INOUE. 2001. Taxonomic Study of The Su Perfamily Psyllodea - SÍLIDOS

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The EntomologicalSociety

The Entomological Society ofof Japan


2001,4(4): 459-475

Taxonomic Study of the SuperfamilyPsylloidea(Homoptera:

Sternorrhyncha) on the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands.
Part 1, Aphalaridae,Psyllidaeand Carsidaridae,
with Descriptions of Four New Species*

Hiromitsu INouEi and Yorio MIyATAKE2

iEntomotogical and Bioenvironmental Sciencq 1<yushu Uhiversity,

Graduate Sthoot ofBioresource
Laboratory, Rikuoka.
20saka Aqyama Junior CbllegaNiina2-11=1, Minoo, Osaka. 562m8580Japan

Abstract. The superfamily Psylloideaof the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands is revised except fbrthe
family Triozidae.Six species belopging to 4 genera of 3 familieswere fdund on the islands, Four new
endemic species, Ptiurocephala albescens, Cdeeopsytlaboninqfatsiae, CL insularis, and C, maculipennis

are described basedon adults and 5th instars. The existence of endemic species isreeognized on the
islandsfor the firsttime. Two known species, Hleteropsylla cubana and Mesohomotoma camphorae,

are redescribed. Keys to the families, genera and species, as well as illustrations of the characteristics

of all species are provided. To date, only psylloidspecies widespread in the Orientalregion and the
Pacific have beenidentifiedon the isiands,The present study reveals that the psylloid fauna of the

g islandsispartlyaffected by that of Japan proper and the Ryukyus, which are represented
the newly found endernic species,
by some of

l,・i,I'l・ the Ogasawara (Bonin)

Key Hornoptera, Psylloidea,
words: new species, nymph, enclemic, Islands,
oceanic island.

The Ogasawara (Bonin) Islandsare strictly ocean-
ic,being locatedin the northwestern PacificOcean
about 1,OOOkm south of Tokyo (Fig,1), and they
have a subtropical climate. They consist of many
small islands, and even the largestisland (Chichi-jima
I.)hasan area of no more than 24 km!. Additionally,
the highest peak,Mt. Chibusa-yama on Haha-jima I,ts
enly 463 rn above sea level,On these islands,Uowever,
there exists a largenumber of endemic For
][!1 organisms.

example, the endemic rates of insects and vascular

plants are approximately 30% (Nakane, 1970; Kato,

1991) and43% (Ono etal., 1986), respectively, Fur-
thermore, there has been consideTable biogeographical
interestsin the origin and speciation of such endemic
organisms as woody plants (Ito,1998)and ]and snails
(Chiba, 1998).
Psylloids or jumping plant liceare phloem feeders
Contributtonfrorn the EntomelogicalLaboratory, Fac-
t u]ty of Agriculture, Kyush- University, Fukuoka S,
Fig,1. Locationof the Ogasawara (Bonin)
No, 5S)

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460 HiromitsuINouE and Yorio MIyATAKE

likeaphids and whiteflies (Hodkinson,

1974). In nymphal figures,
slide-mounted pigme-

ally they are host-specific,

narrowly that is,nympbs of only by bounds and not
nted sclerites are drawn
each speciesfeed only on a single or a few closely shaded. All measurerxtents are quoted in ntillimeters.
related host species,and furthennore, clesely related The term of cubital vein of forewing,Cut, that.has so
speciesusua]ly occur on closely related plants (Hod- farbeen used generaltyforthe morphelogy of Psylloi-

kinson,1974). dea isreplaced with CuA in this study.

In Japan, at least140 identMed species have been All holotypesare preserved in the collection of
known to occur, and the foltowingseveral species have EntomologicalLaboratory,Kyushu University, Fuku-
also been recorded from the Ogasawara Islands as oka (ELKU), Part of paratypes are preservedin
non-endemic species: Heteropsylla cubana Crawford, Osaka Museum of Natural History,Osaka (OMNH),
1914 (Miyano, 1998); Mesohomotoma camphorae Natural History Museum and Institute,Chiba
Kuwayarna, 1908 (Esaki, 1930); ML hibisci(Froggatt, (CBM), and the personalcollection of Dr. Kouichi
1901) (Tuthil1, 1964, misidentification of'lld: cam- Matsumoto, Tokyo (KM>.Other specimens etherwise
phorae); 7>"ionacamphorae Sasaki,1910 (Monzen, noted are in the personal collection of H. Inoue.

1951, misunderstandingof M camphorae); 17ioza

swerqyi (Crawford, 1927) (Miyano, 199g),
However, no endemic psylloid species has been pre-
identified on the islands, even though many
Keys to families of Psylleidea from the
endemic genera and species exist on other oceanic

islandsin the Pacific,such as the Mariana, Caroline, Ogasawara Islands

and Hawaiian Isiands (Zimmerman, 1948; Tuthill, Adults -1
l964). 1. Pterostigmapresent (Figs. 3, 16)..,.,....,,.2
Inoue, ene of the authors of the present study, - Pterostigma absent (Fig, 62) -・・・・・・i・・-・`・3 /11'i

visitedHahajima I,and Chichijima I,of the Ogasa- 2, Hind basitarsuswith apair of apical spines (Figs,
wara Islandstwice in 1999 to survey the psylloictfauna 28, 40); antenna more than 1.2tlmesas long as
of the islands as the firststep in studying the origin
in the Pacificarea. During
afid speciation of psylloids
width of head.,..........,......,..Psyrudae

Hind basitarsus without apical spine; antenna as

the survey, a considerable number of adults and long as width of head .......,,,..Aphalaridae tl//
nymphs of several psylloid
species were collected, and 3. Forewing with pseudo-vein (non-tracheate

alt oftheir hostplantswere confirmed.

In the present paper,the psylloidsof the Ogasawara


an apical
M (Fig,
and 62); hind basitarsus
(Fig. male subgenital
Islands,except for the familyTriozidae, are taxonorn- plate with a pair of horn-1ikeprojections dorsola-
icallyrevised; we also includedescriptionsof 4 new terally(Fig, 64) ........,,......Carsidaridae
species. The family Triozidaewill be revised in a Forewing without pseudo-yein; hind basitarsus 1i1'./1.

subsequent paper. withoutspine; male subgenital plate without dis- 1t

- t , ・1f'!
tmct projectlon ..........,.,..,.,.,,...,,,,
..........Triozidae(nottreated in thispaper)
Materials and Methods 1lll・L・

The psylloidfauna of the Ogasawara Islands was Ab,mphs (5th


surveyed twice in l999, the firstvisit to Haha-jima I. 1. Anal pore-field
comprised ofpore bands (Fig.
66) '
during March 8-14, and to Chichijima I. during ............,,.,,....,..,,....Carsidaridae
March 15'17;the second visit to Hahajima I.during - Anal pore-field comprised of circumanal pore
June 16u21, and to Chichi-jimaI,duringJune 13-15. rings(Figs. 14,24) ..............,..,,.,,2 Tii'r.;.
More than 3,900 individualsef psylloids
were col- 2, Sectasetae absent on body Tnargin (Figs. 20, 33)
]ectedmainly by beatingand partlyby sweeping leaves ・・・・・・--・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・Psy-dae
and twigs of plants. Most of thern were collected by - Sectasetae ./r''
pres'enton body margin (Fig, 10) ..3
H. Inoue, ttnless otherwise stated. Additionally,at 3. Sectasetae of abdominal margin basedupon ]arge
least350 specimens were loaned frorn some of oMcial tubercles; apex of sectasetae pointed (Fig. 11);
and personal collections shown below. humeral partof forewingpad not extended ante-
In the present study, adult specimens were ex- riorly(Fig. 10)..,......,.-・.....Aphalaridae
" Sectasetae
amined generallyunder dried conditions and the of abdorninal rnargin not based upon
nymphs in 80% ethanol. Allfigures
were drawn from large tubercles;apex of sectasetae truncate or

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of Japan

Taxonomy of Psylloidea on the Ogasawara islands 1 461

II・ii'pointed;humeral part of forewingpad strongly of 4, 6, g, and 9th segments; relative lengthof each
extended ,-----------t--lt-------
anteriorly segrnent,1.3:1.3:1.8:1.4:1:1.S:12:1,5:1,4:1.

