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Escuela Evangélica Bilingüe “Virginia Sapp”

READING QUIZ 20% - I Partial
Third grade Section: _______
Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________

A. Vocabulary in Context. Complete each sentence using the words from

the box. (1% each, 5% total)
worried announced jury guilty contacted

1. My brother is __________________. He is afraid rain will ruin the class trip.

2. Jurors tell the judge whether they think the accused person is
____________________ or innocent.
3. Each day, a different student ____________________ school news over
a loudspeaker.
4. Members of a _____________________ hear the facts of a case and
make a decision together.
5. The girl _______________________ neighbors by phone and asked for
help with projects.

B. Story Structure. Read the passage below. Then, complete the Story Map.
(1% each, 5% total)
C. Understanding Characters. Read the short story below. Then, complete
the chart with the correct information. (1% each, 5% total)

Main Characters Physical Traits Personality Traits

1. Jenny 1. ____________ 1. ____________

2. _____________ 1. ____________ 1. ____________

D. Drawing Conclusions. Read the passage below. Then, answer the

questions. Write three supporting details to support your answers. (1%each,
5% total)

1. Why is Max upset?

Detail 1: __________________________________________________________
Detail 2: __________________________________________________________
2. What was Mom planning to do that day?
Detail 1: _______________________________________________________

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