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“…examine the dynamics of power and how it shapes such issues as knowledge, privilege,

gender, economies, religion, environment and/or race relations."

Tobacco, and alcohol are both in an interesting position compared to the other substances

that we have reviewed and learned about this semester because of their access in the open

markets of the world economy. People can and a lot have gotten rich on the vices of others

especially with tobacco and alcohol. The health positives of tobacco have been proven to be

nonexistent however we somehow have allowed the industry to continue to be legal, expand,

grow and be highly successful. I believe the biggest portion of allowing these harms to exist

comes from the fact that as open market products laws and restrictions for national and world

health have been overlooked to maintain profits for the wealthy, leading back into the pockets of


The United States allows open trading of stocks regarding alcohol, tobacco and now

marijuana. This open market has allowed at least 40 documented billionaires in the world who

have made their fortunes in industries of vice. The World Health Organization reported that

almost 6 million people died from tobacco use, and 2.5 million from harmful use of alcohol

every year. It seems crazy to me that governments and economics have allowed the wealth of a

few individuals to be worth that many lives.

These industries unsurprisingly to most come at a cost to environment factors especially

in underdeveloped areas of the world. According to a study by the WHO land that is often used

for subsistence farming in low- and middle-income countries are often diverted to tobacco

production as a cash crop. Alcohol although slightly less with its environmental impact really

depends on the companies that are producing and if they are trying to be economical. Lower
economic impact comes at a price when it comes to alcohol and so often the more popular brands

are less economic because of a need to keep their prices low. Studies have shown that often these

brands are the ones that are more often abused which as well shows a double effect. These

companies are exploiting those in lower income situations because it allows them to get their

alcohol for cheaper, health and environmental impacts are both effected in those situations.

Advertisement campaigns have been extremely important to both industries especially in getting

younger people interested and aware at early ages. Millions of dollars are spent every year in

order to advertise alcohol and tobacco products, these can be found in Sports, TV shows, movies,

games, and social medias. The success of these industries really focuses on new users using and

becoming hooked on the products they are making. If you had 8.5 million of your customers die

every year in any other industry you would never be able to replace those customers in almost

any other market. Yet year after year customers continuing to use, start to use, or return to use on

these types of products and it is all happening because of advertisements and manipulating the

information and knowledge out there of the negative effects of these two products. \

It is through abuse of power that I believe the tobacco and alcohol industries continue to

succeed and grow despite what scientific evidence about the harms of the products have shown.

These industries are too afraid to lose their accumulated wealth by limiting the consumption to

benefit the health of those who abuse these drugs. I hope we can continue to shine evidence on

the harms of these industries and reduce the amount of people losing their lives for the profits of


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