......,...Triozidae(nottreated in this paper) Thorax stromgly arched in lateral aspect, glabrous,

Pronotum yoke-shaped, strongly convex anteriorly.
FaJnilyAphalaridae L6w Praescutum shorter than half width. Mesoscutum
11 SubfamilyPaurocepbalinae Klirnaszewski strongly convex, O.4times as long as wide. Forewing
(Fig.3) oblong-oval, broadened medially,

Paurocephala albescens sp. nov. rounded apically, 2.3u2.6

timesas long as wide; costal
[Japanesename: Ogasawara-shiro-kijirami] break present;pterostigmalong, nearly O.7timesas
<Figs.2-14) long as Rs; M weakly arched, slightly longer than
Description (Adult).Coloration:General c61or Mi+2; Mi+2 and M3+4 alrnost straight; medial cell
clear white in alive, or less
more yellowish in the dried rather elongate, subtriangular; M+CuA slightly
specimen. Ninth IOth antennal
and segments bfown- longerthan R; CuA slightlylongerthan CuA2; CuAi
ish. Eye reddish brown, Ocellus yeliowish orange. weakly arched; cubital cell fiat, nearly 3 times as long
Forewing semitransparent and whitish. Apical tarsal as high. Hind wing (Fig. 4) broadened medially, 2.5
of fore-leg
segment browriish. times as long as wide, O.8times as long as forewing.
/t/'1 Structure:Head (Fig. 2) nearly as wide as mesoscu- Leg short and stout; hind tibia without basalspine
I tum, strongly deflexed.Vertex O.4timesas long as (Fig, 5), with 2 or 3 spines arranged lengthways on
wide, depressedshallowly on each side of median outer surface near apical fburth,with 7 slender apical
suture near occiput. Lateralocellus on weak swelling. spines (Fig.6);hind basitarsuswithout apical spine.
Gena swollen beneath antermal socket, not cDnical, Meracanthus stout, projected ventrocaudad, subacute

long hair-likesetae. Antenna as longas width of apically,


Male genitalia(Fig.
head, 10-segmented,with a rhinarium each on apices 7) small. Proctiger 1.2 times as






x. ,, A
N '' 6

. ・]'1・:'

Figs.2-9, Adult of Raurecephalaatbescens sp, nov. 2, Head, frontalview; 3, foTewing;4, hind wing; 5, apex of hind
fernurand base of tibia:6, apex of hind tibia; 7, male genitalia, aspect; 8,male paramere,inne[su[fhce; 9, fernale
lateralaspect. Scales:O.1 mm (2,5-9);O.5mm (3,4).

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462 HiromitsuINovE and Yorio MlyATAKE

long as paramere, truncate apically, sparsely pubes-

eent apically; a pair lobes distinguished
ef swollen L-
from proctiger by indistinct



anterier margin

innersurface (Fig,
ly. Paramere pubescent,constricted near base,sub-
somewhat produced
g) withretrorse


setae densely. Aedeagus slightly longer than pre- Y sc../
ctiger; apical segment distinctly shorter than basal '
Subgenha1 plate ll/iiI・
segrnent. thickened apically. sub- N
triangular,pubescent sparsely.
Female genitalia(Fig. 9) short. Proctigertwice as //////'i/'
L x

long as plate, attenuate,

subgenital acute and slightly H N 13
upturned apically, with 7-S tong setae dorsallY.Sub- t .--t
genitalplate with 7'8 long setae
at ventral margin,

.acuteapically. e x-tt L.-

ttt rP"lt
1 v-.

Mleasurements(csil\). Length of body O.8-O.9! -Jvl'"r tt


1.2-!,4(totip of foldedwings l.6-1.711.9-2,2);width Fs

of head O.4-O.510.5; length of antenna O,410,4-O.S;
lengthof forewing 1.3-1.411.6-1.8.
71ypeseries. Holotype aZ (TypeNo. 3136,ELKU), Figs. 10u14, Nymph (Sthinstar) of Ptiutvcephala albes-

Nagahamar Haha{ima I., Ogasawara Is,,9,iii,1999, cens sp. nov, iO, Habitus,dorsalaspect (ieft)
and ventral aspect (right);
11, sectaseta and at-
en Hibiscusglaben tached waxfilament; 12, antenna; 13, apex of tarsus;
PaTatopotypes 40u7'29\ (lcfi- in alcohol, 2a"24 on l4, anal pore-field, right half. Scales: O.05 rnni (11,
slides), same data as holotype (partly in OMNH). 13, 14); O,1 rnm (12); O.S mm (10),
Paratypes [Haha-jima I.] 1\, Ometo-hama, 10.iii.
1999; 2a"3\, Nakanodaira, 10. iiL 1999; 1lu"24\ (2a" smaller on rneso- and metathorax figured.Sectaseta as
34 in alcohol), same data, on HL glaber;5uZll\, (Fig. 11) pointed apically; attached wa)c filament ii'
Nankin-hama,, 1999, on H. tiliaceus; 44aZ22\, cylindrical, and conical at apex. Antenna (Fig,12)
Tamagawa Dam, 10.iii. 1999,on HL glaber; 28ui20\ 3-segmented,with sectasetae 1 on 2nd, 5 on 3rcl,with
(lr3\ in alcohol), Ytihigaoka, 13. iii.1999, on H. 4 rhinaria on 3rd, with 2 simple setae near apex of 3rd.

glaber; 2a"10\, K6rnori-dani. IO.iii.1999, on H. Eye with an ocular seta. Wing pads well deyeloped; [/'l'
glaber;3cr"39,same data, 12.iii.1999; 66"54, Mt. forewing pad with many short sectasetae sparsely on

Chibusa-yama, 11.b'i. 1999, on H. glaber;16a"16\ dorsum, with 23-24 sectasetae marginally; some sec-
(lcYi on slide), Kitak6, 9. 1999,on HL glaber.[Chi-
Iir. taset4e arising frorn prominent processes; hindwing
chi-jima I.] 12ai12\,Korninato, 16.iii. 1999,on Hl pad with 2-3 sectasetae apically, with short sectasetae
tiliaceus; 3ui34, same data,; 4u"2g (in sparsely on dorsum, Tarsus with a triangulararolium
alcohol), Kopepe-kaigan, 1999,on HL titiaceus; between robust claws, with 2 long hooked setae api-
8c{"114(3c{"34 in alcohol), Susaki, I999,on H. cally (Fig. 13).Abdomen withshort and sparse secta-
tiliaceus; 8ai10\, Chichi-jima, 1986,om HL tilia- setae dorsally;7 large clusteTed tubeTcles projected
ceus, K. Kitagawa Ieg,(OMNH). outward on each side, Iongerlocated near the end of
Distribution, Japan (Ogasawara Is.[Haha-jima I., abdomen, each tubercle bears4-10 sectasetae. Outer
Chichi-jima L]). circumanal ring (Fig, 14)with 1 row of slit likepores
Hbstplants. "Montenboku"
Hibiscus glaber Matsu- 110 pores in one side.
comprised of approximately

[Malvaceae]; HL tiliaceus L, [Mal-


vaceae]. IYymphal specimens examined, [Haha-jima I,] 6

INb,rnph(5thinstar).Length efbody 1.0-l.3;lenglh exs., same data as holotype;3 exs., same data,,
of antenna O,4. 1999. [Chichijima I.] 11 exs., Kominato, 16. iii.
Coloration:General color white. Apex of antenna 1999,en H tiliaceus; 6 exs., Susaki,13. vi.1999, en
darkenecl.Eye reddish, Structure: Body (Fig. 10) HL titiaceus;1 ex,, Nankin-hama,, 1999,on HL
oval, 1.1-1.2timesas long as wide, extremely fiat- tiliaceus.
tened. Dorsal sclerites scarcely sclerotized, incon- Remarks, This new species, R albescens iseasily
distinguished in the adult stage from other

spicuous, larger on cephaloprothorax and wing pads, species ef

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Taxenomy of Psy]ioidea on the Ogasawara Islands 1 463

