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Student’s name: __Betancourth García Juan Andrés_____________________________

Date: ____12-02-21____ Level: _UPPER INTERMEDIATE_ Course: _ENAP 32_

1. Read the police report and put the verbs in brackets in the passive form.

1. Was advised
2. Was assigned
3. Was identified
4. Was seen
5. Was detained
6. He was turned over
7. Was found
8. Was assigned
9. Was submitted
10. Was issued

2. Complete the second sentences with the verbs in the correct form.
A. Someone sold you that book
That book __was sold___ to you.
B. The police officer has arrested the pickpocket.
The pickpocket __has been arrested___ by the police officer.
C. The witness will give her testimony to the judge.
The testimony to the judge __will be given___ by the witness.
D. They are holding her in custody.
She ___was held___ in custody.
E. We should have handed in that wallet.
That wallet __ should hand it __.
F. They said the man being questioned had committed the murder before midnight.
They said the murder ___was commited___ before midnight by the man being

3. Complete the second sentences using the impersonal passive.

A. People say that crime doesn’t pay.
It __is known that____ crime doesn’t pay.
B. People think that a terrorist cell is to blame for the bombing.
It __is known that___ a terrorist cell is to blame for the bombing.
C. People generally believe she is innocent, but I don’t.
It __is considered that____ she is innocent.
D. The newspapers report that he has murdered his other wives, but no one can prove
He ___murdered____ his other wives, but no one can prove it.
4. Complete the reported speech in the second sentence. Choose an appropriate
reporting verb.
A. ‘I’m really good at Maths.’
He ___said he is___ really good at Maths.
B. ‘You should practice more before taking your driving test.’
She ____ said me that I should ____ practice more before taking my driving test.
C. ‘We cheated on the History test.’
They ____said that they cheated____ on the History test.
D. ‘I am so sorry I broke your vase.’
The boy ____said sorry___ for my vase.
E. ‘Please revise all of chapter ten for the test tomorrow.’
The teacher ___told___ us to revise all of chapter ten for the test.
F. ‘I didn’t copy that article from the Internet!’
She ____said___ that ___she didn´t copy that___ article from the Internet.

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