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Excellent Good Acceptable Deficient Weight

Valor 4 3 2 1

Explain the main elements and

Explain some of the main elements There are not any elements (or very
considerations of the boundary value Show some elements and
and considerations of the boundary few) or considerations of the
problem and specifies the boundary considerations of the boundary value
value problem and most of the boundary value problem and there
conditions (e.g., DOF), physical problem and most of the boundary
boundary conditions, assumptions are not any (or very few) properly
principles and assumptions used in conditions, assumptions and
PRE ANALYSIS and principles used in the FEA model. described or justified boundary 0.2
the FEA model. These are all properly principles used, nevertheless, they
These are properly described and conditions, assumptions or principles
explained and justified. Also explains are not properly described and
justified. Partially explains geometry used in the FEA model. No
the geometry considerations and the justified. No explanation for the
considerations and assumptions explanation of the geometry
assumptions associated, e.g., surface geometry considerations.
associated. considerations included.
roughness (kf).

Show little evidence of an iterative Show very little or no evidence of an

Show evidence of an iterative Show little evidence of an iterative
meshing process that converges to a iterative meshing process that
meshing process that converges to a meshing process that converges to a
properly defined mesh. Some of the converges to a properly defined
properly defined mesh with well- properly defined mesh. Most of the
elements are well shaped throughout mesh. Most of the elements are not
shaped elements throughout the elements are well shaped throughout
the domain, specially at critical points shaped correctly throughout the
domain, specially at critical points the domain, specially at critical points
with high stress gradient expectancy domain, specially at critical points
MESHING with high stress gradient expectancy with high stress gradient expectancy 0.25
or additional accuracy needed. Poor with high stress gradient expectancy
or additional accuracy needed (e.g., or additional accuracy needed
or no localized refinement. Include or additional accuracy needed. No
localized refinement). Include at least (localized mesh refinement). Shows
less than three quality indicators of localized refinement. Shows less than
three quality indicators of the mesh, at least three quality indicators of the
the mesh, their histograms, and the three quality indicators of the mesh,
their histograms, and the elements mesh, but no histograms or elements
elements with the best and the worst and no histograms or elements with
with the best and the worst numbers. with the best and the worst numbers.
numbers. the best and the worst numbers.

The numerical solution is coherent The numerical solution is coherent

The numerical solution is coherent The numerical solution is not
with the expected behavior of the with the expected behavior of the
with the expected behavior of the coherent with the expected behavior
mechanical system and displays mechanical system and displays
mechanical system and displays of the mechanical system, or the
stress and life values at different stress and life values at different
stress and life values but with blurry pictures included do not allow the
locations. Also, shows close pictures locations. Does not show close
or unclear pictures. Does not show verification of the coherence of the
of the critical sections of the pictures of the critical sections of the
NUMERICAL SOLUTION close pictures of the critical sections simulation. There are not any 0.3
geometry. In addition, includes geometry. In addition, includes the
of the geometry. In addition, includes pictures of the stress and life values
pictures of the matrix of the damage matrix of the damage percentage
the matrix of the damage percentage or shapes. There is no matrix of the
percentage caused by the individual caused by the individual loads and
caused by the individual loads and damage percentage caused by
loads and the critical failure point, the critical failure point, and those
the critical failure point, but its individual loads and the critical
and those pictures allow a proper pictures allow a proper
pictures are blurry or unclear. failure point.
understanding of the matrix. understanding of the matrix.

Provide a coherent process of Provide a somehow coherent process

Provide a poorly coherent process of
verification and analysis of the of verification and analysis of the
verification and analysis of the
numerical solution. Discuss the numerical solution. Discuss the Provide a non-coherent process of
numerical solution. Briefly discuss the
results of the simulation and draw results of the simulation and draw verification of the numerical solution.
results and draw conclusion partially
conclusions based on engineering conclusions based on engineering The discussion and conclusions
argued by engineering criteria and
criteria and the application of the criteria and the application of the drawn from the simulation are poor
the application of the twistlock.
VERIFICATION twistlock, using tools like the damage twistlock, but with weak usage of the and based on unfounded engineering 0.2
Provide a wrong interpretation of the
matrix. The analysis covers important damage matrix. The analysis covers criteria or covers a few or none of
damage matrix. Even though, the
aspects such as the geometry, some important aspects such as the the important aspects related to the
analysis covers some important
composite material, loading geometry, composite material, context of the problem. No damage
aspects, there are misconceptions in
conditions, failure, etc., and relates loading conditions, failure, etc., and matrix analysis.
the fatigue phenomenon or
them to the life and stress of the relates them to the life and stress of
twistlock. the twistlock.

GRAMMAR AND 10 or less grammar/vocabulary Between 11 and 15 Between 16 and 20 More than 20 grammar/vocabulary
VOCABULARY mistakes grammar/vocabulary mistakes grammar/vocabulary mistakes mistakes

The previous matrix is 2/3 of the total grade. 1/3 corresponds to the 10 min presentation.

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