Pturocephala by the conspicuously whitish coloration hind tibiawith 5 apical spines (Figs, 28,29);male
of the body and forewing.In itsfeatures other than parameTe sirnple (Fig. 30) ....,,,..
・・ -, ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..CacopsyUa (Psyllinae)
coloratiofi, this new species is very similar to two
Africanspecies from the Congo described.byRussell
(1943, 1946):jPaurocephata gossppiiRussell,1943, feed- INb,mphs (5th instars)
ingon (fossp)iumsp. (Malvaceae), and flaurocephala 1. Antenna 9-segmented; body margin with capitate

urenae Russell, 1946,feedingon Urena lobata(Malva- setae (Fig, 20); anus placedat apex of abdomen
ceae), It differs from the Africanspecies in the shape (Fig. 24) ....,,..Hetempsylla (Ciriacreminae)
of the male paramere, which is not curved caudad Antenna 7-segmented;body margin with various
apically (strongly curyed caudad apically in R gosoppii types of setae (Fig. 33);anus placed ventral side
and R urenae), and in the absence of strong spines on near apex of abdomen (Fig. 33)..............
the innersurface of the paramere (3or4 strong spines .,....,...............(lacopsylla
present in P, goss)Lpii and P, urenae). Additional
differences between the new species and the similar SubfamilyCiriacreminaeEnderlein
Africanspecies are the folloWing: the lengthof the
antennae, which are as long as the width of the head HetempsyUa cubana Crawford, 1914
(approximately 1.5times the width of the head in R [Japanese name: Ginnemu-kijirami]
urenae); and the elongate Mi+2 vein which ,
isslightly (Figs.15"24)
shorter than M (distinctly shorter than halfas long as Hletempsylla cubana Crawford, 1914: 46 (Typelocality:
M in R goss)tpii). Cuba [Havana]);Tuthill, 194S: 236; Caldwell & Mar-
This new species isvery similar to the two Aftican torell,1952: 606; Hodkinson & White, 1981: 499; Bur-
species in the 5th (final) instaras well. It isdistin- ckhardt, 1986:1023;Brown & Hodkinson, 1988: 110;

the antennae
from R
urenae by the number of sectasetae
the dorsum of the body,specifically,
on Hodl[inson, 1988:1207;Muddiman et aL, 1992: 84;
Nagamine et al,, 1992:177;Miyano,1998: 7.
6 sectasetae on the antenna in R albescens (10in P. Rhinocola incisaSulc, 1914: 4, (synonymized by Burck-
urenae). It isdistinguished frornP, gossJlpii by non- hardt, 1986: 1023).

pigmented dorsal sclerites (brownish-colored in P. Hbtempsylla incisa: Tuthill, 19S9: 13.

gossypii) and a higher number of sectasetae around the
margin of the forewingpad,specifically, more than 23 Redescription (Adult),Coloration:General eolor
(fewerthan 21 in R gossypii). variable, orange to yellowish green, Antenna blaekish
Biotogical notes, Adults and nymphs are found on at apical half of 5th and whole of 6th to 10th seg-

the undersurface
1IP't/i'・1/["・./・ull,'ii,E・iE[1・ of a leafef host plant,especially ments. Forewing transparent, without markings;

along leafveins. veins pale colored, yellowish green to brown, Apical

This new species utilizes 2 species of Hibiscus. HL spines of hind tibia and hind basitarsus,apical segrnent

glaber and H/ tiliaceus. The former is endemic to the ef tarsus, and tarsal claws dark brown te black.
Ogasawara Islands and growing mainly in relatiyely Structure:Head (Fig. IS) distjnctly wider than
high altitude inland areas. The latter isgrowingonly mesoscutum. Vertex halfas leng as wide. Gena not

in coastal areas, being used also by Mesohomotoma conical, smoothly rounded, Antenna slender, twice as
lli camphotue of Carsidaridae, longas width of head,with a rhinarium each on apices

of 4, 6, 8,and 9th segments.
Family Psyllidae Burrneister FoTewing (Fig. 16) oblong-oval, rounded apically,
2.4times as long as wide; costal break present;ptera-
Fi''Ii'Iilliii11111i'i}・ stigma broad,nearly O.6times as long as Rs; Rs nearly
Keys to generafrom the Ogasawara Is!ands straight, weakly upturned apically; M weakly arched;

Adults cubital cell nearly 2,5timesas long as high. Hind

1. Gena swollen ventrally, not cQnical (Fig.15); wing O,8times as longas forewing,2.8times as longas
forewingwithout blackmarking at apex of clavus wide. Hind tibia (Fig. 17) with weak basaltuberc]e;
(Fig.}6); hind tibia with 4 apical spines; male apical spines arranged 1+3. Hind basitarsus with a

paramere bifurcated (Fig.18) ・-・-・・・・J・・--・ pair of apical spines. Meracanthus short, projected
・L.・..,,,.,,....HizteTr\)syUa (Ciriacreminae)ventrocaudad, acute apically.
- Genal cone well developed(Fig. 25); fbrewing Male proctiger(Fig. 18) simple, cylindrical. Para-
with a blackmarking at apex of clavus (Fig. 26); mere bifurcatecl near base; outer branch somewhat


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464 HirornitsuINouEamd Yorio MIyATAKE


.gs- h


i i・1
1111・,li・/・,kp:IAf lti/


. 16 18

Figs. IS-19. Adult of Hetempsylla cubana Crawford, 15, Head, frontal view; 16, forewing;17, apex of hind femur and
base of tibia; 18, male genitalia,lateral aspect; 19, female O.1 rnm (15,17-19);O.5mrn
genitalia,lateralaspect. Scales:

quadrate; apex ofinner branch bent cephalad, Aedea- 13.iii.1999; 2\(in alcohol), same locality,14.iii.
gus long, upturned and acute apically. Subgenital 1999;6u"34, Tamagawa Dam, 20.v. 1989,S. Miyano
Female genitalia (Fig.19) simple. Proctiger dis-
leg,(CBM);3u"3g, Tamagawa Dam, 10. iii.1999; 1\,
Mt, Chibusa-yama, 11. ili.1999; 1\, same locality,20. I
tinctly longer than subgenital
upturned apically, with
plate, blunt and not

3 or 4 long setae centrally.

Subgenitalplate acute apically,
vi. 1999; IUilg, K6mori-dani, 10. iii.1999;2cl, same

locality,12. iii.1999; lo"1\,Nisliiura,

Miyano leg. (CBM); 3cl"6\,
23,v, 1989,S.
UchOdani, 13.lii, 1999;
Mleasurements (ui14). Length of body 1.0-1,11 13crZ25\,6sawa-bashi, 13.iiL1999; 43di344(1ctiin
1.4-1.5 (totip of folded wings l.6-1.811.9rr2.0);
width alcohel), Nagahama, 9. ili, 1999;4d"1\,Koromodate,
of head (bothsexes) O.5;lemgthof antenna O.9-1,Ol 9.iii. 1999;3cji5\, Kitak6,21,v. 1989,S. Miyano leg. F
1.0-1.1;lengthof forewing1,2-1,411,4-1.6, (CBM);14c128?,same locality, 9. iii.
1999; 1{V12\
SPecimens examined. [HahajimaI.] 49cri394, (in alcohol), same locality, 1999,on L. teucoce-
Minami-zaki, 1999,on Leucaena leucocephala phala. [Chichiljima I.] 23a"34\(lelin alcohol), Mt.
(partly in OMNH); 3d"6\, same data,K. Morimoto ChfiO-san,16. ili.1999, on L. Ieucocephala (partly in
leg.;1crZ19,Omoto-hama, 10.hi.1999;5a"59, Naka- OMNH); 9r8\, same data, 15. vi. 1999; 22ct"64,Mt,
nodaira 10. iii.1999; 9d"10\, Nankin-hama,, Yoake-yama, 14,vi.1999,on L, leucocephala;1\,
1999, on L. Ieucocephala; 5e5\, Motochi, 8. M, r999, same data,K. Morimoto leg,; 8cf"S?,Kominato, 13.
at light;
3c!4\,Tsukigaokajiaja, Motochi,8. iii.1999; vi. 1999,on L. Ieucocephala; 9u"g\,Komagari, 15. iii.
22(li7\(inalcohol), Shizukazawa, g.iii. 1999, on L. 1999;31ti"429(lcsi19on slides), Miyan}hama, IS, vL
leucocephala; 36clM27g(8c{"74in aicohol),same data, 1999,on L. Ieucoeephala; IOr6\, same data, K. Mori-
13.lii.1999;8cf'2\,Chibusa Dam, l8.v.1989, S. moto leg.;5u"6\, Kiyose, 1991,S. Miyano leg. }lT
Miyano leg,(CBM);23aZ2\,same data, 1991 (CBM); 16di, Ogamiyama-k6en,Higashi-machi, 8,iii.
(CBM);168ai64\(6c129 in alcohol), Chibusa Dam, 1999,on L. Ieucocephala.

