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Matthew Cerami

Earth 002-001
Current Views on Global Warming: 2

I had quite a hard time choosing between the second and the third options when

it came to my current views on Global warming but after serious consideration I

went with the second. There is no way you can completely disregard the fact that

with how much of a physical toll we put on the Earth, via gas emissions and

deforestation (all of which the Earth was not accustom to before our civilizations

came along), that some of what we do hasn’t had a negative impact on the Earth.

Now with that being said I strongly believe that the majority of rising surface

temperatures and the receding Arctic Sea Ice comes from nothing more then the

Earth just moving through it’s natural cycle. Looking back as far as we can tell it’s

been shown that the Earth has constantly been moving between glacial periods and

interglacial periods, with us currently in the midst of another interglacial period. To

me personally the Earth moving through it’s natural cycle of freezing and thawing

seems like a much more logical idea to attribute the signs of global warming to.

Although I’m attributing most of the climate change to the Earth’s natural cycle

that doesn’t mean I don’t see anthropogenic global warming and the negative effects

we are having on the Earth to still be a somewhat significant problem. I believe that

steps could and should be taken on all levels to try and monitor the effects we are

having on our planet and to decrease any negative impact we have. This can be

extremely difficult to do on something as small as on a personal level because the

responsibility lies on the individuals themselves but in my opinion doing our best to

educate everyone on the topic would genuinely help more people make wiser

decisions when it comes to impacting our environment. On a larger scale if we could

have a way to regulate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions everyone is allowed,

that could significantly decrease the total. For example start by putting a limit per

factory, then go per county, region, state, and country to monitor it as a whole.

The entire “climategate” situation had a small influence on my opinion on

global warming but didn’t dramatically change my perception of it. You have to

believe any researchers putting so much time and effort into proving a specific topic

would do whatever is possible of them to try and make their research agree with

what they are standing up for. Even in the situation of “climategate” with it being

somewhat unethical.

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