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TPACK Template

Online Learning Synchronous

Subject English

Grade Level 10

Learning Objective 10.8 The student will collect, evaluate, organize, and present
information to create a research product.
c) Verify the accuracy, validity, and usefulness of information.
d) Make sense of information gathered from diverse sources by

identifying misconceptions, main and supporting ideas,

conflicting information, point of view or bias.

Online Activity 1) The teacher will be meeting the students on Zoom during
the set time for class.
2) For a preview activity the teacher will instruct students to
discuss what makes an effective source for a paper in breakout
rooms with their group of three/four. Students will write down
their list and reasons on a Google Docs page made by the
teacher. This doc will have sections for each breakout room
group to write in. A link will be posted in the Zoom chat by the
teacher to streamline the process. After explaining the
instructions, the teacher will ask students if they have any
questions before put into breakout rooms. The teacher will
make sure to visit every breakout room to ensure productivity
and to take questions. But, will intervene as little as possible
for it to be a free flow of information. (8-9 mins)
3) The teacher will dissolve the breakout rooms, and then, ask
each group to state at least one characteristic they listed and
the rationale behind it (7-8 mins)
4) The teacher will introduce the simulation game known as
“NewsFeed Defenders” by iCivics that will assist students in
learning about valid sources and ways to determine that.
During this, the teacher will screenshare their screen, and
showcase the different features of the simulation. For
instance, the day system, and how students can only perform
two-three actions a day. These actions are different forms of
inspection of an article. (8 mins)
5) The teacher will have students start the simulation and
engage with it (20 mins)

6) Afterwards, the teacher will instruct students to stop and

write to write at least 7 sentences on a Google Doc that is
placed in a student’s individual submission folder on Google
Drive. They will write about their experience and what they
learned while engaging in the simulation. (10 - 12 mins)
7) The teacher will have a class discussion by having students
share what they wrote about their experience with the class.
(6 mins)

Technology Simulation game, “Newsfeed Defender” by iCivics:

Laptop/computer with a working microphone

Google Doc
Google Drive

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