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Here are the top 15 sentence transformations:

1. Past simple ++ uS€d to + infinitive

e.g.l enjoyed swimming when I was young <+ I used to enjoy swimming when I was young.

2. Connectives: So <+ because

Result + because + cause <-+ Cause + so + result
e.g. l'm on a diet because I need to lose wieght <-+ I need to lose weight so I'm on a diet.

3. Prefer X to Y <-+ Like X more/better than Y

e.g.l prefer shopping fo cooking <-+ I like shopping more/better fhan cooking.

4. Present perfect * for e past simple + since

e.g.l havent seen you for a long time <+ lt's a long time srnce I saw you.

5. Find + something + adjective -ing <- Get + adjective -ed + by + something

e.g.l find romantic films borng *- | get bored by romantic films.

6. Better + noun + than <-r the best + noun

e.g. That caf6 has betterfood than.... .- That caf6 has fhe besf food.
7. Passive <- Active
e.g. Tennis can be played inside or outside ++ You can play tennis inside or outside.

8. A+ comparative adj +than * B ++ B + notas + adjective + as *A++ B + opposite comparative

e.g. Silver is cheaper than gold e Gold is nof as cheap as silver ., Gold is more bxpensive than silver.

9. Be good at + verb -ing +-+ verb + well

e.g.l am good at cooking. e I cook wel/.

10. Too + adjective ++ rot + opposite adjective + enough

e.g. lt is foo hot. <-+ lt is nof cold enough.

11. Quantity: (Only) a feda little .+ not very many/much

e.g. There are only a few cars.
*-+ There arenT many cars.

12. Reported speech <- direct speech

e.g. John asked me if lwas happy <-r "Are you happy?", asked John.

13. so + adjective er suGh + a (+ adjective) + noun

e.g. The film was so boring that I left early <* lt was such a boring film that I left early.

14. There is/are ++ have/has

e.g. There are five tennis courts in this park. <-+ This park has five tennis courts.

15. Noun/verb phrases

e.g. His advice was to take some tennis lessons. ++ He adyised me to take some tennis lessons.

Functional language for various verbs:

Apologise that...
l'm (really) sorry l'm afraid..... I apologise for....
Congratulate Congratulations I want to congratulate you on.. Well done for...
Explain l....because... The reason why...
lnvite Would you like to...? Do you fancy...?
Suggest Why don't you/we...? How about you/we....?
Thank Thank you very much for..... I want to thank you for....

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