mountain, hill (Mount Everest).
mark with spots or smears of colour,
[Latin mons mont ]
[back-formation from motley]
motto /'mDtau/ n. (pi -es) 1 maxim mountain /'mauntm/ n. 1 large abrupt
natural elevation of the ground. 2 large
adopted as a rule of conduct. 2 phrase or
heap or pile; huge quantity. 3 large
sentence accompanying a coat of arms.
surplus stock (butter mountain).
3 appropriate inscription. 4 joke, make a mountain out of a molehill
maxim, etc. in a paper cracker. [Italian: 2
see molehill. [Latin: related to mount ]
related to mot] mountain ash n. tree with scarlet
mould /mauld/ (US mold) -n. 1 hollow

berries; rowan.
container into which a substance is mountain bike n. sturdy bike with
poured or pressed to harden into a many gears for riding over rough
required shape. 2 a vessel for shaping terrain.
puddings etc. b pudding etc. made in mountaineer /,maunti'nia(r)/ -n. per-
this way. 3 form or shape. 4 frame or son who practises mountain-climbing.
template for producing mouldings. 5 -v. climb mountains as a sport.
character or type (in heroic mould), -v. mountaineering n.
1 make (an object) in a required shape or mountain lion n. puma.
from certain ingredients (moulded out mountainous adj. 1 having many
of clay). 2 give shape to. 3 influence the mountains. 2 huge.
development of. [French modle from mountain range n. continuous line of
Latin modulus] mountains.
mountain sickness 582 move
mountain sickness n. sickness without understanding {mouthing pla-
caused by thin air at great heights. titudes), put words into a person's
mountainside n. sloping side of a mouth represent a person as having
mountain. said something, take the words out of
mountebank mauntibaenk ft 1 a person's mouth say what another
swindler: charlatan. 2 hist, itinerant was about to say. [Old English]
quack. [Italian. = mount on bench] mouthful n. {pi. -s) 1 quantity of food
Mountie n. colloq. member of the Royal etc. that fills the mouth. 2 small quant-
Canadian Mounted Police, [abbrevia- ity. 3 colloq. long or complicated word or
tion] phrase.
mounting n. 1 = mount n. 1. 2 in mouth-organ n. = harmonica.
senses of mount 1
v. mouthpiece n. 1 part of a musical
mourn mom v. (often foil, by for. over) instrument, telephone, etc.. placed next
show deep sorrow or regret for (a
feel or to the lips. 2 colloq. person who speaks
dead person, a lost thing, a past event, for another or others.
etc.). [Old English] mouth-to-mouth adj. (of resusci-
mourner n. person who mourns, esp. at tation) in which a person breathes into a
a funeral. subject's lungs through the mouth.
mournful adj. doleful, sad. expressing mouthwash n. liquid antiseptic etc. for
mourning, z mournfully adv. mourn- rinsing the mouth or gargling.
fulness n. mouth-watering adj. (of food etc.)
mourning n. 1 expressing of sorrow for having a delicious smell or appearance.
a dead person, esp. by wearing black movable mu:v8b(9)l adj. (also move-
clothes. 2 such clothes. able) 1 that can be moved. 2 variable in
mouse -n. (pi. mice) 1 small rodent, date from year to year (movable feast).
esp. of a kind infesting houses. 2 timid or [related to move]
feeble person. 3 (pi. -s) Computing small move mu:v -v. (-ving) 1 (cause to)
hand-held device controlling the cursor change position or posture. 2 put or
onaVDU screen. -v. alsomauz (-sing) keep in motion; rouse, stir. 3 a take a
(of a cat. owl, etc.) hunt mice, z mouser turn in a board-game, b change the
n. [Old English] position of (a piece) in a board-game. 4
mousetrap n. 1 trap for catching mice. (often foil, by about, away, off, etc.) go or
2 (often attrib.) colloq. poor quality proceed. 5 take action, esp. promptly
cheese. {moved to reduce crime). 6 make pro-
moussaka musa:ka n. (also mou- gress (project is moving fast). 7 (also
saka) Greek dish of minced meat, absol.) change (one's home or place of
aubergine, etc. [Greek or Turkish] work). 8 (foil, by in) be socially active in
mousse mu:s a dessert of whipped
n. 1 (a specified group etc.) {moves in the
cream, eggs. usu. flavoured with
etc.. best circles). 9 affect (a person) with
fruit or chocolate, b meat or fish puree (usu. tender) emotion. 10 (foil, by to)
made with whipped cream etc. 2 foamy provoke (a person to laughter etc.) {was
substance applied to the hair to enable moved to tears). 11 (foil, by to, or to -
styling. [French. = froth] infin.) prompt or incline (a person to a
moustache mastaij n. (US mus- feeling or action). 12 (cause to) change
tache) hair left to grow on a man's one's attitude {nothing can move me on
upper lip. [Greek mustax] this issue). 13 a cause (the bowels) to be
mousy mausi adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or evacuated, b (of the bowels) be evacu-
like a mouse. 2 (of a person) timid, ated. 14 (often foil, by that) propose in a
feeble. 3 nondescript light brown. meeting, etc. 15 (foil, by for) make a
mouth mauG -n. (pi. mouths maudz I
formal request or application. 16 sell; be
1 a external opening in the head, sold. -n. 1 act or process of moving. 2
through which most animals take in change of house, premises, etc. 3 step
food and emit communicative sounds, b taken to secure an object. 4 a changing
(in humans and some animals) cavity of the position of a piece in a board-
behind it containing the means of biting game, b player's turn to do this, z get a
and chewing and the vocal organs. 2 move on colloq. hurry up. make a
opening of a container, cave, trumpet, move take action, move along (or on)
etc. 3 place where a river enters the sea. advance, progress, esp. to avoid crowd-
4 an individual as needing sustenance ing etc. move away go to live in another
(an extra mouth to feed). 5 colloq. a area, move heaven and earth (foil, by
meaningless or ineffectual talk, b impu- to - make extraordinary efforts,
dent talk; cheek, —v. maud (-thing) 1 move take up residence in a new
in 1

say or speak by moving the lips but with home. 2 get into a position of readiness
no sound. 2 utter or speak insincerely or or proximity (for an offensive action
moveable 583 muddy
etc.). move
in with start to share ac- much money you want), -n. 1 a great
commodation with (an existing resid- quantity (much of that is true). 2 (prec.
ent), move out leave one's home, move by as, how, that, etc.) with relative sense
over (or up) adjust one's position to (we do not need that much). 3 (usu. in
make room for another, on the move neg.) noteworthy or outstanding ex-
moving. [Latin moved] ample (not much to look at), -adv. 1 in a
moveable var. of movable. great degree (much to my surprise; is
movement n. 1 a moving or being much the same; I much regret it; much
moved, b instance of this {watched his annoyed; much better; much the best). 2
every movement). 2 moving parts of a for a large part of one's time; often (he is
mechanism (esp. a clock or watch). 3 a not here much). as much so (/
body of persons with a common object thought as much), a bit much colloq.
(peace movement), b campaign under- excessive, immoderate, much as even
taken by them. 4 (in pi.) person's activ- though (cannot come, much as I would
ities and whereabouts. 5 Mus. principal like to), much of a muchness very
division of a longer musical work. 6 nearly the same, not much of a colloq. a
motion of the bowels. 7 rise or fall in rather poor, [from mickle]
price(s) on the stock market. 8 progress. mucilage /'mju:sihd3/ n. 1 viscous sub-
mover n. 1 person, animal, or thing that stance obtained from plants. 2 adhesive
moves or dances, esp. in a specified way. gum. [Latin: related to mucus]
2 person who moves a proposition. 3 muck-rc. 1 colloq. dirt or filth; anything

(also prime mover) originator. disgusting. 2 farmyard manure. 3 colloq.

movie n. esp. US colloq. cinema film. mess. -v. 1 (usu. foil, by up) colloq. a
moving adj. emotionally affecting. bungle (a job), b make dirty or untidy. 2
movingly adv. (foil, by out) remove manure from,
moving staircase n. escalator. make a muck of colloq. bungle, muck
mow /mau/ (past part, mowed or
v. about around) colloq. 1 potter or
mown) 1 (also absol.) cut (grass, hay, fool about. 2 (foil, by with) fool or inter-
etc.) with a scythe or machine. 2 cut fere with, muck in (often foil, by with)
down the produce of (a field) or the grass colloq.share tasks etc. equally. [Scan-
etc. of (a lawn) by mowing. mow dinavian]
down kill or destroy randomly or in mucker n. slang friend, mate, [prob-
great numbers. mower
n. [Old Eng- ably from muck in: related to muck]
lish] muckle var. of mickle.
mozzarella /.mDtsa'rela/ n. Italian curd muckrake v. (-king) search out and
cheese, orig. of buffalo milk. [Italian] reveal scandal. muckraker n.
MP abbr. Member of Parliament. muckraking n.
mp abbr. mezzo piano. muck-spreader n. machine for
m.p.g. abbr. miles per gallon. spreading dung, muck-spreading n.

m.p.h. abbr. miles per hour. mucky adj. (-ier, -iest) covered with
M.Phil, abbr. Master of Philosophy. muck, dirty.
Mr /'mista(r)/ n. (pi Messrs) 1 title of a mucous /'mju:kas/ adj. of or covered
man without a higher title (Mr Jones). 2 with mucus. mucosity -'knsiti
title prefixed to a designation of office [Latin mucosus: related to mucus]
etc. (Mr President; Mr Speaker). mucous membrane n. mucus-
[abbreviation of mister] secreting tissue lining body cavities etc.
Mrs /'misiz/ n. (pi. same) title of a mar- mucus ;'mju:kas n. slimy substance
ried woman without a higher title (Mrs secreted by a mucous membrane.
Jones), [abbreviation of mistress] [Latin]
MS abbr. 1 (pi. MSS /em'esiz/) manu- mud n. soft wet earth, fling (or sling
script. 2 multiple sclerosis. or throw) mud speak disparagingly or
Ms /miz, maz/ n. title of a married or slanderously, one's name is mud one is

unmarried woman without a higher in disgrace. [German]

title, [combination of Mrs, miss ]
muddle - v. (-ling) (often foil, by up) 1
M.Sc. abbr. Master of Science. bring into disorder. 2 bewilder, confuse.
MS-DOS /.emes'dDs/ abbr. propr. Com- -n. 1 disorder. 2 confusion, muddle
puting Microsoft disk operating system. along (or on) progress in a haphazard
Mt. abbr. Mount. way. muddle through succeed despite
mu ,/mju:/ n. 1 twelfth Greek letter (M, M ). one's inefficiency, [perhaps Dutch,
2 Ox, as a symbol) = micro- 2. [Greek] related to mud]
much -adj. 1 existing or occurring in a muddle-headed adj. mentally dis
great quantity (much trouble; too much organized, confused,
noise). 2 (prec. by as. how, that, etc.) muddy -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like mud. 2
with relative sense (/ don 't know how covered in or full of mud. 3 (of liquid,
mudflap 584 multicultural
colour, or sound) not clear, impure. 4
— v. (-ies, Usage The term Muhammadan is
vague, confused. -ied) make not used by Muslims, and is often
muddy, muddiness n.
regarded as offensive.
mudflap n. flap hanging behind the
wheel of a vehicle, to prevent splashes. mujahidin /,mud3aha'di:n/ (also
mud-flat n. stretch of muddy land un- mujahedin, -deen) guerrilla fighters in
covered at low tide. Islamic countries, esp. Muslim fun-
mudguard curved strip over a bi-
n. damentalists. [Persian and Arabic:
cycle wheel etc. to protect the rider related to jihad]
from splashes. mulatto /mju:'laetao7 n. (pi -s or -es)
mud pack n. cosmetic paste applied person of mixed White and Black
thickly to the face. parentage. [Spanish mulato young
mud-slinger n. colloq. person given to mule]
making abusive or disparaging re- mulberry /'mAlbari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 tree
marks, z mud-slinging n. bearing edible purple or white berries,
muesli /'mu:zli, 'mju:-/ n. breakfast food and leaves used to feed silkworms. 2 its
of crushed cereals, dried fruits, nuts, fruit. 3 dark-red or purple. [Latin
etc., eaten with milk. [Swiss German] morum mulberry, berry]
muezzin /mur'ezm/ n. Muslim crier mulch -n. layer of wet straw, leaves, or
who proclaims the hours of prayer. plastic, etc., spread around or over a
[Arabic] plant to enrich or insulate the soil. — dl
muff n. covering, esp. of fur, for keep-
treat with mulch. [Old English, = soft]
ing the hands or ears warm. [Dutch mof] mule n. 1 offspring of a male donkey

muff v. colloq. 1 bungle. 2 miss (a catch, and a female horse, or (in general use) of
ball, etc.). [origin unknown] a female donkey and a male horse (cf.
muffin /'mAfm/ n. 1 light flat round hinny). 2 stupid or obstinate person. 3
spongy cake, eaten toasted and but- (in full spinning mule) a kind of spin-
tered. 2 US similar round cake made ning-machine. [Latin mulus]
from batter or dough, [origin unknown] mule 2 n. backless slipper. [French]
muffle v. (-ling) 1 (often foil, by up) muleteer /,mju:la'tia(r)/ n. mule-driver.
wrap or cover for warmth, or to deaden [French muletier: related to mule 1 ]
sound. 2 (usu. as muffled adj.) stifle (an mulish adj. stubborn.
utterance), [perhaps French moufle mull v. (often foil, by over) ponder,

thick glove, muff 1

] consider, [probably Dutch]
muffler n. 1 wrap or scarf worn for mull 2 v. warm (wine or beer) with added
warmth. 2 thing used to deaden sound. 3 sugar, spices, etc. [origin unknown]
US silencer of a vehicle. mull 3 n. Scot, promontory, [origin un-
mufti /'mAfti/ n. civilian clothes {in certain]
mufti). [Arabic] mullah /'mAla/ n. Muslim learned in
mug 1
a drinking-vessel, usu. cylin-
1 theology and sacred law. [ultimately
drical with a handle and no saucer, b its Arabic mawld]
contents. 2 slang gullible person. 3 mullet n. (pi. same) any of several kinds
slang face or mouth, -v. (-gg-) attack of marine fish valued for food. [Greek
and rob, esp. in public, z a mug's game mullos]
colloq. foolish or unprofitable activity, z mulligatawny /.mAliga'toini/ n. highly
mugger n. mugful n. (pi. -s). mugging seasoned soup orig. from India. [Tamil,
n. [Scandinavian] = pepper-water]
mug 2
v. (-gg-) (usu. foil, by up) slang mullion /'mAljan/ n. vertical bar divid-
learn (a subject) by concentrated study, ing the lights in a window, z mul-
[origin unknown] lioned adj. [probably French moinel
muggins 'mAgmz n. (pi. same or mug- middle: related to mean3 ]

ginses) colloq. gullible person (often multi- comb, form many. [Latin multus
meaning oneself: so muggins had to much, many]
pay), [perhaps from the surname] multi-access /.mAlti'aekses/ adj. (of a
muggy adj. (-ier, -iest) (of weather etc.) computer system) allowing access to the
oppressively humid, z mugginess n. central processor from several ter-
[Old Norse] minals simultaneously.
mug shot n. slang photograph of a face, multicoloured /'mAlti.kAlad/ adj. of
esp. for police records. many colours.
Muhammadan /ma'haemad(a)n/ n. & multicultural /,mAlti'KAltj9r(a)l/ adj.
adj. (also Mohammedan) = Muslim. of several cultural groups, z multi-
[Muhammad, name of a prophet] culturalism n.
multidirectional 585 municipal
multidirectional /.mAltidai of (instances 4 a breed (animals).
'rekjan(8)l/ adj. of, involving, or oper- b propagate (plants). [Latin multiplico:
ating in several directions. related to multiplex]
multifarious /.mAlti'feanas/ adj. 1 multi-purpose /.mAlti'paipas/ attrib.
many and various. 2 of great variety. adj. having several purposes,
multifariousness n. [Latin multi- multiracial /.mAlti'reiJXa)!/ adj. of
farius] several races.
multiform /'mAlti.foim/ adj. 1 having multi-storey /.mAlti'stoin/ attrib. adj.
many forms. 2 of many kinds. having several storeys.
multilateral /,mAlti'laetar(a)l/ adj. 1 (of multitude n. 1(often foil, by of) great
an agreement etc.) in which three or number. 2 large gathering of people;
more parties participate. 2 having many crowd. 3 (the multitude) the common
sides, multilaterally adv. people. [French from Latin]
multilingual /,mAlti'lingw(a)l/ adj. in, multitudinous /.mAlti'tjurdmas/ adj. 1
speaking, or using several languages. very numerous. 2 consisting of many
multimedia -attrib. adj. using more individuals. [Latin: related to multi-
than one medium of communication. tude]
-n. = HYPERMEDIA. multi-user / l
mAlti'ju:z8(r)/ attrib. adj.
multimillion /'mAlti.miljan/ attrib. (of a computer system) having a
adj. costing or involving several million number of simultaneous users.
(pounds, dollars, etc.) (multimillion mum 1
n. colloq. = mummy 1

dollar fraud). mum 2

adj. colloq. silent (keep mum), z
multimillionaire / mAlti,miij8 nea(r)/

mum's the word say nothing, [imita-

n. person with a fortune of several tive]
millions. mumble -v. (-ling) speak or utter indis-
multinational /,mAlti'nse;an(a)l/ tinctly, -n. indistinct utterance or
-adj. 1 operating in several countries. 2 sound, [related to mum 2 ]
of several nationalities, -n. multi- mumbo-jumbo /,mAmDau'd3Ambao7 n.
national company. (pi. -s) 1 meaningless or ignorant ritual.
multiple /'mAltip(a)l/ -adj. 1 having 2 meaningless or unnecessarily compli-
several parts, elements, or components. cated language; nonsense. [Mumbo
2 many and various, -n. number that Jumbo, name of a supposed African
contains another without a remainder idol]
(56 is a multiple of 7). [Latin multiplus: mummer n. actor in a traditional
related to multiplex] mime. [French momeur: mum cf.

multiple-choice an examina-
adj. (of mummery n. -ies) ridiculous (esp.(pi. 1

tion question) accompanied by several performance by

religious) ceremonial. 2
possible answers from which the cor- mummers. [French momerie: related to
rect one has to be chosen. mummer]
multiple sclerosis see sclerosis. mummify /'mAmi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) pre-
multiplex /'mAlti.pleks/ adj. manifold; serve (a body) as a mummy, mummi-
of many elements. [Latin: related to fication /-fi'keij(a)n/ n.
multi-, -plex -p litis -fold] mummy 1
/'mAmi/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq.
multiplicand /.mAltipli'kaend/ n. mother, [imitative of a child's pro-
quantity to be multiplied by another. nunciation]
multiplication /,mAltipli'keiJ(a)n/ n. mummy 2
/'mAmi/ n. (pi. -ies) body of a
multiplying. human being or animal embalmed for
multiplication sign n. sign (
x ) to burial, esp. in ancient Egypt. [Persian
indicate that one quantity is to be multi- mum wax]
plied by another. mumps (treated as sing.) infect-
multiplication table n. list of multi ious disease with swelling of the neck
pies of a particular number, usu. from 1 and face, [imitative of mouth-shape]
to 12. munch v. eat steadily with a marked

multiplicity /.mAlti'plisiti/ n. (pi. -ies) action of the jaws, [imitative]

1 manifold variety. 2 (foil, by of) great mundane /mAn'dem/ adj. 1 dull, rou-
number. tine. 2 of this world, mundanely adv.
multiplier /'mAlti plaia(r)/ n. quantity
mundanity /-'daeniti/ n. [Latin mundus
by which a given number is multiplied. world]
multiply /'mAlti.plai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 mung n. (in full mung bean) legum-

(also absol.) obtain from (a number) inous Indian plant used as food. [Hindi
another that is a specified number of mung]
times its value (multiply 6 by 4 and you municipal /mju:'nisip(a)l/ adj. of a
get 24). 2 increase in number, esp. by municipality or its self-government.
procreation. 3 produce a large number municipalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
municipality 586 mushroom
-sing), municipally adv. [Latin muni- variety of grape used for this. [Muscadet
cipium free city] grape]
municipality /mjui.nisi'paeliti/ n. (pi. muscat /'mAskat/ n. 1 sweet usu. forti-
town or district having local self-
-ies) 1 fied white wine made from musk-
government. 2 governing body of this flavoured grapes. 2 this grape. [Proven-
area. cal: related to musk]
munificent /mju:'nifis(8)nt/ adj. (of a muscatel /.mAska'tel/ n. 1 = muscat. 2
giver or a gift) splendidly generous. raisin from a muscat grape.
munificence n. [Latin munus gift: muscle /'mAs(a)l,' -n. 1 fibrous tissue
related to -fic] producing movement in or maintaining
muniment n. (usu. in pi) document the position of an animal body. 2 part of
kept as evidence of rights or privileges an animal body that is composed of
etc. [Latin munio fortify] muscles. 3 strength, power, -v. (-ling)
munition /mju:'nij(a)n/ n. (usu. in pi.) (foil, by in, in on) colloq. force oneself on

military weapons, ammunition etc. others; intrude by forceful means. not

[Latin, = fortification: related to muni- move a muscle be completely motion-
ment] less. [Latin diminutive of mus mouse]
muon /'mju:Dn/ n. Physics unstable ele- muscle-bound adj. with muscles stiff
mentary particle like an electron, but and inflexible through excessive exer-
with a much greater mass. [^ (mu), the cise.

symbol for it] muscle-man n. man with highly de-

mural /'mju9r(a)l/ -n. painting ex- veloped muscles.
ecuted directly on a wall. -adj. of, on, or Muscovite /'mAska.vait/ -n. native or
like a wall. [Latin murus wall]
citizen of Moscow, -adj. of Moscow,
murder -n. 1 intentional unlawful kill-
[from Muscovy, principality of Moscow]
ing of a human being by another. 2
Muscovy duck /'mAskavi/ n. crested
colloq. unpleasant, troublesome, or dan-
duck with red markings on its head.
[Muscovy, principality of Moscow]
gerous state of affairs, -v. 1 kill (a
human being) intentionally and unlaw- muscular /'mAskjula(r)/ adj. 1 of or
affecting the muscles. 2 having well-
fully. 2 colloq. a utterly defeat, b spoil by
developed muscles. 3 robust, q muscu-
a bad performance, mispronunciation,
larity /-'laeriti/ n.
etc. cry blue murder colloq. make an
extravagant outcry, get away with
muscular Christianity n. Christian
life of cheerful physical activity as de-
murder colloq. do whatever one wishes scribed in the writings of Charles
and escape punishment, c murderer n. Kingsley.
murderess n. [Old English] muscular dystrophy n. hereditary
murderous adj. 1 (of a person, weapon,
progressive wasting of the muscles.
action, etc.) capable of, intending, or
musculature /'mAskjulatJa(r)/ n. mus-
involving murder or great harm. 2 col- cular system of a body or organ.
loq. extremely arduous or unpleasant.
Mus.D. abbr. (also Mus. Doc.) Doctor of
murk n. darkness, poor visibility, Music. [Latin Musicae Doctor]
[probably Scandinavian] muse 1
/mju:z/ v. (-sing) 1 (usu. foil, by
murky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 dark, gloomy. on, upon) ponder, reflect. 2 say meditat-
2 (of darkness, liquid, etc.) thick, dirty. 3 ively. [French]
suspiciously obscure {murky past). muse 2
/mju:z/ n. 1 (in Greek and Roman
murkily adv. murkiness n. mythology) any of the nine goddesses
murmur /'m3:ma(r)/ -n. 1 subdued con- who inspire poetry, music, etc. 2 (usu.
tinuous sound, as made by waves, a prec. by the) poet's inspiration. [Greek
brook, etc. 2 softly spoken or nearly Mousa]
inarticulate utterance. 3 subdued museum /mju:'ziam/ n. building used
expression of discontent. -v. 1 make a for storing and exhibiting objects of
murmur. 2 utter (words) in a low voice. historical, scientific, or cultural in-
3 (usu. foil, by at, against) complain in terest. [Greek: related to muse ]
low tones, grumble. [Latin] museum piece n. 1 specimen of art etc.
Murphy's Law/'m3:fiz/ n. joc. any of fit for a museum. 2 derog. old-fashioned
various maxims about the perverseness or quaint person or object.
of things. [Murphy, Irish surname] mush n. 1 soft pulp. 2 feeble sentimen-
murrain /'mArm/ n. infectious disease tality. 3 US maize porridge, [apparently
of cattle. [Anglo-French moryn] var. of mash]
Mus.B. abbr. (also Mus. Bac.) Bachelor mushroom -n. 1 edible fungus with a
of Music. [Latin Musicae Baccalaureus] stem and domed cap. 2 pinkish-brown
Muscadet /'mAska.dei/ n. 1 a dry white colour of this. -v. appear or develop
wine from the Loire region of France. 2 rapidly. [French mousseron from Latin]
mushroom cloud 587 musty
mushroom cloud n. mushroom- religion, -adj. of the Muslims or their
shaped cloud from a nuclear explosion. religion. [Arabic: related to Islam]
mushy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 like mush; soft. muslin /'mAzlm/ n. fine delicately
2 feebly sentimental. ; ] mushiness n. woven cotton fabric. [Italian Mussolo
music /'mju:zik/ n. 1 art of combining Mosul in Iraq]
vocal or instrumental sounds in a har- musquash /'mAskwDjV n. = muskrat.
monious or expressive way. 2 sounds so [Algonquian]
produced. 3 musical composition. 4 mussel /'mAs(a)l/ n. bivalve mollusc,
written or printed score of this. 5 esp. of the kind used for food. [Old
pleasant natural sound. music to English: related to muscle]
one's ears something one is pleased to must -v.aux. {present must; past had

hear. [Greek: related to muse ] to or in indirect speech must) (foil, by
musical -adj. 1 of music. 2 (of sounds infin., or absol.) 1 a be obliged to (you
etc.) melodious, harmonious. 3 fond of, must go to school), b in ironic questions
sensitive to, or skilled in music. 4 set to (must you slam the door?). 2 be cer-
or accompanied by music, -n. musical tainly (you must be her sister). 3 ought
film or play. musicality /-'kaeliti/ n. to (must see what can be done). 4
musically adv. expressing insistence (must ask you to
musical box n. box containing a leave). 5 (foil, by not + infin.) a not be
mechanism which plays a tune. permitted to, be forbidden to (must not
musical chairs 1 party game in smoke), b ought not; need not (mustn 't
which the players compete in succes- think he's angry; must not worry), c
sive rounds for a decreasing number of expressing insistence that something
chairs. 2 series of changes or political should not be done (they must not be
manoeuvring etc. told), -n. colloq. thing that should not be
music centre n. equipment combining missed (this exhibition is a must). I

radio, record-player, tape recorder, etc. must say often iron. I cannot refrain
music-hall n. 1 variety entertainment from saying (/ must say he tries hard; a
with singing, dancing, etc. 2 theatre for fine way to behave, I must say), must
this. needs see needs. [Old English]
musician /mju:'zij(9)n/ n. person who Usage In sense la, the negative (i.e.
plays a musical instrument, esp. profes-
lack of obligation) is expressed by not
sionally, z musicianly adj. musician- have to or need not; must not denotes
ship n. [French: related to music]
positive forbidding, as in you must not
musicology /,mju:zi'kDlad3i/ n. the ac-
ademic study of music. musicologist
n. musicological /-ka'lDd3ik(8)l/ adj. must 2 n. grape juice before ferment-

music stand n. support for sheet ation is complete. [Old English from
music. Latin]
music stool n. piano stool. mustache US var. of moustache.
musk n. substance secreted by the
1 mustang n. small wild horse of Mexico
male musk deer and used in perfumes. 2 and California. [Spanish]
plant which orig. had a smell of musk. mustard /'mAstad/ n. 1 a plant with
musky adj. (-ier, -iest). muskiness n. slender pods and yellow flowers, b seeds
[Latin muscus from Persian] of this crushed into a paste and used as a
musk deer n. small hornless Asian spicy condiment. 2 plant eaten at the
deer. seedling stage, often with cress. 3 brow-
musket n. hist, infantryman's (esp. nish-yellow colour. [Romanic: related to
smooth-bored) light gun. [Italian mos- MUST ]

chetto crossbow bolt] mustard gas n. colourless oily liquid,

musketeer mAska tia(r)/ ,

n. hist, sol- whose vapour is a powerful irritant.

/ l

dier armed with a musket. muster — v. 1 collect (orig. soldiers) for

musketry /'mAskitn/ n. 1 muskets; sol- inspection, to check numbers, etc. 2

diers armed with muskets. 2 knowledge collect, gather together. 3 summon
of handling small arms. (courage etc.). -n. assembly of persons
musk ox n. shaggy N. American rum- for inspection. pass muster be
inant with curved horns. accepted as adequate. [Latin monstro
muskrat n. 1 large N. American aqua- show]
tic rodent with a musky smell. 2 its fur. mustn't /'mAs(a)nt/ contr. must not.
musk-rose n. rambling rose smelling musty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 mouldy, stale. 2

of musk. dull, antiquated. mustily adv.


Muslim /'muzlim, 'hia-/ (also Moslem must ness i n. [perhaps an alteration of

/'mDzlam/) -n. follower of the Islamic moisty: related to moist]
mutable 588 myopia
mutable /'mju:t9b(a)l/ adj. literary mutton dressed as lamb n. colloq.
liable to change. mutability /-'biliti/ middle-aged or elderly woman dressed
n. [Latin muto change] to appear younger.
mutagen /'mju:tad3(a)n/ n. agent mutton-head n. colloq. stupid person.
promoting genetic mutation. muta- mutual /'mjuitjual/ adj. 1 (of feelings,
genic /-d3enik/ adj. mutagenesis actions, etc.) experienced or done by
/-'d3emsis/ n. [from mutation, -gen] each of two or more parties to or to-
mutant /'mju:t(a)nt/ -adj.
resulting wards the other(s) (mutual affection). 2
from mutation. -n. mutant organism or colloq. common to two or more persons
gene. (a mutual friend). 3 having the same
mutate /mjui'teit/ v. (-ting) (cause to) (specified) relationship to each other
undergo mutation. (mutual well-wishers). mutuality
mutation ,

/mju: teij(8)n/ n. 1 change, /-'aeliti/ n. mutually adv. [Latin mutuus

alteration. 2 genetic change which, borrowed]
when transmitted to offspring, gives
rise to heritable variations. 3 mutant.
Usage The use of mutual in sense 2,
although often found, is considered
[Latin muto change]
mutatis mutandis /mu:,ta:tis mu:
incorrect by some people, for whom
'taendis/ adv. comparing
common is preferable.
(in cases)
making the necessary alterations. Muzak /'mju:zaek/ n. 1 propr. system of
[Latin] piped music used in public places. 2
mute /mju:t/ -adj. 1 silent, refraining (muzak) recorded light background
from or temporarily bereft of speech. 2 music, [fanciful var. of music]
(of a person or animal) dumb. 3 not muzzle -n. 1 projecting part of an an-
expressed in speech {mute protest). 4 (of imal's face, including the nose and
a letter) not pronounced, -n. 1 dumb mouth. 2 guard, usu. of straps or wire,
person. 2 device for damping the sound put over an animal's nose and mouth to
of a musical instrument. 3 unsounded stop it biting or feeding. 3 open end of a
consonant, -v. (-ting) 1 deaden or soften firearm, -v. (-ling) 1 put a muzzle on. 2
the sound of (esp. a musical instru- impose silence on. [medieval Latin
ment). 2 a tone down, make less intense, musum]
b (as muted adj.) (of colours etc.) sub- muzzy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 mentally hazy.
dued. mutely adv. muteness n. 2 blurred, indistinct. muzzily adv.
[Latin mutus] muzziness n. [origin unknown]
mute button n. device on a telephone MW abbr. 1 megawatt(s). 2 medium
totemporarily prevent the caller from wave.
hearing what is being said at the my /mai/ poss. pron. (attrib.) 1 of or
receiver's end, or on a television etc. to belonging to me. 2 affectionate, patron-
temporarily turn off the sound. izing, etc. form of address (my dear boy).
mute swan n. common white swan. 3 in expressions of surprise (my God!;
mutilate /'mju:ti,leit/ v. (-ting) 1 a de- oh my!). 4 colloq. indicating a close
prive (a person or animal) of a limb or relative etc. of the speaker (my
organ, b destroy the use of (a limb or Johnny's ill again). Lady (or my
organ). 2 excise or damage part of (a Lord) form of address to certain titled
book etc.).mutilation /-'leij(a)n/ n. persons, [from mine 1 ]
[Latin mutilus maimed] myalgia /mai'aek^a/ n. muscular pain.
mutineer /,mju:ti'ni8(r)/ n. person who myalgic adj. [Greek mus muscle]
mutinies. [Romanic: related to move] mycelium /mai'si:liam/ (pi. -lia) micro-
mutinous /'mju:tmas/ adj. rebellious; scopic threadlike parts of a fungus.
ready to mutiny. mutinously adv. [Greek mukes mushroom]
mutiny /'mjuitmi/ -n. (pi. -ies) open Mycenaean /,maisi'ni:an/ -adj. of the
revolt, esp. by soldiers or sailors against late Bronze Age civilization in Greece
their officers, -v. (-ies, -ied) (often foil, (c. 1500-1 100 bc), depicted in the Homeric
by against) revolt; engage in mutiny. poems, -n. person of this civilization.
mutt n. 1 slang ignorant or stupid [Latin Mycenaeus]
person. 2 derog. dog. [abbreviation of mycology /mai'kDlad3i/ n. 1 the study
mutton-head] of fungi. 2 fungi of a particular region, n
mutter -v. 1 (also absol.) utter (words) mycologist n. [Greek mukes mush-
in a barely audible manner. 2 (often foil, room]
by against, at) murmur or grumble, -n. myna /'mama/ n. (also mynah, mina)
1 muttered words or sounds. 2 mutter- talking bird of the starling family.
ing, [related to mute] [Hindi]
mutton n. flesh of sheep as food, [medi- myopia /mai'aupia/ n. 1 short-sighted-
eval Latin multo sheep] ness. 2 lack of imagination or insight.
myriad 589 myxomatosis
myopic -Dpik/
/ adj. myopically mystic person who seeks
/-'Dpikali/ adv. [Greek mud shut, ops by contemplation etc. to achieve unity
eye] with the Deity, or who believes in the
myriad /'miriad/ literary -n. an indefi- spiritual apprehension of truths that
nitely great number, -adj. innumer- are beyond the understanding, -adj. =
able. [Greek murioi 10,000] mystical, z mysticism /-,siz(a)m/ n.
myrrh /m3:(r)/ n. gum
resin used in [Greek mustes initiated, person]
perfume, medicine, incense, etc. [Latin my stical adj. 1 of mystics or mysticism.
myrrha from Greek] 2 mysterious; occult; of hidden mean-
myrtle evergreen shrub
/'ni3:t(a)l/ n. ing. 3 spiritually allegorical or sym-
with shiny leaves and white scented bolic, z mystically adv.
flowers. [Greek murtos] mystify /'misti.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 be-
myself /mai'self/ pron. 1 emphat. form wilder, confuse. 2 wrap in mystery, z
of I or me (I saw it myself). 2 refl.form
mystification /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [French:
of me (/ was angry with myself). : be
related to mystic or mystery]
myself see oneself. I myself I for my mystique /mi'sti:k/ n. atmosphere of
part (/ myself am doubtful). [Old Eng- mystery and veneration attending some
lish: related to me
activity, person, profession, etc.
mysterious /mi'stianas/ adj. full of or [French: related to mystic]
wrapped in mystery, z mysteriously myth /mi9,' n. 1 traditional story usu.
adv. [French: related to mystery] involving supernatural or imaginary
mystery /'mistan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 secret, persons and embodying popular ideas
hidden, or inexplicable matter. 2 sec- on natural or social phenomena etc. 2
recy or obscurity. 3 (attrib.) secret, such narratives collectively. 3 widely
undisclosed (mystery guest). 4 practice held but false notion. 4 fictitious person,
of making a secret of things (engaged in thing, or idea. 5 allegory (Platonic
mystery and intrigue). 5 (in full mys- myth), z mythical adj. mythically
tery story) fictional work dealing with adv. [Greek muthos]
a puzzling event, esp. a murder. 6 a mythology /mi'0Dl9d3i/ n. (pi. -ies) 1

religious truth divinely revealed. 7 (in body of myths. 2 the study of myths,
pi.) a secret religious rites of the ancient mythological /-9a'lod3ik(a)l/ adj.
Greeks, Romans, etc. b archaic Euchar- mythologize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
ist. [Greek muster ion: related to mystic] -sing). [Greek: related to myth]
mystery play n. miracle play. myxomatosis /.miksama'tausis/ n.
mystery tour n. pleasure trip to an viral disease of rabbits. [Greek muxa
unspecified destination. mucus]
N 1
/en/ n. (also n) (pi. Ns or N's) 1 ety but lacking conventional expert
fourteenth letter of the alphabet. 2 (usu. ise. naively adv. naivety n. (also
n) indefinite number. to the nth naivete). [Latin nativus native]
degree to the utmost. naked /'neikid/ adj. 1 without clothes;
N 2
abbr. (also N.) 1 North; Northern. 2 nude. 2 without its usual covering. 3
New. undisguised (the naked truth). 4 (of a
N 3
symb. nitrogen. light, flame, sword, etc.) unprotected or
n abbr. (also n.) 1 name. 2 neuter. unsheathed. nakedly adv. naked-
Na symb. sodium. [Latin natrium] ness n. [Old English]
NAAFI /'naefi/ abbr. 1 Navy, Army, and naked eye n. (prec. by the) unassisted
Air Force Institutes. 2 canteen for ser- vision, e.g. without a telescope etc.
vicemen run by the NAAFI. namby-pamby /.naBmbi'paembi/ -adj.
nab v. (-bb-) slang 1 arrest; catch in insipidly pretty or sentimental; weak.
wrongdoing. 2 grab, [origin unknown] -n. (pi. -ies) namby-pamby person, [fan-
nacho /'naetfau, 'na:-/ n. (pi. -s) tortilla cifulformulation on the name of the
chip, usu. topped with melted cheese writer Ambrose Philips]
and spices etc. [origin uncertain] name-«. 1 word by which an individual
nacre /'neik8(r)/ n. mother-of-pearl person, family, animal, place, or thing is
from any shelled mollusc. nacreous spoken of etc. 2 a (usu. abusive) term
/'neiknas/ adj. [French] used of a person etc. (called him
nadir /'neidia(r)/ n. 1 part of the celestial names), b word denoting an object or
sphere directly below an observer. 2 esp. a class of objects etc. (what is the
lowest point; time of deep despair. [Ar-
name of those flowers?). 3 famous per-
abic, = opposite]
son. 4 reputation, esp. a good one. -v.
naevus /'ni:vas/ n. (US nevus) (pi (-ming) 1 give a name to. 2 state the
naevi /-vai/) 1 raised red birthmark. 2 =
name of. 3 mention; specify; cite. 4
mole 2 [Latin]
have to one's name pos-

naff adj. slang 1 unfashionable. 2 rub-
sess, in the name of as representing; by
bishy, [origin unknown]
virtue of (in the name of the law), in
nag 1
v. a persistently criticize or
(-gg-) 1

scold, b (often foil, by at) find fault or

name only not in reality, make a name
urge, esp. persistently. 2 (of a pain) be
for oneself become famous. name-
able adj. [Old English]
persistent, [originally a dial, word]
nag2 n. colloq. horse, [origin unknown] name-day n. feast-day of the saint after
naiad /'naiaed/ n. water-nymph. [Latin whom a person is named.
from Greek] name-dropping n. familiar mention of
nail —n. 1 small metal spike hammered famous people as a form of boasting.
in to join things together or as a peg or
nameless adj. 1 having or showing no
decoration. 2 horny covering on the name. 2 unnamed (our informant, who
upper surface of the tip of the human shall be nameless). 3 too horrific to be
finger or toe. — v. 1 fasten with a nail or named (nameless vices).

nails. 2 secure or get hold of (a person or

namely adv. that is to say; in other

thing). 3 keep (attention etc.) fixed. 4 words.

expose or discover (a lie or liar). nail name-plate n. plate or panel bearing
down 1 bind (a person) to a promise etc. the name of an occupant of a room etc.
2 define precisely. 3 fasten (a thing) with namesake n. person or thing having
nails, nail in a person's coffin some- the same name as another, [probably
thing thought to increase the risk of from for the name's sake]
death, on the nail (esp. of payment) nan n. (also nana, nanna /'naena/) col-

without delay. [Old English] loq. grandmother, [childish pronunci-

nail-file n. roughened metal or emery ation]
strip used for smoothing the nails. nancy /'naensi/ n. (pi. -ies) (in full
nail polish n. (also nail varnish) var- nancy boy) slang offens. effeminate
nish, usu. coloured, applied to the nails. man, esp. a homosexual, [pet form of
naive /nai'i:v/ adj. (also naive) 1 inno- Ann]
cent; unaffected. 2 foolishly credulous. 3 nanny /'naeni/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 child's
(of art) produced in a sophisticated soci- nurse. 2 colloq. grandmother. 3 (in full
nano- 59i national curriculum
nanny-goat) female goat, [related to narrow /'naerau/ -adj. (-er, -est) 1 a of
nancy] small width, b confined or confining
nano- comb, form denoting a factor of (within narrow bounds). 2 of limited
10 {nanosecond). [Greek nanos dwarf] scope (in the narrowest sense). 3 with
nap 1
-v. (-pp-) sleep lightly or briefly. littlemargin (narrow escape). 4 precise;
—n. short sleep or doze, esp. by day. exact. 5 = narrow-minded, -n. (usu. in
catch a person napping detect in negli- pi.) narrow part of a strait, river, pass,
gence etc; catch off guard. [Old English] street, etc. —v. become or make narrow;
nap 2 n. raised pile on textiles, esp. vel- contract; lessen. narrowly adv. nar-
vet. [Low German or Dutch] rowness n. [Old English]
nap 3 -n. 1 form of whist in which narrow boat n. canal boat.
players declare the number of tricks narrow-minded adj. rigid or re-
they expect to take. 2 racing tip claimed stricted in one's views, intolerant.
to be almost a certainty. -v. (-pp-) name narrow-mindedness n.

(a horse etc.) as a probable winner, go narwhal /'na:w(a)l/ Arctic white


nap 1 attempt to take all five tricks in whale, the male of which has a long
nap. 2 risk everything. [Napoleon] tusk. [Dutch from Danish]
napalm /'neipa:m/ -n. thick jellied hy- NASA /'naesa/ abbr. (in the US) National
drocarbon mixture used in bombs, -u. Aeronautics and Space Administration.
attack with napalm bombs, [from naph- nasal /'neiz(a)l/ -adj. 1 of the nose. 2 (of
thalene, palm ] 1 a letter or a sound) pronounced with the
nape n. back of the neck, [origin breath passing through the nose, e.g. m,
n, ng. 3 (of the voice or speech) having
naphtha /'naeftte/ n. inflammable hy-
many nasal sounds, -n. nasal letter or
sound, nasalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
drocarbon distilled from coal etc. [Latin
-sing), nasally adv. [Latin nasus nose]
from Greek]
naphthalene /'naef8a,li:n/ n. white nascent /'naes(9)nt/ adj. 1 in the act of
being born. 2 just beginning to be; not
crystalline substance produced by dis-
yet mature. nascency /'naesansi/ n.
tilling coal tar.
[Latin: related to natal]
napkin /'naepkm/ n. 1 piece of linen etc.
nasturtium /n9'st3:Jam/ n. trailing
for wiping the lips, fingers, etc. at meals.
plant with edible leaves and bright
2 baby's nappy. [French nappe from
orange, yellow, or red flowers. [Latin]
Latin mappa map] nasty /'na:sti/ -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 highly
nappy /'naepi/ n. (pi. -ies) piece of towel-
unpleasant. 2 difficult to negotiate. 3 (of
ling wrapped round a baby to
a person or animal) ill-natured, -n. (pi.
absorb or retain urine and faeces, [from horror film, esp. one on
-ies) colloq.
napkin] video and depicting cruelty or killing.
narcissism /'na:si,siz(a)m/ n. excessive
nastily adv. nastiness n. [origin
or erotic interest in oneself. nar- unknown]
cissistic /-'sistik/ adj. [Narkissos, name nasty piece of work n. colloq. un
of a youth in Greek myth who fell in pleasant or contemptible person.
love with his reflection] Nat. abbr. 1 National. 2 Nationalist 3
narcissus /nai'sisas/ n. (pi. -cissi /-sai/) Natural.
any of several flowering bulbs, includ- natal /'neit(3)l/ adj. of or from one's
ing the daffodil. [Latin from Greek] birth. [Latin natalis from nascor nat- be
narcosis /na:'kausis/ n. 1 state of in- born]
sensibility. 2 induction of this. [Greek nation /'neij(a)n/ n. community of
narke numbness] people of mainly common descent, his-
narcotic /ncu'kDtik/ -adj. 1 (of a sub- tory, language, etc., forming a State or
stance) inducing drowsiness etc. 2 (of a inhabiting a territory. [Latin: related to
drug) affecting the mind. -n. narcotic natal]
substance, drug, or influence. [Greek national /'naejan(a)l/ -adj. 1 of a, or
narkotikos] the, nation. 2 characteristic of a particu-
nark slang -n. police informer or de- lar nation, -n. 1 citizen of a specified
coy, -v. annoy. [Romany nak nose] country. 2 fellow-countryman. 3 (the
narrate /na'reit/ v. (-ting) 1 give a National) = Grand National, i i

continuous story or account of. 2 pro- nationally adv.

vide a spoken accompaniment for (a national anthem n. song adopted by a
film etc.). narration /na'reij\a)n/ n. nation, intended to inspire patriotism.
narrator n. [Latin narro) national curriculum n. common pro-
narrative /'naerativ/ -n. ordered ac- gramme of study for pupils in the main-
count of connected events, -adj. of or by tained schools of England and Wales,
narration. with tests at specified ages.
national debt 592 nature
national debt n. money owed by a natty /'naeti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq.
State because of loans to it. trim; smart. nattily adv. neat] [cf.
National Front n. UK political party natural /'naetj*ar(a)l/ a existing
-adj. 1
with extreme reactionary views on im- in or caused by nature (natural land-
migration etc. scape), b uncultivated (in its natural
national grid n. 1 network of high- state). 2 in the course of nature (died of
voltage electric power lines between natural causes). 3 not surprising; to be
major power stations. 2 metric system expected (natural for her to be upset). 4
of geographical coordinates used in unaffected, spontaneous. 5 innate
maps of the British Isles. (natural talent for music). 6 not dis-
National Health n. (also National guised or altered (as by make-up etc.). 7
Health Service) system of national likely or suited by its or their nature to
medical care paid for mainly by taxa- be such (natural enemies; natural
tion. leader). 8 physically existing (the nat-
National Insurance n. system of ural world). 9 illegitimate. 10 Mus. (of
compulsory payments by employed per- a note) not sharpened or flattened (B
sons (supplemented by employers) to natural), -n. 1 colloq. (usu. foil, by for)
provide State assistance in sickness etc. person or thing naturally suitable,
nationalism n. 1 patriotic feeling, prin- adept, etc. 2 Mus. a sign (q) denoting a
ciples, etc. 2 policy of national inde- return to natural pitch, b natural note.
pendence. nationalist n. & adj. naturalness n. [Latin: related to
nationalistic /-'listik/ adj. nature]
nationality /.naeJVnaeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 natural gas n. gas found in the earth's
status of belonging to a particular crust, not manufactured.
nation (has British nationality). 2 con- natural history n. the study of an-
dition of being national; distinctive imals or plants.
national qualities. 3 ethnic group form- naturalism n. 1 theory or practice in
ing a part of one or more political art and literature of realistic repres-
nations. entation. 2 a theory of the world that
nationalize /'naejana.laiz/ v. (also -ise) excludes the supernatural or spiritual,
(-zing or -sing) 1 take (railways, indus- b moral or religious system based on
try, land, etc.) into State ownership. 2 this, n naturalistic /-'listik/ adj.
make national. nationalization naturalist n. 1 person who studies
/-'zeij(a)n/ n. natural history. 2 adherent of natur-
national park n. area of natural alism.
beauty protected by the State for the use naturalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)

of the public. 1 admit (a foreigner) to citizenship. 2

national service n. hist, conscripted successfully introduce (an animal,
peacetime military service, plant, etc.) into another region. 3 adopt
nationwide adj. & adv. extending over (a foreign word, custom, etc.). natur-
the whole nation. alization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
native /'neitiv/ -n. 1 a (usu. foil, by of) natural law n. 1 unchanging moral
person born in a specified place, b local principles common to all human beings.
inhabitant. 2 often offens. member of 2 correct statement of an invariable
a non-White indigenous people, as sequence between specified conditions
regarded by colonial settlers. 3 (usu. and a specified phenomenon.
foil, by of) indigenous animal or plant. naturally adv. 1 in a natural manner. 2
-adj. 1 inherent; innate. 2 of one's birth (qualifying a whole sentence) as might
(native country). 3 (usu. foil, by to) be expected; of course.
belonging to a specified place. 4 (esp. of a natural number n. whole number
non-European) indigenous; born in a greater than 0.
place. 5 (of metal etc.) found in a pure or natural resources materials or
uncombined state. [Latin: related to conditions occurring in nature and cap-
natal] able of economic exploitation.
nativity /na'tiviti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (esp. the natural science n. 1 the study of the
Nativity) a Christ's birth, b festival of natural or physical world. 2 (in pi.)
Christ's birth. 2 birth. [Latin: related to sciences used for this.
NATIVE] natural selection n. Darwinian
NATO /'neitau/ abbr. (also Nato) North theory of the survival and propagation
Atlantic Treaty Organization. of organisms best adapted to their en-
natter colloq. -v. chatter idly. — n. aim- vironment.
less chatter, [imitative, originally dial.] nature /'neitja(r)/ n. 1 thing's or per-
natterjack /'naeta,d3aek/ n. a kind of son's innate or essential qualities or
small toad, [perhaps from natter] character. 2 (often Nature) a physical
natured 593 near
power causing all material phenomena, a sail on (a sea, river, etc.). b fly through
b these phenomena. 3 kind or class (the air). 3 (in a car etc.) assist the driver
(things of this nature). 4 inherent im- by map-reading etc. 4 sail a ship; sail in a
pulses determining character or action. ship. navigators. [Latin navigo from
D by nature innately, in (or by) the navis]
nature of things 1 inevitable. 2 inevit- navigation /,naevi'geiJXa)n/ n. 1 act or
ably. [Latin natura: related to natal] process of navigating. 2 art or science of
natured adj. (in comb.) having a speci- navigating. navigational adj.
fied disposition (good-natured). navvy /'naevi/ -n. (pi. -ies) labourer
nature reserve n. tract of land employed in building or excavating
managed so as to preserve its flora, roads, canals, etc. -v. (-ies, -ied) work
fauna, physical features, etc. as a navvy, [abbreviation of navigator]
nature trail n. signposted path navy /'neivi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 (often the
through the countryside designed to Navy ) a whole body of a State's ships of
draw attention to natural phenomena. war, including crews, maintenance sys-
naturism n. nudism. naturist n. tems, etc. b officers and men of a navy. 2
naught /no:t/ archaic or literary -n. (in full navy blue) dark-blue colour as
nothing, nought, -adj. (usu. predic.) of naval uniforms. 3 poet, fleet of ships.
worthless; useless. come to naught [Romanic navia ship: related to naval]
come to nothing, fail, set at naught nay -adv. 1 or rather; and even; and
despise. [Old English: related to no ,
more than that (large, nay, huge). 2
wight] archaic = no 2 adv. 1. -n. utterance of
naughty /'no:ti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (esp. 'nay'; 'no' vote. [Old Norse, = not ever]
of children) disobedient; badly behaved. Nazarene /'naeza,ri:n/ -n. 1 a (prec. by
Icolloq.joc. indecent. naughtily adv. the) Christ, b (esp. in Jewish or Muslim
naughtiness n. [from naught] use) Christian. 2 native or inhabitant of
nausea /'noisia/ n. 1 inclination to Nazareth, -adj. of Nazareth. [Latin
vomit. 2 revulsion. [Greek naus ship] from Greek]
nauseate /'no:si,eit/ v. (-ting) affect Nazi /'na:tsi/ -n. (pi. -s) hist, member of
with nausea. nauseating adj. naus- the German National Socialist party.
eatingly adv. -adj. of the Nazis or Nazism. Nazism
nauseous /'no:sias/ adj. 1 causing n. [representing pronunciation of Nati-
nausea. 2 inclined to vomit (feel naus- in German Nationalsozialist]
eous). 3 disgusting; loathsome. NB abbr. note well. [Latin nota bene]
nautical /'no:tik(a)l/ adj. of sailors or Nb symb. niobium.
navigation. [Greek nautes sailor] NCB abbr. hist. National Coal Board.
nautical mile n. unit of approx. 2,025 Usage Since 1987 the official name
yards (1,852 metres). has been British Coal.
nautilus / noitilas/ n. (pi. nautiluses or
nautili /-,lai/) cephalopod mollusc with NCO abbr. non-commissioned officer.
a spiral shell, esp. (pearly nautilus) NCP abbr. National Car Parks.
one having a chambered shell. [Greek Nd symb. neodymium.
nautilos: related to nautical] NE abbr. 1 north-east. 2 north-eastern.
naval /'neiv(a)l/ adj. 1 of the or a navy. 2 Ne symb. neon.
of ships. [Latin navis ship] Neanderthal /ni'aenda,ta:l/ adj. of the
nave n. central part of a church, usu.
1 type of human widely distributed in
from the west door to the chancel palaeolithic Europe, with a retreating
excluding the side aisles. [Latin navis forehead and massive brow-ridges, [re-
ship] gion in W. Germany]
nave 2 of a wheel. [Old English]
n. hub neap n. (in full neap tide) tide at the
navel /'neiv(a)l/ n. depression in the times of the month when there is least
centre of the belly marking the site of difference between high and low water.
attachment of the umbilical cord. [Old [Old English]
English] Neapolitan /ni9'pDht(a)n/ -n. native or
navel orange n. orange with a navel- citizen Naples, -adj.
of of Naples.
like formation at the top. [Greek Neapolis Naples]
navigable /'naevigab(a)l/ adj. 1 (of a near -adv. 1 (often foil, by to) to or at a

river etc.) suitable for ships to pass short distance in space or time. 2 closely
through. 2 seaworthy. 3 steerable. (as near as one can guess), -prep. 1 to
navigability /-'biliti/ n. [Latin: related or at a short distance from (in space,
to navigate] time, condition, or resemblance). 2 (in
navigate /'naevi.geit/ v. (-ting) 1 man- comb.) almost (near- hysterical), -adj. 1
age or direct the course of (a ship or close (to), not far (in place or time) (my
aircraft) using maps and instruments. 2 flat 's very near, the man nearest you; in
nearby 594 NEDC
the near future). 2 a closely related, b necessitous /ni'sesitas/ adj. poor;
intimate. 3 (of a part of a vehicle, an- needy.
imal, or road) on the left side. 4 close; necessity /ni'sesiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 indis-
narrow (near escape). 5 similar (to) (is pensable thing. 2 pressure of circum-
nearer the original). 6 colloq. niggardly. stances. 3 imperative need. 4 want;
— u. approach; draw near to. come (or poverty. 5 constraint or compulsion
go) near (foil, by verbal noun, or to + regarded as a natural law governing
verbal noun) be on the point of, almost all human action. of necessity un-
succeed in. near at hand within easy avoidably.
reach, near the knuckle colloq. ver- neck -n. 1 a part of the body connecting
ging on the indecent. nearish adj. the head to the shoulders, b part of a
nearness n. [Old Norse, originally = garment round the neck. 2 something
nigher: related to nigh] resembling a neck; narrow part of a
nearby —adj. near in position, -adv. cavity, vessel, or object such as a bottle
close; not far away. or violin. 3 length of a horse's head and
Near East n. (prec. by the) region com- neck as a measure of its lead in a race. 4
prising the countries of the eastern flesh of an animal's neck as food. 5 slang
Mediterranean. Near Eastern adj. impudence, -v. colloq. kiss and caress
nearly adv. 1 almost. 2 closely, a not amorously. get it in the neck colloq. 1
nearly nothing like. be severely reprimanded or punished. 2
near miss n. 1 bomb etc. falling close to
suffer a severe blow, up to one's neck
the target. 2 narrowly avoided collision. (often foil, by in) colloq. very deeply
3 not quite successful attempt. involved; very busy. [Old English]
nearside n. (often attrib.) left side of a neck and neck adj. & adv. (running)
vehicle, animal, etc.
level in a race etc.
near-sighted adj. = short-sighted. neckband n. strip of material round
near thing n. narrow escape. the neck of a garment.
neat adj. 1 tidy and methodical. 2 el- neckerchief n. square of cloth worn
egantly simple. 3 brief, clear, and
round the neck, [from kerchief]
pointed. 4 a cleverly executed, b dex-
necklace /'neklas/ n. 1 chain or string of
terous. 5 (of esp. alcoholic liquor) un-
beads, precious stones, etc., worn round
diluted. neatly adv. neatness n.
the neck. 2 S.Afr. tyre soaked or filled
[French net from Latin nitidus shining!
with petrol, placed round a victim's
neaten v. make neat.
neck, and set alight.
neath prep. poet, beneath, [from be-
neckline n. edge or shape of a garment-
opening at the neck.
nebula /'nebjula/ n. (pi. nebulae /-,li:/)

cloud of gas and dust seen in the night

necktie n. esp. US = tie n. 2.
sky, sometimes glowing and sometimes
necro- comb, form corpse. [Greek nek-
ros corpse]
appearing as a dark silhouette. neb-
ular = mist]
adj. [Latin,
necromancy /'nekrau.maensi/ n. 1 div-
ination by supposed communication
nebulous cloudlike. 2 indistinct,
adj. 1

vague. [Latin: related to nebula] with the dead. 2 magic. necro-

NEC abbr. National Executive Commit- mancer n. [from necro-, mantis seer]
necrophilia /.nekra'filia/ n. morbid

necessary /'nesasan/ -adj. requiring

and esp. sexual attraction to corpses.
to be done; requisite, essential. 2 deter- necropolis /ne'kropalis/ n. ancient
mined, existing, or happening by cemetery or burial place. [Greek:
natural laws etc., not by free will; inevit- related to necro-, polis city]
able, -n. (pi. -ies) (usu. in pi.) any of the necrosis /ne'krausis/ n. death of tissue.
basic requirements of life. the neces- necrotic /-'krotik/ adj. [Greek nekroo
sary colloq. 1 money. 2 an action etc. kill]

needed for a purpose. necessarily nectar /'nekta(r)/

n. 1 sugary substance

/'nes-, -'senli/ adv. [Latin necesse need- produced by plants and made into
ful] honey by bees. 2 (in Greek and Roman
necessitarian /ni.sesi'tearian/-/*. per- mythology) the drink of the gods. 3
son who holds that all action is predeter- drink compared to this. nectarous
mined and free will is impossible, —adj. adj. [Latin from Greek]
of such a person or theory. necessit- nectarine /'nektann/ n. smooth-
arianism n. skinned variety of peach, [from nec-
necessitate /ni'sesi.teit/ v. (-ting) make tar]
necessary (esp. as a result) (will NEDC abbr. National Economic De-
necessitate some sacrifice). velopment Council.
neddy 595 Negress
neddy /'nedi/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. 1 don- negation /ni'geiJXa)n/ n. 1 absence or
key. 2 (Neddy) = NEDC. [pet form of opposite of something actual or posit-
Edward] ive. 2 act of denying. 3 negative state-
nee /nei/ adj. (US nee) (used in adding a ment. 4 negative or unreal thing.
married woman's maiden name after negative /'negativ/ -adj. 1 expressing
her surname) born (Mrs Ann Hall, nee or implying denial, prohibition, or re-
Brown). [French, feminine past part, of fusal (negative answer). 2 (of a person
naitre be born] or attitude) lacking positive attributes.
need -v. 1 stand in want of; require. 2 3 marked by the absence of qualities
(foil, by to +3rd sing, present
infin.; (negative reaction). 4 of the opposite
neg. or interrog. need without to) be nature to a thing regarded as positive. 5
under the necessity or obligation (needs (of a quantity) less than zero, to be
to be done well; he need not come; need subtracted from others or from zero. 6
you ask?), —n. 1 requirement (my needs Electr. a of the kind of charge carried by
are few). 2 circumstances requiring electrons, b containing or producing
some course of action (no need to worry ;
such a charge, -n. 1 negative statement
if need be). 3 destitution; poverty. 4 or word. 2 Photog. a image with black
crisis; emergency (failed them in their and white reversed or colours replaced
need). have need of require, need not by complementary ones, from which
have did not need to (but did). [Old
positive pictures are obtained, b de-
English] veloped film or plate bearing such an
needful adj. requisite. needfully image, -v. (-ving) 1 refuse to accept or
countenance; veto. 2 disprove. 3 contra-
needle /'ni:d(a)l/ -n. 1 a very thin
dict (a statement). 4 neutralize (an
pointed rod of smooth steel etc. with a effect). in the negative with negative
slit ('eye') for thread at the blunt end,
effect. negatively adv. negativity
used in sewing, b larger plastic, wooden,
/-'tiviti/ n.
etc. slender rod without an eye, used in
negativism n. negative attitude;
knitting etc. 2 pointer on a dial. 3 any of
extreme scepticism.
several small thin pointed instruments,
neglect /ni'glekt/ -v. 1 fail to care for or
esp.: a the end of a hypodermic syringe,
to do; be remiss about. 2 (foil, by to +
b - stylus 1. 4 a obelisk (Cleopatra's
infin.) fail; overlook the need to. 3 not
Needle), b pointed rock or peak. 5 leaf of
pay attention to; disregard, -n. 1 negli-
a fir or pine tree. 6 (the needle) slang fit
gence. 2 neglecting or being neglected. 3
of bad temper or nervousness, —v.
(usu. foil, by of) disregard, neglectful
(-ling) colloq. irritate; provoke. [Old
adj. neglectfully adv. [Latin neglego
needlecord n. fine-ribbed corduroy
negligee /'negli^ei/ n. (also negligee,
neglige) woman's flimsy dressing-
needle-point lace made with
n. 1
gown. [French, past part, of negliger
needles, not bobbins. 2 = gros or petit
needless adj. 1 unnecessary. 2 uncalled negligence /'neglid3(a)ns/ n. 1 lack of
for. needlessly adv. proper care and attention. 2 culpable
needlewoman n. 1 seamstress. 2 carelessness. negligent adj. negli-
woman or girl with specified sewing gently adv. [Latin: related to neglect]
negligible /'neglid3ib(a)l/ adj. not
needlework n. sewing or embroidery,
worth considering; insignificant neg-
needs adv. archaic (usu. prec. or foil, by ligibly adv. [French: related to neg-
must) of necessity. lect]
needy adj. (-ier, -iest) poor; destitute. negotiable /ni'gaufab(a)l/ adj. 1 open to
neediness n. discussion. 2 able to be negotiated.
ne'er /nea(r)/ adv. poet. = never, [con- negotiate /ni'gaufi.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 (usu.
traction] foil, by with) confer in order to reach an

ne'er-do-well -n. good-for-nothing agreement. 2 arrange (an affair) or

person, -adj. good-for-nothing, bring about (a result) by negotiating.
nefarious /ni'fearias/ adj. wicked. 3 find a way over, through, etc. (an
[Latin nefas wrong n.] obstacle, difficulty, etc.). 4 convert (a
neg. abbr. esp. Photog. negative, cheque etc.) into money. negoti-
negate /ni'geit/ v. (-ting) 1 nullify. 2 ation / -JYeiJ\a)n/ n. negotiator n.

assert or imply the non-existence of. [Latin negotium business]

[Latin nego deny] Negress /'ni:gns/ n. female Negro.
Negritude 596 nerve gas
Usage The term Negress is often nemesis /'nemasis/ n. (pi. nemeses
/-,si:z/) 1 retributive justice. 2 downfall
considered offensive; Black is usually
caused by this. [Greek, = retribution]
neo- comb, form 1 new, modern. 2 new
Negritude 'negn,tju:d/ n. 1 state of form of. [Greek neos new]
being Black. 2 affirmation of Black cul- neoclassicism /.ni^u'klaesi.siz^m/ n.
ture. [French] revival of classical style or treatment in
Negro /'ni:grau/ -n. (pi. -es) member of the arts, z neoclassical /-k(a)l/ adj.
a dark-skinned race orig. native to neodymium /.ni^'dimiam/ n. metallic
Africa, -adj. 1 of Negroes. 2 (as negro) element of the lanthanide series, [from
Zoo I. black or dark. [Latin niger nigri neo-, Greek didumos twin]
black] neolithic /,ni:a'h0ik/ adj. of the later
Usage The term Negro is often con- part of the Stone Age. [Greek lithos
sidered offensive; Black is usually stone]
preferred. neologism /ni:'Dla,d3iz(a)m/ n. 1 new
word. 2 coining of new words. [Greek
Negroid /'ni:groid/ -adj. (of physical logos word]
features etc.) characteristic of Black neon /'ni:Dn/ n. inert gaseous element
people, -n. Black. giving an orange glow when electricity
neigh /nei/-n. cry of a horse, -v. make a is passed through it. [Greek, = new]
neigh. [Old English] neophyte /'ni:a,fait/ n. 1 new convert. 2
neighbour (US neighbor)
/'neiba(r)/ RC Ch. novice of a religious order. 3
-n. 1 person living next door to or near beginner. [Greek phuton plant]
or nearest another. 2 fellow human nephew /'nefju:/ n. son of one's brother
being. 3 person or thing near or next to or sister or of one's spouse's brother or
another. — v. border on; adjoin. [Old sister. [Latin nepos]
English: related to nigh, boor] nephritic /ni'fntik/ adj. 1 of or in the
neighbourhood n. (US neighbor- kidneys. 2 of nephritis. [Greek nephros
hood) 1 district; vicinity. 2 people of a kidney]
district. in the neighbourhood of nephritis /ni'fraitis/ n. inflammation of
roughly; about. the kidneys.
neighbourhood watch n. organized ne plus ultra /,nei plus ultra:/ n. 1
local vigilance by householders to dis- furthest attainable point. 2 acme, per-
courage crime. fection. [Latin, = not further beyond]
neighbourly adj. (US neighborly) nepotism /'nep9,tiz(9)m/ n. favouritism
like a good neighbour; friendly; kind. shown to relatives in conferring offices.
neighbourliness n. [Italian nepote nephew]
neither /'naida(r), "ni:5-/ -adj. & pron. neptunium /nep'tju:niam/ n. transur-
(foil, by one nor the
sing, verb) not the anic metallic element produced when
other (of two things); not either (neither uranium atoms absorb bombarding
of the accusations is true; neither of neutrons. [Neptune, name of a planet]
them knows; neither wish was nerd n. (also nurd) esp. US slang
granted; neither went to the fair), -adv. foolish, feeble, or uninteresting per-
1 not either; not on the one hand (foil, by son, [origin uncertain]
nor; introducing the first of two or more nereid /'niarnd/ n. sea-nymph. [Latin
things in the negative: neither knowing from Greek]
nor caring; neither the teachers nor the nerve -n. 1 a fibre or bundle of fibres
parents nor the children). 2 also not (if that transmits impulses of sensation or
you do not, neither shall T). -conj. motion between the brain or spinal cord
archaic nor yet; nor (I know not, neither and other parts of the body, b material
can I guess). [Old English: related to constituting these. 2 a coolness in
no 2 whether]
danger; bravery, b colloq. impudence. 3
nelson /"nels(a)n/ n. wrestling-hold in (in pi.) nervousness; mental or physical
which one arm is passed under the stress, -v. (-ving) 1 (usu. refl.) brace
opponent's arm from behind and the (oneself) to face danger etc. 2 give
hand is applied to the neck (half nel- strength, vigour, or courage to. get on
son), or both arms and hands are ap- a person's nerves irritate a person
plied (full nelson), [apparently from [Latin nervus sinew, bowstring]
the name Nelson] nerve cell n. cell transmitting impulses
nematode /'nema.taud/ n. worm with a in nerve tissue.
slender unsegmented cylindrical shape. nerve-centre n. 1 group of closely con
[Greek nema thread] nected nerve-cells. 2 centre of control.
nem. con. abbr. with no one dissenting. nerve gas n. poisonous gas affecting
[Latin nemine contradicente] the nervous system.
nerveless 597 neutral
nerveless adj. 1 lacking vigour. 2 (of nether /'neoa(r)/ adj. archaic = lower 1

style) diffuse. [Old English]

nerve-racking adj. causing mental nether regions (also nether
strain. world) hell; the underworld,
nervous adj. 1 easily upset, timid, net profit n. actual gain after working
highly strung. 2 anxious. 3 affecting the expenses have been paid,
nerves. 4 (foil, by of + verbal noun) nett var. of net2 .

