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San Diego Mesa College Spanish 101/ Fall 2010

Film Response Paper:

Each student must view a Spanish-language film outside of the class

meetings and write a response paper. Here are some movies that you
may choose from (look for them under their Spanish or English titles).
Most of these movies have adult content (Rated R).You may choose any
film, however, it must be in from a Spanish speaking country.

“El estudiante” / The student
“Secretos del corazón”
“Sin Nombre”
“Abre los ojos”/ “Open your eyes”
“Amores perros”/ “Love’s a Bitch”
“Bajo la misma luna”/ “Under the Same Moon”
“Como agua para chocolate”/ “Like Water for Chocolate”
“El crimen del Padre Amaro”/ “The Crime of Father Amaro”
“Diarios de motocicleta”/ “Motorcycle Diaries”
“Habla con ella”/ “Talk to her”
“El laberinto del fauno”/ “Pan’s Labrynth”
“Mar adentro”/ “The Sea Inside”
“Todo sobre mi madre”/ “All About My Mother”
“Voces inocentes”/ “Innocent Voices”
“Y tu mamá también”/ “And Your Mother, Too”

• Due date: Monday, 28 Octubre Write a 2-3 typed (12 font, double space, Times New Roman)
paragraph paper in Spanish of your preferences for films and a summary of why you choose
this film as well as some for your response/ideas in Español
• 1st paragraph, includes your preferences for films, where you find films or where you get them
and where this film is from, it’s title and the name of the director. With whom you see the film
and how much it costs to rent (alquilar) or see. This is in the present tense!
• 2nd & 3rd paragraph will address the following questions with a brief summary of the film, focus
on your ideas, your understanding and comprehension of the film as well as a summary of your
likes/dislikes of this film.
Mesa College
• You will use the present tense only and the future (ir a + infinitive). Complete and simple is
preferable to complicated and convoluted with grammar we have not see (avoid this).

• Answer the following questions in your short essay, in Spanish ( you may address/respond to
these prompts/questions in any order need to more fully and correctly express yourself)
What film do you prefer? What film do you want to see? Where do you find films or this
film? or Where do you get the film? Where do you see this film? What can you see/not see
in the film? When do you begin the film and at what time do you end the film? What does
the film show you? What does the film tell? What are you going to remember about the
film? What idea does the film repeat? Do you follow the film/ideas/speech? What does the
film say (contar/decir/expresar) about society/culture? What do you suppose this film want
to tell?
• Note the questions are in English but the short essay will be in Spanish, answering the above
questions with the following verbs (notice the prompted questions include ideas with verbs from
our lesson)
• Include the following verbs in this 2-3 (maximun 4) typed paragraph short essay: preferir,
querer, costar, encontrar o conseguir, decir, seguir, mostrar, repetir, empezar o comenzar,
pensar que…(es fantástica, terrible, buena, mala etc película), entender, contar (tell a
story), recordar, ver, ir a, suponer, posiblemente: dormir o oír, almorzar, jugar etc. You
may use other verbs we have learned but must include the above mentioned to answer the
questions/writing prompts.
• Failure to follow the above directions will result in a loss of points on the final composition
Opción adicional para crédito adicional:
In addition you may choose to complete the following for extra credit. Keep in mind to present a
clean, clear and well written composition (in this case, English)
• Write a 2-4 page paper
• Include a title page. Your reaction paper should start at the top of the 2nd page
• The 1st page must be a summary of the movie
• The 2nd page must be a reaction to the movie and it must include:
o Your thoughts/ opinions (positive and/or negative)
o How you are able to compare/contrast it to your own life
o How you are able to compare/contrast it to your own culture
Mesa College
• It is very important that you make a personal connection! And you must include specific
details and examples from the film, your life and culture to support your ideas.
• The paper must be typed and it must be in English. Use 12pt. font and double spaces
• You may turn your paper in at any time during the semester, but the last day they will be
accepted is Monday or Tuesday 7 or 8th of December
• Failure to follow the above directions will result in a loss of points on the final composition

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