A Marxist Criticism of Marissa Reorizo-Redburn's Service Tea

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A Marxist Criticism of Marissa Reorizo-Redburn's Service Tea.

The traditional, polite and honorable things to do in some restaurants is to serve a Service Tea as
welcoming gesture to the customers. The service tea is free of charge just like the complimentary peanuts
they also offered to their customers while waiting for their orders. This was offered to all customers of the
restaurants regardless of your socioeconomic status or class. As we notice in the text that two men are
having their meal in one of the restaurants that offered service tea and complimentary peanuts while
waiting for their order of rice toppings dish which eventually turns to disappointments because the main
dish was too salty and he has no choice but to sipped the one pitcher of service tea until the last drop.
While taking their meal the man was tackled his sentiments of being laid off from his work and the issues
of moral injustice and the abuse of power.

Two men who were taking their meals at the restaurant and enjoy the service hot tea beverages
which one of those men is under a working class. Working class is a socioeconomic term describing
persons in a social class marked by jobs that provide low pay and require limited skill. ... Today, most
working-class jobs are found in the services sector and include clerical, retail sales, and low-skill manual
labor vocations. The individual who belong to this class has limited benefits and can be laid off at any time
when the employer are not satisfied with their performance just like Dante who has a prostate cancer, high
blood pressure and have been laid off at the age of 55 due to this low quality performance and the company
cannot afford to subsidize his medical expenses. We do understand Dante's sentiments of moral injustice or
inhumane acts of his employer but we must also consider that not all segments of society are accounted
for. Companies are not required to give full-time employees benefits. However, employers cannot be
discriminatory in who receives benefits and who does not. This does not exclude a particular class and fair
to all laborers. There is evidence that socioeconomic status (SES) affects individual's health outcomes and
the health care they receive. Hence, class restrict the characters in the text. Socioeconomic status is an
important determinant of access to health care. Health is correlated to people’s socioeconomic status and
lifestyle. Dante's sentiment of having laid off from the work has bigger impact to his health condition,
Because of his medical and everyday expenses. The character in the text struggles a lot and it shows that
even in the time of Marcos, Cory, Ramos, Erap, Arroyo that leave him a lasting scar on his flesh. Low-
socioeconomic status (SES) households have little income or wealth to buffer against the negative impacts
of an adverse health event (health shock). Class and its correlates, such as lower educational achievement,
poverty and poor health, ultimately affect our society. The state and the individual are a source of strength
of each other. The state aims at the welfare of the people and at the same time it is an end also because it is
a supreme and a sovereign. The state view individuals as both means of production and also an end of

Things have changed, time will not be the same as yesterday. Be productive, cherish every happy
moment, live life as if tomorrow never come. Prepare as young as possible. Dante is not ready to face his
new situation, being laid off from work is not easy to cope with especially if you do not have savings. We
must know the importance of savings and emergency fund. Be prepared always.

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