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Northwestern Visayan Colleges

Basic Education Department

Kalibo, Aklan
Junior High School
A.Y. 2020- 2021

Grade 9 3rd Monthly Examinations in MAPEH

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Section: ________________________________________________Date: _________________

Test I. Multiple choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A musical work with different movements for an instrumental soloist and orchestra
a. symphony b. concerto c. sonata d. rondo
2. A section of the sonata allegro form where the themes are introduced
a. exposition b. recapitulation c. development d. theme and variation
3. The general texture of Classical music
a. monophonic b. heterophonic c. homophonic d. polyphonic
4. The term for serious opera
a. opera b. opera buffa c. comic opera d. opera seria
5. The most important form that was developed during the classical era and
usually the form of the first movement of a sonata or symphony
a. Minuet b. Rondo c. Sonata allegro d. Symphony
6. It repeats the themes as they first emerged in the opening exposition
a. Exposition b. Recapitulation c. Development d. Sonata
7. A musical composition designed to be played by the full orchestra
a. Symphony b. Concerto c. Sonata d. Cantata
8. The term for Italian opera
a. Opera b. Opera buffa c. Comic opera d. Opera seria
9. It is a multi-movement work for solo instrument
a. Symphony b. Concerto c. Sonata d. Cantata
10. It is called the age of reason
a. Medieval b. Baroque c. Renaissance d. Classical


Test II. A. Match the artworks with the artist’s name. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before the number.
_________ 1 Equestrian Monument of Gattamelata a. Donatello

_________ 2. Mona Lisa b. Michelangelo

_________ 3. Sistine Madonna c. Leonardo da Vinci

_________ 4. The Last Supper d. Raphael

_________ 5. Pieta e. Bernini

B. Choose the correct answer. Write only the letter on the space provided.
__________1. It means “an irregular shaped pearl”
a. Renaissance b. Baroque c. Sculpture
_________ 2. One of his famous works is the “Conversion of St. Paul”.
a.Caravaggio b. Bernini c. Rubens
________ 3. “Ecstasy of St. Teresa” is the artwork of ___________.
a. Bernini b. Rembrandt c. Rubens
_________ 4. He is known as the greatest Baroque sculptor
a. Velasquez b. Rembrandt c. Bernini
__________ 5. “The maids of honour” is the artwork of _________.
a.Velasquez b. Rubens c. Bernini

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