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Taxonomy of Psylloidiea
on the egasawara Islallds
1 46S

Dtstribution.This species isnative to northern part exs., Shizukazawa,13.lii, 1999;2 exs., Nagahama, 9.
of the Neotropicalregion, but introducedand spread hi.1999;10 exs., Koromedate, 13.iii. 1999, [Chichi-
over the Orienta1
and Oceanianregions, In Japan,the jimaI,]3 exs. Mt. Chil6-san,16.iii.1999;3 exs., Mt
species has been recorded from the Ogasawara Is. Yoake-yama, 1999; 6 exs., Miyane-hama, 15.
(Hahajima "Ginnemu I.)and the Ryukyu Is. yi. 1999. All were collected from Leucaena leuco-
Hbst plants. (Ging6kan)" Leucaena cephala.

leucocephala(Lam.) de Wit [Mimosaceae]; some of Remarks This species has invaded and spread

other Leucaena species were also recorded in the New thePacificislandsand Asian countries in
rapidly over
World, the mid-1980s and has been regarded as a severe pest
Als,mph(5th Length ofbody 1,2-1.5;length of Leucaena leucocephala in the areas where thisplant
of antenna O.7D.8. isutilized as foragecrop, firewood,atfbrestation plant,
ColoratiDn: Generalcolor yellow.Sclerites of body, and so on (Nagamineet at,, 1992). On the Ogasawara
and apical halfofantennabrown. Eye reddish. S'truc- Islands,itwas first found in 1986 (Yasuda & Tsuru-
ture: Body (Fig. 20) elongate, more or lessfiattened, machi, 1988)but has never been regarded as a pest of

with largesclerites on the dorsalsurface of head,wing L. teucocephata, which is not a useful but harmfu1
pad, and distalhalf of abdomen, with many small alien plant depriving endemic plants of habitats.
sclerites on thorax and abdomen as figured, with many Biological notes, Nymphs infest young shoots of
capitate setae (Fig. 21) dorsally and marginally, An- host plant,resulted sometimes in withering of whole

tenna slender, 9-segmented, with a rhinarium each on plants, In spring, extremely ninmerous adults and

3,5, 7,and 8thsegments, Forewing pad not extended nymphs were fbund on Chichi-jima and Haha-jima
anteriorly, Tarsus (Fig. 22) with a longcapitate seta Islands. Additionally, many adults that had leftthe
dorsoapically, with a triangular arolium between a host plant after emergence were fbund on various
pair of claws, Abdeminal margin with 3 short lance- species of woody or herbaceousplants as well as on
olate setae (Fig. 23) on each side near apex, Anus other substrata 1ike stones, walls, and so on,
(Fig. 24) placed at apex of abdomen, Outer circum-
anal ring comprised of 1 low of pores. SubfamilyPsyllinae L6w
}jlii IY),mphalspecimensexamined. [Haha-jima I.] 10
Cacapsylla(Hepatopsylla) boninqfkitsiae sp. nov.




""' i

Description (Adult). Coloration: Generalcolor yel-
lowishbrown, more or lessgreenish in teneral form,
Antenna blackishat apices of 3rdto 6th and whole ef
7th to 10thsegments. Vertex with a blackishspot on

g each side of median

brown. Ocellus orange.

sutuTe near occiput. Eye reddish
Thorax with longitudinal

i] 91
blackisb stripe on each lateralmargin,

with a pair of broader and 2 pairsof outer
longitudinal blackishstripes, the lattersome-
' ' times fused.Forewing transparent,with a blackmark-
ingat apex of clavus; yeins blackishin the apical third
or half of forewing, Hind femur dark brownish

medially; apical spines of hind tibia and hind basi-
,$K tarsus black.Abdomen blackish. Male genitaliablack-
ijilil tlb.ib-l- ish at base of subge]ital plate and apex ef paramere.
Female genitaliadarkened at base and apex.
24 Structure:Head (Fig. 25) distinctly wider than
mesoscutum. Vertex halfas long as wide, depressed
Figs. 2e-24. Nymph (Sthinstar) of HleteropsyllQcubana
shallowly on each side of median suture near occiput.
Crawford, 20, Habitus,dorsalaspect (left)
Genal cones slender, slightly longer tban vertex, dis-
ventral aspect (right);
21, capitate seta; 22, apex of

lt/1/i・I tarsus; 23, lanceolate seta: 24, anal pore-field, right tinctly divergent, subacute apically, with many long
half.Scales:O,e5mm (22};O.5mm (20). setae. Antenna slender, nearly twice as long as width

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466 Hiromitsu INouE and Yorio MIyATAKE

I 1


x -J
tt.-" i'

-- ::
;1/, : :..:..1.t. !

fx tt・・
-7f .-.'''"lll・lii'liiillillllllliilli/1,
t/,-:, - .-'.kX:・'r'':"


! 32
Figs. Z5-32. Adult ef CZicepsylta boninqfi]tsiae
sp. nov, 25, Head, frontal view; 26, forewing;27, h{nd w{ng; 2S, hind
leg,inner side; 29, ditto, outer side; 30, male genitalia,lateralaspect; 31, male paramere, inner surface; 32, female
genitaSia,lateralaspect. Scales:O.1 mm (25, 30-32);O.5mrn C26-29),

ofhead, with a rhinarium each on apices ef4, 6, 8, and longer than proctiger;
apical segment slightly shorter

9th segments; relative lengthof each segment, 4 : 3 : than basal segment, thickened and scarcely hooked
14;9:9:8.5:8:5:3.6:4. apically. Subgenitalplate subtriangular, pubescent
Thorax glabrous, Praescutirmlenger than haif sparsely in apical two thirds and covered with micro-
width, Mesoscutum strongly convex, O.4 times as long setae denselyas in prectiger.
as wide, Ferewing (Fig. 26) oblong-eval, 2.2r2.4 Female genitalia (Fig. 32) as long as or sjightty
times as long as wide; pterostigma broad, nearly O,6 longerthan the rest of abdomen, Proctiger distinctly
times as longas Rs; Rs more or lesssinuate; M weakly longer than subgenital plate,bluntand not upturned
arched; medial cell elongate; CuAi strongly arched; apically, with 3 or 4 long setae centrally. Subgenital ti
cubital cell nearly 1.7times as Iong as high, Hind plateacute and weakly upturnecl apically.

wing (Fig. 27) O.7timesas long as forewing, 2,6-2.7 Measurements (a"1\).Length of body 1,5-1,71
times as leng as wide, Leg stout; hind tibia (Figs, 28, 1.8-2.6(to tip of folded wings 2,6-2,9!2.9-3.2); width

29) without basal spine;apical spines arranged 1 +4. of head (beth sexes) O.7uO,8; length ef antenna 1.3'
Meracanthus well developed, projected caudad, evenly 1.411.3-1.5; lengthof forewing2,2-2.412.4-2.6.
.tapenng 7)lpeseries. Helotypeg" <TypeNo. 3137,ELKU),
to apex,
Male genitalia (Fig. 30) simple-shaped, Proctiger Mt. Ch{busa-yama, Hahajima I.,OgasawaraIs.,17.
long,slender, 1.3times as longas paramere, truncate vi. 1999,on ]FZitsia oligocarpella.
apically, with long hair-like setae and rnicrosetae Paratopotypes28M269 same data as holotype
densely as figured, Paramere long, slender, bent (partly in OMNH); 15c!19\(loZ1\in alcohol, 101g
eaudad basally, with many long hair-like setae; apex on slides), same data, 11.iii. 1999 (partly in OMNH);
weakly bent cephalad; inner surface (Fig.31) with 1\, ll.iii, 1999; 8a"12g, 19,vi.1999, on E olig"
many retroTse setae as figured.Aedeagus distinctly carpeUa; 3u"4\, same data, 20. vi. 1999; 2\, 9.iiL

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Taxonomy of Psylleidea on the Ogasawara Islands 1 467

1988, S. Suda leg.(KM). holotype; 6 exs., same data, 11. iii,1999.