afraid (am nervous of meeting them), c netting n. 1 netted fabric.'2 piece of this.
nervously adv. nervousness n. nettle /'net(a)l/ -n. 1 plant with jagged
nervous breakdown n. period of leaves covered with stinging hairs. 2
mental illness, usu. resulting from plant resembling this. -v. (-ling) irrit-
severe stress. ate, provoke. [Old English]
nervous system n. body's network of nettle-rash n. skin eruption like nettle
nerve cells. stings.
nervy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. nervous; network -n. 1 arrangement of inter-
easily excited. secting horizontal and vertical lines. 2
nescient /'nesiant/ adj. literary (foil, by complex system of railways etc. 3 people
of) lacking knowledge. nescience n. connected by the exchange of informa-
[Latin ne- not, scio know] tion etc., professionally or socially. 4
-ness suffix forming nouns from adject- system of connected electrical con-
ives, expressing: 1 state or condition, or ductors. 5 group of broadcasting
an instance of this (happiness; a kind- stations connected for the simultaneous

ness). 2 something in a certain state broadcast of a programme. 6 chain of

(wilderness). [Old English] interconnected computers, -v. broad-
nest -n. 1 structure or place where a cast on a network.
bird lays eggs and shelters its young. 2 neural /'njuar(a)l/ adj. of a nerve or the
any creature's breeding-place or lair. 3 central nervous system. [Greek neuron
snug retreat or shelter. 4 brood or nerve]
swarm. 5 group or set of similar objects, neuralgia /njua'raeld3a/ n. intense pain
often of different sizes and fitting one along a nerve, esp. in the head or face.
inside the other (nest of tables), -v. 1 neuralgic aaj.
use or build a nest. 2 take wild birds' neuritis /njua'raitis/ n. inflammation of
nests or eggs. 3 (of objects) fit together a nerve or nerves.
or one inside another. [Old English] neuro- comb, form nerve or nerves.
nest egg n. sum of money saved for the [Greek neuron nerve]
future. neurology /njua'roladsi/ n. the study of
nestle /'nes(a)l/ (-ling) 1 (often foil, by
v. nerve systems. neurological
down, in, etc.) settle oneself comfort- -r8'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. neurologist n.
ably. 2 press oneself against another in neuron /'njuarnn/ n. (also neurone
affection etc. 3 (foil, by in, into, etc.) /-raun/) nerve cell.
push (a head or shoulder etc.) affec- neurosis /njoa'rausis/ n. (pi. neuroses
tionately or snugly. 4 lie half hidden irrational or disturbed behaviour

or embedded. [Old English] pattern, associated with nervous

nestling /'nestlm/ n. bird too young to distress.
leave its nest. neurosurgery /.njuarau'sa^an/ n.
net -n. 1 open-meshed fabric of cord,
surgery on the nervous system, esp. the
rope, etc. 2 piece of net used esp. to brain or spinal cord, neurosurgeon
restrain, contain, or delimit, or to catch n. neurosurgical adj.
fish etc. 3 structure with a net used in neurotic /njua'mtik/ -aaj. 1 caused by
various games, -v. (-tt-) 1 a cover, or relating to neurosis. 2 suffering from
confine, or catch with a net. b procure as neurosis. 3 colloq. abnormally sensitive
with a net. 2 hit (a ball) into the net, esp. or obsessive, -n. neurotic person.
of a goal. [Old English] neurotically adv.
net 2 (also nett) -adj. 1 (esp. of money) neuter /'nju:ta(r)/ -adj. 1 neither mas-
remaining after all necessary deduc- culine nor feminine. 2 (of a plant)
tions. 2 (of a price) not reducible. 3 (of a having neither pistils nor stamen. 3 (of
weight) excluding that of the packaging an insect) sexually undeveloped, -n.
etc. 4 (of an effect, result, etc.) ultimate, 1 neuter gender or word. 2 a non-fertile

actual. -v. (-tt-) gain or yield (a sum) as insect, esp. a worker bee or ant. b cas-
net profit. [French: related to neat] trated animal, -v. castrate or spay.
netball n. team game in which goals are [Latin]
scored by throwing a ball through a neutral /'nju:tr(a)l/ -aaj. 1 not support-

high horizontal ring from which a net ing either of two opposing sides, impar-
hangs. tial. 2 belonging to a neutral State etc.
neutralize 598 newsreel
{neutral ships). 3 indistinct, vague, in- New Age n. set of beliefs replacing
determinate. 4 (of a gear) in which the traditional Western culture, with al-
engine is disconnected from the driven ternative approaches to religion, medi-
parts. 5 (of colours) not strong or posit- cine, the environment, etc.
ive; grey or beige. 6 Chem. neither acid new arrival n. colloq. newborn child.
nor alkaline. 7 Electr. neither posit- newborn adj. recently born.
ive nor negative. 8 Biol, sexually un- new broom n. new employee etc. eager
developed; asexual. -n. 1 a neutral State to make changes.
or person, b citizen of a neutral State. newcomer n. 1 person who has
2 neutral gear. neutrality /-'traeliti/ recently arrived. 2 beginner in some
n. [Latin neutralis of neuter gender] activity.
neutralize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) newel /'nju:al/ n. 1 supporting central
1 make neutral. 2 make ineffective by post of winding stairs. 2 (also newel
an opposite force or effect. 3 exempt post) top or bottom supporting post of a
or exclude (a place) from the sphere stair-rail. [Latin nodus knot]
of hostilities. neutralization newfangled /nju:'faeng(a)ld/ adj.
/-'zeij(a)n/ n. derog. different from what one is used
neutrino /nju:'tri:nau/ n. (pi. -s) ele- to; objectionably new. [= new taken]
mentary particle with zero electric newly adv. 1 recently. 2 afresh, anew.
charge and probably zero mass. [Italian, newly-wed n. recently married person.
diminutive of neutro neutral: related to new mathematics (also new
neuter] maths) (also treated as sing.) system of
neutron /'njuitron/ n. elementary par- elementary maths teaching with an em-
ticle of about the same mass as a proton phasis on investigation and set theory.
but without an electric charge, [from new moon n. 1 moon when first seen as
neutral] a crescent after conjunction with the
neutron bomb n. bomb producing sun. 2 time of its appearance.
neutrons and little blast, destroying life new potatoes earliest potatoes of
but not property. a new crop.
never /'neva(r)/ adv. 1 a at no time; on news /nju:z/ (usu. treated as sing.)
no occasion; not ever, b colloq. as an 1 information about important or inter-

emphatic negative (/ never heard you esting recent events, esp. when pub-
come in). 2 not at all (never fear). 3 lished or broadcast. 2 (prec. by the)
colloq. (expressing surprise) surely not broadcast report of news. 3 newly
(you never left the door open!). well I received or noteworthy information,
never! expressing great surprise. [Old [from new]
English, = not ever] newsagent n. seller of or shop selling
nevermore adv. at no future time. newspapers etc.
never-never n. (often prec. by the) newscast n. radio or television broad-
colloq. hire purchase. cast of news reports.
nevertheless /.nevada'les/ adv. in spite newscaster n. = newsreader.
of that; notwithstanding. news conference n. press conference.
nevus US var. of naevus. newsflash n. single item of important
new -adj. 1 a of recent origin or arrival, news, broadcast urgently and often
b made, discovered, acquired, or experi- interrupting other programmes.
enced recently or now for the first time. newsletter n. informal printed report
2 in original condition; not worn or issued periodically to members of a club
used. 3 a renewed; reformed (new life; etc.
the new order), b reinvigorated (felt like newspaper n. 1 printed publication of
a new person). 4 different from a recent loose folded sheets containing news,
previous one (has a new job). 5 (often advertisements, correspondence, etc. 2
foil, by to) unfamiliar or strange (all paper forming this (wrapped in news-
new to me). 6 (usu. prec. by the) often paper).
derog. a later, modern, b newfangled, Newspeak n. ambiguous euphemistic
c given to new or modern ideas, language used esp. in political propa-
d recently affected by social change ganda, [an artificial official language in
(the new rich). 7 (often prec. by the) Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four]
advanced in method or theory. 8 (in newsprint n. low-quality paper on
place-names) discovered or founded which newspapers are printed.
later than and named after (New York), newsreader n. person who reads out
-adv. (usu. in comb.) newly, recently broadcast news bulletins.
(new-found; new-baked). newish adj. newsreel n. short cinema film of recent
newness n. [Old English] events.
news room 599 nictitate
news room room in a newspaper or
n. nib pen-point. 2 (in pi.) shelled and
n. 1
broadcasting office where news is pro- crushed coffee or cocoa beans. [Low
cessed. German or Dutch]
news-sheet n. simple form of news- nibble -v. (-ling) 1 (foil, by at)
paper; newsletter. a take small bites at. b take cautious
news-stand n. stall for the sale of interest in. 2 eat in small amounts. 3 bite
newspapers, at gently, cautiously, or playfully, -n. 1
new star n. nova. act of nibbling. 2 very small amount of
new style n. dating reckoned by the food. [Low German or Dutch]
Gregorian Calendar, nibs n. his nibs joc. colloq. mock
news-vendor n. newspaper-seller, title used with reference
to an import-
newsworthy adj. topical; noteworthy ant or self-important person, [origin
as news. unknown]
newsy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. full of
nice adj. 1 pleasant,
satisfactory. 2 (of a
news. person) kind, good-natured. 3 iron, bad
or awkward (nice mess). 4 fine or subtle
newt n. small amphibian with a well-
(nice distinction). 5 fastidious; delic-
developed tail, [ewt, with n from an: var.
ately sensitive. 6 (foil, by an adj., often
of evet eft]
with and) satisfactory in terms of the
New Testament n. part of the Bible
quality described (a nice long time; nice
concerned with the life and teachings of
and warm). nicely adv. niceness n.
Christ and his earliest followers.
nicish adj. (also niceish). [originally =
newton /'nju:t(9)n/ n. SI unit of force foolish, from Latin nescius ignorant]
that, acting on a mass of one kilogram, nicety /'naisiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 subtle
increases its velocity by one metre per distinction or detail. 2 precision, to a
second every second. [Newton, name of nicety with exactness.
a scientist! niche /ni:J7 n. 1 shallow recess, esp. in a
new town n. town planned and built all wall. 2 comfortable or apt position in life
at once with government funds. or employment. 3 position from which
New Wave n. a style of rock music. an entrepreneur exploits a gap in the
New World n. North and South Amer- market; profitable corner of the market.
ica. [Latin nidus nest]
new year n. year just begun or about to nick -n. 1 small cut or notch. 2 slang a
begin; first few days of a year. prison, b police station. 3 colloq. con-
New Year's Day n. 1 January. dition (in good nick), -v. 1 make a nick
New Year's Eve n. 31 December. or nicks in. 2 slang a steal, b arrest,
next -adj. 1 (often foil, by to) being, catch. in the nick of time only just in
positioned, or living nearest. 2 nearest time, [origin uncertain]
in order of time; soonest encountered nickel /'nik(a)l/ n. 1 silver-white metal-
(next Friday; ask the next person you lic element, used esp. in magnetic
see), -adv. 1 (often foil, by to) in the alloys. 2 colloq. US five-cent coin. [Ger-
nearest place or degree (put it next to man]
mine). 2 on the first or soonest occasion nickel silver n. = German silver.
(when we next meet), -n. next person or nickel steel n. type of stainless steel
with chromium and nickel.
thing, -prep, colloq. next to. next to
almost (next to nothing left). [Old Eng-
nicker n. (pi. same) slang pound ster-
ling, [origin unknown]
lish, superlative of nigh]
nick-nack var. of knick-knack.
next-best adj. the next in order of nickname /'nikneim/ -n. familiar or
humorous name given to a person or
next door adj. & adv. (as adj. often thing instead of or as well as the real
hyphenated) in the next house or room. name. -v. (-ming) 1 give a nickname to.
next of kin n.sing. & pi. closest living 2 call by a nickname, [earlier eke-name,
relative(s). with n from an: eke addition, from Old
next world n. (prec. by the) life after English: related to eke]
death. nicotine /'nika,ti:n/ n. poisonous alkal-
nexus /'neksas/ n. (pi. same) connected oid present in tobacco. [French from
group or series. [Latin necto nex- bind] Nicot, introducer of tobacco into
NHS abbr. National Health Service. France]
NI abbr. 1 Northern Ireland. 2 National nicotinic acid /.nika'tmik/ n. vitamin
Insurance. of the B complex.
Ni symb. nickel. nictitate /'nikti.teit/ v. (-ting) blink or
niacin /'naiasm/ n. = nicotinic acid. wink. nictitation /-'teiJXa)n/ n.
[shortening] [Latin]
nictitating membrane 600 ninety
nictitating membrane n. transpar- night safe safe with access from the
ent third eyelid in amphibians, birds, outer wall of a bank for the deposit of
and some other animals. money etc. when the bank is closed.
niece n. daughter of one's brother or night school n. institution providing
sister or of one's spouse's brother or classes in the evening.
sister. [Latin neptis granddaughter] nightshade n. any of various plants

nifF n. & v. colloq. smell, stink. niffy with poisonous berries. [Old English]
adj. (-ier, -iest). [originally a dial, word] nightshirt n. long shirt worn in bed.
nifty /'nifti/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 nightspot n. nightclub.
clever, adroit. 2 smart, stylish, [origin night-time n. time of darkness.
uncertain] )
night-watchman n. 1 person em-
niggard /'nigad/ n. stingy person, ployed to keep watch at night. 2 Cricket
inferior batsman sent in near the close
[probably of Scandinavian origin]
of a day's play.
niggardly adj. stingy. niggardli-
ness n.
nihilism /'naii,liz(8)m/ n. 1 rejection of
all religious and moral principles. 2
nigger Black or dark-skinned
n. offens.
belief that nothing really exists. ni-
person. [Spanish Negro]
hilist n. nihilistic /-'listik/ adj. [Latin
niggle /'nig(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 be over- nihil nothing]
attentive to details. 2 find fault in a petty
-nik suffix forming nouns denoting a
way. 3 colloq. irritate; nag pettily. person associated with a specified thing
niggling adj. [origin unknown] or quality (beatnik). [Russian (as sput-
nigh & adj. archaic or
/nai/ adv., prep., nik) and Yiddish]
dial. near. [Old English] Nikkei index /'nikei/ n. (also Nikkei
night n. 1 period of darkness
/nait/ average) a figure indicating the relative
between one day and the next; time from price of representative shares on the
sunset to sunrise. 2 nightfall. 3 darkness Tokyo Stock Exchange. [Japanese]
of night. 4 night or evening appointed nil n. nothing; no number or amount
for some activity regarded in a certain (esp. as a score in games). [Latin]
way (last night of the Proms). [Old nimble /'nimb(a)l/ adj. (-bier, -blest)
English] quick and light in movement or func-
nightbird n. person who is most active tion; agile. nimbly adv. [Old English,
at night. = quick to seize]
nightcap n. 1 hist, cap worn in bed. 2 nimbus /'nimbos/ n. (pi. nimbi /-bai/ or
hot or alcoholic drink taken at bedtime. nimbuses) 1 halo. 2 rain-cloud. [Latin,
nightclub n. club providing refresh- = cloud]
ment and entertainment late at night. Nimby /'nimbi/ -adj. objecting to the
nightdress n. woman's or child's loose siting of unpleasant developments in
garment worn in bed. one's own locality, -n. (pi. -ies) person
nightfall n. end of daylight. who so objects, [not in my back vard]
nightgown n. = nightdress. nincompoop /'ninkam.puip/ n. foolish
nightie n. colloq. nightdress. person, [origin unknown]
nightingale /'naitin.geil/ n. small nine adj. & n. 1 one more than eight. 2
reddish-brown bird, of which the male symbol for this (9, ix, IX). 3 size etc.
denoted by nine. [Old English]
sings melodiously, esp. at night. [Old
English, = night-singer]
nine days' wonder n. person or thing
that is briefly famous.
nightjar n. nocturnal bird with a char-
ninefold adj. & adv. 1 nine times as
acteristic harsh cry.
much or as many. 2 consisting of nine
night-life n. entertainment available at
night in a town. ninepin n. 1 (in pi.; usu. treated as
night-light n. dim light kept burning in sing.) game in which nine pins are
a bedroom at night. bowled at. 2 pin used in this game.
night-long adj. & adv. throughout the nineteen /nam'ti:n/ adj. & n. 1 one more
night. than eighteen. 2 symbol for this (19, xix,
nightly -adj. 1 happening, done, or XIX). 3 size etc. denoted by nineteen.
existing in the night. 2 recurring every talk nineteen to the dozen see dozen.
night, -adv. every night. nineteenth adj. & n. [Old English]
nightmare n. 1 frightening dream. 2 ninety /'namti/ adj. & n. (pi. -ies) 1
colloq. frightening or unpleasant ex- product of nine and ten. 2 symbol, for
perience or situation. 3 haunting fear. this (90, xc, XC). 3 (in pi.) numbers from
nightmarish adj. [evil spirit (incubus) 90 to 99, esp. the years of a century or of a
once thought to lie on and suffocate person's life. ninetieth adj. & n. [Old
sleepers: Old English maere incubus] English]
ninny 601 nobelium
ninny /'mm/ n. (pi. -ies) foolish person, into nitrites or nitrates. nitrifica-
[origin uncertain] tion /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [French: related to
ninth /nam6/ adj. & n. 1 next after nitre]
eighth. 2 any of nine equal parts of a nitrite /'naitrait/ n. any salt or ester of
thing. ninthly adv. nitrous acid, [from nitre]
niobium /nai'aubiam/ n. rare metallic nitro- comb, form of or containing nitric
element occurring naturally. [Niobe in acid, nitre, or nitrogen. [Greek: related
Greek legend] to nitre]
Nip n. slang offens. Japanese person,
nitrogen /'naitrad3(a)n/ n. gaseous ele-
[abbreviation of Nipponese from Japan- ment that forms four-fifths of the atmo-
ese Nippon Japan] sphere. nitrogenous /-'trDd3inas/
adj. [French]
nip 1 -v. (-pp-) 1 pinch, squeeze, or bite
sharply. 2 (often foil, by off) remove by
nitroglycerine /.naitrau'glisarm/ n.
(US nitroglycerin) explosive yellow
pinching etc. 3 (of the cold etc.) cause
liquid made by reacting glycerol with a
pain or harm to. 4 (foil, by in, out, etc.)
mixture of concentrated sulphuric and
colloq. go nimbly or quickly, -/z. 1 a
nitric acids.
pinch, sharp squeeze, b bite. 2 biting
nitrous oxide /'naitras/ n. colourless
cold. nip in the bud suppress or
gas used as an anaesthetic. [Latin:
destroy (esp. an idea) at an early stage.
related to nitre]
[Low German or Dutch] nitty-gritty /.mti'griti/ n. slang real-
nip 2 n. small quantity of spirits, [from ities or practical details of a matter,
nipper kin small measure] [origin uncertain]
nipper n. 1 person or thing that nips. 2 nitwit n. colloq. stupid person, [perhaps
claw of a crab etc. 3 colloq. young child. 4 from nit, wit]
(in pi.) any tool for gripping or cutting. NNE abbr. north-north-east.
nipple /'nip(a)l/ n. 1 small projection in NNW abbr. north-north-west.
which the mammary ducts of either sex No 1
symb. nobelium.
of mammals terminate and from which No 2
var. of Noh.
in females milk is secreted for the No. abbr. number. [Latin numero, ab-
young. 2 teat of a feeding-bottle. 3 device lative of numerus number]
like a nipple in function. 4 nipple-like no 1
/nau/ adj. 1 not any (there is no
protuberance, [perhaps from neb tip] excuse). 2 not a, quite other than {is no
nippy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. 1 quick, fool). 3 hardly any (did it in no time). 4
nimble. 2 chilly, [from nip 1 ] used elliptically in a notice etc., to forbid
nirvana /nia'va:na, n3:-/ n. Bud- (in etc. the thing specified (no parking).
dhism) perfect by the
bliss attained no way colloq. 1 it is impossible. 2 1 will
extinction of individuality. [Sanskrit, = not agree etc. no wonder see wonder.
extinction] [related to none]
Nissen hut /'nis(a)n/ n. tunnel-shaped no 2 /nau/ -adv. 1 indicating that the
hut of corrugated iron with a cement answer to the question is negative, the
floor. [Nissen,name of an engineer] statement etc. made or course of action
nit n. 1 egg or young form of a louse or
intended or conclusion arrived at is not
other parasitic insect. 2 slang stupid correct or satisfactory, the request or
person. [Old English] command will not be complied with, or
the negative statement made is correct.
nit-picking n. & adj. colloq. fault-
2 (foil, by compar.) by no amount; not at
finding in a petty manner.
all (no better than before), -n. (pi noes)
nitrate -n. /'naitreit/ 1 any salt or ester
1 utterance of the word no. 2 denial or
of nitric acid. 2 potassium or sodium
refusal. 3 'no' vote. no longer not now
nitrate as a fertilizer, -y. /nai'treit/
or henceforth as formerly, or no or not
(-ting) treat, combine, or impregnate
(pleasant or no, it is true). [Old English]
with nitric acid. nitration nob n. slang person of wealth or high

[French: related to nitre]

/-'treij(a)n/ n.
social position, [origin unknown]
nitre /'naita(r)/ n. (US niter) saltpetre. nob 2 n. slang head, [from knob]
[Greek nitron] no-ball n. Cricket unlawfully delivered
nitric /'naitrik/ adj. of or containing ball.
nitrogen. nobble /'nt)b(a)l/ v. (-ling) slang 1 try to
nitric acid n. colourless corrosive influence (e.g. a judge), esp. unfairly. 2
poisonous liquid. tamper with (a racehorse) to prevent its
nitride /'naitraid/ n. binary compound winning. 3 steal. 4 seize, catch, [dial.
of nitrogen, [from nitre] knobble beat]
nitrify /'naitn.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 nobelium /nao'bi:ham/ n. artificially
impregnate with nitrogen. 2 convert produced radioactive transuranic
Nobel prize 602 nominalism
metallic element, [from Nobel: see nodule /'nodjuil/ n. 1 small rounded
Nobel prize] lump of anything. 2 small tumour, node,
Nobel prize any of six
/nau'bel/ n. or ganglion, or a swelling on the root of
international prizes awarded annually a legume containing bacteria etc.
for physics, chemistry, physiology or nodular adj. [Latin diminutive: related
medicine, literature, economics, and to NODE]
the promotion of peace, [from Nobel, Noel /nau'el/ n. Christmas. [Latin:
Swedish chemist and engineer, who related to natal]
endowed them] noggin /'nogm/ small mug. 2 small
n. 1
nobility /nau'biliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 noble- measure, usu. V 4 pint, of spirits. 3 slang
ness of character, mind, birth, or rank. 2 head, [origin unknown]
class of nobles, highest social class. no go adj. (usu. hyphenated when
noble /'naub(a)l/ -adj. (nobler, no- attrib.) colloq. impossible, hopeless; for-
blest) 1 belonging to the aristocracy. 2 bidden (tried to get him to agree, but it
of excellent character; magnanimous. 3 was clearly no go; no-go area).
of imposing appearance, -n. nobleman, Noh /nau/ n. (also No) traditional Japan-
noblewoman. nobleness n. nobly ese drama. [Japanese]
adv. [Latin (g)nobilis] noise /noiz/ -n. 1 sound, esp. a loud or
noble gas n. any of a group of gaseous unpleasant one. 2 series or confusion of
elements that almost never combine loud sounds. 3 irregular fluctuations
with other elements. accompanying a transmitted signal. 4
nobleman n. peer. (in pi.) conventional remarks, or
noblesse oblige /nau.bles D'bli:3/ n. speechlike sounds without actual words
privilege entails responsibility. (made sympathetic noises), -v. (-sing)
[French] (usu. in passive) make public; spread
noblewoman n. peeress. abroad (a person's fame or a fact). [Latin
nobody /'naubadi/ -pron. no person. nausea]
-n. person of no importance.
(pi. -ies) noiseless adj. making little or no noise,
no claim bonus n. (also no claims n noiselessly adv.
bonus) reduction of an insurance pre- noisome /'noisam/ adj. literary 1 harm-
mium after an agreed period without a ful,noxious. 2 evil-smelling, [from an-
claim. noy]
nocturnal /nDk't3:n(a)l/ adj. of or in the noisy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 making much
night; done or active by night. [Latin noise. 2 full of noise. noisily adv.
nox noct- night] noisiness n.
nocturne /'nokt3:n/ n. 1 Mus. short nomad /'naumaed/ n. 1 member of a
romantic composition, usu. for piano. 2 tribe roaming from place to place for
picture of a night scene. [French] pasture. 2 wanderer, a nomadic
nod -v. (-dd-) 1 incline one's head /-'maedik/ adj. [Greek nomas nomad-
slightly and briefly in assent, greeting, from nemo to pasture]
or command. 2 let one's head fall for- no man's land n. 1 space between two
ward in drowsiness; be drowsy. 3 in- opposing armies. 2 area not assigned to
cline (one's head). 4 signify (assent etc.) any owner.
by a nod. 5 (of flowers, plumes, etc.) nom de plume /.nom da 'plu:m/ n. (pi.
bend downwards and sway. 6 make a noms deplume pronunc. same) writer's
mistake due to a momentary lack of assumed name, [sham French, = pen-
alertness or attention, -az. nodding of name]
the head. nod off colloq. fall asleep, nomen /'naumen/ n. ancient Roman's
[origin unknown] second or family name, as in Marcus
noddle /'nDd(a)l/ n. colloq. head, [origin Tullius Cicero. [Latin, = name]
unknown] nomenclature /nau'menklatja(r)/ n. 1
noddy n. (pi. -ies) 1 simpleton. 2 tropical person's or community's system of
sea bird, [origin unknown] names for things. 2 terminology of a
node n. 1 a part of a plant stem from science etc. [Latin nomen name, calo
which leaves emerge, b knob on a root call]
or branch. 2 natural swelling. 3 either nominal /'nDmm(a)l/ adj. 1 existing in
of two points at which a planet's orbit name only; not real or actual. 2 (of a sum
intersects the plane of the ecliptic or the of money etc.) very small. 3 of or in
celestial equator. 4 point of minimum names (nominal and essential distinc-
disturbance in a standing wave system. tions). 4 of, as, or like a noun, q nom-
5 point at which a curve intersects itself. inally adv. [Latin nomen, name]
6 component in a computer network. nominalism n. doctrine that univer-
nodal adj. [Latin nodus knot] sal or general ideas are mere names.
nominal value 603 non-fattening
nominalist n. nominalistic /-'listik/ non-conductor /,nDnkan'dAkta(r)/ n.
adj. substance that does not conduct heat or
nominal value n. face value, electricity.
nominate /'nomi.neit/ v. (-ting) 1 pro- nonconformist /.nnnkan foimist/ n. 1
pose (a candidate) for election. 2 appoint person who does not conform to the
to an office. 3 name or appoint (a date or doctrine or discipline of an established
place). nomination /-'neij(a)n/ n. Church, esp. (Nonconformist) member
nominator n. [Latin: related to nom- of a (usu. Protestant) <sect dissenting
inal] from the Anglican Church. 2 person
nominative /'nommativ/ Gram. -n. who does not conform to a prevailing
case expressing the subject of a verb. principle.
I -adj. of or in this case, nonconformity /.nnnkan foimiti/ n. 1
nominee /.nnmi'ni:/ n. person who is nonconformists as a body, or their prin-
nominated. ciples. 2 (usu. foil, by to) failure to
non- prefix giving the negative sense of conform. 3 lack of correspondence
words with which it is combined. [Latin between things.
non not] non-contributory /.nonkan
'tnbjotan/ adj. not involving contribu-
Usage The number of words that can
be formed from the suffix non- is unlim-
consequently, only the most cur-
non-cooperation /.nmikau.Dpa
"reij(a)n/ n. failure to cooperate.
rent and noteworthy can be given here.
nondescript /'nnndiskript/ -adj. lack-
nonagenarian /.naunadsi'nearian/ n. ing distinctive characteristics, not
person from 90 to 99 years old. [Latin easily classified. -n. nondescript person
nonageni ninety each] or thing, [related to describe]

non-aggression / nDna'greJ (9)n/

n. non-drinker /nDn'dnnka(r)/ n. person
lack of or restraint from aggression who does not drink alcoholic liquor.
(often attrib.: non-aggression pact). non-driver /nnn'draiva(r)/ n. person
nonagon /'nonagan/ n. plane figure who does not drive a motor vehicle.
with nine sides and angles. [Latin nonus none li\An/-pron. 1 (foil, by of) a not any
ninth, after hexagon] of (none of this concerns me; none of
non-alcoholic /.nonaelka'hDlik/ adj. them have found it), b not any one of
containing no alcohol, (none of them has come). 2 a no persons
non-aligned /.mma'lamd/ adj. (of a (none but fools believe it), b no person
State) not aligned with a major power. (none but a fool believes it). 3 (usu. with
non-alignment n. the preceding noun implied) not any
non-belligerent /.nnnba'lidsarant/ (you have money and I have none),
-adj. not engaged in hostilities. -n. non- -adv. (foil, by the + compar., or so, too)
belligerent State etc. by no amount; not at all (am none the
nonce n. for the nonce for the time wiser). [Old English, = not one]
being; for the present occasion, [from
for than anes = for the one]
Usage In sense lb, the verb following
nonce-word word coined none can be singular or plural according
n. for one
nonchalant /'nonjalant/ adj. calm and nonentity /nD'nentiti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
casual. nonchalance n. non- person or thing of no importance. 2 a
chalantly adv. [French chaloir be non-existence, b non-existent thing,
concerned] [medieval Latin]
non-com /'nonkom/ n. colloq. non- nones /naunz/ day of the ancient
commissioned officer, [abbreviation] Roman month (the 7th day of March,
non-combatant /nDn'kDmbat(a)nt/ n. May, July, and October, the 5th of other
person not fighting in a war, esp. a months). [Latin nonus ninth]
civilian, army chaplain, etc. non-essential /,nDni'senJ(a)l/ -adj.
non-commissioned /.nonka not essential, -n. non-essential thing.
'mij\a)nd/ adj. (of an officer) not hold- nonetheless /.nAnfta'les/ adv. (also
ing a commission. none the less) nevertheless.
noncommittal /.nDnka'miUa)!/ adj. non-event /.nnni'vent/ n. insignificant
avoiding commitment to a definite opin- event, esp. contrary to hopes or ex-
ion or course of action. pectations.
non compos mentis /,non kompos non-existent /,nDnig'zist(a)nt/ adj. not
'mentis/ adj. (also non compos) existing.
not in one's right mind. [Latin, = not non-fattening /nonTaetamn/ adj. (of
having control of one's mind] food) not containing many calories.
non-ferrous 604 nor
non-ferrous /non'feras/ adj. (of a non-slip /nnn'slip/ adj. 1 that does not
metal) other than iron or steel. slip. 2 that inhibits slipping.
non-fiction /nDn'fikJXa)n/ n. literary non-smoker /nDn'smauka(r)/ n. 1 per-
work other than fiction. son who does not smoke. 2 train com-
non-flammable /nDn'flaemab(a)l/ adj. partment etc. where smoking is forbid-
not inflammable. den. non-smoking adj.
non-interference /.nDnmta'fiarans/ n. non-specialist /nmi'spejalist/ n. per-
= NON-INTERVENTION. son who is not a specialist (in a particu-
non-intervention /.nDnmta'venJXa)!!/ lar subject).
principle or practice
n. (esp. political)
non-specific /.mmspi'sifik/ adj. that
of not becoming involved in others' cannot be specified.
non-standard /nnn'staendad/ adj. not
non-member n. person who is not a
member. non-starter /nDn'sta:ta(r)/ n. colloq.
non-nuclear /nDn'nju:klia(r)/ adj. 1
person or scheme that is unlikely to
not involving nuclei or nuclear energy.
2 (of a State etc.) not having nuclear
non-stick /nnn'stik/ adj. that does not
allow things to stick to it.
non-observance /,nDnab'z3:v(a)ns/ n.
failure to observe (an agreement, re-
non-stop 1 (of a train
/nnn'stop/ -adj.
quirement, etc.).
etc.) notstopping at intermediate
non-operational places. 2 done without a stop or inter-
adj. 1 that does not operate. 2 out of mission, -adv. without stopping.
order. non-swimmer /nDn'swima(r)/ n. per-
nonpareil /.nonpareil, 'nnnpar(a)l/ son who cannot swim.
—adj. unrivalled or unique, —n. such a non-toxic /nnn'tnksik/ adj. not toxic.
person or thing. [French pareit] non-transferable /.nnntraens
non-partisan /.nmrpcLti'zaen/ adj. not 'f3:rab(a)l/ adj. that may not be trans-
partisan. ferred.
non-party /nnn'pa:ti/ adj. independent non-U /non'ju:/ adj. colloq. not charac-
of political parties. teristic of theupper class, [from U 2 ]
non-payment /nmYpeimant/ n. failure non-union /non'jumian/ adj. 1 not
to pay; lack of payment, belonging to a trade union. 2 not done or
nonplus /nnn'plAs/ v. (-ss-) completely made by trade-union members.
perplex. [Latin non plus not more] non-verbal /nDn'v3:b(a)l/ adj. not
non-profit-making /mm'prDfit involving words or speech.
.meikin/ adj. (of an enterprise) not non-violence /nnn'vaialans/ n. avoid-
conducted primarily to make a profit, ance of violence, esp. as a principle.
non-proliferation /.nonpra.lifa non-violent adj.
prevention of an increase
'reij(a)n/ n. non- voting /nnn'vautin/ adj. 1 not
in something, esp. possession of having or using a vote. 2 (of shares)
nuclear weapons. not entitling the holder to vote.
non-resident /nDn'rezid(a)nt/ -adj. 1
non- White /non'wait/ -adj. not White.
not residing in a particular place. 2 (of a -n. non- White person.
post) not requiring the holder to reside
noodle /'nu:d(a)l/ n. strip or ring of

at the place of work. -n. non-resident

pasta. [German]
person. non-residential /-'denj(a)l/
noodle 2 /'nu:d(a)l/ n. 1 simpleton. 2
slang head, [origin unknown]
non-resistance /,nDnn'zist(a)ns/ n.
practice or principle of not resisting
nook /nuk/ n. corner or recess; secluded
place, [origin unknown]
non-returnable /,nDnn't3:nab(a)l/
noon twelve o'clock in the day, mid-
day. [Latin nona (hora) ninth (hour):
adj. that is not to be returned.
originally = 3 p.m.]
non-sectarian /.nonsek'teanan/ adj.
not sectarian. noonday n. midday.
nonsense /'nons(a)ns/ n. 1 (often as int.) no one n. no person; nobody.
absurd or meaningless words or ideas. 2 noose -n. loop with a running knot. 2

foolish or extravagant conduct, d non- snare, bond. -v. (-sing) catch with or
sensical /-'sensik(a)l/ adj. nonsens- enclose in a noose. [French no(u)s from
ically /-'sensikali/ adv. Latin nodus node]
non sequitur /non 'sekwita(r)/ n. con- nor conj. and not; and not either (neither
clusion that does not logically follow one thing nor the other; can neither
from the premisses. [Latin, = it does not read nor write), [contraction of obsolete
follow] nother. related to no whether],
nor' 605 north-westerly
nor' /no:(r)/ n., adj., & adv. (esp. in north, b the industrialized nations.
compounds) = north (nor 'wester). -adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing the
[abbreviation] north. 2 from the north (north wind),
Nordic /'noidik/ -adj. of the tall blond -adv. 1 towards, at, or near the north. 2
long-headed Germanic people of Scan- (foil, by of) further north than, z to the
dinavia, —n. Nordic person. [French north (often foil, by of) in a northerly
nord north] direction. [Old English]
i Norfolk jacket /'no:fak/ n. man's loose North American -adj. of North
belted jacket with box pleats. [Norfolk in America, -n. native or inhabitant of
England] North America, esp. a citizen of the US
norm n. 1 standard, pattern, or type. 2 or Canada.
standard amount of work etc. 3 custom- northbound adj. travelling or leading
ary behaviour etc. [Latin norma carpen- northwards.
ter's square] north country n. northern England.
normal /'no:m(a)l/ -adj. 1 conforming North-East n. part of a country or town
to a standard; regular, usual, typical. 2 to the north-east.
free from mental or emotional disorder. north-east -n. 1 point of the horizon
3 Geom. (of a line) at right angles, midway between north and east. 2 direc-
perpendicular. -n. 1 a normal value of a which this lies. -adj. of, towards,
tion in
temperature etc. b usual state, level, etc. or coming from the north-east. -adv.
2 line at right angles. normalcy n. towards, at, or near the north-east.
esp. US. normality /-'maeliti/ n. [Latin northeaster /no:8'i:sta(r)/ n. north-east
normalis: related to norm] wind.
normal distribution n. function that north-easterly adj. & adv. = north
represents the distribution of many ran- EAST.
dom variables as a symmetrical bell- north-eastern adj. on the north-east
shaped graph. side.
normalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) northerly /'no:oah7 -adj. & adv. 1 in a
1 make or become normal. 2 cause to northern position or direction. 2 (of
conform, z normalization /-'zeij(a)n/ wind) from the north, -n. (pi. -ies) such
n. a wind.
normally adv. 1 in a normal manner. northern /'no:o(a)n/ adj. of or in the
2 usually. north. northernmost adj. [Old Eng-
Norman /'no:man/ -n. 1 native or in- lish]
habitant of medieval Normandy. 2 des- northerner n. native or inhabitant of
cendant of the people of mixed Scan- the north.
dinavian and Frankish origin estab- Northern hemisphere n. the half of
lished there in the 10th c. 3 Norman the earth north of the equator.
French. 4 style of architecture found in northern lights aurora borealis.
Britain under the Normans, -adj. 1 of Northman n. native of Scandinavia,
the Normans. 2 of the Norman style of esp. Norway. [Old English]
architecture. [Old Norse, = North- north-north-east n. point or direction
man] midway between north and north-east.
Norman Conquest n. conquest of north-north-west n. point or direc-
England by William of Normandy in tion midway between north and north-
1066. west.
Norman French n. French as spoken North Pole n. northernmost point of
by the Normans or (after 1066) in Eng- the earth's axis of rotation.
lish lawcourts. North Star n. pole star.
normative /'no.mativ/ adj. of or estab- northward /'no:8wad/ -adj. & adv.
lishing anorm. [Latin: related to norm] (also northwards) towards the north.
Norn n. any of three goddesses of des- -n. northward direction or region.
tiny in Scandinavian mythology. [Old North-West n. part of a country or
Norse] town to the north-west.
Norse -n. 1 Norwegian language. 2 north-west -n. 1 point of the horizon
Scandinavian language-group, -adj. midway between north and west. 2
of ancient Scandinavia, esp. Norway. direction in which this lies. -adj. of,
Norseman n. [Dutch noor(d)sch towards, or coming from the north-
northern] west, -adv. towards, at, or near the
north -n. 1 a point of the horizon 90 s
anticlockwise from east, b compass northwester /nD:9'westa(r)/ n. north-
point corresponding to this, c direction west wind.
in which this lies. 2 (usu. the North) a north-westerly adj. & adv. = north-
part of a country or town lying to the west.

north-western notecase
north-western adj. on the north-west following an auxiliary verb or be or (in a
side. question) the subject of such a verb (/
Norwegian no:'wi:d30)n -n. 1 a cannot say; she isn't there, am I not
native or national of Norway, b person right?). 2 used elliptically for a negative
of Norwegian descent. 2 language of phrase etc. (Is she coming? I hope —
Norway, -adj. of or relating to Norway, not; Do you want it? —
Certainly not!),
[medieval Latin Sorvegia from Old z not at all (in polite reply to thanks
Norse. = northway] there is no need for thanks, not half see
nor* wester no:'westa(r) n. north- half, not quite 1 almost. 2 noticeably
wester. not (not quite proper), [contraction of
Nos. pi. of No. nought]
nose nauz -n. 1 organ above the mouth
of a human or animal, used for smelling Usage The use of not with verbs
and breathing. 2 a sense of smell, b other than auxiliaries or be is now
ability to detect a particular thing (a archaic except with participles and in-
nose for scandal). 3 odour or perfume of finitives (not knowing. I cannot say; me
wine etc. 4 front end or projecting part asked them not to come).
of a thing, e.g. of a car or aircraft, -v.
notable 'nautab(8)l —adj. worthy of
(-sing) 1 (usu. foil, by about, around.
note; remarkable, eminent, -n. eminent
etc.) pry' or search. 2 (often foil, by out)
person, z notability -'biliti n. not-
a perceive the smell of. discover by
smell, b detect. 3 thrust one's nose
ably adv. [Latin noto note]
against or into. 4 make one's way cau- notary 'nautan n (pi -ies) (in full
tiously forward, z by a nose by a very notary public I who attests
solicitor etc.
narrow margin, get up a person's nose or certifies deeds etc. z notarial
slang annoy a person, keep one"s nose nauteanal adj. [Latin notarius sec-
clean slang stay out of trouble, put a retary]
person's nose out of joint colloq. an- notation nauteij"(a)n n. 1 representa-
noy: make envious, turn up one's nose tion ofnumbers, quantities, the pitch
(usu.foil, by at) colloq. show disdain, and duranon of musical notes, etc., by
under a person's nose colloq. right sjmbols. 2 any set of such symbols.
before a person, with one's nose in the [Latin: related to note]
air haughtily. [Old English] notch -n. V-shaped indentation on an
nosebag n. bag containing fodder, hung edge or surface, -t. 1 make notches in. 2
on a horse's head. (usu.. foil, by up) record or score with or
noseband n. lower band of a bridle, as with notches. [Anglo-French]
passing over the horse's nose. note -n. 1 brief written record as an aid
nosebleed n. bleeding from the nose. to memory (often in pi: make notes) 2
nosedive -n. 1 steep downward plunge observation, usu. unwritten, of ex-
by an aeroplane. 2 sudden plunge or periences etc. (compare notes ). 3 short
drop. —v. (-ving; make a nosedive. or informal letter. 4 formal diplomatic
nosegay n. small bunch of flowers. communication. 5 short annotation or
nose- to-tail adj. & adv. (of vehicles) additional explanation in a book etc. f a
one close behind another. = banknote, b written promise of pay-
nosh slang -v. eat. -n. 1 food or drink. 2 ment. 7 a notice, attention (worthy of
US snack. [Yiddish] note), b eminence (person of note 8 a
nosh-up n. slang large meal. single musical tone of definite pitch, b
nostalgia nD'staeld3a n. 1 (often foil.
written sign representing its pitch and
by for) yearning for a past period. 2
duration, c key of a piano etc. 9 quality
severe homesickness, z nostalgic adj.
or tone of speaking, expressing mood or
nostalgically adv. [Greek nostos re-
attitude etc. (note of optimism), -v.
turn homej
(-ting) observe, notice; give attention
nostril nDstr(e)l n. either of the two

to. foil, by down) record as a

2 (often
openings in the nose. [Old English. =
nose-hole] thing to be remembered or observed. 3
nostrum nDStram n. 1 quack remedy, (in passive; often foil, by for) be well
patent medicine. 2 pet scheme, esp. for known, z hit (or strike the right note
political or social reform. [Latin, = 'of speak or act in exactly the right man-
our own make'] ner. [Latin noia mark (nj. noto mark
nosy adj. (-ier. -iest) colloq. inquisitive. (v.)]
pryir g z nosily adv. nosiness n. notebook n. small book for making
Nosy Parker n. colloq. busybody, notes in.
not adv. expressing negation, esp.: 1 notecase n. wallet for holding bank-
(also n't joined to a preceding verb) notes.
notelet 607 now
notelet small folded usu.
/'nautlit/ n. nougat /'nu:ga:/ n. sweet made from
decorated sheet of paper for an informal sugar or honey, nuts, and egg-white.
letter. [French from Provencal]
notepaper n. paper for writing letters, nought /no:t/ n. 1 digit 0; cipher. 2 poet.
noteworthy adj. worthy of attention; or archaic nothing. [Old English:
remarkable. related to not, aught]
nothing /'nAGin/ -n. not anything
1 noughts and crosses pencil-and-
{nothing has been done). 2 no thing paper game in which 'players seek to
(often foil, by compl.: I see nothing that complete a row of three noughts or
I want). 3 person or thing of no import- three crosses.
ance. 4 non-existence; what does not noun n. word used to name a person,
exist. 5 no amount; nought, -adv. not at place, or thing. [Latin nomen name]
all, in no way. be (or have) nothing to nourish /'nAriJV v. 1 sustain with food.
do with 1 have no connection with. 2 2 foster or cherish (a feeling etc.).
not be involved or associated with, for nourishing adj. [Latin nutrio to feed]
nothing 1 at no cost. 2 to no purpose, nourishment n. sustenance, food.
have nothing on 1 be naked. 2 have no nous /naus/ n. 1 colloq. common sense;
engagements, nothing doing colloq. 1 gumption. 2 Philos. mind, intellect.
no prospect of success or agreement. 2 [Greek]
I refuse. [Old English: related to no
nouveau riche /,nu:vau 'ri:J7 n. (pi.
thing] nouveaux riches pronunc. same) per-
nothingness n. 1 non-existence. 2 son who has recently acquired (usu.
worthlessness, triviality. ostentatious) wealth. [French, = new
notice /'nautis/-rc. 1 attention, observa- rich]
tion (escaped my notice). 2 displayed nouvelle cuisine /,nu:vel kwi zi.n/ n.
sheet etc. bearing an announcement. 3 modern style of cookery avoiding heavi-
a intimation or warning, esp. a formal ness and emphasizing presentation.
one. b formal announcement or declara- [French, = new cookery]
tion of intention to end an agreement or Nov. abbr. November.
leave employment at a specified time. 4 nova /'nauva/ n. (pi. novae /-vi:/ or -s)
short published review of a new play, star showing a sudden burst of bright-
book, etc. -v. (-cing) (often foil, by that, ness and then subsiding. [Latin, = new]
how, etc.) perceive, observe. at short novel 1
/'nov(a)l/ n. fictitious prose story
(or a moment's) notice with little of book length. [Latin novus new]
warning, take notice (or no notice) novel 2 /'nov(a)l/ adj. of a
or new kind
show signs (or no signs) of interest, take nature. [Latin novus new]
notice of 1 observe. 2 act upon. [Latin novelette /.nova'let/ n. short novel.
notus known] novelist /'novelist/ n. writer of novels.
noticeable adj. perceptible; note- novella /na'vela/ n. (pi. -s) short novel
worthy, noticeably adv. or narrative story. [Italian: related to
notice-board n. board for displaying NOVEL 1

notices. novelty /'novalti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 newness.

notifiable /'nauti,fai8b(8)l/ adj. (of a 2 new or unusual thing or occurrence. 3
disease etc.) that must be notified to the small toy or trinket, [related to novel 2 ]
health authorities. November ,'nau'vemba(r)/ n. eleventh
notify /'nauti.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 (often month of the year. [Latin novem nine,
foil, by of or that) inform or give formal originally the 9th month of the Roman
notice to (a person). 2 make known. year]
notification novena /na'vi:na/ n. RC Ch. devotion

/-fi keij(9)n/ n. [Latin

notus known] consisting of special prayers or services
notion /'naoJ(a)n/ n.1a concept or idea; on nine successive days. [Latin novem
conception, b opinion, c vague view or nine]
understanding. 2 inclination or inten- novice /'novis/ n. 1 a probationary
tion. [Latin notio: related to notify] member of a religious order, b new
notional adj. hypothetical, imaginary, convert. 2 beginner. [Latin novicius,
notionally adv. from novus new]
notorious /nau'tDTias/ adj. well- noviciate /na vijiat/ n. (also novitiate)
known, esp. unfavourably. : notoriety 1 period of being a novice. 2 religious
/-ta'raiati/ n. notoriously adv. [Latin novice. 3 novices' quarters, [medieval
notus known] Latin: related to novice]
notwithstanding /.notwid'staendirj/ now -adv. 1 at the present or mentioned
-prep, in spite of; without prevention time. 2 immediately (/ must go now). 3
by. -adv. nevertheless, [from not, with- by this time. 4 under the present cir-
stand] cumstances (/ cannot now agree). 5 on
nowadays 608 null
this further occasion (what do you want nuclear fission nuclear reaction in
now?). 6 in the immediate past (Just which a heavy nucleus splits spon-
now). 7 (esp. in a narrative) then, next taneously or on impact with another
(the police now arrived). 8 (without particle, with the release of energy.
reference to time, giving various tones nuclear fuel n. source of nuclear
to a sentence) surely, I insist, I wonder, energy.
etc. (now what do you mean by that?; oh nuclear fusion n. nuclear reaction in
come now!), -conj. (often foil, by that) as which atomic nuclei of low atomic
a consequence of the fact (now that I am number fuse to form a heavier nucleus
older), -n. this time; the present. for with the release of energy.
now until a later time (goodbye for nuclear physics (treated as
now), now and again (or then) from sing.) physics ofatomic nuclei.
time to time; intermittently. [Old Eng- nuclear power n. 1 power generated
lish! by a nuclear reactor. 2 country that has
nowadays /'naua.deiz/ -adv. at the pre- nuclear weapons.
sent time or age; in these times, -n. the nuclear reactor n. device in which a
present time. nuclear fission chain reaction is used to
nowhere /'nauwea(r)/ -adv. in or to no produce energy.
place, -pron. no place. get nowhere nuclear weapon n. weapon using the
make no progress, nowhere near not release of energy by nuclear fission or
nearly. [Old Englishl fusion or both.
no-win attrib. adj. of or designating a nucleate /'nju:kli,eit/ -adj. having a
situation in which success is imposs- nucleus, - v. (-ting) form or form into a
ible. nucleus. [Latin: related to nucleus]
nowt n. colloq. or dial, nothing, [from nucleic acid /nju:'kli:ik/ n. either of
nought] two complex organic molecules (DNA
noxious /'nokjas/ adj. harmful, un- and RNA), present in all living cells.
wholesome. [Latin noxa harm] nucleon /'nju:kli,Dn/ n. proton or neut-
nozzle /'nDz(a)l/ n. spout on a hose etc. ron.
from which a jet issues, [diminutive of nucleus /'njuiklias/ n. nuclei /
nose] 1 a central part or thing round which
Np symb. neptunium, others are collected, b kernel of an
nr. abbr. near. aggregate or mass. 2 initial part meant
NS abbr. new style. to receive additions. 3 central core of an
NSPCC abbr. National Society for the atom. 4 large dense part of a cell, con-
Prevention of Cruelty to Children. taining the genetic material. [Latin, =
NSW abbr. New South Wales. kernel, diminutive of nux nuc- nut]
NT abbr. 1 New Testament. 2 Northern nude -adj. naked, bare, unclothed. -n. 1
Territory (of Australia). 3 National painting, sculpture, etc. of a nude
Trust. human figure. 2 nude person. in the
n't see not. nude naked. nudity n. [Latin nudus]
nth see N
. nudge -v. (-ging) 1 prod gently with
nu /nju:/ n. thirteenth letter of the Greek the elbow to attract attention. 2 push
alphabet (N, v). [Greek] gradually, -n. prod; gentle push,
nuance /"nju:as/ n. subtle shade of [origin unknown]
meaning, feeling, colour, etc. [Latin nudist /'nju:dist/ n. person who advoc-
nubes cloud] ates or practises going unclothed.
nub n. 1 matter or
point or gist (of a nudism n.
story). 2 (also nubble) small lump, esp. nugatory /'njutgatari/ adj. 1 futile, tri-

of coal. nubbly adj. [related to knob] fling. 2 inoperative; not valid. [Latin
nubile /'nju:bail/ adj. (of a woman) mar- nugae jests]
riageable or sexually attractive. nugget /'nAgit/ n. 1 lump of gold etc., as
nubility /-'biliti/ n. [Latin nubo become found in the earth. 2 lump of anything. 3
the wife of] something valuable, [apparently from
nuclear /'nju:klia(r)/ adj. 1 of, relating dial, nug lump]
to, or constituting a nucleus. 2 using nuisance /'nju:s(a)ns/ n. person, thing,
nuclear energy. or circumstance causing trouble or
nuclear bomb n. bomb using the re- annoyance. [French, = hurt, from nuire
lease of energy by nuclear fission or nuis- injure, from Latin noceo to hurt]
fusion or both. nuke colloq. -n. nuclear weapon, -v.
nuclear energy n. energy obtained by (-king) attack with nuclear weapons,
nuclear fission or fusion, [abbreviation]
nuclear family n. a couple and their null adj. 1 (esp. null and void) invalid. 2
child or children. non-existent. 3 without character or
nullify 606 nursery school
expression. nullity n. [Latin nullus numeration ,niu:me'reiJo)n n. 1

none] method or process of numbering. 2 cal-

nullify 'n.\li,fai v. (-ies. -ied) neut- culation. [Latin: related to number]
ralize, invalidate nullification numerator 'njiume.reitau*) n. num-
/-fi'keiJo)n/ n. ber above the line in a vulgar fraction
numb iiAm -adj. (often foil, by with) showing how many of the parts in-
deprived of feeling; paralysed, -v. 1 dicated by the denominator are taken
make numb. 2 stupefy, paralyse, (e.g. 2 in
X [Latin: related to number]
numbness [obsolete norne past part,
n. numerical nju:'menko)l adj. of or

of mmtake: related to nimble] relating to a number or numbers,

number -n. 1 a arithmetical value numerically adv. [medieval Latin:
representing a particular quantity, b related to number]
word, symbol, or figure representing numerology .njuima'roladsi n. the
this, c arithmetical value showing posi- study of the supposed occult signific-

tion in a series {registration number). 2 ance of numbers.

(often foil, by of) total count or aggreg- numerous 'nju:maras adj. 1 many. 2
ate {the number of accidents has de- consisting of many. [Latin: related to
creased).3 numerical reckoning {the number]
laws of number). 4 a (in sing, or pi.) numinous 'nju:minas adj. 1 indicating
quantity, amount {a large number the presence of a divinity. 2 spiritual,
awe-inspiring. [Latin numen deity]
of people: only in small numbers), b
(a number of) several (of), c (in pi.)
numismatic ,nju:miz'ma?tik adj. of or
relating to coins or medals. [Greek
numerical preponderance {force of
numbers). 5 person or thing having a
nomisma coin]
place in a series, esp. a single issue of a
numismatics (usu. treated as
sing.) the study of coins or medals.
magazine, an item in a programme, etc.
numismatist -mizmetist n.
6 company, collection, group {among
our number). 7 Gram, a classification of
numskull n. stupid person, [from
words by their singular or plural forms,
b such a form. —v. 1 include {I number
nun n. member of a religious com-
munity of women living under certain
you among my friends). 2 assign a
vows. [Latin norma]
number or numbers to. 3 amount to (a nuncio 'nAnsiau n. {pi. -s) papal am-
specified number). 4 count. one's
bassador. [Latin nwUius messenger]
days are numbered one does not have nunnery n. {pi. -ies) religious house of
long to live, have a person's number
colloq. understand a person's real nuptial 'rL\pJ(a)l -ad;', of marriage or
motives, character, etc. one's number weddings, -n. (usu. in pi.) wedding.
isup colloq. one is doomed to die soon, [Latin nubo nupt- wed]
without number innumerable. [Latin nurd var. of nerd.
numerus] nurse n3:s -n. 1 person trained to care
Usage In sense 4b. a number of is for the sick or infirm or to provide
normally used with a plural verb: a medical advice and treat minor medical
number of problems remain. problems. 2 = NURSEMAID, -v. (-sing) 1
a work as a nurse, b attend to (a sick
number crunching n. colloq. process person). 2 feed or be fed at the breast. 3
of making complex calculations. hold or treat carefully. 4 a foster:
numberless adj. innumerable. promote the development of. b harbour
number one -n. colloq. oneself. — adj. (a grievance etc.). [Latin: related to
most important {the number one nourish]
priority). nurseling var. of nursling.
number-plate plate on a vehicle
it nursemaid n. woman in charge of a
showing its registration number. child or children.
numerable njurmarebCa)] adj. that nursery 'n3:sari n. {pi. -ies) 1 a a room
can be counted. [Latin: related to or place equipped for young children, b
NUMBER] = day nursery. 2 place where plants
numeral 'nju:mar(a)l -n. symbol or are reared for sale, [probably Anglo-
group of symbols denoting a number. French: related to nurse]
-adj. of or denoting a number. [Latin: nurseryman n. owner of or worker in
related to number] a plant nursery.
numerate 'nju:marat adj. acquainted nursery rhyme n. simple traditional
with the basic principles of mathemat- song or rhyme for children,
ics. numeracy n. [Latin numerus nursery school n. school for children
number, after literate) between the ages of three and five.
nursery slopes 610 NZ
nursery slopes gentle slopes for nutritious /nju:'trijas/ adj. efficient as
novice skiers. food.
nursing home n. privately run hos- nutritive /'nju:tntiv/ adj. 1 of nutri-
pital or home for invalids, old people, tion. 2 nutritious.
etc. nuts predic. adj. slang crazy, mad.n be
nursling / n3:slin/ n. (also nurseling) nuts about (or on) colloq. be very fond
infant that being suckled,
of. [pi. of nut]
nurture /'n3:tja(r)/ -n. 1 bringing up, nuts and bolts colloq. practical
fostering care. 2 nourishment, -v.
(-ring) bring up; rear. [French: related
nutshell n.hard exterior covering of a
to nourish]
nut. in a nutshell in a few words.
nut n. 1 a fruit consisting of a hard or
tough shell around an edible kernel, b
nutter n. slang crazy person.
this kernel. 2 pod containing hard seeds.
nutty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 a full of nuts, b
3 small usu. hexagonal flat piece of tasting like nuts. 2 slang crazy. nutti-
metal etc. with a threaded hole through ness n.

it for screwing on the end of a bolt to nux vomica /nAks VDmika/ n. 1 E.

secure it. 4 slang person's head. 5 slang Indian tree. 2 seeds of this tree, contain-
crazy or eccentric person. 6 small lump ing strychnine. [Latin, = abscess nut]
(of coal etc.). 7 (in pi.) coarse slang nuzzle /'nAz(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 prod or rub
testicles. do one's nut slang be ex- gently with the nose. 2 (foil, by into,
tremely angry. [Old English] against, up to) press the nose gently. 3
nutcase n. slang crazy person. nestle; lie snug, [from nose]
nutcracker n. (usu. in pi.) device for NWabbr. 1 north-west. 2 north-western.
cracking nuts. NY
abbr. US New York.
nuthatch n. small bird which climbs up nylon /'nailDn/ n. 1 tough light elastic
and down tree-trunks, synthetic fibre. 2 nylon fabric. 3 (in pi)
nutmeg n. 1 hard aromatic seed used as stockings of nylon, [invented word]
a spice and in medicine. 2 E. Indian tree nymph /nimf/ n. 1 mythological semi-
bearing this. [French nois nut, mugue
divine spirit regarded as a maiden and
associated with an aspect of nature, esp.
nutria /'nju:tna/ n. coypu fur. [Spanish,
rivers and woods. 2 poet, beautiful
= otter]
nutrient /'nju:triant/ substance
young woman. 3 immature form of
that provides essential nourishment.
some insects. [Greek numphe nymph,
-adj. serving as or providing nourish- bride]
ment. [Latin nutrio nourish] nympho /'nimfau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. nym-
nutriment /'nju:trimant/ n. 1 nourish- phomaniac, [abbreviation]
ing food. 2 intellectual or artistic etc. nymphomania /.nimfa'meinia/ n. ex-
nourishment. cessive sexual desire in a woman.
nutrition /nju:'tnj(a)n/ n. food, nour- nymphomaniac n. & adj. [from
ishment. nutritional adj. nutri- NYMPH, -MANIA]
tionist n. NZ abbr. New Zealand.
/au/ n. (also o) (pi. Os or O's) 1 oath n. (pi. -s /au6z/) 1 solemn declara-
fifteenth letter of the alphabet. 2 (0) tion naming God witness. 2 pro-
etc. a's
nought, zero. fanity, curse. on (or under) oath
abbr. (also O.) Old. having sworn a solemn oath. [Old Eng-
3 lish]
symb. oxygen.
/au/ int. 1 var. of oh. 2 prefixed to a oatmeal n. 1 meal ground from oats. 2
name in the vocative (O God), [natural greyish-fawn colour flecked with
exclamation] brown.
o' /a/ prep, of, on (esp. in phrases: o 'clock; OAU abbr. Organization of African
will-o the-wisp). [abbreviation]
' Unity.
-o suffix forming usu. slang or colloq. OB abbr. outside broadcast.
variants or derivatives (beano; wino). ob. abbr. he or she died. [Latin obiit]
[perhaps from oh] ob- prefix (also oc- before c, of- before /,
-o- suffix terminal vowel of comb, forms op- before p) esp. in words from Latin,
(neuro-; Franco-), [originally Greek] meaning: 1 exposure. 2 meeting or
facing. 3 direction. 4 resistance. 5
Usage This suffix is often elided hindrance or concealment. 6 finality
before a vowel, as in neuralgia. or completeness. [Latin ob towards,
oaf n. (pi. -s) 1 awkward lout. 2 stupid against, in the way of]
person. oafish adj. oafishly adv. obbligato /,Dbli'ga:tau/ n. (pi. -s) Mus.
oafishness n. [Old Norse: related to accompaniment forming an integral
elf] part of a composition. [Italian, = oblig-
oak n. 1 acorn-bearing tree with lobed atory]
leaves. 2 its durable wood. 3 (attrib.) of
obdurate /'ubdjurat/ adj. 1 stubborn. 2
oak. 4 (the Oaks) (treated as sing.)
hardened. obduracy n. [Latin duro
annual race at Epsom for fillies. [Old
OBE abbr. Officer of the Order of the
British Empire.
oak-apple oak-gall) a kind of
n. (also
growth formed on oak trees by the
obedient /au'bi.diant/ adj. 1 obeying or
ready to obey. 2 submissive to another's
larvae of certain wasps.
will. obedience n. obediently adv.
oakum /'aukam/ n. loose fibre obtained [Latin: related to obey]
by picking old rope to pieces and used
obeisance /au'beis(a)ns/ n. 1 bow,
esp. in caulking. [Old English, = off-
curtsy, or other respectful gesture.
2 homage. obeisant adj. [French:
OAP abbr. old-age pensioner.
related to obey]
oar pole with a blade used to
/a:(r)/ n. 1
obelisk /'obalisk/ n. tapering usu. four-
propel a boat by leverage against the sided stone pillar as a monument or
water. 2 rower. put one's oar in landmark. [Greek diminutive: related to
interfere. [Old English]
oarsman n. (fern, oarswoman) rower. obelus /'obalas/ n. (pi. obeli /-,lai/)
oarsmanship n.
dagger-shaped reference mark (t).
oasis /au'eisis/ n. oases /-si:z/) 1
[Greek, = pointed pillar, spit2 ]
fertile place in a desert. 2 area or period obese /au'bi:s/ adj. very fat. obesity n.
of calm in the midst of turbulence. [Latin edo eat]
[Latin from Greek] obey /au'bei/ v. 1 a carry out the com-
oast n. kiln for drying hops. [Old Eng- mand of. b carry out (a command). 2 do
lish] what one is told to do. 3 be actuated by (a
oast-house n. building containing an force or impulse). [Latin obedio from
oast. audio hear]
oat a hardy cereal plant grown as
n. 1 obfuscate /'obfA.skeit/ v. (-ting) 1
food, b (in pi.) grain yielded by this. 2 oat obscure or confuse (a mind, topic, etc.).
plant or a variety of it. 3 (in pi.) slang 2 stupefy, bewilder. obfuscation
sexual gratification. off one's oats /-

keij(a)n/ n. [Latin fuscus dark]

colloq. not hungry. oaten adj. [Old obituary /a'bitjuan/ n. notice
(pi. -ies) 1
English] of a death or deaths. 2 account of the life
oatcake n. thin oatmeal biscuit. of a deceased person. 3 (attrib.) of or
object 612 observant
serving as an obituary. [Latin obitus indebted, grateful. much obliged
death] thank you. [Latin obligo bind]
object -n. /'Dbc^ikt/ 1 material thing obliging adj. accommodating, helpful.
that can be seen or touched. 2 person or obligingly adv.
thing to which action or feeling is dir- oblique /a'bli:k/ -adj. 1 slanting; at an
ected (object of attention). 3 thing angle. 2 not going straight to the point;
sought or aimed at. 4 Gram, noun or its indirect. 3 Gram, (of a case) other than
equivalent governed by an active nominative or vocative, —n. oblique
transitive verb or by a preposition. 5 stroke (/). obliquely adv. oblique-
Philos. thing external to the thinking ness n. obliquity /a'blikwiti/ n.
mind or subject, -v. /ab'd3ekt/ (often [French from Latin]
foil, by to, against) 1 express opposition, obliterate /a' v. (-ting) blot
disapproval, or reluctance. 2 protest. out, destroy, leave no clear traces of.
no object not forming an important obliteration /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin
or restricting factor (money no object). oblitero erase, from litera letter]
objector /ab'd3ekta(r)/ n. [Latin jacio oblivion /a'blivian/ n. state of having or
ject- throw] being forgotten. [Latin obliviscor forget]
objectify /9b'd3ekti,fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) oblivious /a'blivias/ adj. unaware or
present as an object; express in concrete unconscious. obliviously adv. obli-
form. viousness n.

objection /ab'd3ekj(9)n/ n. 1 expression oblong /'nblDrj/ -adj. rectangular with

or feeling of opposition or disapproval. 2 adjacent sides unequal, -n. oblong

objecting. 3 adverse reason or state- figure or object. [Latin oblongus long-
ment. [Latin: related to object] ish]

objectionable adj. 1 unpleasant, offen- obloquy /'nblakwi/ n. 1 being generally

sive. 2 open to objection. objection- ill spoken 2 abuse. [Latin obloquium
contradiction, from loquor speak]
ably adv.
objective /9b'd3ektiv/ -adj. 1 external
obnoxious /ab'nDkJas/ adj. offensive,
to the mind; actually existing. 2 dealing objectionable. obnoxiously adv.
with outward things or exhibiting facts
obnoxiousness n. [Latin noxa injury]
uncoloured by feelings or opinions. oboe /'aubau/ n. woodwind double-reed
instrument with a piercing plaintive
3 Gram, (of a case or word) in the
tone. oboist /'aubauist/ n. [French
form appropriate to the object, -n.
hautbois from haut high, bois wood]
1 something sought or aimed at. 2
obscene /ab'si:n/ adj. 1 offensively in-
Gram, objective case. objectively
decent: 2 colloq. highly offensive. 3 Law
adv. objectivity /,Dbd3ek'tiviti/ n.
(of a publication) tending to deprave or
[medieval Latin: related to object]
corrupt. obscenely adv. obscenity
object-lesson n. striking practical ex- /-'seniti/ n. (pi. -ies). [Latin obsc(a)enus
ample of some principle. abominable]
objet d'art /,Db3ei da:/ n. (pi. objets obscurantism ,

