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Argumentative Speech En6

A) Read through the following text. Pay special attention to the

underlined words and make sure you know what they

An argumentative speech is a persuasive speech in which the speaker attempts to persuade his
audience to alter their viewpoints on a controversial issue. A persuasive speech may be aimed at
sharing a viewpoint and asking the audience to consider it. However, an argumentative speech could
also aim at radically change the opinions already held by the audience. This type of speech is
extremely challenging; therefore, the speaker should be careful to choose a topic that he feels
prepared to support with a strong argument.

Argumentative speeches generally concern topics that are currently being debated by society. These
topics are often taken from political debates and issues that are commonly seen in the media. The
chosen topic may be political, religious, social, or ethical in nature. The audience should be
challenged to re-examine their long-held values, and will be asked to alter deeply held convictions
based on new evidence or viewpoints on the issue.

Obviously, selecting a topic that is debatable is key to creating an effective speech. The topic should
not be something that is generally already proven, or would require an enormous leap of faith or
logic in order to convince the audience. The speaker should already possess a strong interest and
have a deeply-held opinion on the subject, or else his arguments will probably not come across as
believable to the audience.


Your task is to give an argumentative speech to a group of classmates (no more than 3 minutes). A
PowerPoint presentation is optional.

1. Find a topic – there is a list below. Focus on how your topic is dealt with in an
English speaking country and compare it to your own experiences.
Find good pros and cons for your issue.
 Use any credible sources of information you like. However, only use sources
with authors and years of publication.

 Please observe! The sources should be mentioned in the speech. Use phrases
like: according to…, in the article…, the writer…
2. Write your manuscript
Speech structure:
 Firstly: your introduction in which you catch the listeners’ attention and state
why the audience needs to know about this issue. Then, present the thesis.
 Secondly: the body in which you use at least two arguments supporting your
statement and one counterargument. If you like, use all three types of
arguments: emotional, logical and those you use to build trust. End the body
with your strongest argument.
 Thirdly: End your speech with a conclusion and repeat your thesis.
 Last but not least: Add a paragraph with source criticism. You need to
comment on your chosen sources and explain why they are reliable. Comment
on one source at a time. However, you should not bring this up when you give
your speech.

3. Send your manuscript to

4. NB! Rethorical devices – Use at least two in your speech 

List of Argumentative Speech Topics


1. Fast Food advertisements and promotions should be banned.

2. Violent video games and toys should not be allowed.
3. Reality television makes people stupid and should be regulated.
4. Social networks are killing sincere relationships.
5. Social Networking Sites have an impact on changing us for the worse.
6. Watching television makes people smarter.


7. Human beings are becoming slaves of modern technology.

8. Space exploration is a waste of money.

9. NASA space landing on the moon was a hoax.
10. Modern technology has increased material wealth but not happiness.
11. Positive effects of technology on society.
12. The internet has made research easier and more convenient.
13. Has the television become out-dated?


14. Racing industry should be forced to use environmentally-friendly fuel.

15. Garbage disposal should not be free to encourage recycling.
16. Government should support and subsidize alternative energy sources.
17. Nuclear power is better than solar power.

Constitutional Issues

18. Ban on smoking in public places is undemocratic.

19. Euthanasia should be legalized.
20. Compulsory military service is good for society and the country.
21. Voting age should be lowered.


22. The world would be a more peaceful place without religions.

23. There should be no religion in schools.
24. Religion is a force for evil.


25. Mobile phones should be banned in schools for both students and teachers.
26. Benefits of attending a single-sex school.
27. Mandatory dress code.


28. Euthanasia is not morally acceptable.

29. Sale of human organs should be legal.
30. Abortion is inhumane and murder.
31. Zoos, aquariums and circus violate animal rights and should be shut down.
32. Hunting is unethical and should not be allowed.

Argumentative speech En6


Eleven väljer texter och talat Eleven väljer texter och talat Eleven väljer texter och talat
språk från olika medier och kan språk från olika medier och språk från olika medier och
på ett relevant sätt använda det använder på ett relevant och använder på ett relevant,
valda materialet i sin egen effektivt sätt det valda materialet i effektivt och kritiskt sätt det
produktion och interaktion. sin egen produktion och valda materialet i sin egen
interaktion. produktion och interaktion.

I muntliga och skriftliga I muntliga och skriftliga I muntliga och skriftliga

framställningar i olika genrer framställningar i olika genrer kan framställningar i olika genrer
kan eleven formulera sig relativt eleven formulera sig varierat, kan eleven formulera sig
varierat, tydligt och relativt tydligt och strukturerat. varierat, nyanserat, tydligt och
strukturerat. strukturerat.

Eleven kan även formulera sig Eleven kan även formulera sig
med flyt och viss anpassning till med flyt och anpassning till
syfte, mottagare och situation. syfte, mottagare och situation.

Dessutom kan eleven välja och Dessutom kan eleven välja och Dessutom kan eleven välja och
använda i huvudsak fungerande använda fungerande strategier använda väl fungerande
strategier som i viss mån löser som löser problem i och förbättrar strategier som löser problem i
problem i och förbättrar interaktionen. och förbättrar interaktionen
interaktionen. och kan föra den framåt på
ett konstruktivt sätt.

Eleven diskuterar översiktligt Eleven diskuterar utförligt några Eleven diskuterar utförligt och
några företeelser i olika företeelser i olika sammanhang nyanserat några företeelser i
sammanhang och delar av och delar av världen där engelska olika sammanhang och delar av
världen där engelska används, används, och kan då också göra världen där engelska används,
och kan då också göra enkla välutvecklade jämförelser med och kan då också göra
jämförelser med egna egna erfarenheter och kunskaper. välutvecklade och
erfarenheter och kunskaper. nyanserade jämförelser med
egna erfarenheter och

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