Distribution.Japan (Ogasawara
Is. [Haha-jima Remarks. Thisnew species, CL bOninoj?itsiae, isvery
I,]). in the adult and nymphal
similar stages to Cbcopsylla

Hbst plant. "Munin-yatsude" Rrtsiaoligocarpella (Hepatopsyila) (Jensen, ,fatsiae 19S7),which feedsen
(Nakai) Koidzumi [Araliaceae], Ritsia japonica(Thunb.)Decne. et Planch, in the
2NCymph(5th instar).Length ofbody 1.6-2.1;length Japan Proper. In the adult stage, C boninqfatsiae is
of antenna O,7-O.9. distinguished from C,,fi tsiaeby the foltowingcharac-
c・/ Coloration: Generalcolor pale yellow. Dersal scler- ters:censpicuously smaller body-size, especially head
ites of body, and apex of antenna brown. Eye reddish, and mesothoracic scutum O.7times as wide as those of
Structure: Body (Fig. 33) oval, more or lessfiattened, CLJiitsiae; genalcones distinctly slenderer, rnore diver-
Antenna (Fig. 34) slender, nearly O,4times as longas gent and acute apically; forewing veins blackish in the
body,7-segmented, with a rhinarium each on apices '
of apica] half (yellowish brewn and unicolored in CL
3rdand 5th,2 rhinaria on 7th;relative lengthof each fotsiae); hind tibia without basalspine (witha basal
segment as 4:'3,5:9:4:4.S:4:12. Forewing pad spine in C .fatsiae); male proctiger slenderer, not

with microsetaedensely on outer half,with shert produced caudad medially (produced caudad medially
simple setae sparsely, with 10 or 1l long simple setae in a fatsiae); male paramere sle"derer and apex not
on outer margin; ventral surface with microsetae bent caudad (apexbent caudad in C. fotsiae); female
densely. Hindwing pad with microsetae denselyon genitalia elongated, 1.2tirnes as long as that of C
both surfaces, with 2 lengsimpLe setae apically, Leg fotsiae. In the 5th instar, C. boninctflitsiae is distin-
well developedand hairy;tarsus with a long hooked guished from C fl]tsiae by the conspicuously shorter
seta dorsoapically, with a fan-shapedarelium betwee" setae on entire dorsum, absence of microsetae on
robust claws (Fig, 3S). Abdornen with 10 longsimple dorsal surface of abdomen (present densely in CL
setae marginally on each side; ventral side with dense fotsiae), and absence of hair-like se'tae on dorsal sur-

microsetaemarginally. Anus placed on ventral side face of hindwing pad (12or 13 setae present in C
near apex of abdomen. Outer circumanal ring (Fig, Jbtsiae).
36) comprised of approximately 95 pores in one side. This new species isalso similar to RsyUa toroenensis
AC),mphatspecimensexamined. 3 exs., same data as Kuwayama, 1908, which feeds on Hedera rhombea
..lji1i{・・{].]・1''jl・l・),,l・,11・11'1 (Miq.) Bean [Araliaceae] in the Japan Proper.and
Taiwan, and whose combination requires furtherex-
amination. However, C boninqfbtsiae isdistinguished
from R toroenensis by the fo11owingcharacters: genal
cone conspicuously longer and slenderer; forewing
veins blackishonly in the apical half;hind tibia with-
out basalspine; male proctiger slenderer.
Biotogical notes. Adults and nymphs of this new

species were usually found on the undersurface of a

leaf,especially along ribsof E otigocarpella, This
habitatisalmost same as that of C fatsiae observed in

J 35
insularis sp.
name: Hime-satsuma-kijirami]

llllll/11'Iiil/ ICbyUasp.:Miyano,1998:7.

Description CAdult). Coloration: Generalcolar red-

36 dishbrown, sometimes dark brownish. Antenna light
brown; apices of 3rd to 8th,apd whole of 9th and 10
Figs.33-36. Nyrnph (5thinstar)of Cacopsyllabon-
th segments blackish.Vertex with 2 blackish spots on
iitojLitsiaesp. nov, 3], Habitus,dorsa1aspect
each side of median suture near occiput, Genal cone
(left)and yentral aspect (right); 34, antenna; 35,
apex ef tarsus; 36, anat pere-field,righthalf. Scales: light brown. Eye reddish brown, Ocellus orange.
O.05 mm (35,36);O.l mm (34);O.5 mm {33). Thorax with a longitudinal blackishstripe on each


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468 INovE and

Hiromitszi Yorio MiyATAKE

/'E;'ti'zlk. 1


..i.ili. 43
"Sxdi- /

42 s



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・F 39 '
Figs.37-44. Adult of Cacopsylla insularis sp. nov. 37, Head, frontal wing; 40, hinclleg,
inner side; 41, ditto, euter side; 42, ma)e genitalia,
lateral aspeet; 43, rnale paTnmere,innersurface; 44, female genitalia,
aspect. Scales:O,1 mrn C37,42-44);O.Smm (3g-41).

lateral margin, Mesothoracicscutum sometimes with 39) O,8times as longas forewing,2,7times as tongas
5 or lesslongitudinal blackish stripes in the dark- wide, Leg stout; hindtibia(Figs. 40, 41) with a small
individual,Forewing transparent, but some- basalspine; spines arranged 1 +3+ 1. Meracan- I'
colored apical

what flavescent, blackishat apex ef clavus; veins yel- thus small, projected ventrocaudad, moderately tap-

lowishbrown, sornetimes darkened. Hind femur dark ered and acute apically.

brownish medially; apical spines of hind tibiaand hind Male genitalia(Fig. 42) simple-shaped. Proctiger
basitarsus black, Abdornen blackish. long and slender, 1.3times as lengas paramere, trun-
long hair-like setae and microsetae
Structure:Head (Fig. 37) distinctlywider than
cate apically, with

rnesescutum. Vertex haifas long as wide, depressed denselyas figured.Paramere long and slender, with
shallowly on each side of median suture near occiput, many longhair-1ike setae, weakly bent caudad basally
Genal long and slender, 1.0-1.1times as long as
cones and tapered apically; inner surface (Fig. 43) with
vertex, distinctly divergent, tapereds]ightly to apices, many retrorse setae as figured.Aedeagus distinctly
Antennal length variable, 1.2rl.6timesas long as longer than proctiger; apical segment slightly shorter

width ofhead; relative lengthof each segment, 3 : 2,8: than basalsegment, thickened and strongly hooked
7:4:4:4:4.4:3.6:2:2,8. apically, Subgenitalplate somewhat pentagonal,
Thorax glabrous,Praescutum longer than haif sparsely pubescentin apical half and covered with

width. Mesoscutum
as wide. Forewing (Fig.
strongly convex, O.4times as long
38) oblong-ovai,
times as long as wide; pterostigmabroad, nearly O,6
Female genitalia (Fig,
yentrally) densely as in proctiger,

longer than the rest of abdomen.

44) as long as or slightly
times as long as Rs; Rs nearly straight; M weakly longerthan subgenital plate,bluntapically, with 2 or
arched; medial cell elengate; CuAi strongly arched; 3 long setae dorsally.Subgenital plateacute apically.
cubita1 cell 1.5times as Iong as high, Hind wing (Fig. Mlaczsurements (ui!\). Length of body 1.1-1.51

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Taxonomy ef Psylleidea
en the Ogasawara Islands 1 469

1.S-1.8(totipof foldedwings l.7=2.312,07'2.6); width

of head O,5-O.610.6-O,7; length of antenna (both

sexes) O,7-1.1; lengthof forewing1.4'1.9!1.6'2.1,
T)lpeseries, Holotype ori (Type No. 3138,ELKU),
Mt, Chibusa-yama,'Haha-jima I., Ogasawara Is.,11,
hi.1999, on Rhaphiotepis indicavar. integerrima,

Paratopotypes 3tla"43\(4gZ6\in alcohol),same
data as holotype (partly
slides), 11. ili,1999
in OMNH); 117oi91\(ldil\
(part]y in OMNH); 3039, K.
Morimoto leg,;"89, 17. vi. 1999, on Rhaphiolepis
indicavar. integerrima; Sc16il, sarne data, I999;
12a7'64,same data, 20.yi. 1999; lai14, 20,vL '1999;
9ai3\(inalcohol), 21. vi. 1999, on R. indicavar. in-
tegerrima; lr, 1991, S. Miyano leg.(CBM);11
ctZ9\, 9.ili. 1988,S. Suda leg.(KM); 3e19, 6-10,ili,
1988,N. Gokan et al. Ieg. (KM). Paratypes [Haha-
jimaI,]gtii9\,OmotD-hama, 10.iii.1999; 1\, same
data,K. Morimoto leg,;115ai1244(la"1\om slides),
Nakanodaira, 10.iii,1999;SaZ3\, Motochi, 8.iii, Figs. 45-48. Nymph (Sthinstar)ef dnepsyUa insutan's
1999,at light; 32848g(3oj'in alcohol),Tsukigaoka- sp. nov. 45, Habitus,dorsalaspect (left) and

jiaja, Motochi,8.iii, 1999;7a'T12?, ChibusaDam, 13. ventral aspect (right); 46, antenna; 47, apex of
iii.1999;loZS\(in alcohol), same locality,14.iii, tarsus; 48, anal pore-field, righthatf, Scales:e.OS
1999;la"49(2\ in alcohol),Tamagawa Dam, 20,v, mrn (47, 48); O,1 mm (46); O,5 mm (45),
1989,S.Miyano leg.(CBM);785e, sarne locality, 10,
iii.1999;4ijZ4g,Yfihigaoka, 13,iiL1999; 22ai18\, or lessflattened.iintenna (Fig.46) s]ender, neaTly O,4
K6mori-dani,10. iii.1999; 72cri684, same locality,12, times as long as body, 7-segmented, with a rhinarium
iii.1999;27a"149, Uchfi-dani,13,iii,1999, on R, each on apices of 3rd and 5th, 2 rhinaria on 7th;
indicavar. integerrima(partly in OMNH); Sa"3?, relative length of each segment as 6:5:12:5:6:7:

Osawa-bashi, 13.iii.1999;2\, Mt. Kuwanoki-yama, 19. Forewing pad with microsetae denselyon outer

12,ili, 1999; 112r999(5a"3\ in alcohol, W2\ on
slides), Nagahama, 9.iii,
two thircls, with conspicuousJy

1999;10r 10\,Kitak6, 9. iii. sparsely, with 9 or 10 long capitate setae on outer

short capitate setae

1999. [Chichi-jima I,]86"3\, Tatsumi-dani,l6. iii. margin; veritral surface with microsetae densely.Hin-
1999,on R. indicavar. integerrima; 6ai5\,same local- dwing pad with microsetae densely on outer third en
1'i・・!1illil,ll-/.Iilliili'1Il/ both suTfaces, 2 long capitate setae apically. Leg well
ity,15.lii, 1999;12r23g, Mt. Cha6-san,16. iii.19991
177ctZ1619, Mt. Yoake-yama (10r8\in alcohol), 16, developed and hairy; tarsus with a long capitate seta
iii. I999;gcj"7?(2\in alcohol), sarne locality, 14. vi. dorsoapically, with a fan-shaped arolium between
・ 1999,on R. indicavar. integerrima; lci"5g,same local- robust elaws (Fig. 47). Abdomen with dense micro-
ity, l4. vi. 1999; W44(in alcohol),Kopepe-kaigan, setae on marginal half of sclerites and anterior corner

:'t1Iil l5.ili.1999,on R. indicayaT, integerrima; 33ai47\, on both surfaces; lateralmargin with 7 long capitate
Susaki,15.iii. 1999,on R. indicavar. integerrima; 3?, setae; innerlateral margin with 6 shorter capitate setae
same locality,; 1\, Chichijima I.,16,ili, dorsally and 5 ventraily on each side. Anus placed on
1999, ventral side near apex of abdomen. Outer circumanal
t: Distribution, Japan (Ogasawara Is.[HahajimaI., ring (Fig. 48) relatively small, comprised of approxi-

Chichi-jima I.]). mately 35 pores in Dne side.

Hbstptant. tLShima-sharinbai"
Rhaphiolepis indica 1vr,mphal specimensexamined. 1 1 exs., same clataas
ltl var, integerrima( Am,) Kitamura [Resa- holotype.
.,lii' ceae], Remarks, This new species, C. insularis, is very
IYymph (5th instar),Length ofbody 1.0-l.5;length similar in the adult and nymphal stages to Jlsylla

of antenna O.4-O.7. satsumensts Kuwayama, 1908,which feedson Rhaph-
Coloration: Generalcolor paleyellaw,Sclerites of iolepisindica var. umbettata in Japan (Honshu, Shi-
bedy, and apex of antenna brown. Eye reddish. koku, Kyushu, and the Ryukyus), and whose com-
Structure: Body (Fig. 45) sernewhat quadrate, more binationrequires furtherexarnination. In the adult


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470 Hiromitsu INouE and Yorio MIYATAKE

stage, C, insutaris isdistinguished from R satsumensis brown, Ocellusorange. Thorax with longitudinal
by t.he following chaTacteristics: a body-size con- blackishstripes on each lateral margin. Mesothoracic
spicuously smalleT body size, about O.7 times as long scutom with some longitudinal blackish stripes. Fore-
as R satsumensis; a genal cone which is both more wing (Fig. 50) opaque, with many dark brown spots
slender and comparatively !arger, O.3tirnesas long as entirely, and with 5 dark brown markings along poste-
the width of the head (conspicuous]y stout and O.2 rior figured. Apical spines of hind tibia and
margin as

thnes as long as the width of the head in R satsume- hind basitarsus black, Abdomen blackish. Female
nsis); and the apex of the male proctiger is not bent genitaliadaTkened at baseand apex.
caudad (bent caudad in R satsumensis). In the 5th Structure:Head (Fig, 49) slightly wider than mes-
instar, C insriinris isdistinguished from P. satsumensis oscutum. Vertex half as long as wide, depressed
by fewer long capitate setae on the forewingpad (13 shallowly on each side of median suture near occiput,
or 14 inR satsumensis), by the presence of microsetae Genal cones stout, O.7-O.8times as long as vertex,
only on the marginal halfof the hindwing pad, and by slightlydivergent, rather truncate apically. Antenna
abdeminal sclerites (present
entirely on both parts in 1.4 tirnesas long as width of head; relative lengthof
R satsumensis). each segment, 3:2.2:9:5:4,8:5:5:4:2.4:2.8.
Adults of this species vary in the celoration of the Thorax glabrous. Praescutum Ionger than half
body and in the length of the antennae and fbrewing, width. Mesoscutum strongly convex, O.4times as long
Most overwintering individuals have a dark-colored as wide, Ferewing (Fig. SO) oblong-oval, nearly 2.2
body and somewhat longer antennae and forewings. times as lengas wide, rather truncate apically; ptere-
They were collected in large numbers in the spring stigma lengand broad,nearly O.7 times as longas Rs;
(March),but haye not yet been collected in summer Rs more or lesssinuate; M weakly arched; meclial cell E,tlII・

(June), Pale-colored(bright reddish brown) individ- rather short; CuAi strongly arched; cubital cell 1.3-

uals appeared as firstgeneration adults and were 1.4 times as long as high. Hind wing (Fig. 51) O.8
found in spring and throughout the summer. Two times as long as forewing,nearly 2.7times as longas
mating pairsbetween the oyerwintering and fiTstgen- wide. Leg stout; hindtibia(Figs. S2,53) with a small
eration adults were observed in the spring. A similar basal spine; apical spines arranged 1 + 1+2+ 1. Mer-
seasonal variation isalso known forR satsumensis in acanthus short, projected ventrocaudad, stout at base,
Japan proper (Miyatake, 2000), strong]y tapered apically.

The aforementioned two new species of the genus Male genitalia(Fig. 54) simple-shaped, Proctiger
Cacopsylla, C. boninojlitsiaeand C. insularis, are quite quadrilateralin lateralaspect, 1.1-1.2 times as longas
similar to respective relatives feedingon closely re- paramere, with long hair-1ike setae and dense micro- lttl

latedplants in Japan. This factsuggests that the setae. Paramere long, with long hair-likesetae, tap-
psylloid fauna of the Ogasawara IslandsisafEected not ered apically, sinuate on anterior margin; innersur-
only by Orienta1and Pacific elements but also by the face (Fig.5S) with many retrorse setae, Aedeagus lt
psylloidfauna of Japan, which is considered to have distimctlyIonger than proctiger; apical segment more
provided the northern and western origins of the or lesssinuate and slightly shorter than basalsegment, i
biotasof the islands(Esaki, 1930;Yamazaki, 1970), weakly thickened apically. Subgenital
Biolagical notes. Adults of this new species usually quadrilateral,pubescent sparsety and covered with l
leavetheir host plants after emergence. The vagrant rnicrosetae dense]yas in proctiger.
adults were found on various plants, especially en Female genitalia (Fig, 56) slightly longerthan the
ffnus tuchuensisMayr (Pinaceae), Casuarina egui- rest of abdemen. Proctigerdistinctly longer than
setijTolia Forster (Casuarinaceae), and Ecus micro- subgenita] p]ate, tapered and slightly upturned api-
carpa L. (Moraceae). cally, with 4 or more loflgsetae dorsally. Subgenital
plate acute and weakly upturned apicaily.

