End-Of-Course Test B

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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

1  Listen to part of a presentation given by a 2  Listen again. Decide if the statements are true
business student about absence from work. or false.
Complete the notes. Write one word in each gap.
1 Experts are undecided about the extent to which
Absence from work employees’ attitudes affect their attendance at
work. TRUE / FALSE
Main reasons for absence
2 Employees in large groups in the workplace tend to
– the 1 __________ of employees, e.g. females are have poorer rates of attendance than those in small
more likely to have responsibility for children groups. TRUE / FALSE
– employees’ attitudes 3 Employees working in the public sector seem to
take fewer days off than those in private-sector
– the 2 __________ of the organization (may be roles. TRUE / FALSE
acceptable to be absent) 4 Both the public sector and private sector attract
– the size of employee’s work group roughly the same number of female employees.
Public versus private sector
5 Companies where managers are more trusting of
– public sector less 3 __________ than private sector in their staff have reduced their levels of staff absence.
dealing with absence? TRUE / FALSE
– systems more bureaucratic because of 4 __________
2 points for each correct answer 10
Public-sector organizations usually:
– have a larger workforce
– provide 5 __________ with fewer restrictions

2 points for each correct answer 10

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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

3 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use two words in 7

each space.
A Could I borrow your car for a while this
B It ____________________ you mean by ‘a
A How many delegates showed up for the
opening event?
B I’m not sure exactly, but I’d say there were
about 100 people there or something A The situation is still rather unsettled.
B Yes, and I guess only
2 ____________________ tell if we need to
revisit the measures we’ve put in place.
A Did we sell much of the merchandise?
B We sold all of it in the end. The ‘buy one get
one free’ offer made A Please remember that it’s strictly
____________________ difference. confidential.
3 B Don’t worry! Never in a
____________________ would I tell anyone
A Am I ____________________ thinking that
about it.
we’ve had fewer complaints since we
switched supplier? 10
B I’m afraid not. We’ve saved money, but A I’m not very fit so I didn’t really enjoy the
customers appear to be less than happy about climb up the mountain.
B Well for me, ____________________ it
4 really worthwhile was the view from the top.
A We need to look at the 2 points for each correct answer 20
____________________ here if we’re to
capture all contributing factors.
B I agree with you entirely. We need a more
complete overview.
A I don’t think I’m quite
____________________ there.
B OK, I’ll put it another way.
A What do think the finance committee will
B I expect their response will be something
____________________ lines of the last
time they rejected one of our proposals.

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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

4 Choose the best option a–c to complete the 9 Danielle and Henri are having a chat _____ handle
sentences. the latest crisis at work.
a into whether to
1 The longer you spend working for any company, b of what to
_____ experience you’ll acquire. c about how to
a more 10 I hope we’ll be able to keep in touch with each
b the most other _____ you end up living!
c the more a whenever
2 Cemal hopes _____ a decision on staff recruitment b wherever
by the end of this week. c whichever
a will have made
b to have made
c have made 1 point for each correct answer 10
3 Some of my colleagues appear to get on well with
the new manager, but I _____.
a do
b don’t
c did
4 Chen _____ have bothered getting to the airport so
early as her flight was delayed by two hours.
a didn’t need to
b didn’t have to
c needn’t
5 Luca enjoys eating _____ vegetable, apart from
cabbage, that is.
a any
b many
c either
6 We _____ this morning’s meeting at ten o’clock as
a were supposed to starting
b meant to have started
c were meant to have started
7 The country’s central bank _____ raise interest
rates early next year, in my opinion.
a is bound to
b is doubtful if
c is likely that
8 Do you think you _____ some time off before the
end of the year?
a are just about to take
b will be taking
c are to have taken

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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a 8 There’s not much hope that an agreement will be
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the reached in the near future.
word given. Do not change the word given. You OFF
must use between three and six words, including It’s thought that an agreement
the word given. ______________________________.
9 I don’t want you giving out personal information
1 I’m not feeling very confident because so many about me again without my permission.
companies have rejected me recently. WON’T
HAVING I ______________________________ giving out
I’m not feeling very confident personal information about me again without my
______________________________ so many permission.
companies recently. 10 You really should think about how the lack of
2 My choice would be to go to the mountains as it’ll forward planning contributed to these disappointing
be cooler there in the summer. results.
Given the ______________________________ go I ______________________________ think about
to the mountains as it’ll be cooler there in the how the lack of forward planning contributed to
summer. these disappointing results.
3 I can pick up your prescription at lunchtime as I’m
planning to go out to the shops anyway. 2 points for each correct answer 20
I can pick up your prescription at lunchtime as I
______________________________ out to the
shops anyway.
4 The recent profit warning is to blame for the
reduction in the company’s share price.
The reduction in the company’s share price
______________________________ the recent
profit warning.
5 The local council still hasn’t done anything about
all the litter that gets dropped around town.
It’s ______________________________
something about all the litter that gets dropped
around town,
6 The awards ceremony lasted much longer than I’d
expected. I was bored stiff by the end!
The awards ceremony
______________________________ much longer
than I’d expected. I was bored stiff by the end!
7 Martin was the only person who said he’d help.
It ______________________________ to help.