/,Dbskjo9 raentiz(9)m/
d'art pronunc. same) small decorative n. opposition to knowledge and enlight-
object. [French, - object of art]
enment. obscurantist n. & adj.
oblate /'nbleit/ adj. Geom. (of a spher- [Latin obscurus dark]
oid) flattened at the poles. [Latin: obscure /ab'skjua(r)/ -adj. 1 not clearly
related to ob-; cf. prolate] expressed or easily understood. 2 unex-
oblation /au'bleiJXa)n/ n. thing offered plained. 3 dark. 4 indistinct. 5 hidden;
to a divine being. [Latin: related to unnoticed. 6 (of a person) undis-
offer] tinguished, hardly known, -v. (-ring) 1
obligate /'nbli.geit/ v. (-ting) bind (a make obscure or unintelligible. 2 con-
person) legally or morally (was oblig- ceal. obscurity n. [French from
ated to attend). [Latin: related to oblige] Latin]
obligation /,Dbli'geiJXa)n/ n. 1 con- obsequies /'Dbsikwiz/ funeral
straining power of a law, duty, contract, rites. [Latin obsequiae]
etc. 2duty, task. 3 binding agreement. obsequious /ab'si:kwias/ adj. servile,
4 indebtedness for a service or benefit fawning. obsequiously adv. ob-
(be under an obligation). [Latin: related sequiousness n. [Latin obsequor com-
to oblige] ply with]
obligatory /a'bligatari/ adj. 1 binding. observance /ab'z3:v(a)ns/ n. 1 keeping
2 compulsory. obligatorily adv. or performing of a law, duty, etc. 2 rite
[Latin: related to oblige] or ceremony.
oblige /a'blaid3/ v. (-ging) 1 constrain, observant adj. 1 acute in, taking notice.
compel. 2 be binding on. 3 do (a person) a 2 attentive in observance. observ-
small favour, help. 4 (as obliged adj.) antly adv.
observation 613 occlude
observation /,Dbza'veiJ*(a)n/ n. 1 obstructive adj. causing or intended to
observing or being observed. 2 power of cause an obstruction. obstructively
perception. 3 remark, comment. 4 thing adv. obstructiveness n.
observed by esp. scientific study. obtain /ab'tem/ v.acquire, secure;

observational adj. have granted to one, get. 2 be in vogue,

observatory /ab'z3:vatan/ n. (pi. -ies) prevail. obtainable adj. [Latin teneo
building for astronomical or other hold]
observation. obtrude /ab'truid/ v. (-ding) 1 be or
observe (-ving) 1 perceive,
/ab'z3:v/ v. become obtrusive. 2 (often foil, by on,
become aware of. 2 watch carefully. 3 a upon) thrust (oneself, a matter, etc.)
follow or keep (rules etc.). b celebrate or importunately forward. obtrusion n.
perform (an occasion, rite, etc.). 4 re- [Latin obtrudo thrust against]
mark. 5 take note of scientifically. obtrusive /ab'tru:siv/ adj. 1 unpleas-
observable adj. [Latin servo watch, antly noticeable. 2 obtruding oneself.
keep] obtrusively adv. obtrusiveness n.
observer n. 1 person who observes. 2 obtuse /ab'tju:s/ adj. 1 dull-witted. 2 (of
interested spectator. 3 person who at- an angle) between 90° and 180°. 3 of blunt
tends a meeting etc. to note the proceed- form; not sharp-pointed or sharp-edged.
ings but does not participate. obtuseness n. [Latin obtundo obtus-
obsess /ab'ses/ v. fill the mind of beat against, blunt]
(a person) continually; preoccupy. obverse /'obv3:s/ n. 1 counterpart, op-
obsessive adj. & n. obsessively posite. 2 side of a coin or medal etc.
adv. obsessiveness n. [Latin obsideo bearing the head or principal design. 3
obsess- besiege] front, proper, or top side of a thing.
obsession /ab'seJXa)n/ n. 1 obsessing or [Latin obverto obvers- turn towards]
being obsessed. 2 persistent idea domin- obviate /'Dbvi.eit/ v. (-ting) get round or
ating a person's mind, c obsessional do away with (a need, inconvenience,
adj.obsessionally adv. etc.). [Latin obvio prevent]
obsidian /ab'sidian/ n. dark glassy rock obvious /'Dbvias/ adj. easily seen,
formed from lava. [Latin from Obsius, recognized, or understood. obvi-
discoverer of a similar stone] ously adv. obviousness n. [Latin ob
obsolescent /,Dbsa'les(a)nt/ adj. be- viam in the way]
coming obsolete. obsolescence n. OC abbr. Officer Commanding.
[Latin soleo be accustomed] oc- see ob-.
obsolete /'Dbsa,li:t/ adj. no longer used, ocarina /,oka'ri:na/ n. small egg-shaped
antiquated. musical wind instrument. [Italian oca
obstacle /'Dbstak(a)l/ n. thing that ob- goose]
structs progress. [Latin obsto stand in occasion /a'kei3(a)n/ -rc. 1 a special
the way] event or happening, b time of this. 2
obstetrician /,Dbst8'tnJ(a)n/ n. special- reason, need. 3 suitable juncture, oppor-
ist in obstetrics. tunity. 4 immediate but subordinate
obstetrics /ab'stetriks/ (treated as cause, -v. cause, esp. incidentally. on
sing.) branch of medicine and surgery occasion now and then; when the need
dealing with childbirth. obstetric arises. [Latin occido occas- go down]
adj. [Latin obstetrix midwife, from occasional adj. 1 happening irregu-
obsto be present] larly and infrequently. 2 made or meant
obstinate /'Dbstmat/ adj. 1 stubborn, for, or acting on, a special occasion.
intractable. 2 firmly continuing in one's occasionally adv.
action or opinion despite advice. ob- occasional table n. small table for use
stinacy n. obstinately adv. [Latin as required.
obstino persist] Occident /'Dksid(a)nt/ n. poet, or rhet. 1
obstreperous /ab'streparas/ adj. 1 tur- by the) West. 2 western Europe. 3
bulent, unruly. 2 noisy. obstrep- Europe and America as distinct from
erously adv. obstreperousness n. the Orient. [Latin occidens -entis set-
[Latin obstrepo shout at] ting, sunset, west]
obstruct /ab'strAkt/ v. 1 block up; make occidental /,Dksi'dent(a)l/-ad/. 1 of the
hard or impossible to pass along or Occident. 2 western, -/z. native of the
through. 2 prevent or retard the pro- Occident.
gress of. [Latin obstruo obstruct- block occiput /'Dksi.pAt/ n. back of the head.
up] occipital /-'sipit(a)l/ adj. [Latin caput
obstruction /ab'strAkJ\a)n/ n. 1 head]
obstructing or being obstructed. 2 thing occlude /a'kluid/ v. (-ding) 1 stop up or
that obstructs, blockage. 3 Sport act of close. 2 Chem. absorb and retain (gases).
I unlawfully obstructing another player. 3 (as occluded adj.) Meteor ol. (of a
occult 614 odd
frontal system) formed when a cold octa- comb, form (also oct- before a
front overtakes a warm front, raising vowel) eight. [Latin octo. Greek okto
warm air from ground level. occlu- eight]
sion [Latin occludo occlus- close up]
n. octagon Dktagan n. plane figure with
occult o'kAlt. d- adj. 1 involving the eight sides and angles, i octagonal
supernatural: mystical. 2 esoteric, /-'taeganojl adj. [Greek:
related to
z the occult occult phenomena octa-. -gonos -angled]
generally. [Latin occulo occult- hide] octahedron Dkta'hi:dran n. (pi -s)
occupant 'Dkjupant n. person who solid figure contained by eight (esp.
occupies, esp. lives in. a place etc. z triangular) plane faces. octahedral
occupancy n (pi -ies). [Latin: related adj. [Greek]
to occupy] octane Dktem n. colourless inflam-
occupation .Dkju'peiJYam n. 1 per-
mable hydrocarbon occurring in petrol,
[from octa-]
son's employment or profession. 2 pas-
time. 3 occupying or being occupied. 4
octane number n. (also octane rat-
ing) figure indicating the antiknock
taking or holding of a country etc. by
properties of a fuel.
octave oktiv n. 1 Mus. a interval
occupational adj. 1 of or connected
between (and including) two notes, one
with one's occupation. 2 (of a disease, having twice or half the frequency of
hazard, etc.; connected with one's occu- vibration of the other, b eight notes
occupying this interval, c each of the
occupational therapy n. programme mo notes at the extremes of this inter-
of mental or physical activity to assist val. 2 eight-line stanza. [Latin octavus
recovery from disease or injury. eighth]
occupier Dkju,paia(r) n. person living octavo Dk'teivau n. (pi -s) 1 size of a
in a house etc. as its owner or tenant. book or page given by folding a sheet of
occupy okju.pai v. (-ies. -ied; 1 live in: standard size three times to form eight
be the tenant of. 2 take up or fill (space, leaves. 2 book or sheet of this size.
time, or a place). 3 hold (a position or [Latin: related to octave]
office). 4 take military possession of. 5 octet Dk'tet n. (also octette) 1 a mu-
place oneself in (a building etc.) forcibly sical composition for eight performers,
or without authority as a protest. 6 keep b the performers. 2 group of eight. [Ital-
busy or engaged. [Latin occupo seize] ian or German: related to octa-]
occur a'k3:(r) v. (-rr-)1 come into being octo- comb, form (also oct- before a
as an event or process. 2 exist or be vowel) eight, [see octa-]
encountered in some place or con- October Dk tauba(r) n. tenth month of
ditions. 3 (foil, by to) come into the mind the year. [Latin ocro eight, originally the
of. [Latin occurro befall] 8th month of the Roman year]
occurrence a kArans n. 1 occurring. 2 octogenarian uktaudsrneanan n.

incident or event. person from 80 to 89 years old. [Latin

ocean 'auJYajn n 1 large expanse of octogeni 80 each]
sea. esp. each of the main areas called
octopus uktapas n. (pi -puses) sea
the Atlantic. Pacific. Indian. Arctic, and
mollusc with eight suckered tentacles.
[Greek: related to octo-. pous foot]
Antarctic Oceans. 2 (often in pi) colloq.
very large expanse or quantity, z
ocular Dkjula(r) adj. of. for. or by the
eyes: visual. [Latin oculus eye]
oceanic .auji'aenik adj. [Greek
oculist Dkiulist n. specialist in the
treatment of the eyes.
ocean-going adj. (of a ship) able to
OD au di: slang -n. drug overdose. —v.
cross oceans. (OD's. OD'd. OD'ing) take an overdose.
oceanography ,
aula' nog rafi n. the
study of the oceans, oceanographer odd adj. 1 strange, remarkable, eccent-
ric. 2 casual, occasional (odd jobs: odd
ocelot 'Dsi.lDt n. leopard-like cat of S. moments). 3 not normally considered:
and Central America. [French from unconnected in some odd corner, picks

N'ahuatl] up odd bargains). 4 a (of numbers) not

ochre (US ocher) 1 earth
aofca(r) n. integrally divisible by two, e.g. L, 3. 5. b
used as yellow, brown, or red pigment. 2 bearing such a number (no parking on
pale brownish-yellow colour, z ochre- odd dates). 5 left over when the rest
ous aoknas adj. [Greek okhra] have been distributed or divided into
o'clock aklDk adv. of the clock (used pairs (odd sock). 6 detached from a set
to specify the hour) (6 o 'clock). or series (odd volumes). 7 (appended to
Oct. abbr. October. a number, sum, weight, etc.) somewhat
oddball 615 Off

more than {forty odd; forty -odd people). oesophagus /ii'sofagas/ n. {US esopha-
8 by which a round number, given sum, gus) {pi -gi /-,d3ai/ or -guses) passage
etc., is exceeded {we have 102 - do you from the mouth to the stomach; gullet.
want the odd 2?). oddly adv. oddness [Greek]
n. [Old Norse oddi angle, point, third or oestrogen /'i:strad3(a)n/ n. {US estro-
odd number] gen) 1 sex hormone developing and
oddball n. colloq. eccentric person, maintaining female characteristics of
oddity /'Dditi/ n. {pi. -ies) 1 strange the body. 2 this produced artificially for
person, thing, or occurrence. 2 peculiar use in medicine. [Greek oistros frenzy,
trait. 3 strangeness. -gen]
odd man out n. person or thing differ- oestrus /'i:stras/ n. (also oestrum, US
ing from the others in a group in some estrus) recurring of sexual
respect. receptivity in many
female mammals,
oddment n. 1 odd article; something left oestrous adj. [Greek oistros frenzy]
over. 2 (in pi.) miscellaneous articles. oeuvre /'3:vr/ n. works of a creative artist
odds 1 ratio between the amounts regarded collectively. [French, = work,
staked by the parties to a bet, based on from Latin opera]
the expected probability either way. 2 of /dv, av/ prep, expressing: 1 origin or
balance of probability or advantage {the cause {paintings of Turner; died of
odds are against it; the odds are in cancer). 2 material or substance {house
your favour). 3 difference giving an of cards; built of bricks). 3 belonging or
advantage {it makes no odds). at odds connection {thing of the past; articles of
(often foil, by with) in conflict or at clothing; head of the business). 4 iden-
variance, over the odds above the nor- tity or close relation {city of Rome; a
mal price etc. [apparently from odd] pound of apples; a fool of a man). 5
odds and ends miscellaneous removal or separation {north of the city;
articles or remnants. got rid of them; robbed us of £1000). 6
odds-on -n. state when success is more reference or direction {beware of the
likely than failure, -adj. (of a chance) dog; suspected of lying; very good of
better than even; likely. you; short of money). 7 objective re-
ode n. lyric poem of exalted style and lation {love of music; in search of
tone. [Greek dide song] peace). 8 partition, classification, or
odious /'aodias/ adj. hateful, repulsive. inclusion {no more of that; part of the
odiously adv. odiousness n. story; this sort of book). 9 description,
[related to odium] quality, or condition {the hour of
odium /'audiam/ n. widespread dislike prayer; person of tact; girl of ten; on the
or disapproval of a person or action. point of leaving). AO US time in relation
[Latin, = hatred] to the following hour (a quarter of
odometer /8u'dDmita(r), d-/ n. US = three). be of possess, give rise to {is of
milometer. [Greek hodos way] great interest), of an evening (or
odoriferous /.auda'nfaras/ adj. diffus- morning etc.) colloq. 1 on most even-
ing a (usu. agreeable) odour. [Latin: ings (or mornings etc.). 2 at some time in
related to odour] the evenings (or mornings etc.). of late
odour /'auda(r)/ n. (US odor) 1 smell or recently, of old formerly. [Old English]
fragrance. 2 quality or trace {an odour of- see ob-.
of intolerance). 3 regard, repute {in bad Off. abbr. 1 Office. 2 Officer.
odour). odorous adj. odourless adj. off -adv. 1 away; at or to a distance
[Latin odor] {drove off; 3 miles off). 2 out of position;
odyssey /'Ddisi/ n. {pi -s) long adventur- not on, touching, or attached; loose,
ous journey, [title of the Homeric epic separate, gone {has come off; take your
poem on the adventures of Odysseus] coat off). 3 so as to be rid of {sleep it off). 4
OECD abbr. Organization for Economic so as to break continuity or continu-
Cooperation and Development. ance; discontinued, stopped {turn off the
oedema /i'di:ma/ n. {US edema) radio; take a day off; the game is off). 5
accumulation of excess fluid in body not available on a menu etc. {chips are
tissues, causing swelling. [Greek off. 6 to the end; entirely; so as to be
oideo swell] clear {clear off; finish off; pay off. 7
Oedipus complex /'iidipas/ n. child's, situated as regards money, supplies,
esp. a boy's, subconscious sexual desire etc. {well off). 8 off stage {noises off). 9
for the parent of the opposite sex. (of food etc.) beginning to decay, -prep.
Oedipal adj. [Greek Oidipous, who 1 a from; away, down, or up from (fell off
unknowingly married his mother] the chair; took something off the price).
o'er /'aoa(r)/ adv. & prep. poet. = over. b not on (off the pitch). 2 a temporarily
[contraction] relieved of or abstaining from (off duty).
offal 616 off-key
b temporarily not attracted by {off his 7 present itself; occur {as opportunity
food), c not achieving {offform). 3 using 8 attempt (violence, resistance,
as a source or means of support {live off etc.).-n. 1 expression of readiness to do
the land). 4 leading from; not far from {a or give if desired, or to buy or sell. 2
street off the Strand). 5 at a short amount offered. 3 proposal (esp. of mar-
distance to sea from {sank off Cape riage). 4 bid. on offer for sale at a
Horn), -adj. 1 far, further {off side of the certain (esp. reduced) price. [Latin
wall). 2 (of a part of a vehicle, animal, or offero oblat-]
road) right {the off front wheel). 3 offering n. 1 contribution or gift, esp. of
Cricket designating the half of the field money. 2 thing offered as a sacrifice etc.
(as divided lengthways through the offertory /'ofatari/ n. {pi -ies) 1 offering
pitch) to which the striker's feet are of the bread and wine at the Eucharist. 2
pointed. 4 colloq. a annoying, unfair collection of money at a religious ser-
{that's really off), b somewhat unwell vice. [Church Latin: related to offer]
(feeling a bit off), -n. 1 the off side in offhand -adj. curt or casual in manner.
cricket. 2 start of a race. off and on -adv. without preparation or thought
intermittently; now and then, off the {can't say offhand), offhanded adj.
cuff see cuff off the peg see peg. [var.
offhandedly adv. offhandedness n.
of OF] office /'ofis/ n. 1 room or building used
Usage The use of off of for the as a place of business, esp. for clerical or
preposition off (sense la), e.g. picked it administrative work. 2 room or area for
up off of the floor, is non-standard and a particular business {ticket office). 3
should be avoided. local centre of a large business {our
London office). 4 position with duties
offal /'Df(a)l/ n. 1 less valuable edible
attached to it. 5 tenure of an official
parts of a carcass, esp. the heart, liver,
position {hold office). 6 (Office)
etc. 2 refuse, scraps. [Dutch afval:
quarters f staff, or collective authority of
related to off, fall]
a Government department etc. {Foreign
offbeat -adj. 1 not coinciding with the
Office). 7 duty, task, function. 8 (usu. in
beat. 2 eccentric, unconventional, -n.
pi.) piece of kindness; service (esp.
any of the unaccented beats in a bar.
through the good offices of). 9 authorized
off-centre adj. & adv. not quite cent-
rally placed.
form of worship. [Latin officium from
off chance n. (prec. by the) remote opus work, facio fie- do]
officer /'Dfisa(r)/ n. 1 person holding a
position of authority or trust, esp. one
off colour predic. adj. 1 unwell. 2 US
somewhat indecent. with a commission in the army, navy,
air force, etc. 2 policeman or police-
offcutn. remnant of timber, paper, etc.,
after cutting.
woman. 3 holder of a post in a society
(e.g. the president or secretary).
off-day n. colloq. day when one is not at
one's best. official /a'fij(a)l/ -adj. 1 of an office or
its tenure. 2 characteristic of officials
offence /o'fens/ n. {US offense) 1 illegal
act; transgression. 2 upsetting of feel- and bureaucracy. 3 properly author-
ings, insult; umbrage{give offence, take ized, -n. person holding office or en-

offence). 3 aggressive action, [related to gaged in official duties. officialdom

offend] n. officially adv.
offend /a'fend/ v. 1 cause offence to, officialese /a.fiJVliiz/ n. derog. lan-
upset. 2 displease, anger. 3 (often foil, guage characteristic of official docu-
by against) do wrong; transgress. ments.
offender n. offending adj. [Latin official secrets confidential in-
offendo offens- strike against, displease] formation involving national security.
offense US var. of offence. officiate /a'fiji.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 act in an
offensive /a'fensiv/ -adj. 1 causing official capacity. 2 conduct a religious
offence; insulting. 2 disgusting. 3 a service. officiation /- eij(a)n/ n. offi-
aggressive, attacking, b (of a weapon) ciator n.
for attacking, -n. aggressive action, officious /a'fijas/ adj. 1 domineering.
attitude, or campaign. offensively 2 intrusive in correcting etc. offi-
adv. offensiveness n. ciously adv. officiousness n.
offer -v. 1 present for acceptance, re- offing n. more distant part of the sea in
fusal, or consideration. 2 (foil, by to + view. in the offing not far away;
infin.) express readiness or show inten- likely to appear or happen soon, [prob-
tion. 3 provide; give an opportunity for. ably from off]
4 make available for sale. 5 present to off-key adj. & adv. 1 out of tune. 2 not
the attention. 6 present (a sacrifice etc.). quite fitting.
off-licence 617 oil well
off-licence n. 1 shop selling alcoholic ogive /'aud3aiv/ n. pointed arch. 2

drink. 2 licence for this. diagonal rib of a vault. [French]

online Computing -adj. not online. ogle /'aug(a)l/ -v.(-ling) look amorously
-adv. with a delay between the produc- or lecherously (at). — n. amorous or
tion of data and its processing; not lecherous look, [probably Low German
under direct computer control. or Dutch]
offload v. get rid of (esp. something ogre /'auga(r)/ n. (fern, ogress /-gns/) 1
unpleasant) by passing it to someone man-eating giant in folklore. 2 terrify-
else. ing person. ogreish /'auganJV adj.
off-peak adj. used or for use at times (also ogrish). [French]
other than those of greatest demand. oh /au/ int. (also O) expressing surprise,

off-piste adj. (of skiing) away from pain, entreaty, etc. oh (or o) for I wish
1 had. [var. of O ]
prepared ski runs.
offprint n. printed copy of an article etc. ohm /aum/ n. SI unit of electrical res-
originally forming part of a larger pub- istance. [Ohm, name of a physicist]
lication. OHMS abbr. on Her (or His) Majesty's
offscreen adj. & adv. beyond the range Service.
of a film camera etc.; when not being oho /au'hau/ int. expressing surprise or
filmed. exultation, [from O ho] ,

off-season n. time of the year when OHP abbr. overhead projector,

business etc. is slack. oi int. calling attention or expressing
offset —n. 1 side-shoot from a plant alarm etc. [var. of hoy]
serving for propagation. 2 compensa- -oid suffix forming adjectives and
tion, consideration or amount diminish-
nouns, denoting form or resemblance
(asteroid; rhomboid; thyroid). [Greek
ing or neutralizing the effect of a con-
eidos form]
trary one. 3 sloping ledge in a wall etc. 4
oil —n. 1 any of various viscous, usu.
bend in a pipe etc. to carry it past an
inflammable liquids insoluble in water
obstacle. 5 (often attrib.) method of
(cooking oil; drill for oil). 2 petroleum.
printing in which ink is transferred
3 (in comb.) using oil as fuel (oil-heater).
from a plate or stone to a rubber surface
4 a (usu. in pi.) = oil-paint, b picture
and from there to paper etc. {offset
painted in oil-paints, - v. apply oil to;

litho). - v.
(-setting; past and past part.
lubricate. 2 impregnate or treat with oil
-set) counterbalance, compensate. 2
(oiled silk). oil the wheels help make
print by the offset process.
things go smoothly. [Latin oleum olive
offshoot n. 1 side-shoot or branch. 2
oilcake n. compressed linseed from
offshore adj. 1 at sea some distance which the oil has been extracted, used
from the shore. 2 (of the wind) blowing
as fodder or manure.
oilcan n. can with a long nozzle for
offside —adj. (of a player in a field game)
oiling machinery.
in a position where he or she may not
oilcloth n. fabric, esp. canvas, water-
play the ball. -n. (often attrib.) right
proofed with oil or another substance.
side of a vehicle, animal, etc.
oil-colour var. of oil-paint.
offspring n. (pi. same) 1 person's child, oiled adj. slang drunk.
children, or descendants. 2 animal's oilfield n. area yielding mineral oil.
young or descendants. 3 result. [Old oil-fired adj. using oil as fuel.
English: see off, spring] oil of turpentine n. volatile pungent
off-stage adj. & adv. not on the stage; oil distilled from turpentine, used as a
not visible to the audience. solvent in mixing paints and varnishes,
off-street adj. (esp. of parking) other and in medicine.
than on a street. oil-paint n. (also oil-colour) paint
off-the-wall adj. esp. US slang crazy, made by mixing powdered pigment in
absurd, outlandish. oil. oil-painting n.
off white adj. & n. (as adj often hyphen-
oil rig n. structure with equipment for
ated) white with a grey or yellowish drilling an oil well.
tinge. oilskin n. 1 cloth waterproofed with oil.
oft adv. archaic often. [Old English] 2 a garment of this, b (in pi.) suit of this,
often /'of(a)n/ adv. (oftener, oftenest) 1 oil slick n. patch of oil, esp. on the sea.
a frequently; many times, b at short oilstone n. fine-grained flat stone used
intervals. 2 in many instances. with oil for sharpening flat tools, e.g.
oft-times adv. often. chisels, planes, etc.
ogee /'aud3i:/ n. S-shaped line or mould- oil well n. well from which mineral oil
ing, [apparently from ogive] is drawn.
oily 618 oligarchy
oily adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of or like oil. 2 affectionate term of address to a girl or
covered or soaked with oil. 3 (of a woman.
manner etc.) fawning, unctuous, ingra- Old Glory n. US US national flag.
tiating, oiliness n. old gold adj. & n. (as adj. often hyphen-
ointment /'amtmant/ n. smooth greasy ated) dull brownish-gold colour.
healing or cosmetic preparation for the old guard n. original, past, or conser-
skin. [Latin unguo anoint] vative members of a group.
OK /au'kei/ (also okay) colloq. -adj. old hand n. person with much ex-
(often as int.) all right; satisfactory. perience.
-adv. well, satisfactorily, -n. (pi. OKs) old hat adj. colloq. hackneyed,
approval, sanction, -v. (OK's, OK'd, oldie n. colloq. old person or thing,
OK'ing) approve, sanction, [originally old lady n. colloq. one's mother or wife,
US: probably abbreviation of orl (or oil) old maid n. 1 derog. elderly unmarried
korrect, jocular form of 'all correct'] woman. 2 prim and fussy person,
okapi /au'ka:pi/ n. (pi same or -s) Af- old man n. colloq. 1 one's husband or
rican giraffe-like mammal but with a father. 2 affectionate form of address to
shorter neck and striped body. [Mbuba] a boy or man.
okay var. of OK. old man's beard n. wild clematis, with
okra /'aukra/ n. tall, orig. African plant grey fluffy hairs round the seeds.
with long ridged seed-pods used for old master n. 1 great artist of former
food. [West African native name] times, esp. of the 13th-17th c. in Europe.
-ol suffix in the names of alcohols or 2 painting by such a painter.
analogous compounds, [from alcohol Old Nick n. colloq. the Devil.
and Latin oleum oil] Old Norse n. 1 Germanic language

old /aold/ adj. (older, oldest) 1 a ad- from which the Scandinavian lan-
vanced in age; far on in the natural guages are derived. 2 language of Nor-
period of existence, b not young or near
way and its colonies until the 14th c.
old school n. traditional attitudes or
its beginning. 2 made long ago. 3 long in
people having them.
use. 4 worn, dilapidated, or shabby from
old school tie n. excessive loyalty to
the passage of time. 5 having the charac-
traditional values and to former pupils
teristics of age (child has an old face). 6
of one's own, esp. public, school.
practised, inveterate (old offender). 7
old soldier n. (also old stager or
belonging to the past; lingering on; for-
timer) experienced person.
mer (old times; old memories; our old old style n. dating reckoned by the
house). 8 dating from far back; long
Julian calendar.
established or known; ancient, prim-
Old Testament n. part of the Bible
eval (an old family old friends; old as the scriptures of the
the hills). 9 (appended to a period of
time) of age (is four years old; four- old-time attrib. adj. belonging to
year-old boy; a four -year-old). 10 (of a former times (old-time dancing).
language) as used in former or earliest old timer var. of old soldier.
times. 11 colloq. as a term of affection or old wives' tale n. unscientific belief,
casual reference (good old Charlie; old old woman n. colloq. 1 one's wife or
thing), z. oldish adj. oldness n. [Old mother. 2 fussy or timid man.
English] Old World n. Europe, Asia, and Africa,
old age n. later part of normal life, old year n. year just ended or ending,
old-age pension n. = retirement oleaginous /,aoli'aed3inas/ adj. 1 like or
pension. old-age pensioner n. producing oil. 2 oily. [Latin: related to
Old Bill n. slang 1 the police. 2 a oil]
policeman. oleander /,auli'aenda(r)/ n. evergreen
old boy n. 1 former male pupil of a flowering Mediterranean shrub. [Latin]
school. 2 colloq. a elderly man. b (as a O level n. hist. = ordinary level.
form of address) = old man. [abbreviation]
old boy network n. colloq. preferment olfactory /Dl'faektan/ adj. of the sense
in employment, esp. of fellow ex-pupils of smell (olfactory nerves). [Latin oleo
of public schools. smell, facio make]
old country n. (prec. by the) native oligarch /'Dh,ga:k/ n. member of an
country of colonists etc. oligarchy. [Greek oligoi few]
olden attrib. adj. archaic old; of old. oligarchy n. (pi. -ies) 1 government, or
old-fashioned adj. showing or favour- State governed, by a small group of
ing the tastes of former times. people. 2 members of such a govern-
old girl n. 1 former female pupil of a ment. oligarchic /-'ga:kik/ adj.
school. 2 colloq. a elderly woman, b oligarchical /-'ga:kik(a)l/ adj.
Oligocene 619 on
Oligocene /'Dliga,si:n/-ad/. of the third ominous /'Dminas/ adj. 1 threatening.
geological epoch of the Tertiary period. 2 of evil omen; inauspicious. om-
-n. this epoch. [Greek oligos little, kai- inously adv. [Latin: related to omen]
nos new] omission /au'mij(a)n/ n. 1 omitting or
olive /'dIiv/ -n. 1 small oval hard-stoned being omitted. 2 thing omitted.
fruit, green when unripe and bluish- omit /au'mit/ v. (-tt-) 1 leave out; not
black when ripe. 2 tree bearing this. 3 its insert or include. 2 leave^undone. 3 (foil,
wood. 4 olive green, -adj. 1 olive-green. by verbal noun or to + infin.) fail or
2 (of the complexion) yellowish-brown. neglect. [Latin omitto omiss-]
[Latin oliva from Greek] omni- comb, form all. [Latin omnis all]
olive branch n. gesture of reconcili- omnibus /'omnibas/ -n. 1 formal bus. 2
ation or peace. volume containing several literary
olive green adj. & n. (as adj. often works previously published separately.
hyphenated) dull yellowish green. -adj. 1 serving several purposes at
olive oil n. cooking-oil extracted from once. 2 comprising several items.
olives. [Latin, = for all]
olivine /'Dli,vi:n/ n. mineral (usu. olive- omnipotent /Dm'nipat(a)nt/ adj. hav-
green) composed of magnesium-iron ing great or absolute power. omnipo-
silicate. tence n. [Latin: related to potent]
Olympiad /a'limpi.aed/ n. 1 a period of omnipresent /,Dmni prez(a)nt/ adj.

four years between Olympic games, present everywhere, omnipresence


used by the ancient Greeks in dating n. [Latin: related to present ]

events, b four-yearly celebration of the

omniscient /Dm'nisiant/ adj. knowing
ancient Olympic Games. 2 celebration
everything or much. omniscience n.
of the modern Olympic Games. 3 regu-
[Latin scio know]
lar international contest in chess etc.
omnivorous /Dm'nivaras/ adj. 1 feed-
ing on both plant and animal material.
[Greek Olumpias Olumpiad-: related to
2 reading, observing, etc. everything
Olympian /a'limpian/ -adj. 1 a of
that comes one's way. omnivore
/ Dmni,vo:(r)/ n. omnivorousness n.
Olympus, b celestial. 2 (of manners etc.)
[Latin voro devour]
magnificent, condescending, superior. 3
« Olympic.-/?. 1 Greek god dwelling on on -prep. 1 (so as to be) supported by,
attached to, covering, or enclosing (sat
Olympus. 2 person of superhuman abil-
on a chair; stuck on the wall; rings on
ity or calm. 3 competitor in the Olympic
her fingers; leaned on his elbow). 2
games, [from Mt. Olympus in Greece, or
carried with; about the person of (have
as Olympic]
you a pen on you?). 3 (of time) exactly at;
Olympic /a'limpik/ -adj. of the Olym- during (on 29 May; on the hour; on
pic games. (the Olympics) Olym-
schedule; closed on Tuesday). 4 im-
pic games. [Greek from Olympia in S.
mediately after or before (I saw them on
Greece] my return). 5 as a result of (on further
Olympic games 1 ancient Greek examination). 6 (so as to be) having
athletic festival held at Olympia every
membership etc. of or residence at or in
four years. 2 modern international re- (is on the board of directors; lives on the
vival of this. continent). 7 supported, succoured, or
OM abbr. Order of Merit. fuelled by (lives on a grant; lives on
ombudsman /'Dmbudzman/ n. (pi.
sandwiches; runs on diesel). 8 close
-men) official appointed to investigate to; just by (house on the sea; lives on
complaints against public authorities. the main road). 9 in the direction of;
[Swedish, = legal representative] against. 10 so as to threaten; touching or
omega /'aumiga/ n. 1 last (24th) letter cf striking (advanced on Rome; pulled a
the Greek alphabet (Q, w). 2 last of a knife on me; a punch on the nose). 11
series; final development. [Greek 6 having as an axis or pivot (turned on his
mega = great O] heels). 12 having as a basis or motive
omelette /'Dmlit/ n. beaten eggs fried (works on a ratchet; arrested on suspi-
and often folded round a savoury filling. cion). 13 having as a standard, con-
[French] firmation, or guarantee (had it on
omen /'auman/ -n. 1 event or object good authority; did it on purpose; I
portending good or evil. 2 prophetic promise on my word). 14 concerning or
significance (of good omen). -v. (usu. in about (writes on frogs). 15 using or
passive) portend. [Latin] engaged with (is on the pill; here on
omicron /a'maikran, 'Dim-/ n. fifteenth business). 16 so as to affect (walked out
letter of the Greek alphabet (0, o). on her). 17 at the expense of (the drinks
[Greek o mikron = small o] are on me; the joke is on him). 18 added
onanism 620 one-to-one
to (disaster on
disaster; ten pence on a particular but undefined, esp. as con-
pint of beer). 19 in a specified manner or trasted with another (that is one view;
state (on the cheap; on the run), -adv. 1 one night last week). 4 only such (the
(so as to be) covering or in contact (put one man who can do it). 5 forming a
your boots on). 2 in the appropriate unity (one and undivided). 6 identical;
direction; towards something (look on). the same (of one opinion), -n. 1 a lowest
3 further forward; in an advanced posi- cardinal number, b thing numbered
tion or state (time is getting on). 4 with with it. 2 unity; a unit (one is half of two;
continued movement or action (play came in ones and twos). 3 single thing,
on). 5 in operation or activity (light is person, or example (often referring to a
on; chase was on). 6 due to take place as noun previously expressed or implied:
planned (is the party still on?). 7 colloq. the big dog and the small one). 4 colloq.
a willing to participate or approve, drink (a quick one; have one on me). 5
make a bet, etc. (you're on), b practic- story or joke (the one about the parrot),
able or acceptable (that's just not on). 8 -pron. 1 person of a specified kind
being shown or performed (a good film (loved ones; like one possessed). 2 any
on tonight). 9 on stage. 10 on duty. 11 person, as representing people in
forward (head on), -adj. Cricket desig- general (one is bound to lose in the end).
nating the part of the field on the 3 I, me. all one (often foil, by to) a
striker's side and in front of the wicket. matter of indifference, at one in agree-
-n. Cricket the on side. be on about ment, one and all everyone, one by one
colloq. discuss, esp. tediously, be on at singly, successively, one day 1 on an
colloq. nag or grumble at. be on to unspecified day. 2 at some unspecified
colloq. realize the significance or inten- future date, one or two colloq. a few.
tions of. on and off intermittently; now [Old English]
and then, on and on continually; at Usage The use of the pronoun one to
tedious length, on time punctual, punc- mean T or 'me' (e.g. one would like to
tually, on to to a position on. [Old help) is often regarded as an affectation.
onanism one another pron. each the other or
/'auna,niz(a)m/ n. literary
others (as a formula of reciprocity: love
masturbation. [Onan, biblical person]
one another).
ONC abbr. Ordinary National Certific-
one-armed bandit n. colloq. fruit
machine with a long handle,
once /wAns/ -adv. 1 on one occasion one-horse attrib. adj. 1 using a single
only. 2 at some point or period in the
horse. 2 colloq. small, poorly equipped,
past. 3 ever or at all (if you once forget
one-horse race n. contest in which one
4 multiplied by one. -conj. as soon
competitor is far superior to all the
as.-n. one time or occasion (just the others.
once). all at once 1 suddenly. 2 all
one-liner n. short joke or remark in a
together, at once 1 immediately. 2 sim- play, comedy routine, etc.
ultaneously, for once on this (or that) one-man attrib. adj. involving or oper-
occasion, even if at no other, once ated by only one man.
again (or more) another time, once oneness n. 1 singleness. 2 uniqueness. 3
and for all (or once for all) in a final agreement. 4 sameness.
manner, esp. after much hesitation, one-night stand n. 1 single perform-
once (or every once) in a while from ance of a play etc. in a place. 2 colloq.
time to time, once or twice a few times, sexual liaison lasting only one night.
once upon a time at some unspecified one-off -attrib. adj. made or done as the
time in the past, [originally genitive of only one; not repeated, -n. one-off
one] occurrence, achievement, etc.
once-over n. colloq. rapid inspection, onerous /'aunaras/ adj. burdensome.
oncogene /'Dnka,d3i:n/ n. gene which onerousness n. [Latin: related to onus]
can transform a cell into a cancer cell. oneself pron. reflexive and emphatic
[Greek ogkos mass] form of one (kill oneself; do it oneself).
oncology /Dn'kDlad3i/ n. the study of be oneself act in one's normal uncon-
tumours. [Greek ogkos mass] strained manner.
oncoming adj. approaching from the one-sided adj. unfair, partial. one-
front. -sidedly adv. one-sidedness n.
OND abbr. Ordinary National Diploma. one's money's-worth n. good value
one /waii/ -adj. 1 single and integral in for one's money.
number. 2 (with a noun implied) a single one-time attrib. adj. former.
person or thing of the kind expressed or one-to-one adj. & adv. 1 involving or
implied (one of the best; a nasty one). 3 between only two people. 2 with one
one-track mind 621 opaque
member of one group corresponding to onslaught /'Dnsb:t/ n. fierce attack.
one of another. [Dutch: related to on, slag blow]
one-track mind n. mind preoccupied on-street adj. (esp. of parking) along a
with one subject. street.
one-up adj. colloq. having a particular onto prep. = on to.

advantage, one-upmanship n.
Usage The form onto is still not fully
one-way adj. allowing movement, accepted in the way that into is, al-
travel, etc., in one direction only. however
though it is in wide use. It is
ongoing adj. 1 continuing. 2 in pro- useful in distinguishing sense as
gress. between we drove on to the beach (i.e. in
onion /'Anjan/vegetable with an
that direction) and we drove onto the
edible bulb of a pungent smell and beach (i.e. in contact with it).
flavour. oniony adj. [Latin unio
-on is] ontology /Dn'tDlad3i/ n. branch of meta-
online Computing -adj. directly con- physics dealing with the nature of
nected, so that a computer immediately being. ontological /-ta'k>d3ik(a)l/ adj.
receives an input from or sends an ontologically /-ta'h)d3ikah7 adv. onto-
output to a peripheral process etc.; car- logist n. [Greek ont- being]
ried out while so connected or under onus /'aunas/ n. (pi onuses) burden,
direct computer control, -adv. with the duty, responsibility. [Latin]
processing of data carried out simultan- onward /'onwad/ -adv. (also onwards)
eously with its production; while con- 1 forward, advancing. 2 into the future
nected to a computer; under direct com- (from 1985 onwards), -adj. forward,
puter control. advancing.
onlooker n. spectator. onlooking onyx /'Dniks/ n. semiprecious variety of
adj. agate with coloured layers. [Greek
only /'aunli/ -adv. 1 solely, merely, ex- onux]
clusively; and no one or nothing more oodles /'u:d(a)lz/ colloq. very great
besides (needed six only; is only a amount, [origin unknown]
child). 2 no longer ago than (saw them ooh /u:/ int. expressing surprise, delight,
only yesterday). 3 not until (arrives pain, etc. [natural exclamation]
only on Tuesday). 4 with no better oolite /'aua.lait/ n. granular limestone.
result than (hurried home only to find oolitic /-'litik/ adj. [Greek oion egg]
her gone), -attrib. adj. 1 existing alone oompah /'umpa:/ n. colloq. rhythmical
of its or their kind (their only son). 2 sound of deep brass instruments, [imit-
best or alone worth considering (the ative]
only place to eat), -conj. colloq. except oomph /umf/ n. slang 1 energy, enthusi-
that; but (I would go, only Ifeel ill). [Old asm. 2 attractiveness, esp. sex appeal,
English: related to one] [origin uncertain]
oops /ops/ int. colloq. on making an
Usage In informal English only is
obvious mistake, [natural exclamation]
usually placed between the subject and
ooze 1
-v. (-zing) 1 trickle or leak slowly
verb regardless of what it refers to (e.g. /
out. 2 (of a substance) exude fluid. 3
only want to talk to you); in more formal
(often foil, by with) exude (a feeling)
English it is often placed more exactly,
freely (oozed (with) charm), -n. slug-
esp. to avoid ambiguity (e.g. / want to
gish flow. oozy adj. [Old English]
talk only to you). In speech, intonation
ooze 2 n. wet mud. oozy adj. [Old
usually serves to clarify the sense.
only too adv. extremely. op n. colloq. operation, [abbreviation]
o.n.o. abbr. or near offer. op. abbr. opus,
onomatopoeia /.Dna.maeta'pra/ n. op- see ob-.
formation of a word from a sound as- opacity opaqueness.
sociated with what is named (e.g. opaque]
[Latin: related to
cuckoo, sizzle). onomatopoeic adj. opal /'aup(a)l/ n. semiprecious stone
[Greek onoma name, poied make] usu. of a milky or bluish colour and
onrush n. onward rush. sometimes showing changing colours.
onscreen adj. & adv. within the range [Latin]
of a film camera etc; when being filmed. opalescent /,aupa'les(a)nt/ adj. irides-
onset n. 1 attack. 2 impetuous begin- cent. opalescence n.
ning. opaline /'aupa.lain/ adj. opal-like, opal-
onshore on the shore. 2 (of the
adj. 1 escent.
wind) blowing landwards from the sea. opaque /au'peik/ adj. (opaquer,
onside adj. (of a player in a field game) opaquest) 1 not transmitting light. 2
not offside. impenetrable to sight. 3 unintelligible.
op art 622 operable
4 unintelligent, stupid. opaquely Open College n. college offering train-
adv. opaqueness n. [Latin opacus ing and vocational courses mainly by
shaded] correspondence.
op art n. colloq. = optical art. [abbre- open day n. day when the public may
viation] visit a place normally closed to them.
op. cit. abbr. in the work already open-door attrib. adj. open, accessible.
quoted. [Latin opere citato] open-ended adj. having no predeter-
OPEC /'aupek/ abbr. Organization of mined limit.
Petroleum Exporting Countries. opener n. 1 device for opening tins,
open /'aup9n/-ad/. 1 not closed, locked, bottles, etc. 2 colloq. first item on a
or blocked up; allowing access. 2 unen- programme etc.

closed, unconfined, unobstructed (the

open-handed adj. generous,
open road; open views). 3 a uncovered, open-hearted adj. frank and kindly,
bare, exposed (open drain; open
open-heart surgery n. surgery with
the heart exposed and the blood made to
wound), b (of a goal etc.) unprotected,
bypass it.
undefended. 4 undisguised, public,
manifest (open hostilities). 5 expanded,
open house n. hospitality for all
unfolded, or spread out (had the map
opening -n. 1 aperture or gap. 2 oppor-
open on the table). 6 (of a fabric) not tunity. 3 beginning; initial part, -attrib.
close; with gaps. 7 a frank and com-
(opening remarks).
.adj. initial, first
municative, b open-minded. 8 a access- opening-time time at which public
ible to visitors or customers; ready for houses may legally open for custom.
business, b (of a meeting) admitting all, open letter n. letter of protest etc.
not restricted to members etc. 9 (of a addressed to an individual and pub-
race, competition, scholarship, etc.) lished in a newspaper etc.
unrestricted as to who may compete. 10 openly adv. 1 frankly. 2 publicly.
(foil, by to) a willing to receive (is open open-minded adj. accessible to new
to offers), b (of a choice, offer, or oppor- ideas; unprejudiced.
tunity) available (three courses open to open-mouthed adj. aghast with sur-
us), c vulnerable to, allowing of (open to prise.
abuse; open to doubt). 11 (of a return open-plan adj. (of a house, office, etc.)
ticket) not restricted as to the day of having large undivided rooms.
travel, -v. 1 make or become open or open prison n. prison with few re-
more open. 2 (foil, by into, on to, etc.) (of straints on prisoners' movements.
a door, room, etc.) give access as speci- open question n. matter on which
fied (opened on to a patio). 3 a start, different views are legitimate.
establish, or set going (a business, ac- open sandwich n. sandwich without a
tivity, etc.) (opened a new shop; opened top slice of bread.
fire), b start (conference opens today). 4 open sea n. expanse of sea away from
(often foil, by with) start; begin speak- land.
ing, writing, etc. (show opens with a open secret n. supposed secret known
song; he opened with a joke). 5 ceremo- to many.
nially declare (a building etc.) in use.
open society n. society with freedom of
-n. 1 (prec. by the) a open space,
country, or air. b public notice; general
Open University n. university teach-
ing mainly by broadcasting and corres-
attention (esp. into the open). 2 open
pondence, and open to those without
championship or competition etc.
academic qualifications.
open a person's eyes enlighten a open verdict n. verdict affirming that a
person, open out 1 unfold. 2 develop,
crime has been committed but not speci-
expand. 3 become communicative, open fying the criminal or (in case of violent
up 1 unlock (premises). 2 make access- death) the cause.
ible. 3 reveal; bring to notice. 4 acceler- openwork n. pattern with intervening
ate. 5 begin shooting or sounding. spaces in metal, leather, lace, etc.
openness n. [Old English] opera /'npara/ /i.1a drama set to music

open air n. outdoors. open-air attrib. for singers and instrumentalists, b this
adj. as a genre. 2 opera-house. [Italian from
open-and-shut adj. straightforward, Latin, = labour, work]
open book n. person who is easily opera 2 pi. of opus.
understood. operable /'Dp9rab(e)l/ adj. 1 that can be
opencast mine or mining)
adj. (of a operated. 2 suitable for treatment by
with removal of the surface layers and surgical operation. [Latin: related to
working from above, not from shafts. operate]
opera-glasses 623 oppose
opera-glasses small binoculars ophthalmic /of Gaelmik/ adj. of or relat-
for use at the opera or theatre. ing to the eye and its diseases.
opera-house n. theatre for operas. ophthalmic optician n. optician
operate /' v. (-ting) 1 work, qualified to prescribe as well as dis-
control. 2 be in action; function. 3 a pense spectacles etc.
perform a surgical operation, b conduct ophthalmology /,Df8aermDlad3i/ n. the
a military etc. action, c be active in study of the eye. ophthalmologist n.
business etc. 4 bring about. [Latin ophthalmoscope /Df Gaelma.skaup/ n.
operor work: related to opus] instrument for examining the eye.
operatic /.opa'raetik/ adj. of or like an opiate /'aupiat/ -adj. 1 containing
opera or opera singer (an operatic opium. 2 narcotic, soporific, —n. 1 drug
voice), operatically adv. containing opium, usu. to ease pain or
operatics /.opa'raetiks/ production induce sleep. 2 soothing influence.
and performance of operas. [Latin: related to opium]
operating system n. basic software opine /au'pam/ v. (-ning) (often foil, by
that enables the running of a computer that) literary hold or express as an
program. opinion. [Latin opinor believe]
operating theatre n. room for sur- opinion /a'pmjan/ n. 1 unproven belief.
gical operations. 2 view held as probable. 3 what one
operation /.opa'reiJXa)^ n. 1 action, thinks about something. 4 piece of pro-
scope, or method of working or operat- fessional advice (a second opinion). 5
ing. 2 active process. 3 piece of work, estimation (low opinion of). [Latin:
esp. one in a series (begin operations). 4 related to opine]
act of surgery on a patient. 5 military opinionated /a'pmja.neitid/ adj. dog-
manoeuvre. 6 financial transaction. 7 matic in one's opinions.
state of functioning (in operation). 8 opinion poll n. assessment of public
subjection of a number etc. to a process opinion by questioning a representative
affecting its value or form, e.g. multi- sample.
plication. [Latin: related to operate] opium /'aupiam/ n. drug made from the
operational adj. 1 of or engaged in or juice of a certain poppy, used esp. as an
used for operations. 2 able or ready to analgesic and narcotic. [Latin from
function, operationally adv. Greek opion]
operational research n. the applica- opossum /a'pDsam/ n. 1 tree-living Am-
tion of scientific principles to business erican marsupial. 2 Austral. & = NZ
etc. management. possum 2. [Virginian Indian]
operations research n. = opera- opp. abbr. opposite.
tional RESEARCH. opponent /a'paunant/ n. person who
operative /'nparativ/ -adj. 1 in opera- opposes. [Latin oppono opposit- set
tion; having effect. 2 having the main against]
relevance ( 'may is the operative word).
' opportune /'Dpa tju:n/ adj. 1 well-

3 of or by surgery, -n. worker, esp. a chosen or especially favourable (oppor-

skilled one. [Latin: related to operate] tune moment). 2 (of an action or event)
operator n. 1 person operating a well-timed. [Latin opportunus (of the
machine etc., esp. connecting lines in a wind) driving towards the port 1

telephone exchange. 2 person engaging opportunism /,Dpa'rju:niz(a)m, 'op-/ n.

in business. 3 colloq. person acting in a adaptation of one's policy or judgement
specified way (smooth operator). 4 sym- to circumstances or opportunity, esp.
bol or function denoting an operation in regardless of principle. opportunist
mathematics, computing, etc. n. opportunistic /-'nistik/ adj. oppor-
operculum /a'p3:kjulam/ n. (pi. -cula) 1 tunistically /-'nistikali/ adv.
any of various other
fish's gill-cover. 2 opportunity /,Dpa'tju:niti/ n. (pi. -ies)
parts covering or closing an aperture in favourable chance or opening offered by
an animal or plant. [Latin operio cover circumstances.
(v.)] opposable /a'pauzab(a)l/ adj. Zool. (of
operetta /.Dpa'reta/ n. 1 light opera. 2 the thumb in primates) capable of facing
one-act or short opera. [Italian, dimin- and touching the other digits on the
utive of OPERA 1 ] same hand.
ophidian /au'fidian/ -n. member of a oppose /a'pauz/ v. (-sing) 1 set oneself
suborder of reptiles including snakes. against; resist; argue or compete
-adj. 1 of this order. 2 snakelike. [Greek against. 2 (foil, by to) place in opposition
op his snake] or contrast. as opposed to in contrast
ophthalmia /of Gaelmia/ n. inflamma- with. opposer n. [Latin: related to
tion of the eye. [Greek ophthalmos eye] opponent]
opposite 624 oracle
opposite on the
/'Dpazit/ -adj. 1 facing, optician maker, seller,
/op'tiJ(a)n/ n. 1
other side (opposite page; the house or prescriber of spectacles and contact
opposite). 2 (often foil, by to, from) lenses etc. 2 person trained in the detec-
contrary; diametrically different (op- tion and correction of poor eyesight,
posite opinion), -n. opposite thing, per- [medieval Latin: related to optic]
son, or term. -adv. facing, on the other optics (treated as sing.) science of
side (lives opposite), -prep. 1 facing (sat light and vision.
opposite me). 2 in a complementary role optimal /'Dptim(a)l/ adj. best or most
to (another actor etc.). favourable. [Latin optimus best]
opposite number n. person holding optimism /'Dpti,miz(a)m/ n. 1 inclina-
an equivalent position in another group tion to hopefulness and confidence. 2
etc. Philos. belief that this world is as good
opposite sex n. (prec. by the) either sex as it could be or that good must ulti-

in relation to the other. mately prevail over evil. optimist n.

opposition /,Dpa'ziJ(a)n/ n. 1 resist- optimistic /-mistik/ adj. optimist-
ance, antagonism. 2 being hostile or in ically /-'mistikah/ adv. [Latin optimus
conflict or disagreement. 3 contrast, best]
antithesis. 4 a group or party of oppon- optimize /'opti.maiz/ v. (also -ise)
ents or competitors, b (the Opposition) (-zing or -sing) make the best or most
chief parliamentary party opposed to effective use of. optimization
that in office. 5 act of placing opposite. 6 /-'zeij(a)n/ n.

diametrically opposite position of two optimum /'Dptimam/ -n. optima) 1 (pi.

celestial bodies. [Latin: related to most favourable conditions growth (for

etc.). 2 best practical solution, -adj. =
oppress /a'pres/ v. 1 keep in sub- optimal. [Latin, neuter of optimus best]
servience. 2 govern or treat cruelly. 3
option /'DpJXa)n/ n. a choosing; choice,

weigh down (with cares or unhappi- b thing that is or may

be chosen. 2
liberty to choose. 3 right to buy or sell at
ness). oppression n. oppressor n.
1 a specified price within a set time.
[Latin: related to press ]

oppressive adj. 1 oppressing. 2 (of

keep (or leave) one's options open not
commit oneself. [Latin: related to opt]
weather) close and sultry. oppress-
optional adj. not obligatory. op-
ively adv. oppressiveness n.
tionally adv.
opprobrious /a'praubrias/ adj. (of lan-
optional extra n. item costing extra if
guage) very scornful; abusive.
one chooses to have it.
opprobrium /a'praubriam/ n. 1 dis-
opulent /'opjulant/ adj. 1 wealthy. 2
grace. 2 cause of this. [Latin, = infamy,
luxurious. 3 abundant. opulence n.
[Latin opes wealth]
oppugn /a'pju:n/ v. literary controvert, opus /'aupas/ n. (pi. opuses or opera
call in question. [Latin oppugno fight
/'Dpara/) 1 musical composition num-
bered as one of a composer's works
opt v. (usu. foil, by for) make a choice, (Beethoven, opus 15). 2 any artistic
decide. opt out (often foil, by of) work (cf. magnum opus). [Latin, =
choose not to participate (in). [Latin work]
opto choose, wish] or conj. 1 introducing an alternative

optative /'optativ, op'teitiv/ Gram, (white or black; take it or leave it;

-adj. (esp. of a mood in Greek) express- whether or not). 2 introducing an altern-
ing a wish. -n. optative mood or form. ative name (the lapwing or peewit). 3
[Latin: related to opt] introducing an afterthought (came in
optic /'Dptik/ adj. of the eye or sight laughing - or was it crying?). 4 = or
(optic nerve). [Greek optos seen] else 1 (run or you'll be late). or else 1
optical adj. 1 of sight; visual. 2 of or otherwise (run, or else you will be late).
according to optics. 3 aiding sight. 2 colloq. expressing a warning or threat
optically adv. (be good or else). [Old English]
optical art n. art using contrasting or 2 n. Heraldry gold. [Latin aurum gold]
colours to create the illusion of -or suffix forming nouns denoting esp.
movement. an a'gent (actor; escalator) or condition
optical disc see disc. (error; horror). [Latin]
optical fibre n. thin glass fibre through oracle /'orak(a)l/ /i.1a place at which
which light can be transmitted to carry divine advice or prophecy was sought in
signals. classical antiquity, b response given, c
optical illusion n. 1image which de- prophet or prophetess at an oracle. 2
ceives the eye. 2 mental misapprehen- person or thing regarded as a source of
sion caused by this. wisdom etc. 3 (Oracle) propr. teletext
oral 625 order
service provided by Independent Tele- orchard /'o.tjad/ n. piece of enclosed
vision, oracular D'raekjula(r)/ adj. land with fruit-trees. [Latin hortus
[Latin oraculum from oro speak] garden]
oral /"o:r(a)l/ -adj. 1 by word of mouth; orchestra group of
/'oikistra/ n. 1 large
spoken; not written (oral examination). instrumentalists combining strings,
2 done or taken by the mouth (oral sex; woodwinds, brass, and percussion. 2 (in
oral contraceptive), -n. colloq. spoken full orchestra pit) part of a theatre etc.

examination, z orally adv. [Latin os where the orchestra plays, usu. in front
oris mouth] of the stage and on a lower level, z
orange 'orind3, -n. 1 a roundish
orchestral /-'kestr(9)l/ adj. [Greek, =
reddish-yellow juicy citrus fruit, b tree area for the chorus in drama]
bearing this. 2 its colour, -adj. orange-
orchestrate o:ki,streit/ v. (-ting) 1

arrange or compose for orchestral per-

coloured. [Arabic ndranj]
formance. 2 arrange (elements) to
orangeade ,Drmd3'eid n. orange-
achieve a desired result, z orches-
flavoured, usu. fizzy, drink.
tration streij(a)n/ n.

Orangeman n. member of a political

orchid /'o.kid/ n. any of various plants
society formed in 1795 to support
with brilliant flowers. [Greek orkhis,
Protestantism in Ireland. [William of
originally = testicle]
Orange] ordain /o:'dein/ v. 1 confer holy orders
orangery 'urmd3ari n (pi. -ies) place,
on. 2 decree, order. [Latin ordino:
a building, where orange-trees are related to order]
cultivated, ordeal /o:'di:l/ n. painful or horrific
orang-utan /3:,raBrju:'taen/ n. (also experience; severe trial. 2 hist, test of an
orang-outang -u:'taerj ) large reddish- accused person by subjection to severe
haired long-armed anthropoid ape of pain, with survival taken as proof of
the E. Indies. [Malay, = wild man] innocence. [Old English]
oration o:'reiJ(9)n n. formal or cere- order -n. 1 a condition in which every
monial speech. [Latin oratio discourse, part, unit, etc. is in its right place;
prayer, from oro speak, pray] tidiness, b specified sequence, succes-
orator 'orataCr) n. 1 person making a sion, etc. (alphabetical order; the order
formal speech. 2 eloquent public of events). 2 authoritative command,
speaker. [Latin: related to oration] direction, instruction, etc. 3 state of
oratorio ,Dr9'to:ri9o7 n. (pi. -s) semi- obedience to law, authority, etc. 4 a
dramatic work for orchestra and voices, direction to supply or pay something, b
esp. on a sacred theme. [Church Latin] goods etc. to be supplied. 5 social class;
oratory 'oratan n. (pi. -ies) 1 art of or its members (the lower orders). 6 kind;

skill in public speaking. 2 small private sort (talents of a high order). 7 constitu-
chapel, r oratorical -'ronk(a)l adj. tion or nature of the world, society, etc.
[French and Latin oro speak, pray] (the moral order; the order of things). 8
orb n. 1 globe surmounted by a cross as taxonomic rank below a class and above
part of coronation regalia. 2 sphere, a family. 9 religious fraternity with a
globe. 3 poet, celestial body. 4 poet. eye. common rule of life. 10 grade of the
[Latin orbis ring] Christian ministry. 11 any of the five
orbicular classical styles of architecture (Doric
, o:'bikjol9(r)/ adj. formal cir-
order). 12 a company of persons dis-
cular or spherical. [Latin orbiculus di-
tinguished by a particular honour
minutive of orbis ring]
(Order of the Garter), b insignia worn
orbit 'o.bit -n. 1 a curved course of a
by its members. 13 Eccl. the stated form
planet, satellite, etc. b one complete
of divine service (the order of confirma-
passage around a body. 2 range o^
tion). 1 4 system of rules or procedure (at
sphere of action. 3 eye socket, -v. (-t-)
meetings etc.) (point of order), -v. 1
1 move in orbit round. 2 put into orbit.
command; bid; prescribe. 2 command or
orbiter n. [Latin orbitus circular] direct (a person) to a specified destina-
orbital adj. 1 of an orbit or orbits. 2 (of a
tion (ordered them home). 3 direct
road) passing round the outside of a a waiter, tradesman, etc. to supply
town. (ordered dinner; ordered a new suit). 4
orca 'o:ka n. any of various cetaceans, (often as ordered adj.) put in order;
esp. the killer whale. [Latin] regulate (an ordered life). 5 (of God, fate,
Orcadian o: keidian/ -adj. of Orkney. etc.) ordain, in (or out of) order 1 in
-n. native of Orkney. [Latin Orcades the correct (or incorrect) sequence or
Orkney Islands] position. 2 fit (or not fit) for use. 3
orch. abbr. 1 orchestrated by. 2 orches- according (or noc according) to the rules
tra. at a meeting etc. in order that with the
Order in Council 626 orgy
intention; so that, in order to with the oregano /,Dn'ga:nao7 n.
dried wild mar-
purpose of doing; with a view to. of (or joram as seasoning. [Spanish, = ori-
in) the order of approximately, on gan]
order ordered but not yet received, organ /'D:gan/ n.1 a musical instrument
order about command officiously, to having pipes supplied with air from
order as specified by the customer. bellows and operated by keyboards and
[Latin ordo ordin- row, command, etc.] pedals, b instrument producing similar
Order in Council executive order,
n. sounds electronically, c harmonium. 2
often approved by Parliament but not a part of an animal or plant body serv-
debated. ing a particular function (vocal organs;
orderly -adj. 1 methodically arranged digestive organs), b esp. joc. penis. 3
or inclined, tidy. 2 well-behaved. -n. (pi. medium of communication, esp. a news-
-ies) 1 male cleaner in a hospital. 2 paper representing a party or interest.
soldier who carries orders for an officer [Greek organon tool]
etc. orderliness n. organdie /'o:gandi/ n. fine translucent
orderly room n. room in a barracks muslin, usu. stiffened. [French]
used for company business, organ-grinder n. player of a barrel-
order of the day n. 1 prevailing state
of things. 2 principal action, procedure, organic Ax'gaenik/ adj. 1 of or affecting
or programme. a bodily organ or organs. 2 (of a plant or
order-paper n. written or printed animal) having organs or an organized
order of the day's proceedings, esp. physical structure. 3 produced without
in Parliament.
the use of artificial fertilizers, pesti-
ordinal /'o:dm(a)l/ n. (in full ordinal cides, etc. 4 (of a chemical compound
number) number defining position in a etc.) containing carbon. 5 a structural,
series, e.g. 'first', 'second', 'third', etc.
inherent, b constitutional. 6 organized
[Latin: related to order]
or systematic (an organic whole).
ordinance /'oidmans/ n. 1 decree. 2
organically adv. [Greek: related to
religious rite. [Latin: related to ordain]
ordinand /'3:dmand/ n. candidate for
organic chemistry n. chemistry of
ordination. [Latin: related to ordain]
carbon compounds.
ordinary /'o:dman/ -adj. 1 normal,
usual. 2 commonplace, unexceptional.
organism /'o:ga,niz(9)m/ n. 1 individual
plant or animal. 2 living being with
-n. (pi. -ies) RC Ch. 1 parts of a service
interdependent parts. 3 system made
that do not vary from day to day. 2 rule
up of interdependent parts. [French:
or book laying down the order of ser-
related to organize]
vice. in the ordinary way in normal
circumstances, out of the ordinary
organist /'o:ganist/ n. organ-player.
unusual. ordinarily adv. ordinari- organization /,o:ganai'zei.f(a)n/ n.
(also -isation) 1 organizing or being
ness n. [Latin: related to order]
ordinary level n. hist, lowest level of organized. 2 organized body, system, or
the GCE examination. society. organizational adj.

ordinary seaman n. sailor of the organize /'o:ga,naiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing

lowest rank. or -sing) 1 a give an orderly structure
to, systematize, b make arrangements
ordinate /'o:dmat/ n. Math, coordinate
measured usu. vertically. [Latin: for (a person or oneself). 2 initiate,
related to ordain] arrange for. 3 (often absol.) a enlist (a
ordination /,D:di'neiJXa)n/ n. confer- person or group) in a trade union, polit-
ring of holy orders, ordaining. ical party, etc. b form (a trade union
ordnance /'o:dnans/ n. 1 artillery; mil- etc.). 4 (esp. as organized adj.) make or-
itary supplies. 2 government service ganic; make into living tissue. organ-
dealing with these, [contraction of or- izer related to organ]
n. [Latin:

dinance] organ-loft n. gallery for an organ.

Ordnance Survey n. official survey of organza /o:'gaenza/ n. thin stiff trans-
the UK producing detailed maps. parent silk or synthetic dress fabric,
Ordovician /^da'vijian/ -adj. of the [origin uncertain]
second period in the Palaeozoic era. -n. orgasm /'o:gaez(a)m/ -n. climax of sex-
this period. [Latin Ordovices, an ancient ual excitement, -v. have a sexual or-
British tribe in N. Wales] gasm. orgasmic /-'gaezmik/ adj.
ordure /'o:djua(r)/ n. dung. [Latin hor- [Greek, = excitement]
ridus: related to horrid] orgy /'o:d3i/ n. wild party with
(pi. -ies) 1
ore /o:(r)/ n. solid rock or
mineral from indiscriminate sexual activity. 2 excess-
which metal or other valuable minerals ive indulgence in an activity. orgi-
may be extracted. [Old English] astic /-'aestik/ adj. [Greek orgia pi.]
oriel 627 orthopaedics
oriel /'o:nal/ n. (in full oriel window) articles made decorated with
of or
i projecting window of an upper storey. ormolu. [French or moulu powdered
[French] gold]
orient /'o:ri9nt/ -n. (the Orient) coun- ornament /'o:namant/ -n. 1 a thing
tries east of the Mediterranean, esp. E. used to adorn or decorate, b quality or
Asia. -v. 1 a place or determine the person bringing honour or distinction. 2
position of with the aid of a compass; decoration, esp. on a building (tower
find the bearings of. b (often foil, by rich in ornament). 3 musical embellish-
towards) direct. 2 place (a building etc.) ment, -v. /'oina.ment/ adorn; beautify, z
to face east. 3 turn eastward or in a ornamental /-'ment(a)l/ adj. orna-
specified direction. orient oneself mentation /-men'teij(a)n/ n. [Latin
determine how one stands in relation to orno adorn]
one's surroundings. [Latin oriens -entis ornate /o:'neit/ adj. 1 elaborately
rising, sunrise, east] adorned. 2 (of literary style) convoluted;
oriental /,D:n'ent(3)l/ (often Oriental) flowery, z ornately adv. ornateness
-adj. of the East, esp. E. Asia; of the n. [Latin: related to ornament]
Orient, -n. native of the Orient, ornithology /,3:ni'8Dl8d3i/ n. the
orientate D:rian,teit/ v. (-ting) =
study of birds, z ornithological
, orient v. [apparently from orient] /-0a'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. ornithologist n.
orientation / l
o:rian'teiJ'(8)n/ n. 1
[Greek ornis ornith- bird]
orienting or being oriented. 2 a relative orotund /'Dra.tAnd/ adj. 1 (of the voice)
position, b person's attitude or adjust- full, round; imposing. 2 (of writing,
ment in relation to circumstances. 3 style, etc.) pompous; pretentious. [Latin
introduction to a subject or situation; ore rotundo with rounded mouth]
briefing, orientational adj. orphan /'o:f(a)n/ -n. child whose
orienteering /.oinan'tianrj/ n. com-
parents are dead. -v. bereave (a child)
petitive sport in which runners cross
of its parents. [Latin from Greek, =
f open country with a map, compass, bereaved]
etc. [Swedish]

orphanage n. home for orphans,

orifice /'Drifts/ n. opening, esp. the

orrery /'nran/ n. (pi. -ies) clockwork

mouth of a cavity. [Latin os or- mouth, model of the solar system. [Earl of
facio make]
f origami /,Dn'ga:mi/ n. art of folding orris /'dhs/ n.1a kind of iris. 2 = orris
paper into decorative shapes. [Japan-

root, [alteration of iris]

orris root n. fragrant iris root used in
I origan /'origan/ n. (also origanum
perfumery etc.
/a'nganam/) wild marjoram. [Latin

from Greek] ortho- comb, form 1 straight. 2 right,

correct. [Greek orthos straight]
origin /'Dnd3in/ n. 1 starting-point;
source. 2 (often in pi.) ancestry, parent-
orthodontics /.oiGa'dmitiks/
(treated as sing.) correction of irregu-
age. 3 Math, point from which coordin-
larities in the teeth and jaws, z ortho-
ates are measured. [Latin origo origin-
from orior rise] dontic adj. orthodontist n. [Greek
original /9'nd3in(a)l/ -adj. 1 existing odous odont- tooth]
from the beginning; earliest; innate. 2 orthodox /'DiGa.dDks/ adj. 1 holding
inventive; creative; not derivative or usual or accepted opinions, esp. on reli-
imitative. 3 not copied or translated; by gion, morals, etc. 2 generally approved,

i the artist etc. himself (in the original conventional (orthodox medicine). 3
Greek, has an original Rembrandt). (also Orthodox) (of Judaism) strictly
-n. original model, pattern, picture, etc. traditional, z orthodoxy n. [Greek

from which another is copied or trans- doxa opinion]

lated, originality /-'naeliti/ n. ori- Orthodox Church n. Eastern Church
ginally adv. with the Patriarch of Constantinople as
I original sin n. innate human sinful- its head, and including the national
ness held to be a result of the Fall, Churches of Russia, Romania, Greece,
originate /a'rid3i,neit/ v. (-ting) 1 cause etc.
to begin; initiate. 2 have as an origin; orthography /o:'0Dgraft/ n. (pi. -ies)
begin, origination /-'neij(9)n/ n. ori- spelling (esp. with reference to its cor-
ginator n. rectness), orthographic /-'graefik/
oriole /'oinaul/ n. (in full golden oriole) adj. [Greek orthographia]
bird with black and yellow plumage in orthopaedics /,D:88'pi:diks/
the male. [Latin aurum gold] (US -pedics) branch of
(treated as sing.)
ormolu /' n. (often attrib.)
1 medicine dealing with the correction of
gilded bronze; gold-coloured alloy. 2 diseased, deformed, or injured bones or
ortolan 628 otherwise
muscles. orthopaedic adj. ortho- ostensible /D'stensib(a)l/ adj. conceal-
paedist n. [Greek pais paid- child] ing the real; professed. ostensibly
ortolan /'oitalan/ n. European bunting, adv. [Latin ostendo ostens- show]
eaten as a delicacy. [Latin hortus ostensive /D'stensiv/ adj. directly
garden] showing.
-ory suffix 1 forming nouns denoting a ostentation / 1

Dsten teiJ(a)n/ n. 1 pre-

place {dormitory; refectory). 2 forming tentious display of wealth etc. 2 showing
adjectives and nouns relating to or off. ostentatious adj. ostenta-
involving a verbal action (accessory; tiously adv.
compulsory). [Latin -orius, -orium] osteo- comb, form bone. [Greek osteon]
OS abbr. 1 old style. 2 ordinary seaman. osteoarthritis / Dsti9ua:'Graitis/ n.

