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Unit 2 - Task 4 - Speaking Production

Presented by :
Jian Lorena Poveda_ Cód: 1.053.337.279

Group code: 900004A_951

Presented to: Jahv Garibello


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias, Artes y Humanidades

Ingles B 1
1.1 . Check out and study the online content
2. Screenshot of your participation in the Speaking forum posting the script you
Chose and screenshot of the video you shared.

2. Communicative Input
2.1 Read the following questions so you can track the answers before you watch the
1. ¿Are they using any kind of non-verbal language such as gestures, body position
(hands), or facial expressions while talking or listening to each other? Study them
Within the video and the explanation offered you can see some non-verbal gestures with
wich nine hands make expressions with the face and mouth and all this because these
types of languages are expressions that help to understand more easily the message that
is being toasting
2. ¿Can you notice the fluctuation in the tone and intonation of their voices? Try to
identify them?
On certain occasions within the interview, a few small fluctuations and intonation of a
loud voice are açmade when making the intervention with an example to attrack the
attention of the viewers and this in order to maintain their concentration.

3. ¿Is it evident any type of outfit they are using for the interview?
The outfit in this case is elegant sastre with jewels according to the occasion since it refers
to some tips for an interview and within some of them is the impression at first sight wich
is of great importance because there is nothing better than the personal presentation since
it gives a lot to talk about

4.¿ Do you recognize any expression or word you have heard before? Write them down
for you to check them out later on?
Its necessary to take into account that
Its very important


3. Communicative output

SCRIPT 1 Question: How did you hear about the position open with our company here?
Well I found out through the company which I offer the possibility of several vacancies
do not hesitate in a single second to prepare my work and professional curriculum since
I love what I do and I meet all the requirements to contribute my experience and
knowledge that they will be essential to take the company forward and take it to better
They are also good at what I do and something that seems very important to me that the
company is in charge of offering these jobs since it is made know by the job guarantees
that you give yourself and not by third parties.

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