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Sairam Tangirala

PHYS 8602, set-3

NVT Simulation of Argon

Using Lennard-Jones Potential
Requirement The system satisfies periodic boundary conditions.

Implement NVT simulation by modifying the program Time Evolution of System

previously written for NVE study of Argon system
using Lennard-Jones interaction potential. Verlet integration is used for calculating the
trajectories of particles in molecular dynamics
NVT Simulation simulations. This algorithm calculates the positions
and velocities using iterative method as shown below:
A simple method for fixing the kinetic temperature of
the system in MD is to rescale the velocities after each r (t + ∆ ) = 2 r (t ) + r (t − ∆ ) + a(t ) ∆2
Verlet step using the formula:
r (t + ∆ ) − r (t − ∆ )
− T fixed −
v(t ) = [2]
V rescaled = ⋅ V current [1] 2∆
here the current temperature is calculated from the It is seen that for calculating r (t + ∆ ) we need r (t )
kinetic energy. This rescaling makes sure that the and r (t − ∆ ) . So we need a different method to get
temperature remains fixed at the desired value ( T fixed ) r (t ) using r (t − ∆ ) , for this I chose the Taylor’s
after each Verlet step. method for calculating the positions at the first time-
step using the formula:
r (t ) = r (t − ∆ ) + ∆ v(t − ∆ ) [3]
When an MD simulation is started for the very first
time, one needs to specify the initial arrangement of r (t − ∆ ) is calculated using initialization of Argon
the atoms in space, as well as their initial velocities. atoms on 7x7x7 lattice.
Below I mention the initial conditions that were used
in my simulation.
Knowledge from Assignment-2
• Atoms were arranged on a 7x7x7 lattice. Only 256
Optimum value of time-step ∆ to be used depends on
lattice sites were used to place atoms and rest were the system and the computer resources. It is possible
left unoccupied. to get very small errors in the calculations by
choosing small ∆ , but the drawback is that it takes a
• The initial potential energy is calculated using the larger amount of time to do simulations and to reach
Lennard-Jones potential. Kinetic energy is calculated equilibrium.
using the temperature T fixed (=2.58).
I choose the value of ∆ =1.0 x 10-5 and performed the
• Velocity (calculated from K.E) was distributed simulations for a total of 1.0x105 time-steps.
among N atoms equally in magnitude. The directions
of velocities for N atoms are chosen randomly.

Plot (1) below shows the time evolution of kinetic,

potential and total energies. It is seen that the kinetic
energy remains a constant at all the time-steps; this is
due the rescaling of velocities after every Verlet step.
Also the potential energy undergoes fluctuations with
time and shows equilibrated behavior after about
40x103 time-steps.

Averaged values of kinetic, potential and total

energies are calculated in the production run and the
table summarizes these values.

Quantity Average Error

Kinetic Energy 990.72 0.00 Plot(2): Comparison of total energy in NVE and NVT
Potential Energy 844.44 0.12
Total Energy 146.28 0.12 Finally the deviations of the total energy can be
understood by having a look the plot (3) which shows
the time-propagation of error in the calculation of total
energy. In particular it can be noted that for ∆ =10-5
the equilibrated total energy has a large errors. This
explains why the equilibrated total energy of NVE
ensemble does not converge towards the constraint
fixed value.

Plot(1): Time evolution of energies

Plot (2) shows the comparison of the total energy

calculated in NVE and NVT ensembles. The
constraint total energy of NVE ensemble is also
shown for comparison.
Plot(3): Time-propagation of error in E*
It is see that in NVE simulation the average total
energy is not closer to fixed value (E*= 101.79) even Statistical error bars in energy calculations are small
after the equilibrium is reached. This deviation is due because I have very large production run (=60.0x104
to Verlet method employing time-step ∆ =1.0x10-5 in time-steps). The systematic errors in energy
the simulation. calculations are observed at large time steps. These
errors are due to Verlet’s method.
Quantity NVE NVT
Total Energy 127.59(0.45) 146.28(0.12)

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