3 Ordnance Survey. 4 outsize. degenerative disease of joint cartilage.

Os symb. osmium. osteoarthritic /-'Sritik/ adj.
Oscar /'Dska(r)/ n. any of the statuettes osteopathy /.Dsti'DpaGi/ n. treatment of
awarded by the US Academy of Motion disease through the manipulation of
Picture Arts and Sciences for excellence bones. osteopath /'Dstia.paeG/ n.
in film acting, directing, etc. [man's osteoporosis /.ostiaupa'rausis/ n. con-
name] dition of brittle bones caused esp. by
oscillate /'osi.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 (cause to) hormonal changes or deficiency of cal-
swing to and fro. 2 vacillate; vary cium or vitamin D.
between extremes. 3 (of an electric cur- ostler /'Dsla(r)/ n. hist, stableman at an
rent) undergo high-frequency al-
inn. [related to hostel]
ternations. oscillation /-'leij(a)n/ n. ostracize /'nstra.saiz/ v. (also -ise)

oscillator n. [Latin oscillo swing] (-zing or -sing) exclude from society;

oscillo- comb, form oscillation, esp. of refuse to associate with. ostracism
an electric current. /-,siz(a)m/ n. [Greek (ostrakon potsherd,

oscilloscope /a'sila.skaup/ n. device for on which a vote was recorded in ancient

viewing oscillations by a display on the Athens to expel a powerful or unpopu-
lar citizen)]
screen of a cathode-ray tube.
-ose forming adjectives denoting ostrich /'DstntJV n. 1 large African
swift-running flightless bird. 2 person
possession of a quality {grandiose;
verbose). [Latin -osus]
who refuses to acknowledge an awk-
osier /'auzia(r)/ n. 1 willow used in
ward truth. [Latin avis bird, struthio
(from Greek) ostrich]
basketwork. 2 shoot of this. [French]
-osis suffix denoting a process or con-
OT abbr. Old Testament.
(apotheosis; metamorphosis),
other /'Ada(r)/ -adj. 1 not the same as
one or some already mentioned or im-
esp. a pathological state (neurosis;
plied; separate in identity or distinct in
thrombosis). [Latin or Greek]
kind (other people; use other means). 2
-osity suffix forming nouns from adject-
a further; additional (a few other ex-
ives in -ose and -ous (verbosity; curios-
amples), b second of two (open your
ity). [Latin -ositas]
other eye). 3 (prec. by the) only remain-
osmium /'nzmiam/ n. heavy hard
ing (must be in the other pocket; where
bluish-white metallic element. [Greek
are the other two?). 4 (foil, by than)
osme smell] apart from. -n. or pron. other person or
osmosis /nz'mausis/ 1 passage of a
thing, (some others have come; give me
solvent through semi-permeable
a one other; where are the others?).
membrane into a more concentrated other than 1 except (never speaks to me
solution. 2 process by which something other than to insult me; has no friends
is acquired by absorption. osmotic other than me). 2 differently; not (can-
/-'motik/ adj. [Greek osmos push] not do other than laugh; never appears
osprey /'osprei/ n. (pi -s) large bird of other than happy). [Old English]
prey feeding on fish. [Latin ossifraga
from os bone, frango break] Usage In sense 2 of other than,
osseous /'Dsias/ adj. 1 of bone. 2 bony. otherwise is standard except in less
[Latin os oss- bone] formal use.
ossicle small bone or piece
/'Dsik(a)l/ n. other day n. (also other night) (prec.
of bonelike substance. [Latin dimin- by a few days (or nights) ago.
utive: related to osseous] other half n. colloq. one's wife or
ossify /'Dsi.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 turn into husband.
bone; harden. 2 make or become rigid, otherwise -adv. 1 or else; in different
callous, or unprogressive. c ossifica- circumstances (hurry, otherwise we'll
tion /-fi'keij(a)n/ n. [Latin: related to be late). 2 in other respects (is otherwise
osseous] very suitable). 3 in a different way
ather woman 629 out
(could not have acted otherwise). 4 as an ourself pron. archaic = myself as used
alternative (otherwise known as Jack), by a sovereign etc.
-adj. (predic.) different (the matter is ourselves pron. 1 a emphat.form of we
I' quite otherwise). [Old English: related or us (we did it ourselves), b refl.form of
to WISE 2 ] us (we are pleased with ourselves). 2 in
Usage See note at other. our normal state of body or mind (not
quite ourselves today), z be ourselves
other woman n. (prec. by the) married see oneself, by ourselves see by one-
man's mistress. self
other-worldly adj. 1 of another world.
-ous suffix 1 forming adjectives meaning
2 dreamily distracted from mundane 'abounding in, characterized by, of the
life. nature of (envious; glorious; moun-
otiose /'aotiaus/ adj. serving no prac- tainous; poisonous). 2 Chem. denoting
tical purpose; not required. [Latin a state of lower valence than -ic (fer-
otium leisure] rous; sulphurous). [Anglo-French -ous,
abbr. colloq. over-the-top. from Latin asus]
otter /'Dta(r)/ n. 1 aquatic fish-eating ousel var. of ouzel.
mammal with webbed feet and thick oust v. drive out or expel, esp. by seizing
brown fur. 2 its fur. [Old English]

the place of. [Latin obsto oppose]

Ottoman /'Dtaman/ -adj. 1 of the dyn- out -adv. away from or not in or at a
asty of Osman (or Othman) I or the em-
place etc. (keep him out; get out; tide is
pire ruled by his descendants. 2 Turk-
out). 2 indicating: a dispersal away from
ish. -n. (pi. -s) 1 Turk of the Ottoman
a centre etc. (share out), b coming or

period. 2 (ottoman) upholstered seat

bringing into the open (call out; will

l without back or arms, sometimes a box

look it out for you), c need for attentive-
with a padded top. [French from Arabic]
ness (watch out; listen out). 3 not in
iOU abbr. 1 Open University. 2 Oxford one's house, office, etc. (tell them I'm
out). 4 to or at an end; completely (tired
oubliette /,u:bli'et/ n. secret dungeon
out; die out; fight it out; my luck was
f with a trapdoor entrance. [French
out; typed it out). 5 (of a fire, candle, etc.)
i oublier forget]
not burning. 6 in error (was 3% out). 7
ouch int. expressing sharp or sudden
colloq. unconscious (is out cold). 8 (of a
pain, [imitative]
limb etc.) dislocated (put his arm out). 9

ought /o:t/ v.aux. (as present and past,

(of a political party etc.) not in office. 10
! the only form now in use) 1 expressing
(of a jury) considering its verdict. 11 (of
duty or Tightness (we ought to be thank-
ful; it ought to have been done long
workers) on strike. 12 (of a secret)
! ago). 2 advisability (you ought to see a revealed. 13 (of a flower) open. 14 (of a

dentist). 3 probability (it ought to rain book, record, etc.) published, on sale. 15

soon), z ought not negative form of (of a star) visible after dark. 16 no longer
ought (he ought not to have stolen it). in fashion (turn-ups are out). 17 (of a
! [Old English, past of owe] batsman etc.) dismissed from batting. 1
oughtn't /'o:t(9)nt/ contr. ought not. not worth considering (that idea is out).
Ouija / wi:d38/ n. (in full Ouija board) 19 (prec. by super I.) colloq. known to
propr. board marked with letters or exist (the best game out). 20 (of a mark
signs and used with a movable pointer etc.) removed (washed the stain out),

to try to obtain messages at a seance, -prep, out of (looked out the window),
[French oui, German ja, yes] -n. way of escape, -v. come or go out;

ounce n. 1 unit of weight, V 16 lb or emerge (murder will out), z out for

! approx. 28 g. 2 very small quantity. intent on, determined to get. out of 1
: [Latin uncia twelfth part of a pound or a from within. 2 not within. 3 from
foot] among. 4 beyond the range of (out of
our poss. pron. 1 of or belonging to us or reach). 5 so as to be without, lacking
society (our children 's future). 2 colloq. (was swindled out of his money; out of
indicating a relative, friend, etc. of the sugar). 6 from (get money out of him). 7
speaker (our Barry works there; our because of (asked out of curiosity). 8 by
friend here). [Old English] the use of (what did you make it out of?).
Our Father n. prayer beginning with out of bounds see bound 2 out of date

these words (Matt. see date out of order see ordee. out
6:9-13). ,

Our Lady n. Virgin Mary. of pocket see pocket, out of the ques-
Our Lord n. Christ. tion see question, out of sorts see
ours poss. pron. the one or ones belong- sort, out of this world see world, out
ing to or associated with us (it is ours; of the way see way. out to determined
ours are best; a friend of ours). to. [Old English]
out- 630 outpatient

Usage The use of out as a preposi- outflank /aufflaenk/ v. 1 extend beyond

the flank of (an enemy). 2 out-
he walked out the room, is non-
tion, e.g.
manoeuvre, outwit.
standard. Out of should be used.
outflow n. 1 outward flow. 2 amount
out- prefix in senses 1 so as to surpass or that flows out.
exceed {outdo). 2 external, separate outfox /aot'fDks/ v. outwit,
(outline). 3 out of; away from; outward outgoing -adj. 1 friendly. 2 retiring
(outgrowth). from office. 3 going out. -n. (in pi.)
outage /'aotid3/ n. period during which expenditure.
a power-supply etc. is not operating. outgrow /aot'grao/ v. (past -grew; past
out and about adj. active outdoors part, -grown) 1 grow too big for. 2 leave
(esp. after an illness etc.). behind (a childish habit etc.). 3 grow
out and out -adj. thorough; complete. faster or taller than.
-adv. thoroughly. outgrowth n. 1 offshoot.2 natural
outback n. remote inland areas of Aus- product or development.
tralia. outhouse n. small building adjoining
outbalance /aut'baelans/ v. (-cing) out- or apart from a house.
weigh. outing n. pleasure trip, excursion.
outbid /aot'bid/ (-bidding; past and
v. outlandish /aot'laendiJV adj. bizarre,
past part, -bid) bid higher than. strange, outlandishly adv. out-
outboard motor n. portable engine landishness n. [Old English, from out-
attached to the outside of a boat. land foreign country]
outbreak n. sudden eruption of anger, outlast /aot'la:st/ v. last longer than.
war, disease, fire, etc. outlaw -n. 1 fugitive from the law. 2
outbuilding shed,
n. barn, etc. hist,person deprived of the protection
detached from a main building. of the law. -v. 1 declare (a person) an
outburst n. 1 verbal explosion of anger outlaw. 2 make illegal; proscribe.
etc. 2 bursting out (outburst of steam). outlay n. expenditure.
outcast -n. person rejected by family outlet n. 1 means of exit or escape. 2
or society, -adj. rejected; homeless. means of expressing feelings. 3 a mar-
outclass /aot'kla:s/ v. surpass in qual- ket for goods, b shop (retail outlet).
ity. outline -n. 1 rough draft. 2 summary. 3
outcome n. result. sketch consisting of only contour lines.
outcrop n. 1 a emergence of a stratum 4 (in sing, or pi.) a lines enclosing
etc. at a surface, b stratum etc. emerg- or indicating an object, b contour, c ex-
ing. 2 noticeable manifestation. ternal boundary. 5 (in pi.) main features
outcry n. (pi. -ies) strong public protest. or principles, -v. (-ning) 1 draw or
outdated /aut'deitid/ adj. out of date; describe in outline. 2 mark the outline
obsolete. of.
outdistance /aot'dist(a)ns/ v. (-cing) outlive /aut'liv/ v. (-ving) 1 live longer
leave (a competitor) behind completely, than (a person). 2 live beyond (a period
outdo /aot'du:/ v. (-doing; 3rd sing. or date).
present -does; past -did; past part. outlook n. 1 prospect, view. 2 mental
-done) exceed, excel, surpass, attitude.
outdoor attrib. adj. 1 done, existing, or outlying adj. far from a centre; remote.
used out of doors. 2 fond of the open air outmanoeuvre /,autma'nu:v9(r)/ v.

(an outdoor type). (-ring)(US -maneuver) secure an ad-

outdoors /aut'doiz/ -adv. in or into the vantage over by skilful manoeuvring.
open -n. the open air.
air. outmatch /aut'maetf/ v. be more than a
outer 1 outside; external (pierced
adj. match for.
the outer layer). 2 farther from the outmoded /aut'maudid/ adj. 1 outdated.
centre or the inside, z outermost adj. 2 out of fashion.
outer space n. universe beyond the outnumber /aot'nAmba(r)/ v. exceed in
earth's atmosphere. number.
outface (-cing) disconcert
/aut'feis/ v. out of doors adj. & adv. in or into the
by staring or by a display of confidence, open air.
outfall n. outlet of a river, drain, etc. out of it predic.adj. 1 (of a person) not
outfield n. outer part of a cricket or included; forlorn. 2 colloq. unconscious,
baseball pitch, z outfielder n. dazed.
outfit n. 1 set of clothes or equipment. 2 outpace /aot'peis/ v. (-cing) 1 go faster
colloq. group of people regarded as an than. 2 outdo in a content,
organization. outpatient n. non-resident hospital
outfitter n. supplier of clothing. patient.
outplacement 631 outwit
outplacement n. assistance in finding nearest to the edge of the field (outside
a new job after redundancy. left), -adv. /aut'said/ 1 on or to the out-

outpost detachment posted at a

n. 1 side. 2 in or to the open air. 3 not
distance from an army. 2 distant branch within, enclosed, or included. 4 slang
or settlement (outpost of empire). not in prison, -prep, /aut'said/ 1 not in;
outpouring n. (usu. in pi.) copious to or at the exterior of. 2 external to,
expression of emotion. not included in, beyond the limits of.
output -n. 1 amount produced (by a at the outside (of an estimate etc.) at the
machine, worker, etc.). 2 electrical most, from the outside from an object-
power delivered by an apparatus. 3
etc. ive or impartial standpoint,
printout, results, etc. from a computer. outside broadcast n. one not made in
4 place where energy, information, etc. a studio.
leaves a system, -v. (-tt-; past and past outside interest n. hobby etc. not
part, -put or -putted) (of a computer) connected with one's work,
supply (results etc.). outsider /aut'saida(r)/ n. 1 non-member
outrage -n. 1 extreme violation of of some group, organization, profession,
others' rights, sentiments, etc. 2 gross etc. 2competitor thought to have little
offence or indignity. 3 fierce resent- chance.
ment, -v. (-ging) 1 subject to outrage. 2 outside world n. society outside the
commit an outrage against. 3 shock and confines of an institution etc.
anger. [French outrer exceed, from outsize adj. unusually large.
Latin ultra beyond] outskirts outer area of a town etc.
outrageous /aut'reid3as/ adj. 1 immod- outsmart /aut'sma:t/ v. outwit, be clev-
erate. 2 shocking. 3 immoral, offensive. erer than.
outrageously adv. outspoken /aut'spaukan/ adj. saying
outrank aut'raerjk/ v. be superior in openly what one thinks; frank. out-
rank to. spokenlyadv. outspokenness n.
outre eccentric, unconven-
/'u:trei/ adj. outspread /aut'spred/-ad/. spread out;
tional. [French, past part, of outrer. see expanded, - v. spread out; expand.
outrage] outstanding /aut'staendirj/ adj. 1 con-
outrider n. mounted guard or motor spicuous because of excellence. 2 a (of a
cyclist riding ahead of a procession etc. debt) not yet settled, b still to be dealt
outrigger n. 1 spar or framework pro- with (work outstanding), z outstand-
jecting over the side of a ship, racing ingly adv.
boat, or canoe to give stability. 2 boat outstation n. remote branch or out-
fitted with this. post.
outright -adv. altogether, entirely. 2
1 outstay /aut'stei/ v. stay longer than
not gradually. 3 without reservation, (one's welcome etc.).
openly, -adj. 1 downright, complete. 2 outstretched /aut'stretjt/ adj.
undisputed (outright winner). stretched out.
outrun aut'rAn/ v. (-nn-; past -ran; outstrip /aut'stnp/ v. (-pp-) 1 go faster
past part, -run) 1 run faster or farther than. 2 surpass, esp. competitively.
than. 2 go beyond (a point or limit). out-take n. film or tape sequence
outsell /aut'sel/ v. (past and past part. rejected in editing.
-sold) 1 sell more than. 2 be sold in out-tray n. tray for outgoing docu-
greater quantities than. ments etc.
outset n. at (or from) the outset from outvote /aut'vaut/ v. (-ting) defeat by a
the beginning. majority of votes.
outshine aut'jam/ v. (-ning; past and outward /'autwad/ -adj. 1 situated on
past part, -shone) 1 shine brighter than. or directed towards the outside. 2 going
2 surpass in excellence etc. out. 3 bodily, external, apparent, -adv.
outside -n. /aut'said, 'autsaid/ 1 ex- (also outwards) in an outward direc-
ternal side or surface; outer parts. 2 ex- tion; towards the outside, z outwardly
ternal appearance; outward aspect. 3 adv. [Old English: related to out-,
position on the outer side (gate opens -ward]
from the outside), -adj. /'autsaid/ 1 a of, outward bound adj. going away from
on, or nearer the outside; outer, b not in home.
the main building (outside toilet). 2 outwardness n. external existence; ob-
not belonging to a particular group or jectivity.
organization (outside help). 3 (of a outwards var. of outward adv.
chance etc.) remote; very unlikely. 4 outweigh /aut'wei/ v. exceed in weight,
(of an estimate etc.) the greatest or high- value, importance, or influence,
est possible (the outside price). 5 outwit /aut'wit/ v.(-tt-) be too clever for;
(of a player in football etc.) positioned overcome by greater ingenuity.
outwork 632 overbalance
outwork advanced or detached
n. 1 clear;on or to the other side of (flew over
part of a fortification. 2 work done off Scotland; bridge over the Avon; look
the premises of the firm etc. which over the wall). 5 concerning; while occu-
supplies it. outworker n.
(in sense 2). pied with (laughed over it; fell asleep
ouzel ousel) 1 (in full
/'u:z(a)l/ n. (also over a book). 6 a in superiority of;
ring ouzel) white-breasted thrush. 2 (in superior to; in charge of (victory over
full water ouzel) diving bird; dipper. them; reign over two kingdoms), b in
[Old English, = blackbird] preference to. 7 a throughout (travelled
ouzo /'u:zau/ n. (pi. -s) Greek aniseed- over most ofAfrica), b so as to deal with
flavoured spirit. [Greek] completely (went over the plans). 8 a for
ova pi. of ovum. or through the duration of (stay over
oval /'ouv(a)l/ —adj. 1 egg-shaped, ellips- Monday night; over the years), b during
oidal. 2 having the outline of an egg, the course of (did it over the weekend). 9
elliptical,-n. 1 egg-shaped or elliptical beyond; more than (bids of over £50, is
closed curve. 2 thing with an oval out- he over 18?). 10 transmitted by (heard it
line. [Latin: related to ovum] over the radio). 11 in comparison with
ovary /'auvari/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 each of the (gained 20% over last year). 12 re-
female reproductive organs in which covered from (am over my cold; got over
ova are produced. 2 hollow base of the it in time), -n. 1 sequence of six balls in
carpel of a flower. ovarian /a'vearian/ cricket bowled from one end of the
adj. pitch. 2 play resulting from this. -adj.
ovation /au'veiJXa)n/ n. enthusiastic re- (see also over-). 1 upper, outer. 2
ception, esp. applause. [Latin ovo exult] superior. 3 extra. over again once
oven /'Av(a)n/ n. enclosed compartment again, again from the beginning, over
for heating or cooking food etc. [Old
against in contrast with, over all taken
as a whole, over and above in addition
ovenproof adj. suitable for use in an
to; not to mention, over and over re-
oven; heat-resistant,
peatedly, over one's head see head.
oven-ready (of food) prepared
over the hill see hill, over the moon
before sale for immediate cooking in the
see moon, over the way (in a street
etc.) facing or opposite. [Old English]
ovenware n. dishes for cooking food in over- prefix 1 excessively. 2 upper,
the oven.
outer. 3 = over in various senses (over-
over -adv. expressing movement, posi- shadow). 4 completely (overawe; over-
tion, or state above or beyond some-
thing stated or implied: 1 outward and
downward from a brink or from any
over-abundance /,auvara'bAnd(a)ns/
n. excessive quantity. over-
erect position (knocked me over). 2 so as
to cover or touch a whole surface (paint
abundant adj.
it over). 3 so as to produce a fold or
overact /.auvar'aBkt/ v. act (a role) in an
reverse position (bend it over, turn it exaggerated manner.
over). 4 a across a street or other space
over-active /.auvar'aektiv/ adj. excess-
ively active.
(cross over; came over from France), b
for a visit etc. (invited them over). 5 with
overall -attrib. adj. /'auvar,D:l/ 1 total,
transference or change from one hand, inclusive of all (overall cost). 2 taking
part, etc., to another (went over to the
everything into account, general (over-
enemy; swapped them over). 6 with all improvement), -adv. /,auvar'o:l/ 1
motion above something; so as to pass including everything (cost £50 overall).
across something (climb over, fly over, 2 on the whole, generally (did well
boil over). 7 from beginning to end with overall), -n. /'auvar,D:l/ 1 protective
repetition or detailed consideration outer garment. 2 (in pi. ) protective outer
(think it over, did it six times over). 8 in trousers or suit.
excess; in addition, besides (left over). 9 overambitious /.auvaraem'bijas/ adj.
for or until a later time (hold it over). 1 excessively ambitious.
at an end; settled; completely finished over-anxious /.auvar'aenkjas/ adj.
(crisis is over, it's over between us; get excessively anxious.
it over with). 1 1 (in full over to you) (as overarm adj. & adv. with the hand
int.) (in radio conversations etc.) it is above the shoulder (bowl overarm;
your turn to speak. 12 umpire's call to overarm service).
change ends in cricket, -prep. 1 above, overate past of overeat.
in, or to a position higher than. 2 out and overawe /.auvar'a:/v. „(-wing) over-

down from; down from the edge of (fell come with awe.
over the cliff). 3 so as to cover (hat over overbalance /.auva'baelans/ v. (-cing) 1
his eyes). 4 above and across; so as to lose balance and fall. 2 cause to do this.
overbear 633 overfond
I overbear /.auva'beaO*)/ v. (past -bore; overdose n. excessive dose of a drug
I past part, -borne) 1 (as overbearing etc.
I adj.) a domineering, bullying, b over- overdraft overdrawing of a bank
n. 1
I powering. 2 bear down by weight, force, account. 2 amount by which an account
I or emotion. 3 repress by power or au- is overdrawn.
I thority. overdraw /.auva'dra:/ v. (past -drew;
lj overbid -v. /.auva'bid/ (-dd-; past and past part, -drawn) 1 draw more from (a
I past part, -bid) make a higher bid than. bank account) than the amount cred-
-n. /'auvabid/ bid that is higher than overdrawn adj.) having over-
ited. 2 (as
I another, or higher than is justified. drawn one's account.
overblown /.auva'blaun/ adj. 1 inflated overdress /.auva'dres/ v. dress with too
I or pretentious. 2 (of a flower) past its much formality.
prime. overdrive n. 1 mechanism in a vehicle

overboard adv. from a ship into the providing a gear above top gear for
! water (fall overboard). go overboard economy at high speeds. 2 state of high
colloq. 1 be highly enthusiastic. 2 be- activity.

have immoderately. overdue /.auva'dju:/ adj. past the due

overbook /.auva'buk/ v. (also absol.) time for payment, arrival, return, etc.

I make too many bookings for (an air- overeager /,auvar'i:ga(r)/ adj. excess-

craft, hotel, etc.).

ively eager.
overbore past of overbear. overeat /,auvar'i:t/ v. (past -ate; past
overborne past part, of overbear. part, -eaten) eat too much,

overburden /,auva'b3:d(a)n/ v. burden /.auvaremfa.saiz/ v.

(also -ise) (-zing or -sing) give too much
(a person, thing, etc.) to excess.
overcame past of overcome. emphasis to.

overcast /'auva,ka:st/ adj. 1 (of the sky)

overenthusiasm /.auvarmejutzi
,aez(a)m/ n. excessive enthusiasm.
covered with cloud. 2 (in sewing) edged
overenthusiastic /-aestik/ adj.
with stitching to prevent fraying.
overenthusiastically /-'aestikali/ adv.
overcautious /.auva'kaijas/ adj.
overestimate -v. /.auvar'esti.meit/
excessively cautious.
(-ting) form too high an estimate of.
overcharge /.auva'tja^/ v. (-ging) 1
—n. /.auvar'estimat/ too high an estim-
charge too high a price to (a person). 2
ate. overestimation /-'meij(a)n/ n.
put too much charge into (a battery,
overexcite /.auvank'sait/ v. (-ting)
gun, etc.). 3 put excessive detail into (a
excite excessively. overexcitement
description, picture, etc.).
overcoat warm
outdoor coat.
overexert /,auvarig'z3:t/ v. exert too
overcome v. (-ming; past
much. overexertion /-ig'z3:J(a)n/ n.
-came; past part, -come) 1 prevail over, overexpose /.auvarik'spauz/ v. (-sing) 1
master, be victorious. 2 (usu. as over-
expose too much to the public. 2 expose
come adj.) a make faint (overcome by (film) too long. overexposure n.
smoke), b (usu. foil, by with, by) make overfeed /,auva'fi:d/ v. (pastand past
weak or helpless (overcome with grief). part, -fed) feed excessively.
overcompensate /.auva'kDmpen.seit/ overfill /.auva'fil/ v. fill to excess or to
v. (usu. foil, by for) compensate
(-ting) 1
excessively. 2 strive exaggeratedly to overfish /.auva'fiJV v. deplete (a stream
make amends etc. etc.) by too much fishing.
overconfident /,auva*kDnfid(a)nt/ adj. overflow -v. /.auva'flau/ 1 flow over
excessively confident, (the brim 2 a (of a receptacle etc.)
overcook /.auva'kuk/ v. cook too much be so full that the contents overflow, b
or for too long. (of contents) overflow a container. 3 (of
overcrowd /.auva'kraud/ v. (usu. as a crowd etc.) extend beyond the limits of
overcrowded adj.) fill beyond what is (a room etc.). 4 flood (a surface or area).
usual or comfortable. overcrowding 5 (of kindness, a harvest, etc.) be very
n. abundant, -n. I'duvafldv/ 1 what over-
overdevelop /.auvadi'velap/ v. (-p-) 1 flows or is superfluous. 2 outlet for
develop too much. 2 Photog. treat with excess water etc.
developer for too long. overfly /.auva'flai/ v. (-flies; past -flew;
overdo /.auva'du:/ v. (-doing; 3rd sing, past part, -flown) fly over or beyond (a
present -does; past -did; past part. place or territory).
-done) 1 carry to excess, go too far. 2 overfond /.auva'fond/ adj. (often foil, by
(esp. as overdone adj.) overcook. of) having too great an affection or
overdo it (or things) colloq. exhaust liking for (overfond of chocolate; over-
oneself. fond parent).
overfull 634 override
overfull /.auva'ful/ adj. filled excess- over-long /.auva'ton/ adj. & adv. too
ively. long.
overground adj. 1 raised above the overlook /.auva'luk/ v. 1 fail to notice;
ground. 2 not underground. tolerate. 2 have a view of from above. 3
overgrown /.auva'graun/ adj. 1 grown supervise.
too big. 2 wild; covered with weeds etc. overlord n. supreme lord.
overgrowth n. overly adv. excessively; too.
overhang -v. /.auva'haen/ (past and overman /.auva'maen/ v. (-nn-) provide
past part, -hung) project or hang over. with too large a crew, staff, etc.
-n. /'auva.haerj/ 1 overhanging. 2 over- over-much /.auva'mAtJV -adv. to too
hanging part or amount. great an extent, -adj. excessive.
overhaul -v. /,auva'ho:l/ 1 thoroughly overnight /.auva'nait/ -adv. 1 for a
examine the condition of and repair if night. 2 during the night. 3 instantly,
necessary. 2 overtake. — n. /'auva.hD.l/ suddenly, -adj. 1 done or for use etc.
thorough examination, with repairs if overnight. 2 instant (overnight suc-
necessary. cess).
overhead -adv. /.auva'hed/ 1 above over-particular /.auvapa'tikjula(r)/
head height. 2 in the sky. -adj. adj. excessively particular or fussy.
/'auva.hed/ placed overhead, -n. overpass n. road or railway line that
/'auva.hed/ (in pi.) routine administrat- passes over another by means of a
ive and maintenance expenses of a busi- bridge.
ness. overpay /.auva'pei/ v. (past and past
overhead projector projector for
n. part, -paid) pay too highly or too much.
producing an enlarged image of a trans- overpayment n.
parency. overplay /.auva'plei/ v. give undue im-
overhear /.auva'hia(r)/ v. (past and portance to; overemphasize. over-
past part, -heard) (also absol) hear play one's hand act on an unduly
unintentionally or as an eavesdropper. optimistic estimation of one's chances.
overheat /,auva'hi:t/ v. 1 make or o verpopulated /,au va'popj u.leitid/
become too hot. 2 cause inflation (in) by adj. having too large a population,
placing excessive pressure on resources overpopulation /-'leij(a)n/ n.
at a time of expanding demand. 3 (as overpower v. 1 subdue,
overheated adj.) overexcited. conquer. 2 (esp. as overpowering adj.)
overindulge /,auvarm'dAld3/ v. (-ging) be too intense or overwhelming for
indulge to excess. overindulgence n. (overpowering smell). overpower-
overindulgent adj. ingly adv.
overjoyed /,auva'd3oid/ adj. filled with overprice /.auva'prais/ v. (-cing) price
great joy. too highly.
overkill n. 1 excess of capacity to kill or overprint -v. /.aova'prmt/ print over
destroy. 2 excess. (a surface already printed), -n.
overland /'auva.laend, -laend/ adj. & /'auvapnnt/ words etc. overprinted.
adv. 1 by land. 2 not by sea. overproduce /,auvapra'dju:s/ v. (-cing)
overlap -v. /.auva'laep/ (-pp-) 1 (cause 1 (often absol.) produce more of (a
to) partly cover and extend beyond commodity) than is wanted. 2 produce
(don *t overlap them). 2 (of two things) be (a play, recording, etc.) to an excessive
placed so that one overlaps the other degree. overproduction /-'dAkJ(a)n/
(overlapping tiles). 3 partly coincide. n.
-n. /'auva.laep/ 1 overlapping. 2 over- overprotective /.aovapra'tektiv/ adj.
lapping part or amount. excessively protective,
over-large /,auva'la:d3/ adj. too large. overqualified /.auva'kwoli.faid/ adj.
overlay —v. /.auva'lei/ (past and past too highly qualified for a particular job
part, -laid) 1 lay over. 2 (foil, by with) etc.
cover (a thing) with (a coating etc.). -n. overrate /.auva'reit/ v. (-ting) 1 assess
/'auva.lei/ thing laid over another. or value too highly. 2 (as overrated
overleaf /,auva'li:f/ adv. on the other adj.) not as good as it is said to be.
side of the leaf of a book. overreach /,auva'ri:tj/ v. outwit, cheat.
overlie /.auva'lai/ (-lying; past -lay;
v. overreach oneself fail by attempting
past part, -lain) 1 lie on top of. 2 smother too much.
(a child etc.) thus. overreact /.auvari'aekt/ v. respond
overload —v. /.auva'laud/ 1 load excess- more forcibly than is justified. over-
ively (with baggage, work, etc.). 2 put reaction n.
too great a demand on (an electrical override -v. /.auva'raraV (-ding; past
circuit etc.). -n. /'auva.laud/ excessive -rode; past part, -ridden) 1 (often as
quantity or demand. overriding adj.) have priority over
overrider 635 overture
(overriding consideration). 2 a inter- overspill n. 1 what over or
is spilt
vene and make ineffective, b interrupt overflows. 2 surplus population moving
the action of (an automatic device), esp. to a new area.
to take manual control, -n. /' overspread /.auva'spred/ v. (past and
1 suspension of an automatic function. 2 past part, -spread) 1 cover the surface
device for this. of. 2 (as overspread adj.) (usu. foil, by
overrider n. each of a pair of projecting with) covered.
pieces on the bumper of a car. overstate /.auva'steit/ v. (-ting) 1 state
overripe /.auva'raip/ adj. excessively too strongly. 2 exaggerate. overstate-
ripe. ment n.
overrule /,auva'ru:l/ v. (-ling) 1 set overstay /.auva'stei/ v. stay longer than
aside (a decision etc.) by superior au- (one's welcome etc.).
thority. 2 reject a proposal of (a person) oversteer -n. /'auva,stia(r)/ tendency
in this way. of a vehicle to turn more sharply than
overrun /.auva'rAn/ v. (-nn-; past -ran; was intended. -v. /.auva'stia(r)/ (of a
past part, -run) 1 swarm or spread over. vehicle) exhibit oversteer.
2 conquer (a territory) by
force. 3 (usu. overstep /.auva'step/ v. (-pp-) pass be-
absol.) exceed (an allotted time). yond (a permitted or acceptable limit).
overseas -adv. across the
/,auva'si:z/ overstep the mark violate conven-
sea; abroad, -attrib. adj. /'auva,si:z/ of tional behaviour etc.
places across the sea; foreign. overstock /.auva'stok/ v. stock excess-
oversee /.auva'si:/ v. (-sees; past -saw; ively.
past part, -seen) officially supervise overstrain /.auva'strem/ v. strain too
(workers etc.); superintend. over- much.
seer n. overstretch /.auva'stretJV v. 1 stretch
over-sensitive /.auva'sensitiv/ adj. too much. 2 (esp. as overstretched adj.)
excessively sensitive; easily hurt or make excessive demands on (resources,
quick to react. over-sensitiveness n. a person, etc.).
over-sensitivity /-'tiviti/ n. overstrung adj. 1 /.auva'strAn/ (of a
oversew v. (past part, -sewn or -sewed) person, nerves, too highly strung. 2
sew (two edges) with stitches passing /'auva.strAn/ (of a piano) with strings in
over the join. sets crossing each other obliquely.
oversexed /.aova'sekst/ adj. having overstuffed /.auva'stAft/ adj. 1 (of
unusually strong sexual desires. furniture) made soft and comfortable
overshadow /.auva'Jaedau/ v. 1 appear by thick upholstery. 2 stuffed too full.
much more prominent or important oversubscribe /.auvasab'skraib/ v.
than. 2 cast into the shade. (-bing) (usu. as oversubscribed adj.)
overshoe n. outer protective shoe worn subscribe for more than the amount
over an ordinary one. available of (shares, tickets, places,
overshoot /.auva'Juit/ v. (past and past etc.).
part, -shot) 1 pass or send beyond (a overt /au'v3:t/ adj. done openly; uncon-
target or limit). 2 fly beyond or taxi too cealed. overtly adv. [French, past
far along (the runway) when landing or part, of ouvrir open]
taking off. overshoot the mark go overtake /.auva'teik/ v. (-king; past
beyond what is intended or proper. -took; past part, -taken) 1 (also absol.)
oversight n. 1 failure to do or notice catch up with and pass while travelling
something. 2 inadvertent mistake. 3 in the same direction. 2 (of misfortune
supervision. etc.) come suddenly upon.
oversimplify /.auva'simpli.fai/ v. (-ies, overtax /.auva'taeks/ v. 1 make excess-
-ied) (also absol.) distort (a problem ive demands on. 2 tax too heavily.
etc.)by stating it in too simple terms. over-the-top adj. colloq. excessive.
oversimplification /-fi keij(a)n/ n. overthrow -v. /.auva'Grau/ (past
oversize adj. (also -sized) of greater -threw; past part, -thrown) 1 remove
than the usual size. forcibly from power. 2 conquer, over-
oversleep /,auva'sli:p/ v. (past and past come, —n. /'auva.Grau/ defeat, downfall.
part, -slept) sleep beyond the intended overtime —n. 1 time worked in addition
time of waking. to regular hours. 2 payment for this.
overspecialize /.auva'speja.laiz/ v. -adv. in addition to regular hours.
(also -ise) (-zing or -sing) concentrate overtone n. 1 Mus. any of the tones
too much on one aspect or area. above the lowest in a harmonic series. 2
overspecialization /- zeij(a)n/ n. subtle extra quality or implication.
overspend /.auva'spend/ v. (past and overture /'auva rjua(r)/ n. 1 orchestral

past part, -spent) spend too much or piece opening an opera etc. 2 composi-
beyond one's means. tion in this style. 3 (usu. in pi.) a opening
overturn 636 oxen
of negotiations, b formal proposal or indebted to a person or thing for (we owe
offer. [French: related to overt] our success to the weather). [Old Eng-
overturn /,aova't3:n/ v. 1 (cause to) fall lish]
down or over. 2 reverse; overthrow. owing /'aoin/ predic. adj. 1 owed; yet to
overuse -v. /,auva'ju:z/ (-sing) use too be paid. 2 (foil, by to) a caused by. b (as
much excessive use.
-rc. /,auva'ju:s/ prep.) because of.
overview n. general survey.
overweening /.auva'wiinirj/ adj. arrog- Usage The use of owing to as a
preposition meaning 'because of is
ant, presumptuous.
entirely acceptable (e.g. couldn't come
overweight -adj. /.auva'weit/ above an
owing to the snow), unlike this use of due
allowed or suitable weight, -n.
/'auva.weit/ excess weight; preponder-
ance. owl n. 1 nocturnal bird of prey with
overwhelm /.auva'welm/ v. 1 over- large eyes and a hooked beak. 2 solemn
power with emotion or a burden. 2 or wise-looking person. owlish adj.
overcome by force of numbers. 3 bury or [Old English]
drown beneath a huge mass. owlet n. small or young owl.
overwhelming adj. 1 too great to own /aun/ -adj. (prec. by possessive) 1 a
resist or overcome (an overwhelming belonging to oneself or itself; not
desire to laugh). 2 by a great number another's (saw it with my own eyes), b
(the overwhelming majority). over- individual, peculiar, particular (has its
whelmingly adv. own charm). 2 used to emphasize iden-
overwind /.aova'wamd/ v. (past and tity rather than possession (cooks his
past part, -wound) wind (a watch etc.) own meals). 3 (absol.) private property
beyond the proper stopping point. (is it your own?). -v. 1 have as property;
overwork /,auva'w3:k/ -v. 1 (cause to) possess. 2 admit as valid, true, etc. 3
work too hard. 2 weary or exhaust with acknowledge paternity, authorship, or
too much work. 3 (esp. as overworked possession of. come into one's own 1
adj.) make excessive use of (an over- receive one's due. 2 achieve recognition,
worked phrase). 4 (as overworked get one's own back get revenge, hold
adj.) = overwrought 2. -n. excessive one's own maintain one's position, of
work. one's own belonging to oneself, on
overwrought /,auva'rD:t/ adj. 1 over- one's own 1 alone, independent. 2 inde-
excited, nervous, distraught. 2 too pendently, without help, own up (often
elaborate. foil, by to) confess frankly, o -owned
ovi- comb, form egg, ovum, [from ovum] adj. (in comb.). [Old English]
oviduct /'auvi.dAkt/ n. tube through own brand n. (often attrib.) goods
which an ovum passes from the ovary, manufactured specially for a retailer
oviform /'auvi.faim/ adj. egg-shaped, and bearing the retailer's name.
ovine /'aovam/ adj. of or like sheep. owner n. person who owns something.
[Latin ov is sheep] ownership n.
oviparous /au'viparas/ adj. producing owner-occupier n. person who owns
young from eggs hatching after leaving and occupies a house.
the body, [from ovum, Latin -parus own goal n. 1 goal scored by mistake
bearing] against the scorer's own side. 2 act etc.
ovoid /'auvoid/ adj. (of a solid) egg- that has the unintended effect of harm-
shaped, [related to ovum] ing one's own interests.
ovulate /'ovju.leit/ v. (-ting) produce owt n. colloq. or dial, anything, [var. of
ova or ovules, or discharge them from aught]
the ovary. ovulation /-'leij(a)n/ n. ox n. (pi. oxen) 1 large usu. horned
[related to ovum] ruminant used for draught, milk, and
ovule /'ovju:l/ n. structure that contains meat. 2 castrated male of a domesticated
the germ cell in a female plant, [related species of cattle. [Old English]
to ovum] oxalic acid /ok'saelik/ n. very poison-
ovum /'auvam/ n. (pi. ova) female egg- ous and sour acid found in sorrel and
cell from which young develop after rhubarb leaves. [Greek oxalis wood sor-
fertilization. [Latin, = egg] rel]
ow int. expressing sudden pain, [natural oxbow n. loop formed by a horseshoe
exclamation] bend in a
owe /au/ v. (owing) 1 a be under obliga- Oxbridge n. (also attrib.) Oxford and
tion (to a person etc.) to pay or repay Cambridge universities regarded to-
(money, gratitude, etc.). b (usu. foil, by gether, esp. in contrast to newer ones,
for) be in debt. 2 have a duty to render [portmanteau word]
(owe allegiance). 3 (usu. foil, by to) be oxen pi. of ox.
ox-eye daisy 637 ozone layer
ox-eye daisy n. daisy with white petals oxygenate /'Dksid3a,neit/ v. (-ting) sup-
and a yellow centre. ply, treat,or mix with oxygen; oxidize.
Oxf. abbr. Oxford. oxygen tent n. tentlike enclosure sup-
Oxfam abbr. Oxford Committee for plying a patient with air rich in oxygen.
Famine Relief. oxymoron /,Dksi'mo:rmi/ n. figure of
Oxford blue /'oksfad/ adj. & n. (as adj. speech in which apparently contradict-
often hyphenated) a dark blue, often ory terms appear in conjunction (e.g.
with a purple tinge. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).
oxhide n. 1 hide of an ox. 2 leather from [Greek, = pointedly foolish, from oxus
this. sharp, moros dull]
oxidation /,Dksi'deiJ\a)n/ n. process of oyez /au'jes/ int. (also oyes) uttered, usu.
oxidizing. [French: related to oxide] three times, by a public crier or a court
oxide /'nksaid/ n. binary compound of officer to command attention. [Anglo-
oxygen. [French: related to oxygen] French, = hear!, from Latin audio]
oxidize /'oksi.daiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing oyster -n. 1 bivalve mollusc, esp. an
or -sing) 1 combine with oxygen. 2 make
edible kind, sometimes producing a
or become rusty. 3 coat (metal) with
pearl. 2 symbol of all one desires (the
oxide. oxidization /-'zei j(a)n/ n.
world is my oyster). 3 oyster white.
Oxon abbr. (esp. in degree titles) of
-adj. oyster-white. [Greek ostreon]
Oxford University. [Latin Oxoniensis:
related to Oxonian]
oyster-catcher n. wading sea bird.
Oxonian /ok'saunian/ -adj. of Oxford
oyster white adj. & n. (as adj. often
or Oxford University, -n. 1 member of
hyphenated) greyish white.
Oxford University. 2 native or inhabit- oz abbr. ounce(s). [Italian onza ounce]
ant of Oxford. [Oxonia Latinized name ozone /'auzaun/ n. 1 Chem. unstable
of Ox{eri)ford\ form of oxygen with three atoms in a
oxtail n. tail of an ox, often used in molecule, having a pungent odour. 2
making soup. colloq. a invigorating air at the seaside
oxyacetylene / Dksia'seti,li:n/ adj. of or etc. b exhilarating influence. [Greek ozo

using a mixture of oxygen and acetyl- smell (v.)]

ene, esp. in cutting or welding metals. ozone-friendly adj. not containing

oxygen /'Dksid3(a)n/ n. tasteless odour- chemicals destructive to the ozone
less gaseous element essential to plant layer.
and animal life. [Greek oxus sharp, -gen ozone layer n. layer of ozone in the
(because it was thought to be present in stratosphere that absorbs most of the
all acids)] sun's ultraviolet radiation.
P 1
/pi:/ n. (also p) (pi. Ps or P's) sixteenth pacify /'paesi.fai/
v. (-ies, -ied) 1 appease
letter of the alphabet. (a person, anger, etc.). 2 bring (a
P 2 abbr. (on road signs) park-
(also P.) 1 country etc.) to a state of peace.
ing. 2 Chess pawn. 3 (also ®) propriet- pacification /-fi'keiJXaJn/ n. pacific-
ary. atory /pa'sifikatan/ adj.
P 3
symb. phosphorus, pack 1
-n. 1 a collection of things
p abbr. (also p.) 1 penny, pence. 2 page. 3 wrapped up or tied together for carry-
piano (softly). ing, b = backpack. 2 set of packaged
PA abbr. 1 personal assistant. 2 public items. 3 usu. derog. lot or set (pack of
address (system). lies; pack of thieves). 4 set of playing-
Pa symb. protactinium, cards. 5 group of hounds, wild animals,
pa /pa:/ n. colloq. father, [abbreviation of etc. 6 organized group of Cub Scouts or
papa] Brownies. 7 Rugby team's forwards. 8 =
p. a. abbr. per annum, FACE-PACK. 9 = PACK ICE. -V. 1 (often foil.
pabulum /'paebjulam/ n. food, esp. for by up) a fill (a suitcase, bag, etc.) with
the mind. [Latin] clothes etc. b put (things) in a bag or
pace -n. 1 a single step in walking or
suitcase, esp. for travelling. 2 (often foil,
running, b distance covered in this. 2 by in, into) crowd or cram (packed a lot
speed in walking or running. 3 rate of into a few hours; packed in like sar-
movement or progression. 4 way of dines). 3 (esp. in passive; often foil, by
walking or running; gait {ambling with) fill (restaurant was packed; fans
pace), -v. (-cing) 1 a walk slowly and packed the stadium; packed with in-
evenly (pace up and down), b (of a formation). 4 cover (a thing) with pack-
horse) amble. 2 traverse by pacing. 3 set aging. 5 be suitable for packing. 6 colloq.
the pace for (a rider, runner, etc.). 4 (foil, a carry (a gun etc.), b be capable of
by out) measure by pacing. keep pace delivering (a forceful punch). 7 (of an-
(often foil, by with) advance at an equal imals or Rugby forwards) form a pack.
rate (to), put a person etc. through his pack in colloq. stop, give up (packed
(or her) paces test a person's qualities in his job), pack it in (or up) colloq.
in action etc. set the pace determine the end or stop it. pack off send (a person)
speed; lead. [French pas from Latin away, esp. summarily, pack them in
passus] fill a theatre etc. with a capacity au-

pace2 /'pa:tjei, 'peisi/ prep, (in stating a dience, pack up colloq. 1 stop function-
contrary opinion) with due respect to ing; break down. 2 retire from an
(the person named). [Latin, ablative of activity, contest, etc. send packing
pax peace] colloq. dismiss summarily. [Low
pace bowler n. Cricket fast bowler. German or Dutch]
pacemaker n. 1 competitor who sets pack 2
v. select (a jury etc.) or fill (a

the pace in a race. 2 natural or artificial meeting) so as to secure a decision in

device for stimulating the heart muscle. one's favour, [probably from pact]
pace-setter n. 1 leader. 2 = pacemaker package -n. 1 a bundle of things
1. packed, b parcel, box, etc., in which
pachyderm /'paeki,d3:m/ n. thick- things are packed. 2 (in full package
skinned mammal, esp. an elephant deal) set of proposals or items offered or
or rhinoceros. pachydermatous agreed to as a whole. 3 Computing piece
/-'d3:m8tas/ adj. [Greek pakhus thick, of software suitable for a wide range of
derma skin] users. 4 colloq. = package holiday, -v.
pacific /pa'sifik/ -adj. 1 peaceful; tran- (-ging) make up into or enclose in a
quil. 2 (Pacific) of or adjoining the package. packager n.
ocean between
Pacific, -n. (the Pacific) package holiday n. (also package
America to the east and Asia to the west. tour) holiday (or tour) with travel,
[Latin pax pacis peace] hotels, etc. at an inclusive price.
pacifier /'paesi,fai8(r)/ n. 1 person or packaging n. 1wrapping or container
thing that pacifies. 2 US baby's dummy. for goods. 2 process of packing goods.
pacifism /'paesi,fiz(a)m/ n. belief that packed lunch n. lunch"of sandwiches
war and violence are morally unjustifi- etc. prepared and packed to be eaten
able. pacifist n. & adj. away from home.
packed out 639 pageantry
packed out adj. full, crowded, Paddy /'paedi/ n. (pi. -ies) colloq. often
packer n. person or thing that packs, offens. Irishman. [Irish Padraig
esp. a dealer who prepares and packs Patrick]
food. paddy 1
/'paedi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 (in full
packet small package. 2
/'paekit/ n. 1 paddy-field) field where rice is grown. 2
colloq. large sum of money won, lost, or rice before threshing or in the husk.
spent. 3 (in full packet-boat) hist, mail- [Malay]
boat or passenger ship. paddy 2 /'paedi/ n. {pi -ies) colloq. rage;

packhorse n. horse for carrying loads. fitof temper, [from Paddy]

pack ice n. crowded floating ice in the padlock /'paedlok/ -n. detachable lock
hanging by a pivoted hook on the object
fastened, -v. secure with a padlock.
packing n. material used to pack esp.
fragile articles.
[origin unknown]
packthread stout thread for sewing
padre /'pa:dri/ n. chaplain in the army
etc. [Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese,
or tying up packs.
= father, priest]
pact n. agreement; treaty. [Latin pac-
paean /'pi:an/ n. (US pean) song of
praise or triumph. [Latin from Greek]
pad 1
—n.thick piece of soft material
paederast var. of pederast.
used to protect, fill out hollows, hold or paederasty var. of pederasty.
absorb liquid, etc. 2 sheets of blank paediatrics /.piidi'aetnks/
paper fastened together at one edge, for (treated as sing.) (US pediatrics)
writing or drawing on. 3 fleshy under- branch of medicine dealing with chil-
part of an animal's foot or of a human dren and their diseases. paediatric
finger. 4 guard for the leg and ankle in adj.paediatrician /-a'triKa)n/ n. [from
sports. 5 flat surface for helicopter paedo-, Greek iatros physician]
take-off or rocket-launching. 6 slang paedo- comb, form (US pedo-) child.
lodgings, flat, etc. 7 floating leaf of a [Greek pais paid- child]
water lily. -u. (-dd-) 1 provide with a paedophile /'pi:da,fail/ n. (US pedo-
pad or padding; stuff. 2 (foil, by out) phile) person who displays paedophilia.
lengthen or fill out (a book etc.) with paedophilia /.piida'filia/ n. (US pedo-
unnecessary material, [probably Low philia) sexual attraction felt towards
German or Dutch] children.
pad 2 -v. (-dd-) 1 walk with a soft dull paella /pai'ela/ n. Spanish dish of rice,
steady step. 2 travel, or tramp along (a saffron, chicken, seafood, etc., cooked
road etc.), on foot. ~-n. sound of soft and served in a large shallow pan.
steady steps. [Low German pad path] [Latin patella]
padded cell n. room with padded walls paeony var. of peony.
in a mental hospital. pagan /'peigan/ -n. non-religious per-
padding n. soft material used to pad or son, pantheist, or heathen, esp. in pre-
stuff. Christian times, —adj. 1 a of pagans, b
paddle 1
/'paed(a)l/ -n. 1 short broad- irreligious. 2 pantheistic. paganism
n. [Latin paganus from pagus country
bladed oar used without a rowlock. 2
paddle-shaped instrument. 3 fin, flip
per. 4 board on a paddle-wheel or mill-
page 1
-n. 1 a leaf of a book, periodical,
wheel. 5 action or spell of paddling, - v. etc.b each side of this, c what is written
or printed on this. 2 episode; memorable
(-ling) 1 move on water or propel a boat
event, -v. (-ging) paginate. [Latin
by paddles. 2 row gently, [origin
page 2 -n. 1 or man
liveried boy
paddle 2 /'paed(a)l/ -v.
(-ling) walk bare-
employed to run errands, attend to a
foot,or dabble the feet or hands, in
door, etc. 2 boy as a personal attendant
shallow water, -n. act of paddling,
of a bride etc. -v. (-ging) 1 (in hotels,
[probably Low German or Dutch] airports, etc.) summon, esp. by making
paddle-boat n. (also paddle-steamer) an announcement. 2 summon by pager.
boat (or steamer) propelled by a paddle- [French]
wheel. pageant /'paed3(a)nt/ n. 1 a brilliant
paddle-wheel n. wheel for propelling a spectacle, esp. an elaborate parade, b
ship, with boards round the circum- spectacular procession or play illustrat-
ference. ing historical events, c tableau etc. on a
paddock /'paedak/ n. 1 small field, esp. fixed stage or moving vehicle. 2 empty
for keeping horses in. 2 turf enclosure at or specious show, [origin unknown]
a racecourse for horses or cars, [par- pageantry n. (esp. on State occasions)
rock, var. of park] spectacular show; pomp.
page-boy 640 Palaeocene
page-boy n. 1 = page 2 woman's
n. 2. 2 paintbrush n. brush for applying
hairstyle with the hair bobbed and paint.
rolled under. painted lady n. orange-red spotted
pager n.bleeping radio device, calling butterfly.
its wearer to the telephone etc. painter 1
n. person who paints; artist or
paginate /'paed3i,neit/ v. (-ting) assign decorator.
numbers to the pages of (a book etc.). painter 2 n. rope attached to the bow of a
pagination /-'neij(a)n/ n. [Latin: boat for tying it to a quay etc. [origin
related to page ]
pagoda /pa'gauda/ n. 1 Hindu or Bud- painterly characteristic of a
adj. 1

dhist temple etc., esp. a many-tiered painter or paintings; artistic. 2 (of a

tower, in India and the Far East. 2 painting) lacking clearly defined out-
ornamental imitation of this. [Portu- lines.
guese! painting n. 1 process or art of using
pah /pa:/ int. expressing disgust or con- paint. 2 painted picture,
tempt, [natural exclamation] paint shop part of a factory where

paid past and past part, of pay 1 .

cars etc. are sprayed or painted,
paid-up adj. having paid one's sub- paintwork n. painted, esp. wooden,
scription to a trade-union, club, etc., or surface or area in a building etc.
having done what is required to be painty adj. of or covered in paint
considered a full member of a particular (painty smelt).
group {paid-up feminist). pair -n. 1 set of two people or things
pail n. 1 bucket. 2 amount contained in used together or regarded as a unit. 2
article (e.g. scissors, trousers, or pyja-
this. pailful n. (pi. -s). [Old English]
pain -n. 1 any unpleasant bodily sensa- mas) consisting of two joined or corres-
tion produced by illness, accident, etc. 2
ponding parts. 3 a engaged or married
couple, b mated couple of animals. 4 two
mental suffering. 3 (also pain in the
horses harnessed side by side (coach
neck or arse) colloq. troublesome per-
son or thing; nuisance, -u. 1 cause pain
and pair). 5 member of a pair in relation
to the other (cannot find its pair). 6 two
to. 2 (as pained adj.) expressing pain
playing-cards of the same denomina-
{pained expression). be at (or take)
tion. 7 either or both of two MPs etc. on
pains take great care, in pain suffering
opposite sides agreeing not to vote on
pain, on (or under) pain of with (death
certain occasions, -v. 1 (often foil, by
etc.) as the penalty. [Latin poena
off) arrange or be arranged in couples. 2
a join or be joined in marriage, b (of
painful adj. 1 causing bodily or mental animals) mate. [Latin paria: related to
pain. 2 (esp. of part of the body) suffer-
ing pain. 3 causing trouble or difficulty; pair of scales n. simple balance.
laborious {painful climb). painfully Paisley /'peizli/ n. (pi. -s) (often attrib.) 1
adv. pattern of curved feather-shaped
painkiller drug for alleviating pain.
figures. 2 soft woollen shawl etc. having
painkilling adj. this pattern. [Paisley in Scotland]
painless adj. not causing pain. pain- pajamas C/Svar. of pyjamas.
lessly adv. Paki /'paeki/ n. (pi. -s) slang offens.
painstaking /'pemz.teikin/ adj. care- Pakistani, [abbreviation]
ful, industrious, thorough. painstak- Pakistani /,pa:ki'sta:m/ -n. (pi. -s) 1
ingly adv. native or national of Pakistan. 2 person
paint -n. 1 pigment, esp. in liquid form, of Pakistani descent, -adj. of Pakistan.
for colouring a surface. 2 this as a dried pal-rc. colloq. friend, mate, comrade. -v.
film or coating {paint peeled off), -v 1 a .
(-11-) (usu. foil, by up) associate; form a
cover (a wall, object, etc.) with paint, b friendship. [Romany]
apply paint of a specified colour to palace /'paelis/ n. 1 official residence of
(paint the door green). 2 depict (an a sovereign, president, archbishop, or
object, scene, etc.) in paint; produce (a bishop. 2 splendid or spacious build-
picture) thus. 3 describe vividly ing. [Latin palatium]
(painted a gloomy picture). 4 joc. or palace revolution n. (also palace
archaic a apply make-up to (the face, coup) (usu. non-violent) overthrow of a
skin, etc.). b apply (a liquid to the skin sovereign, government, etc. by a bur-
etc.). paint out efface with paint, eaucracy.
paint the town red colloq. enjoy one- palaeo- comb, form (US paleo-) ancient;
self flamboyantly. [Latin pingo pict-] prehistoric. [Greek palaios]
paintbox n. box holding dry paints for Palaeocene /'paeli8,si:n/ (US Paleo-
painting pictures. cene) Geol. -adj. of the earliest epoch of
palaeography 64i l palliasse
the Tertiary period, -n. this epoch or paleo- comb, form US var. of palaeo-.

system, [from palaeo-, Greek kainos Paleocene US var. of Palaeocene.


new] ]
paleography US var. of palaeo-
palaeography /.paeli'Dgrafi/ n. (US graphy.
paleography) the study of ancient writ- paleolithic US var. of palaeolithic

ing and documents. palaeographer paleontology US var. of palaeon-


n. [French: related to palaeo-] tology.

palaeolithic /.paeliau'liGik/ adj. (US Paleozoic US
] var. of Palaeozoic.
paleolithic) of the early part of the Palestinian
] /.paeh'stmian/ -adj. of
Stone Age. [Greek lithos stone] Palestine, —n. 1 native of Palestine. 2
palaeontology /.paelron'toladsi/ n. (US Arab, or a descendant of one, born or
paleontology) the study of life in the living in the area formerly called Pales-
geological past. palaeontologist n. tine.
[Greek on ont- being] palette /'paelit/ n. 1 artist's thin board or

Palaeozoic /.paeliau'zauik/ (US Paleo- slab for laying and mixing colours on. 2
zoic) -adj. of an era of geological time range of colours used by an artist.
marked by the appearance of plants and [French from Latin pa la spade]
animals, esp. invertebrates, -n. this palette-knife n. 1 thin flexible steel

era. [Greek zoion animal] blade with a handle for mixing colours
palais /'paelei/ n. colloq. public dance- or applying or removing paint. 2 blunt
hall. [French, = hall] round-ended flexible kitchen knife,
palanquin /.paelan'kiin/ n. (also palan- palimony /'paelimani/ n.
esp. US colloq.
keen) (in India and the East) covered allowance paid by either partner of a
litter for one. [Portuguese] separated unmarried couple to the
palatable /'pael9tab(a)l/ adj. 1 pleasant other, [from pal, alimony]
to taste. 2 (of an idea etc.) acceptable, palimpsest
/'paelimp.sest/ n. 1 writing-
satisfactory. material or manuscript on which the
palatal /'paelat(8)l/of the palate.
-adj. 1 original writing has been effaced for
2 (of a sound) made by placing the reuse. 2 monumental brass turned
tongue against the hard palate (e.g. y in and re-engraved on the reverse side.
yes), —n. palatal sound. [Greek palin again, psestos rubbed]
palate /'paelat/ n. 1 structure closing the palindrome /'paelm.draum/ n. word or

upper part of the mouth cavity in ver- phrase reading the same backwards as
tebrates. 2 sense of taste. 3 mental taste; forwards (e.g. nurses run). palin-
liking. [Latin palatum] dromic /-'drmmk/ adj. [Greek palin-
palatial /pa'leiJXa)!/ adj. (of a building) dromos running back: related to palimp-
like a palace; spacious and splendid. sest, drom- run]
palatially adv. [Latin: related to paling n. 1 fence of pales. 2 pale,

palace] . palisade /,paeli'seid/-n. 1 fence of pales


palatinate /pa'laeti.neit/ n. territory or iron railings. 2 strong pointed

under the jurisdiction of a Count Pala- wooden stake, -v. (-ding) enclose or pro-
tine. vide with a palisade. [French: related
palatine /'paela.tairf/ adj. (also Pala- to PALE ]
tine) hist. 1 (of an official etc.) having pall /po:l/ n. 1 cloth spread over a coffin

local authority that elsewhere belongs etc. 2 shoulder-band with pendants,

only to a sovereign (Count Palatine). 2 worn as an ecclesiastical vestment and
(of a territory) subject to this authority. sign of authority. 3 dark covering (pall
[Latin: related to palace] of darkness). [Latin pallium cloak]
palaver /pa'kt:va(r)/ n. colloq. tedious pall 2 /po:l/ v. (often foil, by on) become

fuss and bother. [Latin: related to par- uninteresting (to), [from appal]
able] palladium
/pa'leidiam/ n. rare white
pale -adj.
(of a person, colour, or
1 metallic element used as a catalyst and
complexion) light or faint; whitish, in jewellery. [Pallas, name of an aster-
ashen. 2 of faint lustre; dim. -v. (-ling) 1 oid]
grow or make pale. 2 (often foil, by pallbearer
n. person helping to carry
before, beside) seem feeble in compar- or escort a coffin at a funeral.
ison (with). palely adv. paleness pallet /'paelit/ n. 1 straw mattress. 2

n. palish adj. [Latin pallidus] mean or makeshift bed. [Latin palea

pale n. 1 pointed piece of wood for straw]
fencing etc.; stake. 2 boundary. bey- pallet 2 /'paelit/ n. portable platform for

ond the pale outside the bounds of transporting and storing loads.
acceptable behaviour. [Latin palus] [French: related to palette]
paleface n. name supposedly used by N. palliasse /'paeli.aes/ n. straw mattress.

American Indians for the White man. [Latin: related to pallet ]

palliate 642 panchromatic
palliate /'paeli.eit/ v. (-ting) 1 alleviate paltry worth-
/'po:ltri/ adj. (-ier, -iest)
(disease) without curing it. 2 excuse, less, contemptible, trifling. paltri-
extenuate. palliative /-ativ/ n. & adj. ness [from palt rubbish]
[Latin pallio cloak: related to pall 1 ] pampas /'paempas/ large treeless
pallid /'paelid/ adj. pale, esp. from ill- plains in S. America. [Spanish from
ness. [Latin: related to pale ]
pallor /'pael9(r)/ n. paleness. [Latin pal- pampas-grass n. tall S. American or-
leo be pale] namental grass.
pally adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. friendly. pamper v. overindulge (a person, taste,
palm 1 /pa:m/ n. 1 (also palm-tree) (usu. etc.); spoil, [obsolete pamp cram]

tropical) tree-like plant with no pamphlet /'paemflit/ -n. small usu.

branches and a mass of large leaves at unbound booklet or leaflet, -v. (-t-) dis-
tribute pamphlets to. [Pamphilus, name
the top. 2 leaf of this as a symbol of
of medieval poem]
victory. [Latin palma]
palm 2
/pa:m/ -n. 1 inner surface of the
pamphleteer /,paemfli'tia(r)/ n. writer
of (esp. political) pamphlets.
hand between the wrist and fingers. 2
part of a glove that covers this. — v.
pan 1 -rc. 1 a broad usu. metal vessel
used for cooking etc. b contents of this. 2
conceal in the hand. palm off 1 (often panlike vessel in which substances are
foil, by on) impose fraudulently (on a
heated etc. 3 similar shallow container,
person) (palmed my old car off on him). e.g. the bowl of a pair of scales. 4
2 (often foil, by with) cause (a person) to lavatory bowl. 5 part of the lock in old
accept unwillingly or unknowingly guns. 6 hollow in the ground (salt-pan),
(palmed him off with my old car). [Latin -v. (-nn-) 1 colloq. criticize severely. 2 a
palma] (foil,by off, out) wash (gold-bearing
palmate /'paelmeit/ adj. 1 shaped like an gravel) in a pan. b search for gold thus.
open hand. 2 having lobes etc. like pan out 1 (of an action etc.) turn out;
spread fingers. [Latin palmatus: related work out well or in a specified way. 2 (of
to PALM 2 ] gravel) yield gold. panful n. (pi. -s).
palmetto /pael'metau/ n. (pi. -s) small panlike adj. [Old English]
palm-tree. [Spanish palmito diminutive pan 2 -y. (-nn-) 1 swing (a film camera)
of palma palm 1 ] horizontally to give a panoramic effect
palmistry /'pa:mistn/ n. fortune- or to follow a moving object. 2 (of a
telling from lines etc. on the palm of camera) be moved thus. -n. panning
the hand. palmist n. movement, [from panorama]
palm oil n. oil from various palms. pan- comb, form 1 all; the whole of. 2

Palm Sunday n. Sunday before Easter, relating to the whole of a continent,

celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusa- racial group, religion, etc. (pan-
lem. American). [Greek pan, neuter of pas
palmy /'pa:mi/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 of, like, pantos all]
or abounding in palms. 2 triumphant, panacea /,paena'si:9/ n. universal rem-
flourishing (palmy days). edy. [Greek: related to pan-, akos rem-
palomino /,pael9'mi:nau/ n. (pi. -s)
golden or cream-coloured horse with panache /pa'naeJV n. assertive flam-
boyance; confidence of style or manner.
light-coloured mane and tail. [Latin
[French, = plume]
palumba dove]
palpable /'paelpab(a)l/ adj. 1 able to be
panama /' n. straw hat with a
brim and indented crown. [Panama in
touched or felt. 2 readily perceived.
Central America]
palpably adv. [Latin palpo caress] panatella /.paena'tela/ n. long thin
palpate /'paelpeit/ v. (-ting) examine cigar. [American Spanish, = long thin
(esp. medically) by touch. palpation biscuit]
/-'peij(a)n/ n.
pancake n. 1 thin flat cake of fried
palpitate /'paelpi.teit/ v. (-ting) pulsate, batter usu. rolled up with a filling. 2 flat
throb, tremble. [Latin palpito frequent- cake of make-up etc.
ative of palpo touch gently] Pancake Day n. Shrove Tuesday
palpitation /,paelpi'teij(8)n/ n. 1 throb- (when pancakes are traditionally
bing, trembling. 2 (often in pi.) eaten).
increased rate of heartbeat due to exer- pancake landing n. colloq. emergency
tion, agitation, or disease. aircraft landing with the undercarriage
palsy /'po:lzi/ -n. (pi. -ies) paralysis, still retracted.
esp. with involuntary tremors. — u. (-ies, panchromatic /.paenkrau'maetik/ adj.
-ied) affect with palsy. [French: related (of a film etc.) sensitive to all visible
tO PARALYSIS] colours of the spectrum.
pancreas 643 pantile
pancreas /'paenknas/ n. gland near the panic stations colloq. state of
stomach supplying digestive fluid and emergency.
secreting insulin. pancreatic /-'aetik/ panic-stricken adj. (also panic-
adj. [Greek kreas flesh] struck) affected with panic.
panda /'paenda/ n. 1 (also giant panda) panjandrum /paen'd3aendram/ n. 1
large bearlike black and white mammal mock title for an important person. 2
native to China and Tibet. 2 (also red pompous official etc. [invented word]
panda) reddish-brown Himalayan pannier /'paenia(r)/ n. basket, bag, or
racoon-like mammal. [Nepali] box, esp. one of a pair carried by a
panda car police patrol car.
n. donkey etc., bicycle, or motor cycle.
pandemic /paen'demik/ adj. (of a dis- [Latin panis bread]
ease etc.) widespread; universal. [Greek panoply /'paenapli/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 com-
demos people] plete or splendid array. 2 complete suit
pandemonium /.paendi'mauniam/ n. 1 of armour. [Greek hopla arms]
uproar; utter confusion. 2 scene of this, panorama /.paena' n. 1 unbroken
[place in hell in Milton's Paradise Lost: view of a surrounding region. 2 com-
related to pan-, demon] plete survey of a subject, series of
pander /'paenda(r)/ -v. (foil, by to) grat- events, etc. 3 picture or photograph
ify or indulge (a person or weakness containing a wide view. 4 continuous
etc.). -n. 1 procurer; pimp. 2 person who panoramic /-'raemik/
passing scene.
encourages coarse desires. [Pandare, adj. [Greek horama view]
name of a character in the story of pan-pipes musical instrument
Troilus and Cressida] made of a series of short graduated
pandit var. of pundit 1. pipes fixed together, [from Pan, Greek
Pandora's box /paen'do:raz/ n. process rural god]
that once begun will generate many pansy /'paenzi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 cultivated
unmanageable problems, [a box in plant with flowers of various rich col-
Greek mythology from which many ills ours. 2 colloq. offens. a effeminate man.
were released on mankind] b male homosexual. [French pensee
p. & p. abbr. postage and packing.
thought, pansy]
pane n. single sheet of glass in a window
pant -v. 1 breathe with short quick
or door. [Latin pannus a cloth]
breaths. 2 (often foil, by out) utter
panegyric /,paeni'd3ink/ n. eulogy;
breathlessly. 3 (usu. foil, by for) yearn,
speech or essay of praise. [Greek agora
crave. 4 (of the heart etc.) throb vi-
olently, -n. 1 panting breath. 2 throb.
panel /'paen(a)l/-tt. 1 distinct, usu. rect-
[Greek: related to fantasy]
angular, section of a surface (e.g. of a
wall, door, or vehicle). 2 strip of mater-
pantaloons /,paenta'lu:nz/ (esp.

