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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Cont Subject Mathematics

ledge Grade Level Kindergarten

The objective of the K.7 The student will recognize the attributes of a penny, nickel,
lesson is what
dime, and quarter and identify the number of pennies equivalent to
students will be able
to do as they finish a nickel, a dime, and a quarter.
the activity. For this
objective, use the
Standards of Learning
(SOL) to say what you
want to focus on.
You can find the
SOLs at
http://www.doe.virgini on
the right of the screen
for the subjects and
go from there.

Peda Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
In this activity, my students are going to use Google Slides to create a slide
presentation of the four different kinds of coins.
Peda Activity
Describe what the
gogy learning activity will
In this learning activity the students will be introduced to a
be. What will the penny, nickel, dime and quarter. Additionally, they will be
students and the
teacher be doing?
expected to identify how many pennies are equivalent to a
(This includes what nickel, a dime, and a quarter. The teacher would start off by
they are doing with
the technology). Many questioning if they were familiar with change and which is the
people tend to find biggest or smallest. Then, continuing on the teacher would
this part easier if they
number the action in then bring in the coins to demonstrate visually, exactly what
order and think of this
from the view of a
each looks like. Next, the teacher will need to bring in extra
substitute teacher. pennies to lay out 5 pennies next to a nickel, 10 pennies next
This lesson was left
on the desk, can you
to a dime and 25 pennies next to a quarter to represent its
follow it and teach the value. Lastly, the teacher should hand out an exit ticket which
class today? Add
numbers as you need would ask them to draw a line connecting the picture of a coin
to describe your to the correct name and answer a few multiple-choice
class/activity for the
day. questions about each penny amount and its equivalence to
the others. The interactive part for the students at home will
need parent supervision to get on the computer and create a
simple slide show on google slides.

1. Name and title on first slide.

2. Create four slides of each coin.
3. For the slides (not including pennies) write out or
add images of how many pennies it takes for each
other slide/coin.

Web 2.0
Tech Technology The name of the web 2.0 tool being used is Google Slides which is
nolog Name of the device accessible to anyone for free through their gmail accounts. If you do
and/or programs
y being used. (The not have a google account you can register for free!
description of what
the students will be
doing with the
technology will be
included in the

Link to the
product you XmDUGQ2a0cGPxWsk86kX1KtB8Hs/edit?usp=sharing
to be a

Mobile App
Name: Google Slides Price: Free Available in the App store

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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