Assignment 1 - Clinical Question

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Assignment 1- Clinical question

For Assignment 1, please go to the ASSIGNMENTS SUBMISSION folder found in

the BB menu under Session I.  Consider SLIDE 22 (the Figure 1.2 in the Portney and
Watkins textbook) from this week’s Power Point slides. 

Your assignment will be to work with another student from your class/section and carry
out each of the following steps (1-4). Please be sure to upload all of these to the
Assignment 1 folder in BB WITH your partner and your name.

1. Provide a clinical scenario for a patient that you imagine meeting someday.
The clinical scenario should note the following: Patient’s gender, age, and
primary medical diagnosis, and the primary deficit that this person is coming to
your clinic for. Be as specific as possible. 

2. Write a clearly defined clinical question that you would like to answer about
this patient (anything that is relevant to how you might treat this patient in the
clinic). Look at Slide 11 to see how this clinical question fits in within the patient
management decision you will be making.

3. Locate a research paper that relates to the clinical scenario you described.
Briefly explain why you chose this paper; and in what way is it relevant to the
clinical question (please include the full citation of the paper you are referring to
on a separate page titled: “References”).

Please complete the full Assignment I by 05/24/2018 (the end of WEEK I in order
to receive credit 5% of final course grade).

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