ial in a garment. 3 team in a broadcast

women's) baggy trousers gathered at
the ankles. [French from Italian]
game, discussion, etc. 4 a list of avail-
able jurors, b jury. -v. (-11-; US -1-) fit, pantechnicon /paen'teknikan/ n. large
cover, or decorate with panels. [Latin furniture removal van. [from technic:
diminutive of pannus: related to pane] originally as the name of a bazaar]
panel-beater n. person who beats out pantheism /'paen8i,iz(a)m/ n. 1 belief
the metal panels of vehicles. that Godin all nature. 2 worship that

panel game n. broadcast quiz etc. admits or tolerates all gods. pan-
played by a panel. theist n. pantheistic /-'istik/ adj.
panelling n. (US paneling) 1 panelled [Greek theos god]
work. 2 wood for making panels. pantheon /'paenGian/ n. 1 building in
panellist n. (US panelist) member of a which illustrious dead are buried or
panel. have memorials. 2 the deities of a people
pang n. (often in pi.) sudden sharp pain collectively. 3 temple dedicated to all
or painful emotion, [obsolete pronge] the gods. [Greek theion divine]
pangolin /paen'gaulin/ n. scaly Asian panther n. 1 leopard, esp. with black
and African anteater. [Malay] fur. 2 US puma. [Greek panther]
panic /'paenik/ -n. 1 sudden uncontrol- pantie-girdle n. woman's girdle with a
lable fear. 2 infectious fright, esp. in crotch shaped like pants.
commercial dealings, -v. (-ck-) (often panties /'paentiz/ colloq. short-
foil, by into) affect or be affected with legged or legless underpants worn by
panic (was panicked into buying). women and girls, [diminutive of pants]
panicky adj. [Greek Pan, rural god] pantihose /'paenti.hauz/ n. (usu. treated
panicle /'paenik(a)l/ n. loose branching as pi.) US women's tights.
cluster of flowers, as in oats. [Latin pantile /'paentail/ n. curved roof-tile,
paniculum diminutive of panus thread] [from pan 1
panto 644 par-
panto 'paentao n. (pi. -s) collog. = on paper 1 in writing. 2 in theory; from
pantomime [abbreviation]
, written or printed evidence. [Latin
pantograph 'paenta,gra:f n. 1 instru- papyrus]
ment with jointed rods for copying a paperback n. (often attrib.) book
plan or drawing etc. on a different scale. bound inpaper or card, not boards.
2 jointed framework conveying a cur- paper-boy n. (also paper-girl) boy or
rent to an electric vehicle from over- girl who delivers or sells newspapers.
head wires, [from pan-, -graph] paper-chase n. cross-country run fol-
pantomime /paenta.maim n. 1 Christ- lowing a trail of torn-up paper.
mas theatrical entertainment based on paper-clip n. clip of bent wire or plastic
a fairy tale. 2 gestures and facial expres- for fastening papers together.
sion conveying meaning, esp. in drama paper-hanger n. person who hangs
and dance. 3 colloq. absurd or out- wallpaper, esp. for a living.
rageous piece of behaviour. [Greek: paper-knife n. blunt knife for opening
related to pan-, mime] letters etc.
pantry ,'paentri n (pi .i e s) 1 small
paper-mill n. mill in which paper is
room or cupboard in which crockery, made.
cutlery, table linen, etc., are kept. 2 paper money n. banknotes.
larder. [Latin panis bread] paper round n. 1 job of regularly
pants npl. 1 underpants or knickers. 2 delivering newspapers. 2 route for this.
US trousers, z bore (or scare etc.) the paper tiger n. apparently threatening,
pants off colloq. bore, scare, etc., but ineffectual, person or thing.
greatly, with one's pants down colloq.
paperweight n. small heavy object for
in an embarrassingly unprepared state,
keeping loose papers in place.
[abbreviation of pantaloons] paperwork n. routine clerical or ad-
pap 1 n. 1 soft or semi-liquid food for ministrative work.
infants or invalids. 2 light or trivial
papery adj. like paper in thinness or
reading matter. [Low German or Dutch]
pap 2 n. archaic or dial, nipple. [Scan- papier mache .paepiei 'masjei n.
paper pulp moulded into boxes, trays,
papa pa'pa: n. archaic father (esp. as a
etc. [French, = chewed paper]
child's word). [Greek papas]
papilla pa'pila n. (pi. papillae /-li:/)
papacy 'peipesi n. (pi. -ies) 1 pope's small nipple-like protuberance in or on
office or tenure. 2 papal system, [medi-
the body, as that at the base of a hair,
eval Latin papatia: related to pope]
feather, etc. z papillary adj. [Latin]
papal /'peip(a)l/ adj. of a pope or the
papist 'peipist n. often derog. 1 (often
papacy, [medieval Latin: related to
attrib.) Roman Catholic. 2 hist, advoc-
ate of papal supremacy, [related to pope]
paparazzo /.paepa'raetsau/ n. (pi. -zzi
freelance photographer who pur-
papoose pa'pu:s n. N. American
sues celebrities to photograph them. Indian young child. [Algonquian]
paprika 'paepnka n. 1 red pepper. 2
papaw var. of pawpaw.
condiment made from this. [Magyar]
papaya var. of pawpaw, [earlier form of Pap test n. cervical smear test. [Papani-
pawpaw] colaou, name of a US scientist]
paper -n. material made in thin
papyrus pa'paiaras n. (pi. papyri
sheets from the pulp of wood etc., used /-rai/) 1 aquatic plant of N. Africa. 2 a
for writing, drawing, or printing on, or writing-material made in ancient Egypt
as wrapping material etc. 2 (attrib.) a from the pithy stem of this, b text
made of or using paper, b flimsy like written on this. [Latin from Greek]
paper. 3 = newspaper. 4 a printed par n. 1 average or normal amount,
document, b (in pi.) identification etc. degree, condition, etc. (feel below par). 2
documents, c (in pi.) documents of a equality; equal status or footing (on a
specified kind (divorce papers). 5 Com- par with). 3 Golf number of strokes a
merce a negotiable documents, e.g. bills first-class player should normally re-
of exchange, b (attrib.) not actual; theor- quire for a hole or course. 4 face value of
etical (paper profits). 6 a set of printed stocks and shares etc. (at par). 5 (in full
questions in an examination, b written par of exchange) recognized value of
answers to these. 7 = wallpaper. 8 one country's currency in terms of
essay or dissertation. 9 piece of paper, another's, z par for the course colloq.
esp. as a wrapper etc. -v. 1 decorate (a what is normal or to be expected. [Latin,
wall etc.) with wallpaper. 2 (foil, by over) = equal]
a cover (a hole or blemish) with paper, par- var. of para- 1 before a vowel or h
b disguise or try to hide (a fault etc.). z (parody).
para 645 paralyse
para paratrooper. 2
/"paera/ n. colloq. 1 /-'doksikali/adv. [Greek: related to
paragraph, [abbreviation] para- 1 doxa opinion]

para- prefix (also par-) 1 beside {para-

paraffin /'paerafm/ n. 1 inflammable
military). 2 beyond (paranormal). waxy or oily hydrocarbon distilled from
[Greek] petroleum or shale, used in liquid form
para- 2 comb, form protect, ward off (also paraffin oil) esp. as a fuel. 2 Chem.
(parachute; parasol). [Latin paro = alkane. [Latin, = having little affin-
defend] ity]
parable story used to
/'paerab(a)l/ n. 1 paraffin wax n. paraffin in its solid
illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. 2 form.
allegory. [Greek parabole comparison] paragon /'paeragan/ n. (often foil, by of)
parabola /pa'raebala/ n. open plane model of excellence etc. [Greek par-
curve formed by the intersection of a akone]
cone with a plane parallel to its side. paragraph /'paera,gra:f/ -n. 1 distinct
parabolic /.paera'bolik/ adj. [Greek section of a piece of writing, beginning
parabole placing side by side: related on a new often indented line. 2 symbol
to parable] (usu. %) used to mark a new paragraph,
paracetamol /.paBra'siita.mDl/ n. 1 drug or as a reference mark. 3 short item in a
used to relieve pain and reduce fever. 2 newspaper, -v. arrange (a piece of writ-
tablet of this, [from para-acetylamino- ing) in paragraphs. [Greek: related to
pheno/] PARA- 1 -GRAPH]

parachute -n. rectangular

/'paera.Juit/ parakeet /'paera,ki:t/ n. small usu.
or umbrella-shaped apparatus allowing long-tailed parrot. [French: related to
a slow and safe descent esp. from an parrot]
aircraft, or used to retard forward parallax /'paera.laeks/ n. 1 apparent dif-
motion (often attrib.: parachute
etc. ference in the position or direction of an
troops), -v. (-ting) convey or descend object caused when the observer's posi-
by parachute. parachutist n. tion is changed. 2 angular amount of
[French: related to para- 2 chute 1 ] , this. [Greek, = change]
parade /pa'reid/ -n. 1 public proces- parallel /'paera.lel/ —adj. 1 a (of lines or
sion. 2 a ceremonial muster of troops planes) continuously side by side and
for inspection, b = parade-ground. 3 equidistant, b (foil, by to, with) (of a line
ostentatious display (made a parade of or plane) having this relation (to or with
their wealth). 4 public square, prom- another). 2 (of circumstances etc.)
enade, or row of shops, -v. (-ding) 1 precisely similar, analogous, or corres-
march ceremonially. 2 assemble for par- ponding. 3 a (of processes etc.) occur-
ade. 3 display ostentatiously. 4 march ring or performed simultaneously, b
through (streets etc.) in procession. Computing involving the simultaneous
on parade 1 taking part in a parade. performance of operations, -n. 1 person
2 on display. [Latin paro prepare] or thing precisely analogous to another.
parade-ground n. place for the muster 2 comparison (drew a parallel between
and drilling of troops. them). 3 (in full parallel of latitude) a
paradiddle /'paera,did(a)l/ n. drum roll each of the imaginary parallel circles of
with alternate beating of sticks, [imit- constant latitude on the earth's surface,
ative] b corresponding line on a map (49th
paradigm /'paera.daim/ n. example or parallel). 4 Printing two parallel lines
pattern, esp. a set of noun or verb (II) as a reference mark. -v. (-1-) 1 be
inflections. paradigmatic /-dig parallel, or correspond, to. 2 represent
'maetik/ adj. [Latin from Greek] as similar; compare. 3 cite as a parallel
paradise /'paera.dais/ n. 1 (in some reli- instance, n in parallel (of electric cir-
gions) heaven. 2 place or state of com- cuits) arranged so as to join at common
plete happiness. 3 (in full earthly para- points at each end. parallelism n.
dise) abode of Adam and Eve; garden of [Greek, = alongside one another]
Eden. paradisaical /-di'senk(a)l/ adj. parallel bars pair of parallel rails
paradisal /'paera,dais(a)l/ adj. para- on posts for gymnastics.
disiacal /-di'saiak(a)l/ adj. paradis- parallelepiped /.paBrale'lepi.ped,
ical /-'disik(a)l/ adj. [Greek paradeisos] body of which each
-la'paipid/ n. solid
paradox /'paera.doks/ n. 1 a seemingly face a parallelogram. [Greek: related
absurd or contradictory though often to parallel, epipedon plane surface]
true statement, b self-contradictory or parallelogram /.paera'lela.graem/ n.
absurd statement. 2 person or thing four-sided plane rectilinear figure with
having contradictory qualities etc. 3 opposite sides parallel.
paradoxical quality. paradoxical paralyse /'paera.laiz/ v. (US paralyze)
/-'dDksik(a)!/ adj. paradoxically (-sing or -zing) 1 affect with paralysis. 2
paralysis 646 parent
render powerless; cripple. [Greek: paraquat /'paera.kwot/ n. a quick-
related to para- luo loosen] , acting highly toxic herbicide, [from
paralysis /pa'raelisis/ n. 1 impairment PARA- ,
or loss of esp. the motor function of the parascending /'paera.sendin/ n. sport
nerves, causing immobility. 2 power- in which participants wearing open
lessness. parachutes are towed behind a vehicle
paralytic /.paera'litik/ -adj. 1 affected or motor boat to gain height before
by paralysis. 2 slang very drunk, -n. release for a conventional descent.
person affected by paralysis. parasite /'paera.sait/ n. 1 organism liv-

paramedic /.paera'medik/ n. paramed- ing in or on another and feeding on it. 2

ical worker. person exploiting another or others.
paramedical adj. (of services etc.) sup-
parasitic /-'sitik/ adj. parasitically
/-'sitikali/ adv. parasitism n. [Greek:
plementing and assisting medical work.
related to para- sitos food]
parameter /pa'raemita(r)/ n. 1 Math. ,

quantity constant in the case con-

parasol /'paera.snl/ n. light umbrella
giving shade from the sun. [Italian:
sidered but varying in different cases. 2
related to para- 2 sole sun] ,

a (esp. measurable or quantifiable)

paratrooper /'paera,tru:pa(r)/ n. mem-
characteristic or feature, b (loosely)
ber of a body of paratroops.
limit or boundary, esp. of a subject for
paratroops /'paera,tru:ps/ para-
discussion. [Greek para- -meter] ,
chute troops, [contraction]
paramilitary /.paera'militari/ -adj. (of paratyphoid /.paera'taifoid/ n. (often
forces) organized on military lines, -n. resembling typhoid.
attrib.) fever
(pi. -ies) member of an unofficial para-
par avion by airmail.
/,pa:r ae'vj5/ adv.
military organization, esp. in N. Ire- [French, = by aeroplane]
land. parboil /'pa:bDil/ v. boil until partly
paramount /'paera.maunt/ adj. 1 cooked. [Latin par- = per-, confused
supreme; most important. 2 in supreme with part]
authority. [Anglo-French par by, amont parcel /'pa:s(a)l/ -n. 1 goods etc.
above: see amount] wrapped up in a package for posting or
paramour /'paera.muaO*)/ n. archaic or carrying. 2 piece of land. 3 quantity
derog. illicit lover of a married person. dealt with in one commercial transac-
[French par amour by love] tion, -v. (-11-; US -1-) 1 (foil, by up) wrap
paranoia /.paera'naia/ n. 1 mental dis- as a parcel. 2 (foil, by out) divide into
order with delusions of persecution and portions. [Latin: related to particle]
self-importance. 2 abnormal suspicion parch v. 1 make or become hot and dry.
and mistrust. paranoiac adj. & n. 2 roast (peas, corn, etc.) slightly, [origin
paranoiacally adv. paranoic /-'nauik, unknown]
-'nonk/ adj. paranoically /-'nauikali, parchment /'pa.tjmant/ n. 1 a skin,
-'nonkali/ adv. paranoid /'paera.naid/ esp. of sheep or goat, prepared for writ-
adj. & n. [Greek: related to nous] ing or painting on. b manuscript written
paranormal paera'no:m(a)l/ adj. be- on this. 2 high-grade paper resembling
parchment. [Latin Pergamum, now Ber-

yond the scope of normal scientific in-

vestigation or explanation.
gama in Turkey]
parapet /'paerapit/ n. 1 low wall at the
pardon /'pa:d(a)n/ -n. 1 forgiveness for
an offence, error, etc. 2 (in full free
edge of a roof, balcony, bridge, etc. 2
pardon) remission of the legal con-
defence of earth or stone. [French or
2 sequences of a crime or conviction, - v.
Italian: related to para- petto breast]
1 forgive or excuse. 2 release from

paraphernalia /.paerafa'neilia/

the legal consequences of an offence, er-
(also treated as sing.) miscellaneous
ror, etc. -int. (also pardon me or I beg
belongings, equipment, accessories, etc. your pardon) 1 formula of apology or
[Greek: related to para- pherne dower] ,
disagreement. 2 request to repeat some-
paraphrase /'paera.freiz/ -n. expres- thing said. pardonable adj. [Latin
sion of a passage in other words, -v. perdono: related to per-, dono give]
(-sing) express the meaning of (a pas- pare /pea(r)/ v. (-ring) 1 a trim or shave
sage) thus. [Greek: related to para- ] by cutting away the surface or edge, b
paraplegia /,paera'pli:d3a/ n. paralysis (often foil, by off, away) cut off (the
below the waist. paraplegic adj. & n. surface or edge). 2 (often foil, by away,
[Greek: related to para- plesso strike] , down) diminish little by little. [Latin
parapsychology /.paerasai'kDlad3i/ n. paro prepare]
the study of mental phenomena outside parent /'pearant/ -n. person who has 1

the sphere of ordinary psychology (hyp- or adopts a child; father or mother. 2

nosis, telepathy, etc.). animal or plant from which others are
parentage 647 parlour
derived. 3 (often attrib. ) source, origin, uncultivated land for public recre-
etc. -v. (also absol) be the parent of. ational use. b large enclosed area where
parental /p9'rent(a)l/ adj. parenthood wild animals are kept in captivity (wild-
n. [Latin pario bring forth] life park). 4 area for parking vehicles
parentage n. lineage; descent from or etc. (car park). 5 area for a specified
through parents. purpose (business park). 6 a US sports
parent company n. company of which ground, b (usu. prec. by the) football
others are subsidiaries. pitch, -v. 1 (also absol.) leave (a vehicle)
parenthesis /pa'renGasis/ n. (pi par- temporarily. 2 colloq. deposit and leave,
entheses /-,si:z/) 1 a explanatory or usu. temporarily. park oneself col-
qualifying word, clause, or sentence loq. sit down. [French from Germanic]
inserted into a sentence etc., and usu. parka /'pa:k9/ n. 1 long usu. green
marked off by brackets, dashes, or anorak with fur round the hood. 2
commas, b (in pi) round brackets ( ) hooded skin jacket worn by Eskimos.
used for this. 2 interlude or interval. [Aleutian]
parenthetic /.paeran'Getik/ adj. par- parkin /'pa:km/ n. cake of ginger, oat-
enthetically /.paeran'Getikali/ adv. meal, treacle, etc. [origin uncertain]
[Greek: related to para-
en-, thesis] parking-lot n. US outdoor car park.
parenting n. (skill of) bringing up chil- parking-meter n. coin-operated meter
dren. allocating a length of time for which a
parent-teacher association n. vehicle may be parked in a street.
social and fund-raising organization parking-ticket n. notice of a penalty
of a school's parents and teachers. imposed for parking illegally.
par excellence /,pa:r eksa'las/ adv. Parkinson's disease /'pa:kms(a)nz/
being the supreme example of its kind n. (also Parkinsonism) progressive
(the short story par excellence). disease of the nervous system with
[French] tremor, muscular rigidity, and emacia-
parfait /'pa:fei/ n. 1 rich iced pudding of tion. [Parkinson, name of a surgeon]
whipped cream, eggs, etc. 2 layers of ice- Parkinson's law /'pa:kins(a)nz/ n. no-
cream, meringue, etc., served in a tall tion that work expands to fill the time
glass. [French parfait perfect] available for it. [Parkinson, name of a
pariah /pa'raia/ n. 1 social outcast. 2 writer]
hist, member of a low caste or of no parkland n. open grassland with trees
caste in [Tamil]
S. India. etc.
parietal /pa'raiat(9)l/ adj. of the wall of parky /'pa:ki/ adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. or
the body or any of its cavities. [Latin dial, chilly, [origin unknown]
paries wall] parlance /'pa:lans/ n. vocabulary or
parietal bone n. either of a pair of idiom of a particular subject, group, etc.
bones in the skull. [French from parler speak]
paring n. strip or piece cut off. parley /'pa:li/ -n. (pi. -s) conference of
parish /'paeriJV n. 1 area having its own disputants, esp. to discuss peace terms
church and clergyman. 2 (in full civil etc. -v. (-leys, -leyed) (often foil, by
parish) local government district. 3 in- with) hold a parley. [French parler:
habitants of a parish. [Latin parochia related to parlance]
from Greek oikos dwelling] parliament n. 1 (Parlia-
parish clerk n. official performing ment) a UK)
highest legislature,
(in the
various duties for a church. consisting of the Sovereign, the House
parish council n. administrative body of Lords, and the House of Commons, b
in a civil parish. members of this for a particular period,
parishioner /p8'rijana(r)/ n. inhabit- esp. between elections. 2 similar legis-
ant of a parish, [obsolete parishen: lature in other States. [French: related
related to parish] to parlance]
parish register book recording
n. parliamentarian /.pailamen'tearian/
christenings, marriages, and burials, at n. member of a parliament, esp. an
a parish church. expert in its procedures.
parity /'paeriti/ n. 1 equality, equal sta- parliamentary /.paite'mentari/ adj. 1
tus or pay. 2 parallelism or analogy of a parliament. 2 enacted or established
(parity of reasoning). 3 equivalence of by a parliament. 3 (of language, be-
one currency with another; being at par. haviour, etc.) polite.
[Latin paritas: related to par] parlour /pa:l9(r)/ n. (US parlor) 1
park-rc. 1 large public garden in a town, archaic sitting-room in a private house.
for recreation. 2 land attached to a 2 esp. US shop providing specified goods
country house etc. 3 a large area of or services (beauty parlour, ice-cream
parlour game 648 part
parlour). [Anglo-French: related to awkward question etc.). —n. (pi. -ies act )

PARLEY 1 of parrying. [Italian parare ward off]

parlour game n. indoor game. esp. a parse pa:z v. (-sing) 1 describe (a word
word-game. in context) grammatically, stating its
parlous 'pailas adj. archaic or joc. inflection, relation to the sentence, etc. 2
dangerous or difficult, [from perilous] resolve (a sentence) into its component
Parmesan /,pa:mi'zaen n. hard dry parts and describe them grammatically,
cheese made orig. at Parma and usu. [perhaps from French pars parts:
used grated. [Italian parmegiano of related to part]
Parma] parsec 'pa:sek n. unit of stellar dis-
parochial pa'raukial/ adj. 1 of a parish. tance, equal to about 3.25 light-years,
2 (of affairs, views, etc.) merely local, [from parallax, second 2 ]

narrow, or provincial, z parochialism parsimony 'pa:simani n. carefulness

n. parochially adv. [Latin: related to money etc.; stinginess, z
in the use of
parish] parsimonious maonias adj. [Latin

parody 'paeradi -n. (pi. -ies) 1 humor- par co pars- spare]

ous exaggerated imitation of an author, parsley pa:sli n. herb with crinkly
literary work, style, etc. 2 feeble imita- aromatic leaves, used to season and
tion; travesty, —v. (-ies. -ied) 1 compose garnish food. [Greek petra rock, selinon
a parody of. 2 mimic humorously. parsley]
parodist n. [Latin or Greek: related to parsnip 'pa:smp n. 1 plant with a pale-
para- , ode] yellow tapering root. 2 this root eaten as
parole /pa'raul, -n. 1 temporary or a vegetable. [Latin pastinaca]
permanent release of a prisoner before parson 'pa:s(a)n n. 1 rector. 2 vicar;
the expiry of a sentence, on the promise clergyman. [Latin: related to person]
of good behaviour. 2 such a promise, —v. parsonage n. church house provided
(-ling) put (a prisoner) on parole. for a parson.
[French, = word: related to parlance] parson's nose n. fatty flesh at the
parotid pa'rDtid/ -adj. situated near rump of a cooked fowl,
the ear. -n. (in full parotid gland) part -n. 1 some but not all of a thing or
salivary gland in front of the ear. group of things. 2 essential member,
[Greek: related to para- 1 oils 6t- ear] , constituent, or component (part of the
paroxysm /'paerak,siz(a)m/ n. 1 (often family; spare parts). 3 portion of a
foil, by of) sudden attack or outburst (of human or animal body. 4 division of a
rage, coughing, etc.). 2 fit of disease, z book, broadcast serial, etc.. esp. issued
paroxysmal -'sizm(a)l/ adj. [Greek or broadcast at one time. 5 each of
oxus sharp] several equal portions of a whole (3
parquet 'pa:kei -n. 1 flooring of parts sugar to 2 parts flour). 6 a allot-
wooden blocks arranged in a pattern. ted share, b person's share in an action
2 US stalls of a theatre, -v. (-eted etc. (had no pert in it), c duty (not my
/-eid/; -eting /-eurj/) floor (a room) part to interfere). 7 a character assigned
thus. [French, diminutive of pare park] to, or words spoken by. an actor on
parquetry 'pa:kitn n. use of wooden stage, b melody etc. assigned to a par-
blocks to make floors or inlay for furni- ticular voice or instrument, c printed or
ture. written copy of an actor's or musician"s
parr /pa:(r)/ n. young salmon, [origin part. 8 side in an agreement or dispute. 9
unknown] (in pi.) region or district (am not from
parricide 'paeri.said n. 1 murder of a these parts). 10 (in pi.) abilities (man of
near relative, esp. of a parent. 2 person many parts), -v. 1 divide or separate
who commits parricide, z parricidal into pans (crowd parted). 2 a leave one
/-'said(a)l adj. [Latin: see parent, another's company (parted the best of
pater, -cide] friends), b (foil, by 'from) say goodbye to.
parrot /'paerat; -n. 1 mainly tropical 3 (foil,by with) give up; hand over. 4
bird with a short hooked bill, often vivid separate (hair of the head) to make a
plumage, and the ability to mimic the parting, -adv. in part; partly (part iron
human voice. 2 person who mechan- and part wood), z for the most part see
ically repeats another's words or most, for one's part as far as one is
actions, -v. (-t-) repeat mechanically. concerned, in part (or parts) partly, on
[French, diminutive of Pierre Peter] the part of made or done by (no objec-
parrot-fashion adv. (learning or tion on my part), part and parcel (usu.
repeating) mechanically, by rote. foil, an essential part, part com-
by of)
parry /'paen/ -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 avert or pany see company, pray a part 1 be
ward off (a weapon or attack), esp. with significant or contributory. 2 act deceit-
a countermove. 2 deal skilfully with (an fully. 3perform a theatrical role, take
partake 649 part-time
in good part not be offended by. take -n. 1 detail; item. 2 (in pi.) information;
part (often foil, by in) assist or have a detailed account. in particular es-
share (in), take the part of support; pecially, specifically. [Latin: related to
side with. [Latin pars part-] particle]
partake /pa:'teik/ v. (-king; past par- particularity /pa.tikju'laeriti/ n. 1
took; past part, partaken) 1 (foil, by of, quality of being individual or particu-
in)take a share or part. 2 (foil, by of) eat or minuteness of detail.
lar. 2 fullness
or drink some or colloq. all (of a thing), particularize /pa'tikjula.raiz/ v. (also
[back-formation from partaker = part- -ise) (-zing or -sing) (also absol.) 1 name
taker] specially or one by one. 2 specify
parterre /pa:'tea(r)/ n. 1 level space in a (items). particularization
formal garden occupied by flower-beds. /-'zeij(9)n/ n.
2 US pit of a theatre. [French, = on the particularly /pa'tikjulali/ adv. 1 es-
ground] pecially, very. 2 specifically (particu-
part-exchange -n. transaction in larly asked for you). 3 in a particular or
which goods are given as part of the fastidious manner.
payment, -v. give (goods) thus. parting n. 1 leave-taking or departure
parthenogenesis /.paieanau'd^enisis/ (often attrib.: parting words). 2 divid-
n. reproduction without fertilization, ing line of combed hair. 3 division;
esp. in invertebrates and lower plants. separating.
[Greek parthenos virgin] parting shot n. = Parthian shot.
Parthian shot /'pa:0ian/ n. remark or partisan /,pa:ti'zaen/ (also partizan)
glance etc. on leaving. [Parthia, ancient -n. 1 strong, esp. unreasoning, sup-
kingdom in W. Asia: from the custom of porter of a party, cause, etc. 2 guerrilla.
a retreating Parthian horseman firing a -adj. 1 of partisans. 2 biased. par-
shot at the enemy] tisanship n. [Italian: related to part]
partial /'pa:J\8)l/ adj. 1 not complete; partition /pa:'tij(9)n/ -n. 1 structure
forming only part. 2 biased. 3 (foil, by to) dividing a space, esp. a light interior
having a liking for. partiality wall. 2 division into parts, esp. Polit. of a
/-JYaeliti/ n. partially adv. partialness country, -v. 1 divide into parts. 2 (foil,
n. [Latin: related to part] by off) separate (part of a room etc.) with
partial eclipse n. eclipse in which only a partition. [Latin partior divide]
part of the luminary is covered. partitive /'pa:titiv/ -adj. (of a word,
participant /pa:'tisipant/ n. particip- form, etc.) denoting part of a collective
ator. group or quantity, -n. partitive word
participate /pa:tisi,peit/ v. (-ting) (e.g. some, any) or form. [French or
(often foil, by in) take part or a share medieval Latin: related to partition]
(in). participation /- peij(a)n/ n. par- partizan var. of partisan.
ticipator n. participatory adj. [Latin partly adv. 1 with respect to a part or
particeps -dp- taking part] parts. 2 to some extent.
participle /'pa:ti,sip(8)l/ n. word partner -n. 1 person who
formed from a verb (e.g. going, gone, shares or takes part with another or
being, been) and used in compound verb- others, esp. in a business. 2 companion
forms (e.g. is going, has been) or as an in dancing. 3 player (esp. one of two) on
adjective (e.g. working woman, burnt the same side in a game. 4 either mem-
toast). participial /-'sipial/ adj. ber of a married or unmarried couple.
[Latin: related to participate] -v. be the partner of. [alteration of
particle /'pa:tik(3)l/ n. 1 minute portion parcener joint heir]
of matter. 2 smallest possible amount partnership n. 1 state of being a
{particle of sense). 3 a minor part of partner or partners. 2 joint business. 3
speech, esp. a short undeclinable one. b pair or group of partners.
common prefix or suffix such as in-, part of speech n. grammatical class of
-ness. [Latin particula diminutive of words (in English noun, pronoun, ad-
pars part] jective, adverb, verb, etc.).
particoloured /'pa:ti,kAlad/ adj. (US partook past of partake.
-colored) of more than one colour, partridge /'pa:tnd3/ n. (pi. same or -s)
[related to part, colour] game-bird, esp. European or Asian.
particular /pa'tikjula(r)/ -adj. 1 relat- [Greek perdix]
ing to or considered as one thing or part-song n. song with three or more
person as distinct from others; indi- voice-parts, often unaccompanied.
vidual (in this particular case). 2 more part-time -adj. (esp. of a job)
than is usual; special (took particular ing less than the normal working week
care). 3 scrupulously exact; fastidious. 4 etc. -adv. (also part time) as a part-time
detailed (full and particular account). activity (works part time).

part-timer 650 passageway


part-timer n. person employed in part- successful in (an examination), c (of an II

time work. examiner) judge (a candidate) to be 'I

parturient /pai'tjuriant/ adj. formal satisfactory. 9 a (of a bill) be approved I

about to give birth. [Latin pario part- by (Parliament etc.). b cause or allow (a I

bring forth] bill) to proceed, c (of a bill or proposal) I

parturition /,pa:tju'rij(9)n/ n. formal be approved. 10 occur, elapse; happen

giving birth.

(time passes slowly; heard what

party -n. (pi. -ies) 1 social gather-
/'pa:ti/ passed). 11 (cause to) circulate; be cur-
ing, usu. of invited guests. 2 people rent. 12 spend (time or a period) (passed
working or travelling together (search the afternoon reading). 13 (also absol.)
party). 3 political group putting forward (in field games) send (the ball) to a team-
candidates in elections and usu. organ- mate. 14 a forgo one's turn or chance, b
ized on a national basis. 4 each side in an leave a quiz question etc. unanswered.

agreement or dispute. 5 (foil, by to) Law 15 (foil, by to, into, from) change (from
accessory (to an action). 6 colloq. per- one form or state to another). 16 come to

son, -v. (-ies, -ied) attend a party; cele- an end. 17 discharge (esp. faeces or
brate. [Romanic: related to part] urine) from the body. 18 (foil, by on,
party line n. 1 policy adopted by a upon) utter (legal sentence, criticism)
political party etc. 2 shared telephone upon; adjudicate, -n. 1 act of passing. 2

a success in an examination, b univer-
party-wall n. wall common to adjoin-
sity degree without honours. 3 a permit,
ing buildings or rooms. esp. for admission, leave, etc. b ticket or

parvenu /'paiva.nju:/ n. (pi. -s; fern.

permit giving free entry, access, travel,
parvenue) (often attrib.) newly rich
etc. 4 (in field games) transference of the
social climber; upstart. [Latin: related
ball to a team-mate. 5 desperate position
to per-, venio come] (come to a fine pass). in passing in
pas /pa:/ n. (pi. same) step, esp. in ballet.
the course of conversation etc. make a
[French, = step]
pass at colloq. make sexual advances to.
pascal n. 1 /'paesk(a)l/ SI unit of pres-
pass away 1 euphem. die. 2 cease to I

sure. 2 (Pascal /paes'kail/) Computing

exist, pass by 1 go past. 2 disregard, '

programming language used esp. in ]

omit, pass muster see muster, pass off

education. [Pascal, name of a scientist]
1 (of feelings etc.) disappear gradually. 2
paschal /'paesk(a)l/ adj. 1 of the Jewish
(of proceedings) be carried through (in a
Passover. 2 of Easter. [Hebrew pesah] l

specified way). 3 (foil, by as) misrepres-

pas de deux /,pa: da 'd3:/ n. dance for
ent or disguise (a person or thing) as ;

two. [French, = step for two]

something else. 4 evade or lightly dis-
pash n. slang brief infatuation, [abbre- I

viation of passion]
miss (an awkward remark etc.). pass on
1 proceed. 2 euphem. die. 3 transmit to
pasha /'pa.Ja/ n. hist, title (placed after ! 1

the next person in a series, pass out 1

the name) of a Turkish military com-
mander, governor, etc. [Turkish] become unconscious. 2 complete mil- I

itary training, pass over 1 omit, ignore,

Pashto /'pAjtaoV-ft. language of Afghan-
istan, parts of Pakistan, etc. -adj. of or
or disregard. 2 ignore the claims of (a ;

in this language. [Pashto]

person) to promotion etc. 3 euphem. die.
paso doble /.paesau 'daublei/ n. Latin pass round 1 distribute. 2 give to one
American ballroom dance. [Spanish, = person after another, pass the time of
double step] day see time, pass up colloq. refuse or
pasque-flower /'paesk/ n. a kind of neglect (an opportunity etc.). pass
anemone with bell-shaped purple water urinate. [Latin passus pace 1 ]
flowers. [French passe-fleur] pass 2 /pais/ n. narrow way through
pass /pais/ -v. 1 (often foil, by along, by,
1 mountains, [var. of pace 1 ]
down, on, etc.) move onward, esp. past passable adj. 1 barely satisfactory; ad-
something. 2 a go past; leave on one side equate. 2 (of a road, pass, etc.) that can I

or behind, b overtake, esp. in a vehicle. 3 be traversed. passably adv.

(cause to) be transferred from one per- passage /'paesid3/ n. 1 process or means J

son or place to another (title passes to of passing; transit. 2 = passageway. 3

his son; pass the butter). 4 surpass; liberty or right to pass through. 4 jour- »

exceed (passes all understanding). 5 ney by sea or air. 5 transition from one .

get through. 6 a go unremarked or state to another. 6 short extract from a

uncensured (let the matter pass), b (foil, book, piece of music, etc. 7 passing of a
by as, for) be accepted or known as. 7 bill etc. into law. 8 duct etc. in the body.
move; cause to go (passed her hand [French; related to pass ]
over her face). 8 a be successful or passageway n. narrow path or way;
adequate, esp. in an examination, b be corridor.
passbook 651 pastille

li passbook n. an account-
book issued to attainment (passport to success).
s' holder recording deposits and with- [French passeport: related to pass ,

! drawals. port ]
i] passe /'paesei/ adj. (fern, passee) 1 old- password n. prearranged selected
fashioned. 2 past its prime. [French] word or phrase securing recognition,
I passenger /'paesmd3a(r)/ n. 1 (often admission, etc.
tl attrib.) traveller in or on a vehicle past /pa:st/ -adj. 1 gone'by in time (in
(other than the driver, pilot, crew, etc.) past years; the time is past). 2 recently
{passenger seat). 2 colloq. idle member gone by (the past month). 3 of a former
of a team, crew, etc. [French passager: time (past president). 4 Gram, express-
II related to passage] ing a past action or state, -n. 1 (prec. by
passer-by n. (pi. passers-by) person the) a past time, b past events {cannot
who goes past, esp. by chance. undo the past). 2 person's past life, esp.
passerine /'paesa.rim/ -n. perching if discreditable {man with a past). 3 past
bird such as the sparrow and most land tense or form. -prep. 1 beyond in time or
birds, —adj. of passerines. [Latin passer place (is past two o'clock; lives just
sparrow] past the pub). 2 beyond the range,
passim /'paesim/ adv. throughout; at duration, or compass of (past endur-
several points in a book, article, etc. ance), -adv. so as to pass by (ran past).
[Latin] not put it past believe it possible of (a
passion /'paeJXa)n/ n. 1 strong emotion. person), past it colloq. old and useless,
2 outburst of anger {flew into a pas- [from pass 1 ]
|i sion). 3 intense sexual love. 4 a strong pasta /'paesta/ n. dried flour paste in
enthusiasm {passion for football), b various shapes (e.g. lasagne or spa-
object arousing this. 5 (the Passion) a ghetti). [Italian: related to paste]
suffering of Christ during bis last days, paste /peist/ -n. 1 any moist fairly stiff
b Gospel account of this, c musical mixture, esp. of powder and liquid. 2
setting of this. passionless adj.
dough of flour with fat, water, etc. 3
[Latin potior pass- suffer]
liquid adhesive used for sticking paper
passionate /'paejanat/ adj. dominated,
etc. 4 meat or fish spread (anchovy
displaying, or caused by strong emo-
paste). 5 hard glasslike composition
tion. passionately adv.
used for imitation gems. -v. (-ting) 1
passion-flower n. climbing plant with
fasten or coat with paste. 2 slang a beat
a flower supposedly suggestive of the
or thrash, b bomb or bombard heavily.
instruments of the Crucifixion.
pasting n. (esp. in sense 2 of v. ). [Latin
passion-fruit n. edible fruit of some
pasta lozenge, from Greek]
species of passion-flower,
passion-play n. miracle play repres-
pasteboard n. 1 stiff material made by
pasting together sheets of paper. 2
enting the Passion.
(attrib.) flimsy, unsubstantial,
Passion Sunday n. fifth Sunday in
pastel /'paest(a)l/ n. 1 (often attrib.) light

; passive acted upon, not

/'paesiv/ adj. 1
shade of a colour (pastel blue). 2 crayon
acting. 2 showing no interest or initi- of powdered pigments bound with a
gum solution. 3 drawing in pastel.

ative; submissive. 3 Chem. not active;

i inert. 4 Gram, indicating that the sub- [French pastel, or Italian pastello di-
ject undergoes the action of the verb minutive of pasta]

(e.g. in they were seen). passively adv. /'paest(a)n/ n. part of a horse's

passivity /-'siviti/ n. [Latin: related to footbetween fetlock and hoof. [French
passion] from Latin]
passive resistance n. non-violent paste-up n. document prepared for
refusal to cooperate, copying etc. by pasting sections on to a
passive smoking n. involuntary in- backing.
halation of others' cigarette smoke, pasteurize /'pa:stj8,raiz/ v. (also -ise)
passkey n. 1 private key to a gate etc. 2 (-zing or -sing) partially sterilize (milk
master-key. etc.) by heating. pasteurization
passmark n. minimum mark needed to /-'zeij(8)n/ n. [Pasteur, name of a

pass an examination. chemist]

Passover /'pa:s auva(r)/
n. Jewish pastiche /pae'sti:J7 n. 1 picture or mu-
spring festival commemorating the sical composition from or imitating

Exodus from Egypt, [from pass over] 1

various sources. 2 literary or other
passport n. 1 official document certify- work composed in the style of a well-
I ing the holder's identity and citizenship, known author etc. [Latin pasta paste]
and authorizing travel abroad. 2 (foil, by pastille /'paestil/ n. small sweet or
to) thing that ensures admission or lozenge. [French from Latin]
pastime 652 pater
pastime 'pa:staim n. recreation, in one place (cabbage patch). 8 scrap, I
hobby, [from pass time] 1
remnant, —v. 1 (often foil, by up) repair
past master n. expert, with a patch or patches. 2 (of material)
pastor 'pa:sta(r) n. minister, esp. of a serve as a patch to. 3 (often foil, by up)
Nonconformist church. [Latin pasco put together, esp. hastily. 4 (foil, by up) I
past- feed] settle (a quarrel etc.), esp. hastily or I

pastoral 'pa:star(a)l -adj. 1 of shep- temporarily, z not a patch on colloq.

herds, flocks, or herds. 2 (of land) used greatly inferior to. [perhaps French, I

for pasture. 3 (of a poem, picture, etc.) var. of piece]

portraying (esp. romanticized) country patchboard n. board with electrical I

life. 4 of a pastor, -n. 1 pastoral poem, sockets linked by movable leads to I

play, picture, etc. 2 letter from a pastor enable changeable permutations of I

(esp. a bishop) to the clergy or people. connection.

[Latin pastoralis: related to pastor] patchouli patju:li n. 1 strongly I

pastorale (pi -s or -li

,paesta'ra:l n. scented E. Indian plant. 2 perfume from
-li: ) musical work with a rustic theme this, [native name in Madras]
or atmosphere. [Italian: related to pas- patch pocket n. piece of cloth sewn on
toral] a garment as a pocket.
pastorate 'pa:starat n. 1 office or ten- patch test n. test for allergy by apply-
ure of a pastor. 2 body of pastors. ing patches of allergenic substances to I

pastrami pae'stra:mi n. seasoned the skin.

smoked beef. [Yiddish] patchwork n. 1 (often, attrib.) stitching
pastry 'peistn n. (pi -ies) 1 dough of together of small pieces of variegated I

flour, fat, and water used as a base and cloth to form a pattern (patchwork I

covering for pies etc. 2 cake etc. made quilt). 2 thing composed of fragments I

wholly or partly of this, [from paste] etc.

pastry-cook n. cook who specializes in patchy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 uneven in
pastry. quality. 2 having or existing in patches,
pasturage 'pa:stjarid3 n. 1 land for z patchily adv. patchiness n.
pasture. 2 pasturing of cattle etc. pate n. archaic or colloq. head, [origin I

pasture 'pa:stja(r) -n. 1 grassland unknown]

suitable for grazing. 2 herbage for an- pate 'paetei n. paste of mashed and I

imals. — v. (-ring) 1 put (animals) to spiced meat or fish etc. [French, =

pasture. 2 (of animals) graze. [Latin: PASTY ]

related to pastor] pate de foie gras ,

paetei da fwa: 'gra:.
pasty 1
'paesti n. {pi 4es) pastry shaped n. fatted goose liver pate. [French]
around esp. a meat and vegetable filling. patella pa tela n. (pi. patellae -li: )
[Latin: related to paste] kneecap, z patellar adj. [Latin, = pan,
pasty 2 'peisti adj. (-ier, -iest) un- diminutive of patina: related to paten] ]

healthily pale (pasty -faced). pasti- paten 'paet(a)n n. shallow dish for
ness n. bread at the Eucharist. [Latin patina]
Pat. abbr. Patent. patent 'peit(a)nt, 'paet- -n. 1 official
pat -v. (-it-) 1 strike gently with a flat
document conferring a right or title, |

palm, esp. in affection, sympathy, etc. 2 esp. the sole right to make, use, or sell a
flatten or mould by patting, —n. 1 light specified invention. 2 invention or pro-
stroke or tap. esp. with the hand in cess so protected, -adj. 1 'peit(a)nt
sound made by this. 3
affection etc. 2 obvious, plain. 2 conferred or protected
small mass (esp. of butter) formed by by patent. 3 a proprietary, b to which
patting, z pat on the back congratu- one has a proprietary claim, -v. obtain a ]

latory gesture, [probably imitative] patent for (an invention), z patently ]

pat 2 -adj. 1 prepared or known thor- 'peitanth adv. (in sense 1 of adj.).
oughly. 2 apposite or opportune, esp. [Latin pateo lie open]
glibly so (a pat answer), -adv. 1 in a pat patentee .peitan'ti: n. 1 person who
manner. 2 appositely, z have off pat takes out or holds a patent. 2 person j

know or have memorized perfectly, entitled temporarily to the benefit of a

[related to pat ] patent.
patch -zi. 1 material used to mend a hole patent leather n. glossy leather,
or as reinforcement. 2 shield protecting patent medicine n. proprietary medi

an injured eye. 3 large or irregular cine available without prescription,

distinguishable area. 4 colloq. period of patent office n. office issuing patents,
a specified, esp. unpleasant, kind (went pater 'peita(r) n. col loq. father. [Latin]
through a bad patch ). 5 piece of ground.
Usage Pa ter is now only found in
6 colloq. area assigned to, or patrolled
jocular or affected use.
by, esp. a police officer. 7 plants growing
paterfamilias 653 patronage
paterfamilias /.peitafa'mili.aes/ n. roofless court in a Spanish or Spanish-
male head of a family or household. American house. [Spanish]
[Latin, = father of the family] patisserie /pa'ti:sari/ n. 1 shop where
paternal or
/pa't3:n(a)l/ adj. 1 of, like, pastries are made and sold. 2 pastries
appropriate to a father; fatherly. 2 collectively. [Latin: related to paste]
related through the father. 3 (of a Patna rice /'paetna/ n. rice with long
government etc.) limiting freedom and firm grains, [from Patna'in India]
responsibility by well-meant regula- patois /'paetwa:/ n. {pi. same /-wa:z/)
tions. paternally adv. [Latin: related regional dialect, differing from the liter-
to PATER] ary language. [French]
paternalism n. policy of governing or patriarch /'peitri,a:k/ n. 1 male head of
behaving in a paternal way. pater- a family or tribe. 2 (often in pi.) any of
nalistic /-'listik/ adj. those regarded as fathers of the human
paternity /pa't3:niti/ n. 1 fatherhood. 2 race, esp. the sons of Jacob, or Abra-
one's paternal origin. ham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their fore-
paternity suit n. lawsuit held to deter- fathers. 3 Eccl. a chief bishop in the
mine if a certain man is the father of a Orthodox Church, b RC Ch. bishop
certain child. ranking immediately below the pope. 4
paternoster /,paeta'nDsta(r)/ n. Lord's venerable old man. patriarchal
Prayer, esp. in Latin. [Latin pater noster /-'a:k(a)l/ adj. [Greek patria family,
our father] arkhes ruler]
path ,/pa:9/ n. {pi. paths /pa:6z/) 1 way or patriarchate /'peitn,a:kat/ n. 1 office,

track made for or by walking. 2 line see, or residence of a Church patriarch.

along which a person or thing moves 2 rank of a tribal patriarch.

{flight path). 3 course of action. [Old

patriarchy /'peitri,a:ki/ n. {pi. -ies)

male-dominated social system, with
pathetic descent through the male line.
/pa'Betik/ adj. 1 arousing pity,
patrician /pa'tnJXa)n/ -n. hist, mem-
sadness, or contempt. 2 colloq. miser-
ber of the nobility in ancient Rome.
ably inadequate. pathetically adv.
-adj. 1 aristocratic. 2 hist, of the ancient
[Greek pathos from paskho suffer]
pathetic fallacy n. attribution of
Roman nobility. [Latin patricius:
related to pater]
human emotions to inanimate things,
patricide = parricide
/'paetri.said/ n.
esp. in literature.
(esp. with reference to the killing of
pathfinder n. explorer; pioneer.
one's father), z patricidal /-'said(a)l/
pathogen /'pae8ad3(a)n/ n. agent caus-
adj. {Latin, alteration of parricida]
ing disease. pathogenic /-'d3enik/
patrimony /'paetrimani/ n. {pi. -ies) 1
adj. [Greek pathos suffering, -gen]
property inherited from one's father or
pathological /,paeea'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. 1 of
ancestor. 2 heritage. patrimonial
pathology. 2 of or caused by physical or
/-'maunial/ adj. [Latin: related to pater]
mental disorder {pathological fear of patriot /'peitriat, 'pset-/ n. person
spiders). pathologically adv. devoted to and ready to defend his or
pathology /pa'9Dlad3i/ n. the study or her country. patriotic /-'utik/ adj.
symptoms of disease. pathologist n. patriotically /-otikh/ adv. patriot-
[Greek pathos: related to pathetic] ism n. [Greek patris fatherland]
pathos /'pei0DS/ n. evocation of pity or patristic /pe'tnstik/ adj. of the early
sadness in speech, writing, etc. [Greek: Christian writers or their work. [Latin:
related to pathetic] related to pater]
pathway n. path or its course.
patrol /pa'traul/ -n. 1 act of walking or
patience /

peij (a)ns/ n. 1 ability to en- travelling around an area, esp. regu-

dure delay, hardship, provocation, etc. 2 larly, for security or supervision. 2
perseverance or forbearance. 3 solo guards, police, etc. sent out on patrol. 3
card-game. [Latin: related to passion] a troops sent out to reconnoitre, b such
patient -adj. having or showing reconnaissance. 4 unit of six to eight
patience, -n. person receiving or regis- Scouts or Guides. — v. (-11-) 1 carry out a
tered to receive medical treatment. patrol of. 2 act as a patrol. [German
patiently adv. Patrolle from French]
patina /'paetma/ n. {pi. -s) 1 film, usu. patrol car n. police car used for patrols.
green, formed on old bronze. 2 similar patron /'peitran/ n. {fern, patroness) 1
film on other surfaces. 3 gloss produced person financially supporting a person,
by age on woodwork. [Latin: related to cause, etc. 2 customer of a shop etc.
paten] [Latin patronus: related to pater]
patio /'paetiau/ n. {pi. -s) 1 paved usu. patronage /'paetranid^/ n. 1 patron's or
roofless area adjoining a house. 2 inner customer's support. 2 right or control of
patronize 654 pay
appointments to office, privileges, etc. 3 pavement artist n. artist who draws
condescending manner. in chalk on paving-stones for tips.
patronize "paetra.naiz/ v. (also -ise) pavilion /pa'viljan/ n. 1 building at a
(-zing or -sing) 1 treat condescendingly. sports ground for changing, refresh-
2 be a patron or customer of. z patron- ments, etc. 2 summerhouse or decor-
izing adj. patronizingly adv. ative shelter in a park. 3 large tent at a
patron saint n. saint regarded as pro- show, fair, etc. 4 building or stand for
tecting a person, place, activity, etc. entertainments, at an exhibition, etc.
patronymic /.paetra'nimik/ n. name de- [Latin papilio butterfly]
rived from the name of a father or paving-stone n. large flat stone for
ancestor (e.g. Johnson, O'Brien, Ivano- paving.
vich).[Greek pater father, onoma name] pavlova paev'lauva/ n. meringue cake
patten /'paet(a)n/ n. hist, shoe or clog with cream and fruit. [Pavlova, name of
with a raised sole or set on an iron ring, a ballerina]
for walking in mud etc. [French patin] Pavlovian paev'lauvian/ adj. 1 react-
patter 1 -n. sound of quick light steps or ing predictably to a stimulus. 2 of such a
taps. -v. make this sound (rain patter- stimulus or response. [Pavlov, name of a
ing on the window-panes), [from pat 1 ] physiologist]
patter 2 -n. 1 rapid speech used by a paw -77. 1 foot of an animal having claws

comedian. 2 salesman's persuasive talk, or nails. 2 colloq. person's hand. - v. 1

-u. talk or say glibly or mechanically, strike or scrape with a paw or foot. 2
[originally pater, = paternoster] colloq. fondle awkwardly or indecently.

pattern /'paet(a)n/-72. 1 repeated decor- [French poue from Germanic]

ative design on wallpaper, cloth, etc. 2 pawl n. 1 lever with a catch for the teeth

regular or logical form, order, etc. (be- of a wheel or bar. 2 Naut. short bar used
to lock a capstan, windlass, etc. [Low
haviour pattern). 3 model, design, or
instructions for making something
German or Dutch]
(knitting pattern). 4 excellent example,
pawn 1
72. 1 Chess piece of the smallest

size and value. 2 person used by others

model (pattern of elegance). 5 wooden or
for their own purposes. [French poun
metal shape from which a mould is
made for a casting. 6 random com- from Latin pedo -onis foot-soldier]

bination of shapes or colours. -v. 1 (usu.

pawn 2
-17.deposit (a thing) with a

pawnbroker as security for money lent.

foil, by after, on) model (a thing) on a
2 pledge or wager (one's life, honour,
design etc. 2 decorate with a pattern,
etc.). -72. object left in pawn, z in pawn
[from patron]
held as security. [French pan from Ger-
patty /'paBti/ n. (pi -ies) little pie or
pasty. [French pate, after pasty ]
pawnbroker 72. person who lends
paucity /'po:siti/ n. smallness of money at interest on the security of
number or quantity. [Latin paucus few] personal property.
paunch /point// n. belly, stomach, esp. pawnshop 72. pawnbroker's shop.
when protruding, z paunchy adj. (-ier,
pawpaw /'paipo:/ 72. (also papaw
-iest). [Anglo-French pa(u)nche from ,/pa'po:/, papaya 1 elongated
Latin pantices bowels] melon-shaped with orange flesh. 2
pauper /'po:pa(r)/ n. poor person, z tropical tree bearing this. [Spanish and
pauperism n. [Latin, = poor] Portuguese papaya]
pause /pa:z/ -n. 1 temporary stop or pax 72. 1 kiss of peace. 2 (as int.) slang
silence. 2 Mus. mark (o) over a note or call for a truce (used esp. by schoolchil-
rest that is to be lengthened, -v. (-sing) dren). [Latin, = peace]
make a pause; wait, z give pause to pay -v. (past and past part, paid) 1 (also
cause to hesitate. [Greek pauo stop] absol.) give (a person etc.) what is due
pavane /pa'va:n/ n. (also pavan for services done, goods received, debts
/'paev(a)n/) hist. 1 a kind of stately incurred, etc. (paid him in full). 2 a give
dance. 2 music for this. [French from (a usu. specified amount) for work done,
Spanish] a debt, etc. (they pay £6 an hour), b (foil,
pave v. (-ving) cover (a street, floor, etc.) by to) hand over the amount of (a debt,
with a durable surface, z pave the way wages, etc.) to (paid the money to the
(usu. foil, by for) make preparations, z assistant). 3 a give, bestow, or express
paving [Latin pavio ram (v.)]
n. (attention, a compliment, etc.) (paid
pavement n. 1 paved path for pedes- them no heed), b make (a visit) (paid a
trians beside a road. 2 covering of a call on their uncle). 4 (also absol.) (of a
street, floor, etc., made of usu. rectangu- business, attitude, etc.) be profitable or
lar stones. [Latin pavimentum: related advantageous to (a person etc.). 5 re-
to pave] ward or punish (shall pay you for that).
payable 655 pea green
6 (usu. as paid adj.) recompense (work, Pd symb. palladium,
time, etc.) (paid holiday). 7 (usu. foil, by pd. abbr. paid.
out, away) let out (a rope) by slackening p.d.q. abbr. colloq. pretty damn quick.
! it. -n. wages. in the pay of employed PE abbr. physical education.
by. pay back 1 repay. 2 punish or have pea n. 1 a hardy climbing plant with
revenge on. pay for 1 hand over the edible seeds growing in pods, b its seed.
money for. 2 bear the cost of. 3 suffer or 2 similar plant (sweet pea; chick-pea).
be punished for (a fault etc.). pay in pay [from pease taken as a plural]
(money) into a bank etc. account, pay peace n.1a quiet; tranquillity, b mental
its (or one's) way cover costs, pay one's calm; serenity. 2 a (often attrib.) free-
last respects attend a funeral to show dom from or the cessation of war (peace

respect, pay off 1 dismiss (workers) talks), b (esp. Peace) treaty of peace
with a final payment. 2 colloq. yield good between States etc. at war. 3 freedom
results; succeed. 3 pay (a debt) in full, from civil disorder. at peace 1 in a
pay one's respects make a polite visit, state of friendliness. 2 serene. 3 euphem.
pay through the nose colloq. pay much dead, hold one's peace keep silent,
more than a fair price, pay up pay the keep the peace prevent, or refrain
full amount (of), put paid to colloq. 1 from, strife, make one's peace (often
i deal effectively with (a person). 2 ter- foil, by with) re-establish friendly re-
minate (hopes etc.). payee /pei'i:/ n. lations, make peace agree to end a war
[Latin paco appease: related to peace] or quarrel. [Latin pax pac-]
payable adj. that must or may be paid; peaceable disposed to peace. 2
adj. 1
! due {payable in April). peaceful; tranquil. [Latin placibilis
pay-as-you-earn n. deduction of in- pleasing: related to please]
come tax from wages at source. peace dividend n. public money
pay-bed n. private hospital bed. which becomes available when defence
pay-claim n. (esp. a trade union's)
de- spending is reduced.
mand for a pay increase. peaceful adj. 1 characterized by peace;

pay-day n. day on which wages are tranquil. 2 not infringing peace (peace-

paid. ful coexistence), n peacefully adv.
PAYE abbr. pay-as-you-earn. peacefulness n.
paying guest n. boarder. peacemaker n. person who brings
payload n. 1 part of an aircraft's load about peace. peacemaking n. & adj.
yielding revenue. 2 explosive warhead peace-offering n. propitiatory or con-

carried by a rocket etc. 3 goods carried ciliatory gift.

by a road vehicle. peace-pipe n. tobacco-pipe as a token of
paymaster n. 1 official who pays peace among N. American Indians.

troops, workmen, etc. 2 usu. derog. per- peacetime n. period when a country is
son, organization, etc., to whom another not at war.
owes loyalty because of payment given, peach 1
a round juicy fruit with
n. 1

3 (in full Paymaster General) downy yellow or pink skin, b tree bear-
Treasury minister responsible for ing this. 2 yellowish-pink colour. 3 col-
payments. loq. a person or thing of superlative
: payment n. 1 paying. 2 amount paid. 3 quality, b attractive young woman.
i reward, recompense. peachy adj. (-ier, -iest). [Latin persica
pay-off n. slang 1 payment. 2 climax. 3 Persian (apple)]
final reckoning. peach v. (usu. foil, by against, on)
payola /pei'aula/ n. esp. US slang bribe colloq. turn informer; inform, [from ob-
offered for unofficial promotion of a solete appeach: related to impeach]
product etc. in the media. peach Melba n. dish of peaches, ice-
pay-packet n. envelope etc. containing cream, and raspberry sauce.
an employee's wages, peacock n. (pi. same or -s) male pea-
pay phone n. coin-box telephone. fowl, with brilliant plumage and an
i payroll n. list of employees receiving erectile fanlike tail with eyelike mark-
regular pay. ings, [from Latin pavo peacock, cock ]

I Pb symb. lead. [Latin plumbum] peacock blue adj. & n. (as adj. often
i PC abbr. 1 police constable. 2 Privy hyphenated) lustrous greenish blue of a
Councillor. 3 personal computer, peacock's neck.
p.c. abbr. 1 per cent. 2 postcard. peacock butterfly n. butterfly with
PCB abbr. 1 polychlorinated biphenyl, eyelike wing markings,
any of several toxic aromatic com- peafowl n. a kind of pheasant; peacock,
pounds formed as waste in industrial peahen.
processes. 2 Computing printed circuit pea green adj. & n. (as adj. often hy-
board. phenated) bright green.
peahen 656 pectoral
peahen n. female peafowl. wearing clothes covered with pearl but-
peak -n. 1 projecting usu. pointed part,
esp.: a the pointed top of a mountain, b a pearly nautilus see nautilus.
mountain with a peak, c a stiff brim at peasant /'pez(9)nt/ n. 1 (in some rural
the front of a cap. 2 a highest point of a agricultural countries) small farmer,
curve, graph, etc. (peak of the wave), b agricultural worker. 2 derog. lout; boor.
time of greatest success, fitness, etc. 3 peasantry n. (pi. -ies). [Anglo-
attrib. maximum, busiest (peak view- French paisant from pais country]
ing; peak hours), -v. reach its highest pease /pi:z/ archaic peas. [Latin
value, quality, etc. (output peaked). pisa]
peaked adj. [related to pick 5 ] pease-pudding n. boiled split peas
peak 2 v. 1 waste away. 2 (as peaked adj.) (served esp. with boiled beef or ham).
sharp-featured; pinched, [origin un- peashooter n. small tube for blowing
known] dried peas through as a toy.
peak-load n. maximum of electric pea-souper n. colloq. thick yellowish
power demand etc. fog.
peaky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 sickly; puny. 2 peat n. 1 partly carbonized vegetable
white-faced. matter used for fuel, in horticulture, etc.
peal -n. a loud ringing of a bell or
1 2 cut piece of this. peaty adj. [perhaps
a series of changes, b set of
bells, esp. Celtic: related to piece]
bells.2 loud repeated sound, esp. of peatbog n. bog composed of peat.
thunder, laughter, etc. -v. 1 (cause to) pebble /'peb(a)l/ n. small stone worn
sound in a peal. 2 utter sonorously, smooth esp. by the action of water.
[from appeal] pebbly adj. [Old English]
pean US var. of paean. pebble-dash n. mortar with stone chip-
peanut n. 1 plant of the pea family pings in it as a coating for external
bearing pods underground that contain walls.
seeds used for food and oil. 2 seed of this. pecan /'piikan/ n. 1 pinkish-brown
3 (in pi.) colloq. paltry thing or amount, smooth nut with an edible kernel. 2 type
esp. of money. of hickory producing this. [Algonquian]
peanut butter n. paste of ground peccadillo /.peka'dilao/ n. (pi. -es or -s)
roasted peanuts. trifling offence; venial sin. [Spanish
pear /pea(r)/ n. 1 yellowish or greenish pecadillo, from Latin pecco to sin (v.)]
fleshy fruit, tapering towards the stalk. peck 1 -v. 1 strike or bite with a beak. 2
2 tree bearing this. [Latin pirum] kiss hastily or perfunctorily. 3 a make
pearl /p3:l/ -n. 1 a (often attrib.) (a hole) by pecking, b (foil, by out, off)
rounded usu. white or bluish-grey lus- remove or pluck out by pecking. 4 (also
trous solid formed within the shell of absol.) colloq. eat listlessly; nibble at.
certain oysters, highly prized as a gem. -n. 1 stroke, mark, or bite made by a
b imitation of this, c (in pi.) necklace of beak. 2 hasty or perfunctory kiss.
pearls. 2 precious thing; finest example. peck at 1 eat (food) listlessly; nibble. 2
3 thing like a pearl, e.g. a dewdrop or carp at; nag. 3 strike repeatedly with a
tear. -v. 1 poet, form or sprinkle with beak, [probably Low German]
pearly drops. 2 reduce (barley etc.) to peck 2 n. measure of capacity for dry
small rounded grains. 3 fish for pearls. goods, equal to 2 gallons or 8 quarts. a
[Italian per la, from Latin perna leg] peck of large number or amount of.
pearl barley n. barley ground to small [Anglo-French]
rounded grains. pecker n. US coarse slang penis. keep
pearl bulb n. translucent electric light your pecker up colloq. remain cheer-
bulb. ful.
pearl button n. mother-of-pearl but- pecking order n. social hierarchy,
ton, or an imitation of it. observed among hens.
orig. as
pearl-diver n. person who dives for peckish adj. colloq. hungry.
pearl-oysters. pectin /'pektin/ n, soluble gelatinous
pearlite var. of perlite. carbohydrate found in ripe fruits etc.
pearly —adj. (-ier, -iest) like, contain- and used as asetting agent in jams and
ing, or adorned with pearls; lustrous. jellies. pectic adj. [Greek pegnumi
-71. (pi. -ies) 1 pearly king or queen. 2 (in make solid]
pi.) pearly king's or queen's clothes. pectoral /'pektar(a)l/ -adj. of or worn
Pearly Gates colloq. gates of on the breast or chest (pectoral fin;
Heaven. pectoral muscle; pectoral cross), -n.
pearly king n. (also pearly queen) pectoral muscle or fin. [Latin pectus -tor-
London costermonger (or his wife) chest]
peculate 657 peep
I peculate 'pekju.leit v. (-ting) embezzle town. -adj. prosaic; dull; uninspired, z
(money), z peculation -'leij(a)n/ n. pedestrianize v. (also -ise) (-zing or

peculator n. [Latin: related to pecu- -sing). [Latin: related to pedal]

liar] pedestrian crossing n. part of a road
peculiar pi'kju:lia(r) adj. 1 strange: where crossing pedestrians have right
odd; unusual. 2 a (usu. foil, by to) of way.
belonging exclusively {peculiar to the pediatrics US var. of paediatrics.
time), b belonging to the individual {in pedicure pedi kjua(r) n. 1 care or

their own peculiar way). 3 particular; treatment of the feet. esp. the toenails. 2
special (point of peculiar interest). person practising this for a living.
[Latin peculium private property, from [Latin pes ped- foot, cura care]
pecu cattle] pedigree 'pedi.gri: n. 1 (often attrib.)
peculiarity pi.kjuli'aeriti n. (pi. -ies) recorded line of descent (esp. a dis-
1 idiosyncrasy; oddity. 2 characteristic. tinguished one) of a person or pure-bred
3 being peculiar. animal. 2 genealogical table. 3 colloq.
peculiarly pi'kju:kali adv. 1 more 'life history' of a person, thing, idea, etc.
than usually, especially (peculiarly an- pedigreed adj. [pedegru from French
noying). 2 oddly. pie de grue (unrecorded) crane's foot, a
pecuniary pi'kjuiniari adj. 1 of or mark denoting succession in pedigrees]
concerning money. 2 (of an offence) pediment 'pedimant n. triangular
I entailing a money penalty. [Latin pecu- part crowning the front of a building,
nia money, from pecu cattle] esp. over a portico, [from periment, per-
pedagogue 'peda.gog n. archaic or haps a corruption of pyramid]
derog. schoolmaster; teacher, c ped- pedlar 'pedla(r) n. (US peddler) 1

agogic -'gDgik, -'gDdsik adj. pedago- travelling seller of small items. 2 (usu.
gical -'gogik(a)l, -'god3ik(a)l adj. foil, by of) retailer (of gossip etc.). [al-
[Greek pais paid- child, ago lead] teration of pedder from ped pannier]
•pedagogy 'peda,gDd3i, -,gDgi, n. sci- pedo- US var. of paedo-.
l ence of teaching. pedometer pi'domita(r) n. instru-
pedal -n. 'ped(a)l lever or key oper- ment for estimating distance walked by
ated by foot, esp. in a vehicle, on a recording the number of steps taken.
bicycle, or on some musical instru- [Latin pes ped- foot: related to -meter]

ments (e.g. the organ). -r. ped(a)l/ (-11-; pedophile Eft? var. of paedophile.
US -1-) 1 operate the pedals of a bicycle, pedophilia US var. of paedophilia.
organ, etc. 2 propel (a bicycle etc.) with peduncle pi'cL\rjk(a)l n. stalk of a
the pedals, -adj. 'pi:d(a)l of the foot or flower, fruit, or cluster, esp. a main
feet. [Latin pes ped- foot] stalk bearing a solitary flower or subor-
pedalo 'peda.lau n. (pi. -s) pedal- dinate stalks, z peduncular -kjula(r)
operated pleasure-boat. adj. [related to pedometer, -uncle]
I pedant 'ped(a)nt n. derog. person who pee colloq. -v. (pees, peed) urinate, -n.
insistson adherence to formal rules or 1 act of urinating. 2 urine, [from piss]

I meaning, z pedantic pi'daentik

literal peek —v. (usu. foil, by in. out. at) peep
adj. pedantically pi'daennkali adv. slyly, glance, -n. quick or sly look,
pedantry n. [French from Italian] [origin unknown]
peddle 'ped(a)l v. (-ling) 1 a sell peel - v. 1 a strip the skin, rind, wrap-
(goods) as a pedlar, b advocate or ping, etc. from, b (usu. foil, by off) strip
promote. 2 sell (drugs) illegally. 3 en- (skin, peel, wrapping, etc.). 2 a become
gage in selling, esp. as a pedlar, [back- bare of skin, paint, etc. b (often foil, by
formation from pedlar] off) (of skin, paint, etc.) flake off. 3 (often
peddler n. 1 person who sells drugs foil, by off) colloq. (of a person) strip
illegally. 2 US var. of pedlar. ready for exercise etc. -n. outer cover-
. pederast 'peda.raest n. (also paeder- ing of a fruit, vegetable, etc.; rind, z peel
ast) man who engages in pederasty. off veer away and detach oneself from a
pederasty 'peda.raesti n. (also pae- group etc. z peeler n. [Old English from
derasty) anal intercourse between a Latin pilo strip of hair]
man and a boy. [Greek pais paid- boy, peelings, (usu. in pi. ) stripped-off piece
erastes lover] of peel.
pedestal 'pedist(a)L n. 1 base support- peen n. wedge-shaped or thin or curved
ing a column or pillar. 2 stone etc. base end of a hammer-head. [Latin pinna
of a statue etc. z put on a pedestal point]
admire disproportionately, idolize. [It- peep -r. 1 (usu. foil, by at. in. out. into)

alian piedestallo, = foot of stall] look through a narrow opening; look

pedestrian pi'destnan -n. (often furtively. 2 (usu. foil, by out) come
attrib.) person who is walking, esp. in a slowly into view; emerge, -n. 1 furtive
peep 658 pen
or peering glance. 2 first appearance pejorative /pi'd3Drativ/ -adj. derog- j

(peep of day), [origin unknown] atory. -n. derogatory word. [Latin <

peep 2 -v. make a shrill feeble sound as pejor worse] .

of young birds, mice, etc. — n. 1 such a peke n. colloq. Pekingese, [abbrevi- , ]

sound. 2 slight sound, utterance, or ation] p

complaint (not a peep out of them). Pekingese /,pi:ki'ni:z/ n. (also Pekin- J


[imitative] ese)(pi. same) lap-dog of a short-legged ]

peep-hole n. small hole for peeping breed with long hair and a snub nose, i

through. [from Peking (Beijing) in China] j


peeping Tom furtive voyeur.

n. pelargonium /.pela'gauniam/ n. plant I P

peep-show n. small exhibition of pic- with red, pink, or white flowers and, i

tures etc. viewed through a lens or hole often, fragrant leaves; geranium. J I

set into a box etc. [Greek pelargos stork]

peer 1
v. (usu. foil, by into, at, etc.) look pelf n. derog. or joc. money; wealth. \ P

closely or with difficulty, [origin [French: related to pilfer]

unknown] pelican /'pelikan/ n. large water-bird j

peer2 n. 1 a (fern, peeress) member of with a large bill and a pouch in its throat I

one of the degrees of the nobility in for storing fish. [Greek pelekan]
Britain or Ireland, i.e. a duke, marquis, pelican crossing n. pedestrian cross-
earl, viscount, or baron, b noble of any ing with traffic-lights operated by pedes-
country. 2 person who is equal in abil-
pelisse /pi'liis/ n. hist. 1 woman's long
ity, standing, rank, or value. [Latin par
cloak with armholes or sleeves. 2 fur-
lined cloak as part of a hussar's uni-
peerage n. 1 peers as a class; the nobil-
form. [Latin pellicia (garment) of fur,
ity. 2 rank of peer or peeress.
from pellis skin]
peer group n. group of people of the
pellagra /pa'laegra/ n. disease with
same age, status, etc.
cracking of the skin and often ending in '

peerless adj. unequalled, superb.

