Final Paper Civic Engagement Identity and Group Mobilization

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Arizona State University

Civic Engagement, Identity, and Group Mobilization

Bella LoPiccolo

PAF112: Identity, Service and American Democracy

Jonathan GS Koppell/ Eileen Eisen-Cohen

May 5, 2021
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Throughout the entirety of this course, the subjects of identity, mobilization, and

democracy have been explored, as well as how they have worked within different groups,

organizations and movements. Race Forward, formerly known as The Applied Research Center,

is a nonprofit racial justice organization that was founded in 1981 (by a man named Gary

Delagado). In 2017, the organization united with the Center for Social Inclusion which was

founded in 2002, and “catalyzed community, government, and other institutions to dismantle

structural racial inequity and create equitable outcomes for all” (Race Forward). Specifically,

Race Forward’s mission is to “build strategies to advance racial justice in our policies,

institutions, and culture” (Race Forward). The organization dreams of a “just, multiracial,

democratic society, free from oppression and exploitation, in which people of color thrive with

power and purpose” (Race Forward). This paper will dive into the aspects surrounding the

identity of those involved with Race Forward, as well as examine the organization in terms of

mobilization and American democracy.


In order to fully understand the work that Race Forward does, it is essential to understand

the identity of the people that are associated with the organization. With that comes the necessity

of being able to identify what an identity is, which according to the course material is “a shared

characteristic that can cause people to form a group, such as race, gender, class, religion, and

sexuality” (Koppell). Since Race Forward is a racial justice group, they are focused on people of

color and, in fact, list that as their number one value saying “We value the voices, experiences,
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cultures, intellect and multi-dimensionality of people of color” (Race Forward). This

organization is unique, as the micro-components that make up this identity are summed up in the

term “person of color”, since it is the color of an African-American’s skin that has caused them

to be victimized and in need of justice. Everyone who is helped by this organization shares the

identity of being systemically and socially oppressed since the founding of this country, and it is

essential to be African American in order to be included in the identity of those the organization

is doing work for. However, it is not essential to be African American in order to get involved

and do work for the organization. There is a shared identity of having a heart to help those who

are in need of justice, as well as having a shared want of equality and opportunity for all people.

Unfortunately, having this identity has the potential to negatively influence relationships with

other identity groups. For example, say you believe in racial justice and the achievement of it

being found in uprooting and changing whole systems, that would cause conflict if you also

believe republican political principles since republicanism is deeply tied to tradition and keeping

things the way they are. This is also an example of the political dimensions that having an

identity in racial justice comes with, You might end up leaning more leftist in order to achieve

real legislative change, since leftists are usually known for growing with the times and adapting.

The identity of racial justice also comes with economic dimensions such as that of advocating for

specific situations that you witness in your day to day life. This can also take shape in the form

of starting/ signing petitions and attending protests in order to spread awareness. Overall, being

able to identify the identity of those that the organization hopes to help, as well as the identity of

those involved not only helps in the understanding of the organization as a whole, but also makes

the work they do more effective.

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Race Forward is also a distinct organization because of the fact that they mobilize people

primarily over the internet, reaching thousands across the country in various media; and

promoting both social and political engagement. One of the central ways that the organizations

spreads awareness is through their own news site, called “Colorlines”. According to the Race

Forward website Colorlines “brings a critical racial lens to its journalism, as it covers breaking

news, offers context and analysis for fast-moving stories and digs deeper with investigative

reporting” (Race Forward). This daily news site is effective because it has the sole purpose of

spreading racial justice news, whether it be big stories involving legislation or a small incident

that a single family experienced. Along with Colorlines, Race Forward gives people to not just

hear from racial justice experts, but to also become one through their webtrainings. The

organization features different training series focusing on different aspects of social justice, but

currently is holding one called Building Racial Equity, which is focused around the emphasis

of, “emphasize how to challenge and change institutional racial inequities” (Race Forward).

Next, they will hold a series of zoom trainings with their own curriculum, centered around

strengthening participants’ “collective analysis of power while providing useful tools and

framework to shift power within groups, institutions and other formations seeking to advance

racial justice in this time” (Race Forward). Not only does the nature and extent of the work that

Race Forward does provide real change, it also strengthens individuals’ associations within the

racial justice world. As defined in the course, associations are “The relationships that people

form with one another to accomplish specific tasks” (Koppell). By forming more associations,

people are able to think collectively and achieve even more change.
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On top of the work that Race Forward does in the realm of social engagement, the

organization also does a lot to engage politically and achieve real legislative/ government

change. One avenue the organization pursues in order to accomplish this is through the

Government Alliance on Race and Equity sector of the organization, which is “a national

network of local government working to achieve racial equity and advance opportunities for all”

(Race Forward). According to GARE’s website they use a racial equity framework which means

that “Jurisdictions use a racial equity framework that clearly articulates racial equity, implicit and

explicit bias, and individual, institutional and structural racism” (Our Approach). They also

ensure to be “data driven” and to work with accountability. This sector of the organization

encourages people within local governments across the country to take action within their area

that aid in the fight against racial injustice. On the day to day, this can present itself in the form

of people within local governments presenting and pushing legislation that will break down

racism at the institutional and governmental level.


From the beginning of the course, the distinctiveness and uniqueness of American

democracy was taught and shown throughout multiple organizations and movements. As

referenced in a lecture by Dr. Koppell, America has a representative democracy, but what makes

it so unique is that Americans have an “unusual habit of forming associations whenever they

(we) want to do anything” (Koppell). This claim can be simply proven through the Race Forward

organization, given the fact that it was started by a small group and has affected real change at

the governmental level. This fact also shows the uniqueness of service in American democracy

given the fact that people can be participating in service (again making real change), without

ever leaving their house. Specifically to Race Forward, work can be done at both the social and
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the political level of society. In relation to other organizations and movements that have been

covered in this course, Race Forward relates to almost all of them because it was started by

people who shared similar identities and the heart to help and grew into something that ended up

inspiring actual change. The organization, like many others, takes non-violent steps in order to

come together and face a specific problem, developing strategies and taking their time to give

their best work. The thing that makes Race Forward so different, however, is that it is dealing

with a problem that dehumanizes and completely torments a specific race of people.


The Race Forward non-profit organization is one that is centered around a specific

identity and has mobilized thousands across the country in order to fight for racial justice that

promotes a true healthy democracy. The organization has been effective in inspiring real change

in both society, but also in government, which is something that would not have been possible

without the work of many to organize and mobilize people who share the same goals/ identity.

Overall, by understanding the identity of the people who need help as well as sharing a same

identity of heart, Race Forward is able to effectively mobilize people, who together work to get

us one step closer to racial equality every day.

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Works Cited

Koppell, Jonathan. “Distinctiveness of American Democracy”Arizona State University,




“Our Approach.” Government Alliance on Race and Equity,

Race Forward,

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