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A New Proof for Napoleon’s Theorem

By Alex Anderson

Napoleon’s theorem is one of the most elegant statements of triangle ge-
ometry. In short, if one constructs equilateral triangles on the sides of any
triangle, the centers of those 3 equilateral triangles form yet another equi-
lateral triangle. There are many known methods of proving this statement
that use relatively sophisticated geometric ideas (Ref. 1). This article offers
a new proof that uses relatively intuitive geometric ideas like dissection and
side equality. Perhaps Napoleon’s alledged proof was more along these lines.

Diagram 1






Problem 1:

Given any triangle, ABC, construct equilateral triangles ABC 0 , BCA0 , and
CAB 0 (externally) with centers C 00 , A00 , and B 00 , respectively. Prove that
A00 B 00 C 00 is equilateral.


Mathematical Reflections 3 (2007) 1

Note: I will use the standard notation that AB = c, BC = a, CA = b,
∠BAC = ∠A, ∠ABC = ∠B, and ∠BCA = ∠C. We will consider when
∠ABC, ∠BCA, and ∠CAB are less than 2π 3 . The other case creates a slight
00 00
issue because 4C AB lies outside 4ABC instead of inside. Regardless,
that case is sufficiently analogous.

I plan to show that the reflections of A, B, and C into B 00 C 00 , C 00 A00 , and

A00 B 00are the same point. I define this point to be X.

Consider triangle AB 00 C 00 . We have that

π π π
∠B 00 AC 00 = ∠B 00 AC + ∠CAB + ∠BAC 00 = + ∠C + = ∠C +
6 6 3
Using the 30-60-90 triangles, it follows that:
AB 00 = B 00 C = √b3 , BC 00 = C 00 A = √c3 , CA00 = A00 B = √a

Diagram 2


B'' (2)

B'' (1)


C'' (1) X

C'' (2)

A'' (2)

A'' (1)

Now here is the crux move. On the left, we have the 3 triangles from
Diagram 1 (just reflected). [see diagram 2 for appropriate labeling] On
the right, we have another triangle that we are trying to construct; this
triangle results from pushing the triangles on the left together. Push the
upper two triangles together [so A and C coincide to point X and B 00 (1)

Mathematical Reflections 3 (2007) 2

and B 00 (2) coincide to point B 00 ]. By (1), the sides AC 00 and BC 00 match up.
π pi π
∠A00 XC 00 = 2π−(∠A00 CB 00 +∠C 00 AB 00 ) = 2π−∠C− −∠B− = ∠A+ = ∠A00 BC 00
3 3 3
Now we show the lower triangle fits in. A00 X (right)= A00 (2)C(left) (by
construction) and A00 (2)C = A00 (1)B by (1), so A00 X = A00 (1)B and C 00 X =
C 00 (2)B. It follows by SAS congruency that 4XA00 C 00 ∼ = BA00 (1)C 00 (2). So
essentially, we took the triangles on the left, and pushed them together to
form the triangle on the right. It directly follows that A00 B 00 on the right is
congruent to A00 B 00 in the original diagram. Using SSS congruence, A00 B 00 C 00
is the same in diagram 1 and diagram 2, right. Now the important piece of in-
formation that we now have is that 4XB 00 C 00 ∼ = 4AB 00 C 00 and symmetrical
statements. We have that ∠XC B = ∠AC B 00 and ∠XC 00 A00 = ∠BC 00 A00 .
00 00 00


∠B 00 C 00 A00 = 21 (∠XC 00 B 00 + ∠XC 00 B 00 + ∠XC 00 A00 + ∠XC 00 A00 )

= 12 (∠AC 00 B 00 + ∠XC 00 B 00 + ∠XC 00 A00 + ∠BC 00 A00 )
= 21 ∠AC 00 B
= π6
By symmetry, all the angles of A00 B 00 C 00 are equal to π3 . It follows that
A00 B 00 C 00 is equilateral; hence, the theorem is proved.

Problem 2:

X is the first fermat point of 4ABC. For ∠A ≤ ∠B ≤ ∠C ≤ 3

We note that AB 00 = XB 00 = CB 00 = B 0 B 00 hence X is the circumcenter

of AXCB 0 . It follows that ∠AXC = π − ∠AB 0 C = 2π 3 . By symmetry,

∠BXC = ∠CXA = 3 . This is a well-known definition for the first fermat

References: 1. ”‘Napoleon’s Theorem”’


Mathematical Reflections 3 (2007) 3

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