insanity. [Italian pelle skin]
peer of the realm n. peer entitled to sit pellet /'pent/ n. 1 small compressed ball
in the House of Lords.
of paper, bread, etc. 2 pill. 3 piece of
peeve colloq. -v. (-ving) (usu. as peeved small shot. [French pelote from Latin
adj.) irritate, annoy, -n. cause or state
pila ball]
of irritation, [back-formation from
pellicle /'pelik(a)l/ n. thin skin, mem-
brane, or film. [Latin diminutive of pel-
peevish adj. irritable. peevishly
lis skin]

adv. [origin unknown] pell-mell /pel'mel/ adv. 1 headlong,

peewit /'pi:wit/ n. (also pewit) lapwing, recklessly. 2 in disorder or confusion,
[a sound imitative of its cry] [French pele-mele]

peg -rc. 1 pin or bolt of wood, metal, etc., pellucid /pi'lu:sid/ adj. 1 transparent. 2
for holding things together, hanging (of style, speech, etc.) clear. [Latin:
garments on, holding up a tent, etc. 2 related to per-]
each of the pins used to tighten or loosen pelmet /'pelmit/ n. narrow border of
the strings of a violin etc. 3 pin for cloth, wood, etc. fitted esp. above a
marking position, e.g. on a cribbage- window to conceal the curtain rail,
board. 4 = clothes-peg. 5 occasion or [probably French]
pretext (peg to hang an argument on). 6 pelt 1
-v. 1 ( with) strike
foil, i
drink, esp. of spirits, -v. (-gg-) 1 (usu. repeatedly with thrown objects. 2 (usu. J

foil, by down, in, out, etc.) fix (a thing) foil, by down) (of rain etc.) fall quickly J

with a peg. 2 stabilize (prices, wages, and torrentially. 3 run fast. -n. pelting. ;

etc.). 3 mark (the score) with pegs on a at full pelt as fast as possible, [origin i

cribbage-board. off the peg (of unknown]

clothes) ready-made, peg away (often pelt 2n. undressed skin, usu. of a fur-

foil, by at) work consistently, peg out 1 bearing mammal. [French, ultimately f

slang die. 2 mark the boundaries of. from Latin pellis skin]
square peg in a round hole misfit, pelvis /'pelvis/ n. basin-shaped cavity in i ,

take a person down a peg or two most vertebrates, formed from the hip- |

humble a person, [probably Low Ger- bone with the sacrum and other ver- ,

man or Dutch] tebrae. pelvic adj. [Latin, = basin] j

pegboard n. board with small holes for pen 1

-n. 1 instrument for writing etc. ,

pegs, used for displays, games, etc. with ink. 2 (the peri) occupation off j

peg-leg n. colloq. 1 artificial leg. 2 per- writing, -v. (-nn-) write. [Latin penna ;

son with this. feather] I

en 659 penny
en -n. small enclosure for cows, esp. a rod with a weighted end regulat-
;heep, poultry, etc. -v. (-nn-) (often foil. ing a clock. [Latin neuter adjective:
)y in, up) enclose or shut up, esp. in a related to pendulous]
pen. [Old English] penetrate /'peni.treit/ v. (-ting) 1 a find
en 3 n. female swan, [origin unknown] access into or through, b (usu. foil, by
enal of or concerning
/'pi:n(a)l/ adj. 1 with) imbue with; permeate. 2 see into,
punishment or its infliction. 2 (of an find out, or discern. 3 see through (dark-
Offence) punishable, esp. by law. ness, fog, etc.). 4 be absorbed by the
penally adv. [Latin poena pain] mind. 5 (as penetrating adj.) a having
enalize /'pi:na,laiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing or suggesting sensitivity or insight, b (of
)r -sing) 1 subject (a person) to a a voice etc.) easily heard through or
penalty or disadvantage. 2 make or above other sounds; piercing. penet-
ileclare (an action) penal, rable /-trab(a)l/ adj. penetrability
jenalty /'penalti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 punish- penetration /-'treij(a)n/
/-tra'biliti/ n.
!nent for breaking a law, rule, or con- n. penetrative /-trativ/ adj. [Latin]
ract. 2 disadvantage, loss, etc., esp. as a pen-friend n. friend communicated
'esult of one's own actions. 3 Sport with by letter only.
lisadvantage imposed for a breach of penguin /'pengwm/ n. flightless black
he rules etc. [medieval Latin: related to and white sea bird of the southern
'ENAL] hemisphere, with wings developed into
enalty area n. Football ground in flippers forswimming underwater, [ori-
ront of the goal in which a foul by gin unknown]
defenders involves the award of a penicillin /.peni'silm/ n. antibiotic,
Denalty kick. produced naturally by mould or syn-
enalty kick n. Football free kick at thetically. [Latin penicillum: related to
!:he goal resulting from a foul in the pencil]
penalty area. peninsula /pi'nmsjula/ n. piece of land
enance /'penans/ n. 1 act of self- almost surrounded by water or project-
punishment as reparation for guilt. 2 a ing far into a sea etc. peninsular adj.
;in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox [Latin paene almost, insula island]
bhurch) sacrament including confes- penis /'pi:nis/ n. male organ of copula-
sion of and absolution for sins, b penalty tion and (in mammals) urination.
imposed, esp. by a priest, for a sin. do [Latin]
penance perform a penance, [related to penitent /'penit(a)nt/ -adj. repentant.
PENITENT] —n. 1 repentant sinner. 2 person doing
>ence pi. of penny. penance under the direction of a con-
•enchant /'paja/ n. (followed by for) fessor. penitence n. penitently adv.
inclination or liking. [French] [Latin paeniteo repent]
encil /'pens(a)l/ —n. 1 instrument for penitential /,peni'tenj(a)l/ adj. of pen-
writing or drawing, usu. a thin rod of itence or penance.
graphite etc. enclosed in a wooden penitentiary /.peni'tenjan/ -n. (pi.
cylinder or metal case. 2 (attrib.) resem- -ies) US federal or State prison, -adj. 1
bling a pencil in shape (pencil skirt), -v. of penance. 2 of reformatory treatment.
(-11-; US -1-) 1 write, draw, or mark with a [Latin: related to penitent]
pencil. 2 (usu. foil, by in) write, note, or penknife n. small folding knife,
arrange provisionally. [Latin penicil- pen-name n. literary pseudonym,
lum paintbrush] pennant /'penant/ n. 1 tapering flag,
Pendant /'pend(a)nt/ n. hanging jewel esp. that flown at the masthead of a
etc., esp. one attached to a necklace, vessel in commission. 2 = pennon.
( bracelet, etc. [French pendre hang] [blend of pendant and pennon]
pendent /'pend(a)nt/ adj. formal 1 a penniless /'penihs/ adj. having no
hanging, b overhanging. 2 undecided, money; destitute.
pending. pendency n. pennon /'penan/ n. 1 long narrow flag,
lending -predic. adj. 1 awaiting de- triangular or swallow-tailed. 2 long
cision or settlement, undecided. 2 about pointed streamer on a ship. [Latin
to come into existence (patent pending), penna feather]
-prep. 1 during (pending further penny /'peni/ n. (pi. for separate coins
inquiries). 2 until (bailed pending -ies, for a sum of money pence /pens/) 1
trial), [after French: see pendant] British coin and monetary unit equal to
>endulous /'pendjulas/ adj. hanging one-hundredth of a pound. 2 hist. Brit-
down; drooping and swinging. [Latin ish bronze coin and monetary unit
pendulus from pendeo hang] equal to one-two-hundred-and-fortieth
>endulum /'pendjolam/ n. (pi. -s) of a pound. in for a penny, in for a
weight suspended so as to swing freely, pound exhortation to total commitment
penny black e ) peoples
toan undertaking, pennies from hea- the US forces. pentagonal p
ven unexpected benefits, the penny /-'taegan(a)l/ adj. [Greek pentagononU
drops colloq. one understands at last, related to penta-] V]
penny wise and pound foolish mean pentagram /'penta.graem/ n. fivefc
in small expenditures but wasteful of pointed star. [Greek: see penta-, -gram'Ti
large amounts, a pretty penny a large pentameter /pen'taemita(r)/ n. line oh
sum of money, two a penny easily verse with five metrical feet. [Greek: seA
obtained and so almost worthless. [Old penta-, -meter]
English] Pentateuch /'penta,tju:k/ n. first fivl2
penny black n. first adhesive postage books of the Old Testament. [GreelJg
stamp (1840, price one penny), teukhos book]
penny farthing n. early type of bicycle pentathlon /pen'taeeian/ n. athletiilp
with a large front and small rear wheel, event comprising five different event J p
penny-pinching -n. meanness, -adj. for each competitor. pentathlettgx
mean. penny-pincher n. /-'tae81i:t/ n. [Greek: see penta-, athlom
pennyroyal /.peni'roial/ n. creeping contest] ] n

kind of mint. [Anglo-French puliol real pentatonic /.penta'tonik/ adj. consist pi

royal thyme] ing of five musical notes.

penny whistle n. tin pipe with six Pentecost /'penti.kost/ n. 1 Whit Suiq p<

finger holes. day. 2 Jewish harvest festival, on th p

pennywort n. wild plant with rounded fiftieth day after the second day of Pass| pi

leaves, growing esp. in marshy places. over. [Greek pentekoste fiftieth (day)] ii

pennyworth n. as much as can be Pentecostal /,penti'kDst(8)l/ adj. (of, s

bought for a penny. religious group) emphasizing the divin<| pi

penology study of
/pi:'nDl8d3i/ n. the gifts, esp.the power to heal the sick, an< p
the punishment of crime and prison often fundamentalist. p j

management. penologist n. [Latin penthouse /'penthaus/ n. (esp. luxuriipi

poena penalty] ous) flat on the roof or top floor of a tal p
pen-pal n. colloq. = pen-friend. building. [Latin: related to append] pi

pen-pushing n. colloq. derog. clerical penultimate /pi'nAltimat/ adj. & n. las p

work. pen-pusher n. but one. [Latin paenultimus from paen\ pi

pension /'penj(a)n/ -n. 1 regular pay-

almost, ultimus last] d i

ment made by a government to people penumbra /pi'nAmbra/ n. (pi. -s oijk

above a specified age, to widows, or to -brae /-bri:/) 1 partly shaded regioi a
the disabled. 2 similar payments made around the shadow of an opaque bod>j p<
by an employer, private pension fund, esp. that around the shadow of the mooi tl

etc. on the retirement of an employee. or earth in an eclipse. 2 partial shadow ti

-v. grant a pension to. c pension off 1 penumbral adj. [Latin paene almoslj pt

dismiss with a pension. 2 cease to umbra] b

employ or use. [Latin pendo pens- pay] penurious /pi'njuarias/ adj. 1 poor, p
pension /pd'sjo/ n. European, esp. stingy; grudging. 3 scanty, [medieva p
French, boarding-house. [French: Latin: related to penury] i

related to pension
] penury /'penjun/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 destitu; $
pensionable adj. entitled to a pen-
1 tion; poverty. 2 lack; scarcity. [Latin] i

sion. 2 (of a service, job, etc.) entitling an peon /'pi:9n/ n.Spanish American day pf

employee to a pension. labourer. [Portuguese and Spanish p

pensioner n. recipient of a pension, related to pawn 1


esp. the retirement pension. [French: peony /'pi:am/ n. (also paeony) (pi. -iet> q

related to pension 1 ] plant with large globular red, pink, c p \

pensive /'pensiv/ adj. deep in thought. white flowers. [Greek paidnia]

pensively adv. [French penser think] people /'pi:p(a)l/ except in sens j
pent adj. (often foil, by in, up) closely 2. 1 persons in general or of a specifie
confined; shut in (pent-up feelings). kind (people don't like rudenes ti

[from pen 2 ] famous people). 2 persons composing fl

penta- comb, form five. [Greek pente community, tribe, race, nation, etc. pe

five] warlike people; peoples of the Commoi \

pentacle /'pent3k(9)l/ n. figure used as a wealth). 3 (the people) a the mass <

symbol, esp. in magic, e.g. a pentagram, people in a country etc. not havin n
[medieval Latin pentaculum: related to special rank or position, b these as a pf
PENTA-] electorate. 4 parents or other relative Q)

pentagon /'pentagan/ n. 1 plane figure (my people disapprove). 5 a subject to

with five sides and angles. 2 (the Penta- armed followers, etc. b congregation c ^
gon) a pentagonal Washington head- a parish priest etc. -v. (-ling) (usu. fol H
quarters of the US forces, b leaders of by with) 1 fill with people, animals, etc (,
EP 661 percolate
Ibopulate. 2 (esp. as peopled adj.) in- place to place, z perambulation
habit. [Latin populus] - leij(8)n n. [Latin perambulo: related
/pep abbr. Personal Equity Plan. to amble]
ep colloq. -n. vigour; spirit, -v. (-pp-) perambulator n. formal = pram.
lusu. foil, by up) fill with vigour, [abbre- per annum par 'aenam/ adv. for each
viation of pepper] year. [Latin]
lepper -n. 1 hot aromatic condiment percale pa'keil n. closely woven cot-
I'rom the dried berries of certain plants. ton fabric. [French]
ft anything pungent. 3 a capsicum plant.
per capita pa kaepita/ adv. & adj. (also
iq-own as a vegetable, b its fruit. — v. 1 per caput /'kaeput/) for each person.
sprinkle or treat with or as if with [Latin, = by heads]
pepper. 2 pelt with missiles. [Sanskrit perceive pa'si:v/ v. (-ving) 1 appre-
hend, esp. through the sight; observe. 2
[epper-and-salt adj. with small (usu. foil, by that, how, etc.) apprehend
patches of dark and light colour inter- with the mind; understand; see or re-
gard. perceivable adj. [Latin per-
leppercorn n. 1 dried pepper berry. 2
cipio -cept- seize,
in full peppercorn rent) nominal rent,
epper-mill n. device for grinding pep- per cent (US percent) -adv.
/pa 'sent/
in every hundred, -rc. 1 percentage. 2
oer by hand.
leppermint n.1a mint plant grown for one part in every hundred (half a per
ts strong-flavoured oil. b this oil. 2
sweet flavoured with peppermint. percentage n. 1 rate or proportion per
>epperoni .pepa'rauni n. beef and cent. 2 proportion.
pork sausage seasoned with pepper. percentile 'pa'sentail/ n. Statistics 1

Italian peperone chilli] each of 99 points at which a range of data

epper-pot n. small container with a is divided to make 100 groups of equal

[perforated lid for sprinkling pepper, size. 2 each of these groups.

heppery adj. 1 of, like, or containing perceptible /pa'septitya)!/ adj. capable
pepper. 2 hot-tempered. 3 pungent. of being perceived by the senses or
*ep pill n. pill containing a stimulant intellect, z perceptibility /-'biliti/ ru
drug. perceptibly adv. [Latin: related to per-
*eppy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. vigorous, ceive]
energetic, bouncy. perception pa'sepj(a)n/ n. 1 act or
>epsin 'pepsin/ n. enzyme contained in faculty of perceiving. 2 (often foil, by of)
the gastric juice. [Greek pepsis diges- intuitive recognition of a truth, aes-
tion] thetic quality, etc.; way of seeing,
>ep talk n. (usu. short) talk intended to understanding. z perceptual
enthuse, encourage, etc. /pa'septjual/ adj.
>eptic 'peptik/ adj. concerning or perceptive pa'septiv, adj. 1 sensitive;
^promoting digestion. [Greek peptikos discerning. 2 capable of perceiving, z
able to digest] perceptively adv. perceptiveness n.
leptic ulcer n. ulcer in the stomach or perceptivity /-'tiviu/ n.
duodenum. perch 1
-n. 1 bar, branch, etc. used by a
peptide 'peptaid n. Biochem. com- bird to rest on. 2 high place for a person
pound consisting of two or more amino or thing to rest on. 3 hist, measure of
acids bonded in sequence. [Greek peptos l

length, esp. for land, of 5 l 2 yards.

(usu. foil, by on) settle or rest on or as on

!>er prep. 1 for each (two sweets per

a perch etc. [Latin pertica pole]
\child;five miles per hour). 2 by means
of; by; through (per post). 3 (in full as
perch 2 n. (pi. same or -es) edible Euro-
per) in accordance with (as per instruc-
pean spiny-finned freshwater fish.
tions), z as per usual colloq. as usual.
[Latin perca from Greek]
[Latin] perchance /pe'tja:ns/ adv. archaic or
>er- prefix 1 through; all over (pervade). poet. 1 by chance. 2 maybe. [Anglo-
'2 completely; very (perturb). 3 to de- French par by]
struction; to the bad (perdition; per- percipient /pa'sipiant/ adj. able to per-
vert). [Latin per-: related to per] ceive; conscious, z percipience n.
>eradventure parad'ventja(r)/ adv. [Latin: related to perceive]
archaic or joc. perhaps. [French: related percolate /'p3:ka,leit/ v. (-ting) 1 (often
tO PER, ADVENTURE] by through) a (of liquid etc.) filter or
oerambulate pa'raembju.leit/ v. ooze gradually, b (of an idea etc.) per-
(-ting) 1 walk through, over, or about meate gradually. 2 prepare (coffee) in a
(streets, the country, etc.). 2 walk from percolator. 3 strain (a liquid, powder,
percolator 662 perimeter
etc.)through a fine mesh etc. per- perfidy /'p3:fidi/ breach of faith;
colation -'leij\a)n/ n. [Latin colum treachery. perfidious /-'fidias/ adj.
strainer] [Latin perfidia from fides faith]
percolator n. machine making coffee perforate /'p3:fa,reit/ v. (-ting) 1 make a

by circulating boiling water through hole or holes through; pierce. 2 make a

ground beans. row of small holes in (paper etc.) so that
percussion /pa'kA.f(a)n/ n. 1 a (often a part may be torn off easily. perfora-
atrrib.) playing of music by striking tion /-'reij(a)n/ n. [Latin perforo pierce
instruments with sticks etc. (percus- through]
sion instrument), b such instruments perforce /pa'fo.s/ adv. archaic unavoid-

collectively. 2 gentle tapping of the body ably; necessarily. [French par force by

in medical diagnosis. 3 forcible striking FORCE ]

of one esp. solid body against another. perform /pa'fo:m/ v. 1 (also absol.)
percussionist n. percussive adj. carry into effect; do. 2 execute (a func-

[Latin percutio -cuss- strike] tion, play, piece of music, etc.). 3 act in a

percussion cap n. small amount of play; play music, sing, etc.; execute
explosive powder contained in metal or tricks. 4 function. performer n.
paper and exploded by striking. [Anglo-French: related to per-, fur-
perdition /pa'di.f(a)n/ n. eternal death; nish]
damnation. [Latin perdo -dit- destroy] performance /pa'fa.mans/ n. 1 (usu.
peregrine /perigrm/ n. (in full per- foil, by of) a act, process, or manner of
egrine falcon) a kind of falcon much performing or functioning, b execution
(of a duty etc.). 2 performing of a play,
used for hawking. [Latin peregrinus
music, etc.; instance of this. 3 colloq.
fuss; emotional scene.
peremptory /pa'remptari/ adj. 1 (of a
statement or command) admitting no
performing arts drama, music,
dance, etc.
denial or refusal. 2 (of a person, manner,
etc.)imperious; dictatorial. peremp- perfume /'p3:fju:m/-rc. 1 sweet smell. 2
fluid containing the essence of flowers
torily adv. peremptoriness n. [Latin
etc.; scent, —v. /also pa'fju:m/ (-ming)
peremptorius deadly, decisive]
impart a sweet scent to. [Italian parfu-
perennial /pa'renial/ -adj. 1 lasting
through a year or several years. 2 (of a
mare smoke through]
plant) lasting several years. 3 lasting a
perfumer /pa'fju:ma(r)/ n. maker or
seller of perfumes. perfumery n. (pi.
long time or for ever. —n. perennial
plant. perennially adv. [Latin peren-
perfunctory /pa'fAnktari/ adj. done
nis from annus year]
merely out of duty; superficial, careless.
perestroika /.pere'straika/ n. (in the perfunctorily adv. perfunctori-
former USSR) reform of the economic
ness n. [Latin: related to function]
and political system. [Russian, = re- pergola /'p3:gala/ n. arbour or covered
walk formed of growing plants trained
perfect /'p3:fikt/ -adj. 1 complete; not over trellis-work. [Italian]
deficient. 2 faultless. 3 very enjoyable, perhaps /pa'haeps/ adv. it may be; pos-
excellent {perfect evening). 4 exact, pre- sibly.
cise (perfect circle). 5 entire, unqualified
peri- prefix round, about. [Greek]
(perfect stranger). 6 Gram, (of a tense) perianth /'pen.aenO/ n. outer part of a
denoting a completed action or event flower. [Greek anthos flower] I

(e.g. he has gone), -v. /pa'fekt/ 1 make

pericardium /,pen'ka:diam/ n. (pi.
perfect. 2 complete, -n. Gram, the per- -dia) membranous sac enclosing the
fect tense. perfectible /pa'fektib(a)l/ heart. [Greek kardia heart] ]

adj. perfectibility /pa.fekti'biliti/ n. perigee /'pen,d3i:/ n. point of a planet's

[Latin perficere -feet- complete (v.)] or comet's orbit where it is nearest the
perfection /pa'fekj(e)n/ n. 1 making, earth. [Greek perigeion]
becoming, or being perfect. 2 faultless- perihelion /,pen'hi:lian/ n. (pi. -lia) I

ness. 3 perfect person, thing, or ex- point of a planet's or comet's orbit

ample, to perfection exactly; com- where it is nearest the sun's centre,
pletely. [Latin: related to perfect] [related to peri-, Greek helios sun]
perfectionism n. uncompromising peril /'peril/ n. serious and immediate
pursuit of excellence. perfectionist danger. perilous adj. perilously
n. & adj. adv. [Latin peric(u)lum] I

perfectly adv. 1 completely; quite. 2 in a perimeter /pa'rimita(r)/ n.1a circum-

perfect way. ference or outline of a closed figure, b
perfect pitch n. = absolute pitch. length of this. 2 outer boundary of an
perineum 663 permanent
enclosed area. [Greek: related to -meter] crowd can see things otherwise out
perineum /,pen'ni:am/ n. (pi. -nea) re- of sight. periscopic /-'sknpik/ adj.
gion of the body between the anus and perish /'periJV v. 1 be destroyed; suffer
the scrotum or vulva. perineal adj. death or ruin. 2 a (esp. of rubber) lose its
[Latin from Greek] normal qualities; deteriorate, rot. b
period /'piariad/ -n. 1 length or portion cause to rot or deteriorate. 3 (in passive)
of time. 2 distinct portion of history, a suffer from cold. [Latin pereo]
person's life, etc. 3 time forming part of perishable -adj. liable to perish; sub-
a geological era. 4 interval between ject to decay, -n. thing, esp. a foodstuff,
recurrences of an astronomical or other subject to rapid decay.
phenomenon. 5 time allowed for a les- perisher n. slang annoying person.
son in school. 6 occurrence of menstru- perishing colloq. -adj. 1 confounded. 2
ation (often attrib:. period pains). 7 com- freezing cold. -adv. confoundedly.
plete sentence, esp. one consisting of peristalsis /.peri'staelsis/ n. involun-
several clauses. 8 esp. US a = full stop 1. tary muscular wavelike movement by
b colloq. used at the end of a statement to which the contents of the digestive tract
indicate finality (I'm not going, period), are propelled along it. [Greek peristello
-adj. characteristic of some past period wrap around]
(period furniture). [Greek hodos way] peritoneum /,perita'ni:am/ n. (pi. -s or
periodic /.pian'odik/ adj. appearing or -nea) membrane lining the cavity of the
occurring at intervals. periodicity abdomen. peritoneal adj. [Greek
/-na'disiti/ n. peritonos stretched around]
periodical —n. newspaper, magazine, peritonitis /.perita'naitis/ n. inflam-
etc. issued at regular intervals, -adj. matory disease of the peritoneum.
periodic. periodically adv. periwig /'periwig/ n. esp. hist. wig.
periodic table n. arrangement of ele- [alteration of peruke]
ments in order of increasing atomic periwinkle 1 /'pen wink(a)l/ n. ever-l

number and in which elements of sim- green trailing plant with blue, purple,
ilar chemical properties appear at or white flowers. [Latin pervinca]
regular intervals. periwinkle 2 /'peri.winkte)!/ n. =
periodontics /.pena'dnntiks/ winkle, [origin unknown]
(treated as sing.) branch of dentistry perjure /'p3:d3a(r)/ v.refl. (-ring) Law 1
concerned with the structures sur- wilfully tell a lie when on oath. 2 (as
rounding and supporting the teeth. perjured adj.) guilty of or involving
[Greek odous tooth] perjury. perjurer n. [French from
peripatetic /.peripa'tetik/ -adj. 1 (of a Latin juro swear]
teacher) working in more than one perjury n. (pi. -ies) Law act of wilfully
school or college etc. 2 going from place telling a lie when on oath.
to place; itinerant, -n. peripatetic per- perk 1
v. perk up 1 recover confidence,
son, esp. a teacher. [Greek pateo walk] courage, life, or zest. 2 restore confid-
peripheral /pa'nfar(a)l/ -adj. 1 of ence, courage, or liveliness in. 3
minor importance; marginal. 2 of the smarten up. 4 raise (one's head etc.)
periphery, -n. any input, output, or briskly, [origin unknown]
storage device that can be controlled by perk 2 n. colloq. perquisite, [abbrevi-
a computer's central processing unit, ation]
e.g. a floppy disk or printer. perky adj. (-ier, -iest) lively; cheerful.
peripheral nervous system n. perkily adv. perkiness n.
nervous system outside the brain and perlite /'p3:lait/ n. (also pearlite) glassy
spinal cord. type of vermiculite used for insulation
periphery /pa'nfan/ n. (pi -ies) 1 etc. [French perle pearl]
boundary of an area or surface. 2 outer perm -n. permanent wave. -v. give a

or surrounding region. [Greek phero permanent wave to. [abbreviation]

bear] perm 2
colloq. -n. permutation, -v.
periphrasis /pa'nfrasis/ v
n. (pi. make a permutation of. [abbreviation]
-phrases /-,si:z/) 1 roundabout way of permafrost /'p3:ma,frDst/ n. subsoil
speaking; circumlocution. 2 round- which remains frozen all year, as in
about phrase. periphrastic polar regions, [from permanent,
/.peri'fraestik/ adj. [Greek: related to frost]
phrase] permanent /'p3:manant/ adj. lasting,
periscope /'peri.skaup/ n. apparatus or intended to last or function, indefin-
with a tube and mirrors or prisms, by itely, n permanence n. permanency
which an observer in a trench, sub- n. permanently adv. [Latin permaneo
merged submarine, or at the back of a remain to the end]
permanent wave 664 persecute
permanent wave n. long-lasting arti- steep. 4 (Perpendicular) Archit. of the
ficial wave in the hair. third stage of English Gothic (15th-16th
permeable p3:miab(a)l, adj. capable c.) with vertical tracery in large win-

of being permeated. permeability dows, -n. 1 perpendicular line. 2 (prec.

biliti n. [related to permeate] by the) perpendicular line or direction
permeate 'p3:mi,eit/ v. (-ting) 1 pen- (is out of the perpendicular), perpen-
etrate throughout; pervade; saturate. 2 dicularity /-'laeriti/ n. [Latin perpen-
(usu. foil, by through, among, etc.) dif- diculum plumb-line]
fuse itself, permeation -'eij(a)n/ n. perpetrate 'p3:pi,treit/ v. (-ting)
[Latin permeo pass through] commit (a crime, blunder, or any-
Permian 'p3:mian/ -adj. of the last thing outrageous). perpetration
period of the Palaeozoic era. -n. this -
treiJXaJn/ n. perpetrator n. [Latin
period. [Perm in Russia] perpetro perform]
permissible pa'misib(a)l/ adj. allow- perpetual pa'petjual adj. 1 lasting for
able, permissibility -biliti n. ever or indefinitely. 2 continuous, unin-
[French or medieval Latin: related to terrupted. 3 colloq. frequent (perpetual
PERMIT] interruptions). perpetually adv.
permission pa'mij*(a)n n. (often foil. [Latin perpetuus continuous]
by to - infin.) consent; authorization. perpetual motion n. motion of a
[Latin permissio: related to permit] hypothetical machine which once set in
permissive /pa'misiv/ adj. 1 tolerant or motion would run for ever unless sub-
liberal, esp. in sexual matters. 2 giving ject to an external force or to wear.
permission. permissiveness n. perpetuate pa'petju.eit/ v. (-ting) 1
[French or medieval Latin: related to make perpetual. 2 preserve from obli-
permit] vion. perpetuation -'eij\a)n/ n.
permit -v. /pa'mit/ (-tt-) 1 give per- perpetuator n. [Latin perpetuo]
mission or consent to; authorize. 2 a perpetuity ,p3:pi'tju:iti n. (pi. -ies) 1
allow; give an opportunity to. b give an state or quality of being perpetual. 2
opportunity (circumstances permit- perpetual annuity. 3 perpetual posses-
ting). 3 (foil, by of) admit, -n. 'p3:mit 1 sion or position. in perpetuity for
a document giving permission to act. b ever. [Latin: related to perpetual]
document etc. which allows entry. 2 perplex /pa'pleks/ v. 1 puzzle, bewilder,
formal permission. [Latin permitto or disconcert. 2 complicate or confuse (a
miss- allow] matter). perplexedly -idli adv. per-
permutation ,p3:mju'teij(8)n/ n. 1 one plexing adj. [Latin perplexus involved]
of the possible ordered arrangements or perplexity pa'pleksiti n. (pi. -ies) 1
groupings of a set of things. 2 com- state of being perplexed. 2 thing that
bination or selection of a specified perplexes.
number of things from a larger group, per pro. (ps: 'prau abbr. through the
esp. matches in a football pool. [Latin agency of (used in signatures). [Latin
permuto change thoroughly] per procurationem]
pernicious /pa'nijas, adj. very harmful
or destructive; deadly. [Latin pernicies Usage The correct sequence is A per
ruin] pro. B, where B is signing on behalf of A.
pernicious anaemia n. defective perquisite n. 1 extra profit
formation of red blood cells through or allowance additional to a main in-
lack of vitamin B. come etc. 2 customary extra right or
pernickety pa'nikiti/ adj. colloq. fasti- privilege. [Latin perquiro -quisit- search
dious; over-precise, [origin unknown] diligently for]
peroration /.pera'reiJXa)^ n. conclud-
ing part of a speech. [Latin oro speak]
Usage Perquisite is sometimes con-
fused with prerequisite, which means
peroxide pa'roksaid -n. 1 a = hydro-
'thing required as a precondition'.
gen peroxide, b (often attrib.) solution
of hydrogen peroxide used esp. to perry 'pen/ n. (pi. -ies) drink made
bleach the hair. 2 compound of oxygen from fermented pear juice. [French
with another element containing the pere: related to pear]
greatest possible proportion of oxygen, per se /p3: 'sei adv. by or in itself;
-f (-ding) bleach (the hair) with perox- intrinsically. [Latin]
ide, [from per-, oxide] persecute /'p3:si,kju:t v. (-ting) 1 sub-
perpendicular /,p3:pan'dikjula(r)/ ject (a person etc.) to hostility or ill-
-adj. 1 a (usu. foil, by to) at right angles treatment, esp. on grounds of political
(to a given line, plane, or surface), b at or religious belief. 2 harass, worry, z
right angles to the plane of the horizon. persecution /-'kju:J*(a)n n. perse-
2 upright, vertical. 3 (of a slope etc.) very- cutor n. [Latin persequor -secut- pursue]
persevere 665 perspective
persevere /,p3:si'via(r)/ (-ring) (often
v. or denoting one of the three persons
foil, by in, with) continue steadfastly or (personal pronoun).
determinedly; persist. perseverance personal column n. part of a news-
n. [Latin: related to severe] paper devoted to private advertise-
Persian /'p3:J(9)n/ -n. 1 native or in- ments and messages.
habitant of ancient or modern Persia personal computer n. computer
(now Iran); person of Persian descent. 2 designed for use by a single individual.
language of ancient Persia or modern personal equity plan n. scheme for
Iran. 3 (in full Persian cat) cat of a tax-free personal investments through
breed with long silky hair. -adj. of or financial institutions.
relating to Persia or its people or lan- personality /,p3:sa'naeliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
guage. a person's distinctive character or
qualities (has a strong personality).
Usage The preferred terms for the b socially attractive qualities (was
language (see sense 2 of the noun) are
clever but had no personality). 2 famous
Iranian and Farsi respectively.
person (TV personality). 3 (in pi.) per-
Persian lamb n. silky tightly curled sonal remarks.
fur of a young karakul, used in clothing. personalize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
persiflage /'p3:si,fla:3/ n. light raillery, -sing) make personal, esp. by marking
banter. [French! with one's name etc. 2 personify.
persimmon /p3:'siman/ n. 1 tropical personally adv. 1 in person (see to it
evergreen tree. 2 its edible tomato-like personally). 2 for one's own part
fruit. [Algonquian] (speaking personally). 3 in a personal
persist /pa'sist/ v. 1 (often foil, by in) manner (took the criticism personally).
continue firmly or obstinately (in an personal organizer n. means of keep-
opinion or action) esp. despite obstacles, ing track of personal affairs, esp. a
remonstrance, etc. 2 (of a phenomenon loose-leaf notebook divided into sec-
etc.) continue in existence; survive. tions.
persistence n. persistent adj. per- personal pronoun n. pronoun repla-
sistently adv. [Latin sisto stand] cing the subject, object, etc., of a clause
person /'p3:s(a)n/ n. 1 individual human etc., e.g. I, we, you, them, us.
being. 2 living body of a human being personal property n. Law all one's
(found on my person). 3 Gram, any of property except land and those interests
three classes of personal pronouns, in land that pass to one's heirs.
verb-forms, etc.: the person speaking personal stereo n. small portable cas-
(first person); the person spoken to sette player, often with radio or CD
(second person); the person spoken of player, used with lightweight head-
(third person). 4 (in comb.) used to phones.
replace -man in offices open to either sex persona non grata /pa.sauna non (or
God as
(salesperson). 5 (in Christianity) naun) 'gra:ta/ n. (pi personae non gra-
Father, Son, or Holy Ghost. in person tae /-ni:, -ti:/) unacceptable person.
physically present. [Latin: related to personify /pa'soni.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1
persona] represent (an abstraction or thing) as
persona /pa'sauna/ n. (pi. -nae /-ni:/) having human
characteristics. 2 sym-
aspect of the personality as shown to or bolize (a quality etc.) by a figure in hu-
perceived by others. [Latin, = actor's man form. 3 (usu. as personified adj.)
mask] be a typical example of; embody (she
personable adj. pleasing in appear- personifies youthful arrogance; he was
ance and behaviour. niceness personified). personifica-
personage n. person, esp. of rank or tion /-fi'keij(a)n/ n.
importance. personnel /,p3:sa'nel/ n. staff of an
persona grata /pa.saona 'gra:ta/ n. (pi. organization, the armed forces, a public
personae gratae /-ni:, -ti:/) person ac- service, etc. [French, = personal]
ceptable to certain others. personnel department n. part of an
personal /'p3:san(a)l/ adj. 1 one's own; organization concerned with the ap-
individual; private. 2 done or made in pointment, training, and welfare of
person (my personal attention). 3 dir- employees.
ected to or concerning an individual perspective /pa'spektiv/ -n. 1 a art of
(personal 4 referring (esp. in a
letter). drawing solid objects on a two-dimen-
hostile way) to an individual's private sional surface so as to give the right
life or concerns (personal remarks; no impression of relative positions, size,
need to be personal). 5 of the body and etc. b picture so drawn. 2 apparent
clothing (personal hygiene). 6 existing relation between visible objects as to
as a person (a personal God). 7 Gram, of position, distance, etc. 3 mental view of
Perspex 666 pesticide
the relative importance of things. 4 perturb disturb mentally;
/pa't3:b/ v. 1

view, esp. stretching into the distance. agitate. 2 throw into confusion or dis-
—adj. of or in perspective, in (or out order, perturbation /-'beiJXa)n/ n.
of) perspective 1 drawn or viewed [French from Latin]
according (or not according) to the rules peruke /pa'ru:k/ n. hist. wig. [French
of perspective. 2 correctly (or incor- fromItalian]
rectly) regarded in terms of relative peruse /pa'ru:z/ v. (-sing) 1 read or

importance. [Latin perspicio -sped- look study carefully. 2 joc. read or look at
desultorily, perusal n. [originally =
'use up']
Perspex 'p3:speks/ n. propr. tough
light transparent thermoplastic, pervade /pa'veid/ v. (-ding) 1 spread
throughout, permeate. 2 be rife among
[related to perspective]
or through. pervasion n. pervasive
perspicacious /,p3:spi'keijas/ adj. hav-
adj. [Latin pervado penetrate]
ing mental penetration or discernment.
perverse /pa'v3:s/ adj. 1 deliberately or
perspicacity /-'kaesiti/ n. [Latin per-
stubbornly departing from what is
spicax: related to perspective]
reasonable or required. 2 intractable.
Usage Perspicacious is sometimes perversely adv. perversity n.
confused with perspicuous. (pi. -ies). [Latin: related to pervert]
perversion /pa'v3:JXa)n/ n. 1 perverting
perspicuous /pa'spikjuas/ adj. 1 easily
or being perverted. 2 preference for an
understood; clearly expressed. 2
abnormal form of sexual activity.
expressing things clearly. perspi- [Latin: related to pervert]
cuity /-'kju:iti/ n. [Latin: related to per- pervert —v. /pa'v3:t/ 1 turn (a person or
spective] thing) aside from its proper use or
Usage Perspicuous is sometimes nature. 2 misapply (words etc.). 3 lead
confused with perspicacious. astray from right conduct or (esp. re-
ligious) beliefs; corrupt. 4 (as perverted
perspiration /,p3:spi'reij(a)n/ n. 1
adj.) snowing perversion, -n. /'p3:v3:t/
sweat. 2 sweating. [French: related to perverted person, esp. sexually. [Latin
perspire] verto vers- turn]
perspire /pa'spaia(r)/ v. (-ring) sweat. pervious /'p3:vias/ adj. 1 permeable. 2
[Latin spiro breathe] (usu. foil, by to) a affording passage, b
persuade /pa'sweid/ v. (-ding) 1 (often accessible (to reason etc.). [Latin via
foil, by of or that) cause (another person road]
or oneself) to believe; convince. 2 peseta /pa'seita/ n. chief monetary unit
(often foil, by to + infin.) induce. of Spain. [Spanish]
persuadable adj. persuasible adj. pesky /'peski/ adj. (-ier, -iest) esp. US
[Latin persuadeo -suas- induce] colloq. troublesome; annoying, [origin
persuasion /pa'swei3(a)n/ n. 1 persuad- unknown]
ing. 2 persuasiveness. 3 belief or convic- peso /'peisau/ n. (pi. -s) chief monetary

tion. 4 religious belief, or the group or unit of several Latin American coun-
sect holding it. [Latin: related to per- tries and of the Philippines. [Spanish]
suade] pessary /'pesan/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 device
persuasive good at
/pa'sweisiv/ adj. worn in the vagina to support the uterus
persuading, persuasively adv. per- or as a contraceptive. 2 vaginal sup-
suasiveness pository. [Latin from Greek]
n. [French or medieval
Latin: related to persuade]
pessimism /'pesi,miz(a)m/ n. 1 tend-
pert ency to be gloomy or expect the worst. 2
saucy, impudent. 2 jaunty, n
adj. 1
Philos. belief that this world is as bad as
pertly adv. pertness n. [Latin apertus
it could be or that all things tend to evil.
pessimist n. pessimistic /-'mistik/
pertain /pa'tem/ v. 1 (foil, by to) a relate
adj. pessimistically /-'mistikali/ adv.
or have reference to. b belong to as a
[Latin pessimus worst]
part, appendage, or accessory. 2 (usu.
pest n. 1 troublesome or annoying per-
foil, by to) be appropriate to. [Latin
son or thing. 2 destructive animal, esp.
pertineo belong to]
one which attacks food sources. [Latin
pertinacious /,p3:ti'neijas/ adj. stub- pestis plague]
born; persistent (in a course of action pester v. trouble or annoy, esp. with
etc.). pertinacity /-'naesiti/ n. [Latin frequent or persistent requests, [prob-
pertinax: related to pertain] ably French empestrer encumber:
pertinent 'p3:tinant/ adj. (often foil, by influenced by pest]
to) relevant. pertinence pertin-
n. pesticide /'pesti.said/ n. substance for
ency n. [Latin: related to pertain] destroying pests, esp. insects.
pestilence 667 pfennig
pestilence /'pestilans/ n. fatal epidemic Petri dish /'pi:tn/ n. shallow covered
disease, esp. bubonic plague. [Latin pes- dish used for the culture of bacteria etc.
tis plague] [Petri, name of a bacteriologist]
pestilent adj. 1 deadly. 2 harmful or petrify /'petn.fai/ v. (-ies, -ied) 1 para-
morally destructive. 3 colloq. trouble- lyse with fear, astonishment, etc. 2
some, annoying. change (organic matter) into a stony
pestilential /,pesti'lenj(a)l/ adj. 1 of or substance. 3 become like stone, z petri-
relating to pestilence. 2 pestilent. faction /-'faekj\a)n/ n. [Latin petra rock,
pestle /'pes(a)l/ n. club-shaped instru- from Greek]
ment for pounding substances in a mor- petrochemical /,petrau'kemik(a)l/ n.
tar. [Latin pistillum from pinso pound] substance industrially obtained from
pet -n.1
1 domestic or tamed animal kept petroleum or natural gas.
for pleasure or companionship. 2 darl- petrodollar /'petrau.dolaO*)/ n. no-
ing, favourite, -attrib. adj. 1 kept as a tional unit of currency earned by a
pet (pet lamb). 2 of or for pet animals petroleum-exporting country.
(pet food). 3 often joc. favourite or par- petrol /'petr(a)l/ n. 1 refined petroleum
ticular (pet hate). 4 expressing fondness used as a fuel in motor vehicles, air-
or familiarity (pet name), -v. (-U-) 1 craft, etc. 2 (attrib.) concerned with the
fondle eroticaliy. 2 treat as a pet; stroke, supply of petrol (petrol pump). [Latin:
pat. [origin unknown] related to petroleum]
pet 2 n. fit of ill-humour, [origin petroleum /pi'trauliam/ n. hydrocar-
unknown] bon oil found in the upper strata of the
petal /'pet(a)l/ n. each of the parts of the earth, refined for use as fuel etc. [Latin
corolla of a flower, z petalled adj. petra rock, oleum oil]
[Greek petalon leaf] petroleum jelly n. translucent solid
petard /pi'ta:d/ n. hist, small bomb used mixture of hydrocarbons used as a
to blast down a door etc. [French] lubricant, ointment, etc.
peter /'pi:ta(r)/ v. z peter out diminish, pet shop n. shop selling animals to be
come to an end. [origin unknown] kept as pets.
Peter Pan n. person who remains petticoat /'peti.kaut/ n. 1 woman's or
youthful or is immature, [hero of J. M. girl's undergarment hanging from the
Barrie's play (1904)] waist or shoulders. 2 (attrib.) often
petersham /'pi:tajam/ n. thick corded derog. feminine, [petty coat]
silk ribbon. [Lord Petersham, name of pettifog /'peti.fog/ v. (-gg-) 1 practise
an army officer] legal trickery. 2 quibble or wrangle
pethidine /'peBi.dim/ n. synthetic sol- about trivial points, [origin unknown]
uble analgesic used esp. in childbirth, pettish adj. peevish, petulant; easily
[perhaps from the chemical piperidine] put out. [from pet2 ]
petiole /'peti.aul n. slender stalk join- petty adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 unimportant;
ing a leaf to a stem. [French from Latin] trivial. 2 small-minded. 3 minor, in-
petit bourgeois /.peti 'bua3wa:/ n. (pi ferior, on a small scale. 4 Law (of a
petits bourgeois pronunc. same) crime) of lesser importance, z pettily
member of the lower middle classes. adv. pettiness n. [French petit small]
[French] petty cash n. money from or for small
petite /pa'ti:t/ adj. (of a woman) of small items of receipt or expenditure.
and dainty build. [French, = little] petty officer n. naval NCO.
petit four /.peti 'fo:(r)/ n. (pi petits petulant /'petjulant/ adj. peevishly im-
fours /'fo:z/) very small fancy cake. patient or irritable, z petulance n.
[French, = small oven] petulantly adv. [Latin peto seek]
petition /pa'tiJXa)n/ -n. 1 supplication, petunia /pi'rju:nia/ n. cultivated plant
request. 2 formal written request, esp. with white, purple, red, etc., funnel-
one signed by many people, appealing to shaped flowers. [French petun tobacco]
an authority. 3 Law application to a pew n. 1 (in a church) long bench with a
court for a writ etc. -v. 1 make or back; enclosed compartment. 2 colloq.
address a petition to. 2 (often foil, by for, seat (esp. take a pew). [Latin podium]
to) appeal earnestly or humbly. [Latin pewit var. of peewit.
peto petit- ask] pewter /'pju:ta(r)/ n. 1 grey alloy of tin,
petit mal /.peti "mael/ n. mild form of antimony, and copper. 2 utensils made
epilepsy [French, =. little sickness] of this. [French peutre]
petit point /.peti "pwae/ n. embroidery peyote /pei'auti/ n. 1 Mexican cactus. 2
on canvas using small stitches. [French, hallucinogenic drug prepared from this.
= little point] [American Spanish from Nahuatl]
petrel 'petr(a)l, n. sea bird, usu. flying pfennig /'fenig/ n. one-hundredth of a
far from land, [origin unknown] Deutschmark. [German]
PG 668 philanthropy
PG abbr. (of a film) classified as suitable pharynx /'faerinks/ n. (pi. pharynges
for children subject to parental guid- /-nn,d3i:z/ or -xes) cavity behind the
ance. nose and mouth. pharyngeal
pH pii'eitj" n. measure of the acidity or /-rm'd3i:al/ adj. pharyngitis
alkalinity of a solution. [German Potenz /-nn'd3aitis/ n. [Latin from Greek]
power, H
(symbol for hydrogen)] phase /feiz/ -n. 1 stage in a process of
phagocyte /'faega.sait/ n. leucocyte cap- change or development. 2 each of the
able of engulfing and absorbing foreign aspects of the moon or a planet, accord-
matter. [Greek phag- eat, kutos cell] ing to the amount of its illumination. 3
phalanx 'faelaenks/ n. (pi phalanxes Physics stage in a periodically recur-
or phalanges fa'laend3i:z/) 1 Gk Antiq. ring sequence, esp. the wave-form of
line of battle, esp. a body of infantry alternating electric currents or light.
drawn up in close order. 2 set of people -v. (-sing) carry out (a programme etc.)
etc. forming a compact mass, or banded in phases or stages. phase in (or out)
for a common purpose. [Latin from bring gradually into (or out of) use.
Greek] [Greek phasis appearance]
phallus /'faelas/ n. (pi phalli /-lai/ or Ph.D. abbr. Doctor of Philosophy.
phalluses) 1 (esp. erect) penis. 2 image [Latin philosophiae doctor]
of this as a symbol of natural generative pheasant /'fez(a)nt/ n. long-tailed game-
power. phallic adj. [Latin from bird. [Greek Phasianos of Phasis, name
Greek] of a river associated with the bird]
phantasm /'faen taez(9)m/
n. illusion, phenobarbitone /.fimau'baibi.taun/ n.
phantom. phantasmal /-'taezm(a)l/ narcotic and sedative barbiturate drug
adj. [Latin: related to phantom] used esp. to treat epilepsy, [from phe-
phantasmagoria /.faentaezma'gaTia/ nol, barbiturate]
n. shifting series of real or imaginary phenol /'fimol/ n. 1 hydroxyl derivative
figures as seen in a dream. phantas- of benzene. 2 any hydroxyl derivative of
magoric /-'gnnk/ adj. [probably from an aromatic hydrocarbon. [French]
French fantasmagorie: related to phenomenal /fi'nDmm(a)l/ adj. 1
phantasm] extraordinary, remarkable. 2 of the
phantom /'faentam/-rc. 1 ghost, appari- nature of a phenomenon. phenomen-
tion, spectre. 2 mental illusion, -attrib. ally adv.
adj. illusory. [Greek phantasma] phenomenon /fi'nnmman/ n. (pi
Pharaoh /'fearau/ n. 1 ruler of ancient -mena) 1 fact or occurrence that ap-
Egypt. 2 title of this ruler. [Old English pears or is perceived, esp. one of which
from Church Latin Pharao, ultimately the cause is in question. 2 remarkable
from Egyptian] person or thing. [Greek phaino show]
Pharisee /' n. 1 member of an
ancient Jewish sect, distinguished by
Usage The plural form of this word,
strict observance of the traditional and
phenomena, is often used mistakenly for
the singular. This should be avoided.
written law. 2 self-righteous person;
hypocrite. Pharisaic /-'senk/ adj. pheromone /'fera.maun/ n. substance
[Hebrew parus] secreted and released by an animal for
pharmaceutical /,fa:ma'sju:tik(a)l/ detection and response by another usu.
adj. 1 of or engaged in pharmacy. 2 of of the same species. [Greek phero con-
the use or sale of medicinal drugs. vey, hormone]
[Latin from Greek pharmakon drug] phew /fju:/ int. expression of relief, as-
pharmaceutics (usu. treated as tonishment, weariness, etc. [imitative]
Sing.) = PHARMACY 1. phi /fai/ n. twenty-first letter of the
pharmacist /'fa:masist/ n. person Greek alphabet (O, cf>). [Greek]
qualified to prepare and dispense drugs. phial /'faial/ n. small glass bottle, esp.
pharmacology /,fa:ma'kDlad3i/ n. the for liquid medicine. [Greek phiate broad
study of the action of drugs on the body. flat dish]
pharmacological /-ka'lDd3ik(a)l/ phil- var. of philo-.
adj. pharmacologist n. -phil var. of -phile.
pharmacopoeia /,fa:maka'pi:a/ n. 1 philadelphus /.fila'delfas/ n. flowering
book, esp. one officially published, con- shrub, esp. the mock orange. [Latin
taining a list of drugs with directions for from Greek]
use. 2 stock of drugs. [Greek pharmako- philander /fi'laenda(r)/ v. flirt or have
poios drug-maker] casual affairs with women. philan-
pharmacy fa:masi/ n. (pi -ies) 1 pre-
/ derer n. [Greek aner andr- male per-
paration and (esp. medicinal) dispens- son]
ing of drugs. 2 pharmacist's shop, philanthropy /fi'laenGrapi/ n. 1 love of
dispensary. mankind. 2 practical benevolence.
philately 669 phonic
philanthropic /-'Bropik/ adj. phi- philtre /'filta(r)/ n. (US philter) love-
lanthropek anthropos human being] potion. [Greek phileo to love]
philately /fi'lsetah/ n. the study and phlebitis inflammation of
/fli'baitis/ n.
collecting of postage stamps. phil- a vein, z phlebitic /-'bitik/ adj. [Greek
atelist n. [Greek ateles tax-free] phleps phleb- vein]
-phile comb, form (also -phil) forming phlegm /flem/ n. 1 thick viscous sub-
nouns and adjectives denoting fondness stance secreted by the mucous mem-
for what specified {bibliophile).
is branes of the respiratory passages, dis-
[Greek philos loving] charged by coughing. 2 a calmness, b
philharmonic /,filha:'mDnik/ adj. fond sluggishness. 3 hist, phlegm regarded as
of music (usu. in the names of orches- one of the four bodily humours. [Greek
tras etc.). [Italian: related to harmonic] phlegma]
philippic /fi'lipik/ n. bitter verbal at- phlegmatic /fleg'maetik/ adj. calm,
tack. [Greek from Philip II of Macedon] unexcitable. z phlegmatically adv.
Philistine /'fili.stam/ -n. 1 member of phloem /'flauem/ n. tissue conducting
a people of ancient Palestine. 2 (usu. sap in plants. [Greek phloos bark]
Philistine) person who is hostile or in- phlox /flDks/ n. (pi. same or -es) plant
different to culture, -adj. (usu. Philis- with scented clusters of esp. white, blue,
tine) hostile or indifferent to culture. or red flowers. [Greek phlox, name of a
Philistinism /-sti,niz(a)m/ n. [Hebrew plant (literally 'flame')]
pHisti] -phobe comb, form forming nouns
Phillips /'filips/ n. (usu. attrib.) propr. denoting a person with a specified fear
denoting a screw with a cross-shaped or aversion (xenophobe). [Greek p hobos
slot, or a corresponding screwdriver,
[name of the US manufacturer] phobia /'faubia/ n. abnormal or morbid
philo- comb, form (also phil- before a fear or aversion, z phobic adj. & n.
[from -phobia]
vowel or h) denoting a liking for what is
specified. [Greek philos friend]
-phobia comb, form forming nouns
denoting a specified fear or aversion
philodendron /.fila'dendran/ n. (pi. -s
(agoraphobia), z -phobic comb, form
or -dra) tropical evergreen climber cul-
forming adjectives.
tivated as a house-plant. [Greek den-
dron tree]
phoenix /'fi:niks/ n. mythical bird, the
only one of its kind, that burnt itself on a
philology /fi'lDlad3i/ n. the study of
pyre and rose from the ashes to five
language, esp. in its historical and com-
again. [Greek phoinix]
parative aspects, z philological
/-la'lDd3ik(a)l/ philologist n.
phone n. & v. (-ning) colloq. = tele-
phone, [abbreviation]
[French from Latin from Greek: related
phone book n. = telephone direct-
to PHILO-, -logy]
philosopher /fi'lDsafa(r)/ n. 1 expert in
phonecard n. card containing prepaid
or student of philosophy. 2 person who
units for use with a cardphone.
fives by a philosophy or is wise.
phone-in n. broadcast programme dur-
philosophers' stone n. (also philo- ing which listeners or viewers tele-
sopher's stone) supreme object of phone the studio and participate.
alchemy, a substance supposed to phoneme /'fauni:m/ n. unit of sound in a
change other metals into gold or silver. specified language that distinguishes
philosophical /,fila'sDfik(a)l/ adj. one word from another (e.g. p, b,d,tas
(alsophilosophic) 1 of or according to in pad, pat, bad, bat, in English).
philosophy. 2 skilled in or devoted to phonemic /-'ni.mik/ adj. [Greekphoneo
philosophy. 3 calm in adversity. speak]
philosophically adv. phonetic /fa'netik/ adj. 1 representing
philosophize /fi'losa.faiz/ v. (also -ise) vocal sounds. 2 (of spelling etc.) corres-
(-zing or -sing) 1 reason like a philo- ponding to pronunciation, z phonet-
sopher. 2 speculate; theorize, z philo- ically adv. [Greek: related to phoneme]
sophizer n. phonetics (usu. treated as sing.)
philosophy /fi'lDsafi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 use 1 vocal sounds. 2 the study of these,
of reason and argument in seeking truth z phonetician / 1
faoni'tiJ(a)n/ n.
and knowledge of reality, esp. know- phoney /'faum/ (also phony) colloq.
ledge of the causes and nature of things -adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 sham; counterfeit. 2
and of the principles governing exist- fictitious, -n. (pi. -eys or -ies) phoney
ence. 2 a particular system or set of person or thing, z phoniness n. [origin
beliefs reached by this, b personal rule unknown]
of life. [Greek: related to philo-, sophia phonic /'fDnik/ adj. of sound; of vocal
wisdom] sounds. [Greek phdne voice]
phono- 670 phut
phono- comb, form sound. [Greek phone photography /fa'tngrafi/ n. the taking
voice, sound] and processing of photographs.
phonograph fwn©,gra:fy n. 1 early photogravure /.fautaugra'vjuaCr)/ n. 1
form of gramophone. 2 US gramophone. image produced from a photographic
phonology fd'notedsi n. the study of negative transferred to a metal plate
sounds in language or a particular lan- and etched in. 2 this process. [French
guage; a language's sound system. gravure engraving]
phonological ,foona'lud3ik(vi)l. fon photojournalism /,fautau'd33:na
adj. ,liz(a)m/ n. the relating of news by photo-
phony var. of phoney. graphs, esp. in magazines etc. photo-
phosphate fbsferl n. salt or ester of journalist n.
phosphoric acid, esp. used as a fertil- photolithography /.fautaoliengrafi/
izer. [French: related to phosphorus] n. lithography using plates made photo-
phosphor Ybsf9(r) n. synthetic fluor- graphically.
escent or phosphorescent substance. photometer /fau'tomita(r)/ n. instru-
[Latin phosphorus] ment for measuring light. photo-
phosphorescence ,fDsfa'res(a)ns/ n. 1 metric /.fautau'metrik/ adj. photo-
radiation similar to fluorescence but metry /-'tDmitn/ n.
detectable after excitation ceases. 2 photon quantum of electro-
/'fautnn/ n.
emission of light without combustion or magnetic radiation energy, propor-
perceptible heat. phosphoresce v. tional to the frequency of radiation,
(-cing). phosphorescent adj. [after electron]
phosphorus 'fnsfaras/ n. Chem. non- photo opportunity n. organized op-
metallic element existing in allotropic portunity for the press etc. to photo-
forms, esp. as a whitish waxy substance graph a celebrity.
burning slowly at ordinary temper- photosensitive /.fautau'sensitiv/ adj.
atures and so luminous in the dark, reacting to light.
phosphoric /-'funk/ adj. phosphor- Photostat /'fautau.stagt/-^. propr. 1
ous adj. [Greek phos light, -phoros type of photocopier. 2 copy made by it.
-bringing] -v. (photostat) (-tt-) make a Photostat
photo "fautau n. {pi -s) = photograph of.
n. [abbreviation] photosynthesis .faotao'smeisis/ n.
photo- comb, form denoting: 1 light. 2 process in which the energy of sunlight
photography. [Greek phos phot- light] isused by organisms, esp. green plants,
photochemistry /.fautao'kemistri/ n. to synthesize carbohydrates from car-
the study of the chemical effects of light. bon dioxide and water. photosyn-
photocopier fautau,kDpia(r)/ n. thesize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing),
machine for producing photocopies. photosyntnetic -'Getik adj.
photocopy -n. {pi. -ies) photographic phrase -n. 1 group of words
copy of printed or written material. -v. forming a conceptual unit, but not a
(-ies. -ied) make a photocopy of. sentence. 2 idiomatic or short pithy
photoelectric /.fautaui'lektrik/ adj. expression. 3 mode of expression. 4
marked by or using emissions of elec- Mus. group of notes forming a distinct
trons from substances exposed to light, unit within a melody, -v. (-sing) 1 ex-
photoelectricity /- tnsiti/ n. press in words. 2 Mus. divide (music)
photoelectric cell n. device using the into phrases, esp. in performance.
generate current.
effect of light to phrasal adj. [Greek phrasis from
photo finish n. close finish of a race or phrazd tell]
contest, where the winner is distin- phrase book n. book for travellers,
guishable only on a photograph. listing useful expressions with their
photofit n. reconstructed picture of a foreign equivalents.
suspect made from composite photo- phraseology ,freizi'olad3i n. {pi. -ies)
graphs. 1 choice or arrangement of words. 2
photogenic fautau'd3enik/ adj. 1 look-
mode of expression, phraseological
ing attractive in photographs. 2 Biol. -zia'lud3ik(a)l adj.
producing or emitting light. phrenetic var. of frenetic
photograph 'faota,gra:f/ -n. picture phrenology /fn'nDladji it hist, the
formed by means of the chemical action study of the shape and size of the
of light or other radiation on sensitive cranium asa supposed indication
film. -i\ (also absol.) take a photograph of characterand mental faculties,
of (a person etc.). photographer phrenological -na'lnd3ik(a)l adj.
/fa'tDgrafa(r) n. photographic phrenologist n. [Greek phren mind]
/-'graefik/ adj. photographically phut /fAt/ n. dull abrupt sound as of im-
/-'graefikah adv. part or an explosion, go phut colloq.
phylactery 671 pick
(esp. of a plan) collapse, break down, ratio of the circumference of a circle to
[perhaps from Hindi phatna to burst] its diameter (approx. 3.14). [Greek]
phylactery /fi'laektari/ n. (pi. -ies) pia mater /.paia 'meita(r)/ n. delicate
small leather box containing Hebrew innermost membrane enveloping the
texts, worn by Jewish men at prayer. brain and spinal cord. [Latin, = tender
[Greek phulasso guard] mother]
phyllo pastry var. of filo pastry. pianissimo /.pia'nisi.mau/ Mus. -adj.
phylum (pi. phyla) Biol.
/'failam/ n. very soft. —adv. very softly, —n. (pi. -s or
taxonomic rank below a kingdom, com- -mi /-mi/) very soft playing or passage.
prising a class or classes and subor- [Italian, superlative of piano ]

dinate taxa. [Greek phulon race] pianist /'pianist/ n. piano-player.

physic archaic. 1 medi-
/'fizik/ n. esp. piano 1
/pi'aenau/ n. keyboard(pi. -s)

cine. 2 art of healing. 3 medical profes- instrument with metal strings struck by
sion. [Greek phusike of nature] hammers. [Italian, abbreviation of
physical /'fizik(a)l/ adj. 1 of the body pianoforte]
(physical exercise). 2 of matter; mater- piano 2 /'pja:nao7 Mus. -adj.
—adv. soft.

ial. 3 a of, or according to, the laws of softly, -n. (pi. -s or -ni /-ni/) soft playing
nature, b of physics. 4 US medical ex- or passage. [Latin planus flat, (of sound)
amination, n physically adv. soft]

physical chemistry n. application of piano-accordion n. accordion with a

physics to the study of chemical be- small keyboard like that of a piano.
haviour. pianoforte /,piaenau'fa:ti/ n. formal or

physical geography n. branch of geo- archaic = piano [Italian, earlier piano


graphy dealing with natural features. e forte soft and loud]

physical jerks colloq. physical Pianola /pia'naula/ n. propr. a kind of
exercises. automatic piano, [diminutive]
physical science n. science(s) used in
piazza /pi'aetsa/ n. public square or

the study of inanimate natural objects.

market-place. [Italian: related to place]
physician /fi'ziJXa)n/ n. doctor, esp. a
pibroch /'pi:brok/ n. martial or funer-

specialist in medical diagnosis and

ary bagpipe music. [Gaelic]
pica /'paika/ n. 1 unit of type-size (V 6
inch). 2 size of letters in typewriting (10
physicist /'fizisist/ n. person skilled in
per inch). [Latin: related to pie 2 ]
physics /'fiziks/ (treated as sing.)
picador /'pika,da:(r)/ n. mounted man
with a lance in a bullfight. [Spanish]
branch of science dealing with the
properties and interactions of matter
picaresque /.pika'resk/ adj. (of a style
of fiction) dealing with the episodic
and energy. [Latin physica (pi.) from
adventures of rogues etc. [Spanish
Greek: related to physic]
picaro rogue]
physio /'fiziau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. 1 physio-
therapy. 2 physiotherapist. Usage Picaresque is sometimes used
physiognomy /.fizi'nnami/ n. (pi. -ies) to mean 'transitory' or 'roaming', but
1 a cast or form of a person's features, this is considered incorrect in standard
expression, etc. b supposed art of judg- English.
ing character from facial character- picayune /,pika'ju:n/ US colloq. -n. 1
istics etc. 2 external features of a small coin. 2 insignificant person or
landscape etc. [Greek: related to thing, -adj. mean; contemptible; petty.
PHYSIC, GNOMON] [French picaillon]
physiology /,fizi'Dlad3i/ n. 1 science of piccalilli /.pika'lili/ n. (pi. -s) pickle of
the functions of living organisms and chopped vegetables, mustard, and hot
their parts. 2 these functions. physio- spices, [origin unknown]
logical /-zia'lDd3ik(a)l/ adj. physiolo- piccaninny /.pika'nini/ n. (US picka-
gist n. [Latin: related to physic, -logy] ninny) (pi. -ies) small
often offens.
physiotherapy /.fiziau'Berapi/ n. treat- Black or Australian Aboriginal child.
ment of disease, injury, deformity, etc., [West Indian Negro from Spanish
by physical methods including mas- pequeho or Portuguese pequeno little]
sage, heat treatment, remedial exercise, piccolo /'pika.lau/ n. (pi. -s) small flute
etc. physiotherapist n. [related to sounding an octave higher than the
physic, therapy] ordinary one. [Italian, = small]
physique /ft'zi:k/ n. bodily structure pick -v. 1 (also absol.) choose care-

and development. [French: related to fully. 2 detach or pluck (a flower, fruit,

PHYSIC] etc.) from a stem, tree, etc. 3 a probe
pi /pai/ n. 1 sixteenth letter of the Greek with the finger, an instrument, etc. to
alphabet (n it). 2 (as tt) the symbol of the
, remove unwanted matter, b clear (a
pick 672 picture postcard
bone, carcass, etc.) of scraps of meat etc. to the place of work, which others are
4 (also absol.) (of a person) eat (food, a asked not to cross.
meal, etc.) in small bits. -n. 1 act of pickings 1 profits or gains
picking. 2 a selection, choice, b right to acquired easily or dishonestly. 2 left-
select (had first pick of the prizes). 3 overs.
(usu. foil, by of) best (the pick of the pickle /'pik(a)l/ -n. 1 a (often in pi.)
bunch), pick and choose select fasti- food, esp. vegetables, preserved in
diously, pick at 1 eat (food) without brine, vinegar, mustard, etc. b the liquid
interest. 2 find fault with, pick a per- used for this. 2 colloq. plight (in a
son's brains extract ideas, informa- pickle), -i>. (-ling) 1 preserve in or treat
tion, etc., from a person for one's own with pickle. 2 (as pickled adj.) slang
use. pick holes in find fault with (an drunk. [Low German or Dutch peket]
idea etc.). pick a lock open a lock with pick-me-up n. 1 tonic for the nerves
an instrument other than the proper etc. 2 a good experience that cheers.
key, esp. with criminal intent, pick ofF1 pickpocket n. person who steals from
pluck (leaves 2 shoot (people
etc.) off. people's pockets.
etc.) one by one without haste, pick on 1 pick-up n. 1 slang person met casually,
find fault with; nag at. 2 select, pick out esp. for sexual purposes. 2 small open
1 take from a larger number. 2 distin- motor truck. 3 part of a record-player
guish from surrounding objects; identi- carrying the stylus. 4 device on an
fy. 3 play (a tune) by ear on the piano etc. electric guitar etc. that converts string
4 (often foil, by in, with) accentuate vibrations into electrical signals. 5 act
(decoration, a painting, etc.) with a con- of picking up.
trasting colour, pick over select the picky adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. excess-
best from, pick a person's pockets ively fastidious.
steal from a person's pockets, pick a pick-your-own adj. (usu. attrib.) (of
quarrel start an argument deliber- fruitand vegetables) dug or picked by
ately, pick to pieces = take to pieces the customer at the farm etc.
(see piece), pick up 1 grasp and raise. picnic /'piknik/ -n. 1 outing including
2 a acquire by chance or without effort, an outdoor meal. 2 meal eaten out of
b learn effortlessly. 3 stop for and take doors. 3 (usu. with neg.) colloq. some-
along with one. 4 become acquainted thing agreeable or easily accomplished
with (a person) casually, esp for sexual etc. -v. (-ck-) take part in a picnic.
purposes. 5 (of one's health, the [French pique-nique]
weather, share prices, etc.) recover, im- pico- comb, form denoting a factor of
prove, etc. 6 (of an engine etc.) recover 10 (picometre). [Spanish pico beak,
speed. 7 (of the police etc.) arrest. 8 peak, little bit]
detect by scrutiny or with a telescope, Pict n. member of an ancient people of
radio, etc. 9 accept the responsibility N. Britain, z Pictish adj. [Latin]
of paying (a bill etc.). 10 resume, take pictograph /'pikta,gra:f/ n. (also picto-
up anew (picked up where we left off). gram /-.graem/) 1 pictorial symbol for a
picker n. [from pike] word or phrase. 2 pictorial representa-
pick 2 n. 1 long-handled tool with a usu. tion of statistics etc. pictographic
curved iron bar pointed at one or both /-'graefik/ adj. [Latin pingo pict- paint]
ends, used for breaking up hard ground pictorial /pik'toxial/ -adj. 1 of or
etc. 2 colloq. plectrum. 3 any instrument expressed in a picture or pictures. 2
for picking, [from pike] illustrated, -n. periodical with pictures
pickaback var. of piggyback. as the main feature, z pictorially adv.
pickaninny US var. of piccaninny. [Latin pictor painter: related to picture]
pickaxe /'pikaeks/ n. (US pickax) = picture /'piktj^r)/-/!. 1 a (often attrib.)
pick [French: related to pike]
1. painting, drawing, photograph, etc.,
picket /'pikit/ -n. 1 one or more persons esp. as a work of art. b portrait, c
stationed outside a place of work to beautiful object. 2 total mental or visual
persuade others not to enter during a impression produced; scene. 3 a film, b
strike etc. 2 pointed stake driven into (the pictures) cinema; cinema perform-
the ground. 3 a small body of troops sent ance, -v. (-ring) 1 (also re/7.; often foil,
out to watch for the enemy, b group of by to) imagine (pictured it to herself).
sentries, -v. (-t-) 1 a station or act as a 2 represent in a picture. 3 describe
picket, b beset or guard with a picket or graphically. get the picture colloq.
pickets. 2 secure (a place) with stakes. 3 grasp the drift of information etc. in
tether (an animal). [French piquer the picture colloq. fully informed.
prick] [Latin pingo pict- paint] *
picket line n. boundary established by picture postcard n. postcard with a
workers on strike, esp. at the entrance picture on one side.
picturesque e 3 pig
picturesque /.piktJVresk/ adj. 1 beau- piecrust n. baked pastry crust of a pie.
tifulor striking to look at. 2 (of language pied /paid/ adj. particoloured, [from
etc.) strikingly graphic. [Italian pittor- PIE ]

esco, assimilated to picture] pied-a-terre /,pjeida:'tea(r)/ n. (pi.