macillipennis sp. nov. Measttrements (d"!\).Length of body 1.5-1.71
name: Chamadara-kijirami] 1.9-2.0 (to tip of folded wings 2.4-2.512.4L2,6);

49-60) of head (bothsexes) O.7;lengthof antenna O.9'1.01
Description(t4dult).Coloration:General color 1.0-1.i;lengthof forewing1.9-2.011.9-2.1,
lightbrown, sometimes more olivaceous, with dark 7)lpeseries.Holotype[f" (TypeNo, 3139,ELKU),
brownish spots en vertex, pronotum, and praescutum, Mt, Chibusa-yama,Haha-jima I.,Oga$awaraIs.,20,
Antenna lightbrown; apices of 3rd to 8th,and whole vi, 1999,on Pittosporumboninense.
of 9th and 10th segments blackish. Eye Teddish Paratopotypes 5d"9\(2uil\ in alcohol, la"1? on

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Taxonomy of Psylleidea
on the Ogasawara Islaiids
1 47l



Figs,49-56, Adult of Cbcopsylla meculipennis sp, nov, 49, Head, frontalview; 5e, forewing; Sl, hind wing; S2, hind
leg,inner side; S3, ditto,euter side: S4, male gen{talia, lateralaspeet; S5, male paramere, inner surface; 56, fernale
genitalia, aspect. Scales: O,1 mm (49, S4-56); O.Smm (50-S3).

slides), same dataas holotype(partly in OMNH); 2r,

1999; Sui, 1999,on Pittosporumbonin-
(partly in OMNH); 2a"1\, same data, in- .
s8.- t

1999;1\,, 1999.

Distribution.Japan (Ogasawara Is, [Eahajima
Hbst plant. "Shire-tobera" Pittosporumboninense
lli# Koidzumi [Pittosporaeeae].
i IY),mph (5thinstar). Length of body 1,4;lengthof
antenna O.6.
Coloration:General color pale yellow. Apicalhalf 59]
lll}}l of 7thantennal segmefit blackish.Eye reddish. Struc-
ture: Body (Fig, 57) somewhat slender, strongly flat-
tened. Sclerites indistinct, scarcely sclerotized, and
not pigmented. Antenna (Fig. 5g) slender, nearly O.4
times as longas body, 7-segmented, with a rhinarium
each on apices of 3rd and 5th segments, 2 rhinaria on

7th segment; relative lerigth of each segment as 3: 60

2,5:9:2.5:3:3:10. Forewing pad more or less

i'il'i'jll Figs,S7-60. Nyrnph (5thinstar) of Cacopsylla maculi-

extended anteriorly as a humeral lobe,narrow in
pennlssp. nov, 57, Habitus,dorsal aspect (left)
apical half, with 3 rod setae on anterioT corner and 1 and ventTal aspect (right); S8, anteTma; S9, apex of
on posterior corner, Hindwing pad with 2 rod setae tarsus; 60, anai pore-field, right half, Seales:O.OS
apically. Leg well developedand hairy;tarsus with a Tnm (S9.60); O,1 rnn1 (58);O,5 mm (57).

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472 I{iromitsuINouE and Yorio MIYATAKE

long hooked seta dorseapically, with a fan-shaped on Pittosporum boninense[Pittosporaceae] ・ a i ・

arolium between rebust claws (Fig. 59). Posterier ,,..................C maculipennis sp. nov.

margin of abdomen with 3 rod setae on each side, 2, Simple hair-like setae on body (Fig. 33); on
Anus placed on ventral side near apex of abdomen, 17latsia
oligocarpeUa [Araliaceae]・・・・-・・・・--・-・
Outer circumanal ring(Fig. 60) relative]y 1arge,com- ....................CL boninojlitsiae sp.nov.
S5 pores in one side. - Capitatesetae on body (Fig. 45);on Rhaphiolepis
prised of approximately
INlyrnphalspecirnens examined, 2 exs,, same data as indicavar. integerrima[Rosaeeae] ........・-
holotype- ......,.....,.,,.....,..C, insuiaris sp. nov.
Rernarks. This new species, C. maculipennis, is
easily distinguished in the adult stage from othcr Family Carsidaridae
congeners by the Temarkable markings on body and Sllbfatnily
forewing. '

In the nurnber of setae on the nymphal abdornina] Mesohemotoma camphorae Kuwayarna, 1908
margin, 3 pairs of setae in the present new species were [Japanese
name: Yamaasa-kijirarni]
much lessthan 7-12 pairs in previously known species (Figs.
of the subgenus Hbpatopsylla (Loginova, 1978). In Mbsohomotoma camphorae Kuwayama, Sh., 1908: 181
this study, however, this new species was placed in (Type Iocality:Ogasawara [=theBonins;Japan] and
Hepatopsylla, because the characters other than the Horisha [Taiwan]);Oshanin, 1912: l28; Aulmann,
setae agree well with the diagnostic chaTacters of the 1913: 36;Crawford, 1925: 33; 1927: 31; 1928: 34; E$aki,
subgenus. 1930: 21l;Kuwayama, Sa,,l931: 123;Takahashi,1936:
Biotogicalnotes. Nymphs are free-living,
and usual- 292; Kuwayama, Sa., 1943: 505; Monzen, 1951: 23; -l,-,1
ly found on the bases of buds and young leavesof Sasaki,1954:32;Miyatake, 1964:123;1965a:174;196Sb:
Pittosponim boninense, This psyllid has never been. 226; 1971: 58; Hodkinson, 1983: 352;Yang, 1984: 178;
found on Pittosponim beecheyiTuyama, another re- Hodkinson, 1986: 317; Hollis, 1987: 107; Miyatake,
latedplantspecies growing on Haha-jima I. 1988: 60g; Kato, 1991: 36.

Redescription (Adult).Coloration: General color

Keys to species of Cacopsylta
from the Oga-
yellowish to lightbrown, tinged with green in the
sawara Islands teneral ones. Anten]a blackish at apices of 3rd to 8th
Adutts segments, and whole of 9th and 10th segments.
1. Hind tibiawith a srnal] basalspine (Figs.
40, 52); Thorax more or lessdarkened dorsally,with narrow

antenna at most 1.6tirnes as long as width of longitudinal pale stripes. Forewing transparent; veins
head ....,,..........,,..................2 yellowish brown; tips of R] and Rs darkened. Apical
- Hind tibia without basal spine (Fig,
28); antenna spines of hind tibia and hind basitarsusblack.
twice as long as width of head .,............ Structure: Head (Fig. 61) nearty as long as meso-
・・・・J・・a・・・・・・・・・・・・C. boninqfatsiae sp. noy. scutum, Vertex deeplydividedby median suture, sli-

2. Genal cone long and slender, 1.0-1,1times as ghtly shorter than wide;anterior margin deeply cleft.
long as vertex (Fig,37); forewing transparent, Antenna long, slender, nearly 3 times as leng as width
sometimes with brownish veins (Fig.38) ...... of head; relative length of each segment, 3:2.5:8.5:
..,..........,..,.,.....C insutan's sp. fiov. 7:5.7:6:6.4:5.5:2:1.5.
- Genal cone short and stout, O.7-O,8times as long Pronotum long. Forewing (Fig,62) elongate,
as vertex (Fig. 49);forewingopaque with many nearly 2.7times as leng as wide, subacute apically;
dark brown spots (Fig. 50)...,..........,... pseudovein(non-tracheate vein) across middle of Rs
--・・・・...........,.・C, maculipennis sp. nov. and end of M; Rs distinctly shorter than R; M+CuA
shorter than halfaslongas R, slightly longerthan half
Atymphs (5thinstars> as !ong as CuA; medial cell large;CuA] strongly
1. Dorsal sclerites distinct and pigmefited; margins arched; cubital cell 1.3-1.4times as ]ong as high.Hind
of forewingpad and halfside of abdomen with wing O.6rrO.7times as long as forewing.Hind tibia

more than 6 setae respectively (Figs, 33, 45).,2 (Fig.63) with a prominent basalspine, with apical
" Dorsal sclerites indistinct and not pigmented; spines aTTanged 1+3+1, Hind basitarsus with an
maTgins of forewingpad and halfside of abdo- apical spine. Meracanthus projectedcaudad, acute
men with 4 and 3 rod setae respectively (Fig. S7); apically.

