Iwb Assignment

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TPACK Template


Subject Health

Grade 1st

Learning 1.1 The student will identify the basic components and functions of human body
Objective systems and the importance of safe practices, positive interpersonal relationships,
and environmental health.
b) Identify why it is important to consume a variety of foods and beverages from
the five MyPlate food groups (i.e., fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, dairy).
1.2 The student will explain that good health is related to healthy decisions.
b) Identify "sometimes foods" (e.g., candy, cookies, chips, ice cream, soda) and
recognize that not all food products advertised or sold are healthy.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to sort healthy and unhealthy
foods and learn about having a balanced diet .

Activity • The lesson will begin by grouping students into groups of three or four. Each
group will receive 2 pieces of paper. One of them has the letter “A” on it, the other has the
letter “B.” These will be used to answer questions for a certain part of the presentation. We
will then turn to the interactive white board. We will be using a premade ClassFlow flipchart
assignment made by Promethean Planet called “Food Groups.”
• I will start off by telling students that this lesson will be about the food groups and having
a balanced diet. I will tell them about all of the food groups and I will also tell them what
having a balanced diet means.

 When we reach slide 4, I will call on students to come to the board and circle what
they think are the healthy foods.
 For slides 5-11, students will read the question on the board, consult with their
group for about 15 seconds, then they will either hold up the “A” or “B” for what
they think is the correct answer.
 On slide 13, I will call on students to come to the board to click and drag foods and
place them with their correct food group.
 Slide 14 will be similar, but instead of dragging, students will just draw a line from
the food to its correct food group.
 Slide 15 will be another “A” or “B” question.

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