picture window n. large window of pieds-d-terre pronunc. same) (usu.
one pane of glass. small) flat, house, etc. kept for occa-
piddle /'pid(a)l/ v. (-ling) 1 colloq. urin- sional use. [French, literally 'foot to
ate. 2 (as piddling adj.) colloq. trivial; earth']
trifling. 3 (foil, by about, around) work pie-eyed adj. slang drunk.
or act in a trifling way. [origin pie in the sky n. (used without an
unknown] article) unrealistic prospect of future
pidgin /'pid3in/n. simplified language happiness.
used between people not having a com- pier
n. 1 a structure built out into the
mon language, [corruption of business] sea, a lake, etc., as a promenade and
pidgin English n. pidgin in which the landing-stage, b breakwater. 2 a sup-
chief language is English, used orig. port of an arch or of the span of a bridge;
between Chinese and Europeans. pillar, b solid masonry between win-
pie /pai/ n. 1 baked dish of meat, fish, dows etc. [Latin pera]
fruit, etc., usu. with a top and base of pierce v. (-cing) 1 a (of a sharp instru-
pastry. 2 thing resembling a pie (mud ment etc.) penetrate, b (often foil, by
pie). easy as pie very easy, [origin with) make a hole in or through with a
uncertain] sharp-pointed instrument, c make (a
pie 2 archaic magpie. [Latin pica]
/pai/ n.
hole etc.). 2 (as piercing adj.) (of a
piebald /'paibo:ld/ -adj. (esp. of a horse)
glance, sound, light, pain, cold, etc.)
having irregular patches of two colours, keen, sharp, or unpleasantly penetrat-
esp. black and white, —n. piebald an-
2 ing. 3 (often foil, by through, into) force
imal, [from pie bald] ,
a way through or into, penetrate.
piece /pi:s/ -n. 1 a (often foil, by of) [French percer from Latin pertundo
distinct portion forming part of or
bore through]
broken off from a larger object, b each
pier-glass n. large mirror, used orig. to
of the parts of which a set or category
fill wall-space between windows.
is composed (five-piece band). 2 coin.
pierrot /'piarau/ n. (fern, pierrette
3 (usu. short) literary or musical
/pia'ret/) 1 white-faced entertainer in
composition; picture; play. 4 item or
pier shows etc. with a loose white
instance (piece of news; piece of impud-
clown's costume. 2 French pantomime
ence). 5 a object used to make moves in
character so dressed. [French, dimin-
a board-game, b chessman (strictly,
utive of Pierre Peter]
other than a pawn). 6 definite quantity
in which a thing is sold. 7 (often foil, by
pietd /.pie'ta:/ n. representation of the
Virgin Mary holding the dead body of
of) enclosed portion (of land etc.). 8
slang derog. woman, -v. (-cing) (usu. Christ on her lap. [Italian, = piety]
foil, by together) form into a whole;
pietism /'pai8,tiz(o)m/ n. 1 pious senti-
put together; join. go to pieces col- ment. 2 exaggerated or affected piety.
lapse emotionally, in (or all in) one [German: related to piety]
piece 1 unbroken. 2 unharmed, of a piety /'paiati/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 quality of
piece (often foil, by with) uniform, con- being pious. 2 pious act. [Latin: related
sistent, a piece of cake see cake, a to pious]
piece of one's mind sharp rebuke or piffle /'pif(a)l/ colloq. —n. nonsense;
lecture, say one's piece give one's opin- empty speech, -v. (-ling) talk or act
ion or make a prepared statement, feebly; trifle, [imitative]
take to pieces 1 break up or dismantle. piffling adj. colloq. trivial; worthless.
2 criticize harshly. [Anglo-French, pig -n. 1 omnivorous hoofed bristly
probably from Celtic] broad-snouted mammal, esp. a domest-
piece de resistance /.pjes d9 reizi:stds/ icated kind. 2 its flesh as food. 3 colloq.
n. (pi. pieces de resistance pronunc. greedy, dirty, or unpleasant person. 4
same) most important or remarkable oblong mass of metal (esp. iron or lead)
item, esp. a dish at a meal. [French] from a smelting-furnace. 5 slang derog.
piecemeal -adv. piece by piece; gradu- police officer, -v. (-gg-) colloq. eat (food)
ally, -adj. gradual; unsystematic, [from greedily. buy a pig in a poke acquire
piece, meal something without previous sight or

piece-work n. work paid for according knowledge of it. pig it colloq. live in a
to the amount produced, disorderly or filthy fashion, pig out
pie chart n. circle divided into sectors (often foil, by on) esp. US slang eat
to represent relative quantities. gluttonously. [Old English]
pigeon tS74 pillion
pigeon pid3(a)n n. bird of the dove
pile -n. heap of things laid upon one

family. [Latin pipio -onis] another. 2 large imposing building. 3

pigeon-hole -n. each of a set of com- colloq. a large quantity, b large amount
partments on a wall etc. for papers, of money. 4 a series of plates of dissim-
letters, etc. — v. 1 assign to a precon- ilar metals laid one on another altern-
ceived category. 2 deposit in a pigeon- ately to produce an electric current, b =
hole. 3 put aside for future considera- nuclear reactor. 5 funeral pyre. —v.
tion. (-ling) 1 a (often foil, by up, on) heap up.
pigeon-toed adj. having the toes b (foil, by with) load. 2 (usu. foil, by in,
turned inwards. into, on, out of, etc.) crowd hurriedly or
piggery n. {pi -ies) 1 pig farm. 2 = tightly. pile it on colloq. exaggerate,
PIGSTY. pileup 1 accumulate; heap up. 2 colloq.
piggish adj. greedy; dirty; mean. cause (a vehicle etc.) to crash. [Latin
piggy -fl (P^- -ies) colloq. little pig. -adj. pila]
(-ier. -iest) 1 like a pig. 2 (of features pile 2 n. 1 heavy beam driven vertically
etc.) like those of a pig. into the ground to support a bridge, the
piggyback (also pickaback /'pika foundations of a house, etc. 2 pointed
,ba?k ) -n. ride on the back and shoul- stake or post. [Latin pilum javelin]
ders of another person, -adv. on the pile 3 n. soft projecting surface on a
back and shoulders of another person, carpet, velvet, etc. [Latin pilus hair]
[origin unknown] pile-driver n. machine for driving piles
piggy bank n. pig-shaped money box. into the ground.
pigheaded adj. obstinate. pig- piles colloq. haemorrhoids. [Latin
headedness n. pila ball]
pig-iron n. crude iron from a smelting- pile-up n. colloq. multiple crash of road
furnace. vehicles.
piglet 'piglit n. young pig. pilfer /'pilfa(r)/ v. (also absol.) steal
pigment 'pigmant/ -n. 1 colouring- (objects), esp. in small quantities.
matter used as paint or dye. 2 natural [French pelfre]
colouring-matter of animal or plant tis- pilgrim /'pilgrim/ n. 1 person who jour-
sue, -v. colour with or as if with pig- neys to a sacred place for religious
ment, pigmentary adj. [Latin pingo reasons. 2 traveller. [Latin: related to
paint] peregrine]
pigmentation .pigman'teiftajn/ n. 1 pilgrimage n. 1 pilgrim's journey.
natural colouring of plants, animals, 2 any journey taken for sentimental
etc. 2 excessive colouring of tissue by reasons.
the deposition of pigment. Pilgrim Fathers Pur-
pigmy var. of pygmy. itans who founded the colony of Ply-
pigskin n. 1 hide of a pig. 2 leather made mouth, Massachusetts, in 1620.
from this. pill n. 1 a ball or flat disc of solid
pigsty n. {pi. -ies) 1 pen for pigs. 2 filthy medicine for swallowing whole, b (usu.
house, room, etc. prec. by the) colloq. contraceptive pill. 2
pigs will 'pigswil n. kitchen refuse and unpleasant or painful necessity. [Latin
scraps fed to pigs. pila ball]
pigtail n. plait of hair hanging from the pillage /'pilid3/ -v. (-ging) (also absol.)
back of the head. plunder, sack. -n. pillaging, esp. in war.
pike n. (pi. same or -s) 1 large voracious [French piller plunder]
freshwater fish with a long narrow pillar /'pila(r)/ n. 1 slender vertical
snout. 2 hist, weapon with a pointed structure of stone etc. used as a support
metal head on a long wooden shaft. [Old or for ornament. 2 person regarded as a
English] mainstay (pillar of the faith). 3 upright
pikestaff n. wooden shaft of a pike, z mass of air, water, rock, etc. from
plain as a pikestaff quite plain or pillar to post (rushing etc.) from one
obvious. place to another. [Latin pila pillar]
pilaster pi'laesta(r), n. rectangular pillar-box n. public postbox shaped
column projecting slightly from a wall. like a pillar.
pilastered adj. [Latin pila pillar] pillar-box red adj. & n. bright red.
pilau pilau n. (also pilaff, pilaf pillbox n. 1 shallow cylindrical box for
prlaef ) Middle Eastern or Indian dish holding pills. 2 hat of a similar shape. 3
of rice boiled with meat, vegetables, Mil. small partly underground enclosed
spices, etc. [Turkish] concrete fort.
pilchard piltjad; n. small marine fish pillion /'piljan/ n. seating for a pas-
of the herring family, [origin unknown] senger behind a motor cyclist, z ride
pillory 675 pine nut
pillion travel seated behind a motor on rely implicitly on. [Latin pinna
cyclist. [Gaelic pillean small cushion] point etc.]
pillory /'pilari/ -n. (pi. -ies) hist. pina colada /,pi:na ka'la:da/ n. cocktail
wooden framework with holes for the of pineapple juice, rum, and coconut.
head and hands, holding a person and [Spanish]
allowing him or her to be publicly ridi- pinafore /'^r)/ n. 1 apron, esp.
culed, -v. (-ies, -ied) 1 expose to ridi- with a bib. 2 pinafore dress)
(in full
cule. 2 hist, put in the pillory. [French] collarless sleeveless dress worn over a
pillow /'pilau/ -n. 1 soft support for the blouse or jumper, [from pin, afore]
head, esp. in bed. 2 pillow-shaped block pinball n. game in which small metal
or support, -u. rest on or as if on a balls are shot across a board to strike
pillow. [Latin pulvinus cushion] pins.
pillowcase n. (also pillowslip) wash- pince-nez /paens'nei/ n. (pi. same) pair
able cover for a pillow. of eyeglasses with a nose-clip. [French,
pilot /'pailat/ -n. 1 person who operates = pinch-nose]
the controls of an aircraft. 2 person
qualified to take charge of a ship enter-
pincer movement n. movement by
two wings of an army converging to
ing or leaving harbour. 3 (usu. attrib.)
surround an enemy.
experimental undertaking or test {pilot
scheme). 4 guide, -v. (-t-) 1 act as a pilot
pincers /'pmsaz/ 1 (also pair of
pincers) gripping-tool resembling scis-
of. 2 conduct or initiate as a pilot. [Greek
pedon] sors but with blunt jaws. 2 front claws of
pilot-light n. 1 small gas burner kept lobsters and some other crustaceans,
alight to light another. 2 electric indic- [related to pinch]
ator light or control light. pinch -v. 1 a squeeze tightly, esp.
pilot officer n. lowest commissioned between finger and thumb, b (often
rank in the RAF. absol.) (of a shoe etc.) constrict pain-
pimento /pi'mentau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 tree fully. 2 (of cold, hunger, etc.) affect
native to Jamaica. 2 berries of this, usu. painfully. 3 slang a steal, b arrest. 4 (as
crushed for culinary use; allspice. 3 = pinched adj.) (of the features) drawn. 5
pimiento. [Latin: related to pigment] a (usu. foil, by in, of, for, etc.) stint, b be
pi meson var. of pion. niggardly. 6 (usu. foil, by out, back,
pimiento /.pimi'entau/ n. (pi -s) = down) remove (leaves, buds, etc.) to
sweet pepper, [see pimento] encourage bushy growth, -n. 1 act of
pimp -n. man who lives off the earnings pinching. 2 amount that can be taken up
of a prostitute or a brothel, -v. act as a with fingers and thumb (pinch of snuff).
pimp, [origin unknown] 3 the stress caused by poverty etc. at
pimpernel /'pimpa.nel/ n. = scarlet (or in) a pinch in an emergency.
pimpernel. [Latin piper pepper] [French pincer]
pimple /'pimp(a)l/ n. 1 small hard pinchbeck -n. goldlike alloy of copper
inflamed spot on the skin. 2 anything and zinc used in cheap jewellery etc.
resembling a pimple. pimply adj. -adj. counterfeit, sham. [Pinchbeck,
[Old English] name of a watchmaker]
PIN /pin/ abbr. personal identification pincushion n. small pad for holding
number (for use with a cashcard etc.). pins.
pin -n. 1 small thin pointed piece of pine 1
n. 1 evergreen coniferous tree
metal with a round or flattened head
with needle-shaped leaves growing in
used (esp. in sewing) for holding things
clusters. 2 its wood. 3 (attrib.) made of
in place, attaching one thing to another,
pine. [Latin pinus]
etc. 2 peg of wood or metal for various
purposes. 3 (in idioms) something of pine 2 v. (-ning) 1 (often foil, by away)
small value (not worth a pin). 4 (in pi.) decline or waste away from grief etc. 2
colloq. legs. - v. (-nn-) 1 a (often foil, by long eagerly. [Old English]
to, up, together) fasten with a pin or pins,
pineal /'pmial/ adj. shaped like a pine
b transfix with a pin, lance, etc. 2 (usu. cone. [Latin pinea: related to pine ]

foil, by on) put (blame, responsibility, pineal body (also pineal gland)

etc.) on (a person etc.). 3 (often foil, by conical gland in the brain, secreting a
against, on, etc.) seize and hold fast. hormone-like substance,
pin down 1 (often foil, by to) bind (a pineapple ,

/ pain,aBp(a)l/ n. 1 large juicy

person etc.) to a promise, arrangement, tropical fruit with yellow flesh and
etc. 2 force (a person) to declare his or tough segmented skin. 2 plant bearing
her intentions. 3 restrict the actions of this, [from pine , apple]
(an enemy etc.). 4 specify (a thing) pre- pine cone n. fruit of the pine,
cisely, pin one's faith (or hopes etc.) pine nut n. edible seed of various pines.
ping 676 pip
ping -/j. single short high ringing pins and needles tingling
sound. — v. (cause to) make a ping, tion in a limb recovering from numb-
[imitative] ness.
ping-pong n. colloq. = table tennis. pinstripe n. 1 (often attrib.) narrow-
[imitative] stripe in cloth (pinstripe suit). 2 (in
pinhead n. 1 head of a
pin. 2 very small sing, or pi.) pinstripe suit (came wear-
thing or spot. 3 colloq. stupid person. ing his pinstripes), pinstriped adj.
pinhole n. 1 hole made by a pin. 2 hole pint paint/ n. 1 measure of capacity for
into which a peg fits. liquids etc., 8 gal. (0.57, US 0.47, litre). 2

pinhole camera n. camera with a a colloq. pint of beer, b pint of a liquid,

pinhole aperture and no lens.
esp. milk. 3 measure of shellfish con-
pinion pmjan -n. 1 outer part of a

tainable in a pint mug. [French]

bird's wing. 2 poet, wing; flight-feather.
-v. 1 cut off the pinion of (a wing or bird)
pinta "painta n. colloq. pint of milk,
[corruption of pint of]
to prevent flight. 2 a bind the arms of (a
person), b (often foil, by to) bind (the pin-table n. table used in playing pin-
arms, a person, etc.) fast to a thing. ball.

[Latin pinna] pintail n. duck or grouse with a pointed

pinion 'pmjan n. 1 small cog-wheel tail.

engaging w ith a larger one. 2 cogged

r pintle pmt(8)l n. pin or bolt, esp. one
spindle engaging with a wheel. [Latin on which some other part turns. [Old
pinea pine-cone: related to pine 1 ] English]
pink -n. 1 pale red colour. 2 cultivated
pint-sized adj. colloq. very small,
plant with fragrant flowers. 3 (prec. by pin-tuck n. very narrow ornamental
the) the most perfect condition, the peak tuck.
(the pink of health). 4 person with pin-up n. 1 photograph of a popular or
socialist tendencies, -adj. 1 of a pale red sexually attractive person, hung on the
colour. 2 tending to socialism, z in the wall. 2 person in such a photograph.
pink colloq. in very good health, z pin-wheel n. small Catherine wheel.
pinkish adj. pinkness n. pinky adj.
Pinyin pm'jm/ n. system of romanized
[origin unknown]
spelling for transliterating Chinese.
pink 2
v.pierce slightly. 2 cut a scal-
loped or zigzag edge on. [perhaps from
Low German or Dutch] pion 'paion n. (also pi meson) sub-
pink 3 v. (of a vehicle engine) emit high- atomic particle having a mass many
pitched explosive sounds caused by times greater than that of an electron,
faulty combustion, [imitative] [from pi]
pink gin n. gin flavoured with angos- pioneer ,pai8'nia(r)/ -n. 1 initiator of
tura bitters. an enterprise; investigator of a subject
pinking shears dressmaker s etc. 2 explorer or settler; colonist, - v. 1

serrated shears for cutting a zigzag initiate (an enterprise etc.) for others to
edge. follow. 2 be a pioneer. [French pionnier.
pinko 'pinkao adj. (pi -s)esp. US slang related to pawn 1

socialist. pious 1 devout; religious. 2

'paias adj.
pin-money n. 1 hist, allowance to a sanctimonious. 3 dutiful, z piously
woman from her husband. 2 very small adv. piousness n. [Latin]
sum of money. pip -n. seed of an
apple, pear, orange,
pinnace 'pirns n. ship's small boat. grape, etc. —v. (-pp-) remove the pips
[French] from (fruit etc.). z pipless adj. [abbre-
pinnacle 'pmak(a)l n. 1 culmination viation of pippin]
or climax. 2 natural peak. 3 small orna-
pip 2 n. short high-pitched sound, usu.
mental turret crowning a buttress, roof,
electronically produced, esp. as a time
etc. [Latin pinna pin]
signal, [imitative]
pinnate 'pmeit adj. (of a compound
leaf) having leaflets on either side of the
pip 3 r. (-pp-) colloq. 1 hit with a shot. 2

leaf-stalk. [Latin pinna tus feathered:

(also pip at the post) defeat narrowly or
related to pinnacle] at the last moment, [origin unknown]
pinny 'pmi n. (pi. -ies) colloq. pinafore, pip 4 n. 1 any of the spots on a playing-
[abbreviation] card, dice, or domino. 2 star (1-3 accord-
pinpoint -/?. 1 point of a pin. 2 some- ing to rank) on the shoulder of an army
thing very small or sharp. 3 (attrib.) officer's uniform, [origin unknown]
precise, accurate, -u. locate with preci- pip 5 n. 1 disease of poultry etc. 2 colloq.
sion. fit of disgust or bad temper (esp. give
pinprick n. trifling irritation. one the pip). [Low German or Dutch]
pipe 677 pistil

pipe -n. 1tube of metal, plastic, etc., pique /pi:k/ -u. (piques, piqued,
used to convey water, gas, etc. 2 a nar- piquing) 1 wound the pride of, irrit-
row tube with a bowl at one end contain- ate. 2 arouse (curiosity, interest, etc.).
ing tobacco for smoking, b quantity of -n. resentment; hurt pride. [French:
tobacco held by this. 3 a wind instru- related to piquant]
ment of a single tube, b any of the tubes piquet /pi'ket/ n. card-game for two
by which sound is produced in an organ, players with a pack of 32 cards. [French]
c (in pi.) = bagpipes. 4 tubular organ, piracy /'pairasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 robbery of
vessel, etc. in an animal's body. 5 high ships at sea. 2 similar practice, esp.
note or song, esp. of a bird. 6 a boat- hijacking. 3 infringement of copyright
swain's whistle, b sounding of this. 7 etc. [related to pirate]
cask for wine, esp. as a measure, usu. = piranha /pi'ra:na/ n. voracious S. Am-
105 gal. (about 477 litres). -v. (-ping) 1 a erican freshwater fish. [Portuguese]
convey (oil, water, gas, etc.) by pipes, b pirate /'paiarat/-rc. 1 a seafaring robber
provide with pipes. 2 play (a tune etc.) attacking ships, b ship used by pirates. 2
on a pipe or pipes. 3 (esp. as piped adj.) (often attrib.) person who infringes
transmit (recorded music etc.) by wire another's copyright or business rights
or cable. 4 (usu. foil, by up, on, to, etc.) or who broadcasts without official au-
Naut. a summon (a crew), b signal the thorization (pirate radio station), -v.
arrival of (an officer etc.) on board. 5 (-ting) reproduce (a book etc.) or trade
utter in a shrill voice. 6 decorate or trim (goods) without permission. pirat-
with piping. 7 lead or bring (a person ical /-'raetik(a)l/ adj. [Latin pirata from
etc.) by the sound of a pipe or pipes.
pipe down colloq. be quiet or less insist- pirouette /,piru'et/-rc. dancer's spin on
ent, pipe up begin to play, sing, speak,
one foot or the point of the toe. -v.
(-tting) perform a pirouette. [French, =
etc. pipeful n. (pi. -s). [Latin pipo
pipeclay n. fine white clay used for piscatorial /.piska'toTial/ adj. of fisher-
tobacco-pipes, whitening leather, etc.
men or fishing. piscatorially adv.
pipe-cleaner [Latin piscator angler, from piscis fish]
n. piece of flexible tufted
Pisces /'paisi:z/ n. (pi. same) 1 constella-
wire for cleaning a tobacco-pipe.
tion and twelfth sign of the zodiac (the
pipedream n. unattainable or fanciful Fish or Fishes). 2 person born when the
hope or scheme, [originally as experi-
sun is in this sign. [Latin, pi. of piscis
enced when smoking an opium pipe]
pipeline n. 1 long, usu. underground,
piscina /pi'si:na/ n.
(pi. -nae /-ni:/ or -s) 1
pipe for conveying esp. oil. 2 channel
stone basin near the altar in a church
supplying goods, information, etc. in
for draining water used in rinsing the
the pipeline being dealt with or pre-
chalice etc. 2 fish-pond. [Latin, from
pared; under discussion, on the way.
piscis fish]
piper n. person who plays a pipe, esp. piss coarse slang —p. 1 urinate. 2 dis-
the bagpipes.
charge (blood etc.) with urine. 3 (as
pipette /pi'pet/ n. Chem slender tube for pissed adj.) drunk, -n. 1 urine. 2 act of
transferring or measuring small quant-
urinating. piss about fool or mess
ities of liquids. [French diminutive: about, piss down rain heavily,
piss off
related to pipe] 1 go away. 2 (often as pissed off adj.)
piping n. 1 pipelike fold or cord for annoy; depress, piss on show utter
edging or decorating clothing, up- contempt for (a person or thing), take
holstery, etc. 2 ornamental lines of the piss (often foil, by out of) mock;
icing, cream, potato, etc. on a cake etc. 3 make fun of. [French, imitative]
lengths of pipe, system of pipes. 3 pip- 1
piss artist n. 1 drunkard. 2 person who
ing hot (of food, water, etc.) very hot. fools about.
pipit /'pipit/ n. small bird resembling a piss-taking n. mockery. piss-taken,
lark, [imitative] piss-taker n.
pippin /'pipin/ n. 1 apple grown from piss-up n. drinking spree.
seed. 2 red and yellow eating apple. pistachio /pi'stajiau/ n. (pi -s) 1 edible
[French] pale-green nut. 2 tree yielding this. [Per-
pipsqueak insignificant or
n. colloq. sian pistah]
contemptible person or thing, [imitat- piste /pi:st/ n. ski-run of compacted
ive] snow. [French, = racetrack]
piquant /'pi:kant, -ka:nt/ adj. 1 agree- pistil /'pistil/ n. female organs of a
ably pungent, sharp, or appetizing. 2 flower, comprising the stigma, style,
pleasantly stimulating to the mind, and ovary. pistillate adj. [Latin:
piquancy n. [French piquer prick] related to pestle]
pistol 678 pitta
pistol /'pist(a)l/ n. small handgun. attack forcibly. 2 assail (food, work, etc.)
[Czech pist'al] vigorously, [origin uncertain]
piston "pist(a)n/ n. 1 sliding cylinder pitch 2 -n. dark resinous substance
fitting closely in a tube in which it from the distillation of tar or turpen-
moves up and down, used in an internal- tine, used for making ships watertight
combustion engine to impart motion, or etc. -v. coat with pitch. pitchy adj.
in a pump
to receive motion. 2 sliding (-ier, -iest). [Latin pix pic-]
valve in a trumpet etc. [Italian: related pitch-black adj. (also pitch-dark)
to pestleJ very or completely dark.
piston-ring n. ring on a piston sealing pitchblende /'pitjblend/ n. uranium
the gap between piston and cylinder oxide occurring in pitchlike masses and
wall. yielding radium. [German: related to
piston-rod n. rod or crankshaft by PITCH 2 ]
which a piston imparts motion. pitched battle n. 1 vigorous argument
pit -n. a deep hole in the ground, usu.
1 etc. 2planned battle between sides in
large, b coalmine, c covered hole as a prepared positions and on chosen
trap for animals. 2 hollow on a surface, ground.
esp. an indentation of the skin. 3 a = pitched roof n. sloping roof.
orchestra pit (see orchestra 2). b usu. pitcher n. large jug with a
lip and a
hist, seating at the back of the stalls. 4 handle, [related to beaker]
(the pits) slang worst imaginable place, pitcher n. player who delivers the ball
situation, person, etc. 5 a area at the side in baseball.
of a track where racing cars are ser- pitchfork -n. long-handled two-
viced and refuelled, b sunken area in a pronged fork for pitching hay etc. -i>. 1
workshop floor for access to a car's throw with or as if with a pitchfork. 2
underside, -v. (-tt-) 1 (usu. foil, by (usu. foil, by into) thrust (a person)
against) set (one's wits, strength, etc.) forcibly into a position, office, etc.
in competition. 2 (usu. as pitted adj.) pitch-pine n. pine-tree yielding much
make pits, scars, craters, etc. in. 3 put resin.
into a pit. [Old English from Latin piteous /'pitias/ adj. deserving or arous-
puteus well] ing pity; wretched. piteously adv.
pit 2 v. (-tt-) (usu. as pitted adj.) remove piteousness n. [Romanic: related to
stones from (fruit), [origin uncertain! pity]
pita var. of pitta. pitfall n. 1 unsuspected danger or draw-
pit-a-pat /'pita.paet/ (also pitter-patter) back. 2 covered pit for trapping animals.
-adv. 1 with a sound like quick light pith n. 1 spongy white tissue lining the
steps. 2 falteringly (heart went pit-a- rind of an orange etc. 2 essential part. 3
pat), -n. such a sound, [imitative] spongy tissue in the stems and branches
pit bull terrier n. small American dog of plants. 4 strength; vigour; energy.
noted for ferocity. [Old English]
pitch -v. 1 erect and fix (a tent, camp,
pit-head n. 1 top of a mineshaft. 2 area
2 throw. 3 fix in a definite position.
etc.). surrounding this (also attrib.: pit-head
4 express in a particular style or at a ballot).
particular level. 5 (often foil, by against, pith helmet n. protective sun-helmet
into, etc.) fall heavily, esp. headlong. 6 made of dried pith from plants.
(of a ship etc.) plunge backwards and pithy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 (of style, speech,
forwards in a lengthwise direction. 7 etc.) terse and forcible. 2 of or like pith.
Mus. set at a particular pitch. 8 Cricket pithily adv. pithiness n.
a cause (a bowled ball) to strike the pitiable /'pitiab(a)l/ adj. deserving or
ground at a specified point etc. b (of a arousing pity or contempt. pitiably
ball) strike the ground thus. -n. 1 area adv. [French: related to pity]
of play in a field-game. 2 height, degree, pitiful /'piti.ful/ adj. 1 causing pity. 2
intensity, etc. (excitement had reached contemptible. pitifully adv.
such a pitch). 3 degree of slope, esp. of a pitiless /'pitilis/ adj. showing no pity
roof. 4 Mus. quality of a sound governed (pitiless heat). pitilessly adv.
by the rate of vibrations producing it; pit of the stomach n. depression be-
highness or lowness of a note. 5 act of low the breastbone.
throwing. 6 pitching motion of a ship piton /'pi:tDn/ n. peg driven into rock or
etc. 7 colloq. salesman's persuasive talk. a crack to support a climber or rope.
8 place where a street vendor is sta- [French]
tioned. 9 distance between successive pitta /'pita/ n. (also pita) flat hollow
points, lines, etc. (e.g. character spacing unleavened bread which can be split
on a typewriter), pitch in colloq. set to and filled, [modern Greek, = a kind of
work vigorously, pitch into colloq. 1 cake]
pittance 679 plagiarize
pittance /'pit(a)ns/ n.very small allow- first three (or four) positions in a race,
ance or remuneration. [Romanic: esp. other than the winner. 14 position
related to pity] of a digit in a series indicated in decimal
pitter-patter var. of pit-a-pat. or similar notation, -v. (-cing) 1 put in a
pituitary /pi'tju:it9n/ n. (pi. -ies) (also particular or proper place or state or
pituitary gland) small ductless gland order; arrange. 2 identify, classify, or
at the base of the brain. [Latin pituita remember correctly. 3 assign to a par-
phlegm] ticular place, class, or rank; locate. 4
pity /'piti/-rc. 1 sorrow and compassion find employment or a living etc. for. 5
for another's suffering. 2 cause for re- make or state (an order or bet etc.). 6
gret {what a pity!), -v. (-ies, -ied) feel (often foil, by in, on, etc.) have (confid-
(often contemptuous) pity for. take ence etc.). 7 state the position of (any of
pity on help out of pity for. pitying the first three or four runners) in a race.
adj. pityingly adv. [Latin: related to 8 (as placed adj. ) among the first three
piety] (or four) in a race. give place to 1
pivot /'pivat/ -n. 1 shaft or pin on which make room for. 2 yield precedence to. 3
something turns or oscillates. 2 crucial be succeeded by. go places colloq. be
or essential person, point, etc. -v. (-t-) 1 successful, in place in the right posi-
turn on or as on a pivot. 2 provide with a tion; suitable, in place of in exchange
pivot. pivotal adj. [French] for; instead of. in places at only some
pixel /'piks(9)l/ n. any of the minute places or parts, out of place 1 in the
areas of uniform illumination of which wrong position. 2 unsuitable, put a
an image on a display screen is com- person in his (or her) place deflate a
posed, [abbreviation of picture element] person, take place occur, take the
pixie /'piksi/ n. (also pixy) (pi. -ies) place of be substituted for. place-
fairy-like being, [origin unknown] ment n. [Latin platea broad way]
pizza /'pi:tsa/ n. Italian dish of a layer of placebo /pla'si:bao7 n. (pi. -s) 1 medicine
dough baked with a topping of tomatoes, with no physiological effect prescribed
cheese, etc. [Italian, = pie] for psychological reasons. 2 dummy pill
pizzeria /,pi:tsa'ri:8/ n. pizza restaur- etc. used in a controlled trial. [Latin, = I
ant. shall be acceptable]
pizzicato /,pitsi'ka:tau/ Mus. -adv. place-kick n. kick in football with the
plucking, -adj. (of a note, passage, etc.) ball placed on the ground.
performed pizzicato, -n. (pi. -s or -ti place-mat n. small table-mat for a per-
/-ti/) note, passage, etc. played pizzicato. son's plate.
[Italian] place-name n. name of a town, village,
pi. abbr. 1 plural. 2 (usu. PL) place. 3 etc.
plate. placenta /pla'senta/ n. (pi. -tae /-ti:/ or
placable /'plaekab(9)l/ adj. easily pla- -s) organ in the uterus of pregnant
cated; mild; forgiving. placability mammals nourishing the foetus
/-'biliti/ n. [Latin placo appease] through the umbilical cord and expelled
placard /'plaeka:d/ -n. large notice for after birth. placental adj. [Greek, =
public display. — v. set up placards on (a flat cake]
wall etc.). [French from Dutch placken placer /'pleis9(r)/ n. deposit of sand,
glue (v.)] gravel, etc. containing valuable min-
placate /pla'keit/ v. (-ting) pacify; conci- erals in particles. [American Spanish]
liate. placatory /pte'keitari/ adj. place-setting n. set of cutlery etc. for
[Latin placo appease] one person at a table.
place -n. 1 a particular portion of space, placid /'plaesid/ adj. 1 calm; not easily
b portion of space occupied by a person excited or irritated. 2 tranquil, serene.
or thing, c proper or natural position. 2 placidity /pla siditi/ n. placidly adv.
city, town, village, etc. 3 residence, placidness n. [Latin placeo please]
home. 4 group of houses in a town etc., placket /'plaekit/ n. 1 opening or slit in a
esp. a square. 5 (esp. large) country garment, for fastenings or access to a
house. 6 rank or status. 7 space, esp. a pocket. 2 flap of fabric under this. [var.
seat, for a person. 8 building or area for of placard]
a specific purpose {place of work). 9 plagiarize /'pleid3a,raiz/ v. (also -ise)
point reached in a book etc. (lost my (-zing or -sing) 1 (also absol.) take and
place). 10 particular spot on a surface, pass off (another's thoughts, writings,
esp. of the skin (sore place). 11a employ- etc.) as one's own. 2 pass off the
ment or office, b duties or entitlements thoughts etc. of (another person) as
of office etc. (not my place to criticize). one's own. plagiarism n. plagiarist
12 position as a member of a team, n. plagiarizer n. [Latin plagiarius kid-
student in a college, etc. 13 any of the napper]
plague 680 plant
plague /pleig/ -n. 1 deadly contagious intend. 2 make
a plan of or design for. 3
disease. 2 (foil, by of) colloq. infestation (as planned adj.) in accordance with a
of a pest etc. 3 great trouble or affliction. plan {planned parenthood). 4 make
4 colloq. nuisance, -v. (plagues, plans. plan on (often foil, by pres.
plagued, plaguing) 1 colloq. pester, part.) colloq. aim at; intend. planning
annoy. 2 afflict, hinder {plagued by back n. [French]
pain). 3 affect with plague. [Latin plaga planchette /pla:n'Jet/ n. small board on
stroke, infection] castors with a pencil, said to write spirit
plaice /pleis/ n. (pi. same) marine flat- messages when a person's fingers rest
fish used as food. [Latin platessa] lightly on it. [French diminutive:
plaid /plaed/ n. 1 (often attrib.) related to plank]
chequered or tartan, esp. woollen, plane -n. 1 flat surface such that a

twilled cloth {plaid skirt). 2 long piece straight line joining any two points on it
of this worn over the shoulder in lies wholly in it. 2 level surface. 3 colloq.
Highland Scottish costume. [Gaelic] = aeroplane. 4 flat surface producing
plain -adj. 1 clear, evident. 2 readily lift by the action of air or water over and

understood, simple. 3 (of food, decora- under it (usu. in comb.: hydroplane). 5

tion, etc.) simple. 4 not beautiful or (often foil, by of) level of attainment,
distinguished-looking. 5 outspoken; knowledge, etc. -adj. 1 (of a surface etc.)
straightforward. 6 unsophisticated; not perfectly level. 2 (of an angle, figure,
luxurious (a plain man; plain living), etc.) lying in a plane, -v. (-ning) glide.
-adv. 1 clearly. 2 simply, -n. 1 level [Latin planus plain]
tract of country. 2 basic knitting stitch. plane 2 -n. tool for smoothing a usu.
plainly adv. plainness n. [Latin wooden surface by paring shavings
planus] from it. -v. (-ning) 1 smooth with a
plainchant n. = plainsong. plane. 2 (often foil, by away, down) pare
plain chocolate n. dark chocolate with a plane. [Latin: related to plane ] 1

without added milk. plane 3 n. tall tree with maple-like leaves

plain clothes ordinary clothes, and bark which peels in uneven
not uniform {plain-clothes police). patches. [Greek platanos]
plain dealing n. candour; straight- planet /'plaemt/ n. celestialbody orbit-
forwardness. ing round a star. planetary adj.
plain flour n. flour containing no rais- [Greek, = wanderer]
ing agent. planetarium /.plaeni'teanam/ n. {pi. -s
plain sailing n. uncomplicated situa- or -ria) 1 domed building in which
tion or course of action. images of stars, planets, constellations,
plainsong n. unaccompanied church etc. are projected. 2 device for such
music sung in unison in medieval projection.
modes and in free rhythm correspond- plangent /'plaend3(a)nt/ adj. literary 1
ing to the accentuation of the words. loud and reverberating. 2 plaintive.
plain-spoken adj. frank. [Latin: related to plaint]
plaint n. 1 Law accusation; charge. plank -n. 1 long flat piece of timber. 2
2 literary complaint, lamentation. item in a political or other programme.
[French plainte from Latin plango -v. 1 provide or cover with planks. 2
lament] (usu. foil, by down) colloq. a put down or
plaintifF/'plemtif/ n. person who brings deposit roughly or violently, b pay
a case against another into court. (money) on the spot. walk the plank
[French plaintif. related to plaintive] hist, be made to walk blindfold along a
plaintive /'plemtiv/ adj. expressing plank over the side of a ship to one's
sorrow; mournful-sounding. plaint- death in the sea. [Latin planca]
ively adv. [French: related to plaint] planking n. planks as flooring etc.
plait /plaet/ -n. length of hair, straw, plankton /'plaenkt(a)n/ n. chiefly
etc., in three or more interlaced strands. microscopic organisms drifting in the
-v. 1 weave (hair etc.) into a plait. 2 sea or fresh water. [Greek, = wander-
make by interlacing strands (plaited ing]
belt). [French pleit from Latin plico fold] planner n. 1 person who plans new
plan -n. 1 method or procedure for towns etc. 2 person who makes plans. 3
doing something; design, scheme, or list, table, etc., with information helpful
intention. 2 drawing etc. of a building or in planning.
structure, made by projection on to a planning permission n. formal per-
horizontal plane. 3 map of a town or mission for building etc., esp. from a
district. 4 scheme of an arrangement local authority.
{seating plan), -v. (-nn-) 1 arrange (a plant /pla:nt/ -n. 1 a organism usu.
procedure etc.) beforehand; form a plan; containing chlorophyll enabling it to
plantain 681 plateau
live wholly on inorganic substances, limb etc. 2 statue or mould made of
and lacking the power of voluntary plaster.
movement, b small organism of this plaster of Paris n. fine white gypsum
kind, as distinguished from a shrub or plaster for plaster casts etc.
tree. 2 amachinery, fixtures, etc., used plastic 'plaestik -n. 1 synthetic resin-
in industry, b factory. 3 colloq. some- ous substance that can be given any
thing deliberately placed so as to in- shape. 2 (in full plastic money) colloq.
criminate another, -v. 1 place (seeds, credit card(s). -adj. 1 made of plastic.
plants, etc.) in soil for growing. 2 (often 2 capable of being moulded; pliant,
foil,by in, on, etc.) put or fix in position. supple. 3 giving form to clay, wax,
3 (often re/7.) station (a person etc.), esp. etc. plasticity - tisiti n. plasticize
as a spy. 4 cause (an idea etc.) to be /-.saiz/ (also -ise) (-zing or -sing;,

established, esp. in another person's plasticizer -,saize(r) n. (also -iser).

mind. 5 deliver (a blow, kiss, etc.) with a plasticky adj. [Greek: related to
deliberate aim. 6 colloq. place (some- plasma]
thing incriminating) for later discovery. plastic arts involving model- arts
plant out transfer from a pot or frame ling or the representation of solid
to the open ground; set out (seedlings) at objects.
intervals. plantlike adj. [Latin plastic bomb n. bomb containing plas-
planta] tic explosive.
plantain 1
'plaentm n. plant with broad plastic explosive n. putty like ex
flatleaves spread close to the ground plosive.
and seeds used as food for birds. [Latin Plasticine 'plaesta,si:n n.propr. pliant
plantago] material used for modelling.
plantain 2 /'plaentm/ n. 1 a kind of plastic surgery n. reconstruction or
banana plant, grown for its fruit. 2 repair of damaged or unsightly skin,
banana-like fruit of this. [Spanish] muscle, etc., esp. by the transfer of
plantation /pla:n'teij(9)n, plaen-/ n. 1 tissue, z plastic surgeon n.
estate on which cotton, tobacco, etc. is plate -n. 1 a shallow usu. circular
cultivated. 2 area planted with trees etc. vessel from which food is eaten or
3 hist, colony. [Latin: related to plant] served, b contents of this. 2 similar
planter n. 1 manager or owner of a vessel used for a collection in church
plantation. 2 container for house- etc. 3 (collect.) a utensils of silver, gold,
plants. or other metal, b objects of plated metal.
plaque /plaek, pla:k n. 1 commemora- 4 piece of metal with a name or inscrip-
tive tablet, esp. fixed to a building. 2 tion for affixing to a door etc. 5 illustra-
deposit on teeth where bacteria pro- tion on special paper in a book. 6 thin
[Dutch plak
liferate. tablet: related to sheet of metal, glass, etc., coated with a
placard] sensitive film for photography. 7 flat
plasma 'plaezma n. (also plasm thin usu. rigid sheet of metal etc., often
/'plaez(a)m ) 1 a colourless fluid part of as part of a mechanism. 8 a smooth
blood, lymph, or milk, in which cor- piece of metal etc. for engraving, b
puscles or fat-globules are suspended, b impression from this. 9 a silver or gold
this taken from blood for transfusions. cup as a prize for a horse-race etc. b race
2 = protoplasm. 3 gas of positive ions with this as a prize. 10 a thin piece of
and free electrons in about equal num- plastic material, moulded to the shape
bers, z plasmic adj. [Greek plasso of the mouth, on which artificial teeth
shape (v.)] are mounted, b colloq. denture. 11 each
plaster 'pla:sta(r)'-rc. 1 soft mixture of of several rigid sheets of rock thought to
lime, sand, and water etc. applied to form the earth's outer crust. 12 thin flat
walls, ceilings, etc., to dry into a smooth organic structure or formation, -v.
hard surface. 2 = sticking-plaster. 3 = (-ting) 1 apply a thin coat esp. of silver,
plaster of Paris, -v. 1 cover (a wall gold, or tin to (another metal). 2 cover
etc.) with plaster. 2 coat, daub, cover (esp. a ship) with plates of metal, for
thickly. 3 stick or apply (a thing) thickly protection, z on a plate colloq. avail-
like plaster. 4 (often foil, by down) able with little trouble to the recipient,
smooth (esp. hair) with water etc. 5 (as on one's plate colloq. for one to deal
plastered adj.) slang drunk. plas- with, z plateful n. (pi. -s). [Latin plana
terer n. [Greek emplastron] from planus flat]
plasterboard n. two boards with a plateau 'plaetau -n. (pi. -xor-s -taoz )

filling of plaster for partitions, walls, 1 area of fairly level high ground. 2 state
etc. of little variation after an increase, -i\
plaster cast n. 1bandage stiffened with (plateauing, plateaus, plateaued)
plaster of Paris and applied to a broken (often foil, by out) reach a level or static

plate glass 682 play

state after an increase. [French: related plausibility /- biliti/ n. plausibly
to plate] adv. [Latin: related to plaudit]
plate glass n. thick fine-quality glass play -v. 1 (often foil, by with) occupy or
for shop windows etc. amuse oneself pleasantly. 2 (foil, by
platelayer n. person employed in fix- with) act light-heartedly or flippantly
ing and repairing railway rails. with (a person's feelings etc.). 3 a per-
platelet /'pleitlit/ n. small colourless form on or be able to perform on (a
disc of protoplasm found in blood and musical instrument), b perform (a piece
involved in clotting. of music etc.). c cause (a record, record-
platen /'plaet(a)n/ n. 1 plate in a print- player, etc.) to produce sounds. 4 a (foil,
ing-press which presses the paper by in) perform a role in (a drama etc.). b
against the type. 2 cylindrical roller in a perform (a drama or role) on stage etc. c
typewriter etc. against which the paper give a dramatic performance at (a par-
is held. [French platine: related to ticular theatre or place). 5 act in real life
plate] the part of (play truant; play the fool). 6
plate-rack n. rack in which plates are (foil, by on) perform (a trick or joke etc.)
placed to drain. on (a person). 7 colloq. cooperate; do
plate tectonics (usu. treated as what is wanted (they won't play). 8
sing.) the study of the earth's surface gamble, gamble on. 9 a take part in (a
based on the concept of moving 'plates' game or recreation), b compete with
(see sense 11 of plate) forming its struc- (another player or team) in a game, c
ture. occupy (a specified position) in a team
platform /'plaetfoim/ n. 1 raised level for a game, d assign (a player) to a
surface, esp. onefrom which a speaker position. 10 move (a piece) or display (a
addresses an audience or one alongside playing-card) in one's turn in a game. 1
the line at a railway station. 2 floor area (also absol.) strike (a ball etc.) or ex-
at the entrance to a bus etc. 3 thick sole ecute (a stroke) in a game. 12 move
of a shoe. 4 declared policy of a political about in a lively manner; flit, dart. 13
party. [French: related to plate, form] (often foil, by on) a touch gently, b emit
platinum /'plaetmam/ n. Chem. white light, water, etc. (fountains gently play-
heavy precious metallic element that ing). 14 allow (a fish) to exhaust itself
does not tarnish, [earlier platina from pulling against a line. 15 (often foil, by
Spanish, diminutive from plata silver] at) a engage half-heartedly (in an ac-
platinum blonde (also platinum tivity), b pretend to be. -n. 1 recreation,
blond) -adj. silvery-blond, -n. person amusement, esp. as the spontaneous
with such hair. activity of children. 2 a playing of a
platitude /'plaeti,tju:d/ n. commonplace game, b action or manner of this. 3
remark, esp. one solemnly delivered. dramatic piece for the stage etc. 4 ac-
platitudinous /-'tju:dmas/ adj. tivity or operation (the play offancy). 5
[French: related to plate] a freedom of movement, b space or
Platonic /pla'tonik/ adj. 1 of Plato or his scope for this. 6 brisk, light, or fitful
ideas. 2 (platonic) (of love or friend- movement. 7 gambling. in (or out of)
ship) not sexual. [Greek Platon (5th-4th play Sport (of the ball etc.) in (or not in)
c. bc), name of a Greek philosopher] a position to be played according to the
Platonism rules, make a play for colloq. make a

/ pleit9,niz(a)m/ n. philo-
sophy of Plato or his followers. Pla- conspicuous attempt to acquire, make
tonist n. play with use ostentatiously, play
platoon /pla'tu:n/ n. 1 subdivision of a about (or around) behave irrespons-
military company. 2 group of persons ibly, play along pretend to cooperate,
acting together. [French peloton di- play back play (sounds recently
minutive of pelote PELLET] recorded), play ball colloq. cooperate,
platter n. large flat dish or plate. play by ear 1 perform (music) without
[Anglo-French plater, related to plate] having seen it written down. 2 (also
platypus /'plaetipas/ n. (pi. -puses) Aus- play it by ear) colloq. proceed step by
tralian aquatic egg-laying mammal, step according to results, play one's
with a ducklike bill and flat tail. [Greek, cards right (or well) colloq. make good
= flat foot] use of opportunities; act shrewdly, play
plaudit /'pb:dit/ n. (usu. in pi.) 1 round down minimize the importance of.
of applause. 2 expression of approval. played out exhausted of energy or use-
[Latin plaudite, imperative of plaudo fulness, play fast and loose act unreli-
plaus- clap] ably, play the field see field, play for
plausible "pb:zib(a)l/ adj. 1 (of a state- time seek to gain time by^ delaying, play
ment etc.) reasonable or probable. 2 (of the game observe the rules; behave
a person) persuasive but deceptive. honourably, play havoc (or hell) with
play-act 683 plebeian
colloq. cause great confusion or diffi- plea n. 1 appeal, entreaty. 2 Law formal
culty disrupt, play into a person's
to; statement by or on behalf of a defend-
hands act so as unwittingly to give a ant. 3 excuse. [Latin placitum decree:
person an advantage, play it cool col- related to please]
loq. be relaxed or apparently indiffer- pleach v. entwine or interlace (esp.
ent, play the market speculate in branches to form a hedge). [Latin:
stocks etc. play off (usu. foil, by related to plexus]
plead v. 1 (foil, by with) make an earnest
against) 1 oppose (one person against
another), esp. for one's own advantage. appeal to. 2 (of an advocate) address a
lawcourt. 3 maintain (a cause) in a
2 play an extra match to decide a draw
lawcourt. 4 (foil, by guilty or not guilty)
or tie. play on 1 continue to play. 2 take
declare oneself to be guilty or not guilty
advantage of (a person's feelings etc.).
of a charge. 5 allege as an excuse (plead
play safe (or for safety) avoid risks,
insanity). 6 (often as pleading adj.)
play up 1 behave mischievously. 2 an-
make an appeal or entreaty (in a plead-
noy in this way. 3 cause trouble; be
ing voice).[Anglo-French pleder.
irritating, play up to flatter, esp. to win
related to plea]
favour, play with fire take foolish
pleading n. (usu. in pi.) formal state-
risks. [Old English]
ment of the cause of an action or
play-act v. 1 act in a play. 2 pretend; defence.
behave insincerely, play-acting n. pleasant /'plez(a)nt/ adj. (-er, -est)
play-back n. playing back of a sound, pleasing to the mind, feelings, or senses.
playbill n. poster advertising a play, pleasantly adv. [French: related to
playboy n. wealthy pleasure-seeking PLEASE]
man. pleasantry n. (pi. -ies) 1 amusing or
player n. 1 participant in a game. 2 polite remark. 2 humorous speech. 3
person playing a musical instrument. 3 jocularity.
actor. please /pli:z/ v. (-sing) 1 be agreeable to;
playfellow n. playmate. make glad; give pleasure. 2 (in passive)
playful adj. 1 fond of or inclined to play. a (foil, by to + infin.) be glad or willing
2 done in fun. playfully adv. play- to (am pleased to help), b (often foil, by
fulness n. about, at, with) derive pleasure or satis-
playgoer n. person who goes often to faction (from). 3 (with it as subject) be
the theatre. the inclination or wish of (it did not
playground n. outdoor area for chil- please him to attend). 4 think fit (take as
dren to play in. many as you please). 5 used in polite
playgroup n. organized regular meet- requests (come in, please). if you
ing of preschool children for supervised please if you are willing, esp. iron, to
play. indicate unreasonableness (then, if you
playhouse n. theatre, please, we had to pay), please oneself
playing-card n. one of a set of usu. 52
do as one likes. pleased adj. pleasing
oblong cards, divided into four suits and adj. [French plaisir from Latin placeo]

used in games. pleasurable /'ple3arab(e)l/ adj. caus-

playing-field n. field for outdoor ing pleasure. pleas urably adv.
pleasure /'ple3a(r)/ n. 1 feeling of satis-
faction or joy. 2 enjoyment. 3 source of
playlet n. short play,
pleasure or gratification. 4 one's will or
playmate n. child's companion in play,
desire (what is your pleasure/"). 5 sen-
play-off n. match played to decide a
sual gratification. 6 (attrib.) done or
draw or tie.
used for pleasure. [French: related to
play on words n. pun.
play-pen n. portable enclosure for a pleat -n. fold or crease, esp. a flattened
young child to play in. fold in cloth doubled upon itself. —v,
play school n. nursery school or kin- make a pleat or pleats in. [from plait]
dergarten. pleb n. colloq. usu. derog. = plebeian 2.
plaything n. 1 toy or other thing to play
plebby adj. [abbreviation of ple-
with. 2 person used merely as an object beian]
of amusement or pleasure. plebeian /ph'bi:an/ -n. 1 commoner,
playtime n. time for play or recreation. esp. in ancient Rome. 2 working-class
playwright n. person who writes person, esp. an uncultured one. -adj. 1
plays. of the common people. 2 uncultured,
pic abbr. (also PLC) Public Limited coarse. [Latin plebs plebis common
Company. people]
plebiscite 684 plot
plebiscite referendum.
/'plebi.sait/ n. plexus /'pleksas/ n. (pi. same or
[Latin plebiscitum: related to plebeian] plexuses) Anat. network of nerves or
plectrum /'plektram/ n. (pi. -s or -tra) vessels (solar plexus). [Latin plecto
thin flat piece of plastic etc. for plucking plex- plait]
the strings of a guitar etc. [Greek plesso pliable /'plaiab(a)l/ adj. 1 bending
strike] easily; supple. 2 yielding, compliant.
pledge -n. 1 solemn promise. 2 thing pliability /-'biliti/ n. [French: related to
given as security against a debt etc. 3 ply ]
thing put in pawn. 4 thing given as a pliant /'plaiant/ adj. = pliable 1.
token of favour etc., or of something to pliancy n.
come. 5 drinking of a person's health, pliers /'plaiaz/ pincers with paral-
toast. 6 solemn promise to abstain from lel flat surfaces for holding small ob-
alcohol (sign the pledge), -v. (-ging) 1 a jects, bending wire, etc. [from dial, ply
deposit as security, b pawn. 2 promise bend: related to pliable]
solemnly by the pledge of (one's honour, plight 1 /plait/ n. unfortunate condition
word, etc.). 3 bind by a solemn promise. or state. [Anglo-French plit plait]
4 drink to the health of. pledge one's plight 2 /plait/ v. archaic 1 pledge. 2 (foil,
troth see troth. [French plege] by to) engage (oneself) in marriage.
Pleiades /'plaia,di:z/ cluster of plight one's troth see troth. [Old
seven stars in the constellation Taurus. English]
[Latin from Greek] plimsoll /'plims(a)l/ n. (also plimsole)
Pleistocene /'pleista,si:n/ Geol -adj. of rubber-soled canvas sports shoe, [from
the first epoch of the Quaternary period. Plimsoll line]
-n. this epoch. [Greek pleistos most, Plimsoll line /'plims(a)l/ n. (also Plim-
kainos new] soll mark) marking on a ship's side
plenary /'pli:nan/ adj. 1 (of an as- showing the limit of legal submersion
sembly) to be attended by all members. under various conditions. [Plimsoll,
2 entire, unqualified (plenary indul- name of a politician]
gence). [Latin plenus full] plinth n. 1 lower square slab at the base

plenipotentiary /.plenipa'tenjari/ -n. of a column. 2 base supporting a vase or

(pi. -ies) person (esp. a diplomat) statue etc. [Greek, = tile]
invested with full authority to act. —adj. Pliocene /'plaia,si:n/ Geol. -adj. of the
having this power. [Latin: related to last epoch of the Tertiary period, -n.
PLENARY, POTENT] this epoch. [Greek pleion more, kainos
plenitude /'pleni.rjurd/ n. literary 1 full- new]
ness, completeness. 2 abundance. PLO abbr. Palestine Liberation Organ-
[Latin: related to plenary] ization.
plenteous /'plenties/ adj. literary plod -v. (-dd-) 1 walk doggedly or
plentiful. [French plentivous: related laboriously; trudge. 2 work slowly
to plenty] and steadily, -n. spell of plodding.
plentiful /'plentiful/ adj. abundant, plodder n. [probably imitative]
copious. plentifully adv. plonk 1 —v. 1 set down hurriedly or
plenty /'plenti/ -n. (often foil, by of) clumsily. 2 (usu. foil, by down) set down
abundance, sufficient quantity or firmly, -n. heavy thud, [imitative]
number (we have plenty; plenty of time; plonk 2 n. colloq. cheap or inferior wine,
a time of plenty), -adj. colloq. plentiful. [origin unknown]
-adv. colloq. fully, quite. [Latin pleni- plonker n.coarse slang 1 fool. 2 penis.
tas: related to plenary] plop —n. sound as of a smooth object
plenum /'pli:nam/ n. full assembly of dropping into water without a splash.
people or a committee etc. [Latin, neuter -v. (-pp-) fall or drop with a plop. -adv.
of plenus full] with a plop, [imitative]
pleonasm /'pli:a naBz(a)m/ n. use of
plosive /'plausiv/ -adj. pronounced
more words than are needed (e.g. see with a sudden release of breath, -n.
with one's eyes). pleonastic /-'naestik/ plosive sound, [from explosive]
adj. [Greek pleon more] plot -n. 1 defined and usu. small piece of
plethora /'pleGara/ n. over-abundance. land. 2 interrelationship of the main
[Greek, = fullness] events in a play, novel, film, etc. 3
pleura /'pluara/ n. (pi. -rae /-ri:/) mem- conspiracy or secret plan. —v. (-tt-) 1
brane enveloping the lungs, n pleural make a plan or map of. 2 (also absol.)
adj. [Greek pleura rib] plan or contrive secretly (a crime etc.). 3
pleurisy /'pluarasi/ n. inflammation of mark on a chart or diagram. 4 make (a
the pleura. pleuritic /-'ntik/ adj. curve by marking out a number of
[Greek: related to pleura] points. 5 provide (a play, novel, film,
plough 685 plump
etc.) with a plot. :: plotter n. [Old plug-hole n. hole, esp. in a sink or bath,
English and French complot] which can be closed by a plug.
plough /plao/ (US plow) -n. 1 imple- plug-in attrib. adj. designed to be
ment for cutting furrows in the soil and plugged into a socket.
turning it up. 2 implement resembling plum /i.1a small sweet oval fleshy fruit
this (snowplough). 3 (the Plough) the with a flattish pointed stone, b tree
Great Bear (see bear 2 ) or its seven bearing this. 2 reddish-purple colour. 3
bright stars, -v. 1 (also absol.) turn up raisin used in cooking. 4 colloq. some-
(the earth) with a plough. 2 (foil, by out, thing prized (often attrib. plum job).:

up, etc.) turn or extract with a plough. 3 have a plum in one's mouth have an
furrow or scratch (a surface) as with a affectedly rich voice. [Latin: related to
plough. 4 produce (a furrow or line) PRUNE ]

thus. 5 (foil, by through) advance labor- plumage /'plu:mid3/ n. bird's feathers.

iously, esp. through work, a book, etc. 6 [French: related to plume]
(foil, by through, into) move violently plumb /pL\m/ -n. lead ball, esp.
like a plough. 7 colloq. fail in an ex- attached to the end of a line for finding
amination. plough back 1 plough the depth of water or testing whether a
(grass etc.) into the soil to enrich it. 2 re- wall etc. is vertical, -adv. 1 exactly
invest (profits) in the business produc- (plumb in the centre). 2 vertically. 3 US
ing them. [Old English] slang quite, utterly (plumb crazy),
ploughman n. (US plowman) person -adj. vertical, -v. 1 a provide with
who uses a plough. plumbing, b (often foil, by in) fit as part
ploughman's lunch n. meal of bread of a plumbing system, c work as a
and cheese with pickle and salad. plumber. 2 sound or test with a plumb. 3
ploughshare n. (US plowshare) cut- reach or experience (an extreme feel-
ting blade of a plough. ing) (plumb the depths offear). 4 learn
plover /'plAva(r)/ n. plump-breasted in detail the facts about (a matter), z out
wading bird, e.g. the lapwing. [Latin of plumb not vertical. [Latin plumbum
pluvia rain] lead]
plow US var. of plough. plumber n. person who fits and repairs
plowman US var. of ploughman. the apparatus of a water-supply, heat-
plowshare US var. of ploughshare. ing, etc.
ploy n. cunning manoeuvre to gain ad- plumbing n. 1 system or apparatus of
vantage, [origin unknown] water-supply etc. 2 work of a plumber. 3
PLR ahbr. Public Lending Right. lavatory installations.
pluck -v. 1 pick or pull out or away. 2 plumb-line n. line with a plumb
strip (a bird) of feathers. 3 pull at, attached.
twitch. 4 (foil, by at) tug or snatch at. 5 plume /plu:m/ -n. 1 feather, esp. a large
sound (the string of a musical instru- one used for ornament. 2 ornament of
ment) with a finger or plectrum. 6 feathers etc. worn on a helmet or hat
plunder, -n. 1 courage, spirit. 2 pluck- or in the hair. 3 something resembling
ing; twitch. 3 animal's heart, liver, and this (plume of smoke), -v. (-ming) 1
lungs as food, z pluck up summon up decorate or provide with a plume or
(one's courage etc.). [Old English] plumes. 2 refl. (foil, by on, upon) pride
plucky adj. (-ier, -iest) brave, spirited. (oneself on esp. something trivial). 3 (of
pluckily adv. pluckiness n. a bird) preen (itself or its feathers).
plug -n. 1 piece of solid material fitting [Latin pluma]
tightly into a hole, used to fill a gap or plummet /'plAmit/ -n. 1 plumb, plumb-
cavity or act as a wedge or stopper. 2 a line. 2 sounding-line. 3 weight attached
device of metal pins in an insulated to a fishing-line to keep the float upright.
casing, fitting into holes in a socket for -v. (-t-) fall or plunge rapidly. [French:
making an electrical connection, b col- related to plumb]
loq. electric socket. 3 = spark-plug. 4 plummy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 abounding
colloq. piece of free publicity for an idea, or rich in plums. 2 colloq. (of a voice)
product, etc. 5 cake or stick of tobacco; sounding affectedly rich in tone. 3 col-
piece of this for chewing, -v. (-gg-) 1 loq. good, desirable.
(often foil, by up) stop (a hole etc.) with a plump 1
-adj. full or rounded in shape;
plug. 2 slang shoot or nit (a person etc.). fleshy, -v. (often foil, by up, out) make
3 colloq. seek to popularize (an idea, or become plump (plumped up the
product, by constant recommenda-
etc.) cushion). plumpness n. [Low German
by away (at)) work
tion. 4 colloq. (foil, or Dutch plomp blunt]
steadily (at), plug in connect electric- plump -v. 1 (foil, by for) decide on,

ally by inserting a plug into a socket. choose. 2 (often foil, by down) drop or
[Low German or Dutch] fall abruptly, -n. abrupt or heavy fall.
plum pudding 686 PMT
-adv. with a plump. [Low Ger-
colloq. additional or positive quantity. 3 ad-
man or Dutch plompen, imitative] vantage, -conj. colloq. also; and
plum pudding n. = Christmas pud furthermore. [Latin, = more]
Usage The use of plus as a conjunc-
plumy plumi adj. (ier, -iest) 1
tion, as in they arrived late, plus they
plumelike, feathery. 2 adorned with wanted a meal, is considered incorrect
by some people.
plunder 'pL\nda(r) -v. 1 rob or steal,
esp. in wartime;loot. 2 exploit (another plus-fours men's long wide knick-
person's or common property) for one's erbockers, [the length was increased by
own profit, -n. 1 activity of plundering. 4 inches to create an overhang]
2 property so acquired. [German plun- plush -n. cloth of silk or cotton etc.,
der72] with a long soft nap. -adj. 1 made of
plunge —v. (-ging) 1 (usu. foil, by in, plush. 2 colloq. = plushy. plushly
intu) a thrust forcefully or abruptly, b adv. plushness n. [Latin: related to
dive, c (cause to) enter a condition or PILE ]

embark on a course impetuously (they plushy adj. (-ier, -iest) colloq. stylish,
plunged into marriage; the room was luxurious. plushiness n.
plunged into darkness). 2 immerse Pluto outermost known
/'plu:tau' n.
completely. 3 a move suddenly and planet of the solar system. [Greek
dramatically downward, b (foil, by Plouton, god of the underworld]
down, into, etc.) move with a rush plutocracy plu:'tDkrasi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1
(plunged down the stairs). 4 colloq. run a government by the wealthy, b State so
up gambling debts, -n. plunging action governed. 2 wealthy elite. pluto-
or movement; dive. take the plunge cratic -ta'kraetik adj. [Greek ploutos
colloq. take a decisive step. [Romanic: wealth]
related to plumb] plutocrat 'plu:ta,kraet n. 1 member of
plunger part of a mechanism that
n. 1 a plutocracy. 2 wealthy person.
works with a plunging or thrusting plutonic plu:'tDnik/ adj. formed as ig-
movement. 2 rubber cup on a handle for neous rock by solidification below the
clearing blocked pipes by a plunging surface of the earth. [Latin Pluto, god of
and sucking action. the underworld]
pluperfect plu:'p3:fikt' Gram. -adj. plutonium /plu:'tauniam' n. radio-
(of a tense) denoting an action com- active metallic element. [Pluto, name of
pleted prior to some past point of time a planet]
(e.g. he had gone by then). -n. pluperfect pluvial 'plu:vial/ adj. 1 of rain; rainy 2
/ .

tense. [Latin plus quam perfectum more Geol. caused by rain. [Latin pluvia rain]
than perfect] ply plai n. (pi. -ies) 1 thickness or layer

plural 'pluar(a)l/ -adj. 1 more than one of cloth or wood etc. 2 strand of yarn or
in number. 2 Gram, (of a word or form) rope etc. [French pli: related to plait]
denoting more than one. -n. Gram. 1 ply 2 /plai, v. (-ies, -ied) 1 use or wield (a
plural word or form. 2 plural number. tool, weapon, etc.). 2 work steadily at
[Latin: related to plus] (ply one's trade). 3 (foil, by with) a
pluralism n. 1 form of society embrac- supply continuously (with food, drink,
ing manyminority groups and cultural etc.). b approach repeatedly (with ques-
traditions. 2 the holding of more than tions, etc.). 4 a (often foil, by between) (of
one office at a time, esp. in the Church. a vehicle etc.) travel regularly to and
pluralist n. pluralistic listik/ adj. - fro. b work (a route) thus. 5 (of a taxi-
plurality 'plua'raeliti/ n. (pi -ies) 1 driver etc.) attend regularly for custom
state of being plural. 2 = pluralism 2. 3 (ply for hire), [from apply]
large number. 4 US majority that is not Plymouth Brethren /'plimaG/
absolute. Calvinistic religious body with no for-
pluralize 'pluara.laiz/ v. (also -ise) mal creed and no official order of minis-
(-zing or -sing) make plural, express in ters. [Plymouth in Devon]
the plural. plywood n. strong thin board made by
plus -prep. 1 with the addition of (sym- gluing layers of wood with the direction
bol + ). 2 (of temperature) above zero of the grain alternating.
(plus 2°). 3 colloq. with; having gained; PM abbr. 1 prime minister. 2 post-
newly possessing, -adj. 1 (after a mortem.
number) at least (fifteen plus). 2 (after a Pm symb. promethium.
grade etc.) rather better than (beta p.m. abbr. after noon. [Latin post meri-
plus). 3 Math, positive. 4 having a posit- diem]
ive electrical charge. 5 (attrib.) addi- PMS abbr. premenstrual syndrome.
tional, extra, -n. 1 the symbol +. 2 PMT abbr. premenstrual tension.
pneumatic 687 point
pneumatic /nju:'maetik/ adj. 1 filled pod -n. long seed-vessel, esp. of a pea or
with air or wind (pneumatic tyre). 2 bean. -v. (-dd-) 1 bear or form pods. 2
operated by compressed air (pneumatic remove (peas etc.) from pods, [origin
[Greek pneuma wind]
drill). unknown]
pneumoconiosis /.njuimao.knni podgy /'pod3i/ adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 short
'ausis/ n. lung disease caused by the and fat. 2 plump, fleshy. podginess n.

inhalation of dust or small particles. [podge short fat person]'

[Greek pneumon lung, konis dust] podium /'paudiam/ n. (pi -s or podia)
pneumonia /nju:'maunia/ n. inflamma- rostrum. [Greek podion diminutive of
tion of one or both lungs. [Greek pneu- pous pod- foot]
mon lung] poem /'pauim/ n. 1 metrical composi-
PO abbr. 1 Post Office. 2 postal order. 3 tion, usu. concerned with feeling or
Petty Officer. 4 Pilot Officer. imaginative description. 2 elevated
Po symb. polonium. composition in verse or prose. 3 some-
po /pau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. chamber-pot. thing with poetic qualities (a poem in
[from pot 1 stone). [Greek poieo make]

poach 1
v. 1 cook (an egg) without its poesy /'pauazi/ n. archaic poetry.
shell in or over boiling water. 2 cook [French, ultimately as poem]
(fish etc.) by simmering in a small
poet /'paort/ n. (fern, poetess) 1 writer of
amount of liquid, poacher rc. [French poems. 2 highly imaginative or expres-
pochier. related to poke ] sive person. [Greek poietes: related to
poach 2 (also absol.) catch (game or
v. 1
fish) illegally. 2 (often foil, by on) tres-
poetaster /,paoT'taesta(r)/ n. inferior
pass or encroach on (another's prop- poet, [from poet, Latin -aster derog-
atory suffix]
erty, territory, etc.). 3 appropriate
(another's ideas, staff, etc.). poacher poetic /pau'etik/ adj. (also poetical) of
or like poetry or poets. poetically
n. [earlier poche: related to poach ]

pock n. (also pock-mark) small pus-
filled spot on the skin, esp. caused by
poetic justice n. very appropriate
punishment or reward,
chickenpox or smallpox. pock-
poetic licence n. writer's or artist's
-marked adj. [Old English]
transgression of established rules for
pocket /'pnkit/ -n. 1 small bag sewn
into or on clothing, for carrying small
Poet Laureate n. (pi. Poets Laureate)
articles. 2 pouchlike compartment in a
poet appointed to write poems for State
suitcase, car door, etc. 3 one's financial
resources (beyond my pocket). 4 isolated
poetry /'paortri/ n. 1 art or work of a
group or area (pockets of resistance). 5 poet. 2 poems collectively. 3 poetic or
cavity in the earth containing ore, esp.
tenderly pleasing quality, [medieval
gold. 6 pouch at the corner or on the side
Latin: related to poet]
of a billiard- or snooker-table into which
po-faced adj. 1 solemn-faced, humour-
balls are driven. 7 = air pocket. 8
less. 2 smug, [perhaps from po,
(attrib.) a small enough or intended for
influenced by poker-faced]
carrying in a pocket, b smaller than the pogo /'paugau/ n. (pi. -s) (also pogo
usual size. -u. (-t-) 1 put into one's stick) stiltlike toy with a spring, used
pocket. 2 appropriate, esp. dishonestly. for jumping about on. [origin uncertain]
3 confine as in a pocket. 4 submit to (an pogrom /'pDgram/ n. organized mas-
injury or affront). 5 conceal or suppress sacre (orig. of Jews in Russia). [Russian]
(one's feelings). 6 Billiards etc. drive (a poignant /'pamjant/ adj. 1 painfully
ball) into a pocket. : in pocket having sharp to the emotions or senses; deeply
gained in a transaction, in a person's moving. 2 arousing sympathy. 3 sharp
pocket 1 under a person's control. 2 or pungent in taste or smell. 4
close to or intimate with a person, out of pleasantly piquant. poignance n.
pocket having lost in a transaction. poignancy n. poignantly adv. [Latin:
[Anglo-French diminutive: related to related to point]
POKE 2 ] poinsettia /pom'setia/ n. plant with
pocketbook notebook. 2 folding
n. 1 large scarlet bracts surrounding small
case for papers or money carried in a yellow flowers. [Poinsett, name of a
pocket. diplomat]
pocketful n. (pi. -s) as much as a pocket point -n. 1 sharp or tapered end of a
will hold. tool, weapon, pencil, etc. 2 tip or
pocket knife n. = penknife. extreme end. 3 that which in geometry
pocket money n. money for minor has position but not magnitude. 4 par-
expenses, esp. given to children. ticular place or position. 5 precise or
point-blank 688 poke
critical moment (when itcame to the two stars in the Great Bear in line with
point, he refused). 6 very small mark on the pole star.
a surface. 7 dot or other punctuation pointillism /'pwaenti,liz(a)m/ n. tech-
mark. 8 = decimal point. 9 stage or nique of impressionist painting using
degree in progress or increase (abrupt tiny dots of pure colour which become
to the point of rudeness). 10 temper- blended in the viewer's eye. pointil-
ature at which a change of state occurs list n. & adj. [French pointiller mark
(freezing point). 11 single item or par- with dots]
ticular (explained it point by point). 12 pointings. 1 cement filling the joints of
unit of scoring in games or of measuring brickwork. 2 facing produced by this.
value etc. 13 significant or essential pointless adj. lacking purpose or
thing; what is intended or under discus- meaning; ineffective, fruitless. point-
sion (the point of my question; get to the lessly adv. pointlessness n.
point). 14 sense, purpose; advantage, point of honour n. thing of great

value (saw no point in staying). 15 importance to one's reputation or con-

characteristic (tact is not his strong science.
point). 16 a each of 32 directions marked point of no return n. point in a
at equal distances round a compass, b journey or enterprise at which it

corresponding direction towards the becomes essential or more practical to

horizon. 17 (usu. in pi) pair of movable continue to the end.
tapering rails that allow a train to pass point of order n. query in a debate etc.
from one line to another. 18 = power as to whether correct procedure is being
point. 19 (usu. in pi.) electrical contact followed.
in the distributor of a vehicle. 20 Cricket
point-of-sale adj. (usu. attrib.) of the
place at which goods are retailed.
a fielder on the off side near the bats-
man, b this position. 21 tip of the toe in point of view n. 1position from which
a thing is viewed. 2 way of considering a
ballet. 22 promontory. 23 Cusu. in pi.)
extremities of a dog, horse, etc. -v. 1
point-to-point n. steeplechase for
(usu. foil, by to, at) a direct or aim (a
finger, weapon, etc.). b direct attention. hunting horses.
2 (foil, by at, towards) aim or be directed
poise/poiz/ -n. 1 composure, self-
possession. 2 equilibrium. 3 carriage (of
to. 3 (foil, by to) indicate; be evidence of
the head etc.). -v. (-sing) 1 balance; hold
(it all points to murder). 4 give force to
suspended or supported. 2 be balanced
(words or actions). 5 fill the joints of
or suspended. [Latin pendo pens- weigh]
(brickwork) with smoothed mortar or
poised adj. 1 a composed, self-assured,
cement. 6 (also absol.) (of a dog) indicate
b carrying oneself gracefully or with
the presence of (game) by acting as
dignity. 2 (often foil, by for, or to +
pointer, z at (or on) the point of on the
infin.) ready for action.
verge of. beside the point irrelevant, in
poison /'poiz(a)n/ -n. 1 substance that
point relevant (the case in point), in
when introduced into or absorbed by a
point of fact see fact, make a point of
living organism causes death or injury,
insist on (doing etc.); treat or regard as
esp. one that kills by rapid action even
essential; call particular attention to (an
in a small quantity. 2 colloq. harmful
action), point out indicate; draw atten-
influence. — v. 1 administer poison to. 2
tion to. point up emphasize, to the
kill, injure, or infect with poison. 3 treat
point relevant; relevantly, up to a (a weapon) with poison. 4 corrupt or
point to some extent but not com- pervert (a person or mind). 5 spoil or
pletely. [Latin pungo punct- prickl destroy (a person's pleasure etc.).
point-blank -adj. 1 a (of a shot) aimed poisoner n. poisonous adj. [Latin:
or fired at very close range, b (of a related to potion]
range) very close. 2 (of a remark etc.) poison ivy n. N. American climbing
blunt, direct, -adv. 1 at very close plant secreting an irritant oil from its
range. 2 directly, bluntly. leaves.
point-duty n. traffic control by a police poison-pen letter n. malicious an-
officer, esp. at a road junction. onymous letter.
pointed adj. 1 sharpened or tapering to poke -v. (-king) 1 a thrust or push with

a point. 2 (of a remark etc.) having point; the hand, a stick, etc. b (foil, by out, up,
cutting. 3 emphasized, pointedly adv. etc.)be thrust forward, protrude. 2 (foil,
pointer n. 1 thing that points, e.g. the by at etc.) make thrusts. 3 thrust the end
index hand of a gauge. 2 rod for pointing of a finger etc. against. 4 (foil, by in)
to features on a chart etc. 3 colloq. hint. 4 produce (a hole etc. In a thing) by
dog of a breed that on scenting game poking. 5 stir (a fire) with a poker. 6 a
stands rigid looking towards it. 5 (in pi.) (often foil, by about, around) potter, b
poke 689 policy
(foil,by about, into) pry; search. 7 appear b each of the ends of
to revolve,
coarse slang have sexual intercourse the axis of rotation of the earth {North
with. -rc. 1 act of poking. 2 thrust, Pole; South Pole). 2 each of the two
nudge, poke fun at ridicule, poke
i opposite points on the surface of a
one's nose into colloq. pry or intrude magnet at which magnetic forces are
into. [German or Dutch] strongest. 3 each of two terminals (pos-
poke 2 n. dial, bag, sack, buy a pig in a i itive and negative) of an electric cell or
poke see pig. [French dial.] battery etc. 4 each of two opposed
poker n. metal rod for stirring a fire.
principles. be poles apart differ
1 1

poker 2 n. card-game in which bluff is greatly. [Greek, = axis]

used as players bet on the value of their
Usage The spelling is North Pole and
hands, [origin unknown]
South Pole when used as geographical
poker-face n. impassive countenance designations.
assumed by a poker-player, poker- i

-faced adj. poleaxe /'paulaeks/ (US -ax) -n. 1 hist.

poky /'pauki/ adj. (-ier, -iest) (of room a = battleaxe 2 butcher's axe. -v.

etc.) small and cramped, i

i pokiness n. (-xing) 1 hit or kill with a poleaxe. 2 (esp.
[from poke ]
as poleaxed adj.) colloq.
polar /'paula(r)/ 1 adj. of or near a pole of overwhelm. [Low German or Dutch:
the earth or of the celestial sphere. 2 related to poll, axe]
having magnetic or electric polarity. 3 polecat /'paulkaet/ n. 1 small brownish-
directly opposite in character. [Latin: mammal of the weasel family. 2
related to pole ] US skunk, [origin unknown]
polar bear n. large white bear living in pole-jump var. of pole-vault.
the Arctic regions. polemic /pa'lemik/-n. 1 forceful verbal

polar circle n. each of the circles paral- or written controversy or argument. 2

lel to the equator at 23° 27' from either (in pi.) art or practice of controversial
pole. discussion, -adj. (also polemical)
polarity tend-
/pa'laeriti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 involving dispute; controversial. !

ency of a magnet point with its

etc. to polemicist /-sist/ [Greek polemos war]
extremities to the magnetic poles of the pole star n. 1 star in the Little Bear,
earth, or of a body to lie with its axis in a near the North Pole in the sky. 2 thing
particular direction. 2 state of having serving as a guide.
two poles with contrary qualities. 3 pole-vault (also pole-jump) -n. vault,
state of having two opposite tendencies, or sport of vaulting, over a high bar with
opinions, etc. 4 electrical condition of a the aid of a pole held in the hands, - v.
body (positive or negative). 5 attraction perform this, pole-vaulter n.

towards an object. police /pa'li:s/ -n. (as pi. ) 1 (usu. prec. by

polarize /'paula.raiz/ v. (also -ise) (-zing the) the civil force responsible for main-
or -sing) 1 restrict the vibrations of taining public order. 2 its members. 3
(light-waves etc.) to one direction. 2 give force with similar functions (military
magnetic or electric polarity to. 3 divide police), -v. (-cing) 1 keep (a place or
into two opposing groups. polariza- 1 1 people) in order by means of police or a
tion /-'zeij(a)n/ n. similar body. 2 provide with police. 3
Polaroid /'paula.roid/ n. propr. 1 mater- keep in order, administer, control
ial in thin sheets polarizing light pass- (problem of policing the new law).
ing through it. 2 camera with internal [Latin: related to policy ]

processing that produces a print rapidly police constable see constable.

after each exposure. 3 (in pi.) sunglasses police dog n. dog, esp. an Alsatian, used
with Polaroid lenses. in police work.
polder /'paulda(r)/ n. piece of land re- police force n. body of police of a
claimed from the sea or a river, esp. in country, district, or town,
the Netherlands. [Dutch] policeman n. (fern, policewoman)
Pole n. 1 native or national of Poland. 2 member of a police force,
person of Polish descent. [German from police officer n. member of a police
Polish] force.
pole n. 1 long slender rounded piece of

police State n. totalitarian State con-

wood, metal, etc., esp. with the end trolled by political police.
placed in the ground as a support etc. 2 police station n. office of a local police
= perch 3. up the pole slang 1 crazy.
2 in difficulty. [Latin palus stake] policy 1
/'pdIisi/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 course of
pole 2 n. 1 (in full north pole, south action adopted by a government, busi-
pole) a each of the two points in the ness, individual, etc. 2 prudent conduct;
celestial sphere about which the stars sagacity. [Latin politia polity]
policy 690 polling-booth
engage in or talk politics. politiciza-
Usage See note at polity.
tion y-'zeij(a)n/ n.
policy 2 (pi -ies) 1 contract of
/'pdIisi/ n. politico /pa'liti.kau/ n. (pi. -s) colloq.
insurance. 2 document containing this. politician or political enthusiast. [Span-
[French police, ultimately from Greek ish]

apodeixis proof] politics /'pnlitiks/ 1 (treated as

policyholder n. person or body hold- sing, or pi.) a art and science of govern-
ing an insurance policy. ment, b public life and affairs. 2 (usu.
polio /'pauliau/ n. = poliomyelitis. treated as pi.) political principles or
[abbreviation] practice (what are his politics?)- 3 ac-
poliomyelitis /.pauliau.maia'laitis/ n. tivities concerned with seeking power,
infectious viral disease of the grey mat- status, etc.
ter of the central nervous system with polity /'pnliti/ n. (pi. -ies) 1 form or

temporary or permanent paralysis. process of civil government. 2 organized

[Greek polios grey, muelos marrow] society; State. [Greek polites citizen,
Polish /'pauliJV -adj. 1 of Poland. 2 of from polis city]
the Poles or their language, -n. lan- Usage This word is sometimes con-
guage of Poland. fused with policy.
polish /'pdIiJV -v. (often foil, by up) 1
make or become smooth or glossy by polka /'polka/ -n. 1 lively dance of

rubbing. 2 (esp. as polished adj.) refine Bohemian origin. 2 music for this. -v.

or improve; add the finishing touches to.