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Taxonomy of Psylloidea on the Ogasawara Islands1 473





Figs. 61-65. Adult of IVdesohomotoma camphorae Kuwayarna. 61, Head, frontalyiew; 62, ferewing; 63, hind leg;64,
male genitalia,lateralaspect; 65,femalegenitalia,
aspect, Scales:O,1 rnm (61,64, 6S); O.5 mm (62,63),

Male proctigqr (Fig,64) intricate,with a pair of 17. hi. 1999, on H tiliaceus; 1cri3g, same localityi.
laterallobes near base, incisedroundly at caudal v. 1989, S. Miyano leg. (CBM); ca. 150 specimens,
corner near apex; anterior protruded cephalad,
margin Chichi-jima, 3. vi. 1986, on HL tiliaceus, K. Kitagawa
Paramere slender, distinctly
longer than proctiger, leg, (OMNH); ca. 50 specimens, same data, 2,vi.
subacute Aedeagus long,slender; basal$eg-
apically, 1986 (OMNH),
ment strongly arched, nearly 3 times as long as apical Distribution. Japan (Ogasawara Is. [Haha-jima I.,
segment. A pair of dorsolateralhorn-1ike projections Chichi-jimaI.],Ryukyu Is. [iiniami-6shima I.,Oki-
of subgenital platestrongly curved cephalad, subacute noerabu I.,Okinawa I., Ishigaki I.,Miyako I.,lri-
apically, omote I.]);Taiwafl;S. China; Philippines (Luzon);
Female proctiger(Fig, IQngerthan
65) distinctly Flji;Samoa.
subgenitalplate,suddenly narrowed on apical third, Hbstptants,"OharnabO" HibiscustiliaceusL. [Mal-
subacute and wealcly upturned apically. yaceae]; some Malvaceae were also
of other species of
Measurements (a"1\).Length of body 2,3-2.41 recorded from other distributienal areas other than
2.8-3.0(to tip of foldedwings 3.8r4,O14,5-4.7); width the Ogasawara Is.(Hollis, 1987).
of head O.610,6-O.7; lengthof antenna 1,7-1.811.8; dympk (5thinstar). Length ofbody 1.8-2.g;length
lengthof fbrewing3,IL3.213.7-3.9. of antenna 1.2-1.S.
Specimens examined. [Haha-jima I.]4d"2?, Nan- Coloration: General color pale green. Ninth and 1O
kin-hama, 1999, on Hibiscus titiaceus. [Chichi- th antefinal segments brown, Eye reddish. Structure:
jima I,] 96cri79\ (1crZ2\ in alcohol, 2o"1? on slides), Body (Fig. 66) hairy, with many short setae sparsely.

'lsl, Kominato, 16.iii.1999, on H, titiaceus (partly in Antenna long, slender, 10-segTnented, with a rhin-

OMNH); 3821\, same data, 13,vi.1999;181\, arium each on apices ef 4, 6,8,and 9th segTnents. Eye
same data, K, Morimote leg.;le, Susaki,15, lii. 1999, smal1. Wing pads aval, greatlyoverlapped; forewing
on H. tiliaceus; 2c{"2\,same data,,1999;7er pad net extendecl anteriorly as a humeral lobe. Leg

679 (4c!'2\ in alcohol), Omura-kaigan, Nishimachi, long and hairy; tarsus (Fig.67) with 2 long hooked

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474 Hiromitsu INouE and Yorio MtYATAKE

plant,HL glaber,that isclosely re]ated to H titiaceus

(Kudoh et al., 1998) and growing in inaandareas.

We wish to express our siiicere gratitude to Prof. J.
Yukawa (ELKU)forhiscenstant encouragement and

critical reading of the early draft.We atso express our

special thanks to Prof.Emerit.K. Morimoto (Kyushu
University)forplanningand supporting the fie]dsur-
veys to the Ogasawara Islands.We are also grateful to
Dr, S.Miyana (CBM),Mr. S,Shiyake(OMNH),and
Dr. K. Matsumoto (Tokyo Universityof Agriculture)
forthe loan of specimens, Inoue also thanks Assoc,
PTof.O. Tadauchi,Dr, S,Kamitani (ELKU),and Dr,
H. Kojima (KyushuUniversityMuseum) for their
constant encouragement,

Figs,66-67. Nyrnph (5th

instaT)efMlesohomotoma cam-
phorae Kuwayama, 66, Habitus, dorsal awpect Aulmann, G. 1913. Psyllidarum Catalogus, W. Junk, Berlin.
(left)and yentral aspect (right); 67, apex of tarsus. Brown, R. G. & Hodk;nson, I.D. 1988. Taxonomy and ecology

Scales:O.05mm (67); O,5mm (66), of the jumping plant-liceef Panarna (Homoptera:

dea). Entomonagraph, 9: 1-304,

setae dorsoapically, with a pair of claws and a lump-

Burckhardt,D. 19g6. Nomenclatorialnote en HeteropsyUa
cubana Crawford (Homoptera, Psylloidea), a new pest in
likearolium. Abdomen sornetimes swollen ancl more
Pacific countries. Revue Suissede Zoologie93: 1023-1024.
elongate than figured, with some lanceolate setae mar- Caldwell,J,S, & Marterell, L. F. 19S2, A briefreview of the
ginally, Anus placed at apex of abdomen. Anal Psyllidaeof Puerto Rico (Homoptera),Annals of the
pore-field comprised ef 2 types, conspicuous and in- EntomologicatSbcietyofAmerica, 44: 603-613.
bands. Chiba,-S. 1998. Synchrenizedevolutien in liaeagesof land
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snails inocean{c is]ands.Paleobiolog)i.24: 99-10S.
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Crawford,D, L, 1914, A mollegraph ef the jumping pLantlice
exs., Nanlcin-hama,18,vi, 1999. [Chichi-iima I.] 4
or Psy-dae of the New Werld, Bulletin ofthe United
exs., Kominato, 16.iiL1999; 4 exs., Susaki, 13. vi. StatesIVbtionalAderseum, 85: 1=186.
1999;6 exs., Omura-kaigan, Nishimachi,17. lii.1999. Crawford, D. L. 192S. The Hemopterous genus Mlesohemot-
All were collected on HL titiaceus, oma (Psyl]idae
or Chermidae). Proceedings oftheHawai-
ian Entomologicat Sociecn6: 32'35.

Remarks. Crawford (1925) distinguished four spe-
Crawford,D. L. 1927. Psyllidae(Chermidae). InsectsofSlamoa,
cies ef Mlesohomotoma based on minute differences in

part II,fasc.1: 29-33.
veins and coloration and presenteda key to species. In
Crawford, D, L, 1928, Psyllidae ef Fijiand Samoa, F7vceed-
thisstudy, specirnens listecl above were identified as ML ings oftheHhwaiion Entomolqgicat Society. 7: 33-3S.
camphorae based on the Crawford'skey and by com- Esald, T. 1930, Uebersicht Uber die lasektenfauna der Bonin
parison with Mlesohomotoma specimens collected frorn (Ogasawara) Inseln,unter besondererBerucksichtigung
the Ryukyus that were determined as ML camphorae der zoogeographischen Faunencharaktere.BuUetinofthe
Biageographical SocietyofJopan. 1: 205-226.
by Miyatake (1964,1965a). As pointed by Hollis

have been
Hodkinsen,I.D. 1974. The biolDgyof the Psyl]oiclea (Hernep-
(1987),considerable taxonomic confusions
tera): a review. BultetinofEntomotogicatResearch.64:
stM leftfor many species in Mesohomotoma. Howev- 325-339.
er, molecular analyses wi11 contribute to solye the Hodkinson,I.D. I983. The psyMds (Homoptera: Psylleidea)
confusion in the future. ef the Austro-Orienta1, Pacificand Hawaiian zoogeogTaph-

Biotogicat notes. Nymphs of this species live freely {calrealms: an annotated check list.Jo"rnalofNatural
Histor]t 17: 341-377.
on the undersurface of a leaf,and aTe coyered with
Hodkinsen,I.D. 1986. The psyllids(Hemoptera: Psy]]oidea)
abundant cottony wax. This species was found exclu- of the Orientalzoogeographical region: an annotated
sively on Hibiscus tiliaceus growing at coastal areas, check-list. JournalofNbturalHistety2e: 299-357.
and has never been observed to feed on an endemic Hodkinson, I,D. 19S8. The NearcticPsyiioidea(Insecta:

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Taxonomy of Psylloidea on the Ogasawara Islands1 475

'!: Horneptera):an annotated chgck list,Jburnalcij"IVbtural 117.

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Histoty 15:491-S23, Hbwaiian Entemoiqgical Sbcieljt 31: 177-181.
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(Received Aceepted September 4,2001)

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