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F. Fill in the blanks with make, do, have or get.

1. I usually ______ dressed before breakfast.

2. I like ______ my homework at night.
3. Last night mom ______ dinner and dad ______ the dishes.
4. The little kids ______ a lot of fun at the fair the other day.
5. One of my classmates ______ an accident last week by colliding his bike with a tree.
6. The teacher was late this morning because he ______ stuck in the traffic jam.
7. Many people nowadays rarely read the papers; they only ______ the crosswords and sudoku.
8. Dad’s car broke down on the highway but he did not have enough credit on his phone to ______ a phone call.
9. When I think back on the teachers who ______ a difference in my life, my English teacher stands out above all
of them.
10. I'm planning to ______ a haircut this summer. I haven’t had one for months now.
11. If you ______ a toothache you should see a dentist as soon as possible.
12. People who ______ married too young ended regretting all the things they missed.
13. Samira ______ fired from the boarding school for missing a couple of classes.
14. Many people work over time to ______ some extra money.
15. The Arabic teacher ______ us write down the entire thirty free verse poem on our note books.
16. You need to ______ your teacher’s permission to leave the classroom.
17. The Coke here ______ a slightly different taste from the one I had in the USA.
18. My teacher said I was making some progress with English.
19. The secretary has ______ a few spelling mistakes in the report.
20. Time in America is scarce and sacred. So, getting projects ______ in the time allotted is critically important.

What should I get / make / do for my girlfriend/boyfriend this year for our anniversary?

For our 6th anniversary I made my girl a necklace with my favorite guitar pick I always
use and she knew I cherished that pick. then I took our favorite picture of us from my
cell phone went to wall mart sent it Bluetooth to the machine and printed an official copy
one for her and one for me ten I wrote  her a love letter on the back. Our anniversary
before that I bought her, her favorite book and wrote her a letter. I’m planning something
big this time too

Write a small paragraph about what you should get, make or do for him or her this year?

Make Do
… an offer a crossword
… an appointment the ironing
… an arrangement the laundry
… a promise … a threat the washing
… a compromise your work
… a suggestion homework
… a promise housework
… a mistake your job
… a decision badly
… a point business
… a complaint the dishes
… an excuse a favor
… make a fuss good
… make a fortune harm
… make money time - (to go to prison)
… make a profit / a loss well
… make a journey your best
… make an effort your hair
… make progress your nails
… make a mess your worst
… make a telephone call Exercise
… make a choice Your hair
Your nails
your shopping
1. The bond gets a four percent return.

2. His drinking got him a bad reputation.

3. You need to get permission from the dean.

4. She got the flu from her roommate and gave her lice in

5. I hoped to get lunch somewhere near the hospital.

6. Please get a pencil from my desk.

7. The king got two sons by his first wife.

8. It took a long time to get through security at the


9. I told him to get his ratty dog out of my house.

10. Be careful not to get your feet wet.

11. Can you get breakfast ready for us today?

12. He got put on academic probation.

13. She got her nose broken from sticking it into other
people's business. 

14. He got only $30 for the watch, but it didn't work

15. Patterson got the better of his opponent.

16. I don't get grammar. I just can't get my mind around

17. This ending of this movie always gets me.

18. These assignments really get me.

19. The first two shots missed, but the third shot got

20. Can I finally get you to study grammar?

21. With that many classes, he's got no time to study.

22. You've simply got to see this cartoon.

23. What did you get when you figured the standard

24. It took me a while, but I've got all your names by

heart now.

25. My car got 32 miles per gallon on our last trip.

26. He got out of the car and stood in traffic, cheering


27. It was nearly dawn when I finally got to sleep.

28. How far did you get with the assignment?

29. How did he get so rich selling used watches? 

30. I never got to see the exhibit of Dali paintings. 

31. After dinner, we got to telling stories about our

college days.

32. How will you get clear of your student loans?

33. How did he get into trouble with your mom?

34. He got caught with his arm in the cookie jar.

35. It took a while to get a bead on interest rates, they

were changing so quickly.

36. We had to get after him for coming late so often.

37. It takes work to get ahead.

38. Can you get a move on? I'm in a hurry here.

39. It is hard to get at the distinctions among some of

these sentences.

40. What are you getting at?

41. Do you think I can get away with 800 words, when
the assignment called for 1200?

42. The article is due tomorrow.  I have to get cracking

on it.

43. She won't cross me, because she knows I'll get even.

44. We're almost late. It's time to get going.

45. You know, I could really get into grammar.

46. Young man, if you get home after midnight, you're

really going to get it.

47. How many times do I need to tell you before you

finally get it?
48. He got up early, because he was hoping to get it on
with the band in a good jam session, but he was not
able to get himself together, so he only got on the
nerves of the other musicians by getting their hopes

49. She told him to get over his regrets, if he ever

wanted to get anything done in life.

50. To get to the cabin, they had to get over a place

where the road had gotten washed out.

51. He felt he had to get through all her defenses in

order to get to her true nature.

52. He hoped they would get together, but he could not

even get her to notice him.

53. He went home, where he could get busy on his


54. Accounting majors get together in the library every

Wednesday to work on professional development.

55. If you get wind of any other examples, please get

them to me.

56. Grammar is tricky. You really have to get with it.

57. Here's what I'm trying to get across to you: If we

can get around this problem, do you think we could get

58. I need to get back to work so my boss won't get

back at me for being late again, which might cause me
to get fired.
59. I get by with a little help from the AP Stylebook.

60. I'll get down from the roof, get off the ladder, get in
the car, and go get some roofing nails. Got it?

61. We got off easy this time.

62. We finally got off around 10 a.m.

63. Some people manage to get off on cough syrup.

64. By charming the officer, she managed to get off with

a warning instead of a speeding ticket.

65. The prisoner got off early for good behavior.

66. While the accused was being hustled from the

courtroom, he got off a few lewd insults at the judge.

67. The bus stopped in front of the cathedral, and he got


68. I just can't get through to you.

69. We tried to get through the chaparral, but the thorny

bushes were too dense.

70. My call finally got through.

71. You've been sleeping all morning. It's time to get up.

72. You fell. I'll help you get up.

73. How can we get up this mountain?

74. This event is too fancy for jeans. You'll need to get
yourself up more than that.
75. He could not get up the nerve to ask her name, so
he decided to think of her as Matilda. 

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