(-kas, -kaed /-kad/ or -ka'd, -kaing
/-kairj/) dance the polka. [Czech pulka]
-n. 1 substance used for polishing. 2
smoothness or glossiness produced by polka dot n. round dot as one of many
friction. 3 refinement, elegance, pol-
forming a regular pattern on a textile
fabric etc.
ish off finish (esp. food) quickly. [Latin
poll /paul/ -/j.1a (often in pi.) voting or
the counting of votes at an election (go
polite /pa'lait/ adj. (politer, politest) 1
to the polls), b result of voting or
having good manners; courteous. 2 cul-
tivated, refined. politely adv. polite-
number of votes recorded. 2 = opinion
poll. 3 human head. -v. 1 a take the
ness n. [Latin politus: related to polish]
vote or votes of. b receive (so many
politic /'politik/ -adj. 1 (of an action)
votes), c give (a vote). 2 record the
judicious, expedient. 2 (of a person)
opinion of (a person or group) in an
prudent, sagacious. 3 political (now
opinion poll. 3 cut off the top of (a tree or
only in body politic), -v. (-ck-) engage in
plant), esp. make a pollard of. 4 (esp. as
politics. [Greek: related to polity]
polled adj.) cut the horns off (cattle),
political /pa'litik(a)l/ adj. 1 a of or
[perhaps from Low German or Dutch]
concerning the State or its government,
pollack /'polak/ n. (also pollock) (pi.
or public affairs generally, b of or en-
same or -s) edible marine fish related to
gaged in politics. 2 taking or belonging
the cod. [origin unknown]
to a side in politics. 3 concerned with
pollard /'pnlad/ -n. 1 animal that has
seeking power, status, etc. (political
lost or cast its horns; ox, sheep, or goat
decision). politically adv. [Latin: of a hornless breed. 2 tree whose
related to politic] branches have been cut back to encour-
political asylum n. State protection age the dense growth of young
given to a political refugee from another branches, -v. make (a tree) a pollard,
country. [from poll]
political economy n. the study of the pollen /'pnlan/ n. fine dustlike grains
economic aspects of government. discharged from the male part of a
political geography n. geography flower, each containing the fertilizing
dealing with boundaries and the posses- element. [Latin]
sions of States. pollen count n. index of the amount of
political prisoner n. person impris- pollen in the air, published as a warning
oned for political reasons. to hay fever sufferers.
political science n. the study of polit- pollinate /'pnli.neit/ v. (-ting) (also
ical activity and systems of government. absol.) convey pollen to or sprinkle (a
politician /,pDh'tiJ(a)n/ n. 1 person stigma) with pollen. pollination
involved in politics, esp. professionally /-'neiJXa)n/ n. pollinator n.
as an MP. 2 esp. US derog. person who polling n. registering or casting of
manoeuvres; schemer, time-server. votes.
politicize /pa'liti.saiz/ v. (also -ise) polling-booth n. compartment in
(-zing or -sing) 1a give a political which a voter stands to mark the ballot-
character to. b make politically aware. 2 paper.
•olling-day 881 polytechnic
olling-day n. election day. —n. polyglot person. [Greek glotta
•olling-station n. building, often a tongue]
school, used for voting at an election, polygon /'pDligan, -.gmi/ n. figure with
tollock var. of pollack. many (usu. five or more) sides and
idlster n. person who organizes an angles. polygonal /pa'hgan(a)l/ adj.
opinion poll. [Greek -gonos angled]
10II tax n. 1 informal « community polygraph /'pDli,gra:f/ n. machine for
charge. 2 hist, tax levied on every reading physiological characteristics
adult. (e.g. pulse-rate); lie-detector,
lollute /pa'lu:t/ v. (-ting) 1 contaminate polygyny /pa'lid3ini/ n. polygamy in
(the environment). 2 make foul or im- which a man has more than one wife.
pure, pollutant adj. & n. polluter n. polygynous /pa'lid3inas/ adj. [Greek
pollution n. [Latin polluo -lut] gune woman]
>olo /'paulau/ n. game like hockey polyhedron /,pDli'hi:dran/ n. (pi. -dra)
played on horseback with a long- solid figure with many (usu. more than
handled mallet. [Balti, - ball] six) faces. polyhedral adj. [Greek
»olonaise /.pnla'neiz/ n. 1 slow dance of hedra base]
Polish origin. 2 music for this. [French: polymath /'poli,mae0/ n. person of great
related to Pole] or varied learning. [Greek manthano
>olo-neck high round turned-over
n. 1 math- learn]
collar. 2 sweater with this. polymer /'pDlima(r)/ n. compound of
>olonium /pa'launiam/ n. radioactive one or more large molecules formed
metallic element, occurring naturally from repeated units of smaller mo-
in uranium ores, [medieval Latin Polo- lecules, polymeric /-'menk/ adj.
nia Poland] polymerize v. (also -ise) (-zing or
poltergeist /'pDlta.gaist/ n. noisy mis- -sing), polymerization /-'zeij(a)n/ n.
chievous ghost, esp. one causing phys- [Greek polumeros having many parts]
ical damage. [German] polymorphous / (
pDli'mo:fas/ adj. (also
JOltroon /pDl'tru:n/ n. spiritless cow- polymorphic) passing through various
ard, poltroonery n. [Italian poltro forms in successive stages of develop-
sluggard] ment.
M)ly /'pdIi/ n. (pi. -s) colloq. polytechnic, polynomial /,pDli'naomial/-/2. expres-
[abbreviation] sion of more than two algebraic terms.
joly- comb, form 1 many (polygamy). 2 -adj. of or being a polynomial, [from
polymerized (polyunsaturated; polyes- POLY-, BINOMIAL]
ter). [Greek polus many] polyp /'pDlip/ n. 1 simple organism with
polyandry /'poli.aendri/ n. polygamy in a tube-shaped body. 2 small usu. benign
which a woman has more than one growth on a mucous membrane. [Greek
husband. polyandrous /-'aendras/ pous foot]
adj. [Greek aner andr- male] polyphony /pa'lifani/ n. (pi. -ies) Mus.
polyanthus /.pnli'aeneas/ n. (pi. contrapuntal music, polyphonic

-thuses) flowering plant cultivated /.pDli'fnnik/ adj. [Greek phone sound]

from hybridized primulas. [Greek polypropene /,pDli'praupi:n/ n. =
anthos flower] POLYPROPYLENE.
polychromatic /.pDlikrao'maetik/ adj. polypropylene /,pDli'praupi,li:n/ n.
1 many-coloured. 2 (of radiation) con- any polymer of propylene, including
taining more than one wavelength, thermoplastic materials used for films,
polychromatism /-'krauma tiz(a)m/ n.
fibres, or moulding materials.
polychrome -adj. in
/'puli.kraom/ polysaccharide / n.
many colours, -n. polychrome work of any of a group of complex carbo-
art. [Greek: related to poly-, chrome] hydrates, e.g. starch, [see saccharin]
polyester /,pDli'esta(r)/ n. synthetic polystyrene /.poli'staia.rLn/ n. a
fibre or resin. polymer of styrene, a kind of hard plas-
polyethene /'pDli,e0i:n/ n. = poly- tic, often foamed for packaging, [styrene
thene. from Greek sturax a resin]
polyethylene /,pnli'e8i,li:n/ n. = poly- '

polysyllabic /.polisi'laebik/ adj. 1 hav-

thene. ing many syllables. 2 using words of
polygamy /pa'ligami/ n. practice of many syllables, [medieval Latin from
having more than one wife or (less usu.) Greek]
husband at once. polygamist n. polysyllable /'pDli,silab(a)l/ n. poly-
polygamous adj. [Greek gamos mar- syllabic word.
riage] polytechnic /.poli'teknik/ —n. college
polyglot /'poli.glDt/ -adj. knowing, offering courses in many (esp. voca-
using, or written in several languages. tional) subjects up to degree level, -adj.
polytheism 692 pooh-pooh
giving instruction in various vocational homosexual or effeminate man. -v.
or technical subjects. [Greek tekhne art] f-cing) 3 c OS a ponce. ponce about

polytheism pDli0i:,iz(a)m n. belief in move about effeminately or ineffec-

or worship of more than one god. unknown]
tually, [origin
polytheist n. polytheistic -istik adj. poncho pontjao n. (pi. -s) cloak of a
[Greek theos god] usu. blanket-like piece of cloth with a
polythene poll hv.n n. a tough light slit in the middle for the head. [South
plastic, [from polyethylene] American Spanish]
polyunsaturated ,poli.\n 's&tja pond n. small body of still water, [var. of
.reitid adj. (of a fat or oil) having a pound 1

chemical structure capable of further ponder v. 1 think over; consider. 2

reaction and not contributing to the muse, be deep in thought. [Latin pon-
accumulation of cholesterol in the dero weigh]
blood. ponderable adj. literary having ap-
polyurethane ,pnli'jo9ra,Qem n. syn- preciable weight or significance. [Latin:
thetic resin or plastic used esp. in paints related to ponder]
or foam, [related to urea, ethane] ponderous pimdares adj. 1 slow and
polyvinyl chloride poll vamil n. a awkward, esp. because of great weight.
vinyl plastic used for electrical insula- 2 (of style etc.) laborious; dull. pon-
tion or as a fabric etc.; PVC. derously adi. ponderousness n.
Pom n. Austral. & NZ
slang offens. = [Latin pondus -der- weight]
Pommy, [abbreviation] pondweed n. aquatic plant growing in
pomace 'pAmis n. crushed apples in still water.
cider-making. [Latin pomum apple] pong k colloq. stink, pongy adj. f-ier,
pomade pa'ma:d n. scented ointment -iestj. [origin unknown]
for the hair and head. [Italian: related to poniard dagger. [French
'punjad n.
pomace] poignard from Latin pugnus fist]
pomander pamaend^n n. 1 ball of
pontiff pontif n. Pope. [Latin pontifex
mixed aromatic substances. 2 container priest]
for this. [Anglo-French from medieval
pontifical pon'tifik(a)] adj. 1 papal. 2
pompously dogmatic. pontifically
pomegranate pomi gr<enit n. 1 trop- t

ical fruit with a tough rind, reddish
pontificate -v. pon'tifi.keit (-ting; 1
pulp, and many seeds. 2 tree bearing
be pompously dogmatic. 2 play the pon-
this.[French pome grenate from Ro-
-n. pon'tifikat, 1 office of a bishop
manic, = many-seeded apple]
or pope. 2 period of this.
pomelo DAmaJou n. (pi. -s) 1 - shad-
dock. 2 US = grapefruit, [origin
pontoon pon tu n n. card-game in
which players try to acquire cards with
a face value totalling 21. [probably a
pommel pAm(d)] -n. 1 knob. esp. at
corruption of vingt-et-un]
the end of a sword-hilt. 2 upward pro-
jecting front of a saddle, — v. (-11-, US
pontoon" pon tu:n n. 1 flat-bottomed
= pummel. [Latin pomum apple] boat. 2 each of several boats etc. used to
Pommy pom] n. (also pommie; {pi
support a temporary bridge. [Latin
-ies; Austral. & NZ slang offens. British
ponto ponton- punt]
person, esp. a recent immigrant, [origin pony paum n. (pi -ies; horse of any
uncertain] small breed, [perhaps from French pou-
pomp n. 1 splendid display; splendour. 2
lenet foal]
specious glory. [Latin from Greek pony-tail n. hair drawn back, tied, and
pompe] hanging down behind the head.
pom-pom pompnm n. automatic pony-trekking n. travelling across
quick-firing gun. [imitative] country on ponies for pleasure.
pompon pompon n. falso pompom ) 1
poodle pu:dCa;l n. 1 dogof a breed with
ornamental or bobble on a hat,
tuft a curly coat that is usually clipped. 2
etc. 2 (often attrib.) dahlia etc. servile follower. [German Pudet]
with small tightly-clustered petals. poof poi n. (also poofter j slang offens.
[French] effeminate or homosexual man. [origin
pompous pnmpas n. self-important, unknown]
affectedly grand or solemn. pom- pooh pu: int. expressing impatience,
posity pom'positi n. (pi. -ies). contempt, or disgust at a bad smell,
pompously adv. pompousness n. [imitative]
[Latin: related to pomp] pooh-pooh pu pu v. express con-
ponce slang -n. 1 man who lives off a tempt for, ridicule, [reduplication of
prostitute's earnings; pimp. 2 offens. pooh]
pool 693 populate
pool n. 1 small body of still water. 2
pop culture n. commercial culture
small shallow body of any liquid. 3 based on popular taste.
swimming-pool. 4 deep place in a river. pope Pope) head of the Roman
n. (also
[Old English] Catholic Church (the Pope; we have a
pool 2 -n. 1 a common supply of persons, new pope). [Greek papas patriarch]
vehicles, commodities, etc. for sharing popery 'paupari/ n. derog. papal sys-
by a group of people, b group of persons tem; Roman Catholicism,
sharing duties etc. 2 common fund, e.g. pop-eyed adj. colloq. 1 having bulging
of profits of separate firms or of players' eyes. 2 wide-eyed (with surprise etc.).
stakes in gambling. 3 arrangement popgun n. child's toy gun shooting pel-
between competing parties to fix prices lets etc. by the compression of air.
and share business. 4 US a game on a popinjay 'pDpm,d3ei n. fop, conceited
billiard-table with usu. 16 balls, b game person. [Arabic babagha parrot]
on a billiard-table in which each player popish 'paupij adj. derog. Roman
has a ball of a different colour with Catholic.
which he or she tries to pocket the poplar /'pDpla(r) n. tall slender tree
others in fixed order, the winner taking with a straight trunk and often tremu-
all of the stakes. -v. 1 put into a common lous leaves. [Latin populus]
fund. 2 share in common. [French poule] poplin 'poplin n. plain-woven fabric
pools (prec. by the) = football usu. of cotton, with a corded surface.
pool. [French papeline)
poop n. stern of a ship; the deck which is poppadam popadam n. (also poppa-
furthest aft and highest. [Latin puppis] dom, popadam) Ind. thin, crisp, spiced
poor without enough money to
adj. 1
bread eaten with curry etc. [Tamil]
live comfortably. 2 (foil, by in) deficient
popper n. 1 colloq. press-stud. 2 thing
in (a possession or quality). 3 a scanty,
that pops (party popper).
inadequate, b less good than is usual or
poppet 'pDpit/ n. colloq. (esp. as a term
expected (poor visibility: is a poor
of endearment) small or dainty person.
driver), c paltry; inferior (came a poor
[Latin pup(p)a doll]
third). 4 deserving pity or sympathy;
popping-crease n. Cricket line in front
unfortunate (you poor thing). 5 spirit-
of and parallel to the wicket, within
less, despicable,z poor man's inferior
which the batsman stands, [from pop 1 ]
or cheaper substitute for. [Latin pauper]
poorhouse n. hist. = workhouse. poppy 'pDpi n. (pi. -ies) 1 plant with
showy esp. scarlet flowers and a milky
poor law n. hist, law concerning public
sap. 2 artificial poppy worn on Remem-
support of the poor.
brance Sunday. [Latin papaver]
poorly -adv. in a poor manner, badly.
-predic. adj. unwell.
poppycock n. slang nonsense. [Dutch

poor relation n. inferior or subordin- pappekak]

ate member of a family etc.
Poppy Day n. = Remembrance Sun-
pop -ft. 1 sudden sharp explosive sound
1 day.
as of a cork when drawn. 2 colloq. populace /'pDpjulas/ n. the common
effervescent drink. — ul (-pp-) 1 (cause to) people. [Italian: related to popular]
make a pop. 2 (foil, by in, out, up, etc.) go, popular 'pDpjula(r) adj. 1 liked by
move, come, or put unexpectedly or many people. 2 a of or for the general
abruptly (pop out to the shop). 3 slang public, b prevalent among the general
pawn. -adv. with the sound of a pop (go public (popular fallacies). 3 (sometimes
pop). : pop off colloq. die. pop the derog.) adapted to the understanding,
question colloq. propose marriage, taste, or means of the people (popular
[imitative] science; the popular press), z popular-
pop 2 n. colloq. 1 (in full pop music) ity /-'laenti./ n. popularly adv. [Anglo-
highly successful commercial music, Latin populus people]
esp. since the 1950s. 2 (attrib.) of or popular front n. party or coalition
relating to pop music (pop concert, combining left-wing groups.
group, song). 3 pop record or song (top popularize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing)
of the pops), [abbreviation] 1 make popular. 2 present (a difficult

pop 3 n. esp. US colloq. father, [from subject) in a readily understandable

papa] form, z popularization /- zeij(a)n/ n.
pop. abbr. population. popular music n. any music that ap-
popadam var. of poppadam. peals to a wide public.
pop art n. art based on modern popular populate pDpju.leit/ v. (-ting) 1 in-
culture and the mass media, habit, form the population 2 supply
popcorn n. maize which bursts open with inhabitants, [medieval Latin:
when heated. related to people]
population 694 portfolio
population /,pDpju'leiJ(a)n/ n. 1 inhab- porridge /'pDnd3/ n. 1 dish of oatmeal
itants of a place, country, etc. 2 total or cereal boiled in water or milk. 2 slang
number of these or any group of living imprisonment, [alteration of pottage]
things. porringer /'pDrmd3a(r)/ n. small bowl,
population explosion n, sudden often with a handle, for soup etc.
large increase of population. [French potager. related to pottage]
populist /'popjulist/ n. politician claim- port 1 n. 1 harbour. 2 town possessing a
ing to represent the ordinary people. harbour. [Latin portus]
[Latin populus people! port 2 n. a kind of sweet fortified wine.
populous /'popjulas/ adj. thickly inhab- [Oporto in Portugal]
ited. port 3 —n. left-hand side of a ship or
pop-up adj. involving parts that pop up aircraft looking forward, -v. (also
automatically {pop-up toaster, pop-up absol.) turn (the helm) to port, [prob-
book). ably originally the side turned to port 1 ]
porcelain /'pa:salm/ n. 1 hard fine port 4 n. 1 opening in the side of a ship for
translucent ceramic with a transparent entrance, loading, etc. 2 porthole. [Latin
glaze. 2 objects made of this. [Italian porta gate]
diminutive of porca sow] portable /'po:tab(a)l/ -ad/. 1 easily mov-
porch n. covered entrance to a building. able, convenient for carrying. 2 (of a
[Latin porticus] right, opinion, etc.) capable of being
porcine /'po:sam/ adj. of or like pigs. transferred or adapted in altered cir-
[Latin: related to pork] cumstances (portable pension), -n.
porcupine /'poikju.pam/ n. rodent with portable version of an item, e.g. a tele-
a body and tail covered with erectile vision. portability /,pD:ta'biliti/ n.
[Latin porto carry]
spines. [Provencal: related to pork,
portage /'po:tid3/-Az. 1 carrying of boats
pore n. esp. Biol, minute opening in a
1 or goods overland between two navig-
able waters. 2 place where this is neces-
surface through which fluids etc. may
sary, -v. (-ging) convey (a boat or
pass. [Greek poros]
goods) over a portage. [Latin porto
pore 2 v. (-ring) (foil, by over) 1 be
absorbed in studying (a book etc.). 2
meditate on. [origin unknown]
Portakabin /'p3:ta,kaebm/ n. propr.
prefabricated room or small building.
pork n. flesh (esp. unsalted) of a pig,
[from portable, cabin]
used as food. [Latin porcus pig]
portal /'pa:t(a)l/ n. doorway or gate etc.,
porker n. pig raised for food.
esp. an elaborate one. [Latin: related to
pork pie n. pie of minced pork etc. eaten PORT4 ]
portcullis /pa:t'kAlis/ n. strong heavy
pork pie hat hat with a flat crown
grating lowered to block a gateway in a
and a brim turned up all round.
fortress etc. [French, = sliding door]
porky adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 colloq. fat. 2 of portend /pa:'tend/ v. 1 foreshadow as an
or like pork.
omen. 2 give warning of. [Latin por-
porn (also porno) -n. colloq. porno- 1
tendo: related to pro- tend ]

graphy, -attrib. adj. pornographic, [ab- portent /'po:tent/ n. 1 omen, significant

sign of something to come. 2 prodigy;
pornography /pD^nografi/ n. 1 explicit marvellous thing. [Latin portentum:
representation of sexual activity in related to portend]
literature, films, etc., intended to stimu- portentous /pa:'tentas/ adj. 1 like or
late erotic rather than aesthetic or emo- being a portent. 2 pompously solemn.
tional feelings. 2 literature etc. contain- porter 1
n. 1 person employed to carry
ing this, n pornographic /-na'graefik/ luggage etc. 2 dark beer brewed from
adj. [Greek porne prostitute] charred or browned malt. [Latin porto
porous /'po:ras/ adj. 1 full of pores. 2 carry]
letting through air, water, etc. por- porter 2n. gatekeeper or doorman, esp.
osity /po:'rDsiti/ n. [Latin: related to of a large building. [Latin: related to
pore 1

] PORT 4 ]
porphyry /'pa:rnri/ n. (pi -ies) hard porterage n. 1 hire of porters. 2 charge
rock composed of crystals of white or for this, [from porter 1
red feldspar in a red matrix. por- porterhouse steak n. choice cut of
phyritic /-'ritik/ adj. [Greek: related to beef.
PURPLE] portfolio /po:t'faoliau/ n. (pi. -s) 1 a
porpoise /'po:pas/ n. sea mammal of the folder for loose sheets -of paper, draw-
whale family, with a blunt rounded ings, etc. b samples of an artist's work. 2
snout. [Latin porcus pig, piscis fish] range of investments held by a person,
porthole 695 posse
company, etc. 3 office of a minister of poseur person who be-
/pau'z3:(r)/ n.
State (cf. Minister without Port- haves affectedly. [French poser pose]
folio). [Italian portafogli sheet-carrier] posh colloq. -adj. smart; upper-class.
porthole n. aperture (esp. glazed) in a —adv. in an upper-class way (talk posh).
ship's side for letting in light. posh up smarten up. poshly adv.
portico /'poiti.kau/ n. (pi. -es or -s) colon- poshness n. [perhaps from slang posh a
nade; roof supported by columns at dandy, money]
regular intervals, usu. attached as a posit /'pozit/ v. (-t-) assume as a fact,
porch to a building. [Latin porticus postulate. [Latin: related to position]
porch] position /pa'zij(a)n/ -n. 1 place occu-
portion /'p3:jX8)n/ -n. 1 part or share. 2 pied by a person or thing. 2 way in
amount of food allotted to one person. 3 which a thing or its parts are placed or
one's destiny or lot. -a 1 divide (a thing) arranged. 3 proper place (in position). 4
into portions. 2 (foil, by out) distribute. advantage (jockeying for position). 5
[Latin portio] attitude; view on a question. 6 situation
Portland cement /'po:tland/ n. cement in relation to others (puts one in an
manufactured from chalk and clay. [Isle awkward position). 7 rank, status;
of Portland in Dorset] social standing. 8 paid employment. 9
Portland stone /'po:tland/ n. building place where troops etc. are posted for
limestone from the Portland.
Isle of strategical purposes, —v. place in posi-
portly /'poitli/ adj. corpu-
(-ier, -iest)
tion. in a position to able to.
lent; stout. [Latin porto carry] positional adj. [Latin pono posit- place]
portmanteau /poifmaentau/ n. (pi -s positive /'pDzitiv/ -adj. 1 explicit; de-
or -x /-tauz/) trunk for clothes etc., unquestionable (positive proof). 2
opening into two equal parts. [Latin (of a person) convinced, confident, or
porto carry: related to mantle] overconfident in an opinion. 3 a abso-
portmanteau word n. word combin- not relative, b Gram, (of an adject-
ing the sounds and meanings of two
ive or adverb) expressing a simple
others (e.g. motel, Oxbridge).
quality without comparison. 4 colloq.
port of call n. place where a ship or a
downright (it was a positive miracle). 5
person stops on a journey.
constructive (positive thinking). 6
portrait /'po:tnt/ n. 1 drawing, paint-
marked by the presence and not ab-
ing, photograph, etc. of a person or '
sence of qualities (positive reaction). 7
animal, esp. of the face. 2 description in
esp. Philos. dealing only with matters of
words. portraitist n. [French:
fact; practical. 8 tending in a direction
related to portray]
naturally or arbitrarily taken as that of
portraiture /"po:tritJa(r)/ n. 1 making
increase or progress. 9 greater than
portraits. 2 description in words. 3 por-
zero. 1 Electr. of, containing, or produc-
portray /po:'trei/ v. 1 make a likeness of. ing the kind of electrical charge pro-
2 describe in words. portrayal n.
duced by rubbing glass with silk; lack-
port ray er n. [French portraire -trait
ing electrons. 11 (of a photographic
depict] image) showing lights and shades or
Portuguese /.po^ju'gi-z/ -n. (pi same)
colours unreversed, —n. positive adject-
1 a native or national of Portugal, b ive, photograph, quantity, etc. posit-
person of Portuguese descent. 2 lan- ively adv. positiveness n. [Latin:
guage of Portugal, -adj. of Portugal, its related to position]
people, or language, [medieval Latin] positive discrimination n. practice
Portuguese man-of-war n. (pi of making distinctions in favour of
men-) jellyfish with a large crest and groups considered to be underpriv-
poisonous sting. ileged.
pose /pauz/ -v. (-sing) 1 assume a cer- positive vetting n. inquiry into the
tain attitude of the body, esp. when background etc. of a candidate for a post
being photographed or painted. 2 (foil, involving national security.
by as) pretend to be (another person positivism n. philosophical system
etc.) (posing as a celebrity). 3 behave recognizing only facts and observable
affectedly to impress others. 4 put for- phenomena. positivist n. & adj.
ward or present (a question etc.). 5 place positron /'pDzi.tron/ n. Physics ele-
(an artist's model etc.) in a certain mentary particle with the same mass as
attitude, -n. 1 attitude of body or mind. but opposite (positive) charge to an
2 affectation, pretence. [Latin pauso electron, [positive electron]
pause, confused with Latin pono place] posse /'pdsi/ n. 1 strong force or com-
poser n. 1 poseur. 2 colloq. puzzling pany. 2 body of law-enforcers. [Latin, =
question or problem. be able]
possess 696 postilion
possess pa'zes u 1 hold as property; post 3 paust -n. 1 place where a soldier
own. 2 have (a faculty, quality, etc.). 3 is stationed or which he or she patrols. 2
occupy or dominate the mind of (pos- place of duty. 3 a position taken up by a
sessed by the devil; possessed by fear). body of soldiers, b force occupying this,
be possessed of own. have, w hat c fort. 4 job. paid employment. 5 =
possessed you? an expression of in- trading post. —v. 1 place (soldiers, an
credulity, possessor rt [Latin pos- employee, etc.). 2 appoint to a post or
sideo possess ]
command. [French: related to post2 ]
possession possessing
pa'zej\a)n rt i post- prefix after, behind. [Latin post
or being possessed. 2 thing possessed. 3 (adv. and prep.)]
holding or occupancy. 4 Law power or postage n. charge for sending a letter
control similar to ownership but which etc. by post.
may exist separately from it (prosec- postage stamp n. official stamp affixed
uted for possession of drugs). 5 (in pi) to a letter etc., showing the amount of
property, wealth, subject territory, etc. postage paid.
6 Football etc. control of the ball by a postal adj. of or by post. [French:
player. related to post ]

possessive pa'zesiv -adj. 1 wanting to postal code n. = postcode.

retain what one has, reluctant to share. postal order n. money order issued by
2 jealous and domineering. 3 Gram. the Post Office,
indicating possession, -n. (in full pos- postbag n. = mailbag.
sessive case) Gram, case of nouns and postbox n. public box for posting mail,
pronouns expressing possession. pos- [ postcard rt card for sending by post
sessiveness n. without an envelope,
possibility .pDsi'biliti rt {pi. -ies) 1 postcode ft group of letters and figures
state or fact of being possible. 2 thing in a postal address to assist sorting,
that may exist or happen. 3 (usu. in pi.) post-coital paust'kauit(a)l adj. formal
capability of being used; potential (have occurring after sexual intercourse,
possibilities). [Latin posse be able] postdate paust'deit v. (-ting) 1 give a
possible 'pusib(a)l -adj. 1 capable of date later than the actual one to (a
existing, happening, being done. etc. 2 document etc.). 2 follow in time,
potential (a possible way of doing it), poster n. 1 placard in a public place. 2
-n. 1 possible candidate, member of a large printed picture,
team. etc. 2 highest possible score, esp. poste restante ,paust re'stdt rt de-
in shooting. partment in a post office where letters
possibly ado. 1 perhaps. 2 in accord- are kept called for. [French]

ance with possibility (cannot possibly posterior po'stiaria(r) -adj. 1 later;

go). coming after. 2 at the back, -it (in sing.
possum 'posam = opossum
rt 1 colloq. or pi.) buttocks. [Latin, comparative of
1. 2 Austral. & XZmarsupial
colloq. posterus: related to post-]
resembling an American opossum. posterity po'stenti rt 1 succeeding
play possum colloq. pretend to be un- generations. 2 person's descendants.
conscious; feign ignorance, [abbrevia- [Latin: related to posterior]
tion] postern 'pDst(a)n n. archaic back door;
post side way
paust —tt 1 long stout piece of or entrance. [Latin: related to
timber or metal set upright in the posterior]
ground etc. to support something, mark poster paint gummy
opaque paint.
a position or boundary, etc. 2 pole etc. post-free &
adv. carried by post
marking the start or finish of a race. -v. free of charge, or with postage prepaid.
1 (often foil, by up) attach (a notice etc.) postgraduate paust'graedjuat -n.
in a prominent place. 2 announce or person engaged in a course of study
advertise by poster or list. [Latin postis] after taking a first degree, -adj. of or
post- paust -n. 1 official conveyance of concerning postgraduates.
parcels, letters, etc. (send it by post). 2 post-haste adv. with great speed.
single collection or delivery of these: the posthumous postjomas adj. 1 occur-
letters etc. dispatched (has the post ring after death. 2 (of a book etc.) pub-
arrived?). 3 place where letters etc. are lished after the author"s death. 3 (of a
collected take it to the post). -v. 1 put (a
I child) born after the death of its father,
letter etc in the post. 2 (esp. as posted
| c posthumously adv. [Latin postumus
adj.) (often foil, by up) supply with last]
information (keep me posted). 3 a enter postilion pu stiljan rt (also postil-
(an item) in a ledger, b (often foil, by up) lion) person riding on the near horse of
complete (a ledger) in this way. [Latin: a team drawing a coach when there is no
related to position] coachman. [Italian: related to post ]
post-impressionism 697 potential
post-impressionism /.paustim'preja assume a mental or physical attitude,
,niz(a)m/ n. art intending to express esp. for effect. 2 pose (a person),
the individual artist's conception postural adj. [Latin: related to posit]
of the objects represented. post- postwar /paust'wo:(r), 'paust-/ adj. oc-
-impressionist n. & adj. curring or existing after a war.
post-industrial /.paustm'dAstrial/ adj. posy /'pauzi/ n. (pi. -ies) small bunch of
of a society or economy which no longer flowers, [alteration of pqesy]
relies on heavy industry. pot -n.
1 rounded ceramic, metal, or
postman n. (fern, postwoman) person glass vessel for holding liquids or solids
employed to deliver and collect letters or for cooking in. 2 flowerpot, teapot,
etc. etc. 3 contents of a pot. 4 chamber-pot;
postmark -n. official mark on a letter, child's potty. 5 total amount bet in a
giving the place, date, etc., and cancel- game etc. 6 (usu. in pi.) colloq. large sum
ling the stamp, -v. mark (an envelope (pots of money). 7 slang silver cup etc.
etc.) with this. as a trophy, -v. (-tt-) 1 place in a pot. 2
postmaster n. (fern, postmistress) offi- (usu. as potted adj. ) preserve in a sealed
cial in charge of a post office. pot (potted shrimps). 3 pocket (a ball) in
post-modern /paust'mDd(a)n/ adj. (in billiards etc. 4 abridge or epitomize. 5
the arts etc.) of the movement reacting shoot at, hit, or kill (an animal) with a
against modernism, esp. by drawing pot-shot. 6 seize or secure, go to pot
attention to former conventions, colloq. deteriorate; be ruined, potful
post-modernism n. post-modernist n. (pi. -s). [Old English from Latin]
n.& adj. por n. slang marijuana. [Mexican Span-
post-mortem /paust'mo:tam/ -n. 1 ex- ish potiguaya]
amination made after death, esp. to potable /'pautab(a)l/ adj. drinkable.
determine its cause. 2 colloq. discussion [Latin poto drink]
after a game, election, etc. -adv. & adj. potage /pD'ta:3/ n. thick soup. [French:
after death. [Latin] related to pot ]
postnatal /paust'neit(a)l/ adj. of the potash /'potaeJV n. an alkaline potas-
period after childbirth. sium compound. [Dutch: related to pot 1

Post Office public department or

n. 1 ash 1

corporation responsible for postal ser- potassium /pa'taesiam/ n. soft silver-

vices. 2 (post office) room or building white metallic element, [from potash]
where postal business is carried on. potation /pa'teij(a)n/ n. 1 a drink. 2
post-office box n. numbered place in a drinking. [Latin:, related to potion]
post office where letters are kept until potato /pa'teitau/ n. (pi. -es) 1 starchy
called for. plant tuber used for food. 2 plant bear-
post-paid adj. & adv. on which postage ing this. [Spanish patata from Taino
has been paid. batata]
postpone /paus'paun/ v. (-ning) cause potato crisp n. = crisp.
or arrange (an event etc.) to take place pot-belly n. 1 protruding stomach. 2
at a later time, z postponement n. person with this.
[Latin pono place] pot-boiler n. piece of art, writing, etc.
postprandial /paust'praendial/ adj. for- done merely to earn money,
mal or joc. after dinner or lunch. [Latin pot-bound adj. (of a plant) with roots
prandium a meal] filling the flowerpot, leaving no room to
postscript /'paustskript/ n. additional expand.
paragraph or remark, usu. at the end of poteen /pn'tjim/ n. Ir. illicit alcoholic
a letter after the signature and intro- spirit. [Irish poitin diminutive of pota
duced by 'PS'. POT 1

postulant /'pnsrjulant/ n. candidate potent /'paot(a)nt/ adj. 1 powerful;

esp. for admission to a religious order. strong. 2 (of a reason) cogent; forceful. 3
[Latin: related to postulate] (of a male) capable of sexual erection or
postulate -v. /'posrju.leit/ (-ting) 1 orgasm. potency n. [Latin potens
(often foil, by that) assume as a neces- -ent-\ related to posse]
sary condition, esp. as a basis for potentate /'pautan.teit/ n. monarch or
reasoning; take for granted. 2 claim. ruler. [Latin: related to potent]
-n. /'pDsrjulat/ 1 thing postulated. 2 pre- potential /pa'tenj(a)l/ -adj. capable of
requisite or condition. postula- coming into being or action; latent. -n. 1
tion /,pDstju'leiJXa)n/ n. [Latin postulo] capacity for use or development. 2
posture /'pDstJa(r)/ -n. 1 relative posi- usable resources. 3 Physics quantity
tion of parts, esp. of the body; carriage, determining the energy of mass in a
bearing. 2 mental attitude. 3 condition gravitational field or of charge in an
or state (of affairs etc.). -v. (-ring) 1 electric field, potentiality /-Ji'aeliti/
potential difference 698 pouter
n. potentially adv. [Latin: related to poult /pault/ n. young domestic fowl, w
potent] turkey, pheasant, etc. [contraction of If
potential difference n. difference of pullet] 11

electric potential between two points. poulterer /'paultara(r)/ n. dealer in

pother /'pDOa(r)/ n. literary noise, com- poultry and usu. game, [poulter. related
f 11

motion, fuss, [origin unknown] to poult] , P


pot-herb n. herb grown in a kitchen poultice /'paultis/ -n. soft medicated W

garden. usu. heated mass applied to the body P ,

pothole n. 1 deep hole or cave system in and kept in place with muslin etc., to P
rock. 2 hole in a road surface. pot- relieve soreness and inflammation, -u.
holer n. potholing n. (-cing) apply a poultice to. [Latin puis P
pot-hook n. 1 hook over a hearth for pottage] Jpc

hanging or lifting a pot. 2 curved stroke poultry /'paultn/ n. domestic fowls

in handwriting. (ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, etc.),
pot-hunter n. 1 person who hunts for esp. as a source of food. [French: related
game at random. 2 person who com- to poult]
petes merely for the prize. pounce -v. (-cing) 1 spring or swoop,
potion /'paof(a)n/ n. dose of a liquid esp. as in capturing prey. 2 (often foil, by \

medicine, drug, poison, etc. [Latin poto on, upon) a make a sudden attack, b
drink] seize eagerly upon a remark etc. -n. act {to

pot luck n. whatever is available, of pouncing, [origin unknown]

pot plant n. plant grown in a flowerpot, pound 1
n. 1 unit of weight equal to 16 oz
pot-pourri /pau'puari/ n. (pi. -s) 1 avoirdupois (0.4536 kg), 12 oz troy
scented mixture of dried petals and (0.3732 kg). 2 (in full pound sterling) po

spices. 2 musical or literary medley. (pi. same or -s) chief monetary unit of
[French, = rotten pot] UK etc.
the [Latin pondo]
pot roast n. piece of meat cooked slowly pound v. 12
crush or beat with repeated
in a covered dish. pot-roast v. blows. 2 (foil, by at, on) deliver heavy
potsherd /'pDtj3:d/ n. esp. Archaeol. blows or gunfire. 3 (foil, by along etc.) ft

broken piece of ceramic material, make one's way heavily or clumsily. 4

pot-shot n. 1 random shot. 2 casual (of the heart) beat heavily. [Old English]
attempt. pound 3 n. enclosure where stray an-
pottage /'pntid3/ n. archaic soup, stew. imals or officially removed vehicles are
[French: related to pot ] kept until claimed. [Old English]
potter v. (US putter) 1 (often foil, by
poundage n. commission or fee of so
about, around) work or occupy oneself much per pound sterling or weight.
in a desultory manner. 2 go slowly, pound coin n. (also pound note) coin
dawdle, loiter (pottered up to the pub). or note worth one pound.
[dial, pote push] pounder n. (usu. in comb.) 1 thing or
potter2 n. maker of ceramic vessels. person weighing a specified number of
[Old English: related to pot 1 ] pounds (a five-pounder). 2 gun firing a
potter's wheel n. horizontal revolving shell of a specified number of pounds.
disc to carry clay during moulding, pound of flesh n. any legal but morally
pottery n. (pi. -ies) 1 vessels etc. made offensive demand.
of fired clay. 2 potter's work. 3 potter's pour /po:(r)/ v. 1 (usu. foil, by down, out,

workshop. [French: related to potter 2 ] over, etc.) flow or cause to flow esp.
potting shed n. shed in which plants downwards in a stream or shower. 2
are potted and tools etc. are stored. dispense (a drink) by pouring. 3 rain
heavily. 4 (usu. foil, by in, out, etc.) come
potty adj. (-ier, -iest) slang 1 foolish,

crazy. 2 insignificant, trivial. potti- or go in profusion or rapid succession

ness n. [origin unknown] (the crowd poured out; letters poured (

potty 2 n. (pi. -ies) colloq. chamber-pot, in). 5 discharge or send freely. 6 (often

foil, by out) utter at length or in a rush

esp. for a child.
pouch small bag or detachable
-rc. 1 (poured out their story), [origin PO'A

outside pocket. 2 baggy area of skin unknown]
under the eyes etc. 3 a pocket-like re- pourboire /pua'bwa:(r)/ n. gratuity, tip. foil

ceptacle of marsupials, b similar struc- [French]
ture in various animals, e.g. in the pout - v. 1 push the lips forward as a sign ink

cheeks of rodents, -u. 1 put or make of displeasure or sulking. 2 (of the lips)
into a pouch. 2 take possession of;
pocket. [French: related to poke
be pushed forward, -n. this action, [ori-
gill unknown]
pouffe /pu:f/ n. large firm cushion used pouter n. a kind of pigeon that is able to PWi

as a low seat or footstool. [French] inflate its crop.

poverty 699 practice
>overty /'povati/ n. 1 being poor; want. power line n. conductor supplying
2 (often foil, by of in) scarcity or lack. 3 electrical power, esp. one supported by
inferiority, poorness. [Latin pauper] pylons or poles.
>overty line n. minimum income power of attorney n. authority to act
needed for the necessities of life. for another person in legal and financial
verty-stricken adj. very poor. matters.
verty trap n. situation in which an powerplant n. installation which pro-
increase of income incurs a loss of State vides power.
benefits, making real improvement im-
power point n. socket in a wall etc. for
connecting an electrical device to the

!>OW abbr. prisoner of war.
|>ow expressing the sound of a blow
power-sharing n. coalition govern-
ment, esp. as preferred on principle.
or explosion, [imitative]
powder -n. 1 mass of fine dry particles. power station n. building where elec-
trical power is generated for distribu-
2 medicine or cosmetic in this form. 3 =
gunpowder, -v. 1 apply powder to. 2 powwow -n. meeting for discussion
(esp. as powdered adj.) reduce to a fine
(orig. among N. American Indians), -v.
powder {powdered milk). powdery hold a powwow. [Algonquian]
\adj. [Latin pulvis -ver- dust]
pox n. 1 virus disease leaving pock-
powder blue adj. & n. (as adj. often marks. 2 colloq. = syphilis, [alteration
hyphenated) pale blue. of pocks pi. of POCK]
|>owder-puff n. soft pad for applying poxy adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 infected by pox. 2
Ipowder to the skin, esp. the face. slang of poor quality; worthless.
|»owder-room n. euphem. women's pp abbr. pianissimo.
lavatory in a public building, pp. abbr. pages.
[tower -rc. 1 ability to do or act. 2 p.p. abbr. (also pp) per pro.
particular faculty of body or mind. 3 a ppm abbr. parts per million.
Influence, authority, b ascendancy, con- PPS abbr. 1 Parliamentary Private Sec-
trol {the party in power). 4 authoriza- retary. 2 additional postscript, [sense 2
tion; delegated authority. 5 influential from post-postscript]
(person, body, or thing. 6 State having PR abbr. 1 public relations. 2 propor-
International influence. 7 vigour, tional representation.
[energy. 8 active property or function Pr symb. praseodymium.
WJheating power). 9 colloq. large number pr. abbr. pair.
jpr amount {did me a power of good). 10 practicable /'praektikab(9)l/ adj. 1 that
capacity for exerting mechanical force can be done or used. 2 possible in prac-
|pr doing work {horsepower). 11 (often tice. practicability /-'biliti/ n.
MttriZ?.) mechanical or electrical energy [French: related to practical]
[lis distinct from manual labour. 12 a practical /'praektik(a)l/ -adj. 1 of or
Bplectricity supply, b particular source concerned with practice rather than
[|>r form of energy {hydroelectric power). theory {practical difficulties). 2 suited
to use; functional {practical shoes). 3 (of
[ill 3 Physics rate of energy output. 14
a person) good at making, organizing, or
(product obtained when a number is
[multiplied by itself a certain number of
mending things. 4 sensible, realistic. 5
that is such in effect, virtual (in prac-
llimes (2 to the power of 3 = 8). 15
tical control), -n. practical examina-
[magnifying capacity of a lens. 16 deity.
tion or lesson. practicality /-'kaeliti/
Wr-v. 1 supply with mechanical or elec-
n. {pi. -ies). [Greek praktikos from pras-
Irical energy. 2 (foil, by up, down) in-
50 do]
Iprease or decrease the power supplied practical joke n. humorous trick
l:o (a device); switch on or off. the :

played on a person.
Ibowers that be thoseinauthority. [Latin practically adv. 1 virtually, almost. 2
Ibosse be able] in a practical way.
powerboat n.powerful motor boat, practice /'praektis/ -n. 1 habitual
lower cut n. temporary withdrawal or action or performance. 2 a repeated
failure of an electric power supply, undertaken in order to improve
lowerful adj.having much power or a b session of this. 3 action as
Influence. powerfully adv. power- opposed to theory. 4 the work, business,
fulness n. or place of business of a doctor, lawyer,
IjOwerhouse n. 1 = power station. 2 etc. (has a practice in town). 5 proced-
i)erson or thing of great energy, ure, esp. of a specified kind (bad prac-
powerless adj. 1 without power. 2 tice), -v. US var. of practise. in
I vholly unable, powerlessness n. practice 1 when actually applied; in
practise TOO prearrange
reality. 2 skilful from recent practice, prank n.practical joke; piece of mis-
out of practice lacking a former skill chief, [origin unknown]
from lack of practice, [from practise] prankster n. practical joker.
practise 'praektis/ v. (US practice) praseodymium .preizia'dimiam n.
(-sing or US -cing) 1 perform habitu- soft silvery metallicelement of the lan-
ally; carry out in action. 2 do repeat- thanide series. [Greek prasios green]
edly as an exercise to improve a skill; prat n. slang 1 fool. 2 buttocks, [origin
exercise oneself in or on (an activity unknown]
requiring skill). 3 (as practised adj.) prate -v. (-ting) 1 chatter; talk too
experienced, expert. 4 (also absol.) be much. 2 talk foolishly or irrelevantly.
engaged in (a profession, religion, etc.). -n. prating; idle talk. [Low German or
[Latin: related to practical] Dutch]
practitioner praek'tijanafr) n. person prattle chatter in
'praet(a)l/ -v. (-ling)
practising a profession, esp. medicine. a childish or inconsequential way. -n.
praenomen prii'naomen n. ancient childish or inconsequential chatter.
Roman's first or personal name (e.g. [Low German prate len: related to
Marcus Tullius Cicero). [Latin: related prate]
tO P.RE-, NOMEN] prawn n. edible shellfish like a large
praesidium var. of presidum. shrimp, [origin unknown]
praetor n. ancient Roman
v. (often foil, by for or to - infin. or
'pri:ta(r) pray
magistrate below consul. [Latin] that + clause) 1 say prayers; make
praetorian guard pru'toxian/ n. devout supplication. 2 a entreat, b ask
bodyguard of the ancient Roman earnestly (prayed to be released). 3 (as
emperor. imper.) archaic please (pray tell me).
pragmatic praeg'maetik adj. dealing [Latin precor]
with matters from a practical point of prayer 1
'prea(r) n. 1 a request or
view, z pragmatically adv. [Greek thanksgiving to God or an object of
pragma -mat- deed] worship, b formula used in praying (the
pragmatism 'praegm8,tiz(a)m n. 1
Lord's Prayer), c act of praying, d re-
pragmatic attitude or procedure. 2
ligious service consisting largely of
philosophy that evaluates assertions
prayers (morning prayer). 2 entreaty to
solely by "their practical consequences
a person. [Latin: related to precarious]
and bearing on human interests, r
prayer 2 'preia(r) n. person who prays.
pragmatist n. [Greek pragma', related
prayer-book n. book of set prayers.
to pragmatic]
prairie 'preari n. large area of treeless
prayer-mat n. small carpet on which
Muslims kneel to pray.
grassland, esp. in N. America. [Latin
pratum meadow] prayer-wheel n. revolving cylindrical
box inscribed with or containing
prairie dog n. N. American rodent
prayers, used esp. by Tibetan Bud-
making a barking sound.
prairie oyster n. seasoned raw egg,
swallowed without breaking the yolk. praying mantis see mantis.
prairie wolf n. = coyote. pre- prefix before (in time, place, order,
degree, or importance). [Latin prae
praise preiz -v. (-sing) 1 express
warm approval or admiration of. 2 glor- before]
(God) in words, -n. praising; com-
preach (also absol.) deliver (a
v. 1

mendation. [French preisier from Latin sermon); proclaim or expound (the gos-
pretium price] pel etc.). 2 give moral advice in an
praiseworthy adj. worthy of praise, obtrusive way. 3 advocate or inculcate
praline 'pra:li:n n.sweet made by (a quality or practice etc.). preacher
browning nuts in boiling sugar. n. [Latin praedico proclaim]

[French] preamble pri:'aemb(8)l n. 1 prelim-

pram four-wheeled conveyance for a
n. inary statement. 2 introductory part of
baby, pushed by a person on foot, a statute or deed etc. [Latin: related
[abbreviation of perambulator] to amble]
prance pra:ns -v. (-cing) 1 (of a horse) pre-amp 'pri:aemp n. = preampli-
raise the forelegs and spring from the fier, [abbreviation]
hind legs. 2 walk or behave in an elated preamplifier pri:'aempli,fai8(r)/ n.

or arrogant manner, -n. prancing, electronic device that amplifies a weak

prancing movement, [origin unknown] signal (e.g. from a microphone or pick-
prang slang - v. 1 crash (an aircraft or up) and transmits it to a main amplifier.
vehicle). 2 damage by impact. 3 bomb (a prearrange ,pri:8'remd3/ v. (-ging) ar-
target) successfully. -n. act of pranging, range beforehand, z prearrangement
[imitative] n.
prebend 701 preclinical
prebend /'preband/ n. 1 stipend of a traffic isexcluded. 3 (in pi) environs.
canon or member of chapter. 2 portion [Latin praecingo -cinct- encircle]
of land or tithefrom which this is preciosity /.preJi'Dsiti/ n. affected re-
drawn. prebendal /pn'bend(a)l/ adj. finement in art etc., esp. in the choice
[Latin praebeo grant] of words, [related to precious]
prebendary /'prebandari/ n. {pi. -ies) precious /'pre Jas/ -adj. 1 of great value
holder of a prebend; honorary canon, or worth. 2 beloved; much prized {pre-
[medieval Latin: related to prebend] cious memories). 3 affectedly refined. 4
Precambrian /pri:'kaembrian/ Geol. colloq. often iron, a considerable (a
-adj. of the earliest geological era. -n. precious lot of good), b expressing con-
this era. tempt or disdain {keep your precious
precarious /pri'kearias/ adj. 1 uncer- flowers!), -adv. colloq. extremely, very
tain;dependent on chance. 2 insecure, {had precious little left). precious-
perilous. precariously adv. precar- ness n. [Latin pretium price]
iousness n. [Latin precarius: related to precious metals gold, silver, and
PRAY] platinum.
precast /pri:'ka:st/ adj. (of concrete) precious stone n. piece of mineral of
cast in its final shape before positioning. great value, esp. as used in jewellery,
precaution /pn'kD:JXa)n/ n. action precipice /'presipis/ n. 1 vertical or
taken beforehand to avoid risk or en- steep face of a rock, cliff, mountain, etc.
sure a good result, c precautionary 2 dangerous situation. [Latin praeceps
adj. [Latin: related to caution] -cipit- headlong]
precede /pn'si:d/ v. (-ding) 1 come or go precipitate -v. (-ting) /pn'sipi.teit/ 1
before in time, order, importance, etc. 2 hasten the occurrence of; cause to occur
(foil, by by) cause to be preceded. [Latin: prematurely. 2 (foil, by into) send
related to cede] rapidly into a certain state or condition
precedence /'presid(a)ns/ n. 1 priority {was precipitated into war). 3 throw
in time, order, importance, etc. 2 right of down headlong. 4 Chem. cause (a sub-
preceding others. take precedence stance) to be deposited in solid form
(often foil, by over, of)have priority from a solution. 5 Physics condense
(over). (vapour) into drops and so deposit it.
precedent -n. /'president/ previous -adj. /pn'sipitat/ 1 headlong; violently
case etc. taken as a guide for subsequent hurried {precipitate departure). 2 (of a
cases or as a justification, -adj. person or act) hasty, rash. -n.
/pri'si:d(a)nt, 'presi-/ preceding in time, /pn'sipitat/ 1 Chem. substance precip-
order, importance, etc. [French: related itated from a solution. 2 Physics mois-
to precede] ture condensed from vapour, e.g. rain,
precentor /pn'senta(r)/ n. person who dew.
leads the singing or (in a synagogue) the precipitation /pn,sipi'teij(a)n/ n. 1
prayers of a congregation. [Latin prae- precipitating or being precipitated. 2
centor from cano sing] rash haste. 3 a rain or snow etc. falling
precept /'pri:sept/ n. 1 rule or guide, to the ground, b quantity of this.
esp. for conduct. 2 lawful demand, esp. precipitous /pn'sipitas/ adj. 1 a of or
from one authority to another to levy like a precipice, b dangerously steep. 2
rates. [Latin praeceptum maxim, order] = precipitate adj.
preceptor /pn'septa(r)/ n. teacher, precis /'preisi:/ -n. {pi. same /-si:z/)
instructor. preceptorial /,pri: summary, abstract, -v. (-cises /-si:z/;
sep'tDTial/ adj. [Latin: related to pre- -cised /-si:d/; -cising /-si:in/) make a
cept] precis of. [French]
precession /pn'sej(a)n/ n. slow move- precise /pn'sais/ adj. 1 a accurately
ment of the axis of a spinning body expressed, b definite, exact. 2 punctili-
around another axis. [Latin: related to ous; scrupulous in being exact. [Latin
precede] praecido cut short]
precession of the equinoxes n. 1 precisely adv. 1 in a precise manner;
slow retrograde motion of equinoctial exactly. 2 (as a reply) quite so, as you
points along the ecliptic. 2 resulting say.
earlier occurrence of equinoxes in each precision /pn'si3(a)n/ n. 1 accuracy. 2
successive sidereal year. degree of refinement in measurement
pre-Christian /pri:'knstj(a)n/ adj. etc. 3 {attrib.) marked by or adapted for
before Christianity. precision {precision instruments).
precinct /'pri:sinkt/ n. 1 enclosed area, preclinical /pri:'klmik(a)l/ adj. of the
e.g. around a cathedral, college, etc. 2 first, chiefly theoretical, stage of a med-
designated area in a town, esp. where ical education.
preclude 702 prefab
preclude /pn'klu:d/ v. (-ding) 1 (foil, by predicative 1 Gram.
/pri'dikativ/ adj.
from) prevent. 2 make impossible. (of an adjective or noun) forming or
[Latin praecludo: related to close ]
contained in the predicate, as old in the
precocious /pri'kaujas/ adj. 1 often dog is old. 2 that predicates. [Latin:
derog. (of esp. a child) prematurely de- related to predicate]
veloped in some respect. 2 (of an action predict /pn'dikt/ v. (often foil, by that)
etc.) indicating such development. foretell, prophesy. predictor n.
precociously adv. precociousness n. [Latin praedico -diet- foretell]
precocity /-'kDSiti/ n. [Latin praecox predictable adj. that can be predicted
cocis early ripe] or is to be expected. predictability
precognition /.prrkog'niJXaW n. sup- /-'biliti/ n. predictably adv.
posed foreknowledge, esp. of a super- prediction /pn'dikJXa)n/ n. 1 predict-
natural kind. ing or being predicted. 2 thing pre-
preconceive /,pri:kan'si:v/ v. (-ving) dicted.
form (an idea or opinion etc.) before- predilection /.prrdi'lekJXaW n. (often
hand. foil, by for) preference or special liking.
preconception /.priikan'sepj^n/ n. [Latin praediligo prefer]
preconceived idea, prejudice. predispose /,pri:di'spauz/ v. (-sing) 1

precondition /,pri:kan'dij(a)n/ n. con- influence favourably in advance. 2 (foil,

dition that must be fulfilled in advance. by to, or to + infin.) render liable or
precursor /pri:'k3:sa(r)/ n. 1 a forerun- inclined beforehand. predisposition
ner, b person who precedes in office etc. /-pa'ziJXa)n/ n.
2 harbinger. [Latin praecurro -curs- run predominant /predominant/ adj. 1
before] predominating. 2 being the strongest or
predate /prii'deit/ v. (-ting) precede in main element. predominance n.
time. predominantly adv.
predator /'predata(r)/ n. predatory an- predominate /pn'domi.neit/ v. (-ting)
imal. [Latin]
1 (foil, by over) have control. 2 be
predatory adj. 1 (of an animal) preying superior. 3 be the strongest or main
naturally upon others. 2 plundering or
exploiting others.
pre-echo /pri:'ekau/ n. (pi. -es) 1 faint

predecease /,pri:di'si:s/ v. (-sing) die copy heard just before an actual sound
in a recording, caused by the accidental
earlier than (another person).
transfer of signals. 2 foreshadowing.
predecessor /'pri:di,sesa(r)/ n. 1 for-
mer holder of an office or position with pre-embryo /pri:'embnau/ n. (pi. -s)
potential human embryo in the first
respect to a later holder. 2 ancestor. 3
fourteen days after fertilization.
thing to which another has succeeded.
[Latin decessor. related to decease]
pre-eminent /pri:'eminant/ adj. 1
excelling others. 2 outstanding. pre-
predestine /pri:'destm/ v. (-ning) 1 de-
-eminence n. pre-eminently adv.
termine beforehand. 2 ordain in ad-
pre-empt /pri:'empt/ v. 1 a forestall, b
vance by divine will or as if by fate.
appropriate in advance. 2 obtain by pre-
predestination /-'neiJXa)n/ n. [French
emption, [back-formation from pre-
or Church Latin: related to pre-]
predetermine /,pri:di't3:min/ v.

(-ning) 1 decree beforehand. 2 pre- Usage Pre-empt is sometimes used to

destine. mean prevent, but this is considered
predicament /pri'dikamant/ n. diffi- incorrect in standard English.
cult or unpleasant situation. [Latin: pre-emption /pri:'empJXa)n/ n. pur-
related to predicate] chase or taking by one person or party
predicant /'predikant/ hist. -adj. (of a before the opportunity is offered to
religious order) engaged in preaching. others, [medieval Latin emo empt- buy]
—n. predicant person, esp. a Dominican. pre-emptive /pri:'emptiv/ adj. 1 pre-
[Latin: related to predicate] empting. 2 (of military action) intended
predicate -v. /'predi.keit/ 1 (also to prevent attack by disabling the
absol.) assert (something) about the enemy.
subject of a proposition. 2 (foil, by on) preen v. 1 (of a bird) tidy (the feathers or
found or base (a statement etc.) on. -n. itself)with its beak. 2 (of a person)
/'predikat/ Gram. & Logic what is said smarten or admire (oneself, one's hair,
about the subject of a sentence or pro- clothes, etc.). 3 (often foil, by on) con-
position etc. (e.g. went home in John gratulate or pride (oneself), [origin
went home). predicable/'predikab(a)l/ unknown]
adj. predication /-'keiJXa)n/ n. [Latin prefab /'pri:faeb/ n. colloq. prefabricated
praedico dicat- declare] building, [abbreviation]
prefabricate 703 premedication
prefabricate pri:'faebri,keit v. (-ting) prehistoric 1 of the
.priihi'stonk/ adj.
manufacture sections of fa building etc.) period before written records. 2 colloq.
prior to their assembly on site. utterly out of date. prehistory
preface 'prefas -n. 1 introduction to a /-'histan/ n.
book stating its subject, scope, etc. 2 prejudge pri:'d3Ad3/ v. (-ging) form a
preliminary part of a speech, -u. (-cing) premature judgement on (a person,
1 (foil, by with) introduce or begin (a issue, etc.).
speech or event). 2 provide (a book etc.) prejudice 'pred3udis -n. 1 a precon-
with a preface. 3 (ofan event etc.) lead ceived opinion, b (foil, by against, in
up to (another), prefatory /-tan/ adj. favour of) bias, partiality. 2 harm that
[Latin praefatio] results or may result from some action
prefect 'pri:fekt n. 1 chief administrat- or judgement (to the prejudice of), -v.
ive officer of a district, esp. in France. 2 (-cing) 1 impair the validity or force of
senior pupil in a school, helping to (a right, claim, statement, etc.). 2 (esp.
maintain discipline. [Latin praeficio as prejudiced adj.) cause (a person) to
feet- set in authority over] have a prejudice, without prejudice
prefecture 'pri:fektja(r) n. 1 district (often foil, by to) without detriment (to
under the government of a prefect. 2 an existing right or claim). [Latin:
prefect's office or tenure. [Latin: related related to judge]
to PREFECT] prejudicial ,pred3u'dij(a)l/ adj. (often
prefer pn'f3:(r) v. (-rr-) 1 (often foil, by foil, by to) causing prejudice; detri-
to, or to - infin.) like better (prefers mental.
coffee to tea). 2 submit (information, an prelacy "prelasi n. (pi. -ies) 1 church
accusation, etc.) for consideration. 3 government by prelates. 2 (prec. by the)
promote or advance (a person). [Latin prelates collectively. 3 office or rank of
praefero -lat-] prelate. [Anglo-French from medieval
preferable 'prefarab(a)l adj. to be pre- Latin: related to prelate]
ferred; more desirable. preferably prelate /'prelat/ n. high ecclesiastical
adv. dignitary, e.g. a bishop. [Latin: related
preference 'prefarans n. 1 preferring to prefer]
or being preferred. 2 thing preferred. 3 prelim 'pri:lim, n. colloq. 1 preliminary
favouring of one person etc. before university examination. 2 (in pi.) pages
others. 4 prior right, esp. to the payment preceding the main text of a book,
of debts. in preference to as a thing [abbreviation]
preferred over (another). preliminary /pri'limman/ -adj. intro-
preference shares (also prefer- ductory, preparatory. -n. (pi. -ies) (usu.
ence stock n.sing.) shares or stock in pi.) 1 preliminary action or arrange-
whose entitlement to dividend takes ment (dispense with the preliminar-
precedence over that of ordinary ies). 2 preliminary trial or contest.
shares. [Latin limen threshold]
preferential ,prefa'renf(a)l adj. 1 of prelude 'prelju:d/ -n. (often foil, by to)
or involving preference. 2 giving or 1 action, event, or situation serving as

receiving a favour. preferentially an introduction. 2 introductory part of a


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