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war crimes for dummies

as published on braingarbage

disbartorturelawyers and kevin zeese and bradley manning

so honored to realize that kevin zeese is on the bradley defense team.

love to see a swede's jaw drop when i explain all the top DOJ write "law"
to explain/defend/promote torture and remain actively barred in many

no body at los angeles lawyer's guild bats an eye. america is so cynical.

they are busy fighting racist cops off the backs of brown people in
america. no time for guantanamo or abu ghraib or black sites or the
higher mind: natural law: the third eye.

but here is Kevin Zeese, hooray

kevin zeese filed pleadings regarding the bush six torture lawyers. obama
will protect them from spanish international law attempts. bush will run
from switzerland.

last may, when i was uploading docs to disbartorturelawyers scribd

account, i realized i should call zeese.

we spoke. i was enflamed. i am now engulfed by something much more

like shokusinbutso feelings.

jain feelings. no apathy. immolation.

in 2010 may when we spoke, i was full of foment, thinking, well only if
the world knew what hideous crimes of humanity are defended in the
department of justice legal memorandi, then well, the floor would drop
out from their feet.

but i know better now.

evil plows us into the bloody earth, just like tienneman square.

are you ready to get sucked under, or will you engulf yourself in flames
like the holy buddhist monk in ingmar bergman's persona, ie the world.

which mask do you wear?

they call this suicide bombing.

i call it prayer.

then i realize as i cram fast too much news on wikileaks central i realize
how gargantuan the effort is.

the friend of the NY atty in the ICC says i(we) blow it out of proportion.
who which hype machine? souffle.
i retort: what of the PR coup to precede the ICC sudan arrest.
little by little is the answer.
but of course the criminals will always be from africa first in the white
first world, sudan war crimes come first, and bush six crimes come never
and obama shields us from the melody of justice.
will the action in the spanish courts proceed?
who believes in which penalty.

i write to you from the stockholm building where is the portugese

embassy, where my friend has an apartment. he is anonymous.
i write from an embassy of piracy, of wikileaks, of anonymous.
i left an anonymous flyer for the consulate. like i ddos, have a drip to
at the friday iraq occupation demo outside sergel's torg,
i apologized to the people of iraq. but then my activist friends explain,
free speech in sweden is restricted too, to that which is legal to protest.
i was wondering where were the bully clubs.
but it isnt polite to beat iraqi's in public. leave that to wackenhut,
halliburton et al.
but somehow it is polite to send them to a country where they can be
beaten and raped by american soldiers.
that is where sweden is sooooooo polite. 51st state.
the CIA refused to give me info on my father's work hunting for
communism, or my grandmother's collusion with my grandfather's job
keeping the vietnam war rolling and the nazis in the atomic energy
commission pumped full of dollars and diplomatic immunity.
was he a subversive, ransom eng, i would love to think, my grandfather
was a double agent, feeding truth to someone somewhere while the war
crimes in vietnam raged on and he collected salary and pensions for my
mom to hand over to enron.
just to be funny.
so i am giving the blood money from labor law and landlord law and LAPD
police brutality to sweden. and then what.
i will have to recapitalize.
but now its time for cognitive capital, and that is why information is more
powerful than money to me.
and the freedom in the mind is the most priceless thing even money cant
and i wonder how it will be done in guantanamo.
tubes down the throat ripping the esophagus to evade the hunger strike.
forcefeeding is torture.
we have the right to starve, even anorectics.
i call it prayer
i am PROANA to the max, especially when it comes to guantanamo.
few might understand me now. but i dont care. nietszche knew his
words were too fresh for the present tense.
wikileaks is too fresh for the present, the present is stuck in the past, the
present tense will be future and future nurembergs will be moment by
moment annihilations on the pyres of consciousness.
they will go right to left like arabic as it faces north or left to right as
english face the colonial south.
bet tzedek will have its way.
the shoh contains the house of justice.
the black box wherein miroslaw balka prays.

waiting for godot? waiting to take off your mask, identiy was an illusion
too, as is anonymity.
somewhere on somebody's facebook, i speak against the crimes against
humanity and reaffirm my desire to burn my USA passport.
anna lindh deported to egypt.
claes borgstrom, consulting atty for the anna ardin case did too.
refoulement, foul.
slave labor sweatshops for bureaucrats keep the war alive, and keep the
poets writing. and the gas ovens cooking.

there have been many mistakes, torture lawyer alan dershowitz

i would fire him immediately.
a higher standartd of ethics will pervade the wikileaks of the future.
and i dont mean openleaks slow.
i mean high speed audobaun wikileaks with no room for error, no room
for hiroshimadefender geoffrey robertson racism or dershowitz protorture
wishywashy backgammon, and actual ethics on point.

and so then, assange might inspire us.

and all the anonymous tech nerds flying around thru chunnels and tunnels
and encryptions might come out of their caves, and take the world in
their hands.
dont worry about losing a corporate job with war criminals.
stop being good germans.
we will control everything, youth!
it is our world not theirs!
this is a simple age old hand over of power between, one nation under
internet (facebook, twiiter)
and a bunch of delusional powergrubbing senex
out grenades
out ericsson
out saab frontpage war advert, auto petrol love advert.
war crimes with the morning cereal.

i go back to reading.
nice time at the apple store today. smart: mobile wifi device off ebay

nice talking ICC and wikileaks as always

from interviewie lennart mogren

our interview got quite a few hits!

Hi Mary,

Nice meeting you and I enjoyed our conversation!

Here is link to the Inglehart-Welzel Cultural Map of the World where you
can see Sweden occupies a pretty extreme position.
Comment from that page:

Self-expression values give high priority to environmental protection,

tolerance of diversity and rising demands for participation in decision
making in economic and political life. These values also reflect mass
polarization over tolerance of outgroups, including foreigners, gays
and lesbians and gender equality. The shift from survival values to self-
expression values also includes a shift in child-rearing values, from
emphasis on hard work toward emphasis on imagination and tolerance
as important values to teach a child. And it goes with a rising sense of
subjective well-being that is conducive to an atmosphere of tolerance,
trust and political moderation. Finally, societies that rank high on self-
expression values also tend to rank high on interpersonal trust.

This produces a culture of trust and tolerance, in which people place a

relatively high value on individual freedom and self-expression, and have
activist political orientations. These are precisely the attributes that the
political culture literature defines as crucial to democracy.Take care!

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