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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

6 Read the text about graffiti. high-risk areas. The cost of these measures may be
prohibitively high, so an alternative is the introduction
Graffiti – art or vandalism? of physical obstacles such as fences or gates – though
A in some cases, these simply offer graffitists a new site
for their work.
The word ‘graffiti’ comes from the Italian word
graffito, meaning ‘scratching’. Graffiti may be D
described as any marking etched or written onto Another preventative strategy is an anti-graffiti barrier
buildings or other structures, or sometimes onto natural coating. This is usually put on using a spray or a brush,
features such as rocks. Graffiti has been around since leaving a thin coating which separates the graffiti from
the time of the Greeks and Romans. Examples can be the material it has been applied to. While not
seen on ancient structures, some of which have preventing the application of graffiti, a barrier coating
become historically and archaeologically significant greatly reduces the effort needed to remove it and
where they give an insight into the social history of usually only requires water, thereby lessening the risk
their time. More recent graffiti, however, has become a of damage to the site surface. With some substances,
universal problem, mainly due to the fact that there are however, the coating will need to be reapplied each
readily available substances, such as spray paints, time graffiti is removed, while others require the use of
which offer a cheap and quick medium for creating it. high-pressure or hot water, which is potentially
B damaging to the surface.

Those responsible for graffiti are often indiscriminate E

about the surfaces they choose for their work. When the decision is taken to remove graffiti, no one
Wherever it appears, the priority is usually to remove it treatment will be suitable for all situations. For
as quickly as possible. In many instances the aim is to instance, some techniques designed for modern
do so within just a few hours, one reason being that the surfaces can be harmful to older, more historic
materials used become extremely difficult to erase buildings. The owners of some graffiti-affected sites
once dried. Other reasons are to deter imitation and to choose to bring in specialists, while others prefer to
stop more serious types of vandalism taking place, tackle the problem themselves. In either case, it is
which can contribute to the general decline of a important that a systematic approach is adopted. The
neighbourhood. The police like to be notified of new first step is to perform cleaning trials to determine
graffiti incidents and, in order to achieve a successful which method of removal is most appropriate, and
prosecution, they encourage property owners to take which method has the least impact on the site surface.
photographs, which can often be linked up with other Wherever possible, these trials should be carried out
incidents in the area. The graffitist’s distinctive mark, on an area which would not be easily noticed and
known as a ‘tag’, can also be used to identify the should begin with the least damaging cleaning method,
culprit. which is usually water.
Naturally, prevention of graffiti is preferable to its Apart from water, chemical and mechanical systems
removal and there are a number of measures that can can be effective in removing graffiti. With either of
be adopted to combat a recurring problem. Popular these, the protection of the public and the person
places for graffiti are often flat surfaces with easy removing the graffiti must be prioritized. Chemical
access and where it will have an immediate impact, but methods involve dissolving the graffiti medium – these
graffitists often climb onto bridges and other structures solvents can range from relatively harmless to
where their work will be more prominent. Possible potentially dangerous chemical compounds. It is
protection measures include floodlighting of dark areas therefore important to wear protective clothing, to
and the installation of closed-circuit television. minimize any spillage and to avoid the drift of
Research has shown that cameras placed where they chemical mists. Mechanical systems are often in the
are easily visible can reduce the incidence of graffiti in form of wire-brushing and grit-blasting, which attempt
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Name _______________________________________

C1 End-of-course test B

to wear away the graffiti from the surface it has been 8 Complete the sentences with words from the box
applied to. Operators of mechanical systems must wear in their correct form. There are three words that
protective clothing to avoid being hurt by hard you don’t need.
particles flying through the air.
absorb care different excess facilitate
Which paragraph contains the following
frustrate notice overcome radical short
information? Write the correct letter A–F. You
spare virtual vocation
may use any letter more than once.
1 Key political leaders __________ a discussion
1 the fact that some strategies for tackling graffiti
between the various parties by arranging a two-day
may actually lead to an increase in it _____
2 a reason why all instances of graffiti cannot be
2 New building regulations mean that the plans for
removed in the same way _____
our house have had to be changed. They’re now
3 a claim that graffiti can have a negative effect on a
__________ different to the original ones.
local community _____
3 Despite the physical challenges the athlete faced, he
4 information about potential risks people face when
__________ the difficulties and completed the race.
graffiti is being removed _____
4 Ingrid wants to join one of the __________
5 measures that can be taken to help bring effective
professions and plans to train as a social worker
legal action against graffitists _____
when she leaves school.
2 points for each correct answer 10 5 Due to the current __________ of health
professionals in this country, the hospital is
7 Complete the sentences with no more than two advertising for staff internationally.
words. The words must appear in the text. 6 When it comes to holiday destinations, I’m
__________ so I’ll let you choose where to go.
1 Ancient graffiti is of interest when it records a 7 That cloth won’t be __________ enough to clean
____________________ of that period. up all this water on the floor.
2 The unique signature of graffitists, known as a 8 Many people say that getting __________ training
____________________, can assist police in is as important as academic qualifications when it
finding and prosecuting them. comes to success at work.
3 Surfaces treated with a barrier coating can normally 9 Could you make sure you use the sauce
be cleaned with ____________________. __________ – there’s not much left in the bottle.
4 In order to establish the best method of removing 10 It wasn’t very __________ that they’d had the room
graffiti, it is recommended that repainted as they used a very similar shade of paint.
____________________ are carried out.
5 Operators of both chemical and mechanical graffiti
removal systems must have 1 point for each correct answer 10

2 points for each correct answer 10

End-of-course test B total 100

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