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Dianne Montano

Dr. Parks
HLTH 302-Sec 05

Health Informatics
1. In your own words, what is health informatics?

Health informatics is a combination of multiple fields of information science, computer

science, and health care as a way to improve patient care. It does so by providing better
information that allows better decisions for the patient’s health outcomes. It uses information
technology such as computers, clinical guidelines, and formal medical technologies to keep
updated information and maintain communications between each source.

2. Please define data, information, and knowledge. How are each of these terms different?

Data is raw and random without little processing, such as numbers, pictures, sound, text,
etc. It is something given and until it is processed and interpreted it remains data. Information is
processed data that has been given form to the point where a human can understand it.
Information gives data meaning. According to Johns (1997), knowledge is a “combination of
rules, relationships, ideas, and experience”. Knowledge is when you use the data and information
to apply to real-life situations. Data is the first step, that later becomes processed into
information, and in turn, can be used in a form of knowledge.

3. What is medical informatics?

Medical informatics is the combination of information science, computer science, and
health care in a way to optimize patient health. It is through advanced technology such as
electronic medical records, biomedical data, and computers that help solve problems and better
patient’s health. It keeps all the patients’ medical history and allows widespread use between
medical professionals to obtain the most optimal decision for the patient. It also allows the
patient access to their health and makes their own decisions by keeping informed.

4. What are the types of data and information included in health informatics?
There are two forms of data and information that are included in health informatics:
internal and external. Each of the forms has its subfields within it. Internal data and information
involve patient encounters, patient-specific, aggregate, comparative, and general operations.
External data and information can be seen in comparative and expert/knowledge-based data and

5. What type of careers do you think are included in this field? Do any of these appeals to
Health informatics can be included in any field of medical wise or health-wise. It is used
to better the health of the patient. Such careers can be clinical, pharmaceutical, nutritional,
electronic medical records keeper, nursing, and many others. I have always been drawn to a
career in the medical field, especially nursing. I have volunteered at my local hospital under the
MIU unit, and have gotten a glimpse of their jobs. Ever since working in that unit, I have fallen
deeper in love with a career in nursing, especially working with mothers and newborns. Health
informatics is extremely important for nursing because there is a lot that goes on with a patient,
and it is better to have as much information as possible to make a better decision on the course of

6. Define and describe the differences between an EHR, PHR, and EMR
EHR refers to the electronic health record, which is electronically collected and stored
data of the patient. The data is directly inputted into a computerized provider and used to supply
information to providers and advise healthcare practitioners. It focuses on the quality, outcomes,
and safety of the patient. It also has enhanced surveillance and monitoring which leads to a
decrease in medication errors. It is made to share information with other health care providers so
that they contain information from all the clinicians involved in the patient’s care.
PHR refers to personal health record which is customizable based on the needs, values,
and preferences. The information is lifelong, comprehensive, and support in exchange and
portability, with reducing costs. PHR is used primarily by the patients unlike the EHR, which is
used and managed by health care providers.
EMR refers to electronic medical records which are digital versions of the paper charts.
They contain the patient’s medical and treatment history in one practice and can be used to track
data over time, check certain parameters, and monitor and improve the overall quality of care
within the practice. Unlike EHR, EMR is only available to those involved in the practice of the
patient, and the information cannot be as easily shared with other involving clinicians.

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