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My fiancée's friend's parents’ house = the house of the parents of one of my fiancée's friends the house of one of my fiancée's friends’ parents | put on some weight because the food was wonderful. chestnuts 1,p.78 a Look at the picture story. Match sentences A-I with pictures 1-9. A 8 | She decided to set up an online business selling birthday cakes. B 9 Her business is doing very well. Clare is a success! C (5 She was unemployed, and had to look for a job. D hey had an argument, and Clare was sacked. E 1] Clare worked for a marketing company. FE G H ' _6 She applied for a lot of jobs, and sent in CVs. 13. ] She had a good salary, but she didn’t like her boss. 7 She had some interviews, but didn't get the jobs. 2. She had to work very hard and do overtime. 1 VERB PHRASES ~ ». 164 a Complete the verb phrases with a word or phrase from the list. applied for f'pland fx) do (x2) lux) was made waz ‘meid/ got promoted ‘got promavtid resign /ri'zain/ retire /r'tata’ was sacked /woz sivkt/ set up Set ap/_ work /wstk 1 Danhasto do alot of overtime. 2 Matt last week. got promoted 3 Most nurses have to WOFK. shifts. 4 Amanin our department yesterday. Was sacked 5 Colin redundant. Was made 6 The minister is going to resign L 8 Angela has $¢t UP a business to sell clothes online. going to Tete next month 9 Everyone in the office has to 40_a training course. 10. She ajob. applied for 2 SAYING WHAT YOUDO _p. 164 ‘a Match the adjectives andl definitions. parttime pot tavm!_sethemplayed Self inp emporary "temproci) unemplayed ‘mn’ pio well qualified wel kwolifan St) for people 1 tm without ajob 2 He's working for himself 3 She's with, e.g auniversity degree ‘or with alot of exper for ajob or work 4 esa job. (opposite permanent) with only a short contract, for six months 5 Wsa job. (oppos time) only working. afew hours a day b_ Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. work in for) a multinational company tm charge the Marketing Department. Vm responsible ‘customer loans. rm school (university) rm my third year. 1 unemployed 2 self-employed 3 well- qualified 4 temporary 5 part-time 2 in charge of 3 for 4at Sin 3 WORD BUILDING °:' a Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -ment, -ion, or -ation, and making any other necessary changes. 1 promote | promotion 4 employ “employment 2 apply application 5 qualify -Qualifigation 3 retire retirement 6 resign resignation b Make nouns for the people who do the jobs by adding -er, -or, -ian, or -ist, and making any other necessary changes. 7 : chemist's chemist 1 science scientist 4 pharmacy Pharmacist 2 law lawyer 5 farm farmer 3 music musician 6 translate “translator a Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Use the phonetics to help you. alpply /o'plai/ salla|ry /selori re|dun|dant ri'dandont ex|pe|rilence /ik'spiorions. ‘Olver|time /suvataim/ per|ma|nent ‘psimonont quallilfilcaltions kwolifr'kerfnz. relsign /ri'zain/ retire ri'tara/ tem|pora|ry /temprori p. 78 OMNOUNDAWNHEHE B o | work every other Wednesday = | work every second Wednesday There was no evidence that her colleague had copied her ideas. = She couldn't prove her allegations that her colleague .... The 11 Id like to work as part of a team. 2 Lenjoy people with their problems. 3 don't mind a very large salary. 4 tm good at to people. 5 Im good at Quick decisions 6 risks doesn't worry me. 7 tmhappy by myself. 8 Imnot afraid of large amounts of money, 9 I'm good at myselt. 20 | always try my instincts. 11 It's important for me creative. 12 enjoy 13 complex calculations is not difficult for me. 14 | enjoy logical problems. 15 | find it easy theoretical principles. 16 1am able space and distance. work help not earn listen do solve understand calculate right job for you — p. 79 2 helping 3 not earning 4 listening 5 making 6 Taking 7 to work 8 managing 9 expressing 10 to follow 11 to be 12 improvising 13 Doing 14 solving 15 to understand 16 to calculate p. 79 d_ Look at the sentences in the questionnaire. Complete the rules with the gerund or to + infinitive. 1 After some verbs, ¢.g. enjoy, don't mind use... the gerund 2 After some verbs, e.g. would like use... to + infinitive 3. After adjectives use... to + infinitive 4 After prepositions use... the gerund 5 As the subject of a phrase or sentence use... the gerund Grammar 8B a, p. 147 a Girelo)the correct form. I'm in charge of cruiting) to recruit new staff. important for me spending dime with my ied Gapenty 2 Apply for a job can be complicated. 3 Themmanager asked me not saying Gert9 Anything about the redundancies. 4 My boss wants me start (@ start york earlier. 5 Be careful not asking fot taser about her boyfriend — they've split up. 6 We carried work until we finished. 7 Dave is very good a@olving) to solve logic problems. 8 The best th g about weekends is (Or goingy not to go towork. 9 Layla gave u@odelling)to model when she had a baby. 10 Lwent ona training course fo learning | Jour the new software. Grammar 8B, p. 147 b Complete with a verb from the lis in the correct form. not buy commute do leave lock not make retire setup wear not worry oon we so oe Vd like 10 set up my own company. My parents are planning before they are 65. Rob spends three hours to work and back every day. Mark's wife told him __about the problems he had at work. Did you remember __the door? Inthe end I decided the shoes because they were very expensive. ‘The manager lets us carly on Fridays. Allemployees must a jacket and tie at work. Please try any more mistakes in the report. Idon’t mind ‘overtime during the week. 1 to retire 2 commuting 3 not to worry 4 to lock 5 not to buy 6 leave 7 wear 8 not to make 9 doing Some vocabulary: a home for the elderly = an old people's home (an institution) a parachute jump sky-diving jump into the void When you go sky-diving you do parachute jumps: you jump into the void out of an aeroplane. can't bear = cant stand = hate | can't bear cleaning up after my husband and my child to tell somebody off = to tell them angrily what they have done wrong to fold - you fold your clothes before you put them away height (noun) to vacuum / vacuuming = to hoover / hoovering high (adjective) Ironing "iron" rhymes with "lion"

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