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Republic of the Philippines


Gen. Trias City Campus
ǀ🕾 437-0693


Worksheet 2: The Vitruvian Man: Research on this work by da Vinci,

then answer the following questions:

1. How did the statement of Protagoras (“Man is the measure of all things….?”) support
what is being conveyed by the Vitruvian man?
Explain your answer.
Man is the measure of all things”, is commonly believed to mean that humans
hold the most value. We were created first giving us the ultimate value. Humans must
have been created first for the reason that they should uphold whatever came next and
that they, as humans, are the ones responsible for the order of the world. If they were to
forget their value, as they’ve done now, the world would be sent into chaos. f you look at
government and it’s people, you will see that man has lost their value. Man has become
the subculture to whatever government may see themselves as, whether that be gods
or deities. Humans have domain over what they create or rule over. The “people” have
rule over the government but have forgotten that and now government runs the world,
controlling how they, as conscious, bipedal, powerful humans see the world and how
they live. It’s understood that as a living human, man must maintain the world and how
those below them, being animals, insects, etc. live and how they are used. That’s also
including technology. Humans created technology to make a complicated life simpler,
not to allow it to take control of the work force and also the general lives of humans. For
example yung technology natin ngayon, nakakapagdate tayo ng instant, nakakausap
natin ang ating mga gustong kamustahin ng instant.., Lahat kaya na nating gawin bilang
tao na noon di naman natin nagagawa.

2. Why do you think artists like Da Vinci and Michaelangelo created beautiful artworks
that are oftentimes controversial or open to various interpretations?
In my opinion, painting is inherently open to various interpretations. Each viewer can have
her/his own interpretation. Being controversial in Art is probably one of the key reasons why
your art piece (or TV show, or film, or song) may gain public interest, since it raises
questions; thus, people talk about it. Specifically for Da Vinci and Michelangelo, Many
people attempt to turn art into a sport. Leonardo and Michaelangelo were both masters.It is
rumored the actually did duke it out, of course that has no bearing on their artistic abilities.
Each of them is a great artist who created some of the most incredible works of art the
world has known. I don’t compare artists. I appreciate them as unique individuals and
respond to their works independently. Of course they are different, that is why I won’t use a
ruler made to measure one of them to measure the other. Nor will I measure each of them
separately with different rulers and pretend that I have a fair basis for comparison. I would
never minimize the work of either by drawing comparisons between them. The marketing of


Republic of the Philippines
Gen. Trias City Campus
ǀ🕾 437-0693

art is competitive by nature. I see no need to make the appreciation of art a competition. I
would be thrilled to own a work of art by either of these artists. If I were offered a piece by
each to chose from, I would certainly chose one - only on a piece be piece basis, though.
They are great artist for me to inspire me na kahit hindi po ako magaling mag drawing , e
naiinspired po akong mag try din dahil talagang nakakainspire ang kanilang mga likha.

.3. Would adding a little mystery into an artwork, intensify interest in the viewers?
Support your answer.
YES a BIG YES. In my opinion, painting is inherently open to various interpretations. Each
viewer can have her/his own interpretation. Being controversial in Art is probably one of the
key reasons why your art piece (or TV show, or film, or song) may gain public interest, since
it raises questions; thus, people talk about it. Para naman mapag usapan, ang mga great
artist naman to be well known is yung mapag usapan sila at gagawin nila lahat ng bagay
para lang mapaganda nito ang mga bagay bagay.

4. What insight have you gained from this activity? How can you apply it to how you
relate to people?
MY insights in this activity is that you need to be yourself in making your great portrait
at Nakita ko naman din po na talagang ginugol nila ang kanilang best na best para lang
makagawa ng magandang obra. Stretch our talents and skills unto super high level ,
Give our fully best ika nga. Ang kanilang mga gawa ay kailangang isave. We should
share our talents too, so that everyone know the story and everyone be inspired out of
it.Para naman magbigay din tayong inspiration sa iba.


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