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A Study Guide for Modern Epidemiology 3rd Edition

By Genevieve M. Nangit

This study guide covers the study designs of modern epidemiology

(Rothman, Greenland & Lash, 2008) which is presented in chapters 6 to 8.


Chapter 6 Types of Epidemiologic Studies ................................................ 2

Chapter 7 Cohort Studies ............................................................................ 3
Chapter 8 Case-Control Studies .................................................................. 4
Reference .................................................................................................... 5

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Chapter 6 Types of Epidemiologic Studies

Guide Questions
1. What are the restrictions when conducting “experimental epidemiology”?
2. Enumerate and describe the 3 types of experimental epidemiology.
3. Describe non-experimental study in epidemiology.
4. Enumerate and describe the 4 types of non-experimental study in
5. At a minimum, state the 4 requirements that an informed consent must
6. Differentiate field trials against clinical trials.
7. What is the cardinal rule in selecting control?
8. What is the unique characteristic of ecologic study?

Important Terms To Remember

Experiment Ecologic studies Intent-to-treat principle
Random allocation Index cohort Probability distribution
Clinical trials Reference cohort Case-control studies
Field trials Prospective Cross-sectional studies
Cohort studies Retrospective Control series selection
Prevalence studies Double-blind studies Hypothesis-generating studies
Study protocol Triple-blind studies Hypothesis-screening studies
Informed consent Placebo Community intervention trials
Net effect Placebo response Experimental epidemiology
Randomization Noncompliance Non-experimental epidemiology
Chance variation

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Chapter 7 Cohort Studies

Guide Questions
1. Define a cohort study.
2. When do you use a cohort study?
3. Explain the concept “time during which exposure occurs” and “time-at-
risk of exposure effects”.
4. How should the investigator study a hypothesis that do not specify an
induction time because the appropriate time periods on which to stratify
the incidence rates are unclear?
5. What are the 2 approaches of handling the time that was experienced by
exposed subjects that did not meet the definition of time-at-risk of
exposure effects according to the study hypothesis?
6. Describe the approach of handling immortal person-time in a study.
7. Enumerate the ways of reducing expenses of a cohort study.
8. What is the advantage and disadvantage of doing a retrospective cohort

Important Terms To Remember

Cohort Dynamic population Time-at-risk
Exposed cohort Dynamic cohort Immortal person-time
Reference cohort Fixed cohorts Retrospective cohort selection
Cohort study Closed cohorts Special-exposure cohorts
General-population cohorts

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Chapter 8 Case-Control Studies

Guide Questions
1. Why is case-control study more efficient than cohort?
2. State the primary goal of selecting control in case-control studies and the
rationale behind it.
3. State the 2 basic rules of selecting controls for a case-control study.
4. Enumerate and describe the 6 sources of control series.
5. State the 4 considerations when selecting subjects for a case-control
6. Give 3 variants of case-control study and describe them.
7. What is the disadvantage of case-control design against the traditional
case-control design?

Important Terms To Remember

Case-control study Longitudinal sampling Case-cohort study
Control sampling rates Secondary bases Crossover study
Cumulative case-control design Source population Carryover effect
Comparability-of-information Sampling probability Two-stage sampling
Population-based study Cross-product ratio Selection time
Proportional mortality studies Incidence densities Pseudo-rates
Nested case-control studies Case-crossover study Case-cohort design

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Modern Epidemiology, 3rd Edition, 2008 by Rothman, K J.; Greenland, S;
Lash, Timothy L

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