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globalism as our world becomes increasingly interconnected, familiarity

with different cultures and facility with diversity are essential. Art history, as
the story of exceptional artifacts from a broad range of cultures, has a role to
play in developing these skills. Now art historians ponder and debate how to
reconcile the discipline’s European intellectual origins and its problematic
colonialist legacy with contemporary multiculturalism and how to write art
history in a global era.

Smarthistory’s videos and articles reflect this history of art history. Since the
site was originally created to support a course in Western art and history, the
content initially focused on the most celebrated works of the Western canon.
With the key periods and civilizations of this tradition now well-represented
and a growing number of scholars contributing, the range of objects and
topics has increased in recent years. Most importantly, substantial coverage
of world traditions outside the West has been added. As the site continues to
expand, the works and perspectives presented will evolve instep with
contemporary trends in art history. In fact, as innovators in the use of digital
media and the internet to create, disseminate, and interrogate art historical
knowledge, Smarthistory and its users have the potential to help shape the
future of the discipline.

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